* This file is autogenerated by OasisOLC (CEdit).
* Please note the following information about this file's format.
* - If variable is a yes/no or true/false based variable, use 1's and 0's
*   where YES or TRUE = 1 and NO or FALSE = 0.
* - Variable names in this file are case-insensitive.  Variable values
*   are not case-insensitive.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Lines starting with * are comments, and are not parsed.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------

* [ Game Play Options ]
* Is player killing allowed on the mud?
pk_allowed = 0

* Is player thieving allowed on the mud?
pt_allowed = 0

* What is the minimum level a player can shout/gossip/etc?
level_can_shout = 1

* How many movement points does shouting cost the player?
holler_move_cost = 20

* How many players can fit in a tunnel?
tunnel_size = 2

* Maximum experience gainable per kill?
max_exp_gain = 100000

* Maximum experience loseable per death?
max_exp_loss = 500000

* Number of tics before NPC corpses decompose.
max_npc_corpse_time = 5

* Number of tics before PC corpses decompose.
max_pc_corpse_time = 10

* Number of tics before a PC is sent to the void.
idle_void = 8

* Number of tics before a PC is autorented.
idle_rent_time = 48

* Level and above of players whom are immune to idle penalties.
idle_max_level = 32

* Should the items in death traps be junked automatically?
dts_are_dumps = 1

* When an immortal loads an object, should it load into their inventory?
load_into_inventory = 0

* Should PC's be able to track through hidden or closed doors?
track_through_doors = 1

* Should players who reach enough exp automatically level to immortal?
immort_level_ok = 0

* Stack mobiles when showing contents of rooms?
stack_mobs = 1

* Stack objects when showing contents of rooms?
stack_objs = 1

* Should closed doors be shown on autoexit / exit?
disp_closed_doors = 1

* Should players be able to reroll stats at creation?
reroll_stats = 0

* Should compression be used if the client supports it?
compression = 1

* Should spoken languages be used?
enable_languages = 1

* Should all items be treated as unique?
all_items_unique = 1

* Text sent to players when OK is all that is needed.
ok = Okay.

* Text sent to players when noone is available.
noperson = No-one by that name here.

* Text sent to players when an effect fails.
noeffect = Nothing seems to happen.

* [ Rent/Crashsave Options ]
* Should the MUD allow you to 'rent' for free?  (i.e. if you just quit,
* your objects are saved at no cost, as in Merc-type MUDs.)
free_rent = 0

* Maximum number of items players are allowed to rent.
max_obj_save = 30

* Should the game automatically save people?
auto_save = 1

* If auto_save = 1, how often (in minutes) should the game save people's objects?
autosave_time = 5

* Lifetime of crashfiles and force-rent (idlesave) files in days.
crash_file_timeout = 10

* Lifetime of normal rent files in days.
rent_file_timeout = 30

* [ Room Numbers ]
* The virtual number of the room that mortals should enter at.
mortal_start_room = 3001

* The virtual number of the room that immorts should enter at.
immort_start_room = 1204

* The virtual number of the room that frozen people should enter at.
frozen_start_room = 1202

* The virtual numbers of the donation rooms.  Note: Add donation rooms
* sequentially (1 & 2 before 3). If you don't, you might not be able to
* donate. Use -1 for 'no such room'.
donation_room_1 = 3063
donation_room_2 = -1
donation_room_3 = -1

* [ Game Operation Options ]
* This is the default port on which the game should run if no port is
* given on the command-line.  NOTE WELL: If you're using the
* 'autorun' script, the port number there will override this setting.
* Change the PORT= line in autorun instead of (or in addition to)
* changing this.
DFLT_PORT = 5000

* default directory to use as data directory.
DFLT_DIR = lib

* Maximum number of players allowed before game starts to turn people away.
max_playing = 300

* Maximum size of bug, typo, and idea files in bytes (to prevent bombing).
max_filesize = 50000

* Maximum number of password attempts before disconnection.
max_bad_pws = 3

* Is the site ok for everyone except those that are banned?
siteok_everyone = 1

* If you want to use the original social file format
* and disable Aedit, set to 0, otherwise, 1.
use_new_socials = 1

* If the nameserver is fast, set to 0, otherwise, 1.
nameserver_is_slow = 0

* Should OLC autosave to disk (1) or save internally (0).
auto_save_olc = 1

* The entrance/exit menu.

@GWelcome to @YCircleMUD!@n
@B0@W) @CExit from @YCircleMUD.@n
@B1@W) @CEnter the game.@n
@B2@W) @CEnter description.@n
@B3@W) @CRead the background story.@n
@B4@W) @CChange password.@n
@B5@W) @CDelete this character.@n

   @WMake your choice: @n~

* The welcome message.

Welcome to the land of CircleMUD!  May your visit here be... Interesting.


* NEWBIE start message.
Welcome.  This is your new CircleMUD character!  You can now earn gold,
gain experience, find weapons and equipment, and much more -- while
meeting people from around the world!

* [ Autowiz Options ]
* Should the game automatically create a new wizlist/immlist every time
* someone immorts, or is promoted to a higher (or lower) god level?
use_autowiz = 1

* If yes, what is the lowest level which should be on the wizlist?
min_wizlist_lev = 32