/* Color definition for portable colors */

/* Change those to fit to your MUD */

/* if you do not have color at all, just change all to be "" */

/* Foreground colors */

#define RED			"&r"
#define BLUE		"&l"
#define GREEN		"&g"
#define BLACK		"&b"
#define WHITE		"&w"
#define MAGENTA		"&m" /* purple? */
#define YELLOW		"&y"
#define CYAN		"&c"

/* Background colors */

#define RED_BG			"&R"
#define BLUE_BG			"&L"
#define GREEN_BG		"&G"
#define BLACK_BG		"&B"
#define WHITE_BG		"&W"
#define MAGENTA_BG		"&M"
#define YELLOW_BG		"&Y"
#define CYAN_BG			"&C"

/* Other codes */

#define BOLD			"&@"
#define NO_COLOR		"&*" /* Default color */
#define BLINK           "&!"
#define REVERSE			"&+"
#define TILDE           "&-"

#define COLOR_FOREGROUND 7 /* & with color_t to get foreground color */

typedef enum {	color_white 	= 0, /*  000 */
				color_black		= 1, /*  001 */
				color_red		= 2, /*  010 */
				color_blue		= 3, /*  011 */
				color_green		= 4, /*  100 */
				color_magenta	= 5, /*  101 */
				color_yellow	= 6, /*  110 */
				color_cyan		= 7, /*  111 */
				color_bold      = 8  /* 1000  - to safely AND with the other enums */
			} color_t;