Goku: test
Goku: this is fine
Jeckel: woke up on the floor of the gravity chamber, drenched in his own sweat from the night before. He went to sit up only to be slammed back down onto the hard floor. "Uuf! Yeah..That's right...the gravity." Jeckel mumbled to himself as he pushed himse
Jeckel: <C> himself up to his feet. "I shoulda spent the night in the regen chamber..ugh.." He scratched his stomach and then whiped the sleep out of his eyes. "I do NOT feel refreshed..." He stretched and yawned a bit and then made his way to the gravity
Jeckel: <C> control and turned off the extra gravity. He had spent the whole night training untill he got too tried and just slept on the floor. Odd perhaps..but not so for the ambitious Saiyan on the planet Vegeta. If only it didn't make him so sore afte
Jeckel: <C> afterwards.
Jeckel: looked over at the gravity control console on the machine and after a little thought, turned the gravity enhancement back up, his knees slightly bending as he braced against the sudden gravity increase. "Well..back to training!" He yelled to himse
Jeckel: <C> himself as he started with a nice set of morning pushups, nothing big just two hundred to warm up. "One..Two...Three...Ow...Damnit..this hurts!" 
Jeckel: stood at the top of a tall building on planet Vegeta. He stood on the edge looking down at the ground and just having a few memories of his earlier school days. "...if only I passed flying class...." He thought outloud as he stared at the ground b
Jeckel: <C> below, the people below looked like tiny ants from up there and the wind was rather strong. "I wouldn't be doing this..." He gulped and took a deep breath and then suddenly just stepped off the edge, his eyes closed tight as he concentrated. "
Jeckel: <C> "You can launch balls of energy with a mere thought..you can fly..fly..DAMNIT FLY!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!" So far his crash course in flying was quickly panning out to just being a crash.
Jeckel: groaned in pain as he scraped himself from the ground. He had made a pretty decent crater when he fell off that tower. "I..I can't seem to get a hang of this...." He complained to no one in particular. He gave himself a breather as he gathered him
Jeckel: <C> himself up and went about the task of running the steps of the building, soon making it to the roof top once more. He stepped over the edge. "Well..Third time's the charm eh?...if anything..." He stepped off the roof and began plummeting to th
Jeckel: <C> the ground. "I'm learning how to land!..now..fl..fllyyAaAAAAHHHHH!!!!!"
Maul: seated himself a few buildings away, out of sight, and watched Jeckel. When Jeckel crashed into the ground for the second time, he had to stilfle a laugh.
Jeckel: landed feet first this time, a small crater being formed from the force of his fall and his resistence to just flopping on the floor. "Grr..nn..ahh...DAMNIT!" He screamed and through an energy ball at the ground, enough to make an explosion compar
Jeckel: <C> comparable to an M-80 firecracker. "At least the step running is good training..." He quickly ran back into the building and within moments found himself at the roof top again, giving himself a second to pause before stepping off again. "...fl
Jeckel: <C> fly..fly..think happy thoughts..think happy thoughts..something......AAAAAHHHHH!!!!"
Maul: ,still stitting in the same spot, started thinking, 'i wonder, should i help him out? ehh  with time and practice he should get it by himself'
Jeckel: didn't stick the landing this time and made a nice loud thud as he slammed into the ground. Yet another failed attempt to fly and yet another series of nasty bruises on his body. Jeckel layed in the crater for a little while before gathering himse
Jeckel: <C> himself up again and just laying out on the rim of the small body sized crater he was making deeper and deeper. "At least my aim is good...ungg..this sucks..." 
Maul: thought 'it cant be that hard to fly...' scanning Jeckel with his scouter. "Heh, thats why, he's pretty weak, he has heart though"
Jeckel: just stared at the sky for a few seconds before calmly sitting up and then standing, brushing himself off. "...I HATE YOU GRAVITY! I HATE HATE HATE! GRAAAHHH!!!" His rage was causing him to powerup a bit which caused a white aura to burst out arou
Jeckel: <C> around himself and then dissapear as he calmed down and ran into the building and straight up to the roof within a few seconds, he had been taking whole stare cases at a time. "..." Jeckel looked over the edge then looked around himself, spott
Jeckel: <C> spotting Maul on a roof top a few buildings away...he looked at Maul and then called out to him. "How long have you been watching me fail!?"
Maul: ,knowing he was spotted, simply said, with a mischivous smirk "Long enough to see you want to kill whoever invented gravity"
Jeckel: just sighed. "Well ya know..a few pointers would help!" The young halfbreed yelled out. "Unless you're up on that roof for the same reason as me." He chuckled a bit, not everyone could of passed flying class in saiyan school could they? Or was he 
Jeckel: <C> the only one?
Maul: said with a smirk "Flying is easy, you just have to draw out your inner energies, and use the power to probel yourself into the air"
Jeckel: frowned slightly. "Yeah..that's what I've heard my whole life...funny thing is..I can launch a ball of energy from my hands..but I can't..I guess..finess it enough to fly. I guess I could try shooting energy beams from my feet..but then i'll ruin 
Maul: <C> then said "Like this" with a grin and slowly, as if for jeckel to see more clearly, folated up off the rooftop a few feet.
Jeckel: <C> all my shoes..."
Maul: laughed and said "Its not that hard, eventually you should get it"
Jeckel: just sat on the edge of the roof, looking over at Maul. "Yeah..but I think i'm done with that part of my training for the day..." He thought for a second. "My name is Jeckel...what's yours?"
Maul: slowly floated back down onto the rooftop, then said "Nice to meet you Jeckel, You may call me Maul."
Jeckel: looked towards Maul. "Well.nice to meet you..I suppose. So you normally hang out on roof tops here? or is it just a side effect of the slow millitary month." He smirked. "In truth I'm rather training to force my way up the ranks..sure...that's eve
Jeckel: <C> everyone's reason in the millitary..."
Maul: stood up and said "Yea, I'm normally up here." Then, looking at Jeckel, he said "But now I'm here even more often because there's not much to do anymore"
Jeckel: chuckled "yeah...i'm sure we should pick up soon..the icers are allways good for stirring things up. This little break though does give everyone a chance to train and maybe move some ranks around." Jeckel grinned. "However..there's nothing like a 
Jeckel: <C> good knock out drag out fight...does wonders over just training."
Maul: smiles and says "Yea i hear ya, I'd rather kill an icer than train any day"
Maul: suddenly became very angry and shouted "I'll KILL you SHIN!"
Jeckel: blinked and looked at Maul oddly. "Who's Shin? An old girlfriend or something?" He smirked
Maul: tried to suppress his anger... "No, even worse than a girlfriend.... he killed my partners... my friends..."
Maul: shouted in rage again "Ill KILL you SHIN! You ICERIAN BASTARD!"
Maul: , finally calmed down, looks at Jeckel and says, "Sorry 'bout that"
Jeckel: frowned a bit "yeah..that's just par for the course with those icers." Jeckel's fist clenched. "We need to whipe them from existence but it would seem that the leaders fear an all out war with the icers...so we're stuck to little skirmishes here a
Jeckel: <C> and there." Jeckel sighed a bit. "However..having a lone Saiyan try to attack them all is just suicide...." He scratched the back of his head. "I don't really care though..i'm just interested in becomming the strongest warrior there is...sure.
Jeckel: <C> ..a broad and unoriginal goal on this planet..but I think I can do it..."
Maul: sat down and said "Yea, funny thing is, one day I'll probrobly get so pissed, ill try to take maybe 20 icers at once, alone..."
Maul: continued "But then aga....DUCK!"
Jeckel: laughed at that. "You better hope that's in a preschool or something...tho...what? I like duck..where?"
Maul: dove out of the way as an energyball barley missed his face, but continnued twards Jeckel
Maul: said "shit" and yelled "KAMEHAMEHA!" as he fired the blue energy beam, knocking the energyball away
Jeckel: watched as the energy ball went for his face...and then was knocked out of the way by a big blue beam. "..whoa..." He looked over at Maul. "First..what was that about..and second..what was that attack?"
Maul: said "wait a sec" as he scanned the surrounding area, searching for the assailant, or at least his powerlevel
Maul: said "ok, first, that was no saiyan warrior, second the attack is called the Kame-ha-meha wave"
Jeckel: raised an eyebrow. "A what?..hahaha...what a weird name. Where did you pick that one up?" paused for a second. "oh..and eh..what do you mean? You think we got a foreigner here? on Vegeta? They'd be insane to attack anybody here."
Maul: looked at Jeckel then said "I picked that technique from a Martial artist on Earth, Its an awesome planet, but i doubt we'd be able to conquer it anytime soon"
Maul: "And Jeckel, don't underestimate how Psychotic some of the Saiyan's enemies are"
Jeckel: laughed. "I actually consider any other race that would willingly go up against a Saiyan as psychotic." Jeckel stood up. "Kamehameha wave..Earth huh? I guess i'd have to take a little field trip to this Earth." He grinned and then scanned the sky 
Jeckel: <C> line. "I don't see anybody..."
Maul: turned away from Jeckel "I'm going to go after whoever tried to kill me"
Maul: then said "Oh and, carefull around Master Roshi... he's a... we.... pervert"
Jeckel: gave a little wave. "Right..have fun with that hunt.."
Maul: sensing that Jeckel was about to say something about homosexuality he quickly added "dont worry, he's not gay"
Maul: waved to Jeckel, and with that, a yellow aura appeared around him, as he flew off in search of his assailant
Maul: finally stops searching when his scouter picks up a strange powerlevel
Maul: starts tracking the source of the strange readings, all the while thinking 'what the hell is this thing?'
Maul: started to charge in, but then thought 'maybe i should see where it's going first' and continued following
Maul: continues to follow the wierd creature, which finally has come to a stop... in a small camp
Maul: scans the camp, picking up about 5 icers, and the creature
Maul: dispersed his aura, and dropped to the ground, surveying the camp, 'Why are the icers here, and what the hell is that other thing?'
Maul: sees the icers talking, and crawls closer to the camp, trying to hear them. Then, an icer looks at the exact spot he is at, causing maul to stop and act like a statue. Finally the icer looked away. "Whew, that was close" he said.
Maul: heard one of the icers say invasion, and was seriously alarmed, he immeadiatly called for backup through his scouter, telling the Saiyans what he had discovered
Maul: says "shit my scouter is damaged" and then swore again as one of the icers shot a ki blast at him. Quickly rolling out of the way, he yelled "KAMEHAMEHA!" and blasted a hole in the icer with the big blue wave.
Maul: skillfully dodged the energyballs and finger beams , then killed off another tratorous icer with a kamehameha
Maul: finally killed the last icer, leavingonly the mutant remaining
Maul: ducked suddenly, as a destrocto disk missed his head by a very small fraction of a millimeter, destroying his scouter. "fucking... WOA!" maul yelled as the mutant started charging him. Maul quickly dodged and fired a kamehameha, which had no affec
Maul: <c> affect. "what the hell" was the last Maul said as the mutant knocked him ou with a single blow
Maul: started to wake, he was in one of the camp's tents. "Oh fuck this..." "oww my head" then Maul's memory returned and then he became angry... "I'm going to fucking kill that mutant"
Maul: started to stand up, when the mutant walked in. "Up and walking already? i need to change that" said the mutant. Maul barley dodged a left hook, then jumped onto the mutant's hand as it throws a right uppercut. Maul then yells "KAIOKEN TIMES 6!" a
Maul: <c> as a red blazing aura surrounds him. Maul then gave the mutant a few powerful blows to the head, surprisingly killing it. "What the hell, Kaioken times 6 shouldnt be able to boost my power that much" said Maul as he reverted back to normal. "W
Maul: <c> "Well, thats that" and then flew off into the night.
Jeckel: wandered out of the gravity chamber dripping in sweat. It had been a rather intensive training day for him and he was about ready to give it a rest..before training again. Some might call this insane but this was a Saiyan's way of life on a Saiyan
Jeckel: <C> Saiyan's planet. "Maybe I should pick a fight.." He thought to himself as he staggered his way down the street, heading to the barracks which he resided. It wasn't too far from the small training facillity he frequented and he could of been th
Jeckel: <C> there in a matter of seconds by flight. "Eh..too many people fly anyway." Which was true, no real need for personal vehicles other than space ships when a whole race of people can fly..and since recently learning it..so too could Jeckel. Howev
Jeckel: <C> However, he chose to walk his way.
Maul: took his usual break, sitting on the rooftops, when he spotted Jeckel. He called out to Jeckel "Hey Jeckel, can you fly yet?"
Jeckel: looked up at Maul. "Heh..yeah. seems like 20th time is the charm. But I'm walking home now..the walking helps training with the legs." He laughed a bit after that. "But seriously, I just got back from the little gravitron down the street, I was ju
Jeckel: <C> just heading to the barracks for a little break..maybe pick a fight. What are you doin?"
Maul: said "You know, the usual stuff, hanging around up here, and well... shooting icers"
Jeckel: scoffed. "Icers? here? Naw..if there were enough icers here there would of been alarms sounded and all of that. Although..I think I may be in line for a promotion with all this training i've been doing...if ya know what I mean." Jeckel grinned. "G
Jeckel: <C> "Gonna snatch up a few ranks to get some freedom." Jeckel laughed rather evily at that and then stopped, his laughs becomming soft coughs of pain. "ooww..o..of course..That will be later..after I heal up."
Maul: flew down to Jeckel and whispered "you know, I found our assailant, i followed him." "He led me to an Icer camp" Maul frowns "they nearly killed me, buit i got em" pointing to the right side of his face, which was slightly burnt by his scouter whe
Maul: <c> when it was hit by a destructo disk
Jeckel: blinked "oh really now? Heh..were they affiliated with the icer government or were they just a bunch of punks looking for guts and glory?" Jeckel grinned. "Either way they're dead now right?..Icer scum.."
Maul: then said "I doubt they where affiliated with the government, because they where horribly equipped, and lacked decent training." "But..." Maul shaked his head "One of them was really wierd"
Jeckel: raised an eyebrow, his tail twitching behind him at the mention of a weird one. He was allways considered to be a bit weird by average Saiyan standards...but he just shook those childhood thoughts off. "What do you mean Weird? Like..funny lookin? 
Jeckel: <C> They all look funny..remind me of lizards...and those weird transformations.."
Maul: said "No, he looked like a cross between an Icer..... and... a.. NAMEK!"
Maul: then said "And the fucker was alot stronger then the rest" "The bastard barley missed my tail with a large energy blast"
Jeckel: bliked again. "A what? That's imposible..for one nameks don't even screw..which is just weird it's self..and two..well..geeze..maybe it was some sort of alien from some other planet.." Jeckel thought for a moment. "Ya know there are alot of scatte
Jeckel: <C> scattered alien mercinaries out there..mighta been one of those...You killed him too right?"
Maul: frowned "Well... kinda.." "He knocked me out and nearly killed me"
Maul: twitching, said "I woke up with an energyball in his hand, not too far from me" "If i woke a moment later, i would be dead"
Jeckel: chuckled. "Sounds like you need just a bit more training there. If these guys weren't strong enough to be picked up on the radar and they almost kicked your ass." Jeckel pointed down the street. "Gravitron is just down that way." He laughed a bit.
Jeckel: <C> "But seriously...if they're all dead that's good..at least you had a bit of excitement."
Maul: suddenly troubled, said "No... he was diffrent." "My scouter detected no powerlevel, not even a PULSE from that wierd bastard"
Jeckel: tail flicked behind him, he was slowly reganing his wind from the earlier training..but that was another story. "Well then it's a good thing it was taken and smashed from ya...the thing was probably defective and broken. But enough about this...te
Jeckel: <C> tell me more about this Earth you visited...I wanna know about that attack you used...and if all humans have power like that."
Maul: shaked his head and said "No, it seemed only a select few humans where able to use it. but the creatures there are alot more ranging." "On my way there, a creature known by the name of 'Shark' took quite a bit of wind out of me"
Jeckel: continued his walk towards his barracks. "Eh...I guess i'll just have to head to the tactical library and read up on that part of the galaxy...also gotta read up on that Super Saiyan legends and stuff. We know it's not legend now but I think that 
Jeckel: <C> the more ya know about it..the easier it'll be." Jeckel grinned. "I plan on ascending beyond the powers of super saiyan." 
Maul: said "Oh and, no, my scouter wasnt defective, it had never malfunctioned before"
Maul: called after Jeckel, who was getting ahead of him "Hey Jeckel... i have something to tell you"
Jeckel: stopped and turned around. "Well you could follow me if you want..but..if you're going a seperate way...what is it?"
Maul: whispered "well... i think im getting close to Supersaiyanhood..."
Jeckel: raised an eyebrow. "Yeah?...well uhhh...good luck with that. Ya see..I think you just need enough energy and you could just sorta bruteforce your way into getting it. That's why i've been training so hard."
Maul: then said "Its wierd really... sometimes i get stronger for no reason... and sometimes, like with that mutant... he was owning me... then all of a sudden I up and ahniallate him with a singe blow..."
Jeckel: smirked "I think you just need to work on your powerups and power releases...Sounds like you keep triggering it with anger..which is good..but seriously..if you learn to powerup controlled you wouldn't have that problem. But...who knows...nobody r
Jeckel: <C> really knows exactly how supersaiyan is triggered..and why it happens to some saiyans earlier than others..or some not at all." Jeckel thought for a moment. "Although there does seem to be a sort of power level threshhold that we must cross..p
Jeckel: <C> perhaps some sort of priming for the SSJ gene or whatever to kick in."
Maul: grinned "well, i guess you're right." Maul the started powering up "I MUST LEARN HOW TO CONTROL IT!!!"
Jeckel: backed away from Maul. "..Do you allways spaztacly do these things? Geeze..give me a bit of a warning first!"
Maul: finally finished powering up, leaving him slightly hovering over the ground, and a huge slightly yellowish white aura surrounding him. Maul laughed "Heh, sorry bout that."
Jeckel: tail flicked behind him. "ehhh..did you do it?"
Maul: raised his eyebrow "if by it you mean supersaiyan, obviously not"
Jeckel: shook his head. "Nope...obviously not." Jeckel shrugged. "Just keep trying I guess...I'll keep trying...although..I warn you..I plan on ascending beyond it when I do finally unlock the power." Jeckel smirked. "But maybe later...I'm sore as all hel
Jeckel: <C> hell and I'm gonna go become fat in my barracks for the rest of the night.." Jeckel lifted off the ground and gave a wave to Maul. "See ya around I guess." And he was off and soon out of sight.
Maul: smiled and turned to walk away , then said "wait, did he just fly?"
Maul: started flyinga round, bored. "Gah, there's nothing fun to do around here anymore..."
Maul: thinks 'i wonder if they're's anything to beat up...'
Maul: thought 'eh, i think ill gravtrain, i need to try to achive supersaiyanhood.' Maul then flew to the gravtraining building and walkind inside, looking for a grav room to train in. "Ahh here's one!" Maul exlaimed as he walked into the grav room mark
Maul: <c> marked Grav18
Drago: walks into the gravity training facility, "Hmmm, doesn't look like much competition in here...might as well check one more room before leaving these weaklings."  As soon as Drago walks in he is taken aback by the smell, "What the fuck is wrong wit
Drago: with you don't you take showers!?" Drago shouts at the stranger in gravity room 18.  Gagging Drago runs outside of the gravity training rooms hoping the stranger did not follow him.
Maul: heard someone yell what the fuck is that smell. Maul snickered as he remembered that "the smelly bastard" came outta this room just before he went in. (the smelly bastard is isther) Maul chuckled, "Time to find that guy." And with that he left the
Maul: grav room
Drago: while trying to catch his breath he noticed someone leaving the gravity rooms, "I hope your not the guy that can't take showers...He stinks in gravity room 18 watch out."  Drago said trying to breathe bettter.  Drago immediately noticed he looked 
Drago: looked exactly like the guy in room 18, "Hey, if I offended you my bad but you stink...Your the guy from gravity room 18 right"?  Drago asked cautiously.  Taking a step back he noticed this guy smelt like roses..."Wow this guy must be gay or somet
Drago: something like that." Drago thought to himself
Maul: raised his eyebrow and said "Who are you? and why are you bugging me while i train?" 
Maul: then quickly said "oh fuck i gtg meet someone, ill talk to you LATER"
Drago: says "Well fuck you too then Mr. Toogoodtochatwithme!" Drago said as he watched the rose smelling man run away.  Drago casually walked around looking for a place to fight then finally said, "Fuck it i'ma go crash."
Maul: sighed as he finished his training. "God will I ever become a Super Saiyan?" Tired, Maul wandered home to sleep.
Drago: slowly walked up the streets of Earth, preying something would happen today...It's been quiet for the past two days.  "Man I need something to do...This planet is so fucking boring!"  Drago looked up at the sky wondering if he should return to pla
Drago: planet Vegeta to face all those saiyans one more time...I mean he couldn't just leave his father's corpse in the house where he had slayed him, he deserved a proper burial.  "I'll do it this afternoon if nothing else comes up." Drago thought that 
Drago: that was a cold hearted since he was the one that killed his father, but he didn't want to go through the pain of seeing him dead.
Drago: slowly walks around planet Earth trying to find someone to hang out with or something to do.  "Man this planet is so boring...I think I should go to planet Vegeta to bury my father...after all I was the one that did kill."  Drago mumbled quietly. 
Drago: "I wish I had never done that, he was just trying to protect me and trying to protect me from the real world."  Drago saighs at the thought of his father's lifless corpse on the ground in the little cabin they had lived in on Vegeta.  "If nothing h
Drago: happens I will go bury him." Drago said with a hint of sadness in his voice.
Maul: had returned to Earth just to explore the planet, when suddenly he saw another being that looked like a Saiyan. "Hey... wait, arn't you that guy in the grav room?"
Maul: continued "Yea, I remember now." "You're the one that ruined my grav-training session"
Drago: "Hmmm?" Drago noticed the rose smelling saiyan and said, "Hey, Rosey how ya doing?" Drago smirked as the saiyan came up to him.  "Not my fault your gravity room stunk...Why don't you take any deodorizer next time?"  Drago laughed at the thought of
Drago: someone taking deodoran to the gravity room.  "So you wanna do something...I'm like uber bored."
Maul: glances around. "Where'd that guy go?" Maul shakes his head. "Oh well" And flies off.
Taz: starts to look around...while looking, he spots drago looking at a wall.. "Drago, wat u looking at?"
Taz: wondering wat drago is looking at, he walks over and starts to look at the wall. After he looks at the wall, he then wonders wats so important about...
Drago: says, "Wha...What?" Drago starts concentraitng on the wall again trying to shoot and energy ball at the wall.  "Damnit, you messed up my concentration Taz!"  Drago says a little angry.  Drago sighs.  "Oh well I would never have been able to blow i
Drago: it up anyway...wanna go do something?" Drago asks hopefully.  Drago meets Taz's eyes and notices he was anticipating that question.  "So...lets go somewhere now!" Drago shouts at Taz playfully, hoping he catches the excitement in his voice.
Taz: "let me show u how its done." Taz gets ready for a big kamehameha blast..  screams "KAMEHAMEHA!!!!!!!!" and blows up the wall. " now thats how u do it drago."
Taz: looks at drago.. "where would u like to go? vegeta? namek? where? pick and we will go".. Little does drago know, Taz is gonna jump him later for killing his parents when he was little.
Taz: finds out from someone that drago was being framed for killing taz's parents.." Drago, do u want to find out who framed you?" "I'll help you find out who did it.."
Drago: turns to Taz.  "What was I framed for?"  Drago asks looking confused.  Drago trys to think of what he would be framed for but can't figure it out...who would want to frame him and why?  "Sooooo...what did I do?"  Drago looks into Taz's eyes and ca
Drago: and could feel the anger and sadness bursting from him.  "This has to do with your parents doesn't it...You know I will help you find out who ever killed them, but we must become more powerful before we can try to kill them."  Drago felt Taz tense
Drago: as the words came out of his mouth.  Drago immediately powered up ready for anything.
Taz: turns superhuman and prepares to fight a strong force " drago wanna help me fight this strange force that i since?, I could rele use the help."
Drago: sighs heavily.  "I am sorry but I am not yet strong enough to try to fight anyone I must get stronger to help you."  Drago mumbles.  "I wish I could help really but I just can't help you right now
Drago: now" Drago started to walk away hoping he would not get in the way of the battle.
Taz: says, "Drago, take this" *hands drago some sensu beans* "eat one when u get low, it will help u in battle, and if something happens, i will aid you. Just look deep inside urself to find that hidden power, once u find it try to let it all come out.
Maul: thought 'damn I'm good, but I need to get stronger..." as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop, unable to find anything fun to do.
Drago: withdraws his sword from its sheath.  "Ready bro!"  Drago shouts with excitement in his voice.  Looking over at Taz noticing the excitement and confidence in his eyes, makes Drago feel even more confident.  "I hope I can do this."  Drago thinks to
Drago: to himself trying not to show his true emotions.
Taz: looks at drago "ready when u are. Whenever ur ready, i'll be right behind you."
Taz: spreads his arms to create an energy barrier. The Energy Barrier has a defense power of 366944. "I'm ready when u are drago."
Drago: sighs.  "Shit, man I gotta go...I forgot I have to go help this senior citizen dude, sorry man I'll find ya later."  Drago says as he begans to float away.  Drago turns back and waves at Taz as he speeds up towards the senior citizen's house.
Taz: releases his barrier and begins to look for maul. While he is look for him, he starts to sing a song that his parents used to sing to him when he went to bed. He stops to remember his parents, as he is thinking, he begins to cry in sorrow
Maul: was on his way to the grav-training rooms when out of the corner of his eye he spotted someone staring at him. 'who the..' Maul thought as he double backflipped onto the rooftop ajacent to Taz. "Whatcha lookin at?" said Maul as he grinned.
Taz: goes to the store and buys vayne some sausage, itlian style, and gives them to vayne " now quit ur damn whining...geez..never seen a big cry baby like you....
Maul: yelled "KAIOKEN!" as he attempted the transformation, and he was surrounded by a blazing red aura... for just a second, as it left him and brought him to his knees. "Dammnit, i seriously need to master this technique..."
Taz: walks around the corner and feels a brust of wind hit him.. wonders who is tring to powerup, we continues to walk while tring to find the person that was tring to powerup..
Taz: walks around the corner to see that Maul is the one tring to powerup..."Whats up Maul?"
Maul: thought 'oh shit, hope he didnt see my failed kaioken attempt...' "Hey... do I know you?"
Taz: looks at maul "dont think so, were u tring to practice something..or powerup?"
Maul: thought 'good... he didnt know...' "No, i was just walking around... its boring here." "Nothing to kill at the moment."
Taz: "Ok, cause I felt a gush of wind go by me..thought it was someone to tring to powerup but failed at it..oh well.. wanna go find something or someone to kill?
Maul: shruged "Sure... not much else to do"
Taz: "where do you want to go maul? I know, we can go find wilson and get him..."
Maul: frowned. "I don't think we need him"
Taz: says "maul, lets go find this vahn dude and see what all he can do..."
Drago: walks around straining himself under his father's lifeless body.  "Come on Drago, you can make it you gotta bury him it's your fault he's dead."  Drago reminded himself.  Suddenly, Drago felt like he wasn't alone...When Drago looked up he noticed 
Drago: his buddy Taz.  "Hey Taz, how are you doing?"  Drago said with sorrow in his voice.  Drago shifted his father's corpse to his other shoulder and sighed.  Drago look at the ground and mumbled, "I gotta bury my father, guess i'll see ya round." Drag
Drago: Drago began walking toward the graveyard again.
Taz: while training in the gravity room, he happens to hear a faint cry in the wild, "sounds like someone died or cring..can't tell." continues to train and hears the someone call his name. he looks up and drago is talking to him. Drago looks like he j
Taz: just got through cring, Taz asks " dude..why are you cring?"
Taz: tells drago " dude i'm sry bout ur father man, what happened?"
Drago: manages to let out a sob, before saying "I...I ki...killed him...I could control myself...My body moved without my mind telling it what to do."  Drago suddenly fell to the ground, his father's corpse falling on him.  Crying Drago stood up one more
Drago: more time and looked around as if he was lost then began walking toward the graveyard with his father corpse still draped over his shoulder.  "I am sorry but I don't want to talk about this right now."  Drago mutter.  His father's death kept repla
Drago: replaying in his head over and over again.  All he could think of was why he couldn't control himself and how much he wanted to take his life to bring his father back.
Taz: goes behind drago and says " dude its gonna be ok.. your dad is in a better place now."
Drago: sighs.  He didn't believe that but he know Taz was just trying to comfort him so he finally mumbled, "Yeah, man thanks."  Drago shuddered at the thought of his father's soul walking around trapped on the planet never able to leave and be healed.  
Drago: Drago began walking again wondering how he could do such a thing to someone he cared for so dear.  Drago began sobbing as he enter the graveyard and looked for the best spot to bury his father.
Taz: says " Drago it'll be ok man..just hope for the best. anyways, i need to finsish some training, you wanna come train with me man?" " dude...i'll leave you alone so you can burry your dad..unless you want me to help you.."
Maul: steps out of the shadows. "What's wrong?" "What happened?" Maul then sees the casket. "Oh... sorry for your loss."
Taz: starts to tell maul about what happen to drago's father.. "dude..i need some help..I really want to find out who killed my parents...wanna help maul? cause this has been bugging me since they died..."
Maul: Frowns. "I despise them as much as you do just by hearing your story..." "Recently, there was also an attempt on my life." Maul then points at the slight burns on his face. "If i had moved a fraction slower... I would not just have burns from my d
Maul: <c> destroyed scouter.... I would be dead." " So sure... i will surely help"
Taz: after seeing the burn "what happened maul? overpowered your scouter or something?" looks at drago..and then looks up and the sky and says to himself "mom, dad please give me sign to which i can find the killer..."
Drago: whispers, "I will also help you...as soon as I can get my father burried."  Drago silently began digging up the soil.  "This should be good has a beautiful of the sunrise, I think he'll like it."  Drago said feeling a little better because he had 
Drago: chosen a good spot for his father to be burried.  When Drago finished digging up the ground he said a prayer for his father and burried him into the ground which he loved so much.  Drago walked away saying, "We leaving yet?"  Trying to take his mi
Drago: mind off of his father.
Maul: smirked slightly "Ok, i feel like training... you guys want to come?" "I have a 'special' training session in mind" Maul then grinned mischiviously "You guys up to it?"
Drago: begans to fly away saying "No thanks, I need to spend some time by myself."  Drago begans going a little fast and then shouts, "Thank you for the support guys but I really need to be alone right now."  Drago then disappears into the darkness.
Maul: grinned and waved "well goodbye then"
Jeckel: slowly spun in place as he floated horizontally in the gravitron. He was taking a small break while also brushing up on his flying skills within the intensified gravity enviroment. "Ugh...gotta fight the dizzy.." He said to himself. Jeckel continu
Jeckel: <C> continued his little bout of floating for a few minutes longer before touching back down onto the ground, bracing himself and starting back on his exercises. First a series of punch drills followed by kicks and then some good ol fashioned push
Jeckel: <C> pushups, situps, and squats.
Taz: is working on his gravity training, and hears a voice in the wind saying " Taz will die if he doesn't watch himself.." startled by this, he tries to find who said it...or if he was hearing things..
Taz: he then goes to vegeta and finds jeckel fighting a battler. "Jeckel, i heard a voice in the wind...did u say something to me??"
Jeckel: heard someone behind him which made him cut his little warm up session short by ripping the throat out of the VR battler he was training with. He looked back at Taz and raised an eyebrow. "...Who the hell are you..and how do you know my name?" Jec
Jeckel: <C> Jeckel looked Taz over even a bit more perplexed. "..no tail...You're a human aren't you?...That...that just raises more questions!" Jeckel's tail flicked behind him. "And no..I did not say anything to you..and the fact that you're hearing voi
Jeckel: <C> voices in your head is making me question why I'm not ripping you to shreds!"
Taz: startled by what jeckel said, he turns and walks away, be4 leaving, he turns around again and tells jeckel " your a damn saiyan that has nothing better to do...or are you one of those halfbreed that needs a life?"
Jeckel: growled and glared at Taz. "Insult the Saiyan race and then insinuate that i'm a halfblood!?" A blue ball of energy suddenly popped into existence in Jeckel's right palm. "Eat this!" Jeckel said as he threw the ball of energy at Taz at a blinding 
Jeckel: <C> speed, well, blinding for someone who was at such a low powerlevel.
Taz: spreads his arms and makes an energy barrier. Barrier has a defense of 697,554. Taz prays that the barrier will deflect the ball back at jeckel. While he is holding his barrier, the barrier breaks as the ball hits it. Taz drops to the floor and do
Taz: <c> dodges the ball
Drago: begins walking around Earth looking for someone to hang with.  Drago stumbles as he looks up at the huge building, and smiles.  "Hmmm, wonder how fast I could get up there." Drago thought.  Drago began to hover slightly as he began to fly.  Drago 
Drago: than began to fly at incredible speeds as the wind blew through his dark hair, he smiled and said, "Wow, pretty tall building."  Drago was suprised when he got to the top in a short time, he sighed.  "Well funs over."  Drago looked around frantica
Drago: frantically looking for something to do.
Dalsime: stands on the edge of a building on planet earth, motionless, eyes closed and in deep meditation completely oblivious to whats going on around him and then he senses a small powerlevel similar to his but just a bit stronger
Dalsime: -C- upon opening his eyes he sees a boy flying up into the air at the side of the building like some kid hyper on sugar sweets, looking over to the boy as he stands there infront of him "hey you, whats your name?"
Drago: looks over to the being and answers, "My name is Drago, and you would be?"  Drago looked impatiently at the strange being he had never seen before.  Drago suddenly got the thought that this strange being could be what he was looking for.  The answ
Drago: -C- the answer to his bordem.  "So, you come here alot?"  Drago asked joking a little
Jeckel: stepped off the public shuttle and onto the space dock of the planet Earth. He yawned and stretched his arms then his legs. "Ugh..that cramped shuttle smelled like baby diapers and completely fail..." Jeckel grumbled. He looked around the Earthlin
Jeckel: <C> Earthling space dock and scoffed. "This place is so small! No wonder why Humans are never found far out in the galaxy." He shook his head and walked off from the dock and went into the city. All around him he saw sickeningly weak humans..just 
Jeckel: <C> completely laughable. "And there is supposed to be some warrior with that beam technique here? Must not be able to use it very well..." Jeckel just shrugged. "If it'll give a human a bit of an edge..it'll give a saiyan an immense advantage!...
Jeckel: <C> now...where to find this guy..?"
Dalsime: smiles at the boy "Dalsime the names Dalsime Daratio an elite fighter from the Icer Kingdom i come here in search of training that is much needed at this time" Dalsime takes a few steps closer to the boy and looks at him closer
Dalsime: -C- "hrm...what you? I cant figure it out, you look some what human but then again I could be wrong" he then looks over his shoulder looking over the edge of the building looking down on planet Earth's Space dock at the ships
Dalsime: -C- landing and off loading passengers, then looks back over to Draga "yeah so ammm you know anywhere around here that i can train?"
Drago: thinks to himself "Icer...I heard of those before but never actually met one, I was always told they were rare."  Drago looks over his shoulder and points at the Gravity Training rooms there's gravity training, Drago also points off into the dista
Drago: distance and says "You could find some people over there to spar...mainly a bunch of "thugs" and "Gangsters" but its pretty fun."  Drago looks Dalsime over one more time and says, "Hmmmmm, seems like a saiyan has arrived on our humble little plane
Drago: planet."  Drago then points over to the dock and smiles.  "He looks pretty powerful too, if you wanna try our luck with him." Drago says with a chuckle.
Jeckel: continued his walk into the city when his scouter suddenly beeped. "Two larger than average powerlevels..." He looked around and then followed his scouter's direction, floating upwards untill he was level with the roof top of the building Drago an
Jeckel: <C> and Dalsime were on. Jeckel started flying towards them when he started to notice that one had a tail..ok..a Saiyan..and the other had a tail..but was different. "Where have I seen that type of species bef...an ICER!" A white aura suddenly eru
Jeckel: <C> erupted around Jeckel as he flew at Dalsime at full speed, charging a blue energy ball in his hand and launching it at Dalsime's feet.
Dalsime: is startled by the appearance of this other person looks similar to Draga thinking to himself that maybe they can be the same species, then he felt his powerlevel rise, Dalsime faces this new person as he's being charged then
Dalsime: -C- as swiftly as possible he jumps into the air evading an energy attack from  this strange person then he turns his body in the air and with the help of gravity he plumits downwards toward him folding his fist tighter as he got closer.
Jeckel: watched as the Icer jumped out of the way of his energy ball, the ball exploding on the roof top of the building and completely taking out what was once the roof, raining rubble on the populous below. As the Icer came down to put a double fist to 
Jeckel: <C> his back, but was too slow, perhaps just free falling with gravity. Jeckel rolled in the air to where he was stomach up to Dalsime and blocked his attempt at a spike by grabbing his wrists and then flipping over in the air, using the momentum 
Jeckel: <C> to help him throw the Icer towards the building.
Dalsime: flips through air heading towars a building, using his flying abilities Dalsime regain stability and stops himself from smashing into the nearby building, floating inches away from concrete and steel he takes a deep breath as
Dalsime: -C- he realises he is overpowered here "why do you attack me, what is your name!? You dare attack an Elite Icerian warrior?" Dalsime flies up the side off the opposite building he is backing and then stands on his
Dalsime: -C- toes on the edge of the roof top looking over to the stranger with a cruel look on his face
Jeckel: chuckled and flew straight at the Icer. "Well well, I guess the ranks of the elites among the Icers HAVE been deteriorating!" Jeckel said as he got close to the Icer and cocked back his fist as if about to punch but as he threw his fist forward, h
Jeckel: <C> he opened his hand and out of his palm came another blue energy sphere, the size of a soccerball aimed straight at Dalsime's chest. 
Dalsime: quickly anticipates his attack and barely moving his torso aside letting the sphere pass by, shooting foward toward him making it look as if he wants to fight Dalsime he thinks quickly and tries to escape then lookin down onto
Dalsime: -C- the streets he sees a small building he could get into, in a swift movoment he changes direction feet away from jeckel and heads down into the building, upon flying through the door he sees a back exit and wasting
Dalsime: -C- no time he heads straight for it shooting through the door like a bullet adrenaline pumping and sweat blowing off his face, looking left and right for another place to go he sees a shuttle ready for take off at the
Dalsime: -C- Space dock, then he thinks "this guys i stronger than me...i could leave now and return another day to finish this or stay and fight and be beaten" he then powers down making his powerlevel blend in with the people around him
Dalsime: -C- and heads for the shuttle and enters it just seconds before it can blast off.
Jeckel: blinked and chuckled as he watched the Icer run away. He was following the Icer's movements with the aid of his scouter untill the Icer's powerlevel faded down to the average at the dock area just as a ship took off. Sure, he had a pretty good ide
Jeckel: <C> idea that the Icer was on that very ship but he wasn't about to go take down a ship just to rip one little icer apart. "Heh..stuck his tail between his legs and ran..." Jeckel laughed and settled himself onto the top of a building. "Elite..heh
Jeckel: <C> .." Jeckel folded his arms and looked out over the Human city...he had arived on Earth.
Taz: when gravity training, he sees that someone is spray painting GOKU WAS HERE on a wall...Taz tells someone to get away from that wall be4 he goes and kills him
Drago: roams around Vegeta mind lessly trying to clear his head of all thoughts.  "Hmmmm, I need to find something to do other than just walk around here...Too many eyes watching me." Drago thought to himself.  While he was walking he noticed a familiar 
Drago: building.  Could this have really been his old school?  Was he imagining this?  "This can't be the school...I thought it was destroyed after I...after the accident."  Drago thought he might take a look around.  As he walked in he realized he was n
Drago: not hallucinating.  Drago could not believe his eyes.  He decided to walk around til he found something of importance.
Taz: while grav training, he was thinking about drago and was wondering how he was doing.. He decided to take a trip over to vegeta and see how drago was doing..
Taz: finding drago in an old room taz askes, "what is this place?"
Drago: startled by the human he answers, "This is a place for learning a place of fun before..."  Drago begins to drift off into the past as he remembers the terrible events that occured here.  Wishing he had something to pull him back Drago cries out "W
Drago: "Why must I be haunted by my past?"  Drago sighs as he sits down in one of the little desks, waiting for Taz to cheer him up like he always does.
Taz: says " dude..our past will haunt us somehow..it never fails, come on lets get out of here and go kill us some battlers..i need to get upto super so i can take on some stronger battlers..."
Drago: sighs, then finally says, "Sure lets go get some mofo'in battlers."  Drago begins to notice his stomach is no longer twisting as he leaves the old abandoned school.  Drago looks around and asks, "Wanna do this shit here or on Earth?"
Taz: says "lets go to earth...i like it there..i'm hopeing that i can get to my pl goal be4 i get off..." while walking, he notices that drago is still sad."dude what are you sad aabout?'
Drago: smiles at how much Taz cares then says, "I don't want to talk about...I have done some bad shit in the past, is all you need to know."  Drago begins walking towards the shuttles to Earth and shouts, "Better hurry up if you wanna make it to Earth t
Drago: Earth today!"  Drago laughs as he sees how far back Taz is.  "He'll never make it in time, he's not fast enough."  Drago thought to himself as the shuttles engines began to power up.
Taz: thinking that drago forgot that taz is from earth, taz takes the transporter to earth....when he gets to earth, he sits and waits for the shuttle to arrive..
Drago: laughs as Taz suddenly dissappears in a flash of blue light.  "Hmmmm, I should have thought about that..." Drago laughs at himself.  When the shuttle lands Drago walks out and stretches.  "Hmmmmm, so where to Taz?"  Drago looks around for a hint o
Drago: hint as of where to go but can't seem find one.  Drago says, "So...you lead the way."
Taz: tells drago " would u like to explore earth and see what it has to offer? or go fight the battlers?"
Taz: "so drago, where would u like to go on earth? You have a lot of places to go" while walking around earth, taz senses that drago is in a sad state..
Drago: replies, "I do not really care where we go but I am super hungry...know anywhere we could get some good food?"  Drago smiles weakly at Taz.  Drago notices Taz looking at him kind of concerned.  "It's alright man...I'll get over it."  Drago tried t
Drago: -C- tried to reassure Taz.  "Man, I am really hungry lets go somewhere for some burgers or tacos."  Drago says changing the subject
Taz: " tacos...hopefully your not talking about cell's pink tacos...geez..i know lets go get some hamburgers and chow on them for now...then i'll take you to a good place later on.."
Drago: smirks, "Why would I be talking bout Cell's Pink Taco's?"  Drago asks looking at Taz.  Drago sees a nice little resturant and begins sprinting straight ahead.  "Bet ya can't catch me!"  Drago shouts looking over his shoulder as he enters the restu
Drago: resturant.  Taken back by the aroma of real cooked food, Drago takes a booth in the corner and waits for Taz to enter.  Watching a waitress walk from table to table Drago says, "Ms...two menus please?"
Gogeta: lays on the grassy ground, staring at the sky intently and with a frown on his face. He speaks aloud to the only person around: himself. As he speaks, the two souls fused to make him are heard simotaneously. '&OGah. It's boring today. Why is it bo
Gogeta: &O ring?!&D'  His stomach rumbled, '&ODamn. Hunger.&D'  Gogeta sits up, and then rises to a stand, looking around the hill top. The only two visible cities are West and South City, great distance seperating them, but close enough to see from the g
Gogeta: -C- &Dreater distance he is from them. With a few seconds of gathered energy he shoots off towards the sky, and towards West city.
Taz: enters the resturnt..looks for drago, and goes over and sits by him. "Whats for lunch? i could eat four full course meals..What about you drago?'
Drago: thinks for a second.  "Hmmmm, I'm in the mood for the biggest burger I could get with the biggest order of french fries and a large Dr. Pepper."  Drago smiles at Taz as the waitress hands them the menus.  Drago looks down at his menu and says, "Ok
Drago: -C- "Ok, I want the one-pound burger with large order of french fries and large Dr. Pepper for me please."  Drago looks at the waitress as she begins to write down the order.  Drago smiles at her with an innocent look in his eyes.
Gogeta: drops from the sky, his golden hair fading back to black as he lands smoothly. Much to his fortune, no one is paying attention to notice him, and the one's who were watching blew him off for just a punk in a funny jacket jumping off of cars or str
Gogeta: -C- eet signs. Tony's Burgeria. A little corny, and the name suggested italian, but Gogeta knew better. He entered the smll burger joint and looked around, ignoring the onlookers bashing his strange dress style in their thoughts.
Taz: "i'll have a 2 lb burger with a 24 oz steak, medium rare plz.." while waiting for the food, he looks at drago wonder what he is thinking. "dude..need to quit tinking bout ur father."
Taz: "if you dont think so much, you'll do better in battle. or the fact that you went into your classroom. and if you think bout doing the waitress, i'll shoot ur balls off cause thats my wife!"
Drago: smirks, "Too bad I was with your wife last night man."  Drago says laughing.  "So, whats up with saying if I stopped thinking I would do better in battle?"  Drago takes that as an insult to the memory of his father.  "You never even met the man...
Drago: if you did you would be thinking about him too..."  Drago stands up, walks outside and lights a cigarrette trying to calm down.
Gogeta: glares angrily at those staring at him. Walking up to the joints cashier, where the two kids next to him are talking about sex with the waitress behind him, who is just shaking her head in disappointment. '&OUrrrhhhhh. I want seven cheese burgers,
Gogeta: &Ofour with no ketchup, mustard or onions, the other three with everything.&D'  Afterwards thinking to himself, -&wAnd thats just the appetizer, Heheh&D-
Sarea: flys idly over the rooftops of the city Ghetto, groaning to herself "Why did i come to this back water planet.." with an slight twist of her tail she alters her course landing softly on one of the many rooftops creating the cities skyline.
Sarea: -C- closes her eyes tuning her senes to pick up any powerlevels in her surroundings.  With a slight smirk she picks up a couple weak powerlevels but ultimatly the strongets she had sensed since arriving on the planet.
Sarea: -C- with a thought she steps off the edge of the building plumiting several stories befor focusing her ki to below her to slow her decent. She supresses her powerlevel roughly equal to those she sensed as she strolls towards their signatures.
Taz: calls the waitress over " i'll be outside..i'll be back in 5 mins. Taz walks outside to drago, "dude sry bout wat i said earlier, i shouldn't have said it. and your rite..i dont know him.." after he sayz that, he turns to walk back inside. goes si
Taz: calls the waitress over " i'll be outside..i'll be back in 5 mins. Taz walks outside to drago, "dude sry bout wat i said earlier, i shouldn't have said it. and your rite..i dont know him.." Taz turns to walk back inside. goes sits down and waits f
Taz: and waits for the food to be served
Drago: finishes his cigarette and begins to walk slowly back inside.  As he enters he notices the waitress is serving the food.  He hurries over to the table and begins to chow down on his food when he finishes he pays the waitress with a fifty dollar ti
Drago: tip and casually waits for Taz to finish his food.
Gogeta: pays no mind to the kid leaving, and looks over as he watches his friend follow, not noticing him come back. Gogeta smiles as he listens to the chaos in the kitchen behind the counter, the teenage workers struggling to compete with the order that
Gogeta: -C- seemed considerably small to Gogeta. He spins the swivel stool to look at the other diners around; some are still staring, at his Metamoran fusion jacket. He pays no attention to the glaring customers. He stares blankley out the diner
Gogeta: door and at the kid rushing back inside, eagerly to get his food. He cracks a smirk, and somewhat patiently waits for his food with a frown on his face.
Sarea: strolls light down the streets, turning here and there eventualy finding her way to the location of the signatures she sensed from the roof tops. She pushes the door open and walks into the resturant ignoring the weaker powerlevels.
Sarea: -C-  enters juts intime to find one of the powerlevels consume his entire dinner in no time, and pay the waitress. With a slight shake of her head she sighs to herself "A planet full of monkeys, and now the worest kind has show here"
Sarea: -C- she walks to a empty table near the two, ignoring the humans whom move away from the icer who just showed up in their quiet corner of the world. She curles her tail around her slightly taking a seat
Taz: is stunned by how fast drago ate the food, he pushes his plate over to drago, "eat hungry boy...and damn...were u that hungry? i mean damn!"
Taz: <c> gives him a weird look, and thinks..this dude is insane...i think i'll let him eat all he wants and then he will train it all off...haha..this will be fun..
Drago: thinks for a minute then devours Taz's food with delight.  "Yea yea...I know I eat alot...Leave me alone!"  Drago says spitting food all over the diner.  Drago smiles as he finishes off the rest of the food and says, "So...where we going now, I do
Drago: -C- I don't like all these people start at...What the fuck...Is that an Icer!?" Drago says astonished.  "I haven't seen one of those in forever."  Drago gets up and walkos over to the icer, holds his hand out and says, "Hello, my name is Drago and
Drago: -C- and the human over there with food on his face is Taz."
Gogeta: blinks as three of his burgers are placed in front of him. He notices the Icer that entered, and his suppressed powerlevel may as well have given him the appearance of a human. He glares at the being, watching his affection from the human and
Gogeta: -C- halfbreed eating their mass quantities of food. He picks up a burger and his mouth engulfs it, chewing it vigorously as he pndered over the Icer's appearance.
Sarea: looks at the hand of the monkey and smirks, "Dont consider me rude, but i'd rather not.. my name is Sarea however." She glances quickly around the room finaly noticing the other sitting a distance away. With a quick thought she exstends her senses
Sarea: -C- says evenly looking back to the halfbreed, "So do you normaly approach icers so innocently or do you not know that we are considered bad through out most of the galaxy?" She peers questionlingly at the man who approached her.
Taz: gets up and walks over to where drago is.. "who is this wonderful lady drago..girlfriend or something?" wonders what an icer is doing on earth... thinks to himself for a moment..
Taz: continues to wonder what is going on..he asks the icer "who are you? and do i know you from somewheres?"
Taz: <c> looks at drago..then at the icer...and then goes insane...
Gogeta: tilts his head as the icer looks over to him. Grinning, he rises his powerlevel from 100 to 1,000 in an instant, doing his best to catch the icer's attention. -&zIt's been so long since I've battled, maybe I can coax this thing&w- His tail
Gogeta: -C- wriggles slightly at the thought of a battle on the day he had labled boring earlier.
Sarea: laughs at the thought, "Girlfriend? i have no time for such trivial things, i was just coming to see if either of you straping strong men wanted to have a little fun" she says evenly with a slight smirk crossing her face.
Sarea: -C- "once you finish your meal of course" she adds quickly, examning the new comer.  She slightly moves her tail
Sarea: -C- she slowly stands up looking at them, "Unless of course your afraid to fight a lady?" she says quickly with a slight grin crossing her face. As she glances back at the other his power level growing suddenly.
Sarea: laughs at the thought, "Girlfriend? i have no time for such trivial things, i was just coming to see if either of you straping strong men wanted to have a little fun" she says evenly with a slight smirk crossing her face.
Sarea: -C- "once you finish your meal of course" she adds quickly, examning the new comer.  She slightly moves her tail the seat growing all the more uncomfertiable.
Sarea: -C- she slowly stands up looking at them, "Unless of course your afraid to fight a lady?" she says quickly with a slight grin crossing her face. As she glances back at the other his power level growing suddenly.
Drago: laughs at the thought of fighting a girl.  "I am sorry but I was always taught not to hit girls...Besides I have no reason to fight anyone right now...All I wanna do is get stronger and fulfill my father's dreams of me being one of the strongest f
Drago: -C- fighters in the universe."  Drago smiles as he looks around the room and notices a bored but hungry looking saiyan.  "Hmmmm he looks like he is having fun."  Drago begins to walk out the door then looks back and says, "If you want me i'll be o
Drago: -C- outside smoking a cigarette."
Gogeta: keeps his grin firmly on his face as his pl jumps to 1,500, and then to 3,000. His tail curls slowly around his waist as he plops in one burger after another from his order. -&zPoor halfbreed&w-
Sarea: shakes her head slightly, using her mental dicplin she moves the chair she was resting in back into its postion by the table. She begins to move towards the exit
Sarea: -C- "You coming or not?" she says quite loudly looking over to the male flashing his supressing "Or are you just trying to get a date?" with a slight grin she walks out the door.
Sarea: -C- looks to the halfbreed and says evenly "You wont survive not fighting women, and fighting makes you stronger if your really wanting to be that strong you wont pass up the chance to challenge yourself." as she steps by him heading down the stre
Sarea: -c- downt he street. "If you want to show off what you been working so hard for, meet me outside the town limits Monkey.." she yells back suddenly.
Drago: sighs.  "Maybe you are right." Drago says.  "One condition you must suppress since you are way too strong for me right now."  Drago smiles at Sarea.  Drago looks at the saiyan and says, "He coming or not?"
Gogeta: stands, not bothering to order anymore food from the joint as he plops the last burger in his mouth and washes it down with a cold drink. He stretches his dominant arm, the customers looking at him strangely at first now use to the strange
Gogeta: -C- styled jacket. He walks out the door, following the icer, his tail uncurling and lifting up, wriggling next to his head. He follows the icer until she comes to a complete stop, and then stops along with her. He speaks, his voice that of two vo
Gogeta: -C- speaking simotaneously, '&OAnd i thought today was going to be boring.&w' He let a smirk splay across his face.
Sarea: laughs softly, "lets see if the squirt shows up for a lession befor we play, monkey.." as she slightly curles her tail. She glances around, far beyond the city limits she turns to face the city.
Sarea: -C- moves her tail behind her slightly, waving it up and down almost impatciently as she waits to see if the halfbreed will show or if she can skip the warm up and go straight to the real deal.
Drago: begins to walk in the same direction as Sarea.  Drago knows this isn't a very good idea but he decides to spar with the icer to test himself and ultimately get stronger.  As Drago walks up he sees the Icer standing there causally.  He shouts to he
Drago: -C- shouts to her, "So...we gonna spar right?"  Drago looks anxious as he watches for any signs of movement from the icer.
Gogeta: grins even fiercer as the comment is made about him. He curls his legs into each other as he sits down, but instead of sitting on the ground, he lvitated three feet off the ground. He closes his eyes and waits patiently as Drago appears a little
Gogeta: -C- afterwards. "&OTheres your toy. Dont tire yourself out.&w' Gogeta smiles smugly, keeping his eyes closed as Dragon and the Icer chat.
Sarea: -c- distant halfbreed can not hear him. "I am impressed he showed, and you can stop hidding.. you where trying to get my attention for a reason." as she walks towards Drago.
Sarea: -C- tops several feet infront of him saying evenly "I am impressed you showed, You can start our little match when ever your ready." as she drops back finding her balance.
Sarea: smirks slightly at the saiyans comment, and yells back to drago "yes, its just a spar no one will get killed or anything". She whispers to the levitating saiyan so that the still
Sarea: -c- distant halfbreed can not hear him. "I am impressed he showed, and you can stop hidding.. you where trying to get my attention for a reason." as she walks towards Drago.
Sarea: -C- tops several feet infront of him saying evenly "I am impressed you showed, You can start our little match when ever your ready." as she drops back finding her balance.
Drago: smiles slightly.  "Go easy on me I am still hurt from gtraining earlier."  Drago says as he launches a barrage of punches and kicks at Sarea hoping to land at least one.  Drago backflips away from Sarea shooting a small blast of ki at her.
Sarea: tenses her muscels tightly as the barrage of fits and feet comes towards her. Keeping her movments just faster then her opponent allowing him to graze her several times, even allowing the last kick to almost firmly in her side.
Sarea: -c- uses the kick and jumps slightly with it to make it seem as if the kick connected fully and with the slightest effort she catches herself with her left hand and cartwheels easily away from the incoming ki ball.
Sarea: -C- "maybe you should take it easy on me" she says lightly, holding her side feinging pain.
Drago: laughs at Sarea's effort to make him look better than he really is.  "So...that hurt huh?"  Drago shot a slightly bigger ki blast at her.  Drago suddenly flies forwards right behind the ki blast waiting for her slightest movement to land a punch r
Drago: -C- right in her face
Gogeta: shakes his head slightly. -&zShe's letting him hit her. Psychological bullshit.&w- He keeps his powerlevel gracefully hidden, despite the Icer's comment. His body bobs slightly as he levitates, his arms and legs crossed, and his tail tweaking
Gogeta: -C- and twitching as it reacts to the energy let out by the fight.
Sarea: shakes her head slightly, and begings to move towards the ki attack ducking suddenly into a foward roll at the last moment.  With a sudden move her tail follows through with the roll suddenly appearing directly infront of the halfbreed.
Sarea: -c- comes out of the roll on her feet as she slides slightly across the ground gaining her footing again she comes at the halfbreed quickly.
Sarea: -C- throws a single punch towards the halfbreed's face as she pivets on  her foot allowing her tail to move in for an uppercuting blow towards the halfbreeds stomach.
Drago: dodges the punch but is caught off-guard by the uppercut, and is sent flying in the air a bit.  Drago screams in rage as he shouts, "I will not lose!"  Drago powers up to his maximum powerlevel and charges at Sarea blasting, kicking and punching a
Drago: -C- at her.  He then ducks and goes for a sweep.  Drago smiles and then goes for the slap on the ass with his tail and backflips off of her.
Sarea: steps back her muscels relaxing, as she almost effortlessly avoids all of the blows throwen at her by the halfbreed. Suddenly unsupressing her power to once again match his own. Getting slightly chought off gaurd by the sweep the halfbreed success
Sarea: steps back her muscels relaxing, as she almost effortlessly avoids all of the blows throwen at her by the halfbreed. Suddenly unsupressing her power to once again match his own. Getting slightly chought off gaurd by the sweep the halfbreed
Sarea: -C- successfully takes her legs out from under her.  She quickly throws her arm into the ground swining her tail harshly down at the saiyan attempting to incercept him as he black flips away, then suddenly pivoting on her hand
Sarea: -c- spining her body. As she spins her body her tail follows whiping quickly around aimed right for the saiyans shoulder. As she lowers her leg digging it into the ground right befor contact regaining her footing.
Drago: manages to dodge the tail for the most part but still gets grazed by the end of the tail.  Drago looks at her as he wonders why she has to toy with him.  Drago suddenly flys up into the air and shoots many ki blasts at her then follows the last ki
Drago: ki blast and kicked at her.  He went for the uppercut hoping to land this one fully in her face.
Sarea: sighs slightly as she releases her true powerlevel swatting away the incoming ki blasts. She takes the uppercut to the jaw flying a few feet back and vanishing. "This is over.. You need to learn some new tricks Kid."
Sarea: -C- she says evenly appearing behind the halfbreed "If your ever going to be a truly powerfull fighter you need to learn how to not give 30 minutes notice on what your next move is..." she shakes her head slightly completing the thought. Perhaps y
Sarea: sighs slightly as she releases her true powerlevel swatting away the incoming ki blasts. She takes the uppercut to the jaw flying a few feet back and vanishing. "This is over.. You need to learn some new tricks Kid."
Sarea: -C- she says evenly appearing behind the halfbreed "If your ever going to be a truly powerfull fighter you need to learn how to not give 30 minutes notice on what your next move is..." she shakes her head slightly completing the thought. Perhaps
Sarea: -C- you need to go to the sparing rooms and get out of the gravity trainer for awhile.. " as she looks over to the quietly levitating sayian. "Why dont you hange out and watch two
Sarea: -C- real fighters play." As she reaches up whiping a bit of blood from her lip.
Taz: while traveling the planet vegeta, he comes across an odd looking saiyan. says to himself "who is this odd little weak saiyan?" While wondering who he is, he asks "saiyan, whats your name, powerlevel, and can you fight?"
Drago: turns around wondering who would confuse him with a saiyan.  "Figures a human wouldn't be able to tell the difference."  Drago says with anger in his voice.  Drago smiles and says, "You wanna fight me huh?"  Drago laughs at the thought of this wea
Drago: -C- weak human trying to fight him.  Drago slowly begins to unsuppress waiting for the Human's reply.
Taz: laughs.. " weak you say. HA!, i could kill your sorry little ass your damn halfy..HA!" wonders what this halfy is smokeing. Thinks to himself, i wonder why he thinks i'm weak..? "dude, you want to spar or fight? cause i know a human could kick you
Taz: <c> could kick your ass
Drago: smirks, "At least ya got balls."  Drago laughs as he begins to powerup fully.  Drago looks down at the human as he is lifted into the air.  Drago spits on the ground right in front of the human.  Drago says, "I have done too much killing, I wish t
Drago: -C- to spar...your not worthy of deaht you wretched full blood Human."  Drago smirks and says, "Attack when ready."  Drago floats back abit preparing his fighting stance ready to draw his sword in a minutes notice.
Taz: laughs again...."halfy, you dont know taz too well, do you?" Taz plants his feet in the ground and prepare to powerup fully, then starts yelling " AHHHH!!!!" Taz tries to unlock his hidden power..but fails
Drago: laughs as the little human tries to surpass his own pl.  "Having fun over there or do ya need some help jump starting that power?"  Drago begins to slowly float to the ground  walking up to Taz...Drago presses a button on his scouter and thinks, "
Drago: "Hmmmm, thiw should be a pretty good fight."
Taz: scans drago and wonders why drago is saying he can beat him..? confused look on his face he asks " drago you really think you can beat me..dont you?"
Drago: laughs at his remark.  "Attack me if you think you're ready for this." Drago steps back a few feet and prepares to draw his sword.  Smiling Drago gives the Human a thumbs up, waiting for him to charge
Taz: " drago, i will win." he is maxxed out and saying a short prayer " God, please help me in this battle, protect me, help me. help me unlock my power. Amen." With that said, he prepares for the fight
Taz: <c> he powers up and creates an energy barrier..
Drago: laughs at human..."Not gonna say a prayer for me?"  Drago jokes with the Human.  Drago creates his energy barrier and waits for the Human to begin his weak assualt.
Taz: is waiting for the namek shuttle to get to the JPA, while he is waiting, he sees drago. "hey dude, wanna go to namek with me? i hear they have a somewhat good training place. what you say to that?"
Drago: sighs.  "Sure why not...I haven't been there yet."  Drago looks up and sees the shuttle coming in for a landing.  "Heh, I got some good timing huh?"  Drago laughs as he enters the shuttle and waits for Taz to join him.
Taz: enters the shuttle and asks drago "what is it like being a halfy?" Taz sits down and waits for the shuttle to take off. "Drago, will tell me a little about your past? I have heard people say something bout your past.."
Taz: "do you want to tell me about your past? since we do have a long ride to namek..."
Drago: takes a deep breath and says, "Taz...I want you to know it was a very hard time for me...I never meant to do the things I had done."  Drago looks at Taz trying to figure out his expression.  "When I was very young I had lost my mother...and I forg
Drago: -C- forgot to cut my tail...and accidentally became Oozaru and destroyed the school you had found me at before...and my father...well I couldn't control myself...I just went into a rage and couldn't stop hitting him til' it was too late."  Drago l
Drago: -C- looked at the floor hoping his father has forgivin' him where ever he is.
Taz: is startled by what drago told him. He is now wondering what happened to his mother. "we will be landing soon, you better get ready, i hear that the planet could have strong battlers." Taz starts to powerup.. he then goes superhuman but fails...th
Taz: <c> then tries again and is now superhuman. With crackling energy, taz is now at his max.
Drago: is startled by the power that Taz has attained in his absence.  "Good job but check this out."  Drago powers up to his maximum and says, "I plan on getting Kaioken soon."  Drago smiles as he begins to hover off the ground.
Drago: walks around earth holding in his new found ability.  Drago could not wait to show someone what he can do with is pl.  Drago smile at the thought of showing Kaioken off to the weak Humans then said, "Nah, they will be too scared."  Drago continued
Drago: -C- continued walkinglooking for someone will some short of power to show off to.
Gogeta: lays against a tree in outskirts of West City, sleeping peacefully and dreaming of food. He smits slight snores every once in awhile, and doesn't wake when his body reacts to the relatively smaller powerlevel coming his way.
Drago: sees someone off into the distance leaning against the tree with a small pl.  "Hmmm, maybe i'll go show them just to scare them."  Drago laughs at the thought of them running around screaming.   Drago flies over to them and says, "Booo!"  Drago la
Drago: -C- laughed then realizs he might have made a grave mistake, because this was no human.  This is a Saiyan.  Drago began to back up slowly trying not to wake the sleeping Saiyan.
Gogeta: opens an eye, searching the area in front of him until the eye rests on Drago, the kid in the diner from before. Gogeta yawns, obviously not startled by the kid's scare tactic; Gogeta speaks, his voice sounding like two men speaking
Gogeta: -C- simotaneously. '&OIs there something you want, Halfling?&w'
Drago: stands up straight trying to appear fearless and says,  "Well I actually wanted to show someone my newfound power...They call it Kaioken."  Drago smiles at Gogeta and waits to see what kind of sacarasm he will use this time.  Drago looks around ob
Drago: obviously a bit uncomfortable and bored
Gogeta: keeps his eyes closed, his tail unwrapping from his waist and perking up. Gogeta yawns apthetically, but feels as if he humor the kid anyway. '&OStop standing there and show me your kaioken&W'  Gogeta crossed his arms and legs, his eyes still
Gogeta: -C- closed.
Drago: begins to powerup and yells, "KAIOKEEN TIMES EIGHTTTTTT." Drago smiles at his new found power obviously trying to impress Gogeta.  Drago sighs and says, "Not much to you, but its good for me."  Drago looks Gogeta over wondering what is taking him 
Drago: -C- him so long to show off.
Gogeta: seems unaffected by the kaioken powerup, but his tail twitches slightly as it reacts to the change in powerlevel. '&OWell, It's a start. Ill give you that much&D'  Gogeta leans back against the tree, his tail laying into his lap and moving about
Gogeta: -C- mindlessly as Gogeta rests. 
Drago: sighs.  "Well I guess i'll let ya rest then...Since your SO tired."  Drago walks off and when he is out of sight throws and energy blast at Gogeta playfully.  Then dissappears into the city.
Taz: while training on earth, he begins to get mad, because he can't the person who killed his parents. With this anger he has, he goes super and begins training even harder. so hard that gets so tired cause of the power he is tring to release
Fasha: Rises into the air, feeling the wind flow all over her body she takes a moment to look around her. She notices mountains in the far. "what a pleasent day" she saids as she takes in a deep breath and lets loose as she excels. 'wounderful' she think
Fasha: thinks
Fasha: steps out of the tall building that must be a bank of sumsort with vast ammount of money in her pocket, as well as the stolen credit cards she took, the picture on the ID that she also stole, looks very much like a hero named goku, "free money"
Fasha: she saids as she starts her way into the mall.
Taz: while fighting battlers on vegeta, he decides to take a brake and heal for a while. While healing, he is busy thinking bout his childhood and wat had happen as a little boy.
Taz: <c> when he is done healing, he gets up and starts looking for something stronger to kill so he can let anger out of him that has built up over the years..
Drago: wakes up suddenly with visions of a battle he had never fought in but yet saw himself there tearing an Icer into pieces.  Looking around Drago notices that is was just a dream...but of what?  He had not joined in this fight before...Was this a vis
Drago: -C- a vision or was this just another fucked up episode he had been having lately?  Drago stood up confused, and looked around.  Drago smiled as he felt a fairly strong powerlevel near him and began searching the planet for this powerlevel.
Fasha: senses the power levels of the city around each is much lower than her own greater powerlevel; power that she obtained from much intense training on the planet she was born on. 'such weakness' she thinks to herself
Fasha: 'well if something were to happen to these people, then mabey they would learn to become strong?' she thinks to herself as a grin curves across her face. She power's up slightly, and blast into the sky, causing a destructive blast to follow her in
Taz: while tring to find a place to let anger out, he remembers finding an imperfect cell. Tring to remember, he goes back to the JPA, and looks for the lab shuttle.
Fasha: quick pursuit.
Taz: <c> when he finds the shuttle, he gets in and waits for the take-out so he can fight the imperfect cell. While waiting, he starts to work on his super form, not knowing what awaits him, he prepares.
Drago: feels the powerlevel he was sensing fade away...Drago then looks around for someone to fuck with.  Drago looks at his watch, "Damn, it's past killing time." Drago then sighs as he enters a shuttle going to the Biodroid planet.  Hoping he would be 
Drago: -C- would be alone he sighs at the sight of the annoying human and chooses to sit on the other side of the shuttle hoping not to be noticed.
Taz: while searching for the imperfect cell, he senses a strong powerlevel, unknown to him, he stops looking for cell and starts looking for the powerlevel he senses. After about 5 mins of looking, he goes back to finding cell.
Taz: <c> when he finds cell, he stops for a min, starts getting deep into thought and beings to feel his super form start over taking him.
Fasha: notices she just killed some idiot of a kid, with her destruction. She laughs from above as a building collapses and she notices she forgot to get her receipt from the bank. "damn it" she said with an angry tone. "oh well" she said flying off.
Drago: walks around the planet looking for something to do as he laughs at the powerlevel that was walking towards him.  Drago powers up and Yells, "KAIOKEEEEEEN 16!" Drago looks at the human and says, "So you having fun?"
Fasha: thinks to herself. 'wow i sense soem weak ass powerlevel that just barley learned what i beleive is kaioken, how funny'. she laughs as she flys away drinkign an icee, she stole from the store goign super fast!.
Jeckel: sat atop a random building in the human city on the rather disgusting planet of Earth. Jeckel sighed as he watched the populous below..boredly. "Ants.." He said aloud to himself. "Pitiful ants...not a decent power among any of them..Why havent we 
Jeckel: <C> taken the planet and made it into a vacation planet or something..." Jeckel lifted his hand and a small blue ball of energy sparked to life about an inch away from his palm, pulsed for a second, and then dissapeared. "...Geh...I should just ge
Jeckel: <C> get off this planet..head back to Vegeta..maybe I'll go to the Icer world..if that lizard was an elite then I could take on the whole species without breaking a sweat."
Taz: is sitting waiting to heal. while waiting, he wonders what it must be like to be a halfbreed. Thinking really hard, he tries to think of someone/thing who is a halfy...
Taz: <c> while thinking, he missed his turn on the healing process... he gets up and starts after what looks like a alfy..follows him until he loses him.. And begins to wonder where the halfy ran off too
Jeckel: sparked up another ball of energy in his hand and looked it over before tossing it off into the distance. He watched it fade off over the horizon and then he just lost track of it. "Heh..someone over the curve of the planet has just got a big shoc
Jeckel: <C> shock." Jeckel smiled and then sighed again. "....After all I heard about people using this place as a battle ground...this is crap. Earth sucks..." Jeckel looked at the sky, by the position of the sun he could see it was noon..or around noon 
Jeckel: <C> anyway. "..A few more days..if no action breaks out i'm outta here..."
Taz: hearing the blast, he runs over and sees what happened.. "Who used an energyball??!?!?!" While startled by this, he looks up to see the halfy he saw... "Whats your name halfy?"
Taz: <c> "why did you hurt this fellow? better yet, if you think your so strong, then lets fight at max." and we will see who is the strongest. if you win, i'll leave.
Taz: <c> but if i win, you leave earth and never come back...Deal?"
Jeckel: looked down at the yelling human. "..Did you just call me a half blood you pathetic little ant?" Jeckel raised his hand and a blue ball of energy the size of a softball appeared in his hand. He held it for a second before tossing it quickly at Taz
Jeckel: <C>. "Shut your mouth."
Taz: ducks just as the ball passes him. gets up and sayz, "you damn halfy! i will own you!" Taz gets ready for a kamehameha wave. Taz yells "KAM-ME-A-ME-HA!!!!" and points it at the halfy.
Jeckel: quickly stood up and placed his hands in a cupped form at his side, palms facing eachother. "Two can play that! KAMEHAME" A bluish white sphere of energy formed from between his palms and engulphed his hands. He threw his hands forward and down to
Jeckel: <C> towards Taz, palms facing Taz "HA!" He screamed as the sphere flew from his palms propelled by a slightly smaller beam of the same color that was connected to his hands. The two beams of energy smashed against eachother although it was clear, 
Jeckel: <C> at current, Jeckel's powerlevel was the strongest. "GIve up and just die!"
Taz: while he is tring to hold the spere together, taz thinks of a way to escape without getting hurt. Then it hits him. Taz puts his arms down and hits the floow, missing the spere of energy comming his way.
Taz: <c> gets up after all the energy is gone and says "That was close, but not close enough. you will pay halfy..i will get you and kill you. you do not kill innocent people!" yelled taz
Jeckel: raised an eyebrow at Taz's amazing dodge of epic proportions. "..how in the cosmos did he do that?" He shrugged and seemed to suddenly dissapear and then reappear in front of Taz. It wasn't teleportation but just speed, of course to the casual onl
Jeckel: <C> onlooker, it would of looked like it. Jeckel cocked his hand to the side and swiped it at Taz's cheek, trying to backhand the insolent little human. 
Taz: gets up and punches jeckel in the face. "Your a no good halfy..go back to vegeta where you came from and get off earth, or pay!!"
Taz: <c> with that said, taz turns around and heads back to the gravity room where he was at before the blast
Jeckel: head turned to the side slightly as his face with punched. Not much unf to the hit but it was a bit surprising. He blinked in total disbeleife as he watched Taz just simply walk off as if the fight was over. "...it'll be for his own good." Jeckel 
Jeckel: <C> told himself as he sped to Taz, tapping him on the shoulder. "You're too stupid for your continued survival." Jeckel simply stated as his hair flashed golden blonde once, twice, and then a third time with a bang! An electrified yellow aura bur
Jeckel: <C> burst out around Jeckel and his hair stood up on end and grew a few inches longer into golden blonde spikes. The force of his sudden increase in power had blown away the ground beneath him and left deep cracks in the pavement for a few blocks.
Jeckel: <C> Jeckel just grinned and cocked his fist back and with all the force and speed he could muster he aimed it straight at Taz's gut like a guided missle.
Taz: is thrown back as the punch hits him. Taz gets up and says "Thats it you halfy." Taz begins to tap into his inner power. Taz and a few other humans are able to turn super. He starts powering up and getting ready to turn super.
Taz: <c> his aura flashes white as he becomes superhuman. Crackles of energy explode from his body as he unlock his true potential.
Taz: with this he creates a barrier and gets ready for a kamhaeha wave
Taz: <c> yells "KA-ME-HAM-ME-HA!!!!!!!" and a white energy sphere hurls its way toward jeckel. Surprised by this attack, he thinks he will be able to beat jeckel.
Jeckel: growled and put his hands out in front of him and braced himself. The Kamehameha wave hit him square in the palms, the force causing him to skid back slightly on his feet. Jeckel grunted and threw his hands up over his head, taking the beam with h
Jeckel: <C> his hands and completely dissrupting the course of the attack, causing it to fly off into the sky. "Nice try!" The ground beneath him exploded as he launched himself at Taz a ball of energy changed in his hands, planting it straight on Taz's b
Jeckel: <C> barrier and watching it explode in a brilliant display of light. "..heh.." Jeckel stepped back and tossed his palms forward, blasting wave after wave of energy at Taz, three in all in rapid succession like a jackhammer. 
Taz: is stunned by what jeckel did. With this, taz begins to think really hard on how he can beat jeckel. with this in mind, taz gets up. injured but the blasts, taz gets a sensu bean and eats it. restored, taz braces himself with another barrier and b
Taz: <c> begins to concentrate his energy on a big kamehamha wave.
Taz: yells " KA-ME-HA-ME-HA!!!!" and sends a big wave at jeckel, using what energy he had left. taz falls to get ground tring to regain enough energy to fight this battle.
Jeckel: crossed his arms together in front of himself and ducked his head below his crossed arms as a barrier glimmered in front of him just as the beam hit. The beam bent his barrier inwards a bit as the rest of it skimmed off it's spherical sides. He st
Jeckel: <C> stayed like this untill it was over, his barrier a bit weaker than what it was before. He looked up and then grinned at the now seemingly exaughsted human. "Moron..Thanks for showing me that barrier trick!" Jeckel flew at Taz again and struck 
Jeckel: <C> his palm out at Taz's face, grabbing him cruely and digging his fingers into Taz's temples as he continued to fly forward dragging Taz by the head with him. He then slammed Taz head first into the concrete and continued to fly forward, using T
Jeckel: <C> Taz's head like a plow to create a trench in the street and stopping once he made it into an intersection. Jeckel watched Taz for a moment and then turned to walk away. "Pitiful."
Taz: is hurt..but not down. taz is able to grab a sensu bean and eat it. he gets up and yells "you halfy! next time you show your face, it will be screwed when i'm done." he gets up and starts to walk to the healing chamber and starts training even har
Taz: <c> harder so he can kill the halfy
Fasha: laughs as she flys through thr air, the glittering wind races across her body. she wraps her icer like tail around her body causing her to gain soem increases momentum and speeed. Flying is much like a current in this state of the atsomphere.
Fasha: flys around among the clouds much like an agile eagle in the wild; she twists and turns with such grace, even the raid, that started to poor from the heavens had troubling spraying her.
Fasha: Draws near to the island that she was born on. Isolited away from known society, this Area is peaceful, with a few natural creatures. The ocean Gently washed against the shore. THe wind blew to the west, casuing a fresh breeze.
Shu: <only a test>
Shu: stood at the main gates to the City of Vegata, observing a few occupants with mother of pearl pupils. A smirk grew over those pale white lips as it stretched the plum scars which stretched from either side of his tiers. As he slowly made his way i
Shu: <C> into the city, his silver hair was caught by a brief gust of wind, sending it in different directions. His dark body armor gleamed from the rays of sun that painted his body, standing out perfectly against his pale skin.
Maul: , while doing his morning exersize of jumping from rooftop to rooftop, suddenly saw a Saiyan that he didn't recognize walking through the gates. Maul stared for a few seconds, untill the sun glared off the Saiyan's armor, blinding Maul temporarily
Maul: <c> . "Ahh shit!" whispered Maul as he nearly ran into the wall. He then jumped down infront of the Saiyan and asked, "I don't belive i've seen you before. Who are you?"
Maul: 2
Shu: stopped short in his tracks, staring at the being. His lips would curl into a grin, those same plum scars on either sides of the corners' of his lips wrinkling momentarily before his vocals produced a sharp, raspy metallic tone, "Just a passerby."
Shu: <c> turned slightly to the side before making his way past the unidentified man, "Who're you?" he asked, as he still walked, his question would leave the being stumped and curious, no doubt. As Shu approached a small shop, he turned to face the di
Shu: <c> direction of the being(Maul), before taking a few steps back and placing himself on a chair. He took the dark robe which he carried and placed it on his lap, along with his hands, folding one on top of the other, as if he awaited a conversatio
Shu: <c> conversation* <END>
Maul: turned around to face the unidentified Saiyan. "So You're not gonna tell me who you are?" Maul then jumped into the air, preforming a front flip, landing right infron of the Saiyan (Shu). "Its ok if You're shy, i was just asking your name"
Shu: followed the being(Maul) with his blanketed pupils, as he performed his acrobats. He grinned evilly before his lips parted, "Shy?" he asked. "Not at all..." he trailed off, crossing one leg over the other, placing the calf of his dominant leg over
Shu: <c> the knee of his other leg, staring up at the man with a curious look, "The approach was wrong... and yet you still stand in my presence like a court jester, so close.." Shu canted his head to the right at another chair, "Have a seat and join m
Shu: <c> me in a conversation." Shu had never came into contact with anyone other than his old master and found this first encounter to be quite interesting. 'Peculiar' he thought to himself, 'Is this the approach you make when greeting someone?' his t
Shu: <c> thoughts raced more as he pondered the situation. His eyes now on the being again, not quite sure what to make of himself. Shu didn't even know what he was. None-the-less, he decided to take this opportune moment in offering a conversation to 
Shu: <c> this being.
Maul: , in response to the unidentified saiyan, casually takes a seat. 'Ok, I've never seen him before, so he obviously doesn't live here.' 'But he DOES look like a Saiyan...' "What brings you here?" "You look like you're in bad shape, what happened?"
Shu: chuckles softly before letting those vocals lift his raspy voice again, "My friend died... and he told me to.." glanced around momentarily, "he told me to meet new beings and gave me the coordinates for this planet." his head nodded slowly. "Beat 
Shu: <c> up? No. I'm fine. Are you okay? Your skin looks... off." he stated, before looking down at his own hands and then back at the beings' skin tone. Shu reached a hand over hs armor and adjusted it, looking around at what appeared to be a marketpl
Shu: <c> marketplace* <done>
Maul: frowned. "Wow." "That must have sucked."    "I've lost friends before." 'I will kill you Shin' "It's hard...... to belive that they're gone..."   ---Flashback--- "Hey Kraven, is the area secure?" kraven answered "Yea... wait, im picking up a large
Maul: powerlevel from the east" all of a sudden A 
Maul: <c> Mysterious icer (Shin) Appeared before them (instant transmission). Shin sneered "Ohh, more monkeys to kill" before hurling a destructo disk at Maul. Maul barley dodged it... a hair sliced off his head. "Who the hell do you think you are iceri
Maul: <c> icerian fucktard!?!" SHin responded "Your Destruction"
Maul: <c> Kicking Tantlas from behind.... breaking his neck. "Tanthlas! Noooooooooooo!" "Ill kill you you.... you.... ASSHOLE!" "KAIIIIOKEN TIMES NINE!" yelled Maul as a massive red aura ingulfed him. The battle continued untill Kraven was killed also. 
Maul: <c> "Why.... why do we deserve this..." 
Shu: looked at the being, "No. It didn't. We all die. It's something you have to accepted." his mother of pearl eyes focused on him and watched his face, as if he knew that this being was thinking hard about something. Shu shifted his weight momentaril
Shu: <c> momentarily, removing his leg from atop the other one, he folded a black cloak neatly and placed it over his shoulder. "Who did you lose?" he asked in a curiously, which was still enhanced by that raspy, metallic tone that ascended from his vo
Shu: <c> vocals* <done>
Maul: frowned. "I lost my best friends..." ---continue flashback--- "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Screamed Maul as his hair flared up golden and a large gold aura engulfed him. "FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE. I CAN NEVER FORGIVE YOU" "I WILL KILL YOU!!!" A fight 
Maul: then insued, ending with Shin fleeing for his life. ---End Flashback--- "You just have to move on..."
Shu: squinted his eyes at the being(Maul), not quite understanding the phrase 'best friends' and 'moving on. "What is a best friend? What do we move on from?" Shu never had his feelings intact, so what hurt would he have? He did not weep when his maste
Shu: <c> master left and he did move on, after his master told him to leave. 'Maybe that is what this being means.' he thought quietly. "Where are we?" he asked again.
Maul: would have laughed if he wasnt so upset about his bad memory. "Wait.... you mean you dont know what planet this is?" "Wow... if your not joking... This is planet Vegeta." "The Saiyan home world." 'Wow, this guy doesnt even know what a best friend 
Maul: <c> is?' "You dont know what a friend is?"
Shu: arched his brow, "No. I do not..." he glanced around again, watching as a few people passed by. "Planet Vegeta..." he said, not paying any particular attention to the being. He hummed aloud, thinking to himself, before looking back at the being, "
Shu: <c> "What is a friend?". Shu's actions became apparent to those around him as he became uneasy with the situation and took to a stand, "I must leave now... I need to train."
Maul: stood up also. "Ok then, well talk later?" Maul said as he prepared to leave 'Wow, this guy must not have a social life' "Or..?"
Shu: stood by the table, glancing around momentarily. 'What is this uneasy feeling caused by?' he questioned himself via thoughts. "That is a possibility." he said in a stern, raspy mettalic tone. His temperature began to flare as a white aura began to
Shu: <c> hum around him, while a few scattered rocks hovered on the ground. His hair fluttering without any wind as small tremors started, the same aura began to flash, all the while dust particles swirled and exploded from tiny balls. His entire aura 
Shu: <c> grew in a large size as he screamed out. His flesh crawled with tensed muscles which ripped out, veins pulsating from several areas of his body. In an instance, his white aura blended with a red aura and erupted after he yelled, "KAAAIIIOOO-KE
Shu: <c> EEENN TIMES FIVE!!" His hair flew wildly in a wind that did not exist, those milky, mother of pearl eyes gleamed in the light as a sinister grin formed across his face, stretching those broad, pink scars on either of the corners' of his lips t
Shu: <c> to the side. His body shifting slightly as he treaded away from the being and started into a run and disappeared in an instant, with lightning speed. <done>
Maul: nearly flinched at Shu's sudded burst of power. "Oh so you want a show of power?" Maul yell's "KAAAIIIOOO-KEEEENN TIMES THIRTEEN!!" as he erupts in a red and white glowing flaming aura! "You have a way to go" "See you later... oh wait, I never got
Maul: <c> your name." "Mine's Maul, whats yours?"
Less: looks at the tree where he has measured his progress over the years and thinks about his dream.  Anger wells up inside of him and he begins to glow with a golden aura.
Less: fogets  about the anger he was feeling and the aura disappears intantly.  'What the hell was that.'
Vahn: walks the streets of the city wearing nothing but his standard camouflaged uniform.  Vahn walks by an alleyway as he hears a shrill scream.  He takes two steps forward and notices two large sized shadows huddled over one small frightened form.  Va
Vahn: -C- Vahn rushing over shouts, "Hey! Stop this now!" Vahn looks at the woman (the frightened form) who looks just as confused as the attackers..."I know I look weird but I am not here to hurt you...just here to help." Vahn said with a smile.  Turni
Vahn: Turning his attention back to the muggers he warns, "Leave her alone or pay the price." The attackers ignore this. Vahn begins to channel energy to his hands as he brings his hands to his chest and cuffs them.  "Last warning." Vahn says holding an
Vahn: hold an energy ball in his chest.  The attackers ignore this also, and Vahn shoots the energyball at one of the attackers hitting him square in the chest.  With a blink of the eye the second attack his on the ground screaming.  Vahn begins to help
Vahn: -C- woman up but she evades this attempt and runs off screaming.  Vahn sighs then begins to finish his patrol of the city.
Less: was charging an energy ball when a power somewhere in the distance caught his attention.  It was immense so it only took a second to figure out where it was.
Less: lifts into the air and shoots off to the area where it was.  Two figures were on the ground both looked to have been blasted with a minor enrgy ball so they should be alright.
Less: but the energy had completely disapeared.  Anger exploded in him again and the aura came and left.
Vahn: notices a power explode for a moment then go back down.  Vahn hoped no one else was in trouble.  He began to run back to where he had slain the two muggers and sigh.  "Please tell you do not get a kick out of this..." Vahn let his voice trail off 
Vahn: Vahn looked the being over for a moment then thought, "Hmmm
Vahn: -C- looked the being over for a moment then thought, "Hmmmm he seems kinda weak but I don't want to chance it."  Vahn grinned as he began to unssuppress his power a little bit. (just to 75mil)  Vahn looked at the being trying to let him know that 
Vahn: -C- that if he tried anything he would be dead within' a second.  Vahn began to hover slightly off the ground showing that he was supperior in everyway.  As Vahn waited for the being's reply his eyes began to burn with tears as the thought of the w
Vahn: woman screaming and running from him entered his head.
Less: looks at the figure and smiles, he was not human at all that explains the power he is radiating and somthing cut loose inside of him and power flooded his entire being 'How dear attack the helpless and weak
Less: <c> and helpless punishment comes with every evil.'  His hair stands up and the golden aura came back and swirled around him violently and settled around him.
Less: looks at the creature and ask 'who are you?.....what are you and don't lie to me I am not in any kind of mood to hear nonsense.
Vahn: replies to the being, "Why should I tell you what happened...You are nobody to me...and just so you know they were attacking an old lady and would ceise and desist...I warned them three times!" Vahn's anger rose through the roof.  Vahn began to be
Vahn: -C- Vahn began to unsuppress and said, "If you wanna fuck with me or anyone else in this city you will face the same fate as those two." Vahn pointed at the corpses.  Vahn began to drastically change shape and style as he mutated.  Vahn's power su
Vahn: -C- Vahn's power suddenly shot up!  Vahn became mutate four as a huge aura erupted around him.  "You make the first move...Saiyan"
Fasha: Stands looking outward of a building lookign down to the City below. "soon this shall all be mine" she saids to herself, as she looks at he rmutant reflection into the mirror glass window, the city seems fairly dull today, as if nothing was happen
Hajmie: Tilts his hat as he patrols the streets of this "new hops city" recently he has been transfered and has gone solo, rather than with a partner. he wears a classic blue police uniform but with no gun in his holister, as such things are tools of the 
Hajmie: weak
Taz: is waiting to do some more grav training, he senses a new powerlevel. Not knowing where the powerlevel is comming, he turns and starts searching for this new person
Taz: <c> when he gets up, he find a police man "Sir, i'm getting a high sense on a powerlevel, would u tell me who you are, i have never seen you before..."
Hajmie: continues his patrol, when suddenly he senses a powerlevel coming his direction, he keeps his motives hidden, by concealing himself, by continuing to do his basic patrol, he walks slightly slower as to give his eyes time to look at the ew area
Taz: sayz "Sir, i'm getting a high reader from the east..and from the west. I think someone is tring to kill people or something, Earth is peaceful and nothing bad happens. will you help me?"
Hajmie: raises an eyebrow, and responds as he continues to walk, "people die everyday, its nature. but should you require some help then it is my duty to assist, lead the way boy and i will incline to assist." he saids as he hovers above the ground. and r
Hajmie: readies himself
Fasha: Stands ona  narrow platue as she over looks vahn, she tighetens her fist as the energy in her body flows even quicker, her power level rises, to imense levels. "it is time" she siads as she looks glaring at vahn.
Vahn: slaps Fasha and walks away leaving the gemot
Heineken: Leans up on a wall sipping on a cold beer, barely 10 feet away from Fasha then he realises another person walked over to her and assaulted Fasha suddenly a laser like beam flashes through his mind "PING LING" the beer drops
Heineken: -C- and breaks and his powerlevel dramatically increases as he mutates into his fourth form, and slowly walks over to the two with a cruel look on his face
Fasha: Stands above in the fresh sky, as she looks below at an ever boring city. 'This is truly an age of peace' she thinks, as she remembers an age were the "asteroid" or Roid as it was nickname was the hot spt, but now thoe days are over. 
Hajmie: Walks down a narrow street, and takes a sharp left turn. he finds himself in an allyway. and he knocks on a door and enters. HE walks over to the bar and orders a Heinaekin. "awww refreshing"
Shu: 's journey began again, this time on another planet, a green and blue planet. At some point, he ended up at the gates to an average sized city by the name of 'New Hope City'. Mother of Pearl hues pierced upwards from under a blood stained hood, st
Shu: <c> staring into the faces of each individual who walked by, most not even making eye contact, but cowering from his presence. As he neared a small, rugged looking cafe, he side stepped and walked right into the shop, looking around briefly before
Shu: <c> approaching the counter. Shu's raspy, sharp metallic voice rose from vocals to produce a short request, "Water..." As he made his request and received it, he turned to walk toward a small table and place himself upon it, setting the glass upon
Shu: <c> the hard, wooden surface and removing the hooded portion of his cloak, those plum scars which spread from either corners' of his lips standing out against his very pale skin.
Azareia: found the seemingly endless eclipse that was her mind wandering in any direction the universe she was in would rightly allow. Through the likes of stark white eyes, stained with emotionless prowess did the woman recieve the sights, sounds, and gen
Azareia: <c> general surroundings of the planet her feet currently trod. It was something unique to her; the way the wind carried each follicle of whispy onyx which poured regally poured from her scalp. With stirring vocals and lightly vibrating flesh did 
Azareia: <c> a soft 'hum' burst to life, allowing for an animation to mark the wonder that found itself manifesting throughout her, curiosity. Nevertheless she wandered, past the grandure of the looming gates and through completely inaudible footfall she p
Azareia: <c>progressed, allowing for that razor sharp gaze to continue floating to and fro, searching for anything of remote interest
Jeckel: slowly wandered the city of New Hope. To him it was a festering little hovel of weakness, despite what it may have been to the inhabitants. Although he was of saiyan decent, he didn't seem to have the traditional black hair and black eyes, in fact
Jeckel: <C>, his hair was golden blonde and his eyes were green. There was a very simple reason for this however and that was that he was walking around in his super saiyan transformed state. Since ascending to that level and beyond, he found that it was 
Jeckel: <C>, much easier to stay in the lowest level of the transformed state. This afforded him two opportunities. One, he had a nice strong powerlevel just in case he was ever caught off guard and two, the saiyan chicks digged it alot. But those were st
Jeckel: <C> stories for other times, right now, Jeckel was simply concerned with trying to scratch the all too familliar itch. "Why are they all so weak on this miserable little rock?"
Fasha: Hovers down below and takes a good look around, "this spot shall do" she saids as she powers up and sends a quick massive bolt of energy scattering, and Destroying several buildings. Fire rampages and claims several lives as the energy consumes se
Fasha: consumes several citizens in the process. "ahh i love the sound fo death" she saids grinning.
Shu: heard a loud boom and several crashes, looking up slowly, a short smirk fell upon tiers, "Ignorant beasts.." he muttered, while reaching for his glass of water, placing the brim of the glass to his lips as the cool liquid quenched his thirst, slow
Shu: <c> slowly trailing down his throat, finally settling in his stomach. His rugged, pale hand brought itself up to his forehead, brushing a few strands of silvery hair to the side. Shu just sat there as the rampage went on outside, being unfamiliar 
Shu: <c> to death itself, even civilization and conflict, he didn't quite understand what the whole ordeal was about. The sounds of screaming and children crying was that like a chorus of seagull's. Shifting in his seat, he placed a leg across his othe
Shu: <c> other and leaned back, still refreshing himself with that glass of water while the mass of people rioted.
Azareia: hardly even bothered to lend so much as a glance to the facial planes which all seemed to throttle by. Awkward, of course, seeing as how she was doing all that observing during prior moments. Forms came as something worthy of the vision
Azareia: <c>of those intense oculi, which found itself trained on each one, as well as the likes of where they seemed to be headed. The region in which, unbeknownst to her, a Heineken was summoned recieved brief contemplation followed by silent rejection.
Azareia: <c>alcium infused towers fell under the hypnotic strut which fluidly delievered itself from the likes of swaying hips, routinely lashed with somewhat reckless abandon by her silken mane. A pivot came to, credited to the soles of her feet, and
Azareia: <c>sector by sector did her vertebrae perform a graceful recoil. The action simply lended her back to a wall, how coincidential that it belonged to the aforementioned cafe. In all obviousness something of the nature of a 'scuffle'
Azareia: <c>was in full swing by the time she'd arrived. Via strategzed step and careful stride, she found herself delivered to the wall all in one peace. Kind of miraculous in all actuality.  Either lower extremity fell captive to a bending knee, and such
Azareia: <c>an action rightly delivered her to a stoop which found each arm twined about the compact version of her legs. With latched fingers and wandering eyes, the Saiyan simply continued her silent watch over
Azareia: <c>the new place, and it's impetuous occupants.
Jeckel: raised an eyebrow and looked over in the direction of the large explosions and general mayhem. "....ALLRIGHT!" Jeckel exclaimed as he floated into the air to scout for who or what made the mess. A golden yellow aura enveloped him as he kicked hims
Jeckel: <C> himself into gear and flew off towards the source of the destruction, or at least the highest power level he could sense around the general destructed area. He scanned the area again and then smirked as he floated slowly down untill he was lev
Jeckel: <C> level with Fasha, a few feet away from her, his arms folded. "Well, just when I thought I wouldn't get any fun." He smirked.
Fasha: turns around and looks at a WEak excuse for a Saiyan. "boy i recommend that you leave here at once, if you value what life you have left" she saids as she fly's several feet into the air, and cracked her neck.
Fasha: "this city was once under the control of The Syndicate, and it shall be again, boy, but first i need to purge the weakness" she said laughing as she sent another blast into an opposite part of the city
Jeckel: uncrossed his arms and smiled 
Shu: 's Mother of Pearl hues watched as a woman entered the small cafe, each pupil working together moved with every step that she took. 'Peculiar.' he thought to himself quietly. 'What form of life is this? She seems different than any other being I h
Shu: <c> I have encountered.' those same thoughts racing through his mind. A sinister grin formed across both tiers, pushing the corners of his lips input the plum scars that enhanced his facial structure, stretching across his cheeks on that powdery t
Shu: <c> tone. He simply brought the glass of water to his lips again,  sipping slowly as his tongue pushed against the tidal wave of liquid that splashed violently inside his oral cavity. Another loud *CRASH* could be heard as the continuing destructi
Shu: <c> destruction occured somewhere in the city, "I wonder..." he said aloud, his voice enhanced by the raspy, sharp metallic tone. He drank from the glass again, leaving it half empty... or half full. As he took to a stand, both pale, long and shar
Shu: <c> sharp hands grabbed for the hood of his cloak, pulling it slowly over his head. A casually stride set into place, taking him to the doorway of the small cafe. Shu stood there, glancing to his right before settling his structure against the doo
Shu: <c> door frame, his milky pools watching in curiosity as people ran about, screaming in terror. 'Why are these people making a noise like this?' he asked himself thoughtfully.
Jeckel: uncrossed his arms and smiled at Fasha. "Oh is that so? Well I couldn't care less about whatever the syndicate is nor the fate of these humans." Jeckel grinned, "i'm only in this for my own fun...and to make this a bit more interesting, I wont eve
Jeckel: <C> even do this in Super Saiyan." Jeckel boasted as his golden aura dissapeared and his golden blonde spiked hair turned black once more and fell down in a little less spikey style. He breathed out a sigh and the wind rushed around him. "There.."
Jeckel: <C> It was true, he wasn't in super saiyan anymore, and to the causual observer he would of seemed even less powerful, but this form was deceptive. In truth, he was multituded beyond the power he would of ever had in that super saiyan state.
Fasha: smiles as she watches Jeckal transform into yet another weak state, 'The mighty Mystic form. How I have wanted to kill a halfbreed for so long, Halfbreeds disgust me boy. Far more then Filthy Saiyans. Impure Weakness, that's what you are JEckal.
Fasha: Raises her hand towards Jeckal, and grins "You really belive your power can even hope to rival mine!" she yells as she launches several scattershot blasts towards Jeckal. I was The greatest Assassin Of The Syndicate and to this day I hold that tit
Fasha: And I will not let some Filthy Halfbreed Disrupt my new order I am making, IN the Name of Xerokine, you shall be purged from this world. And you and the rest of you incompetent race shall die with you
Shu: stood there at the doorframe for a few moments before he ventured out onto the streets, looking around for something of interest. He pressed a button on a scouter and glanced to and fro, looking for some sort of energy reading that may be causing 
Shu: <c> this. Shu may be new to society, but he surely was not new to what his master had taught him about certain equipment and the uses of it. His eyes squinted momentarily as he picked up two large energy read outs. His thoughts racing as he wonder
Shu: <c> wondered what exactly, was going on. A few small rocks and dust scattered from the ground as he defied gravity and rose into the air, hoping to catch something of a view of the disturbance.
Jeckel: dodged what he could of the scattered blasts but got grazed and hit by the ones he simply didn't have the speed to get rid of. The explosions on his armor cracked it and sent him flying through the air in a fight to regain control. Something didn'
Jeckel: <C> didn't feel right about this fight, she was too powerful..and for some reason everyone on the planet seemed fit to insult him by calling him halfbreed. As Jeckel regained control he flew straight towards Fasha, stopping a few yards away from h
Jeckel: <C> her, his palms at his sides and then thrusting forward as he stopped, a large bluish white beam launching from them at Fasha. First one beam then another and another. "Eat these!"
Fasha: Laughs as she stands there with her arms crossed, and allow the energy blast to hit her. A vast amount of energy is launched at her. A huge explosion erupts and In the after math a cloud of smoke surrounds her. Her armor is damaged but
Fasha: her flesh seems Unscarred. "as I said" she walks closer. "you never stood a chance" she raises her hand and sends Very powerful blast towards him. Not killing him but enough to blow him several miles away.
Jeckel: grinned as the last of his kamehameha beams hit Fasha. All direct hits which meant he was either just that good or she was dumb enough to think she could withstand them. "Heh.." He grinned at the cloud of smoke and then his eyes widened as Fasha w
Jeckel: <C> walked out from it unscathed except for cracked armor. "Ah..ahh..b..but..h.hooww!?" He pulled his arms back to charge up another blast but couldn't do it in time as Fasha had quickly launched a rather massive blast of her own. "N..Nooogreeeaaa
Jeckel: <C> aaaaahhhhhhh!!!" He screamed as the blast enveloped him and launched him backwards like a bullet straight through a multitude of buildings, going through seven buildings in total before he simply layed on the cracked inside wall of the eighth 
Jeckel: <C> building. His body was covered in bruises and cuts, not to mention burns from the blast. "Nng.." he groaned as he started to get up but then fell back against the wall in a heap. "...damn..." were the last words of consciousness.
Shu: hovered in the air as he scanned the area where the two energy read outs were happening. He watched as a bright beam flew through the sky and stopped, causing a huge explosion. His thoughts raced and out of sheer instinct, he powered up. A bright 
Shu: <c> red and white aura grew over his body as he yelled out, "KAAAIIIOOO-KEEEENN TIMES SIXTEEN!!" the aura glowing like the flames of Hell. 'You can't be too sure, Shu.' he thought to himself. He would only attack if attacked. Nothing more and noth
Shu: <c> nothing less. Milky white mother of pearl irises watched as another blast of beam was shot out, this time from the opposite direction, hurtling an undescriblable object through the sky. "Heh." a smirk grew.
Fasha: Rasies an Eyebrow as she senses an incoming powerlevel. "ahhh Saiyan Energy" she saids as she flouts higher into the air and notices a glowing red being. "Well you Have two choices, Either leave this place or die" she saids threatening SHU. She Cr
Fasha: creates an energy barrier around her, as she flouts closer to shu,
Shu: brought his hands to the hood of his cloak, removing it from about his head. His silvery hair twirled in the winds as those mother of pearl hues stared blankly into Fasha's eyes. His pale, white skin shining brightly as the sun touched it and refl
Shu: <c> reflected off of it while his tiers grew into a sinister grin, those same plum scars that started at the corners' of his lips and stretched across either cheek were forced back, his vocals producing a raspy, sharp metallic tone, "What is this 
Shu: <c> place?" he asked curiously.
Taz: while fighting cell, he starts powering up and gets to the point where he goes superhuman, while in super form, he turns and does a kamehameha wave at cell. with a hit, he goes behind cell and starts punching him
Shu: stood in the center of New Hope, his silver hair flung about as his entire body pulsated with a red and white aura. Mother of Pearl hues were dominated by the milky pools that surrounded his pupils. Eyes widened, with a deathly, satanic gaze. As h
Shu: <c> he rose from the ground, his clothing became ravaged by an unknown wind, swirling around his body. As he forced both hands down below him, he yelled out, "GALIC... GUN!" forcing an enormous amount of energy into the ground, which ricocheted hi
Shu: <c> his body upwards. Combined with flight and reversed effect of his ki shot, he hurled himself into space to find another planet to investigate.
Shu: streaks across the skies of Vegeta, entering the atmosphere in a bright blaze of fire, while a thick and dark smoke trails behind. As the night skies fill with a the magnificent view, so does the full moon. Midway through his descent his body halt
Shu: <c> halts in mid-air, all four limbs stretching out as his head forces back, releasing an earth shattering howl! His body floats in the sky before plunging to the ground, causing tremors to crack the earth around him.
Shu: <c> rises from the ground in the form of a massive, twenty-two foot primate. The intensity of his body rippling with muscles, causing his fur to stand on end. Shu lets out another earth shattering howl as he storms through the forest on the outski
Shu: <c> outskirts of the capitol city of Vegeta.
Eaoden: walks out of the lounge, and as he hears something howling at the moon, he looks at it. He freezes, and his pupils turn white. His face changes, and his mouth extends. He grows canines, while his body grows and becomes hairy. His eyes turn red, an
Eaoden: <c> and where Eaoden just stood, now stands a giant ape, howling at the moon, and thrashing about. He is still clad in armor. He shoots a beam out of his mouth, and then, suddenly, the full moon vanishes. Eaoden turns small again.
Shu: continues to ravage everything in his path, knocking tree's over with the simple swinging of his arms, pausing every couple hundred yards, planting his feet into the earth firmly before swinging his arms back and raising his head into the night sk
Shu: <c> sky, releasing a giant, destructive ki blast from his mouth. As the rampage continued, he would fall short of a lake. The lake itself shimmered like glass as the light from the moon pasted its glowing touch on the surface. Shu fell to one knee
Shu: <c> , resting himself against the ground thereafter as his transformation ended, returning him to his Saiyan form.
Eaoden: brushes himself off, and flies into the air. He notices fires in the distance. Eaoden presses a button on his scouter, which bleeps at one direction, and then explodes. He powers up, and flies in the direction of the scouterblowing power.
Shu: 's body shudders as the transformation completes itself, the brown fur replaced with silvery hair and a pale complexion. As he forces himself up, those mother of pearl eyes peer around the area, assuring himself that no one spotted him. Subliminal
Shu: <c> messages came natural as he brought himself to a kneeling position, before the lake's shore. Both of his pasty, long and sharp hands reached into the liquid and cupped some of the water, bringing it to his mouth, causing an eruption of satisfa
Shu: <c> satisfaction among thousands of taste buds. A brief sigh was given before inhaling loudly and exhaling slowly, taking to a stand.
Fasha: flys around the remains of NEw hope city. "pethetic humans" she saids as she excutes the remaining survivors. She lands below on the ground, and takes  good look around at the carnage she had created.
Fasha: laughs as the last remaining human of This small pethetic city. charges up their energy blast and sends it flying towords fasha. "you greatly underestimate my power" she saids as she sends a scattershot; completely absorbing the energy blast and v
Fasha: vaporizing the human. in a blinding burning flash of mutant energy.
Fasha: enters the ruin building that she had just slaugutered the guards to. "they never did put up a decent fight." she said as she slowly walked. tip toing over the carcases of the dead human's and saiyans. "now were is that control room?" she saids wa
Fasha: walkign around. ever so slightly.
Taz: walks out of the vegeta shuttle, the planet unknown to him, he starts exploring the planet. He finds that the planet is way different than earth.
Taz: <c> while walking around, he starts looking at all the places that vegeta has. He goes to the vegeta training area. sayz "This area is not as good as earth's is."
Taz: <c> then walks over and begins to fight, and is bored by the fact that the battlers there suck.
Fasha: slowly walks into a control room. and witnesses a guard striggling under rubble for his gun. The guard panics as he see's fasha enter. Smilign she walks over and hands his own gun to him. Forcing his hand she
Fasha: forces the gun to his head. And pulls the trigger. "That was amusing she saids as she looks at the computer screen. "there" she saids lookign at  STORAGE labeled screen.
Fasha: Walks out of the room and walks down the basement killing several struggling officials.
Taz: after he is done fight the final fighter, he sayz "This is so gay shit, i'm going back to earth where i can get good training." with this in mind, he walks back to the shuttle and gets in it, and goes back to earth where he can get some good train
Taz: <c> training
Fasha: Enters a dark gloomy room. she lets a faint aura surrond her, so she has soem sight of what she is looking for. "now were are those archives." she saids in a frantic search. then suddenly somethign catches her eye. She quickly opens the crate of O
Fasha: of Death records. she quickly scans over them. "damn it Barge died, but it seemed that RRA was not willing to follow him to the grave. Xerokine and Oaftress must of failed. "I should have known better than to trust them.
Zelda: test
Zelda: Stands up from sitting on a white bench in the city park. Birds are flying all around and chirping, children are playing. "what a pleasent day" she thinks to herself continiuing to walk around and anmire the weak humans.
Hajmie: Stands in a parkway holding his gun. and lookign through its barrols. "what a weak peice of junk" he saids as he junks it in a school yard for his own amusement. "aww dumb kids" he saids as he has second thoughts and send a vaporizing energy blast
Hajmie: at it
Kagomaru: testing
Hajmie: walks in the darkness of the night, above the gloomy clouds are a pitch black, much darker then even the fags that are smoken. HE lights one up that he draws from his left inner pocket, inside hios jacket. "what a night" he saids as he walks along
Hajmie: the sidewalk.
Taz: training on vegeta. Taz hears a faint death cry. startled by it, he goes and looks from where the cry came from.
Taz: <c> after not finding anything the thinks, "Ok, this is crap..i'm going back to training." after a while he gets tired and boards the shuttle to go somewhere else.
Taz: while training on earth, he hears a faint cry comming from the forest. he stops his training and runs to the forest to see what happened.
Taz: <c> when he gets to the forest, he finds that no one is around. using sense, he senses in every direction but finds no one. startled..he turns and goes back to this training
Cyto: skitters away from some strange bipedal creature he just killed. Using his tail to absorb the creature's biomass he left nothing more than a dried up husk. He had scurried abord a spaceship on the Gerok planet where he was created and found his wa
Cyto: <C> way here. Nobody manned the ship, nobody ever did. The shuttles were primarily meant for the larvae of the biodroids to spread to other worlds, where they could absorb the biomass of living creatures.
Kagomaru: laughs at the shrill scream coming from the forest about one-hundred yards north east of him.  Kagomaru grins evilly and unsuppresses his powerlevel a tiny bit so it can be noticed by any powerful fighter.  Hoping to get a fight he begins walking 
Taz: goes back to his training he was doing before he heard the cry. When he got back, he hears it again, this time he goes and looks in forest really hard.
Kagomaru: <C> towards where heard the scream.
Cyto: pounced on yet another hapless wanderer in one of the random forests near the human city known as New Hope. This one seemed to have been hiking..but that didn't matter to Cyto. To Cyto, this human was just another source of food and power, each on
Cyto: <C> one bringing him slowly closer to his goal. It is odd how a skittering oversized bug like creature such as himself would have any ultimate goal at all...but then one could say that about a catterpilliar...through his voracious eating he shall 
Cyto: <C> shall be allowed to change, to morph, to become something more. These human things were so delicious.
Jeckel: sat atop the roof of a random building in New Hope city. It was your average autumn Earth day, cool and breezy. While the humans below were busy about their lives, Jeckel was up top, watching down on them and being bored. Sure, this would be a per
Jeckel: <C> perfect scene to paint, maybe a caption like 'The Hero Watches Over' or something like that...but..that wasn't the case. Jeckel wasn't a hero to these people, he didn't even like them. Jeckel sighed and drummed his fingers on the edge of the b
Jeckel: <C> building, he was meerly waiting for something to fight. "I could go try to pick a fight on some other world...."
Jeckel: sat atop the roof of a random building in New Hope city. It was your average autumn Earth day, cool and breezy. While the humans below were busy about their lives, Jeckel was up top, watching down on them and being bored. Sure, this would be a per
Jeckel: <C> perfect scene to paint, maybe a caption like 'The Hero Watches Over' or something like that...but..that wasn't the case. Jeckel wasn't a hero to these people, he didn't even like them. Jeckel sighed and drummed his fingers on the edge of the b
Jeckel: <C> building, he was meerly waiting for something to fight. "I could go try to pick a fight on some other world...."
Jerle: grinned as he shot a blast at the oncoming battler, incinerating it easily.  Wistfully, he wished he could find something stronger to fight.  He thumbed at his nose quietly and sat down, looking around his surroundings.  "Well, I suppose I could t
Jerle: (C) train my Mystic technique I just got.  I could use some practice at it..."  He stood up, his head lowering, his fists in front of him, his veins quickly popping out as he pushed himself.  He screamed loudly, a clear aura surrounding him, the s
Jerle: (C) screams echoing around the area, the ground beginning to shake madly, as if the planet itself were about to shake itself apart.  Bits of the ground around him began to rise up and crumble in the air, sweat falling off of him and levitating wit
Jerle: (C) with the bits of earth and rock.
Taz: training on the planet earth, he senses some strong powerlevels. Tring to figure out who has this strong powerlevel, he goes and starts searching for the powerlevel
Kagomaru: sits on the roof of one of the highest buildings on the worthless planet Earth waiting for some shit to go down, so he can take another miserable life out of this world.  Kagomaru stands up, takes a deep breath, and jumps across to a little burger
Kagomaru: <C> burger shack.  "Hmmmmm...Kinda hungry might as well test this "food", as you may call it."  Kagomaru enters the little shack un-noticed and sits in the corner holding laying his scythe down in the booth, as he awaits the arrival of the beautfu
Kagomaru: <C> beautiful waitress to take his order.
Taz: finding no one, he hears his stomach grawling, he stops his training and starts looking for a place to get something to eat.
Taz: <c> while searching, he finds a little burger place. As he is walking in, he senses a strong powerlevel. Unknown to him, he keeps his guard up and prepares for anything.
Taz: <c> As he sits down, he awaits for the waiter to come over and take his order. When he finishes his order, he lays his head down and begins to think of everything that has gone on with the past few days..
Kagomaru: watches the strange but yet powerful human enter the shack and smirks as he obviously sense his power.  Kagomaru orders a double bacon cheeseburger, keeping a watchful eye on this strange human.  As Kagomaru takes the last bite of his burger he st
Kagomaru: <C> stands up leaving his scythe in the booth only for a moment.  Without any apparent movement he grabs the scythe and ties it to his back.  He begins the short journey to the strange and powerful human.  He sits down hoping not to disturb the hu
Kagomaru: humans train of thought.
Taz: looking at the person who just sat in front of him, he wonders what the human wants. "Hey, whats up? Have a good meal?"
Taz: <c> He begins to ask something else, but decides not too, when his burger gets here, he begins to eat. After he is done, he tips the waiter for good servers, he gets up and walks out and goes back to training..
Drago: sits on top of the highest building on New Earth waiting for something to happen. "Come on...something needs to happen anything...I don't care."  Drago sits on the edge of the building dangling his feet over the edge.  Drago pushes himself off the
Drago: <C> the building and begins to fall at a very accelerated speed.  Drago smiles and begins to slow down and eventually come to a complete stop in the air!  Drago drops down to the ground and walks off towards the crowd of people around a shop.
Taz: while walking around, he notices a shadow jumping from a building, unknown to him, he begins to walk over and starts looking for the person who was jumping. He starts sensing a strong powerlevel.
Taz: <c> As he is walking up, he notices that he person that jumped was Drago. He starts to ask "Drago, do you like jumping from building?"
Drago: turns around quickly and graps the figures neck, "Do I know you!??!?!? Huh? Do I?!"  Drago laughs as Taz begins to turn blue and lets him go.  Drago hugs Taz and says, "So...You stalking me now or something?" Drago cackles and begins to walk away 
Drago: wondering this human will follow him like always.
Taz: looking at drago, wondering why he is being nice he asks "whats up Drago bro!?!, Havn't seen you in a while, whats been going on?" After he sayz that, he begins to wonder if Drago is up to something...
Taz: <c> Wondering what Drago is up too, he says "Drago, wanna go fight later on? I wanna see how you are since our last meeting.."
Drago: turns back to Taz and says, "Run Motherfucker Run..."  Drago laughs and begins to put a limp into his step.  "I got what ya want...So tell me how much you got."  Drago walks back to Taz and says, "It's a date baby."
Drago: <C> walks to the trunk of his car.  Pulls out something wrapped in a blanket and walks over to Taz. "Run Motherfucker Run!"  Drago unwraps the gun and starts shooting then just charges on his ass!
Taz: dies from the shots
Jerle: looks around the gravity training room, sweat dripping from his forehead, a puddle forming on the floor beneath him.  Slowly, he rises, his shirt sticking to his chest, covered in perspiration.  He grins, then looks at his hand.  (Damn, that was a
Jerle: (C) good training session.  I wonder how strong I've gotten.  Only one way to find out...)  He begins to power up, screaming with the effort, the entire area around him shaking.  The floor begins to crack, and the machinery begins to smoke, going 
Jerle: (C) unnoticed by the halfbreed, his screams and the energy he's putting forth distracting him from his surroundings.  Suddenly, the equipment in the room explodes, shattering the wall, and sending him flying forward, right through the wall, into t
Jerle: (C) the street in front of the training center.  Painfully, he stands up, looking back at the destroyed building.  (Well, that wasn't bright, now was it?)
Drago: shivvers at the immense power coming from th
Drago: shivers at the immense power coming from the direction of the gravity rooms.  "What the heck was that!?"  Drago begins walking towards the gravity room only to realize most of it had been destroyed.  Noticing the destructive powernear him he began
Drago: to power up screaming "KAIOKENNNNNNN SIXTEEENNNNNN!!!"  A huge red aura erupts around him blowing a few pedestrians back into buildings annd some even through the buildings.  "Sorry, about that! I'll help you as soon as I can!" Drago yells so that
Drago: <C> the pedestrians can hear him over the gravity rooms as they begin to topple over.  With incredible speed he runs over and picks up many of the people on the ground taking them over to where they should be safe.  Drago came to the last one and 
Drago: <C> and stopped.  This was the power that had destroyed the gravity rooms.  "What is your problem!?" Drago shous as he brings up his energy barrier to protect them from the exloding gravity rooms.  Waiting for his reply he begins to try to strengt
Drago: <C> strengthen his energy barrier just to make sure they will not be harmed
Jerle: snickers, looking up at Drago.  "Hehe... Yeah I was training in the gravity trainer, kinda overdid it.  Don't think I hurt anyone, did I?"  He looks around, noticing the barrier and grins.  "Aww... a barrier and kaioken?  For me?  You shouldn't ha
Jerle: (C) have!  Hey, wait a sec, are you wanting to fight?  Because, you know... I just finished training, and I'd love to test my new power on somebody."
Drago: grins at this being.  "Well, actually I was going too but since you gave a good excuse I might not...Unless you want too, I'm always down for a fight..."  Drago lets his voice trail off adding in the suspense then finally adds, "Oh, and I don't th
Drago: <C> think anyone got hurt incase you were wondering."
Jerle: nods, smiling.  "Yep.  Let's go in the forest north of the city though.  Don't want to hurt any innocent civilians.  Follow me!"  With a nod, he takes off, looking back to see if Drago is following him.  He grins and yells back "Hurry up!  I want 
Jerle: (C) to have some fun!"
Drago: laughs as this energetic person begins bouncing out of the city.  "Sure why not...Ain't got nothing else to do today."  Drago laughs and begins to follow Jerle, soon enough Jerle was left in the dust behind Drago.  "Hurry it up!" Drago yells as he
Drago: <C> he beings to enter the forst
Taz: while walking through the forest, he senses some very strong powerlevels. Thinking to himself *where are theses strong powerlevels comming from*
Taz: <c> thinking about it, he decides to go check out what is going on. Walking over to the powerlevels, he feels a strong force of wind come at him. With this, he goes into super form and prepares for anything.
Jerle: pushes a little bit of energy into his flight, catching up with Drago easily.  He looks at Drago and grins.  "You know, you haven't even seen a tenth of my full power.  I was just powering up a bit to see how far I could go.  I guess the training 
Jerle: (C) machine couldn't handle it.  You'll see what I'm capable of very soon."  Looking back down, he points to a spot in the center of the forest.  "Let's go there."  Once again, without a word, he takes off, this time going towards the spot he poin
Jerle: (C) pointed to on the ground.
Drago: sighs and begins to lift off the ground.  "You actually think I am fully powered up too?"  Drago begins to unsuppress just a tiny bit to reveale some of his power.  "Ahhh...I would've chose that spot with the human over there, but it's your choice
Drago: <C> ."
Taz: thinking to himself *i'm glad i went super, cause i have a feeling that something bad is about to happen.* He realizes that he is bout to be in the biggest fight ever, he moves fast out of the way for the other fighters
Taz: <c> just as he turns, he notices someone looking at him. He starts walking toward the person, he notices that its Drago. With this, he knows something bad is about to happen.
Jerle: snickers, then growls.  "Let me show you my FULL power!"  A clear-ish aura appears around the halfbreed, a scream erupting from his throat.  The ground around them shakes, rocks, clumps of dirt, and debris flying around them as the wind picks up. 
Jerle: (C) The clouds overhead turn grey, and the trees around them begin to creak and moan in protest as their limbs snap and fly into the whirlwind.  "This is half my power!  Care to see more?"
Drago: sighs again and says, "Ya...we got some company down there...It looks like that human...Taz I think his name is."  Drago cackles and sends an energy blast at Taz hoping he will shoot it back. "Well let's land and get started then."  
Drago: <C> beings to unsuppress ripping the trees in half as his power explodes through the roof.  "Hope you like it buddy."  Drago smiles as he sends a masenko straight up into the air laughing.  "I love watching that happen."
Taz: seeing the energy attack come his way, he quickly dodges the attack. "Whats that for dude? I didn't do anything." With this, he gets ready for a kame attack..
Taz: <c> Thinking about it. He decides not to direct the attack toward Drago, but instead to Jerle. Jerle, being a new person to Earth, he decides the go ahead and finsih both of them off.
Jerle: grins, smacking the oncoming masenko, sending it flying towards Drago.  "It's your attack!  Eat it!  You should know better than to attack people twice as strong as you!  I'm not even through powering up!  I was just showing off a little!  WATCH T
Jerle: (C) THIS!"  He screams louder, the ground caving in underneath him, lightning filling the sky, his veins popping out insanely.  "This is what Mystic is capable of!  Feel my strength!  I will outdo my unnamed father's legacy!  I will surpass him!  
Drago: laughs and sidesteps the weak kame. "That all you got Taz?"  Drago finishes unsuppressing and shoots a masenko right at Taz's face hoping Jerle will learn from his mistakes.  Drago looks over at Jerle and nods alerting him that their foe must die.
Drago: laughs and sidesteps the weak kame. "That all you got Taz?"  Drago finishes unsuppressing and shoots a masenko right at Taz's face hoping Jerle will learn from his mistakes.  Drago looks over at Jerle and nods alerting him that their foe must die.
Maverick: Walking into the forest with his high-tech gear on awaits the signal for someone to catch him offguard. He stares at the sun waiting for someone to answer his questions. Where is everyone and what should i do for now. Then in a moments glimpse he 
Maverick: <c> on the right far side of him in a blur of vision 3  creatures moving highly coordinated.
Jerle: grins, looking at Drago, sensing Taz's disappearance.  "Guess it's just you and me then, eh?  Wait... there's somebody coming.  Not another loser looking to pick a fight!  I wanted to spar you!"
Drago: laughs, "I'm getting tired of this...Let's just take him out so we can get started alright?" Drago says hoping to get some fun in before he has to be serious.  "Ready buddy?" Drago begins to make a masenko and waits for his victim to appear.
Maverick: Feeling he had just walked into a world a havoc smiles with delight. Then says &WTgis will truly show what makes me a saiyan if I survive a get go with these 3.
Maverick: <c> My aura is pounding these three must be strong and have more battle experience than i ever could hope to achieve in a lifetime of battles.
Jerle: looks up, sensing around.  "I think we're going to get a bit of a workout here.  I better go to my full power... I'm not even finished powering up yet."  He winks, then begins to scream again, the tree stumps from Dragos' powerup uprooting themsel
Jerle: (C) themselves, flying into the air, a crater forming underneath him.  Raising his hands above his head, he forms an energy blast, and sends it flying at the intruder.  "MASENKOOOOO HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
Drago: takes Jerle's advice and finishes his powerup watching the crators get slightly bigger, he puts a bit more strength into his masenko and let it fly with a horrifying scream.  "MASEEEEEENKOOOOOOOO HAAAAAA!!!!" Drago sits back and watches his masenk
Drago: <C> masenko speed towards the intruder with a bit of a drin.
Maverick: Maverick feeling his saiyan blood run on fire rushes towards the three.He begins arching his fist in a fast upward downward movement as if to release an attack.He then releases a blast of ki waves towards the three other people.
Drago: begins to complain about how boring this planet is, "Dang man...I gotta find something to do...No one here is really fun...I can't do shit here everyone is so weak..."  Drago sighs heavily.  He takes a step off the rooftop of his apartment.  "Weee
Drago: <C> "Weeeeee...." Drago says sarcastically.  By the time he lands he is almost alseep.  "Where is everyoneeeeeeeeeee!?!?!?!?!"  Drago shouted to the heavens hoping someome will hear him and start something.
Drago: begins to complain about how boring this planet is, "Dang man...I gotta find something to do...No one here is really fun...I can't do shit here everyone is so weak..."  Drago sighs heavily.  He takes a step off the rooftop of his apartment.  "Weee
Drago: "Weeee...." Drago says sarcastically.  By the time he lands he is almost asleep.  "Where is everyoneeeeeeee!?!?!?!?!" Drago shouted to the heavens hoping someone will hear him and start somethin.
Drago: <C> hoping Maul will show up he sits down on the bench.
Korkor: test
Korkor: test
Korkor: test
Korkor: test
Korkor: test
Korkor: test
Korkor: test
Korkor: test
Korkor: test
Korkor: test
Korkor: test
Korkor: test
Korkor: test
Korkor: test
Korkor: test
Korkor: test
Korkor: test
Korkor: test
Korkor: test
Korkor: test
Rini: leaves school after the bell rings, slinging her backpack over her shoulder and stepping out into the warm sunlight of the late afternoon.  A gentle breeze blows at the grass and leaves on the trees, also playing with the girls long pink hair.  Sh
Rini: (c) She squints her pretty red eyes from the sun, taking out a pair of red sunglasses and puts them on.  Smiling broadly she waves goodbye to some of her friends and starts to skip down the sidewalk just outside her school, further into the downto
Rini: (c) -town district.  People mill about, going about their daily routine and pretty much ignoring the cute little six year old as her shoes click in rythem on the sidewalk, her hair bouncing back and forth in motion with her knee length school dres
Rini: (c) dress 'What a nice day..' she thinks, knowing that she needed to enjoy the remaining day as best as she could for by the time she got out of the dojo to go back to the orphanage, it would be dusk.
Taz: about to start fighting a strong monster, he powers up and goes super. With this, he has a white aura surrounding his body. as he gets ready to kill the monster, he thinks, "This will be easy."
Taz: <c> saying that he gets up and attacks the monster. fighting hard, he just barely gets out of there. With a lifeforce of 20, he thinks "This monster is stronger than I thought.
Taz: <c> ." after eating a sensu bean, he turns around and starts to fight the monster again.
Korkor: test
Korkor: On his way to school he hears three people laugh and a girl scream, Curious he sneaks to look and see what is going on, finding where the three guys and he see's his girlfriend running and the guys chaseing her with a knifes
Korkor: he walks out and Screams HEY!!
Korkor: as He walks toward them one of the three guys runs and him, but with not stopping in the Heart of Korkor he keeps walking towards the Three guys staring into the eyes and the leader of the three <c>
Korkor: <c> is fear the leader send the other two after korkor to stop him from ruining their plans
Korkor: <c> walks toward the leader and stops waiting for the two gangster to get to him, he gets in to his fighting stance and says "Back away and you will not die" with them not listening they still run for him
Korkor: <c> He reaches one hand out and knocks one of the gangsters on his back breaking his neck, he kicks the other gangster breaking his ribs, he Stares at the Leader and thinks to himself 'This leader seems like i know him from somewhere'
Korkor: <c> the leader grabs Korkor's Girlfriend and motions Korkor towards him, korkor runs at him but the leader dissapears into thin and and Korkor falls to his knees and says 'Sam i'm sorry i have failed you again'
Heineken: stands against a wall on the sidewalk, arms folded head down and thinking about his next six pack of beer watching kids walk by on there way to school and notices a group of guys on the opposite side of the street from
Heineken: where he was standing, but this group didnt look so friendly then he notices another kid standing infront of them, his eyes widely opened as the kid standing infront the group of guys attacks one of them knocking him to the ground
Heineken: -C- decides to go over to see what is going on
Rini: hears a scream herself and cautiously walks towards it, her grip tightening on the strap of her backpack.  She sees what appears to be a fight over a girl, some strange man and some boys that are on the ground.  She just watches from the corner, n
Rini: (c) not sure what to think of the situation and too scared to attempt anything, let alone say anything.  She swips some of her pink hair out of her eyes, gulps and continues to observe, feeling a slight nudging feeling on her leg "Shhhsh Luna" she
Rini: (c) says softly, "Just relax, let's see what happens, they look awfully upset and I don't want them upset with us." she continues, quietly, now holding the small black ball close to her chest, turning her attention back to the scene.
Taz: after killing the monster, he gets up and starts to make his way to a healing chamber. So tired, he falls when he gets to the chamber. after he gets up, he gets into te healing room, he falls into a deep slumber.
Taz: awakening from his slumber, he gets up and starts walking around. after walking for a little bit, he decides that he is hungry. With this, he finds the local hamburger joint to grab some grube. When he enters, some people turn and watches him as h
Taz: <c> he eneters the place
Cronos: sits atop a building in New Hope City on New Earth, thinking bout his past he loses his balances and begins to free fall off of the building.  "Wait What the hell!?"  Cronos sighs and begins to slowly float down to the concrete.  "At least I can s
Cronos: <C> still do that....I'm way too rust...New I shoulda stayed in the mofo'n army." Cronos looks around for a bit 'til he notices a little taco stand.  "I'll have two tacos with meat, cheese, and lettuce thanks." Cronos hands him the money and walks
Cronos: <C> walks off munching on his tacos.
Rini: frowns at the boys and backs away from the scene cautiously before turning around and then looking at her shoes 'They'll hear me if I walk..' she thinks to herself.  She closes her eyes and lets her luna ball go, which flies about her protectively
Rini: (c) Stretching her arms downwards, a pretty pink light envelops her petite body as papers and dust on the ground near her blow up and about.  Her long pink hair blows lightly around her as she hovers up off the ground a few inches.  Opening her ey
Rini: (c) eyes, she glances back, hearing the boys talk and not hearing any of them approaching her location.  Nodding to herself and the strange black ball, she skims the surface of the sidewalk, continuing on her way to the dojo.  The fact that a smal
Rini: (c) small child was glowing with a dull pink light and skimming across the ground raised more than a few eyebrows from nearby people who just seemed to stare at her, some pointing, others scared.  She skims past a sidewalk taco stand, smelling the
Rini: (c) good food but not having any money, continues on her way.
Korkor: <c> while sitting on the ground crying he hears a voice in his head and it says 'Why are you on the ground, you need to go and save your friend' Korkor says to the voice " how can i, I have failed again, i am no good or no use"
Korkor: <c> stands up and leans against a tree the voice replys 'You are not Useless you just need traing and practice' Korkor listens to the voice and he goes and looks for the nearest dojo and goes to the dojo 5 times a day and practices
Korkor: <c> After a year of training and sleep, Korkor is now tested
Korkor: <c> The test is his worst Emeny, they both get into their fighting stance and hours later Korkor stand victorious over his Emeny, The voice in his head says 'Congrads now go and find you friend and revenge your best friend' Korkor says "Ok, but wh
Korkor: <c> Where do i find them?" the voice answers 'New Hope City'
Taz: after sitting down, he orders a triple cheeseburger, with a large coke. after he orders, he sits and waits. While waiting, he starts to think bout the battle he just had with the monster. Thinking over it, he figures out a better and faster way to
Taz: kill it. after he eats his burger, he gets up, pays the waiter, then walks out. When he walks out, he starts sensing some strong powerlevel. When he senses it, he starts looking for it. as he gets closer, he notices that the powerlevel is from Cro
Taz: <c> cronos.
Taz: <c> cronos.
Cronos: sighs, "Man fuck this shit aint't nothing to do." Cronos walks off leaving New Hope city behind him searching for the reason he is on this planet.
Cronos: sighs, "Damn this ain't no fun over here...Worse than the city, Might as well go back."  Cronos begins to powerup and watches as the leaves around him fly up into the air and a pretty pink aura erupts around him as he lifts off and flies back to t
Cronos: <C> the city
Rini: surrounds her petite body with a bright pink light or aura.  A ki wind stirs about her, making a whistling sound within the training room she's in and blowing at her long, beautiful pink hair.  Her hair whips about her head and her small hands are
Rini: (c) clenched into small fists as she continues to try and channel power throughout herself.  Her pink and white training go ripples with the small amount of wind her ki generates.  "Very good Rini.." says her sensei, nodding his head in approval a
Rini: (c) as the whisps of silver hair on his head are blown about the childs wind. "You have good focus, now you must learn to control it." he says wisely, waiting to see what she will do next.
Noodles: - Noodles smirked, placing his hand firmly upon the control panel. "Yes..." He said softly, his face beckoning a somewhat evil grin. His eyes began to glow for a few moments, as his senses became more adept to the ship. "I can now sense anything t
Noodles: <C>anything that takes place within these walls." Noodles said, looking down at Gregory who he now keeps in a glass jar. He smiled, glancing once more over the control panel. Noodles nodded his head slowly, as he leaned backwards in the comfortabl
Noodles: <C>comfortable chair of the cockpit of the spaceship. "2 Hours until we arrive." He thought, wondering what he will encounter on arrival..
Taz: while waiting for someone on vegeta, he sees something flying in the sky. He thinks its a enemy or someone who thinks that they are better than him. With this, he begins to fly gemote while waiting for someone on vegeta, he sees something flying i
Taz: while waiting for someone on vegeta, he sees something flying in the sky. He thinks its a enemy or something who he thinks is comming after him. With this, he begins to fly after the person.
Taz: <c> when he catches up with the aircraft, he sees some people in it, with this he leaves it til it lands. When he sees it land, he goes and wait to see if its who he is looking for.
Eaoden: walked out of the shop on Vegeta, wearing his brand new armor. His scouter started bleeping like mad, and his senses told him to look up. There flew another warrior, a white stripe trailing him. Eaoden pressed a button on his scouter and enquired:
Eaoden: <c> 'What's happening, Taz?'
Taz: startled by what he heard from his scouter, he says back "Who is there, who knows I'm here?" Thinking about it, he tries to think about people he knows that are saiyans. While thinking, he figured that it must have been eaoden or someone.
Eaoden: grinned and said: 'Yeah, it's me. Now, what's going on?' He powered up and flew towards Taz. 'I sense a nasty presence, is that it?' He looked at Taz, again asking him what's up.
Taz: see Eaoden, he says, "Hey dude, not much here, just awaiting for a friend of mine to arrive. I could've sworne he said he was comming to vegeta. What about you dude? How have you been?"
Taz: <c> thinking about something, he presses a button and scans eaoden. Wondering, *I wonder if he would be up for a spar.*.
Eaoden: nodded, still filled with questions. 'What's this friend like, why does he pick Vegeta to meet you? By the way, did you see this yet?' He concentrated his energy, and his hair shot up and turned golden, then electricity began coursing around his b
Eaoden: <c> body. 'I'm afraid I have to go now. Have fun, my friend.'
Taz: yells "Wait! Watch this." He closes his eyes and begins to concentrate energy. With this, he yells and goes from regular human to super human. His muscles grow in size and has a white aura covering his body. "What do you think?"
Eaoden: stopped flying and hovered in midair. 'Nice, very nice, but this isn't the full extent of my power. He concentrated more. Wind started blowing around him. Rocks teared from the ground as Eaoden's hair grew longer and longer. His eyebrows disappear
Eaoden: His eyebrows disappeared, and his power shot up. 'This, my friend, is Super Saiyan 3. Do you like it?
Taz: looking at laughs. "I only pulled out part of my power. I can do better than this." He closes his eyes again and begins pulling more energy into him. His muscles grow even bigger. "Most humans can't get this far, but i can. What do you think now?"
Eaoden: laughed and said: 'Very nice. It seems we're still evenly matched, though. We should spar sometime. For now, see ya!' His hair shortened, but the electricity stayed. A yellow aura surrounded him as he waved goodbye and fled off.
Korkor: TAZ!!!
Korkor: Walks outside looking around and see's nothing but burnt houses and bodies laying all over the road
Heineken: walks in head high with not much of a happy expression on his face, looking around he sees an old friend by the bar "Taz....i wonder what he's doing here" talking slow heavy steps towards the bar and sits on the stool next to him
Heineken: -C- "bartender! Johnny walker black...straight, and make that two"
Fasha: opens the door to the bar and walks slowly to the counter across from a supscious mutant. She sits down and orders herself a Smerenoff a far better drink then the weak tasting heineken. she takes drink. "ahhh refreshing she saids.
Fasha: enjoying every drop. She quickly orders herself anther one.
Heineken: WHAM! slamming the shot glass on the bar counter after taking his second shot of whiskey, Heinken glances over to his right and sees someone of his same race but a smile shifts his face and something moves his pants and he
Heineken: -C- thinks to himself "hrm....a female, nice stuff too" he then gets up off the bar stool and says in a loud voice "put it on my tab jack!" getting the females attention he winks at her and walks out the door hoping she got the drift and will foll
Fasha: glares as she watches the other mutant pay for her drink. "his tap huh?" she smiles as she takes one last drink. Then put this on his tab also. Fasha powers up and flys out of the bar causing carnage in her wrathful path. She flys a little high in
Fasha: into the air and looks down the city that is below her. The rain begins to patter down from abaove.
Fasha: Stands in a dark gloomy room, there are screens weapons of all sorts laying across the wall. Fasha stands with her arms neatly folded. she stands their smiling watching her energy surge through ehr left hand.
Jeckel: made his way into New Hope city on Earth. He was scraped, bruised, and a bit bloody..but so was the life of a saiyan warrior. However..this wasn't a fight he picked..for once. A group of saiyan millitary officers along with a handfull of grunts ha
Jeckel: <C> had landed due east of the city..right where Jeckel was training. Apparently he was being recalled for something..and when he refused..a battle insued. It wasn't that the group of other saiyans were much tougher than Jeckel..it was the fact th
Jeckel: <C> there were quite a number to deal with. The grunts went first, then the lower officers up to the general. The general took some time but he did it..and took his rank too. Jeckel was now a level 1 general in the saiyan army..which meant he was 
Jeckel: <C> now free to do what he wished..declare battle on whatever low class planet he wished. His ambitions were finally being realized. "This planet will be mine.."
Fasha: Stands up and places her officer uniform on, and walks out the door. Keeping her hands folded very officer like behind her back she walks among the base; being the highest known ranking officer of the military she has given herself
Fasha: a very clever disguise as the top contender for the Syndicate, with such power at her disposal she could potentioly conqure what was left of this planet. she salutes a few rookies as she makes her way to the command center. Walking very easily.
Jeckel: had made his way into the human city and to a nearby all you can eat buffet resturant. He was absolutely starving! After a fight like that and skipping breakfast..he had worked up quite an appetite. He grinned as he grabbed his plate and piled foo
Jeckel: <C> food on top of it..he was going to put this place out of business.
Taz: while sitting on the roof top of his home. Taz stops and thinks bout all the hard work he had done. With this, he hears his stomach growl. He begins to look for somewhere to eat. While looking, he found a place that was bout to shut down.
Fasha: enters the control room and watches the computers go wild with action. "has there been any movement on RRA today?" 'no ma'am'. "it seems those cowards havent reveiled themselves yet. "They fear our power"
Taz: <c> when he sees this place, he goes in and starts to look at all the food he could eat. With this, he goes over, grabs a plate, and begins eating
Fasha: she saids clutching her fist as her aura glows slightly. "but no worry, they are nothing we can not handle" she saids smiling.
Jeckel: scarfed down more and more food...his plates piled up on the edge of his table and the owners were getting restless. They had tried to throw him out once allready and now they had to repair one of the walls...as soon as they got the young busboy o
Jeckel: <C> out of it. The food might of stunk..but at least earth buffet's were nice and cheap. "If you didn't mean for me to eat all I can eat then you should of limited your dishes! It's not my fault you're too stupid to account for the stomach of the 
Jeckel: <C> mighty saiyan race!"
Taz: after eating several plates of food, Taz goes back for more food. When he is through eating, he had 55 plates stacked up. With this, the owner said, "Sir, do you realize how much this will cost?"
Taz: "No sir, how much? Cause i know i can pay all of it." When he sees the bill, he paid. When he was done, he had bearly enough money for ice cream. With this, Taz decided to go and kill the local mobs for money so he could get his ice cream.
Hajmie: walks in new hope city. slowly swaying hands from side to side. Keeping his officer uniform hat low to conceal his eyes. 'what a boring day' he thinks to himself as he walks noding in a boring sigh. Then suddenly it begins to rain. 'finially somet
Hajmie: somethign intresting.
Taz: sits ontop of a roof top. Looking down on the New Hope City's street. He begins to fly and starts to decend to the street. When he gets to the ground, he begins to look for a place to eat at. When he finds one, he notices a officer roaming around.
Taz: <c> With this, he tries to not be seen by the cop.
Hajmie: looks up into the night sky as a few drops of rain catch his brow. he lowers his head once more and enters a restraunt, he sits down and orders plain cold sopa. "mmm" my favorite he saids as he suppresses his power level. Delecious!!!
Maul: backflips off a rooftop, landing perfectly on the ground. "Phew... I feel like I can take on the universe now!".  "But it might not be enough..." "I must continue training!" Maul then starts walking towards the training complex, ready to commence 
Maul: his training.
Taz: While sitting on Vegeta, he hears a loud noise outside. With this, he gets up, walks outside to see a big hole in the middle of the road. With this he said "Now I must find who did this."
Taz: starts looking around tring to find the person that made the hole. While looking, he hears a faint cry for help. He runs to see what is going on. While running, he looks for powerful powerlevels around him.
Hajmie: looks up as he smokes a ciggerate and wraps his tail around his waste. "what idiots" he saids as he flys higher into the sky, the cold wet rain poring down onto his back, "i hate the rain," suddenly he notices the rain has put his ciggerate out. "
Hajmie: ok now i am mad" he saids as he trys to sense energy levels.
Maul: , on his way to the training complex, suddenly senses a power-surge. Maul raises an eyebrow. "What power... it seems i sense someone as-strong or stronger then myself..." "And all that training.... I knew it wasnt enough to be the strongest in the
Maul: <c> <!-- Produced by MuClient v 3.73 - www.muclient.com -->
Maul: <c> universe" Maul smirks "But if i was the strongest it wouldn't be fun anymore. Maul then slightly power-ups and launches into the sky, flying towards the powerlevel he senses.
Taz: While looking for the faint cry, he senses a strong powerlevel. With this, he quits looking and begins to fly. When he gets in the air, he sees someone comming his way. He goes super and prepares for a fight.
Taz: <c> While waiting. he beings to concentrate energy into this body. With this, his power rises higher. He gets ready for an energy attack.
Hajmie: notices two figures about to colide. 'this should be intresting' he saids as he suppresses his energy and power level and flouts down into the city, keeping himself very well hidden so that he could not be senses nor scene from any angle or area. 
Hajmie: now lets see what happens," he saids smirking.
Maul: , charging towards the unidentified person, sees the person let loose a burst of power. "What power... This could be interesting..." Maul halted right infront of the person (taz) and said "Who are you?"
Taz: he puts his hands together and yells "ka-me-ha-me-ha!!" and sends a ball of white energy towards Maul. When he hears the question, he says "I'm the protector of Earth. I'm here on a mission. Who are you?"
Maul: suddenly erupts in a golden crackling aura and bursts to the left, the kamehameha wave missing him by a few centimeters. "I would be One of the legendary saiyans. Maul then holds up his right arm as a ball of crackling energy begins to form.
Taz: seeing the ball he says "You think that ball of little saiyan energy will get me? Ha!" He closes his eyes and begins to concentrate energy into this body to become super. His muscles grow and a white aura forms around his body. With this, he puts 
Taz: <c> his hands together again for another kamehameha wave.
Maul: smirks and says "If you think this is all i've got you're mistaken." Maul suddenly cups his hands together and the energyball turns blue. "You want to see who's stronger?" "OK THEN!"
Raligos: You notice a small namekian below, on solid ground, gazing in awe at the raging battle commencing.
Taz: hearing this, he gathers more energy for his attack. While hs is doing this, he begins thinking, *I can beat him..I know I can, just gotta concentrate on killing him.*
Maul: smirks. "You wish to see power?" "KAAAAAAAAMEEEEEEE----"  The Kamehameha-wave begins to enlarge. "HAAAAAAAAMEEEEEE!!!" The wave begins to crackle with electricity. "Now do you see my power?"
Taz: thinking..*This dude must think i'm weak. This is only half my power.* With this, he begins to concentrate more energy. When he has enough, he begins to put his hands together, and begins to form a energy ball for his kame attack.
Maul: grins evilly. "Let the best man win" And with that, he yells "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" as he fires the massive electrified kamehameha-wave right at Taz.
Taz: yells "Ok!"He fires off his attack, and both waves clash with each other. Both pushing, he manages more power into this attack to push the wave toward Maul. With this, he thinks he has the upper hand.
Maul: yells "HAA!!" as he releases more energy, pushing the point where the waves meet to perfectly between the two. 'wow, he IS strong!' Maul thought to himself as he found himself near pushing his super-saiyan powers to thier limits.
Hajmie: grins as he takes action, quickly transforming into a super saiyan three he blazes quickly into the sky with amazing speed. "prepare yourself MAUL!" he yells as he sends a swift and amazingly powerful kick to mauls back.
Taz: noticing the increase in power, he pushes more energy to overpower Maul's wave. Thinking *wow, this dude must have a lot of power.*
Maul: thinks, 'fuck, this is tiring, he's strong...' . Maul suddenly breaks his kamehameha-wave, spinning around it, and charges straight at taz, throwing a punch at his face.
Taz: feeling the punch hit his face, he rears back and starts punching maul very fast. While fighting, he begins gathering energy again, with this, his punches are hitting harder.
Maul: , while fighting Taz furiously, is suddenly hurled in a random direction as a burning pain hits him full force in the back. Maul quickly preforms a spinning recovery and peers at Hajmie. 'You, how the hell did i not sense you?" 'Holy shit he's a s
Maul: supersaiyan 3'
Taz: after hitting Maul, he senses a new powerlevel. Seeing Hajmie, he doesn't know what to do. He thinks about it for a second then says "Maul we will take him, then we will finish our fight."
Maul: nods and says "Ok, but first, i would like you both too see somthing about me"
Maul: suddenly starts screaming. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" as he is enveloped in a large golden orb of energy. Maul continues to scream as his powerlevel starts to soar. Maul's hair begins to grow longer, eventually stopping at knee leng
Maul: th. With a final burst of energy, Maul unleashes his full power, becoming engulfed in a large golden aura, with energy crackling all over the place. Maul has transformed into a &YSUPER SAIYAN &RTHREE!!!
Hajmie: takes a few spaces back. "then hit me if you can," he saids grinning folding his hands behind his back, and unbuttoning his jacket. 'this should be amusing' he thinks to himself as he keeps the bulk of his power hidden.
Taz: "Ok, watch this." He closes his eyes and begins to gather more energy to become as powerful as a Super &RSaiyan. When he is done, he gets ready to attack Hajmie.
Hajmie: very neatly removes his scouter and takes a offensive stance, "lets make this intresting" he saids as he rushes maul , using his own speed to his advantage, he send a volly of
Hajmie: precise aimed punches and kicks towords maul why keeping himself well aware of taz's pitiful attack's as well.
Maul: laughs and says "Ha you think you are a god or somthing?" quickly dodging and blocking the blows. Maul then rolls past Hajmie's attack and throws a drop-kick his way.
Taz: seeing Maul being attacked, he creates a barrier, jumps in front of Maul and takes the hits for him. While blocking, he is also punching and kicking. Hopping his barrier will hold long enough to beat Hajmie.
Hajmie: notices maul parry his attack, and suddenly notices taz appear infront of him. diving down he loop around and sends a volly of energy blast into the both of them,"this is allmost to easy" he saids to himself as he begins to make soem distance betw
Hajmie: between each of them.
Maul: , taking advantage of Taz's barrier, sneaks behind Hajmie and delivers a sneak attack volley
Taz: not seeing Hajmie fast move. Taz moves out of the way, forms 2 diskes, and send them toward Hajmie
Maul: stops his volley as he see's the distructo discs coming his way. He then flips back to Taz's side. "What now?" "This guy is annoying"
Hajmie: notices destro disks comming his way, "how amusing" he saids as he powers down and activates his kaioken times 16 allowing the energy to fully devloup through him, he glides to the sky much faster then before. very easily avoiding the disk. he fly
Hajmie: flys towords maul sending a kick his way, just to get him out of his path, then he heads for taz, and faces him face to face, with the disks closing behind him. "what now, do you know what fear is?" he saids grinning as he powers up his energy int
Hajmie: into his fist.
Taz: thinking *this dude must be stupid, cause he doesn't know Taz very well.* With this, he ducks just as he sees the diskes comming his way and cuts through Hajmie. "Do less talking and more fighting." Seeing the diskes go through Hajmie he says "Wat
Taz: <c> Watch your back next time." With this, he decends to the ground and starts looking for a healing chamber
Sarea: hahaha
Sarea: barks like a dog
Raligos: .
Raligos: .
Raligos: .
Hajmie: strolls in the park of new hope city on earth. gradually he walks enjoying the quaint little stroll. he brushes his hair back as he places his officer hat on. his blue hat matching his blue shirt
Hajmie: is flying around in the city, and lands on a near by building, he grins as he looks down at all the idiotic people below. "what fools breeding with the saiyan race, such a thing disgust me, as if a halfling could ever meassure up to a pure bloods 
Hajmie: power
Taz: walking around in new hope, he decides that he should go find mobs and kill them. He starts senseing for the local mobs. While senseing, he senses a strong powerlevel. Unknown to him, he goes and checks it out.
Taz: walking around in new hope, he decides that he should go find mobs and kill them. He starts senseing for the local mobs. While senseing, he senses a strong powerlevel. Unknown to him, he goes and checks it out.
Taz: walking around in new hope, he decides that he should go find mobs and kill them. He starts senseing for the local mobs. While senseing, he senses a strong powerlevel. Unknown to him, he goes and checks it out.
Maul: is laying on a rooftop... just relaxing, as time flies by. 'I need to get stronger' Maul thinks as he continues to relax, somthing he hasnt done in a long time... and truthfully... he likes it.
Hajmie: flouts high into the night sky, his super saiyan three hair hangs long to the ground. her brilliant aura blazes with a fury. "i know he's here" hajmie saids sensing thr city below him. even using his scouter that can sense alot quicker than anyone
Hajmie: he'll pay.
Hajmie: flouts high into the night sky, his super saiyan three hair hangs long to the ground. his* brilliant aura blazes with a fury. "i know he's here" hajmie saids sensing thr city below him. even using his scouter that can sense alot quicker than anyon
Taz: running through the city. He thinks someone is chasing him. Thinking bout this, he turns around, goes inside a house and hides from the person who he thinks is chasing him. While hiding, he hears someone comming. With this, he begins hiding from s
Taz: someone
Hajmie: raises his hand high above his head and begins to channel his energy into a horrific energy sphere. "your time is up" he yells as he forces the ball of energy to grow to imence size.
Taz: while hiding, he starts sensing a high powerlevel, also with the powerlevel, he senses a huge energy sphere, with this he thinks "Time to bring it out." He creates an energy barrier and then puts his hands together says "ka-me-ha-me-ha!!!" and sen
Taz: <c> sends a white ball of energy into the sky.
Hajmie: notices an incomming energy wave and quickly redirects his energy wave at the attack causing both attacks to cause a catclymsic explosion suspended intot he air, after the smoke clear's he smiles as he looks down to see taz.
Taz: after sending the attack, he turns and begins running out of the house. While looking up, he says "screw this!" and begins flying into the air up to where hajmie is. "So, you did a good job of finding me. Lets see if you can catch me." With this, 
Taz: <c> he turns and flys as fast as he can.
Hajmie: smiles as he powers down and yells at kaio ken times 16!" with this a blazing red aura surrounds him, and he quickly cathes up with taz. "there is nothing you can do that i can not counter, so now you will learn why u dont fight the same saiyan tw
Hajmie: twice.
Taz: "Ok, fine then..watch this!" He stops flying and begins to powerup. He closes his eyes and begins tapping into his inner energy. With this, he yells as is muscles grow in size. Now he is a powerful super human. With a white aura around him, he say
Taz: <c> " Now watch". He begins to start flying at super sonic speed.
Hajmie: turns to a serious face as taz escapes his energy blasts. using his greater speed, he out manuvers taz and send s knee rush towords him. why keeping his right arm braced for a couter attack, he sends his left fist into taz.
Taz: feeling the blows from hajmie, he looks up at him and says "Ok, so you like to play rough. Ok, I got your game." He begins to concentrate energy into fists as he sends them toward hajmie. He starts sending them faster as also keeping his guard up 
Taz: <c> for counter attacks.
Hajmie: Smiles as taz's weak punch hit's him in the face, a small trickle of blood jibbles down his cheak. "weak" he saids as he forms a punch. "if your going to fight me, then do it after you close the gap, of the obvious difference between the two of us
Hajmie: he saids as he sends a powerful punch into taz.
Taz: feels the powerful punch hitting him. He begins to fall as his super aura begins to fade as he hits the ground hard. With this he asks hajmie "Please help me get to a healing chamber?!?"
Taz: feels the powerful punch hitting him. He begins to fall as his super aura begins to fade as he hits the ground hard. With this he asks hajmie "Please help me get to a healing chamber?!?"
Hajmie: laughs as he bares witness to taz asking for his help. "help you want my help? you attack me several days ago then you ask for my help. You have alot of nerve to ask me to help you" he saids as he sends another punch into taz. 
Hajmie: let this be a warning to you.
Taz: seeing the punch comming, he manages to move just a little just to miss his punch. With this, he tries to help himself up since hajmie won't. But in his attempt, he fails.
Noodles: - A forbidden allianced formed within the unity of his very cells organizing which way his directions would subtract. Noodles stood calmly among a mountain, high above the city entrance and located north of the mountain region. His little pecker h
Noodles: <C>pecker hanging loose as the wind slayed violently, his minature body nearly flying away as the wind increased, but he grins, emitting a small amount of energy which helped him hold his feet firmly upon the ground. His penis, encreasing in lengt
Noodles: <C>in length, as he saw a scrumpious piece of clothing he simply longed for. "I want that" Noodles said, smiling as he leeped off the ledge of the mountain, allowing energy to pass throughout his body so he didnt fall too fast. He smiled, landing 
Noodles: <C> landing softly, and smoothly, upon the earths soil, barely outside of the City Entrance gates.
Fasha: lies sick in a hospital bed uner heavy guard, her health fading, every moment that passes he fades out even more. "this sickness will be the the death of me" she thinks to herself as she remembers her pass batles with sarea emily and other worthy 
Fasha: fighters. 'i always imagned i would of died in a glorious battle not by this...'
Sarea: oh em g
Maul: quickly dodges an energyball, his long golden hair trailing behind him. As the energyball bounces off the gravity-chamber, Maul quickly rolls his jump into a back-flip, dodging the ball again. This process of dodging and exersise (at 5000x normal 
Maul: form, and being hit by the energyball (one which he fired himself). Sensing his massive drop in power, the gravity machine automatically returns the gravity to its normal 1x, while Maul lays on the floor... unconcious.
Maul: gravity) continues for another hour or two, when Maul finally runs out of energy, reverting back to his normal form, and being hit by the energyball (one which he fired himself). Sensing his massive drop in power, the gravity machine automatically
Maul: returns the gravity to its normal 1x, while Maul lays on the floor... unconcious.
Sarea: har
Rena: would idly sigh as she sat quietly in a bar her deep white hair glowing in long radiating spikes as she ordered a glass of whiskey, her tail wraping quietly around her waist looking around for someone to potientaly talk to
Maul: , using suppression, is walking around earth... enjoying the scenery. Once again, Maul scans the area with his scouter, yet once again, as he expects... he finds no-one.
Maul: 461] >
Maul: stands atop a roof on Planet Vegeta, looking left to right as he scans the area with his scouter. "Nothing to do..." Maul mutters as his scouter once again detects no notable powerlevels
Xexy: test
Maul: 2 test
Seventeen: get on with it
Xexy: sits atop a the roof of his penthouse.  "I must find something more interesting...This live I am leading has no more...It is all training, sleeping, and eating...I have no time for anything else...No friends..."  Xexy cuts himself off, before the 
Xexy: <C> the thought of his parents and the burden he carriens enters his mind "I must train...I must work as hard as I can as long as I can."  Xexy slides off the roof and begins slowly floating down the building.  "Now...If I were a mutant where woul
Xexy: <C> would I be?"  Xexy begins powering up hoping to draw out the scum of Earth called mutants.
Maul: , laying on the grass, is nearly asleep. "Ahh, this is boring, but its good that I am relaxing....." Maul is seconds away from falling asleep, when suddenly he is shaken back into full-consiousness as his scouter beeps furiously, a new powerlevel 
Maul: <c> reading flashing across the screen. "Eh?" Maul says to himself as he is dumbfounded by the sudden new powerlevel. "Well, now that I'm awake I should check this out..." Maul says as he suppresses his powerlevel, stealthily going to investigate 
Maul: <c> the new power.
Xexy: lifts the lid to a sewer in the middle of the street and yells into the long and narrow passage down, "Mutants! Show yourselves or i'll bring you out!"  Xexy bairly able to control himself begins throwing energy balls in a rage.  "SHOW YOURSELVES!
Xexy: Xexy shouts as he launches a very large amount of Ki into the sewers of Earth.  'Why am I doing this?  If mutants were down there they would've died from fear.'  Xexy thought to himself.  "Well...I must find a new, more powerful target preferably 
Xexy: <C> a mutant, but anything to piss me off shall do just fine."  Suppressing his powerlevel just a tad bit Xexy begins hovering off into the northern part of the city looking for someone to take his anger out upon.
Maul: finds a halfbreed, about 500 yards away from him, going insane with rage. 'Oooh dang something must have royally pissed him off' Maul thinks to himself as he begins to follow the Halfbreed, wanting to see why He's so royally pissed. As he begins t
Maul: <c> o follow the Halfbreed, wanting to see why He's so royally pissed. As he begins to follow the Halfbreed, Maul scans him with his scouter. "Damn, not many have that much power"
Xexy: creates an energy ball in his right hand and begins unsheathing his hidden weapon with his left.  "Following me around just shall not do...So...Do you need something, or am I wasting my time talking to you?"  Xexy let's the energy ball blast into 
Xexy: <C> the ground and shoots him high into the air landing weightlessly on the roof of a coffee shop.  Xexy cocks his head and judges this "supposed human."  'Hmmmm...Something seems weird...I'm not sure about this one he just looks different somehow
Xexy: <C> somehow...feels different.'  Xexy thinks as his katana becomes fully sheathed once more.
Maul: thinks 'Holy shit, how'd he see me?' as he unsuppresses his powerlevel, jumping easily onto the rooftop. "Ok, you're good, you knew where i was." "I have a few questions, First, what are ya gonna do? attack me? and second, what the hell is your pr
Maul: <c> oblem. I saw you let loose a barrage of energy balls in the sewers. You know that can wreck the humans waste disposal right?"
Xexy: laughs as he throws his katana into the air, then quickly launches a single energyball the size of his thumb at the katana and smiles as it disintegrates.  "First off...Which would you like to know more, why I would care about human waste, why you
Xexy: <C> why you made enough noise to attract my attention, or why I wish to destroy someone?"  Xexy smiles at the being.  'Definately not a human...No human could've hopped up here like that.'  Xexy sits back down and continues to smile sadistically a
Xexy: <C> at the being.
Maul: says "Hrm, ok, why do you wish to destroy someone" Maul, as he starts to grin at the being. "Also, who are you?" "And trust me, You dont want to mess with me". Maul then looks at the being's tail. "So, are you a Saiyan? Or just a Halfbreed?"
Maul: smirks again as he finishes talking
Xexy: bites his lip hard before replying,  "JUST a halfbreed, huh, Well...I think you need to learn about us Halfbreeds...Ya see some of us happen to be very powerful, some of us have been known to destroy many saiyans." Xexy looks the being up and down
Xexy: <C> "I take it you're a gull blood then?"  Xexy smirks at the being's figure.  'He shall pay for the insult.'  Xexy, forming a newly acquired battle stance inquires, "Up for a bit of a spar, Mr. Saiyan?"  Xexy begins to growl and bear his teeth as
Xexy: <C> he looks the being up and down once more.  "Oh, and for my name...Beat me and I may tell ya."  Xexy takes a step back and launches an energy ball into the air signaling his victory before the battle has begun.
Xexy: sits on top of his penthouse building thinking to himself 'This is so fucking boring...I wish I had something to fucking do...'  Xexy hops off the top of the penthouse and begans casually floating down.  "So...Where can I find me a mutant to kill?
Xexy: <C> Xexy looks about hoping to find a mutant in disguise, "Well...None here...This fucking sucks..." Xexy looks up and down the street for a minute or two before he realises that there is a manhole nearby.
Xexy: <C> Xexy slowly creeps over to the manhole lifts it up and throws it high into the air looking for some sort of mutant in the sewers.  "Hmmmm...Where the hell are these things!?"  Xexy turned and walked away from the manhole, still watching it.  "
Xexy: "I hope something comes out....I wanna kill something!!"  Xexy shouts suddenly being engulfed in a fiery red aura as he enters into his kaioken stage without being aware.  "Might as well sit and wait."  Xexy pulls up a chair infront of the restaur
Xexy: restaurant waiting for any sign of trouble.
Tazman: sits on top of his old shack in front of his house. He is in deep though about what with everything that is going on. Tazman suddenly hears a cry from the woods. So he jumps down and starts for the woods where the sound came from.
Tazman: <c> as he enters the woods he notices some funny looking creatures in the woods. He powers up and begins to fight them. When he kills them, he keeps going through the woods. When he gets to the edge, he noticed that there is a city in front of him
Xexy: becomes bored of waiting for a mutant to bring himself out of hiding and decides he'll find one himself.  Xexy closes his eyes and begins sensing around for a power above the normal humans.  "Hmmmm...I feel something a bit north of me...Doesn't fe
Xexy: <C> feel Human...Hopefully it's what i've been waiting for."  Xexy begins hovering to the northern part of the city still engulfed in his fiery, red aura. 
Tazman: starts feelin some kind of strange power commin from the south. When he sees something flying his way, he begins to fly toward the unknown ceature.
Tazman: <c> When he meets up with the ceature, he says "What do you want?" 
Seventeen: magic
Hakato: roar
Hakato: &z'Beep. Beep. Beep.'&g Hakato opens his eyes to the sound of the alarm going off. He looks at it seeing that it says ten oclock AM. He presses the snooze button and closes his eyes. His eyes open widly as he speaks, &W"Crap! I'm late for work!"&g
Hakato: &g He jumps out of bed taking a black muscle shirt from the closet and a black pair of jeans from the dresser. He puts them on then grabs his black jacket and leaves his house. He walks down the block and opens the doors of a shop called 'Johns Bu
Hakato: &gButcher Shop'. A strange voice speaks, &W'Your late! Get to work and go pound some raw meat'&g. Hakato walks into the back room taking his jacked off and laying it on the table. He then takes raw meat from the cieling, setting it onto the table 
Hakato: &gthen starts hitting it blood going all over his face.
Hakato: stands up and glares at the city from a cliff just east of it. The sun beams upon him looking picture perfect with his muscle shirt shining. &W'Aaah, I guess I'l go try to flirt with some girls today or something' &z he says as he stands up and st
Hakato: {C}stands up and stretches. He walks down and enters the forest looking for a good place to train. &Y'Help! Bandits!'&w Hakato runs towards the screaming voice and sees the bandits about to hit the woman. He fades away and appears infront of the w
Hakato: {C}woman. He catches the bandits hand and says, &W'Your not going to lay a hand on this woman.' &wHe smashes the bandit's hand and punches him right in the forhead blasting him through five trees.
Kyosho: test
Kyosho: hovering over the sence where Hatako attacked the thugs. Kyosho just stayed still not moving a inch, keeping his power suppressed so noone can sense the he was there. The halfbreed just kept his blue eyes apon the saiyan that attacked the thugs.
Hakato: looks around remembering the woman said 'bandits' not 'bandit'. Out of nowhere he gets punched in the mouth begining to bleed alittle. He turns around to see the bandit having a knife to the womans neck. &W'You make a move, this woman dies!'&w Hak
Hakato: moved so fast, he created a double image, one infront of the bandit and the woman, and one behind them. He grabs the knife from the bandit's hand and stabs the bandit with it. He jumps up in the air kicking the bandit knocking him off the bridge. 
Hakato: runs to the woman, &W'you alright?'&w he asks her. &W'Ya, I-Im fine.'&w Hakato nods then walks off into the forest. He finds a big spot that has a circle of trees surrounding him, a perfect place for a spar. He touches the bark of the tree, then a
Hakato: {C}all of a sudden he senses a very low powerlevel. He grins then starts to punch the tree and practicing kicks and ect. on it.
Kyosho: Kyosho just hovered there for a moment keeping his eyes on him. After a moment of watching him spar a tree he thought he would come down to introduce him self. The halfbreed fell down to earth quite slowly, but ketp his eyes on the Saiyan. " What 
Kyosho: [C]are you doing here? " Kyosho asked him.
Hakato: grins. He turns around to see a Halfbreed standing upon him. &W'I'm here to train, now why dont you got stalk someone else instead of me?'&w he says as he continues to punch the tree. He charges a energy ball and blasts it towards the tree. It zip
Hakato: {C}zips right through that one hitting three more making them all fall down. He walks to a part of the tree and grabs a long stick, as narrow as a pole. He looks back to the Halfbreed, &W'I'm Hakato. My parents are killed, I hate icers to death an
Hakato: [C]and I dont like people stalking me.'&w He throws the stick at the Halfbreed and grabs another one, &W'Care to spar?'&w
Kyosho: Kyosho smiled and laughed a little " I wasn't stalking you, you just so happened to gain my intrest at the moment. " Kyosho grabbed the stick and smiled. " My name is Kyosho Daishi, my parents are none of your concern, the people I hate are also n
Kyosho: [C]none of your concern." Kyosho got into a ready stance for that spar then released some of his energy to equal out to the saiyan's " As for sparing. " Kyosho let out a small chuckel as he said this " Fine, I'll allow you to go first. "
Hakato: laughs out loud and then puts a real face on. &W'I may be weak, but you dont have to supress your power, because im giving no mercy.'&w He rushes towards Kyosho. He quickly fades away and appears to the side taking a swing at Kyosho's stomach. The
Hakato: [C] tip.
Kyosho: Kyosho smiled and right before it hit he dissipered and reappered alittle bit away from him. Kyosho gave an almost evil grin " Mine turn. " after saying that Kyosho launched toward Hakato with great speed and threw a punch towards his stomach.
Hakato: looks quickly to see Kyosho takeing a strike for his stomach. He slams down Kyosho's attack with his stick then uses the pole to life into the air and wheelkick Kyosho.
Kyosho: get hit but it but only moving him alittle bit away from the saiyan " Not to bad Hakato. " Kyosho said wiping the blod off his face. The halfbreed unsuppressed his power and then smiled towards him as he charged in, but this time before hit hit he
Kyosho: [C]he dissippred and reappered behind Hatako aiming a kick toward his head.
Tazman: watches from a tall building not far for the two battlers fighting. "Now this is entertainment." as he watches, he notices how they fight. But they are too fast for him to see every move they make.
Hakato: gets kicked in the back of the head and blast through six trees. He uses his stick to stand up. Blood gushes from his forhead and mouth. He looks up at Kyosho, &W'You do know I'm not giving up untill Im stunned, right?'&w he asks. Hakato screams i
Hakato: [C]in fury. Chunks of rock fly into the air and he snaps the stick in half. His muscles get so huge it rips through his shirt tearing it into pieces. His hair floats up just a little showing little increase of power. He grabs the two borken pieces
Hakato: [C]in both hands then charges for Kyosho. He throws the sharp point of the stick in his right hand towards Kyosho then fades away. He appears above Kyosho then chucks the other sharp pointed stick in his left hand towards Kyosho.
Kyosho: watched as the saiyan  charge up and smiled alittle then just stood there waiting for him to make his move, once he started the halfbreed went into a defensive stance ready for any thing, and once the sticks where about to hit him, Kyosho let out 
Kyosho: a burst of energy to defect them both away. Kyosho then calculated where Hakato would land and shot and energy ball right where he planned it.
Tazman: still watching, he decides to go super and prepares for anything that comes his way. When he sees the fight getting worse, he turns and flys back to this training area so he can become a powerful fighter. When he gets back he trains hard so he wou
Tazman: <c>  he would be able to fight like the two fighters he saw.
Hakato: kicks the energy ball thrown towards him leaving a burn mark on his leg. With blood gushing from his head and a little from his leg, Hakato jumps into the air to where the sunis behind him blinding Kyosho. He then aims towards Kyosho and launches 
Hakato: [C]energy balls.
Kyosho: smiled as his hair started to fly up wards, kyosho closed his eyes as a blue barrier went around him defelecting any and all energy attacks that Hakato sent " Ok thats enogh, I'm threw wasting my time with you. " Kyosho said while he was powering 
Kyosho: [C}up and shot another energyball toward Hakato but this time, Kyosho used his speed to dissiper behind Hakato to punch Hakato in the back toward the energy ball.
Hakato: quickly grabs Kyosho's hand after being hit in the back. They both launch towards the energy ball with full speed. Hakato pushes off of Kyosho, does a backflip, then aims a kick for Kyosho's jaw trying to make him launch faster into the energy bal
Hakato: [C]l
Kyosho: grabbes Hakato's foot with hisright hand in his left hand he charged up another energyball as he smiled and shot it right at Hakato hoping it will hit launching him into the other blast.
Tazman: after he trains for a while, he goes back to the place where he was watching the two fighters fight. When he gets over there, he notices the place is destroyed. Looking at it, he thinks 
Tazman: *wow, these guys are powerful*
Hakato: gets hit in the front and back with both energy blast. Hakato's skin is burnt as he flies down to the ground. When he hit, all you could hear was a scream as a piece of wood stabs him in his shoulder going right through. Hakato is now in a small c
Hakato: [C] crater in the ground. Smoke arises from his body. Hakato tries to get up but then tumbles back to the ground. He tries again and fell once again. He then used a tree to get up and looked at Kyosho. A puddle of blood surrounded Hakato as he spo
Hakato: [C] spoke, &W'I-I not kno-cked out ye-yet.'&w He then grins showing red teeth from the blood in his mouth.
Wilson: walks down the streets of a big ass city, hungering for some action, and perhaps food. Just as he completes this thought, Wilson is slammed by a person falling from the air knocking him down into the ground. Wilson stands and brushes the dirt off 
Wilson: -C- off him looking down at the person with a wooden stake through his shoulder. He stares at the person for a few minutes then slaps him in the face saying "wake the fuck up pussy." He starts to fly up into the air in search of the power that kno
Wilson: -C- knocked this fighting out of the sky.
Kyosho: just stood there in the sky keeping a look of both of them now. Kyosho then gently fell to earth an went back down to his original power level " This was a sparring match, it went out of hand. " Kyosho said with a sad tone in his voice.
Tazman: sees the area, then notices the fighter go down to the Earth, when he sees this, he flys over to see whats going on. When he gets over there, he sees someone else. He says "that was a good fight. Maybe one day I could fight like yall."
Tazman: <c> When he says that, he decends toward the ground to meet with the other fighter.
Wilson: looks at the new fighter who has entered the area, and says to him "I wasnt fighting, i just got slammed by this wussy of a fighter who couldn't stop himself." Wilson then notices the fighter who threw the beaten fighting to the ground, and just l
Wilson: -C- beaten fighter* to the ground, and just laughs at the power. Wilson says, "I have an idea, why dont all three of yall attack me at once, would be a good warm up for me, and good training for the three of yall."
Hakato: looks at the other two fighter. &W'My god' he said as he pulls the wooden stick out of his shoulder. He screams in pain then starts to walk towards the fighter that challanged him. He chucked the stick hitting the fighters head. Hakato calapsed on
Hakato: [C]onto the ground and passed out.
Kyosho: stood there for a moment " I think I'll pass this time. " Kyosho said as he teleported and re appered next to Hakato and lifts him up " I have to take this Saiyan to the hospital, maybe next time. " After saying that Kyosho flew off with Hakato on
Kyosho: [C]his soulder to the nearest hospital.
Wilson: exclaims "Wait dude!" but before his words ended Kyosho left in the blink of an eye. Wilson sighs then says "Ill be right back." Wilson's aura flares and he jumps in the air leaving a red trail of pure energy. Within seconds he has caught up the t
Wilson: -C- the two people headed ot the hospital. Wilson maneuvers infront of them stoping them. Wilson says in a calming voice "Wait, dont need to take him to any hospital, i got something that will heal him right up....a Sensu Bean. Just tell him to ea
Wilson: -C- Just tell him to eat this." Wilson hands the person transporting the injured fighting a sensu bean.
Hakato: eats the bean
Xexy: just awakening from his deep slumber Xexy feels an immense power coming from the south.  "Well...It seems I may have some fun afterall."  Xexy begins to suppress his powerlevel as he senses even more powerelevels weak, but nonetheless there.  Xexy
Xexy: <C> Xexy suppress his power to that of an average human and takes off in the direction of the powers.  "Well...This could turn out to be kinda fun..."  Xexy throws a small energy ball into the air alerting the beings he was on his way.
Kyosho: looked at this new Saiyan and smiles " So you really wish to fight all of us eh? " Kyosho asked him, as he removed Hakato off of his shoulder.
Hakato: Hovers in the air and looks at Kyosho. He then looked into the sky as a energy ball was fired. Hakato quickly suppresed his power to one and then floated down to the ground. He charged a energy ball an waited for the new fighter to come. He though
Hakato: thought to himself &b'hmmm, well, I just got my butt kicked in a spar, I almost died, This fight wants to fight all of us, and now theres a new fighter coming. This doesnt look good. And il probably be fired form work for being so late. My god thi
Hakato: &bthis is a pain. I guess i will just sit back and charge this energy ball untill I find out who this new fighter is. I snuck pass Kyosho and the other fighter, so they dont know im down here. But, I guess i'l have to regain some ki while charging
Hakato: [c]this energy ball.'&w Hakato started chargining alot of ki into this attack. A aura of ki runs down his arm to join the energy attack.
Wilson: sees this weak energy ball coming at him as he notices the other two fighters scrambling to get out of the way of it. Wilson says "Dont worry guys, its just a weak blast." Wilson straightens his left arm out and catches the ball of energy. Wilson 
Wilson: -C- Wilson begins to grip the energy ball until it complete disappears. He notices that a fighter is coming his way, but in some way he knows this fighter has suppressed his energy, and is unknown of the true potential of this new fighter. Wilson 
Wilson: -C- Wilson goes to nearly half his base power and drops to the ground to join the other two fighters he had met.
Xexy: smirks as he sees his energyball dissappear into thin air, "Hmmm...Now he is suppressing it would seem...I will have no fun today..."  Xexy says mockingly.  Xexy begins to speed up a little bit so he could see who these so called fighters really a
Xexy: <C> are.  Xexy throws yet another energyball this time aimed at the weaker one that is much farther apart than the other two.  "Let's see the stronger one save him...I wanna kill me a hero."  Xexy smirks as he brings his powerlevel up to one-fourt
Xexy: <C> one-fourth of his base
Hakato: unsuppreses his power. He powers up to his maximum and charges towards the energy ball. He hits his together with the other fighter's energy blast. It blows Hakato back, but unharmed. He lands on the ground feet first then blast into the air. He f
Hakato: [C]He fades away and tries to kick the fighter in the head that wanted to challange all three other fighters.
Wilson: gets smacked in the head by this low leveled fighter. Wilson looks blankly at him and says "What the fuck." Wilson screams as his power dramatically increases, throwing the fighter into the hopital he was going to eariler. Wilson's aura rages wild
Wilson: -C-Wilson's aura rages wildly, while his hair flashes yellow then brown, then yellow and stays. His aura turns from dark red to a very faint yellow...but enough red to tell its more red than yellow. Wilson takes a breath then screams once more inc
Wilson: -C- once more increasing his level to a new height. Electricity archs around him as Wilson completes this tramsformation as a super saiyan 2.
Xexy: laughs as he sees the weak one attack the stronger one, "Well...Apparently he is a dumbass...I threw that not him..."  Xexy smirks as his speed increases dramitcally, and in less than two seconds he has reached the strongest fighter.  "Well...Appa
Xexy: <C> Apparently he is a dumbass....So...What's up?"  Xexy smiles trying to be friendly, yet something in the back of his mind warns him that this being is very dangerous.  'I better play it safe and not show my true power just yet.' Xexy looks towa
Xexy: <C> towards the hospital and the being flying towards it,  "He's gonna feel that in the morning."
Hakato: stops in midair from being thrown. He goes into the city and lands onto the sidewalk. He then goes into a fast food restaurant called 'Mc Donalds'. He steps in and speaks, &W'ya il take a number six girlled, make that to go.'&z The cash register t
Hakato: [c]&w The cash register tings as the person speaks, &W'$6.95 sir.'&w Hakato hands him the money and then walks off with the food in his hand. He then walks into the hospital a couple blocks down and ask for a bandage. He puts it on the cut on his 
Hakato: [c]then flies to the roof. He sits on the side dangling his feet off while eating his food and watching the two fight.
Wilson: flies toward the fighting who is standing on the roof. Wilson grabs Hakato and flies high enough for him to get a good clean aim at the hospital. Wilson drops the fighter and burts in an aura and hits the fighter with both hands straight down send
Wilson: -C- sending that person flying at lightning speed toward the hospital. Wilson straightens up and says "Well perhaps he will hit it this time." Wilson claps his hands in an attempt to dust them off.
Xexy: looks on in horror as the food is being blown by the wind.  "OH MY GOD!!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?"  Xexy begins to powerup, as he reaches his base he flies at lightning speed to grab the food. Xexy makes a flip and reaches down and grabs the food. "
Xexy: <C> "Woot! Just bairly made it..."  Xexy smiles as he hovers away munching down on the weak being's food.
Hakato: shoots a energy ball towards Xexy but misses, instead, it destroys the food. Then he takes the blow from the fighter that attacked him and gets taken to the hospital
Wilson: puts his palms in from of him and blows up the planet.
Xexy: charges a masenko throws it...Hits the hospital watches at the hospital disintegrates then walks off looking for more food.
Hakato: eats steroids and kills xexy and wilson
Kyosho: It was late in the afternoon, the sun is starting to set, Kyosho was purched upon a tall building, and sense the sun was setting behind him, he just seemed like a black figured up on there. The halfbreed's blue eyes was gazed upon the city, keepin
Kyosho: [C]a watch on everything that is going on, making sure if any thing happened he could respond to it.
Xexy: looked about this worthless planet for some sort of fun.  "Hmmmm...What to do..."  Xexy threw a few energyballs straight up into the air hoping to bring attention to a few of this planets "heroes."  Xexy took a few steps back and sat down on the b
Xexy: <C> bench located infron of the pizza inn.
Kyosho: watched as the energy balls where shot up in the air. The halfbreed's cloths started to flutter as he charged up, with a burst of speed, Kyosho was where the all where and knocked all of them away where they couldnt hurt any one. After that was do
Kyosho: [C]done Kyosho scaned the area to see where the blase originated from.
Xexy: watches as this hero no doubt a weak one deflects his energyballs.  "So...We got ourselves a hero now do we?"  Xexy shouts to this weak being.  "I hope you don't expect to injure...cause I am very very weak...and that would be mean."  Xexy smirks 
Xexy: <C> Xexy smirks as his power increases just a tiny bit.
Kyosho: smiled as he matched up with his fellow halfbreeds power. " I guess you can call me a hero. " Kyosho yelled back. The halfbreed then made his decend back to the ground so he is at eye level to this new person.
Xexy: smirks as this being, most likely not human, decends towards the ground and comes closer.  "So...Got a problem with my energyballs?"  Xexy gives this being a sadistik smile and takes a step closer. Xexy looks this being up and down as he takes a s
Xexy: <C> takes a step back and sits back down on the bench.  "I don't think you're strong enough for me yet..." 
Kyosho: Kyosho looked at this guy with a confused look and then let his full base powerlevel out. " I'm stronger then you think. " Kyosho said with a smrik. " And you better not underestimate me. " The halfbreeds tune turned alittle more angry as he said 
Kyosho: [C]this.
Xexy: cackles manically as this being powers up to what seems his base powerlevel.  "Wow...I really did underestimate you..."  Xexy laughs as his power slowly but surely reaches Kyosho's base.  "I wish I was as strong as you are...Please do not hurt me 
Xexy: <C> mister
Kyosho: Kyosho started to get alittle mad knowing that this person was tauting him as he started to growl and charge up more " Dont you dare fool around with me! " Kyosho exlaimed in a growl. The Halfbreed's cloths started to flutter rappidly as his hair 
Kyosho: [C]started to spike up from the force of his powerup.
Xexy: looks at the being for a moment not understanding,  "Oh...So...You are becoming a Super Saiyan now are you?"  Xexy made a little frown in an attempt to mock this being.  "Well...I wish I could do that..." Xexy suppressed his power even higher reac
Xexy: <C> reaching that of his opponents.
Kyosho: aura was stopped abrutly, " Super Saiyan? What the hell is that! " Kyosho said to him, his eyes widen, completely in shocked *what is he talking about Super Saiyan....what is that*
Xexy: smirks at the beings words, "So...You still have not reached it have you?"   Xexy sighs as his hair suddenly turns blonde stands up straight and a golden aura wraps around his body.  "This is SuperSaiyan...I guess you need some more training..."  
Xexy: <C> Xexy smiles as he powers back down to his suppressed powerlevel.  'I guess he is more of a wimp than I thought...'
Hakato: senses high power levels near by and jumps down from the tree he was practicing his new sequence in punches. He starts jumping towards each tree and pressing his feet against it pushing him to another one repeating it over and over. He stands side
Hakato: [C]sideways on a tree and looks umungst the fighters as they battle. He then suppresses his powerlevel and sits on the tree branch with one foot dangling off.
Hakato: looks up and grabs a apple from the tree and takes a bite. &W'These are both the fighters from before'&w he says. He looks at Kyosho, &W'wow! He sure has gotten strong! I mean come on, a halfbreed stronger than a saiyan, Ive never heard of that be
Hakato: [c]before.'&w He then looks at the other fighter, who he does not know but realizes him when he stole Hakato's Mcdonald's food awhile back. But Hakato taught him a lesson by destroying the food. One thing he cannot forgive that man for, he destroy
Hakato: [c]destroyed the hospital just to look for more food. Hakato yawns, stretches and leans his back up against the tree ready to watch the two fight, &W'maby I will learn some sort of new move or something. Hmm, mine as well wait to see.'
Kyosho: " I'm no wimp! " Kyosho exlaimed, " I may be no Super Saiyan But I'm still strong none the less. " after saying this Kyosho's arua bust from no where large pices ofr rocks started to lift up as the halfbreed powered up to his max.
Kyosho: " I'm no wimp! " Kyosho exlaimed, " I may be no Super Saiyan But I'm still strong none the less. " after saying this Kyosho's arua bust from no where large pices ofr rocks started to lift up as the halfbreed powered up to his max.
Xexy: watches as the being's aura increases dramatically in size.  "Oh no! Help me! He might hurt me!"  Xexy bursts out in laughter.  "You really think you are a match for me, son?"  Xexy smirks as his aura increses and his powerlevel suppresses to Kyos
Xexy: <C> Kyosho's.  "So...We gonna fight or are you just gonna show off your fancy aura?"  Xexy smiles as he lifts high into the air and launces five energy blasts straight at Hakato.
Kyosho: Kyosho eyes widen once the blase where shot, with a burst of speed he went infront of them and show out the same amount of energy balls distorying them all. After the smoke cleared you can see that Kyosho was out of breath from lack of energy.
Xexy: laughs as the blast explode and the smoke clears to reveal a tired halfbreed.  "So...You done now?"  Xexy smirks as he launches a devasting ball on energy twice the size of him and Kyosho put togethor.  "MASEEENKOOOOOO HAAAA!!!"  Xexy shouts as th
Xexy: <C> shouts as the energyball launches towards his opponent at tremendous speeds, and just to make sure his opponent did not move out of the way Xexy had flew behind him very fast and attempted to grab his opponent to take the blast head on.
Wilson: walks out of a convient Baskin Robin's ice cream place eating his minty fresh mint icecream. As soon as he takes the first scoop he drops his cup and says "O my god, that power i sense, its pretty impressive...i wonder who is generating that power
Wilson: -C-i wonder who is generating that power." Wilson looking down he frowns but just picks the cup up and flies into the air, slowly but yet pretty fast he flies toward the power he had sensed. "This should be pretty interesting.", he says.
Kyosho: was to out of energy to move out of the way. Kyosho eye widen as Xexy appered behind him *SHIT!* Kyosho thought but it was to late, the Halfbreed already got a hold of him. Kyosho tryed to get loose but he didnt have enough energy to do so.
Xexy: suddenly flies out of the way half a second before the giant Masenko hits Kyosho.  "So...That felt good?"  Xexy smiles as he flies over to the bloody and beaten body of Kyosho.  "Here ya go...take this."  Xexy throws a been to kyosho. "You're supp
Xexy: <C> "You're supposed to eat it."  Xexy smiles as he launches a kick straight at Kyosho's head hopefully before he could catch the sensu bean.
Wilson: finishes his icecream at about five miles from the power he was traveling to. Wilson thought to himself "Hm...how can i make my entrance interesting." Wilson continues to think as he hits an idea "I know!" he says. Wilson instantly turns super sai
Wilson: -C- turns super saiyan one and cups his hands. He mumbles "Ka-Me-Ha-Me-Ha" and pushes his arms forward carefully aiming right infront of the power he sensed. Instantly he notices another power equal to the one he sensed, Wilson archs his arms to p
Wilson: -C- Wilson archs his arms to position the beam between the two powers.  Wilson waits a second for the peak of the beam to leave him. Wilson says "Now to surprise them!" Wilson travels along the very tail of the beam until he reaches the powers. As
Wilson: -C- As the beam nears the fighters, he stops and waits for it to pass, waiting to see their reactions.
Hakato: stands up from the tree after seeing two energy beams fly towards the other two. He then sees someone travle along the beams. &W'Shit, its that one guy who killed me awhile back...'&w Hakato jumps off the branch and lands on the ground. He stares 
Hakato: [c]stares at the guy move along then yells, &Y'Kyosho watch out!'&w
Kyosho: just in the nick of time grabbed the senzu bean out of the ait right be for getting kick. The Kick that Xexy did knocked Kyosho out of the way of the Kamehameha that Wilson shot out just in the nick of time. After awhile on the ground after the ki
Kyosho: [C]kick Kyosho got up slowly and placed the bean in his mouth and chewed on it.
Xexy: laughs as he feels an immense power coming, "So...A ki attack and a person...Fun FUn FUn."  Xexy smiles as he instantly turns into supersaiyan and launches two masenkos one right after the next.  "One for the person...and one for that kame."  Xexy
Xexy: <C> smiles as he felt a small amount of power hiding in the trees behind them.  "Get outta the trees ya puss."  Xexy throws an energyball straight at the tree and sits down on the ground waiting for the others to reveal themselves
Wilson: stares forward waiting for the right time to jump off the kamehameha, but suddenly he sees 2 yellow beams quickly advancing toward him. Wilson says to himself "Whats this!?" Almost immediately Wilson archs his arms and spins the kamehameha puttig 
Wilson: -C-kamehameha putting* him upside down, one of the yellow beams breezes by him and Wilson archs his arms again, this time the beam goes straight up and the yellow beam slams into Wilson's kamehameha causing a small explosion sending Wilson flying 
Wilson: -C-back a few feet. Wilson catches himself and shakes his head then says "My my, what was that?" Wilson flies in on the fighter who launched those beams. "Good vison you got there my friend, so whats going on in this region of the world?"
Kyosho: |When Kyosho swallowed the bean he felt a rush of new energy going inside of him, all the pain was dissipering he felt like nothing every happened to him yet. Kyosho then looked up and saw the explosion, and then he remember what Xexy telling him 
Kyosho: about how it felt good, with the rush of feeling about to be hit with a large blast. Kyosho got up and flew back up towards Xexy and Wilson and just watched them for a moment.
Kyosho: |When Kyosho swallowed the bean he felt a rush of new energy going inside of him, all the pain was dissipering he felt like nothing every happened to him yet. Kyosho then looked up and saw the explosion, and then he remember what Xexy telling him 
Kyosho: [C]about how it felt good, with the rush of feeling about to be hit with a large blast. Kyosho got up and flew back up towards Xexy and Wilson and just watched them for a moment.
Xexy: laughs at the saiyans remark, "Ya...I got some good eyesight...Ya...You do too seeing that Masenko."  Xexy turns his attention back to the halfbreed, "Yo...get pissed and focus all of your energy try your hardest to surpass your current powerlevel
Xexy: <C> Powerlevel."  Xexy smiles as he watches the little halfbreed walk over to him. 'God...I can't wait until he is strong so I can kill him...' Xexy thought to himself.
Wilson: bows toward the xexy. "Yea, thanks. So whats this yall two are doing, trying to bring out the super saiyan power in this lil person?" Wilson drops out of the sky and hovers serveral inches about the ground before he drops. He then walks over to th
Wilson: -C- to the saiyan and says "You wanna know the best way to turn ssj, its to get kicked in the nuts so hard itll make your mom scream." Wilson looks up at the fighter in the air and screams "Lets double team him, thatll make him transform alot fast
Wilson: -C- faster!"
Kyosho: flenched when Wilson talked about getting kicked in the nut, but after that what scared him the most was that they where talking about double teaming him in a fight, the halfbreed's eye widen as he looked over to Xexy wondering if he really would
Kyosho: [C]fight him with this new Saiyan.
Xexy: smirks at the Saiyan's words, "So...Mr. Halfie...Guess what?"  Xexy nods at Wilson hoping Kyosho wouldn't noticed then began charging a ball of energy, when it was fully charged for the powerlevel he was at he launched it at lightning quick speed.
Xexy: <C> Hoping the Saiyan would see what we was doing before the Halfbreed Xexy launches a barrage of punches to Kyosho's back and the back of his head.
Cronos: test
Kaldrek: looked out over New Hope from a hilltop outside the busy city. The orange light of the beautiful sunset was reflected and paralleled by the inner light from his eyes. The hillside had been one of his favorite retreats in his childhood, and he retu
Kaldrek: <C> returned now and again to enjoy a quiet moment.
Thea: looks out over the ruins of a city that once stood tall on planet earth. She glares down at a few Archaeologist that were digging down below in all the ruble. (This place is a mess, how am i suppose to find anything in all this?) 
Thea: eye's slowly move up from the people below toward the horizon noticing that she didn't have much time for day light left. ( I want get any thing down today.) A small sigh slips from between her lips before she  drops letting her legs hang off the 
Thea: side of the roof.*
Hakato: pants &W'My god you just dont give up do you?'&w The bandit flies towards Hakato but then Hakato spins in the air then kicks the bandit in the jaw. A trail of blood follows the path the bandit's body dug in. &W'Lets hope that teaches you not to tr
Hakato: [c]&Wtry to steal my money'&w he says. Hakato then flew into the air and landed ontop of a tree. He jumps off and goes ontop of a rock. He flares up leaving a aura of energy behind him and lands on a hill east of a city. Hakato sits down then lets
Hakato: [c]one foot dangle off and the other foot staying up for his jaw to rest on his knee. He looks over it then reaches in his pocket and pulls out a picture of his parents. Tears fall down his face then splash onto the ground remembering the icer tha
Hakato: [c]that killed his parents. His muscles buldged as he gets mad throws a rock 500 feet from his position into the city. 
Thea: ears twitch at a beeping sound her eye's move from the group below to the scouter sitting next to her on the roof. (WWell maybe i'll be getting more work done then I thought .) a Smirk crawls across her face as she picks the scouter up. 
Thea: places the scouter back onto her face before stepping over the edge and letting herself float down into  the group below. one man makes eye contact with her but quickly breaks it off look back down to the grown working harder. 
Thea: (c) The other men give the first guy a frown for looking in the first place but says nothing. "Keep working dogs! find something before sunset." she places a straw hat onto her head and starts to walk for the outskirts of the city.
Hakato: places the picture into his pocket then takes a look up at the sunset. His tail wipes the tears from his face then he jumps off the hill. His cloths fly up into the air revealing his abs and scar goind right across from his stomach to his shoulder
Hakato: [c]. He lands roughly onto the ground and starts to walk forward. His tail is wraped around his right leg as he walks towards a apple tree. He quickly jumps up onto a branch and grabs a apple from the tree. He lays on the branch with his back up a
Hakato: [c]against the tree eating the apple. He closes his eyes and begins to fall asleep. Soon he drops the apple onto the ground and his arm dangles off.
Thea: looks up toward the appel tree her head cocks to the side a bit as she watches the saiyan sleep up in the branches. her smirk now turning into a full smile a she looks at the saiyan. ( It's not every day i find one sleeping when i get there.) 
Thea: hovers from the ground a bit careful not to be to loud and wake the saiyan. she pushes off in to the air then lightly lands on the  branch above the saiyan. the leaves shakes just a bit no more then if a small breeze had blown through them. 
Thea: licks her lips as she moves across the branch above the saiyan ( no telling how strong he might like this so i better make the strike swift and quick.) she slowly takes a needle from her belt taking off the cap and placing it back into  her belt. 
Thea: (c) (This should keep him from moving to much) her tail slowly moves up toward her straw hat pulling out a scalp scalpel it. her sleans down her head passing some of the branch she is hanging onto. her eyes slant a bit. 
Thea: (c) her heart thumping as she gets ready to pounce on her prey. She launches herself down the needle aiming for the saiyans chest. the branch shakes making the leaves shake. 
Hakato: opens his eyes seeing a woman above him, &W'Wasnt my birthday untill june.'&w His eyes look down from her face to her legs. Then to her hands seeing a weapon. His eyes buldge as he kicks her off of him then does a backflip landing on the ground fe
Hakato: feet first. &W'Not on the first date woman'&w he says as he looks at her tail, &W'wait your a saiyan? Why would you want to kill another person the same race as you, if anything go kill some icer. On the other hand, if you want to try and kill me,
Hakato: [c] good luck!' He looks at his apple on the ground &c*I must have fell asleep*&w. Hakato then brushes some dirt off of his muscle shirt and closes his eyes almost falling to sleep again. He whispers to himself &B'man I shouldnt have stayed up so 
Hakato: [c] &Bso long training.'&w
Thea: flips back from the force of the saiyan kicking her off him. she rolls into a  ball then comes out of it her feet hitting the bottom of the branch that was right above them. "hmph good you got a little skill, I guess i better treat
Thea: (c) you like the rest of my hunts." her smiles just widens as she watches the saiyan lay back down this time her energy flaring up around her body blowing the branch from underneath her feet. she flies forward this time twiriling her 
Thea: (c) whole body as her tail flings out with the scalpel toward the saiayans mid section. 
Hakato: shakes his head seeing the woman charging for him with her tail. &W'Cant we just get dinner or something? Bah never works out between me and women. I guess you could say I have bad luck.'&w he says. His body quickly fades away and he appears ontop
Hakato: of a branch with his tail patting the woman on her head, &W'got a name?'
Thea: eye's dart off to the side as the saiyans swiftly moves away from her attack. her body still going through  the motions until she hits the ground bending at her knees the scalpel  cutting a few blades of grass where the saiyan was once at. 
Thea: (c) stands up raising her left eyebrow as she stares at the saiyan. she slowly pulls off her straw hat and looks at the straw hat. "did you just touch my hat?" she frowns at her straw hat then places back on to her head. 
Thea: (c) "the name is Thea of course i don't care what your name is, and my name will do you little good." her eyes narrow as she thrust her right arm out a quick bright flash of red light is seen before  a single orb of energy is tossed toward 
Thea: (c) the base of the tree blowing it straight from the ground. She looks up  waitting for the saiyan to make another move. 
Hakato: grabs the tree and the end of the branch. His legs impact the part of the branch closest to the tree. He then breaks all the leaves off and prepares to fight. &W'I guess you wont give me your number?' &wHe runs toward the female saiyan and chucks 
Hakato: [c]the branch at her. He quickly fades away and appears laying down between her legs. He reaches for her tail in a attempt to pull it.
Thea: frown gives way to a chuckle and a smiles as the saiyan tosses the branch toward her. her head darts down as she feels a slight shift in the ground as the saiyan lands between her legs and attempts to grab at  her . 
Thea: (c) "oh and you were saying not on the first date eh?" she catches his arm with her legs wrapping around it and falling to her back just as the branch flies over the two of them. her tail swooping around the male saiyan still holding onto the scal
Thea: (c) scalpel. her tail dangles right over the Saiyans face menacingly. "now did you think it was such a good idea to get so close to your attack?" her tail dives down toward the saiyans. 
Hakato: thinks to himself &c*bitch..*&w. He powers up just one level giving off strength the blows the scalpel away. &W'So um, you aint gonna do anything while your ontop, are you?' &wHis muscles buldge as he slips out of her hold and flies backwards into
Hakato: [c] the air. He flies into the clouds to where you can only see 10 feet away from your due to you being in the clouds. &W'Heh, looks like this is gonna be a fun date, eh?' &wHe screams out in rage. His muscles buldge and the muscle shirt rips into
Hakato: [c]pieces. He gives off huge amount of ki and a small aura. &W'You wanna show me some moves?'&w he winks at the woman.
Thea: tucks into a ball and rolls back then darts right back up on to her feet. the scapel still twirling up in the air then back down. her tail makes a quick whipping sound as it catches the scapel in mid air. she looks up at the clouds and sighs. 
Thea: (c) (This should have been over thats what happens when you get to happy.) she reaches down grabbing hold of her straw hat and placing it back onto her head. " well since your finally ready let me go ahead and get pumped too." 
Thea: (c) she lowers both her arms and takes a deeps beath her aure flares up for a moment then down and floats no higher then her ankles. the ground around her starts to pill and break away from her leaving only a perfect circle of grass 
Thea: (c) right underneather her feet. The rest of the blades of grass seem ot float up in the air and catch on fire then fizzle out before touching back on the ground. " Well come on down here, i mean you have so many jokes. 
Thea: (c) but you have showed me so little moves." she lookes up at the clouds her scouter beeping and blinking as the saiyan powers up himself. she raises her left arm up into the air and beckons the saiyan to come and play.
Hakato: looks down at the woman, &W'Are you a lezbian? because you dont seem to like guys that much.'&w He quickly rushes down to the woman and fades away when face to face. He appear behind her, fades back infront of her, then fades behind her. He grabs 
Hakato: [c] the scapel and opens his hands to where its lying flat. He charges a energy ball as the scapel begins to float. It becomes one with the energy ball giving it more of a peircing tone. He fades away and appears besides her. &W'I cant keep this g
Hakato: [c]&Wgift, here take it back.' &wHe moves his left hand quickly firing it towards her waist. It lightly cuts his hand, but deep enough for him to drip blood. He looks at his hand as the blood falls down his arm the same path as his veins. &W'Got a
Hakato: [c]&Wnumber?' 
Thea: Watches as the Saiyan dart back in forth until he could swips the scapel from her tail. " oh now come on i think that you are being a little to flashy here. or is it that you don't know what to do next eh?" she smirks as he tells 
Thea: (c) her how he can't hold  the attack long. she flips into the air just as he releases his attack toward her. the attack hits the ground the scapel slightly melted but the blade still intack. "why would you do that to my stuff?" 
Thea: (c) her body now hitting the ground her back toward the saiyans back. "come on come on you need to stop running so much and throw a little puches."She spins around  facing the saiyan grinning at him and shaking her head. 
Thea: (c) "come on one more time try again." 
Hakato: tilts his head to the side, grins and rubs the back of his head, &W'I dont, umm I dont hit woman. Thats why im only trying to grab your tail or hit you with energy attacks.'&w He fades away and reappears behind the woman. His hands wrap around her
Hakato: [c], &W'Or, I could just remove your tail.'&w he unwraps the woman then picks up the scapel. He quickly dashes the scapel down to the base of her tail in a attempt to cut it. 
Thea: slides her feet apert placing her left hand out in front face focusing her energy in one quick blast of aura. The scapel flings away from her tail and back into ground as her aura shines with a bright golden glow. her tail whips back in forth 
Thea: (c) then wrappes right around her waist. "now why would you be trying to pull a limb off of me but not willing to hit me ? " she chuckles at this thought thing takes one step toward the saiyan. "my turn then?" 
Thea: (c) She then shifts her whole body  moving swiftly behind the saiyan then turns around and throws a kick with her right foot toward the saiyans faces. 
Kyosho: was  was training in his gravity room when all of sudden he felt a burst of powerlevel. *That is just like the time that Saiyan turned into that Super Saiyan Stage* Kyosho thought as he grabbed his black Jacket. Once the halfbreed exited the room 
Kyosho: [C]he suppressed down to a mangy 5 powerlevel and shot off to where the new plowerlevel was radiating.
Hakato: gets impacted in the face then hit the bottom of a cliff hard. He looks up as rocks from the top quickly pile ontop of him. His energy gets lower and lower by the second. He slowly steps out of the rock pile and yawns. His teeth are red from the b
Hakato: the blood lightly coming out of his mouth. He walks toward Thea slowly. Rocks begin to lift into the air. His power increases by each step. He gets infront of Thea and speaks, &W'My name is Hakato. My parents died when I was little, and im not goi
Hakato: [c]going to die untill I get some kids. And as I said, I dont hit woman. So you can try to hit me all you want. I never hit a female and I never will unless it is to save someone elses life. In the other hand, all I can do is take hits from you, I
Hakato: [c]I dont really care.'
Hakato: He reaches into his pocket then pulls out a picture. He holds it up into the womans face then shows her a picture of his parents. &W'These are my parents, My grandfather gave me this picture when I was just about four.'&w He flips the card around 
Hakato: [c] picture around showing the black on the back. &W'These are my parents now. Nothing because of evil people like you. You and those damn Icers are the reason my parents are dead. Your the reason I had to work 3 jobs a week and only get four days
Hakato: [c]&Wof sleep. Then, the Icers destroyed my planet. My planet was told to be a planet taken by our race. And the majority of our race came here, atleast the ones who survived. I can hardly afford cloths, thats why I have this muscle shirt and this
Hakato: [c]&Wthis pair of jeans. I have crap shoes and hardly any food.'&w he places the picture and places it back into his pocket. &W'Go ahead, do your worst, but why you would attack your own race, I dont know. If your going to kill me now, then I will
Hakato: [c]&Wjust take the hits.'
Thea: watches the Saiyan walk up toward her announcing his name Hakato. " what a nice speach you just gave me, heh but see its people like you that i do what I have to." she stands up straight her aura swaying back in forth. 
Thea: (c) "You see you only see race, It doesn't matter to me if your saiyan namiaken Human or even Icer. What i care about is what flows through you through those who have learn to use thier energy they are the ones that will make my dream. 
Thea: (c) come true. So i'm glade to hear you will live for my cause. She launches forward swooping her fingers into a point so that her hands could cut right into Hakato like a hot knigh "then by all means go and Die!" 
Thea: slides from side to the next. a loud thumping sound could be heard ec hoing through out the dojo as she slams her forearm against the wooden doll. she slides from one side to the next side kicking and hitting the doll.
Thea: (c)  ( hrm this planet is to bad. Vegeta)  she strikes her knee up hitting the wooden doll right in the head, then backs up up crouching down her arms stretched out  striking a pose. she takes a deep breath then stands back up dusting herself off.
Kyosho: was in the middle of a barren wasteland the wind blowing through his hiar and pushing his robe to his right side. *So this is the place of birth for my father* Kyosho thought. Kyosho eyey scanned the area and saw a building and felt a powerlevel e
Kyosho: [C]emitting within it. The haldbreed suppressed his powerlevel down to 5 so noone could sense him out as he walked to the building.
Thea: steps back from the doll grabing her toll whipping it around her shoulder turning away from it and walking toward a machine in the middle of the room. in the back the doll can be seen falling apart from the strikes of Thea. 
Thea: (c) She walks up toward the machine flipping a few more switches. the low hum of the machine could be heard starting up as a few benches could be seen breaking or bending from the gravity withen the room. ( heh i like the training areas here.) 
Thea: (c) she steps over toward one of the  benches and grabs the arm and leg weights on.
Kyosho: reached the building where the powerlevel was emitting from and opened the sliding doors, the haldbreed scaned the area to make sure there was no threat, he enters the room very slowly and started to follow the sorce of the Powerlevel
Thea: drops to the ground and starts to doing a few pushups that is until she hears the slight sound of the door sliding open. her gaze darts up to the bench were her scouter is but doesn't see it going off  at the sign of anyone but herself. 
Thea: (c) she does one more push up launching her back onto her feet. she turns around at the door and sees what she things might be a Saiyan. "and who might you be ?" she tilts her head a bit and watchs him. 
Kyosho: looked at the Saiyan female " I'm Kyosho Daishi, I came to this planet to see my fathers birth place, and who might you be? " Kyosho asked Thea. Kyosho looked around the room not waiting for her answer and saw that she had been working out.
Thea: watches Kyosho  who seem to be taking in the old style dojo. "you can just call me Thea." she looks at him and gives a slight smile and nod " so you like the dojo do you ? one of my teacher use to train me here it's nice like home." 
Thea: (c) her mind seems to wounder away for amoment then comes right back around to Kyosho. " I don't know why you bothered coming her to this planet because of your father, unless there are some question you are looking for answer ? " 
Kyosho: " Nice to meet you Thea, and yes there is one question that Im looking for, Maybe you can answer it for me, how does one achive the level of a Super Saiyan? " Kyosho asked the female saiyan " Even though I'm just a halfbreed I heard that even I am
Kyosho: [C] to become a Super Saiyan. "
Thea: "hmmm so you want to be super eh?" she looks at him for a moment walking around the other side of hte dojo back toward the machine in the center of the room. " well you have to work hard at lots of blood  lots of rage hate darkness." 
Thea: (c) her eye's looked up at him smile creeping over her face. "you want to go golden maybe i can help you with that , maybe." 
Kyosho: smiled as his aura bursted around him evening his powerlevel to Thea " Is this good or should I go up higher? " Kyosho asked. " Because if any thing I can goto my actual powerlevel. " 
Thea: nods toward him. "no thats good, thats really good." ( so strong but hasn't gone to the next stage hmm.) she flips a few more switches the machine humms a little louder breaking the rest of the benches around them. 
Thea: (c) her aura flares up and in a single flash turns golded along with her braids she steps away from the machine and beckons him to come on over. "show me what you got." 
Kyosho: aura burned every brighter and harder as he almost reaches the powerlevel of the Super saiyan " Heh, looks like I'm just alittle weaker then a Super Saiyan.... " Kyosho smiled alittle as he said that but frowned thinking *Wow the power jump from w
Kyosho: [C] where she was at to now is amasing I hope I can achive that kind of power* Kyosho thought
Thea: launches forward toward kyosho the ground cracking just a little under each step she takes. she drops down into a spin her left arm reaches out grabing onto the ground her right foot flinging out toward  kyosho chin.
Kyosho: was completely stunned by the speed that he was hit knocked up into the air, Kyosho flipped in midair and then pushed off with some of his ki and launched towards Thea aiming a punch towards her face.
Thea: spins around head first as the punch from kyosho lands dead on her cheack. "good, good thats the way you do it." her right foot  steps back gaining her balance. "but it's more then strenght. it's more then power you must feel 
Thea: (c) the rage the rush!" she throws a jab with her left hand toward Kyosho face
Kyosho: grabbed onto the fist that was thrown and gripped it hard with his left hand as ht threw his right hand towards her. the halfbreed's teeth where shoing as he was using alot of strenght to hold Thea inhuman punch.
Thea: head sways over toward the side letting Kyosho punch fly by her face. "Talk to me kyosho! tell me about your self what makes you tick what makes you think you should go to the next stage!" she leaps up trying to hit kyosho 
Thea: (c) with her knee against his face.
Kyosho: ducked under neath the kick while releasing the fist " I wish to protect people, I'm not strong enogh to protect the people I care for " Kyosho  said as he charged a large energy blast and shot it towards Thea.
Thea: looks down and bats the energy blast away while still in the air. the blast crashes into the ground blowing a hole into the floor. she lands back down  onto the ground and looks at Kyosho. "wrong that is the wrong reason." 
Thea: looks down and bats the energy blast away while still in the air. the blast crashes into the ground blowing a hole into the floor. she lands back down  onto the ground and looks at Kyosho. "wrong that is the wrong reason." 
Thea: (c) "the path you want does not sit in the hand of the protecter, no it sits in the hand of a killer it sits in the hand one whos rage is out of controle!" she thrust her hand forward and release a large wave of energy from the palm of 
Thea: (c) "the path you want does not sit in the hand of the protecter, no it sits in the hand of a killer it sits in the hand one whos rage is out of controle!" she thrust her hand forward and release a large wave of energy from the palm of 
Thea: (c) her hand toward Kyosho.
Kyosho: hit by the wave and was knocked back some distance.  " No.....Thats not the wrong reason.... " Kyosho said as he was tring to ge back to his feet, his energy leavin his body " How can that be the wrong reason? " Kyosho asks.
Thea: smirks at kyosho question. " easy because all those that are saiyans or halfbreeds must have the blood thirst in order to get to the next stage." she walks over to the machine in the center of the room turning off the machine. 
Thea: (c)" i'm going to earth in a few days meat me there and i'll train you the right way to become something more then a super saiyans. " the smiles fades from her face "after to there is so much more to being a real 
Thea: (c) super saiyan then golden hair you know." she turns walks off toward the door grabing her scouter and waving bye to kyosho.
Kyosho: got up and tried to stand up but to no success, the halfbreed's energy was gone and so was him. Kyosho pass out and fell to the floor hard.
Hakato: has his face banged in by the punch Thea threw towards him. His cloths flew forward as he flew back into the rockpile he amungst from the last punch she threw. Blood gushing from his shoulders, mouth and legs. Holes in his shirt only show red inst
Hakato: [c]instead of his skin. The rest of his shirt is all brown due to the dirt from the rock pile. His head shakes like crazy as he looks up. His eyes turn red from a little blood. His mouth opens up leaking blood. &W"As I said, Im not going to hit a 
Hakato: [c]&Wwoman.'&w Hakato sturdly steps forward towards Thea. His moves up revealing a clear shot towards his jaw as his eyes close preparing for another hit.
Thea: shakes her head in disappointment. "well, don't worry i'll put your down quick that way you don't have ot hurt so much friend." she  darts forward almost blurring out of sight then back in from behind.  she spins kicking her left 
Thea: (c) foot out toward Hakato neck. 
Hakato: gets kicked in the neck by Thea and blast back to the rock pile. This time he stays in the rock pile for a little bit longer. He gets up, legs shivering, then callapse once again. Hand shaking, he reaches into his pocket and grabs a bean. His mout
Hakato: [c]mouth slowly opens then he fits the small bean in. He munches on it regaining his strength. His muscles buldge with power and most wounds on his body is gone. His eyes turn pure white as he stands up. He looks at Thea with a fist. &W'I guess wh
Hakato: [c]&Wwhen your parents are dead, you dont have to obey their rules.'&w Hakato then yells, &R'Kaioken! Times ten!' &wRed energy starts to spawn beneath his feet. It crawls up his legs, up his cloths, then when it hits his shoulders, it flares up 3 
Hakato: [c] feet from his head. Hakato's power rises huge like, even greater than Thea's. By the shape hes in, you notice the Kaioken is taking his health away slowly, but from his position, its worth it.
Thea: scouter starts to beep more rapidly before she could remove it the scouter sparks then burst into smoke and ashes right off of her face. the mini explosion was so powerful it jerked her head off to one side causing her 
Thea: (c) straw hat to fly off her head and taken away in the wind. Thea looks up at her hat that is swaying away with the breeze then back at Hakato. "Now look at that you have been holding out on me." she gives a low snarl befor placing her 
Thea: (c) hands togather cupping her left hand over her right hand.  the air around her starts wave before shards of  like start pull toward the center of her hand. ( i got to make him move and burn that energy.) " Her something special for you!" 
Thea: (c) she thrust her hands forward releasing alarge wave of blue and black energy toward Hakato.
Hakato: looks at Thea creating a blue beam in the palms of her hands then launching it towards him. &W'Another gift? Heh, I'd be happy to take it.'&w He swiftly fades away then appears onto a tree. He claps his hands then swings them around his body creat
Hakato: [c]creating a energy like sphere. He looks at Thea then charges towards her with a fist pointing at her head. Moving so fast, the tree he was on explodes to peices with black burn marks. Hakato quickly appears behind Thea then yells, &W'To bad you
Hakato: [c]&W refused to talk this out.'&w Hakato said. The energy sphere explodes right next to Thea aiming to hurt her bad.
Taz: seeing the blast, he turns super and flies over to see what is going on. He notices that his friend, Thea, is in trouble. Before anyone could see him, he makes 2 destructo diskes n sends them toward hakato's way.
Thea: twist her whole body around just as Hakato gets behind her and releases the energy sphere. she throws her hands up into the air crossing her arms over her chest to protect her from the energy sphere. with a loud thud and 
Thea: (c) crackle the sphere hits against Thea's arms pushing her back a few feet before she pushing her arms forward and launching hte ball back toward Hakato. smoe slowly raises off of her arms as she stares back at him. 
Thea: (c) until see hears a voice in the distance "uh oh Taz" she looks back to see the disk coming her way in drops to the ground on all four letting the disck fly right over her body toward Hakato. 
Hakato: gasps as he looks behind him seeing two disk flying away. He then looks up to see Thea flying above his head. &C&great, last thing I need is another person to try and kill me*&w he thinks to himself. His aura flares up as his bodie quickly drops t
Hakato: [c]towards the ground. As soon as his feet hit the ground, he jolts towards a tree and begins to run up it. He jumps off the tip of the tree and flies into the air. He does a backflip and aims a kick right to Thea's back reading to push her in the
Hakato: [c]way of the disk.
Taz: as he sees the disks miss Hakato, he ends an energy ball toward to stop them from hitting Thea. After that, he goes toward Hakato and gets ready for a hard battle.
Taz: <c> As soon as he hits the ground n starts running toward Hakato with a hard punch to the face.
Thea: eyes dar between the energy disk and Hakato (darn it shouldn't be this hard to fight this fool.) the energy ball fly by Thea slamming into the Energy disk. "hehhahah I'm going to kill you now Hakato."  she spins around dodging 
Thea: (c) Hakato kick his foot barely missing her side. " ahhhh!" she pulls back then thrust her right fist forward toward Hakato chest.
Hakato: catches the new fighter's fist then uses the force from it to launch him into the air kicking Thea's fist. He spins around using the new fighter's fist aiming to kick Thea with his right foot and kick the new fighter with his right foot.
Taz: being thrown toward Thea, he tries to stop himself before he slams into her. He powers up and flies up. While he is doing that, he thinks *this guy looks easy, but he is hard to beat. Got to come up with something to kill him.*
Thea: eye twitches as she watches Hakato push himself in the air and throws a kick toward her faces his foot hitting her dead on knocking her off balance toward her left side. she hits the ground with a loud thud but tucks and rolls 
Thea: (c) into a ball then springs back out launching herself up into the air toward Hakato throwing a right punch but stops short. "here!" she opens her hands letting out a large blast of energy from the palm of her hand at Hakato.
Hakato: sees a great flash of energy head his way and his eyes buldge. He lets go of the new fighters fist then charges a energy ball and impacts the beam headed his way. It breaks the energy fired at him in half then Hakato charges a new ball of energy a
Hakato: [c]and throws it at Thea. He then charges a yellow energy ball and throws it towards the new fighter. He takes a flip back to where he is fifteen feet away and thinks to himself, &c*lets hope I can end this now*&w. Hakato moves his arms to his sid
Hakato: moves his arms to his side and cups them. You see lines of energy form into the middle of his palms that crackle with ki. A dark blue energy ball forms.
Hakato: [c]The light from it breaks through the cracks in his hands as he begins to say something, &W'Kaaa'&w he remembers about his parents. &W'Meee'&w he remembers about the evil guy he killed that killed his parents as more energy impacts the energy b
Hakato: [c]ball. &W'Aaah'&w he remembers how much he hates icers and his muscles buldge focusing more ki into the dark blue energy ball. &W'Meee'&w he remembers about his planet that was destroyed by icers. &W'HAAA!'&w Hakato thrust his hands forward tur
Hakato: [c]turning the dark blue energy ball into a dark blue beam flying towards the two of the fighters. His hair, cloths, and aura fly back and shake up a storm. Dust particles and chunks of rocks fly back hitting the trees and hills behind him.
Taz: sees the ki attack comming his way, he quickly makes a barrier that covers Thea and himself. As he makes the barrier, he prepares for the hit of the blast.
Thea: left eye twicthes one last time before taking a  deep breath then letting out a low sigh her energy crackles for a moment  while the ground seems to crack and peel away from her feet. her hair seems to loosen from the braids 
Thea: (c) on her head falling flat down against her back. she quickly swings her right hand back hitting the kamehameha wave from Hakato dead on. The energy crackles and flickers from  the force of Taz barrier and Thea's fist hitting it. 
Thea: (c) the kamehameha wave gets quickly deflected from them. Thea places her hands on her hips shaking her head and sighing once again. "I really wanted this to be over  with out me going up one more level i guess it can't be helped"
Taz: just got done doing some training. He is very tired and hungry. He notices a food shack ahead and decides to stop for a bite to eat. When he enters the place, everyone starts looking at him weird. And he wonders whats going on.
Taz: <c> he orders something to eat and begins to think about some stuff. He then wonders what hakato is up too.  *Dumbass fag that can't fight. But how the hell did he beat me?* As he wonders that, he begins picking up a strong powerlevel. Now he wond
Taz: <c> wonders who it is that is comming his way.
Hakato: jumps around and throws his fist infront of him at the speed of light. His cloths shake from the power of the wind and how he is going so fast. He looks at his wrist and sees his veins pump with blood. His fingers crumble in making a fist as he pu
Hakato: []cpunches a tree breaking it in half. Having his power suppressed to a regular human's power, he should be safe. He senses a strong power heading the way to the city, &W'Who could that be.'&w He runs up the tree then lifts off into the air. A aur
Hakato: [c]aura of energy blast back along with his hair and cloths as he begins to fly towards the city. &W
Taz: as he looks up, he sees a someone flying his way. Not knowing who it is. He gets up and tells the waiter he will be back and to leave his food on the table. As he walks out, he looks up and notice that the person is still on his way toward him. He
Taz: <c>He begins to fly and he then notices that its hakato. He powerups just to be safe that he isnt comming to fight him. He waits until hakato gets closer to see what he wants.
Hakato: looks to the side noticing that Taz is looking at him. He grins then with a sudden burst of energy, he zips right past him. Out of site from Taz, Hakato quickly lands onto a cliff where the only way off, is falling down and dieing.
Taz: as he sees Hakato fly past him, he sayz "dumbass bitch, i'm gonna go eat my burger." He slowly floats down and re-enters the food place n sits back down and begins eatting his burger. He think wonders *why the fuck did Hakato fly right past me for
Taz: <c> ...?* Instead of answering that question, he begins enjoying his good burger.
Hakato: sighs as he senses Taz not coming. &W'I guess I will have to make him.'&w He un suppresses his power and powers up. Rocks fly into the air and his power level rockets. He grins, &W'This better get him here, I know he cant deny a fight.'&w He moves
Hakato: [c]moves his hands to his side and makes a fist with both. His muscles buldge increasing his power even more.
Taz: as he takes a last bite of his burger, he senses a very strong powerlevel. He thinks *damn, he never gives up.* As he finishes his beer, he tips the waitress, and pays for his meal.
Taz: <c> He then walks outside, goes super, and begins to fly toward hakato. He then says "What do you want, I was enjoying peace and quiet til you came along. Now, what do you want?"
Hakato: having his back on taz, &W'I've changed'&w he says as his power level rockets even more. &W'If you kill people for fun, then I guess I will have to end your life here and now. You cant kill any more people.'&w He turns around revealing his face. &
Hakato: [c]&W'Make the first attack.'
Noodles: - Holding tightly to his pokemon blaster card collector 2007, Noodles sighs, looking outside the spaceship window as it exits hyperspace. The world around him suddenly jolting back into reality. He smiles, looking at the waitress and trying to get
Noodles: <C> a peep at what color her underwear is. "I bet... shes not wearing any or maybe shes got a pair of heaps cool ones that i dont even know about yet cuz i am not cool enough" He says softly, trying to get her attention. 
Noodles: <C>She just ignores him and goes on with her business of giving such fine specimens oral sex. But Noodles ignores it, and nods his head to the bus keeper of the spaceship, and looks to the sign. "Oh shit, I got on the Kinky Express Service" Noodle
Noodles: <C>Noodles looks down with thought, "This is some sort of very sexual transportation where we can indulge in such fine beauty?" he thought to himself, as he gathered his body and stood up, awaiting for the attendent to release him from the spacesh
Noodles: <C>spaceship, so he can go on with his magical journey.
Taz: seeing Hakato as he turns around, he thinks *this dude is fuckin crazy!!* He then searches deeper within him and finds more power. Then he powerups more and gets ready for the fight.
Hakato: cracks his neck feeling the power coming from Taz, &W'Ya you better power up, I have a move I didnt before, I want to show you.'&w Hakato's foot flies towards Taz preparing to impact the side of his face.
Taz: as he see Hakato's punch comming toward him, he goes invisible and reappears behind him. He then lifts his fist and gets ready to slam Hakato down.
Hakato: quickly fades away and reappears behind Taz, &W'Im stronger than before, to let you know.' &wA yellow aura flashes around Hakato then disappears. His mouth goes into a grin shape showing Taz his new power. Hakato then throws two punches Taz's way.
Taz: getting hit, he opens his eyes and fires an energy ball toward hakato. Before hitting the ground, he stops himself and thinks of a plan to get Hakato. He begins thinking of ways to get him.
Taz: <c> When he figures out something, he goes super and starts flying toward Hakato.
Hakato: lets out a scream as his hair spikes up turning blonde. A aura burst around him as the colors yellow and dark yellow on the edges. It flares up violently as ever dust from the cliff flies off making it flat as the humans hand. He quickly flies tow
Hakato: [c]towards Taz faster than the speed Taz is flying. He charges a dark yellow energy ball and moves it infront of him aiming at Taz's face, launching it.
Taz: seeing the energy blast, he quickly moves out of the way. He then prepares for the famous kamehameha wave attack. He puts his hands together and yells "KA-ME-HA-ME-HA!!!" And send a blue energy wave toward Hakato.
Jeckel: stands alone on the top of an Earth city tower. Night had fallen and it was dark, the only light was from the street lights below and the half moon over head. He sighed as he walked to the edge of the building and looked up at the night sky then d
Jeckel: <C> down at the city streets below. They were nothing like the streets of planet Vegeta, however, it had been so long since he had been back there, so long. He silently cursed himself as his fists balled, he was powerless to return and on top of t
Jeckel: <C> that he had learned that he was a halfbreed..a mutant..a freak of impure heritage. "..no..I..I must get stronger..I will rule this universe!"
Jeckel: unclenches his fists and lets out a sigh. It would do him no good to get all worked up for nothing, there was nobody to fight and all he would do is end up blowing up this building with a waste of a display of power and strength however impressive
Jeckel: <C> it was. Although he thought about it for a second and clenched and unclenched his fist a few times. "Maybe I should just stir up some trouble...been so long without an actual fight I can feel my skills slipping.." And so to kick his plan into 
Jeckel: <C> action, Jeckel simply created a blue sphere of energy the size of a basketball and tossed it to the street below, causing a rather nasty explosion which left a decent sized crater and many, many, screaming human citizens.
Jeckel: sighed as he landed upon the soft snow that covered the streets and capped the tall buildings of what seemed to be an abandoned human city. It was chilly enough outside for the snow to fall from the dark clouds over head, and that was mainly what 
Jeckel: <C> drew him here. The fact that there was a city underneath all of it was a complete surprise. "Hmm..and I would of thought the humans weren't nomadic....especially if they were city builders." he said to himself as his boots made a crunch with e
Jeckel: <C> every step he made down the solitary and quiet street.
Treyce: rubbed his hands together, warming his hands up some. Although he wasn't fully human, the cold didn't affect him much, and he didn't have to feel it if he didn't want to, but he chose to. He exhaled slowly, watching the swirling mist escape his mo
Treyce: -c- mouth and dance with the wind before it disappeared entirely. His eyes strayed upward to the clouds, watching the snowflakes dance as they drift to the ground. Putting his hands in his coat, he set off for another long walk through the city.
Jeckel: looked at the crumbling and decaying buildings as he continued his wandering. The city didn't seem to be that bad, there were signs of a battle that took place here, which was probably what caused the populace to leave, but some of the buildings s
Jeckel: <C> seemed relatively un-touched by whatever happened here and rather only seemed ravaged by neglect and the elements. "Heh..Ya know..with a little work, I could make this place into my home...one big city as a house...heh...just need to figure ou
Jeckel: <C> out power and water..." He thought to himself as he continued to walk around, the crunch of his foot steps changing which drew his attention downward to where he noticed footsteps, one that he was currently stepping in. "Hmm..another person?" 
Jeckel: <C> He wondered outloud and floated up a few inches above the snow, hovering to silently follow the trail.
Treyce: - A small tune came to his mind as he wandered through the destroyed city. It was a tune he often hummed to himself as child, making him smirk a bit at some of the memories that came up with it as he hummed. He lifted a length of rusty pipe out hi
Treyce: pausing only momentarily, something nearby catching his attention. He threw the pipe to the side and leaned down to enter a crumbling building that seemed like it used to be an apartment. His eyes quickly drifted to where he entered, wondering if 
Treyce: C someone was still following him, and he leaped upward through a hole in the roof, perching on the edge.
Jeckel: planted himself back into the snow when he heard something clang in the distance, as if something metal hit the ground. He tapped the side of his scouter, turning it on and waited for the screen to load its search findings, showing the nearest sig
Jeckel: <C> signifigant powerlevel in the upper 200 thousands near his location. "Hmm..." he floated back up and followed the foot steps then started to simply follow his scouter readings untill he was standing in front of the building that held the power
Jeckel: <C> . "hehe...whoever you are." He started to yell towards the building. "You better come out now...I know exactly where you are..and you don't want me to have to force you out."
Treyce: - The low humming faded from his mouth and he stared upward through the hole in the ceiling, the snow falling and resting on his black hair and his shoulders. He lets his eyes slowly drift shut but in his mind, he still sees the snow dancing
Treyce: -C- down on him, keeping him calm. The voice that that threatens him out reaches his ears, but he doesn't let it register
Treyce: -C- for a minute, and even when it did, his apathetic mood at the moment didn't mind the danger that flowed through the possible outcomes of this confrontation. His voice carried the apathy that he was feeling right now, "If you know exactly where
Treyce: -C- I am, why should I bother to come out?" he asked.
Jeckel: smirked a bit..for such a low powerlevel this...human...he supposed it was..was rather smart. How schoolyard of these humans..get a little power and they think they can destroy everything that comes along. "Fine, then i'll smoke you out." Jeckel s
Jeckel: <C> said as he pointed the palm of his right hand at the building, the snowflakes that were falling around his arm suddenly melting and then a blue ball of energy the size of a basketball formed in front of his palm and then fired at the building,
Jeckel: <C> the snow beneath the sphere melting as it traveled, leaving a trail of where it had been. When the mass of energy hit the building, it exploded, rather brilliantly, the old building crumbling and blasting apart. A new building would of stood b
Jeckel: <C> barely a chance against this most basic of attacks so this crumbling ruin stood none. 
Treyce: - A slight shiver went down Treyce's spine, his eyes opening halfway. He swiftly swung his feet up and pushed off from his perch heading straight up through the holes in the ceilings. The building was already weak from the years of decay, so it cr
Treyce: -C- crumbled under the force he applied, not giving Treyce the speed he wanted to. A flash of blue caught his attention, speeding toward the building. A second later, the blast of energy hit the building, throwing him slightly off of his path. He 
Treyce: -C- He ended up going through the last two floors of the building before it crumbled in a cloud of smoldering fire and dust. He descended swiftly, sliding to a stop on the ground, his mood not changing from apathy, staring blankly at the hasty str
Treyce: -C- stranger in front of him. "A tad too hasty, aren't we?" he asked flatly, his misty eyes staring straight at him. 
Jeckel: smirked and crossed his arms as he looked Treyce over, his tail flicking behind him and then coming to wrap around his waist like a belt. "So you are a little quick on your feet for a human...still pretty weak though..." Jeckel stared at Treyce fo
Jeckel: <C> for a second more and then spoke again. "So what are you doing out here? live here? Because if you do this is your eviction notice. I plan on taking these forgotten ruins and turning them into my house...a whole city as a mansion." He smirked 
Jeckel: <C> a bit. "However..we could work something out I guess...you could stay around as a servant perhaps...clean my city house."
Treyce: - A raised eyebrow was the only response that this strange tailed person in front of him got for a few moments. Servant? House cleaning? Me? He thought. The very thought brought a slight grin to his face, knowing his own problem with authority. Hi
Treyce: -C- His misty eyes peered at him through half closed eyelids, sizing him up. He knew that this person was many times his own power... Saiyan? Pretty high chance of that, he thought. But he could be a halfbreed, but I guess it doesn't really make a
Treyce: -C- difference. "I come here when I want to be alone and I live where I want to live." answerng the first two questions from this tailed man. He took a step to the side, only seeing the tailed man through his peripheral vision. "And no, I will not
Treyce: -C- be your servant, but thanks for the offer. You can spitshine your own shoes." His eyes trailed upwards and he added. "Besids, you should know hasty dreams often meet arupt ends."
Jeckel: held a few moments of silence as he stared Treyce down...everything about his posture and attitude screamed that he was simply in the mood to snap something or someone's neck..his arms uncrossed and almost as if by magic, he was in front of Treyce
Jeckel: <C>, it wasn't magic though, it was pure, seemingly effortless, speed. He smirked and raised his left hand and then brought it down on Treyce's head, ruffling his hair as he let out a roar of a laugh. He then patted Treyce's shoulder. "I like you,
Jeckel: <C> you have guts..not in a Saiyan way..but eh..guess its the best you humans can do.." He stared talking off. "See you around..maybe you should eat more beef and do more pushups before you start talking to people with a no care attitude." he laug
Jeckel: <C> laughed again as he continued to walk down the snow covered street.
Taz: walks up and down the streets of New Hope. He is thinking of some stuff he could do for now, since he is bored as hell, and doesn't know what to do. He thinks bout training some more, but he has been all day. He wonders if he could find someone to
Taz: <c> fight. But he can't think of anyone he could fight.
Treyce: - Dark clouds block the sun from reaching the heads of the people of New York and the snow from the night before chill their feet. It's still snowing, but only a flurry. Dusting the snow off of his shoulders and his black hair, Treyce takes in his
Treyce: -C- current surroundings. He had been walking with his eyes closed again, a bad habit for him. Misty eyes through half closed eyelids peer at the people of the city, slim diversity. He exhaled slowly and rubbed his hands together briefly. Some wou
Treyce: -C-  would think he was strange, wearing just regular shoes and faded jeans and a wind breaker, but Treyce didn't mind feeling the cold. His eyes surveyed once more before he set off again, his eyes closed again.
Thea: walks out of a dark gray brick building, she gives a shiver as her foot hits the snow on the road. "hrmm I hate the snow and cold, I knew i shouldn't have come to this city." she takes a deep breath then swings her backpack over her 
Thea: (c) right shoulder.  She peers up at the dark gray clouds above her as small flakes of snow fall onto her face.  She catches something odd out of the corner of her eye someone that seems not ot  be bothered by the cold. 
Thea: (c) " I wounder" she starts across the street walking at a slow pace to keep him from noticing her but is sure not to loose the man in the crowd of people.
Taz: starts to walk outside. But before he does, he sees snow outside. He wonders why its snowing. But who cares! He walks back to his room and gets his snow stuff and goes outside to play.
Taz: <c> as he is walking outside. He sees Thea and some weird dude in a windbreaker and wonders what is going on. He walks over to Thea and asks "Is this dude feeling ok?"
Treyce: - In his mind, as Treyce usually did when it was snowing out, he saw the snow fall. Nothing else besides the sidewalk he was on, just darkness. But now there were two people in his mind, a man and a woman, conversing with each other, a question wa
Treyce: -C- was raised about himself. His eyes opened partly again, his misty eyes flashing a low red for a moment before closing them again. They didn't seem to be that strong, but he learned that appearences can be highly decieving. In his apathetic moo
Treyce: -C-  mood, he didn't stop to ask question to why they asked about him. To him, it's better to leave people in the dark.
Thea: nods to herself as she speeds up walking right next to the man, she slows down right when she gets beside him. "ahh  I guess you feel that it's  a nice day eh?" she turns toward him and gives a half cocked smile his way. 
Taz: wondering why she gave him that look, he calls for the strange man to come over. "I'll buy some hot chocolate if you want some!" He yelled.
Helios: - The day slowly faded away, eventually, the dark night sky would raise up high above the lands, shimmering a light moon gaze upon it. As all this occured, Helios, finely suited, and well rested, gazed as the bright sun slowly vanished over the la
Helios: <C>vanished over the lands. The moon crept up slowly, beckong a new beginning, and as for Helios, he stared into the moons glory, wondering what the new day will now bring. A heavy sigh could be heard from his well structured body, as he lent forw
Helios: <C>lent forward, gasping as he raised his glass to his lips, slowly taking a drink of the freshly harnessed water. Looking over his shoulder, he noticed a mere villager of somesorts, glaring upon his garneshes, aswell as his armors. He sighed, exh
Helios: <C>exhaling air as he suddenly spoke, "Kind Sir. How may I help you this fine night?" Moments passed, and the villager of sorts did not even flinch. "I say sir, what brings you to me at this late evening?"  Again, the villager of sorts did not res
Helios: <C>respond. Frustrated, but with caution, Helios arose, glaring downwards at the villager, hoping he could surely find a reason for this intrusion...
Taz: "Sir, are you talking to me?" Confused, whether or not he was talking to him or someone.
Helios: - Flinching his hand slowly, he moved it up towards his own face, brushing his hair back, so it would not grow between his eyes. "Yes Sir. What brings you to this place at such an untimely hour?" Helios spoke firmly, making sure his words were wel
Helios: <C> well structured and understandable. In hope that the villager of sorts could respond as such also.
Taz: "I noticed you were outside. Thought something was wrong..Well, you must be on something to be up this early in the morning." He looked in his pocket nad brought out his scouter to see if the person he was talking too hda a powerlevel or not. s ah
Taz: <c> he put it on his eyes, he pressed a button nd agot sttas for the being he was talking to
Noodles: has entered the rp and kills taz
Noodles: -Without submission, Noodles suddenly flips out into a break dance which none has ever seen before. He turns around slowly and notices Taz right there infront of him. He GOES KAMIKAZE BERSERK AND FLIES TOWARDS TAZ, HOLDING LOTS OF DYNAMITE. In hop
Noodles: <C>In hopes Taz will die and goto gay heaven and live happily ever after. Although, this is uncertain, Noodles would like to accompany him there, and they could be together. "I am in love with the guy named Taz."Noodles suddenly wakes up, realizin
Noodles: <C>realizing he has had a gay dream. "what the hell?" he says, gathering himself, and standing up. "Another gay dream? What the fuck? Who is this Taz guy? Is he my SOUL MATE?!" Noodles shouts rather angrilly, wanting to know what is going on.
Yoko: lowers her hands down toward the side of her torso medditating on her surrounding. A stiff wind blows around the stiff desert land right out side of new hope city. The sun lights up the clear blew sky and the heat beats down  
Yoko: (c) her head. The stiff wind seems to cirlce around her making her clothes start to dance in the wind, large amounts of energy starts to crackle around  the area as she focus her energy making the stiff breeze blow down around her ankles
Yoko: (c) "aaahhh, darn i can't hold it !" she breacks her stance as  the energy around blows the ground from around her sending cracks through the ground around her feet. "I'm going to have to get better at this."  
Yoko: (c) she takes another deep breath before falling back onto her butt letting her eye's gaze up at the clear blue sky high above her.
Kyosho: sat in the park inside of New hope city keeping his eyes closed letting every trace of any kind of rasie in power come to him. Then it happened out of no where and when it did the Halfbreed opened his eyes and look in the direction of the power. "
Kyosho: [C]" Woah what was that ? " Kyosho asked him self. Kyosho got up and kept his power level suppressed as he started to hover ovet the ground.  The halfbreed then started to fly off to the place where the energy was, but now was gone.
Taz: sits in his house resting from a long day of training. While he is resting, he senses something comming from the town. He gets up, puts his shoes on and heads into town to see what is going on.
Yoko: sits there in the dirt overshadow by some of the taller building that sit a bit in the distance. She runs her hands through her short black hair toward the back of her neck while letting out a small sigh. "Theres got go be a better way do  
Yoko: (c) this, and i have to stop talking to my self" a few chuckles slip from between her lips before a power level catches her attention. she turns her head  slightly toward the left  as she catches figure hovering in the air  coming
Yoko: (c) her way. Yoko quickly jumps up from the dirt and dust herself off. She starts to cough from the clouds of smoke that formes around her. 
Kyosho: landed on the ground right in front of the human female " If you don't mind me asking, why are you out in an area like this? " the halfbreed asked the Human,  " Also what did you do to make you power level jump up so high? " Kyosho continued, Kyos
Kyosho: [C] Kyosho then shook his head " How rude of me maybe I should introduce my self, my name is Kyosho Daishi " Kyosho bowed after saying this " Nice to meet you. "
Taz: flies toward town where he sensed the high power level. As he gets closer he notices two beings. One human and one halfbreed. As he decends to the ground, he wonders what was going on. When he gets to the ground he asks "Whats going on here?"
Taz: <c> as he askes that question, he presses a button on his scouter and takes a reading for the two beings. As he does that, he notices that female human has a strong powerlevel. He thinks *probly trying to go super or something.*
Taz: flies toward town where he sensed the high power level. As he gets closer he notices two beings. One human and one halfbreed. As he decends to the ground, he wonders what was going on. When he gets to the ground he asks "Whats going on here?"
Yoko: looks up toward Kyosho after having a short coughing fit from all of the dust in the air, her face turns slightly red as she realized the mistake she made by training out in the open like that. she places her right hand behind her  
Yoko: (c) head and started laughing a bit. " Yeah i guess that was a  little foolish doing that out in the open  eh ? uh my name is Yoko, Yoko Zsa." she lets her right hand fall down to her side before falling back into the dirt. 
Yoko: (c) causing another small dust cloud to rise up around them. "Well i just focused my energy. you know how to do that right? i mean you got to you were hovering in the air!" she shoots Kyosho a big silly looking grin.
Yoko: quickly  twist around to see another person had arrived there this one being a bit more hyper then the first. "uh heh i was just uh." she  starts to nervously play with her fingers.
Kyosho: nod " Yeah I know how to do that, and flying is quite easy I guess for me. " Kyosho said with a smile, then right after the halfbreed turns around and saw the other human standing there with a scouter ofer his right eye, " And who might you be? " 
Kyosho: [C] Kyosho asked calmly.
Taz: forgot to introduce himself.. "Why my good friend, thats a good question. My name is Taz. I live near here and noticed the powerlevel. Yoko, I noticed your trying to fly. Its very easy. Would you like us to show you how we fly?" He asked. He then 
Taz: <c>then thinks of a way to show her how he flyes, but he can't think of anyway except to show her.
Yoko: face now bright red from her embarrassment her gaze stays down at her hand until Taz lifts himself from the ground into the air. " I..I mean i know how to fly it's just hard for me to get use to it in this realm" she mutters those word 
Yoko: (c) softly to herself as she looks up at Taz now floating there in the air. " well you make it look easy enough, don't you" she turns back and looks at Kyosho her embarrassment fading slightly "I think you were right i sure shouldn't 
Yoko: (c) have been trying to use that much power out here in the open, i'm lucky that it's poeple like you guys and not some blood thirsty nut."
Shim: *- Arms crossed, Shim idled atop the roof of a New Hope City skyscraper. He was making progress. But... Where had these past years gone? Where had he been? It seemed like the world had sped by in his absence, and he had stopped moving; but he was 
Shim: (C) only twenty five years old. Had he entered that void - Perfection - where his brother still wandered mindlessly, wallowing in his regret? Or had he simply ceased to exist for a year, however impossible that sounded?
Kyosho: moved forward alittle and sat right infront of Yoko but then spoke to Taz " That not a good way of showing how to use her energy... " Kyosho said tring to get his thoughts straighten out to say how to use it. " The way is this. " Kyosho said as he
Kyosho: [c]he placed his hand in the middle of his chest " This is the point where your energy is contained at, every single last drop is here. " Kyosho said then startted to move his hand down his right arm " Next time you focus you energy imagin the ene
Kyosho: [C]energy in your core is draining down into your right arm by going up into the shoulder and then sliding down. " Kyosho then place his right palm out wards and created an energy ball " Then when it reaches into your palm you will fell eather hea
Kyosho: [C]heat or eletricty on you palm, form that point imangin that there is a glass sphere above your hand and let your energy go into this and fill it up, but while its doing that make sure your thinking it going into a sprial around it to keep it in
Kyosho: [C]inside of it. " Kyosho said then releasing his energy ball to nothing. " I know this isn't flight but this will help you reach there. " Kyosho said with a smile.
Taz: watches as kyosho shows yoko how to concentrate her energy. He then thinks of he practiced how to fly. He then askes Kyosho "Hey, think we could train together later?" He then says to Yoko, "If you want, you could join us. We could teach you a cou
Taz: <c> couple of things." As he says that, he looks up into the sky to see clouds forming. "How about we get under some cover before it starts raining. Yoko, you know how New Hope's weather is."
Yoko: lowers her head and starts to poner on what Kyosho has just told her. " Yeah, Yeah that makes since i think i get what your saying. " her eyes get filled with a little more determination then before she nods at Kyosho 
Yoko: (c) "yeah i'm going to take that and run with it." she peers up at the sky above seeing the once clear blue sky become filled with gray clouds in the sky. "yeah I know what the weather is like here. I guess i can pick this up another time. 
Yoko: (c)  and yeah i would love to go with you guys training, it would be alot better then doing this by myself." she flashes the two of them a big smile. the sky above soon becomes completely dark as rain starts to thump down on thier head. 
Yoko: (c) "I think something is wrong guys." she looks back toward the city sensing something really strang and wrong has happened.
Taz: "Yall go on, i'll catch up in a min. I need to talk to yoko about something. Kyosho, i'll come find you when I'm done, sound good?" He said as the rain began pouring down on them. "But first, lets get under some kind of cover, I dont feel like get
Taz: <c> getting wet
Fenin: gazes into the sky from the dark alleyway that had been his home for the past few days. He hadn't moved from that spot, and he had no intention of doing so. He was fed up with life, and life had abandoned him long ago. Shivering violently he remem
Fenin: -x- Shivering violently he remembers his ungodly hunger, the ravenous gnawing in his stomach as it tried to digest itself for any taste of sustenance, though it doesn't concern him in the least. This will be the cause of his death, and he has come
Fenin: -x- and he has come to accept that fact. Staring up at the clouds as though they were each a warm memory of his distant path, he becomes one with the world around him, numb to the buzzing of daily life on the busy sidewalks on either side of him.
Thea: stares down at the crowd of people running around the streets trying to get away from her and her new creation, Thea scouter blinks widly as it picks up all the powerlevel of the people down below her. "it's not much, i was really 
Thea: (c) hoping to find a few stronger poeple in the city." a frown creeps across her face as she sits back inwhat looks to be a queens throne. The throne is sitting atop of a large beast standing on it's back back legs. 
Thea: (c) it's eye's light up bright red as it's tunge swoops down grabbing different people and tossing it back like  a childs play thing. "now now Damascus i need some of these people alive." beast lets out a blood thirst roar 
Thea: (c) as pushes through the city.
Shim: - "You never were so quick to give up before." Shim spoke from behind the Saiyan, a concerned look upon his half-concealed face. Fists balled as he looked on at what was once one of his best friends, an old companion from the time he had infiltrat
Shim: (C) infiltrated the ranks of the Old Syndicate of Kalen. "You've grown weak; I see... Hunger in you, hunger that was never there before." Shim paused, narrowing his eyes, those piercing lavender pupils shimmering like perfect amethysts. "What has 
Shim: (C) "What has happened to you, Fenin?"
Fenin: lowly allows his head to descend from the sky, his eyes glazed over and his face bearing an expression of complete and utter hollowness. His voice is raspy, and he speaks in monotone, lacking any hint of emotion, "Well is that a familiar voice, Sh
Fenin: -x-"Well is that a familiar voice, Shim Wu'Sha. It has been quite some time, hasn't it? You've seemed to have caught me in a fragile moment, however, if you would excuse me... I am rather busy..." Fenin looks back up to the sky and a streak of tea
Fenin: -x- streak of tears stream down to his chin
Shim: *- "Tell me what's happened. You know that if anyone alive can fix it, it would be me. What the hell is the matter?" Genuine concern was expressed on Shim's face; concern that he had for very, very few other people alive. Yes, it had been a long w
Shim: (C) while since he had crossed a familiar face, and he would not have it be a tear-streaked one.
Fenin: looks upon Shim once more, "You know what happened to me. You were there when she left, you were there when they... 'No longer were requiring my services...' You must have heard of my eviction, I doubt I would have fallen off of the map SO quickly
Fenin: -x- A tinge of emotion sparks to life in his voice, now, though it is hard to discern through the heavy muffling rasp. "But if I had, then there you go... I've been living in the same shoes for... Ages... Doing anything for a place to survive, and
Fenin: -x- and now, I'm done. So if you will..." He looks up to the sky again.
Shim: - "I've been gone for a year, Fenin. There's no way I could have known all of this. But... I do know that you need to stop this. You're acting far too weak to have been my equal so long ago." He spoke harshly, but in a way he felt was necessary. S
Shim: -  Something had to be done to shake Fenin from whatever afflicted him. "Its time you moved on, started new. I can help you."
Fenin: glares at Shim harshly, "I'm not weak, and you were never my equal. I was the best of the best, and you know it. There's no reason for me to move on, everything I once was is dead. My life was stripped away, my strength sapped, and my soul sent to
Fenin: -x- and my soul sent to ruins." His eyes gleam with a hatred, as though all emotion of the past years had flooded forth from the barriers he constructed to save himself, "Leave this place. Leave now, or die."
Shim: *- There was something there, something there that had been pent up for the past year... Something that needed to be released... Shim had something similar welling inside of him, a collection of the memories that seemed so distant, the frustration
Shim: (C) the frustration at his current situation, and his utter bewilderness, all equated to one thing, and that was the hunger for violence. Not the rampant violence practiced by common villains, no, but the violence that he had been a part of all of
Shim: (C) his life; a sort of... healthy beating. Shim crossed his arms, and cast Fenin but a simple smirk. "Can you prove that... Kid?"
Fenin: chuckles quietly, "Ahh... Always a hothead, Shim. I figured it'd fade with your youth, though I suppose I can beat it out of you..." His knees lurch as he slowly makes his way to a stand. "So, shall I end your fruitless ventures;gemote -x- in this
Fenin: -x- in this world as I end mine, together to the bitter end, as we once swore so long ago?" Fenin drops down into a fighting stance, though he feels somewhat awkward, having not even stood in such a stance in a barfight in;gemote -x- several month
Fenin: -x- several months, "Well, you've one last chance to leave now. Or have at me, my old friend..."
Shim: *- "Have I ever backed down before?" Shim removed his coat and threw it to the side, ready to put an end to his friend's pain. Ironically, he planned to end it by causing him severe physical pain... "Now come at me, and we can see who really was t
Shim: (C) the greatest!" Shim let out a bellow, focusing every molecule of energy in his body, focusing every muscle. This intense honing of his body culminated into a grand, white aura of fiery ki, a small tornado of energy that caused his hair and clo
Shim: (C) clothing to flutter. "Let's GO!" Shim burst into flight, a fist aimed to smash into Fenin's pale face.
Fenin: howls with laughter, "KA!" The air swirls about him violently, "ME-HA" He cups his hands to his side and focuses every last bit of energy he had into a small orb, "ME HA!" Fenin throws his hands at Shim, grinning triumphantly as
Fenin: -x- a pathetic streak of blue light swirls towards his old friend, though a complete and utter look of shock and awe overcomes his face as the beam dissipates just short of smiting his newly found foe. Without even the time to
Fenin: -x- express said shock, Shim was upon him, swinging violently upon his broken body. Fenin manages to back away from Shim's onslaught with minimal blows suffered, though his ego was smashed to oblivion. "Y-you're up to something..."
Shim: - "The best? This is the best of the best? Kotor fought better than this!" His words bit hard into the heart of his frenzied friend, and he knew it. He knew, also, that to rid him of his affliction, that he must press him to the very limit, beat h
Shim: (C) beat him to near death... Confusion withinin one's soul wasn't something that could be coaxed out of a person with words and therapy - it had to be bled out, screamed out, beaten out. "Is this really all that's within you? A saiyan, and cannot
Shim: (C) even muster the spirit to land a blow on his foe!?" Another deafening punch screamed towards Fenin's gut, emotion bleeding from the man that followed the fist in tendrils of white energy. "You're no better than any of the other trash I've disp
Shim: (C) disposed of over the years!"
Fenin: glares at Shim, allowing the blow to collide with his gut, while showing no reaction to it. "You've been a fool for lesser things, I suppose, Shim." Fenin closes his eyes and focuses all of his power, all of his spirit, into an
Fenin: -x- old and forgotten technique. The ground trembles lightly as his powerlevel boons, and his hair rises. Fenin screams out an unintelligible cry, the old feelings of power surging throughout him again. His hair streaks
Fenin: -x- with yellow as he transforms into a Super-Saiyan, then he collapses to his knees and the transformation fades away. "D-damn... I guess I truly am nothing... But you're less..." Fenin gasps for air for a few moments before
Fenin: -x- getting back to his feet, "I'll just take you on like this, battered and bloodied from the horrors you'll never know, that you've never known...
Shim: *- "Fenin, you know nothing of the darkness that I've seen - the only difference between you and I is that I've seen the darkness, and come back unscathed and pure of mind... While you have been reduced to this, this husk of the great warrior you 
Shim: (C) you once were..." He threw his hands to his sides as he burst towards Fenin once more. Within his palms, two white-blue orbs of energy exploded into existence, burning orbs of ki, seemingly summoned from the white fire that encompassed him. "T
Shim: (C) "Take me then, Fenin, if you think you can; show me the horrors you believe I'm so naive to, and let me show you the light to rend them in twain." Then, with a thrust of his powerful arms, Shim sent the spheres spiraling towards Fenin's upper 
Shim: (C) body with a veteran's aim.
Fenin: reaches out with his palm to stop the flashing light, his nervous system screaming with pain though his mind is unreceptive. He was meant to die today, whether or not that be by the hands of an old friend didn't concern him
Fenin: -x- in the least. "You, too, have grown weak, Shim. If you were my equal then, you'd have obliterated me by now. Enough of this, you die, now!" Fenin leaps at Shim, driving his shoulder into Shim's gut, and wraps his arms
Fenin: -x- around his foes legs, picking him up while driving him to the ground. As Shim's back hits the ground, Fenin slides forward, mounting him in a classic wrestling position. "DIE!" Fenin throws thunderous strikes towards his
Fenin: -x- opponents face.
Shim: - Blood erupted from Shim's nose and lip, but the pain was easily ignored. He'd had worse wounds in worse places before, and was thusly able to disregard the pain. A thunderous uppercut met Fenin's chin, causing him to rise. Seemingly suspended in
Shim: (C) the air for a single moment, Fenin gritted his teeth and roared at his foe. In that split second Shim grabbed the Saiyan by the scruff of his shirt, and roaring, drove him into the wall of the building to their side, creating a Fenin-shaped im
Shim: (C) imprint in the brick. Blood formed too at the lip of Fenin, as a gut-wrenching body-punch slammed into his ribs. "This is more like it... This is what I remember seeing in you. That fire... Now hone it, and fight!" A flurry of punches followed
Shim: (C) the brief speech, aimed to strike Fenin in the chest and face.
Fenin: howls in pain as each blow is delivered, then falls to the ground in a bloody heap as Shim pauses his frenzy of fists, "You're still pathetic..." Fenin slowly climbs to his feet, "You're delusional, giving me your pathetic instructions.;gemote -x-
Fenin: -x- his physical manifestations might.
Fenin: -x- You can't help me. No one can help me. I'm not the man I once was." Fenin's muscles bulge and his veins erupt into sight as he strains every fiber of his being, "You're mistaken to not have run, Shim. I'm a fuckin' madman."
Fenin: leaps at Shim in a bloody rage, swinging his fists matching the might he contained a year ago, matching the speed he once held, and with  each blow, energy pours out from his fists, delivering a singeing sting beyond just the sting of
Fenin: -x- his physical manifestations might.
Shim: *- "You're right, Fenin. If you're too afraid to be bathed in the light, then no one in the world can help you see it." He spoke calmly, despite the thunderous punches his open palms had trouble deflecting. A particularly powerful haymaker caught 
Shim: (C) him off guard, sending him flying, spewing curses. He was jarred as he skidded across the pavement, narrowing his eyes to angry slits, almost doubled over in pain. "There is power in righteousness, Fenin, and weakness in thoughtless rage..."
Shim: (C) His voice took a steep crescendo as he returned to his full height. "Hone this fury, temper your sorrow, and become what you once were, or fall further than you've ever been!!" Shim was screaming now, hoarse and frustrated. This was getting ea
Shim: (C) easier and easier though, as his old strength began to surface. Within seconds, he rebounded from the mighty attack that had almost caused him to collapse in pain just a second earilier... A wake up call of an elbow flew straight at Fenin's fa
Shim: (C) face, followed by the fleeting image of a very angered half-saiyan.
Fenin: stumbles backwards as Shim's elbow collides with his face, "I loved her. I loved her with all my heart, the one who could spare me of this, and she left. Disappeared. Twice. When I needed you, when I really needed you, then and there,;gemote -x- w
Fenin: -x- where were you? Spare me this friendship, and spare me your presence. It's nothing but an insult. Salted wounds, Shim, I'm deft to your words of encouragement. I'll cling to this darkness and embrace it is my chilled demise overtakes
Fenin: -x- me, and escorts me to the next dimension. I've seen it, every night, in my dreams. I've been there over and over again, and nothing will distract me from it. It is my time, and for treading on my hallowed ground, I shall show you my
Fenin: -x- destiny. I shall show you my dreams. Come with me, and walk the shadows eternally!" Fenin looses a feral howl and charges a large energy sphere, hurling it at Shim as he pours more energy into, following the sphere as it flies to Shim.
Vrasp: testage biznitch
Shim: - "I'm sorry about Hikaru, and I'm sorry I couldn't be there... But you can't go on like this, you'll hurt someone innocent, and regret it later... If you really want to die, if you really think that's what's best... Then let it be me that send yo
Shim: (C) you to Hell!" A deafening roar echoed through the alley as the sphere flew at him, surrounded by a feeling of inevitability. He was glistening now, with sweat and raw power. His aura was solid white with cackles of blue energy; his eyes burnin
Shim: (C) burning with the accumulation of power and emotion that was so concentrated within his veins. With a great roar, the rustiness that had afflicted him in the year since his last epic fight was cast into the abyss. His long, blood red hair stood
Shim: (C) on end, as though he'd been struck by lightning as he prepared for the decisive exchange... The pavement at his feet was erased in his wake as he blasted headfirst into the sphere... And... Straight through it. He screamed as his skin was sing
Shim: (C) even burnt in places, as he emerged on the other side of the great mass of energy, fist extended to smash into Fenin's gut, bellowing at the top of his lungs...
Fenin: leaps back, though is unable to dodge Shim out of sheer surprise that he had not only lived through the mighty attack, he had endured it and surpassed it as though it were a mere child's energy ball. With each mighty blow of Shim's
Fenin: -x- he takes, Fenin's body threatens to break. His entire body screams at him as though he were caught in an inferno of pain and suffering, though with all he has been through, all he has seen, none of that mattered. As Shim's
Fenin: -x- onslaught waned, Fenin coughs up copious amounts of blood and doubles over in pain. His empty stomach has taken it's toll several times over, and for the first time in several days he wished he had something to eat. Something to
Fenin: -x- hold him to this world a while longer, and then it all went black. Thousands of hours spun around his in head in a second as his life flashed before his eyes, though he wasn't dead or dying. He had gone over the edge, like he had
Fenin: -x- once before, when her life was threatened. "Hello again, Shim..." A strange, smooth voice broke the silence, a familiar voice that was foreign to Fenin's body for quite some time, his original voice. "Forgive me for not thanking you,
Fenin: -x- I long ago lost the taste of this world. Why are you trying to bring me back..?" Fenin rises to his feet and brushes himself off, while emitting a strange power.
Shim: - "Because you were once as a younger brother to me, and the last man remaining that I could ever call that... All the rest have seen defeat at the hands of one menace or another, and still we stand. Should we not stand together, as we had so long
Shim: (C) ago? Reduced to these powerless bodies, should we not combine our miniscule strengths to become something formidable? Or would you rather wallow in this lowest of lows, the depths of your darkest moments forever, and kill eachother!?" 
Shim: (C) Shim was hunched, breathing heavily. But there was much more in the tank. His strength was more than physical; completely ethereal, it was the strength of soul - guts, determination, defiance. Shim clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and pr
Shim: (C) prepared... "But if that is the path that you would take... Then so be it! Here I am, and I will stay right here until you kill me or decide to end this nonsense." His body was thrashed; whole pieces of flesh had been torn away by the mighty w
Shim: (C) wall of energy, and his clothing lay in tatters. "Please, Fenin..." For the first time in the duration of the fight, Shim's eyes gleamed with sorrow; a look that hardly ever crossed his face. "Please don't make me kill you, friend."
Vrasp: &bwakes up from a most horrific nightmare.  &r"Wow...What the hell...That felt so real..."  &bVrasp's power began to increase as he felt a power he had not yet felt upon this planet.  &r"What the hell?! Who could do this!?" &b Vrasp got his power 
Vrasp: <C> as close to the ones he could feel in the distance.  "It seems I may have to stop a fight before it turns a blood bath...I was hoping today would be normal..."  Vrasp stood up and walked over to his clothes laying on the chair across the room.
Vrasp: <C> As he put them on he thought of his past, "I wish I could remember something else..."  Vrasp sighed as he began flying at tremendous speeds towards the powers.
Fenin: boons a thunderous laugh, "That was a long time ago, Shim. My brother died in the wars that broke you, I died in the life that left me. This is long over-due, the deaths of you and I. Let's do ourselves a favor and not stall it any longer. To be h
Fenin: -x- To be honest, when I lent this body to my madness, I had hoped it would make a quicker work of it than this. I've been asleep for a long time, Shim, and I am still tired. I want to sleep, forever. Nothing will fill the void that is my heart, s
Fenin: -x- void that is my heart, so there is no sense in enduring any longer. Goodbye, my friend, I shall be honored to take your life. Now come, let's not make a long event of this. As I said, I tire of this 'conflict,' and I tire of this world, and I 
Fenin: -x- and I tired of this endless gnawing, this sensation of lacking, that has plagued me since before I can remember." Fenin cracks his knuckles, rolls his head, emitting several loud crackling noises, and focuses completely on Shim. He is once wit
Fenin: -x- He is one with that conflict ahead, one with this battle, in a way that he has not been in a long time. He is deft and blind to the world about him, to the incoming figure bearing a powerful level of energy, and to his own pain and agony. In a
Fenin: -x- a flash Fenin is upon Shim, launching several bolts of energy while throwing several punches, each one that lands echoing an earth shattering boon throughout the city.
Shim: *- "I'm sorry, friend. I won't be able to accept your offer... I cannot die until I see him again..." The collision is bone crushing; energy flying in all directions. Shim soars away, smoking, bruised and before colliding with the wall of the alle
Shim: (C) alley, slams his feet into the building, narrowing his eyes on Fenin. "This is all that remains, huh? You're but a phantom wishing for passage out of this world... You just don't want to go alone." His hair wavered, his energy rejuvinated, his
Shim: (C) his eyes burned. "But I can't be the one to go with you; I have too much ahead of me... Billions of people I've sworn to protect, brothers that have given their lives so that I might live. To die to you would make their sacrifices all but in v
Shim: (C) vain... Sorry, old friend. But you die alone." Suddenly, a booming explosion of power erupts from Shim's center, as sweat poured from his ruined body. He was running on empty, he was drained, he was hurting... But he loved it... "Now GO!!" The
Shim: (C)  warrior tore through the sky, focusing every bit of energy he had remaining into a great orb of energy... With a hoarse scream, Shim let loose the energy on his friend, hoping to end his pitiful existence painlessly... As the energy flew he f
Shim: (C) fell to a knee, and spoke: "Just die... brother..."
Vrasp: feels one of the powers increase,  "Damnit...This may be worse than I figured."  Vrasp's power increased enough to destroy both if necessary.  "This is going to be a very sad day."  Vrasp sighed as his speed increased 
Vrasp: dramitcally.  "I have to stop this immediately!"  Vrasp began to hover in the air for a moment then charged toward the powers once more.  As Vrasp began to get into view he noticed that the two powers he felt were in a  
Vrasp: heated battle as they both looked pretty banged up.  "Nothing good will come of this..Why not just go seperate ways and never bother each other ever again?" 
Fenin: gazes at the orb hungrily as it approaches him, "Yes, Shim, this is the man I once knew. This is might you spoke of, when you had said you rivaled my own. This is who you are and this is who you were!" Fenin backhands the glob of energy into the n
Fenin: -x- into the nearby building with a grin, as if it were nothing. In reality a brunt of the damage had been sustained by Fenin, enough to incinerate his physical embodiment, though his own energy had poured itself into his arm, holding him together
Fenin: -x- together. Vaguely aware of this, Fenin grunts quietly. "Perhaps you're not just some cocky fool living in my shadow.... Maybe you're rightfully claiming to be my brother. But none of that matters, it's too little, too late. I don't care who sa
Fenin: -x- who sacrificed themselves to give you life, I'm taking you with me. You had the chance to run, but your foolish arrogance and unwanted 'assistance' got in the way." Fenin rushes at Shim, leaving behind a trail of charred fragments of flesh, fl
Fenin: -x- flesh, floating to the ground with each step. Fenin leaps at Shim, rearing back his right fist, and lands with a crushing blow to Shim's face, though on his own face he bore an expression of complete and utter shock....
Shim: - Pain of both physical and emotional sorts caused a brief tremor in Shim's battered body. He landed on his knees, to the pavement, as Fenin burst forward for the coup de grace. Destiny was afoot, as Fenin had said. And as had been predicted, one 
Shim: (C) one of them was to die today... "May you see her again... Wherever you go..." Shim murmered... A final sign of mercy streaked down Shim's cheek as his hands gripped tightly the hilt of Perpetua, which had laid dormant for a whole year... Again
Shim: (C) Against every hope, every wish, against every idea of the man he'd ever had, he knew what must be done now. He knew that it was either him or Fenin. He knew it, and hated it... Shim screamed angrily as he drew back the crimson blade, and plung
Shim: (C) plunged it through the stomach of Fenin, immediately halting his bloodthirsty charge... Blood flew from the point of impact, splashing onto the cement and sizzling in the heat of the battle. "Sorry... kid." The blade was twisted and removed.
Fenin: looks down at the blade, shocked and confused. With a loan groan his knees buckle and he falls to the ground, clutching his stomach as Shim twists and withdraws the blade. The remaining color drains from his entire body, and he shivers violently, 
Fenin: -x- violently, more violently than before... Move violently than when he thought he had lost it all. As the blood seeps through his fingers in raging rivers, Fenin looks back up to Shim, "I always f-figured you for a cheater..."
Fenin: looses one last chuckle, and smiles warmly upon his friend, "You gave me a reason to live one more night, Shim... Thanks, br-brother... I'll tell her you say, 'hey,' too..." Fenin falls to the side and his eyes ease shut, though he is not at peace
Fenin: -x- peace with the world as he once though. He is unable to slip away into the next world. But for tonight, he would think he has. He would sleep the most fulfilling sleep he's felt since she had left, and though he lay in a pool of his own blood,
Fenin: -x- blood, colder than ice and paler than snow, his heart is filled with a warmth that he hasn't felt since he fell in love for the first time, he felt whole again. Like he had when she re-entered his life for the first time, like when he found ou
Fenin: -x- out he was a father, like when he thought he was finally dead...
Shim: *- Unable to sustain this level of high energy any longer, Shim simply fell. Perpetua clattered to the ground, and his eyes fluttered... He grunted as he lifted himself up to his feet, fighting the fatigue that would crush a normal man, and hefted hi
Shim: (C) his old friend on to his back... Within him, a sliver of life force still remained... A sliver of life that might yet be changed... With as much speed as he could muster, Shim shot off towards his abode, where he and Fenin might recover from t
Shim: (C) their long and damaging duel...
Essex: ~(*)~ He grasped the hilt of the busted Perpetua X, the sword he had created, his masterpiece, that is, before it was broken by Shim. Almost in a trance, he swings the empty hilt back and forth, stepping down, his aura pulling the sand of the surr
Essex: ~(*)~ He grasped the hilt of the busted Perpetua X, the sword he had created, his masterpiece, that is, before it was broken by Shim. Almost in a trance, he swings the empty hilt back and forth, stepping down, his aura pulling the sand 
Essex: ~(*)~ of the surrounding desert into a small swirling dervish around him. He had his eyes closed as he practiced, slowly, almost mimicking the Tai-Chi martial art.
Essex: ~(*)~ "You know you want to do it, Essex." The voice in his head said. "Shut up." He stepped to the left, twirling the hilt in his hand, his scales gleeming in the sunlight. 
Essex: ~(*)~"Go back, kill them, wipe their existence off the face of the Earth, it'll make things easier, you won't have to worry, you won't be bound by family or honor..." He stops and hangs his head, grinning
Essex: ~(*)~ to himself. "Yes, but unlike you, Arslanon, I wasn't always an abomination onto the planet. I was a human, I have emotions... you, my friend, were purely created. You're an automaton, 
Essex: ~(*)~you have no soul, no purpose, you're just here." He grabs his head as the other personality inhabiting his brain sent a shock through his body. "Don't talk to me about purpose
Essex: ~(*)~ Essex, don't talk to me about being an abomination. You're the worse of us all, you played God, you made yourself a monster, you've no purpose, at least, unless you remove 
Essex: ~(*)~such binding things as family." Essex dropped the hilt in the sand and began walking, still in a trance. "Yes... but I'm still human." "No, Essex, you're not, you're a mutant, you're 
Essex: ~(*)~ unnatural, just like me. We're one and the same, Essex." "No, we're not, Arslanon, I'll never be like you, I'll never do the things you did... you destroyed perfectly innocent lives, yo-" 
Essex: ~(*)~"Yes. But you did this to yourself because deep down you wanted the power, you desired to be great... and that's the first step to tyranny. You want to be like me..."
Essex: ~(*)~ "NO!" Essex shouts outloud, throwing his arms to the side and dropping to his knees. "I'll never be like you!" He screams at the top of his lungs, the sand around his exploding into a gigantic tornado as his aura flares. "NEVER!"
Shim: - Since somehow dragging himself to the scene of the epic battle with his friend in tow, Shim had recovered greatly. He was bruised, cut, but generally well; he had a cracked rib or two, but those didn't hinder him too much. Fenin however, was sti
Shim: (C) still incapacitated - stab wounds tend to do that to a person. He was pale and slept restlessly, but alive. Maybe some since would return to him upon his awakening? Shim hoped so, as he pulled on a long cloth trenchcoat, buttoned it, and flipp
Shim: (C) off the lights of his New Hope City apartment, stepping out into the cool, breezy, twilit streets. There was a look of bewilderment on his face, of trouble in his eyes; one of confusion. He'd been away for a whole year, and the only greeting t
Shim: (C) greeting the world had sent for him was that of his deranged friend, Fenin Ro. Not only had he walked away heavily injured, but he'd been forced to strike down an old friend...
Yoko: strolls down the busy sidewalk of new hope city, Peopel darts all around her not even noticing her prescinece as they go on with the lives. Yoko watches close the different looks on each person faces witch range from children 
Yoko: (c) smiling and playing to older one fighting with one another worst then any child throwing a fit. She stops short noticing a few people looking puzzled at a young man walking down the street. <strang man >  " did you see the 
Yoko: (c) way he just jump down like that? i'm telling you new hope isn't seeming to safe with guys like that around!"  she looks past the crowd at the man feeling a bit curios about that man. "I wounder?" pushing through 
Yoko: (c) the crowd of people and down the street until she comes right next to the man. "hi, um are you okay ? i mean i couldn't help but notice that your hurt.... I could help if you want." she stops walking as she watches the man. 
Taz: walks down New Hope City's streets. He notices that little kids are acting as if they can do everything. He chuckles a little and then continues on. As he is walking, he noticed a girl talking to a kid who jumped from somewhere.
Taz: <c> "Hi ma'am, can i help you?" He asked. As he looks into her eyes, he feels something rush over him, like something weird. He shakes it off and wonders what happened to the kid.
Shim: - He grunted; she was right - he was hurt. But he'd seen and felt much worse and was far too stubborn in nature to ask for help. No, there was someone much more hurt than he, one that he had made that way. On the end of his blade, he silenced Feni
Shim: (C) Fenin's insanity; against his every prayer he'd been forced to steel himself against what had once been one of his best friends... Shim felt guilty somehow, even though it could not have been helped. He had done all he could to keep himself fr
Shim: (C) from killing the Saiyan... But he wished that it might have turned out a different way. "Who... Who are you?" Shim's voice was hoarse from screaming his lungs out in fury, in sorrow. Would Fenin ever forgive him, if he lived through the day? "
Shim: (C) "And... Is it really that obvious?"
Yoko: gives him a bright smile pushing her short black hear out of her face. "my name is Yoko, Yoko Zsa soon to be Yoko Zsa the strongest human ever!" The area seems to spin around as she strikes several goofy poses. 
Yoko: (c) after a few seconds pass she focuses back on the young man holding her hand out toward him. "come on it looks like you can use a little help, i have a place near by that you can rest at and i'll patch you up." she turns around and 
Yoko: (c) starts to walk off. " well come on! i bet your hungry to! you can't get strong if you don't eat!" She shoots him a quick look that tells him he better hurry up or he miss out. 
Shim: - Reluctantly, he followed. The woman was strange, but... There weren't enough kind people in the world to shun the ones that strike odd poses; and however weird she was, she did offer him food, which made her poses seem alot less crazy. He winced
Shim: (C) winced with every step, frustrated at the amount of damage he had allowed his body to sustain. However strong he had been before, he wasn't as strong now. He felt vulnerable, mortal. But he was making progress, and quickly... It wouldn't be lo
Shim: (C) long before he was at the same height of power as he had once been, a whole year ago. "I'm Shim..." His voice was as bitter as the blood that still clung to his sense of taste. How had things gone so sour for Fenin...?
Essex: ~(*)~ He grasped the hilt of the busted Perpetua X, the sword he had created, his masterpiece, that is, before it was broken by Shim. Almost in a trance, he swings the empty hilt back and forth, stepping down, his aura pulling the sand 
Essex: ~(*)~ of the surrounding desert into a small swirling dervish around him. He had his eyes closed as he practiced, slowly, almost mimicking the Tai-Chi martial art.
Essex: ~(*)~ "You know you want to do it, Essex." The voice in his head said. "Shut up." He stepped to the left, twirling the hilt in his hand, his scales gleeming in the sunlight. 
Essex: ~(*)~"Go back, kill them, wipe their existence off the face of the Earth, it'll make things easier, you won't have to worry, you won't be bound by family or honor..." He stops and hangs his head, grinning
Essex: ~(*)~ to himself. "Yes, but unlike you, Arslanon, I wasn't always an abomination onto the planet. I was a human, I have emotions... you, my friend, were purely created. You're an automaton, 
Essex: ~(*)~you have no soul, no purpose, you're just here." He grabs his head as the other personality inhabiting his brain sent a shock through his body. "Don't talk to me about purpose
Essex: ~(*)~ Essex, don't talk to me about being an abomination. You're the worse of us all, you played God, you made yourself a monster, you've no purpose, at least, unless you remove 
Essex: ~(*)~such binding things as family." Essex dropped the hilt in the sand and began walking, still in a trance. "Yes... but I'm still human." "No, Essex, you're not, you're a mutant, you're 
Essex: ~(*)~ unnatural, just like me. We're one and the same, Essex." "No, we're not, Arslanon, I'll never be like you, I'll never do the things you did... you destroyed perfectly innocent lives, yo-" 
Essex: ~(*)~"Yes. But you did this to yourself because deep down you wanted the power, you desired to be great... and that's the first step to tyranny. You want to be like me..."
Essex: ~(*)~ "NO!" Essex shouts outloud, throwing his arms to the side and dropping to his knees. "I'll never be like you!" He screams at the top of his lungs, the sand around his exploding into a gigantic tornado as his aura flares. "NEVER!"
Jeckel: laid out on the roof-top of a new hope city sky scraper. It was nearing nightfall on this silly little human world and it was getting a bit colder. Naturally, there was nothing to do on this planet. Nothing to battle, nobody to fight. He sighed as
Jeckel: <C> he looked up at the ever darkening sky, almost able to feel his fighting skills becomming rusted and dull with each passing day. Or maybe it was just the old saiyan battle-lust starting to creep up. "One thing is for sure.." He muttered to him
Jeckel: <C> himself. "Saiyan blood is certianly stronger than this disgraceful human junk in me...ugh..mother how could you?" 
Yoko: stops infront of a small shop that looked just like a little house, it was one of those houses you would image a little old grandmother living in that would offer the kids on the street all types of goodies. Yoko swings around and 
Yoko: (c) faces the young man. "here we are, it's my friends place i don't know if hes inside but he shouldn't mind me taking you here." she turns back around and taps a few buttons that were hidden on the side of the mailbox before
Yoko: (c) walking into the yard.a computerized voice calls out "system disarmed" "well come on, if you woundering he runs a weapon shop here, so you know you can never be to carful." Yoko walks up to the door swinging it open 
Yoko: (c) she beckons him to come inside the shop. Swords guns and every thing in between could be seen in display cases as Yoko passes by them toward the back door opening it to a sleek looking kitchan she pulls out a chair for him 
Yoko: (c) sit at. "let me get the medical kit, oh and don't touch anything.!" 
Shim: - Shim's eyes slid to the side as he heard the distant screams, hoarse and piercing. They struck a familiar tone with him... Mentally, he pinpointed the location of the screams, and to his dismay, they originated from the desert that lay just outs
Shim: (C)  outside New Hope City's gates. The same desert he'd crash-landed in, so long ago. The remains of the Orion shuttle could still be seen there, half buried in sand and scattered across the desolate landscape... Against his gut feeling, he follo
Shim: (C) followed Yoko in, and took the chair as asked. As he sat in awe of the sheer size of the arsenal before him, he removed his coat and laid it over his shoulder. Hung from walls, displayed behind glass, and neatly organized, the weapons seemed i
Shim: (C) in prime condition, begging for use... He wondered as he idled there, what purpose such an arsenal could serve.
Yoko: slides back into the kitchan from the back room the clanking sound of the medic kit could be heard as she plops it down onto the table infront of the shim. "okay hold still while i fix you up." she starts to hum a soft melody as 
Yoko: (c) she cleans the wounds that Shim had. " You should really take it easy, I can tell your strong and really skilled but if you keep doing what ever it is your doing your going to end up dead." she gently bandaged Shim up 
Yoko: (c) "okay there you go Shim, you look better then ever, so why don't you tell me a bit about yourself starnger?" she pulls the chair out from from the table and sits down. "well come on."
Shim: - He hated these kinds of things. He was a quiet man. Talking and carrying conversation wasn't his forte by any means, but he did owe her for the first-aid treatment he probably wouldn't have gotten much further without. "My full name is Shim Tamw
Shim: (C)Tamwynn Wu'sha, I'm twenty-five years old..." He hrmed, trying to think of something else to say. "I got all banged up in a fight with an old friend... But, I guess he needed a beating." And he had. Fenin had been driven to near insanity by the
Shim: (C)  by the losses of the year prior; the loss of his wife and child, his disbandment of the Old Syndicate, and the seperation from its operatives. "I like... pizza." Shim added, bewildered.
Yoko: nods to ever word  as as shim explains what happen before until he gets to the part were he says he likes pizza, she freezes up for moment then lets out a soft chuckles. "okay  Pizza it is then." hopping up she grabs the phone and makes a  
Yoko: (c) call on the phone while walking around the kicthcan grabing out ingredients to make a pizza. " hi Edumnd, i need you to do me a favor." she nods as she talks on the phone while she whips the ingredients togather. "yeah i know but i'm telling y
Yoko: (c) could help you out alot, i bet he could Sell more Arms then you know what to do with, just let him stay here.... okay thanks!" she tosses down the phone and throws the pizza in the oven. "good new my friend says you can stay here, 
Yoko: (c) until you can get on your feet. he says i have to watch you as long as your here but besides that a friend of mine is a friend of his, So what you say?" she tursn and gives him a big smile wattting for his answer.
Shim: - Shim had become unaccustomed to kindness among humankind, but here was one so willing to let him stay... He tilted his head to the side, a look of curiosity and even further bewilderment expressed on his face. "I hardly even know you... Why're y
Shim: (C) Why're you inviting me to stay here?" Having only known the woman for five minutes, he was suprised by her willingness to even patch him up. But it was against his nature to accept charity, and even worse was the idea of leaving, vulnerable, h
Shim: (C) half-dead Fenin to himself, with a gaping stabwound in his gut. He considered it though, as thanks for the care he'd received. "Have I met you before, and just forgotten your face?" 
Yoko: slightly shakes her head at shim. "I'm helping you because you don't seem like the type to be walking around aimlessly hurting people, Something about you tells me your a good person and helping you is going to pay off 
Yoko: (c) big time." she cracks a big grin toward shim then pointed toward the back of door of the kitchen. "back there is the bedrooms and the bathroom, edumnds room door is locked so don't worry about going into the wrong one. 
Yoko: (c) oh and in the basement there is a small imitation of a dojo even with a few android test dummies for training, you got every thing you need here to grow strong." Yoko turns and pulls the pizza out of the oven placing it on 
Yoko: (c) top of the stove. "I hope you like it here Shim." she turns and gives him one more smile before licking some of the sauce from her fingers while walking toward the front of the shop. "i'll be up here doing inventory if you need me." 
Shim: *- Despite himself, and his dislike of attachment, he decided he would stay here for awhile. She obviously wanted it, and for good reasons, and if what she said was accurate, he would be able to increase his strength here, so that he might once re
Shim: (C) return to his long lost strength. He grabbed a piece of the pizza and stood. For a center of illegal weapons trade, the place wasn't too bad. Certainly better than his apartment. "Thanks. I'm going to down to the basement, smash some stuff, an
Shim: (C) and go to sleep. Later... And... thanks." Without another word, he stepped through the hall and down the stairs. In another minute, the sounds of shattering steel and random strings of curses echoed through the house... As his fist slammed int
Shim: (C) into the dummy's head his mind wandered to another plane. It was one year ago... Before his life had fallen all to hell. A nasty uppercut utterly demolished the dummy; Shim breathed a heavy sigh...
Deion: While I was growing up I started feeling this strange power that I never felt before. But somehow it was triggered during a tourenment.
Fenin: dreams of days long past, of days to come, and of days never meant to be. It had been a long night, struggling towards death, and as his journey was near complete he had been turned back to the living. He thought that nothing could keep him here, 
Fenin: -x- in this plane of mediocrity and misery, but he was wrong. One man had chained him, brought him back from the beginning of his fantasies to the trail of his horrors. The real world was calling. The searing pain had passed by the time Fenin stir
Fenin: stirred, and as his eyes ease open to see where he had wound up, he had forgotten all about his urge to die, all about his fight the night prior, and all about everything else other than his one primal need. Food. He had been starving for sustinan
Fenin: -x- sustenance for several days, and a jab to the stomach from Perpetua had only reinforced the need. Fenin growled at the bandages Shim had wrapped him up with and quickly removed them, no true saiyan would ever be reduced to needing such base me
Fenin: -x- base medical treatment, but that would have to hold until he had something in his stomach other than acid, wearing away at the lining within.
Shim: - Something troubled Shim... He rolled from his bed and onto the floor; sweating, swearing, and with an aching head, Shim woke. He'd been asleep for four hours. The pain had eased noticeably since receiving Yoko's aid; no, the pain had not caused 
Shim: (C) him to wake. It was something else, on the very edge of his sense. Fenin stirred. Immediately recognizing this, Shim lifted himself from the floor, pulled on his jacket, and made his way up the stairs. He intended to simple sneak past Yoko, th
Shim: (C)  through the back to avoid any of her scolding. For surely she would assume, if she saw him, that he was off to fight again, by the stern look on his face. The door creaked open, and quietly shut; Shim was gone, blasting through the air toward
Shim: (C) towards his downtown apartment.
Fenin: begins to devour morsel after morsel of food in Shim's refrigerator, pouring anything he could to quench this ravenous hunger gnawing at him, draining him. After every last bite of food was gone, still he hungered for more, though not food. More p
Fenin: -x- More power. That fight with Shim the night before, it had made him feel alive. Powerful. Like he hadn't felt since the great wars, since his missions of great conflict, since he was a saiyan warrior. "Where am I?" The question swirls around in
Fenin: -x- in his head as the hunger leaves him. The last thing he remembered was fighting with Shim, then an unbearable pain. Then it all went black. "Is this... His home? Where is he!?"
Shim: dropped down to the pavement, shoved past bystanders and made his way through the door of his apartment complex. He drew his wallet as he pressed a digit on the inside of the elevator, and removed his room key. The ticker rose and rose from 1, unt
Shim: (C) until what seemed like an hour later, when it dinged at floor four. Something like happiness rose inside of him as the life force of the man he'd nearly killed the night before grew stronger. Thus is the nature of the Saiyan race... Like cockr
Shim: (C) cockroaches. He sneered at the thought as he stepped out of the elevator, and began his way down the hall with an air of haste about him. Surely, with such a replinished energy signature as compared to the night before, he was conscious now, a
Shim: (C)  and very angry... This meeting would determine whether they would be as they had been a year prior, or fall steeper into this bloody rivalry.
Fenin: stretches his body, readjusting to his now nourished self, then it hits him like a freight train. It came upon him fast, and it was closing in faster. "So it has awakened. Birthed in fire, it never lost it's taste of speed... Come to me, Phoenix, 
Fenin: -x- Phoenix, and let us finish this... I shall devour you whole..." Fenin walks to the door of the apartment and steps into the cold hallway, turning just as Shim walks out of the elevator. "Why hello there, my old friend..." His tone is smooth, h
Fenin: -x- smooth, his voice is soft, not hungrily hollowed and raspy as it was the night before, when he was crazed and suicidal.
Shim: *- "You know why I'm here." Shim crossed his arms, narrowed his eyes, and spoke: "Its your decision... Let go of whatever drives you to do this... Or I will kill you. I'm not afraid anymore... I figure the old you would have preferred me kill you,
Shim: (C) if you ever stooped this low." He unfurled his arms, revealing nasty scars and burns from last night's brawl, and most noticeable, tightly clenched fists. "He'd prefer to be put out of his misery. He wouldn't have wanted Ryuuka to see him this
Shim: (C) this way..." Shim pointed at Fenin, wearing a slight sneer. "Its all up to you, Fenin."
Fenin: squints to a glare as Shim mentions Hikaru, "I don't know what you're talking about. Am I no longer the same matter... The same flesh and blood? What makes me who I am, my actions? Then I suppose none of us are confined to who we are, as we take l
Fenin: -x- take life a day at a time..." Fenin straightens his clothes out and looks back up to Shim, "I've got a favor to ask of you... Fight me again. Fight me with that same fiery intensity as you did last night... Attack me with all of your might, so
Fenin: -x- so I can watch you falter before my own." Fenin pauses for a moment to cackle loudly, "I want to flex my muscles again. I want to honor you with the right to be the first to fall before the new me."
Shim: - "You are the same matter, the same flesh, but your blood boils with the taint of corruption. You are Fenin, but you are not. You have his voice, his eyes, but Fenin wasn't the sort of coward to beg for death..." Shim smirked. However bad Fenin w
Shim: (C) wanted to fight, he wasn't going to endanger thousands of lives just to solve their grudge. "We can't fight here. Follow me." Shim turned around, and made his way back down the hall. He was flustered, but his tone didn't betray it. He seemed p
Shim: (C) perfectly calm and resolved as he punched in the button for floor one. But within, he was a torrent of emotion, his thoughts composed of contrasting sorrow and anger, frustration and guilt. He held the elevator for Fenin, leaned against the wa
Shim: (C) wall. "I won't let you live this time, Fenin. I owe it to the man you once were."
Fenin: smirks and follows Shim to the elevator, "You don't owe nobody nothin', Shim. You remember that as I send you to the fiery hell which you wish to condemn me too." Fenin brushes the hair from his face, revealing a wide grin, "You know, we've been t
Fenin: -x- been through a lot of shit together, you and I. If the supervisors even knew, we'd'a been out on our asses right fast. Maybe that finally caught up to me. Maybe that's why I lost my job..." He chuckles lightly, "Or maybe it was that crack pot 
Fenin: -x- pot reason they mailed me. Didn't even have the scrote to tell me to my face..." A loud ding interrupts him, and they step into the elevator. Shim presses the button and the elevator descends towards the bottom floor, "So... Where are we doing
Fenin: -x- doing this?" Fenin's expression turns serious as he gazes upon his old friend.
Essex: (*) Slipping his hands into the pockets of his long brown trenchcoat, Essex pops his neck and turns towards the apartment building. "So this..." He says aloud, looking at the ground. 
Essex: (*) "This is where you live, huh Shim?" He down at the ground. (Destroy him, Essex.) The voice in his head says, (You know you want to do it... family... you're binded by this "code" you
Essex: (*) follow.) "Shut up Arslanon, we've gone through this, you're only inhabiting my thoughts until you can find a better host, shut up. You're not going to ruin this for me. Three years I 
Essex: (*) slept, three years... my body atrophied, I'm just a reflection of what I used to be. I'm here to make peace, I'm here to make right, I'm here for forgiveness, and if you ruin this for me
Essex: (*) so help me god I will destroy myself as a means to get rid of you, you piggly sonuva bitch." (My my my... such language my friend.) "We're not friends." He looks up and 
Essex: (*) stares at the door of the apartment building. "Any day now... Shim..."
Shim: - "That we have... I was there when your kid was born, you were there when the Omegas had me pinned down... We were quite a team back then. That's why I have to kill you." The two stepped out, walking almost in synchrony. "We'll go to the desert. 
Shim: (C)  Where it all started." He didn't even spare Fenin a glance as he opened the glass door, and there before him was... A hideous man he could never understand; one that had plucked his right eye from his skull one day, and helped him destroy Kal
Shim: (C) Kalen the very next... Essex Lilla, his sworn brother and ex-Knight of Legacy. A hand slid down to Shim's hip, gripping the hilt of Perpetua. Murder gleamed in his eyes.
Fenin: chuckles, "Only in your friends, Shim. The heavens themselves couldn't crush me, if I stand to defy them. I am immortal." Fenin peers over his shoulder as Shim pauses, then looks to the man in the trench coat, "Eh-Essex Lilla..? I figured you were
Fenin: -x- were a myth..." Fenin takes a step towards the figure, further examining him, "Why are you here?" He peers back at Shim, who is preparing to arm himself, "If you're here to take my friend's life, I'm afraid it'll have to wait. I've reserved th
Fenin: -x- I've reserved that right."
Yoko: suddenly raises straight up from her pillow on her bed, she scans the darkroom for amoment not moving until her eyes adjust to the darkness of her room. she rolls over out of her bed hitting the floor with a loud and hard thump. 
Yoko: (c) "i'm o..okay" Her arms wobble abit while using the bed to pull herself up, low swooshing sounds could be heard from Yoko not lifting her feet until she reaches the kitchen grabbing a glass of cold water. "yeah that hit the spot." 
Yoko: (c) "you know it's odd, i thought this place would be alot louder with shim here. oh well i guess thats just how it goes, never know what to expect." the swooshing sound of her feet return all the way until she hits the bed in her room 
Yoko: (c) Yoko falls onto her back gives a strong yawn while snuggling her face against her pillow then falling back into a deep sleep. 
Shim: *- The desert sands shot up in small spirals as the two landed, equally resolved, equally convicted. "One of us dies today, you know. For the last time..." Shim turned around, showing the same dumb mercy he always had. "Are you sure you want to do
Shim: (C)  this?" Even as he asked, he knew the answer. Fenin wouldn't sleep until one of them was gone from this world. Shim only wished he could understand, and fix whatever had afflicted Fenin. But it had gone beyond that. The situation was beyond sa
Shim: (C) salvage... "We could stop all this, and things could go back to how they were."
Fenin: chuckles and withdraws his sword, a plane bladed weapon with an ivory hilt, "I call it, 'Hikaru.' I figured it'd be poetic, naming the sword after my lover. Love ending lives and whatnot. I figured I'd share that with you, grace with with the know
Fenin: -x- grace you with the knowledge of the tool of your demise." Fenin's aura flares and the dust about him swirls, "Are you ready, Shim? Have you done everything you feel you were meant to do? You can still run and hide, live another day, and I woul
Fenin: -x- wouldn't think any less of you. I once did the same." Fenin smirks, he knows the answer already. He knows of Shim's indomitable will, of his conviction to the cause, his foolish zealotry to save his old friend. He stares Shim down for a moment
Fenin: -x- moment as he remains readied, "No, I didn't think you would. Stubborn to the end, to your undoing. Then have at me!" Fenin drops to a fighting stance, holding his blade with both hands.
Shim: *- "You seek to do the same; run and hide from truth and reason through the death you know I will serve you!" Unsheathing Perpetua, Shim let out an angry howl as he sped towards Fenin. Sparks flew from the collision of the crimson and silver blade
Shim: (C) blades. Suddenly, a deadly dance of blades broke out between the two, loud clangs ensuing as the two flashed through the sky. "Give it up, kid! You know you could never match me!!" Shim drew back, and swung hard at Fenin's midsection; a strike
Shim: (C)  that would easily cleave a normal human in two. Fenin evaded it, and dragged the tip of his blade across Shim's face. Blood splashed sizzled against the desert sand and burned in Shim's narrowed eyes. "Stop fooling around!!" A deadly thrust w
Shim: (C) was directed at Fenin's gut as the halfbreed spoke.
Fenin: shifts to the side, barely dodging the would-be fatal gouge, then chuckles lightly, "You know, Shim, I almost thought you were trying to  kill me with that blow." Fenin leaps back, trying to distance himself from Shim, though he is pursued closely
Fenin: -x- closely, unable to push ahead while dodging his assailants rapid blows, "Careful not to tire out, now, old man. Wouldn't want to trip and hurt yourself." Fenin's eyes gleam like they had towards the end of the conflict before and his powerleve
Fenin: -x- powerlevel surges. A sandstorm gathers and gusts around the two as each of their auras condense about them, glaring in a blinding light, and each of them sense each other's energy signatures rather than through plain sight. Fenin stops fleeing
Fenin: -x- fleeing and begins to put up an extraordinary offensive, almost rivaling one he might have put up a year prior, "Push me harder, Shim, murder me like you claim you will. I want to live again, I want to bathe in the power as I used to, but if y
Fenin: -x- you continue to push me so weakly, I will have to kill you."
Shim: - A snort answered Fenin as Shim deflected the wild swings easily. What Fenin had in power, he lacked in skill. There was something he'd been working on. Something he knew Fenin would never expect. Something he didn't even know he was capable of, 
Shim: (C)until only recently... Shim lowered his blade and placed two fingers to his forehead. Just as Fenin's blade would have struck crimson, Shim was gone. Hikaru's blade slammed into the desert floor, slicing a trench in it a foot deep. There was a 
Shim: (C) very slight grunt; just enough time for Fenin to recognize what had happened... And then terrible pain ripped up the spine of the Saiyan as Perpetua's crimson tip sliced through the tissue, and became visible through his stomach. "Trumped... A
Shim: (C) Again."
Fenin: coughs up blood, just as he had the night before, and a gargled scream of pain erupts from the saiyan as he falls to his knees. Shim jerks the blade forward, twists, and removes it, in the same fashion as the night prior, though something was diff
Fenin: -x- was different. Fenin felt the pain, he basked in it. "Nice trick..." Fenin manages to say, much to Shim's surprise, who had turned to leave his former comrade to die in peace. As Shim turns to face the fallen Saiyan again, Fenin comes to a ris
Fenin: -x- rise. "But not nice enough." Fenin howls loudly and leaps at Shim, bracing his wound with his left hand while wildly swinging Hikaru about, grinning wide as it's parried, "DIE!" Fenin withdraws his concealed, nameless, second blade, and plunge
Fenin: -x- and plunges it deep into Shim's chest, "Die like the leagues of men to come!" Fenin creates a horizontal arc at Shim's throat with Hikaru while bracing him into the air with his nameless blade.
Shim: - His head rolled as the blade buried itself in his flesh. Blood pooled at his feet as he fell to his knees. So this is what it was like to be beaten... It was something he was unaccustomed to; it hadn't happened very often in the past. As his bre
Shim: (C)  breaths grew more shallow, he felt the wind of Hikaru as it bared down on his exposed neck. And it stopped. Shim looked up, as Fenin showed out a wry grin, sick, twisted. "Are you scared, Shim...?" There was silence. "Is this at all familiar 
Shim: (C) "Is this at all familiar to you? Being at one's mercy like this?" Shim spat at Fenin, narrowing his eyes. He refused to die in such a humiliating fashion, to a madman... "I just wanted you to experience it once, old man, before you leave this 
Shim: (C) this place - for I won't make the mistake of being merciful as you did... You should have killed me, Wu'sha." Then, with the precision of a trained veteran, Fenin drew back, closed his eyes, and delivered the killing blow, the glorious coup de
Shim: (C) grace... Or he should have... Blood sizzled against the warm sand. Blood drawn a split second too early. Fenin's eyes snapped open as he felt a new presence at his feet. In horror, he gasped at the sight of Shim gripping the blade of Hikaru, b
Shim: (C) blood streaming freely down his forearm. His hair suddenly stood on end. Time was dead, this moment was eternal. Fenin's expression of suprise seemed to be locked onto his face, just as the terrible scowl upon Shim's. With a simple grunt, Shim
Shim: (C) Shim confirmed Fenin's fears... There was a flash of gold and the earth gave a mighty rumble... Shim unleashed a hoarse roar that could be heard for miles... Such rage could not be contained inside of such a small body - and so he let it out. 
Shim: (C) Golden energy escaped from Shim's every pore, matching the platinum blonde hair that lay in spiky locks around his shoulders and stood in daggerlike spikes in other places. He was a beacon of energy, like a terestrial sun, like an earthbound s
Shim: (C) star, like a golden titan. The world was gone. This split second, this single frame was all that remained. And then it all came crashing down... Horrible cacophany enveloped the two as a sand and dust and noise overwhelmed the scene... Painles
Shim: (C) Painlessly, Shim ripped the blade from Fenin's hand and hurled it several hundred feet away. "Is this... Familiar at all?" A jarring uppercut met Fenin's lower jaw as Shim rose to his feet. "You had your chance. MY TURN!" Invisible to the stun
Shim: (C) stunned Saiyan, Shim blasted towards him with impossible speed, sword poised to kill.
Fenin: closes his eyes, his fingertips barely make it to his forehead in time. As Shim's blade reaches the sand, disembodied blood falls to the ground, this time Fenin's. Shim had nicked his foe, though nothing as serious as either had
Fenin: -x- already suffered already in this bloody fight. Fenin appears behind Shim again, this time holding both blades, having had fetched Hikaru and returned instantaneously. "Fancy trick." Fenin whispers in Shim's ear, then they
Fenin: -x- both transverse, Shim to stab Fenin in the back, and Fenin some distance away, anticipating this move. "Though we've only fought what, twice in our lives, we read each other perfectly. Fated to be each others executioners,
Fenin: -x- I'd imagine." Fenin remains calm, suppressing his fears of facing a Super-Saiyan in his lowliest of states. "Though I doubt you expect I can fight you yet, you being so high and mighty. If you remember, I, too, have the
Fenin: -x- power in me. Even if I can't call upon it... Even if I can't condense it about me, it still cloaks me..." Fenin closes his eyes, focusing on his inner potential, but he cannot call it again... It has abandoned him... "In
Fenin: -x- my most vulnerable of states, can the might Wu'sha strike me down?" Shim leaps at Fenin, lunging carelessly at his midriff, expecting his newly acquired power would overwhelm Fenin. "Too slow, still!" Fenin transverses
Fenin: -x- behind Shim and creates parallel, horizontal arcs at his back, only to be treated to the same. Shim at anticipated this move, and mimiced it. "The only executioner here is me, my old friend..." Shim speaks in a slow, smooth
Fenin: -x- voice. With a loud groan Fenin falls into a sandy dune, abandoning his blades as he's cut down. Shim lands next to his felled comrade, looking down upon him, bearing no emotion. Fenin looks up at Shim through his dyeing
Fenin: -x- eyes, "Save me..." He lets out a pathetic final request to his old friend, hoping for just one more chance to live again, "Don't let me die here... Sh-she's still alive... Let me see her once more, then end me, Shim... You owe
Fenin: -x- me that much..." Fenin's voice is hoarse and broken, yet a tinge of the man he once was lies in the words, lies in his expression, the way he holds onto life though his body begs to lay in rest. The way he carries the world
Fenin: -x- on his shoulders, and endures on.
Shim: *- Honing the beast inside, a master of his transformations from the years of manipulating them, Shim shakes his head. "I've already paid to you what you were owed." Shim hefted Perpetua high over his head as he spoke. This blow would sever Fenin'
Shim: (C) Fenin's head, and end this nonsense forever. "I have spared you your life, and offered you peace. I showed you mercy, and you showed me the sword... There is nothing to save. Nothing to salvage. Your lost, and will be that way forever... You'r
Shim: (C) You're not the man I knew." Perpetua flew down, and as its edge would sever the head of his foe, its path was altered. Slamming into the surface of Hikaru's blade, Perpetua gleamed as it shattered Fenin's weapon into a million pieces. Silver s
Shim: (C) million pieces. Silver shards flew in all directions, coated in Shim's blood. "Let that serve some symbolic meaning to you... Fenin is dead, Hikaru is gone, and if she lived, she would never take you in your sorry state..." He sheathed Perpetu
Shim: (C) Perpetua, allowing his hatred to pass; his body replied, and in turn, the Super Saiyan transformation faded. "You're not the man I knew, and thus... I don't owe you death. I won't be the one to kill you today Fenin... Should you ever cross my 
Shim: (C) cross my path again though... I will show no mercy; I will strike you down and feel completely sound in ending your dilusions." He turned his back to Fenin, cracking his neck. "Instead of severing your head as I should have, I choose to sever 
Shim: (C) sever the brotherhood that was once between us. Twice now have I showed you mercy. Maybe you'll learn this time? If you don't die of blood loss, or bake in this head." Shim's voice was bitter, cruel. His voice was final. It was judgement. Rede
Shim: (C) Redemption. His eyes slid to the side to meet Fenin's once more. "I hope for your sake you die here... As when we meet again, you will be left in a much worse state." With that, Shim placed two fingers to his forehead, cast his enemy a disgust
Shim: (C) disgusted glance, and vanished...
Fenin: whimpers quietly as Hikaru's shards scatter across the dune, then he turns his head back to Shim, gazing at him in contempt. He stares down his former companion, seething with hatred, and listens as he cuts their bonds, as he threatens
Fenin: -x- and makes promises. Moments after Shim transverses to whereabouts unknown, Fenin begins to speak to himself, "I'll end you, Shim... I swear it. You've broken my body, you've broken my blade, but you'll never break or bend my will to fight..." 
Fenin: groans as he tries to sit up, but finds himself unable to. After moments of effort, lifting his shoulders a few inches, he collapses back from exhaustion. The fight had taken its toll on him. As he slips into unconsciousness he dreams of an Elysiu
Fenin: -x- Elysium of sorts. He dreams of sitting on a blanket near a stream, playing with his sons and loving his wife, unbridled of the sandy strains of time. Some hours later he awakens to the crows, pecking at his body, though he was no longer broken
Fenin: -x- broken, thanks to his super-natural saiyan regeneration. He scares off the crows and begins to pick up the shattered pieces of Hikaru, his blade, while contemplating ways to avenge his loses, of ways to pay Shim back for what he had done, and 
Fenin: -x- and for what he had said. "Though my motives have changed, I will see you fall, Shim..." Fenin utters over and over again, swirling about in the sands in search for fragments of steel, seething with conviction.
Essex: ~(*)~ He grasped the hilt of the busted Perpetua X, the sword he had created, his masterpiece, that is, before it was broken by Shim. Almost in a trance, he swings the empty hilt back and forth, stepping down, his aura pulling the sand 
Essex: ~(*)~ of the surrounding desert into a small swirling dervish around him. He had his eyes closed as he practiced, slowly, almost mimicking the Tai-Chi martial art.
Essex: ~(*)~ "You know you want to do it, Essex." The voice in his head said. "Shut up." He stepped to the left, twirling the hilt in his hand, his scales gleeming in the sunlight. 
Essex: ~(*)~"Go back, kill them, wipe their existence off the face of the Earth, it'll make things easier, you won't have to worry, you won't be bound by family or honor..." He stops and hangs his head, grinning
Essex: ~(*)~ to himself. "Yes, but unlike you, Arslanon, I wasn't always an abomination onto the planet. I was a human, I have emotions... you, my friend, were purely created. You're an automaton, 
Essex: ~(*)~you have no soul, no purpose, you're just here." He grabs his head as the other personality inhabiting his brain sent a shock through his body. "Don't talk to me about purpose
Essex: ~(*)~ Essex, don't talk to me about being an abomination. You're the worse of us all, you played God, you made yourself a monster, you've no purpose, at least, unless you remove 
Essex: ~(*)~such binding things as family." Essex dropped the hilt in the sand and began walking, still in a trance. "Yes... but I'm still human." "No, Essex, you're not, you're a mutant, you're 
Essex: ~(*)~ unnatural, just like me. We're one and the same, Essex." "No, we're not, Arslanon, I'll never be like you, I'll never do the things you did... you destroyed perfectly innocent lives, yo-" 
Essex: ~(*)~"Yes. But you did this to yourself because deep down you wanted the power, you desired to be great... and that's the first step to tyranny. You want to be like me..."
Essex: ~(*)~ "NO!" Essex shouts outloud, throwing his arms to the side and dropping to his knees. "I'll never be like you!" He screams at the top of his lungs, the sand around his exploding into a gigantic tornado as his aura flares. "NEVER!"
Fenin: places the last shard of his broken blade, Hikaru, into his backpack, then slings it over his shoulder. "Shim Wu'sha, you will fall for this... For leaving me here all alone..." Fenin reaches down to grab his nameless blade from
Fenin: -x- the sand, the his eyes snap up. Like a chilling wind it sprang over him, a radiating aura the likes of which he hadn't felt in years, excluding Shim's. He scans the area eagerly, hoping the source of this would be a challenge
Fenin: -x- with which he could better himself, and spots a small tornado. "The air is still, it's not far enough away for it to be so mild here and yet raging there... There is my target!" Fenin quickly sheaths his nameless blade and leaps
Fenin: -x- towards The Hurricane, using the instant transmissions technique to move several hundred meters with each step. Fenin fights his way through the storm to the eye, and peers at Essex curiously, "A... Mister Lillah? Oh my oh my...
Fenin: -x- I thought you were a myth. I suppose The Syndication does keep it's files in good order, after all..."
Essex: (*) He turns facing Fenin eyeing him up and down. "Well, well well... Fenin. Long time no see."  He crosses his arms over his chest, "Man... I haven't heard that name in ages... The Syndicate. What are they doing with themselves
Essex: (*) nowadays? Have they gone downhill since the disappearence of Mr. De'Artair?" He smirks and shakes his head, uncrossing his arms and bending down to retrieve the hilt of Perpetua-X. "I sense... a familiar stench on you..
Essex: (*) He squints his eyes and looks back up at Fenin. "You've encountered Shim recently, I can smell him on you." He flares his draconic nostrils, his eyes beginning to radiate their trademark ice blue mist. "How has he
Essex: (*) been?" He twirls the broken hilt between his fingers, switching between hands and rolling his shoulders. "Why are you here, Fenin? Be honest." (Kill him. Essex. Kill him.) He looks down at the ground, growling
Essex: (*) "Shut up, Arslanon. Shut up." (You know you want to, any trace of your past, you must get-) "SHUT UP!" Essex screams and throws his arms to his sides, his aura flaring up as The Hurricane began to rage.
Fenin: snickers quietly at the sight, "Still haunted by what you've become, Essex? Does it whisper in your ears? Or is that your own lust for power... But I digress, and for that I apologize. The Syndicate, I wouldn't know. Shortly after the... "Incident
Fenin: -x- with De'Artier, I was "laid off." My wife left me... Again... And that's about what's happened. Shim's beaten bloody to a pulp, as was I, though he doesn't recover as fast as I do, so I'd imagine he's still quite sore. As to why I am here,
Fenin: -x- that's a good question. I suppose I am still here because I want to see what happens to those who are greedy in terms of power, to see what I may become someday... As to how I got out into the desert, Shim and I fought. I don't know how long
Fenin: -x- I was incapacitated for, so I can't tell you how long ago, though I wouldn't imagine more than a day ago or so, which would explain why you can still sense him... Resinating from me..."
Essex: (*) 'It's good that he's doing good... we'll meet again Shim... I'm sorry.' "No, I'm not ashamed, I'm not haunted by what I've become. I'm embracing it... it's defined me, it's defined who I am, it's defined what decisions
Essex: (*) I have made." He glares slightly, the mist lightening up. "But then there's Arslanon, the Tyrant. I, when I was obsessed with power... used his DNA as a catalyst for experiments.... I have a Quadruple Helixed
Essex: (*) DNA strand, compared to the normal two... so essentially... we're on in the same, and that's what's haunting..." He clenches his fists, lowering his head. "That's what I'm ashamed of." He looks back up,
Essex: (*) "And I'm sorry about your wife... mine left me too when I... became this." (Kill him... kill his family first, do it in front of him... kill his child, make him watch it.) "NO!" He drops to his knees and grabs his
Essex: (*) head. "SHUT UP!" He thrashes back and forth, screaming loudly as his powerlevel flickers up and down, his aura flickering between red, the color of Arslanon, and dark blue, the color of The Dragon
Essex: (*) the color of The Hurricane. The two beings were tearing his physical being apart, both trying to take, and keep control of the physical vessel. He stops for a moment, his aura flickering red as he stands 
Essex: (*) up. "Essex is weak." He says, smirking. "He is letting boundaries such as family, and loyalty hold him back. He's weak. He lost his desire, his passion, he gave up on his conquest for power..."
Fenin: chuckles louder, "I've read the file, you know, and people might call you mad, well madder, if you keep screamin' and thrashin' around like that, 'Hurricane' Lillah..." Fenin bends down to peer into the strange beings eyes from the same
Fenin: -x- level, "Sucks about your wife. I'm sorry to hear it." Fenin straights back up and tilts his head to the side curiously, "So what're you shouting at uhh... 'It...' for, anyway? What's it saying to you, or is it just tormenting you in;gemote -x-
Fenin: -x- uh... some manner beyond my comprehension, not having had experienced it first hand...?"
Essex: (*) He raises his hand and stares at it, turning it back and forth. "Essex isn't here, right now." He grins and opens his eyes, their entirety a blood red color. "He's taking a... mental vacation and letting his Co-Pilot take over. And for 
Essex: (*) future reference, don't refer to me as an it. Or I swear to God I will kill any trace of family you have left." He glares and fully stands up, spreading his black draconic wings out, the sand still swirling with his aura. I am not 
Essex: (*) The Hurricane, I am not the Dragon. I am Arslanon, the Tyrant, the Destroyer, the Ender of All Things." He stretches his arms out to the side, his red aura flaring up around him as he clenches his fists. He lowers
Essex: (*) his arms again, letting his aura die down. "Now, how did you know about Mr. Lillah, or me for that matter, Fenin? Tell us that. Because I doubt that this new... Syndicate has the files from the old one that Essex
Essex: (*) helped lead."
Fenin: cracks a grin, "You're always the 'Hurricane,' Hurricane. You've got the body, you're the real deal. As to that threat, well all I can say, Hurricane, is I would gladly welcome any assistance I could receive on tracking them down, though
Fenin: -x- if you ever even think of harming them in any way again, I'll rip you limb from limb." Fenin rolls his head and flexes his body, emitting several loud, crackling sounds, while every vein in his body exposes itself, as most of his body
Fenin: -x- is concealed from his weathered clothes, torn asunder from a years travel and two intense fights in the past couple of days. "As to how I know of you, and of the 'new' Syndicate, I'm surprised you don't know already. I was a high ranking
Fenin: -x- officer, and I even served under Mr. Lillah for a while. I do believe you and I had the pleasure, in the past, too, of meeting face to face in battle. Though I didn't slay you well enough, I suppose, Arslanon." Fenin chuckles quietly, "I
Fenin: -x- kept the files for myself and thumbed through them, though don't be mistaken in thinking you're anything special to me, Hurricane, I just wanted to take everything I could from The Syndicate, so I took several files. Yours was in there by
Fenin: -x- chance, and I only read it in the infinite boredom of having my job, and family, stolen from me." Fenin's powerlevel slowly rises as his suppression wanes, and his stance lightens, sensing a foreboding in Arslanon's presence.
Essex: (*) "If you think you're going to get a fight, you're gravely mistaken, Fenin." Arslanon looks at his finger tips, grinning. "This body is too restricting, and it is nowhere near strong enough... as I said, he's binded." 
Essex: (*)He looks back up at Fenin. "And Mr. Lillah is nothing special, he never has been, never will be..." He takes a deep breath through his nose. "I like you, Fenin. You're bound also by family... but you seem to be
Essex: (*) the only 'real' person left. Heh. You know what you want, you may make a valuable ally one day. Just maybe... that is, if I don't tire of you once I reach my full potential, once I leave this body behind."
Fenin: snickers, "Only you, Arslanon, could get to me with your flattery now. Though you're wrong about me, in a sense. About my family, and about what binds me. I have no family, and I would say I am bound by nothing, I am my own man,
Fenin: -x- or Saiyan, rather, though that would be a lie. I am less. I am a hollowed out shell. All the binds me to this world now is power, strength, and conflict." Fenin looks up to the sky for a moment, thinking, then looks back to
Fenin: -x- Essex, "Just, what seems like, last night I was striving towards death. Then Shim showed up and showed me who I was. Not the man seeking happiness for himself and his wife, and his job, trying to bring a sense of justice to
Fenin: -x- The Syndicate, but a powerful warrior. The strongest. Invincible. When I fought him, I felt more alive than I have in the past year. Since before they left." Fenin chuckle quietly, "Ironically it was being beaten nearly to death,
Fenin: -x- being brought so close to my goal, that made me strive for life again, for the power I once had. But I digress. I happen to have a bit of advice for you, Arslanon, whether or not Essex Lillah would want you to hear it. Don't
Fenin: -x- jump out of the skillet without knowing what's below you. Then again, waiting too long to check what's below had cost me a great deal in this life."
Essex: (*) "Yes, a powerful warrior... but you are just a reflection of your old self. We all are." Arslanon crosses his arms. "As far as jumping out of the skillet, I already know what's there. And believe me, The Hurricane doesn't
Essex: (*) want me to hear it." He taps his temple. "His thoughts are mine, and mine are his. We're the same being, the same entity. And yes, you might not be binded by your family... but you're still bound... every biological race is,
Essex: (*) they all have a sense of... something that I thankfully could never fathom. I am an immortal,  the being Arslanon, The Tyrant, The Destroyer, can not be destroyed. I floated through space for years, decades, ages, however
Essex: (*) long it had been since the... incident. This isn't what it was, Fenin. This is an alternate reality, the old... everything is gone. When the incident happened, when the God's had forsaken everyone for the second time, an 
Essex: (*) alternate reality was born, and... somehow.... some way, most of us made it onto this plane, starting over, it seems. But you're still bounded, this 'family' you had, it wasn't your real family, Essex's family isn't his real
Essex: (*) family, they're just an automation, a mirror of the real..."
Fenin: scratches the back of his head, "You know, Arslanon, I may not be the smartest guy, but I don't think I'm buyin' that crock of crap." Fenin chuckles, "My family was real. Still might be. But like I said, they're gone. They left.
Fenin: -x- I can't find them. Dunno if I would want to, even if I could. Doubt she'd recognize me anymore. She probably found some other guy. Probably happier now than she was with me. Or maybe she's  dead. Dunno if I should really want
Fenin: -x- that to be the case, I just can't imagine her leavin' me unless she had to." Fenin sighs and stares at the ground, obviously irritated by the conversation. "But enough of this. What're you doing out here in the middle of
Fenin: -x- the desert? Sun bathing is quite an unlikely story, and other than that I'm quite clueless."
Essex: (*) "You're as blind as Essex. You can't comprehend what I preach, what I talk about. But it's the truth, and I know it. I experienced things, out there in the void of space, things that would break down and ruin any
Essex: (*) normal being. I ascended, I became what I am now. I just... need to surpass these physical limits that even this... Black-Star Dragon body have. He's a fine warrior, this is a fine body with a lot of potential
Essex: (*) but it can't become what I can." He shakes his head. "It's of no consequence why I am here in the desert, well, why Essex was here... but if you must know... he's lost, he's trapped in the past, he's locked on
Essex: (*) what he was... and what he had... he's trying to unlock everything that he had..." He grins, baring his shark-like rows of razorsharp teeth. "It's humbling, almost, to sit here in this vessel, stuck because
Essex: (*) of something he did, an experiment using my genetic matter... heh. Wow, so many years ago..."
Fenin: chuckles, "Space, ascension, the void... What're you talking about?" Fenin sits down and gazes upon Arslanon, "I'm not the one lost in an illusion. Well, maybe I am, but not the one you speak of. You, friend, are the lost one. You're the one who i
Fenin: -x- is blind. Blinded by a dream. But if you two are truly lost, I suppose I can take you to the city, for a price." Fenin chuckles, "I mean, a man's, or saiyan, has got to eat, y'know?"
Essex: (*) "You're blind, maybe one day you'll be set on the right path..." He cracks his neck and begins to walk past Fenin, turning his leg back to the Saiyan. "You don't understand because you don't wish 
Essex: (*) to understand, I could show you... the destruction, the chaos... everything that I experienced... you're the illusion... living this... false life set out before you... as far as acension goes... you're febble
Essex: (*) lowly evolved simian brain couldn't understand... it's a failed attempt if I explain it to you." He turns back around fully, crossing his massive arms over his chest, flexing the talons on his mechanical
Essex: (*) arm. "But... if you ever get the urge to... know more, to learn and experience what I'm talking about... just say the word and... well... in due time, I suppose."
Fenin: glares at Arslanon, "Yeah, I may be a simian, but at least I got my own damned body." Fenin gets to his feet, his muscles rippling again, "And my mind may be feeble, but at least it's all mine. Bett'r'n sharin' it with an 'inferior' being with les
Fenin: -x- less potential than me, just hindering me down." Fenin smirks, hoping his words would hurt his old acquaintance. "But if you mean to show me, to enlighten me, why don't you tell me your proposition first? I'd like to hear the... Process one mu
Fenin: -x- one must go through to be truly educated to the highest forms of our universe, to the true swirls of time, to the reality that is beyond this illusion I live in. Tell me, my high and mighty exalted ruler, what is it that you see through your e
Fenin: -x- eyes that I cannot conceive through my own? What is it that you've unlocked that remains barred shut to me? What is it, Arslanon, WHAT IS IT!?"
Essex: grins. "Now where getting somewhere." He shakes his head. "You don't truly want it, you're scared. Deep down, I know you're scared... you're weak, Fenin." Arslanon says, unphased by Fenin's words.
Essex: (*) "The truth, Fenin, that's what I see, that's what you're blind to, the truth. The truth sets you free... I've seen the creation of a universe, and the death of another, I've seen what really happened...
Essex: (*) the Dragon Clones... Xerokine... Greg... Oaftres... Kalen... Rasmus... Xey... Ponnampi, do those names mean nothing to you?" He quirks an eyebrow. "The fact of the matter is... they're not here, and 
Essex: (*) you might not remember them, but that's because this... existence has blocked part of your brain... and your real power, Fenin. You were strong, you were a protege to Mr. Lillah here, The 
Essex: grins. "Now where getting somewhere." He shakes his head. "You don't truly want it, you're scared. Deep down, I know you're scared... you're weak, Fenin." Arslanon says, unphased by Fenin's words.
Essex: (*) "The truth, Fenin, that's what I see, that's what you're blind to, the truth. The truth sets you free... I've seen the creation of a universe, and the death of another, I've seen what really happened...
Essex: (*) the Dragon Clones... Xerokine... Greg... Oaftres... Kalen... Rasmus... Xey... Ponnampi, do those names mean nothing to you?" He quirks an eyebrow. "The fact of the matter is... they're not here, and 
Essex: (*) you might not remember them, but that's because this... existence has blocked part of your brain... and your real power, Fenin. You were strong, you were a protege to Mr. Lillah here, The 
Essex: (*) Syndicate was a great and frightening power... and this is all a mock. A mock reality. And you can't see that because deep down you won't accept that, and that's what's hindering me from 
Essex: (*) showing you. You want to know the truth? You want to see and comprehend what I see, Fenin? DO YOU?" He curls back his lips, his eyes beginning to mist again. "Then free yourself
Essex: (*) from your bindings, free your mind. You have to accept the fact that this reality is false before you can truly move on and see it..."
Dako: twisted his arms brutally, attempting to raise the ship from crashlanding. "Fucking...DAMMIT" he screamed, engine's failing to keep up with his demands. He looked towards where he was about to land, most probably in the clear landing, minus the tw
Dako: <C> two figures off in the distance. With a final failing pull, Dako ran to the shuttle door, being knocked about constantly. Debri fell inside the craft, knocking him off his balance and into a wall. Bleeding and bruised, he took another attempt 
Dako: <C> attempt at making the door, making a gigantic leap from the carrier. He looked down and noticed that he had jumped way too early, seeing a few hundred metres to plummet he braced himself, slamming into a cliff wall most probably breaking a few
Dako: <C> circuits. He continued to slide down the wall, attempting to get to his feet and slide the rest, his calibrated skin peeling revealing his metal 'insides'. His mind snapped to attention, remembering a person who he knows, who he used to confid
Dako: <C>confide in, complete missions and follow for The Syndicate, his old group before it was completely demolished from existance. "Essex" He breathed as he pushed himself to his feet, shakingly sliding down the last hundred metres. The ground was c
Dako: <C> coming up to him at an amazing speed, giving him no time to stop, Dako jumped clear of the flat bottom and flew forward off the rest off the cliff, landing face first into the dirt, hitting it hard.
Fenin: grins, "Yes, I remember those men. None of them were dragons, and none of them were clones. They weren't similar in the least. Not in character nor physical appearance. The only common bond between them, perhaps, other than friendships,
Fenin: -x- was The Syndicate itself. And The Syndicate was only as powerful as we were. Though it was a large beast, it was only due to the heart, brain, lungs, legs, and the arm, that was me." Fenin chuckles, "I'm surprised you left me off
Fenin: -x- of your list, that corporation wouldn't be nearly as well off as it was before its destruction without my skills, or my partner's skills, out on the field..." Fenin brushes the hair from his face, "Your dream isn't my reality, and
Fenin: -x- I don't need to remove any clouds of my vision. I see things for what they are. Crude matter and power. That's all there is, that's all there ever was, and my delusions of love, passion, and justice have been torn from me. You'd be
Fenin: -x- wise to abandon them by choice, the journey to the bottom is long and harsh without a guide, Arslanon, and I can't imagine how high you are off of your own damned condescension."
Essex: (*) "None of this is real, Fenin!" Arslanon shouts, his aura beginning to flicker back and forth between red and dark blue. "That old reality was destroyed, the universe collapsed in on itself and only
Essex: (*) a few survived!" He clenches his fists. "Nobody can accept that, because they ended up here, in this... alternate reality, this isn't what everything was. There was no mutant invasion, there was no
Essex: (*) dragon invasion, there was no Kalen blowing up the city. There was no Dragon Mutation or Mystic Ultra Super Saiyan here, those were all THERE, in that reality, in that dimension. I'm trying
Essex: (*) to make people see this for what it really is..." He shakes his head. (You're losing control, Arslanon. You're letting him get to you, you can't get your point across and that's making -you- weak, 
Essex: (*) my friend.) "Shut up, Essex..." He mutters under his breath.
Fenin: smirks, "Oh, I remember all of those things. Vaguely. The news of it, I was luckily 'out of town' for all of those events, except the Mutant Invasion." Fenin shudders as he remembers long, bloodly battles, "And I carry my share of scars from
Fenin: -x- that one." Fenin tilts his head to the side, "But what's this about you being in control? Are you whispering to Essex, is that HIS aura I see now? Are you losing control, Tyrant the Destroyer of All? Are YOUR knees buckling, are you the
Fenin: -x- feeble whisper in the head again, Arslanon? I think it's time for my friend to emerge again. I think it's time for you to reach back into the depths of HIS skull, as it was intended by the heavens to be when he was birthed." Fenin cackles
Fenin: -x- loudly, "There was no cataclysmic destruction of the reality, there is no alternate ending. This is all that there has ever been, and all that there will ever be. You're stuck in a dream, a mishap from your, or Essex's rather, experiments.
Fenin: -x- This is a defect of your mutation, or perhaps his madness. Either way, you inherited it with this broken body you call your own."
Essex: (*) "SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU!" He begins thrashing around, digging the metal talons of his mechanical arm into his head, drawing blood. (You're losing control, and he's right, Arslanon, you were never intended 
Essex: (*) to be anything more than my... voice of anti-reason, my voice of madness. You're not real, and you'll never be again.) "NO... no no no no no." He screams, The Hurricane of sand building up around him. 
Essex: (*) (Let go, Arslanon, there's not much you can do.) "No. This... is... my... body!" He shouts aloud, standing up and taking a swing at Fenin, the Crimson Red aura of Arslanon mixing with the Midnight Blue of Essex, 
Essex: (*) seemingly taking over. 
Essex: (*) forming a majestic purple one. He stops midswing, shaking his head again. "Let it go, Arslanon, you've lost. No no no! I've won, this is my body, this is my story." He says in a two-tone voice, both personalities
Essex: (*) seemingly taking over. 
Fenin: watches in sheer amazement as Essex and Arslanon battle over control of the body, and stands fearlessly in wake of the claw. Grinning as it retracted Fenin tilts his head at his companion, "Welcome back, Essex. What have you become in the;gemote -
Fenin: watches in sheer amazement as Essex and Arslanon battle over control of the body, and stands fearlessly in wake of the claw. Grinning as it retracted Fenin tilts his head at his companion, "Welcome back, Essex. What have you become in the
Fenin: -x- years passed, my old friend, what has this world plagued you with? Even I, in my worst of times, had not been such a... Mess..." Fenin peers intently at Essex's face, checking to see if he had taken over, "That is you, isn't it,
Fenin: -x- Essex? You did manage to overcome him, haven't you?"
Essex: shakes his head, as the aura fades from purple to dark blue, then eventually fades away. Essex collapses to his knees, vomitting onto the sand as he shakes, fully regaining control for now. "Heh... nice to see
Essex: (*) you again, Fenin... it's just a shame we couldn't have met up under better circumstances." He struggles to get to his feet, standing eye to eye with the Saiyan. "Please, don't hold anything I may've said in
Essex: (*) in... that state... I wasn't in control." He shakes his head again, reaching up with his real arm and feeling the blood on the side of his head. "What happened? I don't remember anything... everything was
Essex: (*) black, then I remember coming to, in my conscience anyway, and Arslanon was losing control... could you fill me in, or are you no sure?"
Fenin: smiles warmly at his old friend, "Don't worry, I'm not as easily bruised by words as I was when Hikaru was near. Your err... 'friend' was talking about some religion experience of yours. Something about a cataclysmic event, destroying
Fenin: -x- the real world and rebuilding this world as we know it. Nothing new to me, just another crock to get me out of these shoes and into those of a servant of some sort or another. Saying that if I shed this reality from my comprehension,
Fenin: -x- or some manner of nonsensical crap, he'd 'enlighten' me..." Fenin looks up to the sky, "What the deuce!?" Fenin watches as a small mushroom cloud bursts into the horizon, "Looks like something major, let's check it out!" Fenin grabs
Fenin: -x- onto his friend and takes several instant transmissions towards the object of interest, finally arriving in a slightly exhausted state, though he hides his fatigue and marches towards the felled ship, inspecting it closely, "He-hello?
Fenin: -x- Is anyone there?" Fenin calls out with a mock tone of concern, more interested in the ship's worth at a salvage yard than the lack-of-well being of the passengers, or lack thereof.
Dako: felt a power ahead, no, two. He shook his head reassuring all his circuits were properly in place. The fall from the ship had indefinetly caused some damage, maybe repairable. He felt a power which seemed famaliar to him, a comforting warmth fille
Dako: <C> filled him as he remembered the feel. "Essex.." he said under his breath, with a grin he dug himself under the sand, tunelling his way forward, working towards where he could feel the powers. As he reached the point under them, he was about to
Dako: <c> throw himself up, but stopped halfway, something seemed intolerably different, something odd. He knew one of the above powers, its prescence around him, the other was unknown. Essex was not present, but an indifferent feel to it, as if someone
Dako: <C> as if someone else was there. He pounced up through the sand and landed where he shot out, the dirt and earth falling back into place. He turned to 'Essex' and smiled.
Essex: squinted his eyes, looking at Dako. "Dako?" He asks, looking Dako up and down. "You've changed my friend." He says, extending his hand out to shake that of his comrad. "It's been too long."
Fenin: peers at Dako curiously, "You're a friend of Essex's? Interesting." Fenin extends his hand, covered in dirt and dried blood, "My name's Fenin Ro, former special operative of The Syndicate. Quite a spectacular crash you put on, there, are you okay?
Fenin: -x- And is your ship okay?"
Dako: looked back at the burning wreckage, his ship being somewhat desintigrated into the ground save for a few pieces of the hardened armour being burnt to liquid. He looked at Fenin and shrugged "Not as bad as it could have been, I'm Dako." His arm st
Dako: <C> streching out robotically, shaking his hand awkwardly and jerking it back fast. "Apologies, my arm seems to have lost its calibration plugs." He shook it vigirously and stopped it's spasms instantly. "An ex-Special Operative you say? You and I
Dako: <C> seem to have something in common, I was too before we were destroyed...god knows why." He looked at the ground, searching for an answer. "And what might you two be doing out here? A bit of soul searching perhaps? Not much to find out here anwa
Dako: <C> Not much to find out here anway" He said, peering at the plains, seemingly stretching for miles.
Dako: looked back at the burning wreckage, his ship being somewhat desintigrated into the ground save for a few pieces of the hardened armour being burnt to liquid. He looked at Fenin and shrugged "Not as bad as it could have been, I'm Dako." His arm st
Dako: looked back at the burning wreckage, his ship being somewhat desintigrated into the ground save for a few pieces of the hardened armour being burnt to liquid. He looked at Fenin and shrugged "Not as bad as it could have been, I'm Dako." His arm st
Fenin: gazes at Dako, slightly taken aback, "You were special operations? I don't recognize you, or your name, and I thought my files were... Extensive..." Fenin scratches the back of his head, "So did that stagnant beast finally collapse?
Fenin: -x- I didn't keep up after they err... Laid me off." Fenin mocks a sincere concern as to the fate of the company, though for all he really cared the company should have gone down years ago. Before they took him and made him what
Fenin: -x- he was, and before they took it all away. "Anyway, what division were you in? I was one of Xerokine's right hand men, all sorts of jobs, including tracking down Gero after his army faltered."
Dako: - "I was assigned with some of Kalen's lower ranked missions, simple weapons analysis, that sort of area I suppose, not until the near end of Syndicate" he sighed, leaning back and looking up at the sky. "I was assigned with an odd mission, an app
Dako: <C> apparently 'High Ranked' mission, protecting something that they wanted kept safe. I was stationed outside that room and after a few patrols of the area I knew something was wrong, it sure as hell wasn't a high ranked mission." He stopped stre
Dako: <C> stretching and looked back at Fenin "In the event several raiders were after whatever was inside, me and a few others protected it as well as we could, but our numbers were falling, in the end something lit that room up, bright as hell. It sta
Dako: <C> It stayed that way for a time while they kept pouring in. Then.." Dako scrunched his eyes, trying to remember "I guess...an explosion really, lit it up and everything was gone, everyone that was there, a few corpses here and there but other th
Dako: <C> than that there was nothing. Im amazed how I even survived"
Tyish: i walk outside and got punch by taz he ran from me and i shot a sbc at him he all most died so i told him to stop bullying me and he did so now i want to be his friend if he wants to
Tyish: he said i would be ur friend if u was not gay but i told him i wasnt so i went back in the house and cried and came out later on and saw him looking at me
Tyish: then he ask me if you beat me and madden 07 i will be ur friend so i went and my house and brouht out the game we playes at the end of the first quarter he was up by 12 points
Tyish: i told him i was still a rookie at the game i just got it like four days ago so he said if u want to be my friend beat me and i tried harder and at the end of the second quarter is was winning by 6 points
Fenin: grins wide as he feels the power rushing through his veins, as energy seeps through every pore. Cackling a maddened howl of desperation as he tastes the power again, the power he once had, the power he'll have again. His hair raises up
Fenin: -x- and streaks with yellow as his aura flares, and the ground trembles below his might. As his powerlevel spikes the clouds disperse and the sky darkens, and then with a flashing light and thunderous boon, it all ends. Fenin grins
Fenin: -x- wide and cracks his knuckles, rolls his head, and flexes, though it doesn't feel right. The power that surges through him is foreign to him, not like it was before. And then it ends, just as quickly as it started, with a burst of
Fenin: -x- exhaustion. Fenin falls to his knees, crying out a horrid wail, shivering as it's stripped from him again. Fenin falls to the side and moans loudly, not afraid of the morbid embarrassment of the scene, who would find him out in
Fenin: -x- the middle of the desert, anyway?
Shim: *- His hair lay in pearly locks around his face; pale blue eyes staring into the purplish mirror that the shattered glass created. Shim stood at the ruins of the Orion shuttle; he could swear spots of rust-colored blood still dotted the ruined met
Shim: (C) metal. So much had happened since then... Even since last night. He has become a Super Saiyan - for the second time. He had full mastery over the transformations - he had a firm grip on the Saiyan taint that boiled in his veins. Shim examined 
Shim: (C) the wound on his chest in the reflection; he had been gravely wounded the day before, impaled on Hikaru's blade. But today, it was better for the most part; hardly a scratch remained where blood had poured like water from a tap. His power was 
Shim: (C) was returning to him, and quickly. "Fenin's here," Shim muttered, his crystalline blue eyes scanning the blazing horizon.
Vrasp: stares out at the horizon as the sun begins rising high into the sky, "I wish I could be free like that...Rise and set whenever I want...But i'm cursed to this god forsaken life..."  Vrasp looks at his reflection and sighs at the huge 
Vrasp: scar across his forehead.  "Why am I the one that has too...Wait what the hell was that?! That power...I never felt anything quite like it...It's as if...No, it can't be..."  Vrasp looks out at the horizon once more.  "I promise...
Vrasp: One day...I shall be free."  Vrasp puts on his leather jacket and walks out the door in search of the awesome power he felt in the distance.
Tyish: use to be bully by everybody at my school everybody thought I was a nerd but the truth is I was a nerd but I knew what to do when people bully me around I was so smart that I change there grades I knew my teacher password so I was a bad little boy
Tyish: but I didn't care because I got bully everyday so then I got caught one day changing people grades that they jump me
Fenin: claws the side of his head with his finger nails in frustration, squealing a pitiful moan, "I-I can do it... I'm stronger than he is, I'm better than he is..." Fenin's eyes shoot open, sending several tears to the desert ground, sizzling
Fenin: claws the side of his head with his finger nails in frustration, squealing a pitiful moan, "I-I can do it... I'm stronger than he is, I'm better than he is..." Fenin's eyes shoot open, sending several tears to the desert ground, sizzling
Fenin: -x- spots a spark on the horizon, "That must be him!" Fenin busts off towards Shim, letting the wing and particles of dust dry his watered eyes and sweaty forehead, "You're going to die for what you did to my blade, to my heart, Shim
Fenin: -x- Wu'sha. After I shatter your own, you will bleed like I bled."
Shim: - Fingers to forehead, Shim appeared behind Fenin. His face wore a calm smirk, the expression of one who expects victory. While Fenin seemed consumed by his rage, howling swears, screaming promises of death to no one, Shim was completely calm, alm
Shim: (C) almost dreamlike in composure. The halfbreed cleared his throat to make his presence known. His left hand already rested on the hilt of Perpetua, anticipating a rash reaction from the bloodlusty Saiyan. "How's the gut treating you?" Shim smirk
Shim: (C) smirked: "And your ego?"
Essex: (*) There was a crackle of bluish energy as Essex faded into existence, fingertips raised to his forehead. "It's been a long time, Shim." He says, the sunlight reflecting off his scales. He grins and nods at
Essex: (*) Fenin. "Hey, Fen." He looks over at Vrasp, norecognizing the man. "Care to introduce me to your... friend, Fenin?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest, flexing the talons on his mechanical
Essex: (*) arm. "What're we all doing out... here, in the heat, and the hotness?" The Hurricane squints his eyes slightly, pulling his dark brown trenchcoat around his body tighter.
Vrasp: smirks as the two beings appeared.  "So...I take it you all know each other, huh?  Well...I might as well introduce myself...I'm the cursed one, Vrasp, at least that's what they call me..."  Vrasp smirked nodding at the three 
Vrasp: beings.  'Wonder how all these guys met...I feel a sort of tension...It seems these guys might have a sort of background.' Vrasp thought to himself.  Vrasp finally noticing the Super Saiyan to his right.  "Wow...I guess you guys might
Vrasp: be stronger than I figured...This may turn out to be the funnest day so far."  Vrasp nodded at the one wanting to know who he was.  "And you would be?" 
Fenin: stops dead in his tracks as he feels Shim appear behind him, and doesn't respond to his taunts. The walls of sanity crack, threatening to shatter as an uncontainable rage seeps into his body, "Shim Wu'sha." Fenin jerks his head to the
Fenin: -x- side to peer over his shoulder, emitting several loud crackling noises and glaring at his former colleague with contempt. "You shattered my blade. My heart. My soul. You spat on me, and that is unforgivable" Fenin slowly turns
Fenin: -x- to face the Halfbreed, gazing upon Perpetua as he reaches for his own blade, The Nameless. "I assure you, you're not walking away from this one." Fenin's hair raises and his aura gleams, "No chance to run, like you should have twice
Fenin: -x- before." Fenin's raging fury blinds him to the other two around him, Essex and Vrasp may as well been in another dimension, the blazing sun, his ravenous hunger, his tattered clothes, and Shim's overwhelming energy level were of no
Fenin: -x- concern to him. His world was focused on his blade, and Shim's. In an instant The Nameless is at Shim's throat, a burst of speed surprising even himself, though he withdraws his with a sly grin, and floats backwards several meters,
Fenin: -x- "Shim, I'm going to make you bleed."
Shim: *- A simple smirk answered Fenin's ravenous babble. A hand was raised, palm outwards. "Do yourself a favor and play dead, kid." A terrible blast of wind erupted from the open palm, as Shim threw Fenin twenty feet back with the power of his aura. T
Shim: (C) Those piercing blue eyes slid towards Essex, shining vengeance. "What the hell makes you think it would be safe for you to show your face around me, Essex?" Shim crossed his arms, casting the mutant an angry snarl. "And when did you climb out 
Shim: (C)  out from under that rock you ran to, that day atop Syndicate Headquarters, with Kalen?" 
Essex: glares, dropping his trenchcoat, revealing his muscular, draconic body. "I broke alliances with Kalen shortly before the Cataclysm, the incident. I have no alliances... I'm here..." He trails off, nodding
Essex: (*) to Vrasp to acknowledge him. "To make amends." He keeps the stern look on his face, extending his real hand to Shim. "As for me, Vrasp... I am Dr. Essex Lillah, the scientist, ex-co leader of The True 
Essex: (*) Syndicate, The Quadruple Helixed... I am a grotesque abomination unto human kind, I am so different that I wouldn't even consider myself a mutant..." He keeps his eyes fixed on Shim. "I partook
Essex: (*) in an experiment that fused my DNA with a sample from Black-Star Shenlong's. And that, is who I am."
Vrasp: nods in acknowledgement to "Dr. Essex."  "It seems you guys have already had some sort of history...I think i'll just stick around in case something...Unusual, for lack of words...I just wanna make sure
Vrasp: <C> I can get rid of this curse before something else...Happens."  Vrasp looks straight into the faces of the two beings then towards the one flying far back.  "Oh...and why not make the fight fair? Why not use
Vrasp: <C> your hands? Swords and daggers and shiz doesn't truly prove your strength...It just proves you have mastered or are learning how to use the weapon."  Vrasp smirks at the one called Shim.
Fenin: struggles to remain in flight, still blind to the other people around him. "You shattered her, Shim. You destroyed my heart. And for that you will die." His voice is smooth and cold, his expression is still, and his eyes
Fenin: -x- steely and enraged, "You're no match for me, Shim Wu'sha. You're going to die, that's how simple it is." Fenin leaps at the Halfbreed again, swinging The Nameless in a blood lusting fit of rage, his powerlevel
Fenin: -x- spiking up several hundred thousand with each missed blow. 
Oafy: - A fissure, ever so insignificant in size, materializes in the sky. This tiny sliver goes unseen by the populace all around, all of whom would not know it's purpose had they taken notice. Black, vein like streams emerge from the gap, twisting and
Treyce: - White mist collected on the window from where he stood. Treyce stood close to the window, auburn eyes staring out to the brightening horizon. He was still inside a Syndicate building, but now he felt almost like new. His wounds were gone, but so
Treyce: -C- something was also g one he had to work again to get back. His power. Some things were different now but Treyce didn't mind the changes. This new Syndicate now didn't seem as powerful as the Syndicate he remembered. Eyes closed, his mind drift
Oafy: - writhing in the sunlight, as if in agony. As the fabrics of space-time dance around the portal, a man falls through, looking almost unconscious. Oafy crash lands in an unlit alley, his head banging into the cement of the ground. His body takes a
Treyce: -C- drifted back to when he came back. Someone above him, saying his name. Opening his eyes halfway, he thought who that person was. He had to know him or her, they knew his name. There's someone here I know, he thought. Where is he. Taking a step
Treyce: -C- back from the window, he hit it with his fist and felt the breeze rush in. His hand bleeding slightly, he ran it through his white hair before leaning forward, falling out the building. The Desert, he thought, and flew to the uncatchable horiz
Oafy: - an uncomfortable rest against a dumpster, while overhead the rip in reality stitches itself back up, disappearing from view of those who hadn't even noticed it. "Ugh... What'd I do last night?" The halfbreed asks himself, standing upright slowly
Oafy: - and wandering with a dizzy perspective out of the alley into the bright street. He seems confused, and incredibly disoriented, as he stumbles into the middle of the street. It's probably because of this, that he doesn't take notice of a 
Oafy: - car speeding down the road at him. The man behind the wheel honks his horn, giving Oafy enough reaction time to brace the right side of his body. The vehicle slams into him, the front half condensing into the shape of his torso, just 
Oafy: - as he backhands the metal shrapnel defensively, giving it little thought in his delirious state. Consequences of these actions don on Oafy the instant his eyes adjust to the sunlight; the car is tossed into the upper level of a nearby 
Oafy: - school, passing through the windows and part of the wall in a nasty way. The sudden sound of sirens alerts Oafy to the severity of his antics; he appears to have attracted ten police cars to the scene. "Ah, good. Making friends already," 
Oafy: - Oafy says with a smile.
Shim: *- Crystalline eyes shot Vrasp a very icy look, one that begged the question, 'Why are you even here?' He paid Vrasp no more mind than that, as he cast Essex a similar look, one that spoke, 'I have nothing to say to you.' There wasn't a single sec
Shim: (C)  second of hesitation as Shim rolled to the side, effortlessly evading Fenin's overhead swing. And as the blade bit deep into the sand, he drew his own weapon, and lunged quickly for Fenin's injured midsection. "I've proved time and time again
Shim: (C) again that you're nothing to be feared; just a child with a temper." Shim snorted, looking into Fenin's empty eyes with contempt; genuine disgust. "You've fallen so low."
Vrasp: glares as Shim dodges the others slash and moves in for his own attack, "So...Essex, is it?  Up for having a bit of fun also...Or you just wanna get into the middle of this?"  Vrasp smiles at the mutant.  "I know you want to
Vrasp: <C> have some fun...You can't say no...It's in your blood."  Vrasp smirks as his power suppress to that of Essex's.
Essex: cracks his neck and extends his hands to the side. "Why not. I'm a bit rusty." He lets out a scream, his aura exploding around him in a tornado as it picks up sand, forming a Hurricane around him. His muscles
Essex: (*) begin to ripple and boil as they bulge, his body growing in size, the scales on his body spreading and darkening in color, becoming almost black. He snarls as his face elongates into a snot, snorting
Essex: (*) a black mist out. He hunches over as spikes erupt down his spine. He stands up and screams, his aura growing in size. "Ready?"
Oafy: peers at the armed policemen beginning to surround his position, and can't help but think there was a misunderstanding at some point. Without a word he gives a mock two finger salute, and bolts towards the ally at top speed - not
Oafy: - a fast speed, but enough to avoid being shot. He follows twists and curves through a few passages between buildings, losing the heat quickly. Yet the sirens don't stop. In a moment or two longer of speeding from the scene of the incident
Oafy: finds himself in desert plains. "Might be best to hang out here a while.. They didn't seem to like my first impression," he jokes to himself, trying to lighten his mood. After all, bitches were shooting at him.
Treyce: - The wind hit his face and rushed by his ears.. He had missed this feeling. Everything that was anything, he thought. He was flying low, spinning somewhat, when a piece of something hard hit him in the face. Pain. Something I didn't miss much... 
Treyce: -C- he thought. He stopped in his flight, looking about. Red and blue lights below, a half destroyed building nearby. His eyes flicked back to the horizon where the desert was. Something urged him to go there. To find something...no..someone. Mayb
Treyce: -C- Maybe more than one person. His eyes flickered downward again. He clenched his fists, cursing himself. He floated downward, watching at the scene. Someone was running at him. Probably not at him, as he tried to stay out of sight, but in his di
Treyce: -C- Shifting his orientation so that his head was pointing down, he floated lower to watch this person. 
Fenin: groans loudly as Perpetua sinks deep into his flesh, and stumbles backwards, jerking the blade from his body. He sits on the desert floor, gasping for air while gargling past several pints of blood as they erupt from his throat, and
Fenin: -x- bracing his gut, trying to slow the rapid rivers of blood spewing from him like fountains. "You're nothing special, Shim." His voice, rough with the bits of blood spattering out of his mouth with each syllable, "There was a day
Fenin: -x- when I called you my equal. Now I see. You're weak. You're blinded by your own, pathetic 'Justice' and 'Salvation'."
Shim: - "Fenin... You seem to forget your place in this fight... You are the one bleeding and dying, writhing in the sand; you are the one wallowing in defeat, and you are the one who is little more than the ashes of what you once were..." He snorted, s
Shim: (C)  swinging Perpetua hard to his side. Blood and sinew sizzled against the warm sand. "Just accept your place and fade away..." Shim jammed the tip of his sword into the ground and gazed lazily at the wounded Saiyan; he seemed bored.
Oafy: drives his legs harder against the sand dunes, forcing his weight into each step, preferring to force a glide against the sand rather than struggle against gaining a foothold. His mind begins to lose the calming effect that crash landing his skull
Oafy: - against a dumpster from 20 feet in the air must have had; the events leading up to this moment sink in. "Where? What? Who?" Racing deeper into the desert plains, he begins to question why he is here, where he came from, and what this undying urg
Oafy: - urge in his mind is to go further into this vast open region. Something was pulling him. Not something; no. Someone. An urge quite similar was following him, too. Too freaked out, he dares not to turn and face the feeling.
Treyce: - The wind blew up the sand and he brought his hand up for a moment. The desert, he thought. Just where I wanted to be. He was still following this strange person. It turned to be a plus for him, he still made it to the the desert. He reorintated 
Treyce: - himself and dropped down to the ground. Sand blasted upward momentarily as he let out a low burst just before he hit the ground, standing a few yards away from him, whoever he was. The blood had stopped flowing from his hand, but the sand still 
Treyce: -  hurt his hand as he brushed it out of his white hair, dried blood still in it. His eyes peered through half open lids, wondering what told him to come to such a barren place.
Vrasp: looks Essex up and down, "So...You think you can actually take me? I guess this may be a bit of fun..."  Vrasp smirked as his power increased to Essex's powerlevel.  "Ready or not!"  Vrasp ran straight at Essex hiding his
Vrasp: <C> true speed and strength.  "Wanna see something awesome?"  Vrasp smiles as he appears behind Essex and pulls out his own weapon, "See this? It may hurt a little bit."  Vrasp puts it against Essex's neck then suddenly
Vrasp: <C> flips off into the air letting the sun shine off the beautifully made dagger, Onyx handle with a dragons head, and 
Vrasp: <C> shining silver blade.  "This is my baby...It was given me to slay all the evil in the world...But I think I found better uses for it."  Vrasp smirks as he kicks sand towards Essex and taunts Essex to charge.
Essex: cracks his neck once again, glaring at Vrasp. "Wonderful." He steps back with his left leg and takes his fighting stance, shaking himself as he spans his wings out. "I must warn you... I was quite the 
Essex: (*) beast back in my day..." He screams, stomping with his right leg, the sand shield formed around him exploding out, in an attempt to catch Vrasp off guard. "KYAH!" He shouts, rushing forward at
Essex: (*) an unhuman speed, swinging his heavy, club-like mechanical arm at Vrasp's head.
Fenin: cackles, "You're always the first to follow your sighs and not your perceptions, Shim. I'm unscathed." Fenin gets to his feet and brushes the sand from his blood and sweat drenched clothing. "I've died twice in the past two;gemote -x- days, Shim. 
Fenin: -x- days, Shim. You can't kill me, I'm immortal." Fenin withdraws his splintered blade, grinning as it reforges itself, binding with his Ki, and gleams a sparkling reflecting. "Silence him, Hikaru." Fenin leaps at Shim, jabbing 
Fenin: -x- viciously again, though his power and speed are sourced from something other than rage this time, he seems slightly more in control of his actions, less reckless and more precise.
Shim: *- Sparks fall like rain against the sand as Shim rips Perpetua out from the ground in time to deflect the blow. The halfbreed whirled around, plumes of smoke rising at his booted feet. He wore a calm smirk, a cocky grin. He was in control of the 
Shim: (C) situation; no matter if Fenin was immortal - it meant nothing if he was a weakling. "You haven't even stricken blood yet, Fenin, and you're writing my obituaries," Shim quipped. "Don't count our chickens before you're sure they won't decapitat
Shim: (C) decapitate you." With that, Shim burst forward, slashing with precision and swiftness, a veteran's skill, at Fenin's neck.
Oafy: plants both feet firmly into the terrain, forcing a stop in his race forward, a yard at best from the fallen man in black. His senses hone in on the features of this man, ignoring most finer details, with the exception of traces of blood admist
Oafy: - white hair. Alert at the fact this man must have been apart of violence recently seems quite obvious to Oafy, though he'd rather not go there himself. Cautiously, but with a laid back, relax manner, he speaks out. "Hey, you wouldn't
Oafy: - know where this is, would you? I woke up.. ah.. in a dumpster, lost." His eyes travel across the landscape, before resting on Treyce once more. Though he isn't sure, he gets the distinct feeling this guy is about to try and sell crack to him.
Treyce: - The auburn eyes of Treyce rested upon the man in front of him, sizing him up. Not much of a threat at all to him. So why had he followed him in the first place? A whim? He shrugged it off. The light in his eyes, inside he wanted to find out why 
Treyce: - he had bothered to come to the Desert, betrayed the apathy in his voice. "You're in the desert, obviously." He said to him. Treyce didn't recognize this man at all. He took a step to the side and rubbed his cut hand a little. "You're just outsid
Treyce: - outside the city of New Hope, where you just ran from the police."
Fenin: narrowly dodges Shim's jab with a wry grin, "You're all talk, Shim" Fenin reaches out and grabs Shim by the throat with a wide grin, "Prepare to meet your demise." Fenin condenses a large energy sphere into his left hand, still gripping
Fenin: -x- Shim's throat, to engulf his entire head with condensed ki, "Burn!" Fenin spins around, heaving Shim, and his energy sphere, down into the dune blow, his face singeing under the incinerating heat of the energy sphere. Before Shim has
Fenin: -x- a chance to recover from the brutal attack, Fenin dive bombs straight down at his opponent, holding Hikaru straight ahead of him in a spearhead attack.
Vrasp: hesitates a second and takes some of the blow, but not enough to do real damage.  "WOw...Managed to  acutally hit me...and on my shoulder...Better than I figured..."  Vrasp smiled as he lunged forward and stuck
Vrasp: <C> his dagger towards Essex, then with advanced speend he swings to the lift and launches a kick at Essex's head with the knife still headed toward's his ribs.  "You'll pay for that."  Vrasp whispers in Essex's ear.
Shim: - The smoke cleared. Shim stood there, smoking, but seemingly unscathed. His face was burned in places, but he had gotten his hands up in time, creating a thin of shield of energy before the sphere could cause any serious damage. Shim anticipated 
Shim: (C) Fenin's next move, turning his shoulder slightly, allowing Hikaru's silvery blade to pass by him. He twisted away from the blade, turning on his heel, and drove his elbow hard into Fenin's stab wound. Renewed, the flow of the blood soon began 
Shim: (C) to coat the sand at their feet. "Fenin... You're an embarassment..." Wildly, Shim slashed at Fenin with his forearm, backhanding him an invisible hand; sending him skidding backwards with the might of his golden aura. "A Knight, reduced to thi
Shim: (C) to this..."
Oafy: eyes Treyce's hand, noting how he rubs what appears to be a wound. More curiousity develops, but he holds it back, favoring the sly and distant approach to a violent topic. "I can see I am in a desert, but thank you for the tibit of knowledge;
Oafy: - New Hope?" He pauses for the passing of a few seconds, before shrugging off any thoughts of the place. "Can't say it strikes me as somewhere I recall being." Attention waivers from Treyce, falling to the ground. "New Hope.. Earth?" His words
Oafy: - are whispered, as he asks himself more than anyone else. Though he pretends not to have heard mention of his escape from the police, it is obvious he intentionally avoided the topic.
Fenin: howls as the blood pours from his wounded forearm and gut, "The only embarrassment is you, halfblood!" Fenin gets to his feet again, bracing his two wounds, and leaps after Shim again, rage consuming him once more. His renewed haste
Fenin: -x- matching even Shim's in his super-saiyan form, each blow colossal in power. Fenin howls at the top of his lungs in between each titanic swing, "I'm no knight, nor have I ever been! I am my own mercenary, my currency to be paid is
Fenin: -x- satisfaction, be it monetarily or taking join in each life I kill. You're my next mark, Shim Wu'sha, this is beyond competition, I am going to END YOU!""
Treyce: - The desert suddenly fades for a moment and flames appear, but the flames don't seem to be hot at all. The firey hell around him disappears nearly as quick as it appears. His focus returns to the man again, assuming he didn't see anything. "Earth
Treyce: -C- "Earth." He says, more to himself then the man. He follows the mans gaze to the ground for a moment then to the horizon. He felt something in the direction and something inside him pulled him there. "Earth." He says again. "Yes. You are on Ear
Treyce: -C- Earth. I beg your pardon, but I must take my leave." he mutters. The wind whipped up and about him, lifting him up from the ground, and he flew off to the distance.
Oafy: glares at the ground beneath him. The sand brought up a fury within him, as if pain he could not remember were resurfacing; hate, sorrow, and guilt. Try as he might, he doesn't grasp the reason for these feelings - it only fuels the anger.
Oafy: snaps to attention as Treyce speaks again, mentioning Earth. "Right - Earth. Where else wou-" His words fade, watching as the man in black excuses himself from the situation. The tugging sensation grows once more, especially with the trenchcoat
Oafy: - wearing man heading off in the direction of the sensation. Whatever explanation is behind all his questions, whether it be the sensation, or to his seeming amnesia, it is clear he'd have to pursue the force beckoning his presence.
Oafy: leans forward, taking on an athletic runners stance for the briefest of moments, before dashing off after the white haired guy. "Hold up! I didn't get to ask if you're selling crack or not," he calls, struggling to catch the mans lead.
Vrasp: watches in amazement as Essex dodges his stab, but takes the kick head-on and gets sent straight up into the air and lands hard into the ground.  "This is the best you got!?  I was hoping for a challenge! I'll be back
Vrasp: <C> for you guys later...Get stronger then come find me...But Essex...Good fight...For your power...It was good."  Vrasp smirks as he leaves the helpless Essex stuck in the sand,  Vrasp takes one look back and smirks
Vrasp: <C> 
Vrasp: the horizon.
Shim: *- "Words mean nothing from the lips of deceit, Fenin. Halfblood or no, you're still nothing to me." Shim smirked. He cartwheeled to the side on one hand, effortlessly evading Fenin's wild charged. He crossed his arms as he looked on at the raging
Shim: (C) Saiyan. "There's nothing left for you here but death, Fenin. And this time, there won't be anything left of you to regenerate..." Even as Shim spoke, his powerlevel began to skyrocket. He let out but a singular grunt as his powerlevel reached 
Shim: (C) reached its zenith; unbenknownst to those around him, he was tapping into hidden energies, hidden fury, tucked away in the back of his mind for the past year... "Can you even bring yourself to hit me, kid?" 
Fenin: leaps at Shim, basking in his own fury, feeling the power drench him. As Shim moves to dodge him, he uses the instant transmission technique mid-swing, appearing behind and slashing Shim's leg. "You're condescension is misplaced,
Fenin: -x- Shim. Just like your self righteous preaching." Fenin cackles, "There was a day when you, too, walked the power-starved path of the hollow warrior, Phoenix Knight. A day when the name Perpetua brought you fond memories of a loving
Fenin: -x- family, rather than a storm of blood and disembodied fluids. Though I don't mean of your victims, no no. You named the blade after your mother, did you not?" Fenin smirks, "You plunged it into her, drinking in her life force,
Fenin: -x- maddening further as she slipped into unconsciousness. You watched her die. You made her die. You murdered your mother, and named your blade after her to never forget. You're not better than me, Shim. You're worse. Much worse.
Fenin: -x- My blade is a love I lost, your blade is a love you destroyed."
Thea: Runs her hands through her hair as she watches the Saiyans down below run around on planet Vegeta most of them are just indulging in drinking and eating not giving a care about anything but thier ever day lives. 
Thea: (c) "Oh how they have fallen from what they once were, it's truly sad." A low sigh slips from between her lips. She stands there high on the roof the wind making her clothes dance in the breeze,  her tail swaying back in forth 
Thea: (c) the sky on vegeta is completely dark the only thing that could be seen are the odd purple clouds that move slowly about in the sky, the only real light that can be seen are coming from the small Military type city Saiyan guard 
Thea: (c) can be vaguely seen standing on each corner to make sure that the peace is kept on the roads after dark.
Oafy: loses sight of black coated man, but realizes his disappearance means little to him at this point, as the force calling to him seems to strengthen. It's like a horrible reflection of gravity - or whatever the opposite of gravity is, maybe.
Oafy: - "The hell should I know? I woke up in a dumpster," he muses, answering the questions his mind keeps giving him for once. He presses onwards at an increasing pace, zipping across the plains, until within his sights he sees two lone warriors.
Oafy: eases to a gentle walk, still many yards from the two locked in combat, by the looks. Clearly, they are the source of this pull.. but why them? And why would anyone fight in a dry desert, when there was a good looking bar back in New Hope?
Kyosho: walk up behind Thea the wind pushing his bone white hair into the way of his emerald eye, restricting his vision. "  Why are you just standing here? " Kyosho asked. Kyosho black robe was being pushed back making a sound from the cloth flapping in 
Kyosho: [C]in the air. " And you are right, things have fallen from there once great status. " Kyosho's emerald eyes gazed upon  the city watching them feast,  " Now it seems like there maybe nothing I can learn here about the heritage 
Kyosho: [C]a Super Saiyan. " Kyosho continued keeping his gaze on the weak saiyans.
Shim: - There was silence; the wind could be heard in the desolation. Never had words stricken him as hard. His blood curtled at the memory... He had been consumed in the rage, unable to tame the Super Saiyan transformation; but that could be expected o
Shim: (C) of an adolescent who'd watched his family murdered before his eyes. But when he pulled the blade and swung, the blood all felt the same, the screams just as piercing, the texture of the muscle and sinew he rended - all the same. All he wanted 
Shim: (C) was to feel warm again, after the bitter cold of loss had encompassed him, and the slaughter was so inviting, he recalled. His eyes narrowed. His hand was around Fenin's throat. There wasn't even a frame in between the two scenes. "A million l
Shim: (C) lives saved could never atone for my sins; but at least I have lived trying, and not wallowing in despair, crying for atonement in death!" Shim paused, lost somewhere between the past and the present. "I may be a sinner, an evil man..." He was
Shim: (C) He was transforming before Fenin's eyes... The sheer energy involved in the transformation threw Fenin sprawling through the air. His hair shot straight up as long strains of blue energy began to cackle all around him. His aura became a fiery 
Shim: (C) tornado, capable of toppling buildings with its horrible strength. There was a great explosion of energy, creating a dense cloud of dust and grit... Screams followed the thunderous eruption, and as the smoke began to clear, Shim could be seen 
Shim: (C) walking with a menacing air about him... Something had changed, certainly. His intention had never been to kill Fenin. He had always wanted to help him see clearly... But that was gone now. The reins had been let loose... "But I'm no coward!!"
Shim: (C) Shim halted his approach. "Maybe you will find one more sympathetic to your agony in Hell?!" With invisible speed, Shim drove a fist into Fenin's gut, following up with a jaw-breaking uppercut. Rising with the momentum of the punch, Shim clasp
Shim: (C) clasped both hands together, and swung down hard on the top of Fenin's skull, sending him hurtling towards the desert floor.
Thea: slights turns toward Kyosho litting her blank expression fade away to a wicked grin that shows off her fangs. " what am i doing here, I guess you can say i'm comparing energy." her gaze slides back down toward the  city 
Thea: (c) street below as she points toward a small little girl down below. " You see there is more so much more to peoples energy, some peoples energy never grow but is still worth taking mapping out a road toward my ultimate goal." 
Thea: (c) " A goal that could change this realm into something actuelly  worth living for." She shrugs her thoughts  letting herself lean onto Kyosho.  " So Kyosho, have you come to let me help you Help wake that power up inside 
Thea: (c) you so desperately want?" 
Jeckel: watched with amusement at the battle between the two in the desert. He wasn't able to tell just exactly if these two were human or maybe saiyan related, but he was enjoying the show none the less. The feeling of the two powerlevels clashing had br
Jeckel: <C> brought him out here and a quick glance at his scouter had shown that neither of them were a match for him, so he was content to watch for now. Besides, maybe he could get the winner of the fight to help him on his little nobel quest.
Oafy: plops down onto a sandy hill, overwatching the drama before him as it is acted out by the two. Specifically the one EXPLODING in a -fucking- torrent of golden energy. Yeah. Something.. something about that guy struck Oafy as different. "Can't
Oafy: - quite put my finger on it," he says with sarcasm the likes of which would fry a sarcasm detector. People generating storms of colourful energy didn't seem right to Oafy at this point, but he got the feeling he shouldn't be too alarmed by it. At
Oafy: - least, the other onlooker didn't seem to mind it much. "Who knows what his story is though," he glances towards the man, before returning attention to the antics of the two combatants. "I wonder if it's too late to put my money on Golden Explode
Essex: (*) Lowering his fingertips from his forehead, Essex appears behind Oafy, worn out from his encounter with Vrasp earlier. Keeping his energy masked, he started at his old comrade, eyeing the man up
Essex: (*) and down. "Hmmm..." He steps forward and crouches down behind Oafy. "Oaftres." He says, drapping his arms over his knees, staring at the fight between Fenin and Shim below.
Kyosho: didn't move his gaze over the city even after Thea leaned on him " I don't know why I came back here, I just had a feeling that this is where I needed to be at. " Kyosho said calmly.  " Worth living eh, how are you going to manage that one, 
Kyosho: [C]I mean if you look at this place now " Kyosho stopped before finishing and thought for a second the moved the hair out of his eyes " This place looked like its already peaceful, doesn't need an outside power to change that. 
Kyosho: [C]I mean if you look at this place now " Kyosho stopped before finishing and thought for a second the moved the hair out of his eyes " This place looked like its already peaceful, doesn't need an outside power to change that. 
Kyosho: [C] " Kyosho  then looked toward Thea "But if you have any way I could unlock my hidden powers, by all means teach me
Fenin: watches in horror as Shim transforms into the next stage, an unheard of feat in several years, to either of them. Fenin flails helplessly as the surging wind tosses him about like a tissue in a hurricane, and he howls silently
Fenin: -x- in agony as Shim brutally mauls him with his combination attack. As Shim pauses he squirms, trying to speak though he is still dazed and confused, "I'm not searching for atonement. I've sinned naught. They left me, Shim, by no fault
Fenin: -x- of my own. All of them, everyone." Tears stream from Fenin's eyes, cascading down his cheeks, past his ears and through the turfs of hair. The streaming tears aren't of the physical pain Shim brought upon him, no, Fenin was accustomed
Fenin: -x- to that sort of punishment from the years he served in The Syndicate. The pain was a memory, the pain was the losses and the year of sorrow held in. As quickly as Shim had been upon him, Fenin gets to his feet, glaring at his foe
Fenin: -x- through globs of tears, streaming blood from his forehead, where he was just been struck, and turfs of sweat and sand drenched hair, "You're nothing special, Shim Wu'sha. You're nothing special and you never have been. You're just a
Fenin: -x- boy trapped in a man's body." Fenin closes his eyes and looks up to the sky, opening his arms wide as though to embrace the heavens themselves. The earth boons a loud, thunderous lurch, and the sands of the desert seems to lob itself
Fenin: -x- skybound in a tornado as Fenin, too, reaches his peak. The sky darkens and lightening arcs several times nearby, a byproduct of excess energy freeing itself from Fenin to the cosmos. A blinding light erupts as energy pours from
Fenin: -x- every pore of Fenin's body, and as the glorious show passes, Fenin stands a super-saiyan. His bloodied, sweatied, dusty hair replaced with clean, daggered, haphazardly organized locks, and the eyes of a hollowed out soul
Fenin: -x- replaced with green gem-stoned pupils.
Oafy: jumps rather noticably, startled a little more than a bit by the sudden third onlookers words. Heart pumping a mile a minute, Oafy nervously jerks his head around to fully soak in the sight of the great blue creature. Gasping at the appearance
Oafy: - of this one, he quickly tries to regain control of himself, shaking it off. "...Oaftres?" His look the man up and down a little, before he shrugs. "I'm not sure how you know my name, but sorry, I don't have any change," he jokes.
Jeckel: simply sighed and looked over at Oaftres and the new arival for a moment then back at the battle scene. He scratched his head and then looked back at the fight, noticing now that the other had erupted in some sort of new power. "oh..I see...they'r
Jeckel: <C> they're saiyan decended." he said to himself. "now to find out if they're full or half bloods..." Jeckel sat down in the sand and watched the fight..sure their powerlevels made them like toothpicks compared to himself, but at least it was fun 
Jeckel: <C> to watch two toothpicks have at it....he desperately needed to get back to Vegeta. "This planet is starting to drive me to toothpicks.."
Thea: nods as she slides behind Kyosho while letting her fingertips graze against his neck and shoulder. " oh i can unlock that power of yours and give you so much more, heh when i'm done with you your abilities will be twice maybe even 
Thea: (c) three times as strong." she steps away from Kyosho and starts to walk toward the other side of the roof. " Kyosho if you stay with me i'll make you the best fighter there is." (and one of the best killers ever, yes your power 
Thea: (c) is worth waiting for to grow.) a snicker slips out at she stares off the other side of the roof  her tail swaying for a second then suddenly stops and rapping around her waist. "So what do you say Kyosho Let me mold you for the better.
Kyosho: turned towards Thea his bottom of the robe swaying slowly, " So you do have a way to unlock that power " Kyosho said softly as he started to walk towards her *So she will be able  make me stronger* the halfbreed though as he continued 
Kyosho: [C]to walk slowly to the female saiyan. Upon Kyosho reaching Thea, he kneeled down  and bowed his head to her " What is it that you wish me to do? " Kyosho asked without raising his head to look back at Thea.
Shim: *- "Nothing special?" Shim was visually angered. "I've saved this planet more times than you've taken breaths, kid." He glared at the ingrate as he approached him, as if his transformation had never even occured. The scuffle had increased in bruta
Shim: (C) brutality. Fists were flying and connecting. Blood was flowing freely. "I've bled for these people. The Knights fought and died for this world. I've laid down my life every day of my life. Whenever I was called upon, I was there. And you, who 
Shim: (C) who couldn't even muster the courage to do more than run errands for the Syndicate would tell me that I am nothing special, that my deeds amount to nothing!?" He was screaming, hoarse and furious. "When darkness encompassed the world, and all 
Shim: (C) hope was lost, whose blade was it that gave birth to new light? Who was there, in your absence!?" Blood covered his knuckles; he continued pummeling the Saiyan. "And you dare lable me a coward, but when this world needed a hero, you just happe
Shim: (C) happened to have stepped out for the day... No, Fenin, YOU are nothing. In a hundred years, the only trace of your existence on this planet will be the stains of your blood on this sand, and the echoes of your screams in the wind..." Fenin's h
Shim: (C) head rolled back as another punch connected. "Just die, cockroach."
Jeckel: just shrugged and looked at the others for a moment then back at the fight. "Eh...that doesn't seem like just a run of the mill 'i'm stronger than you' fight..seems a little bit more to the death..anyway...i'm out of here." Jeckel floated up from 
Jeckel: <C> the ground and once he was comfortable in the air, a blue aura burst around him and he sped off towards New Hope city, a faint vapor-like energy trailing behind him and dissipating as he flew.
Thea: eye's narrow as gazes down at Kyosho her grin  has now blossomed into a full smile "Just what your doing now, that power is as good as your Kyosho."  In a quick blur two figures appear in the dark thier eye's lit up red as they 
Thea: (c) stare at Thea Kyosho.<strangeman> "Lady Qian, We have news about earth there some things you are going to really want to see." the two figures blur out as quick as they appeared. "well it sounds like we are going to earth kyosho." 
Thea: (c) "once we get there i'll show you my lab, which will be the key to unlocking that beautiful energy of yours." she points toward the landing pads in the near distance " meet me on earth Kyosho at this address." her hand quickly 
Thea: (c) flings a piece of paper out that swoops down to ground and embeds its self like a bucther knife into wood.  giving one last pat on Kyosho shoulder she takes a step toward her left and despairs into the thin air.
Fenin: stumbles back with each blow Shim delivers, bleeding furiously as his body screams for him to stop the pain. "I may be nothing now, but by the end of my days I'll amount to more than you could ever dream to, Shim Wu'sha, and my name
Fenin: -x- will echo across the eternities for endless ages until there's not a breathe left in a single soul to speak it, Phoenix Knight!" Fenin leaps back, away from the raging halfbreed, and reaches two fingers to his forehead, "Until
Fenin: -x- next we meet..." Fenin closes his eyes and flashes from existence, to whereabouts unknown.
Kyosho: nods and when she was gone the halfbreed moved finally towards the piece of paper Kyosho's emerald eyes scanned it momentarily then fold it up and placing it  into his pocket. Kyosho then places his gaze on the landing pad seeing his space craft 
Kyosho: [C] *I wished I could of gotten it here* Kyosho thought.  Kyosho then jumped off of the roof then shot off in mid air to his craft *I guess I'm going back to my home planet. * Kyosho thought.
Rini: wipes the sweat from her forehead, swiping some of her sweat stained pink hair out of her face.  She looks up into the vast blue sky of Earth and bright sun overhead, shielding her pretty red eyes before closing them and taking in several deep bre
Rini: (c) breaths.  She then pulls her pink hair behind her again, re-tying it into a long pink ponytail.  The warm, humid wind blows through the few trees scattered around the small house where she lives, making the tall plains grass whistle as well.  
Rini: (c) She opens her eyes and looks at the homemade training dummies she had been training her haphazard martial arts upon.  She was weak, but trained hard, physically through grueling training, mentally through study, and spiritually through hours o
Rini: (c) of deep meditation.  Her breathing was labored from the physical exertion in the high heat and humidity of the early afternoon.  Her white and blue training gi nearly stuck to her small, petite body.  Most other children her age had families, 
Rini: (c) went to school, played with friends, but she lived alone, trained alone and learned alone.  She couldn't say she was entirely happy, but it did give her the serenity and means to train in peace without outside interferance.  Sighing, she envel
Rini: (c) envelops her small body in a soft pink aura as she lunges at one of the battered training dummies, trying to strike it quickly, while doing as little damage as possible.  Her small size provided her with agility, but she was far too slow and s
Rini: (c) she knew it 'Darn it, I have to keep trying..' she thought, trying to not let the heat of the early afternoon cut her training short.
Essex: "I don't know how any of us survived... I don't really remember anything, but Arslanon calls it the Cataclysm, he preaches about hos that this is a false reality... and other jibba jabba." He shakes
Essex: (*) his head and helps Dako to his feet. "Let's get out of here? Y'all wanna go back into the city and catch up or something?" He looks at Fenin, then back to Dako. "My treat?"
Fenin: chuckles quietly, "Sure. Catchin' up might be good. Been a while since I've seen a familiar face, or heard a familiar voice, from back in the good days. Might blow some of this stress outta me. You said you're buyin' the drinks, though?"
Fenin: grins at Essex, "You know I'll hold you to it, my old friend. In poverty I've learned never to decline a free meal."
Dako: nodded "As you do, sure wouldn't mind finding out what the hell's been going on around here, whatevers changed, who's in charge." looking out to the city, a fair way away. He rose up into the air and started to fly towards the city, waiting for th
Dako: <C> them to catch up. The blast of air rushed him as he sped towards the city...
Essex: laughs and watches Dako screech off into the distance. "Ah..." He just shakes his head. "It's funny, watching him waste his energy speeding off like that... See you at the bar." He nods to Fenin
Essex: (*) and raises two fingers to his forehead, blinking out of existence.
Fenin: grins, wanting to play around with Dako before popping into the bar next to Essex like a chump. "You're pretty fast!" Fenin calls out as he instantly transverses behind Dako, "But I think I am faster!" Fenin calls out as he instantly transverses
Fenin: -x- several hundred yards with each bound he takes, separating himself from his companion quickly.
Dako: sped forward, wind fluttering his clothes powerfully. He looked behind him, Fenin closing the gap with leaps and bounds, gaining with each jump. He felt Essex whoosh past him, although he couldnt see him. {Fuck he's fast..} Dako thought as Fenin s
Dako: <C> Fenin still drew closer, looking ahead he saw a large clump of building. Checking the area and buildings, he laughed and began running along the buildings, indenting them slightly as he pounced from each one. Jumping to the top of one he searc
Dako: <C> searched for Essex's power, sweeping his scanner through the buildings and city floor. After a few seconds he found it, jumping off the building and posing like a ninja somewhat. He aimed and hit the concrete right infront of Essex, causing a 
Dako: <C> causing a crater and a few shards to fly up off the floor. He stood up straight and waited for a high five. "Nice or what?" he grinned
Essex: glances at Dako. "Instant Transmission is a helluva lot better." He shrugs and crosses his arms, "But it was still nice." He grins and gives Dako a high five. "So how's the guitar playing going?" He looks
Essex: (*) around, waiting for Fenin to show up.
Fenin: grins wide as Dako enters the bar, "What took you so long? I guess the lab specialists aint got the speed the field operatives, like me, have." Fenin brushes his bangs from his face, "Anyway. Let's get some drinks. I've been out in the damned;gemo
Fenin: -x- desert for what seems like ages." Fenin turns to Essex and grins. "You're buyin', right? Good." Fenin promptly orders several different, expensive, drinks, toppling each glass as soon as another is laid before him. After fifteen or
Fenin: -x- so drinks, Fenin turns his attention back to the pair of former colleagues, "So what've you two been up to, you know, other than getting your bodies all... Un-natural-afied..?"
Dako: shrugged. "I guess I'm just back in training myself, after that battle at the old headquaters I've been as week as anything." He sighed. "I miss being in control, it was probably one of the best things I've ever had, a near family, people worth be
Dako: <C> being with, but since then its been pretty blank." His mind raced through what he was missing, Kalen had once been a good friend. {He's gone now, unless he's miraculously been reborn} his common sense interjecting with his mind. The bar seemed
Dako: <C> seemed darker now, a sense of depression in the air. People pretending they're happy, truth be told they weren't. "Other than that I'm bored as hell" He shrugged, bringing himself back to reality. "Yourselves?" He inquired, taking a seat.
Essex: orders a drink and swivels on the chair, leaning his massively built dragonic body against the counter. "I've been... experimenting, as you can see." He raises his mechanical can, flexing it's talon. "And
Essex: (*) as Fenin saw earlier tonight, I've been fighting for control of my body against Arslanon." He cringes at the mention of that name. "I... came across this unique sample of DNA, and, when I was working
Essex: (*) on bettering my physical being, I spliced it with mine, in a virus form, so it spread through my system faster... it bestowed unto me a great gift, a quadruple helixed DNA strand... so I actually have
Essex: (*) two physical canvases to work with... and... Kalen..." He closes his eyes and sighs, thinking back. "He acquired me a sample of Black-Star Shenlong's genetic material and I spliced it with mine...
Essex: (*) and as you can see... I'm part dragon now." He snorts, his eyes beginning to emit their ice blue fog, much like Violator from Spawn. "But everything happens for a reason, right?" He swivels
Essex: (*) back around and picks up his drink, holding it up to toast. "To closed chapters and new beginnings."
Dako: watched as Fenin down more and more drinks, his intoxicity lightening everyone around him. {Probably just happier he's worse off than they are right now} as people watched with humour. The scene seemed familiar, he had been here before with people
Dako: <C> but this was more of a de ja vu. "You know what.." he said to Essex, turning to face him. "I don't understand, all of this shit. Is this really what people were meant to do? Sit in a bar and drown sorrows in the form of a cheap drink?" He scra
Dako: <C> He scratched his head, as if trying to understand what was going on, none of it seemed to make sense. "If 'God' hated sinners like these so much wouldn't he just smite them as they are now? Or is he just another figment of imagination? Jesus m
Dako: <C> Jesus may just be an image people adopt, as easily dropped as it is gained, people greedy enough to claim such things, all pretending that they're better than others, better than what they really are." The shenanigans of the drunk continued on
Dako: <C> The shenanigans of the drunk continued on behind him, several seemed to be dancing a jig around a single drunk man, passed out on the floor, twitching with a hint of vomit by the corner of his mouth. The scene changed instantly for him, the da
Dako: <C> The scene changed instantly for him, the dancers became pagans, brandishing liquids of evil and deception, the passed out man replaced with an angel, ripped of wings and hope for life. A swirling fire encaged them within the circle, the jubila
Dako: <C> jubilance of the pagans raging fiercely, the fire spreading and consuming others. They all danced, the angel slowly degrading, decaying into the dirt of the earth. Fires and jaggard stones raised from the floor, lava consuming them all as the 
Dako: <C> all as the earth seemed to shake. Dako shook his head, his brain beginning to hurt, the scene returned to normal as the drunk man was carried from the building, the dancers becoming depressants once again, sulking away to corners of the bar, u
Dako: <C> corners of the bar, unseen. "Are we all going to be cursed?" He asked...
Essex: shrugs and slams back his drink, clearing his throat. "I don't know man, I'm lost on the whole concept of 'God' and 'Jesus' and religion for that matter... if there was such as a thing as a true perfect being
Essex: (*) being, and if mankind were based in his image... which mankind are we talking? The Namek Race? The Saiyan Race? The Icers? The Mutants? The Humans? The Kanassians? The Tuffles? The Konatsu? 
Essex: (*) The Shenrons? I don't know, Dako. I find it's too convienient. In my eyes, I think that the 'One True God' and The Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost." He pauses for a minute, ordering another drink
Essex: (*) drink. "Were all just created when people were in a time of darkness, when people needed something to hold onto, something to give them meaning." He takes a sip off his drink. "Maybe Arslanon was
Essex: (*) right. Maybe we are cursed to hide in our own blindness, maybe we are shrouded to the truth. Is it feasible that this is truly a mirror world to the real one? That we aren't the real Essex, the real Dako
Essex: (*) the real Fenin? What if we all are mirrored clones of the originals? I've been so tempted to give into him and let him show me the truth, let him show me what it is he has to show us. My mind has been
Essex: (*) fogged and everything is so confusing." He crushes the empty shot glass with his metallic claw, shaking his head. "As for the sinners, and all that... if there is a God, and all that mumbo-jumbo, then
Essex: (*) he had forsaken us so long ago... and what of the immortal ones? Vegetto, and Kalen, and Oaftres, they were all invincible beings, they couldn't be destroyed, they were Gods themselves. So...
Essex: (*) if there is one governing God, then why would there be a need for others? Why would he put so much power into these beings who, could, under the right circumstances, very well take over his
Essex: (*) or her position as the Supreme Being." He turns back around and crosses his arms on the counter, hanging his head slightly. "I just don't know."
Dako: looked at the liquids on the table, moving them without touch for the fun. "But then we could really question anything. Whats life then? Try to become god? Faunicate and die? Make sure EVERYONE remembers your name? Happiness? Kill? Or is there no 
Dako: <C> point at all? Is it an empty shell which is to be filled with fake emotions and irony? Do we lead lives to become wiser and know as much as we can, to share all that we know so that we may one day become a more advanced group than before? The 
Dako: <C> The questions go on." He rose the liquid from the table and dropped it, causing a splatter, sending several droplets flying. "Or...is it that 'we' are meant to give it meaning? Are we a test of what may come to be? We shape the futures for the
Dako: <C> futures for the young, either advancing amazingly or destroying what we have. We don't know what the next wars may be fought with, but when we hit that point where theres nowhere to go but down. Then, at that moment, the next war will be fough
Dako: <C> the next war will be fought with sticks and stones." {Will it happen though?} he asked himself, what is there from now? "It always comes back to this figure called 'God', be he real or not it is who we rely on, an invisible figure who will alw
Dako: <C> always help us with our life problems, but I see this as our downfall. To rely on something that doesn't exist is most probably slow motion suicide, nearing our own downfall. We are so sure of our own dominance that we must assume that we are 
Dako: <C> assume that we are the only, the elite, the perfect, our arrogance.." {The worst downfall} "People imagine races taking over worlds, it's almost been done before, but what if there are actual Galaxies that have saved their differences and want
Dako: <C> want to take over not worlds, but other galaxies? An outer force? If they're anything like they will be sure of their dominance against others, one way or the other we will have to combine, for a future attack perhaps?"
Essex: grits his teeth, glancing over, watching Fenin get up and stumble to the rest room. "Then what is existence at all? Is it even real? Are we even here, whose to say that... when we walk outside this
Essex: (*) bar that the interior as we see it will continue to exist the way we see it? Whose to say that the desert we just came from is even there? Whose to say that it exists? Whose to say that it isn't
Essex: (*) created because we -think- it's there. Because we bring it into existence... hell, whose to say that even we're behind it? What if we're all a dream of someone... just... figments, of someone's
Essex: (*) imagination, and if they were to wake up... would we continue existing? Or, here's a thought. Think deep into this one, my young friend. Have you ever seen a picture of an atom? Have you 
Essex: (*) seen a picture of the universe? They're frighteningly similar, no? What if... this universe is nothing more than an atom in somebody's body? And... if that's the case, all the atoms in 
Essex: (*) our body are universes too? Then here's the question, there's only so many possibilities, so, theoretically... if we were to be real, are we the real versions of us? Or are we just mirrors of another
Essex: (*) one of those atoms in our, or someone elses body?" He takes a big long drink from his glass, swirling the liquid around his tongue, savoring the heat and taking a deep breath through his
Essex: (*) nose before continuing. "I just don't know Dako, is it even worth thinking, or toiling over? Back to the religion... if God didn't want us sinning, if God didn't want us commiting these acts
Essex: (*) that are so... wrong, then why would he give us the choice? To test us? No, I don't think that's it..."
Dako: - "Well if God didn't want us to commit these acts, but he allows us to live, then in a standard view, there is no god. The only standard resolution. Its a basic chain of command, if sick: Go to doctor, if idiodic: Go to school, but if you don't u
Dako: <C> but if you don't understand life: No. Standard. Resolution. It's not like you dont know the answer to a question, it's almost as if you've lost a part of the life. You know nothing of what you are, where you're going. If you need to believe in
Dako: <C> If you need to believe in something to have a meaning of life, but you don't know what to believe in, you are nothing. You fall into a pit where there are multiple gods, all offering ways of salvation, but most are probable to end up into a sh
Dako: <C> end up into a shit hole where the closest thing you can get to salvation is a piece of gold and enjoy spending it on luxuries people do not deserve. It's almost as if we need a religion that can actually be true, salvational and ethical.."
Essex: shrugs and stands up, cracking his neck. "Well, it's been fun guys..." He grins and winks at Dako. "As for the bill..." He turns to the bartender. "Fenin's got it covered." He laughs and raises two fingers
Essex: (*) to his forehead, blinking out of the bar.
Fenin: looks around at Essex, quite dazed and confused. "Ash few-hur dah bill, Drakosh gots it!" Fenin places two fingers on his ear and attempts to instantly transmission out of the building. "Fa-fuck it! I'll walk..." Fenin stumbles towards the exit of
Fenin: -x- of the building.
Dako: watched as the image of Essex flash out of existence. He sat there for a while, considering everything that had been said, all seeming to lead back to nothing. All of the options that were 'possible' still led to blank ends, as Fenin stumbled off 
Dako: <C> Fenin stumbled off into the darkness he left Dako wondering all over again. {If no religions suite you, or even help you in life, its time that you chose a different life. The decieved may fall for the simple tricks of mind, offerings of blind
Dako: <C> blind faith and disallowance, but you are better than that. Through your mind you can continue on a simple struggle of everyday life, think of constant fake lives of allowed acceptance into heaven. Who is to decide who is saved and who is dest
Dako: <C> Who is to decide who is saved and who is destroyed for an eternal hellfire?} He raised from the bar, chucking a few gold on the table and exiting onto the dark street, the darkness covering his figure. The night air whispered into his ear as h
Dako: <C> The night air whispered into his ear as he walked from the bar. He knew he had been in that situation before, but nothing had come from it this time either.
Rini: stands under a powerful waterfall in nothing more than a pretty pink, white trimmed swimsuit.  Her head held high and her hands clasped together in front of her.  Her eyes are closed and her long pink, wet hair flows down behind her back.  She was
Rini: (c) deep in meditation while training her body physically by letting the brutal torrents of water pound down on her from above, forcing her to withstand physical forces that may have crushed any normal person.  On top of the weight of the water, i
Rini: (c) it was also cold, probably because it was only eight in the morning and the sun had not yet shown enough to warm the water.  Already, however, it was proving to be another hot, humid day, perfect for physical conditioning and speed training.  
Rini: (c) Even with the roar of the waterfall, she could still her everything around her by reaching out with her senses, although she wasn't very good at it yet, she was quickly learning and knew it was only a matter of time before she could master it.
Oafy: leans forward, all his weight on one knee rest up against the edge of a tall standing apartment complex's roof. From this vantage point, all of New Hope seems as nothing more than a model of a real place, built by some balding 40 year old with
Oafy: - too much time spent on dorky projects, while living in his mothers basement. 'When are you going to get a real job?!', Oafy imagines her yelling at her fat slob of a son. Off on the horizon, the sun begins to set, as a billowing wind caresses
Oafy: - the city, chilling the temperature down. Standing tall now, he forces himself to edge of the structure, looking straight down. Common sense told him he should be afraid, should fear the sight below, and overall the fact he's likely moments
Oafy: - from death. And yet, he was not... No, ever since a dream the night before, things began to fit into place. "And so, I take the plunge," he says, making commentary for some reason. He forces forward, and begins his freel fall to the pavement.
Xregg: stood inside an apartment complex, the god awful place that it was, staring out over the horizon.  He had watched the sun set in a dramatic fashion, something about the twilight that existed between night and day had held a certain appeal to him, 
Xregg: stood inside an apartment complex, the god awful place that it was, staring out over the horizon.  He had watched the sun set in a dramatic fashion, something about the twilight that existed between night and day had held a certain appeal to him, 
Xregg: stood inside an apartment complex, the god awful place that it was, staring out over the horizon.  He had watched the sun set in a dramatic fashion, something about the twilight that existed between night and day had held a certain appeal to 
Xregg: (C) him, though he wasn't quite sure what that appeal could possibly be, "The cycle moves onward, as light gives way to the darkness." He commented to himself idly.
Xregg: looked up in the sky and couldn't help feeling a tinge of nostalgia wash over him, had this been something his previous self had done on a regular basis? Or could it the fact that there was a single form screaming downwards from the 
Xregg: (C) top of the-wait, A WHAT!? Xregg quirked an eyebrow in a bemused fashion, now why did this practically stink of something he was more than a little familiar to?
Xregg: shrugged to himself slightly, watching the speeding figure pick up momentum as he quickly sought to meet the ground at an astounding speed of 9.8 meters per second, every increasing second, "I wonder..." Xregg mused outloud to nobody except 
Xregg: (C) himself, and right as the figure was about to flashing past his window his fist broke through, shattering glass in a rather euphoric manner.
Xregg: 's hand gripped the clothing of a shabby looking individual that hung outside his window, Xregg's fist being the only thing at the current moment stopping the man from continuing his suicidal descent, "Do I know you?"
Xregg: mused to the figure in his grasp, tilting his head in thought.
Goku: Goku is the best rper Goku is the best rper Goku is the best rper Goku is the best rper Goku is the best rper Goku is the best rper Goku is the best rper Goku is the best rper Goku is the best rper Goku is the best rper Goku is the best rper Goku 
Goku: Goku is the best rper Goku is the best rper Goku is the best rper Goku is the best rper Goku is the best rper Goku is the best rper Goku is the best rper Goku is the best rper Goku is the best rper Goku is the best rper Goku is the best rper Goku 
Oafy: is stopped in his descent, his head whipping forward a bit in the action of being caught seconds from what would appear a grim death. After his head comes back into alignment, understanding where he's at after a short passing of time. "Know me? Uh
Oafy: - he eyes the man, still attempting to adjust from the not-falling. "No, but I'm afraid you'll be seeing more of me in court - believe you just gave me whiplash, y'bastard." Though his tone implies humour, he speaks with a stone cold emotionless f
Oafy: - face. He frees himself from the mans grasp, shrugging off the event as he stands next to him. "Grab people out of the sky often?"
Goku: testingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingte
Goku: testingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingte
Xregg: cocks his head to the man he had just saved from almost certain death, his look an inquisitive one, as though he were thinking of just -why- this person seemed so familiar, "Court?" Xregg smirks slyly to himself and shakes his head, his silver hai
Xregg: (C) silver hair waving back and forth across his face, "I'm afraid not." Xregg returns his gaze to the sky now turning a deeper shade of midnight blue, the sun all but gone over the horizon.
Xregg: 's eyes look upwards through the broken window that he had caused and sighed loudly, "Someone that doesn't exist can't be tried for a crime. I'm afraid you are just out of luck in this case." Xregg reaches into his long coat, pulling out 
Xregg: (C) a silver container of some sort, flipping it upon to reveal a few rows of brown sticks.  Pulling one out he places it inbetween his lips and points his finger at the tip of the stick.
Xregg: takes in a deep breath as the tip of the cigarillo lights up with no apparent source of heat and takes a few short breathes before exhaling slowly.  Xregg's eyes shift to the side to gaze at the stranger once again, closing the silver 
Xregg: (C) container and placing back in his coat, "You're definitely familiar to me.  You're name begins with 'O', yes? Yes." His eyes turn back to the sky, "Not sure why I should know that exactly.
Goku: testingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingtestingte
Deion: Sanders was considered one of the best football players in the N
Oafy: folds his arms neatly, frustration building within him. "It's very disconcerning when your first memory is falling out of the sky, crash landing skull first at a dumpster in a dirty alley, -literally- one day ago, and already having met two people
Oafy: - I have no knowledge of, that seem to have some clue as to who I am." He laughs, shaking his head as he gazes through the broken window. His situation confuses him, bringing anger, but he gets the urge to just laugh it off as ordinary. "Yes, my n
Oafy: - name begins with an 'O'." At this, he tilts his head from side to side, with a gross cracking noise, to which he can't help but think 'ow..'. Though he makes no mention of the mans threat, he figures it was idle. "And your name.. I get the feeli
Oafy: - feeling it starts with an 'A'?"
Xregg: sucks upon the brown stick thoughtfully before exhaling a greyish-blue mist of smoke from inbetween his teeth.  If this person was making a joke, the sentiment was lost upon Xregg.  Xregg merely shook his head, declining the mans
Xregg: (C) suggestion, "No, it does not." He says in the most dead-pan manner that would be thought possible, "If you were to ask me what my true name was, I doubt I could even tell you." Taking in another deep breath and exhaling out another
Xregg: (C) cloud of noxious greyish-blue smoke into the chilled wind he merely exclaims curtly, "In fact, I couldn't."
Oafy: scratches the back of his hair, catching a glimpse of himself in the shattered pieces of glass at his feet. His dark red, messy hair hangs there, reminding himself somewhere in the back of his mind he needs a shower. Shaking off the thought, he re
Oafy: - returns attention to other before him, and hmms in concentration. "That's not good. I don't have much memory past yestarday, but at least I know my own name. Oaftres, if you're interested," he says plainly, his focus turning on the smokes. "Don'
Oafy: - "Don't suppose you bought that from a man in a black trenchcoat, with ghost white hair, did you?"
Deion: Sanders was considered one of the best football players in the NFL, but he had problems to deal with in his early years. Deion played for the Atlanta Falcons and Dallas Cowboys, but on baseball he played for teh Atlanta Braves. Deion was a rapper 
Deion: also and he sold drugs. Deion later returned to play for the best team in teh NFL, The Baltimore Ravens, and now he is currently playing on GMUD.
Xregg: quirks an eyebrow towards the shaggy haired individual and then merely takes a look at himself up and down before turning to look back at this 'Oafy' with both his eyes.  Position the cigarillo to the side of his so as to speak better
Xregg: replies once again, "You mean someone who looks a lot like me?" A slight grin graces his face, but it is quickly discarded and Xregg just shakes his head thoughtfully, "Can't say I did.  I acquired these from a local vender.  Not really
Xregg: (C) sure why I wanted them in the first place." Xregg frowns as a flash of insight strikes him like a baseball bat across the head and he blinks in a confused manner, "Oafy." He mulls the name over on his tongue, "Commit suicide on
Xregg: (C) somebody elses time next go around.  You obstructed my view."
Oafy: smiles somewhat goofily towards the man, noting that perhaps the description of the one he met in the desert is similar to this man. "Hmm. To be fair, I was attempting to die," he trails off momentarily, before laughing and continuing in a less se
Oafy: - serious voice. "I was trying to fly, if you must know... Not on acid, but purely of my own will." He becomes silent for a moment, not knowing how odd the idea of flight might seem to his 'savior' from self inflicted death. After all, it seemed l
Oafy: - ludacris to him till he witnessed others doing so...
Xregg: hrms lowly to the man slightly, his eyes seeming to become lost in the twilight outside for a few moments, "Flying, hrm?" He sucks on the cigarillo, savoring the musky taste that overflowed within his mouth, before exhaling through his
Xregg: (C) teeth, "I can imagine there are less...sudden ways to learn how to fly." Xregg removes his cigarillo, and non-chalantly tosses the half-spent cancer stick out the window effortlessly, "Like going up instead of down." And with
Xregg: (C) that new vote of confidence he placed a hand on Oafy's back as though to re-assure the man of his efforts before idly pushing Oafy out the shattered window, "Enjoy."
Xerokine: -*- The spray of water was like smoke rising on the cool, night air. The fine mist sparkled in the moonlight and faded on the wind, scattered into nothingness. A lone figure watched, with shining amber eyes, perched lightly on the edge of a skyscr
Xerokine: -*- skyscraper's rooftop. Clad in a silken cloak that seemed to merge with the night sky, the hood brushed back from equally black hair, the man crouched back on his heels and looked down into the city. The city of water, Aqua Polis. Called 
Xerokine: -*- the 'jewel of the west' for its architexture, a mix of gothic artistry and cascading waterfalls down the sides of many of the buildings. An oasis in the middle of a desert, and one that reveled in it. Not a city well liked by those 
Xerokine: -*- forced to live in the dunes outside its walls. A gentle smirk marred the young man's face, a cynical glint to his golden-brown eyes. "So... it begins again," he murmured softly.
Xregg: walks up next to the crouched man, his own figure shrouded underneath a black leather long coat that was clasped together all the way from the neck to just below the waste, revealing legs that were clad in a maroon red material and
Xregg: (C) knee high black boots, "You too, I see." The silver-haired man says to the crouching cloaked individual, the black haired man simply nods solemnly in response to the statement.  Xregg tsk'd lightly to himself, having regained some
Xregg: (C) of the memories of his former life, remembered this man.  Xregg pulled out a small flask from a pocket that graced his coat and unscrewed the top, taking in a small amount of some dark liquid and grimacing as he swallowed it.
Xregg: shook his head slightly as the liquid burned it's way down his throat and into his stomach, "Old habits die hard, it would seem.  For you as well."
Xerokine: -*- A soft chuckle escaped the man's mouth as he rocked back on his heels. "Old habits, huh..." he said softly, getting to his feet. The chill night wind flowed around the top of the building, making his cloak stream out like a banner of 
Xerokine: -*- war. Underneath, the man wore only a pair of dark slacks, a black shift, and a sheathed blade across his back. "I guess so." The man shifted, looking back over his shoulder with piercing golden eyes. "Techagi." The gentle echo of 
Xerokine: -*- an ambulance siren drifted up from the streets, rising and falling into the distance. "It's been a while," he said finally, brushing back a strand of black hair. "I didn't expect to see you here. Not... this soon." The black-clad man turned, 
Xerokine: -*- indicating the city below with a grand wave of his hand. "How about it? A rather impressive effort for humans, don't you think? A fine example of arrogance and isolation."
Xregg: raised an eyebrow towards the man in silent contemplation, that name, where had he heard it before? He obviously knew this man from somewhere, and this man obviously knew him as well, but he was unfamiliar with the name he had just offered.
Xregg: nodded slowly to the man before taking another swig from the silver flask, "Yes." He saided solemnly in response to the mans question, "Humanity, it seems, hasn't changed much.  Wherever one goes." A breeze of cold and watery mist blasts
Xregg: (C) past the two, blowing their respective outer wear in the breeze, though Xregg's coat remained firmly across his upper torso, "That name..." He finally says in a solemn, dark tone, "What reference does it have?"
Xerokine: glanced curiously back over his shoulder. "Reference?" he echoed, boots scraping softly on the gravel rooftop as he turned back toward the halfbreed. The man pondered for a moment, thoughtfully tapping a slender 
Xerokine: -*- finger against his chin. "To be honest, I have no idea what it means. I suppose your family has had it though generations, but what language it's in and what it's in reference to..." He shrugged carelessly, still watching Greg 
Xerokine: -*- with inquiring eyes. "A rather odd question. Seeking your roots in your old age, Techagi?"
Xregg: smirked slightly towards the man, now made aware that the man truly had no idea what he was talking about at all, "You don't know do you?" He nodded solemnly to Xerokine and looked out over the edge of the building the were standing upon
Xregg: (C) not meeting his gaze, "I don't remember who this Techagi person is. I can only assume at this point, that it is my true name.  Or at least part of it." Xregg's glance shifted to watch his cloaked companions reaction to this statement.
Xregg: 's gaze did not waver as he continued in his explanation, "The man you speak of is gone.  Taken, by the darkness, he was so fond of.  I am what remains of him, hence..." Xregg's face contorts into a spiteful sneer, though as to why it made
Xregg: (C) this motion, Xregg was not entirely sure, however he felt within him a surge of something that was also unfamiliar, something dark and menacing.  He speaks the next works, his voice full of spite, "my current diminished state."
Xregg: maintains this brooding exterior for a few moments before his face assumes a passive, almost dead appearance, "I don't remember much of his life. Bits and pieces return to me, but it is slow. His consumption by his own dark powers
Xregg: (C) apparently makes it difficult."  Xregg finally turns his head to look directly at Xerokine, "Xerokine Caeruleus, the man you once knew is gone.  He ascended into the darkness and left me behind to take his place among the world."
Xerokine: listened with narrowed eyes, the thin slits glowing faintly in the light from the moon and the city below. The two of them seemed cast in a faint bluish tint from as the streetlights shimmered through the decorative waterfalls. 
Xerokine: -*- "Ascended... huh?" the man finally said, closing his eyes fully. The corner of his mouth twitched. "What a joke." A laugh escaped him, then another, until he was roaring his amusement, the harsh sound echoing out off the roof's 
Xerokine: -*- edge. "Only Techagi... could do something so foolish." Xerokine swept back his cloak, turning to face the shell of a man. "And so who are you?" he asked, almost mockingly. "Gerg Igahcet? Or perhaps you go by 'Cast-off' or 
Xerokine: -*- 'Discard'?" Okay, so it was entirely mocking. "Whoever you are, your memories seem intact to me. Or maybe I should find it funny that you remember my name before your own."
Jerle: flies through the chill night air, searching around Aqua Polis for the man described to him to be Xerokine.  He senses around for any strong auras, the wind rushing against him in flight.  (I wonder if this Xerokine truly knew my father.  If this 
Jerle: (C) man is truly the one I was told about, anyway.)  Scanning around some more, he spots two men on a rooftop.  Slowly, he glides down behind the two men.  "Hey, are either of you named Xerokine?"
Xregg: tilted his head to the side slightly, his face shrouded in darkness due to his hair and the angle of the lights, "I'm so terribly glad he could amuse you in his departure." Again, something foreign sweeled up within him, an urge, dark and
Xregg: (C) and dangerous, as though it had a life of it's own.  A reminder of his past life, maybe.  Or perhaps it was something new that he did not get a chance to experience.  In either case, it was a fleeting feeling, quick in it's coming
Xregg: (C) and even quicker in it's leaving, all that remained was the emptiness, "No, I go by no such rediculousness, Mr. Caeruleus."  He takes a few menacing steps towards the cloaked man, his eyes narrowing with each passing step, the sky blue
Xregg: (C) orbs mirroring the slits that his companion had once shown, "My name i-" But his dramatic speech is interrupted by a newcomer.  He turns his head to spare the man a glance and then returns his look to Xerokine, this time a knowing grin
Xregg: (C) is plastered across it.  Xregg turns around and folds his arms over his chest and gives the man a snobbish look, "Xerokine?" He says in an arrogant, yet bewildered tone.  To him, it sounded so fake, but at the same time almost natural.
Xregg: shook his head slightly, "I have heard of him, but I do not think either of us are actually him."
Xerokine: brushed back his cloak once more, but this time with an affected air of aristocratic arrogance. "The name, boy," he sneered, thumbing his nose. "Is Lord Athemyst. Lord Kuugen Athemyst. Carve it unto your heart. My 
Xerokine: -*- companion here is Lord Inir Oni'kust, heir to the Aneres fortune. You should show him due respect, lest you incur his wrath." Xerokine's golden-brown eyes shined with an offended sense of nobility, his left hand twitching almost 
Xerokine: -*- imperceptively toward the bastard sword sheathed across his back. "Yet, before your imminent apology, perhaps you would show some manner of manners-" His lips twitched at the wordplay. "-and favour us with your own, 
Xerokine: -*- undoubtedly common, name."
Jerle: smiles and nods.  "Of course, how rude of me.  The name is Jerle Shannara, although I've heard rumors that that wasn't my original last name.  I was too young to remember.  That last name was given to me by my stepfather.  I've been told that my o
Jerle: (C) original last name was Bowser, but I can't find any records of that particular name being used by a Saiyan.  I'm searching for Xerokine because I'm told he fought with my father before he died.  Would either of you happen to know him?"
Xregg: blinks slightly at the name he had just been given, but in his gut, he knew that to show any real visible sign of his disgust with what he had just be labeled with would give away their deception, "Facinating..." he remarks with a casual,
Xregg: (C) although obviously bored and passive, tone towards this 'Jerle' character, "A search for your name? What a thing to be in search for.  Wouldn't you agree my Lord Athemyst?" He learns his head back to gaze silently towards his companion
Xregg: (C) a look of cold, calculating hatred in his eyes.  He turns his attention back to Jerle and shrugs lightly, "You may need to continue your search.  The name is not unheard of, but I understood that he went missing a long time ago...
Xregg: pauses for dramatic effect if nothing else, "into the abyss."
Xerokine: blinked innocently at Not-Techagi's glare. "Indeed," he agreed guilelessly. "Thankfully, Inir, you already have such a wonderful name, do you not?" Before the halfbreed could do something silly, like try to stab someone, the 
Xerokine: -*- man continued with a glance toward Jerle. "Bowser, was it? Maybe your father was a dog rather then a Saiyan," he suggested sardonically. Inwardly, he wondered at the coincidence. Greg - or what was left of him - had sought him 
Xerokine: -*- out so quickly, and now here was Jerle's namesake - sort of - and Behemoth's son. All he needed was for the brat or the idiot to appear, though he hadn't seen either of them in years. Luckily. "I seem to recall someone with a dog's 
Xerokine: -*- name. Behemoth, I think it was. Though I didn't know anything about this 'abyss' business."
Jerle: tilts his head to the side and frowns.  "Behemoth, you say?  I've searched long and hard through all the records I could find, and there was no mention of a Behemoth Bowser.  All I know is some rumors from around where I grew up.  I'd heard my fat
Jerle: (C) father was a warrior who fought hard for some sort of alliance named Knights of Legacy against another alliance.  I've found no record of this alliance though... Do you know anything about it?"  He crosses his legs in a sitting position, still
Jerle: (C) hovering in the air.  "I've heard mention of another warrior besides Xerokine who may know him as well...  Wil, I believe is the name.  Apparently he fought next to my father on several occasions.  I wish to learn more about both of them, so I
Jerle: (C) may find out why my stepfather hated me so much."
Xregg: raises an eyebrow towards Jerle, the Knights of Legacy, that name sparked flash of memory in his mind, faces that had no names, names that could not be put to a face, a time forgotten long before Xregg even came into existence, "The Knights
Xregg: (C) of Legacy? An ill-begotten clan, with an ill-begotten fate, if I recall correctly." Xregg rubs his chin slightly with one hand, supporting it with his arm still crossed over his chest, "They were betrayed from the inside, where they
Xregg: (C) not? Destroyed through deception and treachery, yes?" Xregg was suprised by his own insights into the past, these memories were not his, prior to this point, he had never even heard of this clan and now here he was spounting off things
Xregg: (C) that for some reason that was beyond him, he knew were fact.  His suprise did not show over a passive exterior though, "Their existence was expunged, nigh-forgotten."
Xerokine: snorted and crossed his arms against his chest. "Face it, half the clans back then were betrayed from the inside. The Knights, the Guardians, the Sect, the Syndicate. Betrayal," he said wryly. "Seems to be a theme 
Xerokine: -*- whenever humans are involved." The cloaked man spared a disgusted amber-eyed glance downward at the glimmering city lights. "But that's rather off topic, don't you think? I'm afraid I don't know anything more about your 
Xerokine: -*- father, kid. Any records were probably destroyed along with Bejiitasei, and the war on Last Hope doesn't help things. Best to forget it and move on," Xerokine advised.
Jerle: frowns again.  "Betrayed?  Is that how he died?  I heard he died in some sort of war.  As for the records, I know most of the records from that time were destroyed...  I just want to know why my stepfather hated me just because of my father.  I st
Jerle: (C) still have scars from his abuse."  He points to the large scar above his eye.  "Such abuse isn't warranted."  
Xregg: lets a resounding "Hrmph!" whether this is an attempt to hide some sort of twisted laughter, a show of disdain this persons apparently personal frailty or an arrogant show of distaste is unclear, in any case it's probably not a good thing.
Xregg: 's eyes glimmer a dark light as he looks at the boy, "Abuse is what we make it, kid. If that is all you have to show for when it comes to abuse, you recieved the short end of the stick." Xregg extends his arms outward and shakes his head
Xregg: (C) dismissively as though to express some sort of displeasure with what he is witnessing, "You make it sound as though this were some kind of crutch for some sickly creature." He states in a passive, dead tone.
Xerokine: rolled his eyes. "Don't mind him," he assured Jerle, hopping lightly down from the edge of the roof and padding in a half-circle around the abused halfbreed. "He lost his soul and is kinda put out about the whole thing. 
Xerokine: -*- You know how it goes." Clasping his arms behind his back, the man spun on his heel and considered the two of them. "This seems to be my day for old, uh..." Xerokine trailed off, considering. "Acquaintances," he decided. 
Xerokine: -*- "Maybe he didn't like you because he didn't like your father? Or maybe he was angry your father died, because they were friends, so he took it out on your because your similar appearance reminded him? Or maybe he didn't like 
Xerokine: -*- kids? Or perhaps he was partially insane due to undoubtedly large amounts of skin cancer caused by walking around naked in the sun? Maybe he wasn't really alive, but a corpse, puppeteered from beyond the grave by a 
Xerokine: -*- demonic entity who wished to drive you insane by dressing up as South City Council members?"
Jerle: cocks his head to the side, wondering if the man is a moron.  "I don't follow you... All I know is that I have scars all over my body from the beatings I received when he would beat me unconcious.  Unfortunately for him, every time he beat me, I b
Jerle: (C) became stronger, until, one day, I became so enraged that I became a super saiyan and fought back.  As for your similar appearance remark, it seems to me that you're suggesting you may have actually known him, along with your companion.  I hav
Jerle: (C) have searched long and hard to find Xerokine, and I have trained even longer and harder to become strong enough to do whatever's needed to find the answers to the questions I seek."  
Xregg: raises an eyebrow to Jerle, at least registering the threat that he just proposed to the two men.  Undoubtedly, this man had trained hard to seek the answers he was looking for.  If Xregg had been a complete being, he wagered, this person
Xregg: (C) would have been -less- than a bug to him, but in his current state, he would undoubtedly be someone not to be triffled with.  Xregg, out of habit if nothing else, pulls out a silver case filled with cigarillos.  Pulling out one of the
Xregg: (C) brown sticks, he places it between pursed lips and using a lighter he had fished out of his other pocket, lit the tip of the cigarillo before taking a few puffs, "Your threats not withstanding, I suggest you look elsewhere for the answers
Xregg: (C) you seek.  If that is your driving purpose, then you being here, threatening us, is simply a waste of time." He spoke this in a manner that denied emotion, if anything his total lack of emotion was concern enough for most ordinary
Xregg: (C) people.  Taking a long drag from his cigarillo and exhaling it slowly, "I'm afraid, otherwise, you simply are delying your own goals."
Xerokine: blinked, as if he hadn't noticed the man's threat until Not-Techagi had pointed it out. "Tch," he muttered, flicking back a strand of black hair. "As he said, your goals will undoubtedly be better sought somewhere with more 
Xerokine: -*- Saiyans. Looking for information about a Saiyan on a human planet is rather self-defeating," the man pointed out, stepping backwards to sit on the roof's ledge. His cloak fluttered freely over the several hundred story-drop, the 
Xerokine: -*- waterfall roaring below him on its way down the skyscraper's side, but Xerokine didn't seem to notice. "Besides, what questions did you even have? Why your dad hated you? Unless this 'Xerokine' is a shrink, I doubt he can help 
Xerokine: -*- you." The man paused, considering his words. "Saiyans... don't tend to recall fights very well. It's like a meal to them. You get hungry, you go eat something. You don't commit each meal to memory - it's just food."
Jerle: growls, his aura flashing up, uncrossing his legs.  "Quit dodging my question.  I know very well about saiyan blood, I'm half saiyan as well.  I was told my father lived on Earth.  I know you know something, just by how you look when the very name
Jerle: (C) is mentioned!"  His aura flares up even higher, his anger taking over his senses.  "I've been patient long enough, I'm no fool.  I know you both know exactly who I speak of.  NOW TELL ME!"
Xregg: looks at the man passively, his cigarillo's glowing tip flaring up with his breathing as well as Jerle's sudden display of power.  He gives the impression of a man analyzing a specimen like a scientist would regard a dish filled with
Xregg: (C) spores, molds and fungus, "Your shouting accomplishes nothing, you realize. What do you plan on doing to us now that you have showed your strength? Beat until we give you the answer you want, whether it is truth or fiction? What will
Xregg: (C) that accomplish then? You will either realize we lied to you and return to take your vengeance upon us, or you will realize that we were telling you the truth and be over-ridden with such guilt as to having beaten two men like some
Xregg: (C) kind of mad dog.  And then what will you be, hrm?" Xregg pauses from his lengthy speech to take an intentional drag from his cigarillo, the suspense in the air as heavy as the greyish-blue fog that he expels from his mouth, "Then..."
Xregg: pulls the cigarillo out his lips, point at the man with the burning end of it, "You will be no better than the one you hate.  Having become the very thing you despise." Xregg takes another deliberate drag from his cigarillo, letting his
Xregg: (C) words sink in even moreso, "Oh, what delicious irony."
Xerokine: sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in light exasperation. "For crying out loud," he said finally, interrupting Not-Techagi's undoubtedly stirring speech of emotions and cultural significance. "I fought the idiot, I 
Xerokine: -*- nearly killed him, both of said things that were seen as witty at the time, I never saw him again. I fail to see what significance you plan to extract from that, but you're welcome to your deep, philosophical soliloquies. Please do 
Xerokine: -*- them elsewhere. Preferably on Last Hope, in the middle of a lava pool." Flicking his cloak in an appropriately dramatic fashion, the man turned toward the edge of the building and casually hopped off the edge.
Jerle: shakes his head, his rage growing, his aura flaring even higher.  "Tell me everything you know about him.  RIGHT NOW!"  His aura suddenly flashes gold, pieces of roof flying up around him, the wind swirling in the area. "I can tell neither of you 
Jerle: (C) stand a chance against me...  As for irony, becoming like my stepfather... I will never be like him.  But I WILL live up to the saiyan legacy my father left me, even if I didn't know his name before today."  His tail swishes in the air madly a
Jerle: (C) as his hair turns gold, his eyes change to blue, the sky above swirling madly.
Xerokine: whistled softly to himself as he hopped between window-sills down the side of the skyscraper, peering every so often upward as the sky immediately above the rooftop began to darken. "Have fun, Not-Techagi," he said 
Xerokine: -*- jauntily, kicking off the wall. His cloak fluttered behind him like black wings as Xerokine flipped through the air, landing lightly on the edge of one of the bridges that crisscrossed above the city streets. It being the middle of the 
Xerokine: -*- night, the pedestrian walkway was luckily deserted, save for the black-clad man who whistled softly as he paced backwards, amber eyes still watching the rooftop to see if Jerle would blow something up. Or notice he had ducked 
Xerokine: -*- out. So far, the guy seemed to be pretty dense.
Xerokine: -*- gemote whistled softly to himself as he hopped between window-sills down the side of the skyscraper, peering every so often upward as the sky immediately above the rooftop began to darken. "Have fun, Not-Techagi," he said jauntily, kicking off
Xregg: continued to suck on his cigarillo passively, watching the mans outrage go to new levels.  My, what it must be like to be ruled by nothing but your emotions, Xregg didn't quite sure know what that was like.  When the man was done yelling
Xregg: (C) all Xregg did was point his cigarillo over to the edge of the building and looked at the blazing super saiya-jin before him, "I think your big fish is getting away, oh morally lacking one." Xregg shrugs slightly and shakes his head,
Xregg: (C) his eyes closing in disgust, "You are an interesting person and I can't say I'm happy to have met you, but I honestly have no idea who or what you are talking about anymore.  You are simply beyond listening to reason now."
Jerle: grins madly, his senses leaving him.  "I can go even higher.  I would spill any information I have if I were you."  He begins to scream, lightning surround his aura, the building underneath him and Xregg beginning to collapse from the onslaught of
Jerle: (C) the explosion of energy.  Chunks of the wall fly up and crumble as they hit the lightning, his eyes turning green, the yellow aura filling the area with a bright light, shining so bright that buildings can barely be seen within the city.  "Are
Jerle: (C) you ready to tell me everything you know yet?"
Oafy: opens his eyelids, gazing out to a darkened sky with groggy eyes. Instinctively, he feels around him, hoping to find an explanation for this horrible sensation. Finding no empty bottles, he sits up against the protests made by his aching head. He'
Oafy: - He's been out cold for some time, in what appears to be a small impact crater in a parkling lot, surrounded by tall apartments. "I'd love to start off a day, waking up in a BED. Not a dumpster, not a parking lot..." He sighs, though it's more of
Oafy: - an amused noise he makes. Forcing himself to stand, he concentrates on the duty set forth: "...I got nothing. What the hell am I doing here? I wish whoever dropped me here in these clothes, would have taken the courtesy to pin a note to my chest
Oafy: - or something." He continues to ramble about this, as he walks away from the apartments. It's as he does this, a blinding light fills his vision. The hairs on the back of his neck stand on end, as that -feeling- from yestarday returns... A force 
Oafy: - summoning him, begging him to explore the source of this light. Throwing caution to the wind, he raises a hand to block out some of the light, as he walks towards the light.
Xregg: raises effortlessly into the air, his appearance looking as though there was a flat surface below his feet that he was standing on that had simply elevated him up enough to where the collapsing building around him was not an issue. Still
Xregg: (C) passively smoking on his cigarillo as he watches Jerle lose it even further.  Now it was his turn to pinch the bridge of his nose and shake his head in exasperation, "You're pitifully wrong now it seems.  Increase your power all you
Xregg: (C) like, but as I have already stated, you accomplish nothing with your theatrics.  All you do is show how much less you're understanding extends." Xregg shrugs and gives a motion as though to resign himself, "You won't listen to honesty,
Xregg: (C) you would listen less to a lie, I don't know what I can do for you anymore.  You're simply a lost cause now."
Xerokine: -*- A clear, golden light began to part the night's shadows, shining forth like the tower's roof like it had been transformed into a lighthouse. The beacon was clear across the entire city, and probably across much of the surrounding 
Xerokine: -*- landscape. Apparently, Jerle had decided to get his answers by vaporizing everyone who might have them. "That's what you get when you mix human stupidity and Saiyan power," Xerokine observed under his breath, skating 
Xerokine: -*- backwards on faintly visible rollerblades made of dark energy. "Foresight for the win. Poor Not-Greg. I nearly feel sorry for the... uh..." He paused, considering. "Thing."
Treyce: - "And what would this note say? Tell you to get a job and find your own bed?" Treyce asked, hovering in the air near the strange man he had followed to the desert not too long ago. Treyce had been cleaned up since the desert incident. His hand ha
Treyce: -C- had healed from the slight wound from the glass, the sand gone from his clothes, and the blood out of his snow white hair. He was facing the strange, drunken looking man, not paying attention to what was happening behind him. He lowered himsel
Treyce: -C-  himself directly into the mans path. "I think it's best you learn how to take care of yourself." he said.
Jerle: growls in rage as the man disappears from sight, the light from his own powerup blinding him.  "That asshole!  He was supposed to tell me about my father!  He couldn't have gotten far!  I'll just destroy the block and flush him out!"  "You!  Stran
Jerle: (C) Stranger!  COME OUT OR I'LL BLOW UP THIS ENTIRE BLOCK!  YOU ARE GOING TO TELL ME ABOUT MY FATHER WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!"  Pulling his hands back, he begins charging an energy wave, the light escaping from his cupped hands.
Oafy: adjusts to the bright display of light, though he still wanders as if blinded, or perhaps high as a motherfucker. At any rate, he bumps ever so gently into a gentlemen (who appears to enjoy talking to himself, just as much as Oafy does). Before
Oafy: - being able to excuse himself for the impoliteness, or give the man a retarded comment, he hears a familiar voice. He glances up to Treyce, and rolls his eyes. "You're just trying to sell to everyone, aren't you?" He laughs at his own joke,
Oafy: - and nods with enthusiasm. "Yes. A note. 'Oafy; I left spaghetti in the fridge, remember to put the dog outside once every 3 hours, and ... Insert important crap.' That would be perfect. But sadly, whoever drugged me and dropped me here decided
Oafy: - I have the ability to think on my own." An exaggerated groan escapes him; the sort of exaggerated groan you only hear in porn. His glances back to the man he bumped into, and hmms. "Nice ass?... Should try walking FORWARD, it helps in the not
Oafy: - getting into accidents."
Jerle: turns his head as he senses an aura.  Grinning, he turns and fires the wave of energy at the aura.  "FOUND YOU!  TELL ME ABOUT MY FATHER!  THAT WAS LOW POWER!  NOW COME OUT!"  His aura turns red as he powers into Kaioken 16, further enhancing his 
Jerle: (C) power, replacing the electric gold of super saiyan two.
Taz: seeing the Kamehameha wave comming his way, he quickly turns super and makes a barrier. After he does that, he yells "I know something about your father Jerle!! I might be able to help you find him!!!"
Xerokine: spun around, rollerblades vanishing from under his feet as he came face to face with two men bickering like a married couple. Apparently Aqua Polis was a very open-minded city. "As interesting as this conversation isn't," the 
Xerokine: -*- man remarked calmly. "I believe that giant beacon of light behind me is about to start blowing things up. Rather violently, too. Perhaps you should... flee?" Putting actions to words, Xerokine lightly paced around the two 
Xerokine: -*- gentlemen, absently placing a hand on the shoulder of the man who had bumped into him, moving to shove him off the side of the walkway.
Oafy: laughs hard at the man he bumped into, realizing he seems to fear the light show. Though it's obvious whoever caused the mometary burst of energy is psychotic, and can cause some nasty destruction, there's no reason to assume the worst and go
Oafy: - straight to fear. "I don't see a reason to flee from-" His words stop, as he finds himself pushed over the rail of the bridge, descending into a massive pool of water, streaming from collective bodies of water. "-the fireworks just yet, but yeah
Oafy: - go ahead and keep walking," he finishes his statement, a look of anger upon his face. It just occurred to him why he woke up in a parking lot.
Rini: glows with a bright pinkish aura, throughout which a white energy arcs chaotically.  The night sky glows within the vast ocean of stars high above, showing only a crescent moon.  She stands within a patch of flattened, blackened grass which she ha
Rini: (c) had been using for training her internal chi energy.  She lands on the ground and looks up at the sky as her pink hair blows chaotically about her head and shoulders.  She then looks towards the west, feeling something, or better yet, someone.
Rini: (c) 'There's something familiar over there, far away, faint, but there..' she thinks to herself.  Deciding to give in to insatiable curiosity, she hovers into the air effortlessly and begins to fly to the power she can barely sense.  Deciding it b
Rini: (c) best to remain incognito, she reduces her power signature dramatically and releases the bright aura bout her small body.  She shivers in the cool night air as her hair whips behind her, her bright red eyes constantly scanning the area for pote
Rini: (c) potential dangers she should be weary of and ignoring other vast powers in the area, hoping to not gain their attention.
Xregg: braced himself against a side of the bridge, his arms crossed over his chest and still nursing a slowly diminishing cigarillo, his long coat still buttoned.  Despite his sudden and quite unexpectedly unnatural disappearance as well as
Xregg: (C) reapperance, he seemed as though nothing had in fact happened to him, as if completely unawares.  Miraculous...really.  Anyway, he merely stood in his position, one foot braced against the bridge, the other supporting
Xregg: (C) the rest of his weight, "Psychotic maniacs..." he remarks idly, "There truly is no reasoning with them it seems." Pushing himself off of the side of the bridge lightly and walking casually over to Xerokine he extends a hand, "Way to leave
Xregg: (C) me to reason with that brutish neanderthal." He says in his usual dead-pan manner, "Kind of like when I blew up that bank with...you...in..." Xregg blinks slightly, unsure of just where the hell -that- came from.  Shaking his head
Xregg: (C) slightly back and forth and sets his gaze on Xerokine again, "I think you owe me for that one."
Treyce: - The wind stopped whipping about Treyce and he dropped to the ground. His back was to the cloak cladded man. Something in his mind was bothering him. Nagging him as if he should know something. His memory was still a bit shattered, but he felt as
Treyce: -C- if he should know the man behind him. "Hey," he said, ignoring the fact that the strange, and possibly heavily drugged man had been pushed off into a lake below. He turned to the cloaked man, who seemed to be already in conversation with someo
Treyce: -C- someone else. Some one he didn't recognize at all. His auburn eyes studied the pair before he called out to the cloaked man again. "Do I know you?"
Xerokine: simply ignored the water-logged man's comments as he continued across the bridge, aiming to head as far away before Jerle and his companion decided to start the fireworks. Such things were best seen from a particular 
Xerokine: -*- viewpoint. Specifically, out of range and high up. Getting pelted with debris was no fun either. Luckily, Aqua Polis had no shortage of conveniently placed skyscrapers on which to perch for a nice vantage point. The sparkling effect 
Xerokine: -*- of the many waterfalls didn't hurt, either. Would be fun to watch two flight-capable warriors duke it out in such a setting, Xerokine mused as he discovered where Not-Techagi had run off to. "I figured you'd be able to handle 
Xerokine: -*- yourself," he replied blandly. "Techagi would have. But I suppose that doesn't mean anything to you." The black-clad man flicked back his cloak and moved to walk around the shell of a halfbreed, a dismissive sneer fixed on his face, 
Xerokine: -*- when another strange person was asking about familiarity. "Unless your name is Rubius, probably not," Xerokine replied over his shoulder. "Actually, if your name is Rubius, I have no idea who you are, but you should commit 
Xerokine: -*- suicide immediately and involving five different methods just to be sure. One of them should involve explosives of some sort." 
Oafy: frowns in dismay as the water continues to reach up at him, preparing to grasp him, and strangle the life out of him. Yet there was nothing to be done. He knew flight was possible, and felt a life or death situation would force the act out of him.
Oafy: - Soon to be twice, it has failed him. "This.. I don't like," are the last words he utters, before crashing into the lake, upon impact immediately struggling violently. 'Not only can I not flight, but I cant swim? Friggin hell... At least I have
Oafy: - pants on still,' he thinks, whilst beginning to sink and take on dreadful amounts of water.
Rini: flies within view of a beautiful city surrounded by crystal lakes and silvery waterfalls which make her gasp as she stops flying and slowly begins her decent "The fabeled city of Aqua Polis..." she says softly to herself as she lands with a soft t
Rini: (c) tap on the pavement of a pathway leading into the city.  The city, however, was far less glamourous with the sounds of explosions, combat and the dust as well as debris of collapsed buildings.  The sense of the faint power still persisted in h
Rini: (c) her thoughts as she walked over the first bride into the city before hearing splashing sounds and some weak cries for help from the lake far below.  Sticking her head over the slender, elegantly carved railing she notices the faint outline of 
Rini: (c) a humanoid in the cool waters hundreds of feet below.  Closing her eyes, she sighs and lifts herself off the ground and hovers over the edge, quickly decending down to the normally mirror-like surface of the lake.  She flips herself upside dow
Rini: (c) down, still hovering in the air and pulls out a large, closed up fan and hands one end to the man in the water "Here, take hold of this.." she says, softly and shyly, remaining calm despite the mans thrashing.
Xregg: quirks an eyebrow at Xerokine, taking his mostly spent cigarillo and flinging it over the edge of the bridge as the man passes him by, making his condescending comment.  Again, if Xregg were whole, something called anger probably would've
Xregg: (C) swelled up within him at the things the man was saying, but in his current state, all he felt was the tinge of some foreign emotion.  Something that felt practically alien to him, "I'm sure the last line of the Cearuleus blood
Xregg: (C) could have also been more than a match for him, at one point in time." He turns to walk side-by-side with the man as they both exit the bridge, seeming to ignore the chaos that was ensuing behind them, "But in your current state, you
Xregg: (C) are no better off than I am." Xregg bares his teeth in a sinister grin, "Now, perhaps you would like to pick up our conversation where it left off, or..." Xregg eyes up the man in a calculating manner, "Would you be more inclined to
Xregg: (C) finish this in...the usual manner?"
Essex: pulls the brown trenchcoat around his draconic frame. He lowers his head, reaching up with his free hand and pulling his hat down a bit more. "I need... a lab..." He looks up, noticing a dilapidated church
Essex: (*) chapel up ahead. "Yes... that'll do." He pushes forward, up the long stairs and to the massive mahogany and stained-glass doors open. He stands there in the opening, staring in at the broken pews
Essex: (*) and rotted flooring. "Hmmm." He steps in, the doors seemingly to swing shut on their own. (Yes...) He thinks to himself as he walks forward into it, up to the alter. "This will be perfect once I get
Essex: (*) it converted... I wonder if I should show this to Fenin, he might get a kick out of it, heh." He walks behind the alter, looking at it, admiring the craftmanship.
Oafy: splashes away in the water, struggling to keep himself afloat. Despite his wild flailing, he seems to be capable of only emerging from the surface long enough for gasps of breathe. "Gonna-" he shouts, before choking on water
Oafy: - once more. "Choke-" Water floods his mouth. "That-" He gags. "Bitch!" Though it's hard to tell who he's talking about <_<.. he seems peeved. The sudden appearance of a petite, floating child draws his attention as rather odd, though. His
Oafy: - eyes are submerged in water, but he makes out that it's definitely a girl floating there. 'God, if I'm dying, and that's a fricken angel.. I am going to beat the FUCK outta that angel..' He decides in his head, before he lunges out of the splash
Oafy: - splashing induced waves, grasping onto the long fan, all the while coughing up large quantities of water, and at least two goldfish.
Xerokine: -*- A prickling sensation crawled down Xerokine's tail, making it twitch underneath his cloak. "This must be my day," he muttered, turning back toward Not-Techagi. "For reunions. Well, mister selective memory, I don't suppose you 
Xerokine: -*- recongnize the pink-haired annoyance behind you." The black-clad man grimaced, resisting the urge to spit. On the other hand, he pondered, the girl did look rather prooccupied by the drowning fool, and she probably hadn't noticed 
Xerokine: -*- him yet. And his former companion had just challenged him. Sort of. In a rather roundabout way. "Sounds good," Xerokine decided, glancing over to see what Not-Techagi's reaction to the girl would be. "A little farther away from 
Xerokine: -*- the fools in the sky, I think. Up for a bit of a jog?"
Fenin: emerges from the shadows of the altar, "Show me what?" Fenin grins wide, surprised someone actually stumbled into what had been his home for near the past year. "So. What brings you to this neck of the woods? You never seemed the type to;gemote -x
Fenin: -x- drink the sermons of holy men. Except, perhaps, those of the one hidden deep inside your skull." Fenin brushes a lock of hair from his face and takes a closer look at Essex, "Which one are you, for now, anyway?"
Essex: grins and extends his hand to Fenin. "No worries, I'm in control right now..." He turns his head and pulls back some of his hair, showing a metallic dot on his net. "I made a chip, suppresses his consciousness until
Essex: (*) I can find a means to get him out of here." He looks around, eyeing it. "I came here 'cause I need a new laboratory, but I want something out of the way, something desolate... something that nobody, other than
Essex: (*) you, apparently, would bother coming to." He looks back at Fenin, shrugging. "As far as sermons... I hate religion, heh, what're you doing here?"
Xregg: turned his head slightly to the side to view the scene behind him, how was it possible that the two of them alone were able to, in an indirect and not so indirect way, cause all of this to happen? Xregg just guessed that they had a talent
Xregg: (C) for trouble.  The girl he saw was not one he was readily familiar with, his memories of her were...slim and more then a tad vague.  Oddly enough, a man dressed in a leather bondage suit next to a torture rack came to mind.  Xregg wasn't
Xregg: (C) entirely sure about this memory as the mangled carcess of a recently deceased person was the only other visible reference from this specific memory.  Pink hair...Odd, Xregg though to himself.  He turned his attention back to Xerokine
Xregg: (C) and merely nodded off into the distance, "Get to running." and with that he takes off at a sprint through the city, looking to leave these others far behind him.  The two, if nothing else, enjoyed not being disturbed. Xregg, in a
Xregg: brief moment looked over at the cloaked speeding figure next to him, "She reminded me of a man in leather.  Is that unusual?"
Fenin: snickers, "I'm living here. This is my home. Has been since shortly after they took my house away. It's not too pretty, but it's warm at night and keeps the rain out during storms. Quiet, too, no visitors." Fenin walks over to one of the
Fenin: -x- few unscathed benches and sits down, signaling for Essex to join him, "There's a lot of room downstairs, you could probably make a laboratory down there. Down in the morgue or something." Fenin chuckles, "To be honest I really haven't
Fenin: -x- looked around down there much, except to check if anyone else was living here. But that was so long ago - I don't even remember what I found."
Rini: frowns as she struggles from the weight of the adult male, weighted down even more by the water on top of his struggling "Stop struggling you idiot, do you WANT to drown?" she says quietly but sternly, her red eyes showing anger briefly before she
Rini: (c) closes them, grasping her war fan with two hands and using a great deal of her chi energy to pull the man free from the chilled lake waters.  She struggles, but finally manages to pull the man over the railing of the bridge and onto sold groun
Rini: (c) solid ground.  She pulls her war fan free, puts it away and then lands on the concrete, tilting her head just a bit 'Hmm, the power is more faint now, it was just here..' she thinks, trying to get a bearing on the position but failing.  Shrugg
Rini: (c) Shrugging she looks down at the man on the concrete and rolls her eyes, sighing "If you couldn't swim, why did you jump?" she asks, flcking some of her pink hair out of her face and behind her back.
Essex: follows Fenin and sits down, leaning back and crossing his arms behind his head. "I like it, could definitely use some modeling, it'd be a great base of operations... heh... I miss the days of The Syndicate
Essex: (*) ha." He lets out a sigh, blinking slightly. "Even if they were insanely evil and corrupt on power." He glances over at Fenin, "So, if you don't mind me asking, why did they take your house away?"
Thea: places her hand on a silver panel a low humming sound is mad for a few second then the door slides open to a cold looking steel room, the room looks clean and sleek there is a large computer against the far wall and a table that sits in the middle
Thea: (c) of the room. Thea lets her hands run against the wall left to her flicking on the computer monitor and several other devices, she walks into the room while looking down at her watch " he should be heading her soon, heh i'm sure of it." 
Thea: (c) a chair slides out from under the desk as if it had a mind of its own. it pulls right up behidn thea who sits back without even looking but with full confidents that it would be there to catch her. the chair slides over toward the monitor 
Thea: (c) hums a little melody as she starts on her computer the sound of keys being tapped could be heard echoing inside this Malicious Scientist lab.
Fenin: sighs, "I couldn't pay for it. I never slept there, anyway, after she left me... I couldn't bare being there alone." Fenin looks up to the ceiling longingly, as though he were searching straight into the sky. "So they gave me official;gemote -x- n
Fenin: -x- notice, and I didn't even take anything with me. Just walked away for good. I wonder if the building's still there..." Fenin chuckles quietly, "But that's a whole other story..."
Essex: chuckles to himself. "You can't dwell on the past, it'll just ruin you." He stands up and turns back towards to altar. "C'mon, let's go explorin', ha ha, I'm pretty fuckin' bored. What d'you say buddy?"
Essex: (*) He begins walking back to the altar, looking left and right at the doors. "Which one leads down stairs?"
Xerokine: flickered down the street, seeming not so much to be running as he was jumping up a few inches while the ground sped by underneath him. "Yes," he remarked absently. "Undoubtedly the product of a disturbing, pedophiliac 
Xerokine: -*- mind. You're more like Techagi then I thought." The twin blurs of a black cloak and black trenchcoat darted through the city into busier streets, flickering between the crowds like living shadows. At the same moment, both trails of 
Xerokine: -*- ebony curved into an alleyway and moved upward, criss-crossing between the walls toward the rooftops. As one, the flickers reformed into Saiyan and hollow halfbreed, staring at each other across the gap between roofs, coat and 
Xerokine: -*- cloak fluttering in the chill breeze. "Ooh," Xerokine commented, lazily drawing his draconic sword from over his shoulder, left hand gripped lightly around the stylized hilt. "You've gotten a bit faster. But I wonder if the rest of your 
Xerokine: -*- skills have improved, Techagi." His amber eyes narrowed suddenly. "No, not Techagi, is it? Oh well. Hollowbreed, I suppose. Lacking Techagi's memories, and probably his fighting skills as well. But I wonder if you remember this?" 
Xerokine: -*- A crackle of black sparks danced on the edge of the Tatsujungin, flashing lightly in the night air. Without warning, Xerokine raised and swung the silver sword, sending a spiraling wave of black lightning toward his foe. "Lightning Vortex!"
Oafy: collapses onto all fours upon reaching the bridge, coughing out water from varies holes in his head, all the while wondering if he'd look up and see an angel or not. The idea bothered him, mostly because.. well, angels suck. And where there
Oafy: - are angels, there's talk of religion. "Religion.. guh," he grumbles, before smoothly standing up from his vomit-prepared rest on the concrete. His eyes gaze over the landscape, noting a distinct lack of man in a black cloak, and the
Oafy: - drug dealer from the desert. 'Suppose I should start giving these people names,' he thinks, storing that thought away for later. For now, he settles with meeting eyes with his rescuer. "Aah.. Not an angel," he extends his palm, and pats the
Oafy: - girl on the head firmly. "Thanks.. and.. I didn't jump. Did you happen to catch where the man in the cloak went? I owe him a choking," he smiles politely, waiting for an answer. Yet the urge to race off in a specific direction tells him he doesn
Oafy: - doesn't need her guidance.. yet, it would be helpful.
Kyosho: hovered over the building that he was sure was Thea's,  as the halfbreed descended to the earth Kyosho reached into his pocket to grab the paper again to make sure it was the right address.  When Kyosho first foot hit the ground it seemed like it 
Kyosho: [C]echoed, even though it was in the city no sound was going on it was kind of eerie. Kyosho closed his eyes to check and see if he sensed the power of Thea anywhere and he found it very faintly. The halfbreed
Kyosho: [C]walked up to the door and while he was doing that, Kyosho remove the hair that was in his vision so his emerald eyes can see every thing that is going on.
Fenin: snickers, "You don't gotta be lecturin' me, Essex. I seen my fair share of horrors in this world." Fenin gets to his feet and dusts off his clothing, "I think they both lead to the same place, so try either." Fenin shrugs unknowingly and follows
Fenin: -x- Essex down into the dungeon. "Hmm. It's dark in here. You got a light of some sort, Science Man? Of perhaps you could use your spooky voodoo magic to create a torch, with your fiery breath?" Fenin cackles loudly at his attempt at wit.
Essex: (*) "Let's see what I can do..." He extends his arms to the side, flaring up his bright blue aura, lighting up the area. "Science Man... you need some new material, Fen." He turns down a hallway and opens a door
Essex: (*) revealing a second set of steps. "It goes down farther?"
Fenin: snickers, "Yeah. There's like a giant labyrinth down in there. Or a mausoleum. Whichever, spooky as hell." Fenin peers down into the spiral stairwell, "Shall we? Maybe we'll find some mummies and dragons. Oh wait, I already found one!"
Fenin: bursts out with insane laughter, "Get it? You're like... Scaley and breathe fire... Ahahaha..."
Thea: face had a big smile painted onto it as the chair swung around just as Kyosho walked into the room. "heh I must admit i love your eye's Kyosho." the chair rolls across the white floor but making sure not to turn away from Kyosho direction. 
Thea: (c) "So you did come, I guess that means your really ready for whats at hand eh?" the chair comes to a stop at the table in the middle of the room. Thea stands up and runs her hand over the smooth table showing kyosho the arm 
Thea: (c) and ankle clamps. "If your really ready to take your first steps toward power then lay on the table, don't worry the clamps are automatic, but are there more for my safty then anything." she gives Kyosho a smug look 
Thea: (c) the holds her arms out toward the table showing it off as if it were on display. 
Essex: looks back at Fenin, glaring. "Be careful, little man... I'll eat you." He steps down the stairs, staring out at the giant labyrinth. "This is perfect." He walks down into the center and pushes more energy into
Essex: (*) his aura, brightening the area. "Fenin, do me a favor and do that... Super Simian or whatever it's called you monkey people do, it'll help illuminate the area." He looks back and forth. "Just until I figure out
Essex: (*) how to run electricity down here."
Xregg: blinked quizzically at the man, and then blinked a little less quizzically and a little more defensively as Xerokine launched an attack at him, egging him on with words.  Xregg's mouth formed a crooked smile as he reached to his waist as
Xregg: (C) though to grab the hilt of a weapon of somekind, his subsequent suprise that there was no such weapon there was something of a shock to him.  He did have a weapon at his hip at one point, didn't he? Xregg had thought so at the very
Xregg: (C) least.  Well, there was no weapon there, so he only had to come up with something a little quicker.  a ball of dark energy forms on his palm, shades of dark purples and blues flickered wildly within this ball moments before Xregg
Xregg: (C) slammed his fist into the ground beneath him.  Except, rather than the standard explosion that one would expect from such an action, the energy that had gathered in his hand expanded once it made impact with the ground and extend up
Xregg: (C) in a dome-shapped manner.  This encompassed Xregg in a flicker field of energy, his form inside a wavering shadow as the energy attack slammed into his own field of energy and the two seemed to contest for control.  Xregg's energy barrier
Xregg: (C) versus Xerokine's Vortex attack.  Xregg, inside his own field clenched his fists, he wasn't sure of the power that was welling up inside of him, except that it felt intoxicatingly familiar.  Ignoring his euphoric nostalgia for now
Xregg: (C) he forced himself to call upon more of this energy until finally the field that surrounded him expanded outwards in a flash of energy.  Upon it's dissipation Xregg stood amidst a slighter cratered roof, almost as if the attack had
Xregg: (C) never happened, "Hrm..." Xregg bemused to himself, "I think I remember a little bit." With that Xregg extended an open palm outwards, his other hand becoming parallel to his waist and his legs extending to a shoulder length apart from
Xregg: (C) each other.  This was undoubted the Techagi style of combat, whether Xregg knew it or not, "It's my turn now." Xregg's outstretch, open palm, opened a bit as a similar ball of energy that he had summoned before formed in his grasp
Xregg: (C), "Enjoy!" and with a slight thrusting motion, the ball zoomed forward to meet it's intended target.
Kyosho: smiled when Thea complimented him " Thanks, I'm one of the few I guess that has these color eyes. " Kyosho said as he jumped upon the table *What will this do to me, Well if it will make me turn Super Saiyan I'll do it* Kyosho thought.
Kyosho: [C]Kyosho looked at the clamps and then laid down on the table, once the clamps closes and kept him from the wrists and ankles he tried to get away for a moment from the sock of it but then kept still.
Fenin: growls at Essex, "Be careful, little lizard, or I will incinerate you." Fenin looks around the labyrinth vigorously, "I'm not so sure it's a good idea. I might cause some tremors or something that'll make this building topple over
Fenin: -x- on us, it's not exactly stable..." Fenin shrugs, "But I could do this." Fenin pours energy into each palm, then arcs them before him, creating a sphere of condensed energy. "This oughta be enough light, eh?" Fenin continues to
Fenin: -x- pour energy into his energy sphere, creating a more vibrant light pattern all around the pair, reflecting off of the old, dusty, stone walls, and brittle cobwebs of ancient times.
Essex: laughs. "So. I have a proposal for you, Fenin." He turns around, looking back at the Saiyan. "The Syndicate is... not what it was, it's weak. It's... a waste of space at the moment. Wouldn't you agree?"
Rini: just nods at the man who touched her hair, nearly smacking him for invading her personal space "No problem, just don't be an idiot next time k?" she says rather rudely as she hovers up off the ground and skims the surface for a bit, following the 
Rini: (c) sounds of battle quickly.   The lights on the sidewalk making her pink hair gilsten slightly, much it like it did to the water surrounding the city itself.  She looks up to see a battle in progress between a cloak figure, someone she feels she
Rini: (c) somehow knows, and another strange looking man.  Keeping her power at a minimum, she begins to hover higher into the air to better look at the battle, making sure to keep enough space between herself and them so she wouldn't get in their way. 
Rini: (c) 'Hmm, this is interesting, I'll wait to talk to them until one kills the other, let's just hope the ugly one loses..' she thinks to herself, sitting cross legged in the air while enjoying the show with amusement.
Fenin: peers at Essex suspiciously, "Yeah. What're you planning on doing, taking over or something? They're not that weak..." Fenin says in a strained tone, "But if you're planning something else, lay it on me..." Fenin leans up against an earthen
Fenin: -x- wall, listening for Essex's proposition eagerly.
Essex: (*) "They're weak compared to when Kalen was in charge, is what I meant..." He turns back around, staring down the cavern. "But I was thinking... quite possibly..." He stops for a moment, gathering his
Essex: (*) thoughts. "I wanted to possibly start a group, to go against them, to try to shut them down, not take them over... but make a stand. They need to show them what the Old Syndicate can do."
Essex: (*) He turns back to Fenin. "And that's where you come in. I wanted to start an organization, but I can't do it alone. I want to bring back the Old Syndicate, not... as a Syndicate, but as something else."
Xerokine: grimaced, his eyes flashing golden as the hollow halfbreed repelled his attack and countered with one of his own. Had he been at his full power, it would have been a simple matter to swat the thing away, or to simply stand 
Xerokine: -*- aside with a mote of his speed and watch it fly on, unimpeded. Unfortunately, certain... circumstances had required the draining of his strength and power.  It would be some time before his body could recover, and these exertions 
Xerokine: -*- weren't helping matters. No choice, though. "Not good enough!" Xerokine bellowed, letting black sparks dance once more against the edge of his blade, as it scythed downward in a gleaming arc. The dark energy rippled outward in a 
Xerokine: -*- thin-bladed wave, with just enough power to slice neatly through the center of the ball and vanish. The two halves careened off at the angle, passing within inches of Xerokine's shoulders and carving shallow gouges in the rooftop 
Xerokine: -*- before exploding at the far end, backlighting the cloaked warrior and his gleaming silver blade. "Enough! I didn't come to play tennis!" he growled, bracing the Tatsujungin with both hands. With a shadow of his former speed, he darted 
Xerokine: -*- forward and to the side, flickering across the gap and leveling a deadly slice at the hollow halfbreed's midsection.
Oafy: prepares to ask the girl a question, but is cut off as she flies off towards the origin of the sensation. He jogs towards this location, while a thought overcomes him. If a little girl, random drug dealers and creepers are all capable of flight,
Oafy: - it isn't too intense to think he should know how to either. The topic just seems to anger him though, as he now runs furiously towards the building. Not halting at all, he leaps at the structure, kick-jumping across the street, crashing into
Oafy: - the side of that building. He repeats the kick-jump pattern a few times, before pulling himself atop one. Immediately, he sets his sights onto the mysterious figure in a cloak. "Gotten into a fight already? Geeze, I stopped dying JUST
Oafy: - to have a word with you, and you can't give me THAT. And to think, I was going to ask you to be my friend," he shouts, almost sounding genuine in his lie.
Fenin: winces, taken aback by Essex's suggestion, "Stand up against THE SYNDICATE? You're crazier than I figured you for, Essex." Fenin chuckles, "Besides, I'm just one broken shade of the man I once was... And even back then, I doubt I would
Fenin: -x- be powerful enough to offer any REAL assistance... I was mostly in reconnaissance..." Fenin shifts uncomfortably, "Have you talked to anyone else about this? I mean... Don't get me wrong, I have no love for The Syndication and everything
Fenin: -x- they've done to me, everything they're doing wrong today, but I don't see a small band of displeased man coming to be of any use against them... Even with De'Artier gone..."
Thea: eye's narrow as she watches the clamps lock down on Kyosho, once Kyosho was secure she walks back toward the computer by the wall and her right hand quickly dance over the keyboard putting in commands  until one final 
Thea: (c) click is heard. Thea gazes straight into Kyosho eye's from across the room "just rember Kyosho , be strong or you will be lost." as soon as her voice fades out the sound of gears could be heard moving as the wall above the computer 
Thea: (c) opens up revealing  what looks to be a large pile of flesh sitting on a pedestal. it makes a disturbing sound as the flesh could be heard moving sliding from one side to the next as if it was trying to move from its spot. 
Thea: (c) in one strong burst of energy a  tentacle thrust from the beast  shoots cross the room embeding itself right into Kyosho chest,  what looks to be red vains could be seen spreeding from chest through out the rest of his body. 
Thea: (c) Theas voice seems to waver in and out as she speeks to Kyosho " Re.eb.. Kyos.. be stron." The rooms seems fall into darkness around the halfbreed. 
Essex: paces back and forth. "I haven't brought it up with anyone else yet, mainly because you're the only person I trust at the moment... but I know Dako will join... and as far as De'Artair..." He reaches into
Essex: (*) his trenchcoat and retrieves a manilla folder. "My research... well... let's say he's not gone." He grins and tosses Fenin the file to read. "Think about it... I'm sure, even if it's not in our best interest... we
Essex: (*) could get Wu'Sha to join our cause... there's people out there, Fenin, we just need to find them."
Fenin: growls, "Wu'sha is useless. He's a pathetic halfbreed incapable of anything more than basic sword play and mediocre transformations. We don't need him. As for DeArtair, I wouldn't know. I've never met the man myself." Fenin thumbs through the file
Fenin: -x- reading anything presented before him so much as glancing at diagrams and making it look like he cared. "What about Xerokine Caerulius? Is he still walking?" Fenin chuckles, "Dunno how good he was with a sword, but he was a smart guy. He's be
Fenin: -x- more of an asset as one of us than a pedestrian. That is if we do end up starting something up. This is still hypothetical..." Fenin clears his through and shifts uncomfortably again.
Xregg: 's forehead furrows slightly in concentration, his opponent's speed was comparable to his own, their control and manipulation of energy was also something about on par seeing as neither of the two were capable of doing anything to the
Xregg: (C) other with simple energy attacks, both attempts ended in a stalemate.  Xregg silently watched his competitor, even as an interloper made his noise entrance and started yelling at...one of them, Xregg wasn't terribly sure which one.
Xregg: (C) Nor did he care at this moment in time, there were more important things to handle, like the bladed weapon that was slicing through the air towards his mid-section.  Xregg's forearms and hands became encased in a form of energy that
Xregg: (C) seemed to ripple and cascade over his flesh.  Using the hand that had been leveled at his waist he placed his hand not against the blade, but over it's edge to the flat section of the weapon.  In a move he considered swift, he
Xregg: (C) merely pushed the blade downwards and using that same moment, leapt gently into the air, using the blade itself as a sort of spring board and the hand that grasped it as a base for an attack.  As Xregg's leg came twisting over the side
Xregg: (C) to make gracious contact with his opponents head, it was stopped short by a forearm.  Xerokine's forearm to be exact.  The two glared at each other in their awkward pose, maintaining this position for a few brief moments before Xregg
Xregg: (C) forced himself back and Xerokine went sliding backwards slightly as well.  Then, without warning, Xregg smirked gently and a pool of darkness formed at his feet, "Suprise." With that word, the darkness shot up around him, encompassing
Xregg: (C) him in an oval shaped pool of cascading twilight.  In another moment, that pool of darkness simply flowed into the wind.  This left a wary Xerokine on the seen, he knew this trick, knew what to expect even.
Essex: nods. "Xerokine would be a good asset... as well as Oaftres... that is... if I could get him to remember me." He strokes his chin for a moment. "Plus... I could call in a few favors from the mutant ranks. Angouleme, my old friend, 
Essex: (*) could be valuable." He squints his eyes. "Last I heard, Kalen had transplanted his consciousness into an android's body. He'd want to join us, but just to be able to gain control of SynTech once again, but...
Essex: (*) a temporary ally is better than no ally, correct?" He lowers his hand, rolling his shoulders. "And Greg, he was good. But I haven't heard from most of these people in ages, so I don't know, Fenin."
Kyosho: eyes widen as he sat the lumps of flesh was coming down from the ceiling *What does she mean I'll be lost * Kyosho thought, the halfbreed thoughts kept panicking  and once the tentacle shot it out it seemed like an eternity passed before 
Kyosho: [C]it made contact to the halfbreed's chest, but once it did, Kyosho's vision went completely red from all the pain that was shooting throughout his body. The last thing Kyosho heard was Thea speaking to him. Every thing went 
Kyosho: [C]completely black as the pain put him in a comatose state, then it turned into a white room with mist over everything, the only thing he could see if a formless figure out in the distance, but Kyosho was unable to move
Kyosho: [C]he was there standing there. Kyosho gaze was completely blank, no eye color at all showing, everything was white.
Rini: sees, only for a moment, the sword possessed by the cloak man in black before holding her head and closing her eyes as a flood of memories come to her.  She struggles with them all for a minute or two before coming back to herself and looking up a
Rini: (c) at the two fighters, "X..ero.." she stutters, outloud.  She stands up, in the air and screams with rage as bright, chaotic pink aura flares up around her small body, tinged with gold and arcing with bolts of white electricity.  Her pink hair w
Rini: (c) whips wildly about her, almost standing up on end as her red eyes blaze with intensity and anger.  She lowers her head, looking at the cloaked man, caring nothing about the other fighter at this point, although she sense something familiar abo
Rini: (c) about him. 'One opening, give me that opening...' she thinks, gritting her teeth, now realizing who it was that was jumping from building to building before her.  Fear, rage, and hatred swarmed her thoughts each second she looked at him, her a
Rini: (c) her aura growing stronger the entire time.  She reaches for two foled up, large fans and extends them, holding them in a highly aggressive martial stance, waiting for the right moment.
Fenin: -x- you expect to use your spooky voodoo sciences to awaken him from this amnesia he's suffered? As far as Angouleme and Greg, if you think they're alive, then go for it. I doubt either of them hold The Syndicate close to their hearts. Though
Fenin: -x- I wouldn't expect much assistance. These people, if they've survived, haven't survived by being noticed. If you can even find them, I doubt they'd be too eager to resurface in a broad-as-daylight attack, and there's really no other way to
Fenin: -x- take them out. They've got all of us on their files, they'd notice an infiltration before we even got five thousand meters outside of their headquarters..." Fenin grumbles loudly as he finishes his pessimistic rant.
Fenin: -x- take them out. They've got all of us on their files, they'd notice an infiltration before we even got five thousand meters outside of their headquarters..." Fenin grumbles loudly as he finishes his pessimistic rant.
Xerokine: grimaced, switching into a defensive stance, sword raised a gleaming silver barrier while he slowly turned, awaiting the uncomfortably familiar attacks of the former halfbreed. Was all of his instinct? Did this shadow retain all 
Xerokine: -*- of Techagi's fighting ability, skills, and techniques, but only subconsciously? Or was Techagi's entire memory actually stored within this mirror's mind, but repressed and hidden by some unknown tramua. The thing had said 
Xerokine: -*- that Techagi himself was absorbed into the darkness, whatever that meant. Xerokine wasn't one for spiritual matters, and had openly mocked the idea of a soul more then once. So what was it that this creature was missing... or was it 
Xerokine: -*- missing anything? A sudden shift in the air behind him was all the warning Xerokine got. The wind whistled over his head, a missed punch from the returning opponent only centimeters off it's mark. The Saiyan leaned forward on his 
Xerokine: -*- right palm, sending a kick at the man behind him, but caught only air. The former Greg had vanished into one of those damn bubbles again. "You know, I really don't have time for you," Xerokine remarked, returning to his 
Xerokine: -*- defensive stance, sparing only a brief glare toward the water-logged man from before. "Friend or not, sod off. Come back some other time. Maybe next century." As for the flaring light he had glimpsed behind him, Xerokine ignored it. 
Xerokine: -*- It was probably just Jerle, off on the other side of the city, still fiddling around...
Essex: (*) "Have faith, Mr. Ro." Essex says. "I'm a scientist... and I've been working on... a project." He turns back around. "We wouldn't be noticed, and we wouldn't be going against them now... just building
Essex: (*) our ranks and making our name known. We wouldn't make it clear that we're against them, but that we're here to stay." He cracks his knuckles. "I'm working on a.... well... we won't talk about that now
Essex: (*) until you make a decision on my proposal. Take all the time you need, there's no rush."
Thea: *scenario* the rooms seems to float with mist as an angelic creator comes out from the mist. her skin  light blue and her wings bright red, she runs her finger tips over kyosho cheack. "Kyosho Daishi i'm the gate keep welcome " 
Thea: (c) the creator pushes the palm of her hand against Kyosho faces causing darkness to fall over his sight the sounds of water moving back in forth could be heard as well as the crys of women and childern could be heard too. 
Thea: (c)  The table with kysoho is sitting in the middle of looks to be a deep black sea. the water splashes against his legs that are clamped down against the table. the sky above him is cloudless and as red as the blood in Kyosho vains 
Thea: (c) in the background two large mountains could be seen towaring high into the air so high the tips of them can't be seen. a tug can be felt on Kyosho legs one after another before Kyosho knows what happen the black sea is gone
Thea: (c) in it's place hundreds if not millions of women and child that look pal as if they were drowned victims with cuts going across their faces arms and backs.  the call out Kyosho name which seems to echo in the air. 
Thea: (c) back in the distance where the two large mountain set a bright flame could be seen rising  from the crowd. a large being could seen it was just a little shorter then the two moutains. Soon every thing becomes clear the mountain 
Thea: (c) was the creators throne and the people were its subjects. The massive creators takes it seat and looks down at Kyosho it's voicing booming out as it talks to him . "Have you come Kyosho Daishi seeking out my power ?" 
Oafy: shoots a questioning look to the young girl, her sudden energies drawing his eyes away from the cloaked warrior, who by all rights, he should be throttling right now. This girl had saved his life, though he would never in his wildest dreams admit
Oafy: - it, even if it meant saving his life.. again. She seems determined to hurt the same warrior as he, and he realizes that this benefits him in more ways than he cares to consider. Without a doubt, she'd be a powerful alley. "Hell, just maybe
Oafy: - she..." Words escape him, as he kicks off the base of the rooftop, leaping high into the air, grasping the left ankle of the girl, pulling her down as he descends to the building. "Don't go all Golden Exploder on me, y'hear? I'm not done
Oafy: - thanking you for saving my life," he smiles politely again, though it's merely a front to persue the next issue at hand. "Tell me how you fly, and I'll help you with the cloaked man. I have a quarrel with him." His words are spoken with a very
Oafy: - serious, business-like tone, almost as if he were talking to a hitmen rather than a six year old with pink hair.
Fenin: sighs, "Faith isn't my strongest point, Dr. Lillah." Fenin straights up and brushes the debris from the wall off of his jacket, "But if you manage to locate any of these people, any of them, consider me in." Fenin offers Essex the file on
Fenin: -x- Kalen DeArtair, then begins to lead him deeper into the dungeon. "This place is giant. I was lost in here for three days when I first went to explore. Then again I was also in large supply of alcoholic beverages... But anyway, if
Fenin: -x- anyone DOES come here, your laboratory ought to be well hidden, because they'd get lost looking for it..." Fenin chuckles quietly, peering behind corners while walking in a straight path. "Plenty of places to hide things you wouldn't
Fenin: -x- want to ever be found again..."
Essex: grins again and follows behind Fenin. "So, you wouldn't mind me putting my base of operations, and possibly our Headquarters down here?" He jobs slightly, catching up to Fenin. "I will definitely
Essex: (*) talk to them, and with my new found teleportation skills... I'm sure I can get ahold of them very easily." He pops his knuckles, looking left and right, peering down the seemingly endless tunnels.
Essex: (*) "It seems as if these catacombs go on forever."
Xregg: 's form escaped for a final pool of cascading darkness, once again, right behind Xerokine only this time he was not attack but instead had once again assumed his combat stance.  Xerokine's attack was quick, but Xregg still had the upper
Xregg: (C) hand for the moment and deftly spun out of the way of Xerokine's next swipe that, had he not moved, would probably have taken a limb or two from his body.  Xregg thrust forth an open palmed attack towards a vital point upon
Xregg: (C) Xerokine's body only to have it deflected when it was so close to making contact.  The two continued to trade blows in this fashion, though with Xerokine having a bladed weapon and Xregg forced to use his ability to make energy
Xregg: (C) focus solely on his hands and forearms in order to deflect the blows, it was unclear who held the advantage. A flurry of blows passed between the two before finally a resounding sound of impact resonated between the two fighters and
Xregg: (C) an orb of unseen force exploded from the two, even forcing the two combats to slide back to safe distances.  Xregg's breathing was labored, he had not expect to have to use this much energy in order to just keep his limbs intact
Xregg: (C) OR to keep up with his opponent.  The whole procedure, he decided, was rather taxing it seemed.  So, as he stood there, his forearms and hands glowing with dark energy, one extended out towards his opponent, his breathing labored and a 
Xregg: (C) deep gash along this left side hampering his movements, he couldn't help but feel a calming peace that so far had eluded him.  A grin graced his face, "It seems, sir.  We are a bit too evenly matched!"
Fenin: shrugs, "I don't own the place. Do what you want here." Fenin shoots sparks of ki ahead of them and watches as they float endlessly down the corridor, "So... As you can see there's plenty of space to do whatever. I don't know who designed this
Fenin: -x- building, but they weren't sane... So let's head back now, being surrounded by the dust of old bones is unsettling to me..." Fenin turns to Essex, bearing a strained grin, "I'm not as blood-thirsty as I once was. I only thirst for the
Fenin: -x- power to be considered so."
Essex: (*) "Yeah, that's a good idea." Essex turns around, raising his fingers to his forehead. "What say we go back to the bar for a few drinks, eh?"
Rini: forgets about her age old enemy for a moment while she looks over to Oafy and raise an eyebrow, almost letting herself smile "How do you fly? What are you, stupid?!" she asks, hovering over to Oafy, her aura still pulsating powerfully. "Close your
Rini: (c) eyes, focus your internal energy or chi downwards and picture yourself lighter than air and simply rise.." she says, hovering back and away from Oafy, looking at Xerokine out of the corner of her eye before positioning herself in a more defend
Rini: (c) defendable position, putting her spread out dual war fans in a protective arc in front of her to ward of both physical and energy attacks.  She watches Oafy only for a moment longer before turning her attention fully towards Xerokine once agai
Rini: (c) again, 'Let down your guard, for it seems your opponent can't get the job done...' she thinks, feeling ages worth of pain and anger slowly build up inside of her very soul.
Fenin: groans, "No. I'm still disoriented from yesterday..." Fenin reaches to his forehead with two fingers and blinks out of existence, snapping back to the alter instantly. He shudders, then brushes all of the cobwebs and dusts from his clothing.
Essex: blinks into existence right next to Fenin. shaking his body like a giant draconian dog. "Blah, I hate spiderwebs... we're going to need to flush the catacombs out with water or something... or make Dako 
Essex: (*) clean it."
Xerokine: spat a wad of blood to the side, sword held steadily enough with his left hand. His right was braced against his side, where his shirt and several layers of skin had been burned away by a graze. The energy that surrounded 
Xerokine: -*- his opponent's arms made judging distances difficult. "Even, huh..." the man murmured softly, amber eyes closing slightly. Perhaps he had been even, with Techagi. He had never really been able to find out. Even tracing back 
Xerokine: -*- through his memory, he couldn't really remember a time they had fought to the very end. Sure, they had battled occasionally, sparred more then once, but more often they were on the same side. Smirking as they toyed with 
Xerokine: -*- some common foe, or played little mind games with each other. Each one calling out the other's move, even before they made it. Even, huh? "I think not." The moonlit night seemed to darken almost imperceptively, as if a veil had 
Xerokine: -*- been drawn over the sky. The space around Xerokine's body thickened and grew shadowed, the air wavering as if impossibly hot. "It's not in my blood to accept to draw, you see. Especially not... to a hollow imitation like you!" 
Xerokine: -*- Black sparks rippled along the Tatsujungin's edge, unleashed once more in a rotating spiral of dark lightning. "Lightning Vortex!" The torrent tore through the concrete of the rooftop, ripping the stone to shreds, burning the 
Xerokine: -*- shreds to ashes, and searing the ashes into nothing. 
Fenin: chuckles quietly, "Yeah. He's good for that sort of work." Fenin returns to the bench they had been setting on before and lays upon it, gazing up to the stained-glass portraits on the wall. "You know, it's strange that such a beautiful place;gemot
Fenin: -x- could have been forgotten so long."
Kyosho: looked at the angelic creator and in his mind bowed but his body didn't respond  every time she spoke Kyosho wished to speak right back to but his mouth couldn't moved the next thing he new he was under water. On the outside world
Kyosho: [C]where Thea is sitting there Kyosho bowed his head in trying to bow to the creator then Kyosho spoke " Nice to meet you Gate Keep ". In the black sea Kyosho saw the women and children drowning in the water all around
Kyosho: [C]him but he could move, not even his head could move. In the real world though Kyosho's body was freaking out his legs twitched his muscles bulged a worried look shot over his face. Once the black see was gone
Kyosho: [C]Kyosho Daishi seeking out my power?" Kyosho eyes in the new realm finally changed into the emerald eye color which he was accustom to, Kyosho could now move his body and then he lastly said " Yes, but
Kyosho: [C]why did you have to slaughter so many people? " Kyosho asked. While in the normal realm Kyosho's body laid motionless.
Essex: (*) "Its very depressing, but as I said, it's best not to dwell on such thoughts." He paces around, staring at the high arched ceiling. "I'll start moving my stuff in here tomorrow." He crosses his arms
Essex: (*) over his chest. "I expect you won't charge me rent?"
Thea: peers down at Kyosho the flames on it's head growing strong and the crowd of subject tug on kyosho more violently as they try to keep their grip on him. the red sky starts to swirl and bits of purple and black could be seen coming into it. 
Thea: (c) "Kyosho Daishi remember this power comes a the price of blood I will give you the symbole of my power and it will lay upon your heart Kyosho Daishi!"with one glance at Kyosho his chest sparks with a bright flame 
Thea: (c) that hits him so hard he can feel pain strike from his torso to his fingers and toes. the subject pulling on kyosho rear their head back and let out a screem so fears it would make the blood run cold. the bodies seem burts and kyosho 
Thea: (c) could feel their blood splashing against him. moments later the subjects are replace by a sea of blood the creator stand up again and loooks down on Kyosho. " The blood of all these ones will be your price Kyosho" with that 
Thea: (c) the creator slides back into the sea of blood, the blue hand of the gate keeper could be felt touching Kyosho face "it's time to go back home Kyoshi Daishi, it is time to go back home." Kyosho sight blurs out for a bit. 
Thea: (c) but once his sight comes back clear he could see Thea holding his face. the beast that had struck him was gone hidden behind the wall once againe. " How are you Daishi? are you going to be okay ? the mark on his chest rolls with smoke off of i
Thea: (c) of itthea lets him down and summons to men to come take Kyosho for bed rest. "i will check on you in the morning." she watches as the men take Kyosho off. 
Oafy: grinds his teeth as the child speaks ill of him, and floats away. "Maybe I didn't make my position clear," he says softly, not caring whether she hears his words or not, as he walks further away from her along the rooftop, rather calmly. "I
Oafy: - offered to help you tackle him, which meant 'back off till I say you can finish the job'," he explains, again rather coolly and displaced, even as he stares at her from further behind. At that he bolts forward, racing to the edge of the
Oafy: - building at a frightening speed. His last step is taken as a mighty leap, jumping forward and high at the tiny girl, intent on tackling her down. Whether he's jealous of her flight, angry that she's not cooperating as he wishes, or some
Oafy: - other goal is in mind, can't be clear - he's fricken crazy.  "So get lost! Cloakie is my bitch till I'm done!!" His voice booms over the buildings, probably confusing anyone whose still left in the area of the battle.
Fenin: chuckles, "You're cookin' dinner. That's the rent." Fenin sits up and smirks as Essex, "As far as moving, I hope you don't expect me to help. I'm enjoying my vacation from working. That us until you get your little crack squadron all set up;gemote
Fenin: -x- and ready to tangle with the tyrannies of the world and what not..."
Xregg: grimaces slightly, looking upon his foe once again, it seemed his opponent decided to call upon what source of power he drew from, internal or external, it mattered not at this point.  He spread his feet a bit further outwards, if nothing
Xregg: (C) else to give himself a better vantage point as a swirling vortex of dark energy formed at his feet and cascade up his form.  First it came in dense tendrils and extended upward before, in a brilliant flash his condensed power forms a 
Xregg: (C) waving orb of energy around him.  Not to be confused with the energy fields that he had used to turn his bare hands into things that could go up against a blade, this was simply whatever it was he was calling upon in order to match
Xregg: (C) his opponent.  Xregg thought about this for a few moments, he had no desire to over power this opponent, no surge yearning within him.  His desire was to stay as even with his opponent as possible.  Xregg wasn't even sure -why- this was
Xregg: (C) his desire, but somehow, he just knew it was right.  And with this sudden surge of power, Xregg extended both of his hands forward and fields around his hands and arms extended forward to form a dark ball of energy.  Without much time
Xregg: (C) to prepare his attack, he knew he was cutting it close, but that's what he wanted.  Launching his own attack to make contact, the two energy attacks surged against each other, locked in their own battle for supremecy.  Needless to say
Xregg: (C) neither combatant was backing down and so the only thing that occured shortly their after was a massive explosion from both the attacks. Ka-Blamo! Just like that. As Xerokine's form was seen flying out of the explosion, a trail of dust 
Xregg: (C) and explody cloud following him, Xregg had once again disappeared.  When the dust had yet to settle, Xregg's form could be seen literally flopping onto the roof from one of his pools of cascading darkness, looking like utter shite.
Quinton: yawns loudly, stretching his arms until an audible cracking is heard emanating from multiple places in his body.  Who the hell could sleep with the infernal racket taking place outside?  The single light in his entire apartment swayed unsteadily
Quinton: <c> on the wire it hung upon as more shaking wracked his building.  "Oh my holy crap why does this happen when I'm trying to sleep?!" he practically yells, to nobody in particular.  Not like anyone could've heard him anyway, over the noise.
Quinton: steps to his window, a crack having formed in its pane from the vibration, and probably from having been thrust open in haste so many times before, but he didn't have time to blame himself for it, not when he was blaming whoever was making
Quinton: <c> all the noise.  Quickly making sure he had pants on this time (he did), he leaps out the window, latching onto the flag post sticking out the side of the building, and uses it as a springboard to launch himself into the air, and to the top
Quinton: <c> of the next building, a mere two buildings away from where several fighters had gathered to duel, probably to the death.  And very noisily, at that.  "God damnit do you people have ANY IDEA how LATE it is?!"
Rini: grows tired of waiting for the weakened Xerokine to show her an opening she can easily exploit and seems frustrated at Oafy's mumblings to want to kill him and the other warrior's inability to even finish the job.  She thrusts a war fan in front o
Rini: (c) of her and release a firey ball of energy from it towards Xerokine.  It wasn't a very powerful ball of energy, but it was meant to distract him so either she or the other warrior would have some kind of opening and who knows, maybe even this o
Rini: (c) other fellow, Oafy, would spring into action, allowing her time to for a good tactic and send him where she felt he needed to be ages ago. 'It's time for you to finally meet your end, one way or another..' she thinks, watching the firey ball s
Rini: (c) speed its way towards the large saiyan man.  Although she sensed and heard the presence of another person she thought she knew, she ignore his ramblings, intent on ending a fued thousands of years in the making.
Jerle: growls, his aura flaring red, searching for the energy signature of the man from earlier.  (That bastard disappeared on me. I'm going to kill him for it!)  Energy is already formed in his palms, ready to fire at the saiyan.  Finally, he senses a l
Jerle: (C) large amount of energy being expended nearby.  Looking in the direction of the energy, he spots an explosion.  He races off towards the explosion, spotting the saiyan from earlier as he gets closer.  "You bastard!  I've been saving this for yo
Oafy: is still hurtling through the air after an intense leap off the side of a nearby building, on a collision course for Rini. Tryin' to tackle the wee girl... Yep. He notes the words of another man off in the distance, disturbed by the ruckus of
Oafy: - battle, and cant help but sympathize with the guy. He himself had waken up a bit annoyingly the last little while, but.. eh. Tough, I guess.
Jerle: (C) you!  Run from me, will you?  You won't get away that easily."  Grinning, he cups his hands together, bringing the two energy formations into one, launching it at Xerokine.
Xerokine: cursed under his breath, teeth grinding together as he was thrown backwards uncontrollably, bursting out of the smoke and over the rooftops. In the corner of his eye, he could just see his opponent, having escaped with 
Xerokine: -*- one of those damn portals, collapsing onto the roof. Hopefully dead. Maybe he'd have a heart attack. It had worked once. Unfortunately, Xerokine didn't have time to think such joyful thoughts, as a sudden lance of pure 
Xerokine: -*- pain shot through his pain, like a thousand white-hot knives ripping into his flesh and slowly twisting. A scream nearly ripped from his lungs, and would have, had the impact not snapped his jaw shut with a sudden jolt. The 
Xerokine: -*- flames seared away his cloak and the rest of his shirt, leaving him in black rags and thankfully intact pants as he fell. A second wave of heat, this one pure white and impossibly more powerful then the first, shot past like a 
Xerokine: -*- judgment from the gods. Though it missed, thanks to the first attack, the shockwave rippled outward and was enough to send Xerokine crashing through the weakened rooftop, down into the top floor offices and though 
Xerokine: -*- another floor, leaving him battered and bleeding in the center of a conference room. His chest felt like it had caved in and died, leaving at least two of his ribs broken or heavily bruised. His back was numb, if only because his 
Xerokine: -*- nerve endings had been seared off by the flames. His sword was gone, dropped either in the explosion or thrown free from the subsequent attacks. His right arm dangled, useless, either broken or dislocated. Perhaps both. 
Xerokine: -*- Xerokine rolled onto his side, nearly bit off his tongue from the pain, and uttered the only word appropriate. "...Ow."
Quinton: shouts several explatives as a large beam of energy appears from out of nowhere and very nearly vaporizes everything in the area, narrowly missing his apartment building but still managing to shatter the glass that was the only thing separating
Quinton: <c> his room, his home from the outside world.  It wasn't that he cared overly much about that, more than the fact that he had just paid a five hundred dollar deposit on that particular window, for no reason the apartment manager would tell him.
Quinton: <c>  Meanwhile, he had just narrowly escaped being vaporized by the blast himself, thanks to some quick thinking and an even quicker fall due to an unseen pickle jar.  His pride was more damaged than anything else, but he was also angry.
Quinton: <c>  Not that he could do much about it besides shout uselessly.  Which he continued to do.  "Damn hell you people!  Can't you do this somewhere that's not right outside my apartment?!  It's like three in the morning my god!"
Rini: gets hit from behind by Oafy just after she launches her flaming ball of energy.  The impact from the man makes her lose her concentration, sending her and him crashing into the side of the building Xerokine was 'forced' into by her own impacting 
Rini: (c) ball of energy.  Just after she hit the building with her right side, she noticed an blinding flash of horrible energy which narrowly missed her, Oafy, and Xerokine.  Glass from the skyscraper cut her face arm and imbedded itself into her clot
Rini: (c) clothes as they crashed onto the floor heavily, her head smacking the hard floor, despite its carpeting.  She manages, although extremely dizzy and disorientated, to sit up and scream as the man that hit her was laying on top of her.  She put 
Rini: (c) her hand, palm facing him, to his face and began releasing a blast of energy at him "Pervert! Get away from me!!!" she screamed, blood oozing down her face from the cuts of the glass.  Despite her hatred of Xerokine, she couldn't help but worr
Rini: (c) worry about him in the back of her mind.  He deserved death, but his death would be at HER hands and her hands alone.
Xregg: groaned loudly as he moved his one functioning arm and hand underneath him and pushed himself up, his knees gradually and painfully take their place underneath him.  A stready stream of blood was making it's way out of his mouth and pooling
Xregg: (C) itself underneath him, the nerve of some things.  Xregg spat out a large collection of blood mixed with bile, saliva and lord knows what else he was expelling from his mouth at this point, "Uuuugh..." He exclaimed loudly, somehow
Xregg: (C) he though this would be less painful than it actually was, but the fact of the matter was, it was excrutiatingly painful.  There was the sound of combat going on still, who else was it that was fighting? Xregg couldn't really remember
Xregg: (C) anyone else fighting, he had been occupied with his single opponent.  Speaking of which, where -had- Xerokine disappeared to.  Xregg opened his eyes, well...at least attempted to open them, one of them was most definitely not
Xregg: (C) responding to the 'open' command he was trying to send to it.  With his -good- eye he gazed the scene of their battle, attempting to find his opponening only to see no visible sign of him.  Xregg groans loudly, how much energy did he
Xregg: (C) have left to draw upon? Not a lot, he knew that for sure, anymore and he risked losing himself.  But still, he had something that needed doing.  And so, a pool of iqour formed underneath him and he simply slided into it, only to come
Xregg: (C) -falling- out of the broken in ceiling of some...building...somewhere.  Next to him laid a smoking carcess of the man he was pretty sure was Xerokine, though, it would take a lot to know that for a fact at this point.  Xregg merely stairs
Xregg: (C) at the man laying across the room from him, and chuckles, a spattering of blood leaking out of the corner of his mouth, "Even...enough..." He gurgles out across the floor.
Oafy: groans in pain, realizing the flying tackle was a poor last second decision made out of anger. It could have been much worse, however... Luckily, and literally, a little girl broke his fall. Though he felt bad, he paid for it as she slammed
Oafy: - his face with an energy blast, tossing him back from her and into a filing cabinet. Poor Human Resources will be cleaning up the mess in their department for a year. Though his face is sore, and he feels the urge to beat the hell out of the
Oafy: - young girl, he did inflict some nasty onto her already.. and she did save his life once.. "Er.. Right. Sorry," he says, dusting off glass from his shirt, as he stands in pain slowly. "Listen, I want revenge on that punk, and I gather you have
Oafy: - your OWN score to settle. Bygones?" Though he doesn't wait for a reply, he glances out the window of the building they had crashed through. "He... I get the feeling he's close. I could tackle you down a few floors, but I get the feeling you'd
Oafy: - rather walk it yourself." After a moment to let his words take affect, he leaps out the building, crashing to the streets below with tremendous speed and force, fortunately on his feet. "AAAAH.. That was.. not too bad," he winces.
Jerle: begins grinning madly.  "THAT FELT SO GOOD!  WHO SHOULD I GO FOR NEXT?!"  Snickering to himself, he prepares another energy wave, the lowers his hands again.  (You know what, fuck this half power shit... I'm goin all out!)  "KAIOKEN TIMES SIXTEEN!
Jerle: (C) (Who's next?  That girl?  Yeah... The girl... She looks too much like my mom.  The bitch died and abandoned me to my abusive fuck of a stepfather!)  His aura flares up even more intense as he puts all his focus into preparing the next energy w
Jerle: (C) wave fly in the direction of the building where the girl is thrown into.
Rini: watches Oafy get up off from her and she stays her attack before sensing a horrible power quickly approaching just after the man jumps from the building to the ground below, 'No time!' she thinks to herself.  Using instinct and her training up to 
Rini: (c) this point she knew what she had to do.  Grabbing and holding her fans in front of her and channels all of her energy into one great blast of power into the floor of the skyscraper, creating a hole straight down the building to ground level.  
Rini: (c) Nearly spent of her energy, she literally falls into the hole and uses what little remains of her energy to mask her power and guide her rapid decent.  She finally twists her body as she gets close to the ground and lands with a sickening thud
Rini: (c) as pain coursed throughout her small body.  She knew she was badly hurt, but there was nothing she could right now until she managed to get home to safety.  She could hear the whole building beginning to explode from the horrible blast of powe
Rini: (c) power and with it would come the entire collaspe of the building.  Miraclously finding the entrance into the sewer system, she knew she had barely escaped death and for a few seconds at least, layed in the shallow, cool waters, now tinged red 
Rini: (c) with her own blood.  Her wounds were not fatal, but it would be some time before she would be back in proper fighting form. 'I swear, I'll get him someday..and..whoever did this to us this night..' she thinks, barely able to stand and being he
Rini: (c) *began her trek home.
Xerokine: grimaced, trying to ignore the beats of pain resonating through his body with each breath. "Well, long time... no see..." he spat out, blood tracing down the sides of his face and dripping onto the broken table. His bloody grin 
Xerokine: -*- looked like a death mask, a crimson shadow of his mocking expression. "What do you... say we... get out of here... whatever the heck... your name is?" Wincing as he used his good left arm to pull himself across the wooden shards, 
Xerokine: -*- Xerokine grabbed Not-Techagi by his arm. As a too-bright ivory light began to fill the room from another too-powerful energy attack, Xerokine's growing shadow seemed to take a life of its own, rippling like black water as the two 
Xerokine: -*- fighters sank into it. The shadow collapsed in on itself and vanished, just as the entire top half of the building was turned to ash. A few blocks away, on a sidewalk the two fighters had been darting across just a half-hour earlier, a 
Xerokine: -*- shadow bubbled up from the ground and burst, leaving the two bleeding, broken, and now nearly unconscious fighters lying on the pavement.
Xregg: groans loudly as he emerges from the bubbling shadow with Xerokine, both on the ground apparently content to bleed their ever-living guts out all over the freakin sidewalk, like they don't have anything better to do than just lay there
Xregg: (C) and bleed.  What a bunch of lazy bums.  Xregg sighed lightly, not really wanting to close his eye due to the unnatural sensation he was having that if he closed his eye, he wouldn't be opening it up any time soon, "You know..."
Xregg: (C) he groans lowly to his fellow bloody body, "If I..." Xregg coughs up another healthy dose of blood, "Had just gone a little harder..." Xregg attempts to give an empty chuckle, but all he manages to do is cough up another, this time
Xregg: (C), unhealth amount of bloood, "I would've won. Man..." Taking in a deep breath and pain shooting up through his lungs, broken ribs...lots too, "I could really use a smoke."  The sound of sirens could be heard in the distance, the local
Xregg: (C) authority probably, medical personelle hopefully.  Coincidentally, Xregg and Xerokine were no longer anywhere -near- ground zero of the battle that occured. Xregg chuckled in a bloody manner as flashing lights filled his fading vision.
Lye: pulls himself up the derelict elevator shaft, his laboratory having been in ruins for...  He wasn't even sure when his lab had stopped functioning.  Its nuclear power supply, which was suppose to last forever... 
Lye: (c) Apparently it didn't, which he supposed was a testament to how much time had passed.  Now he was pulling himself up not by ladder, not by cables, but by using his energy to create holes to climb up.  He was slowly escaping.
Lye: (c)How he longed for the fresh air of the surface, when he had awoken to his barely functional android he had little hope for survival.  His muscles were non-existent, and he was barely able to move.  He sighed...
Lye: (c)Another few meters and he would reach the end of the shaft, and have to pry open the cold metallic doors, then start his slow trudge over the desert...  That is, if they area above was still a desert.  He couldn't be sure.
Lye: (c)Ten seconds, and with a swift grunt he slammed his fist into the metallic door, the rust giving away easily to the force.  With his strength he pushed the sliding doors to their sides, and crawled out of the ground.  
Xerokine: pshawed, an expression that involved spewing up a wad of blood and spitting it to the side before he choked on it. "I totally held back," he replied casually, right arm flopping at an unnatural angle as he shifted to a less painful 
Xerokine: -*- position. It didn't work. "See, if I had used my full power... wouldn't have been any fun. Always gotta hold back... otherwise it offends all the people weaker then me... get it?" Xerokine decided that this out be a good time to lie 
Xerokine: -*- back and wait for the ambulance that was screeching to a halt nearby, and enjoying the lifting sensation of being piled into the back of one. "Wheee."
Lye: wasn't surprised when the cool night air flushed over his face for the first time in a millennia.  His antennae billowed for a moment, as he let the soothing breeze flush the sweat covering his brow.  It had been hell getting up that shaft.
Lye: (c)It didn't matter now however, he was free.  His body was to a point where it could move, his muscles trained enough where he could defend himself from the common thugs the human race were so fond of.  
Lye: (c)However, what should have been a barren desert was a sprawling city.  He glanced around for a moment, realizing that he had just rose above ground in what appeared to be a park.  "Indeed..."  He said out loud to himself.
Lye: (c)For some reason he had a feeling he was going to get allot of surprises, mostly with the placement of the human race.  They had either expanded, or their cities had changed.  It was of little consequence.
Lye: (c)For the moment he supposed he should get clothes that were tattered with age.  The blue suit that he had been infamous for in the times of The Corporation under Reed Reijiro was little more than rags.  
Lye: (c)"This won't do at all."  He said as he continued walking slowly towards the main street, his ears wiggling at the sounds of an ambulance in the distance.  His first order of business... He needed clothes and supplies.
Lye: (c)"Question is..."  He wasn't sure if he wanted to find a hospital so he could stock up on powerful meds, or a clothing store so he could get a suit.  'Lack of cash boyo...'  A grumbling in his throat, and he continued to walk.  
Chromoxome: Staring up at the sign. Only a few inches above his face. Blatantly rejecting him from the nightclub style restraunt he wished to so badly to attend. -must be twenty one to enter- "why cant it be 20..im close enough.."
Chromoxome: (c)"maybe what the old oaf told me was true..its earth..its dbzu..i dont have to be twenty one." "Eighteen is legal here.." He says to himself while pondering if it would be such a big deal to get caught. "doors pretty ugly anyway..."
Chromoxome: (c)He lets out under his breath while pushing it open slightly just enough to peak in, two guards with their backs to him. "ninja mode" he says to himself like a young child does in the terms of car noises when they stop walking.
Chromoxome: (c)Anxious and Paranoid he holds his face in his hands, wandering. Pondering, Honestly. simply..talking to himself "was the old oaf talking about drinking age limit.. or was he coming onto me"
Chromoxome: (c)"But if he was coming onto me. Why didnt he offer me alcohol. damnit." he exclaims slamming his fist against the wall that is holding him up. "fucking old oaf. make it more clear next time"
Rini: reaches the end of the sewer system for Aqua Polis and falls, exhausted over a hundred feet into a small lack below.  Several minutes of floating finally brings her to rest on the shore, cold, bloodied, battered, but alive.  She slowly picks herse
Rini: (c) herself up, barely able to stand. She falls to her knees, the feeling of weakness nearly overcoming her.  She clenches her small hands into fists and struggles against the pain, the anger of seeing her old enemy again combined with that strang
Rini: (c) strange warrior trying to kill them all.  She starts to cry and tears flow from her eyes, tears of anger and pain.  She cries out in rage as her hair whips madly about her, a immense pink aura flares about her, beginning flame and pulsate with
Rini: (c) power.  The color is mixed with a pure golden energy as her dirty, blood stained pink hair clumps together and spikes up, glowing with a golden light as her red eyes flash a beautiful light green for a moment.  She closes her eyes and stands u
Rini: (c) up, letting out a feral scream as the earth beneath her shakes violently, her hair and aura turning and glowing with a strong golden light.  As she opens her now emerald green eyes, she feels the power flowing through her small body. Although 
Rini: (c) still injured, she now had the strength she needed to get home and to create a stronger base for her training.
Rini: stretches out carefully, preparing for her morning workout and day long training sessions.  She had managed to bandage herself up from the last nights brutal escapade, but even the bandages still couldn't take away all the pain.  However, despite 
Rini: (c) the pain, she knew she still had to carry on with her training.  The morning sun show down on the grassy field near her home, the dew glistening in the early morning light as a light, cool breeze blew at the long grass and the leaves on the fe
Rini: (c) few sparse trees around the area.  After stretching, she ties her long pink hair into two meatballs on her head, tightens her belt on her training gi and envelops herself in a soft pink aura.  She hovers into the air a few feet, sits down, cro
Rini: (c) crosses her legs and begins her meditation, preparing for the grueling phyiscal exertion she'll endure.
Xregg: shifted slightly, he felt uncomfortably numb, well...physically this go around at the very least.  Consciousness seemed to be creeping upon him slowly, what a terribly un-ninja like tactic it was employing too, it was accompanied by
Xregg: (C) the throbbing numbness that came from massive amounts of tranquilizers and medicines.  These feelings were accompanied by a dull throbbing across his temple, a heartbeat maybe, who the hell knew at this point? Xregg's eyes gently
Xregg: (C) eased open, and at first there was simply a blinding white abyss that seemed to stretch out over an eternity, forever and ever, "Oh god..." He muttered to himself, his blurred vision and disoriented mind attempting to make sense out
Xregg: (C) of what was going on, "I'm in hell." He groaned loudly and closed his eyes once again, not wanting to be in his own personal hell at this very moment.  Then he heard a peculiar sound, 'Nurse! Could you check on the Does that came in
Xregg: (C) last night, we're reading some fluctuatings.' 'Right away, Doctor.' What the hell kind of hell had doctors in it? Xregg opened his eyes again, same bright eternity except this time it was less eternity-ish, and more a small white room
Xregg: (C) with the window open to the sun.  Xregg shook his head slightly and looked at his arm, a tube stretched from his arm to a bag being held on a pole, the bag had a bunch of small words on it.  The words that were in big bold print were the
Xregg: (C) ones that struck him as odd, "Horse Tranquilizer." He read out loud.
Rini: finally arrives back at Aqua Polis, despite her injuries at this place the night before, she felt drawn here, perhaps to see her nemesis again, should he decide to rear his ugly head.  "Hmm...", she says outloud, stopping on the same bridge which 
Rini: (c) that wierd Oafy fellow fell or jumped 'Xerokine isn't ugly, he's just..well, dark, that's it..' she thinks to herself, shrugging.  She continues walking, this time past the reconstruction of the skycraper destroyed.  It would take quite some t
Rini: (c) time to rebuild, but it seemed the people were hard at work in doing so.  She only glances that structure momentarily as she moves on, she had thought about going to check at the hospital for Xerokine, but realized it was pointless.  He had sa
Rini: (c) saiyan blood, he was by now, probably fully healed and causing rukus somewhere.  However, just as she was going to sit in the park and think, she once again felt a familiar presence, mixed, confused 'Who IS that..?' she thinks, turning around,
Rini: (c) trying in vain to pin-point the location, but failing 'Odd, whoever it is...they're in the city somewhere..' she thinks, walk towards the busy downtown section.
Xerokine: -*- "Finally awake?" came a bored voice from the bed across the room. The two of them seemed to be the only ones in this section of the hospital, undoubtedly due to the strange circumstances they were found in, and the presence of 
Xerokine: -*- several police officers waiting outside to question them about certain buildings and why they had suddenly exploded. "This place doesn't even have cable, you know. At least the humans stopped barraging me after an hour of glaring at 
Xerokine: -*- them and making my eyes glow," he added absently, brushing aside the sheets and hopping to his feet. There was a brief commotion at the door, which only got louder when Xerokine shoved his former bed up against it, trapping it 
Xerokine: -*- shut. "Oh, shut up," he snapped, frowning through the small windows. "Humans. Such noisy creatures." A faint black haze surrounded Xerokine's body, the shadows beneath his feet flowing upward until he was covered head to 
Xerokine: -*- toe in a dark cloak, black slacks, and a matching shirt. "Moving right along," he continued, picking up one of the unused IV bag poles and twirling it like a quarterstaff. "Where were we?"
Xregg: squints his eyes at Xerokine analytically, his mind felt like freaking jello or something else that is lethargic and ponderously slow, "Ugh..." Xregg pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes tightly, "Who's idea was it to pump me
Xregg: (C) full of tranquilizers for horses?" Xregg reached the IV that extended out of his arm and yanked it out with a resounding grunt, his whole body basically felt like mud and the banging from the outside of the door that had been forced
Xregg: (C) shut really wasn't helping his situation, at all.  Xregg grabbed the bed sheets that covered him up and threw them off, only to reveal some...piss poor attempt at a gown. With this realization came another dawning epiphany, his ass
Xregg: (C) was uncomfortably cold, as well as his back.  This...hospital gown had no back to it, butt bare nothing.  Xregg raised a hand to Xerokine and waved him off in an aggitated manner, "You and I are going to have to do this some other time
Xregg: (C) and could -somebody- PLEASE SHUT THEM THE HELL UP!?"
Oafy: stands like a defiant monument atop a hospital within Aqua Polis, glaring with unblinking eyes onto the city. Wind whips past him, causing ripples against his black t-shirt, slightly dusted with dirt, though you wouldn't know it. It'd been a few
Oafy: - hours at this point, since Oafy woke up in a dreary alley with the other homeless folk, one of which was kind enough to provide him with a box for sleeping in over the night. Two solid hours, since flew to the top of the hospital, having
Oafy: - followed the calling that he felt the night before. He wasn't sure how he knew it, but the cloaked man, and the one who 'saved him' from his first attempt at flight, were both within the hospital. He never got their names, and he felt it necessa
Oafy: - necessary. Oafy specifically desired to know the name of the cloaked one, whom he desired a chance to choke half to death. It would be only fair. His dream last night awoken something within him, and though the details of the dream escaped him c
Oafy: - he came out with greater knowledge of himself, and everything around him. Needless to say, he knew he wouldn't be pushed over the rail of a bridge so easily. "They'd best leave the hospital soon. I need to take a piss..."
Essex: leans back in the broken pew, folding his hands over his lap. He focuses his thoughts, trying to pick out familiar powerlevels in the universe. He opens his eyes and stands ups. "Xero...kine?"
Essex: (*) He asks aloud, shaking his head. "And... another..." He blinks again. "Greg? No, it's... familiar but not his." He steps outside of the chapel, closing and locking the massive mahogany doors
Essex: (*) behind him. He walks down the street, seeing if he can pinpoint the exact location of the two familiar energy traces. "Aqua Polis, eh?" He raises his fingers to his forehead, trying to focus 
Essex: (*) exactly on the powerlevels so he wouldn't 'bamf' into a wall or something. "Here goes." He blinks out of existence, appearing in a hallway of a hospital. "A hospital...?" He looks left and
Essex: (*) right, noticing a room and peering through the window.
Xerokine: rolled his eyes derisively. "I had assumed that - even with human blood - you'd be healed by now," he remarked, absently tossing the pole through the door and whichever policeman was closest. "Pity. What happened, 
Xerokine: -*- did Techagi take all his better skills with him when he left? Maybe," Xerokine theorized, tapping his chin thoughtfully. "You split? Into Saiya-jin and human halves? That would explain why you're such a weakling." A few screams rang 
Xerokine: -*- out from the hallway, where the blood of the dead cop was slowly dripping through the hole in the door. There was also something about people appearing from mid-air. Probably delusional. Or the brat was back. Or both. Humans 
Xerokine: -*- were weird. "You never did explain exactly what happened," Xerokine pointed out, holding his cloak fastidiously out of the growing pool of blood tracing through the room. "Only that Techagi ascended to a higher plane of existence 
Xerokine: -*- and left you behind. Apparently because you're a moron." He was about to continue, but then noticed the tube of tranquilizer. "Oh, right. That." Xerokine coughed into his hand. "That may have been me. I healed last night, I got bored."
Xregg: groans loudly and shakes his head, attempting to shake off the dull slowness that just simply didn't want to let go of him.  It took a lot of his personal effort to just stay conscious at this point he was so pumped full of drugs'n shit.
Xregg: looked up at Xerokine through one eye, the other still shut against the white blindness that seemed to occupy their room, "You...got...bored?" The words echoed in his mind and he attempted to mul this statement over a little.  Oddly enough
Xregg: (C) this wasn't something that suprised Xregg just a whole hell of a lot, in fact, he was pretty sure that stuff like this was fairly common between Xerokine and his former, complete self, "He left of his own volition..." He says through
Xregg: (C) a muddled mouth, half covered up by a hand that was keeping his closed eye closed, "I doubt he knew I would even come into existence...ugh..." His ass was still unusually cold.  Oh well, no sense in worrying over spilt milk, Xregg leaned
Xregg: (C) up in the bed and looked at the door where Xerokine had thrown his IV bag pole through and apparently killed someone in the process, "Thanks. That pounding just wasn't working for me."
Quinton: sits up suddenly, screaming loudly, his eyes widened very nearly to the point where they were on the verge popping out.  Almost instantly, several women came to his side, in a feeble attempt to calm him down.  Calm down?  Who could be calm
Quinton: <c> when your spaghetti suddenly turned into BEES?!  After a moment, however, he realized that his spaghetti had -not- turned into bees and that he was, in fact, lying in a hospital bed, with several pads attached to his chest and an IV sticking
Quinton: <c> from his arm.  Neither of these were connected to anything now, however, as his wild flailing had forced them from their respective devices.  He breathes heavily before beginning to tear up, planting his face into the first firm bosom he
Quinton: <c> could find.  "Oh, it was horrible!  There were bees everywhere!" he sobbed, trying to grab as much as he could before he was pushed away with a stinging slap.  "Eh heh...  Sorry about that...  I had a rough night last night, see, and now
Quinton: <c> I...  Wait, why am I here...?" he asks confusedly, suddenly realizing he is, in fact, in a hospital.  "Hey, uh...  Could you...  Could you get me some pants?  And food?  ...And maybe your number?" This last question is greeted with another sla
Quinton: <c> slap, which prompts him to sigh in defeat.  "Okay, just those first two.  I've got a headache, too.  Maybe some aspirin?"
Oafy: grows frustrated with waiting for the two warriors to emerge from the hospital, and in an act of impatience, leaps over the side of the rooftop. He dives into a swooping motion, gliding alongside the hospital at first, but curving outward widely
Oafy: - only to come back at the structure head on at full force. The sensation he came to rely on lead him to this point, as he crashes through the window of a private hospital room. In the most elegant of methods of crash landing, he falls into a
Oafy: - roll, stumbling forward until hopping onto his feet in a relaxed manner. "So boys, what've you been up to since last night?" He questions the two, before looking up to gaze upon the patients. Unfortunately, only one was present.. and was
Oafy: - and aging old man, currently making use of a bed pan. "...Uh. Just going to..." He begins, backing up from the scene, towards the window he fell through. The old man returns a surprised stare, not saying a word. Without another thing said,
Oafy: floats out the window, down a couple floors where the sensation drawing him close felt strongest. With a nudge, he opens the window enough to sneak through. Even in his careful approach, he sees another equally horrific sight: an eye full of
Oafy: - Xregg's ass. "You know, pants don't cost much.."
Essex: takes a step back as the IV Bag Pole soars busts through the door, and the chest of the guard. "Well. That must be Xerokine." He says, taking the handle and opening the door, the dead guards
Essex: (*) body dragging with it, leaving a trail of blood. He ducks down and steps into the room, crossing his arms over his chest and looking left and right. "There seems to be a problem in here, no?"
Essex: (*) Looking over at Oafy busting through the window. "Oaftres." He uncrosses his arms, letting them hang at his sides. "We need to have a talk, and if you ever call me a hobo again, I'll eat you."
Xerokine: blinked. "Oh," he realized, nodding sagely. "The door opens -outward-." Thankfully, it seemed that most of the hospital staff and the surviving guard had fled, either from his harpooning attempt or from Essex popping out of 
Xerokine: -*- thin air in the middle of a hallway. Hopefully they weren't going for backup. That could get annoying. "This seems to be my, uh... two days for reunions," Xerokine observed, arms clasped behind his back as he walked forward in a 
Xerokine: -*- subtle arc, amber eyes glancing between Oaftres and Essex while his cloak fluttered behind him. "Oaftres, huh? No one you took to the brat so well," he remarked. "You always did have a rather disturbing fondness for underage girls. 
Xerokine: -*- And Essex. What have you been up to? Besides eating the faces off kindergardners." He paused. "Or am I thinking of Pratz?"
Xregg: shook his head again, "Xerokine, you need to slow down a bit more. I'm seeing some sort of...funky dragon thing...and somebody just walked through our window." His eye groggily shifted between the two figures, "Are you sure all you pumped me
Xregg: (C) full of tranquilizers?" He groans loudly despite his feeling that his senses were quickly returning to him and also, it of course had to be -after- his statement that his vision stopped looking so blurry.  There were, in point of fact,
Xregg: (C) two other people now in their room, one was that 'O' fellow, Oaftres or Oafy...whatever, he was an oaf.  And then there was this large dragony creature...thing.  Xregg could nothing except attempt his best at civility, "Okay..." he said
Xregg: (C) out load, eyeing each of the three men seperately, "You three either get me some clothes, a cigar and a drink or get the fuck out so I can find them myself..."
Quinton: lets out a sigh of contentment as he slips into the comfortable pants he had been wearing the night before.  Not that he hadn't minded terribly that the audience consisted of young women in nurse outfits, but there was a time for exhibition and
Quinton: <c> a time for wearing pants, and this was the latter.  He pulls out the needle that had been, moments before, feeding him liquid sustainence or some such thing.  It certainly hadn't done anything for his appetite.  Several of the nurses had
Quinton: <c> raised protest at him even being conscious this soon, after having been admitted with multiple skull fractures from falling head-first off of a very, very tall skyscraper the night before.  He didn't quite remember that having happened,
Quinton: <c> but who was he to doubt the word of a woman in a nurse's uniform?  Either way, he pushed the women aside and stepped out the door, breathing in the smell of freedom.  And blood.  Lots, and lots of blood.  He swiftly closed the door, and
Quinton: <c> told the women to stay in there.  As though that would keep them in.  Why was there...?  It was a hospital, yes, but this was different.  He had a nose for this sort of thing, and it didn't take long for him to find several bodies lying
Quinton: <c> in a hallway one floor up.  "What the hell...?" he exclaims, rushing toward the room into which several people had gathered.  Three of them had been present the night previous, awakening him from his restful slumber, while the fourth...
Quinton: <c> he had no clue what it was.  It smelled like trouble, regardless.  He sighs heavily, berating himself for what he was about to do.  "Hey there guys!  What's going on?"
Oafy: raises an eyebrow toward the man who addresses him as Oaftres; the second time they met. "Clearly it was a joke, buddy. I know me hobos; made a few friends last night in the alley. And what can we have to talk about... Guy?" Not knowing what
Oafy: - address the green creature as, he says 'Guy' with hesitation, just to get his point across - he'd like to hear a name. Xerokine's words strike his fancy next, as he addresses him with a grin. "Can't say I remember going after underage
Oafy: - girls, but..." A laugh escapes his lips, while approaching closer to the lot, passing Xregg and his exposed region, making it a point not to make eye contact with him. Poor guy sounded heavily drugged. Quinton bursts into the room, as 
Oafy: extends a hand to Xerokine. "Yes, I'm Oaftres, I suppose.. You are?" He eyes Quinton once over, recalling his face as a man who didn't get enough sleep last night. "Here for sleeping pills?"
Essex: shrugs off his brown trenchcoat and hands it to Xregg. "Here, wear this, but if you get crotch funk on it.. I'll eat your face." He looks back at Oaftres. "You really don't remember anything, do you?"
Essex: (*) He shakes his head, ignoring Quinton for the time being and turning back to Xerokine. "I'm here... to make you a proposition... The Syndicate, in all it's glory... was good, it was great... but lets
Essex: (*) be honest, they're weak now, and an abomination, and an embarassment to all the true Syndicate members." He shakes his head, popping his neck in the process. "I've come here to talk you into
Essex: (*) joining me." He glances over at Xregg. "Why do I get the feeling I know you?" He quirks and eyebrow and turns back to Quinton, looking down on the man. "And you are..?"
Xerokine: rolled his eyes. "Those things will kill you, ya know," he informed Not-Techagi, shrugging off his cloak and tossing it to the semi-conscious nullbreed. Because, let's face it, it's cooler then a brown coat. Thing looks 
Xerokine: -*- like someone had an accident all over it. "Ooh! That's great!" the man suddenly exclaimed, whirling around as a shimmer of black sparks reformed into a new cloak that settled onto his shoulders. "Null! That's the perfect name 
Xerokine: -*- for you." Xerokine nodded with satisfaction at Null, then turned toward Essex. "Interesting look. The gene therapy was clearly a failure. Ask for your money back." Honestly, the guy looked horrible. Something out of a bad movie. 
Xerokine: -*- Or possibly a popular foreign cartoon. "Where's DeArtair, anyway?" But Xerokine didn't get to find out yet, as another man burst in through the door and demanded an explanation, clearly not understanding the significance 
Xerokine: -*- of a dead body with a large pole sticking out of its chest. Xerokine sighed. "Look, Mint," he said sympathetically, wrapping an arm around the man's shoulders and turning him back toward the door. "Can I call you Mint? Mint, 
Xerokine: -*- here," he said, dropping a few coins into the man's pocket. "You go get yourself some nice clothes, maybe a shower, and probably some alcohol so you don't faint when you find a mirror. Good man." Lightly pushing him 
Xerokine: -*- toward the door, Xerokine considered the matter closed and was promptly assaulted by Oaftres. "Xerokine Drynwyn Caeruleus, the Shadowed Soul, Master of the Silver Dragon, Wielder of the Thousand Blades, Lord of 
Xerokine: -*- Caerulean Keep, and the Last Son of Lord Garick," he replied breezily, waving off the man's hand. "The pleasure is all yours, I'm sure." Next was Essex, it seemed. This was oddly like people were taking turns saying and doing 
Xerokine: -*- things, and he had to respond to all of them at once before it was someone else's turn again. "Based on your speech, I presume you're against SynTech. How exciting. Is there a plan involved, or is it just, 'we hate the 
Xerokine: -*- Syndicate, let's get together and have some drinks'?"
Xregg: held the two articles of clothing in his hands, a brown coat that looked like whatever it was that had given it to him had actually used to wipe it's own ass.  While the cloak on the other had looked bran -spanking- new, namely because
Xregg: (C) it technically was, and seemed to shimmer with a life all it's own, "Gee, decisions." And with that he clenches his fist around the black cloak and it seems to form into a liquid iqour and swirl up his arm as though it were alive.
Xregg: observed passively as the cloaked wormed it's way around his form before somehow forming a cloak around his body that provided comfort and solice to his naked ass.  Now, still not being 100%, he needed to buy some time for himself -just- in
Xregg: (C) case something was going down.  He then decided to look at the Dragon monster and quirk an eyebrow and with all the resolution he could muster gave an answer to his inquiry, "I don't know."
Quinton: grins broadly, attempting to look as non-threatening as possible in the presence of the gathered warriors.  They looked very dangerous.  It wasn't anything he couldn't handle though, right?  He hoped.  Suddenly, the man in the cloak moves
Quinton: <c> toward him, apparently thinking he was some wandering dullard who had just wandered into the wrong room.  He should have just went along with it.  He probably wouldn't have had to worry about the consequences of his next action.  "Excuse
Quinton: <c> me, mister cloak.  I'm not going to sit idly by while you people do things like that," he says, pointing to the impaled corpse laying in the hallway.  "Or awaken me from a very restful night's sleep.  I think...  I've got to...  To stop
Quinton: <c> you people!" he shouts this last piece, wondering what had possessed him to even bother with these men.  Before he could stop himself, he rushed through the room, and out the window, leaving behind a ball of energy that would be enough to at
Quinton: <c> least encloak the room in a fiery explosion.  He then hits the ground, rushing away from the hospital at top speed.
Oafy: retracts his hand, noting the mans seemingly disdain for a polite introduction, or physical contact. To be fair, Xerokine did appear a bit too greasy, and given a second chance, he would pass on touching him. "Right... Master of.." He pauses
Oafy: - to regather his thoughts, realizing he'd forgotten all but Xerokine's name. Not bothering to bring up this fact, he addresses the whole group, upon words exchanged by the dragonic being and Xero. "You know, going out for a few drinks might not
Oafy: - be a poor choice for the rest of the day..." One word echos throughout his mind, however. 'Syndicate'. He knew that name.. But how? And from where? It had some great importance to him, but he wasn't sure on what level. Rather than inquire to
Oafy: - to it, he remains silent.
Oafy: glances behind himself, as the insomniac bolts out of the window, leaving behind a glowing ball of pain. With the kick of his foot, Oafy upturns one of the empty (one would hope, at this point) hospital beds, dropping to the floor behind it,
Oafy: - and braces. The fiery explosion engulfs the bed, wrecking it in an instant, tearing through and splashing Oafy's flesh with burning energy. Left laying there in a ruined room, he looks around through a smoking veil, all the while hoping his
Oafy: - man pretty face isn't burnt irreparably.
Xerokine: growled under his breath as the strange, babbling man dropped an energy bomb before jumping out through the window. A pity Oaftres had left it open. "Whelp, time to go," he casually announced, snapping his fingers. The 
Xerokine: -*- air around the three of them bubbled outward and burst, revealing that Xerokine, Null, and Oaftres were now standing on the sidewalk just outside the hospital. "Well, that worked bet-" Xerokine began, when the sixth floor above them 
Xerokine: -*- suddenly detonated outward, raining down a veritable cornucopia of rock splinters, glass shards, and pieces of Null's hospital bed. "Oops. Forgot Essex."
Xregg: took the hood of his borrowed cloak and shielded his head from the falling debris, keeping his gaze resolutely upon the two other men who were with him.  He just shook his head and thought, "It's time to leave, I'd prefer not to have the
Xregg: (C) local authorities thinking we did this...again." And with that he simply began walking off, apparently oblivious to the fact that underneath his bare feet were jagged rocks, shattered glass and things that...well...would turn a normal
Xregg: (C) persons feet into a noodle like pasta of flesh, blood and bones. However, in this mans case, what was left underneath his feet looked like somebody had smashed the glass and debris, "A new wardrobe is in order as well." He
Xregg: (C) commented dryly, to himself as much as to anyone else, since he wasn't even sure if the other two men were following him or not.  Regardless, being underneath an exploding building held less prospect to him than being on top or
Xregg: (C) going through an exploding building, both of which he's experienced recently.  So, it was time for a change of scenery.  Xregg extended a hand forward and a dark portal of energy that seemed to flow in upon itself as well as let
Xregg: (C) small whisps of dark whispiness flow out from it, "Coming, gentlemen?"
Quinton: winces slightly at the loud explosion that rang through the air as he rushed away.  He stops and turns back to gaze upon his handiwork, as a shower of debris rains down onto the sidewalk below, where the murderous hooligans had, somehow,
Quinton: <c> relocated to.  "I gotta learn how to do that..."  he mutters, wondering if he should go back to finish the job.  Though it looked as though their hair hadn't even been ruffled.  "And it'd be three against one...  Not even counting the fact
Quinton: <c> that just one of them could probably make paste out of him.  Why was he even considering this?  He had gotten them out of the hospital, and probably caused more damage than they had even intended.  What more could he do?  Sighing in resignatio
Quinton: <c> he heads towards the apartment building he called home.  Even if it was only fifty dollars a month, smelled of urine, and leaked everywhere.
Oafy: 's eyes adjust to seeming teleportation Xerokine performed to save their collective asses, and immediately stands up to face him. "Good save," he compliments, following the other mans lead to some sort of dark portal. Not alarmed in the least
Oafy: - by the fact people are teleporting around, and creating rips in the space-time continuum, Oafy nods for Xregg to lead them out of this place. "I've had police chasing me earlier this week for a misunderstanding. Rather not give them a second
Oafy: - reason to chase me out of another city," he agrees plainly with the man, still unsure as to his name. "You have a name, right? I'd rather not know you as 'that guy who grabbed me outta the sky', or 'guy whose ass I saw'..." He says tiredly.
Xerokine: shrugged absently and followed the nullbreed through the portal. "He's Null, the cast-off remnants of Techagi who ascended to a plane of eternal darkness. He doesn't talk much and is recovering from a large amount of horse 
Xerokine: -*- tranquilizer that's been pumped into his blood over the past few hours," he remarked casually, pausing at the portal's entrance. "So don't mind him if he acts weird." Hopefully, any Saiya-jin tendencies he had would help to metabolize 
Xerokine: -*- the toxin and remove it from his system rather quickly. Though, just how Saiya-jin or human a halfbreed was varied from person to person, and as far as Xerokine knew, splitting into two probably didn't help matters.
Xregg: closed his eyes and shook his head, "Xregg." He said solemnly to the two, seeing as now had actually be the first real moment of peace he had long enough to tell anyone what his actually name was, "Techagi is apparently my last name. So
Xregg: (C) you can quit with this 'Null' or 'Not-Techagi' crap, cause it was old last night and it isn't getting any younger."  Xregg lead the two men into his dark portal and a quick flash of abyssal nothingsness and the three men were
Xregg: (C) somewhere -not- near the exploding hospital though obvious from the architecture and struture of their environment they were still in Aqua Polis, "I hate Hew Hope." Xregg offered lowly.  Upon closer inspection of their area
Xregg: (C) they had arrived on the rooftop of a small building that had a large sign reading "Alice's" nothing more, no "Pub", "Bar", "Restuarant", "Whore House", nothing...Just Alice's.  Xregg nodded solemnly and looked to the other two men
Xregg: (C), "Since neither of accomplished what I had asked, I took measures." And he hopped down to the entrance of the building, Xerokine's borrowed cloaking blowing in the breeze, briefly revealing Xregg's naughty parts for the world to see.
Xregg: turned to look up the roof edge and yelled up, "Hurry up already, it's amazingly cold out here." And with that he stepped into the buildings entrance.
Oafy: becomes disoriented for the briefest of seconds as the darkness consumes him, quickly fading to reveal their present location atop some sort of establishment. Little expression reads off him, as he shoots a sideways look to Xerokine. "Shall we?"
Oafy: flings himself over the side of the roof, landing neatly before the entrance. Hesitating to enter at first, he yanks the base of his shirt, pulling it free from its tucked in position under his jeans, giving him a sloppier appearance. "A bit
Oafy: - more appropriate, if I do say so myself," he grins wide, barging into Alice without a second thought.
Xerokine: rolled his eyes and brushed some dust off his shirt, leaving his black, silk clothing immaculate and nearly glistening. "If we must," he said, in a long suffering tone, as he lightly dropped onto the parking lot and followed 
Xerokine: -*- Xregg - how the heck do you pronounce that? Zreg? - and Oaftres into the old fashioned human diner. The theme of the restaurant, like everything else in the city, was water. Thus, the tables were arranged in a circle around the outer 
Xerokine: -*- edge of the large, blue-walled room, and the bar was in the center, through a curtain of beads designed to mimic a waterfall. The blue-white carpet and tinted lights continued the effect to an almost disturbing degree. "Oh, goodie. 
Xerokine: -*- We get to eat in a puddle." An overly cheerful waitress flounced over to them and flounced off again, directing them toward a table for four. "Soda," Xerokine said evenly, when asked what he'd like to drink. "Cola. Whichever brand you 
Xerokine: -*- happen to have, it doesn't matter."
Xregg: smirked to the men as they entered the establishment, watery or not, this place was amazingly good at what it did.  Which, oddly enough, seemed to be almost everything, "Grab a seat, I'll return shortly, order whatever you like.  You can 
Xregg: (C) have almost anything you want here." Xregg walks away from the table and approaches one of the waitresses and touches her gently on the shoulder.  The sudden touch, along with how silently Xregg had stalked across the room gave the
Xregg: (C) woman a comical startle.  She then looked at him quizzically, he simply leaned in a bit to whisper something into her ear.  Her eyes widened as he whispered, a crimson red quickly rose from her cheeks and she looked Xregg up and down in
Xregg: (C) his dark cloak, his bare feet sticking out underneath them.  She seemed embarrasingly speechless.  Xregg simply nodded slightly to her and then waited patiently for her to regain her composure, which took a bit of doing it seemed.
Xregg: was then led into a back room somewhere, the waitress came out a few moments later to continue her rounds as non-plushed as she could.  Several minutes later, Xregg came out of the room dressed in his own, usual attire.  Coming to
Xregg: (C) table he already had a cigarillo in his mouth that had been well lit, "Like I said, anything you want."
Oafy: shifts his weight in the chair a little, coming down to what would look an uncomfortable slouch, in a very laid back look, his legs sticking far out from underneath the table - it gives him a rather territorial look, or so he thinks. "Funny,"
Oafy: - he speaks, maintaing a dead eyed lock onto Xregg, while nudging Xerokine slightly. "You weren't gone long." He allows a break in conversation to let the insult sink in, while he surveys the room once over. He mimes drinking a bottle of something
Oafy: - to a waitress near the bar, who takes the hint and soon after swings by with a bottle of beer. "Thanks, put it on my good friend Xerokine's tab," he winks at her, making no effort to ask Xerokine for the favour in the least. "Well boys,
Oafy: - to amnesia!" He raises his bottle of beer to the group, waiting for a 'cheers' of sorts.
Xerokine: grunted something in reply to Oaftres' 'toast', nonplussed by the halfbreed's actions. He didn't intend to come back and pay any tab, after all. "If you're done sampling the goods, can we get something less disgusting to 
Xerokine: -*- eat?" he said evenly. "In all the events of people trying to blow us up, I think the two of you have forgotten Essex's offer. What little there was to forget." The waitress returned, making Xerokine pause and glance down the menu. He 
Xerokine: -*- tapped a finger against one of the larger steak specials. "Two of those. Medium rare. Don't bother with side dishes," Xerokine instructed the waitress.
Xregg: pulls his cigarillo out of his mouth between his index and middle fingers and puts the fingers to his forehead shaking his head slightly, "What little there was?" Closing his eyes and sighing loudly, "I don't remember any sort of
Xregg: (C) offer at all, I wasn't exactly in my right mind at that point." Xregg looks up at the waitress and looks down at the menu for what appeared as a cursory glance, "I'll have the same as him and a bottle of scotch.  Not a glass of scotch
Xregg: (C), not a shot of scotch, no.  A new bottle, I want to see the cork get pulled out of it's orifice, do you understand?" The dead-pan manner at which Xregg spoke to the women belied an obvious threat to her health if she did not
Xregg: (C) return with a full bottle of liqour.  Xregg then gives the women a shit eating grin, that stank of looking like it was something that Xregg had done purely out of habit, the confused and bewildered face that followed was obviously
Xregg: (C) something that was -less- of a habit.  Xregg merely went back to smoking his cigarillo at that point, finding some small solice in the taste of the cancer stick pursed between his lips.
Oafy: 's eyes shift between his two companions, not having considered even taking a menu in hand to look over. Rather than think it through, he taps the nearest waitress on the shoulder, "I'll have a basket of chicken wings, with some sort of hot sauce
Oafy: - on 'em. Better make it a good sized basket, too." His focus on the waitress waivers, before he fully pulls himself away from her entrancing aura. "Havn't eaten since I can remember." Grumbling this rather angrily, it almost sounds like a 
Oafy: - poor attempt at bragging, than a complaint. "Right though, Essex and his offer!" The sudden exclamation in a very enthusiastic attitude, fails to get the point across that he points out immediately: "Essex was who? And the offer was.. about..
Oafy: - ..what exactly?" In all fairness, he was playing dumb to make himself seem less intelligent than he truly is - not hard to do, but he felt it was something he did often in the past. The 'syndicate' was involved in this offer... The Syndicate.
Oafy: knew the name, and since its first mentioning, he understood it had a great importance. A seedy group of ruthless businessmen, hell bent on their own profit, regardless of the consequences to those around them... Or were they an emo band?
Oafy: shrugs off the thought, speaking his mind. "I'm not into that sort of music..."
Xerokine: waited until the waitress returned with their food to begin the explanation, and even then he sampled nearly half of the first steak before finally speaking. "The Syndicate was essentially a criminal organization that 
Xerokine: -*- owned nearly half of New Hope City and the surrounding businesses," he explained, spearing a piece of meat and squirting it with ketchup before popping the bloody chunk into his mouth. "It mostly worked through above-ground 
Xerokine: -*- companies that acted as a screen. SynTech was the most successful, a very profitable corporation that created military hardware and weaponry." Xerokine paused, draining half his glass in a single swallow. "The entire thing 
Xerokine: -*- was run by a man named Kalen DeArtair, and together with Techagi Industries and Draconian Enterprises, basically ran the entire city." The man paused, his amber eyes flicking toward Xregg for a moment to see if there 
Xerokine: -*- was any recongnition. "What essentially happened was that the Syndicate collapsed from the inside. A series of betrayals against DeArtair himself, starting with a man named Shim Wu'sha, splintered the unified organization 
Xerokine: -*- into dozens of rival warlords, which were easily picked off by the authorities. I had heard that recently, it had been revived, but if what Essex said is true, it is only a shadow of its former self. No surprise, without DeArtair at the 
Xerokine: -*- helm. And it seems Essex wants to crush the Syndicate once and for all, and is trying to gather people into his own private army to do so." Xerokine paused again, finishing his drink and the first steak in the same mouthful. 
Xerokine: -*- "Though why and what he plans, I have no idea."
Xregg: was pouring himself an iced cup of scotch as Xerokine gave his explanation, it was about the time he got around to the 'Techagi Industries' part that Xregg was enjoying his first taste of the liquor, his cup froze about half-way through
Xregg: (C) him drinking it down and he lowered it slightly so that he could give a steely eyed glare back towards Xerokine as the man had paused gracious to look directly at Xregg in the first place.  He remained silent throughout the remainder
Xregg: (C) of the explaining process, getting more out of what Xerokine had said in that short time than anything that he could remember the foggy haze of what had taken place at the hospital.  Not to mention all of the gaps in his own personal
Xregg: (C) memories about what all of this was.  He put the glass down and sliced away a bit of own steaks, munching on a part of it contemplatively before gulping it down, "The three business each specialized in their own diverse array of
Xregg: (C) products..." He spoke up slightly, sounding as though he were reading from a prompt, "However, they all had their own underbellies.  Military contracts, underground connections, paid off figure heads in places of power.  more than half
Xregg: (C) the police was on at least one of their payrolls." Xregg drinks the rest of his cup of scotch and begins pouring himself a new glass, making sure to keep his cigarillo ashes in the ash tray as well, "And the other half couldn't touch'm
Xregg: (C) due to beurocratic red-tape, set up, obviously.  However, when SynTech craved, the sister companies followed shortly their after.  Their betrayals ran deep and long." Xregg puffled lightly on his cigarillo before leaning back in
Xregg: (C) his chair and blowing smoke into the air, "It was a disaster of monumental proportions."
Oafy: emerges from a tranced-like state, with a simple quick blinking, followed by a shift in his seat. He cracks his back a bit, flexing his muscles in a few places. The talk of SynTech and its sister companies stirred an unknown feeling within him,
Oafy: - causing a mild confusion to arise. He knew these names.. some of these things fit into place so easily, helping make sense of the situation. That sensation though.. Not too different from the one he kept picking up around these lot, before
Oafy: - meeting up with them. He had to persue the Syndicate subject, and he knew it was of great importance to him somehow. Emotions boiled up deep down, a mixture of various ones that complicated the whole ordeal beyond understand. Simply
Oafy: - put however, he knew he didn't like the idea of these black market organizations. "This'll be the most serious I am for the rest of he night," he speaks softly, saluting with his good friend alcohol in hand as he does so. "I'm in. I don't know
Oafy: - for sure what the situation is, but I gather this is something I am suppose to be apart of. I need to speak with this Essex more..." His words trail off into an empty thought, and are lost as he begins to rip the flesh off a chicken wing with
Oafy: - his teeth, getting BBQ sauce all over his fingers. Tearing through the flesh, he moans almost erotically. "Y'guys want in on this?"
Xerokine: shook his head, ripping into his second steak with a refined ferocity. "This will do for me," he replied. "What I'd like to know is what Essex is up to. I doubt he wants to oppose the Syndicate, or something that calls itself that, 
Xerokine: -*- simply for the good of humankind." Xerokine popped another cut of meat into his mouth. "That sort of thing doesn't happen. I find it more likely he simply plans to replace whatever power structure rules New Hope now with whatever 
Xerokine: -*- organization he's cooking up. It would be the same as before, just with a new name and leader," he pointed out as he tossed his fork into his now-empty plate. A quick snap of his fingers summoned the waitress, who went off again 
Xerokine: -*- with Xerokine's dessert order. "If nothing else, I think it would be profitable for all three of us if we go along, just to find out more about whatever this counter-Syndicate plan of his is really about. Unless Zeg over here is more 
Xerokine: -*- obsessed with imitating a wrestler and perfecting his emotionless frown in the mirror," Xerokine said wryly.
Xregg: downed another solid glass of light brown liqour and sighed loudly as he placed the glass on the table in front of him abd simply began pouring himself another glass, "Xregg." He said simply, sucking on what was left of his cigarillo
Xregg: (C) before dousing it out in the ashtray and grabbing his refilled glass, "If you can't pronounce it, correctly, you obviously have less going for you than my previous self thought.  He apparently held you in quite the high esteem."
Xregg: smirked lightly at this comment and sipped on the filled glass of liqour, apparently now deciding to slow down on his consumption of alcohol and focus more on his steak, taking another large chunk out of it and swallowing it in a quick manner
Xregg: (C) that isn't human by any means, "Now, with that being said, I'm inclined to agree with you, Xerokine.  It would probably serve our own individual, as well as mutual, interests to take this Essex creature up on it's offer." Xregg tipped
Xregg: (C) his glass to his lips and enjoyed the burn of the liqour going down his throat, "If for no other reasy, it may be somewhat entertaining."
Oafy: finishes his first, and never his last, beer and sets it to the right of him where a passing waitress will be sure to note it. His spare hand reaches for a napkin, wiping off his mouth from all the sauce, likely so he'll be taken somewhat more
Oafy: - serious. "I," a burp is held in, "can agree with you both to some point, in that it's worth getting in to, and that this Essex likely has his own agenda." A second beer is dropped off to the table by a top-heavy woman, and Oafy can't help but
Oafy: - give her an obvious look over. The bottle touches his leaps, after he gets out another sentence. "What if we take this Syndicate out?" Forcing a cough, he plants the bottle down to his side, before inhaling deeply. "I don't like the idea of
Oafy: - killing off the predator, only to give way for a more deadly enemy with no competition." That thought off his mind, he inhales two wings, and chugs his beer. "You in for a pitcher?" He gestures to Xregg, having figured Xerokine not a beer man.
Xerokine: -*- "We don't even know if the Syndicate exists again or not," Xerokine pointed out, spooning a measure of vanilla ice cream into his mouth. "We need more information before we can make any sort of intelligent decision about this. If 
Xerokine: -*- we go along with Essex for now, we should be able to find the source of his information, and utilize it for ourselves." He took a moment to drizzle some hot chocolate syrup over the top of the ice cream, then to toss some chocolate 
Xerokine: -*- sprinkles over that. "This entire thing seems an exercise in futility to me, though," Xerokine added, taking another spoonful. "Does it really matter what group of corrupt humans is running these places? They're pretty much all the 
Xerokine: -*- same. As long as I can use them to gain power, I really couldn't care less what their ultimate goals are."
Essex: steps into the diner, eyes set ahead, obviously angry. He had burn marks and scuffs all over his scales, and a think trail of blood leaking from his mouth. His trenchcoat was burned and tattered, falling
Essex: (*) off him in most places. He looks left and right and grunts, snorting black smoke from his nostrils. The people in the diner stop eating for a moment and begin to stare at him, awestruck. "What, ain't
Essex: (*) any of you ever seen a dragon before?" He pops his neck and tightens his talons into fists, his knuckles popping as well. He walks over to booth where Xerokine, Xregg, and Oafy were sitting.
Essex: (*) "Do you mind if I join you?" He looks at them, still pissed about being blown up with the floor of the hospital earlier that day.
Xregg: nods slightly to the other two, "The difference being..." He glances over at Xerokine while lazing over his chair, his head arched to the side to observe the other patrons there, "We would be the one's pulling the strings, once again.
Xregg: (C) There's the course of running the current monstrosity out to replace it with our own hydra, really.  I wouldn't mind seeing the view from the top again to be honest." Xregg leans over the tap and grasps his cup, sipping once again on
Xregg: (C) the dark liquid that resides within it's glassy confines, "Manipulating the humans won't be the hard part, you know? They don't care who's in power as long as they get to keep what tiny excuses of lives they have in something that
Xregg: (C) resembles of-" Xregg's glanced shifted to the entrance as the draconic figure that had graced them with his presence earlier, and had subsequently been blow up in a hospital room.  Their table remained quiet as he made his way
Xregg: (C) over to them, "Normality." Xregg finishes off flatly whatever statement he was making prior to the scene being disrupted by the large figure.  The three men looked at the large figure and it was Xregg who happened to pipe up first in
Xregg: (C) this case, "That depends, what do you bring to the table?"
Oafy: takes in what information he can from the two ex-villains, and hums at thoughts that stir quietly in his head. 'One can only hope if they were not the base roots of the seedy problems of these organizations,' he keeps thinking over and over.
Oafy: hopes, deep down, these guys are not as bad as what they associate themselves to, or appear to have in the past. They seemed like good guys, not the sort he'd want to find out one day he would have to stand against. Hell, he wasn't even sure he
Oafy: - could match them in any manner. The dragon mans return raises more questions in his mind, yet he settles them aside; he'd provide answers given a chance. "What does he bring to the table? He's a god damn dragon; makes the rest of us look
Oafy: - insanely handsome by comparison. Take a seat, Essex," he shifts down the booth, making room for him. A point is made to keep a third beer he'd received from the blue-guy. "Feel free," he nods at the basket of wings, most of which are bones.
Xerokine: relaxed back into his side of the table, moving the half-eaten bowl of ice cream to the edge of the table so he can reach it easier. "So, what was it you wanted again?" he asked lazily, glancing around the diner as if asking only 
Xerokine: -*- out of politeness, not out of any reason curiousity or desire to know. Idly, he wondered what had happened to his sword. He should really go look for the damn thing. Stupid random beam of death. It was probably somewhere in the 
Xerokine: -*- wreckage of that building, really. Shouldn't be too hard to find.
Essex: turns around and takes an extra chair from a table of customers. They look at him and he snorts, causing them to hunch away from him. He turns around and sits in it, raising his hand and motioning
Essex: (*) for the waitress to come back over. "What do I bring to the table?" He asks, looking at all of the men. He reaches into the remains of his trenchcoat and retrieves a burnt manilla folder, tossing it 
Essex: (*) down on the table. "Information, resources... a chance to gain power... a chance to make a name for ourselves." He opens up the folder, a picture of Mr. DeArtair in it, paper clipped to research
Essex: (*) papers. "You forget, Xerokine, I was a high ranking SynTech engineer and scientist... I'm a genius with computers... The Syndicate's information is my information..." He grins, turning to
Essex: (*) the waitress and ordering. "I want a tall glass of vodka. Tall, At least thirty two ounces. Comprende?" He asks, even sitting, he was still eye level with her. "And I'm in a bad mood, so hurry it up."
Xregg: turns his attention to the manila folder, a source of information, huh? Shit. If the memories that were playing in his mind from his former self were accurate, as well as those that Xerokine still possessed, who needed information?  The
Xregg: (C) two of the them together were apparently two of the highest members of SynTech as well as being two of the major movers and shakers among The Syndicate, what did they need this imformation for if they had each known the founder of
Xregg: (C) SynTech himself? "Interesting..." He muses outload to the rest of the table, "Information is all good and well, but there needs to be -purpose- behind it.  Otherwise your information is no better than what we could do on our own. We're
Xregg: (C) looking to further our own goals.  So, where's your purpose?"
Oafy: lays a single finger onto the picture of the one denounced as 'DeArtair', drawing it nearer to fit his slightly angled heads line of vision. This person jumped out at him as one of great importance immediately, and from he gathered, he was.
Oafy: - The picture brings back memories, flooding him all at once with the knowledge of events long since past, and forgotten all too quickly. But just as they enter his mind, they lose meaning, and fade. "He was... hated?" He raises an eyebrow,
Oafy: - returning the photo to the center of the table with his index finger, leaving a smudge of BBQ on the forehead of the man in the picture.
Essex: looks at the folder and motions for them to lean in so nobody can hear them. He begins whispering his plans to them as he motions for another round of drinks and food at his table. (End of RP).
Rini: meditates, hovering, under the waterfall near her home.  Her body is surrounded by a strong, pulsating golden aura which crackles with random bolts of pink electricity.  Her normally beautiful pink hair is clumped together, spiked up and glows wit
Rini: (c) with a golden energy.  Her red eyes are closed, which she opens breifly, reveiling their green color before closing them again to resume her concentration as the powerful stream of water pours over her, straining her body.  The setting sun mak
Rini: (c) makes the water shimmer and the breeze is warm to her, at least for now, until the sun finally sets.  Despite her ascended form, she keeps her detectable power signature low to keep away undesirables.
Lye: stares at the closet wardrobe of what was obviously a business man.  He had stealthfully broken into the home and violently murdered two children, a woman, and a man.  He assumed they were a family. 
Lye: (c)It just didn't seem right to kill one without killing all the others.  Either way, he found a decent amount of cash, a few credit cards, and now he was picking out a suit.  This man wasn't that much into casual.. Obviously.
Lye: (c)Either way, after taking a shower he now needed to pick out a suit.  If only to pass the time until he would be able to have a purple one tailor made for himself.  He selected a black suit with blue pinstripes and tried it on. 
Lye: (c)After a few moments he was fully dressed, glancing at himself in the mirror.  "This will indeed do."  He said to himself, his blue features smiling back at him.  He glanced around the home, looking for anything else of use.
Lye: (c)Now it was time to begin his rise to power once again.  After a millennia of survival in an underground lab, after months of conditioning himself, and training himself to walk again it was time to climb back to the top.  "Joy..."  
Oafy: wanders quite aimlessly through a region of thick, wavy grass, content with the natural feel of the atmosphere. Since arriving, he'd only known city life, with a brief interuption in a desert wasteland. This was much different.. vibrant, and full
Oafy: - of potential. Yet the thoughts of events that have just past concerned him. He felt a heavy weight upon him, crushing him slowly under the pressure. In the greater play of things, where does he fit? Where /did/ he fit? And admist all this
Oafy: - concern, he wonders whether or not he'll make a difference. For what side, though? His mind races with the possibilities, not giving him a moments silence. But this is why he loved this landscape he had just reached; peace and quiet
Oafy: - for his mind to think. "Mmm... Nature," the words are but a whisper, followed by an outrageously loud fart. "So very relaxing."
Lye: moved across the suburban sidewalk without making much sound.  His hands were in his pockets, and his head was held high.  He had left the business mans house behind, and now he needed a three letter word that meant everything.
Lye: (c)A Job, a Job in a government position.  Something a namekian found easy to get in the medical profession for various reasons.  Twould give him the funds he needed, and after a short time a chair on a medical board.  
Lye: (c)He passed children playing on the streets, a twisted grin sliding over his blue features.  There were no parents, and it had been far to long since he had dissected one of the little bastards.  'Restraint...'  He thought to himself.
Lye: (c)Moving along, he left suburbia behind.  Onto the bustling business district of the city.  Men and women hurried about, passing him by onto their jobs.  For the moment he was content, just to stand and watch them all...
Jerle: growls, kicking at the ground beneath him in disgust.  (I didn't kill that bastard after all.  When I find that saiyan, whoever he was, I'm going to kill him.)  He stops, balling his hands into fists, his face twisting with rage.  Getting on his k
Jerle: (C) knees, he begins to pound the ground angrily with his fist.  "YOU BASTARD!  I'LL KILL YOU!"  His screams echo throughout the night sky of Luna City on Earth.  A sudden flash of pain goes up his arm, suddenly forcing to stop the pounding.  (Wha
Jerle: (C) (What the hell?)  Looking at his hand, he notices a cut along his knuckles.  Looking down, he sees a shining surface, somehow glowing, despite the absence of moonlight.  Curiously, he begins to dig.
Rini: releases some of her power, actually changing the course of the water as it flows from the waterfall.  Her aura pulsates and hmms softly as the energy about her body crackles a bit.  She reaches out with her senses, trying to find if anyone or any
Rini: (c) -thing that is within close porximity to her.  She opens her eyes suddenly, "yes, but why here, why him of all people" she asks herself, breaking her concentration.
Lye: supposed the best course of action would be to get the attention of someone already in the medical field.  So he moved, highly noticed amongst the crowds, his mind reaching out and touching peoples minds.  <Kill them.>
Lye: (c)He let the words slip to the male portion of the various humans around, his intent clearly to start a massive riot.  <Kill them all.>  The rules were forced into the minds, <Do IT! NOW!>  His voice was now screaming in their heads.
Lye: (c)Then it happened, a weak minded human turned with his briefcase and slammed it over and over into the head of another.  He closed his mind to that person, still calling out to the others.  <Dont let them Kill YOU, Kill Them FIRST!>
Lye: (c)And so it had begun.  A massive street fight, women running away from the violence, and men beating the ever loving shit out of other.  "Fantastic."  He said to himself with a grin, crossing his arms and waiting.  
Taz: walks down a road where it looks like a battle recently took place. As he is walking, he notice someone digging for something. He walks up to the Strange Creature and asks, "Hey man, need some help? What are you looking for?" Even though he looks 
Oafy: arches his back hard, staring up into the sky with amusement. "Hmm, so peaceful." He extends both hands, cracking the joints a bit, before clasp together neatly. A sliver of radically unstable black energy develops in the folds of his palms, spiki
Taz: <c> like he doesn't need help, he offers anyways.
Oafy: - spiking outward as bits of electricity arcing over his wrists. Slowly separating his hands, with great resistance attempting to prevent such an act, he allows the black sphere of ki to become revealed, expanding to met it's surroundings. It
Oafy: - grows only enough that it reaches a diameter no greater than ten inches at most, as Oafy holds his open palms at that width. His hands maintain control of the flaring energy, though they retain an unmeasurably insignificant distance from touchin
Oafy: - touching the orb directly. "Right.. but what if I...?" The question on his mind is soon answered, as he lowers one palm to his side, his left hand following the curve of the sphere to the backside. Almost immediately, the sphere blazes forth out
Oafy: - out to the fields before him, streaking out as a wave of eternal darkness, chewing out tall grass in its wake, headed straight for a lining of trees a short distance ahead.
Jerle: turns his head in annoyance at the stranger, merely shakes his head, and continues digging, finally uncovering the mysterious object, a large sword.  "What the hell?  Why is this sword glowing?"  Standing up, he straps the blade to his belt, and t
Jerle: (C) turns around to face the stranger.  "I'm sorry, I don't know who you are, but this isn't a good time.  Do you need something, or are you just here because you're bored?  Or possibly strung out on some sort of drug, seeing as how it's the middl
Jerle: (C)  middle of the night."  Looking down, he notices his knuckles are still bleeding, despite the fact that the blood should have clotted some time ago.  Even more annoyed at this fact than the stranger's interruption, he wipes the dirt and blood 
Jerle: (C) off of them and begins sucking at the open wound.
Taz: is stunned by the answer given to him, he says, "I saw you diggin and thought u needed help. No I'm on anything. I rarely sleep." As he examines the creature, he notices the creature has a high powerlevel. He then asks "Did you just fight here or 
Taz: <c> something?" As he looks over the place again. He then notices the creature
Taz: <c> creature's hand and asks "Need something for those cuts?"
Lye: let his mind echo into the minds of the weak minded <Stop, the authorities are coming, theyll put you in jail.  You must run.>  With his words the rioters stopped, and began sprinting in random directions leaving many men near death.
Lye: (c)He glanced over the men who had fallen, sighing deeply.  Broken bones, head trauma.  They were fucked up.  Hiding the pleasure from his expression he made his way over to the first injured man, preparing his energy.
Lye: (c)He lowered himself into a kneeling position, letting his hands rest gently on the mans chest.  His energy stopped the internal bleeding, mended broken and fractured bones, magically healed head trauma.  "Good as new."
Lye: (c)The man stood up trying to wipe the blood off of his suit, thankful that he was saved.  Lye heard words of gratitude, but he was moving onto the next man just as emergency services were pulling up.  He worked slower now,
Lye: (c)ensuring that the supervisor of the police squad saw him work.  Eventually, one of them came to offer him a hand of gratitude.  "Thank you sir, your talents are.. are amazing."  Lye nodded gracefully, simply nodding his head.
Rini: awakens fully from her deep meditation, standing up within the torrents of water cascading down upon her.  She exits the falls and fully releases her power as she feels an overwhelming darkness quickly approaching her 'The horrible loss of innocen
Rini: (c) innocent life..' she thinks, screaming in rage "NO!" she cries out as she launches herself in the direction of the darkness, hoping to stop it before it gets any worse.  Her expression is cool and confident, using the fullest extent of her pow
Rini: (c) power to hopefully either intimidate the person responsible or to show them their place if it comes to combat.
Jerle: frowns, removes his hand from his mouth, and shakes his head.  "No... I'm just in a pissy mood.  As for my hand..."  He tears a strip of his shirt off and wraps it around his knuckles, binding the wound.  "I'll be fine.  I've been through hell, th
Jerle: (C) this is nothing."  With a slight grin, he lifts his shirt slightly, revealing countless scars across his stomach.  "I DO have a question, though.  Do you know of a saiyan named Xerokine?  I met somebody I think may have been him, but I'm not s
Jerle: (C) sure, his power level was pathetically weak compared to the stories I've heard about the man."
Taz: "I have heard story about this Xerokine guy, but I have never seen him. Why?" He asks. He is wondering why he wants to know where this Xerokine is. "Why must you know where Xerokine is? Do you plan on killing him?"
Oafy: reels back for a moment, hand still on the origin of the black energy wave, aghast at his performance. "Amazing," he whispers to himself, not actually hearing his own words over the sound of the pulsating waves, crashing across the terrain.
Oafy: watches the darkness consume trees up ahead, chewing many down to wasted earth, where it's likely nothing will grow again. With difficulty, he forces both hands to opposite sides of the energy before him, and twists it hard; the head of the
Oafy: - energy wave jolts upwards to the left, charging off into the sky at a rapid rate, before detonating high above. A dark explosion spreads outwards in all directions, tainting the clouds briefly. As the aftermath of the explosion 
Oafy: - dissipates, he turns his sights to the location where the blunt of impact occurred. "Uh.. My bad. I'm new..."
Lye: moved to the remainder of the few injured humans, healing them quickly.  He was amazed at how tired he was becoming, healing life had never bothered him... A millennia of doing nothing will do that to you old boy.  
Lye: (c)The thought echoed in his own mind as he shook his head.  Indeed, his abilities had become weakened, or non existent.  Sighing deeply he spoke to the supervisor of the police, "So, Im looking for a job.  Think you can help?"
Lye: (c)The supervisor said a few things, giving him a card to the medical department of the local government.  Smiling he took it gracefully, placing it in the wallet of a dead man.  "Thank you."  He said with a grateful smile.  
Jerle: grins broadly.  "Yes, if it is who I think it is, but I'm going to pump information out of him first.  He knows about my father, and I'm going to make him tell me.  I hit him with a large energy wave the other day, and he should still be healing s
Jerle: (C) somewhere from it.  It wasn't quite full power, but I think it sent a pretty good message."  His new sword suddenly shines brighter, causing him to look down at it.  "What the hell?"  Curiously, he unstraps the sword from his belt, holding it 
Jerle: (C) up and looking at it.A voice in his head suddenly speaks, drowning out his own thoughts.  <First... you must know my name before you can use me to my full potential, Jerle.  I've been shouting at you since I entered you, but you do not listen.
Jerle: (C) Hear my name... Hear ME!  I AM RyuKyushin!  Know me.  Use me.  Your heart is in turmoil.  I thrive in battle, and the way it seems to me, you'll be in many.  I am not just a blade... Hear me.>  The voice goes silent, bringing Jerle back to rea
Jerle: (C) reality and the stranger before him.  "What the fuck?" he whispers to himself.  "Did you hear that voice?"
Taz: "Voice? What voice?" Confused by this, "Wait, who is your father? I might know him." He noticed that the creature was holding the sword he had been searching for earlier. He then says, "Oh I should have introduced myself. My name is Taz. I live ar
Taz: <c> around here, and you are?"
Jerle: nods, lowering the sword.  "My name's Jerle Shannara, although I've recently learned my father's name was Behemoth Bowser.  In what way do you think you can help me?  I've been alone all my life, my mother died and abandoned me to my bastard of a 
Jerle: (C) stepfather, who abused me until I finally fought back, my true father died before I was born, the only records of his very existence wiped away except for a very few.  You don't look much older than I am.  Do you know of any records that I may
Jerle: (C) have not found?"
Taz: "Yes, I remember your father. I used to work with him. Very kind hearted man." He tries to think if he can remember anything that might help Jerle. "Have you tried some of his old friends Jerle?" He asked. "They might know something. If you want. 
Taz: <c> I'll come along with you and help you find what you are looking for, if you want my help that is."
Rini: speeds along until she sees an explosion of almost the purest darkness overhead and the man she rescued the other day standing underneath, as if he caused it all.  She stops and lands in front of him, her aura pulsating with power as the energy ab
Rini: (c) about her crackling insanely "What..what are you doing?! Stop this madness at once!" she states, her anger rising even further than it had previously as she pumps more power through her small body.  She says nothing more, just staring at what 
Rini: (c) she believes to be a man both insane and full of the purest darkness. 
Jerle: cocks his head to the side.  "Knew him eh?  He died over twenty years ago.  How old are you anyway?"  Grinning to himself he ponders the idea of the uses this man may have to him.  "Would you be able to help me track down Xerokine?  I still have a
Jerle: (C) few questions to ask him.  There's a young girl I'd like to talk to, too.  Assuming she's still alive, that is.  I'm afraid she was caught in the crossfire in my last battle."  (More like she ate my energy wave, but oh well.)
Chromoxome: knew since first staring down from his apartment at the rioting below. That even though his parents told him not to be closed minded. For no circumstances. Had their ever been a lone namek sitting in the park in such a way.
Chromoxome: (c) Everybody knew. 'Even though nameks were peaceful. The evil ones. Were far more evil than the evilest of humans.' For some reason a fierce and piercing growl had been irritating him for the past half hour. It was growing and becoming ever loud
Chromoxome: (c) Knowing finally what it was saying. As a heartbeat pushing against the inside of his chest. The voice grew louder *k..il.l..*  and louder *ki..l* until it became audible. *kill*. But even then. It was only a slight whisper. Hardly understandab
Chromoxome: (c) "Why does it hurt so bad!" He screaming kneeling down and clenching his hair in his palms and holding his head lower and lower until on the floor" *KI.L..L* It was becoming more frequent and persistent. Louder and louder. More painful
Chromoxome: (c) Just then the maid entered the room. "GAAAAAH!!' Fearsome growl let out as she walked closer. Her mouth moving and words obviously coming out. But no sound other than the Screaming in his head. Chromoxome believed the noise. Was her fault. She
Chromoxome: (c) had to pay.
Oafy: raises his finger in protest of the girls words, but lowers it as she seems to explode with fury. He stares at her with a dumbfounded expression, trying to compute the situation. The smallest of smirks tugs at the left of his mouth,
Oafy: - stopping only as he opens his lips slightly. "Uh..." A light chuckling can be heard, as his lips extend to a full, bright smile. The chuckling gives way to a rather intense, and incredible deep laughter, as he nearly doubles over. Just
Oafy: - struggling to keep himself alive, from a sudden loss of air, he tries to piece together a sentence. "I... I didn't mean it..." The laughter grows louder, as he wipes tears from his eyes. He knows she'll only grow angrier, but.. After all,
Oafy: had a mere child scolding him, the manner in which his parents might have many, many years ago. Family.. another thing to wonder about.
Chromoxome: (c) Grabbing her by her throat he clenches and tightens his grip *KI LL.* She was flailing and fighting back but it was useless. Her body went limp. So did the noise in his mind. It was quiet again. It had passed as simply as her life did.
Chromoxome: (c) Collapsing on the bed he stared at the roof. The body of the maid, young and frail, lifeless on the floor just aside the cleaning bottle and towels she had brought in with haste to check on the flailing young man.
Chromoxome: (c) A long namek sitting on a bench. Calm. "Give it to a namek to be the only one with enough power to avoid killing everything in sight." *!!!!!* The pulse returned more powerful than ever. So powerful it caused his eyes to clench tightly shut.
Chromoxome: (c) The noise screamed at him *KILL KILL KILL KILL* Blood running from his nose as that of a faucet of a kitchen. Chromoxome dropping to his knees holds his hands near his chest catching the blood. " its so much " But he couldnt hear his own words
Taz: is surprised that Jerle was surprised to hear this. He says, "I'm 45. I knew your father for a short time though. Sure i'll help you track this Xerokine dude." He then ask, "What about this girl you speak of, what does she have to do with all this
Chromoxome: (c) They were dulled out. By the screaming inside. " i cant lose too much more. im not strong enough " Just as these words are spoken. An immense burst of energy shakes through Chromoxomes entire body. Riveting it and ruining his demeanor.
Chromoxome: (c) Eyes closed on the floor. Next to the passed maid so young and frail, Not like the bussinessmen below. Though, in essence, the same.  Cold and motionless on the floor, eyes closed, arm draped across the maid. Everything turning to black. then 
Taz: <c>?" He can't quite figure what this girl has to with finding Jerle's father, but watever the reason is, he will still help him find what he is looking for.
Rini: just stares at Oafy, his power very familiar to her, much like Xerokine's was.  The quickly setting sun and oncoming night brings a chill to the breeze as it blows quietly over the plains.  She senses confusion and darkness within the man, but tha
Rini: (c) that wasn't her primary concearn as of yet, the darkness he summoned had to be stopped, somehow, someway.  Closing her emerald green eyes, she throws her small arms into the air as she explodes with every ounce of power her small body containe
Rini: (c) contained.  Her golden aura explodes with massive intensity, the pure golden light shooting into the evening sky, struggling at first to overcome the summoned darkness and death it brought.  As the light from her inner most being mixes with th
Rini: (c) mixes with the golden light of her physical power it begins to swallow the darkness in whole, pushing it back and eventually distrupting it completely, making the entire sky above the plains glow with a beautiful luminous light for several min
Rini: (c) minutes.  As she feels the darkness fade, the brightly glowing sky fades to a mix of golds, yellows and blues of the evening.  Her once immense and strongly pulsating golden aura fading from her as she reverts from her ascended state back to n
Rini: (c) normal and falls to her knees.  She pants for air, the strain of performing such a feat of power nearly draining her of all her energy.  Her level of physical power drops dramatically, her long pink hair falling down about her shoulders and th
Rini: (c) the crackling pink lightning that once surrounded her, fading and dissipating.
Jerle: chuckles to himself.  "Oh I just want to ask her a few questions.  She looks kind of like my mother, and I was wondering if she might be relation, a cousin or something."  (Yeah, a few questions with an energy wave.)  "As for Xerokine, I would be 
Jerle: (C) very grateful to you if you helped me track him down."
Taz: "Sure, I'll help!" As he says that, he noticed a powerlevel comming from the north. He askes, "Do you sense that powerlevel? Want to go check it out and see who it is?"
Taz: <c> Sensing the power, he begins to fly. He then starts heading toward the powerlevel until he is close enough to determain who it is.
Jerle: cocks his head to the other side, strapping the blade back to his belt, taking off after Taz.  (Wonder who the hell this is.  If they're looking for a fight, I'd love to test out my new blade.  Such a shiny sword.  What was its name again?  Ah yes
Jerle: (C) yes, RyuKyushin.  What the hell kind of sword tells you its name anyway?)  Shaking the thoughts out of his mind, he speeds up, gliding next to Taz and matching his speed.
Taz: As he speeds toward the fighter he askes "If this is who we are looking for, do you want my help fighting him?" He knows he can take on this fighter, but to be safe, he will see if Jerle will need help.
Oafy: raises both arms up to shield his face, as the bright energy of the wee girl threatens to give him eye cancer. Golden light bathes the vicinity, blinding him however temporarily, as he places one hand over his eyelids, the other shooting out
Oafy: - to apprehend the cause of brightness. The lights, however, cease to glow before he finds her. As black holes in his sight slowly disappear, he notes that the young girl appears quite drained of power. No longer a threat. Yep. If he were less
Oafy: - of a person, he'd.. well, nevermind. 'Oh snap. As annoying as the lights were, I cannot bring myself to turn her into ashes,' he thinks, kneeling down next to her. He sighs, reaching out to push her lightly on the shoulder. "You going
Oafy: - to pay for the seeing eye dog I'll be needing now?" The joking nature of the question is obvious, as he laughs lightly at this. "What's your problem.. Didn't I apologize?"
Taz: <c> As soon as he gets closer to where the powerlevel came from, he decends toward the ground and askes Jerle, "Does this guy look like the person you are looking for?"
Jerle: senses forward, then laughs.  "No, this fighter is not nearly enough to even scratch me.  I DO, however, desire to test out my new blade against them, whoever it may be."  As they fly closer, he frowns.  "No, this isn't the one I'm looking for, ho
Jerle: (C) however, a fight sounds good.  Maybe we should take turns against this one.  They seem to be just powerful enough to provide some entertainment.  Maybe even enough to almost break a sweat."
Taz: "Sounds good to me." He takes a step to the side and changes from his regular form into super. As he is changing forms, he yells because of how fast his muscles grow. A white aura surrounds his as he is now super. "I'm ready Jerle, how about you?"
Taz: <c> the newly formed human asked. He then set his feet as if he were about to attack. "This dude looks easy, I'll let you have the first hits my friend." He said with a little laugh.
Jerle: laughs, a red aura surrounding him.  "KAIOKEN TIMES SIXTEEN!"  Chuckling to himself, he draws his sword.  "Nah, you can go first.  I'd like to strike the finishing blow, and if I go first, we won't be able to milk as much fun out of this guy.  Jus
Jerle: (C)  Just try not to kill him, I want a turn too you know."
Rini: looks up weakly at Oafy and nods, forming a weak smile "Yes, yes you did...but.." she said, managing to finally stand up and motion around "The darkness had to be stopped, I didn't realize it would drain me so much though.." she says, sounding lit
Rini: (c) literally exhausted from her exertion of both her physical and spiritual self.  She pushes some of her long pink hair out of her face and moves it behind her shoulder before smoothing out her now dry training gi, "I know you from somewhere, I 
Taz: leaps toward the fighter and sends a quick punch toward the fighters way. He then jumps back and prepares for the fighter to attck. He thinks, *Something ain't right here. I don't know what it is, but someting just doesn't feel right.*
Rini: (c) swear I do.." she says weakly, deciding to sit on the ground and try to regain her breath and some of her spent stamina, shivering a bit from a cool breeze as the last of the sun care barely be seen peeking out over the mountains in the west, 
Rini: (c) as if to say goodnight to the two people present to witness it.
Jerle: holds the sword before him, an invisible aura replacing the red aura of his Kaioken technique.  (Well this is weird.  I've never felt like this before.  It's almost as if the power were a physical force around me.)  The sword glows brightly once a
Jerle: (C) again, filling his mind with its voice.  <Speak my name if you wish to use me.  I am not a weapon to be commanded, rather a friend here to help.  Awaken me, Jerle Shannara.>  "That was...  Well, it's worth a shot, I guess.  Awaken RyuKyushin!"
Jerle: (C) The invisible aura flares up even higher, the effects invisible, but clearly felt throughout the area, as curious people looking outside double over, as if pushed down and choked by an invisible weight.  The sword itself glows brightly, changi
Jerle: (C) changing its shape, twisting and growing.  When it finally stops growing, it has taken the shape of a giant butcher knife, the bottom of the blade curving inward.  "Damn!  That looks so cool!  Are you sharp, RyuKyushin?!"  Grinning, he leaps t
Jerle: (C) towards the opponent, easily slicing an arm off.
Oafy: takes a laid out position on the grass next to her, his arms behind him supporting his laxed rest. Dew on the grass dampens his clothing, causing a shiver to crawl up his back slowly, as he hums at the serenity of this moment. The noise in his
Oafy: - head, the non-stop questions and endless deadend thoughts, weren't there anymore. And all it took... was to endanger the life of a child. "How alarming," he whispers to himself, not aware or caring if the girl had heard these words.
Oafy: coughs dryly, before addressing her question. "Sorry, I can't say I know you. I know very few people. It's a small circle of people; you'd be lucky to find yourself among them. Buy tickets while you can." A ray of light scars his eye, as the
Oafy: - sun descends down the mountains; one last eye-sore before nightfall prepare to engulf them. "What do you mean, though? 'The darkness had to be stopped'," he sneers.
Taz: seeing what this sword can do, he is amazed at what he saw. "That sword is cool! But we need to finish this off." With that, he puts his hands together and prepares for a kamehameha wave attck. He yells "KA-ME-HA-ME-HA!!!!" And sends a blue energy
Rini: looks to Oafy and then leans back on her hands, staring into the quickly darknening sky and at the ocean of stars high above "You were summoning an evil aura of darkness and death, couldn't you feel it?" she asks, glancing at the man, but doing li
Taz: <c> wave toward the fighter. "Woah!, You figure he would have died." He said.
Rini: (c) little else "Darkness like that drains the life from all around it to feed it's emptiness..it consumes and consumes unable to fill itself because it is dark, cold, empty and always will until it sees the light." she says, with a measure of sat
Rini: (c) satisfaction as that was a lesson her mother had taught her years ago.  She stays quiet after her brief explanation, contemplating the mans answers, 'If he's the man I think he is, this should be a most intriguing answer indeed' she ponders to
Rini: (c) herself.  She pulls her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms about her legs and clasping her hands, resting her chin on her knees, apparently lost in thought for the moment.
Jerle: grins, lunging once again at the fighter, slashing him multiple times with his sword.  (Wow, that attack seemed to lead itself.  Wonder what else this sword can do.)  With a final cackle, he jumps in the air, spins a couple of times, raises the sw
Jerle: (C) sword over his head and slashes down, completing the attack, the fighter falling into the ground in tiny pieces.  "Heh, anyone want to have a barbecue?  Got fresh meat chopped up and ready to go!"
Taz: laughes at the question. So with a smartass answer he says "Sure why not, got nothing else to do." He is also stunned by what he saw with Jerle and the sword.  He then wonders what kind of power this sword has. He askes "Jerle, what kind of powers
Taz: <c> does that sword hold??"
Oafy: brings his right hand up to his shaggy dark red hair, running it through the tangled mess once as he takes in the small lecture on darkness. It was a heap of opinion, to be sure. The girl was young, but she seemed wise beyond her years. 'Hmm,
Oafy: - perhaps she's a midget?' The thought crosses his mind, but he pushes it out along with his inner comedian. He nods slightly, before speaking in response. "An aura of death and darkness wasn't quite what I felt. Only power." A grin spreads
Oafy: - across his face, as some self-doubting attempted to emerge and tell him otherwise. "Why do you view darkness in such poor.. ahh.. light?" The crappy pun isn't intentionally, but he swings with it. "Explain to me this problem with it..."
Oafy: shifts in the grass, adjusting to better watch her reaction, as he goes on. "And bare in mind, night has fallen, but with the aide of this 'aura of darkness', I could ablaze a fire to warm us." He smiles politelly at her.
Jerle: frowns, shaking his head.  "The only thing I know about this sword is its name, and that's only because it told me what it was and how to unleash the big form of it.  I don't even know how to make it small again, which is going to be a bitch becau
Jerle: (C) because I don't want to have to lug this big huge butcher knife lookin thing around."  <Just tell me to sleep.>  "Oh, never mind.  Sleep RyuKyushin."  The sword shrinks back to its normal size, just a normal sword now.  He replaces it in his b
Jerle: (C) belt, then grins, pulling a business card out of his pants.  "This is my cell number.  I've got to go get some sleep.  Call me if you like."
Rini: looks over to Oafy, smiling broadly, almost giggling before coughing and covering her mouth "Well, it's not that darkness is evil, but the power and darkness your brought also brought with it many bad things, among those was death." she begins, no
Rini: (c) now getting a serious look on her young face "Darkness can be good as it grants many forms of life the time they need to make new life, brings out the light of the stars, allows us time to rest and heal from our weary light-time activities.
Rini: (c) There is also vileness to darkness, evil, deception, stealth, and death." she says before shrugging, "But then again, there is also many of the same things from light as well.  Many people believe that with light comes goodness and with darkne
Rini: (c) darkness comes evil, they don't seem to realize that evil and goodness can be found within each, one must merely look for them.  I could have battled your darkness with a -good- darkness, but the light seemed to perform the job quite admirably
Rini: (c) she says, taking a deep breath and then falling silent as she runs her hand over and through the lush, dew covered grass as she listens to the crickets chirp with the beautiful nighttime music they play.
Taz: takes the card from Jerle's hand and gives it a look. "I might call you sometime and we could go out and train or something." He then remembers why he went with Jerle. "Oh, and I really do hope you find the records of your father. If you need help
Taz: <c> , give me a call." He pulls out a card from his wallet and hands it to Jerle. "Ok. Hope to see you around." He said. Then he changed back to his original form and took off and headed back to his house where he could rest for whatever comes his
Taz: <c> way tomorrow.
Oafy: prepares to come out with another series of arguments, but rather stops to voice his opinion on their debate. "You make for good arguing." His mind wanders back to the topic of darkness and light, and all things between. Smiling, he gestures
Oafy: - around them wildly. "All of this. Day, or night; light, or dark. It's all the same, right down to it. You realize that, don't you?" Off in the distance, a wolf howls by its lonesome, echoing a few times before it ends. "That animal is a
Oafy: - testament to my point. Certain breeds of canine have a different amount of cones and rods within the inner workings of their eyes. To that end, they don't see in colour as we do. The advantage is perfect sight, regardless of lighting. To all
Oafy: - creatures, with the exception of perhaps only the more sentient beings - humans, saiyans, dragon god kings - there is no difference between light and dark. It's merely... perception." He trails off, reflecting on his points. Really, she made
Oafy: - quite similar points herself, that light and dark are quite the same. He just tried to dominate on that - he had to win, y'see. "How can you define power I tapped into as being evil? Cannot these definitions for light and darkness be applied
Oafy: - good and evil? Not two sides of the same coin, but the same side of a single sided surface." He nods at this, snaps his fingers and points to the girl, eyes open wide. The ball was in her court.
Rini: ponders Oafy's words very carefully, staying silent for quite some time.  She finally speaks, her voice soft, caring and almost quiet as she chooses her words carefully, "Animals, regardless of class are neither good nor evil, merely dangerous for
Rini: (c) they struggle merely for survival, their own or the survival of their offspring." she says, closing her red eyes and listening to the same musical chirping as before and the howling in the distance "However, we, as sentient beings, not only st
Rini: (c) struggle for survival, but for one side or the other, good or evil, light or darkness, there is no grey.  If we thought only in terms of grey there would be no conflict and the universe would unravel itself because its survival, in the end, re
Rini: (c) relies on the epic struggle we have fought for countless ages and which will continue for countless more.  Noone is truly neutral, everyone is either good, evil or leans towards self gratification. It is our destiny as sentients to carry on th
Rini: (c) this battle, for if we choose to not participate we would be destroyed ourselves, lost and without purpose, dying the greatest of deaths, the death of our souls." she says, falling eerily silent, closing her eyes and just thinking, reflecting 
Rini: (c) on her own words as well as memories of the past, both good and bad.
Oafy: considers the young girls words, and cant help but note again how much more mature she sounds. Her points were good, and made a great deal of sense. And yet... "Why can't there be grey? There cannot be two classifications of people. I'll never
Oafy: - accept that I cannot take the actions that would label me as evil, but use them for the benefit of the light. Doing so does not make me evil, but nor would I be good. I am not saying this is how I do things," he explains slowly, as the idea
Oafy: - creeps up on him. "Is it?" The question is towards himself, not the child. Regardless, he carries on. "Try as you might, you cannot truly label everyone good or evil. I might be new, but I still find difficulties identifying those I would
Oafy: - call ally, and those enemy. What exactly is my side, to that end? Can you be so sure the light is the correct path in life.. that all of existence has been dragged out in suffering, simply because we have not all crossed to a frowned upon road?"
Oafy: is now just being a dick, playing devils advocate with malice.
Rini: smiles, getting shaken out of her memories and deep thoughts "Actually, can you honestly say you can make all the decisions in your life without leaning towards good, evil or self gratification?" she says, not even looking at Oafy, just trying to 
Rini: (c) make him see that all decisions made lean towards one of those three choices.  She knew that every decision she made for herself put her one of those three categories, sometimes more than one.  No one person was truly neutral, even those who d
Rini: (c) didn't have the power to fight high-powered epic battles still leaned in one of those areas when making any choice.  She would have preferred to stay neutral herself, but knew that simply wasn't possible, no matter how hard she would try.
Oafy: rolls forward, bouncing up onto his feet rather smoothly. Tired of sitting, he begins to walk circles slowly around the girl. "Define self gratification." His words sound more a command, than a request, and show little sign of politeness, as befor
Rini: closes her eyes as a luminous white aura, tinged with pink energy, envelops her small body.  A soft, gentle ki wind forms underneath her as, without standing, she raises into the air and hovers a good ten feet off the ground.  She then looks up to
Rini: (c) the vast ocean of stars once again before turning her attention the circling Oafy "Self Gratification: In more a barbaric definition, selfishness, thinking only of ones self, be it survival, power, whatever." she says, her explanation being mo
Rini: (c) more than simple enough and easily understood.  The mans counter-arguements were quite enlightening to her, teaching her things she had not thought of or knew before.  His words made her cover all aspects of the philsophical teachings of those
Rini: (c) she encountered on her many travels, mostly from her mother though.  She smiles down at the man, wondering what new wisdom he would shower her with, giving her young mind even more knowledge and wisdom to ponder over.
Oafy: floats up an even level to the girl, not allowing her to gain the upperhand in any sense; he refuses to look up to her. "Self gratification, then, is the ultimate goal of this greater conflict good and evil has experienced for all time," he
Oafy: - concludes, as the master of all conclusions. "I cannot claim to know the goals of every man and woman, but in the end, if one is to wipe the other out completely, and eventually only one mindset prevails... Self gratification. That's the
Oafy: - most realistic claim to a peaceful life for all. Assuming of course, there are only the three sides, as you stated..." He bows slightly at this.
Rini: ponders for a moment, "Is is possible that there exsist states of law, chaos or selfishness that we are not yet aware of, higher states that make out views seem barbaric and wrong.   In either case, friend, law and chaos, good and evil, light and 
Rini: (c) darkness, none can survive without the other.  Should one side gain complete control, the universe as a whole would be destroyed because of the upset of balance.  Most that may recognize this simply do not care, feeling that it will not happen
Rini: (c) she says, sounding annoyed at her own words, no matter how true they may or may not be.  She stands up in the air, streches out and lands back down the ground, among the soft, wet grass and yawns.
Oafy: wags his finger rather animatedly, landing on the grass once again to meet her face on. "Sorry, but once again little girl, you are wrong. Should one side gain complete control, the universe will not come to an end; war will come to an end." 
Oafy: raises both hands, trying to get her to stop any counter arguments before he finishes. "Without evil, doesn't it make sense good would flourish in tranquility? Without good to rally evil together, however, evil will turn on evil. Hell, evil is
Oafy: - always fighting a two way battle... In this world with no good, all evil will face all evil in the showdown for supremecy. From that, would emerge one state of mind; one government, if you will. Likely an iron fisted dictator, but.. Still,
Oafy: - that would bring about eternal peace. It's true many, many would die before either situation ends in peace, but as they say... 'the ends justify the means', no?" He winks, feeling as though he just proved her wrong, and himself correct.
Rini: smiles and nods, sounding innocent "That would be nice, however, in all there must be balance.  Without balance, nature would be disrupted and all animal and plant life would die, meaning our end as well." she says, looking tired, but determined t
Rini: (c) to get her point across one way or another "If one side gained control over the other, disrupting that delicate balance, all would be destroyed.  One cannot have light without darkness, law without chaos, good without evil.  If you did, you wo
Rini: (c) would know evil because it would not exsist, same with the others.." she finishes, catching her breath and following Oafy's movements carefully.  He was a good conversation peace, but she still did not completely trust him and would be ready f
Rini: (c) for the 'just in case' scenario.
Oafy: folds his arm into place before his chest, and issues a deep sigh. "You fight to the ends you seek, I'll fight to mine. Maybe at some point we'll find proof to justify our arguments with something more solid than speculation." He turns away,
Oafy: - and begins to walk back towards the city. "What makes you fear the power I channeled?" He calls back to her, not bothering to stop walking away.
Rini: frowns before she speaks "Because the power you channeled is unnatural, it seeks death within its dark grasp and wherever that is to be found I will find a way to stop it.." she says, her voice trailing off as she watches the man leave, letting he
Rini: (c) her guard down slightly, no longer anticipating a physical confrontation of any kind.
Oafy: smirks as he begins to get out of earshot of the girl, finding her words rather funny. "I don't know whether it's unnatural or not, but I promise you, it doesn't seek death and destruction!" He near shouts his words, loud enough that she might
Oafy: - still hear him. In a quiet tone, he adds, "at least, not yet I suppose. Time will tell."
Rini: wanders through New Hope City, happy to actually be in a city and around people for a change.  Living out where she did meant peace and quiet for her to meditate and train, but it was also lonely and she felt isolated.  The early afternoon sun was
Rini: (c) obscured by the light grey clouds high above, probably signalying rain for later.  The weather was cool, but humid, meaning people were mostly wearing shorts, skirts, or other such cool attire.  She was wearing just a simple short, blue dress 
Rini: (c) herself, her hair tied into a long pink ponytail held with a large white ribbon.  As she walked closer towards the downtown district, she noticed a number of people staring at her.  'Why are they looking at me like th..' it was at that point t
Rini: (c) that she look up a street clock, notcing the time and then realizing that most children her age were in school or with adults if they were on the street.  She blushed and grin, waving off the staring people and continued on her way 'I forgot a
Rini: (c) about school..' she thought, then "opps." escaped her mouth.  Having a backpack with her to hold various items already, she looked the part of a school-child, so she simply half-ran out of downtown to where she knew a local school was.
Quinton: yawns loudly, sipping on a styrofoam cup that was emitting steam from two small holes in its lid.  It was barely noon, but after the past couple days he was exhausted.  "I'm getting soft," he mutters, absently chewing on his styrofoam cup before
Quinton: <c> realizing belatedly that it wasn't edible, and full of piping hot tea.  A loud scream echoes throughout the city, as he hurriedly rips off his shirt to prevent him from further burns.  As it was his skin was reddened and would probably have
Quinton: <c> started blistering were he anything other than a Saiyan.  He looks up and grins sheepishly, as the several passersby had stopped to stare at this oddity.  "Smooth, Quinton, smooth..." he mutters.
Rini: hears a loud, echoing scream just as she enters the gate at one of the local grade schools and quickly turns around "What..the?" she says lightly, closing her eyes.  She reaches out, searching the vast city, searching for powers beyond hers.  She 
Rini: (c) opens her eyes, frustrated 'No normal person lets out a scream like that, they're masking their physical power, I will have to try again' she thinks as she closes her eyes once again, this time reaching out with her inner-most being, searching
Rini: (c) for levels of power beyond the physical body.  A bright, flaming pink aura errupts about her as she sends herself outwards from her in all directions, searching.  Several long minutes go by until she sees the bright imagine of man, she cannot 
Rini: (c) see his features only his strong spirit, a warriors spirit.  She opens her eyes as her aura fades as quickly as it began "There!" she says, noting the location.  Checking to make sure there was noone around, she puts two fingers to her forehea
Rini: (c) forehead, and concentrates on an area behind the man as a white globe of energy surrounds her for a moment before it disappears, taking the child with it, only to reappear several feet behind the man, but a bit off the ground.  The miscalculat
Rini: (c) miscalculation on her part caused a painful lesson on her rump as she fell painfully to the ground, "OWWW!" she says, bending and rubbing her rear, "I messed up.." she says painfully, forgeting about the man for a moment.
Quinton: slowly squeezes out the last bit of liquid that had soaked into his shirt, glaring at many of the passersby that had stopped to stare, that glare turning into a broad grin when one of those passersby was attractive and female.  He quickly finished
Quinton: <c> his task and put on his shirt, just as he heard a loud THUD! from behind him, followed by a common exclamation for pain, Ow.  He turns around, to see a small child rubbing her bottom in pain.  "Hey there, uh, miss...  You, uh...  You alright?"
Rini: stops rubbing her butt and looks up at Quinton before standing up, slowly, dusting the dirt and grass off of her dress.  She looks up at him, grinning and blushing "I..umm, I'm ok, just had an accident" she says, laughing 'How do I explain the fac
Rini: (c) fact I messed up an instant transmission?' she thinks to herself, still highly embarassed from her mistake and consequent pain.  She regains her compsure a minute or two later and looks at the shirtless man "I know it's warm out.." she says, l
Rini: (c) looking away "But you might want to put your shirt on and stuff..ummk?" she says quietly, notcing the people staring at her and Quinton both.  The rumble of thunder could be heard rather loudly as a light flash of lightning made her cringe a l
Rini: (c) little 'Oh no..storm..I..hate storms...' she thinks, looking about nervously.
Quinton: sighs, pulling his shirt over his head and then down to the rest of his torso.  "Hey, this heat is nothing.  Try spilling near-to-boiling tea all over you, then let's see YOU keep your shirt on.  Though...  I guess you're a little young
Quinton: <c> to be thinking about that sort of thing.  Maybe in ten years or so?  Anyway," he says, a loud echo of thunder causing several nearby windows to vibrate, "You'd better find some place to get inside.  And shouldn't you be in school?  I'm
Quinton: <c> fairly certain they don't cancel class on account of rain..."
Oafy: pops his head out the doorway of a cafe, peering around the corner, attempting to locate the source of the great commotion. Almost too conveniently, he immediately spots the young pink haired girl, and that strange fellow with a sleeping
Oafy: - disorder. 'Funny,' he notes mentally, 'those two seem to show up everywhere. I wonder...' Leaving the hovel of a coffee store, he strides calmly to the two, arms folded with a questioning smirk on his lips. "Prove the universe needs balance
Oafy: - to maintain existence, yet?" He shifts a glance between both the girl and the now shirted man, his question directed to the former, though he'd be willing to hear from either. Not a picky debater.
Rini: looks utterly innocent when he mentions school, "Well, umm.." she starts before another rumble of thunder makes her cringe "I, left early, yep.." she said, not sounding very convincing, but it was the best she could come up with.  How could she ex
Rini: (c) explain to an adult that she didn't go to school, she used another method for learning, mainly books and computers at home.  She gets her attention ripped away from the wet-shirt man by the words of Oafy.  She quickly turns around to face him 
Rini: (c) "W..what are you doing here?!" she asks, sounded shocked to see him here, plus the fact that she had let her guard down, she didn't even sense him. 'I need to keep more attunded to my surrioundings, darn it!' she thinks, now starting to look n
Rini: (c) nervous and blushing again.  She was by no means prepared for combat, especially in a heavily populated center like this one, plus, her outfit didn't allow her much movement in a combat sense.
Quinton: narrows his eyes as Oafy appears, stepping between him and Rini instinctively.  "You!  What are you doing here?  You were there...  By my apartment, and at the hospital...  Now that I think about it..." he says, stepping to the side, in a defensiv
Quinton: <c> position an equal distance from the two, and glaring at Rini now.  "You were at my apartment too!  Who are you people?!"
Oafy: raises his hands defensively, as if pushing away the threat while he slows to a gentle stop in his advance to the couple. "Hold the horses there, Mint." For whatever reason, he seemed to recall Xerokine referring to him as 'Mint', but.. that
Oafy: - only probably annoyed the man. "Let me level with you, eh? I fell out of the sky a few days back. Not sure from where. Was dropped on my ass from the tenth story of an apartment building. Almost drowned a few hours after," he tips an invisible
Oafy: - hard to Rini at that mentioning. "And of course, your little explosive exit in the hospital would have lost me my eyebrows, if it weren't for the others with me." He takes a moment to reflect upon his words, giving a slight laugh as he presses
Oafy: - on. "The name is Oafy, and I mean no harm to anyone present," he exaggerates caution as he slowly offers Quinton a handshake. "I was just in the neighborhood for some coffee and doughnuts..." His voices trails off, as he adds, "and coke."
Rini: lets go of some of her tension, and relaxes just a little, but still tense from the storm approaching "My name is Rini, just umm...well, simple school girl that isn't in school." she says, trying to sound convincing and then gets a serious look on
Rini: (c) her face "Who are you?" she says, looking at Quinton, sounding curious.  As she waits for his answer, she takes off and digs into her backpack for a moment and pulls out a small, twenty ounce bottle of dark liquid and hands it to Oafy "It's my
Rini: (c) last bottle of coca-cola, I'm usually not allowed to drink it, but I do anyway.  Take it, I can get more, I think.." she says innocently as she waits for Quinton to answer and Oafy to take the soda.
Quinton: sighs, relaxing slightly as it appeared that these people weren't the cause of his aggression.  "I...  Uh, I'm Quinton.  I, uh, just got into town a few days ago..." he says, blushing slightly and turning his head.  He wasn't used to actual
Quinton: <c> friendly conversation.  Most of the time he'd either have been fighting someone or running away by now.  A blinding flash suddenly flared into existence, followed by a deafining peal of thunder.  "Should we...  Should we go somewhere
Quinton: <c> that's not about to get rained on?"
Oafy: lifts an eyebrow to Quinton's question, wondering what the man had to fear the weather for. "You aren't a witch, are you?" Waving off Rini's offer, he smiles friendly to her. "Sorry, I was making a joke that might have gone over your pink head,
Oafy: - Rini." Gazing up to the sky, he feels the faintest pitter paddering of raindrops upon his forehead. He always loved the rain, for it's sense of cleansing. It washed away the weariness of battle, and purified the righteous of less than holy
Oafy: - deeds. But wait: 'this is the first rainfall I have seen', he realizes. And yet his mind told him the rain was good, something to enjoy. Nonetheless, company demanded shelter. "The cafe there isn't too bad, if you two are interested?
Oafy: - Or there's a few boxes in the alley a friend is loaning me..." The latter statement shows no sign of implied joking.
Rini: screams as the crack of thunder and the appearance of lightning sends her over the edge for a moment.  She closes her eyes in fear and grabs a hold of Oafy's left leg, crying and wimpering in fear "Make it stop! Make it stop!!" she cries through h
Rini: (c) her tears, obviously terrified of something.  She had no idea why she was so terrified of thunderstorms, but it didn't matter right now to her, there was a storm and was scared to say the least.  Even if a battle were to break out at this poin
Rini: (c) point, she'd be helpless, unable to fight or even powerup due to the paralyzing fear the storm was placing in her. "Cafe, yes, go GO!!" she screams, not bothering to notice that she dropped her last bottle of soda on the ground.
Quinton: nods in agreement.  "I need to have a few words with the manager there, their tea is far too hot to have it spilled all over their shirt.  Plus their styrofoam cups taste terrible," he mutters, starting to ramble, before heading to the nearby
Quinton: <c> building that encased the alleged cafe.  "Hey, Marie!" he shouts as he walks in.  He had learned the waitress's name just that morning, and was intent on getting a date with her if it killed him.  "Get me a slice of cheesecake, three...
Quinton: <c> No, seven raspberry scones, a pitcher of iced tea, twenty chocolate cookies, and whatever you have that has ham in it?
Quinton: <c> Three of those, anyway.  Please," he says, before finding a place to sit, wondering if his nearly overwhelming order would even be remembered.
Oafy: winces as Rini grabs a tight squeeze onto his leg, and can't help but wonder why she didn't assault Quinton with the hug. Despite this little annoyance, he walks unimpeded into the cafe, girl-on-leg and all. Stopping before the seats chosen,
Oafy: wiggles his one leg, trying to shake free of the child. "Pick a seat, Rini, goodies are on the way." He finishes his sentence with a questioning glance to Quinton, as if asking 'you are sharing, right?'.
Rini: sniffles as she's taken into the cafe and looks up at Oafy, nodding, wiping the tears from her eyes.  She tries to look brave once again, climbing onto the booth seat and quickly pulling the blinds down over the window.  She then sits, with her sm
Rini: (c) small legs dangling off the edge of the seat, her hands in her lap, looking away from everyone 'How embarassing, crying like that..' she thinks to herself as thunder crashes outside and the sounds of water hitting the window can be heard "I ha
Rini: (c) hate...storms.." she says quietly, falling silent and waiting patiently, feeling like an insecure little girl, despite the fact she was one.
Quinton: sighs in contentment as the waitress approaches, not with the tray he had expected, but with a small slip of paper.  The expression on her face was not one of joy at having seen him so soon after he had just left the cafe, but of either anger
Quinton: <c> or annoyance.  This didn't matter to him, however, as she was here!  She was approaching him!  She was...  "Excuse me, 'Quinton,' but you ran out of here before I could give you this.  I expect you to pay it before you get another bite to eat
Quinton: <c> from this cafe," she said, with fire in her voice.  Fire was in his heart, as he simply ignored her words, sighing dreamily at the thought of her even talking to him.  He was swiftly brought out of his reverie, however, by a resounding SLAP!
Quinton: <c> and a, "Stop staring at my chest, you pervert!" before she stormed off.  He sighs, looks down at his bill, and sighs again.  "Hey, I don't suppose any of you feel like ordering something?  I guess people don't like when you run off with a
Quinton: <c> three-hundred dollar food bill..."
Rini: looks at the slip of paper, up at Quinton, then at the expetant waitress.  "Hmm..." she says, pulling her backpack on to her lap and digging around a bit, "Aha!" she says, pulling out a fist full of money and putting it down, along with some mixed
Rini: (c) change, on the table "Will that be enough?" she asks polietly, staring at the waitress.  The waitress looks through the money, her face going white for a moment as she just takes one bill of money and pushes the rest back towards the child "Y.
Rini: (c) .yes, I'll get your change." she says, turning around.  She goes to collect the remaining monies, not even looking at the waitress "Keep it, I have tons of this paper stuff and I don't use it.." she says, sounding annoyed that she didn't take 
Rini: (c) more and just throws the money, haphazardly into her backpack and sets it down next to her. "I'm hungry.." she says, look at Oafy and Quinton.
Oafy: leans closer to the blinds Rini kept shut, and forced the blinds open at a narrow slit with his fingers, just to peek through at the streets. Rain was coming down much harder now; people vacated the streets who could, while cars drove by at
Oafy: - careful speeds, splashing the sidewalks. The atmosphere was much drearier, yet it sparked life within Oafy, as he sighed out of happiness and contentment. Allowing the blinds to shut, for the girls sake, he makes a hushed comment to her: "Too
Oafy: - bad. I love a good storm. Nothing to fear, if you're smart." Upon Quinton's incident with the waitress he referred to as - what was it, Marie? - Oafy snickers ever so softly. "Terrible luck, pal. If you're interested in her, I could try and
Oafy: - get a number for you...?" He shrugs at his own offer, knowing it didn't sound like a winners plan. The fact Rini paid off such a hefty outstanding allowance bothers Oafy, but he makes no mention of it.
Quinton: looks in surprise at the large amount of money that had just been exchanged on the table.  <How could she have that much...?  She's just a little girl!> he thinks, looking around, to make sure nobody else had seen.  They hadn't, that he could
Quinton: <c> see.  At least she wouldn't have to worry about being targeted by whatever random hoodlums might attack a little girl for her money.  He hoped.  He then looks to Oafy.  "Excuse me?  I think I can manage on my own, thank you.  That's a special
Quinton: <c> kind of woman, there, and it takes a special kind of finesse to get a number out of her.  I'll get it some day, you'll see..." he nods, mentally adding, <after I get a phone...>
Rini: climbs over Oafy "Sorry, excuse me.." she says, sitting her butt on his lap and then jumping down to the floor.  She was short, even for a six year old, so getting up into booths like this wasn't always the easiest thing for her, without using ki,
Rini: (c) which might scare people here.  She walks up to the busy waitress that had been at the table and tugs gently on her skirt.  The woman turns and looks down at the girl, kneeling to be eye level with her "What is it little girl?" she asks, smili
Rini: (c) smiling, probably from the large tip that had been given.  The girl leans up and starts to whisper something into the womans ear, then stepping back and nodding at the waitress who just looks at her dumbfounded before looking over at Quinton a
Rini: (c) and blushing, "Ok sweety, I understand, why don't you go sit down with your..umm..friends and I'll be there soon with your order, ok?" she asks, only be be answered with a simple nod from the child, who makes her way back to the table, climbin
Rini: (c) climbing over Oafy's lap again "Sorry, excuse me.." she says, taking her place on the cushioned seat, hands in her lap, whistling innocently and staring around, but not at Quinton.
Oafy: leans back twice, as the child crawls over him to leave and return. Both times, he raises his hands up above his head, trying to make it a point to exaggerate this process. "No touchy." Coughing at this, he agrees with a frail bobbing of his
Oafy: - head to Quinton. "Mmhmm. I'm sure you'd be much better of courting this one yourself." His eyes reach the waitress, following her curves up and down once, before realizing what might have just occurred. Glaring at Rini, he shoots her a look of
Oafy: - questioning, before peeking over at the waitress once more. "If you did what I THINK you did..." he trails at these words, fearing building for Quinton. No doubt he would soon be embarassed beyond reason.
Quinton: drums his fingers on the table while he waits for the results of whatever Rini had asked the waitress to do, which, hopefully, was a mountain of food.  It had been nearly an hour since he last had a meal, but he was trying to keep up with his
Quinton: <c> goal of five square meals a day.  A man had to keep up his strength if he was going to combat the the tyranny of cafe waitresses.
Rini: waits patiently at the table, giggling to herself as the waitress finally gets the order together and brings it to the table, "Ok, who ordered what here?" she says flatly, then just sighs and starts putting thigns wherever, putting a nice large gl
Rini: (c) glass of chocolate milk down in front of the child with a piece of cake.  She puts a nice cup of tea in front of both Oafy and lastly, Quinton along with the rest of the food.  She smiles and puts a ticket or bill next to Quinton along with a 
Rini: (c) smaller piece of paper before leaning in closer to Quinton "This time, don't make your daughter pay, k sweety?" she says with a smile and walks away to do other things.  Rini just smiles to herself and eats a few appetizers before digging into
Rini: (c) her cake, saying nothing, just a constant grin on her face.
Oafy: raises his hand to his forehead, covering his eyes, feeling as though men everywhere were disgraced. They all felt the pain Quinton had just endured, for sure. Rather than mention it, he just shakes his head a little, before looking down to
Oafy: - his cup. "Tea?" A frown develops across his face, as he narrows his eyelids at the horrid liquid within the cup. "Why not just dunk some donkey balls in hot water and serve that to me? Hmm?" All this is said without the mildest showing of
Oafy: - emotion, maintaining a rather held back, non-caring, perhaps even tired, attitude. He pushes the cup towards Quinton, allowing him the pleasure of having it. "I'm.. good. You two enjoy," he whispers while shutting his eyes, beginning
Oafy: - to reflect on events.
Quinton: looks up at the waitress, across the table at Rini, and then down at the slip of paper that had just been handed to him.  "Sorry, I don't date married men!" it read, in a feminine handwriting.  His jaw opened, snapped shut, then opened again,
Quinton: <c> before snapping shut again, ineffectually.  He slowly turns his head towards Rini, then to the tea that Oafy had pushed toward him, then the mountain of food that had been piled in front of him.  He sighed heavily, picked up a bagel, and began
Quinton: <c> gnawing at it vacantly, almost mechanically, his one chance at true love dashed on the rocks of despair in an instant, all thanks to a small child he didn't even know.  "Thanks...  For the...  Food..." he barely whispers, before chewing
Quinton: <c> some more.
Essex: slips his hands into his trenchcoat, retrieving his cell phone. He flips it open and dials Fenin's number, listening to it ring. "Pick up... c'mon..." {**BEEP** You've reached the voice mail box of Fenin Ro, I'm
Essex: (*) unavailable to take your call, please leave a mess-} He hangs up the cell phone, continuing down the street. "Mmmm...." He flips it back open, calling Xerokine, and again, having no luck. "Shit." He 
Essex: (*) stops in front of a diner, not even peering into the windows, flipping the phone open one last time. "Okay..." He dials in the number for Oaftres, listening to it ring while he waits for an answer.
Rini: looks at the odd expression on his face, "What did it say Mister Quinton?" she asks innocently, unaware of what kind of damage she may have caused with her words.  What did she know, she was only a child and knew nothing about adult relationships,
Rini: (c) feelings or love. She was wise beyond her years in many aspects, but something as simple as adult love was well beyond her.  "Is everything ok?" she asks, muching a bit on her cake and wincing due to a clap of thunder.
Shim: - Booted footsteps sounded through the empty street, muted by the sound of the falling rain. There was a wicked scowl on the face of Shim as he approached his old nemesis, hand gripping the hilt of Perpetua. This was the man who had backstabbed hi
Shim: (C) him time after time, despite their the years of cooperation they had enjoyed. This was the man who had plucked his right eye from his skull, the man who stabbed him in the chest and left him for dead, against a horde of Old Syndicate goons. It
Shim: (C) It was Essex Lilla. "You!" Shim's voice erupted through the streets, penetrating the chaos and tumult of the storm, terrible, angry.
Oafy: opens his eyes, reading the expression of Quinton once over, and tsks quite audibly in disappointment. He stands up from the table, patting Quinton on the back a bit roughly. "Plenty of fish," he suggests, while shaking his head at Rini with a
Oafy: - stone cold expression in his eyes. "The adults are talking; eat your-" A vibration in his chest cuts him off, startling him more than anything else could. The vibes somewhere over his left breast bring him into an alerted state, half
Oafy: - convinced he's about to have a heart attack. And yet, it stops just as quickly. He frowns, hand still half assedly patting Quinton. The vibration jolts back to life, and ends soon after. It repeats a few times, before he detects a pattern.
Oafy: places a plam onto his chest, only then feeling a bump over the pocket in his t-shirt. Emerging from the pocket with a tiny cell phone, he hrms. Seems he forgot receivng a cell from Essex the other day - not unforseeable, though, for he'd gotten
Oafy: - quite plastered that night. Without another thought, he answers it, forcing the caller to wait a good length of time. "Hello...?" The word drags out, sounding almost irritated by the interuption by cell.
Essex: stops in his tracks. "Oaftres, I'm gonna have to call you back..." He hangs up the cell phone and drops it back into his pocket, not even turning around. "What do you want, Shim?" He asks, peering
Essex: (*) back over his shoulder at his excomrade. "You obviously haven't come here to have a cup of coffee or a piece of pie or anything like that, so get to the point." He turns around and looks down, 
Essex: (*) towering over the halfbreed by at least three feet. He squints his eyes a bit, snorting blue steam from his nose. "...and get to it quick, I don't have all day, Mr. Wusha."
Essex: (*) back over his shoulder at his excomrade. "You obviously haven't come here to have a cup of coffee or a piece of pie or anything like that, so get to the point." He turns around and looks down, 
Essex: (*) towering over the halfbreed by at least three feet. He squints his eyes a bit, snorting blue steam from his nose. "...and get to it quick, I don't have all day, Mr. Wusha."
Quinton: sighs, slowly crumpling the piece of paper up in his hand, then places into his mouth, and chews.  He numbly responded, "Everything's fine, dear, eat your peas," before swallowing the note and picking up a raspberry scone and eating
Quinton: <c> that, too.  There were plenty of fish in the sea, yes, but there aren't many as perfect as that one.  And now, if he even made an attempt to explain that he had no idea who that girl was, he'd look even more pathetic.  He sigh, stood up,
Quinton: <c> and walked out the door, hunched over, ignoring the waitress's exclamation of, "You forgot to pay your bill!"
Shim: - "The point?" Shim snorted bitterly. "The point is that the last time I saw you, you stabbed me and left me for dead. I should have killed you." The halfbreed's eyes narrowed - he wasn't intimidated at all. "I should have never bothered with you.
Shim: (C)  Should have killed you the day we found you." Shim's knuckles turned white as his grip tightened on Perpetua. There wasn't much stopping him from sheathing the blade in the face of his old ally; and whatever it was stopping him, he couldn't t
Shim: (C) tell.
Oafy: blankly stares off into space, the caller having hung up before he could ask anything of him. Rather than admit he was practically prank called, he plays it cool before the group around him. "So yeah, alright. Five o'clock.... Sure I'll be fedora!
Oafy: closes the flip phone, and tugs it neatly into his chest pocket, where it will likely be the cause of another heart attack scare. "Mmmm, finish your eats, we'll catch you after the bad men get dealt with in the rain," he commands the child, as
Oafy: - he picks up the sensation that beckons him every time, just before hell breaks lose. There were people preparing to do battle... or some other extravagant activity involving sweat. With a quick nod, he leaves the cafe quickly, right behind Quint
Essex: glares, shrugging off his trenchcoat and removing his hat. He drops them on the ground, "If you came here for a fight, you're not going to get one. And you couldn't have killed me the day
Essex: (*) you found me, and you know it. You're incapable of killing me, Wusha, you're weak." He grins, revealing his razor sharp dragon teeth. "You're not upset at me... you're upset at yourself for
Essex: (*) allowing it to happen... you're nothing." Essex crosses his arms over his chest, oblivious to Quinton or Oaftres.
Quinton: looks up at the darkened skies, made even darker by the torrential rains that were pouring down.  The storm had picked up no small amount of momentum in the time they had been in the cafe, and it now seemed like a waterfall cascading every ounce
Quinton: <c> of water that ever even thought of becoming a cloud, down onto him.  <Good,> he thought.  <Maybe I'll end up drowning in it.>  He sighs again, wondering if he was overreacting again.  This -was- only the third time it had happened
Quinton: <c> this week.  A guy could only handle so much rejection.  But that didn't...  He was ripped from his thoughts by something hard and scaly.  Specifically, him walking right into Essex's back.  He looks up at the mutant, takes a step back,
Quinton: <c> and two more, before his eyes caught up with the rest of him and widened in surprise.  "What the hell are YOU doing here?!" he exclaimed loudly.
Shim: *- "Weak? The only half-saiyan to ever achieve the terrible power you saw at Syndicate Headquarters, and I'm weak?" Shim smirked. "That's aside the point though." The halfbreed's voice darkened. His eyes began to portray his true emotion. "You wer
Shim: (C) "You were supposed to be my BROTHER!!!" Shim lashed out, fists clenched, eyes full of the same intensity as they had in years past. The angry halfbreed shoved Essex hard, furious. The mutant was forced back a feet, but was otherwise untouched.
Shim: (C) "I would have fought and died with you, gladly. Even after all that happened... But then, you... You betrayed me, and for that bastard's sake! Did you get a nice little raise, you sonofabitch!?" The barrier between snapping and staying calm wa
Shim: (C)  was now like an atom-thin sheet between the two extremes. "Was it all fake?"
Rini: just sits idlely by, playing with her peas after the two men left.  She frowns and shoves the food away, having had her fill.  She lays down some of the worthless money she had stuff into her backpack and jumps down to the floor.  She puts on a ra
Rini: (c) raincoat she digs out of the same backpack, mumbling to herself "Not now, stay put.." she says, putting the coat on and pulling the hood over her pretty pink hair.  She steps outside and quickly finds the men who just left her the cafe alone. 
Rini: (c) Not that she was scared, but she was rather curious as to what was going on.  She walks over to where Oafy is and stands behind him, peeking out to see what's going on but saying nothing, acting very shy, 'I wonder what they're all doing, they
Essex: "I never did what I did for Kalen you self-centered blind jack-ass!" Essex shouts, stepping forward and shoving Shim hard, knocking the halfbreed himself back a few feet himself. "You should've
Essex: (*) known all the god-damned experiments I did on myself!" He screams, clenching his fists, his eyes beginning to billow a dark blue smoke. He takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.
Essex: (*) "And I'm sorry, I truely am, but in the midst of those experiments, when I used to DNA I had found to make myself the way I am... Just, never mind. What's done is done, and you're blind
Essex: (*) ass wouldn't comprehend anything I told you." He shakes his head and starts to turn away from the halfbreed. "It's done, Shim, it's in the past, stop dwelling on it..."
Rini: (c) all radiate power of some magnitude, but why congregate here of all places and in the middle of a rain storm..' she thinks, shivering a bit, but trying hard to remain calm.
Oafy: folds his arms, watching the situation play out between the Dragon, and the one known as Shim. With all the shoving going on, he gets the distinct feeling these two went as far back as public school, when the method of fighting on the playground
Oafy: - was a harsh pushing, and bickering. "I said stay inside," his words refer to Rini behind him, without bothering to move attention from Shim or Essex. "Things will be getting intense, and the rain is no place for a girl with a phobia of getting
Oafy: - wet." Images stir within his brain, thoughts of Shim. He wasn't sure yet, but he knew that both Essex and Shim played some role in his past... Things were struggling to fit together, somewhat like a puzzle. Unfortunately, the puzzle was
Oafy: - being done by a retarded child known as Billy, who had an attention deficit disorder.
Shim: quickly recovered from the shove, and stepped right back up to Essex, seemingly unswayed by the massive height difference. Despite everything that had happened since, he was still the same fiery soul at his core. "Why the FUCK did you do it then!?
Shim: (C) He was screaming at the height of the volume his body could muster, hoarse since his last epic battle with Fenin Ro. He had waited a whole year to find Essex, who disappeared after the incident at the Syndicate building. He had waited a whole 
Shim: (C) year to find out why... Shim too was beginning to transform against his will, golden streaks beginning to appear in his hair. "Why the HELL would you do it!??"
Quinton: puts his arms up to catch the mutant that was suddenly shoved into him, and steps back as he is quickly ignored.  Apparently these two were having a domestic dispute of some sort, and it wasn't proper for somebody like him to just step in
Quinton: <c> and break it up.  Bad things happened to people who broke up arguments between a large dragon man and an angry halfbreed.  At least, that's what one would assume, anyway.  He stepped back to the relative shelter of the side of the building,
Quinton: <c> to watch the events unfold, the incident with the waitress all but forgotten.
Essex: lowers his head and closes his eyes, his body starting to twitch uncontrollably. He looks back up, his eyes solid red as a blood red aura flared up around him. He opened his mouth to speak his
Essex: (*) voice totally different. "Why did I do it, Shim? Because Essex isn't the only one in controll of this body." He extends his hands out to the side, his muscles beginning to bulge and ripple
Essex: (*) as his body darkened in color, grew in size, and became more draconic. "Because that wasn't Essex in control that day Shim." He grins, "It was me."
Rini: watches the quickly escalating arguement until she cries out as the man known as Shim begins to increase his level of physical power, his anger rising beyond normal stages.  Knowing this could be bad, she calms down a bit, and from behind Oafy, be
Rini: (c) begins to generate a strong ki wind around her, blowing her hood down as her hair clumps together and rises up, glowing with a powerful golden energy.  She then sees and feels the other man increase his strength, which "Stop it, both of you!!"
Rini: (c) she cries as a powerful golden aura explodes about the child, her hair blowing in her own ki breeze. She opens up her eyes, now a glowing green color as tears flow from them, her look both of fear and desperation, which also can be heard in he
Rini: (c) her voice.  A simple streak of pink lightning crackles down her small body, jumping from puddle to puddle when it hits the ground.  The ground shakes only a little bit, as she does her best to keep her strength down to avoid damage to the area
Rini: (c) and potential harm to innocent people.
Oafy: folds his arms, watching the situation play out between the Dragon, and the one known as Shim. With all the shoving going on, he gets the distinct feeling these two went as far back as public school, when the method of fighting on the playground
Oafy: twitches in agony, knowing the child was about to bring a whole lot of hurt upon them all, if she kept up her antics. Out of frustration, he spins on the spot to face her, approaching her with an outstretch arm, grasping ahold of Rini by
Oafy: - her arm. "Listen," his other hand grabs onto her other  arm, keeping a strong squeeze on her. "These two have history that needs to be settled! I promise you no one in this city will suffer from their actions this day, but if you dare
Oafy: - interupt this conflict... I will unleash all the darkness that I know you fear so much, and do with it as I please. JUST... SIT!" His voice rises above that of anything he'd
Oafy: - used, since he can remember. He releases Rini from his hold, staring her deep in the eyes, unblinking, a determined scowl upon his face.
Shim: *- "That's your excuse!?" Shim's hair stood on end, a hundred spikes of gold. His eyes turned wild and green, hungry, starving for vengeance. "This is the closure I've waited a whole year to exact!?" Shim screams out, unleashing the extent of his 
Shim: (C) of his terrible power on the world around him. Cackles of blue energy surrounded him, and a great golden blaze encompassed him. Like a terrestrial star, the halfbreed's body breathed golden energy. "TELL ME WHY!!"
Essex: begin to grow in size, toppling over Shim at nearly thirteen feet tall. His voice booms as his aura flares up around him, breaking the concrete and lifting it in the air around him. "Why did I do it?!"
Essex: (*) "Why did I do it?! Because you, and Kalen, and Essex, and The Syndicate was weak. Because I knew, that in order to make my host more powerful, I needed to break all ties he had..." He 
Essex: (*) lifts his mechanical arm the fingers retracting into themselves, forming a makeshift ki-cannon. "But I never thought that he would regain control, and I sure as hell didn't expect you to come
Essex: (*) looking for him." He looks over at Rini, his face elongating into a lizard-like snout. "You stay out of this little girl, or I swear to god I will do horrible, horrible things to you and what little
Essex: (*) family you may have, back the fuck off." He turns back to Shim. "So, you want to fight or something?"
Rini: grits her teeth as her aura pulsates with intensity, but hearing and listening to Oafy's words, she eventually releases her power and pulls her hood back over her now wet pink hair, crying softly as she stays close to Oafy, unsure of what to do or
Rini: (c) why she should even listen to the man.  She says nothing, although she wanted nothing more than to show Essex just how wrong he was, but it was not her fight and he figured he just said what he did out of anger.  Curiosity, however, overrides 
Rini: (c) fear as she stays to watch, perhaps she could help in some way at some point.  The rain falls heavily as the thunder rumbles gently, the lightning to seemingly have dissipated, meaning the storm was moving on.  Hopefully some sunlight would br
Rini: (c) bring more than just a bit of warmth and light to everyone present.
Quinton: raises his arms in defense at the sudden outburst of power from both of the warriors before him.  He closes his eyes, suddenly wishing he were anywhere but right there at the moment.  Then he remembered her...  The waitress.  The building
Quinton: <c> behind him began forming cracks in its side due to the tremendous pressure that was being exerted upon it.  He couldn't just sit there while it came down upon those inside, could he?  He had to help them.  He quickly shoved past Oafy and
Quinton: <c> Rini, and ran back into the cafe.  Most of the patrons had fled, but there were still several hiding beneath tables and such.  A light fixture that was shaking wildly on the ceiling suddenly snapped, falling down toward...  Her!  He rushed
Quinton: <c> forward, diving into her and pushing her out of the way, as the fixture slammed into his back.  It might as well have been styrofoam, for all it did.  It still stung slightly.  "Are...  Are you alright, miss?" he said, grinning.
Shim: - If he was ever to get to the core of the problem, he would only do it by breaking through this facade. The rumble and the fervor seemed to stop, as if cued by something unseen. Shim looked at Essex with eyes that hoped to pry through the corrupt
Shim: (C)  corruption in Essex, piercing green emeralds, full and sincere. "I heard your son turned sixteen today." His voice was soft suddenly, thoughtful, solemn. 
Essex: * His eyes fade back to their normal ice blue color as he shrinks in size, reverting back to his normal form, the aura around him dies off, Essex obviously in control again. "Orii..?" He blinks, shaking his
Essex: (*) head. "How do you know about Orii?" He stares at Shim dumbfoundedly for awhile, having not heard that name in years. "Has it been that long... I'm so sorry Orii..."
Oafy: eases up his assault on the minor, feeling she has been subdued for now. She posed a threat to them all individually, but the lot of them, united would stop her. And it's likely they would, if she exposed herself as a threatening figurehead. His
Oafy: - actions against her were just as much for his own purposes, as to keep her from harm; a thing he would not admit willingly to others. "Good." He faces Shim and Essex in their ongoing stalemate, knowing a conclusion was not far off. "I would
Oafy: - have hated being forced to commit crimes against humanity... Probably." Slightly shrugging at the thought, he becomes fixated upon Shim and 'Sex. Whatever greater event happened between the two could be resolved in the next passing moments...
Oafy: - or, it could be made much, much worse. Either way, Oafy feels regret he didn't think to grab popcorn. Maybe Quinton'll fish something out...
Rini: gulps, but then relaxes a bit as the much larger man, who's power was vast, seemed to ease off a bit, but he was still a very imposing figure to her and she wanted no part of him.  She just stood even closer to Oafy and shivered as the rain came d
Rini: (c) down, but much lighter, she was still cold from the wetness of her hair and clothes. 'I wonder what's going to happen...I also hope Oafy wasn't serious about hurting people, it would be a shame to destroy a potentially powerful friend..' she t
Rini: (c) thought, looking up at him for a moment before turning her attention back to Shim and Essex, trying to pay attention.
Quinton: sighs heavily as he dusts himself off, and turns away.  Even after that heroic act of chivalry, she wouldn't believe him when he told her he wasn't married, nor had a daughter.  She had given him a lifetime discount at that cafe, however, which
Quinton: <c> equated to unrequited love, in his book.  It was something, at least.  The shaking had died down as well, so he went back outside, wondering if the two combatants had left.  They hadn't.  Since the mutant dragon man apparently didn't recognize
Quinton: <c> him, or was too preoccupied with the matter at hand, he felt at ease.  He handed Oafy and Rini muffins he had procured from the Cafe's manager, saying it was the least he could do for saving the life of his best waitress, and that he
Quinton: <c> was welcome there any time, and that he could have an unlimited tab there.  It had gone from the worst, to the best day of his life.  He hoped it didn't go back to the worst.
Oafy: accepts a muffin from Quinton, bowing his head slightly as thanks. "Quite the heroics, Quin." He chomps into the muffin, hogging it down too quickly as he watches the event play out. "Still no number? And - hey, this muffin is a bit stale.
Oafy: - Was her life only worth stale muffins?" Smirking, he turns to wink at Rini, trying to at the very least show he isn't about to turn against her. But if he got bored, well...
Shim: - There was silence. He knew who he was dealing with now; the strong, sane man who'd fought aside him so many times before. But even assuming that Essex hadn't been responsible... Could he ever forgive it? Could he ever look at him the same way? "
Shim: (C) "Do you... Even know what happened?" Could Essex see himself as he plunged Perpetua deep into Shim's back, turned the momentum in Kalen's favor in what had been a won battle. Had he been wallowing in the guilt of it since?
Essex: looks down. "No." He says ashamedly. "All I know is that I betrayed you, and everyone... but I don't remember any of it. I remember breaking your sword... and claiming it as my own... and then
Essex: (*) everything after that is a blank." He bends over and picks up his trenchcoat, pulling it back on. "And... I still have this." He reaches into his pockets, and pulls out the hilt to the broken
Essex: (*) Perpetua X. "I don't know why I still have it..." He looks up at Shim, "I don't know what it was that I did, but I'm sorry." He drops the hilt, looking back up at Shim and extending his hand to him.
Essex: looks down. "No." He says ashamedly. "All I know is that I betrayed you, and everyone... but I don't remember any of it. I remember breaking your sword... and claiming it as my own... and then
Essex: (*) everything after that is a blank." He bends over and picks up his trenchcoat, pulling it back on. "And... I still have this." He reaches into his pockets, and pulls out the hilt to the broken
Essex: (*) Perpetua X. "I don't know why I still have it..." He looks up at Shim, "I don't know what it was that I did, but I'm sorry." He drops the hilt, looking back up at Shim and extending his hand to him.
Shim: - The hilt clanged against the ground; attached were the shards of what remained of the living blade, Perpetua X. There wasn't a second of hesitation as the halfbreed accepted the handshake firmly. This was the best thing that had happened since h
Shim: (C) his return. "Its good to have you back." There was no way he could describe how much it had pained him to be betrayed by the one friend he'd had left at the time; it was something he'd have to look past, or try to, at least. His eyes slid away
Shim: (C) away from Essex's and to a man he'd never even noticed entering the scene: Oafy. "Oaftres?"
Oafy: smiles brightly as the feud comes to an end, and the two become re-united as friends. It was an overwhelming feeling, even if he did not fully understand it. This was an important event, despite that. Knowing things are back to a peaceful state,
Oafy: charges towards the dragon and fellow halfbreed, big smile on his face. Leaping at them, he grabs them both in an all encompassing hug. "Group hug! Yeeeees!" The laughter he issues is unparallel at this moment. Though in honesty, he had just met
Oafy: - the dragon man a short while ago, and he had to be introduced to Shim, he knew they'd put up with his shit. Probably... 'God, if they dont, am I in a bad spot or what?'
Quinton: sighs, stuffing the last of his muffin into his mouth, and looking at the apparent tearful reunion.  He felt like an outsider, and it was true.  They all knew each other, he didn't.  He sighed again.  "It must be great to have friends like that,"
Quinton: <c> he muttered, turning toward the direction his apartment building lay.  It was currently under renovation, thanks to being nearly destroyed the other night, and the wall in his room had been blasted off, but it had a roof.  "Well, I guess
Quinton: <c> I'll leave you folks to your tearful reunion then," he sighed, then began walking away.
Essex: lets go of Shim's hand, glaring at Oaftres. "Oaf, you're touching me. And I will eat you if you don't stop it." He nods and looks over at Quinton, finally acknowledging his presence. "Oh no, little man
Essex: (*) get your ass back here." He shrugs Oaftres off his shoulders, taking a step forward and grabbing him by his collar. "Where do you think you're getting off to?" He turns Quinton around and looking
Essex: (*) him in the eye, extending a hand to him also. "My name's Dr. Essex Lillah, and no hard feelings about you blowing me up man."
Rini: had paid attention for quite some time to the arguements of these adults, but it eventually bored her.  Tugging on Oafy's shirt, she looks up at him "I'm going to go home..., stop by sometime!" she says happily and channels her ki into her feet an
Rini: (c) and rises up off the ground.  She waves goodbye to Oafy and takes off, protecting her small body from the rain and wind by surrounding herself with a bright pink aura as she heads towards home, a pair of eyes peeking out from her backpack, whi
Rini: (c) which hangs loosly from her back.  Her ankles are crossed as the wind whips about her and at her dress 'We'll meet again, all of us will...hopefully in a non-violent way..' she thinks, nervous about the high-powered arguing that she had been w
Rini: (c) witness to.
Taz: sits at a desk in his newly remodeled house. He is working on a paper when he suddenly gets a call from DeVonte. As he listens to what DeVonte is telling him, he wonders why he was chosen for this. He asks "DeVonte, why am I chosen for this?" He h
Quinton: turns around and blinks, looking up at the large, dragon-mutant man.  "Uh...  Me?  I, uh, I just figured I was just extra weight around here.  See, I got dumped today, and then you guys seemed so into whatever it was you were doing, I figured
Quinton: <c> I'd just go home and maybe lay down, even though my apartment's probably soaked right now because the wall's out and nobody thought to put a plastic sheet over it and it just rained but that's okay because it's only fifty dollars a month
Quinton: <c> anyway, and I think I'm rambling now so I'll just say Hi, I'm Quinton," he said, shaking Essex's hand.
Taz: <c> hears why and then says "Ok, I'll report first thing in the morning." With this, he begins packing for this meeting that he has no clue of what is in store for him on this trip.
Thea: leans back in her chair while staring at the video screen message from  DeVonte she her faciel expression really showing that she could care less at what that old fart wanted her to do, She grits her teeth as Devonte threatens to cut off her fundi
Thea: (c) funding the screen goes blank leaving Thea feeling a little Furies at  DeVonte. "I... I can't believe he would just summon me short notice like this!" jumping up from her chair she storms into the next room snapping her fingers for 
Thea: (c) her help to go and pack her bags. " As if i don't have better things to do then sit and kiss this old farts A.." a man steps into the doorway cutting her off from her ranting. " Sorry Lady Qian but I just thought you should know Kyosho is" 
Shim: *- Shim's eye twitched as the new arrival latched onto him. It was very clear to him who it was. Oaftres Kessoku, the man who brought him to the Knights those many years ago. What had he been up to since... Then? "Oaftres... Where have you been?" 
Shim: (C)  As if today had not been strange enough, what with Essex's resurfacing, Oaftres too decided to show himself to Shim. "When did you start... Living again...?"
Thea: (c) " Don't bother me with that now fool ! can't you see i'm about to go!" she snarls toward the other help demanding that they get her bags to ship before she gets down the steps  and ready to go. 
Taz: finishes packin his bag. He throws it over his shoulder and tells his dog good-bye. He then walks out the door out toward his ship. He thinks about the last time he was in the ship. "This ship has been to hell and back too many times." He said to 
Taz: <c> himself.He starts up the ship and inputs the the info into the board computer. He then launches into space where he is on his way to the Junction Point Alpha for this meeting he could really careless for.
Oafy: allows himself to regain a proper posture, standing up straight on his own support, rather than on the dragon, or clinging onto Shim. He clears his throat, while running his fingers through his damp hair once over, slicking it back
Oafy: - effecitvely. "Oaftres? Kessoku?" People knew him as Oaftres, despite introductions to everyone as 'Oafy'.. He knew both names were his, but he still found it odd. And this 'Kessoku'.. his last name? Yes... yes, it was definitely his last name.
Oafy: holds a baffled look on his face, eyeing Shim for a moment, before agreeing. "Yea, I'm he. Not sure when I... stopped living, actually, but... I'll tell you if that changes." He laughs lightly, before folding his arms behind himself. "You're Shim
Oafy: - Wu'Sha... We know each other?" The look of understanding overcomes his face, as he tries to piece together the obvious.
Thea: looks out side her ship as she nears Jpa it's one of the few places Icers are really tolerated as the main source of power. Icers could be seen moving all over the outside of Jpa wouth any suits thier abilities to survive anywere makes 
Thea: (c) them the right ones for the job. Thea ship slows down to a creep as one of the icer waves her through into the docking bay. The ship comes to a slight hover before touching down onto the ground with a soft thud. 
Thea: (c) stairs ascend down from the ship touching the ground each step coming down right before Thea foot hits the next one. "ahhh  Junction Point Alpha one of the many place i really can't stand." Two large green men walk next to Thea 
Shim: - "Yeah... We do." There was a certain tone to his voice that betrayed the fact that they had been friends since they met several years before; since Shim was but a young man. He had been a mentor to him, an older brother when there was nothing el
Thea: (c) she knew these were Devonte henchmen, she puts both her arms up in the air while taking a deep breath. "okay lead the way." The two large men lead her toward some steps. <henchmen> "the boss is down below get going!" 
Shim: (C) else for him. "Yeah, we do know eachother." He gave the other halfbreed a strange look... "Have you forgotten?"
Thea: (c) they give her a slight shove toward the steps, Thea just shrugs them off as she descends toward the door opening it to see the old looking icer sitting there in his chair smoking on a cigar. <Devonte> "Its about time!" 
Essex: (*) "It's a pleasure to meet you, Quinton." He puts his arm around the man's shoulder and turns him towards the group, walking back. "Shim, Oaftres doesn't remember anything..." He shakes his head
Essex: (*) "It's a shame, everything we all had, heh... even if he did hate me." He looks Oafy in the eyes and coughs. "I've got a laboratory, not far from here, we could restore his memories if he wants."
Taz: sits in his seat with his eyes close. Taking in what little time he has to sleep. DeVonte knows how he gets when he gets calls like that. As he feels the ship descent to the group, he looks out the window and see Icers. He doesn't like the JPA tha
Taz: <c> that much, but hell, if it gets him away from the crime back at home, he is happy. As he lands, he notices two of DeVonte's henchmen comming toward his ship. As he steps off he puts his stuff down and puts his hands in the air ready for the se
Taz: <c> searching. <henchmen> "DeVonte is below waiting for you. Now hurry and get down there!" On his way down he thinks *Wow, this will be fun!! NOT!!*
Oafy: ignores the overwhelming urge to yell 'DUH' at Shim, choosing rather than shrug sheepishly to his question. At this point, he was very use to this situation. "I've forgotten more than you can imagine," he laughs, shaking his head sadly. "I can
Oafy: - tell you what I do remember, but it isn't much." He rests his voice a minute, as it suddenly feels raspy from the outburst he gave to quiet the child, Rini. Clearing his throat, hoping to solve this, he goes on. "Feelings and emotions are
Oafy: - the jist of what I get when I see certain.. individuals." He extends a single finger, prodding Shim's right shoulder hard. "You're not my son, are you?" The question sounds serious, but he suddenly adopts a goofy grin.
Xerokine: -*- "Wow, this like some sort of crazy reunion," came a sardonic voice from above the small group of fighters. Perched lightly on the edge of the cafe's rooftop, a man in a black cloak stared down at them with an arrogant smirk, a pair of 
Xerokine: -*- golden-brown eyes shining softly in the faint drizzling haze. "And here I wasn't even planning to come to Never Had Crap city, but I figured it would be interesting. How right I was." Xerokine dropped down, landing lightly on the wet 
Xerokine: -*- pavement. "Yo. Long time so see." The man pulled his hood forward, casting his features into shadow as the rain traced down his cloak in small rivulets. "Is this a private club, or can anybody join?"
Shim: - "I don't have that goofy-ass hair, do I?" Shim chuckled; things were beginning to return to how they had been so long ago. It was a good feeling, to be surrounded by old friends, to see old wounds healed. But there was a forboding feeling in the
Shim: (C) the pit of his stomach, something that told him that this happiness would be shortlived as it had been the first time. It would end in tragedy, as with all good things. He couldn't help grinning through, as Xerokine dropped down next to their 
Shim: (C) their group. "Anyone can join. Except Nina."
Dako: slowly walked the streets of Earth, following the similar path which he had walked once again. He had felt Essex's presence once again, off to find him once again, most probably with others from the past, maybe even from The Syndicate. His mind be
Dako: <C> his mind began to wander, remembering the past attacks and fights. The imagination became true as he walked down the street, and saw the group of people, seeing Essex near the middle of them all. {At last, the past comes back to somewhat 'haun
Dako: <C> 'haunt me'} bringing a smile to his own face. "Good day all, great day for a meeting isn't it?" He said saluting them all in mock-honour. He joined the small group and stood with. "So whats the haps?"
Quinton: narrows his eyes at the sudden intrusion of Xerokine.  He was another of the men that was at the hospital.  He looked to be the most dangerous of them all, as well.  But his intuition had been off quite a bit today, so he was willing to give this
Quinton: <c> newcomer the benefit of the doubt.  Even if he did look like he could have slit Quinton's throat and not shown a whit of emotion.  "Hiya, mister, uh...  Whatever your name is."  He then noticed yet another newcomer.  How many more people
Quinton: <c> would show up, he wondered?  And once again, these people seemed to know each other.  He was an outsider.  It's not like any of them had known who he was before today, at least.
Oafy: cocks his head a bit, as if trying to see an unseen object in better light. "Nina?" A pain over comes him, as he places a hand on his stomache, hoping to settle the pain. But just as quickly, the feeling dissipates without reason. "I get the
Oafy: - impression she was a bitch." Shaking off the thought, he turns attention to Xerokine, studying him up and down. Trying to decide whether or not he should go after what crossed his mind, he raises a hand to his chin, rubbing an imaginary
Oafy: - goatee. "You pushed me off a bridge..." All else in his mind falls as secondary, as a growing urge takes control. He inches closer to the Saiyan, one hand in a fist, the other still on his chin, playing with the shortest of stubble. "I owe
Oafy: - you a brutal choking." Having outed his opinion, he allows the ball to roll into Xerokine's court.
Thea: <DeVonte> Looks up at the two of them standing in the door way The and Taz  sizing them up for a second then letting out a big hacking cough. "It's about time you idiots got here, whats it been two days ? Two days it took you !" 
Xerokine: looked around, seeing a dozen powerful, arrogant fighters who had ties leading back for decades. "Well, for one, I'm Xerokine Dyrnwyn Caeruleus. In case anyone forgot," he added sarcastically. "But, you know, we're all 
Thea: (c) <DeVonte> "It shouldn't take you two days, if i say get your buts here you drop everything and hall ass!" Devonte places the Cigar in his mouth and making it glow bright red and holds the smoke in for a second then blows it out. 
Xerokine: -*- here. We've all met up for the first time in quite a while," Xerokine noticed, folding his arms across his chest. "You know what we have to do." An evil glint entered his eyes, a shining flicker of amusement and entertainment to come. 
Xerokine: -*- "Battle Royale. This city is the ring. Last one standing buys drinks." Putting actions to words, Xerokine drew the gleaming bastard sword from across his back, let a spark of energy dance down the edge, and slashed the energy 
Thea: (c) <DeVonte> "What the hell are you a couple pupits sit your Asses down.!" Thea shrugs at the old Icer barking at them like a couple of muts. "what is this about DeVonte? you need your meds or something?" 
Xerokine: -*- wave into the ground. The pavement detonated as if from a bomb, sending rock shards in every direction. Under the cover of dust, Xerokine flickered through the smoke, sending a quick slash toward Oaftres' middle. "Go!"
Thea: (c)  pulls a chair out from under the desk and ploping down into the chair.
Oafy: falls backwards, pushing off the ground with both feet, propelling himself from the slash to his mid-section. Awkwardly, he lands in a hand stand from which he forces a second push, backflipping into an upright position in the air, at least
Oafy: - a good twenty feet away. "Swordplay, really? Isn't that cliche?" Flicking his wrist, Oafy tosses a poorly aimed black ball of energy toward Xerokine - easily avoidable, leaving a secondary target as Quinton. While the ball flies off, he descends
Oafy: - upon a lamp post, grasping it by the top and tearing it free from its cemented base. "Improvision, on the other hand..." He uproots the ten foot pole-like object, test swings it about himself once, and grins. "Bring it, Cloakenstein!"
Dako: pounced backwards as Xerokine pounded the grounds, sending rocky shards everywhere. "I missed the sweet talk" He said and smiled, parrying to avoid most of the debri. He rose to the air and closed his eyes as his power rose, his eyes beginning to 
Dako: <C> beginning to scroll with binary in the black emptiness, until his aura broke out in a firey green and black. He made a few symbols with his hands, breaking the seals and opening his jutsus, throwing a high powered blast at Shim. Dropping off h
Dako: <C> off he hid in an alley, scanning for his targets, {Essex and Shim, just like the good old times, hopefully he wouldn't have been to trained since the last time}. He jumped to the side of a building and rose into the air, targeting Essex, his e
Dako: <C> his eyes crackled electricity around him and fired twin beams of green and black towards Essex, hoping for a clean hit. A few more hand gestures he was throwing energy blasts at both of them, in attempt of at least confusing them for now. "Hop
Dako: <C> "Hopefully this battle will be as good as the last, maybe I'll get a win" He whispered to himself, waiting for the great outburst of the fighters.
Essex: snaps his head in Dako's direction, grabbing his trenchcoat and tearing it off, throwing the scraps away. "Shim, get the chairs." He says, taking the two beams to the chest and stumbling backwards,
Essex: (*) but otherwise unphased. He hunches over and screams, two scaley black wings penetrating out of his shoulder blades and spreading out, giving him a very wide wingspan. "It's on little man!"
Essex: (*) He jumps in the air, his mechanical arm transforming into a heavy club.
Quinton: jumps back quickly as the concrete suddenly bursts into a shower of debris.  For once, his intuition was right.  And this happened right outside of the cafe he had just become the hero of.  And now there was suddenly a battle royale?  What...
Quinton: <c> Who WERE these people?  He had to wonder just how insane you had to be to start a fight with no provocation in the middle of the street.  And now there was suddenly a ball of energy flying toward him.  He snapped out of his reverie just in
Quinton: <c> time to avoid it, jumping into the air and onto a nearby building.  "Oh for the love of...!" he exclaims, jumping across several more buildings until he was some distance away.  "I don't need this shit now!"
Xerokine: grinned wickedly. "Ooh, nice," he replied, spinning his own gleaming weapon around in wide, shining circles. "Rather unwieldy, though, isn't it?" Without waiting for Oaftres to get used to his impromptu weapon, Xerokine darted 
Xerokine: -*- forward as a dark blur against the pavement, sparks raining down as his blade clashed with the unbalanced swing of the halfbreed's pole. With the longer reach a ten-foot weapon gave him, it was difficult for Xerokine to really approach 
Xerokine: -*- and get into range for his own blade. "Oh well," Xerokine shrugged, flipping backwards over the pole and kicking off a nearby building wall. As he jump-kicked between the two buildings and flipped onto the roof, black sparks danced 
Xerokine: -*- down the blade of his sword. "Lightning Vortex!" he announced, and released a rotating torrent of dark lightning down toward Oaftres. "And where do you think you're going?" Xerokine asked, landing neatly in Quinton's path and 
Xerokine: -*- slashing toward the man's face.
Shim: *- An fossil of an Asian storekeeper screamed curses at Shim as he left her store without paying for a pair of steel chairs. With incredible speed he blasted through the air towards Dako and Essex. Carefully, he leans them against the alley wall i
Shim: (C) in preparation... "Damn, Essex... It's kinda nippy out here. I bet Dako's face is FREEZING!"
Taz: hearing DeVonte he says "Come on, give us a break. You didn't give us enough time to plan. You know how much I hate sudden events." He looks at Thea and then back at DeVonte. He says "What is it you want with us anyways DeVonte?"
Taz: <c> As he continues looking at Thea. He starts wondering again why he is here, and what Thea has to do with this meeting.
Oafy: laughs lightly as Xerokine's hesitation to draw too near him; he had picked a superb weapon to fend off the Saiyan. As the lightning vortex drew near him, he released his right hands hold on the lamp post, favouring the left in a sluggish manner.
Oafy: 's becomes consumed in a washing aura of darkness, spreading over his entire form, thickening outward and encasing him. The transparent black shell takes the blunt force of the dark lightning based attack, but the attack outlasts the shield,
Oafy: - shattering his defenses. The energy sears him, burning his flesh as it explodes over him. The figure of Oaftres dashes through the air, out of the smoke cloud from the blast, allowing the lamp to trail along with him. His body smokes
Oafy: - ever so slightly, while his shirt seems to have been blasted out of existence - or he got tired of wearing a shirt. Either way, he brings the post up behind him, grabbing with both hands, and swings downward to the two warriors, like a set of
Oafy: - golf balls. "You fried my chest hairs!! Uncool!" He declares, as some attempt at a warcry.
Dako: came to greet Essex as he matched fists with Essex, the metal hand crushing with his own. He switched and grabbed onto Essex's fist, twisting over and kicking Essex in the back with his heel. Reaching back over he grabbed Essex's leg and slammed h
Dako: <C> him into his knee, creating a sickening crunch, repeating the motion. Throwing Essex downward he threw him into his fist, causing another crack into his body. He grabbed him by the wrist once more and created a ball of energy, but being less c
Dako: <C> but being less controlled. His rage continued to flow through to his hand, the ball instead becoming a electrical charge of power. "CHIDORI" he screamed as he pulled Essex back in and forced the energy into his body.
Essex: takes all of Dako's attacks, beginning to pant heavily. "You're right, Shim... Dako's face does look cold." He grabs Dako by the face with his metal claw and shoots a fireball pointblank into Dako's head
Essex: (*) head, lighting it on fire. He keeps his grip and turns, throwing Dako like a baseball into the ground. He releases his ki, falling back to the ground in the alley, hooking his foot under a shovel and kicking
Essex: (*) in the air in Shim's direction. "Oh look, Shim, a face-fire." He says, walking back over to the brick wall and picking up both the chairs, one in each hand.
Quinton: widens his eyes in surprise as Xerokine suddenly appears before him, brandishing a very sharp-looking blade that was headed straight for his face.  Before he has time to react, however, his foot finds a discarded glass bottle.  Were this any
Quinton: <c> other time, he'd have cursed the perpetrator for placing such an object squarely in his path.  However, this caused him to fall backward, narrowly avoiding the blade aimed at him.  This also puts him in a position to see Oaftres' attack.
Quinton: <c> He swiftly pushes himself out of the path of the large lamp post, then launches himself into the air before the roof inevitably collapses due to the force of the attack.  "I guess there's no helping it," he mutters, as he suddenly appears
Quinton: <c> above Oaftres, his leg poised high, before he lets it loose, sending a swift axe-kick towards the top of Oaftres' head.
Shim: - Something rose in Shim's gut. Pure instinct. Shim snatched the shovel out of the air with his right hand and blasted through the air towards Dako. "Oh no, Essex. I'd better stop this, before it spreads!!" Dako was screaming his lungs out, his fa
Shim: (C) face a smelly blaze of burnt and smelly flesh. And then, without warning, Shim began to mercileslly beat the SHIT out of Dako's face with the shovel. Ash and other things related to face-fires flew in all directions... A few minutes after the 
Shim: (C) fire was out, Shim decided it was time to stop beating him, and nodded to Essex. "I wonder if Dako likes music?"
Xerokine: growled as Quinton dropped, either by accident or design, out of the way of his attack. Even worse, it seemed the only effect his Vortex had on Oaftres was to remove his shirt. "Fine," he grumbled, spinning around as 
Xerokine: -*- the pole began to rip through the building's roof. "I'll dodge this... and I'll do it with my shirt -on-." Xerokine flickered forward, his sword braced behind his back as he actually leapt onto the swinging pole and began to run up the thin 
Xerokine: -*- piece of metal even as Oaftres continued to swing it. "Play golf with this!" he yelled, racing nearly vertically up the pole directly toward the man holding it, glistening blade arcing upward, while Quinton swept in from behind and 
Xerokine: -*- attacked from the opposite direction. "Crossfire!" 
Thea: DeVonte eye's narrow as he watches the two of them take thier seats. <DeVonte> "Now i'm going to to cut to the point my here my health is quickly leaving and with that my organization will be up in the air for grabs if i don't 
Thea: (c) appoint an heir" Thea looks puzzled at DeVonte as silence fills the smell cigar smocked filled room. "an heir ? what about your sons?" DeVonte grits his teeth and twitches a bit at the thought of giving his sons anything. 
Thea: (c) <DeVonte> "my sons ?!?! Which one ? the one that isn't fit to take my dog out for  crap or the one that thinks he is namekian !" DeVonte stagers up to his feet  his old tail not even being able to sway any more it just drags against the 
Thea: (c) ground as he walks around the desk. " I'm going to trust the two you and one more named Maul to take over this operation, Taz you have been working under me the longest so i'm going to leave the main branch in your hands!" 
Thea: (c) Thea  eye's wonder over toward Taz a slight frown forming on her face as she thinks about how  she could have been the one in charge. <DeVonte> "as for you Thea i will let you take over the Medical department you want need to 
Thea: (C) worry about money for your funding anymore." DeVonte hacks up a little more grabbing his mouth and dropping his Cigar. "You know this means you will have close ties with most of the planets including earth Vegeta 
Thea: (c) namek and the android planet. As for me i can no longer keep up appearances anymore that will be up to you Taz and that idiot maul...." Devonte waddles back to his chair and slumps down silent. 
Taz: Now knowing the true reason why he is here, he says "DeVonte, don't worry. I'll take over the organization." He turns to Thea and says "Thea, Since DeVonte's health is falling quick, try and see what you can do." "DeVonte, as for Maul, I'll talk w
Taz: <c> with him later and let him know whats going on.", he said. He then turns his head back to DeVonte and says "Don't worry, I'll make sure TS doesn't die."
Oafy: grunts as his muscles slow down, not taking kind to the harsh swinging downward with the massive pole. 'Theres a joke in there, somewhere...' He considers. Below, both targets dodge his clubbing, the most alarming of the two being Xerokines oncomi
Oafy: - slash. Releasing his momentum on the pole, he uses it as support, while swinging his body around, attempting to to do a faceplant on Xerokine with his extended left foot. During this, Quinton's foot crashes into his head, causing him to lose
Oafy: - control of his swing, tossing himself with increased force past Xerokine, spinning sideways as he collapses into the ruins of a building. One he himself had ruined with his golf swing. Groaning, he sits up out of the ruined building,
Oafy: - feeling a pain shoot down his back. Reaching back, he analyzes his hand; blood stained it. Standing up brought some difficulty to it, as well. "Ah, bastard Xerokine!" He roars up, "y'cut my damn ass!"
Dako: rose himself up from the burning sensation, still on fire. He stared at Essex and Shim and spoke. "What the FUCK was that.." he said as he brushed himself clean. "...I like happy hardcore." he said, sweeping under Shim's legs and punching essex in
Dako: <C> in the lower regions. Picking them up he threw them into each other, bones upon bones cracking. Launching them into the ground, he began to punch their bodies, causing craters to lower further into the ground. Rising back up he charged two pow
Dako: <C> two powerful blasts into each hand, firing them constantly into the ground, smoke rising slightly. Rising up a bit to let the smoke level, he fired a final twin eye beams into each crater. "Here they come.." He sighed, preparing for the rebutt
Quinton: quickly siezes the opportunity given him and launches a blast of energy, not at Oaftres, but at the unsteady building the halfbreed was now standing on.  That just left Xerokine, who was now in the air above Quinton as he fell, touching the
Quinton: <c> roof of a neighboring building before launching himself into the air again, sending a second blast of energy at the cloaked Saiyan.
Thea: peers sharply at DeVonte as Taz talks about keeping the clan up and running ( Had i known i would be getting this clan i wouldn't have taken the time of making this old fart sick!) her fingers dig into the wood of the chair arm rest
Thea: (c) DeVonte gives a nod toward Taz muttering under his breath <DeVonte>"I know i can trust you Taz thats why i'm giving you the clan." DeVonte looks at Thea and gives her a smirk before standing up and walking toward teh door. 
Thea: (c) <DeVonte > "The keys for the ship are in the desk Taz, you kno where to set up shop from here i trust." with that DeVonte swings open the door and sleanks out. "Darn it" was all that Thea could seem to get out. 
Essex: * As the smoke cleared from the crater, Dako looks around as there was nobody there. Standing behind Dako was Essex, Shim's hand on his shoulder, each one of them holding a chair in their hand. Essex
Essex: (*) lowers his fingers from his forehead, grinning. "If he likes music, let's play him a conchairto!" He grabs Dako's shoulder with his free hand and spins the android around, kicking him hard in the gut with the
Essex: (*) toe of his boot, causing the android to double over. He steps to the side and brings the chair back like a baseball bat, waiting for Shim to assist him.
Taz: is amazed by what DeVonte said, he walkes over to the desk, and picks up the keys. "Thea, since i'm the new leader of the clan, would you like to be ranked in it?
Taz: <c> " He askes Thea. Before she could answer, he walks over to the door and opens it for her. He tells her to go to her ship and give whatever she needs out of there and get ready for a trip.
Noodles: - Gathering himself, Noodles looks down, smiling at what he just brought into this world. "What a good piece of...Well. It's simply beautiful" Noodles says, raising his hand to the half flush button on the toilet lid. The water gulfs the poo and w
Noodles: <C>poo and washes it away, to some place never to be known. Noodles nods his head, and then licks his hands, getting away all of the germs. Once finishing, He slowly exits the toilet, and moves out into the living room, glancing outside, looking t
Noodles: <C> looking to the beautiful day, which is now...Aset. He smiles, continually gazing out into the open.
Shim: - A split second later, the resounding clang of Shim's chair against Dako's head ensued. The bent chairs were tossed away by their wielders, who wiped their hands as if overcome by a sense of accomplishment. The Android's eyes rolled as he laid th
Shim: (C) there, face charred and now bent in at odd angles. Shim dropped down onto a knee, getting right into Dako's face. "You just got knocked the fuck out!!" Screamed Shim, as Dako slipped into unconsciousness. "Damn that felt good."
Thea: lifts herself up from the chair, her eye's still keeping the same odd look of disgust on it. "Well i guess i don't have much of a choice in this matter now do i?"  Thea steps out of the door not even giving Taz another look 
Thea: (c) Few men carry the bags from her Ship to the new Ship Vengeance. Thea slowly walks behind the  men loading her bags onto the ship. (To think i went though all that plotting for nothing, that old fool new.) she gives out a sigh before 
Thea: (c) getting on the ship. 
Xerokine: grimaced, guarding himself with crossed arms as he fell uncontrollably into Quinton's beam. The impact seared the cloth off both arms and scorched his skin, sent the Saiya-jin flying backwards and spinning through the 
Xerokine: -*- air. "Lightning Vortex!" he shouted, letting fly another wave of dark energy toward Quinton right before falling out of sight and crashing onto the empty city street behind the collapsing building Oaftres had entered. The pavement 
Xerokine: -*- cracked and splintered under his feet, making his legs twist painfully. "Hmph," Xerokine muttered, and blasted his way into the wreckage to look for Oaftres. 
Oafy: shouts a curse as the building folds in onto itself, the floor he's on crashing in all around, leaving the structure as a single story. Rubble buries him, as the shit keeps piling. After immense dust clouds settle, he's revealed laying on his
Oafy: - back, all but his head hidden under brick, ceiling material, and broken cement. Cursing once more, he erupts in a burning fiery aura, blasting away the materials binding him to the floor. As Xerokine blasts in through one of the walls,
Oafy: can't help but point out, "y'know, that wasn't necessary. The walls aren't taller higher than twenty feet, and you could tap em over if you tried." The building is really just the outer-shell, no longer boasting a ceiling or insides so much.
Oafy: smiles politely, as he cracks his knuckles. "Now.. about that choking." Oaftres bolts forward, heedlessly ignoring the fact Xerokine is armed. Both hand grasp for his neck, intending to throttle him something mean.
Quinton: looks in horror as Xerokine's wave of energy slams into him, sending him through the building he had just moments before touched down upon, and into the adjoining street.  His chest was seared to the bone, and his arms looked as though they
Quinton: <c> were barbecued chicken wings.  He made an attempt to stand up, falling down twice before regaining his footing.  "Why..." he rasped, "Why are they so strong..." he took a step forward before stumbling, nearly falling face-first into the paveme
Quinton: <c> pavement. His chest began to burn, the nerve endings that had been severed slowly repairing themselves as only a saiyan's body could, and returning to him the pain of having narrowly escaped death.  He slowly stumbles into the wreckage of the
Quinton: <c> building, sending a feeble blast through the wall, enough to knock a hole in it but not much else.  He grimaces, pulling himself through it, and looking for either of his opponents.
Xerokine: just grinned, letting the halfbreed grab him around the throat. Of course, with both of Oaftres' hands occupied, there was really nothing to prevent Xerokine from grabbing -him- around the throat as well. Tossing his 
Xerokine: -*- sword to the side, where it sank into the crumbling walls for half its length like a stylized tack, the man reached out with both hands to return the favour. The two of them stood there, trying to choke the life out of each other, each 
Xerokine: -*- refusing to give in... until Xerokine kicked Oaftres in a rather delicate area. "Ha!" he coughed as both of them stumbled backwards. "Take that." The Saiya-jin spun around to grab his sword back out of the wall, just in time to 
Xerokine: -*- see a section of the wall vanish in a flare of light to reveal Quinton, smoking and looking rather well-done. "Looks like the chicken is done, time to skewer it!" Xerokine yelled, darting forward to try and stab Quinton through the middle.
Oafy: loses footing, falling backwards continuously, refusing to land on the floor completely. Struggling to remain on both feet, he comes to a leaning rest against one of the few walls solid enough to provide him support. Anguish on his face is quite
Oafy: - clear; one eye squints, the other wide open, unblinking; and lips tightly kept in an 'o'. Both hands hover over his man jewels, shielding it from any future attacks, as he remains stationary, not daring to move, out of fear of further genital
Oafy: - assault. Most of all, he maintains silence.. He didn't want to hear his voice as an eight year old right now..
Quinton: raises his arm feebly in protest as Xerokine sends his sword into his stomach.  He stared numbly at the saiyans face, before looking down at the hilt of the blade that was currently sticking out of his gut.  He grasped at the hand that held the
Quinton: <c> hilt, his grip weakening as he fell forward, a globule of blood emanating from his mouth as he coughed.  He grinned vacantly at the ruined building Xerokine had just rushed out of.  <So this is how it ends, is it?  This is how you
Quinton: <c> were trained?  To lose like this, pathetically?  Hardly even putting up a fight, even if the opponent is twice as strong as you?> voice suddenly chimed in his head.  "No...  I can't..." he mumbled unintelligibly, blood garbling his words as
Quinton: <c> he coughed more.  <Shut up!  Stand tall, be proud!  You are a Saiyan Warrior!  This pathetic worm cannot stand up to your might!>  "...Right...  Can't..." he mumbles, stepping back, the blade leaving his body.  The dust suddenly began to swirl
Quinton: <c> at his feet.  A distant rumble of thunder swiftly became a deafening roar.  A torrent.  A hurricane!  Debris imbedded itself all throughout the surrounding buildings, before it was suddenly calmed.  A crackle of energy, another, and
Quinton: <c> more, until it was a dance of electricity, throughout the area.  And at the center of it all, was Quinton, screaming in anger, pain, sadness, frustration, despair...  His hair stood on end, flashing gold, until it suddenly stabilized
Quinton: <c> itself.  The newly awakened saiyan stood there, glaring at his foe.  How could he even think to lose to this worm?  This nothing?  How could this mockery of a saiyan that stood before him oppose him?  He smirked momentarily, before suddenly
Quinton: <c> disappearing in a swirl of dust.  An instant passed, two, and suddenly a foot appeared, as if from nowhere, directed straight at Xerokine's temple.
Lye: sips tea gently in the human cafe, the name of which mattered little.  This wasn't the Earth, not the one he was first introduced to so many many centuries ago.  This, although known to few was what the human race fled.
Lye: (c)He could hear the clash of battle elsewhere in the city.  'Not surprising...'  He though to himself.  Old Earth had been destroyed in a glorious battle between two super beings.  Or perhaps his memory was off, it mattered little.
Lye: (c)A slight chuckle came from his lips as he glanced over the various patrons of the cafe.  He was now wearing a purple suit, paid for by his six digit salary at a government hospital.  Already he had been given grants for research.
Lye: (c)One of the great things about human kind is their inability to see through the veil of ones intentions.  Already a new lab was being constructed to research the human genome.  He had even been assigned brilliants minds to assist..
Lye: (c)Another chuckle as he slowly raised the glass to his blue lips, and took another sip of the hot liquid.  'Of course, my personal research isn't going to help mankind at all.  Biological warfare... I love it.'  He let out an audible laugh, glanc
Xerokine: -*- The crumbling walls, which had lasted so well thus far, were completely incapable of standing up to Quinton's transformation. Beams of golden light shot out like razorblades, leaving the three of them standing in the center of a 
Xerokine: -*- blasted warzone as smoke rose from the debris. Xerokine blinked and was suddenly flying through the air, spinning uncontrollably before he crashed on the hard ground with a muted thump, continuing to slide painfully across the 
Xerokine: -*- cracked pavement. His cloak ripped in several places as the rocky and jagged ground's friction took its toll, before a large piece of hard rubble stopped his momentum with a sickening crunch. Xerokine coughed and spat out a mixture 
Xerokine: -*- of blood and saliva as he lay on the ground and rolled over. Slowly, he got up on his hands and knees, shaking furiously. "Oh, see, you shouldn't have done that," Xerokine growled, the space around his body rippling with heat. 
Xerokine: -*- The air around him suddenly burst into red and white flames, the mark of the Kaioken technique, and the rock beneath his hands began to soften and melt. Xerokine flipped to his feet with suddenly enhanced agility and speed, 
Xerokine: -*- and darted forward with such power that his form blurred into a living comet. His sword forgotten in his left hand, his right balled into a fist and shot directly at Quinton's face like the finger of a god.
Oafy: blinks a little, making sense of what just happened. The scenary changed a little, he notes thoughtfully, while standing up from the middle of the street. Which didn't make much sense, as he recalled being inside that broken down building.
Oafy: shrugs helplessly. The last few moments passed by without his knowledge - time froze, while his throbbing nads slowly recovered. Even now, it was taking immense mind power to keep from doubling over, and crying. Xerokine, meanwhile, was after
Oafy: - Quinton with an intense fury.. his power rivaled that of anything Oaftres knew existed, which wasn't actually saying much. "Best let him take out his anger on Quinton for now.. my genitals will thank me later," he decies, sitting down.
Quinton: screams in pain as he is suddenly launched head-first through the wall of the nearest standing building, which was some distance away.  "No way..." he gasps, before he picks himself up.  How could he have...  Oh, right.  He was saiyan, too.
Quinton: <c> Of course they'd have the same tricks.  And that just left it up to a contest of raw power, in which he lost hands-down.  Even with his increased strength.  Fear suddenly grew within him.  He had never been more terrified in his life.
Quinton: <c>  Most fights he had ever been in were never serious fights.  At least, none to the death.  He could die in this fight.  He WOULD die in this fight, unless he could stop it.  Somehow...  His hand grasped something long, cold, and metallic.
Quinton: <c> A discarded pipe?  No way that would do any real damage, but maybe...  He picked himself up, and launched himself at his opponent, throwing the pipe with all of his strength at the warrior, following it up with a punch hidden behind it.
Lye: finished his glass of tea.  Unfortunately he wasn't exactly able to take care of himself physically.  He would most likely have a few enemies on his rise to power.  It would be best to have powerful allies.  He grinned, glaring across the cafe.
Lye: (c)One of the best ways to gain an alley, as he had learned from the past..  Was the innate healing ability natural to all nameks.  It was the same ability that had granted him his current occupation with the six figure income.
Lye: (c)Standing from his seat, he left a few zeni on the table then walked across the cafe, heads turning to stare at the blue namek in the purple suit.  It was irrelevant,  in time they would all perish under his careful planning..
Lye: (c)For the meantime however, allies.  As he left the cafe he took flight, his ears taking him towards the sounds of battle.  He would of course heal the loser, whichever party that was.  Then it would be easier to gain an ally.  
Xerokine: grinned wickedly as Quinton went flying. So much for the famed ascension. "Turning yellow and getting a little pissed off didn't seem to help very much, now did it?" he chided, holding his shining blade in one hand to the 
Xerokine: -*- side, calmly spinning it around his finger in wide circles. "Maybe you should try again. I'm old. I'm probably getting tired." Xerokine chuckled, letting the crimson aura around him flare out a bit toward Oaftres. "Oh, what's this?" he 
Xerokine: -*- noted, watching Quinton get up. "Still alive? Ooh, and a stick!" Xerokine flicked his sword, carelessly knocking the pipe away. "Against me? How path-" Blood splattered against the smoldering ground as Xerokine was thrown 
Xerokine: -*- backwards by the hidden punch, stumbling against the unsteady ground and the shifting wreckage. "Ooh. An underhanded sneak attack. I like you. But it won't help you... no!" Black sparks danced along the edge of the 
Xerokine: -*- Tatsujungin, as Xerokine fired another Lightning Vortex against Quinton. "Take this!"
Oafy: rises to his feet suddenly, watching Xerokine prepare his infamous lightning vortex manuever. This was the time to strike.. he knew there would be no more perfect time to put the saiyan down for the count. Without a seconds thought on a plan
Oafy: - of action, he dashes across the street, rampaging through the few remnants of a building that would have once been in the way. A black aura explodes around him, sending the sky into perpetual twilight for a brief second, as he forces his bare
Oafy: - knuckle downward to the back of Xerokine's neck, hoping his sneak attack wouldn't have been given away by his burst of power. Or the screams of mothers as they herded their children out of the way of Oafy's charge.
Usagi: - It had been ages. Usagi stood once more upon the grasslands that she called home and stared out amongst the stars. "It's honestly been too long..." A breeze blows through the plains, making the sea of reeds sway and wave much like the waters of 
Usagi: -c- the ocean. Her clothes...once more donning her white tanktop and black baggy pants, whipped in the wind while the stars twinkled softly above.
Quinton: launches a blast of energy to meet Xerokine's attack.  It wasn't enough to stop it, but it was enough to slow it down just enough...  He jumps into the air and releases his blast, belatedly realizing it wasn't quite enough as his left leg is
Quinton: <c> fried in the attack.  No time for that now, he thought, as he falls behind Xerokine, a ball of energy forming in his palm.  "You talk too much!" he yells, sending the attack downward, causing a large explosion of dust to envelope the area
Quinton: <c> around them.  He barely had time to watch Oaftres jump back into the fray before he once again launched himself into the air, focusing his energy into the palms of his hands.  "Time to end this!" he screams, launching a wave of energy at
Quinton: <c> both of his opponents.
Lye: arrived on the scene in silence, his purple suit billowing lightly in the wind, he counted three.  Two involved in combat.  His eyes narrowing on one of the three fighters, a twinge of memory flashing through his mind.  
Lye: (c)He was standing in a graveyard, the death of Rei Ayanami.  He had gone to repay his respects after she had completely owned him in combat.  Then shortly after the android had ceased to function.  He had met up with Xerokine after.
Lye: (c)He could recall a fight with the warrior, a stale mate that neither of them really won.  How had Xerokine survived all this time?  Perhaps it was nothing but a fluke of luck, the same reason he was still alive...  Perhaps.
Lye: (c)His memory wasn't clear on the matter, he couldn't even recall the dispute that had caused the battle.  Perhaps it was simply the fact that the man was a Saiyan, and prone to violent nature.  He couldn't be sure..  'Intresting...'  
Rini: lays in her bed in her small wooden home, cuddling what looks like a black, round, fat teddy bear and looking out the window and into the sky, filled with an amazing display of stars.  Her encounter with the strange men in New Hope City that day d
Rini: (c) disturbed her plenty, but she had mostly gotten over it.  It was at that point she sat up and put her face to the window, "Odd...something's...different.." she says to herself.  She closes her eyes as a soft, luminous white aura surrounds her,
Rini: (c) making her long pink hair blow gently.  Her aura seems to react with the luminous light of the stars and moon above, all of which seem to pulsate gently, with even greater brilliance, 'I don't get it...I sense a power...someone, close to me..'
Rini: (c) she thinks, 'Come on Rini, look...see it..is it real, is she there?' she thinks, digging deep down as she searches, reaching further, the stars also apparently aiding her search.
Xerokine: -*- Light crashed down from above, descending upon where Xerokine glared up at Oaftres and rubbed his neck in pain. The cracked pavement splintered into fragments of white-hot stone as the energy rushed through like a torrent of fire, 
Xerokine: -*- a pillar of liquid light that connected earth and sky in a single shining bar. Then, from the center of the cascading inferno, a single spot of darkness began to spread, a taint to the light that coursed upward like a wedge of shadow in 
Xerokine: -*- the pure whiteness. Xerokine's cloak shined darkly as it flapped around him, the tears and rips gone as if they had never been. Strands of his black hair fluttered in the intense heat, his golden eyes shined deadly as they narrowed 
Xerokine: -*- and focused on Quinton's distant form. Black fire ripped up from the shattered ground, pillars of electricity and black light that twined around him and danced along the edge of his shining sword, the silver dragon blade that he slashed 
Xerokine: -*- up, then violently down, sending a crude arc of dark lightning ripping through Quinton's attack and straight for the maker himself.
Usagi: closed her eyes as the wind blew, and she gave herself to it. Arms spread wide, she slowly floated into the air and hovered there for moments, feeling the very nature that surrounds her. She had forgotten much...no longer could she simply feel any
Usagi: -c- anyone with her mind anymore. Something she missed dearly, but had done without for some time. Her outline glowed softly in the starlight, the moon rising over the horizon, shining its full glory for all to see. Here...she was home...and to he
Usagi: -c- here...she had returned. Her eyes slowly open to gaze out into the night sky once more, almost as if wishing something were different this time.
Oafy: crosses his arms as he turns into Quinton's energy, just in time to ride through it's total fury in it's entirety. As the light of his attack fades out, Oafy remains standing still, arms crossed, as if anticipating more. He waivers on the spot,
Oafy: - before lowering his arms to his sides. They dangle there, as he struggles to stand. The blast, not truly the sort that would wear him out so easily, seemed to be the last straw. The many wounds, nut cracking, and bursts of energy that
Oafy: had never called upon in his short existence (or so it felt), all built up and seemed to bring him exhaustion beyond anything. Little remains in him, keeping him upright. *THUD!* Lying on the ground, his mind leaves his body, off to a land of
Oafy: - darkness, filled with the chattering teeth of some unseen creature...
Lye: glanced up at the weather conditions.  The transformation of super monkey was over used, even children could obtain the once in a millennia transformation.  Then somehow they all progressed, against the legends.   Twas retarded.  
Lye: (c)Still, the monkeys made for powerful allies.  A monkey to fight, and a bean to heal.  Alliances had to be made.  And from what he could tell it was two against one, so before the Xerokine died, he would step in.
Lye: (c)Heal the ape, and then offer a deal.  If Xerokine remembered their feud it might be problematic.  However, he would deal with that problem when it came to it.  For now he simply watch, not taking any care to hide his presence.  
Rini: opens the window to her bedroom and jumps out, starting to hover in the air before she hits the dew covered grass, the luminous aura about her body glowing and pulsating with brilliant power, making her ankle length nightgown ripple in a strong, b
Rini: (c) but gentle ki-wind.  She then launches herself into the air, flying with great speed towards the power she recognizes beyond all others, leaving a streak of pure white, luminous light behind her, almost looking like a shooting star.
Usagi: looked over at the moon, shining white in all its glory. She often wondered if she would ever go up to it, to look for something important to her. Someday, perhaps. She lands softly in the waves of grass that flutter along with the winds of the pl
Usagi: -c- plains, taking a seat and crossing her legs. "I wonder how mom and dad are doing..." She looks towards the city, remembering things that had happened there...that hadn't really gone on. Back when she...was better. The attacks...the defense...h
Usagi: -c-her friends and family. All of it was changed now. Different. And yet there was something she missed.
Quinton: grimaces as Xerokine's power suddenly skyrockets, after which he launches an attack that slices through his own as though it were tissue paper.  "You're kidding me..." he murmers, before he is suddenly struck by the full force of the attack.
Quinton: <c> Even his power, augmented as it was by his transformation into Super Saiyan, couldn't dull the edge of this torrent of lightning and darkness.  He screams loudly as he is swallowed by the attack, and as it passes, it reveals the falling
Quinton: <c> form of Quinton, unconscious and smouldering.
Xerokine: hummed softly to himself, spinning his sword absently to the side as he looked around. The surrounding city block or so was a smoldering pile of ruins. There wasn't a standing building anywhere nearby. What looked like 
Xerokine: -*- human bones, smoking and cracked, could be seen poking out of some the piles of rubble. Oaftres was snoring nearby, and Quinton seemed to be unconscious a few yards away. Consideringly, Xerokine spun his sword back 
Xerokine: -*- across his back. From the ache in his chest, he had at least a few bruised ribs. He'd be walking tenderly for a few days from that hard impact on the pavement, and he couldn't hear very well from his right ear where Quinton had 
Xerokine: -*- punched him. Not too bad. "Wonder where the other three went," he murmured distractedly, looking around for flashes of light or booms of explosions, but nothing. Apparently Essex, Shim, and Dako had decided to have an all-
Xerokine: -*- male orgy instead. How disturbing.
Lye: grinned, Xerokine was still a powerful figure.  Perhaps he had survived in another manner, able to retain a portion of his power.  He sighed deeply, at one time he was a match for the mighty monkey.  Now he would simply be tossed aside.  
Lye: (c)However, it was clear that Xerokine was the victor.  'Time to work...'  He thought as he faded from view for a split second.  Of course the fighters on the field would be able to track his movement.  He didn't care.
Lye: (c)His intent wasn't one of violence, he appeared beside the one known as Oafy.  The man was snoring, yet he still pointed his hands at the warrior and transferred his energy into the fighter, mending the few injures.
Lye: (c)Of course after Oafy was healed, he still had to heal Quinton.  Slightly more of a challenge.  He once again zanzokened, appearing beside the fighter and using his energy to heal the extensive injuries of the kid.  Now he would wait.  
Rini: streak across the sky until she comes across a slender figure with long, golden hair looking at the stars above.  She instinctively knew who it was, her essence, her power was the exact same, it could be no other. "Mommy!!!!" she cried out, circli
Rini: (c) circling around to approach from the front and colliding with her at nearly full speed, sending them both tumbling head over heels in the wet grass until Usagi lay on her back and Rini sat on top of her, her pink hair mingling with Usagi's gol
Rini: (c) golden hair.  Tears form in the childs red eyes before she just leans in and hugs the woman closely, just sobbing and holding on tightly, if it was a dream, she wasn't letting go.
Xerokine: reached over his shoulder and pulled his hood forward, casting his features into shadow. As the stormclouds above began to part, letting the light of the crescent moon shine down, he made an odd figure standing the pile of 
Xerokine: -*- debris. In the absence of wind, his cloak wrapped around him, making his body seem to blend in with the shadows of the night. Only his eyes, twin points of golden light, etched him out from the darkness around him. "Lye," he said. 
Xerokine: -*- It was not a question. "It's been... a long time." His eyes narrowed to amber slits, his hand twitched underneath his cloak. The moonlight reflected off the draconic hilt visible over his shoulder, the hilt of Tatsujungin. "I haven't seen 
Xerokine: -*- you since... I can't even remember." Xerokine chuckled softly, the sharp points of his eyeteeth glinting in a feral smile. "This has been a week for... old friends. Wouldn't you say?"
Usagi: took a deep breath and let it out slowly, furrowing her brow softly as she instinctively felt...something close. Like she was being watched. She turns only to find a pink haired blur heading straight for her, with no time to move out of the way. S
Usagi: -c- She hears the word...'mommy' and immediately knew who it was. Runi circled around and slammed into her pretty hard, eliciting a loud "OOF!" from her mother's mouth as the two go tumbling several times as her knee length golden blonde hair beco
Usagi: -c- becomes undone, making a rather interesting display before the two come to rest. As she's hugged, she almost hears her ribs groaning in protest and pats her daughter's shoulder. "Honey.....can't breathe..." She nonetheless does wrap her arms a
Usagi: -c- around her daughter's body, just letting her cry at least.
Lye: returned to his feet, his full six feet tall stance imposing.  He returned his blue hands to his pockets, smirking at the overpowered monkey.  "Indeed, I see that you haven't lost much of your... Umph since times of old."
Lye: (c)He chuckled lightly, glancing over the minor injuries the saiyan had sustained while fighting.  "Do you need assistance with your injuries Xerokine, or are you good?  It seems your combatants needed a great deal of help."
Oafy: opens his eyes, gazing upon the endless dark void of his mind, knowing it to be a dream. "Where're the girls?" The question echoes endlessly, fading out, but not completely. "There are usually girls in these dreams..." A loud pulse suddenly
Oafy: - screams into his mind, as if a beating heart of a giant creature stood behind him, throbbing in pain. The pulse repeats, pounding away at a normal pace. Turning to face the emptiness of pure dark space, he sees no origin to the maddening
Oafy: - sound effect. Its all around him.. growing, feeding off his confusion. Anger grows within him, knowing this dream should be full of naked girls, not the still beating heart of an invisible beast. In an outrageous display of power, he blinds
Oafy: - the darkness with a ferocious explosion of white light, drowning out the beating heart with his scream. The glow of his ki fades, and the scream echoes off into an unheard region of the void. Nothingness... Until an echoed 'eeking'. (Why are
Oafy: - you here?) A voice calls out, more in his mind than anywhere else. "Where?!" His eyes open wide as he sits up back in New Hope, hand outstretched, reaching to a figment of his imagination. Not far ahead, Xerokine stands - STILL. "...Where?"
Quinton: stirs slightly, groaning as he is suddenly brought back into consciousness.  "Just five more minutes..." he moans, rolling over.  And suddenly jumping up in pain, as he rolls onto a broken rib.  "Jeez that hurts!" he exclaims, looking around.
Quinton: <c>  He swiftly spots the namek that had revived him, and then the apparently triumphant Xerokine.  "I guess...  I lost, then.  I suppose there's no point in me hanging around here then," he says dejectedly, his pride injured more than anything.
Quinton: <c>  He looks around at the devastation their fight had wrought, sighs, and begins heading toward the nearest unruined street.  "Well, it's been fun guys.  I guess.  Let's do it again some time, but not any time soon," he mutters.
Xerokine: favoured the confused Oaftres and the retreating Quinton with a curious glance. "A shame you couldn't heal their minds as well," he remarked offhandedly. "Oaftres, I don't want to know what you dreamed, but for crying out 
Xerokine: -*- loud, change your pants." Shaking his head with concealed amusement, he turned back toward the Namekian. "An injury like this will be gone before morning for someone like me," he said easily. "It's not something you need to be 
Xerokine: -*- concerned with. As opposed to your imminent demise, which you probably should be a bit worried about." Xerokine seemed to recall the two of them were feuding for some reason, so threatening him sounded like a good idea. He 
Xerokine: -*- ideally considered cutting off the Namek's arm - he could grow it back - but it seemed like too much work.
Rini: reluctantly releases her mother and sits up, still on her chest and wipes the tears from her eyes, "I knew you'd come back, I just knew it!!" she says, sounding happy, event through her tears.  Her hair glistens from the brilliant light of the sta
Rini: (c) stars above and from her own, still very active aura about her.  "Others said you wouldn't come back, that you left me for good, but I knew better. I knew that if I wainted long enough you'd be back!" she says, hugging her mother again, but no
Rini: (c) not nearly as tightly as before.
Lye: waved his hand off, still grinning in his purple suit.  "Indeed, in that case I suppose I should return to my office.  These humans will pay an arm and a leg for my services.  They've even given me a research grant."
Lye: (c)He let his sharp white canines show through his blue lips, "As we speak a team of engineers are working on my laboratory.  Healing fools is entirely to easy, and i'm making a six figure income.  It's a great deal indeed."
Lye: (c)He glanced around the destroyed area, hearing emergency services in the distance.  "So tell me Xerokine, how did you survive all this time?  I know my survival was a fluke, an android I designed for my revenge revived me."
Usagi: smiles and nods, taking a deep breath and a sigh of relief when her rib cage is no longer in danger of being crushed. "Thanks honey..." She soon trails off at her daughter's words and smiles softly in the light, tears glistening in her own eyes. "
Usagi: -c- "I'm here, Rini...and I'm staying here this time..." Her hair is splayed all over the place, damp from the dew on the grass and shining softly in the ambience. "I'm...I'm sorry I left in the first place...I never should have" This time she hug
Usagi: -c- hugs a bit harder, though not enough to take the breath from her daughter.
Oafy: comes back up to a stand, calmly approaching Xerokine as he peeks down. "My pants are fine, but if you're willing to pay for another pair, by all means!" He grins a little, before taking notice of the namek. At first glance, he figured him to
Oafy: - be lost, but it became obvious the two went back. "Whose the Green-Skin? Anyone I should care to know?" Use to the idea of not knowing anyone he should, he's decided to leave it to others to fill in the gaps of his memory.
Xerokine: -*- "Blue-skin," Xerokine pointed out, even though it was hard to tell in the faint moonlight. "Lye here is apparently some researcher who heals people for money. So, how did I survive what now?" He hadn't heard of any recent cataclysms 
Xerokine: -*- or anything. Of course, he hadn't been in civilized space for the past few months, so perhaps something had happened and he just didn't know about it. That was possible. "I've, uh, been away. You know. Other places. And 
Xerokine: -*- stuff. Whatnot. Things." Xerokine nodded sagely. "Happened."
Rini: hovers up off her mother and takes her mothers hands, helping her to her feet and then hovering at eye level with her.  She now smiles, her tears gone and her aura just a soft glow, like a nightlight "It's ok, you're back, that's all that counts."
Rini: (c) she says, tugging on one hand "Come on, come see my house! Come see our house, I know you'll like it!  It's not great for shopping locations, but it's quiet.." she says, her voice trailing off for a moment. She let's go of Usagi's arm and floa
Rini: (c) floats along the ground in the direction of the house, motioning for her mother to follow her.
Usagi: was feeling better already. She was indeed helped to her feet...something she thought VERY odd, but wasn't going to comment as her daughter floated there. She smiled as her feet lifted off the ground. "Lead the way, honey" A silverish outline form
Usagi: -c- forms around Usagi as she takes the time to redo the odangos that had come undone during the tumble before looking back at her daughter. "Wait, you have a house? How'd you get that?" She cocks her head curiositly to the side, waiting to hear t
Usagi: -c- the answer now.
Rini: looks back at her mother and smiles broadly, "You left me with a lot of money mom, I haven't had much use for it, but it's still there somewhere." she shrugs, then thinks "Oh yeah, that's right, it's sitting in my backpack at home." she giggles an
Rini: (c) and hovers on towards the small log cabin she had made after she was left alone, the stars and her own aura guiding them.
Lye: felt himself humming in thought, that might explain his survival.  If all the planets individually had their histories taken then perhaps in the depths of space one would of remained unaffected.  It mattered little.
Lye: (c)He felt himself smirking, with little regard for the man he had healed.  "Indeed, we'll see each other again Xerokine.  I must return to the office.  Humans are always hurting themselves.  Got to earn my paycheck after all. Toodles."
Lye: (c)He bowed lightly, turning to his right and lifting into the air, flying towards the center of the city where his practice was located.  He couldn't wait until he could return to his research.  He had years of repression to get out.
Usagi: shook her head and laughed. "At least you did something good with it" She rose further off the ground, a very light ki wave forcing itself from her as she flies...she was severely out of practice, it seemed. "Alright..." She closes her eyes for a 
Usagi: -c- moment before she started floating after Rini, picking up speed with every passing moment. "Just let me get the hang of this again...it's been way too long since I've done half of the things I used to, Rini...I'm really rusty"
Rini: turns around and frowns, "It's not THAT hard.." she says, "I know you're severely weakened right now, but you'll regain your strength soon enough, I know you will." she says happily turning around and flying faster to the cabin, stopping in a smal
Rini: (c) small clearing covered with wooden training dummies, most being damaged severely, some scorched with burn marks, others simply gone, leaving only a simple stick in the ground.  She turns to her mother and points behind her, "It's just over her
Rini: (c) here, past my training grounds."  she says with a smile, moving onwards, her aura now dissipating as a couple security lights come on to light their way.  The cabin itself seemed rather small and humble, looking like a simple log cabin with se
Rini: (c) several trees near it, covering it in shade.  Tall pine trees, a couple large, strong oak trees and a few ceder trees cover the cabin up nicely, which rests in front of a bluff face, providing further shade at certain times of day and a good p
Rini: (c) protection from a great deal of storms and high winds.
Usagi: looks around, looking at the training dummies and knowing all too well the signs of a burn...ki blasts, likely. Security lights...interesting. "At least you're safe out here...I hope" She looked up out into the sky...clouds were gathering in the h
Usagi: -c- horizon, and one thing she also shared with her daughter besides genetics and hairstyle was an innate fear of thunder and lightning. "Let's...get inside, honey" She was slightly interested in the electronics, but she just wanted in for the mom
Usagi: -c- moment. Just about anywhere but outside in a storm was preferrable to her.
Rini: doesn't sense any change in the weather and wonders why her mother looks nervous and uncomfortable, 'She's probably just tired..' she thinks, yawning "Come on in, there's food in fridge, nothing fancy, the bed room has a large bed, which is where 
Rini: (c) I'm going back to so don't stay up long, you'll need your rest." she says, opening the door and entering, finally landing on the carpeted floor "I kept some of your clothes in a chest in the closet in the bedroom, the bathroom is just around t
Rini: (c) the corner and the basement stairs are right here.." she says, pointing to a door in the kitchen.  She yawns again and hugs her mother, "I'm going back to bed because I'm really tired, we can talk and train tomorrow..." she says, sounding nerv
Rini: (c) nervous "P..please be here when I wake up...ok?" she asks, worried, before going into the bedroom.  She lays down on the bed, cuddling with some strange black object and closes her eyes, smiling to herself before drifting off into sleep.
Usagi: smiles softly as she's giving the nickel tour of the house. "Not bad at all, honey" She nods and starts looking around, her gaze going to whatever Rini is describing. "This is pretty good..." She looks at the couch. It looked a lot more comfortabl
Usagi: -c- comfortable. Considering this was her daughter's house...she'd have to ask to stay, but she doubted that would be a problem. At least she'd be able to sell her apartment. "Go ahead and go sleep honey...I'll be in to tuck you in here in a momen
Usagi: -c- moment" She takes one more look before she hears that distant soft boom of thunder. She shudders softly and indeed does enter Rini's room, watching her drift into sleep. She tucks her in softly and places a kiss on her forehead before going to
Usagi: -c- try and find some pillows and a blanket for the couch.
Essex: | Scouring the vast tunnels of the Catacombs of the Chapel, Essex holds up his Spotlight, guiding it down a tunnel he hadn't explored before. Tugging on the electrical cables he was running through the 
Essex: (*) tunnels, he begins walking down it. "Ugh... of course, I had to volunteer for this... what with me being the scientist and all..." He stops as he guides the light to the left a bit, something shimmering
Essex: (*) catching his eye. He sets the cables down for a moment and squints, looking down the tunnel. "Odd.... I don't remember anything showing up on the radar when I did a ultrasound of the cavern."
Essex: (*) He walks down the tunnel, the shimmering object coming into view; A pedestal with a sword imbedded in it. He blinks and raises his finger to his ear, pressing the button on his earpiece. 
Essex: (*) "Xerokine, Fenin, if either of you two are out there, there's something down here you might want to check out." He releases the button on the earpiece, walking up to the pedestal and
Essex: (*) examining it. "Mmm... this is a fine blade..." He says, reaching up and taking the handle, giving it a big of a tug, with no luck. "Wow, it's stuck down there, isn't it? Heh."
Xerokine: -*- "You don't have to shout," came a voice from above. "I'm right here." A shadow dropped down from the ceiling and resolved itself into a cloaked figure. The man brushed back his hood, revealing ebony black hair and shining amber 
Xerokine: -*- eyes, which narrowed as they spied the sword in the stone. "Out of curiousity," Xerokine remarked, walking toward it with an even pace. "Since neither I nor Fenin have earpieces, how were we supposed to hear you?" 
Essex: glares at Xerokine, shaking his head a bit. "I figured one of you two would've been near the control room I built, or... I dunno... might've been wearing an earpiece I issued the two
Essex: (*) of you. Or... I dunno... some strange voodoo magic." He shrugs, tightening his grip on the sword's hilt and giving it another tug. "This bugger is stuck in here good..." He lets go
Essex: (*) motioning for Xerokine. "Wanna give it a go, mate?" 
Fenin: evens out his suit, "You never gave me any ear pieces, Lillah, and 'spooky voodoo magic' is my term." Fenin cracks a grin and brushes his bangs from his face, "So you want I should takes this sword out of this here stone..? Sounds a bit uhh..."
Fenin: pauses for a moment, "A bit cliche, no?" Fenin walks towards the stoned sword and peers at it curiously, inspecting it eagerly.
Xerokine: -*- "Well, next time you'll just have to shout through that massive plot hole hanging over your head," Xerokine replied offhandedly as he looked over the sword and the stone it was apparently stuck in. "I have a thought. Instead of 
Xerokine: -*- yanking on the sword like we're in some children's cartoon, why don't we use our amazing powers of death and destruction to blow up the rock?"
Essex: (*) "Well, I'm guessing, that if a /pedestal/ with a sword impaled in it, magically appeared here when there was no traces of it prior... that one couldn't simply break it." He blinks a bit, giving
Essex: (*) the handle another tug, to no avail. "Mmm... I guess you can give it a tug, Fenin, since you obviously like handling, long... phallic shaped things that you can swing around."
Fenin: chuckles confidently, "Yeah, step over cue ball. I can pull that sonofabitch clean out." Fenin grabs the handle and jerks it to no affect. "She-eat." Fenin takes a step back and cracks his knuckles, "All right. Here we go!" Fenin closes his eye
Fenin: -x- and concentrates, his aura bursting into existence as his powerlevel spikes up. In a flash of blinding light he transforms into a Super Saiyan Jin, his clothes fluttering about him and his hair turned a golden color, flapping about in the gent
Fenin: -x- breeze created by his transformation. "Here we go, suckas." Fenin grabs the blade at an awkward angle and gives it a quick jerk. His ears quirk as a short, loud snap echoes throughout the cavern, "Wha-what the hell..?" Fenin swings the bladele
Fenin: -x- hilt around, looking shocked and confused, "You sure this is the right sword..?"
Kaioshin: =*= A slow, purple mist begins to seep from the severed blade still embedded into the altar, the metal seeming to throb, sending dull shockwaves rolling through the air as if a bell too low for human hearing had been struck again and again, lettin
Kaioshin: - g the sound ring out slowly. The purple mist began to rise, swirling around the onlookers ankles for a moment before finding a point of focus, pouring into one spot, taking on a shape. Filling out slowly, it's only moments before the figure is r
Kaioshin: - revealed - the long forgotten East Kaioshin. Not a second has passed before Kaioshin has lunged forward, releasing a razor sharp katana from his back, swinging it blindly and full of rage in a hard, fast horizontal arc, his voice raised in a roa
Kaioshin: - roar, not words but pure emotion.
Xerokine: stared. Fenin had snapped the sword, which had apparently caused the appearance of a short, twelve-year old purple skinned boy with a strange mohawk of white hair to appear and begin swinging a sword around with 
Xerokine: -*- curious, high-pitched whining sounds. "The heck?" Xerokine asked calmly. "When did we summon a teletubby?"
Essex: takes a step back, blinking at what unfolded before him. "So uh..." He raises his fingers to his forehead, preparing to instant transmission out of there if things got nasty. "Why the hell
Essex: (*) is that thing?" He looks over at Fenin, just meer seconds away from being vivisected back to Xerokine, confused, obviously.
Fenin: gazes upon the purple marauder, beguiled. "Wha-HOLD ON!" Fenin leaps back as the steely arch appoaches him, though blood spatters the ground before the flash fades to stillness. "Son of a-!" Fenin drops the Z-Blade's hilt and withdraws his own
Fenin: -x- blade, Hikaru, sinking to a fencing position as he braces his wounded gut with his off hand, "Pissant..."
Xerokine: -*- "So, what is this?" Xerokine queried Essex, ignoring Fenin and the purple kid as they played with each other behind his back. "Did we summon the genie of the sword? Do we each get a wish now? Because if Fenin gets all three, I'm 
Xerokine: -*- gonna be a bit annoyed. I demand at least one wish. Especially since we should just wish for more wishes. No one ever thinks of that."
Kaioshin: stays crouched in a lunge position, panting heavily as Fenin's blood drips slowly off his blade. He looks upright and seems confused, staggering slightly before dropping to one knee, his blade falling with a clatter as he cradles his head in his h
Kaioshin: - hands. "Sweet merciful.....where the hell am I, who the hell are you all and most importantly, what year is this?" Something seems to intrude upon his senses suddenly, a flood of information, as he springs sharply up from the floor, whirling to 
Kaioshin: - stare at the shattered blade in the altar. "The blade...he...what....did that bastard escape? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" he fumed loudly, clearly ready to just give up and start hacking away again.
Xerokine: raised a hand. "Ooh! Ooh!" he said enthusiatically. "I got this one! Let me see." He began ticking points off on his fingers. "You're in Essex's basement, next to the pornography collection. I'm Xerokine Caeruleus, that's 
Xerokine: -*- Essex, and that's Fenin. They're too poor for last names," he explained. "And it's the year... what year -is- this?" Xeorkine asked, turning to Essex quizzically. "That never occurred to me."
Fenin: glares dangerously at Xerokine, "The guy just tried to jap me, quit joking around already!" Fenin groans, obviously pained, and slacks from his combat stance slightly, though still on his guard for if the smurfesque creature attacks him again.
Essex: blinks a minute, lowering his hands. "You know... I don't know what year it is... I haven't known what year it is since the... Cataclysm." He nods, glancing back and forth between
Essex: (*) Xerokine and Fenin, and the newcomer, Kaioshin. "Fenin, are you okay man? You're uh... bleeding from your abdominal cavity." He says, "And uh... who escaped?" He looks around
Essex: (*) making sure nobody else was with them. "There's not some big-ass insect monster you've been fighting out here with you too, is there? That would ruin my day."
Kaioshin: stared blankly for a long moment at the three strangers standing before him. "You. Absolute. INCOMPETANT. MORONS!" He spat, words laced with venom. "Do you have ANY idea what you might have just unleashed upon the universe!? If the creature in tha
Kaioshin: - that sword had escaped..." He paused and shook his head cringing. "Not...not me. The other creature. I'm afraid I'm not making sense." He drew in a deep breath and bowed formally. "I'm the Kaioshin of the East. Just call me Shin. I've been locke
Kaioshin: - locked in that sword for...I have no idea how long." He turned to Fenin and waved a hand dismissively. "Sorry about your abdominal cavity."
Fenin: snickers, "Well if a whelp like you survived against that big, terrible, bad 'creature,' for YEARS no less, then I don't suppose I should be too a'feared." Fenin sheathes Hikaru and brushes his bangs from his face again, then offers his
Fenin: -x- hand to so called, Shin, easing his left hand away from his gaping stomach. "I'm Fenin Ro, and I am the most powerful fighter in the world." Fenin chuckles quietly at his joke, though half knowing it to be not far from truth.
Xerokine: yawned. "How interesting," he replied in monotone. "Secret past, lost love, horrible apocalypse narrowly averted. Does this place have any microwave popcorn? I feel like I gonna need some. Just be a minute, hold on." 
Xerokine: -*- Xerokine snapped his fingers, causing the air around him to bubble out and burst as he shifted to another area of the chapel. A few moments later, the air bubbled again, and Xerokine reappeared, holding a steaming bag of popcorn 
Xerokine: -*- that he began to munch on absently. "Okay, I'm good," he informed the purple-skinned brat. "Shower us with your undoubtedly interesting and involved backstory."
Essex: closes an eye, staring at Xerokine. "Right..." He looks back at Fenin, more concerned about his gapping flesh wound than anything else. "So uh... if Fenin keels over and dies... do I get his room?"
Kaioshin: let out a sigh and shook his head at Xerokine. "Since, Mr. Caeruleus, you're obviously clearly riveted by what may, yes, possibly be the apocalypse for wherever the hell I am, you can go burn in Hell and I'll keep my story to myself. I'm an Elder 
Kaioshin: - God of the Universe, I don't think you need to know much more." He turned his attention back to Fenin and shook his hand with obvious distaste at the blood. "For the strongest fighter in the world, you bleed like an anemic toddler, Fenin Ro. Her
Kaioshin: - Here.." Kaioshin laid his hand over Fenin's wound slowly, a white glow pouring from his palm, washing over the wound and slowly closing it. "So can someone - not Xerokine - tell me where I am precisely? And why the sword got broken?"
Fenin: smirks, "Nifty trick. You're inside my house - our 'groups' headquarters - on the planet Earth. Your sword is broken because it's, or was rather, a flimsy piece of crap. Whoever made it should be stabbed by a real sword..."
Fenin: turns to Essex, "So, DOCTOR Lillah, this crap supposed to happen? Because you never mentioned a purple, horizontally challenged, self-proclaimed GOD leaping out of thin air when you told me to pull that sword out of the rock..."
Xerokine: sighed, tossing another handful of popcorn into his mouth. "Another self-delusional kid with a god complex," he complained. "Don't we have enough of those? He better not start sprouting angel wings and tell us how our dark 
Xerokine: -*- souls can be purified by his all-loving light of stupidity." Xerokine sighed and hopped onto a pile of boxes in the corner of the room, lounging on whatever was being crushed inside. Hopefully nothing important. Probably 
Xerokine: -*- bedsheets, by the feel of them. Or Greg's extra inflatable love-dolls. "For your information, o' all knowing and wise deity, you're on the planet Earth, in the basement of an abandoned church, and the sword broke because Fenin is a clumsy oaf.
Xerokine: -*- And just be glad Oaftres isn't here."
Essex: looks at Fenin. "Well, I'm a scientist, not a fuckin'... medium, or nightmare visionary or anything, I didn't expect it, by my logic, to happen. It wasn't expect." He looks at Xerokine, sitting on the boxes
Essex: (*) in the corner of the room. "Electrical wiring, I believe I had Dako drag them here the other day." He looks back at Shin. "So, tell me, Shin, what exactly is this 'apocalyptic' force in the sword that
Essex: (*) we might have very well unleashed unto the universe?
Kaioshin: raises a hand placatingly before stooping to retrieve his katana, sheathing it on his back smoothly. "Please, one at a time. Earth I remember, vaguely, from a very long time ago...thankyou. Now...as for the thing in the sword? I was trapped inside
Kaioshin: - with the legendary beast Hildegarn, a hideous monster with destructive power measured on a galactic scale. I don't know how long I've been in there, eternally fighting..." Kaioshin shuddered, leaning against a wall to support him, feeling somewh
Kaioshin: - somewhat drained. "I can't tell if you released him or not, but the fact that you're all still alive bodes well. So for my next question...what are you all -doing- in these catacombs, anyway?" He quickly levelled a finger at Xerokine. "Not you. 
Kaioshin: - "Not you, Caeruleus. You're not allowed to talk. At all. Again. Ever."
Xerokine: -*- "Not Earth," Xerokine remarked absently, completely ignoring the kid's comments. "New Earth. Earth was blown up a few hundred years ago by the android Seventeen, along with most of the Northern Quadrant of the galaxy." Out of 
Xerokine: -*- popcorn, he lightly hopped down from the boxes of electrical wires and began pulling a few of them out, fiddling with them in seemingly random patterns. "All the better races had to relocate to new planets. Most of them were wiped 
Xerokine: -*- out in the migration."
Fenin: snickers, "Yeah. Sorry. So anyway, if this Hil-dre-grams is so powerful, how come you could fight with him for thousands of years? You're kind of err... Pathetically scrawny. And purple, too." Fenin nods sagely, "Can't forget purple."
Fenin: furrows his brow, "Saw, how the hell do you get locked in a SWORD, anyway? I mean... Swords aren't good containers. I've tried. It doesn't work much better than perhaps having some sort of medicine in a hidden compartment in the hilt,
Fenin: -x- but hiding a smurf and dre-gran-hills is a bit much..."
Essex: quirks an eyebrow and takes a step towards Kaioshin, towering over him at nearly twice his size. "Shhh, Fenin. Sizes can be deceiving." He turns back at Fenin. "Take me for example,
Essex: (*) I'm huge, you'd expect me to be uber strong, no? I can barely lift a voltswagon..." He shrugs, lifting an arm and extending his fingers, eyeing his nails. "But I'm faster than you could
Essex: (*) ever imagine, give the little guy some credit."
Kaioshin: smirks faintly at Xerokine. "I wasn't kidding about the no talking thing. You're too arrogant for your own good, mortal." Dismissing the obnoxious prat from his mind, he turned to face Fenin full on, narrowing his eyes slightly. "Pathetically scra
Kaioshin: - scrawny, but I managed to gut you like a pig while dazed and half-blind, toddler. I can't quite remember how Hildegarn and I ended up in that sword, to be honest. I'm guessing magic, or something like that. I might have even done it myself...I'm
Kaioshin: - I'm not without resources. Observe..." With a deep breath, Kaioshin tensed his body, a white aura slowly flaring around him, rising him gently aloft on currents of air, tendrils of red starting to flare brightly throughout his aura, writhing in 
Kaioshin: - a vibrant, furious display. As the red and white aura reached its apex, his powerlevel began to spike dramatically, his suppressions being torn away. When he spoke, his voice seemed to reverberate around the close confines of the catacombs. "You
Kaioshin: - were saying, toddler?"
Essex: blinks and steps back, crossing his arms and leaning against the cave walls. (They're obviously ignoring you, Essex. Kill them.) "Not now Arslanon... shut up." He says, shaking his head, trying
Essex: (*) to force the thoughts out of his head again.
Xerokine: continued fiddling with the wires, which now resembled a rat's nest, without even looking up. "Wow," he remarked dryly. "He can use kaioken. I'm so impressed." There was a certain temptation to replicate the brat's 
Xerokine: -*- manuver, but it was really too much of a bother. If the kid wanted to act like he was special, it was no problem to let him bark. To go around correcting every idiot with a god-complex would be a full time job, especially considering that 
Xerokine: -*- most people didn't have Xerokine's natural intelligence.
Fenin: smirks at the Kaioshin, "Impressive, no doubt, but I think I can do one up." Fenin leaps into the air, floating effortlessly in the weak cavernous currents of wind. "Watch closely, now." Fenin closes his eyes, concentrating upon every meaningless
Fenin: -x- yet painful memory of his life - of his childhood and of his latter days, and of his pure emotions from the memories beyond recollection. "N-noo..." Fenin whimpers pitifully, as he delves into his most tender of memories, of his wife
Fenin: -x- and child leaving, and of his parents needlessly being slaughtered. Of his job being stripped, of his wealth dispersing into poverty, and of the true feeling of worthlessness he endures as each passing moment enters the past. His
Fenin: -x- powerlevel spikes drastically and his aura flares, currents of electricity licking the walls surrounding him his his energy expands itself. "Wih-witness TRUE MIGHT!" Fenin roars as a flashing light glares. As the blinding light passes, Fenin
Fenin: -x- emerges as Super Saiyan Jin level 2, for the second time in many years. "Kaioken is nothing special, 'Shin." Fenin flexes his rippling muscles and runs his hand through his daggered golden locks, gazing at each of his companions with his
Fenin: -x- jaded gems of eyes.
Essex: blinks and steps back, crossing his arms and leaning against the cave walls. (They're obviously ignoring you, Essex. Kill them.) "Not now Arslanon... shut up." He says, shaking his head, trying
Essex: (*) to force the thoughts out of his head again.
Kaioshin: let out a slow, controlled breath, his body sinking gently back down to the ground. As he grounded himself, the aura winked out completely, only sparking back to life in tiny whisps as his body moved through the space, slipping into a casual fight
Kaioshin: - fighting stance. "You're but a child to me, Fenin Ro. Your 'might' is nothing more than that of an ant to me. I've been fighting Hildegarn for what feels like eternity - how do you imagine that you will win this?" Kaioshin began to move his hand
Kaioshin: - hands in slow, elegant, refined movements, the sweeping kata of his body channeling currents of his energy through the air as he prepared to face the Super Saiyan down. "Last chance. Back down. Perhaps your friends would care to restrain you?"
Essex: "Fenin, stop it." Essex says, stepping forward, mutating once, then, mutating again, his body becoming more draconic, his face elongating into a snout, his teeth growing into jagged
Essex: (*) razors. His the claws of his real hand grew too. "There's no need for senseless fighting." He snorts, the sound resonating through the caves. "Or else I'll have to step in too."
Xerokine: waved absently, finished with his fiddling and setting the nest of wires to the side. "No, by all means, kill the whelp," he replied, leading against the boxes. "We need to break this place in anyway, and smashing a wine bottle 
Xerokine: -*- is so cliche. Spilling some blood seems a bit more appropriate. Don't you think, Lillah?" Xerokine glanced over just in time to see Essex follow the brat's instructions like a dog. Xerokine sighed. "Humans."
Fenin: -x- forget your might. Or lack thereof. Stay to your own affairs and all me to handle mine!" Fenin looses a bellowing battle yaulp as he withdraws his two blade, Hikaru and The Nameless, and descends to the ground, "Are you ready, Kaioshin
Fenin: -x- of the East, Great and Mighty Battler of the Hildegarn?" Fenin's aura flares again as his powerlevel reaches it's zenith, sending small debris fluttering around the duo in a sort of tornado, and the ground trembles under their combine
Fenin: -x- energy levels.
Fenin: snickers and throws Essex into the wall with his ki, "Stay out of this, little man. You're nothing but a weak, sniveling scientist, hiding behind some half-failed project. You approached me for muscle, and don't think I can so easily
Xerokine: -*- "So," Xerokine said aloud to no one in particular. "If he's the guy of the east, doesn't that mean there's three others? How come he's the only one fighting this evil creature of death and destruction, then? I mean, if he managed to fight 
Xerokine: -*- it at a stand-still for thousands of years, four of him should have been able to overwhelm it easily," he pointed out.
Kaioshin: watched on nonplussed as Essex went slamming back against the wall. Since Xerokine had decided to stay apart from the fight, he supposed it was just him versus this idiot Saiyan. Still, he supposed that after Hildegarn, this would be a pleasant li
Kaioshin: - little cooldown. He idly reached up and unslung his katana, scabbard and all, off of his back, but didn't bother to unsheath it. In fact, except for a singular raised eyebrow he didn't seem to react much at all to Fenin's taunt or weapon-flaunti
Kaioshin: - weapon-flaunting. All he said was "Prepare thyself" before thrusting his hand out towards Fenin, palm forward. His red and white aura surged like tendrils around his wrist and palm as a ring of blue energy - an altered Kamehameha Wave -  surged 
Kaioshin: - forward towards the Saiyan fighter. The attack released, Kaioshin crouched down into a ready stance, one hand on the hilt of his katana, the other on the scabbard, his eyes locked on Fenin as he attempted to gauge the other fighters reaction. He
Kaioshin: - reaction. He didn't want to go further than first blood with this, but Saiyans were notoriously stubborn in regards to anything to do with fighting.
Fenin: stumbles backwards as the blow hits him full on in the chest. "Son of a..." Fenin gasps through bouts of coughing blood, "Yo-you're weaker than I figured, Kaioshin of the East..." Fenin leaps at Shin, loosing a feral howl while creating several
Fenin: -x- arches at his opponent with his blades, each strike more powerful than the previous.
Kaioshin: sneered as he leapt backwards lightly on his feet, drawing his katana smoothly and slamming it upwards to parry the rushing Fenin's incoming blow, pivoting in a graceful turn to bring his scabbard around in an arc to catch Fenin's second sword. Fo
Kaioshin: - For a moment they furious attacked and parried, but despite his lightning fast movements, Kaioshin found himself rapidly being pressed back, the confined space limiting his usual fight style. A critical error of judgement resulted in a lancing p
Kaioshin: - pain across his shoulder as Fenin's blade cut through it, a line of blood showing through his tattered clothing. "No more games, Saiyan!" he growled as he began to press the attack forward, his Kaioken aura shooting up fiercely to howl around hi
Kaioshin: - him. The shaking before from the two beings unleashing their powered looked like a light sneeze compared to the rumbling that surged forward now. Kaioshin began to spin and twirl like a dancing, blade and scabbard wheeling in complex arcs as his
Kaioshin: - heightened speed sent him bouncing and darting off the walls and ceiling like some sort of feral cat. 
Fenin: growls loudly as the scabbard bruises his bones in several places, "Yeah, no more games..." Fenin drops his blades and reaches upwards, as though to embrace the sky, "Heavens grant me strength!" Fenin's voice rips throughout the entire
Fenin: -x- structure, echoing several times before escaping to the sky. Fenin's aura begins to strength as it condenses into a ball of his around his midriff. "You two might want to clear out now." Fenin states calmly, then a dead silence
Fenin: -x- falls throughout the cavern. For a moment longer Fenin stands still, staring at Kaioshin blankly as the final threads of his aura fade away, "SHATTERSTORM!" Fenin belts out at the top of his lungs, and with that his sphere of ki about
Fenin: -x- his waist expands, enveloping a large portion of the area around him with a searing heat.
Xerokine: sighed and massaged his brow. "How annoying." With a flash of dark light, Xerokine vanished from the basement just as Fenin's Shatterstorm was unleashed. A couple of floors up, the lights flickered and the ground 
Xerokine: -*- trembled, with several cracks tracing down the walls from the impromptu earthquake. "Nice name, though," Xerokine remarked, as another flash of unlight announced his reappearance next to Fenin once the energy storm had died 
Xerokine: -*- down. "Nine out of ten. Had to take off a point for the presentation. Made you look like you were giving birth, very disturbing."
Kaioshin: had about enough time to think <Nice name> before Fenin's attack was on him. Unfortunately he'd been charging through the air at full speed, very much intent on giving Fenin the haircut of a lifetime with his katana, when the attack came
Kaioshin: - bursting out. There was little he could do except cross his scabbard and sword helplessly over his chest in an X in an attempt to take some of the brunt of the attack. The forceful impact smashing him back hard enough into the wall of the
Kaioshin: - catacomb to leave an imprint of his body in the rock. Kaioken fell forward slowly, but thrust out his scabbard to catch himself and prevent his face from impacting the floor. He rose shakily, his body clearly singed in places, parts of his
Kaioshin: - extravagant Kaio outfit blow away or burnt from the force of Fenin's attack. He let out a slow, low growl. He hadn't anticipated the other fighter being able to so much as touch him, let alone injure him to this degree. His head snapped
Kaioshin: - back as he clenched his fists and summoned more of his energy, red and white ki erupting around him once more. "Kaioken....SIXTEEN!" he roared, jumping up two stages from what he had originally thought would be sufficient to halt
Kaioshin: - the raging Saiyan. He wanted this ended, and ended now. His teeth grit as he started gathering his energy into him, his sword dropping away forgotten as his palms both thrust out towards Fenin. "CATCH, YOU BASTARD!" he roared, two bright
Kaioshin: - blue rings of energy racing out directly at Fenin, spiralling around each other, picking up speed in their rotations as they sped forwards.
Xerokine: -*- With a flicker of unlight, Xerokine was suddenly standing in front of Fenin, draconic sword lowered toward the ground and right hand half-raised. The halved rings flew off haphazardly in either direction, impacting against the far wall with 
Xerokine: -*- an explosion dulled by the earlier performance. "I think I should interject," Xerokine remarked, narrowing his startlingly blue eyes. His hair had also shifted, and was now styled in a blonde braid that went down to the base of 
Xerokine: -*- his tail. "This has gone on far enough. I see no reason to bring the entire chapel down on our heads."
Essex: stands up, his eye twitching, he dusts himself off, still stunned from Fenin's blindshot with the ki blast. "Ow..." He says, glaring slightly. (Kill them, Essex... do it, they're weak, they're not
Essex: (*) strong enough to help you with your goals... admit it.) "No... no..." He says, bringing both his hands to his head, thrashing around a bit.
Fenin: stumbles to the ground and falls to his knees, gasping for air, as his attack disperses into the air. "Why are you defending me, Caeruleus?" Fenin gasps for air again before resuming his dialect, "I don't need any assistance. I am true;gemote -x- 
Fenin: -x- might." Fenin struggles to get up to his feet again, looking at Kaioshin, then to Essex, "Lillah, you okay?" Fenin limps to Essex and places his hand on his friend's shoulder, "You're still Essex, right?" Fenin crouches over to look into
Fenin: -x- his eyes, "I didn't hit you that hard, Science Man..."
Essex: shakes his head again, coming to grasps with himself. "Yes. I'm still in control..." He blinks a bit, shaking his head again. "I'm lucky... he almost took over." He snarls at himself, shrugging Fenin's 
Essex: (*) hand off his shoulder. "I'm fine."
Kaioshin: let out a sigh as he drew his hands back, his aura swirling and then subsiding as Xerokine intervened, taking the attack on his blade. He stooped to recover his own fallen weapon, sheathing it and slinging it over his back before striding to
Kaioshin: - join the other three warriors. "I trust you're satisfied now that I'm not quite the scrawny pathetic weakling you were anticipating? Don't answer that. Especially you, Caeruleus. I'm not in the mood." Kaioshin moved to the altar he had
Kaioshin: - been released on, kneeling at the base to recover half of the shattered sword that had been embedded in it, hefting it thoughtfully in his hand before muttering something unintelligable under his breath and rising, leaning casually against
Kaioshin: - the catacomb wall as he looked over the three mortals slowly, his lips pursed slightly in thought. "Gentlemen, I have a...sort of proposition for you. The three of you are strong, there is no doubt of that, and strong people have a way
Kaioshin: - of drawing other strong people to them. I've been sealed away in that sword a long time, but one thing that I do know for certain is that this universe feels...wrong. I can't think of a better way to put it without you having the extra senses
Kaioshin: - that I do. Something bad is coming...and I'm going to need allies to help me stop it. What would you say to...an alliance of sorts?
Essex: grins. "I was trying to organize the same thing, Shin... only for different purposes." He crosses his arms over his chest, looking to Xerokine and Fenin, then shrugging. "I'm down with the idea,
Essex: (*) how about you two?"
Fenin: approaches the Kaioshin and sniffs the air, "What's that I smell? A proposition? No. I think I smell... Burnt smurf." Fenin chuckles quietly at his lack of wit, "Anyway. I'm not interested in no inter-galactic policing. All I am;gemote -x- worried
Fenin: -x- worried about is money. Power and money. You promise me those two things, and well I'll do just about anything..."
Xerokine: shook his head, his braid of yellow hair shifting into short and black. "An alliance of what?" he questioned, sheathing his own sword with a flourish and leaning up against the cracked wall. "And why? So we can hang around, 
Xerokine: -*- listening to a short, purple god-moder waiting for some unspeakable evil to show up so we can fight it for no reward or fame whatsoever? Though," he considered, glancing over at Essex and Fenin. "Power and money are fine. And 
Xerokine: -*- some entertainment." Xerokine nodded sagely. Entertainment was good. "I might betray you, though," he added casually.
Kaioshin: let out a soft sigh and shook his head in bemusement. "I suppose thats the best offer I'm going to get. I'll let you all know, sooner or later, exactly what is required of you. My best advice for the moment is that you convert this place into
Kaioshin: - a fortress. A defensable position. It's my belief that a war is coming, and very soon. I'd rather not be completely unprepared if it does eventuate. If you want power...I can't help you there. Money however...money can be arranged very,
Kaioshin: - very, easily." Kaioshin tucked the hilt of the shattered sword through his belt and gave the three fighters a stiff bow, frowning in thought as he did so. "I'll check up on you at...oh I don't know. Some point. Until then I think that it
Kaioshin: - might be to my advantage to investigate this universe a little. If you need to contact me...Nevermind. If anything comes up that you'd need to contact me for, I'll already know about it." Raising two fingers to his forehead, there
Kaioshin: - was barely a whisper of the air as Kaioshin vanished completely, as suddenly as he had appeared once released. War was coming, and he intended to be ready.
Rini: yawns as she gets up out of bed, looking at the cloudy sky outside.  She looks at the digital weather panel next to her bed, 'only seventy and cool, no sun..' she thinks, mumbling to herself as she lazily gets out of bed and slips on her slippers.
Rini: (c) She immediatly wakens as she remembers the events from last night and darts out of the room and into the living where she sees her mother, sleeping peacefully on the couch.  Breathing a sigh of relief she just snickers softly and gets ready fo
Rini: (c) for the days training.  After a warm bath and getting dressed in her typical white training gi, she throws a small box into the microwave, pulling out a good smelling breakfast a short time later.  She puts in a second one and lays it out on t
Rini: (c) the table for her mother "She's a pig, she'll be up when she sniffs that.." she says to herself, mouth half-full with food.  After she finishes her breakfast and cleans up, she notices her mother was still asleep.  She ponders carefully for a 
Rini: (c) moment and then laughs to herself as she disappears into the bathroom, coming out with some toilet paper.  She rolls two small squares up and shoves one up each nostral 'Thank god she doesn't snore..' she thinks with a grin.  Content with how 
Rini: (c) it looks, she gets up and walks out the front door for her morning meditations "I give it a good thirty seconds..." she says with a big grin on her face.
Usagi: - It was a sneeze that set it off, and a rather loud one at that. "Achoo!" The two wads of toilet paper go flying, and she rubs her nose and sniffles. "Uh...wha?" She looks around dazed for a moment, still half asleep until last night's events pas
Usagi: -c- pass through her mind as well. She smiles softly, standing and stretching before heading off to the bathroom. She did indeed smell the food, and while she was tempted to go off in that direction...taking a few steps that way...she reminded her
Usagi: -c- herself that she probably smelled not too pleasantly and continued on towards the bathroom. Soon, the sounds of showers and singing (slightly off key) can be heard.
Rena: Flew quietly along the water side, her long silvery snowy white hair rippling as the wind rushed past her, her long nerrow white eyes glancing forward stalling for a second near the underside of a cliff having sensed something
Rena: '
Rena: She walked onto the land and looked around again tilting her head back as far as it would go and taking a deep sniff her tail twitching a tad annoyed behind her as she looked forward seeing a house in the distance
Rena: She would hover off the ground yet again and fly twords it at massive speed's the ground carving and denting as she raced along it only inches away, twords the power level she had sensed and the house by it 
Noodles: - After close consideration, Noodles nods his head, gathering his self to his feet. Standing atall, naked and proud, he speaks, "Time to clean my room." After saying such horrifying words, he leeps out of the garbage can and onto the corner street
Noodles: <C>and turns around, facing his home. "Okay.. I want to keep...that." He says, pointing over to a used condom. "Its a good beverage." He says, nodding his head proudly. Noodles then looks around, sadly, the rubbish man was coming, and Noodles did 
Noodles: <C>Noodles did not want his home trashed by such a man. He stood there, raising his hand to the guy, gathering as much energy as he could. A swirl of bright colors engulfed his fingertips, forming a rainbow of magical energy. The energy swirled ar
Noodles: <C>swirled around his fingertips, and slowly crepped out. Noodles began to yell, and as he did, his manly parts swayed with envy. "YOU WILL NOT TRASH MY HOME." The garbage man looking with jealously, "I wish my cock was that big. 2cms!" Noodles pr
Noodles: <C>Noodles proudly nodded his head and fired the energy of gay rainbow colors. The energy swirmed down the street with a violent roar. His penis stood up, as he became arroused, watching the garbage man explode into dance. "Haha. That garbage man 
Noodles: <C>"Haha. That garbage man is a fag" he said. Then, Noodles woke up, sweating like a girl about to get raped. "What the fuck?" He said, "That was the gayest dream ever" Noodles wiped away his sweat, and stood up. "But damn have i got a hardon"
Oafy: hovers in the endless realm of darkness, a mere speck admist the dreary emptiness of the void. Radical energy rests 
Oafy: - out into farther regions of the hallow dimension. (Yes. This place again.) That Voice from last time was waiting for him, knowing he would return here. (Why have you come here?) "I didn't. I'm not here. This is a dream, get it? I'm dreaming.
Oafy: - And not about naked women," he sighs, feigning exhaustion. He was sleeping - he wasn't truly tired. The Voice has no follow up comments, Oafy notes, as he begins to slowly rotate in circles. No, not rotating. The dead universe was spinning
Oafy: hovers in the endless realm of darkness, a mere speck admist the dreary emptiness of the void. Radical energy rests all around, daring him to drink it in and add it to his own. "This place again?" The words echo for what seems eternity, fading
Oafy: - around him, as if he were the center. The spin picks up speed, the empty realm with varying darkness across its plains, blurring together. Motion sickness begins to plague Oafy, as he tries to make sense of the surroundings. And all at once, it 
Oafy: - stops - the universe ceases all movement. Only Oaftres remains moving, struggling to maintain a steady stance after the mind boggling experience. A pain in his stomach alerts him to the presence of another; steel was slid through his torso, and 
Oafy: - out the other end by a blurry grey shadow. "For the love of.." Feeling the blood soak his t-shirt, Oafy stares at the blob of grey, hoping to recognize a face. (Pathetic. Only when you are restored will you be worthy.) The facts behind the insul
Oafy: - insult were mostly lost on him, but Oafy knew he was indeed insulted by this figure. Outraged, he erupts in a flaring aura of black, mostly invisible in the dark universe. The aura blasts outward in all directions, tossing the figure away from h
Oafy: - his person. Ripping the left behind blade from his chest, Oafy lunges forward at the shadow, missing an attempted impalement. (You are nothing but the remains of a fallen, dead God!) The taunting Voice grows louder in his mind, only succeeding i
Oafy: - in pissing Oafy off. Roaring at the flexible entity, he sidekicks it in what must be its head, following with a second lunge of the blade. The being fades into nothing before the blade makes contact, however, leaving Oafy alone in the void. That
Oafy: - is, until an ominous laughter purges the land of silence. (Weakling.. Accept your fate!) Oaftres shakes off motion sickness, and glares at the shadows that dance far off in the distance. "Never!" He hadn't any idea what he was disagreeing to, ju
Oafy: - just that the Voice was not to be trusted. (Goodnight, Oaftres...) With this, the universe is replaced with an eye-stinging brightness. Oafy jolts forward, onto his feet from the bench he'd been sitting on. Awake at last, he peers down,
Oafy: - almost expecting a bleeding wound. No such identifying marks. "It was a dream after all," explains Oafy, smiling at an old lady next to him waiting for a bus. The woman inches away from him, seemingly not interested in conversing with a hobo. "F
Oafy: - "Fine, more conversation for me."
Fenin: approaches Xerokine shortly after the three part ways, "Caeruleus..." Fenin speaks in a hushed voice, not sure if Essex had left earshot yet, "About this band of merriment, it sounds fun and all, but howsabout you and I shanghai these
Fenin: -x- two lilly pads and take the group over for our own." Fenin grins wide, "With my strength and your resourcefulness, nothing would be able to stop us. Just look at how well we did together in The Syndicate, back in the day..."
Essex: flips open his cell phone as he leans back in his seat, the female stripper dancing in his lap. "Call Oaf." He says, as the phone starts dialing. He presses the button on his headset, linking
Essex: (*) it to his cellphone. "C'mon Oafnuts... answer the damn phone..."
Xerokine: -*- "Stop us from doing what?" Xerokine replied offhandedly. "This little gang consists of you, me, Essex, and a purple-skinned brat with an ambigious gender. If we get rid of Essex, it consists of you, me, and the aforementioned brat. 
Xerokine: -*- Not exactly a strategy worth spending tme on." The two of them walked up through the maze of tunnels that were, for some unknown reason, honeycombed in the rock underneath the chapel. Apparently the priests had wanted to 
Xerokine: -*- be sure no one could hear what they did to the altar boys. "Sounds more interesting if we let Essex run it, build it up, do all the work... then take over after it's worthwhile to do so."
Oafy: busts out his cell phone, flipping it open immediately as the old woman continues to give him the silent treatment. "Old hag, hope you ROT," he mutters seconds after answering the call. "Hey, you've reached Oafy. State your name, sexual
Oafy: - preference, and why you called. Go." He walks past the old woman, sticking his tongue out at her childishly as he does so.
Xerokine: -*- The black walls of the Saiya-jin castle looked out over the bubbling expanse of the lava fields. The high watchtowers were armed with warriors that shined red from Kaioken or glimmered gold from ascension, everwatchful for assaults 
Xerokine: -*- by the traitorous halfbreeds, or preparing their own assault against the fortress. "This again," a man sighed, watching the watchers from his perch on the black wall. His cloak lay flat against his back in the still, hot air, his 
Xerokine: -*- hood brushed back to reveal his features. Crouching with his hands rested against his knees, Xerokine sighed again and closed his amber-tinted eyes. "I suppose it was too much to assume that it might be different, this time." He 
Xerokine: -*- shrugged dismissively. "Oh well."
Shim: - "X." Shim spoke, leaned against the wall. "Been a while." He spoke with a lazy tone. He enjoyed the warmth of his native planet, the pressure of the gravity weighing down on his shoulders. "I guess." The halfbreed shrugged, glancing to the man t
Shim: (C) seated at his side; Xerokine one of two men he felt had ever truly equalled him in skill. He shared that honor with Kalen DeArtair. "Nice weather today, y'think?" Ash composed great cloudlike waves in the sky, dampening the mood with angry bla
Shim: (C) black shadows against the crimson sky.
Oafy: phases into sight next to the saiyan stronghold, having hung up on an unresponsive call from an unknown individual. "Bitches can't hide from me," he calls up to two men in front of him, walking slowly toward them and tapping one in armor on the
Oafy: - shoulder. The two turn to greet the halfbreed; one appears a bodybuilder with hair reaching down to his ass, and the other is (quite possibly the only) black saiyan. Rather than wait for a response, Oafy nods, backing away. "Mistaken
Oafy: - identidy? My bad." His form flickers, his mind taking a second chance at moving his ki across space-time. Meeting more success, he stands a stones throw from Shim now. "Oafy's here too!" Smirking, he steps away from the wall.. but cant. 
Oafy: dares a look behind himself, revealing the hoodie of his sweatshirt materialized IN the wall. "Discuss amongst yourselves," he offers, attempting to lodge the material free of the wall.
Xerokine: -*- "Shim," the man replied lightly, shifting in his perch to create a better angle of attack. "Indeed it has. A whole day, in fact," he added sardonically. The dull rumbling of thunder rolled through the air, drawing Xerokine's eyes back to the 
Xerokine: -*- sky. The black clouds of smoke and dust were cut by intermittent cracks of lightning, and a soft rain of powdered ash was beginning to fall. The ash would soon stain everything a dull grey, or would if everything was not already 
Xerokine: -*- black. On those days it was thick enough, a person could choke to death just trying to breath. "Beautiful, as always." A moment passed, during which there was the sudden diversion of Oaftres appearing and getting his 
Xerokine: -*- clothes stuck inside the stone wall. Apparently it -was- possible for translocation to miss. Go figure. "So, what is this?" Xerokine asked aloud, spinning around to drop off the wall next to Shim. "Round two?"
Shim: - "The master of memorable entrances!" Shim announced, as Oafy tugged on the hood of his sweater, irritated. "I'm not positive, but I think you just got owned." Without another word, Shim leaped up from his relaxed position and dove after Xerokine
Shim: (C)  off the cliff. "Yes, indeed!" Perpetua was freed of its sheath, its crimson blade so at home in the fires of Saigo Yuubou. "Did you lose weight?"
Oafy: - The sound of cloth tearing at the seams is all but muted out by the sound of an explosion off in the distance, likely a volcano or some war. It's Saigo: shits always blowing up. Liberated from the wall, Oafy casually slides over to the cliff
Oafy: - near which Shim and Xerokine were relocating themselves to. "Master of Entrances and Hangovers, at your service, Shim." He bows gracefully, keeping out of range of the other two at this point. He crosses over the cliff, keeping his distance
Oafy: - in mind. "Is it wise for two half-saiyans to be seen conversing with a fullbreed near the saiyan castle?" He nods back to the stronghold, with an odd grin. "Might attract some guards I may or may not have alerted ten seconds ago..."
Xerokine: shrugged, turning slowly in freefall as the ash-covered ground swiftly rose to meet him. With the agility of a cat, he spun in mid-air and landed easily on his feet, crouching slightly as his cloak settled around him. In the span 
Xerokine: -*- of a second, Xerokine rose and casually drew the draconic sword from across his back, letting the faint crimson light of the sky play off the blade's edge before he leapt off the ground and flipped backwards, kicking off the castle wall to 
Xerokine: -*- spin himself up toward Shim, who was still in free-fall. "Good point," he called upward to Oaftres, even as he leveled the deadly blow at the other halfbreed's falling form. "I should probably fix the 'halfbreed presence' part before they get 
Xerokine: -*- here!"
Shim: - Perpetua rose to block the assault, a shower of sparks rising from the blades that had met so many thousands of times before. "Who said we planned on conversing here, anyways?" Perpetua's blade flashed as it arced through the air, poised to slic
Shim: (C) slice into Xerokine's shoulder. "This feels like old times, doesn't it? Except I normally had a sword in you by this time."
Oafy: plucks a short hunting dagger from its sheath on his lower leg, planting it into the wall of the cliff as he descends down along with his cohorts engaged in combat. "No yeah, totally forget your mentor," he tosses a glare at Shim, "and ... on
Oafy: - and off again friend is here!" The second half of the conversation is directed to Xerokine. With knife pressed on the wall, his descent slows.
Xerokine: grimaced as he caught Shim's return blow on his gauntlet, the impact sending him flying back downward. The drifting rain of ash swirled as he hit the ground, cracking the stone beneath his feet. "Not bad," he called, 
Xerokine: -*- bracing his sword as Shim attacked once more, making the blades ring from the tension. "Now try this!" Releasing one hand from the sword's hilt, Xerokine balled his right hand into a fist and send it flying toward Shim's midsection. 
Xerokine: -*- Just before impact, his hand opened, unleashing a sudden bolt of black lightning right for him.
Shim: *- The halfbreed stepped back as their swords seperated in anticipation of Xerokine's next move. A forearm met Xerokine's, diverting the Saiyan's fist - but not before the spark of energy bolted out from his finger, striking Shim in the thigh. He 
Shim: (C) thigh. He jumped in pain, but despite it, saw an opening. He lunged forward, hopefully against the saiyan's expectation, and moved to backhand him hard in the side of the face.
Oafy: - The knife scraps hard against the wall of the cliff, kicking up sparks just before Oafy jumpkicks, twirling as he falls upon the scene of Xerokine and Shim's swordfight. Knife extended far from himself, he extends to inflict some spin-cuts
Oafy: - on one or the other as he lands shakily on the ground. The moment he lands, he flushes back his head, whipping his hair behind him. In doing so, the dark red tinged hair ignites in a fiery black aura. The aura passes over his body, engulfing
Oafy: - him completely. And his hair is totally black now. "Rawr!"
Xerokine: stumbled backward, hand pressed to his face where Shim had struck him. "The heck?" he said, blinking at the halfbreed. "What was that, your latest technique in slap fighting?" Spitting a wad of blood to the side, Xerokine 
Xerokine: -*- raised his sword and darted forward, only to spin at the last moment to send the back of his heel flying at the side of Shim's face.
Xerokine: stumbled backward, hand pressed to his face where Shim had struck him. "The heck?" he said, blinking at the halfbreed as he dodged to the side, avoiding Oaftres' errant and unaimed attacks. "What was that, your latest 
Xerokine: -*- technique in slap fighting?" Spitting a wad of blood to the side, Xerokine raised his sword and darted forward, only to spin at the last moment to send the back of his heel flying at the side of Shim's face.
Xerokine: stumbled backward, hand pressed to his face where Shim had struck him. "The heck?" he said, blinking at the halfbreed as he dodged to the side, avoiding Oaftres' errant and unaimed attacks. "What was that, your latest 
Xerokine: -*- technique in slap fighting?" Spitting a wad of blood to the side, Xerokine raised his sword and darted forward, only to spin at the last moment to send the back of his heel flying at the side of Shim's face.
Jeckel: stumbled from a bar in New Hope city. His boredom had driven him to get plastered on whatever the earth had to offer and boy did it do the trick. Slightly stumbling his way down the street, he thought about flying to his apartment only to shake hi
Jeckel: <C> his head as he thought he may get pulled over for FWI. It never occured to him that there never was such a thing, and the earthlings would have no way to enforce it either. In his journey of stumbling, he had powered up twice to his super saiy
Jeckel: <C> saiyan form, once to impress an earthling female..who just ran in terror, and the second time to help chew back the liquor that was wanting out of his system the way it came. "Ughh...I guess I shouldn't of mixed all that stuff into one big cup
Shim: - Shim's head snapped back from the force of the kick and, manipulating the momentum of the attack, he turned a backflip, landing in a crouched position. His eyes narrowed sensing opportunity. With the ferocity of a volcano, Shim erupted upwards f
Shim: (C) from his position, raising a fist in an attempt to catch Xerokine's jaw with a thunderous uppercut. 
Oafy: 's eyes glint with black intensity, his aura of darkness rippling wavier than before. "Ignore me, will you?" Cracking the earth around them with a fierce slamming of a foot, he leaps away from the two as lava fills the growing gap in the ground.
Oafy: lands on a declining slant, while focusing his ki in both palms. Like pneumatic pumps of some kind, his arms shoot forward and back, each time grabbing black energy out of the air, firing orbs at Xerokine solely. Probably on account of his shifty
Oafy: - dodging techniques. "Slut!"
Xerokine: flipped backward, whirling through the air as he was launched up by Shim's assault. Luckily, it would seem, as a second later, a volley of ebony orbs hummed right beneath him, close enough that he could feel the heat from 
Xerokine: -*- their passage. Oaftres' balls punched holes in the thin, ash-covered crust, releasing fountains of bubbling lava that rained down like white-hot needles. "Damnit!" Xerokine cursed, landing on a tilting section of land that flowed like ice 
Xerokine: -*- on a river across the searing molten rock. The deadly rain burnt holes in his cloak and sleeves, leaving angry red welts on his skin as they scorched his flesh. "Watch where you're aiming, you lunatic!" he yelled, letting black 
Xerokine: -*- sparks dance along the edge of his sword. "Lightning Vortex!" He aimed the attack, not at Shim or Oaftres, but at the ground between them. The spinning tornado of dark lightning struck the unstable ground and send a tsunami of 
Xerokine: -*- churning lava curling upwards, descending upon the two halfbreeds.
Jeckel: simply decided "Screw it" and started to float into the air, although not stable at all and only a few inches from the ground. "ok..we're cool..we're stable...just..gotta follow the road..straight lines..mind your blinkers." With that, he floated 
Jeckel: <C> floated into the middle of the street and took a deep breath. A light blue aura started to whisp around him in a manner that seemd to reflect his drunken state, instead of resembling a flame, his aura resembled a disturbed drop of water, lazil
Jeckel: <C>lazily blobbing from one side to the other. He took another deep breath and then was off! flying through the streets at blinding speeds, crashing into cars, crashing through cars, and he even knocked over a few news stands as he drifted to a si
Jeckel: <C> sidewalk or two.
Shim: - "Yeah, whenever you wanna fight again..." A crimson orb of energy surrounded Shim as the attack devastated the landmass. A deadly rain of lava ensued, sizzling and smoking as it collided with his barrier. He rose above the surface, and waved his
Shim: (C) his hand in Xerokine's direction, unleashing a shard of ki from the tip of ever finger. Shim crossed his arms, and smirked at the Saiyan. "I'll be right here."
Oafy: lands hazardously onto a chunk of rock, surrounded by lava flow. It flows right along with the river of fire, no more than enough room for himself, and maybe a small asian woman on her knees. As more of the burning liquid bursts from the surface
Oafy: - of the terrain before him, Oafy dares to risk his life for his own amusement. Reaching down to the edge of the rock platform, he tilts it back, leaning to the opposite end, bringing the front up. "Go with the flow, Shimmy." His voice calls,
Oafy: - courage in his voice betraying his shaky display as he fights hard to maintain balance on the mock surf board. The aura of darkness thickens, shielding him from fire rain that would have otherwise burnt him crispy, while the surf board is
Oafy: - tossed violently with the waves, yet still manages to be kept upright and afloat. With his spare hand, Oafy removes his sheathed knife, and gives it a jolly good toss to Xerokine's groinal region. It's sure to miss, but its intention was
Oafy: - not likely to go unnoticed by Xerokine - 'Get over here'.
Xerokine: grinned wickedly, catching the thrown dagger with his offhand and casually tossing it back, aiming for the section of rock between Oaftres' legs to split his surfboard in half. "Ha!" he crowed, spinning his sword in wide arcs 
Xerokine: -*- between his fingers. "Take that, you-" Shards of energy rained down from above, making the lava flow splash and broil. "Bah," Xerokine muttered, surrounding himself in a crackling aura of black sparks. Drops of molten rock that 
Xerokine: -*- came too close were sizzled into nothingness. "Fine, if you wanna play soap bubble, stay there!" he yelled upwards, releasing a bolt of lightning to intercept one of Shim's energy shards. Ignoring the floating halfbreed for the moment, 
Xerokine: -*- Xerokine returned his attention to Oaftres. Using the floating islands of rock as stepping stones across the lava, he leapt at the halfbreed from the side, trying to force him off into the magma with a quick slash of the sword.
Jeckel: woke up from his liquor induced nap on top of a rock outcropping over looking a small river of lava. His scouter which was still stuck to his ear was going off and annoying the hell out of him, so he tapped the button on the side and saw the direc
Jeckel: <C> direction of the power levels, three of them, plus he had an uneasy feeling in his stomach which allways accompanied the presence of large powers and it was times like this he regretted ever learning that damned technique, however, who knows h
Jeckel: <C> how much of it was the rot gut going to town on his stomach. He rubbed his head and floated upwards in a sort of odd mid-air stumble and made his way towards the three powers, his bottle of rot-gut in hand. Once he had made it above the trio h
Jeckel: <C> he yelled down at them. "HEY! Can't a guy gulp down some liquor and pass out near a bunch of lava in peace!? HUH!?"
Shim: - Shaking his head in irritation, Shim clenched his fists, his eyes narrowing on his target. The world slowed as he focused. The halfbreed cupped his hands and pulled them back, honing the attack with countless amounts of energy. The blood red sph
Shim: (C) sphere that sprung to life in his hands began to grow at an exponential rate as he focused more and more ki into its strength. He forced so much of his energy into the attach that it began to feed off of his life force. Satisfied with its migh
Shim: (C) might, Shim shoved his palms forward towards the unattentive Saiyan, hoping to catch him unaware.
Oafy: releases his hold on the rock-board, yanking his twice thrown dagger free of the surface, just as it collapses. Jumping off the halved platform, he reacts just in time to have Xerokine leap at him, perform a nasty slash. "Is that all you
Oafy: - do?" He asks the shifty Saiyan, bringing his knife up, twisted backwards to his wrist, meeting the sword and holding it in stalemate. A twinkling in his eye draws attention to Shim, and his monster energy wave - he pays it a seconds glance
Oafy: - as to not alert his foe. "Lunge, slash, and lightning vortex?" Above, Jeckel slurs drunkenly at them all. "Who takes a fuckin' nap in a war zone full of lava flows?!" Pushing off the attacks, he attempts to lodge his knife into the
Oafy: - chest of Xerokine, while taking a wide, sweeping kick at his throat. 'If you hit me, I will make you bleed out your balls, Shim...' Oafy thinks, taking every care to ignore the impending doom behind Xerokine.
Xerokine: danced backwards, but not quick enough as the dagger sailed straight for his chest - and directly through it. In a quick flash of unlight, the intended target had vanished, only to reappear... right above Shim. "Multishot 
Xerokine: -*- Missiles!" Xerokine yelled, aiming his palm down at the halfbreed's head. A storm of crackling black darts shot out, rapid-fire, spiraling around each other before splitting apart like an opening flower, then converging back on Shim 
Xerokine: -*- from all sides. "Ignite!" As one, the collection of darts exploded in a closing circle of dark, flaming energy, with the halfbreed at it's core.
Jeckel: took another swig of his bottle of rotgut as he watched the battle. Momentarily forgetting his original complaint as he enjoyed the violence, then just as suddenly remembering his issue. "Hey! I'm talking to you thick skulled morons! Take that shi
Jeckel: <C> shit into a city where it belongs!" He takes yet another swig from his bottle and holds his palm out towards the group, a small golden sphere forming instantly in front of the outstretched palm and then growing rapidly to the size of small VW-
Jeckel: <C> VW-Beetle. He hiccuped and then flexed his hand, launching the golden ball of energy towards haphazardly towards the group below him, not really aimed but then again, he probably wasn't in the state to aim if he wanted to. "HEY! I'm talkin to 
Shim: - The energy shattered with the force of the attack, falling into glass-like shards, and a frustrated Shim cast glares at Xerokine behind a blanket of smoke. Shim's lips curved upwards into a very slight smile as the smoke cleared. There was a sil
Jeckel: <C> you tards!"
Shim: (C) silence that hung in the air between the three fighters as the devastating kamehameha was rendered completely useless. "You bitch."
Oafy: watches as knife passes through the faded after shadow of Xerokine, not to mention his sweeping kick. Nevertheless, he refuses to give up on the desired effect. Upon the beam of Shim's, however, a sphere of energy from the drunken fool above
Oafy: - detonates, cutting the tail of the wave much shorter, and sending it off its intended course, where Xerokine -was-. Chasing after the head, Oafy leaps in front, now high above his rivals, somewhere close to the drunk. The will of his dark aura
Oafy: - is sapped fully, pouring into a monstrous black pillar of raw, tainted energy. The two beams crash head on, for a moment struggling, before they merge into a solid, rolling force of deep red, trapped within the transparent shell of pure black.
Oafy: manipulates the attack, tossing it right back down with a swift shove of ki, to Xerokine and Shim. The target was the same as last time, but hopefully he was still too drained from his last translocation to repeat the manuever. Meanwhile, "You
Oafy: - plan on sharing that liquor?"
Xerokine: began to fall as the momentum from his attack ran out, and he landed on the first thing in his way - Shim. "Hi, excuse me, don't mind me," he said casually, landing on the halfbreed's shoulders and flipping around to grab 
Xerokine: -*- him around the waist. "Long way down, you know." Flipping his sword back into it's sheath for the moment and unnoticing of the impressive mass of energy flying up towards both of them, Xerokine started to tighten his grip 
Xerokine: -*- around Shim's middle. "Wonder how much force it takes to snap those ribs of yours," he wondered conversationally. "Let's try a bit more." The air suddenly flamed red and white, the energizing force of Kaioken increasing Xerokine's 
Xerokine: -*- strength as he squeezed harder.
Jeckel: blinked a bit then looked over at the one who had made his way next to him. He took a swig from his bottle and burped a little then handed the bottle over to Oafy. "Fuck it..I'll just wait for one of those guys to kill the other one and then i'll 
Jeckel: <C> kill the survivor....or we'll see..dunno..never really see any fights to the death anymore...everyone has gone pussy."
Shim: shouted in pain as the bearhug set in, squeezing the air from his lungs. He was growing desperate, as he felt his consciousness begin to fade. He couldn't match the Saiyan's raw physical strength, even if he transformed. He grunted, and shifted h
Shim: (C) himself to the side; Xerokine's grip remained constant though, at least, before Shim drove his elbow into his groin, and thusly freed himself of his hold. The halfbreed then clasped both hands together and swung them hard at Xerokine's head, h
Shim: (C) hoping to earn himself a breather.
Oafy: scratches his noggin, noting that the momentum of Shim's power charged energy attack, and Oafy's own energy blast, combined, had still not reached its intended target, despite moving quite rapidly. However, it wasn't much his concern at the
Oafy: - moment, as he'd received alcohol from his good friend... drunkie? "Thanks, bud. You're off my list." This is all he says, winking at him, suggesting it's a good thing. Chugging down the awful susbstance in the bottle of liquor, Oafy lets out a
Oafy: - noise close to 'gleh'. The bottle slips from Oafy's hands as he gives it a toss back to its owner, a look of disatisfaction upon him. "Nevermind - you're back on." Waving politely, his form flickers out of sight. Particles of light
Oafy: - shimmer behind Shim, as Oafy materializes behind his long-time buddy. "Yoink." Grasping onto the fellow-breeds shirt, he and Oafy vanish in a dim fading of light. High above near Jeckel now, he motions toward the ebony and red blast
Oafy: - reaching for Xerokine. "You owe me. A beer at least."
Xerokine: grimaced, flipping backward through the air as Shim's attack was aborted by the sudden appearance and disappearance of Oaftres. "Ha!" he laughed, descending back down toward the floating rock islands. "So much for 
Xerokine: -*- that!" His boasting was unfortunately cut off, however, as the combined energies abruptly enveloped him from behind, hiding him from view as they flowed downward and finally struck the lava swell, sending a wave rippling in 
Xerokine: -*- all directions. As the smoke and steam began to clear, it revealed Xerokine, flesh seared and steaming as he knelt in a glowing red crater of softening rock. Beads of black light cracked around him, forks of electricity darted 
Xerokine: -*- out from his flesh and ripped into the ground. He slowly stood, cloak gradually regenerating behind him as he narrowed startlingly blue eyes at his floating opponents. His head shook, once, making the braid of blonde hair 
Xerokine: -*- that traveled down his back whip from side to side. "Nice try," he said softly. "Wanna do one more?" Xerokine raised his sword above his head and began to spin it, slowly at first, but gaining rapidly in speed. In the air above 
Xerokine: -*- him, a crackling mass of black energy began to grow, hissing and spitting as it swirled and gathered in power and size. "Then take this!" He whipped the sword up, then down. As if struck by a titanic fist, the overwhelmingly 
Xerokine: -*- large sphere of unlight boomed as it flashed through the air toward the halfbreeds. And just behind it, unseen and traveling in the orb's wake, was Xerokine, darting along the remaining islands of rock with sword at the ready to 
Xerokine: -*- cut down any who survived.
Jeckel: simply took another swig of his bottle, now empty, and tossed it at the glowing ball of energy that was heading up towards the other two halfbreeds. The bottle promptly melted and vaporized when it came into contact with the attack. With the garba
Jeckel: <C> garbage taken care of, Jeckel calmly floated backwards to stay well and clear of the battle. He had no idea what was honestly going on, but he was going to wait for his chance before he started kicking some ass. Or throwing up, he felt more li
Jeckel: <C> like throwing up at the moment. "That stuff never settles right.."
Oafy: folds his arms in defiance of Xerokine's rising energy sphere, knowing it was sure to cause some immense pain on everyones part. "Here we are trying to have a friendly rumble, and he just takes it to the extreme. That's so like him.. Prick,"
Oafy: grumbles under his breathe, shaking his head. "Well, shall I leave it to you, Shimburton?" Out of the corner of his eye, Shim vanishes in a light glow. "...Well, shall I leave it to you, Drunkie?" Fixated upon Xerokine's nearing energy attack,
Oafy: prays the drunk man isn't going to vomit and/or pass out, before handling the ball of death.
Jeckel: looked up at Oafy and then back down at the ever quickening attack. He sighed and flew up towards Oafy, wrapping his arm around the other halfbreed's waist and with the other hand putting two fingers to his forehead and with a hiccup, they dissape
Jeckel: <C> dissapear with a flash of orange light and then reappear back where this all started for Jeckel, the liquor store. The difference here is that it was far after closing hours. "heh..can't beleive this is the last place I remembered." he said to
Jeckel: <C> himself, still holding onto Oafy and then letting him go as he made his way to a bottle of vodka imported from the android planet. "can never have too much percision in your drink..plus..free stuff. By the way...My name is Jeckel."
Oafy: removes a sizable bottle of tequila off a shelf near him, cracking off the top with ease as he raises the bottle in a mock toast. "I don't suppose you can go wrong being anywhere but that field right now," he offers, pausing to reflect upon the
Oafy: - name of this newly acquired drinking buddy. It was familiar. He was familiar. Rather, he looked familiar. "Jeckel, eh? Names Oafy." Looking to his bottle of tequila, he laughs softly. "To new drinking buddies!" He taps Jeckel's vodka, before
Oafy: - taking a generous portion of the liquid death into his system.
Jeckel: clanked his bottle against Oafy's and gave out a "herehere" and took a swig of the vodka. "Don't know why I never thought of this sooner..so what is the story behind that whole deal out there..that one guy that you were with seemed like just a fra
Jeckel: <C> fraction of that other one..."
Oafy: lowers his bottle from his lips for the first time since the toasting, bits of tequila dripping down his mouth onto his shirt as he does so. "Uh.. Who?" He shakes his head for a moment, his black hair suddenly taking on its dark red, natural
Oafy: - hue once more as his power fades to nothing. "That was Shim. Xerokine - the stronger guy - Shim, and I were having a friendly duel that .. sort of broke out of nowhere. They're good guys. Xero just takes things too far." Thoughts of impalement
Oafy: - in between the ribcage in an abandoned church creep into Oafy's mind, as he chuckles. The thought strikes him as odd, but he brushes it off, knowing there had to be more to the story than what he recalled. Memories were slowly returning...
Jeckel: smirked. "right...eh..wish I had friends. Just found out that I'm a half blood...so ruling planet Vegeta is just gonna be even harder...got a better chance of ruling the galaxy than I do that little slice of home. anyway..see ya later." he said as
Jeckel: <C> he wandered out of the store, simply pushing the door open and off of its hinges, he had a powerlevel of over 100 million when he was relaxed and with the abillity to guage his strength erased by the liquor, the door simply came off like it wa
Jeckel: <C> was made of paper. He continued on down the street.
Oafy: sits cross legged in a low sand dune, surrounded by rolling hills in the desert somewhere north of New Hope, or west of Aqua Polis - he really didn't know anymore. Before him floats a hallow orb of transparent grey, filled to the brim with sand
Oafy: - from the terrain. He concentrates his ki, manipulating the orb in slow spins as it hovers with a light humming. Inside the sphere, the sand shifts, constantly accomodating its container, mixing quietly. His power rises continuously, as the
Oafy: - effort of focus spent on the spinning increases; it begins to spin faster, stirring the grainy earth. "Yeah, it's a buttfuck sunday..."
Rini: flies through the skies of New Earth, enjoy the beautiful Sunday sun as it shines above her, making her beautiful, long pink hair glisten.  The sunlight sparkling and glistening within her brightly glowing white aura that surrounds her small body.
Rini: (c) She spirals around, her eyes closed as she feels the wind against her face, the wind pressing her overalls closer to her body.  She had no need to suppress her strength, she didn't care, she felt free, happy and without a care in the world.  S
Rini: (c) She stops, high in the sky at Aqua Polis, admiring the glistening water from high above before smiling and moving on to the west near the desert. The desert was lonely, but it provided a great place to train with all her strength without the w
Rini: (c) worry of damaging precious life. The few scattered clouds high overhead did little to rain on her parade, there was no rain in the forcast this day and she planned on taking every advantage of it, even without her mother, who was still at home
Rini: (c) sleeping 'God she's lazy..stupid meatball head.., I'll beat her up when I get home..' she thinks, grinning broadly as her aura leaves a brilliant trail of white energy behind.
Morbius: sits up on his bed,  "Damn...Gotta be at least 90 degrees today."  Morbius walks over to his clost throws his tank top on along with his southpole shorts.  "Well...I'm off to train more..."  Morbius calls out into the darkness
Morbius: <C> 
Morbius: <C> 
Morbius: <C> of his apartment.  Before leaving Morbius takes one more look into his empty apartment,  "I gotta get a damn pet or something..."  Morbius smirks as he walks out into the hot sun. Morbius aura glows brightly as he lifts off
Morbius: <C> the ground and hovers into the city looking for some new way to start training.  
Taz: sits at his desk writing a book. "God, I need something to take this off my mind. I know, I'll go meet up with some friends and go fight something or do something." He said. As he closes his book, he gets up, walks over to his dresser and gets a m
Taz: <c> muscle shirt out. When he puts it on he says "Well, time to go find my friends and see what kind of trouble we can cause." As he is walking out, he has a white aura that surrounds his body.
Shim: - Smoke rose from the his open mouth, expelled from his lungs with a long sigh. What was this? This feeling festering in his gut like a writhing parasite. Was it guilt? Was he angry at himself because he couldn't save Fenin from becoming what he w
Shim: (C)was now? This vengeful madman that stalked him. How had he let the situation dissolve into what it had? They had been best friends, and because he couldn't control himself, they were now arch-enemies. Shim only wanted to kill the Saiyan now, to
Shim: *C( to end his insanity, to end these thoughts. He wanted to be able to sleep again, without nightly visits from the image of his blade protruding from the back of his own mother. "Fuck..."
Oafy: uncrosses his legs from the meditation position, standing up with his palm underneath the belly of the ki sphere. The tip of his finger raises the gray sphere, drawing it along with him. Sandstorms mound, billowing off nearby as Oafy marches away
Oafy: - toward Aqua Polis, the closest city safe from the elements. Dragging along at his side is the barrier of grain, the size of his head hovering at chest height to his left. "Got sand in my ass.."
Rini: stops a few miles into the desert as she senses a small powerlevel, small to her at least and sees the unmistakable glowing of ball of energy 'Hmm, either someone is training or somoeone is being dumb...' she thinks for a moment before gasping, "W
Rini: (c) "Wait, I know that power!" she smiles happily and decends quickly to the gound.  After but a few moments, she lands on the ground a few feet in front of Oafy making a small crater underneath her where she lands. She stands up, dusts herself of
Rini: (c) off and looks up at her friend, "Hello Mister Oafy!" she says happily, her aura dissipating with a quick 'pop' "What are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere?" she asks, looking around, but currently sensing noone else, let alone anyone
Rini: (c) dangerous. She tilts her head to one side, smiling, as her pretty pink hair falls to that side, staring at the man with her red eyes, showing genuine caring and curiosity.
Morbius: stops in the middle of the street feeling something he hasn't felt in what seems ages,  "Wow...Someone here actually has some power?"  Morbius smiles at the thought of himself becoming a super saiyan.  "Maybe...
Morbius: <C> Just maybe this is my time to become a Super Saiyan..."  Morbius nods to himself and flies high into the sky trying to pinpoint this power.  "Hmmm...Seems to be coming from...Wow...A desert?"  Morbius sighs as he
Morbius: <C> begins flying at incredible speeds toward the amazing power he felt.
Shim: - Effortlessly, the halfbreed bounded sprung into the air, turned a tight somersault, and landed atop the adjacent building. He felt his will fading, the barrier between beast and man dwindling. He knew that he had to get away from people, and fas
Shim: (C)fast. As he sped away from the city, he felt himself submitting to the rage; it engulfed him in golden energy, liquid fury seeping through his veins. "Fucking hell..."
Oafy: prods Rini with his index finger, sharply at her shoulder. "Hi You." A surprised grin crosses his face, but he soon controls it, forcing it into a polite smile. 'Rini.. Holy Warrior for the Side of Good. Innocence wrapped in sugar, sweetness
Oafy: - and devotion to all that is good. Last night, after much drinking, Oafy had yet another visit in his dreams by the blurry figure tormenting him in the dark realm of despair and vomit, induced by spinning. The figure and he fought yet again,
Oafy: of course got his butt smacked like a 50 year old pedo. Except Oafy didn't have to pay a hooker. Since the dream, memories had flooded into him from his past life. Little remained that confused him about those around him.. and yet, a lot of
Oafy: 's past was still a mystery to him. Despite knowing a great deal about Rini now, he masked the truth. Why? Because that's how I roll, bitches. "Me? Just playing with sand, thinking of going to New Hope for coffee." Just then, a radical spike
Oafy: - of energy draws his mind elsewhere. "Mmhmm.. Southward, ho!" In a blaze of darkness, he chases to the south, grabbing Rini by her backpack and dragging her along the sand.
Morbius: feels an even more immense powerlevel, "Well...Damn...It seems this may be a bit harder than I hoped for..." Morbius grinned as he increased his speed and flew into the direction of the first powerlevel,  "I'll confront this
Morbius: <C> one first..."  Morbius smiled as he felt a weaker power as he got even closer.  Morbius pulled his hand back and began tunneling energy into it.  "This'll get their attentions."  Morbius threw the large ball of energy
Morbius: <C> straight ahead hoping to just skim the tops of the being's heads.
Rini: makes an odd "ack" sound as she starts getting dragged along by Oafy to the South.  As she's being dragged, 'what a drag..this sucks.' she thinks before closing her eyes, her arms crossed, 'What is that?!' she thinks, easily sensing a very large p
Rini: (c) power spike in a power she couldn't even detect before, plus another power releasing energy.  She opens her eyes, looking a bit scared 'Oh oh....' she thinks, trying to tug on Oafy "Mister Oafy...ooof!" she says, being dragged over a hard clum
Rini: (c) clump of sand "Mister Oafy, stop, please stop..!" she says, trying to fight him.  She then puts her feet down and literally explodes into a brilliant, flaming golden aura as her hair clumps together and spike up, her eyes a wierd shade of red 
Rini: (c) and green before turning fully green as her strength and power rise.  "I SAID STOP!!" she screams, holding her ground as Oafy tries to run and is quickly knocked off his feet as her clothes won't stretch any further. She looks at him with a se
Rini: (c) serious expression with her beautiful emerald eyes as dust and dirt from the desert floor blow up around them both "Are you stupid or something?  You don't go rushing off just because you sense a power spike, who's to say that this person does
Rini: (c) doesn't have more power to unlock?!" she says sternly, pondering the mans ability at this point. 'Whoever it is, they're not taking pains to hide themselves anymore, so they're up to something..' she thinks, frowning.
Shim: - A hoarse scream shook the earth, as more and more anger and frustration seeped was converted into power; raw, golden power, easily twenty feet in radius. Long tendrils of blue energy cackled around him, his hair hair standing on end, easily a fo
Shim: (C) foot long. He was breathing hard, ravenous. He wanted to find Fenin, and erase him, and with him, this guilt. And maybe, he could go back to being normal. The earth around him simply ceased to exist as he unleashed the full extent of his power
Shim: (C) power, a grand wave of golden energy. "Damn you..."
Morbius: feels an increase in the powers, "Shit...I'm fucked..."  Morbius flew off into the horizon to fight another day.
Treyce: - The sun looked nothing more then a great fireball in the sky, but near it, a much smaller but definate fireball was quickly descending, a trail of smoke spewing behind it. While it was still high in the sky, a seemingly stray beam of light shot 
Treyce: -C- out of it, arching up but then certainly heading down into the desert. Sand was blown up and outwards as Treyce made his landing. "Ahh..God damn it.." he muttered to himself, wiping a thing line of blood from the corner of his mouth. His face 
Treyce: -C-  was slightly blackened and his clothes were slightly burnt. His auburn eyes trailed back to the descending fireball, muttering somewhat to himself. He had 'borrowed' that ship from a distant city to get back to New Hope, but something had gon
Treyce: -C- gone wrong and it burst into flames. After he looked in every direction he swore very loudly. "In the middle of a desert? Son of a bitch!"
Oafy: lays on the sand, looking quite relaxed and content, despite having been sent on his ass by a six year old girl. "Sorry for trying to save time asking you to follow," he says tiredly, brushing off the fine sand. He wags his finger, adopting
Oafy: - a superior, authoritative tone as he speaks. "Ah, ah. YOU don't rush heedlessly to power spikes. -I- do." Upright now, he kicks off the ground, hurtling toward the origin of the blue crackling power and fragged earth. It was most certainly
Oafy: - Shim, anyway. He was never a threat. Maybe to others, but the two halfbreeds had always been on good terms... Or so he liked to think. Arriving a safe distance on the scene from Shim, he calls out: "Got a minute? I have something to share
Oafy: - with you!" Trailing along behind, the encased sphere of sand catches up to Oafy, hovering.
Shim: - His muscles bulged beyond possibility as he raised his fists into the sky, unleashing another hoarse roar to complete the transition. His thoughts were dashed, a thousand at once; memories - bad ones - flooding his mind. With a loud thud, he fel
Shim: (C)fell to a knee, submitting to the pressure that almost caused him to implode. An old friend, one of his best, and he could do nothing to save him. Now he'd sunk further than ever, wallowing in his lust for vengeance.
Rini: frowns and takes off after Oafy, 'Fool, his power keeps rising, he's dangerous..' she thinks, feeling his energy rise even further, 'This is so not good..' she says stopping about a hundred yards behind Oafy when she notices yet another power clos
Rini: (c) close by "Not another one?!" she says, feeling scared, very scared.  She closes her eyes and begins channeling her energy throughout her body as her cells explode with energy.  Her flaming golden aura explodes outwards as a storm of dust and d
Rini: (c) dirt fly up all around her in a swirling vortex of light.  Pink lightning begins to streak and arc throughout her powerful, pulsating, flaming aura.  The muscles in her small body bulk up from the excess power as her hair spikes up further, li
Rini: (c) literally glowing with golden energy as her eyes look almost like emerald fire.  Her physical rises even further yet before she lets out an echoing, feral scream as the last of her hidden Saiyan power releases itself, sending out a powerful sh
Rini: (c) shockwave of energy in all directions, making for a nice crater beneath her.  She looks up after her transformation, at the powerful Shim and then glaces back in Treyce's direction, feeling a bit more confident now.
Oafy: eyes Shim with a frown, shifting attention between he, Rini, and the signature further away. "What? I'm not explosive powerie enough to be listened to? Just because I'm not threatening to blast your ass with righteous fury?" Spitting into the
Oafy: - cratered sand before him, he grunts under his breath. Rini's sudden power emergence bothers Oafy, only on the level that she will be drawing unnecessary attention to herself from Shim. Not exactly a wise move. The orb of sand orbits over his
Oafy: - hands, pulsating with a low energy. A wave of his hand surges the ball with a powerful presence; a controlled explosion within the shell, darkening it completely. As the shell evaporates, the contents fall onto Oafy's cupped palms, now
Oafy: - in the form of a nigh perfectly spherical, semi-transparent dark crystal. "Hold this," he commands, offering it to Rini, hoping to fixate her focus on the shiny object, while he worries about Shim's unattentiveness.
Oafy: eyes Shim with a frown, shifting attention between he, Rini, and the signature further away. "What? I'm not explosive powerie enough to be listened to? Just because I'm not threatening to blast your ass with righteous fury?" Spitting into the
Oafy: - cratered sand before him, he grunts under his breath. Rini's sudden power emergence bothers Oafy, only on the level that she will be drawing unnecessary attention to herself from Shim. Not exactly a wise move. The orb of sand orbits over his
Oafy: - hands, pulsating with a low energy.
Treyce: - The ship had just crashed on the horizon and Treyce turned away from it. It was a nice ship but at least there would be no proof that he took it now. Nothing more than a pile of burnt metal. A low sigh escaped from Treyce's lips at now having to
Treyce: - put the effort into reaching the city. He brushes the sand out of his hair with his hand and then looks at his clothes. His jeans with slightly burnt around the knees and the holster on the back of his hip was mostly untouched, his shoes were bl
Treyce: -C- blackened and his dark blue t-shirt was hardly touched at all, Treyce having been wearing a coat but threw it off as it caught on fire. Another cure escaped his mouth and he was just about to start off when he sensed a skyrocketting energy sou
Treyce: -C- source...probably more than one. Treyce reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarrettes, swiftly taking one out and lighting it. 'This is such an eventful day.' he thought, dashing off to the powers he sensed.
Morbius: looks back, "Maybe I will try my luck...Been feeling alot more power now though."  Morbius stops in midair and begins flying towards the powers again,  "I'll suppress this time...Don't want attention."  Morbius smiled
Morbius: <C> as he suppressed his power to that of an average human.  Morbius landed and began to run at incredible speeds towards the powers on the hot, dry sand.
Shim: exhaled hard, unlenching his fists. With the sum of his mental strength, he tried to quench the rage, to silence it, before something bad happened. He screamed out, placing his head in his hands. What the hell kind of hero was he? He hadn't been t
Shim: (C) there for the people that needed him most. He couldn't save Fenin. The buttons on his shirt ripped off, and the cloth itself was devoured by the golden incinerator around him. Had Arslanon been right? There on his chest, a crimson image burned
Shim: (C)  burned, its outline surging with white energy. The Phoenix. He screamed louder, huge chunks of land erased by the regular shockwaves that emitted from him. Shim narrowed his eyes at Oaftres. He wanted to scream out for him to leave, but his l
Shim: (C) lips stayed locked in a tight frown.
Rini: stares at Shim, almost feeling sorry for him and then gasping as he rips open his shirt, her voice quivering a bit "Phoenix...." she says in disbelief.  Floating past Oafy, her aura still crackling and pulsating strongly, she slowly approaches the
Rini: (c) Phoenix knight "Let it go...., only when you release it all, can you control it.  You're the one, don't let it control you, you're better than that, you are THE Kngiht." she says, now believing in Shim and the power he has, but she knew from e
Rini: (c) experience that he had to let all the rage out before he could control it and harness at will.  Her emerald eyes just look him over, up and down as she puts her small hand on his shoulder.  A part of her was envious of legend before her, but m
Rini: (c) mostly she was in awe, she never thought she'd see this person again and here he was, strong, hovering before her.  Even as he struggled with his power, she could feel the untapped power still lingering inside him and knew he was only tapping 
Rini: (c) the uppermost limits of his strength 'Amazing..simply amazing...' she thinks.
Oafy: holds a gasp behind a frozen expression, the dubious outline of the Phoenix not boding well for anyone present; angry Shim + phoenix rivival = sadface. Though much of the past was cloudy, the distinct impression that Shim was tapping into some
Oafy: - heavy duty powers. In his current state, those powers might not find themself used to the best of anyone. "Shim, it's Oaftres." It sounds more like a warning, than a statement. Steps are taken, to shorten the gap between the two old friends.
Oafy: watches the child approach and speak to Shim, severely limiting his ability to confront the Phoenix Knight in its entirety. Seems the shiny crystal ball didn't amuse her enough. 'Thought for sure she had ADD.' Marching now right up to Shim,
Oafy: grabs Rini by her waist, lifting her up and plopping her down directly behind himself. "Remember how I took you in off the streets, back when you were a lost cause? I gave you purpose, meaning, and a shot at what you became..." He gestures to
Oafy: - his form, letting him soak in his words before going on. "You're letting rage consume you. Stop, or I will smack you so god damn hard upside the head, the phoenix will have to find a new body to dwell within." He nods; the sort of nod one gives
Oafy: - an equal. Or a sleezy hooker on the street corner.
Treyce: - Sand was rising, being blasted outward from some source and into Treyce's face, causing him to slow down on his trek toward the rising power source. He was about to swear again when the sand blew into his mouth and he choked, spitting out his ci
Treyce: -C- cigarrete and puking slightly on the ground.  'Great just great..just what I need.' he thought, suddenlt annoyed. He pointed his palm toward where the power was rising, a thin sheet of energy forming a barrier between him and the sand. He burs
Treyce: -C- burst foward, sand rising behind him from the sudden burst of speed, only to stop about a minute later. Whoever was doing the power surge was right in front of him. It wasn't all that strong, but he knew it caused the sand to rise about him. W
Treyce: -C- With his guard against the sand in place, Treyce pulled out another cigarette and inhaled deeply. "That's better..somewhat." he said to himself. Swiftly, he drew out his weapon from behind him. The gun was almost entirely black save for the th
Treyce: -C- thin intricate designs of white can be seen on the sides of the gun, resembling a Magnum that a normal human would use. 'Now I'll feel completely better.' he thought, aiming at the center of the rage and firing with deadly precision.
Morbius: gasps as sands begins flying towards Morbius with great speed, "Shit!!!!"  Morbius stopped in mid stride and began to power up.  "KAIOOOKENNNNNNNNNNNN 7!"  Morbius shouts as a red, fiery aura shoots up around 
Morbius: <C> him blowing the sand to either side of him.  "Phew...That wouldn't have tasted very well..."  Morbius smiles and begins his journey towards the power once more.  "I really shouldn't be trying to die..."  Morbius laughs
Morbius: <C> and throws a few weak energy balls at the energy source.  "Gotta stop him before he messes me up."  
Noodles: - Removing all his clothes, Noodles smiles. "I have a hardon right now, and damnit, you're the only thing in sight" He said, wiping a happy tear from his eye, and glancing downwards. "You do it quite well, my friend." Noodles smiles, kneeling over
Noodles: <C>kneeling over, and taking a look at the Dog, whistling at its fine body. "I havent done this sort of sex in a while" He said softly, whispering it into the dogs air. But before he could master his penis inside of the dogs ass, whistles and sire
Noodles: <C> sirens blared outloud. "Holy fuck, its the po po" Noodles said, quickly running off into the shadow alleyway, trying to hide away from them, and not get cought. "Fucking hell, every time i try and have sex, I GET BUSTED!" Noodles kneeled down 
Noodles: <C>kneeled down into the corner, hoping they just drove right past him
Rini: gets picked up by Oafy and set behind him "Hey!" she says in protest, but to no avail, 'Stupid adults..' she thinks turning around and sticking her tongue out at Oafy "Nyyyyyyh" she says as she quickly shuts up, 'Power spike...' she thinks looking
Rini: (c) off in the direction of Morbius' kaioken powerfup.  She then gasps, 'Oh no....NO!' she thinks, her aura exploding once again, "My Phoenix, WATCH OUT!!" she screams, shoulder blocking Oafy out of the way, hoping he'll move and runs into Shim hi
Rini: (c) himself, moving him aside as a powerful blast of ki energy slams into her left side.  She screams in pain from the shot as it burns through her overalls and t-shirt, connecting with and burning the flesh underneath.  The force of the shot knoc
Rini: (c) knocking her away from Shim and Oafy both as well as knocking her from the air and onto the ground below.  She lands in the dust and dirt of the desert floor, making an imprint of her body as the dust blows up from her impact.  Her powerful au
Rini: (c) aura fades, but she doesn't seem to revert from her ascended state of being.  Her backpack and two strange looking folded fans scatter on the ground next to her, a definate burn mark etched into her left side, just above her hip.  She reaches 
Rini: (c) down weakly, touching the wound and crying out in pain 'Owie..owie..it hurts..' she thinks, struggling to lift herself up off the ground.
Shim: *- He growled as he felt the energy attacks becoming more and more imminent. He went to move, but not in time... Something - or someone, shoved him to the side. He lowered his eyes as the small body spiraled away from him, smoking. Silently, the S
Shim: (C) the Super Saiyan whirled around, his hands moving with ridiculous speed to deflect the energy. The spheres created several craters around him upon colliding with the sand, smoke encompassing his image. Why was this happening? Was he hurting an
Shim: (C) Was he hurting anything out here? Suddenly, to those watching, or standing back and firing energy like bitches, Shim's powerlevel seemed to disappear. That was odd enough, but when the earth began to crack, exposing the depths of the earth, th
Shim: (C) those in the vicinity decided something strange was at work. Morbius jumped as a crack appeared in his scouter. Numbers flashed across the purple glass, numbers far surpassing the two-hundred millions, before the machine promptly exploded. A t
Shim: (C) thunderous shockwave cleared the air of the smoke and grit, and there at the center of the chaos, a new man stood; one with long, spiked crimson hair, and piercing blue eyes. One encompassed in an aura of raging flames. One that was very, VERY
Shim: (C) angry.
Oafy: winces at the sight of Rini taking the blunt of an energy blast. And of all the people to do it for... Can't help but wonder if the situation were different, whether Shim would have done the same. Far more likely, he would have fired the attack
Oafy: - AT her. Her act of charity to his friend, however, mustn't go unrewarded. 'I guess I will keep her from being killed, till she can stand on her own will,' he half decides, approaching the fallen girl wearily. He knew in the past he had
Oafy: - protected her from -things- and what not, but as things stood, she was more capable of protecting herself than he was. "Sad." A fresh burst of energy draws his mind from the girl however. Shim was still being assaulted by random asshats.
Oafy: knows as he walks toward the other halfbreed, that regardless of what he did, Shim would soon bring hurt upon everyone around him. "They deserve a thrashing," a blanket of darkness consumes his being as he directs his words to Shim. The
Oafy: - fiery aura throws his hair back, dying it midnight black, while his eyes gleam with solid darkness. Crackles of white energy dance around his black flames, just before Oafy dashes at full speed at Morbius, fist lunging forward.
Treyce: - Twirling the gun in his hand, Treyce replaced it into its holster. He had expected someone to jump in and his expectations were clearly met. Taking a drag from his cigarette he was about to take a moment to observe the people in front of him whe
Treyce: -C- when a weak blast of energy came spiraling at him. He swatted it aside as he would to a fly. He exhaled, watching the smoke be blown away swiftly. He noted that someone else must have attacked the same person he did. 'Must have lost a cigarett
Treyce: -C- cigarette too.' Treyce thought. Flicking the cigarette to the side, he started to walk slowly forward, just as one of the group detached himself from them to go off and do his own business.
Morbius: feels a power coming towards him, "Well...I guess I got someone's attention..."  Morbius smiled as he began to glow as his aura increased in size and color.  "KAIOKENNNNNNNNN ELEVENNNNNNNNN!!!"  Morbius smirked
Morbius: <C> as his power shut up and he could feel the saiyan blood rushing through his veins.  "It's almost time..." Morbius rushed towards the other being.  "Catch!"  He shouted as he launched blast after blast until nothing 
Morbius: <C> but energy could be seen infront of him.  "Hope he gets through there."  
Rini: sits up, tears running freely down her face from pain, her scorched and bleeding flesh making her grit her teeth.  For some reason, she reverts to her normal, non-ascended state, her pink hair falling down about her shoulders freely as she struggl
Rini: (c) struggles to get to her feet.  She falls back onto her knees, however, the pain seemingly too great for her take.  "Mommy...help me..." she says through tears and pain.  A glistening, bright aura slowly begins to form around her small body, he
Rini: (c) her hair blowing gently in a quiet, peaceful, serene breeze felt by all.  She could feel a strange power deep within her very spirit, unlike anything she had ever felt before.  The power and energy was warm, inviting, pure, and innocent.  It b
Rini: (c) beckoned to her, as if it was asking her to embrace it.  Deep in her heart, she feels a calm, like nirvana, something she had never felt before.  Digging deeper within herself she felt something else, an energy, untapped, unused, a power of pu
Rini: (c) pure light, from her mother. "Mommy..." she says softly, echoing.  She then throws her small head back, letting out an echoing, feral scream as a blinding, pure, white, luminous light burst forth from her deep within her, blinding everything a
Rini: (c) around her momentarily.  The earth itself shook violently underneath her as she heard and felt a ripping sound behind her, the pain was unbearable.  Her pink hair whipping madly about her as the sounds of electricity and lightning could be hea
Rini: (c) heard from within the blinding light.   After several minutes, the light fades as she hovers above a larger crater, her body shimmering beneath a beautiful white crystalline aura, crackling with the purest white lightning.  A pair of brightly 
Rini: (c)  glowing angelic wings flap gently behind her, the ki-wind about her gently and peaceful and an immense power radiates from her tiny frame.
Shim: - The fire rose higher, as Shim narrowed his eyes on his target. He recognized him. They were even friends at one point. But that didn't mean anything now. He began to channel his energy, pouring huge sums of ki into his hands. He placed two finge
Shim: (C)  fingers to his forehead, focusing on the origin of the deadly attack, and appeared behind Treyce, his hands outstretched. As he solidifies, he forces the attack outwards from his hands, its size trippling as he feeds it a portion of his lifef
Shim: (C) lifeforce. "Hah!"
Xerokine: -*- A single bolt of black lightning cut through the glowing whiteness, striking the sand with a plume of smoke and dust. The cloud darkened, as if some cloud were passing over the sun, and the gathering shadow resolved itself into a 
Xerokine: -*- grinning figure. The dark figure was wrapped in a long, black hooded cloak, its lower folds flapping gently behind like a floating shadow. Abruptly, the crackle of electricity returned and a dark eerie glow surrounded the man's form, a 
Xerokine: -*- horrifying red colour beginning to replace the amber-gold of his eyes. The still air began to move in a sharp wind, blowing Xerokine's cloak about as well as tossing the sand into a frenzy. His eyes flared deepest crimson. 
Xerokine: -*- "Pathetic." His voice had somehow grown deeper, as if it could be felt within the bones. "I had come expecting a challenge... but all I see is a child." His eyeteeth shined as his lips drew back in a sneer, as he carelessly drew the 
Xerokine: -*- draconic sword from across his back. "A pity."
Oafy: eagle spreads his arms on the oncoming energy blasts, breaking through the line with little regard to the self. Several attacks barely graze him, whipping past quickly, while the majority strike dead on. Though he doesn't let it on, they
Oafy: - did cause him pain; not nearly enough to slow him down, however, as he emerges from the small smoke cloud generated by the energy attacks. Fist launching forward at Morbius face, Oafy charges a glowing, chaotic aura of power with his spare hand.
Oafy: smiles, "Hiya."
Treyce: - "Hah!" echoed temporarily in his ears before a blast of pain rocked his body. Treyce stumbled forward, cursing beneath his breath again. "Son of a bitch that hurt.." he said, mostly to himself, and turned around, glaring at the red haired frenzy
Treyce: -C- in front of him. Something in his mind struck him as familiar, as if he should know this person, but he ignored it for the moment. Treyce moved swiftly, looking as if he disappeared to someone who wasn't as fast as he. He brought the heel of h
Treyce: -C- his foot down onto his attackers skull, knocking him face first into the sand. When he got to his knees, he found the point of Treyce's gun pointed at his head. "Hey," he said, a slightly sadistic smile came to his face as he pulled the hammer
Treyce: -C- back. "You're familiar. Who are you?"
Yoko: hair dances in the wind as she zips through the sky like a rocket. Her scouter blinking at all of the powerl evels going off in the far distances. "I sure did a great job with helping him out, as soon as i meet him he sneaks out and leaves " 
Yoko: (c)Yoko pulls back in mid air as her gaze drops down below at the group automatically spotting  Shim"I knew it!" The clear breezy aura around her fades causing her to plumet to the ground like rock smashing into the ground.
Yoko: (c) rocks and debris is pushed into the air, Yoko looks up at the group her eye's focussing in on the two aggressors attacking Shim and a little girl whos power level just dramatically spiked up.  Yoko climbs to her feet her sight placed right on 
Yoko: (c) Shim and the Treyce. Yoko Thrust forward toward them she opens the palm of her hand forming a blue energy disc " Back off !" she tosses the disc forward letting it glide through the air for as it makes a buzzing sound toward Treyce.
Morbius: is taken by suprise as Morbius flies back, but not soon enough as Oafy's fist connects with his throat leaving him breathless.  After a few seconds of gasping Morbius laughs,  "Nice one...So...You got offended by my
Morbius: <C> blasts, huh?"  Morbius smiles as his power flares once more,  "Kaiokennnnnnnnnnn Twelve!!!"  Morbius's  power shot up enough to lift him off the ground, and his aura increased in size.  Watching some more dirt kick
Morbius: <C> up he smiles, "So...What's everyone doing out here?"  Morbius smiles as he purposely persuades his aura to knock dirt into Oafy's face.
Rini: could feel Xerokine's darkness across the other side of the galaxy if she had to, but unfortunatly for her, she didn't, for he had appeared before her.  It had been a long time since they last met each other, then only in battle.  For many years t
Rini: (c) they had fought, neither gaining the upper hand they needed to destroy the other.  She frowns as random bolts of electricity crackle gently down her crystalline aura "Xerokine, my old friend...so it's come to this has it?" she says calmly, "I 
Rini: (c) am not the scared little girl you left behind all those years ago, you'll find I've changed." she says, knowing very well that Xerokine had changed as well.  Xerokine was obviously physically stronger and better built, but his size limited his
Rini: (c) agility and speed a bit.  She knew she was faster, more agile, but could never hope to match his reach, physical power or durability 'This will be difficult, he's more powerful, faster than he was...I'll have to be careful.' she thinks, spread
Rini: (c) -ing her wings out widly and catching the currents of air as quickly assumed a martial fighting stance "If it is conflict you desire, old friend, then let the dance begin." she says, folding her wings behind her back protectively and waiting f
Rini: (c) for Xerokine's first move.
Oafy: halts the assault on the kaiokener, coming to a complete stop in his advance. Wiping sand tossed onto his face by the mans aura, he grins creepily. "Death wish, much?" A subtle glance over to the group of warriors leaves Oafy sighing in response t
Oafy: - the question. "Desert hyjinks, I suppose." Crossing his harms, he begins to hum an unknown tune, pondering whether or not Morbius required another punch to the throat.
Treyce: - Irritation now clearly showed in Treyce's eyes, darting to the newcomer who decided to just to interfere. His anger clearly shown, wind and sand suddenly began to whip about Treyce, creating somewhat of a barrier between Treyce and the new idiot
Treyce: -C- who had attacked him. He moved swiftly out of the way, but still got cut on his upper right arm. The sand dropped again, revealing Treyce pointing his weapon at the newcomer. The hammer went forward, Treyce firing a blast of intense power, the
Treyce: -C- the recoil making him slide backwards onto the sand and blowing sand up and about again. The sand settled again. Treyce was gone.
Xerokine: smiled inwardly as his red-tinged eyes flicked over the girl's shoulder, where Shim and the others were enjoying their own fun. "Happy?" he muttered under his breath, shifting his grip on the Silver Dragon. "Hardly an old 
Xerokine: -*- friend," Xerokine said, raising his voice so the girl could hear. "A child like you is far too young to have any 'old friends'. But I've always supported post-natal euthanasia, especially in cases of uppity brats!" Black sparks danced 
Xerokine: -*- along the edge of the silver-tinted sword, rolling into a solid mass of energy. "Lightning Vortex!" Xerokine swung the blade up, then down, unleashing a whirling torrent of black lightning that ripped through the sand like a solid bar of night
Xerokine: -*- cut out of the day.
Morbius: looks Oafy up and down, "Death wish huh?"  Morbius smirks at this.  "You think you can just "Smite" me or what ever you people do?"  Morbius moves his shirt enough to reveal the hil of his sword,  "Wanna know
Morbius: <C> it's name?"  Morbius smiles at Oafy.  "Well..."  Morbius moves the sword towards Oafy's head and stops before slicing him.  "If you can beat me...You can find out...and I may even leave you and your friends
Morbius: <C> alone."  Morbius licks his lips and sheaths the sword once more, getting into his attack position.
Shim: growled at the fleeing human, placing a finger to his forehead... But he couldn't find him. His clear blue eyes met with Yoko for a split second, and he nodded in silent gratitude. He breathed deep in the desert air, replenishing his aura with fre
Shim: (C) fresh energy, tendrils of flame licking the sky, and blasted off in Morbius' direction. There was the sound of metal scraping against metal as Shim unsheathed Perpetua, flames spiraling around its crimson blade. Someone was going to die, wheth
Shim: (C)  whether it was Treyce or Morbius, he didn't much care.
Rini: easily recognizes Xerokine's famous attack, a simply tactic to counter since it was slow, but she knew Xerokine was an excellent close in fighter and she could ill afford to be hit with that blade.  She quickly throws her wings in front of her as 
Rini: (c) a shield, combining it with an energy shield of the purest white light, limiting but by no means negating the attack. She feels the pain of the dark lightning on the delicate feathers of her angelic wings before she throws her wings back open 
Rini: (c) after the attack was finished. 'He's gotten much stronger, that one hurt...' she thinks, flying backwards away from the powerful saiyan.  She throws her arms above her head , quickly gathering energy before thrusting her arms downwards, releas
Rini: (c) releasing a beautiful, swirling blast of white energy "Starfire Burst!!" she cries as the swirling vortex of energy approaches Xerokine.
Yoko: quickly tries to redirct her steps away from Treyce shot as a quick streak of force and pain slams into her sindering Yoko body twisting into the air like a rag doll then hitting the ground with a loud thud. She lays their motionless 
Yoko: (c) for amoment before pulling herself up from the ground on to her knees. her energy barrier turns bright red before falling apert like broken glass onto the ground then vanishing into the air. "crap." she looks up at  Shim catching his gaze befo
Yoko: (c) launches off back into battle. Yoko climbs to her feet dusting herself off and taking another deep breath as she forms another barrier around her body. "okay lets do this!" she staggers a few steps before getting herself back togather 
Yoko: (c) bursting out into  full speed as she heads toward the others.
Morbius: smirks as Oafy disapears in what looks like a fiery aura,  "Wow...I gotta learn that..."  Morbius smirks as he feels that immense power coming for him.  "Well...either way this may help me..." Morbius puts his hand on his 
Morbius: <C> sheathed sword awaiting the worst.  "Why did I piss him off more than he already was?  Was it my fucking ego again?"  Morbius smirks as he remembers his curse.  "That's right...I'm always getting into shit I can't 
Morbius: <C> handle...Oh well...Guess I gotta show this guy what i'm about."  Morbius pulls his sword far enough out of the sheath for the sun to reflect of the blade.  
Morbius: looks into the face of the attacker, "Shit...Worse than I thought."  Morbius says pulling his sword all the way out and adopting a defensive posture.
Xerokine: smirked, watching the sparks play over her shield and penetrate it to burn her ridiculous wings. But then she fired back, retreating back as well to get out of range. "Oh, no, you don't," Xerokine murmured. Ignoring any chance 
Xerokine: -*- to dodge or avoid the blast, he simply charged forward, eyes shining like fresh blood and cloak floating behind him like a pair of black wings. The white inferno roared and tore around him, ripping shreds off his clothes and flesh, 
Xerokine: -*- blood tracing down his face and arms. But he was a pure-blood Saiya-jin, older by far then most of his kind, and charged through unheeding of the pain. His right hand, stained red and dripping from the fingertips, erupted out of the 
Xerokine: -*- energy stream toward the girl, reaching out to backhand her across the face, while his left hand swung in from the side with draconic sword shining bright, cutting horizontally to try and sever the girl into halves.
Shim: - The air seemed to warm up as Shim shot by, Perpetua poised to rend Morbius in two. As he reached the Saiyan, he swung down with thunderous might. There was a loud clang as Morbius was thrown back a good twenty feet by the strength of the attack.
Shim: (C)  "What process in your mind told you that it was smart to attack me!? Its not like I was bothering anyone, you dolt!" Perpetua flashed through the air, sending a wave of flames at Morbius's torso. 
Rini: looks wide-eyed at Xerokine who was so much faster than she remember, 'No!! Too f...' "arrgghhh!" she says as she could taste her own blood in her mouth as Xerokine's hand struck true, impacting with her right cheek as blood came out of the corner
Rini: (c) of her mouth.  She felt her body moving as well, moving in that direction from the incredible force of the impact 'No....' she thought, seeing the edge of his blade and then seeing a small black object come out from below, interposing itself b
Rini: (c) between her and the blade, taking severe damage from the powerful onslaught.  As her body flies down towards the ground yet again "Luna!!  NO!!" she cries, watching her best friend fall to the desert sands below, motionless.  She stops herself
Rini: (c) from impacting with the ground and looks up at Xerokine with tears of hatred in her eyes, "no....YOU BASTARD!!" she screams, cupping her hands as an immense ball of white energy formed in them, "I hate you....", "I HATE YOU!!" she cries thrust
Rini: (c) -ing her small arms forward, "Lunar KAMEHAMEHA!!!" she screams, weakening herself physically to pour as much power into the wave as possible, watching the immense wave of luminous energy fly towards her hated enemy.
Morbius: gasps as he gets thrown back about 20 feet, "What makes you think it wasn't!?"  Morbius flew high into the sky trying to dodge this attack he had never seen before.  'How did he do that!?'  Morbius thought.  "You know..
Morbius: <C> Piss me off enough I can shoot flames too! Just not from my sword."  Morbius smiled as he launched a dozen blasts at Shim, as a distraction and flew behind him with incredible speed.  "Don't ever do that again...Please."
Morbius: <C> Morbius smiled as he brought the heavy hilt down upon Shim's head, "May feel this just a little bit."
Shim: *- Icy blue eyes slid up to meet those of his opponent, as a smirk spread across his face. Shim drew back his free hand, and shook his head at the Saiyan. "You really are an idiot." The fist flew forward, impacting with Morbius's stomach. With the
Shim: (C) force of the collision, Morbius's body folded slightly, around the fist. Raising his other hand, wrapped around the hilt of the Perpetua, Shim spoke again, "You should have just left, kid." The hilt flashed through the air, aimed to strike Mor
Shim: - Morbius in the temple. Just then, the barrage of ki impacted with his vulnerable torso, singing the flesh and throwing him back several feet.
Xerokine: blinked in confusion, glancing between his sword and the small black superball that lay on the sand. "Curious strategy," he said with a shrug. "Most people would use a shield or something, but I guess bouncy balls fit 
Xerokine: -*- the whole 'little girl' motif..." Unfortunately, any more observations were cut off by the little girl's scream, and by the time Xerokine glanced over, the now-bleeding child was already unleashing another mass of energy at him. But this 
Xerokine: -*- one was different. His crimson eyes narrowed to slits. Silently, he stepped to the side and thrust his right arm forward, his hand sheathed in a crackling sphere of black lightning. The sphere grew as he fed power into it, but 
Xerokine: -*- instead of throwing it, he used it like a boxing glove as Xerokine's fist slammed full-force into the girl's beam. The energy streamed over and around him like a snow-fed river, the roar of it filling his ears and the shine forcing his eyes 
Xerokine: -*- to water. As it died away, he hadn't moved an inch, but his entire right arm was smoking and steaming, the skin seared off down to the muscle. Blood dripped off and splattered onto the sand. Xerokine stared at it, forcing his 
Xerokine: -*- fingers to curl and uncurl experimentally while flecks of burnt flesh fell off like ash. "Interesting." His eyes shifted from his arm back to Rini as he lifted the Silver Dragon and swung downward again, the blade shining in the 
Xerokine: -*- afternoon sunlight.
Morbius: is overwhelmed by Shim's superrior speed, "FUCK!"  Morbius yelled as the air was knocked out of him. Morbius was tried his best to dodge Shim's hilt, but the blow to the stomach took alot from him.  Morbius
Morbius: <C> took the hilt to the back of the head and fell motionless to the ground.  "I....Will....Never...Stop fighting!" Morbius shouting as his aura changed from a fiery red to a brilliantly golden shining aura.  "You're gonna  
Morbius: <C> regret this...One day...I will make you regret what you've done!"  Morbius's aura began crackling and sparks began shooting off as he became a Super Saiyan 2!  Morbius look up at Shim and began charging his 
Yoko: turns her attention onto the male Saiyan and little girl fighting. "geezes what a day!" balling her right fist up she slams it into her left hand then holds her arms out stretched infront of her face. Her eye's slowly start to turn from light brow
Morbius: <C> Kamehameha.  "KAAAAAAMEEEEEHAAAAAAAMEEEEEEEEHAAAAA!!!"  Morbius launched a very large, red energy wave at Shim.
Yoko: (c) gemote (C)brown to a bright purple causing her aura to flair up and her energy to spike. "okay lets try this!" she places her hands in a form of a triangle focusing it on the male saiyan, The image of the saiyan gets amplified as stars into he
Yoko: (c) her hands. "Aahhh!" Yoko lets out a blood chilling scream as she pushes a bright flash blasting of energy through her hands toward the saiyan. The force of the blast pushes her back making her feet dragging against the ground she releases seve
Yoko: (c) several more rounds of blast toward him.
Rini: watches the damage done by her custom, and powerful energy wave only for a moment before flying quickly the side of her friend, "Luna...oh god, no, luna..." she says, picking her friend up and holding her close, "It's ok, it'll be ok..we'll fix yo
Rini: (c) you up, I promise.." she says softly, tearing a piece of her own dress off and trying it around the injured object to keep it together.  She then picks her up once again and hovers a fairly safe distance from Xerokine, setting her down by her 
Rini: (c) backpack.  She then notices her dual war fans laying in the dust and quickly picks them up, spreading them out before hovering back into the air.  The energy wave had weakened her a bit, but there was still fight left in her and she knew that 
Rini: (c) the injury she caused to Xerokine was not that serious and wouldn't keep him from his assault.  She twirls her war fans around a bit and positions her body and her fans in a way to fully protect herself while making deflection of incoming ener
Rini: (c) the injury she caused to Xerokine was not that serious and wouldn't keep him from his assault.  She twirls her war fans around a bit and positions her body and her fans in a way to fully protect herself while making deflection of incoming ener
Rini: (c) energy attacks very easy, until she looked up, getting blinded sided by the tip of Xerokine's sword.  He had wasted no time in his continued attack.  The tip sliced her on the chin as blood seeped out, staining her snow white gown.  She quickl
Rini: (c) quickly held up her fans as defence against further attacks, but the additional damage had been done, she was losing it and losing confidence. 'I can't...I can't win, he's too fast...' she thinks, getting scared, her aura wavering a bit, her e
Rini: (c) energy level dipping, she was slipping.
Xerokine: lifted his sword, peering contemplatively at the blood-stained tip. "Hit her that time," he observed, flicking the blade to the side. "You can't win with just speed. You need strength, experience, cunning-" He vanished in a flash of 
Xerokine: -*- unlight, reappearing just behind Yoko with his sword held to her neck. "-and the element of surprise. Hello. Do I know you?" Xerokine asked conversationally, his crimson eyes shining faintly as he looked over to watch how Rini 
Xerokine: -*- would deal with the backlash from the woman's attacks. "Is there a reason you're interrupting?"
Jeckel: had been watching the fight for some time. A little girl versus a full grown saiyan man...well..that wasn't uncommon. If you had the power you were able to fight so there were usually four year olds fighting their grandfathers back on planet Veget
Jeckel: <C> Vegeta. But this other person was jumping in? Didn't anyone have any decency? A thin blue aura burst out around Jeckel and he sped off, seeming to dissapear from his previous location and within the second, seeming to appear out of no where ne
Jeckel: <C> next to Yoko. "Excuse me, but don't you have any manners? You shouldn't be butting into fights like that."
Oafy: shimmers back into existence, about a yard from Morbius' side. Arms folded, he surveys the change of the scene since he was last there. "Took off," his explanation is interupted by a hardy belch. "Craved a buhr." Rather than get involved just yet,
Oafy: knows it better to allow Shim to beat the aggression out on Morbius for the time being.
Rini: watches her enemy withdraw his attack, 'What is he doing he..' she stops as she watches Yoko's own attack speed towards her.  Focusing her energy into her large fans she swipes the attack away from her, nearly destroying her fan in the process.  B
Rini: (c) Blood continued to drip from the cut on her chin and it was only then she saw Xerokine holding a blade to Yoko's throat, apparently threatening her life.  She held out an arm, fan still in it, "No, Wait! Stop!!" she calls out to the saiyan, cl
Rini: (c) closing her eyes and biting her lip.  It had to end, she knew it had to end, how could she win against this man now 'I..can't, my power's too low..I'm weak..' she thought.  As she opens her eyes, her crystalline, shimmering aura fades, droppin
Rini: (c) dropping her hair around her shoulders as her angelic wings seemed to fold up behind her and disappear.  Her power dropped dramatically as she decended from the sky, landing on the dusty ground below, blood dripping and staining the sands.  Sh
Rini: (c) She laid her war fans down, her knees on the ground "I...give up..., you win.." she says, loud enough for Xerokine to hear her "Don't hurt her, she was only trying to protect me.." she says, looking up at the saiyan man, tears in her eyes agai
Rini: (c) again "Do what you want with me, I won't fight anymore, but don't hurt my friends.." she manages to say.  For the first time in her life, the will to fight had been taken from her, there was nothing left to do.  One friend had been seriously i
Rini: (c) injured, another surely would be if it didn't stop, this time, it was over for her.
Yoko: "heh" Yoko lets out a nervously as she feels the blade against her. " I just can't help stepping in when i see pervs messing with little girls" she leans her neck back as far as she can to get away from the blade. 
Yoko: (C) Yoko nervously breaths as she tries not to let her fear be shown, (come on think) Yoko gently places her left arm down and toward her  backside facing it at Xerokine lower leg. she opensthe palm of her hand and lets out 
Yoko: (C) burst of energy out. the sound rings in the air as dust and dirt and kick up high into the air around them.
Xerokine: considered that for a moment. "Okay." He shrugged, spinning his blade back away from the woman's throat and stepping out of her little dust storm. Leaving Yoko to Jeckel's tender attentions so that she wouldn't interfere, 
Xerokine: -*- Xerokine casually walked back over to Rini. After all, killing her wouldn't be any fun at all. On the other hand, something else might be interesting. So, instead of cutting her in half, Xerokine aimed very nicely and swung his 
Xerokine: -*- sword down, aiming to simply cut off her right arm.
Shim: - "Pathetic..." Shim spoke as he sheathed his sword and cast a sneer at the oncoming kamehameha wave, lifting his hands high over his head. "Sorry kid." Within his hands, an orb of burning crimson energy burst into existence. He began to feed it i
Jeckel: rolled his eyes and sighed. "People are just too high strung these days...too many things to do...Ya know what though..I'm thinking you and I could just forget this whole battlefield business and head on over to my place. I have TV, Food, all that
Jeckel: <C> good stuff."
Shim: (C) immense amounts of ki as the kamehameha beared down on him. Flames erupted on the surface of the great sphere, matching the blazing energy that encompassed the halfbreed. From his very soul he drew out the energy, pouring it through his finger
Shim: (C) fingertips into his ultimate attack. Grimacing, Shim threw his hands forward, screaming at the top of his lungs: "&RHEART OF THE PHOENIX!!&w" The fiery sphere sped towards Morbius, and collided with the grand wave of crimson energy that origin
Shim: (C) originated form the Saiyan's palms. The sphere began to grow more flat, its flanks stretching out to form blazing wings, its front stretching out to resemble a pointed beak. The kamehameha split, as the Heart blasted towards Morbius. Shim clos
Shim: (C) Shim closed his eyes, allowing the wave to engulf him... On the other end of the crimson flood, Morbius was blown away by Shim's ultimate attack, engulfed in raging hellfire...
Rini: looked up at Xerokine, watching, as if in slow motion, his sword as she swung it.  She closed her eyes at the moment of impact, feeling intense pain, beyond anything she had ever felt before.  Despite her urge to remain calm and be brave, she coul
Rini: (c) couldn't, the pain overcame her and she creid out in pain.  No matter how strong she was, how much power she wielded, she was still a child.  She collasped on the ground as blood poured out of the wound given to her by Xerokine.  She looked up
Rini: (c) into his uncaring eyes as tears rolled down her face and into the dry sands.  Her eyes glazed over, her breathing was shallow, she knew it, too much of her energy had been spent already, she coudln't withstand this. She said nothing, merely cl
Rini: (c) closing her eyes as blackness overcame her for a moment, followed by bright white light.  She saw the past, growing up, her mother, her father, friends, then the imagine of a woman with silver hair and bright blue eyes, the image of her grandm
Rini: (c) grandmother.  Smiling, she took a final a breath and was simply no more.  Her body, as it lay before the saiyan man, dissipated, leaving nothing before but stains of her blood upon the sands.
Morbius: was taken by suprise at how easily he absorbed his Kamehameha and launched such a powerful attack, "I guess this is the end for me..."  Morbius frowned and crossed his arms trying his hardest to survive such an
Morbius: <C> awesome attack.  Morbius was thrown straight down and slid across the desert sand for over one hunrdred yards until the attack faded.  "I..."  Morbius was cut short as he had not much energy left, but 
Morbius: <C> just enough to put something in his mouth that resembled a bean.  "I...Will never go down!"  Morbius shouted as his aura began to grow immensely and crackle and sparkle.  "YOU WILL PAY!!"  Morbius
Morbius: <C> screamed as he began flying towards Shim, even with the Sensu bean he couldn't sustain his power. Morbius passed out from exhaustion not two feet from his formiddable foe, Shim.
Oafy: winces hard, the brightness of Shim's awesome, raw phoenixism beam stirring old memories. And yet, the weakling target managed to survive, however scraped and battered he remains. Casually, Oafy approaches the fallen victim, standing tall
Oafy: - above the living corpse. "Work it out of your system, Shim?" The Foot of Oaftres finds itself lodged in Morbius' rib cage. Enough force to break something.
Xerokine: -*- "Hmm." Xerokine looked down consideringly, where the girl's body had apparently vanished in death. He wasn't exactly sure how that worked, since most dead bodies just sort of rotted over a period of weeks or days, but it 
Xerokine: -*-
Xerokine: -*- was probably something spiritual that he didn't really care about. He had actually planned to finish her off with an overwhelming attack if she had repowered and dodged. It was going to be all impressive, too. Especially after 
Xerokine: -*- Shim did that weird thing earlier, with the Phoenix Liver or whatever. No real reason to do it now. Bit of a letdown. "Well, I guess I could do it anyway," he supposed, spinning his sword absently between his fingers. "Just for 
Xerokine: -*- fun." Cracking his neck to either side, Xerokine straightened up and fixed his stance on the ground. Slowly, the sun's light began to cut out as dark clouds formed above in the blue sky, shadowing the land below and crackling 
Xerokine: -*- faintly with the promise of lightning. A blackness like no other began to descend as a glowing blue-black aura surrounded Xerokine's body. In timing with the growing storm, a sharp wind began to blow in a spiral, tossing up 
Xerokine: -*- sand and Rini's blood as if it were a tornado. Lightning crackled and thunder boomed, the sharp-edged bolts the colour of midnight. The smell of ozone became thick in the air, the blue-black clouds high above sparking with 
Xerokine: -*- unnatural, black lightning as they swirled into a growing vortex. The ebony bolts forked across the sky like a drowning river to the sound of roaring thunderclaps. The smell of ozone was quickly overpowering in the air. Soon, 
Xerokine: -*- and all too abruptly, the thunderstorm up above grew to a resounding crescendo, a howling cacophony of sheer noise as a veritable expanse of pure black thunder, jagged electricity, bolts and energy gathered in a complete 
Xerokine: -*- climax of elemental power. A lone voice shouted, &r"&bDARK LIGHTNING APOCALYPSE.&r"&W&w Simultaneous with the shout, the wind screamed and the earth trembled as the gathered lightning of shadow 
Xerokine: -*- struck all at once, driving downward until it struck the person who had summoned the power. A chain-reaction ensued outward into a rapidly growing sphere of pure darkness from the point of contact - from the person himself 
Xerokine: -*- into an explosion-implosion as had never been seen before or ever been conceived. Anything in a one mile radius simply ceased to exist.
Taz: has his eyes closed tring to prcatice an attack that he can't seem to get. He puts his hands and yells, "KA-ME-HA-ME-HA!!!" But misses his target.
Taz: <c> He falls to the ground, tired from the huge ki drain the wave has, and sits for a mine. Angry, he goes super and tries again, hoping this might
Taz: <c> help. "KA-ME-HA-ME-HA!!" And this time he hits where is was aiming at. "Finally" he says, as he is proud to hit his target. "Maybe now I could do
Taz: <c> some damage in battle.
Shim: - "A sensu bean?" Shim snorted, allowing his Mystic transformation to fade. The halfbreed looked down on the fallen Saiyan with those sky blue eyes, and crossed his arms. "Yeah, I suppose so," Shim spoke, nodding to Oaftres. "I guess we let him li
Shim: (C) live? He's an idiot, but I don't particularly enjoy killing the unconscious." There was a twinge in his senses as the Dark Lightning Apocalypse detonated, and a split second before he'd grabbed Oaftres by the arm and sped down to the half-dead
Shim: (C) half-dead Saiyan, Morbius. Ensuring contact with both Oafy and the saiyan, Shim concentrated, as he began to feel the warmth of the deadly tidal wave of energy. As the darkness would have consumed them, the three slipped away... In the streets
Shim: (C) streets of New Hope City, the three reappeared. Promptly, Shim collapsed.
Oafy: drops down to one knee, checking (what only now occurred to Oafy as) an adult version of Shim's pulse. It was faint, but there. "Wore yourself out, did you?" His voice is taunting, as he picks up the fallen friend and slings him over on shoulder.
Oafy: glances down to the defeated enemy, Morbius, with interest. "I wonder if a truck would splatter you if I left you in the streets," he considers outloud, before grasping ahold of the back of his shirt. Stalking off into a nearby alley, Oafy carries
Oafy: - the silent Shim, while dragging the mofo Morbius, face first against the pavement. Settling with a decent sized box, probably once used to store a fridge, Oafy allows Shim to drop lightly inside - shelter for the night. Meanwhile, he gives
Oafy: - the latter man a toss nearby, next to a wall of some sort. "Take care, Shim.. We've got shit to discuss." Bursts off in a flurry of black energy, headed to the desert at top speed.
Noodles: - After terrible consideration, Noodles nods to himself. "It has to be done." He says, a light shimmering off and on in the background, as if it were to blow. "Uh. I... Need to. I'm sorry.. Chowie." Noodles nods his head, slowly, reaching down to 
Noodles: <C>It needs to be done, he has to do it. His hand, slowly, moving his pants down, his eyes tearing up as he looks at Chowie's fine body, "I'm Sorry Chowie, Damn it. Dont look at me like that" he says, finally ripping his pants off
Noodles: <C> Noodles nods to Chowie, who gives a nearly silent bark. "Woof" says Chowie... Noodles puts his hand on the dogs ass, before he nearly slides his manhood into it. But before he could, he violently awakes, from slumber. "I HAD ANOTHER FUCKED UP 
Noodles: <C> UP DREAM?" he yells angrilly, sweat dripping from his forehead. Noodles quickly stands up, and rushes over to the bathroom sink, glaring at himself with his own curious eyes...
Tzu: -- The sun beats mercilessly upon the city streets of New Hope City. Clouds lightly dust the beautiful blue sky and thousands of civilians go about their days in the normal fashion, unbeknownst to them the return of the once heralded hero
Tzu: -x- hero of the worlds of the past. To the scene of an abandoned warehouse crackling energy shatters the silence, and sparks shatter the inanimate scene that had overcome the building since shortly after the final boxes of supplies and pieces of
Tzu: -x- equipment of the past leasers removed. Thunders booms echo throughout the entire block, consisting of mostly buildings in the same state as this one, though some transients wandering about awaken to the stirring clap, only to go back to
Tzu: -x- whatever activity they had been partaking in before, shrugging the noise off as a mere structural collapse, or car accident. Neither had been a rare occurrence in the city, and as such there was no cause of interest in the matter for the
Tzu: -x- local life. Proceeding the echoing boon a portal of sorts, made up of shifting blue and red energy, tears the fabric of time and space, spewing out a man appearing to be in his mid thirties in the years of his old world, garbed in an
Tzu: -x- ornate red robe, garbing him with several layers of expensive and rare silks and cloths. As he looks around to gain a scope of the scene, his head swims in a sea of confusion and bewilderment. Where was he, how did he get here, and where
Tzu: -x- exactly had he been for the past several millennia being the most frequent ponders to pop into his consciousness. As he takes a step forward he collapses to the ground, gasping for air. His lunges hadn't tasted oxygen since before his
Tzu: -x- recollection could stretch, his bloodstream not having proper sustenance in a length of time which no mortal mind was meant to comprehend. After several minutes, stretching into what seemed like hours in this new setting, Sun Tzu
Tzu: -x- manages to catch his breathe, and slowly makes his way to his knees. His eyes strain to remain open, not through an adrenal instinct to sleep after being awake for millennia, but due to his brains unacceptance of so much information after
Tzu: -x- so long of staring into complete and utter darkness. His pupils struggle to shrink again as his sight is brought to the ground, the dim lighting let in from my morning sun searing his fragile receptors as though he were staring to the burning
Tzu: -x- orb itself. After another several minutes he manages to adjust, for the first time, to the setting, and resumes his quest to stand on his own two feet again. Gravity seems to attempt to sever his muscles from their tendons and bones, having
Tzu: -x- had floated effortlessly through the lack of existence for the brunt of his time. Having to seemingly collect himself once more, Sun Tzu proceeds to make his way towards the exit of the facility. As he opens the door and walks out into the war
Tzu: -x- summer morning, all at once the walls of reality collapse around him. Overwhelmed with the entirely different setting he falls to his knees and vomits, his head pounding with every thump of his heart, with the ferocity of a mace slamming
Tzu: -x- on a steel helmet, or a maul upon bare, brittle bone. After releasing the contents of his stomach, a meal of millennia ago, still yet to be digested as his vitals as been halted in his stasis, Sun Tzu falls over to the side, barely able
Tzu: -x- to sustain a small clasp on consciousness.
Essex: yawns slightly, sitting up from the park bench and looking around. Had he passed out in the park again? It was of no consequence, he didn't seem to mind. He stands up and picks up
Essex: (*) his hat, using it to dust off his lap and then put it on his head. He pulls his trenchcoat close around his body and looks left and right at the sidewalk in front of him, thinking to himself
Essex: (*) himself. He didn't remember much of last night, or anything that happened prior to any of that. "Mmm... I don't..." He shakes his head, gaining his bearings. He didn't seem to sense
Essex: (*) the being that inhabited his consciousness. He blinks a bit, shaking his head again before popping his neck and rolling his shoulders, yawning again.
Essex: (*) "Weird." He says, the old Syndicate technology he had installed in his mechanical claw upon building it began to go haywire. He pushes a button, a compartment with a screen
Essex: (*) folding open. There was an energy signal showing up on the radar; a SynTech Brand emergency beacon. "It's in the desert..." He looks up at the sky, the night sky void of
Essex: (*) any moon. "But who could be broadcasting, or activating technology like that at this time of night..." He focuses his ki, letting it flow from the soles of his feet, lifting him off
Essex: (*) the ground. He raised his fingers to his forehead, trying to sense powerlevels. "None. Oh well." He lifts off higher into the air, a good five hundred feet above the city. He turns
Essex: (*) in mid-air and begins flying towards the source of the distress signal. He reaches the desert in no time and stops in mid-air, using his draconic sight to see if he could see anyone.
Essex: (*) There was a faint figure, all in black, below. He couldn't make out the man, or woman's face but he set off to land and see what was going on. He lands behind the figure and takes
Essex: (*) a step forward and clears his throat. "Excuse me?"
Kalen: trudged slowly over the desert dunes, the harsh, dry winds kicking up sand as they gusted around him, raking his body mercilessly. He was obviously the worse for wear. What had once been an immaculate suit was now little more
Kalen: - than tattered black cloth clinging to his frame. Only a heavy black trenchcoat had survived the worst of the weathers effects, and even that was far from unscathed. Beneath the clothing his skin had been stripped off in
Kalen: - places, exposing dull grey metal beneath. And this too had been a long forgotten sensation for him. Constant pain. The lack of an instantly regenerating body. Fear of death. His homing beacon had gone off long ago, but
Kalen: - that had been a futile gesture at best. Nobody would still be paying attention to those frequencies. Hell, he didn't even really know where he was. All he had was jumbled memories and the endless desert before him. He
Kalen: - was weak, he was almost out of energy and soon, he supposed, he would be dead. The mighty tyrant that had made worlds quake under his footsteps - or at least shiver a little - dead from exposure in a desert. The thought 
Kalen: - was enough to make him laugh bitterly, but the sensation slowly came to him that he was not alone. His cold, golden eyes narrowed as he turned slowly, hearing the cleared throat behind him, starting from the feet of the
Kalen: - figure and moving up slowly. He paused when he reached the face, began to smile slowly, darkly, bitterly. "You... bastard..." he croaked slowly, his voice sounding strange to his ears after spending so long silent. He lurched
Kalen: - forward in a clumsy swing, his fist doing little more than sliding slowly down Essex's chest. He gripped the other's clothing to stop himself falling, let out a soft, near hysterical laugh. "Of all the people. You. Come to
Kalen: - finish the job, Essex? Or just here to laugh and gloat as you watch the desert devour me? It's pointless you know. I'm not who you think I am. Not anymore." Kalen pushed himself off Essex and back into the most upright
Kalen: - stance that he could manage. After a long pause, he added almost thoughtfully, hopefully "Got a cigarette?".
Essex: shakes his head, ignoring Kalen's swat at him. "DeArtair. It's been ages." He looks the man up and down, cringing slightly at the site before him. "What happened, last I saw you, you were a 
Essex: (*) tyrant, you were intimidating, you struck fear into the hearts of... well... just about everyone." He shakes his head. "But I'm not here to gloat, I'm not here to finish the job, I'm only here 
Essex: (*) because..." He pushes the button his arm, the screen popping back up. "...my radar showed a distress beacon." He pushes the screen back in and takes notice of the oncoming sand-
Essex: (*) storm. He pats his pants and trenchcoat down. "Sorry, I don't have any cigarettes on me... but I can by you a pack if you agree to go into town with me." He squints a bit, adjusting his 
Essex: (*) hat. "That is, unless you're still better about what happened last time we encountered one another."
Kalen: let out a snort of disgust. "What h-h-h-h-h..." He smacked himself quite roughly in the side of the head, slamming his sand-encrusted vocoder back into proper alignment. "Happened? Fucked if I know, to be honest. Pathetic
Kalen: - isn't it? I've lost everything. The Syndicate, my immortality, my wife. Project Tyrian is back at square one, that's for sure. I found myself buried deep out here in one of my old last resort bunkers. Z22, judging from the
Kalen: - markings in there." He paused and pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyes closing as he tried to recollect his thoughts. Android or not, human habits still permeated every inch of his being. Like the craving for tobacco, or
Kalen: - fine whiskey. Or some female company. "Do you remember how it happened, Essex? How The Syndicate fell?" He opened his eyes again to meet Essex's, staring his old friend and foe down. "Was it you? Was it Shim? Was it me? Hell,
Kalen: - at this rate you could tell me it was that little bitchkid Rini and I'd believe you." He shook his head and looked over the horizon. "It doesn't matter. Town sounds good. Some new clothes, some cigarettes and a couple of
Kalen: - drinks. Call it payment for stabbing me in the back." He weakly clasped the other fighter on the shoulder. "I'm not bitter. You know I probably would have done the same to you."
Sun: -- The sun beats mercilessly upon the city streets of New Hope City. Clouds lightly dust the beautiful blue sky and thousands of civilians go about their days in the normal fashion, unbeknownst to them the return of the once heralded hero
Sun: -x- hero of the worlds of the past. To the scene of an abandoned warehouse crackling energy shatters the silence, and sparks shatter the inanimate scene that had overcome the building since shortly after the final boxes of supplies and pieces of
Sun: -x- equipment of the past leasers removed. Thunders booms echo throughout the entire block, consisting of mostly buildings in the same state as this one, though some transients wandering about awaken to the stirring clap, only to go back to
Sun: -x- whatever activity they had been partaking in before, shrugging the noise off as a mere structural collapse, or car accident. Neither had been a rare occurrence in the city, and as such there was no cause of interest in the matter for the
Sun: -x- local life. Proceeding the echoing boon a portal of sorts, made up of shifting blue and red energy, tears the fabric of time and space, spewing out a man appearing to be in his mid thirties in the years of his old world, garbed in an
Sun: -x- ornate red robe, garbing him with several layers of expensive and rare silks and cloths. As he looks around to gain a scope of the scene, his head swims in a sea of confusion and bewilderment. Where was he, how did he get here, and where
Sun: -x- exactly had he been for the past several millennia being the most frequent ponders to pop into his consciousness. As he takes a step forward he collapses to the ground, gasping for air. His lunges hadn't tasted oxygen since before his
Sun: -x- recollection could stretch, his bloodstream not having proper sustenance in a length of time which no mortal mind was meant to comprehend. After several minutes, stretching into what seemed like hours in this new setting, Sun Tzu
Sun: -x- manages to catch his breathe, and slowly makes his way to his knees. His eyes strain to remain open, not through an adrenal instinct to sleep after being awake for millennia, but due to his brains unacceptance of so much information after
Sun: -x- so long of staring into complete and utter darkness. His pupils struggle to shrink again as his sight is brought to the ground, the dim lighting let in from my morning sun searing his fragile receptors as though he were staring to the burning
Sun: -x- orb itself. After another several minutes he manages to adjust, for the first time, to the setting, and resumes his quest to stand on his own two feet again. Gravity seems to attempt to sever his muscles from their tendons and bones, having
Sun: -x- had floated effortlessly through the lack of existence for the brunt of his time. Having to seemingly collect himself once more, Sun Tzu proceeds to make his way towards the exit of the facility. As he opens the door and walks out into the war
Sun: -x- summer morning, all at once the walls of reality collapse around him. Overwhelmed with the entirely different setting he falls to his knees and vomits, his head pounding with every thump of his heart, with the ferocity of a mace slamming
Sun: -x- on a steel helmet, or a maul upon bare, brittle bone. After releasing the contents of his stomach, a meal of millennia ago, still yet to be digested as his vitals as been halted in his stasis, Sun Tzu falls over to the side, and his eyes ease
Sun: -x- shut as he slips into unconsciousness. Several transients approach him, eyeing his expensive, gaudy looking clothing, thinking he may be carrying some sort of currency upon him, though they're disheartened to only find a few fine trinkets upon
Sun: -x- his fingers. They quickly begin to argue and fight over who would be taking what, and eventually a brawl breaks out upon the beggars and thieves. The winner, a tall, burly man drags Sun Tzu to safety, where we could plunder the belongings
Sun: -x- of the felled man in peace. Taking him to the edges of a desert, he strips the unconscious man of all his shinies, from the few golden coins in his pockets to the gaudy jewelry about his digits and neck. The man leaves Sun Tzu there, baking
Sun: -x- in the heat, to fend for himself whenever he may awaken. Hours drag by as he remains still upon the sand under the blazing sun, until it sets and dusk comes to. As he awakens to the sight of the midnight's moon and purple skies. He slowly
Sun: -x- makes his way to his feet again, disregarding the loss of his trinkets, and begins to dust the sand from his body. Lost and unknowing to which way the city was, he blindly made his way deeper into the desert, trying to find the mysterious
Sun: -x- and interesting place he had been before.
Essex: shrugs. "I'm not too sure what happened, I remember fighting you.... and then I was three years in the future with a big void in my memory, I wish I could tell you..." He shrugs off his trench
Essex: (*) and hands it to Kalen. "Here, wear this, your's is rather shitty..." He grins, shaking his head at Kalen's humor. "You're write, you dirty bastard, you would've stabbed me in the back if the
Essex: (*) roles had been reversed... but we can't keep on dwelling the past." He lifts himself off the ground, looking back. "Can you still fly, or am I going to have to offer you a lift?"
Syder: collapses onto a barstool in a run down bar in a run down establishment in a run down desert.  He moves with all the grace of a plane crash. Despite his sluggish movements he manages to coax the cute bartender out of a drink, the words pour out of
Syder: - his mouth like warm bath water. "A vodka shot babydoll, and keep 'em flowin'."  The bartender smiles and complies without argument, sliding the shotglass toward the white haired android.  'It's about fuckin' time.' are the only words that fill h
Syder: - his busied mind for quite a while.
Kalen: shrugged off the tattered remains of his trenchcoat with a sigh, throwing Essex's about his body in a smooth, practiced movement. "Too damn big, but it'll do for now. I wish you could remember, too. From what I could see in
Kalen: - the lab when I woke up, there was one hell of a battle. I'm talking massacre level here, Lillah. Blood splatters on the wall, dents in solid triton alloy the size of my head, scores from kiblasts that run from one end
Kalen: - of the room to another. Whatever happened there I hope the poor bastards on the other end suffered more than I am now." Kalen clicked his tongue and let out a sigh as his internal systems cycled and analyzed themselves,
Kalen: - attempting to determine if he still had the capacity for flight. "I think I'll manage to get back into the city...we're somewhere on New Earth, yeah? Most of the damage to my frame is cosmetic rather than serious. I feel
Kalen: - like shit though. I'd forgotten what mortal drudgery was like - no offence." Taking a few steps away from Essex, Kalen braced himself and gathered his energy. Electrical sparks arced away from gaps in his synthetic skin, some
Kalen: - of them fusing sand to glass where they hit. With a soft hum, he rose into the air smoothly as his gravity diffuser systems engaged. "Say what you like about The Syndicate, our tech deparment knew how to build em to last."
Kalen: didn't bother to wait for the other fighter, knowing Essex would soon catch up to him, but instead set out southwards at a lazy pace, not wanting to risk taxing his systems overmuch. "So, while we're getting there, want to
Kalen: - fill me in? Who survived? Who didn't? Just what the hell is going on in the galaxy these days?"
Essex: flies forward, catching-up to Kalen. "I know the Tech department could build them to last... I worked in there for awhile." He yawns again, still trying to shake the sleep off. "Well...
Essex: (*) I don't know exactly what happened exactly, as I have a three year gap in my memory... but uh... from what I've seen... majority of the higher ups from the old Syndicate... Fenin,
Essex: (*) Xerokine, Dako, Treyce and a few others." He stops talking for a moment. "Angouleme, a few others, and Shim." He nods, "Wusha survived. But that's of no consequence,
Essex: (*) really... I made my amends, and now I really have no other business with him. Eh." He looks back over at Kalen, taking note of all the cosmetic dents and dings on his frame. "And
Essex: (*) if you'd like, I could get you fixed up, Mr. Android Man, I have a new laboratory around here."
Kalen: let out a laugh, this time in genuine amusement. "Trust Xerokine to survive. That bastard is like a cockroach. I swear, if someone was tear apart the entirity of the galaxy and annihilate all life in it, he would survive
Kalen: - by hiding under an asteroid in his cloak or something. Or blocking the deathbeams with his cloak. Something with his cloak anyway. That man loves his cloak. As for Wusha..." Kalen's voice trailed off and darkened. "I guess
Kalen: - I'll deal with him when I encounter him again. Not that theres a lot I can do. I can feel my strength returning, but it's slow. Horribly slow. And I'm not anywhere near the level of power I used to be. Still, the more
Kalen: - people from the Syndicate that survived, the greater the chance I have of salvaging something. DNA samples, genome information...this lab of yours might come in handy, if you're willing to have me hanging around a
Kalen: - little?" Kalen increased his speed slightly as he saw the lights of the city in the distance, only slowing again as they started passing over rooftops. Seeing a likely skyscraper, he chose the rooftop and descended on it,
Kalen: - landing as smoothly as he'd taken off, though not quite as slowly. Clearly, he was finding it a lot easier to function without sand being constantly blown into his parts. "We'll talk about fixing me after I've been clothed,
Kalen: - watered and...smoked? Whatever. Where are we headed first? I've been out of this city for a damn long time." The ancient warrior - and at times like this, he felt damn old indeed - even smiled slightly as he lifted his
Kalen: - face to the night breeze, feeling it on his body. "It's almost good to be back."
Essex: lands beside Kalen and shrugs. "No offense, mate, but I'm stronger than you right now, I'm not too worried about you doing anything if you were to hang around me." He looks around
Essex: (*) and motions for Kalen to follow, stepping to the edge of the building. "The first stop is the General Store, I'm sure they won't mind us borrowing you some clothing and a pack or two of
Essex: (*) smokes." He turns his head back to Kalen, and then back forward. "And then after that, we hit the ol' watering hole.... I could go for a drink myself." He steps off the rooftop, allowing himself
Essex: (*) to fall towards the pavement below.
Syder: rises from his seat on the bar stool and makes short work of crashing to the floor.  After a few minutes he manages to drag himself to his feet and begin his journey toward the door.  After what seems like an eternity to him and a sitcom to the ot
Syder: - to the other bar patrons, he makes it.  He fumbles with the doorknob for a moment before finally getting it, and once opened he exits the bar.  After the excitement inside has died down the door bursts back open, only to have Syder run back in a
Syder: - and vomit on the floor.  After this spiteful act he carries it on by smiling and giving everyone the finger.  "GoOOd-DayYy." He slurs before leaving the bar again and promptly falling to sleep in the nearest pile of garbage he can find.
Kalen: laughed wryly as he stepped off the rooftop to follow Essex down to the ground, the floors of the skyscraper rushing by as they plummeted. "Ain't that the truth. You never know though - I could have quite a nifty self destruct
Kalen: - built in." He chuckled. "I don't though. Enough people want me dead without me helping them." He looked down at the rapidly approaching pavement thoughtfully, hoping like hell his flight systems were up to this. Thankfully
Kalen: - however, they triggered perfectly, easing him to a gentle halt on the ground rather than plastering him across it like some sort of modern artwork. Letting Essex lead, they found a late night store quite easily. It took some
Kalen: - wrangling, but eventually Kalen had some jeans and a black tshirt that fit, covering the vast majority of the damage to his body. And a packet of smokes, one of which he lit almost immediately, strolling with Essex
Kalen: - under electric streelight into the slums of town, past hookers and pimps, gangs and drugdealers to a run down and scummy hellhole of a bar. Precisely Kalen's kind of place, really. "You know, I'm almost starting to feel alive
Kalen: - again. Let's hit that place, have some drinks and see what sort of trouble and or womenfolk we can rustle up." He stopped dead in front of the door to the bar, staring to the side at a pile of garbage. "Am I insane or is that Syder lying passed 
Kalen: - out in some garbage?"
Essex: glances over and laughs. "Yeah, that's Syder... that's a regular occurence here lately. Ha." He pushes open the door and ducks through it, having to hunch over a bit so his head didn't shake
Essex: (*) scrape the ceiling. Kalen steps in behind him as Essex walks forward, the bar patrons stopping and gawking at him. "Oh my god, look at him." One woman says, pointing in Essex's direction.
Essex: (*) Of course they had a reason to stare and talk about him, he was, after all, close to ten feet tall and half a ton. Also, the darkblue hair, blue skin and green scales might've been an oddity as
Essex: (*) well. "Wanna sit at the bar or grab a table?"
Kalen: shrugs softly as he enters the dimly lit tavern. "Eh, it's a tough call. To sit at the bar and be within easy reach of drink after drink or to sit at the table so we can harass the cute barmaid? I vote we sit. Right
Kalen: - there in that corner." He pointed languidly. "I like that corner. It calls to me." Stepping over a puddle of what appeared to be vomit, he strode across the room with a friendly, happy nod to everyone he passed.
Kalen: - Some patrons seemed happy to return the nod, others did so puzzledly and one or two looked ready to try and punch his teeth out through the back of his head. Sinking back into his seat and lighting up another cigarette, he
Kalen: - slammed his fist onto the table for emphasis. "I'll have a double whiskey on the rocks and my large colourful friend here will have.... I don't know. Something." Waiting for their drinks to arrive, he leant back comfortably
Kalen: - and grinned, shaking his head in amusement. "Do I know how to pick em, or what? So, talk to me. What trouble have you gotten yourself into lately? And don't say nothing, we both know you'd be bullshitting."
Essex: takes off his hat and sits it on the table, popping the knuckles on his right hand. "Well... mostly nothing, although me and a few friends destroyed a city block the other day because we
Essex: (*) felt like having a battle royale... that resulted in me burning Dako's face off and putting it out with a shovel. Heh. But all in all... it's been pretty peaceful for me lately and just... I dunno, I kind
Essex: (*) of like it, but at the same time I miss the constant fight, the constant looking over my shoulder..." He looks over, watching the barmaid pour various alcoholic beverages into a pitcher which
Essex: (*) he guessed was meant for him. "Oh, and Xerokine, Fenin, and myself happened to break an ancient sword that apparently embodied two immortal beings, something called Hildegarne
Essex: (*) and a purple-skinned immortal by the name of Kaioshin." 
Kalen: stopped talking for a moment and stared blankly for a very long time. "Kaio...Hilde...wh.....what the fuck? Is this really an average day for you? Releasing ancient immortals and blowing up city blocks..."
Kalen: shook his head in bemusement and took a healthy sip of his whiskey, patting his lap and glancing invitingly at the barmaid. She shook her head with a muffled snort of laughter, but she did smile, slightly. "You ever had points
Kalen: - in your life where your power regressed completely, Essex? Ever lost everything and felt weak? I tell you...it feels damn crap. I'm aching to put my fist through the table just to prove that I can. Just to feel alive. When you've
Kalen: - lived as long as I have, seen what I've seen, done what I've done..." He trailed off and smiled, not entirely happily, taking another sip and a drag of his cigarette, absently blowing a smoke ring. "All you start to
Kalen: - live for anymore is the next fight. The next challenge. You want to throw yourself into conflict after conflict, combat after combat, always seeking someone better than you so that you can grind them down and call yourself
Kalen: - supreme. And then when you find yourself on the bottom rung you remember what it was like to know fear." Kalen finished his drink, raised his hand without looking for another and found it soon in front of him. "what
Kalen: - am I going to do with myself, Essex? What the hell am I now? I mean, look at me, I'm a battered android shell with memories I can't trust. This isn't me. This isn't even close to me." 
Salems: walks along the dark streets of the city, in search of a little amusement.  "What to do, what to do..." he thinks as he stuffs one of his hands into his pocket and pulls out a coin "Heads, I kill more people, tails, I got get a
Salems: -=- nice stiff drink and settle down in the cozy tavern with the locals"  He flips the coin and stares at it as it flies up into the air flipping around, he licks his lips at the thought of murdering more innocent citizens.  As the
Salems: -=- coin starts it's descent Salems' patience gets the best of him and he snatches it from the air "Come on heads" he thinks as thin smirk forms on his lips "I haven't killed in hours..." as he opens the palm of his hand he
Salems: -=- closes his eyes and tilts his head down toward the palm of his hand "I'm almost too anxious to look" he thinks as he opens his eyes "Tails, shoot" he says aloud as he pockets the coin, "Guess that means a nice
Salems: -=- cold one tonight"  He makes his way through the winding city streets on his way to the bar, "You know...I could always just blow up the bar..." he thinks, but quickly dismisses the gesture as he has always obeyed
Salems: -=- the will of the coin.  "Maybe I'll have some peace tonight..." he thinks in a moment of sanity as he reaches doors to the bar and pushes the open.  "My kind of place..." he thinks as he looks around at the various
Salems: -=- patrons and various other individuals "I'll take a glass of whiskey" he says as he makes his way past the bar headed toward a corner of the bar already occupied by two individuals.  He takes a seat at a table two
Salems: -=- tables down from them and reaches up and removes the light from the lamp above him. "Now...time to try and relax..."
Essex: lifts the pitcher of alcohol and drinks it all back before setting it down. "Yeah, average day." He licks his lips, motioning for the barmaid to come back over. "I'll have another one of these, more
Essex: (*) vodka this time preferably." He looks back over at Kalen. "Yeah, it's happened to me, I woke up one day, and I was... so weak, I was helpless. But... I'm back to where I was... save that I can't
Essex: (*) fully tap into the power that, well, you gave me." He grins and reaches behind his shirt, pulling out a tiny, half empty vial of the icy blue genetic material Kalen had given him. "I still have this
Essex: (*) and it's the only possession of mine that's survived. Heh." He tucks it back behind his shirt as the barmaid sets the pitcher back down. "But as I said earlier, you shouldn't fret on it... let's say
Essex: (*) you're not the real Kalen, and just someone who has all his memories and everything like that... then in my eyes, you're the same person, honestly. I look at it this way, if you look into a mirror,
Essex: (*) whose who? Are you the reflection, or are they? Or if you look into a mirror and there's a mirror behind you, which leads into the infinite loop... which one's the real version?" He lifts the 
Essex: (*) pitcher and takes a sip before glancing over at the newcomer. "Hell, with what Arslanon said, I don't even know if I'm the real version of me... it's all just... it's best not to worry about it."
Essex: (*) he takes another drink of his beverage. "Besides, you're Kalen De-fucking-Artair, you'll go back to how you were, I can guaran-damn-tee it, even if it means me helping you, boss."
Kalen: nods slowly and reluctantly, chewing on his lip worriedly as thoughts tumble around in his mind, finally settling on knocking back his second drink and raising a hand for a third. "I wouldn't mind if I was a clone or something
Kalen: - I guess. It's the obvious inhumanity that's bugging me. Take this whiskey, for instance. I drink it and it tastes good. That should be enough. But part of me is also aware of complex programs decoding its consistancy to relay
Kalen: - that information to me, to give me that sensation. I can't get drunk anymore, Essex, instead I feel inebriation algorythyms take over. Algorythyms that I could disable at any time, if I thought about it, but can't. I guess I
Kalen: - just want to cling to any last vestige I have of humanity, even if its just an illusion. Then again, we both know I left humanity behind a very, very, very long time ago. I suppose I don't really regret it. Power is its own
Kalen: - reward." He paused only to extinguish his cigarette in the ashtray, looking at Essex with something approaching a smile. "And as for boss... You're back on my side until the pay gets better again, huh? Guess all I can
Kalen: - promise is that if I hit my stride again, I'll look after my own, same as I always have." He leant back in his chair, idly running his eyes over the barmaid, wondering if he had algorythyms to deal with sex. "Still, I can feel
Kalen: - systems of varying complexity unfolding. Can feel my programming evolving, changing and replicating with time. Whatever I'm in isn't your everyday run of the mill robotic body. Then again, SynTech never really did 'run of the mill.'
Kalen: pressed a section of his wrist, flipping a small panel up, taking a tiny beacon-like device out and laying it on the tabletop. The blue light on it winked off and on slowly. "Still no clue what this does. You're better with
Kalen: - most tech than I am. Any idea?"
Salems: thanks the barmaid with a glare and begins to drink his glass of whiskey quietly in his darkened area "Wonder what those guys are talking about...and what the hell is that thing on the
Salems: -=- table?" he wonders as he watches the two strangers talk amongst themselves in the corner that he so wishes he could be in "I've always hated being in the middle of a place, can
Salems: -=- only stand it if I'm against a wall..." he continues to talk to himself as he stares down the two strangers, and he quickly finishes his first glass of whiskey "Barmaid, another please" he
Salems: -=- says with an almost sarcastic tone "Wonder if I can get any money for that little gadget he's got there..." he begins to look around as he awaits his drink, his eyes catch the barmaid
Salems: -=- pouring the glass of whiskey and watches her very closely as she turns towards him and brings him his next glass "Thanks" he says coldly as the barmaid places his drink on the table
Salems: -=- which he grabs and begins to drink rather quickly as he tries to listen in on the conversation being held just two tables away from him "What the hell is that kid talking about?  How
Salems: -=- old are these guys exactly?  They talk as if they've lived forever..." he finishes his second glass and quickly calls the barmaid for another.
Essex: reaches across the table and picks up the beacon. "Well, it's a beacon. Duh." He says, he turns it over in his hand to read the model number. "Yeah, I know what it is. " He sits it back down.
Essex: (*) "It's an experimental teleportational beacon made specifically for the androids from SynTech." He picks up his pitcher and drinks it. "It gives off an artificial power level so others can 
Essex: (*) instant transmission to you." He picks the beacon up again, examining it more closely. "...which also allowed for the android to use an artificial form of instant transmission using
Essex: (*) our satelites. It transmitted their artificial intelligence and algorhythms up into the satelite, then broke apart their molecules. The satelite sent the molecules to the desired point they
Essex: (*) wanted to go to, it rebuilt their body and then downloaded their programmng back into the body." He sits the beacon down and pushes it across the table back at Kalen. "Keep ahold
Essex: (*) of it... I have all the information on reconstructing a satelite to do that, since, well... I designed it." He grins as his eyes wander back over to Salems. "But yeah, keep ahold of it, 
Essex: (*) unfortunately the android's body itself had to have enough power to run it, like a battery. It's recharging itself as your power returns, albeit slowly, and it's close to reactivation."
Essex: (*) He watches Salems. "Kalen, six o'clock, there's a person about two tables away watching us, I suspect he's eavesdropping. I think it'd be best if you take that beacon and 
Essex: (*) install it, my reading lips training paid off, and he just asked how much he'd get for it." He locks eyes with Salems, keeping his gaze fixed on the man as he picks up his pitcher
Essex: (*) of alcohol and finishes it, calling the barmaid back over to the table too. He grins and breaks his gaze, looking back over at Kalen. "Anyway, how do you feel about a friendly
Essex: (*) bar-brawl after a few more drinks? For old times sake, 'sides, that guy at the table behind you needs to be put in his place... he was rather rude to your girlfriend." He says,
Essex: (*) nodding his head in the direction of the barmaiden Kalen had hit on when they first arrived.
Kalen: smirked as he finished his drink, picking up the beacon and turning it over and over in his fingertips before slotting it back into his wrist, closing the hatch with a soft chuckle. "It worries me sometimes that every single
Kalen: - word of what you just said, I understood. I think you and I need to head out drinking more often. We need women. Then again, my wife was an android. Is an android. Hell, I don't know if she's still alive or not. The point
Kalen: - I'm getting to here, is that I need you to buy me some time... not a lot, just a little more until my weapons systems can finish initializing. I'd happily start a barbrawl, but I want more than just hand-to-hand combat to
Kalen: - rely on, even with these pathetic weaklings. It isn't any fun if you can blast people back through walls with your fingertip. And no saying you'll defend me either. That takes the fun out of it. Still...tell you what."
Kalen: stood up abruptly, beckoning to Essex to follow him, talking over his shoulder. "Just follow my lead. This could be quite fun." He scooped up his glass as he went, crossing over to where Salems sat, leaning casually on his table.
Kalen: - "Evening stranger. Couldn't help but a-spy you eyeing a few things which I consider to be mine." Kalen indicated the barmaid and his wrist, his voice coming out in a Western-inspired drawl. Without any change in his
Kalen: - facial expression, Kalen brought the glass down hard on the edge of Salems table, broken glass shattering across. "My friend here and I just ain't taking too kindly to that, pardner. Seems to me that you might be spoilin' fer
Kalen: - a rumble, am I right?" Kalen grinned, slowly and evilly. This was definately turning out to be his kind of night. He could hear other bar patrons stir, some edging out of their seats, others reaching for concealed
Kalen: - weapons. Tension was thick in the air, and at any moment, the wrong word said in the wrong place was going to ignite it into a fully blown bar brawl.
Salems: smiled as he quickly caught a piece of the glass from Kalen's shattered drink before it touched his face "Quite an temper you got there stranger..." he tilts his head down and downs his drink, figuring it'll be his
Salems: -=- last for the night "Barmaid, another." He snaps and smirks at Kalen.  "If you don't like the way I treat her, then tell her to get a different job, cause trust me, there are people that treat her much much worse
Salems: -=- than I"  Salems then cracks his neck and stands up out of his chair "And as for your little gadget, I don't know who'd buy something like that anyways, it's no good to me."  He watches the barmaid as she
Salems: -=- stands still not getting his drink like he asked her to do "Speaking of getting another job...didn't I ask her for another drink?"  he scolds as he sends a glaring eye to the barmaid hoping it'll get her moving
Salems: -=- "And here I thought it'd be peaceful tonight..." he thought as he looked at Kalen and could feel the excitement coming over him.  "To be honest with you, I was close to just blowing this place to tiny bits,
Salems: -=- and now, I just might have the chance."  Salems eyes flickered with delight as he cracked his knuckles and circled around Kalen, now standing next to another patron, "I'm a little rusty though" He says as
Salems: -=- he balls his hand into a fist, "Let's see if I still got it." He says with a sinister smile on his face, he turns his head towards the patron sitting motionless at the table next to them and starts laughing raucously
Salems: -=- "AND YOU SHALL BE THE FIRST TO DIE!" he yells as he pulls back his fist and lunges it straight into the gut of the motionless man, who then begins to cough up blood and lays unconcious on the floor
Salems: -=- of the bar "Aaah...that felt good" Salems says as he stares down Kalen.
Essex: glances over at Kalen and then back at Salems, keeping quiet. He knew that if he wanted to, he could singlehandedly take on every patron in this bar without so much as breaking a sweat, so
Essex: (*) he crossed his arms and begins to speak. "Well, idint whut I 'spected when we a'came o'er here, whut d'you think, pardner?" He asks, glancing over at Kalen again and smirking, uncrossings
Essex: (*) his arms to adjust the belt of his pants in a fashion that matched his voice. "Well, looks like this her fellar's a hankerin' for a rootin' tootin' fisticuffs, eh?"
Kalen: looked back at Essex with a nod and a grin. "Alright, you can drop the slow, drawling accents now. My systems are pretty much as charged up as they're going to be." Turning slowly back towards Salems, he nods at him and
Kalen: - lets out a sarcastic whistle, ignoring the unconcious man that Salems just laid out. "That's a mighty punch you've got on you there friend." As he spoke, Kalen started slowly to edge around the table, putting himself
Kalen: - between Salems and the barmaid, throwing a friendly and reassuring smile at her. When he moved, he moved fast and in a snakelike movement, his foot whipping out in a sharp kick to connect with the underside of Salems'
Kalen: - table, sending it spinning up into the air. Using the kickoff from the table, Kalen sprang into a backflip, landing clear of the beginning fray, lashing out idly with his fist to crack a man in the jaw as he started to
Kalen: - rise. "Heel, boy." he murmured with a dark grin. His voice rose over the bar as he called out joyously, whooping like a little kid playing pretend. "Let the carnage begin!" He levelled a fingertip at Salems, a beam of bright
Kalen: - electric blue energy bursting from his fingertip, lancing across the bar (shattering through a glass on a table along the way) towards the other fighter. The whole maneuver from kicking the table to firing the
Kalen: - fingerbeam had taken only seconds. 
Essex: -*- In a flash, Essex suppresses his power level and jumps back taking a fighting stance and looking left and right for someone to duke it out with. Of course, with him being a dragon and all
Essex: (*) all, most of the men were avoiding him. He shakes his head, ignoring this little fact and turns, taking a step towards a group of men who were sitting a few tables over from them earlier.
Essex: (*) All five of the men stand up, one of them busting a beer bottle over the table into a make-shift shiv. "Awww..." Essex says, lowering his arms almost in mock-defeat. "That's a nice
Essex: (*) little shank you got there." He says, lifting up his mechanical arm, his fingers folding together into a blade of sorts. "Mine's bigger." He says, grinning as the men rush at him.
Salems: smiles as he watches Kalen's acrobatics and quickly charges up a small amount of ki into a ball to bust the table that had flown between Kalen and himself only to find a bolt of blue energy flying towards him "Shit...tricky
Salems: -=- bastard..." he thinks as the beam nails him on the side of the arm "Ouch, that hurt..." he thinks as he let a small amount of his powerlevel spike to clear the area of debris that could possibly distract him further in this little
Salems: -=- tussle him and Kalen have started, he quickly bolts to towards Kalen, extending his clas as he does so, taking care to slash another patron's throat as he draws near Kalen "Now, you shall pay for that!" he screams as he
Salems: -=- draws closer to Kalen "I hope you have a little gadget that'll save you from this!" He draws his hand back and yells "Razor Slash!" his elevated hand begins to glow and all the energy seemingly draws to the tips of the
Salems: -=- claws on his right hand, while his left hand seems to have all the energy concentrated to the middle of his palm, he then quickly swipes his right hand down, releasing the built up energy in the form of four different razor
Salems: -=- thin waves of energy while his other hand launches a rather small energy ball toward Kalen.
Essex: -*- In a flash, Essex suppresses his power level and jumps back taking a fighting stance and looking left and right for someone to duke it out with. Of course, with him being a dragon and all
Essex: (*) all, most of the men were avoiding him. He shakes his head, ignoring this little fact and turns, taking a step towards a group of men who were sitting a few tables over from them earlier.
Essex: (*) All five of the men stand up, one of them busting a beer bottle over the table into a make-shift shiv. "Awww..." Essex says, lowering his arms almost in mock-defeat. "That's a nice
Essex: (*) little shank you got there." He says, lifting up his mechanical arm, his fingers folding together into a blade of sorts. "Mine's bigger." He says, grinning as the men rush at him. 
Essex: (*) He retracts the blade into his arm, replacing it with a heavy ball-shaped fist, bringing it hard across the face of one of the men, knocking him to the ground. The man with the beer
Essex: (*) bottle stabs at Essex, the glass tearing his shirt but breaking due to the fact that it luckily hit a patch of Essex's scales. He pivots on one foot, pimp slapping the man with his real
Essex: (*) arm and extending his free leg backwards, using his long legs and size to his advantage, catching Salems in the side and knocking him away from Kalen.
Kalen: grinned manically, feeling at last back into his element. Severely outmatched by his opponent, very rusty, not used to his new body and out of ideas to block the incoming energy attacks...but in his element. He dropped to one 
Kalen: - knee, repeating his trick from before and sweeping a table acrobatically up into the air. Salems blue energy slashes smashed through it easily, but thankfully the resistance slowed them down enough for Kalen to nimbly 
Kalen: - dodge them. He wasn't so lucky with the energy ball however. Even as he twisted in midair to try and slap it away, he felt it impact with his side, knocking the "breath" out of him as he flew over the bar in a crash of
Kalen: - broken glass. He hauled himself back over the top of the bar, clutching two half-shattered bottles in his hands. Seeing that Essex has taken the opportunity to engage Salems, he leapt from the bar like a wrestler, 
Kalen: - slamming into a knot of people near the cowering barmaid, bottles whiring and lashing out as he moved like a whirlwind, his laughter loud in the bar. Salems was a challenge, but these? These were almost insects.
Kalen: could feel the fight doing him good though. Systems were coming back online like wildfire. His powerlevel was increasing as his internal combat programs wrote and rewrote themselves. Surges of energy lanced through his
Kalen: - body. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so alive.
Salems: was caught off guard by Essex's kick which sent him flying into a nearby wall "Fuck, where'd he come from?"  He thinks under his breath as he glances at Kalen, "Good, at least one of them hit." He thinks as he watches
Salems: -=- Kalen quickly recover and start to whirl around the bar taking out anybody that got in his way "Well, that's unique" Salems thinks as he charges up for a full out assault "Now, I don't know much about this guy but he
Salems: -=- seems to be pretty nimble as well." He says as he glances at Essex as he sends a volley of 8 rather large energy balls towards the fighter "Shit, I might have overdone that a bit." He thinks "Hope I don't blow up the bar
Salems: -=- with that one..." but he knew he didn't have too much time to linger on his actions, cause Kalen was closing in quick, so he had to think of something fast. "I got it" He thinks as he bolts toward Kalen and spreads his arms
Salems: -=- out fully to create an energy barrier "That out to buy me a little more time, and help with unexpected attacks all the same."  He darts closer to Kalen, and quickly sweeps to the right of him and kicks a shattered leg from the
Salems: -=- table towards Kalen's waste, hoping he can knock him off and cause him to lose his concentration long enough, "Now...what if..." he thinks shortly before picking up a bottle and charging it with energy "Hehehe" is all he
Salems: -=- says as he turns his attention back to Essex to see how his scattered blasts did against him.
Essex: follows through with his kick, twisting nimbly and then jumping into the air and bringing both legs together, forming his body into an L shape as he feet swing over head, coming down
Essex: (*) hard on top of the head of one of the men. He lands and stands up, spinning around to attack another man as he feels several sharp, burning pains in his chest. He looks down,
Essex: (*) almost confused as he sees smoke coming from his shirt. "Well." He says, grabbing what remained of his shirt and tearing it off, leaving just his chest and his necklace. "You owe
Essex: (*) me a new shirt, fuckwad." He says, cracking his neck and walking towards Salems, unphased from the energy attack.
Kalen: rapidly finds himself on the backfoot, discarding his bottles to concentrate on defense, whirring in the middle of a group of angry men, switching to Taijiquan, his movements fluid as water as he carefully redirects
Kalen: - and deflects his opponents attacks, weaving gracefully before lashing out with hard palmstrikes, catching them one after the other under the jaw with a satisfying crack. "I'd kill for my gunblade, you know. A sword of any kind
Kalen: - really!" he called to Essex conversationally, trying to keep an eye on Salems through the midst of the now-furious brawl. He could hear police sirens in the distance and parts of the bar seemed pretty damn worse for wear.
Kalen: brought his hand low as he saw the severed table leg rocket towards his waist, felt himself block it as he twisted his hand around to slam the now improvised weapon over the head of an attacker. Something looked wrong. He 
Kalen: - looked down to his palm and noticed that he hadn't so much caught the spar of wood as taken it point first straight through his hand. Synthetic blood was staining it quite profusely. He couldn't be bothered ripping it free
Kalen: - at the moment, but it was slowly him down and hurt like a bitch. He supposed he should just be glad that it wasn't an energy attack that'd hit him, or he might be in a lot worse trouble. "Fun as this is, Essex, what say you?
Kalen: - Shall we finish this up and head off in search of more adventure?" As he spoke, he raised his non-impaled-by-wood hand above his head, a sphere of energy starting to form there, gathering quickly in size. The men around him
Kalen: - weren't attacking any more. They knew shit they couldn't handle, and this was it. Several of them were making for the door, now. And all through it, Kalen hadn't lost that manic smile of battle lust.
Kalen: rapidly finds himself on the backfoot, discarding his bottles to concentrate on defense, whirring in the middle of a group of angry men, switching to Taijiquan, his movements fluid as water as he carefully redirects
Kalen: - and deflects his opponents attacks, weaving gracefully before lashing out with hard palmstrikes, catching them one after the other under the jaw with a satisfying crack. "I'd kill for my gunblade, you know. A sword of any kind
Kalen: - really!" he called to Essex conversationally, trying to keep an eye on Salems through the midst of the now-furious brawl. He could hear police sirens in the distance and parts of the bar seemed pretty damn worse for wear.
Kalen: brought his hand low as he saw the severed table leg rocket towards his waist, felt himself block it as he twisted his hand around to slam the now improvised weapon over the head of an attacker. Something looked wrong. He 
Kalen: - looked down to his palm and noticed that he hadn't so much caught the spar of wood as taken it point first straight through his hand. Synthetic blood was staining it quite profusely. He couldn't be bothered ripping it free
Kalen: - at the moment, but it was slowly him down and hurt like a bitch. He supposed he should just be glad that it wasn't an energy attack that'd hit him, or he might be in a lot worse trouble. "Fun as this is, Essex, what say you?
Kalen: - Shall we finish this up and head off in search of more adventure?" As he spoke, he raised his non-impaled-by-wood hand above his head, a sphere of energy starting to form there, gathering quickly in size. The men around him
Kalen: - weren't attacking any more. They knew shit they couldn't handle, and this was it. Several of them were making for the door, now. And all through it, Kalen hadn't lost that manic smile of battle lust.
Isthyr: flies high up in the sky, sitting cross-legged while he thinks about his plans for tonight. [Hrmn, I wonder what I should do today. I could always just go to that school and visit, but I don't think I should right now. They're probably all caught 
Isthyr: <c> up in their studies right now.] He thinks as he stops in mid-air, right above a cloud. He then shifts to a standing position and dives through the cloud and spots a tall skyscraper. He zooms towards it, leaving a slight deep red aura trail beh
Isthyr: <c> behind him. He gently lands on top of the building, making a slight clopping sound, and peers out into the open city. [The lights of the city...such a sight to behold at night.] Isthyr thinks as he crosses his arms. The black leather jacket is
Isthyr: <c> is a perfect fit on him and as are his black jeans and black boots. His white muscle shirt, unseen underneath his jacket, hugs his muscles tightly. Shades are stored in his front jacket pocket, because of the night time. Otherwise he would be 
Isthyr: <c>  be wearing them. A slight breeze blows, gently wafting his spiked black hair. Not a cloud in the sky to behold either, but the stars are hardly visible because of the city lights.
Xregg: -*- A towering metropolis built over water, sky-scrapers that used water for both it's decoration and it's support.  The polar opposite of the desolate New Hope City. Aqua Polis was a beacon of light upon a shimmering expanse of deep blues
Xregg: (C), aquamarines and metallic silvers, whites and blacks. The city shined on tonight, it's reflection glistening in the waters that expanded beyond the city borders as well as against the countless waterfalls that were one of the classical
Xregg: (C) themes of the city.  A single leg swing against one of these said waterfalls that cascaded down one of the buildings, ironic how such a contraption could apparently defy physics and look so aesthetically pleasing at the same
Xregg: (C) time.  The owner of the previous mentioned leg, was a man who found solice, not necessarily pleasure, for truth be told, 'pleasure' was something of a foreign concept to the man, but empty solice was something he could work with.  A
Xregg: (C) half-spent cigarillo burned lightly against the darkened sky, the moon was gone from the sky this night, not showing it's face to the world for one night, "Ah..." Mused the man with the cigarillo pursed between his lips, "Darkness
Xregg: (C) has such a peaceful serenity to it." He sucked in sharply and exhaled a noxious cloud of smoke into the air, seeming to enjoy the taste that it left in his mouth.  Aqua Polis had become this mans new home, though he wasn't sure
Xregg: (C) what the appeal of the city was, an empty part of him felt nostalgia about it's skyscrapers and glistening waters, so he stayed.  Reaching into a pocket of his buttoned up black long-coat the man pulled out a small flask and took
Xregg: (C) a short sip of it before hoisting it back to it's place of comfort.  Sighing another cloud of smoke, the man simply stared off into the sky, soliced-like.
Morbius: awakened with a short yelp,  "Not again...I'm tired of having these "nightmares"...It's getting annoying." Morbius knew that these were not nightmares he was having but scenes from a time he could not recall
Morbius: <C> in his waking form.  "Well...Since i'm up I might as well...Do something go out for a bit."  Morbius walked over to his dresser took his sword off the stand and put the sheath in the loop of his pants.  "Now...
Morbius: <C> Where to go?"  Morbius stepped out of his apartment and took a deep breath of the fresh air.  "SHit...Almost forgot my smokes."  Morbius grinned as he ran back inside to grab some Marlboro's off of his dresser.
Morbius: <C> "Well...I guess i'll go chill for a bit."  Morbius smiled as he began to lift off the ground a few feet and began floating towards the anbandonned building that him and a few of his friends used to hold parties.
Xregg: removed the almost completely spent cigarillo from his lips and in an action that looked as though he were flicking away some annoying bug, he tossed the cigarillo over the edged and merely watched the smoking stick leave a trail of whispy
Xregg: (C) grey air on it's treck down into watery oblivion, "Hrm..." He mused outloud to, of course, no one in particular, "I wonder what those last moments would be like." When you didn't sleep a lot or really have anyone who could occupy your
Xregg: (C) time in any sort of constructive manner, you were basically stuck trying to find ways to keep yourself from going insane with boredom.  Luckily, for this man, that wasn't really a hard thing to do since when he was left to his own
Xregg: (C) devices, he spent the majority of his time contemplating a prior existence that he was only partially aware of himself.  It was like trying to put together a jig-saw puzzle sometimes, except most of the pieces didn't line up and those
Xregg: (C) that did were few in number.  He wasn't even sure if all the puzzle pieces were even there anymore.  So, it's understandable that rather than dwell on those thoughts for hours upon hours, he would find some other things to replace
Xregg: (C) the monotony.  This time, it happened to be the thought of what an existence would experience in the moments between the top of a skyscraper and the bottom far below, right before the sudden impact that would undoubtedly end most
Xregg: (C) lives.  A small crack of a smile graced his face as this thought reached it's inevitable outcome, "If I could feel it, I think I would be glad I'm not them."
Treyce: - Smoke trails off from the tip of a cigarette, the tip glowing bright red for a moment as it's holder takes a deep drag from it. Exhaling slowly and watching the smoke fade away in the night air, Treyce takes in the surroundings of his first trip
Treyce: -C- to this city of water, Aqua Polis. He stood on top of a rather tall building, water spewing from its side like a waterfall. A slight breeze ruffled his snow white hair momentairily and Treyce closed his eyes, letting the breeze take away every
Treyce: -C- everything that was irritating, aggrivating, and depressing. Slowly, he started leaning forward, his features unchanging, and he started to fall downward. As he passed the waterfall his auburn eyes slowly opened and he looked up to the stars. 
Treyce: -C- They never changed, in his eyes. And that was good, because at least there was something in his mind that he remembered clearly. His eyes closed again as he reflected on past events. The encounter with that strange red haired frenzy before. He
Treyce: -C- had recognized him, but with his memory, he couldn't bring up a name to that face. That and there was still the person that had  found him and set him up in the city of New Hope. People knew him, and he didn't know himself. It disturbed him. J
Treyce: -C- Just before he hit the water, wind erupted briefly around him and he halted, levitating only a few inches above the water. He sighed, flicked away his cigarette, reorientated himself, and floated to the nearest walkway.
Morbius: smiles as he notices that the abandonned bulding was still abandonned.  "Been a while since I been here." 
Morbius: smiles as he notices that the abandonned bulding was still abandonned.  "Been a while since I been here." Morbius smiled as he took the pack of Marlboro's out of his pocket along with his favorit lighter.  As he lit 
Morbius: <C> the cigarette he noticed that the building was different somehow.  "Looks like they had a few parties without me."   Morbius smiled as his hair began to blow in the breeze and the silence around him calmed him.  
Morbius: <C> "I love this city at night...It's beautiful and silent..."  Morbius walked into the building hoping he could find a few of the beers he left in the fridge or maybe of a few of his joints.  "God...I miss this place."  Morbius
Morbius: <C> nodded remembering the day he left to become the great fighter he is, yet he was not satisfied with the power he had obtained...To him it still seemed...Weak.
Xregg: quirked an eyebrow as his eyes wondered off in the direction, "Odd..." he practically sighed out the word to himself as his eyes returned to their gazing position towards the stars, "It never ceases to amaze me how flamboyant some people can
Xregg: (C) be when it comes to their abilities.  Like...it's totally common to be able to defy the laws of physics.  You know, if I was Gravity, Physics or Common Sense, I would be one really pissed off individual.  I mean..." He begins to
Xregg: (C) rant to himself, obviously reaching that ever popular level of extreme boredom where self-discussion is seen as a relief, "...and then the world would just explode in a white, stick, salty mess.  How disturbing."
Morbius: smiles as he walks over to the fridge and swings the door open with much speed.  "Oh shit!"  Morbius shouted as the fridge began to topple over on him.  Morbius's muscles grew and his aura shot up as his hair turned
Morbius: <C> golden.  Morbius grabbed the fridge and pushed it back into its previous position.  "Damn...That was kinda close."  Morbius smiled as he grabbed a beer out of the fridge.  "Woot...Didn't bust."  Morbius smiled as he 
Morbius: <C> took a drink of it, not noticing he was still in Super Saiyan.
Xregg: hefts himself up to his feet, his attire blowing gently in the wind caused by the waterfall that he was standing by.  He shoves his hands into the pockets of his long-coat, "Fuck this, I'm bored." He turns around, his long-coat blowing in a
Xregg: (C) manner that would suggest the coat itself had a flare for the dramatic rather than the owner, but oh well, clothes will be clothes, "I wonder if Alice's is still open this late." He says idly as he walks to the other side of the
Xregg: (C) building and looks over the edge slightly, it was a long trip down.  Xregg shrugged slightly and merely took one galant step off the side of the building and gravity did what gravity tends to do, you know, pull shit towards the surface
Xregg: (C) of the planet, physics 101.  Greg's blank expression as the walkways blasted by him on his descent down showed no fear, no joy, nothing, it was just something else the guy did.  Then, about halfway down the building he shifted his weight
Xregg: (C) slightly and his feet made contact with the side of the building for the briefest of moments, just long enough for him to launch himself to the next building.  Shifting around he used the same tactic, and with each shift in weight
Xregg: (C) each touch and each subsequent launch, his speed decreased slightly.  This...wasn't exactly a common thing for normal people to do either, but then again, Xregg didn't really fly he had his own methods for getting around, but none of
Xregg: (C) them could be called 'flying'.  It didn't take long for Xregg to slam into the last walkway, which rested not high off of the surface of the water itself.  Xregg brushed a stray hair out of his eyes and looked up at his starting
Xregg: (C) point, many stories above where he was now, "Hrm..." Shrugging at this notion he started making his way to Alice's.  He was out of liqour.
Morbius: sighs, "Damn...Outta beer...Might as well go find a place to get some."  Morbius smiles remembering his friend telling him about Alice's saying that it's got good grub and beer.  "Well...Alice's it is!"  Morbius smiles as he 
Morbius: <C> reverts to his normal size and hair color.  Morbius flies outta the door and heads down the street to Alice's for a few drinks, Join in hand.  Morbius takes a big hit off his joint as he enters the building.  "Wow
Morbius: <C> didn't expect it to look like this...Oh well."  Morbius walks up to the bar asks for a Budweiser, and sits waiting for the bartender to give 'em his drink.  "Hrm..."  Morbius sighs as he looks about the building
Morbius: <C> for a familiar face.  Morbius stands up and hovers over to the other end of the bar which has much less people.
Xregg: walked briskly down the street, the cold mist that permeated the city in the late hours of the night, due to a severe lack of people moving about you see, brushed past his walking form as he made his way towards his favorite dive, Alice's.
Xregg: 's face scrunched his face up in consternation, who or whatever it was that he had been sensing for the evening had decided to go to the place he was going now.  He sighed loudly, "Great..." he muttered to himself, "Just when I thought this
Xregg: (C) night was going to be so uneventful." He approaches the burning blue neon sign, the hum of the sign against the mist highly audiable.  The sign that read 'Alice's' glowed over his head. He stood underneath the sign, looking up at it
Xregg: (C) wondering if he really wanted to go in, now that something else with a shred of power had arrived in their moments prior.  He sighs loudly and pushes his way in, opening the door and walking into the ambient glow of the place.  It
Xregg: (C) was unusually occupied, considering the late night.  But then again, this was Aqua Polis and the nightlife tended to be just as good as the day time.  He shrugged lightly and just made his way to an empty barstool.  The bartender gave him
Xregg: (C) a wayward glance while he rubbed down an empty glass.  Xregg merely raised a single finger and tapped the bar in front of him three times, the bartender nodded his understanding and moments later a bottle of some dark liqour was in front
Xregg: (C) of him with an empty glass of ice next to it.  Xregg nodded to the man and the bartender left him to his devices.
Morbius: looks up just as someone else walks into the bar,  "Damn...How crowded is this place gonna get?"  Morbius grins at the Bartender as he brings him his beer.  "Ummm...I said Budweiser...This is a Heineken.."
Morbius: <C> Morbius shrugs, "Oh well...Fuck it."  Morbius smiles as the bartender walks away, Morbius takes another hit off his joint before putting it out.  "Save this baby for later."  Morbius cocks his head and looks at the 
Morbius: <C> beer.  "Hrm...Guess I could drink it..." Morbius takes a big drink from the Heineken and sets his aside, "Yo, Bartender...I'll take the hardest thing you got...And I mean liquior nothing funny."  Morbius looks about
Morbius: <C> the bar noticing that there isn't much talking for the large number of people,  "Damn...So boring in here." Morbius smiles as he picks up his empty bottle of Heineken and throws it up in the air a couple times.  
Morbius: throws it up once more only to let it shatter against the bar,  "Oooops...Accident?"  Morbius manages a frown and then sits quietly waiting for his liquior.
Xregg: had downed his first glass of whatever it was the bartender had given to him, scotch probably, it was a favorite drink of his. By the time the sound of a bottle shattering caught his attention, he was already pouring his second glass
Xregg: (C) and merely winced as the shattering sound didn't echo throughout the place but just...made it seem all the quiet as every patron turned to look where the shattering sound had come from.  Xregg was no exception to this rule and he set
Xregg: (C) his bottle down gently on the bar as his eyes slided down the bar, only to meet with the figure of the man who had caused the comotion in the first place.  A punk of the first degree probably, just some roudy kid who thought he could
Xregg: (C) get a few laughs by ruining everyone elses evenings.  He closed his eyes and bent over his glass slightly, as though to pay homage to the glass of scotch that he held in his hands.  He then opened his eyes and got off of his stool,
Xregg: (C) the bartender made an objectionary motion as he looked like he was going to reprimand this roudy youth, but Xregg raised a hand to the man and the bartender merely remained where he was.  Xregg walked up next to the man on the stool and
Xregg: (C) gave him a once over again, "You look like someone looking for trouble." Xregg placed a hand on the bar in front of the man, "If you value your health, I would suggest you look somewhere else.  Anywhere else but here as a matter of fact.
Xregg: (C) I happen to to have a certain affinity for this place." The sterile glare he laid on the man was one that would shatter most ordinary mens resolve instantaneously, this one probably wouldn't go so easily, "Now, either go somewhere else
Xregg: (C) or sit down, shut up, enjoy your drink and get the fuck out when you're done.  Otherwise, prepare to be escorted out by manners that are...less than polite."
Morbius: smiles at the man, "So...You think that was on purpose...Oh...and I advise you to shut up...Considering I never said I wanted trouble...You're the one who came up to me...Now me or be moved."   Morbius grinned an evil
Morbius: <C> grin and stared the man straight in the eyes, showing that he had no fear what so ever.  "I've faced much bigger, stronger, and faster men...Do not make me hurt you."  Morbius smiled at the man once more and 
Morbius: <C> grabbed a Marlboro out of his pack and lit it up.  Morbius grinned as he blew smoke in the man's face.  "Ooops...I'm sorry about that." Morbius blurted out sarcastically.
Fenin: takes a long hit from the frothy golden liquid in the stein he had just ordered. It had been a long day's training, hell he had been at it for three days straight, and he was welcoming a chance to unwind. After another long chug-like sip
Fenin: looks around the room, searching for some sign of familiarity amongst the sea of faces.
Sun: Bitches aint nothing but tricks and hoes.
Fenin: -- Thick patches of fog splay across the streets and skies of New Hope City on a chilly midnight. The moon beams half full upon the scene of sullen silence as a lone figure makes his way towards no destination in particular, other than perhaps
Fenin: -x- some sign of familiarity in the surroundings about him. Fenin's strength radiates about him as he's too distracted to suppress his powerlevel. Several thoughts etches themselves into his head over and over again - thoughts of this new group he
Fenin: -x- was expected to form, thoughts of his past, and thoughts of Shim Wu'sha. Would he be joining Lillah and 'Shin in their group? And in order to do that, would they need to settle their differences? Or would Fenin haplessly strike the halfbreed d
Fenin: -x- as he lusted to do not but three days prior?
Shim: - Piercing blue eyes gazed off into the foggy distance. Before him lay a smoky abyss, infinity before his eyes. Through the mist a few stray beams of moonlight penetrated, reflecting in the pools of water that lay at Shim's feet. The streets were 
Shim: (C) were empty, as they normally were at the midnight hour. A storm had just tore through the city, leaving in its wake flooded and silent streets. Only two men stirred at this late hour, and their paths would soon cross. With an air of confidence
Shim: (C) confidence, the halfbreed stalked towards that familiar energy signature, prepared to settle what he should have ended weeks ago.
Fenin: brushes a lock of hair from his face as he continues down his path to no where. A cool wind licks his face, sending shivers down his spine, though more shivers yet strike as all at once he feels it again. It sends him reeling, as though he were
Fenin: -x- smitten by a freight train. That familiar presence, revolting like raw sewage. Like the taste of rotten fish, no matter how much you rinse you can never rid yourself of it. The sensation of halfbreed, a particularly hideous one at that. "Shim
Fenin: -x- Wu'sha, come out." Fenin's haggard voice breaks the long overdrawn silence. "SHIM WU'SHA!" He howls, "COME OUT!"
Rini: yawns, opening her red eyes and staring at the ceiling, blinking a few times before sitting up, leaning on her hands "Ouch, I'm sore..wha happened?" she says to herself before looking over to see her best friend, rest with its eyes closed, next to
Rini: (c) her "Luna..." she says, rubbing her eyes and looking about the small room before getting up and jumping off the bed, waking up the Luna Ball, which immediatly hovers up into the air and begins to hover about the child protectivly, "It's ok Lun
Shim: - "Hmph," answered the halfbreed. They stood ten feet apart, one filled with rage, glowing with golden fury, the other with arms crossed, wearing a cocky smirk. "You don't have to scream so loud. People are trying to sleep, you know." Shim waved h
Rini: (c) LunaP, I'm fine.., I think" she says, making sure everything works right, which it seems to.  Shrugging, she gets dressed in a simple pair of short jeans which extend down to her calves, a pink and white t-shirt, white socks and blue and white
Rini: (c) shoes.  She grabs her friend out of the air and stuffs her into her backpack "Stay, I'll be fine.." she says, zipping it up.  She then grabs her fans, which were laying on the table next to the bed.  Looking at the clock, she gasped, "Midnight
Rini: (c) I guess I over slept..." she says with a giggle, tying her hair into a ponytail.  'Well, not sure what happened, but I should get going..' she pauses, feeling two strange energies, one of which she knew from a few days prior "Hmmm..." she says
Rini: (c) to herself before masking her power.  She opens the window to the building she was in and flies out, hovering long enough to pull a jacket on and close the window, travelling to where the two powers could be felt.
Shim: - "Hmph," answered the halfbreed. They stood ten feet apart, one filled with rage, glowing with golden fury, the other with arms crossed, wearing a cocky smirk. "You don't have to scream so loud. People are trying to sleep, you know." Shim waved h
Shim: (C)  waved his hand at the fog, sending forth a slender arch of ki. It lanced through the fog, revealing the Saiyan. "You really need to learn when to stop, Fenin. I've had you at my mercy every time we've fought. You talk so big, Fenin..." He sne
Shim: (C) He sneered: "But you're nothing."
Fenin: howls with ineffable rage at the taunt, "DIE HALFBREED!" Fenin bounds at Shim with leap-like steps before jumping at Shim, dropkicking him in the face. The halfbreed, in shock and awe of the attack, takes the hit full on and stumbles backwards,
Fenin: -x- stunned by the attack. Fenin quickly gets to his feet and withdraws his primary blade, Hikaru, and leaps at Shim again, creating a horizontal arc as his abdomen.
Shim: - Blood trickled down the lip of the halfbreed as the Saiyan charged him. He smirked, dropping his elbow on the flat of the blade, causing Fenin's wrist to twist - and in turn, causing only the flat of the blade to smack his side painlessly. In th
Shim: (C) the same motion, he stepped forward, and drove his bare knuckles into Fenin's chin. His other hand slid down to the hilt of Perpetua, blue eyes gleaming murder. With the intensity of a hurricane, his aura exploded outwards suddenly, catching F
Shim: (C) Fenin in its fiery tidal wave, and throwing him back away from the halfbreed. Perpetua was unsheathed and poised defensively in his hands, prepared to deflect the Saiyan's next attack. "You still hit like a bitch, Ro."
Fenin: smirks, regaining his composure, "Wu'sha, you're nothing special." Fenin creates a southwest to northeast horizontal arc at Shim with Hikaru, swinging it especially slow to assure it's block. As Shim opens his mouth to taunt his lack of
Fenin: -x- speed, Fenin points his palm straight at his foes chest, glowing with a furious rage. "Scarlet Penance!" Fenin shouts and three crimson orbs burst from his hand, each striking Shim dead on in the chest, flinging him meters back as
Fenin: though he were a rag doll. "Nothin' special, Wu'sha." Fenin chuckles and he approaches Shim slowly, reaching for the hilt of The Nameless with his off hand, hoping to surprise Shim with a dual attack as he had in their encounter when
Fenin: -x- Shim first attained Super Saiyan Jin status.
Shim: - "Didn't we go over this already? You're "nothing special" when all you do is sit on your ass and bitch about things you can't fix. You're "nothing special" when you can't think of a new thing to say once every fucking year. Idiot." Perpetua cros
Shim: (C) crossed at his chest, and a grimace formed on his pale face. "HAH!" Shim screamed lashing out with the blade; from its edge, a deadly wedge of flames flew out, aimed to dissect the charging Saiyan.
Fenin: attempts to deflect the energy attack with his blade, but the inferno passes through it and strikes him dead on in the chest, causing him to stop for a moment, coughing vigorously. "That's all you've got, Wu'sha? The world must be pathetic;gemote 
Fenin: -x- for half breed scum like you to be saving it." Fenin leaps at Shim again, swinging Hikaru viciously with both hands with an immense power, "Taste my vengeance, Shim. Drink from my quivering palm. Feel my rage, Wu'sha!" Fenin howls mid-swing.
Fenin: starts.
Dako: orgasms
Essex: sprays his he-salsa in Dako's man-gina.
Dako: arches his back and moans as the ecstacy is too much, reaching his climax
Salems: doesn't think Dako knows what it's like to climax
Greg: -*- Among the lights, sounds, movements and motions of Aqua Polis, a lone figure wearing a long black over-coat meandered down one of the walk-ways that rested between two buildings several stories above the water depths below.  Sucking
Greg: (C) on a cigarillo gently, a trail of greyish-blue smoke trailing behind the man, most avoided this dark, brooding figure.  For the man in question had gained a quick reputation for being cold, heartless and dispassionate in many regards.
Greg: (C) "Heartless" was in fact a very good word to describe the man for in many ways he indeed did lack a heart.  Emotions seemed empty to him, hollowed and fake and there rested within his very soul a deep emptiness that seemed to
Greg: (C) go on for eternity.  It was kind of ironic, considering that eternal emptiness was a great source of power that he had learned to tap into during his training.  The mans platinum hair swayed gently as he contemplated this part, "If...
Greg: (C) only I were complete again, this would go away." It was then that something unsettling occured to the man, a breeze of air passed over him and with that breeze came a voice, small in sound, but weighted deeply somehow, 'You've
Greg: (C) been a non-existence for long enough, my host.  It is time you give yourself back to me.' The man swirled around, suddenly realizing where he was now, was not where he had just been.  He was still in Aqua Polis, but a grey tint shrouded
Greg: (C) everything and the people that had occupied the walk-way that he was on were no more.  Not dead, not gone, they simply weren't there anymore, "What the hell is this?" The man spoke out into oblivion.  The voice, now more than a whisper
Greg: (C) and even more severe replied, 'This is your inner world.' The man looked around, he realized how true it was, beyond the grey tinted scene before him existed an expanse of neverending darkness, 'And I have come to reclaim what is
Greg: (C) mine.' The man stirred at the voice, it sounded so familiar, a far off memory that was like a dream, "What are you that resides in my world?" 'I am you. The real you, anyway.  And soon, you will be me once more. Complete and whole.'
Greg: (C) The voice carried a sweet allure to it, a dark temptation that sent a deep chill down into the mans very soul.  It was then that he saw it, a figure wreathed in darkness, eyes that burned an ebony blue power.  Whisps of the this
Greg: (C) darkness seemed to just eminate from the man with every motion he made, as though to suggest that this thing was a creature of pure darkness, itself.  Not a shell, not a wielder, but actual darkness.  The dark creature extended a hand
Greg: (C) and the man was suddenly rendered paralyzed, 'Don't resist me.  I am your true self, I have come back to the world.' "But...you are gone! You left me behind in your place!" The dark creature could've been smiling at this point
Greg: (C) if it was possible to descern such things, 'Oh silly shell. I left you behind to have something to return to.  You don't embrace the darkness fully and completely and expect to return alive.  I needed an anchor in this world and you
Greg: (C) did the job quite nicely.  You were merely a minor character in my play, a side-show, nothing more.  You proved useful yes, but now that I've decided to come back, your usefulness will end.'  The man continued to struggle against
Greg: (C) whatever it was that kept him restrained, but to no avail, "What will happen to me?" To which the shadow responded, 'The same thing that happens to all beings such as yourself, you will simply cease to be.  A part of you will
Greg: (C) exist with me, but for the most part, you will be gone.  Prepare yourself." Xregg screamed out as the shadow lunged at, or should I say, into him and all was lost.  In the real world, only seconds had passed, as the man's eyes opened
Greg: (C) slowly he took a long gaze around.  Finally a large smirking grin tore across his face and he let out a bellowing laughter that echoed against the buildings between him, "AH!" He sighed out loud, "It's damn -good- to be back! Now..."
Greg: looked up into the sky for several awkward minutes and then blinked slightly, "Hrm...well, that's unexpected.  I expected to return with all my powers in full." He shakes his head slightly, chuckling at his own, colossal mistake, "
Greg: (C) "Oh well..." He says sucking on his cigarillo, "I guess I'll just have to start from Act One. C'est la vie."
Oafy: flies through the air at nigh mach speed, his pulsating dark aura intensifying against the high winds, as it blows through his wavy midnight black aura. To the naked eye below, he's but a stream of black against a perfectly blue sky speckled
Oafy: - moderately with soft, fluffy white clouds. Removing a strand of hair from his line of vision, he concentrates to the land far below: New Hope City, mid day, traffic fierce with people rushing home after a long days work. "Perfect weather,
Oafy: - no erratic behavior below.. Generally, a great, boring day," he half sings, rather contently.
Taz: sits in a New Hope City coffee shop. He is done training for the day and needs to get something to keep him awake.
Taz: <c> As he is waiting for his coffee, he walks outside and notices a black aura. Looking at this, he wonders what is abou to take place.
Taz: <c> As he begins to concentrate his energy, a white aura begins to surround his body. He beings to hover above the ground and take flight
Taz: <c> toward where he saw the black aura
Oafy: speeds through a cloud of white, plunging through it like a knife through some hapless joes back. It's morbid, I tell ya. Anyway. Emerging from the vapor of fluffiness, he spots another energy signature. A man in a white aura approaches him, for
Oafy: - what can only be ill intentions. Disturbed by the idea, he raises his guard - coming to a halt in the blue sky, floating upright, Oafy nods off to the stranger. "Can I help you with something.. Guy?" His emphasis on 'guy' implies he's looking fo
Oafy: - for the mans name.
Taz: stops too and answers his question. "Names, Taz." He said. As he wondering who the fellow is he askes, "And you are?" 
Taz: <c> He then wonders why the "guy" has a black aura. "One little ole question, why is your aura black? Any reason?"
Taz: <c> When he asked that question, he presses a button on his scouter and scans the man. He is amazed at the mans powerlevel
Taz: <c> and says to himself *Wow! This guy is strong, wonder what he is up too.*
Noodles: - Grinning ever so mischievously, Noodles pulls down the face mask of his costume. "Dun dun dunnn  I'am The White Ranger!" He yells, jumping up into the air and tapping his heels together. After landing, he smiles, dust settling around him as a gu
Noodles: <C> Noodles then leeps into the air, energy swirling beneath his feet as he begins to rise higher and higher, wind flowing through and around his body, he smiles, floating high into the sky, in his White Ranger Costume. He smirks, looking down to 
Noodles: <C>people walk by and stare at him. If anyone is up to trouble today, Noodles will surely be there to fuck their shit up.
Oafy: raises his left eyebrow to the Taz's question, the item up for mention never really struck him as different. Though, a certain now non-existant little girl had similar questions of him. "Because I summon my power from a region of space-time that
Oafy: - does not see the light of day; it is a realm of pre-existence." The answer probably only gave Taz more thoughts and questions to ask, but Oafy didn't give him the chance to respond. "And my name would be Oafy, doer of good, drunk chicks, and
Oafy: - life at large... And what about you, what do you -do-?"
Taz: stunned by what Oafy just said. He answers, "I protect the city. The city looks to me when there is trouble."
Taz: <c> As he is examines Oafy..He notices something. He begins to wonder what race Oafy is. "What race are you?" he asked
Taz: <c> puzzled by the way Oafy looked. His white aura he had before begins to disappear and his muscles return to normal size. 
Oafy: draws attention to the mans demeanour, how he portrays himself as a hero, yet goes around jumping at people randomly, investigating them without cause. "Uh.. I'm.. an ascendant of a Saiyan," the brown furry tail around his waist swishes from side
Oafy: - to side, to accent this point. "By the look of you, I'd judge you're human. Or a neutered Saiyan." He pauses, folding his arms, suddenly wondering in awe. "Taz. You claim to protect people. Might you be apart of a group that does this together?"
Oafy: suddenly becomes filled with hope, knowing such groups must still exist.
Greg: was walking along one of the streets of New Hope City, the sky was blue with a few puffy clouds gracing it's ever stretching horizon, the sun shone down brightly upon the citizens of this fair human city, it was rush hour.  At least
Greg: (C) that's what Greg thought it was anyway.  Case in point, there were -way- too many people out for it to not be the end of these peoples work days.  Greg wasn't concerned about that though, nor was he concerned about how terrible...
Greg: (C) un-entertaining this day was turning out to be.  The sky was too blue, the sun shone too brightly, there was no rain, no fog, no dark brooding tone to the scene, it was BORING.  But again, that was not Greg's concern at the moment.
Greg: 's face was scrunched up into one of intense thought and concentration, he was obviously having a deep seeded internal monologue.  Could it be he was curious as to why it was when he returned from the endless abyss that he had
Greg: (C) embraced before, the eternal darkness that was a source of his power, he had returned in such a diminished state? The being he had left behind had grown adequately in power to hold Greg's powers, yet when he merged back with the shell of
Greg: (C) his incomplete anchor, his power was destroyed in the process.  He had returned to this world weaker than when he had left and weaker than the anchoring body had been, where did it all go? Greg wasn't sure about that. It was an anomaly
Greg: (C) to be sure of.  Greg, merely looked around and sighed loudly, "I have no idea where the hell I'm going to stay tonight..." He said in a defeated manner.  No...it seemed no weighty issues were upon this mans mind, only trivialities
Greg: (C) as usual.
Taz: "Yes, I am a part of that group." As he looks at Oafy's tail, he begins to wonder why he has the tail. He doesn't bother to ask. He then says "are you apart of this group too? You look like you are someone that would fit in."
Taz: <c> Taz knows something is wrong but he doesn't know what it is. "I feel something wrong, wanna come with me and find out what is going on?" He asked the saiyan warrior. "You look like you need some fighting." 
Usagi: was out and about amongst the streets of New Hope City as well, hands clasped behind her back and idly staring at the sky. Something she tended to to a lot. For her, it was a great day. Sunny skies, the background chatter of everyone on the street
Usagi: -c-streets while she just...meandered around this part of the city. Unfortunately, she missed spotting a person and bumped straight into them. "Oh, sorry about...Greg?" She stared at him long and hard for a few moments. She definitely remembered h
Usagi: -c- him. "It is you" She smiles and puts her hands on her hips, tilting slightly to the side. "What have you been up to?"
Oafy: tilts his head awkwardly, trying to figure out this man named Taz, who did apparently belong to a group of warriors. "No, I'm a lone warrior," he stated obviously, only being affiliated with a loose group of friends. "I am however interested in
Oafy: - partaking in a pack of allies." These words come out sounding very business-like, suggesting he is indeed serious about his situation. He adds on rather hesitantly: "What name does your group go by? E.S.F., by any chance? Z Fighters? Uh.. some
Oafy: - re-structured formation of the Knights?" He spews out names at seemingly random, completely unsure what had happened since the cataclysm. Everything up till then he was still struggling to remember, piecing together by bits and pieces.
Taz: wonders where Oafy got all the names, he answers "I'm part of the group called The Syndicate. We are a relief group. We only help when called upon." He pulls out a card and hands it to the man. "We help after a big storm 
Taz: <c> or something passes by." As he looks at the man he then says, "Are you apart of any clan? Clans for A Saiyan Warrior like yourself?"
Greg: lurched forward slightly, it seemed someone had the audacity to bump into him while he was struggling with his many thoughts that occupied his mind.  A slight vein pulsed close to his temple at this sudden intrusion.  Greg turned around
Greg: (C) quickly, his black long-coat mysteriously absent...it was the day time, c'mon.  His black glad shirt and red vest glistened against the sun light as he prepared to grab the person who had done such a terrible thing to him and launch there
Greg: (C) skull into the nearest building.  He reached back and then saw who it was that had in fact bumped into him so, suddenly.  This person knew his name, they had just called him by it in fact, and they seemed rather glad to see him at
Greg: (C) that.  Greg's expression was one of mixed emotions, was this a girl he had slept with? A business associate? A former secretary? Gina? Grace? Juli? Nancy? A whole slew of names ran threw his head as he stood there looking at the girl
Greg: (C) in a bewildered manner, "Uuuuh...Mera-no, Je-No. Um...Usagi?" The name sounded as much of a question as a statement.  Greg's throught process, 'Man...I've gotta start writing names down.  There's just too fucking many!'
Usagi: blinked several times as Greg seemed to be...very mad there for a second. As he reached back, she almost...ALMOST took a step back, but nonetheless he seemed to get ahold of himself. She saw the confusion, the curiosity, and the other gamut of emo
Usagi: -c- emotions run across his face and laughed softly to herself. "Usagi it is, Greg. Usagi Tsukino if you remember completely. It's been ages" She beams him a smile and pats him on the shoulder softly. "Didn't think I'd run into you for a while" 
Oafy: accepts the card graciously, tucking it into the pocket of his dark blue jeans. "Ah, yes. The Syndicate," he whispers audibly, eyes passing once over the landscape below; skyscrappers, apartments, and the desert not far to the north. 'Perfect',
Oafy: thinks, smiling at Taz. "No.. If you recall, I am by myself. I act alone, so I have no constraints forced upon me.. I work best with direction, but winging it is much more fun!" He laughs, punching Taz lightly in the arm, faking a tear that he wip
Oafy: - wipes away quickly. "Aaah, but seriously -" The laughter stops; his emotions seem to die all at once. "The Syndicate is not the Red Cross." No longer wasting time with idle conversation, he goes for the throat (metaphorically): 
Oafy: - "Who leads the Syndicate now?" He knew Xerokine left. Kalen was rumoured to be off in paradise in a field of llamas, or something. Greg was gone completely, replaced by some shadowed remains. Hell, even Essex was too busy with talk of
Oafy: - church catacombs!
Greg: blinks at the girl.  So, it was in fact Usagi.  A visible sigh of relief escaped from his lips at this, "So...uh...sorry.  Manners and what-not.  It's terribly hard to remember names, especially considering when you have to
Greg: (C) go through the masquarade of learning a womans name before you can sleep with her.  It's an all night process usually, and then you're expected to remember them after you kick them out of bed and..." Greg had gone off on another
Greg: (C) one of his random rants and at some point in the blurb of words he had looked off into the sky at an angle.  His eyes trailed slowly down to look at Usagi again and he coughed loudly, "Anyway, it has been a long time.  I have been...
Greg: (C) pre-disposed until just recently.  Extended vacation you might call it.  And you...you don't work for Syndicate Enterprises anymore, do you?"
Usagi: tilted her head slightly. "Uhh...Greg...we never slept together" She blushed slightly at the thought and chuckled nervously. After he switched subjects she relaxed visibly, taking a deep breath. "Yea...too long, I think. I never did work for the S
Usagi: -c- Syndicate, Greg. Though I thought about it more than a few times" She looks at some random point off to her side. Someone she respected quite a bit used to run it. "I run my own little computer shop down the ways a bit. It's not too much, but 
Usagi: -c- it's a living" She shrugs and looks at him. "So...an extended vacation, huh? Mind telling me about it?"
Taz: Remembering that he did say he acted alone, he feels stupid. *I guess we all have one of those days* he thinks. "I lead The Syndicate. We are somewhat a Red Cross, we just help protect." He said. Before he could say something else, he feels anothe
Taz: <c> another pulse for help.
Taz: <c> Feeling this, he asks "Oafy, you wanna help me out for a bit? I'm picking up wierd vives from the city. Something just doesn't seem right." He begins scanning the city, tring to figure out where the problem is. But there is a  problem, he can'
Taz: <c> can't find where its comming from
Taz: <c> "HELP!" he hears someone yell. "Shit!, I'm sorry to cut this short, but I got to see whats going on, want to help me?" he said. He closes his eyes and his muscles begins to grow as a white aura covers his body. "Whatever is down there, its not
Taz: <c> gonna see tomorrow."
Oafy: 's every instinct tells him what to do, but his mind is giving him a mixed signal. Torn between opposing forces, he reconciles with a promise to his brain. 'It can wait,' he thinks, and nods in agreement. "Go!" Grabbing at Taz's back, he attempts
Oafy: - to whip him downward, while he himself blazes down to the city, his black aura burning brightly as he prepares to follow Taz's lead. Where ever the disturbance was, he just couldn't find it... Not yet, at least. He couldn't concentrate fully.
Oafy: eyes Taz, feverishly. He knew the task at hand required attention, but Taz and he still had a discussion to finish regarding the Syndicate...
Greg: quirks an eyebrow at her, a sinister grin gracing his face for a moment as he supported his chin with his forefinger and thumb.  Rubbing his chin between the two fingers in a contemplative manner as he gazed at her, "I suppose it wouldn't
Greg: (C) hurt to give you the short version of it.  I'm afraid the other version is quite long winded and as much as I enjoy hearing my own voice, there are certain things that must be kept secret."  Greg pulled out his signature silver
Greg: (C) container a draconic emblem with the initials T.I. embossed behind the emblem visible.  He pulled a cigarillo out of the case and put the cancer stick to his lips.  Placing the silver container back in a pocket he pulls out a zippo
Greg: (C) lighter with his other hand and lights the cigarillo before sucking in gently and exhaling a cloud of greyish-blue smoke into the air, "You see..." He says as he removes the cigarillo from his lip, "I went to embrace the
Greg: (C) very darkness that I had used to gain power.  The experience was an interesting one.  I had to give up certain things to do so, namely my body.  So, for a while I traversed on a different existence as a being of complete darkness.
Greg: (C) All the while, my body had ironically retained sentience along with a will of it's own.  However...in the end, he had to give it back to me.  It was only natural." He sucks on the cigarillo blissfully for a short moment, to let his words
Greg: (C) hang in the air for a suspenseful moment, "I must say, the whole thing was rather unique."
Usagi: blinked. Several times in fact. She stood there for several moments after hearing him speak. "So you basically gave yourself to the darkness that you had already used to gain power?" She sighed and shook her head. "Me personally...I'd rather not t
Usagi: -c- touch the stuff...darkness always has a price" She closes her eyes for a moment, remembering back to a time best forgotten for her. "So now you're back in this pitiful mortal shell of a man again, huh? Welcome back to reality" She ALMOST blast
Usagi: -c- blasts the lit cigarette with a very precise beam of energy..but manages to refrain this time. "That thing can kill you now"
Greg: chuckles lightly as much to himself as to the impetuous girl before him, "'Pitiful mortal shell'? No, I'd hardly use that term.  There a few snags when it came to retaking my body I must admit.  He was most adamant about not being taken over
Greg: (C) by me, despite his deep desire to become a complete being once more.  He was an exercise in self-conflict.  Searching for his own identity, using the my memories that still resided within him, yet deeply seeking to re-join with me."
Greg: takes the cigarillo out of his mouth and looks at it analytically before peered at Usagi in an 'as-if' manner and just sticks it back in his mouth, "What these things can do to me...I've endured much worse.  If smoking and drinking are
Greg: (C) what do me in at the end, I would consider that a blessing."
Usagi: smiles. "Yea well..." She shrugs halfheartedly and sighs. "Must be fun...I'm considerably out of practice nowadays..." She sighs more with a sadder note this time as her gaze once more wanders to random objects. "Maybe if he finds someone weak wil
Usagi: -c- willed enough, he would be, but that's just my take" As he speaks of what's occurred, she nods softly. "After everything I've witnessed...I couldn't blame you if you did..." That faraway look seems to be popular with her today, for it once mor
Usagi: -c- more adorns her face, though with a less than cheerful expression.
Greg: laughs loudly at this, "Weak willed!?" He continues to laugh for a while, seeming to take great joy in this statement, "Oh no, no, no my dear...heardly weak willed.  Xregg lacked any true will at all, I was his real will, what he
Greg: (C) had were imitations of things like will. He was an interesting creature in any case..." He calms down slightly from this huge bout of laughter and tips his head to the side slightly, looking off in another direction for a moment as
Greg: (C) he seemed to listen to what she said, "Xregg was simply something I reclaimed as my own, he is me, and I am him now.  He's complete, his wish was fullfilled. As for this..." Greg looks at the cigarillo once again and shrugs lightly and
Greg: (C) comes out with one of his favorite lines, "Death is more universal than life.  Everyone dies but not everyone lives." He sucks on the cigarillo slightly and blows out a cloud of smoke, "I am simply living."
Usagi: nods and looks back at him. "Well...I can't say I know much about it...though I'm missing a few people I knew. Want to go out and do something sometime?" Her tone indicates a friendly matter about the subject, looking to lock gazes with him for a 
Usagi: -c- moment. "It's been a while since I've gone out and done anything with many of my friends" Her hands meander back behind her back and clasp once more there as she leans to one side, head tilted likewise.
Xerokine: -*- Humming a tune to himself, a man in a silken black cloak walked out of the office building holding a folder thick with important looking papers. He glanced upward at the pleasantly sunny sky, brushing back his ebony hair with a 
Xerokine: -*- practiced flick of his hand and smiled to let the sunlight glint off his disturbingly sharp teeth. Shifting his stance to let the cool breeze ruffle his hair and billow out his cloak in just the right fashion, the man waved his empty hand to t
Xerokine: -*- the familiar looking man and woman standing on the sidewalk. "On a date?" Xerokine asked casually as he walked up, glancing at Usagi's suggestive pose. "I didn't know you went for older women, Techagi. Congratulations on getting 
Xerokine: -*- back your consciousness, by the way."
Greg: raises an eyebrow at the girls, indeed, suggestive pose and smirks lightly at the prospects, he had not gotten laid in...well, it had been a long time since he even had a body to get laid with, so that's something to consider.  And then,
Greg: (C) in a manner ALL too familiar to Greg, one of the few people the halfbreed would dare call a 'friend' decided to grace the pair with his presence, "A date?" Greg shot back at his sarcastic companion, "No, merely...catching up with old
Greg: (C) aquaintences, as I imagine we should be doing here shortly, Caeruleus." Greg shot the man a knowing grin, his cigarillo pursed between those expanded lips, "You know...I'm sure whatever my left behind body did in my absence must be
Greg: (C) recitified, post haste.  I just can't bare to imagine all the humiliating things he did while I was gone, most undesirable."
Xerokine: -*- "Well," Xerokine drawled, tapping his chin thoughtfully as he considered Techagi's words. "I don't think your doppelganger did too much damage. Except when he molested that pink-haired girl, roasted her still-living body, and 
Xerokine: -*- ate it. Incidentally, Usagi," the man added suddenly, changing the subject. "Rini may or may not be coming home for a few, uh. Years. Nothing to worry about, perfectly normal," he assured her, nodding sagely.
Usagi: blinks as the man that she thought of earlier decided to make his appearance. "Xerokine. Damn, it's been ages" Then she tries to do something she does to few people nowadays. She reached up a bit and tried to hug him. After that, his words caught 
Usagi: -c- on. "A....date?" Lord knows how long she's had one of those. "Not...to my knowledge..." She tosses a glance at Greg, shrugging helplessly. Her stance had fallen back into standing up straight with a very confused look on her face.
Greg: 's eyebrow arched rather viciously at Xerokine, "He -what-!? Oh...by all that is unholy in this universe..." Greg pinches his nose and closes his eyes, shaking his head back and forth slowly, "I suddenly feel nauseous.  Even I have an
Greg: (C) age barrier that I don't cross...Unlike some bobble headed halfbreeds we know of."  He takes in a few deep breathes, exhaling a steady stream of noxious smoke from his cigarillo in the process.  He slowly removes his hand from
Greg: (C) his face and opens his eyes, taking one final deep breath and holding it for several moments before letting it escape, "Okay..." He says with a new conviction, "Yes...that will need to be taken care of in a most diligent manner, I
Greg: (C) must say." Greg takes the almost now completely spent cigarillo and tosses it to the side in a non-chalant manner, before returning his attention to the two people before, "Mr. Caeruleus, we have business to discuss do we not?"
Greg: then looks at Usagi and flashes her one of his winning grins and says in a more casual tone, "We'll be in touch.  We'll have lunch, catch up, have a few drinks.  But for now..." Greg flashes Xerokine a dark look, "I have matters that
Greg: (C) need my attention."
Usagi: suddenly went slack jawed. "He...did...wha..." She looks very VERY shocked for the moment as her eyes get that distant look to them. Tears are already starting to brim at her eyes. She had only had her daughter back for a few days and now she was 
Usagi: -c- dead already. Her fists clench at her sides for a moment before they relax. "Who...did this..."
Xerokine: grinned, a reflection of Techagi's expression. "Yes," he replied darkly. "You do indeed." Carelessly tossing the folder to one side, the cloaked warrior spun on his heel and drew his sword in a single stroke, sending the 
Xerokine: -*- deadly blade whipping at the halfbreed's neck. Techagi jumped back at the last moment, letting the edge of the weapon sever a single strand of hair as he turned. "Oh, calm down, Usagi," Xerokine said, dancing a step back and 
Xerokine: -*- spinning the Silver Dragon between his fingers in wide, shining arcs. "I was kidding." In a series of bright flashes, the swordsman attacked, the two fighters darting around Usagi like two kids running around a pole. "He didn't eat her." 
Xerokine: -*- An errant stroke cut through a nearby telephone pole, sending it crashing down into the center of the road. Wires snapped, sparking violently as they lashed from the sudden release of tension. 
Greg: shifted his weight from one side to the other, his power and speed were unbelievably low for this kind of fun.  Of course, Greg idly thought between actions of dodging, if Xerokine had really wanted him to be sliced into the ribbons, the
Greg: (C) act would be all too easy for the saiyan to accomplish.  Greg had not recovered nearly the necessary amount of power or speed to play with Xerokine like this for an sort of extended period of time, in fact, every dodging maneuver he
Greg: (C) made took every once his body could must -just- to get away.  Greg took one final leap back and extended a palm to Xerokine to tell him to stop, "Okay, okay.  I get the idea, I'm glad to see you too. Now, please, there are manners that
Greg: (C) must be observed." Xerokine grimaced at this, his sword merely millimeters away from taking Greg's arm clean off, "You're no fun, Techagi." He mutters loudly to the halfbreed, only to have Greg grin and shake his head, "I've had some
Greg: (C) complications, it will take some time before we can engage in this kind of activity for any real sort of enjoyment." He then tilted his body to the side, glancing at Usagi and shrugged lightly, "My body had a mind all it's own,
Greg: (C) Usagi.  You can hardly blame me for that now, can you?"
Xerokine: rolled his eyes as he artistically spun the sword back into its sheath. "Yeah, yeah," he replied, waving dismissively over his shoulder as he stepped away to recover the discarded folder. "Worn out from regaining my 
Xerokine: -*- body, need time to recover, blah blah blah." His golden-brown eyed glinted as he suddenly leaned in close. "Don't tell, but actually, I got the brat." Xerokine grinned wickedly. "I have her arm mounted on my wall. I got the bones 
Xerokine: -*- bronzed." Disguising his grin with a cough, the man leaned back and tossed the file to Techagi. "Anyway, check it out. Turns out the majority stockholders for Yo'ha Electronics and Spich Pharmaceuticals have suddenly decided to 
Xerokine: -*- liquidate their holdings for less then a tenth of the market price. I just happened to be here when they did. Lucky for me," he said vaguely.
Greg: glances idly through the folder of materials noting a few points for his own personal benefit, namely a few small spotches of blood that seem a little too recent to be coincidence, "You used the old 'Sell me your company or I gut you
Greg: (C) with this sword' tactic again, didn't you?" He shifted through some more of the papers chuckling lightly to himself, nothing that prior to this sudden decrease in holdings, these two companies were quite prosperous right up
Greg: (C) until the very end.  Either the shareholders were dead or too afraid of dying to have objected to whatever demands Xerokine gave, "I'm suprised you actually -bought- them this time.  Usually you just get them to sign it over to
Greg: (C) you for nothing.  You're slacking."
Xerokine: coughed into his hand. "Yes, well, it seems that certain authorities are less likely to take an interest if there's some exchange of money instead of it just being a gift," he explained. "It's odd, but there you have it." The 
Xerokine: -*- bright day began to darkened slightly as the clouds multiplied, a grey overcast crawling in from the south. A chill breeze stirred the edge of Xerokine's cloak as he glanced up at it. "Nice weather we're having," he remarked dryly. 
Xerokine: -*- "By the way, have you visited Bejiitasei lately? It seemed the ruling class in still in power, what with the lack of a planet-destroying Cataclysm and all." The man turned, walking slowly down the sidewalk as he talked. "I looked into 
Xerokine: -*- it. No 'Caeruleus' family was listed. It seems my family never existed in this dimension."
Oafy: * The air around a mailbox some distance behind the reunion of old partners in crime becomes distorted, shifting. Light bends and churns, before darkness over comes the spot, filling out into the form of Oaftres, all the span of mere seconds.
Oafy: approaches the two old 'friends', as it were, looking roughed up something nasty; dirt has been smeared across Oafy's face; the shins of his jeans are torn; his black shirt is missing a few patches; and his shoulder bleeds from an unseen wound.
Oafy: smiles at the gathering, patting Xerokine on the back a little too roughly. "Greg! Great to see you. It's been - what? Years? Days?" Though he lets his question fire off to Greg without explanation, he figures whatever answer he gets sooner
Oafy: - or later, would fill in the blanks. "Meet any single secretaries lately?" The faintest of winks finds itself targeting Greg, barely masking his mysterious green eyes. OooOOoooo.. Mysterious Green.
Usagi: finally managed to snap out of it. She wasn't too far from the first two, and now another...one she recognized, but didn't know as well as the two before her. "So my daughter's still dead, Xerokine" She closes her eyes for a moment before looking 
Usagi: -c-looking back up at them. "And from what I hear, there's nothing I can do about it" She looks over at Oaftres and gives him a small nod in greeting. Her mind is obviously far far away from the current events.
Greg: closes the folder and idly returns it to Xerokine as they walk down the sidewalk, nodding slight to the weather comment.  Truth, Greg hated the sun, hated clear sky and utter despised warm weather, "Can't say I have been to that planet
Greg: (C) recently.  Frankly, I haven't even had the chance to leave New Earth yet." He nods slightly to Xerokine again when he makes reference to his families non-existence within this dimension, "Should that suprise you at all, really?  I
Greg: (C) mean your family has been dead for what? 500-600 years now? More? Come now, Mr. Caeruleus, you being the last of that blood line, I would think you would've given up by now.  No heirs, no offspring of any kind, and your relatives have
Greg: (C) been dead for centuries, according to us.  Can you truly be that suprised that they didn't exist here at-er..." Greg's response is cut short By the arrival of a familiar pedophile face and the return of the woman they had been speaking
Greg: (C) to already.  Greg rolls his eyes slightly, "Oaftres, you're as juvenile as ever, I see." He says with a shake of his head and a sigh.  He then looks to Usagi and shakes his head, "Usagi, do try to realize, your daughter has been killed
Greg: (C) now so many times, it's not even a laughing matter anymore.  Sure, death can be funny, but you know...as well as the rest of us..." Greg gives a motion to Xerokine as well as Oaftres, "That she's gonna come back eventually.  She always
Greg: (C) comes back one way or another." Greg said this statement in a rather dry tone, as though it was not really meant as encouragement but more a statement of simple fact.
Xerokine: muttered something undoubtedly insulting under his breath. "It would be nice to have some confirmation on what this is, you know," he reminded Greg. "An alternate, obviously. But will it follow the same path? Should we be 
Xerokine: -*- on the lookout for an android and two Saiyans who are about to fight? Maybe stock up on canned goods and a nice spaceship?" The man sighed, flicking his cloak back with a vaguely annoyed air. "At least Draconian Enterprises is 
Xerokine: -*- getting back on it's feet. I've been lazy. And where have you been, anyway?" he asked Oaftres finally, changing the subject. "You look like you crawled through the sewer. And not the nice section, the dirty section. With rats and kobolds." 
Oafy: brushes off dirt from his non-bleeding shoulder, and gives Xerokine a trivial reply. "I met the Syndicates leader." Letting the topic roll off into the gutter, he jumps onto the chance to discussion dimensional happenings; makes it his bitch.
Oafy: - "There are differences big enough that I'm sure most things from the past wont come back to haunt us. But just in case, we should definitely take precautions," he says in agreement to Xerokine, the humour of the jokes ignored, for sake of seriou
Oafy: folds his arms, leaping out in front of the group swiftly. "Here's the plan: Greg, you go around the universe looking for temples that store keys that will unlock a beast that will bring about the apocalypse. Xerokine and I will reconvene at that-
Oafy: points to a seedy looking club, with a pair of neon, flashing circles within circles. "-gentlemens establishment, and discuss where we proceed from there, over drinks and entertainment. Good?" His attention waivers, noting the woman. She wasnt
Oafy: - someone he recalled knowing, but hey.. women. "Hello dear, my names Oaftres," he bows, gently taking her hand and kissing it softly. "Might I inquire as to why an angel roams the earth?"
Usagi: smiles softly. It seemed everyone was a womanizer these days. "I'm...living a life, I guess. It's a pleasure to see you again...Oaftres, if I'm not mistaken" She at least remembered his face and name, but not much else. She didn't have many dealin
Usagi: -c- dealings with him before. She looked at the other two and sighed softly. "Actually Xerokine...if you don't mind having me, I'd like to work for Drac Enterprises"
Greg: quirks an eyebrow at Oaftres, yes...he was indeed still quite the juvenile individual.  He sighs lowly and shakes his head, looking up at the now cloudy and ominous sky above him, "No, Oaftres.  I'm not going to search for some god-forsaken
Greg: (C) end of existence as we know it.  Existence is chaos, and without chaos there can be no change, without change there can be no entertainment." Greg raises a single finger as though to accent the point he was about to make, "And without
Greg: (C) entertainment, Greg becomes a very dull boy." He nods to...well, himself mostly, before continuing, "So you see, for me to search for some eternal entity that would seek the destruction of all of this would be very anti-errrr..." Greg's
Greg: (C) next statement is haulted by what Usagi had just said.  Her...work for Xerokine...? Greg wasn't sure if he should laugh, question her sanity or just assume she was trying to play them all for fools.  So...the dumbfounded look upon his
Greg: (C) face was all he could muster for a few moments, "Uuuuh...Caeruleus, I'll let you take that one."
Xerokine: -*- "Well," Xerokine drawled thoughtfully. "Odds are, she's lying. Likely to try and undercut my 'evil organization' from the inside later, or threaten me with exposure because she gets secret files, or something of that matter," he 
Xerokine: -*- explained to Techagi and Oaftres. "Of course, she could also be hitting on me, which won't work very well because she's not even my species. Or, the..." Xerokine paused to count on his fingers. "Thirteenth death of her perpetually 
Xerokine: -*- prepubescent daughter has finally unhinged her and she's decided to settle with a desk job until retirement and an ultimately unfulfilling and unvisited grave." Nodding sagely to himself, he turned back to Usagi. "Sure. We're 
Xerokine: -*- renovating an old office building at the moment, but it should be ready Friday. Here's the address-" He tossed her a business card. "-and hopefully you have some sort of typing skill. Cheers. Now, about this whole 'end of the 
Xerokine: -*- universe' thing..."
Oafy: effortlessly accepts complete rejection from Usagi, even as she quite obviously flirts with Xerokine. "Secretarial work, eh?" His eyes glimmer with hope for Xerokine, as he shoots out his elbow to nudge Greg ever so lightly. Being infamous for
Oafy: - getting it on with secretaries, Greg would get it. Deciding it time to crack down to business again, he rips off his shirt, revealing his semi-athletic chest fully. Dramatically, he tosses it into the streets, before flexing a bit to losen
Oafy: - up. 'Wonder if the skin show will get her off Xerokine..' The thought comes up a moment. He sniffs himself a bit, then nods. "Yeah, the smell was definitely on the shirt only." Coughing a bit, he gets back on track. "I've done minor research
Oafy: - into this dimension, and can safely say it's messed up. You mentioned a lack of family?" The dark red mass of hair on his head bobs, as he gestures to the fullbreed with intrigue. "Obviously you weren't suppose to exist. My saiyan lineage,
Oafy: - on the other hand, does exist. There's differences, like a lack of cross breeding across species-" He points a single finger to himself in explanation. "-But it could be that they are 'behind' our dimensions.. uh.. my family. So in all
Oafy: - likeliness, a lot of what has happened, can happen again.. just in a different time frame. Has happened, or has yet to." Suddenly, he begins to frown, confusion obviously built up over the last few statements. "Can a dimension hold TWO Oaftres?"
Usagi: watches as Oaftres tears his shirt off. Her look turns from a smile to flabbergasted in short order, and she stares at the other two. "Please don't tell me you both are going to rip off your shirts now too" She shakes her head and takes the card. 
Usagi: -c- "Thanks Xerokine. I'll keep this handy" Her computer shop was doing well enough for now...but at least she likely had a back up in case something went south. "I'll see you guys all around, alright?" She waves to all three, chuckling at Oaftres
Usagi: -c- Oaftres' bare chest before heading back to her shop for the moment.
Greg: groans and shakes his head again, he seemed to do this action a lot when Oaftres was around, "Oaftres, I swear...you lack any sort of grace when it comes to women." Greg then merely watches as Usagi left the three almost immediately after
Greg: (C) taking the business card from Xerokine.  His gaze is an inquiring one, "So..." He turns his attention back to Xerokine and says but one simple word, "Trap?" Xerokine nods slightly in response to the word and repeats in his own style
Greg: (C) ,"Trap." The two of them nod at the same time and both speak another, single word, "Right." His attention then turns back to Oaftres and he just shakes his head, again, "You're utterly hopeless, I swear..."
Xerokine: rolled his eyes. "Humans," he muttered in disgust, turning to Oaftres. "Let me explain. The last time Usagi took an interest in my company, it was because she was trying to hack into private files from a laptop. I say 'hack', 
Xerokine: -*- because it adequately describes her computer skills." The man shook his head. "Some people never learn. So, out of curiousity," Xerokine wondered casually. "Was anyone else confused by a 'New Hope City' on Old Earth? I 
Xerokine: -*- thought this place didn't exist until New Earth. Or is this another dimensional quirk, like how the Syndicate is run by inbred nightcrawlers and Spade thankfully doesn't seem to exist?"
Oafy: 's mind wanders for a moment as Usagi leaves the scene, but focuses sharply as this mentioning of a 'trap' is brought up. The explanation dawns on Oaftres as something he had infact heard about, at some point in the last universe. It was fuzzy,
Oafy: assumed because transfering consciousness is tricky business. "Or all that beer did some long-term damage," he whispers to himself, eyes diverted to the ground momentarily. Snapping back into a point he made earlier, he speaks with gusto.
Oafy: - "The Syndicate.. Taz. Another point to note in this universe. Either the Syndicate is as full of lies as back in the day," his eyes flare with a passionate hate at Xerokine, that passes all too soon. "Or they're a helpful bunch. Epidemic
Oafy: - relief, supposedly. I myself think it's worth looking into.." On the cement sidewalk, a tiny black ant creeps by Oafy's foot, drawing him in for some strange reason. "Even if they aren't at all like the former organization, I would prefer to.."
Oafy: steps hard on the ant, a resounding *SQUASH* signaling it's complete, and utter demise. With a smile, he adds. "but what requires immediate care?"
Greg: raises an eyebrow at Oaftres, "'Epidemic relief', huh?" His gaze shifts over to Xerokine and they share the same, knowing look, masked as something else.  Greg shakes his head and begins to cut through Oaftres' stupid remark, "Sounds
Greg: (C) awfully familiar if you ask me." Greg ponders the obviously sarcastic comment for a few suspenseful moments before he continues, in all obviously more sarcastic tone, "OH YEAH! I know why, because...lemme think...The Syndicate
Greg: (C) already pulled that crap when -we- controlled it!" He assumes his serious demeanor and looks Oaftres dead in the eye, "Seriously Oaftres, you've always been a little dense but now you're just being ridiculous.  It's a public relations
Greg: (C) move to cover up whatever disaster they caused in the first place.  Most likely whatever 'epidemic' they are 'relieving' is something they caused in the first place.  Scientific study maybe, good publicity, that kinda shit."
Xerokine: waved a hand dismissively. "Who cares?" he scoffed. "We can kill them later. What pathetic and meaningless plots they use to confuse the humans is none of our real concern. More importantly, if this 'Kaz' person 
Xerokine: -*- is in charge of the Syndicate, what of DeArtair?" Xerokine leaned against the brick wall and folded his arms. "I don't think for a moment that he's conveniently vanished, or that Shim has succeeded in seeking his death. What's more, 
Xerokine: -*- we still have people like Essex conspiring behind the scenes, and he seemed to be backed by some self-proclaimed god." He shook his head. "Foolishness, obviously, but still troubling. The boy was strong enough to fight 
Xerokine: -*- Fenin to a standstill before I was forced to intervene. And his looks were reminiscent of the 'kaio'."
Oafy: waves off Greg's sarcasm, expecting such a response. "Yes, yes. I didn't buy it either. It helps to let them believe otherwise." Gathering from Xerokine that they were going to take a moment in this spot, Oafy climbs atop the mailbox from 
Oafy: - earlier, sitting and half floating atop it. "Shim has more than enough reason to hunt Kalen," he says, knowledge of his time as a silent player in the events of his friends stirring in his mind. "But he resolved issues with Essex. He can forgive
Oafy: - Kalen if we.. ahh.. handle things properly. I'd rather everyone we came to rely on in the past still be 'allies'." The floating quotes on 'allies' is heard, and read off Oafy's face as he grimaces. He didn't like that medicine. "And - hey, what
Oafy: - the hell happened to Essex? Are we sure a dragon didn't kill him, and put on his skin?" The humour behind is words is notable, but he maintains a plain demeanour.
Greg: shrugs lightly to the two of them in response to most of their questions.  Truth be told, anything was possible at this point, "Dimension mechanics 101, an alternative reality can have any amount of differences between what it is what the
Greg: (C) traveler is accustomed to.  There is the possibility that there is a second Oaftres, all that is unholy forbid such a thing, but there is just as much reason to believe that there isn't.  Oaftres, your mere existence is an astronomical
Greg: (C) gamble in and of itself.  The odds that your exact parents got together, then liked each other long enough to procreate, and that one such precreation was you, is infinitely high." Greg halts his walked along with the other two and
Greg: (C) out of habit pulls out a cigarillo and lights it with his zippo light before continuing, "The same applies to any other aspect of this reality.  It's apparently possible Xerokine's bloodline never existed, nor mine for that matter.  It
Greg: (C) would be impossible for me to discover the truth behind that possibility, so I wont bother.  As for this Syndicate, DeArtair, and this Taz...Again, it's possible.  DeArtair may no longer exist here, he may never have existed
Greg: (C) in the first place.  It's just as likely a possibility as if he did exist and was either destroyed or has gone underground into hiding.  They are all possible.  The Syndicate obviously exists, but it's founder is obviously not Kalen."
Greg: takes a long drag from his cigarillo and breaths it out slowly, "So, that leaves us doing exactly what we had planned to do from the start.  The only difference is, this Essex and this supposedly divine benefactor are tools we need to take
Greg: (C) advantage of if we want to further our goals."
Xerokine: -*- "He could become a problem," Xerokine argued, shaking his head. The warm day had quickly become a cold evening, the sun vanished behind darkening clouds that threatened rain. "We should eliminate this so-called god as 
Xerokine: -*- soon as possible." His eyes narrowed to yellow slits. "If I recall, the only name he gave was 'Shin'. He spouted some nonsense about being trapped in a sword, but I don't know any of his motives or goals. All he did was fight 
Xerokine: -*- with Fenin and vanish." He said this conversationally, as if self-proclaimed deities regularly emerged from broken swords and teleported away. "But I think it's a given that he won't act in our self interest. It would be best if we could 
Xerokine: -*- get Essex on our side as well. His appearance..." Xerokine trailed off, mulling over his words. He wasn't sure how much of what he had heard concerning the lizard man was correct. "I have heard he's combined his own DNA with 
Xerokine: -*- that of those dragon soldiers Kalen used to take over Last Haven. After the mutant invasion, remember?"
Oafy: nods repeatedly to everything said by both parties, occasionally raising his finger, prepared to interject, but finds himself talked over. Funny how that always happens. Getting his chance to speak up, he takes it carefully. "I agree we don't know
Oafy: - what this 'god' beings goals are, but to that end, what are ours?" Pausing, he decides to continue on regardless of any answer to come. "If he is a 'God', he need a solid plan to take action against him. If my own godhood is-" He stutters, befor
Oafy: - before forcing out of his lips through gritted teeth. "-was any indication, it'll take more than brute force to waste him." Suddenly, Xerokine disappeared. Mentioned something about polishing a dead little girls bones.
Greg: 'hrms?' slightly as Xerokine decided he had better things to do and places to be, namely polishing some bronzed bones in a place that wasn't where Greg and Oaftres were.  So...that left Greg...with Oaftres, right? Great...Greg drooped in
Greg: (C) in self-defeat at this prospect and decided, 'Why the hell not?', "Don't get so riled up about it, you're...well, were and still are, talking to guys who had tasted the sweet ambrosia and wielded power almost as freely as you did.  We
Greg: (C) didn't have a homocidal monkey that carried butcher knives and wore diapers to keep us entertained but still.  I got to play god and make two squirrels have sex once..." Greg blinked at that statement several times and there was a 
Greg: (C) definitely awkward tone to the air as he face contorted into something that looked like morbid disgust, "Gaaah...what the hell was I think!? In either case..." Greg makes a quick attempt to change the subject since he'd rather
Greg: (C) not dwell upon furry rodent sex for very long, "It usually takes a little more umph to kill a supposed "god" but it's been done before, multiple times.  It can always be done again."
Oafy: 's left eye twitches sporadically, though it'd be hard placed to tell what exactly Greg said caused it. Sighing hard, he shakes off the squirrel comment. "Yeah. Well, we've all played god. I wasn't done playing though," his words sound bitter,
Oafy: - obvious contempt growing steadily. "Stolen from me by that asshole Kalmega. And you know, the funny thing, Pat is the only part of me that remains, still possessing that status of Godhood?" Like a smack in the face from a purse carrying
Oafy: - a brick (something that probably has happened to him before), Oafy feels the meaning behind his own words. A startling thought over powers his thoughts. "He's still out there, Greg. He's got everything that makes me, me.. And then some. The
Oafy: - only advantage I have is, well.." He gestures towards himself. "A rockin' body." Amusement spreads over his face, as he grins selfishly at another realization. "Mmm.. Nevermind though. I suppose we could always just toss this Shin in a black
Oafy: - hole, and let gravity take its course. Of course, we'd need you and Xerokine to invent a miracle blackhole generator." The idea of throwing someone into a black hole to their doom seemed like fun to Oaftres. "See you in hell, sucker!"
Greg: 's jaw goes slack slightly, "You mean to tell me...that..." Greg seems to be having some difficulties getting his mind wrapped around this definitive concept: Evil Incarnate, Destroyer of Worlds, Raper of Self-Esteem, Molestor of Pride...
Greg: (C) Pat the Monkey, was still out there somewhere.  Greg felt a chill run through his body that had absolutely nothing to do with the declining weather conditions, "Are you bloody serious!? You didn't get rid of that abomination BEFORE
Greg: (C) somebody did you in like a 2 dollar gutter slut, DPDA style!? OAFTRES! You MORON! That thing was never meant to exist in the first place! It's unholy on a whole level separate from Michael Jackson!"
Oafy: smiles for a minute, before forcing it away to maintain the appearance of sanity. "Pat the Monkey wasn't a threat while I was its superior. I had complete manipulation over him - he was made out of the ether of the void. It was playdough to me.
Oafy: - He was everything in me I despised, twisted some extra. I didn't want to kill him off, while he reminded me what I could never let myself become." He reflects for a minute, now seeing the folly in what he had done. "Kalmega's fault. I was in
Oafy: - the void as a ghost, I suppose, with nothing to do. Watched Pat grow to learn how to manipulate the void.. He left. It's why I'm here... But nevermind that. He's not a threat, so long as..." Shifting his eyes around the area, he nods. "No, yeah.
Oafy: - We are definitely safe."
Greg: pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes, shaking his head, he was suddenly getting a headache, "Who needs to go and -search- for the apocalypse when Pat the Face Raping Monkey, is loose?" Greg opens his eyes slightly and glances
Greg: (C) over at the faultering Oaftres.  He truly was an idiot sometimes, insanely brilliant at others, but this was not one of those insane brilliant times, "Listen, Oaftres..." Greg stands up and looks around slightly, a look of concentration
Greg: (C) on his face, "You can uh...have fun pondering how Pat won't destroy all of existence by flinging his own fecal matter at it.  I've got to find a place for the night that has a 24 hour bar.  So! Just in case PAT-" He says the name in
Greg: (C) the most accusatory manner possible, his face glaring death upon Oaftres, "comes around blows up this planet by creating a planet sized asshole and raping it, I'll be too drunk to give a shit."
Serenity: walks into New Hope City, amazed by the grandness of the architecture as well as the general layout.  Her high
Serenity: walks into New Hope City, amazed by the grandness of the architecture as well as the general layout.  Her high
Serenity: walks into New Hope City, amazed by the grandness of the architecture as well as the general layout.  Her high
Serenity: approaches the downtown district of New Hope City, a city she had not yet been to and was relatively new to the Earth political system.  "Very impressive city, large as well.." she exclaims, momentarily mezmorized by the beauty of it all.  Dressed
Serenity: (c) in a simple matching grey silk suit with white blouse and black high heels she look professional without looking easy or like a harlot.  Despite her casual attire, she still got far too many looks for her liking and quickened her pace a bit, h
Serenity: (c) her heels clicking on the sidewalk, her long silvery hair flowing down her back.  She crosses a street and stops for a moment, taking a sip of some of the piping hot coffee she usually used for little extra energy later in the day.  Looking up
Serenity: (c) at the City Hall building she gasped, 'My, very nice..they spared no expense in building this metropolis, it's an honor to have an assimgnment here, hope the mayor is as intelligent as this city is grand..' she thinks to herself before moving 
Serenity: (c) on, not noticing where she was walking as she turned into and bumped into the back of a man, spilling her piping hot cup of coffee all down his back, "Oh my god!" she says out loud, jumping back "Please excuse me sir!" she says, worried that s
Serenity: (c) she may have burnt the man and quickly digs a tissue out of her purse and dabs it on the mans back.
Oafy: * A blood curling [manly] screams, echoing out throughout the city streets, as a tourist spills steaming hot coffee over his bare back. Spinning on the spot, he begins smacking the soon-to-be burns, hoping to relieve the pain somehow. After a bit
Oafy: - of theatrics, Oafy turns and shoots a hate-filled glare at - "Usagi? Aaaah... couldn't keep away that long, could you. If you wanted to cope a feel, you're more than welcome to." With that, he puffs out his manly, well-defined chest. "Feel
Oafy: - away, ma'am."
Serenity: bows slighty at the man, withdrawing her wet, coffee stained tissue in an apologetic way before standing upright and looking oddly at the man, raising an eyebrow "Usagi?  How do you know my daughter?" she asks curiously at first and then smile "I 
Serenity: (c) smiles "I apologize, we havne't been introduced." she says extending a slender hand "My name is Serenity, I'm the new Deputy Mayor of New Hope, it's a pleasure to meet you." she exclaims professionally. She knew she had hurt the man, but she h
Serenity: (c) hoped after introductions he would let her buy him a new shirt to replace the one she knew she had destroyed with her coffee.  There was little wind, but the smell of rain was in the air and getting stronger all the time and it was obvious tha
Serenity: (c) that it was getting cooler outside, 'I hope this doesn't take me long, I should report in by two at the latest' she thought, glancing down at her watch and noting the time of one thirty three.
Oafy: scratches the back of his head, trying to wrap his noodle around the dilemma. Deciding it best to move the flow, he accepted Usagi's apparent multiple personality disorder. After all, he himself had his own little episode of a similar problem.
Oafy: bows slightly, accepting her hand. Reluctantly, he shakes her hand with a smirk. "Hello... I'm Oafy. And hey, what a coincidence! I'm the Mayors new assistant! I'm beginning tomorrow, actually." His lies, he hopes, aren't as obvious as his intenti
Oafy: - intentions to get her number. "Wow, I heard we were getting a new deputy mayor.. I didn't know it was going to be a such a lovely lady." Winking at her playfully, he begins to close the distance between the two of them. "Don't suppose I could
Oafy: - buy you a replacement coffee for your trouble...?"
Serenity: shakes Oafy's hand and looks at him curiously for a moment, saying nothing 'Interesting indeed..' she thinks, studying the man intently 'We already have an assistant and secretary and unless he grows breasts in the next five seconds, I'd say he's 
Serenity: (c) not it..' she smiles, chuckling to herself 'I'll go along with his lies for now, after all, I do owe him a new shirt.' she regains her composure and nods, "Very well, Mister Oafy, why don't we go get that cup of coffee, I have a few free minut
Serenity: (c) minutes." she says kindly before looking around a bit and looking rather embarassed, "Are you familiar with the city, it is my first day here and I'm not sure where one can get a good cup of coffee." she says, knowing very well she'd have to l
Serenity: (c) learn the city very quickly in her position, city planning and zoning were important.  She places her cell phone in her jacket pocket, smooths out her hair a bit and waits for her 'assistant' to lead on.
Oafy: nods in agreement to Serenity, before considering her question for real. "Coffee shop, let's see.. I know a small place, not far from here. A cafe. The.. buildings around it are undergoing a bit of reconstructions, though." He sheepishly admits
Oafy: - the last half of this comment. Despite knowing there was no way she could know he was in part responsible for those buildings falling, he still was embarassed. "Erhm.. Shall we?" Offering her his arm like a gentlemen, he awaits her response.
Serenity: nods polietly and then looks down at his arm, 'Well, he certainly is quite the gentleman.  However, he mistook me for my daughter, so apprently there may be some romantic interest there.., I don't want to ruin things for her.' she thinks, gently t
Serenity: (c) taking his arm "You are quite the gentlemen, but I'd prefer you to not get the wrong idea.  I do believe it is my daughter you're after.." she says, gently pushing her silver hair behind her as a chilling breeze finally blows over the city.  S
Serenity: (c) She could see the destruction and re-construction even from where they were at, "What happened there? It seemed someone had quite a battle or it was a terrorist attack." she says, carefully looking at the buildings.  The buildings and the way 
Serenity: (c) collapsed meant that the explosions occured from the outside and from both a upward angle from ground level and a downward angle from the air.  She also, even at this distance, noticed numerous blast marks, not marks of an explosion, especiall
Serenity: (c) especially internal "Hmm..seems it was a battle, who was it?" she asks the man escorting her, who was also getting looks of jealousy from other men passing by them "This was no terrorist attack and someone stromg must have been responsible for
Serenity: (c) this.  On top of that.." she says, slightly tugging on his arm "You're an assistant within City Hall, I'm sure you know many details I do not as of yet." she says quietly, wondering if he did know, she didn't keep it secret by any means, that 
Serenity: (c) she was pumping him for information.
Oafy: maintains a steady pace through the reconstruction zone, keeping to the opposite side of the street. Ahead, the cafe comes into view, and every effort is made to keep focus on the sign, rather than stare Serenity face to face. "I'm sorry, ma'am,
Oafy: - but I have no intention of going after you or your daughter." He says this very bluntly, deviating from his gentlemenly personality. "I'm a lover, not a fighter; and I prefer to love many," he cheerfully smiles off to the distance, not
Oafy: - quite defining what he calls 'love'. "I believe the ones responsible, however, were associates of this terrorist cell.. hmm.. you might've heard of them before." He stops, having arrived at the cafe entrance, still shirtless. "They
Oafy: - go by the name 'the Syndicate'. Their leader, Taz, was playing golf with a lamp post..." Red consumes his face, flushing in an imitation of anger. Not entirely an act, however.. He was, in fact, angry about what happened that night. Opening
Oafy: - the door to the cafe, he holds it, awaiting her lead.
Serenity: lets go of Oafy's arm after his love comment, 'What does take me for, easy?!' she thinks with a frown before letting a more calm expression cover her face.  She nods at Oafy for him opening the door for her and walks into the cool atmosphere of th
Serenity: (c) the small cafe, her heels clicking gently on the tiled floor "Take a seat anywhere, I'll be with you shortly" comes from one of two waitresses on duty.  Simply nodding, she takes a seat in a booth next to a window where she can observe the rec
Serenity: (c) reconstruction efforts, waiting for Oafy to sit down across from her. 'The Syndicate?  I've heard of them before, corrupt yes, but terrorists who attack civillians?' she thinks, shaking her head slight 'I know some people have a disregard for 
Serenity: (c) public saftey, but an organization like the Syndicate requires the civilian populace to produce income, either legally or illegally so it's doubtful they're really behind this since they're probably funding some of the construction effort..' s
Serenity: (c) she thinks, carefully analzying the situation as she watches Oafy approach the both.
Oafy: slides into the booth across from Serenity, his smile faded at this point. 'She doesnt seem.. as attentive as before. Do I have to take off more clothing?' Even his inner monolouge felt he needed to crack jokes. 'Is she not buying the syndicate
Oafy: - cover story, or did I just say something wrong...?' After a bit of internal debate, and awkward silence, he perks up. "I.. maybe didn't get my point across right." Aheming, he leans in closer to her to whisper. "I'm a flirt. By no means do
Oafy: - I desire to contract STDs.. I simply enjoy meeting new girls, flirting with them, and..." He makes a meaingless gesture, and nods a bit. "I'm not a pimp. That would be Greg..." The waitress comes to take the order; Oafy quickly speaks: "Coffee.
Oafy: - How do you take it, miss?"
Serenity: seems taken aback by Oafy's mentioning of dieases, 'Rude...' she thinks before calm collection herself and managing a smile "Well, I appreciate your flirtations Mister Oafy.." she says, her voice trailing off "I think.." she says, more to herself 
Serenity: (c) than anything.  She looks up at the waitress "I'll take a decaf, just a touch of lemon, a teaspoon of honey and just a tad bit of creamer." she says as the waitress takes her order and then Oafy's order before departing, "So tell, Mister Oafy,
Serenity: (c) "So tell me, Mister Oafy, what would the Syndicate have to gain by destroying a few buildings in a busy metropolitan area?" she asks, gazing at Oafy with her beautiful, bright blue eyes, which now seem most penetrating "They have nothing to ga
Serenity: (c) gain by the venture and the construction costs would surely hamper thier operations slightly.." she says, almost sounding as if she were trying to interrogate him 'I know he's lying, but there may be some truth in there somewhere, I just need 
Serenity: (c) to know how much.' she thinks to herself calmly pondering just how intelligent his man may be.
Oafy: waves off the waitress, not asking for anything at all. The sudden awareness he has no money to speak of becomes an issue in the back of his mind. 'Hmm. They owe Quinton here.. Maybe I can get off saying I know him.' Smirking at the thought,
Oafy: addresses Serenity's inquiries. "The Syndicate is traditionally organized, takes well-thought out actions, and makes it a point that everything it does serves its purpose to spread and grow... gaining money and power." Taking a soft sigh, he shrug
Oafy: - "I have reason to believe their administration is... less than adequate, as of late. Stupid people in numbers are force to be reckoned." Folding his arms, he leans back in the chair, looking quite relaxed and calm. It's as if he were saying,
Oafy: - 'the balls in your court'.
Serenity: raises an eyebrow, a look of curiosity and then calmness appear on her face as she smiles lightly 'Impressive, there's more to this man than I first thought.' as she carefully chooses her words "I can see where that would be a problem, although I 
Serenity: (c) was already well aware of their corrupt nature quite some time ago." she says, thanking the waitress for her coffee and putting the cup to her rose colored lips and taking a drink, setting it down again before continuing "However, even an imbe
Serenity: (c) imbecile realizes the danger of harming an innocent bystander and destroying public buildings Mister Oafy." she beings, motioning out the window at the construction crews, the rumbling of their machinery heard, even inside the busy cafe "They 
Serenity: (c) at least understand the concept of currancy and how it will be depleated if they must spend it on rebuilding everything they destroy.  On top of that, the blast marks indicate that this was no random act of violence by super-powered perons, th
Serenity: (c) they were aiming at something..." she says, taking another sip of coffee "..or someone.." she finishes, looking at the man sitting across from her, "I'll be blunt with you, Mister Oafy, there is more to this than you're telling me.  You're int
Serenity: (c) intentionally leaving something out and you may never tell me outright, but I will find out." she says sternly.  The time for games was over and she wanted answers, now.
Oafy: unfolds his arms, one reaching to the far end of the booth, hanging at the top lazily, while the other props his head up against the table. Playing with his bangs a little, he smiles to the beautiful woman. "You're far too pretty when you're
Oafy: - serious, to be taken that way." It's as much a taunt, as it is a flirtation remark. "How is your coffee?" His interest seems to peak at this point, as he continues to smile.
Serenity: sits up and backs away from Oafy, holding her cup off coffee cupped between her hands "Your clever attempts at avoiding my line of questions with your flirtations nearly threw me off guard.." she says, regaining a calm, collective look and then dr
Serenity: (c) then drinking again from her cup of coffee as the waitress returns with the check and goes back to her work "You're hiding something, and I'd like to know what it is Mister Oafy." she says polietly, but obviously getting irritated 'What does m
Serenity: (c) my daughter see in this man?  He's not a bad looker, but he's very forward..' she thinks, waiting for Oafy to respond, prepared for another attempt at distraction or other silly excuse.
Oafy: hums to Serenity's curiousity, deciding he couldn't flirt with her forever. Well... he could. "Yes, I'm not being truthful. I take pride in being a gentlemen, honest, and.. ah.." He drifts off, finding no word in his minds thesaurus to get across
Oafy: - ".. Well, it bothers me when I must be dishonest. But I must be. For now." Sitting up from his relaxed lay down, he shimmies himself out of the booth. "But till then," he stands from the table, bowing gracefully. "I have to go see a man about a
Oafy: - blue-skinned child god.. er.. thing.. deity." Boggling for a moment, he laughs at himself. "And I promise," he calls, walking from the table to the exit, "I'll pay for your coffee next time." Out the door, he takes off down the street.
Serenity: nearly slams her cup of coffee down on the table in frustration as Oafy gets up to leave, "Damn it!" she mumbles to herself, looking out the window 'God damn him!' she thinks, frowning 'From his avoidance, it's almost as if he's a part of this who
Serenity: (c) whole damn mess.' she thinks, somehow knowing she was right.  She gets up and tosses her hair over her shoulder once again before taking the check up to the counter, "Three fifty Miss.." the waitress says.  Digging in her purse she pulls out h
Serenity: (c) her bilfold and hands down a ten "Keep it, and I'll need a receipt." she says.  After getting her receipt she walks out of the diner, pulling her purse onto her should and checking her cell phone "Hmm, one fifty, guess it's time.." she says so
Serenity: (c) softly, checking her makeup quickly and then making her way to City Hall.  She makes her way to the Mayor's office and is immediatly buzzed in, "ahh, you must be Miss Serenity, my new deputy." says the Mayor "I have very little time to show yo
Serenity: (c) you around or talk at the moment, but feel free to start your duties, your office is just down the hall, your name is on the door." he says, before quickly showing her his door.  Frowning she makes her way to her office, closes the door and si
Serenity: (c) sits down in her new, large leather chair before letting her hair down "This will be very interesting..." she says, beginnig to type on her office pc.
Helios: - Gripping his helmet, and slowly removing it. Helios stood atall, in a large grassy field, the sun shining down brightly, glowing off his armor, and allowing everything visible. It was a warm day, but this did not bother Helios one bit.
Helios: (*) As he was used to these sorts of weather conditions in his own universe. His hair swaying in the morning winds, his blue eyes focussing upon a city which was not too far away, but he could clearly see it was there.
Helios: (*) (I have searched for many days, trying to find a place to rest) He thought, placing his helmet under his arms and commenced walking towards the city, in hopes, he could acquire new threads, aswell as a meal and rest.
Helios: (*) His main thoughts lied upon his mission and what he had to do before it was too late. But that can wait, for this, was the first time in weeks he had seen a civilization quite farce then his own...
Salems: walked down the street, growing bored of the conventional meals of little more than beans and the occassional slab of meat from the pub he searches for the new restaurant in town that he had heard of known as "Bills Hot
Salems: -=- Dog Palace" he thinks as he looks up at the sign above the door of the small building in front of him "A hot dog sounds good...I don't know how long it's been since I've had a good hot dog" He enters the place and is
Salems: -=- instantly overwhelmed by the smell of chili, cheese, and hot dogs.  His stomache begins to growl "Hmm...this is kinda nice..." he thinks as he finds a table in the far corner of the place and awaits the waitress.  "Welcome
Salems: -=- to BIlls Hot Dog Palace" the waitress says "How may I help you?" she says with a smile. "I'll take three chili cheese dogs, an order of chili cheese fries, and a large drink, please."  He says somewhat sarcastically "What
Salems: -=- else would I order at a fucking hot dog place?"  He thinks as he taps his fingers on the table and starts to stare off at the wall.
Sun: brushes the locks of hair from his face and stares into horizon. "Where am I? When am I?" His thinks aloud before beginning his trek through the desert towards destination unset. For hours now he stalks the skies straight ahead of him, over
Sun: -=- dunes and through storms, until he finally arrives upon a desert oasis. Sprinting to the sea of a pond, he quickly leaps to the sandy mirage for a drink, only to find a face full of sorrow. The grains absorb every last bit of hydration
Sun: -=- from his tongue, and grind upon his features as though they were a block of wood to be smoothed. Slowly he slips into unconsciousness, from lack of food and water, to wither and die.
Drake: focused his silver eyes on his damaged right arm, where the occasional spark of electricity flared out from the exposed wiring. "Overall system restoration, 87% complete. Right arm is only 24% functional. Materials required 
Drake: - for repair sequence to continue." His voice was male, but with an undercurrent of mechanical dictation. His left eye glowed red for a moment as he accessed the city's public files on commercial zoning and permits. "Materials found. 
Drake: - Mission start." Drake rose from where he had spent the past sixty-two hours in repairs and left the empty warehouse, heading straight for an electronics store on the far side of the city.
Serenity: lays down her vast workload of paper, frowning in frustration before taking a long drink of her nearly cold coffee 'Is this mayor an idiot?!' she thinks, putting her empty cup down.  She gets up and walks over to a small electronci coffee maker on
Serenity: (c) the counter by her large office window and begins a new pot "He hasn't done any serious work since he became mayor, what an idiot, no wonder this city is in the state it's currently in." she says, taking her seat and leavning back a bit, letti
Serenity: (c) letting her out loose as it falls to the floor, looking like a river of silver.  She glances out the window and then looks at the clock "elven thirty five.." she says quietly "my god, and I'm here until five, at least.." she finishes, standing
Serenity: (c) up and putting on her heels.  She smooths out her knee length black skirt and pulls on a matching black suit jacket, "Well, if that idiot this city calls a mayor can take four hours out with his secretary bimbo, I can take an hour for lunch." 
Serenity: (c) she says with a smirk.  She checks her makeup and then grabs her purse and cell phone, turning off the coffee maker on her way out, 'Hmm, that reminds me, I should stop by that small electronics store, I need to have my phone looked at..' she 
Serenity: (c) thinks with a sigh.  She never thought that taking this job would meaning working harder than the mayor, who apparently didn't work at all.
Drake: entered the store and began to scan the components present on the shelves, ignoring the civilian who attempted to speak with him. The components he was looking for were behind a sheet of glass, apparently to 
Drake: - prevent theft. "Obstacle encountered." Drake lightly tapped on the glass with his left index finger. "Frequency detected. Activating resonation system." His finger pressed back against the glass and began to vibrate 
Drake: - imperceptively. The glass hummed, sang, and finally cracked into falling shards as the store assistant yelped and jumped away. "Obstacle eliminated. Acquiring materials." Drake took the components he required and began to 
Drake: - leave, still ignoring the yells of the assistant.
Serenity: walks across the street, her heels clicking on the smooth concrete as she walks, an air of pride about her.  She detested the mayor himself, but loved her position and was growing to love the vast metropolis New Hope was.  She still frowned at all
Serenity: (c) the looks she get from the guys that walked past her but she blew it off for the most part now, growing accustomed to it all.  As she walks to the electroncis store, she pulls out her cell phone and frowns, "No power..figures.." she states, ob
Serenity: (c) obviously disgusted.  She sees someone, or something, walking out of the electronics store as she gets close and hears an alarm going off.  She steps in front of Drake and holds out her right hand, signaling him to stop "Hold it right there bu
Serenity: (c) bud, where do you think you're going?" she says calmly as the clerk pokes his head out the door "That's him! Theif, Theif!!" he yells, obviously scared of the man or whatever he was.
Drake: stopped as his path was obstructed by another civilian. "Activating bioscan. Identity confirmed, Serenity Null. Humanoid. Profession listed as 'Deputy Mayor'. Threat level, D-class." All of this was said aloud in a flat, 
Drake: - monotone voice as Drake's left eye glowed red, a sign that he was accessing external data. "Responding to query of intended destination. Six-two-one Harbour Street, unnamed storage building. Dialogue complete." His business 
Drake: - finished, Drake turned and walked around the girl, beginning to head back down the street.
Serenity: looks oddly at the creation, 'Artificial intelligence, android? What the hell is doing wandering around MY city?!' she thinks, seeing the thing walk off "Hey! Get back here!" she says, "You can't just take what you want and then leave!  Who is cre
Serenity: (c) your creator?!" she says, chasing after the droid. 'I suppose I could incapacitate it, but it would cause a greater disturbance and if he's has any degree of power or if I miss, it could cause serious problems.' she thinks, once again interpos
Serenity: (c) interposing herself between Drake and his present course, positioning herself in such a way where it would be difficult to maneuver around her without dealing with her outright, "Now you listen here you mechanical nightmare, you WILL answer my
Serenity: (c) questions or your next destination will be the junkyard!" she says firmly, a serious look on her face.  In the distance she could hear the scream of sirens, 'better late than never, I'll have to fix that..' she thinks, shaking her head.
Drake: tilted his head, scanning her again. "Responding to query," he said finally. "Creator is unknown. Query answered. None other detected. Dialogue complete." He waited a moment in case she had anything else to say. 
Drake: - "Noise level rising. Sound frequency consistent with police vehicles. Calculating speed and estimated time of arrival. Calculating course of avoidance. Course found." Turning around, Drake began to go back the way he came at a fast 
Drake: - walk, heading around the store and toward the warehouse district by a different route, his right arm sparking dangerously as he carried the components in his left. 
Serenity: mumbles to herself, "What is this thing?!" she says in frustration, feeling like she wanted to pull her hair out.  She kneels down and then jumps into the air, surrounding her body in a dull white aura for a moment until she lands between building
Serenity: (c) (s), watching the droid quickly walk, "God he's fast.." she says, following as quickly as she could with her heels on, 'Why can't this crap happen to me on my day off?!' she thinks, staying relatively close to Drake before thinking of an inter
Serenity: (c) interesting idea, 'Hmmm, if I could repair this android, perhaps it would respond to my voice and I could get some answers, or at least program it so it doesn't end up destroying something.' she thinks, smirking.  She didn't know all that much
Serenity: (c) about bio-mechanics or electronics, but her daughter did "Where is that silly girl when I need her?!" she exclaims to herself, hearing the sirens draw closer and knowning they'd never find either her or Drake without an extensive search.
Drake: decided that the high probability of continued interference suggested immediate repair. A quick bioscan of a conveniently located office building showed only three individuals inside, all on the upper floors. Situational 
Drake: - probability suggested sanitation workers. With his laser system still disabled, Drake was forced to gain entry by using a suitable amount of force to seperate the door from its hinges. The best place for repairs would be on the 
Drake: - basement level, and so the android began to head toward the elevators on the far side of the lobby.
Serenity: follows behind Drake, at a bit more of a distance than before.  She rounds a corner just as she hears a door being tore off its hinges.  As she approaches the door she looks carefully at the door leaning on the side of the building, 'Hmm, he's str
Serenity: (c) strong.., damaged and running amok...perfect' she thinks, rolling her eyes as she enters the building, letting her eyes get used to the darkness "So much for my hour lunch and getting my phone fixed.." she says quietly.  She hears heavy footst
Serenity: (c) -steps and realizes that would be the direction the android would have went and, as carefully and quiet as she could, follows the heavy footsteps towards what she thought could be stairs or even an elevator. "Secret lab..?  This is like a scie
Serenity: (c) science fiction movie, bad one at that.." she says, almost chuckling.
Drake: stopped at the elevator and pressed the 'down' button before turning around. "Pursuit detected," he said calmly, raising his damaged right arm. "Activiting countermeasures." The arm split, exposing several barrels from
Drake: - either side and down the middle. An electrical hum began to build, but immediately died as sparks flared from the broken connections. "Weapon systems disabled. Repair required." The arm rejoined seamlessly, and Drake 
Drake: - stepped backward into the opening elevator.
Serenity: stops, barely seeing the android as he steps into the elevator.  She waits patiently in some shadows, hearing the cleaning crew upstairs.  While she waits she takes off her strapped high heels, carring them in her left hand, leaving her in her nyl
Serenity: (c) nylon covered feet.  She shivers a bit, the metal floor cold, 'Should have brought my running shoes..' she thinks, not anticipating this kind of thing at all.  As the android disappears inside the elevator and it closes, she walks up, quietly,
Serenity: (c) inspecting the door and then banging a fist on it, "Great, it's locked.." she says, thinking a moment and looking around, "Well, there's noone here, I guess.." she steps back a ways from the elevator doors and holds her right hand above her he
Serenity: (c) head, palm up as she powers herself up.  A beautiful, luminous, thin disk of power starts to hum over her head.  She had always liked the luminous aura of the moon at night and had decided to make this particular skill very similar, 'You know,
Serenity: (c) if I held it differently it would look like a full moon, too bad it's just a destructo disk..' she sighs, throwing the disk at the door without a single word.  The disk hums and sparks as if flies through the air, easily slicing through the me
Serenity: (c) metal elevator doors before dissipating.  Powering down she walks up to the elevator and peers down the shaft, sighing.  She leaps into the shaft and slowly decends down it, towards the basement.
Drake: waited until the elevator was between floors, then pressed the 'emergency stop' button, halting it in place. Thus secured, Drake knelt on the metallic floor and began to use the various pieces of electronics he had taken to 
Drake: - repair his arm. A cell phone was torn apart to get at the delicate chips inside, a length of computer connection was stripped to expose the wiring, and various other odds and ends were destroyed to access their components. 
Drake: - "Energy signature detected," Drake stated calmly as he worked. "Signature consistent with subject Serenity Null. Location along Y-axis determined. Available countermeasures, not found. Repairs 54% complete."
Serenity: gently lands on the top of the elevator and kneels down and tries to open the emergency hatch for the elevator, but it seems either welded shut or just stuck.  Keep her cool, but obviously frustrated, she closes her eyes and channels her ki as she
Serenity: gently lands on the top of the elevator and kneels down and tries to open the emergency hatch for the elevator, but it seems either welded shut or just stuck.  Keep her cool, but obviously frustrated, she closes her eyes and channels her ki as she
Serenity: gently lands on the top of the elevator and kneels down and tries to open the emergency hatch for the elevator, but it seems either welded shut or just stuck.  Keep her cool, but obviously frustrated, she closes her eyes and channels her ki as she
Serenity: (c) she stands up and bends over, squeezing her delicate hands into fists "Katsu Tenshin Amaguriken!" she says as she slams her hand into the hatch with amazing speed, almost too fast for the naked eye to see.  She slowly begins to dent the metal 
Serenity: (c) hatch as it creaks and groans under the stress of her repeated blows.  Pain shoots through her hand and arm, 'Damn it, I'm not strong enough to smash through this, it hurts..' she thinks, but doesn't stop, determined to get to the android.
Drake: glanced upward, where the ceiling was slowly bulging downward from successive blows. "Preparing battle mode," he stated. His repairs were unfinished, but the damage on his arm was gone, and several of his defensive 
Drake: - systems were operational. "Overall combat efficency, oh point two four percent. Threat level of opponent, D class. Uploading backup in case of shell destruction. Upload complete." Drake lifted his right arm toward the ceiling. 
Drake: - "Entering battle mode." The energy emitter/absorber unit on his palm shined red for a moment, then fired out a thin beam of destructive power upward at the target.
Serenity: keeps attacking the ever weakening hatch, "almost....there..." she says as she slams her right fist into the metal, her body obviously leaning in that direction when a thin stream of red energy burns through the thick metal elevator ceiling and in
Serenity: (c) -to the shaft, grazing her left arm deeply.  She lets out an injured cry as she pulls her right hand up, stands up and leans against the wall of the elevator shaft, holding her left arm with her right hand.  She looks at her right hand and not
Serenity: (c) notices blood 'Damn it..he repaired himself faster than I thought he would!' she thinks, trying to formulate a plan of action quickly.  Knowing it would damage him but not destroy him, hopefully, she grabs one of the elevator cables with her r
Serenity: (c) right hand and gritting her teeth in pain, raises her left arm, releasing a blast of energy at the other wire.  The wire quickly melts and snaps, sending the elevator screaming downwards as she's hauled up just as quickly.  She lets go a few m
Serenity: (c) moments later and hovers by the base level entrance, looking down, waiting for the elevator to hit bottom, "Let's hope that doesn't destroy him, he has information I may find useful..., at least it better be.." she says, feeling the burning on
Serenity: (c) her left arm from the androids attack.
Drake: watched as the target jerked backward away from the heat. "Target missed," he noted aloud, preparing a second shot. With his systems still heavily damaged, and no time to recharge from his earlier power consumption, it 
Drake: - was difficult to operate. "Upgrading to oh point three two percent combat efficency." Escaping from storage had caused severe internal damage, especially since they had known to use anti-droid weaponry in trying to subdue 
Drake: - him. Even operating at 1% efficency would take several days worth of recharging and repair work. This interference was at a very unfortunate time. The red dome on his palm began to glow again when a sudden flare of energy 
Drake: - showed up on his spectral analysis. The target was using energy, but not as an attack. The elevator car shook, trembled, and then finally began to fall. "Activating anti-gravity repulsion system." The android floated out of the hole 
Drake: - in the top of the car as it continued to fall another story downward, and finally hit the bottom with a deafening crash of twisting metal. "Target poses immediate threat. Self-defence systems active. Nonlethal measures advised. 
Drake: - in the top of the car as it continued to fall another story downward, and finally hit the bottom with a deafening crash of twisting metal. "Target poses immediate threat. Self-defence systems active. Nonlethal measures advised. 
Drake: - Deactivating energy projector." Drake's left eye glowed red. With an increase of power to his a-grav jets, the droid flew upward toward the dangling girl and moved to grab her.
Serenity: watches the elevator crash, sending out a thunderous roar that could be heard easily throughout the building.  The crash also sent up waves of dust and dirt, which she escapes by flying out of the elevator door and pressing herself against the wal
Serenity: (c) wall, "Well..." she said, looking back into the shaft after a minute "That should subdue our little, damaged, mechanical tinkertoy." she says, looking down and seeing a figure now too far down the shaft.  She gasps and looks as if she doesn't 
Serenity: (c) believe it "Unreal?!" she says outloud, calling down the android, "You know, for an oversized calculater, you sure have a lot of tricks up your sleeve." she says with a frown, "Now, are you done yet because all I want to do is check to see you
Serenity: (c) your programming, I won't hurt you.." she says, keeping her distance and behind relative cover in case he decides to act aggresively again, 'I did start that I suppose, and I paid the price..' she thinks, still wincing from the deep burn on he
Serenity: (c) her arm.
Drake: lowered his arm as he floated upward, settling on the edge of the doorway into the shaft. His left eye glowed as he considered her request for a moment. Her attack had followed his own, which was deemed a logical response 
Drake: - by a biological agent according to his datatracks. While disguised pursuit was also considered behavior suggesting a hostile agent, it was possible she was being truthful. "Uploading secondary backup. Upload successful." Drake 
Drake: - began to walk slowly toward the girl, stopping a few feet away. "Access to programming only available to level B clearance or higher. Password required." He held out his arm, exposing the red diode. "Warning. Unauthorized 
Drake: - attempts to access internal systems requires lethal response."
Serenity: ponders carefully for a moment, 'Hmm, it would be easy to access his main core unit if my phone was working, I could do a remote access or use his diode, but it's still broke...' she thinks, smiling weakly at android, "Well, I am Deputy Mayor of N
Serenity: (c) New Hope, perhaps that's clearance enough?" she questions, not waiting for a proper response.  She leans against the wall once again, thinking carefully before shaking her head, "Sorry, my android friend, but I have no way to access your core 
Serenity: (c) processor right now.  We will have to do this another time.." she says, frowning.  'Damn it, time to get get patched up and get his stupid phone repaired so I can come back and access this thing.' she thinks, putting her heels back on, "well, 
Serenity: (c) why don't you go rest for a while and I'll be back tomorrow with what I need to access your programming, ok?" she says polietly, "Since you already know who I am, you can reach me at my office should you need anything before then, just don't g
Serenity: (c) go robbing stores.." she says with a smirk before walking towards the torn open door to the building, past the cleaning crew who just give her good looking over "Hey ba.." before he can finish his sentence she grabs him and throws him up again
Serenity: (c) against a girter "Listen, asshole, I'm tired, I'm hurt, I've been shot at, messed with by a tinker toy, got dirt in my hair, I have a run in my nylons and I'm greasy for screwing with a filthy elevator." she says, highly agitated "Say one more
Serenity: (c) word and the only thing you'll be eating is what you can suck through a straw...GOT IT?!" she says, releasing the man and walking out of the building to try and find another electroncis store and hopefully get some lunch.
Drake: considers that for a moment before deciding it qualifies as an acceptable response. "Target has retreated. Disabling combat mode. Reentering repair mode." A pulse of power to his a-grav jets send the android hovering back 
Drake: - over the elevator shaft and down to the bottom, looking over the rubble to see what could be salvaged. If he didn't have enough, he'd have to return to a different electronics store and get some more. It did seem that there would be 
Drake: - enough undamaged to finish repairs on his arm, however, and then he'd just need to find somewhere out of the way to recharge for a few days. 
Serenity: gets back to an ally just before a sidewalk to the main part of downtown New Hope and digs in her purse for her compact.  Checking her apperance she nearly dies "God..I look terrible!  How can I go back to the office looking like this, even my mak
Serenity: (c) makeup is smudged." she says, sighing and then taking time to brush out her hair and fix her makeup.  She then takes out a silk cloth from her purse and wraps it around her injured arm before fixing her jacket as best she could, putting it bac
Serenity: (c) back on afterwords.  She peers around to make sure noone was looking and then takes off her garter and nylons, "I don't have an extra pair on me, may as well just take them off.." she says, putting them into her purse and putting her heels bac
Serenity: (c) back on and walking onto the sidewalk before putting on her sunglasses and pulling her long silvery hair over her left shoulder to partially cover up her wound and torn jacket.  She then begins to walk to another electronics store she knows of
Serenity: (c) on the other side of downtown, 'My daughters store is down there, hope she's there...' she thinks, now feeling nervous, "I haven't seen her since she was a baby, I wonder what she's like now?" she says quietly to herself as she walks.
Usagi: was out and around her store, at the desk behind the counter working on a computer someone had dropped off. The problem wasn't too bad, just needed the thing dusted and some of the wires replaced, but nonetheless it was taking some time...more lik
Usagi: -c- like she was procrastinating. It was almost done and the guy wasn't coming back for another hour or so, so she was working on a little project she had. Another computer, with the side open. From the looks of it, she had ordered some higher end
Usagi: -c- parts for it. The exterior had no trademarked logos on it, making it a custom built one.
Serenity: finally reaches a small store, easily hidden among all the larger buildings around it.  Smiling she looks up at the sign in the window, reading - Tsukino Electronics and Repair- "Quaint, I wonder if she knows?" she says to herself before opening t
Serenity: (c) the door and hearing a buzzer go off as she enters, feeling the cool air conditioning sweep over her.  Her heels click on the tiled floor, almost echoing, even among the hums of the various computers and other electronics devices around.  She 
Serenity: (c) stops at the counter, her sunglasses still on and rings a small bell and calling out, "Hello, Usagi?" she says lightly, her voice sounding nervous, even scared a bit.  She fumbles in her jacket pocket for her strange looking cell phone, fiddli
Serenity: (c) fiddling with it as she waits for someone to assist her.
Usagi: looks around for a specific part and finds it, grabbing the neccesary tools to place it where it belongs. So engrossed is she on the computer that she barely hears the small buzzer go off, not even bothering to look up yet. When she hears her name
Usagi: -c- name, she glances up to see who it is, and then looks back down at the computer before she finishes the double take. "Can...I help you?" An odd sense of taking a peek at the looking glass shoots through her mind as she stares at someone that l
Usagi: -c- looks quite a bit like she does, but a face she'd never forget. 
Serenity: slowly takes off her sunglasses, folding them and putting them into the pocket on the breast of her jacket  She then looks up at Usagi with her sparkling blue eyes and says nothing for what seems like several minutes. "I...uh..." she stutters for 
Serenity: (c) the first time in her life she couldn't find words to speak.  She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath and calms herself before looking at the young woman in front of her again.  She takes a long, slender finger and runs it down Usagi's cheek 
Serenity: (c) gently, "You've grown so much..." she says, smiling at the woman, "How old are you now, twenty four?" she says again, quietly, withdrawing her hand "It's been twenty four years since I've seen you Usagi, twenty four long years.." she softly sa
Serenity: (c) says, falling silent as she lays her hand on the counter, covering the cell phone up for moment and giving Usagi time to take it in and react.
Usagi: looks at her and nods softly. "Twenty six...mother..." She smiles at the woman before her before reaching over the counter to give her a quick hug. "I really missed you..even though I really didn't know who you were" She lets her go and walks over
Usagi: -c- to the side, opening up the door to the counter. "Come on back...there's a lot to talk about, I think" She beckons the other woman to it, waiting patiently for her to come in.
Serenity: nods silently, taking her phone and putting it in her pocket and following her daughter around back, "Twenty six..., has it been that long already?" she asks, almost shocked by the length of time it had been.  She looks up at the woman and her lon
Serenity: (c) long, golden hair "I am surprised you even know who I am Usagi.  I guess your foster parents must have told you, they are very nice people and I'm happy you were with them all these years." she says, looking around the store "This is a nice pl
Serenity: (c) place you have here, cramped, but cozy, do you live here too?" she asks curiously, wondering why her daughter would move her store to a better location, there were many she could personally recommend.
Usagi: shakes her head. "No...Rini...bought a house with the money I left her...I live there" She closes her eyes. Greg was right, Rini had died several times...but she never could get rid of the feeling of what if it was the last one. "It's got more tha
Usagi: -c- than enough space if you need one to stay at, mom...this is just work" She looks around for a minute. "Not much...but it's mine..."
Serenity: lowers her head and helps her child take a seat before taking one herself, "How is my granddaughter anyway?" she says, crossing her legs and making her self comfortable, laying her person on the desk.  She had not seen Usagi in twenty six years an
Serenity: (c) and had never seen her grandchild, although she had read newspaper articles about her and many others over the years and even saw a picture.  She digs into her purse for a moment and pulls out a few newspaper clippings, spreading them out befo
Serenity: (c) before Usagi, "Is this here?" she asks, pointing to various pictures, "She's very pretty, looks a lot like you." she says, smiling as she sits back, "I suppose she's in school this time of day, I can't wait to meet her." she says with a sense 
Serenity: (c) of happiness in her voice although she can't quite place why her daughter seems down, "Are you ok? You seem...distant somehow." she says, going from happy to a rather worried voice and look.\
Usagi: shakes her head. "Unless you visited the afterlife, mother...you wouldn't be seeing her any time soon, I don't think" She sighs and shakes her head. "Sometimes I wonder..." She sighs and looks up at the ceiling. "She usually comes back after a whi
Usagi: -c- while though...heck, I have myself once or twice..." She smiles softly. She really did like it in the afterlife sometimes. A lot more comfy, but there was something about this place she couldn't let go.
Serenity: looks at her daughter with a near piercing gaze "Afterlife?!  You let my graddaughter die?!" she says, obviously angered, "Who would murder a little girl!?" she says, nearly screaming before taking a deep breath and trying to calm herself.  "I..ap
Serenity: (c) "I..apologize Usagi, I should have figured something like this would happen if she was allowed to train like you were." she leans forward and offers a hug to Usagi "Perhaps she feels a draw to the afterlife like you have the draw to stay here,
Serenity: (c) perhaps it happens." she says, smiling weakly "Listen, why don't we go grab some lunch and catch up on things.  There's no sense in sitting her crying, it won't bring her back." She stands up, putting the clippings carefully back in her purse 
Serenity: (c) "Coming honey?" she asks, extending a hand.
Usagi: nods softly and sighs. "I honestly don't know, mother...sometimes I wonder though...there's times when I'm not around...those seem to be when it happens" She takes a deap breath and nods softly. "Lunch sounds good soon. Let me get finished up with
Usagi: -c- this computer over here" She walks over to and picks up some tools again. "And I'll be good to go. Otherwise I'll likely forget later..." She stares back down at it. The dust was gone, and there were a few wires left to be replaced, which she 
Usagi: -c gets right to finishing.
Serenity: watches her daughter work, leaning against a wall, her thoughts wandering to various things  "Usagi.." she starts, wondering if she should even bring this up, but decides it couldn't hurt much, "Are you aware of someone named Oafy?" she asks, thin
Serenity: (c) thinking back to how Oafy mentioned her daughter when they first met.  The thought of her daughter associate herself with such a weird fellow. She then takes her advanced cell phone out of her pocket and lays it down next to her daughter, "Als
Serenity: (c) "Also, fix this when you get time honey, but be careful since it's very sensitive and not your normal cell phone." she says with a sly smile before leaning back up against the wall and looking up a clock on the wall, 'Two fifteen, guess I'll b
Serenity: (c) be late getting back to the office, guess our lazy mayor will have to suffer..' she thinks, smirking as if there was an untold joke only she heard.
Xerokine: -*- "Nobody expects the Phantom Raiders!" Xerokine bursts into the electronic's shop with Essex right behind him, both of them dressed in full-length red robes. The two of them storm up to Serenity and Usagi, shoving the 
Xerokine: -*- customers out of their way with an appropriately Spanish sneer. "Our chief weapon is surprise," Xerokine declared. "Surprise and fear! Damn," he cursed. "Our TWO chief weapons are surprise and fear. And an amazing fashion 
Xerokine: -*- sense. Drat," he cursed again. "Among our- look, can we do this again?" The two of them hurried out of the electronics shop. "Nobody expects the Phantom Raiders! Among our chief weapons are fear, surprise, and an 
Xerokine: -*- amazing fashion sense. And that experimental Death Star. But nevermind that! Usagi!" Xerokine points imperiously at the woman. "You shall be tortured! Essex! Fetch... the SOFA CUSHION!"
Essex: cackles maniacally. "No one expects the giant mutant dragon!" He and Xerokine stop posing and look at one another. "Okay, I'll never say that again." He starts cackling
Essex: (*) again, pulling a sofa cushion out of his robe and handing it to Xerokine. He starts looking at Usagi and Serenity very creepily, retrieving chapstick from his pocket and
Essex: (*) applying it to his lips, adding to the akwardness.
Usagi: nods softly, taking the cell phone and looking at it. "I can have it finished by tomorrow...and I know of Oaftres...met him a few times" She shrugs. "I don't know much about him though" She takes another look at the phone and nods. "I'll catch you
Usagi: -c- later for dinner, alright mother?"
Xerokine: begins poking Usagi with the sofa cushion. Poking maliciously and deviantly! "Take that! Nobody ignores the Phantom Raiders!" he declared, cackling wickedly. And deviantly! And maliciously! "Now, weep! Weep for your 
Xerokine: -*- lives! For now... we shall fetch ... the COMFY CHAIR!"
Serenity: grabs Usagi's arm, taking the phone and putting it down on the counter before grabbing what looks like some keys and dragging her child to the door, "No, honey, we're going to lunch.  I haven't seen you in over twenty years, since you were a newbo
Serenity: (c) newborn in my arms and you're going to blow me off for some computer? I don't think so." she says, pushing her daughter out of the shop and locking it for her before dropping the keys into her hand.  She puts on her sunglasses and looks to her
Serenity: (c) daughter, "Well, what kind of food do you like, there are lots of choices in the downtown area." she says, motioning around, "I'm not all that familiar with New Hope yet, but as deputy Mayor I'll be changing that as I explore this city top to 
Serenity: (c) bottom, when I can get my paperwork under control." she says with a laugh and taking Usagi's arm, "Now, where to?" as they start walking.
Usagi: is rather surprised at her mother's actions. She is indeed dragged around the counter and out the door, at least grabbing an out to lunch sign and hanging it on the door. "I thought you were heading back to work..." She apparently is confused, but
Usagi: -c- sighs softly. "Deputy Mayor, hmm? Sounds like you're busier than I am...let's go with chinese this time. It's been a while, and if I remember correctly they've got good food down at the Chicken Dragon"
Serenity: nods to her daughter as they walk and then stop before she turns, blushing, to her daughter "Where's the chicken dragon?" she asks, not sure where all these places may be before fianlly noticing Usagi's attire, "My dear, you dress so...." she stop
Serenity: (c) she stops, not wanting to continue her train of thought,  "Anyway, let's find this Chicken Dragon and talk over some good chinese food and don't worry about my job." she says with a smirk, "The Mayor's a lazy, womanizing bum, he won't even kno
Serenity: (c) know I'm gone.  It's not like I can do anything current with a stack of papers to my office ceiling.." she says, annoyed, but she knew it was part of the job.
Usagi: smiles and points down this way. "It's down that way, mother. I'll lead the way" She takes her mother's wrist softly and starts dragging her towards the direction. "If you're the Deputy Mayor, you'll definitely need to get the figure of this place
Serenity: laughs and nods, "Ok, you win, lead on then." she says, trying to be upbeat and happy, despite the numerous questions Usagi was bound to ask her when things got a bit more serious.  The weather was calm, hot, but the humidity was low for a change 
Serenity: (c) and a warm wind blew consistantly and gently throughout the city.  She still felt a throbe in her left arm from her injury earlier and knew she'd have to clean that out and rebandage it when she got back to the office.  For now, she was conten
Serenity: (c) content to spend as much time with her daughter as she could, there was a lot to catch up on and she wanted to know everything.  'I want to know it all, but what do I tell her if she asks in kind?' she thinks, pondering for a moment as she sta
Serenity: (c) stays silent.
Usagi: continues to pull her mother down the street. "This way, this way..." She finally finds the place again and nods. "Here we are. Hope you like it" She opens the door, and the traditional Chinese decor is obvious all over the place. "It's great...it
Usagi: -c- it's basically like a buffet. You grab a plate, go up and get what you want, come back and take a seat" She waits for one of the waiters to come and seat them, taking another look at her mother.
Serenity: follows her daughter and admires all the old traditional chinese art and decor, "Facinating.." she says and then is shaken back to reality and quickly gets a small plate of food and sits down next to Usagi "So.." she says, taking a sip of water "I
Serenity: (c) suppose you have a great many questions, now is a good time to ask." she says, starting to eat, but only lightly, preparing for an onslaught of questions.
Usagi: nods softly. "The first and foremost being why...though I can't really say much about it. I ended up doing the same thing with Rini" She closes her eyes for a moment, sighing. "She did really well though. She takes a drink of water herself and loo
Usagi: -c- looks around at the place. "At least it's not too busy in here..." She grabs a plate, but waits for the answer before standing up and getting food.
Serenity: sighs, putting down her chopsticks and takes a gentle sip of water, staring out the window, her voice low and sad "I had no choice..it was not safe for you where I was and I had to find a way to protect you." she says, looking at Usagi "I was not 
Serenity: (c) happy with my choice, but I felt at the time there was no other way, I simply didn't want you in this conflict." she says, sensing a deep power within Usagi herself "However, I sense that you're training and that you are already part of that c
Serenity: (c) conflict." she says, sighing before falling silent. She had hoped to keep her child out of the constant fighting, but it seemed there was no stopping fate and she merely shrugged, "Had I know you were going to end up like this, I would have ke
Serenity: (c) kept you wish me and we could have learned together.." she says, her voice trailing off as she nibbles at her food.
Usagi: nods softly. "I end up doing a lot of things I don't expect sometimes...fighting isn't one I enjoy, but one I do anyways..." She looks off towards the side, standing up and going to get herself a plate of food real fast. "I'll have another questio
Usagi: -c- question for you when I get back mother...go get some food yourself though" She heads for the bar, starting to put some food on it. Though for how much she puts on, one has to wonder how she keeps her figure.
Serenity: just nibbles at the food she has, not bothering to get up to get anything else, or more.  She ponders Usagi's response to her answer carefully, but says nothing, taking a drink of some hot tea set down for her by a waitress.  She watches her child
Serenity: (c) pile up food, again 'Where does she put it?  She doesn't have my figure, but my god, eating like that she should be three hundred pounds..' she thinks, snickering at first and then laughing out loud before quickly remembering where she was and
Serenity: (c) reagining her senses and just looking at her daughter with amusement.
Usagi: * "What?" She noticed the stare and the laugh from her mother. So she ate a lot, but she did a lot of working out as of late...as she used to do back when New Hope was destroyed...though it never was here. "So I can put a lot of people to shame wh
Usagi: -c- when I eat..." She blushes softly, not something she's neccesarily proud of, just something that is. "It's not something I particularly like to..." She looks around, noticing that several people had noticed as well, and she sighs softly. "Neve
Oafy: lays on his back in the sand, facing the warm skies above. With arms and legs spread out, he swishes them away from himself, then back again. "I wonder what the plan for that Shin is..." Sand is tossed to and fro, mounding around his body.
Oafy: - "Greg seems determined that self-proclaimed 'god' can be defeated, just as any of us have been in the past," he explains to the dunes of sand all around. "But to me, Xerokine has always been the doer. Greg can vision the plan, but others
Oafy: - execute it." Some sand gets blown into his face, forcing him to wipe it away, before repeating the arm and leg pattern. "What will happen when Shin turns out to be as ascended as I was? Merely stabbing him will only be a means to anger him
Oafy: - further..." He confesses to the winds, feeling as though a straight forward attack would be futile. Standing from the spot on the ground, Oafy leaps away, leaving behind a semi-distorted imprint of himself in the sand. "Well, that's best left
Oafy: - for someone else to consider. Right now I could use definitely do for some blood-alcohol content raising..."
Essex: eats Bagua's face, without warning.
Serenity: reaches out and comforts her daughter, "It's okay honey, it's just amazing how you keep the figure you have eating like you do." she says quietly, not really as hungry as she thought "Listen, stop by my officer later when you're done with work, we
Serenity: (c) we'll have dinner and talk more if you like, I may have a different job for you.." she says with a genuine smile before getting up.  She hands the waitress some money from her bilfold before hiding it back in her purse "It's on me today." she 
Serenity: (c) says lightly, "I'm on the third floor of City Hall, just down the hall from the Mayor, just hop on in."  she says, getting her change and leaving a tip and giving Usagi a hug "I'll see you this evening, be good." she says, walking out of the s
Serenity: (c) small chinese diner, leaving the clippings of her Usagi's daughter on the table in front of her, figuring it was more proper for her daughter to have them.
Usagi: nods softly, placing a hand on her mother's shoulder. "Alright...I'll see you there..." She looks at the clippings of Rini from the newspapers and picks them up, studying them before putting them in her purse. "Thanks...for everything..." It was s
Usagi: -c- said after she had left, and she smiled softly before beginning to chow down.
Deion: was told to badysit Shim and Bugua by Oafy, but things got out of hand and Shim started fighting Bugua and he lost.
Shim: tells Deion to shut the fuck up.
Deion: Bugua then started to get a knife and stab Shim in the gut. Shim is suprised and starts crying and then he died.
Oafy: * Nobody wanted to come see his sand angels, so Oafy disappears :(
Oafy: emerges from the camouflage of clouds high in the sky, descending quickly in half flight, half fall. The rippling white tunic and pants match the clouds, making it difficult to spot him, until he curves his descent upon reaching downtown New Hope,
Oafy: - racing forward along the skyscrapers and other commercial buildings. He blows past, a stream of wind chasing him endlessly, carrying a wreck of miscellaneous papers, garbage, and small animals. The reflection of himself stares back at him
Oafy: - through an all glass building, for a fraction of a second. "Hmm. Can I really pull white off?" The idea of wearing all white made him laugh, but he began to consider it a permanent part of his clothing rotation anyways; it might not suit 
Oafy: 's actions as of late, but it spoke to his true nature. At any rate, he continues to blur forward through the business sector of New Hope, headed straight for the spaceport.
Xerokine: lounged casually against the warm blacktop of the spaceport roof, watching the shuttles as they came and went between the various populated worlds. Earth was a fairly productive planet, and was almost constantly 
Xerokine: -*- threatened from explotation. If it wasn't the Icerians, whose planet was farther from their star and never saw a day above freezing, it was the androids, whose station in orbit required raw materials from the planet below, or the 
Xerokine: -*- biodroids, who needed raw material of a different sort to satisfy their appetites. New Vegeta, at least, was productive on its own, and the independant Saiyans neither wanted nor needed much assistance from other worlds, though 
Xerokine: -*- they welcomed strong warriors to visit theirs. And the Nameks seemed capable of handling agriculture, and their healing abilities were in high demand on nearly any planet. Knowledge of who was coming and going was valuable, 
Xerokine: -*- but Xerokine was really just watching to pass the time. The amount of effort it took to make such knowledge useful was rather pointless, in his opinion.
Serenity: finishes up what paperwork she's doing and puts it in the outbox on her desk before gathering her outgoing mail and putting it in her briefcase.  She puts on her heels, followed by a long, shin length silk-lined white trenchcoat, taking time to lo
Serenity: (c) look at her bandaged arm, only sighing.  She yawns, flicking her hair behind back and walks over to the mirror by a sink in her officer, checking her makeup.  Satisfied, she empties and cleans her coffee cup, putting it up to dry, files away a
Serenity: (c) few papers and walks out of her office, locking the door.  She stops by her secretary's desk to drop off her outgoing mail, "Goodnight Miss Serenity." her secretary says polietly, "Goodnight Mary, see you tomorrow." she says, finally walking o
Serenity: (c) out of City Hall a few moments later into the dazzling display of oranges and reds in the sky as the sun sets, the weather cooling off, "Beautiful..." she says, walking slowly to the spaceport, having to make a trip to Aqua Polis to go visit h
Serenity: (c) her daughter for dinner.  Deciding not to walk, howver, she hails a taxi and gets in, "Where to lady?" the driver asks, "New Hope Spaceport please.." she says, sitting back with her sunglasses on as she fiddles with her cell phone.
Oafy: lowers himself in a gentle decline, easing into a quick walk on the sidewalk, some short distance from the spaceport entrance. Behind him, the gale of garbage drops, gathering into an eyesore that some garbage collector would see later through
Oafy: - the day. Before he is able to pass through the glass sliding doors of the spaceport, his senses wake up, alerting him to a familiar. "Good view?" Floating slowly up to meet the Saiyan, he gives him a puzzling glance, which would be asking more
Oafy: - than his verbalized one. The day begins to end, strands of light off the horizon painting across his features to brighten up his dark red hair however slightly. 'Hmm.. These things run after nightfall, right?' He ponders.
Xerokine: -*- "The shuttles run all the time," the cloaked warrior answered, amber eyes flicking over to where the latest transport was still taking on passengers. "Every two hours or so. But the next one should be leaving in a few minutes." With 
Xerokine: -*- feline grace, Xerokine hopped up and balanced on the edge of the roof. The cool breeze of sunset teased the edge of his cloak, while the last beams of twilight glimmered on the draconic hilt of the sword sheathed across his back. 
Xerokine: -*- "Going somewhere?" he questioned offhandedly, hopping from foot to foot as he walked centimeters from a bad fall.
Serenity: puts her cell phone away as the taxi pulls up to the spaceport, "That'll be thirteen fifty lady." the gruff driver says.  Only nodding, she digs in her purse for the money and hands him sixteen zeni "Keep the change." she says, getting out and gra
Serenity: (c) grabbing her purse and briefcase.  A chilled wind blew over the city, making sure shiver a bit and button up her trenchcoat, the taxi driving off "Wish I hadn't put a run in my nylons, it's warming than nothing.." she mumbles to herself, now t
Serenity: (c) taking off her sunglasses and putting them away in her purse before towards the back of the building and seeing the shuttle take off, "Damn it!" she exclaims, "I knew I should have left the office at five.., she's going to be upset that I'm la
Serenity: (c) late." she says before walking over to a nearby bench outside and taking a seat to wait.  She could have waited inside, but the beautiful remains of the setting sun appealed to her and she sat to watch it, setting her briefcase next to her, no
Serenity: (c) not noticing or sensing either of the two men above her.
Oafy: raises a finger to cover his lips, an eyebrow twitching up for a moment in curiousity. "How is it you've always got something useful to contribute?" The man seemed to damn well know a little bit of everything. Not everything. But enough to act it.
Oafy: bows respectfully, accepting the information and thanking him for it. "Yep. I've got some.. er.. things to take care of off world. Rather go by ship than give my energy signature away..." He sighs deeply, sounding like he had something heavy on hi
Oafy: - the air. "I'll be back..." He grumbles, eyes narrowed on the shuttle. In the blink of an eye, he disappears in a blur of dark shadows that seem to evaporate just as quickly. Above, the shuttle hovers in the direction of Aqua Polis, until coming
Oafy: - to a complete halt. The shuttle, strangely enough, makes a rough landing in the parking lot of the spaceport, probably taking out a 'few' cars in the process. As the hatch on the shuttle opens, a small group of citizens flees in a panic.
Oafy: pokes his head out the hatch. "All aboard."
Oafy: - mind. "I don't suppose you'd be interested in joining me?" Oaftres' face brightens a little at this, knowing full well the task at hand is one Xerokine would excel at. Over head, the shuttle in question takes off, slowly making its flight into
Xerokine: shrugged. He had nothing better to do. Draconian Enterprises as up and running, so to speak, and would begin the takeovers and expansions without him. Whatever plan Techagi was cooking up to deal with Shin was out 
Xerokine: -*- of his hands. Usagi's potential betrayal was already dealt with. Essex himself hadn't been seen in days. And Xerokine hadn't visited Bejiitasei in a while, anyway. "Sounds like fun," he decided, hopping lightly off the side of the 
Xerokine: -*- rooftop and landing in front of a startled woman sitting below him. "What are we blowing up first?" was his question as he walked briskly into the waiting shuttle, cloak flicking out behind him.
Serenity: stands up as she hears the crunching of scares being smashed and screams of people, "What in the hell?!" she says, pushing her way through the crowd in the opposite direction through the spaceport and finally out back.  She looks at the dock, "emp
Serenity: (c) "empty..." she says and then turns to the parking lot and gasps in horror.  The shuttle had landed right on several cars, obviously destroyed them.  Thankfully, however, noone was hurt or appeared to be hurt by it, "Now there's something that 
Serenity: (c) will be on my desk in the morning..." as she sighs and shakes her head.  She then notices a black cloak from someone entering the shuttle, "Interesting attire for a New Hope City employee I must say.." she says, curiously walking over the shut
Serenity: (c) to will be on my desk in the morning..." as she sighs and shakes her head.  She then notices a black cloak from someone entering the shuttle, "Interesting attire for a New Hope City employee I must say.." she says, curiously walking over the s
Serenity: (c) to the shuttle, avoiding the debris by floating into the air a few feet and landing on the boarding ramp heading into the shuttle, "Hello, anyone here?" she asks innocently.  She knew someone was there, but wanted to see if someone would indee
Serenity: (c) indeed answer her and approach this in a non-violent way.  "Excuse me, I'm Deputy Mayor Serenity of New Hope, I just want to ask you some questions." she says, trying to sound friendly and non-hostile.
Oafy: arches his back, cracking a few joints while Xerokine makes himself comfortable inside the shuttle. "Take a seat in the control room - I could use a co-pilot. The seating area isn't.. designed for high impact flight," he warns, choosing his words
Oafy: - carefully to save his own ego. The beautiful cooing of a females voice lures him back to the boarding ramp, as he spins around to face the stowaway. Well, not a stowaway really.. He did steal the ship. "Why, hello ther-" 'Serenity? Oh, GOOD.'
Oafy: thinks, mentally putting a gun to his head and firing repeatedly. "Deputy Mayor, good to see you. I was just... you know what?" The echo of steel grinding steel pounds the shuttle, as the landing ramp shuts itself, finally sealing with a loud hiss
Oafy: nods a little at the woman, politelly smiling, lowering his hand from a rather large red button on the wall next to him. "Next stop: New Vegeta." With a leap, Oafy plants himself into the captains seat, smacking at controls on the console before
Oafy: - the engines rumble fiercly, taking them up out of the atmosphere.
Xerokine: -*- Luckily, the shuttle was one of the higher end models that was only doing quick trips to Aqua Polis because one of the intraplanetary transports had broken down. All in all, it was a quick, smooth, pleasant flight to New Vegeta, with 
Xerokine: -*- no mishaps whatsoever. "Aaaaaaaahhhhh!"   "Lookoutlookoutlookoutlookoutlookout!"   "Would you both shut up? I'm trying to drive here!"   "Shuttle, shuttle, shuttle!"   "Did he flip me off? That's rude. And totally uncalled for."  BAM! 
Xerokine: -*- "Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!"   "Oh, it's just an asteroid. Chill out." BAM! BAM! BAM!  "Okay, so it's four trash cans."   "Get out of the asteroid belt, you lunatic!"   BAM! BAM! BAM!  "Do you hate asteroids? Is that your problem? Do you just 
Xerokine: -*- HATE ASTEROIDS?!!"    "Xerokine, I can't drive with you screaming in my ear."   "You can't drive at all!"  Yes. A smooth, pleasant flight.
Serenity: cries out as the shuttle rumbles beneath her, "Hey, HEY! What in the HELL do you think you're doing?!  This is New Hope City property, you can't just take it!!" she exclaims and then realizes the truth, it was useless. She was dealing with two hig
Serenity: (c) highpowered, crazy lunatics with a thirty million zeni shuttle.  She sighs and goes to take a seat, pulling out her minature super computer and turns it on, a holographic keyboard and monitor appearing before her, 'My only chance is contact th
Serenity: (c) to contact the super power control force and see if they can't apprehend these idiots..' she thinks, linking her super computer up with the communication arrays of the shuttle and sending her message, 'It'll take a minute for the signal to go 
Serenity: (c) through, hope its a fast minute..' she thinks again, looking out the shuttle window and seeing the altitude increase greatly, "This is not good..." she mumbles.  She could take control of ship from her computer, but without formal flight lesso
Serenity: (c) lessons, she'd be almost worthless to pilot it and at the altitude they were at, it was dangerous to do it just yet.  A sudden jolt rocked the ship, nearly throwing her out of her seat, "What..?!" she says, looking out of the window as lights 
Serenity: (c) indicate impacts on the shuttle while another light indicates gravity climat control, "Oh god..asteroid field?!!" she says, now scared, 'I hope they get this message REAL soon' she thinks, now fearing for her life.
Oafy: begins to pull down on a few levers on the console, grasping the wheel with one hand as he attempts to lose speed. New Vegeta was in their sights, and was no longer a small speck on the screen, but one massive ball of dirt. The lever reaches its
Oafy: - bottom limit, yet the speed doesn't seem to be affected. Hoping to reverse the situation, he raises the lever back to the "max" label. No effect. A few lights over head begin to flicker wildly, while a 'woopwoopwoop'-ing siren begins to warn the
Oafy: - them of their trajectory. "Serena?" He calls back, trying to maintain a calm voice, while pressing a specific button on the console. Above the doorway before the control room, a seatbelt light lights up, warning passengers. Glancing from the scr
Oafy: screen over to Xerokine, he grins stupidly. "We're gaining speed..." His spare hand returns to the lever, moving it up and down wildly, before -- *CRACK!* "..And the acceleration lever is broken. Suggestions, co-pilot?"
Xerokine: -*- "Well," Xerokine drawled as he looked over the unfamiliar controls. "I do have an idea." Leaning over, Xerokine began to draw his hand across the control board of the shuttle. "If we can't turn it off, shut it down." Black sparks danced 
Xerokine: -*- off his fingertips, frying the delicate instruments and stabilizers, but had the nice effect of killing that annoying siren. "Well, there's good news and bad news," Xerokine remarked after a moment. "The good news is that the situation 
Xerokine: -*- isn't any worse. The bad news is that the computer is fried and we're still falling. Toward that orphanage down there. So, I'm thinking, we should let the shuttle crash - killing hundreds of innocent children and their caregivers in a 
Xerokine: -*- horrible fiery explosion from which there is no escape - get out beforehand, and blame the entire thing on Serenity."
Oafy: leaps out of the chair, charging to the back end of the shuttle, despite gravities pull telling him to fly forward through the screen window. "Alright, I'll pretend you just said the shuttle will crash into the ocean, harmlessly,"
Oafy: shouts, preferring to pretend they were not going to be somewhat, indirectly, mostly not at all responsible for the death of many young borns. 'On the bright side, they'd be used to conquer planets some day, anyway. Yeah.. Yeah, we're kind of
Oafy: - doing the universe a favor,' he thinks to himself, not even buying it for a second. With a hard bash against the sealed landing ramp, Oafy opens them an exit. The ramp dangles through the air, sheer force keeping it half afloat. "No time
Oafy: - for heroics, Deputy Mayor. Feel free to join us in escaping death!" The latter comment is yelled loud, as he disappears from the hatch. Free falling in what feels like a wind tunnel, Oafy glances up to see a black cloak just a short ways
Oafy: - above. Before their eyes, the shuttle collides with the orphan/nursery institution. Nothing is heard, except the roaring explosion, and hard blowing wind, as a mushroom cloud of sorts fires high into the sky. A squad of Saiyans with an attitude
Oafy: - were sure to be mere minutes from arriving on the scene to avenge the dead. Lucky for them, they were Saiyans floating a good mile away for no particular reason.
Xerokine: hummed a tune to himself as he walked through the grocery store. Oaftres had wandered off to do whatever it was he did when he was alone, leaving Xerokine some time to lay low and blame Serenity for the explosion and
Xerokine: -*- the deaths of 194 orphans, 62 faculty, and the several dozen who were injured beyond recovery. Supposedly, one of the children had died when a shard of glass entered and exited through the groin. The kid had bled to death before 
Xerokine: -*- help could come. Xerokine chuckled as he wandered down the canned goods aisle, listening with half his attention on a radio report concerning the 'crash'. Apparently, the destroyed shuttle had been identified as belonging to 
Xerokine: -*- humans, specifically to New Hope, and a scan of the shuttle just before crash done by a nearby police transport had identified the presence of one human female. Her bio readings were being checked against New Hope City records 
Xerokine: -*- now, and police were searching for her. "Ah, me..."
Serenity: regains consciousness and feels around the floor of the shuttle, sunlight peeking through in several places.  She feels a trickle of blood from a headwound and feels dizzy, but manages to get to her feet.  She closes her eyes and takes time for th
Serenity: (c) the cobwebs to go away and letting her eyes adjust to the dim light before checking out the damage to the shuttle and herself.  "Great..shuttle's shot..my skirt's ripped, my blouse will never be cleanable with all this blood on it and one of m
Serenity: (c) my heels is broken.." she says weakly, easily finding her still glowing minature computer which read 'transmission terminated..transmission terminate..' she just sighs and shuts the thing off, putting it away, "No shit it's terminated..christ.
Serenity: (c) she says, finding her briefcase and purse after a few minutes and stubling weakly out of the shuttle and onto some debris which cut her bare feet a little.  She deals with the pair and hovers up out of the crater, looking terrible, showing muc
Serenity: (c) much more flesh than she'd like and in a bad mood.  "You there, you're one of those terrorists from the shuttle!" a voice of a large man with a tail says, walking up to her and grabbing her roughly by the collar of her barely held together blo
Serenity: (c) blouse "You're under...ARRGHHH" as a large blast of energy burns his body, which falls down to the ground, lifeless "go to hell...." she says weakly, taking to the air to try and find a way home.
Shim: - The uniformed officer made a nice thud as he fell to the ground, a gaping hole in his rended torso. Behind him, completely obscured by the size of the officer, Shim stood, eyes wide. It seemed that it took his mind a moment to process what he ha
Shim: (C) had seen. Then, a frown spread across his face. "You there... You've done this... Haven't you?" His knuckes tightened around the hilt of Perpetua as his powerlevel began to rise... "Haven't you!?" Over a hundred orphaned children killed. Child
Shim: (C) Children that had thrived, even through the hardships that had brought them to the children's home. Only to be killed by some dumbass... Well, a dumbass - "Bitch!"  Shim shot into the air, unsheathing Perpetua, and in the same motion, unleashi
Shim: (C) unleashing a whirl of energy from its crimson blade.
Xerokine: nodded sagely at the woman behind the register. "You don't understand how evil I can be. You don't know me, but I am a male Saiyan. I don't trust authority figures, I probably don't have a real education, and statistics say 
Xerokine: -*- my present rowdiness and vandalism will likely lead to more serious crimes. I'm a dangerous fellow, and I'm causing mayhem in this store." Xerokine reached over to the shelf and pulled three jars of baby food from the top shelf, 
Xerokine: -*- shoved them behind a box of macaroni, shuffled the Cheeze Whiz in front of the Marshmallow Fluff, and tossed a bag of shavers onto a bag of hamburger buns. "There. I have now shamelessly destroyed the symmetry of this shelf, 
Xerokine: -*- undoing hours of labor by underpaid store employees. If the gods could see me now, they would be frightened."
Serenity: turns around when she hears someone refer to her and gets a wide-eyed expression as she sees a man, obviously mad and with his weapon, coming straight at her. "Oh my god!!", 'This day keeps getting worse and worse...god, what next?!' she thinks, q
Serenity: (c) quickly thinking she knew what she had to do, but did like doing it for obvious reasons, it drained her quite a bit.  She focuses on her home and begins to glow with a dull light.  As the man swings, he shreads her blouse, what little was left
Serenity: (c) of it, severs her bra and makes a light cut down her chest from her left should down to her right hip.  She winces in pain, the cut not being more than a scratch but it was enough to scare her plenty.  She puts her fingers to her forehead and 
Serenity: (c) in an instant later, vanishes from the scene reappearing at her own home, in her living room.  She falls to the floor, her blood stained, dirty silver hair falling down all about her as trickles of blood escape the wound to her head and the li
Serenity: (c) light cut across her chest, her left arm throbbing again as well, "I always hated that planet, bunch of aggressive barbarians with nothing else left to do but fight every other race they can find.." she says to herself, barely able to stand "B
Serenity: (c) "Besides, I didn't use that much energy on that officer, just enough to get him to let go, I have a feeling his was set up as well..." she says, stumbling up to her bedroom and collapsing on her large bed "Luckily, the saiyan race is as politi
Serenity: (c) politically correct as a mushroom, dealing with this incident will be easy, but trying to find out who is behind all this beside that Oafy person will be hard.  Who in the hell does he work for?!" she says, frustrated, injured and tired.
Xerokine: -*- "The Syndicate, of course," came a voice from behind Serenity, a man lounging on her couch flipping through a TV guide. He was a typical blonde-haired, blue-eyed type, wearing a dark, short-sleeved shirt and loose, dark slacks. 
Xerokine: -*- "Didn't you know?" he added, peering over the top of the magazine. "They send out all kinds of assassins and terrorists, trying to stir up trouble between the various world governments. The Saiyans have a warrant for your 
Xerokine: -*- arrest, you know." He flicked a long, brown tail at her. "They are rather... annoyed at Earth right now."
Shim: - "Damn it..." Perpetua clanged to the pavement as Shim checked the officer's vitals. Which, of course, were non-existent. "If I ever see you again..." Shim sneered at the blood that sat where the woman had stood. "Bitch..." He hefted up the Perpe
Shim: (C)  Perpetua, and placed a finger to his forehead, transporting himself to the scene of the attack. He averted his eyes at first, so as to acclimate himself to the smell first. Taking on both attacks on his senses would surely put him on the grou
Shim: (C) ground. Then, a voice played on his ears from the busted speakers of a half-ruined television. It stood on a dusty pedastal, in the window of the store next door to the orphanage. "What?" Shim's eyes narrowed at the television. "The Syndicate 
Shim: (C) "The Syndicate is active again!?" The halfbreed's hand twitched. Could he face them again? "Kalen... You sonofabitch..."
Serenity: gasps and grabs a blanket to pull over her bare chest, "Who the hell are you and what are you doing in MY HOUSE?!!!" she screams, instantly going for her phone-like object to call the authorities, "Forget it, I don't want to know, but you're out o
Serenity: (c) of here mister.." she says quickly dialing their number.  She was shaking in fear and although the man was obviously a super saiyan, she had seen them before, only a few times, but his power was also masked.  She was barely managing to stay on
Serenity: (c) her feet due to her injuries and fatigue, which were wearing her down and she fell to her knees, her slender legs giving out on her as her slender body trembeled underneath the blanket over her.
Xerokine: glanced over and rolled his eyes. "Disgusting humans," he muttered, twitching his tail. "How you can stand each other's presence long enough to procreate is beyond me." Clearly, the idiotic girl had not listened to a word he 
Xerokine: -*- had said. Xerokine returned his attention to the TV guide and waited for her to either calm down or faint. Calling the police wasn't likely, not with her phone cord snapped. Which he remembered to do, sending a nearly invisible spark 
Xerokine: -*- of blackness across the room, severing the line with a satisfying sizzle. "Pay attention," he said calmly. "If all goes as the Syndicate plans, the Saiyans will be declaring war on Earth, and will annihilate your entire species."
Serenity: ignores Xerokine for the moment as she finishes sending her transmission via her minature, pocket computer before putting it quickly away and just listening, "There will be no war..the emissaries will make sure that proper reparitions are paid to 
Serenity: (c) the New Vegeta government and that the reconstruction goes smootly and without incident.  On top of that I have evidence that points to Oafy being a prime suspect in the entire ordeal so a high warrent will be placed on his head both here and 
Serenity: (c) on New Vegeta." she says sternly, but weakly "Also, the worst that will happen to me is I will have to answer to the Earth Government for my actions on New Vegeta and will end up having to somehow participate in the reconstruction of what was 
Serenity: (c) destroyed." she thinks for a moment, pulling out the minature pc and aiming partly at the man on the bed, "Besdies, the shuttle has an auto-log feature where it logs everything in the cockpit, from climat to converstaions, to flight logs to ra
Serenity: (c) radio transmissions.  Whoever else was in on it will be recorded and caught eventually.." she says with a smirk, "Oafy is par to The Syndicate, we'll find out soon enough." she says slyly, apparently knowing something the man did not.
Xerokine: -*- "Really?" the man said vaguely. "Was that autolog thing near the cockpit? I heard something about how one of the terrorists used an energy attack to fry most of the equipment before it crashed. It may have been damaged beyond 
Xerokine: -*- recovery." Or soon would be, anyway. "It doesn't matter to the Syndicate if this 'Oafy' is caught or not. I doubt that's even his real name, if he's an agent for them," he added, gesturing at her. "If he's caught or killed, they'll simply rake
Xerokine: -*- in the profits on reconstruction or loaning money to the New Hope government, then try again next week. Maybe with a bomb placed in a school, with Saiyan DNA conveniently nearby. Maybe the Mayor will be assassinated by an 
Xerokine: -*- Icerian. Or the Deputy Mayor." The man's eyes glinted. "You never know who's been lurking around."
Serenity: stands up, turning around to face the man, blatently snapping his picture with a digital camera, "Well, mister whoever you are, you can be 'smart' all you want, but the fact remains that I have political contacts throughout the galaxy as well as v
Serenity: (c) vast information on many things.  If this is even remotely true, I'll find out about it, and if The Syndicate is behind it, I'll also know it.  It seems to me you're going through quite the effort to label this corporation for these deeds." sh
Serenity: (c) says, dropping the blanket as she turns around, throwing off the rest of her blouse and bra before digging into her dresser for a simple t-shirt which she quickly throws.  She then taks out a pair of nylon shorts and goes into her bathroom "Ex
Serenity: (c) "Excuse me..." she states, coming out a moment later in just the nylon shorts and t-shirt, revealing her long, slender legs.  She begings to apply peroxide and bandages to her various wounds while she speaks "The Syndicate, while corrupt, does
Serenity: (c) doesn't have that much to gain by all this destruction.  Sure, they can offer to loan us money, but the money we can get from normal tax collections and public revenue, so there's no need for loans, especially here." she says, "Also, if this c
Serenity: (c) this corporation was behind an planned war, what would they have to gain by the near destruction of the human race?  Do you or they think the Saiyan race and their power and pride will show mercy on them just because they want to make money as
Serenity: (c) humanity's saviors?" she smirks, putting a large bandage on her head, "Doubtful to say the least..." she says, having bandaged up her head wound, her arm wound and was busy apply peroxide to the long cut-like burn down her chest, sticking her 
Serenity: (c) hand up her shirt a bit to do so, "I feel you're wrong and that you're covering up the activities of another group and that these plans are part of this other, as of yet, unknown group's plans." she says, continuing to nurse her wounds.
Xerokine: -*- "Or," he remarked, absently destroying the camera with a flick of his finger and a quick energy bolt. "Perhaps I'm part of the Syndicate, and I'm here to make unreasonable accusations so that any valid accusation will be doubted 
Xerokine: -*- later on." He idly considered destroying that other little device of hers, but considering that his transformation subtly altered his body structure, it wasn't really necessary. As long as she thought he didn't want to be photographed, 
Xerokine: -*- that was enough. "And maybe I just told you that so you'll dismiss it out of hand. Of course, I might not be a halfbreed at all, but a Saiyan working for human agencies. Ever think of that?"
Serenity: frowns at the destruction of her camera and shakes her head, finishing bandaging her chest.  "It is possible and I rule out no possibilities to be honest.  I'm not sure who you are, or what affiliation you're from, but I do have a very good feelin
Serenity: (c) that you're in league with all of this." she says, going over and snatching her television guide from the uppity super saiyan and putting in on her entertainment center before look at him with her piercing blue eyes "I may not find out today, 
Serenity: (c) or tomorrow but you can guarantee, I WILL find out." she snaps, turning around and taking a towel from a closet near the bathroom, "You can excuse yourself now, mister super saiyan. I don't expect you to tell me your name." she turns around on
Serenity: (c) one last time, flicking her silver hair out of her face "Also, if I find out you're the one trying to sabotage MY city, I will spare no effort to bring you to justice, remember that..saiyan.." she says, waiting for the man to get out of her ho
Serenity: (c) house, 'I have to upgrade my pc and security system to block isntant transmission..' she thinks, planning on it after this night.
Xerokine: grinned. "My name?" he questioned aloud, hopping to his feet. "Why didn't you ask?" He turned on his heel, and as he began to vanish like a shadow on the mist, his final words drifted in like a breeze. "Xerokine 
Xerokine: -*- Caeruleus, at your service." A world away, Xerokine wandered out of the restroom of the grocery store in the capital of New Vegeta, humming a tune to himself as he purchased some chocolate bars, smiled for the security camera, 
Xerokine: -*- and wandered out.
Serenity: closed the door to her bathroom and turned on the hot water in her shower before dressing down and hanging the towel on the rack "Xerokine Caeruleus...?" she says, looking at herself in the mirror "Hmmm...." she says with a smile, "I may have a us
Serenity: (c) use for you, Xerokine Caeruleus, perhaps a way to keep New Hope out of trouble for the next mayoral election and beyond.." she says to herself, slipping into the shower and letting the water run down her long, silvery hair.
Essex: sprays his He-Salsa in Greg's Man-Gina.
Sun: joins in the fun.
Salems: grabs some chips and some sodas
Essex: puts on his robe and wizard hat.
Sun: stomps his foot and snarls. Sun's don't play games, they charge your ass.
Serenity: sets down a series of papers on recent events and financial reports on the mayor's desk, "There you go sir, all the resports you requested." she says in a professional tone, "Very good Miss Mikomi" he says to her with an agitated look as he sorts 
Serenity: (c) through the papers as if uninterested, despite their heavy importance. "Sir..." she says, beginning to point at the papers.  "Excuse me, mister mayor?" comes a sweet voice from beind the deputy mayor, making her roll her eyes in disgust 'Great
Serenity: (c) ..the floozy..' she thinks, "Hello Nancy.." the mayor says in a sly voice before coughing and looking up at Serenity, "If you'll excuse Miss Mikomi, I have important...business, to attend to.  I'm sure you have a flight to catch to New Vegeta.
Serenity: (c) he says as his secretary sits on his lap and squeels.  Sighing and shaking her head she turns around and walks out the door, slamming it behind her, mumbling "Incompetant moron..." before going to her own office, "Any messages Mary?" she asks,
Serenity: (c)  "No Miss Mikomi, I have your flight arrangements here for you.", "Thank you Mary, take the rest of the day off, I won't be back until Monday." she says with a smile, "Thank you Miss Mikomi, have a wonderful weekend." she says, quickly grabbin
Serenity: (c) grabbing her coat, "You too Mary, say hi to the kids for me.." she says, going into her office to pack her briefcase and grab her jacket and purse.  She locks her office, going downstairs and outside, opening her umbrella "God I hate rain.." s
Serenity: (c) she says softly, quickly running to the street and flagging down a taxi and getting in, closing her umbrella "To the starport please." she says as the taxi speeds off.  She opens up her minature computer and starts analyzing data on recent eve
Serenity: (c) events, in particular, two very important men the authorities would like to speak with, 'They'll be caught sooner or later, I guarantee it..' she thinks with a sly smile of her own.
Oafy: brushes through swinging doors on a run down looking bar, clothed in a long flowing brown cloak, hooded up to effectively mask his face. Crossing the relatively quiet area of the New Vegeta city, he stalks off to the backside of the shanty
Oafy: - establishment. Reaching this mostly hidden alcove from the rest of Saiyan society, he lowers the hood, pulling a slightly torn piece of paper out from his inner robes. It was a perfect print picture of his features, with a rather tauntin
Oafy: - smile. The wanted ad was one of many, joined by random media mention of a terrorist act on one of the orphanages on the planet, involving another accomplice, and a city official of Earth. He wasn't welcome among the populace of neither Earth
Oafy: - or New Vegeta. Ammends would have to be made... Not yet, though. "Not till I finish with you," he whispers to himself, staring up at the sky with a heavy heart.
Essex: looks up and pulls his own hood back, drinking from his massive pitcher of alcohol. "Good to see you again, Oaftres." He says, smirking. I trust you have your memories back, eh?"
Essex: (*) He reaches into his trenchcoat and pulls out the newspaper article, telling about Oafy's hijinx. "Hijacking a shuttle for one, come, sit." He says, extending his hand towards the empty
Essex: (*) seat on the other side of his table.
Serenity: closes up her super computer after making sure she had the samples and other information she needed as well as the design plans, materials, structure and labors costs of the new orphanage she had volunteered to help rebuild.  She pays the taxi dri
Serenity: (c) driver, opens up her umbrella and gets out, walking into the spaceport only to close it again, shaking off the water as thunder roars overhead.  She pulls her travel information and ticket out of her purse and hands it to the ticket teller, gl
Serenity: (c) glancing out the window, the parking lot still in sorry shape "Alright Miss Mikomi, your first class travel arrangements are all ready, here you are, have a safe trip." she says with a broad smile, "Thank you.." she says, give her suitcase, tr
Serenity: (c) giving her suitcase, travel bag and briefcase to a security official for inspection.  PIcking up her luggage, she boards the shuttle and puts her travel bag in the overhead compartment before taking off her long white trenchcoat and taking her
Serenity: (c) seat, looking out the window as the shuttle prepares to launch, 'Hopefully this ride will be safer than the one I had a few days ago...' she thinks to herself, buckling up tightly before taking out her computer, a glowing virtual keyboard and 
Serenity: (c) monitor appearing as she starts to work once again.
Oafy: shoots a bewildered stare to the 17 foot tall dragon in a trenchcoat to his left, and can't help but wonder how strong the Saiyan rum had to be, that he didn't notice Essex. Accepting the dragon mans offer, Oaftres takes his place on the
Oafy: - spare seat. Sighing as he gets a few glances from a couple of men, Oafy returns his hood upright to shroud himself again. "Nothing but pure Oaf once again," he whispers, the hood bobbing a little, "Dragonsex." He puts stress on the 'dragon'.
Oafy: hmms softly at that, deciding discussion of Essex's dragonism a topic for later. "To be fair, they changed the schedule of the shuttle..." Light chuckles escape the cloak, before he elaborates. "I didn't want to teleport here, and risk attention
Oafy: - of any security. Saiyans are so territorial. I guess my plan backfired, a little." The folds of his robe shift a little, as he leans closer to the dragon. "What about you? Pleasure, or business?"
Essex: nods and calls the barmaid over. "Get him what he wants, put it on my tab." He tells her before looking back across at Oafy. "Pure business, I assure you." He coughs into his
Essex: (*) hand. "What brings you here?" He asks, quirking an eyebrow.
Serenity: wakes up after several hours of flight as the shuttle rumbles on its way to a landing at New Vegeta spaceport.  Gathering her luggage, she leaves the shuttle and puts on her sunglasses, tossing her silvery hair over her shoulder and draping her wh
Serenity: (c) white trenchcoat over her arm before flagging a taxi and getting in, "Where to...human?" the driver asks rudely.  She just remains quiet for a moment, not used to being treated like that before remembering some saiyans didn't care for 'weak' h
Serenity: (c) humans and says in a polite voice, "Earth Embassy please.." she says as the taxi quickly takes off, "Yeah, whatever human.." the driver mumbles, speeding through town, 'Most of the saiyans I've met have some manners I guess not all of them are
Serenity: (c) that way, much like us..they're more like us then they'll ever freely admit..' she thinks with a smile before taking out a compact, checking her hair and makeup carefully before making sure her clothes are all set.  After that she just looks a
Serenity: (c) at the splendor of the grand saiyan capital city with his strongly built structures, 'Not much to look at, but the buildings looking extremely durable and strong, much like their race..' she thinks, finding new respect for this hard pressed an
Serenity: (c) and enduring race as the taxi screams to a halt almost sending her into the front seat.  The driver doesn't turn around, just puts out a small tablet "Thirtyfive.." he says with a sneer, "Thi..." she about argues and then just sighs and pays t
Serenity: (c) the money, quickly grabbing her things and getting out of the taxi before Embassy building, watching as the driver takes off "Miss Mikomi?" a male voice says from in front of her, snapping her attention "Yes? Oh!" she says, quickly extending a
Serenity: (c) slender hand, "Hello Mister Robinson." she says, having her hand taken and kissed gently, "Welcome to New Vegeta, come inside and let me make arrangements for a nice hotel, then we can get down to business." he says, walking towards the large,
Serenity: (c) well made building, "Of course Senator.." she says, allowing the man to carry her suitcase as she grabs her briefcase, travel bag and purse.
Oafy: * "Shot of... something strong" he utters to the barmaid, before addressing Essex once more, in a louder voice, realizing nobody in the bar could possibly be sober enough to identify who he is, even if he told them. "Oh. Well, you know...
Oafy: - This whole alternate dimension thing has gotten the brain juices flowing. I did some research, and it looks like the Kessoku lineage has progressed far enough that my father is preparing to join one of the elite Saiyan armies." He pauses for
Oafy: - a few moments passage, only then taking into consideration others might not understand this significance. "If things in the Kessoku family happens the same as it did in our original dimension, except 20 years late... He will eventually get
Oafy: - blackmailed, and forced to leave New Vegeta. On Earth, he mates with my mother, and she bares me." Beneath the shadows of his hood, a smirk develops. "Assuming this one out of a million chance thing happens. If it does," he accepts the shot of
Oafy: - a brown liquid from the barmaid, downing it in one quick motion. "And another 'Oaftres' is born.. I'm worried about what will happen. I dont want that to happen." He stops then, wondering if his words were self explanatory at this point.
Oafy: * "Shot of... something strong" he utters to the barmaid, before addressing Essex once more, in a louder voice, realizing nobody in the bar could possibly be sober enough to identify who he is, even if he told them. "Oh. Well, you know...
Oafy: - This whole alternate dimension thing has gotten the brain juices flowing. I did some research, and it looks like the Kessoku lineage has progressed far enough that my father is preparing to join one of the elite Saiyan armies." He pauses for
Oafy: - a few moments passage, only then taking into consideration others might not understand this significance. "If things in the Kessoku family happens the same as it did in our original dimension, except 20 years late... He will eventually get
Oafy: - blackmailed, and forced to leave New Vegeta. On Earth, he mates with my mother, and she bares me." Beneath the shadows of his hood, a smirk develops. "Assuming this one out of a million chance thing happens. If it does," he accepts the shot of
Oafy: - a brown liquid from the barmaid, downing it in one quick motion. "And another 'Oaftres' is born.. I'm worried about what will happen. I dont want that to happen." He stops then, wondering if his words were self explanatory at this point.
Essex: * "That's why I had this realities version of my parents killed." He says, shrugging and ordering another drink. "It keeps things easier that way, heh." He stares across the 
Essex: (*) table again. "So, how'd you get all your memories back?"
Serenity: sighs, sitting down at a bar stool in a bar near the shanty, shady part of town after a very long day of planning, unpacking and figuring out materials, manpower and finances.  Her silver hair hangs down her back in a long ponytail, look like a ri
Serenity: (c) looking like a river of silver thread.  She wore just a simple black, silver buttoned, knee length, button down dress with the upper two most buttons undone.  She had on black nylons and black heels with only light makeup.  She wasn't dressed 
Serenity: (c) as if she wanted attention, but she always believed in looking nice to give a good first impression.  Of course she had not planned on going to a local tavern after the formal dinner at the Embassy.  She took a long drink of the Earth made alc
Serenity: alcoholic beverage she had, setting the glass gently down.  She had thought about going back to her hotel and changing into jeans and a tshirt but figured she'd end up passing out and she needed a drink.  "You ok Miss?" the bartender asks her, loo
Serenity: (c) looking concearned, "I'm fine, give me another.." she says to him, laying down a fifty.  The bartender takes the money and goes to get her drink.  The saiyan men in the tavern were busy play games of strength and drinking to pay attention to h
Serenity: (c) human female.  She was attractive to them she assumed, but saiyan women were rather aggressive and she was more timid and looked like she wanted to be left alone to her thoughts, which were many.
Oafy: leans in to explain the situation a little more clearly to his dragon companion. "Yes, that's exactly what I intend to d--" Before being able to finish, a flash of light signals Essex's disappearance. He'd left him rather abruptly, but it gave
Oafy: an excuse to put some more alcohol on his tab. "With gusto!" He tugs on a passing by barmaids uniform, ordering five shots of whatever he'd just taken. The voice of a female beckons him just then, pulling him out of his seat to face a hair of
Oafy: - long silver hair. "YOU." Grabbing ahold of her by the back of her shoulder, Oafy yanks her out of the seat to face him, while simutaneously throwing back his hood to reveal his face. His face is frozen in a scowl, his brows narrowing both eyes
Oafy: - into slits of throbbing rage. She had ruined his plans, and wrecked his greatest chance to perform the job without a hiccup. He wasn't too sure how, but.. she was definitely at fault
Serenity: gasps, nearly spilling her drink as she's picked up and almost slammed against the bar itself, her beautiful, sparkling blue eyes wide with terror at first.  Her long, shimmering, nylon clad legs almost hanging freely as she's being held up mostly
Serenity: (c) by the man grabbing her.  She begins to raise her knee up towards his groin before she recognizes him and glances away, his breath reeking of alcohol, "Mist Oafy..!?" she exclaims, struggling to free herself from his grasp, "Let me go!" she sa
Serenity: (c) says sternly, obviously frightened, the man was drunk and therefore much stronger than she had anticipated.  She grits her pearly white teeth, her breathing heavy as she tries to find some way to get the man off of her, 'Great, here I am looki
Serenity: (c) looking sexy for a dinner, don't to change and here I am shoved up against a bar with a man twice as strong as me, drunk and pissed off..' she thinks, 'perfect.., I hate men..' she thinks, frowning, finally brining her knee up Oafy's groin in 
Serenity: (c) in a vain attempt to get away from him.
Oafy: releases his hold on Serenity, only in time for her to lodge her knee into Mr Happy. Groaning loud enough to attract the attention of all the patrons of the bar, Oafy begins to faulter; one eye half shuts, the other wide open and twitching, while
Oafy: - his legs clamp tightly, locking Serenity's knee in place at his groin. In retrospect... Nevermind. "You.. ah... second time... this week." He utters these words painfully, all the while on the border of falling backwards on his ass. "Wanted..
Oafy: - ..talk. Ice too..." In a great effort, he forces his legs to separate from each other, releasing the womans knee before he collapses backwards, laying flat on his ass, hands shielding his manhood. Gentle whimperings are heard.
Serenity: nearly falls on the floor herself after Oafy lets her go but being agile and dextrous she keeps her balance and stands up, motioning the bartender to back off before extending a slender hand to Oafy to help him up, "You should know better than to 
Serenity: (c) lay your hands on a woman like that, even if you are a terrorist!" she exclaims angerly, glancing at the bartender, "Bartender, ice and rag for this mans..umm..condition.." she says waiting for Oafy to take her so she could help him up, "If yo
Serenity: (c) you wanted to talk, just come sit down and say, hey, I want to talk.." she says again 'jerk.., out of all the places to meet a drunken, wanted terrorist and psychopath..' she thinks with a frown as some saiyan men in the bar snicker at the man
Serenity: (c) on the floor before returning to their drinks and games of strength, but not before giving her a good looking over.  She just shoots them a glare that could kill and they quickly go back to their fun.
Oafy: takes Serenity's hand, pulling himself free of the cold floor, nearly falling on her as he regains his stance. "Sorry," he grumbles in a nearly inaudible whisper. Bending over a little, he places a palm against the wall, supporting himself
Oafy: - as he returns a gaze to the Deputy Mayor of New Hope. "Not exactly happy to see you. Impulse," he speaks now with a bit more control; the throbbing was going down. 'Would love to throttle her right now for that..' A mental image of doing so pass
Oafy: - passes by quickly. "We've got things to discuss.. Like why you didn't get out of the shuttle with us."  Relief strikes him - Mr Happy's two neighbours were back in place. Standing upright and free of the wall, he begins to breathe regularly.
Serenity: sits back down on the stool, crossing her legs, handing the ice wrapped in a rag to Oafy before taking a sip of her drink. "So, that's all you wanted to ask me?" she says in a much more polite and relaxed tone.  Putting down her glass, she turns h
Serenity: (c) her seat to face the man, regarding him cooly, "Because you two left me in there to die." she says calmly, "I barely made it out alive and not without serious injury.  I was barely able to make it hope and when I did, your friend, I think, bar
Serenity: (c) barged into my home and tried framing The Syndicate for the crime." she says, turning back around and grabbing her drink tightly, wanting to break it from frustration but refraining as she takes another, longer, drink. "I know you two are lyin
Serenity: (c) lying to me and I can guarantee I'll find out the truth, either when someone brings your sorry ass in or when you get wise and turn yourself in.." she says with a smirk, "New Hopes mayor is all but worthless, but I can tell you that I'm not so
Serenity: (c) easily fooled.." she said, the man finding it difficult to avoid the smell of her exotic perfume, 'I should have changed before coming here and then doused myself with dirty gym sock water..' she thinks to herself, chuckling.
Oafy: rests the ragged ice on his crotch, easing up greatly as he holds it there. "We didn't want you to die.. Although that would have made things much easier." A new round of shot glasses reaches the table. Oafy waddles his way to his seat, 
Oafy: - sitting carefully, still holding the ice against himself as he downs the first of five shots. "Not sure which friend went after you-" Another is downed. "I know you know I'm lying. I honestly did a lot of lying when we met. I've no problem
Oafy: - admitting it." A third shot is taken to dull the groin pain. "I didn't expect a reaction from both Saiyans and Earth, though. I didn't intend to hurt anyone that was hurt..." The fourth shot goes down harder, as he winces painfully. "Er..
Oafy: - the reason.." He thinks for a moment, trying to decide if he could share the situation with her or not. "..No. I didn't crash it on purpose." Picking up the fifth shot, he slowly toasts her mockingly. "I'm the hero in this game, lady. Give it
Oafy: - time. You'll see."
Serenity: gets up from her stool and walks over to Oafy in a rather sexy-like manner, swinging her hips and tossing her beautiful silver hair aside before gently leaning down to the mans ear, bending over just right, her lovely perfume invading his nose.  H
Serenity: (c) Her soft, smooth, delicate hand takes his chin and lifts it up as she puts her moist, ruby lips close to his ear, breathing delicatly into it, her voice soft and but a whisper, "Yes..I know we'll see.." she says, breathing again as she gently 
Serenity: (c) licks his ear for a moment, watching his body tingle "You're going to tell me...EVERYTHING...." she says seductively to the man before gently kissing him on the cheek firmly, leaving the imprint of her lipstick pasted onto his face.  She stand
Serenity: (c) stands up, goes over to grab her silk-lined coat, pays the bartender and points at Oafy, "He may need another STIFF drink.." she says with a chuckle, winking at Oafy before leaving the bar to get some sleep.  Once outside she nearly throws up 
Serenity: (c) and gags, "He's kinda cute, but that smell....GOD.." she says to herself, knowing she needed rest to get up in the moring for the start of the construction.
Oafy: finds himself in an awkward circumstance. On one hand, a beautiful woman was attempting to seduce him - she seemed to have some good experience doing that. "Hmm." On the other hand, he had a package of freezing cold ice on his genitalia. "Cold."
Oafy: clears the throat loudly, watching her leave. "Very 'hmm' 'cold'..." Beginning to make no sense, the one hand on the last shot glass hesitates to near his lips. Did he really need another drink? "No.. I think I'm.. done for now." Setting it down,
Oafy: stands to his feet slowly, cloaking himself in the hood once more as he walks out the bar, stumbling on chairs in the way a little. Once outside, he begins to think back to Serenity. 'We meet. I flirt with her. She accuses me of leveling New Hope.
Oafy: - We travel together. I nearly killed her - indirectly. She kicks me in the jewels. Flirts and seduces me...' The process kept going over in his head, till his drunken mind made a decision aloud: "She wants my hot kawk."
Serenity: had masked her power to be less, even then that of a normal saiyan civillian and had hovered above the tavern, just behind the door, waiting.  She had crossed her ankles and had her black trenchcoat wrapped tightly about her, 'Come on, Oafy, lead 
Serenity: (c) me somewhere...' she thinks, letting the cool night wind blow at her beautiful, glistening, glowing silver hair. 'He's very drunk and if my knee hurt him, then the alcohol will finish it.  He'll lead me to somewhere, hopefully where I can find
Serenity: (c) more information' she thinks with a smile, adding the new information she learned to her computer before landing gently on the foor above the door of the bar, having taken off her heels and now only clad in her black nylons, in order to keep q
Serenity: (c) quiet
Oafy: swirves around to his left and right, trying to remember where the Kessoku Family house was. After a few minutes of indecision, he recalls the directions he had memorized, prior to getting shitfaced. "We're off to see the wiiiizard.." he sings
Oafy: - with a slur, strolling rather flamboyantly down the street to the south, humming as he goes. There he goes. A cloaked man, shrouded in darkness.. singing and prancing. He takes a few turns here and there at intersections, though the south
Oafy: - seems to be the jist of the walk. After a few more minutes, he comes to a heavy residential sector of the Saiyan city. Suddenly he appears lost, checking out the details of each house he passes, not quite yet finding the right one..
Serenity: slowly and carefully hovers up and above the drunken man, following him intently.  The sliver of the moon in the clear sky above making her silver hair glow and sparkle.  Combined with her completely black outfit, and smooth, beautiful pale skin s
Serenity: (c) she looked like a beautiful ghost, espeically with her glowing silver hair being blown all about her by the cold wind, having blown itself free of her ponytail holder. 'Come on you fool, where do you live, who do you work for?!' she thinks, he
Oafy: comes before a long, wide house, looking more like a one floor apartment than any of the others near it. It is a fairly plainly built dwelling, with nothing out of the ordinary besides its size. The front door boasts some ancient writing,
Oafy: - symbols that he knew represented a family crest. His. The Kessoku Family. The drunken stupor and antics cease completely in his movements, backing away far from 'home', to the opposite end of the street. There he stands, staring down the
Oafy: - house like some enemy. 'He is in there. All of them...' The task before him was like nothing he had ever faced. It was something that had to be done, but he knew it was not right. And yet, he holds out his palm, bubbles of black ki wisping into
Oafy: - existence in its form. "I'm sorry..." The ki solidifies, seconds before unleashing in a white wave, outlined in darkness, chewing away at the street in its wake as it nears the House of Kessoku.
Serenity: hovers along with Oafy, carefully observing as he gets to a door to a very old structure, apparently locked.  She then gets wide-eyed as the drunken man forms a ball of black ki energy and begins cutting through the door.  Knowing she shouldn't in
Serenity: (c) interfere, she decided she should anyway, 'What if there's innocent people in there?' she thinks, caring about their safety.  Closing her eyes she releases the masking of her power as her long silver hair whips about her in a powerful wind of 
Serenity: (c) ki energy combined with the cold night air.  A bright, light blue, sparkling aura forms about her slender, lithe body as her level of power rises well beyond what she had ever let out before.  Opening her now glowing blue eyes she calls down t
Serenity: (c) to Oafy in a stern, commanding voice, "Stop!  I don't know what you're doing or why you're doing it, but it ends now." glaring at the man, obviously unafraid of him and willing to battle him, if need be, to protect anyone he may harm.
Oafy: closes his eyes in disbelief, his palm still raised and fueling the tip of his wave of darkness. That sexy girl had followed him! How annoying... At least right now it was. "I have to do this.. Feel free to seduce me later, okay?!" He roars this u
Oafy: - up at her, the bulk of his wave suddenly increasing greatly in size. It seems to inch backward, and then suddenly dive into the building, ripping away at the entire front. He felt their energies.. they were likely awake now, stirred by the noise
Oafy: winces, pushing forward now with two open palms, willing his attack forward despite his desire to do otherwise. There was a whole family in there. Not just Tlae, the closest being this dimension offered to him as a father. Tlae had two brothers
Oafy: - a sister, each with their own young. 'It seems their young are gone, though.. perhaps drafted.' But there was clearly still a filled house. Perhaps Oafy's own half-siblings? Fullbreeds he'd never cared to meet in the other dimension. Regardless,
Oafy: burns away at the house with full power raging through. Signatures were fading, and disappearing quickly. They were caught off guard, and dying.
Serenity: gasps in horror, "No..." she says softly, calling down to oafy, "Stop it! There are children in there you crazy bastard!!" she screams.  Fear turns into an overwhelming drive to protect the innocent, 'I may want balance in the universe, but killin
Serenity: (c) killing innocent people is NOT balance!' she thinks as she explodes into a brilliant and blinding light blue light, appearing from it with large, angelic wings.  The wings were feathery, glowing and beautiful, but colored white with black tipp
Serenity: (c) tipped feathers, signaling her purpose. She was not an angel of purity, but one of balance and harmony.  Her eyes blazed with blue fire as her hair flowed like a glowing waterful of silver.  Her black trenchcoat rippling, exposing her short bl
Serenity: (c) black dress, which also rippled against her legs.  Her physical power was now at its peak as she extended both of her hands, a swirling vortex of cold, ice blue light and energy forced, looking like particles of ice.  She releases the shards o
Serenity: (c) of ice in a powerful storm of pure cold energy at the house, not the man "Icestorm!!!" she cries out as the flury of ice cold energy errupted from her hands, slowly coating the house with its freezing cold energy, threatening to completely neg
Serenity: (c) negate the strong super-heated energy being released by Oafy "Let them go!  Stop it!  Your acts of death MUST stop!" she says with concearn, hoping to sway him from this deed before it escalates further.
Oafy: tightens his palms into fists, the energy vanishing all at once to reveal half a house, chewed in half with eerie precision. 'She is right... I cant.' Dropping onto knees, Oafy stares at all that remains of the House of Kessoku. It was never
Oafy: - a proud family of Saiyans.. but to do this was beyond acceptable. He had taken the lives of more than a handful of family members. No one he had ever met, or cared to know better than by title. But they didn't deserve to die. No one there did.
Oafy: - Only Tlae did. Rather than face him head on, and risk his own life in honourable battle, he chose a cowards way out. "Who is left?!" He cries suddenly, terror in his eyes. "I.. I'm sorry.."
Serenity: releases her attack, horrified as much as Oafy with the terrible damage and her senses seemed overwhelmed by the carnage he had wrought until he stopped of his own volition.  She closes her eyes as a bliding light blue light encircles her, fading 
Serenity: (c) a moment later she was back tn normal, her power greatly diminished.  She hovers down next to the weeping man and carefully puts her arm around him, crying with him, her voice is soft and caring "It's all about hope...Oafy.." she says quietly 
Serenity: (c) hearing crying and mourning from withing the remaining structure "You can't reverse what was done today, but you can make it right.  Light and darkness are relative and you need both to survive, but you must learn the time to use each." she sa
Serenity: (c) says, carefully looking him over.  His power was strong, but his will was weak, especially now "I can help you Oafy, if you help yourself." she says with great caring in her voice "Let me show you the way, the true way and let this experience 
Serenity: (c) make you stronger.  These people will forgive you if you forgive yourself.  Together we can rebuild this home and they can recover from this tragedy and then we can truly unlike the balance within you." she says, trying to help the man to his 
Serenity: (c) feet, "Come..." is the last word out of her mouth and it comes with just a whisper from her ruby lips, her voice not seeming seductive, but honest, caring and almost as if she was speaking into his very heart.
Oafy: stares at the wreckage, standing now with eyes that burn. He felt the urge to cry, but held it back. He couldn't recall the first or last time he had cried. He was not about to start. "I have.. to kill him," he whispers, terror still on his
Oafy: - face as he watches the scene play before him. "He's still there... I cant let him..." His left palm raises. Both eyes lock onto a target they can now see. A single saiyan warrior, standing in the ruins of his house, looking over the wounded
Oafy: - as two other adults rush around trying to identify the living. "Tlae.." The hushed name almost calls out to the Saiyan, who looks straight at him. Even from so far away, he could feel the increased heart rate of his father. 'How can I do
Oafy: - it? I cant.. I've already taken so much from them. Can I take their father?' Deep down, the truth told him the only thing to do was listen to Serenity, and make ammends. But this was the only way to prevent a problem down the road. 'If I kill
Oafy: - him, what happens to them?... No. I would have to take out the whole family. Leave no orphans. But I cant do THAT!' Frustration. "This is the only way," he decides aloud, the black energy gathering in preparation for a second wave.
Serenity: grips Oafy's arm tightly and closes her eyes, speaking directly into his mind, "Think, Oafy...open your mind to the truth." she echoes within him, "Is this truly your father..?" she says, opening her eyes and looking at the frightened man, standin
Serenity: (c) standing in front of what is left of his family, "This man knows you not, he is not your father." she says, slowly hovering to interpose herself between Tlae and Oafy, holding out her hand to him, looking like a beautiful glowing angel dressed
Serenity: (c) in black, her voice still echoing hin his mind "This is not another time, it is another dimension, one in which we must live now with all our hearts for this is no return.  There can be only one of you, Oafy....only one.." she echoes with cari
Serenity: (c) caring "Even if this man follows the course of the timeline you knew, he cannot produce a child like you, for there is only one of you, ever." she says, cupping her hands in front of her as she produces a small globe of clear, crystalline ener
Serenity: (c) energy. "Look.." she says with her mouth this time, staring at the ball, "Look within and see the truth.." she says again, "Be not afraid, this life shall balance itself according to the laws of the universe.  These laws cannot be undone lest 
Serenity: (c) the entire universe be torn asunder and even if we wished that, such power is not in our hands." she says, showing an image of a little girl of no more than seven earth years in age, looking like the mother Oafy knew from his life.  She looks 
Serenity: (c) up at the man, her blue eyes shining in the moonlight, "See?  This is the one you speak of, the one you had called mother, but here is no more than a child and would be only two years older in the time in which she would supposidly give birth.
Serenity: (c) she says softly, letting go of the orb of energy and sending it gently floating towards Oafy.
Salems: takes a good long look at Xerokine, then suddenly without any warning lifts his shirt and starts playing with his nipple then asks "Would you fuck me?"  Then answers his own question "I'd fuck me...I'd fuck the hell outta me" Then walks away shame
Salems: -=- shamefully
Oafy: 's palm lowers, any faint energies fading entirely. He was ignorant of this crystal ball Serenity had, not quite trusting her intentions at first. Yet regardless of the truth behind that ball, she was correct about one thing. How paranoid
Oafy: - was he to believe they would meet? Him simply coming to New Vegeta, and making the news, was enough that even if his parents -would- meet and produce him normally, they would no longer. The butterfly effect, and all. The impact of wiping out
Oafy: - a small portion of his relatives only solidified the fact his parents would now, never meet. Maybe his mother in this dimension was a child, but now, for sure, there was no chance of them meeting as they did in his dimension. "You're right,
Oafy: - Serenity. Too right..." She, too, wasn't native to this dimension. 'How many people actually grew up here?' "I refuse to stay and help them... They don't want me here. I can see it in his eyes." He refers to Tlae's, staring him down. "I'm
Oafy: - going to leave New Vegeta, and never return. Any Saiyan with a problem.. will know where to find me." He lowers his gaze, the alcohol suddenly kicking in. "Sleep now."
Xerokine: -*- "What's going on?" a voice came from the other side of the smoldering, ruined building, as a cloaked figure with glinting golden-brown eyes wandered through the ruins. His sword was unsheathed and already dripping with blood 
Xerokine: -*- as he flicked it on either side, cutting down random bystanders with a casual indifference. "Aren't you done yet? I've already gotten bored." As Tlae whirled around to see what was going on, Xerokine calmly slashed the man across 
Xerokine: -*- the throat. "Can't you even handle patricide without getting drunk and passing out?" Figuring the girl standing over Oaftres was another of his relatives, Xerokine started to wander over. "One left, huh?"
Serenity: turns around quickly, her silvery flowing hair whipping behind her as the cool wind blows gently at her short, beautiful black silk dress and long coat, "You?!" she states, now staring for a moment at the dead bodies and closing her eyes to grieve
Serenity: (c) silently and then looking up at Xerokine, "The man for whom I have a purpose.." she says lightly, still hovering above the ground a bit.  She points to him before hovering up a bit, letting the moonlight glisten off her glowing hair "You will 
Serenity: (c) come with me, Xerokine Caeruleus.." she says with a smile, seeing Oafy walk off in his drunken stupor "I have a 'job' for you that I know will fit you just beautifully." she says hovernig away from the building, putting her hand in her pocket 
Serenity: (c) for a moment. 'Their death was fate, it was meant to happen, although I do not yet understand the why..' she thinks for a moment, 'Perhaps...' she shrugs, masking her power but staying within sight of the powerfully built saiyan man but keep h
Serenity: (c) keeps her wits about her in case of betrayal.s
Noodles: nods to kadaj, "job well done, thanks chaz, i cum in yo mouth"
Oafy: watches helplessly as his family is slaughtered. And yet, it was better that way. He was at ease. And best of all, he didn't do it. Er. All of it. The point was, he had a scapegoat. "When all is said and done," Oafy falls to the ground. "..this
Oafy: - ground is good for sleeping on..." His eyes shut, and he pretty much stops talking then and there.
Fenin: -0- Tears streak the haunted Saiyan's cheeks silvery pale, shimmering in the bare moonlight. An eerie howl whispers through the chilly wind and the sleeping warrior stirs slightly, though still clinging to sleep, to the dreams he has sought
Fenin: -x- to reside in for so many years, though something was different. Wrong. This is no dream, he comes to realize - everything's a little TOO perfect, and in his lifelong experiences everything must have some distaste to it, or else it will have
Fenin: -x- a searing distaste soon, stealing away all that was and will be good, sealing it forever away in a tomb. Though his body is lies in a park on a misty midnight in New Hope City, Fenin's mind lays detached upon the past, on his brief few moment
Fenin: -x- in paradise, moments he had thought, and hoped to, have lost in his collapsing recollection of who he was and what made him.
Arslanon: -*-  Hovering just centimeters above the side walk, Arslanon glides across the park, searching for victims. He had just regained his body, dettached from the weakling called 'Essex'.
Arslanon: (*) He stops momentarily, grining as he turns his head, spotting a young couple making out. "Isn't it a bit past your bed time?" He asks them, gliding over the grass towards them,
Arslanon: (*) his red carapace shimmering in the moon light. The boy stands up, trying to stand up to the biodroid. "Hey, back the fuck off!" He shouts at Arslanon in a faux-attempt to protect
Arslanon: (*) his girlfriend. "Silence, mortal." He stays, grabbing the boy by the face, his hand covering the human's mouth. He muffled the boys screams by doing this, keeping his gaze fixed
Arslanon: (*) on the girl. "Your boyfriend made a futile attempt just now... I can't allow him to live, he'd weaken an already inferior gene pool by reproducing. He looks back over at the boy, beginning
Arslanon: (*) to absorb his lifeforce through micro-bio-sensors in his hands. "Now... for the fun part." He says, the girl staring at him in horror. He tightens his grip, the boys skull buckling slightly,
Arslanon: (*) partially collapsing. Arslanon eyes squinted a bit as his biomass absorbing stinger broke through the skin in his wrist, puncturing the flesh of the boy's jaw and into his head
Arslanon: (*) as the biodroid began to absorb the boy into his own being. The girl stands up and begins to back-away, screaming loudly. "No, what! Stop you monster!" She began to cry as Arslanon
Arslanon: (*) drops the boys body, walking towards her. "Now now, little girl, I can't allow you to live either... you associated with him... and birds of a feather flock together. Face it... I'm doing humanity
Arslanon: (*) a favor." He says aloud as he darts forward quicker than the girl, grabbing her by the throat and lifting her in the air. He holds her there, smelling her and laughing allowed. "You know, you make
Arslanon: (*) me wish I had human extremities, so I could... you know." He lowers his hand to her thigh and grasps it, his stringer breaking through his flesh again and making its way up her leg to
Arslanon: (*) begin absorbing her too.
Fenin: -*- A thunderous voice boons, shattering the momentary silence - "SCARLET REDEMPTION!" Three crimson bolts blaze through the air, striking the bio android in the side three times. Just as the searing bolts sink into the bioandroid, Fenin
Fenin: -x- leaps at him, delivering a stunning Spinning Wheel Kick. Fenin quickly dives at Arslanon, driving his shoulder deep into the bioandroids gut, pulling him away from the woman who had fallen victim to the familiar presence of Essex's
Fenin: -x- split personality.
Arslanon: hits the ground and rolls through, landing in an upright position, still hovering above the sidewalk. He looks down at his now indented stomach, perfectly matching Fenin's shoulder.
Arslanon: (*) "That wasn't very nice, Fenin." He says, as his stomach regenerates itself, his carapace returning to normal. He makes a snarling sound, holding his hands to the side, trying to channel
Arslanon: (*) his ki. "Damn it... I forgot how restricting this form was... no matter." He lowers his hands, keeping eye contact with Fenin, retracting his stinger back into his arm. "What are you
Arslanon: (*) doing out here at this time of night, Mr. Ro?" He lowers himself to the ground, reserving his energy just in case. "You're more of a nuisence than I thought, Fen... heh, no matter, you're
Arslanon: (*) still weak, you're weak, and that's all you are. Weakness." He takes a step back, reflecting the moon light off his carapace at Fenin's eyes as he crosses his arms.
Fenin: rolls his head, emitting several loud crackling noises. "Think of me as you will as you ascend beyond this plane of existence. I shall send you straight back to whatever dimension spawned you, Arslanon." The winds howl as his energy levels
Fenin: spike towards the peak of his natural form. The ground rumbles quietly under his sheer might, causing the girl to come to again. "Quickly now - get away from here!" Though the girl is still unreceptive, she stares at the two, completely
Fenin: -x- dumbfounded. Fenin sighs and positions himself between the two, glaring at Arslanon hatefully.
Arslanon: shakes his head. "And that's why you'll never always be weak." He tilts his head back a bit, raising his hand to his chin, examining his potential opponent. There was no way he could
Arslanon: (*) take him in this state, not yet. "You can never let just /one/ casuality happen. You'll never reach your potential, trying to save the populace... protecting people, there's no way." He
Arslanon: (*) nods and takes a step forward, lowering his hand again and looking at the girl. "Let me finish what I came here, Fenin, and I might forgive you and make your death quick and painless
Arslanon: (*) when the time comes..."
Fenin: brushes his bangs from his face, revealing a grin, "But don't you see, Arslanon? I've already reached it." Fenin disappears from existence for just an instant, and appears behind Arslanon. In a flash, Hikaru is withdrawn and howls through
Fenin: -x- Arslanon's body in a silvery diagnal arch. "You'll never reach my plateau, Arslanon. Ever." Fenin pushes Arslanon, causing him to topple over in two pieces, "It's just physically impossible. I'm the best there ever was, and I'm the best
Fenin: -x- there ever will be. Submit to it and you'll save yourself time - and agony." Fenin smirks as he watches for the bioandroid to pull himself together again.
Arslanon: grins, predicting Fenin to wait for him to pull himself back together, instead, he lowers a hand to his waist section and channels his energy, using it to regrow his legs. He stands up and looks down
Arslanon: (*) at his other half, bending over to pick it up by the ankle, biomassing it back into his body. He turns around and takes a step back, looking Fenin square in the eye. "You can't destroy me, YOU 
Arslanon: (*) don't get it, Fenin. YOU'LL never reach my plateau." He takes another step back, raising his hand up and grasping it around the wrist, examining his open palm. "There's two types of power,
Arslanon: (*) Fenin, pure physical, and overall power." He lowers his arm, looking back at Fenin. "Sure, you might be more physically powerful than I... but as  I said, you have possessions and morals
Arslanon: (*) binding you, and to attain the other... you'll have to release those, it's quite simple. You can start by handing me over the girl."
Fenin: snickers at Arslanon, "I've all the powers of freedom I need - I just chose to restrict yours." Hikaru creates another silvered arch at his midriff, causing the bioandroid to topple over again in two pieces, "You just don't get it, do you? I
Fenin: -x- don't need any help - I never have and I never will. Anything that burdens me would be far too heavy a weight for any pathetic creatures like you, or any of the other insignificant worms that congregate about me, could even hope to
Fenin: -x- have the ability to bare, in fraction or in whole. I am pure might and you are nothing. Now slip into the never ending sleep that's been echoing in your soul for so long - follow the longing for silence you've been lusting for since the
Fenin: -x- dawning of your existence. You're nothing - and you're destined to be as such - so why not just slip into the folds of eternity, here and now?"
Arslanon: lays on the ground, pulling his torso over and piecing himself back together, allowing his regeneration to stitch his synthetic bone and flesh back together, he sits up and shakes his head before
Arslanon: (*) standing up, meeting eyes with Fenin again. "You're just afraid to admit it, Fenin. You won't accept that this is all a muse, a reality... an mirage in the cosmic desert that is the universe..."
Arslanon: (*) He takes a step back, looking at the girl Fenin was protecting. He takes another step back, raising his arms, extending his hands and gathering energy at each of his fingertips.
Fenin: disappears again, appearing a meter from Essex, charging with Hikaru at his side, "Silence the beast, Hikaru..." Fenin utters as the blade passes through Arslanon again, "You'll tire from this before I will, Arslanon. You never were a patient crea
Fenin: -x- creature."
Arslanon: -*- Just as Fenin had reappeared, Arslanon had taken a quick step forward, meeting the blade with his waist, severing his body in half. Instead of his body crumpling to the ground, he uses
Arslanon: (*) his momentum to grab his torso by the hips right as the blade passed through, pulling his two halves back together in stride, his body regenerating. He grabs the girls, manuvering behind
Arslanon: (*) her, one hand over her mouth, and his over arm around her waist, hugging her against his body. "I might be impatient... but I have something you never will... strategy, advanced thought
Arslanon: (*) patterns... not just dumb simian luck." He smells the girl again, closing his eyes and taking in her scent. "Man... she smells delicious... oh, how lovely it would be to violate her body, seeing
Arslanon: (*) her lie there on the ground, begging for me to stop... seeing those tears, the pleas of mercy... that, my friend, is true euphoria... a feeling you'll never get to experience."
Fenin: cackles, "I don't care about the woman, you pathetic fool. I just want the thrill of bringing you to your knees!" Fenin leaps at the pair, driving Hikaru forward. The woman screams in bloody fear, and just as the tip of Hikaru pierces the
Fenin: -x- threads of her blouse, Fenin blinks out of existence, appearing behind Essex, who was shocked at the first gesture. "Slice and dice him to bits, Hikaru... silence this fool forever more!" Crimson streaks fill the air as Hikaru effortlessly
Fenin: -x- slices through the bioandroid, creating a fine mist of blood and gore. "I'll incinerate you - every last bit of you - and you'll never echo your madness into another mind ever again. You'll never taunt me again, or loose empty threats at
Fenin: -x- another superior." Fenin shoves the female away, then points his palm at the slowly-regenerating Arslanon, pouring his Ki into a glob of energy.
Arslanon: -*- His body reverted back into it's basic state, a genetic ooze, and then begins to crawl together and grow, slowly regenerating back to it's normal state.
Fenin: -- "ANARCHIC DISSONANCE!" Fenin boons as the tendrils of energy leaking from his spheric energy attack begin to lick the pavement, reaching it's intended size. The orb detaches from his hand and pauses for a moment, then explodes in a black shower
Fenin: -x- of sparks and flames, enveloping the regenerating Arslanon and searing every last bit of him into oblivion. "Sleep well, fiend, in the twilights of eternity. I am sure I will be joining you before too long..." Fenin sheaths Hikaru and approach
Fenin: -x- approaches woman, "Are you okay?" Fenin states as he peers at her curiously, examining her for what wounds she may have sustained.
Arslanon: -*- "Yeah, I'm... AGH!" She shouts, falling to her knees, traces of the biodroids genetic matter crawling over her body and then into her, mouth slithering deep into her body. The woman points her
Arslanon: (*) head up in the air, her arms being thrown to the side as blood began to run out of her nose and eyes. She shook violently, her stomach breaking open as her organs are pushed out, splattering
Arslanon: (*) onto Fenin's shoes. "AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Arslanon's genetic matter crawls out of her stomach in a higher quanity now, wrapping itself around her appendages like tentacles. She
Arslanon: (*) screamed a wet, gurgle sound as her skin explodes off her body, spraying large amounts of human bits all over the park. Arslanon grins, having used her body for purposes of faster
Arslanon: (*) regeneration. He uses his hands to wipe a bit of her blood from his chest, stepping back as the hole where her stomach used to be knitted back together, returning the biodroid to perfect
Arslanon: (*) condition once again. "Awwww... it seems your attempts were futile in saving her... Tsk tsk." He laughs, crossing his arms over his chest and hovering off the ground slightly. "It seems
Arslanon: (*) that no matter how hard you try... you just can't keep women around, huh? Ha. First Hikaru... and now her... you really do know how to make a lady feel special, eh?"
Fenin: howls in fiery rage, every muscle in him quivering violently. He begins shouting in tongues, pure emotion, as his powerlevel spikes high. His Aura flares for a moment, and a blinding light erupts from him, shining so bright that even from miles
Fenin: -x- around it shone like the sun during the day. As the light fades, Fenin stands, holding Hikaru out to the side, glaring at Arslanon through jaded eyes. He brushes his now golden, daggered locks of hair from his face, loosely flowing around his
Fenin: -x- head like an animals mane. Slowly his aura begins to shrink as a sphere of Ki condenses around his abdomen, growing farther and farther as his aura fades away, sucking every last bit of energy from Fenin's body. "SHATTER-" Fenin's voice echoes
Fenin: -x- throughout the city as a thunderous boon, "STORM!" His aura completely fades, even causing his eyes to change back steely blue and his hair to fade brown again, and his sphere of Ki expands, engulfing a large portion of the park in searing ene
Fenin: -x- energy destroying every last shred of existence in a large radius except for Fenin himself. As the Shatterstorm fades, Fenin collapses back to the ground, panting heavily, completely exhausted from the attack. "I need to get out of here..."
Fenin: -x- he manages to think aloud before raising his fingers to his head, to blink out of existence one more, appearing back home in his abandoned sanctuary to rest for the night, to see dreams haunted by his past, echoing of the words Arslanon had
Fenin: -x- taunted him with before his final moments on this earth, or so Fenin should hope.
Serenity: turns around quickly, her silvery flowing hair whipping behind her as the cool wind blows gently at her short, beautiful black silk dress and long coat, "You?!" she states, now staring for a moment at the dead bodies and closing her eyes to grieve
Serenity: (c) silently and then looking up at Xerokine, "The man for whom I have a purpose.." she says lightly, still hovering above the ground a bit.  She points to him before hovering up a bit, letting the moonlight glisten off of her glowing hair "You wi
Serenity: (c) will come with me, Xerokine Caeruleus.." she says with a smile, seeing Oafy walk off in his drunken stupor "I have a 'job' for you that I know will fit you just beautifully." she says hovernig away from the building, putting her hand in her po
Serenity: (c) pocket for a moment. 'Their death was fate, it was meant to happen, although I do not yet understand the why..' she thinks for a moment, 'Perhaps...' she shrugs, masking her power but staying within sight of the powerfully built saiyan man but
Serenity: (c) keeps her wits about her in case of betrayal.
Xerokine: -*- "A job? Oh, goodie," the man replied sardonically, spinning his sword back into its sheath. He glanced over at Oaftres, who had passed out on the rubble. Probably drunk. "I don't think you can afford me," Xerokine continued, 
Xerokine: -*- amber eyes flicking back toward the girl. "So much for my clever disguise. I'll bet you did something cunning like look up my name on the internet." His tone continued to be mocking, but he brushed a strand of black hair back 
Xerokine: -*- from his face and sauntered forward to follow her at a deliberate and leisurely pace.
Serenity: turns around, smiling, 'Change your appearance all you want, murderer...' she thinks with a sly smirk as she flies towards her hotel 'but you cannot change your DNA, friend...' as she sets her computer to autolog sight and sound and senor, "That s
Serenity: (c) should do it.." she says quietly, to herself, taking her hand out of her pocket.  She lands on a ledge gently, on the thirty first floor of the hotel in down town New Vegeta, carefully opening the window and throwing her heels inside before ge
Serenity: (c) gently crawling through the window.  She sits on her bed, her black nylons clad legs crossed, laying her trenchcoat next to her and then leaning back on her hands, waiting her business partner to enter, "This should be intriuging..." she says,
Serenity: (c) pondering Xerokine's actions, not quite sure what to expect.  He was a hard individual to read, even harder to manipulate and control, 'This will be a challenge, to say the least..' she thinks, seeing the man approach.  She takes out her minat
Serenity: (c) minature computer and activates it fully, a light blue virtual keyboard and mointor popping up.
Xerokine: hummed an idle tune to himself as he glanced around the room from his position in the doorway, leaned casually against the frame with arms crossed. "Maybe you should hire a maid first," he observed, wrinkling his 
Xerokine: -*- nose. "Or just do some laundry. Take a bath, maybe." Of course, she was a human, so it could just be that. Earth itself had a rather pervasive odor that took a while to get used to. He watched with a disinterested look as she 
Xerokine: -*- fiddled around with her computer. Humans. Couldn't do a thing without their tech.
Serenity: smiles at the Saiyan man, not turning to face him as she does computations on the minature but extremely powerful device in her hands, "Charming.." she says, throwing her head back a bit as she moves her hair over her shoulder again "I should have
Serenity: (c) expected as much from you Mister Caeruleus, but it doesn't matter." she says, finishing her computations and closing down the small computer, still holding it on her hands while standing up and facing him "I have a job for you and trust me, yo
Serenity: (c) you will do it." she says with a smile.  She goes over to her briefcase and digs out some photo's, throwing them out, face up on the bed for him to inspect "Recognize these people?" she asks, the pictures being that of Usagi, her children Tosh
Serenity: (c) Toshio and Rini and another saiyan man plus two older looking humans, one male, one female.  "I know you know at least the girl, the one you killed.." she says, her voice having a hint of anger in it from that, but it quickly vanishes as she r
Serenity: (c) regains her calm, collected self again. "The adult woman is Usagi Tsukino, the boy is her young teenage son and my grandson, Toshio." pointing out the people for him if he didn't know.  "These people.." she says, pointing to the other two, "Ar
Serenity: (c) "Are her adopted parents, just your normal everyday humans." she says, finally coming to the saiyan man "This man, I do not know..yet.." she says looking up at Xerokine and handing him the picture of the saiyan male, "That is partially where y
Serenity: (c) come in, Mister Caeruleus." she says.
Xerokine: glanced impassively over the photographs, keeping his arms crossed as she held one out to him. "So, the brat, the mother, the kid, the fake parents, and the mystery man," he summarized, already sounding bored. 
Xerokine: -*- "Fascinating." The girl clearly didn't know him very well. Trust her, he will do it? Now he was going to refuse out of spite. Couldn't let a human get too uppity, or they started getting a big head. "And what does any of this have to do with m
Xerokine: -*- me?"
Serenity: hears the uncaring in the mans voice and sits back down on the bed.  She wanted to take a shower, dress down and read a bit before bed, but business always came before fun, "I see you don't care for my offer.." she says, pulling a small optical di
Serenity: (c) disk out of her purse and holding it up for Xerokine to see "This optical disk you see contains your blood type, DNA sequence, medical records in this dimension as well as the one we were in together before this, as well various videos of crim
Serenity: (c) criminal and terrorist activities." she says, putting the disk down and reaching for a manilla file, filled with papers, out of her briefcase "This folder contains every transaction, legal and otherwise, performed by the Syndncate parent compa
Serenity: (c) company while you were among their ranks or associate with them." she says, throwing the folder on the bed with the photo's, "Quite the recreational reading material.." she states with slight amusement.  She makes eye contact with the dark man
Serenity: (c) "You don't seem to realize that neither of us are from here, orginally, but we are forced to live here.  I've kept thousands of documents, videos, and other evidence over the many years." she says with a smile, "You WILL do what I want, becaus
Serenity: (c) because as I see it, you have no other choice.  I can expose your corrupt nature as well as those of your so-called associates." she says with confidence "Before you think about destroy this 'hard' evidence I have..think about this.  If I have
Serenity: (c) this evidence here, who's to say I don't have it copied and files in several other places as well." she stands up and takes the picture from Xerokine, throwing it on the bed with the others, "You and your friends can even claim this is all fak
Serenity: (c) fake, not real but the optical disks are heavily encryped and unless you have the proper code, which even I don't possess, you can't edit them." she says firmly, patting Xerokine on the back lightly. "You will look for this man, find out who h
Serenity: (c) he is and what he may be to my daughter.." she beings, waiting for a response from the up till now, quiet man.
Xerokine: covered a yawn with the back of his hand. "Like I said, fascinating," he replied indifferently. "Except for three problems. One, you have no proof. Everything you have could be forged by you, and is suspect because of 
Xerokine: -*- your capability with technology. Two, it's all irrevelant. It's about events that never happened to an organization that doesn't exist and a person from another dimension. Three, and this is the important one, I really don't care." 
Xerokine: -*- Xerokine rolled his eyes at the foolishness of this pathetic girl. "Expose me as evil? Manipulative? Corrupt? I run a multi-million dollar corporation. Everyone already considers people like that manipulative and corrupt. I'm a Saiyan, 
Xerokine: -*- so most humans consider me an evil brute who kills for fun. I'd have to spend a few thousand to have all the evidence thrown out because of bias and the fact it can't be backed up, and that's it."
Serenity: claps her hands and smiles, "Very good Xerokine, you are much smarter than most men of your race." she says with a twinkle in her beautiful blue eyes.  "Of course, there is one minor detail I think you left out that would easily turns things in my
Serenity: (c) favor.." she says, taking out a micronized chip and putting it into her min-computer before turning it on.  A large virtual monitor appears and she turns it to face Xerokine, although not pressing play yet.  "You see, Xerokine, if I can use yo
Serenity: (c) your first name." she says with a smirk "You fail to realize a few little details.." she says, clicking the play and then pause button "First off, I'm Deputy Mayor of New Hope City, the largest metropolis on Earth and already have the financia
Serenity: (c) financial, political and public support I need for mayor. So, I'm respected, well liked and an honored person within the business community, unlike you and your associates." she says before clicking play.  The monitor comes to life as it shows
Serenity: (c) the battle between Xerokine and her graddaughter Rini, resulting in, of course, Xerokine killing the child by dismembering her.  She clicks it off, removing the chip and putting it on her person. "You recognize that video I'm sure and this.." 
Serenity: (c) she says, pulling out a small robot with a built in miniture video-cam, not much bigger than a fly. "Interesting what one can do with technology if one wants information on someone, right?" she says, "This video proves murder..of a child no le
Serenity: (c) less.  This right here can have you arrested, charged and convicted.  Which means there goes your company, your wealth, and your life since it would easily be a death sentence and even New Vegeta would recognize you as the scum you are and wou
Serenity: (c) wouldn't save you." she finishes, picking up the pictures and handing them back to him "I say again, you have no choice.., Mister Caeruleus" as she walks over and begins picking up the papers on the bed "I've spent years in the business world 
Serenity: (c) and political arena.." she says looking up at him, "I can save you, or I can break you, it's your choice."
Xerokine: broke out into laughter. "Oh man, you're stupider then I thought," he laughed, holding an arm around his stomach and leaning over. "You have an obviously forged video, especially since there's no body and no witnesses. 
Xerokine: -*- I can't be arrested, charged, or convicted by you or your government, because I'm not a citizen of your planet. New Vegeta would recongnize me as a great fighter, since Saiyans don't discriminate according to age or sex, and I won 
Xerokine: -*- in a fair battle and finished off my opponent with honour," Xerokine explained merrily. "As a human, you have less then no sway on this planet, and being associated with you would only hurt my reputation with my own kind. Face 
Xerokine: -*- it," he finished, shaking his head with a last chuckle. "You're a foolish girl who works as a glorified secretary to an overweight human who's a puppet to the organizations who really run his city. Your so-called political arena is only 
Xerokine: -*- in place to amuse the citizens who don't see what goes on behind the scenes, and to let them think they have some choice in who controls them." Xerokine laughed. "The funniest part about this entire thing is that you think 
Xerokine: -*- this is all very clever, when it's all very pathetic. You're trying to blackmail me about being evil and corrupt when it's something I openly declare, and I have this entire conversation recorded." His amber eyes glinted. "Perhaps I should 
Xerokine: -*- play it for your friends? Blackmail, as I recall, is rather illegal as well."
Serenity: chuckles and motions to the door, "Go ahead, beast, do what you will, you do you not frighten me in the least." she says, putting things away and finally looking up at him, "I could have given you what no money or physical power could achieve, but
Serenity: (c) you choose to spurn me." she says, shrugging "Very well, off with you, I have no further use you." she says, going over to open the door for him, "Remember this well Mister Caeruleus, noone will believe you, you're a criminal and a terrorist w
Serenity: (c) who has the backing of an empire I will personally use every tool at my disposal to destroy.  If you think I am merely a puppet, you are greatly mistaken. You already had an enemy in me for killing a member of my family, tonight, I severe any 
Serenity: (c) ties with you.  You had your chance and I was willing to pay you for your deeds, but alas, that's over now. Take your leave and know that if you meddle in my affairs I will finish what I started with your sword all those years ago.." she says 
Serenity: (c) with but a whisper at the end, leaving the door and going about her business as if he were never there for several minutes before taking up her little computer, "Oh, I wouldn't rely too much on that primitive recording device, they're easily m
Serenity: (c) maniuplated and edited.." she says with a smirk, pulling out some clothes to change into.
Xerokine: resisted to urge to point out that, as the CEO of a major corporation with ties to several other influential people, he was rather likely to be believed. Not to mention that there was nothing she could grant him he couldn't 
Xerokine: -*- obtain more easily on his own. Plus he didn't really care about her hissy fit, since there was nothing she could do. But, since that would involve staying in the room longer and enduring her stench, he instead shrugging, smirked, 
Xerokine: -*- and walked out. Pocketing, of course, the picture of the man in question. He was curious about her curiousity. And about where Techagi was. Normally he would randomly show up in the middle of an argument like that. Probably 
Xerokine: -*- whoring himself off and going 'Fuck yo couch' to people. 
Serenity: undresses, happy to get out of her garter, nylons and the short dress that was now missing a very expensive silver button, "Damn it..." she says, sighing as she throws the clothing into the corner dressing in pair of blue satin pants and a button 
Serenity: (c) up blue satin shirt.  She goes to the bathroom and takes off her makeup and gets ready for bed, 'He should have listened..' she thinks, well aware that any prolonged court or even civil battle would end in a draw, 'He's pretty good, although o
Serenity: (c) once I have hard evidence it will be easy..' she thinks, laying down on her bed, kicking off her slippers and grabbing a book to read, turning on the small lamp by her bed, 'I can still plant enough doubt to make him withdraw his corporation f
Serenity: (c) from Earth, but that's not exactly what I want.  It's corrupt, but it has it's uses for now..' she thinks, turning the page silently before frowning, having to put on her reading glasses.
Shim: sat at the far end of the bar; the place was packed full of loud, drunken sports fans and louder drunk women. The game, football or baseball or some such, flashed by him on small, dusty monitors suspended overhead. And through the calamity of the 
Shim: (C) of the cheering, and pool playing, and vomiting, and the bottoms of three bottles he'd made friends with, his mind was slightly clouded. He sat there, with one hand suspending his chin, the other wrapped around the neck of a bottle, with a cig
Shim: (C) cigarette held between his lips. Where was Fenin? He wanted to put an end to the man's insanity. Whether or not Fenin survived was of no importance anymore.
Serenity: finished applying her lipstick, check her appearing in her full length mirror behind her door.  She smoothed out her short white dress, satisfied with her apperance.  She had just gotten back from New Vegeta that morning, the reconstruction of the
Serenity: (c) orphanage having gone very well and under budget, making both governments very happy.  She had also received an email asking her to join the next election for senate, also making her happy.  Despite minor fatigue, she felt the need to go out a
Serenity: (c) and celebrate a little and decided she'd dress to die for.  The short, tight white dress left little to the imagination, especially with matching white nylons and strapped heels.  These heels were a little too much for her and decided to go wi
Serenity: (c) with a pair of low heels she'd wear to work. 'Hmm..' she thinks, looking herself up and down in the mirror 'They still match, good enought' she thought, letting her long silvery hair hang loose as it fell by her slender waiste.  She grabbed he
Serenity: (c) her MSC, stuffed into a small white purse and left, turning on her security system before leaving in her black hover car, headed a nice club on the other end of town.
Treyce: - In one of the various corners of the bar, a man was sitting by himself, cigarette in hand, auburn eyes stuck on what seemed to be a portable computer. With his snow white hair, he stood out a bit more than most, even though he was in the corner,
Treyce: -C- but nobody seemed to want to bother the man, seeing a hilt of a sword peeking out from his open trench coat. The screen displayed various shipping information. Where they were coming from, where they were going too, what time they were leaving
Treyce: -C- when they were arriving, and what they carried. This list on his screen seemed to be devoid of the regular public passenger transports. Treyce inhaled deeply from his cigarette, scrolling downward. His eyes stayed on a few from the list that h
Treyce: -C- had been attacked and their storage stolen for a moments, a small glint of amusement of his eyes. He exhaled, his eyes peering at the crowd around him through the could of smoke.
Shim: pulled his hair from his face, as it had caught the embers of his cigarette and produced a less than tolerable stench. Other than that, the halfbreed remained stationary, eyes locked on his prize. Would he find an answer there? Would he find out w
Shim: (C) why, when he could see the counter through the bottom of the bottle? He smirked, finishing off the last of the beverage. Sadly, even alcohol wasn't enough to subdue his wandering mind anymore; he had the constitution of an armored tank, and it
Shim: (C) and it seemed now matter how much he drank, he couldn't get much more drunk than this. He sighed, expelling a cloud of smoke from his nostrils, as images of the game reflected in his lavender eyes.
Kyosho: was sitting upon the window seal staring out in to the field that is behind the house of Thea. Though it was Kyosho's body something was different, the halfbreed's hair was now black, 
Kyosho: [C]and his eyes weren't the same emerald color now they where a ruby color that was looking out. Kyosho wasn't also the calm self he once was, the aura of how he felt was pure malice.
Serenity: parks her car and walks into the club, the stench of alcohol and foul smelling smoke almost make her gag, but she was in a great mood so it didn't bother her too much.  She had been in this club several times and the bouncers, as well as the barte
Serenity: (c) bartender, knew her well and protected her from all the eyes as they wandered to places they wish they could see.  She just frowns and walks over to the bar, taking a seat, "Hey Serena, the usual?", the balding bartender asks her, "Sure Pat, g
Serenity: (c) give me a squeeze of lemon with it ok?" she says happily, "You got it senator.." he says with a smirk. She just rolls her eyes, "I haven't been elected yet Pat, no sense jumping the gun right?" as she glances up at the television, 'nothing on,
Serenity: (c) usual..' as she sees her drink set down on the bar, "You may as well be elected Serena, so far noone's running against you." he said, waving as he took her money and attending another client. She merely sighed, taking a sip of her beverage, he
Serenity: (c) her eyes wandering around the bar but seeing noone familiar yet 'He's right noone has run against me.., I can see why but still, the people should have a choice..' she thinks, now apparently lost in her thoughts.
Thea: eyes roll over a  chart in her right hand while sipping on a cup of coffee she had just gotten from one of her severants. her slighty slanted eye's seem to get wider as she reads the chart noding and humming to herself. 
Thea: (c) The door slowly opens with a weak creacking sound being made as one of the Severants slowly walks into the room. <female Serverant> "la.. lady Qian Kyosho Daishi is up." Thea slowly rises her head from the chart tossing it 
Thea: (c) onto the oak table and giving the Female a frown as to say you know better then to bother me while i'm working. "Okay so how is he?" <Female Serverant> " I didn't go in to talk to him i just figured i should tell you"
Thea: (c) Thea shakes her head letting out a sigh. " I don't know why i bother with you people. " She gets up from her seat still keeping the hot cup of coffee in her hands  the smoke dancing upward from her cup. "well come on" 
Thea: (c) Thea taps on the room door  Kyosho before slowly opening up to see the slight changes that have been made from the mark. "mmm so how do you feel this fine day Kyosho?" 
Treyce: - A waitress came over to Treyce's table, but Treyce didn't really notice her. He had brought up another program on his computer, a simple agenda program, and he typed in a few things to remind himself for his business that would come later on thi
Treyce: -C- this week. His eyes trailed upward and Treyce fought the urge to grimace at the waitress, the ugly woman being a tad overweight and her nose seemed like it was very out place, looking as if it belonged in one of those fancy paintings you see i
Treyce: -C- in a museum. '..She has to be banging somebody important.' he thought, keeping his face as blank as he could. He simply ordered some Vodka and waved her off and finished typing in his digital agenda. He put his cigarette out in the ash tray as
Treyce: -C- the waitress came back with his drink, not enjoying the taste of both at the same time, and took a swig of it. His eyes trailed around the room again, noticing someone who had just entered. In his eyes, she was dressed too nice to come to a pl
Treyce: -C- place like this, which only meant one thing, so she was already out of Treyce's taste in women. He rolled his eyes and went back to his drink and computer.
Shim: - Familiar presences took Shim's eyes away from the counter, and as he turned around, he immediately recognized Treyce, Serenity, who had mauled the police officer in the middle of the street, and fled when Shim tried to avenge the officer. A hand
Kyosho: flinched at that name as he look over to Thea, then the halfbreed pushed his foot on the seal and jumped a little landing in front of Thea " I don't know who your talking to, but I am not that weakling of a halfbreed.
Shim: (C) hand reached for the concealed hilt of Perpetua, and gripped it tight in his hands. He needed to be precise... She couldn't have the opportunity to flee, or she would take it. "Coward..." Shim murmered, as he watched the woman, his face hidden
Shim: (C) behind a sheet of crimson hair.
Kyosho: [C]." Kyosho started to get a little more angry sense she did address him as this. " No my name is not Kyosho, it is Hiro, its nice to get out of the weaklings mind." Hiro smiled a little as he continued
Kyosho: [C]"And I'm guessing you're the beautiful Saiyan that let me free?" Hiro asked.
Serenity: turned and pulled out her MSC, opening it as a virtual keyboard and monitor came out.  She glanced to her right and saw something which made her pause, 'Odd..something, isn't right' she thinks, carefully releasing a bit of her power in the case of
Serenity: (c) a hasty defense.  She had enough martial training over the years to feel when something was wrong and her perception was sharp.  She quickly logged into her MSC and scrolled down the screen, her voice low as she mumbled "TC is coming a lot wel
Serenity: (c) a lot further than I anticipated, stock prices are up and the new research and development division will come out with my brain child.." she says, her glistening before shutting off and putting the MSC away in her purse.  She turns around, put
Serenity: (c) -ting the MSC away in her purse.  She turns around, putting the purse on her lap as she carefully and secretly digs in it for something while watching the last election update on the five minute news. "Anything wrong Serena you look.." the bar
Serenity: (c) -tender Pat said before quickly moving to the other end of the bar and started cleaning glasses.  He knew that look on her face and knew to just stay back, at least for now.
Thea: face lights up with a smug smiles as Kyosho leeps from the bed a few inches infront of her the Female Servant however ducks back beside the wall to get away from him, she trembles a little bit at the sight kyosho. 
Thea: (c) "ahh the name is Hiro is it" Thea grabs his faces moving it from the left to right checking his eye's while noding to herself. "mmm slight changes very slight, yes i think the mark is working." she snaps an angry look at the Female 
Thea: (c) servant " Go get the others i'll be in the lab with Hiro, it is hiro right?" Thea turns her face back to kyosho and gives him a soft smile. "Now come with me Hiro i need to make sure that mark of Asura is working the way it should." 
Thea: (c) Thea starts down the hall toward her lab stopping and turnning back around toward Kyosho beckoning him with her righ left hand. "Come on now Hiro" ( I can't help but wonder how dangerous Hiro might be.)
Treyce: - The last of the drink burned down Treyce's throat and he slammed the glass down, shattering it. It hadn't been on purpose. He sensed a slight change in the power output of someone in the crowd and it made him suspicious. His face clearly showed 
Treyce: -  the suspicion he felt and his eyes narrowed slightly, taking another look around the crowd. It seemed to be the regular people who came here, somewhat. The usual drunks, the wierd people no one likes, a prostitute every now and then, including 
Treyce: -C- the one that just walked in. He took a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, swiftly lighting another one up, and shut down his miniature computer, putting safely away in his coat. He stood up, taking some money out of a pocket in his pants an
Treyce: -C- and left some money on the table, including a very generous tip that Treyce hoped would go to a nose job for the waitress that came to him. With that all done, he made his way through the crowd.
Kyosho: watches the servant hurry out the door as a smile broke it way through *the fear is so delicious I can't wait till I can do more damage to that poor soul* Hiro thought. Hiro then looked Thea and smiled as he bowed to her 
Kyosho: [C]"Any thing you say Mistress Thea."  Hiro said in a sarcastic tone as he started to follow here.
Shim: - Carefully did the eyes monitor the movements of the scantily clad madwoman, eyes of a man bent on justice. His knuckles turned white as he tightened his grip on the hilt of Perpetua, anticipating... Biding his time. He knew she bore a scar acros
Shim: (C) across her chest from the wave of fiery energy he unleashed on her. He knew that she wouldn't be as lucky, this time. He muttered as he took another drag from his cigarette, doing his best to remain inconspicuous, peripheral.
Thea: places her hand on a scanner a small humming sound could be heard as the machine starts up then dies down quickly. The door slides open a hall leading back up to the same lab that Kyosho was in last time to receive the mark. 
Thea: (c) a chair slides out automatically toward Thea, she sits back with out even worring if the chair will catch her or not. once in the chair Thea slides over toward Kyosho. " I have some place i want to take you to on planet Vegeta Hiro" 
Thea: (c) " I believe this place will help you grow stronger." her Chair circles around Kyosho as she examines him to make sure he hadn't hurt himself over night. "Well you seem to be in good shape." The Female Servant comes stumbling back in 
Thea: (c) the room. <Female Servant> "The crew and the ship are ready to take the both of you to planet Vegeta now." Thea turns to Kyosho and nods toward him " i'm sure you will like it there and pluse it will help you to adapt to this realm." 
Serenity: was aware of people looking at her, she had not dressed like a harlot, despite what some critics would say, but she looked probably a bit more revealing than she should have.  She carefully puts her hands on the counter before taking her purse and
Serenity: (c) slinging it over her shoulder before reaching onto the counter, grasping something close to her chest, "Pat..." she says to the bartender, "Ye..yeah Serena?" he asked worriedly, "Call the NHPD, Pat..." she says softly, now sounding worried her
Serenity: (c) -self.  "I think I'm going to head over to the polls to check on things, keep the change." she says, walking towards to the door before turning around and nodding at the kind bartender, holding a pair of elegantly forged sai's close to her, gl
Serenity: (c) glowing with a beautiful, internal, chromatic light.
Oafy: slouches over a tiny lit candle, in the farthest, darkest corner of the club from the television at the bar. 'It will be hard sneaking around the city after she wins this election. The resources at her disposal..' The thought sickened him. 'She
Oafy: - and Xerokine have more in common than either will admit. Perfect couple.' An unseen grin spreads across his cheeks, hidden underneath the veil of his brown hood. His energy maintains itself at a bare minimum, functioning enough only to let other
Oafy: - others know of his presence, and not much else. He didn't want anyones attention just yet, but he wanted them to know he wasn't a pile of clothes that shifted in its seat now and then. Shim was present; 'He and I need to talk. We havnt since I
Oafy: - reclaimed my identity... It will be a much more pleasant reunion.' Another familiar, Treyce the pot dealer, gained his attention. 'I wonder what he's charging now.' And, of course, Serenity. If she truly was about to win this election, what
Oafy: - could he do? If he ever came into contact with her, there would be more heat on him than he was ever use to. 'She is proving to be a pain in the ass. Too bad I cant just toss her into the sun... Or CAN I?'
Fenin: takes long, slow strides towards that familiar, foul presence of Shim Wu'sha's, eager to finally spill the blood of that pathetic fool, lost in a sea of illusions. "I'll shatter your delusional reality you cling onto so harshly, Wu'sha.
Fenin: -x- And when you break, I'll be there to send you straight to hell." Fenin's smooth voice rings out into the misty midnight air of a nameless New Hope City street as he approaches the bar wreaking with the halfbreed's energy. "You're
Fenin: -x- hopelessly easy to detect, Wu'sha. No matter how hard you try to hide." Fenin's hair shoots straight up and his aura flares a blinding golden for a brief moment, and as it passes it reveals a super saiyan, and he withdraws his
Fenin: -x- blade, Hikaru, as he reaches the door. He kicks the door, sending it, and the frame, clear off of the wall. "Wu'sha - your blood shall quench my thirsty blade." Fenin leaps to the far end of the bar, blade held back to lunge straight
Fenin: -x- for Shim's chest.
Treyce: - A drunk guy stumbled in front of Treyce on his way out, stalling and irritating him. Treyce managed to make his way around the drunk but made sure that as he passed him he got the back of Treyce's hand to the back of his head. He moved swiftly, 
Treyce: -C- so that normal people wouldn't notice it and would think he just passed out. Just before he reached the doors, another drunk fell off of his chair in front of Treyce, making him jump into the side and into someone. He looked at the person, and
Treyce: -C- sighed. It was the 'woman' who had entered earlier. Another sigh, just what he wanted. 'Great,' he thought. 'I bet she'll be like "Oh I'm so sorry!" and expect to get into my pants and everything.' He said something under his breath and turned
Treyce: -C- to her. "I'm sorry," he said, started to offer his hand to her when he sensed a surge of power. The door burst in front of him and he swiftly jumped back and over the table behind him, his eyes searching for the power behind it.
Kyosho: looked away as she kept speaking didn't even listen to one word and Hiro went up to the computer panel and started to looked trough files "I hope you don't mind but I'm going to look any ways." said Hiro.
Kyosho: [C]Hiro was searching all the files she had on there about all the experiments, all the successes and even more so the failures. Hiro then stumbled upon Kyosho's file, he stopped there and started to read it, 
Kyosho: [C]it seemed like the basics such as blood type, height, weight race, then there was a video file right below it monitoring what happen last night while he slept, his eyes widen in joy 
Kyosho: [C]to watch the poor little Kyosho in so much pain. After the video was done Hiro scrolled down and it gave information the what give him the mark, he started to read it and say that the flesh that pierced inside of Kyosho
Kyosho: [C]was a unknown female saiyan. Hiro chuckled to him self as he looked over to Thea "Fine I will go on this trip with you to the planet vegeta." Hiro said with an evil grin on his face.
Shim: - There was a blur of motion as Shim whirled around, unleashing the height of his strength in a glorious golden explosion. The bar was splintered by the might of his aura, as he unsheathed Perpetua, and dragged it across the chest of his crazed st
Shim: (C) stalker. Blood splashed against the shattered surface of the bar. His emerald eyes met Fenin's, and he breathed a shallow sigh. "I'd figured you'd have given up by now, kid. But you're just like the rest of your kind." Shim sneered at the Saiy
Shim: (C) Saiyan, as he raised Perpetua to strike again. "Cockroaches."
Fenin: howls with great laughter, u
Serenity: sees someone approaching her, reeking heavily of stale cigarettes. She frowns and then screams as the door is literally blown off its hindges as the door lands on top of her on the floor, nearly knocking her sai's out, but she manages to keep hold
Serenity: (c) of them, tucking them close to her chest as she falls nearly flat on her face.  She feels a very strong power literally walks over her and towards someone else in the bar.  She gets up in an explosion of of light blue, blinding light.  She app
Serenity: (c) appears from the light, a pair of white angelic wings with black tipped feathers as her level of power shoots up from her normal, her blue eyes glowing as her silver hair glows and blows about her in an icey cold ki wind.  She looks upon the e
Serenity: (c) entire bar, looking upset and wielding her Eregansu-Bi in a defensive manner. "Enough of this! Stop!!" she says with a powerful, echoing voice as the building creaks and groans under the stress of the powers present.
Oafy: 's hood swings from the television set above the bar, to gaze upon the antics of the others. Most notable is the chance to cause some real problems for Serenity. 'You ruin my life,' he thinks, standing up suddenly. "Stop her! She's going to
Oafy: - blast the bar!" In a dulling aura of darkness, he vanishes from the spot the second he shouts this, his words reaching all over the bar. Reappearing behind her, his cloaked hand winds around behind himself, firing a small burst of white
Oafy: - ki at the bar. A mild explosion erupts, bottles of booze shattering and igniting in the wake. People are too taken back by the sudden declaration, trying to find who had shouted it, and then by the explosion, to notice the shrouded Oafy fire
Oafy: - the energy attack, and then dash out of the open doorway just as quickly. In a sly motion, he swings himself upward, perching onto the rooftop over the door. 'Only fair I try and ruin yours.'
Treyce: - Light temporarily blinded his vision and he brought his hand up in front of his eyes. Various powers had just erupted around him and he wondered if it was coincidence or not. The light faded and Treyce was able to see again. His aubrun eyes trai
Treyce: -C- trailed around the room. Blood already had been spilt, the people in it, save the drunks, started fleeing. The drunks were just laughing at each other and passing out. Two people were where the bar used to be, one with a gashed chest and one j
Treyce: -C- just standing there with blood on his sword, who looked familiar to Treyce, but he couldn't really figure out if he had met him before or not. It was a bad habit, Treyce's memory didn't really remember important details sometimes. His eyes tra
Treyce: -C- trailed over to the only person left in the bar who didn't seem to be even close to running away, the prostitute he had knocked down, who had suddenly grown wings. 'The hell?' he thought, a blank look on his face. 'I didn't think being a prost
Treyce: -C- prostitute was a quality of an angel..' he rubbed his chin thoughtfully. 'Oh well, I guess even God needs to get something sometimes.' He closed his eyes, shook his head, and sighed. "She's going to blast the bar!" registered in Treyce's mind.
Treyce: -C- Just before he was going to react, another explosion rocked what was left of the bar. Fire erupted around the bar, and Treyce glared at the 'innocent' woman in front of him.
Fenin: cackles loudly, "Wu'sha, you're pathetic. Even your blade cannot hurt me now." Fenin lunges at Shim again, burying his blade deep into the halfbreed's thigh. "You're nothing to me." Fenin grins as Shim flails his blade again, and laughs as it
Fenin: -x- sinks into his chest again. "You're feeble arm can't bare such a hefty blade, Shim. It'll fit nicely in a sheath of mine, though, that mother of yours." Fenin withdraws his blade from Shim's leg as he thrusts his left palm at Shim's chest.
Fenin: -- "SCARLET PENANCE!" Fenin looses a feral battle cry, causing his powerlevel to erupt to another plateau, and the glasses about him to shatter under the sheer pressure of his ki expanding about him. A crimson light bursts from the space between
Fenin: -x- his fingers as Fenin executes his attack point blank upon Shim's chest, "You're nothing to me, Wu'sha."
Thea: leans back in her chair staring out the window of the spaceship Vengeance as it pushes up off of the ground into the air then launching itself into space. Theas minds seems to drift as she thinks about Kyosho who is now claiming to be 
Thea: (c) a beaing called Hiro. The ship jerks as it comes to a halt then slowly starts to descend from the space toward planety vegeta. As Thea and Kyosho step off of the ship onto vegeta it becomes clear that they have landing on the side of the plane
Thea: (c) that isn't widely inhabited by the other saiyans on this planet. The two of them step to the edge and look over to see a city flames seem to rise up from the ground and  several roofs. the moon is even out but the light is severely blocked 
Thea: (c) by the dark clouds above. The city is very busy and crowded people could be seen below a monstrous sight could be seen down there in this city of demons. -Scenaro- A man is struggling as he is being dragged through the dirt 
Thea: (c) the man pleads for him and his families life but his cry isn't heard as a large namekian picks him up then drops against a block of wood. his chest makes a nasty thumping echo as the man hits the block. his wallet falls from his jacket 
Thea: (c) revealing that he is from new hope city, the man struggles and cries but know one shows him any pity. A young girl no older then 6 or 7 steps up to the man she leans over and whisper in his ear "gakuryoku..." she stands back up 
Thea: (c) grabing a katana holding it high into the air the others around watching start to chant Gakuyoku. The girl lets her arms drop with a one sharp slash the blood is spilt and the cry of the man is lost into the wind.  in the background 
Thea: (c) others could be seen holding the mans young baby up they size the kids up " This one is a keeper!" an older female saiyan calls out. An icear could be seen sleaking around the children dangling one of them by their leg 
Thea: (c) The mother crys out as well but there is little she could do to stop these monsters as they step over her. A large namekian standing more then 12 '1 in height grabs the woman showing no mercy as the young child repeats the same ack blood 
Thea: (c) flings through the air. until they focus on Kyosho and Thea standing there looking down on them. The little girl drops her the katana and holds her arms out toward Thea . "Thelema!" the little girl crys out a small tear forming in her eye's 
Thea: (c) The others around stop and start to chant as well Thelema with their arms held out toward Thea and Kyosho as if they were going to give them a blessing from the heavens. Thea lets out a small sigh and a slight frown forms on her face. 
Thea: (c) "Welcome to my hell Hiro, i call this place home."  She wishpers out to  the name of the city. "Makai"
Shim: - Shim's eyes flashed murderously at Fenin's taunt. It was time to stop joking around. Fenin was not the same man.
Serenity: shrieks "No!!!" as Oafy's familiar energy signature destroys the bar, obscurring her vision as thoughts of her friend being killed come to mind.  She glares at the man glaring at her as two super-powered men begin to fight with each other.  Ignori
Serenity: (c) Ignoring Oafy and the other man in front of her a ways, she rushes over by the bar, kneeling down by her friend Pat, "Come on Pat, hang in there, you need to get back to Susan and the kids in one piece.." she says, taking him gently in her arm
Serenity: (c) arms.  Knowing she's no match for two men of that power.  She puts two fingers to her forehead as she holds the bartender in one arm.  In an instant, she vanishes, expending a great deal of energy as she does so, appearing by City Hall in down
Serenity: (c) -town.  She lays the bartender down, carefully tending his wounds.  She pulls out her MSC and dials the militia headquarters, "This is Serena, there's a high-powered fight at Pat's Club down on thirty first and anders street, send immediate 
Serenity: (c) backup." she says, then dialing an ambulance, directing them to City Hall before closing the MSC. "don't worry.." the anglic figure says, "someone will be here soon.." she says, enveloping her body in a blinding flash of light blue light befor
Serenity: (c) before returning to normal, awaiting the emergency vehicles and backup.
Shim: - Shim's eyes flashed murderously at Fenin's taunt. It was time to stop joking around. Fenin was not the same man. If he was a man at all... His teeth gritted as he pulled back his impaled leg, extracting the blade, and drove the same knee into Fe
Shim: (C) Fenin's chest. The Saiyan stumbled back, furious. "Talk your shit, you fucking maggot. Whenever you're ready to fight, I'll BE RIGHT HERE!!" Suddenly, Shim's powerlevel disappeared as he stood there, pent up rage silenced as quickly as it had 
Shim: (C)had surfaced. Then, there was a terrible quake. Several pieces of the ceiling began to fall as a terrible maelstrom of fire enfulfed Shim, his eyes turning clear blue. In the same instant, he rushed the Saiyan, raising his hands high above his 
Shim: (C) his head. "HAH!!" Screamed the halfbreed as he unleashed a great torrent of crimson energy right into the face of his nemesis.
Oafy: hunches over on the edge of the doorway, anticipating the arrival of the aspiring senator any minute now. Nothing. Her power vanished. "I'm not done with you!" Leaping off the rooftop, he charges through the sky, a dark figure in an aura of
Oafy: - burning black fire, over the night sky. The many folds of his cloak seem to flutter wildly, even as he lands moments later on the steps of city hall, having followed the energy signature Serenity emitted, prior to powering herself down.
Oafy: - "Eat." Oaftres commands, dropping a small brown bag next to the fallen bartender. "We need to talk. Uh. Again," he removes the hood, glaring down at the young woman whom he has begun to seriously dislike.
Treyce: - The fire reflected in Treyce's eyes as he glared at the 'angel' in front of him. His hand flickered to the hilt of his blade, a cold air suddenly coming to the area, the fire strangly seeming to shrink as Treyce reached for his blade. Treyce exh
Treyce: -C- exhaled slowly and the flames shrunk even lower. Auburn eyes followed the 'angel' to someone else who had fallen and probably died and she and him disappeared both. A slight grunt was the only response from Treyce from the 'angel' and mans dis
Treyce: -C- disappearance and he removed his hand from the sword, as he did so the flames went back to their full blaze. He tilted his head to the side, wondering where they went. 'She must have taken him to Heaven.' he thought, scratching the side of his
Treyce: -C- head. 'I didn't know God dug men too.. Whatever floats his boat, I guess.' Something like a mental flick hit Treyce and he jumped up just as yet another damn explosion rocked through the bar. Treyce went through the firey roof, and hovered abo
Treyce: -C-  above it. Another sigh, this time at the loss of his favorite bar.
Serenity: doesn't seem surprised by the appearance of the man she knew she had wrong, but who had also wronged himself and many others.  She takes a bean out of the bag and feeds it to Pat, "Eat up, old friend, you won't die on anyone here." she says softly
Serenity: (c) as the man eats the bean, opening his eyes and looking up into the beautiful blue eyes of his long-time friend, "S..Serena?" he says, sitting up with some help, "I saw a dark angel..I thought I was dead." he says, looking up at Oafy before loo
Serenity: (c) looking at Serena again.  She smiles, helping her friend to his feet, "Don't worry about your club Pat, we'll get it fixed up for you, I promise.."  she says, only to be received with a nod by her friend as the screams of sirens can be heard i
Serenity: (c) in the distance.  She motions for her friend to wait there as she motions for Oafy to follow her, "Let's hurry, to my office, the polls close soon and they'll need me at the campaign headquarters.." she states firmly, unlocking the doors to Ci
Serenity: (c) City Hall as she enters, waiting for Oafy.
Fenin: reaches out to catch Shim's fiery blast, only to grasp mere tendrils of the flame, showing a slight surprise as the brunt of the attack sears the flesh of his face. As the blinding fury fades, Fenin snickers quietly. 
Oafy: walks over the fallen bartender, bending over as he does so to whisper quietly, out of earshot of Serenity. "Sorry, Pat. You'll see me at the bar again once this all blows over." Though he ddn't know the bartender as well as the Deputy Mayor
Oafy: - did, Oafy had frequented the club since his arrival to the city. It was a change of pace from drinking with the other homeless people, who often got drunk on listerine. 'Minty fresh hobos.' Chasing after Serena, he soaks in the experience
Oafy: - of City Hall; it was about as dull as he had anticipated. In all his years of being a hero, he had not once stepped into a political place as this. Funny his first time here, would be under the condition he was seen as a villian. "Unless things
Oafy: - change for the better in the next few hours, you can expect more 'incidents'," he whispers to her, waiting for her to lead them back to her office. The words made him sound much more evil than he intended it to. Yet he felt there was no
Oafy: - reasoning with the woman.
Fenin: reaches out to catch Shim's fiery blast, only to grasp mere tendrils of the flame, showing a slight surprise as the brunt of the attack sears the flesh of his face. As the blinding fury fades, Fenin snickers quietly. "Always one for showmanship
Fenin: -x- Wu'sha." Fenin brushes charred flakes from his cheeks and opens his mouth wide, stretching his stiffened jaw, "Though I am afraid your power does your display no justice." Fenin's words are unlike they had been in any of the previous fights,
Fenin: -x- there was an air of calmness about him, his power is drawn from something other than his rage. "Though, I suppose everybody else just seems a bit lackluster to me. You insignificant worms dare flex at me, it's disgusting, you know, just how
Fenin: -x- pride someone so weak still carries with them, even in the presence of true greatness." Fenin rises into the air a few inches as his powerlevel continues to rise. "Witness my glorious splendor, Shim Wu'sha, as I close your eyes for the last ti
Fenin: -x- time. Smile knowing that the devil will receive you from my blade." Fenin hovers towards Shim slowly, as he lazily strikes at his foe, though still containing an amazing speed and power, beyond that of any average warrior's most valiant of eff
Fenin: -x- of efforts.
Serenity: sighs as she hurries to her office, unlocking the door and entering, motioning for Oafy to take a seat as she turns on the light and sitting in her seat, pulling out her MSC.  "One moment.." she says, clicking it on as a list of the polls scrolls 
Serenity: (c) across the screen a well as the time before they close and the final total is counted.  Satisfied, she looks up at Oafy, taking a very professional and polite disposition, despite her slinky appearance.  As she speaks she takes out her danglin
Serenity: (c) dangling diamond earrings, throwing them into a drawer in her disk, "What can I do for you and how can we make this instances stop?" she says with a serious tone, "This is getting out of hand.  You know you're wanted, but instead of arresting 
Serenity: (c) you I'm willing to hear an explanation and giving you a good chance to speak.." she says, interested in his words now that they could speak in private. "You and your associates are causing quite a bit of trouble lately and I want it to stop so
Serenity: (c) I'm willing to negotiate a bit to make this more appealing for all involved." she says now clasping her hands together and laying them down on her desk and staring at Oafy intently.
Shim: - "What the hell makes you think you're so amazing? Your greatest accomplishment in life is having a family. And you couldn't even fool them into keeping your worthless ass around." Shim deflected the blows with equal speed and grace, only with a 
Shim: (C)  sense of urgency about him, anger. "Have you ever known what it is to sweat and bleed and DIE for something? Have you ever sacrificed? YOU'RE nothing, you waste of oxygen. Even if you beat me, here, today, you're still nothing more than a str
Shim: (C) strong body with a two year old's mind." Shim then swung hard with Perpetua, releasing a wave of flames towards the midsection of his foe.
Oafy: remains upright, not wishing to sit down with the future senator. That would imply they are equals. Negotiating in such a situation as this wasn't time for politeness. "My friends are a problem I am willing to calm down. They are malleable
Oafy: - to a degree." He leans over the desk, closer to Serena. "But for now, let's focus on MY issue. You are fucking things up for me. I'm a HERO. Oaftres, the Righteous Warrior. Defender of Good, etcetera. I will admit I have faults, but no one
Oafy: - is perfect. Yes, I hijacked a shuttle; I was GOING to return it in one piece. I'll cover the cost in time, no problem." He waves off the topic, figuritively and literally, with a gesture. Moving for the heart of the matter, he stabs: "And
Oafy: - of course, the orphanage... If I intended to kill so many, why didn't I just do so by hand? I'm not a crafty person. I enjoy taking things into my own hands. I wouldn't do something so dishonourable. Unless, of course, I was drunk."
Oafy: makes an outright reference to the destruction of his own family, at the hands of his dark energy wave. "I'll admit, my intention was to stop my father from EVER reproducing an alternate version of myself, but being drunk, and hounded by
Oafy: - enforcement on two planets, I was in a rushie mood." He stops for another breather, leaning away from Serenity now, deciding maybe she wouldn't appreciate him so close. Especially in his current state; nostrils flared, face red with rage, and
Oafy: - chaotic streaks of white and black electric energy crackling around closed fists.
Treyce: - Sirens. Red and blue lights. Helicopters. "Oh shit." Treyce floated in the air, a very obvious target. He cursed loudly. He didn't want to be a known fugitive. It was better off the police didn't know who he was and what he looked like. Somethin
Treyce: -C- Something buzzed in his coat pocket and he swiftly withdraw a cell phone. It wasn't a call, merely a  text message. He quickly read the screen and muttered to himself. 'Well, I -did- make the rules...' he thought, putting the cell phone back i
Treyce: -C- into his pocket. He would just meet up with the rest of them later. A spotlight hit him, some pig yelling through a megaphone at him, telling him to descend. A smirk came to his face and Treyce withdrew his weapon of choice, hidden under his c
Treyce: -C- choice, hidden under his coat. The black Magnum look alike looked as new as ever as he pointed it at the only Helicopter in the sky. In a flash, it was spiraling downwards. He dropped like a fly, his feet connecting with the hood of a cruiser,
Treyce: -C- flipping it up to him like a giant skateboard. He punched the car, sending it into a couple of nearby cruisers. A song lyric came to his head. 'Fuck the police.' He laughed.
Serenity: ponders for a moment before motioning to a chair, "Take a SEAT," she says, showing that she will not be intimidated or frightened by him or anyone else.  "Now, you wanted to do business, let's do it." she says, digging into a drawer and pulling ou
Serenity: (c) out some papers, spreading them out on her desk, "If you pay for the all the damages, the reconstruction, the shuttle and offer to do community service at an orphange here, I can get you pardoned for your crimes and the warrent lifted." she sa
Serenity: (c) says, giving a pen to Oafy before sitting her back in her chair and waiting for Oafy to calm down and negotiate before his gung ho allies destroy other areas of her city. "However, until the paperwork is processed, you will have to lay low, bu
Serenity: (c) but I ask you do not leave the city, I can arrange a place for you to stay until it's time." she says with a professional tone, hearing sirens from her office in the streets below.
Fenin: yawns lazily, "Your talking bores me. Perhaps I should end this one quickly, Phoenix Knight? Have you accomplished all you wish to in this final conflict - have you thrown the last insult you had prepared just for this occasion at me?
Fenin: -x- Though it seems to me that you're saying the same things over and over again in different words. 'You're nothing even though you're better than me! I was some place, once, I mattered, -ONCE-. All you've done is knock up some girl and
Fenin: -x- all this and that.' You know, even if it's true, we're both about the same level on the scale of uselessness. That is - until I take over. My might will overtake the names of any whom you might have heard of in the folds of eternity.
Fenin: -x- I'm perfection." Fenin's powerlevel continues to spike as his motions become more fluid, his motions becoming as though his sword was melting into his hand - becoming a part of him, a deadly extension of his arm.
Oafy: exhales hard out both nostrils, sounding like a bull more than anything as he grunts. "Fine. I will." Walking before the nearest chair opposite to Serenity's chair, Oafy bends down, grasps ahold of the base, and stands back up. "Souvenir. Or..
Oafy: - will this add to my charges?" A look of death is fired at the woman, before he drops the chair, and his childish antics. Leaning back over the desk, now analyzing the paperwork, he begins to consider the proposal. He hums softly in thought,
Shim: - "Right. At least I did something once. Rather than sit around and fuck off while everything passed me by." He drew back Perpetua, prepared to thrust it into the chest of his opponent. "Now will you close your HUGEASS mouth, and do whatever the f
Oafy: - before pocketing the offered pen slowly. "Give me time to think it over." Standing upright and displaced from the desk, he folds his arms in a decisive manner. "And in good faith, you could set me up with this safe place to stay." He smiles,
Oafy: - with a quality of politeness that he hadn't given her since the day they first met.
Shim: - "Right. At least I did something once. Rather than sit around and fuck off while everything passed me by." He drew back Perpetua, prepared to thrust it into the chest of his opponent. "Now will you close your HUGEASS mouth, and do whatever the f
Shim: (C) fuck it is you think is so cool? Damn, I swear to God, its like fighting a god damn cheerleader." He opened his hand, and closes it several times, forming a mouth with his fingers and thumbs. "Is your super-secret-ultimate attack simply to tal
Shim: (C) talk and talk and talk until your opponent gives up, and thus gives you an opportunity to stab them in the back?" Shim spoke sarcastically.
Serenity: raises a silver eyebrow at Oafy and looks unimpressed with his childish antics, waiting for him to finish before she continues, "Well, about that place to stay.." she says, laying another pen down, "The safehouse is only open to you if you decide 
Treyce: - The gun flashed dark steel as Treyce twirled it in his hand. 'This is hardly worth my fucking time.' he thought. The local police were nothing but a joke compared to him, and he was nowhere close to being at his max. He spun the gun in his hand 
Treyce: -C- one more time before placing it back in his holster. The police were getting torn apart easily, and they couldn't even tell who was doing it. Treyce wanted to make sure they didn't see his face, he didn't want to be known, so he stayed at a hi
Treyce: -C- high speed. 'I know the Militia won't be far behind. My fun time is going to be cut short.' Another cruiser went up into the air, crashing into the place that used to be his favorite bar, erupting into flames  'Young nagger on the warpath, and
Serenity: (c) to take the deal, do I make myself understood Mister Kessoku." she says with a geniune smile.  Her senses still picking up the fighting between Shim and Fenin while the militia and Treyce seem to be having an 'incident'.  She notices her virtu
Treyce: -C- and when I'm finished it's going to be a bloodbath of cops, dying in NHC..'
Serenity: (c) virtual monitor to see the polls have closed and she was victorious in the elections.  Keeping her emotions well under control she looks at Oafy again, "Now is the time for decisions Mister Kessoku, we are out of time." she says calmly to him,
Serenity: (c) waiting his response.
Fenin: snickers, "You know, Wu'sha, if you keep talking I might bleed to death. Then again your pathetic sword never was good for much, other than maybe killing defenseless women. Perhaps you're going to chase after my mummy, too? Kill me of heart ache? 
Fenin: -x- Or perhaps you are going to crawl away crying because I brought it up?" Fenin brushes his flowing golden bangs from his face, revealing a wide, glimmeringly toothy grin. "I'm going to break that sword of yours right after I break you, 'Knight.
Fenin: -x- Then I'll kill you with its fragments." Fenin leaps at Shim in the blink of an eye, creating several quick, powerful swipes at his upper body with Hikaru.
Oafy: * In a swish of clothing, the cloak is flung freely of Oaftres, revealing his white gi uniform, hanging off his semi-athletic form. "I'm fed up with this." The dark red hair is messed up, as he runs both hands through it, shagging it up.
Oafy: turns his back to the woman, proceeding to make his way out the doorway. "I'm walking. No more hiding. Feel free to have me hunted down. It might help your career to have me brought in alive and tried in the courts, though..." He laughs at
Oafy: - this, finding it an amusing thought. At that, he begins to walk away from her office.
Shim: - "There you go again. Shut your fucking mouth, and do something to justify all the shit you talk, or you're just... Well." Shim deflected the blow, sparks flying from the edge of his crimson blade. "A bitch." The halfbreed stood there, arms cross
Shim: (C) crossed. He was becoming bored, tired of the stupidity. He felt like just letting the Saiyan win to shut him up. "Let's see some fireworks, kid." Shim rested Perpetua at his shoulder, eyeing the nuissance with an irritated look. So much drama,
Shim: (C) so much angst. "Put up, or shut the fuck up."
Serenity: lets Oafy leave for a moment, thinking carefully before getting up and walking out her office, calling to him by the elevator "Mister Kessoku, why don't you just take the offer?  Why do you hesitate?" she says, not afraid to bring him in herself, 
Serenity: (c) but she'd rather find a diplomatic solution.  She walks up to him, "Come on, what's really going on?" she says, sounding and looking concearned "There's another reason you're not telling me of, isn't there?" she asks, pondering his real reason
Serenity: (c) as her cell phone rings, "One moment.." she says, answering her phone "Yes...yes I'll be there shortly., thank you." she hangs up the phone, waiting for Oafy to respond.
Fenin: snickers quietly, "Anything for you, my love." Fenin points his palm at Shim, pooling energy into a large, black sphere of Ki, "Anarchic Dissonance!" As the sphere grows to about a meter in diameter, its tendrils licking out at the scenery
Fenin: -x- about him, Fenin shouts its name. The orb slowly detaches from his palm, pausing for a second, before approaching Shim. "Enjoy." The black mass explodes before Shim, reaching out at him with black tendrils and sparks, enveloping him whole
Fenin: -x- as it sears his flesh.
Treyce: - "Hey yo, I got something to say.." Treyce said, suddenly stopping for a brief moment. "Fuck the police!" Treyce slammed his foot on the ground, the ground immediatly becoming upturned and jagged, upturning the cars and sending some of the police
Treyce: -C- down into the dirty sewers below him. He laughed once more before he took flight, disappearing into the night air.
Oafy: extends a single finger, prodding Serenity away from the elevator, while simutaneously pushing a button on the panel. "I.. er.. No. Well.. n-yeah. No." The elevator doors begin to shut, before Oafy finally stops them with his hands, groaning in
Oafy: - agony. "Yes! I dont have a place to stay, see?" He felt like shit. It wasnt in his nature to ask for help like this, and to make it so obvious that he's in need of such assistance. "I'm barely getting by; I dont have a dime to my name to
Oafy: - speak of. But by NO means does this mean I am going to accept a pity offering..." He hesitates here, still holding the elevator doors open as he eyes Serenity with curiousity.
Shim: - Flesh and cloth was torn away, but the halfbreed didn't budge. His fists were clenched as he maintained his position perfectly. He bled, he smoked, but didn't move or even show a sign of the pain he felt. "Stop fucking around. If you ever hope t
Shim: (C) hope to actually bring meaning to what you say, I should hope you have something special up your sleeve. Or you may as well not even try." Blood trickled down his burnt face, as the sphere subsided. "There has to be something more."
Serenity: steps back away from Oafy and extends her hand to the man, watching as he takes her hand  She withdraws her hand, leaving a small key in his hand, "Take that Mister Kessoku, my house is on the west side of town.  I have two guest room and this key
Serenity: (c) ." she says, holding out another key, "Will access that room.  All the other rooms are locked so no wandering." she says turning around to walk away, before stopping "Oh, this is not a free ride Mister Kessoku, I have work for you in payment f
Serenity: (c) for giving you a place to stay." she says, walking into her office to grab her jacket, coming out a moment later to get into the elevator with Oafy, "Oh, I thought I should tell you, I won the election.." she says with a smile, "I guess I'll b
Serenity: (c) be switching buildings and moving to another office." she says with a sigh.
Fenin: snickers, "You're not worth the time, Wu'sha." Fenin withdraws a piece of paper and flicks it at him, "Lillah asked me to give this to you. He wants to form some sort of club - and he asked me not to kill you, otherwise I would have."
Fenin: reaches up to his forehead, and winks at Shim. "See you there, if you've got the scrote." And in a flash - he's gone.
Shim: - The paper flashed as it was incinerated by a sliver of ki from his fingertips. Ash fell to the ground, audible in the dead silence. "I guess there really isn't anything more. Oh well... He did say some pretty funny shit occasionally." He pulled 
Shim: (C) from his pocket a cigarette, his last. With the tip of his finger, he lit the cigarette, and pressed it between his lips. "Almost half as good as Kalen." Shim snorted, drawing from the cigarette cancerous smoke, expelling it through his smilin
Shim: (C) smiling mouth. "He hit like a bitch though," spoke the halfbreed, whiping off flakes of charred skin. With nothing else to do but stare at the burning embers of the ruined bar, Shim placed two fingers to his forehead, and was gone.
Kyosho: watched as the little girl slaughtered the men and a large grin came upon his face from seeing so much blood it was a rush of excitement. Hiro looked over to Thea "How can you call this place Hell, you have
Kyosho: [C]people worshiping you, and people kill people for no cause now this is  what I call a paradise." Hiro looked over and saw all the dieing body, so then Hiro teleported to one of them as they tried 
Kyosho: [C]grabbing his pants begging for help as a evil smile came upon his face as he charged a blast and destroyed the body but no making it where no blood comes up, in fact after the blast was shot blood gushed 
Kyosho: [C]from the body before exploding into a bloody mess. Hiro just sat there and laughed about the death of the weakling.
Thea: rest her hand onto her chin pondering on Hiro actions and how they would affect Kyosho in the long run. ( I wounder if Kyosho will be able to deel with Hiro?  and how powerful Kyosho be when Hiro isn't in controle?) she jumps from the 
Thea: (c) cliff and floats down toward the ground below into the city. The people stare at Kyosho for amoment before turning back toward Thea, "Thelema!" The little girl runs shouts as she runs jumping up into Theas arms 
Thea: (c) Thea wipes the blood from the childs face as she carries her over toward Kyosho. ( I wonder how long he we still like that.?) "How are you feeling Hiro ?" other children come up and start to circle around Theas legs as she talks to Kyosho.
Oafy: feels the weight of the two keys in his hand, judging what had just happened. Serena, the new Senator of New Hope City, just handed over the keys to her house. This amused him on so many levels.. And yet, he was accepting a donation, which
Oafy: - sickened him thoroughly. Then again, "this could be the thumbs up for some serious action." His words are heard by none, save himself, as he exits city hall, walking through downtown now. "She's truly giving me mixed signals, this one: ruining
Oafy: - my life; kicking my testicals; seducing me; stopping me from killing my father; helping me get my life back on track; asking me to sign legal agreements; and now the keys to her house. It's hard to believe we've known each other a week..."
Oafy: rubs the back of his messy haired head, and sighs.
Kyosho: |When Thea asked Hiro that question something seemed to snap as he started to scream from some unnatural pain "WHAT!....what the hell is going one with me!" Hiro exclaimed as he looked over towards Thea 
Kyosho: [C]"What the hell did you do to me!" Hiro said as he covered up one eye and completely shut the other.  After a little while of the pain going on and Hiro screaming in pain he opened his eyes as they started 
Kyosho: [C]to bleed as thet changed from the ruby red color back to the emerald green. Kyosho then started to charge up his power level before falling back down as he landed on his knees, the hair starting 
Serenity: calls out to Oafy as he walks away, "Oh and clean up after yourself, we'll discuss things further when you agree to sign the documentation.." she says, slipping on her long white trenchcoat to cover up her slinky dress, no appropriate for a campai
Kyosho: [C] from the base turned white until it went all the way back  to the white color. Kyosho now is looking towards the ground with his hand on both sides of his head as the memories of Hiro went to his. Kyosho started to scream 
Serenity: (c) not appropriate for a campaign victory party by any means.  She walks to the headquarters and is immediatly greeting by hundreds of loyal citizens and political figureheads wanting to congratulate her on her victory, 'They act like it hard...'
Kyosho: [C]from the pain of the memories and started to cry also.
Serenity: (c) was hard...' she thinks, 'it was harder getting nominated for the position than winning it..' her thought subside as she mingles with the party, showing a great deal of charisma, grace and elegance befitting her station, handling herself with 
Serenity: (c) the same calm and collective nature that got her to where she was.  Still, she couldn't help but think about the man she was helping.  Would he be of use to her and even if he did agree to her proposal and paid up what he owned, would he just 
Serenity: (c) disappear to cause my issues when it was finished?  These thoughts also pour through her mind as the party goes on throughout the night.
Thea: quickly moves back as Kyosho starts grasp his face in pain she watches in awe as Kyosho transformation happens right in front of her. The kids that were dance around Thea quickly funs from to get as far away from kyosho as 
Thea: (c) they could. The child in Theas arms only starts to giggle as Kyosho screams in pain, she sticks her tongue out witch resembles that of a serpant Kyosho could see the Tatt mark on it before the little girl pulls it back into her mouth. 
Thea: (c) Thea slowly walks up next to Kyosho reaching down running her hands through his hair. "it's okay Kyosho i just helped you is all." she gives him a warm smiles as she holds the little girl in her arms rocking her back inforth .
Thea: (c) The little kids starts to come back around once Kyosho seems to have calm down  some. They starts back playing around the area of Thea and Kyosh,  thea holds her hands down for Kyosho to take it "come on we should go inside the 
Thea: (c) main building and talk about whats going on with you." 
Kyosho: grasp onto Thea's hand and tries to stand but he is weak in the knees. Kyosho the look sadly into Thea's eyes still crying from what happen, "How could I do that, that's not me..That's not something I want to do.." 
Kyosho: [C]Kyosho said really sadly as he is now able to stand and able to follow Thea.  
Thea: holds Kyosho hand leading toward the big tower and in the middle of the city she keeps him close to make sure the others don't try to hurt him while he is confused and unbalanced. "you must never cry here Kyosho do you understand?" 
Thea: (c) "you need to get a hold of your self these people will eat you alive if you let your guard down." The little girl reaches over and brushes Kyoshos hair back with her blood stained hand. they finaly get toward the building in the 
Thea: (c) Center of the city. the door scans Thea and kyosho then opens up slowly and for the three of them to walk into the building. "now you must calm yourself down, take a seat here Kyosho." she points toward a chair in the 
Thea: (c) waiting room with a glass table sitting infront of it. The room in this building is unlike the rest of teh city it's clean and sleek but there doesn't seem to be any windows or large vents more then likely to keep the people outside, outside. 
Kyosho: walked over and sat in the chair an whipped off the tears from his face as he completely stop then looked calmly towards Thea. "What has happen to me, I know that couldn't of really been me who did that killing, 
Kyosho: [C]no like that, also during the time while I was that Hiro I my self was back in that room where I was when you started this thing to me, but this time no one was there unlike the last time" Kyosho started to day dream a 
Kyosho: [C]little then snapped back into life. "What did you do to me Thea?" Kyosho asked her.
Thea: sits the little girl down in the chair across from Kysoho a small frown forms on her face as she stares at Kyosho. "I've only done what you ask me, i have given you a gift of power, just like i said i would." She sit down right next to the 
Thea: (c) little girl. "this girls name is Holly, Holly say hi." <Holly> "hello." the little girls says in a very low and shy tone Thea brushes through the little girls hair then turns her attention back toward Kyosho. " Kyosho i have given 
Thea: (c) the gift of Asura, this mark came from a creature i created from other races energy forming a beast that allows you to tap into another realm and talk to a being That will bestow power upon the person who enters the realm." 
Thea: (c) Thea stares straight into Kyosho eye's " each being gives a different gift of power, and in your case it seem that he has given you something very unique, an odd power that hasn't fully developed yet so this is going to be a learning 
Thea: (c) process for the both of us." Thea new that this wasn't something that Kyosho wanted to hear that he wanted her to have all the answers but she figured it would be beast if she stayed honest with him at this point. 
Thea: (c) "Holly here to has a mark and so does every other person in this city, i have done this work on many many poeple seeking power, while i seek knowledge."  Thea leans back in her chair waiting for Kyosho to responed. 
Kyosho: just sat there and in a soft voice he spoke "So to you right now I'm a test subject, fine I'll deal with it but I cant deal with Hiro, he must go." Kyosho said, after that Kyosho turned his attention to Holly and
Kyosho: [C]gave her a smile, and while keeping his eyes on Holly he asks "So what does this thing to do to Holly? In fact what do they do to any one?"  Kyosho went searching into Hiro's memories and started to cope  with what he 
Kyosho: [C]has done for now.
Thea: looks down at Holly and smiled at her while Holly gaze goes from Kyosho toward Thea. Thea nods letting her know it's okay for her to use her gift. Holly stands up from the chair and closes her eye's tight she thrust out her right arm 
Thea: (c) toward Kyosho blood seems to spirt out from the palm of her right hand as long pole comes from her arm. Holly taps the pole on the floor causing a blade with a an emerald in the center of it to come out it creating a sycth. 
Thea: (c) "this one here is my little deathbringer" Thea gives a large smile toward  Holly who is breathing heavy before letting the sycth vanish in a flash of light. "like i said the marks are from different being and each one does something 
Thea: (c) different to person, i have yet to see a case like yours Kyosho." Thea holds her arms out for Holly to climb into her lap and turn around staring back at Kyosho giving him a soft smile. " This is were i keep all my babies 
Thea: (c) from getting hurt, and from hurting others but your different Kyosho. so your free to leave when ever you want but this city can be a refuge for you when you need it. "
Kyosho: nods and then smiles at Thea, "Well is there any way of finding what lurks with in me at all?" Kyosho asks Thea.  Kyosho then looks around the room and then thinks "Why did you bring me here Thea
Kyosho: [C], this is about the same place where we met in a sense." Kyosho then put his emerald gaze back upon Thea "Is there something on this planet you didn't tell me about?"
Thea: "I brought you here to this building because this is where i stay when i'm here at Makai it's the safe place were you don't have to worry about those outside hurting you." Holly plays with Theas pony tail while the two of them talks 
Thea: (c) " as for your gifts, there is know way of knowing until the day you awaken it. once that happens we will see what your capable of. You can stay in this building while we are here on planet Vegeta. I have work that must do" Thea stands up 
Thea: (c) holding Holly in hear arms as she walks around the table toward the Hallway. " just stay in this building until you get your self togather or you could find yourself in alot of trouble out there. your room is on the 8 floor as well." 
Thea: (c) starts down the hall toward the elevator. "don't worry Kyosho in the end this will pay off for you big time." A smug smile crawls across her face as the Elevatior doors shut leaving Kyosho there alone with his thoughts. 
Sun: rps.
Treyce: This poison's my intoxication! I broke the needle off in my skin. Picked the scabs and picked the bleeding and assumed that it was all in vain.
Serenity: takes out a small silk scarf, wiping it across her forehead, "Whew..., finally, all my things are moved in.." she says after having moved her office into the Earth Government building in New Hope.  It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon and the off
Serenity: (c) office she had was in a corner of the building on the forty fifth floor, making one half of her office all window which granted her a spectacular view of the city and surrounding countryside, "Beautiful, simply beautiful.." she says, taking a 
Serenity: (c) much needed break. She was dressed down for the day, wearing a pair of grey sweatpants, white t-shirt with white tennis shoes.  Her hair was style up into two rabbit ears on her head, the remaining hair hung down in two long ponytails of pure 
Serenity: (c) silver which ended by her slender waist.  She wasn't wearing any makeup, she didn't need it on a day like today when she was the only one in the building besides the cleaning crew. "It's nice being elected to the senate, I just hope I can live
Serenity: (c) up to expectations.." she says to herself, beginning to file away her paperwork and unpack to decorate her large corner office, taking little breaks to drink her coffee and relax in her large, plush office chair.
Treyce: - The sounds of ships starting up rolled through the docks in New Hope, the very ground vibrating slightly. The cargo ships were just finishing on loading all of their cargo, preparing to take it off to some planet where it was needed. Of course, 
Treyce: -C- Of course, at least one, in someones mind, wouldn't make it at all. In a dark corner of one of the various docks, a white haired man stood, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, a slight smirk on his face. His eyes were specificly on
Treyce: -C- a ship transporting various metals. He raised his hand, flicking a switch on what seemed to be a transmitter. "Make sure you hit it when you're sure it's not in range of any other ships scanners. You guys know how I hate attention." he muttere
Treyce: -C- he muttered into it before promptly putting it into his coat pocket. His hand moved swiftly, a small mechanism flying from his hand to the  hatch door which had just now closed, and the ship started to rise. With a grin of self satisfaction, T
Treyce: -C- Treyce made his way through the crowd of people and out of the spaceport.
Shim: - A darkly clad man stood there, counting the windows as his glistening lavendar eyes made their way further up the height of the building. "Forty five." Shim smiled, as he saw the very vague feminine form in the window. There was one very discern
Shim: (C) discerning feature about the outline, one that confirmed his suspicions. She had been elected. His eyes narrowed at the woman, the murderer, the fake. He rose from the pavement, arms crossed, until he arrived at the window of the forty-fifth f
Shim: (C) floor, at the southwest corner of the building. Lightly, he tapped on the window with the steel toe of his boot.
Serenity: turns around to see the same man who tried to kill her and gasps, her blue eyes wide before she quickly regains her composure and coughs polietly setting down her coffee cup on the desk.  She opens the window, which was man-sized, roughly six feet
Serenity: (c) tall and takes the screen off and motions for the man to enter, "Umm, please, come in..Mister..." she pauses, getting out of the mans way "I didn't catch your name the last two times I've seen you.." she says in a respectful voice, walking ove
Serenity: (c) over and removing some boxes from another comfortable office chair before sliding it towards her desk.  She then walks over to her chain and takes a seat, picking up her coffee cup and taking a drink, watching the man enter her office throught
Serenity: (c) through the window, "Coffee?" she asks, getting up to close the window to keep the hot air outside before resuming her seat.
Treyce: - The white haired man left the spaceport with little trouble, the only real problem being the stuck up people who shoved their way in front of him or pushed him without even saying their apologies. He forced himself to take a seat a few times, co
Treyce: -C- counting to himself and taking some deep breaths. Yes, people were idiots. Yes, most people should be shot in the head. But no, Treyce wasn't up for doing that.. At least not today. 'One day I'm just going to snap and go insane around people l
Treyce: -C- like these and just kill everyone..' he thought, also wondering why few people already have. When he was out, he stared up at the afternoon sky for a moment, seeing a small glint rising up into the sky. He watched it for a few moments before i
Treyce: -C-  it faded entirely, a grin on his face. He took a minute to make sure he looked fine. Dark blue jeans, black shoes, a black t-shirt with some kind of human skull and poker cards on it, and a simple dark windbreaker to conceal the weapon that w
Treyce: -C- was on the back of his hip. He thought he looked fine. He took a cellphone from it's holder at his waist and flicked it open, looking at it expectantly. 'It's too soon.' he thought, forcing himself calm. He always got excited at times like the
Treyce: -C- these, but usually he was part of it, not standing on the sidelines. He sighed, walking through the afternoon crowd of people.
Treyce: -C- these, but usually he was part of it, not standing on the sidelines. He sighed, walking through the afternoon crowd of people.
Shim: - "'Fraid not. I don't like coffee." He sat down on the windowsill, and crossed his legs. The black and gold sheath of Perpetua rested at his hip, the tip touching the floor. He wore a smug smirk, a perfect resolve, impenetrable. "I heard you were
Shim: (C) pardoned for killing him." The halfbreed snorted, leaning halfway out the window, the wind blowing his hair in all directions. "Who would have suspected that, Mrs. Senator?" Shim quipped sarcastically. 'Quite a way to enter the office,' he tho
Shim: (C) thought, 'Excercise your power to get a nice little get out of jail free card. Quaint.' He was calm. Not the same man that had nearly slain her with a single swing of his sword. At least, not outwardly. 
Serenity: raises an eyebrow and sets her coffee cup gently down on the desk and stands up, going over to her fridge and getting a bottle of bear from it before grabbing a frozen glass and sets them in front of the man before closing the window once again, r
Serenity: (c) returning to her desk, "Energy costs..." she says calmly, swiping some of her silvery hair out of her beautiful face.  She doesn't take her seat and answers the mans question with her back turned to the man, not out of respect "I..was hurt, sc
Serenity: (c) scared, threatened..I.." she pauses, broken up, a tear coming to her eye "I regret it, his family, his friends...everything.." she says, shaking her head, almost crying "I didn't want to be hurt anymore, but instead I hurt someone, someone inn
Serenity: (c) innocent who was protecting his home.." she says, turning to face the man with tears streaking down her face a look of frustration on her face.  "I..if you want to kill me, then do it, end it.., it's what you came for..isn't it?" she says, cry
Serenity: (c) -ing out, still crying "ISN'T IT?!!" she says, trembling before turning her back on Shim again. 
Treyce: - A song started playing, seemingly out of nowhere, but Treyce knew it came from his phone. It was a ringtone and Treyce reached for his cell phone. The song only played briefly, the only part being heard 'Just look at me, look at me now' before h
Treyce: -C- he flicked his phone open and hit the call button. "Yo." he said simply. A small smirk came to his face followed by a short chuckle as he listened to whoever was on the other line. "It was that easy, hm?" He stopped in his tracks in front of a
Treyce: -C- rather tall building. "..What? What do you mean?" Treyce's eyes lowered just as his voice did. "Oh...I see. Is he ok?" A sigh escaped his lips and he nodded slightly, even though he knew the person on the other line couldn't see it. "Yeah. Tak
Treyce: -C- care of it." he muttered into the phone and flipped the phone shut. His eyes trailed upward to the sky and he stood there, people passing as he stared. 'It comes with the business.'  he told himself, pushing it out of his head. Before he fully
Treyce: -C- pushed the thoughts out, his foot went up and crashed down, cracking the sidewalk. The pedestrians all jumped away from him in fear in his anger. He let out a slow breath, and let a slight smirk come to his face as he remebered something. "Yea
Shim: - Perpetua flew from its hilt as the halfbreed burst forward with impossible speed. Serenity heard the sound of his boots as he leaped from his seat. She closed her eyes and held what she knew was her last breath. She waited. And waited. The blade
Shim: (C) rested at her throat, and on the other end of it was a scowling halfbreed. Blood dripped down the surface of the blade in a slow stream, the slender incision on her neck as precise as brain surgery. In the silence, the collision of the blood a
Shim: (C) blood against her shoulder could be heard. "I hate politicians, you know..." His eyes slid down the blade, as another swollen drop of blood spilled off of its shimmering surface. "Sitting up here, with your nice little offices... In public, yo
Shim: (C) you preach of justice and tell us all what is right, how you'll fix this place... While the real justice is served down there, where people bleed and die for it." Scars covered his body. Hundreds of them, each and every one a testimonial to hi
Shim: (C) his sacrifices over the years. "Do you honestly think what you do here even matters...?"
Serenity: spins about, a beautiful chromatic pair of sai's in her hands, engaging Shim's sword, locking it up cold, her eyes glowing with blue fire, tears still streaking down her face, gritting her teeth "Bleed for it?!! DIE FOR IT?!!" she yells, throwing 
Serenity: (c) his sword back with amazing, unnatural strength and putting distance between her and Shim. "You son of a bitch!" she says, shaking her head "My graddaughter bleed and died for this, for seven hundred years and several dimensions I have battled
Serenity: (c) against good and evil both trying to restore the delicate balance to save those people from a horrible fate!" she cries out in frustration.  "....I've put in my time, my blood, my heart, even my very soul to protect those who can't protect the
Serenity: (c) themsevles, embracing light and darkness both for peace.." she says, putting her sai's on her desk and grasping her neck, feeling the light flow of blood from it, shaking her head, memories of her precious granddaughter run through her head.  
Serenity: (c) She closes her eyes, weeping, thinking about the lives her daughter and grandson, now finally losing her cool she start to extend her power, feeling her calm collective nature slipping away from sorrow and rage.
Treyce: - A small cup was in his hand as he left a coffee house, sipping it every now and then. His auburn eyes trailed upward again and he raised his cup to the air, a silent toast to a friend of his that he wouldn't see again and miss. As he walked to t
Treyce: -C- to the edge of the sidewalk, a newspaper in one of those city newspaper machines. He took a sip of it and knelt down and looked at it, reading some of the stories it held. A raised eyebrow was the biggest response he got when he saw one of tho
Treyce: -C- those pictures as he recognized the woman in one of the pictures. He poked at the glass, thinking. 'Hot damn, if it isn't God's personal angel whore.' he thought, continuing to poke at the picture. 'The hell? Elected? The world is gettin prett
Treyce: -C- pretty messed up..' He now wanted to read more about this subject and made to retrieve one, save for the fact the door was locked. "The hell.." he muttered, looking at the machine. "Insert quarters?" He took a step back and spit on the ground.
Treyce: -C- "Insert foot!" he muttered as he kicked the damned thing open. Again, the pedestrians backed away from him as he bent to get a newspaper. After he got the newspaper, he floated up and took perch on the edge of the coffee house he had just come
Treyce: -C- from, setting his coffee down and opened the newspaper.
Shim: - Flames surrounded the Perpetua, great, spiraling, angry flames, as Shim stepped back, his calm demeanor melting away. He was very close to bringing her request to fruition, and killing her there, in the middle of her office. "How can you say all
Shim: (C) of that?" He sneered. "How can you say all of that, and continue to toy around up here. Is it the money?" He was growing angry himself. "You can't honestly think that by fucking around and wearing your nice little suit around, and writing out 
Shim: (C) out your little speeches to please the people you're going to bring honor to your granddaughter." Shim was having trouble containing himself, as his grip tightened on the hilt of his burning sword. "Call me a sonofabitch... Do you even know wh
Shim: (C) who you're talking to? I know you're busy drawing up your little posters and shit, but damn." Had his reputation faded, or was she just dense? "I'm Shim Wu'sha, the Phoenix Knight."
Serenity: shakes her head, her voice soft, low, sad "I've bled so much, but it seems to be for nothing..." she says "the good things I've done, the bad things I've done, the way I've tried to atone in the eyes of those who watch me, for nothing." she shakes
Serenity: (c) her head sadly, letting her silver hair flow into her face, her blue eyes wandering to pictures of her family, "They all criticise me, put me down and I feel like I can't go, not like you." she says, turning to face Shim, "You're popular, like
Serenity: (c) liked, with little criticism..I.., envy you." she says with a sigh, saying nothing more before sitting in her chair and burying her head in her hands.
Treyce: - An empty cup was sent off the edge of the coffee house and landed neatly in a public trash bin.. and was probably the only thing that actually made it into the trash bin, with all the trash littered around it. Treyce had lit up a cigarette and e
Treyce: -C- exhaled slowly. He had stopped looking at the newspaper briefly to stare at the pack of cigarettes, thinking of something a friend told him once about quitting and how he wouldn't be bothered about it by him anymore. 'I can always give it a sh
Treyce: -C- shot.' he thought, the pack soon finding it's way into the trash bin as well. AS he smoked on what might be his last cigarette, he flipped back through the newspaper. God's Prostitute had a name and had been elected into the Senate. 'One can o
Treyce: -C- only wonder how a prostitute could get that job.' he thought flipping to the next page, looking through some strange scientific columns. One caught his eyes. 'Cheese can actually improve your thinking capabilities!' He stared at this article, 
Treyce: -C- a blank look on his face. "He's fired." he said. Something stood out on the top part of his vision.  A light, seemingly, from a window from a floor high up. Strangely, the window seemed to be the only one that was open. 'Someone's is most defi
Treyce: -C- definatly going to fall out of that and die..' he though, folding the newspaper. As he looked, he thought, he thought his eyes caught the edge of what he though was fire, but he didn't know for sure. He stayed seated on the coffee house edge, 
Treyce: -C- smoking on his cigarette.
Shim: was silent. He wasn't one to cry, to complain, or to comfort those who do so. He averted his eyes, avoiding the sight. His life revolved around fighting, and he was a hardened, veteran warrior. However much people liked to think so, there wasn't 
Shim: (C) there wasn't much more to him. He had his ideals, and his fists. Love and compassion were things that his creator failed to insert into his soul. Shim was a protector, a defender, an avenger, and nothing else. A killing machine, a bloodstain h
Shim: (C)  hurricane. If other emotions had ever existed in him, they'd been quenched years before. Did he have a response for what she said? No. A part of him wanted to speak, but only to point out her downfalls, while the other part simply preferred t
Shim: (C) to leave. For now, he stayed there, quenching the flames that surrounded Perpetua with a silent command.
Serenity: slams her hands on her desk, standing up, her eye puffy from crying as tears, dried and still flowing..stain her face.  She walks past Shim and screams in rage and sadness as it overwhelms her completely, her voice echoing loudly and like thunder.
Serenity: (c) Her echoing scream being followed by an immense explosion of pure power and bright white ki light as the windows for her office explode outwards, sending glass into the air in millions of pieces.  The glass, however, had no chance to reach the
Serenity: (c) ground, the power radiating from within the blinding sphere of energy literally vaporized the glass itself.  A blast of hot air from the outside and cool, air conditioned inside mixed freely for several moments until it stablized.  As the blin
Serenity: (c) blinding, horrible display of power subsides, she could be seen, finally.  Beautiful, bright white-lined, transparent, angelic wings fluttered gently in the wind as her long hair flowed down her back like a river of pure, glowing silver.  Her 
Serenity: (c) blue eyes almost glowing almost with fire.  Her slender body was literally glowing, not an aura about her body, but an aura emanating from her body, making it glow with a beautiful, luminous white light.  "Family..., friends, balance..." she s
Serenity: (c) shakes her head, "Rini-chan..." she says, remembering Shim's words "paid for with blood..., her blood.." she whispers, almost inaudible to anyone "No more balance, it can't be.  So many have died who could have made a difference.., and I let t
Serenity: (c) them." she turns to face shim, her body glowing brightly with a new found power "No more.." she says to him, softly "She has given me strength, her strength, I can't let it go on anymore, not like this.." as the floats out the window, still fa
Serenity: (c) facing Shim as the sunlight glistens off of her skin and hair with near-blinding brilliance, looking like the angel she was meant to be.
Treyce: - The paper was once again in his hands and was flipping through the entire thing quickly, looking for something at least mildly interesting. 'Assassination attempts, robbery, murder, blah blah blah blah blah..' he thought, finding the world news 
Treyce: -C- utterly boring. Even the comics this week didn't seem as funny as they usually are. 'They must be running out of ideas..I swear I already read some of this shit before.' He flicked what remained of his cigarette over the side and it landed in 
Treyce: -C- the streets gutter.. "Cheers," he said, more to the air than anyone else near him, the nearest people being the ones staring up at him as they entered the coffee house. He was just about to claim the rest of the day as boring and uneventful wh
Treyce: -C- when an ear shattering scream reached his ears. He fell flat on his back, covering his ears. 'I swear.. Whatever Gods there are must be against me..' he thought as he came to his knees, rubbing his ears. He looked up at the sound of shattering
Treyce: -C- shattering glass, seeing a somewhat familiar sight. 'Damn it. I knew it.' he thought and got to his feet. 'This is not my day.'
Shim: - With an eyebrow upraised, Shim sheathed the Perpetua, and threw a stack of papers from her desktop. He placed his hands on the surface of the desk, hopping onto it. As he sat there, watching the distant image of the angelic senator grow more and
Shim: (C) more distant, he grabbed up the pot of coffee, and poured himself a cup of the black liquid. He was still shaking off last night's hangover after all. "I wonder what that means?" Inquired the halfbreed aloud, taking another sip of the coffee. 
Shim: (C) He leaned back and kicked his booted feet up onto the windowsill. The image reminded him of someone else. The only other person who held his same ideals, who shared his feelings. A winged Ancient, with long blonde hair and blue eyes. "Brother.
Serenity: smiles down at Shim, hearing his words, "You.." she points to Shim, snapping her fingers as his shirt flies open, revealing the crimson phoenix on his chest, "the phoenix knight..." she smiles, her glowing image looking like something out of a fai
Serenity: (c) fairy tale "You released me, my heart, my soul and now I am free." she says with a light echo, feeling more free than she ever had been before.  She lands on the soft carpet and walks towards Shim, "You are the phoenix, and now..now, what am I
Serenity: (c) ?" she asks him, her voice still echoing as she lifts her coffee cup off of the desk from ten feet away and brings it to her, taking a drink and being quiet as she studies the knight carefully.
Shim: - Buttons clattered to the floor, and his shades dropped onto the desktop, having been clipped to the collar of his shirt. The blazing image was the brand of eternal strength, burned into his flesh by unwordly forces. "Who are you?" he repeated he
Shim: (C) her inquiry, donning his shades as he peered out the window, his vision painted blood red by the tinting. "That's something you'll have to figure out for yourself. And if you ever want to find it out..." He turned, beckoning to the office that
Shim: (C) that they stood in. "You have to abandon this. All of it." He'd never had the luxury of choosing his way of life. He was dumped off in a hellhole, and had to become strong to live. He stepped onto the window sill, adjusting his shades. 
Serenity: turns around, facing the outside and the vast city below, remembering her station and shakes her head, "No Shim, these people need me, like they need you." she says with a smile "The best way for me to combat evil is to rout it out in places where
Serenity: (c) even you and your great power cannot see it, but I can..behind the scenes in places like this." she says, turning to face Shim and motioning to the building itself.  "Let us work together to achieve and common purpose.." as she extends a slend
Serenity: (c) slender hand.
Treyce: - There was still a slight ringing sound in his ear, something he couldn't quite get out of his head. He grunted slightly and pushed himself up to his feet, staring at the window where this supposed angel/senator had floated back into. 'Course. El
Treyce: -C- Elect me! So I can destroy property and get away with it!' he thought in his head. 'Politicians..' he spat over the building side as that word went through his head. 'Just look at me, lo-' his cell phone went off and he flipped it open again. 
Treyce: -C- "Yo." he said, walking to the edge of the building. Something the person on the other line said seemed to irritate Treyce as a slight frown came to his face. "I don't care." he said to the person. He looked over the edge and fell off it. "Just
Treyce: -C- sell it to whoever wants it first.  I want all of it gone now." he said, closing the phone and putting it back into its holder. Window blew out of nowhere, catching Treyce before he fell too far, and carrying him upward. He decided to go on a 
Treyce: -C-little recon mission, finding out why the new senator made her little outburst. He floated right up against the building, next to the window and crossed his arms, listening intently.
Shim: - His eyes scanned the horizon as he considered her words. It would feel good to work with other people again. He missed being a part of something, having friends and brothers who he could fight alongside. He stepped back into the office, looking 
Shim: (C) looking at the woman over his crimson shades. His arms remained crossed at his exposed chest. But that part of him seemed so distant, buried in the betrayals of the past year. Silently, he extended a hand, placing it atop hers. "Sorry, lady." 
Shim: (C) He spoke, as he eyed the open wound on her neck. It would form a scar, one that would remind her of the error of her old ways. He shook his head, as he pushed the hand down, gently, adjusted his shades with the same hand. "But..." He turned ar
Shim: (C) around, placing a booted foot onto the window sill once more, stepping onto it. "The Phoenix flies solo." He looked back for a moment, shot the lady a wink, and pushed off of the windowsill with enough force to create great dents in its surfac
Shim: (C) surface. Shim grunted as he forced the whole of his immense power into his aura, a glorius crimson blaze encompassing him, as he blasted away from the scene, tendrils of flame forming in his wake.
Serenity: follows Shim's movements as he eventually hovers out her office window and says, with but a whisper "Together, phoenix..see you on the field of battle, noble warrior.." she says with a geniune smile and nodding of her head in deep respect for the 
Serenity: (c) hero before her, 'You do my grand child proud...Shim.' she thinks, going back to her papers as she slowly returns to normal, knowing she has much work to do.
Treyce: -Floating upside dowm, arms crossed, and with a slightly nodding head, Treyce peers outward. The trail of fire from the man he had met before, who looked familiar to Treyce but whose name he couldn't recall, was already gone. Now, he knew his name
Treyce: -C- At least, he thought he did. "Shim." He said to himself, wondering if it struck a bell. It did, somewhat. "Shim.. Phoenix..." he muttered. The senator had already went back to her office when the ringtone could be heard again. He opened the ph
Treyce: -C- phone quickly to avoid getting her attention. "Hit me," he said in a low voice. Brief words were exchanged and Treyce looked down to the sky, seeing a firey glint slowly descending. "Pick me up by the usual spot in the desert." he said and clo
Treyce: -C- closed the phone. He deftly reorientated himself and took one more look to where the firey Shim had disappeared before he too took off for the horizon.
Morbius: TEST
Kalen: =*= The sun had set some time ago over New Hope City. In Hope Square, heart of the city, any crowds that gathered would usually be bathed in light from tall advertising billboards, the streets themselves already well lit
Kalen: - from rows of street lights. But tonight was different. Although there were crowds of onlookers, the giant banks of neon lights had been switched off and the streetlights were dim and subdued. For tonight was what the media had
Kalen: - hastily dubbed, in a spirit of making a story that rolled smoothly off the presses, the Green Star Festival. A reporter stood in front of the bustling crowds that worked their way through food stalls, carnival games and dodgy
Kalen: - hawkers galore, pressing an earpiece into his ear before looking into the camera and beginning his broadcast. "Welcome one and all to the Green Star Festival, this is Tomas Fitzpatrick, reporting for NHC News. It has been
Kalen: - little more than three days since astronomers discovered the unidentified meteorite UB258, but all information had predicted that tonight the meteorite would be visible passing over the skies of New Earth in what has been 
Kalen: - dubbed 'the sight of a lifetime'. We have clear skies tonight and it certainly seems to be shaping up to be quite the event. So come one, come all down to Hope Square to view the passing of the Green Star. I, for one
Kalen: - simply can't wait. This is Tomas Fitzpatrick, NHC News." The reporter paused for a moment to get the all clear then slumped. "We clear? Right, I'm off to have a cigarette..." Discussions abound all throughout the
Kalen: - square, and more than one family has decided to camp openly on their rooftop. The hustle and bustle of city life seems to have been set aside for just this one night. The clear nights sky shows no hint of the
Kalen: - meteorite as of yet, but it can't be long before it starts to make its passage across the beautifully clear night sky.
Shim: - idled there, staring out at nothing. It was almost peace; at least the closest he'd ever been to it, but in the pit of his stomach, a forboding feeling brought him back to the real world. Thin trails of smoke escaped through his nostrils, spiral
Shim: (C) spiraling overhead as they dispersed into the night air. How long had he stood here? How much time had he spent, staring off into that empty expanse? Shim grimaced, flicking away the butt of the cigarette. His shirt ruined from his encounter e
Shim: (C) earlier in the day, he shivered slightly in the cold, adjusting his blood red shades. Where was this damned thing, anyways?
Thea: Steps off of the ship just in time for the green star Festival. Thea stretches her arms up into air giving out a loud yawn before climbing down the steps onto the landing pad. "Well i'm hoping this will be Some fun." 
Thea: (c) Thea baggy black pants dances in the soft breeze and her blood red Kamino makes her stick out as a battler from planet Vegeta. she wraps her black tail around her waist forming a belt as she pushes her way through the crowded Festival grounds.
Treyce: - "Yeah, and you guys can just take the night off." he said. He was talking into a cell phone, runnig his hands through his white hair. He was dressed casually for the night, slightly baggy blue jeans, plain black t-shirt, his weapons always at hi
Treyce: -C- his waist. "Yeah, keep an eye out, supposedly a sight of a lifetime, but try not to expect too much." Someone said something back to him that made him laugh loudly. "Yeah I know." he said in a low voice and he looked up to the dark sky. "Hm? O
Treyce: -C- "Hm? Oh. No. I won't be joining you guys, I have something I'd like to do. Yeah. Bye." he flipped the phone shut and put it in its holder. So far it seemed to be a peaceful night, maybe nothing big would happen. And something had been going th
Treyce: -C- through his head. 'Phoenix.' he thought, his auburn eyes drifting from where he stood on top of a skyscrapper. He closed his eyes and suddenly he melted into the shadows. He appeared aruptly in square, just away from a crowd, his eyes searchin
Treyce: -C- searching for the person he barely knew.
Taz: looks up into the sky to notice something comming towards Earth. He is stun and is wondering what on earth is comming this way. He notices Thea standing a couple of feet away and decides to walk over to her and see whats going on.
Taz: <c> As he is walking over there, he notices some old fighting friends of his as askes them if they would like to join him in talking with an old buddy of his. He then looked into the sky again to notice its getting closer to the planet.
Taz: <c> He begins to wonder if anyone is going to help save the planet, or if he has to find some people to help him. With this, he begins walking around to find people he knows to help him.
Kalen: let out a slow smoke ring, the tip of his burning cigarette glowing in the darkness of the night. He stood shrouded in shadow upon a building rooftop, his golden eyes calm as he scanned the night sky, searching for
Kalen: - any trace of what scientists had claimed would be passing over tonight. Green Star. Psh, he could have come up with a better name in his sleep. Still, he had to wonder if it were a good omen or an ill one. He had
Kalen: - dressed fairly simply yet again. His expensive, hand crafted suits had all been destroyed during the cataclysm and he had felt that it was time for a change. Still, the black slacks and black silk mandarin
Kalen: - shirt he wore were not inexpensive, or of low quality. He felt calmer though, a sor t of peace that he hadn't felt for many years. Perhaps that was what it was like to be an android. Cold, emotionless. Still, he still had
Kalen: - emotions, didn't he? He felt love, rage, sorrow just like any other person. What he really felt like, he reflected as he lit his fourth cigarette for the evening, was another cigarette. And possibly some whiskey. Something
Kalen: - about tonight just struck him the wrong way completely. Even in all this quiet, calm, peaceful atmosphere, he felt like something was lurking to sucker punch him in the back of the head and steal his clothes.
Karnak: walks among the crowd as he notices many people he has seen before, "Well...This night may turn out to be a pretty good night...I may get to test out my new powers..."  Karnak smiled as he looked
Karnak: <C> up towards the sky wondering what has become of the world if they crowd around just for a glimpse of this so called, "Green Star."  Karnak smiled as walked over towards the alleyway and leaned
Karnak: <C> up against one of the buildings.  "Might as well get a good seat while everyone is looking up and away from me."  Karnak smiled as he launched himself to the roof of the building and sat down immediately.
Karnak: <C> A few people looked over quick then looked away as if they thought was there the whole time.
Fenin: snickers, looking into the thick crowds of gawkers and hawkers. "Nothing here for me..." Fenin murmurs, "'Scept - if she's alive, she'd have to be here." He speaks with a sort of hopeless desperation. His saiyan eyes seething through the crowds
Fenin: -x- at an alarming speed. "But then again, she'd probably figure the same is true for me." Fenin chuckles and straightens out his suit - a thick, leather jacket over a black undershirt, and tight, blue jeans. Fenin begins to walk towards the
Fenin: -x- congregation of onlookers and entrepreneurs, eyeing each woman and child eagerly, feeling a ping of disappointment with each mismatch to his memory. "I wonder if I'd even recognize her..." His voice trails off as he spots a game,
Fenin: -x- "Arm Wrestle the Strongest Man in the World." "My sort of game..." Fenin chuckles and approaches the stand.
Quinton: taps his foot idly, his head bobbing to unheard music as he lay on the lip of New Hope City's tallest skyscraper's roof.  He would have loved to have the company of a lady that night, but unfortunately for him not many fancied being even fifty
Quinton: <c> stories into the open sky, let alone two hundred.  He wasn't even sure what building this was, but it was so tall not even the city lights below could reach his vantage point.  It was rather cold though, and the terrible winds didn't help
Quinton: <c> much either.  Maybe he should have gone to the festival, far below.  But even the promise of scores of young women couldn't remove from him his need for solitude.  It had been over a week since his encounter with those people, Oafy and Xerokin
Quinton: <c> that little girl that ruined his one chance with the buxom waitress at his favorite cafe.  That day he had heard a voice, and had unleashed a power he had only heard of in rumors but had never witnessed first-hand.  Who had that voice belonged
Quinton: <c> to?  It felt as though he had known him his entire life.  He shouldn't have let it bother him.  He was nearly dead at the time...  He sighs, staring into the clear sky, searching for whatever the hell had the city in such a celebratory mood.
Quinton: <c> Maybe IT had the answers he was looking for, he mused.
Oafy: - The nightmare repeats itself; the empty void, echoing the madness of Oaftres' alter ego, who taunts him, questions his every move, and ridicules his technique at every chance. (My presence has restored your memories.. You cannot deny me this
Oafy: - gratification.) Telekinetic thoughts traverse space-time, plaguing Oafy's mind. "You're nothing more than my shadow. A twisted puppet." The true identity of the phantom creature stalking him in his nightmares was quite obvious at this
Oafy: - point; Pat the Monkey. Who else hated him so? Who else could infect his dreams? (Me, the shadow?! I am superior to you in every way, you fool. You are the shadow of your own former glory! No matter how you act, you are still just a mere
Oafy: - man now, bound by the laws of your kind. This is why they hunt you. To END you!) The chimpanzee knew too much about him. It is as if Pat was always there, in his mind. "You're lucky you are bound to this dimension, and incapable of leaving! 
Oafy: - I would call you out, and end YOU, once and for all!" (Fool. Fallen as you are, you cannot hope to match my power. I am everything you lost.. All the power to change the universe. To create, save, and destroy life.) Oafy could sense a shift
Oafy: - in the void.. Pat was coming to do battle, yet again. The nightmare never ended without the monkey first evicerating Oaftres. A flurry of pink fists signal the chimps initial attack, punching with incredible strength and 
Oafy: - precision. The assault continues: sweeping kicks, biting, and jabs with a short knife. Oafy was not putting up a fight in the least. "Just.. finish it already.. It's about time for me to wake up..." The words come out through coughs, 
Oafy: - bringing up pools of blood that gather around the fallen halfbreed, the red clashing with the black terrain. (This is no dream! Tell me why you have come here!!!) The mental projection of thoughts from the chimpanzee were louder, angrier.
Oafy: remains silent, for the first time questioning why he left the void to take on mortal form. He had all his past life memories returned.. but this query still eluded him. Time passes for a second longer than Pat was willing to wait - the
Oafy: - bathroom. After a quick adoings, he heads back to the bedroom, still quite nekkid, to throw on his white pants and shirt that he'd tossed lazily at some desk. The dreams were a common episode of day to day life now. Just another 
Oafy: - distraction. For a moment, he considers laying waste to Serenity's house.. the shelter he was offered for a while. He would eliminate all evidence of his mischief that she had stored, personally. That would only likely leave any files City Hall
Oafy: - and New Vegeta had. "And whatever she keeps on her, too," verbally correcting himself, he shakes his head. "Not worth it." Leaving the building, he locks the door on the way out with his set of keys. Within minutes of wandering the city,
Oafy: - he catches sight of the festival going on. "..Wasnt invited." Leaping up, he shoots forward, a blur of white across the darkened skies. Before long, he descends into a darkened alley, hoping to avoid attention from anyone.
Kalen: =*= It happened slowly at first, a faint glint in the heavens almost unrecognizable to the human eye, and then like the sun peeking over the horizon there was a brilliant flash of green that started to elongate into a bright
Kalen: - streak. The burning, flaming green meteorite has begun its passage over the heavens of New Earth. Bright enough to glow in the night sky brighter than any star, its passage seemed slow and reserved, almost stately compared
Kalen: - to the usual bright, suddenly flash of a comet or shooting star. It seemed to swell slowly in the sky, getting brighter and larger as it was brought closer and closer to earth. Down in the square, a few streetlights brightened
Kalen: - suddenly, then burnt out with a loud crack and the sound of tinkling glass. The crowd in the square gasped in alarm, then burst into relieved laughter. Loud cheers were going up all over the city at the sight of the
Kalen: - comet, and just for tonight it seemed like nothing could go wrong. A few fireworks, some legal and some not, shot into the sky. Music drifted on the breeze, accompanied by something else. An odd sound, barely noticeable
Kalen: - unless you knew what to look for. A soft distortion coming under the sound of the music. A dischord that chilled the blood and set the teeth aching. And high in the sky, the green light of the meteorite burned and pulsed.
Shim: - A slight smile spread across his face. Was this possible? He uncrossed his arms, lacing his fingers behind his neck as he stared up at the burning green beacon. Was is possible, that nothing was going wrong? Was it possible that all of these peo
Shim: (C) people had come together, enjoyed one peaceful night? Then, at the edge of his senses, he felt that terrible energy, the presence that reaked of chaos, of despair. Fenin... "Damn..." The best he could do was to avoid a confrontation in the mid
Shim: (C) midst of all of these humans, decided that halfbreed as he suppressed his powerlevel.
Thea: turns to one of the booth a man she knows from way beck when Selling different beverages to people in the crowd. " Hey Zane long time no see." Zane looks at her giving a smile and nod he turns pulling out a bottle of 
Thea: (c) Sake for her <zane> "I know what you like Qian" he tosses her the bottlle of Sake a smug grin creeps across her face as she turns to see Taz in the crowd. (oh Taz, I hope he doesn't want any of my Sake.) 
Thea: (C) She turns and gives Taz a fake big bright smile and big wave with her right hand, her left hand holding tightly on the bottle of Sake. "Hey there Taz it's been a while whats up?" Her tail loosens enough for her to places the bottle between her
Thea: (c) waist and her tail. then she it to tighten her tail back up and hold the bottle in  place. Just then Thea looks up into the sky to see the Coment getting closer a few cracks form in her bottle causing the sake to start to leak out. " Oh now th
Thea: "oh now this isn't any fun!" a low sigh slips from between her lips
Treyce: - His auburn eyes opened slowly, peering out from where he appeared from the shadows and looking for the one who might know him, or know who he was, rather. Personally, Treyce didn't think that even if he past was horrible, or incredibly great, or
Treyce: - or if he had done a million dastardly deeds, or a few good ones, he wouldn't change his current lifestyle. He liked his current friends and his business in the pirating genre and didn't want to change it at all. Still... he wanted to know. He wo
Treyce: -C- He wondered if that's what he sought the firey Phoenix he now knew as Shim. To reveal his past and just let that part of him that just wanted to know just die off. Just as he walked by a lamp, it shattered above him, almost covering him in bro
Treyce: -C- broken shards. He nearly gave into reflexes and dropped into a fighting stance when he realized it was just the meteor above him. He paused in his search, gazing up to the green streak in the sky. 'I guess they were right.' he thought. 'But I 
Treyce: -C- 'But I can't enjoy it right now.' Treyce did love seeing new sights, but now didn't seem to be the perfect time. From his pocket, he withdrew a cigarette. From the pack, he took a cigarette and quickly lit it up. He closed his eyes and took a 
Treyce: -C- deep drag. 'Sorry, Tamas. I didn't think I could do it.' he thought, remembering his now dead friend. His eyes opened again, now set to seek out the red haired frenzy.
Taz: says "Hey Thea, its been a while." He notices she is looking up at the sky and he begins to wonder what is going on now. "I'm hearing something about a coment comming this way? Could you tell me whats going on?" He begins looking into
Taz: <c> the sky to see smoke comming from the coment. He then begins wondering if anyone is going to stop it. And if so, how much help they would need. "Oh Thea!, I fogot to introduce you to my friends. The on the left is Casey, and the
Taz: <c> other one is Alex. They might can help us." He says. As he looks into the sky once again to look at the coment comming this way.
Kalen: smiled slowly as the meteorite lit up in the sky like a candle. He did stop and frown though as the street lights burst, quickly dismissing it as a sheer coincidence. He figured he was just 'tired', if this body could get tired
Kalen: - and that he was far too ready to jump to conclusions. Hell, he was alive and in the heart of the city, he might as well enjoy himself a little. Find something to drink, a pretty girl to take home and have some fun with and
Kalen: - then perhaps this night would be a great festival after all. Aligning himself with the alley to the side of the building, he lightly stepped off the roof and floated down, his shoes settling on the ground with a soft click. He
Kalen: - walked out the alleyway calmly, slipping through the multicultural press of humans and other races as smoothly as he can. A bright firework ignites in the air, showering the square with light, and Kalen freezes dead in his tracks
Kalen: - as his sensors pick up traces of energy that he had hoped never to see again. The smile fades from his face, his eyes widening in slight traces of a sensation he is unfamiliar with. Fear. The Phoenix. No. Not here, not
Kalen: - now. This night had been going so, so well. His eyes dart around the crowd sharply before with a deep intake of breath - reflex more than anything else - he starts to push deeper into it. <Stay calm, Kal. He probably doesn't
Kalen: - even know you're still alive. You're not in your suit and shades - how long has it been since he's seen you out of that kind of garb? Just stay calm.> As he makes his way through the crowd, he pauses briefly to grab a bottle
Kalen: - of whiskey, paying the merchant and taking a hefty swig straight from the bottle, his nerves clearly somewhat shaken. The beauty of the comet was, for now, quite forgotten. All that concerned him was making it through the night
Kalen: - in as close to one piece as humanly possible. Androidly possible. Whatever. He wasn't sure he was strong enough to take Wu'sha on at the moment. 
Karnak: smiles as he looks over the edge of the building at all the people, "Wow...A lot more people I know than I thought."  Karnak smiled as the comet came in view.  "Such a magnificent comet..."  Karnak looked
Karnak: <C>  down towards the ground as he saw a few lights burst.  "Well...Damnit...I may have to do something...and I just wanna chill today..."  Karnak frowns as he looks back up towards the sky.  "I suppose it
Karnak: <C> may be from the power...Or perhaps the comet...It's too early to tell."  Karnak slowly floated off the building 
Fenin: snickers as he feels a drop in the power of that familiarity which throbbed in the back of his mind. "So it would seem you've finally felt me, Wu'sha. Took a while, though. Well then - now that you're gone, let's see who else there is
Fenin: -x- to harass." Fenin closes his eyes and take a deep breath, searching out for fighters - or freakishly powerful children with no fighting experience. "Jackpot." Fenin ascends into the air and flies towards the Human and Saiyan, both
Fenin: -x- quite powerful signature. "What - a woman who can fight..?" Fenin boggles as he lands near her, sensing again to make sure it wasn't the person next to her he felt. "Well..." Fenin peers down at the spilled Sake, "At least she's drunk..."
Fenin: -x- Fenin approaches the group, "Hey, babeh... Howsabouts you and I uh... Get acquainted?" Fenin fondles Thea's behind gently with his hand, ignoring the zany Human intent on saving the world from the comet that's... Going to not hit it...
Quinton: yawns loudly, his eyelids slowly closing as the day's weariness begins to set in, despite the chilling cold and roaring winds.  A faint glimmer of green invades the edge of his vision, suddenly drowned out by a flash of blue, which was
Quinton: <c> followed by a loud bang, and then crackling.  Of course, what better way to celebrate a celestial event than to wash out the night sky in man-made fireworks?  Fully awake now, he peers into the sky, an uneasiness growing within him.  Something
Quinton: <c> didn't feel quite right.  He spots the source of celebration, the strange green meteor that was even now growing brighter in his vision.  "So that's it, huh?  I don't see what the big deal is," he mutters to himself, his words lost in the
Quinton: <c> winds as he slowly pushes himself to his feet, standing on the corner of the building with his arms folded.  And yet, even as he dismissed the meteor as nothing more than a flimsy excuse to throw a party, the uneasiness yet grew... Why?
Oafy: hops ontop of a trashcan, seating himself to better stare up at the source of the green glow. Its shine drew his attention just as well as it drew that of the crowds not far from him. The eerie light glistens off his deep green eyes, making
Oafy: - them look all the more mysterious (and therefore sexy). It was as the light sparkles in his eye, he detected the signatures of nearby familiars. One was definitely Shim, and that Saiyan he had a grudge against. Who else was there...?
Oafy: - Curiousity gets the best of Oaftres, as he emerges from the shade of the alley, forcing his way through the crowd of people, to get a more centred view of the area. Eventually he emerges from the fog of random humans, nodding off to the laid
Oafy: - back Shim. "Couldn't stay away from the party either?" A man walks by selling beverages, one of which Oafy kindly liberates from the trey, only to discover it was, indeed, non-acoholic. 'Garbage water...'
Kalen: =*= Down in the city streets, the first inkling of something, somewhere going horribly wrong was starting to be felt. The dischordant sound that had at first been nothing more than a faint background noise was growing louder, sounding
Kalen: - through the streets with a loud THRUM. THRUMMM. THRUMMMM. The green light of the meteorite was radiant now, slowly growing too bright to look at. Lights all over the city began to turn on of their own accord, burn brightly and then 
Kalen: - shatter with a loud crack, sounding light gunshots all over the city. Large cracks appeared in glass shop windows, caused by the pressure of a force unseen. The fireworks had stopped, and the crowd that had been cheering now fell silent
Kalen: - and subdued, watching the passage of the meteorite now not with excitement and jubilation but with dark murmurings of fear and suspicion. The pressure was building in the crowd now. A few children burst into tears to be quickly silenced
Kalen: - by their parents. A hush fell over the crowd and indeed, over the city, save for the horrible, twisted thrumming noise. It was shattered by a sound like the crack of a whip. The thrumming noise stopped, but overhead, the meteorite began to
Kalen: - break apart. Shattering into several dozens of pieces, they raced over the sky in broad arcs, as if to spread itself over the planet. A dozen fragements seemed to plunge straight down, streaking through the sky toward the city itself.
Kalen: - There was silence, for the briefest of moments, and then there was panic. Civilians ran screaming in confusion, seeking loved ones and shelter, ignoring the hastily boomed commands of the police department. The festival had been
Kalen: - dissolved into little more than a mob of panicked people. And the sky burned with green fire, drowning out the stars.
Shim: - There was a second of hesitation as Shim began to assess the situation, but no more. A great aura of blazing flames erupted around him, as his eyes turned pure, pale blue. The earth around him turned to, well, empty space, as he launched himself
Shim: (C) into the sky to intercept the falling missiles. His hands glowed crimson as he channeled his energy into his fingertips, sending a barage of ki at the broad side of the shard. Shim watched as the shards of energy whirled as they neared the glo
Shim: (C) glowing green spear, and knew that the forboding feeling in his gut was more than a hunch.
Thea: was staring down at the spilts Sake until she felt a hand grab on her. her face turns red the ghostly white. Her fist clinches up as she slowly turns from the Sake on the ground to the man who had lost his mind and grabbed her butt. 
Thea: (c) Thea turns around her eye brow twitching slightly her tail quickly unwrapping and smacks his hand . "you must of lost your mind!" She grabs the bottle of Sake and holds it up for him to see. "After something like that you could at least go 
Thea: (c)  get me another bottle" Thea eye's start to squint as the light from the comet gets to bright with what seemed like an eternity of chaos. the Bottle in her hand falls apert as the crowd around her goes made "well this can't be good." 
Thea: (c)  a large golden aura erupts around Thea as her braids loosens  her long golden hair falls over shoulders and down her back, Thea golden bangs cover her light brown skin and almond shaped eye's She points at  Fenin  
Thea: (C) before launching herself up into sky she sees another figure up there already trying to handle the matter. a smug grin crawls across her fase as she thrust her right hand out throwing a Ki attack of her on toward the bits of comet raining down
Treyce: - Somebody was already wasted off his ass and was tossed unceremoniously out into the street in front of Treyce. He laughed, he giggled, he did everything besides not piss Treyce off with his mere presence. The drunk grabbed Treyce by the pant leg
Treyce: -C- as Treyce tried to make his way around him. If Treyce knew what the hell he was saying in all of his drunken slur, he probably wouldn't have kicked the drunk in the face and send him back into the bar was just thrown out of. 'People...' he tho
Treyce: -C- thought. 'So wonderful. Where's a psychotic serial killer when you want one.' He placed his hands in his pocket and pushed his way through the crowd. With alot of the lights out, save the green glow from the comet above, some people were havin
Treyce: -C- having trouble of getting around. His eyes trailed up to the green streak above him before he sighed and looked ahead of him and his eyes narrowed slightly. Though his power was obviously suppressed, he recognized the red haired Phoenix. He wa
Treyce: -C- was about to call out to him when he felt everything change. Since he lost his power, his body wasn't used to pressure changes, so that now he was weak, he felt it. He stopped in his tracks. 'The hell is that noise..?' He looked in each direct
Treyce: -C- direction, finding nothing. The green glow grew brighter and he stared up at the comet, bringing his hand up to shield his eyes. "The sky! It's on fire!" someone screamed. He brought down his hand slightly just as the comet burst into various 
Treyce: -C- 'God damn it. It was supposed to be a peaceful night.' he thought. He was momentarily distracted as the Phoenix near him took off in quick pursuit off one of the dozen flaming rocks headed for the city. "Son of a bitch!" he screamed as he crou
Treyce: -C- crouched down and pushed himself into the air, his right hand pulsing with a dark blue aura. 'What a day to play fucking hero.' he thought before he thrust his hand forward at one of the flaming meteorites.
Taz: looks up and sees the green fire in the sky. He looks back down just in time to see a blazin aura comming from someone. He looks up again and begins thinking about what he could do to help. He closes his eyes and begins to
Taz: <c> concentrate his energy. His muscles begin to grow as a white aura covers his body. He then begins to fly and start heading toward the comets to help the other fighter. As he is heading to help the fighter, he makes a barrier to
Taz: <c> cover his body for protecting from the flying chunks of rock that may come his way.
Kalen: snapped his head up at the sound of the meteorite shattering and unleashing hell. He could do little more but stare blankly for a long moment at the sight of the shards of meteorite tracing through the sky. Dozens of them were beyond his ability
Kalen: - to intercept, but didn't seemed to be about to land on him or the city. The shards currently dropping straight towards the onlookers though. He bit his lip in indecision. If he was to just burst up there like a hero in an attempt to deflect the
Kalen: - meteorite shards, then Shim- Kalen stopped and stared blankly into the sky as he watched Shim burst from the ground, going up there like a hero in an attempt to deflect the meteorite shards. "Son of a bitch..." Tossing back the rest of his
Kalen: - whiskey, Kalen dropped the bottle with a smash and launched himself into the air, seeing a few other people start to follow suit. He supposed that this would be as good a test of any of his abilities. He'd felt his power slowly returning
Kalen: - over the past week or so, but he still felt so weak. Still, as much as he didn't want to draw attention to himself, he didn't really want to get impacted with meteorite shards. Other fighters were moving into the sky now in an attempt to
Kalen: - intercept the rain of imminant death. Hopefully he'd be lost in the flurry. Circuits connected and closed in his body as he gathered his energy, bringing up a fingertip to level it at an incoming shard. A lance of blue light erupted from his
Kalen: - fingertip, stabbing up into the air towards an incoming fragment. "And tonight was going so well, too..." 
Karnak: smirks as the meteorite suddenly blows into smaller fragments, "New this wasn't going to be anything normal." Karnak stood up slightly slouching and yelled as his power increased immediately.  "Finally...Some chance
Karnak: <C> to test this out."  Karnak smiled as an aura erupted around his body and two very large beams shot out of his eyes towards one of the pieces falling into the atmosphere
Fenin: grins wide, "You want me to get you DRUNKER? Sweet." Fenin slides up against Thea and rubs his body against hers. "What the deuce?" The bottle shatters, sending fragments of glass into his side, "Uhh... Ouch?" Fenin looks around, seeing
Fenin: -x- more of the same - glass shattering and people bleeding. "What in Sam Hell is going on here?" Fenin turns back to Thea, taken slightly aback as her aura flares, "That's uhh... hot?" Fenin winks at her, then frowns as he leaps
Fenin: -x- into the air, towards the giant green rocks of death. "Aww shit." Fenin looks at Taz and the other bystands, "Be right back, saving the world." Fenin's aura flares blinding golden and his powerlevel spikes. As his aura fades away to a
Fenin: -x- dull visibility, it reveals him a supersaiyan - jaded eyes and daggered golden-blonde hair. "SCARLET!" Fenin leaps into the air, charging both hands with a crimson Ki, "PENANCE!" Fenin launches three orbs of Ki with each hand, and
Fenin: -x- the six closest glowies, anticipating to smite each easily.
Quinton: widens his eyes in surprise as the meteor suddenly grew nearly as bright as the sun, enveloping the entire city in a sort of sickly green day.  Then, just as suddenly, it breaks quite a number of smaller pieces, beginning a perilous descent
Quinton: <c> down to the city.  "You've got to be kidding me," he exclaims, an aura suddenly enveloping him as one of the shards plummets down toward him, unerring in its swift descent towards the colossal building he stood upon.  His eyes narrow,
Quinton: <c> his hands glowing brightly, and he suddenly releases a massive wave of energy at the rapidly approaching fragment.  He had a feeling it was going to be a long night.
Oafy: finds himself ignored by that dirty mofo Shim, and grunts to himself, taking Shim's spot against the wall. "Fine, I'll just wait here then," he calls up to Shim in a hushed voice, pretending he would still hear him. Fragmented pieces of the
Oafy: - meteor descend upon the city, threatening the life of many citizens. For the most part, Oafy seems not to care, as others are handling it. But as more people in the crowd lose their cool, and begun to rush off in random directions in fear,
Oafy: gives in to the temptation to do good. After all, he had to repent somehow for what he did to those orphans. In a flash of blinding white light, Oafy reappears over a large grouping of persons huttled under a tree. A wisp of black gathers around
Oafy: - his form, the mist shielding them from the onslaught of a descending chunk of flying rock. "Alright, so that's.." Mentally counting, he nods. "Five saves, versus 300 deaths. It's a start!"
Essex: "Ugh." He says, staring at his fingernails as he floats right outside the city, watching chunks of meteorite fall to the earth. "Might as well make my entrance now..." He powers up, his bright
Essex: (*) blue aura illuminating the area as he darts towards the city. He flashes out of existence, appearing above Hope Square, chunks of glowing green rock falling all around him. He looks left and
Essex: (*) right, raising his hands to charge energy up to possibly knock the shards from the sky.
Xerokine: stood on the edge of a rooftop, watching the glowing meteorite descend. The city was lit up, both from the sickening green light and the flames that had started to spread. Shards were breaking off the main body, falling like 
Xerokine: -*- stars to rip through people's bodies or simply explode in the streets. Even now, at least a dozen people were flying up from the city to battle the implacable enemy known as 'nature', leaving energy trails in their wake. "Countless 
Xerokine: -*- shuttles heading between the planets, and no one notices a giant glowing green meteor?" Xerokine muttered to himself, letting dark sparks dance across his fingertips. Bracing himself on the rooftop, he began to fire bolts of 
Xerokine: -*- black lightning upward into the sky, sharpshooting at the falling shards that came too close to his perch.
Travesty: drifted through earths atmosphere not far from where the first bits of meteor were entering. At first he was just observing, but then when his sensors began indicated several large sources of energy headed towards the anomoly, he couldnt help head
Travesty: (c) heading towards them in hopes of amassing more energy. He approached one of the larger meteor chunks and settled atop it. He steered it away from the rest of the meteorites in hopes of singling someone out of the crowd.
Dako: sat atop one of the highest towers of New Hope City, watching the flying chaos heading towards the planet. He smiled to himself as fighters were protecting the innocent and the Earth, blasting every shard that came near, a few flying past in indef
Dako: <C> indefinite destructing. "This sure is a turn of events.." he said to himself, watching the green debri fly from the sky, it sure wasn't a normal meteor. {Perhaps an alien one? Sent to destroy us?} He continued to ask himself trivials. {Well, I
Dako: <C> {Well, I guess its time to try and help...} He rose and spread his arms, clapping them together and creating seals to unleash his power. His hands moved at incredible speed and finally he held them in a single seal, his aura grew potentially l
Dako: <C>  large, green and black flames licking the metal frame and the air around him, causing it to blur without notice. Jumping from the building the air rippled at his clothing before landing on the road below, crashing the debri, raising his hands
Dako: <C> he began to mould his energy. A green sphere of energy was above his head, reaching impecable size. "KYUTANO JUTSU!" He yelled before launching it towards a large path of shards, clearing a path for new assaults. {I wonder what the rest of the
Dako: <C> these bastards are doing..} He said as he charged another attack.
Kalen: =*= Lights formed by varying techniques streaked into the sky, some missing, some impacting solidly with their targets. The struck meteorite fragments swelled with green light for a moment before detonating with a dull thump, releasing a 
Kalen: - collosal concussive shockwave through the air. Green dust from the pulverized meteorites drift slowly through the sky, raining down on the city like a storm of glowing ash. In any other circumstance, it might be quite beautiful. Over 
Kalen: - the horizon come bright flashes of light from where unintercepted shards have fallen far outside the city. For the most part, the rain of death on the city seems to have slowed to easily manageable proportions. Green dust dances through
Kalen: - the air, but the exposure doesn't seem to be poisonous. Not immediately at least. Where the dust lands, glass nearby shatters as if imploded by an invisible force. The dust touches the ground, glows brightly and simply disappears into thin air.
Kalen: - Where the meteorite had been, there was now a jagged green crack across the sky, like a gaping wound more than anything else. More dust seemed to be pouring out of it, slowly, twisting and spiralling on the nights wind. Save the sound
Kalen: - of a few last shattered chunks of meteorite being detonated, silence covered the city again. The rift glowed ominously in the sky and didn't seem likely to close, any time soon, but for now, there was nothing but dust on the wind and peace.
Shim: - It seemed the disaster had been diverted, though he still felt uneasy... Something was wrong, but he wasn't sure what... He didn't have time to think of it much, though, as he whirled around. There, hovering only meters away from him was Kalen D
Shim: (C) Kalen DeArtair. His arch-rival, the founder of the Second Syndicate. Did he care how he was there? No. There were no words to be spoken. It was instinctful for the halfbreed to charge Kalen, and so he did. Had there ever been hesitation before
Shim: (C)  before? Perpetua was loosed from its sheath, Shim's clear blue eyes narrowing on the man he'd spent the last several years of his life trying to murder.
Thea: body darts back in forth in the air as she plays target practice with the fragments coming from the coment until she is hit with a large wave of  the green dust. "uck!" she covers her mouth while  quickly letting her body descend to the 
Thea: (c) ground  falling onto one knee. (crap what was that junk?) she looks at her scouter as it had been done recording the other fighters movements and energy level. "well nice, this could make for some good test subjects." Thea shakes her 
Thea: (c) long golden hair getting the rest of the green dust out of it, She slightly looks herself over making sure she hading gotten her hurt some how. "well i don't seem to be dieing from that comet dust, not yet anyways." she mutters before coughing
Thea: (C) She scans the ground looking at all the dust that flaoted down toward the earth. "this can not be good." 
Taz: releases the barrier he once had around his strong body and starts making his way back down to the ground. He is so tired from destroying comets that he decides to call it a night because of all the energy attacks he used to blow up
Taz: <c> the comets with. As he hits the ground, he says to Thea, "It was nice seeing you again, we need to plan a dinner sometime a catch up on some stuff. Also, I got a clan started up, and wanted to know what you thought about joining
Taz: <c> it." After he says that, he turns and starts walking to his house where he can rest from a hard days work at help saving the Earth from being destroyed.
Kalen: closed his eyes slightly against the sudden rush of wind, meteorite shards exploding all around him in bursts, their concussive waves washing over him, leaving him slightly disorientated. Still, his own attack had been completely on target
Kalen: - and had annihilated the fragement, and several other people seemed to have the matter in hand. He let out a sigh of a relief and prepared to seal his power back down again. At least Shim hadn't- Kalen's reaction was more of an
Kalen: - instinctual thing than any kind of cognitive process. He blasted backwards through the air, trying to buy himself enough time to deal with Shim's charge. "Shit, HOLD YOU BASTARD! HOLD!" he roared. He panicked, frozen for a moment before
Kalen: - levelling his finger at the incoming halfbreed, another bright blue lance of ki erupting from his fingertip. At this range it was close to point blank, but it left the warrior wide open.
Karnak: smirks as he sees everyone's attack and the effect they had on the meteorites.  "Hmph....Figured this much." Karnak smiled as he watched Shim charge onto Kalen.  "Wow...Got a fight going on...Better just chill
Karnak: <C> up here and watch this shit."  Karnak smiled as his aura slowly faded and sat back down on the edge of the roof to observe the fight.
Fenin: growls as green dust rains all around him, "I don't even what to know what this shit's going to do to me..." Fenin concentrates, blazing his aura brighter. "Time to blow this shit away..." Fenin's aura begins to contract, and fade, as a
Fenin: -x- small orb of Ki appears around his abdomen. As his aura fades into nothingness, his eyes fade to a steely blue and his golden hair falls loose and naturally black, and his orb continues to grow. "SHATTERSTORM!" The orb expands in a
Fenin: -x- flash, incinerating the particles of dust around him for a great distance. Fenin falls to the ground, still not noticing the giant green tear in the sky. "That should hold that crap off fo- what the shit?!" Fenin looks around,
Fenin: -x- watching more green dust fall all around him, "Where is this COMING FROM!?" Fenin looks up to the sky - silenced by the awe inspiring sight.
Quinton: ceases his attack as it connects with full force, sending a massive shockwave through the atmosphere and blasting him off of the building.  He gasps in surprise as the skyscraper he had been standing on suddenly erupts in a shower of glass,
Quinton: <c> accompanying him on his way toward the pavement, Quinton left only screaming, "Whyyyyyy?" before he realizes he was actually falling down two hundred stories.  He swiftly righted himself, and forced enough energy downward to slow his fall,
Quinton: <c> enough to prevent injury, though his deceleration caused several of the glass shards to rip through his shirt and cause several shallow wounds.  He sighs, muttering, "That was a new shirt," before he looks at his environs.  There wasn't an
Quinton: <c> in-tact window in sight, and yet more of the green dust was falling, causing the broken, scattered shards of glass to fracture even further.  "Well, I guess I should see what all the fuss over this thing was about in the first place..."
Quinton: <c> he mutters, leaping onto a nearby building and rushing towards the festival ground, idly noting the several strong powerlevels there.  "Yup...  Loooong night."
Oafy: effectively saved the lives of a small, frightened family, which scurries away without even thanking him for his heroics. "No yeah, it's cool. I don't need to be thanked. I only saved your daughters, wife, and your life. Go ahead, run home.
Oafy: - Yeeeaaaah... Right on outta here...." Sarcasm and hate are pretty cool stuff. The charge of wet, gnarly justice by Shim to Kalen catches immediate attention. 'Shim, what are you - Kalen?! That gimp bastard! Shim never did kill him.. Wonder if he
Oafy: - is still sore about me yelling at him for letting Kalen escape that one time... Nah'. As more green dust falls to the Earth, Oafy retains his trasparent black mist field, encompassing himself and his surroundings for about five feet in all
Oafy: - directions. He was feeling purdy safe. The sight of Fenin off in the distance, noting him as the one asking the question on everyones mind. "Cant be too sure where it's coming from, but I suggest we work to stop it. I'm all for the green,
Oafy: - brings out my eyes, but I'd rather not find out this shit causes cancer five months down the road." Glancing back to the rip in the sky, Oafy grunts to himself. "Fuckin asbestos." A flourishing wind of white fills the emptiness in the mist
Oafy: - shield around Oaftres, as his hair jets backward, rising up slightly in the front, like he rubbed some sticky shit there. A whirl of energy white and blackness forms within his lowered palms, his sights set on the rift in the sky. "ETHEREAL
Oafy: - COLLAPSE!" The palms collide, forming a pillar of gray energies that emerge from the mist, firing at the hole in the sky. "What?! I cant name MY mother fucking attacks? Go to hell."
Essex: drops his arms to his size, send out a barrage of energy at the rocks, each one hitting a shard and causing it to turn to dust, floating down to the ground. "What is this shit...?" He asks
Essex: (*) looking at the green scar in the sky. "Hmmmm." He looks at the ground and floats down, staring back up at the sky, awestruck. 
Xerokine: -*- Far below the gaping, green scar in the sky, Xerokine lowered his hands and watched along with the rest. The sifting, crystalline powder was slowly falling out of the wound, pouring down onto the city below as its citizens 
Xerokine: -*- waited with bated breath. As the cloud of emerald ash began to flow closer, Xerokine took a step back and tossed off his cloak. With a casual flick of his wrist, he wrapped the length of black cloth around his face below the eyes, 
Xerokine: -*- letting the excess settle onto his shoulders. Hopefully, the cloth would act as a filter against the green powder. Even if the stuff wasn't poisonous or toxic, getting rock dust into the lungs was usually bad. He stepped forward, 
Xerokine: -*- darting off the side of the roof and falling into step with Quinton. "Nice time for a festival," Xerokine remarked, his voice muffled by his impromptu scarf. "Only humans would decide to have a celebration while a meteorite falls on 
Xerokine: -*- their heads." His amber eyes flicked upward, looking at the glowing wound and the green fog drifting out of it. "Or whatever is going on. What's with the Sky-Scar?"
Travesty: quickly decided to abandon the rock he was on and darted out into the dark backdrop of space. He allowed himself to free fall a ways so he could better approach the other fighters but made sure to keep himself in the oxygen free area of the
Travesty: the sky so as to inhibit any surprise attacks. He hadnt yet sensed anyone approaching him, but that didnt mean that no one was aware of him. He took this opportunity to suppress his power to almost nothing so as to further enhance stealth.
Travesty: (c) soon realised that things werent as they seemed. The energy readings from the meteorites were too erratic and powerful for it to be just another peice of space debris. After making a few failed attempts at absorbing some of the strange energy
Travesty: (c) directly from the rock, he decided to hold his position several thousand feet in the air and observe the effects it had on the planet and its inhabitants for now. He silently pondered the small ammount of green dust in the air and the ever exp
Travesty: (c) expanding anomoly which, by his calculations, was not yet a threat to the earth.
Kalen: =*= The last of the dust from the rift settled to the ground and vanished, saturating the city in it. And there was silence, and stillness, save the figures of warriors blasting through the sky and the first few cautious civilians poking their
Kalen: - heads out of their homes, seeing that they had been saved. A few cautious, ragged cheers and celebratory calls went up. A few fireworks shot up into the air, detonating and showering light down on the city. A mood of celebration was just startin
Kalen: - to work its way back up - perhaps the Green Star Festival hadn't been a total disaster after all - when it happened. With a loud crackling noise, green lines seemed to overlap the western side of New Hope City. They were...images, of sorts.
Kalen: - Bright green overlapping images of buildings...but strange and distorted, seeming twisted and unusual. In some cases, the overlapping images didn't even seem to remotely resemble the buildings that they overlapped. They flickered and twisted,
Kalen: - occasionally vanished with the noise and appearance of tv static before reappearing again, glowing ominously in the dark of night. The view from the air told the whole story. The whole of the western half of New Hope City was engulfed with a pha
Kalen: - image. At the centre of it seemed to be a tall green skyscraper, towering above the other buildings, overlapping nothing but a few small houses. People ran screaming at first, fleeing from the ghostly green light. Then stopped and simply stared.
Kalen: - Through the streets came figures, human figures, glowing faint like green, ghostly holograms. The walked and interacted with the glowing buildings, ignoring those around them. If their path was interrupted by something solid, they seemed to simp
Kalen: - walk straight through it. It was as if the entirity of the west half of the city had been invaded by an army of ghosts, both buildings and people, flickering and warping strangely. They seemed harmless... for now. T
Kalen: - flickered slightly, drawing in Oaftres' attack, funneling them into the heart of it. Soundlessly, noiselessly it winks out. Althought the ghostly figures remain, a cheer resounds from the city for the fighter who managed to close the rift.
Kalen: - But the ghostly figures and buildings remained, glowing menacingly in the streets. Like a superimposed image of a city on a city. Eternal and unchanging...
Shim: - His eyes remained locked on those of his foe, but Kalen was lucky enough that the rise of the pulsing green spire stopped him. "Quaint, Kalen." He raised his hands, and beckoned towards the lost souls below him. "Do you recognize any of them? Do
Shim: (C) Do any of their voices strike a familiar note?" Shim scowled harshly at the android. "Were any of them there, that day you decided the barriers just weren't... Profitable?" Perpetua glinted green with the light from the ghastly energy that sur
Shim: (C) surrounded them, as it lanced towards Kalen's medsection.
Quinton: sighs at the sudden, unwanted company of Xerokine as he speeds toward the festival.  "You again?  Why don't you go play in traffic?  I'm bu..."  He starts to say, but then suddenly halts his rush toward the festival as the rift in the sky
Quinton: <c> suddenly closes.  Coinciding with its disappearance, nearly half the city becomes enveloped in a strange green glow.  "I'm too young for this shit," he mutters, looking back at Xerokine.  "Well, I guess...  Crisis averted?  If you
Quinton: <c> consider half the city suddenly becoming phosphorescent green an averted crisis, that is..."
Serenity: sighs as she motions for the last transport of materials and supplies to leave, hearing the train squeel off in the underground tunnel which lead out of town, eventually leading to Aqua Polis. "That should do it she says, wading through the congre
Serenity: (c) congregation of security to approach a man in a suit, someone of obvious importance.  She nods to the man, "Ok Mister President, all the critical personell, files, documents and materials have been transported." she says, sounding both concear
Serenity: (c) concearned and professional, worried for the saftey of Earth's leader.  "I can't say I agree with your decision to leave last though.." she says, cut off by the man, "Senator Mikomi, I appreciate your concearn, but I will be the last to leave 
Serenity: (c) out of us." he says, looking up at the ceiling of the tunnel with a heavy sigh "I wish the city could come with us..", "I do too Mister President, but I will personally make sure of their safety after you are safely away." the senator says, "V
Serenity: (c) "Very good Senator, I will rely on you to make sure of this." he says, handing her a set of keys, "Here, these are the keys to the building, City Hall and my personal house, use them for the people."  She curtsey's to the president as another 
Serenity: (c) train pulls up, "Thank you sir, your train is here." she sees, finally seeing Earth's leader off as he makes his way to Aqua Polis, 'Now..' she thinks, 'Time to assess the damage and see if Earth's defenders were able to limit the damage.' she
Serenity: (c) hopes, with a heavy heart, unable to be on the surface during the most dangerous times to the people.
Xerokine: slowed to a halt next to the kid. "That was strangely quick," he remarked aloud, unwrapping his cloak and tossing it back over his shoulders. "I was half expecting some demon to emerge." His gaze shifted downward, 
Xerokine: -*- where half the city was glowing... or more accurately, there was a second city. "The buildings aren't glowing," Xerokine said aloud, narrowing his eyes. "There are new buildings. Look, some of them are inside the other ones, or 
Xerokine: -*- sticking out of them." Something made the hair on his tail prickle, drawing him to the edge of the rooftop. "Look, there are even people..." He trailed off, watching a crowd of glowing people walk through a wall. "What the heck is going on?"
Kalen: stared wide eyed as Shim tore in towards him, barely having time to open his mouth to try and speak before Shim's blade slammed deep into his stomach, forcing its way past the android's dermal plating and erupting out of his back in
Kalen: - a shower of synthetic blood. Kalen's body hangs limp in the air, most of its weight on Shim's sword as he stares openly into the eyes of the man who has hated him and hunted him for a vast portion of his long, long life. "You..you..
Kalen: - ...bastard..." Kalen struggles to form words, his body shuddering weakly. He raises a foot and lashes out, kicking off Shim's chest to force himself back off the blade, hanging in mid air almost like a rag doll, his clothing stained
Kalen: - and dripping with his blood. Reaching into a comparment in his risk. Kalen shakily pulls out a small chip, slamming it into the back of his neck. A prototype. A test. A risk, more than a benefit. And of no use in increasing his power.
Kalen: - It's too late for that, anyway, he can feel his lifeblood spilling from the gaping stomach wound, systems shutting down in a slow but inevitable cascade. "You.....bastard. You don't know anything of my actions. You never have...
Kalen: - just...lies and.." With a cough, Kalen sprays out a glob of blood at the halfbreed. "Lies and hearsay. You fail to punish me for deeds that I haven't done...and punish me for things I've had in no part in. Shim...Wu'sha?"
Kalen: crosses his arms over his stomach wound, gathering energy into his body slowly, his last ditch effort. "GO TO HELL!" The surge starts slowly, electricity arcing over his body as with a flash he arches up, his body igniting with 
Kalen: - electrical fire, two bright blue beams blasting forth from his eyes. The blasts subside as his eyes roll back into his head, his limp and lifeless body plunging from the sky, falling freely towards the city streets below.
Quinton: nods.  "Rather anti-climactic, I'd say.  Didn't even get a..."  He starts to say, then stops, a smile suddenly growing on his face as he looks at the ancient saiyan before him.  "Actually, maybe I will," he smirks, before suddenly disappearing in 
Quinton: <c> swirl of golden energy, reappearing at Xerokine's side, his leg cocked back.  "This is payback for last time, you asshole!" he screams, launching his foot at the saiyan's face.
Serenity: walks up the stairs from the hidden rail line, closing the secret door behind her, locking it carefully.  Her heels click as she walks through the empty halls of the Earth Government building in downtown New Hope City.  She was shocked to see no d
Serenity: (c) damage to the building itself.  She reaches the front doors and opens them, shocked at the sight before her, despite the cheers from people for the obviously successful heroes, "Good, the city is still in one piece.." she says with a caring, "
Serenity: (c) compassionate voice "and the people are safe." she steps around rubble from above and begins to hover above the ground, still sensing numerous powers around the area.  She lets some of her power go as she surrounds her body in a white light as
Serenity: (c) she hovers up higher, eventually reaching the tops of the buildings, looking in horror at the ghosts in the west side of the city, "My god..." she says, her blue eyes scanning the area and the strange building, "What happened...?" she says, no
Serenity: (c) not able to readily comprehend what has happened.
Xerokine: spun backward through the air, blood streaming from the corner of his mouth. "Bastard!" The sound of ringing steel echoed in the oddly quiet streets, populated only by the garish ghosts that had driven the living 
Xerokine: -*- population indoors or underground. Xerokine landed roughly on the pavement, driving his sword into the blacktop with a harsh grind of sparks as it jerked him to a stop. "Fine, you want a fight? Then come down here and get one!" 
Xerokine: -*- Xerokine shouted, letting black sparks dance along the edge of his sword. "Lightning Vortex!" The rotating mass of dark lightning exploded into the building below Quinton, sending black lines of unlight cracking upward as the 
Xerokine: -*- structure prepared to explode...
Shim: - The beams seared into his skin, melting the flesh and burning his shirt. The wound was burnt shut immediately, and though the beam had bored deep into his pectoral, he never relented. A deadly uppercut collided with Kalen's jaw as the halfbreed 
Shim: (C) rushed forward. He moved with deadly precision, weaving in between Kalen's attacks with peerless grace. Another deadly incision opened on Kalen's torso, damn near rending him in two. And then, the android began to sink... Mercy was a virtue Sh
Shim: (C) Shim was proud of upholding, one that he cherished above most others... But there was something about Kalen that set him off, like nothing else could. The halfbreed drew his hands high into the sky, a maelstrom of crimson energy born in the cr
Shim: (C) in the cradle of his open palms. And then, as those eyes burned with intensity, he put something more into the attack. Life force drained into the attack from his fingertips, and the great orb was set afire, a roaring torrent of blazing energy
Shim: (C) energy. Kalen's eyes widened. The end was nigh, as imminent as his next breath. There was a blood-curtling howl, a deafening roar, a scream that rocked the unholy foundations of the ghost town... "&RHeart of the Phoenix!!&w" Shim's voice echoe
Shim: (C)  echoed for miles, as his ultimate attack crashed into Kalen's ruined body, ultimately ending the fight... Shim sagged in the air, drained from the great portion of energy he'd consumed.
Essex: drops his arms to his size, send out a barrage of energy at the rocks, each one hitting a shard and causing it to turn to dust, floating down to the ground. "What is this shit...?" He asks
Essex: (*) looking at the green scar in the sky. "Hmmmm." He looks at the ground and floats down, staring back up at the sky, awestruck. 
Essex: -*- Noticing the ensuing fight between Quinton and Xerokine, he presses a button on the console in his mech-arm. "Heh, time to test you out, I suppose." He says, holding his mechanical claw out
Essex: (*) to the side, a large experimental weapon appearing in his hand. He brought it around in front of hand, using his other hand to balance it. It was quite large indeed, an army tank
Essex: (*) vulcan cannon mounted with a nine-foot buster sword. He swung it around, using all of his strength to stop it, keeping his finger away from the trigger.  He turns around, bringing it
Essex: (*) up to rest on his shoulder, spying Shim ending his ally Kalen's life right before him. Staring forth unphased, he called out, "Shim." As he began walking towards the halfbreed.
Quinton: jumps into the air as Xerokine's attack pulverizes the building beneath him.  He grins, his saiyan blood warming up to the fight he had just started.  This Xerokine bastard had nearly killed him during their last fight, and he felt this time he
Quinton: <c> would be able to return the favor.  He lands in the newly-formed debris, nearly losing his footing as a piece of concrete suddenly slides down the pile.  He jumps into the air again, twisting towards Xerokine and launching a ball of energy
Quinton: <c> in one swift motion, the momentum hopefully increasing its destructive force.
Serenity: senses a very familiar power source followed by an echoing scream and then a large explosion of crimson power.  "Shim!!" she says with great worry.  She had great respect and caring for the legendary phoenix knight and even what your typical high 
Serenity: (c) school child would call a crush, 'I have to get to him...' she thought, blushing as she leaves an energy trail of pure white light as she speeds across the skies of New Hope.  A blinding white light envelops her slender body as she appears a m
Serenity: (c) moment later.  Beaufiul, transparent, angelic wings extend from her back as her body was covered with a long, flowing, ankle length silk gown.  Her hair was glowing with silver energy, her eyes glowing with blue fire and her slender body radia
Serenity: (c) radiating a pure, beautiful white light.  The aura she eminating didn't surround her, it came from her, almost as if she had a visible inner glow.  She reaches Shim's location as he begins to fall from the sky, giving chase to him as he speeds
Serenity: (c) down towards the ground.  She finally manages to catch him in her arms, holding him as she support his head, looking into his eyes, "Shim?! Shim!!" she says with a caring, echoing voice, "Please..answer me..." she says with concearn.
Xerokine: growled as the air around him flickered red and white, erupting into sudden flame. His sword sparked on the cracked pavement as he swung it upwards, cleaving the energy sphere right through the center and sending the two 
Xerokine: -*- halves flying to either side. Behind him, the bolts impacted against the buildings on the other side of the street, exploding like miniature bombs and setting the empty structures aflame. The crimson light of the spreading fires 
Xerokine: -*- mixed with the greenish hue of the ghostly buildings and people, staining the nearby city blocks with a curious shade of purple and black. Xerokine narrowed his eyes as they shined golden, reflecting Quinton's transformed state 
Xerokine: -*- in their depths. "Well, I must admit, seeing that meteorite got me a tad excited... and this ending was certainly a let-down," he said aloud, shifting his stance. "A little destruction is just what I need to cool down!" The man darted 
Xerokine: -*- forward, cloak flapping behind him as he attacked Quinton with a quick series of nearly invisible sword strokes, each slash and slice unleashing an arc of crackling black lightning.
Essex: -*- "Hey. Back the shit off Shim, assnugget!" He shouts at Serenity, stepping forward, firmly planting his foot into the ground for balance. He flips his gun off his shoulder, holding it by the
Essex: (*) handle, his other hand holding it by the barrel-grip. He moves his finger to the trigger, the seven-foot long barrel glaring at at the human who was holding his brother. "You have to the count
Essex: (*) count o-" He cuts himself short, pressing on the trigger, beginning to unleash the clip of twenty-millimeter caliber bullets at Serenity.
Quinton: widens his eyes in surprise as Xerokine pulls out his blade and begins to slash at him.  His hands begin to glow as he focuses energy into them, raising his left hand to block.  It worked.  His hands deflected Xerokine's wild slashes nearly
Quinton: <c> completely, though nearly was unfortunately not completely, as the blade scored several deep, red wounds on his palms and creating a number of gashes in his chest where his hands weren't swift enough.  He jumps back to catch his breath,
Quinton: <c> his aura flickering violently as he glares at Xerokine.  It couldn't end like last time, he silently resolved.  He would beat this bastard into the pavement if it killed him.  Which it hopefully wouldn't.  The energy in his palms begins to
Quinton: <c> fluctuate wildly, before he suddenly unleashes a wave of energy at his opponent.
Shim: - His eyes rolled back, his nodding off. Why hadn't he fallen? Oh well. Shim's eyes twitched as the sound of gunshots rang through his ears, the earth quaking with ever bullet expelled from ther barrel. A nice little wake up call. His eyes slid to
Shim: (C) slid to the side, trying to catch a glimpse of his attacker before the bullets collided. He could see nothing but the massive muzzle flash, extending a foot away from the smoking barrel at times. He screamed out as the first bullet bit into hi
Shim: (C) his bicep, blood splattering against the pavement. He raised his hand as he did his best to stand extending a thin sheet of crimson energy around his body, as he grasped the bloody wound on his arm. "Lillah?" Shim asked, as he caught a glimpse
Shim: (C) of the scaly flesh of the mutant.
Xerokine: laughed and swept his sword through the air. The blade batted the energy wave aside without slowing down, sending it down the street to explode against some nameless corner shop. The fires were continuing to spread up 
Xerokine: -*- and down the block, the crackling of the flames growing louder with each passing moment. "Is that it?" Xerokine demanded, letting his aura flare out toward his opponent. A sudden crash behind them was one of the buildings 
Xerokine: -*- collapsing in on itself. "I expected more with all your talk!" Without warning, Xerokine darted forward, his right hand closing around Quinton's throat. Effortlessly, Xerokine lifted him up off the ground to sneer in his face. "Little brat!" 
Xerokine: -*- he spat, and slammed the boy into the ground with bonecracking force. The pavement buckled underneath the blow, and continued to buckle as Xerokine slammed Quinton's head against the street again and again. Finally, the 
Xerokine: -*- Saiyan let go of Quinton's throat and merely cracked a fist into his stomach. The black-top gave way, sending Quinton falling down into the sewers below.
Serenity: lands gently on the ground, next the destroyed remains of an android, resting Shim's head on her arm Gently while caressing his hair in her angelic form. She looks highly upset at the draining of his energy, he was weak and delerious.  She lowers 
Serenity: (c) her head, close to Shim's, her silver hair glowing lightly.  She looks into Shim's eyes, "Don't worry, I will help you.." she says, her lips touching those of Shim as she transfers some of her energy to him to help recover his.  She gently rai
Serenity: (c) raises her head after the kiss, opening her eyes and looking at the man with her flaming blue eyes, "Get up.." she says with a whispering echo, "Get up, my knight.." she says again, helping him sit up and waiting for him to respond and stand o
Serenity: (c) under his own power.
Essex: -*- "Hey. Back the shit off Shim, assnugget!" He shouts at Serenity, stepping forward, firmly planting his foot into the ground for balance. He flips his gun off his shoulder, holding it by the
Essex: (*) handle, his other hand holding it by the barrel-grip. He moves his finger to the trigger, the seven-foot long barrel glaring at at the human who was holding his brother. "You have to the count
Essex: (*) count o-" He cuts himself short, pressing on the trigger, beginning to unleash the clip of twenty-millimeter caliber bullets at Serenity.
Quinton: weakly gasps for air, the punch to his stomach combined with the repeated blows to the head nearly shattering his skull and emptying his lungs of their contents, and soon after his stomach of theirs, which sent his entire body into a torrent
Quinton: <c> of agony.  It wasn't supposed to be like this!  He was stronger now...  So why?  Why couldn't he beat this ignoble trash?!  <Why can't you?  You don't even know what a real fight is, you idiot!  How could you, a low-class nobody, expect to
Quinton: <c> even compare to the likes of Xerokine Caeruleus?!  Especially with power like that...  Disgraceful.  How could you even pretend to share my bloodline, you pathetic scum!  Go ahead, prove me wrong!  Prove to me that you're not worthless, that
Quinton: <c> you're not scum!  Prove to me that you're worthy of being my son!>  "What...  Who...  Who are you?!" he croaks, suddenly snapping out of the painful stupor he was in.  <If you haven't even figured THAT out, then just lay there and die!>
Quinton: <c> "No...  Why...  How...?"  <Shut up!  Shut up and stand up!  You can't just lose a fight that you started!>  He groans loudly, his head slowly lifting up.  "I...  I can't...  Lose..." he groans, slowly pushing himself to his feet, his
Quinton: <c> skull feeling as though it had nearly split in two, his vision clouded with deep crimson.  "I won't... I won't lose again!" he screams, a crater suddenly and forcefully forming beneath him, sending the mass of human refuse he had been
Quinton: <c> standing in up.  His power begins to increase, electricity arcing throughout the sewer, sending showers of debris into the sludge as it impacts the walls surrounding him.  A pulse of energy surges throughout the tunnel, disintegrating the
Quinton: <c> ceiling above and pulling Xerokine down with it, as the energy swirls around him, dragging with it a mass of poop and other sewer objects and sending it into the walls.  His hair grows slightly longer, spikier, his eyes a deeper shade of
Quinton: <c> emerald.  Suddenly, the storm ceased, causing the sewer's contents to fall unceremoniously all over the place.  Through this, Quinton was nowhere to be seen.  And just as suddenly as the torrent of energy ceased, Quinton reappeared, directly
Quinton: <c> behind Xerokine, a massive wave of energy shooting from his palms and at the saiyan's back.
Shim: cuts himself.
Karnak: laughs
Essex: sprays his he-salsa in the wrist wounds.
Xerokine: spun, his eyes widening as he began to raise an arm, too late. The searing wave of heat and light shredded through his sleeve, scorching his arm and blackening the flesh. The force of it sent him flying back, skidding on his 
Xerokine: -*- heels through the sewerage and thundering through the opposite wall of the tunnel. The brick shattered like legos, giving way to the adjacent chamber, where the raw waste swirled downward into a massive whirlpool to be cleansed 
Xerokine: -*- and recycled. Xerokine rolled to a stop at the edge of the access ramp, a few thin bars of metal the only thing preventing the ugly and rather ignoble death of drowning in human waste. "Ouch," he growled, pushing himself to his 
Xerokine: -*- feet, driving the point of his sword into the metal mesh of the ramp. "That stung." Steam rose from his seared right arm, where the skin was blackened and burnt. But the damage seemed to be only cosmetic, with Xerokine flexing 
Xerokine: -*- his arm muscles as flecks of skin peeled off and blood oozed down his arm to drip off his fingertips. "But two can play this game." The red and white-fire aura had vanished when he had been struck, but now a shimmering black 
Xerokine: -*- one was replacing it. Xerokine's ebony hair began to rise as he was surrounded by a sudden, localized windstorm. His eyes glowed a bright yellow, like twin points of burnished gold, and sparks of black electricity shot across his body and swor
Xerokine: -*- sword.
Quinton: sighs heavily as Xerokine transforms.  Of course, he could do that too.  This had gone on long enough, he thought.  He was knee-deep in shit, the city above was slowly collapsing, and he was quickly growing irritated by Xerokine's resilience.
Quinton: <c>  "I haven't used this, um, ever.  I hope it lives up the title of 'Ougi,'" he smirks, his body suddenly beginning to course with a deep crimson energy.  A strong wind began to course through the tunnel, whipping up frothy waves of leavings
Quinton: <c> and sending no small amount of debris swirling around him.  "Time to finish this..."  he growls, as the surge of energy suddenly expands into a blazing aura.  The ground begins to shake violently, and everything that wasn't attached to
Quinton: <c> something began to lift off the ground, swirling faster and faster.  "Entropic Vortex," he whispers, as a sudden pulse of energy courses through the area, encompassing a sphere several hundred feet in diameter.  Within it, everything began
Quinton: <c> to explode violently, as though the very atoms that made up their composition were rebelling against each other.  The surrounding tunnel simply disintegrated, unable to withstand the force of the blast, along with many buildings on the
Quinton: <c> surface and nearly everything else in the area.  The attack swiftly subsides, leaving Quinton in a sphere of nothingness several hundred feet in diameter, breathing heavily due to the strain of the attack on his body.
Xerokine: collapsed onto the bottom of the spherical void that Quinton created, smoke rising from the bloody gashes in his cloak. Black sparks danced across his limbs as he groaned and vomited, blood splashing wetly across the 
Xerokine: -*- smoothly carved depression in the concrete. The sewage had been completely vaporized, leaving only clean stone and the trails of blood that were slowly pooling in the center of the bowl. "Nice one," Xerokine coughed, wiping his 
Xerokine: -*- face with the back of his hand. "Name needs work." Stumbling forward, he bent over to scoop up his sword, which was also steaming. It didn't seem to be damaged, though, when Xerokine glanced it over. Needed a good cleaning, 
Xerokine: -*- though. "Vortex? Come on." He waved the battered sword around, indicating the empty sphere. "Maybe 'Entropic Singularity'. Like a black hole, you know?" Xerokine grinned wickedly, his teeth stained red as blood traced down 
Xerokine: -*- between his lips. "Now, usually, I'd be demonstrating my ultimate attack at this point. But I think that might be a tad overkill, don't you? Instead, I'm just going to cut you. With this sword." And putting actions to words, Xerokine 
Xerokine: -*- darted forward, intent on inserting his blade into Quinton's shoulder. Then, he rather thought it might be fun to twist it.
Quinton: grimaces in annoyance as the becloaked saiyan makes it apparent he wasn't going to die so easily.  His eyes then widen in shock as Xerokine launches himself at him, sending his blade plunging into his right shoulder.  He screams loudly as the 
Quinton: <c> sword is twisted, sending a spray of blood from the wound, as well as intense pain coursing through his entire right side.  "You...  Jerk!" he screams, raising his left hand and focusing his remaining energy into it.  He screams loudly, 
Quinton: <c> forcing a blast of energy from it...  Or so he had hoped.  Instead the energy simply dissipated, less than an inch from Xerokine's face, as his knees buckle, the sword's blade sliding out from the hole it created and causing a flow of
Quinton: <c> blood to run down his arm.  He smirks tiredly, his eyes half open, as he whispers, "Almost got you..." before he collapses into the debris, unconscious.
Tyish: ask for a tanker but everybody said no show i thought no one like me so i got mad i wanted to kill every body but i remember i was to weak so i said forget it and i die five more times
Tyish: is so tried of yall crying about dev i should have never told him about this cite beacuse all yall do is talk about him maybe one day yall will be friend one day
Usagi: -*- It was finally past 8pm. Her store closed at that time, so she locked up the place, pulled the shutters down, and started walking down the streets, a brisk breeze flowing over her skin. Dusk was one of the best times of the day...the sky lit u
Usagi: -c- up with the darker colors in a tapistry of nature, something she had always appreciated. She wore a brown leather jacket with blue jeans and her usual white t-shirt. Before her trip home though...she had to eat something. So she walked towards
Usagi: -c- the downtown area, thinking about where to go this time
Helios: *After several moments of severe consideration, Helios nods to the librarian. "Yes. I will need to sign up and also would like to borrow these two books." He beams a smile to her, as she also nods her head,
Helios: (*)*Very Well. Just a moment* She nervously says, quickly beginning to type away on her keyboard, gathering all possible information about Helios as she can, so she can create a new account for him. He looks around
Helios: (*) The room, wondering why such a once beautiful place, could have turned this bad. Maybe she thought Helios was one of the criminals who had wrecked havoc upon this place, whom also seeked out these current books?
Helios: (*) But, he wasnt to judge. He silently walked around the room, occassionally nodding his head as she continued to gather his details. His gauntlets made thumping sounds as he walked. Perhaps the outfit he doned
Helios: (*)Gave her such a fright? The blood stained armor, and thick gauntlets, aswell as a large sword, which seemed to glow a bright crimson, every time Helios's hand had made contact. But what he knows for certain
Helios: (*)Is the fact he is one step closer to finding the runes, and also, gathering more information about his past, his...origion...
Helios: *The librarian nods to Helios, *I'm done. Please, there is a deposit of 10$$ for the first 3 hires.* She notes, quickly looking to the ground in fear of Helios's reaction. He smirks, "Don't be so afraid.
Helios: (*)While i'm here, nothing will harm you." Again, smirking, he removes a satchel bag which was formly located on his armor, around his waist. "I'm not entirely sure how much these would fetch
Helios: (*) But where I am from, you could atleast purchase several houses, and still have enough for thick armors, and enough protection from pirates." He grins, untieing the satchel and allowing quite
Helios: (*) a few gold nuggets rain upon the librarians desk. She couldnt believe her eyes, looking as she heard the gold pour down, as if it was some sort of parade *What...how...okay...* She could
Helios: (*) barely speak, not knowing what to say. *Please, keep the books. I wont need them now. I think these will give me enough to get off this dantly place*. She quickly stood up, gracefully
Helios: (*) taking the satchel from Helios's hands, and placing the gold back into it. Soon after, she quickly runs out of the library, yelling *Freedom! Alas!*. Helios shrugs his shoulders
Helios: (*) Carefully grabbing the books, and begins to walk outside aswell, but something was amiss. He could sense something, somehow, not too far away, something was brewing.
Shim: - The sun was setting on another day. His apartment had been swallowed by the power of the meteor, and converted into a haven for the wandering spirits that now inhabited the western half of the city. So, he didn't really have anywhere to stay for
Shim: (C)  the moment. He'd gotten plastered after last night's fight, in celebration of Kalen's utter defeat at his hands. Yes, in a brilliant wave of crimson flame that monster of the past had been erased. But something still bothered him. The city wa
Shim: (C)  was crawling with the green phantoms of what were once functioning humans, and though they weren't harming anyone directly, they did put quite a limit on the number of hours of sleep a person could get, what with their moaning and grotesque a
Shim: (C) appearance. Shim himself was seated on a wooden bench near the street, overlooking the park to the south. The sunset was nice, but he couldn't concentrate on it.
Usagi: was walking down the street, humming to herself, just enjoying life for the moment. A familiar face passed through her vision, seated down next to the park, and she stops and stares at him. "Shim..." One she wasn't neccesarily favorable to, but de
Usagi: -c- definitely nobody she was particularly after in any form. Nonetheless, she made her way over to him. "Shim. It's been a while"
Essex: slips his hands into the pockets of his custom-tailored blue jeans as he made his way down the busted sidewalk of New Hope City, quietly accessing the damage, thinking back on the previous
Essex: (*) night's events. The meteor, the Sky-Tear, the dust and the ghost city, they were all almost frightening. "Mmm..." He hums, perking his head up at a completely demolished skyscraper, the
Essex: (*) ghost city's town hall sitting halfway in it, completely unphased as the spectors continued making their way back and forth. "So... we can see then, and we can't interact with them... but they
Essex: (*) continuing living their... lives, deaths, I dunno, as if everything were fine... do they not see us?" He asks out loud, bringing his portable tape recorder to his mouth for reference notes. He turns
Essex: (*) around and stares back down at the concrete, picking up one of his M61A1 Vulcan shells, examining it. He brings the tape recorder back to his mouth. "And as for the woman who kissed
Essex: (*) Shim last night, how could she just disappear like she did? I need to look into it, and Shim, even though I didn't intend to shoot him, how could he leave the scene unscathed? Further examination
Essex: (*) is required." He lowers his tape recorder and drops the shell, continuing to walk down the sidewalk. Someone catches his eye and he turns his head, looking right at Shim. He quirks an eyebrow
Essex: (*) and turns his head, making contact with Usagi. "Whose the broad?" He asks Shim, turning back to the halfbreed.
Thea: watches as the little Robot camera with feet dance back in forth on the side of the roof looking down on the halfbreed known as shim, it jumps up into the air  then back down on the roof running up to Thea hoping into her hands. 
Thea: (c) Thea looks at the image of the halfbreed nodding to herself alittle. "Yes thats one of them, from last night." she drops the camera down and taps the top of it turning the little machine. Her tail swings around grabbing a bag which was 
Thea: (c) holding her Medical instrumensts. Thea slowly walks to the edge of the buidling notice two more had gathered about Shim. "well now this isn't any good, how am suppose to cut him open with them around?" she places her hand up to her 
Thea: (c) chin and starts to ponder on what to do about the other two who had just come along.
Shim: - He was putting a cigarette in his mouth as she spoke, and lighting it as Essex arrived. "Has it? Oh yeah." He spoke with the slightest twinge of spite in his tone. "You're... -HER-." He breathed a sigh "accidentally" in Usagi's direction as he a
Shim: (C) he acknowledged Essex with a nod. "If you were wondering..." He pointed at the barrel of the giant machine gun on Essex's back. "It works." He took another drag from the cigarette, beckoning lazily at Usagi. "She's Usagi."
Oafy: sighs happily, waving at a group of passing young girls who giggle frightfully. Moonlight glistens off his green eyes, winking through the leaves of the tall trees in the park of New Hope. A water fountain built of marble occupies the area
Oafy: - before the bench he relaxes on, arms spread out along the bench, declaring it his. Ever since the night before, the Green Festival Thing, people were less prone to notice Oafy as the hijacker of shuttles, killer of 200 plus orphans, and all arou
Oafy: - around evildoer. True colours finally shone for all to see, in that one act of grace; saving New Hope City, possibly Earth, from the invasive dust particles. Even as ghostly figures roamed the city, harmlessly, Oaftres was content. 'It is
Oafy: - far from over,' he knew, 'but I can still enjoy my new found popularity.' Yes, even after a terrible nightmare of that blasted pink chimp, Oafy was happy.
Usagi: nodded at Shim, holding her breath through the sigh and the accompanying smoke before speaking. "Yes. I'm -her-. Nice to see you too, Shim" She looked at Essex...he certainly looked different...she wasn't sure if she remembered him, and Thea she k
Usagi: -c- knew not at all. "Hello...as he said, I'm Usagi Tsukino. Pleasure to meet the two of you"
Thea: stretches her arms then lets her hands rest on the back of her head as she stared down at the group her eye's almonds shaped eye's narrow  a bit more at the site of the group. ( it would be hard enough to grab one of them three psh) 
Thea: (c) Thea turns toward the other corner of the building jumping down from the roof into the shadows of the alley. (All i have to do is wait it out, one of them will give me the opening i need.) She leans back against the wall 
Thea: (c) grabbing a bottle of Sake from her bake and throwing it back up into the air taking a large swig before placing it back into the bag. " I love my sake"
Essex: grins and crosses his arms nodding his head back to his massive M61A1 Vulcan Gunblade on his back. "Yeah, it's rather powerful, I'd advice you not to mess with my buddy here." He says to
Essex: (*) Usagi. "Or... well... you'll get introduced to twelve-thousand rounds of hot lead... and believe me, they travel at two miles a second, I doubt you could... you know... pull a Rini and 
Essex: (*) dodge them." He turns back to Shim. "I didn't see you after I opened fire on your lover last night, what was all the mumbo-jumbo with that green shit?" He coughs into his hand, teasingly.
Shim: flicked the ash from the tip of his cigarette, and glared at Essex. A hard, but playful punch slammed into Essex's shoulder with a popping sound, as the halfbreed spoke again: "No, she's alright." He kicked at a leaf at his feet, narrowing his eye
Shim: (C) eyes on the human. "She's not dumb enough to attack me, anyways." He smirked, cocky, arrogant, but not in an offensive way. "I really... Don't know how it happened. The shards fell, and we all thought we'd accomplished something..." His eyes r
Shim: (C) rolled up to the sky as he recalled the events of the night before. "And then those spirits crept up from every direction... Its weird, isn't it? They're not hurting anyone... They're just... There."
Usagi: nods and looks around. "It's really odd..." She looks around, noticing the effects as well. "I'm...wondering all about this...what all happened, how did it happen, and what are its effects?" She looks at the other two. she knew they weren't more o
Usagi: -c- of the intellectual types..at least in the common use of the word. "Anyone have a clue?"
Oafy: rises from the bench, brushing off fallen leaves from his sexy new white armour, what matches his white pants. As he stands, his incredibly awesome dark blue cape descends to his feet, sweeping around to the front a little. Casually making his
Oafy: - way across the park, he manoeuvres around the marble fountain spewing pristine puddles of water. "What? Asbestos? It only causes cancer if you're exposed to it for the long-term. I think we're all safe," he answers Usagi, sneaking up behind
Oafy: - the group that was just around the bend from his resting place. How they didn't notice the white-armored man, with a hot dark blue cape, he doesn't know. "Besides that, the ghosts are more of a decoration than anything." He waves off to a spectr
Oafy: - spectre in the distance, that doesn't seem to notice. Or care. 'Fucker...'
Shim: - "All of what you just sounds so familiar, Usagi." He placed his index finger to his chin in mock concentration. "Oh, I know why. Because I just said the same shit thirty-six seconds ago." He snapped, as Oaftres made his grand and random entrance
Shim: (C)  entrance, with the same grace as down-syndrome stricken super-hero. "Hey, Oaf. Essex here was just telling me something..." He flicked away another swath of ashes, "Somethin' about your mom."
Usagi: sighed and shook her head. "That wasn't what I was getting at, Shim. I'm talking about long term effects. Is this a delay effect, or is it...just going to be like this?" She looked around again. "Gotta wonder what kind of psychological effects thi
Usagi: -c- this would have on people who don't believe in ghosts"
Jeckel: steps up to the group, he had been wandering through the city for a while and had caught on to the conversation. "Ya know, I see these things and I still don't beleive in ghosts. Just some odd natural occourance i'm sure. Just another enemy to be 
Jeckel: <C> defeated." He smirked. "Of course, if you wanna think they're ghosts, we could allways just throw holy water and charms at them."
Oafy: thuds down onto the bench the group was all up on. "Essex's would have to talk about other peoples moms; wasn't he grown in a laboratory, from the asshairs of a goat?" He studies Usagi, soaking in her features a little, quite obviously, before
Oafy: - addressing her concerns. "You're worried over nothing. People see worse things on a day to day basis. I'm sure at one point seeing a namek fly over the city would make people shit their pants. What's the difference with that, and ghosts? People
Oafy: - will be de-sensitized sooner or later." Jeckel's interuption presents him with some randomly generated proof. "There y'go!" He gestures exaggerantly to the man, nodding just so. "And more so - your mom is Serenity, isn't she? She wants me."
Usagi: sighs and looks skyward. "Geez...that worries me slightly" She shakes her head a few times and stares at Jeckel. THAT was a face she doubt she'd ever forget. "Jeckel...well, geez. I'm meeting people that I knew left and right this week"
Jeckel: takes a look over at Usagi and blinks a bit, then looks her over from head to toe, walking around her back to face her. "....Have we met before?...I'd think i'd remember a night or so with you but..i'm drawing a blank."
Shim: - "Ugh, whatever. Oaftres, you wanna ditch these tools and get plastered?" asked the younger halfbreed, tossing the live butt of his cigarette over the back of the bench. It would probably burn something, sometime, but it didn't bother him. "I'm b
Shim: (C) bored as hell..."
Usagi: zapped the cigarette with a beam of energy from a finger before she smacked Jeckel upside the head. "Jeckel, you moron. We never spent the night together...well...unless that night in Aqua Polis counts..." She blushes slightly before laughing soft
Usagi: -c- softly to herself. A saiyan kid had interrupted his attempts to woo her, and also about seen her nude himself.
Oafy: scratches the back of his neck, pondering Shim's proposal. 'Maybe this is a good time to... No. I couldnt! Not with Usagi right he- Usagi's RIGHT here! Perfect...' Approaching striking distance of Shim, Oafy nods a little. "Yeah, we -could- do
Oafy: - that, or!" A spark of black energy snakes down his arm, as a fist shoots out to collide with Shim's forehead. Enough force that he'd probably piss off the sleeping bomb of rage that was constantly at 00:00:01 from blowing.
Jeckel: raised an eyebrow. "What the hell are you babbling about? I've never been to Ako Poko or whatever the hell you called it..." Sure, this may have looked like the Jeckel most of this group knew and loved, but it wasnt. This Jeckel had grown up on th
Jeckel: <C> the planet Vegeta in this universe, his manner of attire was completley different as were his choice in words, instead of a missing eye under his scouter, there was meerly a scar that left his eye intact. "But ya know...I wouldn't mind getting
Jeckel: <C> to know you.." Jeckel looked over at the budding fight and then shrugged as he looked back to Usagi. "What do you say you and I go ghost hunting in a hotel or something?"
Shim: - Before the punch connected with his forehead, he had a single second to react to Jeckel's comments; "Hey. She's mine to verbally abuse!" His head snapped back with the force of the jab, driving the back of his head into through the bench, and ca
Shim: (C) causing him to roll out of it completely. He caught himself before he hit the ground, and adopted a defensive fighting stance. "What the hell, man!"
Oafy: cracks his knuckles, glaring with intense green eyes at a man he has boundless respect for. And yet, now was the time to be a dick. "Man up, Shim!" Kicking off the ground, Oafy charges Shim, swinging at him with his left fist, targeting something
Oafy: - in the facial region. A quick uppercut follows it. 'I could explain this, but... Nah.' "I can't believe it took you so long to stop that worthless pile of shit. Do you have any idea how much trouble he caused with the Syndicate?! You might've
Oafy: - seen some horrible shit, but what happened behind the scenes made that seem like childs play!" Retracting both arms from his initial attacks, he takes a side kick to Shim's gut.
Jeckel: licks his tongue acrossed his top teeth as he awaited Usagi's reply and then looked over to Oafy and Shim, recognizing them from the time they woke him up at the lava flows. "Hey..it's you two asshats. Fighting again?" He let out a bit of a sigh a
Jeckel: <C> and flexed his hand into a fist, contemplating jumping into the fight. It had nothing to do with him, he was sure, but hey...when you have saiyan blood you really don't need a reason to put your fist in someone's face.
Usagi: stares at Jeckel. She was just starting to notice the differences. "You're not...well...you are...Jeckel...but not the one I knew..." It wasn't an old friend...just this dimension's version of him. At his comments, she smiles softly. Apparently no
Usagi: -c- not TOO much had changed. "Nevermind for the moment" She turns to look at Oafy and Shim already going at it.
Shim: - The attacks slammed into Shim, striking him numb. Could this really be happening? Of all the betrayals over the years... Was this really happening...? Was there a sign on his back that said, 'Stab me plz?' He pondered on that, as he flew away fr
Shim: (C) from the sidekick. He turned a lazy backflip and landed in the grass. "What the hell are you doing!?" No. He couldn't. He WOULDN'T strike his best friend down. He refused. He would rather stand there, and die. "Just back off!" Shim screamed, b
Shim: (C) blood trickling down his busted lip.
Usagi: shakes her head and floats up and around the carnage. "Shim...I'll see you around, hopefully. Oaftres, see you around. Jeckel...I'm sure you'll get to know me a bit better" She says it in a bit of a sad tone, but smiles nonetheless as she heads of
Usagi: -c- off for the now delayed dinner
Jerle: walks down the street towards the park, his sword in its normal appearance, slung over his shoulder.  (Sounds like there's a fight going on.  I think I might cut in.  Seems like a good chance to show off RyuKyushin.  He's been thirsting for blood 
Jerle: (C) anyway.)  With a huge grin, he approaches the two combatants and shouts.  "Hey, mind if I cut in?  This looks like fun!"  He pulls his sword off of his shoulder and withdraws the blade from its sheath.  "Wake up, RyuKyushin!  It's playtime!"  
Jerle: (C) A clear aura surrounds him, the only visible effects being a distortion of the area around him, followed by a sudden intense light, his hair flying up, the ground below him rising in chunks, the pieces swirling around and exploding as they're 
Jerle: (C) they're torn apart by the sudden intense whirlwind.  "You!  Which one of you wants to play with me?  RyuKyushin's been bored for the past week."
Oafy: - A faint tear flies off, splashing against the pavement as Oafy jumps against a tree, pushing off hard toward Shim (effectively uprooting the tree). Through his forward lunge at his good buddy, a blazing aura of black consumes him, brushing
Oafy: - his hair upward, tainting it dark black. "That's your problem!" The full weight of the halfbreed slam tackles into his opponent, forcing them both down hard into the grass. Oafy, in one solid movement from the tackle, shoves off Shim before
Oafy: - they land, backflipping away, twisting as he lands to face away from Shim. "You never knew when to push forward. And you always push when you need to give room, and stop." Truly, that lesson was half learned already - he knows not to push a
Oafy: - fight with someone he considers a friend. 'I can always have him relearn that after tonight... God, I am a DICK!' A swish of his blue cape reveals a gold and silver sheath decorated with engraved symbols. Swiftly, Oafy rips the 
Oafy: - wicked Zanbatou of Balance from the sheath, weighing his hefty blade with a few soft slashes in the air. "And now is-" He is interupted by the psychopath wielding a sword of his own. "-er.. Good news, Shim. I was just playing with ya!" He turns 
Oafy: - shooting Shim a friendly smile. "I can explain later, if you want. Right now though," his eyes return to Jerle, meeting his challenge with a nod. "Bring it, fuckhat."
Shim: - Seething with rage now redirected, Shim shifted into the Super Saiyan Two state. He didn't like being toyed with, even by his best friend. There was something more to the exchange that Jerle had interupted. Something the newcomer would never get
Shim: (C) to hear. Perpetua was unleashed from its sheath and began to glow crimson with bloodlust. "Do you even know who you're fucking with?" He whirled around, facing Jerle with those fiery green eyes, a smirk stretching across his pale face. "Newfie
Shim: (C) "Newfie."
Jeckel: looked on at the battle, his senses and scouter picking up the drastic rise in powerlevel that some other dude apparently had done. Nothing really that special about it, this new dude had a sword and it looked like Oaf had a sword as well...as did
Jeckel: <C> the other guy that Oaf was fighting. "Geeze, swords? Pussies." Jeckel spit on the ground and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as an aura of first blue then white burst around him and the ground beneath him blew apart into several dire
Jeckel: <C> directions, leaving him hovering over a crater. A ball of blue energy grew in his right hand and he simply tossed it at the ground near the group of three other fighters, the resulting explosion doing little more than destroying yet another pi
Jeckel: <C> piece of ground and kicking up some rocks and dirt, like it was meant to. "Guess we have a good ol fashioned rumble?"
Jerle: grins and cocks his head to the side.  "Really?  I don't know who I'm fucking with, eh?  I haven't even shown you my sword yet... All you see is the unreleased form.  Allow me to demonstrate."  He begins to scream, the bright light becoming even b
Jerle: (C) brighter, almost blinding.  "Show them your true form, RyuKyushin!"  The sword itself begins to glow, reshaping, becoming wider and longer, the guard disappearing.  When the light disappates, the sword has now taken the form of a body length b
Jerle: (C) butcher knife, the only difference being the bottom is curved downward, and the blade is curved back. "Meet my best friend, RyuKyushin.  Ryu, say hi to these nice folks."  With a grin, he slashes the blade towards the ground, creating a shockw
Jerle: (C) shockwave which splits the ground underneath, the chasm going the entire length of the park.  "That would be an earth-splitting hello, wouldn't you say?  If you want some, come get some.  Don't be shy, I've been quite bored, and so has Ryu."
Oafy: winces lightly as ground is destroyed, generating a dusty field for a moment. In that moments passing, a crackling current of white consumes the black fires about Oaftres, rippling his blue cape something fierce. White ether seeps from the air,
Oafy: - forcing itself into Oaftres' being; veins of dull white throb to the surface of skin, visible around his temples, and both hands. His eyes are consumed in a similar whiteness, glowing freakishly, though the green orbs remain glaring. As his
Oafy: - black aura hums fiercly, the crackling white and black currents looking badass, Oafy lowers his zanbatou to the ground, shining a reflection of the dust around them. Gripping the black hilt with spiraling gold, he leaps high at Jerle through
Oafy: - the dust generated by both the shockwave, and Jeckel's annoying self. Still somewhat shrouded in debri, he descends slowly behind Jerle, spin slashing in a complete circle that would if ignored, slice out some neck from the man. "I dont give a
Oafy: - shit if you just took the condom of your sword, you're still gonna die like a bitch!"
Shim: - Perpetua was gripped tightly in both of his hands as he rushed Jerle. There was something he'd figured the world would have learned by now, he thought, as he ducked down under Oaftres, speeding at his target low and fast. He thought it was obvio
Shim: (C) obvious that when one would desire to kill either Shim or Oafy, that they choose to do so while the two were apart. For when they fought together... Awesome accumulated around them like women did. "HAH!!" Shim screamed, thrusting the tip of Pe
Shim: (C) Perpetua at Jerle's gut, as Oaftres came in, aiming high and with deadly, surgical precision.
Jerle: grins, lowering the blade of RyuKyushin, using the width of the sword as a shield, spiraling to the side, firing an energy ball at the ground, kicking up dust in the air as he jumps upward, flipping forward, slashing downward at Shim.  "Not good e
Jerle: (C) enough!  You should keep in mind that this sword is wide enough to use as a shield too!"  Using his free hand, he fires another energy ball towards his target as he slashes, completely ignoring the other fighter.
Jeckel: grinned and cupped his hands at his sides, bending one leg inward as he twisted his body to the side slightly, a ball of blue and white quickly forming between his hands and then engulphing them. He floated there, patiently, and waited for the mom
Jeckel: <C> moment that all three of the sword fighters were in close to eachother, at that moment, he pushed his hands forward and the blue ball suddenly was propelled by a beam of the same color, moving at blinding speeds towards the three.
Oafy: lands a short distance from Shim and Jerle, facing the two with a frown. "Yeah, just dodge it. You stupid sl-" Interference comes from Jeckel, in the form of a blue beam coming at Oafy's awesomely powerful friend, and that other kid. Rushing
Oafy: - past Shim, Oafy smacks him on the back. "I got your ass, man." Now in the path of Jeckel's beam, Oafy twirls his MONSTER HUGE zanbatou in a complete circle before him, shielding the lot of them from the beaming death. The explosion hits
Oafy: - hard, throwing Oafy backward, past the two locked in combat, and into a tree. "Win.." He mumbles, throwing himself free of the tree. "Hey, wait.. YOU! Jeckel?! I thought we were drinking buddies!" Blazing in a dash, he curves in the air, down
Oafy: - at Jeckel, sweeping at his chest with his sword that is so big, if it wanted to, it could perform a visectomy on God.
Shim: - Shim's eyes narrowed on his target as he swung Perpetua hard, disecting the energy ball and sending the two equal halves spiraling away from him at the speed of 'thatguyhasn'tshoweredintwoyears'. "You should go ahead and leave, kid." There was a
Shim: (C) moment when Shim's powerlevel completely subsided from the senses of those nearby, as he seemed to enter a cocoon of tornadic energy, crimson flames engulfing him, swalling him whole, and fading to reveal a new person. Spiky crimson hair stret
Shim: (C) stretched towards the twilit sky, blood red. Blue eyes seemed to pry into the minds of those they focused on with the same efficiency as Perpetua could pry into one's face. "Because you're not going to walk away from this." Perpetua flew up, u
Shim: (C) unleashing a breath of hellfire towards the face of his fellow halfbreed opponent.
Jeckel: Grins as he watches his kamehameha hit the group, well, at least hit someone. He readied himself as he watched Oafy fly off into the tree and then fly away from it, towards himself. "Maybe you shouldn't step in the way of beams." He screamed out a
Jeckel: <C> as Oafy rushed him, the wide sword swipe to the chest easily avoided as he flew backwards. "What do you say you put away the sword and use those fists?" A ball of blue energy formed in his right hand and he tossed it back at oafy. "Seriously, 
Jeckel: <C> as long as you're holding that thing i'm not gonna want to get near you, I can play tag with ki attacks all night long ya know."
Jerle: grins as his feet touch the ground again, landing behind Shim.  "Kid?  I'm twenty years old.  Who are you callin a kid?  Nice powerup, by the way.  Did your mommy teach you that?"  He snickers, twirling his sword in the air for fun.  "I'm not show
Jerle: (C) showing off or anything, honest!  But, seriously, you have a pretty mouth.  You should use it for other things than talking."  Laughing, he winks at Shim, sending a shockwave at the ground again, splitting it from underneath Shim.  "Yo Jeckel!
Jerle: (C)  Took you long enough!  That guy's sword is bigger than mine!  I'm jealous!  Give me his sword when you're done with him, alright?"  Turning back to Shim, he grins, watching the ground continue to split.  "You realize, of course, that I just i
Jerle: (C) interrupted your pretty transformation.  Also, I'm just playing around.  Just wait for me to get serious."  
Oafy: pulls back hard, leaning to his left while protuding the massive Kessoku blade downward on a slant to the right, shielding himself from the energy ball. "Put DOWN the sword?" The blade is brought upward from its shield position, slashing down
Oafy: - a tall tree at Jeckel. Running, he dashes to his right, circling around where the tree would land, bringing his zanbatou down hard, making it a point to use its incredible weight to speed its descent to Jeckel's neck. "You know, I'm sure
Oafy: - you'll use up your energy long before I get tired of swinging this bad boy." As the blade comes down, he pulls back - he feigned an attack, using this as extra momentum. One hand releases the hilt, the blade digging through the earth; the
Oafy: - now empty hand reaches behind himself, grabbing ahold of the hilt once more, bringing Kessoku around for a sweeping forward lunge at Jeckel's midsection from a different angle. "You can't make a swordsman fight fisticuffs."
Shim: rolled his eyes as the shit spewed from Jerle's mouth. He rested Perpetua on his shoulder, rolling his head back lazily. "Can you just... Not talk? It makes me hate you so much more. You're about as articulate as the remains of a retarded lemur." 
Shim: (C) He pointed the sword at the tool, sneering at him. "Can we get on with this now? I want to knock you out before it's your bed time, so your mother doesn't bitch at me again tonight."
Jerle: snickers, jumping back, the tip of the blade catching his stomach, leaving a scratch, which proceeded to bleed onto his shirt.  "Bitch!  You fuckin made me bleed on my favorite shirt!  I don't mind you tearing it, I can easily sew that back up, bu
Jerle: (C) but you fucking got blood on it too!  Do you know how long that's going to take to get out?  I'm SO going to skullfuck your corpse when I'm done with you!"  Growling, he removes his shirt, tossing it on the ground next to him.  "In fact, I'm g
Jerle: (C) going to cut off your head and keep it to skullfuck whenever I get bored!"  With a snarl, he lunges forward, launching his own thrust at Shim.  "Playtime's over!  I'm going to console your mom tonight, for having raised such a fucking little b
Jerle: (C) bitch!"
Jeckel: feet touch the ground as he makes his way from the cratered area, only to be assaulted by Oafy once more, watching as he cut a tree down and at the speeds they were moving, it was falling pretty slow in comparison. As Oafy brought the sword to his
Jeckel: <C> neck, he ducked to the side, completley falling for the feigned attack and trying to spring up to get momentum to move out of the way, but the sword and the tree were coming down too fast at this point, he put his fingers to his forehead and s
Jeckel: <C> suddenly dissapeared, only to reappear a few feet away at the park bench, breathing hard and crouching slightly. "F..Fuck! I used it up...I used it up too early."
Shim: - Sparks flew through the air as Shim effortlessly deflected the blade. "Talk. Talk. Talk. Talk. All you dipshits do. Give me a call if you want to fight. But if it rings more than four times, don't call back. Your mother and I might be..." He cle
Shim: (C) cleared his throat, before stretching, and yawning a bit. "Busy." And then, with the element of suprise (he hoped) at his back, Shim lunged forward with Perpetua, diving towards his opponent, the tip of his blade aimed to impale Jerle at his m
Shim: (C) midsection.
Oafy: - The zanbatou grazes the falling tree, splitting it at the center; two halves land one piece behind, one piece before him. "Bitch, please!" Oafy hops lightly on the ground, kicking with incredible might at the stump remains of the tree
Oafy: - trunk in front of him, sending it hurtling toward Jeckel on the bench. As that goes on, he spins around, stabbing the other trunk, impaling it with his blade. Spinning around slowly, pivoting on one foot, Oafy begins to gather speed, the impaled
Oafy: - trunk blurring around him. Swinging harder, and harder, he finally yanks hard on his blade, ripping free of the second stump - it chases after the second one with just as awesome a speed, though it's sent a bit higher; he was hoping
Oafy: - Jeckel would jump above the first.
Jerle: grins as he hears Shim clear his throat behind him.  He twists to the side, just catching the edge of the blade, cutting him even more, blood dripping down into his pants, wetting his boxers crimson red.  "YOU FUCK!  You got my favorite boxers wet
Jerle: (C) !  Oh it's on now!"  Growling again, he twists around, sending an energy slash straight at Shim.  "YOU don't realize how hard it is to get blood out of clothes, do you?!  I have to scrub and scrub and scrub some more to even get it to where it
Jerle: (C) hardly shows, and then it takes about three washings just to get the stain to go away!  I'm going to make you bend over like a good little bitch and pump you in the ass like a shotgun!"  His clear aura kicks up even more, sending dust and brok
Jerle: (C) broken bits of ground everywhere, the cracks in the earth beginning to rumble and grow in size as he puts more energy into his body, pulling even more power out of his soul slayer.
Jeckel: looks up just as Oafy sends the first piece of trunk at him, still a little too tired from the instant transmission to jump out of the way, he played on his many years of martial training and gave a bit of a yell as he punched at the flying tree t
Jeckel: <C> trunk, the wood splitting and splintering around him as it was crushed by his fist, unfortunately he didn't see the faster piece of trunk that was right on the tail of that one, his fist allready extended, he was left open, and the bottom of t
Jeckel: <C> the trunk hit him square in the forehead, busting that section of tree to pieces and sending him flying backwards off the bench in a series of flips. To stabelize himself, he placed the right palm on the back of his left hand and fired a golde
Jeckel: <C> golden ball of energy towards Oafy the size of a small car, the resulting recoil sending him in a more controlled flip untill he stopped in the air, although a bit dizzy and with a giant welt on his forehead.
Shim: - An eyebrow was raised in response to Jerle's odd threats. "Um. This may seem strange and unfounded, me asking..." Shim grimaced as he put the pieces together. He eyed the opposing halfbreed before he continued; he didn't LOOK it. "Are you gay?" 
Shim: (C) Shim asked; he was completely sincere. He had fought feminine warriors over the years. Everyone has to be different somehow... But when your opponent bitches about getting his clothes dirty in a fight he started, and threatens to rape you, its
Shim: (C) its hard to take him seriously, or even have to slightest bit of respect for him.
Jerle: cocks his eyebrow and snorts in disgust.  "You're the one trying to take me from behind, fag.  Are YOU gay?  If you live through this, I'm going to teabag you over and over and over."  Raising his sword before him, he begins to spin around really 
Jerle: (C) fast, whirling towards Shim in a super death spin.  (Let's just hope I don't get dizzy from this and throw up.  I might get some on my new shoes.)
Jerle: cocks his eyebrow and snorts in disgust.  "You're the one trying to take my virginity with your sword, fag.  Are YOU gay?  If you live through this, I'm going to teabag you over and over and over."  Raising his sword before him, he begins to spin 
Jerle: (C) around really fast, whirling towards Shim in a super death spin.  (Let's just hope I don't get dizzy from this and throw up.  I might get some on my new shoes.)
Shim: - "Nice. I'm gay for stabbing you. Or maybe I'm just a good fighter, and you couldn't hit a dead baby with an anvil?" Shim turned a quick backflip, his booted feet scraping up clouds of dust as they skidded across the ground. Quickly, his hands fl
Shim: (C) flew up to his chest as he prepared his attack, locking onto his target with mechanic efficiency. "HAH!!" He screamed, the crimson burst of energy was erupting from his open palms, carried by the speed of a jet. "God, you new kids are so loud.
Oafy: - With arms dangling at his sides, lazily, Oaftres watches the oncoming golden ball of energy with curiousity. 'This could be it. I could get it done now, once and forever. This... this problem would be OVER.' His eyes leave the golden ball, watch
Oafy: - Shim fight Jerle with a ferocity that told him the answer, then and there. Yes, he could carry out his plan. But why? Shim was there, fighting head on, not taking any tricky route to avoid his problems. He wasn't seemingly betraying his friends
Oafy: - just to avoid a problem that was plaguing his life. "I don't give him enough credit... He's not that little punkass emo kid I took in." Feeling emotions stir inside, he imagined a soundtrack audience all at once 'awwwwww'ing. "Enough!" Throwing
Oafy: - his zanbatou forward into the air, Oafy pushes forward with both palms, as dark energy swirls at his fingertips. "FORBIDDEN ABSOLUTION!!" The swirling madness lunges outward in a throbbing wave of black, outlined with streaks of white, that
Oafy: - mirror something akin to an oceans waves. The half black, half white energy wave charges toward the golden ball, being everything that black and white community needs to set aside their differences, and unite against the horrible golden people.
Jerle: falls over suddenly, too dizzy to continue spinning, thrown into a nearby tree with the inertia of his spin, puking at the ground under his feet as he hits the tree with his back.  "I think I spun too fast." he manages to sputter in between bouts 
Jerle: (C) of vomiting.  Glancing at Shim, he grimaces.  "I guess I wouldn't have avoided your attack if I hadn't fallen and thrown up, so I guess that's a plus."  He grimaces and winces in pain as he comes to his senses, looking at his shoulder, a gapin
Jerle: (C) gaping wound open in it.  "Looks like I didn't come away unscathed, though."
Sun: takes a wonderful walk in a quiet little park until - GASPING DANGER! An epic fight of marvelous proportions! Two on two, duo to duo, man and man to man and man! What could Sun do but to tango with the duets?! Today was the day of all days!
Sun: -x- Evil was in the air - and he was to sniff it out!
Shim: - "Do you want to just leave. I'll even let you pretend that didn't just happen." Shim commented, leaning against a nearby tree. This had definitely turned out to be an interesting night. His opponent was face down in a pool of his own vomit, and.
Shim: (C) and... Shim wasn't even sure how it had happened. He shrugged, wiping a bit of Jerle's blood from his boot.
Jeckel: watched as Oafy's attack smashed into his own, which was unfortunatley causing it to fly back towards himself. But that wasn't all, a glint from the light of the attacks showed the sword that was speeding towards him at well, how he hated that swo
Jerle: growls as he looks up at Shim, then says nothing, his eyes rolling in the back of his head as he passes out in his own vomit.  
Jeckel: <C> sword. He fromed a bright blue ball of energy in his right hand and threw it at the sword to try and knock it off its course, his left hand charging a similliar energy ball, the right hand cupping over it now and charging it up, his hands comi
Jeckel: <C> coming forward as he launched a beam, much like the one he did earlier, into the other side of his attack, starting to push it back at Oafy. "You and that damned sword..allways complicating things!" He grunted out of frustration, he didn't hav
Jeckel: <C> have the power to hold it back, not after having to divert that sword, he had to pull it from a deeper portion of his being, his very life. As his aura flared his beam surged with new life and it was as if a second beam began to engluf the fir
Jeckel: <C> first, a wider and more vibrant beam, smashing into his side of the masenko ball. 
Sun: -*- GASPING ASTONISHMENT! It was his arch nemesis, "Drunken Fury Man!" He was executing his prime attack, "Reign of Unconscious DEATH!" And at innocent super powered fighters, no less! Something had to be done - and fast! Who was to take actions,
Sun: -x- you may ask? Well the answer lies with one man - one syllable! SUN! With the haste of something fast, Sun charges over to Jerle and attacks! The fury of the drunk was indomitable, but he had to at least try to save the women and kittens! For
Sun: -x- what would the world be with fewer women and kittens!? A puppy and man ravaged gash in the galaxy, that's what! With a low "BOP! BIFF! CRACK!" Sun unleashes a hail of punches and kicks upon the fearless Drunken Fury Man, hoping to make
Sun: -x- quick work of the distracted destructor!
Shim: - "You have... GOT to be kidding me." Shim shouted in frustration. What the hell kind of fight was that? His opponent was face down in a pool of his own vomit. How did he get there? Shim had NO clue. A disturbance in the air around him grazed his 
Shim: (C) his heightened senses, and by the feeling that surrounded it, he recognized it immediately. "Hmph." Shim blasted forward, his powerlevel suppressed to that of a gnat. Then, his arm felt the strain, nearly ripped off as he gripped the hilt of t
Shim: (C) hilt of the Zanbatou, blasting towards Jeckel with a feeling of grave urgency about him. Flames licked up the oar-like blade of the huge sword, mirroring the Perpetua. Then in a thunderous explosion of ki, he unleashed the height of his energy
Shim: (C)  energy, an outward explosion of fiery energy. "HUAH!" Shim screamed, slashing diagonally with both blades at Jeckel, who, busy sustaining his Kamehameha, was looking the other way.
Oafy: funnels more of his will into the head of the clashing beams, concentrating on filtering into himself the energies of the void, while adding to his attack. It was rather complicated than what he was use to, back before knowing Godhood; his body,
Oafy: - created out of the ether of the void, depends heavily on the power of that realm to sustain itself. That is to say, his power came from there, rather than in himself. A faint link to the realm supplied him with readily available raw power - but
Oafy: - his mortal constraints could never take it all. His body was strained heavily. As he continues feeding the energy beam, the white veins on his temples and hands thicken and glow somewhat, while blood begins to drip from his nose steadily. Jeckel
Oafy: - attack had more strength in it; Oaftres wasn't capable of summoning the power to overcome it. His body would give way, and become ripped asunder. The clashing energies crackle intensely, chewing away earth, even as it begins to distance itself
Oafy: - from Jeckel, nearing Oaftres alarmingly quickly. "Not good.. Not good!!"
Jeckel: was elated, he was winning the battle of the beams but getting tired in the process, a sudden explosion of power to his side had alerted him to Shim, but it was too late and there was nothing much he could do except erect the best barrier around h
Jeckel: <C> himself he could. Of course, this action meant he had to divert energy from his Kamehameha, his attention too. As the swords hit the barrier, they went through, slashing through, the only thing the barrier allowed him to do was move ever so mu
Jeckel: <C> much to the side, both swords cleaving through his arm, slicing it clean off. As the pain raced through his mind, he could only hope that Oafy was too tired to keep up the beam on that end, or that if he was able to, that the attack would slam
Jeckel: <C> into him and this other sword wielding jackass. Either way, if he had to go down like this, then he hoped someone was coming with him.
Shim: drew back from the clashing powers, knowing that with the assistance he'd given Oaftres, he could surely finish off the one-armed halfbreed. There was a point when he'd helped enough. That point was when he was in danger of being vaporized. Idly, 
Shim: (C) he flipped the Perpetua and Zanbatou into the air, quickly adjusting Oaftres' sword's weight. Flawlessly, he caught the weapons, and repeated, whistling a lazy tune, silenced by the roar of the struggling warriors. Suddenly, the sheer amount o
Shim: (C) of ki expended by the combatants was made clear to him, each of the halfbreeds glowing with rippling energy. With intent eyes he watched his best friend pour his soul into the attack. It was a battle of will alone now, and with the mental aid 
Shim: (C) aid he hoped to lend to Oafy just by presenting himself, blades drenched in the blood of the fools who had tried to catch them off guard, it was one Shim thought would likely end in their favor. "FINISH IT!!"
Oafy: felt something change on the opposing end of the struggling mass of building eneries: Hesitation? Weariness kicking in? Something. Jeckel wasn't giving it his full as he was before. "Giving up?" The question goes unheard by the others, the
Oafy: - raging torrents of power much too loud. His end of the blast wasn't doing much better, however; his power was ready and willing, but his body was going to fall apart if he kept this up too long. Shim's encouragement, and appearance in the corner
Oafy: - of his eye, wielding two bloody swords, makes him laugh deep. "I cant believe I was trying to pick a fight with you, you damn punk!!" Blood collects at the tips of his fingers, tear out of his eyes, and continues to drip out his nose. Yep.
Oafy: pulls backwards with his end of the wave, easing up his assault, before forcing forward with all his raw force; everything channeled into one full push. The head of the black beam, swirling of white power, reels upward, dragging the brute
Oafy: - power of Jeckel's attack with it, careening high up into the sky, detonating up where it caused as little impact on the city as possible. As for the moon, well... "Truce." Oafy staggers forward; his red hair descending; the black aura trickling
Oafy: - with white currents dissipate; and the gross veins fade. "Let's all just go get a drink, yeh?" His words sound exhausted, and it makes sense; he had lost a lot of blood. But he was done bleeding now.
Jeckel: had luckily fallen from his flight once his arm was chopped off, no way he could sustain flight much less his attack, as he fell however, the attack was on its way towards him and the bottom of it had scraped by, adding insult to injury as it seer
Jeckel: <C> seered off his armor and most of his clothing, his body falling into a crater that had formed from the force of the dueling attacks. That is where he laid in a heap, one arm missing and a stump bleeding profusely. "Not like this.." He said to 
Jeckel: <C> himself, a hand moving over to his bleeding stump and seering it closed with a small ball of energy. "..F..Fucking swords..."
Shim: - Oafy's attention was caught as the sound of Shim's thunderous passage, crimson fames in his wake, bitchslapped his senses. The younger halfbreed stopped before Oaftres. His fists were clenched around the weapons. Would their fight continue? Sudd
Shim: (C) Suddenly, the Zanbatou flew from his hand and high into the sky overhead, as a wry smile stretched across his face. He extended a hand to Oafy. The two hands met, gripped one another, and slackened, the fingers forming hooks that caught eachot
Shim: (C)  eachother. Then, the two hands retracted, snapped, and formed opposing pistols. Whatever had possessed Oaftres to attack him before was unimportant, completely gone from Shim's memory. "That was stellar," Shim spoke, as Oafy caught the Zanbat
Shim: (C) in his open hand effortlessly. "Oh yeah."
Fenin: brushes a lock of hair from his face to get a better view at his mark, a young silver haired woman, garbed in fine business clothing. "Easy money..." Fenin murmurs as he approaches her casually, hoping to remain unnoticed. Fenin walks straight int
Fenin: -x- the woman, attempting to relieve her of some of her effects, "Oh! So sorry, miss!" Fenin exclaims, taking a step back while trying to pocket anything he may have lifted from her, while showing the nearest to genuine concern an actor could must
Fenin: -x- towards her well being, as any true clumsy fool would appear to be.
Serenity: was looking over some papers as she walked back to the old Earth Goverment office in New Hope.  After the odd happenings in the city almost a week ago, the earth governing body had been relocated to Aqua Polis, leaving New Hope to whatever fate wo
Serenity: (c) would befall it.  To her, it was betrayal since the people needed to be helped and the city needed to be saved, not abandoned, leaving its citizens helpless.  The papers were financial reports of trying to take back the city as well as general
Serenity: (c) reconstruction, "Damn it..they raised taxes here, what in the hell, I didn't vote on this!" she says, apparently angry as she's nearly knocked off her feet by a ruggish looking man, "Oh! So sorry, miss!" was what he said to her, making sure sh
Serenity: (c) she was ok.  She just look at him and nods, "I'm ok, please be more car.." her sentence interrupted by the alarm on her MSC, which was coming from the man.  She glares at him, "Give it back!" she states flatly, obviously not in the mood for ga
Serenity: (c) games.  She knew her MSC would easily find its way back to her, it had a tracking device so he couldn't hide either way.  She just taps her foot, waiting impatiently.  She looked much more professional today than usual, wearing a pair black si
Serenity: (c) silk slacks with matching jacket, white silk blouse and black heels.  She wore little makeup anymore, not having a great deal of time to look -beautiful- with trying to help the city and its people during this new chaos.
Fenin: brushes his bangs from his face again, "Wah-huh? What're you talking about?" Fenin looks around, slightly confused, "What's that beeping, anyway? Do you hear that - or did we like bump into each other harder than I tho-AWWW!"
Fenin: howls in pain, "WHAT IN SAM HELL IS GOING ON!?" Fenin stumbles backwards, grabbing for his chest vigorously, trying to tear whatever the source of pain was from his body. After a few seconds the pain stops, though Fenin continues to
Fenin: -x- flail around fanatically, not noticing the lack of shocking.
Serenity: smirks as her MSC activates its security measures, watching the man flail about in pain.  She hits a button on her watch as the jolt stops, picking her MSC up off the ground, ignoring the man for the moment.  Putting her papers under her arm, she 
Serenity: (c) activates the device, frowning at what she saw, "Perfect, you drained its power, I should have you arrested.." she says, closing the miniature computer up and putting it into a pocket inside her jacket.  "Just what in the hell is the matter wi
Serenity: smirks as her MSC activates its security measures, watching the man flail about in pain.  She hits a button on her watch as the jolt stops. Sighing she holds out her hand, putting her papers under her arm and staring at the man, frowning at what s
Serenity: (c) she saw, "Perfect, you drained its power, I should have you arrested.." she says, obviously very upset and angry  "Just what in the hell is the matter with you?!" she says annoyingly, "This city isn't in bad enough shape without you trying to 
Serenity: (c) rob people?!  Why don't you get a job and try EARNING your funds?" she says again, waiting for him to recover from the terrible shock of her device.  The sun peeked through the overcast skies above, somewhat illuminating parts of the city, som
Serenity: (c) some parts being abandoned by the citizens who had taken refuge within the earth government offices and city hall.  She had been struggling to feed, keep them clean, protect them and make them comfortable, not an easy task when the president w
Serenity: (c) was overtaxing the city to create revenus for his Aqua Polis office.  She shakes her, thinking about it before leaning up against a building waiting for Fenin to answer her
Fenin: struggles to regain his breathe, "Wh-what the hell!? First you shock me with your spooky voodoo magic, and now you ACCUSE ME OF CRIME!?" Fenin grits his teeth and withdraws his blade, Hikaru, and speaks in a hoarse, angry voice, "Why,;gemote -x-  
Fenin: -x-  you! Give me all of your money! Give it to me or I will slice you like bread!" Fenin points his blade at Serenity, it gleaming from the stray beams of sunlight that struggled to beat past the clouds and buildings down to the sullen streets.
Serenity: drops her papers, drawing a pair of beautiful, glowing sai's from within her jacket with the utmost grace and speed.  She spins them around and holds them in a defensive way, her slender body also assuming a highly effective defensive martial arts
Serenity: (c) stance. Her looks at him with contempt, her voice serious "Give back my computer, it electrocuted you because you do not have the proper DNA sequence to hold it or otherwise utilize it." she says to the now agtitated and aggressive man.  "Your
Serenity: (c) sword will be useless, put it away, give back the computer and go along your way..now." she says firmly, obviously unafraid of the man before as a beautiful white aura starts to glow from within her, her silvery hair blowing in a gentle breeze
Serenity: (c) also eminating from her body.  Her bright blue also almost starting to glow with their own power as a faded looking symbol slowly begins to glow on her forehead.
Fenin: withdraws the micro computer, "Your blade catchers don't scare me, sucka. As for this, you want it back!?" Fenin howls and tightens his grip upon it, his knuckles going white as it emits several loud crackling noises, before finally collapsing
Fenin: -x- in upon itself and crumbling to the ground, broken circuits and bent steel. "Now - give me the money, and any nifty gadgets that won't shock me, or you can bleed a lot and then give me any money and nifty gadgets that don't hurt to me.;gemote 
Fenin: -x- I prefer the latter, though if I were in your position, I'd choose the former." Fenin grins wide, holding his neutral stance at Serenity, ready to defend or attack at whim.
Serenity: fumes with rage, it would take thousands of zeni to fix the damage he had done, which infuriated her since all available monies, even her own personal forture, was going to help the people.  "You idiot?!! You have any idea what you've done." she s
Serenity: (c) says to him in anger.  Although she would only attack to defend herself, she knew it was time for a release.  She closes her eyes as a sudden and blinding explosion of pure white light errupted from her body, easily blinding anyone within the 
Serenity: (c) area.  A massive surge in her physical power could be felt as an incredibly peaceful, calming, yet powerful ki wind blew about the entire area.  A few moments later, the light started to fade and where the woman once stood, a beautiful, glowin
Serenity: (c) glowing figure in a long, white silk gown replaced her.  Her long long, glowing silver hair flowing freely down her back to her slender waist, her blue eyes glowing with blue fire.  A pair of transparent, white angelic wings protruded from her
Serenity: (c) back and a beautiful holy cross, glowing with white fire, was blazing on her forehead.  Her voice echoed as she hovered above the ground, only inches above it "You hurt these people, you hurt me, I will stand for it no longer." she says, still
Serenity: (c) holding her sai's as the broken computer hovers off the ground and into her hands where it disappears into the folds of her gown.  She looks back up at Fenin, exprssionless "Evil shall pay this day, repent or I shall be forced to harm you." sh
Serenity: (c) she says, taking no aggressive actions towards the man, yet unwilling to let him leave if he was simply going to hurt others.
Xerokine: -*- "You do realize that's inaccurate, right?" came a voice from above, a cloaked figure perched lazily on a rooftop overlooking the scene. "The local gods are Kaios. They don't use angels, they use demons. Angels are an 
Xerokine: -*- occidental concept that doesn't exist here," he continued. "For example, that cross on your forehead? Totally meaningless. The historical symbolism never happened. It's a completely random geometric figure with no revelance whatsoever."
Fenin: cackles with laughter, "What the hell are you, with the circus as the incredible steaming pile of bullshit? You think those wings scare me? I can fly too." Fenin leaps off of the ground, hovering at the peak of what would be a normal human's
Fenin: -x- jump. "You're nothing special, lady. But now- you're going to be extra crispy nothin' special." Fenin's aura explodes a fiery red as his powerlevel skyrockets, and he points his palm at her, now radiating with a blazing red aura of its own.
Fenin: smirks, then a thunderous boon echoes from him throughout the city, "SCARLET PENANCE!" Three crimson orbs fly at Serenity, each aimed with deadly accuracy at her chest.
Serenity: ignores the rantings of the other saiyan man who seemingly appeared from nowhere (he had that habit, much to her dismay) to concentrate of Fenin's attack.  She positions her hands forward of her body, sai's still in hand as an icey covering appear
Serenity: (c) appears over them.  The temperature around her drops considerably as it seems to snow, right where she is.  The snow falls and then is sucked into a glow sphere of icey blue energy in her hands, which she releases at the mans powerful attack "
Serenity: (c) "Icestorm!!" she says with a powerful echo, sending a swirling vortex of ice particles and energy directly into the path of the scarlet penance attack of Fenin's.  She let's the two attacks collide in the air, using the time to propel herself 
Serenity: (c) into the air further, avoiding the rest of the attack that gets through hers. Although weakened, his attack was still powerful enough to hurt.  She just stares at Fenin, still defensive, "You are foolish, saiyan.. I respect your people, but no
Serenity: (c) not you, who hurt those I try to protect." she says, not really fearing Xerokine for he knew she had a unique proposition for him, if he'd choose to listen to her, "Xerokine, stay out of this for we need to speak later about something of great
Serenity: (c) importance to me and perhaps you as well.." she says before turning her full attention to Fenin.
Xerokine: -*- "Scarlet Penance?" Xerokine muttered under his breath. "That doesn't even make sense. And what's with all the completely nonsensical references to a religion that doesn't even exist in this dimension? That's just as out-of-place 
Xerokine: -*- as her angel costume." The man lounged back on the concrete barrier of the roof, absently spinning a toothpick between his fingers as he watched the fight below. "At least my pointless attack names make sense." The girl 
Xerokine: -*- tossed a snowball to intercept Fenin's attack, then said something about respect, and protecting people. Xerokine wasn't really paying attention, to be honest. "Yeah, yeah," he replied lanquidly, flicking the toothpick at her. "I'm just 
Xerokine: -*- here because I'm bored and making snide comments about you two seemed like fun at the time."
Fenin: smirks, "I don't want your respect, only your money." Fenin brushes his bangs from his face again, "But I suppose looting will have to suffice. I will take joy in your suffering, muppet." Fenin's aura crackles as he points his palm at Serenity
Fenin: -x- again, this time a single black orb appears, growing quickly. "Your diversions won't work this time. I am going to blast you back to the brothel you belong in!" As the sphere reaches is peak, black tendrils of lightning lick the ground and
Fenin: -x- arch a few meters in every direction, other than at Fenin himself. "Anarchic Dissonance!" Fenin wails as the large glob of energy releases itself. Fenin snickers as his attack hastily makes its way towards Serenity. "Enjoy..." Fenin
Fenin: murmurs as the as the attack nears a meter of distance from his attack, "It'll be fun, I promise." The sphere explodes, sending black sparks and tendrils of energy at Serenity, reaching all about her to envelope her in Fenin's deadly ki.
Serenity: looks on, wide-eyed at the incredible burst of raw energy from Fenin, 'Too..strong..' she thinks, then glancing down below at come people looking at her, 'No..the people..the city.' she thinks, gritting her teeth and spreading her arms wide as the
Serenity: (c) white light emanting from her body explodes outwards, gathering into her hands as a pure, white, blinding light in which she focuses as much energy as she can.  "HOLY EXPLOSION!!!!!" she screams, releasing a huge, blinding flash of pure white 
Serenity: (c) energy at Fenin's dark attack, feeling the strain hit her as her attack collides with his, "So...strong..cannot, give up..." she says, holding her own against the saiyans attack, not willing to let him hurt those below, let alone herself.
Xerokine: hummed an idle tune to himself as he watched the two struggle over their beam o' war. "Black beam versus white beam," he remarked aloud. "Battle of morals or sign of racial discrimination? Will the whites conquer the 
Xerokine: -*- blacks? Or will Xerokine shoot into the center of the clash and make it explode in both their faces?" Sparks danced across his fingertips. "Let's find out!" Flicking a finger toward the two of them, Xerokine sent a small dart of energy 
Xerokine: -*- lancing into the center of the collision. Normally, such a small amount of power would be ignored, but in such a volatile environment, it would provide the spark for the powderkeg. "Boom."
Serenity: sense an attack from another direction, "Xerokine!!" she says, looking to Fenin, "Listen, I hate to barter with a crook, but you help me help the people and I'll pay you ten thousand zeni." she says, knowing time is very short as she continues to 
Serenity: (c) pour energy into her attack.  She easily had enough in reserves to deflect the attack from Xerokine, whom she thought was simply crazy and a madman, but couldn't divert energy to deflect while maining her struggle with Fenin.  Surely the resul
Serenity: (c) resulting explosion would severly injure them both and kill hundreds, some of which had gathered to watch their -angel- do battle.  Even now, however, she was forming a well thought out tactic and was preparing in either case, to prevent damag
Serenity: (c) damage to the innocents below who had not harmed either warrior in any way.
Fenin: snickers, "I don't barter with people who got wings and shocky gear. Sorry." Fenin descends to the ground and his fiery aura begins to condense about him, as a silver sphere of Ki forms about his abdomen. As his aura fades to nothingness, and
Fenin: -x- his attack begins to grow, he begins to pant heavily, showing signs of fatigue. "Shatterstorm!" Fenin's voice echoes throughout the entire city as he looses his monstrous war cry. As his voice clears from earshot, his attack expands at an
Fenin: -x- exponential rate, enveloping a large portion of the street with his ki, incinerating portions of buildings, concrete, and innocent people instantly.
Xerokine: -*- "Whoops." The amusement having turned rather dangerous, Xerokine decided now would be a good time to abandon the two of them to their mutual graves. After all, an attack like that would leave Fenin defenceless if the girl survived. 
Xerokine: -*- Then she'd probably kill him. Or kiss him. Human females were hormonal that way. "Either way, have fun!" he said cheerfully, waving at Serenity as he vanished in a flash of dark unlight, leaving the scene as swiftly as he had arrived.
Serenity: slips for a moment, feeling a burning through her gown as Fenin's attack gains strength.  She then hears the quick, agonizing cries of those he's killed, which renews her spirit before hearing a voice in her own head, 'let it go grandma, finish it
Serenity: (c) you can do it.' the voices says.  She closes her eyes, Fenin's attack almost overwhelming her.  "No...not now..." she says with a single tear escaping her right eye and leaving a trail as it glides down her face.  She throws her arms forward s
Serenity: (c) suddenly, releasing everything she has against the saiyan man's brutal attack, "RINI!!" as the explosion of holy energy she was barely holing onto errupts, doubling in size, threatening to completely swallow Fenin's attack as a trickle of bloo
Serenity: (c) blood escapes her ruby lips, slowly dripping down to her chin.
Fenin: doesn't have faith. /win
Fenin: gazes at Serenity, in awe that she had jeopardized more innocents than he originally would have killed, and that she was overcoming him with her attack. "Outta he-" Fenin begins to reach up for his forehead, but it's too late. The last of his
Fenin: -x- energy disperses and he is engulfed by hers, sending him meters back and into the air, to land on the street below with a loud thud, bleeding, burned, unconscious and drained from the brief but tolling battle. His breathes are short and
Fenin: -x- laborious, and he clings on to life, grasping weakly.
Serenity: gasps as she ceases her attack, a large crater underneath them both as her inner-glow fades a bit.  Almost a hundred people had died, but they had not died in vain, she had overcome this meanace, for now.  She landed on the ground, next to Fenin a
Serenity: (c) amongst the cheers of those who survived.  She barely had any energy left and reverted from her angelic form, wiping the blood from her chin.  She puts her sai's in her belt and kneels down next to the saiyan, "Power, without purpose, is point
Serenity: (c) -less..." she says as her security details arrives.  She points to the man, barely alive "Arrest him, take him to maximum security and make sure he's healed he needs to stand trial." she says as her security teams hovers down around Fenin to t
Serenity: (c) take him away.  She hovers up and lands on the edge of the crater and nods at the people gathered around, "Please, return to safety, it's hard to say what else may happen.." she says, feeling light-headed and weak as the sun shines through onc
Serenity: (c) once again and a cooling breeze blows across the beleaguered city.  She picks up what remains of her paperwork that she had dropped earlier and walks towards the Earth Government offices to file a report and repair her damaged MSC.
Arslanon: -*- The moonlight shines through the window of a dilapidated skyscraper, damaged and wrecked from the battles over the previous days. A small blob of mass begins to form on a table,
Arslanon: (*) quivering and excreting a slime, causing the cancerous looking mass to slide off the table and hit the floor with a sickening 'thurp' sound. He mass continues to grow in size, tendrils of
Arslanon: (*) matter reaching out and waving as the moonlight seems to energize the blob. A glowing red mist slides under the door, hovering around the ground in one spot as if watching the mass.
Arslanon: (*) The tendrils from the mass begin to take on a shape, fingers and toes forming as the tendrils became apendages. The quivering gelatenous blob slides around the room, the mist continuing
Arslanon: (*) to hover in one spot. The mass finishes forming the muscle system of the form, blood leaking on the floor, staining the carpet. The mist hovers over to the mouth of the human form, entering
Arslanon: (*) the body through the mouth, disappearing all together as the two beings become one. The eyes of the body open as it sits up, it's crude carapace reforming over the bone and sinew, letting out
Arslanon: (*) a gut curdling crunching sound as it hardened, stopping the blood from leaking freely. The newly formed creature stands up and stretches his arms out, his bones popping loudly. "Mmm... you'll
Arslanon: (*) pay, Fenin Ro." He says, tightening his hand into a fist, his veins bulging. "I was so close to perfection... and you prevented me from reaching that..." He lowers his hand and turns towards the
Arslanon: (*) window, stepping over to it and staring out at the glowing green ghost city. "You failed in saving the human's life though... heh." He smirks, recalling his rape victim from the other night, how Fenin
Arslanon: (*) had stopped him, and how in the end, he still succeeded in assimilating her being into his own. "But you forgot... my friend... you can't kill me. I am everywhere... and your meaningless existence will
Arslanon: (*) be made clear." He brings his hand up to his chin, scratching it, the moonlight reflecting off of his blood red carapace. "Why?" He asks, turning away from the window and sitting on the ledge.
Arslanon: (*) "Why is it so hard for mortal beings to grasp the fact that this existence is a false one, that this reality isn't real?" He squints his eyes slightly, standing up again and walking to the middle of the 
Arslanon: (*) room, crossing his arms behind his back. "But no matter... you will pay, Fenin Ro..." He turns back towards the window and gets a running start, diving and breaking through the glass, somersaulting
Arslanon: (*) in the air as he falls freely to the sidewalk below.
Oafy: lays atop the roof of a short commercial building, eyeing the moon as it shines eeriely against his white armor, casting it in a softer light. He seems incredibly spaced out; his mind is far from this place. 'I cant believe how the opinion
Oafy: - of society can change so quickly,' the thought emerges from the results of the green dust that invaded the city, and how everyone seemed to forget he was responsible for the death of +200 orphans. Among other things. Young girls, probably
Oafy: - legal age, threw themselves at him lustfully more than a few times since his heroics. "Day two of being public hero number one," he muses, smiling as he tries to count how many numbers he had collected since that day. To be quite honest,
Oafy: wasn't quite use to getting so much action. "I hope that last girl wasn't lying when she said she was clean..."
Jeckel: wandered the moon-lit streets of New Hope. His body still a bit tender and bruised from the battle the other night. Was it last night or was it a couple nights ago? He couldn't tell..it was still dark when he had crawled from the crater. He looked
Jeckel: <C> to his right and touched where his arm used to be, yep, it was gone. He silently wished it had been his tail that was chopped off, at least tails grew back. "When I find that guy, i'm going to destroy him..."
Arslanon: somersaults gracefully and twists right before he lands crouching, the pavement shattering underneath his feet. He stands up and dusts himself off, eyeing a ghost couple walking down the side
Arslanon: (*) walk, laughing about something. Probably the concept of love. "How worthless...." He sneers, shaking his head. "No matter, I can't interact with them, and they can't see me... I shouldn't worry
Arslanon: (*) about such trivial matters..." He turns, grinning, "However..." He smells the air, picking up a familiar scent; Teenage girl. "My favorite..." He says, focusing his ki into the soles of his feet, lifting
Arslanon: (*) off the ground so he could quietly hover towards the girl without her hearing him. He stops just feet away from her, the human female sitting in the damp grass, staring at the moonlight. He hovers
Arslanon: (*) in the air, examing the girl, grinning to himself. "My my... don't you look lovely tonight?" He biodroid says, floating over to the nearby park bench and sitting down. The girl looks at him and gets
Arslanon: (*) to her feet surprised. "No, please don't hurt me, Mister." She says, terrified. "Oh no no no, you must have me confused with someone else... you see... biodroids are gender neutral. Call me 
Arslanon: (*) Arslanon." He says to the girl, staring up at the moonlight. She stares at him, backing up. "Bu-bu-bu-." "Shut up and come sit by me." He says, glaring at her, forcefully patting the parkbench. "No!"
Arslanon: (*) The girl shouts, turning away and beginning to run. Arslanon stands up and in a flash he's on her, holding her arms against her side, lifting her off the ground in a bearhug fashion. "I told you to
Arslanon: (*) come sit by me and you didn't... you're all the same, foolish humans. Oh well... I'm just doing society a favor..." He says, smelling along her neck line. "Mmmm.... this is going to be fun..." He begins laughing
Arslanon: (*) aloud, holding her in place with one arm while he snakes his hand down towards her waist. "First I'm going to violate your body, and then, oh, I promise it'll be painful, I'm going to penetrate your body with
Arslanon: (*) my stinger, which will inject an acid into your body which melts you... and then I'll absorb your left over genetic matter into my body..." She tries to scream, but Arslanon quickly moves his hand to
Arslanon: (*) her mouth, muffling her pleas. "Or... of course... I could always use your mouth... the human men seem to prefer that opening anyway, heh."
Serenity: sits back in her office chair, going over a lot of paperwork from earlier in the day.  Her hair was a mess and it was obvious it had been a long day for her as even her makeup was running a bit.  She ran her fingers through her lovely silver hair 
Serenity: (c) as she struggled with the finances of New Hope City.  The government wanted to completely abandon New Hope, but she wouldn't have any part of it, so she volunteered to stay behind, running the entire city and surrounding area herself.  It was 
Serenity: (c) a task she could do, but without any secretary's or other personell to assist her she was struggling to do it all alone.  She throws the papers down on her desk, "Damn it, no matter which way I look at it, the city is going bankrupt.  People d
Serenity: (c) don't want to leave their homes and the president is increasing taxes to unreal levels as if he WANTS the city vacated, but where will all the people go?" she says in great frustration, putting her head into her hands, 'This is impossible, the
Serenity: (c) city and the people can't take this much longer..' she thinks, sitting back and turning around to look out the window at the city below through the still well lit streets.  She needed a plan, a financial backer 'but who?' she thought, trying t
Serenity: (c) to formulate some kind of plan.
Thea: walks down the dark streets of New hope city a small golden bell hangs from her hip making a low ringing sound with each step she takes. Thea tugs on her black T-shirt that has a picture of a little cartoon robot on the front it and  a bucket hat 
Thea: (c) on her head the rim being so low that it blocks her eye's from anyones sight. her red jean pants makes her stick out like a sore thumb the jean pants has a blue Symbole of a dragon flying through a blue ring of fire. 
Thea: (c)  stops and looks at the women and the disturbing being a creepy smile crawls across her faces as she waits for the monster to finsih what it had started. Thea places her right hand onto her hip covering the bell  while holding up her left hand
Thea: (c) Forming a small energy sphere that glew weakly.
Oafy: 's neck jerks up off the roof, a familiar scent entering his nostrils. He smells the air, picking up the scent fully; Teenage girl. "My favorite..." Throwing his feet forward, he rockets downward to the street below, standing upright upon impact.
Oafy: - "Jessicaaaaa!" The ending of her name deteriorates into an awkward laugh, as he spins on the spot to soak in the sight of the girl. "How's - what the fuck?" From his immediate perspective, it seemed Jessica had found a new guy to flirt with.
Oafy: ponders the thought: what had this punk done that beats saving civilization from asbestos? More details become obvious, as he slowly nears the young woman, quirking an eyebrow. "What the hell are you doing? Get off her, for fuck sakes!"
Oafy: grabs onto Arslanon's arm, trying to forcefully pry it off the girl. "I swear, you better run while you still have the chance!"
Jeckel: had been heading towards the park anyway, thinking that he might be able to at least keep his arm as a souvineer. As he wandered by he saw what were like the beginnings of a dangerous situation. Some chick was charging a ball of energy, some other
Jeckel: <C> thing was apparently trying to..do something..to some other chick, and he thought he might of saw Oaf flying down onto the scene. Jeckel decided to just get a bit closer and watch to see what took place.
Arslanon: lets go of the girl, ignoring Thea and turning quickly, grabbing Oaf by the forehead, the orb on his hand glowing as it began altering Oaftres' thought patterns. &c(You don't want to hurt me, we're
Arslanon: (*) &cone and the same... you see, Thea here if after you...) &WHe says directly into Oaftres' mind, the halfbreed's eyes rolling into the back of his head as Arslanon begins planting false memories
Arslanon: (*) into his head. Memories of them fighting together, being allied, fighting against Xerokine and Shim and Fenin Ro. False memories of a false alliance. He lets go and steps back, and then turns towards
Arslanon: (*) Thea and drops onto one knee, holding his arm. "Please, Oaf, help me, she's attacking me and I'm not strong enough to defend myself!"
Thea: eye's focuses on the new comer who had just jumped in like a mad man. A slight sigh slips from between Theas lips as she forces more energy into the sphere. The orb strengnth triples as it grows larger in the palm of her hand. 
Thea: (C) Thea's aura flairs up creating a golden aura that circles her body  her black hair flickers with gold high lights in it, her eye's turn darkgreen though still covered up by the hat. She pushes her left hand out releasing the large energy spher
Thea: (c) The sphere seems to drag slowly for amoment but suddenly picks up speed that cuases a high pitch whistle sound to be made as it zipped through the air at the group. Thea pulls a pin from her pocket a blue pin poping the top of with 
Thea: (c) her thumb revealing a scalpel in the head of the pin. 
Oafy: feels like the world around him became a haze of drunk for a brief moment, before his senses return. A tingling sensation tickles the ends of his hairs on his neck, giving him goosebumpbs all over. Sexy, noh? "She's.. what?" Confusion is
Oafy: - evident in his attitude, as he begins to approach the immediate area before Arslanon. Snapping to, his reflexes kick in. "Watch it, bitch!" Oafy backhands Arslanon, tossing him away from course of the energy attack. In that same fluid
Oafy: - motion, a black consuming fire hums into existence, slicking all but the front of his hair backward. With eyes of glowing whiteness, and veins of dull white throbbing over his temples, Oaftres launches a single fist at the oncoming sphere.
Oafy: - The resulting explosion engulfs his entire form, though once the searing ki and dust clears, he remains standing upright, glaring at the woman. "That's ARSLANON. You do NOT mess with Arslanon." The words come out as a warning, as he folds
Oafy: - his arms.
Jeckel: had picked up a rock in the time it took to watch the exchange, a soft sigh bringing about a flash of a blue then white aura around himself, the ground beneath him rumbling just a bit. He cocked his arm back, lifted a leg up and then pushed his bo
Jeckel: <C> body forward along with his arm, his raised leg stepping forward and his hand releasing the rock as soon as his foot touched the ground, sending the rock speeding towards Oafy's head at near supersonic velocity.
Arslanon: grunts as he's backhanded rolling backwards and landing on his feet in a squatting position. He looks at the scene he had caused, grinning. "Most excellent..." He says, turning towards the 
Arslanon: (*) skyscrapper and digging his fingers into it, climbing it quickly like an insect, reaching the rooftop and looking down at the sidewalk below. "Haha... humanity at it's finest." He turns 
Arslanon: (*) around again and gets a running start, jumping to the other rooftop and fleeing the scene.
Thea: slightly raises her left eyebrow as she watches the new comer total here energy sphere, a low groan escapes from her as her gaze shoots  forward at the the one called Arslanon. She tosses the scalpel  into the air catching it in her right hand 
Thea: (C) with the blade facing upside down, She leans forward then takes off like a bullet toward the Halfbreed who had stopped her first attack. The light from the parck lights above flicker off of the scalpel blade as she holds it close to her side. 
Thea: (c) Thea flicks her risk hurling the the scalpel at the halfbreed chest  as if it was a throwing knife, She shifts her body weight causing her feet to slide on the ground ripping up grass in dirt as she  Tries to stay away from Jeckels attack.
Oafy: maintains his hard stance, with a look of solid sterness; he was being serious. A thrown pebble smacks his forehead, causing him to blink, and adopt a silly face. "...Did... Did you just throw a rock at me?" Following the path of the thrown
Oafy: - object, his eyes discover the one-armed Jeckel. "Do you really wanna lose the other one?!" Growling as he steps toward Jeckel, his chestplate is stricken with a small scalpel. 'This really isn't my day.' People kept throwing junk at him.
Oafy: takes notice of Thea once again, frowning at her as the scalpel falls to the ground. "Ok. So I defend my best friend from certain killings, and get teamed up against? Is that how we're playing?" It occurs to him Arslanon had ran off. "REALLY?
Oafy: - Can't we take turns fighting me?"
Jeckel: shot a dirty look at Oafy and a blue ball of ki burst into life in his palm, growing quickly and engulphing his entire hand. "You're MINE!" Jeckel screamed as he pushed his hand forward and a large beam of blue-white energy launched straight at Oa
Jeckel: <C> Oafy, the force of the beam tearing a trench in the ground beneath it even though it was nearly two feet above it.
Thea: winces at the sight of the scalpel hitting the ground with a soft thud sound being made." Note to self aiming for the face good, neck good chest with armor very bad." Her tail unwrapes revealing a larg blue bottle that was against her back. 
Thea: (c) She tosses the bottles back taking a large swig of the liquid inside before starting back toward the halfbreed her feet pumping as she  carefully watches jeckels attack so as not to get herself caught init. she stops a few feet  from the halfb
Thea: (c)  Thea leaps toward her left side while spitting the liquid from her mother toward Halfbreed, The liquid Ignites into a black flame hurtling toward him, the heat from the flames are so strong that the mostier in the grass quickly dries up turni
Thea: turning brown.
Essex: -*- Low thumping was heard as steel-toed boots connected with the pavement, a large cloaked figure making his way towards the scene. Over his back was a leather sling, holding a massive gun
Essex: (*) and sword hybrid. The figure stops about fifteen feet away from the scene, analyzing it. "Hmmm.... Oaftres... a one-armed man... and... a female... seems like a normal friday night for him." He takes a
Essex: (*) forward and unslings the massive Vulcan cannon, ripping off his cloak and dropping it on the floor, hefting the gun over his shoulder and unholstering his powerdrill, reving it. "Hey, fuckheads.
Essex: (*) Wanna make this a fair two on two?" He says, walking towards the fray, grinning.
Oafy: pumps palms forward, preparing to send out a counter energy wave, but is late; the blue beam collides head on, shrouding his body in the bright ki. A loud smash signals that the attack had thrown Oafy into a building some distance behind
Oafy: - his last seen location. The attack detonates, ripping away chunks of the structural foundations of commercial building. Though the building remains upright, it would probably fall if anymore pressure was released there. Oafy lays in the
Oafy: - indent in the building, lodged into the wall, sore and cursing. Black flames blaze at him in a line; Thea was spitting at him. "Yeah, lets have less spitting and more swallowing, huh?" A mist of black sweeps over his body, shielding him
Oafy: - from the blunt of the flames. As they pass, Oafy catches sight of Essex. "Dragonsex!"
Fenin: appears next to Essex, grinning, "How about I just blast the hell out of everyone!" Fenin walks into the middle of the fray, powered up to Kaioken 16. "SHATTERSTORM!" In a brilliant flash, all of Fenin's ki condenses into an orb about his
Fenin: -x- abdomen, then expands at an alarming rate, engulfing the battlefield with a powerful ki attack. "Bitches." Fenin reaches up to his forehead, and with a wink, disappears as quickly as he had arrived.
Serenity: watches the battle amusingly from above, hovering with her power well masked.  She had given up with her paperwork until she could find a good financial backer to help her, "Interesting..." she says, watching Oafy, Thea and Jeckel.  She had very l
Serenity: (c) little to amuse her and since the populace in general was safely indoors at this time of night and since the city was in a sorry shape, a little more damage could mean well deserved grants from the government for reconstruction.  She leans bac
Serenity: (c) back, in the air, raising an eyebrow at the arrvial of Fenin, whom she dispatched earlier "Escaped..., figures.." she says, shaking her head as he launched a powerful ki attack.  She thought about joining the combat, but thought it would be wi
Serenity: (c) wiser to wait until they were weaker before finishing them off one at a time.
Jeckel: grinned as his attack hit dead on, which wasn't too shabby for a one handed kamehameha. "Heh...Now that is payback for..." He is interrupted and looks over at Essex and frowns then looks up to see a man charging an attack and then firing it upon t
Jeckel: <C> them all, his arm covering his head quickly as he erects a barrier to weather the storm of ki. The attack from Fenin devistates the area, all the trees are burnt and pulvurized as well as the grass and whats left of any benches. Jeckel looks u
Jeckel: <C> up, his barrier whispy and finally just giving away. "Fuck..what is this?...I can't ever get a moment alone to fight someone!?" He screams out in frustration then looks over in Oafy's direction, yelling out. "Hey Oaf! What do you say we head o
Jeckel: <C> out of this dump and find a place to stretch our legs?"
Thea: eye's grow wide from the sight of the attack heading toward the battle field, Her eye's dart back in forth until she sees someone standing on a rooftop of one of the building watching them. "Just what i needed it." she places her finger tips 
Thea: (C) near her forehead. Her image shifts a bit before dematerializing from her spot up toward the roof, Her feet hit the roof with a low thud landing right next to Serenity. "bah, That was crazy."  her knees wobbles about before she drops 
Thea: (c) to her butt on the roof.  Even though she was now on  one of the near by roofs from the park her gaze stayed locked on Essex and Oafy down  below. 
Serenity: looks at Thea, raising a silvery eyebrow, "I'll be back in a moment.." she says, putting two fingers on her forehead and disappearing from Thea's sight and into the path of Fenin's powerful ki attack.  She explodes into a blinding flash of pure, w
Serenity: (c) pure, white light.  She emerges in her beautiful angelic form, her white, transparent angelic wings rippling gently in her calming ki wind.  The glowing holy cross on her forehead blazing with white fire as she extends her arms outwards, gathe
Serenity: (c) gathering energy quickly.  The yellow, crackling energy gets slammed together as she closes her arms, launching the massive crackling yellow energy at the ki attack, "Hyper Cannon!!" as the energy explodes from her, colliding with the ki attac
Serenity: (c) attack and pushing it backwards into the sky.  As it reaches a high altitude above the city she lowers her hands as the two ki powers explode with a blinding flash, doing no harm to anything but the air, which wimpers in agony.  She hovers up 
Serenity: (c) by Thea once again and stares at her with her flaming blue eyes, "May I help you?" she asks, her voice lightly echoing.
Oafy: shields his eyes from the bright blast that bathes the area in a mixture of white and yellow light. As it subsides, the building behind Oaftres remains standing. The attack, evidently, was deflected by another explosion of power. 'Neat.' A familia
Oafy: - energy signature tells him who was responsible, immediate; the Senator. Unfortunately for her, he was a Leafs fan. Disappearing on the spot, a wicked darkness chews away at his afterimage, as he rematerializes in a mix of white and black winds,
Oafy: - hovering just behind Serena and Thea. "Aaah... You came, Senator!" Throwing his open arms around her from behind, he laughs forcefully. "I thought you didn't care anymore."
Essex: takes a step back, Fenin's Shatterstorm narrowly missing his figure. "Heh. Mr. Ro." He grins and reholsters the powerdrill, hefting the gun off his shoulder, holding it with both hands. 
Essex: (*) "Alright, stumpy," He says, turning towards Jeckel, "Let's see you get lucky with this one." He points the massive thirty calibur, six barrelled fully-automatic vulcan gun at Jeckel and
Essex: (*) pulls the trigger, the gun spinning-up quickly before it begins unloading it's clip of twelve-thousand bullets in under a minute.
Jeckel: blinks as he feels Oaf's energy dissapear and then reappear at a spot above him. "God damnit." He muttered to himself as he threw up another barrier as he heard the loud pop from the gun and then launched himself into the air, a few of the bullets
Jeckel: <C> hitting and being stopped by his barrier as the rest passed harlessly beneath him. Jeckel then raced towards Oafy, Serenity, and Thea. "What the hell is this!? Now you got some guy shooting at me!? You get some other lacky to cut off an arm an
Jeckel: <C> and NOW you have some ASSHAT shooting at me!? I thought we could be friends..but NO..You just get all these other people to jump into these battles...you're a joke and a waste of skin."
Thea: head darts up as she stares at Oafy floating right over head of them. " hmph I want you to have a slow painful death." she mutters to herself as Oafy talks down toward Serenity, Her hands tighten into a fist while she takes a deep breath.
Thea: (c) a few minutes pass befoe climbing back up onto her feet,  She grabs the bottle and takes another large swig this time drinking half of the bottles liquid. " okay lets give this a try." she says while swaying back and forth a bit  off balance
Thea: (c) Her gaze goes from Serenity to Oafy then back to Serenity one last time. "heh" is all she musters out before her facing back up to Oafy and blowing a blue sphere of energy Toward Oafy.  (I need him to get back onto the ground.)  
Thea: (c) She leaps from the building letting her knees buckle underneath her weight as she hits through ground below. 
Serenity: shrugs Oafy off of her and stares at Thea with interest, "Excuse me.." she says, hovering quickly down and grabbing Thea before hovering up and laying Thea down on the buiding top before hovering past Oafy and Jeckel both, staring down at Essex, p
Serenity: (c) pointing "You, cease this within MY city.." she says, her voice echoing as her glowing body shines like a beacon in the night sky "Take your battles outside of this city, you are not welcome here.." she says, frowning before glancing back at O
Serenity: (c) Oafy, "What do you want, here to sign those papers?" she asks, ignoring Jeckel, more or less but putting herself in a position to protect him if need be.
Oafy: frowns as Serenity makes herself distant. "What? Havn't you seen the news? I saved -your- city," the stressing on 'your' makes it obvious that he disagrees with her sentiments. "Way I see it, the only group of people who have a problem with
Oafy: - what I have done... is... well, you. And I suppose all of New Vegeta. But they don't count." A sphere of power explodes all over his left side, Serena's conversation distracting him. Collapsing onto the roof of the building beneath him,
Oafy: groans angrily. "Thought we were having a ceasefire!" Shoving off the roof, he forces himself to float up next to Serenity, once again - he remains on the defensive.
Essex: sighs and raises his fingerts to his forehead, blinking out of existence.
Thea: a boggled expression creeps across her face at Serenity who seemed to had just moved her like a feather. "Oh sorry about that, so you mean as long as i don't do something like this?" She whipes her body toward a few near by buildings. 
Thea: (c) her left hands rises up toward her mouth "Dragons breath Blazing force of the goddess!" She spits a pure wave of energy that streeks down hitting several building going into one side and right out the other causing the building to 
Thea: (c) collapse into rubble. " You halfbreed, I'll be back for you!" She points at oafy before stumbling back then forward again, Her head slumps down facing her feet before she blows another blazing gust of fire out toward the ground 
Thea: (c) engulfing the area around her body, once the smoke settles all that is left in that spot is a some ashes from the the singed roof top. 
Jeckel: squeezed his hand into a fist and gritted his teeth a bit, a white aura bursting about his body in a flame as he suddenly took off at Oafy, circling around Serenity since she was ignoring him anyway, and taking a swing straight at Oaf's face, conn
Jeckel: <C> connecting to his forehead and sending Oafy flying backwards a few feet. Jeckel turned towards Serenity and snarled at her. "Stay out of this!" He then pursued Oafy, cocking his hand back for another swing, by this time Oafy had pulled his swo
Jeckel: <C> sword and as Oafy swung, a translucent green aura burst out around Jeckel's hand and he simply swung at the sword, a flash of light had resulted, Jeckel's hand was just fine and the sword rested atop the barrier. "Its amazing how well one can 
Jeckel: <C> learn from their mistakes."
Oafy: withdraws his zanbatou, preparing to slash at his opponents chest. "I don't GET you!" His blade, however, refuses to move. Instead, he re-sheaths it, allowing his blue cape to hide the sheath on his back. "You keep attacking me. Why? I thought
Oafy: - we were drinking buddies!" Confused, Oafy launches at Jeckel, sending a flurry of closed palms, most of which are countered with similar blurs of the fist. He comes in close, attempting to strike with his elbow; Jeckel blocks it with his open
Oafy: - palm. Oaftres uppercuts with his spare hand, bringing it up into Jeckel's chin, but it does little to steer Jeckel off the battle, as he returns with a kick to the midsection of the fellow fighter. Falling away from his foe, Oaftres floats 
Oafy: - about a yard away, further below now. "C'mooon. Let's just agree to laugh about your limbless stump over beers already. My treat!" Even as he offers this, Oafy charges through the air at Jeckel, elbow poised to land in his targets gut.
Serenity: quickly interposes herself between Oafy and Jeckel, holding out her hands in a stop type fashion, "ENOUGH!" she says harshly, glaring at both individuals "There is enough bloodshed within this city, enough destruction.  We should be working togeth
Serenity: (c) together, not fighting amongst ourselves!" she states, her voice still echoing on the cold night air.  She motions towards the government building, "Please, both of you, come to my office, we'll discuss things and have a drink.  Surely the two
Serenity: (c) of you fought bravely the other night and could use a few minutes of relaxation." she says, showing sincere curtsey towards both men as she hovers down to her office window, landing gently on the edger, her angelic body glowing softly as her w
Serenity: (c) wings fold back behind her. She beckons once again to both men to follow her, hoping for a non-violent solution to this issue since she needed to discuss business with Oafy anyway.
Jeckel: readied himself for Oafy's attack only to be surprised by Serenity interjecting herself between the two. Oafy, equally surprised, had halted his own attack. The two fighters floated in the air, watching Serenity and listening to her then watched h
Jeckel: <C> her leave. Jeckel's eyes met back with Oafy's and for a second, both of them paused, and just as quickly, they resumed their battle. Jeckel's readied hand coming forward with a blast of red energy, comming in triplets and headed straight for O
Jeckel: <C> Oafy.
Oafy: brandishes the Kessoku zanbatou, deflecting the first two red blasts off in the nights sky, exploding to taint the city red for a second. The third blast hits his chest; Oafy drops his blade, the tip sinking into the ground to his right.
Oafy: growls up at Jeckel, angry. He was ruining his chance with Serenity! 'How can I get in her pants when she thinks all I care about is battle?!' The thought is a joke, but he digs it. "Damnit! Fine. You want to fight." Leaping up at Jeckel, he swirv
Oafy: - swirves in a detour, making his way to Serenity's office at top speed, almost crashing through the window in the process. "We've gotta talk; and make it quick. He's not gonna wait for our conversation to end!" His words are rushed, as he continu
Oafy: - continuously eyes Jeckel out the window.
Serenity: watches Oafy hurry into her office and holds a hand out to Jeckel, glaring at him, "You will stop or I will be forced to deal with you!" she snaps, "I will not allow this combat to continue!  If you force my hand, you WILL be dealt with." she says
Serenity: (c) highly annoyed.  "Besides, I have business to speak with him about.  If you will behave, you may join me in my office for a drink. If you will not, then you will leave." she states, a bright, near-blinding energy encircles her hand, gathering 
Serenity: (c) into a large circular, crackling ball of energy, ready just in case Jeckel refused to be what she considered -good-.
Jeckel: grunted and pulled his hand back, a bright blue ball of energy forming in his palm and quickly growing to engulph his hand and half his forearm in its size. He grunted as he pumped even more and more energy into the sphere of cackling ki, enough t
Jeckel: <C> to take a tole on his very lifeforce. His eyes zeroed in on the office as the words of Serenity only served to annoy and enrage him. The battle wasn't finished, he never got a chance to properly finish it! He was winning..he would have WON tha
Jeckel: <C> that battle if not for that rude one...just like this other rude one. The thoughts were actually starting to get to him, his target was starting to be reconsidered. "Whats the matter Oafy!? You gotta hide behind others!?" He looked to Serenity
Jeckel: <C> and then suddenly pushed his hand forward, a large beam of blue and white energy racing at Serenity, the recoil enough to push him back slightly. "I told you to stay out of this!"
Oafy: twitches his head a bit. Did Jeckel just insinuate he was a coward? 'No... Oafy wouldn't want to have to choke a bitch dead...' But he knew there and then, that the other halfbreed was calling him out. This wasn't just some petty squabble
Oafy: - over a lost arm, that Oaftres mostly definitely had nothing to do with. No, this was about honour now. "Excuse me," he whispers to Serenity, his cape flapping a little as he swiftly cuts past her, hovering outside the ledge of her office
Oafy: - window now. "You want to end this with one fell swoop?" He inquires, even as the beam descends up him, ready to blow him away. Opening his arms invitingly, he closes his eyes. "This things over with now. Next time we meet, it's over beer!"
Oafy: embraces the brute force of the kamehameha attack, sending him flying through the window of Serenity's office, crash landing into the far wall in a heap of blue cape. The black aura fades; his hair descends; and his other fancy features disappear.
Serenity: gasps in horror, both from Oafy and the damage done to her office. She flies from her window ledge, producing a pair of meanacing sai's as she uses all the speed at her disposal, which was vast, "Katsu Tenchin Amaguriken!!" she cries out with an e
Serenity: (c) echoing voice as she seems to throw a hundred punches in less than a second, trying to overwhelm the half-saiyan man with raw power.  To the normal human eye it looked like she wasn't even moving becuase of the speed she was moving at, and, co
Serenity: (c) combined with her glowing, angelic form, looked like a savior to many.  She was calm, collected, but with every individual, there was a weakness and those strong in spirit were seldom strong in body as well.
Jeckel: watched Oafy suddenly step in the path of the beam, he grinned as he thought for sure he was going to launch a counter beam then his eyes went wide as he watched Oafy simply take the brunt of the blast, the beam pushing him into the office and the
Jeckel: <C>  then detonating, the entire top of the building being blown straight off, the shockwave still echoing out to destroy the tops of nearby buildings, some of the taller ones toppling over entirely, the glass windows for blocks beyond that all re
Jeckel: <C> reduced to shards. He panted a bit and saw Serenity comming straight for him, to be expected, he readied himself, a green barrier bursting about his hand and acting as the surface to help block the sai's that were comming at him. As Serenity a
Jeckel: <C> attacked, Jeckel backed off, dodging and blocking where he could, speeding backwards and Serenity following, the force of blocked hits actually breaking apart pieces of the buildings that they were flying next to. "Stop it you crazy bitch! He'
Jeckel: <C> He's going to die!" it was that break in concentration that allowed one of Serenity's sai's to puncture his right shoulder, with a scream of pain he tried to simply knee her in the gut to push her away.
Oafy: lays there, all half unsconscious like. "gleh.."
Essex: sprays his he-salsa in Oafy's man-gina.
Serenity: stops her attack as she's hit with a knee to her midsection, doubling her over for a minute until she quickly regains her composure and shrugs, pointing to what's left, "Well, you may as well finish it off you nutjob, not much left anymore, I simp
Serenity: (c) simply do not and cannot care." she says as a shimmering, glowing sphere of energy surrounds her slender body.  She reverts to her normal state, her flaming blue eyes return to their normal blue color, her hair and body stop glowing as her win
Serenity: (c) wings disappear.  She puts two fingers against her forehead and closes her eyes as the sphere of energy closes in on her, soon disappearing altogether.  She reappears in the underground complex of what's left of the government building and beg
Serenity: (c) begins preperations for the total evacuation of New Hope, bringing in underground trains to take the people out.  She masks her power signature after arriving so noone could home in on her locations, "Stupid jerks, they have the place, I'm tir
Serenity: (c) they can have the place, I'm tired of dealing them them.  Personally, when there's no more world or worlds to destroy, they'll finally destroy each other, the universe will be a better place." she says to herself in frustration.  She points to
Serenity: (c) a young man in the area with her, "You, get the people ready to go, we're leaving within the hour." she states, the young man quickly running to tell the others, "Take everything of value we can, food, clothing, electronics, survival gear, we'
Serenity: (c) we'll start anew in a secret locations, away from these people." she calls after him, to be received by an eager nod as he runs off again, allowing the senator to resume her work.  Before she finishes up, she leaves a simple message for Oafy w
Serenity: (c) which could be easily accessed by any terminal, it simply read "Pardon granted, I'll look you up sometime...hero".
Jeckel: 3
Jeckel: watched as serenity left, he spit to the side and took a second to catch his breath, looking around at the destruction he had caused. "This better not all get blamed on me." He said to, well, nobody. He floated upwards and then made his way to the
Jeckel: <C> now open air office and landed on the floor next to Oafy. He looked Oafy over for a second then picked him up by an arm, crouching down and turning Oafy over to sling Oafy over his left shoulder. "You know, all I wanted to find out is if I cou
Jeckel: <C> could hold off another beam with one hand." He huffed and lifted off from the building, the allready damaged structure simply crumbling down under the force of his lift-off. Jeckel flew through the streets for a few moments before happening up
Jeckel: <C> upon the local dojo. The Dojo was closed for the night, but with the simple application of his foot to the door, the Dojo was opened. Jeckel walked in and made his way to one of the nearby healing pods, starting it up and tossing Oafy in, putt
Jeckel: <C> putting the oxygen mask on him and closing the hatch as the fluid began to fill the tank. He raided the dojo master's desk to find a half bottle of spiced rum, he pulled up a chair and left the bottle sitting on it in front of Oafy's healing p
Jeckel: <C> pod. "See ya around." were the last words before he walked away.
Noodles: - From time to time you will notice, a huge buldge in Noodles's pants. Today, this wasnt what it was about. It was about love. Noodles had fallen in love and he didnt know how to express
Noodles: (c) his love in a matter anyone would understand. His naked body, shivering in the coldness, as a breeze of fresh air passed by him. His hair swayed in the wind and his pink eyes glowed
Noodles: (c)darker, as if they were struck by a fierce storm. He sighed, dropping to his knees, and looking carefully over this young lady, who couldnt be a day over 15. He smiled
Noodles: (c) slowly nodding his head, and putting the tablets back into his pocket (his butt = his pocket). He grinned, "who wouldve thought, these pills actually do work"
Noodles: (c) he said, nodding his head again, in great comfort to know ROOTHIES do work. *BANG*. Noodles turned around quickly, noticing a large police patrol, shooting towards him.
Noodles: (c) Noodles cried to the gods, "I WAS SO CLOSE!" He quickly leeped to his feet, barely dodging one bullet, which grazed the side of his penis. "FUCK!" he yelled again
Noodles: (c) quickly, he decided to run for cover in a large forest, in hope he would lose the Po Po, and quickly find some sort of cover...
Usagi: had almost gotten used to the fact that half of the town seemed to be ghostly...and the green people that seemed to be living a life in said town were also becoming somewhat the norm. Humans were very adaptable creatures. If it didn't threaten or 
Usagi: -c- interact with them too much, it was easily ignored. She closes up shop for the day and heads out once more for downtown, looking for some dinner to be had.
Serenity: finishes singing to a few of the children in a tent and stands up, making sure they're asleep before walking out.  She looks around to see the adults fixing supper while others are setting up the defense perimeter and unloading necessary supplies.
Serenity: (c) Her and those that followed her on her exodus from New Hope were three days into their journey and fairing rather well.  Noone had followed them and those that were with her that had power kept it very well masked, making finding them nearly i
Serenity: (c) impossible.  She had stopped the train halfway between New Hope and Aqua Polis only to unload supplies, people and transports before heading north.  She had a rough idea, through the virtual maps of her MSC, of where they were going, but she k
Serenity: (c) knew the trek was going to be anything but easy.  "Senator.." a woman comes up, with a physical map and pointing at a mountain range "Here, we should be there in a few days.., how are we going to cross them?" she asks.  Serenity just takes a s
Serenity: (c) seat in a camping chair and studies the map carefully, "No mountain pass, we'll have to make one as we go.." she says, looking up at the woman with a concearned look, "Yes senator, can we do it?" the womans asks.  She shrugs and folds up the m
Serenity: (c) map "I'm sure we can, we just have to make preparations.." she says, pulling out her MSC and starting to figure out what resources, manpower and time would be needed to forge a path through the high mountains a few days to the north.
Shim: - Atop the grand green spire a single man stood, enveloped in the green energies that encompassed the man, and he accepted it, a pulsating envelope of the mysterious ether that tainted his fair pale flesh with its off-colored light. There was some
Shim: (C) something peaceful about this place. There were the faint whispers of the deaths he could have prevented, and it reminded him of who he was. From this vantage point, he had a perfect view of the lost souls, wandering the mortal plane with blin
Shim: (C) blind eyes. What was it about this place, so cold, so silent, that appealed to him? Was it the howl of the wind? Or was it the mystery that surrounded the harmless phenomena? Shim placed his hands in his pockets, his scarred bare chest burning
Shim: (C) with the image of the Phoenix, a glowing crimson beacon in this sea of dead.
Usagi: had resorted to defending her small shop numerous times already...she was having to seriously consider closing down her shop and storing her inventory for the time being. Maybe reopen in Aqua Polis if they let her. Most of her stock was gone from 
Usagi: -c- the shelves, the cash register was already empty...there was nothing truly left. She looked at her shop one last time before closing it up for the last time until things improved. If the shop was still there, and if things improved. Nonetheles
Usagi: -c- Nonetheless, she looked into the green abyss that seems to have engulfed half of the city and against all reason...heads for it.
Shim: - Lavender eyes slid to the side where a disturbance in the mellow atmosphere was sensed, a diminuitive powerlevel, but one headed his way. He began to unsuppress, in a silent warning to whoever was approaching. His clothing fluttered, creating a 
Shim: (C)  a rift in the energy around him, a swirling tornado of ki encompassing his body. Why would someone return to this wasteland? Nearly all of the humans fled or planned to, and thus the city was left to these creatures, to this peace. Not that t
Shim: (C) the humans fleeing would protect them from danger, for something like this would always plague the human race. He sighed, his breath escaping his lips in the form of a dense white mist.
Usagi: - The simple fact was she was unable to sense those around her. She had already gotten used to relying on her eyes and ears once more. The power that was exuded from the man atop the green skyscraper was unknown to her for the time. She sighed sof
Usagi: -c- softly as she looked around at the town she used to know so well. Twice now, it had nearly been destroyed. It seemed New Hope was always destined to fall.
Shim: - What was there left here? His city lay in ruin, abandoned and swarming with these beings. One could hear his footsteps on the other side of town. Shim grumbled, staring into the sky that had sent them this new catastrophe. There was something od
Shim: (C) odd about it all, he thought; it couldn't have been coincidental. Everything seemed... Structured, the night of the comet's landing. He narrowed his eyes as he recalled the one presence that had stuck out to him that night. The one man that he
Shim: (C) would have never expected to see that only surfaced the night when everything went to hell... "Kalen."
Usagi: finally spotted the wave of ki that distorted the air so high up above. Then again, she was surprised she missed it. She might not be able to sense anymore, but she could at least fly. Lifting off the ground a few inches at first, she is soon barr
Usagi: -c- barreling her way up the side of the 'skyscraper' on her way up to meet whomever was up here. The thought that they might not want to be disturbed passed through her mind rather quickly, and her flight path arched slightly. She ended up about 
Usagi: -c- twenty feet from the tip of the tower where the person was, even if she had no doubt that they knew she was here. It was Shim. Almost everyone else had left already, what was he still doing here?
Shim: - What was he still doing here? These were his people, and if they were going to leave, he planned on seeing the very last one out. Shim recognized the presense immediately, and wondered why SHE was here. She wasn't much the fighter anymore, and w
Shim: (C) wondered why SHE was here. She wasn't much the fighter anymore, and what with the destruction of parts of the city, and the recent alien invasion, he was curious what she of all people could do to help, if the trouble escalated. "Can I help yo
Shim: (C) you?" He asked impatiently, crossing his arms.
Usagi: shakes her head and looks around. "Well...I was wondering what you're doing up here, Shim...It's not often I see you just standing about. You're usually hanging out with someone or another. Why are you here?" Confusion passed over her face and thr
Usagi: -c- through her eyes as she watched the man before her. She could feel from this short distance that he was powerful, even if she couldn't tell how much.
Shim: - "If you could understand you'd be here too." He spoke, his eyes glistening amethysts as they stared out at the darkening horizon, more and more lights turning off as more and more families decided to join the exodus. He clasped his hands behind 
Shim: (C) his neck, returning his eyes to the stars above. "I'm staying here because this is where I belong. I've been here for years, protecting these people, and I plan to continue doing so, no matter what the sky shits out on us." He explained.
Usagi: nods and looks around, watching the lights go out as well. "I understand that...I can't give up on this place. I didn't then, and I won't now...there's always got to be hope. Otherwise they really need to rename this city" She smiles softly as her
Usagi: -c- gaze wanders about. Most of the people had left. She knew that. She knew who led them as well. "I can't just stop yet. Shim...if there's any help I can offer to protect those staying...let me know. I'm not going to give up yet"
Shim: - "Whatever." Shim spoke, ever cold, ever unwelcoming. His eyes slid from their place in the sky back down to the human before him. "The best thing you can do for me is to stay out of my way, with a power like that." Her life was as fragile in his
Shim: (C) hands as were the lives of the rest of the humans. There was nothing left to be done here, nothing he could fix right now... The ghosts could not be harmed, and showed no signs of relent. He could only sit and watch as more and more people fle
Shim: (C) fled.
Usagi: looks down at the city again. "Maybe...I know I'm not as strong as I used to be, Shim. I'm training to fix that, but for now...I make do with what I can. I don't intend on interrupting you or anything...but I still want to help" She sighs and look
Usagi: -c- looks back up at him as she finishes speaking, a sad look on her face as the city she defended once is now being deserted again. "It's been a long time...Raynor...I wonder if you're alive here too..."
Shim: - "What are you mumbling about, Tsukino?" Shim asked. It wasn't a question he really desired an answer to, honestly, more of a strangely-phrased 'shut up'. He never figured a man could stand to be with her, and what she'd said was proof. He'd prob
Shim: (C) He'd probably fled to avoid killing himself. "Tell me something, Usagi." He seemed almost sincere as he spoke, flicking the hair away from his face. "Why the hell are you still here?"
Usagi: - "Because...I don't know why I'm still here. All I know is that this is where I should be" Usagi shaked her head and looks skyward after a minute. "I just am" She starts to descend slowly, heading back for the ground. "I'm probably here for the s
Usagi: -c- same reason you are...though that one is slowly dying off, the more people leave"
Shim: - He shrugged at her descent. He hadn't been asking why she was still in the city, but why she was still standing on his building. He smirked at the minor misunderstanding, his peripherals catching the lights that dwindled as more and more familie
Shim: (C) families fled into the night. Shim knew why he couldn't leave, why he felt so attached to this place now... This was his home. Whether it be inhabited by the silent phantoms, whether it be blasted all to hell, his soul was forever bound to thi
Shim: (C) this land, and he could never remove himself from it forever. The halfbreed breathed a long, tired sigh, and fell back onto the roof.
Serenity: looks up a the incredible mountains that loom less than a mile ahead of her and her people.  They had just arrived from the underground bunker at the end of the hidden railway which would take them no further.  As people emerge with their belongin
Serenity: (c) -ings and transports come up carrying tons of supplies, the gasp at the apparently monumental obsticle before them.  She turns to face the people, a look of hope on her face, the sunlight glistening off her silver hair, her blue eyes gleaming.
Serenity: (c) "Listen to me!" she says loudly "Do not be afraid!" she points back at the mountain range behind her "Although this will be difficult, a great challenge, we can and WILL overcome!  We must work together to forge a path through this mountain of
Serenity: (c) rock to our new home on the other side!" she says, nodding her head, "The exodus road has taken us this far, now we forge our own path and destiny!" she says amongst the cheers of the people who followed her.  It had been a hard journey up to 
Serenity: (c) this point, but she knew they could and had to go on.  She would have to do work as a normal human that would be easy if she unleashed her power, but she had decided to keep her power masked to keep them hidden.  Grabbing a pick, she nods to t
Serenity: (c) the other workers and starts working on the new road that will lead them through the mountains as the others set up camp, their new home for many days to come until the road was finished.  She couldn't help to think about the daughter she left
Serenity: (c) behind in New Hope, but she had hopes that if anyone could save what remained of the city, she could.
Usagi: - It wasn't that hard to follow the map her mother had left her. Usagi was on her way, flying about as she followed the path in the air. Her palm pocket had a miniaturized version of the map, and was tracking the area by GPS. It took a while to fi
Usagi: -c- find them though, her mother was suppressed and very hard to find. Nonetheless...find her she did. "Mother? What's going on?" She looks around at the refugees, some of which she had seen in her shop before.
Serenity: wipes the sweat from her forehead with a rag, turning to face her child, sensing her power "Honey, please, suppress your power, we don't need you bringing others here.." she says before taking a drink of pure spring water from a neary by river whe
Serenity: (c) near (correction) by river where several people were fishing.  The sun beat down, warming up the plains around them a bit but it was still cool out, making those not working to wear coats.  Children were laughing and playing as they played all
Serenity: (c) kinds of outdoor games, happy to be outside for a change while other people were still setting up camp.  The sweet smell of food was strong within the camp, signaling it was almost time for lunch.  She grabs her daughter by the arm, lightly an
Serenity: (c) and walks towards the center of camp, "In either case Usagi, welcome, I'm happy to see you.  Let's have a bite and talk.." she says with a light hearted voice, the workout from swing a pick was rather refreshing.
Usagi: looks around at the camp as she sees all that's going on. People doing things, children playing, it brought back a few memories...some of which she wished she didn't have. "A bite...alright, a bite we'll have..." She follows her mother, at least s
Usagi: -c- suppressing her power down a bit to keep herself from being sensed by too many. "So what's this all about?"
Serenity: raises a curious eyebrow at her daughter before looking to one of the cooks and polietly point to her own tent, being answered with a nod.  Entering the tent she motions for her child to enter and they enter she lights a lamp and motions for Usagi
Serenity: (c) to sit down, sitting down herself.  She says nothing for long minutes until two plates filled with food are brought in and set before either woman, along with two glasses of wine.  Taking a sip of wine she leands back into her chair and sighs,
Serenity: (c) "Before I answer your question dear, what is the situation in New Hope?" she asks, sounding concearned, a part of her wishing she had not left but a larger portion knowing it was best to leave.
Usagi: - "It's a mess, for starters...I shut down the shop earlier today..." Usagi looks at the food before her as well as the wine and shakes her head. "Wine never agreed with me mother...I'd prefer water" She looks around for a moment in the interior o
Usagi: -c- of the tent before she looks at her mother. "So where are you planning on going with all of these people? They have to stay somewhere, and likely soon...if bad weather hits, you'll be in a lot of trouble"
Thea: gives out a loud yawn her arms stretching toward the ceiling of the room smoked filled room, A choked up looking man sits on the other side of the table staring at her, beads of sweat form on his faces as  he stares at her sitting across from him.
Thea: (c) <Sean > "Well seeing how  things are going around here i don't think this city has much of a choice but to get your help." His shaky hand pushes an envelope across the table toward Thea, her eye's drops down on to the envelope.
Thea: (c)  a wicked grin forming on her face while she nodes at Sean. <Sean> " I mean between  the green ghost runnig around the west side of the city and now so many people leaving, The city  wont be able to stand for long." 
Thea: (c) Thea's hand slides across the table snatching up the envelope and placing it into her bag. "Don't worry The City is now under Dragon allainces care." Sean gives a loud gulp before nodding at her wondering if he made the right move 
Thea: (c) giving power to the force of the Dragon Allaince to run around the city, dealing out justices as they see fit for the people. "Don't worry you did the right thing Sean." She whispers while standing up from her seat and walking toward the door.
Serenity: nods at her child while reaching down into a nearby cooler and grabbing a bottle of water and gently tossing it to Usagi.  Her voice was low, hushed and filled with worry as she swips some silver hair out of her eyes before taking a small bite of 
Serenity: (c) food "That's very true and as far as our location.." she says, pulling out her MSC and turning it on she lays it down on the floor as it flashes to life.  She says, "Exodus Map" as the MSC flashes for a moment before a large holographic map em
Serenity: (c) emerges showing the exodus route, which ends at the mountains.  The mountain range was circular, wide and very tall and in the center was a beautful, large grassy plain.  Data on the area showed a highly fertile ground soil, abundant fresh wat
Serenity: (c) water, lots of wooded areas with a variety of land animals and game.  The surrounding hills leading into the mountains were filled with valuable resources as well, almost an idealic place to build a settlement.  She looks up at her daughter, l
Serenity: (c) looking into her blue eyes carefully, "This place I found many years ago on my travels.  It is serene, peaceful, isolated, and well protected by the mountain range.  It's the volcanic crater of a huge volcano that exsisted millions of years ag
Serenity: (c) ago" she says, turning off the MSC as the map fades.  She picks up the device, pockets it and leans back in her chair, taking a sip of wine, "The volcano last errupted approximatly two million years ago according to geological surveys.  The po
Serenity: (c) pockets of magma below the surface are almost non-exsistant, meaning a future erruption, at least in our lifetime is less than one thousandth of a percent." she says with a smile, "Meaning a perfect place for the start of a new city in which t
Serenity: (c) these people can leave in peace." she says to Usagi calmly, watching her reactions carefully.
Usagi: catches the bottle in her left hand as she started to chew on some of the food. "So you're telling me that you're taking over half of New Hope City in order to start a city deep within the mountains...anyone that can fly can get there, and anyone 
Usagi: -c- that can fly normally has enough power to start wreaking some havoc mother. You have to know that by now. Though it looks a great place to start somewhere...I just hope the people don't get away from gardening, farming, and the like...I've see
Usagi: -c- seen too many places go downhill because people forgot where their roots are at" She takes another bite before peering out of the flap. "So, how do you plan on getting to this place? I didn't see any path to get there"
Oafy: marches through down town New Hope City, his white armor shining softly in the moonlight, half hidden beneath flaps of the blue cape. Behind him follows a legion of citizens: male and female; young and old; humans, halfbreeds, and all sorts
Oafy: - of other misfits. They spread out for the width of the entire street, building to building, all of them speaking at once, conversing in a roar of voice. The topic: Why the fuck was everyone following the dude with the cape? Passing another
Oafy: - residential section of the city, Oafy gestures a 'come on!' to a few curious onlookers, who are soon assimilated by the masses. A gust of wind blows his cape backwards. 'God damn I am badass looking!' Better to keep the commentary to himself,
Oafy: figures. The authoritative, knight-in-shining-armor comes to a halt, having reached the ruins of City Hall. The crowd gathers in a massive semi-circle at the junction. Loud conversation is dulled as Oafy raises a hand, turning to low whispers.
Oafy: smiles happily. "So... We all here?"  His eyes shift about a little.
Serenity: nods at her daughter's comments, addressing them calmly, having give it great thought.  "Well, most powers like us have no reason to be in a remote region like this, there's nothing here by plains and this old volcano." she says, sipping at her wi
Serenity: (c) wine again "As far as people finding the place now, unless people start sending out their power signatures fromt he place, it will remain isolated and unnoticed, which is why we're building a tunnel through the mountain up to the crater the 'h
Serenity: (c) 'hard' way over me just using my powers to carve a hole through the rock itself and it is also the reason I told you to suppress your power signature, to avoid detection." she says, setting her glass down, only picking at her food "This city w
Serenity: (c) will be big enough with a combination of industry from mining and refining as well as agriculture, hunting, and fishing." she says, handing Usagi a series of papers on the resource rich area "It will be a good base of operations for me until t
Serenity: (c) the city is up and running good, with goods to trade, then I can make a trip to Aqua Polis which is the new Earth capital and start negotiations for trade and to view the city as an independent entity, free of the Earth governing body." she fi
Serenity: (c) finishes, turning on a small heater to warm the tent and its occupants.
Usagi: nods and looks around again. "Well...it's definitely a bold idea..." She smiles at her mother. "Though as of right now, I'm wondering how long this tunnel will be. Past that, I can't say much..." She looks upwards towards where the sky would be an
Usagi: -c- and sighs. "I honestly like the house that I have where it is, though...and something tells me I'd best be getting back to it soon...something feels wrong"
Serenity: stands up and nods, "Yes, I feel it too sweety, faint, but there.." she says, thinking for a moment before holding out her hand for her daughter to wait, "hold on..." she says, walking out of her tent and waving down a citizen, "Get me a vehicle, 
Serenity: (c) quickly, please." she says, "Yes senator!" was the response and within a few minutes a small hovercar pulls up.  She peeks into the tent, looking at her daughter, "Come on Usagi, let's take the car out of camp, we'll be able to use our powers 
Serenity: (c) after we're a safe distance from the camp." She says, getting into the drivers seat and waiting for her child to enter.
Thea: slams the double doors to city hall wide open her gaze falling on the halfbreed int the front of the crowd, She tugs on the collar of her sleek black business suit jacket while her eye's scan over the crowd of people trying to see if their 
Thea: (c) are anymore threats other then Oafy himself. " Of all the times to run into someone like you, it would have to be now wouldn't it Halfbreed?!" her black suit pants seems to sway from the soft breeze in the air the crowd could 
Thea: (C) be heard mumbling some of them not even knowing why they are there. Her hands lay gently on her hips as she assess the situation. " All of you hear me out now, This city is going under the protection of the dragon Allaince." 
Thea: (C) "You know longer have to worry about your city, in a few days we will have people protecting as well as rebuiling this city. Now go home!" Thea thrust her right hand out pointing for the crowd to leave go back to were ever they came from. 
Oafy: raises a hand once more, attempting to silence the crowd and have their attention. A different attitude overcomes Oaftres suddenly, the competition for 'dibs' on New Hope City bringing up a new side. Clearing his throat in a loud manner,
Oafy: speaks. "Citizens of New Hope City! Know that those who have brought much of the hardship to you these many years, have roots planted firmly in the lineage of this 'Dragon Alliance'. I come to you, asking not for control and dominance over
Oafy: - your once great city, nor do I boast one thing while keeping a secret agenda." He pauses, making eye contact for a sustained amount of time, to as many people as he can in this moment. "I come before you, one of the many who have saved your
Oafy: - sons, daughters, brothers, sisters.. mothers, fathers," he folds his arms, the flaps of his cape hiding much of the armor now. "I stand, the one many of you applauded for destroying the rip in the nights sky, during that fateful festival!"
Oafy: - A few people whistle and applaude, but most stay silent. They were judging him. "I beg of you all, let me do that which I have always done. Let me be your hero, that you may rebuild without worry of more of... these." He turns, waving a gesture
Oafy: - in disgust to Thea. "Let my sword be the one that keeps you safe. That provides you with that which you lack. Let me be there for you all!" His words echo, as he unsheaths his monster blade, plunging it into the cement stairs of City Hall.
Oafy: has seen enough movies to know how to get dramatic; the crowd begins to cheer louder, people clapping. 'Pull something, woman. I dare you...' He thinks, eyes still locked on the crowd.
Essex: -*- "Help!" He shouts, backing up, several Omega-Style Battledroids attacking him, blasting the street. He puts his barrier up, crossing his arms up in an X-shape. He takes the blast
Essex: (*) full force, before throwing his arms forward, blowing a chunk of metal off of their hull. The metal goes flying, and lands on the concrete stairs in front of Oaftres, the faded paint reading
Essex: (*) 'Dragon Alliance Omega-X185'. "They sent them!" He shouts, putting up his barrier and pointing at Thea. "They're trying to, gah!" He shouts, taking an energy blast full-force to the chest
Essex: (*) sending him flying.
Thea: grits her teeth while watching the crowd get easly swayed by the halfbreed, She reaches inside her suit jacket pulling out a black low rim hat placing it onto her head. "Understand this people, this is not me asking if you want our help." 
Thea: (C) " This me telling you that have only to options fall in line behind the Dragon Allaince, Or be an outlaw with your leader here." A slight pause comes over her as well as the crowed, she stares into the crowd looking at select individuals
Thea: (c) faces, she could see the fear rising inside of them. " outlaws like your hero here, are going to be killed on the spot!" her right hand lifts up over her head forming a large black orb that pulsates with strong ki energy. Lighting stricks from
Thea: (c) the orb hitting the ground around her feet ever so often. " I'll say it only one more time, Get in line or be put in it." the man Sean looks out the window his stomach now causing him to vomat from the fear of a battle tacking place right on c
Thea: (C) city halls door steps. 
Oafy: 's eyes widen at the fallen Essex, and small band of advancing mechanical nightmares. They were ripping a path through the city, tearing down everything in their way. Sounding rather cliche, yet very commanding, Oafy bellows: "Never fear!!"
Oafy: jumps off the steps of City Hall, grabbing at the hilt of the zanbatou, giving it a mighty swing towards the neck of the nearest robot. Immediately, sparks and circuits litter the air in a spray of oil, as the head rolls away; the pile of metal
Oafy: - drops effortlessly. In a swish of his cape, Oafy has spun into a complete circle, crouched fully now, the Kessoku sword taking out another machine from the midsection. The legs walk off, bumping into a tree a few times before falling, while
Oafy: crushes the upper half with his foot. Thea's threats against the city get Oafy's attention, as a couple of androids leap ontop of his back, attempting to dogpile him down. Forcing himself to a continued stand, he shouts: "You see?! You join the
Oafy: - Dragon Alliance, or they will write you off as nothing!" Beginning to feel the weight of his enemies as another piles on, he grunts. "Stand your ground, humanity! Choose life, and I will remove those that will bring you death!!" He shoots
Oafy: - a wicked glare at Thea; in that instant, a white flame engulfs him. The android immediately on his back disintegrates, the other two blowing off into a nearby lamp post. "Leave this place, or I will strike you down," he calls to Thea.
Essex: stands up, holding his arm, breathing heavy. "They... bring... nothing but destruction!" He shouts, throwing his arms to the side, his blood flowing freely down his chest as he begins to mutate into
Essex: (*) his second form. He points at Thea, glaring. "She is the harbringer of destruction unto New Hope! She doesn't which to help you! She doesn't want to help US!" He takes a step, a blue aura
Essex: (*) appearing around him. "Do what Oaftres says! Stand you-" He powersdown and reverts, completely exhausted. "See? She... is destroying those.... that saved the city!" He falls onto on knee
Essex: (*) gasping for breath.
Thea: a low chuckle slips from her lips as she holds the energy sphere in her hand, the sphere slowly starts to fade away after seeing Oafy and Essex little display of heroism. " hmph fine If you do not want to follow us you don't have to. "
Thea: (c ) " But know this if you do know fall in line i will have no choice but to treat you all like kids that have discided to be disobedient, What will i do you ask?" She leans forwad in a mocking style postion for the people to see. 
Thea: (C) " You live in a desert, If you act against us you will foce our hand. We will cut Food first then water then electricity, don't forget the crazyed mutants and beast living out side the city that are kept at bay. You want have a way to 
Thea: (c) proctect yourself right?" "but it's up to you all, and your leaders here. Let us rebuild your city as we have been cmmissioned to do, or force us to destroy it." She grins as she turns toward Oafy and Essex her arms going up in the air as if i
Thea: (c) it's out of her controle. "so hero's Will you let these people get the help the need, the help they want ? or are you going to force these people to do without what they need?" she looks back to the crowd her arms and shoulders still shrugged 
Thea: (c) up ." it's up to you all what you want." faces in the crowd become angry some scared others just walk off not knowing what to do, some were wondering if it  was to late to leave the city while another few looked at oafy and Essex wondering
Thea: (c) what they would do to protect them.
Shim: - A voice could be heard from the top of city hall, clearing its throat. He cracked his neck as Thea shat through her mouth, and prepared. Silently, the figure leaped down the top of the building. Craters were made where his feet collided with the
Shim: (C) black pavement, and as the warrior looked up, he was immediately identified as Shim Wu'sha. He sneered at the creature who addressed the crowd last, and spoke, very simply, very plainly: "Here's an idea. Shut up, beotch."
Oafy: grins rather overconfidently at the sight of Shim. His arrival was just in time. "You all know Shim, though perhaps not by name," he explains, chopping off the arms of an approaching metal minion of Dragon Alliance with two fluid motions. "His
Oafy: - recent accomplishments include-" A highkick to the head sends another robot flying off into the air. "Chasing out the teenage girl rapist of New Hope park-" The same robot crashes into the earth, bits of screws and bolts rolling off into
Oafy: - different directions. "Defending pedestrians from the one-armed Saiyan menance," the fist holding onto the hilt of his zanbatou tears through the skull of another robot, before coming down, slashing the remains in half. "And purging our streets
Oafy: - of Kalen, mechanized villian that has plagued Earth for years!" Taking on a defensive stance, Oafy eyes the remaining omega androids; three left, two headed off to Shim, while another takes to kicking Essex in the ribcage. As the
Oafy: - people begin to give half hearted cheers to Shim, they remained weary of Thea. And for good reason. Oafy's eyes fixated on her, pointing his zanbatou at her from half a yard away. "Do NOT threaten these people. Threaten them, and you deal
Oafy: - with M--" He faulters, wishing he could take back that first noise. "US. You deal with US!"
Usagi: nods and looks around. "Alright...it probably would be best if I went to go check it out..." She looks up at the skies...clouds, very dark ones were gathering on the horizon. "Be sure to have shelter ready for a storm, mother...I really don't like
Usagi: -c- how that looks" Nonetheless she gets in the car, waiting to be taken out of the camp so that she could fly back home.
Serenity: nods to her daughter as she gets into the car and buckles herself in, "Ok, off we go." she says, starting the car and driving out of camp, somewhat looking at the darkness hovering in the skies above, "Honey, that's not a storm, that's something e
Serenity: (c) else, large ki buildup..." she says with worry, "I'd bet anything it's from New Hope, something's not right there.." she says, glancing over at her daughter, "We'll go to New Hope and see what we can do, but when we get there I want you to sta
Serenity: (c) stay out of the mix of things and get people to safety." she says, putting a hand on her child's shoulder "You're not ready yet for powers I feel and your role is much more important than anything else, I put my faith in you." she says with ca
Serenity: (c) caring.  After several long minutes of driving she slows the car down to enter some fairly dense woods before stopping it and getting out, "The car will be safe here and it's far enough away from the camp where we can, 'let go'." she says as s
Serenity: (c) she releases some of her energy, hovering above the treetops, surrounding her body with a soft white aura as her silver hair blows gently around her, "Come on Usagi, hopefully there will be others there to help, I can sense two for sure." she 
Serenity: (c) says, looking in the direction of New Hope, frowning.
Usagi: looks at her mother and shakes her head. "Mother...you're needed here. You need to lead these people. And as much as I know that you want to help...they need you...they look up to you, they look for your guidance...and you can protect them at the 
Usagi: -c- them at the very least. I can't do that. Don't worry, I likely won't get too involved with this, mother. But you're still needed here"
Serenity: shakes her head, looking down at her child, 'She is brave and she is right, but Oafy and Shim are there doing their part, I must do mine as well..' she thinks, "You are right, Usagi, but I cannot let you, Shim or Oafy do this alone and I Must find
Serenity: (c) out who the others are and what is going on." she says as she releases more of her energy, beginning to slowly power herself up "We should go, they will be fine where they are for now, come..let us go and see what we can do to help." she says,
Serenity: (c) extending a hand down to her daughter, "Power up, my child, you will be much safer." she says, closing her eyes and preparing for her own transformation, her soft white aura apparently fading as her body begins to radiate a beautiful, bright, 
Serenity: (c) luminous light.
Usagi: nods softly. "I'll take care of them while you're gone, mother. Go then" She steps back into the hovercar and smiles at her mother. At least she might be able to pull some things with the resemblance...which was almost uncanny at times. "I'll make
Usagi: -c- sure they're alright, mother. You go make sure the others are" She buckles up and nods, waiting for her mother to take off.
Goulie: awakens with the sound of multiple explosions rocking his house "What's going on?  I just wanted to take a nap..." he grumbles as he pulls his trenchcoat over his head "Sounds like a large amount of ki is being used...but why?"  He looks outside t
Goulie: -=- to experience first hand exactly what all the noise was about, before him was Shim, Oafy and on the ground Essex.  "Well...fuck..." he thinks as his powers flare to maximum "What the fuck are you guys doing?" He yells to anyone who'll answer h
Goulie: -=- him, Goulie runs over to Essex "What's going on here man?  Why do all this robots say Dragon Alliance?"  He before taking off to destroy one of the nearby robots that were left, glancing around at all the nuts and bolts and pieces of paneling 
Goulie: -=- that once made the monsters that were now being seemingly obliterated.
Essex: looks up at Goulie before he rushes off and winks, mouthing the words 'Play along.' He stands up, regaining his composure and takes a step back, grinning. "Shim! I think Thea's face looks
Essex: (*) a bit cold, wouldn't you say?" He shouts, cupping his hand over his mouth.
Thea: slowly waves her hand out toward the crowd nodding her head as if she had proven a point. " you see they would rather fight then let some one get the chance at their power." She smirks at the heros while walking down toward the crowd. 
Thea: (c) The crowd pushes back showing alittle fear toward Thea, she leans over toward a child to young to know whats going  on and hugs her. "I just needed to prove a point to you people, You trust this halfbreed you know nothign about." 
Thea: (c) " as if he is leading you to salvation, but it's only to tribulation." The people look back in forth between Thea and the group. " They would rather us act on my threats then for my organization to rebuild your town, some hero's" she 
Thea: (c) holds her hand up to her mouth as if she had mad a mistake. " but know not the ones you followed down here, they wouldn't want you to fight a battle that could get you killed, but wait they still want to fight for power so they do!" 
Thea: (c) Her shoulder shrug up again. "but don't worry we won't do those things i said, because your heros will hurt you enough for all of us." she nodes to a lady as she walks through the crowd. " we will pick up the peaces when they are done" 
Thea: (c) "If you trust nothing from me, trust that we will pick up the peaces after they have shattered a city already hurting." her gaze drifts over toward Shim  " shim wusha" a smile crawls across her face before placing her hands onto her hat 
Thea: (c) her image flickers before she gone, Thea repears in the ship looking down at the console watching the so called heros and people down below. <Smual> " You didn't have to go through all that you know?" Thea makes a low smirk 
Thea: (c) " Yes i did, just like those fools followed that halfbreed, my seed of doubt will cause that city to split in two. confusion and chaos just the way i like it." <samual> " oh and we tracked that girl she was silly enough to fly toward the other
Thea: (c) "and?" <Samual> " we got spys and trackers all on them? you sure it's smart to be starting wars like this?" Thea shoulders start to shake as she laughs at the thought of what shes done. " Makai, yes this is the right way." 
Serenity: release some of her energy and doesn't transform right away.  She just nods at her child who was very much like herself when she was her age.  She just closes her eyes and keeps her senses open all about her, keeping track of all the powers within
Serenity: (c) New Hope to see who would fall.  If a friend was to fall, she would go and assist them, but she didn't want to interfere, making things worse than they already were, 'Much hostility and yet another power joining the fray, this is getting out o
Serenity: (c) of hand, so I must stay back and hopefully it will settle itself.' she thinks as the sun peeks through the darkness a bit, glistening off of her silver her and golden weave that is her daughters hair, a cold wind blowing about the forest, maki
Serenity: (c) making them both shiver a bit as a rumble could be nearth from the southeast, but it was not thunder she heard.
Shim: - "...What did she just say? I got lost after 'worry'." Suddenly, the androids were upon him. He understood immediately what was to be done... Shim grunts, releasing the full force of his power in a scintillating aura of crimson flames. The halfbr
Shim: (C) halfbreed's musculature expands, causing his shirt to rip open, buttons flying in all directions, as he the androids swing at him. He narrows his eyes, a great, heroic shine on their pure blue surfaces, as he unsheathes Perpetua, slicing the a
Shim: (C) slicing at the androids in the same motion. Electricity and wire flies in all directions as the Dragon Alliance tools are sliced in twain! What a man! Shim is then bathed in their clear oil, his shiny and sexular muscles glistening sex appeal.
Shim: (C) And the peasants rejoiced...
Oafy: throws his zanbatou above himself, whipping his cape to one side as he steps forward to the crowd. "Like a true agent of Dragon Alliance, she leaves before making good on her threats. Don't let thoughts of uncertainty spread amongst yourselves!
Oafy: - Their alliance is a shaky one. It makes idle warnings to gain power over the frightened," he explains, as the kessoku blade falls into its sheath, his cape returning over the spot. "We provide you the safer road. Let us fight for you,
Oafy: - keep the devil at bay." Patting the back of an older man, he continues to walk through the wave of citizens. "Their presence will cause suffering, and pain..." His eyes travel to a pregnant woman, nodding as their eyes meet. "Oppression and
Oafy: - intolerance, my black brother," he half jokes to a darker man. Speaking out loud to the whole group, once more, he continues. "New Hope City is yours! It is damn well time we all act it, and reclaim it!" More cheers erupt, followed by applaudes.
Oafy: - People liked being played up, and told they were great. Oafy was there to tell them these things, and assure them it would be alright. 'It's okay now... I'm here,' he imagines himself petting a frightened squirrel.
Essex: frowns as Thea flees the scene. He grabs his arm again and limps over to Oaftres, panting for breath and falling onto his knee again. "Thank you." He says to the man, fighting to his feet
Essex: (*) again. "Dragon Alliance sent those droids!" He shouts, leaning down and picking up a piece of metal, handing it to a man. "See? They're only out to destroy. They make their alliances
Essex: (*) solely on brute force and empty threats..." He falls to his knee again, a bit of blood running from the corner of his mouth.
Shim: - He heard the words of his friends and understood immediately. He cast the crowd a great grimace... "Yes, these are the same bastards that took from me my mother." He let out a long, honest sigh. "Never a waterfall did drop more than my eyes did 
Shim: (C) did that sad day..." He shook his head, overcome with grief. A collective 'awwwww' resounded from the masses. The crowd listened intently. He was the image of the perfect hero; a glistening bodybuilder covered in scars, his chest emblazoned wi
Shim: (C) with a glorious tattoo. And those eyes could bore holes into the blackest of hearts. "Those bastards are heartless I tell you... Let those who have been here for years, bled and hurt and died for you remain at your side through this."
Oafy: lets the weeping die down a little from the masses; Shim's sad story had touched many hearts. Many were, regardless of the story, stirred by his ending words, and doing what people did, as the style at the time, clapped. Oafy shifts a sideways
Oafy: - glance to his partners in awesome. Both Shim and he grab an arm of Essex's, helping to prop up their 'injured' friend. "We rule, or what?" A whisper is shot to his friends, as they stand on the steps of City Hall, the Phoenix Blade and the
Oafy: - Kessoku zanbatou raised high in the air, as if saying 'Fuck Yo Couch!' to the evils that be.
Arslanon: lets go of the girls hair, her limp body falling to the ground. She lay there, tears streaming down her face, ashamed of what Arslanon had just done to her. "It's a shame... really, that you're such
Arslanon: (*) disgusting and vile creatures, you humans..." He reaches down and grabs her by the hair again, lifting her up and cupping his hand over her mouth. The girl squints her eyes, her screams
Arslanon: (*) muffled by Arslanon's hand. "Shhhhhh, don't scream, it's all a natural process... you're put here for my entertainment." He pulls her close to his body, her naked skin against his. He places
Arslanon: (*) his face against her shoulder, smelling along her neck. "Mmm..." The girl begins to cough underneath his hand as her eyes roll into the back of her head. He grins as he continues injecting
Arslanon: (*) his poison into her mouth, beginning to melt her internal organs. He closes his eyes as he feels her life leave her body, his long proboscis-like stinger snaking from his wrist down her lifeless
Arslanon: (*) throat, plunging into her stomach as it begins to ingest her.
Zhang: cackles in insane glee, "More! MORE! This is DELICIOUS!" Zhang downs bottle after bottle of fine wine in an expensive restaurant, one of the few well-enforced dineries in the whole of New Hope after the creepy ghost incident and angel-evacuation
Zhang: -x- non-sense. "Make it FASTAH! I needs me shum moar of thish!" After several hours of drinking up an ineffably expensive tab, Zhang looks around curiously, "You eshpeshct me to pay thish bill?!" Snickering quietly, Zhang shakes his head,
Zhang: -x- "You should pay me for shuch a rediculoush requesht!" Zhang stands up and assumes a sloppy fighting position, thrown off balance by his drunken stupor. Three bouncers confidently approach him, expecting to make easy work of him and take
Zhang: -x- the bill out of his face, though they were gravely mistaken. In a drunken rage he shrugs off each of their blows, and throws mighty swings of his own, each carrying the crushing force of a wrecking ball with the accuracy of a brain dead,
Zhang: -x- coked up, hyper caffeinated, Jack Russell Terrier. Through a few moments of brawling and battling, Zhang emerges victories, carrying a few extra bottles from the distillery out of the restaurant out into the brisk morning day. Squinting and
Zhang: -x- using the bottle as a visor, Zhang takes a moment to let his eyes adjust to the sun. "I think I feel like a dingo ate my baby or something, because I've never been this drunk before in my life, and I just want more.
Arslanon: finishes the girl, lowring his arm and tilting his head back, letting out a content sigh. "It's time..." He says, raising his arms to his side. He lowers his head, the segments of his carapace darkening
Arslanon: (*) as the muscle underneath bulges, a blood red mist steaming from him. He throws his head back and screams, his muscles forcing his carapace to break off, blood pouring down his body as the
Arslanon: (*) exposed blood vessels throb. He laughs loudly, a new carapace forming over the flesh, hardening instantly. "Yes.... one step closer..." He turns, popping his neck and rolling his shoulders.
Helios: *After several moments of severe consideration, Helios nods to the librarian. "Yes. I will need to sign up and also would like to borrow these two books." He beams a smile to her, as she also nods her head,
Helios: (*)*Very Well. Just a moment* She nervously says, quickly beginning to type away on her keyboard, gathering all possible information about Helios as she can, so she can create a new account for him. He looks around
Helios: (*) The room, wondering why such a once beautiful place, could have turned this bad. Maybe she thought Helios was one of the criminals who had wrecked havoc upon this place, whom also seeked out these current books?
Helios: (*) But, he wasnt to judge. He silently walked around the room, occassionally nodding his head as she continued to gather his details. His gauntlets made thumping sounds as he walked. Perhaps the outfit he doned
Helios: (*)Gave her such a fright? The blood stained armor, and thick gauntlets, aswell as a large sword, which seemed to glow a bright crimson, every time Helios's hand had made contact. But what he knows for certain
Helios: (*)Is the fact he is one step closer to finding the runes, and also, gathering more information about his past, his...origion...
Helios: *The librarian nods to Helios, *I'm done. Please, there is a deposit of 10$$ for the first 3 hires.* She notes, quickly looking to the ground in fear of Helios's reaction. He smirks, "Don't be so afraid.
Helios: (*)While i'm here, nothing will harm you." Again, smirking, he removes a satchel bag which was formly located on his armor, around his waist. "I'm not entirely sure how much these would fetch
Helios: (*) But where I am from, you could atleast purchase several houses, and still have enough for thick armors, and enough protection from pirates." He grins, untieing the satchel and allowing quite
Helios: (*) a few gold nuggets rain upon the librarians desk. She couldnt believe her eyes, looking as she heard the gold pour down, as if it was some sort of parade *What...how...okay...* She could
Helios: (*) barely speak, not knowing what to say. *Please, keep the books. I wont need them now. I think these will give me enough to get off this dantly place*. She quickly stood up, gracefully
Helios: (*) taking the satchel from Helios's hands, and placing the gold back into it. Soon after, she quickly runs out of the library, yelling *Freedom! Alas!*. Helios shrugs his shoulders
Helios: (*) Carefully grabbing the books, and begins to walk outside aswell, but something was amiss. He could sense something, somehow, not too far away, something was brewing.
Xerokine: -*- The early afternoon sunlight filtered through the haze of vapor rising from the artificial waterfalls. The famed city of water, Aqua Polis, was considered one of the wonders of Earth. The tall, blue-sided skyscrapers were 
Xerokine: -*- extraordinarily built over a wide river, constructed on massive bridges that spanned the gap. The river could still be seen, rushing beneath the web of walkways and streets suspended over it, turning the great turbines that powered 
Xerokine: -*- the entire city. Waterfalls rippled down the sides of the buildings, creating a perpetual haze and constant drizzle of water droplets onto the streets and sidewalks. Against the railing of one pedestrian walkway, looking down at the 
Xerokine: -*- great river below, a man in a black cloak stood. His hood was pulled forward, shrouding his face save for his eyes, which shined like two points of burnished gold. He leaned on the railing, head tilted downward, as if looking for 
Xerokine: -*- something, or perhaps waiting for someone.
Serenity: slams the door of the new Earth Government building in frustration and anger after having a senate meeting, which did not go at all well, "Idiots, New Hope is failing, financially and physically and they refuse to do ANYTHING." she says to herself
Serenity: (c) shaking her head.  The people she took with on her exodus were doing well, had food, had water and the tunnel to their new home was almost half-way done already.  Thu sun glistened off of her lovely silver hair, despite her blue eyes showing s
Serenity: (c) she was very upset, almost in tears over the decision of the senate and earth's worthless presidential figure.  She walks over and sits on a bench for a few minutes staring out over the way.  Her train was scheduled to leave for several days a
Serenity: (c) and she had thought about taking a small vacation, assuming the government would send relief to New Hope.  'I should have known that'd be too good to be true..' she thought and letting her mind wander as the beautiful crystal water seems to he
Serenity: (c) help take her stress and anger away, even for a short time.  She says people out in the mid-afternoon weather, which was cool, refreshing and sunny.  Children were playing and seemed happy, those that weren't in school.  Adults were going abou
Serenity: (c) about their daily routines and seemed happy, completely oblivious to the events happening in a city that could easily be their fate.  The sounds of the water combined itself with laughter, people working, shops selling whatever manner of objec
Serenity: (c) objects they had and even street vendors peddling their wares, "Peaceful..." she says softly.
Greg: -*- A slender man walked briskly across a walkway that graced the city of water, Aqua Polis, a clear mist hung at the feet of those who made their way to and fro, the constant motion of feet making it difficult for the mist to settle at any given 
Zhang: exits the building shortly after Serenity does, his jet black, slicked hair shimmering in the blistering hot sunlight. His thick, not black, suit bears down upon him heavily as it is nearly water-logged with his sweat. "Damn scorcher..."
Greg: -*- A slender man walked briskly across a walkway that graced the city of water, Aqua Polis, a clear mist hung at the feet of those who made their way to and fro, the constant motion of feet making it difficult for the mist to settle at any given
Greg: (C) point. Why someone would like to live in a city where there is water literally everywhere was a mystery.  However, some definitely preferred it as opposed to it's polar opposite, New Hope City, off in the deserts and what-not.  The slender man
Greg: (C) hands were tucked away in a blood red overcoat as black, knee-high, boots stomped forward in their trek to ... Where? There was a man on the walkway, seemed to have nowhere to go at that very moment.  A man shrouded in a dark hooded  
Greg: (C) cloak.  Most people would consider a dark hooded cloak to be an ominous sight, and truth be told, most of the regular people were taking an active role in avoidingthe dark figure.  The man in the blood red long-coat on the other hand 
Greg: (C) had no such inclinations as to avoid this lone figure, he in fact, had arrived to this meeting... late.  Xerokine would undoubtedly be very displeased with his partners tendency to be fashionably late but then again, Xerokine seemed to
Greg: (C) always be displeased and Greg was a huge man-whore who had a flare for the dramatic.  Being fashionably late was just one of those things he did a lot of, "Mr. Caeruleus." He says in a greeting tone as he leans against the walk-way next to
Greg: (C)the man in the dark hood, "Beenwaiting long?" Greg flashed his shit-eating smile to the man, as was typical of him, and here merely waited for the inevitable spout of verbal poison that would come spewing forth from the hooded mans mouth.
Serenity: checks her makeup, doing a few minor touch up's on herself before putting her compact away.  She gets up from the bench and walks towards one of many bridges over the vast waterfalls of the city, leaning on a railing as she heard the large turbine
Serenity: (c) below the city working, providing power to the city and outlying areas.  She smiles weakly, resting her chin on her hands with her elbows on the the high railing overlooking the beautiful lakes below, far below.  "Being in such a beautiful pla
Serenity: (c) place makes me think back to a time when everyone was relatively at peace and people weren't always trying to destroy us or each other.." she says to herself, thinking about her daughter and her grandchildren with fond memories. Lost in her th
Serenity: (c) thoughts, she didn't sense either Greg or Xerokine, something she would have normally spotted right away if she was paying attention to her tingling senses.
Xerokine: -*- The man's grin was hidden in the shadows of his hood. "Who can tell, in a place like this?" he replied blithely, gesturing toward the sky. The haze from the river below and the waterfalls swirled around like a thick fog, making 
Xerokine: -*- the sunlight scatter and refract until it finally reached the streets. Whether it was morning or evening, it was all the same. "Though I'd think you'd be on time to a meeting that you called yourself," Xerokine remarked, finally turning to 
Xerokine: -*- face the red-coated man. "What was it you wanted, again?" The black-clad Saiyan casually ran a hand through his hair, brushing back his hood to reveal his features. A rather young looking face with piercing golden eyes, a clean-
Xerokine: -*- shaven chin and a mouth that seemed to settle into an expression of arrogant superiority easier then most people smiled. "Something about Techagi Industries, wasn't it? About time you restarted that. Draconian Enterprises is 
Xerokine: -*- already doing fairly well, even with the disasters in False Hope City."
Greg: chuckled lightly at Xerokine's commentary, it wasn't until the "False Hope City" reference that Greg actually busted out in full laughter over it, "Apologies, apologies..." He said through chuckling episodes as he wiped a few imaginary tears
Greg: (C) away from his eyes.  A mere gesture no doubt, "I was on my way here when I walked past this veritable jewel of a human woman and I got...a little distracted for a while.  You'll just have to excuse me for my hedonism, I saw no point in
Greg: (C) passing up an exquisite opportunity." He grinned lightly back to the man and clasped his hands together, "Nice joke by the way. But yes, I've decided to get the business back up and running again.  However I'll be doing it from here
Greg: (C) this time around as opposed to that terribly dry and dull city.  I find it enjoyable here, the sun never shine's too much, it's never too cold and everybody gets wet all the time.  It's a veritable Garden of Eden." Greg grinned again
Greg: (C) flashing a pair of canines that weren't human in the slightest, "Besides with all the rucus going on in 'New Hope'-" The words drip with a veritable waterfall of sarcasm as they slide off of Greg's tongue, "-why would anyone want to
Greg: (C) start a business there? Chaos can be good for business, but in small doses.  These whole 'phantom city' thing is not something I'm interested in being involved in at all. And besides...with all the fuss the humans have been causing over
Greg: (C) the um...stunts that are being pulled at that place.  Well..." Greg tilts his head up to look into the misted sky, "Let's just say this a bit more free reign here."
Serenity: shakes herself free of her thoughts, knowing she had to keep her wits about her, "I suppose, I should get some supplies and store them at the depot until I leave." she says, turning around to take a few steps before stopping, "Odd..." she says cal
Serenity: (c) calmly and softly, "I didn't feel it before, but it's there, danger.." she says, quickly pulling out her MSC and activating it, "Scan area, match power signatures." she says as the device flashes to life, a holographic map of the area coming t
Serenity: (c) coming to life before her as the device does a sector by sector search.  Several minutes pass with nothing, "Am I that stressed where my senses are off?" she says before getting a small red signature not to far from her location, "Got it!" she
Serenity: (c) says, the signature of the power matching someone she's had contact with.  She closes the device and puts it in her jacket pocket, 'Mr. Caeruleus, I should have known..' her thoughts whisper as she ties her long hair into a long ponytail and h
Serenity: (c) hovers up into the air and over the railing of the bridge and slowly decending into the mists, 'Time to see what he's up to, he's a hard man to read.' she thinks with a smirk, admiring such a well-worded adversary and not aware of who the othe
Serenity: (c) other power is.
Xerokine: -*- A grimace passed over Xerokine's face at his companion's words. He turned to lean on the railing, frowning down at the coursing river below. "That 'phantom city' could become an annoyance," he pointed out. "Or it could vanish 
Xerokine: -*- tomorrow. The lack of information about it is what annoys me the most." The man scowled, his pointed eyeteeth glistening in the scattered sunlight. "The so-called 'ghosts' don't show up on any sort of reading. I don't even know 
Xerokine: -*- how we can see them. There's no radiation coming from them, and they don't react to any stimulus. It's like they aren't even there." Except they were there, was the unspoken thought. Which was the entire problem. "I've heard 
Xerokine: -*- that the government officials from Forlorn Hope have vacuated here, in case the phantoms prove to be hostile. And the papers said a few thousand civilians have just vanished. Probably killed, but of course they didn't say that." A 
Xerokine: -*- long sigh escaped him as he brushed a strand of wet hair out of his face. "I'm amazed how they keep this place from being covered in mold." His amber eyes drifted across the roiling mist. "What are your intentions for Tee 
Xerokine: -*- Aye?" Xerokine asked offhandedly. "Draconian will probably be going back into technologies. Weaponry, civilian designs, robotics, vehicles, that sort of thing."
Greg: merely shrugged in response to Xerokine's concerns about the 'phantom menace' that was perpetuating within the walls of New Hope.  He had done enough dimension spanning for his own tastes personally, it was an area of research that had ended
Greg: (C) up costing Techagi Industries millions in finances as well as the loss of several brilliant minds.  It was Techagi's ingenuity that had allowed Xerokine and himself to bridge the gap between dimensions to avoid the utter destruction
Greg: (C) of their previous one anyway.  He wasn't about to re-instate that lost project any time soon, "Anyway..." He says in an dismissive manner, obviously trying to shift the conversation away from dimensions and 'ghosts' and what-not, "Techagi
Greg: (C) Industries will again be going into much the same fields as it did before, genetic engineering, pharmaceuticals, weapons design...You know, the usual.  I'm going to leave my dimensional projects on the back burner indefinitely.  However,
Greg: (C) I will be adding on the addition of cybernetics and bionics." Greg hrms lowly to himself, "What about other news? Last I heard, you had a rather substantial bounty on your head.  You and that ignoramus, Oaftres, that is.  Something about
Greg: (C) an orphanage burning to the ground?"
Serenity: hovers near the two men, catching small pieces of their most recent conversations and easily responding to Xerokine and Greg both, "The people are are an exodus if you must know..." she snaps and then crosses her arms, "Not bad enough you two deal
Serenity: (c) in blackmail, but your industries research and development will be used to finance crminal activity no doubt." she frowns, shaking her head and sighing.  "In either case, I've done some minor research on these phantoms and given our knowledge 
Serenity: (c) of dimensional rifts and some heavy calculations, I may have some theories." she says, landing on the ground next them with a soft tap and leaning against a wall, staring at both men with indifference.
Xerokine: -*- A low chuckle escaped the cloaked man's lips. "Actually, it's just Oaftres. Originally, the entire fiasco was blamed on some human girl, but apparently the investigation learned that Oaftres was also involved. So the girl got off with 
Xerokine: -*- community service, and Oaftres has a bounty on his head. I, of course, wasn't involved," he added, an amused glint in his eyes as he turned around, sketching a mocking bow to the new arrival. "And speak of the she-devil. Techagi, 
Xerokine: -*- may I introduce Serenity Tsukino. I have had the pleasure of being bribed by her on two separate occasions. No doubt once Techagi Industries is up, you'll have the same joys." The black-clad man turned back to the railing, 
Xerokine: -*- leaning on it as he peered down at the river. "As for the phantoms, there's no research to be done," Xerokine continued scornfully. "This has never happened before, and there's no way to study them." He didn't feel like 
Xerokine: -*- repeating his conclusions, but if he didn't, she would spout some nonsense she didn't understand. Humans. "They don't give off any measurable amounts of radiation, they don't show up on any sort of scanning equipment, they 
Xerokine: -*- have no physical or ethereal displacement, and they can't be affected in any way. I don't even know how we can see them in the first place, unless it's some sort of dimensional overlap." He hummed a tune to himself, thinking about that.
Greg: raises an eyebrow at the young female specimen that had just graced the two men's presense, in a rather non-plushed manner though, "Serenity Tsukino, eh?" Greg gives the woman an unusually long and drawn out once over.  Except...it wasn't
Greg: (C) really a once over so much as a 'few-times-over', really. "Tsukino...Tsukino..." Greg loves from the woman to Xerokine again and says in an idle tone of conversation, "Hey, isn't that the name of that girl that you-" Xerokine merely
Greg: (C) nodded in response to the half-finished question, "And then you bronzed - " Another curt nod of agreement, "And now they are hanging in your office...?" Once more another nod.  Greg looked back over to the woman that he had been partially
Greg: (C) introduced to and smiled a very large, business like, smile of greeting, "Why hello there Miss...Serenity was it? I've had the priviledge of...engaging people who are obviously of the same relation on multiple occasions.  Charmed as always
Greg: (C) my dear.  The name is Techagi, Greg Techagi of Techagi Industries, We do the impossible to piss off the competition. I look forward to being bribed by you." Greg gives a slight bow of the head to the women, that same shit eating
Greg: (C) grin plastered across his face.
Serenity: rolls her eyes in disgust at their idiocy and moronic attempts at manipulation, "A pleasure as always Mr. Caeruleus.." she says, looking Greg up and down before extending a slender hand, "I am Seantor Serenity Mikomi." she says politely, "Tsukino 
Serenity: (c) is my daughter's foster family name, not her real one and certainly not mine.  I would think your friend here would have done more research than that." she says with a smirk, and a bit of contempt.  "In either case gentlemen, I am not here to 
Serenity: (c) throw accusations or cause trouble.  It seems that New Hope City is the focus of a lot of turmoil and interest of late, especially regarding these phantoms." she states, pulling out her MSC and flipping it open, "Open files, NHC-P1" she says a
Serenity: (c) as a holographic image pops up, mostly of the phantom tower and the ghosts that seem to be near it. "As you can see, these are the friendly 'phantoms' we're speaking of.  They cannot be sensed, touched, scanned, or otherwise interacted with ph
Serenity: (c) physically." she says with interested, "This leads me to several possibilities.." she clears her throat and continues, "First, they could be spiritual apparitions we can visually see meaning no amount of physical interaction or scanning equipm
Serenity: (c) equipment can pick them up, possibly the spirits of people long dead.  I find this highly unlikely given the circumstances of their appearance though." she says, the holographic image doing a closeup of the phantom tower.  "Another theory is t
Serenity: (c) that a small rift into another space-time reality or dimension opened up, allowing astral or 'ghostly' images of people from those realities to seep into our physical world.  We may be witnessing the daily activities of people in another reali
Serenity: (c) reality that we can sense, but not interact with." she shows real footage of the meteors that could have easily destroyed the city, "These came from somewhere, I'm guessing a dimensional rift, which means if the rift gets larger, there could b
Serenity: (c) be a serious chance these people could die in their reality or start 'living' here, which could obviously mean a lot of hostiles right on our front doorstep." she finishes, letting the men watch the images for another minute before putting the
Serenity: (c) MSC away in her pocket. "I suggest we work together on this one gentlemen.  You both have industries in which we could research a watch to try and spiritually sense or even communicate with these ghosts." she nods at Xerokine in particular, "P
Serenity: (c) "Plus, I own stock within your company so any technology that we could develop to help us would surely make your and your investors that much more wealthy." she says, turning to Greg, "If you assist, I'm sure we can find a way to buy your tech
Serenity: (c) technology, allowing you a profit." she says, appealing to their business-like minds and ideals.
Xerokine: -*- gemstart "What does your owning stock have to do with anything?" Xerokine wondered from his position on the pavement, sitting cross-legged with his back against the railing. "The fact that new technology makes money is a bit obvious, 
Xerokine: -*- isn't it? Go fish," he replied to Techagi, who was sitting down a few feet away. The cards were laid out between them, each holding a hand. "Besides, you have no reason to think this is related to a dimensional rift. You don't 
Xerokine: -*- even know a rift exists, much less if it will get bigger. Even if you're right, it's far more likely that it would get smaller. Wounds tend to heal, Mikomi," the man pointed out, with no small amount of contempt. "You're forgetting to 
Xerokine: -*- consider the source. A meteor that nearly crashed into the planet and then was destroyed, breaking into dust. A far more likely conclusion is that the so-called phantoms are a mass hallucination, or caused by some ambient 
Xerokine: -*- radiation left over from the debris. Got any twos?" Xerokine tched as Techagi responded in the negative and drew a card, looking over his hand consideringly. "Besides, if we really cared about this mess, we would team up to 
Xerokine: -*- investigate. Why involve you?" he asked pointedly. "You're related to people we dislike, you've been nothing but trouble, you have nothing to contribute. No funds, no technology, and no knowledge. If we're talking dimensional 
Xerokine: -*- rifts, then Techagi is probably the most experienced man in this entire quadrant."
Greg: nods in the affirmative to most of Xerokine's commentary and chimes in his own additional tid-bits of information, "Indeed.  I dedicated a large portion of my companies previous financial security and some of the better minds that the
Greg: (C) planet had to offer to a project involving dimensional exploration.  Have an aces?" Xerokine blinks up at Techagi and with a look that seemed to say 'I'm going to stab you in the face now.' Xerokine handed over the Ace of Spades to Greg.
Greg: chortled delightfully and looked up at Xerokine, "You remember that total moron, Spade? Wonder what happened to him after that whole 'Heart attack and evaporation in a sewer' gig.  Anyway..." Greg looks over his shoulder towards Serenity and
Greg: (C) continues with a more serious tone, "All it accomplished was a lot of money lost and a lot of good minds gone to waste.  I had to pay a veritable fortune in compensations alone to the families of the deceased scientist.  It was a huge
Greg: (C) disaster.  I had almost given up when Mr. Caeruleus came along and helped me solve the issue I was having, unfortunately it ended up costing us both dearly.  Trust me sweety, you don't want to get involved in technology that
Greg: (C) tries to bridge dimensions, it tends to end rather poorly.  Also -" Greg hands over a pair of three's that Xerokine had asked him for with a long drawn out sigh, "Damn you, Caeruleus!" He shakes his fist at Xerokine threatening, "Um...Oh yeah
Greg: (C) big disaster, bad idea.  I'm not going to send my company into the fucking shit-hole again just to try and make first contact with something I can't even say exists in the first place.  It's why my company is set up here and not in that
Greg: (C) forsaken hell hole of a city."  Greg pulls a card from the pile and sticks it in his hand and just shakes his head, "If you win this time Caeruleus..." He growls a non-threatening un-ended statement.
Serenity: shrugs as she watches the two men play cards, looking over Xerokine's should a little and glancing at Greg, "He's cheating.." she says before stepping back. "Well, if that's how you feel, then I guess my own experiments into these ghosts won't int
Serenity: (c) interest you in the slightest.." she says, shaking her head, "Pathetic, two grown businessmen who are not interested in finding out what's going on, researching technology to fix or it explore it, even though it could make them very wealthy." 
Serenity: (c) she states, crossing her arms, "What kind of men are so rich where they can afford to not get involved with something that could make them wealthy, or more than they are now." she says, shrugging helplessly, "If that's how you really feel, I'l
Serenity: (c) do the research and go to an independant industrial concearn and research center and let them make the money for helping New Hope." she finishes, throwing down an ace into the pile of cards.  She had taken it easily without being spotted, "The
Serenity: (c) "There's more to me than meets the eyes gentlemen, much more.." she says quietly before turning around to walk away. "Oh.." she says, not turning around, "I'm confident there is a rift, so are you, but of course you won't let anyone in on it b
Serenity: (c) besides your close associates but I also have my means and backers." she says sarcastically.
Xerokine: -*- "I swear," Xerokine muttered, tossing his cards down in annoyance. "If this is really a dimensional rift, I'm gonna scream. Do you realize how cliche that is?" The man hopped lightly to his feet, leaving Techagi to gather up the 
Xerokine: -*- deck. "We've done it at least three times. It's getting old." Really, he was amazed that Mikomi had gotten to the rank of 'senator'. She gave up much too quickly, and didn't seem to have any sense of humour at all. "I'd love to 
Xerokine: -*- know how you're doing experiments on something you can't affect," he remarked offhandedly. "But quite frankly, I really don't care much about these phantom things. I'd be interested if it was doing something, but all they are 
Xerokine: -*- is... there. They're not doing anything, and we can't do anything to them. It just doesn't hold my interest." The man shrugged and folded his arms across his chest. "Quite frankly, it would be more fun if zombies suddenly 
Xerokine: -*- rose out of the water, or some huge creature emerged and started crushing things. At least that would be interesting." Xerokine scowled as he leaned against the railing. "What do we get? A green meteor that blows up 
Xerokine: -*- with only minimal damage to the city. Green dust that makes people hallucinate ghosts, who completely ignore them and walk through walls. It's not even an interesting phantom city!" he complained with a frown. "It's another 
Xerokine: -*- ridiculous human city, with more ridiculous buildings and ridiculous people walking the nonexistant streets. Even if it is a dimensional rift - which it had better not be-" he added pointedly. "But even if it is, so what? We get to 
Xerokine: -*- travel to a dimension that's the same as this? Use some idiotic technology that Techagi cooks up to seal the rift? Talk about boring."
Greg: collects the cards up while Xerokine goes off on one of his usual rants about the circumstances surrounding New Hope City.  giving the cards a final once over and nodding to himself he stashes them in his blood red long-coat and hefts himself
Greg: (C) up with a groan before turning and assuming his place back in this conversation, "Seriously? This woman's a Senator? Shit, I thought she was kidding when she said that." He shakes his head and gives a low chuckle at this prospect.
Greg: glances back to Serenity and smirks gently, "My dear, you have to understand -our- situation as it stands.  I'm in agreement with my colleague here.  Those phantoms hold absolutely no interest for us at this very moment. Tomorrow may be
Greg: (C) a different story.  Try to look at it from the business point of view, we stand to lose a lot more money than we would potentially gain on this little venture of yours.  It's just not plausable right now to invest any sort of substantial
Greg: (C) capitol into something that could just...disappear in a week or so.  If they were hurting people, that would be one thing, we could use the good PR.  But they aren't, as Mr. Caeruleus said.  They're just going about doing whatever it is they
Greg: (C) want to do, practically oblivious to the fact that the people in our realm of existence can see them.  So, great, we invest large sums of money, man power, time and effort into a venture that may or may not work at all and we come out with
Greg: (C) ...what? Recognition for doing something that didn't need to be done in the first place? Biiiig whoop-di-fuck.  The costs merely outweigh the benefits at this stage in the game.  It's not worth it, yet.  A person with your..." Greg looks the
Greg: (C) woman up again, "Immaculate business sense must sure understand that.  If we had something to work with, we would work with it, but as it stands.  We have nothing.  LESS than nothing actually.  We have guesses and speculations...those don't
Greg: (C) hold up in the business world that well.  Give us facts, until then there's actually very little we can do at this point.  Even if we wanted to."  Greg crosses his arms over his chest as though to emphasize the point and then raises an
Greg: (C) eyebrow at Serenity as though to say, 'Now what?'
Serenity: smiles with her back still turned to the men, "They respond to spiritual stimuli my friends.  Even if they are astral projections from another dimension or time, they will still respond to certain spiritual stimuli." she turns to face the men, now
Serenity: (c) finishing their game, "What need to do is conduct a series of experiments on how to harness and use spiritual energy for the purposes of using it for a physical purpose, in this case, dealing with this ghosts." she says with a shrug, "It's a l
Serenity: (c) long shot for sure, but what else do we have to go on? Besides, it's better than just sitting around and waiting for whatever happens." as she leans back up against the wall, apparently thinking about the idea more as she waits for Xerokine an
Serenity: (c) and Greg to decide on a course of action.
Xerokine: -*- "Spiritual stimuli?" the cloaked man echoed skeptically. "What, you mean shoot energy beams at them? I'm pretty sure we've tried that already." Techagi muttered something about manifesting a spiritual bodypart and how they'd 
Xerokine: -*- react, and Xerokine suppressed a smirk. "Look, I think all of us have lived long enough that something isn't really interesting unless it's active. Something latent and untouchable just isn't interesting at all." He sighed, tapping a 
Xerokine: -*- slender finger against his chin in frustration. She wasn't getting it. Maybe it was biology. Techagi was a halfbreed, after all. Saiyans had evolved as hunters and warriors, while humans had evolved as social creatures who ate 
Xerokine: -*- mostly grains and fruit. Losing interest in prey that didn't move was a trait many hunting animals showed. "I think that you aren't understanding why the two of us bothered to start our respective companies," Xerokine decided, 
Xerokine: -*- leaning dangerously back against the railing. "It wasn't to get rich or to gain power. It's just a bank. To finance whatever is amusing at the time. A source of fun toys and interesting gadgets. Politics is... boring."
Greg: coughs loudly as though to hide the smirking comment he had made under his breath, "Yes, that's about the gist of it, Senator.  I found the political arena to be way to troublesome anyway, business has all the adventures of politics with just
Greg: (C) a dash more ruthlessness as well as intrigue.  Being underhanded and what not.  It's all just a game though, something to pass the time.  We both simply happen to find a certain amount of enjoyment out of having a business that
Greg: (C) serves the dual purpose of entertaining us as well as providing an adequate service.  It's just fancy though." Greg strokes his cheek with a finger thoughtfully, "Whims and impulses and what not.  I do this cause it's fun! That's really the
Greg: (C) only thing that matters.  These ghosts? Not very fun at the moment.  You must understand that by now, a long existence can get rather boring.  We have to find ways to keep ourselves entertained otherwise we'd be no better than most of
Greg: (C) the brutish, bore-ish neanderthals that simply go around and blow shit up for the sake of showing off their 'awesome power'." Greg blinks and noticed that Xerokine was now glaring at him rather fiercely due to that last comment.
Greg: coughed again and grinned at Xerokine, "No offense."
Serenity: raises an eyebrow, her blue eyes almost smiling at the two men, "Just a big game, which someday you will lose my friends.." she says, staring out over the water. "I have lived for nearly eight hundred years and have seen a lot in that time, as wel
Serenity: (c) as well as done a lot.." she says, "However, it has never been a game.., not with innocent lives at stake.  You may picture people as pawns, life a game, or innocents as nothing more than objects to be destroyed..but.." she says, looking at th
Serenity: (c) them both, in turn "what would you if none of the exsisted anymore, you were alone?  You would have nothing, noone to turn your anger upon, noone to do your work for you, to work at your industry or manipulate or control." she says with a shru
Serenity: (c) shrug before turning her gaze back over the water "You either have not thought of this or have become arrogant enough to think it could never happen, but it always could and can still.., such is the case now." The water glistening in the sunli
Serenity: (c) sunlight far above, the mist being cool and refreshing to her.  "These people may not be as strong in body or spirit as us or others with our strengths, but, that does not mean they are weak by any means.  Of course you two will probably never
Serenity: (c) have the same understanding of them as I do, what with your isolation from them and everything." taking a breath, she continues, her voice light "Without the peoples support, what good is your industry?  Who will you supply your goods to? Who 
Serenity: (c) will buy them if noone trusts you or your company?  Who will want to work for you that you can actually trust and expect loyalty from?  Noone, that's who." turning to face the mean, she leans on the railing carefully "Even if your intentions a
Serenity: (c) are evil, you must act in a good fashion, if for no other reason, than to give your business legitimacy so you can sell the good you produce." she manages a genuine smile, "If we work together and come up with solution, it would give both comp
Serenity: (c) companies a good reputation in the eyes of the people and the government, allowing your profits to soar.  Even if you don't care about money itself, you need it to keep your concearns operational and pay your overheads." she says, putting a br
Serenity: (c) breath mint into her mouth, carefully reading both men. "Personally, I don't care what you do, I can do the research and development of these things myself, I just thought you'd like a chance as well."
Xerokine: -*- "Blah, blah, blah," Xerokine summarized, glancing sidelong at Techagi. "You can tell she's a senator. She just stole ten minutes of my life to tell me that if nothing existed and I was alone, I'd probably be lonely." The cloaked 
Xerokine: -*- man shook his head and turned back toward the side of the bridge. The sun was beginning to set as afternoon sank into evening, the tall buildings already cutting off what sunlight managed to get through the haze rising off 
Xerokine: -*- the numerous waterfalls. With all the vapor in the air, and the river below, the air quickly began to cool. Pedestrians were already pulling their jackets tighter as they walked past the three in the center of the bridge, 
Xerokine: -*- the crowds thinning as people went home from their work and schools. "Certainly things would be boring without anything to play with. But I imagine the same is true for you. With nothing to protect, nothing to save, nothing to 
Xerokine: -*- care for, your life would probably be rather bleak. Or maybe not. I don't know you." His eyes flashed golden as he glanced over his shoulder. "But then, you don't know me. So I guess we're even." Xerokine shook his head again, 
Xerokine: -*- letting a sigh escape his lips and condense faintly in the cool air. "Say what you came to say, and say it plainly. I don't have the patience to listen through another one of your lectures. You don't like us. You expect that we 
Xerokine: -*- don't like you. You want our help to investigate the phantoms. Except we've already investigated. And we've found nothing. At this point, all we can do is wait and see if they do something else. Unless you have some new 
Xerokine: -*- idea on how to reach them, this entire conversation was pointless."
Greg: blinks at Xerokine and then looks back to Serenity and just looks up into the sky and shakes his head, "I think this has to be one of the not highlights of my day, I'm afraid.  Listen Senator..." Greg walks over to the edge of the walk-way and
Greg: (C) peers over the city from their vantage point, placing his arms behind his back in a rather regal manner, "We're going around in circles as it is.  What Mr. Caeruleus has said I agree with in full, he and I have been through enough things
Greg: (C) to know each other that well at least.  We've already done our share of poking around, stimuli or no.  Whatever you've found regardless, we are both fairly confident that sooner or later one of two things is going to happen, either they
Greg: (C) will disappear like some kind of bad dream or something interesting will happen.  However, I personally have found meddling with something that doesn't need to be meddled with has it's advantages.  So Senator..." Greg peers over his
Greg: (C) shoulder in a friendly manner, "We're all on the same page in a manner of speaking.  The only difference is, you're trying to force the end of this scene while we are simply letting it write itself out until the point at which we can play
Greg: (C) a more significant role." Greg pulls out a cigarillo from his long-coat as the temperature begins to drop and lights with with his signature zippo lighter before taking a long drag, "That reminds me...I have a lunch date with a
Greg: (C) Usagi Tsukino.  You remember that Mr. Caeruleus, don't you? I wonder how that will go over..."  Greg gives a sinister grin as a trail of greyish-blue smoke escapes his lips.
Serenity: smiles at Greg, "Touch my daughter and I'll kill you." she states, staring into his eyes, "You are no match for me Greg and you never will be." she says cooly before looking to Xerokine, "Don't start with me, or you too will found it what it means
Serenity: (c) find out what it means to be a ghost yourself." she says, swiping her hair out of her face.  "Fine, you want me to get to the point, I will." she states with contempt in her voice for either man before her "I have reason to believe that if we 
Serenity: (c) can harness one's chi energy in its natural state, spiritual energy, we can directly affect the ghosts, maybe enough to form communications.  With your financial back and technological advancements, I was hoping to enlist your aid to find a wa
Serenity: (c) way to do this." she says, hearing the people above start their evening routine.  Kids being called in for supper, people going home from work, cars honking, and people just standing around talking.  She was fatigued and hungry herself, but ne
Serenity: (c) needed an answer from either man in either direction so she could make plans on way or the other.  She felt a vibration in her jacket, 'Phone call..great..' she thinks, choosing to ignore it as she hopes for some financial and technological as
Serenity: (c) assistance from both companies.
Xerokine: -*- "Calm down," Xerokine said sharply. "If you must know, your daughter was the one who made the date with him. And don't even bother threatening me, or this conversation will end with me having a new trophy for my wall." The 
Xerokine: -*- cloaked man grinned wickedly, letting the evening sunlight glint off his eyeteeth, which looked too long and pointed to belong to a human. "I doubt I could be any help, if that's your plan. Draconian Enterprises is still 
Xerokine: -*- working on expansion, not development, and our product line is weapons, not meditation beads and spirit stones." His tone showed no small measure of contempt for 'spiritual' matters. "If you want to fire more energy 
Xerokine: -*- beams at the ghosts to try and communicate with them, fine. But don't be surprised if you manage to get through by accidently frying them." The man shook his head once more, and glanced over at Techagi. "And you'd better 
Xerokine: -*- hurry up. I've waited long enough for you to recover from that idiocy with your little pet clone, or whatever it was. If you want to have some sexual deviance with Tsukino, that's your affair, but do it after a little bit of training." His 
Xerokine: -*- eyes narrowed as something suddenly occurred to him. "Speaking of which, DeArtair came across my path a few days ago. Around the same time, that imitation Syndicate run by that man, Taz, suddenly collapsed. I don't 
Xerokine: -*- think it was coincidence, and I expect we might be seeing a revival of SynTech shortly. Considering Shim's involvement, things might be getting fun soon, even without these ghosts."
Greg: 's eyes widen slightly at Xerokine's commentary, his half-spent cigarillo nearly falling out of his mouth as he went slightly slack, "DeArtair is back? Well shit...Who would have thought that one, eh? Well, it's about damn time he showed up
Greg: (C) again!" Greg plucks the cigarillo from his lips and exhales a cloud of smoke before looking back at Serenity with a look of indignation on his face, "I'll have you know MISS Senator that your daughter is, in fact, the one who made those
Greg: (C) arrangments outside of any influence I may have had at the time! You're viscious attacks of my character are whole un-warranted and unappreciated, I'll have you know!  Besides, she knew -prior- to her asking me out that I am a dirty, man-
Greg: (C) -whore, and she still thought it was a good idea! So, perhaps you shouldn't be attacking me so much as your own daughter, huh!?" Greg points the half-spent cigarillo at Serenity harshly, "So there, you up-tight buerocrat." Greg plops the
Greg: (C) cigarillo back in his mouth and huffs on it in an indignant manner for a few moments before looking back to Xerokine and seemingly carrying on a conversation like the rant he just went on didn't happen, "So, DeArtair is back, eh?"
Greg: seemed totally oblivious that he had just asked that already, "I sure hope he decides to get his shit in order again.  Shim will probably have an anneurism over it. And if you -must- know, Mr. Caeruleus...I completed my training earlier today
Greg: (C) before that whole 'me being late' thing happened."
Serenity: points her finger at Xerokine, "You will not find me as hard to destroy as my granddaughter you ignorant fool!" she snaps, "I nearly destroyed you once and I will NOT hesitate to finish the job!" she drops her hand and hovers into the air, staring
Serenity: (c) down at Greg, "If I find out you EVER hurt my daughter, Kalen will be the least of your worries for I'll make sure the only thing left of you is dust.  You may feel that you're invulnerable, both of you, but to me you're nothing more than dang
Serenity: (c) dangerous annoyances that I hope I have the privillage of dispatching someday." she says, her eyes glowing with blue fire for a moment before returning to normal.  She turns to fly away before stopping, "Tell your master that I owe him as well
Serenity: (c) for both my daughter and granddaughter.." she says before flying through the mist and then into the orange colored sky above, enveloping her body in a bright white aura and leaving a trail of white energy behind her.
Xerokine: -*- "Well," the cloaked man said lanquidly. "Good thing she's not as hard to destroy as her granddaughter, or I might actually feel threatened." He shook his head with a chuckle, watching the girl fly off in a flurry of indignation. 
Xerokine: -*- "Humans are so easy to rile up. So, do you actually have a date with Usagi, or were you just making fun of what's her name?" Xerokine asked offhandedly, jerking a finger at the retreating form. "Who, I might add, we need to kill 
Xerokine: -*- later. Not because she's a threat, but because she insulted our manhood and should learn some respect of her betters."
Greg: 's face twists into a look of distaste, as thought he had just eaten something foul and disgusting.  He looks back over to Xerokine and rolls his eyes, "I'm all up for a woman saying her mind but damn...That was more mind than I cared to listen
Greg: (C) to at the end there.  I mean, it's not like I'm some lecherous old man who watches "Work Out" tapes all the time and reads girly magazines for the "articles"!  I thought I was being rather nice really..." He looks over to Xerokine and
Greg: (C) nods slightly to him, "Yeah, I think I'm going to actually have that lunch.  She obviously doesn't want it to happen, though for the life of me I can't see why.  And besides..." He looks over to Xerokine and grins his signature grin
Greg: (C), "I think it will be a rather enjoyable dinner.  Most mothers don't like me anyway, they say I'm a bad influence. HA!"
Xerokine: shook his head at Techagi's strange antics. "Do try to keep your hands to yourself," he replied tiredly. "The last thing we need is another pregnant girl with an upstart mother. If you recall, the last time that happened, the 
Xerokine: -*- village of 'Raven's Port' wound up so underpopulated that the surviviors just abandoned the smoldering wreckage and moved on. The place is still an abandoned pile of rubble. Besides, I don't want to have to listen to the self-
Xerokine: -*- proclaimed 'senator' whining at me." He grimaced at the thought. "I'll be going to dinner. Then I'll be picking a fight with someone for no apparent reason. Hopefully, there will be a large amount of property damage and blood involved. 
Xerokine: -*- If I'm very lucky, some of it will be mine. I'm not holding my breath. Have fun." Xerokine pulled his hood forward and waved over his shoulder as he wandered down the side of the bridge.
Usagi: - Aqua Polis. One of the other places that brought back memories for her. Usagi was out and about wearing casual clothing, like a pair of khaki pants with a black tanktop that held well to her form, though not too tightly. She was exploring the wa
Usagi: -c- water city once more, looking for any of the idle differences in the places that she knew before. She had found few, but not anything particularly different from before. The layout was the exact same, and that's just the way she liked it.
Serenity: steps up slowly, softly and quietly behind her young daughter, touching her shoulder lightly, "Usagi, is something wrong dear?" she asks, having sensed her daughters energy after leaving Xerokine and Greg behind no more than a few minutes ago.  Sh
Serenity: (c) She just looks at her daughters golden hair with her bright blue eyes.  The wind was cooling off the mild warmth of the day, the sky a beautiful yellow, orange and blue combination, creating a dazzling and wonderous display in the skies above.
Serenity: (c) The leaves on the trees and the tall grass blow gently as well as through the young women's hair, the sounds of wildlife all about them with the not-so-distant sounds of Aqua Polis and the beginning of their evening.
Usagi: doesn't even turn around to answer her mother as she is tapped on the shoulder. "Everything's fine...just revisiting a place in my memories" Even that hotel where she and Jeckel had that interesting night was there. She was half tempted to rent th
Usagi: -c- the room again. "So, how are you doing mother?" She was finally beginning to sense the powerlevels around her pertaining to those that were strong enough to make themselves known.
Oafy: runs his fingers through his dark red hair, gelled back for a more professional appearance. The look fits with his black business suit, green tie, and dragonesque cohort Essex, also present an accounted for, wearing a similar outfit, though
Oafy: - probably twenty sizes larger to accomodate his mammoth physique. They sit side by side, facing a young female newscaster. The newcasters speaks: "Well, thank you for your time, Mr Kessoku, Mr Lillah. I'm sure the citizens of New Hope City
Oafy: - have a lot to think about before the big vote. And that is scheduled for tomorrow, polls opening at noon sharp." Bobbing her head as she reads off the prompt to check her facts, she returns to the two men. "Oh no, it's us who must thank
Oafy: - you for inviting us to your program!" Oafy says quite honestly, bowing his head lightly. Essex stands up, suddenly out of view of the cameras recording their actions - the television screen would be lucky if it caught him at nipple high.
Oafy: joins the dragonman, as they exchange handshakes with the young lady, and are escorted off stage by a producer. Making their way out of the recording studio, out on a balcony of the news station building, Oafy undoes his green tie. "Well,
Oafy: - what do you think?" He quirks an eyebrow, with a smile. They'd just made the announcement they, Oafy, Essex, Shim, and a fellowship of similarly dedicated super beings, desired to be the foundation of a new government in NHC. Should the vote
Oafy: - turn out positive, they would be responsible for picking up the pieces of the half abandoned city. "Think that reporter had a thing for me?"
Serenity: smiles at her daughter, turning her around to look at her, "I'm always so happy to see you safe dear.." she says lovingly, pushing some of her golden hair out of her face and behind her ear and giving her child a hug. "I didn't expect you to be he
Serenity: (c) here, I was in town to attending a senate hearing and meet with some of my contacts." she says with a smile, "There's soon to be another election in New Hope, not sanctioned by the earth government so I have permission to go back and set thing
Serenity: (c) things right." she shrugs, motioning for Usagi to come with her, "Come with me dear, you can learn something.  Besides, order has to be restored there and I'm popular with the people so if nothing else, I can win the election even with my curr
Serenity: (c) current office, restore order and then assign someone to the office." she says, pulling her daughter along with her as she walks along into the city. 'I can't allow New Hope to be independant, it will start a civil war, things are bad enough w
Serenity: (c) without that..' she thinks, getting a look of concearn on her face.
Arslanon: grins and undoes his tie, pulling it out and unbuttoning his suit jacket, letting it hang open. "Oh, totally." He says, popping his neck and folding his tie, slipping it into his pants
Arslanon: (*) pocket. "But I think the cameraman wanted you more, but that's just me." He chuckles, turns and leans against the railing of the balcony, making sure not to put all his 
Arslanon: (*) weight on it. "I think we've got the cat in the bag, Oaf... it's just we have to keep an eye on that pesky Dragon Alliance." He lowers his arm and puts it on the balcony
Arslanon: (*) railing. "But that's no matter... I've got resources, as you saw, yesterday..." He raises his mechanical hand, flexing his fingers. "I've got more Omega Replica Droids if
Essex: grins and undoes his tie, pulling it out and unbuttoning his suit jacket, letting it hang open. "Oh, totally." He says, popping his neck and folding his tie, slipping it into his pants
Essex: (*) pocket. "But I think the cameraman wanted you more, but that's just me." He chuckles, turns and leans against the railing of the balcony, making sure not to put all his 
Essex: (*) weight on it. "I think we've got the cat in the bag, Oaf... it's just we have to keep an eye on that pesky Dragon Alliance." He lowers his arm and puts it on the balcony
Essex: (*) railing. "But that's no matter... I've got resources, as you saw, yesterday..." He raises his mechanical hand, flexing his fingers. "I've got more Omega Replica Droids if
Essex: (*) you ever need them for a political... thing."
Usagi: looks at her mother again and shrugs. "I don't know, mother...I doubt it would start a civil war. Those that are staying do have a right to govern themselves..." She looks around and smiles again, thinking of past times spent in this city. "In all
Usagi: -c- honesty, you're doing something similar, aren't you?" She almost smirks at her mother but shakes her head. "I think...maybe we should just let them be this time"
Oafy: arches his back, cracking a few joints and releasing tension in his muscles from all that sitting. He sighs heavily, trying to hide a smirk from his lips. "Dragon Alliance... Retarded. That saiyan woman was trying to do a hostile take over. Don't
Oafy: - they realize that only strengthens everyone elses position? I hope they pull the same move. For sure this is our victory soon enough," he admits, pausing to reflect a moment. "But if the alliance shows up again, well... We'll just sit back
Oafy: - and let the landslide election sweep us into government." Bringing his foot up against the same rail Essex leans against, he presses forward, overlooking the city below. "You know, it's a shame we've already decided to politically back each
Oafy: - other, 'Sex... We had a rivalry that never got wrapped up." The latter sentence comes out as an offer more than a statement.
Serenity: turns to face her daugher, who knew next to nothing about politics, and was talking innocently "You remind me of your little girl honey, innocent and with your heart in the right place." she says smiling at her, "However, you have no idea what tha
Essex: tilts his head to the side and grins a cocky grin. "Are you insinuating that we should..." He steps away from the railing and steps forward, bringing his hand to his chin. 'It's true, we hated
Essex: (*) each other... and the rivalry didn't get finished.' "Hmmmm..." He lowers his hand, tightening his metal claw into a fist. "Well... you're very right, but I don't think right now would be the
Essex: (*) most appropriate time to finish it... to... do that one last bout, get it out of our systems, ya know?" He turns back to Oaftres, staring out at the city below, the people living their lives
Essex: (*) as if they were used to the Ghost City overlaying them. "If they see two political allies fighting... they'd be more likely to follow that wench's lead and flee the city, or they'd side with 
Essex: (*) the D.A." He picks something out of his teeth with his tongue and spits it on the grounds. "And we both know that's not favorable to either of us. Besides... I wasn't the only one
Essex: (*) inhabiting my body..." He says, walking forward and poking Oaftres in the forehead. "And you were introduced to my... roommate the other day."
Serenity: (c) that could do to New Hope do you?" she says, pulling out her MSC and showing a screen of imported goods for New Hope City, "Look dear.." she says, pointing things out, "You see, most of New Hope's economy is based off of them importing various
Serenity: (c) goods and services." she says, continuing to scroll down "Also, most of New Hope food, medical supplies and sanitary goods are imported from other cities, meaning if New Hope is cut off from the Earth Governing body.  Plague, other diseases, s
Serenity: (c) starvation and panic will run rampant through the city.  The Earth Government will cut off New Hope City from all imports until the city rejoins the governing body on top of sending troops to try and retake it, making things worse." she says, 
Serenity: (c) shaking her head and closing her MSC, putting away, "Now you see my point?" she asks
Usagi: furrows her eyebrows. "That's a bit of an overreaction towards them trying to simply become independent...how are you sure that they wouldn't simply do the same to wherever you're going? That's way too hostile, mother. And besides, who knows what 
Usagi: -c- New Hope will end up doing...I think we should just see what they're up to for now, mother" She looks down the street at a vendor...the very same hot dog vendor she's gone to numerous times in the past. She had to see if the hot dogs still tas
Usagi: -c- tasted that good.
Serenity: frowns and seems obviously upset at her daughter, "You don't understand anything do you?!" she says angerly before coughing and regaining her composure, "The Earth Governing body will not take independence without their permission, there will be t
Serenity: (c) thousands of deaths before the situation is resolved and then, probably only through weeks of negotiation or war." she says, "Your innocent views are sweet, but they have no place in legitimate business or the shark infested waters of politics
Serenity: (c) she says, shaking her head.  "I need to head to New Hope and assess the situation and take whatever action is necessary to the survival of New Hope and its people and you ARE coming with me.  It's about time you learn and see things that you'v
Serenity: (c) you've been blind too all these years, the same things your child was blind to." she says, taking her daughters hand and hovering in the air, "Let's go, we're going to see what's going on.." she states firmly, not letting her child say no.
Oafy: peers over the rail more intently, making it a point to watch the actions of people walking around the streets. Many were already beginning reconstruction of damaged areas; most continued with their daily lives, however. Yes, the events of the
Oafy: - last few days changed things. But how much did it impact the average person? Yes, resources were minimal, and it was difficult to seek medical services, get food, and so on. Solutions to those were already planned, however. The citizens were
Oafy: - aware of some of their plans, but only minor ones; efforts for reconstruction, and stabilizing the economy. "All true points, 'Sex." He glances back to his friend, smiling a bit. "I dont want to kill you, man," he laughs at this a little,
Oafy: - before dropping it and adopting a serious attitude. "But seriously. I would.. enjoy a 'good-bye to rivalry' duel. Maybe after we've restored the city. And in an off location, of course." He hums to himself. "Unless.. you wanna fight nekkid
Oafy: - in the park?!" With widened eyes, he laughs hard. "Think of the media buzz! We'd have the gay vote no problem!"
Essex: nods. "A good-bye duel would be fun..." He extends his hand to Oaftres. "Right after we restore the city, we'll go to some place that's a gazillion miles wide and could never possibly
Essex: (*) exist on earth but it's right over there." He says, pointing his other hand in the direction of the massive desert. "As far as the fighting naked in the park..." He looks down at the 
Essex: (*) halfbreed and then back up. "I wouldn't want to embarass you."
Usagi: smiled at her mother for a minute before she shakes her head. "You forget mother...I own a business. I know what it's like, and I can tell that there's a better way to do things if people would simply put aside some petty arguments and get what ne
Usagi: -c- needs doing done. You are right though...we're both going, though likely for entirely different reasons. "War? Why would they want to go to war? There's no legitimate reason for the Governing bodies to go to war other than as a show of force" 
Usagi: -c- Her hand was taken, but she raised the other to her forehead, two fingers touching against her skin. "See you there, mother" And with a quick and very light burst of air, she disappears.
Serenity: watches her daughter disappear and feeling her energy within New Hope, "Still has much to learn, that's a waste of energy to use that, especially if you even have a remote chance of combat.." she says with a smile.  She explodes into a brilliant f
Serenity: (c) flash of pure white light as transparent white wings errupt from her back, her silver hair glowing with a silver light, her blue eyes turning into blue fire.  Her slender body radiates a beautiful white light as her physical power errupts grea
Serenity: (c) greatly.  She smiles as she takes off for New Hope City, leaving a trail of pure light energy as she streaks through the sky.
Oafy: jumps off the rail, turning about to confront the 16 foot dragon, his eyes narrowed on him. "What do you mean 'embarass' me?!" Growling a bit, he takes extreme offense; as guys went, he wasn't nothing to sneeze at, in the pants.
Oafy: opens his mouth, preparing to insult Essex, but finds the words unable to take shape. A sore in his neck reminds him he is, indeed, looking up at the dragon. "Hrm.. Point taken." Withdrawing his side of the aborted arguement, he turns his back
Oafy: - to Dragonsex, gazing upon the city once more. "Bet it's tiny for a dragons..." He mumbles nigh incoherently. A powerlevel in the distance catches his attention suddenly.. and another, much further out of the city. They radiated a power
Oafy: could identify a lightyear away. "Trouble."
Essex: smirks. "Well, considering I'm the only one of my particular kind... it's huge, little man." He walks over to the railing and closes his eyes, sensing the new powerlevel. "You're right..." He 
Essex: (*) sniffs the air, shaking his head and snorting. "I don't like the smell of that... want to go check it out." He turns and looks at Oafsex, waiting for his response.
Usagi: pops back into being right in front of her shop, closing her eyes and letting the restraint on her power slip off completely. Anyone with the sense of it would know where exactly to find her right now, and she was hoping that it got someone's atte
Usagi: -c- attention. So she waited for the moment, just looking around and checking inside the shop for damage, of which there was thankfully little.
Serenity: arrives at the city only minutes after her daughter and using only half the energy to do so.  She doesn't land however, but hovers well above the ruins of the Earth Government building in downtown New Hope.  The sun was on its final journey behind
Serenity: (c) the western skyline, slowly dipping the city into darkness.  She was glowing like a bright beacon, a star, in the evening sky, the cross on her forehead flaming with pure white energy.  She closes her eyes and reaches out, trying to sense near
Serenity: (c) -by powers, finding only three, one of which was her beloved daughter, 'She's safe..' she thinks, opening her flaming blue eyes. The people below started pointing up at her, making comments about the angel returning to save them.  She looks do
Serenity: (c) down at them while scanning the city streets with her eyes, looking for Oafy and another power whom she had met only briefly before, "Yes, I am here to help you.." she says softly, more to herself than to those below.  The people didn't want w
Serenity: (c) words, they wanted action and she had to give it to them.  A beautiful crystalline, shimmering, spherical aura surrounds her body, mixing with the bright white energy being emitted from her, creating a beautiful lightshow, 'That should get the
Serenity: (c) their attention and bring them here..' she thinks, hoping they will follow the trail she laid.  She wasn't completely sure what her daughter had planned here, but was determined to not let her get hurt.
Oafy: - Attention darts between the glowing angelic body over the remains of City Hall, a light source that begs inquiry, and the great power off in another direection. The mother and daughter divided for some reason; "Divide and conquer?" It is asked
Oafy: - of Essex, as he nods off to Serenity's location, and then thumbs back toward Usagi's energy signature. "I'll leave the mother in your capable hands, Dragonbeastsex," he says, giving Essex a pat on his back - though because of the difference
Oafy: - in height, it's more of an ass tapping. Leaping over the rail, he begins to descend to the cement streets below. "Keep your cell reception strong, just in case!" With a light thud, he lands on the sidewalk, beginning to advance toward
Oafy: - the electronics store that Usagi was preoccupied within. His walk is gentle, and calm, which fits his business attire; gotta keep the professional appearance, after all, voters were always present. "Usagi! What brings you to New Hope? Forget
Oafy: - a bushel of food behind?"
Essex: hurdles over the barricade and free-falls to the concrete, landing and standing up, dusting off his suit. "Well, well, Miss Serenity." He says, grinning as he cockily walks towards her
Essex: (*) "Back to abandon the rest of the city?" He asks, cocking his head towards the people as they cheer for him. "Simmer down now," He says, making motions with his hands for them to
Essex: (*) calm. "I'm not here to fight, if that's what you're thinking. I have some disturbing news for these people here." He turns towards the people, holding his arms out to the side. "She
Essex: (*) abandoned US! She left the city to rot! She's trying to forcefully make US follow her and her ways, to wherever it is she evacuated the couple thousand people to." He holds
Essex: (*) his arm in the air, making a fist. "I for one won't stand for that, don't listen to her! Don't listen to her lies and blasphemy." He turns back to Serenity and cocks his head up, looking at
Essex: (*) her and lowering his hand. "I know it was wrong of me to do this, but I had to." He holds up his mechanical wrist and pushes a button. "I had an associate of mine... you might know him
Essex: (*) Xerokine, well... he planted a nanobot on you so I could monitor you for political purposes. And this!" He holds his wrist out, pushing another button, the wrist speaker beginning to 
Essex: (*) play a recording. Her voice spoke, though crackled from bad reception. ""Cut off resources... bzzzzt.... civil war.... bzzzt...thousands of deaths.... situation resolved..." He
Essex: (*) pushes the button, turning off the speaker. "Me and Oaftres are here-" He spins around, his suit fluttering from the wind causes by his pivot. "We're here to give you hope! We want to
Essex: (*) make the city self-reliant! She plans on cutting off resources, driving us to become plagued so we're forced to join her! NO! I saw! No! We'll make New Hope city a utopia! A self-reliant utopia,
Essex: (*) we'll build farms! I personally will build a water refining plant so we can have drinkable water! Don't follow her! Her ways.... her ways are evil!"
Serenity: laughs at Essex before pulling out her MSC, "Digital replay, X-G101." she says as the device plays the entire converstaion, word for word, action for action. She continues to hold it in her hand, letting it play over and over again for the people 
Serenity: (c) to watch. They look on, stunned, first at her, then at Essex "Is this true Senator?" they ask, hope in their voices.  She just looks at them, the holy cross on her forehead shining over the area before here "I cannot tell you since you believe
Serenity: (c) what you wish and take actions accordingly.." she says, her voice echoing, "I was wrong to leave you, but I did leave for good.  I left to get the goverment to side with me to help you and if they will not help, then we shall make help us!" sh
Serenity: (c) she says before looking at Essex, "Your friends cannot blackmail me for I cover my own tracks very carefully, I am no fool." she says, waving him off "Go, and tell your masters he cannot harm me or these people and if the government will not a
Serenity: (c) act, then they we will take it for ourselves and be free!" she says with joy as the people cheer, slowly getting behind her and backing her.  She smiles at the man they call the dragon, "You see, I love these people as if they were my children
Usagi: looks at the man that walks up behind her as she looks inside the shop. "Doesn't look too bad..." She turns and smiles at Oaftres and smiles. "Actually, I was thinking about reopening and helping out with the electronics as best I can. Think anyon
Serenity: (c) and I will let nothing harm them.  They have heart, but there are some things even they cannot do battle with, which is where I come in." she finishes, putting her MSC away and glaring at the manipulative man before her, sensing Oafy's power n
Usagi: -c- anyone would mind me doing that?" He did indeed look professional. "What's with the suit? I thought you preferred going bare chested" She said that softer than her other words, so that only those nearby would hear them. "Besides...I don't know
Serenity: (c) near her daughter, 'Go ahead Oafy, touch her and I swear this 'dragon' and you will finally fall..., be a hero, not a puppet..' she thinks, hoping he will do the right thing.
Usagi: -c- what you and Essex are up to. SOMEONE's gotta keep an eye on the two of you somewhere. As long as you two are working for the best interests of New Hope, we'll have no problems"
Oafy: opens his lips, preparing a laugh, but restrains himself. "Actually, I've gotten into the habit of.. looking the role I'm trying to position myself into."  Though he felt an urge to explain this, he leaves it to her imagination, and the media to
Oafy: - inform her. "Setting up shop, though. That's a mighty fine idea." Entering the store further, he begins to examine some computer wires, AC adapters, and older looking computer models. "Ah, yea.. New Hope will need small businesses up and running
Oafy: - at full force, once things get going." He folds his arms, walking further into the store. "Computers will have a big role, too. And USB ports, and.. these," he offers as a sentence, gesturing to a random product. "...Yeah. We'd welcome
Oafy: - your presence with open, and fully clothed!, arms." Pinching the front of his business jacket, he pulls it out to emphasis that he is, indeed, wearing his shirt still.
Essex: lowers his head and shakes it, laughing to himself. He holds his hands out to his side again, turning to the people and stepping back to speak. "But she still abandoned us..." He says, looking a
Essex: (*) women in the eye. "You!" He points at her and takes a step forward. "You were almost the victim of the BloodRed Rapist that's patrolling the night streets, were you not?" "Yes... but..."
Essex: (*) "But what?" "But I was saved by Oaf." "That's right. She was saved by Oaftres, this girl here, Jessica, was saved not once, but twice by Oaftres now." He turns and puts his arm around 
Essex: (*) her, squatting down to make it comfortable on her. He tilts his head and points up at Serenity. "And where was she? She was evacuating the city... she was leaving everything behind 
Essex: (*) because ONE building got destroyed." He steps away  and turns back to the people, raising his hand. "She left us because she's weak! She's afraid! She preaches of making the government
Essex: (*) help us... when she is the government!" He turns and points again. "Be as it may, you still abandoned us! You left us to die! And at the first sign of competition in politics, you come back and
Essex: (*) try to make things right?" He shakes his head. "And where were you yesterday? When the Omega Droids attacked the city? HUH? ANSWER ME!? Where were you!? You say you want
Essex: (*) to help us. You say you want to help 'the' people... yet you're never around..." He extends his arms out to the side. "She's wrong, I am my own master! I follow no one! And we're not asking you
Essex: (*) to follow me or Oaftres! No, don't get us wrong! We're asking you to help us help you! We're going to rebuild New Hope into a glorious city! More so than that of Aqua Polis!" He lowers
Essex: (*) his hands and his head as well, lowering his tone. "But WE can't do it, WE can't do it alone..." He lifts his head, a look of concern in his eyes. "WE need to band together, for US!"
Serenity: raises her eyebrow, saying nothing at first and letting Essex have his little speech, still, the people stayed behind her.  After he's done she smiles, her voice still echoing, "There one thing you forgot Essex, I have already saved this city many
Serenity: (c) more times than you, Oafy or anyone else has, they know my strength, believe in me and know if I left it was for a good reason." she says, producing some files from her purse and gives them to an old mayoral aid of hers, "These are papers, dat
Serenity: (c) dated and time-stamped so you can see what I have been fighting for." she looks at the girls almost hurt, "I am sorry I was not here to help you and I'm happy you are safe.  I WAS wrong to leave, I DID show weakness, but I admit my mistakes, I
Serenity: (c) admit my moments of weakness.." she says with a geniune smiles, "I will rebuild your homes and take back this city even if I must use my own funds to do so!  You are taxed no long, I had our government raise you taxes so you can use your monie
Serenity: (c) monies to rebuild and buy the food and supplies you need for yourselves and your children!" she says loudly, "Listen not to this man for he deceives you!  They want to make New Hope independent, causing the government to stop imports into this
Serenity: (c) city, leaving you starving and without medical supplies.  You must stay within the goverment, let me help you again, let us rise above this, unite, and rebuild!" she says amongst deafening cheers.  She looks back to Essex, shaking your head, "
Serenity: (c) *her head, "I will argue with you not, my MSC has every meeting and conversation logged from my time as deputy mayor onwards.  This is a battle you cannot win, either verbally or physically, take your leave and bother these kind people no more
Serenity: (c) she snaps at him, allowing her old aid to access files on her MSC to see the truth behind her words.
Usagi: smiles back at him and nods. "Alright, then. Give me a day to get my inventory back in here, and I'll keep it closed for a bit to help rebuild. And I already know about what position you're going for Oaftres. And thank you. I'll do my best to help
Usagi: -c- get this city back on the ground" She meant what she said to Shim. She couldn't bring herself to abandon this city. "Oh...and that's a printer" She looks at the random product he pointed at and smirked. 
Oafy: leans in closer to the printer, trying to make sense of the object. "Printer.. eh... It's purpose eludes me. I wont lie." Returning to the doorway of the store, he pauses, turning to face Usagi. "You'll have to explain it to me at some point.
Oafy: - Perhaps... over dinner?" With a subtle wink, he smiles, attempting to be as charming as possible - it wasn't that hard, with his business attire and slicked hair, and jade-like eyes. "I've got to go, though. Not sure you would be interested.."
Oafy: looks down at rubber banded, cheap watch on his wrist. Laughing light, he offers Usagi his arm, his gentlemenly instincts kicking in. "Come. Let's go get the people back from your mother."
Essex: shakes his head, getting frustrated. "Where were you three minutes ago when I said that I want to make the city self-reliant? We want to build farms and a recycling plant!"
Essex: (*) He turns to the people. "You see what she's saying? She wants to persuade you by the talks of money, by saying that'd she tap into her own personal funds to pay for it." If
Essex: (*) she's so concerned, and sorry, then why did she leave in the first place? Then why isn't she doing anything about it yet? Look, earlier today, before our speech, you all witnessed
Essex: (*) me and Oaftres cleaning up the city by ourselves." He holds his hands out, showing his worn and cut up fingers. "You see? She wasn't even listening to me talk..." He turns, "She only
Essex: (*) hears what benefits her." 
Shim: - There was a flicker of light as Shim burst into existence at the scene of the dispute, his back against the outside wall of City Hall. He sneered. "You know its pointless to do this. Those who have fought and bled and died for these people will 
Shim: (C) will ever stop that." The city was still in the air, as far as he knew, and from what he'd gathered in the two seconds since he'd transmissioned to Essex, another battle for power, another battle of words was being waged. 
Serenity: shakes her head, "If I was out for what benefitted me, then why did I take three thousand people on an exodus to start a new settlement?" she says, turning to face the people, "Because if New Hope were to fall, I would have another home to take yo
Serenity: (c) you too!  I do NOT want New Hope to fall, but those that had lost their homes and could not rebuild needed a place to stay and I gave it to them!  I worked as one of you to start this new city and then I went to Aqua Polis to convince the sena
Serenity: (c) senate to give you aid so that we could rebuild and try to retake our city from those that would harm it!" she says, not at all sounding frustrated, her voice filled with hope "If I die, I choose to die here, fighting for you! I would sooner d
Serenity: (c) die for my beliefs defending OUR home, than to flee and allow any more to suffer!  I have already told you I failed you once, but I shall not fail you again!" she says as the people nod to her "She's right, the files prove she's been fighting 
Serenity: (c) for us, to rebuild our home and those she took were the ones who's homes were destroyed.  She did not betray us, she helped those who were in need and now that we're in need she's back!" her aid says while she herself glances back at a frustra
Serenity: (c) frustrated Essex, "Go.." she says to the people, "Find shelter from the night and from this area, quickly.  It is time to start taking back what is yours and mine, to forge our future." she says.  The people, although nervous and scared, leave
Serenity: (c) quickly, abandoning the government district within a few short minutes.  She then turns to face Essex, "Your plan has failed, dragon whelp, your masters will surely punish you for your failure." she states, her aura glowing stronger than ever,
Serenity: (c) "You are no match for me, and I will allow not you or your organization to harm this city or these people any longer!  Should this Dragon Alliance prove to want the same, I shall deal with them as well." she says, glaring coldly at the man "Yo
Serenity: (c) "Your associate killed my granddaugher, so if I were you, I would go before I seek the revenge that is mine by right to take." she smirks.  She looks up at Shim and then back to Essex, unafraid of either man.
Usagi: shakes her head and sighs. "What I'm getting at is why does there have to be a conflict to begin with...can't we both just work together to rebuild this place?" Nonetheless, she took his arm to follow out of common courtesy. "I'll be happy to expl
Usagi: -c- what a printer does, Oaftres. Might be over dinner, who knows" The old phrase apparently was true. Every girl's crazy bout a sharp dressed man. "Lead the way. I just hope things haven't heated up too badly yet"
Oafy: bows his head gratefully to Usagi, his face losing all signs of emotion. "I apologize for anything, ah, unkind that I say," he warns, well in advance as he leads her to City Hall, in a bit of a rush. Up ahead, the small crowd from earlier begins
Oafy: - to dissipate, leaving the city, even passing by Oaftres and Usagi; some onlookers do take notice of him, however. Despite this all, camera crews and reporters remain on the scene, taping every second of what transpires on the square. Having
Oafy: - approached audible distance to his allies, and the senator, he calls out. "Excuse me, but I believe we have.. things to discuss, you and I." His green eyes fixate upon Serena's. "Your mother is stubborn, but she will see the light in time,"
Oafy: whispers quietly.
Essex: -*- "You see that?" He says, pointing to her. "She wants to exact her revenge on ME?! If she attacks me, she's attacking US? It's not my responsibility that asomeone I happen to know 
Essex: (*) defended himself and killed her grand-daughter in self-defenses?" He shakes his head. "Why would you want a leader that exacts their revenge on someone for something 
Essex: (*) someone else says?" He looks back at Serenity. "I told you, I follow no masters... Furor." He points at her again, turning his head to the people. "She's no better that any dictator
Essex: (*) that's ever existed."
Serenity: hovers up off the ground to a high elevation and once again opens up her MSC, calling down to Shim, Oafy, her daughter and Essex "See the truth, all of you!  You are not the only ones who use nano-technology." she says, saying quietly to herself, 
Serenity: (c) "Computer, load playback image RTvXC-001 thru 101, enlarge five hundred percent." She says as the the computer springs to life and show the epic battle between her little six year old granddaughter and a dark cloaked whom all but the people re
Serenity: (c) recognize as Xerokine.  The crowd, those that have not completely left, as well as her daughter, Shim and others witness the battle blow for blow, technique for technique, ending in the death of the child after she surrendered, murdered by Xer
Serenity: (c) Xerokine.  Letting the computer play it back again she calls down to everyone "Is this what you speak of?  Is this self defence?!  Is this your claim to innocence?  If this is who you want to join, people of New Hope, then do so and ask me to 
Serenity: (c) leave and I shall go and leave you to them.  I give you your choice and you must make it now, there will be no other time.." she says, her voice loud and echoing all across the downtown district as she finally puts the MSC away after shutting 
Serenity: (c) it down.  She looks down in disgust at Oafy arm in arm with her daughter, but pays it little heed 'She is an adult and must make her own choices..' she thinks, waiting for the people to make their choice for good or ill.
Usagi: - If anything else, watching the battle between Xerokine and Rini only served for Usagi to grip Oaftres' arm harder. "Please...no..." She watches the entire fight, not daring to turn away before she closes her eyes and turns her head away from it 
Usagi: -c- after the killing blow is delivered. She starts to sag to her knees, only being held up by her grip on Oaftres' arm, which is steadily weakening.
Oafy: allows Usagi's grip to release, only to put an arm around her shoulder, drawing her to his chest, hoping to hide the sight of her child dying from her. "Shhh.." Patting her back softly, he tries to comfort her the best possible without losing
Oafy: - focus on the political strife. "Serena, come here. Now." With a tone loud, but not yelling, he commands Serenity to the best of his ability to come within indoor speaking distance. A white aura washes over him, and incidentally Usagi, before
Oafy: - echoing outward, a streaking ripple gliding along the street. It encounters various people and objects, but does nothing; however, the camera crew begins to experience difficulty with their equipment. "Please?"
Essex: shakes his head and crosses his arms, stepping to Oaftres' side and looking up at Serenity too.
Shim: - "People like you disgust me." He spat. He was glaring directly at Serenity. "You haven't changed a damned bit. Undermining actual accomplishment with your government job from the seat of your office. Yes. Impressive." He cracked his neck. "So. H
Shim: (C)  "So. How many scars have you accumulated over your years of turmoil and struggle as a politician? God knows, you guys are some hardcore sumbitches." Shim spat, sneering.
Serenity: just holds her hand up to Shim, having no desire to even deal with him, let alone the patience.  She hovers down next to her daughter, removing Oafy's arm from around her and replacing it with her own.  Her voice is soft and caring, "It was someth
Serenity: (c) something you had to see and it hurt me as well, but I cannot being to feel what you must be feeling Usagi." she says, almost crying, "Come..., let us go.  The people will decide what it is they want." she says, picking her child up and look t
Serenity: (c) looking to Oafy and then to Essex, "Speak what you will and be quick about it, my daughter needs time in contemplation to deal with her loss properly." she says, wanting to spend no more time at this place to give herself, her child and the pe
Serenity: (c) people of New Hope time to think, and reflect.
Yoko: Stares out at the long lines forming around the block from the people that were tired of all the fighting and was looking for some sort of structure in their life that wouldn't have to do with high powered fights.  others were talking about 
Yoko: (c) whats happing on the other side of the city, people could be heard muttering about how Serenity can't just come back and try to take over while others felt she had a right to come back and had earned their trust. But a very select few 
Yoko: (c) were in line signing papers to join the dragon allaince building campaign to keep the city alive.Yoko Smiles and nods pointing on the paper spots for the new recruits to sign on at. "Right there, yeah you got it." Several other 
Yoko: (c) low ranking members of Dragon Allaince could be seen walking back in forth from a ship to a tent supplying food and shelter for those who have lost their homes.  Speeches could be heard in the background about how things must change
Yoko: (c) and connot stay the same. while others talked about plans for rebuilding the city and turning it into a true gem for the universe.
Usagi: closed her eyes as tears almost fell, yet not quite so. She knew Rini was dead, but the manner was...unexpected to say the least. "Everyone...just go away..." Her signature wavers dangerously from minimal to a healthy powerlevel several times befo
Usagi: -c- before she simply blinks out once more...afterwards, her signature practically winks out moments later, heaven only knowing why.
Oafy: lowers his gaze to the cement streets for a minute, feeling a rather rude instinct building inside; he holds it down. "Serena," he sighs with exaggeration. "You're right." Tossing his arms into the air, Oafy acts very much the words he had just
Oafy: - uttered; giving up. "You win. We've got lots of resources at our beck and call, but you clearly have the advantage. Our.. associates have seedy backgrounds, and are not as pure as others are," a gesture towards Serenity. He hangs his head down,
Oafy: - grumbling a bit, before speaking again. "But.. this doesn't mean we cannot benefit each other. You keep mentioning your pull in the government. The EARTH government." His hands begin to move in the air, trying to show some sort of imaginary
Oafy: - diagram to Serenity now. "You're clearly making your way higher into the government.. We, clearly, want to stay here. We have a lot of benefits to offer the other... Consider it, before trying to start shit..."
Essex: shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "Hey, Oafy, I'm gonna be at the bar man. See you there later? Good." He sighs and raises his fingertips to his forehead, blinking out of existence.
Oafy: listens to Serenity's response: "Take the city, make it whatever you want and do what you will with my daughter, she can take care of herself apparently.  I will honor my grandchild alone and leave you to whatever fate you have in store.  I am
Oafy: - not giving up, merely withdrawing to let you have your way.  I will start anew elsewhere.." Serenity disappears in a flash of transmission, her powerlevel disappearing completely off the map, hardcore style. Just then, a sudden buzzing in
Oafy: 's breast pocket catches his attention. Withdrawing a small cell phone, Oafy flips it open; a text message. "... 'We need to talk'... Sounds.. sexually inclined. I'm going to transmission to the coordinates sent with the message, heedlessly.
Oafy: - Come with, Shim?" Surveying the landscape around him, he nods once, his form fading out of existence in a blur of dark shadows. Reappearing deep within woods, he leaves his power unmasked, making it rather easy to identify him from afar.
Oafy: eyes a nearby cabin, before looking upward to the moonlit night sky. "Well..." He says in a hush, before shrugging. "HELLO?!"
Usagi: - The area was dark, surprisingly enough. The cabin was dark except for one lone light in the house. The door was open while the wind whistled through the trees. Dark clouds gathered overhead signaling the coming storm...though one had to wonder w
Usagi: -c- what kind. Most of the woodland animals had already found shelter, leaving the forest around an empty and hollow place.
Oafy: looks around cautiously, not liking the feel of the cabin and woods; it reeked of the three bears. Sighing, he presses on, deciding his suit would not forgive him if it was caught in the rain. Creeking through the door, Oafy pokes his
Oafy: - head into the cabin. "Hello? We need to talk, apparently..."
Usagi: hears the entrance of someone and the sound of someone standing on the floor can be heard by the creaking of the woods. Usagi walks out, looking like she's having a bad day, though no tears stained her face. "Did you know?" One hollow question for
Usagi: -c- the moment. She stares directly at him, trying to lock gazes with him to get him to tell the truth. "Did you know it was Xerokine, rather than whoever the hell Xregg was?"
Shim: shrugged, placing two fingers to his forehead. The air around him distorted as he focused his ki. And then, he appeared, hands clasped behind his neck, a foot behind Oafy. He adjusted his shades at the sobbing woman, who he immediately recognized 
Shim: (C) as Usagi. She must still be sore about the picture that Serenity evidently doctored. How else could she have gotten the image, being that she wasn't present?
Oafy: lowers his head, shame quite obvious within him. "I did not see it for my own eyes.. But.." Trailing off, he tries to find the proper words. Hestitating, he adds: "Xerokine didn't make it a point to hide the fact he did it." With a sigh, he backs
Oafy: - away a little, closer to the door. "Listen, if I'm not welcome anymore.. I understand completely..." He whispers, just then noticing Shim behind himself. Holding his hand out, he tries to get the message to Shim that they may have to leave.
Usagi: looked at them both with a fierce intensity. Tears were gone from her eyes as she stared at the two of them. "So why didn't either one of you have the balls to tell me...why let me believe a lit like that?" Anger is slightly in her voice, though i
Usagi: -c- it only sounds mildly directed at the two of them before her. A low rumble of thunder can be heard as the storm signals its approach. "Why...wouldn't you at least let me know that truth?"
Shim: - A look was shot at Oaftres as she spoke; it said, 'what the hell is she talking about, dude?' He'd only met the girl, Rini, one time. And she'd almost died trying to save him from Treyce's random attacks. Shim wasn't really sure how to react, as
Shim: (C) he began to put the pieces together from what he'd heard in the past ten minutes. Xerokine was a strange man, random, completely insane even. But to kill a child? Surely, there had to have been some outside motivation, something to trigger suc
Shim: (C) such a heinous act. "I... Didn't know."
Serenity: appears over the forest and smirks, looking down at the cabin and feeling the powers within, "Pathetic weaklings, all of them.." she says with contempt, no longer bothering to mask her power.  An aura of transparent, black energy surrounds her as 
Serenity: (c) blue lightning arc and crackles throughout it.  Her silver hair blowing widly and chaotically within the aura as the now inverted cross on her forehead glows with a dark, evil light.  She yells down to the trio "Pathetic weaklings, you brag ab
Serenity: (c) about how heroic you are when you're nothing." she yells, "Usagi, you disappoint me..if you wanted to see Rini that badly, allow me to send you to her!!" she yells as holds her hands outwards, a pitch black ball of energy forming and engulfing
Serenity: (c) her hands, growing and crackling with power, "Unholy Explosion!!" she screams, releasing a huge beam of dark, evil, crackling energy at the cabin.  Her thoughts had been corrupted, she had felt betrayed, alone and now it was time for revenge. 
Serenity: (c) If she could not acess and kill Xerokine, she would kill any living thing she could find that dared rise up against her, even her pathetic, worthless child.
Essex: -*- A flash, a loud crackle, a roar, and a blast of fire. That was all that was heard as the forest lit up in flames around them. In the center of the flash was Essex, the Dragon King, muscles
Essex: (*) rippling, standing a a massive twenty-five feet, his wings spanned out as he snorted, bits of flame coming out of his nostrils. "BLAZING WILDFIRE!" He shouts, opening his large
Essex: (*) draconic mouth and unleashing a barrage of fireballs, connecting with her attack to hold it back.
Oafy: scratches the back of his head, sighing at the allegations he and Shim were being charged with. "I.. er, listen.." A radical spiking energy, followed by a second, tells him then that pain was coming in the form of psychotic Serenity, and dragon
Oafy: - based lovin'. "Ok, this'll hafta be QUICK!" A blazing black aura consumes him, as eyes glowing white, his green eyes twinkling a little, as his muscles become ripped, but not drizzled in baby oil - he left that for Shim. "I never had a chance
Oafy: - to explain to you what happened because we never really sat down and said 'speaking of the death of your only child...!', so really, blame me if you want, but I had my reasons for NOT bringing it up at the time!" Gasping hard, he tries
Oafy: - to fill his lungs with air. Not giving it a second thought, he nods to Shim, knowing him best to play the hero in a dangerous situation such as this. "Dont fight back, Usagi.. Dont worry." Leaping out the doorway, he charges to the top of the ca
Oafy: cabin, and hovers there. "Serenity, you're freakin' out.. This is your own doing!" Doubling around the clashing energies, Oafy flies at Serenity from her side, wielding a lead pipe he'd procured from his pants pocket, hoping to slam it into her sk
Oafy: - skull.
Shim: - A hand reached out grasping Usagi by the collar of he shirt, and throwing her to the ground. Shim flew into his mystic transformation, throwing a barrier of energy around his body, and allowing it to absorb the brunt of the damage. He narrowed h
Shim: (C) his eyes at the woman, as he spoke with venom in his tone. "She's weaker... She's your -DAUGHTER-." He allowed his aura to pulsate around him, forcing more and more ki into his barrier. His hair shot straight up, blood red, as he ripped off hi
Shim: (C) off his shades to reveal his pure blue eyes. "Just leave, tool."
Usagi: sensed it coming. However, she was far too weak to fight this little happenstance at the moment, though she had several people jumped in line to her defense...Essex, Shim, AND Oaftres all went to try and defend or stop the threat at its source whi
Usagi: -c- while Usagi landed on her butt behind Shim and his barrier. "Mother, what are you doing?!" Lightning cracks down nearby, sending a thunderous boom through the forest as the rain starts falling down in earnest. The blaze set alight by Essex's e
Usagi: -c- entrance immediately starts to simmer as the downpour keeps going, perhaps even blunting his attack slightly. Surprise registers across Usagi's face as lightning arcs in the sky, showing the fury of mother nature. "Why are you attacking us?"
Tiernan: - Showers of light lit up and settled the sky creating a deadly aurora borealis to behold. Explosions and concussive waves of energy, tainted with the heat of a wildfire threatened to squelch life from forest - a gentle child cries out to her mother,
Tiernan: - and Tiernan is there. He, only a dark silhouette against the darkened sky. Lightning crashing, thunder pealing, he watches - awaiting his brother's next move.
Serenity: gets hit with a pipe by Oafy, denting the pipe and making her attack slip a bit.  That pipe from Oafy did hurt, but she was determined, she was betrayed and someone would die for it!  She releases her attack and dives at Oafy, letting Essex's atta
Serenity: (c) attack speed past them both, "Katsu Tenshin Amaguriken!!" she screams, unleashing a fury of lightning fast punches at Oafy, her sai's in hand. "I do it because you betrayed me!  They're all liars! They all work for Xerokine, they're evil, all 
Serenity: (c) of them and I will kill them all and I will kill you for betraying me by joinning them!!" she shrieks, no longer even concearned about defense.  If she were to die, it would be after she took as many with them as she could, 'Forgive me Rini, i
Serenity: (c) it must be done, they MUST pay.' she thinks, blood seeping from the wound to her head.
Essex: holds his arms out to his side, his aura radiating heat. He closes his eyes and takes a breath, focusing his ki. "Hey. Shim." He says, calmly, the heat cloud around him getting warmer. 
Essex: (*) "Wanna introduce her to my favorite chinese dish?" He pulls his hands to his chest, forming hand-seals, his arms igniting on fire. "The Dragon and Phoenix?" He grins, a barrier of 
Essex: (*) fire blazing up around him. "Let's show her why we're the Bloodstained Hurricanes."
Oafy: does his best to play a strong defensive game, swiftly moving between Serenity's onslaughter of furious assaults. The majority however do land. "Fuckin DIE!" Oafy roars, sending a powerful backhand to the woman, before following up with an
Oafy: - upward knee aimed at her gut; he quickly withdraws, repeating the motion, targeting the same spot each time. Following this, he sends a flurry of punches with his right at her neck and head, hoping to strike something that might bleed.
Shim: - For now, Shim followed the movements of the madwoman with upraised hands, prepared to hurl at her a rather enormous ball of crimson ki if she got too close. Usagi's life, however fickle and insignificant, was in danger. And his devout tendencies
Shim: (C) pulled at him and demanded he stand in the way of the lunatic. Sometimes, he wished he didn't have such obligations, but they had guided him down a fairly pleasureable path thus far. "Try not to get yourself killed, kid."
Usagi: - "Kid?" Then again, he's got a point. Despite her steadily growing power, she was way out of her league here. "Just...don't kill her if you can at all help it" Usagi furrows her brows before she whispers softly to herself. "No...mother...what are
Usagi: -c- you doing?" She looks certainly confused as the fight continues to go on. "I'll...try not to, Shim" Despite her weakened abilities, she puts her hands in front of her as a barrier of white separates herself from the others. It was pathetic com
Usagi: -c- compared to what Shim had put up, but it was the best she could do currently.
Tiernan: 's eyes narrowed sullenly. "So you've become a proud warrior, have you?" he spat, quietly, to himself, in the darkness. Pulling his mask over his nose and chin, then donning a hood he silently drifted closer to battle. 
Tiernan: (c) Curses and yells screamed from inside him, but none of them bubbled to the surface. 'You'll pay for the lifetime of suffering and servitude I'd had to suffer...' he murmored in the dark recesses of his mind. Pay... with blood.
Serenity: takes the hits from Oafy, doubling over but standing back up again, blood running down her face from several punches, "Is that it?!! Have you nothing more?!!" she says grabbing Oafy by the throat with lightning speed and tossing him towards the gr
Serenity: (c) ground, covering his body with black bolts of energy before he slams into the ground, weakened and hurt, but alive.  She then turns, blood oozing from her nose, mouth and numerous cuts on her face, towards the cabin.  She disappears for a mome
Serenity: (c) moment and reappears inside, facing Shim and her daughter who looks on helplessly.  She gets a tear in her eye a she looks at her daughter, "A life taken, for a life given..my child.." is all she says before holding her right arm towards Usagi
Serenity: (c) as a black and blue colored light forms in the palm of her hand, "KAMAEHAMEHA!!!" she cries out, releasing the wave of dark energy at Usagi, catching her in the chest and throwing her back through the cabin, through the back wall and imbedding
Serenity: (c) her into the cliff under which the cabin was built.  Usagi appears lifeless as she falls to the ground, her body still smoking from the attack.  She turns to face Shim, her voice a whisper, "Do it.., finish it.., for her.., let her have her re
Serenity: (c) revenge." she says, waiting patiently "They are powerful when together, they can do what I cannot, release me..." she finishes, closing her eyes as her dark aura disappears.
Shim: - Fists clenched, blood spilling down the wrists of the furious warrior, his fingernails biting through his palms. His stomach churned with rage as Usagi was crushed under the force of the wave... She was too fast... It couldn't have been helped..
Shim: (C) helped... Could it? He shuddered. What was this? The fire rose around him. He narrowed his eyes on the woman. Something in those pure blue eyes wasn't so pure. A scream shook the foundation of the ruined cabin. Hell encompassed the warriors as
Shim: (C) warriors as Shim's flaming aura expanded to a colossal size. He rose into the air, eyes rolling up blindly... "Fuck... My best suit." Oafy swore under his breath. He gave a jerk as he was met with the terrible sight, 
Shim: (C) terrible sight, his best friend was completely mad... The more composed of the two halfbreed cracked a slight grin. Overhead. Essex's body quaked, as burning crimson runes carved themselves into his scales. His fists clenched and unclenched as
Shim: (C) as he watched the terror below unravel, smiling. The eyes slid down to meet the woman before him, and within them, hell resided. Oaftres raised his hands, channeling every ounce of his energy into his attack. Essex smirked, as the forest below
Shim: (C) below rested, black as night with ash, cyphoning the fiery energies off from the explosion. Shim screamed at the top of his lungs, releasing his aura in a terrible shockwave that damn near knocked the roof off of the cabin... He launched himse
Shim: (C) He launched himself into the air, and Oafy followed. The three hovered there, like angels of death, looking down mercilessly on the sinner. Oafy's teeth grinded as sacrificed a huge chunk of his life force to increase the strength of his might
Shim: (C)  mighty attack. Black and white energy formed in his open hands. Shim raised his hands to the sky, funneling his own life force into the cradle of his palms... Blood red ki hovered there, and as Shim poured his soul into the attack, blood bega
Shim: (C) began to cover him, seeping from his pores like sweat. "AAAAAAHHHH!!!!" The orb expanded, and was ignited, a cataclysmic orb of fire. There was silence as the heroes hovered there... The calm before the storm... "GO!!" Essex ROARED and from hi
Shim: (C) ROARED and from his great maw a terrible wave of fiery ki was shot, bearing down on the human like a falling meteor. Oafy drove his hands forward releasing a terrible howl as he unleashed twin spheres of white and black that would erase all th
Shim: (C) they met. "&zETHEREAL COLLAPSE!!!&w" Oafy screamed as the orbs combined, creating a monstrous wall of death. Shim lurched back, cupping the ki in his hands... The air around him contorted, reality shifted by the might of the attack. "&RHEART O
Shim: (C)  "&RHEART OF THE PHOENIX!!!&w" Shim screamed, hurling the physical embodiment of his inner fury at Serenity. The halfbreed narrowed his eyes at the woman, before the attacks collided, and spoke: "Turn to ash..."
Usagi: - Life...it was more or less all she had right now. For a moment, Usagi was staring at her mother in the air before she feels her behind her suddenly, turning quickly enough to pull her barrier into the way. It mattered not. The barrier shattered 
Usagi: -c- into pieces as the beam drove into her chest hard, sending her skidding through the ground and connecting with a rather large oak tree with a resounding crack. Her body flew like a rag doll, as of she no longer had control of what her body did
Usagi: -c- did. Bloody and dirty, she lies there...still. But Life continues...a shallow breath, fluttering eyelids...a small and pitiful groan escapes her bleeding lips as she lays on the ground, her mind playing out the battle to her as her senses near
Usagi: -c- nearly overload with the amount of energy. Not even able to stand, and she can still see. She moves an arm weakly, only a few inches, before giving up even trying to stand. She knew what was coming, and could do nothing to stop it. Tears flowe
Usagi: -c- flowed freely now through her dirt caked face as she waited for her mother to die. It seems she was destined to have not a family.
Serenity: looks up at Shim, Essex and Oafy and nods, knowing the end was near.  She closed her eyes and leaned her head back, holding her arms wide, embracing what was to come, "A life for a life.." she says as a single tear escapes her, running down her ch
Serenity: (c) cheek and dripping off of her chin, falling to the floor with a nearly inaudible cling.  She calls back to her beloved daughter, who she knew was still alive "Goodbye, Usagi..." she says with but a whisper so only she could hear, "Do not mourn
Serenity: (c) for my death restores the final piece of the of your soul, to make you whole once again." she says, watching the burning attack come down to her, "Tell her.." she pauses, "Tell her, goodbye for me.." she says before launching herself into the 
Serenity: (c) air straight at the horrific attack, "What I do, I do for the ones I love!!" she cries, pushing the ball of energy high into the night sky, expending a great deal of energy.  Using the very last of her power, she pushes her way INTO the sphere
Serenity: (c) of energy as it burns into her flesh.  Even within the attack itself, the pure, glowing white light radiating from her body could be seen for what seemed like an eterntiy before the attack explodes in a blinding explosion that made the ground 
Serenity: (c) far below shake with power.  As the dust cleared from the great explosion, there was nothing, she was gone and not even a taint of her power was left.  However, something was different, new, a faint power could be felt within the cabin itself,
Serenity: (c) very familiar to Usagi of all people, who still wept silently on the floor.
Tiernan: stood shocked. His advance halted he was struck by the random brutality Serenity displayed, though it was swiftly and brutally dealt with by the triad of titan-warriors. "Hmph. So you've become something too, eh? 
Tiernan: (c) Well, the upheaval will be upon us soon and as..." with bitter irony he smiled, amused by his inside joke, "...as the gods as my witness, you will be the last that I topple, Shim. You will see the ruined world
Tiernan: (c) and it's pantheon shattered. The universe finally free. No longer following - we were born to lead." His last words slightly louder than a whisper he was sure he saw Shim's head turn ever so slightly trying to
Tiernan: (c) catch the last words on the dying wind as Tiernan vanished from sight and scene.
Jeckel: is meanwhile on namek, far far away from all that earth stuff. A couple of nameks, some crazy mystical beans, and all of the such is what he's up to. 
Essex: (*) sighs. "It's gonna be a bitch to rebuild you... but..." He looks at the arm flips open the main console, a red button reading "E.M.P.". He grins and closes his eyes, pressing the button
Essex: (*) button. He holds his arm out to the side, a quiet countdown. "4... 3... 2... 1..." And with that, an invisible wave of energy burst forth from his arm. He lowers his hand and takes another
Essex: (*) breath, looking at the guys. "I let off an electro-magnetic pulse. Old SynTech gizmomiter I picked up... everything electronic in a twenty mile radius is eradicated... including my Swiss
Essex: (*) sighs. "It's gonna be a bitch to rebuild you... but..." He looks at the arm flips open the main console, a red button reading "E.M.P.". He grins and closes his eyes, pressing the button
Essex: (*) button. He holds his arm out to the side, a quiet countdown. "4... 3... 2... 1..." And with that, an invisible wave of energy burst forth from his arm. He lowers his hand and takes another
Essex: (*) breath, looking at the guys. "I let off an electro-magnetic pulse. Old SynTech gizmomiter I picked up... everything electronic in a twenty mile radius is eradicated... including my Swiss
Essex: floats to the ground, powering down and returning to his most human of states. He breathes heavily, the draconic runes on his body fading out. He lifts up his mechanical hand and
Essex: (*) sighs. "It's gonna be a bitch to rebuild you... but..." He looks at the arm flips open the main console, a red button reading "E.M.P.". He grins and closes his eyes, pressing the button
Essex: (*) button. He holds his arm out to the side, a quiet countdown. "4... 3... 2... 1..." And with that, an invisible wave of energy burst forth from his arm. He lowers his hand and takes another
Essex: (*) breath, looking at the guys. "I let off an electro-magnetic pulse. Old SynTech gizmomiter I picked up... everything electronic in a twenty mile radius is eradicated... including my Swiss
Essex: (*) Army Hand." He smirks a slightly smile, sad at the loss of his hand once again. "But that'll take care of any nano-bots or security devices around here, if she were trying to record the
Essex: (*) events of tonight and use it against us in the political race, Oaf... somehow."
Shim: - A look passed between the three warriors, and it was decided, silently, who would approach Usagi first. Shim dropped to the ground, streaked with blood. He was massive, a killing machine. As Essex had said, he truly was a bloodstained hurricane.
Shim: (C) He shook himself free of what he could, blood splashing against the ruined earth. There was no denying that he felt remorse. He eyed the heap of a body that lay there, charred to no end. He'd acted justly. Hadn't he? She would have killed Usag
Shim: (C) Usagi, and now matter how she irked him, Shim couldn't let that happen. The halfbreed dropped to a knee, planting his fist into the ground. His voice was quiet as he spoke, almost a whisper: "She wanted me to tell you... Goodbye." It wasn't of
Shim: (C) often that he felt this way about defending the powerless. Normally, there was a good feeling that tended to follow a victory. He sighed. This wasn't one of those times.
Oafy: follows Shim's lead, gently walking up to the fallen Usagi. The whole situation was a difficult one, but they clearly had no choice. All the while, he knew they were going to further wrong the poor young woman, now injured before them. A sigh
Oafy: - exaggerates his discomfort with what has come of Serena, as he kneels down, cupping his hands under Usagi, lifting her carefully, minding her head. "I'll get her to a hospital back in New Hope. If we're about done for the night.. see you two
Oafy: - tomorrow around noonish? Voting begins then." The quick reminder wrapped in a good night, he gives a two fingered salute, before vanishing in a mist of black. Reappearing in an empty hospital room, he gently lays Usagi onto a stretcher, 
Oafy: - covering her in a blanket. Sighing softly, he takes a seat near the door, folding his arms as he half rests, half stands guard, with closed eyes.
Usagi: - She was trying to make sense of the distorted messages her senses were sending her...but for that brief moment, her hearing was perfect. She nodded softly as tears made small channels down her face through the dirt and mud as the thunder rumbled
Usagi: -c- in the distance. The storm was coming to a close, and she knew something had changed. She was unable to speak, only making a small whimpering noise when she's picked up, so badly injured is she. She disappears with Oaftres, knowing that signat
Usagi: -c- signature in the house that was left...and unable to do a thing about it.
Essex: closes his eyes, his arm hanging limply at his side. He had lost all use of it due to the E.M.P. "I..." He stops talking, opening his eyes and staring ahead, the burnt forest, the charred flooring of the
Essex: (*) forest. "I..." He takes a deep breath and shakes his head. "I can never do that again..." He was sweating heavily due to his body being at elevated temperatures while in the form he was previously
Essex: (*) in. "What happened, Shim?" He says, turning, half dazed. "I momentarily... blacked out, I guess."
Shim: - With a loud thud, the halfbeed fell to the ground, looking up at the sky. Was this something he could forget? He shook his head. No, this wasn't the same as the others. Not at all. The others were all heartless bastards. None of the others had a
Shim: (C) child. "God..." Shim muttered, whiping a dribble of blood from his brow. He wasn't as concerned with what Essex had said, as he was with what'd he'd seen and done. Could it have been avoided? Had there been another way...? Could it have been a
Shim: (C) avoided? He cursed under his breath. Just laid there for a while swimming in the moment...
Essex: stares at the ground and stumbles away from Shim, physically and mentally exhausting from sustaining the most Draconic he'd ever been. "...I... have to suppress that part of me... no more...
Essex: (*) no more... not now..." He shakes his head and falls onto his hands and knees, coughing. He sits up, his arm dangling lifelessly at his side. He raises the fingers of his good hand to his head
Essex: (*) and closes his eyes, mustering the last of his energy to disappear again.
Jeckel: had just stepped off the shuttle to earth when the feel of a recent battle had hit his senses. "Heh, I miss all the fun stuff." he said as he smirked, looking about and floating up into the air to try and get a bearing on where the battle had take
Jeckel: <C> taken place. "The city looks the same.." He began to float away from the city, looking out over the horizon as he wandered about in the air and seeing the nearest signs of struggle, at least his level of struggle, in what seemed to be a large 
Jeckel: <C> black blotch upon the land. As he flew in the direction of the once lush forest, he found it to be nothing more than embers and ashes. He continued his way over the forest, lowering his altitude to get a better view of what may be around. In t
Jeckel: <C> the center of the destruction was a small clearing, or rather, an ashless area and upon closer inspection, there was a body laying there. Jeckel descended upon the body, landing lightly next to it only to see that it was indeed..that guy...the
Jeckel: <C> one that had taken his arm, the one that had taken his victory. "Are you dead?"
Shim: - His eyes slid to the side to meet those of the halfbreed that'd just landed. His expression was one of painful confusion, of a desire to be alone and to think. His skin was free of the blood for the most part, but beads of it still formed in pla
Shim: (C) places. Had he really put that much into the attack? His body couldn't handle many more of those... "No... No, I'm not dead..."
Rini: wakes up with a yawn after hearing some noises outside her room, "W..huh?" she says in a tired voice, rubbing her eyes and holding her stuffed rabbit in her right hand.  She sleepily hops out of bed and puts on a pair of bunny slippers and opens t
Rini: (c) the door to her bedroom and looks around, calling out "Mommy?" she asks, peering around the cabin and seeing significant damage, "Did a bear come in?" she says, holding her stuffed rabbit with both hands as she walks towards the front door of 
Rini: (c) the cabin, the chilly night air making her shiver. Poking her head out the door she calls out again, "Mooooommy..?" she calls out again, but not getting worried yet, 'Maybe she's in her room?' she thinks to herself, 'She usually sleeps through
Rini: (c) anything..' she thinks, pondering as she walks back inside to check her mothers bedroom to see if she was still asleep.
Jeckel: smirked and flexed his right hand into a fist. It felt a bit alien to do so even though his arm had only been gone a few days. Still, it was amazing what a few little green men, a sac full of beans, and enough incentive could do. He narrowed his e
Jeckel: <C> eyes at Shim and held his left palm out towards him, a blue ball of energy quickly sparking up in front of it. He stood there for a few seconds as the ball grew larger as more of his energy was fed into it. "....you know...nearly everything in
Jeckel: <C> my being is telling me to kill you..to blast you away to bits. And I just might." There was a pause. "...just tell me...how do you feel about getting up off that ground?"
Shim: - The halfbreed sighed. A moment of peace at such a time would have been great. Praise be to whatever god sent him Jeckel. ...Yeah, that was sarcasm. Shim sat up, and stood, frowning at the man had him at ki-point. He needed time to clear his thou
Shim: - thoughts, time to think and settle with himself, so he could think straight. However quick a decision it had been at the time, it was proving to be one with less than pleasureable consequences, he decided. Not only was he utterly torn, he was ut
Shim: - utterly depleted, vulnerable to this tool's onslaught.
Rini: stops just after she goes inside, hearing voices outside again and decides to not wake her mother and go outside to check it out, "H..hello?" she asks, looking around carefully, but seeing nothing other than ash, like a forest fire had occured the
Rini: (c) there. "I don't remember any fire.." she says, scratching her head before holding her rabbit again.  She frowns and goes back into the house, 'Maybe I'm just really tired..' she thinks yawning and stretching as she tiredly makes her way back t
Rini: (c) to her bedroom.  Kicking off her slippers she hops back into her soft, comfortable bed and curls up into a ball, covering herself up while cuddling with her stuffed rabbit, yawning one last time. "Maybe mommy will take me to work with her tomo
Rini: (c) tomorrow.." she says, closing her eyes to sleep but not immediately falling asleep, completely unaware of the battle progressing outside her home.
Jeckel: sneered as he watched Shim stand up, his eyes taking in every detail about his speed, his posture, his entire attitude. The ball of energy continued to cackle just inches from Jeckel's palm and a few inches from Shim untill it expanded slightly th
Jeckel: <C> then dissapeared. Jeckel spit to the side and flexed his left hand into a fist then brought it down to his side. "No...I'd rather you be alert and ready for when I do this. If I blasted you away now..you would hardly put up a defense and you'd
Jeckel: <C> be in no position to fight back. Opportunistic..like a vulture. But I won't sink to that level, not in the same way you got to me. Although..I would like an explanation as to why some of your little group of friends seem to know my name when I
Jeckel: <C> have never even met them before. Been watching me? Apart of some counter group in the saiyan army? I will be king of that planet one day, no matter WHAT you people try."
Rini: wakes up, yawning and stretching as the late morning sun peeks through her bedroom window, casting a warm glow.  She hops down out of bed and slips on her bunny slippers before walking out into the main room of the cabin, still a shambles from the
Rini: (c) night before. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes she walks over to the fridge, carrying her stuffed buny with her by its hand. She opens the fridge and makes a simple childs breakfast, a glass of milk and a couple poptarts which her brother tau
Rini: (c) taught her how to make, "Mommy?" she calls out before taking a bit, her legs swinging lazily back and forth on the chair she sat on. "Mommy get up, don't you have to work today?" she calls out, scratching her head, confused as to why her mothe
Rini: (c) mother wasn't responding to her.  Curious, she gets down from the table and slowly opens the door to her mothers bedroom and peeks inside to see, nothing.  The room was clean, the bed made, the curtains wide open and no Usagi.  It looked as if
Rini: (c) the room had been unused in a great deal of time, "M..mommy?!" she says, looking around, now looking a little worried, was she alone and why would her mother just leave her here?
Rini: sits at the table, munching on her poptart and drinking her milk, looking almost broken hearted.  She had no idea where her mother OR brother were and seemed quite shaken up by it all.  It was still early morning, barely nine o'clock and the dew w
Rini: (c) was still on the leaves and grass, what little remained around the cabin.  The cabin itself was fairly damaged, missing a back wall, allowing the air to blow in, making her shiver and cuddle her stuffed bunny.  Who would help her wash her hair
Rini: (c) when she took a bath, who would fly her into town for school, and who would defend her if wild animals or bad people attacked?  All of these thoughts passed through head as she lost her appetite, pushing her meager breakfast away and hoping of
Rini: (c) (spelling) hopping off the chair and back into her bedroom "I suppose I should get dressed and try to make my way into the city where mommy works.." she says, sounding very unsure since the city was a long, long ways away for her and she had n
Rini: (c) no way to get there other than walk, which was dangerous, but she had no other alternative.
Zhang: stabs Shim a few times.
Greg: ruffled his golden blonde hair slightly.  His knee high black boots were rested gently on a large mahogany desk, his ass, which was covered by blood red pants rested quite nicely in a plush leather chair while a half-spent cigarillo burned
Greg: (C) idly within his pursed lips. A pair of jade green eyes peered across the room for which their body that owned said eyes resided.  A pair of arms crossed over a chest that was covered by a long-sleeved blood red shirt and a black body-vest
Greg: (C) that had half a dozen metal clamps running down the center of it.  A grin crossed the lips of this man and a visible sigh of black smoke left his mouth, "Aaaah...it's damn good to be back here.  I missed it, oh so much." One of the
Greg: (C) afforementioned knee-high boots gently clicked an inter-com console, "Naomi?" "Yes, sir?" "Could you see who's on my list today?" "Certainly, sir." "Thanks sweety." A long silence resided within the room as a pilar of smoke was the only visibl
Greg: (C) motion, "Sir?" "Yes, Naomi?" "You have an appointment with Takimoki Pharmeceuticals at noon and an appointment with Mindwerks at six." "That's...it?" "Um...yes sir." "Wow...slow day." The man looked at a watch that flashed a series of digits
Greg: (C) at him, "Seven in the morning...I need to start getting laid on a nightly basis, otherwise I come to work too early..."
Cojan: lifted his head slightly, just enough to look out of his window at the sun that 
Cojan: lifted his head slightly, just enough to look out of his window at the sun that shone in on him. Dust particles floated through the air, only visible in the rays of the sun. He yawned and grabbed a cigarette.
Cojan: (C) Nearly half an hour later he was walking out the door, and flying off towards the benevolent light of the morning sun. "It's been far too long since I ventured into the city, for anything at all. Now, it seems my past will repeat.' he said
Cojan: (C) under his breath, as the wind blew the air of his words into the sky.
Rini: does her best to tie her hair up into two rabbit ears on her head, but doesn't succeed very well.  She was used to her mother doing it and she was nowhere to be found, which was starting to scare her.  She had put on some blue jeans, a white t-shi
Rini: (c) t-shirt with pink sweatshirt, white shoes and grapped a pink and white backpack, filling it with minor foodstuffs, some extra clothes and a few toys.  Grabbing a couple bottles of water from the fridge, she ventured out into the morning air, s
Rini: (c) shivering a bit.  She put on a white hooded jacket before putting her backpack on and began to walk in a westerly direction.  She had no idea which way she was going and hoped that she could find someone who could help direct her to her mother
Rini: (c) She skips along through the grass, humming to herself as her messy pink hair bobs back and forth, the sun casting lots of light, but little actual warmth.
Fenin: -*- Blood trickles down the warrior's brow, and seeps into his eye. The sting is a comfort, reminding him that he's not dead yet. Whatever was holding his feeble body together was waning, and Fenin knew it. There was no way he could compete
Fenin: -x- against a Super Saiyan in this lowly, natural, form for long, and yet he had to. He couldn't let Wu'sha win, not again. He had regained so much, so fast, and yet Wu'sha was still always a step ahead of him. A flickered shade faster, a tap
Fenin: -x- more powerful, and that's all it would take to set them apart through all the tiers that separated them. Their battle had been a musical symphony, the choir the clanging of blades and the percussion their animalistic grunts with each blow
Fenin: -x- and deflection, and it had been going on for a near hour by now. They were both fatigued, and yet neither of them would let the other see it.
Shim: - His body was quaking with fatigue... His long golden locks were streaked crimson with his opponents blood, just as it clung to Fenin's face, a diagonal splatter from the halfbreed's gaping wound. He was breathing heavily. There wasn't much left 
Shim: (C) in the tank... Enough for one more... He was letting it all go... He was going to end it, once and for all. The Super Saiyan screamed, diving at his foe with his crimson blade poised to end it all. The swords collided with a thunderous clang a
Shim: (C) as both warriors were sent skidding across the ground. Engulfed in golden fury, the halfbreed whirled around, swinging hard in the direction of his foe, sending a terrible whirwind of ki his way. 
Greg: took his almost entirely spent cigarillo out of his mouth and squashed it soundly into an ash tray that was definitely a skull with the top section removed from it.  The skull was humanoid in appearance most assumed it was just for show and had
Greg: (C) to be fake, wether that was indeed the case or not was definitely something that was up for debate.  Only one person knew the real answer, and he had just turned around in his leather chair and stood up to walk over to the window that occupied
Greg: (C) a full quarter of the room he resided in. The full-blown reflective window ensured Techagi could look out without anyone looking back in, "Hrm..." His eyes scrunched slightly, "Slow day indeed.  I hope something interesting happens today...
Greg: (C) I'm in a particularly bored mood.  Can't go around just blowing shit up, that's boring.  And these guys from the pharmecuetical company aren't even gonna be around for hours at a time." He sighs loudly, closing his eyes and shaking his
Greg: (C) head, appearing to be highly un-satisified with his current situation, "If only like...a monster came waltzing into the city. Or an undead dragon, or mummies, flesh eating zombies, black monsters with glowing yellow orifices...SOMETHING! UGH!"
Greg: pulled a hand back and seemed practically prepared to punch it right through the window, JUST to prove how bored he actually is.  There was still that whole phantom city thing going on, as well as New Hope election that was supposed to be
Greg: (C) happening that day.  But no, Techagi was stuck looking like a golden spikey haired freak, feeling like going with his saiyan side a little today.  He must've been way bored if that was the case...
Rini: stopped skipping nearly a mile ago and was simply walking, slowly.  She was tired, bored, and lonely having not seen anyone since she left her home over an hour before.  She kicked at a few stones as she walks and ran her hands along the tall gras
Rini: (c) grass on the side of the path she travelled on, "Where's mommy..., where is this city?" she asked herself, looking around and seeing nothing but grass and trees as far as she could see (which wasn't far, she was short).  "I wish I could fly li
Rini: (c) like mommy does, but only heroes can fly." she says to herself with a frown and then looking up into the clear sky above, "I can be a hero someday when I grow up!  Then I'll fly too!" she says with a smile, feeling a bit better, she quickens h
Rini: (c) her pace a bit, taking a drink of water as she does so. Her red eyes showed concearn and worry, but mostly for her missing mother and even big brother, neither of which she had seen in quite some time.  The faint glimmer of a city lay in the f
Rini: (c) far distance, but she could not see it through the tall grass, which was nearly bigger than she was.
Fenin: -*- A flame sparks in Fenin's eye as his aura flares. Shim's blade approaches him, though he remains still, an air of confidence about him. Shim detects the unwavering determination to victor in the battle from Fenin, and knows a ploy is about
Fenin: -x- to be unleashed, though he continues his joust. As Perpetua tears the threads of Fenin's blood and sweat logged shirt, he disappears from existence, appearing behind Shim, hefting Hikaru in mid-swing. The stillness for that instant wreaks the
Fenin: -x- mind of each fighter, Fenin's with anticipation of the blow, and Shim's with endless possibilities of death and only one to save his life. Brilliant sparks shatter the darkness of the midnight scene as Shim twirls his arm, causing Perpetua to
Fenin: -x- cross his back and act as a shield. With a frenzied grunt Fenin withdraws Hikaru and leaps back, preparing for another joust, while Shim straightens himself out, smirking.
Cojan: fitted on his black leather trench coat, taking his time to button it up around himself. He flicked his cigarette as he left his building, having just informed the council why he would be turning almost all of the proffit made over to them.
Cojan: he turned around the corner, blowing out the exotic blend of flavor, poisons, and nicotines he had inhaled from the burning filter of his spent cigarette. Cursing, he produced a pack of them from one of his various pockets.
Cojan: grimmaced as he realized the annoyance. Dropping the pack on the ground he continued walking to his only semi known destination. It was time to drop in on an old friend - "if I could even call him that" he thought bitterly. Their
Cojan: (C) last meeting had not been a friendly one. After a long war between the fighters, Cojan had been mortally wounded. Had it not been for Wu'sha, he would be dead. Perminantly. Years had past though, and most of the bitterness was gone
Cojan: (C), atleast the bitterness Cojan had once felt. How the other man felt, would soon be new knowledge.
Xerokine: -*- As Techagi seethed in his office high above the streets and bridges of Aqua Polis, a shadow covered his window. Then a massive, furred hand burst through the glass like a wrecking ball, giant fingers curling around the startled 
Xerokine: -*- halfbreed. Techagi only had time to say, 'Aw, shi-' before the fingers closed, grabbing the man and hurling down out of the building and down toward the streets below. The colossus was a huge humanoid figure, torn rags of clothes, 
Xerokine: -*- half of his face a scarred ruin, his good eye burning red. It was no Saiyan, for he had no tail or ape-like features, but rather appeared as a massive, hulking human who didn't understand the concept of shaving. Across his back were 
Xerokine: -*- strapped two massive axe-like blades held by crude leather bindings, which he drew as he roared with bloodthirsty rage and began to let out his anger on the screaming civilians and architexture. A few miles outside the city, a 
Xerokine: -*- black blur flickered across the grass-covered plains, briefly resolving into a cloaked man with burning golden eyes as he glanced around, then flickered off again toward the city. Hopefully he would get there before the creature did 
Xerokine: -*- too much damage.
Shim: - A vengeful howl rocked the landscape as Fenin burst forward, his teeth like fangs as he dove in for the kill. Something was wrong, Fenin thought, as a smirk spread across Shim's face. The halfbreed hefted Perpetua high into the air and slammed i
Shim: (C) it into the bare, ruined earth... Dust and grit burst up from the ground in a straight line towards Fenin, a streak of upturned soil and grit smashing into the face of the warrior. He faltered, blinded, and in the same moment, Shim was upon hi
Shim: (C) him, Perpetua making a perfect incision across his chest. He followed through with the motion, grasping the hilt of the sword with both hands, and drove his feet into the chest of the wounded Saiyan, turning a complete backflip. He landed and 
Shim: (C)  and rushed forward for another charge, the tip of his sword dragging through the soil.
Greg: slammed into the one walk-way, it crumbled under the force of the impact, a second one met Greg's body, Greg made sure there was a large hole where he had slammed right through that one.  A third one finally agreed to NOT destroy itself as Greg
Greg: (C) slammed into it...only gave in slightly under the brunt force of the impact.  Greg was...a bit suprised to say the least.  He had just gotten that window in and now he was already going to have to have it replaced, "Sonofa..." He muttered to
Greg: (C) himself as he looked upwards at the behemoth that had decided to target him as it's first victim of the day, "What a ginormous ASS!" He reached back, pulled his legs in tight against his chest and using his hands as a push off, launched himsel
Greg: (C) into a stand position.  His jade green eyes narrowed at the monster, "HEY! Really Big...Um...UGLY GUY! You're going to pay for that fucking window!" Greg opened his hand as, not so much a ball of energy but a mass of dark energy, gathered in
Greg: (C) his hand, "Right outta her fuck'n eye!" Greg launches the mass of energy directly through the hell he had just created and it was greeted with a resounding -BOOM- as it made contact.  Greg clenched his fist tightly in victory, "HUZZAH!"
Greg: (C) The look of dawning epiphatic suprise on his face that followed was one worth the record books as a large AXE came spinning down to return the fuck, "Oh, Fu-" -CRASH!- the axe slices right through the bridge, a blured figure had leaped out
Greg: (C) of the way and to the top of a nearby building, only to materilize itself as Techagi, "Sweet eight pound six ounce baby Jesus..." Greg turned to look at the hooded figure that had materialized next to him, without suprise, "That's a big axe."
Rini: is nearly run over by a tall, dark cloaked man speeds past her as if he's running in the air. Gasping, she calls out, "You're flying! Are you a hero?!" she asks, jumping up and down, trying to get his attention.  His hood was down, and it seemed a
Rini: (c) as if he was in a hurry, "Please, help me find my mommy!!" she asks, watching him keep going, "Please!!  You're a hero, you can help me, I know you can!" she says, calling out to him.  She almost starts crying, he was the first person she had 
Rini: (c) seen since leaving the house, plus, she was tired, getting hungry, her water was running low and she had to go to the bathroom really bad.
Xerokine: -*- The cloaked man skid to a halt, his heel carving a shallow furrow into the dirt of the grass-filled plain. "You have got to be kidding," he muttered to himself, amber eyes fixing on the pink-haired girl who was calling to him. "Doesn't 
Xerokine: -*- anyone stay dead? I swear, the gates of hell must be a revolving door." The man suddenly stood on the path in front of the girl, as if he hadn't bothered with the intervening space. "What now?" he demanded shortly. "An experiment in 
Xerokine: -*- on the lose with my new axe-sword-things, and it seems to be ripping holes in Aqua Polis. Do you really need to die again now? I can come back, kill you later."
Fenin: -*- Panic overtook Fenin as Shim sends him stumbling backwards. His fleeting feet become sloppy, uncontrollable. Earth-shattering echoes howl through the still night air as Fenin struggles to keep up with Shim, who had still been holding
Fenin: -x- something back - hoping Fenin would end the battle on his own. After Shim's onslaught wanes, the two take a moment to catch their breath, Fenin bearing several minor cuts from blows that had bypassed his guard. After a moment
Fenin: -x- Fenin opens his mouth to speak the first words of the battle, "I know there's more to you, Phoenix Knight. Come - show me. You dishonor me with this facade of weakness, I deserve nothing lower than your best." Fenin brushes
Fenin: -x- a blood bound bang from his face, revealing a steely resolve in his expression, "Save your pity for the weak, or I'll kill you." Fenin twirls his wrist, spinning Hikaru about in a circle, then charges at Shim, loosing a blood
Fenin: -x- curdling battle cry.
Cojan: steps only faltered slightly as the huge 'thing' reached inside of a building and threw a screaming man to, or through to be more precise, the street below. A grin crossed the scarred warriors face as he analyzed the situation.
Cojan: - The trenchcoat was shed, and on the ground half a second, if that, later. Swords were drawn, curse words were yelled, and Cojan screamed at the big beast man. 'OI! HEY YOU! PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR... PICK ON ME!'
Cojan: rushing at the beast, dodging a swing of the gargantuan axe the beast was hefting, Cojan reached it in a blur of rapidity. 'Try this on big boy.' he whispered through gritted teeth. Sword blades flashed, and a sword was stuck in the beasts ankle,
Cojan: (C) the other was stuck, up to the hilt, in hairy giant foot. They were out again in a flash as the giant roared in pain. Or was it a roar of annoyance? Cojan never knew, even as the foot drew up, then smashed down upon him. Sending
Cojan: (C) him clear through the street, underneath the foot.
Shim: - The aura around him became more solid, solid golden flames charged with energy. "You're not worth it." He was bluffing, he thought to himself as he flew towards Fenin, unleashing a barage of energy shards from his open palm. He wasn't sure that 
Shim: (C) he could pull this one out. There were very few warriors that could match his battle prowess, and even fewer that could match his heart. He may yet add another to that list, before the night is through. Shim cursed his values, hated his mercy;
Shim: (C) he should have killed the man the day they met. "Let's finish this!!" The halfbreed screamed, Perpetua arching through the air with enough force to rend the man in two.
Greg: raised a curious eyebrow at the sudden arrival of...something that had just stabbed the giant in the foot and had subsequently been shot into the ground BY said foot, "Uh...huh. Well, he obviously sucks." Greg's golden hair swayed gently
Greg: (C) in the breeze that was A - Partially caused by all the comotion that was now beginning to commence, B - a chilled wind from the west and finally, C - All those lovely waterfalls that this behemoth seemed dead set on destroying.  Greg reached
Greg: (C) to a curved hilt that rested on his hip and pulled the sword out of it's unusually shaped sheath.  The sword was of an interesting design, an organice looking curved sword with the blade on the inner side.  As he unsheathed the sword a new
Greg: (C) gust of wind erupted from around him in a spiralling manner before quickly disappating.  The area around him suddenly felt heavy as if the very air had become dense and weighted, just from this action, "Fuck'n throw an axe at me, will
Greg: (C) ya?" His form flickered out of sight and almost instantly appeared on the giants arm, as though the space between the two simply did not exist, "Fuck you, buddy." He leaps to the side, shoving the swords blade clean into the monsters arm
Greg: (C) and using gravity as it was meant to be used.  He slides down the side of the creatures arm, carving a nice red bloody path all the down before letting centrifigal force do IT's work and coming right around the other side and back up.
Greg: lands nicely on the monsters arm, the mauled face a look of suprised shock.  Greg smirked lightly, a chuckle escaping his lips as he merely twisted his sword and yanked it out.  With that action, the red line Greg had carved around the monsters
Greg: (C) arm splashed more blood than Greg probably had in his whole body, into the air.  In a surreal moment, the hand simply...fell off.  Leaving a leaking, gory stump to end off the giants arm.
Rini: gulps as the man before her starts talking about her dying and looks up at him wide-eyed, "d..dead? H..hell?" she says, stamering a bit, "I..umm, that is, no..I don't want to die." she says, looking away fromt he man "I'm just looking for my mommy
Rini: (c) can you help me?" she says, not too worried about some big man beating up a city since she wasn't there and it wasn't affecting her, although she was curious as to see this thing, "What kind of man can beat up a city?" she asks, looking confus
Rini: (c) confused, combining that look with a look of nervous worry.  This man really didn't fit the classic comic book hero she had heard stories about or read about, but she wasn't going to judge him.  He could fly and that by itself meant, in her ey
Rini: (c) eyes, he was a hero.
Fenin: -x- -*- A silvered stream streaks down Fenin's blood riddled cheek as he closes his eyes shut tight. His blade instinctively shoots out straight at the jagged bolts of energy, dancing about them, redirecting them to narrowly avoid him.
Fenin: -x- His voice, hoarse from exhaustion and by his broken spirit resounds throughout the battlefield, "Strike me down with your blade, Phoenix, not your words." Fenin remains staring into the back of his eyelids as Perpetua approaches
Fenin: -x- him. "It's a much more effective killing tool..." The blade sinks into his flesh before Fenin had anticipated, 'So he has hit his limit, then. I should already be dead.' Fenin blinks out of existence, appearing behind Shim again.
Cojan: stood up brushing the dust off of himself. 'Lovely' was all he said as he sheathed his shorter sword, the one that had been in his right hand. 'Time for blood Tsaurin.' The sword seemed to glow, and even hummed as the own tensed up, preparing
Cojan: (C) to jump. Launching himself into the air, and flipping his sword upside down, wielding it with both hands, he met the beast. Only a blur and the flash of light on steel was seen for a moment, then the blood poured.
Cojan: - The wound had been almost precisely where Cojan's scar was. From the jaw, all the way up the face, ending under the left eye. Landing behind the beast, back facing it, he sheathed his sword. 'And so the fat lady sings.' he said,
Cojan: (C) a grin appearing on his warlike face.
Xerokine: rolled his eyes. "Look," he started, then paused with a glance toward the city. "Yeah, okay, I don't have time for this." The cloaked man impatiently grabbed the girl on the shoulder, and both of them vanished in a sudden 
Xerokine: -*- flash of dark light. The two swiftly reappeared along a broken walkway inside the city of Aqua Polis, instantly drenched from a waterfall pouring down the side of a cracked skyscraper. "Heaven for the weather, but hell for the 
Xerokine: -*- company," Xerokine muttered, swiping a hand across his face to get the water out of his eyes. Just in time, for as he stepped out of the falling water, he caught a glimpse of Techagi and some man he didn't know cutting off the 
Xerokine: -*- giant's arm and then running a sword across his face respectively, letting out a spurt of blood from what remained of the creature's nose and a glass-shattering roar from it's mouth. "Freakin'... I always miss the fun parts!" he 
Xerokine: -*- complained, then glared at the pink-haired girl. "I blame you." Without a second's delay, Xerokine darted off the bridge and flickered next to Techagi, giving his new weapon a passing glance before he drew the Silver Dragon and 
Xerokine: -*- sank it into the ape-man's arm. "Nice sword," Xerokine remarked, twisting the blade before pulling it out. The creature roared again and stumbled backward. "Where'd you get it?"
Greg: glanced over at Xerokine briefly, his jade eyes shifting quickly back to the large man that they two of them were currently standing on, "Thanks." The images of the two men flickered briefly only to re-appear with two fists buried...hilt
Greg: (C) deep in the monsters chest.  This forced a gurgled scream from the monsters mouth, the screen was, interestingly enough, accompanied by a large spurt of blood as well.  The two images again flickered out of normal sight, though the blurs
Greg: (C) that were vaguely visible seemed to suggest the two men went in opposite directions.  When they came back into sight, however, they were next to each other on top of a nearby building watching the giant silently.  The giant, oddly enough
Greg: (C) was also quite silent.  The look of dumbfounded shock that was on his face was something worth taking a picture of, only moments later two long trails of blood shot out of the monsters upper torso, forming an "X" formation that went...right...
Greg: (C) through the...monsters body. Woah.  As a quarter section of the monster slid to the side and began it's descent into the waters below the rest was quick to follow, "What took you so long? You're a whole ten seconds later than usual."
Shim: - Shim's emerald eyes gleamed as Perpetua caught the light of the moon. He felt the energy shift behind him before it even did so, and knew immediately what Fenin planned. "So predictable..." That voice spoke, almost a whisper. There was a split s
Shim: (C) second, a single frame that seemed to last for hours, where there was no movement. Fenin raised the Hikaru poised to sever Shim's head with one fell blow... The shimmer of the moonlight slid down the crimson edge of the blade, as he eased his 
Shim: (C) grip on it, reversing the hilt in his grasp, and plunging it back hard with both hands.
Rini: gets plopped down by the strange, dark cloaked man in the middle of some rubble with the sounds of screaming, gun shots, and fighting going on. The roars and yelling of the fighters seemed to shake the very ground underneath her, making her stumbl
Rini: (c) stumble and fall on her rump, "W..what's..going on?" she says, looking around fearfully, this isn't what she had expected by any means.  She looks up, just after Greg sent the bizzare creation into his watery grave, to see a piece of a tall bu
Rini: (c) building falling towards.  She screams, closing her eyes and covering her face with her hands in a vain attempt to protect herself.  In that instant a bright flash of bright pink energy could be seen from the general area where the child was, 
Rini: (c) pushing upwards and easily vaporzing the falling debris.  The energy quickly fades a moment later and after that, she opens her eyes a little and then puts her arms down, seemingly confused and scratching her head, "What happened?" she asks, l
Rini: (c) looking around innocently, completely unware of the burst of energy, but feeling a little tired and yawning.  She stands up and looks around, "Mommy?" she calls out, but to no avail, she was no where close to this place.
Cojan: picked up his trenchcoat, and was gone. Only a suggestive blur gave any idea of where he had went. Neither of the men had recognised him, but most importantly, he could put off his meeting with Techagi. "It would only lead to a fight if
Cojan: (C) I confronted him." Cojan thought, his dark black eyes absorbing the light of the sky he was flying through. He almost veered as he caught sight of the two men standing on top of a nearby building. He changed his mind in a heartbeat,
Cojan: (C) when he saw them, standing there talking. He landed a short distance away from them. 'I don't know if I can say good to see you again, and not be a liar Greg.' he said, lighting up another cigarette. He waited in thought for Greg's
Cojan: (C) response, wondering if the other man would recognise him or not.
Xerokine: -*- The cloaked man shrugged dismissively, his eyes flicking toward the pink-haired girl he had left on the cracked concrete of the walkway. She was yelling for her 'mommy', completely oblivious to the continuing chaos around 
Xerokine: -*- her."Nothing important." His hand blurred as he spun the Tatsujungin in a wide arc, letting the sword slide back into the sheath slung across his back. Another blur and the man caught the twin axes that fell, spinning like silver disks, 
Xerokine: -*- from the sky. They were the blades that the giant had been wielding, but now at a more managable size. Rather then axes, they were more like a curved short-sword, with a wicked edge on only the one side. "Zantetsuken," 
Xerokine: -*- Xerokine remarked, slashing with one, then the other, to get the feel of their weight and balance. "'Steel-bladed swords'. Not the most original name in the world." The second man who had been fighting the giant landed on the 
Xerokine: -*- rooftop a short distance away, smoking a cigarette and saying something to Techagi. Xerokine ignored him. With a sure grip on the twin blades, the man spun and sent both edges ripping toward the halfbreed's side.
Greg: quirks and eyebrow towards the new person who obviously knew Greg on a first name basis.  Which, in and of itself wasn't an unusual thing, being famous kind of made that everyone's right.  Knowing your name, "How annoyi-" Greg's retort to the man
Greg: (C) was cut short as Greg raised his curved blade only to meet Xerokine's dual attack.  The two remained in that position for a brief moment.  Greg smirked to the hooded figure that attacked him, "Restarting your collection..." The two
Greg: (C) figures flickerd before blurring out of sight.  The only hint that the two of them were even still in the area was the sound of metal against metal and the occasional booming sound as well.  Their images would come back into view every so
Greg: (C) often, usually only to disappear a moment later.  Finally the re-appeared right in the position they had started off in.  Pushing against each other they both launched backwards slightly and landed several yards away from the other.  Greg
Greg: (C) rested his curved blade on his shoulder and grinned a toothy grin, his golden hair wavering slightly in the wind, "Good weapons.  No match for Black Orchid, but they'll suit you nicely." Greg glanced sideways at the man who was still
Greg: (C) standing there on the roof, "You're still here? Geeze, the price of being famous.  What do you want? An autograph?"
Fenin: -*- His confidence remains unwavering as Shim's blade approaches, Hikaru would undoubtedly strike first, and if Perpetua sank into his guy then it would be no more than a mere flesh wound, whereas Hikaru would plunge Shim to the
Fenin: -x- eternal darkness, to sleep an eternal dream in the rest which he deserves so much. Then it comes upon him, and in a flash Fenin's hand is stayed, though Shim's plunging sword continues to pick up speed at an exponential rate
Fenin: -x- until it buries itself into his gut, drinking his blood thirstily, as though dousing a parched tongue of a desert raider for the first time after a long battle. Fenin's expression falters for a moment as he blood spills to
Fenin: -x- the dusty ground like a waterfall, and Shim chuckles quietly, torquing the blade with malice. As the blood drains from his body to the dusty ground, Fenin stares at his foe blankly, as though his family had betrayed him. No
Fenin: -x- screams of horror taste his lips like Shim's mother's had, though, he just stares at his would-be slayer with a steeled gaze, bearing an air of contempt. "In all the years we've fought, it wasn't until now it was between
Fenin: -x- ourselves. There was a reason for this, Wu'sha." Fenin's voice is slow and smooth, velvet soft so as not to strain his pierced stomach, "But I suppose things must change in time. I don't think now is my time, though." The
Fenin: -x- wind that had been howling from their explosive powerlevels stills and the dust settles for a moment, and then havoc breaks loose. Fenin's aura shatters the darkness, illuminating the landscape about them for miles, as though
Fenin: -x- a dawning sun was creeping over the horizon. The dust that had finally settled bears a violent upheaval as Fenin's powerlevel spikes, and his aura continues to shine brighter, to the point of a blinding light, and as it
Fenin: -x- fades Fenin emerges a Super Saiyan Jin 2, his eyes jaded and full of conviction. His blood-bathed, sandy, matted hair now stands shimmering golden, daggered and erect, and the various wounds about his body, save for Perpetua,
Fenin: -x- which still lingers in his abdomen, wash away as his aura passes over them. Fenin speaks in a ghostly, silk soft whisper, "It's over, Phoenix Knight." Fenin points his palm at Shim and unleashes a hail of golden energy at
Fenin: -x- him, sending his old friend to the ground in a bloody, smoldering heap. With a firm tug, Fenin pulls Perpetua from his stomach, holding it by the blade. Fenin drops the sword to the side, with a handful of blood, then drops
Fenin: -x- Hikaru to the same side, landing upon Perptua with a loud clan. Smiling warmly, Fenin approaches Shim, reaching down slowly to aid his friend back to his feet, hoping that he had broken his friends will to fight through his own
Fenin: -x- lack of a will to fight, or his new, blistering power.
Rini: walks around and climbs over the top of rubble as she nears where the strange cloaked man was until she sees him and another man attack someone else and then jump onto a roof.  Frowning she calls up to the man, "Mister!  You brought me here, can y
Rini: (c) you help me find my mommy?!" she asks, trying to speak loudly but doesn't seem to be able to overcome the confusion and noise around the area at the moment.  She looks scared and worried, being alone in a big city after some hulking brute tore
Rini: (c) it up fairly well, leaving people confused and scared.  Emergency vehicles were all over the place, people were running around, some even looting the businesses that were damaged during the attack.  She seemed utterly lost and alone as she rea
Rini: (c) reached up a small hand towards the cloaked figure on the roof above her as if pleading to him for help.
Cojan: laughed menacingly. 'Yes. Clearly I am here for an autograph. You must suffer from memory loss. Maybe it was the blunt force trauma of our last fight. Clearly you don't remember, it has been many many years. Ohh well. Goodbye.' with that he was go
Cojan: (C) ne.
Shim: - He was wounded, bleeding profusely. But he was still conscious. And with that, he still possessed the same fire, the same drive. He felt himself being lifted, and set to stand. He heard himself being spoken to, but the words were silent to him. 
Shim: (C)  He'd seen and felt worse... This was nothing. ...Was it? It was less of a conscious decision as it was an instinct, as Shim's first slammed into Fenin's face hard, blood oozing down his busted lip. His head turned with the force of the jab, a
Shim: (C) as Shim retreated, hunched, smoking, bleeding. He wasn't ready to admit defeat; never. "I'm still standing."
Oafy: flips open his sleek cell phone, speed dialing for Greg's cell number, which he apparently has. "Pick up, Techagi..." He grumbles, before returning his attention to the gymnasium sized hall to his left. Hidden behind curtains, he can just make
Oafy: - out the sight of a room full of supporters for their campaign; political backers, random citizens, and news teams make up the population. Humming, Oafy continues to wait for Greg to answer, while eyeing a buffet table in the middle of the
Oafy: - crowded hall. "We're short on champaign.. Who was suppose to be on top of that?"
Xerokine: sighed absently, glancing over the wide blades of the Zanken swords. "True enough," he conceded. "I prefer the Tatsujungin, to be honest, but I thought it would be nice to try something else for a while." Spinning the two axe-
Xerokine: -*- like blades around his fingers, Xerokine replaced them underneath his cloak out of sight and moved to draw his signature blade. "But if you want to have a serious fight to test out your... Black Orchid, was it? - I'd be happy to 
Xerokine: -*- oblige." A moment went by, at which point a loud beeping began to come from the halfbreed's jacket. "Or you could answer your phone. That works, too."
Essex: walks up beside Oafy, talking on his own cell phone. He rolls his eyes and closes it, shaking his head and returning it to his pocket. "I called the guys about the champaigne, they'll be here in
Essex: (*) half an hour, they blew a tire and were too bitch to just walk the three blocks with it all..." He crosses his arms and leans against the wall, looking out at the people. "You sure you want to
Essex: (*) go through with this, Oafy?" He uncrosses his arms, raising his mechanical fist and clenching it. "Mmm.... it's still not the same..."
Greg: blinks slightly as a vibrating in his long coat signified one of two things: Either one of his nightly female aquantances had decided to leave one of her toys in his jacket, rather embarrasing.  Or his phone was ri-yep, that's what it
Greg: (C) was alright. As the ringing commenced to join the vibrating, "Ah...blast it all." Greg gives Xerokine the 'one second' motion with his hand, except he just used like...the wrong finger, and reached into his jacket to retrieve his cell
Greg: (C) phone.  Flipping it open without bothering to look at just who was calling him he yells, "NAOMI!? I thought I told you...No fucking phone calls when a monster is in the city! It's very fucking distracting!"
Fenin: recoils with the blow, more so injured by the gesture than the force of the strike. Fenin turns back to Shim, licking the blood from his lip, before speaking again in his confident, rejuvenated tone, "The fight is over, Shim. We're done." Fenin
Fenin: -x- approaches the smoking halfbreed, his arms at his sides, and his powerlevel drops significantly. The raging tornado amongst the two dies down to a dull wind, rippling Fenin's torn, bloodied, sweat logged clothing, the sand matted to his
Fenin: -x- garbs grinding against his rippling muscles. "Shim - we're not the men we once were, that much is apparent. You're callous, steely - Detached, and me? I'm hollow, and alone. Ruined. But we're still bound by our hatred, you to the injustices
Fenin: -x- around the world, the way the people strive so hard to destroy themselves when you've sacrificed everything to save them, and still pursue that path to this day, and me - well I hate just about everything these days..." Fenin offers his
Fenin: -x- hand to Shim, a gesture of peace, "Let's fight together - let's change this world, this galaxy, and make it better, let's fix this war torn reality."
Shim: - He watched the blood flow freely from the busted lip of the Saiyan, his eyes watching each drop on its way to the ground. The drip-drop, the splatter of the drops, their breaths, all resounded through the plain, desolate landscape, ruined by the
Shim: (C) the horrendous might of their attacks. Shim's fists clenched, his golden hair wavering in a howling wind, blowing the black smoke that rose from his burnt flesh along with the breeze. Echoes of the punch that that had met Fenin's jaw still res
Shim: (C)  resounded over the bare plains. The entire world seemed to go silent, as if focusing on this one moment, a decision that would rock the foundations of Earth. Those fiery emerald eyes rose from the crimson that dotted the earth, to meet Fenin'
Shim: (C) Fenin's. Like cruel daggers, they ripped away the flesh, turned the surface to ash, ripped out his heart and analyzed it... The halfbreed sneered... And the hands met.
Oafy: blinks a few times, having been confused with one of his friends many, many secretary lovers. A loud 'ahem' clears his throat, trying to warn the other on the phone that it wasn't a woman. "Sorry, Greg.. It's Oaftres. Listen, we're about to
Oafy: - win our election, and get voted into power. If you wanna do your whole 'networking for sinful purposes' thing, now would be a great time. We've got a lot of CEOs, community leaders, and other officials present.. And more than a couple young
Oafy: - girls." Snickering lightly, he positions the cell away from his mouth to speak to Essex once more. "If they don't get here with the champaigne before the party begins, we aren't paying full price. Just like pizza, y'know?" He eyes the growing
Oafy: - crowd of men and women, sighing a little. "We are so going through with this. We dont have to be.. officials like any sort of mayor, but.. Well, we could. This is just the first step." Shrugging, he gave Essex a questioning look.
Essex: nods. "I'm just... I'm not used to putting on this facade, ya know?" He slips his hands back into his pockets and takes a step forward and begins pacing slightly. "It's... odd. I'm so used to being
Essex: (*) the bad-guy, not the political leader..." He squints his eyes slightly and sneezes, shaking his head. "Ugh, 'scuse me, not used to being around this many humans since my... transformation,
Essex: (*) they have a rather disgusting smell." He looks back at Oaftres, "Have you ever actually smelled them?"
Greg: removes his phone from his ear and looks at it with an odd mixture of emotions, embarassement was not there though.  He puts the phone back to his face and tries not to laugh, "I'm..." He coughs loudly to cover up a snicker, "I'm sorry, what was
Greg: (C) that?" Another cough interrupts his phonecall again, whatever Oaftres had said apparently amused Greg to absolutely no end, "You're about to be -voted- in? As in...the people...are actually agreeing to make you their ruling figure? OH! By all
Greg: (C) that is un-holy..." He says in a rather exasperated sound, though he wasn't exasperated in the slightest, it was probably just a cover up to try and not laugh so much, "Seriously? Well...that's..." He ahems loudly, clearing his throat,
Greg: (C) "That's great, good news, fun times had by all and what not." Greg extends his arm, Black Orchid still within his grip and he points the sword at...nothing really.  Though infront of him a pool of darkness formed on the roof and a three-
Greg: (C) dimensional oval-shaped portal of black, dark blues and purples that seemed to both cave in on itself and allow whisps of darkness to flow out of it.  A similar portal had appeared near Oaftres and Greg stepped into the darkness just as
Greg: (C) he hung up his phone, stepping out in front of Oaftres and...the draconic Essex.  Greg pocketed his phone and sheathed the Black Orchid before quirking an eyebrow at the two, "Well...You weren't lying. Amazing." He says dead-panned.
Oafy: gives 'Sex a nod, agreeing with him. "Listen, any time you want to back out of this gimmick.. You're free to, you know? More power for me." Though it comes off as a joke, and he chuckles lightly, it would be hard to tell whether it was indeed
Oafy: - a joke or not. "Women don't smell bad.. Whose butt have you been sniffing?" Oafy asks the dragon, as Greg enters the side stage. "Don't be so shocked, Greg. These people know us as heroes - for the most part. War veterans are elected to
Oafy: - office all the time.. why not us?" Out in the background, a chant was starting; a countdown from twenty. The polls were closing, and the crowd seems rather happy.
Essex: shakes his head and smirks. "Nah, I don't think you could manage this by yourself, buddy." He looks back at Oaftres. "We all saw how you took care of Serenity all alone... needed my political
Essex: (*) prowness and draconic charisma to step up to the plate and take over. Ha." He nods to Greg, acknowledging his presence. "Long time no see." He turns on his heel and walks towards the crowd
Essex: (*) chanting down from twenty with the crowd of people.
Yoko: {SideEvent} A large man stands infront of Several lower ranking members of the Allaince. his eye's stare down on them with an odd intensity, long moments of Silance fill the air as the members wait to here what the higher ranking officer has to 
Yoko: {SideEvent} Say. <Officer> " We will be withdrawing from this planet for the time being, only a select few will be left behind to watch the newly buit dragon monasterys will be left behind for those who need Aid from the outside world will be left
Yoko: {SideEvent}The man Salutes the officers turns and walks off from the stage, The officer Salutes back but then  look at each other a little puzzled before walking off. The Army of Dragon Allaince moves Quickly clearing The area pulling down tents a
Yoko: {SideEvent} driving their trucks onto the ship, They clear out almost as fast as they  have arrived a few days ago. A few monasterys could be seen up around the city to help those who are still trying to pull what little they have back togather.
Greg: tilts his head to the side slightly, listening to the chanting crowd, "You put something in the water, didn't you? Drugs? Poison? Something with hallucinagenic properties?" He glances over at Oaftres, his jade eyes fading back to their
Greg: (C) original sky blue and his hair falling around his face, returning to it's platinum color as well.  Most people wouldn't recognize Greg Techagi if he looked like a blonde punker.  He watched as Essex went onto the stage and only seemed
Greg: (C) to encourage the people in their chanting.  Greg shook his head and sighed, "Simply amazing." Was the best response he could muster at this time.  Giving himself a once over he shrugged lightly, his appearance wasn't shabby at all considering
Greg: (C) what he had just been doing not minutes before the phone call, "Alright, you bum.  Best get out their with your...running mate." Greg enters onto the stage from behind the curtain, only cause a slight wave of tension to flow through
Greg: (C) the assembled masses.  Greg put on his business face and gave a smile and a wave, this was obviously not the man they had expect to see, but that didn't stop them for long.  Greg took a spot off to the side of the podium, out of the way.
Oafy: grabs his black business jacket, carefully putting it on and doing up the buttons, walking onto the stage just then. At the podium, next to both Essex and Greg, he allows the countdown to reach zero. The crowd goes into a furious clamity as they
Oafy: - reach zero, the results of the vote displaying on a widescreen monitor above the stage for all to see. Taking a glance back, not even bothering to read the board, Oafy addresses Greg quietly: "Spiked the punch a bit... The champaign was
Oafy: - late." Boxes are ushered in by the delivery men, setting up bottles of champaign for the masses all around the buffet tables. As the applauding and cheering dies down, thanks in part to the notice of alcohol present, Oafy is given a chance
Oafy: - to speak. "The People have spoken!" With a wave of his hand toward his on stage friends, and then nodding toward a few key players in the audience. "In the coming days, a new government will take over the power void the late Senator caused.
Oafy: - And within a weeks time, it is our goal to have our city running at full economic power! Restored, and greater than ever!" The audience eats it up, cheering and applauding as Oafy steps from the podium, offering it to either of his nearby
Oafy: - fellow 'politicians', a grin on his face.
Essex: claps and approaches the podium, having to hunch over to reach the microphone. "Let's hear it again for Oaf!" He says, extending his arm in Oaftres' direction. He smiles and adjusts his jacket
Essex: (*) before continuing speaking. "Well, how appropriate, NOW the alcohol shows up." He points at the delivery man , singling him out as both Essex and the crowd laugh. "But in all seriousness,
Essex: (*) everything Oaftres has said is true! By next week, that's right, by next week WE! We the people! Will have the city running at full economic power! We'll have the streets cleaned up, and I'll
Essex: (*) start on my new refuse and recycling plant!" He stands up and steps away from the podium, offering it back to Oaftres.
Oafy: approaches the microphone once more, a wide smirk on his face. "Expect food, medicine, electricity, shelter, and more in the coming days; not to mention open negotiations with the Earth government. We'll see if we can't become the capital city
Oafy: - again!" On that happy note, he bows respectfully, stepping back. "Due to a lack of funds, I had to fire my speech writer, so this will have to do for now. Goodbye, folks! Enjoy the booze, and by all means, celebrate to your hearts content!"
Oafy: turns, exiting stage left. Shaking a few hands along the way, he disappears behind the curtains, removing the tie immediately. "WOOOOOOOO!" The cheer is silenced out by the roar of the crowd, thankfully.
Essex: nods to the crowd and follows Oaftres' lead, shaking hands with a few people as he makes his way off stage. He grins as he steps behind the curtain, undoing his own tie and unbuttoning his
Essex: (*) suit jacket. "Well, I think that went well," He said, motioning for them to go out on the floor. "C'mon, let's go get a drink or seven, we need them."
Oafy: drops his business clothes; the black dress pants give way to lighter fitted white pants, while the button shirt and jacket reveals his white breastplate armor. As he leads the two of them out the backdoor, headed into the streets, the slicked
Oafy: - back dark red hair is messed up in a hurry, going back to a more natural look. "Drinks sounds good. Wouldn't that ... end weird, for you? All that fire, you know." The duo walks right past a well-known tavern, Oafy leading them down he road
Oafy: - leading to the desert. A whistled tune erupts from Oaftres, without any sort of identifiable song attachment.
Essex: grins and shrugs off his suit jacket, wearing just his loose fitting black slacks and white tank top. "Yeah, but alcohol is still my best friend, heh." He pops his neck and undoes his belt, dropping it on 
Essex: (*) the road as he follows Oaftres. He shakes his head, ruining his perfectly combed dark-blue hair. "So, the desert, eh?" He glances over and down at Oaftres, picking his teeth with his tongue. "I take
Essex: (*) it you want that fight now, eh?"
Oafy: turns to Essex, shock faked on his face as he tries hard to hold back a hard, rolling laugh. "Always got your mind on battle, dontchya? Well, if you're up to the task, I suppose it'd be about time to settle that old grudge." Awareness that the
Oafy: - Kessoku blade is lacking on his person, Oafy hrms. "Well... this'll be interesting." A whirl of black and white flame washes over him, leaving his eyes glowing almost heavenly, while dull white veins materialize on his temples. Holding his
Oafy: - ground, Oafy waits on Essex to make his move.
Essex: shakes his head. "Not here, farther out. Follow my lead." He says, raising his fingers to his forehead and blipping out of existence, reappearing some ways out in the desert, next to an abandoned
Essex: (*) SynTech bunker. Oaftres blinks next to him and the dragon steps back. "Watch this." He rises up into the air, doubling over and screaming loudly as he begins to grow in size, massive veined
Essex: (*) wings tearing  through his shirt and spanning, blocking out the sun over head. He throws his arms and legs outward, screams and releasing a wave of clear energy, blowing the sand up into
Essex: (*) a hurricane around him. He screams again as his bone structure begins to rework itself, growing in size and becoming more draconic. The scales on his body grow more abundent until 
Essex: (*) they finally cover his entire being. The claws on his biological hand elongate as well, and become razor sharp. The swirling hurricane of sand around the dragon begins to harden into
Essex: (*) glass as Essex's body rapidly increases in temperature. "Are you ready?" His booming voice echos, the sand underneath the now crystalline tower melting and forming into glass as well
Essex: (*) spiderwebbing out towards Oaftres.
Oafy: remains motionless, wondering what trickery all this spreading glass was about. As the sand solidifies around his feet, spreading outward behind him, the heat begins to hit him. "...Damnit. I never did like science," grumbling to himself,
Oafy: rips one leg out of the glass terrain, firing a soft black blast at the other, immediately taking to hover several feet into the air. "So," calm as anything, he proposes in a loud voice to the dragon, "can we agree not to make mention of the
Oafy: - strange smelling substance I just left in my pants?" Peering around, he checks to make sure nobody was around to hear that. Assured only the dragon could hear, he takes a sideways stance, his arm closer to the glass tower taking on a defensive
Oafy: - position below his waist, while the further arm is raised behind himself. A flicker of black ki begins to glow into existence, pouring into his palm from the air around him. Preparing for the glass explosion, he winces, before pushing his
Oafy: - palm forward, opening it fully as the glow intensifies. "&zFURY OF THE ASCENDED!&w" A series of varying black and white flaming energy balls rip through the air, crashing into the side of the glass tower.
Essex: roars as a loud "&bLEGACY OF THE DRAGON!&w" is heard from behind the tower. His attack busts through the tower, sending shards of razor sharp glass in every direction, his
Essex: (*) fireball connecting with Oaftres' attacking, 'causing a shockwave. The shockwave knocks Essex back and he hits the sand, skidding a few feet, the sand almost instantly turning
Essex: (*) to glass upon contact. He stands up and shakes his head, heat-waves rising off his body as he breaths heavily, staring down his ally. He grins and extends a hand forward, motioning for
Essex: (*) the half-breed to 'bring it'.
Oafy: finds it rather simple to move in and out of the path of the stray glass shards, only grazed by a few pieces that cut his left cheek and fail to pierce his breastplate. Accepting Essex's invitation, he drops to the glassed over ground, running
Oafy: - top speed to the monstrous dragon being. Hopping onto Essex's knee, Oafy backflips higher, landing on his shoulder, before kicking at his head with the side of his foot. "Boo."
Essex: turns his head and catches Oaftres' leg by the ankle with his mouth. He cackles through his clenched teeth and whips his head, and body, in the direction of the remains of the glass tower.
Essex: (*) Using the momentum from his swing, he steps forward and lets go of Oaftres, throwing him at the tower. As Oaftres soars through the air, he pulls his hands back to his side, 
Essex: (*) focusing his ki into the palms of his hand, the heat from his body growing in temperature. He begins panting as beads of sweat roll down his forehead, draconic red runes beginning
Essex: (*) to glow, contrasting his deep blue scales. In the center of each palm of his hand, a ball of black fire begins to form, growing in size. 
Oafy: is flung through the tower, glass coming down on him as he regains his stance, floating upright again. A bright blaze of his aura blows off the oncoming shards, and is quickly diverted into a floating orb of white before his chest. Bringing his
Oafy: - hands on the orb, he fuels the attack with his energy, which is quickly replaced within himself by the raw energy of the void; he faulters for a moment, his body beginning to feel strain under the force of incredible power. A push forward
Oafy: - sends down a beam of white, outlined in roaring black flames, descending upon Essex from within the glass tower.
Essex: grins as the black fireballs in his balls reach full capacity. He holds his arms out to the side as if mocking Oaftres' attack. "Check it." He says, looking up at the beam and flinging his hands forward,
Essex: (*) clapping them together and forming the two fireballs into one. He quickly pulls his hands back to one side and then thrusts them forward, he burning ball of darkness soaring to meet with Oaftres'
Essex: (*) attack head on. 
Oafy: releases the hold on his attack, immediately diving out the glass tower after the tail of his energy wave. The two powers clash, a mammoth blast wave going off in all directions; the fragile terrain blows off in sharp objects of all sizes.
Oafy: risks some deadly contact with the flying needles, lowering himself to the ground, once again rushing at Essex in a run along the ground. Meeting the dragon head on again, he performs a flying kick, intent on nailing his gut.
Ponnampi: A soft wind blows gently through the two as dust begins to kick from the ground. In both of the fighter's minds a latin theme pops into their heads. The thought of flames bursts everywhere in their minds as a lone figure is seen walking through th
Ponnampi: * through them. A mighty katana at his waist and his entire figure cloaked as if he were the reaper, he lifts his head slowly. Then realizing the fire is reality he screams in pain and pleasure as he leaps into the air and next to the one who smel
Ponnampi: * smelt a bit off. Realizing the flames were from him he quickly unzips his pants and releases. A warm feeling passes through his body as he screams out "This is for setting me on fire you asshole!"
Essex: -*- Caught off guard by the new-comers... entrance, Essex takes the kick hard to the gut, stumbling back a few feet. Grunting, he pulls both his arms into his body, bending at the waist slightly.
Essex: (*) "&CWHALE SLAP!&w" He shouts, throwing his arms up at an angle and standing up fully, meeting both Oaftres and Ponnampi in the jaw with the knuckle side of his hands, the metallic one
Essex: (*) connecting with the one who peed on him, the regular one hitting Oaftres. He screams as he pushes all his ki outward, a blazing inferno forming around him, fueled solely off his ki. He glares 
Essex: (*) at Oaftres, breathing heavier, this form quickly burning through his energy stores.
Ponnampi: flies upward slowly as the dragon's punch made contact. His life flashing quickly before his eyes he remembers... remembers times of his past self once again. Images of great angels flying in the sky, lava raining from the heavens onto a burning c
Ponnampi: * burning city. Death itself, the curse he went through. All this as he feels his head about to pop off. He then looks down at the two saying, "I will never become a memory." In his mind a black wing covers him as he fades away to nothingness... o
Ponnampi: * nothingness... once again. But in reality he experiences the final exit. His head goes flying upwards as his body seems to float gently in the air like a feather floating downward.
Oafy: crashes along the glassed over sand, rolling to a crash eventually. With a jump, he's back onto his feet, glaring right back at Essex. Tears of blood stream down his face, reminding him he didn't have much longer left if he was going to spend
Oafy: - so much energy at once. Breathing in deep, he races forward, zig-zagging a path at Essex, eventually circling sporadically around the dragon. A moment before making contact with him face on, Oafy ducks deep, practically falling as he
Oafy: - sweepkicks hard to the back of Essex's knees.
Essex: grunts as Oaftres' leg hits the back of his knees, causing the dragon to half flip backwards and land on his head. He fights to to his feet, bits of flame erupting from his body, lighting his flesh on
Essex: (*) fire. "Damn it..." He says, "I don't have much time left..."  Oaftres rushes Essex, the two of them exchanging blows for a few moments before each of them jumping backwards, a glimmer in their
Essex: (*) eyes. Oaftres extends his hands out to each side, a ball of pure white energy in one hand, and a ball of black energy in the other. Essex raises his hands in the air, absorbing his fiery aura into his body,
Essex: (*) the fire dying as he takes it in. Oaftres thrusts his hands forward, "&zETHEREAL COLLAPSE!&w" He shouts, the two balls of energy slamming together into one huge grey one as it whistles t
Essex: (*) through the air. Essex opens his gapping maw, screaming "&bLEGACY OF THE DRAGON!&w" As a giant blast of fire looses from his mouth. Time seems to stand still, each warrior using their
Essex: (*) strongest attacks against for a second time in twenty-four hours. The attacks combine in midair, the fire wrapping around the ball as they both grow, before exploding. The wave of energy quickly 
Essex: (*) expands in all directions, hitting both Oaftres and Essex full force, each person being thrown back a couple hundred feet. Essex lay there, feeling himself revert back to his basic form. He pants
Essex: (*) and stands up, Oaftres standing up too, blood stained across the half-breed's breastplate. "I... can't go any longer." He says, Oaftres giving him a nod as if to say the same thing. "That's it
Essex: (*) then..." He walks forward, the halfbreed walking towards him too. Essex looks down and then extends his hand forward, shaking hands with Oaftres; their rivalry finally at a close.
Rini: shivers with cold from the night air as she sits in an alley in Aqua Polis, cuddling her stuff rabbit close to her with the hood of white jacket up to help keep her warm.  Xerokine, although she didn't know his name, had brought here on his way in
Rini: (c) -to the city but had left her there, worse yet, she had no money, no friends, no where to go, and no sign of her mother anywhere.  People had started picking up the pieces from the attack that morning and simply had no time for a stray little 
Rini: (c) girl looking for her mother.  She was now out of food, on her last bit of water, tired, dirty, hungry and hopelessly lost. She sniff sadly, "I miss my mommy.." she says more to herself than anyone else, which there was noone around to hear her
Rini: (c) anyway. She shivers again as a cold wind blows through the alley, the only sounds that could be heard was her, crying softly.
Tiernan: brooded over his weapons, Master had given him plenty to work with. Each a manslayer's blade. Each with unimaginable power, but none of them would join him today. Today he would begin his work. But first...
Tiernan: (c) he would have to master himself. He was in Master's presence and he would have to lock down all the insubordinate emotions and thoughts, lest Master catch wind of his plan. He would have to move today as
Tiernan: (c) he had moved everyday: Quietly. He would be dispatched on one of Master's 'missions' and complete it swiftly. Then he would immediately move to where he would seek out his first prey, feel for the first
Tiernan: (c) time what it was like... to kill a god.
Tiernan: sneered before entering his Master's chambers. But found the hole in his mind - where he stored all his hate and angst for his Master. He'd found it a long time ago, when his Master would break his will for 
Tiernan: (c)thoughts he found 'unclean'. When he first longed for his brother. To see that he was safe. To know that he had survived that fateful day... He didn't eat or drink for what seemed like an eternity.
Tiernan: (c) Locked in a plane where time has no meaning and all hunger and thirst are amplified a hundred-thousand times. Hope is turned to despair. "Remembering the past, Black Knight?" his Master spoke. Like smoke,
Tiernan: (c) his words choked thoughts from Tiernan's mind, forcing him to retch and gag, he dropped to one knee - it was the only way - feigned subserviance. The smoke cleared. His breathing slowed... "Master...
Tiernan: (c) What is your assignment for me?" Ialal took a long, slow breath. "Well... I have a special assignment for you today... I need some reconaissance."
Yoko: Walks slowly down the dark streets of Aqua polis, one of the cities that had a monastery built by the Allaince in order to help the people of earth. Yoko pushes her long bangs from infront of her face, her long Priestess Kimono that is decorated w
Yoko: (c) with Red and black flowers on it golden dragons could be seen wrapping around each other on the hem of her garment, she holds tight a bag of fresh backed cakes in her left hand that sways back in forth while walking . 
Yoko: (C) She hums a softly to herself until the sound of crying breacks the Silance that surrounded her, Yoko turns slowly toward the Alley spotting a little girl there alone by herself. "Hi there!" she slowly leans in forward holding out one of the ca
Yoko: (c) cakes for her. "what are you doing out here by yourself little one?" A gentle smile is beamed from her face as she gazes down on the child. 
Tiernan: "Reconnaissance, Master?" Tiernan said, incredulously, this would not fit in with his plans. He would need to spend far too much time on 'reconnaissance' to implement his plan... "Yes," Ialal said, obviously lost
Tiernan: (c) in his own plannings "I want you to spy," with that word Tiernan winced inwardly, far too much time... "On a pathetic organization. It is named the "Phantom Raiders". I will deposit you at the location of the
Tiernan: (c) specific member I want you to investigate. He is... an oddity. And I will want him better understood, to see what kind of... minion he might make.
Rini: sniffles and wipes the tears from her eyes, along with her dirty, messy pink hair. "H..hello.." she says, looking carefully at the sweet cake in the woman's hand before gently taking it, "T..thank you.." she says with a sad voice, quickly taking a
Rini: (c) bite.  She looks up at Yoko with her tear stained face and red eyes, her mouth full "I'm looking for my mommy, have you seen my mommy?" she asks, shivering a bit in the cold, still holding her stuffed animal.  The stars above barely twinkling 
Rini: (c) due to the bright lights of the city, which sparkles upon the water which surrounds it.  She doesn't stand up, but stays huddled trying to keep warm within her jacket, which wasn't working very well.  Winter was approaching and the wind off of
Rini: (c) the lakes surrounding Aqua Polis were very cold at night.
Oafy: hunches over a finished oak desk, pen in his left hand - Oaftres is left handed, coincidentally - while the right continuously runs through his hair exhaustively. The black leather chair looks much too big for his form, half collapsed on
Oafy: - the desk.. but he doesn't seem to notice, or care. "... aaand.. taxcuts for.. construction workers.. slash.. companies." Dotting the period on that sentence, he leans back into the chair, sighing hard as he rubs his eyes. "Now how the
Oafy: - hell am I going to replace that lost revenue?" Nobody in the empty, rebuilt City Hall office of the deceased senator answers him. He occupies with office, claiming it as his own after the election. The mayors office was much too big, and
Oafy: - made one assume Oaftres considered himself to be the new mayor. Just the opposite, however; he was here to correct the wrongs made, and was going to do everything (whether outside of his powers or not) to get everyone there. So. NotMayor.
Yoko: gives a slight frown at the little girl who had just revealed being separated from her mother. "oh, you poor thing your all alone?" she holds her hand out toward the girl, her fingerals painted a dark purple with black dragon swirling and curling 
Yoko: (c) on them. "Well no, no i haven't seen your mother. But thats okay my name is Yoko, Yoko Zsa."her fingers Beckon the little girl to take hold of her hand. "it's very cold I can't let you stay out here by youerself, come on i have a safe place fo
Yoko: (c) For you to stay." The light from the city streets and building make her skin have a soft glow, around her left side of her face could be seen a small tattoo of a grey dragon that rest right above her eyebrow. 
Rini: slowly stands up and although hesitant, takes Yoko's hand, shivering from fear and the cold. "o..ok.." she says, feeling nervous and holding both the sweetcake and her stuffed rabbit in one hand while holding Yoko's hand in the other, looking up a
Rini: (c) at the woman and sniffling again. She says nothing but moves to stay close to the strange looking woman, if for nothing else, than for a feeling of security and warmth. "a...ahh...AHHCHOOO!!" she says, sneezing hard enough to make her eyes wat
Rini: (c) water a little, "Excuse me...." she says, wiping her nost with a cleanex from her pocket before taking Yoko's hand again.
Yoko: looks down at the girl a warm smile on her face as the two of the them stroll down the dark street. "I can't believe your all alone on the street like this, Well don't worry i'll take care of your until we can find your mother." her gaze goes back
Yoko: (c) toward A large building. the building had red wood pillars and dark black paint on the walls, There were many different symboles and styles on the buildings pillars but the on thing each symbole had in common was a dragon. other kids could be 
Yoko: (c) seen looking out side staring up at the lights from the other building, a few other women ranging from very young to very old cold be seen wearing Priestess Kimono and tending to a few of the refuges from new hope city as well as others who ha
Yoko: (c) had fled from other locations. " This here is the Dragon temple, here no matter the race or the planet your from we will take the time to take care of you if your in need, our jobs are to mend the wounded and to feed the homeless. 
Yoko: (c) as well as protect the weak She lets go of the girls hand and  kneels down infront of her. "well i'm going to need to know you name if your going to stay here with me." 
Rini: gulps and looks about nervously, getting closer to yoko and still holding her heand, "Mommy.." she whispers to herself, feeling well out of place.  The temple itself seemed warm, inviting, and peaceful, but she seemed unusually quiet and reserved,
Rini: (c) not wanting to say anything for several long minutes.  She then finally looks up at yoko, "I, umm, my name is Rini.." she says quietly before taking a bite of her sweetcake while staring at the other people within this dragon temple, one at a 
Rini: (c) time.  She wanted to be with her mother, not in some temple that acted as an orphanage.  She was thankful to be indoors and getting warm and even for the food, but she missed her mother dearly as she starts to cry quietly again.  She radiated 
Rini: (c) a significant level of power, but she had no way to control it or use it yet, she was completely untrained.
Jeckel: sat on top of a random building in New Hope city, the sky was darkened overhead with thick, grey, clouds that seemed to threaten a nasty downpour, the winds that whipped through the city just adding to the overall gloomy effect. Down on the street
Jeckel: <C> streets below, the city looked alive and well as various people went on with their various lives. That is about all that was normal though, the people that were going about their lives were in fact dead. Others would call them ghosts, spirits,
Jeckel: <C> spectres, but it would of seemed like these green ghost-like citizens didn't do any of the things that a ghost would normally do, they didn't scare anybody on purpose, they for the most part didn't even take notice from what it looked like. Th
Jeckel: <C> They didn't really dissapear in the light although it was easier to see them in the dakr, and the local exorcists had no effect on them. "eh...all useless...."
Yoko: nods at the little girl finding out Rini was her name, She slowly rises back up and starts to walk toward a long desk with a small old woman on the other side. A few words are exchanged and a couple of whispers before The lady hands 
Yoko: (c) Yoko the some clothes and a key. Yoko eye's stayed focused on Rini the whole time a bit of suprise  forming on her face as she watched the girls power level reveal itself. The older woman looks at Rini then back to Yoko shaking her head 
Yoko: (c) and frowning, <oldwoman> " she is giving off some strong energy!" Yoko nods a stunned look on her face as she stares in awe at such a young child already having such a high level of power. <oldwoman> "you need to calm her down !" 
Yoko: (c) she nods toward the woman before calmly walking back toward Rini and kneeling down infront of her, She grabs Rini lifting her up into her arms. She whipser sofly into Rini ear,"I know your scared but you must calm down." 
Yoko: (c) Yoko takes her to her room opening the door slowly and placing rini in The room. The room  is filled with all sorts of stuffed animals and toys. a bed sits in the corner of the room with  a desk next to it. (I can't believe her power.) 
Yoko: (c) "Rini do you know how you got on the street by yourself?"
Rini: looks around, still scared as Yoko walks over an old woman and begin an obviously heated discussion through whispering, pointing and staring at her.  She gulps and cuddles her stuffed rabbit, unable to control what power did escape her small frame
Rini: (c) She feels threatened as Yoko picks her up and carries her to a room filled with toys, animals and other various pieces of furniture, along with a change of clothes.  Tears streak down her dirty face as a bright, like pinkish light surrounds he
Rini: (c) her as the ground beneath her, and the temple, begin to shake lightly.  She closes her eyes as fear takes over, she had heard stories of people stealing children like her off the streets in books and couldn't help but to feel afraid. Fear, pan
Rini: (c) panic and desperation fill her voice, "MOMMY!!" she screams out as her small arms grow in size a little as her inner-power and potential explodes from deep within her.  Her pinkish aura explodes and turns white as pink lightning streaks down h
Rini: (c) her body, her energy completely uncontrollable.  She looks at Yoko with her red, tear stained eyes "I want my mommy!!" she cries out, throwing her small arms into the air as a blast of energy streaks out, subconsciously, from her small body, c
Rini: (c) connecting with Yoko squarely in the chest.  The small blast of pink and white energy push Yoko back through the hallway wall, but seems to do little else except burn her clothing.  The child seems to be completely unaware of her actions as sh
Rini: (c) she continues to cry.
Oafy: jumps out of the leather chair, nearly pushing the desk over as he does so in a huff. "FINE! DONT BALANCE!" The scream is repeated a few times out the hallway, attracting attention of a few of the newly hired government employees, replacing
Oafy: - the ones that left the city with Serena. Most of them already knew what the commotion was about; Oafy couldn't get the cities budget right. "Ralph! You're up, buddy. Have a go," he calls, passing by a few offices on his way by Ralph. Ralph
Oafy: - was the accountant that seemed to get a lot of shit from people.. But for the most part, he was just a creepy guy who did what he was told. And he was good at his job... "I'm taking off for the night. If I'm not too hung over, I'll be back."
Oafy: exits City Hall, grumbling the entire way as he goes. Dressed in his white armor, white pants, and blue cape, he stands out a lot as he makes his way down the street. "Liabilities, equity, expenses, income, assets.. I'll asset YOU..."
Yoko: eye's open wide as Rini energy spikes up even more, her arms start to wave around like a mad woman as she tries to calm her down. The little old woman from before shakes her head sighing to herself. <oldwoman> "Yoko has never been any 
Yoko: (C) good with kids" Suddenly a blast of energy comes from the tiny childs hands. "wha?!" Yoko swiftly slides pass the brunt of the shot but is still caught in the blast and pushed back through the hallway sliding on her back toward the steps. 
Yoko: (c) others look from their rooms at Yoko then the little girl, a few children giggle at Yoko while others stare in awe at Rini but none of them seem to be afraid of her. Yoko eye's lay open staring at the ceiling of the monastery second floor. 
Yoko: (c) "geeze I found my self a spunky one this time eh?" her eyes roll to the side spotting the old woman nodding at her. <oldwoman> "why don't you try that again Yoko?" a small chuckle slips from the old woman she coughs trying 
Yoko: (C) not to laugh at her. Yoko starts to pull herself up and walks back toward Rini a large burnt spot on her Kimono smoke could be seen coming up off of it for a second. She kneels down infront of Rini her face still keeping the same soft smile 
Yoko: (c) "ouch, you." is all she could muster out with a slight chuckle at the little girl. "I know your scared and alone, but please give me a chance to help you." She stares Rini right into her eye's "please." 
Jeckel: hopped off of the rooftop and plummeted several stories only to land on the ground with a light tap of his boots on the pavement. He looked around and stretched, heading towards the nearest bar. Sure, most of the upstanding citizens had left, but 
Jeckel: <C> most of the lower riffraff had stayed. It was now a haven for them and those that profited from those types of people had done well to stay, for they were making the most profits. Turning the corner then heading across an empty street, Jeckel 
Jeckel: <C> walked into a bar, looking about, it was the usual. A haze of smoke in the air, the few pooltables in the corner occupied by drunks and table sharks, and the bar its self was populated with various people, even one of those green ghost things.
Jeckel: <C> He smirked and wandered to the bar, sitting right next to the green spectre and ordered up a couple of shots of saiyan vodka. A bit more pricey but the human stuff was just crap.
Oafy: bursts into the front door of the bar, making it a point to let himself be heard as he enters. A yawn escapes his lips, as he approaches the bartender. "The usual - cheap, strong, and lots of it." Collapsing onto a stool, he yawns once more,
Oafy: - before taking a sniff from a glass of light brown liquor placed in front of him. An awkward face overcomes him, but despite that, he downs a healthy amount in a hurry. "Mmmmm!" He declares, though his eyes water. A couple people nearby took
Oafy: - interest in him, but nobody seemed bothered that one of the new major players in the politics of the city was in a bar, downing the nastiest booze around.
Rini: hears the kind words of Yoko and sniffles, wiping the tears out of her eyes her hair out of her face.  She stops crying as her level of physical power drops drastically, her small body returning to normal. "What happened?" she asks, looking around
Rini: (c) "I..want to go home.." she says, still looking nervous, but calming down a bit.  She just steps back and sits down, cuddling with her own stuffed animal, ignoring the other toys and stuffed animals about her. She pulls her knees up to her ches
Rini: (c) chest, resting her chin on her knees and wrapping her arms about her legs, rabbit in hand.  She sniffles again and stays quiet, no longer willing to talk and merely listens to whatever Yoko has to say.
Jeckel: took his third glass of the saiyan vodka and sipped at it. He had acquired a taste for it during his early tours of duty with the saiyan army and had learned to appreciate it as he buzzed himself into a rather great stupor. Plus it seemed to be th
Jeckel: <C> the only stuff that didn't give him a hangover. He didn't bother to look up at the man that burst in, his senses were dulled by the liquor and he was quite comfortable here. Besides, he knew if worse came to worse he would be more than able an
Jeckel: <C> and willing to level the place and the nearest city blocks. "ehh...it rains too much on this damned planet.."
Yoko: lets out a long sigh of relief as Rini returns to normal. "thats some skill you got there, I know a few people who might be interested in helping your grow here." She shakes her head at the thought then walks right over and sits right next to Rini
Yoko: (c) " I know we just met, but i'll stay here with you until your a little more comfortable with being around the monstary, don't worry there are lots of nice people here." as if  on cue a smaller younger girl wobbles into the room. 
Yoko: (c) she looked to be around 4 or so, she walks up to Yoko and climbs into her lap propping herself right up and staring at Rini with a big smile. " I would like you to meat my friend Tallie." Yoko reaches around and pulls out a long silver flute 
Yoko: (C) a flut that had gone through a long line of heros. " you know this flute belong to a man named kobe along time ago, then he gave it to  a woman name Noa who tought me and gave the flute to me." She smiles placing the flute up to her lips. 
Yoko: (c) and starts to play a soft melody that seems to pour out of the room and down the stares through the monstary, a monstary of peace and Solace for all who comes there in need . 
Oafy: takes another drink from the glass of liquid death, and shivers a little. The voice of a nearby patron rings true words in his mind, however, and instinctively, he replies. "Yeah, but it beats the cold of Freezar, the humdrum life with Nameks,
Oafy: - and those other planets, too.." Forgetting the other planets, he curses the alcoholic beverage in hand, before deciding the only way to punish it.. was to give it another chug. Leaning, he looks over the backs of a few others on the stools
Oafy: - next to him, trying to identify who complained about the weather; a muscular man flirting with an attractive girl, a man with one arm beyond them, and a blind man with a seeing eye dog after him. "...What the?!" Leaving his seat, he approaches
Oafy: - the end of the bar, positioning himself behind the back of the one that obviously didn't belong. "... Since when do they let DOGS in here? Damn that's awesome..." Sipping from the booze again, he curses under a cough. Something about bootleg
Oafy: - icerian prostitutes... 
Rini: sits as far away from Yoko as she could, continuing to sit with her chin on her knees, covering her eyes with her arms while holding her toy.  She doesn't change clothes or even takes off her jacket, but merely sits alone. She sighs, secretly cryi
Rini: (c) crying but making sure not to be heard by those in the room with her.  She felt as if she was trapped and even in the midst of her tears, was planning.  She was young, but intelligent and knew she could find a way out, if she thought long enou
Rini: (c) enough.  She listens to the music played by Yoko, which seems to mezmorize the other children.  She plugs her ears with her hands, still covering her face with her arms to hide it.  She had to get away, had to get back home had to find her bro
Rini: (c) brother and her mother, any way possible.
Jeckel: looked up and over towards the man who was causing comotion and then sighed, taking the last sip of his vodka before having the bartender fill his glass again. He took a swig of the vodka and then lifted his glass. "Way to take that beam to the fa
Jeckel: <C> face there that other day. By the way, got my arm back. Its amazing what a few nameks, some beans, and a bit of incentive will get done. I'm going to whipe out the icers anyway..you don't worry about icers.."
Oafy: turns to his left a little, frowning at Jeckel's back a bit. "Yeah, you're one to be talking about taking it to the face... BAM! Insulted." Feeling the need to point out his insults, and making sound effects like 'bam!', its clear the alcohol
Oafy: - is loosening his lips, and making him an overall less well composed guy. Or, he's just acting like a retard on purpose. More concern builds for the icer comment, however. "What's the guff with the icers?" A loud screech sounds, the bottom
Oafy: - of a nearby chair being dragged across the floor to nearer Jeckel. Oafy seats himself, taking an interest in the Icer hater.
Jeckel: turned a bit on his bar stool and sipped his vodka some more. "They're low down dirty scum. Thats one of my major gruffs...that and...eh...I dunno. Complete betrayal by a group of icers in one of my first tours of duty." He swirled the alchohol in
Jeckel: <C> his glass a bit. "We were at a marginal peace so as a sign of good faith, there was some sort of mutal stationing between an icer group and a saiyan group...my group..on planet Freezar. Sorta like a foreign exchange program or something." He s
Jeckel: <C> sipped from his glass again. "Anyway...to make a long story short, I and one other person were the only survivors of our unit. We were promoted and a bit of a war broke out....since then..well..if you've grown up on Vegeta you should know the 
Jeckel: <C> rest."
Oafy: boggles a little, trying to decide what was most alarming: the fact this guy was in a war, or the fact this guy came out of the war. For sure, he was a troublesome character, but he had experience with much worse things than anything Oaftres
Oafy: - was use to. "Ah.. Can't say I know the situation too well," he admits, feeling foolish. "I.. was raised on Earth." Though it was the true, he was hiding some facts. Such as the fact he was not native to this dimension, and therefore could only
Oafy: - guess the natural hate bond between the icers and saiyans was the cause of such wars. "For the most part, I mean." Another chug of the alcohol quenches his undying thirst.
Jeckel: smirked a bit and sighed as he took another sip from his vodka. "Yeah...kinda figured. Most halfbloods tend to originate on earth...although there are some..like me..that go their whole lives thinking they are full blooded, living on Vegeta..." He
Jeckel: <C> sighed again and ordered up another drink, taking a big swig once it was done. "You're lucky..at least on earth..there is no redicule..no scruitiny. On Vegeta...sure..for the most part your a saiyan..but...it's damned harder to move up in the 
Jeckel: <C> ranks...damned harder to live...and I...I just found out about my halfbloodedness recently. Heh...never saw my father growing up, mother had a tail, I had a tail...heh...now I learn my father was a human." Jeckel shook his head. "anyway..i'm g
Jeckel: <C> gonna whipe this galaxy clean of those gecko freaks and become king of Vegeta." He chuckled a bit. "CHEERS!"
Oafy: shrugs a bit, but nonetheless returns the cheers, saluting with his mug of booze. "To high aspirations." Gulping down another dose of terrible liquid, he grimaces. "My father..." A pain grows in his mind, remembering what had happened to this
Oafy: - dimensions equivalent of his father. ".. actually, was accused of being halfblooded. The family name wasn't held in high esteem. Eventually, he was driven off the planet after a promotion.. He was in the military for a time, too." Wiping his
Oafy: - nose for no particular reason, Oafy smiles a bit. "Killing off all of Icer kind wont help, y'know. And chances are another group will take their place as your enemy.. and then another, and another.. till it's just you and the Saiyans that
Oafy: - will always ridicule your ancestory." Offering up another cheers, he takes another sip, nearly finishing the glass.
Jeckel: frowned and swirled his glass, it seemed to be the thing to do every time he frowned. He took a sip and smirked. "Eh, its not that bad. At least in the higher ranks you are more known for your power than your ancestry. Thats what you learn from li
Jeckel: <C> living there..its all about the power. I'm sure I could fight my way up to a general rank if I were to go back now...." He laughed a bit and chugged the rest of his glass down. "Ya know..you're not all that bad. I'm still gonna have to pulvuri
Jeckel: <C> pulvurize your little friend for what he did. I'm guessing he isn't from Vegeta either is he? You guys shouldn't be jumping into other people's fights ya know..especially between those of saiyan blood..its not proper." Jeckel looked down into 
Jeckel: <C> his glass and a puzzled expression creeped over his face before he looked back up at Oafy. "One thing has been bothering me. Anyone I come across that has any affiliation with you and your little group seems to know my name..and I just can't f
Jeckel: <C> figure out why. Like that chick Usagi...just don't get it."
Oafy: fiddles with the remainder of his drink, trying to decide how to approach the topic at hand. Carefully. "Well.. we're well informed. News travels fast when you're buddy-buddy with Xerokine Caeruleus." Again, that was not a lie, but it was far from
Oafy: - the answer Jeckel was sure to be after. Gas builds inside, leaving Oafy to force a burp to calm the feeling. "You should persue that train of thought.. Return to Vegeta, become a General, and give us halfbloods a more respected name.
Oafy: - Know what I mean?" The last of his drink is downed, though he holds the glass up to his mouth, hoping to get every last, insignificant little drop out of it.
Jeckel: ordered up two glasses of saiyan vodka and handed one of them to Oafy. "Here, drink this..better than that nasty rot gut." He starts sipping on his own refreshed glass, the buzz taking over him a bit and causing him to sway slightly in his seat. "
Jeckel: <C> "Ya know..I think i'll do that.....Maybe get my way to 5 star! Unfortunately if I fail I'll either have to flee or die...don't think i'll fail." Jeckel grinned and then he remembered what Oafy said, obviously the segmented short-term memory an
Jeckel: <C> and topic-jumping was a sure sign that the full effects of the alchohol were starting to show themselves. "So..this Zero-ken guy...He with saiyan intel or something? Honestly..if you guys are all just some sort of secret agents trying to stop 
Jeckel: <C> me..i'm gonna have to kill each and every one of you..so you may as well tell me the truth..."
Oafy: sips the new drink, coughing immediately afterwards. "Woaaah.. vodka isn't my thing, but.. I'm already halfway done," he figures, taking another sip happily. The dry feeling in his throat begins to bother him; he places the glass on the table next
Oafy: - to him, out of fear he would just keep drinking it without end. "Xerokine is.. unique, even by my standards. He's a.. yea, he's a saiyan, but.. you wouldn't know it by looking at what he's done. He's less of a team player, more of a backstabbing
Oafy: - scroundel who can find the profit and gain in any situation, and strike it rich for himself.. He's resourceful, and a good ally to have." Quickly downing a gulp of the vodka, he quivers. ".. If you know how to use him right. Otherwise you wind
Oafy: - up on the sharp end of a kniving..."
Jeckel: sneered and squeezed his glass, the glass shattering in his hand and the alchohol falling upon his left pant leg. Unfortunatley this is what happens when someone looses their control when they never suppress their power. "Sounds like an Icer to me
Jeckel: <C>...eh..I broke my glass...damnit." He shook his hand to remove whatever shards of glass were sticking to the wet palm and then ordered up another one. "So..you find that half bottle of whatever it was good when you woke up from that pod? Or did
Jeckel: <C> you nearly drown yourself?"
Tiernan: kicked open the door of the Drunken Clam, had the bar been a quieter place, perhaps someone would have noticed. He moved siwftly, his white clothes, draped around him like robes, stood out in earnest against
Tiernan: (c) the grungier scene of varied clothing styles. Tiernan made his way to the bar. To his mark. "Do not speak, do not move. You are in danger." he said, honestly - his voice just barely loud enough for Oaf
Tiernan: (c) to hear his as a whisper above the din. "You need to leave here immediately. Come, quickly." him eyeing Jeckel, Tiernan moved to stand. A man of similar design asked Tiernan... "Aww, y'can't go without
Tiernan: (c) a drink." They could've been twins. As Tiernan gazed around the scene he visibly relaxed. All about him, in the shadows. In the recesses of darkness... somber red eyes glowed. "I see... What would you
Tiernan: (c) suggest, bartender?" "A screwdriver." "Never liked Orange Juice." Confused, the bartender asked "How about a White Russian?" "How about a Black Russian. On the rocks. Send it to my friend in the corner over
Tiernan: (c) there." Tiernan turned and pointed - as obviously as possible, trying desperately to draw Oaf's, and no one elses attention to the nearly invisible silhouette of full plate mail in the corner. "I'm sorry,
Tiernan: (c) sir. All I have are martinis." "Then I'll take one of those."
Shim: - The thrash shook the foundations of the club; the metallic clang of cymbals, the twang of strummed guitar strings, and the hoarse howls of call-and-response vocals resounded over the seated patrons. The live music was some of the best in town. S
Shim: (C) Shim's eyes darted from musician to musician, as he sipped his drink, nodding his head to the pulsing beat of the music. He let his drink rest on the table as the band's set was concluded. The more avid fans roared from the front. Shim clapped
Shim: (C) clapped, and finished his drink, standing from his table. His eyes moved diagonally, meeting a troupe of very familiar faces. He narrowed his eyes at the most suprising appearance of them all, his twin brother, Tiernan. Silently, he made his w
Shim: (C) way towards the group.
Oafy: grins devilishly as the events of thee night following his recuperation stir in his mind. "Well... Let's just say a young little thing and myself enjoyed that rum very much... Heh, on behalf of my pen-" Cut off midway through his sentence,
Oafy: rolls his eyes in disgust. Some drunk was harassing him, trying to threaten him. For the most part, he decides to ignore her, shooting Jeckel a stupid glare in an attempt to mock the man behind himself. But as the conversation between the
Oafy: - bartender and Tiernan unfolds, Oafy catches on, following the pointed finger. What was that? 'Something... different is there. What is that?' The thoughts grow louder in his mind, but he does his best to try and put them out of his
Oafy: - head, out of fear, and for reasoning of control. Standing slowly, Oafy returns his gaze to Jeckel, forcefully acting calmness. "...Thanks for the drink..." His eyes dart to the exit, trying to get a message to Jeckel without words.
Oafy: turns, proceeding toward the exit without another word, acting on the hunch that the drunk who brought his attention to the figure in the shadows.. was.. not so drunk, maybe. 'Then again, I am half way there myself, so who am I to judge?'
Usagi: finally...was at least well enough to get out of the hospital. She was still bruised up, but she was able to move. That was enough for her to check herself out of the hospital. She went straight home in a pop of energy, groaning softly with the pa
Usagi: -c- pain when she reappears...only to sense nobody in the house. She blinked slightly as she started searching the house, looking from top to bottom. "Rini, are you here honey?"
Jeckel: grimiced as some RUDE person had suddenly interupted his conversation. Jeckel stood up and put his glass on the bar and listened in for a moment. What was happening? Oafy's demeanor had changed...something was up. Oafy signaled the exit with his e
Jeckel: <C> eyes..sure..Jeckel was drunk but enough time in the millitary had hard-wired silent signals in his vocabulary. He calmly stood up, tossed some money at the bartender and followed Oafy out. "So what's this about?" Unfortunately, being drunk did
Jeckel: <C> didn't make HIM so silent.
Rini: was left alone to change and rest after eating and drinking her fill but wasn't allowed to really go anywhere except her bedroom and the bathroom, which had barred windows. She was scared and badly wanted her mother, but found no reasonable way ou
Rini: (c) out of the temple.  She had not changed into the clothes they gave her, but she had stuffed as much extra food and water into her backpack as she could.  Her only problem was how to get out without being spotted and sent back to her room.  She
Rini: (c) frowns as she sits on the floor, trying to think but not coming up with any plan she could use, "mommy..." she whispers, "Where are you...?" as she looks out the window into the clear, cold night sky wondering what befell her mother and what w
Rini: (c) will happen to her in this place.
Usagi: didn't find anything in the house whatsoever. A worried look crosses her face as she searches the place once more before she sits down on the couch to think. "Ok...she's not in the house, so where could she be?" She closes her eyes and concentrate
Usagi: -c- concentrates a moment to search out the signatures that caught on her mind. Several stronger ones were nearby...but the one she was looking for was farther. She opened her eyes and tilted her head before she popped out once more, reappearing d
Usagi: -c- directly in front of Rini, yet falling to a knee for a moment.
Rini: sighs, rubbing her eyes and yawning for what seems like ever.  She was extremely tired, exhausted from the day, heart broken, scared and thought about just sleeping when she heard someone in front of her.  She quickly scuttles back into the midst 
Rini: (c) midst of stuffed animals and toys in the room when she looks up at a very familiar face.  instantly her eyes begin to well up as tears start flowing down her cheeks, dripping off of her small chin.  Her voice was cracked and full of tears, "M.
Rini: (c) "M...mommy?!!" she says, standing up, rubbing her eyes to see if she was dreaming.  No, this was no dream, her mother had just appeared out of nowhere to be with her, or so she thought.  She carefully walks over to the kneeling woman and touch
Rini: (c) touches her gently, feeling flesh and bone.  Without saying a word she embraces the woman tightly, holding on for dear life and nothing letting go. She buries her head into her mothers shoulder, crying, not saying a word, just crying.
Usagi: smiles weakly at the child before her and reaches an arm out to take hold of her in the hug to return it. "Heya honey...good to see you again..." She smiles softly. True, it was the umpteenth time the kid had come back, but she was still happy to 
Usagi: -c- to see her smiling face. "Sorry I'm late...getting slammed into a tree kind of does that honey..."
Tiernan: turned and smiled to the bartender, "I think we'll be going now..." "But you haven't paid for your drink." "Put it on my tab!" Tiernan jested, turning away from the protesting bartender he snapped his fingers 
Tiernan: (c) and grabbed Oaf's wrist. The moved swiftly through the crowd, shadows following their every step. Who'd have thought this place would become a trap? The innocent lives. The... sprinkler system? Tiernan
Tiernan: (c) had very serruptitiously sent a spark into the ceiling setting them off. Booths passed, then the kitchen door swung open. "Follow me..." Tiernan said, finally releasing his grip on Oaf's arm and
Tiernan: (c) dashing through the kitchen. Black holes in space tore through reality as the kitchen began to clear. "We need to leave quickly. There will be far too much bloodshed. And far too many reinforcements."
Rini: sniffs and looks at her mother with tear stained red eyes, "Are you ok mama?" she asks, sounding concearned that her mother was out of breath, until she mentioned something about a tree, "A...tree?  Who would put you into a tree?" she asks, still 
Rini: (c) holding on to her mother for dear life before putting her finger to her lips "Shhhhh mama, the people here will hear you, I want to go home.." she says, turning around long enough to grab her backpack and sling it on her back before taking her
Rini: (c) mothers arm tightly once again.
Usagi: nods softly. "Alright...but I warn you honey...This is likely going to knock me out..." She closes her eyes and winces in pain from the gathering of energy once more. She takes ahold of her daughter and wraps her arms around her daughter and conce
Usagi: -c- concentrates...they both disappear from the spot and pops back into the house, though Usagi collapses into the floor, breathing heavily. "Ow..."
Rini: kneels down and puts her arm around her mother tenderly, happy to be home and worried for her mothers health, "Mama, go to bed..." she says, trying to help her.  She was small, but tried her best to support her mothers weight as she slowly tried w
Rini: (c) walking to her bedroom to lay her down to rest.  "Come on mama, you need to rest, you look really tired and we can talk tomrrow.." she says, laying her backpack on the floor and shopping, tired herself from the long, exhausting day she had bee
Rini: (c) been through.
Jeckel: had been following oaf and this other guy the whole time...this dude must of been on some serious stuff. Or taken too many blows to the head. "Hey..what's going on. WHat do you mean reinforcements and stuff? Whats going on?"
Usagi: nods softly and rolls onto her stomach, where she manages to weakly push herself to her knees. "Thanks honey...I bet you're hungry though" She stands up slowly and makes her way to the kitchen and leans against the wall before opening the fridge. 
Usagi: -c- "Anything you hungry for?" She was going to be a few days recovering from the beating she took the night before and the large expenditure of energy she just used.
Tiernan: eyes the opening holes in space and time. He lifted one hand and clenched his open hand, they all shut simultaneously. "Find in me - Sanctuary." he murmored as white runes scribbled themselves on the walls.
Tiernan: (c) Oafy, awestruck, just nodded and followed after Tiernan as he pressed open the back door and stood face to face with... himself. "This won't be good if anyone sees us." the one in white said to the one
Tiernan: (c) in black. "Yes, well. I'm prepared to move, so I don't give a damn. And since I'm prepared to move I'll need you quietly, and safely tucked away so you can't do anything rash, like kill yourself." 
Tiernan: (c) with a whirl of white and black, light and fabric the two swan through the air in the dank alleyway behind the Drunken Clam. "You'll never win." said the black. "I don't have to." said the white.
Rini: shakes her head, "Umm...no, they fed me there.." she says, referring to the temple to which she never wanted to go back.  She yawns and rubs her eyes as she walks up to her mother and leans against her, hugging her leg, "Don't leave me alone again
Rini: (c) ..please?" she says in a very tired voice and then falls unusually silent.  When Usagi looks down, she see her daughter sleeping peacefully leaning against her leg, holding on tightly, even after falling asleep.  It was obvious that the little
Rini: (c) girl had experienced quite a day and was, like her mother, extremely exhausted.
Jeckel: blinked a few times and then scratched his head, following the now two people..one white, one black, geeze was he WASTED or what!? "Hey...dickheads! What the hell are we doing? Why are we not in the bar getting toasted and why am I watching you pl
Jeckel: <C> play tag with yourself in an alley?" Jeckel burped. "Oh..eh..so yeah..I'd like some damn answers."
Usagi: nods softly and looks at the sleeping girl hugging her leg and smiles softly. "Alright..." She looks down and picks up her daughter, taking her to her room to place her in bed and tuck her in, kissing her on the forehead. "Sleep well honey"
Tiernan: smiled, at least the version of Tiernan that wore white smiled. His black-outfitted friend grimaced and flicked his head toward Jeckel, as though giving an order to some unseen ally. The white one in one
Tiernan: (c) smooth motion, turned, bowed to Jeckel. He pulled a simple, ivory-white katana from behind his back, hidden who-knows-where, then slammed it into the ground exploding in a cloud of smoke and scattering 
Tiernan: (c) dozens of white feathers throughout the alleyway. "AUGH! You fools!" The rifts in reality tore open immediately upon the white Tiernan's disappearance. Golems made only of black plate mail materialized 
Tiernan: (c) and immediately began swining giant axes at Jeckel.
Jeckel: raised an eyebrow as the party wrecker in white made his way over to him, pulling out what seemed to be some sort of white sword and then slamming it into the ground. He blinked and took a step back when the sword exploded and then watched as the 
Jeckel: <C> feathers fell to the ground. "Well..ok..so its some sort of magic show." Jeckel looked around as he saw what seemed to be portals, or something, open up and large..things..made of armor came from the portals. As the axes were swung toward him,
Jeckel: <C> his hands became engulphed in a whispy green aura and those same hands whent out and slammed against the edges of the golem axes, stopping them in their tracks. "damnit.." he sighed and flipped back, his aura flaring up as he powered up slight
Jeckel: <C> slightly, a sphere of blue energy cackling to life in each hand, and each sphere launched at a golem. "What the hell is this crap!?"
Tiernan: narrowed his eyes. "You fool. You're the distraction. And I - I can't leave any witnesses..." with a flash of black lightning swung his sword sending a bolt of black light careening toward Jeckel. The Black
Tiernan: (c) Armors dropped their weapons and latched on to Jeckel trying to hold him in place for the deadly blow.
Jeckel: grunted as he was grabbed by the armors and sneered as the bolt of black light hit him straight on in the chest, causing an explosion that rocked the alleyway slightly and kicking up large amounts of debris and dust, creating a rather thick cloud.
Jeckel: <C> As the cloud dissipated, Jeckel's form was visible, when the cloud was completely gone, there was a pile of broken armor and a rather angry looking Jeckel, standing with a sphere of energy charged in his right palm. "What the hell was that you
Jeckel: <C> little piss ant!? You trying to come on to me or something?" He lifted his hand to Tiernan, pointing the sphere of energy directly at him. "Here's some advice...you should check the powerlevels of those you start crap with.." Jeckel smirked an
Jeckel: <C> and the ball of energy was launched, splitting off into three seperate spheres as it raced at Tiernan.
Tiernan: vanished as soon as the balls of light left Jeckel's hand, in his place stood a Black Armor. "Idiot. He was using you!" he called from above Jeckel. The Black Armor became dust as the attack connected. 
Tiernan: (c) Another Black Armor took a swing at Jeckel, Tiernan's mind racing. 'He's too fast, I don't have the mandate to kill anyone right now. But he must die. If he has any clue of him... then...' Tiernan's
Tiernan: (c) eyes narrowed, he fell from the sky a column of lightning connecting him with the sky as he threatened to bring that column of light down on top of Jeckel's head. "...Now reap the whirlwind..." he
Tiernan: (c) spake in an inhuman incantation.
Jeckel: raised an eyebrow questioningly as Tiernan dissapeared, or turned into one of those armor things, he wasn't really sure, he was sure however that watching his blasts connect was pretty awesome, and as yet another one of those things took a swing a
Jeckel: <C> at him, he simply spun to the side of the swing and laid a blast directly on the armor golem's chest, shattering it to pieces. Jeckel looked up in the sky, why did they allways assume he couldn't find them? He could feel them, hell, he was wea
Jeckel: <C> wearing a scouter. Jeckel cupped his hands by his right side and a blue-white ball of energy formed between his palms, growing quickly and engulphing his hands before he pushed both palms up towards the sky, towards Tiernan, a beam of the same
Jeckel: <C> colored energy launching straight up towards the descending fighter, the force of which had completely cleared the alley of all the broken pieces of golem armor. "You're much too weak for this! You should give up!"
Tiernan: rode a bolt of lightning like Thor or Zeus, as he imagined it, into a white-hot beam of fire. His own attack suffered the brunt of the blow, launching Tiernan through the air, spinning and flailing madly    
Tiernan: (c) until he landed firmly in the brick of the building behind the Drunken Clam. After recovering and freeing himself from the building's indention, Tiernan staggered midair, narrowing his eyes craftily.    
Tiernan: (c) "So... Who was the man whom you followed out here?" "Oaf" The crazed man replied. "Mm, indeed. Then I bid you good night. I hope you enjoyed the magic show." with the most curtious smile, Tiernan bowed to    
Tiernan: (c) Jeckel and disappeared in the exact same manner as the previous incarnation of Tiernan. He floated to the ground nearest to Jeckel, revealed his blade and struck the ground, virtually exploding into a
Tiernan: (c) violent storm of black feathers.  
Jeckel: raised an eyebrow as yet another exploding fairland of feathers and the like gave way to the rather odd man scampering off. "Eh..I have no idea how he survived that attack...but..god damn faeries...." He walked off, heading back to the apartment h
Jeckel: <C> he was living in..well..squatting in. The pervious owners had fled the city recently but to him, it was all free game.
Shim: - Shim strolled down the streets of abandoned New Hope City, crimson hair splayed about his face as it normally was. He needed closure, to let this rest. He dressed strangely today - at least anyone who'd seen him before would think so; a white bl
Shim: (C) blazer with matching shirt and slacks contrasted his crimson hair - sin amidst purity, fire amidst peace. He arrived at a small electronics shop, and turned on his heels, clasping his hands behind his neck. He wasn't here for electronics, and 
Shim: (C) and his computer didn't need repairing. He didn't even have one. The bell atop the door announced his entrance, as did the sound of his footsteps against the tile.
Usagi: once more didn't look up for a moment as she was repairing one of the computers she had. "Just a sec!" She finishes for the moment and closes the panel with a small thump, dusting herself off and hoping she looked presentable to a customer. She st
Usagi: -c- stands up and locks eyes with Shim for a moment before she blinks a few times in surprise. "Shim...how can I help you?" He was one of the people on the last expected to be here list, so she was a bit surprised, which showed in her face.
Shim: - He spoke softly, so as to not attract the attention of the customers, his eyes sliding to the side. "I didn't want to kill her," he paused, grinding his teeth together. "She may have gone completely nuts, but she was your mother, and I know it w
Shim: (C) it was hard for you to see." How brutal the killing had been, three fully focused, fully powered attacks slamming into the crazed senator. When dust cleared, nothing was left of her, not even a whisper of that dillusional voice. "Sorry I had t
Shim: (C) I had to do it." His voice faltered; he wasn't good at apologies. He was very new to them in fact, this being his first.
Usagi: - She stops for a moment. There were indeed some people browsing about, and with the rebuilding taking place, she was most certainly repairing a lot of computers as of late, but for the moment, there was pause. "I...I know, Shim...I'm sorry that i
Usagi: -c- it happened...but sometimes I wonder if...it wasn't for the better. I'll still miss her though" She moves towards him to place a hand on his shoulder and smiles softly. "Thank you for keeping me safe"
Zhang: shoves Shim back, screaming "STAY DUH FUCK OFF MAH KOOLAID, BITCH!"
Essex: stares at his hand, grinning. The experiment was a success. "Hahaha..." He laughs, shaking his head, his long locks of blood red hair falling about his golden tan skin. "Ah man... they'll
Essex: (*) all get a kick out of this." The previous night, he had been experimenting, analyzing his unique DNA structure. Instead of a single double-helix like a regular being, his body had a 
Essex: (*) double double-helix, two twisting ladders instead of one. His experiment conducted the previous night had allowed him to 'shift' between those strands of DNA, changing his
Essex: (*) physical appearance. Now, instead of massive, bulky, and draconic, he was average height, lithe, toned; humanoid once again. He grins, running his tongue along his now
Essex: (*) flat teeth, not afraid of tearing it open on the once razors that were there. 
Shim: blinked. He'd just had the strangest vision ever... He heeded her words, but the guilt still clung to him. It was something he'd probably never forget, something he'd never forgive himself for. However much it seemed inevitable for Serenity to be 
Shim: (C) to be killed at his hands, he knew there had to have been another way, one that, at least, kept her daughter from having to witness it. He'd nearly died a hundred times over in battle, his hands had bathed in the blood of countless foes; but t
Shim: (C)  but the events of that day stained his hands crimson forever. He could do nothing but to say, "Yeah."
Usagi: gives Shim's shoulder a small squeeze before heading back around the counter. "At least she's hopefully at peace now" She looks back around the computer shop, still newly reopened since the encounter at her house. "Hey, if you guys need any help g
Usagi: -c- getting the computers fixed or something like that, I'd be happy to help you out there" She looks around for a moment and pops the case back open on the computer she was working at. "Go ahead and take a seat somewhere"
Essex: crosses his arms and leans against the doorway, staring into the shop, grinning. "Yeah, Shim, she could help us fix any of our computers..." He steps into it, popping his neck and
Essex: (*) tugging on his shirt. "So, man, how's it been? Haven't seen you since..." He lowers his head and stares at the floor. He raises his head to Usagi, feigning sorrow for her, that emotion
Essex: (*) not really one in his repetoire. "I'm... I'm sorry for your loss, Usagi. But she's in a better place now, hopefully politicing it up someone in the great... other... dimension." He chuckles
Essex: (*) to himself and steps up to the counter, leaning on it. "Oh, by the way, Usagi, do you have any Illudiom Pew-36 Explosive Space Modulators? I've been looking to buy one."
Shim: - She turned back from her customer to speak to Shim, and there wasn't a sign of the halfbreed. He had thinking to do; such a bittersweet thing victory could be sometimes. He'd, of course, kept Usagi alive, but at what cost? He wanted to scream at
Shim: (C) something, to beat the hell out of someone, but he knew it would never straighten out his conflicting thoughts. Was he really a hero? Would a hero look for a way to salvage the situation, trading a life for a life? No. He would do whatever he 
Shim: (C) he could to save both.
Usagi: looks up from the shop counter to see a familiar face as well. "Essex..." She waves at him halfheartedly, still not knowing him as the giant behemoth of a dragon that was at her house the other night. "Take a seat somewhere, I'm fixing something"
Usagi: sighs and sits against the far wall of her store, behind the counter with a computer case open before her. Some sparks fly as she begins to repair its circuitry and wiring while she wears a pair of slightly darkened goggles to keep her eyes from g
Usagi: -c- getting anything. A few customers browse through her shop, though a bell is on the counter if anyone needs assistance for anything.
Essex: crosses his arms and leans against the doorway, staring into the shop, grinning. "Hey, Usagi..." He steps into it, popping his neck and
Essex: (*) tugging on his shirt. "So, girl, how's it been? Haven't seen you since..." He lowers his head and stares at the floor. He raises his head to Usagi, feigning sorrow for her, that emotion
Essex: (*) not really one in his repetoire. "I'm... I'm sorry for your loss, Usagi, I truly am." He shakes his head. "But that's not why I'm here, I came here 'cause I needed help, you specialize in electronics,
Essex: (*) and I'm looking for a part."
Usagi: Usagi looks up at the counter, which is the only reason why she sees Essex. She stops with the computer and pulls the goggles up. "Hey Essex" She closes her eyes and nods softly when he mentions her mother, but she sighs. "Right now...I'm just gla
Usagi: -c glad it's over...and that she's at peace right now..." That being done, she listens in to the rest of what he has to say and tilts her head slightly. "What kind of part are you looking for?"
Essex: sets his arm on the counter, flipping open the access panel on his mechanical claw. "I damaged a very important transistor when I activated the E.M.P. the other night." He looks around at the
Essex: (*) customers, glad that he's no longer draconic in appearence for the time being. "Fortunately I managed to salvage most of the stuff from various electronics left over from my SynTech days."
Essex: (*) He looks at the wall of parts behind her. "But unfortunately I can't find this particular part I need, and I don't have the tools or resources at the moment to build it myself... help a friend out?"
Usagi: looks down at his claw and stares into the workings. She was familiar with a lot of it, being in electronics, but she was more towards computers rather than biomechanics. "Hmm...I can do what I can. What all needs doing besides fixing or replacing
Usagi: -c- the transistor?" She looks back up to him before taking a look around to see what the customers were doing.
Essex: shakes his head. "All I need is the transistor, thanks." He cracks a sideways smile, "Unfortunately the rest of it is classified &rSynTech &wtechnology..." He chuckles. "Otherwise I'd
Essex: (*) let you help me with the rest." He look down at his goldish tan skin, awkward of his old appearence. "So, do you need any help around the store?" He cocks his head to the side, "I need to
Essex: (*) look good, what with me being a public figure and all now."
Usagi: - "Buy something" Usagi smiles and shrugs, looking down at the claw again. "Well...let me have the part and I'll see what I can do. Was it just burned out by the EMP, or is there anything else going on with it right now?" She turns back and looks 
Usagi: -c- at the computers behind her that she was in the midst of repairing.
Essex: removes his mechanical claw, leaving just a stump with a few wires. He sets it on the counter and reaches into the part that attaches to his arm, removing a small, glass-looking bulb. "It burned out, I
Essex: (*) believe, might be something else wrong with it though... that's the only thing I can't salvage, and... transistors aren't exactly my forte anyway." He hands Usagi the transistor and then reaches into
Essex: (*) his pocket, removing a wad of paper money. He sets the money on the counter and looks her in the eye. "That's for helping me fix my hand." He pushes the money towards her, waiting for her to
Essex: (*) check for his part.
Usagi: nods and looks at the part, smiling. "Yea. I've got plenty of these, hang on a second" She heads back into a door that houses some of her inventory that she has no room on the shelves for and takes a look around. She finds one of the toy cars she 
Usagi: -c- has back there and pulls it apart, finding the piece she's looking for. That being done, she comes back out with the piece in hand. "Easy to replace, at least" That being done, she begins to insert the transistor in the manner that she saw it 
Usagi: -c- was in there in the first place.
Essex: picks up his mechanical hand, replacing it to it's corresponding port. He turns his arm over, flexing his fingers and rolling his wrist to test it. "Thank you kindly, Miss Usagi." He says, slipping his hands
Essex: (*) into his pockets and turning around, leaning against the counter. He looks out at the customers, and peers out to the cleaned up streets outside, construction on the damaged buildings already 
Essex: (*) starting. "So. Me and Oaftres need a, secretary of sorts." He turns back around to Usagi and crosses his arms, leaning on the counter and looking at her. "Know anyone who'd be interested?"
Usagi: looks at him with a frank look and smiles. "Is that an offer, Oaftres?" She shakes her head softly. "If I could do some of it here, I might be able to pull it part time, but I can't just let this place go yet...a lot of people need computer repair
Usagi: -c- repairs" She turns and looks back at about five computers that are in various stages if disrepair, shrugging softly.
Rini: walks into her mothers shop and looks oddly about, "What's going on here?" she says annoyingly and walking up to her mother, pulling on her shirt, "Mom, what's going on?  Who is this..well..thing?" she asks, hiding behind her mother and glaring at
Rini: (c) the man, thing or whatever it was. She sticks out her tongue at him from her hiding spot behind her mother, holding on to one of her mothers leg, her backpack still on from school.
Essex: ignores the annoying saproling that came into the store. He had no need to pay attention to her, for if needed, he could erase her miserable existence from the planet without blinking. "I'm not 
Essex: (*) asking you to leave the store. I'm quite saavy when it comes to most electronics, I was head of &rSynTech &wafter all." He tilts his head, keeping eye contact with Usagi. He shrugs and stands
Essex: (*) up, slipping his hands back into his pockets. He turns around and begins casually walking towards the exit of the store, before looking back over his shoulder. "The offer is good, you're 
Essex: (*) welcome to take it up anytime. You help us, we'll help you." He turns around and looks at the store, examining it. "Who knows, maybe you could use a bigger lot to work with, mmm?" He
Essex: (*) winks at her and pivots on his heel, beginning to whistle an indistinguishable tune as he steps out onto the side walk, looking at HIS city before him.
Essex: (*) winks at her and pivots on his heel, beginning to whistle an indistinguishable tune as he steps out onto the side walk, looking at HIS city before him.
Usagi: smiles as her kid walks into the store and reaches down to give her a hug, even at her shirt's tugged on. "He's a friend named Essex" She pats her on the head softly before looking back up to Essex. "I'll keep that in mind, thanks. I'll let you kn
Usagi: -c- know when I decide. Shouldn't take too long" She looks back down and gives her daughter a kiss on the forehead before standing back up. "Hey honey, you want to go play with the cars in the back?"
Rini: frowns at the human male and then at her mother, "Hmm, well, if he's a friend, ok.." she says, smiling to Essex before he leaves and goes in back and sits in her mothers chair and begins to play on her computer happily, throwing her backpack onto 
Rini: (c) he floor, "He looked kinda familiar..." she says to herself, stopping to think and then shrugs as she plays happily, waiting for her mother to get done with whatever she was doing. She ran a successful business so she was always busy with some
Rini: (c) -one or another, although she really didn't like men since there always a threat of one taking her mother away from her.
Usagi: smiles and watches at Rini goes over to one of the working computers behind the counter and begins to play. "Just try not to beat my score too badly, honey" With that, she heads back to one of the opened computer cases and gets back to work, small
Usagi: -c- sparks flying as she begins to repair it again. The money Essex had paid her was already safely stored away, at least making sure that most of the bills were paid this month.
Orii: - The youth walked with closed eyes, his dark and brooding appearance contrasting the casual passerby, causing them to step aside, avoid contact with the 'punk kid'. He traced the image in his mind, from the lithe but muscular physique, to the shi
Orii: (C) shimmering blonde hair, to the icy blue eyes, perfect, surreal. "Ugh! Fuck!" Orii shouted, clattering to the ground as he collided with something, or rather, someone. His head slammed into the sidewalk as he fell, black hair splayed in all dir
Orii: (C) directions. He opened his eyes, vision blurred by the drink he'd sipped before class, and glared at the man. "What the hell!"
Essex: turns and extends a hand down. "Sorry, kid." He says, hoping to help the kid up. He quirks an eyebrow and stares down at the adolescent that bumped into him. "Mmm." He shakes
Essex: (*) his head. "Here, lemme help you up, sorry about that, I didn't see you there." 
Oafy: strides down a nameless street, out of the corner of his eye checking out the reconstruction efforts in the more damaged sectors of New Hope. Massive cranes lifted up materials to the top of skyscrapers, while a couple of contracted Saiyans
Oafy: - single handedly work on a couple of smaller houses with minor structural damage. It was probably one of his better ideas recently: construction companies all received a huge tax cut, lessons on how to commit insurance fraud, and given contacts
Oafy: - on New Vegeta for contract work. Overall, the construction industry was thriving like no other time, rather than barely making ends meat, and having far more work available than the labour force could handle. "Yeah... I'm one smart dumbass."
Oafy: sighs happily, continuing to passby the area, his blue cape dragging against the cracked cement sidewalks. Above, the sun blares bright at him, forcing a wince. A long night spent drinking made colours slightly intolerable at this point.. but 
Oafy: - wasn't suffering bad from a hangover.
Usagi: had already tucked her child in at home, though heaven only knows when she would awaken. Sometimes, she wondered if Rini didn't have some sort of sense for whenever her mother was out doing something. Nonetheless, here she was, walking amidst the 
Usagi: -c- town much as another was...in fact, she saw him and waved at him from down the random street they traversed, simply staying put for the moment as her eyes wandered to and fro.
Shim: - A newspaper slid away from the face of a man seated on a bench that lay on the sidewalk, between Usagi and Oaftres. The man had long crimson hair, lavender eyes, wore all black, and a blank look on his face. On the bench beside him sat a cooler 
Shim: (C) which he'd half emptied, and his sheathed sword. Shim leaned back, waiting to be acknowledged by his acquaintences.
Oafy: smiles a little, catching eyes with Usagi further down the street. He owed her a dinner - or rather, he was going to tell her he did. A couple steps closer, nearly tripping over a man on a bench, Oafy turns to shoot a death-glare. "Watch your
Oafy: - god damn feet, neg- Hey, what're you doing, Shim?" The attitude switches faster than anything, noting that it was Shim, and he seemed to have a cooler holding some sort of alcoholic beverages. Glancing over to Usagi, he signals for her to
Oafy: - come over to the two halfbreeds, while he himself takes a seat next to the cooler. Patting a spot on the bench next to him, he makes it obvious he is saving it for the lady. Meanwhile: "How's family, life, and the universe treating ya, Shim?"
Thea: keeps a black expression on her face as she stands in the shadow of the courtroom of the Alliance. Several figures could be vaguely seen sitting behind the desk staring down on her, <vaguefigure> "Because of your actions on earth we ware stripping
Thea: (C) you of your rank and title Thea Qian." Theas eye's water up some as she thinks back at that time, about how her power had been taken away from her, she clinches her right hand up into a tight ball her nails digging into her skin causing blood 
Thea: (C)blood to run down from  the palm of her hand. her mind keeps tracing back to that halfbreed from before, first in the park then at city hall. "grrrr" her teeth making a slight clicking sound from them gritting togather, she lets a low mutter 
Thea: I'm going to kill that halfbreed...."
Usagi: smiles more as she sees Shim after the newspaper's blown from his face. She joins the two of them on the bench after being offered a seat, which she thanks Oaftres for. "Hello again you two..." She looks at Oaftres. "So...getting back to an interr
Usagi: -c- interrupted subject a while back...you just never found the right moment to tell me about what had happened with Rini at the time?"
Shim: - He sat up and moved down, forced to hold the great bottle in his lap. Idly, he sipped at the beverage, slightly buzzed. He'd had time to reflect on what had happen, on what had been said. Nothing had been decided, nothing had been fixed. He just
Shim: (C) figured it was best to forget about it; it couldn't have been helped, and if it could, it was in the past, and forgiven. But his mind still lingered on the subject, especially since Usagi had arrived. His thoughts were hardly on the matter at 
Shim: (C) hand - he only made vague conversationary gestures. Catching Oafy's eyes cross the lip of the bottle, Shim handed the bottle to his friend and spoke, "I can't finish it alone, have some."
Oafy: takes hold of the bottle, questioning why anyone would give up booze so willingly. And yet... "Whew.. Terrible." Shaking off the nasty taste of liquor, he offers the drink to Usagi, shaking the bottle a bit to make it seem all the more
Oafy: - enticing. While doing this, he figures it best to answer her question honestly. "You tell me the right time to tell a mother her child was slaughtered by someone I consider a friend." Pausing, the drink still held offeringly to the woman,
Oafy: considers his own tone; regret lingers in the words. "I... dont... deal with things well. You get me?"
Usagi: politely refused the beer after catching a whiff of what was in the bottle. "I...I know. I'm starting to wonder from time to time about Xerokine..." She sighs and looks skyward. "I get you...thanks for at least trying, Oaftres. I really appreciate
Usagi: -c- that" She placed a hand on his shoulder and looks around at the construction, sighing softly.
Shim: snatched the bottle from the other halfbreed, took a gulp of the burning liquid, and let out a sigh; it tasted terrible, but it was better than sitting there and thinking. He was silent, distracted, somewhere else. He recalled the day, and more pa
Shim: (C) particular, how it had all ended. Usagi laid there, smoking, burning, as he repeated Serenity's last words. It was a favor he wasn't asked often, but one he felt he had to fulfill. Shoving aside the thoughts, the halfbreed took another swig of
Shim: (C) the beverage, staring idly at the brick wall of the building opposite of the bench.
Oafy: runs a hand through the dark red messy hair on his head, deep in thought about everything. Shim was quiet.. that didn't happen often. The young punk (compared to Oaftres.. at least when they met) was always full of obscenities, and loud
Oafy: - screaming. Or maybe that was just when he was angry? Either way, 'that happens a lot. Something must be up.' Grabbing the bottle from Shim, he takes a gulp, before letting it rest at his side opposite to his friend. Shim would have to
Oafy: - deal with his problems sober, rather than run away forever. "Confrontation," Oafy starts, speaking to Usagi, but loud enough for others to listen. "Isn't always easy. But it has to be done, I suppose." Guilt was building within himself.
Oafy: began to remember what happened on New Vegeta.. Xerokine, Serenity, and himself in that spaceship. The first person view of a nearing planet, and an out of control shuttle, fills his eyes. The memory begins to take sound: 'The
Oafy: - acceleration... *SNAP*... is broken!' "Er, yea." Snapping to, he lowers his eyes to the sidewalk. "We all have to deal with our actions sooner or later... Shim."
Usagi: stays politely silent when she's no longer much in the conversation. Shim was indeed silent, and it was starting to worry her. Nonetheless she folds her hands in her lap as she watches Oaftres speaks to Shim and sighs. She had no clue what she cou
Usagi: -c- could talk about right now, so she didn't.
Shim: reached out to take back the bottle as Oafy set it on the other side of him. A brief flash of frustration crossed his face, but he didn't act on it. His eyes slid to the side, avoiding the sight of his friends seated beside him, avoiding Oafy's wo
Shim: (C) words. He had confronted the problem... But that didn't make it any better. He still questioned whether or not he was the hero he claimed to be, whether the death had been avoidable. Then, Oafy stood, and left, overcome by the memory of the sh
Shim: (C)  shuttle accident; he walked away in silence, and Shim wasn't going to stop him. Until he realized he'd wandered off with his liquor. Sighing, Shim cast glares at the retreating image of his friend.
Usagi: lowers her head a bit and watches as the two of them make their way elsewhere. She stands slowly and lowers her gaze for a moment before she poofs out, reappearing in the living room of her home, calling out. "Rini? You around?" She looks into the
Usagi: -c- kitchen first, heading then into her bedroom.
Rini: had been sitting at the home computer playing video games, despite how late it was.  There was no school the next day and so she decided to wake up and wait for her mother by amusing herself in various ways, playing video games, playing with her d
Rini: (c) dolls and numerous stuffed animals or reading.  She turns around as her mother just appears out of nowhere, "Hi mommy!" she says, jumping out of her chair and running up to her mother, giving her a hug "Why do you have to leave all the time?" 
Rini: (c) she says innocently, curious as to why her mother had to leave the house, leaving her alone at home.  She was still untrained, even though she had lots of untapped potential and raw power.  "Where did you go?" she asks curiously, "I hope not o
Rini: (c) on a date.." she says, frowning but quickly smiling once again.
Usagi: shakes her head softly. "I wasn't on a date, honey. What are you doing still up?" She sits down next to her daughter, looking over her shoulder at the computer screen. "What'cha playing honey?" She blinks as she remembers that Shim's still out the
Usagi: -c- there on the bench...she must have been seeing things, because she thought he left. "Crap, I need to make a call, honey" She clicks her cell phone on and dials his number to see if she still had it.
Shim: - His teeth gnashed as the woman disappeared. Why the hell did he feel like this? All of the other times had been clean, kill-and-never-think-of-it-again things; they'd always been rapists or murderers, people who deserved to die. But the woman he
Shim: (C) he'd slain was, skewed, yes, and she did strike him the wrong way, what with her political seat - but she was a normal person, with a child. He'd--- "Fuck..." Guitars roared, cymbols clashed, and voices roared from within the inside pocket of 
Shim: (C) his jacket. He flipped open the sleek, black cell-phone and answered with a tired, "Yeah..."
Rini: was just about to explain and show her mother what she was doing, but then started making a phone call.  She just turns off her game, sighs and walks towards her room, apparently heart broken by the need to call someone else "Nevermind..it's not i
Rini: (c) important I guess.." she mumbles, entering her room and closing her door.  She sits down on the floor, admist all her doll and other toys and begins to play all alone.  At one time, she was used to playing games with her mother all the time, b
Rini: (c) being given baths to wash her hair, being read to, among other things.  She sighs sadly, not used to being alone or playing alone, which had affected her grades in school and her general attitude as of late.  She sits with her legs crossed, in
Rini: (c) indian style, holding a doll in each hand and talking to herself as she plays, sounding highly depressed and sad.  She yawned a little, showing signs of fatigue but seemed too depressed to sleep.
Usagi: sighs as Rini leaves her side and heads for her room as she talks. "Shim...I'm sorry I just kind of left you right there...I saw Oaftres leave and I honestly thought you did, so I went home" She walks after her daughter and heads into the bedroom 
Usagi: -c- while still on the phone while the tip of her finger starts glowing. She walks over to her daughter and smiles as she speaks again. "Can I call you back soon, Shim?" She leans over and whispers softly into Rini's ear and smiles as she lets the
Usagi: -c- light dance back and forth between her fingers.
Shim: - His eyes narrowed briefly as he received the call, took in the words. "Uh. Yeah, I guess..." He closed the phone without another word, curious and slightly angered at the fact that she'd taken the trouble to call him, only to ask if she could ge
Shim: (C) get back to him later. Instinctfully, he reached for his bottle, which Oaftres had nonchalantly snuck off with, and cursed his fellow halfbreed. He stood from the bench, and simply started walking. He didn't have much else to do but receive th
Shim: (C) the call, and consider that which troubled him.
Rini: puts down her dolls and stands up, pushing her mothers hand away and shaking her head "no...you're on the phone.." she says sadly, leaving her mother in her room as sits on the floor of the kitchen, putting on her shoes, her jacket and grabs her s
Rini: (c) stuffed rabbit for a moment.  She opens the door and stops, looking at her stuffed rabbit and looking back to where her mother was on the phone.  She closes her eyes and sighs, putting her once favorite toy on the kitchen table and leaves the 
Rini: (c) house, closing the door behind her.  She looks up at the moond with her sad red eyes, the moonlight reflecting off of her pretty pink hair.  She just sighs and begins to walk through the woods, hands in her pockets, her level of power subconci
Rini: (c) subconciously dropping to near minimum levels, too upset and depressed for her power to be sustained at any great level.
Usagi: shakes her head softly as she says goodbye to Shim and starts off after her daughter. It's not all that hard to follow her, considering she never let her out of her sight. She floats behind her daughter for a while before she speaks up. "Where are
Usagi: -c- you going, Angel?"
Jeckel: landed just outside of a house that was in the middle of a recently destroyed forest. He had remembered this place here when he had followed the smells of battle. Sure, he had an apartment in New Hope, but that was more of a borrowed place. Citize
Jeckel: <C> Citizens were starting to return to the city and it was only a matter of time before the owner came back, so here was Jeckel, house hunting. Sure, he could simply kill the owner, but that would cause multiple amounts of un-needed stress over s
Jeckel: <C> some place he wasn't going to stay in very long anyway. So here he was, house hunting. "besides..if this turns out to be that Shim's place..I won't mind taking it from him." Jeckel smirked and looked around, he had just missed Rini walking int
Jeckel: <C> into the woods and Usagi following, besides he was in the back yard, although it was hard to tell. He walked up to the back door and simply broke the door handle, not even caring if it were locked or not, and wandered his way in to take a look
Jeckel: <C> around. "Hmmm.."
Rini: turns around to face her floating mother with a look of anger on her small face as a flaming, crackling white aura errupts about her, pink lightning arcing throughout the aura as her level of power soars.  It seems, however, that she doesn't even 
Rini: (c) notice what's happening to her "You're so busy with your boyfriends, your work and your play you obviously have no time for me!" she says loudly, with a great deal of tension and anger.  "Go deal with them and just LEAVE ME ALONE!" she says wi
Rini: (c) with tears in her eyes, at this point preferring the dragon temple in Aqua Polis to her mother and her 'busy' schedule.
Usagi: shakes her head softly. "You're right...I am busy a lot Rini...they're not really boyfriends, but they still do occupy a lot of my time...there's a lot of rebuilding to do with New Hope, honey...and they asked me to help. I know I'm not there as m
Usagi: -c- much as I used to be..." She lowers herself to the ground. "I can't leave you alone though. I don't have it in me to let you go again, Rini. Call me selfish if you must, but I can't"
Jeckel: had his scouter turned off but his senses picked up the large arc in powerlevel. He stopped in his exploration of the house for a second and then just shrugged. "meh..." were his only concerns as he continued to wander the house. "looks like it wa
Jeckel: <C> was abandoned recently..very recently. Owners probably perished in whatever went on out here." He continued his wandering, heading into Rini's room. "eh..little girl's room." He then made his way into the master bedroom, looking through the cl
Jeckel: <C> closets and the drawers. ".....big girl's room...ugh..well...guess I can't have it all." Jeckel frowned and continued his exploration of the house, looking through the kitchen and pulling a box of cereal from a cabinent and munching on the con
Jeckel: <C> contents inside. "Well..at least the food is still good."
Rini: sniffs sadly and pouts, stopping her tears for the moment.  She had been used to the first six years of her life filled with being pampered, spoiled and having lots of good attention.  She wasn't used to her mother being busy all the time, having 
Rini: (c) to work not only in her shop but on reconstruction and dealing with her apparent contacts.   She sudden change was adversely affecting her behavior as well as other aspects of her life.  Her tantrums and her change of attitude were normal cons
Rini: (c) consequences of this kind of drastic change in a childs life.  Her aura fades as quickly as it errupted, her power dropping drastically once again.  She sits down on the ground, shivering from the cold and pulling her knees up to her chest, re
Rini: (c) resting her chin on her knees "It's not fair.." she says quietly, well subdued "You have no time for me anymore." she says, looking up at her mother, "why do you have to leave all the time? Can't you stay, at least for a little while?  They do
Rini: (c) don't need you all the time, do you?" she says, shivering greatly, "Mommy..." she whispers, "I feel...strange..., cold.." she says, looking towards the cabin.
Usagi: smiles and nods softly. She was aware things were changing and wished Rini would know about it...she did, but it was hard for her, she knew. "I know life's not fair, honey...I wish it were. If it wasn't, New Hope would never have been destroyed in
Usagi: -c- the first place..." She kneels down next to her daughter and wraps her arms around her small body and rests her cheek on her shoulder. "I...have a lot to do now, honey. Things aren't as easy as they were before...sometimes I wish they would be
Usagi: -c- be, but we have to adapt to what life gives us, ok? Mommy always loves you, Rini. Never forget that...and I will be here when I can...I know that's not much, but I want to spend time with you, ok?"
Jeckel: meanwhile was sitting at the kitchen table, munching on a bowl of ceral, complete with milk! "Heh! Now this is great. A house that COMES with groceries! I guess I should hit the stores that haven't been looted yet...stock up..." Jeckel looked arou
Jeckel: <C> around once more and leaned back in his chair. "Hmmm...can't get too attatched though, I still need to head to Vegeta...." Jeckel fed another spoon full of cereal and milk into his mouth, munching and soon gulping it down. "hmm..maybe a summer
Jeckel: <C> home?"
Toshio: sighs as he walks through the forests, finally seeing his house. "Home..." He says softly. He doesnt notice his mother and sister talking outside, walking in. There were few pictures of him, only a few when he was around Rini's age. He is now four
Toshio: <C> fourteen years hold, his hair grown out a bit but still spikey as ever, blonde like his mothers. He hears someone eating and looks to the man who was there. He recieved letters of having a baby sister but god if this was her she was ugly. He w
Toshio: <C> walks towards the man, wearing a black japanese style school uniform. "Excuse me...What are you doing here?" He asks, watching him intently. "Where is the woman who lives here, Usagi Tsukino?" He asks, clearly unamused at the man being there.
Rini: stands up and hugs her mother, saying nothing, just wanting to know she was loved and cared about, as well as for.  She had not felt that way in quite some time and she was happy to know her mother still loved her.  She would be seven in a few mon
Rini: (c) months, and at seven she had heard that kids don't cry anymore so she had to do as much of it now as she could.  She notices someoone with the same colored hair as her mother enter their home.  She tugs on her mothers shirt and points to the h
Rini: (c) house, "Mommy, who is that man that looks like you?" she asks, curious as to who it was and then pulls on her mothers hand as he disappears inside the house, "Come on mommy, let's see who it is!" she says, always eager to meet new people, for 
Rini: (c) the most part. A couple of people she made made her feel nervous, like the weird tattooed lady and the dark cloaked man in Aqua Polis.
Usagi: blinks several times as she sees a man walking in her house, her breath catching for several moments. "Toshio..." She takes Rini's hand and hurries for the house, heading in and sensing not one, but two signatures...the second being a saiyan she r
Usagi: -c- recognized munching on a bowl of cereal. "Jeckel, so help me if you steal more food from my home, I will personally make sure you will NEVER have kids!" She hoped that he had the same...interests as the Jeckel she knew.
Jeckel: lookd up the youngster that had just enetered the house. His mouth was full of cereal so as the child rambled on, he continued to munch, not really being able to hear well over the sounds of cornflakes crunching in his mouth. He swallowed his food
Jeckel: <C>  and then simply told the kid. "Listen, this house was empty when I got here kid. If you can prove you live here I'll-" Jeckel was cut off as Usagi and Rini burst in, Usagi getting a raised eyebrow from Jeckel as he listened to her and then a 
Jeckel: <C> chuckle. "Oh, didn't know this place was inhabited.....eh..guess it makes sense now." Jeckel looked down at Rini, this wasn't the Jeckel she was used to, no, this Jeckel had both his eyes but seemed a bit meaner, hardened, most likely a conseq
Jeckel: <C> consequence of living on planet Vegeta. "Yeah yeah, ok. Missunderstanding. Hey..you didn't tell me you had a brat, Usagi...now you knowing who I am before I ever met you is starting to scare me. And if that other brat," He pointed to Toshio "I
Jeckel: <C> "Is also yours...well..all I'm saying is that you better not try to spring them as mine." He smirked and chuckled, looking Usagi right in the eyes. "But ya know..we could head off into your room....give em another sibling to play with.."
Shim: - Voices roared, laughter resounded, and cheers echoes through the bar. But one man was silent, on the end of the bar, three or four stools away from the next person; the man sipped at his drink with staring at the wall. He wasn't sure what was ha
Shim: (C) happening. This was the first time he'd ever questioned his worth this way, the first time he'd ever doubted himself like this. Had he resorted to violence too quickly? Had bloodshed ensued, where negotiation may have been successful? The glas
Shim: (C) glass shattered in his hands, beer and blood spilling onto the counter.
Toshio: just watches the man. The moment his mother speaks he just watches her. "I assume he is a friend of yours, mother?" He asks. He then notices a certain pink haired little girl and kneels down, watching her. He brushes some of his blonde hair out of hi
Toshio: <C> his blue eyes. "Hey, who are you?" He asks with a playful smile. He seems to let his mother handle the stranger, right now he was concerned about the little girl he had got a letter about. "Are you Rini?" He asks.
Rini: simply stares at Jeckel and looks up at her mother, "What's he talking about mommy..?" she asks, choosing to ignore the brat comment he made.  This man, much like that scary woman and the dark cloaked man, made her very nervous, uneasy and kept he
Rini: (c) hidden by the shield that was her mother.  She then looks into the eyes of a boy who gets right into her face who had just asked if Rini was her name.  She already felt uneasy and intimidated by Jeckel, although she had no idea who he was and 
Rini: (c) this boy, although seemingly nice, had gotten just a little too close for her liking.  Feeling shy, timid and intimidated, she retreats behind her mother further, holding on to her pantlegs with clenched fists  A soft white sphere of energy su
Rini: (c) surrounds here, much like a defense mechanism she could not control.  She says nothing, scared, but not crying, just glancing back and forth between this boy and the man, feeling unsafe even shielded by her mother.
Usagi: stares at the man in front of her. "You're definitely not the Jeckel I remember. That would have made him scream and run in terror...it's a pleasure to meet you Jeckel...and yes, I have two kids. Toshio and Rini" She glances back at the two of the
Usagi: -c- them, sighing softly. This would be interesting seeing the two of them together again. "Rini...this is your older brother, Toshio...I'm surprised you don't remember him..."
Jeckel: continues to munch his cereal. "Now..what I don't get is why you seem like you know me, and then don't at the same time. I don't have any brothers or anything...and its like you meet me like an old acquaintence but as a stranger at the same time."
Jeckel: <C> He picked up the bowl and put it to his lips, tilting the bowl and his head back and drinking the rest of the milk, whiping his face with one hand while he set the bowl down. "You and all your friends don't make any sense. Oafy, and all the re
Jeckel: <C> rest...I just don't get it." 
Oafy: * "Let me spot you," the dark haired man suggests, taking a seat next to the loner barfly. A nearly empty bottle of brown liquor is placed in front of Shim; it was the bottle he ran off with earlier. The chair groans a little as Oafy shifts
Oafy: - his weight, trying to get comfortable. "Uh..." The green eyes peer around, checking the proximity of others around the bar before speaking. ".. Need to talk?" The words come out a bit painfully, he himself not being one to discuss issues like
Oafy: - this. It's true that Shim didn't deserve to go through this pain, especially not alone, but.. Oaftres was beyond this stage. Yes, he felt regret and guilt.. Those feelings came many times before. But his good friend distraction kept his mind
Oafy: - away from such things.
Shim: eyed the mess that covered the counter, crimson mixing with the foaming beer. He was a wreck, lost in his thoughts; he couldn't concentrate - he couldn't pull himself away from the guilt. "It doesn't matter how much she forgives me..." Shim spoke,
Shim: (C)  dragging his bloody finger across the counter. "It doesn't help anything." He leaned back, eyeing low, high, anywhere but on Oafy's. "I could have done more... I could have stopped it."
Usagi: yawns and stretches as she looks at Jeckel with a smile. "Sorry Jeckel...it's a long story. I and my friends knew you as a different person...and that's all I can really say about that. It wasn't even you we knew, but we knew Jeckel. I'll explain 
Usagi: -c- more tomorrow, but I have some sleep to catch up on" She picks Rini up and places her on her shoulder as she smiles at him. "Go ahead and finish your cereal, but please ask before you do something like this again, ok?" With that, she heads for
Usagi: -c- her room to go get some sleep.
Jeckel: just raised a questioning eyebrow and shrugged. "yeah..ok.." Was his last words before he left the house, out the door he came in. WIth a wave he lifted off from the ground and took flight towards New Hope City. "Back to the old appartment then...
Oafy: shoves the bottle with less than a quarter of liquor into Shim's hands, as if demanding he drink it down. "This cannot be the first time you've felt the 'messed up' feeling. We've been doing this too long for you to feel like this only now..."
Oafy: shook his head a little, moving to face the bar, reading over labels of random bottles along the wall. Still concentrating there, he speaks to Shim, a little more hushed. "Do you want to know how I've learned to deal with these feelings?
Oafy: - You don't have to do this alone..." Suddenly, Oaftres feels like a pussy. 'Damnit, the last time I started talking like this... Wasnt I trying to get laid?'
Shim: - "None of the others were this complicated." Shim said, whiping his hand on his jeans. The man had always known just how to bring him out of these moods, whether it be a hard-fought spar, a couple of drinks, or a visit to a strip-club. But this s
Shim: (C) seemed to run deeper than ever before, deep enough to make him question his worth as a hero. Surely sitting here and drinking himself to death would solve nothing, but it had served for a nice escape.
Oafy: slumps forward onto the counter, memories unsettle in his noggin. Thoughts of killing the innocent, turning on allies, wiping out small islands full of villagers, and of course, those poor orphans. ".. You know me better than about anyone
Oafy: - else. I've done lots of things, against my will and willingly, that I have to live with. Things that.. I can't forgive myself for." With a single finger, he orders a mug of beer from a passing bartender, who more than happily supplies it.
Oafy: raises the mug to his lips, letting the beautiful liquid ease his nerves. "If I focused on those atrocities, well.. I wouldn't be here before you, Shim. I would have given up a long time ago, and passed away, never to return." He scratches at his
Oafy: - cheek a little, the stuble itching his face. "Do what you always do, Shim; fight. Don't give up, eh? These feelings are just all those times you've fought Xerokine.. Except more metaphorical, and deeper. Kick its ass!"
Shim: - The barkeep tended to the mess on the counter with a glare to his half-saiyan customers. He wasn't sure, he didn't have the same confidence as before, but it would return; just as soon as he could get his mind off of all of this. "Yeah." Shim sa
Shim: (C) Shim said, halfheartedly. He wasn't convinced that he would ever get over this, that he could ever forgive himself. But... He had the heart to try again, to try to find closure, instead of getting plastered whenever the thought came to mind. F
Shim: (C) Five coins rolled onto the table, enough for Oafy to drink to his heart's content, as Shim stood. "Thanks... I'm gonna go try to sort this out." Fists were extended by each halfbreed, colliding at the knuckles, before Shim made his way through
Shim: (C) the crowd, towards the door.
Toshio: Toshio had been back a few days, being sent to the local high school. He still wore the school uniform which he wore back in his old school so he probably got a few stares. It was now lunch time and he moved to a table by himself so he could
Toshio: ea. He closes his eyes as he ate, listening to everything around him. He was only fourteen but already being assigned to high school level classes.
Orii: - On the far end of the table, quite the opposite person sat. In sixteen years, this youth had probably sinned more times than Toshio had breathed; and it showed. He was sharp, well groomed, but dark and brooding. He seemed like the sort of kid th
Orii: (C) that was in trouble every day, like he swore like a boatful of sailors, and like he could hold his alcohol like a boatful of Irish sailors. He was grimacing, staring down at the school's lunch with fire in his eyes. Quickly deciding not to dan
Orii: (C) deciding not to dance with death and try the meal, he simply shot glares at the nerdy kid at the other end of the table. Maybe he could get enough money for a pack of cigarettes out of him...
Toshio: just continues to eat in peace. He was used to nasty school food and it showed that even the questionable portions of the meal he just ate absent mindedly. He looks across the table to what appears to be some emo wannabeish kid. He looks away from hi
Toshio: <C> and then focuses on eating his food.
Orii: - "That's a nice uniform you've got there." Orii spoke, sliding down the bench, drawing nearer to his prey, and to the fabulous yield.
Orii: - "That's a nice uniform you've got there." Orii spoke, sliding down the bench, drawing nearer to his prey, and to the fabulous yield. "I think I saw some chicks wearing that when I was checkin' out the all-girls school across the street." A few c
Orii: (C) chuckles were heard from within the lunchroom; Orii had been to several different schools during his highschool career, and he knew that this was key in establishing himself as the reigning badass.
Toshio: chuckles. "And I bet when you were checking them out, they were commenting on how well you looked in it." He says, not looking at the boy. He eats another bite of food and swallows it slowly, acting as if Orii didnt even phase him. "May I ask
Toshio: your name or shall we trade insults further?"
Rini: had been doing some research, going through her mothers journal and reading numerous books about fighting.  What she found simply amazed her and taught her the very basics of harnessing ones own spirit, releasing this energy in a physical way, all
Rini: (c) allowing one to tap into their own soul and use that energy to perform a wide variety of amazing feats.  Her mother was in town on business yet again, her brother not being around either, leaving her alone.  In the woods in front of her house 
Rini: (c) she had been struggling for hours to do what the books taught her, but to no avail.  "I can't do it! NO fair!!" she cries, clenching her small hands into fists as she screams out in frustration, subconsciously unlocking her inner potential.  T
Rini: (c) The sudden release of this energy leveled nearby trees close to her and shook the ground violent as bright, crystalline flames errupted about her, arcing with random bolts of pink lightning.  Her pink hair whipping madly about her head as her 
Rini: (c) physical jumped up by leaps and bounds.  She opens her bright red eyes, now feeling the power she had unlocked and look around at her own aura, "I..is this what the book meant?" she said to herself, her eyes wide at what she felt and what she 
Rini: (c) saw.
Orii: - "Sorry, but those shorts are short to contain this." Females rolled their eyes at the crude retort, while the male population slowly moved closer to the two new kids. "And my name's Orii." He stood up, clasping his hands behind his neck. "You wa
Orii: (C) "You want to go ahead and give me your money now, or shall we introduce ourselves further?" Orii replied, mocking the halfbreed. Unbeknownst to Toshio, Orii's definition of introduction was slightly skewed; in the mind of darker-clad teen, int
Orii: (C) introduction meant to simply beat the shit out of whoever, take their money, and put it back for the weekend's party.
Toshio: laughs now. "Now you are funny, you must be the school idiot...You actually assume I have money. If I possessed money, do you think I would be dressed in this, or be made to suffer your company or this food? However since you did ask for my
Toshio: <C> possessions, I think I shall give you what I do have." He says. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small wad of lint which he flicks to the boy. "There we go, usually I carry a stick of gum or two but today your just out of luck."
Toshio: laughs now. "Now you are funny, you must be the school idiot...You actually assume I have money. If I possessed money, do you think I would be dressed in this, or be made to suffer your company or this food? However since you did ask for my
Toshio: <C> possessions, I think I shall give you what I do have." He says. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small wad of lint which he flicks to the boy. "There we go, usually I carry a stick of gum or two but today your just out of luck."
Orii: - "Oooooohhhh" resounded through the lunchroom as hordes of interested teens gathered around, watching what they assumed was an imminent fight. Orii peered at the halfbreed with those sappire blue eyes, deciding that he wasn't too bad a kid; howev
Orii: (C) however, he was willing to sacrifice almost anything to establish himself as the guy you simply don't cross on campus. The lint bounced off of his dress-code-violating tee rather harmlessly, but it was the principle! Or something... A gloved h
Orii: (C) hand reached down, grasping Toshio by the collar of his shirt, and hefting him effortlessly into the air, while the other hand tightened into a fist, prepared to slam into the stomach of the mouthy halfbreed.
Toshio: just was lifted into the air by the human and when the other drew his fist back he watches him seriously. He doesnt do any other actions, except one: He moves his head straight for the teen to smash his head straight into his face, before 
Toshio: <C> trying to shove him back to get some room. "What is the matter, I gave you what I had." He said, acting like he was a victom. He just watches the boy with his blue eyes, watching his movements.
Orii: - Blood drippled down the busted nose of the human - pain easily tolerated and easily ignored. "You hit like a bitch. But I guess you were too busy learning how to jump rope to learn how to fight," Orii quipped, commenting again on the terribly un
Orii: (C) unfashionable attire his opponent wore. The human grasped the younger student with both hands, rushing forward to mirror his attack, sending his forehead towards Toshio's face with thunderous force.
Toshio: just lowers his head so both their foreheads bash into each others, letting his half saiyan hard head block most of the pain. "Well I am only just playing around, I figure we shouldnt be serious here, unless the people demanded it." He says
Toshio: <C>  with a smirk, as if asking the crowds around them if he should go all out. "Well Jump rope is a good skill, alot better then playing with mascara, although it seems you missed your eye totally and got your cheek instead."
Orii: snorted, and drew his hands up to his lip, licking his index finger. He dragged it across the crimson streak below his eye. Nothing changed; it seemed as permanent as a tattoo. "Anything else you'd like to say before we get on with this, fairy?" H
Orii: (C) wiped the blood away from his nose on the back of his hand, and bounced into a very aggressive stance, his feet arched, heels raised, body poised to lash out.
Toshio: smirks. "Sure, if you wanted to claim the spotlight of top dog, would have been easier to ask." He says, moving into a fighting stance of his own. Unlike his oppenant his stance was calm, defensive, ready for the enemy to come for him. It 
Toshio: showed that he was trained in far more serious forms of combat with the way he now carried himself. "You know, teachers should be here any minute to stop us, so lets hurry." He says, gesturing for the boy to come.
Orii: - The human sprung forward, limber, but strong. His motions were firm, trained, but completely his own; wild as everything else about him. He swayed, feinting to the left, only to be caught by a mean hook from the counter-fighting halfbreed. Blood
Orii: (C) Blood splashed against the tile. He ducked, dove in, threw an uppercut at Toshio, only to be dodged and caught by a knee in the stomach. In the corner of his eye, he say the staff rushing towards them; soon, his attempt at highschool glory wou
Orii: (C)  would be shattered. He noticed his opponent making the same mistake he had - looking away, and takes full advantage of it. With cat-like speed, the kid turns a quick back hand-spring and rushed forward, driving his left foot into Toshio's sto
Orii: (C) stomach, and the other into his chest. He was horizontal now, caught in the speed of the moment. He brought his left foot up, slamming it hard into the halfbreed's chin, and followed through with the momentum of the maneuver, turning a backfli
Orii: (C) backflip in the air. Completely caught off guard by the maneuver, Toshio stumbles backwardsa and into the teachers' hands, as the rest of the staff subdued Orii. 
Jeckel: -*- It was another sunny, mid afternoon, day in New Hope City. The construction projects were going on schedule and all seemed right. Those green ghost things were barely visible in the bright light and the citizenry was starting to get accustomed
Jeckel: <C> to their new class of neighbors. On this particular day, Jeckel was leaving the nearby dojo. Having spent the last 4 hours in the gravity chamber, he felt a bit loose and relaxed. "Ahh..if I can't find a fight thats worth it, at least I can al
Jeckel: <C> allways count on a gravity room." He grinned and flexed his arm. "Now to go find something to eat around this dump.."
Rini: puts on her windbreaker, followed by her backpack after hearing the school bell and being dismissed from class.  She puts on a pair of pretty, pink rimmed sunglasses and heads out in the bright, late afternoon sky.  It was a warm day, not too hot,
Rini: (c) low humidity with a cool refreshing breeze.  There were large, poofy clouds in the sky, perfect for making imaginary shapes, which she'd do later.  She waves goodbye to her few friends and wanders off, heading to her mothers work.  Although he
Rini: (c) her mother was gone for quite some time off planet on business, she had set up a teleporter in her office to take her home and fully automated the house to keep it clean, feed and help bathe her.  It wasn't the same as having a mother around, 
Rini: (c) but it served its purpose, to keep her healthy and well cared for. She whistles happily as she skips along the sidewalk, stopping a crosswalk, "I wish mommy didn't have to go and my brother wasn't at school all the time, I'm lonely.." she says
Rini: (c) to herself, merely shrugging.  She was sad at being relatively alone, but she did have her grandparents in town that would come visit her occasionally to check up on her.  Unable to control or suppress her power, she emitted a constant source 
Rini: (c) of physical power, almost like sending up a road flare for anyone paying attention.
Jeckel: grunted as his scouter beeped in his ear, he poked the button on the side and let the numbers scroll by, followed by a directional arrow. "Eh...signifigant powerlevel over the average due east.." Jeckel ran his tongue over his teeth and then press
Jeckel: <C> pressed the button on the side of the scouter again, shutting it off. He changed his direction and headed towards the elementry school, now using his senses to guide him to the power. As he looked about, there were nothing but a bunch of littl
Jeckel: <C> little brats..human brats. He clicked the button on his scouter again, following the arrow on the read-out untill he bumped into Rini. "...eh?" He blinked and looked down at the pint-sized human, clicking his scouter a few times to refresh it.
Jeckel: <C> "Guess you're it...you're that Usagi's brat right? eh..what are you doing out here alone?"
Rini: gets bumped into and push a little as she waits at the red light and looks up to see the same man who made her nervous before.  She steps back and away from him, "Umm..y, y..yes.." she says, obviously frightened, "I..I'm not alone, going to see my
Rini: (c) grandma and grandpa!" she snaps, nodding confidently, trying to show she was brave.  She frowns, keeping her hands into her pockets and falling silent, not sure what to do.  There was no brother or mother to hide behind this time, no bedroom t
Rini: (c) to walk into and close the door, locking it.  She was out in the open, exposed and feeling extremely vulnerable.
Xerokine: -*- Enjoying the nice afternoon sunlight and the cool, summer breeze, Xerokine relaxed along the side of the busy street. Reclining in one of the empty benches that dotted the sidewalks, his cloak tossed over the back as an impromptu cushion and 
Xerokine: -*- barrier to whatever dirt and grime was on the metal seat, the dark-clad man stretched out his legs, resting his sheathed sword against his shoulder, and yawned widely. His eyes were half-lidded, the amber glints absently scanning the street as
Xerokine: -*- a group of schoolchildren darted by, babbling about some teacher or some test. An older man, clearly past his teenage years, flew up and stopped one of the gradeschool girls about to cross the street. Not really paying attention to their conve
Xerokine: -*- conversation, Xerokine lazily tossed the cloak over his shoulder and stood up, balancing the sword across his shoulders as he sauntered over. "Afternoon," he called offhandedly, giving them a brief wave. "'sup?"
Jeckel: just nods as Rini speaks. "Right right...well..you're commin with me. I was gonna go eat. Unfortunately your human buffet's don't really like saiyan customers...I figure they won't be so pesky about trying to kick me out if they see that I'm feedi
Jeckel: <C> feeding some kid or whate.." He was cut off by Xerokine's sudden entry. He looked Xerokine over for a second, not really recognizing the man. "Can I help you?"
Rini: looks up at Jeckel, nervously and then almost hides behind him as Xerokine walks up.  However, seeing what she was about to do, she just stays uneasily in the middle of the two men, looking at both in turn.  Both men made her feel uneasy, but ther
Rini: (c) there was little she could do about it.  She looks up at Jeckel, "say yen?" she asks, having never even heard the word before, "What does you saying yen have to do with me coming with you to eat?" she asks, scratching her head, she was just ou
Rini: (c) outright confused now.  Remember her manners though, she waves at Xerokine, although not thrilled about it since he also made her feel nervous and had abandoned her at Aqua Polis numerous days before.
Xerokine: glanced between the two of them. One was vaguely familiar, and the other was clearly familiar. Apparently it was 'amnesia week', all rolled into one day. "My name is Xerokine Dyrnwyn Caeruleus," he finally said, flicking the cloak around 
Xerokine: -*- his shoulders and sliding the sheath across his back. With both hands freed, he sketched a bow to both the man and girl in turn. "I am an acquantance of your mother and grandmother," he added to the girl, crouching down to talk to her at eye 
Xerokine: -*- level. "To answer your question, a 'Saiyan' is a race of people that look similar to humans, but are stronger, faster, and harder to hurt. They also have tails." His own brown-furred example flicked out from underneath his cloak and twitched a
Xerokine: -*- at her. "Do you happen to know where Usagi is? I have unfinished business with her."
Jeckel: eyes widened slightly when he heard Xerokine's name. He poked Xerokine on the shoulder, interrupting his little eye-level convorsation with Rini. "Hey, I got stuff we need to discuss...about you and your group of friends. Oafy said you were the re
Jeckel: <C> reason why all of them knew my name before I even met them..you're gonna explain allll of that to me. I don't need some Saiyan intel hounding my ass before I make my rank to General."
Rini: just stares at Xerokine, gulping and then shaking her head.  Although the man made her quite nervous, he was teaching her something and she was paying close attention to what he said, "Tail?  Stronger, faster?  You mean like a car?" she asks, then
Rini: (c) looking to Jeckel, "You mean you're really strong and fast and powerful and have a tail?" she says, now rambling on "Can I see it?  Is it furry like a monkey or weird and pointy like a rat or is it a cute little bunny tail?!" she asks, trying 
Rini: (c) to maneuver behind Jeckel to see if he had a tail and to see what it looked like should he really have one.
Cronos: Testing
Xerokine: rolled his eyes in exasperation the second the girl turned away and began to accost her companion. What a pain. Even if the girl regularly reset herself to toddler-level intelligence, one would think her mother would keep around a book or 
Xerokine: -*- something for the brat to read. 'Basic Information of Races', or 'Things Everyone Knows'. "So, you would be a Saiyan general-to-be?" Xerokine said aloud, rising to his feet to consider the other man. "And one who knows Oaftres? Not that 
Xerokine: -*- that narrows it down," he added. "Do you have a name? Or were you planning for us to have this entire conversation with me calling you 'Mr. Umbrella'?"
Jeckel: humored the kid by un-wraping his tail from his waist and letting the brown-furred monkey tail twitch and sway behind himself freely. He thought no harm in it. He smirked to Xerokine's comments and gave a bit of a chuckle. "hahaha..oh..oh wow..thi
Jeckel: <C> this is funny. You see, Oaf, Usagi, and all the rest seemed to be able to just blurt my name out when they looked at me....Oaf directed me to you...and..haha.wow. My name I Jeckel. Ringing any bells yet? By the way, its useless to feign ignora
Jeckel: <C> ignorance, Oaf allready spilled the beans."
Rini: finds Jeckel's tail and grabs a hold of it, showing to Xerokine, "You're right! He is a Saiyan, he has a tail!" she says loudly, people around just staring at her and the two men, "It looks like a monkey's tail though, why is that?" she asks, know
Rini: (c) knowing nothing about saiyans.  Learning about alien species or race wasn't something taught at her grade level in school, but she was intelligent and quick to pick up on things if people explained them to her.  She tried hanging on Jeckel's t
Rini: (c) tail, finding out it could easily support her meager weight, "This is fun!" she says happily, finding great amusement in the man's tail, like the jungle gym at school, but with monkey bars that actually moved.  She ignored the conversation bet
Rini: (c) between the two men, probably having nothing to do with her anyway, but remembering Mr. Caeruleus' earlier question, "Mommy's off planet with some business stuff, she'll be gone a whole week!" she says, nothing even thinking about what she was
Rini: (c) saying, too preoccupied with playing around.
Xerokine: shrugged, his expression vaguely disinterested. "Sounds vaguely familiar. I'm not good with names or faces," he replied dismissively. Clearly he would have to have a chat with Oaftres later and find out what the heck he was telling 
Xerokine: -*- people. "What was your complaint? That I've been spying on you or something? Because that's not really something I do. My suggestion is that you stop buying Oaftres those extra shots after about ten o'clock, otherwise he'll start telling you 
Xerokine: -*- about wookies in closets. It goes downhill from there, trust me." His eyes flicked behind the man's back, where Rini was dangling from his tail like it was a jungle vine. "Humans and Saiyans evolved along similar ..." Xerokine trailed off, rea
Xerokine: -*- realizing the girl would have no idea what he was talking about. "Nevermind. We have it because it's handy for picking stuff up," he invented instead, giving her a rather feral grin as he growled inwardly. A whole week, then. How annoying. 
Xerokine: -*- And Techagi had been rather absent as well. With his luck, the two of them were off galavanting after getting eloped. 
Jeckel: furrowed his brow as the child hanging from his tail was a rather slight annoyment. He frowned as she kept saying "monkey" as she played with his tail, the same term was used by icers to describe his race, and it was starting to call up rather nas
Jeckel: <C> nasty memories. "Its not a monkey tail!" He growled, flicking his tail a bit more, he turned his attention back to Xerokine. "Right...well, whatever. I guess I shouldn't trust the info of a drunk too much.." He looked back at Rini once more an
Jeckel: <C> and then back to Xerokine. "Well hey..what do you say we all head out to the nearest buffet and close it down? I'm still starving."
Rini: hangs on Jeckel's tail until her monkey comment makes him snap his tail, shaking her off.  She lands on the pavement with a thumb, on her rear, "Ouch! What was that for?!" she says, standing up and rubbing her sore rear before dusting off her scho
Rini: (c) school dress, "I didn't say it was a monkey tail, I said it looked like one." she says with a frown, "It's still cute..can I play some more?" she asks polietly before notcing the green light, the walk signal and the crossing guard signaling fo
Rini: (c) for them to cross, "Come on, the crossing guard says we can go now!" she says holding up her hands to either man.  Her mother always held her hand when crossing the street.  She could easily cross it alone, but preferred it this way since she 
Rini: (c) was raised so far in that way.  The mentioning of food makes her stomach growl, "oooo, I'm hungry.." she says, almost as an afterthought.
Xerokine: chuckled softly at Jeckel's outcry and his suggestions. It was a bit of a joke, about Saiyans and their appetites, but considering the amount of energy it took to do things like control energy, punch through walls, and run so fast you were 
Xerokine: -*- nearly invisible, the only surprising thing was that they didn't eat more. Of course, you'd almost never see a fat Saiyan. Unlike humans, the Saiyan body was designed to break down and use practically every part of the food. "What's that?" 
Xerokine: -*- Xerokine asked, glancing over at the cross-walk. "Ah, right." Not that it really mattered, considering that he could simply dart across between the cars or use them as stepping stones if he felt like it. But apparently, Rini had reincarnated i
Xerokine: -*- into the body of a needy, whiny human child. "Just grab his tail," Xerokine instructed, clasping his own hands behind his neck and striding out into the street. "Where is this restaurant, anyway? And I assume you're treating, Jeckel?" His eyes
Xerokine: -*- narrowed to amber slits as he glanced over his shoulder, still walking as he studied the other man. So this was the general-to-be that Oaftres was interested in? But what for? The Saiyan army was hardly something that he would 
Xerokine: -*- normally take interest in, unless there was a war going on. Which, to the best of his knowledge, there wasn't. Indeed, with the summer sky filled with white clouds, and the afternoon sunlight warming the air, it was the human ideal of a 'nice 
Xerokine: -*- day'.
Jeckel: smiled a bit, he was just about to cross the street when something suddenly caught his attention. He brought a hand up to his scouter and pressed it into his ear slightly, his eyes darting back and forth and his eyebrows slowly sinking in to make 
Jeckel: <C> angry and worried expression. He gritted his teeth slightly and then pulled the scouter from his ear, crushing it in his palm. "DAMNIT!" He looked about, as if he momentarily forgot where he was. "...Damned Icers.." He growled before he burst 
Jeckel: <C> off into the air, the force of his takeoff cracking the concrete and sending the dust and dirt on the ground flying up in all directions, once he was over the rooftops of buildings, a white aura burst around him and he sped off towards the New
Jeckel: <C> Hope space port, a vapor-like trail of ki following behind him and dissapearing as he sped out of sight.
Rini: sighs as she watches her playmate take off to leave, taking his tail with him, "Darn it.." she says, cursing and then watches as Xerokine starts walking across the street. She grabs a hold of Xerokine's tail and follow behind the man, grinning bro
Rini: (c) broadly, 'It's not a hand, but it's better than nothing..' she thinks, people just turning around to simply stare at both the large saiyan man and the short, petite, cute little girl following him while holding his tail.  "Where are we going t
Rini: (c) to eat? I think there's a restaurant by mommy's work." she says with a light, cheery voice.
Xerokine: -*- The cloaked man scowled, which proved very effective in stopping the stares. It seemed that most people valued their lives. Of course, the fact that he was a tall, muscular Saiyan male wearing a black cloak and a long sword, and was 
Xerokine: -*- glaring with eyes that were literally glowing yellow might have helped a bit. "And just where does your mother work?" he demanded, frowning at the girl. At the very least, he could get some information out of this. With Usagi apparently 
Xerokine: -*- gone for a week, there would be plenty of time to set up certain little surpises that she would undoubtedly enjoy upon her return. As a wise man once said, 'There is a time for sneaking and deception. There is also a time for violence and 
Xerokine: -*- liberally-placed high explosives.' Xerokine just preferred to turn all times into the latter. "There. We're across," he said shortly, flicking his tail out of her grasp. The furred limb shook itself and vanished back underneath his cloak, leav
Xerokine: -*- leaving Xerokine less conspicious. As he waited for the girl to figure out which direction they had to go, a sudden thought occurred to him. "Wait. If your mother is out on business, and if you're clearly the opposite of 
Xerokine: -*- independant, who is your babysitter? That woman, Mikomi?"
Rini: frowns as Xerokine takes his tail away from her, sighing.  She thinks for a moment and grabs the man's hand, pointing down the sidewalk, "This way, mommy's work is down this way." she says, leading the man down the street, shadowed by the tall bui
Rini: (c) buildings soaring overhead, "Well..." she says and thinks for a moment, "why do you ask? You did leave me behind in that city of water.." she says in a frustrated tone but quickly gets her happy tone back, "Usually grandma and grandpa Tsukino.
Rini: (c) .and my last name is Mikomi.." she says, "I don't take care of myself silly." she says with a grin, a rumble in her stomach again telling her she needed to eat.
Oafy: dusts his hands off, a satisfied grin spreading along the curves of his face. "Ahhh.. There we go! That the last of em?" The question is shot over to a construction worker, one of ten working feverishly to nail the wall to the side of the
Oafy: - small houses foundation and support beams. It was becoming a habit of Oafy's, lending a hand in reconstruction efforts by performing simple tasks, such as uplifting an entire wall single handedly, allowing the workers to mend it to the
Oafy: - rest of the house. Both palms rest on the wall, faking effort that he could easily match with his index finger. The worker replies: "S'it for the residential buildings. Looks like we will meet that deadline after all!" A bob of the dark red shag
Oafy: - shaggy hair voices Oafy's agreement. 'Ah, public relations... They'll never get me out of office. Not in a million years.' Giving the thumbs up to the workers, and a camera crew that was conveniently present, the halfbreed stalks off, the blue c
Oafy: - cape flapping a bit in the breeze. Today was much too nice for bulky wear, so he had ditched the armor, but the cape was becoming a favourite of his. Not to mention, it gave him a real heroic look that the masses probably ate up like so many pla
Oafy: - of fried chicken flesh, battered in lard, and seasoned to perfection. "There a KFC around here...?"
Xerokine: -*- "Uh, right," the man replied, shrugging to himself. He really shouldn't be surprised, with the girl acting so differently. Perhaps she wasn't the same girl at all. Would Usagi stoop to cloning or somehow creating a new kid, to replace the 
Xerokine: -*- one she had lost? It would explain the difference in attitude, age, memories, all that sort of thing. And where was the grandmother? By the girl's answer, it seemed she was referring to her adoptive family, not the woman who had made 
Xerokine: -*- so much trouble for herself. Where had she gone? Before Xerokine could interrogate the girl further, the two of them rounded a corner and ran right into another familiar face. "Oaftres!" Xerokine scowled, leaving Rini behind as he 
Xerokine: -*- stalked over to the man. "What's this I hear about talking to Jeckel? And telling him some rather interesting things?"
Rini: looks utterly confused at Xerokine's actions until she sees someone she easily recognizes, her eyes growing wide, "Wow!!!" she says excitedly, "It's you, it's REALLY you!!" as she walks up to Oafy and pulls over her backpack, setting it on the gro
Rini: (c) ground.  She digs through it for a minute to find a notebook of hers and pulls out a picture.  Putting everything back she gives the picture to Oafy, blushing heavily "I made this for you Mister Oafy sir.." she says, "You're my FAVORITE super 
Rini: (c) hero! Now I can tell EVERYONE that I met you!!" she says happily, hyper and excited that she actually got to see her favorite hero.  She was nearly bouncing around and shaking from seeing him up close.  The picture she gave him was of him blas
Rini: (c) blasting some big dark bad person with a blue fire.  It was crude, but she was only six and it was very good for a child her age.
Oafy: wrinkles his face up a little at Xerokine's questioning, but loses the look quickly for the girl. "Oh, yeah, well I-" Taking the picture gratefully with a small, he trails off mid speech. Yeah, it was definitely him. "Aww.. Thanks, Sweetie.. But
Oafy: - next time, try black or white flames.. And .. What?" He lowers the picture, staring at the young blushing girls face. "Rini?" Green eyes look up to confirm the identidy of the child with Xerokine, only then remembering the Jeckel comments.
Oafy: pats his white t-shirted belly, a small groan escaping it. "Well, Jeckel and I were drinking and.. Who wants lunch?!" The green eyes dart back to the wee girl, over acting excitement, trying to get her into the idea.
Xerokine: could only stare. There were no words. Except, perhaps, "What the hell?" Oaftres had, admittedly, been more endulging of the perpetually six-year old girl then the rest of their little circle of madmen, who ranged from outright 
Xerokine: -*- hatred to a vague sense of annoyance, and there was that one time when he had somehow aged her up to teenaged for a short time that was still unexplained and somewhat disturbing, but this was the first time Rini had actually gone into 
Xerokine: -*- hero-worship. "Do I even -want- to know?" Xerokine asked, frowning at the halfbreed. "First, I hear you've taken a note from that Serena woman and have become, what? Mayor? Next, I have Jeckel walk up to me and tell me that you 
Xerokine: -*- told him that I've been telling you about him. And now, you're wearing a -cape- and having children draw pictures of you? What's next?" he demanded, throwing his arms into the air. "Do you put on a mask and start calling yourself 'The 
Xerokine: -*- Wonder Oaf'? Perhaps, 'Oaftres the Mighty'? 'Oaftres the Magnificent'? 'Oaftres the- lunch, you say?" Xerokine rubbed his chin thoughtfully. He was a bit hungry. Hadn't eaten since breakfast, and that was just a few dozen 
Xerokine: -*- scrambled eggs. "Fine, but you're buying. And you get the brat. If she tries to hold my hand again, she'll be learning to write..." He trailed off for a moment. "Well, with whichever hand she doesn't write with now."
Rini: frowns up at Xerokine and hides behind Oafy, knowing he'd protect her, he was a super hero after all.  She stays quiet and just listens to Oafy and Xerokine argue, carefully picking up and putting on her backpack again. She then hears Xerokine's b
Rini: (c) brat comment, "I am NOT a brat!" she snaps at the large man and then quickly shuts up after he glares at her. "Mister Oafy..?" she asks, "Where are we going to eat?" she was still hungry and all these distractions weren't helping them find a p
Rini: (c) place to rest and eat.  In either case it was getting later in the day and there were more people on the streets and sidewalks, rush hour was approaching.
Oafy: shakes his head slightly. His hands find themselves over Rini's ears, clasping tightly. "I am rubber, you are glue.. Whatever you say bounces off of me, and I will fucking rip your head off." Smiling at Xerokine, he removes his hands from the
Oafy: - girls ears. "You like my cape, dontchya, Rini?" The cape flaps over dramatically as he turns sharply, walking off in the opposite direction, while pointing off at a sign far up ahead: it displayed an obese, cartoon chicken with a chefs hat on.
Oafy: leads the way up to the store, entering the fast food joint quickly. "We'll have.. uh.. a childrens... a childrens meal, and a.. uh..." Stepping back from the teenage punk behind the counter, he begins to look over the menu. "Two... of...
Oafy: - your... you know, just send over one of everything. I'm not good with decisions." In a swift self-fling, Oafy collapses onto one of seats in the 'dining' area of the restaurant.
Xerokine: shrugged, tossing his cloak against the back of the chair and sliding himself into the seat. "Meh, we'll probably eat one of everything anyway," he observed, looking with distaste at the other patrons and their food. "The 
Xerokine: -*- servings here look rather small. Hey!" Xerokine leaned his chair back, signaling toward the front counter. "Add a chocolate milkshake to that order! Oh, and a large soda!" He settled back down with a look of satisfaction. "Love the 
Xerokine: -*- milkshakes, but I always need some soda to wash down the food. So, where were we?" He glanced over at Oaftres with a pondering frown. "Oh, right. What did you tell Jeckel, what's going on with Essex, what happened to Serena, 
Xerokine: -*- and why are you mayor?"
Rini: begins to eat her food silently, happily sitting next to her hero, taking occasional sips of her milk.  Swallowing her food she looks oddly at Xerokine, "Why do you keep asking about my grandma?" she asks, having heard the man use Mikomi and Seren
Rini: (c) Serena so it was easy for her to deduce who it was he was speaking about.  She then goes back to her food, espeically the macaroni and cheese, which was a favorite of hers, but not THE favorite, she would get that at home later.  She dangles h
Rini: (c) her white, stockings covered legs off of edge of the seat, sometimes putting her feet on her backpack.  She just smiles at Oafy occasionally as she eats and sometimes stares out the window, into the sky above, pointing out shapes with her fing
Rini: (c) finger silently, giggling.
Oafy: brings a drumstick up to his mouth, devouring the greasy chicken in a few quick snappings of teeth. Dropping the bone on a plate before him, he picks up a chicken sandwich of some sort, beginning to gnaw on that. "What about Essex? He and I are
Oafy: - running the city for the most part; I'm not a mayor, we're -all- just.. assuming power with the consent of the people.. me more than the rest; and Jeckel and I just got drunk." Coughing a little to clear his throat, it was obvious the
Oafy: - fatty food was hitting him hard. Sipping the refreshing bottle of water, supposedly from the springs of a magical oasis in the desert, he continues. "He wanted to know how come we all recognize him. Dimensional business and all. I told him
Oafy: - we 'know people', or something.. I can't remember." The words were honest; he had a bit much to drink that night. The topic of Serena is completely ignored, as if he made it a point to pretend he didn't hear her name.
Rini: continues to eat for several minutes, burping when she was done, "Excuse me.." she says, blushing and then looking up at Oafy, "Did you know my grandma?" she asks innocently, having no clue the two knew each other in any way.  She just glances at 
Rini: (c) Xerokine who was completely engrossed with stuffing his face and paying no attention to anyway but the food in front of him.  She takes a drink of her milk and goes back to staring out the window of the small fast food restaurant, now sitting 
Rini: (c) on her legs to get a better view, she was short.
Oafy: closes his eyes, having finished his chicken sammich, and most of his water. 'Yes, I knew her. Before she was driven insane, and destroyed by your so called "hero"...' The message echoes in his head, looped endlessly as the memory stirs. "No."
Oafy: leaves no room for discussion, reaching over the table to grab at a small container of fries, beginning to nibble away. The greasy food is stuffed constantly, leaving little room for himself to speak. With a sigh, he swallows the filthy
Oafy: - fries, taking a gulp of water to wash it all down. 'She does know her grandmother is gone, doesnt she? Her power is nothing to laugh at for her age.. The same Rini must be in there. Repressed memories, perhaps... How can she not know?'
Rini: leans up and whispers into Oafy's ear, softly.  Her eyes seemed glazed over as they get a blue hue to them "remember..a life for a life.  She was brought back not to remember, brought back as she once was.  She knows I am dead, but it was from nat
Rini: (c) natural causes, not from you or the others she holds in high esteem." she says, sitting back on her legs, her eyes returning to their normal red color as she finishes her milk, "What do you mean? Killed? Didn't grandma die..umm.." she says, so
Rini: (c) sounding rather sad discussing the subject that even her mother avoided.  She just falls silent, pushing some of her pretty pink hair out of her face and staring at some pudding put in front of her.  It was her favorite food, but the thoughts 
Rini: (c) of relatives no gone, especially ones she loved and knew well, hurt her.
Oafy: is puzzled by the seeming trance the girl fell into for a fraction of a minute, only to return to normal in the blink of an eye. However, he plays along. "I.. Er.. She and I knew each other, but not well." Standing from the seat, he drops a small
Oafy: - wad of bills on Xerokine's lap, who doesnt notice his surroundings, still gorging himself uncannily fast. Reaching into his pocket, Oafy kneels before Rini, a faint smile lingering on his lips. "There's a man I know.. a close friend. He feels
Oafy: - terrible knowing what happened to.." Brushing a strand of red hair falling over his eyes, he sighs. ".. your grandma. I want your mommy to give me a call later on about him. I'm sure he would be very glad to meet you.." Dropping a small
Oafy: - business card onto Rini's lap, he smiles a bit brighter, before uprighting himself. "Oh. And tell your mom she and I are having dinner tomorrow night. 5pm; sharp." With that, he winks, before fading in wisp of hollow shadows.
Rini: tugs on Oafy's shirt and shakes her head, "Mister Oafy, sir..? My mommy's off planet for a few weeks on business, she can't call you or your friend.." she says, almost saddened by her mother leaving her relatively alone while she went off planet. 
Rini: (c) She haphazardly eats her pudding, not getting a great deal of enjoymnet out of it like she normally did. Sighing she smiles weakly, "Well..umm, thank you supper.." she says with a sigh, "I guess I should go home and study, it's awfully lonely 
Rini: (c) there all by myself." she said, not implying anything but speaking the truth.  She was not used to be left alone and it intimidated her greatly so she usually ended up in her room at her grandparents house.  It was a small house and her grandp
Rini: (c) =parents were not as fun as her mother was at times, but at least she wasn't alone.  She leans down and takes her stuff rabbit out of her backpack and cuddles it before closing her backpack up and falling silent.
Helios: ** Glancing over several pieces of documents, Helios became confused. "What is this nonsense?" He said, shifting his index finger to the edge of the paper, and turning it to the next page. He wasn't
Helios: (*)Wasn't quite sure what to make of it. He knew there was something amiss, but couldnt quite put his finger on it. He sighed, raising his hand to the barkeep. "Another, Sir" He said outloud
Helios: (*) Nodding his head to the barkeep. The bar he was in stood itself on the outskirts of a large city, on earth. He wasn't too sure of its name, but, it had recently became in danger, but was thwarted
Helios: (*) by a large number of people. He did not care for its name, for he wouldnt infact be on this planet much longer. He needed to gather more information about these runes, and make his mark
Helios: (*) Before the others got there. This is what his king ordered, and this is what he must do!
Orii: - A group of rebellious teens swarmed through the halls, an especially nasty looking kid at the front of the clique. He popped gum, when gum was illegal in the halls. Of course, he only did that to cover up the scent of alcohol on his breath. Clad
Orii: (C) Clad in all black, the new kid who'd risen to an infamous reputation since his first day - yesterday, Orii, threw books from the hands of the geeky kids, shoved his detractors into lockers, and sneezed on teachers. "Woah..." The goon to his le
Orii: (C) left spoke, pointing ahead of them. "Look at that hotty." The girl turned as she felt a hand grope her ass; and with a look of mock innocence, he pointed at another of his group, who looked utterly stunned as the girl's fury was unleashed on h
Orii: (C) him. She whapped him in the face with her purse, as Orii slid past the scene, reaching into his pockets for his pack of cigarettes as he reached the door. He stopped dead in his tracks. Something strange caught his eye, on the very edge of his
Orii: (C) edge of his peripheral vision; green. Loud, obnoxious green. Orii turned to face the... creature, and couldn't think of much to say. He HAD to insult this one, though; it was too great an opportunity to pass up. His problem was that he couldn'
Orii: - couldn't think of much that he figured the Namek hadn't heard before; it would come out like, 'Yer ugly', or 'You eat too much broccoli?' or even 'Nice face, bitch'. Deciding, almost, to go with that last one, Orii just crosses his arms; "'Sup."
Sert: * The black hoodied, adolescent namek remains leaned up against a random locker, almost waiting for someone to dare mock him. And wouldn't y'know it, the first person to speak to him, didn't leap into green based insults. The black eyes
Sert: - fixate on the bottom of the immature punks boots. "Want something?" The deep voice comes out bitterly, sounding as though he was spitting it out as a curse. Following the course of the humans body, he allows a smile of amusement spread across
Sert: - green lips. Whoever this punk was, he certainly had a disrespectful style of dressing himself. Pushing himself off the locker, he straightens up fully, a tear in fabric on his blue jeans near the shin better revealing a slit of green skin. 
Orii: - "Something funny, Jolly Green Fucktard?" Orii spoke; he didn't seem angered, didn't even seem a bit dissatisfied, mocking sincerity. The studs on the knuckles of his gloves gleamed murder; hungry for some new blood. He surveyed the kid, noticing
Orii: (C) strengths and weaknesses with that analytical blue gaze, and wondered what Namekian blood looked like--- maybe it was blue, or purple? This would probably become his third fight of the day. His relationship with the principal was less than exc
Orii: (C) excellent; the old balding man could often be seen muttering curses as Orii slipped into his office. Orii hooked his thumb through his beltloop, keeping the other hand tightened into a fist; he wasn't being caught by suprise.
Sert: 's grin evolves into hearty laughter, baring his canines in doing so. "I was just thinking." His head tilts to the left and right, cracking a little, while his hands make similar noises, tightening into fists and then relaxing. "Your mom
Sert: - dresses you funny." The hoodie lowers a little, shadowing over the nameks eyes, though the orbs of black continue to stare at the bully. The punk was ready for a fight.. But did he have any idea what he was going to get himself into?
Sert: shakes his head slightly, answering that very question. A flickering overhead florescent light draws the eyes of a few onlookers, though most are more interested in the confrontation going on in the hall.
Orii: - He narrowed his eyes at the Namek, ignoring the faltering lights overhead as the tension mounted. The other students had already departed, and teachers were making their way towards them in an attempt to keep a violent situation from taking plac
Orii: (C) place. "Come on, I don't wanna be interrupted." Outside, anarchy reigned; teachers couldn't quiet the crowd of students milling around and bumming rides home, dealing their drugs, or, like he planned to do, beating the hell out of eachother. O
Orii: (C) Orii shoved open the school doors and stepped out into the cool air, breathing it in.
Essex: slips his hands into his khaki cargo pants pockets, humming a tune to himself as his casually strolls down the sidewalk. He smiles to himself, deviously, as he watches all the construction
Essex: (*) going on around, the workers rebuilding the city slowly. "Heh, good to see our... political prowness is gettin' the job done." He stops at the corner of the sidewalk, looking left and
Essex: (*) right, and then crosses across the sidewalk. He stops in front of the high school, cocking his head to the side, slowing down and watching the student clear out of the building. He stops
Essex: (*) completely, pushing up his pink sunglasses, quirking an eyebrow while taking notice of one particular student. He seemed, familiar, but Essex couldn't put his finger on it. The teen
Essex: (*) says something Essex couldn't make out, then shakes his hair, revealing a partial rune on his face. "Oh... god... Orii..." He says, turning to face the building, watching.
Sert: follows the lead out of the front doors, all the while a deep laugh struggling to escape him. "A fight on the monkey bars, or we just going for the sandbox?" Mocking the human outright, he begins to laugh at his own joke; painfully loud, too.
Sert: crosses the small cemented walkway towards the looped bus drop off and pick up. The yellow buses were an eyescore, quite like Sert among all these humans. "I wonder how heavy these things are." Approaching one of the more crowded buses,
Sert: quirks his brow. "I wonder how much you can benchpress..."
Orii: cast glares at the Namek as he whirled around, teen feet from the fighter. The mingling students gave the combatants space to carry out their fight, some choosing not to involve themselves, others watching intently. They wanted to see how the frea
Orii: (C) freak measured up against the... GREEN freak. Orii turned halfway, arching his feet, his heels several inches from the asphalt. He rested his dominant left hand near his face, and his right hand near his groin, prepared to deflect attacks - a 
Orii: (C) defensive stance. "I knew a guy who said the exact same thing. Oh, you'll never guess what happened to that guy." Orii smirked, "Some crazy guy hit him with a tire iron," he said, vaguely beckoning towards himself.
Essex: crosses his arms and quietly walks towards the side of the school with the school buses, following both Orii and Sert. "Hmmm..." He says, quirking an eyebrow. He wondered if he should step
Essex: (*) up and break the fight apart, fulfilling his duty as political honcho. On the other hand, he was eager to see how his son has developed, study his style, examining him. But not
Essex: (*) in a creepy, stalkerish way, oh no. More of a I haven't seen my son in almost two decades way. He steps forward, putting his arms up, his fingers through the chain-link as he
Essex: (*) leans against the fence, making himself comfortable to watch what's about to go on.
Sert: stoops over, his face completely shrouded from the hood now. A wisp of white, transparent energy collects around him, dissipating almost just as quickly. The filled bus behind him rocks side to side, more than the students inside were use to causi
Sert: - causing. The wisp returns around Sert. The bus shakes again. An orb of white energy maintains itself around him, like a perfect sphere of transparency. As the orb gathers full shape, the bus rises up a foot above the ground; the students begin t
Sert: - to shriek. Everyone inside, driver first, jump out of the entrance and emergency backdoor - all but a few stoners in the back seats seem bothered. "Dude! I am totally tripping!" One of them can be heard as saying. "I sure hope nobody here has
Sert: - a tire iron on hand..." Sert taunts, before the bus turns to face his back. "Play catch often?" The bus hurtles forward, grazing the top of Sert's hoodie as it goes on its linear course for the human punkass. "I'M FLYING, MAN!!" The stoner procl
Sert: - proclaims.
Orii: - The human leaps unnaturally high for what he is, up, and over the flying bus. His booted feet land on a window, the hippies within sharing a final stupid chuckle before Orii leaped off of it, and the bus flew into the wall of the school bursting
Orii: (C) into flames. Orii looked back at the swelling flames, as the gas tank exploded, rocking the earth... What the hell was this he was fighting? He turned to face the Namek with fake resolve, hiding his fear. "Nice trick." Orii commented before ru
Orii: (C) rushing towards Sert, swaying to the left, and draggin his knee up to slam into the Namek's stomach.
Essex: turns his head and closes his eyes, feeling the heat from the explosion. "God damn..." He whispers, examining Sert. "A namek with... psychic abilities... interesting." He blinks and steps back from the 
Essex: (*) fence, looking up and jumping, quietly landing on the top metal bar, a good twenty or thirty feet in the air. He balances on the bar in a fashion that would make even Xerokine jealous, staring down
Essex: (*) at the two people fighting. "Damn it, Jim." He says, looking at the namek again. "I'm gonna have to fix that too, no matter." He crosses his arms and squats, perching there, hoping no one would
Essex: (*) catch notice of him.
Sert: rises up to a full stance, no longer slouching forward, hidden under his hoodie; glowing white eyes fade back to normal, the black orbs staring down the human on his assault. "Not your average pink skin?" The knee slams into his gut, penetrating
Sert: - the white fires about him with ease. Sent falling backward, he recovers a few feet further from the human after a few graceful backflips. In the process, the hoodie falls back, revealing his green antennae, that seem to twitch almost. "Great,
Sert: - I pick a fight with the one pathetic sack of meat that can put up a fight." A green finger points out to his right, the eyes glowing a slight white once more. Almost instantly, a freshmen student is yanked from out of nowhere, flying into
Sert: 's open palm, held by excess material on his shirt. "This time, try and actually CATCH!" Whipping the wailing boy at the bully human, Sert leaps backwards a few times, distancing himself from a far too physical battle.
Orii: - The human rushed forward, ducking under the hurled body with relative ease, the freshman slamming against the pavement with a sick splat. Orii didn't think to look back, as was upon his unpredictable opponent, and if he was to strike, now would 
Orii: (C)  be the opportune time. The human feinted to both sides, swift and precise, as he sent a duo of snappy punches in his opponent's direction.
Essex: stands up fully, examining his fingernails and flinching slightly upon hearing the kid hit the sidewalk and slide a good fifty feet. He glances over and sighs. "Yeah, he's dead... I might as well break
Essex: (*) this up now..." He jumps forward, off of the top of the fence, and flips gracefully in the air, landing to the side of both combatants in a crouching position, the grass standing on edge from his 
Essex: (*) natural aura. He stands up and cracks his neck, crossing his arms over his chest, his sunglasses at the end of his nose. "Now now, boys, as Co-Leader of New Hope City, I'm ordering y'all
Essex: (*) to break it up, lest I step in." 
Sert: falls prey to the feinting, and is hit in the chest by a fist. Luckily, Sert weaves around the second punch, pulling his knee up high with a jump, aiming for the humans chin. In mid leap, both arms come crashing down, hands interlocked into an
Sert: - axel, downward spike at the back of Orii's neck. The interference of the other human startles Sert, but rather than take action, the tibit is noted away in the back of his mind. 'Another victim of my wrath, in time...'
Orii: - His head reeled as the knee connected hard with his chin, launching him a foot from the ground. As the namek reaches overhead to swing the axehandle smash down, he's caught off guard. Orii recovers unexpectedly fast, diving into the vulnerable n
Orii: (C) namek. Sert wheezes as the human's shoulder slams into his gut, folding around the force of the blow. Orii's hands grip Sert's calves causing the namek to turn horizontal, and thusly, slamming him hard onto the blacktop with a nasty thud.
Essex: sneers and steps forward, grabbing Orii by his collar and lifting him off the ground easily. He holds the human to his side and extends a hand down to Sert. "Here, let me help." He glances
Essex: (*) over at Orii and glares at the child. "I said break it up, god damn you two have cost me close to the amount of money you'll make in your lifetime just now..." He throws Orii a little and lets go
Essex: (*) of his collar, the kid landing perfectly a few feet away.
Sert: groans a little, making derogatory remarks about 'pink skins', while accepting help from the golden man. Back upright, Sert shoots a look of death at the other hooligan teenager, the thought of returning to battle crossing him. "Oh,
Sert: - that sucks..." The words come from Sert, sounding incredibly sarcastic as he rotates his left shoulder a bit. "Unless you plan on helping me some more, maybe you.. you should get lost. Hmm?" Not waiting for a reply, the namek falls into
Sert: - a slouched stance; the white fiery sphere returns into existence, lighting his eyes up something -awesome-.
Orii: sneers at the man who lifted him up, hardly able to resist punching him in the face. He turned a quick flip as he was discarded by Essex, and audibly swore at him. Orii spits a glob of blood to the asphalt, assuming the same position he had earlie
Orii: (C) earlier, dominant hand high, with his other hovering around his hip. The human was prepared to go at it again with the Namek; he wouldn't be stopped by whatever law enforcer stood between them--- just like with 
Orii: (C) everything else. He bounced in place, weaving fluidly, poised to counter with deadly precision.
Essex: ; Irritated now, Essex thrusts his hands to the side, putting up a wall of ki between each of the adolescents. "I SAID ENOUGH!" He booms. He shakes his head, the tall walls of transparent blue ki
Essex: (*) shimmering. "Now, I told you. Break it up, or I'll step in." He crosses his arms over his check, eyeing the namek up and down. He turns and looks at Orii, glaring. "I'll deal with you in a minute,
Essex: (*) ...punk." He grins cockily and turns back to Sert. "Now, explain to me how a namek, especially one of such low caliber such as yourself, has psychic abilities as demonstrated, mmm?"
Sert: frowns his green face into a wrinkled wreck for a moment, before the crevices disappear back to a youthful nameks face. "Breeder.." The words slip out of Sert's mouth in a whisper; an insult of sorts, or so he, being a genital-less namek,
Sert: - thought. The white flames fade from Sert's form, likewise his eyes losing the neat glow-effect. "Selective breeding?" It comes out as a question to Essex, as Sert gives a slight shrug of the shoulders. "That, or I don't care to tell
Sert: - every random FUCK I run into, that interupts an ass whooping." Nodding off to Orii, Sert accidentally finds himself trying to find common ground between the two.
Orii: flashed his teeth at the mutant, clenching his fists; he did everything in his power to hold back his fury. He wouldn't be kicked out of school for hitting a cop. He'd be sent to a juvenile detention center. But as for swearing at one... "Touch me
Orii: (C) "Touch me again beach-boy, I fuckin' dare you," the youth threatened, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead. The fight had only seemed to have gone his way because was seemingly unscathed, but he had only been so successful at dodging for fe
Orii: (C) for fear of his life - the Namek through buses, not punches. But it proved much more fun than the other kids he normally busted up and left in a heap. He was actually excited--- he didn't know if he was going to win.
Essex: tilts his head at Sert and lifts his hand, the wall of ki between him and the namek fading away. "I sense some hostility," He says sarcastically, sticking out his lower lip mockingly. He
Essex: (*) sneers and pivots on his heel to Orii. He raises his hand, lowering the wall  between them. "Watch your mouth." And I know what you're thinking. "I'm not a cop." He holds his arms
Essex: (*) out to the side, his fingertips lighting on fire. "And if you want to see a tan... I can burn your punk-ass." He focuses his ki outwards, the flames on his fingertips growing. He says
Essex: (*) something draconic, a rune matching Orii's lighting up on his face. He brings his arms inward, touching the burning fingertips to his chest, resulting in a blazing aura of fire to erupt around
Essex: (*) him.
Sert: deflects the golden mans sarcasm, though he follows it with a bow of respect. Sert wasn't your typical peace loving namek, but that didn't mean he always had to be a dick, y'know? The fire display of the tanned being does not seem to alarm
Sert: in the least. Rather, it brings out his curious nature. Heedlessly walking around to get a better view, Sert falls onto the grass, green-ass first. "Mind explaining why you thought you'd police your way into our fight, if you aren't a cop?"
Sert: reaches into his blue jeans pocket, slowly pulling out a small brown pouch. Unravelling the fine ties, he sneaks out a small pill sized brown object. "Who wants to be cool...?"
Orii: studied the strange man hard, and recognized the marking beneath the eye as his own; he recognized the angle of his jaw, the shape of his eyes, the curve of his lips; it was like looking at himself in ten years--- of course, the hair and eyes were
Orii: (C) were different colors, and his skin hundreds of shades darker than Orii's delicate pale shade. "Watch my mouth?" Orii smirked. "You're not my father, you cunt." Was he? Orii backed away as the flames surrounded Essex, preparing to defend himse
Orii: (C)  himself against the massive powerlevel. After all... If he wasn't a cop, what was he? Revealing his full strength to them, threatening them, and all.
Essex: shakes his head. "Don't call me, don't call the leading political advisor... the one who RUNS this city, a cunt." He crosses his arms, eyeing Orii up and down. The resemblance was eerily
Essex: (*) similar. "Orii Ulo Lillah." Essex says, letting the fire around him die down, the rune on his face fading away.
Sert: plays around with the small pill like object in his green palm, making it wiggle about on the spot a little. It was then he began catching on to the happenings between the golden man and the pink-skin punk. "... Lillah? Sort of a girlie name."
Sert: smirks a little, tossing the small brown item up into the air, snatching it just as quickly. "Isn't one of those new nutjobs in government named Lillah?" Taking in everything he somewhat heard the golden man say, he is hit in the face with a brick
Sert: - of realization. "Oh..." Sert falls silent. He could be the worlds largest dick right now, but... yeah.
Soryn: test
Rini: shuts off her mothers computer in her shop, which was closed for several weeks while her mother was on a prolonged business trip.  She was still wearing her knee length tan school dress with white blouse, white stockings, black shoes with silver b
Rini: (c) buckles and a pretty red girls tie at the collar of her blouse.  Her hair was styled into two rabbit ears on her head, her remaining hair hanging freely just down past her shoulders.  She hops off the comfy chair, grabbing her backpack and put
Rini: (c) putting it before grabbing her pink and white windbreaker and leaving her mothers shop, locking the door behind her.  She whistles, somewhat happily but there seems to be a skip missing from her normally cheery step.  She stops after a block, 
Rini: (c) just walking normally as she nears a high school, seeing some big kids who were just finishing up sports practices. She stops and holds onto the fence, peering through, looking at the large school contained within "It sure is big, but no jumgl
Rini: (c) jungle gym or playground.." she says to herself, frowning, her small body continuing to radiate power, ever increasing.
Orii: took a step back, keeping his fists high, feet arched; something was weird, something wasn't right. The human's eyes shifted to the side as he thought. No, it was impossible, no-- completely ridiculous. "Who the fuck are you?" Orii shouted defensi
Orii: (C) defensively. He wasn't sure what to think of anything now, just stuck there. His eyes burned with ferocity, despite his utter confusion, or denial. He repeated his question, wiping the blood away from his nose; "Who the fuck are you, man!?"
Essex: takes off his sunglasses, folding them and slipping them into the breast pocket of his loose fitting blazer. He stares at Orii for a moment and then turns around, facing Sert. "Might
Essex: (*) want to put that dehydrated donkey testicle away, my young namekian friend." He stares at Sert and squints slightly. "And you're right, there is a fool named Lillah in the office."
Essex: (*) He turns back to Orii, staring at him for a moment. "Essex. Essex Azyme Lillah." He runs his tongue along the top of his bottom teeth, taking a breaht through his nose. "Me."
Rini: sighs, missing her mother greatly even though she had only been gone barely a day.  She walks around the fence towards the back of the building and stops dead in her tracks, gasping, "Is it...really.." she says outloud, in shock.  She saw Essex, o
Rini: (c) one of the trio of super heroes she very nearly worshipped.  She takes off, drops her backpack and digs in it, pulling out a picture of him blasting a bad guy, much like she made for Oafy.  She runs up to Essex, pulling on his shirt, "Mister E
Rini: (c) Essex! Mister Essex! Is that really you!!?" she says, barely able to contain her excitement, holding her backpack before quickly zipping it shut and looking up at Essex expectantly. She then looks to see Orii and ducks behind her heroes, hidin
Rini: (c) hiding herself from the boy while holding out the picture of Essex she made for him in school.
Orii: - Orii's nostrils flared as he stared the man down. There was no denying it. Something had changed about Essex since the picture he'd stolen from his mother's purse was taken--- no, someTHINGS, and several of them, but the similarities, the proof 
Orii: (C) the man provided, were all too uncanny for him to be lying. The man before him, standing over him like some vigilante businessman, was indeed his father, Essex Lillah. Orii stumbled back, tripped, and fell onto the pavement at this realization
Orii: (C) realization. That man standing before him was the same coward that hadn't even bothered to give him a fucking phone call in sixteen years. The man who'd never lifted a finger to help him, never exhaled a single breath of effort to keep him fro
Orii: (C) keep him from becoming what he had, this dark image of sin, ragged and pierced. The rune under his eye burned crimson, teeming with the energy inside, as an outline of ki, resembling dragonfire began to encompass the youth. "You SONOFABITCH!!!
Orii: (C)  "You SONOFABITCH!!!" Orii screamed; before the final syllable of the exclamation had grazed his lips, Orii burst up from the ground, and SLAMMED his fist into Essex's face. Despite the huge powerlevel difference, Essex's head turned to the si
Orii: (C) side, and droplets of blood dripped onto the pavement at their feet. The human reached back, poised to punch again, and much, much harder, seething with fury.
Essex: puts his hand to the side, keeping Rini behind me. His head still turned to the side, he opens his mouth to speak. "Yeah, it's me, Rini, can you do me a favor and stay there please? Me
Essex: (*) and Orii here have some family matters to take care of." He turns back to Orii, making eye contact. "By the way, that's a very lovely picture, thank you." He crosses his arms,
Essex: (*) staring at his son. "I deserve that. And I'm not going to deny it." He shakes his head. "I'm not trying to make you respect me, I'm not trying to do anything like that." He runs his
Essex: (*) tongue across the front of his teeth, tasting his own blood. "What I did was wrong though, but you're young. The things I've experienced, the reasons why I haven't kept contact
Essex: (*) with you, I don't think you would understand." He stares forward, eyeing the pastey skinned human. "But then again, you are your mother's son..." He squints his eyes, breathing
Essex: (*) through his nose, the run on his face glowing slightly. "But I'm sorry." He squints a bit, before opening his eyes again, staring forward. "I'm truely, and deeply sorry... I did send you
Essex: (*) a letter a few years back, but I doubt Laura gave it to you." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a wad of money. "I heard you just recently turned sixteen, and... like I said, I'm
Essex: (*) not trying to earn your respect, or make up for everything I did... but can you give this to your mother?" He extends his hand outward, holding the paper between his index and
Essex: (*) middle finger. "There's enough there so she'll never have to work again." He closes his eyes and looks down, licking the blood from his lip. "And she probably owes you a car, what
Essex: (*) with you being able to get your license soon."
Rini: looks on in horror as one of her three idols is hit, drawing blood no less.  Essex's words fall on deaf ears as anger takes over, "YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE!!" she screams as a bright, crystalline flaming aura errutps about her small body crackle with p
Rini: (c) pink lightning as her physical power jumps to level higher than what had ever been seen from a child her age.  The ground beneath her shakes violently as the sidewalk cracks and breaks.  Her pink hair, what's free, whips about her face as her 
Rini: (c) red eyes show a great deal of anger.  Her dress rippling about her waist, showing a great deal of her stockings, her blouse and windbreaker rippling in a powerful ki wind as she glares at Orii, her tiny hands clenched into small fists.
Orii: ignored the child for the most part. Fire burned in his sapphire eyes, completely alive. His hands remained poised to punch, never reaching out to accept the gift, eyes never even glancing down to see what it was. Essex lowered his hand, holding b
Orii: (C) back the youth at his side, Rini; he didn't want her getting involved in this. This was all his own fault, and didn't concern the girl. "Why don't you take it to her yourself? Afraid to face the girl you knocked up and left!?" The human's bloo
Orii: (C) blood boiled, as more and more of his inner strength flickered around him, raging flame. He knew he wasn't that good of a kid. He got plastered, stole things, threw parties, had sex. But he was worth one visit, one phone call. Wasn't he?
Essex: keeps his hand lowered, holding Rini in place. "Knocked her up and left? What the fuck did she tell you, Orii? We were married for five fucking years!" His eyes begin to burn with the same
Essex: (*) fire as Orii's. "And I told you, I wrote you a frickin' letter. Did your mother not tell you about the problems we had? About the fighting? Her telling me to get a job or walk away? Or the
Essex: (*) fact that she turned me away when I became like this? Did she?" He bites the inside of his cheek, a bit of blood running down his lip. "I wrote you a letter several years ago, telling you I was
Essex: (*) sorry and explaining why I wasn't around. And that, is why I won't take the money to her personally, she doesn't want to see me again. At  least, that's how it was when I left."
Rini: begins to cry from her out of control power and rage as her level of power continues to greatly increase.  She rushes past Essex, even his great strength being unable to contain her rage and uncontrollable power.  She rushes into Orri, tackling hi
Rini: (c) him to the ground and punching him randomly, hitting him across the jaw, drawing blood.  She goes to hit him again, but stops suddently.  Her pink lightning ceases and the crystalline aura about her fades, being replaced by a powerful, near bl
Rini: (c) blinding white aura.  The aura and ki-wind is soft, calming and peaceful as her eyes seem glazed over, turning blue "Rini.." the voice echoes, "Stop..control your emotions, he has done nothing wrong.  He is merely defending his emotions.., pea
Rini: (c) peace.." the voice says.  The child's eyes return to their red color and her aura fades completely, her level of power dropping back to her normal above average levels.  She climbs off of Orii and stands back up, backing into Essex and looking
Rini: (c) up at him with tears in her eyes, streaking down her face, unable to say anything.  The sun above glistening off of her beautiful red eyes, her pink hair falling into her face.
Fenin: like punces essex in the face kekeke
Fenin: capslocks that bitch.
Orii: - He had no time to reply to Essex. He slammed against the asphalt, fists slamming into his face with wild speed. He didn't care. He hurt and bled, but he didn't scream. Through it all, his eyes remained locked on Essex's, wide, surreal. As he lay
Orii: (C) there, tears ran down his face, silvery streaks down his pale face. It wasn't the pain. It was the confusion. His father had come back into his life after sixteen years of absence. Was he supposed to be happy? He didn't feel that way...
Essex: glares down at Rini and shakes his head. "That was not okay, Rini." He says sternly, staring at her angrily. "You hit my son." He bends down and picks up the picture she drew
Essex: (*) He examines it and hands it back to her. "I appreciate you drawing me this, Rini, but until you learn how to behave properly, I'm not going to accept this gift." He lets go of the paper
Essex: (*) hoping she'd catch it. He turns and walks up to Orii, extending his hand down to him. "Here, at least let me do this much."
Rini: stares, open mouthed at the pretty picture she drew for Essex as it falls to the ground in front of her.  She falls to knees, not caring if her uniform or stockings got dirty.  She begins to cry as tears fall to the paper, smearing the crayon colo
Rini: (c) coloring, sobbing. As she weeps, with her hair falling into her face, covering it from view, dark clouds form over the skies above as thunder rips through the sky.  Rain starts to fall from the sky, soaking the ground below, drenching her hair
Rini: (c) and school uniform.  She continues to cry, harder as someone she idolized spurns her, the sky opening up and raining even harder upon the city.
Orii: gripped the man's hand firmly, and lifted himself to his feet. He dusted himself, and tried to wipe the blood from his face in the back of his gloved hand; he couldn't manage to do much about it, blood oozing from the several cuts the crazed devil
Orii: (C) devil-child had opened. Both of his eyes were blackened, bruises marring the flawless pale flesh. What a terrible time for the child to lash out? He wanted to hate her, but he couldn't bring himself to care enough. Something he'd longed for as
Orii: (C)  for as long as he'd remembered had finally happened. And he didn't feel any better. 
Essex: makes eye contact with Orii for a couple of seconds before turning to Rini. He goes to say something, then looks up at the sky. He stares at it for a moment, noticing her emotion's 
Essex: (*) manipulation of the weather. (Interesting...) He thinks. He squats down beside her and picks up the picture, tucking it in his jacket. "What you did was very, very bad, Rini."
Essex: (*) He stands up and looks around. "Look, Rini, I'm not mad at you, just disappointed... what would Oaftres and Shim think?" He cocks his head and puts his hands on his side.
Rini: smiles up at Essex and Orii before picking up her picture and putting it in Essex's hand.  The sun comes out, warming the rain soaked earth.  She waves her hand, "Take care!" she says with a bright smile upon her face and leaves, skipping along th
Rini: (c) the ground.
Essex: watches Rini trot off and turns back to his son. "So... Orii... now that... it's just us again..." He crosses his arms, and looks his son up and down. "Interesting look, it works for you."
Essex: (*) He grins and holds out the money again. "But please... could you give this to your mother? We ended things on a rather bitter note and I don't think either of us are ready to face
Essex: (*) each other again."
Orii: - For some reason - one he figured he would never understand - he took the wad of bills, and jammed it into his pocket. He didn't know if he would ever talk to the man again, and if he did, what their relationship would be like. But, he knew somet
Orii: (C) something for certain. He would get a nice car, and pretty much anything else he wanted. He'd be able to spend time with his mother, because with this sum of money, she'd probably never have to work again. Orii wasn't really sure what to say, 
Orii: (C) or how to react to what Essex had said, so he simply stood there.
Essex: watches Orii pocket the money and then stands there, slipping his hands back into his pockets. "So... you hungry?" He looks at the sidewalk and shrugs a bit. "My treat if you want, you don't
Essex: (*) have to, and I'm not trying to make right or anything, but we do have some catching up to do..."
Orii: - That wasn't what he'd wanted anyways. Essex would never be able to make up for the sixteen years he'd missed; Orii would always remember, and he would probably never really forgive him. But, he was hungry, and his fight had been broken up, so he
Orii: (C) had nothing better to do. "Yeah, I'm up for that..."
Essex: motions to Orii as he hovers slightly off the ground. He looks back at Orii and cocks his head. "Hey, you know how to fly, right? Or would you like a crash-course in it, no pun intended."
Fenin: -*- Lightning arches through the unnaturally dark sky as Fenin trains out in the desert slightly nearish to New Hope City. His yellow hair wafts gently in the violent breeze - as though he willed each strand to move, and only do so slightly,
Fenin: -x- rather than it be rippling to the powerful gusts summoned by his surging ki. A lone strand of sunlight batters through the storm clouds, attracted by Fenin's sizable awesomeness, which beats upon his face in a cliche manner.
Xerokine: walked calmly across the racing desert sands, chased by the unnatural winds that swirled around the lone figure up ahead. The man seemed to glow from within, charged by so much energy that it had turned his hair gold and 
Xerokine: -*- made the air around him burn with yellow flames. The ferocity of it made Xerokine's cloak toss and whip behind him as he stopped a yard or so away. "Having fun?" he called out, eyes half-lidded to try and keep out the tossed sand. "I 
Xerokine: -*- thought you might be fighting, but I guess you're just... yelling in the dark?"
Fenin: smirks at the familiar voice and turns to face his old employer and friend, Xerokine Caeruleus. "Hoping to find a fight, eh?" Fenin runs his hand through his hair, "Can't say I've been in one in quite a while. Not since the last time
Fenin: -x- I saw Wu'sha." The raging wind dies down a big as his aura wanes. The clouds disperse quickly as his powerlevel plummets to his natural ratings, and his hair drops down to it's normal, matted, charcoal colored state. "Why would
Fenin: -x- you be looking for some fighters, anyway? Hoping to find some Shocky Computy Do-it-all thingy with foreign religion ideas and costumes getting skewered or something?" Fenin chuckles quietly while approaching Xerokine, offering
Fenin: -x- his hand for a quick shake.
Xerokine: -*- "Hmph." Xerokine took the offered hand and lightly shook it before letting go. "If I never saw certain people and their improbably multi-taskable computers again, I would count myself lucky." The man grimaced, running his tongue 
Xerokine: -*- across his upper teeth. "I was looking for some of our... associates," he admitted, glancing around as if they might be hiding under the settling sands. "This whole thing with the 'green ghosts' in the human city is getting annoying. It 
Xerokine: -*- would be nice if one of them were actually doing something about it, but all I hear is that Techagi and Usagi are off galavanting, that Essex and Oaftres are playing at mayor, and that Shim is nowhere to be found." Xerokine half-turned, 
Xerokine: -*- letting the natural breeze that swept across the desert to tease the edge of his cloak, outlining the scabbard underneath it where his sword was sheathed. "I'd like to think they're off training or getting information about these 
Xerokine: -*- latest events, or even that 'Shin' character who attacked you in the chapel basement, but the odds of that are slim. Speaking of which," he added, glancing back toward Fenin. "Have you heard anything more about this self-proclaimed 
Xerokine: -*- god? Or did he just vanish like so much smoke in the wind?"
Fenin: snickers, "So 'Sagi's shown up again? That's interesting. And Techagi, too?" Fenin pockets his hands and begins to slowly make his way towards the city, "Shim's been off training, I'm quite confident of it. Or at least he was, I don't know
Fenin: -x- if he would still be, without me to be beaten." Fenin shrugs, "As for that purple 'God,' I don't know. I doubt I'd be the first of the three he would try to contact, I think I stepped on his pride a bit when I toasted him." Fenin looks
Fenin: -x- back over his shoulder to Xerokine, grinning ear to ear.
Xerokine: snorted, pacing beside the other man. "The way I remember it, he nearly gutted you before he even knew where he was." Xerokine shook his head, pondering about what Shim could be training about. The last he had seen 
Xerokine: -*- the halfbreed, Shim had been eager and willing to show off his new technique, that Phoenix Heart thing. "From the three of us, Essex would probably be the first to hear something," Xerokine observed. "The two of you didn't exactly 
Xerokine: -*- part on friendly terms, and I don't think I left him with any illusions of what regard I hold his claims. That leaves the dragonling. Who," he added, his brow creasing at the recollection. "Is off playing mayor with Oaftres. Though why 
Xerokine: -*- they'd bother concerning themselves with running some run-down, rat-infested pithole of a city is beyond me."
Fenin: snickers, "He nearly gutted me before YOU know he was even there, and yeah, you're probably right about him approaching Lillah. We'll have to check up on him when he's decided to stop playing political fantasy." Fenin yawns quietly,
Fenin: -x- having had spent the past twenty some-odd hours training his transformation, "What say you we pick us up some food and energizing drinks? I'm exhausted, and could use a bit of pick-me-upins."
Xerokine: shrugged noncommittally as the two of them approached the outskirts of the city. There were only a few small buildings at the edge of the desert, but it became more crowded and populated further in. "Whatever. What have you 
Xerokine: -*- been doing, just standing in the middle of nowhere and meditating?" It was undoubtedly a decent way to train, but was too boring for Xerokine's preference. "With any luck, after you finish stuffing your face, you'll be in the mood for 
Xerokine: -*- some actual training." His lips curled in a feral smile in case Fenin mistook his meaning. "The only fun I've had in the past few days was some overgrown wildlife over in Aqua Polis."
Fenin: snickers quietly, "Not much, really. Chased Shim around for a while, had to show him what's what. Other than that I've been doing all sorts of training, trying to get to be as strong as I was back in the day. For some reason
Fenin: -x- I just feel like I am about a fifth as strong... And I doubt I'll ever get to feel the power of the fourth transformation again. Ahh the sacrifices of wallowing in despair for far too long." Fenin shrugs, "Handily, it seems
Fenin: -x- that everybody else is about a fifth of their power, too, so I guess I am still pretty well off." Fenin grins as the enter some nameless bar, "You want anything?" Fenin grins, "Not that I'll be paying, or anything, though."
Xerokine: grimaced with distaste as he looked around, noticing the thick layer of grim on the tables and the unwashed patrons hunched over at the counter, nursing their drinks and staring off into space. The group of overweight and 
Xerokine: -*- over-tattooed half-wits on the other side were no better, gathered around a pool table that had been considered trash about a century ago, with balls so chipped it was a wonder they could still roll. "I think I'll pass," he decided, sliding 
Xerokine: -*- onto a seat that looked moderately clean. "I prefer to eat meat, not parasites. So, what are you using for a weapon these days, anyway? Techagi has gotten some new back-edged sword, and I've heard the angel brat has taken to 
Xerokine: -*- using daggers. Of course," he added thoughtfully. "That was before I killed her. I saw her again the other day, and apparently death has robbed her of what little intelligence she had. When I left, she was still using Jeckel's tail as a 
Xerokine: -*- chew toy and asking him what a 'sayin' was."
Fenin: looks around, undaunted by the lack of cleanliness around him. He had been living on the streets for over a year, one of these places was home sweet home to him every Saturday night that he had cash to throw away. "I just use this here
Fenin: -x- blade." Fenin places his palm onto the bottom of his blade, or top of his hilt, and shrugs. "So you finally knocked that crazy sack of crazy out of the picture? Good job." Fenin sits next to Xerokine, grinning wide, "And you're sure about
Fenin: -x- the food? They've got some surprisingly delicious parasites..." Fenin snickers and orders a burger with beer batter fries, and some generic alcoholic beverage, "And use a clean glass this time. I've actually got money today." Fenin winks
Fenin: -x- at the waitress, an overweight, hideous beast of a woman, who glares at him with contempt while retriving the dirtiest glass in the not-so-fine establishment. Fenin shrugs and sips from the glass, then turns to Xerokine again. "So what
Fenin: -x- nifty gadget are you totting about this time of day? And do you think you'll still be using it tomorrow?" Fenin snickers quietly, recollecting a rather... sizable collection of wares that Xerokine had once wielding, matching that of a small ar
Fenin: -x- armory.
Xerokine: smirked, thinking the same thing. "I haven't had much time for fiddling around," he admitted, absently tapping his chin. "All I've managed to do recently is throw together a new wrist-cannon and... acquire a pair of axe-blades." His 
Xerokine: -*- left hand vanished under his cloak for a moment, then pulled out a curious looking weapon, with a curved axe-like blade with a gap down the middle. His hand flicked out, sending the blade spinning through the air to imbed itself an 
Xerokine: -*- inch above the head of their overweight waitress. The woman sagged, eyes bulging as they crossed themselves, then collapsed to the floor with an audible 'thump'. "Got a pair of them," Xerokine remarked conversationally, shooting a 
Xerokine: -*- thread of crackling black energy out from his palm and looping it around the weapon's hilt. "The Blades of Zanken." A quick twist of his hand sent the blade flying back to his hand and set on the table for Fenin to examine. "Catchy name, 
Xerokine: -*- eh?" 
Fenin: grins, "Quite catchy, indeed." Fenin looks over the blade casually, then over to the fallen woman, "Just a few questions, though. First off, who's going to bring me my foods, and second off, where did one acquire such nifty weaponry? Or did
Fenin: -x- you like... Just pick out the name 'Zorknarn' all on your own for no particular reason, other than perhaps the nifty and unique ring of it?" Fenin picks up the blade and swipes the air lightly, getting a feel for the weapon, never having
Fenin: -x- had actually held a blade of the style, nor seen one, even, other than in Syntech store houses, and even then they were considerably lower quality.
Xerokine: -*- "Zanken," Xerokine corrected, tapping his fingers against the dirt-encrusted surface of the table as he watched Fenin try out the blade. "It's short for 'Zantetsuken', the legendary weapon wielded by the god Odin which could cut 
Xerokine: -*- through anything and kill a man in a single blow." He paused as another waitress hurried over with Fenin's food, perhaps assuming that the reason for his demonstration was impatience. "See? It all works out. Anyway, these 
Xerokine: -*- weapons have a certain resemblance to the one of legend, even though they were made just a few weeks ago, so I figured a nickname would be appropriate. What about yours?" Xerokine's golden-brown eyes flicked over toward the 
Xerokine: -*- other man's sheathed sword. "Is it just a common sword, or have you gone with the latest fashion of giving it an appropriately cool-sounding name?"
Fenin: sighs, "Well it's quite a boring story, but I suppose I could share." Fenin takes a hand full of fries and shoves them in his mouth, then slowly beings to speak, idly droning on in between chomps of batter-fried spuds. "Well, when Hikaru
Fenin: -x- and," Fenin shows a toothy, spud-doused grin, "baby Xerokine left, and I lost my job, I didn't have much to do." Fenin takes a sip of the mysterious golden liquid, to wash down the bits of fries that had been caught in his mouth, "So I
Fenin: -x- got me a hobby. I started smithing me some weapons. None of them came out particularly good, save for this one." Fenin withdraws a simple broadsword, of traditional Chinese, whatever that is, design, bearing only one fancy feature, a
Fenin: -x- blood red silk wrapped jade hilt. "Nothing particularly amazing, but she cuts people up nicely. Nice enough for me, anyway." Fenin grins, "Some people name ships after their lovers, something about love granting them safe passage to
Fenin: -x- their desired location, but I decided to call my blade 'Hikaru.' My love kills, etcetera."
Xerokine: -*- "How very..." Xerokine searched for an appropriate word. "Poetic. I suppose the ability to cut people into little pieces is an essential trait in any weapon." He leaned back in his chair, glancing toward the front entrnace of the bar. "I 
Xerokine: -*- actually better get running. Hopefully next time, we can have a bit more fun. Blow up large sections of the city that Oaftres and Essex can have fun repairing, killing some random bystanders just to see which way their organs splat, 
Xerokine: -*- that sort of thing." Xerokine hopped up, flicking his cloak back and returning the Zanken blade to his right hip, opposite to where its twin was secured. "Cya." He waved over his shoulder and wandered out.
Fenin: nods casually to Xerokine, "Sounds like fun, can't wait." Fenin grins at Xerokine and places his blade back into it's scabbard. "See ya later, Caeruleus." Fenin absently turns back to his plate of grimy food and continues to feast upon it, as thou
Fenin: -x- though it were nectar and ambrosia.
Soryn: was hovering around the remains of Old Hope City scanning the area for a mutant believed to have attacked a friend of his on his own turf. Sighing dramatically Soryn lands on the remains of a building letting the wind blow through his mane of dark
Soryn: <X> hair. Spotting a nearby store Soryn flys down and picks up a twelve pack of Mountain Dew warm..but still Soda. Cracking a can open he takes a seat on the counter to enjoy the soda. Quickly dodging a incoming energy attack from the mutant he ha
Soryn: <x> had be hunting, Mountain dew drips from his face. Why you little son of a... Firing multiple successions of energy balls toward this unidentified mutant Soryn races into battle.
Cojan: with a thud, slightly croushed down. His black silk robes flapping around him in the mid day wind. The flash of light shining, a zing of metal on metal, and the mutant froze in his tracks. 'Dirty scum.' Cojan said, spitting on the decapitated tors
Cojan: (C)torso of the felled beast. He pulled his hood down, revealing his perfect white hair, bloodshot black eyes, and military jaw line. 'Fucking infestations around here.' he said, more to himself than anyone else around. Ignoring the Saiyan who was
Cojan: (C) was charging in his direction he lifted off the ground, preparing to continue his scourging of the city.
Soryn: grabbed the mutant by the throat. "Listen you little fuckup stop running..AND DIE!!!" Shooting a Kamehameha directly on the little runt's face. The scent of burnt flesh lingers even though the mutant is gone. Spitting up some blood due to the rece
Soryn: <X> recent encounter Soryn screams out in pain. Dam he hurt me good..little clawing bastard. Grasping under his ribcage he removes a long claw almost a three inches long. Lucky for me he didnt hit anything. Stiffening quickly he senses the presenc
Soryn: <x> being nearby. Man I am in no condition to fight, lets see how this shit goes down. 'Kaioken time 6!'
Soryn: <x> A aura of red energy surrounds Soryn granting him tremendous power. 'I'll save the other trick for later.' Blazing towards this new entity at astounding speeds he stops directly behind him. 'Who are you...scum?'
Cojan: stopped floating upwards as the now 'cool looking' saiyan flew up behind him. Twitching under the eye a little bit, Cojan turned around while drawing both swords out of there respective sheaths. 'Scum...' he said, continuing to twitch irritably. '
Cojan: 'Did you just call ME scum, son?' he said, clearly annoyed at the presence, and disrespectfullness of the young man.
Rini: sits in her classroom, drawing another picture during her classes art time.  It was only several minutes until three o'cloak, the time school got out.  Normally, she would count the minutes, but she loved art and this day she was too engrossed wit
Rini: (c) with her work to notice the time.  Grey storm clouds cast a rather depression, somber mood on the city, although it wasn't raining yet.  She was rather down because she had not really had anyone to play with, one of her super heroes was mad at
Rini: (c) her, despite her idolization of the man the last email she received from her mother indicated that she would have to stay even longer. She just frowns as her pictures show her, with her mother and the boy she now had a picture of that was her 
Rini: (c) elder brother.  She finishes putting the last of the color into the picture and puts her crayons away, spending the last minute before the release of class staring out the window at the cool, overcast, day and the threatening clouds above, whi
Rini: (c) which didn't make her mood any the brighter.  She absent mindedly begins to play with her long pink hair as she daydreams a bit about what she'll do when her mother finally does come home.
Cojan: was as still as a statue as he crouched on the stone gargoyle statue, overlooking the city. His thick black leather trenchcoat flapped lightly in the cool summer breeze that was barely sufficient in keeping him cool. His blood shot black eyes scan
Cojan: (C) scanned the city streets, not looking for anything really, just looking. He hopped forward, letting gravity take its toll on his body, momentum carrying him faster and faster through the air. He glided down to the sidewalk and was walking almo
Cojan: almost before he landed. Rounding the corner of the building he headed for the outskirts of the city, the part of the city that was quiet, calm, and at night, his home.
Orii: - Flying was a talent he'd never fully mastered. He'd only used it once; about an hour ago, in his battle with Sert. And only to avoid being smashed beneath the ten tons of bus the Namek had hurled at him. He felt weird, accepting the offer from t
Orii: (C) he man; it was his father, but also, he was a complete stranger. "Uh... Not really. How do you?" Orii asked, leaning against the chainlink fence. School had been out for an hour at least, the parking lot was empty, and utter silence encompasse
Orii: (C) encompassed the block.
Essex: floats to the ground and walks over to Orii. "Okay, earlier, when you got upset at me, you felt a rush of power, and then that fire flared up around you? The best way to explain it is...
Essex: (*) get mad at me again. Then focus that fire to your stomach, you'll feel a burning sensation for awhile, then you'll need to push that fire through your legs and out your feet, the resulting
Essex: (*) effect should be your ability of flight." He steps back and crosses his arms, lifting off the air. "You don't have full mastery of your energy focus yet, so it'll be tough to maintain it for
Essex: (*) long periods of time, but we're not going far."
Xerokine: -*- A low rumble of thunder heralded the coming storm, visible only by the wisps of dark clouds on the faint horizon. Xerokine crouched on the edge of the four-story office building, his dark cloak pulled tightly around him, and watched 
Xerokine: -*- with glimmering amber eyes as the clouds swirled and massed. If he was lucky, the summer winds would push them toward the city in time for the torrents of rain to pound down the dust and wind of the human settlement. If not, the 
Xerokine: -*- storm would simply blow past, shredding itself apart on the dry, desert winds. "Tch." Pushing the inconvenient weather from his wind, the man turned and dropped from the rooftop, landing lightly on a window ledge halfway down 
Xerokine: -*- before launching off again, flickering from building to building above the noisy and sleepless city streets.
Cojan: walked through the crowd of citizens, not bothering to move around them to avoid bumping shoulders. No. They would move around him instead. It seemed he gave off an aura of something. Something that made the people clear a walk way for him. Maybe 
Cojan: (C)Maybe it was that he held the strongest heir of unimportance, that he seemed so damned important that they moved. Maybe it was the warmth of the Ki that surrounded him that people dodged out of the way for. The summer heat was already herraldin
Cojan: (C) herralding enough on the average person. Glancing up at the horizon Cojan saw the maelstrom of black clouds gathering, preparing a wet and windy assault on the city and it's people. They were moving fast, and Cojan didn't doubt the storm would
Cojan: (C) come soon if the beeze kept up.
Rini: slowly hops out of her chair and gathers her things from her desk, putting the picture she made gently into a notebook and carefully putting that notebook into her backpack.  She puts on a pink raincoat with a picture of a white bunny on the left 
Rini: (c) breast before putting slinging her backpack over her shoulder.  She puts on matching hat for her raincoat, covering the rabbit 'ears' on her head.  She sighs sadly as the crack of thunder overhead makes her shiver.  A single tear, more from fe
Rini: (c) fear than general sadness escapes her eyes as it begins to rain, slowly, just light showers with large droplets of water.  She walks out of her school, her head hung low and begins the ever slow walk towards her grandparents house, where she w
Orii: brought his clenched fists across his stomach, narrowing his eyes at his deadbeat father. He could reach out strangle the man, and it wouldn't bother him too much. He had damn good reason to. Much more reason than for the other kids he usually tos
Orii: (C) tossed around. His pectorals flexed, visible beneath the torn Jack Daniels tee; he felt exactly what Essex had described. The sensation, like nausea rose in his gut, as the blazing energy erupted around him. He open his fists, his eyes glowing
Rini: (c) was having a non-automated dinner.  Her thoughts linger heavily from one thing the next, mostly about her mother and family, but even to her heroes and to other interesting people and places she had already been to.
Orii: (C) blue, and shoved them down to his sides, palms facing the pavement... And hovered there, an inch above the ground.
Essex: grins and half-mockingly, half-proudly, claps at Orii. "Congradulations, you're now capable of flying, come on." He turns and jumps, focusing his ki and floating in mid-air. "From here, it's not
Essex: (*) hard, just focus less ki to slow down, more to speed up, stop focusing all together to land." He turns and begins slowly flying in the direction of the main part of town, waiting for Orii to
Essex: (*) catch-up.
Pam: quickly grabs hold of her gray bucket hat the one with the little Grr robot on it, popping it on her head before swing wide open the doors to the monastery which she so proudly calls her new home here in new hope city.  Her eye's scane 
Pam: (c) the side walk as she makes her way down the street, her ears twitches slightly  while catching different ones conversations about how new hope city is going through large changes."ah ! sorry.. eh" She had stopped herself 
Pam: (c) just before bumping into what she thought was a person, but she quickly relieaves it was just another one of those freaky green ghost that had been walking about like zombies in town. just doing every day life things such as shopping 
Pam: (c) or what looked like taking their kids to school. she speaks in a low mutter "some how watching them makes me feel the like ghost." her little hands grip the rim of her bucket hat pulling it down tighter on her head before crossing the street. 
Pam: (c) The wind starts to pick up a bit as the gray clouds start to move in. "geeze i sure picked a great day to leave home didn't I." Pam stops once again in her tracks catching a man floating in the air as if it was nothing, " what would i give to 
Pam: (c) "what i would give to do that." 
Xerokine: -*- A quick glance at the apex of his tacking path revealed that the wind had changed, and that the storm was fast approaching. The subtle shiver of thunder rolled through the city, creating a soft pause in the crowds below as people 
Xerokine: -*- looked up or began to hurry on their way. Xerokine smirked, deliberately hitting the next ledge slightly off and spinning down into the mass of people. The pavement cracked in a rough circle under his feet, splintering upward at 
Xerokine: -*- an angle and forcing the mob to part with cries of surprise and sudden fear. The cloaked man just gave a feral grin, exposing his inhumanly long and pointed canine teeth as if he were considering his next snack. In the darkness of the 
Xerokine: -*- oncroaching storm, his amber eyes glowed ominously, and the reflection of distant lightning played against the silver hilt visible over his shoulder. 
Rini: lets out a loud shriek as a crack of thunder booms across the city, shaking the ground as a streak of lightning rips through the clouds overhead.  Fear makes her small body tremble as she begins to cry, holding on to a tree nearby.  The storm quic
Rini: (c) quickly increases in its intensity, the rain coming down even harder than it was before "Mommy!" she cries out, closing her red eyes.  She had hoped that it wouldn't rain until after she got home, but apparently luck was not on her side this d
Rini: (c) day.  She opens her eyes for a moment to look around as the rain pours down as if one of the heavy clouds above had just burst open suddenly, "Remember...control.." she hears in her head. She just shakes her head, as if thinking she was hearin
Rini: (c) hearing things, her body trembling.  She tries to be brave, wiping the tears from her eyes and face, sniffling, but no longer actively crying.  The heaviest part of the rain storm eases up as the loud crashes of thunder seem to become dull, di
Rini: (c) distant booms combine with the occasional flash of lightning amongst the clouds.
Cojan: gave a demonic laugh as thunder clapped and the clouds rolled through the sky, coming for the city like a freight train. Lightning danced through the clouds, creating a Van Gogh of art, only this was more like Cojan's style. The people began to hu
Cojan: (C) hurry this way and that; running to get where they were going before the rain swept down, and soaked the suits they wore. 'Pathetic.' he muttered, clearly enjoying the franticness of the people. He seemed all too eager for the storm, like he w
Cojan: (C) was waiting in anticipation. The cracks and shatterings of concrete rang in his ears, drawing his attention away from the sky. A black haired, black cloaked man seemed to be enjoying this as much as Cojan was. Cojan let loose a feral scream as
Cojan: (C) the thunder let loose again, causing people to run and scream. Cackling in joy, Cojan waited for the fun.
Xerokine: -*- A darting fork of lightning split across the horizon, soundless and bright against the black sky. A moment passed, and then another before the thunder followed, a deafening crack as if the air was ripping, so loud it seemed like windows 
Xerokine: -*- should be shattering, the ground splitting open. Instead, those things happened a moment later, when Xerokine casually reached over his shoulder and drew his sword, spinning the blade against the back of his hand and swinging 
Xerokine: -*- it down through the air. A barely visible wave of dark energy rippled through the air, throwing back those too weak to resist it, cracking walls and shattering windows in all directions. Xerokine straightened, absently glancing around to 
Xerokine: -*- see if anyone was still standing. 
Orii: grunted, forcing more and more of his energy into the torrent around him. His hair waved in the wind, black locks splaying in all directions. Exhaling calmly, Orii launched himself into the air, followed by a streak of blazing ki, a trail of fire 
Orii: (C) stretching across the sky from the ground to his feet. He maintained the flight well enough, but he felt his energy being drained quickly. He followed his father, maintaining a fair distance between the two of them; he still hadn't grown to tr
Orii: (C) trust the man. "Where are we headed?" The human inquired with a shout.
Essex: points to a single story building a few hundred feet in front of him. "There." He says, "We can either eat here on earth, or..." He lands on the rooftop, Orii landing a few feet away from him
Essex: (*) keeping his distance. "...I could take you to this fancy little place I found on Myuuntanto. They make a mean sandwich." He crosses his arms and leans against the railing on the roof,
Essex: (*) waiting for his son to answer.
Orii: - Myuutanto? He'd only heard about it in his science class... And he didn't pay attention to that shit. "Uh... I've never left the planet." Was that something that was unusual? It felt like it, as he said it. How many people HAD left the planet? "
Orii: (C) "Are you like... Wicked rich? Or..." Orii rubbed his chin, fiddling with the stud in his lower lip. "An astronaut?" Normally he watched movies, and people were suprised when they were asked to lunch in another country. He'd just been asked to 
Orii: (C) to leave the atmostphere. For a sandwich.
Essex: slips his hands into his pockets and sniffs. "Uh... you could... say I'm rich." He turns and points out to the horizen in the desert. "I... run an organization, one of the leading manufacturers of
Essex: (*) everything... next to my associates at Draconian Enterprises and Techagi Industries." He keeps his hand pointed out towards the desert. "I have... a project going on out there. Ha ha... it'll
Essex: (*) be finished in a couple of weeks." He turns back to Orii and crosses his arms over his chest. "I'm a business man, you see. As far as the astronaut thing goes... I have... means of travelling,
Essex: (*) means that maybe I could show you some day." He turns around and puts his hands on the railing, watching the reconstruction of some buildings. "It's not odd, if that's what you're thinking,
Essex: (*) for people to have never left the planet. It's quite a rare occurence... it'll be more common though, once SynTech, DracEnt and TechInd get a shuttle system running..." He turns back to Orii,
Essex: (*) "What d'you say, wanna go?"
Rini: watches as the storm lightens up a bit, simply raining and not torrential downpours, lightning bolt or booming thunder.  She thought she heard another crack of thunder, but wasn't too sure.  She opens up her blue and black umbrella and walks out t
Rini: (c) the gates of her school and down the sidewalk, still sad, but at least not in tears from sadness or fear.  Most people were getting off the streets and almost all of her classmates were getting rides in buses or from their family.  Her grandpa
Rini: (c) grandparents were at work, however, and her mother was off planet on business so she had to walk.  The bus would only take her home, not to her grandparents home and the bus would not travel out of the city.  Sighing, she waits a crosswalk for
Rini: (c) the light to change and the crossing guard to signal her to go.
Xerokine: absently spun his sword in a wide circle as he considered the mob of people running down the street. It seemed that his little fun had caused a small-scale riot, as the crowds of people formerly content to walk down the 
Xerokine: -*- sidewalk were now sprinting across the streets and shoving each other aside in their rush to get away from the crazed Saiyan with a sword. A group of schoolchildren waiting at a crossguard were getting run down by the crush of people. 
Xerokine: -*- Some of them would probably be trampled to death. And with all the people in the streets, one heavily-loaded truck couldn't stop in time and swerved to the side, missing Xerokine as he casually stepped aside to let it blow into a store 
Xerokine: -*- front. The fuel line in the truck ignited, setting the building aflame. Whistling an idle tune to himself, the cloaked man peered at the lettering stamped in wide, black letters against the side of the truck's cargo. "Liquid oxygen," he read 
Xerokine: -*- aloud. "Well, that could be bad."
Orii: shrugged. It would definitely beat hanging out here; he'd lived in the same suburb his whole life, and never really cared to spend much time outside of it. "I'll go," Orii said. His answers were becoming less reluctant. "If you'll tell me more abo
Orii: (C) about your business." He placed his hands in his pockets, wondering what 'mode of transportation' Essex was referring to. Surely he didn't have his own ship.
Essex: nods and walks over to Orii. He eyes the kid up and down. "Well... I could teach you my mode of transportation, you seem to have the right powerlevel for it... but that'll take awhile." He extends
Essex: (*) his hand and pops his wrist. "Alright, don't think I'm trying anything weird..." He puts his hand on Orii's shoulder and raises two fingers to his forehead. He focuses his energy, zeroing in on
Essex: (*) a familiar powerlevel just outside of the restaurant. He closes his eyes, and in an instant, blinks there. He steps back and takes his hand off Orii's shoulder. "Instant Transmission, it's a wonder
Essex: (*) wonderful thing. Come." He nods towards the door to the run down restaurant. "I'll tell you more once we get sat."
Rini: looks on in shock as a stampede of people, running from something, or someone, storm past her a couple other children waiting at the stoplight.  She too is caught up in the stampede and is nearly trampled herself were it not for the fact that she 
Rini: (c) had clung to the fence of the school yard, protecting her somewhat.  As the people move onwards, she sees a burning truck filled with liquid oxygen, although she didn't know what it was or the danger it represented.  Not too far in front of he
Rini: (c) her stood the man who she had eaten dinner with not more than a couple days ago.  She looks at him with a utterly confused expression, "w..what's going on? what is all of this?" she asks innocently, not sure of herself and certainly nervous of
Rini: (c) this man now. 'Now, Rini-chan, let it go..., you are untrained, but there is noone else, let it go!' a voice in her head says. A bolt of lightning strikes down in the school yard not more than fifty yards away from her, making her scream out i
Rini: (c) out in fear.  Her body then explodes with a brilliant, transparent, pink, flaming aura that crackles and arcs with white lightning of its own.  Her pink rainhat is blown from her head as her hair blwos about her head and shoulders chaotically.
Rini: (c) The ground around her shakes violently, the pavement cracking and breaking as it hovers up and around her.  Street and traffic lights are knocked over and several trees are uprooted as her transformation was completed.  Tears well in her red e
Rini: (c) eyes and slowly streak down her face.  She had no idea what was happening to her, but she felt fear, anger and an overwhelming urge to help people.
Xerokine: shifted, glancing sidelong toward where the brat had made another appearance. A rather dramatic one, too. Complete with a flaming aura, localized earthquake, and property damage. A subtle smirk crossed the man's face as a 
Xerokine: -*- streetlamp collapsed into the middle of the street, crashing down on one of the parked cars. Power lines cracked and sparked in the continuing rainstorm, and uprooted trees crashing down across the sidewalks simply added to the 
Xerokine: -*- growing chaos. "It's amazing how quickly everyone can against each other," he noticed, leaning on his sword as the tip ground into the cracked pavement. He amused himself by flicking his fingers at random buildings, sending thin, 
Xerokine: -*- dark sparks shooting through windows or cracking through walls. One of the errant shots got lucky and apparently hit something flammable, as an entire floor of the office building was suddenly engulfed in flames.
Orii: felt nothing, except his feet landing against the foreign pavement. The planet wasn't as strange as he'd figured it would be; bathed in the moons light, the streets were dark, a bit run down, and filled with, to Orii's suprise, what seemed like no
Orii: (C) normal people, for the most part. As normal as Essex, anyways. Wild hair colors, giants, midgets, and so forth passed them by, some even nodding at Essex, recognizing who he was, what he was. "This place is... Weird." Orii noted aloud.
Essex: "The mutants are social outcasts, people don't want them around because they look different... it's always that way, ya know?" He opens the door and leads Orii into it. The door swings shut
Essex: (*) behind them as Essex nods to the cute, blue-skinned waitress. She looked completely human, other than the skin discoloration. "I'd like my usual booth, Mataka..." She nods to him, flashes
Essex: (*) him a smile and gets to menus, leading the pair to a corner booth. Essex sits down, Orii sitting across the table at the opposite side of the table. "Can I get you two anything to drink?"
Rini: closes her eyes for a moment as a calming wind blows over the area, making the child shiver for only an instant.  When she opens her eyes, showing their blue hue over the red they were.  She looks up at Xerokine and then hovers up off the ground t
Rini: (c) to be eye-level with the man, "Hello, Mister Caeruleus.." she says in a voice that is not the child's voice, "You are not content with corrupting people, you have to destroy the city that is rebuilding and force a confrontation with an innocen
Rini: (c) innocent little girl?" she asks, shaking her head, "Her body is strong, although not as strong as yours, but this cannot continue.." she speaks again, just glaring at the Saiyan with her glowing blue eyes.
Orii: - "What's the legal age to drink here?" Orii asked. He wasn't sure how his father would respond, but he assumed he couldn't be too mad. He'd been gone for sixteen years. He owed his son a beer. Or sixteen. Either way, he figured it was pretty evid
Orii: (C) evident to Essex that he drank constantly by the powerful scent on his breath, half hidden by hundreds of sticks of spearmint gum. He eyed the waiter, wondering if they even bothered to have something like drinking laws enforced.
Essex: chuckles and leans over to the waiter. "Well both have a pint to start." He says, nodding to the waiter. The waiter nods and walks off to retrieve their drinks. "No drinking age, that's why
Essex: (*) I started coming here all those years ago." He leans back in the booth seat, sighing to himself, not even bothering to open the menu. "So, you wanted to know about my business, what
Essex: (*) is it you wanted to know?"
Xerokine: stared for a moment, weighing the benefits of either a sarcastic remark or screaming 'She's possessed!' and hitting Rini in the face. "Destroying?" he asked instead, glancing around at the continuing riot as if he hadn't noticed. 
Xerokine: -*- "Hardly. Look around, the only ones destroying the city are the ones who live here." He flicked out a last spark of energy to destroy a nearby fire hydrant, sending a plume of water into the air. "Well, maybe I'm helping a little. But it's 
Xerokine: -*- still mostly them." With casual nonchalance, Xerokine spun the sword back into its sheath and crossed his arms, narrowing a pair of golden-brown eyes at the hovering girl. "So, is this the point where your head spins around? Or do 
Xerokine: -*- you start the projectile vomiting first? If you wanted to talk, you might've used a phone. Using your granddaughter as a living walkie-talkie seems a bit morbid for you."
Rini: merely smirks, "Her heart is open to me, allowing me to speak through her, not like your dark heart. Tell me, why are you here and do you force this confrontation?" she asks, using the child's ki to blow the water towards the fire, where it combin
Rini: (c) combines with the rain to do a good job of dousing the flames.  "Leave the child alone, she is no threat to you or anyone else at this point. Besides, if you wished to talk to me, you merely had to ask.." she says, hovering up to sit on top of
Rini: (c) a still standing street lamp, crossing her legs and putting her hands on her lap as the pouring rain hits her shimmering barrier, the water run down it and onto the ground below.
Orii: - "Well..." Orii began, shooting a wink at the waitress at the door. "What do you guys make?" He shifted as the waiter returned with their drink orders, fizzing, bubbling mugs. THIS was the place to throw a party. He mentally noted, etched the fac
Orii: (C) fact into his mind, that there was no legal drinking age on Myuutanto. He'd have to bring a couple of his friends (and hundreds of chicks) out here, whenever he mastered whatever Transmission Essex had spoke of before. Orii took a swig of the 
Orii: (C) of the beer and reclined in the booth, looking out at the twilit streets. "And... How much do you make?"
Essex: picks up his mug and tips it back, draining the whole thing into his gullet without taking a breath. He sits the mug down and wipes his mouth on the sleeve of his expensive suit-jacket. "Well,
Essex: (*) we make a lot... nanobots, weapons, clothing, electronics... we do a lot, such as public relations, interplanetary transportation... g enetic... research." He looks down at the table and stops
Essex: (*) talking for a moment, taking note of his odd colored skin. "And... as far as how much do I make... that's none of your business little man." He leans back, crossing his arms over his
Essex: (*) chest. "Enough, let's put it that way." He leans forward, squinting a bit. "'cause we also own rights to the printing press, so I have as much money as I want. And it's all legal, what
Essex: (*) with me being one of the people running the city."
Xerokine: smirked, watching her douse the flames only moments before it would have ignited the explosives. After all, it wouldn't do if he had doused them himself. So predictable. "I'm afraid you are very mistaken," he said apologetically. 
Xerokine: -*- "Her being here was a rather unhappy coincidence. I have no interest in drooling brats and empty-headed halfwits. I thought I saw someone of interest in this crowd, and merely wished to find him." Xerokine narrowed his eyes and 
Xerokine: -*- glanced around. "Apparently I was mistaken. Causing this little riot was just a happy side-effect. Though with the storm, it does seem to have raged a bit out of control, doesn't it?"
Orii: - "Mom wouldn't have ever let me drink." Orii commented, finishing off his mug in the same manner. He could handle his alcohol-- he'd been drinking for a few years. "I remember this one time... I kicked this one kid's ass, and he had like a hundre
Orii: (C) hundred dollars on him. So we bought like... A fuckton of beer." He laughed a bit, clasping his hands behind his neck. "It was like two o'clock, and mom was supposed to be gone until I got home from school the next morning. And she walked in a
Orii: (C) at two in the morning, and we were all laid out everywhere." He paused, recalling his mother's hellish fury. "Oh yeah, she was pissed."
Rini: looks down upon the Saiyan, amused by his weakness.  Physically powerful he thrived off of intimidation, which had failed to work on her at all.  She  merely shakes her head, "You fight well, I'll give you credit for that, but your main power come
Rini: (c) comes from the fear you think you can invoke in others." she says, hoping off the street lamp to land with a soft tap upon the pavement below, "You neither intimidate me nor frighten me.  Anyone can frighten and intimidate a small child such a
Rini: (c) as this.." she says with a smirk "You honestly feel confident enough to feel you're invulnerable?  Hardly, this child has nearly child you on many occasions, although she remembers none of them anymore." she motions for him to wander off, "Go,
Rini: (c) find your 'man' and leave this child to herself.  She will learn what she can when it is time for her to do so and not before.  Neither of us have a desire to fight you, esepcially here and now. Before you go on a tantrum rampage destroying an
Rini: (c) and killing..remember, myself and this child are not the only ones that had or have the power to put you in your place." she says with a grin.  She hovers up again, much higher this time and continues to fly up and away from Xerokine, not wish
Essex: motions for the waiter to come over. "We'll each have two more," He points to the empty mugs. "And... we'd like the Chef's Special." He nods to the waiter. "Take your time, we're in no hurry."
Essex: (*) He looks back over at Orii, clasping his hands behind his head in the same matter. "Laura always was always hate-edge." He says, staring across at Orii. "So, you're a partier then eh?"
Essex: (*) He leans forward, unclasping his hands and crossing his arms on the table. "I've a proposition for you."
Rini: (c) wishing harm to the little girl because one man had it in his mind that he wanted..'fun'.
Orii: - The waiter arrived a few moments later, their drinks on a tray he held over his head. Carefully, the waiter placed the mugs on the table, two per, and returned to his other duties. Orii grabbed his, and sipped at it; he didn't want to get too bu
Orii: (C) buzzed. "Uh. Okay, what's up?" Orii asked maintaining the same relaxed, reclined slouch.
Xerokine: rolled his eyes, amusing himself by guessing how many throats he could slit before she was done with her speech. "Yeah," he said once she finished and started to float away. "No." With one hand, he reached out to grab the 
Xerokine: -*- girl by the neck. "I think I've been pretty nice about this whole thing. You show up, make outrageous and vague threats you can't back up, you wander off, and I continue with whatever I was doing. But I've gotten just a little bit 
Xerokine: -*- tired of it." His eyes flashed, switching from amber to blood-red for the briefest instant. "Allow me to explain some things to you. I really couldn't care less if I intimidate you. Funnily enough, my power comes from my ability to make 
Xerokine: -*- people's heads explode. Second, I am invulnerable. I am strong, I am powerful, and you couldn't beat me if I had both hands tied behind my back. Third, you have never 'almost killed' me. Neither has this brat. The best you've done is a 
Xerokine: -*- poor attempt at bribing me, and the best -she's- done is whine and pout whenever someone ruins her day. If you want to make threats, I will kill this girl again. Then I will burn down her school and kill everyone she knows. I will then kill 
Xerokine: -*- everyone she has ever known or loved, starting with those foster parents of hers and ending with you. Do I make myself... clear?"
Essex: cracks his neck, nodding to the waiter as he leaves. "Well, that project I told you about. I have a  few of my droids building a city. A city completely for businesses of my magnitude... and
Essex: (*) partying." He chuckles and leans back. "Face it... Earth needs a city like that, ran on pure carnal instinct, ya know? That's why I'm starting &rSyn&zCity.&w" He leans back again. "And,
Essex: (*) I'd need someone to help me run it."
Rini: closes her eyes, putting both of her hands on Xerokine's wrist as he grabs her neck, 'Now honey.., let your power explode!!' the words echoing through the little girls mind as her red eyes open up as she uses unimaginable strength for a child to t
Rini: (c) try and bend Xerokine's arm with her right hand and taking out a glimmernig sai and swiping it towards the mans face with her left, all with a speed that not even she realized she had. "I won't let you hurt me family!!" she says in her own voi
Rini: (c) voice, which was laced with anger.
Orii: - SynCity? He liked the sound of that, being that he couldn't rightly tell which 'syn' was being spoken. Party spots, corporations; it sounded like it would be a hub for economic activity. A place he'd like to see built, for sure. And... He'd beco
Orii: (C) become filthy rich, just being Essex's assistant. Orii gulped down the remainder of his last mug, and slammed it onto the table, breathing a long 'aaahhh'. "Hell," he began, reclining in the booth's comfortable padded bench. "Why not?"
Essex: nods as the waiter sits down two plates, each with a grilled sandwich of some sort and fries. "There's some ground rules, though." He picks up his sandwich and takes a bite. "You'd
Essex: (*) still have to go to school, 'cause I don't want a dumb-ass helping me run my city." He sits his sandwich down, picking up a mug and drinking half of it in a gulp. "And there's a couple
Essex: (*) of industries of mine off limits to you. SynCom, SynGen, and SynWep."
Xerokine: hissed as the tip of the dagger sliced a thin gouge in his cheek. "Having a temper tantrum, are we?" he asked calmly, tossing his head to spray her with his own blood. "How childish of you. And here I was trying to have a 
Xerokine: -*- civilized conversation!" On the last word, Xerokine knelt down and went to slam the girl's head against the pavement. Not hard enough to seriously injure, but intended to stun her enough that she'd stop her little judo moves on his arm. 
Xerokine: -*- "You have preached and lectured long enough, and now you will listen. I am sick of your pathetic, little insults. You cower and hide behind this ridicious little facade, and show a profound lack of intelligence by declaring to all and 
Xerokine: -*- sundry that you will crush them, defeat them, and how amazing their defeat will be. Well, no more." He leaned in closer, blood dripping off his chin directly into her face. "Go on. Push it one - more - inch. I -dare- you."
Rini: closes her eyes in pain as her head is slammed into the concrete below, forming a small crater with her small body.  The pain momentarily stuns her, but she knew by instinct that she couldn't let it affect her, not yet.  She let's Xerokine run his
Rini: (c) mouth and have a temper flare of his own before she uses her free right arm to thrust upwards with her grandmother's said, right in Xerokine's heavily exposed abdomen while bring one her small legs up, bending it at the knee and aiming for his
Rini: (c) groin, intending to either seriously injure or dislodge him from him.  She was frightened beyond all belief, but somewhere inside of her, instinct and the will to survive took over.  "I DON'T CARE!!" she screams, doing the final thrust with th
Rini: (c) the powerful weapon, hoping to strike home.
Orii: - "I'm fine with that. School's where all the..." He almost said bitches, but contained himself. "The females are." He smirked, taking a bite of his sandwich and a swallow of his beer. He couldn't promise that Essex wouldn't still be running the c
Orii: (C) city with a dumbass, but he would attend his classes, hung-over or no, like he always did. And as for the other restriction, he really had no idea what his father was talking about. The other departments meant nothing to him, at least he thoug
Orii: (C) thought so, and thus, didn't phase him much. "I can do that."
Essex: nods and continues eating his sandwich. "SynGen is our genetic research department. SynCom is our Communications network, and SynWep is our weaponry department, I might give you 
Essex: (*) a tour of the latter, but the other ones have strickly classified information." He sets the sandwich down, killing a mug of alcohol and beginning on his fries. "Other than that... have fun,
Essex: (*) harass the secretaries... you know, all the stuff you probably do anyway."
Xerokine: growled, stumbling back to his feet with one hand to his stomach. It was, apparently, a lesson on why body armour should be worn at all times. "Okay, see, that was an inch," he observed calmly. The crimson and ivory flames 
Xerokine: -*- of Kaioken erupted around him, searing the pavement beneath his feet and turning his body into a black inferno. His eyes narrowed to twin slits of gleaming gold as he extended one hand, the burning aura swirling together until the red 
Xerokine: -*- and white fires darkened to utter black. "This time, stay dead," Xerokine said matter-of-fact, and the whirling torrent of crackling energy burst forth at the so-called child. "Lightning Vortex."
Rini: looks up, wide-eyed as Xerokine shakes off her attack, even if it was in self-defense, it was obvious he didn't care. 'Rini, don't wait, focus your power on his and let it go!' she hears, throwing her left hand out to defend against the powerful, 
Rini: (c) oncoming attack, her body becoming lighter than air for the first time using her ki, "KAMEHAMEHA!!!" she cries out, releasing a beautfiul blue and white wave of energy at the mans dark attack, the force of the energy release combined with her 
Rini: (c) now light body, throws her backwards, away from the intended impact area.  She release the attack shortly there after, tumbling head over heels in the air until she finally manages to control herself enough shake off the dizziness, "What did I
Rini: (c) do..?" she asks, unsure of what just happened, but knowing she was in a lot of trouble as she looks at the blood dripping from her grandma's sai. "Oh oh..." is all she could say.
Orii: smirked. He completely forgot that there would be secretaries. (Oh, man... Getting a job is going to be so much cooler than I thought... Mackin' on hot secretaries, parties every night...) "Weapons department? What kinda stuff you guys make there?
Orii: (C) there?" He imagined missiles and stuff, maybe some sweet gatling guns or something. But why? There wasn't really much going on in the universe, at least nothing that would call for a whole leg of the world's largest corporation being dedicated
Orii: (C) dedicated to weapon manufacture.
Essex: pushes a button on his mechanical arm, an experimental gattling gun and shortsword hybrid appearing in his hand. He sits it down on the table. "We make gunblades, swords, regular
Essex: (*) hand guns... explosives, ship-grade weaponry. You get the drift." He lifts his mechanical hand, flexing his fingers. "Mechanical hands. Mechanical replacement eyes." He sits his
Essex: (*) arm back on the table. "Anything else you need to know?"
Xerokine: -*- Shards of rock and fragments of glass slowly rained down on the cracked and battered street, which resembled a warzone more then the center of a city. A drifting cloud of dust and ash slowly parted as a cloaked man stalked 
Xerokine: -*- through, his entire body engulfed in a raging inferno of red and white flames. Burning yellow eyes swept up and down the street, but the mobs had cleared out soon after the girl's initial light-show, and the block was deserted. His vision 
Xerokine: -*- narrowed on the girl, who was examining her bloodied weapon a good distance away. Contemplating the enormity of her mistake, perhaps, or planning an escape from her own stupidity. "Like hell." Xerokine flickered forward, carving a 
Xerokine: -*- shallow furrow down the center of the pavement. "Maybe you should consider apologizing," he suggested, his black cloak streaming behind him like dark wings. "Or begging for mercy? Who knows, I might spare you!" A flash of silver 
Xerokine: -*- light as he drew the Tatsujungin, then a second as he thrust forward, sending the glinting tip toward the girl's right eye. 
Orii: - It was official. Orii had the coolest deadbeat father ever. Party-going, business-owning, mechanical-armed billionare, who he'd only seen once his entire life. Maybe it really had been for the better that his father left before? "Yeah, one more 
Orii: (C) "Yeah, one more question." He finished his meal, and washed it down with his newly replenished drink, dragging a napkin across his face. "When can I start?" Essex had never been there before, but Orii was finding it easier and easier to hang o
Orii: (C) out with the guy; do some of that father-son bonding, or whatever. Of course, the money probably helped, but that was aside from the point. It was healthy. Sort of. 
Essex: laughs and finishes his sandwich. "Well, as soon as the city opens, it won't be for a couple more weeks." He looks Orii up and down, taking notice of his piercings, his pale skin, the heavy
Essex: (*) punk eyeshadow. "Maybe we can get you a tattoo, too. Haha." He reaches into his shirt, pulling out his necklace; The &YLillah &wFamily Crest. He tugs on the necklace, the chain
Essex: (*) coming apart and he sets it on the table. "Here."
Rini: looks at Xerokine after examining her sword, her grandmothers spirit and her mothers belief in her making her strong, much stronger than she was a day ago.  She draws out the second sai in her matching pair and takes the defensive.  Xerokine was f
Rini: (c) fast, very fast, but she held the advantage, she was prepared and defensive, plus, she held the higher ground.  As the Saiyan stabs upwards and forwards with his sword, fround it easy to entangle the weapon in her sai's and stare at him, "I'm 
Rini: (c) not as slow, weak or stupid as you take me for.." she says with anger, glaring at Xerokine.
Orii: nodded. He could wait a few weeks. He imagined there was alot of stuff to do with all the money he'd be giving his mom whenever he decided to return, at least enough to satisfy him until the city was opened. And... When it did... He broke a smile,
Orii: (C) smile, an expression that didn't cross his face often. Carefully, he picked up the necklace from the table. It looked expensive, gold, but its purpose wasn't only to look nice... It was an insignia, of some sort. "What is this?" The boy asked,
Orii: (C) examining it further.
Essex: shrugs and finishes his sandwich. "It's the Lillah family crest." He points at it. "A dragon coiled around the letter L. There's a story behind it, but you probably don't want to hear it right
Essex: (*) now." He stands up, picking up the last mug and drinking it. "Well, you ready to get back to earth? I can give you a tour of the city so far if you'd like." 
Xerokine: -*- "Really?" Occupying her ridiculous little daggers with his sword, Xerokine raised his other hand toward her face. "Because to me, you just look like a sitting duck." Black sparks arced between his fingers, slowly condensing together 
Xerokine: -*- into a solid black sphere in the exact center of his palm. "Let's think," he said conversationally. "If you release my sword to block my Vortex, you'll get stabbed. If you keep holding my sword, you'll get blown to bits. If you somehow 
Xerokine: -*- avoid the Vortex and keep holding it, I can simply overpower you and stab you anyway. So, being the gracious, forgiving, and all around perfect person that I am, I shall give you one, final chance to avoid death. It will be very 
Xerokine: -*- simple." A cruel smile spread across Xerokine's face, to match to arrogant superiority in his eyes. "Beg for forgiveness. And vow to never again challenge my power or my incredible good looks. And I shall stand aside. Just a 
Xerokine: -*- few words." The man shrugged. "Practically nothing. Is all this trouble really worth it?"
Orii: - He eyed the crest for a moment, noting that the dragon depicted in the gold had the same marking under the eye as he did, but made no connections. "Yeah, that'd be nice." However much he liked shooting looks at the attractive waiter by the door,
Orii: (C) he was ready to return to his own world, ready to survey what would become his new throne. He felt like the illegitimate child of some king; the rest of his sons had been killed, and he was forced to resort to using his bastard as an heir. He 
Orii: (C) He smirked at the thought, standing from the booth. He left an excessive tip for the waiter, and started towards the door.
Essex: waves to the hostess. "Take it easy, cutie." He says with a wink as him and his son exit the restaurant. "To SynCity it is." He grabs Orii by the shoulder, raising his fingers to his forehead
Essex: (*) and teleporting them both to the center of the technology based city. "And... here is my kingdom." He says, holding his arms out to his side, stepping back and turning in a circle. "Well,
Essex: (*) what's done right now anyway."
Rini: looks at Xerokine's free hand, 'Hmm, is normal hand is holding the weapon, kaioken is using his energy, so neither will be at full power..' she thinks carefully, 'He's fast, but he can't do two things at once, noone can.  He can either fire the bl
Rini: (c) blast or try stab forward....' she thinks again, smiling broadly, "Well, how about option three?" she says with a giggle, closing her bright red eyes as her power fades, a blinding white light enveloping her small body.  In the blink of an eye
Rini: (c) she vanishes, releasing Xerokine's sword, threatening to throw him off balance.  She reappaers at her home, falling to her hand and knees from the enourmous ki drain and her head injury, which seeps blood, tinging her pretty pink hair.  She co
Rini: (c) coughs, gasping for air as a little blood escapes her lip, she had never used her strenght before and the exertion had nearly killed her.
Xerokine: quirked an eyebrow as the girl defaulted, vanishing in defeat. "Not exactly the apology I was looking for," he observed, as the air around him lapsed into normality, and the torrent in his palm faded into black mist. "But it will 
Xerokine: -*- suffice. I suppose I can't expect a human woman to take defeat like a man." He shrugged, sheathing his sword with a quick flourish. "Reminds me of that time Spade made himself have a heart attack and explode rather then be defeated." 
Xerokine: -*- A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he glanced around at the ruined street, then noticed the truck of liquid oxygen from earlier. A thoughtful look entered his eyes. "I -do- enjoy fireworks," Xerokine remarked to himself, shooting a single 
Xerokine: -*- spark of energy at it before vanishing himself, in an enveloping flash of unlight. "Boom."
Orii: - His face drew blank. The city was an endless expanse of buildings, thousands of feet tall, flashing with neon lights. Aside from that, the streets are empty, completely silent. Skittering across the walls of incomplete skyscrapers, large, spider
Orii: (C) spider-like droids toil at finishing the economic center of Earth. Orii crossed his arms, his pure blue eyes flashing across the incomplete buildings that stretched to the sky. He took a breath, after noticing that he hadn't in a few minutes. 
Orii: (C) "Wow... All this... Is yours?"
Essex: chuckles and shakes his head. "Breath taking, eh? And just think, it's all... ours. That is, if you're still up for helping me run this empire. Hahaha." He looks towards Orii and
Essex: (*) begins hovering a few feet from the ground. "C'mon, I'll show you the main office, where my office, and your office, will be located." He turns and begins flying away, 
Essex: (*) not even waiting for Orii.
Orii: - He found it much more easy to focus his energies, forcing the fury down through his veins, using it to propel himself after his father. Their auras were twin to eachother, glowing flames, faint, but wild, flickering and swaying in the breeze. "T
Orii: (C) "This is amazing..." He'd never seen anything like it in his entire life. The horizon was dominated by the city walls, by the dark, looming skyscrapers. Beautiful.
Essex: points out at the tallest sky scraper. "That's the head &rSyn&zTech &wOffice." He stops in mid-air, hovering there. "Just, take a look, it's not even halfway completed, this is
Essex: (*) about half the size it's going to be." He points at the droids. "Those are Omega Droids, I... stole the blueprints from an old acquaintance a few years ago, they don't need
Essex: (*) to be fed, they obey orders, and they can work continually due to a power source &rSyn&zTech &wdeveloped... they're the perfect workers... and guards. They're going to
Essex: (*) roam the streets, make sure everything stays peachy keen."
Orii: - "Wow..." The building at the center of the futuristic city was quite impressive, even compared to the rest of the buildings. And it was only half complete. There was something that felt so good about the place, something that made up for it all.
Orii: (C) It wasn't that he was going to get whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted it. It was greater than even that. He had his own domain, his own element. His own world, seperate from the bullshit he'd experienced in New Hope City. He could do what 
Orii: (C) he wanted, anytime... This was power. And he liked it. "So, what do you think I'll be doing?"
Essex: flies forward, touching down on the roof of the half complete building. Orii follows, landing close to him. He turns and walks away from the human, opening an entrance hub on the roof
Essex: (*) and climbs down a ladder. "Follow me and I'll tell you." He says, descending the ladder. He lets go of the rungs about half way down, falling down the shaft and landing on the carpted 
Essex: (*) hallway. He stops and leans against the pale grey wall, waiting for his son to come down.
Orii: crossed his arms and leaped down the hole in the roof, his knees bending with the height of the fall. He stood to his full height, and leaned against the wall in a similar manner. He couldn't wait to see this place bustling with movement and busin
Orii: (C) business. Especially hot secretary movement. "You know, you should only hire chicks in this office. Well, aside from me." Orii commented, dragging a finger across the newly painted wall.
Essex: laughs and starts walking down the hallway. "Well, this particular building will have mostly secretary and assisstance. The other buildings, SynGen, SynWep, and the such, will have the
Essex: (*) men and the nerdy scientist chicks." He chuckles and opens a door, leading to a massive board room. "He walks into it and around to the end of the table and sits down in the padded
Essex: (*) chair. "So... this is the seventy-fifth floor board room. Your office will be on the hundred and fiftieth, mine'll be on good ol' one fifty-one. Please, have a seat, make yourself at home."
Orii: - "Aw, sweet." He figured he'd pay a couple visits to the weapons department building though; just to scam on the hot nerdy scientist chicks some. He took a seat at the opposite end of the long table, his eyes absorbing every detail of the room. "
Orii: (C) "I guess I'll pretty much live here, when the place is opened up, huh?" Orii asked. However little he saw of his mother, she was his mother, and it would be weird moving out. But he definitely could, if it was in the name of attaining nearly i
Orii: (C) infinite wealth.
Greg: -*- A silver haired man steps into the room non-chalantly, a cigarillo pursed gently between a pair lips, a pair of sky blue eyes survey the room in a manner similar to that of a hunter surveying it's prey.  A pair of knee-high black boots
Greg: (C) stomped gently over the carpeted floor.  A blood red long-coat and a similar colored shirt covered up a black vest with half a dozen metallic clamps keeping it on, "Oh!" The man said in a rather suprised tone, "I didn't expect people
Greg: (C) to be here." He eyes to two up carefully, "Don't bother searching for any ass here, it's utterly hopeless.  Construction workers just don't...-do- it for me."
Essex: shrugs. "I'll get you a penthouse at Syntel or something." He coughs into his hand and leans back in the chair, yawning to himself. He drums his fingers on the wooden armrests of the chair,
Essex: (*) staring across the long conference table at Orii. "Your mother, Laura... I don't know how she'd react to you moving out, but you could get her a house, or something, or a skyscraper, here,
Essex: (*) take care of her, she is your mother after all." He breaks eye contact, staring at the table and thinking to himself. "And my wife." He looks back up. "Me and her never got a proper divorce, 
Essex: (*) ya know, which is why you have my last name." He pops his neck, "I suppose we have the time to explain the significance of that crest, you think?"  He turns his head to Greg and chuckles.
Essex: (*) "Greg Techagi!" He says, standing up and scooting his chair back, "Come, sit, meet my son." He motions to a chair, and then across the table to Orii before sitting back down. "Orii, meet
Essex: (*) Greg, he owns TechInd I mention earlier, and Greg, meet my son, Orii."
Orii: nodded, giving the man a slight bow; he figured it was best to not be a dick to his father's friends. Not only would it be bad for business, but he wasn't sure what to expect from the man. "Sup." He spoke, reclining in his seat. This was what it w
Orii: (C) was to be ontop of the world, instead of scrounging and beating the nerdy kids for a pack of cigarettes. He'd probably still beat up the nerdy kids, though. "I'm gonna have an office in this building. So, I guess we'll be seeing eachother some
Orii: (C) some, when things start up, huh?"
Greg: raises an eyebrow, first to the draconoid, Essex, and then he raises a second eyebrow to the guys...son, "A son, eh? What whore did you have to fuck to get this guy? How much did you have to pay her? Obviously enough for the reconstructive
Greg: (C) surgery involved in fixing her utterly destroyed nether regions...and probably enough to set her up for the rest of her life, considering after the pain she'd been through she'd quit turning out tricks on the streets." He walks over to
Greg: (C) the aforementioned seat, being sure to shake Essex's hand before he sat down comfortably, smoking his cigarillo, "See a lot of me, kid? Doubtful.  I've got my own business to run.  Though the branch that will be posted in this city will
Greg: (C) probably see me a few times more than ordinary.  If what your...Father...has said is true about this place."
Essex: smirks and shakes his head. "Laura, my... wife. I wasn't always mutated like this, you know." He says, reclining in the seat. "That's right, I gave Greg here the opportunity to open a branch
Essex: (*) here, also, I have given Xerokine the opportunity to bring Draconian Enterprises down here also." He closes his eyes and smirks. "Oh, by the way, I wouldn't say stuff like that about Orii's
Essex: (*) mother anymore, he likes to get his knuckles scraped, if you get my drift." He opens his eyes and looks across the table and Orii, grinning.
Orii: stood quickly at the comments, his chair toppling over behind him. He walked towards Greg slowly, with his gloved hands laced behind his neck. "The hell'd you say?" He paused a moment, sneering at the man, exposing gnashing canines. He felt the hu
Orii: (C) huge difference in their powerlevels. He knew that if he lashed out at the man, he'd probably have his ass handed to him, taken from him, and then handed to him again. But he didn't mind much. "I don't give a shit who you are," the human spoke
Orii: (C)  spoke, crossing his muscular arms across his chest. "I'll beat your ass all the same, if you say some shit like that again."
Greg: hrm's lowly to the angsty kid who just decided to show a little back-bone and start bad mouthing Greg.  Greg stood up slowly from his chair, going face to face with the threatening individual.  Greg's glare was like daggers, his hand had 
Greg: (C) shifted to a leather bound hilt that rested ominously at his hip.  Grasping the hilt tenderly Greg's lips shifted into a sadistic grin, exposing his own pair of canines that weren't human in the slightest.  It was then that the air in the
Greg: (C) room seemed to become heavy as sin.  To powerhouses like Greg or Essex it would not have been something that was of much concern. Noticable? Yes, but not concerning.  To someone like this Orii kid, it would probably feel something akin
Greg: (C) to being crushed by an unbearable power, "I suggest you hold your tongue, youth.  You're several hundred years away from telling -me- what to do." Greg's grin stayed as he blew a bit of smoke through his teeth and then chuckled, "But
Greg: (C) in all seriousness, I have absolutely no desire to beat up on the son of a fellow CEO.  So I'm willing to overlook this tiny transgression."
Essex: chuckes and sticks his hands out, motioning for them to both sit down. "There, there, children." He shakes his head and leans back. "You gotta respect the kid at least, Techagi, for standing
Essex: (*) up to you." He grins, "So, Orii, you can sit back down now, I'll make sure Greg keeps his mouth shut about Laura from now on." He turns his head back to Greg. "So, what brings you to
Essex: (*) &rSyn&zCity&w?"
Orii: stood there for a moment, ignoring the fact that if felt like his every muscle in his body was being placed under the most force he'd ever felt before. He sneered, maintaining eye contact the entire time, and just when one would expect his fist to
Orii: (C) to fly out, slam into Greg's face with next to nil effect, he turned on his booted heels, and was seated at the far end of the conference table. He'd get him later, Orii decided. When he was a bit stronger. "Yeah." Orii said in response to his
Orii: (C) his father, muttering curses.
Greg: smirks gently at the youth, the air in the room returning to it's normal condition, "Hrmph." He says with an air of snobbish arrogance that matched that of a certain well known saiya-jin, "Your kids got a lot of spunk, Essex.  Typical for
Greg: (C) humans really.  They never quite understand their place in things until somebody hacks off a limb." He says this as he sits back down in his chair and chuckles lightly, "Relax kiddo.  I ain't gonna bad mouth your mom anymore.  If I had
Greg: (C) known Essex was still involved with that woman, I wouldn't have said anything at all in the first place."
Essex: lowers his head. "Yeah, even though I abandoned her and Orii back when I was human." He shrugs and looks up, "I haven't seen her in sixteen years, Greg. But all the same." He clears 
Essex: (*) his throat. "Let me ask you again, since you obviously didn't hear me the first time. What're you doin' here in &rSyn&zCity?" He looks across the table at Orii, seeing the anger still in
Essex: (*) his son's eyes. (Go ahead, hit him, Orii...) He thinks to himself. (Let's see what you're really made of.)
Orii: - "Fuck." Orii muttered; the man would see just how much 'spunk' he had, just as soon as he got strong enough to show him. Quietly, the young man pulled from the pocket of his jeans a pack of cigarettes. Quickly, he lit it, and placed it between h
Orii: (C) his lips, breathing in the cancerous smoke, and taking his mind somewhere else. He let the smoke escape from his flared nostrils, staring at the wall to avoid the cocky smirk on Greg's face.
Greg: grins at Orii and breaths a, "Poor bitch." Underneath his breath and then immediately coughs loudly and places a hand over his mouth to cover it up.  He removes his cigarillo and squashes it out on the table before looking at Essex and
Greg: (C) sighing loudly, "Yes, yes Essex.  Keep your bloody pants on.  Wouldn't want you to wet yourself or anything. Cry, be all angsty'n shit.  You know, throw a temper tantrum and what not." Greg's gaze shifts over to the spunky youth across
Greg: (C) the table, obviously in an attempt to egg the poor kid on, "I came here to check out the new branch facilities.  I need to make sure everything is going according to schedule.  Turns out, they're a bit behind, so I figured I would stop
Greg: (C) by the main facility to see if any of the secretaries had started working yet."
Essex: nods. "Well, the Omega Androids... yeah, you heard right, Kalmega's Omega Droids, the one's building the city, are running behind due to a internal error we encounted during testing
Essex: (*) has hindered progress. Never the less, the city should be done in about a week and a half." He says, ignoring the comments Greg said to irritate his son. "'course, we still need
Essex: (*) the location of where you want your branch..." He says, pushing a button on his mechanical arm, a part of the table sliding open, a replica of the city rising up. "Go ahead, feel free
Essex: (*) to pick... the droids are wired to this map, I set a location, they build it, I remove a location, they tear it down... quite marvelous."
Orii: - "Fucking cunt." Orii said rather plainly. He didn't care much for subtlety, or for being toyed with. If he had something to say, he was going to come out and say it. Hot-headed, loudmouthed, he didn't even hardly consider the consequences of his
Orii: (C) words; or rather, he did, but he completely ignored them. He didn't much care how hard he got his ass kicked, he wasn't going to sit there and be insulted. Orii flicked the ash from the tip of his cigarette, exhaling smoke.
Greg: looked over the holographic image of the partially complete city.  Eyeing up the potential prospects he points to a section of the city deftly and says rather matter of factly, "There will be fine. It's far enough away from the main
Greg: (C) buildings that I won't have you all harassing me all the damn time." Greg leans back gently into his chair and turns to eye up the youth again, he had just left himself wide open for a verbal spanking that would leave him fuming.
Greg: (C) Despite Greg's promise to not talk bad about Laura, whom he had always enjoyed the company of when she was around, he was not going to let this youth continue the way he was, "That's a terrible way to talk about your mother-"
Greg: (C) Before he could finish his statement the youth had leapt across the table, aiming a fist at Greg's face.  However, all the fist seemed to make contact with was an empty chair head.  Greg had definitely been in that chair,
Greg: (C) however, that no longer seemed to be the case.  Greg was now where Orii USED to be, on the opposite side of the table, smirking, "-Kid." Orii stood up, rage in his eyes, however, Greg wasn't finished with the boy yet.  His form once
Greg: (C) again vanished from the kids sight, "I warned you..." The whisper to Orii's ear was from behind and he swing his fist at the sound only to be caught by Greg's fist.  The platinum blonde grinned as he began to crush the boys fist, "You
Greg: (C) are several hundred years away from saying these things.  I won't warn you a third time." As the boy crumples under the crushing pain of his fist being turned into mush, Greg glances up at Essex, who is giving him a warning look.
Greg: releases the boys hand raises his in feigned innocence, "What?"
Essex: shakes his head. "Both of you, sit down." He stands up, placing his hands on the table. "Either we stop the fighting, or we take this outside and I get involved." He glances over at 
Essex: (*) both of them, his violet eyes peering over the top of his transparent blue sunglasses. "And I don't think any of us want me to step up."
Orii: - The rune that bisected his left cheek burned red, like a deep, bleeding gash, glowing with the fire inside. His black hair wavered. "Fuck... Fuck... FUCK!" His hand was completely ruined, bones protruding from the fingerless cloth glove on his h
Zhang: fucks lol.
Orii: (C)  hand. Blood pooled around it. His entire arm seethed with pain, but it was getting easier and easier to ignore. His muscles tensed, expanded; he had the body of a teenaged bodybuilder, almost as quickly as Greg had sent him to the ground. The
Orii: (C) building began to quake. Before Greg had turned away from speaking to Essex, Orii shot up from the ground, a vague serpent-like flame coiling around his body, crimson cackles of electricity surrounding him. The flames solidified, as the fist c
Orii: (C)  connected, the Super Human teeming with renewed fury. "Talk about her again..." The human was breathing hard, a burning behemoth.
Greg: glanced over at Essex just as a fist connected with his cheek and sent him reeling across the room.  Greg recovered quickly enough, if nothing else he was a tad taken by suprise that the youth had actually decided to finally lay one into
Greg: (C) him.  He rubbed his cheek for a moment and merely looked at Orii as a grin graced his face.  Greg looked at Essex as though weighing his options for a moment and then he raised a finger to Essex.  Essex, seeming to understand the non-
Greg: (C) verbal action shrugs slightly.  This response only makes Greg's grin widen.  He extends a hand to the spunky youth and opens his palm.  Nothing happens though.  No energy blast comes forth, nothing. When Greg lowered his hand he
Greg: (C) was still grinning, and then his image flashed out of sight again.  The only reasoning Orii had to believe that Greg was even still in the room was the sudden force of which he was taken off of the ground and hurled back into a pitch
Greg: (C) black vortex.  For a split-second all Orii could experience, since "see" wouldn't exactly cover it, was an expanse of endless black nothing-ness.  After that split second he was outside, on top of the very building they were once
Greg: (C) in.  A portal of darkness wavered slightly as Greg stepped out of it in front of Orii and it gave a slight sigh before seeming to get wisked away in the wind, "I don't want to ruin this building.  So I'm just going to beat your ass
Greg: (C) here." Once again that familiar gravity in the air happens as Greg reveals a portion of his total power, "You have a dark mark as well?" Greg hikes up one of the sleeves on his blood red long-coat and reveals an intricate design on
Greg: (C) his wrist, "I can use it too." Just as he says this the mark turns from a black to a blazen red and black and begins to expand and worm it's way up his arm, disappearing up his sleeve.  He rolls the sleave back down as the weight
Greg: (C) of the air only seems to escalate, "I don't want to use it fully, I may actually kill you if I do that."
Essex: -*- A gigantic pillar of fire erupts from the roof, not damaging it in anyway, it spins around, heating the area and then dies down, Essex standing there. He looks around and coughs,
Essex: (*) not letting either or them pick-up any sign of the power he'd received just a few days prior. He crosses his arms and walks over to the railing, leaning against it and watching. "Hey,
Essex: (*) Greg, don't wear yourself out, I want to have a go when you two are done." He closes his mouth, running his tongue across his teeth, thinking to himself. (I want to try out my
Essex: (*) new shift ability...)
Orii: - Wordlessly, the Super Human rushed forward, carried by the hellish fire that encompassed him. He was unphased by Greg's show of ridiculous power, maybe even encouraged by the heightened energy he sensed from him. Skids marked the rooftop, smoke 
Orii: (C) rising from the soles of his leather boots. "You should have shut up!" Orii screamed, as he reached Greg. He feinted to the left, and shifted again, a whole foot to the right; he leaped up, unleashing dual round-house kicks on his sarcastic fo
Orii: (C) sarcastic foe.
Greg: grinned lightly, the only sign of his powered up state now was a few of the dark flaming marks one of his hands, but this was enough to emphasize the point he was trying to get across to the boy, "Yeah..." Greg's image flickers back several
Greg: (C) feet, as though the space between where he was and where he had been were nothing.  The boys feet hit nothing but air.  This didn't stop the brazen youth though, oh no.  As soon as he regained his footing he was after Greg again with a
Greg: (C) flurry of attacks, Greg deftly avoiding nearly all of them merely by stepping out of the way.  A few were caught by a raised knee, a hand or a forearm.  However, not a single hit made contact with Greg, it soon became apparently that
Greg: actually had no intention of seriously fighting this boy and he was merely toying with him.  The grin on his face only made that more abundantly clear, "You've got anger, good." Another fist flung at him to hit nothing but air, "You've
Greg: (C) got rage, even better!" A pair of feet launched at his head, only to glance a few stray hairs, "Now it's time to show you the difference." Greg finally took this time to go on the offensive as Orii launched his good fist.  Greg held up
Greg: (C) a forearm to deflect the blow, except, using the opening this had created closed the distance between to two to where they were face to face, Greg's grin still on his face.  Orii's eyes blazed with hatred for the arrogant halfbreed, but
Greg: (C) that face soon changed to suprise as Greg thrusted an open palmed attack straight into the human's mid-section.
Orii: felt the pain rise up his torso, he heard the cracking of bones, he felt himself gag. Blood flew from his open mouth, splashed against the rooftop with a sickening splat. He was outclassed in every way. Orii slammed his fist into the rooftop, caus
Orii: (C) causing the cement to shatter, cracks stretching all across its surface. He was nauseated, hurt bad. This was the first fight he'd ever really lost. Blood dripped from his lips steadily, his busted insides screaming with pain. He just sat ther
Orii: (C) there, doing his best to hold himself up, hands and knees. "Fuck..."
Oafy: materializes on the rooftop in an outward webbing of shadows, some distance ahead of the revamped Essex. "S'going on?" More of a formality, Oafy concentrates focus on the defeated Orii, though he allows his gaze to fall over to Greg.
Oafy: - It had been a while since he saw Greg, but he was sure the man was still just as.. Greggie as usual. "When'd you get the Michael Jackson surgery, Dragonse- Uh. RegularSex?" The guy seemed to change his appearance just about as.. well,
Oafy: - as many times as Oafy reverted to a younger form of himself, whether through his own self awesomeness, or the influence of a horrible apocalyptic event.
Greg: stood up from his crouched position, the Techagi Style combat he had perfected ages before this boy was even a twinkle in his father's eye was a highly effective style at close range and usually left the opponent looking much like
Greg: (C) the specimen before him.  Greg moved slightly over to the boy and put his foot underneath the boys chest and lifted it slightly forcing the boy onto his back.  Unfortunately for the kid, this was a rather painful process due to the
Greg: (C) amount of bones that Greg's blow had broken.  Greg pulled out a hankerchief from his jacket and tossed it onto the boy in an aristocratic manner, "Clean yourself up kiddo.  Try again next time." Greg's face was stoic, he wasn't even
Greg: (C) grinning anymore.  His fun was over, this boy wasn't even worth toying with at this point, the message had been understand on Orii's end.  Greg took a step away from Orii, but as that step hit ground his form flickered out of sight and
Greg: (C) appeared next to Oafy and Essex, the brazen flaming symbols on his hand receeding up and disappeared into his jacket.  He shrugged lightly to the two and turned to look at the boy, "He's a good kid, a little rough around the edges
Greg: (C) though." Greg glances over to Essex and smirks, "Kinda like his old man."
Essex: stares at Orii and then looks back to Oafy and Greg. "I suppose, he's... got a lot of potential, more than I suspected when I bumped into him. His powerlevel has jumped increasingly in the
Essex: (*) last couple of hours..." He walks over to his son and looks down at him, hands casually resting in his pockets. "Learned your lesson, mmmm?" He reaches down, extending a hand to 
Essex: (*) him. "C'mon, kid. You're fucked up hardcore." He pulls back his jacket, a familiar chalice to Oaftres revealed. He takes the chalice and removes it from his belt. "I got somethin' that'll fix
Essex: (*) you up."
Orii: gripped his father's hand tightly, grunting as he pulled himself to his wobbling feet. His eyes widened as he saw what his hand had become, fingers twisted in all directions, bones protruding in random places, knuckles shattered. He wondered if he
Orii: (C) could even pull off the glove. "I guess..." Orii spoke; his voice faltered several times, under the strain of the transformation, and that of the injuries. "Wait until you can trounce all over the cunt who talks shit to you before you attack h
Orii: (C) him..."
Oafy: leans his left elbow onto the rail behind him, bending over a bit as to support his head with the raised, open palm. "Who is the little shit, and why do we care?" Green eyes gleam at Greg for a moment, before traveling back to Essex and Son - whic
Oafy: - would be a great name for a bar, really. A glimmer of crystal amuses Oafy, preparing to insult Essex on the basis of wearing jewelry. Chuckling, he points out the chalice and- "WHAT?!" With a hard push off the rail, Oaftres storms up behind
Oafy: - Goldsex, kicking downward at the back of the mans knee. "Where the fuck did you get that? And when?!" It was the source of their old rivalry.. the one they agreed to settle earlier that week. A hate is building in his attitude, stirring up
Oafy: - thoughts of their relation before arriving in the new dimension. Dun, dun, DUNNNNN!!
Greg: leans against the edge of the building, smirking slightly at the scene unfolding before him.  Greg had known about the Chalice of Awesome.  Oaftres had boasted about it's "awesomeness" several times in the past.  Looks like he was kinda
Greg: (C) pissed about it now.  Greg chuckled at this before turning his attention to the boy, "That's almost correct kiddo.  You should not have said anything at all, just bitten your lip and taken your medicine like a man. Revenge is like
Greg: (C) a fine wine, it only gets better with age."  Greg made this statement to the boy, not seeming to find the idea of telling a boy about the revenge he will most likely wish to extract upon Greg himself unusual at all.  In fact, "I'll look
Greg: (C) forward to seeing what it is you do to have your revenge upon me when you're strong enough."
Essex: 's sentence is cut short as Oaftres stomps on the back of his knee, dropping him to the ground. He lets go of the chalice, it hitting the ground with a tinker sound, it sliding across the roof
Essex: (*) and hitting the concrete barricade, stopping. He pushes himself onto his hands and knees. He stands up and turns around, making eye contact with Oaftres. "Now, now Oaf...
Essex: (*) Oaf..." He stops, looking at the halfbreed. "You... forgot that I still had it?" He steps back, shrugging off his suit coat and tossing it in the direction of Greg, just incase something were
Essex: (*) to happen. "I thought you knew... I've had it all along... since I took it, like what, goin' on three years now." He pops his neck and unbuttons his white dress shirt, revealing a prototype
Essex: (*) SynTech breastplate, labeled with the serial number 'ST-001'. "Orii, I'll get to your wounds in a moment." He says, worried more about Oaftres' attack on him more than anything. "I 
Essex: (*) thought we settled this."
Orii: - He would help his father if he could. But he could hardly stand as it was, and he even felt that becoming more and more untrue, his legs wobbling beneath him. There was a thud as he fell back onto the cracked cement roof in a seated position. He
Orii: (C) watched the scene unfurl, anxious to watch the full might of his mysterious father. He could do little more to assist him than to cast glares at Oaftres. Which he did. Hardcore.
Oafy: points a slender finger, almost shaking as he does so, like it was an accusation. "Maybe I was just a dumbass to think you got rid of the thing that drew us against each other." Was Essex really like this? So wrapped up in power for himself,
Oafy: - he would put an old friendship before that blasphemous elixer? And why, why hadn't Essex brought it up sooner? That miracle drug could have, if given sooner, restored Oaftres back to his enlightened form.. Ready to do what he must with a fierce
Oafy: - power, unlike anything this universe could have ever known before. Maybe. "How... how can it still be in existence?! By the time you took it from me, it was nothing more than a few droplets!"
Greg: raises an eyebrow at the Chalice of Awesome that had been tossed to his feet and bends over to pick it up gently.  He eyes it up like a connesuier eyeing up a fine wine.  If he drank a shot of this he would become immortal, achieve a power
Greg: (C) greater than he had possessed before at any point in his life.  The possibilities with that kind of power were nigh-limitless.  He would practically be able to turn reality into his play thing. How...boring.  Where was the fun in
Greg: (C) being able to control everything? Greg shrugged lightly as Oaftres and Essex began to bicker at each other over this stupid chalice.  He then looks over to the beaten youth whom, at this point, seemed to simply be struggling to hold
Greg: (C) onto consciousness.  He walks over to the kid, practically ignoring Oafy and Essex and kneels next to the kid, looking him over, "It must be quite painful..." He comments to the kid in a rather detatched, analytical fashion, "Your
Greg: (C) must've taken quite a beating." Ah, so Greg wasn't even referencing the boys physical condition with his commentary, "Well good." He says in a rather condescending manner, "Now.  Since your life currently hangs in my hands, I'm
Greg: (C) going to make your decision a little harder when it comes to me." Greg's free hand snaps forward and holds the boys face by the cheeks, forcing the kids mouth open, "Drink up." Greg tilts the Chalice over the boys open mouth and allows
Greg: (C) one single drop of the Chalice's contents to enter the boys mouth before he lets the boy go with a forceful push of his hand.
Karnak: is testing to see if his gemote works
Karnak: .
Karnak: .
Essex: -*- Still ignoring both Greg and Orii, his eyes fixed on Oaftres, he pushes a button on his mechanical arm, and loudspeaker from some where blaring "Operation Lockdown." He squints his
Essex: (*) eyes, a Dark Blue shield of energy forming around the city as the Omega Droids halt construction and take their guard positions. "The shield is to mask our powerlevesl, the droids are
Essex: (*) to destroy anyone that comes within ten feet of the city." He glares forward, "I told you, I always had the chalice... you knew that and thats' why you hated me in the first place." He cracks
Essex: (*) his knuckles, watching the halfbreed power-up. "Oaftres, before we go on... you need to drink some, it'll keep your Mystic transformation from killing you. Greg, pour him a drop or
Essex: (*) two in to the lid and give it to him." He crosses his arms, "I wouldn't want you tuckering out like you did the other day." Greg shrugs, pouring a couple of drops into the lid and walks
Essex: (*) over to Oaftres, the halfbreed taking it and drinking it back. "Anyway... it's time to introduce my trump card." He moves his legs about shoulder length apart, lowering his head and
Essex: (*) closing his eyes. He says something in draconic, complete gibberish to everyone else. He looks up, his violet eyes solid black. "Dragon Shift!" He shouts, a bright aura of blue and
Essex: (*) white fire erupting around him. His body seems to harden, losing any pigment and becoming stone-like. The statue of Golden Essex stands there for a moment, before cracks spread
Essex: (*) out around it. The aura grows bigger, the statue beginning to crack before exploding outwards with a powerful roar. The chunks of stone go flying everywhere as the new Essex stands
Essex: (*) up, letting his massive black wings out, their size blocking out some of the sunlight. He stands there, his skin blue and peppered with spikes, back in his final dragon form. "If we have
Essex: (*) to do it... let's go, Oaftres."
Orii: screamed out as the bones healed, those in his abdominal region twisting to reform, stronger, harder than before. His hand, however, was far too ruined to ever be healed; the wounds and bones regenerated, but having not been set properly, the hand
Orii: (C) was terribly deformed. He stared at his hand for a moment, and back to Greg. His face didn't show the same hate it had before, but the slightest tinge of woe. He was... Crippled. "What... the hell..." Orii muttered.
Oafy: drank the elixer with reluctance. The taste was oh so amazing.. a taste of power he once knew. 'One sip is all..' Forcing the thought of stealing the elixer back and hording it for himself away, Oafy sighs hard, raising both hands slightly.
Oafy: takes a step back from the behemoth EzSex. "No.. No, you're right. This was finished already." The green eyes dart away to Greg, over to Orii, and all around but directly at the dragon. "Just.." Hesitation kept Oafy from getting the point
Oafy: - across fully. Settling, he grumbles out a warning: "Do any weird shit with that stuff and I'll make you regret it..." Shaking off the topic, he walks away from the confrontation over the railing, leaning over it, grumbling a little.
Greg: looked at the Chalice again and shrugged lightly, this object was held way less potential in his eyes than it did for the others apparently, "How unfortunate..." He commented sardonically towards the destraught youth, "Now you'll have to get
Greg: (C) a mechanical hand.  Just like your old man. Oh..." He says as he pulls out a cigarillo and lights it with a zippo lighter, "You might want to get out of they way.  Those two tend to get kinda roudy."
Essex: lets his aura die down, his body hardening into a statue and cracking, falling into pieces as Essex stands there, back in his normal form. He pushes a button on his mechanical arm
Essex: (*) the PA System blasting "Releasing Lockdown!" The shield dying down from around the city, and the droids going back to work. He walks over to Greg and Orii, picking up his 
Essex: (*) jacket and putting it back on. "Nasty little gimp hand you've got there, Orii." He takes Orii's wrist, examining his hand. "It's... Greg's right, we'll have to give you a mechanical
Essex: (*) hand now... just like mine." He lifts his arm, flexing the robotic fingers and lowering it. He lets go of Orii's wrist and holds his hand out to Greg. "You know I wouldn't do that Oaf...
Essex: (*) I have it for purposes, not evil like when I initially stole it." He looks back at Oafy, "And... your mystic form shouldn't beat the shit out of you any more, with the nose and 
Essex: (*) anal bleeding." He turns back to Greg, cocking his head. "May I have that back, please?"
Orii: - A mechanical hand? He'd never had surgery before, never even broken a bone. That was HIS thing. Breaking other peoples' bones, that is. "Like yours?" He pointed at Essex's left hand, golden metal; not what one would call subtle. "Its kinda... Di
Orii: (C) Dinky looking." Orii noted. If he was to get one, he'd prefer one that was less obvious, one that functioned like a normal hand, and wasn't capable of spitting out random shit. "But... I can't do much with this..."
Oafy: eyes the mechanicals out in the city, busying themselves with construction. Essex was right.. He was a lot different from that jackass who stole his chalice, and did all those things that got a lotta hate going. Ignoring the topic, out of fear
Oafy: - of having to go through an emotional situation - or worse, an apology - Oafy returns to the group again. "I never got an introduction to the minor. We just reaching out to todays youth, to replenish our enemies armies? I mean, we pretty much
Oafy: - killed everyone that ever gave us a fight..."
Greg: tosses the Chalice of Awesome back to Essex in a rather uncaring manner, showing his total and utter contempt for the object with just a simple motion.  For someone to simply toss something like that without a second thought must meant that
Greg: (C) the object was obviously less than worthless to them.  He rolled his eyes in an uncaring manner about the action, sure that at least one person would have an anneurism over his action.  He sucks on the cigarillo thoughtfully and states,
Greg: (C) "The kids name is Orii.  He's some angsty, hot-shot teenager with a mouth on'm that his body can't cash.  Kinda reminds me of you Oafy, except less humorous." He comments in a dry tone, seeming to grow quite bored with this whole
Greg: (C) routine.  He raises one of his hands up and snaps his fingers.  That same pool of darkness formed beneath his feet and tendrils of black and dark purples began to worm their way up his legs, as though some dark creature of the deep
Greg: (C) saught to ensnare Greg.  He merely grinned as the tentacles continued to worm their way up his body, "I'll be sure to come back later to check up on the progress of the city.  Until then..." Greg eyes shift to look at Orii, "Give
Greg: (C) our little chat some thought kid.  Maybe you'll be a little -wiser- the next go around." And with that an orb of darkness exploded around Greg only to cave in on itself moments later, showing no signs that the halfbreed had even been
Greg: (C) there at all in the first place.
Essex: catches the chalice and reattaches it to his belt. He nods to Orii, "He's right, ya know, for a sociopath, he's pretty wise. But your hand... yeah, we can get a mehcanical one, less bulky,
Essex: (*) with synthetic skin, make it look completely humanoid... but of course, it'd be more or less lower than mine technology wise. As long as your hand doesn't hurt, are you okay with 
Essex: (*) waiting awhile?" He puts his arm around Orii and turns him in the direction of Oaftres. "This is... Orii, he's... well, he's my son." He nods and takes his arm off of his shoulder, "Orii, this
Essex: (*) is Oaftres Kessoku, we're the two people that gained the political ruling of New Hope City." He shrugs and slips his hands into his pockets. "So yeah... I think it'd be best if we left
Essex: (*) here before it attracts too much attention, ya think?" He turns and stares out at the vast city. "I don't want it known to the public , otherwise people will have to die."
Orii: - "How long?" He couldn't go long without that hand. He NEEDED that. It helped him punch stuff, grab stuff, throw stuff, smoke stuff, and so forth. And being crippled would definitely hinder the amount of ass he would be grabbing. He sighed at the
Orii: (C) at the thought. "I sorta need it, you know?" Orii commented, jamming the awkward mess of flesh into his pocket, the twisted fingers contorting in an attempt to function, even make themselves less visible.
Oafy: frowns at Orii, a judging look in his green eyes. "Kid doesn't look a thing like you, Essex. You sure he isn't the mail mans child?" Punching a shoulder of Essex's, Oafy grins a little. The punk came off as a bit of a whiner, but if he was
Oafy: - anything like his father, Orii would probably turn out alright. 'Just hope the dragon gene isn't hereditary..' Offering Orii his right hand, he laughs a little. "It's nice to meet the son of Essex." Looking down at his own hand,
Oafy: blushes a little in embarassment. "Oh, right.. Broken hand. Know what? I'll catch you after you get that operational." The same hand returns to his side, after brushing a red strand of hair out of his eyes. "Essex, as always, it was
Oafy: - a pleasure, if not awkward and full of strife." Oafy returns his thoughts to the office in New Hope City, picturing the oak desk, black leather chair, and Ralph in accounting. "Oh, and put me down for five thousand of those robots, yea?" The
Oafy: - man engulfs himself in shadow, only to have the darkness fade into nothingness.
Essex: turns to Orii, crossing his arms, "Okay, we're going to teach you Instant Transmission, a'ight?" He lets his arms fall to his sides, coughing a bit. "I don't feel like hauling you around,
Essex: (*) you're a big boy now." He shakes his arms out. "First, you gotta picture where you go, in this case, we'll say the park in New Hope City. Picture it perfectly, down to every last
Essex: (*) detail... then you raise your fingers to your foreheads like this..." He raises his index and middle finger to his forehead. "Close your eyes... focus your ki and...  force yourself
Essex: (*) there." He blinks out of existence, reappearing in the Park. He looks around, and sits on the nearest park bench, waiting for Orii.
Deirdre: walks casually throughout the streets of New Hope City, not caring about the eyes turned her way, "I thought aliens were welcome here, human scum.." she mumbles under her breath, thinking about slapping a few of them around but decided against it,
Deirdre: (c) 'Hard to say what powers are present to disrupt my purging..' she thinks with a smirk and moving onwards.  She was quite facinated with the city for the most part, it was welcome change from the harsh, frozen conditions of her homeworld.  On t
Deirdre: (c) top of that, these humans were amusing her so very much.  Their frightened looks as they run away, point, gasp or hide their children was something she thrived on.  Occasionally, she had made threatening gestures, sending citizens screaming as
Deirdre: (c) they ran away, which was a cause for a slight smile on her lips.  The only thing she did not really care for was the warm, humid weather at times, almost the exact opposite of her world.  It was one of those days today as she came to one of th
Deirdre: (c) the cities many parks that had these interesting things called trees in which she could find some minor refuge from the hot sun.  She would find a nice cool building to take over soon enough, but for now she was content to stand by a tree in a
Deirdre: (c) public setting just to scare the human population, making them abandon the area.  She chuckles, loving every minute of the 'show' these cattle were putting on for her.
Orii: - Birds fluttered past him in his vision, the blades of grass swayed in a gentle breeze. The sun was setting there, in his head, and a few couples strolled across the grounds, hands laced. He raised his fingers to his forehead, his serene blue eye
Orii: (C) eyes sliding shut. He exhaled... And was gone. He sat on the bench, his hand jammed in his pocket, uncomfortable in front of the people; he wasn't quite used to being a cripple...
Essex: stands up and motions for Orii to follow him. "Come, my office, I've actually got a prototype connection hub and hand there... I was working on making me a new one, but I think you
Essex: (*) need it more." He dusts his pants off, straightening out the wrinkles as he begins walking towards the City Hall building. "This shouldn't take longer than twenty or thirty minutes."
Deirdre: watches a couple of these amusing cattle ignore her and begin walking to a large building she figured out was the cities central government building.  Intrigued by their inability to recognize her greatness, she decides to casually follow them, in
Deirdre: (c) interested in what they were up to, 'Perhaps they're not afraid, foolish humans, always so arrogant, much like those stupid monkeys..' she thinks with a sly smirk.  She hated the Saiyan race as much as any member of her race, almost as if it t
Deirdre: (c) this hatred was born into their DNA.  She thought about striking up a conversation, but decided against it even though she could be quite charismatic if she so choose, if for no other reason than to get what she wanted and kill the one whole t
Deirdre: (c) area where that person or persos lived, for the joy of it of course.  Her tail swished back and forth in the air, eventually swiping a cold cup of liquid from a child and drinking from it as the child was whisked away, crying, by his parents. 
Deirdre: (c) She just chuckles, finding the small incident highly amusing.
Orii: - The two strolled through the city for a while; they didn't walk with the same awkward space between them; when people looked at them, they could easily tell that they were looking at a surfer father and his gothic son. Or something like that. He
Orii: (C) didn't mind it so much that his father had never been around; hell, he'd almost forgotten. It was something he was ready to put behind him--- he'd already punched the hell out of him, swore at him, and received enough zeni for his mother to ne
Orii: (C) never have to leave the house again, and not to mention a job and position of power. Orii couldn't forgive him, and he never would be able to, but they could be friends; especially with all the beer Essex had bought him. Locked in a conversati
Orii: (C) conversation about women, Orii's smoking habits, and their favorite rock albums, the two stepped into Essex's office; Orii figured getting a new hand would probably hurt, but he wasn't scared. He would rather hurt for a week, than look like hi
Orii: (C) his creepy janitor, mopping the gym floor with his mangled hand.
Rini: swings on a swing, all alone and in a small park in the residential district of New Hope.  She was only a couple blocks from her grandparents and her grandpa was fishing at a pond within the park.  There were other children in the park, but she pr
Rini: (c) preferred to be alone. The swing creaked as she gently swung back and forth, her little legs just dangling off, going back and forth just enough to keep momentum going.  Her face was close to expressionless, her eyes looking sad and her head h
Rini: (c) hung low, looking as if she was completely lost within her own thoughts.  Her pretty pink hair was style normally with two rabbit ears on her head, the rest of her hair hanging loosely about her shoulders.  She wore a pair of blue jean shorts,
Rini: (c) pink shirt with some kind of animal picture in white on it, white shoes and sock.  The day itself was warm and inviting, with a cool breeze as several clouds could be seen overhead, but nothing threatening the nice days.  People and their chil
Rini: (c) children were doing all kinds of activities, most of them ignoring the ghost like figures that were occasionally seen.  It was a Saturday, and a beautiful day, so people didn't want to be bothered with something they had no control over.
Greg: -*- It was one of those days.  One of those days that just made you want to go outside and bash someone's skull in.  It was Saturday, that meant business was slow.  It was also sunny which didn't help at all.  For most of the normal people
Greg: (C) practically anywhere this would be considered a good day.  Not so by two people.  The two had been such a shitty one for them as a matter of fact that they had decided to...spice things up a bit.  Case in point, one of them just happens
Greg: (C) to go screaming right into a playground full of children and their watchful parents, "YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGH!" *CRASH* Dust goes flying into the air as well as all sorts of parts of playground equipment
Greg: (C) go flying off in random directions, "MOTHER FUCKER!" Came a resounding booming sound, "That hurt you jack-ass!" the string of explicatives was coming from whomever had just gotten shot into the playground.  It was slightly muffled
Greg: (C) by the sound of women screaming, children crying and men wetting themselves.  An almost inperceptable blur goes flying outta the dust straight back in the direction of where it had been launched.  This blur happened to be Greg Techagi
Greg: (C) rushing back into the fray against his business partner, Xerokine Caeruleus.
Xerokine: -*- The two blurred figure flickered toward each other, clashing in mid-air above the street just outside the park. Silver Dragon met Black Orchid, the two swords grinding against each other as the air about them crackled and hummed. A 
Xerokine: -*- sudden crack of thunder sent the two men flying in opposite directions, the halfbreed Techagi skidding back on his heels through the well-kept lawn of the park, the cloaked Xerokine smashing through the front window of an appliance 
Xerokine: -*- store and crashing through the displays. The Saiyan's eyes flashed golden as a sudden translucent sphere of black lightning erupted around him, tearing the shop to shreds and burning the ruins to ashes, creating a hollow void in the 
Xerokine: -*- building where the store had once existed. With that annoyance dealt with, Xerokine brushes a speck of ash from his shoulder and hopped out of the shallow crater into the middle of the previously busy street, gesturing Techagi 
Xerokine: -*- forward with the tip of his sword.
Rini: gets pushed off of her swing by a body crashing into the ground not far from her and the few other children playing.  She slowly gets up, being built strong than she looked, and dusts herself off only to be grabbed by her grandpa, "ack.." she says
Rini: (c) being held as she was carried off. "Grandpa, put me down!" she says, squirming until she was free and running back to the playground, despite her grandfather's angry protests.  Arriving back at the playground, she sees a man with a tail, getti
Rini: (c) getting up and dusting himself off, "What are you doing here?!" she asks angerly, "You nearly hurt us kids!" she snaps, crossing her little arm and looking defiant.  True, she was scared, but someone had to stand up to bullies, why couldn't it
Rini: (c) be her?
Greg: got up slowly from his crouched position having used one of his hands to stop his backwards momentum while Black Orchid resided within his other hand.  He heard someone yelling at him from behind but his attention was focused on the
Greg: (C) cloaked man that was several yards away from him, "Run home, kid." He said outloud, not really bothering to register just -who- it was that was yelling at him, and he wasn't in the mood to tell off some punk kid with a big mouth
Greg: (C) this time around.  Especially not a toddler.  Greg raised his curved blade up to Xerokine and grinned, "My friend..." His voice boomed over the distance between to two, "I'm upping the anti early in this battle so you might want
Greg: (C) to just go ahead and transform now." Greg held The Black Orchid in both hands and narrowed it against Xerokine who had simply quirked an eyebrow in response to his question, "Your loss." The Black Orchid began to burn with a dark
Greg: (C) aura, "Now They Die.  Bloom, Black Orchid." Greg's words seemed to reverberate in the air around the two men as his sword turned into a mass of dark energy and began to expand.  The air between the two fighters became weighted due to
Greg: (C) the swords transformation.  When the swords expansion ended, it solidified into a dark purple blade that one the bladed end was a curved cleaver like blade, while on the back end was a series of roughly a dozen spikes protruding out of
Greg: (C) the weapon.  Greg then disappeared from sight, appearing behind Xerokine like the space between the two didn't exist, "Warned ya." He whispered as he grasped the blade in both hands and swing it at Xerokine's mid-section.
Xerokine: was thrown back, blood spurting from the jagged wound in his side. Pain shot through like a lance as he rolle across the rough pavement, the motion a blur until another sharp thrust of pain signaled his sudden stop against the 
Xerokine: -*- hard curb. With one hand pressed against the bleeding gash, Xerokine tried to push himself to his feet, only to fall back, blood splashing wetly against the sidewalk as he vomited. "Bloody... ouch..." the Saiyan growled, finally rising. 
Xerokine: -*- He wiped his face with the back of his free hand, glowering at the halfbreed. "That's a neat trick. Voice-activated magical transformations seem to be a fad these days," he said sharply. "Let's see if I can do it." Holding his own sword 
Xerokine: -*- out in front, Xerokine took a deep breath and entoned, "Rend your enemies, o' blade of steel. Sever, Silver Dragon." A moment passed, and he peered at the inert sword. "Nope, guess not." Without warning, the air around him suddenly 
Xerokine: -*- ignited, engulfing Xerokine within a blazing inferno of red and white fire. The pavement cracked under his foot as he shot forward, thrusting the Tatsujungin at Techagi's chest. "Guess I'll make do!"
Rini: -=*=- Her hair begins to blow about her head, almost standing up on end, her eyes closed as she summons power into her small, apparently frail body.  She quickly opens her eyes as Xerokine thrusts his blade forward and kicks Greg's legs out from u
Rini: (c) under him by applying pressure to the backs of his knees.  As he stumbles, she throws a small hand forward at the right side of his ribcage, whispering to him, innocently "sorry.." sending Greg out of the path of oncoming sword attack.  She pu
Rini: (c) punched the half-saiyan in such a way as he could easily regain his balance and be ready to fight if he so chose.  Xerokine's sword now ran the risk of stumbling him over since Greg was no longer in his path and the piercing strike was well ab
Rini: (c) above her head.  She just glares up at Xerokine, saying nothing for the time being.  Her body wasn't support any aura, but a powerful, calming ki wind blew about her and her physical level was very strong, much strong than the last time she ha
Rini: (c) had met the Saiyan man, only a day before.
Greg: blinked slightly as a small figure pushed him out of the way and whispered a short nothing into his ear and then he was sent flying.  Thrusting a hand to the ground he gained some foot and spun backwards in the air, using his planted hand
Greg: (C) for momentum and then did a short flip before landing on his feet, his back turned to the cloaked Xerokine and the unsealed Black Orchid resting gently on the ground within his grasp.  He turned a head to look over his shoulder at
Greg: (C) two, only to see that Xerokine, a brazen move of contempt had basically ignored the small...child. "Aw...christ..." Greg muttered just as he swung the now large sword over, spinning his body to block the deadly blow 
Greg: (C) Xerokine had once again leveled at him.  Greg's raised hair wavered slightly as Xerokine's red and white flaming aura raged against him, "Hrmph." Greg muttered to Xerokine as a swirling crystal clear aura erupted around him shoved
Greg: (C) Xerokine away from him, the two go flying back several yards before landing deftly on the ground, "Your sarcasm not withstanding.  The Black Orchid is similar to say...your cloak.  It's merely a physical representation of my power."
Greg: raised the unsealed Black Orchid and pointed the blunt end of the weapon directly at Xerokine and grinned, "Wilt." A mass of black energy, with dark purple and blue highlights, formed at the blades blunt end and grew slightly before
Greg: (C) condensing upon itself and launching an expanding beam of energy towards the saiya-jin warrior.
Xerokine: was pushed back by Techagi's aura, his heels skidding before he could regain his balance. "Cloak, eh?" he replied softly, glancing down as his distrinctive apparel. "So you're saying I should start using the Oblivion again? I 
Xerokine: -*- always thought the Tatsu was one of my more artistic swords, at least in appearance." He tilted the blade in question, smirking at his own reflection in the shimmering metal. His musing was soon interrupted by Techagi resuming their 
Xerokine: -*- fun, using the Orchid to unleash a mass of energy. "What, are all of your techniques going to have a flower theme now?" Xerokine teased, balancing his sword on his shoulder and raising his right arm. "Maybe we should have 
Xerokine: -*- someone throwing flower petals over the battlefield." His hand opened, small arcs of black electricity dancing between the fingertips. In the exact center of his palm, the sparks quickly converged and began to grow, a black mass of power 
Xerokine: -*- like a building storm. "Lightning..." The mass swirled and suddenly erupted outward, a whirling, rotating tornado of black lightning and crackling energy. "Vortex!"
Tyish: woke up at 5:00 in the morning went out to walk the dog and seen this girl she look so good that i got hard right off the back
Orii: - School had gone well enough; he ruled the halls with his foul mouth and his strong arms, and even more commonly, his bloody fists. The prior day's operation had gone well enough. The synthetic skin blended perfectly with his natural pigment, or 
Orii: (C) or rather, his natural lack of pigment. It functioned exactly the same as his normal flesh, for all practical purposes. However, it didn't bleed, and if it was cut far enough, it would expose the gleaming blue alloy that lay beneath the surfac
Orii: (C) surface. The hand itself functioned as good, if not better, than the original; flesh and blood had nothing on cold blue steel. He leaned against the fence, waiting for a ride home.
Essex: -*- "So, waitin' for a ride home, Orii?" Essex asks, looking over to him, the mutant leaning against the wall too. He had just appeared out of nowhere. "How'd the hand treat you today,
Jeckel: *-* High above the skies of New Hope City a battle was taking place. Two warriors of saiyan decent traded blow for blow amongst the gathering clouds, the force of each hit sounding like rumbling thunder. There was a loud crack in the air, a flash 
Essex: (*) id you get to punch anyone with it? When you were under, I replaced the knuckles with a super-durable alloy SynTech has been working on, so you're the guinea pig, so to speak."
Jeckel: <C>  of light, and suddenly a humanoid form slammed into the ground right in front of a school in New Hope, the resulting crash causing a sizeable crater in the street. A second form came decending from the sky, his feet tapping on the ground next
Jeckel: <C> to the crater lightly as he landed, it was Jeckel. He looked about then looked down into the crater, pulling the saiyan from it by the front of his armor and holding him up. He grinned at the bloodied saiyan warrior and spoke "And that is why 
Jeckel: <C> I deserve that rank, lieutenant." Jeckel's other hand glowed brightly as a blue sphere of energy formed around it, he stuck this hand at the other saiyan's torso and flexed his hand and a bright blue beam tore through the saiyan's torso. Jecke
Jeckel: <C> Jeckel dropped the body and looked around and grinned over at Orii, "Politics kid..they're nasty."
Orii: - He'd actually gone the whole second hours without punching out a kid; however, he did kick one in the groin, hit him with a book, and kick him while he was down. "Guinea pig?" Orii wasn't sure whether to feel honored or betrayed at the phrase, a
Orii: (C) and simply decided to ignore it, right as a smoking corpse plopped down at his side, along with a stranger, older man, who said something to him that he ignored. "Meh."
Tyish: i tho it was illegal to gemote by ur self
Essex: shakes his head. "Oh, no, don't take it wrong, I didn't mean it in a literally sense, it's still experimental, and we have no other means of testing it. It won't kill you, we'd just have to 
Essex: (*) replace the mechanical hand." He quirks an eyebrow and turns his head as Jeckel makes his entrance, mimicking his son. "Meh, don't even get me started on politics man." He
Essex: (*) looks at the smoking crater. "And I'd advice you NOT to make craters around MY city."
Jeckel: smirked and walked over to the corpse, pulling a scouter from the dead saiyan's ear. "ya know, I feel the same way about your entire race, kid." He put the scouter up to his mouth and pressed a button on the side and spoke into it. "This is Lieute
Jeckel: <C> Lieutenant Jeckel. Yes, the previous Lieutenant is dead, I suggest you put all your smart money on me from now on." He grinned and crushed the scouter in his hand, the broken pieces of plastic, glass, and metal falling to the ground as he open
Jeckel: <C> opened his hand. He looked over to Essex and quirked a brow. "Just fix the pothole. If this is your city, then thats what the people are paying you for."
Orii: sneered at the man, showing his disgust in a very blatant manner. He kicked a small cloud of dust in the man's direction. Glares were cast at the new arrival; prejudice bitch. "Why don't you drag your corpse back behind the building and do whateve
Orii: (C) whatever else you plan on doing with it; I don't want to have to see." Orii crossed his muscular arms, leaning against the chain link. 'Douchebag...' the kid muttered.
Essex: takes off his sunglasses, carefully folding them and then sliding them into his suit jacket. "Now now," He steps forward, eyeing Jeckel up and down. "Lieutenant Jeckel... was it?"
Essex: (*) He asks, shrugging off his jacket and hanging it neatly on a piece of bent chain-link. "I, personally, pay for all the repairs to the city." He looks up, his violet eyes beginning to 
Essex: (*) burn with the draconic fire he held inside himself. "And I'd appreciate it, if you didn't WASTE my money." He looks down at the corpse of the fallen saiyan. "Or I will show you
Essex: (*) the dark side of Dragon Politics."
Jeckel: looked Essex in the eyes, rather ignoring the kid's comments. To Jeckel, the human child was being just that, a human child. A punk and nothing more. Jeckel smirked when Essex finished his little speech and reached forward and patted him on the sh
Jeckel: <C> shoulder with a hearty chuckle. "hahaha..sure..ok guy. Hey, where is the best place to eat large amounts of food around here? That battle worked up a little apetite..and since you claim to own this city..you should know. Right?"
Orii: was tired of being ignored, links of the fence snapping beneath his grip. "Here's an idea, motherfucker." Orii spouted off, pointing down the street, at a random person. Obviously irritated by the man who'd decided it was only polite to bring corp
Orii: (C)  corpses wherever he went, Orii shouted, "Go ask him. And maybe, on your way, you can remember how to NOT be a monster bitch."
Essex: grins and tilts his head slightly to Orii. "Now now, Orii, you got your turn to be bad-ass yesterday." He turns his head back to Jeckel, tilting it to the side slightly, holding
Essex: (*) his mechanical arm to the side, a elongated skeletal polearm with a curved crimson blade appearing in his hand. "This, this Jeckel, is the Coda Di Drago. Do you know what 
Essex: (*) that means? Or does your inferior saiyan intelligence inhibit you from knowing that?" He runs his tongue along the back of his lower lip cockily, popping his neck. He 
Essex: (*) lifts his other hand to his other side, a long, crimson blade-whip appearing, linked together by an unbreakable SynTech issue bio-chain. "And this... this is the Perpetua-X,
Essex: (*) ever heard of it? Or did they not teach you to be smart on Vegeta?"
Jeckel: frowned and took a few steps back. "Ah..I see whats going on here.." The air around him distored as if by a heat wave and his clothes fluttered around himself, his hair moved with the un-natural wind and suddenly a white aura burst around him, the
Jeckel: <C> the ground beneath him cracking and dust flying up into the air. Jeckel cracked his knucles and grinned as his hands began to glow with a translucent whispy aura like barrier around them. "Lets do this then."
Jeckel: sat in a random 'all you can eat' buffet in New Hope city. The populace was returning in force and as such, the resturaunts were up and running. Unfortunately, it didn't seem like this particular resturaunt would be running for much longer. On Jec
Jeckel: <C> Jeckel's table was a stack of about 20 plates, all covered in bits of food, next to the stack were several plates piled high with various food stuffs, noodles, rice, chicken, fish, and many other things. One by one Jeckel was making the food o
Jeckel: <C> on each plate dissapear and adding to his stack, the owners and employees all watching with very worried faces.
Thea: focuses down on her hands while moving swiftly down the swidewalk, she wipes the blood from another test subject off her hands. The blood smears abit before rubbing off on the red rag that she is holding tight. 
Thea: (c) (That one did very little for me and my studies, it's ashem i was hopping to get so much out of that one.) her left hand tosses the red rag covered with blood into a near by trash can, she turns toward a small restaurant. 
Thea: (c) a little bell gives a ring as she pushes open the door and walks into the restaurant, as if it was just another day for her from the job. The worried looking waitress gives a nod before sitting Thea one table away from the cluttered table of 
Thea: (c) food and plates. "just Tea please." The waitress nods at her then glances back to jeckels table the worried look forming on her face again before she scurries off to get the tea for Thea. Thea gazes up at the cluttered table her head slightly 
Thea: (c) shaking atthe sight off the food. 
Xerokine: -*- In the late afternoon sunlight, Aqua Polis glimmered and shined with all the brilliance of a polished sapphire. The city of water was famous for being an architectural wonder, as well as widely considered one of the most beautiful places 
Xerokine: -*- on Earth. Waterfalls and fountains were around every corner, coating every surface with a faint sheen of moisture, and the streets and arching walkways had a faint mist that drifted around the legs and swirled with every step. One of the 
Xerokine: -*- wonders of the modern world. "Lightning Vortex!" A sudden bolt of black lightning exploded through one of the pedestrian walkways, sending a shower of stone and debris down on the street below. A crimson blur flew through 
Xerokine: -*- the cloud of dust and ash, followed almost immediately by a darting black shadow. The two flew together and collided with a sudden shower of sparks and flashes of steel, then sprang apart to opposite sides of the gap in the bridge. The 
Xerokine: -*- crimson blur resolved inself into a white-haired man wearing a red trenchcoat, wielding a back-edged sword in his hand and a cocky grin on his face. The black shadow shifted into a black-haired man in an equally black cloak, 
Xerokine: -*- balancing a draconic bastard sword in one hand and a cynical smirk on his face. "Fun."
Jeckel: scarfed down yet another plate of food and put it on the stack, the stack wobbling then falling over, the plates smashing to the ground, many of them shattering completely. "Ah...crap.." The owner of the establishment came up to Jeckel and asked t
Jeckel: <C> that he leave, Jeckel simply replied by sparking up a blue energy ball in his left hand and waving it around. "I paid for all I can eat..and i'm going to do just that. Now go away before I level this place." He went back to eating his food, th
Jeckel: <C> the ball dissipating as the resturaunt owner scampered away in fear. "Damn humans..."
Greg: leveled the Black Orchid at his opponent, an arrogant smirk on his face as he tilted his head to side in a rather teasing manner, "Indeed." The two forms flicked and collided into each other again, the sound of metal against metal as
Greg: (C) well as several sparks flying are the only indication that the two are even still there, "Goddess of Night!" a trio of a fire that is like pitch comes flying forth and each ball of black flame smashes into the ground seeming to follow
Greg: (C) something, yet it was all happening so fast, "Too slow, Techagi." "Fuck off, Caeruleus." Despite all these sounds though, the two men were like shadowed blurs among the populace, almost impercetable to the average naked eye.  The two 
Greg: (C) blurs shot up between a pair of buildings, criss-crossing each other.  Each time the two blurred paths crossed that was that familiar sound of metal on metal, each one trying to get in a quick shot on the other.  Until they reached
Greg: (C) the top that is, when each one stopped on opposite buildings, staring the other down, "How long are we going to keep toying with each other, huh?" The red-trenchcoat wearing figure spouted off.
Thea: slightly raises her left eyebrow as she watches the man across from her show off his power by threatening the owner, her eye's narrow onto the small controled blue ki spark of energy that he waved back and forth  at the man. 
Thea: (c) The waitress comes stumbling back toward Thea, the cup wobling in her hand as she watches the owner walk away from the mans table. <waitress> " I sure wish he would leave..." her low voice cracking a bit from fear before sitting the cup 
Thea: (C) of tea down in front of Thea. Thea calmly picks up the cup of tea and takes a sip of it, the steam dances up from cup . (well if the first one didn't work out to, This one could do just fine for me.) she lets out a low smirk.
Jeckel: finished yet another plate of food and gulped down his glass of water. He laid back with a loud burp and patted his stomach. "Now that hit the spot..." He picked up a toohpick and began to pick bits of food from his teeth and then dropping the too
Jeckel: <C> toothpick on an empty plate when he was finished. He looked around and looked over at Thea, the other customers had seemed to be a bit to scared to stare at him. "What are you lookin at?"
Xerokine: started to twirl the Tatsujungin between his fingers, letting the sword spin in wide arcs of glinting steel. "What, you wanted to play for real?" he asked, his tone somewhere between playful and mocking. "Then show me." 
Xerokine: -*- Shafts of sunlight played across the two rooftops, scattering where it struck the drifting mist that rose up from the falls and fountains below. It gleamed across Xerokine's eyes, making them glow like burnished gold, and against his teeth 
Xerokine: -*- as his lips parted in a feral grin, his canines too long and sharp to be human. Without another word, the cloaked man lunged forward, effortlessly crossing the gap between the two buildings and sending the point of his sword thrusting 
Xerokine: -*- at Techagi's chest. The halfbreed swung his own sword, parrying the blow to the side as Xerokine leapt overhead, landing toward the center of the roof and dropping down with a kick at Techagi's legs.
Thea: gives Jeckel a smug smile while moving back in forth as if the chair was really that comfortable. "well i'm staring at my next victem, at least i like to think so." she slowly raises the cup back up to her mouth taking another long sip of tea. 
Thea: (c) a few seconds latter Thea jumps to her feet, the chair screaches as it slide back against the floor falling over. others sitting near by quickly jump up knowing that something like this couldn't be a good thing. The waitress quickly 
Thea: (C) runs in the back to get away from the on coming fight. all this seem to happen in one swift motion, the cup of tea still in Theas hands as she kicks the whole table up into the air sending it twirling through the air at Jeckel. 
Jeckel: smiled at Thea as the words 'Next victom' were heard. His expression changed quickly as Thea stood up and kicked the table at him, he grunted as he swung his hand out at the table that was flying towards him, his closed fist hitting the table and 
Jeckel: <C> causing it to seemingly explode in half in a storm of splinters as his hand and arm ripped through the cheap wood like paper. Jeckel grimmaced and got up from his seat, brushing his clothing off. "Ok lady, I like where this is going. Maybe we 
Jeckel: <C> should step outside though? That is..unless you don't mind giving a show to these people.." Jeckel's tail flicked behind him and then wrapped around his waist. "Well?"
Greg: spun in a semi-circle as the cloaked figured leapt overhead, the two sharing several blows before Xerokine landed on the opposite side and launched a second attack.  Greg's back arched backwards and his free hand planted into the ceiling as
Greg: (C) he leapt backwards, doing a one handed sumersault to avoid the blow.  Landing on his feet deftly, the two men glared down the other, each wearing their own signature grin, "Very well." Techagi said as the air around the two began
Greg: (C) to crackle with energy and become heavy, each one summoning a bit of their own power as though to one up the other.  As Greg's power rised up, the gravity of the area seemed to increase.  As Xerokine's power raised to match his
Greg: (C) the air became charged with tiny bolts of electricity, "Let's kick this up a notch!" Greg's rolled up a sleeve to his blood red trenchcoat to reveal a dark symbol that as soon as he revealed it turned from black to a shifting cascade of
Greg: (C) black and red.  The symbol soon began expanding up his arm in waves.  Soon those black and red markings could be seen crawling across his face and shortly after that, they stopped and became black again.  After that Greg's smirk widen
Greg: (C) as a black and red flaming aura bursted into existence around him.  Greg's image flickered and he disappeared along with his aura only to appear above Xerokine with the Black Orchid slashed down towards his head.
Thea: doesn't waste any time as she watches Jeckel get up punching the table into peaces, "as if i care anything about these peons!" she darts forward through the broken peaces off wood that was still flying though the air from the table. 
Thea: (c) she comes to a abrupt stop smashing her foot down into the floor board, She shifts her body into a sweeping motion that isn't slowed down a bit from the floor, the wood cracks around her lag for a quick moment as she spins her body 
Thea: (c) around then in a flash.she kicks her foot from the floor board toward Jeckels neck, wood and nails fly around in the air hitting the ground making a loud thumping sounds. The poeple around quickly starts to run for the door while 
Thea: (c)others step back taking their chance and watch.
Jeckel: eyes widened as Thea's kick came at him, she was fast, a bit too fast. He put his arm up to block the kick but it did nothing to stop the full force, the kick causing his arm to smash into his face before it sent him flying to the side, crashing t
Jeckel: <C> through tables and ultimately into the wall, denting in the drywall and knocking paintings off the wall. He growled and stood up, dust and pieces of broken chairs and tables starting to float in the air as he began to unlock his energy, he gru
Jeckel: <C> grunted and his hair flashed from black to a golden yellow, spiking up straighter as his eyes turned from brown to light green and a golden-yellow aura surged up around him, the force of which caused the floating debris to go scattering about 
Jeckel: <C> everywhere. He grinned at Thea and then seemed to dissapear, reappearing in Thea's face, his knee coming up in an attempt to smash it in her gut.
Cojan: landed soundlessly on the concrete sidewalk, despite his heavy boots. He grinned at the smashed window of the all you 
Cojan: landed soundlessly on the concrete sidewalk, despite his heavy boots. He grinned at the smashed window of the all you can eat joint, then stepped into it over the ledge where the window had been. He looked to the side just as a human, with a tail 
Cojan: (C) smashed through tables and chairs, scattering debris everywhere. The man had gotten up fast and was already retaliating with a super saiyan transformation of sorts. Cojan flexed his "ki muscles" as the bits and pieces of chairs and tables came
Cojan: (C) flying at him, sending it off in other directions as if it had hit some sort of invisable barrier in mid flight. Stepping forward, Cojan overturned a table, then sent a chair flying, making his presence in this... carnage, known.
Thea: shifts her body into a defenesive postions after her hit landed on Jeckel, she hops slightly from side to side while watching Jeckels energy spike up and his transformation starte to take place. a few of the chairs s and tables breaking and cracki
Thea: (c) around her. she looks around at it her faces still keeping the same smirk on it. ( So you can transform, guess i was right about you.) in a blink of an eye Jeckel was in her face, Thea knew she didn't have time to be shocked at his
Thea: (c) heighten speed. her hands go down smashing into Jeckels knee as he thrust up for her gut, the impact was so hard she  feels her feet rise up from the ground. her arms push up off of Jeckels knee sending her flipping over his head. 
Thea: (c) Jeckel could catch a quick sight of her hair getting slight golden high lights in them as she passes over head. a moment later she lands on  her feet croached down smashing into the floor boards behind Jeckel. 
Thea: (C) "This is going to be fun!" she says before twirling around from the hole in the ground, her eyes get a glimps at the new comer before she lands and staring at Jeckels back. her hands shake back in forth as if it would make the stinging go away
Jeckel: smirked and began to turn around when a table flew inbetween Thea and himself. He looked over at the newcomer and furrowed his brow, then looked back to Thea, then dissapeared, but he didn't reappear, at least not in the resturaunt, he was however
Jeckel: <C> outside of the resturaunt, floating above it with a golden sphere of energy the size of a small car floating in front of his left palm, his right palm resting on the back of his left hand. "EAT THIS!" He screamed as he launched the golden sphe
Jeckel: <C> sphere down at the resturaunt, smirking as he was enjoying his after dinner workout.
Cojan: only saw a blur go by him, if that, then the male Saiyan was behind him in the air, about to throw a huge Ki ball at him and the restoraunt. He let loose a feral roar and began gathering his own energy ball. In a mere second it was the same size a
Cojan: (C) as the Saiyans. Cojan's though was a swirling mass of red and black energies that few had ever seen in their lives. Most energy balls and attacks were solid colours. Cojan pulled back his right arm then threw it forward with all his might, pun
Cojan: (C) punching his energy attack at the, now flying at him attack of the Saiyans. With a grunt Cojan jumped forward out of the building, taking out a pillar of concrete with his shoulder on the way, causing a good ammount of pain, and chaos. The bui
Cojan: (C) The building began to crumble as the support let go.
Thea: eye's dart to the side as she watches the table slam against the wall, people were know freaking out not know what to do. Thea gets to her feet stepping out of the hole she had just put into the floor board, her eyes back focused on 
Thea: (c) the newcomer. "You, you don't think it's really wise to get in this do you?" she sneared at him for a moment before turning toward the outside seeing Jeckels ki attack coming for them. She thrust forward across the street leaving the 
Thea: (c) two energy attacks one from Cojan and the other from Jeckel to slam into the building blowing the face off it, Cojans attack hadn't been strong enough to stop it but move it off course sending it into the street blowing a large gapping 
Thea: (c) hole into the ground. Thea pulls out a small blue bottle filled with liquid, the liquid inside swishes back in forth before settling, She tosses the bottle back taking alarge swing from the bottle. "Dragon breath blazing goddess." her voice se
Thea: (c) seemed to echo out into the air before spitting the liquid out which turned into a wave  ki energy that hurtly through the air toward Jeckel. 
Fenin: downs a few bottles of alcohol, "Twelve months ago t'day, she walked... Again..." Fenin brushes hair from his face and looks around the bar, nobody interesting about. "Damn. I needs me some woman. Where can I find me a wo-" Then all at once
Fenin: -x- the feeling surged over him again, the same feeling as he had felt when the green buggers appeared, when /she/ entered his life. "Eheheheh, I'mma get me some acquaintedness with that there pretty fighter lady." Fenin orders a bottle
Fenin: -x- of Sake, as he had promised to buy her one before the attack of the giant green -things- in their last occurrence, then reaches for his forehead, searching out to feel her ki and pinpoint her location. In a flash Fenin appears behind Thea,
Fenin: -x- grasping her behind firmly. "Hey, babeh," Fenin whispers into her ear, reaching around her to hand her the bottle of sake, "I got you some drink. How about you and I go elsewhere and get us some me and you time..?"
Taz: seeing the ki attack comming towards Thea, he sends a ki attack towards Jeckel's to save Thea. He then says "What the hell is going on here?" He wonders as he sees the two fighters. He then closes his eyes and begins tapping into his inter
Taz: <c> power. A white aura starts to surround his body as his muscles start to grow. After he powers up into super human, he creates a barrier and prepares for anything that might come his way. He is also prepared to fight or to help fight.
Taz: <c> He then yells out "Thea, do you need help fighting this guy?" He begins to examine the halfbreed and is amazed at what he sees. He begins thinking of some tactics he can use to possible defeat this creature.
Jeckel: gemote looks behind him to see Thea's ki wave fly towards him, smashing into him and exploding upon contact in a bright flash of light and loud sound. Jeckel fell from the sky and flipped a few times before landing on his feet on the street. "Fine
Jeckel: <C> ..if thats the way you wanna play it then thats how i'll play." He growled as his aura began to flare up, electricity arching around his form as his hair became even spikier. He grinned and suddenly his golden aura dissipated, his hair falling
Jeckel: <C> back to its normal black color, then just as quickly, a white aura burst around him, the ground beneath him exploding in a hail storm of dust and debris, leaving a crater that he floated above as this new aura surged about him. He flexed his h
Jeckel: <C> hands and looked over at yet another new commer. "What the hell..people pick fights with me and suddenly the whole neighborhood looks like it's ready to jump me." He brought his hands to his sides, cupping them together as a blue-white ball of
Jeckel: <C> energy sparked to life, growing slowly for a second then quickly becoming large enough to engulph his hands and half his forearms. "Lets see how you like this!" He yelled as he threw his hands forward, a beam of the same colored energy launchi
Jeckel: <C> launching straight at Thea, the force of which was tearing a trench through the street.
Helios: * As I sit in this bar, I cannot help but feel a precense I haven't felt in a while. Something so familiar, yet, unknown to myself. The barmaid continues to walk on by, occassionally
Helios: (*)stopping by my table, and offering me some service. I decline a few times, but cannot help but feel somewhat thirsty. I nod to her. She smiles, and asks politely, "What May I get you sir?"
Helios: (*)I smirk, placing several coins onto the table. "A pint of your finest ale." I said, softly, as i shoved the coins closer to her. She smiled at me. I felt good in a way, as I do not see many doing
Helios: (*) much anymore. This universe was weird, but i had things to do before I could return to my own. The barmaid walked off, taking several more orders before reaching the bar again
Helios: (*) But something cought me in the distant of my path. Someone, I had seen before. On Sorii. A small desolate planet. The planet was unable to admit atmosphere, but i knew
Helios: (*) it was the same person. I could sense the similar features as when I first encountered them. They moved off quickly, passing me, and reaching a table to the rear. "I wonder" I softly said, as they
Helios: (*)passed. I truely wonder if they were the same who killed the innocent people on Sorii. Someone had nicely, and carefully, admitted toxins in the Air-purifiers. Which, over a small
Helios: (*)amount of time, killed several people. I didnt want to rush to anything at this point, I just secretly eyed them, watching their movements, and carried on with my own business.
Helios: * Shifting, and moving around constantly, I wake up. My head was hurting. It seemed as if it were being banged constantly. I did not what this meant by I did know it was hurting like
Helios: (*)shit. I didn't like pain at all. Wasnt too fond of it. I guess thats why I personally built a cage around myself, and became who I am. Even though I was a trusted Knight, by the King
Helios: (*) Himself, I still was mortal. And this is what sucked. Trying to gain immortality in this world, beckoning on life its self, trying to find the river of eternal life. No pain, No glory, is what my father
Helios: (*) always said. Well.. Until he was murdered. I guess thats why my head was in so much pain right now. I had too much thoughts on my little brain to control. I know for one thing though
Helios: (*) and thats I am thirsty. "Darnit. I need some water" I thought to myself, wondering why my room looked so different. Perhaps it was true, things phase out of exsistence
Helios: (*) and reform itself in a whole different reality. Who knows. who cares. I didn't at this present time, but for now, I must continue my travels. With that, I slowly stood up, getting out
Helios: (*)of bed was hard for me to do. I pulled the sheets over and placed them in a neat pile. I grinned. Moving slowly, I walked to the closet, and saw Tom Cruise. "What the fuck?"
Helios: (*) I shook my head, "Who the fuck is Tom Cruise?! And why is he still in the closet? The fag" I thought, smirking at my own thoughts. I pulled some of my garments over myself
Helios: (*)and moved out side. It was still dark outside, but there was a storm brewing. I had recently moved into a small apartment, in New Hope City. Of course, the people here were always
Helios: (*)fearing of some sort of threat. But this is my city for now, and I will be here until its time to move on.
Helios: * I looked around the streets, and saw people rushing quickly to get inside and away from the storm. A few buildings were damaged, and a city wall stood high. "I bet I could leap that
Helios: (*) in one go" I said, shifting my views to a small candy store. "This reminds me of that dream, with that guy 50 cent. Who was apparently a good rapper" I laughed
Helios: (*) because it was all fake and just a dream and didnt really happen. I thought maybe I could pick up, or atleast get some candy from the store. So I walked casually over the road, and smiled
Helios: (*) watching all the passerbyers. They didnt seem interested in candy, they just wanted to get the hell home, so this rain didnt get them *wet*. I couldnt care really. I had a headache, and I wanted
Helios: (*) to do something other then wait for my contact to arrive. Who was supposedly here already, just keeping out of sight and contact. It angered me though. I wish I could get this deal done with
Helios: (*) so i could focus more on my own missions, other then that of my king. Although, I did swear on my life, I would find a rune before I went forth on my own mission.
Helios: (*) thats why I'm here. This contact had supposedly found a rare rune, which intrigued me as it emitted a rather large energy signature. Well, apparently it did.
Helios: (*) I really doubt it though, i think it was a trap. But I like traps. I really hope I am captured, so I can learn more about this rebel group... I will wait and see...
Helios: * I guess my comrades would use the transmitter and find my location, and come for a rescue. They did last time, even though they knew I could handle it myself.
Helios: (*) I guess they just dont want to see me die yet. But If need be, I will, for my faction. "Come on damnit" I said, not knowing I even said it outloud. A few people stopped by outside the shop
Helios: (*) and looked at me strangly. I probably do look a bit out of place. Being in high quality armor, with it shimmering even without a flicker of light to beckon off of. Perhaps this is
Helios: (*) Why they looked at me. I dont know. "I JUST WANT SOME GODDAMN CANDY!" I yelled out, a few of them quickly looked away from me, but another stopped and offered me some 
Helios: (*) money, probably thought I couldnt offered any and I was an angry knight who would reign hell upon their city if I didnt get what I want. Its happened before...
Essex: steps off of the cracked payment onto the half rotting porch of Myuutanto's finest restaurant. He pushes open the swinging doors and steps inside, grinding his shoes into the rug
Essex: (*) to get rid of any excess dirt. He walks up to the podium and leans against it, staring across at his favorite hostess. "And how are you this evening, my lovely Makara?" He asks, 
Essex: (*) winking. The mutant blushes slightly and picks up a menu. "Only one today, Mister Lillah?" He stands up and pulls out a SynTech Issue Satelite phone. "Mmm, not 
Essex: (*) quite, I might be expecting company, bring three menus to my table, just in case babe?" He follows her over to his corner booth, sitting down and dialing a number on the phone.
Essex: (*) As the phone rings he leans back against the seat, yawning softly. "C'mon Orii, pick up that damned phone I gave you."
Jeckel: had his feet kicked up on the table in a corner of the resturaunt, having just finished his meal of green goop and something solid and purple...he didn't much care for the mutant food. He leaned back in his chair a bit, tilting it on its hind legs
Jeckel: <C> and rocking slightly, putting his hands behind his head with the finger interlocked. "A little vacation inbetween my rank ups should keep them guessing.." he grinned, talking to no one in particular. He looked up as he heard someone enter, wat
Jeckel: <C> watching as the hostess prepare a table for three. He looked around but only saw one man...was it..? no...couldn't be.."Oh shit..it is...I can't ever get away from these people.." He rose an eyebrow as a thought just occured to him "What is an
Jeckel: <C> official from earth doing on Myuutanto?..."
Essex: -*- "Hmmm, I guess he has it off for class or something. No matter." He folds the phone up and slips it into his business suit, keeping his eyes locked on Makara as she walked
Essex: (*) off. "Mmm." He turns and leans against the seat again, locking eyes with Jeckel a few booths away from him. "Geeze, I just can't get away from you people..." He says, rolling his
Essex: (*) eyes and snorting. "Come here to put craters in this city too?"
Jeckel: smirked and chuckled a bit. "No, I'm simply on vacation. You here to claim this city as your own too?" He laughed a bit, sitting up in his chair. "Or are you here to threaten these mutants with your little toys and talks of dragons." Jeckel looked
Jeckel: <C> at the other two empty seats of Essex's table. "So I take it your waiting for that foul mouthed brat of yours and his girlfriend to show up?"
Essex: looks at the empty seats and shakes his head. "No, I have such a massively huge penis that I need two extra seats for it." He glances over at the hostess, eyeing her up and down thoughtfully
Essex: (*) before turning back to Jeckel. "And I'm merely here for lunch, they're my favorite restaurant." He leans back in the seat and crosses his arms behind his head, interlocking his fingers,
Essex: (*) "And I never claimed the city, me and Oaftres were voted into power by the people."
Jeckel: catches Essex's eye wandering to the hostess and just smirks. "Yeah sure..oh watch out..some of these mutant girls have tentacles." He laughed a bit, not that it was a joke, but man some of those mutant chicks did have surprises...he shuddered a b
Jeckel: <C> bit as he thought about it for a minute. "So you were voted in eh? What happened to that Serenity whatsherface? Crazy bitch stabbed me in the shoulder while I was trying to save Oaf from dying..well...from my beam."
Essex: turns back to Jeckel. "Believe me, I know about the tentacles." He winks jokingly. "Yeah, we were voted in... Serenity kind of... snapped, and tried killing her daughter." He stares up at
Essex: (*) the ceiling while he waits for his waitress to come by. "And... also attacked a very important friend of Oaftres and I... so..." He looks down at the table and shakes his head. "We tried
Essex: (*) to inhibit her, but that didn't work, so we did what we had to do." He shrugs. "I'm not proud of the fact, but I was protecting family, and the city. Who knows what she would've done
Essex: (*) had she walked away from there and came back to New Hope."
Jeckel: nodded "I see..." A number of voices started to eminate from his scouter and he sighed, pushing a button on the side "I said I'm on vacation...and tell the general he should start doing some more pushups before I visit him." He grinned and poked t
Jeckel: <C> the button again, pulling his scouter from its mount point on his ear and setting it on the table. "So you honestly like this slop here? Its worse than the food on Earth..sure they give you better portions than earth but its all one colored sl
Jeckel: <C> slop over another. Think i'm gonna spend all tomorrow on the toilet from this stuff."
Essex: chuckles and shakes his head. "Nah, mutant food is an acquired taste. You should've asked for a human menu, they serve Earth food here too." He glances over at Jeckel's plate. "Ugh, you
Essex: (*) ordered that?" He leans back and pulls out his cell phone, dialing another number. "C'mon.... Oaftres." He pushes the send button, waiting for either voicemail or a pick-up.
Jeckel: looked down at his plate and nodded. "Yeah..I orderd that..it sounded better. and a human menu would of just defeated the purpose of coming to a mutant resturaunt wouldn't it?" He watched Essex on the phone. "By the way..I suggest you teach that b
Jeckel: <C> brat of yours a few lessons in manners..oh..and did you ever get rid of that corpse? Normally I would bury those but he was a dick of lieutenant...had to go."
Essex: glares across the table at Jeckel. "Don't tell me how to raise my son, you have no right." He digs his fingertips into the table, cracking the wood beneath them. He lets go
Essex: (*) and then coughs into his hand. "The kid's got spunk, that's what I like about him, and I'm not gonna make him change that, I don't have the right to." He glances over at
Essex: (*) his waitress as she begins walking to his table. "And I only come here for the privacy and company, never run into anybody I know."
Oafy: raises a finger, asking for silence from the fat news reporter man. With a flip of the cell phone, Oafy answers in a much more calm, handled way than when he first began using the tiny technology. "You've reached Oafy. Whats doin'?" Green eyes
Oafy: - glance over to the interviewer, mouthing: 'gimme a min'. He'd been in the interview for a little under an hour now, answering questions related to the runnings of New Hope City. Most importantly, how the more recent changes affected the populace
Oafy: - Namely, the 'importing' of nameks to perform agricultural tasks in the new rural sector of the city; the hyper engineered growth formula (an awesome fertilizer); and the mass training of police and emergency personnel to deal with
Oafy: - 'situations of a super powered being nature'. And the legalization of gay marriage abortions.
Jeckel: rolled his eyes. "Right right..that kind of attitude is keeping your entire race held back behind the others in power. Undiciplined bratty kids shooting off at the mouth with nothing to back it up...eh..but I just don't like kids of any species. S
Jeckel: <C> So is Oaf comming? I have a few things I need to discuss with him as well.." 
Essex: ignores Jeckel, what with him not being human. "Hey, Oaf, you got a couple hours? I'm up on Myuutanto and I'm tryin' to get a few people together concerning the business and all that good stuff in SynCity. 
Essex: (*) T'was wonderin' if you'd  like a break from the political shit and come have lunch?"
Oafy: sips on a bottle of water, swishing it around before letting it cool his throat. "Ahh.. Yeah, let me just ditch the- er, kindly excuse myself from this thing here. Be there in a flash." He begins to close the cell, but quickly lifts it up to his
Oafy: - mouth again. "A flash of AWESOME." Hanging up, Oafy bows at the fat, balding interviewer respectfully. "I've business to attend to. I think we got all the points done though."  The man interjects: "We didn't yet cover what your proposed
Oafy: - legislation of 'gay marriage abortions' is.. really about. Care to comment?" The shoulders of the halfbreed rotate a little, before he nods. "No. Bye now!" Darkness engulfs Oafy, replacing his form with trasparent shadows that linger
Oafy: - momentarily. An outlined image assumes his identity, taking shape as Oaftres quickly - on top of the table Essex and Jeckel are resting at. "Gentlemen," stepping down, he seats himself somewhere between the two men, smiling faintly.
Jeckel: rose an eyebrow as Oafy appared at the table then just smirked. "Hello Oaf...Hey..I met up with that Xerokine guy. Either you're lying to me or he is, either way I made it up to Lieutenant. Just a few fights away from general..or i'll go straight 
Jeckel: <C> to the top." He grinned "So I hear your an official of that earth city..New Hope?"
Essex: nods to Oafy as the waitress walks up. "This is all going on my tab... put his on it too." He points at Jeckel and scoffs. "Yeah, he's an official alright, he does the running of everything, I back him up with my
Essex: (*) super political skills and money. It works quite well." He picks up the complimentary glass of water and sips on it, waiting for Oaftres' to respond to Jeckel's... word-talking.
Jeckel: just shrugged and picked up his scouter, placing it back on his ear and making sure the green glass was over his right eye. "Ok..its been nice running into you and all, but I gotta get on with my vacation and train a bit. Don't worry, unless you g
Jeckel: <C> guys piss me off I won't send a few thousand saiyan soldiers to demolish your planet...ehh...who knows, we could just work together and crush that icer scum once and for all..." He shrugged and just walked out of the resturuant, floating up in
Jeckel: <C> into the air and flying off as soon as he was out of the door.
Essex: shakes his head as Jeckel leaves and pulls out his cell phone. "I'mma call Orii, he needs to get off the planet more." He motions for the waitress to bring them drinks. "Uh... I'll have my usually, and
Essex: (*) bring... oh, four mugs for my son." He nods, letting Oafy ordered while he flipped open the phone, dialing Orii's number again.
Orii: - Guitars roared from his front pants pocket, resounding through the packed parking lot in front of the highschool. 'Nowhere to hide, never a place to RUUUUUUU-!!' "What?" Orii spoke plainly, leaning against the brick wall of the school.  He gazed
Orii: (C)  out at nothing in particular; today had been another boring day. He hadn't beaten anyone's ass, he hadn't taken anyone's money, he hadn't even poked a chick in the ass with a pencil. Maybe he was just sick. "Dad?"
Oafy: lays back peacefully in the booth, across from Essex now. "I'll have whatever his usual is, too." Snapping his fingers loudly, he points the fingers at the waitress like a gun, simutaneously giving her a wink. Returning to the table, 
Oafy: rubs a thin layer of stubble around his chin. "Things are doing well with New Hope. Importing nameks, making use of every resource you're willing to send, and planting the seeds of a mighty Earth Empire. I'm thinkin'..." The words trail off,
Oafy: - as he ponders the thought a little more. Picking a name, he nods enthusiastically: "Oafican Empire." Laughing at this remark, he goes on to the real topic. "What's happening with your.. SynCity?"
Essex: -*- "Hey, Orii, me and some business associates are up on Myuutanto havin' lunch, we were wonderin' if you wanted to bamf your scrawny ass over here and catch lunch with us? Ya know, you're gonna 
Essex: (*) be helpin' me run SynCity, you might as well start attending these meetings." He hangs up, turning back to Oaftres. "SynCity is... going well, I initiated a cloak around the shield, so it's not even there
Essex: (*) unless you know it is." He rubs his chin. "And... I've got a present for you." He reaches into his pockets, pulling out a small remote control looking device. "This morning, I ordered about... three
Essex: (*) thousand Omega Droids to New Hope City to help with the rebuilding." He sits the control on the table and scoots it over to Oaftres. "They're no where near as strong as mine, 'cause we don't need
Essex: (*) the power goin' to your head." He chuckles. "And... I got rid of the elixer, well, not 'got rid of', I just put it away and I ordered some droids not to let me use it unless I absolutely have to. For emergencies."
Oafy: carefully lifts the remote with his thumb and index finger, not wanting to accidentally send the Omega Droids on a killing spree in downtown New Hope City. "When do you think it'll be ready to be populated? I could always do my part.. you know,
Oafy: - help bring in the next generaton." Fiddling with the remote, he hrms. "With my penis, I mean." Clearing his dry throat, Oafy tries to steer the conversation a bit. "They must still be quite strong, these droids... Coulda you ballpark it?"
Oafy: was taking interest in these droids, now especially. The idea was meant as a joke the other night, but.. they represented a change in New Hope City far beyond anything he thought possible. 'The thought is... embonering me.'
Essex: thinks. "Mmmm, about half the strength of mine." He nods. "They're mainly meant to help with security and fixing everything, ya know?" He leans back in the seat, waiting for Orii to show up. "They're
Essex: (*) not weapons-grade, so they're not really equipped for battle. But that's why I have so many." He reaches into his suit and pulls out a manilla folder and sitting it on the table. He sits it down and 
Essex: (*) opens it, showing a picture of a satelite."They've got Artificial Transmission capabilities, so you send me the word and I can bamf a few dozen into the city if need be."
Essex: thinks. "Mmmm, about half the strength of mine." He nods. "They're mainly meant to help with security and fixing everything, ya know?" He leans back in the seat, waiting for Orii to show up. "They're
Essex: (*) not weapons-grade, so they're not really equipped for battle. But that's why I have so many." He reaches into his suit and pulls out a manilla folder and sitting it on the table. He sits it down and 
Essex: (*) opens it, showing a picture of a satelite."They've got Artificial Transmission capabilities, so you send me the word and I can bamf a few dozen into the city if need be."
Oafy: pockets the remote device with a satisfied grin. "I suppose that'll do. Though I don't know how much construction they'll be doing..." The thought drifts off in his mind, before quickly returning to his train of thought. "Does that
Oafy: - remote come with a manual?" Another thought comes to him; two in the last few minutes? Outrageous. "And hey, when did YOU father a child? I really hope for the mothers sake you weren't dragonsex at the time..."
Orii: placed a finger to his forehead, broadening his senses, so that they could comprehend even the most indistinct powerlevels on a universal scale. He honed his mind, targetting a specific planet, Myuutanto; immediately, he recognized the strange ene
Orii: (C) energies that only his father emitted; nearby, another powerful energy, assumedly Essex's business partner. His eyes snapped open, and suddenly, his images of the attractive waitress became real; well, except for the fact she was wearing cloth
Orii: (C) clothes in reality. "Sup." Orii spoke, stepping off of the table.
Essex: chuckles, "Glad you could make it, Orii, sit." He says, motioning to the seat next to him or Oaftres, respectively. The waitress walks up, sitting down roughly twelve mugs of Mutant Alcohol.
Essex: (*) "I went ahead and ordered drinks for us all..." He points at the mugs, pushing four of them to the side. "Those are yours."
Oafy: gives the teen a quick glance, before nodding once out of respect. "Son of Sex," he says softly, before grasping a mug of mutant drinkage. Oafy gives it little thought, prefering to just dive on in and hope for the best. The mug presses
Oafy: - against his lips, allowing the liquid to slide down. "Mmm.. Alcoholie." Relaxing a bit, Oafy waits for Essex to steer the conversation, while he takes 'er easy. Frequently, the eyes dart from Essex over to Orii, trying to decide if he
Oafy: - truly believed Goldsex could father a normal (enough) looking kid.
Orii: - The human hopped off of the table and took a seat on the bench, leaning back into the chair lazily. A mug was taken from the table, sipped at, and rested on his thigh. He always enjoyed a drink after school. (Is that normal?) He shrugged. "Hey,"
Orii: (C) "Hey," He replied to Oafy, nodding back in a similar manner. He was glad this one seemed a bit more well manner than the last friend of his father's he'd met. He thought back to the day before, and recalled how much of a monster bitch Greg had
Orii: (C) had been. "So, what's up?"
Essex: nods to Orii. "Not a whole lot, Oaftres seemed bored with politics, so I invited him up here, and I invited you 'cause I wanted to see how your hand was doin'." He takes a sip of his mug. "Anyway,
Essex: (*) Oaf, how did I father a normal child, you ask?" He sits the mug down and yawns softly. "I was human once, I met a woman named Laura... we fell in love, had a kid. I got laid off around then,
Essex: (*) being a puny, scrawny ass nerd, I couldn't do any physical work, so I begin experiment with a synthetic fast acting steroid, you could say. It worked, but it had side-effects... it mutated me. So...
Essex: (*) that's why you found me wandering around the zoo as a zombie back in the day, I ran off and tried commiting suicide, but the genetic material used, fueled my body, even after death." He takes
Essex: (*) another sip then sits the mug down again. "Then, with the help of Kalen, I came into possession of..." he reaches under his shirt and pulls out a vial on a chain. "...a sample of DNA from the
Essex: (*) wishing dragon, Shenron... well, the Black Star Shenron, but still. I used that DNA, and... that's how I ended up as Dragonsex."
Oafy: grimaces a bit, shooting a glance over to Orii with his left eyebrow tugging upwards. "A little much to take in." Returning green eyes to Essex, Oaftres leans in a bit. "I remember the dragon incident, though. But that rest of the history
Oafy: - lesson clears some things up." Running fingers through his shaggy dark red hair, he takes another chug of the mug. "That rhymes; cool." It comes out randomly, and probably makes no sense to anyone, but eh. That's Oaftres. "What exactly led you
Oafy: - to goldsex? I was getting use to the dragonism..."
Orii: raised an eyebrow at the story; that's what had happened to him, that day in SynCity. He'd manipulated the draconic portions of his DNA, and shifted into that monster... (Wicked...) He took another sip of his drink, shrugging. He preferred the les
Orii: (C) hideous version of his father, at least when there wasn't any bitches to kill, etc. "So, we gonna do something, or just sit here and get plastered?" Four of these mugs would definitely have him out. Which he didn't mind so much.
Essex: looks over as the waitress sits down their plates of food; Bacon Cheeseburgesr and fries. "Well, it's quite complicated... a normal entity, even mutants, only have a single double-helix DNA 
Essex: (*) sequence. I... through my experiments, have two." He nods. "One of them being 'Goldsex' as you call me, and the other being 'DRagonsex'... through a few weeks of studying and
Essex: (*) practicing... I learned to shift my consciousness between the strands of DNA, thus altering my physical abilities, and physical appearence." He picks up the burger and bites into it
Essex: (*) "Want me to continue with the science experiment?"
Oafy: digs into the burger with his teeth, taking a bite probably too large for a normal person. And yet, he doesn't seem to have much of a problem handling it. A few inaudible words are said between mass gorging himself in the bacon cheeseburger,
Oafy: - one line that stands out above all else, sounding like: "bacon good". Dropping the few morsels left of the burger, he takes an unhealthy amount of ale into his system with one drinking. Oafy sleeves the drips clinging on his mouth, before
Oafy: - speaking again. "I-" *BELCH* "don't see why not, Essex. You just keep your dirty needles to yourself." Attention waivers, turning to the son of sex. "You learn anything from getting your ass raped by Greg?" If the wording wasn't getting the
Oafy: - obvious challenge across, the glint of excitement in his green eyes would.
Orii: - "God damn..." Orii muttered. He wondered how many jackass associates he would have to meet with, before one of them wouldn't try to egg him on. As expected, and almost against his will, he replies, almost halfheartedly: "Probably not. Maybe you 
Orii: (C) you could try to pick up where he left off?" He had been kind of bored. He hadn't been in any fights, stabbed, stolen or set fire to anything today. Orii sighed...
Essex: chuckles and stands up. "Don't take Oafy wrong, Orii, he's a good guy, mostly..." He scoots out of the booth and stands up, dropping a large amount of the planet's currency on the table. 
Essex: (*) "He's generally pretty fair." He looks between Oafy and Orii. "So, Oafy, what do you say to a fair powerlevel battle royale at the Glass Tower, mmm? I've been kind of hankerin' for a fight,
Essex: (*) and that way we can see how well Orii fairs." He glances up and down at Oaftres. "Or... we could do a two on one, Father and Son versus the pedophile business man, eh?" He crosses his
Essex: (*) arms over his chest, waiting for a reply.
Oafy: slides out of the booth, nodding as he goes. "Battle royale is fine. If it were just a one-on-one," a gesture to Orii and himself, "I would have given him the handicap. Finished off the rest of the mutant alcohol real quick." With a slight shrug,
Oafy: takes on a positive smile. "But a royale... Well, I'll have to stay sober. Don't keep me waiting, children." Shadows creep over his body, shrouding him out of sight, only to disappear and reveal goneness. Meanwhile, standing before a massive
Oafy: - crystalline-esque monument, Oafy hums thoughtfully. "I wonder if Orii will turn out as weird as his father... doin'... 'experiments' on himself..."
Orii: - The two remaining mugs were finished quickly, and with the skill and contitution of a veteran drinker. A belch echoed through the booth as Orii shrugged. He didn't really feel like having his ass handed to him, but he was buzzing, a little dizzy
Orii: (C) dizzy; it wouldn't hurt as bad as it had with Greg. But he couldn't promise he wouldn't vomit on either of them. "Meh."
Essex: walks over to Makara as she sits at the podium and he leans over her shoulder. "You take it easy." He says, pinching her butt before bamfing out of existence. He reappears on top of
Essex: (*) the Glass Tower, staring down at Oaftres and Orii below. "Hey guys." He shouts down to them, jumping off and somersaulting in the air, flipping and twisting before landing on a patch of 
Essex: (*) glass, sending shards into the air.
Oafy: sidesteps the flying pieces of glass, wincing a little at the sight. "Alright, so..." Calmly approaching Orii, he shrugs a little, not sure what exactly to do. A wisp of black energy washes over him, but just as quickly fades off completely;
Oafy: 's power drops significantly, much more comparable now to Orii's. "I guess we should ju- SUCKER PUNCH!!!" A powerful thrust of the halfbreeds fist finds itself flying toward the side of Orii's face. Yeah. It'd been a while since the last major
Oafy: - 'pick on weaker people' fight that Oafy was involved in. But he was picking up quickly.
Orii: - "So what?" Orii asked, as the fist slammed into his face, causing him to spiral horizontally through the air. His back slammed into the glass, causing huge shards of it to fly in all directions from the collision. His back slid against the smoot
Orii: (C) smooth surface, smearing it with blood from his ruined back. His eyes flashed dangerously as they narrowed on Oafy; A huge section of the glass shattered, as Orii kicked off of it, blazing fire surrounding him. With quick, almost simultaneous 
Orii: (C) delivery, Orii whirls through the air like a spinning top, only long enough to deliver two mighty kicks.
Essex: dashes forward, catching Oaftres in a full-nelson as Orii's kicks connect. He grins and lifts Oaftres off the ground, using both of their weights to spin in a circles, keeping a tight 
Essex: (*) grip. He stops, "Wanna see my favorite wrestlin' move?" He powers up, a red fiery aura around him. "A &cDr&bag&gon &wSuplex!" He shouts, throwing himself and Oaftres backwards
Essex: (*) his back bending as he lets go of Oaftres, the half-breed flying through the air as Essex catches himself in a back-bend.
Oafy: pounds through the glass tower, shattering a hole in perfect replicate of his body. Clumsily, he backrolls across the glass terrain of the inside tower, before assuming an awkward standing stance. "Dragon Suplex, huh? I've always been a Tree of
Oafy: - Woe guy, myself." Peering through the glass wall, Oaftres backs away slowly, allowing for maximum room in the tower to accomodate the arrival of the others. A shimmering white puff appears in his lower palm by his waist, the other arm held
Oafy: - defensively across chest height. In a quick motion, the puff of white is shot forward as a succession of white and black blasts; they flicker off toward Essex and Orii, emerging from the hole in the tower.
Lye: stares blankly out into the dimly lit night sky.  His slow crawl back into power was...  Annoying to be sure.  He had amassed a decent amount of funding for research, had his own lab, already had a few unfortunate souls to toy with...
Lye: (c) The problem however, was that in his pursuit of the political power he was lacking what most would hold most dear...  The more.. Physical.  He could go on forever, become a god in the eyes of these humans and truth be told...
Lye: (c) He was still relatively weak.  Far to weak to defend himself from an assault of one of his many enemies.  He exhaled deeply, it had been ages since he had seriously trained his body.  Save for the bout to escape his ancient lab.
Lye: (c)And so as he glanced down from the ledge, staring at the ground below he closed his eyes focusing his energy below him as he stepped off the building, allowing him to levitate.  He suppose speed drills would work for now.
Lye: (c)Without a second thought he dropped effortlessly to the ground, before a shimmering aura pulsed around his form and he launched into the night sky, reaching the lower troposphere, turning around and launching back at the ground.  
Sert: stands in a nameless street, next to a recently unattended to hotdog vendor cart, one green hand holding a half eaten hotdog. It was processed meat of mysterious origin, and was probably killing him slowly; "But fuck if it isn't delicious!"
Sert: grinds the soles of his dirt splattered boots into the gut of the downed hotdog vendor. The man breaths with difficulty, struggling to keep his lungs filled with precious oxygen. "If only you didn't ask for such absurd amounts of money
Sert: - for your food..." It comes out sincere, but is quickly followed by a more joking tone. "Standing alone in the street was your second strike. And finally, I dont like fat people," leaning down, Sert drops a piece of relish on the mans
Sert: - uniform, eyeing the nametag. "Dave." A fake sad face overcomes his face, pouting a little. "Let's hope reincarnation will be friendly to you. Maybe.." The faked depressed tone turns into an optimistically cheerful one. "You'll come
Sert: - back as a Namek! Yeah, rock on buddy!" *STOMP* Turning, the black hoodied namek tosses a napkin behind himself as he walks off, leaving behind a messy corpse. 
Essex: bites Raditz's face off.
Zhao: cackles and cheers Essex on.
Lye: slammed into the ground, tagging it with his right hand before blasting back into the sky.  So far he had done it ten times.  &z'To slow...' &W He thought to himself as he pushed his feeble body to move faster, his muscles budging.
Lye: (c)Ten more sets and he set down on the ground, exhaling deeply as he wiped the sweat from his brow.  Such a short work out and such a sweat covering his blue body.   He cracked his neck roughly, placing his hands on his body.
Lye: (c)His simple purple training GI was replaced with a purple suit, his hands straitening out the tie and his neck collar.  Then something, plaguing his senses.  A life being snuffed out somewhere near by, a block or two up.  He grinned.
Lye: (c)Moving quickly he reached the hot dog vending cart, pushing it out of the way to reveal an unconvinced man in what would in most cases be a fatal injury.  Having once face bludgeoned after all is bad for ones health.  
Lye: (c)He waved his hands, healing the mans injuries and waking him.  The man was shocked terrified, &p"You got any money for me saving you?"  &WThe question was simple, to which the man replied "No." 
Lye: (c)With a hesitant sigh, and a powerful chop of his hand the mans neck cracked in two killing him instantly.  &z'Fool should've said yes, I would've taken an IOU.  I don't mind.' &WShaking his head he snickered, looking for the would be killer.  
Sert: stops right on the spot. Both ears twitched, picking up on a rather nasty sounding cracking of bone. Then again, when is bone cracking ever good? Spinning around, he grimaces at the sight. "Funny, I thought I already killed that one." The young
Sert: - namek folds his arms while slowly returning to the scene of the crime. Two crimes. Well, three, if you count stealing hotdogs. 'I dont.' The blue skinned creature had traits not too different from Sert's own people, but then again,
Sert: didn't know much about nameks. "What are you?" The question was straightforward; Sert was not one to pussyfoot around the obvious.
Lye: rose to his full six foot stature, raising his eyes to the green skinned namek.  He closed his eyes focusing his energy into his build, his body growing a few inches and his chest widening.  A few seconds later he stood eye level
Lye: (c)with the namek.  He could feel himself chuckling, as he reached up flicking one of his blue antennae.  &p"What the fuck do you think I am you little cock knocker?  Looks like a namek, walks and heals like a namek..."
Lye: (c)He grumbled slightly as he crossed his arms in front of his purple suit glancing around the streets.  Two nameks standing on the street beside a departed hot dog sales men would look bad.  &p"Now lets get out of here."  
Lye: (c)He motioned his arms to the sidewalk as he calmly began walking, &z'Although I could convince the police it was you, and I was merely trying to save the worthless chud...'  &WAnother snicker as he continued to walk.
Sert: gripped a nearby lamp post, contemplating using it to spear the blue namek. Growling low in decision, Sert follows the lead of the other. 'I guess killing the first namek I meet would be.. rash.' In a rushed stride, he gets himself beside Lye,
Sert: - if not a step behind. "I didn't know we came in blueberry flavor. Or maybe your ancestors were.. smurfs?" The black eyes shoot an intrigued glance to Lye, though beneath his hood, and to the blue ones back, it is probably missed. Curiousity
Sert: - was clear in Sert's actions. There was a lot about his kind he wished to know, if nothing more than for the simple fact he wanted to know.
Lye: continued to walk, calmly replying &p"We don't come in blueberry, it's a genetic defect.  And make another Smurf comment and I swear to whatever god you believe in that i'll shove my non-existent cock in your ear."  
Lye: (c)He checked his watch sighing deeply, &p"And you would know that we typically don't come in blue, what, were you not raised on Namek with all those other weak fools?"  &WHe chuckled for a moment as he continued to trudge.  
Sert: cocks a brow, finding the given responses a bit too amusing. "Born and raised off Namek, if you must know." The tone in his voice sounded displeased, and bitter. Yet, he was still very interested. "What makes... THEM... so weak?" It went against
Sert: - everything preset in Sert's mind to call those that would be his people, his kind, closest beings to relatives, weak. How could Nameks be weak? After all, he was one of them. Yes, he was different from other nameks.. Was this blue one so
Sert: - different though? "And how does your deformity make you so special, smurf?" Emphasis on the 'smurf' is given.
Lye: grumbled, &p"God I wish I still carried around a namekian dildo with me...  You're lucky kid.  As for our kind being weak, their general philosophy is of a more peaceful nature.  Considering our physical superiority to other races..."
Lye: (c)He growled for a moment as his body shrank a few inches back to it's original size, his right arms reaching over and gripping his left roughly.  &p"A Race that has the ability to instantly regenerate severed limbs..."
Lye: (c)Clenching his teeth his clutched his left shoulder, his claws ripping into the flesh and ripping the arm off at the socket.  He felt light headed and almost fell over as he pulled away his own arm, his teeth grinding with pain.
Lye: (c)He ignored the torturous pain, as his purple blood began to flow, his eyes focusing on the green namekian.  A few seconds later a new arm exploded from the socket, his right arm dropping the old one.  He wanted to fall down and pass out.
Lye: (c)After a few seconds the feeling passed, &p"We're naturally suited to war, even our minds are more developed then most other species.  Yet the wise Elders see fit that we remain peaceful.  We're built for war."  
Sert: frowns at the sight of the blue skin ripping his own arm off. The colour of blood made him smile, though. They were definitely both nameks. "Healing, regrowing limbs..." These ideas perplex him greatly. Such techniques were never taught to him.
Sert: - Icers channeled their energies towards destructive ends, never for defensive purposes. This was how Sert learned; stay on the offensive, taking it from a distance, and you never need to worry about having a strong defense. "I don't know about
Sert: - the rest of namek kind, but I know I'm only here to abuse my power." Reflecting, he stops walking. "Good news! I'm not going to kill you. Show me how our people do these things." A sadistic smile crosses his green lips. 'No point killing someone
Sert: - while they can be of use...'
Lye: let himself laugh as he glanced at the ignorant namek.  &p"Mother fucker, you kill me and a psychotic killing machine will take my place with the soul intent of hunting your ass down. " &WHe laughed out loud, mocking the namek.
Lye: (c)&p"Meanwhile, what is your name.  I've got to break you of that abuse your power crap.  To get ahead here, to learn the definition of evil you must do more than simply go on wanton killing sprees.  Fun as they may be."
Sert: hops his ass onto a parked car, landing with force to crush the hood on impact. "Name is Sert. You fine with me calling you Smurf, or do you plan on returning the favour?" The supposed threat that came with killing the blue namek only made
Sert: - the idea all the more enticing. Which sucks. 'Learn the secrets first... murder later.' "And what makes you think you can 'break me' out of this habit of mine? I'm not some pavolv dog to be conditioned to your will!!" Anger was evident.
Lye: waved his hand, &p"Not a lapdog no, but a namek nevertheless.  You've naturally got a great deal of intelligence more then you give yourself credit.  Nameks not only learn from experience, they also have their ancestral knowledge."
Lye: (c)He chuckled as he lowered his hand, &p"Somewhere in the fragile mind of yours are the sums of everything your father knows, and his father knows, all the way back to the great Guru himself.  You just have to unlock it."
Lye: (c)He shrugged his shoulders, snickering to himself for a moment.  &p"And perhaps you should learn how to say...  Conceal your emotions and your thoughts a great deal more effectively.  These antennae of ours are for more than looks."  
Sert: pulls back the hood of his pullover, letting the street light better reveal his youthful green face. A wrinkle on the forehead continues to be seen, accompanying a continuous glare at the blue namek. "I have never once doubted my own ability,
Sert: - especially on the brains end." The light above flickers a few times, eradically. And just as quick, it returns to normal. "And what is so wrong with showing emotion? Do our people normally show lots?" Carelessly, Sert smashes a closed fist
Sert: - into the windshield of the car he rests atop, pounding through it with ease. "Or is it that you're just jealous your defect has messed with more than just your skin, ya damn smurf..."
Lye: was ignoring the youngling now, unimpressed by the nameks ignorance.  Mindless destruction was all this one was capable of, no greater forms of evil would this namek ever reach.  &p"Do what you will." &WA chuckle and he continued.
Lye: (c)There was nothing else needed to be said, he did however let his mind echo into the young nameks head, along with images of his lab.  &B<When you're done being a fool, seek me out, you've much to learn.>
Lye: (c)A few more seconds and he began walking down an alleyway, slowly sulking into the shadows becoming one with the night.  The things he was trained to do so long ago before worlds were destroyed, before he was a creature of evil...  
Sert: shuns the alley the blue namek disappeared down, favouring the other end of the street now. "Fine, fuck off then. Little bitch..." The mind assault hits him, filling him with the others voice and images of a location Sert had never seen before.
Sert: frowns in disgust at these turn of events. 'First namek I meet, and he runs off before I answer all my questions...' Not being one to embrace the concept of 'patience', Sert slides off the car, giving it a light kick - denting the door - and
Sert: - wanders off. "Wonder how long it'll be before I run into another Namek..."
Helios: * As I sit in this bar, I cannot help but feel a precense I haven't felt in a while. Something so familiar, yet, unknown to myself. The barmaid continues to walk on by, occassionally
Helios: (*)stopping by my table, and offering me some service. I decline a few times, but cannot help but feel somewhat thirsty. I nod to her. She smiles, and asks politely, "What May I get you sir?"
Helios: (*)I smirk, placing several coins onto the table. "A pint of your finest ale." I said, softly, as i shoved the coins closer to her. She smiled at me. I felt good in a way, as I do not see many doing
Helios: (*) much anymore. This universe was weird, but i had things to do before I could return to my own. The barmaid walked off, taking several more orders before reaching the bar again
Helios: (*) But something cought me in the distant of my path. Someone, I had seen before. On Sorii. A small desolate planet. The planet was unable to admit atmosphere, but i knew
Helios: (*) it was the same person. I could sense the similar features as when I first encountered them. They moved off quickly, passing me, and reaching a table to the rear. "I wonder" I softly said, as they
Helios: (*)passed. I truely wonder if they were the same who killed the innocent people on Sorii. Someone had nicely, and carefully, admitted toxins in the Air-purifiers. Which, over a small
Helios: (*)amount of time, killed several people. I didnt want to rush to anything at this point, I just secretly eyed them, watching their movements, and carried on with my own business.
Helios: * Shifting, and moving around constantly, I wake up. My head was hurting. It seemed as if it were being banged constantly. I did not what this meant by I did know it was hurting like
Helios: (*)shit. I didn't like pain at all. Wasnt too fond of it. I guess thats why I personally built a cage around myself, and became who I am. Even though I was a trusted Knight, by the King
Helios: (*) Himself, I still was mortal. And this is what sucked. Trying to gain immortality in this world, beckoning on life its self, trying to find the river of eternal life. No pain, No glory, is what my father
Helios: (*) always said. Well.. Until he was murdered. I guess thats why my head was in so much pain right now. I had too much thoughts on my little brain to control. I know for one thing though
Helios: (*) and thats I am thirsty. "Darnit. I need some water" I thought to myself, wondering why my room looked so different. Perhaps it was true, things phase out of exsistence
Helios: (*) and reform itself in a whole different reality. Who knows. who cares. I didn't at this present time, but for now, I must continue my travels. With that, I slowly stood up, getting out
Helios: (*)of bed was hard for me to do. I pulled the sheets over and placed them in a neat pile. I grinned. Moving slowly, I walked to the closet, and saw Tom Cruise. "What the fuck?"
Helios: (*) I shook my head, "Who the fuck is Tom Cruise?! And why is he still in the closet? The fag" I thought, smirking at my own thoughts. I pulled some of my garments over myself
Helios: (*)and moved out side. It was still dark outside, but there was a storm brewing. I had recently moved into a small apartment, in New Hope City. Of course, the people here were always
Helios: (*)fearing of some sort of threat. But this is my city for now, and I will be here until its time to move on.
Essex: hums to himself as he touches down on the vast sheet of glass that took up part of the desert. He stares up at the gigantic glass pillar, the moonlight glistening off of it. "Mmm, this would
Essex: (*) be a rockin' landmark to convert into a tower." He begins walking around it, inspecting it over. "Except for the few... parts missing, heh." He says to himself, slipping his hands into his 
Essex: (*) pockets. But rebuilding the tower wouldn't be hard at all, it only took him all of, thirty seconds the other day when he faced off against Oaftres as rivals for the last time. "God damn,
Essex: (*) the heat was unbearable..." He says aloud, shaking his head and snorting. He steps around the tower and glances over at the old SynTech bunker, looking at it. He was hoping
Essex: (*) Kalen would magically show up out of it like he always did. But Essex had watched his business partner, his boss, his... friend, get killed by Shim a few weeks earlier. He hadn't had a 
Essex: (*) chance to retrieve his personality chip or any of that. He sighs and leans up against the Glass Tower, slouching a bit and continuing to hum to himself. He looks up at the sky, counting
Essex: (*) the stars out. He wished Orii was here; his son. He lifts up his arm, staring at his obvious mechanical claw, chewing on his lip. Could he have saved his son's hand if Greg hadn't used
Essex: (*) the elixer? Could he have repaired those mangled bones, had they not been twisted in every direction when Greg caused them to mend. Better yet, would his son still have his hand, if
Essex: (*) he had intervined and stopped Techagi from kicking the shit out of Orii in the first place. "Hmmm..." He glances down from the stars, reaching into his pocket and pulling out what 
Essex: (*) looks like a wooden match box. He presses on it, sliding it open and taking out... a toothpick. He closes the box, holding the toothpick between the middle and ring finger of his left
Essex: (*) hand before bringing it up to his mouth, beginning to chew on the end of the toothpick. 
Kalen: =*= There was silence. Darkness, silence and memories. It was consciousness of a sort, but to call it true life would be to make a mockery of all that life was. When you really came down to it, all that it was, was
Kalen: - a few lines of code written in a fragile computer. Code that wasn't normal in any way, shape or form, certainly, but code could hardly carry a soul. What it could carry however, was hatred. All directed at one single
Kalen: - target. Shim Wu'sha. The Phoenix Knight. Images flashed through what currently passed for Kalen's mind. The final seconds of his life as Shim annihilated him. His body was weak, far from what it had once been, it couldn't
Kalen: - withstand the pressure of... The thought trailed off, but the fury remained. It was all that he had in this place. But every day he had felt himself grow stronger, a sense of pressure building higher and higher until there
Kalen: - was only one choice left. It started as a low rumbling the echoed throughout the desert, sending sand scattering from dunes as the sound chimed out like a funeral bell. The SynTech bunker buckled as if impacted by a fist
Kalen: - from heaven, seemed to swell and distort slightly, then simply disintegrated upwards as a hellish red light erupted into the sky, twisting and distorting the dark clouds of the nights sky into a swirling whirlpool. A
Kalen: - sound like metal grinding against metal pierced the night, before resolving it into a primal scream of pain, rage, anger, loss and a million other emotions, slowly revolving itself into a single word. "WU'SHA!". And then
Kalen: - there was silence save for the hard splintering crack of metal on glass as a figure emerged from the smouldering ruins, shrouded for a moment in smoke before being slowly revealed. The visage was horrific. A gleaming
Kalen: - metal skeleton stalked out of the ruins, superheated steam shooting off him in waves, molten liquid metal dripping from him like water, hissing and melting through the coating of glass on the desert floor.
Essex: takes the toothpick out of  his mouth, unphased by Kalen's light show and grand entrance. "'ey, Kalen." He says, putting the toothpick back into his mouth. Somebody woke up on the wrong side
Essex: (*) of the bunker it seems. Keeping the toothpick held between his teeth, he pushes off with his shoulder blades, standing up fully and eyeing Kalen in his new, skeletal form. "It's
Essex: (*) a good look for you, being a... skeleton and all, ya know." He takes the tookpick out of his mouth, twirling it between his finger tips and then flicking off into the desert. Someone HAD
Essex: (*) woken up on the wrong side of the bunker, and he was angry. "So, sorry I couldn't... get to you before Shim cleaved you in half. I tried by best, but Sereni-bitch had me tied up with some
Essex: (*) babble or whatever." He waves his hand as if dismissing the motion. He sniffs and brings his hand to his nose, rubbing it quickly and lowering it. "So uh... you're naked man."
Kalen: could do little more for a long moment than clench and unclench his fists as his gleaming metal body cooled down. His eye sockets burnt with a red electric glow, small bolts of lightning crackled between his metal ribs
Kalen: - every so often. Finally Kalen turned to look at Essex properly, nodding to him casually. "The non freakish mutant thing is a new look for you too, I see. Finally unlock that DNA puzzled?" Kalen looked down and saw
Kalen: - his bare skeletal structure apparently properly for the first time. There was a soft hiss as from somewhere inside Kalen, liquid metal oozed out, coating his body liked a frame, dripping over him until he was totally
Kalen: - covered. The metal shifted in shape, hardened into a statue-like image and then slowly coloured until Kalen stood before Essex in his normal form, blinking again and reaching into his coat pocket and withdrawing
Kalen: - a pack of cigarettes. He lit one with a silver lighter, taking a long drag before proffering the pack to Essex. "Want one? Oh, good news and bad news. As you can see, the Thanatos Circuit works. The bad news is that
Kalen: - it's too damn slow and far from perfect. More work needs to be done. I'll need your help." He took another drag before blowing a smoke ring and gave a half smile. "Then, I'm going to flay Shim Wu'sha and wear his skin
Kalen: - as a jaunty little hat. Feel free to help with that too. Don't worry, I don't blame you for not getting there... I should have been stronger." He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose irritably. "Next time
Kalen: - he'll find me a far less accomodating foe. But enough about that...what have you been up to in my absence. Hell, how long have I been out, roughly?
Essex: takes a cigarette from Kalen and lights it with the lighter, taking a few puffs before handing it back. "Well, all the same, I should've tried harder, killed Serenity before she had a chance to
Essex: (*) pull a Rini." He takes a drag off the cigarette, holding the cancerous smoke in his lungs for a moment before blowing it out. "Maybe I will, maybe I won't, I'm trying to aim for neutrality nowadays."
Essex: (*) He takes in a long breath, sighing a bit as he fiddled with the cigarette between his fingertips. "And yeah, unlocked the DNA puzzle, at least mine, I'm actually two bodies in one, it would seem,
Essex: (*) I'll have to show you sometime." He crosses his arms, eyeing Kalen up and down. "I most definately could help with the Thanatos Chip, what with me taking over SynTech since you weren't 
Essex: (*) around for the last... I'unno, roughly four weeks." He chuckles. "And wear his skin as a hat eh? I think Tiernan would suit you as a hat far better."
Kalen: took another drag and beckoned Essex to follow him as he began to stride across the desert in no particular direction. It was just a relatively nice night, he always thought better when he was walking, and the
Kalen: - continually radiating heat from the exploded bunker was starting to piss him off. He waved a hand irritably. "There are any number of people I could flay until I had an entire bloody outfit." He almost swallowed
Kalen: - his cigarette when Essex mentioned neutrality. He stopped and turned to look at him with a faint, wry grin. "Have I not taught you anything, grasshopper? Good, evil, neutral...those are just labels that
Kalen: - get thrust upon us. For people like you and I...there's nothing but our actions and the way we deal with them." He snorted in disgust, muttering the word 'neutrality' under his breath like some sort of curse. "As for
Kalen: - SynTech, go ahead. I'm content to keep out of the public eye for a while. I'm sure this phase of shy, retiring Kalen is pretty damn temporary. I just need to decide on what will keep me amused next." A thought
Kalen: - seemed to occur to him as he stooped down, fumbling round his ankle before standing up clutching a flask. He took a swig and passed it to Essex without hesitation, letting out a satisfied sigh. "What happened to
Kalen: - Serenity, anyway? Wasn't she Mayor of New Hope or something? Couldn't you have just bought her out like we used to? I miss the old days of corrupt government officials. Hell, I miss the days where people knew me by
Kalen: - sight, and if they weren't afraid of me they sure as hell were once I'd finished with them." 
Essex: takes the flask and swigs back some before handing it over to Kalen, without hesitation as well. "True, but then people would start to notice when the children and super models came up missing,
Essex: (*) 'cause we all know you want the finer things in life. And they've the best skin." He nods joking and shrugs. "Well, SENSEI," He puts emphasize on the word sarcastically. "It's been hard,
Essex: (*) when, well, you haven't been around. Hehe, as for SynTech... I figured since you didn't really know anything about... anything there... that I could just take it over and you can reap the
Essex: (*) benefits as a blanket company... 'cause Syndicate Enterprises would be nice right about now, especially with the opening of SynCity soon." He pulls out his matchbox of toothpicks again
Essex: (*) and slides it open, offering one to Kalen. "And Serenity is dead. Me, Shim, and Oaftres creamated her... it was a sight to see, you should've been there, Boss."
Xerokine: -*- "So that's what happened." A voice drifted down from the spire of fused sand and clouded glass, where a dark figure perched along the side of the artificial tower. A sudden, mysterious crack of lightning illuminated the tower from 
Xerokine: -*- behind, the light streaming through the glass and lighting up the man's silhouette. His cloaked flapped in a sudden breeze, his black hair drifted in the wind, and his golden eyes narrowed to yellow slits. "Yo." With feline ease, the man 
Xerokine: -*- hopped down and landed a few yards away from the two men, sand shifting around his booted feet. "Long time, no see... DeArtair." His eyes flicked from the businessman to the reptile. "Essex. Haven't seen you since that run-in with 
Xerokine: -*- Shin. Whatever happened with -him-, I wonder." Xerokine flicked a strand of hair out of his face, glancing sidelong in the direction of the human capital. "And I was wondering who killed the idiot. Of course, she's not gone, you know. 
Xerokine: -*- Now she's possessing the brat."
Kalen: looked at Xerokine with a raised eyebrow. "Still alive, Caeruleus? Oh. Goody." There was the closest Kalen ever got to warmth beneath the sarcasm however, and he lightly tossed the flask of whiskey to Xerokine. "Drink up - we
Kalen: - were discussing the properties of human skin as a fashion accessory." Kalen dropped his cigarette butt and crushed it beneath a heel. "The brat, huh? I assume that would be this...Rini thing I keep hearing so much about. I
Kalen: - think you guys need to introduce me to her one day." Kalen paused and looked the other two over with a grin. "It hurts me to admit it's good to see you two again. You may actually be the closest thing I have to friends. And
Kalen: - I thought for a while there Shim might actually have managed to kill me like he's always wanted." Kalen paused, listened to himself and snorted in disgust. "Pass that damn flask back, I've either had too much to drink or
Kalen: - not enough. Either way, I want more." He shrugged out of his longcoat and threw it over his shoulder. "My mind is wandering a little. I think I'm still a little groggy from the transfer. So...Shim's still out there, I was
Kalen: - dead for a month, Serenity is dead but isn't dead and SynTech lives again. Anything else I missed?"
Essex: nods to Xerokine. "Hell if I know, I think we went off to fight Hirudegarne or Gilded Cunt or whatever it was called... no matter." He shrugs and turns back to Kalen, feigning flattery. "Awww,
Essex: (*) maybe I can reprogram you in your sleep never to say that again, I feel I want to vomit." He takes a tooth pick and sits it between his teeth before closing the match box and slipping it 
Essex: (*) back into his pocket. "As for anything else... I have a son."
Xerokine: absently tossed the bottle back toward the formr leader of the Syndicate. "Yeah, not dead yet. Though not for lack of the universe trying. One point of interest is that Techagi and I have started up our little ventures again." He 
Xerokine: -*- shrugged uncaringly, folding his arms against his chest. "More out of boredom then anything else. Of course, I guess Essex has found another way of passing the time. A son?" he echoed skeptically, flicking his cloak back from where it 
Xerokine: -*- had been blown forward by the desert winds. "What, you found another malformed dragon like yourself and spawned a litter of dragonlings? 
Kalen: stared at Essex cooly for a long moment, as if daring the man...mutant...dragony freak thing... to crack and give in. "You have a son. You. Of all people, you have a son? Essex, didn't you used to eat people's faces?
Kalen: - What in the seven hells made you thought you'd be capable of rearing a child? How is the child not dead? Or at least emotionally, mentally and physically scared for life?" There was a long pause and then Kalen grinned
Kalen: - evilly. "And can I be Uncle Kalen? Because if you haven't gotten around to all the scarring yet, well....that's the best part." Kalen's hand shot out and caught the incoming flask, directing the whiskey down his throat
Kalen: - in a smooth motion until the flask was empty. At which point he stretched out a fingertip. A thin stream of whiskey shot out of the tip, refilling the flask. "Being a soulless android and barely knowing if I'm
Kalen: - nothing more than a weak copy of what Kalen was totally pales in comparison to being able to synthesize my own cheap booze." He drew out another cigarette and quickly lit it. "So, Greg is still around too? Haven't
Kalen: - seen him in far too long. Let's just say I get back into 'the game' again, start rebuilding my fortune and empire. What happens now? We going to join forces again like the old days? Make the galaxy quake beneath our 
Kalen: - footsteps? Or just sit around and play cards and drink a lot?"
Essex: chuckles. "I wasn't always a mutant y'know. About sixteen years ago, I met this woman named Laura... we had a son together, his name's Orii... I'll introduce you to him one day, he's gonna 
Essex: (*) help me run SynCity and possibly take over SynTech... he's got a lot of spunk, and he isn't that pissed at me for being a deadbeat who was never around for his entire life." He coughs
Essex: (*) into his hand as if to change the subject. "But yeah, you can be Uncle Kalen... the boy needs some more immoral corruption, considering he's pretty fucked up as it is... and not to mention
Essex: (*) Greg took off his hand and I had to replace it." He chuckles. "I'unno... I'd be all for being the four Universal Powers..." He turns to Xerokine. "I'm constructing a city, &rSyn&zCity&w...
Essex: (*) I was wondering if you'd like to open a Draconian Enterprise branch down there since Greg is openin' one for Techagi Industries down there... c'mon, all the cool people are doing it."
Xerokine: -*- "Scarring is fun," Xerokine acknowledged, tapping a slender finger against his chin. "I prefer the ones you can see, though. Emotional scars aren't nearly as easy to show off." The man flicked back his cloak, tracing the edge of his own 
Xerokine: -*- unscarred jawline with a satisfied smirk. Saiyans rarely scarred unless the wound was extreme or kept from healing normally. "And I don't know about the two of you, but I'm not satisfied with the comfortable rule we had before," he 
Xerokine: -*- said bluntly, creasing his brow at the recollection. "If we're going to start this up again, we should have a defined goal in mind. Galactic conquest. Genocide. The start of a universal religion that has us as deities. Something to keep it 
Xerokine: -*- interesting." His shoulders rose and fell with a careless shrug. "It doesn't really matter which. Though unless your whelp is half-trained, he won't be much use. If Techagi took off his arm, I can't see him being very strong. The 
Xerokine: -*- halfbreed doesn't usually maim people unless they annoy him. Or if they look at him funny. Or if he looks at them funny. Or is they walk past him." Xerokine paused, humming softly to himself. "Or if he gets bored. You know, 
Xerokine: -*- whenever. But sure, I'll have a Draconian branch in your city of Syn." A smirk flickered across Xerokine's lips. "Nice name, by the way. Where is it? Are we blowing up New Hope City, maybe, and replacing it?" His eyes flicked slyly 
Xerokine: -*- toward DeArtair. "Wouldn't be a first for you."
Kalen: snickered softly at Xerokine's remark, flicking his longcoat back on and taking another long drag of his cigarette, gazing thoughtfully at the glowing head for a moment as he exhaled. "A mutant, a halfbreed, a saiyan and
Kalen: - an android? Hell, if a plan of galactic domination doesn't work, we can always try becoming a popular childrens band and overtaking the hearts and souls of the masses that way." Shrugging his shoulders, Kalen extinguished
Kalen: - his second cigarette, a smile playing over his lips. "SynCity sounds quite fun..and as good a place as any for me to start rebuilding what I lost. I don't think I'd be too popular in New Hope City at the moment. Too many
Kalen: - people with far too long memories. You'd think I set out to commit mass genocide every day of the week, the way some of them harass me. That city had it coming." Kalen's grin was getting larger at the recollection of 
Kalen: - watching the city disintegrate as he nuked it from mid-air. "Fun times. Simpler times." Kalen's eyes - quite literally in this case - lit up as he considered a new idea. "Although I guess we'd have to speak on behalf
Kalen: - of Techagi, who doesn't have the bloody decency to be here, tell me gentlemen...have you ever heard the tale of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse? I'm thinking of a way we could have our mass genocide and
Kalen: - adoring religious fanatics all in one..."
Xerokine: snorted indignantly. "No," he drawled, rolling his eyes. "Never heard of them. Except that one time, when we had to find those keys, and fight them, for those orbs, so we could defeat Apocalypse, who killed Quinton... ringing 
Xerokine: -*- any bells?" Xerokine shook his head at the 'droids memory. "So, four of us, four of them. You're suggesting we pretend we're some mythical horsemen so we can justify the killing and the slaughter with religion mumbo jumbo, as 
Xerokine: -*- well as garner a nice following of weakminded fanatics to be our army of the expendable?" The Saiyan shrugged, half-turning away with a considering look on his face. "Sounds good to me. Do we get horses? And which one am I?" He 
Xerokine: -*- smirked, letting his cloak billow out dramatically. "Death?"
Kalen: grinned at Xerokine's sarcasm, reaching out to pat him on the shoulder lightly. "Stop , your sarcasm is puncturing my balloon of the extragant dramatics. Yes, you've got the basic concept right. I mean, really, if we're
Kalen: - messianic figures promising a better life - or really just sex, drugs and anarchy, young people today are delightfully stupid like that - and trillions of innocent people die in the process, why, we'll just be like any
Kalen: - other organized religion!" Kalen shrugged and ran a hand through his hair idly. "Horses? I dunno, guess so, if you want to. Might want to make it a mechanical one though - real life flesh and blood horses are a little
Kalen: - unreliable when you subject them to ki blasts." Kalen smiled in fond reflection. "And my wasn't that fun finding out." He raised an eyebrow at Xerokine's display. "Death, my friend? No...I think War, for you. I'll take 
Kalen: - Death for the simple reason that I can do...this." Kalen paused and looked at Xerokine for a moment, the flesh on his body turning back to liquid metal, his whole form leaking off him to leave nothing more than
Kalen: - a gleaming mechanical exoskeleton, two red eyes burning cruelly in the night. When he spoke it was in a much lower, deader tone. "Death, War, Pestilence and Famine. You know, this could be quite the laugh."
Xerokine: quirked an eyebrow at Kalen's transformation to a mechanically inclined skeleton, complete with ominous voice. "Nifty," he remarked. "I suppose War could be fun, too. After all, I'd get to keep my sword. Plus I can not only 
Xerokine: -*- kill people en masse, but I can just start wars - which is very amusing, let me tell you. Nothing is better then seeing how slight your influence can be in order to spark off a huge conflict filled with death and dismay..." He trailed off with
Xerokine: -*- a sigh. "Anyway. Motorcycles, maybe? It's like a horse, but can come equipped with machine guns, rocket engines, and whatnot."
Kalen: reformed slowly - the process of painstakingly recreating his appearance and favoured clothing out of nothing but liquid metal was clearly a little more difficult than simply letting the facade dissolve away into
Kalen: - nothing, but eventually he was back to normal as if nothing had ever happened. He took a hefty swig from the flask and nodded to Xerokine. "Motorcycles are pretty good indeed, but not really noted for their
Kalen: - capacity of flying. Unless we give them wings, and have you ever seen a motorcycle with wings that didn't look totally crap? I mean, really, if we're going to inspire millions to worship us as the gods of the universe
Kalen: - that we clearly are, I'd like to do it with a tiny bit of class, thankyou very much." Another swig and Kalen slipped the flask back into its spot at his ankle, standing up with a shrug. "We'll get Essex to whip something
Kalen: - up for us, perhaps. Hell, he's meant to be the technical genius or something, right? I lost my inclinations towards technology the second I learnt it was quicker to just drive your first through someones forehead." He
Kalen: - gave a helpless shrug. "Anyway. To the Four Horsemen...this could be the start of a beautiful fanatic murder cult. I'd better go and find Essex - my fortune isn't going to rebuild itself and the bastard owes me a
Kalen: - substantial sum of money. If you ever need to look me up, I'm sure you'll be able to find me easily. See you round, Caeruleus." With a flippant wave, Kalen turned on his heel and strode off into the night. After about
Kalen: - the fourth step, he simply seemed to shift into a burst of dark black smoke, rapidly dissolving into nothingness as he sought after Essex and a new future.
Lye: felt himself growling lightly, his eyes remaining closed in concentration.  He had been at 100x Earths gravity for over twelve hours doing nothing, but holding himself upside down doing the occasional vertical pushup.  
Lye: (c)His goal was of course muscular endurance.  He would worry about building strength later on, but his style of fighting was usually very straining on the body, and the more endurance he had, the longer he would be able to go.
Lye: (c)So for hours upon hours he would train, in one physically straining position or another, being pulled down by higher gravity then he would live his day.  It was a decent training regiment he supposed, although his power was rising oh so slowly.
Lye: let himself own slowly, carefully controlling his movements.  He supposed he had been training long enough, his muscles were crying out in agony and wanted to rest.  &z'Still weak...'  &WHe thought to himself mumbling.
Lye: (c)In a few seconds he had wiped the sweat from his body, and stepped out of the capsule.  &z'Why can't I push myself, why am I unable to sustain the form of Super Namek?  Have I fallen so far?'  &WHis thoughts echoed
Lye: (c)on the empty, walls, waiting for an answer that he knew wouldn't come.  He was weak because his body was in a comatose state for hundreds, or perhaps even thousands of years.  It was a miracle he himself didn't look like an elder.
Lye: (c)With a deep sigh glanced at the late night park around him, inhaling sharply the fresh scent of the plants around him. It was an enjoyable smell he supposed.  Tapping a button on his sleeve and the massive gravity chamber
Lye: (c)behind him vanished, turning into a small capsule which he put into his pocket to be used again later. &z'Perhaps i'll go for tea...  It always helps me relax, think of my next course of action.'  &WWith a nod he began to walk.   
Essex: takes a deep breath through his nose, savoring the smell as he steps into the restaurant. "Tea, eh?" He asks, walking up to the podium and leaning onto it. "Hey, Makara hon, my usual booth?"
Essex: (*) The mutant hostess blushes and nods, walking him over to his usual corner booth. "Thanks dear." He playfully pops her on the butt as she walks away. He sits down in the booth and 
Essex: (*) scoots over against the walling, coughing into his hand.
Lye: walked slowly, he didn't know his way around this planet that well.  Although he found its makeup to be similar to most of the ones he had visited.  The locals didn't mind him, even though he was namekian by nature,
Lye: (c)they looked at him and saw a genetic mutation, a flaw in his blue flesh.  He always thought of it as a mark of individuality, setting him aside from the namekian way of thinking.  With a chuckle he reached a corner restaurant,  
Lye: (c)smiling at the various scents.  A joyful think about going to a different planet, was the different cuisines they would have.  And most of them were edible, even if nameks didn't have to eat... &z'Although, a tasty human hits the spot..'
Lye: (c)He shook the thought of munching on humans for the moment, that would come once again with time.  Another second and he pushed through the elegantly colored glass fixture of the restaurant, waiting for the hostess to return.  
Lye: bowed his head gracefully to the hostess, noticing that he was still wearing his physical training attire.  &p"Ah, sorry about the clothes lass."  &WWith a grin his placed his palm over his chest, a burst of energy flowing over him.
Lye: (c)A second later the energy faded and his simple purple training GI was replaced with an casual purple suit, open jacket and no tie.   Slowly he removed the fedora, placing it on the hat rack.  "Right this way sir."  
Lye: (c)Her tone was somewhat surprised, but her facial expression remained calm.  She could easily pass for human, although it was indeed her eyes that gave her away as a member of the mutants race.  He followed her to his seat.  
Lye: (c)They had seated him at a booth in the back. Big enough for four, or perhaps five adults tops.  He needed naught so much room, but it wasn't his restaurant and he didn't particularly care if they chose to waste space.
Lye: (c)He sat silently, staring at the table for a moment, making sure it was clean enough to eat off of.  &p"Miss, have my server bring me sweet tea, with a slice of lemon.  Thank you."  &WShe nodded at him then quickly walked off.  
Sert: enters the mutant restaurant, a funky gleam in his shifty black eyes. Sert felt compelled to explore this strange planet, hoping by chance he would meet a misfit such as himself; of course, he appeared namek, but... 'Why this restaurant?'
Sert: takes back the black hoodie to better reveal his frowning features. Out of the corner of his eye, a spot of blue irritates him. "Smurf!" Shoving past a hostess and a weary waiter, Sert plops down into the booth. 'Well, I guess this is a better
Sert: - find then another like myself. Hell, they probably dont even exist.' Grinning powerfully, Sert punches the arm of Lye. "I never -did- kill you. You owe me, I think."
Lye: felt his eyebrows drop into a glare at the rude behavior of the young namekian in regard tot he hostess.  Foolish it is to insult those who help in the preparation of one's meal.  He glanced at the hostess, his antennae pointing at her.
Lye: (c) &B<...> &WHe said something to her telepathically, keeping it hidden from the rest of the universe, mostly form the likes of Sert.  &p"Young Namek, have a seat.  And if you should try to kill me in such a place..." 
Lye: (c)He chuckled deeply as his deep purple eyes tore through the young namek, &p"Well, the consequences for such actions would be harsh, the mutants don't like violence inside of their establishments."  
Sert: leans onto the elbow furthest from the blue namek, unhappy with the lecture. "You're all talk.. How superior we are, how built for war we are.. How I can become so much more than I am now." The black eyes dart over to another passing by waitress,
Sert: - making eye contact with her for a brief moment. Grunting at her, Sert attempts to scare her.. Though she doesn't seem to notice or care much. "I wouldn't start shit here.. I'd probably lose more than-" Recalling the events of last night,
Sert: snickers. "More than an arm. You gonna teach me that regrowing of limbs thing?"
Lye: chuckled lightly nodding, &p"Sure, i'll teach you how to regrow your limbs."  &WHe heard the hostess voice in his head telepathically, laughing lightly.  &p"All you have to do is rip it off, then I'll teach you."  
Sert: narrows his eyes into tiny slits, grumbling a curse word. With that off his chest, he shakes his head. "No. I'll pass on that for now..." The was a distinct lack of trust for the smurf radiating off the younger namek. "I can always figure that
Sert: - out myself. Maybe. How about some of that other good things you mentioned?" Uhming, Sert tries to bring up the events of the prior meeting. "Knowledge of the ancestors? I wouldn't mind partaking in that." 'Thousands of generations of
Sert: - knowledge at my fingertips? Hells yes! Put me down for some of that action.' The idea was appealing to him.
Lye: bowed his head at his waitress as she approached, another fair skinned women who could easily pass as human...  If not for her cat like ears and her demonic leathery tail.  &z'Kinky...  I think I just found dinner.'  
Lye: (c)His purple eyes landed on the young namekian again, &p"Ah yes, your ancestral knowledge, that's an easy one.  Once you reach certain plateaus in your training, you will find the only way to become stronger mentally is to.."
Lye: (c)He stopped  for a second, there was always the art of chikara was used to gain power of the physical kind but was lacking in enlightenment, the two however normally stacked.  &p"Tear down the blockades in your mind."
Lye: (c)He continued his long boring speech, things he had already experienced over and over again.  &p"Then you'll start seeing glimpses, things from your fathers life.  Later on it'll become clearer, you're grandfathers life, then your great..."
Lye: (c)He assumed he had made the point, &p"It's more of a natural thing really, whether you realize the you have the knowledge and experience or not, it's there.  It's a way to learn family techniques without actually having to be taught."  
Lye: (c)He sipped his tea slowly, enjoying the iced fluid running down his parched throat.  &p"I found that I learned the most important shit in times of duress, techniques that have left cities in ruin.  It's really quite arousing, using your family t
Sert: sits up straight in the booth, soaking in the speech with his pointy ears. A smile develops. "So our natural greatness comes to us. Good.." It sent a shiver down his spine. All the know-how was within his mind.. Sert had only to tap
Sert: - eye. "Ahh.. It's a wonder a namek hasn't taken over the universe yet. Even if most of them are peaceful. There's always a bunch of weeds that deviate..." Another shiver.
Sert: - into the warehouse of knowledge. This was definitely only adding to the view that life was, indeed, a game for Sert to play. "Watch out universe; your ass is MINE!" Laughing diabolically, with over the top acting, Sert wipes away a tear in his
Lye: finished his glass of tea relaxed, chuckling at the youthful expressions of the namek.  &p"You would've already know this shit if you're daddy had been around." &WHe stood up, placing a few dozen zeni on the table, extra for a tip.
Lye: (c) &p"Now fot the part where I abduct a waitress, and have lunch.  I'll see you back on Earth kid."  &WHe waited, acting like he was waiting for the young namekian to say something as the waitress approached the two.
Lye: (c)He calmly placed his right hand on her shoulder, his left coming up to his temple with two fingers out.  The pair vanished from restaurant, a fine black mist being left behind.  A second later he was glancing at his lab,
Lye: (c)his eyes darting over the young mutant girls flesh before she started screaming.  A second and he pulled her close, his jaws opening wide and dropping down on her throat.  Her blood was sour, a sign of perhaps a bacteria.
Lye: (c)He ignored it, he had a great hunger for the flesh and she had been unlucky.  Soon however, she had stopped screaming, still alive as the shock set in.  Not every day you're eaten alive by a blue namekian.  
Lye: (c)He knocked her out, and dragger her limp form to the kitchen.  He had guest to entertain, and although the bacteria wouldn't affect him, his guest would most likely perish because of the mutant virus.  All was working out.  
Greg: -*- A megalithic black building resided with the corporate center of Aqua Polis.  It's windows were all a reflective tint of black, giving the impression that there were actually no windows, no way of seeing in or out.  Upon said building
Greg: (C) was the emblem, "T-Industries" in bold red letters across each side.  Within the build a man wearing black strap-up knee-high boots, blood red pants, a black long-sleaved shirt, a red clamp-on vest and a blood red trench-coat
Greg: (C) rested non-chalantly against the front dest.  He grinned his trademark grin as he brushed a bit of his platinum silver hair out of his sky blue eyes, chuckling at a shared joke between him and the front desk secretary: Some green-eyed
Greg: (C) bomb-shell with red hair.  Whether she actually had the secretarial qualifications or not was irrelevent, she was hot.  The scene comes to play, "-and then he said Leeeeerrrroooooyyyyy Jeeeeeennnnkiiiiiinnnnnssss!" And the man and the
Greg: (C) secretary proceeded to bust out laughing.  It was just another day at the office for Greg Techagi it seemed...
Sert: * The black hoodied namek quirks a brow, gazing up at the impressive structure before him. "T Industries," Sert reads with malice. A journey spanning the galaxy, from Freezar to Earth, led him here, before this black tower dominating the rest of
Sert: - Aqua Polis; an ominous presence among all other companies spread out around it. "Could it be...?" Memories stir in his mind: a splash of colour against his icer armor, stained now with the blood of his adoptive parents. Their last words etched
Sert: - into his mind: 'Techagi'. The hood lowers, Sert's eyes returning to the present, to the front doors of the lobby. Garbed in his favourite (and only) hoodie, blue jeans, and black boots, Sert stalks into the building, approaching the laughter
Sert: - of the secretary and other. "Excuse me," the namek speaks, almost politely to the female. "But would the 'T' in T Industries stand, by any chance, for 'Techagi'?" The woman calms down from the joke, and proceeds to nod casually: "Yes".
Sert: grins widely, bowing to signify his thanks. "Do me a favour.. Page Mr Techagi," a sphere of white energy encases the namek, humming softly as it grows to expand himself, and a fair bit of area around. The energy reflects in his eyes, as bolts
Sert: - stray from the aura and smash into random objects, including the front desk. "Tell him he has a guest!" Laughing awkwardly, Sert begins to fire off random bursts of the white energy around the lobby; just plain ol' wrecking up the place.
Greg: quirked an eyebrow at the de-hooded green, pointy-eared individual that just walked into his lobby asking the secretary for...him.  He then frowns in a very disapproving manner as the namekian proceeds to blast away bits and pieces
Greg: (C) of said lobby.  The secretary bomb-shell he had been flirting with screams in a panic, along with most other residents of the previously non-destroyed lobby, as they proceed to run away.  The man in the blood red long-coat closes
Greg: (C) his eyes and shakes his head, bracing his forehead between his forefinger and thumb, "You know..." He almost sighs the words out as he opens his eyes to look at the namekian, "I just had this place re-modeled." The man says in a
Greg: (C) rather irritated tone, "You better pay for the damages or else I will become very upset."
Sert: 's fireworks come to a halt, though the white fires continue to burn, his eyes still glowing an intense white. "Aww.. Did I upset you? I'm sowwy." The mock tone is followed with a raised, open palm. Before the palm, the glowing fire gives way to
Sert: - a lunging forward white beam. The thin, narrow white blast charges straight to Greg's chest, intent on piercing him right through. Whether that'd work or not, was another thing. "Send me Techagi!!" Roaring the command, it's obvious Sert didn't
Sert: - pick up on the subtle hint. Nor did he seem prepared to accept 'no' for an answer.
Greg: quirked up at eyebrow at the namekian figure as he fired a beam of energy towards him, "Oh brother..." The man in the blood red long-coat rolled his eyes in a rather condescending manner. Raising a single gloved hand the energy blast makes
Greg: (C) contact with it and is then effortlessly deflected out a nearby window, outside of the lobby, "I do so hate repeating myself..." The man's form flickered out of sight only to appear behind the Namekian's flaming form.  The only
Greg: (C) hint that the man was still in the lobby was the sudden impact the Namekian felt in his mid-section as he is thrusted, rather forcefully out of the lobby through a nearby window.  The man in the red long-coat re-materializes in front
Greg: (C) of the Namekian with his arms crossed over his chest, "You called for me.  To what do I owe the pleasure?"
Essex: coughs into his hand as he steps out of a swirling portal of darkness. The portal closes shut behind Essex as he looks around. "So, I tried to take a page from you and Xerokine, but portals of
Essex: (*) evil and such aren't my mode of transportation, that was just creepy." He looks around the room, slipping his hands into his pockets. "So, Techagi, what's it doing?" He asks, pulling
Essex: (*) out a wooden matchbox. He slides it open, retrieving a toothpick from it. He puts the toothpick in his mouth and slides the box shut, dropping it back on his pocket. 
Sert: skids along the cement street, rolling onto all fours in the middle of the road, just as Greg appears. Wide eyed, breathing hard, mostly out of shock, Sert stares with unblinking eyes at the ground. Traveling the galaxy ever since leaving
Sert: - Freezar, never had Sert encountered someone without Icerian bloodline with such fierce speed and power. Of course, he was new to uncontrolled battle situations. Shoving off the road and back onto his feet, a green middle finger finds itself
Sert: - saluting the owner of T Industries, along with Sert glaring at the man devilishly. "I have questions for you, and a bit of pain to inflict." The words rang in his own ears, filling him with a sense of stupidity. 'A threat, after he just did THAT
Sert: - to me? Good move.' The sudden appearance of the other only adds to the horrible feeling of foreboding damnation. "Your scientists fucked with my DNA. I demand amends!"  'Who the FUCK am I kidding? He is going to whip my green ass purple.'
Greg: scratched his head thoughtfully at this imputent Namekian, a look of confusion clear upon his face, "I did what to you? I don't remember banging any Namekians in the past...ever...I'm sorry, but you must be mistaken.  I'm not your daddy,
Greg: (C) I don't owe you anything and I'm not going to start paying child support now." He reaches underneath his blood-red long-coat and pulls out a chrome-plated Desert Eagle and points it at the Namekian, "And if you insist on 
Greg: (C) carrying on like some kind of retarded green bean." He pulls the hammer back with his thumb and tilts his head to the side slightly, smirking, "Well, I'll just have to shoot you dead right here and now."
Xerokine: -*- "Guns again?" The voice came from a cloaked figure just leaving the lobby, one hand brushing back an unruly strand of black hair from his amused amber eyes. "And you say I switch weapons a lot." His gaze flicked briefly over at the 
Xerokine: -*- Namekian, paused long enough to deduce that it wasn't Tiak or Lye, then moved back to the halfbreed. "What, did you get robbed?" Xerokine stopped about a yard away, his arms folding against his chest. "You clearly need better 
Xerokine: -*- security. This guy looks like he couldn't rob the cradle."
Sert: lowers the raised finger, sheepishly. Definitely in over his head; Greg was toying with him. "I.." Sert's mind went blank. There wasn't a feasible idea in him that would get him out of being shot in the skull by a super powered man, and his
Sert: - onlooking buddies playing back up with commentary. 'I could always just...' The flames of white flare up, his eyes glowing once more as he locks onto Greg's eyes. "Maybe a demonstration will help?" A screeching of metal on cement signals the
Sert: - quick sliding arrival of a dumpster. Lid open, garbage flying out all over, sparks kicking up in its highspeed wake, it heads on a direct course for Greg from the mans left. Sert, meanwhile, twiddles his thumbs.
Greg: glanced over his shoulder at the dark cloaked figure that simply appeared from the shadows, "Tsk, at least I'm consistent Cae-er..." Greg raised an eyebrow at the Namekians actions.  Now...if only they were a bit more subtle, he may
Greg: (C) have actually gotten the drop on Techagi.  However, in the case of throwing a dumpster full of trash at him, that was definitely...-less- than subtle.  Greg's eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head as Xerokine's form flickered out
Greg: (C) of sight as a dome of shifting black and red swirling energies forms around Greg's image.  The dumpster that was previously mentioned stopped inches away from hitting the barrier, along with the trash it contained, "Come now..." Came a
Greg: (C) voice from inside the domed energies, "A dumpster? Are you kidding me!?" The black and red dome flares out wildly forcing the dumpster and it's disheaveled contents to be launched away from his form.  Greg had not even bothered moving out
Greg: (C) of the way like Xerokine had, who happened to show back up after the trash had settled, "Subtle, Techagi." The cloaked man comments dryly, "Oh shut up.  It's not like it was -my- idea to hurl trash."
Xerokine: -*- "Fascinating," the cloaked man replied in a flat deadpan, his expression suggesting that it was anything but. "Anyway, I have something I should probably tell you." Xerokine casually walked over and began whispering into the 
Xerokine: -*- halfbreed's ear. A few words were audible, such as 'DeArtair', 'horse', 'war', and 'famine', at which point Techagi's face looked like he had eaten an sour banana in one bite. He hissed something back at Xerokine, which contained several 
Xerokine: -*- swear words, and Xerokine replied with something that sounded like 'conquest', 'Essex', and 'wookie'. "Anyway," the cloaked Saiyan finished, leaning back and talking with a normal tone. "Who is this idiot?" He jerked a finger at the 
Xerokine: -*- Namek. "What do your shades say about his powerlevel?"
Essex: takes a breath through his nose, breathing in the clean Aqua Polis air. "Tasty." He says, looking around. He had decided on making a surprise visit to Techagi Industries today, to 
Essex: (*) return the favor of Greg showing up and... breaking his son's hand. "I wonder if Greg has a child I could own... heh." He says aloud, putting a little pop into his step as he begins
Essex: (*) to hum. He stops in his tracks and stares ahead, seeing the events unfold ahead. "Hmm..." He steps to the side, seeming to step into nothingness, only to step out of mid-air right
Essex: (*) beside Xerokine. "Sup, Xerokine?" He coughs into his hand before lowering them to his pockets, slipping them in. "What's goin' on?"
Greg: raises an eyebrow at Xerokine and frowned thoughtfully, "Oh...right." Greg removes a pair of fancy looking shades from the inside of his long-coat and places them over his eyes.  Tapping a tiny button on the side of the shades a series
Greg: (C) of numbers flash before Greg's eyes.  The numbers continue to run upwards before stopping and flashing a number at Greg.  Greg raises an eyebrow at this number before taking his shades off, holding them in the palm of his free hand,
Greg: (C) "It's over NINE-THOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSSAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDD!!" Greg then proceeds to crush the shades, which probably cost a small fortune to make in the first place, into tiny bits of metal and
Greg: (C) wires.  Greg's face was one of intense frustration.  The hooded figure looked at Greg for a period of time, "Uh...Why did you do that Techagi?"  Greg blinked at this question and looked down at his fist, opening it up to view the
Greg: (C) crushed items that were still there, "Uh..." Greg's blank face pretty much said it all, "I don't really know...it sounded cool?" He looks back to cloaked man, an embarrassed chuckle escaping his lips.  Greg could practically see the
Greg: (C) cloaked man's eyes roll up in his head, "Idiot..."
Xerokine: rolled his eyes at Techagi's antics. "How very amusing," he said dryly. "About what i said, talk to DeArtair if you decide. Or the lizard," he added, jerking a thumb toward Essex. "Whichever really. I have an appointment to keep, 
Xerokine: -*- so I'll leave the trouncing of Namekians to you." With a jaunty wave and a flick of his cloak, Xerokine vanished in a sudden flash of unlight, leaving no trace except a small scorch on the pavement.
Greg: waves his hand slightly to let the debris from his expensive shades fall to the ground.  The Namekian, still on the ground was apparently in deep shock from what had just happened as his only response to the scene that had just occured
Greg: (C) before him was one of gawking amazement.  Greg rolled his eyes at the green mans inability to take a good beating and just walks up to the Namekian's floored form, "I told you..." Greg aimed the barrel of his chrome .45 Desert Eagle at
Greg: (C) the Namekian's chest and pulled the trigger, planting a bullet clean in his torso.  Purple blood spurted out of the hole the bullet created and the Namekian collapsed onto the group.  A pool of purple liquid forming underneath him.
Greg: sighed loudly as he holstered his .45 and pulled out a small cell phone.  Flipping it open and pressing a button he puts it to his ear, eyeing Essex up warrily, "Yeah...Tai? Listen, get a clean up crew down to the first floor." Greg's eyes
Greg: (C) flickered to the destroyed lobby, "Actually, make that a HAZMAT crew and a construction crew. Do this. Now." He closes the phone and looks at Essex with a furrowed brow, "Famine? What the fuck man..."
Essex: chuckles and raises his hand in feign fear. "Whoa man, all the good ones were taken." He grins and looks down at Sert. "S'funny, ya know... just the other day, my son was beating the shit
Essex: (*) out of him... and then you beat the shit out of my son... and then you just possibly killed him." He looks at Greg, a bit dumbfounded. "I guess that only leaves me on your list of Things
Essex: (*) To Do then, eh?" He snickers and turns, slipping his hands in his pockets and looking up at the tower. "So, you interested in it? I mean... if you wanna be Famine, unless you could think
Essex: (*) of something better..."
Greg: raises a hand to his face and pinches the bridge of his nose, shaking his head thoughtfully, "I swear..." He mutters under his breath a long string of slurred curse words, "Okay look, I'm not going to be Famine, okay? So forget about it..."
Greg: walks up to Essex and eyeballs the man thoughtfully, placing a hand in a spare pocket and pulling out a cigarillo.  Placing the cigarillo between his pursed lips he pulls out a Zippo lighter with his free hand and lights the tip. Taking a
Greg: (C) deep breath in, he closes the lighter and pockets it before sighing out a large cloud of noxious fumes, "I'll take Conquest.  Somebody else can be the bitch.  Maybe your son would like to be Famine." Greg holds up one hand, "Famine."
Greg: holds up his second hand, "Pestilence." He raises and lowers the hands as though he were a human scale, "The two kind of go hand and hand."
Essex: jokingly raises his hand, counting on his fingers. "War... Death... Conquest... Pestilence..." He stares at his for fingers, then moves his thumb out. "Famine... that'd be the FIVE HORSEMEN, meaning
Essex: (*) one of us would have to be the Son of God or something, otherwise it'd throw everything off." He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a plastic wrapped tooth pick. "So..." He slowly unwraps the
Essex: (*) toothpick and raises it to his mouth, holding it between his teeth. "SynCity'll be open in two days, if you wanna be there for the Grand Opening Ceremony."
Greg: shrugs lightly at Essex as a team of men in bio-hazard suits show up and look at Greg through their visors.  Greg raises an eyebrow at the men and points to the blooding namekian body, "Get him into a containment cell immediately." There
Greg: (C) is no explanation given as to WHY they should be doing this, simply a command.  The HAZMAT team went to work almost instantly, picking up the green body and carrying it off into the lobby and out of sight down a random corridor.
Greg: looked at Essex and once again shrugged lightly, "I don't know.  I'll have to see which side of the bed I wake up on and who I wake up with..." Greg lets out a shallow sigh, exhaling more of the tobacco smoke from his burning cancer stick,
Greg: (C) "I may just not feel up to a public appearance.  Regardless..." He rubs his chin between a forefinger and a thumb as though in deep thought, "I suppose I will have to come by eventually."
Essex: nods and crosses his arms over his chest, watching the HAZMAT team taking the body away. "I didn't know you had a Hazardous Material team... I should invest in one of those, since I claimed 
Essex: (*) Pestilence after all." He grins a bit, chewing on the end of his toothpick. "No pressure, everyone is gonna knowTechagi Industries is there... you don't NEED to make a public appearence,
Essex: (*) you should actually probably keep a low profile, otherwise you'll get all my sexy secretaries on your nuts... and we both know you don't want that."
Greg: shrugged lightly towards Essex again and nodded solemnly, "They are kind of a pre-requisite for having a genetics facility.  Hazardous materials, dead bodies, wasteful contamination and what not..." Greg seemed to have lost a lot of his
Greg: (C) momentum after he lodged a bullet into the Namekian's chest, "That was like a pre-mature orgasm." Greg comments rather dryly and out of the blue, "Lot's of build up but no real pay off of any sort." Greg thrusts his hands into his coat
Greg: (C) pockets and closes his eyes, groaning, "I'm feeling very unsatisified. I think I'm going to go find that green-eyed red head I was talking to earlier and fuck her to get it out of my system.  Feel free to pick another tasty
Greg: (C) morsel." Greg waddles his way back into the partially destroyed lobby and disappears down a lone corridor, leaving Essex to fend for his own grab assery."
Essex: shrugs, watching Greg leave. "Later Techagi." He says rather dryly, turning around on his heel and stepping sideways, disappearing into nothing.
Sert: slowly begins to stir, going from mumbling incoherent talk, gradually into self-narrated consciousness. "... my... ass... hurts... warm feeling in chest..." These feelings were hopefully unrelated, he thought. The sensation in his chest was
Sert: - unlike anything ever experienced by the teenager. Was it love? It was described to him in the past by others, but most of them were dead now. 'Can a namek even feel love?' The philosophical moment is interupted, as he opens groggy eyes, taking
Sert: - in the sight of his laid down self, with a nasty looking wound in the chest. "Oh yea! That pecker shot me." Purple still oozed from the spot, but it looked like it was controlled to some extent. Struggling against bindings holding him to the
Sert: - medical table, Sert then becomes aware of his surroundings; some sort of isolated room, full of research equipment, with dohickies attached to him all over, and random wires pumping him with drugs. "Ass really hurts..." The namek was incredibly
Sert: - disoriented; blood loss or drugs kicking in. "Helloooooo... I'd like to go home now... thanks for the hospitality..."
Greg: -*- A pool of darkness formed on the floor in front of the surgical table.  It at first appeared as a pit of darkness sinking in on itself.  Then a dark portal shoots up out of the pool, forming a semi-oval shaped sphere of darkness that
Greg: (C) seems to cascade in upon itself while at the same time giving off small whisps of darkness that seem to just evaporate in the air, "So..." A voice echos from within the darkness, "You're awake." And with that a familiar man steps
Greg: (C) through the dark portal looking rather arrogant and snobish, "I'm sorry." He comments sterily as the portal behind him collapses on itself and disappears, "I didn't catch your name before I put a bullet in your chest. I am Mr.
Greg: (C) Techagi, owner and CEO of Techagi Industries. Now..." Greg looks down at the Namekian, "Just who the hell are you?"
Sert: fidgets against the constraints, spitefully glaring at the man. "The prisoner bleeding all over your surgical equipment, you fuck. Untie me!" Though Sert was never self-motivated, he often found opportunities to say the stupidest things
Sert: - all on his own. Distracted his shooter, he forgot momentarily about the bullet wound. Pain reminds him of the injury, throbbing in his chest unforgivingly. 'Now would be the perfect time to unlock all those years of namek knowledge.. learn
Sert: - how to regenerate from battle... Ok. Here goes.. Learn it... NOW!' A pause in his actions. "God damnit," the namek whispers more to himself than anyone else. "The name is Sert..."
Greg: raises an eyebrow at the green skinned blood bucket, "Sert..." He says though word as though he were mulling it over in his mind, "Sert..." A second repetition of the name followed by a low 'Hrm...' It seemed Mr. Techagi was content to stand
Greg: (C) there and contemplate this creatures name while it bled to death on his surgical table, "OH!" Coming out of his revelay with a start Greg looks down at the Namekian, "Don't worry about your wound, the bullet went right through your
Greg: (C) body.  Saved us the trouble of having to dig it out of you.  The drugs being pumped through you right now are just some standard tranquilizers and pain killers." Greg moves over to a series of monitors and machines that obviously 
Greg: (C) seem to be keeping tabs on the Namekian, "I wouldn't recommend moving a whole lot.  We had to give you almost twice the recommended dosage..." Greg taps a few buttons for a few moments, switching between monitors, "That we would
Greg: (C) normal use to sterilize a rhinoceros." He grins lightly as he stands up and returns to the Namekian, "Sert. Do you mind if I ask you some questions before we continue?" Not waiting for a reponse Greg starts with the first question,
Greg: (C) "You have a very unique genetic structure for a Namekian.  Why do you suppose that is?"
Sert: seems perplexed by the question, but is soon over it, and incredibly amused. Madness, general amusement, or drug related... in any case, Sert began laughing powerfully, echoing throughout the room joyfully with his deep bellied chuckling.
Sert: closes his eyes, trying to calm down as he answers. "Shouldn't you know?!" More laughter bursts out from him, before another pause for speech. "You're responsible for what I am, Sir!" At this point, 'Techagi' was not a word he wanted to try and
Sert: - pronounce. "They told me so themselves." The laughter stops, thinking back to the closest thing he had to a family. And just like that, the mad laughing returns, as if the peaceful silence was just a quick prayer to the deceased.
Greg: raises an inquisitive eyebrow at the hysterical creature, perhaps he had given him too much drugs and it was making him delusional, "I see." He says in a rather medical manner.  Obviously this creature was delusional in the extreme, but
Greg: (C) oh well, Greg wasn't about to risk this being destroying more of his facilities just for the sake of sanity, "I'm not sure what it is you sought to accomplish by waltzing into my lobby and destroying it." Greg's face hardened at this
Greg: (C) prospect.  It had been several hours since that had happened and Greg had banged that secretary to work of his frustrations.  He was pretty sure she was still upstairs, in bed, recovering, "All you really had to do was call for an
Greg: (C) appointment.  Now..." Tapping his chin lightly, Greg sees fit to continue with the questioning, "Where do you come from? Are you a local?"
Lye: stares out over the his wealthy business prospects dining on the flesh of a mutant girl as he slowly sipped a glass of Crown on the rocks.  They were all foolish, the mutant bacteria in the girl would slowly kill them all.
Lye: (c)He glanced about the restaurant a smile coming to his face.  It had been to his great fortune to save a few of these fools, but they had served their purpose, lining his pockets with all the cash he would've needed to get
Lye: (c)his experimentations up and running again.  Of course they all thought he was researching the medical field, in a beneficiary light.  "A toast."  He said putting his glass in the air, his voice loud and heard across the table.
Lye: (c) "To new friends, and to their health."  He bowed his blue head as others started toasting.  He took another slow sip, waiting for his would be investors to finish their meals and leave.  Most wouldn't make it home tonight. 
Sert: begins to calm down, the sudden surge of hilarity subsiding to be replaced with maturity and level headedness. The namek could see the seriousness radiating off Techagi, and felt something inside speak up. It, probably Sert's conscience,
Sert: - told him the man was not 'fooling' around. Submitting to that overwhelming argument, Sert folds. "My earliest childhood memory was being raised by my adoptive parents, on Freezar - Icers," he elaborates, not sure how much non-Icers knew
Sert: - about the universe. "I grew up there, until less than a month back. Now I am here. Still bleeding..."
Xerokine: wiped his mouth with the soft, linen napkin and inspected his plate as if another course might be hiding in the fine china tableware. The restaurant was one of the more up-scale places in the city, refined enough that you needed 
Xerokine: -*- reservations several months in advance. Or a large bribe to the man at the entrance. Personally, Xerokine was a tad annoyed that having a sword at the table was apparently against policy, but the steak and other curiously named 
Xerokine: -*- dishes were good enough that he could do without for a little while. The real reason for his presence was sitting on the other side of the room, flocked by random people that were undoubtedly considered important to humans. Medical 
Xerokine: -*- professions, law experts, people who dealt in money, that sort of thing. They weren't what interested him. Instead, his amber-gold eyes focused on the figure in their midst, an oddly coloured and familiar Namekian. "Dessert? Surprise 
Xerokine: -*- me," Xerokine replied to his server. "Pick something and put vanilla ice cream on top of it, there you go..."
Greg: nodded thoughtfully as the creature gave it's starting story, Freezar? What would a Namekian be doing on Freezar? Being -raised- by Icers none-the-less.  The two races had been bitter rivals since a time even Greg's memory was foggy on.
Greg: (C) Yet, here, before him, was a Namekian that had been raised by them from birth! "Fascinating." He mutters under his breath, as though to not interrupt the story, "So..." He folds his arms behind his back in a regal fashion and paces
Greg: (C) from side to side in front of the bleeding Namekian, "You were raised on Freezar.  By Icers.  And then you came here... to find...Me.  Why? Why leave your family behind in search of someone who doesn't even know you?"
Lye: tired of the dog and pony show for all these fools, but having your vast empire of labs either lost in time, or buried under rubble and having no pool of funds to rely on one must do what they must do.  Sighing deeply he finished his drink.
Lye: (c)He could here idle chat praising his medical knowledge, praising his scientific knowledge, and some just praising the difference in the color of his skin from other namekians.  It mattered little to him, they were all pawns in his game.
Lye: (c)Yawning he raised his glass at the waiter, oblivious that he was being observed by an old enemy from across the room.  He felt he was becoming a pawn in his own game, which was never a good thing.  'Really gotta train more...'
Lye: (c)As the waiter handed him another glass he checked his watch again, people were finishing with their meals and ordering desert, he himself wasn't hungry.  He had filled up on the special before coming to the dinner.  
Xerokine: hummed a light tune to himself as he spooned some ice cream into his mouth. The meeting, or whatever it was, looked like it was slowly wrapping up. The Namek - insofar as Xerokine could read a Namek's facial expressions - 
Xerokine: -*- looked bored. As good a time as any to be rude. With an affected nonchalance, Xerokine grabbed his cloak from the back of his chair and tossed it over one shoulder before walking casually over toward where Lye was holding court. 
Xerokine: -*- "Long time, no see," the Saiyan said conversationally, leaning on the back of a lawyer's chair. "You seem to be in good company. How -have- you been?"
Lye: glanced at Xerokine and couldn't help but to smile, an alleviation of his boredom...  That and Xerokine might for the fuck of it kill that annoying weasel fuck at the end of the table.  If the poison didn't kill him first.
Lye: (c) "Everyone, this is another associate of mine.  His name is Xerokine, when you see him he is to be treated with the same respect you give me.  Of course I won't punish you, he might just kill you if you don't."  Lye let his chuckle echo over th
Sert: feels exhaustion sink in all at once, drowning out so many emotions, completing riding over the pain in his chest. 'Are the drugs doing their thing, or am I dying?... Either way, what a way to go.. So peaceful.' With eyes shut now,
Sert: contemplates just falling asleep then and there. The will to live, or just avoid waking up the next morning still here, kicks in: "How badly do you want to know all these things? I'd be much more willing to cooperate if you would undo these
Sert: - bindings, unhook all these drugs, and let me.. regenerate myself..." The last few words were tricky; he was outright lying to the man. If he got away with it, he could feign caring for himself, and then... Uh. 'Shit... What to do...'
Greg: shakes his head slightly, his platinum silver hair swishing back and forth over his face, "You're a terrible liar, Namekian." He says in a rather bored tone, "I'm honestly suprised you haven't started regenerating yet.  You are more than
Greg: (C) strong enough to accomplish, at the very least, that much." Greg walks over to a set of consoles and decreases the dosage of drugs into the Namekians system.  Actually, correction, he decreases the amount of tranquilizers he was
Greg: (C) feeding the Namekian intravenously.  He increased a general numbing agent though.  This drug had to be used carefully cause if it was administered too heavily, the Namek's organs would fail inadvertently, "You're going to feel a
Greg: (C) slight weightlessness.  I assure you, you're fine. However, I must insist you remain conscious." Greg looks over to the Namekian, figuring if he could keep him talking, that would help somewhat, "I don't believe you when you say you can
Greg: (C) heal yourself.  At least not yet.  If you could have, you would have done so by now and attempted to kill me or destroy something else expensive.  Now, answer the questions. Why did you leave your family?"
Xerokine: joined the polite laughter, slapping the top of the table in his hilarity. "Yep, I'll kill you," he joked, grinning at them all. "Simply a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Xerokine Caeruleus, as my good friend over there has said. I'm 
Xerokine: -*- not interrupting anything, am I? No? That's great." A pleasant smile settled itself on Xerokine's face as he absently patted the back of the lawyer's chair. "Just saw you from the other side of the room, pal, and had to come over and say 
Xerokine: -*- hi. Haven't seen you sin- whoops, sorry about that." Xerokine grimaced and leaned over to grab a napkin off the table to clean off his hand. "Stuff stains horribly if you don't get it off. There we go. Oh, look, free seat." He tossed the 
Xerokine: -*- blood-stained cloth back onto the table and lightly pushed the now headless lawyer off his chair, where blood and brain matter continued to ooze from his crushed skull and imploded spine where Xerokine had tapped him. "You guys 
Xerokine: -*- order dessert yet?" Xerokine continued conversationally, glancing over toward Lye to see his reaction.
Lye: was fighting to suppress a snicker, his blue cheeks warming and turning slightly darker as he kept the laughter in.  &z'Thank you Xerokine.'  He thought as he forced  his face to drop into one of casual disgust, the rest of his 
Lye: (c)party panicking and quickly leaving the restaurant, most likely going to call the police or whatever authorities were suppose to protect and serve.   Now it was just he and Xerokine at the table, his glass of crown in his hand.
Lye: (c)He let his shimmering purple eyes fall on his long time rival, a casual grin crossing his face as everyone else left.  "You have no idea how grateful I am to you, those old human fucks are annoying... "  With that he sipped his drink.  
Xerokine: blinked in mild confusion, glancing around to notice that the two of them were now alone in the restaurant as the former diners fled - screaming - through the front entrance. "Some people have such delicate stomachs," he 
Xerokine: -*- sighed, leaning back in his chair and taking possession of one of the abandoned glasses of water. "So. You don't seem the type to put up with human foolishness," Xerokine observed, swirling the glass. "And yet I see you here, in all 
Xerokine: -*- your purple glory, sitting with some of the most vile and odorous examples of vermin that this city has to offer. So, I can't help but wonder, what -are- you up to?"
Lye: sipped from his glass slowly, nodding in agreement with Xerokine.  He spoke under his breath, audible only to Xerokine. "I do hate these primates...  So weak, so ignorant..."  He took another sip, "However, I needed the funds."
Lye: (c)He wasn't sure how much Xerokine knew about his old research facilities, nor did he particularly care.  "So when I climbed from the rubble of old, I found myself broke.  My facilities derelict.  I had to rebuilt, so I use them as tools."  
Sert: grins widely, his thick green lips reduced to a thin line. "I was raised by Icers. Taught to be like an Icer. I don't.. know what it is to be a Namek." A heavy sigh through his nostrils illustrates his increasing sleepiness; yet he stays
Sert: - awake somehow. He presses the subject on, a little slurred however. "The.. knowledge of ancestors. Never taught how to access... smurf was helping me understand it." Ocean madness, minus the ocean. A flash consumes his eyes, stinging them
Sert: - painfully. When they hope, Sert is on a far away place, in an alien environment. Tall, narrow trees with puffy tops... green water... vegetation as far as the eye can see... white, strange structures. Without knowing how, Sert identified
Sert: - the land as planet Namek. A strange voice speaks, completely different from his own; a lighter, softer tone. The words, however, fall unto deaf ears, as Sert jolts on the table. 'The fuck?!...' Knowledge was being passed down through his
Sert: - genes, but it was slow and gradual, to say the least. However, the smurf was right. It was happening on its own accord. Reinvigorated, he speaks again. "I left.. because they lied to me. My family told me the truth of my origin. They told
Sert: - me your name. The ones who were responsible for my powers. The ones the Icerian training enhanced. The ones... your drugs are compromising... Stop it!"
Xerokine: shrugged, setting the glass down. "Rather unimpressive tools," he pointed out, glancing over toward the entrance. By now, all of the patrons had long since cleared out, leaving their meals and dishes still steaming on the 
Xerokine: -*- tables. The place was silent except for the faint sound of bubbling soup. "I'm surprised you didn't just rob a bank. It's quicker, easier, and you don't need to worry about buddying up to some idiotic weaklings in the hopes they lend you 
Xerokine: -*- a bit of money."
Greg: hrm'd lowly to the Namekian, "Stop what, exactly? Stop you from destroying my facilities? Threatening my staff? Blowing up more expensive things that you could never hope to pay for yourself? Why in all that is unholy would I do
Greg: (C) such a thing as that?" Greg let out a small amount of frustration in his voice, to show that he was not going to simply LET this creature get up and make another mess out of his investments, "Now, if I could some how be assured that you
Greg: (C) would answer my questions and then leave peacefully.  Then I would be more than happy to release you from these confines.  The blood samples we have collected from you show some interesting combinations that the original designs
Greg: (C) obviously did not forecast.  Your genetic memories were meant to surfave MUCH earlier than this.  Though, I must say..." Greg turns his head slightly to grin down at the Namekian, "I did not expect you to kill your Icerian family so
Greg: (C) readily. The anal probe...?" Greg chuckled lightly, "That was just for fun."
Lye: chuckled lightly as he set his drink down on the table cloth.  "It wasn't really about the money, to construct the kinds of laboratory I need I needed help.  Robbing a bank would've been faster, but theres only so much you 
Lye: (c) can do with dirty money."  He glanced around the restaurant making sure it was empty, his ears twitching as he heard the sirens from the police.  "Meanwhile, we should leave this place.  As much I would enjoy you slaughtering them all."  
Xerokine: sighed gustily, his own eyes flicking toward the windows where the first flashes of blue and red could be seen. "Very well. Lead the way. And while you do, perhaps you can explain why you need a laboratory at all." Xerokine 
Xerokine: -*- stood, settling his cloak back across his shoulders and pacing lightly over toward the entrance just long enough to reclaim his sheathed sword and sling it across his back. "I would like a little warning if someone will be invading the 
Xerokine: -*- city with an army of robots, or poisoning the city's water supply, or introducing a virus that will raise the dead. You know, just something to clue me in that, hey, today might be a good day to visit the ol' homestead."
Sert: twitches out of the corner of his eye slightly, anger evident. "You've enough assurance I wont wreck this place up already, damnit! I know if I try any shit, you can smack me down like a ragdoll..." It was like admitting defeat, and twice as
Sert: - humiliating. Yet, it was the truth. For now. And just the same, the man was responsible for, even if not directly, the powers Sert has. "... And they deserved to die. My entire life, they lied about my origins. Don't you think that is a worthy
Sert: - reason to kill? Complete disrespect..." Grunting a little, he spits down at the floor - which is a bit awkward to do, given his state of being tied down. The mention of blood samples just now rings a bell. "What does the blood show?"
Lye: nodded, "Indeed, meanwhile no need to lead anywhere.  We'll go back to my lab."  He stood after downing the rest of his drink, stepping from behind the table and walking towards Xerokine.  He placed his right hand on
Lye: (c)the saiyans shoulder while his left raised to his temple.  A blue void erupted from his body expanding over the two as the doors to the restaurant blasted open.  The void closed over the two and they vanished.
Lye: (c)Meanwhile, back at his newly constructed laboratory a bluish portal opened up, the pair appearing in it before the blue void vanished.  "Ah, now we can talk away from the ears of those pesky humans. As for my plans..."
Lye: (c)He turned towards a massive computer, thousands of charts scrolling with information.  "The humans have a great deal of technology to deal with many threats, but as you said...   A virus is what i'll be working on."  
Xerokine: sighed, taking a moment to look around the Namekian's 'lair' while he regained his bearings. Translocation was always such a pain. "So you're saying I should start investing in bottled water?" he quipped, shifting his attention 
Xerokine: -*- back toward the oversized computer. The screen was filled with an uncountable number of scrolling charts of information, darting by too quickly to read or make any sense of. Apparently they were being displayed for the 
Xerokine: -*- computer's amusement. "And this is a list of creditors?" Xerokine theorized, gesturing toward it. "Or perhaps your recent expenses? Whereever this place is, it must be a pain to get decent wireless..."
Greg: shakes his head lightly, "Fuck you, I hate you and you should die! But please, tell me what my blood shows?" Greg retorts to the Namekian in a mocking tone before laughing out loud in his own insane manner.  Obviously, Greg Techagi was
Greg: (C) find this pouring of the perverbial salt into the Namekians perverbial wounds to be quite enjoyable, "Oh my..." Greg says as he comes down from his laughing fit, wiping away an imaginary tear, "You're simply too much, my pet."
Greg: says the word 'pet' with a certain amount of affection, "Did you know..." He commented idly as he pushed a series of buttons and the feeds that fed the Namekian drugs stopped instantly, "You are the only successful subject we had..." He
Greg: (C) pushes another button and the restraints that kept the Namekian pinned were released with a hydraulic hissing, "Out of one hundred test subjects? The rest either died in the process or shortly there-after.  But you..." Greg commented
Greg: (C) in a somewhat excited manner, "You survived. One out of one hundred. Amazing."
Lye: shook it off, he shouldn't of expected Xerokine to understand the information scrolling past the screens.  Experiment results.  "Don't worry about bottled water, its going to be an air born virus, so it might be a good 
Lye: (c)idea to go on a journey across the galaxy.  Although as a Saiyan, you won't much have to worry about this virus.  It's racial, your halfbreeds won't have to worry about it either.  Just humans.  Well, human women more specifically."  
Xerokine: -*- "Techagi will be so depressed," Xerokin remarked absently. "So, a viral infection that only affects human females? And an airborne one at that. Well, let me recall what little I know about this sort of thing." Half-turning away from the 
Xerokine: -*- monitor, he leaned against the wall and tapped a finger thoughtfully against his chin. "If it's airborne, that means it doesn't have to worry about keeping the host alive, so it can be especially deadly," Xerokine surmised. "If it's only 
Xerokine: -*- affecting females, then... perhaps it's only attacking the sex organs or something else only present in human females? Something hormonal? Now, the real question is, why would you design it this way?" He cocked his head to the side, 
Xerokine: -*- peering toward the Namek questioningly. "I mean, if you wanted to just kill humans, there wouldn't be any reason to have it just kill half of them."
Sert: sits up on the table immediately, taking turns rubbing his wrists a little; sore from the restraints. Cautiously, he hops onto his feet, managing to hold his ground despite extreme dizziness. "One of a hundred to survive... I'm not sure whether
Sert: - to feel pride, or disgust that you did this to so many." The term 'pet' thrown at him didn't phase Sert in the least; it was the admittance that he was a test subject that hit the hardest. Yet another situation where he wasn't sure how
Sert: - to react. Freely showing his need of direction, he lowers his head a little, one green hand holding the wound on his chest that didn't seem as bad as before. "How.. do we proceed then?" He was a successful test. It seemed cliche to turn
Sert: - on his 'creator'. The 'why' for the experiment was still beyond him.
Lye: laughed, he loved this part.  "That's the joy of it, I don't want to kill them.  I want to be around and watch their race slowly die out because they can't reproduce, their choices will be to breed with females of other races."
Lye: (c)He took a few steps from Xerokine glancing down the hall, "Humans think their gods, specially those with the power given by wealth.  They think their legacy will be around forever.  I'm going to put an end to that illusion."
Lye: (c)He chuckled in a dark demonic chuckle,  looking at the quarantined area.  It'll be a death that'll take a thousand years, but there race will perish.  And those who have human DNA, those who choose to mix breed to keep the planet 
Lye: (c) going, the society, they will know power.  Look at human, saiyan hybrids.  Are they not a formidable force?  Healthy human males breeding with mutants, will that not be amusing?  The human race will be reborn into something of power.
Essex: -*- "Looks like he's alright, Techagi." Essex says, stepping sideways out of thin air, his arms crossed over his chest. "Greg, I believe you remember my son, Orii." He says, motioning towards
Essex: (*) his son, who also, steps sideways out of mid-air. "And... I believe, Namek, you remember him also." He says, motioning between Orii and Sert. "So, what's the damage to this one, Techagi?"
Essex: (*) He asks, cocking his head to Greg. "Does his have regenerative skills like other nameks? 'cause I noticed the other day he threw a bus with his mind, which isn't normal for a green skin."
Essex: (*) The mutant says, mockingly referring to Sert.
Xerokine: shook his head as he straightened up. "It only works for Saiyans because, by some quirk of nature, the two races can breed. It won't work for any others," he said flatly. "Mutants especially. Those kind aren't so much a race as 
Xerokine: -*- a collection of misfits, a grouping of grotesque creatures that can barely breed with each other, let alone some alien species. Of course..." Xerokine trailed off, contemplating. Humans were among the lowest creatures in the galaxy. It 
Greg: shrugged lightly towards the Namekians question, "Well, first, you get a treat." Greg reaches into his pocket and pulls out a silver flask and tosses it lightly to the Namekian, "Who's been a good Namek?" He says to Sert on a rather
Greg: (C) condescendingly playful manner.  The Namekian eyes the silver flask quizzically and raises an eyebrow at Greg, "It's an purifying agent.  It will purge your system of the drugs that have been administered to you." He then turns to face
Greg: (C) the Namekian fully, "As to the question of what next...that's almost entirely up to you.  I have no intention of keeping you here. A test subject left under lock and key is rather boring and mundane.  You are free to do as you see fi-"
Xerokine: -*- was not unreasonable to expect a certain amount of conflict if all the females began to die. Blame could be placed and shifted, explanations and solutions demanded. And if the humans suddenly got the bright idea of replacing their own 
Xerokine: -*- women with Saiyans, then the conflict would spread off-world. "Nevermind. It sounds like an -excellent- idea."
Greg: narrows his eyes at the entrance of Essex and his son Orii, "His namekian powers are slow to return, probably a side effect of having been raised exclusively by Icerians."  Greg looks Sert up and down, a frown forming on his face, "I had
Greg: (C) hoped he would've been able to heal the bullet wound instantly.  Perhaps I set my hopes too high for a 1% success ratio."
Lye: tsked at Xerokine, "I've researched it my boy, when it comes to mutant human relations it would depend on the severity of the mutation on the mutant females part.  The offspring would of course be fully mutant however."
Lye: (c)He let his fangs show as Xerokine showed his approval, he hadn't expected that.  "Meanwhile, I find that in my current state it would be easy for someone to come and say...slay me.  How would you like a temporary job my old rival?"  
Orii: - Fists clenched, the human leaned against the wall; he didn't have enough eyes to cast glares at those who deserved it. But he could try. Alternating leers were targetted at Sert and Greg. He lit a cigarette quickly, dragging his lighter across h
Orii: (C) its tip, and drinking in the toxic smoke. He could tell this was going to be a stressful visit - it was best to prepare for it. "What's going on, bitches?" 
Xerokine: -*- "What, as bodyguard?" Xerokine replied lazily, continuing his little tour of the facility. "Might as well. I could use a little spending money. And this does look rather interesting." He spun around, his cloak drifting out behind him. "So, 
Xerokine: -*- where is this place? Underground?" he guessed, not noticing any windows. "I don't suppose you have a... guest room I could borrow for the night. It's getting a bit late, and I've had a bit of a long day. You understand."
Sert: snatches the flask out of the air, undoing the top and guzzling it down without hesitation. And yet, the illusions kept coming at him; the golden skinned man, and his son, the punkass from that highschool. "Do you not fucking knock?" The flask
Sert: - is given a toss back to Greg, as he begins to regain some of his senses; still light headed. One thought stood out above all others, despite all the happenings. Attention focuses solely on Greg, outright ignoring the others at this point.
Sert: - "Let me get this straight. You spent money, time, and other resources spawning one successful... me. And you're just going to let me wreck havoc, so long as it doesn't negatively impact you?" 'Ok, so then I -was- right... Senseless
Sert: - destruction is here to stay.' A light laugh escapes his lips, tilting his head to accomodate the form of Orii. "I have a lisence to kick ass. Beat that shit, boi."
Lye: nodded, turning towards his computer, "Dark Shadow, pull up a schematic of the lab and show me all available rooms for lodging."  His computer beeped at him then replied with a feminine voice, "Roger."  He glanced at the computer nodding.
Lye: (c) "Yeah, you're wages will be...  Well, you'll have access to my investors pool of funds which...  Would be impossible to spend all at once. Meanwhile, follow me to your room.  And don't worry, once I attain my old power..."
Lye: (c)He chuckled deeply, "I'll give you something for your Saiyan pride for fighting will enjoy."  He began walking down the hall, headed towards the housing sector of the lab.  It was late and most of his scientists were in bed.  
Essex: murmers to himself. "So... you made him?" He asks, glancing at Sert. "A namek with icerian abilities, interesting..." He brings up his hand, forming it into a fist and coughing into it. "Still ain't
Essex: (*) got anything on SynTech and their greatest accomplishment." He grins, reaching under his shirt and pulling out a tiny glowing, cyan flask. "Here, I think you should have this." He says
Essex: (*) handing the vial over to Greg. "That's the remaining Blue-Star Shenron DNA left over from before the cataclysm, since it's part of my DNA now, I have no need for it..." He runs his tongue
Essex: (*) across the top of his teeth. "Might come in handy, maybe make a Bahamut Army like in Old New Hope, heh."
Xerokine: hummed a soft tune to himself as he paced behind the Namek, heading through the darkened corridors of the laboratory. "What do you need all this room and personnel for?" he wondered aloud, glancing curiously at the various 
Xerokine: -*- doors they were passing. "Testing live samples, perhaps? Those convenient little runaways that vanish from the railroad tracks?" His tone was amused rather then accusing. After all, a few humans one way or the other wasn't 
Xerokine: -*- something that concerned him. Especially given his own rather blood-stained history. 
Greg: grabbed the flask in mid-air and pocketed it gently again, "Oh dear...the prodigal son has returned." Greg's remark was so dry that gin couldn't hold a martini to it.  Greg eyed up Orii more carefully this time, the boy had gotten decidedly
Greg: (C) stronger since he had broken his ribs and smashed his hand into oblivion, "Essex..." Greg remarks in a reflective manner, "You still haven't taught your boy any manners.  It's really rather shameful. And Orii..." Greg eyes the boy up
Greg: (C) a second time, "Do -not- smoke in here." Greg pointed a finger at the boys cigar and the burning tip simply fell off as though sliced by some impercetably thin blade, "As for you..." Greg returns his attention to his experiment, "That is
Greg: (C) about the gist of it.  You are allowed to do whatever is you see fit, go wherever you wish to go, destroy whatever is you wish to destroy.  However!" Greg raises a finger as though to emphasize the point, and then point the finger
Greg: (C) at the nameks wound, "If you do anything against me, my company, my employees or my ambitions, I'll do more than put a bullet in your chest." Greg raises his free hand and catches the flask, not even taking his attention away from the
Greg: (C) Namekian, "I'll cut your fuck head off and turn it into my new ash tray." Greg glares down the Namekian harshly before turning his attention to Essex. The threatening nature he held simply melting away, "So..." he comments in an
Greg: (C) excited tone, "Shenron DNA, huh? Well, I'll be sure to hold onto this." He stuffs the vial into a pocket and smiles professionally, "I'm sure Techagi Industries can make...-good- use of it."
Lye: snickered lightly as they continued walking down the gray metallic hallways, "A few of them, those first portions near my office are experimentation rooms, further along research labs, and now finally personnel housing."
Lye: (c)He stopped making a left and continued to walk, "You see I have a group of elite scientist working under me, working on curing various disease on a daily basis.  Their my cover, they are what make me look legit."
Lye: (c)He snickered to himself knowing how he looked to Xerokine, who had known him for centuries.  "None of them know my real research, none of them would fathom it. They look to me as a hero.  Fools aren't they?"  
Lye: (c)He stopped at a silverfish door waving his hand towards it, his hand setting on the handle and pulling the door open.  The room itself consisted of a queen sized bed, a small kitchen, and a latrine.  Everything a human would need.
Lye: (c)Not nearly enough food stocked for the likes of  saiyan however.  "When you want to go out for food there is an elevator down the corridor" He pointed to the right, "It'll take you to the surface, an abandoned warehouse. "
Lye: (c)He turned to leave, sighing deeply as he turned to Xerokine pulling a coin from his right pocket, "I almost forgot, take this.  It'll ensure that you can get back in without my security throwing their lives away trying to stop you."  
Orii: - "You know, you're a---" The boy paused for effect, allowing the remains of the cigarette to slip from his fingers. "-HUGE- bitch." Orii commented, matter-of-factly. He placed his hands in his pockets, and simply remained there, directing a 60-40
Orii: (C) 60-40 ratio of glaring on Greg and Sert respectively. He wondered why Greg had extinguished his cigarette, silently of course, being that the halfbreed himself had smoked in the SynTech building... Probably just to spite him.
Xerokine: smirked at this last remark, but caught the coin anyway. "Considering your own method of getting us here, I'm surprised you expect me to use such a mundane means of entry as an elevator," he remarked pointedly as he glanced 
Xerokine: -*- around the sparsely decorated room. For a moment he spun the coin across the back of his knuckles, then flicked it into the air and caught it as he turned back to Lye. "Good enough. Though you seem a tad surprised that I'm actually 
Xerokine: -*- helping you in this," he added, eyes glinting with amusement. "Be assured, it's all in my own interest. Your plan promises to provide me with quite a bit of amusement. On the other hand, killing you at this point..." Xerokine 
Xerokine: -*- helping you in this," he added, eyes glinting with amusement. "Be assured, it's all in my own interest. Your plan promises to provide me with quite a bit of amusement. On the other hand, killing you at this point..." Xerokine 
Xerokine: -*- shrugged. "Boring. Besides," he added as he lightly pushed the Namek out of the room. "Where is the fun in being predictable?" His lips curled in a feral smile as he closed the door with a snap.
Sert: grins calculatingly, noting that the desire to damage some T Industry assets just grew considerably. But out of respect, he would agree to those terms for now. "I'll see to it your shit doesn't get raped in all the bloodthirsty, unchecked
Sert: - chaos... On purpose." Continuous evil eyeing from Orii begins to irritate the namek. Fed up with the kids attitude, Sert turns to face him. "What the hell is your problem? Does daddy not love you enough, so you get all frustrated and whiney?
Sert: - Here's a reality check for you: NOBODY GIVES A WET FLYING PAKISTANIAN FUCK!" Breathing hard, Sert maintains eye contact with the human... juuuust as another flash in his mind gives way to another tibit of namekian knowledge. 'Ew. So thats
Sert: - how nameks are born? That's almost as nasty as two hairless apes humping... Almost.'
Lye: chuckled lightly as the door closed on him.  Without so much as a grudge he turned to his left, walking towards his own personal quarters.  They were just like Xerokines, all the basics one would need.  Well, a human would need.
Lye: (c)Sighing he stopped at a metallic door and turned the handle, stepping into his own room.  The walls were of purple color, as well as the bed sheets.  They fridge was stocked with water, and no food.  He needed no stove.  
Lye: (c) As he moved to his bed to lay down he had a flash in his mind of Sert, yelling at some young child.  He let the image flash from his head, wondering why he was subconsciously keeping tabs on the young namek..
Lye: (c)He yawn staring up at the ceiling, keeping himself isolated, making sure Sert wasn't aware of his presence in his mind.  There was no reason to help the namek, he was doing fine on his own.  Dealing with his captors as best as he could.
Lye: (c)He rubbed his eyes, his hand landing on his chest and his clothing vanishing, leaving him in the same state he had been born.  There was no reason for clothing, he had nothing to cover.  Another yawn and he drifted away.  who
Orii: - "Don't make assumptions about me, you fucking genital wart." He sneered at the Namek. His fists bared, studded knuckles shimmering in the overhead light. He wasn't quite ready to take shit from the trash before him; scum, and nothing more. "And 
Orii: (C)  I suggest you step your happy ass off of me, before I de-fucking-throat you." Orii was particularly violent today, and it showed in his harsh words. But he wasn't kidding, at least it didn't look like it. He pulled off his coat, revealing mus
Orii: (C) muscular arms, preparing to throw down on some Namekian ass.
Essex: crosses his arms over his chest, nodding to Greg. "'cause we all know you haven't had sex with a lizard-lady yet." He takes a step back and leans against the wall. "And tell your lab rat to 
Essex: (*) watch his mouth when addressing the Lillah Family. We will end him." He nods, running his tongue across his teeth, chuckling. "So, how long ago did you... end up with a son, eh?" He
Essex: (*) asks, quirking an eyebrow. "And since we're all at... fair levels, whose up for a Battle Royale on the roof? Father and Son versus Mad Scientist and Genetic Mutation." He coughs into
Essex: (*) his hand. "'cause I don't think I've EVER gotten the pleasure to clash steel with you."
Greg: shakes his head and shrugs lightly at the group before him, "Alright, I'll cover this in turns just to make it easy." Greg then opens his eyes and points his finger at Orii first, "You, Emo-Kid, you can't smoke in this room because it's a
Greg: (C) secured environment.  Anywhere else in the damn building and I could care less." He then turns his attention to the Namekian, "You, No-Nuts, if you're going to start a fight do it the fuck somewhere else cause we've already had the
Greg: (C) 'Don't fuck up my shit or I'll turn your skull into an ashtray' talk, capiche?" He then points a finger and Essex and grins, "He's not my fucking problem, okay? The only son I ever had I built and then subsequently destroyed cause he was
Greg: (C) a prick. And..." Greg raises his hand up, his fingers forming to the point that he looks like he's about to snap his fingers, "That's an excellent idea." He snaps his fingers and his unique portal into darkness forms behind him, "See you
Greg: (C) all on the roof." Greg grabs the Namekian by the arm and tosses him into the portal in a rather non-chalant manner.  He turns to wink at Essex and Orii, "Let's play!" He walks into the portal and it collapses on itself in whisps.
Greg: -*- The Namekian comes flying out of a portal of darkness that had appeared on the roof of T-Industries' Main Office, followed shortly by a grinning Greg, "I -love- doing that."
Sert: 'oofs' a landing on the rooftop, his injury becoming painful once more; the drug purifier did its trick a little too quickly. Fortunately, the last flashback of ancient knowledge gave him a few insights. "Alright, this shit goes here-"
Sert: places his left hand open faced over the wound, closing his eyes, channeling energy into the palm, from deep within. It was an awkward process, intending to restore damage, even to himself, rather than inflict it. The antennae on that green bald
Sert: - head of Sert's begin to twitch a little, as a tide of white flashes over the wound. All at once, the purple stains seem to evapourate entirely; the pain receded. Opening his eyes once again, Sert cocks a brow. "Listen, these 'Lillah' people,
Sert: - you mind if I kill either of -them-, Mr Techagi?"
Orii: stepped onto the roof with authority, his arms crossed about his chest. He was sick and tired of both of the douchebags; mainly the stupid bitch who'd thrown a bus at him, but Greg nearly just as much. "You need his permission or something?" He sn
Orii: (C) sneered. "That guy's yer dad?" He hadn't really been paying attention when the information had been dispensed, and if he had, he'd still said the same thing. "No wonder he's suck a bitchface..." Orii smirked. "He got tentacle-raped by yer mom.
Orii: (C) mom..."
Essex: crosses his arms over his chest, stepping out of nothing. "Yeah, you need /HIS/ permission, Sert?" He asks. Wondering if anyone would catch up on the fact that Sert's name was never
Essex: (*) revealed to him, he tilts his arm. "So, how are we gonna do this? Tag style? One of us at a time? Or a classic two on two?" He lowers his arms to his side, letting his suit jacket fall to the
Essex: (*) ground. "Or a circle jerk and Sert's the pivot man? 'cause I can get a Rini costume if we need it."
Greg: rolls his eyes at...well...all of them, "Listen, Namek.  I've already told you.  I don't care if you kill the-" Greg blinks slightly and scrunches ups his face in consternation, "Well...try not to kill Essex.  He's a valuable member of the
Greg: (C) company.  His son's just a douchebag figure head.  He doesn't have any real power.  Not yet anyway." He then looks over at Essex, practically ignoring the almost certain glare he would get from Orii, "The Namekian as a pivot man?
Greg: (C) Well...I guess that would make sense, he doesn't have anything to jerk anyway.  But no, no circle jerking today.  We've come up here to stomp some faces in and get our fists bloodied.  So how about it just be a good, old fashioned free
Greg: (C) for all, eh? That is, of course, if you don't mind beating some sense into your kid."
Sert: breaths hard once, soaking in everything that is said, for the most part only picking out specific lines: something Orii mentions about his mother tentacle raping Mr Techagi, and then Mr Techagi offering a free for all. Sert accepts: "GO!"
Sert: lunge tackles Orii, bringing the both of them down onto the rooftop. Thrusting off the downed human, Sert follows with a carefully aimed series of open, claw-like strikes at Orii's face, backing off immediately upon doing so. In the same backward
Sert: - jump, white flames consume him entirely, the telekinetic energy preparing for a kinetic onslaught of awesome proportions. "Cutchyo face a bit, dirty emo fuck!!" Challenge issued, Sert descends onto the roof on a backward decline.
Orii: - Seemingly unphased by Sert's mauling, Orii rebounded, and sped forward at the Namek, his heels boring wounds into the cement roof. He roared, his body encompassed by a blazing torrent of fiery energy, tendrils of the flames coiling around him. T
Orii: (C) The air around Sert's face is distorted as Orii leaps into the air, turning his body completely sideways, and dragging both heels across his face--- blood flew, as the human landed, spun on his heels, and regained his composure.
Essex: faces Greg, holding one arm out and letting the other, his mechanical arm, hang to his side. He steps, so that his feet are about two feet apart, right foot in front of the left. He rolls his neck
Essex: (*) a long, skeletal scythe appearing out of mid-air in his mechanical hand. "Bring it." He says to Greg, motioning with his raised arm.
Greg: grins lightly as the two "kids" immediately go at it, "Good..." He comments, a sadistic grin forming on his face as he reaches to his side where a curved hilt to his blade rested gently.  As soon as he gripped the blade the air around the
Greg: (C) two fighters grew heavy and weighted, as though gravity had decided to kick itself up a few notches.  Of course, to beings such as them the sudden change wasn't a damper on their abilities.  Greg, in a swift motion, unsheathes the
Greg: (C) Black Orchid theatrically.  It's curved blade glistening against the sun, "How shall we do this Mr. Lillah? Do you want to start off slow?" Greg's form disappears from sight, Essex in response merely raises his sythe and the sound of
Greg: (C) metal on metal is heard as Essex stops Greg's blade, "Or do you want we should kick it up a few notches early on?" The two warriors auras explode into existence as their own perspective powers begin to rise in tandem.
Sert: loses balance, nearly backing up to the edge of the roof from the kicks. Purple blood drips from his mouth, though Sert doesn't seem too impressed. "Ooo, first blood," he taunts with glowing white eyes, his aura flaring menacingly. Tiles of
Sert: - the rooftop are ripped asunder, gathering around his aura in jagged pieces, orbiting him like miniature planets around a flaming white sun. "Let's see the colour of your blood now!" Bringing both arms forward, open faced and pointing at
Sert: - Orii, Sert fires off the shrapnel of jagged tiles. Each piece blasts off, encompassed and charged with the radical energies of his power, highspeeding along with tails of white following. "Suck it hard, fuckhead!"
Essex: ducks under one of Greg's swings and turns, aiming the bladed-end of the scythe towards Greg's ankles, which the halfbreed gracefully jumps over. "Why don't we go alls out." He says, blocking
Essex: (*) another one of Greg's attacks. He grins at the halfbreed. "Dragon Shift!" He shouts, keeping their blades locked as his body petrified into a stone statue.
Greg: frowned as he leapt backwards, several yards away from his opponent as a matter of fact.  If Essex had just transformed into stone, one of two things was going to happen.  The stone would either explode, revealing his new form
Greg: (C) and thus create debris or shrapnel.  Or...this would be his new transformation.  In either case, he would keep his distance.  Greg grasped the Black Orchid in both hands in front of him in a dramatic pose, "Now they die..." The words
Greg: (C) he spoke seemed to be carried on the wind itself, and they echoed, though off of what was a mystery, "Bloom, Black Orchid!" A blazing aura of dark energy exploded around him fiercely with this proclamation.  Greg's hair raised up
Greg: (C) in a smiliar fashion to his super saiya-jin form, except it remained it's platinum silver color.  As the aura raged around him Black Orchid shifted in his hand.  The blade extended and expanded, as though it had acquired a life of
Greg: (C) it's own.  When it had finished this process the Black Orchid appeared as a sword shapped semi-halberd with a dozen sharp spikes extending along it's back and the front edge having grown as well.  Greg raised up the Black Orchid and
Greg: (C) slammed it down into an offensive position, his aura disappearing forcefully with this action, "Ready."
Essex: || The sky began to darken as lighting danced between the cloud. The air around the fighters seems calm as a very, very faint ring of fire starts swirling around the base of the statue. The fire
Essex: (*) gets bigger as the statue shakes slightly, bright, glowing red runes appearing over it. "Draconic. Seal. Break." Essex's voice seems to say from somewhere. Fiery, oriental letters appear around 
Essex: (*) the statue, the lightning in the sky getting more frequent. "GO!" A bolt of lightning comes down from the heavens, striking the first oriental symbol. The symbols disappears as a piece of
Essex: (*) the statue breaks off, falling to the ground. The process repeats itself for each symbol until a fully Draconic Essex stands up, grinning from his great maw as he stares down at Greg. "Your
Essex: (*) turn."
Greg: 's face scrunched up in consternation, this...was not exactly what he had expected.  He could see now why Essex suddenly had no use for the Shenron DNA.  He had perfected his final form with it most likely, in addition to whatever
Greg: (C) powers he had gained due to his possession of the Chalice of Awesome.  Greg's image disappeared once more, only to flash into existence behind Essex. Greg swinging the Black Orchid with both hands to attack Essex in his blind spot.
Greg: (C) Only that didn't happen as Essex spun around and deflected the blow, 'He's fast...' Greg thought to himself, 'To deflect that attack so easily requires some serious speed.' Greg spun around from the deflection and lowered his body as his
Greg: (C) foot extended to trip the draconic figure, only to have the dragon's form disappear and avoid the trip in a movement of great speed, "Shit...!" Greg raised up Black Orched and spun it around to where the jagged portion of his weapon
Greg: (C) caught Essex's decended blade between a pair of the spines, "You're a lot faster than I thought something of your size would be...Mr. Lillah..." Greg grunted with the effort, despite his increase in power, Essex was still faster.  But
Greg: (C) with the two of them locked in a strength match like this, Greg was clearly the stronger fighter...for the moment.
Essex: grins, trying to push down, the halfbreed holding his own against his strength. "Yeah, but you forget... I'm a former Syndicate member." He clenches his mechanical fist, sparks dancing around the
Essex: (*) dull metal nodes. "And we're dirty." He says, bringing his massive arm around, nailing Greg hard in the side. He pushes his fist in harder, causing a few hundred thousand voltes of energy to 
Essex: (*) surge from his first into Greg's abdominal cavity.
Greg: howled in pain as he is electrocuted with god only knows how many volts of electricity.  The force of the punch sent him flying off in a direction.  Quick on the rebound he spins in mid-air and lands in a crouched position, a trail of dust
Greg: (C) forming underneath each foot as he slides to a stopping point.  Rising slowly he holds Black Orchid with one hand to the side, reaching underneath his blood red long-coat he pulls out a black .45 Desert Eagle and points it at Essex,
Greg: (C) "Dirty, huh?" He pulls the hammer back with his thumb, "I should just do to you what I did to that Namekian and pump you so full of lead you'll be spitting bullets for a wee-" Greg blinked slightly looking around for a moment,
Greg: (C) "Hey...where the hell IS the Namekian? Or your emo brat for that matter?"
Essex: clenches the handle of his scythe as it slowly morphs into his Signature Heavy Vulcan. Holding it one-handed with his new found power, his points it at Greg grinning. "If we're going to compare 
Essex: (*) the size of our guns... I think I win." He reaches up and pushes off the safety, locking eyes with Greg. They both stand there for a moment until Essex lowers his gun and looks around. "Ya
Essex: (*) know... I don't know where they went."
Greg: lowered his desert eagle and looked around more seriously, "You know...I can't even sense their energies anywhere. I mean...I know they're weak and everything and we did kind of up the anty early on..." Greg scratches the back of his head
Greg: (C) with the loaded hand-cannon rather thoughtfully, "When exactly did they disappear I wonder...Could it be when you turned into stone? Or maybe before that...when I released Black Orchid? Or...maybe...damn...what the hell?"
Essex: lowers his arm, the gun turning into a silver liquid metal then seeping back into his mechanical arm. "Ya know... I'm not really sure." He holds his arms out to the side, turning to stone again.
Essex: (*) The statue falls apart a moment later, the regular Essex stepping out and dusting himself off. "Maybe they went off the planet to fight? Who knows..." He looks around again and
Essex: (*) sighs. "I think we should just call it a draw, I really wanted to slap Orii and the Namek around a bit."
Greg: shrugged lightly before holstering his desert eagle, "I didn't think the namekian had the ability to travel over those kind of distances instantenously.  He could barely heal his own body yet. And your son..." Greg's hair falls back
Greg: (C) down to it's normal position as he slices through the air with Black Orchid and on the return slice the blade shrinks down back to it's normal, sealed, state.  Sheathing the weapon he continues, "I always just figured he followed you
Greg: (C) around all the damn time like some kind of sick puppy."
Essex: shakes his head, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Nah, Orii is pretty dependent... which is probably my fault for running away and abandoning him and his mom like I did." He shrugs
Essex: (*) "I dunno, he's got a lot of potential, he just needs to learn to control his temper... which is a lesson he needs to learn on his own... but you did get across to him by rendering his hand
Essex: (*) useless the other day." He turns his head to Greg. "Which, I have to thank you for, I've been meaning to test out my new bio-robotic hand I was working on, and it was too small for
Essex: (*) my build."
Greg: waves a dismissive had at Essex, "Eh..." He scratches the back of his head in an annoyed fashion, "It was nothing really.  The kid needed to be taught a good lesson at the hands of someone who wasn't going to take pity on him.  If I had
Greg: (C) actually bothered trying, I would've killed him. At that stage the kid was barely enough sport to give me a semi-hard on."
Essex: nods, holding his hand out, a quivering blob of silver liquid quivering in his hand. "The Omniweapon, have you ever heard of it?" He asks, the blob morphin into a blade, hardening in shape
Essex: (*) and gaining color. He swings the blade around a bit and then tosses it to Greg to examine.
Greg: catches the weapon deaftly, eyeballing it carefully before swinging it around a bit just for practice, "It was one of Lucavex's later designs, he never got around to perfecting the technology though.  DeArtair came around much later and
Greg: (C) finished the, at the time, defunct project." He tosses the sword expertly back to Essex and shakes his head, "Incorporated nanotechnology, if I remember correctly.  Was supposed to be able to create any possible weapon that the
Greg: (C) user desired." He quirks an eyebrow at Essex and, "I take it you and DeArtair have re-started the project?"
Essex: catches the blade, morphing it into a hammer and swinging it, before it turns back into a silver ball and disappears into his hand. "Just me, you're the first one I've shown it to." He nods, "It's
Essex: (*) a bit different from Lucavex's... mine's not defunct, and doesn't malfunction. The nanobots used for the weapon are specifc to the user's... I had to inject nano-bots into my body... but it can
Essex: (*) morph into anything, shape, weight, color... that the user thinks of. So each Omniweapon is specific to the user it's designed for... want one?"
Greg: tilts his head to the side and looks at Essex like he had just suggest he and Greg go jump off the side of the building...assuming of course they couldn't just stop themselves whenever they wished, "You want to inject my body with
Greg: (C) nano-machines...? I'm not so hot about the idea..." He looks down at Black Orchid, he already had a weapon...a couple of weapons as a matter of fact. But something that could turn into anything could prove useful.  Black Orchid only
Greg: (C) had two forms, it's sealed and released forms.  Greg turns his attention back to Essex, "Would this have anything to do with whatever that horseman thing was that you were talking about?"
Essex: chuckles as the silver liquid of the Omniweapon encompasses his body, turning into a flowing, black clothe cloak. He pulls the hood up over his head and shrugs. "It wasn't intended for
Essex: (*) that reason, I actually started it before Kalen brought up the idea." He slides his hands into his pockets, the cloak falling over his figure, leaving him standing there, looking as if he
Essex: (*) were death himself. "But... the four of us... we're business men. Which means we want to be on top... and the only way to truely be on top is to gain power on a universal scale, am I
Essex: (*) right?"
Greg: shrugs lightly, crossing his arms over the blood red clamped vest that rested over his black long-sleeve shirt, "You're assuming we don't already have power on a cosmic scale.  Just look at you and DeArtair.  He's harder to kill than
Greg: (C) vietnamese STDs. And you! Well...with you in possession of the Chalice of Awesome as well as...whatever it is you did to yourself with that DNA..." Greg shakes his head at these thoughts, The Chalice was an artifact Greg had already
Greg: (C) expressed his extreme disgust in.  The Shenron DNA...well...Greg had no intention of turning himself into some sort of draconic freak by utilizing that stuff personally, "Xerokine and myself hold our own well enough anyway.  What are
Greg: (C) we going to do? Start some kind of...funky following that worships us?"
Essex: nods. "That's where Orii comes in.. and me... for that matter." He grins, chuckling to himself. "Everyone is coming to the opening of SynCity... Orii is going to be the Master of
Essex: (*) Ceremonies... he doesn't know this though, but I'm using his teen charisma and angst to draw in the younger crowd... and well... as Pestilence..." He pulls a small vial out of his
Essex: (*) pocket, tossing it to Greg. "You'll want to inject that into yourself before drinking any of the water lately... mind-altering substances... why do you think I volunteered to build
Essex: (*) the water recycling plant." He grins, running his tongue across his teeth. "That vial is an antidote against any SynTech concoction I come up with... I don't want my business
Essex: (*) partners becoming mindless drones like most of the population will."
Greg: catches the vial silently before eyeing it up with suspicion, mind-altering drugs in the water supply? Aqua Polis would be reduced to city of drones.  Even if the population -didn't- actively drink the water, the who sity was practically
Greg: (C) full of water nigh-year round.  Greg ruffled up his nose as though he smelled something foul, like the stench of a corpse that had been left the cook in the desert sun for two weeks.  He pockets the vial, "You realize I don't approve of
Greg: (C) this, correct? What good is seduction when the women I try to...conquer are mindless automatons?"
Essex: shakes his head. "They won't... be mindless drones persay... but the drug allows them to be influenced easily... it basically gets rid of their notion of right and wrong." He looks over at the
Essex: (*) sunset and crunches his nose. "I dunno, I might not use mind altering substances... but there definitely will be plagues. And with that. Amnesia dust!" He stomps his foot, a cloud
Essex: (*) of dust blowing up as he steps sideways into nothing.
Greg: stood there in a rather non-plussed manner, an almost impercetable dome of energy had surrounded him, the only reason it was visible at this point was because of the dust that happened to collect around it, "Hrmph..." He muses to himself, the
Greg: (C) sound of his voice echoing lightly in the closed off environment he had created for himself, "Amnesia dust, huh? That may have to be something I have my pharmaceutical branch look into tomorrow.  Would be great for the morning after..."
Greg: (C) The dome around him seems to simply fade out of existence as a wind blows the dust away.  Greg makes his way over to the doorway entrance to the roof, stuffing his hands in his pockets and shaking his head along the way, "The next couple
Greg: (C) of days are going to be quite interesting.  I should make myself scarce for the time being to avoid any sort of negative publicity that the papers will obviously try and heap upon the 'evil corporations'..." Greg's laughter echoes down
Greg: (C) the stareway as he opens the door and closes it behind him, leaving the roof top scene barre-, "SHIT! Those fucking KIDS broke the god damn CEILINGS!"
Lye: stares out the window in his new bachelor apartment.  Paid for by the tax payers of the people of New Earth.   "To easy."  He pulled a cigar from his purple jacket, slowly putting the end into his mouth searching for his lighter.  
Lye: (c)Finding the metallic blue lighter his flicked it open, sparking it up.  A deep inhalation and he felt the smoke entering his lungs, his right hand flicking the lighter shut and putting it away. 'This is way to easy...' 
Lye: (c)The thoughts faded as he stepped across the marble floor, from the ashes he had risen once again.  He had yet another lab being built, his personal lab.  One that the peons researching the medical field would have no access.
Lye: (c)Another puff from his cigar and he glanced out the massive window across the cityscape.  In time he would see the city burn, along with the human race.  But that would take...  A great deal of time, after a great deal of work...
Isthyr: flies high up in the sky, sitting cross-legged while he thinks about his plans for tonight. [Hrmn, I wonder what I should do today. I could always just go to that school and visit, but I don't think I should right now. They're probably all caught 
Isthyr: <c> up in their studies right now.] He thinks as he stops in mid-air, right above a cloud. He then shifts to a standing position and dives through the cloud and spots a tall skyscraper. He zooms towards it, leaving a slight deep red aura trail beh
Isthyr: <c> behind him. He gently lands on top of the building, making a slight clopping sound, and peers out into the open city. [The lights of the city...such a sight to behold at night.] Isthyr thinks as he crosses his arms. The black leather jacket is
Isthyr: <c> is a perfect fit on him and as are his black jeans and black boots. His white muscle shirt, unseen underneath his jacket, hugs his muscles tightly. Shades are stored in his front jacket pocket, because of the night time. Otherwise he would be 
Isthyr: <c>  be wearing them. A slight breeze blows, gently wafting his spiked black hair. Not a cloud in the sky to behold either, but the stars are hardly visible because of the city lights.ooc hrmn...bah
Xerokine: casually strolled out of the empty warehouse, whistling a jaunty tune to himself as he flipped a shining coin from hand to hand. "Later then I thought," he mused aloud, glancing up at the faint starlight and crescent 
Xerokine: -*- moon. The man was wearing his usual black silken shirt and loose slacks, though a sharp eye might spot the thin body armour worn underneath and the dark glint of his gauntlets that sheathed his forearms in black steel. A 
Xerokine: -*- dark cloak swept down from his shoulder, the soft fabric outlining the scabbard slung across his back. He was walking with his hood down, since the weather was unusually nice for that time of year, and his dark hair was 
Xerokine: -*- tousled by the cool breeze. Still whistling a tune, the man turned at an intersection and began to head toward the center of the city, where the bars and clubs would be open late into the next day.
Isthyr: , still looking out at the city, begins to wonder about his plans. [Well, not really much sense just standing here, might as well be normal for once.] As he walks towards the edge of the skyscraper and jumps down the side of it, freefalling for a
Isthyr: <c> little while before he begins to control his descent as he nears the ground. Isthyr then slows down to but a few miles per hour as he lands, as not to hurt himself. He walks out of the shadows of the alley and turns right onto the sidewalk, wh
Isthyr: <c> which appears to lead to the middle of the city. "What to do..." He mutters to himself, not paying attention to anything, or anyone in particular.
Xerokine: whistled to himself as he pocketed the coin, leaving both hands free to pocket other things. Normally he would stoop to something so base as pickpocketing, but since he didn't bother to carry around his own cash and 
Xerokine: -*- didn't feel like calling attention to himself by threatening barkeeps and waitresses. Thus, as the cloaked man lanquidly made his way through the stumbling crowds of people migrating between bars, or the shuffling masses 
Xerokine: -*- of businessmen or clerks heading home after a long day, a vague trail of empty, discarded wallets began to appear behind him as he relieved them of their cash. 
Isthyr: strolls around more as he makes his way around a corner and steps on something. "Huh?" He says to himselve as he stops and lifts his foot off of the object. [Ooo, a wallet.] Isthyr thinks to himself as he checks it [Shit, it's empty. Well it is a
Isthyr: <c> nice wallet. I think I just might replace it for my own.] He tells himself as he clears the remnant items of the wallet, without even bothering to look at pictures or other worthless junk. He begins walking again as but to his amazement, he
Isthyr: <c> finds yet another wallet and inspects it. "Crap." He says silently as it too is empty. [Well, if I keep on finding these I could start selling them.] He concludes as he makes his way down the sidewalk again, clearing out this wallet too and pu
Isthyr: <c> putting both of the newly aquired items inside his many, deep, trenchcoat pockets. Continuing his walk he finds more wallets and clears them as he had before and stows them away in his pockets. [Tonight must be my lucky night.] Isthyr thinks a
Isthyr: <c> as he walks down the sidewalk, on the lookout for anymore wallets that may appear. [But it must be the work of a pickpocket, no doubt. Whatever though. I can sell this for some money, but if I could find him, maybe I could sell him one too.] H
Isthyr: <c> chuckles to himself at the thought of it, making his way through the city.
Xerokine: paused at the street corner, carelessly tossing the last wallet over his shoulder. It had only contained a couple bills, but over the past ten minutes he had garnered a total of several hundred dollars. It was amazing how 
Xerokine: -*- many people kept their billfolds in their jacket pockets or other easy-to-reach places. He was practically doing a public service for these idiots. "Now, where to next..." Xerokine pondered aloud, his golden-brown eyes gazing 
Xerokine: -*- around at the nearby bars and night-clubs, the music loud enough to be audible even out on the street. Somewhere crowded would probably be best, somewhere that had been open long enough that most of the
Xerokine: -*- patrons were nice and drunk...
Isthyr: notices someone toss a wallet over their shoulder. [That must be the pickpocket.] He assumes as he approaches the wallet and cleans the rest of it out also. [He must've had a good collection tonight] He thinks as he keeps an eye
Isthyr: <c>  on the pickpocket and stashes away the last wallet he had picked up. Isthyr closes up his trenchcoat and secures his ill gotten objects. [I'll sell these later when the shops open.] He decides as he begins to hover in the
Isthyr: <c> sky to keep a birdseye view on the pickpocket. [He can run but he can't hide.] He thinks as he begins watching him.
Xerokine: glanced around as the hair prickled on the back of his neck, but no one seemed to be paying any undue attention to him. He shrugged and dismissed it as nothing, instead heading toward one of the closer night-clubs 
Xerokine: -*- with a jaunty swish of his cloak. A few bills palmed to the overweight man at the door who was paid to look imposing and not for his brains saw him inside, where the painfully loud music and blinding random flashes of 
Xerokine: -*- coloured light made Xerokine regret coming in. "Humans," he spat, shaking his head at their obscene habits. "Horrible creatures."
Tiernan: narrowed his eyes at the newcomer, it had been a long time since he'd visited this place again, and he hadn't expected one of his expected allies to fall into his lap. No, this man, Xerokine, he
Tiernan: (c) wouldn't fight for a cause... Not unless that cause benefitted him greatly. He's not lazy, not particularly. Just hard to motivate. "So I just have to motivate him..." he said in a whisper
Tiernan: (c) as he closed the distance between himself and the unknowing ape.
Isthyr: : Seeing that he had lost the pickpocket inside a club, Isthyr landed in an alleyway and came out of itstrolling casually, turning towards the club that he saw the man enter. "Hehe, he can't hide for long." He says to himself as he makes
Isthyr: <c> his way into to club, flashing his members card to the bouncer as he passed by him. [Foolish club bouncers] He thinks as he slightly laughs, entering the ruckus. "Now where'd he go." Isthyr says low to himself as he makes his way
Isthyr: <c> to the bar.
Xerokine: casually turned, his amber eyes narrowed as he faced the halfbreed. "Tiernan." A soft chuckle escaped him as his lips curled in a feral grin. "It's been a while. Several months... or was it years?" He laughed, running 
Xerokine: -*- one hand through his tousled hair. "I was wondering when you would show up. Everyone else has already reappeared. Techagi, the quinbreed, Essex, Oaftres, DeArtair. Even that brat Rini has shown up, annoying all and 
Xerokine: -*- sundry. What's kept you?" Xerokine leaned against the wall, tossing a wad of bills toward the man tending bar and lanquidly ordering a round for everyone, on him, as he waited for Tiernan's response.
Tiernan: figured he'd be less dramatic, drama only ever seemed to urk Xerokine. No, he'd find a way to make Xerokine want to join his merry little quest. "The years have been good to me. I'm simply passing through
Tiernan: (c) on a simple mission." his words were simple, he tried his damnedest to act both unimportant and uninterested in Xerokine - "I'll have a White Russian."
Xerokine: took a glass of some clear, anonymous wine and swirled it around contemplatively. "Oh?" he replied conversationally. "Sounds interesting." His tone suggested it was anything but. "Something you've cooked up on 
Xerokine: -*- your own, or are you playing the mercenary for someone else?" The Saiyan slouched carelessly on one of the stools that lined the front of the bar, gazing around the rest of the club. It was still early yet, as such things were 
Xerokine: -*- measured, but the dance floor was filled with a mob of teenage and underage humans attempting to dance. Xerokine just rolled his eyes.
Lye: cracks his neck as he steps into a night club looking around for his contact.  He was seeding himself deeper and deeper into the humans underworld.  It was an entertaining thing.  Something that had brought him to
Lye: (c)the infamous "Cunnilingus Pit."  Twas an odd name for a night club, he assumed it was either a hook up and get laid club, or a lesbian club.  Either way it mattered little to him, he wasn't human.  He moved through the smoke
Lye: (c)and the blinking lights, pushing his way through the dancers gripping the pistol under his trench coat tightly.  He could feel a presence in the club, Xerokine perhaps?  Perhaps it wasn't a bad thing.  Either way, he stepped to
Lye: (c)the bar and began his hopefully short wait.  "What will you have to drink sir?"  The voice was feminine, and came from behind him instead of the bar.  "I'll have a Hot Damn."  He replied identifying himself to his contact.  
Tiernan: exhaled sharply, always sarcastic - excuse me, sardonic - what was it that motivated him? The drive for power - ambition was a bloodright of the saiyans. Xerokine was mildly different. He had to think that he'd
Tiernan: (c) come up with the plan by himself. Xerokine would not be as interested if it were any other way. Wealth, that too drove Xerokine, it was the human in him. Tiernan briefly chuckled, pondering what Xerokine
Tiernan: (c) would think of being part human. Whatever the matter, he was now. He'd lived near and with them too long. Probably had a lover amongst their kind. He was getting side-tracked. Power. Money. There was something
Tiernan: (c) else... pride? Battlelust. Yes. Tiernan had decided those four things were at the heart of all of Xerokine's amibitions, but... just to be sure, and to break the awkward silence - he asked: 
Tiernan: (c) "Xerokine... what drives you?"
Lye: glanced at the human female, sensing...  'Saiyan? No, halfbreed. Definitely not full blooded human.''  He smiled for a moment letting his canines show, "Took you long enough to get here Mr. Saiko."  Her voice let slip
Lye: (c)in a joking manner.  He chuckled lightly for a moment, "I like to keep people waiting, lets the suspense build.  So, why has your maffia taken interest in me?"  She smiled at him as she ordered a Kamikaze.  
Lye: (c)After she took her shot she smiled at him, "I'm here to make you an offer you can't refuse Mr. Saiko.  And by can't refuse, I mean i'm going to kill you if you try."  She let her laughter echo over the clubs music.
Lye: (c)His face remained calm, as he himself ordered a crown on the rocks and began to sip it.  'Guess I've just made another enemy.  Need those I do not...'  The thought occurred in his mind as he chuckled, "Lets here it."  
Xerokine: amused himself by shooting small, practically invisible bolts of energy into the crowd and seeing how many people he could trip. Tiernan had a vacant stare on his face, having lapsed into some deep reverie. 
Xerokine: -*- Probably staring at the dancing girls. Humans were so easily amused by that sort of thing, and Tiernan was at least half human. A chance notice of a certain blue-skinned Namek on the other side of the club meant that Lye 
Xerokine: -*- was there as well. Was it chance, or was the Namek keeping tabs on him... A scowl passed over Xerokine's features, but before he could act on his annoyance, Tiernan had come back to his senses. Or so it seemed. 
Xerokine: -*- "Drives me?" he echoed, staring at the halfbreed. "What a stupid question. What drives me to what? Stand here and talk to you when I would much rather be spending my time with something more interesting? Well, mostly, 
Xerokine: -*- it's the rather unlikely possibility that you're hiding all your strength and are about to punch me in the face. Otherwise, I'm just wasting my time." 
Tiernan: turned sharply, but his gaze was stern, not angry. He didn't look bruised by Xerokine's insipid remark. "No, you fool, to take action. No one, least of all you, could puzzle out why you're standing here right now.
Tiernan: (c) Was it the urge to procreate that grabbed you? Perhaps you thought you could find a mate amongst the nubian in this hell-hole? I'm asking what conciously drives you to aspire for power. You always seem to want
Tiernan: (c) to insinuate yourself in the highest reaches of importance. Is it the secrecy? The cloak-and-dagger of it all? Or are you just bent on being the most important person around?" No, no, no... he waxed poetic.
Tiernan: (c) Xerokine hated poetry and would surely be disinterested in this. "You've ran political offices, and stolen things, and acted for the good of a very large majority. Was it really all just for survival?" He
Tiernan: (c) silently hoped Xerokine said 'No.'
Xerokine: grimaced in distaste. "Oh, don't be crude," he replied shortly, shaking himself. "That's just disgusting, Tiernan. You're lucky I haven't eaten recently. You know perfectly well that the very sight of these creatures 
Xerokine: -*- offends me," Xerokine added, glaring at those nearby. "That one or two of their number have rebelled against their baser instincts and shown actual strength says nothing for the putrid vermin that populate this city. And you also 
Xerokine: -*- know perfectly well that the so-called politics that humans dance around like players in a farce holds no interest for me either. The only reason I even hold interest in collecting wealth is because it both attracts enemies and 
Xerokine: -*- allows me to fund my amusements. The only reason I occasionally lend my services to those who plead for it in times of need is because it amuses me to do so. If you're looking for some higher purpose or calling, you'd be 
Xerokine: -*- better off searching in the sewer. You can ask the rats what 'drives' them."
Lye: wasn't going to conform and be any mafia godfathers bitch.  It just wasn't going to happen, so as she was offering up her bosses plan extorting major city officials.  It was a plan with the goal of cash, no real benefits for him
Lye: (c)save for their protection.  Protection which he of course didn't need.  Xerokine would at least act like he was watching his back, at least until the time he was able to do it himself.  And that psychotic monkey was infinitely
Lye: (c)stronger than any protection the mafia could hope to offer.  So as he finished his drink he chuckled once again and declined.  "That's alright hoe, and I suppose I'll be sending the message to your boss now..."
Lye: (c)With his statement she quickly drew a sword from a hidden sheath, his right hand snapping, the .45 caliber pistol and pressing the barrier to her skull.  "Bitch, did you think I hadn't thought of this possibility?"  
Lye: (c)She held her sword to her side as he received another glass of crown on the rocks, the bar tender's eyes full with fear.  "Now this is the message i'm sending your boss, Don't fuck with me."  With that he lowered
Lye: (c)the pistol in an instant and shot the weak little hybrid in the chest.  Not a fatal shot, but the round had been charged with energy and she went sprawling backwards a good distance parting the crowd and spraying them with blood.
Lye: (c)The round of course being fired caused an explosion that drew the attention of the crowd.  As he stood placing cash on the counter to pay for his drink he snickered lightly putting away his pistol.  After a few moments they returned to dancing.
Tiernan: smirked, dispelling the illusion that he actually cared what Xerokine had said: "No, that is your higher purpose. With that I am satisfied. And you, I guess, aren't worth asking to come along. But... You are a good
Tiernan: (c) strategist. So I ask that what you would do if you were to face an enemy of overwhelming power. Not that you, or I will, just... let's talk strategy. It's always an amusing pasttime for me." A sip of his White
Tiernan: (c) Russian and he was peering drowzily at Xerokine waiting for him to take the bait or counter. 'What an interesting game it is to work near you, Xerokine.' he thought.
Xerokine: leaned back, his eyes flicking over as the Namek killed a girl on the other side of the bar. But it seemed such things were commonplace here, and the general buzz of activity soon returned to normal. "Overwhelming 
Xerokine: -*- power?" he replied mockingly. "How vague. Is this enemy incredibly strong? Perhaps incredibly smart? What about his speed, his agility? Is it organic, or perhaps a machine? Is it cautious or overconfident? Can it be 
Xerokine: -*- provoked to talk, or is it simply trying to kill me?"
Lye: let his attention glance to where Xerokine was speaking with someone else, his mind drifting back to an older time, searching for a name, a memory.  'Tiernan was it?'  He sighed inwardly as he sipped his drink, tempted to go and speak
Lye: (c)with the saiyan, and the halfbreed.  Although he suspected soon the night club would be overrun with mafia wanting to kill him.  And it wasn't as if he hid in a crowd well.  He was a six foot tall blue namek wearing a purple trench.
Lye: (c)However, he could take single handedly whatever the mafia sent at him, and if he couldn't then he could flee, out of their grasps.  Slowly he pushed his way through the crowed, making his way towards the duo.  
Tiernan: smiled, pleased with finally unravelling a bit of Xerokine, but this would probably look like a clever smile to Xerokine, as though he were crafting an enemy right now. "No, and yes, well, let's start like this:
Tiernan: (c) The enemy is incredibly strong, with both speed and power on its side. It does not lack cunning, but it is not overly intelligent. It is a very calculated enemy, it can be spoken too, though in this scenario
Tiernan: (c) you are the aggressor, and you only seek its destruction, so unless you believe you can cause an enemy so powerful, who has survived so long to simply off itself, then, well... Ugh. And as for your last
Tiernan: (c) question... I would place its... origin at somewhere closer to organic, though it's grown beyond that. It's more... ephemeral now." this was certainly entertaining. At least if he couldn't provoke Xerokine's help
Tiernan: (c) he'd have some insight into his character. More insight, that is. Then again, Xerokine's a dick like that. This could all be a ruse, he could have absolutely zero interest in this and he'd still follow through,
Tiernan: (c) just to see if it held anything for him. Predictable. Bah. Was he showing this disappointment and boredom? He hoped not, he had tried to mask his disappointment with frustration, and his boredom with
Tiernan: (c) -uncertainty.
Xerokine: yawned, losing interest as Tiernan laid out a long description of his hypothetical enemy. "Nevermind. Sorry I asked," he replied absently. "Well, whatever your quest is, have fun. I think I'll seek entertainment 
Xerokine: -*- elsewhere. The music is starting to give me a headache." The Saiyan shook his head and moved to his feet, then vanished in a subtle glimmering of black light, leaving the Namek and halfbreed to mingle amongst themselves.
Lye: noticed Xerokine's prompt exit as he approached, summing it up as Xerokine having no desire to associate with him unless it was related to something work wise.  It mattered little, he could associate with the halfbreed he supposed.
Lye: (c)Of course that being said he really had nothing to say to the halfbreed, so as he approached simply gave a slight bow smiling at the halfbreed, unsure of the hybrids intent.  Or how the hell the man had survived so long.  
Lye: was puzzled and quickly finished his Crown, placing the empty glass on the counter as he began to follow Tiernan.  'Nothing better to do for the moment I suppose, although I really should return to my research soon..'  
Tiernan: peered uninterested at Xerokine's departure "How disappointing. He never has any advice to follow." inwardly he seethed. How dare Xerokine just leave him like that. Xerokine knew that Tiernan wanted something,
Tiernan: (c) perhaps I was being too coy he thought. Well, whatever, Xerokine has had a taste. With a few more hints I'll glean interest. And that's all I really want. Tee. Hee. He thought: All I wanted was Xerokine's 
Tiernan: (c) interest. How idiotic does that sound? Rolling his eyes he downed the last of his drink and passed the bar to another long-lost ally. "Lye. Move. We're getting out of here. Bring the girl." hoping Lye would simply
Tiernan: (c) follow his lead and any type of retribution the mafia had placed would be ineffective if they left the establishment.
Tiernan: peered intently about the room. There were goons posted at every door. Even the man Xerokine had greased to get in unmolested now seemed more alert, more... sinister. Ah well. He didn't want to spill blood here, he
Tiernan: (c) didn't have the manifest. Well, he'd simple erase them if they became too much of a problem, that would be easier. Less paperwork. "This way." he stated lightly, trying his best not to sound like an order.
Tiernan: (c) He knew Lye to be rebellious, and though it had been years since they'd last spoke, he didn't want to chance a rebellion, no, a stand-off in the middle of a night-club. How could he explain that he'd killed more
Tiernan: (c) than a hundred humans and had nothing to show for it?! Well... let's begin, he thought as he moved past the threshold, making sure that Lye had the girl in tow. The massive guard placed a hand on his chest.
Tiernan: (c) "What an atrocity." he stated, the man just looked confused for a moment. His eyes narrowed and he snapped the guard's wrist. Before he could even yelp, Tiernan pulled him closer. The pain must be 
Tiernan: (c) excruciating. "You will stay silent, and come with us, or we will kill you, and everyone in this establishement. But first. I'll find your family. Your wife first." Tiernan said, tapping the ring on the hand
Tiernan: (c) he'd broken. With a clenched jaw he nodded. Tiernan placed the guard's hand on his should and marched outside. To the unobserving it would look like the guard was pushing Tiernan out. Excellent, he thought. 
Tiernan: (c) Perhaps this excursion would prove useful after all.
Lye: steps out of the bar following the... Physically demanding Tiernan, he could feel something was off.  Just a little, eyes perhaps watching, or perhaps it was the clicking sound coming from the rooftop across the 
Lye: (c)street followed by a bolt striking a round... Either way, as his ears twitched his right hand raised, a thin barrier of energy forming around it and stopping the fifty caliber bullet that had been shot at him.  
Lye: (c)He glared upwards at the building, but that was ultimately the least of his problems.  Apparently the mafia had decided to execute him if he hadn't cooperated with their petty cash laundering scheme.  
Lye: (c)Tiernan had tried to deter such an encounter with his exit scheme, but it seemed as he was fated to feast of the flesh of the mafia.  A few goons had followed them out, a few brandishing swords, others semi-automatics.
Lye: (c)Bullets and swords didnt intimidate him, unless they were being used by someone who understood the basic principles of using ki.  Then they became deadly.  He glanced over at Xerokine, and the bleeding woman
Lye: (c)who had been sent to offer him the deal he had refused.   He hadnt wanted to kill her but now it mattered little.  The men moved slowly towards them, unsheathing their swords.  "Fuck these cunts." He said calmly as 
Lye: (c)He turned to the girl with his pistol once again in hand, a head shot this time.  The goons rushed him, for the most part ignoring Tiernan, who looked as if he was being escorted out.  His blue flesh shimmered brightly
Lye: (c)as he faded from view, limbs violently exploding from their owners as he worked.  They couldnt see him, they only felt his hands chopping across their bodies.  He ended up on the rooftop standing in front of the sniper.
Lye: (c)This one he would leave alive, but paralyzed...  An explosion echoed in the air as he fired a single round hitting the sniper in the lower back, severing his spine.  "Tell your boss ill be coming for him in time..."
Lye: (c)Another flash of light and he was standing by Tiernan once again, his purple trench coat specked with crimson, a hint of sweat on his bluish features.  "That should be enough to scare them off for now, lead the way Tiernan."  
Tiernan: turned, stopped, and released the guard. "Find medical attention for yourself and whoever of your friends that are alive." with a wry smile he examined Lye. "That was unnecessary." But perfect for the job. He just
Tiernan: (c) had to coerce him to work for him. With him. "Lye... don't get too entangled in anything in the coming days, alright? I've got a plan. And I want your help. But that's all I'll say for now." he gently removed the 
Tiernan: (c) girl from the ground where Lye had deposited her before doing his dirty work and said "I'll take care of this. I'll also make sure that 'the boss' doesn't nag you anymore. Get some rest, find some sleep." with a 
Tiernan: (c) gracious nod he turned and vanished.
Lye: shook his head, he was already entangled in so many things...  Like the coming release of his projects, that would destroy the ability for the human race to reproduce.  But he supposed a few side projects wouldnt hurt.
Lye: (c)With a deep sigh he glanced over the blood shed, it didnt matter if the mafia boss wanted to continue nagging him.  He would eviscerate all of his puppets.   Hell he enjoyed it.  For now however he needed to continue 
Lye: (c)with his research.  He was almost in the experimental phase of his project.  Had to get the prototype to work normally before he could begin field testing it.  Then it would only be a matter of time before it was widespread.
Lye: (c) "Joy." He said with a chuckle as a dark blue portal expanded from his body, covering him and then vanishing.  A moment later he arrived at his newly created personal lab, beakers and tubes of fluid glowing all around.
Lye: (c) "time to work."  He muttered to himself as he removed his purple trench coat, replacing it with a purple lab coat.  He picked up a chart and read a few lines, picking up a test tube. For now he was content, to work on the downfall of man.  
Essex: -*- The city's blue barrier shimmers in the sunlight as the Spider Droids line up by the entrance, each forming a line on each side. Another set of droids comes 
Essex: (*) through, rolling out a long red carpet across the desert sand, leading to the entrance of the city. It was still about an hour or two from the Grand Opening 
Essex: (*) ceremony, but already people were lined up, standing in place and moving uncomfortably. Top the tallest building, SynTower, stands Essex, hands in his
Essex: (*) pocket. "Mmm, this is going to be grand." He says, pulling out a glowing meteor-rock, one he had obtained the other night. He turns it over between his 
Essex: (*) fingers, examining it. He shrugs to himself and slides it back into his pockets. He turns around and leans against his helicopter that was going to be
Essex: (*) used in the celebration tonight. Back outside the city, droids were setting up a tent like sheet over the carpet, blocking out the desert's sunlight. "It's 
Essex: (*) redicilous that he put a city in the middle of the desert, especially one of this magnitude." A woman says, scoffing and crossing her arms over her
Essex: (*) chest. And she was right; the city was massive. Flashing lights, seventy-five and even one-hundred story skyscrapers spanning ahead. It was a
Essex: (*) sight to see; the City of Carnal Urges, the City of Booze and paryting... the city of Syn. "I wonder how big it is?" The woman asks, looking left and
Essex: (*) right, trying to see the end of the city. A Spider Droid walking beside her stops as something begins to whir. The Droid speaks in a cold, robotic
Essex: (*) voice. "The city, from one end to the other, north to south, west to east, is Seventy-Five miles each way. Good day." The droid continues walking, 
Essex: (*) heading to complete some task it had been assigned.
Orii: cleared his throat as he stepped onto the roof, a subtle attempt to gain his father's attention. He'd been fitted by the tailors, and had changed out of his dirty, torn attire, to a crisp black suit. It fit him well, and he thought he looked damn 
Orii: (C) good. He wore black slacks, a matching jacket, a black dress shirt, and silk tie. He leaned onto a silver headed cane, obviously unnecessary and completely vain, his fedora tilted to the side. "Pretty awesome, huh?" He stepped to the edge of t
Orii: (C) the SynTech building, looking down on their city. "Today is going to be amazing... We almost ready?"
Chimera: right here bitch
Noodles: * Long ago lived a little girl and Noodles was her name. She was so tough that she could break things with her mind power. Well, Noodles smiled, she had recently undergone a surgery in a desolate place
Noodles: (C) near the outskirts of north city. In a place known as Telians Hideout. In telians Hideout, there was a place where you can get a nice surgery done for only a few coins. The guy who does it was Bruce, and he liked turning
Noodles: (C) Males into females. So Now, standing a nice 5'3, Noodles the lovely looking lady, stood. She also had to have her voice reanimated, so she doesnt sound manly. She stood high, and gazed over a small ridge, looking deep into
Noodles: (C)the heart of North City. Where she might attack, just to test out all her new powers. "I love being a he-she!" She said, smiling ever so proudly.
Tyish: was 6 years old when i found out i had powers. people called me freacky and wierd i use to get mad at then one day a kid throw a rock at me and hit me in the head and i beacme so mad i shoot out flames from my mouth. i join the tenn titiain and im
Tyish: now all we do is save the world and have fun doing it
Lye: lets the rain wash over his relaxed blue form, the city park around him a playground for his physical training.  More and more his power was slowly returning to him, and these training sessions were becoming fruitless.
Lye: (c)Soon he would have to resort to sparring, or training under intensified gravity.  Either way, this shadow boxing, and physical training in the park wasn't doing as much as it had when he had first resurfaced.  
Lye: (c)Either way, it felt great to feel his once limp muscles begin to take form once again, his energy being used in a more hostile manner.  He exhaled deeply, his eyes glancing upwards at the dark clouds.  He longed for a fight...
Lye: (c)Sighing deeply he glanced down at his scuffed up training uniform, the wet purple material sticking to his skin from the rain.  He supposed he was done for the day, it was late and he needed to return to his lab...
Lye: (c)Grumbling an umbrella appeared in his hand, his legs hesitantly carrying him towards the streets, his hunger for training not yet satisfied.  'Really need to bring my gravity chamber next time...  This isn't working anymore...'  
Xerokine: -*- A shadow detached itself from a dark patch beside the sidewalk and began to pace next to the blue-skinned Namekian. In the faint light of the streetlamps, the shadow was revealed as a tall man in a hooded cloak, with a 
Xerokine: -*- sword slung across his back. His features were mostly shrouded by the cowl and the rain, leaving visible only a pair of sharp golden-brown eyes that scanned the empty sidewalks and store windows. "Are you done, then?" the man 
Xerokine: -*- said impatiently, a gloved hand emerged from his cloak to scratch at his neck. "Playing at bodyguard is not so entertaining that I enjoy watching you swat at flies in the rain." The man shook himself, water spraying from the 
Xerokine: -*- slick fabric as he made some growled insult at the weather and the planet in general.
Lye: had been vaugly aware that Xerokine was actually in his presence.  'Either he's really good, or i'm rusty at my skills in detection.'  He shook it off, tempted to spar with Xerokine for a moment.  Unfortunately the saiyan
Lye: (c)would most likely not hold back, and end up severing a limb or two in the process.  An annoyance, and painful to regrow.  Sighing he longed for the days when he was more than a match for the likes of any saiyan.
Lye: (c)He shook off his dismay however, it wasn't needed at the moment.  "Yes, i'm done... That I am."  He let his gaze slip across the street to a diner, "You hungry Saiyan, i'm buying." He motioned to the diner as he walked towards it.  
Xerokine: allowed a grimace to flicker across his features. Everytime he met up with someone, they offered to buy him a meal. It was as though people thought that by feeding him, he would be less interested in killing them. 
Xerokine: -*- "Fine." A little indulgence wouldn't hurt. "Though I'd be more interested in a fight." Blunt honesty was good too. "You can't possibly be satisfied by prancing around in the rain. I thought you wanted to regain your strength. Or maybe 
Xerokine: -*- you're more interested in killing off all the girls so you're the prettiest one of all," Xerokine mocked.
Lye: grinned a great deal, not much of a fight for the moment but he still had a few tricks up his sleeves.  That he did.  In a second he turned, pivoting on one foot as he faced Xerokine quickly falling into an aggressive posture.
Lye: (c)The food could wait, he did want to get stronger, and the ugly fact of the matter was that outside of training under intense gravity, sparring was the second best way to gain strength.  He said nothing as he rushed
Lye: (c)the Saiyan with a violent flying kick, a deep purple aura flowing around his body evaporating the rain that came near him.  The way he figured, he would either get killed, 'Bad,' Or get stronger while healing 'Good.'   
Xerokine: flipped uncontrollably through the air, slamming into the pavement several yards down the sidewalk. "Ow," he said, spitting a wad of blood to the side as he rose. "Didn't expect that." With a careless toss of his head, 
Xerokine: -*- Xerokine pushed back his hood and let the fierce rain plaster down his black hair and trace down the sides of his face. "Fun." Forgoing his sword for the moment, the Saiyan took a second to adjust the gauntlets to laced down 
Xerokine: -*- either forearm, the black metal shining slickly in the faint light of dusk. Without another word, Xerokine raced forward, the puddles of rainwater on the sidewalk parting as he shot a fist at the Namek's chest and another at his chin.
Lye: reacted slowly, his reflexes a few levels below that of Xerokines.  Either way, he did his best to block the punches that slammed into both his chest and chin, sending him flying through the air and slamming into the diner wall.
Lye: (c)He groaned for a  moment, quickly snapping out of it as he filled his hands full of energy.  His aura flashed, his blue features smiling as his form shot through the air above Xerokine, a blast of energy targeting his opponent 
Lye: (c)from the diner.  A twist in the air and he was coming down, his right leg extended in a kick slicing through the rain in an attempt to catch the Saiyan offguard and smack him in the head, while his blasts distracted him.  
Xerokine: laughed, impatiently batting the energy wave aside and sending it crashing into the street. "Is that-" His words were cut off as a sudden blow cracked into the side of his head, sending him spinning through the already 
Xerokine: -*- cracked wall of the diner and into the middle of the restaurant. Tables splintered and dishes crashed as he skid to a halt, a line of blood tracing down from his temple. "Bah." Xerokine flipped to his feet, but rather then head back out 
Xerokine: -*- the hole in the wall, the Saiyan leapt upward - punching through the ceiling with a fist sheathed in crackling energy and coming out on the roof behind Lye. "I'm back!" he called gleefully, spinning around and sending his heel flying at 
Xerokine: -*- the Namek's face.
Lye: let a low pitched growl seep from his throat as he watched the saiyan crash through the walls, preparing his body for the next onslaught, whatever painful attack would most likely slam into his body.  The roof of the 
Lye: (c)diner exploded upwards, his eyes trying to trace the blur that had already stopped in front of him, a heel slamming into the side of his head as he rose his hands in an attempt to block to no avail.  He couldn't even
Lye: (c)hear the rain as his body slammed into the soil and skidded to a stop.  'Gotta move faster.'  He grumbled to himself as he pushed himself to his feet, his right hand raising to his forehead, his middle and index finger 
Lye: (c)the only two coming into touch with it.  He vanished in a dark purple mist, his form re-appearing behind Xerokine.  In a second his hand snapped out, his fingers in the same position as a deep purple beam
Lye: (c)of energy exploded point blank from his fingers, two smaller beams of pink and blue circling it as it crossed the two inches that separated his hand from Xerokine's back.  He was surprised he could still perform the technique.  
Xerokine: blinked as the Namek vanished in a poof of smoke, but then it was too late to react. The sudden burning pressure on his back kicked him forward, sending him flipping back across the street to land on his heels against 
Xerokine: -*- the wall of the opposite building. Crouching vertically against the brick, Xerokine scowled up at the Namek. "Teleporting is cheating," he said lightly. The brick cracked as he kicked himself off, one leg scything down to carve 
Xerokine: -*- a shallow furrow in the street before it lashed upward, booted toes aimed for Lye's chin.
Sert: leans up against an unlit street light, the only on the block not providing light. Rain pours down on the hood of the black pullover he wears, hiding all but a green nose in shadows. <Smurf...> The thought is projected from Sert's mind, over to
Sert: - what is more than likely the receptive mind of Lye, even admist a battle. The green namek Sert had just arrived on the spot seconds ago, in a burst of white flames - a technique picked up while studying the knowledge of the ancestors. Radiating
Sert: - a worthy energy, Sert's maximum powerlevel, he invites the attention of both Lye and his attacker. The white telekinetic flames still fluctuate around his form, like a cobra rearing back in anticipation of a strike.
Lye: attempted to block the kick with his hands, but was infinitely slower than that of Xerokine.  His head cracked backwards as the attack landed, his body being lifted off of the ground.  His mind was blurry for a moment as he
Lye: (c)fell to the ground, the thud inaudible by the sound of the pouring rain.  He was barely coherent when he heard the voice in his head, the namek who he had little hope for was speaking with him telepathically.  <Good job.>
Lye: (c)He let slip through his mind and flow into Sert's as he rolled over, trying to push himself up despite the intense pain, his head still spinning as his purple blood flowed freely from a gash on his chin.  'Fuck...'
Lye: (c)He thought to himself as he gradually made his way to his feet, turning towards Xerokine and dropping now into a defensive posture trying to get his head to stop spinning, and focus on which of the five Xerokine's to attack.  
Xerokine: skipped a half-step back, giving himself room to defend if the Namek was just feigning. "Done already?" he asked deprecatingly, shaking his head. "Tsk tsk. You spent all that time making this huge underground lair, 
Xerokine: -*- designing this amazing thing to wipe out humanity, courting all these idiot humans for money... and you can't even take a hit? Look, I'm not even using energy!" Xerokine slammed one foot into the ground, making the pavement 
Xerokine: -*- crack roughly around his boot. His hand stretched out and caught one chunk of rock that flew up from the small crater. "Or my sword! Can't you do any better?" The man sighed, tossing the rock from hand to hand. "I suppose I 
Xerokine: -*- can't expect much. You are a Namek. A weak, pathetic excuse for an intelligent plant. Maybe you should go put on a nurse's outfit and whimper in the corner."
Sert: smirks darkly beneath the veil of his hood, enjoying the scene thoroughly. <My bad> The words, with little regret, are transmitted over to the blue skin. Rather than continue with that upper brain activity speak, something the Saiyan was
Sert: - no doubt far from familiar with, Sert focuses on what his keen ears picked up on. 'A weak... plant?' The fires around Sert burn brighter for a moment, beads of rain reflecting the light off in an almost poetic way for a brief second.
Sert: twitches his left eye a little; the lamp post behind him uproots, taking a sizable portion of pavement with it. The overhanging light snaps off, shredding the post down into a sort of javelin. "Since when do shaved apes have the mental capacity
Sert: - to insult others? But hey, I'll do your poo flinging insults one better... Ya hairless dick." The post is fired forward in the air, much like a thrown spear, towards the Saiyan.
Lye: shakes his head for a moment, snapping the five images of Xerokine together into one.  He heard Sert in his mind once again, but the young namek didn't respond kindly to his race being insulted.  <Tsk, this fight doesn't concern you lad.>
Lye: (c)It didn't matter, Sert had made a hostile action towards Xerokine.  Xerokine would react as he always acted against aggressor.  However, gauging from their powers it would be a close fight.  He supposed Xerokine would enjoy 
Lye: (c)the workout.  As for Sert...  Well, he didn't want to see Sert get killed.  The young namek had potential.  So as the post flew through the air he let his mind focus on Xerokine's <Seems you have a plant worth fighting now>
Lye: (c)A chuckled left his throat as he wiped blood from his open wound onto his sleeve, continuing to telepathically speak to Xerokine.  <Don't kill him if you wouldn't mind.  He's got allot of potential>  He turned his back on the two 
Lye: (c)his mind now speaking with Sert, <Good luck with the fight kid, if on the off chance you do win... Which you could...  Don't kill him, like it or not he's a decent ally.  Regardless of the fact that we've been trying to kill each other for deca
Lye: (c)Without another thought, without waiting for a response his body vanished into the mist, reforming back at his lab.  He glanced at himself in the mirror, his own purple blood staining his training gi.  "Damn it..."  
Xerokine: sighed as Lye vanished without a word, only several significant glances at the green-skinned Namek that had showed up. Just in time, it seemed, to hear his insults, uproot a lamp post, and throw it at him like a crude 
Xerokine: -*- javelin. "Oh, please." Xerokine shifted his stance, letting the tip of the metal spear glance off his armguard and whistle just inches past his right ear. "You're tossing streetlights at me? What's next, you gonna throw a parking 
Xerokine: -*- meter?" Flames suddenly shot up and twined around the cloaked man, enveloping him in a small inferno of red and white fire. He didn't seem to feel any heat, though, and neither Xerokine's flesh nor his clothes were burned. The 
Xerokine: -*- fires fed on nothing and simply swirled a few inches from his skin, searing away the falling rain and lighting up the darkening street.
Sert: cracks his neck bones a little, not much noticing the fact the albino-versioned namek has gone away. Really, Sert just didn't like people insulting his people. It was an insult on himself; one that wouldn't go unpunished. "I was considering
Sert: - it." A gust of the fiery white aura grazes the landscape, random objects it touches emblazed with the same coloured fires; a couple of smaller trees, a trashcan, a hobo, a parking meter, and a sewer lid. The objects speed toward Sert, orbitting
Sert: - the glowy eyed Namek as he stares at the Saiyan. "It might not look like much, but.." All the trash whips forward at Xerokine, as a collective array of speeding, empowered fireballs of.. garbage and things. ".. How often do you get hit by
Sert: - flaming homeless people?"
Xerokine: grinned as he casually drew his sword, watching this new Namek gather up more trash to throw at him. "Oh, I dunno. How often do you set homeless people on fire and throw them at people?" The crimson flames around
Xerokine: -*- him flared out for a brief moment, then Xerokine shot forward across the cracked and spitted street. His cloaked flapped as he jumped from the pavement to the first tree, darting along it's searing trunk. He leapt from that to the 
Xerokine: -*- trashcan, denting the side as he flipped sideways to bound off the side of the screaming hobo toward the next tree... but the sewer lid caught him in the side, the white-hot metal burning through cloth to burn against his flesh. 
Xerokine: -*- Xerokine grimaced, but ignored the pain and spun to land on top of the flying lid and leap back forward, skipping off the top of the parking meter and falling toward the Namek with a vertical slash of his sword aimed to split the 
Xerokine: -*- creature in half.
Sert: snickers a little, nodding his head simutaneously. "Not nearly often enough!" Swinging to his left, Sert steers himself clear from being cut down the middle, but unfortunately not clear enough to avoid losing a rather valuable right hand.
Sert: 's face, however, doesnt seem to convey much pain. His words suggest otherwise. "You FUCK!" The words echo tirelessly across the street, even as his hand on the floor twitches around in the rain. Sert could regenerate the hand in no time, but
Sert: - he knew it would take concentration.. which being so close to the Saiyan would not allow. 'Gotta make some distance-' Sert decides, nodding his head forward to Xerokine while leaping backward. The fiery aura strings forward in a
Sert: - lithe beam of hollowed white; a wave of telekinetically charged energy, with a pointed energy tip.
Xerokine: cursed as the lance of energy stabbed through his right shoulder, throwing him back against the torn street. Blood spurted out of the wound, soaking into his shirt and staining the black material. "You witless plant," he 
Xerokine: -*- growled as he straightened back up, black sparks dancing around his right hand as blood traced down the arm. "Darkstorm!" The crackling in his palm split five ways, five trails of dark lightning that shot out and around to 
Xerokine: -*- converge toward the wounded Namekian. 
Sert: * Some breathing room between himself and the other, Sert looks down at his stump of a hand; concentrating. 'Come on...' He envisions the hand bursting out of the stump, regenerated completely. Energy channels to the spot, preparing for the
Sert: - new hands arrival. A crackling noise distracts him midway through the attempt however. Looking up to the skies, Sert makes the assumption the rain was being accompanied by thunder now. The realization comes to him just in time to witness
Sert: - the onslaught of lightning. "Lighting: REALLY?" His energy of white flames blazes forward, the full mass shaping into a straight forward shield of white, covering enough area in front of Sert to take the bolts head on. It manages to fend off
Sert: - the attack at first, but its lack of prep time shows as it bursts away, the flames sifting back to its owner as bolts engulf the namek. Jolted bad, Sert stumbles backwards, his fall stopped by the side of a building; it did his back poorly
Sert: - to prevent a fall like that. Enraged by the lightning move, and the fact his hoodie is now smoking from the impact, Sert points at the Saiyan. At first, it seems an empty gesture.. but as his eyes glow white, and the sidewalk begins to lift
Sert: - and crack, it seems otherwise. The pieces hover in varying sizes of pavement, several feet away from Xerokine. "Going to walk it off, Saiyan?!" The cement flies forward to Xerokine, in a linear mass of white fire.
Xerokine: spat to the side, working his right arm around and seemingly oblivious to the blood dripping off his fingertips. "Oh, I don't know. Might need to sleep this one off." The first cement block flew toward his middle, but the Saiyan 
Xerokine: -*- hopped upward and it passed underneath, only to be used as a kickstand to launch Xerokine forward. The edge of the Tatsujungin gleamed as it sliced through the second and third, reducing them to scattering clouds of rubble. Still 
Xerokine: -*- in the air, the man spun around and raised his free hand, sending a quick bolt of black lightning toward the next group of rocks. The air cracked with the energy's passage, a dull boom of thunder as the cement splintered and 
Xerokine: -*- exploded in a sudden cloud of dust and smoke. Before the sound had even begun to fade, the center of the dust cloud part and Xerokine flashed through, sword glinting as he leveled a sudden flurry of bladed menace upon his opponent.
Sert: growls deeply at the approaching Xerokine. The saiyan wasn't slowing down much with everything Sert tossed at him. It was like he didnt seem to care much for his own well being. Sert's lost arm rips through the flesh of his wrist, emerging just
Sert: - in time to return the flurry of sword strikes with two open clawed hands, weaving around the blades to strike Xerokine randomly all over. This, of course, leaves him to take slashes all over his body; purple blood splatters all over,
Sert: - dripping down the nameks jeans, collecting on the tattered remains of the pullover, and splashing through the air onto Xerokine a little. Even as his chest is ripped apart, flesh and muscle being teared up, Sert continues the attacks. The white
Sert: - fires return once again in his eyes, overturning a car off to his left, dragging it on its hood across the street to smash into Xerokine, and hopefully stop the bladed assault. Despite the show, Sert was in no place to keep up a fight much longe
Xerokine: flipped upward, landing neatly on the underside of the car as it skid past the Namek and down the street. Blood dripped from a dozen wounds over his arms and chest, where his shirt was torn and bloodied, and even a 
Xerokine: -*- gash down the side of his face where the Namek's claw had only just missed the eye. Before the car could come to a stop from friction or further telekinesis, Xerokine spun his sword around and sent a spinning torrent of black 
Xerokine: -*- lightning tearing through the air at his opponent. "Lightning Vortex!" 
Sert: roars at the black lightning attack descending upon him, baring his canines, challenging the attack to do its worst. Back against the wall, nowhere to go with the amount of time left before the vortex strikes, Sert took the only action he
Sert: - thought reasonable; continue on the offensive. "One more for the road!!" Glowing white eyes target Xerokine, flashing as white energy engulfs Sert, only to be fired forward in that same telekinetically charged thin blast. Instead of
Sert: - meeting the Saiyan again, it is aimed lower - it strikes the gas tank of the upturned car, rather easily, igniting it. The entire car begins to explode, just as the vortex takes its toll on Sert. The namek is engulfed completely. In the cloud
Sert: - of smoke following the blast, Sert is seen lying face down in the dirt. Though his power is still strong, it is clear the fight in him is long since gone.
Xerokine: was thrown back as the car detonated beneath him, landing roughly on the torn and shredded pavement. His sword hummed as it flew down and the blade cut for half its length into the stone next to him, his grip on it lost 
Xerokine: -*- in the explosion. The crimson and white flames that had been licking around him shivered and died out, leaving him torn and bloodied on the street as what was left of the car continued to burn.
Xregg: -*- A loud roaring of engines was heard in spaceport of New Hope as one of the many ships completed it's docking procedure.  The ships sub-light engines cut off, shortly their after.  The ship had come all the way from the Icerian
Xregg: (C) homeworld.  Usually these transport ships didn't actually carry passengers, most Icerians detested Earth's climates and most Earthlings simply detested Icerians.  So these ships were more used for exports and imports than any
Xregg: (C) actually tourist or vacation purposes, "Convenient." Commented a small figure from inside the ships hull.  A pair of small horns jutted out from a smooth head as two men conversed slightly, "Your record of ever being on this transport no
Xregg: (C) longer exists." The other person, a regular human from the looks of him nodded to the horned individual, "Ah..." Came the reply, "That's good to hear.  So that means the only people who know I was even here are me..." The horned figure
Xregg: (C) turned to look at the human, "And you..." The human stepped back slightly raising his hands in some mock attempt at the defense, "N-no...wait! I wouldn't tell anybody I SWEAR!" "Oh...I bet you won't." The horned figure raised a fist
Xregg: (C) obviously preparing to punch a hole into this guys torso, "No! PUH-" The sound of liquid hitting metal sounded within the hull.  The horned figure looked down slightly and began laughing out loud as the human had just wet himself in
Xregg: (C) fear, "OH! Aahahahaha! OH! No...wait! Oh my that never gets old." The Icerian pats the human on the shoulder before dropping a bag of something on the ground in the pool of piss forming at the human's feet, "Keep the change."
Xregg: stepped out of the transport shuttles docking bay, his black skin reflecting oddly against the Earth sun, "Too sunny." Xregg's eyes flickered lightly as he looked around, "So, he's here, eh? Probably not been keeping a low profile
Xregg: (C) either.  Setting hobos on fire and throwing them at people no doubt."
Lye: muttered something as he stood in the operating room, a few men on the table who had just been blown to hell by an explosive device.  Sighing he waved his hands over the near dead bodies, shrapnel being ripped 
Lye: (c)from their bodies painfully, then their wounds mending in a matter of seconds.  'Idiot monkeys.  I'm getting tired of their constant battles with their idiotic toys.  This is why they must die out. All of them.' He sighed inwardly to himself.
Lye: (c)A few more wounded men healed and he left the hospital.  He would be paid well for saving those fools, as he always was.  Little did they know that he was months away from slowly eradicating their race.  A smile formed on his features.
Oafy: takes Essex up the bum
Oafy: hangs up a coat hanger with his business attire on it, just then rotating shoulders to get a better fit with the white armour. For the first time in close to a week, Oafy was out of the suit, and back into his 'normal' clothes; the white pants
Oafy: - matching the breastplate, his back and shoulders veiled behind the dark blue cape. "Ahhh... like a glove," he sighs happily, feeling at home in the outfit - well, rather just being out of the business suit. After a long period of all nighters,
Oafy: - long conferences, and boring interviews, Oaftres had, with assistance from close allies, managed to make New Hope City an economic titan once more. A thriving city, worthy of the title Capital City of Earth. And to boot, thanks to some SynTech
Oafy: - donations, the city was self-reliant in all ways. Hell, a legion of 3,000 Omega Droids were even on standby to handle outbreaks of super beings in the city. "'Effective in one week, it will be safe to roam the streets of New Hope City once
Oafy: - again!'" Oafy quotes himself, recalling the media event to make the declaration of the Omegas. Good times. As he goes over the events of the day, he manages to make his way out of the building, stalking down the streets in a random manner.
Xregg: rolled his shoulders gently around a few times.  The trip to New Earth had been shitty to say the least, but it was a necessity.  Even though Xregg left the Icerian forces under good terms he did not want anyone to find him immediately.  That
Xregg: (C) was, of course, IF they tried to find him at all, "Oh well..." He sighs to himself walking through the spaceport in a rather straight forward manner.  Humans merely blinked and got out of his way, children pointed and stared with gawk-
Xregg: (C) eyed expressions, mothers ushered their children away, it was really rather interesting, 'Hrmph...so much for not being found out early.  A retarded monkey could find me with -this- kind of attention.' Xregg merely shook his head
Xregg: (C) silently, these humans were so easily frightened. Xregg left the spaceport and looked around, New Hope was...bigger than he had expected it to be.  To be honest, he had expected a smattering of huts and caves. To see a shining
Xregg: (C) metropolis was a slight suprise, "Well, I guess I'll get started." He spins on a heel and begins walking leasurely down the street, looking like he knew what he was doing, 'I need to find a records keep, they will undoubtedly
Xregg: (C) have the information I'm looking for.  If the humans react to nameks in the same fashion as they do to me, it'll be easy.'
Jeckel: grimaced as he remained perched atop a rebuilt tower in New Hope, watching the activities as the humans went about their daily chores and activities. He had once again taken refuge on the planet Earth after having a few more skirmishes with the sa
Jeckel: <C> saiyan millitary scouts that had went to 'check on his progress' which really meant keep him in check. The higher ups were scared, damned scared, he was gunning for their jobs, their ranks and climbing the ladder one rank at a time. This would
Jeckel: <C> wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for the fact that in a Saiyan command structure, if one person gains your rank at the higher levels then you need to be demoted, which usually meant death. "I'm probably going to have to try to make some alli
Jeckel: <C> allies here...at least for the meantime.." He spit off the roof, watching the bit of saliva fall to the sidewalk, narrowly missing some guy in a blue cape. "Who would pick blue for a cape?"
Lye: exhaled deeply, wiping his face with warm water in an attempt to get the blood off of it.  The Operating Room never stopped working.  It amazed him some of the injuries these monkeys could survive.  With his help...
Lye: (c)Sighing deeply he ignored the gut feeling to abandon his facade early, and release the virus.  He hated show boating for a bunch of stuck up human fucks.  'Thinks have changed, no longer do I have the Earth Special Forces funds to back me...'
Lye: (c)He thought about it for a moment, growling as he continued to glare at himself in the mirror.  Either way, he was done playing god for the day.  Whoever else got fucked up was on their own.  He moved to the closet,
Lye: (c)quickly removing the bloodied surgical scrubs from his body, replacing them with a black pair of jeans and a white t-shirt.  Then he grabbed a purple trench coat and threw it over his form, heading for the hospital exit.  
Oafy: 'icks' quietly, steering out of the path of the fallen bit of spit from above. "Has to be those god damn kids.. Swear to god I'd turn the Omegas on them if I wasn't such a pedophile," Oafy jokes to himself, nobody around that would actually hear
Oafy: - or appreciate his humour. Still walking, Oafy raises a single, slender finger to his left; a wisp of ki sparks into existence above it, hovering there as a grey orb, with struggling currents of black and white streaking about it. "Try and
Oafy: - get my cape dirty, will ya?" Forcing the finger into the air, the orb is sent flying up high, above the tower. There in the sky, it detonates harshly, casting most of that half of the city in mock night from the black explosions. It fades
Oafy: - seconds later. No harm is done to anything in the area, but it would scare the shit out whatever kid thought it'd be funny to spit at people on the sidewalk.
Lye: felt his ears twinge as he stepped into the alleyway, a remark about someone being a pedophile.  He muttered to himself, it didn't concern him.  Even so, out of curiosity he began to walk in the direction of the man who had made the comment.
Lye: (c)It didn't surprise him, nor did it frighten him the display of energy.  He just let his voice echo across the alley, "Pedophile eh?  You're one of the reasons the human race has to die."  His voice wasn't in a mocking manner, 
Lye: (c)after six hours saving lives his purple eyes were glowing slightly crimson.  For the moment he didn't care, making a comment about the race needing to die and actually having a hand in its destruction were two different things.  
Jeckel: erected a barrier about himself as the ki blast detonated, covering the city in darkness for a few moments but strangely it didn't seem like it was meant to destroy anything, or that blue caped ninny was simply a bad shot. Jeckel growled and held 
Jeckel: <C>  up his left hand, a ball of electric-blue energy sparking to life and pulsing as it grew to the size of a softball. He grinned and cocked his hand back and then pushed it forward, launching the ball of energy at the blue caped one, having it 
Jeckel: <C> spiral out and then come in like a curve ball to hit the pavement in front of Oafy. Unlike Oafy's attack however, this one was meant to do some damage, as soon as it hit the pavement it detonated, causing an explosion which kicked up chunks of
Jeckel: <C> pavement and dust. As the Dust cloud rose, Jeckel hopped off the tower and spead off into the cloud, hovering above the crater as his arival broke up the dust and sent it outwards to diffuse and settle. "Hey listen buddy..you got some nerve se
Jeckel: <C> sending off an attack..if that would of hit me I would of..er...uh..Oafy?...Oh..heh. Sup man?"
Oafy: turns green eyes onto Lye, smirking a bit at the blue namek in the alley. Holding back the blue cape a bit, Oafy relaxes out his furry brown tail from about his waist, making it wave slightly at the namek. "Not a human, but thanks; it's good
Oafy: - to know where people stand." Keeping the remark short, Oafy didn't wish to say more than needed to convey the message. He'd rape the namek if he had to. The distraction Lye provides makes the cratering explosion, and arrival of Jeckel,
Oafy: - all that more seemless and random. Immediately, the halfbreed dives into anger. "You friggin'..!!" He begins, until it is clear its Jeckel, something of a friend. A look of surprise replaces anger: "Oh.. Hey, Jeckel." The anger returns; eyes
Oafy: - narrow, veins appearing on his neck and forehead. "You can't go around blasting the city! Do you have any idea how strapped for money city hall is?! Ralph in accounting is going to be adding a whole entry for your street exploding ways!!"
Oafy: felt bad once again, for the man simply known as Ralph in Accounting.
Lye: chuckled for a moment, he got the sense that this half-breed wanted to rape him for some reasons.  "Whatever, I suppose you travel with a crowd that breeds on destruction.  That seems about typical for your race."
Lye: (c)He let a smug look settle on his face, he knew of this Ralph from accounting.  It was the same Ralph who handed over millions upon millions of zeni to Lye for research purposes after being ordered by his bosses.  
Jeckel: smirked and gave a side glance to the blue namek...BLUE NAMEK!? He took a second look and let his eyes scan over the odd colored namek and shrugged, turning his attention back to Oafy. "Who the hell is Ralph? Fuck Ralph. And besides, you got more 
Jeckel: <C> important matters to deal with than just a few potholes that occur." Jeckel looked around a bit and looked back at the blue namek, his attention going once again to Oafy. "What do you say you and I discuss this in a more...delicious..place? A 
Jeckel: <C> resturaunt or something and ditch the freak namek.."
Lye: growled lightly, he could stalk the pair of hybrids until their slow and untimely deaths.  His words however were insulting, another ignorant primate just trying to stuff his belly.  "No surprise, I think you're friend here is afraid of intelligen
Oafy: shakes his head with a look of dissastisfaction, grumbling out a quickly said sentence. "As opposed to nameks, who cannot breed, and farm for a living." Outright ignoring the nameks second comment about intelligence, he returns to Jeckel with
Oafy: - a simple nodding. "We can do that.. But I'd rather find a .. well, a shitty place to eat. I'd rather not get noticed, y'know?" Walking away from the scene, he makes towards a run down looking family restaurant. "And there's no need to
Oafy: - shun Lye; he's harmless. Like a declawed cat.. minus the allergies," he jokes, sniffing loudly at the thought of cats. "Bastard cats..."
Jeckel: gives one last remark to the namek before leaving with Oafy. "Ya know namek..when I woke up this morning I didn't really have the feeling of smearing something's guts all over the city...but you might just make me change my mind." He grins and the
Jeckel: <C> then heads with Oafy to the resturaunt. "If you don't wanna get noticed, I suggest you loose the cape. Not many people walk around with capes these days...besides I guess Dracula and the king of Vegeta...but thats about it." 
Lye: could recall a time when he would rain fire from the skies for such comments, and turn a good portion of the city to ash.  'Perhaps I should expand my target to include hybrids as well?' His thougts were empty as he turned on the pair.
Lye: (c)'Ah, such ignorance shall be rewarded with death...'  He sighed deeply, 'Gah, must return to training...  How I loathe it so...'  With a sigh he began walking, he had to continue his research.  Finish with his precious virus and what not.
Oafy: waves off the comments of Jeckel with a laugh. "You should learn to bite your tongue, Jeck. Going around insulting everyone isn't healthy for your.. well, health." Entering the barren restaurant, the two look over the scenary: a man behind a
Oafy: - counter, sitting on his ass looking at a girlie mag; a waitress and a waiter flirting with each other near the large, unoccupied dining area; and a random dog laying asleep next to the podium hostesses would normally greet customers.
Oafy: - Not one to disturb sleeping dogs, Oafy treads above the tail of the mut, tapping the bell on the podium to alert the staff they had customers. "I don't think many will notice the cape, to be quite honest," he returns, eyeing the empty joint.
Oafy: seats himself next to the window in the dining area, waiting on Jeckel. "I'll have pie; pumpkin pie. He'll have a childs sized vanilla ice cream. Scoot, scoot!" He shoos the waiter away, smirking as he does so.
Jeckel: sits at the table and raises an eyebrow to Oafy's order for him. "Right..and as for the insults..eh...screw em. If I can survive an icerian war..I can survive a stinking little namek. Besides..I didn't like the feel of that guy anyway. Like most o
Jeckel: <C> of the people you seem to hang around..they don't seem right..like they got some loose screws or what not." Jeckel took the small ice-cream and frowned, munching it down in a few bites, cone and all. "Anyway..The upper brass of the Saiyan army
Jeckel: <C> is scared at my self made promotions..they're sending out squads to stop me to make sure I don't get to them...I need allys.."
Oafy: hovers over the full circle of pie, forking it in the center, shoveling the pumpkin goodness into his mouth happily. The way he remains around it with one arm, seems rather protective; Oafy don't share his pie. Mmming long and hard, he cries a
Oafy: - little. "This pie... is amazing." After a few more shovels into his munching mouth, he daps off crumbs from his lips with a napkin. "Allies come and go depending on what you have to offer; friends stay forever." Allowing the words to take
Oafy: - effect with time, Oafy takes a few more mouthfuls of delicious pie. "It's hard to make friends when you insult everyone you meet.. Me, on the otherhand.. I'll befriend just about anyone." Punching at Jeckel's shoulder, Oafy returns to the pie.
Jeckel: chuckled slightly as he thought the prospect over. He hadn't really had many friends in his life, those that were friends allways seemed to get themselves chopped in half by an Icer's disk or impaled by a squad of beams, or of course crushed by gi
Jeckel: <C> gigantic rocks. He shook his head a bit as the memories replayed themselves in the few seconds it took him to chuckle. "Fine fine then...I need friends. They'll be sending squads here every now and then to..eh..'check' on me..I need someone wh
Jeckel: <C> who can help me give them good reports..if you get my drift. Just untill I can get the opportune time to return to Vegeta and take my rightful rank."
Oafy: examines the fork, a piece of pie impaled on it. "What exactly do you mean 'check' up on? And 'reports'?" He continues to appear more interested in the baked desert than what Jeckel was speaking about, but he continues to listen and respond
Oafy: - to the Saiyan.
Jeckel: sighs. "I mean they're trying to make sure I don't make it back to Vegeta...they're trying to kill me, Oafy. They bastards have gotten too lazy and fat and they're sending their underlings to do the dirty work. So, we kill the underlings that are 
Jeckel: <C> stupid enough to lay their life down for those idiots. of course, all the others that flee are welcomed to flee..they'll just tell those morons about the ass kickings that are going to come their way."
Oafy: licks the desert off the fork, moaning as he does so. Its done too loud, and gets the attention of the flirting waiter and waitress; they seem to lose the mood, and get back to their jobs. "This pie..." After a few chuckles, and another
Oafy: - forkful, Oafy returns to the topic at hand. "Ignore the underlings; target their masters. Kill them only." With a nod, he returns to pie. Insert fork. Lift. Munch. Contemplating legislation making pie mandatory after every meal.
Jeckel: raised an eyebrow at Oafy's moan. "you really like your pie..er..anyway. Yeah thats the plan..however..I'm waiting for the full moon on Vegeta to do my final push to the top." He grinned a bit. "You see, while all those full bloods are going to be
Jeckel: <C> stuck in monkey mode..I have a powerup technique that keeps me normal..and gives me a nice bit of power to boot..i'm sure you've seen it..its far more powerfull than level 2 of super saiyan and it seems like i'm normal..no transformation."
Essex: leans forward, crossing his arms on the table and chuckling softly. "So, that must be some good pie." Essex says, scooting his chair closer to the table. "So, how's it doing?" He asks, looking between the two halfbreeds. It was amazing,
Essex: (*) him just appearing out of nowhere and nobody seeming to notice, immortality has its benefits after all. "So, what're we talking about? Political gain? Galactic Domination? Oaftres' most recently sixteen year old conquest?"
Lye: slowly sipped from his glass of Crown Royal on the rocks.  He was sitting at a up class bar,  trying to unwind.  He was tired of the constant rat race, constantly working on his virus or training.  He needed a break...
Lye: (c)He supposed it had to happen eventually.  Although he hadn't gotten nearly as powerful as he had once been, he still had regained a substantial amount of his power.  Still, it was taking its toll on his body. 'Bastards...'
Lye: (c)He thought to himself recalling the cock half saiyans who he had had the misfortune of meeting earlier in the evening.  'I fucking hate primates....  Perhaps i'm a racist?'  He sighed deeply as he sipped the glass once more.  
Oafy: drops the fork, leaving behind an empty, see through glass plate, with random specks of crust here and there. Wiping his mouth with a napkin once again, he smiles at the approaching Essex. "Delicious pie, Essex.. You ought to order some."
Oafy: eyes Jeckel quickly, before speaking softly. "Jeckel's taking over New Vegeta. More or less." Grinning, Oafy snaps his fingers, drawing the waiter over, who picks up the plate and walks off in a sulk. "Only kill your political enemies, the
Oafy: - people whose rank you are after. Those under them will serve you.. you want a large pool of applicants to fill your army, right? Choose the best of the best.. Not those that you forgot to kill." On a pause, he cracks his knuckles, then continues
Oafy: - "Oozaru is probably one of the most powerful forms a Saiyan can reach... I don't know if whatever higher power you've reached can match it. No doubting your abilities to fight an elite saiyan in Oozaru. Just doubting your abilities to fight
Oafy: - a squad of elite Saiyans, fighting as Oozarus. But.. you're right to pre-plan this shit." Green eyes turn to Essex, a thought standing out. "Essex has a devious mind. Ask him what he thinks..."
Jeckel: eyebrow twitched as Essex's sudden apperance startled him slightly. He looked over at Essex after listening to Oafy and chuckled a bit. "What? Him? He's more concerned about potholes than you are. Anyway, the plan is simple. They're in oozaru so t
Jeckel: <C> they will be more powerful, sure, but they'll be slower. I'll be smaller and harder to hit. I just have to remove their tails and drop out of that transformation..they loose theirs and I become oozaru. Then I simply step on them and bam..insta
Jeckel: <C> instant five star General..I'll be awarded the rank by the king himself..and none will ever think to challenge me for it. At least not for a little while."
Xerokine: -*- A gentle snowfall blanketed the small village, just a few miles north of the big city. The sun had already set, and with it most of the population of Devlin. "Boring." A man crouched at the corner of the downtown general store, his 
Xerokine: -*- cloak softly flapping behind him in the faint breeze. His hood was pushed down, letting his short black hair open to the cool air as he scanned the street below. A group of teens wandering aimlessly down the sidewalk, an old man 
Xerokine: -*- smoking a pipe, two middle-aged women chatting as they walked. A feral grin spread across the man's face as his hand began to lift toward the sword hilt over his shoulder.
Essex: chuckles, ordering a piece of pie from the waiter as he picks up Oaftres' plate. "See... Jeckel, the me taking care of the potholes is all just a ruse to get the people to follow me and him more... I, sorry to say, don't really care about the
Essex: (*) city, I have more important agendas." He sets his mechanical hand on the table, liquid metal pouring onto the table, taking form of a tiny dagger. He picks it up and turns it over, examining it while it slowly shifts into a pair of 
Essex: (*) brass knuckles. "Heh." He closes his fist around the knuckles, their structure turning back into the liquid metal and retreating into his hand. "That's a very poor idea you have Jeckel. The chances of that working for you are very low.
Essex: (*) If you're going after a saiyan general, odds are he's more powerful than a halfbreed... his Saiyan powers are higher, and his Oozaru are going to be stronger also.. it's all a matter of being a pure bred."
Lye: let the Crown rest in his mouth for a moment, savoring the flavor of the whiskey before he swallowed, letting it slowly burn down his throat.  How he did love his drink.  It was one of the few things he lived for.
Lye: (c)Chuckling to himself at the thought of he himself being an alcoholic, he took another sip.  Perhaps he was, but it didn't matter.  The drink didn't effect the namekian race as quickly as it did the human race.  He could hold his liquor.  
Karnak: test
Oafy: scratches the back of his neck, laughing lightly. "Essex plays the hero to the populace, and I am the hero to the populace. So it's only half a lie." The liquid metal Essex tinkers with catches Oafy's eye; it looked familiar, but not enough
Oafy: - to steer the topic too far from Jeckel's plans. "If you're to make general, you'll need help. Or at least a very well orchastrated, precisely executed, time managed plan. I'm sayin'.. you're in the generals stronghold, creeping in the shadows,
Oafy: - assassinating those that get in the way... and confronting the general one on one. It could be more than a one person job, too." A loud cough from Oafy interupts a seconds silence. "If y'need shelter from your enemies, I'm sure.. SynCity
Oafy: - could... be open soon to accept you?" Perking an eyebrow as he shoots Essex the question, Oafy awaits the response. Essex was a smart guy.. caught on to opportunities quick. 'Does he see the opportunity before us now?'
Xerokine: -*- A few minutes later, Xerokine was letting his sword slide back into its sheath, his hand brushing a speck of ash from his shoulder as the town burned behind him. The faint sound of screams echoed through the choking smoke, 
Xerokine: -*- making him smile. "Ah, if only I could keep that sound to lull me to sleep each night." After casually tossing a set of distinctive Saiyan armour into the blaze, where it would be charred but still recognizable once rescuers arrived, the 
Xerokine: -*- Saiyan turned, stepped, and faced Lye in an up-scale bar somewhere in New Hope City. "What are you doing?" Xerokine demanded, glowering at those who had been startled at his sudden appearance. "Drunken fool."
Lye: turned with little regard to Xerokine, taking yet another sip of his Crown on the rocks.  "You know me, alcohols my only friend.  You care for a drink Mr. Caeruleus?"   He waved his right hand at a bar stool, which in response
Lye: (c)slid out from under the bar inviting him to have a seat.  "I'm not sure what i'm doing anymore.  I have scientist working on a virus to destroy life, and yet they think their working to save it.  I suppose i've become lazy.  Or perhaps I am a d
Xerokine: shifted his gaze scornfully between the alcohol and the drunken Namek. "I don't drink," he said shortly. "And neither do you." A black spark shot from his fingertips into the rows of bottles behind the bar. The sound of 
Xerokine: -*- shattering glass and splashing beer or wine was, for a moment, the only sound. Then the stuff ignited, illuminating the back of the pub with bright yellow flames. Those inside only stared in shock for a moment before the panic 
Xerokine: -*- reached past the beer clogging their senses and sent them screaming for the door. Xerokine calmly drew his sword, leveling the edge of the blade at the Namek's neck. "Guess what?"
Fenin: was born a long time ago in a place where he was scorned. believe it.
Essex: glances over at Jeckel, munching on his piece of pie. "I suppose SynCity has a spot for him... it's very vast..." He takes another bite, chewing it thoroughly, "But it'll cost you..." He grins, chewing some more before swallowing.
Karnak: touches Fenin
Lye: had finished his only glass of Crown on the rocks before Xerokine had decided to remove the booze from the premises.  He waved his right hand back forward, the bar stool sliding back under the bar as he showed little regard for the blade.
Lye: (c)He chuckled lightly as he sat his empty glass on the table, watching the bar burn as everyone ran.  "I'm guessing you beat young Sert's ass, how did your fight go Xerokine?  It had to be more enjoyable then fighting with me."  
Jeckel: sighed a bit. "First of all, Oafy, saiyan warriors do not sneak around...ya know..explosions from beams of ki kinda blow your cover. And I don't need to hide anywhere..I just need a few friends that will back me up." He looks over at Essex. "And a
Jeckel: <C> as for your city and it's costs or whatnot...I'll go there..pay whatever rent untill the time I need to leave...lets just be clear though. I'm not entering in any alliance with a human populace with this." Jeckel gave a bit of a huff as a rand
Jeckel: <C> random thought crossed his mind. "hey..ya know..what ever happened to those ghost things that were around here?"
Oafy: shrugs off the thought of the ghosts in the city, not caring much. "They left; we didn't. Victory Earth." Glancing down, he twiddles his thumbs a bit. A hint of held back laughter follows him into the next few words. "I don't know if rent..
Oafy: - is quite the cost Essex is speaking about. Money is good and all, but what good is it in the long run? Psssh." The halfbreeds green eyes now look all over the room, traveling everywhere but back to Jeckel's face. "Not sure how many allies
Oafy: - you'll get if you're so discinlined to accomodate others requests..." He trails off, knowing Essex would have some mighty fine things to add.
Xerokine: -*- "Oh, it was," Xerokine replied conversationally. "Great fun for all involved. But I'm afraid that's not my point." The flames continued to eat away at the supports of the bar, spreading across the back wall and raising the temperature 
Xerokine: -*- "Oh, it was," Xerokine replied conversationally. "Great fun for all involved. But I'm afraid that's not my point." The flames continued to eat away at the supports of the bar, spreading across the back wall and raising the temperature 
Xerokine: -*- inside to uncomfortable levels. "I've decided that I really like your underground lab. It's very nice. There's only one catch, you see." He tilted the blade, pressing the edge against the Namek's throat. "The previous occupants. 
Xerokine: -*- Specifically, the soon-to-be-late Lye Saiko." Xerokine's eyes suddenly narrowed and shifted toward the front of the bar, where a figure was emerging from a circle of liquid shadow. "Speaking of 'late'. Techagi. What do you think? 
Xerokine: -*- Will the blue Namek have blue blood?"
Essex: pulls off his sunglasses, setting them on the table and pushing them away along with his empty plate. "Jeckel, I think an alliance would be best." He says while shrugging his jacket onto the back of the chair. "Because the fact of the
Essex: (*) matter is... the Saiyans aren't the most powerful beings out there." He gets a cocky glint in his eye and grins. "Believe it!" He chuckls and crosses his arms. "There's nothing wrong with entering an alliance with the human populace,
Essex: (*) they're not really any different than you... oh, that's right, I forgot you monkeys had pride." He shakes his head. "And that'll be your downfall one day."
Lye: chuckled slightly, he had seen this betrayal coming from the start.  It wasn't a surprise for him, "You've seen my blood on numerous occasions Xerokine, besides, my death would only mean the destruction of everything i've rebuilt."  
Lye: (c)He focused his energy, pointing a palm at the intense flames and focusing his mind.  The flames expanded outwards, consuming the bar at a much faster rate.  "Either way, the choice is yours.  You've wanted me dead for how long now?"  
Greg: tilts his head slightly at the scene before him.  A burning bar, that meant no booze, since it was obviously being used to fuel the fires.  Then there was Xerokine and this...oddly colored Namekian.  Greg shook his head slightly and just
Greg: (C) chuckled lightly, "Blue blood? Nah, he'll have something strange like orange or...white..." He then raises an eyebrow as the flames seemed to only intesify, "I recommend a cnage of scenery.  I enjoy a burning building as much as the
Greg: (C) next raging sociopath, but seriously, it's hot in here."
Jeckel: was listening well to Essex's words, shrugging off the cocky little claim that Saiyan's werent the most powerful, but then the insult came in. Jeckel growled slightly. "Why..how dare you.." He balled his fist up and slammed it into the table, the 
Jeckel: <C> table buckling under the power of the slam and breaking in half as it fell into shambles on the floor, the loud sound causing the wait staff to be alarmed and the sleeping dog to twitch slightly. The guy reading his girly mag was too busy oogl
Jeckel: <C> oogling boobs to pay attention. "You want an alliance then you insult me like that? Ya know, the more I talk to you the more you sound like an icer, Essex."
Xerokine: blinked and looked around, as if he had forgotten about the fire. "Oh, right," he remarked, lowering his sword and taking a step back. "Fine." His eyes closed as he began to take a deep breath. Without warning, more flames 
Xerokine: -*- erupted around Xerokine, creating a red and white inferno that consumed him in a sudden flare of heat. For a long moment, they swirled in a fierce sphere of fire. But then Xerokine's eyes glowed a bright golden and the sphere 
Xerokine: -*- expanded, blasting outward with relentless force. The weakened walls and ceiling of the bar gave way, exploding outward with a rain of wooden shards and flaming chunks of glass and metal, but as the walls collapsed onto the 
Xerokine: -*- neighbouring buildings and the street, the temperature sharply decreased. "Happy? Can I get back to killing this guy so I can use his underground facility for my own?" Xerokine demanded impatiently, his still-glowing eyes glaring at Techagi.
Vrasp: testing
Oafy: * In a flash of light, Oafy's fist slams forward into Jeckel's left eye, intending only to shut the man up for a moment, as he stands up from the broken table. "Now.. LISTEN HERE GOD DAMNIT!" His voice is full of command, loud and powerful,
Oafy: - though no trace of true anger is present. "Saiyans are a powerful race, but do not underestimate the rest of the universe! Humanity is not all weak. Where they lack ability in battle, they are superior in economics, business, technology,
Oafy: - commerce.. the list goes on. Choosing an alliance with the populace of Earth is to side with the winning team!" Breathing deep, Oafy shoots a glance over to the wary staff, signaling with a quick gesture they should leave. In a hurry, the
Oafy: - two rush out, dog following behind them; the chef remains with the magazine. "We are presentin- No, BLESSING you with the opportunity to have everything you need and more, to do more than reach the status of a pathetic five star general.
Oafy: - Imagine all of New Vegeta looking to you as their King.. The power you would wield!" He begins to stare off into the distance, as if he could see it through his own eyes. "How realizable that goal is when you keep such a worthy people in your
Oafy: - network of allies..." At this point, Oafy could sense he was setting the finish line too far for Jeckel at this point, and returns to the task within sight. "We can help you defeat your enemies, and reach General. You must accept that
Oafy: - Saiyans are not a superior race to others. And in return, you owe us."
Lye: quickly raised a barrier to protect himself as Xerokine used his aura to clear away the burning rubble.  A moment later he still sat at his bar stool, unimpressed by the saiyan threatening his life.  "Kill me or don't, make up your mind."
Lye: (c)His voice was crude, uncaring.  His plans would be carried out without him, 'Most of them anyway...'  And it mattered little, upon his death his labs would self destruct killing hundreds of scientist.  It was all gravy.  
Essex: stands up as well, crossing his arms over his chest as Oaftres speaks. "He's right. There's something humans have that saiyans don't." He glances over at Jeckel. "Heart." He reaches down and picks up his jacket, slinging it over
Essex: (*) his shoulder. "Tell you what, if you think I sound like an icer... let's do this the Saiyan way." He belches slightly. "Oh, excuse me." He looks up at the ceiling for a moment, thinking about the new technique he was working
Essex: (*) on. "We'll have a fight, a fight until the other cannot go any longer... if I win, you make an alliance with Oafy, and if you win... I'll butt out and stop making fun of your homo erectus origins... how does that sound, Chimp?"
Greg: -*- A semi-shield formed in front of Greg and blocked any potentially hazardous materials from slaming into the rather pristine looking halfbreed.  He stood there with his hands stuffed in his blood red trenchcoat in a rather non-
Greg: (C) plused manner, "Go ahead, kill him already.  It's not like I've ever stopped you before.  Wierdo." The solid looking energy shield seemed to simply shift out of phase before disappearing entirely, "Just remember, if we're here when
Greg: (C) the authorities show up, it's going to be another public relations disaster."
Xerokine: -*- "Pfft. The authorities will be too busy to deal with us for a while yet," Xerokine remarked offhandedly, balancing his sword against his shoulder. "There's a village named Devlin just a few miles outside of the city. Apparently it was 
Xerokine: -*- attacked tonight by a band of Saiyans. Horrible tragedy," he said blandly. "The fires were visible from the city, and most of the rescue workers have left to fight fires and look for survivors." It went unsaid that there probably wouldn't 
Xerokine: -*- be any. Except, perhaps, for one or two who could attest to the horrible brutality of the Saiyans who had attacked them. "Where was I?" Xerokine wondered, tapping himself on the forehead. "Oh, right. The killing." He spun on his 
Xerokine: -*- heel, sending the edge of his sword whistling toward the Namek's neck.
Lye: felt energy spasm through his body as his power shot up, his physical features remaining the same.  The blade slammed into his throat, stopped by his blue flesh with a thud.  "Weak as I am, you didn't think you'd be able to slay me
Lye: (c)without at least using your kaioken technique, did you Xerokine?  Come now, you've known me for longer than that."  He chuckled lightly taking a step away from the blade, holding his right hand to his side as a katana appeared.
Lye: (c)He chuckled as he dropped into a defensive stance, waiting for the inevitable blow that would reduce him to nothing more than a bowling ball.  Least he would die fighting, and Xerokine's slaying will score him nothing.  "Care to try again?"  
Jeckel: didn't really pay much attention to Oafy's words, he was too busy holding his eye with one hand and suppressing the pain slightly. "FUCK Oafy! What the fuck!?" He grunted as he took his hand from his eye. "Do I have to give you a history lesson? T
Jeckel: <C> The truffles were technologically advanced and the like..then we took over..no more truffles, the end." He stood up. "And of course I want to be king...thats my ultimate goal to begin with. Just gotta have baby steps ya know." He looked over a
Jeckel: <C> at Essex. "And if it's a fight you want.." He grinned as whisps of golden energy whipped about him, his hair waving slightly in the currents created by the outflow of his power. "Then it's a fight you'll get.." He grinned, the golden whisps of
Jeckel: <C> energy turning white as an aura of the same color burst around his form, his clothes and hair fluttering violently. "Heh..glad to see that worked...been trying to make my transformations more agreeable to surrounding structures." A translucent
Jeckel: <C> red barrier formed around him in a sphere before he burst off through the ceiling of the resturaunt, crashing straight through it and leaving a nice sized skylight as the debris rained down upon those inside. 
Greg: glanced down at the handle of a blade that rested in a leather strap at his hips silently, his power made manifest sealed away in the form of a sword.  He was slightly bored and if these two were going to provide him with any sort of
Greg: (C) entertainment, he may have to make this little encounter a bit more interesting.  There were always the pair of .45 Desert Eagles he carried underneath his blood red long-coat, and there WERE two of them, "Hrmmm..." Greg mulls these
Greg: (C) thoughts over his head while the Namekian and Xerokine begin their actual fight, "Well, let me just get out of y'alls way." Greg, still maintaining his normal stance leaps back rather deaftly several yards, "Okay! I should be fine
Greg: (C) here!" He yells to the two of them, as though that were some kind of "go ahead" for them to brutally disembowel each other.
Oafy: lowers his head from the two others, somehow knowing from the beginning it would end in a bloody fight. "As always," Oafy whispers to himself, reaching into the folds of his white pants. The hand emerges clutching a big wad of bills that get
Oafy: - left on the counter the chef remains behind. "For the pie, ice cream, and.. uh. Ceiling. And table." Beginning to return to the group, he looks back and adds: "And another magazine, on top of that. Have at 'er, buddy." No longer interested
Oafy: - in the surroundings, Oafy nods a little, forgetting the counter points of Jeckel's. "Essex.. Do your thing, mmm?" In a woosh of white ki, Oafy jets out the hole in the ceiling, rising high above the city.
Xerokine: laughed in the Namek's face. "Kaioken?" he snorted, spinning the sword between his fingers. "I don't need the blade of the gods to deal with the likes of you. You've spent your time guzzling beer and designing pathetic little 
Xerokine: -*- colds to make humans sneeze. Count yourself lucky that I even consider you worthy of dying by my sword instead of being strangled like a child." The air around him began to thicken, the wind growing dark as an invisible pressure 
Xerokine: -*- pushed down like heavy rain. Wisps of black energy rose from his shoulders and arms, drifting around him like a dark mist. "Prepare to die, weakling." Xerokine darted forward once more, thrusting his blade forward to try and 
Xerokine: -*- impale the Namek through the chest.
Lye: used his ki to push himself to the left, but was ultimately to slow, the blade piercing through his right shoulder and pushing out through the other side leaving his face right next to the saiyan.  He rose his left hand, placing it 
Lye: (c)on Xerokine's shoulder.  "You fool, you know nothing."  He whispered as his jaws opened, his sharp canines biting down aiming for Xerokine's throat in a feeble attempt to maul him, his mind blurred with the pain from his shoulder.  
Essex: looks up through the hole in the ceiling. "They're waiting for me..." He reaches onto the floor and picks up his sunglasses, brushing them off and putting them on. He slips on his jacket, yawning softly, unamused by Jeckel's exit.
Essex: (*) He looks around the place and shrugs, bringing his fingers to his forehead. "You forget..." He says, blinking out of existence and appearing behind Jeckel. "I'm a dirty fighter!" He shouts, clasping his hands together in a volleyball
Essex: (*) spike fashion, bringing them down from above his head hard and fast, aimed at Jeckel's head.
Greg: quirked up an eyebrow in suprise, "Hrm...Mr. Caeruleus didn't even use his Kaioken technique against this guy.  That's kinda pathetic." Greg pulls out a silver case from a secret place within his long coat and pops it open.  Inside
Greg: (C) the case was a row of thin brown cigarillos.  He pulled one out, clamping the case shut and returning it to it's pocket.  Placing the cigarillo between his lips he pulls out a zippo lighter from another pocket proceeds to light the tip
Greg: (C) of the cigarillo.  Taking several puffs before clamping the lighter shut and exhaling a cloud of dark smoke, "Come on you two!" Greg claps his hands at the two of them as though to motivate them somehow, "Hurry up and start dying!
Greg: (C) I don't have all day you know!"
Jeckel: eyes widen as Essex appears behind him, he raises his arms and puts them in an X fashion at his head as Essex's spike crashes down into his arms, causing him to rocket straight down into the resturaunt through the hole he had made for an exit. His
Jeckel: <C> feet hit the floor and his knees bent as he absorbed the shock of the landing, the floor not fairing so well though as it buckled and cratered in. He cupped his hands at his sides, a ball of blue energy forming between them and growing quickly
Jeckel: <C> to the size of a beachball before he pushed his arms upwards, aimed towards where he felt Essex, a beam of the same colored energy launching from the ball and widening, the force of the beam causing the tables and chairs to blow out to the wal
Jeckel: <C> walls and the roof to be blown completely off.
Xerokine: stiffened as the Namek's teeth sunk into his right shoulder, but the pain wasn't so much that he couldn't stride through it. "What, are you impersonating a vampire now?" he demanded, jerking his sword hilt to the side. 
Xerokine: -*- With the blade torn through Lye's shoulder, it should be easy to rip it across and tear off the Namek's right arm. And with his free hand, he swung upward, aiming for a heavy blow to his opponent's middle. Even with an alien biology, a 
Xerokine: -*- stomach filled with alcohol usually makes a good target.
Oafy: folds his arms before him, hovering straight in the air, green eyes locked onto Jeckel far down below. Again. "How long you think he'll last?" The question was a decent one. Twice Oafy had fought Jeckel; only once were the odds at all fair,
Oafy: - and Jeckel bested him. 'Though really, I handed it to him... He's gotta know that.' A smirk develops out of the corner of his lips, though he says nothing, keeping thoughts to himself. 'Maybe... Maybe I shouldnt bother with him. Find
Oafy: - a real Saiyan to take over New Vegeta... Naw, the guy got me drunk once. It's the least I owe him, to see him reach Kingship!' Laughing a bit, Oafy continues to watch.
Lye: knew that the arms was going to be severed, and thusly had shielded himself mentally from the rush of pain that was now rushing through his body.  Then a powerful blow to the stomach which wasn't felt, but knocked him
Lye: (c)out of the rubble and into the streets, his purple blood flowing quickly from his severed arm.  His left hand gripped the bloody socket as he focused, concentrating on regenerating the cells.  He had become proficient at it.
Lye: (c)As he rose to his feet, a new arm erupted from the socket.   'God that's fucking hurts... Fuck... Did he think the two shots of Crown in my stomach was going to bother me?  That's pretty feeble, even for a saiyan.'
Lye: (c)Still he stood, waiting for the next onslaught still trying to cope with the pain of having an arm severed, then the even worse pain of having to regrow the damn thing.  He clenched his jaw, then spit a wad of blood at the saiyan, "Come on."  
Essex: growls, bringing his hands above his head. He focuses his energies into it, a golden sphere appearing above his head. The sphere grows bigger as the beam reaches him. "Ma.... sen.... ko!" He shouts, throwing the ball of energy at the
Essex: (*) beam, hoping to stop Jeckel's beam. As he looses the ball of energy, he crosses his arms over his chest in an X, focusing the energy from all around him. 'I need more energy... I should've perfected the Dragon Split before testing
Essex: (*) it out in an actual fight.'
Greg: puffed gently on his cigarillo, enjoying the taste of the toxic fumes within his mouth greatly before he sighs it out in a rather contented manner, "Nothing like a fight and a smoke." He chuckles to himself almost.  In a way this was -almost-
Greg: (C) like a dinner and a movie, except it was a lot more exciting to be there in person, "Now if only I had a woman to have sex with after the show..." He comments to himself idly before laughing out loud at his own commentary, wow...what a
Greg: (C) wierd guy.  This thought also struck Greg in an epiphatic moment and he kinda slumps, "I'm so terribly bored..." Greg then decides to shrug off his blood red long-coat, tossing it to the side and revealed his person weapons,
Greg: (C) The Black Orchid at his hip and his dual .45 Desert Eagles holstered at his back, "You guys are BORING ME!" A black symbol on Greg's wrist shifts slightly to form a cascade of black and red symbols that proceed to expand and grow,
Greg: (C) worming their way up his arm and over his hand slightly.  The symbols work up his arm and disappear underneath his black shirt but the marks shift back to black before the reach his face, "Let me spice it up!" Greg reaches back and
Greg: (C) pulls out his Desert Eagles and aims one at each of the combatants, "Let's dance ladies!" And with that he fires off a series of shots at each of the warriors.
Jeckel: grunted as his beam met with Essex's masenko sphere, the two coliding in a brilliant explosion that rocked through the city, shaking buildings and blasting out nearby windows. He kicked off the ground and blasted upwards to Essex, launching himsel
Jeckel: <C> himself into a flurry of punches and kicks, his arms and legs becoming blurs to the casual on-looker, if any of them were left.
Xerokine: scowled, a sudden blaze of crimson flames wrapping around his form as the bullets whizzed toward him. "Interfering halfbreed!" he spat, spinning his sword round his finger until it resembled a shimmering silver disk. The 
Xerokine: -*- flat of the blade caught each bullet as it passed, until nearly a half-dozen were laid out in a line as Xerokine traced the sword's tip against the smoldering ground. With a heedless swing, the Saiyan sent the bullets whizzing back at 
Xerokine: -*- their owner. "I'll deal with you later," he told the Namekian, waving a negligent hand toward him. "Darkstorm." A bolt of dark lightning shot out from each finger, the spinning quartet of crackling sparks diving straight toward Lye... and 
Xerokine: -*- then curving away at the last minute, all five of them splitting apart and converging back with Techagi at their center.
Oafy: winces at the collision of energy, but does his best to resist the urge to jump into the fight. 'Essex has it in the bag without help. Besides, Jeckel will only think me weaker if I leap in. Of course.. that might be a good thing...' Shaking off
Oafy: - the renewed urge to tackle Jeckel with Essex, Oafy just floats there, laughing in an idiotic manner. "Too much fun," Oafy whispers, before yelling to both warriors: "Try not to destroy my city, huh?"
Essex: keeps his arms crossed, eyes closed, taking every attack Jeckel dishes out head on. A strong punch to the jaw, a hard knee to the groin, but through it all, he keeps focusing the energy from around him. A spin kick to the top of the head
Essex: (*) sends Essex rocketing to the ground below. He hits the ground, leaving himself impacted in it, bleeding from his nose and eye sockets. 'Not yet... just a bit longer...' He thinks, crawling up to his feet and crossing his arms over his
Essex: (*) chest again, a fine blue mist beginning to appear around him.
Lye: glances at Greg for a moment as the sound of a hammer slamming down echoed loudly in his oversized ear.  The problem with weapons that caused an explosion was that they were way to easy to track, and thus dodge.
Lye: (c)He flickered for a moment as he moved to let the bullets pass him, his eye staying on Xerokine for the time being.  Bullets weren't a problem to him, he'd be able to heal a bullet to the head so long as it didn't affect his nervous system.
Lye: (c)Then of course Xerokine made a move to finish him, his arms coming up in an X to block the energy attack.  Unfortunately the attacks averted, and made a move for the halfbreed who had been watching the fight. 'Joy.'
Lye: (c)He thought to himself as his power dropped, his physical features remaining practically the same.  He was in a great deal of pain from his injuries, and he aimed to heal himself.  'Time to take training seriously...'
Lye: (c)He thought as he turned his back on the pair who were about the fight, his body fading into a fine mist as he returned to his lab.  'I suppose I should move my labs as well...'  Sighing deeply he tapped a red button in his office.
Jeckel: floats high in the air above Essex, giving a thumb's up to Oafy before turning his attention back to Essex. "What are you doing down there?" He yells out as he puts his right palm over the back of his left hand, a golden ball of energy forming in 
Jeckel: <C> front of it. The golden sphere quickly grows to the size of a VW beetle before he launches it down on the crossed armed one below. "Eat this!"
Greg: quirks up an eyebrow as Xerokine performs a move that some video game villian would perform during a cut scene. Well...maybe not, Xerokine had employeed this tactic before when it came to Greg's guns.  It was the unfortunate thing
Greg: (C) about carrying fire arms, unless Greg used any of his ki to fire them, they were easily dealt with by most super beings.  The bullets never actually made it back to Greg through as they deflected off of some unseen barrier mere moments
Greg: (C) before the energy blasts also struck ground zero causing several explosions to occur followed briefly by plumes of smoke.  The scene was one of smokey haze, yet a voice echoed out from the haze, "Aaaaah. That's a bit better,
Greg: (C) explosions!" A sadistic laugh echoed in the haze as Greg's form could be seen again, practically unphased by the attacks, "Hey!" He yells loudly, "Namekian! Where the hell are YOU going!?"
Essex: looks up, throwing his arms out to the side, a bright blue aura erupting up around him. "Dragon Shift!" He shouts, his body hardening into a statue. Jeckel's ball of energy slams into the statue, unphasing it. The sky around him
Essex: (*) begins to darken as oriental symbols beginning to glow on the ground around him. A booming voice, sounding a lot like Essex, only deeper and slightly distorted begins to speak. "Dragon Seal Unlock!" A bolt of lightning
Essex: (*) strikes down, hitting the first rune as a bit of the statue crumbles away. The process repeats itself, a bolt of lightning striking each of the runes until finally the entire statue collapses. Essex stands up, his now draconic muscles
Essex: (*) bulging as he pops his neck. "Let's have some fun!" He shouts, a set of massive black wings spanning out as he jumps into the air, soaring at Jeckel. A rune lights up on his torso as he opens his mouth, spewing a giant black fireball.
Xerokine: sneered as the Namek fled, undoubtedly running back to his little secret laboratory. "I'll deal with him later," he said with finality. "Still bored, Techagi? The authorities might be a tad distracted by that completely 
Xerokine: -*- unexpected and unprovoked Saiyan attack on that village, but I doubt they'll ignore a bar blowing up for too much longer. Perhaps we should settle this another time. Somewhere a bit quieter."
Lye: was quickly growing a headache, two minutes since he pressed the red button the scientists in the massive laboratory were deploying several androids to help remove all sensitive items from the lab.  It would take a little
Lye: (c)under five minutes for the lab to be empty, and then the self destruct would turn the underground lab into a nuclear cesspool that no organic being would be able to occupy for the next ten thousand years.
Lye: (c) "Good thing I was so strict about these drills..." He thought to himself as he pointed his hand at his main computers, a powerful blast of energy destroying it.  Another few minutes and the lab was practically empty.
Lye: (c)Sighing he focused his mind on one of his alternate labs, angry that he had to destroy his precious main research facility.  The investors would understand however, none of them wanted this information going public.
Greg: holsters his Desert Eagles and groans loudly, "How laaame!" He comments in a fashion that sounds more on par with something a punk teenager would say, "What kinda douche bag just ups and -leaves- like that in the middle of a fight!?"
Greg: seems more distraught that the Namekian actually left thus making the fight that -would- have happened less entertaining seeing as it would only be Xerokine versus Greg now, "Man..." Greg sighs outloud as the black marks that
Greg: (C) covered his arm shifted back to it's black and red cascade and shrunk back to the original mark at his wrist, "What a total moron."
Jeckel: eyes widen as his scouter gives him the readout of Essex's new powerlevel, the sudden leap into the air by Essex a bit too fast for him to properly react to, the subsequent blast hitting him straight on in the chest, sending him backwards on the b
Jeckel: <C> ball before it explodes, illuminating the city in black light as Jeckel falls from the sky, his eyes closed from the pain. He regains control and flips backwards a few times to land on the roof of a building, as soon as his feet touch the roof
Jeckel: <C> he tosses his hands forward, launching a blue beam of ki at Essex, the beam lighting up the darkened city streets as it tears through the air.
Xerokine: rolled his eyes at the halfbreed's outburst, letting the flames around him lapse into nothingness. "And, unless I miss my guess, we may want to be elsewhere in the next few moments," he remarked, glancing 
Xerokine: -*- downward. "I wouldn't put it past the Namek to start shooting energy bombs inside his own lab just to deny me the pleasure of having it. Now wouldn't -that- make a fun headline. 'Namek Terrorist Unleashes Bomb Under City'. I'll 
Xerokine: -*- have to think about that one." Xerokine waved jauntily as his form began to glimmer with dark light. "Ta ta." A flash of black and he was gone.
Essex: twists through the air, pulling his wings around his body as another rune lights up on his body. '7 to go'. A fiery aura of ki erupts around him, the now burning corkscrew hitting the beam, sending specks of energy flying in every 
Essex: (*) direction. He throws his wings out, turning and lifting his legs, aiming his massive heel towards Jeckel's head. "Kyaaaaaaah!"
Greg: tsks loudly at Xerokine's departure. Even though the halfbreed really didn't know just what lab those two had been talking about, not like it mattered really, but still, it was worth noting the part about the lab being blown to
Greg: (C) smitherines, "Yeah..." Greg scratches the back of his head in a rather comical manner and then extends a hand towards his blood red long-coat.  The coat lurches into his grasp and he slides into it rather theatrically, "Oh well..."
Greg: mutters to himself in an annoyed fashion, "Maybe next time." He then snaps his fingers, the sound ringing in the air as a pool of three dimensional darkness forms in front of him.  This "pool" seemed to cascade upon itself endless while
Greg: (C) emiting faint whisps of darkness.  Greg stepped into the darkness and seemed to vanish, moments later the pool collapses upon itself and any remnants over it are simply blown away in the wind.
Jeckel: grunts, pouring more energy into his beam as he feels it gain resistance, but oddly enough it wasn't exploding, he released his beam only to get a heel to the side of the head, sending him crashing through the ceiling and the top three floors of t
Jeckel: <C>  the building untill he came out of the other side to crash through the side, middle two floors, and the back side of another building and finally hitting the street, a his body causing a nasty crater into the ground as pavement and dirt are k
Jeckel: <C> kicked up in all directions. Jeckel groaned as he got to his feet, his form bruised as blood poored from the cut over his left eye, various other leaking scrapes soaking into the tattered fabric of his clothing. "Both of those hurt...equally a
Jeckel: <C> as bad.." His aura flared around him as he launched out of the crater to fly straight through the hole of the second building and into the hole of the first one, launching several small ki blasts up through the ceiling hole of the building, ai
Jeckel: <C> aiming them at Essex as he changed his direction and burst out of the window of the last floor of the building and heading straight up and behind Essex, spinning on his axis to try and deliver a heel kick to the back of Essex's neck, hoping at
Jeckel: <C> the blasts heading to Essex's front were at least distraction enough.
Lye: glanced over the mostly empty lab as the electronic voice counted down to zero.  The lab had been constructed far enough underground that a nuclear weapon was the only thing that would utterly destroy the underground cavern.
Lye: (c)The chances for the radiation reaching the surface was minimal at best, and seeing as how the shaft that led up to the surface had already been collapsed...  He sighed deeply as he heard the number "One" called over the intercom.
Lye: (c)As the bombs detonated a massive ball of light flashed through the lab, his body shifted turning into a fine black mist.  The lab however, was quickly consumed by the light, followed by the wave of destruction that followed.
Lye: (c)As the flames tore through metal, mixing with the rock surface of the cavern the surface began to shake.  Lye appeared on a street in New Hope, his eyes glancing around as the sounds of shattering glass echoed through the streets.
Lye: (c)Moments later he could hear screams of people being woken up by the shaking, and in a few places the asphalt and the foundation of a few buildings gave away.  Although, luckily for the people residing in those buildings 
Lye: (c)they didn't collapse, simple lean to the side.  There would be an evacuation, and then the media would sum it up as a run of the mil Earth quake. He rubbed his temple for a moment, 'Ah, Xerokine acted sooner than I thought. Foolish I am.'
Lye: (c)The thoughts echoed in his mind as he began walking in the darkend New Hope streets, his mind blurred by the events of the night.  First insulted by an idiot primate, than nearly murdered by one...  'Fun Fun...'  He thought to himself.  
Essex: throws his arms out to the side, several of the ki blast slamming into his chest. He grunts loudly as he is pushed back a few feet in the air, an aura of static appearing around him absorbing the last of the ki bolts. He shouts as three more
Essex: (*) of the Draconic Runes appear on his body. He focuses his energy, absorbing the aura back into himself, when, just as he opens his eyes, he takes a hard spinning wheel kick to the back of the neck. He shouts something 
Essex: (*) that sounds like 'Fucker' as he is knocked through the street below, breaking the concrete and landing face down in the sewer line below. He pushes himself onto his hands and knees, his eyes burning as the fiery aura erupts 
Essex: (*) around him once more. He springs to his feet and pushes off, flying towards Jeckel, the Omniweapon forming around his fist in the form of a long, ridged blade. "Skull Splitter!" He shouts, aiming his bladed-punch at the top of Jeckel's head.
Noodline: rips off her clothes and shoves fanooda near Lye's face. "Check it out babe. I just got it done" She grins, waving her sweet ass infront of Lye. She could tell Lye was quite impressed
Jeckel: grins as he watched Essex hit the ground below, but stayed ready, watching as the crazed..well..at the moment he would believe demon..launched from the hole punctured in the street. Jeckel braced himself and stood ready as Essex sped towards him. 
Jeckel: <C> He heard Essex scream the name of his attack and his fist ball up, giving Jeckel enough incentive to duck with all he could muster, the final result being that Essex's bladed fist swiped centimeters away from Jeckel's scalp, removing the hair 
Jeckel: <C> in the middle of his head and giving him twin mohawks. Jeckel placed his right palm on the back of his left hand and grunted as a sphere of golden energy grew quickly in front of his hands, growing against Essex and pushing him back, sticking 
Jeckel: <C> him to the sphere that grew to nearly the size of a large truck, then lauching forward, taking Essex with it. Jeckel flipped back and placed his hands at his sides, a sphere of blue-white ki cackling to life and growing very quickly as he pump
Jeckel: <C> pumped energy into it. He grunted and sighed as the sphere grew large enough to cover his forearms. He lauched his hands forward, a beam of the same color blasting from the sphere and widening signifigantly to about half the size of the golden
Jeckel: <C> sphere. The beam connected to the sphere and pushed it forward a bit, the sphere soon destabilizing and rippling until it detonated, along with the end of the beam and causing a massive, earth shaking explosion. The city was washed in a mixtur
Jeckel: <C> mixture of gold and blue light as the shockwave echoed outwards, destroying many of the nearby buildings and every window within the city its self. Jeckel sighed and dropped to ground level, panting heavily as he caught his breath, he had put 
Jeckel: <C> so much energy into that beam that he felt as though a portion of his life had been thrown into it. "I really wish my wounds would stop bleeding so much right now.."
Essex: takes Jeckel's attack head on, feeling everything go black, the final runes on his torso lighting up, releasing the seal. He free-falls through the air, semi-unconscious as he feels something boil inside him. He flips in the air, landing
Essex: (*) on the ground feet first, crouching at the knees, bracing himself with his hand. He slowly stands up, the runes pulsating with fire as he digs his claws into his chest, blood pouring down. "Dragon Split!" He shouts, tearing off the skin
Essex: (*) covered with runes, throwing it to the ground. He bleeds freely, his muscles and bones throbbing. The skin on the ground quivers slightly as another bolt of lightning hits it, once for each of the nine runes. "GO!" He shouts, a final
Essex: (*) blast of lightning hitting the skin on the ground. The flash illuminates the area as Essex steps back, crossing his arms over his chest. The flash dies down as both Essex in his normal form, and Essex in his Dragonform stand there.
Essex: (*) Goldsex looks over at Dragonsex and grins, nodding towards Jeckel. "Shall we do this?" He asks. The Dragon Essex grins, the skin on his chest healed, four runes glowing on his torso. "I think we shall." He crouches as Goldsex,
Essex: (*) shrugs his jacket off, crouching to. "Let's do it!" He shouts, both of the incarnations jumping towards Jeckel.
Oafy: floats in the air, dumbfounded by the actions of 'Sex; and it shows, too, on his face. "That's... gotta be a side effect of the elixer," Oafy decides after a moments pause, folded arms now at his sides, balled into fists, clenching tightly.
Oafy: - As the knuckles turn white, he takes a hard sigh, easing up. 'We already went over that shit. It's over. Done... But how easy it would be to hate him again...' It was tempting to try and spark the rivalry, here and now. Whether
Oafy: would ever attempt to start the old fires of hate up again was all a matter of when, why, and where. Things dictate that they remain friends, however. "Just don't flatten the whole god damn city, guys!"
Jeckel: looked up as he saw..two of them!? He stood up straighter and got into a ready stance as both Essex's jumped at him, fists and feet flightly from both sides, his body squirming at lightling speeds as his own set of limbs desperately tried for a de
Jeckel: <C>  defensive, a fist to his ribs, a blocked kick to his head, a foot to his thigh a blocked fist to his stomach, and a double whammy to his chest to send him flying backwards uncontrolled for a short time as the draconian one flew behind him, Je
Jeckel: <C> Jeckel regaining control to spin in his flight to deliver a kick to the side of the draconian neck, sending him flying to the side as the normal Essex kicked him in the side, sending him flying into a building of the oppositie direction, the b
Jeckel: <C> building crumbling down as Jeckel flys out to meet in another flurry of punches and kicks by the twin Essex's, Each one punching for a side of his head, Jeckel ducking to push his open palms at both of them with a yell of "Kiiyaaa!" as two bla
Jeckel: <C> blasts of blue energy detonate on the chests of both of them, sending them flying backwards a bit then converging just as quickly back upon him, Jeckel trying again, in vain to block and dodge each attack, a punch hitting his stomach causing h
Jeckel: <C> him to double over as a knee hits him in the chest, sending him flying upwards to an allready waiting Essex who gets blasted with a blue ball of energy by Jeckel just before he could kick Jeckel back to the ground, the blast allowing Jeckel to
Jeckel: <C> fly off and away from both Essex's a bit to regain his breath. "I..I can't do this for much longer.."
Fenin: makes some snide remark, then talks about how big of a pussy he was, and finally leaves.
Essex: |*| Both Essex's get up to their feet, flexing their arms. "I think... it's time... to finish this." Dragon-Essex says, panting while holding his arm. He points, Gold-Essex flying quickly into the air, gathering energy into his being. 
Essex: (*) "&bLegacy of the Dragon!&w" Dragon-Essex shouts, gathering a gigantc fireball into his mouth. He points his head into the air as Gold-Essex begins to glow brightly. "&OCOSMIC COLLAPSE!&w" He shouts, Sending a beam
Essex: (*) in the shape of his body at Jeckel. Dragon-Essex looses the fireball at Jeckel, two super powered attacks making their way towards him from multiple directions. 
Oafy: frowns a little, pointing at Goldsex with a bit of faked anger on his face. "That Essex just totally fuckin ripped off my attack! 'Cosmic Collapse'... pssh.. mo' like 'Ethereal Collapse', you ass!!" Though it's all in good humour, he continues
Oafy: - with the faked anger. 'Looks like its coming to an end. I do hope Jeckel is still alive enough to speak to after this...'
Jeckel: couldn't move quick enough and he knew it, he simply erected the best barrier he could as both attacks converged upon him, the blasts detonating against the barrier, causing it to ripple then shatter into shards of energy that dissapeared as the b
Jeckel: <C> blasts made their way upon him, consuming him in the bright, burning spheres of their explosion, when the force of the blasts weren't enough to hold him afloat any longer he simply dropped from the sky, what was left of his shirt now completel
Jeckel: <C> completely gone, his pants and boots in tatters as his bruised and bloodied form smokes from bits of charred flesh on him. As he fell he gathered what he had left of his ki, forming a sphere in his right hand and launching it down at dragon-Es
Jeckel: <C> dragon-Essex, aiming for his head. That was it, that was the last of what he had and he was powerless to stop his descent into a parked car below, crashing into it and crunching it completely, the horn blaring and then shorting out as he laid 
Jeckel: <C> there.
Essex: bats the energy ball away, both him and the other Essex landing on the ground. They look at each other, Gold-Essex placing his hand on Dragon-Essex's chest. A bolt of lightning hits the two, and when the flash dies down,
Essex: (*) Essex is standing there, clothes tattered, body bleeding and battered, in his normal form. He pants for a few moments and walks over to Jeckel, staring down at him momentarily. "You fight well, Jeckel." He says, extending a hand
Essex: (*) down to the fallen halfbreed.
Jeckel: couldn't really do much, his eyes were closed and his wounds were bleeding rather nastily. He couldn't raise his hand up to Essex if he tried, heck, he would have to even be aware of that hand to begin with, as it was, Jeckel was enjoying a far of
Jeckel: <C> off land full of naked Saiyan women, booze, and lots of food.
Oafy: descends down on the street with a light tap, nodding as he approaches the downed warrior. "Well enough to reach General," he adds with a bright smile. "... With some assistance, of course!" Winking a little at Jeckel, Oafy figures he's
Oafy: - saying this all more for Essex and himself than Jeckel. The smile fades, as he prods Jeckel's body a bit. "Should I find him a place to recover, or will SynCity cover that?" At this point, Oafy was unsure what the actual agreement was. "He's...
Oafy: - going to SynCity, right?"
Essex: nods at Oaftres, panting silently. "I'll cover the damages to the city." He says, looking down at Jeckel. He pushes a button on his Mechanical arm, one of New Hope City Omega Droids walking over to Jeckel's body and picking it up. 
Essex: (*) "Take him to SynCity's medical facility, make sure he gets the best treatment." He turns towards Oaftres, slipping his hands into his pockets. "SynCity'll take care of him. He'll be a worthy ally." He looks around and rolls
Essex: (*) his neck. "As far as... what I did earlier... it wasn't the Elixer that let me do that, I promise."
Oafy: bobs his head, the mess of red hair only becoming messier. "He's strong now, but a little thick headed. We can fix that... Make him something more than he hopes to achieve." Oafy really liked the idea of having a high ranked military officer
Oafy: - in the Saiyan army on their side. The benefits would more than justify any damages the city suffers in the process.. especially since Essex was taking care of the costs. "Don't mention it," he whispers softly, eyes darting away
Oafy: - from Essex. "Just.. forget about the elixer. No more." After a bit of an awkward silence, he adds quickly: "We can save that shit for when we decide to have at it again, yeah?" Punching Essex playfully in the arm, Oafy grins widely. "Tell Jeckel
Oafy: - to be ready for the first step in his conquering of New Vegeta before the end of the week... I got a few things in mind we can start right away." Without another word, Oafy snaps his fingers, following it with a quick two fingered salute.
Oafy: 's image flickers for a moment, before fading out in a blazing fire of white, burning over his entire body, fading away just as soon to reveal nothingness.
Tiernan: lifted his lilting voice "...Ask again. Why all the dreams I had are now left broken." he looked out to the audience with pouting eyes. "You're sick with all the guilt you've never... Forgiven!" he winked to a 
Tiernan: (c) special lady out in the crowd, she flustered and batted her eyelashes. Guitars pealed in the background. Words scrolled across the screen: "Punished for a wounded past - Afraid to wake and find reality 
Tiernan: (c) breathing. Why - has - life - been - taken - from - me. I fucked up and now I live with the truth. With no reason to lie - I...  Feel like it hasn't been long - I'm driven - to keep myself alive." he stepped 
Tiernan: (c) off stage, leaving the karaoke behind, the music still playing. The words - memorized. He reached over, touched hands with the audience he'd soon rejoin, but for now - the spotlight was his!
Tiernan: smiled, winking at the ladies in the audience, they were all overdressed and undersexed. "Feel like it hasn't been long - I'm driven... To keep myself alive! You're sick with all the guilt you're never - forgiven! 
Tiernan: (c) You'll never wash it away - wash it away!" the lights faded, the music cooled. The fans cheered, everyone was enjoying the performance, and the last deadly line passed his lips: How can you live with 
Tiernan: (c) yourself? The music cut. He stepped down off the stage and touched hands with his adoring fans. "That was Mark Reindling, ladies and gentlemen! What a stellar performance! And up next... How's this pronounced?" 
Tiernan: (c) the announcer said, obviously flustered... "Oo-saw-jee? Oh, I'm sorry... Usagi? Usagi Tsukino! Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Ms. Usagi Tsukino!"
Usagi: blinks softly as her name is called and she looks around. "Wait a sec, how did my name get on that thing?" Unfortunately...some of the surrounding people picked up on that and she was soon pointed out to the rest of the crowd, to which she was che
Usagi: -c- cheered on and generally pushed towards the stage, blushing madly. "Umm....great..." She sighs and glares at Tiernan, at least knowing him enough to know he likely had a hand in it while she is slowly made to get up there.
Tiernan: smiled a toothy grin, his most charismatic and simple smile as he passed the mic to Usagi. He winked aas they passed and said "Get'em, tiger." before making a simple exit into the crowd, making sure to get a good 
Tiernan: (c) view in the front row.
Usagi: sighs and looks heavenward as she finally gets up on the stage, though brilliance strikes. She heads over to the side and whispers something into the sound man's ear. Sure enough, he starts a beat that begins with something sounding like a heartbe
Usagi: -c-heartbeat for a moment before some fast paced techno starts up. On cue, Usagi grabs the mike and begins singing on tune, though without the vibrato that one might find in the actual song. "You're giiiiving me...too maaaany things..." And so she
Usagi: 0c0 starts to become into the music, letting her body way in time with the beat and words.
Tiernan: watches as the audience settles, growing steadily quieter, she'd know his crow: "WHOO! Yeah!" he cheered, as the beat trotted on. Miming the words with his mouth he began to clap in rhythm. When he finally caught her eye he gave a wink.
Usagi: - Soon enough, the chorus came up, and despite herself, she had almost forgotten the crowd was there. "When you walk away, you don't hear my say...Pleeeease, oh baaaby, don't go. Simple and clean is the way that you're making me feeel tonight, it'
Usagi: -c- it's haaard to let it go" She was definitely moving now. If she was going to make an idiot of herself, she might as well go all the way.
Tiernan: smiled a wide grin - thoroughly enjoying himself. Hoping she wouldn't noticed he vanished from sight - only so briefly. A crash of glass muffled by distance, brick and mortar, and doors - Tiernan returns, smiling a devilish smile.
Usagi: - The end of the song was quickly coming, and Usagi had more or less forgotten the crowd was there. She was in the moment, and enjoying herself thoroughly. "Hoooold me, Whaatever lies beyond this mooorning is a little later on. Regardless of warni
Usagi: -c- warnings, the future doesn't scare me at aaaaaall. Nothing's like before!" The beat continues for few moments, and Usagi continues to rock her body to the beat, until the heartbeat sound returns, in which she holds the mike to her side and sta
Usagi: -c- stares at the stage with her hair hiding her eyes from the crowd, still not fully conscious of what she just did.
Tiernan: cheers - the crowd quickly followed suit. Screams and whistles, waving hands and excitement explode forth like an ocean of exultation at Usagi's performance. And a single rose lands at her feet. Not sure if he'd caught her eye, Tiernan winks one last
Tiernan: Not sure if he'd caught her eye, Tiernan winks one last time and walks out the door.
Usagi: - Then it hits her. Usagi looks up and fully realizes she's on a stage, and remembers what the heck she just did. The red tint that was on her cheeks before blossoms into a full bloom red as she picks up the flower and waves meekly. She saw Tierna
Usagi: -c- Tiernan and made to follow him...likely in an attempt to maim him horribly for putting her up to this.
Tiernan: smiled jovially, feeling like a great weight had lifted from him. That was the most fun he'd had in years. And with the door's jingle and Usagi's playful, yet dangerous tone: "Tiiiernan!" he knew he was in for more 
Tiernan: (c) fun. "Did you like the rose?" he called back playfully. "I didn't know exactly what flower you liked so I went for the traditional." he didn't have to call backward for long she reached his side before he 
Tiernan: (c) realized how red she was. "You precious thing. I hope you enjoyed yourself." he said with a wink and a smile.
Usagi: - True enough, Usagi was burning red. She glared at Tiernan and pouted at him. "That was entirely mean of you, you realize..." She didn't say too much about it, but nonetheless she punched him playfully on the arm. "Next time you do that..." She l
Usagi: -c- leaves the threat unfinished, letting his imagination fill in the blanks. "Geez, it's been ages since I sang in a bar for ANY reason. You didn't have to do that to me though, sheesh. I was just relaxing for the moment.
Tiernan: smiled, taking in Usagi for all that she had become since they'd last seen one another. "Ah, but you did splendid. And I know you enjoyed yourself. It was a religious experience, watching you up there. You became 
Tiernan: (c) one with the music. It was beautiful." a smile passed his lips and he strode off - Usagi in tow. "So," he started "How's your life been? What've you been up to? How's my brother? I haven't seen him in ages." he 
Tiernan: (c) carried on with a jolly tone, inviting Usagi to step in whenever she pleased.
Usagi: sighs softly to herself. She had enjoyed herself. "Maybe I did...you still didn't have to ambush me with it like that" She fails to mention that she wouldn't have done it had he not. He didn't need to know that. Sure enough, she follows, blushing 
Usagi: -c-blushing again at his praise. "Thank you..." As he starts the converstiaon, she listens into his words and answers in time. "Life's been...hectic. I've been running my shop, and your brother's making a name for himself, as usual" She shrugs and
Usagi: -c- and wonders where they're going.
Tiernan: meets eyes with Usagi, "Oh? Has he? I guess that's what he does. Not for himself. At least that's what he tells himself. He never would believe it. That he has a shred of selfishness in him." Shaking his head Tiernan 
Tiernan: (c) changed pace, in both subject and step. "So, SynCity, hmm... I heard there was a gala opening. Do you know anything of it? And just because I'm curious... what /has/ my brother been up to?" he says flashing a disarming smile.
Usagi: nods and shrugs. "Yes...he has been. And he's doing a good job of it too. He's been doing quite a bit of good around here, when the rebuilding was taking place..." She doesn't mention the more personal run in she had with him, that was best left t
Usagi: -c- to memory. "SynCity?" Now she was confused. She had been out of touch a bit lately, so she had no clue. "What the heck is that? And last time I checked, I think Shim...is more or less just trying to help people right now"
Lye: puffed gently on his cigar, today had been a long one.  After the destruction of his old lab, and setting up one of the alts to be his primary he had to deal with all the cock sucking investors wanting to know why he had 
Lye: (c)destroyed his first lab.  He explained the situation as a hostile take over, and eventually the cock suckers folded and guaranteed better security.  Not that it mattered.  Xerokine wouldn't know where his new lab was at.
Lye: (c)Yawning he exhaled a cloud of black smoke, glancing over the small night club he had been relaxing in.  After the investors slaughter he had trained himself a great deal, six hours strait under two thousand times gravity.
Lye: (c)He was getting tired.  It was only a matter of time before Xerokine would find him again, and as of now he wasn't in the shape to defend himself.  He needed to get stronger, and the only way to do that would be by training...
Lye: (c)Muttering to himself he pulled the cigar from his mouth, letting his ashes fall onto an ash tray on the bar.  Perhaps he should limit his time in public... 'Perhaps...'  He thought to himself as he put the cigar back into his mouth.  
Oafy: wanders into the club, fully dressed in his blue cape, with lightweight white training gi; he stood out from the typical club goers. The rhythmic bass keeps most everyone from taking much notice, as they dance the way only drunken youths
Oafy: - dare dance. One other stood out in the scenary, Oafy saw from a quick survey of the greater area of the club. "Hello, Lye." It comes out as a forced greeting, exhaling deeply with a quickly managed slide over to the blue namek. Oafy
Oafy: - never knew Lye well, but the namek healed him once before after a short lived battle between Xerokine, Quinton's son, and himself. For that reason, the halfbreed snaps his fingers at a waitress: "Beer, and a... Whatever my blue alien friend
Oafy: - is having." Smiling politely, he nods at Lye.
Lye: glanced up at the halfbreed, his brow in a glare for a moment before dropping back into a state of carelessness.  The waitress brought him a glass of a Crown on the rocks, his usual.  "What do you want hybrid?"  
Lye: (c)His tone was emotionless, taking the cigar out of his mouth with his right hand and setting it in the ash tray before exhaling a lung full of smoke.  As soon as his drink arrived he held the short glass in his hand waiting to drink.  
Oafy: takes the bottle of beer, chugging a few large mouthfuls before placing it down. The term 'hybrid' bothered him, not in so much beyond the fact it wasn't a word used to describe him before. "Hybrid. Well, mostly I just came over to relax with
Oafy: - someone that isn't... well... going to try and kill me." Another chug from the brown, delicious liquid, followed by a 'mmm'. "Heard through the grapevine you had a scuffle with Xerokine just the other day," Oafy casually remarks, though his
Oafy: - eyes travel the room looking for entertainment. "Care to... elaborate?" The smile degrades into a cold frown, devoid of emotion, save perhaps frustration.
Lye: chuckled as he slowly took a sip of the Crown Royal, letting the whiskey swish in his mouth for a moment before he swallowed.  "Indeed." He said retrieving the cigar from the ash tray, returning it to his lips and taking a puff.
Lye: (c)He pulled the cigar from his lips, exhaling a dark cloud of smoke in Oafy's general direction.  "Xerokine wanted something, and he thought he could kill me to get it.  Needless to say he'll never get what he wanted now."
Oafy: 's eyes water a little at the smoke, and a sudden urge to cough surfaces. Regardless of these pains, Oafy continues on with the conversation with minimal interest echoing in his words. "That's Xerokine for ya. Always trying to kill someone for
Oafy: - something." He sweeps the thought out of his mind, to prevent any sort of conflicting nature with the somewhat of a friendship Oafy has with Xerokine, and the overwhelming desire to stop others from acts of murder. "What is it he was after?
Oafy: - I can't imagine what a deformed namek could have that anyone would want..." It was an insult, and it was intended to be taken as one.
Lye: chuckled lightly, 'Is this pathetic excuse for a cum stain trying to insult me?'  He put his cigar back in the ash tray, slowly taking another sip of his drink, letting the taste warm him.  "Apparently something shiny,  you monkeys do love your sh
Oafy: throws back his cape over one shoulder, unslinging his sheathed weapon from his back and setting it on the table. The white and gold sheath sparkles a little, its symbols and designs reflecting lights above them. "Yeah. Shiny is good..." 
Oafy: caresses the sheath a bit, tighting his fingers around the hilt a few times, mocking actions to unsheath it. "Honestly, what do you have that Xerokine wants? He's got a lot of resources at his disposal. I'm sure anything you've got up
Oafy: - your sleeve can't compare to what he's packing..."
Lye: laughed once again, he didn't fear this ignorant primate trying to kill him.  He didn't fear death, although avoiding it would be nice. "I suppose he's jealous, we had a three way with a hot red head and she laughed at his size."
Lye: (c)He snickered lightly, "I may not have a penis, but the ability to make things like your fingers grow goes a long way for women.  I guess he thought by slaying me he would learn how to do it or something, stupid monkeys."  
Oafy: 's frown deepens; the thought of a three way involving Lye and Xerokine disturbed Oafy in ways most normal people never have to experience. "Yes... Well, all joking aside," the leans back in the chair, away from the table and sheathed blade.
Oafy: - "Anything that has Xerokine wanting to kill you for is obviously something major. He wont rest at his first attempt, y'know. Persistence is something that monkey has a habit of.
Lye: sighed deeply, "Indeed, I've probably known Xerokine as long, if not longer than you have.  He's been trying to kill me since before.. Well, before current humans record time.  Unfortunately for him, what he wants no longer exists."
Lye: (c)He lowered his head pondering the lab he had destroyed, the lab that reached fifty miles under the city, the Earth Quake that shook the city in the morning hours as he destroyed his own lab to keep it from Xerokine.  
Oafy: sits up right in the seat, in one clean motion unsheathing the zanbatou clear of its sheath. The mighty blade is held out to Oafy's left, revealed to be much thicker and longer than the sheath itself. "I've had my share of run ins with Xerokine,"
Oafy: begins, only then wondering why he still considered the Saiyan a friend at all. "We both know that the lack of what he wants existing.. doesn't mean he will not continue to go after it, eh?" After a short pause, Oafy sneaks in an offer:
Oafy: - "I could help you with your Xerokine problem... what was he after?"
Lye: let a his tone darken, his laughter echoing over all of the club for a moment, seeming to stop the music.  His eyes glanced around, 'Oops, to much with the diabolical laughter.'  He thought to himself as he stared at the halfbreed.
Lye: (c)He wasn't sure how to answer, obviously he wasn't going to tell this halfbreed what the saiyan was after.  Not in entire truth at any rate.  "He wanted my residence.  It was large and shiny and fifty miles underground."  
Oafy: nods with a slight smirk; the laughter was quite amusing. "Awesome... laugh, guy," he comments quietly, noticing the eyeing random people in the crowds around them. Suddenly, everyone seemed much further away from the pair... "If Xerokine
Oafy: - was interested in acquiring your.. underground property... I'm sure it must have had something of vast importance. Perhaps it was a cage to some horrible, unnamable evil. Or an experimental weapons storage facility... Or maybe it just had
Oafy: - really bitchin' curtains." The final idea is ended with a thoughtful gaze at his zanbatou, held out before him, straight up to the ceiling. "No matter the case, if Xerokine wants it, I want to know what it is. I can provide you sanctuary
Oafy: - from those that would do you harm, if you keep me informed and involved in everything going on in this... thing.. that draws Xerokine to you."
Lye: shrugged his shoulders, now it didn't matter if Xerokine wanted the facility or not.  It was a massive pile of nuclear rubble that wouldn't be touched by any organic being for the better part of ten thousand years.
Lye: (c)He let out a sigh as he shook his head, "That won't be necessary,  in time I'll become strong enough to deal with Xerokine on my own.  And he won't get the facility he wants due largely to the amount that it's a pile of rubble."
Lye: (c)His tone was indifferent on the matter.  Matter of fact was that he sensed that this Oafy was more intrested in the preservation of the human part of his race.  On the other hand Lye was trying to eradicate it.
Lye: (c)The less information given to this halfbreed the better.  'Least, that's the idea.'  He thought to himself as he finished his drink, enjoying slow burning sensation as he swallowed the last bit of the Crown Royal.  "Ah, tis a good drink."  
Oafy: stands from the seat, resheathing the zanbatou and slinging it back behind his cape, hiding it from view. "Very well," Oafy says plainly, excusing himself from the table after downing the rest of the beer. His quickness suggests the
Oafy: - pleasantries were about at an end between the two. The namek had nothing to offer Oaftres in the very least.. He didn't share so much as a tibit of information on why Xerokine was after this underground realm. "I've given up on hard liquor,
Oafy: - myself. Had a bad experience with it in my..." Reflecting on the sentence, he continues. ".. past life. Ever since, been a buhr man."
Lye: could sense the impatience in the halfbreed, unfortunately for him he wouldn't get the information he was looking for.  'He certainly is interested in Xerokine though...'  He smiled at the halfbreed bowing his head lightly.
Lye: (c)He then chuckled setting his glass on the bar, waving at the bar tender to remove it.  "You do seem to be interested in the affairs of Xerokine.  If you must know he let it slip that he destroyed a small village to the north."
Lye: (c)He returned his cigar in his mouth, taking a deep inhale and letting it sit there for a moment before exhaling.  "He left some charred saiyan armor at the scene, perhaps you should ask him twenty questions on why he wants an underground facilit
Oafy: places a foot onto a chair, leaning against it. How ready was he to believe the words of a near stranger? 'Come on. Why would I take his word on it?' The question lingers a moment, but is answered. 'Because Xerokine would so do it, too.'
Oafy: rubs the stubble on his chin, thoughtfully. "I've... got reasons to believe you. But at the same time, I can't approach Xerokine yet. I need hard proof." Besides, 'he would just deny it. And if he knows I am on to him, it might only make
Oafy: - things worse. Need to plan this carefully...' After another pause, Oafy nods. "I don't suppose you recorded that conversation with some sort of magical tiny recorder, did ya...?"
Lye: chuckled, 'Least the monkey hybrid is smart enough to require proof.'  He suppressed a snicker in his mind, maintaining his composer as he continued to smoke his nearly gone cigar.  "Need proof, go find the emergency reports, or visit the ruin."  
Lye: (c)He thought for a moment reaching out and grabbing the hybrids arm, forcing the memories into his mind.  He supposed however that route may be to hostile.  "I can show you the memory, if you'd allow me contact with your skin."  
Oafy: felt sure that any proof at the site of the village would have been all destroyed by Xerokine. The man knew how to cover his tracks.. Always planned ahead. "Hrm," Oafy nods a little at the offer, though he questions almost immediately. "What
Oafy: - memory specifically?" Extending his arms for Lye, Oafy raises it, as not to look queer in front of anyone.. looking like he was trying to hold hands or something. ".. And how long'll this take?" A subtle glance over at a group of staring, giggli
Oafy: - giggling girls makes Oafy sweat. 'It'll be hard getting their numbers if the namek touches me too long...'
Lye: shrugged his shoulders, "Tis the memory of Xerokine telling Greg of the distraction he made for the authorities up north, by destroying a village and leaving only a few survivors."  He let his hand slide across Oafy's forearm.
Lye: (c)All it took was a second before the thoughts transferred over to Oafy.  In Oafy's mind he would be sitting at a bar sipping a glass of Crown, when Xerokine showed up and offered to take his head over the lab.  Then a short
Lye: (c)conversation between Xerokine and Greg would reveal why the authorities wouldn't be dealing with the destruction of the bar immediately.  Shortly later Oafy would see the attempted decapitation that nearly ended Lye.  
Oafy: yanks his arm away, the assault of memories overwhelming him at first. It settles, and Oafy cocks his left eyebrow a little. It was an interesting sensation, to say the least. "That's... a nifty trick. Well, regardless," he admits with a frown,
Oafy: - "it's still not hard evidence. I'm going to snoop around, see if I can't dig up a living witness, or something in the way of real proof." Removing his foot from the stool, Oafy begins to walk toward the exit, dropping a fist of bills onto the
Oafy: - table. On the way to the exit, a small wink is shot at the young girls. "Ladies... You can get my number from the secretary at City Hall." Excusing himself from the young girls, Oafy makes his leave after having played the 'I work in Gubment'
Oafy: - card. "wheee!"
Lye: shot a glance at Oafy as he left, a deep chuckle in his throat as he finally put out his cigar.  His eyes traced Oafy as the hybrid left, noting that he was interested in a group of fourteen and fifteen year olds.  He sighed deeply, 
Lye: (c)reaching into his purple trench coat for another cigar and his lighter.  He put the cigar to his mouth, inhaling sharply as he lit the lighter.  The cigar lit up, and he inhaled deeply a soft moan emitting from his throat.  
Lye: (c)As he exhaled the smoke his body began to fade, it forming with the smoke until he was no longer in the bar.  He reformed in his upper class apartment, cigar in hand.  'What's Oafy's connection to Xerokine?'  The question lingered in his mind. 
Dev: cool
Dev: so gemoting gives u pl
Dev: this so awesome
Dev: hi ppl
Dev: my name is dev. who r u
Fenin: downs a few bottles of alcohol, "Twelve months ago t'day, she walked... Again..." Fenin brushes hair from his face and looks around the bar, nobody interesting about. "Damn. I needs me some woman. Where can I find me a wo-" Then all at once 
Fenin: -x- the feeling surged over him again, the same feeling as he had felt when the green buggers appeared, when /she/ entered his life. "Eheheheh, I'mma get me some acquaintedness with that there pretty fighter lady." Fenin orders a bottle 
Fenin: -x- of Sake, as he had promised to buy her one before the attack of the giant green -things- in their last occurrence, then reaches for his forehead, searching out to feel her ki and pinpoint her location. In a flash Fenin appears behind Thea, 
Fenin: -x- grasping her behind firmly. "Hey, babeh," Fenin whispers into her ear, reaching around her to hand her the bottle of sake, "I got you some drink. How about you and I go elsewhere and get us some me and you time..?"
Dev: testing
Thea: stares into the cup of golden liquid  sitting in front of her, it was a small shot of jack that was sitting there swaying back in forth  from the off center table. " It's not often i get to sit back and enjoy a drink with ou." She stops mid senten
Thea: (c) her face turning slightly red while her head turns around in a mechanical fashion toward the man she hadn't seen in a few months. "its you! you little eh!" her eyes drop back down on the bottle of sake that he was offering 
Thea: (c)"okay take a seat and stay away fron mine." 
Dev: cooool
Dev: so wat am i suppose to do in a gemote
Fenin: grins wide, "With pleasure." He gives the woman another quick squeeze before slithering past her to sit in the seat across the table. "So what brings you here?" His eyes gaze deeply into her soft brown eyes, mocking a sincere interest
Fenin: -x- in anything other than taking the mysterious woman back to his place, or her place, or just about any place, for that matter. "Searching for a strong, handsome devil, like myself, no doubt?" Fenin grins, his luminescent blue eyes
Fenin: -x- sparking to life as the dull light of the restaurant gleams from his pearly white teeth. He brushes his long, untamed bangs from his face to get a better gaze upon her, then resumes admiring her once more.
Thea: left eyebrow raises slightly toward the thought of picking up anyone at this restaurant, for anything  other then cutting them open on her lab table. " Well i guess you can say that, do you happen to know any big strong guys?" 
Thea: (c) her tone was slightly sarcastic, she quickly snapes her finger calling over a waitress who was caring to cups mad just for sake in her hands. <Waitress> "here you go lady quin." The waitress give a slight bow before backing away from 
Thea: (c) the table.
Fenin: is too intoxicated to pick up on the sarcasm, and speaks in proud voice, "Well, I happen to be one of the most powerful warriors on this little planet. Probably the best." He winks with a grin, "And I am a big guy, too." Snickering quietly
Fenin: -x- at his childish innuendo, he leans back in the chair, certain that the points he was scoring were numerous, and in the right direction. "So now that you've found me, what do you plan to do? We could head back to your place, and
Fenin: -x- I could be gone when you wake up. Or maybe I could cook ya breakfast. I'm quite flexible."
Thea: gives him a slight nod coupled with a big grin on her face as if he was reading her mind, she pushes the shot of jack over to him. " Oh really, so your the big strong man on this planet eh?" her mind races behind her big gring toward the man. 
Thea: (c) her scouter sits on the table recording as much information about him as it can, it flickers while tiny boxes races across the screen but doesn't seem to make a sound. "heres to new friends. " she says in a low calm tone before 
Thea: (c) before she throws back the cup of sake, the cup makes a small clang sound as she drops it back on the the table followed with a dainty laugh. (thats right enjoy your self before i cut you wide open pretty boy.) 
Fenin: downs the drink with ease, keeping his eyes locked upon hers. The liquid slides down his throat like water, though it's a mere facade. He starts to lose his concentration as each bit streams through his blood, causing his suppression to
Fenin: -x- wane. He grins at her, reaching for another cup, "Try not to lose this one, eh?" He pours the each of them another glass of the intoxicating liquid. "But since I'm a good sport, I'll stay one shot ahead. Besides, it'd be embarrassing
Fenin: -x- to not give a pretty lil' girl like you a bit of a head start." He snickers quietly as his head lurches back once more, swallowing another shot of the sake in one gulp. He slams the glass onto the table and looses a sigh of relief, "That's
Fenin: -x- the stuff." Grinning wide, he reaches for the bottle to pour himself another glass, though his fingers clumsily stumble around the bottle, and as he finally embraces it, he pours more of it onto the table than into his glass. As he finally
Fenin: -x- fills his glass to the brim, it places the bottle back onto the middle of the table, nearly toppling it over as he tries to balance it onto the flat surface.
Thea: laughs a bit  then bats her hand in the air toward Fenin. "oh your to much" The waitress walks over with Thea's coat in hand. <Waitress> "ready to go lady Quin?" Thea gives Fenin a quick smirk while winking with her left eye. 
Thea: <c> "why don't you come along with me, it's going to be fun." she says before getting up and throwing the leather coat around herself. "there is a car out back with a few of my employees in it, they will take you to my place." 
Thea: <c> "oh and its got a mini bar all the buz you can handle until you arrive." she turns and walks out the front the door. the Waitress looks back at Fenin the shows him the tab that had already been payed for by Thea. <waitress> "please bee safe si
Thea: <c>sir and a have a good night" she says before flashing him her top fangs, she then sleanks away into one of the back rooms. Out side a cyan colored hover car that looks something like a floating limo could be seen in the back waiting for him to 
Thea: jump in.
Fenin: gazes upon Thea as she gets to her feet, taking another moment to take her image in. "I'll be waiting for you there." Fenin gets up and watches her exit the building, "I've still got the sexy in me." Fenin snickers quietly then heads around
Fenin: -x- back to check out the vehicle. Although he was quite drunk, Fenin could still pick up something sketchy about the whole ordeal, he was quite handsome, but that was a little TOO quick, and how would she get back to her house if he was in
Fenin: -x- her ride? And lastly - why would she have her vehicle parked in the back? Although the questions swim through his fuzzy, diluted mind, Fenin enters the vehicle, smiling weakly at the door man, as though to communicate that tonight was
Fenin: -x- going to be better for Fenin than it would be for him. He takes a moment to observe the interior of the vehicle, noting the high quality of it, before looking to the front of the vehicle, to zone out for the duration of the trip to
Fenin: -x- whatever his destination may be.
Thea: slides the door open to the black hover car that she was riding in. "okay get out of here." she spats out while smacking the back of the hover car with her small hand bag. She walks into the back on the large metilac building that looked 
Thea: (c) something like a mansion out of a fiction book. she raises her hand to her ear peace connecting her to the drive. "Take him around back i want him to enter into door 272 out side." <drive> "okay Lady Quin, man you must have caught her 
Thea: (c) on a good night buddy" The male drive laughs a bit while rounding a corner then coming to a  stop around back. Thea walks further into the building entering into a room with a single seat in it. the seat faces a large one way window looking 
Thea: (c) down on a dark room with a bed right below it. what seems to be two female sit on the edge of the bed facing the door, their bodies seem lifeless until Thea flicks a switch bringing them shaking to life their bodies quickly 
Thea: (c) becoming normal again.  The two girls look at each other and smile before turning back to the door. The hover limo comes to a stop the drive turns around and calls out to him. "hey buddy get up, your at your stop !" 
Thea: (C) the drive points toward the door. "thats where you want to go through the door down the hall, your going to  have alot of fun at this place." he smirks before turning back toward the front to mind his own. 
Fenin: snickers at the driver, "Yeah? Good. I like fun. 'Specially with pretty ladies like your employer." Fenin pats the driver on the shoulder as he exits the vehicle. "Thanks for the lift." His words ring out into the cold night, followed
Fenin: -x- sharply by the sound of the door closing. Fenin's heavy boots clatter as they're cumbrously lifted and dropped as he makes his way towards the entrance, and a smirk overtakes his face. "She got here fast. I guess she just wanted to take
Fenin: -x- some time to get extra pretty for me. Eheheh." Fenin enters the room, scratching the back of his head as Thea's energy signature mysteriously disappears. "That's odd..." Fenin looks around curiously, searching out for other powerlevels
Fenin: -x- about the area, expressing his amazement as he feels nothing. "That's interesting." Fenin stumbles into the room that Thea had specified, and peers curiously at the two ladies. "I couldn't feel them as I entered this place... There's
Fenin: -x- something wrong here..." Fenin murmurs to himself before approaching the two ladies, "Who're you two? I was under the impression that I was going to have some fun with that mysterious Saiyan lady who had me sent here..." Fenin grins,
Fenin: -x- hoping to play along with whatever ploy was at work here, "Though she probably just picked up on my rather impressive fertility, and sent you two to merely warm me up." Fenin cackles quietly while moving towards the two mechanical matrons.
Thea: gets a wicked grin that forms on her face as she stares at the room down below. "welcome Fenin Ro, i have mad your night i'm sure!" laughter seems to boom over an intercom system that seems to be pouring out of the walls. "let me explain first 
Thea: (C) what is going on here, you see this room is my testing area. The defense on in this room is matching your energy level. as you raise it or lower it with your own body the room will change too. you know to make it hard for you to just get up an
Thea: (c) and go The two girls at the end of the bed start to beckon Fenin to come on over toward them. Thea's voice booms out once again. "the idea is to sqeeze the energy out of your body using these to girls here, you know befor i 
Thea: (C) cut you open to learn the reast of your secrets." The two girls stand up from the bed the palms of their hands open wide revealing a small orb in it. <girls> "come gives us a hug Fenin Ro." they say with a slight dead look in their eye's 
Thea: (C) the girls start to laugh before their eye's light up and fire off laser toward Fenin head and torso 
Fenin: snickers quietly as Thea's voice boons throughout the room. "Ah. Hiding away in your cozy little mechanical masterpiece of a sanctuary, somewhere in this building, are you?" Fenin rolls his head about his neck, emitting several loud crackling
Fenin: -x- noises as his powerlevel skyrockets to his base plateau. His veins expand and his muscles bulge, flourishing in his newfound strength. "About time I withdrew this pathetic facade, anyway." Fenin peers at the two vicious vixens, now
Fenin: -x- charging attacks directed at him. "You knew, beautiful, you could have just asked me if you wanted to know all about my "secret" goods." Fenin snickers, disappearing from view for a split second, appearing behind the two robots as their
Fenin: -x- lasers would just be colliding with him. Fenin strikes each of them in the back of the head simultaneously with his palms, grinning wide as their metal skeletons lurch and collapse against his mighty blows. "Too eas-eh?" Fenin looks down
Fenin: -x- upon the two cybernetic woman begin to rise again, their skeletons realigning themselves and adjusting to match Fenin's new powerlevel. Fenin takes a step back, bearing an expression of astonishment, before dropping down into a
Fenin: -x- fighting stance. "This oughta be fun. And quick, I do hope. Set the bed up nice for me, Thea, and you can decide if you want the lights on or off when we do this." Fenin snickers, keeping his attitude light as he prepares for a vicious fight.
Thea: leans back in the chair her eyes narrowing as she stares down toward Fenin, The two girls pull themselves back togather. They climb back on to their feet shaking for a hot second before focusing on Fenin Ro once again. 
Thea: (c) The first girl with short black hair jumps into a tiger stance, Her fingers and long nail point out like to clawas as she hunches her back over. the shorter girl with longer black hair lets her body fall into a stance toward the ground, her ar
Thea: (c) arms stand straight up into the air. "now watch your self Fenin Ro!" Thea's voice booms out with a bit of laughter. The first girl with short her thrust forward her arms reaching out to grab Fenin, The tigar style she uses is one meant to pull
Thea: (c) the muscile from the bone causing great pain. while the girl with longer hair style is used to hit and strike the organs. The long dark haired girl thrust forward toward Fenin as well her palms aimed to catch  Fenin in the legs. 
Fenin: snickers, "I'm sure you're watching me close enough for the both of us, love." Peering at the two androids curiously, he allows them to grapple with him. "They're not too fast on their realignment. And I doubt their integrity can take innumerous
Fenin: -x- beatings." Fenin's aura flares right before the strikers attack would collide with his abdomen, causing his powerlevel to spike up yet again. "It's impolite to fondle without asking, my mechanical mistresses." Fenin's powerful hand wraps aroun
Fenin: -x- the striker's wrist, crushing the steeled bones with his awesome power. "Now, for you..." Fenin grasps the grappler into a bear hug, causing several loud crackling noises to echo throughout the room. Smiling weakly as the she collapses to the 
Fenin: -x- ground he begins to make his way past the two, paying them no mind as their bones realign and their power level increases, yet again, to match his own. "Let me out." Fenin batters upon the door he had used to enter, not even bothering to check
Fenin: -x- knob expecting it to be locked anyway.
Thea: winces at Fenin as he swats the female androids down again and again. The ceiling lights up a bit as Fenins energy becomes stronger. "thats right Fenin how long can you keep this game up !?" The android women gaze lifelessly at Fenin. 
Thea: (C) The androids now start to mirror each other while circling the room around Fenin. "Fenin Ro, don't you like us" their voices echo while speaking simultaneously at Fenin. They seems to move at the same time this time much faster 
Thea: (c) then the last. The girl with the shorter hair swoops down low while the other girl throws a  round house toward Fenins jaw. ( How long can he keep fighting like this? how much energy does he have and why isn't he using it yet to  
Thea: (c) try and get out?) Thea starts to lean forward in her chair her eye's staying locked on the group down below. 
Fenin: glares at the two as the move in again towards him. "Give it up." Fenin's powerlevel spikes again as he drops into a lady stance, using the momentum to continue into a powerful stepping side kick, sending the shorter of the robots into the wall, e
Fenin: -x- bone of her body crumbling to dust as she crumples to the ground. "That'll stall her for a while..." Fenin's gaze fixes upon the next fighter, who was already powered up to match his own. "Let's see what you have!" Fenin lunges at her, graspin
Fenin: -x- out to grip her throat, though she catches his arm and twists it, pushing down onto his back and throwing her leg over him, in an attempt to lock him into an arm bar. "Not good enough." His aura flares in a fiery flash, blazing a great golden
Fenin: -x- splendor. "Fear me!" His yellow hair wafts gently in the breeze caused be his residual ki spreading through the room, his baby blue eyes turn jade, matching the profile of a super saiyan. "I am true might!" Fenin stands up, looking over to the
Fenin: -x- cybernetic girl who is still attached to his arm. "Give it up with your toys, woman." Fenin points his off hand straight to the face of the android. "I'm just too good. KAME-HA!" A stream of orange ki flows from Fenin's palm, smoldering the fa
Fenin: -x- of his foe, searing her flesh and animated metal bones. As his ki attack draws to its end, Fenin spins around, slamming his arm, and the woman attacked, into a wall, causing the entire building to echo and tremble before his might.
Thea: gives a wicked grin as she watches Fenin start to use more of his energy, the sound of the androids females bones being crushed could be heard as if they were right next to her, She sits back in her chair agian flicking a few switches. 
Thea: (c) the switches light up turning blue. "Well done Fenin Ro, Well done. now look above you" The left wall in the room with Fenin light up revealing an arrow pointing toward the ceiling of the room. The large aqua colored orb glows bright and spins
Thea: (c) Fenins energy could be seen darting around in it from each time her powered up, as well from the energy attack he used on the android. "i'm sure you can tell, thats your energy there love." The androids broken bodies start to twitch. 
Thea: (c) The androids body parts break into peaces before sliding across the ground into each other, The parts clang and bang as they fuse togather with in moments a much larger hideous android beast pulls itself from the ground. <android> "Fenin Ro!!"
Thea: (c) The beast slams its fist into the floor but doesn't seem to put a dent into it. <android> "Fenin Ro!" The beast hand flies up into the air then drops down like a rock out of the sky toward Fenin. "I'm not done squeezing that energy out 
Fenin: peers at the behemoth patchwork, "This isn't worth my time." Fenin snickers and looks around, "You know, my dear, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve." Fenin reaches up to his forehead, feeling out to where he had sensed Thea's powerlevel
Fenin: -x- before he had entered this strange building. "Hello, love." Fenin's voice his ghostly, whispery soft. "Did you enjoy your show?" He stands behind Thea, grinning wide. "I tried to make it good, just for you." He places his chilly hand
Fenin: -x- on to Thea's shoulder, then leans his head next to hers, blowing on her ear as he whispers to her, "Now, why don't you provide me with some entertainment?"
Tiernan: slowly slides his eyes left: bar, barmaid, glasses, stools, tables; right: bar, glasses, stool, tables. "Bah." this place is just too... boring. Slowly sliding his eyelids shut he massaged his temples and laid his 
Tiernan: (c) forehead on the table. "Miss, can I get a root beer?" he mutters to the bar. "Whai shore!" she replies, not particularly accented, just exuberant. The glass hit the bar, and the sound struck Tiernan's ears 
Tiernan: (c) like a St. Patty's Day parade. Seeing this, the barmaid struck a particularly concerned look, "Got a hangover, honey?" The dead look on Tiernan's face said more than just no, but he replied: "No, just a 
Tiernan: (c) headache. I'm not a drinker." "Oh, well, I'll get you fixed right up!" shaking his head he returned it to the cool wood of the bar. "Whatever."
Veridon: let out a slow, calm breath as he settled himself into a crosslegged meditation position on top of the hill, relaxing at the feel of the grass stirring around him in the cool night breeze. He had been on New Earth for  
Veridon: - about three days at most and most of what he'd seen had been vastly disappointing. So many of his kind on New Namek talked about the 'centre of the universe' that was New Earth, but if this planet was the centre of anything
Veridon: - other than human corruption and arrogance, he'd yet to see it. Not that the human corruption and arrogance hadn't proved amusing in its own way. A few slow deep breaths and he felt himself settle, beginning to hover slowly 
Veridon: - into the air above the top of the hill. It had taken a long time for him to prepare for this night. His vision quest, as the Elder who had run his village had instructed him, was a deeply sacred communion between himself and 
Veridon: - the Old Gods, that was to take place in a sacred glade deep in the jungles of New Namek. His Elder had also more than frequently been found passed out after indulging heavily in bottles of grasswine, leading Veridon to doubt 
Veridon: - very much the truth of his words. That of course had led to the argument in which Veridon had told the Elder precisely where he could shove his sacred glade bullshit, taken the ingrediants the drunken fool had prepared for
Veridon: - him and made for New Earth, which sounded as good a place as any to have any sort of vision. Hell, three different men in alleyways had offered him various substances to ensure he had the vision of a lifetime not even
Veridon: - an hour after he'd wandered into New Hope City from the spaceport. Which was odd, he considered, because he hadn't actually mentioned he'd been on a vision quest. At any rate, a gourd of the prepared potion was waiting
Veridon: - on his pleasure nearby and he felt he'd best get to it while the night was young. Chanting prayers softly under his breath as he descended back to sitting on the ground, his eyes flicked open calmly as he reached down to take
Veridon: - a pinch of earth between his fingers, smearing it in a holy rune across his forehead. He waved his hand over it, muttered another prayer to whatever old gods might be listening, then popped open the gourd and tossed back
Veridon: - the contents in one smooth motion. He came very close to bringing it straight back up again. He had no clue what was in the damn thing, but it tasted like burning bile. Letting out a belch, Veridon settle back into the grass
Veridon: - to await its results. Absolutely nothing happened for a good four seconds, and then the world disintegrated away into a cacophony of hell. To describe the visions that rapidly swam before Veridon's eyes would be quite impossible. He
Veridon: - couldn't remember most of the details himself, even later on, but one image had surfaced again and again in his mind. The Dragon. Find the Dragon. That was his vision, his quest. Well, it would give him something to do
Veridon: - until something better came along, at least. He had no real idea what he planned to do now, but that had never bothered him before. It might be a good night to go walking through New Hope City again and see if anything occured.
Veridon: tensed suddenly and sharply as an unfamiliar sensation flooded through his body. He was unsure now, cautious. Was this some sort of side effect he hadn't been expecting? He could feel his energy swirling and throbbing inside of
Veridon: - his body. building up higher and higher like a rapidly rising river. He had never felt this powerful, but all this energy coursing through his body...if he didn't find a way to release it he was going to pass out. With a roar
Veridon: - of agony he threw his head back, feeling his muscles tense and then bulge forcefully, straining at his body as huge arcs of bright green ki flashed and whipped off his body, anchoring with loud cracks in the earth 
Veridon: - nearby. And then as quickly as the sensation had come on it receeded and left him dizzy and reeling. He felt drunk from the rush of power... and he definately longed to feel it again. This vision quest stuff might just be what
Veridon: - it had been hyped up to be after all.
Greg: looked bleary eyed at the man in front of him.  Tall, broad-shouldered, short cut black hair and black sun-glasses.  A black suit with a black tie completed the ensemble.  Clean shaven too, this guy looked like he belonged to the bloody
Greg: (C) mafia or some such shit.  He was -huge- too, the guy easily would've towered over Greg had Greg actually been standing next to him.  But as the case would have it, Greg was sitting in a rather plush chair across a table on the far
Greg: (C) side of the now completed Cerberus Club.  This monstrosity of a man had come in looking for work.  "Work." Heh, that wasn't exactly the right wording.  The Cerberus Club was looking for bouncers and they had to have some...interesting
Greg: (C) qualifications in order to make the cut.  This wasn't no run of the mill chicken shit club, this... was the creme de la creme, high society, the best of the best...and the worst, "Thank you, sir." Greg finally said after looking over the
Greg: (C) mans "credentials", "We'll be in touch." He finally said and the man nodded before turning and leaving.  Greg cupped his head in his hands and shook his head in frustration, "That man had no power at all..." He grumbles to himself
Greg: (C) in frustrated anxiety, "It's so terribly hard to find qualified workers." Greg reached for a half-empty bottle of red-wine and poured some into an empty wine glass, "NEXT!"
Veridon: let out a low sigh as he wondered, for the five hundred and seventy second time, exactly what the hell he was doing here. Sitting in a waiting room in the Cerberus Club that screamed opulance while dressed in 
Veridon: - a very, very illfitting purple velvet suit. The suit looked bizzare enough on the namek, but it hadn't really helped that he hadn't wanted to take off his fighting clothes to begin with. It also rapidly dawned on 
Veridon: - him that aside from an icer, he was the only non-human in the room. And he was getting Looks. The kind of Look that said "What you doin' round here, boy? Ain't no work here fer your kind" in a long, slow
Veridon: - drawl. Still, the advertisement in the newspaper he'd swiped off that businessman as he ran past him this morning had proclaimed that they were 'accepting all applicants' had been right below an add for Dragonskin Tiles and
Veridon: - Home Fabrics, and his vision quest had told him to follow the Dragon. It was a very tenuous link at best, but he really didn't care. As a massive human in a suit that seemed to fit worse than his left, he heard the call of
Veridon: - next! and realized he was up. Walking into the office quietly, he took his seat opposite the desk and looked up at the officer with a non-smile and a half-shrug as if to say "Okay, I'm here."
Greg: swirled the glass of wine inbetween his middle and ring finger slightly, letting the deep red liquid coat the inside of the glass before slowly sliding back into it's pool of vineyardy goodness.  Greg really didn't pay much attention to the
Greg: (C) applicants as they walked in.  He in fact made a point of NOT paying any attention to each and every one just to see who was stupid enough to get up and leave without even saying a word.  Several awkward minutes passed by in this manner
Greg: (C), with Greg idly watching the wine in his wine glass swirl.  Another reason for this was it made the applicants sweat, which is exactly what Greg wanted.  If they couldn't handle this situation, there's no way in hell any of them could
Greg: (C) work at the Cerberus Club and expect to succeed.  Finally Greg decided to the moment had passed and rolled his eyes, this one didn't leave sweating bullets, "Okay..." He says in a dry, bored, and slightly irritated tone, "You are-"
Greg: looked up at the applicant and his eyes narrowed, "A Namekian." The words cut through the air like a hot knife through butter.  He was already thinking of an excuse to get this thing out of the club, 'You're too green. You're ears
Greg: (C) are too pointy.' Something.  Greg had absolutely no patience for Namekians anymore, the last two he had dealt with had cost him a lot in the way of patience and he simply was not in the mood now, "Why are you here?"
Essex: leans against the door, bracing against it with his arm. "Hey, Techagi, I heard you were hiring bouncers." He grins, looking at his finger nails casually and yawning. e lowers his hand and looks up. "I think you should hire me, for obvious reasons
Essex: (*) against Greg's desk. "Whose this guy?"
Essex: (*) He steps into the office, walking around the chair Veridon is sitting in and leaning against Greg's desk. "Whose this guy?"
Dev: .
Veridon: settled himself comfortably into his seat as Greg swirled his wine around. He waited for his would-be employer to speak. And waited. And waited. And waited. After a while he settled himself a little more comfortably. He
Veridon: - wasn't a patient person by nature so much as very incredibly stubborn. After a while, Greg spoke. Veridon stifled a yawn and tuned out as the other realized that he was a Namekian. Then unfortunately he said something that
Veridon: - actually had to be answered. The question that Veridon had been dreading. "Why am I here? I took a vast cocktail of Namekian drugs in an effort to induce a hallucination to undergo my vision quest. The vision told me to
Veridon: - follow the dragon, which is the kind of nonsensical bullshit that these quests always say." Veridon paused for a moment to reflect if that might have been a little too honest. "Some would say me being a Namekian would
Veridon: - automatically disqualify me from the job. I'd say it makes me a unique curiousity, and for those xenophobic bastards who want to look down their noses at me, hey, I'm only a bouncer. Surely thats the only work I'm good for,
Dev: gets surrounded by ninjas.then in a burst of energy the demon monkey inside me burts it strenght to my body but the ninjas overpowed me. i quickly chased after them but could not find them. they had escaped and i am stuck in this form
Veridon: - and so on, so on." Veridon shrugged helplessly. "If it helps, I can shatter the human skull in one solid punch?" he added helpfully, still unsmiling. He looked up at the new arrival and gave what might have been a nod
Veridon: - or might have just been a twitch of the head. "Veridon of Redgrass, at his service" he said, pointing a thumb in the direction of Greg.
Greg: tilted his head slightly to the side at Essex and then took a sip of his wine before turning his attention back to the Namekian, this 'Veridon of Redgrass'.  He sat there, patiently, as the Namekian explained his story. Vision Quest?
Greg: (C) Drugs? Follow the Dragon? This green guy was either stone-cold crazy, a drug addict, or... completely serious.  Greg really wasn't sure which one would be worse at this point.  Namek's didn't do many drugs, it was against most of their
Greg: (C) races 'philosophy' to abuse themselves like that.  That was something of interest.  Vision Quest? So he was some kind of spiritual person. A monk maybe, who knew? It wasn't unheard of. Follow the Dragon? What the fuck did that mean?
Greg: (C) Well, Greg had at one point been cursed by the Faded Dragons to become half of the very thing he served.  Standing next to him was also a creature who could transform into a semi-draconic creature with immense power coursing
Greg: (C) through his veins.  And then there was his solemn commentary on being able to crush a man's skull.  Spiritual or not, Greg would not have used the word "Holy" to describe this being, "I see..." He finally said after a paused thought.
Greg: sipped from the wine glass again, "Mr. Lillah, please, have a seat. A drink if you like.  I was just making final preparations for the Cerberus Club to open." Greg focused his attention upon the Namekian across the table... this one had
Greg: (C) power in him.  Not as much as Greg or Essex, but he had more than practically all of the previous applicants: All of which had close to nothing, "So, Veridon.  Do you often consume vast quantities of hallucinagenic drugs?"
Essex: chuckles and pulls a seat around to beside Greg, forcefully entering himself into the interview process. He leans back, interlocking his fingers behind his head and propping his feet up on the desk. "Follow the Dragon?" He asks, blinking.
Essex: (*) Oh, what fun it could be toying with this namek, they did, after all, take their Vision Quests seriously. "So Greg, this... Veridon of Redgrass..." He eyes the namek and tilts his head back to Greg. "Should I mention that I'm a dragon?"
Essex: (*) He grins and turns back to Veridon. "So, uh..." He chuckles, taking his feet off the desk and leaning forward, stealing Greg's drink and taking it back in one drink. "Do you think he'll pass the mandatory drug test?"
Dev: moments later i cought one of the ninjas.obviously he was the weakest. i took him out with one blast.it didnt take a whole lot of time but i asked him where did his crew go. he told me their was gtsma. i wonder wat he is.
Veridon: let out a snort of mirth, shaking his head slowly. "Large quantities of hallucinogenic drugs are strictly for religious observances. Or for holidays and festivals. Or for when I'm bored and think it would be
Veridon: - really, really funny." He looked at Essex and Greg both with a raised eyebrow, indicating Essex with a nod of his head. "Funny, he doesn't look anything like a dragon. Sure he isn't just bullshitting you to try
Veridon: - and get you to give him a job? Cause if that works, I mean hell, I'm 48.59 percent dragon myself, you know?" Veridon sighed and cracked his knuckles. "Look, you and I both know you're going to give me the damn job,
Veridon: - because nobody else of my strength wants a job thats this far beneath them. So now we're essentially haggling over price and how long you're going to keep me sitting in this room praying for either the sweet release of
Veridon: - death or for the seams of this suit to give out, whichever occurs first." He stretched his shoulders, the suit straining against his chest, and gave a grunt of annoyance.
Greg: gives an annoyed glance to Essex before pulling open a drawer at the side of his desk and pulling out a second glass, "Next time, try asking Mr. Lillah.  Your manners are as appauling as your sons." Greg pours himself a glass of wine while
Greg: (C) looking stoically at Veridon.  There was very little mirth left in Greg this evening it seemed - The multitude of worthless applicants had obviously rubbed that part of him raw, "He is actually a draconic type entity.  Would I go so far
Greg: (C) as to say he is an actually dragon? Possibly..." Greg sipped his wine glass thoughtfully, savoring the taste of the fermented liquid in his mouth before swallowing it.  Truth be told it was the wine that had kept him from killing every
Greg: (C) worthless individual that had walked through his doors, "In either case, we aren't haggling over price here, Namekian.  This is the Cerberus Club, money has no meaning here.  I want to know what it is I'm hiring before I outright
Greg: (C) give you a job, shake your hand and say 'Welcome to the team.' Are we clear?"  Greg eases out of his chair slightly, the chair moaning underneath the movement, it was obvious that whatever position Greg had been in, he had been
Greg: (C) in it for a good while.  He reached behind him and pulled out a black .45 Desert Eagle with gold highlights, "Here's the trick." He places the gun on the desk between him and the Namekian, "You passed phase one just by having enough
Greg: (C) power to be noticable.  Congratulations, you're the first. Now, phase two is a little more tricky." Greg leaned back into his chair lazily, sipping his wine, "You have to shoot me with my own gun.  If you can do that, the job is as
Greg: (C) good as yours."
Essex: stands up and grins at Greg, walking around to the other side of the desk and putting his hands on the back of Veridon's chair. "C'mon, you can do it." He says jokingly into the Namek's ear before stepping back and leaning against
Essex: (*) the door frame again, getting a better look. "And I would go as far as saying I'm an actually Dragon..." He says, looking at Greg. "Who else do you know what's basically the spawn of Blue-Star Shenron, eh?" He quirks
Essex: (*) an eyebrow and glances out the door. "Hmmm..." He pulls the door shut and leans against it, making sure no one else could peek in. "You're crazy, Techagi."
Tiernan: peered at the emptying building. Closing time. Perfect. He darted through the crowd, looking like a poor worker who'd forgot something inside the building. He nodded with a casual smile at the security guard who
Tiernan: (c) nodded back. As soon as he was out of sight he dashed into the stairwell that ran up the building. Cameras littered the corners, tiny, tiny things, but they could be mistaken as nothing else. Tiernan did his 
Tiernan: (c) best to stay out of sight, travelling vertically up the shaft. Approaching the third story he stopped. No telling where the... interviewer would be. "All I have to do is find him, he said..." as he exited the 
Tiernan: (c) stairwell he heard the distinct pling-pling of bullets hitting metal. Rolling across the hallway into the open office he floated up to the ceiling waiting for the guards to approach.
Veridon: reached out his hand and then took the gun off the desk without a word, looking over it curiously with disdain. "Why the hell would you bother with a firearm...unless this thing is packed with explosive shells?" The namek gave 
Veridon: - a shrug and levelled the desert eagle at Greg's forehead, narrowing his eyes and squeezing the trigger. The gun roared as the round fired, knocking Veridon's shoulder back as he was unprepared for the recoil. Without waiting
Veridon: - to see the results of the shot he pushed back out of his chair, launching himself into a tightly controlled flip, landing crouched on his feet, looking over the desk calmly. "So, did I hit?"
Greg: -*- The gun went off with a loud *BANG* the resounded within the whole room, there was, of course, no explosion that followed it, seeing as the rounds in the gun were not in fact explosive at all.  Greg's form had not left the chair, he
Greg: (C) instead lowered his hand that had the middle finger and the index finger extended in a slight "V" formation.  At the tip of said formation was the bullet held between the two fingers.  Greg examined the bullet between his fingers
Greg: (C) thoughtfully for a moment, hollow point, "I forgot I used hollow points."  He remarked idly before turning his attention back to the now crouched Namekian, "That was really close, but you are really slow. And a regular bullet would
Greg: (C) obviously do very little harm to me.  Now, unless you infuse the weapon with your own energy it's just a regular, albeit very powerful, weapon.  A for effort." Greg curled his fingers inward slightly before flicking them at the Namekian,
Greg: (C) launching the bullet right back at him.
Tiernan: 's eyes darted from corner to corner, his breathing grew shallower, he tried to remain as still and quiet as possible. But when three minutes passed and the guards hadn't so much as shadowed the door, Tiernan began 
Tiernan: (c) to worry. Latching onto the door frame and vaulting himself outward and onto the opposite corner of the hallway, immediately taking fire from the two SynTech-armed guards. Bounding like an arc of electricity 
Tiernan: (c) from one corner of the room to another he quickly closed the gap between himself and his armored opponents. Pushing one through the window and disarming the other, Tiernan barely avoided bullets that sizzled 
Tiernan: (c) as they tore into the building frame. Launching the now unarmed guard toward Tiernan's entrance, Tiernan dashed down the hallway. "What did he say his name was? Tekagi... Techogi..." with an impassive face 
Tiernan: (c) he rounded the corner coming into a sea of cubicles, and approached a very busy lady. "Excuse me, miss. I'm looking for the head of the corporation. He has a meeting with me in 12." "Oh? Mr. Techagi. Sure his 
Tiernan: (c) office is on the first floor." nodding and smiling Tiernan headed to the nearest corner. "First floor my ass." vaulting into the emergency stairs once more he dashed and flew up the stairs so fast he was only a blur.
Veridon: studied Greg over the desk curiously, watching as he plucked the bullet out of thin air. He didn't seem particularly surprised, just nodded his agreement as Greg preached to him on the nature of weaponry. He judged his
Veridon: - energy compared to that of Greg's and came to the conclusion that a normal approach wouldn't cut it. He sighed out and gathered his energy to him, muscles bulging, tearing the purple suit he wore. He shrugged himself out 
Veridon: - of it, wearing a simple grey gi underneath. He studied the gun again at the moment and levelled it in Greg in an odd firing stance, putting the tip of his finger against the rear of the gun. Instead of squeezing the trigger
Veridon: - he waited for a moment, gathering his energy to him, then caught Greg's eye. "This is bullshit. No more games, Greg." From his fingertip erupted a massive corkscrew beam of green energy that blasted through the gun and
Veridon: - towards the other fighter. "Catch!" he added helpfully, his aura flaring and swirling.
Greg: blinked in a suprised manner as the Namekian decided to -not- use the gun but instead fired off his own energy attack.  This was unfortunate, considering that Greg actually did not want the building that he had invested so much capitol
Greg: (C) and time into to blow up.  Greg's brow furrowed slightly as the air in the room they were in took on a weighted feel, almost as if the air itself bore down upon the occupants.  This was actually Greg summoning up a faction of his power
Greg: (C) in order to deal with this annoying little obsticle.  Greg's form blurred out of the seat in a flash, only to re-appear in front of his desk with his arms extended outwards as though he were attempting to catch a baseball within his
Greg: (C) grasp.  The energy attack made contact with his hands and he could feel the weight of the attack bear down upon him slightly.  Greg grunted slightly as he squeezed his hands tightly and physically snuffed the energy attack out of
Greg: (C) existence.  Greg's hands were smoking now due to the energy attack.  He frowned slightly before his form flickered out of sight again only to appear right in front of Veridon and snatching the gun out of his hands violently.  The
Greg: (C) two starred each other down for a moment and Greg turned his back on the Namekian, his red long-coat billowing slightly from the action and he holstered the gun as he returned from the desk.  Grabbing his wine glass and taking a sip
Greg: (C) from it he turned and sat on the edge of his desk and looked at Veridon, "When can you come in?"
Essex: claps at the performance by the two of them. He steps forward, chuckling and shaking his head. "Good show, good show." He says, wondering if the two had forgotten about him. He eyes Veridon up and down, grinning and showing
Essex: (*) his draconic teeth. "So uh, you up for a spar sometime, little man?" He asks the namek, quirking an eyebrow. "You've got potential, and you're not afraid-" He lifts his hand, pointing it at Greg like a gun. "-to shoot your employer..."
Tiernan: opened the stairwell door a little more cautiously this time. He peered out around the door. No guards. Hmm. "I think normal will work better. I only have to find him." Tiernan jogged down the hall checking his 
Tiernan: (c) watch paying close attention to each door he passed until he found "Mr. Greg Techagi" Excellent. He rapped gently on the door. Mr. Techagi, and that's how he'd refer to him, would most likely be very busy. "Mr. 
Tiernan: (c) Techagi. It's me." as though Greg would know his voice. What a dolt.
Veridon: slowly let out another relaxed breath, his muscle mass shrinking back down to normal levels, tightening the belt on his gi again in adjustment. He stared at Greg for a long moment, sizing up the other fighter before inclining
Veridon: - his head in acquiesance. He made no move to return to his seat but leaned relaxedly  against the wall. "Well I suppose that depends on certain terms. What sort of payment do I get, what sort of opportunity is there for promotion
Veridon: - within my field?" He paused for a long moment again and gave a snort of disgust. "Who am I kidding? We both know I'm taking the job regardless. I'll start right this second if you want me to. He indicated Essex with a flick of 
Veridon: - his head. "Want me to start with him or is he actually supposed to be standing around here drinking all your wine?" He gave Essex a slight smirk. "If he could have been downed by a bullet then he sure as hell wasn't fit to
Veridon: - be my employer." Turning his attention back to Greg, the Namek frowned slightly in concentration. "So, you're my direct superior or is there a head of security or some such bullshit I gotta answer to? I'm assuming you run the joint?"
Greg: shakes his head slightly at Veridon, chuckling. This had turned out better than he had honestly expected and with the addition of another person who had just decided to let himself in in a rather obstensive manner he continue, "I am one of
Greg: (C) direct controllers of this establishment.  One of the three heads of the beast that is Cerberus.  I'm sure in time you well get to know our two other heads, Mr. DeArtair and Mr. Caeruleus. Ah...Mr. Wu'sha, correct? Please, do
Greg: (C) come in and make yourself right at home." The last statement had an obviously annoyed sarcastic overtone to it, as though the idea of simply barging unannounced wasn't something Greg took much joy in, "And Mr. Lillah?" Greg shakes his
Greg: (C) head slightly and smirks, "He is sure to become a valued patron of the Cerberus Club.  He is also a respected ally and business partner in my own dealings.  You are to treat him with the same respect you would give me, is that
Greg: (C) understood? Besides, he might be the very person you are supposed to follow." Greg motioned to a series of chairs for those that had not sat to please do so.  Greg pushed a button on his table, "Naomi?" "Yes, Mr. Techagi?" "Could you
Greg: (C) please excuse all other applicants at this time.  My schedule just became decidedly full." "Certain Mr. Techagi." "Oh! But do get the contact information of the Icerian.  I will want him to return tomorrow if he can." "Yes, sir." "Thank
Greg: (C) you, darling." He released the button and smiled at the three other men in his office, "So, may I get the rest of you something to drink?"
Essex: grins, nodding to Tiernan. "So, did you enjoy the Fire Show we put on a few weeks ago, Wu'Sha? I  knew you were watching us." He winks at Tiernan and walks back over to his chair, sitting down and turning his head over to Greg.
Essex: (*) "I'll have something hard, please." He turns back to Veridon, interlocking his fingers together and leaning onto the desk. "I'm also the owner of SynCity." He runs his tongue across his teeth, "Along side my son, Orii...
Essex: (*) whom I'm sure you'll meet one day." He leans back in the chair, taking his weight off the desk. "Oh! Greg, I have something for you." He reaches into his suit jacket, pulling out a manilla folder and handing it over to
Essex: (*) the halfbreed. "I had my lab print up the statistics and everything pertaining to the Omniweapon I showed you the other day... everything is in that folder if you're interested in getting your own sometime." He clears
Essex: (*) his throat. "We even put in how the nanobots are made and programmed... so you don't have to worry about us takin' over your brain."
Tiernan: entered the room, wary, but as outwardly open as he could appear without looking like a buffoon. "Hello, Mr. Techagi. I apologize for being ever-so-slightly late. I know how important punctuality is." in reality their interview had been set for 5:10,
Tiernan: (c) their interview had been set for 5:10, it was now 5:12, a more laid-back employer would shuffle this off, Greg seemed particularly perturbed. "And, for now, I'm fine. Thank you, sir, for the offer." peering at 
Tiernan: (c) Essex, he pondered, did he already have the position? Would Essex talk like that if he'd not gotten the positon? Omniweapon? "What the hell is that?" he said, dropping his guard for only a second.
Veridon: pulled out a chair and took a seat, studying the other men in the room curiously, holding his tongue for a moment. They were all quite a long way outside his level of power, certainly, and the easy and casual way in which
Veridon: - they talked... Veridon smiled faintly to himself. He had a feeling that he might fit in just fine here. His attention kept getting drawn back again and again to Essex, though. If this man was in fact part-Dragon, there
Veridon: - was probably little chance of finding a better fit to his vision. If the old gods wanted him to follow and serve that one, he supposed he should bow to their will and do so. Whenever he felt like getting around to it. Leaving
Veridon: - New Namek had been a somewhat...liberating experience. He wasn't ready to throw himself back into his duty to the gods just yet. He raised a hand to draw Greg's attention. "Namekian grasswine if you've got any, otherwise I'll
Veridon: - take just about whatever you've got going. I'm not that fussy." He shrugged and leant back comfortably. "Like our new arrival here I'm definately interested in this 'Omniweapon' of yours, though."
Greg: took hold of the manilla folder and raised slightly in acknowledgement to Essex, "I'll have the egg heads in our Research and Developement department take a look at this." He then idly tossed the manilla folder into a desk drawer before
Greg: (C) turning his attention to the group, "Something hard and..." Greg raised an eyebrow at Veridon, "Namekian Grasswine..." He pushes a seperate button from the previous one and there is no voice at the end, "We need a bottle of
Greg: (C) scotch and a flask of namekian grasswine in my office, post haste." He released the button before there was any sort of response and continued on in a rather cordial, professional manner, "Cerberus Club, anything and everything, for the
Greg: (C) right price." He grins in a rather predatory nature, revealing a pair of canines that simply weren't human, "The Omniweapon?" Greg scratched his chin lightly as he glanced between Veridon and Tiernan, seemingly unconscerned with the mans
Greg: (C) minutes late arrival, "Is not something we can or will talk about here.  That is a matter of personal business between Mr. Lillah and myself. While you are with the Cerberus Club, you will be expected to have a 'Don't ask, don't tell'
Greg: (C) policy about everything." He then glances over at Tiernan, "Mr. Wu'sha, while I can appreciate a 'think outside the box' attitude.  Could you please use the front door next time rather than attempt to infiltrate my establishment like
Greg: (C) you're some kind of black-Oh, dear! Where are my manners? He made a motion between Tiernan and Veridon, "Mr. Wu'Sha, meet Veridon of Redgrass. You two will be working together." In obvious response to Veridon's retort about Tiernan
Greg: (C) not having to undergo any sort of testing Greg raised a finger, "Before you start Veridon let me explain something.  I have been familiar with the Wu'Sha family for a very long time.  Tiernan here came as per my request and is
Greg: (C) not an applicant."
Tiernan: nodded graciously to Greg, and gave a bow to Veridon. "Thank you very much, Mr. Techagi." it was starting to come back to him - memories of Greg - "Well, sir, you are rather fancied with tests, subtle as they may be, gem (c) and being as ambitious as
Tiernan: (c)  they may be, and being as ambitious as I am, I merely percieved your invitation as a challenge. Apologies if I disturbed operations." taking a seat for himself he paid careful attention to
Tiernan: (c) memorize the faces of everyone in the room. Veridon, namek; Essex, draconic... looking slightly namekian; Greg, slimmer than a saiyan, and with none of the bits and pieces of pride that come
Tiernan: (c) with that heritage, most likely half-human, half-saiyan, much like himself. "So then, what is our first assignment to be? Or will that be conducted later, rather than sooner?"
Essex: glances between Veridon and Tiernan, examining both of them. "I'm quite well, Wu'Sha, thank you for asking." He stands up and rolls his shoulders, looking around. "This office is kind of drab... y'all wanna go somewhere after our
Essex: (*) drinks? I'm gettin' kind of claustrophobic..." He looks at Greg and playfully sticks out his lower lip. "Aww, can I at least show them it?" He asks, then holds his hand out, a ball of liquid metal forming in it. "Too bad. This is
Essex: (*) the Omniweapon." He says, nodding to the ball of liquid metal in his hand. "Just this.... liquid metal." He closes his fist, the ball of metal disappearing. "And as far as assignments go... do you got anything for 'em, Greg?
Essex: (*) Otherwise SynTech might be able to find something for them in the meantime."
Dev: i destroy essex s omni weapon i as him wat r u gonna do about it
Veridon: raised an eyeridge cautiously. "Contract work, huh? And here was me thinking I was just a bouncer. Oh I do hope I haven't involved myself in anything over my head. Oh me, oh my." He shook his head in amusement, gratefully
Veridon: - securing the flask of grasswine as Naomi quietly brought their drinks in on a try, taking a long and hearty pull from the flask. "Needs hallucinogen" he murmured wryly under his breath. He inclined his head to Greg again
Veridon: - to show his understanding. "Trust me, Mr... Techagi, was it? I'm perfectly capable of keeping things to myself. Or simply not asking awkward questions like 'What the hell? Are those bloodstains? But he was a senator!' and
Veridon: - things of that ilk. He rose from his chair and stretched stiffly, taking another long pull of his drink. "I agree with Mr. Dragonfeatures over here. We definately need a change of environment... if we're going to play
Veridon: - the get-to-know-each-other game and talk about assignments and wonderfully enthralling things of that nature, we should probably do it somewhere a little more spacious."
Greg: rolls his eyes at Essex, the man had absolutely no class, and almost no sense for the dramatic and he sighs his response to the group, "Fine Mr. Lillah.  Where would -you- like to hold this little engagement?" Greg's annoyance with
Greg: (C) having to move was apparently, despite the fact that he and Essex were both capable of traveling vast distances almost instantaneously, the process was slightly draining for Greg.  Traversing through corridors of darkness would kill
Greg: (C) most people, Greg was only able to do it due to his frequent use of dark energy.  Essex thought in a less than profound manner, sticking his tongue out to emphasize the point, "How about...Myuutanto?" Greg groans loudly, "Myuutanto!?"
Greg: (C) the halfbreed retorts in a disgusted manner, "The last time I went there my face was nearly raped by a tentacled monstrosity. Very well..." Greg stands up and extends up palm to an open space in the room, it appeared as though he were
Greg: (C) simply extending a palm at the air, "Essex, you take Wu'Sha, I'll take the Namekian.  Give him a crash course in corridors of darkness." With that a pool of darkness forms on the floor and swirls around before it seems to explode upwards
Greg: (C) into a semi-ovoid expanse of darkness that seemed to simply cave in upon itself while still giving off slight whisps of darkness, "Come on, Namekian." Greg motioned for the Namek to follow him into the dark portal.
Essex: nods at Greg. "Meet you at the Cafe..." He says, turning to Wu'Sha. "C'mon buddy, lets go." He reaches out and grabs Tiernan's arm. He looks around and steps to the side, half of his body disappearing, the other half appearing
Essex: (*) on the planet in front of Greg and the namek. He finishes stepping to the side, pulling Tiernan back into existence with himself. He coughs and brushes himself off. "I can assure you, Techagi... there's no tentacle monsters
Essex: (*) where we'll be going." He points at the cafe a few hundred feet away. "I'm hungry and they make a mean sandwich."
Tiernan: steps forward, striding as evenly as he could muster, trying not to let the effects show. How far had they traveled? It didn't matter, their destination was right in front of them. What made these people so serious 
Tiernan: (c) one second, then insanely childish and immature the next? Why do I ask myself so many questions? I wonder what's on TV tonight. "Hmm. What do they serve here?" he asked without turning around. Who knew what 
Tiernan: (c) kind of blow that woul dbe to his already debilitated equilibrium.
Veridon: looked at the portal Greg had opened up warily for a moment, then gave an 'ah, fuck it' shrug and stepped through right behind the halfbreed. After all, what was the worst that could happen apart from every single molecule in
Veridon: - his body being forced in different directions one by one while accompanied by excrutiating pain that most mortals could only dream of. He wished he'd given it slightly more hesitation, come to think of it. Still, they
Veridon: - were into the portal and for a second all he knew was darkness. He was gritting his teeth fiercely when they emerged from the other side, a bead of sweat pouring down his forehead. "That's....that's quite a ride" he said
Veridon: - slowly. "Now are you trying to tell me we came all the way out to Myutaanto just for a sandwich? Surely with supreme power you've found something better to do with your day than planet hopping for sandwiches." He paused for
Veridon: - a moment in contemplating, but found it difficult. Something about the darkness felt like it was still clinging to him. Sucking at his body like a whirlpool. "Then again, I suppose if I could teleport, planet hopping for
Veridon: - sandwiches would be better than not using it at all."
Greg: smirked lightly at the Namekian as he walked along after Essex and Tiernan towards the restaurant, seemingly to ignore the state at which the Namekian was in.  Most people that weren't strong enough nor familiar with the realm of
Greg: (C) darkness don't last within the corridors of darkness since the use of dark powers tended to erode the essence of the weak, "I actually do not often leave Earth, Veridon.  Business keeps me there most of the time, it's actually very
Greg: (C) rare that I have the opportunity to leave the planet." He shrugs lightly to himself.  It was really unfortunate, but it was true.  Despite having the ability to travel great distances instantaneously he rarely had the opportunity to do
Greg: (C) so.
Essex: ignores the rest of the people momentarily, pushing open the door to the cafe and stepping in. He crosses his arms and leans against the pedestal, looking across at the cute, blue skinned woman. "Hey, Makato." He smiles
Essex: (*) at her as she blushes slightly. "Welcome back, Mr. Lillah." He says, holding the menus to her chest. "Table for... four, please." He asks, looking back at the group. "I hope you guys have a stronge stomach, mutant
Essex: (*) food is strong." He nods and stands up, following the hostess as she sat him.
Tiernan: eyebrowed Essex, "We left Earth's claustrophic atmosphere for Myuutanto's? I'm sure I'll be able to handle it." as he rolled his eyes he shuffled behind the party taking his seat last, facing toward the door. A smile 
Tiernan: (c) crossed his face, but quickly drained as he opened the menu. Hideous things very nearly jumped off the pages at him. "Mm... everything has tentacles." he said monotonously. "Oh no! Tentacles are optional. We can 
Tiernan: (c) put them on the side if you like." an perturbed mask fell over Tiernan and he fell silent, waiting to take lead from his hosts. 
Veridon: took his seat at the table looking around the cafe and admiring the somewhat...inspired decor. Someone here sure did love tentacles. Flicking open the menu he quickly discovered that Tiernan hadn't been
Veridon: - exagerrating. Some of the dishes he hadn't even remotely heard of, probably because last time he checked, he was pretty sure that asbestos wasn't designed as a seasoning. He shot Tiernan a look over the table. "Leave out
Veridon: - the tentacles? But thats the best part. What with all the, uh...the wriggling and slime-like secretions. And the sauce. Can't forget the sauce." He waved the waitress over to their table. "Don't know about you lot, but I'm
Veridon: - ready to order. I'll take a glass of the Ambergrass AC vintage and the Mystery Burger." He turned back to the table and singled out Essex, studying him once again. "So, Mr. Lillah...what sort of business is SynTech in
Veridon: - exactly? I mean, if you needed me for work until Mr. Techagi found a place for me, what exactly would I be doing? Surely someone like yourself doesn't need a hired thug to crack skulls."
Greg: ahems loudly over the group at the table, he doesn't even bother looking at the menu though as he looks at the waitress, "I'll have the Tres Cefalis." The waitress looks at him, as though there was going to be more, "That's all."
Greg: (C) She shrugs and continues to take the rest of the groups orders before making her swift leave, "Makato, was it, Mr. Lillah? Hrm, it's been a while since I slept with a mutant..." Greg muses to himself for several moments before
Greg: (C) snapping out of his revery and coughing loudly, "I make it a point not to eat anything when I come here.  I like my meat raw, but I definitely want the cow dead when it comes to me. And as for you Veridon..." Greg flashes Essex a
Greg: (C) warning look, "Your obligations are to the Cerberus Club.  What you do in your spare time is none of my business.  However, if you are going to be working with Mr. Lillah, I expect you to adhere to your contract."
Essex: flashes Greg an angry look, his eye twitching slightly. "Yes, Makato. And I'd advise you stay away from her." He brings his hand to his mouth and sneezes. "Ugh. I'll have the Ham and Cheese Sandwich and Fries." He says to the 
Essex: (*) waitress, "And my usual drink." He looks back to everyone at the table as the waitress walk off. "Oh, I forgot to tell you, they have a human menu."
Tiernan: clears his throat and lets out a deep sigh. "I'll... Nevermind." not that it mattered. The waitress had left in a hurry. "So, gentlemen, what sort of business arrangements do we have left to make. We've been 
Tiernan: (c) dancing around the assignment Veridon and I are to complete for nearly an hour now. I'm eager to hear details and even more eager to get started." 
Veridon: leant back comfortably as his food arrived, looking at the burger with a mix of curiousity and amusement. Something in there was wriggling. It looked like the top bun was attempting to flee off his plate. Without changing his
Veridon: - facial expression, he picked up his knife and slammed it through the burger. Something in there squealed and gurgled, but stopped moving. "Human food is bland. Give me some sort of primordial freakishly tentacled thing then
Veridon: - douse it in enough spices to make a grown man spontaneously combust any day." He picked up his burger and took a generous bite, ignoring the high pitched squeal that came out as he bit into it, washing his mouthful down with a
Veridon: - sip of his wine. "Ah...and say what you like about this place, the winelist isn't too shabby either." He waved a hand dismissively and nodded to Greg. "I understand my job perfectly, don't worry. But since Mr. Lillah has laid
Veridon: - down an offer I have to admit I'm curious to hear it." He took another slow sip of his wine, looking around the table thoughtfully. This was interesting and prestigious company to be sure. The more he watched, the more he
Veridon: - was learning. About their body language, their mannerisms, their habits of speech. He had the feeling that being involved even peripherally with the Cerberus Cabal would lead to great rewards. Money itself was all nice and good,
Veridon: - but he and the old gods would be satisfied with no less than power. That was the old way of Namek, before the pacifists had spurned the old gods and turned away from thoughts of power and domination. There had been a time
Veridon: - when his people had travelled the galaxy, so the Elder said, as wandering warrior-priests, preaching the survival of the fittest. Hopefully in time, Veridon would be able to bring about a resurgance of the old ways. All he
Veridon: - needed was success. Power, wealth, influence...things to convince others with. He had followed the Dragon, he thought, looking at Essex, and so far the old gods seemed happy to provide for him.
Greg: gives a lazy look over to Essex, "Oh what? Are you interested in sharing a bed with that creature?" Greg leaned over to Essex in a conspiratory manner and flashes his signature grin, "Or have you already had the pleasure, I wonder?" Greg
Greg: (C) laughed mirthfully as he sipped at his own drink, Tres Cefalis.  It had a sharp, sweet taste in it that tingled the taste buds and forced those who drank it to salivate due to it's highly acidic content, it was one of the few things
Greg: (C) the mutants produced that he actually enjoyed.  How it was produced he really didn't care to learn, "Mr. Wu'Sha, your job as well as Veridon's is to be the gate keeper and key master to the Cerberus Club.  You two will be the valve to
Greg: (C) which the flood gates of the populace shall be controlled.  It will be through you two that the Ceberus Club will remain the creme de la creme.  Remember that.  There is only one rule when it comes to tardiness: If you are late, do not
Greg: (C) bother showing up.  You can use your imaginations as to what the consequences will be." He takes another quick sip of the Tres Cefalis.  You had to take quick drinks, long ones ran the risk of causing damage, "Another thing, you are
Greg: (C) obviously free to come and go as you see fit when the Club is not open.  Also, you will be expected to carry yourselves in a manner that is deemed suitable for our clientelle and the image of the Cerberus Club."
Oafy: scribbles a messy 'Oaftres J. Kessoku' with the pen in his left hand - he's left handed coincidentally - on the lengthy letter on the finished oak desk. Feeling upset, he quickly folds the paper and envelopes it, leaving it be now.
Oafy: - "Ahhh, Ralph," the man says regretfully, head shaking a little in disapproval. "If only you'd kept to your best accounting practices!" He taps a button on the desk, opening a line to the front desk secretary of city hall. "Hey, listen..
Oafy: - Jennifer," Oafy smacks his forehead, having had to guess her name for the millionth time. "I have a letter I need mailed to Ralph's family, concerning his death. Handle that for me, would you?" Unfortunately, Ralph in Accounting was not just
Oafy: - great at balancing sheets, keeping track of accounts payable and receivables, and what-not, but he was also an expert at secreting away finances for underground, seedy organizations. Though whoever benefited from these funds was a secret,
Oafy: - Ralph's actions were enough to condemn the man. The secretary replies in a shout: "For the tenth time today, it's SARAH. And the intercom is STILL broken.. I'm just outside the door, you know that, right? I can hear you mumbling to yourself."
Oafy: - A few curse words are grumbled, before Oafy is consumed in darkness, shadows eating over his form. The shadows blow away, revealing a missing Oaftres. Now in a park, surrounded by lush green trees, grass, and a sparkling fountain, Oafy relaxes
Oafy: - on a bench. "Whee!"
Essex: shrugs and leans back, crossing his arms behind his head. "Well, contract work with SynTech is simple... you can either test our weaponry, have the weaponry tested on you... help run the politics in New Hope, covert operations
Essex: (*) name something, odds are there's something we can do concerning that." He glances over to Greg. "That is, if your employer is okay with that."
Ikki: closed his eyes and covered his face with crossed arms as he plummeted through the sky. The ground was coming so quickly. All went to black. The pressure dropping so quickly caused him to black-out. The thunderous 
Ikki: crash rouses him slightly and he pushes free of the refuse. "How disappointing." he says with an air of holier-than-thou. Casting a glare about his humble surroundings, Ikki dismounts from his broken craft. "I 
Ikki: wonder what this place has to offer. The people here will surely take a liking to being my slaves." tapping the button on his scouter, revealing nothing but a sea of useless powerlevels in the immediate 
Ikki: vacinity. "Excellent. I'll begin my cabal here."
Veridon: let out a roar as his leg whipped around in a tight arc, the jumping spinkick landing with a crack against his holographic opponent, which flickered and winked out. He was in the gymnasium of the Cerberus Club, a sprawling environment
Veridon: - filled with high and low tech equipment, not to mention a huge swimming pool. Even at this time of night the gymnasium was filled with other people training, but he seemed to be the focus of quite some attention. Landing from the
Veridon: - spinkick he spoke only two more words. "Next level". Another hologram appeared and he blurred forward, slamming out in a palmstrike that his opponent blocked before counterattacking. Spinning, whirling and dodging the 
Veridon: - two fighters danced through the wide sparring floor of the gymnasium, past displays of modern and ancient weaponry and past more and more onlookers as the fight intensified. The hologram launched a powerful uppercut that took
Veridon: - Veridon unaware, splitting his lip, but it left him wide open. Veridon's spinkick hit the mark once again, snapping the virtual fighter's neck and causing the hologram to end. "Next level" he growled. There was no hologram
Veridon: - forthcoming. Veridon looked up, eyes flashing with irritation, noting that quite a few people who were watching him were applauding politely. One of them must have caught his quizzical expression, because he explained that he
Veridon: - had reached the maximum level for the simulation. He snarled in disgust, clenching his fist. This wasn't good enough. Training like this was okay for keeping his skills honed to an edge, but it wasn't going to make him any
Veridon: - stronger. "Fight me!" he called out. The crowd that had seemed so interested in him previously quickly backed away. "Someone fight me, damn it! Is there none among you who could take a Namekian?"
Essex: (*) "Veridon of Redgrass!" He shouts, his towel drapped over his shoulders, one hand holding each end. He pulls it back and forth, rubbing some sweat off the back of his neck. The spectators were surprised to
Essex: (*) see Essex in something other than his business attire. "I... think I could take a Namekian." He says, pulling the towel off his neck and dropping it to his side. He turns a woman standing near him and opens his mouth
Essex: (*) to speak. "Here, honey, hold these for me." He reaches up and pulls off his sunglasses, folding them and handing them to her. "Those sunglasses are... not to be cocky, more than you make in a year, go pawn 
Essex: -*- A few people in the gym whisper amongst themselves as they move out of the way. "Is that Mr. Lillah? What's he doing here, does he have business?" They say as he steps through the make-shift pathway.
Essex: (*) "Veridon of Redgrass!" He shouts, his towel drapped over his shoulders, one hand holding each end. He pulls it back and forth, rubbing some sweat off the back of his neck. The spectators were surprised to
Essex: (*) see Essex in something other than his business attire. "I... think I could take a Namekian." He says, pulling the towel off his neck and dropping it to his side. He turns a woman standing near him and opens his mouth
Essex: (*) to speak. "Here, honey, hold these for me." He reaches up and pulls off his sunglasses, folding them and handing them to her. "Those sunglasses are... not to be cocky, more than you make in a year, go pawn 
Essex: (*) them and buy yourself something pretty." She blushes and holds the glasses to her chest. "Now, Veri, do you mind if I call you that? Good." He says, stepping onto the floor which the Namekian stood. "Now, I'm
Essex: (*) here to test your worth to SynTech and the Cerberus Club." He crosses his arms over his chest, running his teeth across his lip. "So, what d'you say, a spar with the owner of just about everything around here?"
Essex: (*) He quirks an eyebrow, smirking. "C'mon, I'm just a humble business man, what harm could I possibly do?"
Veridon: turned slowly, Essex's comments finally drawing the first strong emotion from him that the Namekian had let slip past his guard. He grinned, a mix of anticipation and aggression. "Mr. Lillah. So pleasant of you to join us 
Veridon: - here in the gymnasium." He indicated the holomachine with a flick of his head. "I noted that the holomachine, as well as quite a lot of the more specialized, shall we say, training equipment is manufactured by SynTech." 
Veridon: gripped his grey gi top and pulled it open, throwing it aside to free his movement a little. His fighting pants were similarly grey and simple, giving him freedom of movement but not much else. "Namekians the galaxy over are regarded
Veridon: - as a peace loving race of philosophers. This is well and good, our fighters are few and most of them prefer upholding the peace to causing trouble." Veridon started to bounce on the spot slightly, his feet moving in a complicated
Veridon: - quickstep that kept his footwork fast and unpredictable, his path starting a wide circle around Essex. Their onlookers were already backing well away, but had no plans to leave. They wouldn't miss this for the world. "But there
Veridon: - are a few of us who adhere to the ancient ways still. I follow the old gods, Mr. Lillah, and they remember a time when survival of the strongest was the nature of the galaxy. A time of dragons." A faint green aura sparked
Veridon: - to life around Veridon's form as he gathered his energy, his eyes flicking over Essex. "I know you're far more than just a businessman, Mr. Lillah...you have some of the Dragon in you too." Veridon slammed forward in a rush,
Veridon: - his foot trailing along the ground behind him as he flew forward, breaking to a halt in front of Essex and snapping his body diagonally backwards, whipping his foot up in a skull-shattering flipkick.
Essex: takes a step back, casually raising his hand and blocking Veridon's flipkick with his index and middle finger. "That's right, we manufacture a lot. Genetics," Veridon spins around, aiming a kick at Essex's midsection,
Essex: (*) which he blocks with his mechanical arm. "Mechanics." The namek retorts this block with a fast punch, which Essex leans out of the way. "Weaponry." He ducks under Veridon's kick with little effort. He drops to his
Essex: (*) knee and brings his right fist into the palm of his left hand. "And my personal favorite, Biological Weapons." He bobs his head down, putting his hands on the ground and flipping backwards, landing in a crouched
Essex: (*) position. "Awww, c'mon, you can do better than that, Veridon." He stands up, cockily dusting himself off. "I mean, if you want to see this Dragon you speak of, you'll have to fight better. Show me what you've got."
Essex: (*) He holds his hands to his side, his muscles bulging as his skin darkened in color. "If he helps... I don't think you can do it." He taunts, hoping to make the fighter give it his all.
Veridon: launched himself backwards across the room in a series of backflipping handsprings. He was nothing if not agile. The problem was one of speed. Essex was blindingly fast - for 'just a businessman' the man moved like a bloody snake. 
Veridon: crouched down slightly, clenching his fists as he planned another approach. Physical attacks weren't good enough, but... and then it came to him. Something Essex didn't know that he possessed. He smirked and raised a single fingertip
Veridon: - up to his forehead, green ki starting to spark and crackle as it gathered around the tip. "You're familiar with the Namekian technique, the Special Beam Cannon? Designed to penetrate, rather than explode. Designed to be lethal, not
Veridon: - concussive. You sure better hope you're as good as you think you are, Mr. Lillah. Because my Dragon's Fang stings." He grinned at the other fighter as he finished gathering his energy, his eyes narrowed as he took careful
Veridon: - aim...and then with an inrush of air he vanished, blurring back into existance right behind Essex. His finger lanced out, resting almost gently on the small of the other fighter's back, his fingertip glowing bright green
Veridon: - as the attack strained to be released. "Catch, Mr. Lillah... DRAGON'S FANG!" he roared, releasing the bright green, powerful corkscrew beam straight into the small of the businessmans back. 
Essex: takes the Dragon's Fang to the small of the back, caught off guard and thrown forward across the floor. He hits chest first and slides a few inches. Grinning, he pushes himself up to his feet again, keeping his back turned
Essex: (*) to Veridon. "That tickled." He dusts his shirts off and turns around, facing Veridon. "If we're going to get on the topic of Dragon's Fangs... mine's bigger." He squints his eyes and takes a step forward, his image blurring
Essex: (*) as if he were a painting that just had water poured on it. He jumps back and forth from the side, leaving blurry after images of himself. He dashes from side to side, making his way towards Veridon to keep the namek 
Essex: (*) off guard. Suddenly, the after images fade and Essex is in the air, his right arm crossed over his face. "Catch this!" He says, throwing all his weight and momentum into his arm as he aims a hard back-handed slap
Essex: (*) at the namek's head.
Veridon: watched cooly as Essex skidded away from him, noting how quickly the other fighter recovered. His eyes attempted to focus at first as his opponent advanced on him in a series of rapid blurs, but he drew his attention back and
Veridon: - simply prepared for the incoming, knowing that attempting to follow Essex's movements would be his downfall. "Of course it only tickled. Do you think it was meant to hurt?" Veridon sprang into action as Essex finished
Veridon: - his approached, flinging himself into a spinkick. Essex was faster. The backhand caught the Namek square across the jaw, sending him flying like a ragdoll through the air, spinning. The only thing that interrupted his flight
Veridon: - was a reinforced wall that sent him crashing to the ground. The wall bore an indented outline of his body. Veridon dragged himself to his feet, spitting blood, but in no mood to yield. Without words he crossed to one of
Veridon: - the many weapons racks in the gymnasium, drawing out a long wooden quarterstaff. He twirled it once experimentally before launching himself at Essex, his aura flaring around him as he flew. His fingertips blurred as the
Veridon: - staff spun in a complicated pattern, ending with a hard overhead blow as Veridon came rocketing downwards towards Essex.
Essex: brings his arms up, Veridon's attack blocked as a metal quarter-staff 'magically' appeared out of no where. "You see." He grins, pushing Veridon's weapon back, knocking the namek a few feet away from
Essex: (*) him. He holds the staff in front of himself as it turns to liquid metal and takes the form of a chain with a spiked ball on the end. "THIS is the Omniweapon." He begins to swing the chain, twisting and ducking, wrapping it 
Essex: (*) around his neck, arms, and his legs. He spins again and ducks under the ball, Veridon bending into a back-bridge, the ball missing his nose by centimeters. The namek pops back onto his feet
Essex: (*) as Essex back flips, throwing a half twist in. "And I can assure you. This won't tickle!" He shouts, turning and thrusting his leg forward, the chain unraveling as the ball launches itself straight towards
Essex: (*) Veridon's torso.
Veridon: bounced backwards from the blocked attack, spinning his staff in a defensive pattern before bracing himself for Essex's counterattack. His eyes ran over the Omniweapon admiringly as it shifted and transformed, turning
Veridon: - his gaze to Essex's hands rather than the movements of the chain. "Nice technology...are you sure its not compensating for lack of skill?" he taunted. The chain lashed out, sending the ball rocketing towards
Veridon: - him, but he was prepared. Spinning away from the incoming attack he brought his staff down in a carefully timed strike, smacking the chain just behind the ball to shove the  attack even more of course. Taking advantage of
Veridon: - the opening he lunged forward again, gripping each end of his quarterstaff and tugging fiercely. It split in two, the chain inside the staff revealed now, converting it into a three section staff. He spun it down in a
Veridon: - complicated motion, the strike aimed straight towards the businessmans kneecap. "Stop toying with me, Dragon!"
Essex: -*- "So be it." He says, his body hardening into stone as Veridon's weapon bounces off of it harmlessly. A perfectly shaped stone bust of Essex stands there, holding a stone version of the Omniweapon. The
Essex: (*) people in the gym look back and forth as whispers begin in the crowd. "What happened?" "What did he do?" The lighting in the room seems to darken as nine blood red runes light up on the chest of the statue.
Essex: (*) "Dragon Shift!" Essex's voice booms from somewhere as the runes flicker, the statue exploding outward into a shower of stone. Essex stands up fully, the lighting returning to normal. He holds the Omniweapon
Essex: (*) out to the side, it disappearing into his body. "Lack of Skill?!" He booms, rushing forward, fist drawn back. "Listen here." He says, snatching Veridon up in his draconic claw. He lets his new wings span out
Essex: (*) as he looks into the Namek's eyes. "Don't write a check you can't cash." He says, turning fast and throwing the Namek into the same wall he had indented earlier. He pulls his arms back to the side as fire begins
Essex: (*) to burn in his hands. The fire grows bigger as Essex takes a deep breath, a ball of fire forming in his mouth. "&bLEGACY OF THE DRAGON!&w" He shouts, throwing his hands forward as he spews the fireball
Essex: (*) the three flaming projectiles forming into one big one as they hit Veridon squarely in the chest. He stands up fully, his Draconic body forming into stone and then, moments later, falling apart as Regular Essex
Essex: (*) sniffs, popping his knuckles. He walks over to Veridon's beaten body and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a crystal vial. "You did good." He says, popping the top off of the vial and tipping it slightly, letting
Essex: (*) one drop fall from it, convieniently landing into Veridon's mouth.
Xerokine: -*- A soft breeze swept through the dusting of snow that had fallen overnight on the small village of Kenna. The morning sun, which promised to melt the layer of white before too long, had only just risen over the eastern mountains, 
Xerokine: -*- spreading long shadows over the streets and small houses. A few stores had already opened, but most of the population had either left for jobs in the city, were still asleep, or were wandering the streets with the vague 
Xerokine: -*- disinterest of someone who has the day off. One of these was actually a visitor to the town, an arrogant-looking man cloaked in black with an ornate sword slung across his back. His amber-eyed gaze shifted across the buildings and 
Xerokine: -*- casual architexture as he walked aimlessly through the small downtown.
Xregg: -*- The village was just a passing point for a small individual.  A smoothed over red and black dome of a head as well as a vaguely human, if a bit child-like appearance.  Three pronged feet walked through the snow uncarringly as though
Xregg: (C) the feeling of the freezing ground did not seem to bother the person in the slightest.  A black hakama covered the legs followed by a red sash and then a black kimono followed by a red undershirt.  Whoever this creature was, the colors
Xregg: (C) seemed consistant with his own skin tone which was also, a pitch black with red accents.  His hands shoved deep into his pockets, the entire ensemble gave this lithe creature the appearance of being quite broud thanks to the baggy
Xregg: (C) nature of his clothing, "Hrm." He muses outloud, "I do so enjoy the cold..."
Xerokine: -*- A sudden breeze swept a soft cloud of loose snow over the road as the cloaked man paused at the corner, glancing between the two streets consideringly. As he waited for the lone car to pass, his eyes were caught by an odd sight, 
Xerokine: -*- especially for such a suburban area. The black and red-skinned Icerian was padded through the carpet of snow as if he was on Freezar, giving no thought to the occasionally staring human. Xerokine tapped a slender finger against 
Xerokine: -*- his chin. Unlike himself, the Icer didn't seem to be wandering, but rather heading steadily for a specific destination. While all the races were officially at peace, old memories had long lives, and few Icerians felt like enduring the 
Xerokine: -*- trouble that came with living on Earth amongst their former enemies. With that thought in mind, the man shifted his path and began to cross the street, pacing just behind the strange curiousity.
Xregg: continued on his mindful way, practically ignoring the odd looks he had been recieving from the local inhabitants.  They were of no concern and he was used to the reaction by this point, ever since coming to the planet several weeks ago
Xregg: (C) to search for his brother.  He could destroy them if he wanted to...hell, he could uproot this entire town and flip it over and smash it into oblivion of he really wanted to, all with just the excersise of some mental force.  Despite
Xregg: (C) Sert's upbringing, Xregg knew he would never gain that sort of discipline, the Namekian was too frivolous and free-wheeling.  'What an idiot...' Xregg thought to himself as memories of his brother flashed in his head, 'how could he
Xregg: (C) have killed our parents? That was a pleasure reserved for me only.  Crushing their skulls with a mere thou-oh?' Xregg's attention was diverted slightly from his continual thoughts about his brother.  Someone with a considerably larger
Xregg: (C) energy had decided to show up.  It wasn't hard to figure out really, considering the comparison of the surrounding environment.  Xregg really didn't have time for this though.  So he turned around to face the person that had
Xregg: (C) been following him, "Listen." He said in a rather unamused tone, "Unless you plan on actually doing something, stop following me.  I don't have time for this."
Xerokine: tilted his head slightly, one eyebrow raised curiously. "What do you mean?" he asked calmly. "If you must know, I was wondering what a..." Xerokine trailed off, wondering how one would tell a male Icerian from a female. 
Xerokine: -*- "Person," he decided. "Like yourself was doing here. I haven't seen many Icers around, and none with your... particular colouring. Is that unique, or a family trait?"
Xregg: quirked an eyebrow in response to this person's...interesting way of addressing him, "What? Is suddenly taboo for Earthlings to call us Icerians? Odd...they seem so eager to scream it before running away..." He tilted his head to the side
Xregg: (C) in thought for a moment befure shrugging slightly, "I'm merely passing through.  I have no interest in this town, these people, or you for a matter of fact.  And if you must know, it's a family trait. What of it?" Xregg's mood was 
Xregg: (C) portrayed clearly in his words, he had no time to put up with this mans interrogation.  There were other things that needed to be done.
Xerokine: shrugged with disinterest. He hadn't really cared about the creature's lineage anyway. "Oh? And what are you interested in, then?" he replied conversationally. "You seem to be in quite a hurry to be getting somewhere. 
Xerokine: -*- You might have more luck taking the late morning bus then going on foot. Of course, it won't be here for a few hours yet." Xerokine glanced over his shoulder toward the bus stop a few blocks away. He had no real idea about the 
Xerokine: -*- schedule. "Heading into the city?" he guessed. "That's pretty much the only reason anyone goes through here."
Xregg: blinked quizzically at the man, 'Boy...talk about not getting the hint.  Are all humans this dumb?' "Look, Earthling. I'm not going to take the... bus. And I'm not heading into the city.  I've already been there." Xregg un-pocketed one of his
Xregg: (C) hands and held it to his side slightly with the palm open, "I really don't want to do this, I was hoping to avoid an fights before I reached my brother.  However..." His fingers flinched outwards slightly as a mass of energy formed
Xregg: (C) underneath his palm and quickly began to spin as well as...solidify? He grasped the object that had now become an oddly shaped circular weapon of sorts with red and black highlights and glared at the man, "I'm afraid you're not getting
Xregg: (C) the hint.  Unless you know where a telekinetically inclined namekian is, I'm going to take your head."
Xerokine: tapped a finger against his forehead, seemingly oblivious to both the Icerian's threats and the bladed chakram he had somehow created. The one or two passerbys, however, were not so circumspect. "Telekinetic 
Xerokine: -*- Namekian?" the man repeated, raising his voice so he would be heard over the yells as the humans ran away. "Sounds almost like this guy I met yesterday in the capital. Was throwin' garbage cans and street lamps at some 
Xerokine: -*- Saiyan without even touching them. Was like he was surrounded by white fire." Xerokine paused and furrowed his brow. "I think it was yesterday. Actually, it was probably a few days ago... couldn't have been a week, though. 
Xerokine: -*- Maybe three days?"
Xregg: raised an eyebrow at the man, throwing around garbage cans and trash? That sounded right up Sert's alley, he had this odd fetish about setting homeless people on fire and launching them at people, it was his idea of "fun." Xregg held his
Xregg: (C) bladed chakram by a pair of fingers and swayed it back and forth thoughtful, seemingly unconcerned with the yelling that was occuring around them, "Where was this? I need to find him so I can kill him."
Xerokine: quirked an eyebrow, giving the Icerian a steady, amber-eyed frown. "Kill him?" he echoed. "I thought you said he was your brother. Adopted, I presume, but I didn't think your kind had such different values about family and 
Xerokine: -*- honour." Xerokine hummed as he considered. "Sure, I'll tell you where to find him. But what then? Have any plans for after your fratricide? I've seen the Namek fight, and he's not bad. If you can actually beat him, you might not be 
Xerokine: -*- as weak as you look either. In which case, I'd have a use for you."
Xregg: hrm'd lightly to Xerokine's inquiry, "After...? After I killed him I would return to active duty in the Icerian Forces. There would be nothing else about it." Xregg hadn't really considered it that much honestly, he always just assumed
Xregg: (C) he would go back after exterminating what was left of his family.  He had not considered the phenomenal growth in power that he would experience while he was away from active duty.  Truth be told, prior to leaving the Forces, he could
Xregg: (C) only achieve his third form.  Now he had gone beyond even that.  Most of the Icerians could not achieve the forth form, not to mention what lay beyond that.  What would he do once he returned more powerful than any of his commanding
Xregg: (C) officers?, "A use? You must be joking."
Xerokine: smiled, the expression just short of patronizing. "Oh, I am completely serious, I assure you," he replied calmly as he folded his arms across his chest. At his full height, he could easily look down upon the shorter and 
Xerokine: -*- stockier Icerian, and did so with as much arrogance and superiority in his glittering amber eyes as he could muster. "Do you really wish to return to your planet's armed forces? And do what? Spend your time piddling away in 
Xerokine: -*- meaningless squabbles while your leaders mince words and play at diplomacy? When you could do so much more?" Xerokine's lips spread in a feral grin, the morning sunlight glinting off his sharp, pointed eyeteeth. "Or have 
Xerokine: -*- you truly not realized who I am, you witless fool?"
Xregg: shrugged lightly, he never really cared for politics to be honest, the higher ups would give him an assignment, and he would carry it out.  Usually it involved killing at least one person and that is what he was good at, killing people. He
Xregg: (C) peered up at the cloaked figure.  Truth be told, he had no idea who this arrogant son of a bitch was.  If he didn't care for his -own- peoples politics, he certainly didn't give a DAMN about what happened on Earth.  Who was on top,
Xregg: (C) who was backstabbing who, making deals, working the people, he honestly just couldn't care less, "It's not about them squabbling.  It's about purpose. My purpose is to kill. That is why I return, because that is what I get to do. And
Xregg: (C) as for you..." Xregg looked up, indeed, his small frame made it hard to look intimidated, but he showed no fear, "It's not so much as I don't realize, so much as a general apathy."
Xerokine: threw his head back and laughed at the Icerian's presumption. "And here I thought your kind -didn't- live in caves," he quipped, grinning down at the short creature. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lord Xerokine Dyrnwyn 
Xerokine: -*- Caeruleus. Of more interest to you is that I am leader of the Army of the Forsaken which will soon conquer this soft and pathetic planet. If it is killing you want, then perhaps you should be following me instead of your spineless 
Xerokine: -*- army. As one of my generals."
Xregg: stared blankly at the person, Xerokine Caeruleus, eh? Sure, the name was widely known across many worlds.  Xregg had never encountered the man in person, nor heard or seen him him in anything of relevance.  With no face, no picture and no
Xregg: (C) audio to follow with the rumors that had circulated about the man, Xregg was sure to have been awed by being in the presence of a legend.  But... he wasn't.  Being awed by power got old after a while, especially when all it made Xregg
Xregg: (C) do is hunger for more of his own, "Caeruleus..." He said outloud to the cloaked man, "Well, I don't much care for the rank of General it means I'm off sending people to kill and be killed. Sounds rather...far from the action."
Xerokine: chuckled softly. "Now, don't be silly," he replied as he began to walk in a wide circle around the Icerian. "Actually, your first duty as general would probably be going around slaughtering people en masse. It's one of the 
Xerokine: -*- best ways to recruit people, after all. Go into a small settlement, kill anyone too weak, and threaten the rest. Then you get to kill anyone who doesn't meet up with our standards. The Forsaken must be strong, after all, even the foot 
Xerokine: -*- soldiers. And after that, far from managing the army from afar, you would be in the thickest part of the combat. Only humans and cowards lead from behind. A true warrior leads by example, don't you agree?"
Xregg: waves the bladed chakram from side to side in idle thought again the Saiya-jin did have a good point, only the weak lead from afar.  Unfortunately, that is something that most leaders did now a days, most were either too old, too frail or
Xregg: (C) to cowardly to do it any other way.  But still, an army under his command? Xregg finally shook his head, declining Xerokine's proposal, "I don't want to be the General of those who pretend to be strong.  If you want my services
Xregg: (C) you will abide by my rules.  I want a small squad, not an army.  I'll find you the strongest, but in return I want them for myself.  Take anything less into your 'Forsaken Army'.  I will accept nothing but the best."
Xerokine: considered that. A small, elite squad of warriors would be useful as well. And anyone the Icerian considered unfit would find their way into the army itself. Which, admittedly, didn't actually exist yet, but that was a problem 
Xerokine: -*- that would be resolved soon enough anyway. "Very well. You can have the best for your squad, and you shall be their Commander," he agreed. "The rest you shall send to me. But those too weak you may simply kill. Now, in 
Xerokine: -*- exchange, you must swear allegiance to me. I intend to carve my own kingdom out of these soft lands. Do we have an agreement?"
Xregg: nodded slightly to Xerokine in response to his statements, this would work out better for him anyway.  If knew now if he went back home he would be treated with fear, they would look upon him as some kind of beastly weapon that would turn
Xregg: (C) against them at a moments notice.  The fact that he had sworm loyalty to the Icerian Empire for the past six years would not have amounted to much in the eyes of the buerocrats. And the fact that he had performed every mission they
Xregg: (C) had assigned to him, without failure, probably wasn't that good of a sign anyway.  No, after Sert died, Freezar would no longer accept him because of his strengths.  That was fine by him, he didn't care about it either way at the
Xregg: (C) moment.  His driving concern was his brother's head on a platter, "Yes, those are acceptable terms."
Xerokine: nodded agreeably. He had half-expected this to come down to a fight for dominance, but that was more of a Saiya-jin way of doing things. "Feel free to start collecting followers any time you like. As for your brother, the last 
Xerokine: -*- time I saw him, he was in New Hope City, the human capital for this region. He is undoubtedly still there - it's where most off-worlders mingle," he explained absently, pulling a folded piece of paper out of his cloak and tossing it 
Xerokine: -*- toward the Icerian. "Here is a map to where you should send those who don't meet your requirements. It's where the Forsaken will be gathering until we begin our offensive. Oh, that reminds me," he added. "I didn't catch -your- name. 
Xerokine: -*- Commander."
Xregg: snatched the map out of the air and pocketed it within his hakama effortlessly.  He untensed his fingers as well and appeared to simply let go of the bladed chakram he had summoned, content to let it fall to the ground carelessly.  However
Xregg: (C) rather than it simply clattering onto the ground it instead simply to simply dissipate effortlessly, as though the only thing that had kept it together in the first place had been Xregg's touch, "My name?" He commently purposefully as
Xregg: (C) he looked up at Xerokine, "Fao, Xregg. Rank: Commander."
Xerokine: resisted the urge to pat Xregg on the head. Something told him that Icerians probably didn't like that. "Excellent. Well, then, Xregg, I shall leave you to continue your personal business with your brother. I hope your 
Xerokine: -*- fratricide goes well. Do keep on the lookout for anyone interesting, won't you? While an elite squad is fun, I will still have need of some generals. Good, good." Xerokine flicked a speck of snow from his shoulder and glanced around 
Xerokine: -*- the thoroughly deserted avenue. The populace was probably still waiting for the first explosion. He'd have to head over to the opposite side of town to find an open breakfast joint at this rate.
Xregg: frowned menacingly at Xerokine, that's right, Sert.  'Brother...while your body still draws breath my mission has not yet come to an end.  You will die by my hands so that when you see our family in hell...you will know that it was I who was
Xregg: (C) meant to kill them, not you.' Xregg tightened his fist at this thought a grimace forming on his face, "Yes. I too hope for a good death." And with that Xregg turned around, but instead of walking there came a low rumbling from beneath the
Xregg: (C) two men.  With a sickening cracking sound the ground beneath Xregg's feet lifted into the air slowly, gradually increasing in speed as well as altitude.  When he deemed himself sufficiently far up he willed the rock beneath his feet to
Xregg: (C) launch itself off towards the city, "On this rock I shall build my kingdom.  With this stone I do cast you into hell, Sert."
Essex: clears his throat as he swivels back and forth in his big cushioned chair, positioned behind his big mahogany desk. He interlocks his fingers behind his head and turns the chair around, propping his feet
Essex: (*) on the window sil and staring out at the massive city in front of him. "Hmmm..." He hums out, thinking to himself. 'I wonder if anyone is going to show up for my offer...' He turns his chair back around
Essex: (*) and pushes the button on his desk, connecting him through to his secretary. "Candy, have we any applicants yet?"
Benedict: cooly surveys the brightly lit reception area as he enters. Although immaculate, it's nothing the young man wasn't accustomed to. He walks over to the receptionist, and requests, "There is an interview here this afternoon, correct?"
Benedict: follows the receptionist to the other side of the enormous lobby, being presented only with an open elevator, and a motion to enter from the receptionis.
Benedict: "Okay..," he stated, somewhat annoyed at the secretive nature of this entire ordeal. He enters the elevator, watching the door close, waiting as it climbs the floors of the office building.
Essex: cracks his neck as the receptionist says over the intercom. "Mr. Lillah, there's a visitor on his way up." "Did you get his name?" He asks. "No sir, you didn't tell me to take down names." "Doesn't matter, thank you."
Essex: (*) He stands up and pushes the chair back with his legs, examining his nails and 'dusting' the creases out of his suit pants. He walks over to a cabinet in the corner and opens it, pulling out a silver tray and sitting
Essex: (*) two glasses on it. He drops a couple ice cubes into the glasses and pours some scotch into each glass before idly corking the crystal bottle and closing the cabinet. He walks back over to his desk and sits the tray
Essex: (*) down, before sitting back in his chair.
Benedict: gives himself a quick look-over as the elevator continues to climb. Despite his wealthy parents, and comfortable, to say the least, upbringing, he can't help but be impressed with the elegance of the entire building. At last the elevator
Benedict: (*) stops, and the doors open, allowing him to exit into the office. After quickly analyzing the surroundings, he continues over to the impressive mahogany desk at the far side of the room. "Benedict, Benedict Bates." "Good afternoon."
Essex: he smiles and holds his hand out, directing it towards a chair on the opposite side of the desk. "Please, Mister Bates, come sit. Have a drink." He says, picking up one of the glasses and sipping on it. "And before
Essex: (*) we continue, please say your family doesn't happen to own a motel?" He quirks an eyebrow, peering over his violet sunglasses, grinning a bit. "If it's too bright in here, I can draw the shades, it tends to get bright
Essex: (*) around sunset." He stands up and sits the glass down, extending his hand towards the android. "The names Lillah, Essex Lillah."
Benedict: takes a seat in the comfortable leather chair, taking the glass offered by his host. "Thank you Mr. Lillah, good to meet you," he said, taking a small sip from  the crystal glass. "Own a motel? Well, a few hotels, actually. The Gran 
Benedict: (*) Marquis, if you're heard of them. Boring business, if you ask me. The lighting is just fine. Let's get down to business, shall we? he says, leaning forward a bit. "It would be nice to know, why, exactly, I am here."
Essex: stretches and finishes his drink, setting the glass down, the ice cubes clinking against the crystalline cup. "Well, at least it isn't the Bates Motel, haha, and yes, I know the Grand Marquis, I was actually contemplating 
Essex: (*) contacting them to have one put in here at SynCity." He runs his tongue across his. "And the reason you're here is... a personal assistant opening has come available, what with me promoting my son to head of 
Essex: (*) operations... that's why you're here."
Benedict: "A personal assistant?" he chuckled, setting his glass down on the table, and rising to his feet. "I don't much enjoy having my time wasted, Mr. Lillah." He turned, and moved toward the elevator. As he walked, visibly annoyed, he turned
Benedict: (*) to look back, "Is there something more to this or should I be on my way?" 
Essex: stands up, placing his hands on the desk. "What else is there? More money than you can imagine, power, planetary recognition... you must've misunderstood me when I said personal assistant... everyone in
Essex: (*) this company, unless otherwise instructed, is a 'personal' assistant. It means I'll assign you to a specific department, you Mr. Bates, as an android, would probably be in SynWep, our weapons department.
Essex: (*) Now, if you walk out that door, you're giving up an opportunity most would kill for." He crosses his arms over his chest and squints through his sunglasses, keeping his eyes locked. "You can pass up the personal
Essex: (*) assistant job for something else, yes? ReCon, Genetics Research, Mmm? I'm sure someone with your talents... Bates..." He says, looking at the panel on his mechanical arm. "I could find a position available for you
Essex: (*) yes?"
Benedict: turns around quickly, rather surprised at both the offer being presented, and this apparently simple businessman's perception. "How did you know I was an android? No one knows that." He pauses, realizing that his was more a rhetorical
Benedict: (*) question than anything else. After taking a moment to compose himself, he continued, "Well, I see there is a lot more going on here than I thought. SynWep, eh? Sounds interesting. You've piqued my interest. What can I do for 
Benedict: (*) you?
Essex: holds up his arm, showing Benedict his mechanical appendage. "I know you're an android because you didn't give off a power leve... and we tend to know our kind, not that I'm an android." He sits back down
Essex: (*) and clears his throat. "Well... there's several departments, SynWep, SynGen, SynCom, SynRel, SynPol... you name it, we probably have a department for it." He shrugs. "The question is, Mr. Bates, what can
Essex: (*) we here at SynTech do for you?"
Sert: * "Heard about a job," Sert states, leaving no room for argument with the receptionist who jumps at the words - he was a very sneaky namek. "Who do I see about that?" At that question, the black hood of his long flowing robes is removed by
Sert: - a nigh invisible wisp of white. A small gold earring in Sert's left ear twinkles a bit against the indoor light, making him look badass. Or gay, maybe. His soft red eyes shoot an impatient stare at the female at the desk, as if to warn her
Sert: - her life depended on a quick answer.
Benedict: "What can you do for me, eh?" begins the android, a hint of pleasure and excitement coming to his face at the opportunity before him. "Well, let's see.." he continues as he fiddles with the short black gotee on his chin. "I don't 
Benedict: (*) boring things like research or diplomacy, or whatever you people call it. I have more money than I know what to do with already, it turns out that the hotel business, however boring it may be is quite profitable. As I'm sure you can
Benedict: (*) tell, I can... hold my own... in a fight. Other than that," he said with a shrug, "I'm fairly easy to please.
Essex: looks at the clock on the desk as hums an unfamiliar tune. "Well... we have a vistor... on the way up now." He says, looking back at Benedict. "I could call my son, and we can test your battle capabilities in a 
Essex: (*) two-on-two, and decide if you're cut out for SynWep." He stands up, shrugging off his jacket and sitting it on the back of his chair. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a cell phone. "Dial Orii." He says
Essex: (*) to the phone as it automatically begins dialing. He raises the phone to his ear, waiting for Orii to pick up.
Sert: gets what information he needs from the receptionist, and turns away without another word. An elevator off to the side opens on his approach, whether because of some built in function, or Sert's powers. Gracefully entering and turning about
Sert: - to face the doors, Sert remains still. The doors shut; the elevator begins to hum lowly, jetting upwards past nearly two hundred rooms of the SynTech tower. In this few moments of solitude, there is ample time to contemplate the purpose
Sert: - of this tower.. of SynTech.. of SynCity. The time for reflection ends; the elevator comes to a seemless stop, the doors opening. Entering silently, the namek folds his arms together, hands hidden under the robes. "Something about a job?"
Tiernan: quietly followed Sert out the elevator. "Your charge has arrived, sir Lillah." Tiernan intoned quietly. "I tried to converse with him, but he just wouldn't listen. I can only assume he's here for an interview. ...If 
Tiernan: (c) he isn't, I could... dispose of him for you." a smile to Essex, a wink at Sert, Tiernan casually glided across the room (though still walking) and sat in a comfy chair, waiting for Essex to give the word.
Orii: - Booted footsteps, followed by the sound of unintelligible guitar licks and tormented vocals rock the hallway outside the office of SynTech businessman and mutant powerhouse, Essex Lillah. Sneering, Orii shoves open the door. He could smell the g
Orii: (C) green one from his office a floor below. He stalked lazily through the door, confident, cocky, a steely resolve. "'Sup, old man?" Orii asks, never taking his eyes away from his Namekian nemesis. Fists clenched, he tweaked an eyebrow at the arr
Orii: (C) arrival of the halfbreed--- a power too miniscule to bother with, but one he wouldn't crush if it tried to keep him from destroying Sert. "'Fraid that won't be necessary."
Benedict: turns toward the elevator as the Namek entered, followed by the halfbreed, quickly analyzing each of their powers as they come in. Slightly alarmed at the namek's power, which he notes rivals his own, he keeps himself alert, prepared 
Benedict: (*) for anything to happen. He chuckles slightly at the halfbreed's remark, knowing very well that the namek wouldn't have the slightest trouble trouncing him. He moves toward one of the large, comfortable sofas on the wall, Sitting down to 
Benedict: (*) allow whatever was about to happen, to happen.
Essex: stands up, nodding to Orii. "Benedict is here for an interview, Wu'sha is just here, and Sert is here for a job." He cocks his head over to Orii. "I was thinking about making Green Skin there your personal 
Essex: (*) secretary." He grins and looks back at all of them, clapping his hands together. "So! Whose up for a good ol' tag team fight? Sert and Benedict against The Lillah Family, yes?" 
Sert: returns the evil eye gaze to Orii; the one human Sert could recognize, above all others. Everyone else looked the same to him. The entrance of the halfbreed also irks him a little; he didn't fully hear out what the halfbreed said, on account
Sert: - of Orii's presence, but Sert was sure he wouldn't have liked what was said. Thoughts and decisions were made with lightning speed in the nameks mind: Benedict and he were after the same job, and likely had to out perform each other to get
Sert: - the spot. Whatever the position, something Sert could take away from someone else was something Sert wanted. Without a word, a white telekinetic fire blazes about the namek, firing a transparent, narrow piercing aura to Essex, intent
Sert: - on running his chest through with the energy. "Sounds fun," he whispers more to himself, with a green grin.
Orii: - Orii's gloved hand tightens as he raises it eye level. His eyes slide shut, as he summons the depth of his potential grabs it by the face, and rips it to the surface. Tendrils of flame spiral around him, vaguely resembling a burning serpent coil
Orii: (C) coiling around his muscular body. "I'll kill you this time, Sert." Orii spoke firmly. He wasn't the same scattered youth as he had been; he was sharp and focused, honed into an efficient fighter. His body was hard, chiseled by the intense trai
Orii: (C) training regiment he'd taken up over the past month. His eyes slide open as the body is rocked by a terrifying release of energy. Orii crosses his arms, waiting for whoever would dare swing at him. 
Tiernan: clapped his hands to grab the attention of everyone in the room. "Excuse me, I'm not particularly charged with being the custodian..." he said the word, let it sink in. He wasn't a stooge, or a goon, he was a serious 
Tiernan: (c) business man. Not here to quarrel with these immature fools. "And I think it'd be best for you people seeking positions within the... Club, if you found a more remote location to carry out this silly fight, 
Tiernan: (c) which, as far as I know, still isn't sanctioned as a real method of determining whether you get the position or not, then I think we would all be better off, and this building would remain A) standing, and B) a 
Tiernan: (c) secure location in which to operate. So please. Essex, explain whatever rules you wish to impose and then let us be on. The exit elevator is over here, unless you're willing to Travel." as he finished his 
Tiernan: (c) speech, Tiernan got up and revealed a false wall and a stainless steel elevator thrice the size of the one they used to enter this floor.
Essex: takes the blast from Sert full force to the chest and looks down, a bright red rune beginning to glow from under his burned wife beater. "We're gonna do this on the roof, I like it there." He snaps his fingers, the room
Essex: (*) around them blurring like wet paint, swirling and running on itself then seemingly rewinds, rebuilding the area surrounding them as the roof of SynTower. "Now now. Sert..." He says, looking up, glancing over his
Essex: (*) shades. "That wasn't nice." He steps back, holding his arms out to his side, his muscles bulging, his body mass quadrupling in size. He screams and shakes his head, his lips peeling back as his skull rebuilds
Essex: (*) it's self with a stout, shark-like snout. He roars as his fingernails elongate into claws, spikes piercing out of his skin all along his body. He pops his neck, his ridiculous mass making it look like it would be hard to
Essex: (*) move. "Orii and Essex against Sert and Benedict. Tiernan, would you be so kind as to oversee the match?"
Tiernan: nodded at Essex' cue. As Tiernan strode to the center of the roof, things began materializing out of thin air, appearing at random intervals in random places. Cars, telephone poles, telephone lines, all the flotsam 
Tiernan: (c) one could find in the split-second it takes to move from one end of the city to its center. A stand of weapons, all with the SynTech brand on their sides materialized in the center. "The arena has been outfitted - 
Tiernan: (c) to everyone's liking?" at this he paused and accepted a curt nod from everyone except Orii. Prick. "Begin." he said with no formality in his voice, he and Sert immediately vanished. Tiernan appeared at the 
Tiernan: (c) side of the arena prepared to accept the wounded, or put a stop to someone who went rogue. Sert appeared in the sky, surrounded in a fiery column of ki. A whirling barricade of the broken pieces of whatever 
Tiernan: (c) had littered the arena spun around him like a barrier of refuse. His eyes glowed white-hot and a car separated itself from the mix and at lightning speed crashed into the roof - where Essex stood and instant 
Tiernan: (c) before. The fight was on.
Benedict: Not wanting to waste any time, Benedict immediately got to what he did best. The miscellaneous object around him rose up a few feet off the ground, and were quickly incinerated as the surge of KI flew away from his body as he ascended 
Benedict: (*)into the form of a super android, eminating a soft blue aura. Once he had reached full power, he flew, at incredible speed toward Orii, not wanting to give him time to react. Just as he was a few feet in front of Orii, he 
Benedict: (*) disappeared, only to appear directly behind Orii, already midway though a crushing sideways kick, directly toward the Human's ribs.
Orii: - There was a sick crack as Orii's ribs snapped at the might of the unexpected kick. His torso was in quite a prone position, slightly shoved forward; the blow shattered his ego, among other things, but, to his suprise, he remained standing, his b
Orii: (C) booted heels digging into the concrete roof. A vengeful grin stretched across his pale face as he wrapped a hand around Benedict's shin. Mechanically, Orii raised his elbow high, and dropped to his knees, driving the sharp bone hard into his o
Orii: (C) opponent's thigh. Screaming out, Benedict leaned down, favoring his bruised leg, giving Orii a very obvious, glaring target, giving him that one punch... From his crouched position, Orii smirked; deadly. Leaping up like the rising dragon from 
Orii: (C) Leaping up like the rising dragon from his kneeled stance, Orii drove his fist into Benedict's chin with the explosiveness of striking lightning. A terrible crack echoed through the city, as the android rose into the air with the force of the 
Orii: (C) sick uppercut, blood flying from his gaping mouth--- completely unconscious. Orii crossed his arms as Benedict slammed into the ceiling hard, motionless. Smiling ever so slightly, Orii cast glares at his next target, Sert, measuring him with a
Orii: (C) animalistic eyes.
Essex: lunges forward at Sert, striking him with an open palm to the chest. Him and the namek trade blows for a few moments, blinking in and out of existence all over the battlefield. Finally Sert appears and aims a well
Essex: (*) timed heel drop, catching a now appearing Essex on the crown of the head. He flies down, hitting the ground and then almost instantaneously jumping back into the air as Orii crouches down, the human pulling
Essex: (*) his hands to the side and charging a kamehameha wave. Essex copies Orii's previous move, twisting in the air, aiming a punch at Sert's head. He feigns as Sert's leans back to dodge it, flying up past the namek and
Essex: (*) grabbing him by the head with his legs. "Hey, Orii, catch!" He says, keeping his legs wrapped around Sert's head as he backflips in the air, letting go of the namek. Orii releases the Kamehameha wave into the
Essex: (*) air as Sert crashes into it full force.
Tiernan: let the air settle. He then wiped the blood from his shirt. What a nasty stain that'd leave. And really. From fourty feet away you'd think you'd be safe from this kind of muck. "I'll have them tended to." Tiernan 
Tiernan: (c) said, as monotonously as possible, "Orii, Essex, congratulations." just as monotonously crossing the roof in instants, picking up one, then the other. "Would you prefer they stay at a SynTech hospice, or was 
Tiernan: (c) this just an exhibition." seeing Essex' upturned eyebrow he stated more plainly: "What I mean is, did they get the positions they were after, or was this just a bloodbath?" 
Sert: forms an 'X' with crossed arms, the white sphered flames gaining definition and mass. The wave collides hard with it, engulfing him and the white orb. Inside, Sert squints a glimpse of the attack; the blue energy wave chews through the shield of
Sert: - white, poking holes where blue light wriggles through. Though a little disoriented from being tossed, his keen ears pick up Tiernan's words, causing the namek to grumble - Sert was alone now. The shield crashes all around him, the wave searing
Sert: - against him painfully. After riding out the pain, Sert descends like a sack of potatoes to the rooftop, crash landing painfully on his back. The pile of black robes struggle to a less than pathetic stance, kneeling on one knee, hooded
Sert: - green face locked on the ground, panting hard. "Do... I... get a new partner, or...?"
Tiernan: vanished in the night, his tow deposited safely at the farthest side of the next tallest building. He returned two SynTech swords appearing stabbed in the roof in front of him. "I'll take his place." without more 
Tiernan: (c) than that - Tiernan's power skyrocketed. The other fighter's powerlevel soared when they began to fight, but Tiernan's insignificant powerlevel exponentially roared to new heights - fluctuated slightly, 
Tiernan: (c) "There. This is as close as I care to get tonight." he said, remarking on his and Sert's relative powerlevels. He snatched the swords from the roof, twirled them, testing their weight, charged them with ki. 
Tiernan: (c) "I'm ready to begin." he stated flatly.
Orii: sneered at the new arrival. He was impressed by the leap in powerlevel; obviously the halfbreed had been suppressed, and had made a fool of all of the competitors. But it was 'whatever'. He'd just discarded his last foe, and his veins still roared
Orii: (C) with that victory; he felt invincible, adrenaline as common as red blood cells in his body. Orii began to step slowly towards his foe, arms crossed; he was the inevitable. "Let's go, kids."
Sert: pushes off the ground, levitating a foot off the rooftop with the white sphere glowing around him. "If you dont do better than the last assclown, I'll kill you myself!" The threatincentive is growled across the distance over to Tiernan,
Sert: not wishing to have to fight the father son duo all by himself. And yet, he presses on the assault, not wishing to give the enemy much rest. Five weapons in the center of the rooftop glow with white energy, before zooming over to Sert's aura.
Sert: - A large twin-headed axe; a swinging spiked mace; a plain blunt club; a small dagger; and a silver rapier all circle around Sert, before they fire off toward Essex. The axe and dagger fly straight forward, while club sweeps around to come in from
Sert: - the side, with the mace taking an opposite angled approach. The rapier, however, is caught by Sert as he flies forward, following the flying weapons. Grasping the hilt, Sert lunges forward at Essex's midsection.
Essex: tears his shirt away, three more runes glowing, forming a circular pattern. He grins, revealing his sharp teeth as he touches down on the ground. He holds his hand out quickly as liquid metal forms into a quarter staff
Essex: (*) He spins and moves it through the air quickly, blocking the flying weaponry. They fall to the ground as the Massive Behemoth gracefully twirls, bringing his hand up, a sai catching Sert's rapier. "I learned this
Essex: (*) from an annoying twit named Rini." He says, growling. "Only mine's better!" And with that, he morphs his Omniweapon into a leaf-rake, the teeth catching the blade handle as he attempts to yank Sert's weapon
Essex: (*) out of his hands.
Tiernan: took no time, no fanciful motions. He was a ruthless. Killer. Three concussive bursts of yellow light shot from his hands, he flickered from place to place, staying always within striking distance. Just a split-second 
Tiernan: (c) before the first bolt hit Orii - Tiernan appears behind him, and clubs him over the back of the head with the flat of a ki-charged blade. The balls of light flickered and vanished letting shadow lapse over the 
Tiernan: (c) two of them. One swift step and Tiernan had placed Orii - very carefully - on a plush bench at the mouth of the roof. With a silent bow he flickered and appeared behind Essex stabbing brutally at his 
Tiernan: (c) overexposed back.
Sert: releases the hold on the rapier, the hilt flying freely to Essex. "I'll see if I can't find some leaves for that rake," Sert offers, raising his arms before himself much like a boxer would. In the same stance, he swings his torso left,
Sert: - extending his left foot out to sidekick his opponent in the face. As his foot makes its journey, Sert summons another weapon from the shelf of ... weapons. A pair of small daggers zip through the air, darting hilt first toward Sert.
Essex: spins twisting the rake, the rapier flying. He blocks a couple waves of attacks from Tiernan before jumping into the air, bringing the rake across Sert's face. While still in mid-spin, the rake morphs into a long, skeletal 
Essex: (*) scythe. He finishes twisting, landing on the ground, sweeping the blade towards the ankles of  the two men.
Tiernan: vanishes appearing on Sert's side, kneels and stabs plainly into the ground. The scythe strikes and Tiernan's sword twangs hard. With the other blade he cruelly lays into the Omniweapon striking with blade and 
Tiernan: (c) lightning. Turning and nodding at Sert he lays his head down and creates a concussive wave around him, trying his best to hold onto the Omniweapon. As the wave solidifies Tiernan pays special attention to hold 
Tiernan: (c) onto the pieces of the Omniweapon inside his barrier. "Move, you fool!" he commands.
Sert: heeds Tiernan's advice to a minimal degree; he leaps backwards, hovering above the roof a few inches. The flying hilt is snagged out of the air, fiddled with for a second by Sert. Uprighting himself, the namek races toward Essex, his spare hand
Sert: - conjuring a sphere of golden energy, sending off rays of yellow light. Before making contact with the man, Sert whips the sphere at Essex's face. Behind the veil of glowing light, he ducks down low, stabbing with the dagger wielding hand
Sert: - at the fleshy area that was either where males stored their reproductive organs, or where their belly buttons are located. 'Two of the more disgusting things breeders have...'
Essex: lets go of the handle to his scythe, it's form reverting to silver liquid and sinking in to the roof top disappearing. He ducks to the side, trying to protect the precious cargo what is his genitals. For the most part, he 
Essex: (*) dodges Sert's attack, it didn't hit on target. But it did catch him in the thigh. He roars loudly, pulling his arm above his head and swinging it down in an arch, attempting to high-power bitchslap both Sert and
Essex: (*) Tiernan. "Dragon SHIFT!" He shouts after he finishes following through, unconcerned as to whether or not his slap connected. As the words from his lips finish, his body hardens into a motionless, granite
Essex: (*) statue.
Tiernan: 's eyes flashed dangerously, but his company loyalty held firm. He stowed the nanites even as he moved releasing the barrier and vanishing with Sert. Not even breathless after the exertion he looked quite inhuman. 
Tiernan: (c) He turned silently to Sert, but refused to say 'If you attack him in a defenseless state like that, I will kill you.' Stabbing his blade into the roof, Tiernan summoned even more energy from his body. His wasn't 
Tiernan: (c) the explosive energy like that of the Dragon or Namek. That was wasteful. All his power was keen to move him. Faster. Stronger. He wasn't here for a show of power. Who was in charge didn't matter to him - he 
Tiernan: (c) was as timeless as Essex - but he didn't have as much ambition, he didn't *care*. And as it stood now, Essex was his employer, and even in this stupid game he would not step to harm him. His energies mustered he 
Tiernan: (c) retrieved the sword, stowed it on his back, and fetched a naginata from the stand. "Catch your breath" he called to Sert, "You'll need it for this next fight." he pitched a sword, two zweihander and a harpoon 
Tiernan: (c) toward Sert, counting on his telekinesis to pick up slack where his hands could not. "The real fight begins..."
Benedict: shakes his head quickly as he finally comes to, dazed from Orii's fierce attack. He quickly, but quietly, rises to his feet, and powers up once more, as nonchalantly as possible as to avoid attention. His blue aura flashes brightly  
Benedict: (*) as he attains super android form once more. Next, he quickly surveys his surroundings, analyzing everyone on the roof as quickly as possible.
Essex: -*- The skies darken around SynCity as the clouds begin to churn above head. Purple lightning dances across the sky as a powerlevel flux shakes the land. A cry is heard, soemthing, Draconic, from above.
Essex: (*) Fiery Oriental seals appeared on the ground in a circular pattern around Essex. The rooftop shakes as a bolt of lightning strikes down from the heavens, hitting the first rune. "Dragon Shift, GO!" Essex 
Essex: (*) voice shouts from somewhere as bolts of lightning strike all around the statue, each bolt hitting a rune. A bright flash illuminates the entire city as if Hiroshima was repeating itself. Another loud
Essex: (*) roar is heard as vision returns to normal. Essex pants, as he stands up fully at a now massive height of nearly sixteen feet. He throws his arms out to the side, his black wings unfolding from his back.
Essex: (*) He sniffs the air and snorts, tendrils of fire dancing from his long draconic snout. "Okay boys. Round Two!" He shouts, letting loose a giant wave of fire along with it.
Sert: rubs his green, shiney forehead, frowning at the stone Essex angrily. 'The asshole slapped me, and this guy doesnt want me to attack him while he's defenseless?' The impression was clear, that Tiernan would stop him if he attacked Essex now.
Sert: - But the urge was great to do so. With a sigh, the namek grows a little patience. The harpoon, two zweihanders and harpoon are caught by Sert's glowy white aura, and instantly are emblazened with the same fire, orbitting him like many moons
Sert: - around a planet. Except this planet is all green, and god damn awesome. "Whatever, I'm more than ready to go ano--" Sert's words grow into an inaudible muttering of slurs and curses, as the stone statue breaks free, transformed into a monster.
Sert: 's blood red eyes peer over to Tiernan, then back to the dragon. "... Will I get the job if I leave right now?"
Tiernan: shook his head, but wasted no time. He blurred across the sky, vanishing just before Essex swatted him from the air. Instead he appeared behind Essex - and there was a lot to appear behind - and stabbed into his 
Tiernan: (c) target-painted-on-its-side wing. Passing through the hole he made and touching the roof, he spins and cuts at Essex' ankle and calf, hoping Sert was going to provide enough of a cover for him to escape Essex' unavoidable ire
Benedict: surveys the situation, not quite sure how to react. Deciding to side with Essex, with the excuse of evening the odds, despite the fact that he new full well that Essex' power level was that of both Sert and Tiernan combined, he springs into 
Benedict: (*) the hand and foot that Tiernan used to brace his landing on the roof. Taking advantage of the Halfbreed's surprise at this unexpected attack, he flies directly toward him, sending a massive flipkick directly into Tiernan's head, sending him so
Benedict: (*) soaring.
Essex: roars as Tiernan pierces through his wing, but he ignored it, letting Benedict deal with the halfbreed. He lunges forward, grabbing Sert in a bear-hug. "Hey there buddy." He says in a creepy stalker voice
Essex: (*) before jumping into the air. He does a half backflip and lets go of Sert, leaving the namek upside down. He twists his body and half flips again, grabbing Sert around the waist and sitting down in mid
Essex: (*) mid-air, attempting to hold his grip and send Sert into the ground back-first.
Sert: 's jaw drops a little at the events as they play out. Yes: they were honestly suppose to fight the dragon. Sert, however, decided this was a retarded idea. He is all for a good challenge, and rarely feels the need to back down. But when
Sert: - you come face-to-face with a god damn dragon... "Weeeeeeell," the namek drags out the word, stretching his back hard to pop a few joints. "I think I'll just--" Sert shoots his arms forward, attempting to send the orbiting weapons at Essex,
Sert: - who promptly powerbombs him. Grounded, the namek begins to wonder where he went wrong. "Something about a job?" Sert mumbles, as if admitting defeat. Behind the dragon, the fallen harpoon lifts up, outlined in a white energy. It turns to
Sert: - face the pointed end at Essex's head. Just as quickly as it was lifted, the harpoon shoots forward, attempting to strike Essex's head right on through.
Tiernan: Yikes. You don't like your future employer.
Tiernan: whirls and slides along the roof. He smirks, the mood gripping him. Tiernan vanishes from sight, travelling the corridors of darkness, absorbing the pain, engorging on it. He reappears behind Benedict, 
Tiernan: (c) placing the back of his ki-charged blade against his neck. "I forget. You androids aren't particularly attached to anything but your core processor. Well. I won't be damaging that tonight." Tiernan rudely kicks 
Tiernan: (c) Benedict forward, then sends him flying with an uppercut from below. Another flash of unlight and he appears above Benedict, prepared to knock him into the roof and end this silly fight. In that moment Bendict 
Tiernan: (c) flips up and clips Tiernan in the jaw sending him spiraling toward the roof. Landing like a cat they both flicker and dart becoming blurs in the unlit sky - matching foot with hand here, forearm with blade there.
Essex: nods. "You've got it, but now I just want to beat the piss out o-" His words are cut short as the spear 'pierces' through his head, bursting out from his face. He stumbles a bit and falls to his kness,
Essex: (*) then falls forward, the spear being forced back out of his head as he face plants onto the ground. His body seems to ripple then fades out of existence. "Just kidding!" Essex shouts, appearing right
Essex: (*) above Sert, his leg raised up as he aims it down at Sert's forehead.
Benedict: blurs in and out of existance, and he exchanges blows with Tiernan relentlessly. In a small break in the their sparring, he take the opportunity to feign with a pair of eyebeams aimed directly at Tiernan's 'family jewels' as it were. Just as 
Benedict: (*) the beams leave his eyes, he teleports directly to the halfbreed's side, connecting a titanic punch with the side of his skull. Tiernan falls to the ground, unconscious.
Sert: gets a disturbing satisfaction, revealing a grin from ear to pointy ear. The pleasure is stolen though, ending with a bitter taste in Sert's mouth. Both arms shoot up to catch the falling foot, meeting it. The lithe arms of Sert struggle to
Sert: - slow the dragons foot, shaking as the distance between forehead and leg decreases. Sweating now, the namek begins to grunt in pain, feeling his arms beginning to fail him. Further off, Tiernan has his ass handed to him. 'Mental note: make good
Sert: - on that 'I will kill you if you get KOed' threat,' Sert reminds himself. "Just kidding about.. what.. exactly?" The green arms faulter under the weight of the foot, which crashes into the nameks face. Sert's entire head is planted firmly into
Sert: - the rooftop, denting it - the roof - something bad. Purple blood oozes from underneath the foot. A whispered curse follows it.
Essex: dusts himself off, stepping off of Sert's head. "Well done, you've got the job." He turns to Benedict, crouching. The runes on his chest beginning to glow as he eyes the android. He arches his back
Essex: (*) taking a three-point tackle football stance. "Turn around..." He whispers under his breath, wiggling his ass in preparation for the bum-rush he was about to unleash on the Android.
Benedict: turns around in response to the massive dragon's request. Realizing what was about to happen, the android braces himself for the coming onslaught, not sure what exactly to expect. Half insulted by the butt that was being wiggled in 
Benedict: (*) front of him, and half terrified at what this butt was actually capable of. He does the only thing he can do, in preparation for the attack, focusing his KI in defense, and ensuring that his B1 chip is functioning properly.
Essex: begins running at Benedict, quickly jumping and catching the android around the knees. He lifts him off the ground and runs a few more feet before jumping into the air, pushing his weight down
Essex: (*) on the android as he drives him into the ground. (You just got Speared)
Sert: 's face is revealed to be tightened up, eyes squeezed close, probably against his will right now. Purple seeps from his mouth and nose, while the rest of his body twitches. <I cant promise I'll be at work for eight tomorrow morning> The thought
Sert: - is targeted to Essex, though with the brutal pounding his head took, Sert isn't sure it would go anywhere. Clearly not in a state to continue narrating for, Sert passes out.
Benedict: coughs as he is forced into the hard concrete. He assesses the damage his systems have taken, much to his dismay. The datalink for the controls for his lower body have been damaged, leaving him paralyzed from the waste down. "Good 
Benedict: (*) thing I still have enough KI to fly," he thinks to himself, as the dragon removed himself from the androids body. As soon as he finds himself free, he flies straight up, legs imp, and begins darting to and fro about 12 feet above
Benedict: (*) the rooftop, stopping only to launch a pair of beams from his eyes at the dragon.
Essex: takes the beams to the chest, stepping backwards and hardening back into stone. The statue shakes as bits of rock fall away from his body. Essex shakes his head and body, fray chunks of rock falling from
Essex: (*) his body. "Enough." He says, raising his hand. "You've got the job, Mr. Bates." He nods and dusts his pants off, looking at the unconscious bodies of Tiernan, Orii, and Sert. He pushes a button on his
Essex: (*) mechanical hand, opening a link to his personal droids. "Omega Droids, we need three stretches to the roof, and prepare beds in the hospital." "UNDERSTOOD." The voice says back over the interlink.
Essex: (*) He looks up at Benedict. "Come, we'll head over to SynRob and get you a new chassis, how does that sound, Mr. Bates?"
Benedict: "Sounds good," he said halting his attack at Essex' words and floating down to the rooftop. "So, I take it I got the job as well Mr. Lillah?," requested the android, and he descended from his hover, and collapsed to the ground in a 
Benedict: (*) clump, his KI nearly completely drained.
Oafy: knocks hard against the closed door of an electronics store in downtown New Hope City, seeming a bit frustrated. The man wears his casual business suit, suggesting he just got out of some kind of formal meeting - a few glances down to a cheap
Oafy: - looking digital watch confirms he is on some type of a schedule. Finding no responses after a few minutes of smacking at the door, Oafy turns and stalks away, grumbling to himself. "Great. The one time I honestly need help, bitches are
Oafy: - nowhere to be found," he complains aloud, offending an older couple on their morning jog. "But hey, I suppose if I was in the MIDDLE of something important, they'd all start showing up, right?" The complaints keep coming, but for the most part
Oafy: - involve few curses; he was annoyed, but not 'Shim will fuck your couch' annoyed.
Xerokine: walked slowly down the city street, arms folded behind his back and eyes narrowed against the occasional breeze. After his business in the mountains, he had returned to the capital to see if that Icerian had finished his little 
Xerokine: -*- brother's spat. But there was no word in the news or on the street about an Icer and Namek fighting it out. "How useless," Xerokine said aloud. Oh well. Xregg had never been in his original plans anyway. As for those who were... 
Xerokine: -*- the cloaked Saiyan lengthened his stride, pacing behind an impatient and cursing man wearing a business suit. "Looking for Tsukino?"
Oafy: glances the shoulder of the business suit, long enough only to make it clear Oafy noticed the others presence. At this point, everyone important knew Xerokine's voice. "Woulda thought she'd be around these parts this time of day..." He trails
Oafy: - off at these words, a louder thought drowning out his mindset at the time. Shaking it off, Oaftres turns around completely to face Xerokine. "So," he begins, already trying to decide how to proceed with what would inevitably lead to bad
Oafy: - times for one of the two. "I ran into Lye a little while back. He had some interesting stories about you, and some village north of here." Pausing now, he figures the response will dictate how Oafy will continue. Meanwhile, a homeless man
Oafy: - in the background curses about the 'gubment' stealing his 'teefs'. Oafy's face grows a little red; 'to think, I shared a box with that guy a month ago...'
Xerokine: -*- "Oh?" Xerokine replied calmly, glancing at Oaftres sidelong as he drew up next to the dressed-up halfbreed. How the man could move in something like that was unbelievable. The stuff humans would invent to try and give 
Xerokine: -*- themselves some illusion of dignity and gravitas. "Was it about the test subjects he kidnapped or the virus he's creating to destroy the city?" Xerokine paused, suddenly wondering something. "Out of curiousity, what happened 
Xerokine: -*- to that warehouse district that he blew up and tainted with nuclear fallout?"
Oafy: pulls on the blue tie around his neck, undoing it a little rather than adjusting it. "Actually, he didn't mention any of that," Oafy explains, not bothering to mention the fact that Ralph from accounting, who was sending funds for whatever dark
Oafy: - reason to Lye, was caught in the process, and questioned - Oafy knew about Lye's plans, regardless of the blue nameks lies. 'Lies, Lye's.. The hell, I think I just gave myself a headache.' "Try not to change the subject, man... You know
Oafy: - my ADD makes it hard to keep onto one topic without others throwing new topics into the mix," Oafy grumbles a bit, before returning to a more professional stance. "Any clue why Lye thinks you burnt a village to the ground?" He begins to wonder
Oafy: - how it would be possible to catch Xerokine into admitting some truths, rather than pussyfoot around everything. 'He's not an idiot.. even any proof I find, I'm sure he could deny with some sort of logical fallacy.'
Xerokine: -*- "I'm sure Lye thinks he saw me do a great many things," Xerokine snorted, tossing his head indignantly. "And I'm sure it's just coincidence that all of these things he saw me do happened after I stopped playing bodyguard for him. 
Xerokine: -*- How convenient, don't you think?" He took a moment to glance around, checking to see if there was anyone close enough to be eavesdropping. "But I didn't come here to discuss Lye's hallucinations. You know as well as I do that 
Xerokine: -*- Essex won't be content with his little technological terrors, and the blue Namek is still designing his flu-bug of death. It might be best for everyone concerned if such conflicts were... removed from this planet."
Oafy: begins to slowly walk away from the electronics store, gesturing to the Saiyan that he should follow; there's no telling what sort of surveillance equipment was set up on the womans property. Oaftres' demeanor switches to a more serious,
Oafy: - alarmed one, as he speaks low and with his eyes narrowed, glancing around almost obsessively. "Lye isn't much of a threat.. Wouldn't take much to get rid of him. But what do you propose to use against Essex?" He lets the thought linger, before
Oafy: - adding on, in a 'as a matter of fact' way: "You've seen SynCity; a frontal assault is out of the question."
Xerokine: nodded agreement. "Those robots of his are practically unfair," he added, shaking his head ruefully. "Who would've thought that he'd revive those things? They were a bad idea when they were new. But any strategy against 
Xerokine: -*- them requires we know something about them. Do you know if they work independantly or off a central processer? So if we take out whatever is giving them orders, they'll shut down?" That was probably too good to be true. More 
Xerokine: -*- likely the things were all autonomous. But Essex still had to have some way of controlling them.
Oafy: stops walking, leaning up against a brick wall behind him, with a wicked grin. "I know a thing or two about them. But if you need to.. er... 'study' one," he coughs, peering around a little before leaning in closer. "Essex sent me a 'small'
Oafy: - shipment of the omegas, to rebuild the city, defend it, and what-not." Standing away from the wall, he pulls out his sleek silver cell phone, hitting a speed dial number. A few rings in, Oafy speaks quickly at the pick up. "Bring one of the
Oafy: - droids to the lab, would ya? ... No, the Omegas. No, we dont HAVE sex robots. Dude, your ass is FIRED." Snapping the cell shut, Oafy grumbles something about interns. With a sigh, he nods. "Care to take a gander at the inner workings of the
Oafy: - Omegas?"
Xerokine: chuckled softly and sketched a short bow. "Why of course," he replied grandly, sweeping his cloak to the side. "After you. Though I don't suppose you could simply mass produce more of these robots then Essex has. 
Xerokine: -*- Then we could just let them destroy each other. Though," he added. "Then Essex would just make more. What we need is some kind of fundamental flaw or weakness we can easily exploit to take down large numbers of them 
Xerokine: -*- quickly and... easily."
Oafy: cracks his knuckles loudly, before extending his left hand. "Bare with me, I havn't tried this since... well, a while." Like a lightning bolt in the air before them, a sliver of darkness rips down the space before Oaftres. The sliver deepens,
Oafy: - and widens outwards until it becomes a gaping hole in space-time. Well, maybe not time.. Otherwise, Oafy would just go back and time and shoot Hitler when he was a baby. "If you end up in the jurassic era, we'll know I did a bad," he comments
Oafy: - nonchalontely, stepping through the vortex. Instantly, he reappears in a laboraty, with visible trace of the portal behind himself. Speaking as though Xerokine had already arrived, Oafy walks further into the lab. "Trouble with that... We were
Oafy: - hesitant to tinker with the droids, out of fear Essex rigged them. Far as we can tell, it's tinkerable. But I'm not a tinkerer." Before a flat metal desk, with a deactivated omega model on it, Oafy grumbles lightly. "They look like the droids,
Oafy: - and act like the droids. They are, however, inferior to Essex's versions. I cannot tell by how much, or whether their circuitry would differ greatly.. They have the same basic functions and capabilities." Those things said, Oafy waits
Oafy: - for Xerokine to do with as he pleases, while pulling a small tray of various equipment and tools to the table.
Xerokine: quirked an eyebrow. "And what do you expect me to do about it?" he asked dryly. "Do I look like I have any idea how to dismantle and analyze one of these things? I don't exactly have an advanced degree in robotics." 
Xerokine: -*- Xerokine idly poked the spider-like robot in the side. "Looks stupid," he announced. "Those legs look flimsy. We could probably just wander through them and cut off their legs."
Oafy: places a palm over his eyes, rubbing his eyes. "Fucking guy..." At this, Oafy grabs at the cell phone in his pocket, bringing it out once more, using speed dial. "You can see why I was after Usagi now, eh? She knows her way around junk like this--
Oafy: - Hi Usagi, I!.. Recording." Annoyed, he hangs up the cell, pocketing it once more. "I'm not waiting for a damn 'beep!'..." Another sigh escapes his lips, dragged out rather long. "Well, I guess we could just figure out a way to tackle one
Oafy: - of these. I supp-- The fuck!?!" Anger builds in Oaftres, only now realizing what had just happened. "You did it again! I was trying to ask you questions about that village, and now we're in a lab talking about omega droids. How the hell does
Oafy: - this happen?" A few more curses erupt from him, before he reaches into the folds of his business jacket, emerging with a small cd. "Found a survivor of the village. Well, she was living at the time... burnt something bad. Couldn't save her.
Oafy: - We got her to identify one saiyan out of a huge photo line of men; human, saiyan, halfbreed.. hell, even a few nameks. Want to guess whose photo she pointed out?"
Xerokine: examined the robot for another moment, poking amongst the seemingly random parts and rather inefficent means of locomotion before he turned to peer curiously at the halfbreed's statement. "You took a dying girl with 
Xerokine: -*- intense burn injuries who was probably suffering from severe smoke inhalation and blood loss and had her look at a line-up?" he asked skeptically. "And now that this girl is conveniently dead, you're accusing me of something? Even 
Xerokine: -*- though this is probably the least important thing to have happened in the past... month? I mean, I'm not even bringing up the strange green ghosts and the rift in the sky, but you know that's gonna come back and bite us."
Oafy: runs his fingers through his dark red hair, making it all the more messier. "Well, you know what they say. You can't.. make a bridge out of.. the bones of the living." Pretty sure he just made up a new saying, that probably made no sense
Oafy: - at all, in any respect, Oafy shrugs quickly. "Whatever. What I mean to say is, I got the best doctors around to take a look at the girl and do what they could. They couldn't do much for her.. I wanted to know what happened in the village..
Oafy: - I happened to have a slideshow of familiar faces. Actually, it belonged to Serenity; I took over her office when she died. She also had a large collection of talcum powder... not.. too sure if the two are related. But regardless, care to
Oafy: - wager who the girl pointed out in that huge line of people? Do ya? Xerokine?" A dark grin creeps over the halfbreeds face, as he begins to play around with the tiny cd in his hand.
Xerokine: sighed as the halfbreed ignored his point. "I'm not saying you were irresponsible," he replied patiently. "I'm saying that a dying girl suffering from burns and smoke inhalation is not the most reliable person to be making that 
Xerokine: -*- kind of judgement. And sure, let me guess. She picked out you from the line-up. That would be about the speed that this farce is going."
Oafy: applies pressure to the cd in his hands, risking snapping the disc into many fragments. 'Knew I should have waited for a more solid foundation for this...' Grunting low, Oafy tucks the cd back into his pocket. "I don't trust you, Xerokine. I'd
Oafy: - be lying if I said I ever really did. When it comes to this problem with Essex, Lye.. hell, the god damn ghosts in the city... I know whatever agreement I make with you, I'll have to be ready for a backstab at any time. Don't hate a guy for
Oafy: - searching for a reason to justify killing you, eh?" After a moments reflection on his own words, Oafy speaks again, holding back a laugh. "What makes you so sure I wont go to Essex and warn him about you? He and I have gone through worse shit
Oafy: - between the two of us.. but all in all, he and I are friends. Always been united against a common enemy, too.."
Xerokine: chuckled softly, drawing his finger along the nearest limb of the Omega droid. "But then you'd only be hurting yourself, now wouldn't you?" he replied lazily. "You know as well as I that Essex won't be content with his 
Xerokine: -*- city of Syn. I wouldn't be surprised if the robots he sent to help you are programmed to betray you if he commands. Why, such a simple way to overthrow you, and take the city for himself. And who would stop him, with such a 
Xerokine: -*- powerful mechanized army at his command? Though, I'm sure he wouldn't do that to you," Xerokine added offhandedly. "After all, you two are such -good friends-, right?"
Oafy: slyly raises his middle finger to the Saiyan, as a counter-point. "Already thought of that. Why do you think I was so ready to talk about how we're going to fend off the omega army? They might have a foothold in my city already, but at the same ti
Oafy: - time that gives me time to look for weaknesses, doesnt it?" Oaftres brushes a few strands of hair out of his line of vision, frowning a little. "I want to find a way to face off against any machine invaders with real people. Living, breathing
Oafy: - individuals... An army that thinks for itself, reacts like any of us would. I'd need a lot of strong warriors... Nothing New Hope City has to offer right now. The best we have are insurgents with super powers, and a police force that isn't
Oafy: - worth shit..."
Xerokine: shrugged carelessly. "You're not likely to find an army like that lying around," he pointed out, waving his hand to indicate the planet in general. "And I doubt the Saiyans or Icerians will lend you theirs to help out a bunch 
Xerokine: -*- of humans." His shoulder rose and fell as he let out a sigh of long suffering. "Fine, fine. I suppose I can always try and raise some sort of army in my spare time. Maybe I can convince Wu'sha or Techagi to help out. Even if you're 
Xerokine: -*- busy playing King of False Hope, it'll be something to throw at Essex's robo-spiders. At the very least, it will delay them while they clear out the piles of bodies."
Tiernan: smirks as he steps from the shadows. How long had he waited for their attention to turn to him? He thought he'd been found out, but by the narrowed glare from Xerokine, he'd strode out prematurely. "Well, I can't say 
Tiernan: (c) that I fancy any one single individual ruling Earth. I have a plan of my own, but I know you'd scoff, so why play show-and-tell?" he strode over to the Omega droid, uncaring what the pair of them might say. "What 
Tiernan: (c) you need to realize is that the droid will erect a shield, when under fire, or 'during combat'. That is its only defense. And thus. It's only weakness." he turned and looked at them flatly, daring them to refute him.
Oafy: shakes his head vehemently in protest to Xerokine's offer. "No. I don't like the idea of you or Greg in charge of a whole army. If it comes to that, I'm not sure I can guarantee I'll not.. well, try and get Essex to make the first move. Let you
Oafy: - two destroy each others armies, y'know?" A smile overwhelms Oafy's face; it was a happy scene that played out in his mind. "Well, nevermind. If Shim is involved, I'm sure things wont get too messy though... Y'know what though? I'm late for
Oafy: - a -thing- down at.. -place-." Vagueness is a hobby of Oaftres. "You can keep the omega, if you want. This batch are all wired back to a remote I keep.. Supposedly, they can be transported around via a satellite uplink from syntech. I don't...
Oafy: - know if it works good. I havnt tried. But there's what y'got to work with." Tiernan's entrance spooks Oafy a bit, but he nods at the man. "Well boys... I'm late for my thing," a tear in space forms behind him, which Oaftres gladly backsteps
Oafy: - into. The rip seals itself, and Oafy be goned.
Tiernan: glared as the two of them immediately vanished. He wrapped the mechanical beast in tarp and vanished from sight. Far and away from the insecure laboratory, Tiernan has founded his own in a small building on the north 
Tiernan: (c) side of town. "I'll keep you here for safe keeping, and... well... first let's remove that transporation mechanism." so he quietly set about doing his work. Unlike those two fools he didn't rely on 
Tiernan: (c) anyone but himself to maintain security. And this locale was so insignificant, just like his powerlevel right now, that no one would bother him. He tore into the robot, examined the devices that drove 
Tiernan: (c) it. "Nanites..." he said, and began working furiously. He'd have to figure out how to dismantle these things while they were firing at him...
Tiernan: closes the rather large hatch that served as the only maintenance panel on the Omega Droid. "The only weaknesses these droids seem to possess require very expensive countermeasures." which meant quite a lot 
Tiernan: (c) considering the sums of money Tiernan could acquire in a small amount of time, "Well, I guess that's why I got into this business with the Cabal." moments later he entered Oafy's lab through a not-so-secure 
Tiernan: (c) entrance. He'd need to ally with Oafy and for this, he'd need to explain his plans and explain how similarly they thought.
Oafy: approaches Tiernan from the same entry point, a smile upon his rather tired looking face. "Tiernan, you're welcome to visit by any time, but call first, hmm?" The man gives a quick two fingered wave to the ceiling, at a small snake-like bodied
Oafy: - camera. "Security isn't much, but they keep track of whose coming and going... Though I don't suppose there's much they could do to you, without waking up the droids..." Favouring a cup of coffee with his left hand, Oafy sips at it a little.
Oafy: - "What's... going on, then?"
Tiernan: puts a finger to his lips. "Your location isn't secure... Hrmph. I don't think anything on this planet is secure. I've been taught a secret, Greg and Essex showed me just enough to manage on my own.
Xerokine: -*- "Think of a weakness?" The voice came a few moments before the man, similar to how the flash of lightning preceded the crack of thunder. Before his words faded from the air, the space just behind Oaftres darkened and 
Xerokine: -*- burst open to reveal the cloaked figure of Xerokine, with arms folded across his chest and golden-brown eyes narrowed to glittering slits. "It would be best if you could find some weakness for these things, rather then have us 
Xerokine: -*- resort to brute force."
Tiernan: put a finger to his mouth, signaling silence from the two men. "Not here. You, Xerokine, I'm surprised at you, either you... just not here. Xerokine, you can step sideways, so head to Namek, the tallest spire, where 
Tiernan: (c) the Elder is supposed to live. We'll find a cafe there. Oaf, allow me your forearm." without another word Tiernan latched on to Oaf and pulled him backward as they both stepped into a rip in space. "I've already 
Tiernan: (c) tipped my hand to too many people, Greg already suspects me, and Essex would have me dead before I spoke." Tiernan mused, his voice echoing in the deep void - travelling the Corridors of Darkness.
Oafy: is dragged through a realm of darkness for a brief moment, bringing to mind the Void he once knew as a second home. Although to be fair, the Void was probably a lot more dangerous and scary, what with the homicidal monkey. Upon their arrival
Oafy: - through the portal, Oafy winces hard against the bright atmosphere of New Namek. Even inside of this mostly white structured cafe, large gaping holes acted as windows, allowing maximum sunlight to penetrate the stone (maybe) structure.
Oafy: 's green eyes begin to adjust to the sudden change in light. Sadly, New Namek was experiencing mid day - which sucked, because Oaftres was about ready for bed time on New Earth. "Yes, well.. what makes you think you can trust anyone at all
Oafy: - with this?" Blinking a few times, Oafy notices a few off worlders like themselves enjoying non-water beverages and food. Apparently the namekian tourist board decided foreigners enjoy solid food, and other non-water products.
Xerokine: quirked an eyebrow at Tiernan's rather fanciful way of describing it, but obligingly translocated himself in the direction of the Namekian homeworld. Black mists wrapped around him, obscuring his surroundings from view until 
Xerokine: -*- they faded away a moment later to reveal the shining spires of Fluu'te, the Namekian capital. A particularly large spire shone in the center, where the Elder held his court. So to speak. Not precisely sure where Tiernan's cafe was, 
Xerokine: -*- it took Xerokine a moment to locate the others. "What is this, set up for visitors?" the man remarked, wandering into the food-laden restaurant, which was decorated in the typical style. Which was to say, white stone walls, circular 
Xerokine: -*- open windows, and a general lack of any decoration or architectural style. "Now, what is so important you couldn't discuss it in the human excuse for civilization that we had to go to the Namekian excuse?"
Tiernan: gave a disappointing and sarcastic shake of the head to Xerokine. "Fool. I'd expect you of all people to understand that Greg has his hands in everything Earth-side. I suspect that he and Essex are having a quiet 
Tiernan: (c) war vying for control of Earth. I don't want to get dragged into that shit. As far as most people know, I'm just a stooge for them, some hired lapdog." rolling his eyes, he stared at them both as if deciding 
Tiernan: (c) whether to continue. Certainly Xerokine didn't take him seriously, and only wanted his help because it would make things easier for /him/. But this was all for a better, less whore-of-a-planet Earth. "Greg has decided 
Tiernan: (c) to off the two of you," Tiernan stated to Xerokine "The two of you being Essex and you, and Oaf, your science isn't going to get you much farther. Greg doesn't see you as an enemy yet, but he will eventually enough, 
Tiernan: (c) with or without your help. And to answer your initial question, Xerokine, the only weaknesses I could find would be an electromagnetic pulse with enough power behind it to hit all of SynCity at once. They have light
Tiernan: (c) sheilding against it, so only a focused or incredibly powerful pulse will knock them offline for good." sitting down, with a deep sigh, he ordered a bottle of... water. He'd cast his die, now to see how things turn out...
Oafy: lowers his gaze to floor a minute, eyes feeling heavy and tired. Wishing he had taken his coffee with him, Oafy follows Tiernan's lead and orders a bottle of water - Namek water probably tasted less polluted than Earth's. "Greg, hmm?"
Oafy: would freely admit his plans for Essex with either of the two men present, but the other ones were a bit more confidential... though, having told Xerokine he doesn't trust him already... meh. "I don't see how Greg is too involved with
Oafy: - this Essex thing. As for how he wants to kill off Xerokine and Essex... Well... no offense, Xero, but," pointing at himself then over to Tiernan. "Isn't that a good thing for us? Let Greg kill Essex. Hell, let's HELP him." The words come out
Oafy: - too suddenly, a quickly made apology coming out. "Sorry, I ... mispoke. Let Greg do our work for us. I wont have Essex die, though."
Xerokine: rolled his eyes as the halfbreed remarked about Techagi finding out about their meeting, then nearly laughed outright when he suggested that the businessman wanted to 'off' him. "Techagi isn't that stupid," he said 
Xerokine: -*- bluntly, crossing his arms and leaning against the gleaming walls of the diner. "He wouldn't dare cross me. Essex, perhaps. He's never have the most stable of minds, even before he started playing with his genes." He lapsed into 
Xerokine: -*- silence as Tiernan suggested using an electromagnetic pulse to disable the robots, a rather obvious solution, and as Oaftres advised they let Techagi fight Essex for them. "Essex isn't our problem. The robots are," Xerokine 
Xerokine: -*- pointed out, tapping the fingers of one hand against the forearm of his other. "Physical shielding to an EM pulse won't be a problem if they have any means of communicating with each other. An antennae or radio device provides 
Xerokine: -*- a direct line into their systems. But I suppose he might have energy shielding, but I can't see how he'd be able to do that and retain the ability to control them remotely."
Tiernan: shrugged at Xerokine. "You've clashed egos more than once, and I don't think you get it, Techagi doesn't want to share Earth, he wants to rule it. Not as overtly as Essex, though, I think that's why he's getting rid of him, 
Tiernan: (c) Essex is too loud. Greg just wants to be the power behind the throne." shaking his head and closing his eyes, he stopped. He didn't care if Xerokine was too careless. The two would cross, one would eliminate the other. 
Tiernan: (c) Tiernan had hoped that in warning Xerokine, he'd be the one to cross first, at least Xerokine was more reliable for not wiping out a civilization that disagreed with him. "Yes, they have methods of communicating with one 
Tiernan: (c) another. So whatever methods we use to destroy them it has to be complete and immediate. If they get a chance to communicate the nanites that make up the inner workings of the beasts will -create- shielding for them."
Tiernan: (c) their water was delivered, took a sip and visibly relaxed. He was getting too worked up over this. Neither Xerokine, nor Greg, or even Essex were worth his health. He'd make sure they figured out how to kill off one
Tiernan: (c) another as quickly as possible and with as few casualties as possible. The methods they had imagined were, as always, dramatic, and full of unnecessary motions. Countries might die by the time they figured out 
Tiernan: (c) that they were even targeting each other.
Oafy: sips the cool namekian spring water, feeling a little refreshed, even if it was only for a second. "I'm hearing a lot of talk about communication, and methods to fry the bots..." Another sip of the cool water, just managing to keep Oafy's throat
Oafy: - from going dry now. "Can't we just... figure a way to order the droids to turn on each other? Let his army destroy itself, while we lay waste to whatever we must to keep Essex from doing anything too dramatic." Feeling fatigue wear in, Oafy
Oafy: - collapses onto a seat, using his hands to support his face off the table. "If I fall asleep... dont hesitate to order me a coffee."
Xerokine: shrugged, sensing that a discussion of how an EMP and pulse-shielding actually works would be lost on the two of them. "Given how durable the rest of the robot is, we should probably assume an EMP won't work 
Xerokine: -*- anyway," he said matter-of-fact, fixing Tiernan with an even frown. "Or, if these things are as adaptable as you say, that it won't have any noticeable effect. Frankly, even if it does, we should have a back-up plan anyway. I suggest a 
Xerokine: -*- bomb powerful enough to blow up all of SynCity."
Tiernan: orders Oaf a coffee, and rolls his eyes at Xerokine "If they can survive something as complicated and focused as an EMP then why would a simple bomb, regardless of the yield destroy them? At least, though, we'd grab 
Tiernan: (c) Essex, and all the people who work for him in the blast. You are right, though. Backup plans. We need a host of those. If this is all theoretical anyways, how about a device that delivers a payload of nanites specifically 
Tiernan: (c) programmed to disable or deconstruct the robots. We'd have to fit it to some kind of weapon to deliver the payload. Some kind of gun or blade." the two of them bantered back and forth, each easily trouncing the other in 
Tiernan: (c) a what-if scenario. So before the first Namek sun had set they had almost half a dozen plans to overwhelm, overpower, disable, or otherwise destroy the Omega droids. And Oaf was looking decidedly perky after his 
Tiernan: (c) shot of Saiyan co-feh. A pitched drink that Saiyans drank before battle to overload themselves with adrenaline. "I don't know how well that would work. What makes you think YOU'LL rip the DROID in half, why wouldn't 
Tiernan: (c) you or Oaf be ripped in half? The idea sounds like it would require more research, otherwise you might end up becoming part of the droid, hell who knows, you're talking about messing with physics that haven't even 
Tiernan: (c) been dreamed of being thought of." and the debate raged on.
Oafy: gets off the seat, bouncing on his feet up and down - the drink clearly revived him more than any amount of sleepless nights since gaining 'office' in New Hope City had done. "It's simple, isn't it?" Oafy sounds a little annoyed at these words,
Oafy: - but soon dives into a more excited sentence: "Forget the planning!" The sheathed zanbatou on his back is ripped free, swung a little before him to fake a battle with an unseen foe. "We grab as many people as we can, and charge the god damn
Oafy: - machines with every we got! CRUSH EM!" Yeah. The Saiyan drink was triggering some wild reactions in his mind, sending him into a hyperactive state. "That bomb idea might be sorta cool though... Nuke the city, raid whats left!" The massive
Oafy: - blade lunges forward, piercing the table through the center. "RAWR! Like that."
Xerokine: quirked an eyebrow as Oaftres began swinging around a sword larger then he was. "I told you not to let him drink that," he remarked absently. "And I was thinking more of a PCSB then a regular bomb. Gravity well and 
Xerokine: -*- whatnot. In terms of securing one so we can examine it, we obviously need to separate it from the others, so we first have to translocate it away from the planet. Maybe into space. Then find some way of disabling it without 
Xerokine: -*- destroying it."
Tiernan: let his shoulders droop. "I know, but he needed some perking up. I didn't... he's a halfbreed, I thought he could handle it, I can... anyways. We need to separate one from the herd, isolate it for examination, in case Essex 
Tiernan: (c) creates more, and then destroy the rest before they develop an immunity to whatever we might throw at them. So it'd probably be best to in some manner or another implement every idea together. Perhaps leading with 
Tiernan: (c) Xerokine's bomb and cleaning up with whatever is handy." folding his arms in thought he continues not particularly paying attention to Oaf's gesticulating. "To separate a single robot and disable it, we'll need to keep 
Tiernan: (c) in mind their sheer strength, the fact that Essex can transport them via satellite, and their resistance to attack." peering around intently, still unsure whether Greg or Essex, or one of their agents might be lingering: "As
Tiernan: (c) for the rest the bomb and EMP seem like the most sound, least bloody methods of eradicating the drones."
Oafy: yanks the sword free from the table, swishing it around himself a little before sliding it back into the sheath. "I'm fine, shut up!" His fist pounds into Tiernan's shoulder playfully, but with enough force to make it a bit more than play. "Havn't
Oafy: - felt this awake in a long time, give me a moment here, ok?" Taking a deep breathe, soaking in the atmosphere and all, Oafy tries to collect his thoughts, and suppress whatever adrenaline surge the drink had given him. One idea lashes out
Oafy: - in his mind. Was it stupid? 'Yes...' Would the others consider it? 'No...' Should he bring it up? 'You better believe it, motherfucker!' "We need a BIG magnet, Guys. BIG. MAGNET. Think it over!"
Fenin: * Cold eyes search out through the still night. Vengeance was in the air tonight, Lillah's blood would stain his jacket. "He left me out. He cut me out. Walked out on our deal. He'll feel my wrath tonight." Fenin brushes his bangs from his eyes,
Fenin: -x- to take a better view of the city before him. "SynCity, the construction you hid even from me, as though I weren't worthy to be in on your plans. As if I weren't smart enough to keep up with you, as if I would betray you somehow." Fenin snorts
Fenin: -x- searching out for a single strand of Essex's ki, for a single sign of his presence. "I'll show you who's unworthy. I'll show you your fatal flaw, your lapse of judgment. And when you're bloodied, laying in a heap, begging for my mercy..."
Fenin: -x- He snickers quietly, "I'll slay you, and steal everything you've slaved over since you buried your blade in my back. Then, maybe, I'll call your betrayal balanced by your losses. Maybe then I'll call us even."
Veridon: threw a vicious right hook, his fist slamming forward into the black punching bag with a dull thud. Another three hammer-like blows and a blurringly fast spinkick and the chain holding the bag snapped, sending it flying with
Veridon: - a loud crash against the wall. Veridon let out a snarl of frustration and stalked away from the broken bag, roughly shoving aside the owner of the small, dodgy, late night gym who had come to complain about his broken 
Veridon: - equipment. Clenching and unclenching his fists, Veridon threw the gym doors open and stepped out into the night, looking up at the overcast sky as if the clouds themselves had personally offended in him. He was in a foul mood
Veridon: - and had been ever since his spar with Essex. That the man was the Dragon his vision had told him to seek, he was sure. But what was he meant to learn from the smartmouthed businessman? Then again, maybe he was just still sore
Veridon: - that he hadn't been able to so much as scratch the other fighter. He'd held back, of course. After all, he didn't want Essex to know his full strength, but he knew Essex had been holding back severely to. Until the end of the
Veridon: - fight where he had revealed himself as the Dragon. And taken Veridon down in one simple move. He walked through the streets aimlessly, waving off the attention of a couple of hookers who tried to entice him. For a moment he
Veridon: - was tempted to seek out Essex's energy and utilize his transmission technique to simply jump out and attack the fighter. The plan did have merit, he supposed. Simply keep throwing himself at Essex until he beat him. Or until
Veridon: - Essex killed him, he supposed. But he couldn't imagine Mr. Techagi being thrilled at one of his bouncers being taken out. He let out a sigh of frustration and launched himself into the air, seeking the sanctuary of higher
Veridon: - altitudes. The night air felt good against his skin and soothed his temper a little, but he was still itching to fight, to train. He needed to improve, and neither the dodgy low-class grime of that crappy little gym, nor
Veridon: - the high class, too-good-for-thou equipment of the Cerberus Club was doing for him. What the hell was it going to take? Blood?
Essex: dextrously flips a coin between his finger tips, whistling to himself as he casually strided through the streets of the city. HIS City. His paradise. He grins, switching the coin to his other hand as he turns
Essex: (*) the corner into the red light district, absently mindedly continuing to walk. He looks around, admiring the neon signs, the flashing lights, the whores. Everything. "Perfect..." He says aloud before
Essex: (*) returning to the tune he had been whistling prior. He was hoping no one would notice him tonight, his hair was pulled back, and he was in sweatpants and some old black shirt reading "AC/DC" 
Essex: (*) across the chest. 
Veridon: looked down on the so-called "glamour" of SynCity disinterestedly, the glittering nightlife holding no appeal to him. The bars round here didn't serve his kind of alcohol at a price he was willing to pay for it, the drug dealers
Veridon: - didn't cater to his kind of physiology and the hookers, well...okay the hookers were kind of nice, but humans had all sorts of crippling sexual diseases and he wasn't particularly eager to partake of them. All in all, he
Veridon: - had decided, if it wasn't for his vision quest he would never have come to this tourist trap. The way he was feeling, too, he would have liked nothing more than to have dropped down into that seething mass of people, those
Veridon: - pathetically scurrying ants. He could just see it now, like a beautiful vision dancing through his mind. The blood, the gore, the sound of snapping necks. Still, he wasn't some common savage and he sure as hell wasn't planning
Veridon: - to risk pissing off his new employers by running rampant through the city. Maybe this Star City place he had been hearing so much about. Crops were fantastically flammable. He could just see it now. Small children on fire,
Veridon: - running, screaming and wailing as they desperately sought to escape his beams of death. Shaking himself gently from his pleasant daydream, he spotted something moving in the streets below him the drew his eye. A smile spread
Veridon: - slowly across his face. It wasn't a pleasant one. He dropped quietly out of the air and landed on the street, suppressing his powerlevel down as far as he could push it, starting to slowly stalk Essex through the press of
Veridon: - the crowds. He knew there was about a fifty-fifty chance that the mutant had already spotted him, but if he hadn't, it might be fun to stalk him for a little bit. And if there was an opportunity to smash a two by four over
Veridon: - the back of the bastards head in a dark alley somewhere, well, that was just icing on the cake, really. The vision quest had said follow the Dragon, not be nice to him and play tea-party. 
Essex: -*- Unaware of the namek following him, Essex continues to casually walk through the streets, turning corners, ducking through the crowds. Even stopping to have a talk with a local call girl. "No, not 
Essex: (*) tonight, I've an agenda to keep." He smiles and winks at the girl, continuing to walk. This Star City he heard about, it was in a volcano, and it had been started by Serenity. Oh, how he'd love to just set
Essex: (*) off an eruption and have it done with. But he had political responsibilities now, he had a facade to keep. And breaking that would be bad. He shakes his head, snapping back to reality and turning into a bar
Essex: (*) He pushes open the door and walks up to the bartender, crossing his arms and leaning against the counter. "I'm here for the thing." He says. The bartending nods and leads him into the back, away from
Essex: (*) everyone else.
Veridon: hung back in the press of the crowd, sizing up the bar Essex had ducked into. It didn't appear to be much. Glittery neon facade, a sign advertising West City Ale. Usual, run of the mill stuff. Still, he wasn't sure what he'd
Veridon: - expected of the man. High class restaurants were where businessmen were most suited, usually, but Essex wasn't exactly the run of the mill businessman. Veridon drew in a breath and counted to ten, then stumbled forward
Veridon: - in a show of drunkenness, pushing open the door and swaying in the doorway, momentarily framed in the light. He was just in time to see Essex slip through a door out the back and the barman return to the bar. He moved
Veridon: - slowly into the dimly lit bar, swaying violently and stumbling as he staggered over to the bar, leaning over it and heaving as if he was about to retch. The barkeeper darted forward with a frown. "Oi, get back outside you 
Veridon: - bloody tosser, I won't have you puking all over my.." He trailed off as he say Veridon's grin. Veridon's hand shot up, grabbed the barman by the back of the head and then slammed it forcefully down into the counter. There
Veridon: - was a satisfying crack as the barmans nose broke, splattering blood all across the bar. As the man slid off the bar unconcious, Veridon nodded politely to the stunned onlookers, moved to the back door and pressed gently
Veridon: - against it, lowering his ear to the gap near the hinge, trying to pick up a sense with both his physical and noncorporeal senses as to how many people in the next room there were. If it was Essex alone, he wasn't worried. Essex
Veridon: - with company however, well... He'd much rather hear about what they were discussing before he made his grand entrance anyway. If only the bar had a two-by-four somewhere that he could borrow.
Essex: sits down at the table, reaching into his pants pocket and pulling out a deck of cards. "The games Freezar Hold 'Em, dueces wild." He says to the other guys sitting there, one man evening out chips between the
Essex: (*) people. "So, Essex, anything new with SynTech?" One of the men asks, sipping out of his bottle of beer. "Not really, got a couple of powerful new assets, a namek named Sert and an android by the name of Benedict
Essex: (*) Bates, his 'parents' own a couple of big hotels around here." He says, shuffling the deck of cards and dishing them out to the three other men at the table.
Veridon: froze for a long moment against the door as he heard the sounds of a card game going on inside. A card game. He had stalked Essex all the way hear to eavesdrop on a card game. Veridon blinked and looked back at the unconcious
Veridon: - bartender who was still oozing blood gently onto the ground and winced slightly. Oh well, how did the saying go? You couldn't make an omelette without smashing a few noses, or something along those lines anyway. At any rate there
Veridon: - was really only one thing that he could do. Moving quickly he made his way behind the bar, grabbing a bottle of Whitegold Reserve off the back shelf and biting off the cork. He spat it out as he stalked towards the door, his fist
Veridon: clenching as he approached the door and took a long swig of the bottle of Whitegold for luck. Then he casually pushed open the door and stepped inside as if he'd clearly meant to, setting the bottle on the table as he sat down in
Veridon: - a spare chair near Essex, reclining comfortably. "Evening gentlemen. Name's Veridon. I used to play Vegetan standard format back at home to while away the evenings, Freezar Hold Em ain't so different. Deal me in."
Essex: pulls out a tooth pick from his wooden matchbox and places it between his teeth, chewing on the end of it. "Okay, Veridon, you've probably no money since you haven't worked yet so I'll spot you." He says
Essex: (*) dealing the cards to him. "Guys, Veridon here is another associate of mine." He finishes dealing the cards and flips two onto the table; A Jack of Spades and the Two of Diamonds. He reaches into his pocket and
Essex: (*) pulls out his sunglasses, unfolding them and placing them on his nose. "So, V-man, what brings you out here? Trying to stalk me so you can gain the upper hand and smash me with something while I'm
Essex: (*) suppressed and not paying attention?" He glances over at the namek, turning his cards slightly to keep Veridon from seeing them. "Or is it purely pleasure?"
Veridon: grinned in amusement as he bent his cards upwards fromt he table slightly, taking a quick glance at them before setting them back down flat. A poor opening hand, but potential to be something greater. He nodded to the other gentlemen
Veridon: - seated at the table, saying nothing for a while other than to indicate that he would check. Casually grasping the bottle of Whitegold he took another long sip and settled a little more comfortably in his chair. Whitegold was a
Veridon: - little too acidic for his tastes, but very warming and still a very flavoursome drop. "Why, Mr. Lillah..." said Veridon dryly, his tones laced with sarcasm and mock hurt "Whatever would lead you to think that smashing you over
Veridon: - the head with something while you were supressed couldn't be my pleasure? Must we always seperate the two?" That drew a chuckle or two from some of the others seated at the table, but a few strange looks as well. Reaching into
Veridon: - his pocket, he drew out a small copper snuffbox and took a pinch, snorting it quietly off the back of his hand. "Besides, I'm sure the Dragon wouldn't go down so easily. Even if I were to, say, smash him across the back of the
Veridon: - head with the closest two-by-four I could find." Veridon turned to Essex and grinned tauntingly. "Your bet, I believe, Mr. Lillah."
Essex: squints at Veridon through his glasses at Veridon before sitting down his hand. He looks around and takes a hand full of credit tokens, not even paying attention to the amount. He sets them into the middle of
Essex: (*) the table and sighs, shaking his head. "Now you've gone an' done it, Veri." He says, setting his hand down. "The guys here didn't know I was the Dragon, or what I did other than owning SynTech. Thanks for
Essex: (*) ruining poker night." He chuckles, continuing to chew on the end of his tooth pick. "I hope you don't mind guys, the Green Skin doesn't know when to shut his hallucenogenic using mouth."
Veridon: rubbed at his nose lightly, raising an eyeridge curiously. "Funny, isn't that the sort of information you'd find spreads rather easily? Besides, Mr. Lillah, since I haven't mentioned anything about what you do outside SynTech
Veridon: - I'm not sure they'd know anything about your other activities. Of course, I'm pretty sure you got this curious. Dragon could also have been a nickname until you assigned it signifigance by acknowledging it." Veridon paused to 
Veridon: - contemplate for a moment. "I wonder if I should have my teeth filed into points, my grin doesn't seem to be smug enough at the moment..." He shook his head in bemusement and looked down at the chips Essex had pushed forward, studying
Veridon: - them and mentally calculating your worth. "I'll see your...two hundred and fifteen dollars and what appears to be a button...and raise you six hundred." The namek met Essex's gaze cooly, taking another deep swig of the Whitegold as 
Veridon: - the snuff started to take effect. "Sure you can afford to gamble so much away, Mr. Lillah? From what I hear, even you have men, or a man at least, in this universe that you answer to... talk around the Cerberus Club is somewhat
Veridon: - cheap to buy, provided you know what to pay the right mouths. If observing you has taught me one thing, its that influence is just as deadly a weapon as, say, a blunt object applied to the back of the head. Funny how we seem to 
Veridon: - keep returning to that point, isn't it?" 
Essex: takes another handfull of chips onto the table, locking eyes with Veridon. "Why yes, there is a very respectable business man, and a close friend of mine that you could say I answer too. Kalen DeArtair." He reaches
Essex: (*) across the table, holding small talk with some of the men as he grabs the namek's bottle of alcohol. He takes back several swigs before setting it back down. "He's my mentor, he's taught me almost everything
Essex: (*) I know." He shrugs, flipping over three more cards from the deck next to the first two dealt out. "Why should that matter to you? And as far as digging for information in the Cerberus Club... messing with the
Essex: (*) wrong people inside it might end up with a ice pick between your shoulder blades."
Veridon: never took his eyes of Essex, studying every detail of the man who sat next to him. His demeanor certainly was calm and relaxed, by Veridon could tell that he was slowly pressing on the mans buttons, irritating and aggravating
Veridon: - him. All he need needed to do was keep pushing a little more to see what the man was like when he broke. If he broke. "Mr. DeArtair is certainly a very respectable businessman indeed. It seems like half the clientel of the
Veridon: - Cerberus Club work for him, deal with him or owe him money...and the other half just wish they did." Essex's brief appropriation of his alcohol didn't go entirely unnoticed, either. "why, please, Mr. Lillah, help yourself
Veridon: - to some snuff, too. I guarentee its not laced with nearly as much arsenic as that bottle of Whitegold was. He set the snuffbox on the table with a soft clink. "Just my little joke." He took a sip of the Whitegold and studied the hand
Veridon: - on the table. He had a full house, queens high. Not a bad effort at all. "Call" he murmured politely as the turn passed around to him before turning back to Essex. "Oh please, we both know that many of the Club's customers are about
Veridon: - as dangerous as a dishrag. They just like paying through the nose to snort cocaine off a hookers ass while another one smacks him with a spiked whip and calls him Captain Marvel." Veridon paused a moment and gave a slight shudder.
Veridon: - "Someone left their door open," he explained. "Kept on screaming out shazam at the top of his lungs. Darndest thing. Anyway, way I hear talk, it isn't the club you have to watch out for...its the, shall we say, cabals within it?"
Essex: shrugs, nodding a bit. "Seems Veridon has this hand." He says as the namek rakes in the chips. He gathers up the cards and shuffles them, handing them over to the namek. "Your deal." He flips his toothpick
Essex: (*) around, chewing on the untouched end. "As far as tobacco goes... I only enjoy the brand of Cigarello's Greg smokes and the cigarates that Kalen likes. Unlike street rats, I like the finer quality." He was 
Essex: (*) completely ignoring the rest of the players, as well as the card game. "I'm not too worried about the... cabals within it... I've already made my plans, my alliances, and that's that." He takes his toothpick
Essex: (*) out and flicks it at Veridon, trying to get a rise out of him.
Veridon: smirks as he deals smoothly and easily, cards flicking out across the tabletop rapidly. "Far be it from me to question Mr. Techagi's virility, but isn't there that old saying about cigarellos? Too cultured for a cigarette,
Veridon: - too much of a pansy for a full cigar? Besides, the aristocracy has been using snuff for quite some time." Veridon finished dealing and set the next hand up on the table, then promptly dismissed the card game from his mind. This
Veridon: - conversation had never been about the card game, after all. "Funny thing about rats, they always seem to slip away and turn up again in odd places where you don't expect them. " Veridon's hand moved like a snake, catching the
Veridon: - toothpick as he flicked towards him. "I'm sure glad you can take care of yourself, Mr. Lillah. After all, alliances shift and change all the time...plans can be unstable as quicksand. All it takes is one loose link for the whole
Veridon: - chain to.." Veridon snaped his fingers, cracking the toothpick in two with a wooden snap that seemed loud in the close confines of the room. "...break" he finished, looking at Essex cooly, one eyeridged slightly raised. It was rapidly
Veridon: - getting down to a question of who would make the first move, like gunfighters in an old western. Without making it obvious, Veridon started letting his power shift ever so slowly back up to his normal state, clenching and unclenching
Veridon: - his fists gently beneath the table to relax them. "Draw, Mr. Lillah?" he suggested cooly. "Oh no, my mistake. Wrong game entirely." There was no humour in his smile.
Essex: notices Veridon's shift in powerlevel, his too slowly rising to meet that of the namek's. He watches as he catches the toothpick, snapping it in half. "Nice catch." He says,, looking at the men around the table. "Why
Essex: (*) don't you guys feel a bit tired?" He asks, raising an eyebrow as the men slowly doze off. The room around them seemingly begins to melt like wet watercolors, running until the room, and everything in it save
Essex: (*) for the chairs they were sitting on blur into pure black. Essex still sits there, staring straight ahead as the 'paint  running' that just occured seems to reverse itself, reforming as the desert outside New Hope City, 
Essex: (*) next to the glass tower. He casually pops his neck, staring out at the horizen, ignoring Veridon. "Mmm, I think I fold this round."
Veridon: kept his facial expression as straight as he could for the duration of their somewhat unconventional transition to the desert, letting Essex indulge in his theatrics. "I'll fold as well then, I only had two pair anyway." The name rose from
Veridon: - his chair and took a few steps away, gazing into the horizon for a long moment. "Funny, unless I'm mistaken, this desert is somewhat similar to where I had my vision quest.  Which of course eventually led to my employment in the
Veridon: - Cerberus Club and in a round about sort of fashion to you, the one they nickname the Dragon." He bent low and took a handful of desert sand, letting it trickle out of his fingers as he contemplated, then drew a sign in the sand,
Veridon: - muttering a prayer under his breath in a ritualistic fashion. "Whether you're the actual Dragon the old gods wanted me to find, of course, is a subject of debate. All I know is that this is the course that seems to have been set
Veridon: - before me, so I might as well follow it and see where it leads. Besides, you're full of interesting surprise." Veridon pauses for a moment, locks eyes with Essex, then lunges forward, his foot sweeping low to kick the chair
Veridon: - he vacated up into the air. He pivots on the spot, executing a powerful spinkick that shatters the chair, sending its wreckage and various shards and splinters straight towards Essexs head. "Call me the Wyvern."
Essex: quickly phases out, leaving an after image and appears milliseconds later above Veridon, a high-angle heel drop aimed towards the namek's head. Veridon phases out as the two begin exchanging blows, Essex keeping
Essex: (*) his power matched with Veridon. Essex appears several feet away from Veridon, locking eyes. "You see, the difference between a Dragon and a Wyvern... I have more firepower!" He says, his arm bursting into flames
Essex: (*) he does the same manuever from the previous night, seemingly bending reality as he jumps back and forth, pacing towards Veridon, leaving 'wet paint' after images of himself. He appears angled above Veridon
Essex: (*) once again, his fiery arm pulled back as he aims another high-powered slap at the namek.
Veridon: holds back the urge to let his power rise, trying to keep himself restrained on skill along rather than compensating with a surge of brute strength, taking the defensive as Essex begins to press the attack, skidding back across the sand. As
Veridon: - he sees the incoming afterimage technique again, he steadies himself slightly, already knowing what comes next. As Essex's flaming hand swipes across towards his head, Veridon thrusts his arm up and takes the blow in a hard block,
Veridon: - the impact of the blow against his resistance causing the sand beneath the two warriors feet to blast outwards from the impact. Veridon locks eyes with Essex for a long moment, his power slowly rising as a pale green aura flickers
Veridon: - gently around him. "You may have more firepower, but the Wyvern has two things. Cunning..." The two fighters phase out again, Veridons short, sharp, close range fighting style blocked and deflected by Essexs sharp movements, his
Veridon: - gently around him. "You may have more firepower, but the Wyvern has two things. Cunning..." The two fighters phase out again, Veridons short, sharp, close range fighting style blocked and deflected by Essexs sharp movements, his
Veridon: - more ferocious and sweeping kicks reversed and blocked aside until he is forced to leap backwards, assessing Essex for openings as the sand shifts beneath his feet. "Cunning and a poisoned sting." He bolts forward sharply, two fingers
Veridon: - stretching out, aiming to take Essex square in the throat with a crushing, vicious strike, his aura flaring as he gathers his power to him.
Essex: takes the two-fingered strike to the throat and goes flying backwards forcefully, shattering through a wall of the glass pillar. He stands up, bleeding from tiny gashes all over his back and arms. He raises his hands
Essex: (*) above his head, gathering a golden sphere of energy, glaring out at Veridon. "Those were five-hundred dollar sunglasses, asshole!" He shouts, throwing the sphere at Veridon from inside the pillar.
Veridon: darted back and planted himself securely as he watched Essex slam backwards from his throatstrike. "You bleed, Mr. Lillah?" he called tauntingly. "I'm almost surprised." His taunting was rapidly silenced however as Essex's sphere
Veridon: - raced towards him from inside the tower. Veridon brought his hands around in a large arc, muttering rapidly under his breath. "...and permit not the unclean to despoil the sacred...." he intoned. His hands came together, a bright
Veridon: - green sphere of energy rapidly swelling out them as he prepared to meet Essex's attack. He was too slow, however, and not quite strong enough. Essex's sphere slammed forward, meeting his in a blinding display of lights. The
Veridon: - spheres both exploded, sending Veridon up and away in an arc trailing smoke, his clothes smouldering. Badly shaken and still slightly blinded slightly from the detonation of  the attacks, he squinted down at the glass tower. "Give
Veridon: - me a break..." he muttered, forming two balls of energy and lobbing them both at the frail structure of the tower, trying to collapse it on Essex. His aim was off on one ball, it thudded harmlessly into the sand with a muffled
Veridon: - thud, the other struck true though, slamming into the glass tower and detonating with the sound of cracking and splintering glass."
Essex: -*- A loud, piercing roar is heard from within the tower as Essex forms an energy shield then forces it outward. He pumps a massive amount of ki into it, the shield hitting the walls of the tower, causing it to
Essex: (*) explode outward, violently and forcefully, Veridon's energy ball lost along the way. He holds his arm out to the side, the Omniweapon forming into a long chain with a sharp kunai on the end. "Get over
Essex: (*) here!" He shouts, spinning around once and throwing the chain upwards at Veridon, the kunai moving faster than the glass shards.
Veridon: moves his hands in a blinding fast sequence of movements in front of him, intoning rapidly under his breath, snippets of his prayer heard as he channels his energy. "....repeal the invader, deny the intruder, and forever
Veridon: - mark the deceiver..." A strange symbol of green ki burns brightly in front of his hands for a moment, rapidly expanding into a bright octagonal barrier. The kunai slams into the barrier, sending the Namek forcefully backwards 
Veridon: - through the air. The barrier shatters under the power of attack, the kunai lancing through Veridon's raised arm. Feeling Essex pull him sharply back down towards him, Veridon grasps the chain and rips it out with a grunt of exertion,
Veridon: - feeling his blood gush from the wound freely. Laying his hand over it, he mutters darkly and sends energy into the wound, sealing it shut before taking control of his downward fall, turning it into a direct flight at Essex.
Veridon: took in a deep breath and began to fly faster, his ki blazing around him, streaming out behind him like the tail of a comet as he lowered his head. "This is where you fall down!" he roared, lowering his head preparing to headbutt
Veridon: - Essex with as much force as he can muster.
Essex: -*- The kunai flies freely from Veridon's arm, Essex ducks down, time seeming to slow down as One; He thought of another ambiguous movie quote to say, and Two; What would be a good weapon to deflect 
Essex: (*) the Namek's headbutt. The Omniweapon slowly melts from the chain, slithering back to his body and reforming into a tall tower shield. He spins around again, setting the shield firmly into the ground.
Essex: (*) He focuses his ki, an aura of fire erupting around the shield itself. "Uh... Toasty?"
Veridon: raised an eyeridge as he studied Essex drawing back, grinning to himself. This time, he had the bastard, and this headbutt was going to be powerful enough to punch a hole clean through his...Veridon had to suppress a scream as he
Veridon: - watched Essex's Omniweapon form into a large shield. He was streaking down through the air, the shield was getting closer and closer ever microsecond and there just wasn't enough time to break. "Oh you mother-" The sound of the
Veridon: - impact rang out across the desert, a clang that was heard for miles. Veridon went totally rigid as his head struck the shield, his whole body seemingly locked up in agony as he dropped like a sack of potatoes to the desert floor,
Veridon: - desperately fighting to hold on to his conciousness. "Not a...fair fight....you......bas...." The world swam before his eyes, rapidly fading into darkness, the world slipping away as his last concious thoughts were
Veridon: - of a burning desire to wipe the smug smile of Essex's face. 
Essex: stands up, the shield melting back into liquid metal and then crawling back into his being. He stares down at the nameks unconscious body, smirking to himself. "Essex wins, Pwnality." He says, shaking his
Essex: (*) head. He crouches down and picks up the namek's body, slinging it over his shoulder and stepping sideways, ending up in his office in SynTower. He walks over to the large leather couch in the corner and
Essex: (*) drops Veridon's body onto it before walking to his desk, sitting down in his chair and stretching.
Lydia: burst between two large glass doors, her cloths and book bag are soaked from the heavy down pouring rain outside. "Darn i'm late again, she is going to be so mad!" a couple finely dressed  stands there staring at her blanckly as she talks 
Lydia: (c) to herself. Lydia leans forward taking a deep breath before opening the next set of doors leading to a huge room filled with tables and people eating as well as drinking on all the platforms of the room. the room is huge and several of the \
Lydia: (C) floors on the uper levels are mad of glass so that people could see the black marble floor down below and the large fountain on the floor level.  The foutain has a statue of a serpent's body with an angel attached to it spitting water out from
Lydia: (c) out from her mouth the room is lit bright on the floor level, but the higher levels up are dimely lit and is were most of the VIP stay at. Lydia tosses her backpack over her shoulders and runs across the room until she hears one of the head ho
Lydia: (c) out from her mouth the room is lit bright on the floor level, but the higher levels up are dimely lit and is were most of the VIP stay at. Lydia tosses her backpack over her shoulders and runs across the room until she hears one of the head ho
Lydia: (c) <hostess>head hostess calling her. "Late again! Lydia what am i going to do with you? you know the Cabals club doesn't like it's members to be late, you know when your late you keep very important people waiting!" Lydia lets out a soft sigh wh
Lydia: (c) lydia letes out a soft sight while nodding  " I'm really sorry,it's crazy out there today you know! <hostess> "i don't care just get ready to sever on level 583 at the bar." "okay" The hostess turns and marches off after barking at her in a lo
Lydia: (C)Some days i really hate it here. Lydia jumps into one of the elevaters and raises up pase tons of level of people eating drinking laughing and much much more. She steps off of the elevater after it comes to a complete stop standing on level 583
Lydia: (c)  The platform is round with several table along the edge, the level is very dark the only lights being the ones right over the table and at the bar. "man this place is so freaking huge even if i was on time i would be late." she mutters while 
Lydia: while walking behind the bar area
Tiernan: took a seat at the bar, the two men immediately next to him edging away then leaving. "So, miss. That's the fourth time this week. When I started I was two minutes late, and I was only given a reprieve from the head honcho 
Tiernan: (c) because of my undying loyalty. How do you expect to survive in such a rank environment in your current position?" he said in a sultry voice, begging her to look him in the eye.
Lydia: turns to see a the man who she has seen around quite a few times around here. " yeah i know, i just can't seem to get it togather yet." she says before reaching down and grabing a list of the drinks and handing it to him.  
Lydia: (c) "just let me know what you want sir." sturns toward a another man and starts to whip up a quick drink for him, she shakes and stirs the the green and brown liquid up before handing it over. "there you go one icer special, it's got a kick to it
Lydia: (c) she then turns back toward Tiernan greating him with a warm smile. 
Tiernan: cocks his head slightly, "Nothing for me today. Instead, I have a gift." he gets up, nods at her, slides his eyes toward an elevator, then resumes his care-free facade and walks over to the designated elevator - which conveniently 
Tiernan: (c) remains open. Inside swishy jazz music plays, Tiernan waits for only a brief second before punching the 812 key, then turns a key, freezing the doors open, and holding the elevator on this floor, but he refuses to look outside.
Lydia: gets an expression on her face while watching the man walk toward the elevator. a man starts to call her from the other side of the bar. she turns toward the man then back toward Tiernan. "Kim could you please cover for me just for a bit." 
Lydia: (c) Kim shrugs her shoulders while nodding. <Kim> "sure but i'm taking your tips!" she laughs while twirling another bottle out from behind the bar. "thanks kim, Hold on here i come!" she calls out while running arouse the room into the Elevator. 
Tiernan: turns the key sideways, and pushes it in, then punches in a series of floors so that by the time he's done more than a third of the board is lit up. As he removes the key from the fireman's emergency control the elevator, begins to descend. 
Tiernan: (c) "Do you know anything of the politics of the people who govern the organization to which you belong?" "Oh, not much." she responds casually. Perhaps he'd made the wrong decision, he'd have to figure that out before the elevator 
Tiernan: (c) stopped. "If I were to tell you that they hope to enslave the entire human race, that they lie, and kill, what would you say?" she looked taken aback, "What? No! No, they wouldn't," she said, casually flipping her hair, this conversation 
Tiernan: (c) seemed too dark for her, though she feigned carelessness "It's just another club for rich know-nothings." Tiernan scoffed and shook his head "Hmm, I don't know what to tell you. These people are dangerous. But htey make it an art not 
Tiernan: (c) to be seen. The story they ply is a cover. You are an intricate part of that cover. Which is why I need you. You work here, but no one important knows you. You could easily disappear from work forever and no one would care, at the same 
Tiernan: (c) time, you already have an ID, so your security level would just need to be raised, and then you and I could operate without anyone knowing. Now. The reason I am telling you this is to give you a choice. I either kill you here and 
Tiernan: (c) now, take your ID, deposit you at the company's body recycling facilities - did you know that we can do that? Kill people and no one will know or care. We have our hand in everything. Or. Or, you could help me, and I won't need 
Tiernan: (c) to kill a pretty young lady such as yourself. Which will it be?" he said, towering over her and slamming his hand up against the elevator behind her.
Lydia: gives a large and long gulp while pressing her body up against the wall, as if she pushed hard enough she would fall to the other side to safty. But she wasn't going through the wall and the facail expression telling her to hurry 
Lydia: (c) up say something. trimbling a little bit she manges to squeeze out a small "Yeah, yeah i'll help." she stares down toward the floor at her feet. "so your not joking they really do all that junk?" 
Ikki: grimaced and folded sideways as the saiyan shoulder-tackled him. He planted his feet, latched on and flung him into the air. "Take this!" he shouted hurling a bolt of energy that left a smoking corpse to spiral to its final resting place. 
Ikki: (c) "Foolish-ugh!" another speared him from behind, Ikki drove an elbow into the Saiyan's back and grabbed him by the arm. He pulled him off and started to fling him, but the saiyan snapped his legs around Ikki's head and drove him into 
Ikki: (c) the ground. "You bastard!" he said, sending out a shockwave of ki. Another saiyan, and another. "You don't have to do this," he said with a cruel smirk. "I'll let you live if you just give me what I want." they didn't even bat an 
Ikki: (c) eyelash. One rushed, Ikkir dodged, and thwapped him with his tail, leaving a mushroom-shaped indention on the guy's forehead. Another lunged with a rake, knocked aside then speared clean through with Ikki's tail. The first time he'd 
Ikki: (c) drawn blood by hand (or tail) - it felt good. Without much more talking he wiped the rest of them out just to make sure there were no witnesses. Immediately picking up the plans and blueprints he stole out of the village leaving 
Ikki: (c) little evidence anyone had ever lived there at all. Days later and he arrived in New Hope City, trying to offload the blueprints - fakes for the Omega Droids that were in use at SynCity. "I'll accept no less than 12 million 
Ikki: (c) zeni. By the way... what's your name?" The mercenary wore a patch over one eye, and a blade on his right side, he answered: "They call me, T-dawg."
Ikki: nods and allows the purse to be deposited in his hands. It didn't hold money, that would be silly, to carry around 12 million dollars. No, this contained cred-cards that had a similar amount in change on them. "Thank you for your interest." 
Ikki: *C* the mercenary nodded and vanished. "Now... what to spend this hard-earned cash on?" he ventured to the local tech shop, gathering the needed supplies, the best scouter he could wear, a few pieces of technologically advanced armor, 
Ikki: *C* and most importantly a prosthetic eye. The one he had now was fine, but a cyborg piece would allow him to see on unseeable scales. The utility was important.
Lydia: stumbles off of the Elevator her heart still skipping several beats. But before should could get herself togather the head hostess comes running across the room toward her. <hostess> "Lydia! why arent you at bar tending ? " 
Lydia: (c) <Hostess> "oh never mind Lydia, i swear i don't know how your going to make it for here in club Calab!" she turns back and rushes off to go yell at another employee. "that man said, that this places is some sort of front  and that 
Lydia: <c> these people really want to take over the world." she soflty mutters to herself before getting herself togather. her eye's now searching to see what level she is was now on. 482.  "geeze i'm okay i'm okay." 
Orii: - A drink was slid across the slick bar and gripped by a gloved hand. Orii sipped at the beer, staring idly at the flatscreen ahead of him. It flashed with images of the night's many sporting events, which, of course, he didn't give a damn about. 
Orii: (C) He could ask the barkeep to change to channel, if he wanted to; of course the old man recognized him as the founder's son, and would respect his wish. But he didn't really care enough. Things had been going slow lately; almost boring to the yo
Orii: (C) youth.
Lydia: walks up toward the bar and drops down onto a stull her gaze staring back at her from the clean and nicely polished wood. " i mean who cares if they are right? they still pay good." she mutters to herself once again before looking back up at 
Lydia: (c) the woman behind the bar serving up drinks. <Woman.> "you okay Lydia?"She nods and waves the woman off before catching the young man in the corner of her eye, she didn't know him personaly but she new enough 
Lydia: (C) to know that was the owners son. "oh man!" she jumps up sliding backwards do to the slick floor hitting the ground with a loud thump. "Yeah this has got to look real good." she winces a bit in pain before getting herself back  togather. 
Orii: - A dark eyebrow tweaked as the young woman slipped and fell. "Had a bit to drink there?" Orii asked jokingly, taking another sip of his beer and resting it on the coaster. She wasn't bad to look at, he decided. She actually resembled a friend of 
Orii: (C) his from school, however inconsequential that was. He leaned back against the bar and crossed one leg over the other. Was she so suprised that the co-owner of the city would be out for a drink tonight? His face wasn't that rare a sight nowaday
Orii: (C) nowadays. Maybe she was just swept off her feet by his incredible manprettiness? (Probably...)
Lydia: cracks an awkward smile at him, her mind racing wondering if they really did want to enslave the human race, and if so what for. She slightly shakes her head as if that would throw all those bad thoughts about what could be going out of her mind. 
Lydia: (c) "oh no sir, drinking on the job would be bad." she said with a much better smile on her  face this time. <woman> "Since your down here Lydia, how about you stop glaring at Lillah here and get to work !" The womans toward a few of the glass 
Lydia: (c) "Right, right." she says while making her way around into toward the other side of the counter. "I see you have your drink already eh? do you want a short of anything Lillah Sir ?" 
Essex: steps out of the back of the bar, clearing his throat and placing his hand on the shoulder of the woman that was consistently yelling at Lydia. "Why don't you take the rest of the day off?" He asks, raising his
Essex: (*) eyebrows. "Get the hell out of here, you'll be paid for the rest of your shift." <Woman> "Uh, um... yes Mister Lillah." He says angrily, exiting to the back of the bar. Essex places a hand on the counter, using
Essex: (*) his arm to jump over the counter, landing on a stool and spinning around so he was facing the bartending. "I'll have a Martini. Extra Dry." He says, picking up a handfull of nuts from the complimentary
Essex: (*) bowl on the counter. "What's doin' guys?" He muffles out through a mouthful of nuts.
Orii: - "Nah, I'm fine," Orii replied, nodding to his father as he seated himself at his side. SynCity was lucky to have such carefree guys as its founders. Idly, he sipped at his beer, sighing. Tonight was a good night, one of those that you just lay a
Orii: (C) around and laugh at things that aren't really that funny. As the menstraul barkeep exitted through the front door of the club, Orii's attention shifted back to Lydia as he spoke, "Your boss is a bitch... And I'm Orii." It felt awkward saying, 
Orii: (C) being that he knew she knew who he was, but he wasn't used to not having to introduce himself.
Lydia: whips up his Martini Extra Dry just the way he asked for it, it was really hard for her to think that these to guys were bad men. Both of them seem so cool layed back as if nothing was wrong in the world and if there was they would 
Lydia: (c) handle it and make it right. She gives a slight bow toward Orii "the name is Lydia, man i can't beleive i'm severing the owners. " she gives a big smile and a nerves gulp. "is there any thing else i can get you two? " she says holding her 
Lydia: (c) arms out as if to sway, just say the word and shes on it. 
Essex: picks up the martini glass by it's long, slender-stemmed neck and sips on it, swishing the alcohol around in his mouth. "Nah, I'm good for now, but keep the drinks pouring." He rolls to one side slightly, pulling
Essex: (*) out a wad of money and sitting it down on the table. "Everyone in here drinks for free tonight, capiche?" He asks, grinning and peering at her over his sunglasses. "So, Miss Lydia, what's a pretty young girl
Essex: (*) like yourself doin' in a city like this one?" He takes another sip of his drink. 
Greg: -*- The door into the bar swung open slightly gently and a lone figure stood dramatically within the doors frame.  The motion caused a slight shift in the bars residence, most looking at the door silently before returning to their own
Greg: (C) activities, whether drinking, playing games of chance or trying to get the nearest bar hand to go home with them.  A pair of sky blue eyes glazed over the scene in a lazy manner and a grin graced the face of the entering man.  The door
Greg: (C) closing softly behind him, he was able to be viewed in full light.  A head of straight platinum white hair graced a slimmed face and sky blue eyes peared out between strands of hair, occasionally being obscured due to motion.  A blood red
Greg: (C) long-coat hung on the mans shoulders and a black shirt covered by a red clamp down vest kept most of his upper torso hidden.  A pair of blood red pants and knee high strap-on black boots completed the ensemble.  Barely visible at the
Greg: (C) man's hip was the grip of a blade, though the rest was obscured by the coat.  Again, the man smiled, "Mr. Lillah!" He said in a bull-shit friendly business manner as he slapped the rule of SynCity on the back and he grinned at
Greg: (C) him, "I absolutely -love- the place!"
Orii: - "No, thanks. You ever worked in an office?" Orii unbuttoned the top button of his dress shirt, and spread his arms, resting his elbows on the bar as he continued to enjoy the cold drink. Suddenly, a monstrous dump-truck of shit rained on his day
Orii: (C) as Greg Techagi stepped into the bar. The human audibly sneered at the halfbreed, promising silently to smash his face the moment he took a tone with him. "Mr. Techagi..." Orii noted semi-politely.
Lydia: blushes abit at Essex while grouping for the right words to answer his question with. "well, I was told this was one of the best bars to work for on earth, and i must say i don't think they were playing. " she chuckles a bit her eye's staying on 
Lydia: (c) both of them while also watching the Elevator in the distance, that was until two doors flew open and another very important face came walking into the room. (Oh man, this would be my day to work at the bar wouldn't it.) 
Essex: grins, winking at Orii in a 'don't worry, I've got this sort of way'. He swivels his stool and stands up, shaking heads with one of his associates. "Mr. Techagi, I love what you've done with the Cerberus
Essex: (*) Club." He grins. "Oh, I believe you remember my son..." He smirks a bit. "Sert's now his personal assistant, the namek came in for a job interview the other day, and, safe to say, he got the job." He sits
Essex: (*) back down and nods to Orii. "Oh, and I've also given Orii ownership of half the city and controll of SynWeap, I hope that doesn't ruin relations between our companies." He picks up his glass and takes another
Essex: (*) sip, locking eyes with Lydia. "So, what got you into bartending, m'dear?"'
Greg: raises an eyebrow at the waitress as she is summoned by another patron to serve him, what a douchebag, "Pity..." He remarked idly as the woman walked away, "She was a hottie.  You should rip that guys spine out through his rectum and beat
Greg: (C) him to death with his own skull...just for being an ass." Greg turned his attention back to the angsty youth as he scowled at Greg and greeted him in a semi-formal manner, "Weeeeeeell..." Greg mused outloud as he placed a hand on the
Greg: (C) youths shoulder and gripped it slightly, "I see you've finally developed some sense of manners and etiquitte.  About damn time kid, you were starting to be a lost cause." Greg grinned at the human boy and patted his shoulder in a
Greg: (C) rather patronizing manner, "Now, Mr. Lillah, as long as your boy doesn't decide to build weapons that will make people cry to death and cut themselves, I see no reason why we can't continue business as usual." Greg looked up at the
Greg: (C) bartender...what a hound, 'Jeezus she's one ugly pouch.' "What're ya havin there?" Greg put on a smile that had taken years of careful practice to master.  The kind of smile that belied what he really thought, the kind that made the
Greg: (C) recipient of said smile belive it was geniune, "Oh...I'll have a Four Horseman shot and then a Poisoned Apple." He bartender nodded with a smile to him, which almost made Techagi's skin crawl, "Comin right up." Greg then turned his
Greg: (C) attention back to Essex, "Really? The Club is going to be a -big- success with our clientelle.  I'm still working out the kinks in the system. Give it time and we'll have them all." Greg holds up a pinky in a knowing manner.
Orii: - "Only towards women." Orii replied sharply, casting a hateful glare at the man at his side. "I'd suggest you getcher damn hand off of me." He was alot stronger than he had been before. Strong enough to say what he thought, and be just as harsh a
Orii: (C) as he wanted to. "And I hope some pissed off zealot suicide bombs the fuck out of your building."
Essex: rolls his eyes, sitting down his empty Marini glass. "Now now, you two. If you're going to act like children, I'll spank you both and send you to my room." He runs his tongue across his teeth, picking up
Essex: (*) his wad of money from the counter, glaring at the ugly 'tender that was serving them now. He glances around the bar, marveling at the spectacle before him. "Hey, I know that guy." He says, nodding to his
Essex: (*) business associate, Lavitz. "Huh, funny seeing him here." He swivels the stool back around as he begins to examine the wall of liquor in front of him.
Greg: shrugs gently towards Orii as his order was placed in front of him and he quickly downed the Four Horseman shot and slammed the glass onto the bar, "Alright emo boy.  Whatever you say." Yeah...it was childish as hell, but hey, Greg still
Greg: (C) wasn't about to let some punk emo brat daddy's boy talk to him like he knew what he was talking about, "Mr. Lillah, I stand corrected.  If I am to conduct business with SynWeap or in SynCity, I refuse to do it with him.  He simply
Greg: (C) has no style to him, yet.  That's simply unacceptable, not to mention bad for business.  He's gonna piss off a lot of potential clients merely by opening his mouth.  Listen up, kiddo..." Greg leans over slightly and looks Orii up and
Greg: (C) down with an unusually solemn and professional air, very business like, "You have to learn how to work people, Mr. Lillah." Greg using the kids last name as though he were addressing his father, "And you can't do that by pissing
Greg: (C) vinegar and shooting off your mouth at everything they say.  If you can't even manage to be civil and polite to people you wish you could just fucking stab in the eyes, then you're not cut out for this business." Greg leans back and
Greg: (C) takes the Poisoned Apple and takes a big gulp, "Honestly, Essex, didn't you teach him anything other than how to fight?"
Orii: shrugged. He didn't give a shit if he ever saw the halfbreed again in his life. It wasn't like he particularly needed Greg's cooperation, not to mention that he hated the thought of seeing him on a daily basis. "What could I have done to deserve a
Orii: (C) punishment so cruel?" Orii spat sarcastically, ordering, receiving, and chugging another beer. Maybe if he got drunk enough and vomited on Greg, he'd go away?
Essex: looks at his watch and stands up, turning away from his son and business partner. "I've something to attend to elsewhere, gentlemen. Try not to kill yourself while I'm away." He looks back and then steps
Essex: (*) to the side, seemingly stepping out of existence.
Greg: smirked at Essex and gave him a half-hearted wave as the man quite literally stepped out of time and space to some other point.  He then looked over at Orii and shook his head, taking another good drink from the poisoned apple he again
Greg: (C) approached the kid verbally, "Listen Crybaby McCutMyself, this whole routine between you and me? Really getting old.  If you want to take this somewhere else so that we can just senselessly beat the shit out of each other then stop
Greg: (C) beating around the bush and own up to it.  Or, we can settle this like civilized creatures and leave our personal shit at the door when business needs to be conducted.  One or the other kid, but I'm not doing this shit with you over 
Greg: (C) business matters. Do you understand?"
Orii: - "Here's an idea. Why don't you just leave?" He was slightly buzzed, feeling tired and heavy; no, he wouldn't fight tonight, but they would settle this thing soon, because it was beginning to annoy the hell out of him, too. He would probably just
Orii: (C) go to sleep, now that the attractive worker had clocked out, and had been replaced by whateverEssexhadcalledhim. "Shoo." 
Greg: blinked slightly at Orii and for the first time in a long time, seemed to be a total loss of words.  He decided that would be the opportune time to finish off his poisoned apple and he did so.  When the sound of air escaping through straw
Greg: (C) caught his attention he placed the glass down, it now full of nothing but ice.  It was after that moment that he could not contain it any longer and he bust out on a mockingly -bad- talk show hosts voice, "I'm sorry constant that is not
Greg: (C) an acceptable answer.  You must make your responses in the form of a question.  We would've accepted, 'What is prozac.', 'Who are the parents who don't love me.' OR, 'How many times I cut myself daily.' Too bad, I'm afraid, but you
Greg: (C) are now disqualified from the game.  Thank for you playing!" Greg then did something else that probably would not have been expected.  He reached under his red long-coat and pulled out a silver and chrome .45 Desert Eagle and aimed it
Greg: (C) directly at the boys head.  Bolts of dark energy surged around Greg's hand and the gun as he charged the weapon with a portion of his own dark energies.  He grinned sideways at the boy, "Thank you for playing.  Here's your booby prize."
Greg: then pulled the trigger, launching a ki-enhanced, hollow point from the Desert Eagles barrel.
Orii: - With a blur of his gloved hand, Orii snapped out of his drunken daze, and diverted the course of the bullet, slamming the back of his hand into the barrel of the gun. A loud clang resounded through the bar, metal against metal. The bullet took o
Orii: (C) out a light overhead, and the club grew completely silent. "You know. Shooting at your associates is generally accepted as being bad for business as well. Whore."
Greg: waved the gun dismissively to the boy, "So says you.  In case you haven't noticed, my business associates and I engage in life and death situations with each other on a fairly regular basis.  It is not uncommon, to accent the point,
Greg: (C) for one Mr. Caeruleus, to attempt to destroy one of Industries' research facilities.  For the sole purpose..." Greg said as he again pointed the gun at the kids head, "Of seeing if I could stop it before it happened and then try and
Greg: (C) return to favor.  You father and I..." Greg said as he raised a finger to the bartender, who's eyes had gone so wide that they looked nigh to pop out, "Have nearly killed each other on several occasions.  However, you do not see me
Greg: (C) throwing a bitch fit at them every time I encounter them.  In fact, they are some of my most accomplished 'partners in crime'." Greg stated the phrase in a rather sarcastic tone, belying just how true the statement actually was.
Greg: then tapped the bar in front of him to signify he wanted another drink, post haste, "Grow some nuts kid. If all you do is bitch and shoot off at the mouth, nobody is going to fucking respect you worth a damn."
Greg: -*- The boy opened his mouth to take in a breath and was able to utter a single syllable of a word, "Yo-" *BLAM!* The sound of a second gunshot ringed out in the bar.  Only this time there was no light that shattered.  There was, however, the
Greg: (C) sound of a body hitting the floor with a definitive *thud* sound.  The boy now had a nice sized hole in his stomach and was grasping at it in a rather futile manner.  The kid was going to die at this rate, "You know..." Greg
Greg: (C) remarked idly, "What's really fucking sad..." He got off his barstool and bent down to look at the kid, "Is that you aren't even going to remember this happening." The impassive look on his face basically said it all, he honestly did not
Greg: (C) give to shakes of a lambs tail that this kid was going to bleed to death right in front of him in a most agonizing manner, "Tsk..." Greg stood up and pulled a small cell phone and flipped it open, pushing a single button he
Greg: (C) held it to his ear while looking at Orii passively.  Several moments passed, "Yes." Greg finally said, "This is Techagi.  I'm going to need a med-team at Dereg and Veny immediately.  The Stul Club. Make sure you bring a lot of pain
Greg: (C) killers." He slammed the phone shut before pocketing it again, "Partially induced amnesia brought on by intese physical trauma." He was spinning the story already as the kid continued to writhe on the floor, a pool of blood forming
Greg: (C) around him.  Greg sat at his barstool and began to drink his drink, seemingly unaware that the bar was now, save for him and his dying companion... completely empty.
Essex: steps into the Cerberus Club, looking around as the door swings shut behind him. He looks over at the counter, then up at the shattered light fixture. Then back down at the carpet, where there was still
Essex: (*) remnants of a blood stain. "Huh, Greg must've shot Orii last night, cool." He says, shrugging while reaching up and taking off his sunglasses. He casually folds them and slips them in the breast pocket
Essex: (*) of his suit jacket. "He must've had it comin', oh well." He walks up to the bar and sits down on the same stool he had been sitting on the previous night. He swivels on the stool a bit, eating some cashews
Essex: (*) from the bowl on the counter. He swivels back around, facing the wall of liquor and whistling cockily for the bartender.
Lydia: ducks and dodges around other employees in the back Kitchen, right before she gets to the door a woman grabs her by the arm, it was kim a slightly younger waitress with long orange hair and pink eye's. <kim> "Hey you had to leave earlier you misse
Lydia: (c) missed it Orii Lillah got shot last night, not that i'm worried but you should watch out don't get to friendly with them." Lydia lets out a sigh as if she was getting lecture by her mother. "don't worry about me Kim, i can take care of myself.
Lydia: (c) she turns and pushes open the door her eye's falling right on the man from last night, "Hello Mr Lillah, what can i get you for you today?" She flashes him a warm smile while pulling out a list of the liquors.
Essex: smiles, thinking back to the previous night. "Mmm, I'll have a Four Horsemen Shot and a Poisoned Apple, Techagi had 'em last night and they looked good." He takes another handful of cashews and 
Essex: (*) popping them into his mouth. "So, it was a shame you had to leave like you did yesterday, I think my business partner shot my son." He laughs, chewing the cashews. "I wasn't here unfortunately."
Essex: (*) He takes off his jacket and folds it, sitting it on the counter next to him. "So, how are you today, Lydia?"
Karnak: test
Greg: -*- A man stormed into the, an unnatural scowl was on his face and he had a phone to his head.  His frown shifted slightly into a cruel contemptuous snear.  The owner of Cerberus Club, he was followed by a pair of men, both dressed in
Greg: (C) identical black suits with black glasses, all business, "What the fuck do you mean!? I said I wanted it repaired by this morning! Do you know what I see!? A broken light fixture and stain on my fucking carpet, that's what I see!" He was
Greg: (C) obviously furious with the fact that the taint of last nights escapade was still quite visible.  He stood there and looked at the select patrons that were around, most of them actually didn't seem to notice or care that there was
Greg: (C) evidence of someone being shot and bleeding on the floor still visible, "NO! That is not acceptable, get it taken care of now.  Not tomorrow, not later this evening, not three minutes from now. NOW!" He slams the phone shut and pinches
Greg: (C) bridge of his nose in obvious frustration and takes in several deep breaths, in and out.  He opens his eyes and looks at the two guys behind him and merely motioned with his hand and the two were gone, "God I hate bodyguards..." It
Greg: (C) seemed that everything was just pissing Techagi off this night.  He sat down at the bar, totally oblivious to even WHO was there and groans, "Something strong, right now, and lots of it."
Lydia: nods toward Essex as he explains how the light fixture shattered as well as the blood stain. "oh so thats what you think happen? I came in through the back door this time, so i didn't see all of this." her faciel expression says she hopes 
Lydia: (c) that he isn't to badly hurt from what happen last night, She quickly snaps back to reality after a few moments of gawking at the mess until she realizes that Essex had ordered a drink. "oh coming right up !" she quickly whips up 
Lydia: (c) what he orders and gently slides toward him.  "well i'm okay, I guess i Just still getting use to being here in Syncity is all. So what made you set a place like this up on earth? with all the big ki fight it doesn't seem like a great move." 
Lydia: (c) takes a small step back after seeing Greg walk into the room, he was all pumped up and  yelling so much that Kim had come out and already had gotten him a several shots of Jose Cuervo black. <Kim> whispers "keep giving it to him until he is ca
Lydia: (C) "keep giving it to him until he is calm!" she turns and runks back into the back.  Lydia shrugs and pushes him the shot. "here you go sr." 
Essex: looks over at Greg and reaches into his pocket, withdrawing a money clip with a wad of bills, which he held between his index and middle finger. "Here, let me cover the damage, the incident did involve
Essex: (*) my son, after all." He picks up the shot in his other hand and backs it, feeling the mixture of alcohol burn down his throat. "As far as me setting up SynCity... I felt we needed leisure. We needed a town
Essex: (*) ran purely off peoples wants." He shrugs, sipping on the poisoned apple. "Mmm, and with all the ki-fights... did you ever notice the blue barrier around the city? It acts as a dampening shield, so any attacks
Essex: (*) that hit it are weakened greatly to reduce the damage."
Greg: had slammed down three of the shots before he even realized who was at the bar with him.  He looks up at Lydia and for the briefest of moments the only thing visible in his eyes is pure murderous intent.  The intent wasn't direct in any
Greg: (C) sort of way, it was simply the general conveiance of emotion.  However, this was fleeting at best and he immediately looked at the wad of bills the man next to him pulled out.  Son? Greg's sky blue eyes looked over at Essex and
Greg: (C) Greg merely nodded in recognition, "Essex.  Your son is not welcome in this club anymore until he learns some god damn manners." Greg takes the fourth shot and downs it in a quick hurry, "I'm tired of pussy footing around with him about
Greg: (C) too.  If he's not going to learn some etiquitte he simply will not be allowed on the premises until he does. The audacity of it...telling me to leave my own damn business!" Greg glances back up at the bartender waitress, oh dear...
Greg: coughed loudly and gained a rather sheepish and embarrased look.  Clearing his throat loudly he puts on a much more pleasant demeanor and smiles at the girl, "I do apologize for that outburst.  Mr. Lillah's son caused a rather terrible
Greg: (C) disturbance last night and I was forced to take... drastic measures." Greg downed a fifth shot and sighed harshly, "He should be out of the hospital shortly.  Half his stomach had been blown out his back."
Lydia: looks a little shocked while watching Greg speak with Essex. (he just shot him, just like that ? as if it was nothing? ) She tries to keep herself looking busy by pouring more shots for Greg and getting more of cashews for Essex.
Lydia: (c) her mind slides back toward what Essex said why he had made the City and placed it on earth in the first place. (As far as me setting up SynCity... I felt we needed leisure. We needed a town ) "it must be nice to have that kind of power. 
Lydia: (c) (just to make a whole city for your type of people, no and or buts about it.) looks back at the two of them Greg and Essex while they talk. "oh that reminds me i guess i was wondering about the city because of this woman that wanted to know it
Lydia: (c) layout, she wasn't talking to me but working at the bar you hear alot of things. But heck i bet you get alot of people wanting to know that." she lets out a chuckle while turning a little red figuring they could care less. 
Essex: shakes his head, eating another handful of cashews. "No, not really, you're really the first person that's asked, Miss Lydia." He says, swivel the stool to face Greg, propping himself on the counter with his elbow.
Essex: (*) "I'll make a note of it." He flips open the panel on his mechanical arm, pushing a few buttons as the computer in it whirs. "Well, the Omega Droids in this sector now have note to not allow Orii into the club." He
Essex: (*) sits down a few bills on the counter, nodding to Lydia. "Mr. Techagi drinks on my tab today, m'dear."
Greg: glanced over at Lydia questioningly, while true he had already calmed down slightly from his extreme rant earlier, something caught his attention, "Someone was asking questions? My dear, you do know our policy on asking questions, right?
Greg: (C) Unless it's 'What can I get?' or 'How much will it cost?' we don't answer them.  The clientelle for the Cerberus Club need to feel like they can talk freely in a leisurely environment without worrying about someone being a tattle tale."
Greg: waved a finger teasingly to the woman, perhaps...the alcohol was starting to get to him.  Greg had always been a great drunk though, always looking for some fun, "Listen..." He leans in over the counter in a conspiratory manner, "I
Greg: (C) will protect my investments no matter what the price.  I'm not a bad guy..." Greg looks over to Essex as though to confirm this and smiles, "I just want to have a good time."
Lydia: nods as Greg talks then pulls back and gives soft smile. "yeah, i didn't say anything to her, i mean i didn't know. i guess it just stuck out because she was the lady that kicked from the Allaince for the trouble she started in new hope city." 
Lydia: (c) her hands come up to her chin as she ponders on the womans name for a moment. "yeah i think hear name was Thea, Yeah Thea quin they she has become very unstable since being removed from her on postion. " she lets out a shrug 
Lydia: (c) " but it  doesn't matter she is just another person with to much money, and nothing to do with it. So what else would the two of you like to have to drink tonight ?" 
Essex: looks over at Greg then back to Lydia. "Yeah, Thea. I know her. I was glad the Alliance pulled out of the politics, we needed a pervert like Oaftres in office." He smirts, reaching into his pocket and retrieves his 
Essex: (*) wooden matchbox. He sits it down on the counter and twirls it in circles with his fingers a few times. "Mmm, bring me and Mr. Techagi here two shots of Bacardi 151 and Everclear, preferabbly in the same\
Essex: (*) glass." He nods, stopping the matchbox and pushing the side open, taking out a toothpick. He places the end of the toothpick between his teeth, chewing on it. "So, Techagi, what's doing?"
Greg: waves off Essex's offer slightly, "No more for me, I've had enough for now." Greg stood up from his bar stool and shifted his attire slightly, rubbing down the sleaves of his long-coat in a rather professional manner, "We'll have to talk
Greg: (C) some other time, Mr. Lillah.  Business calls and I've slacked off long enough." Greg winks to him and then gives Lydia an award winning smile, "Do try and not get him too drunk, my dear. I know we are supposed to cater to the wants of
Greg: (C) the client, but Mr. Lillah here tends to get a bit touchy feely when he's had too much to drink." His smile shifts into a grin as he turns around and disappears through a pair of doors, waving over his shoulder at the two.
Lydia: watches as Greg waves over his back. "it must be cool to have things rolling so great for you." she turns back to Essex holding up one finger at him to let him know that she was about to jump right on making his drink for him. 
Lydia: (c) after few seconds she turns back and slides the drink over toward him. "hope you like it." just then Kim sticks her head out calling for Lydia. <Kim> "Lydia, your shift for this level is up Meg is going to take over next." Kim gives a quick wa
Lydia: (c) wave at Essex before ducking back in to the back. "Oh well, Meg will take good care of you Sr. " smiles while slightly bowing toward him before making her way toward the back as well. 
Tiernan: sighed and let his eyelids droop - so much of his time was wasted on the cloak-and-dagger, the clandestine, the worthless elite. "I'll have a soft drink. I'm not in the mood for alcohol." His mind had to stay clear, focused. One 
Tiernan: (c) slip-up and he'd be dead. He'd crossed too many people. He wearily let his head smack against the bar and closed his eyes. Let them sneak up on me, he thought. Let one of them stab me in the back - right here - right now. 
Tiernan: (c) Saving the world is getting tedious. Wonder where Oaf is... maybe out chasing around some teenage jailbait, I could use his help now. 
Lydia: steps out from behind the back room letting out a long hard stretch while yawning, "finaly off of work ! it's been a long day." she say throwing her book bag over her shoulders heading for the door until someone catches her 
Lydia: (c) eye. it was the man from before the one telling her how evil this place was, and it wasn't hard for her to believe him at this point. ( There he is, he looks really down.) she looks both ways scanning the room before walking over toward him. 
Lydia: (c) "hi there," her voice caring in a low tone over his shoulder. "You look down, uh you don't mind if i take a seat do you ?" 
Usagi: - It had been a long day indeed. Usagi had been working on her shop as well as some of the other things she had taken on, such as getting some of the systems back up and running. Nonetheless, it was closing time, and she shut the door to her busin
Usagi: -c- business with a smile. Greg had called her and asked her to dinner tonight, and for old time's sake, she agreed. After all, they had a lot of catching up to do. She made her way towards the place that he had told her about, looking at the door
Usagi: -c- door. "Cerberus club?" She shrugged her shoulders and headed in, looking around to see if she couldn't spot him.
Oafy: deepy belly laughs hard at the sight of the white suit of armour laced with gold trimming. "Rini will be jealous she 
Oafy: - on the counter. "Have it sent to City Hall?" Without another word, the Oaf salutes the blacksmith with two fingers and marches out of the blacksmiths store. Incidentally, New Hope City has a blacksmith for no apparent reason. Walking through
Oafy: - HIS city, Oafy makes his way to what looked like the stereotypical bar across the street. "S'time for drinks," he whispers more to himself, brushing past a few drunks on the outside, slipping into the joint.
Oafy: deepy belly laughs hard at the sight of the white suit of armour laced with gold trimming. "Rini will be jealous she isn't a full grown man when I don this," he jests while chuckling. After a polite nod to the designer, he drops a wad of bills
Greg: -*- A man with platinum silver hair and sky blue eyes looked precariously at a table that had been set up.  This section of the Cerberus Club was for those patrons who desired a dark and quiet environment for which to converse in, enjoy
Greg: (C) each others company or any other activity they wished to engage in.  The walls had been padded with a dense, but thin, sound proofed material that almost ensured the noise from the other sections of the Club would not be heard here.
Greg: (C) There was however a light music that played within this area, almost as though it were simply part of the background.  The man puffed lightly on a half-spent cigarillo as he nodded his approval at the set up that had been arranged.
Greg: (C) When Greg invited people, he played to their strengths most of the time, it made them enjoy the experience more, "Maitre'd?" "Yes, Mr. Techagi?" "Ensure that Ms. Tsukino is escorted here upon her arrival. And get one of the servers to
Greg: (C) bring me some red wine." "Yes, sir. Right away." The maitre'd hustled off in a hurry as Greg pulled out a chair at his table, a pair of candles graced the center of the table and the lights in the room were dimmed to an acceptable
Greg: (C) level, "Vanity..." Greg remarked idly as he sat down in the chair and grinned, a stream of smoke exiting his mouth, "Is definitely my favorite sin."
Usagi: wasn't used to being seen in so quickly to a restaraunt that apparently looked as well kept as this one. She was still wearing a tan dress that went to about her knees, more or less looking presentable as a business owner, yet not as nice as she w
Usagi: -c- wished she was in such a place. "Ms. Tsukino?" She swerved her head to look at a man who was dressed as one of the waiters of the area. "Yes?" "I have been instructed to bring you with me. This way, if you please" She follows the man back towa
Usagi: -c- towards the back of the restaraunt while her eyes continue to wander about the place, taking in the sights and smells. When they arrive, the door is opened for her, and she walks in, looking around. "Wow...geez...I didn't know you could make a
Usagi: -c- reservation like this, Greg..."
Essex: -*- The glass elevator hums quietly as it descends from the penthouse of the Cerberus Club tower. Essex leans against the back wall of it, staring at the floor with his hands in his pockets. He takes a deep breath,
Essex: (*) pulling out his cell phone and dialing a number. He got Greg's voicemail. "Hey Greg, it's 'sex, the maintainence crew, albeit three hours late, finally got around to repairing the light fixture and gettin' the carpet
Essex: (*) replaced where the stain was. Have fun on your date, be a gentlemen, and I expect you home by midnight, Mister." He says mockingly, hanging up his phone. He slides the phone back into his pockets,
Essex: (*) yawning softly as the elevator touched down on the level with the bar. The doors slide open and Essex steps out onto the floor, looking around for anyone he knew. 
Tiernan: sat bolt upright. He'd begged for it, but he didn't expect someone to ambush him like that. "Uh, yeah!" he said, rather hastily, still shaking off his tired stupor. He turned, able to just barely catch Usagi's eye as she entered 
Tiernan: (c) the club. He mouthed 'what are you doing here' with an incredulous look on his face. Turning to his guest he invited her to follow him as he immediately followed Usagi.
Lydia: tugs her backpack abit while watching Tiernan eyes fall dead on a woman who had just come inside. "eh? okay." She looked back toward the bar to see Kim shaking her head, Lydia just shrugs her shoulders and follows right behind him.
Lydia: (c) "I was thinking about what you said, and I want to know more!" she says while trying to stay close to Tiernan but not to close. " i mean if it is like that,  then what do you plan to do? and who is that and whats going on ?"her face starts to 
Lydia: (c) really confused. 
Greg: glanced up from the candle flames to the entrance of the dining area of the room in the Cerberus Club and smirked gently, standing out of his chair as a formality and motioned for to the seat across the table, "Bonjour, Madam." He greeted
Greg: (C) her in a suave manner and chuckled lightly as she was lead to the table by the maitre'd, "Make a reservation like this?" Greg looked around with an exaggerated sweeping motion of his hand, and laughed, "My good dear, I am one of the owners
Greg: (C) and operators of this establishment!" He laughed out loud at this statement before sitting down with the girl, just as a waiter came with a glass of red wine and two wine glasses, filling the glasses half-way up before placing the
Greg: (C) bottle at the end of the table and disappearing into the background with a bow.  Greg smirked gently at Usagi, "Your mother threatened to have my head on a pike if you did this." His grin teased at his lips, as though the idea of
Greg: (C) Serenity killing him was almost too funny to not laugh at.
Tiernan: followed Tsukino into the dining hall, but motioned to Lydia to wait outside. "This'll only be a moment." he muttered, then briskly approached Usagi. Her fighter's senses were strong enough to make her aware that Tiernan was 
Tiernan: (c) approaching from behind. "Don't say anything." he said, as he slipped something into her purse. "Just have a dandy ol' chat with our good friend, Greg. Passing in front of her he made himself present for Greg. "Good evening, 
Tiernan: (c) sir. It's about the previous... assignment you gave me. I'm having trouble locating the... associate." He expected feigned ignorance, he expected Usagi to ask questions, he was inserting himself in a dangerous situation, 
Tiernan: (c) but if they didn't catch on one party or another would look like a bumbling fool.
Oafy: exits the shanty bar on the nasty end of the city, five polar bears and two tequilas later. Though he's having problems standing without swaying, the halfbreed seems to speak rather normally. "Fine! I don't need your damn bar," he shouts
Oafy: - at the man blocking the entrance now. After a couple of minutes of stumbling around town, the Cerberus Club comes into his sights. He had heard many things about the place, mostly that only a 'somebody' could get in. "Just so happens I'm a
Oafy: - somebody. Skeet, skeet, bouncer. Skeet, skeet." The bouncer at the front dodges Oafy's approach, perhaps out of respect for him 'owning' New Hope, or maybe out of fear he would get sprayed. Inside now, he seems a bit more collected, standing
Oafy: - with a bit more control. "To the bar," the declaration of intent is made aloud, making his way hesitantly towards the bar counter, with minimal wobbling. "Bartender! A round of shots!" He gestures towards those nearest to the counter.
Usagi: blinked as she felt Tiernan walk up behind her. She felt the barest sense of extra weight in her purse, but for the moment didn't question it. She looked at the group of them oddly before sighing and taking a seat. However, upon Greg's announcemen
Usagi: -c- announcement that he was one of the owners, she had to blink again in surprise. "Wow...didn't think you'd make it somewhere like this, Greg. I have to say I'm impressed" She looked at Tiernan again as he spoke, furrowing her brow. She had no i
Usagi: -c- idea, so for once she stayed quiet.
Greg: furrowed his brow at Tiernan slightly, he had not expected one of his subordinates to approach him during an event where he had specifically told everyone that this was to be a -private- engagement, "Mr. Wu'Sha..." Greg's tone was one of
Greg: (C) slight annoyance mixed with an appropriate amount of curiosity, he wasn't really sure what Tiernan was talking about, "I seem to recall informing the staff that I did not wish to be disturbed during this time.  While I understand that
Greg: (C) business is business and it must be conducted in a timely and efficient manner. I also understand that my business is all in order for this evening." Greg pondered Tiernan's words for a few more moments before he gave his last
Greg: (C) response to the halfbreed, "Mr. Wu'Sha, I will also say this.  It is in very poor taste to come to me with this information at this point. Any other time during the day and I would not have minded in the slightest.  However, at this
Greg: (C) moment, we can not discuss business. I'm here on pleasure, not business.  Now..." Greg looks up at Tiernan and smiles at him in a rather professional manner, "If you'll excuse us.  Miss Tsukino and I have some catching up to do."
Tiernan: politely bows with the most disheartening look on his face, as though he'd just injured the person on the planet he most adored. "My sincerest apologies, Mr. Techagi. I will try to be more... aware of your business plans in the 
Tiernan: (c) future." he bowed low, stepped back a few paces and turned toward Usagi. He closed the distance between them and in the quietest of whispers, barely above fly in the wind "He has secrets." then narrowed his eyes. Another 
Tiernan: (c) gracious bow and he vanished behind Usagi. "Lydia, let us be gone from this place. I have an associate I'd like you to meet."
Lydia: stops in her tracks giving a slight not to tiernan. "okay" is all she could get out before Tiernan was gone. "man can tonight get even weirder ? " she lets out a low sigh while tapping her right foot, and looking at her watch. "come on."
Lydia: watches Tiernan walk right pass her after that little stunt that he had pulled. "man if i done something like that Greg would throw me out so fast my face would hit the floor before my feet, hey wait up!" she says before jogging 
Lydia: (c) behind him. "were are we going? am i asking to many questions ? not enough quiestions?" an odd look of confusion mixxed with alot of excitement on her face. 
Oafy: checks his wallet, eyes widening at the total lack of funds therein. "... Yeah. Round of shots for the lot of you." In that instant, Oafy evaporates into shade, his body replaced by a shadow that, too, vanishes there after. Reappearing back at
Oafy: - City Hall, the place Oafy continously considers renaming 'Castle Kessoku' as a joke statement, he proceeds down the main hall, taking a left a moment of walking. Now in the 'secret laboraty' that once belonged to the past senator of the city,
Oafy: - Oafy hops aboard the metal bed, next to the inactive omega droid. "Well, just you and me now, amigo... I wonder if you can do tricks if I turn ya on...?"
Tiernan: smiled at Lydia. She was simple, and pure, he probably shouldn't have brought her into this. But if he didn't, Greg would have. He'd have made a tool of her. A hostage if the mood suited him, a sacrifice if the need arised. 
Tiernan: (c) "You're asking just the right amount. In just the right presence. If you'd asked these questions in front of Greg, who knows what would happen." they walked a few more paces, then Tiernan stopped. The entire area grows 
Tiernan: (c) darker. "This should be good enough. We're out of range of those who would spy on us, we'll be fine. You asked earlier what I was going to do about The Club. This is what." he took her hand and Slid Sideways. She gave a 
Tiernan: (c) slight yelp - then contained herself. The feeling of slick oil gripping the skin, the cold, clammy, choking air, it was brief but so alien that it would make anyone queasy on their first trip. When they Came Through, they 
Tiernan: (c) were in Oaf's precious underground lab. He saw that hid old playtoy - the old Omega droid - was sitting where he deposited it last.
Jeckel: took his first steps off of his ship and onto the planet Earth for the first time in weeks. The ship was much like a giant saiyan space pod which was somehow fitting for the general of a saiyan army. Jeckel's hair was spiked up and glowing golden,
Jeckel: <C> the signs of the first super saiyan transformation. As he stepped further out, two other saiyan warriors followed him, both in the usual saiyan garb, armor and black spandex body suit. "You two go establish yourselves in New Hope. Report anyth
Jeckel: <C> anything of interest." The two saiyans nodded with a 'yes sir!' and took off towards New Hope. Jeckel grinned, he was now the highest ranking general in the whole of the saiyan army, his only superior was the King of Vegeta but he felt that wo
Jeckel: <C> would change, someday. For now though, Jeckel had other plans.
Usagi: watched as Tiernan passed by her and whispered something. She almost didn't catch it, but she did. She finally took that seat and smiled over at Greg. "so, how are things going in City hall nowadays? I've been a bit busy so I haven't had much chan
Usagi: -c- chance to check on you guys in there. Too many computer systems are down around here, and I don't know of many others capable of fixing them..." She sighs softly and looks at the wine for a moment.
Oafy: hops off the metal bed, rushing toward the two arrivals with excitement. "Tiernan! Good to see you, pal, howzit hanging?" The signs of a less than sober state were clear, but for the most part he remains sober-acting. "And... Girl," he
Oafy: - says in a complimentary manner, eye humping the fuck out of Lydia for the longest time. "What do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" Though the green eyes of Oaftres remain fixated on Lydia, the question is more directed out of the corner of his
Oafy: - lips to Tiernan. 'For a guy I thought to have been dead, or something, he sure is showing up a lot...'
Greg: raised an eyebrow as Tiernan passed Usagi and muttered... something under his breath.  Whatever it was he had muttered wasn't audible to Greg but the fact that something was spoken was known. If Greg was disturbed by this event he
Greg: (C) did not bother to show it as Usagi finally took her seat and began immediately talking about work.  Greg waved a hand to silence the woman and after her little chat about computers being broken she did.  Greg shook his head slightly,
Greg: (C) "I did not invite you here so that we could... 'talk shop' as the saying goes.  I invited you here so that we could catch up on old times.  I will have none of this talk about work or politics.  Besides, I despise the political
Greg: (C) arena.  Everybody lying through their teeth just to climb another notch on the political ladder, get that extra dollar for 'compaign funding' when everyone knows they spend it on cheap drinks and cheaper women." Greg's face takes the 
Greg: (C) appearance of him having tasted something foul and he grabs his wine glass and sips at a bit of wine, "So anway... So terribly sorry about that intrusion.  I'm... not really sure what it was all about." Greg grinned slightly
Greg: (C) as though to make up for the intrusion, "How's the family? How did you make your way here? I had not thought anyone had survived really."
Usagi: nods softly as she stops talking shortly after he waves his hand. "Alright...that works for me..." She looks around a bit. "I still can't believe you landed here...well...we saw it coming, in all honesty. Myself, Toshio, Rini, and my mother all ma
Usagi: -c- managed to...jump. We used the Silver Crystal that I relocated...and will likely have to do so again, if it didn't shatter with the stress of interdimensional travelling. But we all made it here"
Xerokine: -*- A shadowed corner of the club seemed to ripple for a moment as a cloaked man calmly stepped out of the wall and made straight for Techagi. Besides the sword slung across his back and the papers he was impatiently rifling 
Xerokine: -*- through in his hands, he was a fairly normal individual. Black hair worn in a casual style, golden-brown eyes that flicked up and down the notations on the papers, he stopped in front of Techagi's table. "Hey Usagi," he said 
Xerokine: -*- absently. "Techagi, you need to come with me. Long story short, I'm trying to build this army to combat Essex, but it's not going well because the quinbreed and the pedophile are busy playing with the humans. Wanna help?" He 
Xerokine: -*- paused and blinked. "Are you on a date? With a human?"
Jeckel: floated upwards and flew off towards New Hope, closing the 30 or so mile difference between the city and his ship in a matter of minutes. He floated down and touched his feet to the pavement of the city streets and began walking, with no particula
Jeckel: <C> particular direction in mind. He had meant to look for Oafy once he got here, but he wasn't quite sure where and how to find the other halfbreed. He simply hoped that his super saiyan power level would alert someone, if not Oafy, to his presen
Jeckel: <C> presence here. "Everyone seems connected somehow anyway..."
Lydia: blinks here  eye's for amoment she gives a slight bow before Oafy. "Okay so, here we are. can someone please feel me in on whats going?" she gazes around the room for a moment then back at  oafy "and what the heck do you do here?" 
Greg: rubbed his chin thoughtfully as an appetizer of french bread and olive oil was brought out as well as a pair of menus, "The crystal shattered you say? That's unfortunate... though I can honestly same I'm in the same boat.  Certain
Greg: (C) ... sa...cri...fi..." Greg turned and watched the cloaked man approach from the corner of the dark dining area.  Greg turned to look at Usagi and merely shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose as though this action would
Greg: (C) alleviate how badly this night had turned out, "I can't believe this is happening..." Greg muttered under his breath and then looked back up at Xerokine, "Damnit." He said in a slightly disappointed tone, "I was hoping that if I
Greg: (C) closed my eyes long enough you would just disappear. I guess my today just isn't my day.  First, the light fixture didn't get fixed when it was supposed to. Then the blood stain from last night didn't get cleaned up until just
Greg: (C) recently.  Then one of my employees decided to barge in and start babbling about not being able to locate someone.  And now -you- show up and tell me you're raising an ARMY to combat one of our business partners!?" Greg looked
Greg: (C) up at Xerokine, refusing to get out of his chair, he was going to enjoy this dinner damnit, "ARe you honestly that bored that you want to raise an army? Come on Caeruleus, I expected something like this from Oaftres or Shim..."
Greg: (C) Speaking of pedophile's and quinbreeds, "But not you. And yes... I'm having dinner, with a -human-.  Most other species aren't even civil enough to go on dates! If I was in the mood to be beaten, I'd have dinner with a Saiyan.  If I
Greg: (C) was in the mood to look like just as much meat as my meal, I'd have dinner with a biodroid. If I wanted to date a midget, I'd have dinner with an icer.  If I wanted a woman with tentacles, A mutant. A blow up doll? Android. And don't even
Greg: (C) get me start on Nameks...I don't even know if they HAVE women. So yes! I'm on a date... with a -human-!"
Usagi: blinks several times. This dinner most certainly wasn't going as she thought a dinner normally did, and Greg was certainly agreeing by the way he dressed down Xerokine. "If...this is a bad time..." She had to be polite, though she thought he'd lik
Usagi: -c- likely tell her to stay and then tell Xerokine to beat it.
Xerokine: -*- "Well, really, I'm raising the army to take over a small country. Essex is just an excuse," he explained conversationally, stealing a chair from a nearby table to join the other two. "See, Oaftres is worried that Essex will 
Xerokine: -*- use his army of obscenely powerful wardroids to take over his city, and Tiernan is worried that Essex will slaughter people in the process. I've been rather bored lately since nothing interesting has been happening, so I figured I'd 
Xerokine: -*- make a bid at conquering Earth." His arm snaked out and stole a piece of bread from the complementary basket. "Oh, hey Usagi. No, no trouble. Actually, I've been looking for you too." Xerokine waved the butter knife at her as he 
Xerokine: -*- slathered a coating into the bread. "Could you design a computer virus that can be retransmitted by the target via radio waves to other units communicating with it?"
Jeckel: the chicks are less hairy...
Greg: rolled his eyes back until he was practically looking at the ceiling, his mouth hanging slightly due to a slack jaw, this night had officially hit rock bottom.  Greg slowly lowered his head into the palm of his hands and shook his head
Greg: (C) slowly, face palming fully at this moment.  He finally looked over at Xerokine, who had stuffed half of the bread into his mouth and was now chewing it obstinately, "If you'll excuse us a moment." Greg grabbed Xerokine by the collar and
Greg: (C) lifted him out of his chair and stood up, carrying the saiyan over into the corner, "Look... my plans for this evening have already been shot to shit, okay? You're not helping in the slightest. Whatever un-boring thing you have going
Greg: (C) I'm in on the basis that you leave.  Right now. Or I blow a hole in you like I did CryBaby McCutMyself Lillah, okay?"
Jeckel: sighed, it was to be expected, he guessed. His soldiers hadn't reported anything, which means nothing was really happening. "All for the better, just means they'll be more lulled into weakness when the time comes." He smiled slightly and then frow
Jeckel: <C> frowned as his stomach growled. He looked around and headed into one of the near by buildings. The bouncer had a few words about Jeckel's entry, and that was all, the bouncer wouldn't be speaking for weeks with his jaw in that kind of shape. J
Jeckel: <C> Jeckel continued onward, wandering through some sort of nightclub, at least he determined it to be so. He sighed and continued wandering through, eventually making his way to some sort of dimly lit resturaunt area. He sat at a table near Greg,
Jeckel: <C> Usagi, and Xerokine and waited to be served. "Why do humans like to eat in such low light?" He grumbled as he toyed with a salt-shaker.
Tiernan: stalked across the room and gave Oaf a light thwap of the head. "Enough. We're here to introduce Lydia to the craziness that is the Cerberus Cabal. I wanted to explain to her how each of the three leaders are trying to make a 
Tiernan: (c) bid for power. Each of them is going to destroy their third of the world to do so. They're not really powerful by themselves, but they'll tear apart the planet to meet their aims. Look I'm not trying to save the world. 
Tiernan: (c) I'm just trying to... Nevermind. This location isn't secure enough. Anyways, let's go. Someone who might be able to help just arrived..." and with that he began to stride toward the traditional exit to the building.
Tiernan: nodded to Oaf and left Lydia in his care, though he was sure she wouldn't be as pure the next time they met. "Ugh. Educate her on the finer points of the Cabal. Outfit her in SynTech. I'm going to meet with the boss...es... 
Tiernan: (c) They'll be expecting me." Stepping Sideways he appeared none he worse in Greg's dining hall, though this time far more ceremoniously. "Excuse me, sir." he stated, stepping through the thoroughfare to avoid the light as 
Tiernan: (c) much as possible. He didn't need to draw his boss's anger much more tonight. He turned at the door and said "And Mr. Techagi, sir, I apologize for my earlier intrusion. It will never happen again." he saluted smartly and turned to leave.
Usagi: sighs and looks at Xerokine. "While I'll definitely think on that, Xerokine...I was hoping to have something resembling a quiet dinner tonight" She smiles softly. "Catch me tomorrow and I'll see what I can do on it" She watches as Greg hauls him o
Usagi: -c- over to a corner and tries to listen to them speak, but fails miserably. All she can do is sit here and wonder how things went downhill, finding it very amusing that it was neither her or Greg's fault.
Xerokine: quirked an eyebrow as he let himself be dragged into the shadowed corner of the club by Techagi, jamming the rest of the bread into his mouth as the halfbreed ranted in a hissed whisper. "Sounds good," he decided. "Now, 
Xerokine: -*- what I mainly need is more soldiers. I have a few humans who can do stuff like fly and have limited energy control teaching the others, as well as an outcast Saiyan who is more or less in-charge of the camp and some black Icer 
Xerokine: -*- who is wandering around finding some recruits and building a task squad," Xerokine explained in a loud whisper, seemingly oblivious to the man nearby with the brightly glowing hair. People should stop using expired hair gel. 
Xerokine: -*- Especially the radioactive stuff. "The whole thing is being set up in the mountains, but it's not something you can do in secret, you know? Get more recruits from disillusioned teens and people who want the loot, plunder, and raping if 
Xerokine: -*- you spread the word a bit. But it'd be best if I had a few more people to help run stuff. Know anyone? Maybe former or current generals from other planets who already manage a large number of troops and would be willing to defect 
Xerokine: -*- to be under my command because conquering humans is more fun then training in garrisons under some snooty king?"
Jeckel: stopped toying with the salt shaker when he heard Xerokine's words. Well, mainly the word 'Icer' that caught his attention to the rest of the conversation. "Icer..!?" Jeckel stood up and looked in Xerokine and Greg's direction, it was obvious the 
Jeckel: <C> one that was stuffed against the wall was the blabbermouth. As the cornered one finished his little speech, Jeckel spoked up. "Hey, I have my sights on Earth, save yourself some time and stop your little rag-tag bunch where it is." He smirked 
Jeckel: <C> a bit and then looked towards the table he was previously sitting near, noticing Usagi. His smirk turned into a smile and he pulled out a chair and sat in it right next to the human female. "Hey there, long time no see. You on a date with one 
Jeckel: <C> of those clowns in the corner there?"
Greg: 's face scrunches up slightly at Xerokine, "I know a guy in the Icerian Army, he's a ranked guy though I haven't spoken with him in a while.  I've also got a mutant under contract on Myuutanto who won't take much talking to to defect.
Greg: (C) Now... could you get the he-" Greg turned his head slightly to look back, only to see that some guy with...glowing...hair had decided to show up as well and Greg's vocabulary was suddenly limited to a very long slur of
Greg: (C) hissed cuss words that were spouted off in rapid fire succession under his breath, "Okay..." Greg growled under his breath, sounding more feral than usual, "Get out." Greg reached underneath his long-coat and pulled out a black and
Greg: (C) and gold .45 Desert Eagle and point it at the glowy haired freak, "I tried to be nice." He cocks the guns hammer back with his thumb, "I tried to be civil." Bolts of dark energy began to dance around Greg's hand and the gun in it as he
Greg: (C) infused the weapon with his own dark energies, "Now, I'm pissed.  You aren't even getting a warning." Greg pulls the trigger and a hollow point is launched directly at the glowy haired freaks head.
Usagi: gasps in surprise at Jeckel's entry and scoots away from him slightly. "What the heck? Jeckel?" She turns to look at Greg...who seems to have lost it. She heard the stream of curses...and was tempted to repeat them herself. This night had gone to 
Usagi: -c- hell in a handbasket, and they hadn't had any time to catch up at all, save for her telling him how she got here. "What is..." She trails off as Greg pulls the gun out, and ostensibly makes her way away from Jeckel, who was apparently the cent
Usagi: -c- center of his ire right now. "oooookaaaay..." Then he fires, and she about screams.
Tiernan: 's eyes widened as Greg drew his gun. The hammer dropped. The bullet fired a hollow -ting- rang out. A SynTech blade bit the air and the bullet thudded to a halt, the blade glimmering with energy, still vibrating from the 
Tiernan: (c) strike. "Allow me, sir." is all he states, turning his back and making very plaintive efforts to remove Jeckel. "I understand, dear General, please, let us find a quieter place to discuss your conquest of Earth." he 
Tiernan: (c) pandered, turning and winking to Greg who looked only slightly more tolerable to his and Jeckel's presence. "Xerokine, friend. You should... go. We'll talk about your army in a moment, let's meet outside." Tiernan bowed to 
Tiernan: (c) Greg and ushered the the two toward the back door.
Xerokine: blinked in momentary confusion as the sudden series of interruptions, gunshots, and girly screams. The club was already starting to empty from the people in a panic, but Xerokine decided to take Tiernan's advice and 
Xerokine: -*- move them to a less disruptive locale. "Right then," he said, glancing back over his shoulder toward the seething Techagi. "Call me about the conquering Earth thing, eh?" With only a cocky grin at Usagi and a jaunty wave toward 
Xerokine: -*- Techagi, Xerokine casually grabbed both Tiernan and Jeckel by the shoulder. The three of them promptly vanished in a swirling cloud of black smoke, leaving the club a tad calmer then it had been before. Meanwhile, on the peak of 
Xerokine: -*- a rather tall mountain a few hundred miles west of the city, a cloud of black smoke swirled into existence and disgorged the three fighters. "So," Xerokine started, dusting his hands off as he walked a few steps along the 
Xerokine: -*- cliffside. "You already have your sights on Earth? I think it might serve your interests better if you joined up with me, Jeckel."
Jeckel: smile turned to a frown at Usagi's reaction. He was hoping for a slightly warmer reception but should of known better. Last time he talked to the woman he had broken into her house and eaten her cereal. Why would he care anyway, she was human and 
Jeckel: <C> had child baggage. He sighed, one of the guys in the corner lost it and pulled a primitive human weapon on him. He heard the gun cock and silently raised a barrier just above his skin, then the hammer fell and a metal sounding -TINK- echoed ou
Jeckel: <C> out, which wasn't the right sound. He looked up at Tiernan who's sword had apparently stopped the oncomming bullet. "Hey, now wait a min-" He was cut off as he was being ushered off the same man who blocked the bullet. Just as he opened his mo
Jeckel: <C> mouth to say something his shoulder was grabbed and he was suddenly at the top of a mountian. Instant transmission no doubt, but it was still dissorienting if it wasn't expected. "...Damnit..ugh.." He pinched the bridge of his nose and looked 
Jeckel: <C> up at Xerokine. "Listen, I'm not interested in doing this for some personal domination scheme by some random guy..Saiyan or not. If you want to join up with the army, go ahead. Earth is low on the list, I'm destroying Freezar first and foremos
Greg: growls lightly, revealing obviously his more Saiya-jin side as the three depart, leaving him holding his gun, smoke coming from the barrel after he fired his round. He then looks over at Usagi who looked about ready to run herself, or
Greg: (C) scream, or thinking she was going to get shot next. Greg looked back at the smoking gun and then scratched his head lightly with the barrel, chuckling to himself, "Man..." He comments in a rather conversational tone, "It sure is
Greg: (C) amazing what one bullet can do." He coughs loudly at this, as though he were trying to cover up something before holstering the Desert Eagle underneath his long-coat again and taking a seat.  Greg merely sat there for a moment and took
Greg: (C) in several deep breaths, suddenly very grateful for the sound proofing he had put around this room.  Placing his hands in front of him and intertwining his fingers he closed his eyes and took in one final deep breath, "So..." He said
Greg: (C) as he breathed out, "Where were we again?"
Usagi: closed her eyes as Greg growled softly. She wasn't afraid of getting the next shot, she understood why he did it. She just hadn't thought he would have reacted that badly. "Yea...it is...though next time, just shoot for the face..." She takes seve
Usagi: -c- several deep breaths herself, trying to calm herself down after the entire hullabalootenany. "We were...trying to catch up on old times, and I haven't touched any of the food yet"
Greg: coughs again, covering his mouth in the process, "Yes. Well..." Greg motions to the pair of menus that had been placed in front of them, "Feel free to have whatever you like.  In Cerberus Club, we serve only the best." The statement
Greg: (C) he had just made sounded like a rehearsed line from a commercial, it was terribly hokey. Very... Hokey. Ahem, anyway, Greg looked off into one of the dark corners and saw one of the waiters still standing there, looking like he was
Greg: (C) about to stew in a pool of his own urine, "You." Greg only said one word and then motioned for the man to come here with his finger.  The man slowly came up next to the table and looked to tremble so hard that he would literally fall
Greg: (C) apart on himself, "Order whatever you like, Miss Tuskino."
Tiernan: cocked and eyebrow. "Subtle. At least we got out of Greg's hair. It's a good thing Jeckel was there, otherwise Greg would've turned his gun on you." he gave Jeckel a cheesy smirk: "Oaf told me about you. Brash, just like most Saiyans. 
Tiernan: (c) That's cool though, you can't be worse than Xerokine. Anyways, Earth's next to be conquered, eh?" Hmm... Tiernan briefly contemplated letting the Saiyans grab Earth. The earthlings would eventually break free of the Saiyan grip. 
Tiernan: (c) The 'Saiyans' were far easier to hate and rally against than a lone saiyan whose connections seem as endless as Greg's. "Well, that sucks. When do you plan to begin the invasion?" he said, almost 
Tiernan: too 
Tiernan: (c) convincingly, he wasn't sure whether or not he believed himself, then he turned to Xerokine. "And you? When's your rag-tag band beginning it's conquering of Earth? Or more likely, a small country. Perhaps you two could get together 
Tiernan: (c) and take over... nevermind." He wasn't about to turn them both against him by spouting sarcasm. "So... what's the plan? You're just going to stand around and let Greg off you, or take up arms with Jeckel, here?"
Usagi: only now noticed the waiter. She could tell he had likely already emptied his bowels, and was only looking for an excuse to get the hell out of the room. "Umm...thank you. I'd like to have...I don't know what I'd like to have right now...my stomac
Usagi: -c- stomach was the last thing on my mind a minute ago..." She looks at Greg helplessly, not sure what to ge tnow.
Xerokine: snorted. "You're not destroying anything," he replied matter-of-factly as he paced the side of the cliff. "As I recall, you're part of the Saiyan standing army. Which is currently at peace with all the other races, including 
Xerokine: -*- the Icerians. Unless the King declares war - unlikely - you'll be sitting on your haunches until the end of time." A light wind stirred the loose sand at his feet, sending a small rock skittering off the cliff's edge to fall into the mist 
Xerokine: -*- below. "I'm afraid I can't have that. You're just going to have to adjust your loyalties to me." Xerokine spun lightly on his heel, tilting his head to watch Jeckel through the corner of one golden-brown eye. "Once I have Earth, you 
Xerokine: -*- can have your way with Freezar." The wind suddenly intensified, swirling around with Xerokine at the center. Without warning, the air seemed to burst into flame, ribbons of red and white fire entwining around the man's form 
Xerokine: -*- like a living inferno. "You see, otherwise, you might become a bit of a nuisance. And with Essex to consider and Techagi's intentions unclear, that is something I cannot allow. Much like your interference, quinbreed." Xerokine's 
Xerokine: -*- eyes shone golden for a moment. "My army will begin the liberation of Earth from the pestilent corruption that now governs it when it is ready. And Techagi is my business, not your own. I suggest you remember that, and 
Xerokine: -*- choose your side wisely. I am extending the same offer to both of you. Join me. Both of you have things to gain from this triumph. And things to lose should you stay as you are. Well?"
Greg: smirked lightly as he did not even bother picking up a menu.  He looked up at the waiter, "I'll have the steak, and I want it to be mooing still when it comes to me, understood?" The waiter nodded vigorously, "And the lady will have the
Greg: (C) steamed lamb with the salad and the pomerigio sauce." The waiter nodded vigorously before scampering off into the background, Greg doubted he would see that waiter again for the night.  He would probably have to pay him a little extra to
Greg: (C) make up for the fact that he had soiled himself, "That should be enough for an appetizer." He commented idly, seeming to be oblivious that he had definitely just ordered two entrees.
Tiernan: looked sideways over the horizon, all his sense of tact' vanished. "Something urgent. Look, Xerokine, go play war, I'll consider joining, but I have to clear my plate first, lots of side projects, I'm sure you understand." a brief, 
Tiernan: (c) sarcastic smile - filled with poison. "Jeckel, Oaf and I have a few words to discuss with you, nothing too important, Oaf just wants to catch up on old times, and I... just have some questions for the general of the entire Saiyan race."
Tiernan: (c) he chuckled rather sheepishly. "Well, I'm off. And, y'know... you should really get better intelligence, I'd imagine I'm more aware of your surroundings than you are. Essex is planning on taking over New Hope City, Greg is planning 
Tiernan: (c) to stab you both in the back when the time is most convenient, and I... just want to live. I don't particularly give a shit who wins, just so long as there's a clear winner. I'm tired of the stupid politics you three play. 
Tiernan: (c) It's just that - stupid. Everyone sees your game but you. You all pretend to be civil, but at the drop of a hat, someone pulls a gun and starts shooting. I'm not on a 'side', I'm just trying to see the fewest people killed in your 
Tiernan: (c) inane grab for power. You seem like the most... far-sighted, and easily the most stable of the three, so I'll deeply consider your offer, but for now, I'm off. Jeckel, you'd probably better go collect the corpses of your scouts. 
Tiernan: (c) One of them was snooping around a particulaly dangerous neck of town owned by the Cerberus Club." with that speech concluded he vanished in the wind.
Usagi: nods softly and smiles. "Thank you Greg...I'm sorry all this stuff had to happen when we got together. Weird, though..." She sighed and looked off at the wall, looking at the decorations that adorned them. "So how'd you end up with a place like th
Usagi: -c- this anways?"
Jeckel: simply leered at Tiernan, something in his gut told him not to trust this one, well, neither of them for that matter. He grumbled something under his breath as Xerokine began his little speech. "You don't seem to get it, do you? Your little threat
Jeckel: <C> threats do not phase me. I am the highest ranking general in the whole of the millitary. I own it all, several hundred thousand saiyan soldiers, all under my command and all going through a revised riggorous training regime. The king has witne
Jeckel: <C> witnessed my climb to this rank personally..and I doubt he would have any objections to my destruction of Freezar." Jeckel's own aura began to flare slightly as his hair grew a few more inches and began to segment into even more spikes than be
Jeckel: <C> before, electricity began to dance around his aura, as if in response to Xerokine's own little display of power. He looked over in Tiernan's direction and watched him leave, turning his attention back to Xerokine. "To be honest, I could give a
Jeckel: <C> crap less what happens on this planet untill its time for me to put my full attention to it. And do you know what the full attention of a Saiyan general means? I suggest you think it over. Have your little squabble with the locals here, just d
Jeckel: <C> don't expect any help from me."
Greg: chuckled lightly at the adoration he suddenly recieved, it was always a pleasure, "Well..." He drawled out the word in a way that took way longer than it was supposed be as he rubbed his chin between his index finger and thumb, "I suppose
Greg: (C) I could say I snapped my fingers and -boom- it just happened.  But of course, that would be a bold faced lie.  And heaven forbid I be liar." He cough loudly at this statement, he had been doing a lot of that recently, "But in all
Greg: (C) honestly, there's a reason it's called Cerberus Club.  I am merely one of the heads of the guardian to the gates of hell you could say.  An associate of mine approached me with the idea of a club where the needs of the elite could be met
Greg: (C) in a pleasurable environment.  Discretion is our code. Privacy, our middle name. Ask us no questions and we shall tell you no lies..." Greg ran his finger across his wine glass in silent admiration, though of what is questionable, "So...
Greg: (C) naturally, I was all for it.  I took the position of owner and operator and the rest, as they say, is history..."
Xerokine: laughed in the man's face. "The attention of a Saiyan general? Don't make me laugh," he replied mirthfully. "Who do you think you're talking to? As if your pathetic attempt as posturing would work. Perhaps you've had better 
Xerokine: -*- luck with spineless humans or cowardly Icerians, but you are speaking to a fellow Saiyan. You presume too much." He half-turned away, facing the horizon. "And you know as well as I that the King would not simply allow 
Xerokine: -*- you to attack Freezar. Unless there are no brains in that skull, you must realize an all-out war against them would propell the other races to act. The Icerians are not all weaklings, and Vegeta can ill afford a war with six nations 
Xerokine: -*- unified against it." Xerokine spun, his narrowed eyes shining with intensity. "But a few rogue Saiyans, working with a 'rag-tag' army built up over time, a minor nuisance until it is too late could take this miserable planet. Suddenly 
Xerokine: -*- the humans are asking for aid, but you attack Freezar. Their attention would be split too many ways. Your only path to success is to aid me."
Usagi: chuckles softly to herself. "That doesn't surprise me in the least, Greg. You always tended to work like that" She raises her glass in a mock salute before taking a sip of the wine. "so you've done well for yourself. I'm glad to hear that" Her att
Usagi: -c- attention is once more drawn away from him by something. What it was, she wasn't sure, but just...something seemed off.
Greg: blinked at Usagi before raising an eyebrow and looking around, if there was something more important in this room than him, he wanted to know what it was.  He wanted to know what it was... so he could get rid of it, since everybody knows
Greg: (C) nothing is as important as Greg Techagi, "I'm sorry..." He says he keeps on looking around the room silently, "Is there something wrong with the decor? I personally oversaw the decorating of the Club.  If something seems amiss, by all
Greg: (C) means, tell me and I'll see if I can improve the environment."
Usagi: shakes her head softly. "No...it's not the decor...something just seems amiss. I can't quite put my finger on it..." She was thinking to herself, looking back at the wine and taking another sip. She hmmed softly to herself. Was it something she fo
Usagi: -c- forgot, or was it the total lack of people barging in to interrupt? She didn't know.
Jeckel: had to smirk at that one, he sometimes forgot he was dealing with saiyan born people when he visited Earth, simply because many of them tended to not display any of the saiyan cultural traits, most seemed to be as devious icers, working out many l
Jeckel: <C> little subtle plans just to further their own agendas. Sure, he was probably no different with his climb to power, but at least he was more direct and..well..bloody about it. "You really think the Icers have that many allies? The most they cou
Jeckel: <C> could probably get their hands on are the Andoirds and some mutant mercenaries, both at a very high price. This planet doesn't have the fighting power to make a difference to any army, even its own and the humans wouldn't want to get involved 
Jeckel: <C>  with the Icers anyway. Sure, the other races will act, but not all in the Icer's favor. There are plenty of other powerful races that would rather see the Icers scraped from existence. Could you imagine a contingent of Saiyan warriors bolster
Jeckel: <C> bolstered by a namek healer for each platoon?" Jeckel let out a laugh. "And the King has well acknowledged the very shaky truce we have with the icers, to be honest, he's simply waiting for them to slip up."
Greg: tilts his head slightly, a raised inquisitive eyebrow in place of what should've been a look of confusion was on his face, "You think something is amiss...?" Greg looked around once again when a waiter showed up with their meals.  Greg was
Greg: (C) right, the waiter was a different person, someone who had not been in the room when Greg had fired off his single shot.  He nodded to the waiter and gave a shooing motion with his hand and the waiter turned wordlessly and was gone,
Greg: (C) "Well..." Greg grabs a steak knife and a fork, slicing up the very red meat in front of him before taking a large bite that only someone of Saiya-jin descent could successfully accomplish, "Speak your mind.  Social taboos are non-
Greg: (C) existent within these walls."
Usagi: shrugs softly and looks at him helplessly. "I can't figure out what it is. And it's gunna bug me for the rest of the night..." The food arrives and her attention is quickly returned to the here and now, taking a knife and fork of her own to start 
Usagi: -c- eating her meal. "Wow...this is really good, Greg. You weren't kidding, were you?"
Greg: outstretched his arms, a steak knife in one hand and a fork in the other, a look of triumph on his face, "I told you.  At Cerberus Club, we serve only the best.  Most of our clients are willing to pay out the ass to get the best too.  That's
Greg: (C) what they get. The best for their money.  Most regular folk would never hope to see the insides of this building.  They would not make it past the front door.  With people like Mr. Wu'Sha watching it, I'm confident of that."
Usagi: smiles at Greg. "Then I'm glad I got to see it. So you hired Tiernan to guard the door? Quaint..." She smiles as she continues to eat, being polite and wiping her mouth when the time calls for it. She nods at him. "Thanks for inviting me, Greg. I 
Usagi: -c- I really appreciate it"
Xerokine: -*- "Don't be such a simpleton," Xerokine sighed in exasperation. "Of course they won't want to help the Icers. That's not the point. But if the Saiyans attack the Icers, the other races will be forced to act. Not out of friendship 
Xerokine: -*- or loyalty, but fear." Xerokine spun his finger, sketching seven circles in the air that glowed darkly in the evening light. "The humans have Earth, and it's lightly defended. But the androids orbit Earth in their station, which is 
Xerokine: -*- heavily armed and acts as a barrier to any attack from space," he explained calmly, flicking a finger at two of the circles as they floated off by themselves. "The Nameks have Namek, and by themselves are not formidable, but 
Xerokine: -*- as you pointed out, their abilities may them an asset to any existing force. The biodroids own Gerok, and make excellent trade troops to fill in gaps where the line is broken until it can be repaired. The modern swordsman, if 
Xerokine: -*- you will." Two more circles drifted off. "Then we have mutants and Myuutanto. Too varied for any one description. Mobile troops, perhaps. The Saiyans and Icers have Vegeta and Freezar. If the Saiyans attack Freezar, the 
Xerokine: -*- others will panic. They will assume the Saiyans will not stop there. Even if only Freezar is conquered, the balance of power is shifted. There are untold ramifications..." Xerokine trailed off, watching Jeckel's face. "This is 
Xerokine: -*- all over your head. I suppose I shouldn't have expected more from some so-called general who probably gained his rank by hitting all the smarter people on the head until they stopped breathing," he said sardonically. "If your 
Xerokine: -*- petty ambitions are satisfied by playing fiddler for the King and killing Icerians, then go."
Greg: shrugged lightly at Usagi as he chewed another abnormally large sized piece of steak and swallowed it in an almost comical manner, "Catching up with old friends, correct?" Greg chuckles as he downs the meat he had swallowed with whatever
Greg: (C) was left in his wine glass, "Please, feel free to come by any time.  From Mr. Wu'Sha's reactions to you, I doubt he would stop you from coming in anyway."  Greg poured himself another glass of wine and swirled it around thoughtfully, 
Greg: (C) "I do have one rule though.  When you come here, at least dress the part.  People here come to enjoy themselves and you look like you're ready to engage in a hostile takeover."
Jeckel: narrowed his eyes at the other Saiyan. "You know, you have a habbit of assuming way too much about someone you barely know." Jeckel's expression changed to a slight smirk, "Although I have to hand it to you, you do seem to blabber on endlessly to 
Usagi: blushes softly as her dress is commented upon. "Well...umm...I didn't have much time to change if I wanted to make it here on time...but I'll keep that in mind in the future. Thank you for a great dinner, Greg" She continued to eat her meal...like
Usagi: -c- likely past that which normal human women ate, yet it didn't seem to affect her in the least. "I really appreciate the offer, Greg. I'll likely take you up on it sometime also"
Jeckel: <C> the point where people are almost ready to agree with you." He crossed his arms. "I have far greater aspirations than to meddle in the affairs of one planet, from the sounds of it, lots of people are vying for power on this little planet, lots
Jeckel: <C> of aliens..lots of Saiyan blood." He grinned. "Do what you want here, no matter what it will seem to the humans as a saiyan attack. It won't really matter to me, honestly. Besides, I have more of a tie to Oaf than you. Besides, choosing betwee
Jeckel: <C> between serving under the king of Vegeta, and serving under some rogue saiyan, most likely not a citizen of any planet...well, it's a no brainer. You probably should of talked to a younger, less paid me." Jeckel clicked a button on the side of
Jeckel: <C> his scouter and then clicked it once more. "Now if you'll excuse me, I must get going." He put two fingers to his forehead and his form blinked a few times before completely dissapearing.
Xerokine: sighed. So much for that idea. But Jeckel had been an outside bet in any case. At the least, it seemed the so-called 'general' would not be interfering with his plans. The pathetic farce had been worth it to find that out. "Let 
Xerokine: -*- me see," he murmured, glancing at the setting sun. "Techagi is undoubtedly still playing with that human girl. What a pain. I'm almost tempted to screw this entire thing." He yawned widely, already bored. "Oh well. I'll have to find 
Xerokine: -*- Essex later. Maybe he knows where I can find a nice robotic army." With the breeze tossing his cloak, Xerokine turned and faded into the wind.
Greg: chuckled lightly, "This Club is a place of pleasure and leisure.  I would say it goes without saying that most people look the part here." His chuckle turns into a full blow laughter, his plate already empty, "Oh my..." He wipes away an
Greg: (C) imaginary tear, what Greg had actually found so amusing was unknown, his statement really wasn't that funny, "Oh well.  You could always come later then.  Cerberus Club never closes, we're here to cater to the wants and needs of our
Greg: (C) clients. 24/7." It was then that his phone buzzed against him inside one of his pockets, "Oh dear...excuse me..." He turns slightly, flipping open his phone, "Techagi." A long silence followed in which a muffled voice spoke to him.
Greg: 's face looked passive for most of the conversation and then it furrowed slightly, "Leeroy who? Jenkins...? Just ran into the Red Room you say?" Another slight pause, "Uh-huh... 32.3 percent chance, eh? Well...that's not good." A few more
Greg: (C) words are spoken to him.  Greg groaned loudly and sighed, glancing over at Usagi, "Okay. Okay. Look, just send in the rest of the party after him and remember to follow the plan chums. I'll be there shortly." Greg slapped the phone
Greg: (C) shut before pocketing it inside his long-coat, "Terribly sorry, my dear." Greg stands up, scooting his chair back to the table, "It seems I must cut our dinner short.  One of our more...brash clients went and did something rather fool-
Greg: (C) hardy it would seem. Do feel free to stay as long as you like.  If anyone gives you any lip, merely inform them that you are my guest of honor and they will cooperate post haste." Greg snapped his fingers and a pool of darkness formed
Greg: (C) underneath his feet, "Caio." And with that a semi-oval shaped dome of energy shot up from the pool of darkness and engulfed him.  A few moments passed and the dark portal seemed to collapse upon itself and dissipate into nothing.
Orii: - His domain was thriving, sex and drinking and business was occurring at exponential rates. Things were going as planned. Orii was satisfied, that lazy, bored, satisfied; he was warmed by the hard liquor he took shots of, warmed against the bitte
Orii: (C) bitter cold night. He sat on the same barstool he had during his last visit to Club Calab, drinking and watching the drunks around him, well, be drunk.
Lydia: Tugs on her bookbag before entering into the Club, a few people wave and nod as she makes her way throug the main floor toward the bar.  She was feeling good today even was abile to get to work on time today which left 
Lydia: (c) a soft smile painted on her face. "Well to night looks busy as all was." Kim nods at her from behind the bar before pushing another drink towar Orii Lillah. <Kim> "it's all yours Lydia i'll be around back." Kim gives a slight 
Lydia: (c) bow toward Orii before walking around back Lydia quickly taking her spot. "so how are you this fine night Mr Lillah?" 
Orii: - He shrugged. He was kinda buzzed, kinda hungry, but mostly just bored. "I'm okay, I guess. Bored. And... Just call me Orii." He didn't like anyone calling him 'Mr. Lillah'. Unless it was one of his hotter secretaries. He slid a few bills across 
Orii: (C) the table towards Lydia, "Just gimme a beer." He spoke lazily. Man, he was so glad he'd established the drinking age at sixteen years old... Oh, the beauty of co-owning a city. "You can keep the change." It was a wealthy tip, ten times the pri
Orii: (C) price of the drink.
Jeckel: walked into the Cerberus Club and headed over to the bar, his hair spiked up and golden blonde in the usual super saiyan one state. He sat down on a stool a few seats away from Orii and looked around, the place was decadent, and seemed to try and 
Jeckel: <C> pull off some sort of high class look yet it seemed to serve the sleasiest of people. No matter, this place was probably a magnet for the person he was actually looking for, but for the meantime, he looked straigh at Lydia. "Do you have any Sa
Jeckel: <C> Saiyan vodka here? If not, just give me the best you have."
Lydia: nods slight while Orii was talking "I must say working in SynCity really has it perks, I guess i was right for picking this place to work over New hope eh." she beams Orii big smile before pouring his drink along with a menu for 
Lydia: (c) the cooks specials for the night. "Just in case you feel the need to grab a bite to eat, So hows work for you Orii? it seems what you and you father do must be stressful work, you know being in charge of a whole city and all." 
Lydia: (c) turns toward the Jeckel nodding at a quistion she thought was to silly. "do you know where you are ? This is Club Calab! if it gets you lit, we got it!" 
Orii: - A sideways glance was directed at Jeckel, but nothing more. His attention returned to the conversation at hand, as he received the drink. "Thanks." He took a sip of the beer, hooking his feet through the legs of the stool and reclining slightly.
Orii: (C) "Its a really great place." Orii spoke, beckoning towards the club around them. Only the most rich and sophisticated, (well, if you had enough money, you didn't really have to be all that sophisticated) could get into the club, which rose ques
Orii: (C) questions in his mind about the scruffy man seated to his left. "And, I can't really say its all that tough... Especially when the city is full of such fine people." Which definition of 'fine' he meant was unsure... Subtle, eh? "And my dad doe
Orii: (C) dad does all the real work. I just get to hang out and drink," Orii joked.
Jeckel: smirked, yeah, this was some place. He had hung out in some of the most shady of bars on planet Vegeta and none had given him this sort of un-easy feeling before, it was as if he somehow sensed that most of the people in here would stab eachother 
Jeckel: <C> in the back with a smile for two dollars. But perhaps he just had a thing against classy looking stuff. He spoke up to Lydia. "Ok, then get me a bottle of the finest Saiyan vodka you have...oh, and a menu for something to eat if you could."
Lydia: disappears underneath the bar counter top for a few seconds before popping up with a bottle of Saiyan Vodka, it had a picture of a saiyan with long spiky black hair on it wearing a blue jump suit. Scatched out letters DBZU could be seen on 
Lydia: (c) the very bottom of the label of the bottle. "here you go, they say this is the stuff of dreams eh." she smiles while pouring him a glass then handing him the menu for the Cooks specials for the night. "So what brings you to Syncity?" 
Orii: - "You payin' kid?" the youth asked the man at his side. He'd recognized the face, after a few moments of pondering it. That was the senile man who'd dragged a corpse around and talked about his military ranks all the time. Post traumatic stress s
Orii: (C) syndrome. Crazy old men... He took a sip of his drink idly, waiting for the response of the prejudice saiyan supremecist, drumming his fingers on the bar.
Jeckel: took the glass and the menu, sipping the liquid within and then gulping half the glass down before opening up the menu and looking at all the place had to offer. Very expensive stuff, but he could afford it all, and then some. He just hoped it cam
Jeckel: <C>  came in generous enough portions for him to even call it a snack. These humans seemed to have a way of having stomachs only fit for apetizers. He scrolled through the menu once more and shrugged. "I'll have the biggest steak you guys cook." H
Jeckel: <C> He slid the menu over towards Lydia and answered her question. "Well, I'm looking for somebody, I'm not really sure how to contact that person but this looks like a place he would frequent...besides, it's not the first time i've been here." He
Jeckel: <C> looked over at Orii and scanned his features for a bit then gave a little smirk. "Well hello there, brat. Your daddy know your at such a place? Ya know that stuff in those bottles isn't juicyjuice." He chuckled a bit. "By the way, if you see E
Jeckel: <C> Essex tell him I need to talk to him."
Lydia: takes the menu "i'll give you the myuutanto special." she turns around trying to hold back  her laughter. (Juicyjuice) a small chuckle slips out before  walking into the back room. " Kim we need a Myuutanto special." 
Lydia: (c) <c> <Kim> "geezes one of those, Someone must feel like really eating tonight." she chuckels before nodding at Lydia. Lydia walks back behind the bar grabbing another bottle and pouring Orii another shot. "Well I have to say your one of 
Lydia: (c) the lucky ones, This whole city yours.. man that must be really something." 
Orii: - "Bitch please!" Orii shouted at the halfsaiyan halftard at his side, finishing off his beer with a final gulp. "I'd suggest you shut your mouth, fairyboy." He wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone's lip; especially such scum, and in his city. H
Orii: (C) He was tired, increasingly drunk, and increasingly aggressive, and wouldn't mind smashing the bottle in his hand against the first person who spoke to him the wrong way. (He must not really know who he's talking to.)
Jeckel: just laughed and gulped down the last remaining half of his glass of vodka. "Kid, you should calm down. Gonna get your stomach all upset and end up spending the rest of the night hugging a toilet." He pushed his glass towards Lydia for a refill. "
Jeckel: <C> "Besides, i'm not really in the mood to fight a drunkard, especially when I have about three more glasses to go for a buzz." Jeckel ignored Orii for the moment as he turned his gaze on Lydia. "I hope that special you called out is only mutant 
Jeckel: <C> in name, last time I had mutant food it was a series of odd colored goops and gels."
Lydia: "oh yeah only in name, you know it's only called that but don't worry, your going to get what you paid for." she snatches up the glass pouring another shot of the saiyan Vodka then slides it back to him. "Anythign else  i can get for you? " 
Lydia: (c) She pours one more shot for Lillah even though he hadn't asked for one, hoping to keep the peace between the two men, after all Orii had just got done being shot by greg she didn't want to see anything else happen to him. 
Orii: - "Who the fuck do you think you are? You know where you're at, old man?" He sneered at the man standing up from his seat. He hadn't planned on fighting again in the club, but he was tired of the man's disrespect. Especially that he'd never done a
Orii: (C) anything to earn it in the first place. "Why do you think you're such a badass? You're probably just my dad's donut-bitch or something." He almost chuckled aloud at the phrase, but contained himself. Donut-bitch. How profound. "This is SynCity
Orii: (C) MY city." His hand gripped the hilt of a weapon concealed within his tan coat; in the last week he had designed a little something, with his control over the SynWep department... Jeckel's huge head made a good target to test it out on, Orii de
Orii: (C) decided.
Jeckel: had just put the new glass of vodka to his lips when Orii started his little outburst. He sighed and put his glass down on the bar. He really didn't know where Orii was getting 'old man' he was 23. Jeckel pondered this for a split second, perhaps 
Jeckel: <C> all the battles he had made him seem a bit older, oh well, he hoped not terribly old though. "Kid, I am the supreme general of the entire Saiyan millitary. My only superior is the King himself, none other. I actually was wishing to talk to you
Jeckel: <C> your father, but you're pushing my buttons. Now sit down and enjoy your booze with the pretty bar-tender and stop being such a smart ass."
Lydia: eye's narrow at the man as she scans him over for a hot second." Are you sure your a general of a Saiyan Miillitary Army? Because if so then why are you on earth at Syncity. Wait i'm sure i don't want to know that hahaha." She throws 
Lydia: (c) her hands behind her head and start to let laugh before realizing that he was for real. "eh ! wait your for real do you really have that kind of rank." Kim sticks her head out from behind the back room. <c> "Just alittle be longer for the food
Lydia: (c) she says before returning to the back room. Lydia focuses back on Jeckel. "the name is Lydia Zalika. So your for real ?" 
Orii: sneered at the senile man. Obviously he wasn't what he said. Surely the Saiyan military would be controlled by a less alzheimers' afflicted general. His grip tightened on the hilt of the gunblade as a nasty grin spread across his face. "For one...
Orii: (C) You're a dumbshit. If you wanted to get in good with my father, the best way to do it wouldn't be to talk shit to me. 'Yeah, dad, that creepy pedosaiyanman is a straight up bitch. I wouldn't trust him with shit, yo'." Orii acted, stroking his 
Orii: (C) his chin. "And two... You're not on Vegeta anymore, you crazy bitch. This is earth. Mah house."
Fenin: takes long, slow strides through the city streets of sin, "Hide from me if you want, Hurricane, I've found a gateway to you from which you've no sly escape." Fenin's gritted, grinning teeth let a slight cackle of anticipation through, a laugh
Fenin: -x- full of liquid malice. "Your son will be suitable bait." Fenin eyes the two guards at the door, "And simple to procure." Fenin reaches for his blade, dispatching with the two bouncers with ease and haste. "If only Orii were as feeble
Fenin: -x- as his guards, then perhaps The Hurricane wouldn't leave his side, and I would head straight for my intended target. Oh well." The door splinters before his power as his suppression wanes, and Fenin literally walks through it, his eyes
Fenin: -x- darting across the room, examining each patron before most of them could notice. But Orii noticed. "At last!" Fenin howls, bounding to the other side of the building, pointing the tip of his blade at the rising Orii, "At last I've found
Fenin: -x- you, son of my enemy! At last I stare upon your eyes, soon to be flickering with fear, soon to be cold, and lifeless. At last!" Fenin's blade twirls before him, deflecting the shot of Orii's drawn gun blade before striking the hilt,
Fenin: -x- moving the blade to the side just enough to pierce Orii's defenses. "WHERE IS YOUR FATHER!?" Fenin howls out at his foe, ignoring the cries of surprise and astonishment, ignoring the man's dazed and confused friends, ignoring any sign
Fenin: -x- of strength he may have, "Tell me now, and I may let you live!" Fenin grabs the collar of the mans fine garbs, jerking his face close to his own, breathing heavily upon the stranger.
Jeckel: pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to contain his temper. What Orii said was right, he was not on Vegeta, and the youth of planet Earth were more fragile than those on his planet, plus the cultures were different. Last thing he needed was 
Jeckel: <C> the beat down of some smart mouthed human child on his record. Besides, he was in a higher rank now, he had to show some diplomacy sometimes, and he was still waiting on his food. He looked over towards Lydia. "Yes, I wouldn't say I was if I w
Jeckel: <C> wasn't. Fairly recent promotion..well..promotion in the saiyan sense is ra-" he was cut off as someone bounded in, heading straight for the smart-mouthed brat. He looked at Orii and the newcomer and just shrugged and picked up his glass, gupli
Jeckel: <C> gupling down the vodka. "How about another shot and I'll tell you all about it."
Lydia: eyes grow wide at the sight of the man rushing in toward Orii. Lydia shoots a look at Jeckel "sorry sr the bar is now closed !" She ducks down behind the counter top just as Kim comes out with Jeckels food. <kim > "foods up! eh nevermind " 
Lydia: (c) she says while turning around with the plate and all back into the back room. Lydia quickly pulls up a Machine gun with the numbers 2414 on the side of it. The gun slides from beneath the coutner top making a loud clanking sound 
Lydia: (c) as it hits the counter top. "Bar closed people ! everyone one out!" she shouts before opeing fire up at Fenin Ro. the gun lets out a low thumping sound as it fires off high powered ki shot toward Fenin. 
Orii: - Pale blue eyes narrowed at the random attacker. What the hell was with bitches attacking him? He'd been shot twice this week already, and was now being mugged by this lunatic. Hardly able to breathe under the tight grip on his collar, Orii wheez
Orii: (C) wheezed swear words at the Saiyan. What the fuck was so wrong about him drinking that he got shit for it EVERY time? "He's probably off banging your wife or something." Orii shrugged, drawing back the shining gunblade, the brand 'SynTech' etch
Orii: (C) etched onto its surface, and swinging hard at the throat of his attacker.
Jeckel: stood up from his stool and sighed as he watched his plate of food wander back to whence it came. "My food..." He sat down in his stool and sighed, sipping what remained in his glass slowly as he watched the chaos. He raised an eyebrow as he saw t
Jeckel: <C> the bar tender pull out a gun and start firing upon Fenin and Orii. What was it with these earthlings and their love of weapons anyway? He decided to simply watch what was taking place, the loud noises of the gun and the overall commotion not 
Jeckel: <C> phasing him in the least.
Fenin: grins as streaks of scarlet and crimson streak through the air as the bolts of ki pierce his body. "Can you hear the rain? It's storming. Can you see the stream? It's raging." Fenin's cold eyes swim with thoughts as Orii's blade draws
Fenin: -x- nearer and nearer, the chaos and pandemonium about him silences to a still breeze as his brain calculates endless equations of madness. "Can you feel it, all around you?" Fenin tilts his head at Orii, as though asking a question.
Fenin: -*- Brilliant sparks of gold shatter the slight darkness of the scene as Orii's blade breaks Fenin's flesh. The power surges through his body, reawakened for the occasion. In a flash as fast as the brilliant sparks of his transformation,
Fenin: -x- he appears across the bar, watching each bolt slam into the scenery that would be, instead, piercing his body at this moment. His eyes watch, as though if in slow motion, Orii's strike tear through the empty space that was not even
Fenin: -x- an instant before his neck, his lifeline. "What am I?" Fenin snickers quietly to himself as the chaos continues about him. "I am mighty." The super saiyan chuckles quietly to himself before stepping out to Orii yet again, holding
Fenin: -x- his blade to the man's throat, speaking slowly to match the mans speed in his current state, "I ask you again, where is your father? You would be wise to keep any snide remarks about my wife to yourself this time, and I will not warn
Fenin: -x- you about it again."
Sert: sits neatly on a padded wicker chair, one leg up ontop of the other, foot fidgeting with impatience. Positioned to face the door of the room, in the rather bare and unkept motel, Sert continues to bore light red eyes into the front door, almost
Sert: - as if to see past the wood. Somewhere out there, /he/ was coming for him. Why, though? What reason was there for the Icer relative to come after him? 'Well, besides murdering our family. I suppose it must be revenge. Or maybe he's come to
Sert: - beg me to not take his life next... This is gonna be FUN!' The namek grins widely, revealing the white teeth beneath green lips. A little tired of spending this entire time waiting on the Icer, he begins to tinker with the tiny gold hoop
Sert: - earring around his left ear, absently counting down aloud. "10... 9... Mmm... 8..."
Xregg: -*- The namekian continued to do his little count down, 7... The small, smooth black and red icerian form walked with purpose in it's steps.  He was close, he could feel him.  Soon the two would meet again, after years of seperation. 6... 
Xregg: (C) The back and red icer stopped in front of a motel, a look of disgust forming on his face. Here of all places, why? 5... The icer looked at the doors in front of him and his eyes flinched slightly as the doors went flying off of their
Xregg: (C) hinges and into the hotels lobby, a small task really. 4... Screams. People running away, others cowaring in fear like children.  The icer stepped through the door and then his image flickered out of sight, rushing to his destination.
Xregg: (C) 3... His body reappeared in what would be considered "normal" view for most regular people, standing in front of a door.  This was it. 2... The icer once again employed his extraordinary mental abilities and focused them upon the door,
Xregg: (C) the next moment the door was ripped from it's hinges and tossed idly aside within the hallway.  1... "Brother!" Xregg's hands extended away from his side a bit, the baggy black outfit that graced the lithe icerian form hanging against
Xregg: (C) his arms.  A flexing of his fingers and two swirls of energy appeared inches away from his open palms.  Grasping the disks they formed into a pair of black and red bladed chakram. 0... "I've come for you head."
Sert: doesn't flinch, hesitate, or reaction much out of the ordinary, calmly staring down Xregg. The 'tap, tap, tap' rhythmic beat of his right hand against his knee fills the deafening silence of the motel room. That noise, ontop the panicked
Sert: - cries of the other motel residents. After a few blinks, Sert discontinues the tapping, taking up some loud speech. "'Hi, Sert. Long time no see,'" he starts, speaking for the Icer. "Likewise, Xregg! How has military life treated you?"
Sert: responds to the question he imposes upon Xregg. "'Oh, it's rough, but for the most part,'" Sert continues, picking apart a conversation with himself still. "Ahhh. How's the family then?" The emotionless expression disappears, replaced with a
Sert: - rather sadistic smirk. The question hangs over Sert's head, as he waits for a response, that was sure to be amusing - and end in bloodshed, too.
Xregg: swayed back and forth gently, his knees bent slightly to allow for quick movements.  His spun his pair of chakram's in his hands absently as his brother, who always did have something of a big mouth, played out the a-typical scenario of
Xregg: (C) how a pair of brothers who had not seen each other in over six years would respond to finally meeting up again.  Xregg's frown shifted slightly, his lips parted to reveal pure white teeth clenched together.  Snearing, his red eyes
Xregg: (C) glared down his brother, finally the charade ended, "You killed them." He spat out the words, each one filled with poison, "And now I'm going to kill you. Not for revenge... oh no..." Xregg pulls one arm across his body, preparing
Xregg: (C) to launch his weapon, "I'm going to kill you for taking the priviledge away from me." And with that he launches the spinning weapon directly towards his adoptive brother's neck.
Sert: 's left hand deviates from the earring, pulling the black hood over his antennae in a hurry; he was entering 'battle mode'. The attack was nowhere near as surprising as the revelation that Xregg, himself, wished to slaughter the Fao lineage.
Sert: - The 'why' elludes the namek, though it doesn't seem to bother him. In a white streak, the namek slams hard into the back of the wicker chair, tearing through the back half, allowing him enough lay down to prevent decapitation. The chair itself
Sert: - bursts alive in the white energy, spearing forward at Xregg, dragging along the ground rather quickly. Bringing himself further back, Sert rolls backward off the broken chair, standing upright in the center of the room. "C'mon, Xregg!
Sert: - You and I both know they DESERVED to die painfully. You wouldn't have made them suffer nearly as terribly as I did... Hell, maybe you'll learn something once I'm through with you!" The threat kind of goes founded on an empty action, as
Sert: - the wicker chair continues to be his only assault.
Xregg: raised his free hand towards the... wicker chair...? Oh... he must be joking. Inches away from colliding with it's intended target the chair stops in mid-air.  Xregg glances to his side, looking at his brother, "You imbecile!" Xregg
Xregg: (C) makes a throwing motion to the side with his hand and the wicker chair is flung against the wall and shattered upon impact. He then reached out again and opened his palm, though this time rather than something leaving his form,
Xregg: (C) something returned as the bladed chakram spun back into his grasp, "They were MINE to kill!" A power begins to be exerted upon the immediate area, "And if you think..." Whisps of energy began to circle around Xregg's lithe frame as his
Xregg: (C) power continues to rise, "That your pathetic telekinetic abilities are ANY match for a -true- Icer!" He grits his teeth as his power reaches it's peek, the whisps of energy circling him bursting with intensity into a crystal clear flaming
Xregg: (C) aura, "Then you are even -less- worthy to have killed our family! RAAAH!" Xregg screams out as a force of pure telekinetic energy is fired off at Sert.
Sert: shoves out his arms, hoping to stop the telekinetic attack. But it was too sudden, knocking the namek into the farthest wall from the door. The wall cracks a little too easily, even for having just been slammed against. Meanwhile, most of
Sert: - the bedroom was torn to hell, the bed mashed through a wall much like Sert himself. The television set was nothing more than scrap on the floor. And the mini bar... oh, the HORROR! "Lucky shot, you filthy bastard!" Sert roars, pushing free
Sert: - of the ruined wall, taking on a fighting stance once more. "Glare in my eyes from the sun," he grumbles an excuse, despite the fact the sun was down. "Your Icer 'superiority' might still give you bragging rights, but unlike you, I have grown
Sert: - stronger since last we met! I'm not a bratty ten year old anymore... I'm a fucking angsty teenage prick!!" A maddening glint in his red eyes signals the telekinetic power up, just as the whites begin to glow. Flames of the same colour
Sert: - form a sphere, encasing Sert's body. As the sphere solidifies, the namek points forward, sending a strand of white from the flames, in a transparent beam of piercing ki. It fires straight toward the Icer, aiming lower - I mean, let's face it,
Sert: - Xregg's an Icer.. He would -have- to aim low. Following up with that attack, Sert begins to strike at the air before him with opened claws, repeatedly; orbs of transparent white litter the air, streaking off at Xregg, aimed a bit higher,
Sert: - anticipating a dodge from the first assault. Or if that fails, it'd always hit the ceiling, and probably cause thousands of dollars worth of damage to the motels roof.
Xregg: crossed his arms in a defensive manner, his bladed chrakrams criss crossing over his small frame to provide some manner of defense. He ducks his head behind his arms right as the initial attack hits, burning through his clothes and down
Xregg: (C) to his smoothed hide.  Then the onslaught came as burst after burst of energy continued to slam into him, pushing him back before finally the ceiling above him collapsed on top of him, covering him in debris.  The suprised look of the fat
Xregg: (C), half-naked slob of a human, as well as the equally fat and half-naked fat slob of a woman would probably have been priceless had they not immediately screamed in pain as their worlds became red and their heads imploded in on
Xregg: (C) a mess of blood, bones and grey matter.  Their headless corpses, as well as the rest of the debris that had fallen on Xregg began to rumble before exploding outwards violently.  Xregg stood in the center of this maelstrom, the
Xregg: (C) mess seeming to float around him ominously, the calm of the storm, "That was cheap. Xregg motioned with an open palm towards Sert, yet rather than the debris and corpses fly towards the namekian the wall behind him buckled 
Xregg: (C) under some unknown pressure before simply being thrusted outwards by some unknown force.  Xregg then point a single finger at Sert, "Allow me to show you just how big of a gap there is between us." Before a beam of irridescent red
Xregg: (C) light shot forth from his finger, the piercing beam directed at the Nameks chest.
Sert: pushes gently off the carpet floor with his right foot, the white energy lifting him effortlessly, as if the wind were blowing the namek away. In this swift move, he backs off, landing effortlessly onto the now horizontal wall, as it makes
Sert: - a descent to the street behind the motel. Unfortunately, Sert was a bit stubborn in the belief Xregg is full of himself, allowing the red beam to strike fully. The red ki travels past the namek, firing a while down the way, off into the
Sert: - distance. Sert's eyes widen, looking down for a second to locate the source of pain: a bullet sized hole in his chest, beneath the black robes, pulsating with purple blood. Growling, the teenage namek tightens his fists. "Gap nothing!
Sert: - You were nothing more than a big fish in a small pond," Sert calls out, insulting his brother as the wall crashes onto the street finally, crushing a few pedestrians and parked cars. "Me? I'm the god damn fishermen, and your scaly ass is
Sert: - about to be hooked!" The same white intensity in his eyes shines, whilst debris and crushed materials in the street are drawn in around him, floating in orbital movements. Among the objects is a telephone poll, shards of broken glass from a car,
Sert: - the rest of the car (flattened from the wall), and a few balls of iron Sert releases from the fold of his cloak. Each of the objects blazes with white once, before being spirited off toward Xregg, tails of energy following them.
Xregg: crosses his arms as his brother disappears over the edge, his small frame is lifted gently into the air by some unseen force and he floats silently to the edge of the building where he had just made a very large hole in the wall, "Oh?"
Xregg: remarks in a rather condescending manner, being allowed to actually 'look down' upon his brother for the first time, "Well then fisherman..." Xregg decided that he had toyed with his brother long enough and he extended both of his hands out
Xregg: (C) towards the remaining brick wall to his side.  He clenched his fists and the walls bukled under some unseen force, seperating into two large sections.  Xregg brought his hands together and the two brick portions of wall closed in
Xregg: (C) in front of him, stopping most of the objects dead in their tracks, except for the flattened car.  That shattered right through the brick barrier only to have it break into four distinct pieces and fall apart.  The two brick walls
Xregg: (C) fell out of the air and crashed into the ground.  Xregg had rematerialized his weapons of choice, "Prepare to be eaten." Xregg raised his arms into the air and there was a tremendous shutter along the street. It was almost as if an
Xregg: (C) earthquake were tearing through this section of town.  The street cracked, sidewalk cratered and caved in, Xregg... floated out into the air and gritted his teeth as the motel the two had just been occupying lurched violently
Xregg: (C) into the air. It spun in a rather surreal manner, screams eminating from inside and out, "Catch." And with that Xregg thrusted his arm up, the building following his motion as it was launched into the air.  A grin crossed his face as
Xregg: (C) he thrusted his arm down in a dropping motion and the entire building went screaming towards Sert.
Sert: glares at the motel as it hurtles toward him, trying to wittle away at it with a deathly look of red eyes. With precious little time to take action, Sert summons forth the white aura, extending his palms to charge the telekinetic furry
Sert: - about him. "Your metaphor means SHIT to me!!" The aura flares wildly, sending off an intense wave of fluttering transparent blasts, crashing into the side of the motel. For the most part, it accomplishes nothing more than probably killing
Sert: - some inhabitants a little sooner than they would have. Undetered by this, he sends another volley of attacks; the one side was taking a pounding, but did little to slow the building. A third, fourth, and fifth stream of white ki flows
Sert: - together, into a single river of bolting energy. He could escape now. Flee at the last moment.. Hell, make use of that new trick he learned, and be sipping on the finest wine in all the known universe with some slutty mutant. "I'll never
Sert: - give you that satisfaction... Better you kill me, here and now," the namek decides in an inaudible tone, before shouting, "Will you send me to mother and father so I can take the pleasure of ending them again, once more, from you?!"
Sert: begins to laugh uncontrollably, feeling an overwhelming sensation that simply made him giddy inside. The giddy feeling is crushed all at once, as Sert is impacted by the motel, which oddly enough lands quite well. The street suffers a terrible
Sert: - blow, and the building itself undergoes irreparable damage to the foundation.. and the occupants were sure to be dead, if not dying. But on the whole, it was still easily identified as a shitty motel. A shitty motel, in a poor location. Beneath
Sert: - the rubble of the motel, Sert's energy can be felt at a much weaker level than anything he would normally radiate. 'If I live...' Nasty thoughts begin to brew in the nameks mind, as purple begins to blind his vision.
Xregg: floated there for several minutes, his baggy clothing flowing gently in an unfelt breeze that seemed to keep him aloft.  Purple blood dripped down from a gash in his mid-section, it would take several hours to heal up, but it would
Xregg: (C) heal.  His brother, Sert, on the other hand, would not have that luxury.  He had already lost about half of his energies in the stunts he had already pulled.  Uprooting a building with your mind was not as easy as most people thought
Xregg: (C) it would be.  Glaring at the rubble, he knew his brother lived and willing it so rubble began to fly off of where the nameks energies were coming from.  Until finally, it revealed the destroy and bloodied body of his adoptive brother.
Xregg: grimaced at the scene as he point one of his chakram at his brother's broken form, "When you see our parents.  Tell them I was the strongest." He crosses his arms, the dual chakram gripped within his hands, and funnels most of what's left
Xregg: (C) of his energies into the weapons.  Letting go of the chakram they began to spin wildly, inches away from his open palms, "Morire con l'onore mio fratello." Xregg spin around in the air, extending his arms outwards, the two spinning weapons
Xregg: (C) extending out several feet from his outstretched hands.  He finally willed the weapons to go flying towards Sert, intent on taking his head.
Sert: feels cold. And all at once, it ends. Darkness fades from his sights, replaced by a giant, with red skin, and a really bad beard. Everything ended just like that. It was gone. Sert stood there unscathed, confused but a little relieved. "Ahhh...
Sert: - Just a dream," the namek says coolly, feeling content once more. Psssh. To think, "that puny Icer... beat me? Only in my nightmares." Laughing at the thought and setting it to rest, the setting starts to get to him. 'The hell is this place...?'
Oafy: rushes frantically through a forest, tripping here and there. Terror was the expression of choice upon his widened eyes, and puffing chest. An 'eeking' noise triggers a quick reaction; Oafy throws his right arm backwards, aimlessly firing
Oafy: - a black orb, still pumping his legs at full speed. A loud crack echoes - he hit nothing but tree. The 'eeking' grows more menacing. The leaves above rustle, their path mirroring his own. Oafy flings to the floor, body sliding along the
Oafy: - dirt, as he showers the treetops in black and white fireballs. Leaves disintegrate; branches fall; moonlight bathes the forest floor, in the wake of a newly created clearing. The hunter is gone.
Xerokine: -*- An icy chill pervaded through the black night. Cold, except for the unnatural hot wind blowing south with the strong scent of acrid smoke. Through the dark starless sky slightly covered by clouds, intermittent moonlight 
Xerokine: -*- shone on to the thick green forest revealing, little by little, a snaking trail of destruction. Burnt and broken tree stumps lay on the ravaged path - some still burning with small, flickering flames - as well as fallen branches and 
Xerokine: -*- other debris. A dark figure wrapped in a long, black hooded cloak ran through the woodland almost silently, its folds flapping gently behind like a floating shadow. The only sound was the dry vegetation softly crunching 
Xerokine: -*- beneath thick black boots as it followed the trail onward and quickly crested a small hill to gaze on the small village below. Golden-brown eyes took wide sweeps, observing the town of Rikard. Flames crackled and fires 
Xerokine: -*- burned. The flames lit up the night, its modest structures engulfed like the pyres of a bonfire. Everywhere, screaming and smoke filled the heated air as dozens and dozens of people ran, all seeking escape from the 
Xerokine: -*- terror of attacking raiders. Appearing from the south without warning, burning and pillaging without mercy, they swept in on a merciless and violent raid. Totally unprepared for the assault, the innocent civilians had been cut 
Xerokine: -*- down and killed almost as soon as they left their houses. Four of the raiders began to give chase as a young girl screamed and ran, darting behind a building and cowering in the alleyway. The raiders began to follow, but 
Xerokine: -*- suddenly skid to a halt, drawing up as one. From behind the burning building, a tall figure wrapped in a long, black hooded cloak had abruptly stepped out into sight. The cloak was flapping sinuously, slightly open in the 
Xerokine: -*- hot wind, revealing a man's lean but muscular body, shrouded in darkness. His face was concealed in the deep shadows of the hooded cowl, leaving only bright, golden-brown eyes visible. They seemed to glow in the dark - 
Xerokine: -*- two points of flaring yellow light. Which narrowed threateningly. "I thought I said to only kill half," the man said quietly. "And to leave as many buildings standing as possible. What about that didn't you understand?"
Tiernan: ?
Thea: steps out from the shadow of the trees her eyes scanning over the area, the sound of crying can be heard filling the air as panic raises from the near by town. a few people could be seen rushing through the woods trying to get away from the attack
Thea: (c) Two large men sprint throug the woods quickly coming up on a young woman and her child as they group through the bushes and trees to try and get away. <grunt1> " Hah your not Getting away!" he thrust his arm out just about to 
Thea: (C) grabe hold of the woman shoulder when he feels a quick tug on his wrist snatching him to the ground. he squirms in pain while wiping dirt from his eye's. Thea looks down at him her eyes narrowing abit anger slowly forming on her face. 
Thea: (c) "it's time to feel me in on whats going on." <grunt> "I got nothing to sa ahhh!" a loud snapping sound echos through the air, Thea foot sits against the mans shoulder helping her pull his arm from the socket. "it can get worst."she smirks slig
Thea: (c) slightly
Shim: - Black boots creaked as they took long, lazy steps through the ash-covered streets. Arms crossed, the warrior stepped calmly through the chaos around him, the roar of the flames, the crash of buildings falling, the screams of women and children. 
Shim: (C) It had been a while since he had been active; he'd taken a long vacation from his duties, spending a few weeks in SynCity. He stopped in the center of the village, the ceramic fountain that lay in shards at the paved floor of town square gurgl
Shim: (C) gurgled at his feet. Shim pulled his shades away from his eyes, peering at the chaos with analytical eyes; a caged beast. "Hm."
Xerokine: shook his head and brushed back his hood with a casual flick of his hand. The light of the fires danced across his irritated features, his short black hair and glittering amber eyes. "Whatever," he said dismissively, taking 
Xerokine: -*- in the mostly ravaged village. "Just gather up the surviving villagers. Just the useful ones. Do what you wish with the others," Xerokine instructed, sending off one of the raiders. "You two, spread the word to start gathering up 
Xerokine: -*- supplies. Food, money, that sort of thing. Tell everyone they can keep whatever they can carry on them, but anything else belongs to me. Move it all to the center of town." As the two men raced off to do his bidding, the 
Xerokine: -*- cloaked warrior himself began to walk in the direction of the town square, glancing through the seared streets and smoke-choked alleys. There didn't seem to be any resistance so far, but if they were here long enough, they'd 
Xerokine: -*- provoke someone. "Attention citizens!" Xerokine called out, his voice booming out through the burning ruins. "Surrender now, and you will not be harmed! Your fair village now belongs to the Kingdom of Caeridan! Bend knee 
Xerokine: -*- and you shall be saved!"
Thea: steps from the forsest draging one of the men by his arm the other one slumped over her shoulder, She comes to a stop as several other raiders stare her down from a near by building they were looting. <Raider> "Hey what the hell do you think 
Thea: (c) your doing?" The raider grits his Teeth before thrusting from the shop doorway toward her as fast as he can. "No the question is what are you doing?" the fire from several building flicker in the reflaction of her eyes. 
Thea: (c) Thea shift her wait sliding the man on the ground up into the air, as if he was a throwing knife right into the Raider sending the both sliding across the ground. The other man that was slumped over Thea  shoulder falls the ground making 
Thea: (c) a low thud. "Okay so who is in charge here?" The other Raiders look at each other wide eyed before pulling out swords and guns. <Raider> "lady your messing with the wrong group of people."
Xregg: -*- Two pairs of three pronged feet dangled several inches above the ground. The baggy black hakama that had been tied off at the waist barely revealing another other than the creatures feet. A pair of crossed arms were folded neatly
Xregg: (C) in an equally baggy black shirt.  Red eyes glanced this way and that watching as citizens left and right scrambled, "They are all weak." The Icerian groaned loudly, his senses detected nothing that was strong enough to be deemed
Xregg: (C) acceptable to him.  He floated into the town square where his current superior was standing shouting to the populace, "Sir. These people are weak. Why don't I just destroy them all? I could flatten this entire village with but a
Xregg: (C) thought." The Icerian face contorted in a look of disgust as he gazed upon the residence.
Shim: - Leather shimmered in the moonlight as Shim whirled around, reaching behind his shoulder to grip the hilt of Perpetua. There, down the paved road a man spoke his proclamations of domination, a familiar cloaked figure. The halfbreed strolled confi
Shim: (C) confidently down the shattered pavement, his hand's pigment fading as he tightened his grip on the hilt, prepared to lash out in an instant. Shim was completely silent as he drew near the conquering general, eyes narrowed.
Xerokine: flicked his gaze toward the Icerian, the creature's black and red skin almost invisible in the fire-light and darkness. "And where would be the fun in that?" he replied calmly. "If you need to do som-" A sudden yell cut 
Xerokine: -*- through the crackling of wood and the shattering of windows. But unlike those previous, this one was a battle-cry from one of the raiders. "That came from outside the village," Xerokine noted, hands clasped behind his back as he 
Xerokine: -*- looked over Xregg's shoulder. "It looks like your fun has arrived. Do remember we're trying to recruit, not slaughter indiscriminately. Shim, what a pleasant surprise." Assuming that Xregg would dart off to investigate the yell, 
Xerokine: -*- Xerokine began to walk toward the halfbreed. "Coming to join me after all?"
Thea: "you have to be kiding right? your not really thinking of throwing your lifes away like this eh?" The men look at each other one last time before charging forward.  The raider sword clangins against the ground before coming quickly  up toward 
Thea: (c) Thea face missing her only by a slight hair. " Thats going to coast you!" Thea fingers point out sharply as she thrust them into the raider side causing his legs to go limp on him. The other Raider quickly fires off shots from his laser cannon
Thea: (c) Thea foot darts up nocking the man into the air, she grabs hold of him using his body as a human shield. <Raider> "Darn why would my group be the one to run in to this fr..." his breath is cut short from the knee smashes into his stomach. 
Thea: (c) "okay, now who is in charge here? " the raider with the cannon doubles over in pain
Xregg: -*- The Icerians form rose into the air slightly, his arms unfolding from his chest and extending outwards slightly, giving the appearance as though something was lifting him from his arms.  His leg's spread out slightly as he spun around
Xregg: (C) to gaze from where the battle cry had come from.  Xerokine was right, there was something there that their force had encountered that was distinctly more powerful, "Excellent." Serveral whisps of black energy began to swirl around the
Xregg: (C) small Icerians form before a dark aura exploded around him and he flew to where the power was at break neck speeds. Unfortunately, that wasn't really necessary, the whole trip took seconds, if that. Xregg came to a hault, gazing
Xregg: (C) at the female fighter that held one of Xerokine's soldiers hostage.  The man looked both grateful and fearful that Xregg had shown up, "Commander!" Xregg glared at the man and then to the woman, "I am Commander Fao."
Shim: - "'Fraid not, Xerokine." Shim's hand never left the hilt of his sword, as he rested his other fist on his thigh, surveying the chaos around him. "I'm assuming this is your doing, Xerokine." He sighed, flicking the hair from his eyes. "Sometimes i
Shim: (C) it gets so boring being on the opposite side as you. You know, I almost wish I had the capacity to be evil, so I wouldn't have to interrupt your attempts at world domination on a bi-daily basis." He unsheathed Perpetua, but made no more offens
Shim: (C) offensive gestures, and spoke again. "I don't suppose you could just leave, eh?"
Xerokine: -*- "I am acting as a liberator," Xerokine corrected as he drew his own sword, the draconic blade shimmering in the firelight. "This village had stagnated under the rule of the careless human governments. The Caeri seek only freedom 
Xerokine: -*- and equality for all." The air shivered and burned, erupting into flames around the cloaked warrior. Surrounded by an inferno of crimson flames, he raised the tip of his sword toward the starlit heavens. "To relieve this world of the 
Xerokine: -*- oppression that chokes it. For such a goal, these people should rejoice that their lives are sacrificed." Xerokine smiled, his eyes glimmering golden in the night's darkness. "Don't you think?"
Thea: eyes glare up at the icer whos name is Fao. (an icer well now i haven't ran into one these in battle in a very long time.) "Fao, you are the one in charge here."  Thea's foot steps squerly on the man doubled over in pain back.  "So these things ar
Thea: (c)are yours She points down at the worthless human in pain. " i didn't even have to put up a real fight, now what if you were to run into someone who is against This good time you guys are having." Her foot cocks back then 
Thea: (c)forward as if she was  kicking a foot ball. the mans body bounces down the street coming to stop only after smashing into the side of a red two door car. "So why, why burn this small town down to the ground like this?" 
Xregg: -*- "For the greater good." Xregg extended his arms outwards slightly and with a flexing motion of his fingers a pair of spinning black disks appeared several inches away from his palms.  The Icerian grasped each of these disk and they
Xregg: (C) instantly solidified into a pair of black and red bladed chakram, "For the sake of the whole, a few must die.  To ensure peace, certain liberties must be forsaken. To liberate the oppressed, the oppressor must be destroyed.  We are not
Xregg: (C) destroying these people. We are making them stronger, cutting away the dead tissue of society.  We are setting them free." Truely, the words of a psychotic.  The Icerian grinned at the female, "You should join us.  We could use someone
Xregg: (C) strong like you."
Shim: - "No, sorry." Shim responded firmly, raising his other hand to the hilt, laying the blade on his shoulder. "Liberators and murderers aren't synonymous," the halfbreed spoke plainly, the moonlight sliding up the surface of his crimson blade. Shim 
Shim: (C)  stood there, poised to strike, as rain began to tap against the shattered buildings, sizzling in the raging fires. "Like old times?"
Xerokine: glanced up as rain streaked down his face, but even the clouded skies couldn't quench the raging fires that had engulfed this village. Nor could they bring back the dead. "When the right course is found by murder, wouldn't 
Xerokine: -*- murder itself be the right course?" he questioned, raising his sword to the side. "Well, no matter. I see you ally yourself with Essex. You may send him my condolences when you join each other in the afterlife." Black sparks 
Xerokine: -*- danced around the edge of the blade as Xerokine swung the Tatsujungin forward, unleashing a whirling torrent of dark lightning. "Lightning Vortex!"
Thea: raises her left eyebrow at his inventation, her head tilting at him as she ponders over the idea of joining into this band of raiders. ( This could be good for me, after loosing the Alliance I could really use another form power to work behind.) 
Thea: (c) "Okay Fao, i'll join you in freeing these people from their self induced prison. After all I believe those who complacently accept knowledge as truth. they  are sheep ruled by fear."  A evil smirk crawls across her face as she 
Thea: (c) lifts herself up from the ground toward Fao. "well lead the way Fao and fill me in on the details." 
Shim: - Eyes flashing pale as Shim leaped into the Mystic transformation at a whim, he spun to the side, rending the blast in two with a blur of crimson. Plumes of dust rose at his heels, quenched by the increasing downpour. "Allied with him?" Shim ques
Shim: (C) questioned, quirking an eyebrow. "Regardless. I obviously can't let you get away with this." Perpetua teemed with energy, hungry for the blood of the murderer; with a loud, ringing WOOSH the blade ignited, as Shim's aura erupted around him sim
Shim: (C) simultaneously, flames licking at the cloudy sky. "Hmph!" Shim grunted, swinging Perpetua up, diagonally in Xerokine's direction, a burning crescent of flames sliding across the soaked pavement at dangerous speeds, theatening to mow the Saiyan
Shim: (C) Saiyan's feet out from beneath him.
Xerokine: laughed, running a hand through his rain-swept hair. "I was hoping you'd say that!" The carpet of fire lashed out across the street, searing the concrete black. With casual aplomb, the cloaked warrior ran forward, leaping up 
Xerokine: -*- and over the roaring flames as he spun in mid-air, unleashing a sudden flurry of glinting blades at the halfbreed. To the human eye, it was as if his single sword had multiplied into a dozen, capable of cutting a man to shreds before 
Xerokine: -*- he even hit the ground.
Shim: - A crimson blade joined the dance, but was obviously led; Shim had trouble keeping up with Xerokine's speed. He was more geared toward the finishing blow, not what led up to it. Sparks flew as the blades collided for a final time. Shim backpeddle
Shim: (C) backpeddled, waving an opened hand at Xerokine, a barage of crimson energy escaping from his fingers. Clenching the same hand into a fist, Shim blasted off towards Xerokine, Perpetua poised to strike again.
Xerokine: skid back on his heels, carving a pair of shallow grooves in the street while his forearm smoked from where he had caught the barrage of flames on the blackened gauntlet. "What's wrong?" he yelled, swinging the 
Xerokine: -*- Tatsujungin one-handed to catch the halfbreed's stroke. His arm tightened, the corded muscles underneath his black sleeve standing out as he easily resisted Shim's blow. "Is this it? After that light-show, the only thing that got 
Xerokine: -*- better was your speed?" The resistance on Shim's sword suddenly vanished as Xerokine flickered out of sight, reappearing instantly a half-step behind. The fires of Kaioken licked around his form, making the pavement crack 
Xerokine: -*- beneath his feet. "How disappointing! What happened to your amazing bird powers?" he scoffed, whipping his sword's hilt toward the back of Shim's head.
Shim: - "Oh, they're still here, son. You're not special enough to see them." Shim joked, whirling around to deflect the shimmering hilt with the back of his hand. With another step, the halfbreed put a foot of space between the two of them, crossing hi
Shim: (C) his blade across his chest in a defensive stance. "So, what's this about Essex, anyways?" Shim asked sincerely. It was the lazy style of discussion the two had always shared during their epic battles; to the viewer, one would never expect the 
Shim: (C)  the two to speak so calmly to one another. But fighting was their forte, and they were perfect peers. No reason to raise yer voice, eh? "He didn't let you in his clubhouse, did he?"
Tiernan: planted the SynTech blade in the roof of the house, placing himself between the two warriors. "It wouldn't do to have either one of you off each other. Now why can't we sit down and settle this like gentlemen? Paces? Darts? Kill 
Tiernan: (c) Greg? Essex?" bored, he leaped off of the house. "Now I know what both of you are thinking: Tiernan! He's here to help Shim kill Xerokine! Well, problems, Shim. I need Xerokine alive. So we'll all walk out of here 
Tiernan: (c) peaceably. Hell, Xerokine can call off his raid, or I can kill the ones I can find, then we can all just meet back up at Essex' clubhouse for tea, eh wot?"
Xerokine: -*- "Do you really think I'd ask?" Xerokine countered, letting loose with another swing of his sword. Sparks flew as the silver blade of the Tatsujungin clashed with the crimson fires of Perpetua, as the pavement underneath cracked with 
Xerokine: -*- each brace or errant step. The rain had quickly become a downpour, but neither of the fighters bothered to notice. The shimmering drops were seared away before they even came close, burned to nothing by the venting of their 
Xerokine: -*- power. "Essex and his precious city. All he's done is build himself an artificial world where he can lock himself away, surrounded by gleaming towers and obedient androids." Xerokine leapt back, opening some space between 
Xerokine: -*- them. "Reality will crush him on its own. I'm only here to pick up the pieces." The bandits had already fled, undoubtedly lead by Xregg and his newfound companion back to their base. Those surviviors left in the village would 
Xerokine: -*- either die of their wounds or from exposure to the chilling rain. "Lightning-" Black sparks danced and vanished as Xerokine lowered his weapon, frowning with narrowed eyes at the sudden interruption. "Quinbreed. What hand do 
Xerokine: -*- you have in this?"
Shim: - "One that will be severed if it moves to interfere." Shim replied viciously. Perpetua gleamed as he honed his body, forcing the energy around him to burn with more and more intensity, a symbol of his near-limitless ki. Brother or no, he wasn't t
Shim: (C) the same man Shim remembered. The same man who would never accept the bloodshed of innocents, no matter the circumstances. "I'd suggest you go back to wherever you came, brother. I'll strike you down just as quickly as I would him, if you woul
Shim: (C) would defend him as these people die, at the hands of his employees." Shim spoke with a tinge of spite, beckoning towards the village around him; cries echoed through the ruined streets, and blood slid down the pavement, carried by the violent
Shim: (C) downpour.
Tiernan: 's ears perk, he assumes a rather defeated posture, "Shim, you know me better than that. A handful of mine own agents are ransacking the village - for survivors. As many as we can find, they'll be medically treated, then given the benefits
Tiernan: (c) of refugees. Xerokine is responsible for their lives, and I'm sure he can pay for the rebuilding of their homes - but he probably won't. Point is, currently Xerokine is the greater good, unless you want to step up against Greg and Xerokine 
Tiernan: (c) and Essex, and if so, with what army?" Tiernan carefully lifted his blade from the mud flinging the dirt toward Xerokine, he was serious. He hated Xerokine, but didn't want him to die. He loved Shim, and for that he hoped Shim would 
Tiernan: (c) understand that "No one should die this night. Not that anyone would. Xerokine will flit away at the first sign of fright, and Shim will never back down. Tear him fiber from fiber and his sinews will clog your sinuses. I understand all 
Tiernan: (c) this, but what you both fail to... agh, pearls before swine. Let's get it on." Shim rushed Xerokine, and Xerokine came down for an overhead strike, Tiernan weedled between the two, blocking Xerokine's strike and kicking Shim backwards. 
Tiernan: (c) He followed with a slice that traced the earth in a straight line toward Shim, ki echoing in its wake. Turning Tiernan blocked the savage strikes from left then right, then center, and low, flipping backwards, Tiernan let loose 
Tiernan: (c) a volley of ki, then flickered from place to place firing bolt after bolt. Shim returned flying through the smoke and debris slashing maniacally.
Xerokine: flickered backwards, retreating to the side of the street as the two 'breeds fought it out against each other. "For brothers, you two don't seem to get along very well," he noticed idly, spinning his sword absently between his 
Xerokine: -*- fingertips. "Oh well. I suppose it's fitting if you two die together." Xerokine swung the Tatsujungin downward, the blade cracking into the solid concrete of the sidewalk as black sparks rippled down the edges. "Lightning Vortex!" 
Xerokine: -*- The electrical torrent tore through the damaged avenue, ripping up the pavement and unleashing the overflowing sewers that the rainstorm had been building up. Mud-clouded water burst forth as the street disintergrated beneath 
Xerokine: -*- the feet of the halfbreeds, spraying them with unmentionable filth. Xerokine flickered in and out of sight, reappearing behind Tiernan's mud-streaked form. "And here I thought you were going to join me," he remarked, moving to slice 
Xerokine: -*- the quinbreed across the back. "Have you cast your lot with Essex, then?"
Shim: - "Me and what army?" Shim spat sarcastically. He'd always done everything by himself; even when facing the world-dominating Syndicate, he only once fought alongside another warrior. And that one betrayed him. "I guess I'm the only one with the ba
Shim: (C) balls to accept neither of the evils? Shame. I figured you were stronger." Shim sneered at his fellow halfbreed, establishing that he had no intention of joining Xerokine. "And you're damn right he's responsible for the lives he's taken, and y
Shim: (C) and you know me better than anyone, Tiernan--- Blood for blood."
Oafy: * Roughly an hour or so after a wee cat nap, Oafy comes to. "Hmm, what a pleasant dream..." He says through a yawn and stretch. The memory of a loud chimpish screech breaks the silent serenity in his mind, flooding it with terror. "Right,
Oafy: - I was chased here... lost him... fell asleep out of exhaustion, apparently," he gathers along the path to billowing smoke clouds, emerging from the forest seconds later. The village ahead seems to have met with some unfortunate events.. most of
Oafy: - which probably had to do with the familiars ahead. Taking to flight, Oaftres nears the three, hoping to avoid sewage. "Xerokine, I fucking can't believe you would deny my proof isn't at least somewhat reliable, after I god damn FIND you
Oafy: - at a burnt village. I should cut your god damn heart out of your chest -right- now!"
Xerokine: landed easily on an upraised island of cracked pavement as the overflowing rainwater gushed around him. "Tch." Lazily, the man swung his sword back into the sheath across his back and allowed the searing inferno 
Xerokine: -*- around him to lapse into nothingness. "Looks like I'm finished here anyway," he noted, glancing about the shattered remains of the village. "You two can have your little family spat. Cya." Xerokine grinned as he vanished from the 
Xerokine: -*- ruins with a silent flash of dark light.
Fenin: penises all over all of you.
Shim: cast one final glare at his brother, and sheathed Perpetua at his back. Releasing his energy with a deep exhale, Shim placed his middle and index fingers to his forehead and disappeared before Tiernan could say a word. "Sonofabitches."
Oafy: snaps his fingers. "Fuckin' hookers." Oaftres also disappears, in an equally awesome way. If not better. Yeah. He disappurs cooler.
Fenin: peers at the behemoth patchwork, "This isn't worth my time." Fenin snickers and looks around, "You know, my dear, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve." Fenin reaches up to his forehead, feeling out to where he had sensed Thea's powerlevel 
Fenin: -x- before he had entered this strange building. "Hello, love." Fenin's voice his ghostly, whispery soft. "Did you enjoy your show?" He stands behind Thea, grinning wide. "I tried to make it good, just for you." He places his chilly hand 
Fenin: -x- on to Thea's shoulder, then leans his head next to hers, blowing on her ear as he whispers to her, "Now, why don't you provide me with some entertainment?"
Thea: " Well, well Fenin Ro your more skilled then i was giving you credit for. I was hoping not to fight my self tonight but i guess it just can't be helped." A pattern of gold could be seen crawling across strands of her hair as she talked 
Thea: (c) before exploding into a bright golden color spiking up then falling back down, her hair falling over her shoulders as her bangs cover her green colored eyes. "Keep up Mr Ro." the Bass of the floor flies up along with the chair as her 
Thea: (c) body shift out of sight. She darts backwards down the narrow hallway from the room leaving Fenin behind, Her hands lower down toward  her side cupping over each other. "Cries of Damnation!" A flicker of bright white light 
Thea: (c) sparks up between the palms . Her hands pushes forward as the bright white light flares up infront but the streak of energy darting forth was midnight black, the energy could be seen ripping up the halways walls before smashing into the 
Thea: (c) room that was now at the far end of the hallway.
Fenin: snickers quietly as Thea transforms and hastily makes he way to the other side of the building. "Come now, dear, I'm not that repulsive, am it?" He peers at her curiously as she charges some form of attack, and shouts out some unintelligible
Fenin: -x- war cry, translations lost in the heat of the battle and the distance of the lengthy corridor. His eyes dart across the corridor as the attack approaches, lazily lumbering from decoration to decoration, until the attack is finally is upon
Fenin: -x- him. "Oh, so it is time." Fenin smirks as his aura flares, lashing out at the sphere of ki, tearing and gnawing and ripping and clawing at it until there is near nothing left, though that near nothing strikes him with a thunderous shock.
Fenin: coughs quietly, spattering globs of blood to the cold, dark floor. His eyes dart about, soaring through the top of his line of vision to keep a glimpse upon his opponent. "D-damn she's tough... Shit..." Fenin straightens himself out and brushes
Fenin: -x- his shirt idly, attempting to continue his macho facade. He speaks carelessly, peering up at the ceiling as though he were distracted and unconcerned with his enemies doings, "So is that all you've got, little girl? You might as
Fenin: -x- well just lay down and pretend you're dead, you're messing with a master of a whole different league."
Thea: swings herself around grabbing hold  of the door behind her. "Oh am i? Well remember this Relic, i'll crush you like all old things turning you into nothing more  then dust." Thea turns and gives a wink toward Fenin as if he could seen it. 
Thea: (c) her body vanishes into the next room, a few second later several more ladies resembling the last two walk of the room. "Fenin Ro!" their voices echoing into the Air. "Here we come Fenin Ro!" The female androids dart across the hallway locking 
Thea: (c) in on him as the target,  Two of them drop down into a ball rolling into the room while two more flip into the room through the  air. All of the androids seem to stop right before touching down on him their chest plates poping open. 
Thea: (c) revealing a black screen with green numbers quickly zipping down from 10 to 0, all the dolls look dead at Fenin "Boom" they cry out before exploding knocking the wall out of the hidden room. Thea's voice calls out once again. "Come now Fenin R
Thea: (c) "I hate to be kept waitting !" The voice falls dead into silence leaving only green and red smoke lingering in the room.
Fenin: sighs, "More cheap tricks. This tires me, woman." Fenin peers at the androids without interest, "I don't have TIME for this crap." Fenin reaches out to his forehead, pressing two fingers upon it, and appears behind the door that Thea
Yertan: walked slowly down the steps of the shuttle station, scanning the many passerbys for any who looked suspicious. It had been a long time, and the heads of the resistance were still at large, eluding the assassins sent after 
Yertan: <c> them. As Yertan penetrates deeper into the compound, the bystanders thinned out around the huge area. Shuttles rumbled past loudly every few seconds, occasionally startling those standing too close to the super-fast trains. Suddenly, a huge, m
Yertan: <c> a huge, muscular Saiyan appears on the platform, instantly attracting Yertan's attention. He had not seen a saiyan in a long time, and hadn't seen one this powerful since leaving Vegeta. The thought instantly occurred that he must be an agent 
Yertan: <c> of the resistance.
Ryukokuza: Ryu sees a powerful saiyan approaching and thinks hard 'would my family send
Ryukokuza: Ryu sees a powerful saiyan approaching and thinks 'would my family send someone to kill me after father's death?'
Ryukokuza: Ryu goes to the offense and gets ready for battle and 'crys You seek death to day do you?!?!' charges and energy ball and flings it toward yertan 
Ryukokuza: with enough force to rip space and laughs sinesterly.
Yertan: almost fell over in shock as the Saiyan suddenly flung a fast ki attack towards him. Not expecting him to act first, Yertan failed to dodge quickly enough and the ball clipped his legs as he moved, knocking him to the ground quickly. The power of 
Yertan: <c> power of it surprised him for a little while as well, the Saiyan obviously had some secrets. There also appeared to be a strange darkness surrounding him, coupled with a deep sadness, some sort of loss. He did seem the type that had experience
Yertan: <c> experienced some great loss, which anyone could easily blame on the government. Someone as powerful as the Saiyan, carrying round such misery, could easily be a resistance leader. Yertan just manages to get back to his feet, as the Saiyan appr
Yertan: <c> approaches slowly. "What are you doing? People don't generally attack for no reason. You have something to fear?" Yertan then adopts an easy stance, challenging the Saiyan to attack again.
Ryukokuza: Ryu brushes off the saiyans question and charges a ki attack knowing that his adversairy is strong he throws a ki blast as the ball leaves his hand
Ryukokuza: it splits into three and he follows it by and energy sphere just to be safe.
Yertan: - Once again Yertan is caught off guard by the Saiyan's eerie silence and willingness to attack. Desperately diving out of the path of the fast, small ki attacks, he manages to dodge the first and second, but it takes him squarely into the path o
Yertan: <c> of the third, knocking him off his feet. Hurt, and lying on the ground, the massive slow ki attack that the Saiyan fired catches him squarely. Yertan is shaken by the speed with which the attacks were launched, and knows that he has underestim
Yertan: <c> underestimated the Saiyan. Climbing back to his feet, with the assistance of an arm, he realises that he may have lost his advantage with the energy sapped by those ki attacks. Drawing on his aura, Yertan begins to power up, trying to unleash 
Yertan: <c> unleash more of his power. His aura quickly flashes between blue and orange and green, increasing his power and blowing a circle of dust around himself. Once in his powered up state, he quickly launches a series of punches and kicks at the Sai
Yertan: <c> Saiyan, aiming to subdue him so that he can actually put some questions to him. The attacks are thus all aimed at his neck and shoulders.
Ryukokuza: Ryu couldn't belive the speed that the saiyan now possesed Ryu thinks 'surely he is hurt the attacks were small but powerful'
Ryukokuza: Ryu was able to dodge the first series of attacks but was caught by a mean kick to the head, 'shouldn't have ducked' Ryu thinks and is knocked off
Ryukokuza: his feet, catches is balance and flips to his feet. Ryu begins to hover above the ground, pebbles and rocks around him turn to dust
Ryukokuza: his aura grows dark as night and his eye turn black
Ryukokuza: he powers up, brings his hands to his side and prepares for the next onslaught.
Yertan: is amazed as the Saiyan seems to attain a Super Saiya-Jin transformation beyond any of his own. Watching the transformation and the Saiyan's appearance change dramatically, he starts to suspect his own ability to beat this mysterious stranger. As 
Yertan: <c> As the transformation completes and the Saiyan simply stands waiting for an attack, Yertan gets confused and refrains from attacking. He powers down walks slowly up to the Saiyan. "I do not have to fight you, not unless you are someone I have 
Yertan: <c> you are someone I have to fight. Tell me, are you such a someone? What does The Movement mean to you?"
Ryukokuza: Ryu is caught off guard by this question, 'surely he is not here for me' Ryu desends to the ground his aura desends and his eyes become the red they
Ryukokuza: were. Ryu says 'You are not my opponet and turns to walk away.
Yertan: - The Saiyan is certainly a strange person. He does not seem to exhibit any willingness to make contact with others, but leaps to a fight quickly. Yertan has not encountered one such before, having associated only with those on the upper levels o
Yertan: <c> of the government and his fellow assassins. It causes him to think whether he has lost touch with the Saiyan way of life, of battle. This Saiyan certainly seems closer in touch than him. Watching him walk away, he can't help but think how inte
Yertan: <c> interesting it would be to encounter this sad, dark Saiyan with the great potential later on, when they would be more evenly matched.
Ryukokuza: Ryu dosen't know who that saiyan was but he longs for they're next encouter. Ryu looks up at the sky and thinks 'Kokuza, the fallen, maybe I am'
Ryukokuza: Ryu smiles and boards his shuttle and awaits departure.
Noodles: walked into town one fateful evening. His naked body honed with glorious rainbow colors as he was in his perfect form. He smiled, glaring around the town hoping he could find someone nice to interact with but he wasnt sure if the people would like
Noodles: <C>his body. maybe cosmetic surgery was the way but he only had 50 dollars he stole from a guy named Winston. Winston dont know this but Noodles was tricky and stoled his monies
Lydia: {*}Purple clouds dance around high above in the midnight black sky, The moon light shines down onto the object below laying on the surface of the ground  showing slight flickers of light between the dark tree tops from the items below. 
Lydia: grip tightens around the old rusted handle of the knife, her eye's running across the blade showing the reflection of her eye's looking back at her. She twirls the blade around in the air letting it spin off of the palm of her hand before shoving 
Lydia: (c) it back down into the side of her boot. She grabs the item next to where she picked up the knife from. it was a i white porcelain mask from the ground that lookeds alot like a the face of a geisha with two red bands around it that would hold 
Lydia: (c) the mask against her face. "hmm I guess this one will work for now, What you think ?" she holds the mask up for a figure shrouded in the dark to see. the male figure shrugs his shoulders then nods. <malefigure> "what ever works for you Lydia
Lydia: (c) <malefigure>" you could get another one later if that one doesn't suit you."  Lydia nods before pulling the red bands back  while sliding the mask over her face. "eh it's hard to breath in this thing!" she  reaches up to grab the mask but befo
Lydia: (c) before she could the figure stops her. <malefigure> "get use to it, it will help you in alot of situations, your mask can no will be one of your best allies." he then turns releases her  laying his back against the tree once again. 
Lydia: (c) Lydia just gives another not before grabs the coat and throwing it over herself, " if this man Xerokine is as bad as they say why hasn't he come for New hope city yet?" <malefigure> "oh he has been all over the place."
Lydia: (C) <malefigure> "they say his army is fearce, i'm also worried about whats been going on in Syncity alot of stuff has been buzzing about in that city." "yeah i guess your right." She stands back up after grasping the two dragon claws in her 
Lydia: (c) hand. "it's going to take a whole lot to get into that city" a soft sigh slips from between her lips before she pushes the dragon clawed figure armor on, the colors seem to flicker in the dim moon light as she holds her hands up high. 
Lydia: (C) "I might be a noivce now but trust me in the end i'll be one of the great." she turns toward the figure clinches her fist and nods toward him. "that i promise." The figure shourded in dark shoulders jump up in down a little bit. 
Lydia: (C)  <malefigure> "sorry i don't mean to laugh, you do have the power but you lack the battle skills and the only way for you to get better is by fighting it out. you can come a long way or you can stop right were you are the choice 
Lydia: (C) up to you Lydia."The figure turns his back toward her and waves as he walks off into the distance. Lydia just seems to fall against a tree and stare back up at the moon that glowed bright full of so much light. "yeah i know your right." 
Jeckel: sat on the side edge of a rather large crater that had recently formed a few miles outside of New Hope city. It was recently formed because he had formed it himself, with a quick blast from the palms of his hands. "Now that should get the attentio
Jeckel: <C> attention of anyone important, or at least anyone who thinks they are." He smirked. In all reality he was just bored out of his mind, having been to Vegeta only to inspect his troops and make sure everything was in place was the only bit of an
Jeckel: <C> anything that could be remotely called action in a while. So here he was, on earth, making holes.
Kurt: He was going over his gear again. This was his solo mission,another mission to earth. Holstering his side-arm he nods, everything was ready, all he had to do now was get into his drop pod. This was the fun part, and most likely the more dangerous 
Kurt: he was here to recon rebel forces that were in the area. Rather a supposed uprising of people with mystic powers, as he was told. He almost chuckled, the stuff little kids imaginations were made of.
Kurt: As he opened the pod, a cheery voice rang out behind him. It was Keira. "Heard you're leaving out." She said to him. "Yeah pretty much so, just another recon, gonna make a bit of a noise then I'm gonna get the hell out." that was why he was chosen
Kurt: for this specific mission. He could get the job done.
Kurt: she nodded and gave him a quick hug and quickly left the room. She knew he preffered to leave alone, and that public displays of affection weren't good for unit moral. Though everyone knew. Straping himself into his seat he starts the countdown as
Kurt: he com into the pilot. They were going to shift around so he could launch
Kurt: he received a click from the pilot and felt his seat jar. He was going, now was the crucial moment. He started to input commands as his pod begun it's race to the earth. Then he felt another jar. The atmosphere was getting at him.
Kurt: he knew what to do as he hit the chutes. This was going to get bumpy, he thought. "I bet everyone can see my ass." He shook his head. This was a quick way to get into a fight, or send in troops but it was loud and highly visible.
Kurt: hitting the lines for the chutes he felt another jerk as his thrusters kicked in. He was coming in hard. Thats when he noticed he was sweating. It was getting hot, then he felt the hard hit of the ground. A small crater formed around the area he h
Kurt: he hit. He was groundside.
Kurt: kicking out the door he grabbed his bag and quickly oriented himself. This didn't seem like the earth he remembered, he quickly noted. He polarized his helmets settings to dim the sunlight filtering through.
Xerokine: -*- At the outermost edge of the small rebel camp, a lone figure in a black cloak calmly walked through the staring sentries flanked by a pair of anonymous humans in armour. The leader's hood was thrown back, exposing his black 
Xerokine: -*- hair and glinting amber eyes to the afternoon sunlight. "Yo," he said jauntily as a small group of halfbreeds shook themselves to action and immediately pointed several glowing palms at him. "Take me to your leader? I'm a 
Xerokine: -*- messenger sent on behalf of the Independant Kingdom of Caeridon to propose a treaty and possible allegience."
Kurt: he was climbing out of the crater when he spotted something headed his way. The figure kept coming his way and seemed to pick up pace when he noticed that Kurt was looking at him. that was when his hand fell to his holster.
Kurt: pulling himself out with one hand, he drew his weapon. Then aimed it. "HALT" watching the figure continue at him he fired a warning shot. As if it made the thing angrier the creature let out a roar and continued it's charge.
Kurt: unloading his clip into the charging hostile he realized it was moving faster than anything he realized when he was suddenly tackled back into the crater. He was suprised. He had unloaded th clip.
Kurt: screaming out in pain he felt the 'mutant' bite down into his shoulder. The pain coursing through him as he attempted to move the heavy beast off him. His body armor wasn't stopping it's teeth. As if on instinct.
Kurt: he began to pistol whip the damn things head. "Get the hell off me!!!!" he continued to pound away as he felt the bite getting harder on him. With one last swing he brought the pistol into the temple of the creature. Effectively knocking it out.
Xerokine: -*- "Busy? With what?" Xerokine demanded, glowering at 'Luke', the leader of the rebels. He had been escorted to the man's tent, which was basically a place to put the maps of the area to plan strategy, then summarily told that he'd 
Xerokine: -*- have to wait because some pod had landed nearby and they had to sent out troops to investigate. "Look here, I am Ambassador Kuugen Athemyst, and I am not accustomed to being made to wait while people go out to stare at 
Xerokine: -*- pretty falling stars. The great Lord Caeruleus has, for some unfathomable reason, deigned to treat with you and offer you a chance to avoid annihilation, and it would probably be best if you accepted his incredibly generous offer."
Kurt: moving the unconcious body over he managed to unclamp the jaw on his shoulder. The pain was begining to numb as he injected some meds. He had to get moving, he thought as he got to one knee and dropped the clip. Then quickly unsheathing his knife 
Kurt: he stabbed the thing in the throat. Shakily he got to his feet. Re-loading he started the trek out of the crater again. This time as he neared the top he heard movement. Someone was onto him. Pulling himself up slowly he peered over the edge.
Kurt: it was obviously a scouting party coming to investigate. Slowly lowering his head past the berm he made a mental check of his equipment. He was going to have to re-equip soon. Yet his combat knife would do for now.
Kurt: * two of the guys from the group broke off and as he could tell they were heading his way.
Xerokine: -*- "Fine. If it will speed up this farce, I will offer my services to your scouts," Xerokine said magnanimously, flicking his cloak to the side. "They could undoubtedly benefit from watching someone of intelligence do their job better then 
Xerokine: -*- they ever could." Snapping his fingers as a way of instructing his twin armoured guards to stay behind, the cloaked man left the rebel leader's tent with a flourish and began striding off toward where the supposed pod had apparently 
Xerokine: -*- crashed down.
Kurt: pressing himself as close as he could to the wall he inclined his head as the first boot appeared overhead. Quickly stabbing the knife into the ground under the foot the ground gave way as Kurt swung to the side with his free hand. 
Kurt: grabbing the other by the leg he slit the mans thigh hitting the femoral artery. Then letting go he slid down the crater dragging the one and following the other as they hit the bottom. Landing on the other with a thump.
Kurt: finishing the one crying in pain he kicked the other in the jaw. Where he could feel it crumble under his boot. They knew he was here now after the second man let out his deathcry.
Xerokine: quirked an eyebrow as a scream drifted over the clearing. "Great scouts," he observed sardonically. "Very useful." With a quickened pace, he almost appeared to be flying several inches off the ground, his form a dark blur 
Xerokine: -*- against the grass as he closed in on the remaining members of the scouting party and whatever it was that had just thinned their numbers.
Kurt: he climbed back up to the edge of the crater. He heard a few moving his way. He was abouut to launch himself over the edge when something else caught his attention. Another fast mover, he caught in his sights as he was launched in mid-air. 
Kurt: * this was his first mistake as he realized he was in the air. There were only a few scouts left and one bogey. 'Shit' he though.
Xerokine: blinked as the enemy in question kindly launched himself into the air, effectively holding a giant sign that said 'shoot me'. "Yo," Xerokine greeted as he skid to a stop amongst the remaining scouts. "Your leader sent me to 
Xerokine: -*- deal with this. You guys go back to camp and tell him how awesome I am and that he should ally himself with Caeridon or I'll set you all on fire." The scouts glanced at other and obligingly left. Probably a good move, since 
Xerokine: -*- Xerokine was casually drawing his gleaming draconic sword and watching the curiously dressed intruder with a pair of eyes that seemed to be glowing yellow. "Hey!" Xerokine shouted, waving his sword. "Come here! I want to stab with 
Xerokine: -*- you! I mean, talk! I wanna talk with you!"
Kurt: he landed on the ground during this. His aiming his pistol. He was a good shot but he'd still have a problem at this distance. "I think I'll stick with standing right here thank you." He watched the scouts leave.
Kurt: "Since I've already made a racket and made my presence known I have a question." his helmeted face showed no emotion. His free hand hung loosely, the meds were wearing off. The pain returning. 
Kurt: 'must have grabbed the adreno stims' he thought. His free hand was still barely clutching his knife. 
Xerokine: -*- "So ask it," Xerokine replied easily. "It's a tradition to grant a dying man one last request. Well," he corrected himself. "Soon to be dying." His mouth split in a feral grin, revealing canines that were never human. "Though after 
Xerokine: -*- you ask your own question, you might answer mine. Stuff like who you are, who you work for, and whether or not they'd be up to working for me."
Kurt: he shook his head. "Well you seem like  a nice enough person. So I'll assume you're with the rebels. Oppressing the people and lying to them about the Federation." He felt another sting of pain.
Kurt: then he shook his head again. "Let's just say my people would be all over you and those rebels like stink on rice. They'd never work for you." He dropped into a stance. He felt power or something from this person.
Xerokine: -*- "With the rebels?" he echoed. And then promptly burst into laughter. "Don't be stupid. Those rebels are soon to be with me. I'm an ambassador for the Kingdom of Caeridon. My Lord wants to form an alliance with these buffoons. 
Xerokine: -*- Thinks they might make a decent addition to the army." Xerokine spat to the side and shrugged. "Whatever. I've never even heard of this Federation of yours. If they don't bow to the Caeri, they'll be wiped out like all the rest. 
Xerokine: -*- Starting with you, I suppose," he added, spinning the sword lightly between his fingers as he started to walk toward Kurt. "Promise I'll make it quick if you don't put up a fuss."
Kurt: he watched the mans fluid movements. He doubted the words he said, yet he couldn't be certain. He had to let the first punch fly, or dodge. Lunging forward he fired two shots and raised his combat knife,
Kurt: as he dropped the pistol to his side he spun a bit. The knife almost singing through the air, eager to meet it's opponent.
Xerokine: smirked, his body flickering impossibily to the side as the bullets whizzed harmlessly by. "Eh?" he remarked, catching the small knife on the blade of his sword. "I thought you soldier types were supposed to accept 
Xerokine: -*- death like a man, or some such stupidity." Xerokine grinned wickedly, leaning back and delivering a sharp kick with his heel toward the man's middle. "Don't disappoint me now, Fed! I'm expecting some entertainment from you."
Kurt: he caught the foot. Feeling the pain rushing into his body. He let out a grunt as he tried to hold the sword up. "Yeah well who said you rebels were honorable?" He dug in with his own feet as he held them there.
Kurt: knowing at any moment the other could throw him over. "Fed...I like that name...make's feel like an archaic postal service man. 
Xerokine: -*- "Tch," Xerokine scoffed. "I already told you, I'm not with the rebels. Are you deaf or just stupid?" Hopping a half-step back, he spun his boot out of the Fed's grip and continued rotating on his heel, sending his sword whistling for the 
Xerokine: -*- man's arm at the shoulder. "Not that it matters, since you'll be dead soon enough!"
Kurt: he felt the pressure release and quickly brought his pistol up. He was going to have to lose it. He blocked the hit with the side of the pistol. He felt it crack, then he felt something cutting into his hand.
Kurt: that was when he brought his knife to bear. The pain was starting to become unbearable. "So I take it you are these 'mystical' people I keep hearing about?"
Xerokine: -*- "Mystics?" Xerokine repeated, raising an eyebrow at the man's rather ignorant phrasing. "Do you mean halfbreeds? Hardly. I'm full-blooded, pure and undiluted by human taint." He hopped back again, spinning his sword in a wide arc 
Xerokine: -*- before taking another slice at the Fed. "You can tell by my superior bone structure, muscle density, and overall good looks," he bragged, tousling his black hair with a free hand at he amused himself by trying to stab the Fed in 
Xerokine: -*- the shoulder with the tip of his sword.
Kurt: he caught the blade in his wounded shoulder. Thats when it happened. He was already tired, and now he was hearing new terms. Full-blood, Half-breed. Human taint? He couldn't hold it anymore he felt the energy rise in him.
Kurt: "What the hell do you mean...human taint? I thought you were human?" he managed to stay himself as the power kept rising from within. His hand gloved hand grabbed onto the sword and started to push 
Kurt: the sword out. Then he swipe with his knife.
Xerokine: jumped back, taking his bloodstained sword with him as he avoided the wounded man's jab with the knife. "Well, it's official. You -are- retarded," Xerokine observed casually. "I realize I'm wearing a cloak, but..." The black 
Xerokine: -*- fabric was pulled away, as a brown-fur tail flicked in and out of view. "Most humans don't have such handsome tails, wouldn't you agree? Not to mention humans are slow, weak, stupid... and they smell." He sniffed the air. "You're 
Xerokine: -*- human," he remarked offhandedly, then vanished in a sudden flash of black light, only to reappear directly in front of the Fed. "How unfortunate for you," Xerokine said, his right hand flying up to try and backward Kurt across the face.
Kurt: he barely saw the movement. Which in turn meant he was barely blocking it, he brought his blade up in and attempt to block and wound. "Well I see your mother fucked a monkey...shame on her." He knew this man was far superior to him.
Kurt: he was barely holding his own. He felt another rise of power this time, his adrenaline was flowing through his veins giving him a second wind.
Ryukokuza: Ryu stood infront of the space station looking for an admirable opponent."Is this all this worthless world has to offer," he thought.
Ryukokuza: He set out towords the dojo in hopes of finding someone to unleash dismay upon. Upon Entering he shouted, "WHO! on this pathetic planet is brave enough to test their might!!?"
Karnak: test
Greg: -*- A lone spacecraft traveled through the dark ether that was the abyss that is space, the reflection from passing stars as well as the gravitonic rumble from asteriods grazed the ship slightly, but did not deter it from it's current.
Greg: (C) Only two people occupied the ship, as opposed to it's full compliment of crew and command, they were all... unfortunately, dead. One of them sat in the command chair of the spacecraft and idly watched the view screen in front of
Greg: (C) him while they other toiled away stretched out against a console that he probably should not have been leaning against in the first place, "How long is this going to take?" Whined the leaning figure, his arms crossed over a blood-red
Greg: (C) buckled vest. "Will you stop whining? You wanted something remote, and this station is as remote as it gets." A slight groan escaped the whiner, "Well, hurry up! I'm getting bored." A 'Tsk' was the only response he got. A small beeping
Greg: (C) sound brought the standing figure out of his stupor, "Hey! Something big's on scanners. Must be this station. 'Bout damn time. Bring us out of FTL and dock or something."
Xerokine: -*- The figure in the pilot's chair rolled his golden-brown eyes as he swiftly typed out a series of commands into the ship's computer, instructing it to dock with the darkly gleaming spacestation that was swiftly looming out of the 
Xerokine: -*- ether. "There. The subjects should have already arrived on the cargo shuttle," the man remarked, smoothly rising from the chair and heading toward the back of the shuttle, followed by his companion. The deck underneath shook 
Xerokine: -*- as they walked, vibrations from the automatic docking procedures as it fixed them onto the station. The two men seemed rather odd to be galavanting through space, especially in a shuttle that had looked rather expensive before 
Xerokine: -*- it's 'redecorating'. Which meant it had been painted with the absurd amount of blood that had been spilled from its former crew. The one man, the black-haired pilot, was cloaked in what looked like black silk and had a gleaming 
Xerokine: -*- silver sword scabbarded across his back. The other was wearing a crimson trenchcoat that hid the bloodstains, and was brushing back his silver hair with one hand and tapping the other against the bulkhead as they waited for the 
Xerokine: -*- airlock to open.
Greg: tapped away impatiently, there were times when patience was a virtue, but now was apparently not one of those times. His face twisted slightly as his imapatience grew, "Come on, you slow sonofa-" As though to cut him off from insulting the
Greg: (C) emotionless and inanimate bulk-head, a loud hissing sound was heard as hydrolic seals locked into place and a flashing light above the two mens heads changed from red to yellow. The hissing sound continued along with the sound of
Greg: (C) several locks, locking into place. The light then turned from yellow to green, "Green means go!" The man in the blood red trenchcoat exclaimed excitedly as the door hissed open slowly and practically wedged his way out the door and into
Greg: (C) the docking bay.  The cloaked man behind him merely looked at him oddly, "What!?", "You're such an idiot.", "Hey! That ship was making me antsy. It would be so much easy just to create a passage through the dark realm but NOOOO!"
Greg: didn't really elaborate on this point, for some reason, he wasn't able to open up a corridor of darkness to this station, and he didn't know why, "Anyway... Let's hurry up and get this experiment underway. Stupid legal restrictions
Greg: (C) against experimenting on humans..."
Xerokine: -*- "Since when does the law bother you?" Xerokine remarked offhandedly as he walked down the metallic corridor. Every few yards, red emergency lights shone, making the hallway appear as though splashed with blood. Some of it 
Xerokine: -*- was. "We're just lucky I heard about this place. You don't often find a fully functional spacestation drifting empty through space." The two of them had already cleaned out the infestation that had slaughtered the former occupants, 
Xerokine: -*- though not without a certain number of 'duh' moments for each of them concerning how the curiously designed voice-activated doors worked. They had been since reprogrammed. "Moron," Xerokine said evenly, and the elevator 
Xerokine: -*- swished open, eagerly waiting to take the two of them to the lower floors where the 'volunteers' waited and the experiment would take place.
Greg: nodded slightly as the elavator door opened. The two of them had gotten stuck on this god-forsaken spacestation, helping some moron named "Drake" who was as underhanded as he was stupid. Of course, at this moment, he had been dead
Greg: (C) for quite a while and his 'fantastic' armor that he pined over had been sold on the black market, easy money. The elavator doors closed on the two and Greg spoke the next command, "Jail." Amazingly, this station already had a fully-
Greg: (C) functional jail ready for immediate use conveniently, "Okay..." He comments idly, "We've got enough subjects down there to at least figure out how this serum you stole works. And we're far enough away from any civilizations that nobody
Greg: (C) would come running anyway." The elevator lurched slightly as he stopped and the doors open to reveal row after row of doors that had been bolted and chained shut. The bolted locks appeared hydrolic in nature and the chains appeared
Greg: (C) more for show than anything else, "Which subject do you want to use first?"
Xerokine: -*- "Meh," Xerokine said with a shrug. "Doesn't matter. Just pick one at random." The cloaked man stalked over to the counter, where a row of vials paralleled a row of needles and other medical equipment. Humming idly to himself as 
Xerokine: -*- he filled each of the needles from a different vial, tapping them lightly with his finger to push out any air bubbles, he glanced over at his companion. "We can probably just do it in their cell. You hold them down, I'll stab them, then 
Xerokine: -*- we'll do the next one. One of these should work, at least. The others..." He shrugged again. "Probably lethal."
Greg: shrugs lightly, "Suit yerself, I suppose, but don't bitch to me when they all start crying and streaming." The cloaked man just kind of shrugged at this and the two of them went to the first cell. A few key strokes later and the
Greg: (C) chains retracted into holes in the wall and the door hissed open. Greg was inside the room before the test subject inside, a Namekian, realized what was happening, "Now, be a good green bean." Greg extended a hand to the namek
Greg: (C) and an unseen force slammed the creature into the far wall and pinned him there. This was merely a physical expression of Greg's power, yet to this creature, it was brutal and harsh, "I know we wanted them strong, so, if you
Greg: (C) mind hurrying?"
Xerokine: -*- "Whine, whine," Xerokine muttered, flicking a hand toward the Namekian. The needle flew out like a dart, stabbing into the exposed muscle of the man's left arm as the serum pumped in from the sheer force of the throw. "There. 
Xerokine: -*- He'll be unconscious in a few seconds. Then in ten seconds, he'll be either the perfect soldier or dead." Xerokine smirked. "Hopefully a Namek will adjust better to these injections. What's next, a human? I doubt any of them will survive."
Greg: lowered his hand, releasing whatever sort of invisible hold he was exerting upon the Namekian, the creatures unconscious body slumped to the ground in a rather lathargic manner, "Human?" He turned and exited the room closing the
Greg: (C) door rather haphazardly, not really bothering with the locking mechanisms this go around, "Sure, why not? Maybe after the human we can try a Saiya-jin. That regenerative tissue you all have is something quite amazing, maybe that one
Greg: (C) will be the success." The two of them move to the next chamber and follow much the same procedure as with the Namkian. Pinning him to the wall and injecting him with the chemical cocktail, "You ever notice..." Greg commented idly
Greg: (C) ,"How... despite some great efforts, humans continue to survive. Saiya-jin have remarkable fighting capabilities and are practically perfect warriors. Nameks can heal grevious injury to themselves others... so forth and so on. But Humans
Greg: (C) have this unnatural resilience. They're like the racial cockroaches. You can never seem to kill them all."
Xerokine: -*- "Only because they breed like rabbits," Xerokine observed, brushing his hands off. "Most of them are sickening creatures with no self-restraint. I'm frequently surprised that even a handful of them can become interesting." A 
Xerokine: -*- hollow thud resounded through the metallic walls of the station, and Xerokine cocked his head to the side. "I suppose the others are getting restless," he guessed. "Come on. Once we finish this up, we can grab something to 
Xerokine: -*- eat while we wait for them to die."
Greg: repeated one of Xerokine's comments in a mocking manner, "Oh yes, no self-restraint. Yes, yes. Of course." They move of another room and continue on to the next, not really losing step with the conversation as they continue their gruesome
Greg: (C) task, "This coming from the same guy who's species' mating rituals involve beating the ever living piss out of each other just to see who would make a strong mate. Self-restraint. At least human mating rituals don't involve violence...
Greg: (C) usually. A little dancing, a little romancing, and bam, bed sheets. None of this, 'You must beat me into submission un-tailed one!' crap."
Xerokine: -*- "Don't be absurd," Xerokine replied mildly. "An untailed Saiyan would never find a decent mate. Besides, I find a decent fight and some sex afterwards considerably more restrained then paying five dollars to a cheap whore, like 
Xerokine: -*- the kind you can find on any street corner in False Hope City." The cloaked Saiyan flicked his fingers, tossing another syringe at the next 'patient'. "At least you only have daliances with your hired help. That's somewhat better."
Greg: -*- The two of the men go through this idle banter about the races and their general pros and cons, in and out of the bedroom, naturally. Before long all of the subj-er... patience have been injected and the two are looking at each other and
Greg: (C) the end of the hall, empty handed, "Noodles?", "No... gives me gas. Pizza?" "Pizza? That's pretty boring of you. Steak?", "Steak." The two of them turn their backs on the now unnaturally silent hallway of holding cells and approach the
Greg: (C) elevator, "Moron." Greg says out of conversation and the elevator doors slide open.
Essex: steps out from one of the turns in the hallway, whistling to himself while casually strolling with his hands in his pockets. He quirks an eyebrow, hearing footsteps and peeks around a corner. "Well
Essex: (*) shit in my mouth and call me Xerokine's sister, fancy seeing you two here!" He says, grinning, walking down to meet up with the two men.
Xerokine: -*- "I don't have a sister," Xerokine replied evenly, the elevator doors sliding silently shut as the two of them turned to face Essex. "Techagi. You said this place was abandoned, but it seems to be infested with vermin." His dark amber 
Xerokine: -*- eyes gleamed in the red emergency lights. "What are you doing here, Lilly? I presumed you'd be occupied on Earth, playing with your tinker toy city. Or did you get bored with them already?"
Greg: scratches the back of his head thoughtfully and gives Essex a bewildered look, "Weeeeeeeell..." He drags out the word as he ponders the situation, "There are  certain places I just didn't go to... like waste disposal and such." Greg runs his
Greg: (C) hands through his hair as he looks over at Essex, "I would question how you got here Mr. Lilliah, considering how much wasted time I spent in this place, but it's of little concern now." Greg looks over to Xerokine, "Looks like dinner's
Greg: (C) on hold, and we're down here with a monster."
Essex: grins back at Xerokine before looking at Greg. "Personally, I'd rather have my place infested with vermin than underdeveloped simians..." He looks at the elevator, thinking to himself
Essex: (*) "What does this button do?" He asks, pushing the big red one before looking back at Greg. "Don't worry about how I got here, the laws of Quantum Physics I had to bend and all
Essex: (*) that would cause your cerebral cortex to collapse in on itself." He stares at Greg for a minute. "Okay... I followed you here, suppressed my power, and I've been stalking around..."
Xerokine: -*- "Sorry," Xerokine said evenly, as Essex pushed the release button for the holding cells. "But the humans were necessary." The iron doors hissed and swung open on silent hinges, with no reaction. "Most of them are probably 
Xerokine: -*- dead by now. All of them, if I've been unlucky. So you have been bored, huh? Not surprising. Your pathetic little city was a waste of time to begin with."
Greg: chimes in at this, "Well, they ain't -all- humans, just the majority. No androids or bio-droids or obviously, namely... non-compatability. Bio-droids are just too unstable on a genetic level and androids.... well, have no genetics
Greg: (C) anyway." Greg grimaced slightly as all the cages swung open silently, "Now... Essex... Why the hell did you have to go and do a stupid thing like that? Now all of the... dead... or... mostly-dead... things will be free to just get up
Greg: and walk around. Or... You know... Not, cause they're dead." Greg covers his mouth with one of his gloved hands and coughs loudly at this, looking away slightly, as though his comment almost wasn't totally absurd.
Essex: squints at Xerokine from behind his rose colored glasses. "Eh, SynCity was a good investment, there just hasn't been a big enough population around to explore it." He looks at Greg
Essex: (*) and then back to Xerokine. "So what are you guys testing exactly?"
Xerokine: folded his arms, focusing his narrowed amber eyes over Essex's shoulder. Specifically, on the dozen or so humans, halfbreeds, and humans that were stumbling through the doors. "Genetic enhancements," he said calmly. 
Xerokine: -*- "A way to manipulate the common genetic structure of a human or Namek and switch on any gene that enhances strength or speed, even energy and ki control. I found some experimental serums in the remains of Lye's laboratory 
Xerokine: -*- under the human capital. I wasn't expecting them all to work."
Greg: 's face twists up slightly as he too glances, not at Essex, but over his other shoulder, at all of the test subjects that now decided they could just -WALK- out of their cells like they freak'n OWNED the place, "Heeeey! Just what the heck
Greg: (C) do you all think you are d-er" Greg shoves Essex aside with an arm and moves past the two to look at the subjects, "Hey..." He turns his head to look over his shoulder to the other two guys, "Are these guys moving kinda funky
Greg: (C) to y'all?" He turns back to look at the subjects. Truth be told, yes, their movements were jerky and harsh, almost like they were puppets being manipulated by some unseen puppeteer. They all started shuffling towards the three men
Greg: (C) and Greg raised a bewildered eyebrow, "Hey now..." Greg raises his hand and opens his palm, exerting a bit of his power upon these beings, yet they weren't stopped in the slightest, "Um..."
Essex: looks at the test subjects, their pale, twitchy bodies disturbing him. "Well guys... all we need now is a mangled guy whose feet are tied to his face with barbed wire and this'll be officially
Essex: (*) the creepiest thing I've seen since me and Kalen got drunk." He looks at Greg and then to Xerokine. "They're your babies, so I'm going to be nice and refrain from eating them,
Essex: (*) them" He pats his stomach. "Unless you want me too, I love genetically modified, twitchy lanky humans and halfbreeds in the morning."
Xerokine: -*- "Eat away," Xerokine said dismissively, turning away from them. "Even if they did survive, the experiment was apparently a failure. These creatures don't look like they could defeat a small child, let alone be a decent fighting 
Xerokine: -*- force." He sighed, placing a finger against his forehead. "I suppose this is what I get for assuming Lye actually knew what he was doing."
Icculus: strolls slowly down the almost abandoned street. His cloak is pulled up over his head creating a shadow where his face should be. He is so full of shame and disappointment that he doesnt want anybody to see him. 
Icculus: The only reason he is in town is to see if her can find any clues on tracking down that evil menace that killed his family. Icculus steps into a small saloon and stands in the door way, the evening sun shining in behind him creating a silhouette o
Icculus: of the stocky Namek. He walks over to an empty table and takes a seat
Vikanthe: sheilds his eyes from the dying rays of the sun as the namek walks in, taking the chance to look them over from his position sitting at the bar. Shrugging at the sight he turns back to his drink, finishing a shot-glass of some dark-colored liquid 
Vikanthe: (C) and tapping his fingers on the bartop to get the bartenders attention for a refill.
Icculus: Sits quietly until his waitress comes over. He speaks quietly to her and she leans in to listen closer. After they talk for a few moments, speaking softly so no one else in the bar can hear
Icculus: points to the man at the bar with a mohawk, and the waitress looks back over her shoulder at the Halfbreed. She turns back to Icculus and speaks softly again. After a moment of thinking Icculus stands up and walks toward the bar taking a seat next
Icculus: (c) to Vikanthe
Vikanthe: watches as his drink is refilled by the bartender, then lifts it while nodding his thanks to the man. He is just taking a drink as Icculus comes and sits down on the stool next to him. Eyeing the stocky namekian again he speaks "You need something
Vikanthe: (C) Namek?".
Icculus: responds in a gentle, carefully calculated voice. "I do not NEED many things, however, I would appreciate some information from somebody who has the reputation that you do." 
Icculus: gives a slight smirk to the man and takes a sip of the water that he carried over from the table. Icculus continues, "What do you know of a race known as 'Icers'?"
Vikanthe: downs the last of the liquid in the shot glass, setting it down on the counter and tapping it again for a refill. Turning to look at the namekian he says "Reputation? I wasn't aware dead men had that. As for Icers, i've heard of them. Ugly little 
Vikanthe: (C) creatures, they've got some fancy creations though."
Icculus: nods at the response of the man next to him. "Yes, they are indeed ugly. I am however, after one Icer in particular, and am right now in the need of some training. Might you know where I could learn some tactics against fight these, 'ugly little c
Icculus: (c) creatures
Vikanthe: watches as his glass is refilled, the setting sun casting a reddish-brown glow through the glass. "Tactics? Hit them hard enough and they go down, same as anything else. If you're meaning something more specific, the couple i've fought have been q
Vikanthe: (C) quick and agile but no match for my physical strength." he says, then takes his refilled glass in hand.
Icculus: smiles a bit and then laughs as he looks the man up and down. "Brute strength? You dont look so strong. Look at you. I bet even I could teach you a thing or two. Besides, its not always about strength or quickness.
Icculus: (c) its about whos smarer, and whos got more determination." Icculus finishes his glass of water and begins to stand up. "come on, lets go outside."
Vikanthe: considers Icculus
Vikanthe: (C) words a moment while finishing off his shot-glass. With it drained he sets it down on the counter and says "Alright, i'll humor you namek...if you pay my tab when this is over." as he stands up himself.
Icculus: grins as this stranger accepts his offer. He rifles around through the inside of clock pocket and grabs a few coins which he then tosses on the counter. "Come, I know of a good place where we will not scare the townsfolk."
Icculus: gives a keen look around the bar before exiting the door, Vikanthe right behind him. "Alright then stranger, follow me." Icculus begins to hover off the ground and then flies upward before
Icculus: (c) bulleting off toward a secluded part of a nearby forest.
Vikanthe: nods at the bartender then follows Icculus outside. He watches the nameks burst of speed kick up a trail of dirt along the lonely village road before floating into the air and zooming in persuit. Once in the air he calls over to the namek "So just
Vikanthe: (C) how far do we need to go for this, I don't feel like getting lost out here."
Icculus: laughs over his shoulder at the halfbreed behind. "Be patient, we will be there momentarily." A few more seconds of speedy flight skimming above the treelines and the two of them come to a clearing. 
Icculus: slows down and lands on the soft grass near a swift flowing river. He looks around smiling and simply taking in the beauty of this place. Throughout the area there are holes burnt 
Icculus: (c) into the ground and splinters of trees scattered across the grass. "I have trained here for the past 4 years. This is a very suitable place for fighting and training."
Vikanthe: lands in the clearing a couple yards opposite Icculus, taking in the sights for a moment. "Well, i've seen better, but I suppose this will have to do." he says, nudging a piece of splintered tree out of his way with a booted foot. "So, just why ar
Vikanthe: (C) are we here? I suppose you want me to teach you something?" he asks.
Icculus: 's smile has yet to leave his face since they left the bar. "Well my friend, you teaching and me learning are two very different things. I would simply like to continue my training with someone who has fought Icers in the past."
Icculus: (c) "Now if you dont mind, I would perhaps like to at least get the name of my training partner before we let the learning begin." Icculus gives Vikanthe a calm look and simply waits for his response. The demeanor of the Namek has changed
Icculus: (c) drastically since when they first met.
Vikanthe: chuckles aloud at the words before replying "So you'd teach me then, is that it? Fine fine, I suppose I can show you how I beat that Icer." Then steps back, falling into a fighting stance. "As for my name, its Vikanthe Shadowblade. Most just leave
Vikanthe: (C) it at Vik, what do they call you namek?"
Icculus: watches Vik's stance and his weight distribution. "Well Vik," Icculus stretches his neck from side to side and bends his knees, sliding his feet to the sides. "I am Icculus" With that said, He lifts his fists up and lowers his head toward the
Icculus: (c) halfbreed. He smirks, looking upward past his brow at his new opponent. Energy begins to swirl around his fists as he feet jettison him forward kicking up dust and grass behind him. Icculus extends his right fist toward the head of Vik as
Icculus: (c) unexpectedly makes the first move. Icculus prepares himself as he does not expect this attack to land, and is already thinking of his escape routes.
Vikanthe: doesn't move from his position as the namek rushes forward. A bright aura of swirling red and gold swirls around him for a moment then dies down just as Icculus blow strikes out, he brings an arm up to block the strike, judging the nameks path as 
Vikanthe: (C) he does. As he does this his other arm is extending to fire two quick blasts of raw golden ki along the path.
Icculus: watches as Vik brings his side arm up to fire two blasts at him. Seeing the swirling golden light form at his hand, Icculus barrel roles out of the way. He hits the ground to his left (Vik's right) and somersaults quickly coming to a kneel.
Icculus: fires two quick energy blasts from this position to the side of Vik and without hesitation launches himself upward into the air above Vik. Icculus spreads his arms and sends energy flowing in a sphere around him creating a crackling energy shield.
Vikanthe: turns to face the change in Icculus attack, using his arms to block the blasts as they hit. Lowering his arms he watches Icculus form a barrier. Shrugging he raises his hand and golden energy swirls outward from it, forming a shimmering barrier of
Vikanthe: (C) ki around himself. "The trick to fighting an Icer would be to avoid their ki attacks, its their mastery there that represents the real problem." he says aloud, raising both his hands and firing off a quick succession of gold ki blasts at Iccul
Vikanthe: (C) Icculus while he speaks.
Icculus: listens to the advice of Vik, and is almost caught off guard by the energy blasts. He quickly lifts an arm up to block the first one and then dodges the following few by bobbing and weaving between them. Icculus drops from the sky landing with a t
Icculus: (c) thud about a yard away from the halfbreed. He immediatly starts to throw a succession of punches toward Vik's torso.
Icculus: (c) "So you're saying I should try and stay in close quarters?" Icculus then raises his leg and brings down a swinging axe kick from above.
Vikanthe: matches Icculus blow for blow as the namek strikes out in a flurry of bunches, their barriers each flaring with sparks of ki as they reduce the power of the attacks. "Thats right, but you need power not simply speed." he says, falling back as the 
Vikanthe: (C) kick descends and only catching a glancing blow from it. Stepping back a couple of feet he addresses Icculus again "Thats better, though its not to say you couldn't defeat an Icer with ki. You'd just need to be as skilled, or at least a bit cr
Vikanthe: (C) creative." Then he brings his hands forward slapping them together before exposing his palms and firing off a large blast of ki directly at his feet. The blast strikes and kicks up a cloud of dirt and debris that obscures him and the surroundi
Vikanthe: (C) surrounding area.
Icculus: takes a step back to try and clear some distance between where he last saw Vik and himself. He tries to settle down and notice the movements of air in the dust to try and pick out the movement of his opponent. After a moments time of no
Icculus: (c) movement Icculus decides to concentrate his energy and tightens his fist creating a massive blast of wind as his
Icculus: (c) blue aura quickly clears the area of the dust and debris revealing Vik. Icculus raises his hands above his head and begins
Icculus: (c) to charge a large amount of energy into a ball. "I was perhaps thinking of using my ability to focus large amounts of ki at once." He says as the ball of energy above his head continues to grow larger and larger.
Vikanthe: emerges flying upward from the cloud of dirt as the force of Icculus ki sweeps it aside. Golden ki trails him as he raises both hands above his head, a whirling mass of energy forming together to form a large sphere. "Yes, but do you have that foc
Vikanthe: (C) focus?" he calls down at Icculus, then launches his attack down at the namek.
Icculus: watches as Vik fires a massive sphere energy down towards him he closes his eyes in focus. He pushes more of his ki into the blast. Just as the sphere of energy reaches him, Icculus' eyes burst open and with a shout of ferocity he shoves his attac
Icculus: (c) upward against the opposing blast. As the two spheres of energy push together, Icculus' blue aura explodes around him yet again clearing the area beneath his feet of grass and the top layer of dirt. The two blasts then fly back upward
Icculus: (c) toward Vik. "There, hows that for focus?"
Vikanthe: rockets to the side, the blasts rushing past him to explode in a dual shockwave of ki above. "Admirable, to be sure. But blocking raw energy isn't the issue with Icers, its their own focused ki that is. I doubt you could have done the same to an a
Vikanthe: (C) attack of two slicing disks of ki?" He resumes his position above the battlefield as the fireworks from the blasts die down and calls down to Icculus again "The problem with matching it is that you would need to far exceed his own reserve of e
Vikanthe: (C) energy to win in such a fight."
Icculus: nods in deep thought on this. He had always held himself in high regards when on the subject of pure quantity of ki and ki focus. Perhaps he thought,
Icculus: (c) he would have to work more on this in order to beat an Icer. "What would you recomend as the best way to defeat an icer, out of all the tactics we went over?" he asked.
Vikanthe: drops back to the ground, landing with a thud and kicking up another small cloud of dirt. "If you can keep up with them, get in close and try to finish it quickly either with ki or the best barrage of attacks you can muster. At range, or letting i
Vikanthe: (C) it go on long enough for the Icer to realize just how serious the fight is gives them the advantage. A desperate Icer is a deadly opponent, because they won't hold anything back then."
Icculus: nods in agreement. "I must keep that in mind. and I can tell from your words of experience and through our little scuffle here today that you are far more skilled and tested in the arts of battle than I may have originally thought."
Icculus: (c) "perhaps you could display some of your true strength or even tell me of battles in the past." Icculus inquires with a slight smile on his face. "If not today then perhaps another, over strong drink."
Vikanthe: laughs and says "I suppose, consider this the last of the lesson you bought.". After glancing around a moment he shoots up into the air, flying to a height of a couple hundred feet. Closing his eyes and holding his hands out the side he channels h
Vikanthe: (C) channels his energy, unleashing it in the form of a golden and red aura that swirls around him. The aura pulses with power as it undergoes a change, the golden energy shining a bright white and the red getting darker. Finally it is complete wi
Vikanthe: (C) with a shockwave of raw power the aura stabalizes around him but continues to pulse with power. He yells down to Icculus "This is my real power."
Icculus: is taken aback by the amount of sheer force and energy resonating from Vik. Even from a few hundred feet Icculus can feel the power and amount ki that this halfbreed can contain. The young Namek now realizes that he has a long way to go, and much 
Icculus: (c) work to accomplish. "Vik I thank you for demonstration, and I now realize how dangerous it was to challenge you to a spar. You are indeed a good, and compassionate man worthy of my respect. I must now return to my training to meditate on today
Icculus: (c) today's events." With that Icculus bowed and pointed back the way they came. "The town is that way by the way."
Vikanthe: nods at Icculus words, floating down as he does. His energy seems to fall off him in waves before finally dispersing completely as the aura dies down and his power suppresses itself again. "I wouldn't call it compassion, I probably would have kill
Vikanthe: (C) killed you if you didn't pay the tab. But good luck on your training namek, I suggest you make sure you're actually prepared when it comes time to face this Icer of yours." then waves a hand in farewell before shooting off through the sky back
Vikanthe: (C) to the village.
Dalsime: rises up, wind blows off the top of his shiny bald head, erect he stands with a insane look on his face. he turns to Korvyn and smacks him upsidedown and says "bitch you're buggin me"
Lysander: test
Icculus: emerges from the shadows of the thick forest. He walks toward the edge of the cliff and looks out over the twinkling lights of the city. The dark green Namek flips his hood down and takes a deep breath shaking his head.
Icculus: (c) What a scar of the earth." Icculus can feel the planet cry out in agony at the festering plague of modern civilization. He begins to think that perhaps that menace that destroyed
Icculus: (c) his family was not completely in the wrong. He suddenly realizes what a horrible thought that is and jumps off the cliff slowly descending downwards toward the city.
Korvyn: stands in a badly lit alley on the edge of New Hope City, facing off against a couple of ugly thugs. One of the thugs holds a bat, the other an pistol nearly old enough to be an antique. Korvyn speaks "I'd try to talk to you fellows first, but I d
Korvyn: (C) don't want to waste more time on this than I have to." He raises his right arm then, dark red trails of ki pouring from his finger tips and wrapping themselves around his arm quickly forming a sphere of energy. Then before the thugs realize wh
Korvyn: (C) whats happening he leaps forward, slamming the sphere inbetween them and denonating it. The explosion takes them both and showers the area with splinters of stone. After making sure the two are dead Korvyn exits the alley saying "It done.". A 
Korvyn: (C) suited man nods at him, handing him a sack of coins before stepping into a car and driving away.
Lysander: sits atop a builing in New Hope City watching the crowds of people flock for their houses or apartments.  "Is there any reason why I should not have some fun today?"
Lysander: Lysander looks over his shoulder as if waiting for a reply then slowly floats down the side of the building. "Guess not."  He shivers as he feels a power raise momentarily as if someone made easy work of someone...Or something.  "It seems my colle
Lysander: <C> collection is growing."  He looks at the transparent figures then nods as they enter the little canteen slung over his shoulder.  "Guess i'll find out who did this."  He thinks as he
Lysander: <C> walks toward a rougher part of the city. 
Icculus: was walking slowly toward the city and stopped short as he sensed a burst of energy from the city. It was faint but, still more powerful than the common humans that live in the city. "Well this should prove to be some fun."
Icculus: suppressed his power to almost nothing so as not be noticed and picked up his pace walking into the city through the back alleys.
Korvyn: is about to dissapear down the same streets the man's car left in when his scouter beeps at him twice, alerting to sudden changes in the area. He taps the thing, bringing up the screen and reading over the info. "Hmm, two? I thought that lot was t
Korvyn: (C) the best they had. Should have known Mr. Li would cheat me on the damned fee." he says aloud, then jumps into the air floating onto a nearby building. Korvyn says "Might as well draw them out and deal with them now." as he raises his right arm
Korvyn: (C) , ki trails once more emerging to form a sphere of energy that illuminates him and the building he is ontop of.
Lysander: stops mid-stride and mumbles, "Now...He's just showing off."  Lysander smiles as he speeds up dramatically reaching the person within seconds.  He looks up at the being 
Lysander: <C> with a sadistik grin on this face.  "So...You're the one...You seem to be of no use to me." Lysander turns his back and opens the canteen letting something fly out and disappear
Lysander: <C> into the air.  He points straight up into the air and smiles as something flies toward the figure knocking him onto his back before returning into the canteen.  Lysander smiles
Lysander: <C> as he leans up against the building in the dark part of the alley way.
Icculus: walked through the ally-ways keeping his senses open for that hint of power again, and just as he expected, it revealed itself again. Forty meters southeast. Icculus turned his head and to his enjoyment he saw a bright light shine from a 
Icculus: (c) rooftop. An even better surprise caught the attention of the Namek, another figure had flown up and approached the giant ball of energy. "If this is what I think it is, then." Without saying another word, Icculus' feet lifted off the ground an
Icculus: (c) and hovered slowly over to the rooftop keeping in the shadows. He wanted to see what would happen before making his first move.
Korvyn: catches a glimpse of moment then a wave of force or something similar slams into him, knocking him backwards onto the rooftop. He lands with a thud, losing control of his sphere of burning red energy in the process. Without a hand to guidance the 
Korvyn: (C) energy unleashes itself in a torrent, casting a red flash over the area and toasting the rooftop of this and the surrounding buildings. Swearing to himself Korvyn gets back to his feet, looking around for the source of the blow.
Lysander: grins as he hears someone lift off the ground and move through the air. "Got a spectator now, huh?"  He looks over to the being trying to make eye contact only
Lysander: <C> to realize that both these beings are way stronger than himself.  "So...I guess i'll just have to figure out a way to take them both out if needed."  Lysander thinks as something else flies out of his
Lysander: <C> canteen straight towards the spectator as he gets sent back a few yards and begins gasping for air.  "Well...These guys don't seem to be as well 
Lysander: <C> trained as I thought."  Lysander mutters under his breath.  He closes the canteen just before what was sent at the two beings re-enters it.
Graelik: yo
Icculus: is forced back against the wall behind him and find himself choking for air. His eyes get wide and confusion begins to set in, then confusion switches to anger. Icculus thinks to himself, "What the hell was that? I need to get that canteen off
Icculus: (c) of him as that seems to be the source of that...thing." Icculus can sense that this guy is nowhere near as strong as the first being who was so careless with his energy attack. Icculus finally regains his breath and his balance and flies quick
Icculus: (c) forward, the wind pushing the hood back off of his head. His eye begin to glow with power. He lands in front of the one with canteen letting his powerlevel rise to a much more noticable strength. "Just what do you think you are doing?"
Icculus: speaks and moves as if the first being was not even there. He leaves his back turned towards that one.
Korvyn: is alerted to a sudden spike in power by his scouter once more and turns to face it. "Ah-ha, so thats where you're hiding is it?" he says aloud as he lets his power rise to its natural level, shockwaves of energy cascading off him for a few moment
Korvyn: (C) s than dying down. Satisfied he rises into the air, zooming to the source of the power and yelling out "Suprised the Steel Wyverns had someone as talented as yourself, but don't think i'm unprepared!"
Lysander: laughs as the figure is infront of him now, "Wanna take the Canteen? Wanna try me?" Lysander grins as he sidesteps the figure and steps into the shadows of the building becoming 
Lysander: <C>almost invisble as his body and clothes blend in with the surrondings.  "Yo! Keep it down will ya?" He grins looking up at the figure before looking back into the eyes of the figure that was once infront
Lysander: <C> of him.  Preparing himself Lysander looks about for anything he could use incase he didn't have enough time for what he had instore.
Graelik: begins to hover off the ground. He slowly turns his head from side to side, searching for any living being in sight. Pausing for a moment, he speaks to himself in a subtle tone. "&WHeh, this should be fun&w".
Graelik: (c) Quickly clenching his fists he crouches over a bit, as to focus all of his power. Rocks begin to rise up from the ground as sparks disintegrate a few here and there. His golden aura quickly surrounds his body and begins to grow.
Icculus: 's eyebrows are furrowed in frustration of the snotty little boy scout with his canteen. "Who said i wanted to take your precious canteen huh? And what in the world is this?" Icculus turns his head around and looks up at the yelling figure
Icculus: thinks to himself, "what kind of whackos have I run into tonight?" Trying to keep the shadowed one pinned down with one eye, the Namek shouts back up at the other. "Well you may have some strength to you my friend, but I have
Icculus: (c) no knowledge of any kind of metallic bird. Now if you would kindly...." Icculus's speach was cut short as a flash of pure power appeared on the horizon. He looked at the other two to see if they also noticed it.
Lysander: grins before opening his canteen one more time and unleashing something knocking  the two down before turning and running off into the darkness so he could train 
Lysander: <C> before they had a chance to totally destroy him.
Lysander: Done
Korvyn: shields himself from another wave of force from below, the wave creating a wind that kicks dust momentarily blinding him. Swearing again he is about to call down to the namek below when his scouter emits a beep, then a few more rapid beeps before 
Korvyn: (C) exploding. Cursing even louder now he checks to make sure his head is still there and finds only a couple small cuts. "Damned cheap things, now if you're with the Wyverns come and fight like a man. Quit taking potshots from he shadows." he yel
Korvyn: (C) yells down at Icculus.
A man in a shrouded robe: stops powering up for a moment, swiftly turning his head towards the southeast direction. "&CHmm, I feel as though I'm being watched..... Perhaps if I go a bit higher I will attract whomever it is that is out there.&w"
A man in a shrouded robe: (c) He closes his eyes and clenches his fists. Powering up even more this time, boulders begin to rise, as his aura doubles in size. Skipping over his first transformation he immediately transforms into a super saiyan 2. 
Icculus: is trying to pay attention to what the man floating above him is saying but he is having a hard time concentrating as the massive amount of energy continues to grow at a rapid rate. He begins having flashbacks of when he was little
Icculus: (c) He has felt an energy this large before. images of fire and explosions flash in front of his eyes. His house in shambles, his farm ablaze, his family...dead. Icculus tightens his jaw. He speaks softly to himself, "Is it him? Is this the
Icculus: (c) moment I've been waiting for?" Then the power continues to grow, Icculus can feel it as if it were right next to him. "No, this is something much different." He then looks back up at the Saiyan above him. "Listen friend. I am not your
Icculus: (c) enemy, however there is a massive power on the outskirts of town. If you are looking for someone of power, perhaps he will be there. I for one would like to see what kind of...monster possesses such a strength and why it is being
Icculus: (c) displayed in such a fashion." Icculus rises up to the height of Korovyn and turns toward the bright light on the horizon.
Korvyn: similarly gets his attention turned towards the spike of power, by the display the fighter is putting on. With the bright golden flash he can finally see what the Namek has been talking about, and the likely candidate for whos power overloaded his
Korvyn: (C) scouter. Korvyn says "Ah shit, if you're not with the Wyverns and that guy is...Mr. Li really screwed me on the damn fee."
Icculus: turns his head toward the saiyan and speaks. "Come, let's go check this guy out. Judging from your power you look like you may need a hand with this guy. I for one don't like anyone that blatantly displays their power like that."
Icculus: (c) "on second thought, perhaps you couldnt handle someone like this. I will head over their first and check things out. If you are needed I will let you know." Icculus takes one last look at the hired assassin and smiles to himself.
Icculus: (c) before letting a green aura explode around him and taking off into the distance towards the golden energy. He lands with a resounding thud thirty yards away from the robed figure.
Korvyn: considers the nameks words then watches the fellow rocket off towards the glowing figure. "If he wants to test their fighter for me, that works." he says, and laughs aloud before following. His aura flares a dark red siwrling with flames of bright
Korvyn: (C) red and purple as he flies along, but he stops fifty feet back, hanging in the air behind the namek and infront of the shrouded man.
A man in a shrouded robe: settles himself down a bit, peeking out from the corner of his eye he catches two beings. With a small smirk, he slowly turns towards them. "&CSomething I can do for the two of you? Or are you here to enjoy the show&w?"
A man in a shrouded robe: (c) He dons another smirk, standing idly with his fists sitting ready by his side. Casually, he begins to hover down towards the ground.
Icculus: is a little taken aback by the figure. Up close his strength is breathtaking. Icculus is trying with every ounce of his body not to show fear or weakness to this monster. He looks over his shoulder to notice that the guy followed him here.
Icculus: (c) what a fool. Icculus looks back at the mysterious figure and takes a deep breath before speaking, "The show huh? Why would you put on a 'show' out here so close to the city. I came to make sure you arnt going to do anything drastic."
Korvyn: eyes the shourded figure and the namek, listening to them both in turn as they speak. He calls out over them "Well...if you're not with the Wyverns its none of my problem. So I suppose I am just here to watch the show." and grins, waiting to see w
Korvyn: (C) what happens next.
A man in a shrouded robe: looks over to the namek with a slight grin on his face. He lets out a snort from his last remark. "&CI see nothing wrong with what I am doing, however it seems you do. So if you wish to act on your feelings, do so
A man in a shrouded robe: (c) &Cnow. If not, keep your mouth shut boy&w." The shrouded man cautiously sits down on a near by rock, waiting for any sudden movement.
Icculus: clinches his jaw and his fists as the man taunts him. Nobody taunts him like that and gets away with it. Well nobody has up until this point, but Icculus knows when he is up against a stronger force. He tries to gather his focus and then
Icculus: (c) speaks, "Well if you arnt going to infringe on the safety of these humans, then I will let you continue with your little lights and fireworks show. Perhaps I should gather the local grade school out here. Im sure they would love you."
Korvyn: watches the sparks flare up betweent he shrouded figure and the namek and decides he might be a bit too close if those sparks ignite. His aura flares into being for a moment as he floats further back, staying just in earshot but otherwise just obs
Korvyn: (C) observing.
A man in a shrouded robe: lets out a loud snarl followed by a mysterious cackle. Standing up, the man begins to fly upward, keeping his gaze on the Namek and Saiyan below. "&CFool, you've no idea who you're speaking to do you&w?"
A man in a shrouded robe: turns his attention to the Saiyan. "&CAnd you! You call yourself a Saiyan, yet I see nothing but fear in your eyes. You're pathetic!&w" He quickly tears off his robe and throws it to the ground, leaving a small crater in the earth.
Vegeta: lets out yet another cackle as he clenches his fists even harder. Steadily powering up, the landscape around him begins to shake. Sparks begin to form around his body as his eyebrows vanish and his hair begins
Vegeta: (c) to grow past his backside reaching his ankles. "&CYou've clearly no idea whom you are talking to, Namek. Perhaps the next time you meet a stranger you won't be so compulsive!&w" He cackles again, staring the two down.
Wil: floats in the air, watching as the events unfold.  (My my my.  I guess somebody'll have to do something about this.  They're clearly out of their league.  I might just have to make an attempt to even the odds.  Oh well.  I'm bored anyway.)  With a
Wil: (C) grin, he flies towards the saiyan, glowing brightly, the air sizzling around him as he powers up to superhuman in flight.  "Hey!  Saiyan!  Didn't  your mommy ever teach you to play nice with the kiddies?  I mean, seriously.  You got them pissi
Wil: (C) pissin their pants.  Why bother?  You've clearly shown you're stronger.  I'd leave well enough alone if I were you."  Looking down at the opponents, he shouts "You guys!  Run!  Run as fast as you can!"
Icculus: takes several steps back as the saiyan's temper begins to flare, as well as his energy level. The Namek's composure is now beginning to fall apart. He has never been witness to such unimaginable power. He looks up at the ssj3
Icculus: (c) and replies, "Heh, well perhaps this would never have happened if you had let us know you were not a threat in the first place. If it is a problem then perhaps you coul... Before Icculus finishes his sentence his attention is caught by a figur
Icculus: (c) circling in the air above them. A smile grows across his face. Backup. The namek, now feeling more confident chooses to ignore the warnings and stays firmly planted in his spot.
Korvyn: growls and yells "We can't all be handed our power by birthright." in reply to Vegeta, but is already backing up knowing even without the ability to sense power that he is no match for the man. His flight backwards is interuppted by the arrival of
Korvyn: (C) Wil, but has the opposite of the desired effect. "I won't be ordered around by some human!." he says, floating in place defiantly with his aura flaring up about him.
Vegeta: starts flying away facing the two beings. He suddenly notices a figure swiftly coming towards him. Clenching his fists, he unleashes a blast of pure energy towards the surroundings. He then turns towards the human "
Vegeta: (c) &CYou're either very brave, human, or very stupid. He creates a sphere of energy in the palm of his hand, to show warning to the tree beings. "&CYou'd all best be leaving now, I doubt you want things to get out of hand.&w"
Wil: tilts his head slightly and grins.  "I'm no mere human.  Those guys, they're like ants to both of us.  You know it, I know it.  Allow me to show you."  He begins to scream,  paying no mind to the energy sphere in the saiyans hands.  The wind begin
Wil: (C) begins to kick up around them, rooting up the trees from directly below him.  Looking down he frowns.  "I TOLD YOU TO RUN YOU STUPID NAMEK!  I'LL HANDLE IT FROM HERE!"  Electricity flies around him and he looks back at Vegeta.  "I recognize yo
Wil: (C) you from the records, saiyan.  I've spent a ton of time looking through them.  I know you're no mere saiyan.  Vegeta.  I know your name, now here's mine.  I'M WIL OHMSFORD!"
Icculus: begins to realize what is about to happen here. This no ordinary feet between some unaturally strong thugs, this is a legendary battle. Icculus has heard the name Vegeta before, but only in legends and tales of ages past.
Icculus: knows that this fight is about to be very dangerous, and even being in the very vicinity will be deadly to anyone not of their calliber. However, that does not mean that he would miss this fight for the end of the world, which it oddly
Icculus: (c) might result in. Icculus lets loose a scream as all of the intensity in the area pumps him up. His aura explodes around him and green flames shoot up into the nights sky. His eyes flash with a burning emeral color as he transforms
Icculus: (c) into a Super Namek for the very first time. He grins with his own accomplishments but decides to watch from the sidelines for now. He picks himself up off the ground and flies a few hundred yards backward to watch. 
Korvyn: watches the various displays of powers and slowly floats back, knowing he is far outmatched now. "If only my damned scouter hadn't broken, not being able to accurately tell the power these guys have is annoying. Though maybe i'm better off." he mu
Korvyn: (C) mutters to himself, and decides to speed up his travel. The air sparkles around him then blurs as power is is unleashes into it, finally it circles back around him and surges with his existing aura. Fully powered up he follows the namek's acti
Korvyn: (C) actions in going back a few hundred yards.
Vegeta: fumbles himself around laughing, quickly falling to the ground with a loud thud. He gets himself together and flies back into the air. Quickly powering back up to his former state, he vanishes.
Vegeta: appears in seconds in the face of the human. He quickly shoves his fist with the energy sphere through the humans torso, laughing as if it were like pulling wings from a fly. "&CYour bravery is 
Vegeta: (c) commended, but your stupidity has left you with nothing but a newly rotting corpse, and a hole in your chest.&w" He pulls his fist out of the humans chest and quickly looks back at the other two. 
Vegeta: smirks slightly. "&CPerhaps next time you'll bring more friends for me to play with. But for now, I've more important things to tend to.&w" He quickly flares up, and is gone in an instant.
Wil: falls to the earth, blood flying out of the newly opened hole in his chest and from his mouth.  (Shit.  Where did I go wrong?  He wasn't THAT strong in the history records.  Then again, it's been a long time.  Oh well.  I guess I'll have to pay an
Wil: (C)  another visit to old king kai.)  Landing on the ground with a thud, the impact leaves a crater and he looks up once more before his vision fades and he passes out, beginning to fade into his death shroud.
Icculus: is stunned. He cannot believe what he just saw. He senses that the human was strong, and he knew that Vegeta was much stronger, but the ease with which the saiyan was able to inflict such damage was amazing. The Namek simply
Icculus: (c) stared for a few moments before realizing what he must do. Icculus quickly bursts foreward flying as fast as he can toward the human plummeting towards the ground. Icculus lands quickly at Wils side just in time to watch
Icculus: (c) his eyes close. He puts his hands over the human's torso and they begin to glow brightly as he tries to heal the man that stood up to Vegeta in an act of bravery and valor. After a few moments, Icculous sighs. "It is too late
Icculus: (c) he is gone. You will be remembered Wil..."
Korvyn: casts a glance at the fallen human then at the namek rushing his side and wisely decides to leave before the saiyan returns. With a burst of power and speed he rockets away from the area devastated by displays of power, suppressing his own strengt
Korvyn: (C) strength as he does to avoid detection.
Lysander: test
Noodline: extracts a dildo from her backpack and shoves it into jake
Korvyn: blocks the glare of the noon-day sun from his eyes and sits up, surveying his surroundings. The massive crater in the southern hemisphere of Planet Vegeta spreads out around him like a scar in the landscape. Scattered around the crater are many yo
Korvyn: (C) young saiyans and trainers, teaching their students the way of manuipulating energy. A few cast curious glances at the elderly man in his midst but say nothing. Ignoring their glances Korvyn focuses, squaring his feet and powering up. The air 
Korvyn: (C) slowly starts to crackle with electricty, then the ground around him shakes and cracks. Finally a dark-red aura swirling with bright red and dark purple flares into being around him. He stays still for a moment, the air around him distorted wi
Korvyn: (C) with his power. Then  he releases his control and it all abruptly ends. "Its still costing me too much..." he says aloud to himself.
Icculus: steps off the ship, filing down the stairs behind the other travelers. He stops at the bottom of the staircase and lifts his head up looking out across the landscape, the hot sun glaring across the shiny surfaces of the buildings. 
Icculus: (c) He smiles to himself and starts to work forward readjusting his backpack. A "Welcome to Planet Vegeta" sign greets him as he walks into the welcome center. Icculus decided this place would be the best to come and train after
Icculus: (c) witnessing the incredible power Vegeta displayed. Icculus thought that if he could tap into only a fraction of that man's fighting ability, he would be able to protect planet Earth by himself. He finds his way to a help desk and
Icculus: (c) is quickly sent in the way of the training facilities and martial art district.
Korvyn: wipes the sweat from his forehead and raises his right arm. Slowly it glows with energy, then tendrils of dark red ki emerge from his fingetips and begin to swirl around his wrist. They slow leak becomes a torrent and they quickly form a burning r
Korvyn: (C) red sphere of ki. With a grunt he shoves the sphere into the sky, watching it slice through the air. Once it gets a few hundred feet up he brings both his hands up and rapidly fires blast after blast of energy into the ball until it can take n
Korvyn: (C) no more and explodes, briefly casting the area in red but doing no harm.
Icculus: walks quickly toward where the helpful, but also rather rude saiyan had pointed him. Before long he can hear and see the sights of massive groups of saiyans training and fighting. One fighter however stands out.
Icculus: Icculus watches as one fighter displays an impressive array of ki attacks and blasts and almost as if signaling for a training partner dyes the ski above him bright red. The closer Icculus gets to this warrior the more he starts to
Icculus: (c) recognize him. This is the Saiyan that was with him when he bore witness to the power of Vegeta. Icculus approaches with confidence saying, "You again? Trying to imitate the legendary Saiyan are you? Putting on a show like this."
Vegeta: is interrupted while exercising as he senses two familiar entities. "&CHrm, it feels as though those two twerps from Earth are on my planet... What the hell are they doing here&w."
Vegeta: stands himself up, brushing himself off. "&CPerhaps I should let them know I am here..&w" He plants his feet firmly in the ground, clenching his fists. Straining a bit, he starts powering
Vegeta: (c) up. His aura becomes golden as his hair starts to stand straight, eyes blue, with sparks flying from his body he dons a smirk and sits down. &CThat should get their attention."
Korvyn: steps out of a battered and smoking shuttle thanking whatever luck had kept the thing intact through the landing. With a glance he takes in the massive steel docks of the galatic hub, Junction Point Alpha. "Quite a place." he says before joining t
Korvyn: (C) the crowd of travellers making their way to the center of the spacestation. However instead of going to book passage on another shuttle he turns down left wing of the massive station, heading to the training center. Now instead of simple trave
Korvyn: (C) travellers he passes fighters of all kinds. Some sparring, others running through exercises using weighted clothing. Finally he arrives at his goal, the dome of the station's gravity training room. All around the large dome are fighters sepera
Korvyn: (C) seperated by thick steel walls that cut the dome and allow gravity to be applied for each individual. He finds an empty chamber and slots a few coins, cranking the dial upto 5000 and beginning a work-out.
Greg: idly walked through the hallways of Junction Point Alpha. Icerian authorities had always held a tight reign on the ginormous hub. The spaceport had been constructed under Icerian rule and had managed to survive several attempted hostile
Greg: (C) take overs before. So, naturally, security was extremely tight. The silver haired man grinned lightly as he placed a lazy hand on the hilt of a sword that was obscured from vision by a sanguine colored trenchcoat. He was
Greg: (C) approaching one of the many check-points that existed along JPA. Along with several large sections cataloguing the variety of races and basic combat teachers, there existed a large plethora of other things. Shops, merchants, dealers,
Greg: (C) fighters... and all manner of peoples from all walks of life. However, one had to pass through a series of check points if they wanted to go anywhere. The blue eyed man stopped at the check point, a rather disgruntled looking Icerian
Greg: (C) manned the post there, "Papers..." He said in a dry tone. The man showed the Icerian a small slip of paper that gave the Icerian a slight start, "You may pass." He managed to say as a slight cold sweat broke out on his forehead. The
Greg: (C) silver haired man grinned and pocket his identification as he entered the training area of JPA. He could cut loose here, at least. But for the sake of theatrics he kept the bulk of his power hidden from prying individuals as he
Greg: (C) simply walked among those who were training, excuding a calm condescendence to any who glanced his way.
Icculus: has not yet gotten used to the idea of space travel and is, at the moment still taken aback by the amount of commotion and strange things in the Universe. So far the extent of his travel has only been from Earth to planet Vegeta.
Icculus: (c) Now in the hub of all space travel, the Namek finds himself being rather hesitant and unsure. Stepping off of the shuttle he quickly notices that the guards and authority figures of Junction Point Alpha are all Icers.
Icculus: (c) He makes his way to the checkpoint grinding his teeth and using all of his will to tell himself that he is only after one particular Icer. Settling down somewhat he makes his way smoothly past the checkpoint and is set loose.
Icculus: (c) among the multitudes of people and races. Icculus quickly makes his way over to a large map on the wall that lists the docks, training centers and stores throughout the JPA.
Korvyn: quickly runs through a work-out that would be familiar to anyone who was trained to fight by saiyans. It is the basic style of saiyan martial arts, usually practiced by children before more skilled styles are developed. From this Korvyn does just 
Korvyn: (C) , stepping into a more advanced style and feeling the weight of the artificial gravity bare down on him. Halfway through the second routine he slips, and is unable to maintain his footing. Off balanced he is slammed into the floor. Swearing to
Korvyn: (C) himself the large saiyan man gets back onto his feet, repeating the routine from the start.
Greg: -*- The silver-haired man continued on his casual strole, until he got the the gravity chambers. Now THESE were the entertaining ones. Sure, watching fighters beat the ever living piss out of each other just so they could potentially
Greg: (C) become a little bit stronger than they were before the fight, was entertaining at times. Those who worked out in the gravity chambers tended to elicit more of a humorous response. Why? Because watching them strain against perceptably
Greg: (C) nothing was damn funny. The most hilarious were those who had an vastly inflated ego and had never been in a gravity chamber before. They would set it to some number that was -WAY- too high for their own good. The end result? A
Greg: (C) random gravity chamber would recieve a new paint job in the colors of blood, guts and gore. Or, there were those who ended up straining too hard and, y'know, losing control of their bowels due to all that 'strain'. So, when the man
Greg: (C) passed by a random chamber and happened to watch a fighter slip, he almost lost it right there. Falling... was another painful lesson in the gravity chambers. Cause it was always several times worse than in a regular atmosphere. So
Greg: (C), there was this man who had just busted face, and Greg couldn't help but laugh at the poor creatures misfortune.
Icculus: finally spotted what he was looking for on the board. The gravity chambers. Even though he had spent years training on Earth and even a little while on planet Vegeta had yet to train in a gravity chamber, and seeing this place as
Icculus: (c) the mecca of space technology, Icculus figured he would give it a go. As he walked towards the chambers he spotted a long row of chambers, but one caught his eye in particular. A man laughing stood in front of it. The Namek
Icculus: (c) strolled over and stood next to the man to see what the spectacle was all about. Sure enought there was a large Saiyan in the chamber trying jjust a little too hard. A look of strain on his face. However the man laughing seemed 
Icculus: (c) a little sinister laughing at somebody training. Icculus thought to himself that people around here hold their egos and high regard.
Korvyn: is about to work through the routine we he hears laughter sounding out from the center of the large dome, a man standing there enjoying the show he had accidently put on. "What are you laugh-" he starts to say, then slips as his attention lapses a
Korvyn: (C) and nearly goes face first a second time. The only thing that saves him is a quick burst of red energy from his hand. It leaves a scorch mark on the steel and the force helps him keep his balance. Swearing again he looks back towards the man, 
Korvyn: (C) noticing a familiar figure near him.
Greg: couldn't contain himself anymore and proceeded to bust out in a full on laughing fit. Holding his gut in both hands as he bends over in laughter, the sound echoing against hallways and walls. He finally righted himself after his laughing
Greg: (C) fit and wiped an imaginary tear away from his eye with a finger as light chuckles continued to rack his body. He then clapped his hands at the mans performace as he attempted, in vain, to cause a scene, "Oh, bravo! Bravo! I was hoping
Greg: (C) to find some entertainment here! I must thank you for providing me with it, mister...whatever-the-hell your name is."
Icculus: smiles to himself at the antics of the large Saiyan but his smile is soon cut short by the amount of laughter coming from the man next to him. Seriously this guy is enjoying this too much. As Icculus looks back up to see the
Icculus: (c) reaction of the clumsy fighter, he recognizes him. He points at him saying, "You my friend seem to be everywhere, and always attracting a crowd at that." Icculus motions to the person to his left, "Still trying your hardest I see. 
Icculus: (c) Perhaps you should turn the dial a little, make it easier on yourself."
Korvyn: eyes the two from his position within the chamber, his hand still covered in a thin layer of energy and he almost looks like hes about to fire a blast their way. The saiyan man decides against this after a moment, lowering his hand and letting the
Korvyn: (C) energy dissipate. "My name is Korvyn vro'Kaan, and how I train is my own damn business. Mind your own and leave me to it." he says, then resumes his routine. He goes through the motions this time with exaggerated care, making sure not to slip 
Korvyn: (C) up again.
Greg: waves a finger back and forth at the training individual in a manner similar to how a parent would scold their child. When he spoke, he sounded exactly like that as well, "Tsk. Tsk. That's no way to speak to your superiors now, is it?" 
Greg: (C) The man glances over at the Namekian next to him and merely shakes his head, "Your name isn't important really. Unless you intend to kill me. It's a courtesy to give your name to those you intend to kill, so they can at least know
Greg: (C) who it is that has taken their life." The man tugged on one of the fingerless gloves on one of his hands and pushed his sanguine trenchcoat back gently to reveal the hilt of a blade, much of the blade was obscured by the coat still
Greg: (C) but it's inwardly curved blade glistened against the lights within the hallway, "Shall I tell you my name?"
Icculus: let out a large sigh. It seems that aggressiveness and egos are very common throughout the universe. Everybody has to say they are the best and that they are the greatest. With an annoyed look on his face he responded
Icculus: (c) to the blade wielding man, "Hey buddy, I'm sure your name is great and all that, and I'm sure your knife is plenty sharp, but my grudge isn't with you." He looked turned his head up to the Saiyan in the chamber. "Hey, you
Icculus: (c) look like you could use a sparring partner. How bout it?"
Korvyn: stops his routine again, looking over the silver-haired man more closely before speaking. "If you need a blade to cut for you, you can't be all that impressive." The 6'3" saiyan man then looks down at the namek saying "As for you, are you claiming
Korvyn: (C) a grudge agaisnt me? I've got better control than when you met me last - namekian." making his disgust known as he draws the last word out.
Greg: raises an eyebrow at the two of them, rather than seem put-off or upset by their words, he seemed more intrigued than anything else, "Ooooh. Seems you two have a bit of life in you after all!" This revelation seems to actually please him more
Greg: (C) than anything else, almost as if someone with a bit of spunk to them was exciting. The grin that slides across his face widens slightly, "As for this..." He touches the grip with a pair of fingers, carressing it gently along it's
Greg: (C) length. The act seemed almost like some sort of exotic taboo to the man, as though he derived some odd pleasure out of it, "It is merely a manifestation of my true power. Nothing more. And I simply believe it is a more... civilized
Greg: (C) manner of death than beating somebody into a pulp. Now..." The man pops his knuckles and tilts his head from side to side, several popping sounds emitting from his neck with these motions, "If that is the limit of your power..." He
Greg: (C) comments as he looks at the training warrior, "I would again advise you to watch your tongue."
Icculus: begins to see some class in this stranger now. As opposed to the last few people he has run into, this man, although rather arrogant, does at least have some tact about him. Even so, the way he talked about his sword, and the idea of 
Icculus: (c) a civilized way of killing somebody struck Icculus with that same sinister vibe. Judging the mans strength was obviously a useless as most of the people he encountered hide their strength. This commonality was not
Icculus: (c) limited to others as the Namek did the same. He looked back up to the familiar face in the chamber and was also eager to see the strength that this man held within him as the last time they met he was never given a 
Icculus: (c) chance. Icculus nodded in agreement with the stranger. "Yes, let's see what your capable of." He then looked back at the stranger, "However with a request like that, you too should reveal your true self."
Korvyn: sneers at the mans words and spits off the side of the chamber adressing the silver-haired man again "Civilized? Don't make me laugh. Dead is dead, the getting there isn't important." He shifts his stance after saying that, squaring himself before
Korvyn: (C) speaking once more. "But fine, if you want to see my real strength you'll have it." With that the air around him suddenly sparks with life, red tendrils of ki swirling around the him. Slowly the tendrils speed up until they are a virtual whirl
Korvyn: (C) whirlwind and the limits the saiyan man has put on his power lift. The new strength flows from him and air becomes thick with it, becoming hazy. Finally the saiyan's full strength is revealed and the ki dies down, there is a look of concentrat
Korvyn: (C) concentration on his face and it seems to take some effort to speak. "This, is my strength."
Greg: 's grin widens even further, almost breaking out into a full-blown smile as he watches the Saiya-jin's power rise dramatically. Of course, the Saiya-jin had been hiding a portion of his power. Though, it was not nearly as much hidden
Greg: (C) as Greg had made a habit of doing to his own, "That's a bit more acceptable." Greg looks over to the Namkian, his face, to a sane person, looks like something almost twisted and sadistic. It wasn't anything overt, but there was an under-
Greg: (C) lying hint of insanity in his eyes, "You, my green friend, may want to step back for this one. There are few creatures in this universe that can put something of Saiya-jin blood in their place like something of the same blood."
Greg: opens up the door to the gravity chamber, seemingly unaffected by the intense gravity that was still being simulated within the chamber walls. There was no overt act on his part, however the air within the room became even -more- dense and
Greg: (C) weighted as Greg also revealed some of his power. Not all of it, of course, for he had not even gripped the Black Lotus at his hip, "Curious..." He said as bolts of dark energy, consisting of hues of dark blue and purple, danced up and
Greg: (C) down his form, "Can you not go any higher than that? I must say I'm rather disappointed. I won't even break a sweat at this rate."
Jeckel: ship docked to the large spacestation that was known as Junction Point Alpha. This giant spacestation was said to be the center of the galaxy, and for good reason, many ships from every planet ended up here in some way or another. As the center of
Jeckel: <C> the galaxy it was also very large, full of various sectors and areas and even some living quarters, and not just for the people who worked at the station either. As Jeckel stepped from his ship onto the dock of the personal ship, his scouter b
Jeckel: <C> beeped and the feeling of large powerlevels hit him instantly. His expression was a frown then changed to a grin. "Well, guess this will be more interesting.." He wandered the space station in no big hurry, simply following his gut feeling, we
Jeckel: <C> well, and the scouter's directions untill he found himself upon the familliar exterior of a gravity chamber. Jeckel looked at the namek standing outside and then walked to the open doorway, peeking inside. "Well, mind if I watch this fight?"
Icculus: couldn't help but smirk a little as he detected the power of the Saiyan. That wasn't nearly as much as he had expected from him. He figured he would slowly lift his hands and give a courtesy applause anyway. He didn't want to insult
Icculus: (c) him at all, in fact he wanted to offer some encouragement. Catching the grey-haired man look at him from the corner of his eye he turns to the see the man giving him an odd glare. A brow muscle of the namek rises in confusion
Icculus: (c) of this look. He wonders exactly how crazy this man is. Watching the man step into the chamber, he senses an incredibly dramatic rise in powerlevel, however he still sensed that he was stronger. Even so, he could tell that
Icculus: (c) this man was hiding something. He spoke up anyway, "Well you guys are way too strong. I really don't know if I could compete in a spar with you two." His attention was caught by another approaching man.
Icculus: (c) "Now this guy, I think I could take pretty quickly. You two though, in a world of your own." Icculus smiled at his statement and stood tall waiting to see just arrogant each new person he meets is.
Korvyn: senses the change in power and brings a hand to his scouter, flipping it into posisition for a quick scan. After a moment it beeps and displays the data and the saiyan man flips it back out of his way. The large saiyan then speaks "More power? Fin
Korvyn: (C) Fine." and grits his teeth. A torrent of energy erupts around him, the air crackling with its raw power. Quickly the energy shifts is caught up in the mans aura that flares into being. Dark red ki swirls with sparks of bright flame red energy 
Korvyn: (C) and dark purple blotches. Korvyn seems to fight for control of this power and after a few moments succeeds though the strain of doing its evident on his face. The tornado of energy is tamed and dies down some, but continues to pulse with barel
Korvyn: (C) barely controlled power as it casts a red light on the chamber.
Greg: tilts his head to the side slightly and looks over his shoulder to see who else had shown up, "Oh... dear me, it's you." His eye focuses on Jeckel for a moment turning to look back at the Saiya-jin in front of him, yet his speaks loud
Greg: (C) enough for the two at the door to hear, "You can watch until your hearts content, Mr. Commander. However, I got here first. This little fellow is mine." With that the Saiya-jin pushed himself even farther. Yet, Greg's face faultered
Greg: (C) slightly. Despite this fighters considerable effort to hold his power in check... from Greg's perspective there wasn't that much power to hold. Greg's grin left him and was replaced with a look of disappointment, "That's it?" Those
Greg: (C) two words seemed to be coming out of his mouth a lot lately. He sighed and closed his eyes, shaking his head as he did so, "For all that power show and theatrics, you don't have much worth showing." Greg's eyes widened slightly as
Greg: (C) their came a shift in the air around him, his hair rose gently and stood on end in a silver crown. His eyes took on a bit more of a serious tone as they shifted from sky blue to a turqoise green and his hair took on the color of the sun.
Jeckel: smirked at the namek, his golden blonde spikes wavering slightly from the flow of air being pushed from the doorway of the gravity chamber by the efforts of the two inside. It was apparent that he was in his super saiyan 1 state, and being the gen
Jeckel: <C> general of the entire saiyan army, he had to make sure he displayed some of his power at all times. "Namek, I'd be careful with those words of yours." He cast his sea green eyes from the namek and back to the two inside. "Oh hey, you're that e
Jeckel: <C> easily excitable guy. And it's GENERAL. So whats this, picking on little guys? I allways figured you were more bark than bite."
Icculus: lets out another long sigh and quietly mutter to himself, "And yet another arrogant stranger. Perhaps its just saiyans" He then looks up at the self-entitled commander and nods. "I seem to be told that quite often."
Icculus: leans his wait against the wall and looks up at the two in the chamber. "So are you two going to throw down yet or is the guy," He notions to Jeckel with a flick of his head, "going to "teach me a lesson"?"
Korvyn: frowns at the display of power and slides back a step, taking on a defensive stance. Once prepared the saiyan speaks to the silver-haired man "So, you're just another hiding behind a birthright. Is your raw power, that which truely makes up a mans
Korvyn: (C) strength too weak to match mine?" While he speaks his control nearly breaks, as evidenced by a rogue tendril of ki lashing out behind him and striking the reinforced steel floor of the chamber. Biting back a swear he brings his energyunder con
Korvyn: (C) control he mutters mostly to himself "Its time I quit running...i'll pit my strength against this birthright and see which is stronger."
Greg: tilts his head to the side, his spiked golden hair wavering slightly from the motion, as he evaluates his opponent yet again... This truly was the extent of this saiyans power, "That really is all you can do, isn't it? Otherwise you would
Greg: (C) not hide behind petty insults of my strength." Greg's image flickered for a moment before disappearing from normal view, only to re-appear behind the much taller Saiya-jin, "That power must be -ripe- inside you by now. A raw
Greg: (C) Super Saiya-jin of your strength..." Greg pulls an arm back and extends his fingers as energy, not so much a ball as a mass, collected around his hand and he thrusted his hand towards the Saiya-jin warrior. Greg grins as he fires off the
Greg: (C) collected mass of dark energy at the Saiya-jin warrior.
Jeckel: watched the battle intently, he was able to follow Greg's moves perfectly, even if the other saiyan in the chamber probably couldn't. He glanced over at the namek for a second and continued to look upon the battle happening inside the chamber. "Wh
Jeckel: <C> "What is with you nameks? You get a bit stronger than the rest of your tribe and all of a sudden you guys get all hot headed and full of yourselves. Just shut up and enjoy the show....I have a feeling you might witness something that very few 
Jeckel: <C> get to see..." He smirked. "At least very few outside of the saiyan race."
Icculus: laughed at the comments of the saiyan. Those were the exact same thoughts he had about their race. He shook his head and continued to watch the quicker but shorter Saiyan move circles around the taller guy.
Icculus: (c) "Well, I do enjoy a good fight, however I dont know that any Saiyan will ever match what I have seen." Icculus begins to realize that the tall one is in trouble. If it gets too out hand he will intervene, and really test this guy.
Korvyn: blinks as Greg dissapears from infront of him, then senses the sudden surge of power behind him. Knowing he'll not have the time to turn around he acts quickly, tipping forward and letting the gravity bring him downwards. As he does this he also r
Korvyn: (C) reaches his hands up behind his head, raw energy building up in either hand in an attempt to block the attack. But he is either too slow in his actions or his energy not strong enough to match. The mass forces his hands aside and slams into hi
Korvyn: (C) his back. The impact first pushes him to the ground, then not content to expend all its force throws him sliding across the floor. With the back of his armor smoking he rises a bit shakily to his feet, the air thrumming with energy fighting ag
Korvyn: (C) against his control. After a second his control is back and he says "Fast is all well and good, but you'll need stronger then that to back it up.". He raises his right hand then, and the tendrils of enrgy whirling around him leap to it as he f
Korvyn: (C) forces more and more power into it.
Greg: narrows his eyes slightly. This man was at least taking the fight seriously, however they were still on station. In outer space of all things! Who knew? Greg did, and unfortunately that meant that he couldn't use one of his own energy
Greg: (C) attacks to overpower the Saiya-jin's own attack. He was going to have to do something else about that, least he destroy whatever section of the station they were in. First would come the law suits, millions in damages, then would come
Greg: (C) those who lost someone due to the 'incident'. More millions just to shut them up. Greg just sighs at these prospects but knows full well that as long as this Korvyn stays at the level he is, he can only use up so much power before
Greg: (C) he simply has nothing left. Greg reaches back again and begins to collect another dark mass of energy. Only this time rather than launching it immediately, bolts of dark energy began to surge up and down his arm and the mass began to
Greg: (C) speed up and surge as he fueled it further, "Come on you weakling!" Greg chided the Saiya-jin as they charged their own perspective attacks, "If you can't do better than this. You. Will. Die!" Greg launches his attack again right as
Greg: (C) Korvyn was prepared to fire his own attack. With the timing as it was, the two energy attacks would collide in the air...
Jeckel: rubbed his chin a bit as he watched intently on the fight, but moreso on the other, weaker, saiyan that was on the ass end of an ass kicking. He looked to Greg then back at the weaker saiyan. "hmm...Hey! Weakling! Just let go allready!"
Icculus: watches blankly as the fight seems to progress to a higher level. "Hmm," He looks over at the saiyan next to him, "You think there's going to be some bloodshed here?" Icculus nods and smiles at the thought of it.
Icculus: (c) Lately Icculus has caught himself having the most vile and evil thoughts. He wonders what's happening to him. Moments ago he was about to jump in and save the guy, and now all he's hoping to see is blood splattered on the wall.
Korvyn: halts the flow of energy to his sphere before it reaches a point beyond his control and thrusts his arm forward at the mass od dark energy hurled by Greg. As soon as the sphere is launched he leaps into movement, his increased power affording him 
Korvyn: (C) more manueverability. As he moves to the side and kicks off the wall to carry himself around rather than into the attacks he hears some chatter from the doorway but ignores it. His burst of speed sends him flying through the air at Greg, just 
Korvyn: (C) as his abandoned sphere strikes the man's own mass of dark energy and starts to be consumed. Without a look back he flips in the air, using the momentum to strike downwards at what he hope is an unprepared moment for this strange fighter.
Greg: glances to his side briefly as the two energy attacks collide with each and engage in their own battle of force. The energy attacks were irrelevent really, however, through centuries of collected experience over several life times, he had
Greg: (C) figured out enough about the Super Saiya-jin transformation. In order for it to work, the person had to be pushed to the breaking point. Which usually involved desperation, this Korvyn would need to know that without the power of his
Greg: (C) blood, he was going to die. So, there is a flash of metal as the two energy attacks consume each other and ignite in a grand explosion. When the dust settles, Greg had drawn The Black Orchid and had blocked Korvyn's 'suprise' attack as
Greg: (C) he once again released his power, it doubling once the blade had been drawn, "You're movement is clumsy and slow. Your attacks are predictably feeble and on top of all that, your technique is simply disgusting!" Greg swings the blade
Greg: (C) outward, launching Korvyn away from him, "And you call yourself a Saiya-jin!" Greg aligns the Black Orchid to the floor and in a swinging motion, launches a trio of energy blasts, much similar to his previous attacks in that they appeared
Greg: (C) as three masses of dark energy, towards the Saiya-jin.
Jeckel: frowns as he sees Greg pull his sword. He raised an eyebrow however as it dawned on him what Greg was attempting to do. "Heh...I see.." he rubbed his chin a bit in thought and then looked back at the Namek, seemingly unconcerned about the battle. 
Jeckel: <C> "Well it wouldn't be a fight without some bloodshed. Seriously, what do they teach you on Namek? Untill some blood is drawn a spar is nothing more than a game of grab ass." He turned his attention back to the fight in the gravity chamber, hopi
Jeckel: <C> hoping for the other saiyan's sake that he would find his will to transform soon.
Icculus: watches the battle, his gaze is intently fixed on the two in the chamber. His eyes begin to glow a bright white color as he finds his heart racing. The Namek is so focused on the fight that he vaguely hears the annoying voice of
Icculus: (c) the man next to him. He looks back at him with an annoyed look, his eyes fade in brightness slightly, and he gives a quick shushing sound. "The fights getting good." He turns back to watch the fight. 
Korvyn: is flung back and greeted by three bolts of dark energy slicing through the air and towards him. Off-balance and the fights exertions quickly taking their toll he is only able to block the first of the bolts. It slams into his glowing arms and exp
Korvyn: (C) explodes shaking him further. The other two strike home in his chest and leg, each leaving smoking holes in his armor and throwing him to the floor. His aura fluctuates wildly around him as he tries to regain control and rise, but the leg stru
Korvyn: (C) struck by the blast is bent crooked in one place and surely broken. Realizing this he is weakly rising to to his undamaged knee just in time to see Greg beginning his next attack.
Greg: 's face contorts into a grimace of disgust as he begins to walk, in a rather threatening manner, towards the fallen and broken Saiya-jin, "Weak." The words seem to travel with a will of their own and echo off of the enhanced bulkheads of
Greg: (C) the gravity chamber. A golden aura bursts into life and surges wildly around him, "Pathetic." Even over the additional 'wosh-wosh-wosh' sound that occured when the aura sprung to life, the word still seemed to echo within the
Greg: (C) chamber. Greg was now standing close to the Saiya-jin, that same look of utter contempt and disgust only seeming to become more deeply engraved upon his features, "Disgusting creature." Greg extended an opened palm towards the kneeling
Greg: (C) creature as another mass of energy formed in his palm, though this energy was much more intense than before. Besides the usual dark nature of it, it's intensity was such to the point that a nimbus of energy of varied dark colors
Greg: (C) surged around the dark core, "Die." The word was sterile and cold, harsh and calculatingly sinister. The energy attack that was launched from his outstretched palm only seemed to personify this sinister harshness.
Korvyn: watches as Greg approaches and see his death written in the mans eyes. The words of disgust Greg speaks echo in the gravity chamber and strike him, somehow feeling heavier than the gravity itself. With the blazing aura of the man almost blinding t
Korvyn: (C) to him he sees the hand come up and the dark energy swirl together once more. He says only word as the attack finishes gathering its strength and leaps from Greg's hand towards him. "No!" and in a gesture of defiance throws a fist at the oncom
Korvyn: (C) oncoming mass of energy. His fist strikes it and the air crackles as his energy pours our to try and fight the blast. The energy is too much for him to handle however and his fist is forced back. Finally just when the blast is about to explode
Korvyn: (C) he lets out a primal yell and an explosion of golden energy envelops him, his hair growing and alighting with the same golden flame of his aura. Wordlessly he redoubles his efforts and strikes through the energy, causing it to explode to eithe
Korvyn: (C) either side of him. He has only a moment to realize what he just did before the black void of uncounciousness overtakes him, the strain taking him at last.
Leon: - "It is time." A dark shadow figure said softly, walking towards a darkened area, not biding by the light. "It is time...for...what?" I said, pondering what this figure meant by its very words. I was a bit confused
Leon: (C)Not knowing what it could have possibly meant by this. I wish i totally understood it, but, I woke up before i could comprehand its very exsistence. "What...was...that?" I said softly, gathering my body and arising from my bed.
Leon: (C)It has plagued my mind for a long time now, and I've been sitting and staring at myself in the window for nearly an hour. Will this figure return? I do not know.
Seras: * grits her teeth, the pain in her gut was just getting worse. The woman is perched atop a building in New Hope, all thoughts of her 'mission' forgotten in the face of her agony. It'd been days since she'd fed, and then on a few rats... days since
Seras: * (c) she had tasted the delicious blood that she craved. She couldn't take much more of this. But what could she do? Back in the facility she had fed upon those who had fought her... but she had been warned not to risk open conflict, she wasn't s
Seras: * (c) strong enough. Suddenly, in the alley below, her attention is drawn to something. There, in the darkness, she sees a grubby human pull a woman into the darkness, and hold a knife to her throat. Something in the biodroid snaps, and she grins,
Seras: * (c) this was a fight! She knew what she had to do... a fight ended with feeding, yes? Silent as a bird of prey, she drops from her perch, preparing to feed properly for the first time in weeks! Glorious!
Korvyn: is sitting atop a run-down apartment building in New Hope City, the tarred roof of the structure baking in the sun. The large saiyan man pays no attention to heat however, his eyes are closed and he hovers a few inches off the ground. Suddenly a g
Korvyn: (C) golden aura flickers to life around him then dissapears, the air crackling with pent up energy. The man repeats this display of strength a few times before is awoken from his meditation by a beep from his scouter. Flipping the device into revi
Korvyn: (C) view he quickly reviews the data before dropping to the rooftop and standing. "Hmm...not that signifigant..but what if its that one hiding his power again." he says, thinking aloud. Finally he decides to take action, noting the direction of th
Korvyn: (C) the power before flipping the device back to the side and floating into the air towards it.
Seras: * lands softly in the alleyway, the unfortunate mugger entirely unaware of her presence... until he feels a sharp, stabbing sensation in his neck. He goes limp, and the woman runs. Seras, meanwhile, enjoys herself. Within a few moments, the clothi
Seras: * clothing of the mugger falls to the ground in a neat pile, and she shivers. The hunger, at least temporarily, sated. She hops back up to the top of the building, entirely unaware of the attention that she has attracted, she licks her lips, and l
Seras: * looks out over the city, frowning to herself. "I lost." She mumbles to herself.
Korvyn: taps his scouter as he flys along and it responds, giving him the proper direction to track down the signal. Finally he spots the source of the power, a human who hops onto a building just as he arrives. After eyeing her for a moment he drops ten 
Korvyn: (C) feet across from here, standing on the edge of the rooftop. "You're not the one i'm looking for...but this interesting. I've met few humans that attain any real strength." he says, speaking to her.
Seras: * spins around quickly, impressively not even hesitating, and she doesn't lose her balance at all. She crouches down low, "You no looking for me?" She asks, sounding quite suspicious, she eyes the saiyan carefully, and then her eyes seem to go a l
Seras: * (c) little wide, "Wait... human? You mean, you no human... nono, you have tail..." She trails off, looking puzzled, before she straightens a bit, "What -are- you? You no look like others... you have tail." She grins, adding as an afterthought, "
Seras: * (c) "And silly glasses."
Korvyn: listens to the odd and somewhat incoherent words as they rattle out of the strange human's mouth. When she finally finishes he speaks "I supposed it figures that the few humans to surpass their meager beginnings would be...different. Come to think
Korvyn: (C) of it, that other one was fairly crazy too." Then he drops down, sitting on the little wall surrounding the buildings edge instead of standing on it. "But my meditiation is going nowhere at the moment, so i'll humor you girl. The tail makes me
Korvyn: (C) a saiyan, the race that rules the stars above your little head." he says, then notices her red eyes finally and adds "As for you...you're quite strange yourself."
Seras: * is indeed talking quite quickly, its pretty hard to follow everything she says, the words tumbling out over each other in her haste. She nods quickly, "Yes, I... I different. Very. You... you saiyan? Ruler of stars, huh?" She seems to ponder thi
Seras: * (c) this for a moment, and then perks up, "I know what stars are, they are self-luminous celestial bodies consisting of a mass of gas held together by its own gravity in which the energy generated by nuclear reactions in the interior is balanced
Seras: * (c) by the outflow of energy to the surface, and the inward-directed gravitational forces are balanced by the outward-directed gas and radiation pressures." She reels off the definition in a matter of seconds, and then nods firmly to herself, ap
Seras: * (c) apparently she feels she has solved a difficult problem.
Korvyn: listens to her repeat some definition about gas nuclear reactions before saying "Right, well the stars themselves aren't quite so important. Its the rocks orbitting them we saiyans claim." and thumps the rooftop wall for emphasis. Satisfied he'd m
Korvyn: (C) made that clear the large saiyan continues speaking "This planet, you understand? One day the saiyans shall take them all, its only the natural order of things. Then humans - that'd be you - will serve us."
Seras: * looks confused for a moment, and then shuffles back a bit, shaking her head, "Nono... I... I already have a job, an... an' a mission, I can't serve nobody, else, they... they'd hurt me." Suddenly realization seems to dawn on her features, "Ohno!
Seras: * (c) I... I don't remember..." She looks around, her eyes quite wide as she looks out over the city, "Oh nono... I... I don't remember what I should steal. Or... or where from, oh no, they... they are gonna be angry with me again..." The poor gir
Seras: * (c) girl looks positively petrified, the fact she is apparently talking to an alien invader doesn't seem to bother her in the slightest.
Korvyn: shakes his head at the girls words replying "Thats no way to go about it, even if you are crazy. Working for weaklings and serving them will only keep you week. The path to true strength can't be found that way, trust me i've been down that path."
Korvyn: (C) The large man than springs to his feet, walking over to stop a few feet infront of her. "Forget whatever petty thug has you calling him master, and find your real strength girl."
Seras: * backs off a bit more, standing in the air, though she doesn't seem to realize that, either. She looks torn, biting her bottom lip for a moment before she answers, "But... but Saiyan, they, they hurt me if I don't do what they say. They... they h
Seras: * (c) have the button, and the button makes me hurt. It... it really does." She looks around nervously, as though expecting unseen assailants to come from the shadows, "But... I... I -hate- them, I... I'd kill them if I could, but the button... th
Seras: * (c) they have the -button- you see... I... I'm not strong, not enough for the button..."
Korvyn: raises an eyebrow and asks "Button? Are you not a human, but one of those tin puppets instead?" Having said this he steps closer, looking up at the girl floating before him as he speaks "If so, thats quite dissapointing. No actual strength, just s
Korvyn: (C) some scientists toy. A sub-par one at that, judging from your current state."
Seras: * gives a little snarl, crouching down, "I -am- human!" She declares angrily, her power rising just a little bit, "I know I am... -you- not human, I not a toy, I... I a weapon! Best there is! They said so!" The woman seems to be breathing quite he
Seras: * (c) heavily, if she is an android, she's definitely an impressive duplicate. Hell, she's even sweating a little under the heat of the sun, "They just... they have this thing, in my brain, it... it hurts if they press the button, until I do what 
Seras: * (c) they want. Not 'cause I toy! I am a person! I am Seras!"
Korvyn: laughs at this and says "So thats it...quite a human thing to do. Find one of the few of your race with talent, then fool with their brain to try and gain control over the fighter." He shakes his head at this then and begins walking, circling the 
Korvyn: (C) girl but staying the same distance away. "You know eventually they will use it right? Once past a certain point, your power will become too risky to them. Thats when you'll die...unless you act to free yourself now." says the large saiyan man,
Korvyn: (C) the last of his words echoing a moment among the buildings.
Seras: * turns to follow him, though she doesn't seem too happy. The girl bites her bottom lip, "H...how? How? I... I no know how to do it, and... and I'm so -hungry- all the time, and... and they feed me. I... I don't like them, I hate them, they make m
Seras: * (c) me fight and kill and get hurt and heal and fight and kill, but, what can I do? How... how I get free? You... you big important Saiyan, you tell me how to do it!" Her power seems to be rising with her desperation, well over twice what it had
Seras: * (c) been when she had initially caught his attention. The attentive would also note a few rising whisps of black and deep red power around her form.
Korvyn: stops and cocks his head, listening to her words and sayign with a grin "Don't you get it girl, they've taught you how. You kill those who would kill you, embrace your power instead of fleeing from it." He notes her ever-increasing power and his g
Korvyn: (C) grin widens before speaking again "You see, your strength desires freedom as well. You must take that which you want, not expect it to be handed to you."
Seras: * grits her teeth, growling slightly, her fists are clenched, and she nods, "Y...you right. I think they looking for me already, they no stupid, they know I not back, but, but I not strong enough to take them. They have lots of people, I not good 
Seras: * (c) enough yet." She looks up suddenly, eyes locking onto the saiyan with frightening intensity, "You show me, yes? I help you Saiyans take planet, you help me learn to kill, yes?"
Tarragon: Tarragon Looks around and smells the stench of acidic gas and rotting corpses. "Something is unsettling"says Tarragon in amazement of his surroundings.
Korvyn: blinks and says "The planet?" before remembering his words earlier. "Thats eventually girl, i'm not leading some invasion of your world or anything. Just one traveller among many. As for showing you, I thought you knew how to kill. Killing one is 
Korvyn: (C) the same as a dozen, all it takes is using your power."
Tarragon: Tarragon finds his way into small cave. I wreaks of decaying flesh and there are numerous skeletons covering the ground. Some skeletons are Saiyan and some are Namekian to his astonishment. Tarragon notices the cave is only about 100 square feet l
Tarragon: * large. He spots footprints in the dirt and smells the past existence of a large fowl creature. Tarragon's eyes widen as he realizes how big this creature is. "Well this should make for a good match"
Seras: * hesitates, looking unsure, "I... can kill. With my hands, but, I..." She blinks a few times. She was fast, when she needed to be, and she could kill pretty much anything she could get her hands on, at least that she had encountered so far. "Mayb
Seras: * (c) "Maybe you right... maybe not..." She seems to ponder, leaning back against the air, absently expending her energy to get herself comfortable, "I think I let them come to me. I good at hiding, they have to find me... and I'll be looking for 
Seras: * (c) them. And I no need to worry about stupid mission no more!" She giggles, "Thank you Saiyan! You make lots of sense!"
Korvyn: chuckles and says "Thats me, Mr. Helpful. Now how about you return the favor? If you run into a silver-haired man using a sword, tell him Korvyn isn't finished with him. You'll know the man I mean if you come across him, he'll feel different." The
Korvyn: (C) Then he rises into the air preparing to leave, energy whirling around for a moment as he taps into it then dying back down. "Agreed girl? In exchange for my advice."
Seras: * nods slowly, "Silver man... sword... Korvyn... I'll try and remember!" She declares, clenching her fist suddenly, "Thank you Saiyan, I won't forget. I gonna have to start learning how I work. Maybe they get me, maybe not, but I -free- now, that'
Seras: * (c) that's the important thing. An' I'll take lots of 'em with me if they do get me!" She suddenly seems quite cheerful, floating back down to the building she had been resting atop of. She waves him goodbye, "See you Saiyan!"
Korvyn: gives a nod of his own and turns away saying "Good hunting Seras." as he does. Then in a final display of power a golden aura flares into being around him, sending the saiyan man rocketing off into the distance. As he flys he shakes his head at th
Korvyn: (C) the girl muttering to himself "That one will probably be stark raving mad before she obtains any real power."
Xerokine: -*- "I blame you for this." In the basement of a supposedly unoccupied office building in downtown New Hope City, two men pressed up against a large metallic door. The man who had spoken was glaring with a pair of golden-brown 
Xerokine: -*- eyes and wearing a black cloak, the other man in a red trenchcoat and trying to look innocent as he ran a hand through his silver hair. "'It'll be fine', you said," Xerokine continued evenly, as the door jumped behind them. "'What 
Xerokine: -*- could go wrong', you said." The metal door suddenly started to buckle, fist-shaped dents popping out. "I think we need a bigger box."
Greg: ran a single hand through his silver hair and scoffed innocently at the golden-eyed menace glaring at him as the door behind them lurched against their combined weight, "Yeah, yeah. Shut up about it already. YOU stole the damn serum! 'Super
Greg: (C) Soldier' this and, 'They'll just die' that! But Nooo-UGH!" A fist sized dent appears right next to Greg's head and the sound of metal groaning against some force sounds in their ears, "Okay, screw playing the blame game. This is...
Greg: (C) a problem neither one of us expect. And if it gets out, we're just... really going to be fucked, K? So... can we like...seal this building off or something?"
Seras: * has been jumping from rooftop to rooftop in the downtown area for quite a while. The hunger was growing in her again, and she was damned if she was going to settle for rat again after the delicious feast she had enjoyed the previous day. And yet
Seras: * (c) she hadn't found another mugging. No more random fights for her to break up and obtain her price from. On the plus side, after the saiyans advice, she had started to explore just what she was capable of, and had found that she was a lot more
Seras: * (c) capable than she thought she was. Why, she could even fly! That had come as a bit of a shock. Still... best to maintain a low profile for the moment. Her ears perk... a way off, she heard a sound like banging. That sounded promising, with a 
Seras: * (c) moment to check her bearing, she starts to work her way across the rooftops towards the direction of the noise, eyes scanning the ground below for a suitable target... bah, didn't anyone hang out in the alleys around here?
Icculus: takes a sip of his coffee and folds the newspaper over to read the other side. He is enjoying such a nice relaxing day by sitting in a local coffee shop and reading the local happenings. As he leans back in his seat and begins to take
Icculus: (c) yet another sip of his coffee, the ground shakes causing his arm to move and the scalding hot liquid to poor down onto his chest. He lets out a long sigh and glances around to see if anyone saw him. "Why does this always
Icculus: (c) have to happen to me?" As he begins to clean himself up the ground shakes again. That's no earthquake. He closes his eyes and starts to sense an incredibly strong power coming from within a block away. He abandons his
Icculus: (c) cleaning efforts and walks outside trying to single out which buillding the power is coming from.
Xerokine: -*- "That's what the huge metal door was for," Xerokine replied patiently. The door in question clanged ominously as more dents appeared. "It would probably be easier to just seal off the entire city. It's not like we haven't blown it up 
Xerokine: -*- before." The banging intensified for a moment, threatening to push the two warriors back... then suddenly stopped. Completely. A moment passed, then Xerokine glanced over toward the halfbreed. "Was there a back exit to this 
Xerokine: -*- place, by any chance...?"
Greg: looks at the door curiously and if it was possible for an overly large drop of sweat to appear on Greg's forehead, now would probably have been the opportune time for it. His eyes passed between Xerokine's increasingly annoyed expression
Greg: (C) and the now non-being-pummeled-door, "Uuuuum..." From those increasingly narrowing golden eyes to the dented door, "Well..." Door to eyes and back again, "You see... the thing about that is..." Greg scratches the back of his head
Greg: (C) thoughtfully, "Yeah. There is. It was, obviously, in case of emergency only."
Seras: * pauses for a moment, the banging had ceased. But, haha! Down there, in the darkness, a lone homeless person. She feels kinda bad- she's only fed when there was a fight in the past... but... she was /hungry/. She lands silently in the alley, the 
Seras: * (c) guy is asleep, and she doesn't hesitate. There is a crunch, a bite, a slurp, and some dirty clothes land in a pile. She licks her lips, now she could think a little more clearly. Hmmm... well, the banging could be anything. Maybe even... The
Seras: * (c) Them. With a shrug, she leaps back onto a rooftop, and the building comes into view. She just watches for the moment... frowning to herself. This looked interesting, but, they weren't wearing glasses, so, they probably weren't after her.
Xerokine: sighed and rolled his eyes. "That figures. Come on," he said, letting his cloak billow dramatically as he turned away from the door. "We should probably go find them before the toxins begin to spread and we end up 
Xerokine: -*- slaughtering the entire city again. A shame we don't have any mutants this time to help with that part," he added absently, drawing the sword that was sheathed across his back. The light glinted across the blade, kissing the 
Xerokine: -*- silvered edge. "Time for some hunting."
Greg: shrugs his soulders innocently, "Hey... It was in case, you know, something... like this happened... You know, but... we were supposed to go out that door...not this one." Greg coughs rather loudly, like this would hide what it was he had
Greg: (C) just said, which of course, it didn't. Unless you had the attention span of a gnat. Greg proceeded to follow Xerokine as the man unsheathed his sword. Greg reached underneath his trenchcoat and to his back with both hands, only to
Greg: (C) to have them re-appear wielding a pair of... rather -large- handguns with laser sights on them. They looked like revolvers but...bigger. Xerokine glanced over at them oddly, "What?" Greg replied, "They are my hand cannons."
Seras: * blinks, catching sight of the colour of Greg's hair, she thinks back to the previous night. What had the saiyan said? Something about... uh... yes! She had a message! This is like her mission! She grins, jumping to the floor, she waves at Greg, 
Seras: * (c) flapping her arms in the air as she yells, "Hey! Hey! You! Hey! Yeah! You! I gotta talk to you!" She yells, jumping up and down a bit, obviously quite desperate to get his attention. "Come on! Its important!"
Xerokine: -*- "Whatever. The point is, we need to find anyone who looks like a mindless superpowerful human..." Xerokine trailed off, and stared for a moment as a girl in a uniform hopped down and began doing a cheerleader routine while 
Xerokine: -*- signaling them. "Well, I don't know if she's superpowered," he remarked offhandedly. "But she certainly looks mindless. Can I kill her, or is this another one of your little secretaries?" 
Greg: eyes move up and down in motion with the jumping figure in front of them, and then Xerokine speaks, rousing him out of his revelry, "Uuum..." Greg then decides to actually LOOK at the girl who was doing the jumping, rather than just watch
Greg: (C) the show, "I don't think she's one of mine. I suppose you -could- kill her if you wanted to, but it would be a damn shame to waste all that jiggle like that." Despite this statement, Xerokine makes ready his blade and Greg stands to
Greg: (C) the side in a dramatic fashion, pointing one of his hand cannons at the jumping girl's chest, a fine red dot moving up and down with her motion, "Identify your... jiggling..." Greg ahems loudly, "Identify yourself!"
Seras: * looks a bit confused, the blade and the guns... maybe these -were- Them after all. Maybe the Saiyan was with them too! Maybe this was all a horrible setup, and she was gonna be killed! But... they hadn't pulled out the Button, so... that... didn
Seras: * (c) didn't make any sense. She smiles weakly, and puts her hands up, "Uh... uh... uh... I'm Seras! Uh... uh... the saiyan said to tell you..." She trails off, looking confused, what the heck was the message? She was having some difficulty rememb
Seras: * (c)  remembering. "Um, something about world domination, and, uh, stars... and... not being done with you? I, uh, I'm just the messenger! Please don't shoot me!"
Xerokine: narrowed his eyes to gleaming yellow slits. With a blur of motion, he was suddenly behind the girl 'Seras', his sword raised so that the shining point was toward her neck. "Who gave you this message?" he said softly. 
Xerokine: -*- "World domination. Stars. Are you kidding me? Is that supposed to mean something?" He was sorely tempted to just kill her and go after the test subjects, but it was possible the message was for Techag. World domination, 
Xerokine: -*- though? That seemed a bit too work-intensive for the halfbreed.
Greg: opens his mouth slightly, a corner turning up in a look of confusion, "Eh...?" Greg honestly had no idea what this girl was talking about. Stars and world domination? That was -way- too much work and focus for the flippant and eratic
Greg: (C) halfbreed. I mean... World Domination. Come on! How cliche can you really be? Besides dominating the world just meant more paper work and red tape. And Greg hated red tape, "Okay..." Greg glances around, they really didn't have time
Greg: (C) to waste on this girl. More pressing matters and what not, Super-Zombies and all, "I have no idea what you're talking about. But thanks for the message." Greg smiles at the girl, "You can kill her now if you want."
Seras: * blinks, quite surprised when Xerokine disappears, and then she feels the sword, and her eyes go a little wide. Especially when the other guy- the guy that the Saiyan had said to give the message to gives the order to kill, "Nono! Please! I... he
Seras: * (c) he was Saiyan, he said his name was Saiyan, please don't kill me, please, I... I don't wanna die!" She doesn't move an inch, though her eyes do close, praying that she would survive the next few seconds, she'd never been stabbed before, but 
Seras: * (c) from experience she knew- if he cut her neck, she'd die! And she wasn't ready to die!
Jeckel: arrived in a bright flash of golden light, as if out of nowhere, shoulder rushing into the sides of Xerokine and Seras, hitting them both, hard, since his arrival was not teleportation but simply a function of the speed he was traveling, making hi
Jeckel: <C>  him seem invisble like a bullet may seem when shot from a gun. In the same instant, just as both the saiyan and his female captive crumbled to the side, he brought up his fist in a backhand motion, his fist stopping as it hit the face of a cr
Jeckel: <C> creature that seemed to arrive out of nothingness just as Jeckel had. The creature did a few flips backwards and landed on its feet. Jeckel looked at the creature as it stared him down, no doubt Jeckel had interuppted it's meal plans. "That th
Jeckel: <C> thing's head is made of diamond or something.....You're lucking I was around here..." Jeckel said, his eyes continuously locked on the zombie creature. He knew at current he was far less powerful than this creature, and his hit was just a matt
Jeckel: <C> matter of surprise luck. "You were almost a meal to this thing, if you spent more time on your toes and less threatening women you could of-" Jeckel was cut off as the creature rushed him, grabbing at his throat and continuing across the stree
Jeckel: <C> street, Jeckel smashing back first through the wall of a building as the creature continued to drive on with its rush.
Xerokine: flipped to his feet, growling softly as the air around him suddenly burned with crimson and white flames. "Looks like they came to us," he remarked to Techagi, eyes narrowing as several more of the creatures began to 
Xerokine: -*- arrive after the one that was assaulting Jeckel in an undoubtedly platonic way. "Deal with the insane girl later. Kill the test subjects now." He flickered forward, black cloak flapping behind him as his sword neatly sank into the rib 
Xerokine: -*- cage of the nearest hostile. The creature didn't even seem to react, merely clawing blindly for any purchase and slamming Xerokine in the face with a careless fist. He was thrown back, the sword left stuck in the creature's 
Xerokine: -*- stomach as it lurched forward. "I think the super-soldier part was a success," Xerokine said, spitting out a wad of blood.
Greg: glanced around quickly, assessing the situation as it were. Several of these creatures were appearing around them and it didn't take long for Greg to come to a realization. Some of these creatures weren't even the test subjects. They were
Greg: (C) citizens. The infection had spread this rapidly? On the one hand, Greg couldn't help but agree with Xerokine's comments. However, on the other, he couldn't help be concerned, he had not expected it to move this quickly among the
Greg: (C) populace. Greg tapped a small piece of machinery that was held at his ear. A moment later he spoke as he spun around and fired a round into one of the creatures, causing it's chest to explode outwards, "We have a situation in
Greg: (C) Down Town NHC. Lock it-" Greg's voice trailed off as the creature he had just shot proceeded to get right back up. Not only get up, but the massive hole in it's gut was... re-forming, "Initiate lock down. NOW!" Alarms blared in the
Greg: (C) area around them as city-wide lock down commenced. NHC had been built in grids, each grid a seperate entity from the others. One grid could be locked-down without effecting the rest of the city severely. It had been a safety proceedure
Greg: (C) initiated by one of the late mayors of NHC. Greg grimaced at the creatures, lots of people in Down Town NHC would be died by nightfall. The entire region would be thriving with these things, "I'd say you may have your army,
Greg: (C) Mr. Caeruleus." Greg commented as he pumped several more super-rounds into some of the creatures with much the same results as before.
Seras: * has barely registered that she is on the ground, and that she has been released, and then the world goes nuts. Hideous monsters are popping out of the air around her, and the world seems to go from death-by-sword to death-by-monster. She watches
Seras: * (c) in horror as one of the monsters gets up after it has been shot, and she starts to feel angry. How -dare- that thing do that?! How -dare- these things threaten her life?! She hadn't even killed Them yet, she couldn't let herself be killed be
Seras: * (c) before she's done that! Red and black energy starts to crackle about her form, and with a roar of sheer rage she leaps at the monster that is regenerating, her teeth replaced with rows upon rows of needle-sharp fangs, she seeks to bite into 
Seras: * (c) it, and start to drain it. That'd worked on everything else so far, why wouldn't it work here?
Jeckel: grunted as he was brought to his back inside the building by the snarling and flailing creature, The creatures hands at Jeckel's neck, squeezing and trying to lean in to him and bite him, Jeckel holding the creature's head away by his chin. Jeckel
Jeckel: <C>  Jeckel's aura flared up and electricity cackled about him and suddenly his hair became its normal black color, his aura turning from a golden color to clear and his powerlevel skyrocketing considerably. The only evidence of his aura now was t
Jeckel: <C>the un-natural wind it created and the pieces of office furniture and debris it kicked up. He Grunted out as a yellow-orange colored light appeared in his palms and started to push the creature away by the shin. "EAT THIS!" he croaked out as th
Jeckel: <C> the mass of energy and light quickly turned into a large sphere, launching upwards and blowing up, taking the building with it as the first 3 floors were oblitterated, the building collapsing on its self. Jeckel flew out of the rising dust and
Jeckel: <C> ruble just as the building finished its collapse, rising in the air to witness the carnage below. "What the hell is this crap!? How did these people get so powerful...and insane!?"
Xerokine: -*- "It certainly had nothing to do with me," Xerokine countered, flip-kicking one of the creatures in the face and taking his sword back with a satisfying slurp of spilled organs. Less satisfying was the way they swiftly healed. 
Xerokine: -*- "Techagi! They can regenerate now?!" he demanded, hopping up onto the nearest creature's shoulders. "This is your fault!" Xerokine flipped forward, slicing a line down the monster's back and ripping the spine in two, the nerve 
Xerokine: -*- cords snapping like rubber bands. Before it could heal again, he pressed two fingers against the Tatsujungin's blade and black sparks shot down the edge and into the wound, resulting in a very satisfying explosion of blood 
Xerokine: -*- and gore. Having somehow emerged from the rain of human debris with an unstained cloak, Xerokine flicked his sword to the side and looked for the next one. Something that was becoming increasingly easy, as more and 
Xerokine: -*- more of the creatures were starting to swarm. It was like a scene from a bad movie. Only most of them weren't wearing suits or sunglasses and no one was calling him Mr. Anderson. "Okay, new plan," he decided, his right 
Xerokine: -*- hand crackling with dark sparks. As the monsters began to rush toward him, Xerokine crouched over and slammed his energized fist into the pavement. The ground cracked beneath him, shattering like glass as lines of 
Xerokine: -*- black lightning spread out in an ever-increasing circle. The shockwave rippled through the concrete while Xerokine straightened and jumped away, landing nimbly on top of a nearby telephone pole to watch the street 
Xerokine: -*- crumble into the sewers along with many of the creatures, washing the still-living creatures away as more began to rush into the broken street. He started the smirk, then stopped. "Does that lock-down include the sewer tunnels...?"
Greg: heard the sounds of the hammers of his guns clicking against metal, he was out of ammo and re-loading right now would have taken too much time. If only he had like...a headband of infinte ammo or something. But that was ridiculous, a headband
Greg: (C) that granted infinite ammo. Pssh. Greg spun around, his sanguine trenchcoat billowing out dramatically with the movement and holstering the pair of handcannons. Half-way through the spin his hand gripped the grip of a blade that was
Greg: (C) resting at his hip. Unsheathing the oddly shaped weapon he extended an arm as dark energy surged against the edge of the blade and shot out towards a creature, exploding on impact. He leapt up into the air and appeared to simply stand on
Greg: (C) air as the ground beneath him began to cave in. He looked over at Xerokine and nodded, "Yes. I believe so." The creature that had exploded from his attack took longer to get up than with the others, but it did eventually. Greg grimaces
Greg: (C), "I guess toying with these things doesn't work."
Seras: * suddenly stops eating the creature she had been feasting on, coughing up a small puddle of black goo, she groans, she... really didn't feel too good, all of a sudden. And, coming to her senses quite starkly, she realizes that she's in the middle
Seras: * (c) of a horde of killing machines, and she can't hope to defend herself. Especially not with her guts trying to rip their way out of her stomach. Gah! What the heck was in that thing? She is only vaguely aware of the progress being made, and th
Seras: * (c) that there is a large hole in the street, instead, she forces herself to her feet, and, shakily, starts to run off, hoping to get the hell out of there, her power dwindling away to almost nothing, if she was lucky, she wouldn't be followed, 
Seras: * (c) and she could make good her escape... that was the theory. Then, she could find somewhere private, and try and force her body to stop feeling like its ripping itself apart.
Jeckel: surveyed the chaos below, a frown on his face as he watches the creature's numbers increase steadily. "It would take too long for my men to get here..." He said as he cupped his hands together and brought them to his left side. "So maybe with a li
Jeckel: <C> little team work..." A bright ball of bluish white light formed between his hands, growing steadily and soon engulphing his hands. "And maybe if we watch eachother's backs instead of stab them like you all tend to do on earth..." The ball of e
Jeckel: <C> energy cackled and pulsated. "We'll get through this!" He titled his front over, bringing a knee up as he thrust his hands forward toward the ground, a wide column of blue-white energy speeding to the ground below, smashing into a mass of the 
Jeckel: <C> zombie creatures that had fallen in the open sewere, and exploding upon impact, the explosion rocking the area for a few city blocks as the light given off became almost blinding. "Heh, that should do it.."
Korvyn: * Suddenly a large power reveals itself, a golden flare lighting the sky above one of the buildings in the quarantined area. The source of the golden light reveals itself, as a large saiyan man in battered armor leaning over the edge, frowning at 
Korvyn: (C) something. The object of his displeasure seems to be several of the things clawing their way up the worn wall of the brick building, gouging great holes in it. "Damnit, you were supposed to wear that bastard down first, not come for me." he mu
Korvyn: (C) mutters aloud, then faces raises both hands above his head. Dark red energy quickly forms, then its swirled into a ball of ki by purple tendrils of energy. With a cry of rage he flings his hands downard and the ball unleashes its power in a be
Korvyn: (C) beam of energy that strikes the monsters approaching him. The attack pushes them back into the ground before exploding in a flash of blood red ki. The saiyan man seems ready to gloat about his attack then stops when he sees the creatures bodie
Korvyn: (C) bodies reforming as they pull themselves out of the crater formed by the attack.
Xerokine: crouched easily on top of the telephone pole, balance the sword across his knees as he looked down into the gaping hole that had been blasted wider by the self-proclaimed general or whatever he was. Chunks of the street 
Xerokine: -*- were still falling, smoke rising from the debris and the water rushing over the seared stone sending up clouds of steam to hide the result. Until a disfigured hand punched through the cloud and into the wall of the crater, one of the 
Xerokine: -*- creatures pulling itself up even as it continued to regenerate. Others also began to emerge, their bones reforming, eyes sliding back into place, blood oozing thickly as wounds closed. Then there were some who had apparently 
Xerokine: -*- fused together while healing, grotesque monsters with three arms and one leg, two mouths with jutting teeth and bulging eyes scabbed over with fingernails. "That's just disgusting," Xerokine said with a grimace. "I think we need a 
Xerokine: -*- bigger explosion."
Greg: grimaced slightly, a look of disgust on his face, yet their existed within his eyes a hidden thrill from the challenge that lay before them. Greg held his blade, Black Orchid, perpendular to his body at roughly shoulder length
Greg: (C) and braced the flat edge with his free hand, "Now they die." The words, despite the chaos and noise that had ensued, echoed in the air, carrying their own weight, "Bloom, Black Orchid." The sword shifted from it's black shade into
Greg: (C) a cascading array of dark hues, purples, blues and reds. The shape began changing as well and soon solidified into a semi-halberd type blade that had a dozen sharp spikes on the opposite side of the blade. When the transformation
Greg: (C) was complete, bolts of dark energy danced up and down Greg's form, as well as his hair having shifted into a silver crown. Greg swipes the blade at the ground and a scything attack slashes into the creatures, neatly cutting some
Greg: (C) of them in half.
Seras: * gives a loud sob, curling up in the dark, grimy alley as the energy attacks slam down behind her, shaking the earth, she'd never felt such fear before, black liquid dribbles from between her lips, her eyes squeezed shut tight as she tries to con
Seras: * (c) control herself, tries to regain some kind of composure, instead, all she can see behind her eyes are those hideous, grasping creatures exploding into their component parts, still reaching for her, still trying to grab her and get at her. Th
Seras: * (c) The explosions and shouts echoing through the area only makes it worse. And yet, at the same time, she's thinking more clearly than she ever has before. She has strength, she knows that, so why isn't she -using- it, why is she curled up like
Seras: * (c) some... some -child-?! The shadows in the alley seem to be gradually getting darker, the alleyway itself turning darker and darker, those who weren't focused on the battle would probably notice her rising strength, the slow progress into the
Seras: * (c) into the next level of power...
Jeckel: frowned as he watched the efforts, and his own effort, to destroy the zombie creatures were amounting to nothing. The creatures seemed to have some form of regeneration that was rather un-natural, especially for the humans these things seemed to b
Jeckel: <C> be. He brought his hands to his sides again, another blue sphere of energy growing quickly between them. Like before he thrust his hands towards a group of the creatures below, launching a large beam of energy down towards them and watching it
Jeckel: <C> explode on impact into a hemi-sphere of light and dust, leaving a crater and slowly regenerating creatures scattered about. Jeckel grunted as he repeated this process rapidly, aiming at various groups of the zombies, pockmarking the ground wit
Jeckel: <C> with craters and deepening even more as many of his beams seemed to focus on the same groups.
Korvyn: decides to take a more direct approach, dropping down into the center of the crater he formed with his attack. The first of the creatures he struck finishes reforming and rushes him, with a burst of energy he kicks off the ground and uppercuts the
Korvyn: (C) thing. However where he expected to find little resistance he finds a body that feels like steel. Swearing at the pain in his fist his golden aura flares brighter for a moment and releases several blasts of ki that rip the creature in half as 
Korvyn: (C) it hangs in the air before him. Annoyingling the thing is regenerating even as its twisted and burn pieces fall to the ground, but he has no time to finish it off as the other two monsters finish regenerating and leap at him.
Daraku: --The scene was more than set, and he would give a sigh. Deft fingers played over a keypad, with minimal shaking. He barely shook anymore, only the remains of his 'humanity' made that happen. The suitcase flipped open, security locks disabled, and
Daraku: -C-and he would look over the contents with a wry grin. If you could call the movements of actuators, servos, and a false-flesh anything close to a 'grin'.
Daraku: -C-That grin would disappear, though, as the building he was in shook, rocked by explosion after explosion. He had no concept of time, merely the moments he moved from one space to another, logged by the programs within his processor. In that inst
Daraku: -C-instance, he would find himself lying on his back, the place where his bounty had once been, covered in rubble. It wasn't a pleasing sight, and even if those 
Daraku: -C-simulated emotions left over from what life he had could be called upon, he would have felt rage. Cold indifference is what he... 'felt', and he would slowly move back to his feet with something akin to a scowl. "What is going on?" although his
Daraku: mind rolled over scenarios, he would not know the exact situation until he left the building. The doors at the front of the building were gone, and he had to find out why exactly, the front half of th structure had collapsed...-end-
Xerokine: -*- "You know, I can't help but think that this problem may have to be solved by a method that doesn't involve larger explosions," Xerokine commented as he straightened up. Luckily, the creatures seemed to be kept in check for 
Xerokine: -*- the moment as Jeckel continued carpet-bombing the place, but that could only last for so long as the craters got deeper and the monsters continued to grow in number and ugliness. "I mean, I could use Apocalypse, but 
Xerokine: -*- judging from the way they're regenerating, even that might not help. Besides, that wouldn't be any fun." He tilted his head, looking down at the groaning, shambling half-regenerated monstrousities from his perch on the 
Xerokine: -*- telephone pole. With Jeckel occupied on the other side of the street, Xerokine decided it was time to take some action. His cloak flapped behind him as he leapt down from the pole, his sword glinting as it severed two of the 
Xerokine: -*- creature's apart before he even hit the ground. Spinning on his heel, Xerokine turned and ran the edge of his sword up, cutting one from groin to neck and letting the organs spill onto the broken pavement. With his other 
Xerokine: -*- hand, he grabbed one by the back of the head and crouched, slamming the head into the ground with a sickening crunch. Balancing on his hand, Xerokine flipped upside-down, his heel catching one in the face and 
Xerokine: -*- sending it flying into a larger group like a bowling ball into pins. Back on his feet, his form seemed to flicker with crimson flames and split into three, darting around the closest target with an invisible flurry of cuts. Xerokine 
Xerokine: -*- landed in a crouch behind the hapless and mindless monster as it slowly slid apart with a disgusting slurp of collapsing organs. Unfortunately, even as Xerokine moved on like a whirling storm of blood and steel, cutting a 
Xerokine: -*- wide swath through the growing mass of creatures, they were healing behind him and closing the gaps.
Greg: seemed to leap into the air, though how exactly one 'leaps' into the air when they were already standing seemingly on air, is questionable. He grips the released Black Orchid in both hands and slams it down upon one of the creatures as he
Greg: (C) lands, slicing it from skull to scrotum, in almost perfect symmetry. He then swing his sword in a circle motion parallel to the ground, and while the blade itself halved a trio of other zombified citizens, it was the energy wave that
Greg: (C) was emitted from the edge of the blade that extended outwards from the swing that seemed to take out many more in the immediate vacinity. Greg released the blade from one hand and raised it into the air, energy coursing along it's edge as
Greg: (C) he slammed it into the ground in front of him. A dark pillar of energy exploded from in front of where the blade made contact and flashed through several of the zombified creatures, flash frying them. His form flickers then and he
Greg: (C) appears behind three of the creatures. The three suddenly looking very still before blood literally gushes out of several slice marks and the three collapse in a pile of gore and guts, "Any suggestions would be appreciated!"
Seras: * feels something inside her /click/ into place, and straightens. She pulls a face for a second, as though seeking out some morsel of food with her tongue, and then she spits. A small chip lands on the flaw, and she shrugs, treads on it, and click
Seras: * (c) clicks her neck into place. She wipes her mouth on the back of her hand, and takes a deep breath, her power dwindles back to a more manageable level- at least for her- and with it, the shadows melt away to a more regular kind of darkness. Sh
Seras: * (c) She looks back at the carnage, and frowns. She didn't know how to kill these things, though she had drained a lot of power from one of them, it'd also filled her with some kind of horrible substance, and she did -not- want to go through pain
Seras: * (c) like that again. Besides, she wasn't even sure if she'd killed the one she had munched on. She is aware, however, of the efforts of those fighting above, including the pair that had tried to kill her. With a shrug, she turns to the wall, and
Seras: * (c) hops up onto the roof to get a better view. If it looked like the fighters were going to be overwhelmed, she should be able to make her way over the rooftops to safety before the monsters get her, but she'd at least see the people who tried 
Seras: * (c) to kill her die. If it looks like they are going to win, she should be able to make her way over the rooftops to safety before they remembered about her. It was a foolproof plan!
Jeckel: panted breathlessly as he lowered his hands to his sides as the last bluish-white kamehameha beam faded out as he stopped pushing energy into it. "Damn, it's not like i'm even doing anything..." He floated upwards a bit more as he watched large wr
Jeckel: <C> wretched masses of the creatures crawl from their craters. Most of them by now were fusing together as his carpet-bombing kamehameha waves had pulverised them all together. He watched on in disgust and then got an idea.. "Hey!" He called down 
Jeckel: <C> to the fighters below. "If we screw em up enough we can get them to all fuse together as one hideous blob. It'll be so slow and uncoordinated that it will be easier to deal with. Try to lure them all into one spot and then get up here and blas
Jeckel: <C> blast them." He looked on. "Besides, I think at least pieces of them are being obliterated..thats why they're fusing!"
Korvyn: is his by the things as they tackle him and goes down, the things fighting each other as they try to tear at him. Gritting his teeth as he focuses his power the golden aura flares even brighter. With energy crackling in the air around him he raise
Korvyn: (C) raises his hands, masses of energy forming in both. As the things finally decide to go for him as one he slams the mass together forming a sphere, against all reason the creatures strike through the burning sphere. Flesh sloughs off and bone m
Korvyn: (C) bone melts as they try to claw at him. The saiyan man speaks then "Die, whatever the hell you things are!" and releases the spheres energy point blank in the face of the creatures, the explosion flowing outward to rip the things to pieces.
Daraku: --Of course, the building was half-demolished on the inside, the second and third floors collapsing in on the first, and his scowl was more than apparent as sensors analyzed the integrity of the shell. It couldn't take much more, and whatever
Daraku: -C-was happening out there, it had to be something interesting. (Like anything is ever boring IRP.) Turning slowly, he would have cursed himself for not scouting an additional exit, but as per the agreement, arrangement, and plan, it should have
Daraku: -C- been a simple pick-up. Damn whoever was causing such destruction, and ruining his plans. The case was most-likely smashed to bits, and digging it out from the rubble would be useless if he hadn't a case to carry such amounts of cash in.
Daraku: -C- "Can't have an honest day's work for a thief, can you." His voice was low, he knew he had no audience to show off to, and his main concern right now, was still finding a way out of the timed deathtrap that was about to consume him. A living to
Daraku: -C-Pacing along the walls, digits pressing here, prodding there, he would attempt to find some way out, as cramped against two other buildings, the only way out was the door infront, and the windows, which were now, well, gone. -end-
Xerokine: -*- "Sure, lure them into one spot," Xerokine muttered as he sliced off a nearby creature's hand and kicked it, sending the limbless monster collapsing into one of the numerous craters that now dotted the entire city block. The 
Xerokine: -*- buildings were completely destroyed, for the most part - piles of rubble and shattered husks of concrete. Whatever civilians had been inside them were now either dead, dying, or undead. "That won't be hard at all." Grumbling 
Xerokine: -*- curses to himself, Xerokine finally shrugged and darted through the throngs of creatures, heading toward the rough center of the crowd. "All of you, get at least a mile away!" he yelled. "If I make one large crater instead of all these 
Xerokine: -*- small ones, they should all collapse into the lowest point as they regenerate and fuse together!" The clear sky above, formerly cloudless, was now beginning to show the signs of an unseasonable storm. Dark wisps were slowly 
Xerokine: -*- growing, swirling around as the unnatural storm clouds blocked out the sun's light in a clear indication of what Xerokine was planning.
Greg: blinks slightly, he didn't have time to look over in Xerokine's direction, but it wasn't rocket science what the man was about to do. He was going to use 'It'. Against these creatures. 
Seras: * blinks, noticing, for the first time, that the Saiyan that had gotten her to deliver the message is down there. She hesitates for a moment. If it weren't for him, she wouldn't be in this mess. On the other hand, if it weren't for him, she'd prob
Seras: * (c) probably also have gone back to her handlers and begged not to get hurt, rather than work her way through the problem like she apparently has done. She then hears the ideas, and groans. She doesn't see how creating one big monster is any bet
Seras: * (c) better than fighting lots of little ones, but, she doesn't want to get stuck in the blast, since it seems the guy who had almost gut her like a fish is going to blow up... well... a lot. She gathers her energy, and leaps into the sky, aiming
Seras: * (c) to go as far up as she can as fast as she can, until she judges she's gone up about two miles...
Greg: blinks slightly, he didn't have time to look over in Xerokine's direction, but it wasn't rocket science what the man was about to do. He was going to use 'It' against these creatures. The Apocalypse attack, that pretty much ensured non-
Greg: (C) existence to most things that got caught in it's path. As he dug a spike into one of the creatures skulls and, in a spinning action, launched that creature into several others, knocking them all on their asses he groaned lightly. To use
Greg: (C) an attack like that in this situation was... questionable, but necessary it seemed. It also potentially meant Xerokine's death, "Whatever man. If you die, I'll be disappointed." Just as the clouds started rolling in. Greg launched
Greg: (C) himself into a crowd of the creatures, body slamming them into the ground as exhaustion began to show on his face. These creatures were not picnic and utilizing the darkness was dangerous for extended periods of time. Once the
Greg: (C) creatures went down Greg was gone in a flash, having used the opening to run in the opposite direction of Xerokine. His image flickering in and out of view as he did so, til he knew he was a good enough distance away. Greg
Greg: (C) extended his free hand to open air and looked around cautiously, though the area he was in was clear of undead. There was no telling -when- that would change.
Jeckel: shot off higher into the air, making sure he was a good mile or so above the saiyan on the ground. He looked up at the clouds forming over head and formed a barrier of a translucent red shell of energy in a sphere around himself, some errant light
Jeckel: <C> lightning from the clouds rolling in striking his barrier harmlessly. He watched the saiyan below, hoping for his sake that the saiyan's attack was going to be effective.
Korvyn: noticies the sudden spike in power emanating from the other saiyan, and decides prehaps he'd better follow suit. Dark red lashes of ki spin outward from him as he rises off the ground, cutting down the creatures he had been fighting before they ca
Korvyn: (C) can rush him again. The things dealt with for the moment his golden aura surges with power and he rockets upward into the sky, watching Greg as he does and looking for an opening.
Daraku: --Those fingers, searching for an exit, would slide over a crack in the wall. Nothing big, but the sensors in his fingertips would note the thin breeze, and he could see a film of sunlight through the dust. Still unaware of what was transpiring ou
Daraku: -C-wall a push, and grunt with the 'effort'. Another sentimental human feature. Effort was nothing for him now, as it would move, or he would break a joint, or blow a piston. The low grating sound of mortar and cinderblocks giving would replace an
Daraku: -C- in the building, and the sounds of explosions outside still rocked the area. It would be much safer if he stayed in the building, trapped away from the monsters roaming the streets, and the many people who were opposing them. He wouldn't care
Daraku: -C- to join in with such a frivilous cause, but on that same aspect, he would probably find what he had to gain from it all, as he had lost a suitcase full of money. Always evading until it would benefit himself, he would grin as a 'memory' replay
Daraku: -C-  in the background. It was hazy, dulled down from the conversion, but he somehow knew that it was real. The wall hadn't been meant to move anywhere, but with the shaking, quaking and time, the integrity of this main support
Daraku: -C-  wall would be compromised by a simple push, he would stumble through and roll, just in time to hear the rest of the wall collapse on the inside. He was now in a back alley, behind the building that was supposed to be his meeting place...
Xerokine: -*- Slowly, the sun's light continued to vanish as more dark storm clouds formed above, blotting out the blue sky and beginning to crackle with lightning. An utter blackness like no other in this world or the next descended upon 
Xerokine: -*- the battle scarred street, as a glowing blue-black aura surrounded Xerokine's body. In timing with the growing storm, a sharp wind began to blow in a spiral around him, as if he were in the center of a tornado. Lightning 
Xerokine: -*- crackled around him, the colour of midnight, and the sick smell of ozone was thick in the air. Debris from the buildings and structures that had been demolished began to crumble as the earth began to shudder, shaking 
Xerokine: -*- from the sheer force. Xerokine's long, black cloak lay still in the gale-force winds, though his head was left unhooded, his hair floating in the breeze. What had changed was his narrowed eyes, malicious, incensed, 
Xerokine: -*- staring. They glowed crimson, like twin points of blood, as the creatures began to swarm around and toward him while the other fighters fled what was coming. The sound of amplified, hard laughter abruptly echoed all around, 
Xerokine: -*- throughout the whole city block, loud and contemptuous. It seemed to come from every direction simultaneously, from every corner, building, crack, pile of debris, around them. The laughter was so loud, it sounded as thunder,
Xerokine: -*- as it reverberated about from ear to ear and person to person. True thunder rumbled in the sky. Ebony lightning flashed faster. "You are all dead." This time the contemptuous, arrogant voice, that was the same and yet not 
Xerokine: -*- the same, only came from one direction. Xerokine stood there, a lone figure on the blood-splattered street, his black cloak wavering over his torso in the wind as he faced the oncoming army of undead. Strangely, there was 
Xerokine: -*- no blood at all upon his body. The only thing of his that was bloodied was the gleaming, straight, silver sword blade, whose long hilt he held loosely in his left hand. And then not even that as he flicked his sword once to the 
Xerokine: -*- side, the blood flying cleanly off the blade to splash on the ground. The blue-black clouds high above sparked with unnatural, black lightning as they swirled in an inverted vortex. The lightning forked across the sky like a 
Xerokine: -*- drowning river to the sound of roaring thunderclaps. The smell of ozone was now overpowering in the air. Soon, and yet all too abruptly, the storm above grew to a resounding crescendo, a howling cacophony of sheer noise 
Xerokine: -*- as a veritable expanse of pure black thunder, jagged electricity, bolts and energy gathered in a complete climax of elemental power. A lone voice shouted. "DARK LIGHTNING APOCALYPSE." Simultaneous with the shout, 
Xerokine: -*- the wind screamed and the earth trembled as the gathered lightning of shadow struck all at once, driving downward until it struck the person who had summoned the power. A chain-reaction ensued outward into a 
Xerokine: -*- rapidly growing sphere of pure darkness from the point of contact - from the person himself into an explosion-implosion as had never been seen before or ever been conceived. Anything in a one mile radius simply ceased to exist.
Fenin: does some really cool post after Xerokine, involving lots of flirting, Galic Guns, and eloquent phrases.
Greg: watched in cauteous awe as the scene unfolded before his eyes. While he was keen to not lose himself from his surroundings, it was always a challenge to not be amazed by the Dark Lightning Apocalypse. Unless of course, it happened
Greg: (C) to be used against you. As the sphere of dark energy and lightning expanded Greg flexed his hand slightly, his fingers extending as a pool of darkness formed several feet in front of him. It appeared to cave in upon itself in swirls
Greg: (C) of dark purples, blues and pitch black yet whisps of darkness were emitted from the swirling darkness. The portal into the dark realm wavered slightly. It was not because of Greg or his surroundings but moreso because of the destination
Greg: (C) itself - Within the attack. His face scrunched up slightly as he attempted to compensate this, delving moreso into darkness in order to do it. Then, the sphere began to disipate, the attack losing it's power, "Now." Greg rushed into
Greg: (C) the dark portal and it collapsed in on itself moments later. A second dark portal appeared at the epicenter of the attack and Greg came flying out of it. His outfit had changed, the sanguine trenchcoat had been replaced with a
Greg: (C) similarly colored partially opened tunic. The rest of his outfit had remained basically the same, a skin-tight black long-sleeved shirt underneath a sanguine buckle-down vest. He reached out a took hold of a black cloak, the man within
Greg: (C) the cloaks confines slumping slightly from the force of A - The fall he was currently in and B - the expense of the attack he had just done. Greg then stood, again as though on air and looked at the slumped figure, "Congratulations.
Greg: (C) You just nuked Down Town."
Seras: finally stops flying up, only to look down, as the attack kicks off. She gasps, the winds... the storm, it was... incredible. More than she had ever imagined she would see. She grits her teeth, bracing herself as the storm above her picks up, and 
Seras: * (c) the power gathers. She watches with morbid fascination. Was this the strength that the Saiyan had told her to get for herself? Could -she- one day command such awesome power as that which she had seen leveled against those monsters? She watc
Seras: * (c) with awe, and when it, finally, passes, she begins to drift down, eyes open for the warrior that had caused the incredible attack... intending, despite the fact that he had tried to kill her, to get him the hell out of there if, somehow, tha
Seras: * (c) that awesome attack hadn't worked. When, however, she sees the silver-haired warrior appear out of nowhere, she pulls up sharply, hesitating. She hovers in the air, staring down at the pair. She had no idea what the hell they had managed to 
Seras: * (c) do between them, but, damn, it was -impressive-.
Jeckel: just stared in awe as Xerokine unleashed his attack, the shockwaves from the blast rattling his barrier and causing him to have to toss more energy into its form just to keep it stable enough so he wouldn't be harmed. This was the attack, the plan
Jeckel: <C> planet destroying Galic Gun. It was called by another name and used different, but he had seen such displays of power before, a very risky move that only a handfull of saiyans ever managed to master, even he, the general of the entire army had
Jeckel: <C> never learned it, although some might attribute that to his human blood. Jeckel released his barrier and dropped to the ground, landing lightly in the center of the crater next to Xerokine and Greg. "..Well....that would seem to do the trick..
Jeckel: <C> Although I don't think you left anything for us to deal with anymore." He surveyed the damage at this new ground level perspective. "Guess I won't have to call in the minute-men forces.."
Korvyn: drops to the ground ten feet from the trio, looking at Greg. "I don't know where those things came from, but we have unfinished business." He grins at this and his golden aura surges with more energy, litle bolts of blue lighting wipping around it
Korvyn: (C) showing the power he now controls. "Did you think if you left me there I would just die?" he asks Greg.
Daraku: --He could 'hear' the winds, and see the flashes of thunder. It more or less registered on his optics as quick changes in lighting, and with that, he knew something was about to happen. Black hair stood with the electricity in the air, and he woul
Daraku: -C- as fast as he could, running down the alley, and into the street, thankfully away from the source. He could tell, as the electricity was discharging, slowly. The thumping footfalls resumed as he headed down the main road, feeling the change in
Daraku: -C- started, it was much to late to save himself completely. The explosion ensued, and he would be thrown by the force, the outwardly rushing wind, but try as he might, he was scuffed, bruised, and bleeding that black ichor as he landed harshly. S
Daraku: -C- and he could note that one moment, his legs were there, sending signals to his CPU, and then the next, they were gone. Mid-thigh down, they just ceased to exist, blown to bits. Damaged, his system would shut down and await rescue...
Thea: fist smashes into another face sending  the deformed mans body spinning side ways away from her. the body hits the ground causing a low bone crunching thud sound to come from it. More seem to pull themselves from the doorway 
Thea: (c) to the room. Thea bounces back in forth dressed completely in black, the material of her garment seems to be light weight but clangs around as if she was wearing heavy metal armor on her. she spins around smashing her foot into 
Thea: (c)  the neck of the next one sending him flying through the wall four floors down to the ground.  Thea takes off into a mad dash leaping from the whole in the wall down toward the ground, her knees buckle on impact "Well, well 
Thea: (c) I guess things never get to dull around here." she smirks to herself before shaking off the leap toward the earth. She thrust out her right hand  throwing a wave of energy out with it that sucks up a large group of straggling zombie like creat
Thea: (c) Thea eye's slowly gazes in the distance at the chaos that seem to be eating away at the city. "hmph,  They are really tearing the place apert" She just lifts one finger to her forehead letting herself phase out of site right toward 
Thea: (c) all the chaos. Thea eye's scans the area while her body floats in mid air, Dust and smoke seems to dance around her as it falls down to the ground. The smoke and dust was so thick that if now for her scouter she would not be
Thea: (c) able to tell up from down.
Xerokine: stumbled away from Techagi, shaking his head as though stunned from his technique. In truth, he was. It was designed to be a finishing move, and didn't have much of a buffer for fighting afterwards. "Who is this idiot?" he 
Xerokine: -*- asked wearily, letting his sword slide back into its sheath. "And what happened to the creatures? Did they just blow up, or are we waiting for them to regenerate from whatever atoms I blew them into? Assuming, of course," he 
Xerokine: -*- added, sitting down into the seared dirt at the bottom of the mile-deep crater. "That I got them all and there aren't more of these things elsewhere in the city."
Fenin: does a cooler Galic than Xerokine's.
Greg: glances around wearily, they had all expended a rather good amount of energy in this battle, and Greg has once again had to delve into darkness in order to maintain his strength. Part of him felt invigorated by the sudden infusion he had
Greg: (C) recieved, but he knew that it had it's drawbacks. He continued to look around, practically ignoring Korvyn for the time being, his spiked silver hair wavering slightly in the wind that traveled over into the mile deep crater. The
Greg: (C) silence that had followed the all consuming attack was expansive to say the least, but it was relatively true. The Apocalypse attack had completely atomized the creatures they had been fighting as opposed to simply destroying bits and
Greg: (C) pieces of them. It had seemed a necessary tactic though, but Xerokine was spent and the other saiyan wasn't powerful enough to wield such a destructive force on his own. Finally, deciding that the coast was clear for now he would
Greg: adress the others, "This is Korvyn... Something-or-other. He's apparently slightly put off by me beating him unequivocally into submission a couple of days ago. Now, let's not hope that these things are as bad as bio-androids."
Seras: * looks down at the fighters, and seems to ponder her next course of actions for a second. Did she confront them, or did she just... move on. Well, damnit, she'd held up her end of the bargain, so she owed the saiyan nothing. And the others had sh
Seras: * (c) shown no qualms in killing her, and even if one of them was weakened... she was sure the other could take her down. She smiles slightly. Well, if nothing else, it had been an education, and with that, she turns, and starts to fly off to anot
Seras: * (c) another part of the city, intending to once more disappear into the population. So long as the virus hadn't already spread, of course.
Jeckel: looked over at the newcomer saiyan and sighed. It was times like these he was almost embarassed by his blood line, but he figured that might of been the nasty human blood that also tainted his veins. He shook his head and looked at Korvyn then at 
Jeckel: <C> the others. "If this is done then i'll be on my way, I'll have a small force of soldiers take camp here on earth in case more of...whatever that was...breaks out." He waved and blasted straight off into the sky, stopping a mile into the air an
Jeckel: <C> and then with a burst of a white aura, flew off westward, a small vapor like trail of energy following and fading behind him as he left.
Reci: woke up from a big nap. Reci looked around to see everyone was gone and he was at home all alone and had aces to the internet. reci was determined to see what a real ladies body looked like but he did not want to get into trouble
Reci: so reci did not log onto it instead he went outside to train with his friends
Korvyn: growls at Gregs words and says "Don't ignore me! You tried to kill but couldn't. I have my birthright now, and the power that comes with it." His aura whips around him as he speaks, the air hazy with the power flowing into it. "I have no problem w
Korvyn: (C) with the other saiyan, it is only you I need to repay a favor to." he says to Greg, then to Xerokine "Stand aside and let me finish this guy, it is a matter of honor." In spite of his words, the large saiyan man doesn't look that well prepared
Korvyn: (C) to continue fighting, his armor still ripped and blasted from the fight with Greg in addition to the fresh slashes and wounds show from the fight with the monsters.
Thea: body falls from the ground once the dust fades revealing several figures down below, one being the leader of her group Xerokine. once her feet hit the ground she swiftly moved over toward Xerokine tossing him a sensu bean. 
Thea: (c) "Just incase you need it, or will need it Sir."  Thea turns spinning around toward the other her left eyebrow raising up slightly at the sight of them. "Well this could have turned out better eh, ?"
Thea: (c) she was pretty sure it had something to do with either Xerokine or the man next to him known as Greg. her eyes wonder over her left sholder at the Saiyan speaking about honor and other dribble along those lines  "well if i'm not needed
Thea: (c) here i'll just be on my way then, you know were to reach me Xero." she holds her hand up like it was phone noding and grinning at Xero. she turn and walks toward the saiyan powering up her hand still   up as if it was a phone until 
Thea: (c) her body phases back out of site in mid step.
Xerokine: looked down at the bean and rolled his eyes, suppressing a sigh. "Right. Anyway, you two can fight to the death or whatever you plan on doing. You certainly have a nice battlefield," he added, gesturing around the crater. 
Xerokine: -*- "I'm going to go grab something to eat, then take a nap. Possibly in that order." Wisps of black smoke coiled around the soles of his boots. "Techagi, you might wanna find out if all the creatures were killed or not. If even one 
Xerokine: -*- gets out, the entire city could be at risk, and I don't want to miss watching something as fun as the end of humanity. I'll need time to get popcorn." With an arrogant smirk and a mocking salute to Korvyn, the black mist 
Xerokine: -*- rose to cover his entire body before being blown away by an errant breeze, leaving Xerokine nowhere to be seen.
Greg: turns to look at Korvyn, everyone else having subsequently decided to leave the battlefield as quickly as possible. He stares at the rather taller Saiya-jin defiantly, the released Black Orchid gripped tightly in his hand. His eyes
Greg: (C) narrow at the figure, "Fuck your honor. Honor gets people killed. Do you honestly believe that if I wanted you dead you would be standing here today? Hell no. You'd be dead. After you -fainted-" Greg emphasizes the word so that the
Greg: (C) point is clearly made, "-in that gravity chamber, your entertainment value decreased substantially. I merely lost interest. Don't mistake that for compassion or pity or something so trivial. I spared your life on a whim." Greg turns
Greg: (C) walks towards the Saiya-jin menacingly, however, instead of walking into him or stopping close to him, he merely walked right past him as though it was of little concern, "As you are right now, you still can not defeat me."
Greg: (C) The statement had no malice in it, no hate or anger or any such emotion. It had been a simple statement of fact.
Korvyn: says, or rather nearly yells one word after Greg steps past "NO!", then turns to face his retreating form. "I've had to stomach bastards like you all my life, simply because the birthright came easier to them. I've seen those half my age realize t
Korvyn: (C) their true power while I was left with nothing but my raw strength." Dark red energy swirls around his hands as he speaks, and he continues "I won't allow another to pass me by simply because he still thinks hes superior to me!" Then the gathe
Korvyn: (C) gathered energy leaps outward from his hands as they extend, slicing through the air at Greg's back.
Greg: sighs loudly, almost making a groan, as he shakes his head and closes his eyes. As the energy attack lanced towards him his image flickered out of sight and he re-appeared behind the Saiya-jin, much like he had done in their last
Greg: (C) encounter. Only this time the release Black Orchid's thick blade was now at the back of the mans neck, "I won't repeat myself a third time. You will stomach this indignation because you have no other choice. I don't -want- to kill you.
Greg: (C) At least not here or now. As it stands, there may be more of those -things- roaming this grid. And if they got a hold of your corpse or your wounded body, you would become one of them. Do you understand!?" Greg's voice is low, but
Greg: (C) intense, he obviously wishes not to attract any attention right now, "So, you can take your pride and swallow. Let it fester deep within you if you must. However, if you insist on causing a scene here I will have no choice but to
Greg: (C) kill you where you stand. And I will take your head as a fucking trophy and mount on my wall. I will rip out your still beating heart and consume it. And then, I will shit in your corpse, burn it to the ground and -piss- on your god damn
Greg: (C) ashes. Do you understand!?"
Korvyn: blinks at the after image, watching his attack slice through...nothing and explode harmlessly on one of the craters wall. He feels the man's blade on his neck and the power he controls. "Damnit..how can you still be so fast..." he mutters to himse
Korvyn: (C) himself, then slumps to the ground his aura fading and his hair returning to normal. "You might as well kill me, even the true power of the saiyan race is weaker for me. What point is there to fighting if this is my limit?"
Greg: lowered his blade and looked intently at the Saiya-jin's slumped form, his crown of spiked silver hair blowing gently from a breeze that passed among the two, "You're pathetic. A sniveling weakling when confronted by someone of true power
Greg: (C) tucks his tail between his legs and gives up." Greg walks around the slumped figure, eyeing him up in a predatory manner, circling like a bird of prey preparing to pounce, "There are two kinds of people in this world Saiya-jin." Greg
Greg: (C) continues to circle his prey, "The strong and the weak. Right now, I am the strong and you are the weak. The strong survive to dominate the weak. The weak survive by either submitting to the strong..." Greg returns to his original
Greg: (C) spot behind the Saiya-jin warrior and raises his blade again, "-or by becoming the strong. Now..." Greg grips the blade in both hands, prepared to deliver the final blow, "Are you going to remain weak or become strong? If you wish to
Greg: (C) remain weak, I shall end your suffering now. You will go to the afterlife and you may remain there if you like, never having to confront me again. If you wish to become strong, swallow your pride, get up and get the hell out of my
Greg: (C) sight and do something about it."
Daraku: --The recon team would land just outside the outskirts of the city, making a small sweep with the tracking device they carried. Somewhere close, the useless body lay, awaiting repairs. They had no clue to the status of said body, only that they re
Daraku: -C- the signal, and they had to make the pickup. It took time, as all things did, to find him. Searching through rubble, moving half-devoured cars, putting out fires from explosions after the main blast. In the end, it took one rookie pointing his
Daraku: -C- pile that consisted of a truck, two slabs of cement, and the charred remains of a body. It wasn't the one he was looking for, he knew that for certain. The signal was coming from inside the pile, and he could hear the low beep from the source,
Daraku: -C- "Position Five, I've got him..." System shutdown was protocol, but they didn't figure he would have 'dreams'. In the time it took to find him, he would relive that moment of his death. He would see her face again, those tear-filled orbs. He wo
Daraku: -C- It was always torment to see her weep. "Illenya..." he would call, but it was only a dream. Nothing he did would change it, and try as he might, it would always play out the same way. Light would flare in his orbs, and wash out the dream. 
Daraku: -C-"Six-four-two-one, are you operational? Sys-check for Doctor Addison." The voice would trigger an automatic program, and on the computer in the doctor's palm, a system readout would appear. "Everything checks out, except this damage."
Daraku: -C- The lights would go out again, and the doctor went about his work. Daraku had been recovered by the corporation that rebuilt him, and he would live to see another day.
Korvyn: seems ready to accept death by Greg's strange blade for a moment and even lowers his head for the final blow, then reconsiders and flings himself back away from the man with a loud curse. With the curse echoing in the crater power flares up around
Korvyn: (C) him, speeding him away from Greg and his death. "I can't even accept death despite my failure and lack of power...I might as well be strong-arming street thugs again." he says as he flys along, disgusted with himself. He doesn't look back once
Korvyn: (C) as he goes, perhaps hoping Greg will take pity on the worthless saiyan he has become and kill him anyway.
Greg: lowered the blade, the tip of the blade resting on the ground and he sighs warily. This day had just turned into something a-kin to total shit. The blade began to shrink and contract sharply before finally assuming it's smaller,
Greg: (C) sealed form once more. He stuck the blade in a loop at his waist, since it lacked any sort of standard sheath. He then sat down in the center of the crater and pulled out his two hand cannons. Popping the two guns open he let the empty
Greg: (C) shells from the super rounds they fired fall to the ground and he began reloading the cylinders one at time, grumblinding to himself the whole time, "What a mess..." He pops the two hand cannons back into place, having reloaded them
Greg: (C) and then gets on his feet again, "Time to search the place, see what I can find." While off on the edge of one of the crater a single figure watched the halfbreed move in the other direction. Greg turned his head, the hairs on the back
Greg: (C) of his neck having risen slightly, but there was nobody there. The halfbreed shrugged and continued to make his way out of the crater to search the city for more of these things.
Greg: sat on top of a building that was still standing within Down Town New Hope City. Most of the sector had already fallen into complete and utter cause mere hours after the initial outbreak. The news tried to spin it so that it didn't
Greg: (C) sound -as- bad but the truth of the matter was... Greg was, more likely than not, one of a number of living people in this sector. The rest could probably be counted on one hand and that would change quickly. His eyes were sharp
Greg: (C) as he kept a look out, smoking idly on a cigarillo as fires burned within the grid. A general groaning and crying could be heard throughout the sector, the creatures who had not been destroyed yet. The destruction they had caused earlier
Greg: (C) amounted to a drop in the bucket, Greg had found out once he searched the area. He hissed out a stream of smoke at this thought. An entire grid, and not just any grid but one of the busiest grids in the city, had been overtaken by this
Greg: (C) contagion. The rest of the city was in a veritable panic over it as well, but with martial law in effect, the military was running the show outside the Down Town grid.
Xerokine: -*- "So much for Plan A," came a voice behind the cigarillo smoking man. Specifically, from a man in a black cloak, his head unhooded and black hair - cut short enough to avoid the typical Saiyan spikes - was tousled from the 
Xerokine: -*- warm breeze. Warm because of the fires that dotted the entire sector, caused by mindless corpses walking aimlessly in search of food. The cloaked man narrowed his eyes, two slits of burnished gold, as he peered through 
Xerokine: -*- the curtains of smoke. "Even I can't destroy this entire sector at once," he said finally, when Techagi only continued a long drag on his cigarillo. "Perhaps only DeArtair could do that, with his halo technique. And even then, we might 
Xerokine: -*- not get them all. We need a different solution." Xerokine fell silent for a moment, then shrugged. He stepped up onto the ledge of the rooftop, balancing easily on the dangerous edge as he looked downward. "Or not. We could simply 
Xerokine: -*- watch this city and this planet fall into ruin. It would certainly be amusing."
Greg: continued to smoke his cigarillo and look over the sector in a lazy-eyed fashion as the cloaked figured stepped up to the edge of the building he sat on, "Wasn't a combat satellite involved in that little fiasco?" Greg asked the question more
Greg: (C) so in a rhetorical fashion. He took the almost complete spent cigarillo from his lips and tossed it over the edge of the building into the abyss below, "We could watch this planet tear itself apart. However, if I'm going to commit
Greg: (C) genocide, I'd rather do it on purpose." Xerokine knew what Greg meant by this statement, the rest of it didn't need to be said between the two of them, "Besides..." Greg commented idly, his vision never once leaving the ground beneath
Greg: (C) them, "The fear that has overrun New Hope City is an added change. The people aren't afraid of just a group or an individual. They're suspiscious of everyone now. Nobody has bothered entering this grid since I locked it down several
Greg: (C) hours ago. Nobody has attempted to make contact since then. They may simply be chalking this up to a lost cause at this point. But these creatures won't stay confined forever..."
Xerokine: -*- "They might." Xerokine peered searchingly into the smoke-filled streets and blood-splattered avenues, looking for signs of life. "Even these things have to eat. If they can be contained long enough, they'll probably either start eating 
Xerokine: -*- each other or starve to death." He shrugged, the motion sending a ripple down his cloak. "They don't seem smart enough to actually band together and make a unified attempt to leave the containment area. And none of them are 
Xerokine: -*- flying around, so that's a plus." Flight would have made a bad situation much worse. While the ability was fairly specialized, even among the truely powerful, it had an annoying tendency to crop up when it wasn't wanted. And 
Xerokine: -*- flying zombies would be very bad. 
Greg: frowns slightly. Yes, the ability of flight seemed to elude these creatures, which was a damn good thing, "Flying undead? The next thing you'll be telling me is that you're secretly a human in disguise." The joke was met with no laughter
Greg: (C), not even a chuckle actually. The two merely looked out over the city for a series of silent moments, as though the mere mention of the idea would suddenly have hordes of the creatures rising into the air to prove them wrong.
Greg: (C) It wouldn't be the first time something like that had happened. Fortunately, however, it did not happen. The only thing that was rising into the air was smoke from all the fires, "I'm concerned. I did not have much time to think about
Greg: (C) it at the time, and I obviously could not check if every creature within a one mile radius. But I did not see a single one of the original test subjects in that horde of beings that was destroyed."
Xerokine: -*- "So?" Bored with watching smoke blow in the wind and fires rage uncontrolled, Xerokine turned away from the devastation and walked a couple paces along the edge of the rooftop. "You're saying the original test subjects are 
Xerokine: -*- still out there? But why should that matter?" He paused in mid-step, his foot held in pace a few inches over the ledge as he balanced on the other leg. "There were only a dozen or so originally. But obviously the contamination 
Xerokine: -*- spread quite a ways beyond that. I don't see why you should care if there are a dozen more or less immortal killing machines wandering the streets."
Greg: shrugs lightly and this, "I don't know. I've had time to think since the initial shock of the outbreak wore off. I was wondering if we could find the originals, we could find a way to deal with the rest since they all, in some manner or
Greg: (C) another, come from those original dozen or so. A sample of blood or tissue or something. A common connection that could be exploited. But if we did not even encounter a single one, and so far I haven't and I've been here since it started.
Greg: (C) It means one of two things. Either A - I simply have not had the good fortune to encounter one of them yet and they are roaming around along with the other mindless undead. Or B - They have enough presence of mind to hide and avoid
Greg: (C) showing themselves. I would frankly prefer option A."
Xerokine: -*- "Which means it'll be B," Xerokine said cynically, switching one leg out over the side of the building. "Presence of mind, huh." His eyes narrowed. "The originals didn't seem to show much of that. Not when they were ripping out of 
Xerokine: -*- their restraints and trying to bash the door down." Before they had discovered the emergency exit. He grimaced, hopping lightly down off the ledge and onto the rooftop, the rough gravel crunching softly under his boots. "If they're 
Xerokine: -*- controlling the others, they aren't doing a very good job," he observed. "And even if they're just smarter, then we still have our original problem. Just obtaining the first subjects won't help if this virus has mutated. And if it hasn't 
Xerokine: -*- change, then any of those creatures will do."
Greg: runs a hand through his hair, and ruffles it once he gets to the back of his head. The action, of course, did nothing since his hair just fell back into it's original spot, "I'm not saying it is B. And in the case of the sample being the same
Greg: (C) among all these creatures. That is true in a sense. However, if we could obtain a -pure- sample, it may be more effective. Of course, this is all speculation. We won't know until we try. And since these creatures don't seem too keen on
Greg: (C) simply coming along and getting tested... or much of anything else outside of feasting upon our flesh. It'd say that's something of a problem. In either case, here's what your army would've been capable of. Psychological warfare on a
Greg: (C) whole new level. As well as being obscenely strong and resilient." Greg throws his legs back and stands up on the roof, "I hope you're happy with it."
Xerokine: -*- "Ecstatic," Xerokine replied, his face deadpan. "Not that psychological warfare would be of much use against their intended opponents. Too bad we can't just cart them up and dump them out in the middle of SynCity. Maybe with 
Xerokine: -*- explosives strapped to their chest." He made his way to the shed-like structure where the elevator shaft ended and leaned against the rusting and battered metal. "Or convince Lilly to use his robo-army to come here and get rid of 
Xerokine: -*- them. If we were lucky, they might wipe each other out." Xerokine shrugged. Neither was a very likely option. "So, what? You wanna go hunting for twelve random zombies in a downtown filled with hundreds, perhaps thousands? 
Xerokine: -*- Assuming we can even recongnize them if we do find them."
Greg: shrugs lightly as he pulls another cigarillo out of a coat pocket inside his trenchcoat and puts it to his lips. He pulls out a zippo lighter and flips it open, a flicker of flame comes into existence from the lighter and he brings it to
Greg: (C) the tip of the cigarillo. Taking several puffs to get the tip properly lit he makes a flicking motion with his wrist and the lighter clamps shut, "It would be somewhat entertaining as well as a good test of skill in my opinion. It
Greg: (C) at least be different than most other situations where we don't even get to use the full extent of our power in order to survive. Ignoring the fact that we can escape this hell whenever we want and assuming we were stuck here without
Greg: (C) any help. I can see it turning out to be quite the story to tell when it's over."
Xerokine: sighed. "Do as you wish," he replied dismissively, folding his arms across his chest. "If you want to play out some adolescent fantasy of running around in a zombie-infested city, then I might as well come along. For the 
Xerokine: -*- amusement, if nothing else. Just don't expect me to start using a shotgun or to stick around if we encounter anyone wearing a large metal pyramid for a hat."
Greg: scoffs in an indignant manner, "Shotguns are for pussies." He says in a rather matter of fact tone as he pulls out one of his hand cannons and examines it, "Besides, I've found out that there are certain creatures here who are decidedly
Greg: (C) weaker than others. I don't know why, but some of them go down after a shot to the head or decapitation and the such. They stay down once the head is destroyed... some of them at least. The body kind of, um... keeps going but without
Greg: (C) eyes, ears or a nose, they're somewhat limited in what they can do. I got a small amount of humor out of watching one of these headless bodies walking into a wall for about ten minutes." He puts the hand cannon away with a 'tsk'ing sound
Greg: (C) and looks back up at Xerokine, "I'm low on ammo. Got a place where I can get a fresh batch? We can save here and restart the 'game' later."
Xerokine: -*- "Sure, whatever," Xerokine replied with resignation, absently snapping his fingers. The sound seemed to echo oddly in the open air, an oddity that continued when the air itself shattered like glass to reveal a very different scene 
Xerokine: -*- around the two men. Instead of a rooftop in New Hope City, they were now on a street corner in a rather bustling sort of suburban metropolis, a town on the edge of becoming a full-blown city. One with a rather anachronistic 
Xerokine: -*- castle being built on the southern edge, with equally strange-looking walls under construction around the city limits. "Dyrnwyn," Xerokine said by way of explanation. "Capital city of Caeridon. Under construction. The armoury is near 
Xerokine: -*- where the keep is being built."
Greg: looked around quizzically, "Well, I can't say the decor is a total disappointment. The name is a little... unoriginal though, wouldn't you say?" Despite this statement Greg seemed a bit more content to be here, at least for the moment. He
Greg: (C) lost his quizzical demeanor and merely shrugged, "So this is your new place, huh? A whole city, eh? Don't you think you're taking this 'Essex Envy' just a little too far?" He chuckles lightly as the two of them begin walking amongst
Greg: (C) the 'burbs towards the armory.
Xerokine: -*- "The city is just the beginning," he remarked as Techagi fell into step beside him. "The country is the goal. Caeridon." Xerokine swept his hand to the side to indicate the city. It was small now, but there were obvious signs 
Xerokine: -*- of development along the edges. "Essex, though. He's a fool. All he has is a sterile playground for his pathetic little toys. SynCity is nothing but a joke. And don't pretend to think otherwise," he added, glancing sidelong at the 
Xerokine: -*- halfbreed. "I'm not saying anything that hasn't already crossed your mind. And you know as well as I do that these thoughts are not unique to us."
Greg: shrugs lightly and puffs out a small cloud of smoke as he looks around at the peoples and establishments they pass by. It was true, SynCity had become something it wasn't meant to be. Originally, when Greg had invested very -large- sums
Greg: (C) of capitol into the idea, he had a vision of a city of of decedance and indulgence. A city of perfect hedonism. It would've been the closest thing to paradise that Greg could've ever come to. But instead it turned into a martial city,
Greg: (C) with a dictator and his son, Crybaby McCutHimself, running the whole thing. Mr. Lilliah was a capable enough individual but his schemes had become too petty and short-termed. And with his invincible Omega Droids at his beck and
Greg: (C) call, it was his way or nothing at all. And that always ended up sucking, "Yeah, yeah, I know." Was his only response.
Xerokine: watched Techagi through the corner of his eye as they walked the corner of the newly paved road, into where the construction of the city was still going on. The stark skeletons of buildings yet to come dotted either side 
Xerokine: -*- of the street, where workers climbed them like squirrels up a tree. "You can feel it, can't you?" he said softly. "Things have become so quiet lately. This latest crisis was the most interesting thing to happen in as many 
Xerokine: -*- months. This city is evidence. Do you think I could've raised an army and formed by own little country this easily even a year ago? Two years? I would've had any number of fools appear before me in the name of light or righteous 
Xerokine: -*- or greed. Now, I had two people ask to join me and the only one who I've seen since is an incompetent."
Greg: nods thoughtfully, it was true anyway. A business was one thing, and something both of them had been able to accomplish rather quickly several times over in their pasts. However, a city? An entire country? A whole army? That was
Greg: (C) something else entirely. There had been a lull recently in the events of the worlds, a sort of general peace had occured somewhere along the way. Unfortunate, or fortunately depending on how you viewed it, it was peace brought about
Greg: (C) under the veil of darkness. Evil had become common place among the people they encountered. Goodness, light, things of the such had begun to dwindle. With that dwindling had come a less chaotic world. With none to oppose men such
Greg: (C) as them, they had been free to do as they saw fit with minimal opposition, "I think... you killed most of them enough times that they simply decided to stay dead this time."
Xerokine: -*- "How boring," Xerokine decided. "I'm almost tempted to have a go at it myself. But that might be a little too shocking for some people. I'd probably give some of our associates a heart attack." He shrugged carelessly. "It 
Xerokine: -*- doesn't matter. There are many worlds in this universe, and many universes. If one of them gets too boring, we can always try another. Here we are," he added, stopping in front of a squat grey building, with walls that looked like 
Xerokine: -*- they had been poured and a door that didn't quite fit in the frame. "Go nuts. When did you want to play this game of yours? Not tonight," he assumed, glancing at the fading light and the darkening sky. "Tomorrow?"
Greg: looks at the building that they had stopped at and grimaced lightly. This wasn't an armory. Surely Xerokine had been mistaken on that front, "You're kidding, right?" When Xerokine didn't respond to the question but merely kept walking to
Greg: (C) the building and entering it. Greg assumed he wasn't so he kept going, "I don't know, I'm tired and worn out. I've steeped myself in darkness long enough for one day I suppose. So..." Greg checks himself, his clothing was actually
Greg: (C) in relatively good condition, a few rips and tears here. Nothing terribly inconvenient. These new clothes of him had been specially developed with armored fibers laced into them anyway. Much more durable than the run of the mill armors
Greg: (C) that were available. However, a good nights sleep would probably do him some good at this point, "Yeah. Tomorrow sounds fine."
Xerokine: lightly pushed open the door and walked through. Rather then a room, the doorway led to a stairwell down underground, where an expansive basement contained all manner of weaponry. An entire wall was dedicated to 
Xerokine: -*- swords and other bladed ways to kill someone, while another section had rows of cabinets and drawers with seemingly every kind of ammo and type of explosives. "That's fine," he said mildly. "I already slept." He could 
Xerokine: -*- occupy himself with exploring the ruins they had created earlier in the day. He'd get no such chance later, with Techagi more interested in headshots and getting double points if you shoot them in the groin first. "Help yourself," 
Xerokine: -*- Xerokine said over his shoulder, leaving the halfbreed in the underground bunker. "Later."
Greg: -*- The feet long metallic barrier that had been erected in addition to the standard lock-down grid that had been initiated around the Down Town sector of New Hope City had held true. Military personal decked out in advanced suits of
Greg: (C) cybernetically enhanced body armor patrolled the perimeter, guns at the ready. The scene was tense, search lights pointed into the sector revealed a veritable war zone with an earie calm. A pair of the soldiers were arguing with a man
Greg: (C) in a sanguine trenchcoat, "I'm sorry, sir. We can't let you pass.", "HELLO!? I was the one that set up the lock down in the first place! Now let me in damnit!" "I'm sorry, sir. We can't let you pass.", "UGH! It's like talking to a 
Greg: (C) broken record with you people." Greg snapped his fingers and a pool of darkness formed at his feet, "Fuck you guys. I'm going in whether you want me to or not." Tendrils of darkness seemed to creep out of the pool and up his legs
Greg: (C) as though some dark monster wished to suck the man into the void. As the tendrils krept their way up his body they slowly consumed him from the feet up. Before long, the man was consumed and gone. Leaving the soldiers befuddled and
Greg: (C) a bit worried. A portal of darkness appeared on one of the rooftops in the destroyed sector and Greg stepped out of said portal quickly, looking rather pissed, "Fucking idiots. Telling me where I can and can't go."
Seras: looks down upon the city. She'd spent rather a long time looking down at the city, ever since that massive battle yesterday, and her apparent... transformation, that was all she could think to call it, she'd been pondering things. She didn't know 
Seras: * (c) what she should do about the whole situation. She was free now, that she was sure of. She'd removed the chip, thrown off her shackles, and was her own person... but what kind of person did she want to be? She didn't know much about the world
Seras: * (c) all she knew was that, apparently, she was pretty damn powerful. She'd managed to survive a pitched battle, and had narrowly avoided being killed by a guy who had vaporized a large chunk of the city! However, she's also been fine-tuning her 
Seras: * (c) skills, and to that end had been focusing on the powers of the zombies below, sensing out where they were, watching their movements. The sudden appearance of a new power underneath her catches her attention. More so as it feels oddly... fami
Seras: * (c)familiar. But she doesn't move yet, unsure what her course of action should be.
Korvyn: * A large saiyan man wearing the tattered remains of what used to be Saiyan-style body armor watches the streets from his position within a clothing store. The shops great glass windows had been busted in when the looting started, the mindless mob
Korvyn: (C) of humanity fleeing the outbreak foolishly falling to greed. The broken glass had been stained red when the zombie caught up, now the dying light of the sun reflected off it casting the front of the store in blood-red hues. Ignoring the view f
Korvyn: (C) for the moment the saiyan man is busily ripping apart shirts, making crude bandages along his arms and legs. "The damn things just keep coming..." he says aloud, then winces as his own voice sounds like a scream in his hears on the silent stre
Korvyn: (C) street. He glances around then, looking for any sign someone...or something heard him. But nothin reveals himself so the man finishes binding his wounds.
Xerokine: -*- "Why did you even bother asking?" The exasperated voice came from behind the halfbreed, from a cloaked man lounging across the roof's ledge. The height didn't seem to bother him, as he had one leg dangling out over the 
Xerokine: -*- several story drop onto a cratered street and smoke-filled avenues. "You could've saved time by just translocating from the beginning." With a sigh at his companion's incomprehensible ways, Xerokine got to his feet and brushed 
Xerokine: -*- the dust off his shoulder. "I suppose you want to go zombie hunting at this point, then. Certainly a nice day for it," he added cynically, glancing up at the bland grey sky. 
Greg: glanced over his shoulder at the cloaked figure, "I could've done that, yes. But..." Greg stared blankly over the horizon. The smoke that continued to rise up from the streets had blanketed the sky in a dark grey hue. The fact that
Greg: (C) the sun was setting meant darkness was quickly approaching anyway, and with power to the sector significantly cut, light would soon be something of an issue, "..." It seems Greg really didn't have a response to why he even bothered
Greg: (C) dealing with the standard militia, "Anyway. I re-supplied on ammo and took the liberty of acquiring a few other... supplies for this journey." Greg waved a dismissive hand from his companions raised eyebrow, "Don't worry, I
Greg: (C) didn't bring a shotgun for you."
Seras: winces slightly, shaking her head... those two were there again. She couldn't explain how she knew, she just did. And she didn't want to die, which she was sure she would if she crossed them as an enemy... well, as a target, a second time. On the 
Seras: * (c) other hand, she didn't want to be continually dodging them. This was the second time in as many days she had met them... unless she wanted to relocate planet, she would need to make peace with them. She takes a deep breath, and lets her powe
Seras: * (c) power dwindle away a little, starting to float down towards the city, she waits and watches from above, trying to think of a way to meet them that wouldn't immediately result in getting shot and cut into little pieces...
Korvyn: finally finishes binding his wounds, then steps out into the street cautiously looking around. Unfortunately he forgot about the glass, and the crunch of his footsteps echo across the deserted street. He stands still, hoping nothing is close enoug
Korvyn: finally finishes binding his wounds, then steps out into the street cautiously looking (C) enough to hear it...but fate is not so kind. What used to be a man comes stumbling around one of the streets corners, galloping towards him. The things skin
Korvyn: (C) has since turned a corpse-grey and it is covered in blood with no visible wounds. The saiyan man squares himself and raises a hand, dark red energy quickly surging around it even as his own power surges. After a moment a sphere forms, but he f
Korvyn: (C) forces its size down, condensing it into the size of a basketball around his hand. With the burning ki of sphere formed he hits the zombie head on with the sphere, taking its head and part of its torso clean off. Even that doesn't stop it, the
Korvyn: (C) that doesn't stop it, the creature whirling around to face him. "Die damnit!" he says, and unleashes the spheres energy at the creature in an explosion of dark red and purple ki.
Xerokine: -*- "Oh goodie," Xerokine replied dryly. "Remind me what we're looking for." The cloaked man continued talking as he walked carelessly toward the edge of the rooftop and stopped off the ledge. "The original test subjects?" His 
Xerokine: -*- apathetic attitude continued even while descending in a freefall down the building's side. Then, when he was nearly half-way to the ground, his left leg suddenly whipped out and kicked against the stained brick wall. The stone 
Xerokine: -*- cracked under his boot, but held enough that the kick sent him flying out from the wall. The fabric of his cloak floated around him like drifting shadows as he slowly spun through the air over the cracked street below. When 
Xerokine: -*- gravity reclaimed him, he landed neatly in a crouch in the center of the road, lightly as a cat descending from a bookcase, with only the softest whisper of a breeze spiraling outward. "Any idea where they might want to hide, or 
Xerokine: -*- is the plan to march toward the most dangerous part and start killing things until we find them?" Xerokine asked, straightening up. The action send ripples down his cloak, outlining the scabbarded sword he wore beneath it. "Or 
Xerokine: -*- maybe we should just ask your girlfriend if she's seen them," he added nonchalantly, jerking a thumb skyward.
Greg: glanced up into the air, having followed the cloaked figure down most of the trip, except he more or less ran down the building side and used a sort of field of his own energy to make his landing as soft as possible, "To be honest? I
Greg: (C) hadn't really thought that far ahead. I just planned on killing anything until I found one that seemed less encouraged to die and more encouraged to talk. The number of these things have to be dwindled down to something comparable
Greg: (C) anyway. I figured why not have some fun in the process?" Greg reaches into his jacket and pulls out a pair of fashionable looking shades that he places over his eyes and taps the side of them, "Heads Up Display, courtesy of
Greg: (C) Techagi Industries Research and Development." He then reaches underneath his trenchcoat and pulls out a pair of hand cannons and twirls each in his hands, grinning, "Knock-down power of the Ying Yang."
Shim: - The setting sun was obscured by the thick screen of smoke filling the sky. It seemed that he was never around for these things. Last time he had set foot in the city, a boring peace had set in. So he had taken a while away from it all, on some i
Shim: (C) island resort. But the sun was far too bright in those parts for his tone, and most of his time was spent in a hotel room. As if his vacation hadn't been bad enough, he couldn't get to his favorite bar for the multitude of brainophiles wanderi
Shim: (C) wandering the streets. Perpetua slid smoothly through the sheath, ringing in the lust for battle. Zombie-chopping was sure to ensue.
Seras: hesitates for just a second as she notices the jab skyward, and Greg's glance. She smiles, a little, nervous smile. Well... they clearly knew she was there, what did she have to lose at this point? She increases the rate of her descent a bit, stop
Seras: * (c) stopping just above the building- assuming, of course, that she hasn't been shot down long before then, she calls, "Uh... hi? Look, I'm just here to help, please, are you going to try and kill me if I do? I mean, I don't want to get in your 
Seras: * (c) way, seriously, I'm just hoping that I can like... learn something?" She sounds different to how she sounded yesterday, a lot calmer, a lot more relaxed. Plus, she's using words with more than two syllables, always a good sign.
Korvyn: rips the zombie to shred with the power of the explosion but wasted no time staring. Lowering his hands he rapidly fires a few more blasts of energy cutting a square in the concrete street. He bends down and lifts it, slamming it over on the scatt
Korvyn: (C) scattered remnants of the zombie. "That outta hold you for a bit." the saiyan man says, then seeing no other creatures following this leaps onto the clothing store he had been hiding in. He suppresses his power again as he does this, then take
Korvyn: (C) takes in the view of the dying city.
Xerokine: -*- "My sword was not made to kill weaklings like you," Xerokine said evenly, turning away from her and starting to head down the deserted street. There may not have been any of the creatures nearby, but there would probably be 
Xerokine: -*- some a block or two away, or perhaps in one of the half-destroyed buildings that lined the road. Or even in the sewers, Xerokine mused, considering the huge hole he had made the day before. The two-mile wide crater had 
Xerokine: -*- probably exposed quite a few underground passages for rats to hide in - not just the sewer, but access shafts and subway tunnels. "We should probably start at the Apocalypse Crater."
Greg: turned his shaded eyes towards the floating biodroid and merely shrugged, "You want to learn something? You shouldn't be here unless you're prepared to die." His eyes give an up and down motion behind the reflective eyewear he wore, "And
Greg: (C) it would be such a shame to watch something like you die." He then turns his head to face his cloaked companion and nods, "Alright, let's get a move on then." The cloaked figure nods and the two take off at an alarming rate. Their
Greg: (C) respected articles of clothing fluttering against the current of wind that the two run through. To most ordinary onlookers, had their been any, it would look as if the two merely nodded to each other and disappeared.
Seras: feels... annoyed at Xerokine's comment. She can't explain why, but she did. It was an odd thing to be annoyed at, being told that you weren't worth being killed, it was obviously better than the alternative, but, well, at least the pair hadn't sim
Seras: * (c) simply gunned her down. She gives a little shrug to Greg, however. "I'm not likely to die. I can fly, the monsters can't, if it gets truly terrible... I'll simply take off, and besides--" And its then that the two men charge off. She swears 
Seras: * (c) for a moment, gathers her power, and gives chase, though nowhere near fast enough to keep up, she does manage to at least follow them, the ground tearing up beneath her, a red, crackling aura of energy assisting her in her chase.
Korvyn: spots the trails of power in the distance, heading towards the massive scene of destruction that other saiyan had unleashed. A noise from the street takes his attention away from the display however, as the slab of concrete he had put down is thro
Korvyn: (C) thrown off by the creature. "Shit, guess I can't stick around here afterall." says the wounded saiyan man. Then with a growl he rapdily fires blasts at and around the creature, the ki streaking through the air and doing little damage to the th
Korvyn: (C) thing but kicking up great clouds of dust and debris. "See you next time pal." he says, then is off leaping from rooftop to rooftop keeping his power suppressed. His path follows the line of destruction blazed by Seras, leading him along behin
Korvyn: (C) behind her to the great crater.
Xerokine: -*- Traveling at such high speeds that he was not so much 'running' as performing a series of long-distance, shallow jumps, Xerokine managed to very swiftly reach the edge of the crater. To an outside observer, it might appear as 
Xerokine: -*- though a flickering dark blur had suddenly traced down the broken street and transformed into a cloaked man, his amber-eyed gaze narrowly staring down into the mile-deep depression. The sides had been seared black, and all 
Xerokine: -*- along the edge were buildings that had been completely vaporized halfway through, the rooms and offices left bare and open to the wind and rain. Leaving the Tatsujungin sheathed across his back, Xerokine examined the hollow 
Xerokine: -*- void. The very bottom of it had already begun to fill with water, the severed sewer lines tracing small rivers down the side of the bowl to collect into a growing lake. Left to itself, it would eventually fill completely. But for now, the side
Xerokine: -*- of the crater were dotted with barely visible holes and gaps where subway tunnels, access routes, and sewer pipes had once passed. "I'll wager they're underground," Xerokine said finally as the girl caught up with them, glancing 
Xerokine: -*- sidelong as his crimson-coated companion. "At least, if you're right about them hiding. Probably many of the mindless ones down there as well. Looking for a way out of the quarantine."
Greg: nodded thoughtfully. That would be the most logical assumption to make. While the sector above ground was heavily guarded, the parts of the grid extending below ground would be less so. If they wanted to find a way out, that would
Greg: (C) be their best bet. Of course, this was all assuming that there was in fact a general intelligence behind any of this. And that was just a hypothesis that needed to be tested out, "That would stand to reason. It would also explain why
Greg: (C) their numbers seemed to have decreased up here. I didn't expect to run into so little opposition. They must be down in the sewers and subway systems..." A slight shiver ran down Greg's spine. The underground systems meant more places
Greg: (C) for these creatures to hide. It also meant anyone who entered had to be more careful due to the confined space. Greg grinned slightly, "This just keeps getting better and better." He jumped off the edge and landed on the pool of growing
Greg: (C) water. His feet causing a slight ripple, yet he did not sink, but merely stood there waiting.
Seras: seems to consider this carefully for a second. "Okay." She states, "Well, guys, uh, thanks for the whole... not killing me thing, but underground, it'd be harder for me to fly away quickly, and I'm guessing doing so in the wrong place'd give them 
Seras: * (c) a way out. I'd be a liability. Good luck killing monsters, I think it'd be for the best if I, y'know... went away." She starts to rise into the air, intending to leave the two far more experienced warriors to the fighting. Getting torn apart
Seras: * (c) in tunnels wasn't quite what she had in mind. She wasn't ready for this- not yet, anyway.
Korvyn: arrives on the edge of the crator, standing on a pile of rubble that once was convience store from the look of it. He crouches down atop it and watches the trio, pausing to catch his breath. Though the trip wasn't long it seems to have fatigued hi
Korvyn: (C) him quite a bit, judging from his pale and haggard face and shortness of breath. "Her again...and those two. Just what do they have to do with these damn creatures anyway." he wonders aloud to himself, speaking in a whisper as he waits to see 
Korvyn: (C) what actions they take next.
Greg: watched as, just as quickly as she had come, the female individual that they had encountered flies off... whining about confined tunnels and not being able to fly, "Now that's unfortunate..." He idly comments as the cloaked figure
Greg: (C) steps onto the water next to him. Before them was a vast expanse of underground tunnels, lots of options to pick from. The two conversed briefly, each one point out a couple of the larger holes and the cloaked man darted into one of the
Greg: (C) holes he had pointed out, a trail of water raising up from the speed he accelerated into the hole. The man in the sanguine outfit looked on in a rather deadpan manner, now soaking wet, "Ass." He commented dryly as he turned around and
Greg: (C) began making his way to an adjacent subway tunnel.
Korvyn: crouches further down into the shadows as Seras flys away, then watches the other two enter the subway tunnel. After a moment of indecision he leaps from the pile of rubble, skidding down the side of the crater and kicking up a cloud of dust. Fort
Korvyn: (C) Fortunately nothing is attracted by his antics and he makes his way to the entrance the two men took unharmed. Korvyn waits a little bit for the men to get ahead of him then enters himself. In the sparse light of the subway tunnel he looks eve
Korvyn: (C) even worse, his pale face taking on tones that make the saiyan man look dead himself.
Greg: glanced around slightly, his vision being artificially enhanced by the HUD reflective eyewear that he had put on his face. He silently thank the eggheads at R and D for having created these, otherwise he'd most surely have been going by
Greg: (C) every sense but his eyes. His guns at the ready he finally turns around and points his gun at the man following him, "Damnit boy!" The sounds echo off the walls of the subway tube they resided in, welp...there went the cover of stealth.
Greg: silently lets a string of curse words fly through his mind before he points the laser sighting at the mans chest, "Stop following me da-" His enhanced vision actually gets a good look at the Saiya-jin fighter, "Well... You look like
Greg: (C) shit." He says rather casually. He puts his guns down and approaches the tattered warrior, "At least you're not dead. That's always a plus."
Korvyn: hears Greg's words as the laser sight marks a spot on his chest that could be oblitterated by one pull of the trigger. "I'-..I'm not here to fight." Korvyn says, backing up slightly. "I just want to know whats going on, those creatures from before
Korvyn: (C) are everywhere now. I can't even tell anymore how long i've been fighting them, its been one monster after another." The saiyan mans words echo the fatigue shown on his face, his voice hoarse and weary.
Greg: frowns analytically at the man and repeates his previously statement, "Well... you still look like shit. Flying out of here is a great alternative to sticking around, you know?" Greg looks him over, the display read-out from the sensors
Greg: (C) of his glasses noting where this man seems to be injured, "Multiple abrasions and lacerations along the arms, legs and upper torso. I would recommend you leave and get some sleep before you die. Discretion is often the better part
Greg: (C) of valor and what not. Besides..." Greg turns around, an almost perceptable shift in his clothes took place to where his trenchcoat seemed to shrink away from his shoulders and down his back, ending at his waist. His coat turned
Greg: (C) into a sort of long open tunic that extended from his waist down. The skin-tight black shirt and red vest on his upper torso being revealed, as well as more open view of the blade at his waist. Greg then turned his head to look over his
Greg: (C) shoulder at the Saiya-jin, a series of black flaming marks having cascaded across his face, "You look like you are in very little condition to fight."
Korvyn: speaks, the bitterness in his voice clear even in his fatigue "I may not be able to fight you, but I can certainly deal with these mindless things. I'm a veteran of a dozen wars and countless other small conflicts, I know how to weather a long sie
Korvyn: (C) siege." Then stops, finding one of the makeshift bandages along his arm and ripping it off. Rather than a cascade of blood from a reopened wound only a small scar and some dried blood. "There, you see. I'll be over this in no time, so i'll be 
Korvyn: (C)  over these injuries in no time, so i'll be damned if i'll run from whatever the hell these monsters are." he says, his eyes full of defiance even in his wounded state.
Greg: waves a hand, which... oddly, happens to be occupied by a large revolver type hand-gun, "Yeah okay, whatever you say there big guy, okay?" He continued to walk rather cautiously down the subway tunnel, keeping his sense open for any sort
Greg: (C) of intrusion from the silence. It didn't take long for the scene to change though. A sub-way station... the train had been haulted due to the lack of necessary power to keep it going, but within there were scenes of blood-shed and death.
Greg: (C) obviously, any bodies that should have been there were not. They were undoubtedly out roaming the sector. Greg hopped out of the tracks and onto the main station platform. Something was off, it was something he heard. Sounded like
Greg: (C) movement, further down the tunnel, and lots of it too. It was faint though, hard to register individual sounds, it simply sounded like lots of scratching at this point, "I don't like this." He commented over his shoulder, "It doesn't
Greg: (C) feel right."
Korvyn: follows along behind Greg, looking around at the scenes of carnage and a world going mad. As Greg talks he flips his dented metal scouter into position, turning it on and reviewing the data. "Think they're actually hiding for some reason? All the 
Korvyn: (C) ones above have always rushed me, what would these be afraid of?" the large saiyan man replies, stepping over a trampled and blood covered baby carriage. "I still don't know what these damn thins are though...or why they don't stay dead..." he
Korvyn: (C) adds, then cocks his hear to try and pinpoint the sound of the scratching.
Jeckel: *-* A short burst of electronic beeps echoed out through the darkness of the train station tunnels. From around the corner came several square shaped lights, all at a relative same height, bouncing rythmically with steps. As the lights drew closer
Jeckel: <C> to the station platform, they were found to be attatched to several figures, in a V formation. Jeckel grinned from the front of the formation, two soldiers flanking each side as he stepped into the light, looking upon the carnage and then upon
Jeckel: <C> Greg and Korvyn. "Well hello there." He said smartly, bringing his left hand up and making the number two with two fingers and pointing down one end of the tunnel, two of the soldiers from his left side running to that end of the tunnel and st
Jeckel: <C> staying put. He made a fist and the two to his right stood at the other entrance as Jeckel moved to the platform and hopped up on it. "Taking a stroll as well?"
Greg: glanced over at Korvyn and states rather flatly, "They are biproducts of secret biological experimentation designed to create a super solder with the sole purpose being so that they may destroy SynCity and the Omega Army that protects
Greg: (C) it." How Greg had acquired this information in such a short time was anybodies guess, but the way he stated it suggested that their intent had not been a secret from him, "It seems to be that there were... side effects." Greg then
Greg: (C) points a gun down the tunnel they had just come from, only to watch the squad appear in what shanty light there was and he made a sound of annoyance, "You wish. Testing a theory would be a better description. He's..." Greg motions to
Greg: (C) Korvyn with one of his hand cannons, "just along for the ride really. I have reason to believe that every creature we have faced up till this point were inferior creatures. Lower generations if you will. There were originally
Greg: (C) twelve specimens that escaped into the city and caused all of this. Not one has been encountered yet since that has happened. I intend to find out why that is." Greg turns to look down the rest of the tunnel, his enhanced sights 
Greg: (C) revealing nothing past a certain point of impercetable darkness, "What about you?"
Korvyn: recognizes the man from before and nods his way, the sparse light still making him look half dead. After listening to Greg's explanation about the things he takes a little bit to absorb it all before speaking. "So this is all about soldiers...thes
Korvyn: (C) these things are unsuitable. Too much collateral damage, lacking intelligence to control and direct them..and even if they wern't so crippled they would probably resist control with their newfound power." He pauses and shakes his head, as if d
Korvyn: (C) dissapointed by the idea before continuining "If someone wanted reliable shock troops, saiyans are a much better choice..." Korvyn then seems to remember Jeckel and says "I'm here because I won't cower before these things and run."
Jeckel: raised an eyebrow to Greg's comments. "Those were inferior were they?" Jeckel paused for a moment and then let out a bit of a chuckle. "Good, I was hoping that I didn't bring my men here for no reason." He grinned. "More are on their way, they'll 
Jeckel: <C> stay positioned outside of the city untill further notice, just as the ones I have camped out there now." He looked over at Korvyn, "ya know, that's a good attitude to have, but you're in shambles. I suggest you report to one of the saiyan cam
Jeckel: <C> camps outside of the city when you can. We have enough supplies, one of their orders is to give armor and a scouter to any who are willing to fight." He paused. "A goodwill gesture, from the king of Vegeta to the people of Earth."
Greg: coughs loudly, "Yes, inferior. What we have seen so far have been, as I said, lower generations. Whatever it is that was used to create the originals is like a virus at this point. However, it seems that each new infection breeds a weaker
Greg: (C) strain of the creator. That would explain how the one's we took out yesterday kept regenerating over and over again. They were second or third generation infections. Infected by the originals or one away from them. As the infection
Greg: (C) spreads, it becomes thinner. Weaker. Some of these can be taken out with a single bullet, or decapitation. Others, as we found out yesterday, would be a tad harder to kill."
Xerokine: -*- "Which means the originals could be nearly invincible," came an inimical voice from behind Techagi. The voice resolved itself into a cloaked man as Xerokine stepped out of the shadows. "Find anything yet?" he asked, glancing 
Xerokine: -*- around as if zombies were hiding behind Jeckel's tail. "There was nothing down the other tunnel. Which is rather suspicious, don't you think?" His tone was slightly mocking, as if he didn't expect any of them to think much at all.
Korvyn: looks down at Jeckel and fights back at growl "I'm not one of your damned conscripts, I fight for no man but myself anymore." The large saiyan then turns to Greg saying "The solution is simple then, kill the original twelve and then their various 
Korvyn: (C) weaker incarnations until the virus runs its-" before suddenly being cut off by a fit of coughing. After the fit he spits something off to the side, but its too dark to tell what the substance is. "Just let it run its course after that." he fi
Korvyn: (C) finishes.
Jeckel: raised an eyebrow at Xerokine's arrival and at Korvyn's words. He opened his mouth to speak but one of the soldiers gaurding a tunnel piped up. "Hey! Don't refuse our general's hospitality like that! He's the grea-" The soldier was cut off as Jeck
Jeckel: <C> Jeckel turned his head and spoke to him. "You keep your eyes down that tunnel or I will THROW them down there for you? Got it!?" The soldier gave out a sharp "Yes Sir!" and once again fixed his gaze down the darkness of the tunnel. "Well, I th
Jeckel: <C> think if that's the case we should evacuate all healthy citizens of the city. Those that wish to stay and fight can stay. Anybody showing signs of infection we incinerate on site. My men will lock down the perimiter and make sure nothing gets 
Jeckel: <C> in and out with out my order and we can let loose and take care of these things like they need to be taken care of."
Greg: nodded to the materialized cloaked Saiya-jin as he entered the scene. The two had grown obviously very accustomed to the other appearing out of nowhere, "The problem being. Evacuating an entire city and subsequently decimating isn't really
Greg: (C) a viable option. No. We need to keep this contained as it stands. And Mr. Caeruleus is right. If my theory is correct, the original twelve subjects, the -pure- specimens, are going to be nearly indestructable if we were to compare
Greg: (C) them to lower generations. Forget outrageous strength and endurance, as well as the level of regeneration showed by weaker generations. The originals powers are going to be exponentially higher. I also believe that..." Greg turned and
Greg: (C) looked down the tunnel where they had not gone yet, "-the originals aren't as mindless and we'd like them to be." Greg glances once more into the beaten and blooded carcass of the subway train and holsters his pistols, "Come on. Let's
Greg: (C) keep going." Greg turns and makes his way to the other side of the platform and hops back down into the train tracks, his sight taking on varying shades of red as he sees through his glasses.
Xerokine: -*- "Should I be the one to point out that this guy's club members shouldn't be down here?" Xerokine wondered aloud, casting Jeckel and the various soldiers a significant glance. "Surely I'm not the only one who's thought this, but 
Xerokine: -*- consider how strong this virus has made ordinary humans. Would you really want to see what it does to someone with actual power?" Xerokine shrugged, pacing softly behind Techagi down the darkened tunnel. "Besides, 
Xerokine: -*- evacuating the city wouldn't help. It would just increase the amount of places these creatures can hide."
Korvyn: seems ready to reply to the soldier then decides against it, instead hopping down behind Greg and casting some wary looks around. "I think this damned scouter is fried, gives giving me odd data." he mutters aloud, then remembers the others around 
Korvyn: (C) him. "If these things are really leaguse beyond the others...I can't think of any attack that will kill them that won't take out the planet too."
Jeckel: whistled to the soldiers and they left their positions at the tunnel entrances and filed in behind Jeckel. Jeckel smirked at Xerokine's remarks. "Yeah, thanks for your concern but we've seen what that virus does to the human populace, and from wha
Jeckel: <C> what Greg has said so far, it seems that's what it was designed for. We have no idea what might happen with a saiyan, although saiyan structure is similliar, it is also very different in key components." Jeckel hopped off the other end of the 
Jeckel: <C> platform and began to follow Greg, as did the four soldiers Jeckel brought with him. "Keeping the unpredictability in mind, I have decided to just bring in a few soldiers at a time, untill we see what happens to an infected saiyan, we'll never
Jeckel: <C> know...which is one other reason the bulk of the force i've brought is staying around the outer perimiter of the city." Jeckel smirked at Korvyn's words. "Well, It was a nice planet while it lasted eh?" he chuckled a bit and then clicked on hi
Jeckel: <C> his scouter, scanning for any lifesigns. "I don't think your scouter is busted, we've been getting really strange readings as well. Sometimes it seems like there's hundreds of them, sometimes it seems like they never even existed. Only two pos
Jeckel: <C> possibilities for that, one, all our scouters are busted, or two, they move too fast for the scouter to pick up...that wouldn't be a problem but considering how many their are..."
Xerokine: -*- "Or the residual energy from all the blasting we did yesterday is messing with your sensors," Xerokine remarked offhandedly as they moved further into the tunnel. As it began to grow darker, the air around the Saiyan began to 
Xerokine: -*- burn with a soft crimson glow. Faint flames of red and white flickering around his form. "You didn't exactly go light on your rapid-fire beams at the streets. Or perhaps the virus is unstable and their energy levels are constantly 
Xerokine: -*- changing. Do you hear that?" There was a faint, barely audible noise echoing through the tunnels, like a rhythmic thumping. Almost like a giantic drum beating in tune.
Greg: nods slightly, "It's the sound we heard earlier... back in the platform, but this is more centralized. Less chaotic. Purposeful even." Greg and Xerokine shared a momentary glance. Purpose denoted intent, intent denoted intelligence. And
Greg: (C) judging from what Xerokine mentioned earlier, about his search coming up empty handed, it seemed Greg's hypothesis was becoming more and more accurate. Maybe some of the creatures were meant to run wild in the streets, meant
Greg: (C) to give some kind of diversion to others, or a hint that they were still running wild. The HUD in Greg's view revealed a sonar type view in one corner of the intense red sight. There was movement, but it was minor at such short
Greg: (C) distances. The drumming merely got louder as they progressed down the tunnel, "We're drawing closer to the perimeter of this sector." Greg commented matter of factly as he unsheathed Black Lotus.
Korvyn: mutters something that sounds like "Wretched concrete graveyard" in response to Jeckel's comment then peers down the tunnel towards the source of the sound. He walks along behind them into the dark depths of the subway, when Greg announces their l
Korvyn: (C) location he stops a moment. Squaring his feet and gritting his teeth against the pain he powers up, drawing energy into him and unleashing his power. A few short waves of crackling blue energy roll off him before a golden aura flares into bein
Korvyn: (C) being. "Alright, lets put an end to these 'super-zombies' then." he says, make his disgust of the creature known in his words.
Jeckel: nodded at Greg and then sighed as his blonde, spikey hair fell down slightly and changed to black, his pants and rubble fluttering about him as an un-seen force rose up, his hair eventually waving in this un-natural wind as his powerlevel shot up 
Jeckel: <C> considerably. The four soldiers stood in place and clenched their fists at their sides as each one's aura erupted into either a blue or white flame-like light. He looked back at them, "It's ok, go super." He smirked and the four saiyans nodded
Jeckel: <C> gritting their teeth and grunting as they braced themselves, their auras flaring up like mad as their hair shot up into golden yellow spikes. "Good job." He followed behind Greg, his men behind him in the same V formation, he had no problems w
Jeckel: <C> with letting one of these other guys take point. 
Xerokine: rolled his eyes, letting his own aura subside into a faint glimmer of red flames as the witless lightshows gave away any hope they had of sneaking up on... well, anyone. Their little band continued down the subway tunnel 
Xerokine: -*- toward whatever it was as the noise intensified in both volume and reverbation, the drumming sound deep enough that specks of dust were falling from the arch of the tunnel. Xerokine slid away from the others, keeping one hand 
Xerokine: -*- on his sword hilt as he pressed up against the wall, letting his dark clothing blend him in with the shadows as he crept toward what had formerly been a major station, but now looked more like the underground temple of some 
Xerokine: -*- cult. And in the center of the station... "That's just wrong."
Greg: 's hand shifted to the hilt at his side, the dark marks that were blatantly visible on his face seemed to surge a bit and flow a little farther across his face. He was prepared for anything... ooooor so he thought. The look on his face was
Greg: (C) one of stunned disbelief. The platform had been converted into something macabre and disgusting. Several wires were connected to some... creature thing. The drumming sound seemed to only intensify in this area and it occured to
Greg: (C) those at the front of this little party what was going on. The reason power had been sparce in areas of the grid was because... it had been diverted here. The 'creature', and to call it such a thing was doing it a HUGE courtesy, appeared
Greg: (C) as a writhing mound of flesh and gore. Appendages jutted out from all angles and none of them seemed to be from the same person. Short appendages, children's most likely, long ones, different colored ones. All of them hung limply from
Greg: (C) this thing. Eyes and mouths were also visible, but the mouths were opening and closing apparently involuntarily and the eyes were closed, as if this thing was alive yet not aware. The drumming sound... it was coming from this...
Greg: (C) "By all that is unholy..." It was then that another sound became present in this cavernous, and the only reason it was even heard was because it occured outside of the nigh-deafening drum beat of this things heart. It was the sound
Greg: (C) of foot steps and clapping. From the other side of this wired monstrosity came a figure. It was tall, had pointed ears and lacked body hair of any kind. What was probably green at one point had now become an infested and sickly grey and
Greg: (C) yellow. Half of the skin that was meant to cover teeth had appeared to have been forcibly ripped off. Other layers of flesh also appeared to have been removed, "Welcome." Came a voice that did not belong to anything that should be
Greg: (C) alive, in this world or the next, "It would appear you have stumbled upon our little baby." Several other figures stepped out from behind the... thing. Though they remained in shadow and un-visible, their eyes set them appart. Glowing
Greg: (C) and full of life and malice, pure, unadulturated hatred almost, "Unfortunate." Came the voice from the spokesman, "We were hoping to release it into the city. But you're apperance here forces us to... accelerate our plans." And with that
Greg: (C) the wires that were connected to this thing shot out violently, the wounds oozing puss and coagulated blood. Hundreds of eyes shot open in suprise and dozens of mouths screamed in unison, creating a deafening roar in the underground
Greg: (C) platform. The creature's eyes rolled around, almost as if each had it's own life. The arms flailed wildly. Then it looked at the group in front of it, "Enjoy." Greg had just one thing to say to all this, "Um... Run." And with that he
Greg: (C) spun on a heal and began to beat feet down the tunnel they had come from. The creatures blobous form surging after the group violently.
Jeckel: Shot a few blasts at the creature as he turned to flee, following behind Greg as he flew, inches above the track and down the tunnel, his soldiers behind him but dropping away from their lack of power and speed. Jeckel cursed himself as reports fl
Jeckel: <C> flew like mad into the earpiece of his scouter. "Damn! Well, i'd love to stick around but I have to get going..." He called back to the soldiers behind him. "The one that survives gets a promotion!" He declared as he turned his head back. "My 
Jeckel: <C> forces are having problems around the city, I have to take care of it." Jeckel put two fingers to his forehead and simply dissapeared in a bright flash of light.
Korvyn: has only a few moments to take in the sheer monstrosity of the creature they had somehow created in the bowels of the earth beneath New Hope City befor Greg comes running past him. Even the so-called general fled in the face of the thing, leaving 
Korvyn: (C) his underlings confused as wether to retreat or fight. Growling he yells back "You really want to show it the way out?" as he raises both his arms. Energy quickly collects, dark red bursts and purple tendrils of ki formiing a large burning sph
Korvyn: (C) sphere. With the sphere formed and the creature coming he leaps back, throwing it forward and exploding it, the massively charged explosion of key striking far short of the thing. Korvyn doesn't stay to watch its effects, instead turning and h
Korvyn: (C) hoping it will bring down that part of the subway behind him.
Xerokine: flickered through the subway tunnel, the crimson flames of Kaioken lending him strength and speed as he paced Techagi back toward the exit into the crater. "Apparently Jeckel was right," he remarked mildly. "Get enough
Xerokine: -*- of them together and they will fuse into a single unstoppable monster." The basic plan at the moment seemed to be 'run away and hope the monster won't fit in the smaller tunnels', which seemed to be a good plan.
Greg: continued his fast pace exit, "Actually!" he screamed back to Korvyn, "I'm more conscerned with not being in such a confined space with the thing!" He and Xerokine at the front enter the platform they were in earlier and each one unsheathes
Greg: (C) their respective blades, apparently they weren't going to bother going around the stopped subway train. Two voices scream out in tandem, "Lightning Vortex!", "Darkness Wave!" And in an instant the subway car is neatly sliced into
Greg: (C) four distinct piece and proceeds to explode. Two darting figures can be seen bursted out of the flaming wreckage, followed by whoever is fast enough.
Korvyn: mutters "Maneuverablity only goes so far." but decides not to yell back at Greg, conserving his breath as he runs along the tunnel. As he runs along he flings blunt lashes of ki, the waves of force slamming into the walls and ceiling of the tunnel
Korvyn: (C). He doesn't stop to look where he fires, just hopes they will slow the creature down enough for him to get out. The large saiyan man leaps through the flaming wreckage after Greg and Xerokine, hearing a scream behind him after he unleashes ano
Korvyn: (C) another of the lashes but doesn't stop to look and see if he hit one of the general's lackeys or if the thing caught up.
Xerokine: skid to a halt as they reached just short of where the tunnel would open out into the crater. "Now, out of curiousity," he said conversationally, glancing back toward Korvyn. "Did we have a plan? I'm thinking now that 
Xerokine: -*- collapsing the tunnel was probably a good idea, but on the other hand, rubble might not stop this thing. Or were we luring it out into the open so we can pummel it probably?" He lightly spun the Tatsujungin between his fingers as he 
Xerokine: -*- spoke, dark sparks lancing along the sword's edge. Without warning, Xerokine half-turned and swung the blade horizontally. "Lightning Vortex!" A wave of crackling black lightning roared out toward the gigantic beast. Oh, and 
Xerokine: -*- probably Jeckel's soldiers. Oops. "So, yeah. Plan?"
Greg: raised his free hand into the air, his thumb and middle finger pressed against each and snapped, "COME GUARDIAN!" A pool of darkness forms behind the fleeing Korvyn. A clawed hand that seemed to be composed of darkness and shadow shot out
Greg: (C) from the pool and slammed into the ground behind them. A creature almost as immense as the blob of decomposed flesh and puss was pulling itself out of the pool. Eyes of blazing yellow burned with a basic and intense instint to hunt
Greg: (C) and kill. Around this immense shadow creature where several bandages that seemed to somehow bind the creature into it's form, "Yes, a plan." Greg said as the creature continued to rise out of it's hole, "There is an extremely large
Greg: (C) body of water out there..." Greg looked back at the creature. Only it's upper torso had come out of the darkness and it was currently struggling with the surging blob of decaying flesh and disgust, "Draw it out into there where it
Greg: (C) can't use a sold ground to move against. Then destroy it. Now MOVE!" Just as he yelled that the creature of darkness seemed to burst into black mist and the undead mass surged after them once more. Greg leapt out of the hole
Greg: (C) and onto the water, running in the opposite direction.
Korvyn: steps aside as Xerokine's energy rushes by, shielding his fast from stray bolts of energy leaping from the attack, then leaps forward again to not get caught up in the explosion continuing his flight from the creatre. Behind him he senses somethin
Korvyn: (C) something as strange as the monster created down here arise but doesn't spare it a glance. He seems to be more fatigued now than when he came in, due to the sudden sprint and energy use. As he emerges into the moon-lit crater outside he flys i
Korvyn: (C) into the air, skidding across the surface of the water and leaving a large wake before bringing himself to a halt. Stopping himself above the water he begins to draw more energy into himself, his hands glowing as the power he gathers seeks an 
Korvyn: (C) outlet to release itself.
Xerokine: -*- "Really?" Xerokine replied, darting past Techagi on the way back out into open air and fecid water. "I actually had a better idea." The cloaked swordsman leapt out of the subway tunnel and out into the crater, skidding across the 
Xerokine: -*- surface of the water like it was solid earth. "Oye, ugly!" Xerokine called, sheathing his sword and shrugging off the scabbard. "Bad for you." He tossed the sheathed sword into the air, where it wrapped itself in a black mist and 
Xerokine: -*- vanished. "Time's up." Xerokine jerked his thumb upward, where the gleaming moon peaked out between clouds of white lace. Xerokine grinned, a feral expression made only more so as his face bulged out and his teeth began to 
Xerokine: -*- grow longer, sharper... "Rules change." 
Greg: gripped his sword in one hand and spun around to glare at the opening that was obviously too small for what it was trying to contain. The fact that the concrete around it was breaking apart and cracking seemed to signify that point. Then
Greg: (C) he heard Xerokine's words and immediately looked into the sky, "Fuck. He's gonna do it." While this may actually be a turn in their fortune for the better, Greg distinctly remembered the last time Xerokine had gone Oozaru around him.
Greg: (C) Greg had nearly been turned into a meal by the immense ape. There was obviously little choice here, they were too small, it was too large. They needed the extra power and with two pure-bloods with him, that would tip the scales in their
Greg: (C) favor. Greg could not help by grin at the prospects though, this would be entertaining as hell.
Korvyn: notices the sudden change undertaking Xerokine then looks up into the night sky, wondering how he could have missed it. As if in answer to his question the clouds that had been blocking the moon from his eyesight parted and he felt the massive sur
Korvyn: (C) surge of power that caused his body to reshape itself. His teeth elongated like the other saiyans, turning into great fangs as his body doubled and then trippled in size. A thick coat of fur grew, sprouting up between the holes in the tattered
Korvyn: (C) saiyan battle armor as it stretched to match his form. Finally at nearly fourtimes his previous height and many times his old girth the transformation is complete. He abruptly stops floating, two large feet slamming into the water and sending 
Korvyn: (C) up a great splash. The giant ape that used to be a saiyan lets out a great roar before searching around with his eyes, trying to find a target for its beastial rage.
Xerokine: stretched his arms out to the side as they began to grow longer, the muscles cording out as they strained against stretching skin. Thick fur, made of rope-like strands of long golden hair spread across his bulging form, 
Xerokine: -*- glowing with the power that moonlight summoned from his pure Saiyan blood. His tail thrashed as it grew, lashing against the water while Xerokine grew twice as large, three times, four... His face expanded outward, forming a 
Xerokine: -*- snout, his teeth became long and sharp like rows of gleaming daggers. His feet, now turned to massive paws, sloshed down into the mud-coloured water. His hands curled, fingernails turned to deadly claws. His eyes narrowed, 
Xerokine: -*- now a vibrant blue. Like an absurdly large ape of golden fur, Xerokine roared his anger out to the heavens with a bellow that could shatter glass and make eardrums bleed. "No more running," he snarled, his voice an undercurrent 
Xerokine: -*- of torn sandpaper and ground glass. He barely noticed Techagi's small form, untransformed without a tail, darting up his back and onto his heavy brow. "Time to scream. Time to die!" With another roar, Xerokine lunged toward the 
Xerokine: -*- monsterous undead thing, sinking his claws into it and wrenching it up into the air, throwing it like a bowling ball toward the transformed Korvyn.
Greg: 's form surged over the back of the golden furred monkey. The dark marks that scorched his skin receeding back to a pair of strange markings at each of his wrists. He leapt on top of the monkey's head with a spin and extending his blade,
Greg: (C) the Black Orchid, perpendicular to his body, giving the appearance of a cross. His power began to fluctuate. Right as the monkey beneath him bellowed out his war cry, a second voice chimed in with the golden creature yelled 'time to
Greg: (C) die!', "Now They Die! Bloom..." The Black Orchid's shape became insubstantial, a shifting cascade of colors in the form of an expanding blade, "Black Orchid!" A dark aura surged around him and exploded outwards, quickly doubling in
Greg: (C) in size before being sucked into the blade as he re-formed to reveal a sinister black semi-halberd type weapon with a dozen spikes on the oppoiste side of the blade. Greg's hair shot up into a crown of silver spikes as bolts of dark
Greg: (C) energy danced up and down his body. He pointed the weapon at the undead creature as it went flying towards the second Oozaru and a mass of dark energy surged into being at it's tip, "Wilt." The word was uttered so silently it would
Greg: (C) probably not have been heard. The effect however was noticable as the mass of energy in front of him exploded with a sudden boost in power and continued to grow. Greg seemed to be biding his time to fire of this darkness though...
Korvyn: turns to face the oncoming creature, his hands nearly blinding with the energy gathered around them. He lifts both is giant furred arms above him, a great sphere of energy forming as he grasps his hands together. With that he turns his fury on the
Korvyn: (C) the thing as just as it reaches him, slaming both the fists and the great burning sphere of energy into it. The explosion is channeled forward into the monster along with the force of his hammer blow sending the creature back towards Xerokine,
Korvyn: (C) its path likely to end up slamming right infront of the giant golden ape opposite him.
Xerokine: snarled, baring his oversized fangs as Korvyn caught and rebounded the creature. By now, half of the grotesque blob had been seared by the other Oozaru's energy, the skin blackened and peeling as blood traced 
Xerokine: -*- between bloodshot eyes and a dozen screaming mouths. Helpless arms flailed wildly as it flew back through the air, a monster not designed to deal with opponents of the same size. Xerokine roared, his mouth opening wide... 
Xerokine: -*- And then sound became light, his roar turning to power as an absurdly large wave of golden fire tore out from his throat, a bar of liquid light that lanced out and cut through the creature's side, the blood gushing forth and staining 
Xerokine: -*- the water below a violent red. The impact sent the monster upwards, the screams of pain turned to bloodcurdling shrieks of insanity as it lost the ability to cope with what was happening to it.
Greg: placed his free hand over the hand that was gripping the blade and gritted his teeth, as though the act of sustaining the attack the he was charging had become painful for him. He twisted at his hip, his legs a little over shoulder width
Greg: (C) apart to brace himself. Pulling his arms back to one side, the flet edge of the blade now perpendicular to his head. The ball of increasingly intense darkness swirling and raged against him, several beads of sweat forming on the man
Greg: (C) man's forehead. As the Golden Oozaru form underneath his feet reared it's head back and opened it's mouth, gathering energy, Techagi did the same. It's all he had been during this whole time, the intense expression on his face
Greg: (C) that almost seemed wracked with pain, evidence of that. Then the golden blast came, Greg reached over his head and then in a swiping downward motion released the energy that he had been accumulating this whole time. And in a manner
Greg: (C) that could only be defined as 'Glorious Destruction', his blast slammed into the creature's writhing and quickly deteriorating form. The three men who were battling this thing knew the truth. If they were not able to destroy this thing
Greg: (C) in a quick manner, it would just regenerate again. However, the first Oozaru's attack had damaged it, the second Oozaru's attack had took a significant chunk out of, and Greg's own energy wave took another chunk out of the creature and
Greg: (C) even went so far as to blast it further into the air. It was ascending at this point, no where to go but down.
Korvyn: watches was his prey is struck once, then again by energy attacks and lets loose with another mighty roar. With the roar echoing across the crater he stretches his massive muscled arms wide and is engulfed in a torrent of dark red ki. The sheer po
Korvyn: (C) power of the energy turns the water around him to steam even as it cracks the earth. A second wave of power follows the first, this one smaller in size but more refined. This wave takes the shape of purple tendrils of ki that swarm over his fu
Korvyn: (C) furred form as if directing the dark red ki that had enveloped him. The giant ape then brings his hands slamming together, joing the ki a second before turning his palms outward and releasing it. A 'BOOM' sounds out as the man-sized beam of en
Korvyn: (C) energy leaps forth from him, slicing through the night sky at the thing as it hung in the night air.
Xerokine: braced himself against the crater wall as Korvyn's final blow struck the shrieking monstrosity and detonated, the creature exploding in a horrid rain of seared flesh and steaming blood. "That's that," Xerokine snarled 
Xerokine: -*- roughly. "Techagi, get off." He had to translocate himself somewhere where the moon had already set, where he could revert to a more normal state. Then they'd have to discuss what to do about the original test subjects, who 
Xerokine: -*- were apparently intelligent, ugly, and slowly rotting from the inside-out. 
Greg: watched intensely as the creature was blown to itty bitty bits and pieces. He seemed prepared to simply launch another blast at the falling debris just as a final precaution, "Oh... right." He commented rather distractedly, as though
Greg: (C) he had almost forgotten that he was standing on someone's head. He did a back-flip off of the Oozaru's head and fell right into a gaping hole of darkness which subsequently transported him away from the ginormous pool that was only
Greg: (C) seeming to get bigger. When he had re-appeared, where Xerokine had used to been had become a large mist that seemed to linger a little too long for mist before disipating. Quickly, Greg looked around for signs of the creatures.
Greg: (C) His face was hagard in appearance, as though some of his life had simply been drained right out of him.
Korvyn: lets out another roar of primal fury as his target is struck and blown apart, then blinks as the great golden ape opposite him dissapears. In his place a little man appears, something nags him in the part of the mind suppressed by this transformat
Korvyn: (C) transformation and he steps forward. Slowly and with base instict he advances on the hagard man as the water comes rushing back in to cover the area cleared by his power. His great furred hands clench into fists as he walks, preparing to strik
Korvyn: (C) strike out.
Greg: shoves his elongated sword into the ground 'tip' first and leans on it for support, then the pounding begins and he looks up to see the bestial creature heading directly for him, "Oh... Fuck me... Sideways..." With the transformation
Greg: (C) that the pure-blood had undergone he was now stronger and more powerful than Greg was. And while Greg still had a decisive speed advantage over a half-ton gorilla he didn't much care for his odds against an enraged and fully regenerated
Greg: (C) Oozaru. Greg hefts himself up and takes several steps back as he brings his sword to the ready, "Welcome to the ranks of the strong." He uttered under his breath to his rather large opponent.
Jeckel: came speeding in, a blur of colors as the sound of a sonic boom followed straight behind him as he flew straight at the giant ape. "God damnit...If you're another one of my men..." He shouted as he flew around to the back of the large ape, grabbin
Jeckel: <C> grabbing at the base of the giant ape's tail and flying sharply towards the ape, pulling the tail hard untill a nasty crack was heard, the large ape roaring loudly in pain and jumping around, each time the ape landed the ground shook. Jeckel h
Jeckel: <C> held on and cursed loudly as his aura flared, one hand holding onto the fur of the tail while the other pulled back, a very large sphere of blue energy forming in front of his palm. He pushed the ball of energy direclty into the tail, the heat
Jeckel: <C> searing the hair and flesh just before he screamed out "HAAAAAA!" and the ball turned into a beam which seared and shot thorugh the tail and finishing out as it hit the ground with an explosion. Jeckel let the tail go and floated backwards, th
Jeckel: <C> the large tail shrinking in size as it made it's way to the ground, hitting the ground at normal size. He waited for the Oozaru to do the same.
Korvyn: had continued his advance on Greg even as Jeckel aproached, his muscles bulging with relentless fury as his arms were raised and joined together once more. The double-fisted hammer blow came sailing down even as Jeckel attacked his tail severing i
Korvyn: (C) it from his giant form. Almost instantly he feels his power receeding, the great strength the moon and his blood had granted him fading. The change works to reverse itself before the blow can strike, his ape-like arms falling short as they ret
Korvyn: (C) return to normal. Hit by the pain he feels from his missing tail and the disorientation he collapses just a few yards away from Greg, lying stunned along the edge of the water.
Greg: emits a short sigh of relief and again drops his blade, almost as if the act of holding it up as this point was just too much. His hair fell rather gracefully around his face once again as Black Orchid returned to it's original, sealed,
Greg: (C) form. He looks over at Jeckel and then down at the stunned Saiya-jin several feet in front of him. Consciousness was still there somewhere in those blank eyes. Greg raised his blade and point it several feet to the side. A portal of
Greg: (C) darkness swirling into existence. He turned to look at Jeckel, dark circles appearing around his eyes, "You want to take him, or should I?"
Jeckel: raised an eyebrow at Greg, it would seem Jeckel wasn't in any better shape, he was stained head to toe in blood and his armor was rather cracked and scathed. Although, one thing stood out, he still had his tail. "I assume those men died...but i've
Jeckel: <C> been spending the last hours in my most powerful non-Oozaru state...cutting the tails of nearly each and every last one of my men. Even reinforcements that just arrived. There is a PILE! a PILE of tails out there...." He looked around and then
Jeckel: <C> looked at Korvyn, picking him up and slinging him over his shoulder. "I'll take him though...looks like you guys had a blast..I guess i'll throw him in one of the regeneration chambers we have set up at one of the perimiter camps." With that J
Jeckel: <C> Jeckel lifted off into the air and began flying back towards the perimiter of the city once more, although slower than he had arrived.
Greg: watches Jeckel snag the body and lift off into the air. Greg issued a silent thanks to certain powers that were best left unmentioned. He then stepped through the portal of darkness without a word. The three-dimensional ovoid portal
Greg: (C) proceeds to collapse in on itself and wisked away, like some much dust and wind. A similar portal opens up within a highly furnished living area. The view outside showed elegant buildings and waterfalls that seemed endless. The scene had
Greg: (C) an air of peace and serenity to it. Aqua Polis. Greg's home city. He stepped through the portal, sheathing his weapon and proceeded to slouch into a plush leather chair, "I hate thursdays." He comments rather dryly before exhaustion
Greg: (C) and unconsciousness claim him.
Shim: - The living corpse traipsed its way through the alley at an alarming rate for its oddly contorted, incredibly bowlegged legs. Behind it, a whole pack of the tortured creatures followed, having heard the same noises from deeper within the alley. E
Shim: (C) Eyes missing, arms ripped from their bodies, faces half-gone, they beared down on the sound of the booted footsteps that seemed amplified by the brick walls. A gloved hand gripped the hilt of Perpetua, unsheathing it slowly, lazily. The sound 
Shim: (C) of popping knuckles could be distinguished easily against the sound of the zombies' bare feet against the pavement. The distance narrowed between predator and prey, hunters and the hunted. Shim's hair waved softly in the wind of the zombie's w
Shim: (C) wild thrashing, evading the clawed hands with ease. The halfbreed whirled 360 degrees, arcing Perpetua across the neck of the zombie with devastating force. The head flew from the shoulders with a splash of blood, and tumbled to the pavement. 
Shim: (C) Shim narrowed his eyes on the oncoming horde, his eyes shimmering in the moonlight. The alley was rocked at its foundations as Shim blasted forward, slicing and rending and mauling as he darted through the pack of undead. He stopped as he reac
Shim: (C) reached the mouth of the alley, resting Perpetua's tip on the pavement. The hero breathed an exhausted sigh as he stood there, allowing himself a bit of rest. "Hmph." Shim had finished wiping the blood from his shades when suddenly, bloody cla
Shim: (C) claws flashed through the air, aimed to stab through his torso. The blood-coated sword streaked through the air as Shim whirled around, disecting the hand of attacking zombie on his blade. Spinning forward, he drove his elbow into the face of 
Shim: (C)  of the zombie, snapping its neck instantly, and ripped Perpetua from its torso. The remaining undead turned now, and faced him again, slathering hideous beasts. "Amateurs..." Shim muttered, replacing his shades, allowing his cloak to slip fro
Shim: (C) from his body. His crimson hair lay splayed about his face in long locks, but soon rose to the air as he began to hone his energys, a focusing his power into an aura of pure fire.
Seras: * has been practicing long and hard, testing her new body and the limits of her power. The hunger is... less desperate now, she has gone for a full three days before it became too much to bear, and her strength has increased vastly. She has even e
Seras: * (c) engaged some of the weaker zombies when they are alone, and beaten on them until she has gotten bored with impunity. Of course, she has been careful to select her targets carefully... she has yet to find herself in a situation she couldn't s
Seras: * (c) simply fly out of, her confidence was growing. Now she wanted knowledge, technique, not just raw power...  and it was that which had led her to be observing Shim as he carves his way through a pack of zombies. Such power! Such elegance! Such
Seras: * (c) skill! One thing was rapidly becoming clear to her- she would need a weapon of some kind if she was to become as good a fighter as those whom she had observed, they all used weapons, she would need to do the same. She was watching the man fr
Seras: * (c) from a rooftop, and as he rises, she would become hideously obvious, the woman not entirely sure how to react, she doesn't move from the rooftop, instead looking up at the fighter wreathed in flame. He was certainly impressive... perhaps eve
Seras: * (c) even as strong as the two warriors who had tried to kill her... hopefully he wouldn't react so violently to her presence.
Shim: - He was done toying around now, having sensed a more powerful, foreign energy signature in his vicinity. Lazily, the warrior turned what seems to be an effortless backflip, focusing blood red energy into his hands as he rose. crossed his arms abo
Shim: (C) about his chest, honing more and more of his aura into the twin blasts. His hands tightened into fists as he poured a portion of his own lifeforce into the attacks. Cackling with black lightning, the spheres were raised to the sky, illuminatin
Shim: (C) illuminating the face of the Phoenix Knight - from the inner corner of his eye, the tiniest sliver of blood slid down his cheek and then... The collision rocked the whole block, and a thick screen of dust filled the alley obscuring Shim from v
Shim: (C) voice spoke from behind her.
Shim: (C) obscuring Shim from view. Seras' eyes narrowed as nothing stirred from within the chaos. "Ahem," a voice spoke from behind her.
Seras: * continues to watch, in morbid fascination, as the warrior gathers his energy, and it is only when the attack is unleashed that she reacts, shielding her eyes from the explosion. The heat and light as it rocks the entire vicinity scares the hell 
Seras: * (c) out of her. Her own experiments with energy had not resulted in releasing such devastating forces, these warriors she kept encountering were far beyond her own level, and just how far they were from her was terrifying. Not nearly as terrifyi
Seras: * (c) terrifying as the voice suddenly behind her, however. She jumps, spinning around quickly, she balances on the very lip of the building, and smiles weakly, licking her lips, "Uh... hi!" She declares, "Look, uh, I'm not a zombie or anything, a
Seras: * (c) anything, and, uh, I'm not out looking for any trouble, seriously, I was just watching how you dealt with those monsters, I don't want to fight you or anything, so, please, no reason to kill me, right? Please?" She does her best to look hope
Seras: * (c) hopeful, clasping her hands behind her back.
Shim: smirked. He supposed that was the assumption one would make about a blood-drenched killing machine, but he didn't often take pleasure in killing random people. It was humorous to him that she had almost leaped off of the building in suprise, thoug
Shim: (C)  though. Shim stepped closer, pulling a cigarette from his pocket and lighting it with the tip of his finger. He didn't speak for a moment, as he sized her up with those analytical blue eyes. "And you're sure you're not one of those?" Shim jok
Shim: (C) joked
Shim: (C) .
Seras: * nods quickly, "Yeah!" She declares, apparently completely failing to pick up on the sarcasm, "I'm pretty sure, I seem to be immune to whatever it is that made them like that. I ate one, and, I mean, I was pretty sick for a while, but, I got bett
Seras: * (c) better. I'm still me, definitely." She looks around her for a moment, and then seems to decide to settle on a safer topic of conversation, trying to move on, "That's a nice sword you've got there, where did you get it?" She asks, after all, 
Seras: * (c)  she'd need to get one, or something like it, herself at some point. Maybe there was some store in the city that was supplying these cool weapons.
Shim: - An eyebrow tweaked at the strange manner of the woman as he sheathed Perpetua at his hip. "Ate one?" Shim thought. He managed to keep himself from commenting on it, somehow, letting twin trails of smoke slither out from his nostrils. Shim flicke
Shim: (C) flicked a piece of rotted flesh from his shoulder, and responded lazily, "Don't really remember." It probably sounded false, but for the most part, it was true. He'd had the sword since he could remember, and a long time before.
Shim: - "You should probably calm down or something..." Shim commented. There were three things that annoyed him beyond anything else in this world. Aliens (especially those who chose to attack the human race), hyperactive women, and pineapples on pizza
Seras: * hesitates for a second, and then nods, seeming to calm down a fair bit. "Okay, yeah, sorry." She states, "Just, this isn't exactly usual, y'know? But, I get your point. You were pretty impressive down there. I don't think I've ever seen anyone h
Seras: * (c) handle a sword like that before." Of course, it was a lie, but it'd hardly hurt to rub the fighters ego a bit, would it? "My name is Seras, by the way, its nice to meet you..." She trails off, clearly waiting for Shim to fill in the blanks a
Seras: * (c) as she hops down from her precarious perch. Her eyes flicker over his form, taking in everything. Something about the guy seemed... off, but he definitely -looked- human. That was peculiar, the Saiyan had said humans rarely obtained any kind
Seras: * (c) of power. That was interesting in itself.
Shim: - He flicked a swatch of ash down into the blood-splattered streets below, and rested the cigarette between his lips. His hands clasped behind his neck, he considered the woman before him. The same thought that passed through her mind crossed his 
Shim: (C) his - she was a little too strange too be just a human. He tweaked an eyebrow. "You have pretty eyes." The sarcasm was audible, but it wasn't meant to offend necessarily. Surely she knew that her eyes were like bloody daggers. Surely. "I'm Shi
Shim: (C) Shim."
Seras: * looks a bit taken aback, of course, she considered her eyes to be her greatest asset- such lovely blood-red orbs that set her apart from other humans, but, that was the first time someone had come forward and commented on how brilliant they are.
Seras: * (c) Was he trying to come on to her? She looks flustered for a moment, and then nods, "Uh... thanks?" She asks, smiling softly, once more the sarcasm bounces off the armor of her blissful ignorance, "So, what are you doing out here? Just fightin
Seras: * (c) fighting monsters? I heard a couple of guys say that they are mostly in the sewers... I don't know if that's still true, though. That might be a good place to head to find more."
Shim: almost chuckled a bit, but was able to stifle his laughter. Disguising this as a cough, he flipped away his cigarette and stroked his chin, considering all that she'd said. "Honestly?" He paused for a moment, allowing his mystic powerup to fade; h
Shim: (C) his hair fell around his face again, hiding the pink irises of his eyes. "I was just bored, really. Pretty annoyed that everytime I leave for a month this place goes to hell. You'd think that there would be at least one more person willing to 
Shim: (C) to do anything for this place..." He shrugged flicking the hair from his face to examine the undead stalking through the rest of the block in the streets below. "But I guess not."
Seras: * hesitates for a second at that. "I... I don't think that's fair." She states, "I don't know who you are, but I know of at least four other people who have tried really hard to undo all this... and I met a saiyan general or something who said tha
Seras: * that the saiyans aren't gonna try and take earth because its got too many strong people on it at the moment, so, there are other people around trying to do something to save this planet. Just... maybe they haven't been successful as you would ha
Seras: * (c) have been if you had stayed?" She too moves to look over the edge of the building, "Creepy things... at least they haven't learnt how to fly yet, eh?"
Xexy: testing
Xexy: testing
Shim: stared at the ruins of the city. This whole area was blocked off. Within had once been a park, his favorite coffee shop, his favorite bar. Even his apartment had been on this side of the city. "I welcome them to." Shim replied, narrowing his eyes 
Shim: (C) his eyes at the creatures that filled the horizon. He couldn't kill them all. Not because he really COULDN'T, but he wanted to be done before he was considered a senior citizen. "You never told me what you're doing here? If you're so impressed
Shim: (C) impressed with what I'm capable of, this place probably isn't best for you."
Seras: * hesitates for a second, looking unsure of herself, "Uh, yeah, what am -I- doing here." She repeats, "Well... that's kinda a long story. But, basically, I'm trying to get strong, so I can kill some... people. And I was here when this whole thing 
Seras: * broke out, and I saw some strong warriors. Now... these things can't fly, so, I'm -pretty- safe, and, well, I want to see if I can learn some stuff. Y'see? It's not like I'm suicidal or anything, I know I can't get stuck in the thick of the figh
Seras: * fighting, but, I can watch at least."
Shim: - The words 'kill some people' escaped her lips far too easily for Shim. He wondered if he wasn't speaking to a future enemy as she spoke those words, but suppressed the thought. "So you're content to stay here and watch people kill these things, 
Shim: (C) in hopes of gaining some level of power from... Osmosis?" There was sarcasm there, a last ditch effort. If she didn't detect the tone, he would give up on speaking intellectually, and accent every syllable as though he was trying to teach a ge
Shim: (C) gerbil to speak English. He knew that he had never learned anything from watching. Then again, he had never had anyone to teach him anything, either. 'Kill some people' she had said. He wondered if she'd ever even had blood on her hands...
Seras: * hesitates for a moment there, looking confused, "uh... the tendency of a fluid, usually water, to pass through a semipermeable membrane into a solution where the solvent concentration is higher, thus equalizing the concentrations of materials on
Seras: * either side of the membrane?" She asks, looking away for a second, her brows knitting. Suddenly, she seems to perk up, "OH! I see what you mean, and, I suppose that is a way to look at it. I'd have said studying others, but, osmosis... interesti
Seras: * (c) interesting application of the word." The question as to whether she was willing to just watch others get killed, well, that didn't make much sense to her, what kind of question was that? Either they would fend for themselves, or they would 
Seras: * (c) die. What could she do to change that? She could look after herself, but that was it. Why should she -risk- her life for others? Sure, she'd be more than willing to jump in and save someone if it was easy, but why would she risk death for th
Seras: * (c) the sake of someone else? That was crazy talk.
Shim: - He pretty much disregarded whatever she had just been talking about. Science hurt his brainz. "So..." He wanted to be blatant and just ask her who it was she intended on killing, so as to decide whether or not to deal with her now, but decided a
Shim: (C) against it. Even if she did give an answer, there was no knowing how accurate it was. "What drives you...?" He took a serious tone for the first time during the entire conversation, giving her an inquisitive look.
Seras: * seems to ponder this for a moment, and then shrugs. "I don't really know." She states at last, "I'm... me, I'm Seras, and I want to learn about this world. I want to know what its like, what its people are like, what its history is. I want to kn
Seras: * (c) know why it is the way it is, and where it is going to go from here. I've seen a lot of crazy stuff in this place, already, and I want to know how that all works. How do these incredible warriors get to -be- so incredible? And... like I said
Seras: * (c) I've got some people I have to kill. They, uh, they did some pretty horrible things to me, and, I want to make them pay." She takes a deep breath after her little rant, and then looks directly at Shim, those bright red orbs meeting his eyes,
Seras: * (c)  "What about you, mysterious warrior? Just out to make sure that the city keeps existing? Or is there something else?"
Shim: - He turned halfway on his booted heel, allowing himself to go somewhere he hadn't been for quite some time. There was no question what drove him. There had been an image carved into his mind since the Orion station crashed into Earth's sandy dune
Shim: (C) dunes. It was but a series of frames, a sliver of a moment that gave birth to the man he was now. He stood over a middle-aged woman--- or rather, what remained of her, as the sword he now carried fell from his bloody hands. He was fourteen yea
Shim: (C)  years old then. The woman was his mother. "Everyone has their own demons... I guess I hope that by doing some good, I can atone for the things I've done before. And there's just a part of me that refuses to let this world be swallowed by the 
Shim: (C) chaos that has threatened it so many times before."
Seras: nods slightly, giving the man a long look, "Fair enough." She states levelly, "That makes sense to me, you did horrible things, now you want to stop horrible things from happening." She smiles slightly, "As I said before, I heard that most of the 
Seras: * (c) monsters are in the sewers, not far from here." She points to the west, "There is a huge crater, and there are pipes and things that are broken and exposed, you can probably get in that way. I saw a couple of really, really strong guys go in
Seras: * (c) there hunting those things, though, so... either all the monsters are dead, or you should try and get some help, or you'll wind up dead. Good luck!" She grins, giving a little wave. There was no way in hell -she- was going that way, that was
Seras: * (c) no way in hell -she- was going that way, that was for sure.
Shim: - "Good luck finding closure." Shim replied, nodding to the woman as he turned away and stepped onto the edge of the building. "Just... Don't let it become more than that." It was a lesson he had learned the most painful way, but he couldn't hurt 
Shim: (C) over it anymore - years of fighting and killing had given him a strong core. It had been far too long to curse the day any longer. "Maybe we'll get some coffee next time?" Shim asked, before honing his inner energies, placing two fingers to hi
Shim: (C) his forehead, and blinking out of existence. "That was not the last I'll see of her..." He was having trouble deciding whether that was good or bad.
Seras: * starts to answer... but then Shim has disappeared. She shrugs, coffee wasn't really her... thing, anyway. Well, she'd learned a lot anyway- not every fighter was going to leap at her and try and kill her, and some of them genuinely appeared to b
Seras: * (c) be heroes- at least that guy did. She shrugs a second time, and crouches down low, sending her senses out over the area... she had started to be able to tell the difference between the last surviving humans of the area, and those zombies, an
Seras: * (c) and she was getting hungry... it was time to go hunting!
Daraku: --Digits would curl over the bar, and he would pull up onto it, touching his chin to it lightly, then dropping back down again. With the recent rebuild of his systems, it would be protocol to train for a month without break, to make sure all the n
Daraku: -C- It wasn't protocol for Doctor Addison, but of course, Daraku had other opinions. Lifting once more, he would pull as high as he could before releasing from the bar, and dropping down to the floor. "All systems are functional... I'm stronger no
Daraku: -C- As he was brought in for maintenence, the good doctor deemed it fit to increase the power that was already there, and in that, he found astounding strength. A thing that was only a distant dream, now lay within his grasp, and those who injured
Seras: the sun burns high in the sky, and Seras finds herself once again wandering the streets of New Hope city, this time in the outskirts, having decided to move to  an area more typical of the society she was attempting to find her place in. The mutan
Seras: *c* The mutants had provided some small amount of practice, but, she was tired of fighting against foes she couldn't beat. She wanted to learn about something more concrete, something that she could apply to the world she lived in. And that is why
Seras: *c* she has suppressed her power, and is currently scaling the wall of the Nova Corporation. This, after all, was what she was designed to do... infiltrate and steal information. Once she is over the wall, careful to avoid camera sweeps, it is a s
Seras: *c* simple matter to make her way over to the shadowy area between a pair of buildings, and then to wait for a security officer to pass by... yes, this would be easy indeed... what could possibly go wrong?
Daraku: -- He would go about the small space, shuffling one thing here, another there, and pulling a shirt on over his body. Really, he didn't need it, but with humans being all they were, apparently it was offensive nonetheless. The compound was quiet to
Daraku: -C- so, and with that silence, he would leave the small building that housed him and one other experiement, and closed the door behind him. The sun was bright, and as he blinked once, twice, allowing his oculars to adjust to the added light, he'd 
Daraku: -C- survey of the scene. Nothing unusual, as the guards went about their rounds, patrons and scientists walked here and there in lab coats, some even staring at a clipboard and not where they were going at all. There was even a small class trainin
Daraku: -C- future guardsmen, and with the occaisional yell blocked from his senses, he would walk by them, and down the path to the front of the complex. He had some things to do, and none of them did he want to be anywhere near this place...
Seras: bides her time, unaware of Daraku's presence, her mind carefully builds a map of the various powers... each was surprisingly low, and, it isn't long before one of the slightly larger ones- and therefore a security guard- comes past her hiding plac
Seras: * (c) place. She strikes like lightning, grabbing the unfortunate guard and, in a moment, sinking her fangs deep into his throat. He doesn't have time to scream before his body evaporates into nothingness. She gathers the clothing, and remains ver
Seras: * (c) very still, sinking back into the darkness, she wants to ensure that the guards disappearance hasn't somehow been noticed... if anyone had happened to be passing by at that moment, the sudden disappearance of that power would probably be qui
Seras: * (c) quite obvious... she didn't want an all-out fight if she could avoid it.
Daraku: -- Of course, he couldn't be completely oblivious to the fact that one, a single powerlevel of decent size blinked out of existence, and two, another power level would spike at that same moment. He might be an android on the brink of recovery, but
Daraku: -C- wasn't stupid. Of course, he would not sound the alarm, either. The guards were significantly weaker than he was, now, and teaming up against whatever was out there might only be feeding the slaughter. This, of course, being his processor play
Daraku: -C- out any scenario possible, and coming to the steel conclusion that he'd need to wait, and plan it just right, to allow maybe one or two more to suffer before he leapt blindly and messed up his element of surprise. A small nod to a passing-by g
Daraku: -C- and an idle wave to a small group of joggers, and he would move further from his apartment, but subsequently closer to the area of mystery. Buildings loomed everywhere, and walkways connecting. This would be one fucked-up trap.
Seras: * smiles to herself. The kill had been quick and clean, and she couldn't feel any additional attention to her presence. On top of that, the stolen power was surging through her veins, ah, she loved that feeling. She felt as though she could take o
Seras: * (c) on the entire world! And the gnawing hunger that usually plagued her was gone. She calls upon just a little of her power, still trying to play it relatively safe, but not wishing to waste any time, she strips out of her clothing and into the
Seras: * (c) uniform of the unfortunate guard incredibly fast and, stashing her old uniform in the shadows, emerges from her hiding place. All seemed to be well thus far, now all she needed to do was actually get into the building. Her mind races, callin
Seras: * (c) calling upon the knowledge of the guard to help her identify the buildings around her.
Daraku: -- As well as the building was being infiltrated, apparently the guards were lax enough to not detect the power. However, he was able to, well, sense it, but not able to track it down to an exact location. Near as he could tell, he was heading
Daraku: -C- in the right direction, but how far was moreover a mystery. A woman happened by him, somewhat tall, but not unusually so. His own fingers would play along his chin at that moment, and he would hum a low tune,
Daraku: -C- but as he realized he was doing it, immediately stopped. Admiration of the female form was one thing in his past life, but there was no need for it now. Sometimes, old habits die hard. In the back of his head, though, he could still hear the h
Daraku: -C- humming and he would have liked to smack himself just then, as he passed up the woman and went about his quiet search, making sure to peer inconspiciously into alleyways, open doors, and windows as if he was paid to do it.
Seras: quirks a brow at the hum she is given by... someone who she hadn't sensed at all. She stares at him quite openly for a moment. No, she was quite certain, the being wasn't giving off any power that she could detect, nobody should have been around h
Seras: * (c) here for at least another twenty seconds. Pulling herself together, she coughs slightly, and moves on, hoping that her suspicious behavior goes unnoticed, and that the stashed clothing isn't discovered. She picks up her pace a bit, striding 
Seras: * (c) quickly and confidently towards the primary research unit. With any luck she should be able to get in, and get some time in at a computer terminal before her presence aroused too much suspicion... she'd just need a few minutes to get some id
Seras: * (c) idea about what this place did, and if it looked interesting she could break in again later and steal the information. Perhaps she'd even sell it on... she knew that was supposed to be quite profitable, and money would let her get a base of 
Seras: * (c) her own set up.
Daraku: --That humming... it usually meant more than an attractive woman... It was a faint sign of danger. He would turn around after inspecting one more window, and look behind him, to the groups of men running laps, the drill instructors
Daraku: -C- ordering trainees about business, and his eyes would search for the woman through the crowd. Not the only one, but still, she was easy on the eyes, and that was usually the number one hint of trouble.
Daraku: -C- Especially in this business, with all the apparent secrets in the base, hidden deep within vaults and computers with encryptions so good that he didn't think he could crack them. But then again, he wasn't one to 'tinker' with his own
Daraku: -C- kind. A flutter of bright orange hair, and he would slowly move his way down the street once more, almost stalking her through the scattered groups, trying to seem as best as he could to only be making inspection of anything in sight,
Daraku: -C- although not blatantly so. Every so often he would pause, whether she looked back or not, to inspect a wall, or a pipe, and sometimes, the frame of a doorway. It was a risk, and she might escape, but running in a uniform like that
Daraku: -C- would draw more suspicion than she would want, if she were a spy. An inward shrug, and he noticed a crack in one of the doors. He would have to pass that on, for sure, as looks were the main pride of this facility, and he would
Daraku: -C- take a step around a man off-duty, to give a glance to the sky.
Seras: doesn't so much as glance behind her, looking for all the world like she has every right to be where she is, and a definite purpose as to where she is going. She knew what she was supposed to do, how she was supposed to act, and confidence was the
Seras: * primary key. If she didn't look confident, everything else would come crashing down. It isn't long before she has made her way to the doors of the facility she was intent on exploring, and, briefly, glances around. She fails to catch sight of th
Seras: * the mysterious man in that cursory inspection, and thus feels a lot more at ease that she has successfully avoided detection thus far. She pushes the door of the building open, and walks inside, giving a smile and a nod to one of the scientists 
Seras: * on his way out, she holds the door open, and casually looks around. She had a vague idea of where she should head now, where to find a room with computers at least, the question was... how much time could she get? Perhaps she should have taken a
Seras: * scientist rather than a guard... ah well, it couldn't be helped now.
Daraku: --As the door opened, and she let that scientist out, he would take up a casual lean against one of the buildings. His vantage point was decent, and was only obscured by the passing figures, the opening and closing of
Daraku: -C- those doors by the bustling amounts of scientists and assistants. Nothing to be impressed over, but the sheer fact that the place was packed would make any plans that much harder. Inside, guards posted
Daraku: -C- at security stations would check identifications, and allow those who passed into the secured areas. Meanwhile, the man would practice holding the building up, and enjoying the organization of the corporation.
Daraku: -C- Sadly, organization only went so far, and today, admiring it would only be more of a blunder, as he stood there, without enough proof, waiting to hear the klaxxons blare. Creature of logic, he had no 
Daraku: -C- real 'gut instinct', and would merely wait for the first culprit to run /away/ from the building, instead of into it. That, was the only way he was to be sure, and in the beautiful serenity of the day, he would whistle a tune 
Daraku: -C- that he 'remembered', and broken into the half of it, a guard would report to him, which was odd. "Sir, these were found behind a building..." He looked at the guard, then down to the pile that he dropped.
Daraku: -C-  Clothing. Confirmed suspicion,  but who was it? The woman still brought the humming, and it was clue enough for him, but by now she would be inside and long gone. It was time to set the trap from the outside..
Seras: * works her way past security with a flash of ID and a code taken from the memories she has stolen. She works her way through the facility quickly enough, and finds her way to a workstation. Maybe thirty seconds, and she has ascertained that they 
Seras: * specialize in human/android conversion. Another thirty, and she has an idea about the capability of the standard model... another thirty and.... her eyes go a little wide. This was interesting. This would definitely warrant further investigation
Seras: * She leaves, then, and makes her way quickly and quietly to a fire exit, there, she sets off an alarm, exits quickly, and blends into the crowd as they begin to exit. She had all the evidence she needed to realize that she had stumbled across som
Seras: * something that she could extort this company with... yup, she should be able to set herself up with this quite nicely.
Daraku: --And as the alarms went off, Daraku would push from the wall with a curse, shoving the guard out of the way and running down the sidewalk, barreling through the doors. Two security guards met him, one of them shaking his head, and the other with 
Daraku: -C- a blank expression. Apparently, the culprit had escaped, and not hide nor hair was found. This person was good, and there was no telling what they learned while within the building. One video feed had a poorly-colored, and slightly blurry imag
Daraku: -C- image, but nothing more. He would take the tape from the guard, and retreat to his apartment to study the security feed.
Seras: stands in the middle of the desert wasteland, the womans power burning brightly, above her, the once-clear sky is stained a dark red, bright red shocks of light crackle over her form, darkness playing around her form to define her aura. Her eyes a
Seras: * (c) are closed, her hands relaxed by her side, her breathing calm and controlled, in direct contrast to the chaos swirling around her. Her mind is wide open, mapping out the desert, marking the location of small groups of people, the woman start
Seras: * (c) starting to get a feel for the geography of the planet. This strength... this power, the control she was exerting now was fantastic! It was more than she had ever imagined she would be able to grasp.
Korvyn: speeds along the desert, kicking up a wall of sand in his wake. "Stopped...again. So much power in my grasp, I would have been unstoppable..." he says to himself, thinking aloud. In contrast to just a few days ago the large saiyan man looks to be 
Korvyn: (C) in good condition now and is wearing a new set of saiyan battle armor. The only thing that looks off about him is the blood on his gloves and his lacking a tail. As the man flys along his scouter suddenly gives off rapid beeps, displaying a ma
Korvyn: (C) map of the area and showing a beacon where a power suddenly flared up. Suprised the man stops, a wave of sand sweeping past him before falling back to the earth. Concentrating the saiyan closes his eyes, focusing his mind towards the source of
Korvyn: (C) the power. After a moment his eyes open wide and he swears. "That girl...so strong already? Will I even be surpassed by mere humans?" he asks the desert. Recieving no answer he swears again then rockets off towards Seras, wanting to confirm hi
Korvyn: (C) his suspicions.
Seras: * hmmms to herself, she picks up the presence of another, and it feels... familiar. She can't quite place who it is, however, but given her recent activities she decides that it is not best to let her power show so openly. Gradually, the storm aro
Seras: * (c) around her fades, the sun returning to the desert sky. The girls power dwindles substantially, and she takes a deep breath. She couldn't believe how quickly her power had risen, but with every kill, with every life she took she felt her powe
Seras: * (c) power grow, and she had been hunting down the surviving humans in the cordoned off zone for quite some time. Not to mention some of the criminals she had taken, things seemed a lot clearer to her now, her mind worked a lot faster than it did
Seras: * (c) a few days previously. Now, she had direction, and the seeds of a plan deep in the back of her mind.
Korvyn: arrives a litte while after, finding it is indeed Seras in this desert wasteland. Before speaking he taps his scouter, scanning her. The results display but don't seem to be to his liking so flips it off and drops down a dozen feet opposite Seras.
Korvyn: (C) "So, its you Seras. You seem to have come quite a ways quickly. Much more quickly than I would have thought you able." the saiyan man speaks, looking over the red-eyed woman before continuing. "Tell me...how have you managed this? What is your
Korvyn: (C) secret?" Having spoken he squares himself, looking tensed and ready to spring to combat in an instant.
Seras: * quirks a brow as the Saiyan lands before her. She gives a little bow, "Thank you for your kind words, Saiyan." She replies, a smile gradually forming on her lips, "And indeed, my growth has been quite... rapid." The change would be obvious in th
Seras: * (c) the woman, her tone is calm and measured, her stance far more at ease, far more confident in herself. She considers him carefully, "You, too, look far better than the last time I saw you. I know that my change is down to nothing more than ex
Seras: * (c) exercise and a good, healthy diet. How about you?" She grins, straightening up a bit, her eyes shining brightly. She almost seems to be sizing the saiyan up, she had no intention of attacking him- not really, he had helped her a lot, after a
Seras: * (c) all... but she is curious. Could she stand a chance against him now? He didn't seem so imposing any more... not in the light of her own powers.
Korvyn: growls at her words and loudly declares "Don't stand there and lie to me girl. A healthy diet and exercise might keep you in a small dress size but it does turn you into a warrior!" In a mirror of their last encounter he begins to walk a circle ar
Korvyn: (C) around her again, speaking again as he does. "Did your controllers unlock another switch in you, some key to power? Or were you hiding your true nature from me all along?" The sand flows away from the large mans steps as he walks, energy slowl
Korvyn: (C) slowly gathering around him and showing itself.
Seras: chuckles, shaking her head, "Nono, you see, it really -is- just a good, healthy diet." She grins, and her teeth are no longer quite so human, her fangs quite visible, she laughs, her power swirling up at her feet, "I've been eating some delicious 
Seras: * (c) little people, humans, mostly, though there were a couple of stray little aliens that crept in as well. I've quite enjoyed it really, at first I was so stupid, I really thought I was a mere -human- but now... I've eaten perhaps a hundred peo
Seras: * (c) people, and each time their power has become my power!" She laughs, then, a laugh of pure, malicious joy, echoing around the area, her stolen power coursing through her veins, the sky overhead again darkening to a deep, vibrant and bloody re
Seras: * (c)  red, swirling crimson clouds blotting out the sun, whilst the wail of trapped souls joins her laughter, whipping up the desert sand.
Korvyn: leaps back after her words and the power he had originally felt reveals itself. "Damnit..just what the hell are you? Some kind of demon? I will not bow before your power today or any other day, -monster-." he says, putting the digust he feels at h
Korvyn: (C) her transformation into his words. In a flash crackling blue lighting envelops the saiyan, then is forced outward as a yellow light shines forth from him. The light becomes a mighty golden flame of energy as his hair also turns golden and leng
Korvyn: (C) lengthens. Finally the change is complete and the aura drops down to just above his head. The bolts of blue energy follow suit, though a few stray ones still lash wildly around. "You should have waited until your power was greater than mine to
Korvyn: (C) reveal yourself." he says, not without a touch of arrogance.
Seras: * blinks slightly, her laughter dying in her throat, she takes a step back. "Demon? No, I'm not a demon." She replies, looking genuinely hurt. The power around her fades to a background level, though still enough that she could at least try and de
Seras: * defend herself, she doesn't look about to attack, in fact she looks confused. "I had no intention of fighting with you, in fact, I was hoping I could convince you to work with me." She sighs, looking away, "And yet you condemn me, just because I
Seras: * (c) reveal the secret of my growth to you. Simply because I felt I could speak with you honestly, as an equal. I suppose I shouldn't have expected understanding from you, eh, Saiyan?" Her eyes seek to meet his, flashing with a spark of defiance,
Seras: * (c) reveal the secret of my growth to you. Simply because I felt I could speak with you honestly, as an equal. I suppose I shouldn't have expected understanding from you, eh, Saiyan?" Her eyes seek to meet his, flashing with a spark of defiance,
Seras: * (c) she felt betrayed. She had expected congratulation on her ingenuity! She had hoped that he would be proud that she had gone down the path he had set her on so rapidly, instead, he had stabbed her in the back!
Korvyn: drops into a fighting stance, the bolts of blue lightning still circling his golden aura. "Work with you? You eat people, and the poor bastards are probably alive when you do it. I've done some bad things in my mercenary days, and maybe I even sla
Korvyn: (C) slaughtered more than you. I did this on the field of battle though, not as some perverse hunt." he says, continuing to gather power and the sand beneath his feet slowly turning to glass and cracking from the sheer force. The saiyan meets her 
Korvyn: (C) gaze with his own green eyes and no sympathy shows in it, only distrust. "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you where you stand? If only to prevent the need to do it later? I can not trust a thing that thinks I am food after all." he asks, gatherin
Korvyn: (C) gathering more energy as he awaits her answer.
Seras: seems to consider this for a moment, "The strong survive, and the weak perish... I simply did what came naturally to me, you killed fellow warriors for money, I killed the weak for sustenance, which is worse?" She asks, sounding entirely honest. S
Seras: * (c) She shrugs, and continues, "I don't know, however. I mean you no harm, I don't intend to kill you, or see you as food. Those who I've killed have become part of something greater than themselves, if you kill me, I'll cease to exist entirely.
Seras: * (c) " She falls back into a defensive position, offering as little of herself to the saiyan warrior as possible, "Of course, I could argue that I can assist in the fight against those zombies, but, frankly, I don't care. You appear to be ready t
Seras: * (c) to condemn me, if you want to strike me down, strike me down. But cease trying to make yourself sound better than I. You and I are more alike than you care to admit." Her words are spoken without venom, as though she is simply stating the fa
Seras: * (c) facts of life. Her tone betraying only an element of sadness. Disappointment, perhaps.
Fenin: *A heavy black cloak shrouds the image of a warrior, trekking through the mid day heat into the desert wastes. His destination is no where, anywhere, everywhere all at once. He doesn't care where he's going, he just needs to get away from where
Fenin: -x- he's been: Betrayal, loneliness. A strong wind whips sand from the ground to his face, but he is not bothered by it. He trudges on into the middle of no where, unknowingly towards two people, arguing about their own matters. A tingling sensati
Fenin: -x- overcomes him as he feels their power from afar, "Interesting. Wonder what two exceptionally powerful people are doing out here in the middle of the damned desert..." Fenin mutters to himself as he quickly masks his powerlevel, hoping none wou
Fenin: -x- notice. "Let's go find us out..." Fenin begins to trek towards the duo, peering upon them as they break through the horizon curiously.
Korvyn: angrily dismisses her words with a quick wave of his hand, replying "Greater than themselves? You made a mockery of whatever fight they put up by making them part of you. Does anything of those poor beings remain within you? Can you feel their end
Korvyn: (C) endless torment?" With this said he raises his arams, facing his plams together above his head as golden energy flows from them and turns red, forming into a mass of energy that pulses with barely restrained power. "I am many things and perhap
Korvyn: (C) perhaps I will be damned for it when I die, but as a saiya-jin man that is my choice. You...might appear a human woman but what do you think awaits such a creature as you? Worse than those zombies i'll wager." the saiyan speaks again, but his 
Korvyn: (C) words starting to become hard to hear over the humming of the energy attack being forced.
Seras: * sighs softly, and shrugs. "So... because you are a saiya-jin, and I am not, you are superior and have the right to kill whoever you wish. Those who I have slain live on, their memories are my memories, but they are not in pain. I know that much.
Seras: * (c) " She grits her teeth as the energy attack is powered up, and licks her lips. "Very well. If you are going to kill me, kill me. I've got no intention of fighting you..." She opens her arms wide, and looks ready to face the energy blast head 
Seras: * (c) on. Of course, if the attack is actually unleashed, she would disappear in an instant, appearing in a small room in the middle of the zombie-infested zone, where her power would swiftly dwindle away. She's got no desire to fight with the Sai
Seras: * (c) Saiyan who had set her on the path to freedom, but she's definitely not ready to sacrifice her life. She's never even really been in a fight where she was threatened before!
Fenin: peers as energy is charged and unleashed, "Well that's interesting. Who would have thought people were fighting out in the middle of no where." His tone is dry and unimpressed by the feeble energy signatures of the Saiyan, "Oh a pity my race has
Fenin: -x- become so inept." He peers at the human who had been seemingly awaiting her untimely demise, hoping a barrier of flesh would stay the savage, in comparison to her powerlevel, attack. "And it's sad that humans STILL don't know how to fight.
Fenin: -x- Perhaps I should go and flex some, show these kids how it's done..." Fenin reaches into his cloak, his fingers crackling heavily as he grips his blade. "Oh - I feel a stiffness in my bones..." Fenin murmurs quietly, as he begins to hastily
Fenin: -x- approach the pair. His suppression goes lax as his speed increases, from an average athlete's speed to the speed of sound. He stops a few meters away from the pair, nearing his natural powerlevel, "Hello there, children. What're you up to?"
Fenin: -x- He snickers quietly, peering upon the pair as though they were mere toddlers.
Korvyn: seems ready to unleash the mass of energy hes gathered on Seras in an attempt to end it in one stroke when the man appears. He is ready to turn the attack on Fenin then he looks more closely, noting the hair and frowning. Restraining himself and h
Korvyn: (C) his attack with a force of will he speaks "I am not your child, and this is no business of yours. This creature has choosen to die by my hand, and I intend to see it through so that I do not become its food in the future." He adjusts his stanc
Korvyn: (C) stance to deal with Fenin's arrival, prepared to fight the stranger if need be. The sand around him for a few feet has turned to glass and cracked now, the raw energy contained in his attack weighing heavily on it.
Seras: * turns to regard the stranger, and nods, she didn't know who the heck this guy was, or where he came from, but he looked... like the break she had been looking for. "You know, it's true." She states, sighing deeply, "He's decided I'm a hideous mo
Seras: * (c) hideous monster, and I've no intention of fighting back, looks like my only choice is to..." And then, suddenly, she stabs two fingers to her forehead, and, in an instant, has disappeared from view. Sure, she -could- hang around continuing t
Seras: * (c) to try and debate the issue with the Saiyan, but she'd much rather retreat, gather her strength, and decide how to proceed. Her plans needed an ally, and she could no longer count on the Saiyan as she had originally hoped... curses. Perhaps 
Seras: * (c) she should start thinking about the possibility that she really would need to kill him at some point. That would be a pity.
Fenin: gazes upon the beauty before him, "Monstrous..?" Fenin's eye twitches as she reaches for her forehead, "Hold on, don't go-ooo..." His words fall upon empty space as she disappears from view. "Well then..." Fenin's voice has a tinge of
Fenin: -x- disappointment, "I suppose it'll just be you and I now. Well I don't suppose I can let every young saiyan as pathetic as you think they're so high and mighty just because of the blood in their vains. I'll do for you what I wish had
Fenin: -x- been done to me when I was young and pathetic, much like you are now." Fenin smirks as he withdraws his blade, then with a scarlet flare his powerlevel skyrockets nearing a billion. "Sleep well!" His thunderous voice boons throughout
Fenin: -x- the landscape as he transforms into a SuperSaiyan Jin 3, his long, yellow hair wafting in the heavy breeze, called forth by his great power. In an instant he is beside his foe, the blade withdrawn, the hilt smashing into his
Fenin: -x- opponents gut. In what seems like an eternity to Fenin, his foe hits the ground, unconscious, and his energy attack fades away. "Sleep well, young fool, and remember that you're still nothing compared to a true saiyan. Do not wear
Fenin: -x- the title with such pride, it's an insult to me." Fenin snickers quietly then reaches to his forehead, sensing for a trace of the beautiful woman who had departed just moments ago. In a flash, Fenin disappears, hot on her trail.
Sun: -- The sun beats mercilessly upon the city streets of New Hope City. Clouds lightly dust the beautiful blue sky and thousands of civilians go about their days in the normal fashion, unbeknownst to them the return of the once heralded hero
Sun: -x- hero of the worlds of the past. To the scene of an abandoned warehouse crackling energy shatters the silence, and sparks shatter the inanimate scene that had overcome the building since shortly after the final boxes of supplies and pieces of
Sun: -x- equipment of the past leasers removed. Thunders booms echo throughout the entire block, consisting of mostly buildings in the same state as this one, though some transients wandering about awaken to the stirring clap, only to go back to
Sun: -x- whatever activity they had been partaking in before, shrugging the noise off as a mere structural collapse, or car accident. Neither had been a rare occurrence in the city, and as such there was no cause of interest in the matter for the
Sun: -x- local life. Proceeding the echoing boon a portal of sorts, made up of shifting blue and red energy, tears the fabric of time and space, spewing out a man appearing to be in his mid thirties in the years of his old world, garbed in an
Sun: -x- ornate red robe, garbing him with several layers of expensive and rare silks and cloths. As he looks around to gain a scope of the scene, his head swims in a sea of confusion and bewilderment. Where was he, how did he get here, and where
Sun: -x- exactly had he been for the past several millennia being the most frequent ponders to pop into his consciousness. As he takes a step forward he collapses to the ground, gasping for air. His lunges hadn't tasted oxygen since before his
Sun: -x- recollection could stretch, his bloodstream not having proper sustenance in a length of time which no mortal mind was meant to comprehend. After several minutes, stretching into what seemed like hours in this new setting, Sun Tzu
Sun: -x- manages to catch his breathe, and slowly makes his way to his knees. His eyes strain to remain open, not through an adrenal instinct to sleep after being awake for millennia, but due to his brains unacceptance of so much information after
Sun: -x- so long of staring into complete and utter darkness. His pupils struggle to shrink again as his sight is brought to the ground, the dim lighting let in from my morning sun searing his fragile receptors as though he were staring to the burning
Sun: -x- orb itself. After another several minutes he manages to adjust, for the first time, to the setting, and resumes his quest to stand on his own two feet again. Gravity seems to attempt to sever his muscles from their tendons and bones, having
Sun: -x- had floated effortlessly through the lack of existence for the brunt of his time. Having to seemingly collect himself once more, Sun Tzu proceeds to make his way towards the exit of the facility. As he opens the door and walks out into the war
Sun: -x- summer morning, all at once the walls of reality collapse around him. Overwhelmed with the entirely different setting he falls to his knees and vomits, his head pounding with every thump of his heart, with the ferocity of a mace slamming
Sun: -x- on a steel helmet, or a maul upon bare, brittle bone. After releasing the contents of his stomach, a meal of millennia ago, still yet to be digested as his vitals as been halted in his stasis, Sun Tzu falls over to the side, and his eyes ease
Sun: -x- shut as he slips into unconsciousness. Several transients approach him, eyeing his expensive, gaudy looking clothing, thinking he may be carrying some sort of currency upon him, though they're disheartened to only find a few fine trinkets upon
Sun: -x- his fingers. They quickly begin to argue and fight over who would be taking what, and eventually a brawl breaks out upon the beggars and thieves. The winner, a tall, burly man drags Sun Tzu to safety, where we could plunder the belongings
Sun: -x- of the felled man in peace. Taking him to the edges of a desert, he strips the unconscious man of all his shinies, from the few golden coins in his pockets to the gaudy jewelry about his digits and neck. The man leaves Sun Tzu there, baking
Sun: -x- in the heat, to fend for himself whenever he may awaken. Hours drag by as he remains still upon the sand under the blazing sun, until it sets and dusk comes to. As he awakens to the sight of the midnight's moon and purple skies. He slowly
Sun: -x- makes his way to his feet again, disregarding the loss of his trinkets, and begins to dust the sand from his body. Lost and unknowing to which way the city was, he blindly made his way deeper into the desert, trying to find the mysterious
Sun: -x- and interesting place he had been before.
Seras: * has been making careful inquiries around some of the darker parts of town, trying to find someone to sell her information to. It had turned out to be a lot more difficult than she had thought, she didn't really trained to deal with selling the i
Seras: * (c) info on, she was meant to take it back to whoever she was working for, but she was freelance. Now she needed a way to get hold of someone who might be interested in what she had learned. She had, of course, returned to the Nova Corporation t
Seras: * (c)the previous night, and downloaded all the info she had discovered onto a memory card, which was now nestled in her pocket. Now, she finds herself sitting in a smoky bar, nursing a tomato juice, and looking hungrily around at the different pe
Seras: * (c) people. Damnit, why was this taking so long? She was starting to get hungry again... and she needed to stay here until she was -sure- nobody was going to come and meet her.
Xerokine: sighed inwardly as he pushed open the door to the dank, unwashed and ill-scented building that people were optimistically calling a 'bar'. He probably would've called it 'condemned' or 'scheduled for demolition'. Certainly, 
Xerokine: -*- his purpose for being here was not to have a nice drink. Assuming that such a thing existed in the decrepid building. Nor was it anonymity, not with his silken black cloak draped over his shoulders, or with his amber eyes gleaming 
Xerokine: -*- unsettlingly in the faint light. And especially not with his draconic-styled sword, the hilt visible over his left shoulder. Xerokine made his way through the tavern toward the bar along the back wall, fastidiously avoiding the unwashed, 
Xerokine: -*- grime-covered miscreants that populated the overcrowded floors. "Hot water," he said imperiously, frowning at the bartender and the stained seats with equal displeasure. He decided to stand and added, "In a clean glass."
Seras: * looks up as the mysterious figure enters the bar, and then she falters, her eyes going a little wide. "Oh... shit..." She whispers, it was the guy who had tried to kill her! Oh man... this wasn't good. However, even she can see how incredibly ou
Seras: * (c) out of place he is amongst the dark and dingy surroundings, never mind that he has clearly made quite an effort to make an entrance. The girl hesitates for a moment, and then nods to herself. She waits for his eyes to glance over at her, and
Seras: * (c) meets his gaze, giving a little nod in return. If she hadn't completely misjudged the situation, he was here to meet her. If she had misjudged it, he'd probably recognize her, and then she'd be skewered on the end of that rather impressive s
Seras: * (c) sword. Still... she had to take -some- chances, right?
Xerokine: impatiently waited for the bartender to return with a moderately clean glass filled with water hot enough to steam. "Finally," was his only response as he took both himself and the glass toward the girl sitting in the corner. 
Xerokine: -*- "Let me see," Xerokine drawled, casting an annoyed gaze over a dirt-covered chair. He swept off his cloak and covered it before sitting down opposite her. "I remember the face, but not the name. Excitable girl, gave an odd 
Xerokine: -*- message to Techagi, not too bright. I assume you were acting for that Corwin kid who attacked him later. Rather blatant of you to be drinking blood in public, isn't it?" he asked calmly, taking a sip from his cup.
Seras: * blinks slightly, looking at the glass, "Oh, no... tomato juice, not blood. I don't drink blood." She sounds genuinely confused, "And... heh... yeah... you were going to kill me, I think, but... zombies happened. If its any help, I'm not quite as
Seras: * (c) excitable any more, and things are a little clearer. For instance, Saiyan is a race, not a name as I thought, and... Corwyn, if he is the man who you are talking about, tried to kill me last night." She shrugs, trying as hard as she can to l
Seras: * (c) look relaxed. "Things have changed quite a bit over the week, really, haven't they?" She asks, taking a little sip from the juice. In truth, she hated the taste, but... drinking drinks seems to be what people do, right?
Xerokine: -*- "The joys of intelligence," Xerokine replied blandly, setting his drink down on the grime-infested table. "I suppose you could look at a large portion of the city being quarantined because of 'zombies' to be a rather large change, yes. 
Xerokine: -*- Another large change might be your relative strength." The chair tipped onto two legs as he leaned back, fingers steepled as he peered over them with curious eyes. "You are clearly not human," he said bluntly. "No human could 
Xerokine: -*- gain that kind of power in a week. Which leaves you to be an android who has gotten an upgrade or a different sort of android who has had some rather nice meals. Frankly," Xerokine added before she could reply. "I don't care. Both 
Xerokine: -*- options are equally ignorable. So if we could skip the pleasantries and get to the point...?"
Seras: * hesitates for a moment, and shrugs, "Well... I'm pretty sure I'm not human any more, but, I'm not quite sure what I am. I suppose the latter option makes the most sense. However, I didn't come here to discuss that, rather, I've got some informat
Seras: * (c) information to sell." She sighs deeply, setting her glass down with a chink upon the table. "I'll get right to business. I have some information which could bring the Nova Corporation crashing down, I've got the evidence to back up the claim
Seras: * (c) and I've no intention of approaching them myself, because people skills aren't really my thing. I'm willing to pass this information on for, well, lets say a round two million. And any info you might have about that latter type of android...
Seras: * (c) you aren't the first to accuse me of being created... I'm starting to think there might be some truth to it..."
Xerokine: shrugged and took back his glass, swirling the contents with an absent-minded air. "Information that could take down Nova, huh?" he mused. "How useful. But as for biological androids, I only know as much as one finds out 
Xerokine: -*- from fighting them." He paused to drain the rest of his water. "Normal androids are made like computers and robots. Biodroids are grown. You splice together different DNA sequences, creating a single lifeform with the advantages of 
Xerokine: -*- several different races. Each one is different, of course." Xerokine leaned forward, resting his chin on his hands. "Most of them have the basic stuff, though. Heal like a Namek, strong like a Saiyan, resilient like an Icer, that sort of 
Xerokine: -*- thing," he explained, dismissing the other races as unimportant. "Oh, and since they're a mishmash of normally incompatable organisms, they need to consume the biomass of living organisms to sustain and strengthen 
Xerokine: -*- themselves," he added as an afterthought.
Seras: * nods slightly, and shrugs, "Well... fair enough. Thank you. That... might explain some things." She looks just a little shaken, her eyes staring into the tomato juice. She pauses for a moment, and then looks back up at Xerokine, "Now. Yes, the i
Seras: * (c) information. You've given me half the payment, so I'll give you half my deal. The Nova Corporation have been abducting people, against their will, and converting them into androids in order to avoid having to pay for test subjects, and avoid
Seras: * (c) having to pay for test subjects, and avoid the government regulations regarding their experiments. Ninety seven per cent of the people they have abducted have died, over a period of several years. If you can provide me the money, I can provi
Seras: * (c) provide you with the evidence, a fair trade, eh?"
Xerokine: tapped a finger against his chin as he considered. The deal could have several potential advantages. "Okay," he agreed, folding his arms. "Two million, was it? That seems fair. You'll need to give me an account 
Xerokine: -*- number or something so I can transfer the funds. Then you can send me the evidence." Her ultimate fate should she fail to hold up her end of the bargain was left unsaid. "What is it? Paperwork? Computer files? An incriminating 
Xerokine: -*- videotape?" Actual documents would probably be best, but any of them would work. The better question was how she had gotten them in the first place. Nova might have covered up the theft.
Seras: * hesitates for a moment, smiling weakly, "Uh... I... don't have an account, or anything, actually... I was hoping I could take it in cash." She admits, "And the evidence, is in a small disk in my pocket. Copies of memos, official documents, and i
Seras: * (c) inside e-mails." She doesn't explain how she got the files, of course, but she had gotten them the same way she had gotten into the facility in the first place- she ate a low-level scientist, and copied the files before filing his resignatio
Seras: * (c) resignation forms. She seems to consider something for a moment, and then states, "Of course, if you could provide me with an acount or something, that'd work just as well as cash... probably better, really."
Xerokine: rolled his eyes. "So," he replied patiently. "Now that I know you have it on you, what is stopping me from killing you and taking it without spending any money at all? Besides, did you really think I carry two million zeni in 
Xerokine: -*- my pocket or something?" He indulged in a long, exasperated sigh. "And let me guess. No birth certificate or any form of identification that would allow you to get a bank account, am I right?" This was becoming annoying.
Seras: * hesitates for a moment, and then smiles slightly, "And we were getting along so well!" She sighs, and eyes that sword, looking just a little more nervous than she did before, why did every meeting seem to wind up with someone threatening her lif
Seras: * (c) life? It was starting to get tiresome. "Okay, well, we could play it that way, but there is only one copy of the evidence. I'd say that if you attempt to kill me I'll destroy the evidence, and nobody wins. If you pay me the money, I hand ove
Seras: * (c) over the evidence, and we all go away happy, alright? There is no need for this to all turn nasty. Alright?"
Xerokine: -*- "Whatever," Xerokine replied with disinterest, lazily extending an arm to the side. With a smirk, he snapped his fingers, and a black orb suffused with black sparks of energy formed in the air just above his hand. "If that's your 
Xerokine: -*- final answers," he sneered as the orb pulsed... and popped like a bubble, leaving a small black suitcase to fall lightly into his hand. "Here. Two million. Count it yourself," he said, tossing the case at her.
Seras: * feels her mouth go dry as the energy forms, and she licks her lips, preparing to repeat her little disappearing trick... when the energy bursts and the suitcase appears. She hesitates for a moment, and catches it. She regards Xerokine suspicious
Seras: * (c) suspiciously for a moment, and then pops the catch on the suitcase, glances inside, and smiles. "Fantastic." She breathes, "Thank you, now, here we go." She reaches into her breast pocket and produces a small memory card, which she places on
Seras: * (c) the table. "It's all there." She states simply, standing from the table with the suitcase in one hand. She couldn't believe how well things had worked out! She had her money, and now she could get herself set up in style! "It was a pleasure 
Seras: * (c) doing business with you, Mister...?"
Xerokine: -*- "Xerokine Dyrnwyn Caeruleus," he replied lazily, taking the memory card and examining it as if he could see the data encoded within. He'd need to take it somewhere to be analyzed, of course, in case it was blank or a fake. In 
Xerokine: -*- which case the girl would need to be killed over the course of several days while each organ was painfully removed, broiled, and fed back to her. "The pleasure is all yours, I'm sure. This is all of it, you said? How very interesting. And 
Xerokine: -*- what did you say your name was?"
Seras: * hesitates for a moment, "It is indeed all of it, and my name is Seras. I'll send my contact details through the same channels I used to reach you once I have established myself, if there is anything I can do to help you in future, I'll be happy 
Seras: * (c) to do business with you again. It's refreshing to meet someone who isn't out to stab me in the back." She smiles, and gives him a nod before turning to leave, looking quite pleased with herself. Things were finally starting to come together.
Seras: * (c) Just a little creative application of her talents and she'd made some actually money! Maybe once she's set herself up she can figure out what she should do with it all.
Wil: stands at the ocean's edge, glad to be back on Earth, his eyes closed, letting the ocean waves crash against his legs.  (My stomach STILL hurts from being punched through by Vegeta.  Damn that hurt.)  He opens his eyes and smiles, just glad to be 
Wil: (C) back alive.  (I need to train harder.  Ancient warriors are coming back to life, even more powerful than ever.  What if Cell or Frieza were to come back?  Somebody needs to defend the universe from their kind.  Or even LiShenlong.  As of this 
Wil: (C) point, we'd all be doomed to slavery or destruction.)  His mind continuing to wander, he walks back over to his beach towel and grabs his shoes, putting them back on and heading towards the football stadium.  (Wonder if I can get a scalped tic
Wil: (C) ticket that I WON'T be caught for.)
Wil: stands at the ocean's edge, glad to be back on Earth, his eyes closed, letting the ocean waves crash against his legs.  (My stomach STILL hurts from being punched through by Vegeta.  Damn that hurt.)  He opens his eyes and smiles, just glad to be 
Wil: (C) back alive.  (I need to train harder.  Ancient warriors are coming back to life, even more powerful than ever.  What if Cell or Frieza were to come back?  Somebody needs to defend the universe from their kind.  Or even LiShenlong.  As of this 
Wil: (C) point, we'd all be doomed to slavery or destruction.)  His mind continuing to wander, he walks back over to his beach towel and grabs his shoes, putting them back on and heading towards the football stadium.  (Wonder if I can get a scalped tic
Wil: (C) ticket that I WON'T be caught for.)
Xerokine: -*- It was late morning, the streets crowded with the rush of people on their lunch breaks. Milling throngs of businessmen in starched suits, or women in pressed skirts. Xerokine chuckled softly, watching them from his perch 
Xerokine: -*- atop the brick wall that encircled the city park. They looked like nothing more then ants in grey shells skittering away at the orders of their betters. For himself, he was wearing a simple black shirt and a comfortable pair of 
Xerokine: -*- slacks, his black cloak settled neatly against his shoulders and sword sheathed across his back. "My, my," he mused to himself, his amber-eyed gaze tracing across the busy avenue and to the skyscraper on the other side, 
Xerokine: -*- which declared itself to be 'NOVA Corporation' in broad letters over the entrance. "Normal business hours, eh?"
Taz: he begins walking towards a nice pizza place for lunch, he notices a lot of business people rushing to get lunch and hurry back to their work. As he is walking, be looks at all the people in the lines waiting for food. As he walks to a curve and c
Taz: <c> calls for a taxi, he hears people talking about how hard work is, and complaining about every lil thing. He begins to think of how easy he has it, but life is always full of surprises. 
Xerokine: lazily stood up, his left arm stretching out over his shoulder and grasping hold of the sword's hilt. "Well, well. Time for a little entertainment." The morning sunlight glinted off the silver-edged blade, the draconic sword 
Xerokine: -*- Tatsujungin, as he drew it slowly from the scabbard slung across his back. Yet unnoticed by the people on the street below, Xerokine held the sword to the side, smiled, and swung it forward. "Lightning Vortex!" A rush of black 
Xerokine: -*- electricity erupted from the sword's edge, cracking across the street like a bolt of lightning into the front of the NOVA Corp. building. The front doors exploded inward in a hail of broken glass and crackling sparks as the people 
Xerokine: -*- began to scream.
Taz: As he is getting into the taxi, he hears a loud blast comming from downtown. He wonders what just happened, and what is going on. He closes the taxi cab door, and begins to powerup. A white aura appears around him and he begins to hover above the 
Taz: <c> ground. He starts to fly and heads toward the area where the blast came from. As he is heading over there, he begins to pickup a very strong powerlevel. Unknown to him, he hurrys to the building and prepares to fight who or what made the blast
Xerokine: hummed a tune to himself as he hopped down off the brick wall and began to walk across the street toward the smoking building with slow, deliberate steps. His long, black cloak looked like a piece cut out of 
Xerokine: -*- reality as it covered his shoulders, most of his torso and legs with small ripples of movement. Only half of his slender, muscular forearms were left uncovered, swinging ever so slightly as he walked. In his left hand he 
Xerokine: -*- uncaringly held the hilt of his sword. Head unhooded, his longish black hair blew about with the wind, covering and uncovering his eyes as he watched the surviving security guards begin to rush toward him, yelling. Xerokine 
Xerokine: -*- closed his eyes briefly. Idiots. The sword gleamed darkly by his side, but he pointed his right hand at the first man's head, palm open, and a burst of black lightning just blew off his head. As the body flew back to crash
Xerokine: -*- down on the street behind, Xerokine smoothly reversed the hold on his sword and met the second security guard directly. In one swift motion, he lowered his raised hand, while the left, holding his sword in reverse, slashed up, 
Xerokine: -*- knocking the guard's gun away, then continued upward to smash the end of the hilt into the young man's chin. Choking, the man was lifted straight up into the air at the powerful blow, but Xerokine didn't let his body much 
Xerokine: -*- higher before grabbing him by the ankle and jerking him down, swinging the guard around headfirst and letting his sword go straight through the man's back and chest. He finished the sequence with a vicious separation of his 
Xerokine: -*- arms, ripping the hapless guard in two.
Taz: When he arrives at the building. He sees two guard on the ground, blood everywhere. He looks for the person who killed the guards. As he looks around, he sees Xerokine with his sword by his side. He begins to decend towards to ground and says,
Taz: <c> "Xerokine, what is the purpose for this!?" He digs out his scouter, puts it over his eyes and pushes a button and scans Xerokine. Stunned by the powerlevel, he powers down and begins to concentrate more energy into his body. He closes his
Taz: <c> eyes and yells as his muscles grow in size. A white aura now surrounds him and his muscles are now bigger. "If you want to kill someone Xerokine, kill me..not the people."
Essex: | The cascading twilight brushes over the land as the sun makes it way beyond the horizon. Essex clears his throat, stepping out of SynTower and running his keycard thorugh the 
Essex: (*) reader, locking the tower down for the night. It had been awhile, he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, tasting and smelling the perfectly clean air, compliments of SynRec.
Essex: (*) He shrugs off his jacket, holding it in his hands as he struts down the street, humming a tune to himself. He turns a corner, heading nowhere in particular and looks to his left,
Essex: (*) making eye contact with a homeless guy. "Here." He says, tossing the man his coat. "There's a wad of money in the pocket, spend it on booze and you'll be destroyed."
Essex: (*) He nods at the man, making sure the hobo understood he meant it. He begins whistling, adding a little pop in his step as he slips his hands into his pockets.
Orii: sipped at a beer idly, watching the dancers with lazy, tired, dazed eyes. It was his birthday today, and he was spending his time like he normally did. Drinking, watching chicks, smoking. And then he would pass out, and find himself in a pool of d
Orii: (C) drool in first hour. Then he would probably fall asleep some more, and come back from school, get drunk more. "Meh..." He was seventeen today, and it felt like every other day so far. "Gimme another." Orii shouted to the unattractive bartender
Orii: (C) spinning in slow, lazy circles in his barstool.
Essex: pushes open the doors to the Cerberus Club, the whole place becoming silent for a moment as all eyes fixed on Essex. He squints a determined look, looking around the club, 
Essex: (*) taking in a cocky, deep breath and stepping into the building, the doors swinging shut. "Continue." He says, flicking his hands at the people in the club. He walks over
Essex: (*) to the bar, clamping his hand down on Orii's shoulder and sitting down on the stool next to him. "Happy Birthday, son." He says, looking to the female bartender. "I'll have
Essex: (*) a... Four Horseman please."
Orii: stopped spinning after he caught sight of his father, and straightened up a bit. "Yeah, thanks." Orii replied, rubbing his eyes. "Haven't seen much of you around lately." Orii spoke, leaning back against the bar. "So, you get me one of those cakes
Orii: (C)  cakes with a midget stripper in it? Or like, the last of endangered species?" Orii paused to take a sip of his drink. "Maybe some sweet nunchucks?"
Essex: | As the bartender mixes Essex's drink, the mutant reaches into the breast pocket of his shirt and pulls out a tiny red bead looking thing. "Well, you'll have something as soon as 
Essex: (*) SynGen works on it." He coughs, sitting the bead down on the counter. "Yeah, I've had business to attend to on other planets and I didn't have time to come back to earth
Essex: (*) to check in. I apologize." He sits his finger on the bead, rolling it around on the counter.
Domino: tugs on the collar of her black trench coat, small pattering sounds could be her as she sprint up the stairs out of the cold night into the dimly lit club. The man at the door stopped her for a brief second his eyes checking her over to see 
Domino: (c) if she was any real trouble <bouncers> "okay go ahead" He points his thumb out toward the door to the club and gives a quick flick of the wrist. Domino nods her head then slides into the place she wasn't a regular but anyone 
Domino: (c) could tell this place seemed alittle more lively then normal, (well look at all the people.) hey Eyes scan the room as she looks for one of the men she plans to kill in the near future. "hmph, yeah he must be strong just hanging out in 
Domino: (c) the open like that." She slides into a chair facing at table facing the bar.  Her chin rest slight in the palm of her hand as she watched the two men across the room. (At this point i couldn't kill a fly, he could have mad this alot easer of m
Orii: - "Oh, its alright. Alfred managed to drag me back to school from here every day this week. You should give him a raise or something." It sounded like Orii was joking, and listening to him, one would think he was. But he wasn't. The butler had bee
Orii: (C) been called by the bartender, and had to hoist the youth onto his shoulder, and fasten him into the limo, so he could be in for school. And he had a bad back, too. "So, no stripper-cake." Orii said in mock-complaint.
Essex: grins, picking up the bead and squeezing it, causing it to explode, a red, blood-like subtance dripping down his hand. "Watch." He says, flicking the 'blood' onto the carpet, the
Essex: (*) droplets moving together, forming a puddle before forming a ball and then hovering into the air. "See. This is a new SynTech genetic weapon for fight those that might try
Essex: (*) to attack earth. We call it the Phage Spector." He snaps his fingers, the ball of air-borne blood collapsing in on itself, forming a small red bead again which Essex snatches 
Essex: (*) out of the air. "Want one? 'cause I can always get you a midget cake if you don't."
Orii: - Orii grumbled as he stared at his last cigarette. Producing a lighter from his other pocket, he lit up, and took in a breath of the smoke. "Uhh. So, it becomes liquid, and then reverts back to a solid." Orii breathed out the smoke from his nostr
Orii: (C) nostrils, flicking the ashes into a tray at his side. "How's that going to be more effective than say..." Orii threw a series of fake punches. "Me?"
Essex: smirks, sitting the bead back in his pocket. "It's no more or less effective than you are, son." He says, sipping his drink. "Except... I don't think you can damage people on a 
Essex: (*) viral level." He turns back to the bartender, snapping his fingers. "Can we get some Onion Rings? I'm famished."
Orii: he shrugged. "I may not be able to damage someone on a viral level..." Orii tossed up the empty beer bottle and caught it. "But I could probably punch them in half and then mess with their... Virals..." Orii replied, shifting his eyes a bit.
Domino: lets a small sigh slips from between her lips as she watches the two men at the bar. her eyes focused intently on the small red bead  as it changed from liquid then right back to a round bead again. "great and this guy really want be easy." 
Domino: (c) <waitress> "Will you be having anything today?" Domino only gives her a quick glamps from the corner of her eye, a quick look that said hurry up and go. "Well i don't have much time left here So i better be on my way." 
Domino: (c) Her left Sleave rolls down revealing a large watch with no numbers but only symboles. One being a bright cloud and nother that looks like a blade of grass. down were the half and hour mark is was fire and last but not least was one odd round 
Domino: (c) symbol made up of multiple rings. "Uh oh time to go." She jumps up from her  seat and makes her way back out noting the red bead as well as the mans face that was holding onto the time. She rushes back down the steps a muffled but loud 
Domino: (c) click could be heard from the golden watch as the hand hour hand stricked onto the bottom symbole with the flame on it. Domino stops in her tracks her foot seeming stuck by the concrete  underneath her. " How the hell am i suppose 
Domino: (c) to get a job done if i can't stay in one realm!?" she blerts out before large rock like hand hand forms around her left leg pushing her body up into the air then pulling her down into the ground. A quick muffled cry could be heard 
Domino: (c) before she was gone. The bouncer sits at the door his shades falling off of his face and mouth left agaped. <Bouncer> " I really need to look into getting another job." ' 
Daraku: --The day had long since passed, and with recent events, he would be watching over security tapes, flicking the buttons on the VCR as he counted off the details. A man walking through
Daraku: --The day had long since passed, and with recent events, he would be watching over security tapes, flicking the buttons on the VCR as he counted off the details. A man walking through
Daraku: -C- security, with a bag. A woman with an identification card. A scientist, carrying paperwork and muttering softly. All three could be suspects, but then again, so could hundred more. It was a hard job,
Daraku: -C- but someone had to do it, and he had been at it for almost twelve hours or more, and with each passing moment, more was revealed to him. The scientist was confirmed still in his labs, and the security guard
Daraku: -C- had stolen, but a box full of pens was hardly a company secret. In the end of that one, the employee was docked pay, but allowed to return to work, once the pens were returned. The woman, on the other hand,
Daraku: -C- had simply disappeared, and pausing the tape on her flashing an identification tag, he would stand for a moment, tilting his head to the side. He had seen her somewhere before, and the sheer
Daraku: -C- cooincidence that she happened to be in the same building, at the same time, would boggle him. Until a knock came at his door, and he would realize he was humming again. Damn nasty habit. "Come in," he would
Daraku: -C- speak, his stern voice echoing in the small space, and in would come a recruit guardsman, uniform pressed and neat, simply offering him a new tape. Three such had come in like this, and he had
Daraku: -C- looked at the first one thusfar. Dismissing the man,-- kid, he would sigh, but he didn't move. "What is it?" Daraku would demand, and as he expected, the crisp response came back.
Daraku: -C- "Sir, we expect this to be the culprit. Once you view the tape, the Chief would like to see you." and without even a salute, the boy would leave, and he would jab his finger on the eject button, taking
Daraku: -C- the old tape out and replacing it with the newest. What would be so wrong as to give that child a snotty attitude towards... and he saw it. The monitor loaded the picture, and that same woman leapt out of
Daraku: -C- a second-story window, wherein the outside camera then cut in, and he saw her running for the end of the compound. He knew there was something wrong with her, and if he had a gut, it would have
Daraku: -C- tightened when he saw what happened next. The feed cut back, to his chasing her, and allowing her to access the building. Apparently, he would catch a lot of flak for this...
Daraku: -C- And so, Daraku moved from his small building, not even bothering to turn off the lights, the television, or put away the vital information regarding. He would see the Chief, and it was probably
Daraku: -C- the last thing he would do for this company. It was a failure, and in his position, they didn't take kindly to them. He had no choice, but to stroll slowly down the lane, passing those guardsmen in training,
Daraku: -C- as he did every day, most of them giving nods of respect, and others sneers of contempt. Happenstance let it that the rumor had already start to spread, and some were on his side, or impartial, and others, well
Daraku: -C- weren't. He'd make his way slowly to the office, although he should probably have gone faster.. but he knew it was his funeral, and after an hour of screaming, he'd walk back out again, now not only was he fired, he was
Daraku: -C- scheduled for decommission. It was hard having a body owned by a company, the only choice he had in the matter... would be to leave on his own terms, and become hunted by Nova Squad Corporation, which is
Daraku: -C- exactly as he did. He returned to his apartment, nabbed the few things he had, a change of clothing, the tapes, and a small nicknack that one of the recruits had given him, and walked out, heading for the front
Daraku: -C- of the complex. He was free, and nothing the NS Corp could do would stop him. They couldn't stop him.
Daraku: -C- a second-story window, wherein the outside camera then cut in, and he saw her running for the end of the compound. He knew there was something wrong with her, and if he had a gut, it would have
Daraku: --And so, with the Nova Squad Corporation compound behind him, Daraku Hakaisha moved along the streets of New Hope City, the after-effects of that so-long ago battle being slowly repaired.
Daraku: -C- The craters were being filled in with truck-load after load of dirt, and the buildings were being slowly cleared out of their debris. Some of them would have to be taken down, but the others were being
Daraku: -C- serviced in any way possible, from patching holes with cement and bracing them with plywood until it set, or jacking up a level for a steel I-beam to be spread underneath, so it would be supported.
Daraku: -C- A man was shouting in the background, for joy. "Yeah! I found something! A crushed suitcase... full of MONEY!" Daraku would growl... last week, that had been his money, and he didn't want to go claim it
Daraku: -C- lest he be questioned about it, and the surroundings. He really didn't want publicity like that, and with the backpack tucked over his shoulder, small belongings already packed neatly inside, he would move down that main street,
Daraku: -C- shimmying where he had to, along the broken parts of sidewalk, stepping over rubble that had yet to be cleaned up. With no direction, this man would wander the streets, attempting to find any place to hide,
Daraku: -C- as he knew Nova Squad would be looking for him. Disassembling was a horrible end, and with the power he had gained from his last operation, there was no way that this was getting pinned on him, nor would he
Daraku: -C- allow them to simply turn him off and take him apart. He should never have made that deal, signed his life away... Hindsight was nice, but it didn't fix the situation he was in, nor did it allow him to go back and change it.
Daraku: -C- But given the choice, would he? Would he really have done anything different? The answer would never come, as this was the time, this was how his life was... and oh, was that a pub? A shift of the backback, and he
Daraku: -C- would move into a finely-furnished building, unbeknownst to him, the base of operations for Cerberus Cabal, and in those moments, his life would change...
Greg: *hellage*
Greg: -*- Two pairs of eyes watched a series of closed circuit security screens in a rather passive manner. The entirity of the Cerberus Club was under strict servaillance. While it was, of course, to ensure the security of the Clubs more...
Greg: (C) influential clientelle. It was also used to keep dirt on any and all who happened to walk within the Clubs walls. And now they two pairs of eyes were watching the entrance camera as a long humanoid figure walked into the Club unopposed.
Greg: (C) Normally, security at the door would not allow such a GROSS violation. However, in this case, it was allowed due to the manager of the Club saying so. Whatever he said usually went within these walls too, "You want me to bring him here,
Greg: (C) Mr. Techagi?" said a voice in a darkness beyond the security screens glow, only to be responded to by a another voice, "Oh... I guess so. Just make sure not to disturb the guests when you do. You know, be gentle..."
Daraku: -- His backpack was dropped, and yes, it was a very nice place, but leaving it in a corner near a chair that was covered in leather, he would sigh and look around. Now this was the comfort he wanted. Not exactly
Daraku: -C- a pub, but it had drinks, people, and conversation nonetheless. Oh, he couldn't exactly drink, something that was part of his past, and would be long gone once he was able to break certain habits, 
Daraku: -C- but that was something for later. Now, he was after informaiton, and for that, he would need a VCR and a monitor. Hell, he might be an Android, but that didn't mean he was Circuit City.
Greg: -*- The lone figure, shadowed by several security monitors watched carefully as one of his lackeys approached the man and motioned for him to follow. The man, looking a tad blank and vacant about the whole thing, seemed to consent and walked
Greg: (C) off with the lackey off camera. A few moments later a man dressed in fine attire picked up the errant back pack and looked at the camera with a look of dignified disdain as though to say, 'Who would use -this-? It's hideous!' the man
Greg: (C) then just shrugged and walked off cam-Oh! That would be the door opening. The man in the room swiveled around in his plush leather chair. The ambient glow from the monitors creating a shadowing effect over the room to where all that was
Greg: (C) obvious to plain sight was the silouhette of the chair and the mans head, "The guest of honor arrives." The man smiles in a sinister fashion, "You may leave us Ramone." The lackey bows slightly and ducks out of the room, closing the door."
Vikanthe: eyes the suited guards outside the swanky looking clubs entrance, then the bag of coins in his hand. The halfbreed mutters to himsef from his position across the street "Hmm, they do look the greedy type, but the drinks in the place better be wort
Vikanthe: (C) worth it like that fellow said they were." After another few seconds more weighing the pros and cons the man makes a decision, striding boldly across the street and past others in line infront of the Cerberus Club in New Hope City.A few of the
Vikanthe: (C) people in line start to say something as he pushes past them, but none of them can hold his cold stare for long and their words die in their throat. Finally at the front of the line he gives the bouncers a smile saying "I believe i'm expected.
Vikanthe: (C) " as he tosses the bag of coins at the bald one. The bald one opens the bag, the glint of gold inside catching his fellow bouncers eye as they eagerly count their "tip". Happy, or rather overjoyed at the amount the bald one waves Vikanthe in a
Vikanthe: (C) and he passes through the doors, entering the infamous Cerberus Club at last.
Wil: sits in the barstool, slurping his large jug of beer happily.  (Mmmm... been too long since I've tried to relax like this.)  Beer dribbles down his chin onto his shirt, which is already soaked from the previous three jugs he's consumed.  Grinning,
Wil: (C) he puts the jug down on the table and burps loudly.  "Now THAT is a good drink!" he proclaims loudly, not caring if the other patrons of the bar look at him funny.  "Get me another jug of beer!  This is good shit!"  Quietly, shaking her head, 
Wil: (C) the bartender obliges him, taking the twenty he passes to her without a word. 
Shintaro: *slowly the sun begins to set behind Shintaro as the sky goes dark and he floats over a small city on the eastern continent, Shintaro descends into a small ally his white shirt warm from the pules of his artificail heart, and his
Shintaro: *C* hair as Deep Blonde as ever as the moon glimers off it, a small tear rolls down his cheek he places his hands in his black Chaps dress pants and walks into the nearest bar labeled " Hoe's Hoe's && More Hoe's Plus Booze ".He opens the door and 
Shintaro: *C* goes to a dark corner of the bar as he passes past a waitress he slaps
Shintaro: *C* Her ass and says, ' bring me a scotch on the rocks with one of them small pink umbrella's ' he smiles and takes a seat just where the light doesn't shine.
Wil: grins as he slurps down his seventh jug of beer.  "Damn that's good shit!"  he exclaims, beer dripping down his chin, onto his soaked shirt.  "Hey sexy barbitch!  Give me more beer!"  With a groan, he throws the empty jug at the woman, who narrowl
Wil: (C) narrowly dodges, scrambling to go get the drunken human more beer.  "Yo!  You!  Feelin up the girls eh?  Yeah, they're pretty hot, after you've had enough to drink!"
Shintaro: turns a blind eye to this filthy drunken human, pulling a penny out of his pocket slowly he fingers it a little then with a flash he flicks it towards the human with enough forces to send a normal human through a wall... or worse!
Wil: leans over and farts, just as the penny is flicked his way, narrowly dodging the object, the penny flying behind him and going straight through a woman behind him.  He looks behind him at the fallen woman behind him, blood gushing from her chest. 
Wil: (C) "Hey dammit, you poked through her tit!  You're supposed to bite em.  Not put holes in em with a penny!  Now calm down and get drunk with me!  What's yer name, android?  I can't sense anything from you, so you must be an android.  Can androids
Wil: (C) even get drunk?  Let's find out!  BARKEEP!  MORE BEER!"
Shintaro: stands up flipping the table over and stepping forward smashing his foot into the fallen table sending wooden splintery shards in every direction, He sprints forward faster than most of the shards can fly and stops directly in
Shintaro: *C* front of the pitcher of beer siting next to the human, swinging with one hand he catches the handle of the beer and flips it up so all the liquid flies into the air, then taking a fluid step forward he catches all the liquid in his
Shintaro: *C* mouth as it falls like a water fall. 'BURRRRRRPPPP! yes i am part android but i am still part human so my brain does get quite intoxicated "HICK", Shintaro shakes his head slightly as he sends a small blast that
Shintaro: *C* engulfs the dead body of the woman incinerating her body instantly, (sorta like insta cremation... without the stench >.>) he pulls up a chair and sits saying, 'My name is Shintaro Katsu, And who might u be filthy whore ?'
Wil: grins and stands up, grabbing another pitcher of beer, glancing at the incinerated corpse.  "Wow, mercy killing.  Nice!  I be Wil Ohmsford.  If you can get drunk, I propose this.  Let's drink until we can't move anymore!"  With a hearty laugh, he 
Wil: (C) jumps behind the bar and tosses the barmaid out through the roof, sending the poor woman flying to some parts unknown.  "Tequila or vodka, your choice."
Shintaro: smiles and says ' now that sounds like a fun proposition. How about Tequila Vodka Gin Rum Mix with some coke mixer..' as he jumps up and slams through one half of the customers nocking them out through the walls as he does so. leaving small
Shintaro: *C* human sized holes in the wall of the bar he smiles as he takes a seat infront of Wil.
Wil: laughs harder as he grabs the proposed drinks from the bar and begins mixing them all together in a mixing cup.  "Shaken or stirred?  I prefer shaken.  Hell I'll just get another mixing cup for you so you can pour your own."  He grabs another mixi
Wil: (C) mixing cup for you so you can pour your own."  He grabs another mixing cup and tosses it to Shintaro, putting the ingredients on the counter and shaking his own cup, pouring it into a series of shot glasses in front of him. "You prefer shot gl
Wil: (C) glasses or full size cups?"
Shintaro: Laughs and says, 'Full sized cups, shot glasses don't hold enough to have a descent shot of anything.' He picks up the ingreedients and mixes them into the mixing cup and places one hand on the open hand and begins to shake so violently
Shintaro: *C* the the entire city begins having an earthquake cause some of the smaller houses to crumble down to their foundations. He stops shaking the cup and awaits his full sized glass!
Wil: grins, whipping out a full size glass with one hand, quickly taking 5 shots with the other, the whole process only taking a quarter second.  Grinning, he shivers, shaking his head.  "I like the shots cuz of the shiver you get every time you take a
Wil: (C) a shot.  FEELS GOOD!"  
Shintaro: says, ' ahh yes but when u' in only a fraction of millisecond he slamms ten full sized cups like wil slammed the shot glasses and he begins to twitch slightly as he lets out a burp causing the city to shake violently once more
Shintaro: *C* stands and says ' I "HICK" HaVee ann ideass!'
Wil: grins, slamming the last of his own shot glasses down, pulling out a two liter coffee cup from behind the bar.  "This is my SPECIAL cup." Grinning, he dumps the ingredients into the cup, puts the lid on, and shakes it so violently, the earth benea
Wil: (C) beneath him cracks.  He looks down and grins, hopping out of the way.  "Oops, I think I shook too hard.  Oh well!"  He pulls the lid off and begins to gulp it down, the hot liquor going down his throat, burning his tummy on impact.
Korvyn: walks along the desert wasteland of Earth, his saiyan-style battle armor worn and caked with sand. 'Demons, fellow saiyans, arrogant swordsmen..all stronger than me. Whats next, children?' he thinks to himself as he walks along. More important tha
Korvyn: (C) than any of those things at the moment is the pain of thirst. Howver the large saiyan man is in luck for once, stumbling over a dune and finding an oasis. After blinking to make sure it isn't a mirage he abandons his thoughts of power and scra
Korvyn: (C) scrambles down the dune to the blue pond, quickly drinking from it. His thirst finally sated the saiyan sighs and sits back, letting his focus lapse and his power reveal itself. Small shockwaves of energy erupt outward from him then quickly di
Korvyn: (C) die down, but the ones that hit the water continue outward, stirring the lake into a cascade of ripples.
Devilot: eyes open wide revealing her lifeless doll like eyes that gleamer in the dim light of the dark moldey basement, her arms shoot up toward the ceiling as she stretches letting out a loud wide mouth yawn as if she had been sleeping for years. 
Devilot: (c) Two low clicking sound could be heard before a hologram image of a Female saiyan, her teacher and the one who turned in android flicks on infront of her. Wearing her low rim bucket hat covering her eyes with a smug smirk painted onto her 
Devilot: (c) Face. <FemaleTeacher> " It's about time you got up, You might notice some slight changes but nothing you want like trust me. A year has passed by sinse you have been asleep, however your new form will make it so much easer for you to \
Devilot: (c) carry on out work studing the active ki force in fighters. you will find next to you pod some equipment for you, i will be intouch." The female Saiyan flashes a quick piece sign before her imega is gone leaving Kaydee Zalika now 
Devilot: (c) known at Devilot sitting in the dimly lit room alone. Devilot looks around seeming unafted by the changes that have taken place. (next to the pod eh?) she leans over grabbing hold of the box then jumping out of the pod. 
Devilot: (c) a few minutes later another slight ripple can be felt running across the ground before the water right in front of the large saiyan worrier shifts revealing a hidden passage way with the Young Girl Devilot walking out of it toward the dry land
Devilot: (c) with the box slung around her shroulders. 
Korvyn: is washing the sand off his face and armor when he feels the ground tremble, then is forced to leap aside as it opens up. From the ground emerges a strange woman with a box slung on her shoulders. Blinking a few times to check if hes still seeing 
Korvyn: (C) mirages the saiyan backs up, looking Devilot over. "Don't tell me i've stumbled across another demon? Tell me girl, who are you and where do you come from?" Korvyn asks, doing his best to look imitidating. Of course, its hard to look impressiv
Korvyn: (C) impressive when you're wearing ragged armor and have just narrowly avoided dying of thirst. The saiyan looks quite worn down by his wanderings here in the wasteland.
Devilot: eyes lock instantly  onto the saiyan male, her eye's flicker with color as they feed all sort of data and information about the fighter standing before her. ( sweet i can tell all sorts of stuff about this guy, just by looking at him.) 
Devilot: (c) her eye's were picking up on every thing from his heart rate to how many hair this guy had on his head in matter of minutes of just standing there staring at him. Her head falls to the side tilting slightly as a childish smirk crawls across he
Devilot: (c) her face "My name, My name is Devilot." her hands slowly rises up toward the saiyan Fighter, it was shacking a bit as if the weight of her on arm was to much for her. "And i'm going to get you." She exclaims with a playful voice.
Devilot: (c) The skin in the palm of her hand slides away revealing a robot eye in the center . "Here i come." she pushes up off of the ground water splashing every as she launches into the air then back down toward the large sayian like a lion attempting 
Devilot: (c) to pounce on it's prey 
Korvyn: backs further away when the womans eyes flicker and at her demonic-sounding name, but instead of a fiend being revealed a work of steel and circuitry shows itself as her palm opens up. "Damnit, a wind-up tin soldier all the way out here!?" he swea
Korvyn: (C) swears as she leaps at him. Sparing no time for flashy shows or a graceful execution he lets out a primal yell, a golden flame consuming him in a flash of an eye.  Following the golden flame come bolts of blue energy, thrashing wildly around a
Korvyn: (C) as he focuses his power. Then just as he android reaches him the transformation is complete, his hair turning golden and rising to rest spiked on his head. Having no time to attempt anything else after his transformation the saiyan folds both 
Korvyn: (C) arms across his chest to try and block what he believes to be just a punch.
Devilot: eye's come to like again dancing with color at the sudden spike in energy from the saiyan standing before her, she had heard of super saiyans before had even gotten to study a few of them while standing next to her teacher.
Devilot: (c) but she hadn't had the honor of fighting one like this, A wicked smile was written on her face, even though she was trying with all her power to hold it back from showing how excited she was, at the sight of the saiyans transformation. 
Devilot: (c) her hand clamps down onto the saiyan male forearm, her grip tighting onto him. "Looks like i got you Friends" her large smile reveals her white teeth. an image flickers next to him showing a hooded figure latching on to him as well. 
Devilot: (c) "don't worry this want hurt." she trys to get out with out chuckling, a small pinch could be felt before she could feel the flow of energy being pulled from him toward her. her eyes wonder over toward the hologram of the hooded image 
Devilot: (c) for a brief moment. (Thelema sure has some ish why would she add that to my absorb feature? )
Korvyn: watches the woma-no, thing before him grab his arm, and feels his power draining away as the strange hologram filckers into existance. Growling he taps into the power his transformation has called up, gathering energy. The sand whips around him as
Korvyn: (C) his aura turns into a whirlwind and the power being fed to Devilot rises as well. Finally at what seems to be its height he wrenches his arm free of her grip, releasing the gathered energy that lent him the strength in the form of a barrage of
Korvyn: (C) dark-red ki blasts. As he attacks and releases the energy the sand continues to fly around, casting great waves of sand around the oasis even as the water ripples from the aftershocks.
Devilot: feels her grip give out as the saiyan male snatches himself free from her grasp, the eye in the center of her hand quickly retracts back into the palm of her hand. her feet quickly back peddles pushing her away from the saiyan thrown off a bit. 
Devilot: (c) by the saiyans rise in controle of his power. "Boy that felt great." in instant she shift from moving back to dartting forward again, her eyes scan the energy of red ki orbs shooting from his hands in just about the second it took him to form 
Devilot: (c) it" Oh yeah this is going to be great hahahahHAHAH" her body dances around the close by shots of energy each one passing with less then a inch worth of room past her. "I can tell you know what you doing." she thrust her hand out 
Devilot: (c) while dodging the energy. "Bang Bang!" two thin likes shoot from her finger tip as no larger then a thread aiming for korvyns left knee. 
Korvyn: feels rather than sees the shimmering line of energy slice through the side of his knee, his own blasts and the sand oscuring the blow. The searing heat cauterizes the wound it causes rather than giving him a bleeding injury to worry about.  This 
Korvyn: (C) is little comfort to Korvyn though, the pain just adding to the fatigue he already feels. 'I've got to end this quick. Or this thing will just wear me down.' he thinks as he flies back. "Time to take a stand and end this here." he proclaims, s
Korvyn: (C) stopping his flight backwards and raising his right hand above his head. Dark purple ki swirls with his golden aura, rising up and turning a deep red as it forms a sphere around his upraised hand. The sphere grows in size then falls back inwar
Korvyn: (C) inward as the saiyan focuses its power, the attack becoming fully charged but reduced to the size of a basketball. "Die!" he yells as he leaps forward, preparing to slam the sphere in Devilot and release the pent-up energy at point blank range
Devilot: left Eye brow raises as she watches the large Saiyan dart toward her with the energy attack. "okay time for the first part of my show.!" The box hanging from her shoulder swings forward opening up, a small black and white yoyo rolls out of 
Devilot: box into her hand. She quickly tosses the box back onto her shoulder with one hand while taking farm hold with the yoyo in her right hand. " See this? It's for you, So here take it!" Her arm pulls back then slides forward releasing the Yoyo 
Devilot: (c) Smashing right into the black orb in his hand before he could get any closer to her. Devilot sends a bolt of energy through the strings causing it to stiffen up and be sturdy on impact. The energy flares up around  them exploding. 
Devilot: (c) Which pushes Devilot back causing her to slide a few feet back before the yoyo retracts neatly back in to the palm of her hand.
Korvyn: watches the strange weapon Devilot retrieved from the box shoots out, and then feels the energy that bolts through it overloading his already unstabl sphere. Gritting his teeth he grabs his right arm with his left hand, forcing the right arm to fa
Korvyn: (C) face upwards as the sphere explodes in a torrent of energy. The shockwave levels nearby palm trees and sends more waves of sand across the oasis as it paints the sky dark red for one brilliant moment. With the shockwave dying down Korvyn lower
Korvyn: (C) lowers his smoking hand, swearing at the wasted energy. "Didn't someone give you a sense of honor? A true warrior would have met my attack head on!" says the saiyan, his own aura pulsing with power again. With a loud BOOM the energy he had gat
Korvyn: (C) gathered for a second time is released propelling the large man forward at Devilot, a powerful booted and uninjured leg swinging her way.
Devilot: left hand falls onto her hip. "Honor, honor." she starts to laugh as if she heard something funny, that is until she feels the pain of his whole leg smash up against her, against her faces pushing her body  off the ground and spinning through 
Devilot: (c) air then smashing back down into the ground.  She doesn't stop until she slides back into the water and sinking then coming back up to the surface doing  the dead mans float. her body sits there lifeless for a few seconds her mind running 
Devilot: (c) over what just had happen. (did i just get kicked? kicked in the face?) she shifts back up her gaze coming from the water to the Saiyan again. "muu... my turn!" a trickle of blood runs down the side of her lip her teeth gritting togather. 
Devilot: (c) "here i come." The water splashes as she shifts out of sight then back in right below the large saiyan kneeled over on her knees, she spins around and thrust her right foot straight in the air to try and catch him in the chin with her foot. 
Korvyn: watched in satisfcation as his kick connected and sent the android flying, but is caught unprepared by her sudden burst of speed and can only watch as her leg flys his way. The kick connects in a blow that would have surely snapped the neck or per
Korvyn: (C) perhaps even decipitated a ordinary man, but despite his injuries and fatigue the saiyan is not so ordinary. He is spun backwards and to the side by the blow, a deep gash cut into his chin ending in a thin line of scarlet traced across his nec
Korvyn: (C) neck. 'If she had been an inch closer when she kicked...' the saiyan thinks, but is unwilling to continue that train of thought in the midst of battle. Pulling on his reserve of dirty tricks Korvyn raises his hands, a raw mass of energy gather
Korvyn: (C) gathering as he draws from his aura. He slams the mass into the ground, the explosion kicking up a great cloud of sand and dirt to conceal him once it detonates. Rising up through the cloud he created he holds both hands above his head, chargi
Korvyn: (C) charging another attack. This time the energy is varying shades of purple slowly forming into a ball between both raised hands.
Devilot: foot hits the ground after her kick lands onto her target "heh." she spins around just as the dust fills the air making it almost impossible to see. but her eyes changes from lifeless blue to a lifless red color, allowing her to focuse right
Devilot: (c) onto the male saiyan again. "I see you!" her hand raises up again, shards of light sucks in toward her hand forming an energy sphere of her own. "her it comess. " but she put a twist on hers instead of throwing it she directs it using her Yoyo
Devilot: (c) sending the energy cuttin against the ground the back up toward the saiyans waist area. "come on saiyan if your going to beat me, your going to really need to think out side of the box!"  
Korvyn: is forced to bring his only partly formed attack down to strike the oncoming lash of energy flung up by the android below. The ball of purple energy erupts into a beam that strikes Devilot's sphere before it can hit him, but bit by bit the beam is
Korvyn: (C) forced back until finally it is consumed by it. With nothing to block it the sphere finishes its arc slamming into the saiyans gut and exploding. The large man is whipped around like a ragdoll by the force of the blast, but as the smoke clears
Korvyn: (C) it looks like his armor took the majority of the damage. It hangs from him in tatters, now mirroring the injured appearence of its wearer. He floats in the air above the oasis for a few seconds, trying to devise some method of escape or attack
Korvyn: (C) . After a moment something comes to mind and his aura flares at first weakly to life, then into a torrent of energy as he focuses his power. With the aura flaring he charges down at Devilot...but far overshoots her instead slamming into and un
Korvyn: (C) under the surface of the pond where he suppresses his strength in attempt to hide himself.
Devilot: hands thrust out ready to receave the attack whole heartedly, she digs her feet into the ground ready for it but turns in shock as the energy flies past her smashing into the water.  "what the heck ? what do you think you doing." 
Devilot: (c) she turns back toward where the saiyan is but couldn't see a thing due to the water that spashed against her, soaking her to the bone  as well as all the steam that was now dancing up into the air. "wha, hey don't hide from!"  
Devilot: (c) her eyes search frantically for the Saiyan male but she couldn't seem to locate him. (darn i shouldn't  have been playing around with him. Come on out were did you go beast.) her grip tightens around her yoyo as she sits waiting for him to mak
Devilot: (c) another move. 
Korvyn: idly hopes the breath he took before enetering the water will last long enough to do what he has planned as he floats on the bottom, waiting to make sure he wasn't followed in. When no rampaging android or massive ki-sphere follow his entrance int
Korvyn: (C) into the water he raises his hand, a sphere of his own forming. He unsupresses a bit to feed it energy, then clamps back down on his power before hurling it up through the water. The sphere steams its way up from the bottom of the pond, emergi
Korvyn: (C) emerging from the surface then exploding. The blast kicks up minature waves and another cloud of sand and dirt. Continuing his plan he reveals his full power, charging and then releasing a beam of energy at his maximum strength right before he
Korvyn: (C) suppresses his power to conceal it again. Using the cloud of sand he hopes to trick Devilot into thinking the beam is him and going after it. Korvyn waits nearly out of breath at the bottom to see if she takes the bait.
Devilot: quickly wips around as more sand and dirt is pushed into the air second later she sense more energy blast off. her eyes flickers for a few seconds turning red to allow her to see through the dust cloud and falling water. (an energy beam.) 
Devilot: (c) she smirks at the thought of him almost pulling that off. ( If i was human that would have worked buddy, heh your fun.) she  looks down at the ground and with  a quick nod comes up with a plan of her own.  the ground shakes for amoment. 
Devilot: (c) The water seems calm for a few minutes after his attack, as if she had gone after the quick burst of energy. that is until a few out of place bubbles float up past the saiyans feet. an air pocket had come from the ground underneath him. 
Devilot: (c) with just a small hand pointing out at him. *BLAM* even in the water the sound could be heard as the lazer cut through the liquid straight for male saiyans right hand. seconds later Devilot pops out of the ground her thrust her hand 
Devilot: (c) out to try and grasp the Male to drain more energy from his body. 
Kaiju: >Out on a daily walk, the man covered in a tight-wrapped deep green cloak would slowly kick sandal-covered feet along the dirt, attempting to amuse himself with the skipping plods of dirt, watching
Kaiju: <as they bounced along and broke into smaller bits. The hood was pulled over his face as far as it would go, the markings being hidden as best as he could. He was rarely allowed these times alone, and he would enjoy
Kaiju: <them as he could, pushing his time limit as much as he could. Eventually, the scientists would send the guards for him, and he would have to return, but today was a special day. It had been a year since he was released,
Kaiju: <and since, nothing had happened. Finding a digital file, the team had found that most of the altered humans didn't live longer than six months, and more than half of those didn't survive the mutations. Disheartening
Kaiju: <news, but this was the day. The compound was behind him, not far, but his pace was lazy for now, as it always was. They kept some form of eye on him, and if he was seen running, they would most-likely shoot
Kaiju: <him before they knew what was going on. Sad, sad life he lived, but today, all that would change, for good. He braced himself, resisting the urge to run right then, and he would continue the slow walk, deeper into the desert.
Korvyn: is about to rise and throw all he has left after the android he thinks is following the false energy singature when he catches sight of something shining beneath the water. He squints at it as the light grows brighter, but realizes what it is too 
Korvyn: (C) late. The beam of raw energy punctures his shoulder and he opens his mouth in pain, water rushing in to try and add drowing to his list of problems. In the midst of all this Devilot breaks through the ground the beam emerged from, her speed al
Korvyn: (C) allowing her to clamp onto his arm once more. Out of breath and his energy getting sucked out from him he has no choice but to keep pushing his exhausted body, the aura flaring up as he rises up out of the water and into the air above it. The 
Korvyn: (C) vice-like grip of the android doesn't loosen through the whole trip and after he catches his breath he speaks. "Cursed  android, why can't you go absorb those other damned fighters instead of me?"
Devilot: stares down at the tired saiyan that her grasp was held so tightly on "hehe, this was fun" she said and a low voice. a small buzz sound could be heard. <femalesaiyan.> "I see you have had your fun, but leave this one be is more of an aid 
Devilot: (c) to me alive then dead let him go." Devilot head shakes in anger as she holds on tight to the saiyan a few more seconds then releases him. "well, good thing we were just playing. right ? " she leans down toward him their eyes meeting up 
Devilot: (c) " don't forget my face, i wont forget yours." and with that she flip backward several times tossing an energy shot at the ground with the last flip only to dissappear into a cloud of smoke and dust. 
Fenin: stares upon the wastelands, his hollowed eyes glazed over. A gentle breeze 
Shim: - Lightning streaked the bruised sky, pale grey with ominous clouds. Silhouetted against the blinding flashes, Shim kneeled at the ledge of the old city hall building. Insignificant terrors, but all the same a nuissance, the zombies ruled the stre
Shim: (C) streets below. But he didn't care much anymore... They weren't hurting anyone but eachother anymore. Was he fading? Finally crossing into the peaceful, ever-shifting sands, into the burning sun, into the desert that his ancestors had stalked f
Shim: (C) from the time of the first Ancients? Was it his time to join his brother there? He laid Perpetua across his lap, staring into the swirling clouds overhead, at the partially concealed moon, and was at peace. He hated it, too...
Fenin: dies.
Fenin: stares into the wasteland before him, cold and alone. He hated the world for betraying him, for abandoning him, breaking him, then turning him into an abomination at his most vulnerable point. His blood would be boiling, had it still
Fenin: -x- been running through his veins. His breath would be quick, labored through his rage, had he still been breathing. His death had been glorious, he had awaited it for years, the past two years were hell without a life to live. And now his
Fenin: -x- dying was without death. It seemed like the Gods were toying with him, laughing at his rage and torment. His knuckles gleam white as he grips his blades hilt in rage. The masses approach him, their feral howls and lurching bones echoing
Fenin: -x- across this city of the damned, they march to the slaughter. In a flash Fenin speeds into the gut of the crowd, withdrawing his blade and flinging it from side to side, felling several beasts with each laborless stroke. Even in death
Fenin: -x- it seems that Fenin was strong, quick, maybe even stronger, quicker...
Shintaro: walks down a lonely country road, his head hung in dissapointment as he has many thought passing through his mind, the sun begins to set infront of him and he doesn't notice. The light cool breeze of the fall air sends a chill down his spine as he
Shintaro: *C* shrugs it off and continues to walk thinking about life and death wondering why point he has to continue his journy through life when there is no reason to stay here in this mortal coil. His White dress shit and tan slacks flap slightly
Shintaro: *C* as another breeze hits him and he just continues his lonely walk down the boulevard....
Thea: holds up high the umbrella high into the air. It hadn't rained at all that day in fact the day was a pretty nice one not to hot not to cold, but here she was the female saiyan standing 5'5 known as Thea quin holding high up an Umbrella. 
Thea: (C) it twist slight in between here finger tips as she walks along the narrow dirt path on the country road. She could see a dark figure slowly approaching her in the distance, as she slowly drew closer toward him it was evident that 
Thea: (c) he was lost in thought. "There must be many things running through you mind eh?" her voice floats out toward the man in a soft tone as they pass each other. "or maybe you just feel lost ? is that it are you another lost soul?" 
Shintaro: looks up slightly as he stops directly next to this female and looks off into the sun as it passes the horizon and says, "miss lady, i don't believe u know me young lady. Altho i do believe ur right maybe i am lost. ' ;GEmote continues his blank s
Shintaro: continues his blank stare off into the darkness of the boulevard as his black eyes glistenslightly and his blonde hair wavers in a small breeze. standing nearly 6' 2" he almost feels like he is towering this woman.
Vikanthe: walks a bit unsteadily down the country road, nearly tripping and falling over a few times but saving himself at the last moment. In addition to being drunk or dazed, he looks like he was in a fight recently, with the bruises on his face and the r
Vikanthe: (C) rips in his leather vest. The strange halfbreed is whistling an odd tune to himself as he travels, one that probably hasn't been heard for a hundred years or more. He stops his whistling when he comes across Thea and Shintaro however, catching
Vikanthe: (C) something about a 'loust soul'. Trying not to look as drunk as he feels the halfbreed eyes the both of them, wondering what hes stumbled across.
Thea: gaze turns toward the newcomer her eyes scanning his whole demeanor. "well look at this one soul is lost and another one just plane ruined from his time here on the earth." She lowers the umbrella in her hand down to block her 
Thea: (c) face out of the two mens sight. "perhaps you both are in this state because you have decided to give up on something you believe in ? or maybe your just looking for something new to believe in to fight for." 
Thea: (c) The umbrella tips to the side some as her shoulders give a small shrug. "What do you say Halfbreed, do you think your in a Ruined state. " she say with a low tone, her tail slowly wrapping up around her waist as if it  
Thea: (c) was a belt for her. 
Shintaro: turning on he places a blank depressed stare at the halfbreed while keeping the young woman in his peripheral vision, ' so two saiyans now... and she seems to think your a halfbreed so that means your only half as good as her
Shintaro: *C* maybe u should leave now before she kicks your ass and takes ur soul... that seems to be all she's after and I'm about to willingly give her mine if she asks politely.' Shintaro nods as he analyzes the male saiyan and shrugs it off. 
Shintaro: *C* says, ' so what are ur names if i may be so inclined as to incure? Mine is Shintaro Katsu'
Shintaro: incur*
Vikanthe: cocks his head the side, looking at the saiyan woman. He replys after a moment, his words suprisingly coherent despite his drunkeness "Ruined state? Hardly, this is nothing. Now death, thats a ruined state." Once the other man speaks up Vikanthe r
Vikanthe: (C) rubs at his eyes, blinking a few times before speaking again. "My soul? I wonder if I have that anymore. Perhaps the Kaios kept it for themselves, wouldn't suprise me. As for my name, its Vikanthe Shadowblade, though I doubt it has meaning any
Vikanthe: (C) anymore." The halfbreed looks a little better then he did when he started talking, sobering up quickly during the conversation.
Thea: gives the two men a slow curtsy before stating her name. "Thea, Thea quin" The umbrella gives a quick spin around before she closes it revealing her long braided her and light brown skin. "So you would be willing to give me
Thea: (c) your soul if i ask nice eh? but if your a lifeless vessel what soul would you give me." she shoots Shintaro a playful smile before turning back toward the halfbreed. "and with the way you speak, i can only tell that you have seen your 
Thea: fare share of battles." She lets the umbrella fall against her right shoulder as she makes her wave over toward an old looking wooden fence hoping on top of it letting her feet hang over while staring at the two men. 
Shintaro: frowns at that comment and says, ' well young lady I'm definitely not a soulless vessel, for most people say the soul is in your brain and i have my original brain.' he turns slightly to face Thea turning his back to the halfbreed 
Shintaro: *C* smiles and says, ' and i do believe they say saiyans the at the bottom of the food chain nowadays, and are the most soulless monstrous race around with no heart or brain to suit.' 'so if u think i'm a soulless vessel then what would that make 
Shintaro: you?' shintaro smirks as he snickers slightly at his rhetorical question.
Vikanthe: gives a big yawn and falls back, sitting down on the dirt road. "Given the temporary nature of death, what use is a soul? Power is the only thing that is eternal, that and failure. As for what goes on nowadays, i'm a bit behind on that. In my day 
Vikanthe: (C) they called saiyans monkey gods, and I was considered blessed to have their blood. Now theres all this wonderful technology and enlightenment, things have changed quite a bit you see." the halfbreed says, sounding quite sober until he lets out
Vikanthe: (C) a loud burb following his words.
Thea: smirk slowly slides into a slight frown. " Heh Saiyans at the bottom ? Well yes some of us are, Saiyans are either like gods or jokes, thats why there isn't any room in between. You know for things like Vikanthe" 
Thea: (C) "and as for the soul, well a soul is what makes a ki fighter great. it's what sets apert a basic fighter from those who have true controle of their ki, I would think someone like you would know that, heh then then again you are only 
Thea: (c) half a saiyan i shouldn't expect you to know." she gives Vikanthe a silly grin as if she was only poking fun at the halfbreed.
Shintaro: smiles at the two as his body flashes brightly in white light as a close fitting aura appears around him as he begins to cackle he looks to thea and says, 'so young lady what do you say we send this halfbreed to the afterlife and then have
Shintaro: *C*  a little fun of our own. Perhaps u can earn my soul if u wish it, or earn my services if u like' Shintaro begins to cackle loudly as he hovers about the ground his voice echoing throughout the are causing the land to shake slightly and 
Shintaro: *C* the sky grows cloudy as a small drizzle begins to float in overhead almost as though a dark presence is being released into the air around the warriors.
Vikanthe: blinks at both their comments, looking the two of them over again before speaking to Shintaro "I've been to the afterlife, it couldn't hold me. It also gave my power a focus...but thats another story." He continues, but directs his words at Thea "
Vikanthe: (C) "The soul does not make a fighter great, his raw power and training do. I learned from the great Nulok Shadowblade himself, I doubt you have anything to teach me, pure-blooded saiyan or not." He slowly pulls himself back to his feet after he r
Vikanthe: (C) replies, looking a bit more stable but still a bit dazed.
Vegeta: .
Shim: - Lavender eyes wandered, liquid amethyst pools, staring into the silent trees that lined the lonely dirt road. There was nothing there. Just as there was nothing ahead of him, nothing inside of him. A relative peace had blanketed the planet Earth
Vegeta: .
Thea: "oh is that so? nothing a pure blood saiyan could teach you? " her hair flickers for a second the again before golden height lights crawl across her hair, her aura flares  up with a bright golden energy. "Well lets see" 
Thea: (c) She jumps up from the fence her feet hitting the dirt road hard sending dust up into the night air.  Her hands already cuped up togather before she pushes them off toward the halfbreed releasing a large white burst of energy 
Thea: (c) with  bright purple streak of energy 
Shim: (C) Earth. He was a beast in a civilized world, a warrior in a land of peace. He felt like an alien, a foreign creature among this silence; he was born and bred in the blazes of hell, but the quiet that he had always dreamt of was finally here. An
Shim: (C) And it didn't feel like a victory. Ahead, he heard voices, saw humanoid figures, sensed energy levels rivalling his own.
Shintaro: laughes as he watches the dust fly up and the smell of battle fill the air, he can feel the blood course through his veins almost like he can taste the blood flowing through him. Shintaro places one hand infront of him palm facing Vikanthe as a br
Shintaro: *C* yellow ball of energy forms about the size of basketball. . . then just as fast as it was formed it started to streak twoards Vikanthe the ball splits into three balls of similar size and begin to circle Thea blast of energy, 
Vikanthe: hear her words and watches the ki blossom forth from her outstretched hands, then the energy Shintaro lends to it. 'Well, that was sudden' he thinks, as he falls backwards the attack zooming towards him. The air arround him shimmers, then releases
Vikanthe: (C) a shockwave of raw energy as a flaming red and white aura envelops him revealing the halfbreeds true strength. His fall turns into a crouch that catches the energy sent his way and Vikanthe is thrown back and into the air by the beam. It pulse
Vikanthe: (C) pulses with power seeking to break through his defense. Try as it might however, it is unable and with a grunt of effort the mohawked halfbreed hurls the attack upwards where it explodes casting a purple light over the area. He hangs in the ai
Vikanthe: (C) air then, watching the two below for their next move as smoke drifts up from his singed arms and clothes.
Shim: - Despite the peace that had settled over earth, there, of course, would still be minor scuffles; true peace could never be accomplished in this realm, only in death. But would these minor scuffles be enough to subdue his lust for adventure, for 
Shim: (C) for the thrill of living on the edge, for blood and for victory? Or would his legacy fade in the midst of all of these meaningless battles, the day to day stupidity that occured, starved of the pain and sweat and fire that had created him? He 
Shim: (C) could only keep on living, he supposed. Keep on living until it was time to play hero again. And he would be there. Pulling the cloak away from his face, Shim blinked into existence at Vikanthe's side, effortlessly passing into the Mystic tran
Shim: (C) transformation. His clothing fluttered as his crimson hair wavered in the blaze of his fiery aura, his blue eyes honed on the attackers below. "What's your name, kid?"
Thea: laughs letting her hands fall onto her hips. "That was fun, But what do we have here? Shim Wu'sha I've been looking for you Shim." her hills ding into the dirt before she launches off from the ground toward Shim no longer paying 
Thea: (c) Vikanthe any mind. her foot cocks back pushing up into the as she roundhouse straight for the side of the newcomers face. "I had been waitting some time for you Shim! it seem that you had just fall right off of the side the earth!" 
Shintaro: aura flickers out of existence as he plummets from the sky and lands just two feet in front of vikanthe and  says, 'well while this was fun I'm in no mood to fight right now but perhaps we can meet again some time Vikanthe' 
Shintaro: *C* shintaro turns his back and begins to walk down the road in the direction of the former sun set, picking up in thought where he originaly left off as the sounds and smells of battle fade away into the distance behind him.
Vikanthe: puts on a burst of speed and flys backwards, speaking as he does "The names Vikanthe Shadowblade, but if you're here to fight me you'll have to wait your turn." He cups his hands together at torso height then, energy forming between them as he doe
Vikanthe: (C) does but stops as he sees the saiyan woman rush past him towards Shim and Shintaro leave. He lowers his hands, his aura flaring as he flys higher above Thea and Shim, watching the two. "I guess they don't want to kill me as much as they do you
Vikanthe: (C) , stranger." he calls down.
Shim: - An eyebrow was raised to the mohawked man who rose above him. He had only come to assist, but if he couldn't accep--- Shim's thoughts were suddenly interrupted as a foot sped into his vision. A quick reaction saved his face from being flattened,
Shim: (C) Shim's aura flaring around him as he whirled out of the way. Perpetua was unsheathed quickly, and poised to slash the neck of the warrior as she flew past. But he decided against it, his glimmering crimson blade thirsting to be bathed in her a
Shim: (C) her arterial black. "What do you want from me?" Shim asked, thoroughly confused.
Thea: "what do i want? me i want the power that course through your body Shim, you don't know how happy i am to see that you have come back." her foot hits the ground making a low thumping sound, her back turned toward Shims 
Thea: (c) "Worry not Shim for finding you out here really threw me off guard, with no way of taking the energy i need from you out here. well fight you would be just pointless." she gives one last smirk as her fingers touch her fourhead. 
Thea: (c) "I'll be seeing you soon Shim Wu'sha." her image quickly flickers out of sight. 
Vikanthe: blinks again as Thea vanishes and rubs his eyes as if to scrub them clean before looking around again. "Neat trick." he mutters dropping down, floating a couple yards opposite Shim. His aura has grown calmer, but he still looks ready to fight the 
Vikanthe: (C) halfbreed. "So...Shim is it? Only the two of us remain, is it your intention to fight me as well or not?" Vikanthe asks, repeating his early gesture of cupping his hands torso height and gathering energy between them. "I may have had trouble v
Vikanthe: (C) versus that pair, but I am not so easy one on one." he adds.
Shim: - "Shim Wu'sha... The one and only." Shim confirmed. Perpetua flashed, illuminated like a moonlit rose through the night sky, on its way to the golden sheath at Shim's hip. The hell that surrounded the halfbreed faded into a thin outline of white 
Shim: (C) ki; his hair fell around his eyes, the expression of fury was erased from his face. "Fight you? I was here to help you." Shim replied, his clothing still fluttering with the wind from Thea's passage. "Why were they after you?"
Vikanthe: lowers his hands and shrugs at the question before speaking. "Thats like asking why the wind blows. I was just travelling along the road when I happened across the two of them talking about souls. I added my thoughts the conversation and got blast
Vikanthe: (C) blasted in the gut for it." Vikanthe's aura fades as well after that, the red and white flames dancing downwards as he comes out of kaioken. Only a dull grey aura remains, his natural energy surrounding him now. "But that raises another perhap
Vikanthe: (C) perhaps equally unaswerable question, why did you seek to aid me? I do not know you, and I certainly don't look like I could reward you for the service now do I?"
Shim: - "'That's like asking why the wind blows'" Shim quoted Vikanthe, in response to his question. "I just happened on a lonely warrior being attacked by two other fighters, so I decided to even the odds." He pulled his cloak back around him, fastenin
Shim: (C) fastening the button at the neck - the hood remained lowered. "And you need not worry about repaying me... I wouldn't ask for anything in return for doing what I was born to do." Shim replied, with a shrug. "However, if you insist, you might b
Shim: (C) be a bit more trusting; only two of every three people is a murderer." Shim noted jokingly.
Vikanthe: * "Right, well thanks for whats it worth. Though i'm pretty sure I could have outrun them i'd probably have gotten lost in the process. This damn countryside has been looking the same for miles now, ever since they threw me out of that bar..." he 
Vikanthe: (C) says, then seems to remember hes talking to a stranger more or less. "But enough about that...I have another question for you. That teleporting act, how do you do it? My master taught me a great many things, but that trick wasn't among them.
Shim: - He cocked an eyebrow at the man. He had seemed fairly powerful after powering up - how could a warrior equaling his power not know of the instantaneous transmission technique? Must be from Vegeta, Shim decided. The halfbreed blinked again, this 
Shim: (C) this time, facing Vikanthe from ten feet away. "Its simple really. Instantaneous transmission is a necessity for those occasions when time is of the essence," the elder halfbreed explained. "It takes deep concentration. Just..." He formed a tr
Shim: (C) triangle with his hands at his navel, honing his eyes on Vikanthe. "Find your center, become aware every cell that composes your body, feel through every nerve." He placed a finger to his temple, closing his eyes slowly. "Now... With your cent
Shim: (C) center established, focus on wherever it is you want to go... Focus, and focus hard, and make it happen." Shim appeared a hundred feet above Vikanthe, and shouted down, "Try it."
Vikanthe: nods at Shim's demonstration then follows his instructions. His aura fluctuates as he concentrates and focuses inward, swirling around him and causing his clothes to whip around in the wind. After a few moments like this he brings a hand to his fo
Vikanthe: (C) forehead, mimicing the other halfbreed. Vikanthe waits like that for a few seconds not breathing then frowns. "Nothing...are you sure this is how it works? I mean if it was that simple, wouldn't even the weakest of warriors be teleporting ever
Vikanthe: (C) everywhere?" he yells up at Shim.
Shim: snorted, clasping his hands behind his neck. He descended back to Vikanthe, maintaining the relaxed pose. "Well, that's how I do it. It does take a bit of practice though. Just concentrate, and it shouldn't be hard with you, what with how powerful
Shim: (C) you are." He himself had mastered the technique before he had achieved Super Saiyan, which Vikanthe had seemingly far surpassed. "Either way. Think on all of that for a while, and I'll expect you to have a full understanding of the technique b
Shim: (C) by our next meeting." With a wink, Shim gave another text-book example of the technique in action, and disappeared from the scene.
Aphra: * sighs to herself, leaning back in the passenger seat of her black limousine as it speeds through the desert. Driven be an elderly gentleman, in a finely tailored suit, the cars windows are blacked out, the temperature carefully controlled to a c
Aphra: * (c) comfortable level. The sun beats down heavily upon the vehicle, with the skyline of the major city rising up to meet them, and the road behind stretching away into nothingness. The woman had decided that today, she would break her self-impos
Aphra: * (c) self-imposed exile and return to the city for the first time in many years. From her luxurious mansion in the middle of the desert she had spent almost an hour on the road, and it was starting to get dull.
Aphra: * (c) "Honestly Jeeves, I would have thought you could manage this far quicker. My previous chauffeur made the journey in half this time." She glances behind her then, in the back, behind the soundproofed glass, is the form of Ivarros. She sneers 
Aphra: * (c) at the Icer, and presses a button set into the divide so that he can hear her. "And you had better hope that you don't embarrass me today, beast. I'm already having second thoughts about the wisdom of bringing you with me, but I suppose I ne
Aphra: * (c) need -someone- to carry my purchases. One mistake and I'll make you wish I -had- finished you off, understand?" Her eyes flash cruelly, waiting for a response, daring some rebellion.   
Ivarros: fights back a reply that probably would have cost him a limb...or worse. Carefully choosing his words he responds "Of course my Lady, my life is yours now. But if I might ask...are you sure returning the city is best? It is full of off-worlders, s
Ivarros: (C) some possessing great power." Finished speaking the short Icerian man adjusts the hodded black robe he wears, hoping it will conceal what he is from casual observers. 'As for the rest...well that can be dealt with when the time arises' he thou
Ivarros: (C) thought.
Aphra: rolls her eyes. "Not that I need to explain myself to you, lizard, but yes, returning to the city is... necessary." She smiles, a smile that could almost look beautiful, were it not for the cruelty in those bright blue eyes. "I am aware that many 
Aphra: * (c) -aliens- possess great physical strength, that is where they excel. But that strength is not what I am seeking to overcome, not yet at least. I have heard tell that there is an outbreak of some kind of virus. A virus that mutates humans. I a
Aphra: * (c) am intrigued by this- if this could be linked to the aliens... well, public opinion would rapidly turn. As well as this, there are some large technological firms in the city which I need to have dealings with at a later stage. They must be m
Aphra: * (c) made aware that I am back on the scene, so to speak, and thus I must be seen. Now, we shall be arriving shortly, I trust I don't have to remind you of the price of failing to remember the proper etiquette?" That smile takes on a distinctly m
Aphra: * (c) more predatory glaze, the suburbs of the city rising up in view of the driver. 
Ivarros: trys to hold her gaze but images of the last fight he had with her flash through his mind and he bows his head in shame. "You have it all planned out as always my Lady, it was foolish of me to ask." Ivarros replies, trying to sound humble. The Ice
Ivarros: (C) Icer closes his eyes then, as if trying to remember something. "Do only as you command, Never reveal myself unless necessary, and harm no humans." he says, as if reciting from a list.
Shim: - A cloaked man wandered through the masses, out of place. From the raised hood, several locks of blood red hair burst, cascading down to where the chin should be. His gait was lazy; he seemed aimless, even bored. Something about him seperated him
Shim: (C) him from the crowd, an air of mystery about him. He crossed the street as a limo pulled up to the intersection. He allowed his eyes to pass over the tinted black windows, sleek design for a moment, as the timer on the other side began to count
Shim: (C) down. "Weird," Shim spoke, as he stepped onto the pavement across the street.
Aphra: sneers. "Good. You finally managed to understand three simple rules." She states, looking to her driver, "You see? I told you that they could be trained at -least- as well as a puppy." She states, intentionally leaving the button depressed so that
Aphra: * (c) Ivarros could hear her insult him before she releases it. The elderly man gives a gentle chuckle, and before long she pulls up outside a clothing store- the cloaked man unnoticed amongst the faceless masses- and she looks back at the Icer, p
Aphra: * (c) pressing the button again. "Well? What are you waiting for?!" She snaps, "Open my door. Now." She then turns back to Giles. "I shall contact you when it is time to go, you will pick me up inside twenty minutes or I'll be finding another driv
Aphra: * (c)  finding another driver. I trust I make myself clear."
Ivarros: quickly opens his door and scurries out, nearly tripping on his robe in the process. After taking a moment to arrange it properly he moves to Aphra's door, opening it and kicking a stray piece of trash out of the way. "There you are my Lady, a cle
Ivarros: (C) clear path." he says, keeping his head bowed while he waits beside the opened door. The crowd passing by cast a few curious glances at the short robed figure, and the figure of importance he must be serving but none stay to watch.
Shim: - The less-than-intimidating figure caught Shim's eye as he monitored the course of the limo. Strange, but not enough to be interesting. He was back on his way, only passing occasional glances at the halted limosine, when another figure stepped ou
Shim: (C) out of the vehicle. A young woman, the daughter of some rich politician, Shim decided, raising an eyebrow. He stopped to watch now, doing his best to be scarce.
Aphra: rises imperiously from the car, casting a look about her which implies that she is just too damn good for this place. Her haughty gaze cast about, she strides forwards, and the car pulls away. She glances to Ivarros, and smirks, snapping her finge
Aphra: * (c) fingers. "Come." She states, moving towards the store, and as the doors open automatically, she looks around her once more, smiles winningly, the cruelty gone from her eyes, disguised with a practiced, easy warmth. And then she is inside the
Aphra: * (c) store, striding through the shop as though she already owns everything that she lays sight upon. Her fingers gesturing to certain items meaningfully. Apparently expecting her servant to keep up with her pace.
Ivarros: shuts the limosine door carefully behind Aphra, then hurries along behind being sure to walk just behind her and to the side, so as to not be in the way. He takes care to keep his tail in the robe and wrapped around his midsection, so that for any
Ivarros: (C) anyone looking at him he appears just to be a short human. "Shall I ask them to set anything out for you my Lady? Or do you just wish to browse?" he asks while she surveys the store, the cruelty gone from her eyes for the moment.
Shim: remained there, watching the woman and he diminuitive servant. He'd never seen her around before, and from what he sensed, the feeling, the vibe that emitted from her, he felt suspicious, but he couldn't be sure why. Maybe it was just his distrust
Shim: (C) of the rich, based on the trouble he'd had in the past with The Syndicate. He continued to watch, curious as to what help anyone could really need from a dwarf.
Aphra: glances at Ivarros, and smiles, patting the hooded creature on the head. "Poor, poor fool. Yes, instruct the serving staff to set aside the items I indicate I desire. Thank you." She seems to be making an effort to appear benevolent in public, her
Aphra: * (c) eyes warm and full of joy. She smiles softly, repeating her motions to several items throughout the store that she had already indicated that she desires. The motions exaggerated and slow, as though the small creature was slow in the head an
Aphra: * (c) and she was taking pains to ensure that he keeps up with her. She might not be able to properly express her wrath in public just yet, but she could ensure that the once-proud alien was humiliated for rousing her displeasure.
Ivarros: follows her orders, gritting his teeth to prevent letting slip his thoughts on being ordered around. The stores staff quickly obey the relayed commands, recognizing the matter in which Aphra carried herself as someone with money, and alot of it to
Ivarros: (C) spend. As he does this something nags at the back of his mind, until he finally realizes what it is. He had been sensing power, not several clustered in the city as he thought but a signifigant one nearby. Pausing a moment in carrying out Aphr
Ivarros: (C) Aphra's orders he closes his eyes and focuses. His mind probes outward, sensing the area and locating the source of the strength. Finding it he opens his eyes, spotting Shim. Frowning he makes his way to the regal woman, quickly speaking in a 
Ivarros: (C) hushed tone "My Lady...there is an individual of some great strength here, he could be trouble."
Shim: took note as the servant looked his way. He was a master of the suppression technique, but never bothered making use of it; he had found that flaunting his power often struck fear in his weaker opponents, and power wasn't anything to hide in the f
Shim: (C)  first place - it was something to be proud of. So, sensing the energies of the woman and her servant, he decided that it didn't really matter if they spotted him, he was just curious as to what they were up to.
Aphra: quirks a brow as Ivarros dares to approach her despite the dressing down that she just gave him. She smiles slightly, "Very well." She replies, "Thank you." She says curtly, and allows her own strength to leak out as she seems to simply browse the
Aphra: * (c) swimwear section. She selects a few token purchases until her power has reached a level base, and then she allows her senses to open, and is almost blown away by the strength she feels, her eyes going wide and locking on Shim. To her credit,
Aphra: * (c) she recovers quite quickly, and shuts her senses down again almost instantly, her power dwindling away once more. She moves towards Shim, uncaring of the curious looks of the shop-staff. Her eyes looking over his form slowly. The fact she se
Aphra: * (c) sees no tail is a definite bonus. Could it be a human warrior she was unaware of? His power was truly incredible...
Ivarros: relays the last of Aphra's requests to the staff after alerting her to the power, then senses Aphra's own power rising. Seeing that she has decided to face this stranger head on he quickly scrambles to open the door for her before falling into pla
Ivarros: (C) place behind her. The Icer concentrates as he performs these menial tasks, so that he can reveal his own power if needed to aid Aphra.
Shim: - A tiny power spike flickered across his senses, in
Shim: - A tiny power spike flickered across his senses, disappearing as soon as it had made itself known. Shim narrowed his eyes at the two, knowing instantly which energy signature originated from which fighter, and deciding that, if violence broke out
Shim: (C) out, which he would strike down first. He seemed relaxed, despite the thoughts that passed through his mind. The hood was lowered, revealing shockingly crimson hair, lavendar eyes, slanted brows, and the slightest smirk.
Aphra: * gives Shim a tiny nod as she approaches, completely blanking Ivarros, not even casting a glance to him as he scurries to make her path clear. "Greetings." She states, halting a respectful distance from the warrior. "I am known as Lady Aphra, tho
Aphra: * (c) though you may simply call me Aphra if you desire. I have made it a point to know of all the greatest human warriors, and yet I have not met you before, nor have I seen your picture. Might I ask whom I have the honor of addressing?" She offe
Aphra: * (c) offers a hand daintily, the shadow of a smile playing upon her features. She does not seem at all suited to combat, her dress and manner the one of a woman whose entire life has been pampered luxury. What possible threat could she pose to a 
Aphra: * (c) seasoned warrior?
Ivarros: watched as the warrior lowered his hood to reveal a head of red hair and a smirk that spoke of trouble. Ivarros nodded in turn at Aphra's words, hanging back as always but still concentrating. He could feel the power waiting for him to grasp it, t
Ivarros: (C) to use it again. But he held back, not wanting to anger Aphra with an un-ordered display of energy. So instead the short Icerian man continued just to observe Shim from beneath the hood of his dark robe.
Fenin: shanks that bitchass bitch aka Shim
Vegeta: takes away the retards gemote
Noodles: waking up next to Perseus, he smiles at her. "hey baby" he says, looking down at Perseus, noticing all of last nights love making everywhere. "So i'm going for a walk baby, you wait here. I'll bring you back some nice toys" Noodles says, gathering
Noodles: <C>his self and walking outside, ready to go on an adventure
Neeka: flexes her muscles. It had been a long time since she had stepped in the ring, and she was glad to feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins. The heavy pelt of the bears, victims of her fierce ravagings, fatigues her slightly, though her lack
Neeka: -x- is bound to make the fight more interesting. Neeka is the unanimously decided "King of the Ring." Not quite a unisexual term, but then again they never expected a girl to take the crown. Regardless she rolls her head and pops her knuckles, pre
Neeka: -x- preparing for her illustrious return to the career of the Bear Fucker.
Korvyn: pushes past some farmer dragging a cart of vegetables, making his way through into the mountain town on Myuutanto. The guards posted at the gate eye him curiously as he enters, but do not try to stop the cloaked and battered looking saiyan. Once i
Korvyn: (C) inside the town Korvyn lets the sounds of civilization guide him to his goal. Through the paved cobblestone streets he walks until finally he arrives at the marketplace, the heart of the town. Stalls of various outrageous colors line the marke
Korvyn: (C) market square, attended by vendors hawking their wares in various fashions. The mutants browsing the bazaar seem mostly immune to their cries, going from stall to stall shopping with intent rather than random impulse. The large saiyan man wast
Korvyn: (C)  wastes no time finding what he wants either, pushing past the crowd to arrive infront of a row of weapon dealers. He stops infront of this row, surveying the many types of guns and blades laid out before him.
Thea: eye's scan over the few small items that were laying on the dark green table. The shop had a slight smell of stale air as if no one had been in this shop for some time. An old women behind the dark green table holds out each item to her. 
Thea: (c) <oldwomen> "What are you looking fore child? how about this the blade of inferno" She picks up the bright blue and red sword that turns dark purple with an aura of black energy that flares up as soon as the old women grabs it. 
Thea: (c) "no, no that one wont due, i've never been a big sword user. Do you have anything a little more dainty yet commanding." The old women shoots Thea a crooked smile her teeth brown and green. <oldwomen> "how about these ?" she holds out 
Thea: (c) a set of bells each on a different color.<oldwomen> " they are called hells bells, I think you will like this for sure." Thea nods and hands over a large bag of gold. "It's been nice Ann." with that the old gray stair case out side 
Thea: (c) slides smoothly apeart revealing  a hidden room only for a quick instant as Thea steps out from the room, the stairs quickly slide back togather hiding the room once again. 
Korvyn: walks down the line of stalls, looking over the blades arranged before him and ignoring the guns. 'I need something like those others...something to use as a focus to channel all that power through.' he thinks. Leaning over he snatches an elegant 
Korvyn: (C) looking longsword from a table, weighing the weapons balance and eyeing its sharpness. Frowning at the blade he puts it back onto the table saying "Now thats no weapon for a warrior." The mutant selling the blade tries to protest, then decides
Korvyn: (C)  against arguing with the saiyan. Already moving on Korvyn spots something unusual among the shops, a large stone hammer bound in strips of iron. Reaching down he picks the hammer up, testing its weight and balance.
Thea: walks swiftly through the crowd of people moving back in forth looking over weapons armor even a few sensu bean venders were there trying to make a sell. (So many poeple here today, thats good gives me a chance to test bells out)
Thea: (c) she stops dead in her tracks right across from were the male saiyan was looking at the large size war harmer. of course she wasn't paying him any mind no her eye's locked on to an icer that was trying to sell a shild that double as a weapon 
Thea: (c) the shield had retractable blades along the side of them. "hmph, lets give it a try." She holds the the blue bell out toward the icer. "just one single jingle." she jingles the bell and as if on cue a bright shot of blue energy streacks across
Thea: (c) smashing into the icer. The icers reflexes were right on point blocking the Shot of energy which seemed to split on impact going around the shield hitting the icer incasing him in ice right were he stood. "I like." 
Korvyn: is hefting the hammer up into the air to prepare for a practice swing when he spots a blue flash of light out of the corner of his eye. Whirling to face the source of the light he finds a saiyan woman standing before an ice-sculpture with a pair o
Korvyn: (C) of bells held in her outstretched hand. 'Wait...ice-sculpture?' he thinks, then takes a second look realizing its a person whos been entombed alive in the ice. He shifts his grip on the weapon, grabbing it with both hands and holding it chest 
Korvyn: (C)  level to block a possible attack. "Thats an interesting weapon...but do you think such a trick would matter versus real power?" he says, his cloak falling back to reveal the battered saiyan battle armor he wears.
Thea: eye's slide over toward the saiyan male. "oh so are you saiying that i should try these bells out on you sir?" she places the blue bell away clipping it and locking it back onto her belt. her hands graz over several bells pulling a purple one 
Thea: (c) from her belt. "how about this one my large friend, this bell should be fun for us to play with." her hand slowly stractches out toward the saiyan male, her wrist flicks ever so slightly causing another jingle to ring out into the air. 
Thea: (c) with the jingle again a large energy flares up and out, The dark energy hits the ground rushing over toward the saiyan  kicking up dirt as it makes its way over toward him. The energy split right before it hit saiyan circling around the 
Thea: (c) saiyan male seconds latter a large bright purple light shoots up from the ground then explodes kicking up dust and dibre in the area. 
Cronos: test
Neeka: brushes the beads of sweat from her forehead. It had been a long fight, and her heart was pounding. Her opponent, the King of Bears, had been one she had not easily fucked, he was like a grand super ultra bear. No one can fuck them up easy. But sh
Neeka: -x- lose, for the children whom depend on her were watching, the men whom lusted for her were panting, and her heart of retribution would NOT allow her failure! With a feral roar the bear leaps after her, slashing his heavy clawed paws of might, t
Neeka: -x- all his haste is in vain, for she merely rolls past him, grinning wickedly. "Eh, muchachos, you ready fur my speshial attack?!" She rolls her neck, and several loud cracks echo throughout the scene. "Prepare yourself, eh, bendito?" She lifts h
Neeka: -x- slightly, revealing her chapped lips. With a heavy inhale through her nostrils, she prepares for her mighty, savage attack. "I spit hot fia, brutha!" Her voice echoes as globs of fire drip from her teeth, "Ready to fry?" She finally says, befo
Neeka: -x- unleashing fiery hell upon her feral foe.
Aphra: stands in the middle of the crowd, flanked by two large, burly men in suits and sunglasses. Obviously security personnel. She had heard of some kind of powerful human female, a wrestler, no less. She hadn't really taken the rumors seriously- they 
Aphra: * (c) said she was called the Bear Fucker. But now, she was watching this woman go toe to toe with a bear, and... well. As the fire roars from her mouth, the woman quirks her brow. That was quite impressive. The wrestler clearly had potential, eve
Aphra: * (c) even if her style was a little... flamboyant. For the moment, the woman does nothing, simply waiting and watching for the match to end, good human fighters were so rare to find, and her plans required at least a few. For now, she would watch
Aphra: * (c), and once the match was over... she would make her proposal. If all went well, she could start to put her plans into action shortly.
Neeka: grins as the bear roars, slamming its cumberous paws into itself in various places, attempting to quell the fire raging on its mane. "Pathetic." She runs back into the ropes, then using them to propel herself forward she leaps into the air, twirli
Neeka: grins as the bear roars, slamming its cumberous paws into itself in various places, attempting to quell the fire raging on its mane. "Pathetic." She runs back into the ropes, then using them to propel herself forward she leaps into the air, twirli
Neeka: -x- into a spinning wheel kick, landing with deadly force upon his fiery foes forehead. The bear moans loudly as it hits the floor, stone cold kay oh'd. "Too easy." She rolls the bear onto its stomach and performs pelvic thrusts upon its rear, "I
Neeka: am the bear fucker!" The crowd falls silence, enticed by her famous and demoralizing taunt. As she finishes her gesture they roar with a thunderous applause and brilliant cheer. She mutters quietly as she retires from the ring, "They don't pay me 
Neeka: -x- enough for this shit..." She ignores the raging fans, reaching out to grasp the legends hand, as she walks down the runway to the back of the building, to take a long awaited shower and get some good, old, undisturbed relaxxin' done.
Aphra: sighs, shaking her head, bear fucker, indeed. She clicks her fingers, and she and her security personnel are guided backstage by a short, fat man in a suit. She's paid rather a large sum of money to ensure that she, and only she, would be backstag
Aphra: * (c) backstage with Neeka after this fight, a fact that would probably be quite obvious when the wrestler retires backstage. Her security personnel take up position at the entrance to the backstage, and keep out any fans, whilst she herself heads
Aphra: sighs, shaking her head, bear fucker, indeed. She clicks her fingers, and she and her security personnel are guided backstage by a short, fat man in a suit. She's paid rather a large sum of money to ensure that she, and only she, would be backstag
Aphra: * backstage with Neeka after this fight, a fact that would probably be quite obvious when the wrestler retires backstage. Her security personnel take up position at the entrance to the backstage, and keep out any fans, whilst she herself heads to 
Aphra: * the stars dressing room, prepared to wait until Neeka was ready to see her, she does knock on the stars door, and then settles down onto a nearby chair, she was prepared to wait for as long as it took to talk to the woman. She couldn't say that 
Aphra: * she condoned her style, but she certainly had power, and that was what was needed at this stage in her operation.
Neeka: mutters as a rapping on the door interrupts her undressing. "The hell do you want, damn it? Where's security, I said no damned fans when I finish fucking the shit out of bears!" Neeka mutters, hastily removing her uniform and wrapping herself up w
Neeka: -x- with a fancy silk robe. She emerges from the dressing room, looking quite pissed off. "The hell do you want, midget? I don't sign faces and I don't take dates from the crowd." She rolls her neck, emitting several loud crackling noises, before
Neeka: -x- looking down upon Aphra once more.
Aphra: quirks a brow. "You aren't my type." She states coolly, moving past Neeka and into the stars dressing room. She smiles slightly, "Miss Neeka, I am not here for personal reasons, I am here to make a business proposition. You have strength, and I am
Aphra: * (c) going to have need of strength. How does one hundred thousand credits a month, plus expenses, and full medical and dental overage strike you?" She looks around the room as though she owns the place, clearly unimpressed. The womans manner had
Aphra: * (c) surprised her a little- she had hoped that most of it was for the stage, but no matter. She'd dealt with far worse people in the past. "Of course, there is also the fact that you'll be helping to usher in a new age of peace and prosperity fo
Aphra: * (c) for the human race, but people tend to latch on to the money, I find."
Neeka: glares at the stranger, "The fuck do you think you are!?" Her muscles ripple as she becomes angrier and angrier upon this invasion, "If you want business propositions, talk to my agent!" She brushes her silver bangs from her face, revealing a stee
Neeka: -x- steely gaze from a soft, yet cold, face. Her pale complexion is flushed, embarrassed that someone had tread upon her private area, and her brow is furrowed, angry that they had done so uninvited. She storms towards Aphra and grabs for her arm,
Neeka: -x- intent on dragging her out of the dressing room. "And if you ever impose upon me as such again, it won't be the bear that I'll have just fucked, if you catch m'drift." Her eyes narrow, darting straight into Aphra's baby blues.
Aphra: * doesn't seem terribly impressed, stepping back neatly as Neeka makes a grab for her arm, she shrugs. "Very well. I won't make this offer again, and I certainly won't be making it through any -agent-. Matters of such import require that one trust
Aphra: * (c) trusts who one is talking to, yes?" She matches that gaze intently, and then smiles, "However, I can clearly see that you aren't interested in what I am telling you, therefore, I shall leave you." A glimmer of a smile appears on her features
Aphra: * (c), "Enjoy your bear-fucking, Miss Neeka. I shall see myself out." And with that, she turns to leave. She had no intention of trying to win over someone who didn't respond in the slightest to her offer.
Neeka: peers at her, waiting for her to turn around and retract her retraction. 'One, two, three steps. What the hell, she is still going?' Neeka's head roars, "WAIT DAMN IT!" Neeka chases after Aphra, grasping for her shoulder, "I-I'm sorry, that was
Neeka: -x- terribly rude of me..." She looks at the ground, "It's just I get really stressed after a match. Get afraid I am rusty, or that people have moved on some, scares the crap out of me until I hear the cheerin' again, and even still I am still
Neeka: -x- kinda shaken..." Neeka turns and sits in her comfy chair, then gestures at another nearby her, "Let's talk. What is it, exactly, that you need me for? Political? I'm afraid my reputation doesn't stretch far outside of the wrestling community.
Neeka: -x- And if you need a strong arm, I'm sure your two boys out there would be fine. So what's that leave you to be needing me, for such a large sum of money no less?"
Aphra: pauses. That was more like it. She smiles, turning, "Apology accepted. Don't worry about it. The fact is, Miss Neeka, that whilst ordinary hired muscle are all very well and good for intimidation purposes, against the kind of enemy I am likely to 
Aphra: * (c), they are about as much protection as a sheet of paper against a hail of bullets. But I suppose I should explain my purpose, first. Simply put, I believe that it is time that humans once again ruled the earth. The recent outbreak of zombies 
Aphra: * (c) within the city- I am sure you have heard of it- has brought this into sharp focus. I have uncovered evidence that the reason the zombie uprising has happened is because of a genetic instability in some mutants which allows them to transmit 
Aphra: * (c) their infection. Of course, the authorities refuse to accept this, but I believe that we must remove the mutants from society if we are going to protect ourselves from further outbreaks. I trust you can see where I am coming from?" Her voice
Aphra: * (c) is quite calm, quite composed. Her entire demeanor radiating command, as such, the question is less of a question, and more of a statement, as though only a fool would disagree.
Neeka: shifts uncomfortably in her chair, looking down at her feet and blushing furiously, "I err... Uhhh... Yeah, of course." Her voice is quiet, with a tinge of fear in it. "A-anything for the good of the people is a good thing, Miss uhh..."
Neeka: looks up at Aphra once more, her desperate eyes searching for an answer, "You never introduced yourself..." She looks back down at the ground, thumbing through memories of when she, herself, was blatantly different, mutated, hated. She
Neeka: -x- was fairly certain that Aphra was sincere in her business proposition, this didn't seem like any sort of black mail, she didn't seem to be easing into the fact that she knew of Neeka's shrouded past, but it was a possibility. Her world
Neeka: -x- would end as she knew it, if anyone figured out the secret source of her power, of her might. She would surely be outcast from the wrestling league, and all of her fans, all of the little children that look up to her, adore her, and
Neeka: -x- buy her merchandise would abbhor her, spit on her, hold her in contempt and disdain, like they did when she was young, when she couldn't hide it, when no one looked upon her as an equal, or up to her as a role model.
Aphra: smiles warmly, "Ah, how terribly rude of me. I am Aphra Adams, of Starlight Industries, we have been monitoring the situation, and we are searching for a cure for the mutants, and their victims. But, we project that a cure may be years away, and t
Aphra: * (c) thus I have taken it upon myself to take more drastic action." She hesitates for a moment, then, and adds. "No doubt you are wondering where you fit in to all this. That is quite simple, I am going to need people to assist me when I am elect
Aphra: * (c) elected head of the city,  I am going to need people to help eject the mutants, and I am going to need people to help train humans in unlocking their potential. Judging by the fact you spit fire, I am guessing that you are aware of ki energy
Aphra: * (c), in exchange for the credits I offered, I will employ you to help teach the general populace how to fight, and to help protect the general populace from the menace that faces them. I hope this is acceptable?"
Neeka: peers uncertainly at Aphra, "Well... There's the thing of it, Mizz Adams, I dun teach nobody my tricks. Aint good for business, savvy?" She shrugs, "If you need, I'll be your hero, baby, but I aint no personal trainer. I don't waste my time in;gem
Neeka: -x- giving away my hard earned secrets." She shrugs, "Sorry. But that's the best I can offer yeh."
Aphra: ponders this for a long moment, "Very well. I'll offer you fifty thousand credits a month, expenses, and the medical and dental insurance for your assistance when the time comes to eject the mutants from the city, however, if you want the other fi
Aphra: * (c) fifty thousand, I'll need you as a teacher. I won't be asking you to teach your secret techniques, only the basics, simply how to control energy, fly, defend yourself, and basic martial arts. Simple things that the average human is unaware o
Aphra: * (c) of, and has remained unaware of for far too long. Is this any more acceptable to you, or is the answer still no?" She smiles for a moment, and adds, "Of course, if you were willing to teach me and only me how to breathe fire, I may be willin
Aphra: * (c) willing to offer a rather more substantial sum of money... how much would it take to ensure that the phrase "bad for business" is not something that you need to worry about, ever again?"
Neeka: blushes, "I err... I can't teach you how to breathe fire. I uhh..." She stammers for a moment, "I don't know exactly how I do it myself, I just do it." She looks at the ground, ashamed, "And... If you tell a single soul that, I'll be sure to;gemot
Neeka: -x- roast you alive like a quail, y'hear?!" She looks back up at Aphra, trying her best to make an intimidating face, though it is much easier with a hideous mask on. "B-but I could teach you the basics of flyin' about and whatnot, if y'like.
Neeka: -x- I figure I can learn you that plenty fast..."
Aphra: looks entirely unimpressed by the threat to roast her alive. "Ah, no, thank you Miss Neeka. I've studied such techniques myself long ago, however, if you think you could teach those tricks to a vast audience of, say, one hundred people at a time, 
Aphra: * (c) the other fifty thousand is yours." She reaches into her pocket, and pulls out two contracts, one for "assistance during the removal of undesirable elements." and one for teaching the aforementioned classes. She also leaves her card, "Now, i
Aphra: * (c) if you'll excuse me, I really must be getting off, lots to do, you know how it is. However, you'll find my personal cellphone number, and address on the card, if you could contact me and let me know when you have made your decision, we can s
Aphra: * (c) set up the account for the money, and of course I'll be more than happy to address any concerns you may have."
Neeka: peers at Aphra as she makes her way to the door, "I thought you said I wasn't your type." She snickers quietly, thumbing through the contracts and peering at the card, "Suckers born every minute, but hey, I am in the easy livin' now."
Neeka: -x- thinks to herself, 'Though I am going to miss the sexy costume...'
Aphra: smirks, and shakes her head. "You are." She states simply, "I prefer partners without the ability to roast me in my sleep. No offense." And with that she turns and leaves, her car was waiting outside, and it'd be a simple matter to hop in, and hav
Aphra: * (c) have Jeeves drive her back home. She needed to wash the stink of uncouth out of her clothing.
Shim: - The moonlit warrior's body shimmered, glistening with a light coat of sweat. His daily workouts complete, he stood there a moment, basking in the cool night air. His shirt lay crumbled on the ground, caked with dirt, next to his boots, dented an
Shim: (C)  and cut. He hadn't returned to the quarantined area since meeting that strange woman, Seras, and was almost positive nothing had changed. No one could fix it. So this is what his life had become - wandering, training, and drinking.
Fenin: had a raging thirst for power, an insatiable hunger like when he has first been reawakened. His hatred had been renewed, his target realigned. Wu'sha. Seething out for his foes energy once more, he becomes one with the world, feeling
Fenin: -x- every breathe of every warrior, every footstep of every civilian, and every current of air carrying every show off punk just figuring out levitation, and yet there was a void in his heart, a hole in his soul. Wu'sha had been hiding
Fenin: -x- for so long, even before Fenin's death, and undeath. He had finally been shown a glorious escape from this world, finally granted passage to the next world, and as he crossed the threshold, his chains pulled tight. His binds clamped strong
Fenin: -x- and he was pulled back from the echoing eternity, to a time that is now, a place that is here, and everything he has ever hated. It seemed the Gods were toying with Ro, taking away everything he ever loved, forcing him to trudge on through the
Fenin: -x- cold world, lost and alone, and then when he needed it most, granting him rest eternal, only to take it away in the most savage manner. Fenin stood not mortal man, yet something else. And abomination. A stain on this already dirtied world.
Fenin: feels no emotion other than hate. No thoughts occupy his head other than vengeance upon every living soul, starting with Wu'sha. The man that saved his life, the man that stopped him from dying when he could die complete, all those many months ago
Fenin: -x- Blood is his sustenance, and Wu'shas will quench his barren tongue first.
Aphra: * sighs deeply, slamming her car door behind her. "For the last time, Jeeves, I -know- that the tire is burst, I heard it happen!" She sighs, shaking her head, when did it become so hard to find decent staff? She is stuck in the middle of the dese
Aphra: * desert, her car broken down, and Jeeves was absolutely no use whatsoever. The fool kept blabbering on about the 'dangerous monsters' that lurk in the desert at night. Bah. The most dangerous thing out here was -her-. "That's it, Jeeves. 
Aphra: * Call to the mansion, get them to bring out a recovery vehicle, and if it makes you feel better, have them bring the security staff as well." She takes a deep breath, it had been a while since she'd gone out for a little light training, and the c
Aphra: * cool night air seemed quite inviting. With a thought she releases some of her power, and reels back almost instantly. Maybe a mere hundred miles away a power burnt bright, seeming like a beacon in the night. She gathers her own energy, a paltry 
Aphra: * sum compared to that towards which she was heading, and with a light grunt of exertion, she carves a bright white lancing trail towards Shim.
Shim: - Silence fell upon the ruin around him. Trees lay toppled, craters scarred the earth. He was ready. Ready for anything. But... When would it come, if ever? He knew he had to keep his body sharp, keep his mind honed for the time that the world wou
Shim: (C) would need him again. But was he waiting for nothing? He almost wished Kalen was still around. But it couldn't be so - Shim had watched him turn to nothing beneath the Heart of the Phoenix. Another bittersweet victory. Shim's sharp senses dete
Shim: (C) detected a rather unnoteworthy power moving his way, and in response he began to collect his swordbelt and fasten it around his waist.
Fenin: feels him at last, that sweet sorrow in the air. The sickening stench of Shim Wu'sha, the halfblooded fool who had saved him from himself to live a longer life of torment, the only man that had ever challenged Fenin with a blade,
Fenin: -x- the only might that Fenin had ever feared, only if for but a moment. "You're dead, my enemy." Fenin closes his eyes while drawing his hefty blade, Hikaru, "And I will be fulfilled." Fenin disappears for a moment, stretching out
Fenin: -x- to grasp him through endless time and space. And in an instant he's there, right infront of his foolish former friend. No time for shock or surprise, Fenin was upon him, thrusting his blade at Shim's leg, in an extraordinary
Fenin: -x- attack that will probably be dodged in some Nina-esque fashion.
Aphra: * senses a mild blip, but, the power, or at least a power, still burns brightly in front of her, and so she continues. Curiosity was driving her more than anything else at this point, that, and a serious need to let off some steam. She'd not had t
Aphra: * (c) the excuse to just go and randomly investigate huge powers for a long time. Moreover, it was more likely than not that this person, whoever it may be, is -not- a human, and therefore what did she care if she took him or her on and got a litt
Aphra: * (c) little... overzealous? They were outside the bounds of the city, and she was eager to test her strength for the first time in a very long time indeed. With her power surging about her in an aura of white flames, she lands in the clearing, an
Aphra: * (c) and immediately staggers back, shocked at the sight she sees, "What... what the hell -are- you?" She asks, her composure cracking for once- this monster looked like something from the very bowels of hell itself!
Fenin: roars loudly as he realizes his prey had evaded him completely, "I will spill your blood soon enough, Wu'sha!" Fenin pants heavily, not because of his need of oxygen, more of an expression of his rage, habit from the days of living. Then all 
Fenin: -x- at once it hits him, there was another nearby, someone else for him to feed upon, another body to pound and bleed. For now it didn't matter who Fenin killed, all that was on his mind was shedding blood. He turns his pale face to face Aphra,
Fenin: -x- revealing a once handsome face, tainted by deaths guise. His eyes, once full of a passionate fire, stare out at the world all white, save for veins of blood, black and lifeless. His lips blend in with the rest of his face, the color drained
Fenin: -x- away. He resembles an old china doll, lacking paint or care over the ages. "Who are you? No matter, you're mine." With a brilliant flash Fenin makes his way towards Aphra, each lazy step faster than the previous, and as he approaches her.
Fenin: -x- he hefts his cumbersome blade, Hikaru, to the air, gouging at his new foes chest in a half hearted, yet still brilliantly dazzling, attack.
Aphra: * lets out a curse as she realizes just how much trouble she is in. The white flames around her surge as she brings her full might to bear, and yet, even with all that, she is unable to completely evade the blow as it stabs in for her gut, she see
Aphra: * sees where it is going, and she does her very best to evade, but the cruel blade draws a slice down her side as she dives out the way. Gritting her teeth, the womans aura seems to withdraw, coating her in a protective layer of energy... that sho
Aphra: * should, hopefully, prevent her from being gutted like a fish from a lucky blow, but she still didn't like these odds. She needed an advantage, and he had a weapon. "I don't want to fight you." She states coolly, trying to remain calm, one hand o
Aphra: * opens, and in her palm forms a razor-edged disk of energy... it wasn't much, but if she could bring it to bear at the right moment, maybe she could disarm him...
Fenin: sneers at her pleads for life, "I hate your kind. Picking trouble, sticking your nose into my business, and expecting to stay my blade with pathetic tricks and stern orders. You'll die like a pig to the slaughter, and I will feast upon you, not
Fenin: -x- for sustenance, just for the pure fun of it." Fenin raises his blade high above his head then lets his arm fall, collecting momentum as his blade descends towards his victim. He peers at her energy disk curiously, calmly cupping his off hand
Fenin: -x- and pointing his palm towards her, slowly gathering Ki into his hand, preparing to intercept an attack of hers with one of his own, a brilliant Kamehameha wave.
Aphra: * sneers at his speech, "And I despise your kind, considering yourself above the mere humans you terrorize, you sicken me." She states, falling back quickly, she nimbly backflips away from the sword blow, only to find herself staring down a huge b
Aphra: * (c) blast of power, with a curse she slings her disk below the attack, clumsily, aiming to take off a leg, whilst at the same time raising her hands to block the surge of energy directed at her, the relentless assault of her opponent was almost 
Aphra: * (c) too much for her, she needed to take the offensive to him, and so as the power rages around her, she starts to slowly walk towards him, her barrier and hands taking much of the punishment... unless her disk got the lucky blow in, she was goi
Aphra: * (c) going to need to outstrip him in the one area she had always excelled in- hand to hand combat.
Fenin: snickers as the disk flies towards him, "Not good enough." Fenin rears back and unleashes a hellish kick upon the attack, sending it flying away in several pieces, while showering the battle field in his black, cold blood. "Wha-what?!"
Fenin: looks down at his wounded leg, horrified that such a feeble attack would actually wounded him. "You WORM! I will END YOU!" Fenin looks up at Aphra, his eyes filled with a rekindled fiery hatred, "I will crush you like an INSECT! Not a hair
Fenin: -x- of you will be left on this planet!" Fenin tosses aside his blade and closes his eyes as his powerlevel boasters to an unbelievable height. A golden flash sears the ground as the world shakes beneath his awesome power. Hell unleashes as
Fenin: -x- the fallen hero echoes into his first transformation, his golden hair wafting, his lifeless eyes replaced with emerald gems, still polished with hatred. He sprints towards Aphra at such an amazing speed that by the time his foot reaches
Fenin: -x- out to her stomach in a fell kick, his image still appears back at where he had been standing when he transformed. 
Korvyn: nearly leaps back when the bell lights up with purple energy but fights the impulse, sensing the attacks power well below what would harm him currently. He holds his position as the energy cuts across the dirt and stone square before forming a cir
Korvyn: (C) circle around him and erupting. After the dirt and debris clears the saiyan man can be seen standing at the same spot, smoke slowly trailing up into the air from a burnt circle around him. "Flashy, but you won't do anything to me at that stren
Korvyn: (C) strength." With this said the large saiyan raises the war hammer above his head, dark red ki swirling around his hands. Then he swings the hammer forward releasing the ki as a wave of raw force. It ripples across the market square clipping a f
Korvyn: (C) few mutants too slow to get out of its way on its path to Thea.
Aphra: stumbles back, her eyes going a little wide at the sudden transformation, she grits her teeth, reinforcing her barrier, and falls into a strong defensive position. "Come on you monster, we... we'll see who ends who!" She declares, "I'll never surr
Aphra: * (c) surrender to a hideous creature like you! Give me you--" She is cut off, before she has even realized that the beast is moving, he has planted his foot in her stomach. There is a crunch, and she seems to buckle, blood spraying from her lips.
Aphra: * (c) Her barrier had barely touched the kick as it smashed towards her. She'd -never- been so outdone before. With a sudden cry, she forces her battered body on, her elbow strikes out, first aiming for the leg which had impacted her stomach, and 
Aphra: * (c) then, twisting gracefully, she aims to plant a second blow in the chest of the monster, before circling around behind him. She was severely injured, but she'd be damned if she would give in. That would go against everything she stood for.
Fenin: snickers as his blow causes the human to fall over so easily. "You're pathetic. You shouldn't have meddled, but now you'll be my next mea-" Fenin is cut off as she performs a combination attack upon him. He is baffled at her will to fight, so
Fenin: -x- much so that he is stunned long enough for her to finish the attack, however her feelings of high self worth wouldn't last long. "You FOOL!" Fenin's voice echoes throughout the canyon. "You will pay for your foolish impotence!" He attempts
Fenin: -x- to tear out of Aphra's hold with brute strength, hoping that his mere power would be enough to out do her fragile body. Every bit of his strength goes into resisting her, intent on tearing past her clutches and whirling around, to deliver dead
Fenin: -x- deadly punches to the gut and face of his foe.
Aphra: falls back quickly, his style was easy to see coming, just rage and anger poured out, but with her wounds, she couldn't keep up, not for long. The first four blows are dodged, the fifth is knocked to the side, but the sixth slams into her face, an
Aphra: * (c) and the seventh to her gut, and then she can do no more. The blows rain down on her body, and, though she tries to find an opening, or to get away, the sheer power and fury of her opponent drives her to her knees, her face and upper body bea
Aphra: * (c) beaten and battered. Her breathing comes in harsh, ragged gasps through split and bloodied lips, she knew her life was draining away, and she would probably die here. For no more reason than that she had come to the wrong place at the wrong 
Aphra: * (c) time. All her plans would be for nothing, all her dark machinations would fall short of their goal, and nothing she had worked so hard to accomplish would come to pass. "NO!" She cries, forcing herself up, on one knee, "I... will not... die.
Aphra: * (c)... here..." She cries, her voice strained, cracking with exertion and pain.
Thea: left eyebrow raises as she watches the energy attack spit through the air hitting several mutants  sending the spiraling through the air. "Hah Thats nothing !" her eye's flicker from brown to green back to brown then green once again. 
Thea: (C) her aura flares up a bright golden color as golden brown highlights crawl across her black hair, the orbs of red ki smash lands around her a few smashing right on target kicking smock and dust into the air. silance falls over the small 
Thea: (c) dirty looking marketplace, once the dust settled Thea could be seen standing their her Aura glowing bright as blood trickled down her face and out stretched arm with the bell. "Heh I was a little slow on my transformation eh?" 
Thea: (c) With that she slides her purple bell back onto her blet it locks back in place, with that she grabs hold of another bell this one black with a crescent moon on it. "How about this one Eclipse, a bell of binding those who spirit is weak." 
Thea: (c) she lets out a slight sniker as the bell jingle this one tone seemed other worldly as it rang out into the air. The area around her seem to fall dark as like night time, a few of the people around the marketplace tries to jump up from their sp
Thea: (C) spot and make a run for it to know avail. The darkness had grabed hold of them draging them down near her. Their ears could hear the Echo of her voice calling out to each and every one of them {{Come to me my childern }} 
Thea: (c) a few of the mutants start to flop around like fish out of water until their bodys mutat into what one would think was their final forms. The only thing odd about these forms are the fact that each one looked the same like large demon like hou
Thea: (c) with gray spikes coming out of their backs. The hounds  jump around smashing the ground around their feet then circles Thea for a moment. Thea leans over and pets a few of them "good boys, are you ready ?" 
Thea: (c) The hounds turn back toward the saiyan and dart off toward him a few of them rolling into a ball spitting out spikes from their back while a few others release a blast of ki energy like cannon from their mouths. 
Fenin: snickers quietly, "First you were begging not to fight, and now you're begging not to die. You're pathetic, just like the rest of your pathetic race. You know nothing of power, and I know nothing of mercy." Fenin reaches down for Aphra's
Fenin: -x- throat, picking her up off the ground and holding her to be eye level with himself. "And now, young girl, you die." He stares into her cold blue eyes and he points his palm at her, charging a horrible black sphere of energy. He cackles
Fenin: -x- loudly as the boarder of the sphere grows closers and closer to her face, the searing hit smouldering his arm and her face. "Say farewell, human. But before I send you forth into oblivion, tell me: What's your name? I do so enjoy;gemote -x- kn
Fenin: -x- knowing what to call my meals before I devour them whole."
Aphra: snarls, and spits in his face, a mixture of phlegm and blood. "I beg for no-one! I beg for nothing." She growls, "Kill me if you will, I will not beg for my life, nor did I beg not to fight, I simply stated I saw no reason to." She tenses as the e
Aphra: * (c) energy sphere grows closer to her face, and throws her head back in wild laughter. "Why should I tell you anything, monster? I owe you nothing. Kill me, if you can." As she has been speaking her fists have clenched, if the killing blow does 
Aphra: * (c) not come quickly, a surge of white energy would unleash itself from her palms... a final move, a desperate one, she was too weak now to continue to fight, but she would not let her death come easily if she could prevent it.
Fenin: tilts his head to the side as the glob of spit 
Thea: yawns
Buu: hmm
Fenin: tilts his head to the side as the glob of spit approaches him. He opens his mouth, catching it with a smirk. "How rude of you. I think I won't grant you a swift death, now." The sphere of energy dissipates and he pulls his hand back,
Fenin: -x- clenching it in a tight fist. "Bleed more for me. Feel the horror of my frenzied fists." Blood spatters upon the fallen hero as his fist collides with Aphra. "Cry for me, human. Beg for my mercy in a fast, painless death!" He
Fenin: -x- pulls back for another blow, but that strike never lands. To his surprise, Aphra unleashes a powerful beam of light, striking him full on in the chest. He flies back, releasing her upon impact. He lays stunned, smouldering,
Fenin: -x- beguiled. "Hu-how could such a pathetic creature strike me down to the ground..?" A tinge of true rage echoes in his voice, not merely this facade of acting he had been putting up for the sake of his image, the twisted,
Fenin: -x- tormented, relentless dead. He slowly gets up, an air of calm washing over him. "Well, then, I suppose the games are..." His aura flares again, liquefying the sand below him to shifting glass. In a brilliant flash he emerged
Fenin: -x- in his third transformation, his long, golden locks whisking across his face and down his back. His emerald eyes darting around, seething the landscape, swallowing every bit of information the world had to offer. "over."
Fenin: -x- he finishes the statement smoothly, powering up so fast it was as though there was no pause in his statement. Faster yet he leaps upon Aphra, unleashing a hail of deadly strikes upon her.
Buu: test
Buu: test
Buu: test
Aphra: * growls deeply, forcing herself to her feet, swaying gently, she spits out a tooth. "I. Do. Not. Beg." She snarls, gathering her energy about her, she was bleeding from a dozen wounds, her bones broken, and her foe was more implacable than she ha
Aphra: * (c) had ever thought necessary, just thinking about how strong he was terrified her to the core, but she would not beg for mercy, she would not seek to appease the monster. Instead, as his transformation finishes, she flings a weak burst of stre
Aphra: * (c) strength at the feet of the creature, not aiming to hurt him, but to send up a spray of dirt into his eyes, banking on the distraction, she shoots once more into the sky, her power dwindling as she flees, hoping, praying, that she could get 
Aphra: * (c) far enough away quickly enough that the monster could not follow her... but expecting to be struck down at any moment.
Buu: hmmm?
Fenin: stumbles back as the dirt is flung into his eyes, "Fool!" He stumbles backwards, clawing the debris from his face.
Korvyn: watches his opponnent transform and then release some sort of energy that takes hold of the weak mutants scattered around the square. As their bodies twist and transform the saiyan also changes, revealing his full power as a golden aura flares int
Korvyn: (C) into being around him. Quickly the saiyan gathers power, waves of ki rolling off him as he trades efficency for speed. Finally his change is complete, his hair growing golden and spiked and his aura stabalizing. Just in time too, as the first 
Korvyn: (C) of the energy blasts reach him. He swings at one with the hammer, diverting its path into the square where it explodes. The other blast slams into his shoulder but doesn't seem to bother him. Korvyn moves with the force of the explosion, letti
Korvyn: (C) letting it spin him around just in time to slam the hammers head into the path of a spike barrage and the mutant who shot it. The force of the below drives the mutant into the ground. The large saiyan hefts the hammer back up as the others con
Korvyn: (C) converge on him, trying to defend himself.
Fenin: stumbles back as the dirt is flung into his eyes, "Fool!" He stumbles backwards, clawing the debris from his face. As he finally removes the dirt from his eyes, he tears through the scenery, his eyes ripping from side to side, searching for
Fenin: -x- his fleeing foe. "Ah. So you think you can just fly away, do you, fool?" Fenin reaches out for his forehead, disappearing and appearing above her an instantly later, his hands cupped high over his head. "FALL!" He shouts as his
Fenin: -x- dead hands descend upon Aphra, striking her down with colossal force.
Buu: test
Buu: test
Aphra: * actually thinks she might have gotten away, until those hands slam into her head. She goes spiralling down, colliding with the ground below with terrific force which throws up a huge cloud of dust. In the middle of a large crater, lies Aphra. 
Aphra: * No longer moving, she had finally been struck down by the mighty warrior, though just unconscious and not actually dead, her power dwindles away to almost nothing, unable to spare the power to protect her own body or maintain the shield about 
Aphra: *her.
Buu: test
Fenin: descends towards the ground, inspecting his fallen foe. He bends down and grabs her by the collar, pulling her face close to his. He tilts his head to the side, scopeing her out from every angle. "You're not even worth the time to kill."
Fenin: tosses Aphra to the ground, bloodied and beaten, to fend for herself when she regains consciousness, "I didn't come here to kill whelps. I came here to kill Wu'sha." Fenin turns his back to the fallen woman, walking to no destination
Fenin: -x- in particular. Moving for the sake of moving, rather than to actually get anywhere. Shim was gone, he could be anywhere, everywhere, and no where all at once, for all Fenin knew, and that meant there was no reason to be -HERE-.
Buu: test
Shim: Shim's eyes snapped open. He felt something, from where Fenin had attempted to attack him again. His escape had been instinctful, automatic, but he hadn't really cared much to go back and face more drama with the psycho. But now, he was worried. He 
Shim: (C)  had been monitoring the power of his nemesis, and the weaker energy that he had detected before now faded out completely. Fenin had killed someone... Someone. A mile away, he could make the trip in a minute, tops. The world around him crumbled 
Shim: (C) as he unleashed the full extent of his might. Crimson flames burst all around him, snaking around his chiseled body; his eyes turned icy blue, sharp and focused. In another split second, he was blasting his way through the forest, leaving ruin i
Shim: (C) in his wake.
Thea: watches her Demonic hounds pull themselves back togatherm, they circle again around Thea as if they were protecting her. "well,well your just really good at taking a hit arent you ?" She slides the bell back into place on her blet.
Thea: (c) she then grabs hold of clear bell with a silver ball in it. "how about this one friend." she holds it' out and rings it lightly  the sound reaches out toward the saiyan a soft tone before turning into a sharp one. Theas hand holding the bell
Thea: (c) lights up bright with a flash of energy then turns into a dim glow, she leans forward then instantly darks from her postion toward the large saiyan. her hand holding the bell now looks like its has a glass gauntiet over it. 
Thea: (c) the hounds follow behind her closely fireing off more shots toward the saiyan male, Thea throws a punch into the air but doesn't aim for the saiyan instead she aims around the saiyan. a silver aura could be seen following behind her 
Thea: (c)cutting through the air slashing nearby tables and items right in half around her and the saiyan male. 
Aphra: grunts as she hits the floor, starting to come round. Her power had escaped her, and she was in more pain than she thought she could endure, but she was alive, and she had the technology at her mansion to survive this. Shakily, her hand reaches for 
Aphra: Aphra * (c) her cellphone, which had miraculously survived the battle. She flips it open, and presses two buttons. "Mansion... this... is Aphra. Lock in on my co-ordinates, send full response team, get me home and have the... have the medbay prepare
Aphra: Aphra * (c) prepared." With a groan the cellphone clatters to the ground next to her. She was hovering indeterminably between unconsciousness and consciousness, but she was sure she would survive... the monster had assumed she was dead. Next time...
Aphra: Aphra * (c) ... next time she would be prepared. She needed a weapon, and she needed to train. But most of all, she needed -revenge-
Fenin: stumbles backwards as once again that sickly familiarity washes over him again. Wu'shas presence had always had a sickening affect upon Fenin, ever since their reunion from what seemed like so long ago. His eyes dart around, looking for
Fenin: -x- a trace of the lone swordsman. He spots him, moving hastily towards the very ground Fenin treads upon. "So the prey follows the predator to his very own den. Interesting." Fenin speaks coolly to himself as he scrambles to gather
Fenin: -x- Hikaru, which he had clumsily tosses aside in his battle with Aphra. "I WILL END YOU ONCE AND FOR ALL, WU'SHA!" His battle cry causes tree trunks to buckle, and the glass, once sand though melted by Fenin's earlier transformations, crack
Fenin: -x- and shatter. He rears back with his blade, standing in a defensive stance, ready for Wu'sha's arrival, anticipating a preemptive strike from the wily halfbreed.
Shim: - His eyes pass over the downed woman; it was the woman from last week. Aphra, had she said? Well, she was still breathing, but fairly well beaten up. So he had been just in time. Perpetua rang as it was pulled from its sheath, its crimson surface b
Shim: (C) begging to become intimate friends with Fenin's face. "Well do it then." Shim replied, almost sounding bored. The tip of Perpetua rested in the dirt, in what was some strange evasive stance, as Shim readied himself for a long day.
Korvyn: changes his hold on the hammer once more, one hand on the grip and the other on the back of the hammer's head. The hammer held thus he charges energy into it, the head glowing red before releasing a blast of raw eneregy that consumes the shots f
Korvyn: (C) from the hounds. Thea emerges from the dust of the explosion, slamming her gauntleted fist into the hammers head  with a sharp crack that sounds throughtout the square even over the cries and screams of the wounded mutants. Korvyn realized h
Korvyn: (C) he had misjudged her intention when the trailing line of silver energy slams into him. The impact throws him back and knocks the hammer from his hand. The large saiyan mans aura fights against Thea's attack as he flies through the air but is
Korvyn: (C) unable to stop it. Only the angle of Thea's attack saves him as the line cuts into him, tracing as a scarlet line across his leg before puncturing his left arm. The attack continues past him, slicing through the buildings around the market s
Korvyn: (C) square. Korvyn weakly rises to his feet after, one hand held over the hole in his bleeding arm. "Damnit..I didn't come here for this." he says, trying to buy time as he desperately trying to think of a way to win this fight.
Aphra: hesitates for a moment, unsure whether this was some strange dream or reality. For the moment, she makes no movement whatsoever, not daring to bring the attention of either warrior to herself. If she could wait until they were distracted, she'd make
Aphra: Aphra * (c) her getaway. Her people could find her anywhere on the globe, and then she could heal in comfort, what she didn't wanted was to get blown away by a lucky energy blast. That would be a humiliating way to meet her end.
Fenin: snickers at Shim as he readies himself for the battle. He stands lazily, still imagining Fenin as the weak fighter he had been months before. "You can kill me, Shim. I am immortal." With that Fenin was upon Shim. He assumes a
Fenin: -x- sort of fencing stance, standing with his side pointed at Shim, holding his off hand away from his opponent, concealing it. "Die." Fenin lunges at the arrogant halfbreed, a dazzling blow, though with all of Fenin's speed and
Fenin: -x- power, he anticipated the halfbreed to deflect it, or evade it. Fenin purposefully had started too far for it to be an effective attack, though as he closes in upon his opponent he focuses all of his energy into his off hand.
Fenin: grins with the clanging of blades. Shim had deflected his blade with ease, just as Fenin had intended. "You're too predictable!" Fenin shouts as he steps in with his hind foot, throwing his hips to increase the speed and power with
Fenin: -x- which he thrusts his offhand at Shim, unleashing a torrential hail of energy at his opponent's face.
Shim: - "You celebrate too quickly." Shim replied, closing his eyes tight so as to avoid being blinded. His heels dug into the ground as he struggled to hold his ground, pushing himself forward. He ate the blast, and had no trouble doing it. Then, he felt
Shim: (C) the forward momentum as the blast ceased - he felt it, and used it to his advantage, lurching forward and delivering a devastating elbow to his opponent's face.
Thea: gulps hard in pain as her fist smacks dead center into the head of the war hammer, her body shifts backwards from the impact sending the left side of her body into the ground hard casing cracks to form in th earth beneath her. 
Thea: (c) her teeth grit as she rolls over in pain (darn it he is strong, i didn't expect him to hit me head on like that) She slowly gets back to her feet, her right arm witch was covered with the gauntel  humg limp as if it was knocket out of her socket
Thea: (C) with a deep breath she smacks her right shoulder kicking it back into the place while releasing a banshee like scream of pain out. her right arm slowly lift up her fingers flexing a bit working its way through the pain. 
Thea: (c) "I see i was wrong to be playing with you eh?" Again her aura flairs up bright golden her braided hair loosens up and falls down her back to her ankls. black and purple lightning strikes around her body, her gaze staring coldly at the 
Thea: (c) large saiyan. "Now i'm going to  rip you in half" 
Fenin: stumbles backwards as Shim's elbow collides with his face. He stands, stunned, for just but a moment before regaining his composure. He smirks at Shim, tilting his head to the side, "What - were you expecting me to bleed? I don't do that anymore, Ph
Fenin: -x- Phoenix Knight." He grins wide, showing his pearly white teeth and ghostly silver gums, his left side trickling with black, lifeless blood. "I will show you the folds of swirling eternity I have so long lusted for. Thank me, Shim, I am granting 
Fenin: -x- you a charity beyond your comprehension. This is something I wish you had given me so many times before." Fenin lunges at Shim again, his blade leaping from the ground, resting, to at Shim's throat, thirsting, lightning quick, with deadly precis
Fenin: -x- deadly precision.
Essex: | A blazing flash of amber and crimson light up the trees around the warriors, the foliage beginning to kindle before erupting into a massive forest fire. A small beacon of light appears in the heavens before 
Essex: (*) falling towards the earth in the form of a beam. The beam strikes the earth around the forest fire, the flames being sucked into a small void where the pin-prick of light strikes. The fire and heat swirl together
Essex: (*) and in a flash of light, form themselves into a figure. The figure tilts his head back and takes off his sunglasses, staring at Shim before drawing forth a replica Perpetua-X. "Long time no see, Brother."
Essex: (*) He says to Shim before popping his neck. "Need a hand?"
Korvyn: swears loudly as Thea transforms further, achieving a level of power he could only dream of. He has to fight to just not get knocked aside by the waves of power rolling off her. After she finishes the transformation he responds "Sure, you've got
Korvyn: (C) the power and the blood going strong. But i've fought in dozens of wars and countless battles, don't think i'm scared of a little light show girl!" With this said he holds his right arm out, a small burning sphere forming. Gritting his teeth
Korvyn: (C) he takes the weak sphere and slams it into his injured left arm to cauterize the wound. The bleeding stopped he drops into a fighting stance, drawing energy into himself as he does. A whirlwind of dark red ki erupts, mixing with the golden f
Korvyn: (C) flare of his aura. "I'm done holding back, so you'd best get prepared." he loudly declares, turning his right arm to face Thea. Energy runs down his arm, gathering infront of his palm as he charges an attack.
Aphra: drags herself to her feet, she wasn't going to die here, damnit, she just couldn't stand the thought of her end being so... meaningless. She forces some energy into her form, and, as a small, familiar power pops up in her minds eye, she throws herse
Aphra: Aphra * (c) herself towards it with the last of her strength. Her minion, Ivarros, grabs her from the sky, looking quite surprised at the state she is in. "Home." She growls, "Now, god damn you. Prove you are good for something, and I might see fit 
Aphra: Aphra * (c) to reward you." And, with the closest thing to a positive comment the Icer had ever received, the pair speed off to the mansion, where she can finally heal up.
Shim: - Those blue eyes didn't spare Essex a glance as Shim deflected Fenin's lunge with relative ease, dragging the blade of Perpetua back across his chest in the same motion, flinging blood across the ruined forest floor. (Essex...) He wanted him to lea
Shim: (C) leave. Not because he hated him, no... He didn't want him to die. "Essex. Go." Shim honed on his foe, raising his hands to the sky. He tapped into the furthest depths of his fury, drawing from it a unique brand of power, an amount of focus that 
Shim: (C) only one so full of hate could accomplish. His eyes glowed bright blue as he channeled this pure emotion into a physical embodiment, a focused orb of crimson flame.
Fenin: sneers at Shim as his blade is parried, "You're not good enough to fell me, Wu'sha. You never were." Invisible tendrils of energy seep from Fenin's body, piercing the scenery, the ground, everything around Fenin like a needle and thread,
Fenin: -x- wrapping around the insides of everything in spiralling motions. Shortly after piercing each object that they do, the threads of energy expand, tearing everything apart from the inside. A confident grin washes over Fenin's face as
Fenin: -x- the Heart of the Phoenix bolsters into existence, "You cannot defeat me. I will tear you apart before that attack consolidates. I will DESTROY YOU!" Fenin takes long, slow strides towards the Phoenix Knight, his former friend and
Fenin: -x- comrade, the only man whose might Fenin was unsure of, Shim Wu'sha. As Fenin nears Shim, the world turning to ruin about him, he concentrates all of his energy upon the halfbreed, every tendril piercing his body, circling about
Fenin: -x- him, enveloping every organ, filling every vein, becoming a part of him. "All we are in this world, all we'll ever amount to, is dust. Legends die in time, and heroes are forgotten. I'll spare you the rest of your time, I'll save
Fenin: -x- you the suffering, and I'll end you before you realize this revelation is truth. I'll see you on the other side, if the heavens ever accept me. I doubt it, though. My might cannot die - I am the strongest, fastest, I am the best.
Fenin: -x- I am Fenin Ro. I am TRUE MIGHT! Now, Wu'sha, utter your final words, pray for your friends, make peace with the world, for these moments are your last in this hellish plane of existence. I am sending you NOW!"
Thea: grits her teeth and gives a grin of pure evil. "hah you might have had years or even ages of battle experience, but i'm a reader of Chakra, ki or whatever other names you fighters my want to call it. and i can tell you just don't have 
Thea: (c) what it takes to win this!" With that her gauntlet turns back into the clear bell which she places back onto her belt locking it on there. the next bell she grabs is a red one. "here is the bell of rage watch my fury." she holds it out and gives
Thea: (c) a slight ring into the air, The hounds growl and spit as if they were truly going mad in one swift shift of motion Thea blinks out of sight then back in right be side the large saiyan male. She drops into a low sweep taking him off of his feet. 
Thea: (c) One of the Hell hounds leaps toward him rolling into a ball smacking the large saiyan into the air, Thea follows up fight shifting again this time sending her foot right into the saiyans stomach causing him to  jolt forward in pain. 
Thea: (c) his body hits the street haird but he only gits to sit there for a second before another hound hits him sending him flying backwards in the air. Thea then slides beside him smashing her fist into his back then into his gut she keeps on him 
Thea: (c) for what seems to be forever not letting his body hit the ground. her fist and legs keeps pushing him back in forth in the air. the hounds rush up be side him as well slaming their bodys into him draging the large saiyan through 
Thea: (C) several huts and houses, But again before the saiyan could hit the ground Thea  was once again upon him smashing her fist into him and kicking him several times harder then before, this fury had draged them from the marketplace 
Thea: (c) through the residential area to a dead end leading to a large wall which was part of the mountain. Thea slams her fist into him one last time pinning him against the large wall causing it to crack on impact, snow falls from the top 
Thea: (c) onto both of their heads. "do you feel it saiyan dog? do you feel Death?!" she  spats him while pushing her fist further into his gut, her wicked grin just increases with time as the hounds run around madly in the back attacking 
Thea: (c) other people who are near by. 
Shim: - Shim's eyes narrowed on Fenin, as he grinned. Defiance ran red from the wounds that opened on his bare chest. Vaporous scythes tore through his flesh, growing larger, ripping the tissue within. But the smirk never faded. He closed his eyes as the 
Shim: (C)  the orb grew in size. The world was shaking around them. The sky was begging for the fighting to stop, for the energies to die down, for the hate to fade. But it wouldn't. It would only burn brighter, and brighter, as Shim began to pour his own
Shim: (C) pour his own life into the attack. Teardrops of blood fell to the ground, as the attack rapidly expanded, a glowing red sun in his small pale hands. "My last words?" Shim spoke softly, as the pain crawled through his body. The hands thrust forwa
Shim: (C) forward, the eyes slid open, ever so slowly... Shim screamed, "&RHEART OF THE PHOENIX!!&w" The wall of crimson energy shifted on its way to Fenin's chest, its body stretching to forms wings, and a lance-like beak to bury Fenin's black heart. "TH
Shim: (C) "THIS ENDS HERE!!!" Shim screamed, as a brilliant crimson light overwhelmed the scene, like the aftermath of a nuclear explosion.
Korvyn: is tossed about like a ragdoll by Thea's seemingly neverending blows, hit through walls and buildings each blow only adding to the pain. Korvyn can barely stay councious during the assault and simply lacked the power to fight back in his injured
Korvyn: (C) shape. 'Is this all my expierence amounts to?' he wonders during a brief moment suspended in the air, then the saiyan woman strikes him again driving the thought from his head. The flurry of blows from Thea continues until she finally drives
Korvyn: (C) him into the moutnain side itself, cracks splintering outward from the point his body impacted at. With her fist in his gut he is trapped against the rock and stone, forced to listen to her taunting. Her last comment seems to spark a change 
Korvyn: (C) in him and he tries to speak. At first no words come out, only coughing and a blood he is forced to spit to the side. "Death...i've been threatened with that many times...but I think you're willing to go through with it. It seems only right 
Fenin: smirks as the Heart of the Phoenix enters its final stages, "Such a... Pretty attack. It's useless, Shim. This battle will be fruitless for you." All at once each tendril begins to expand, slowly at first, causing immeasurable amounts of pain fo
Korvyn: (C) that I return the favor then and take you with me!" Fighting for both his life and his pride the saiyan erupts in a torrent of dark red energy. The air around the two of them shimmers with the raw power being gathered, stray bolts of energy 
Korvyn: (C) forming and lashing out causing even more damage to the mountain town. Slowly the raw power is refined and drawn into the injured man. With a yell of primal fury he tries to control the energy and his own golden aura is stregthened by it. Th
Korvyn: (C) Thea is driven back only slightly at first, then an explosion of power rocks the area sending a shockwave that forces Thea back away from him. The saiyan man drops do the ground freed from her fist somewhow managing to stay on his feet.
Korvyn: (C) Bolt of blue lightning circle his golden aura and his hair legnthens as the transformation undertakes him. But the saiyan doesn't seem to notice this, focusing all his attention on Thea. "Die!" he says, and raises both hands him making a fis
Korvyn: (C) fist before he slams them into the ground. All of the saiyans raw power and the energy that has been gathered is released in the attack. What forms is a tidal wave of blood-red energy that sweeps outward from the point of impact in all direc
Korvyn: (C) directions as it seeks to kill Thea, the mutants, and maybe wipe the whole damned town off the map.
Fenin: smirks as the Heart of the Phoenix enters its final stages, "Such a... Pretty attack. It's useless, Shim. This battle will be fruitless for you." All at once each tendril begins to expand, slowly at first, causing immeasurable amounts of pain f
Fenin: -x- or the halfbreed, as all of his organs are being crushed, cut, and burned at the same time. "Shatterstorm!" Fenin looses a feral howl, the syllables matched by an explosive burst of growth by Fenin's threads of energy. The weave comes togeth
Fenin: -x- at once, and as his howl is done, Shim is no more. A fine, bloody mist dissepates into the air where Shim once stood, though the Heart of the Phoenix remains undaunted, screaming through the air at Fenin. His eyes open wide in horror as he h
Fenin: -x- calls forth the tendrils once more, piercing the attack. As the expand, though, nothing happens. They remain enveloped by the attack, and it slams square into his chest, tearing his dead flesh from the bone, searing his muscles and tendons a
Fenin: -x- ligaments, piercing his body and slamming into his very soul. As the attack expands, enveloping the smoldering remains of the greatest warrior whom ever lived, the wind stalls, as though to pay a moment of silence to the two fallen legends.
Fenin: -x- When it resumes, only dust is shaken in it's mighty currents. And then, for the first time since his lovers depart, all Fenin hears is silence. All Fenin sees is darkness. He is lain to rest, granted that final peace he had been hunting for
Fenin: -x- for so very long.
Thea: yawns
Fenin: tests stuff.
Buu: test
Fenin: is curious as to if it worked.
Essex: I like muffins.
Thea: slides back from the Saiyan here eye's watchinig him knowing whats going on ever before it happen she had pushed him into another stage, his hair his aura even his eye's had the look of one who had become something more then what 
Thea: (c) they were. (Darn i better put an end to this Quick!) She folds her thumb over the palm of her hand her fingers held straight into the air. "I'm going to send you straight to hell!" The Demon hounds focuse on the large saiyan jumping 
Thea: (c) all of them rolling into a ball firing spikes out at once, Thea takes a deeps breath while quickly pulling in darks energy with shards of flickering light. "Epidemic Hatred!" her voice echos out and as if on cue the the energy flashes bright 
Thea: (c) white then turns midnight black as it cut through the air smashing into the wave of energy from the large saiyans attack. the spikes from the hound get eaten up by the large saiyan wave that which turns their attack as well as them 
Thea: (c) into dust. the two forces energy could be seen from the mountain top, a few power level could be felt fading then more and more as the light one the mountain grows brighter and stronger from the two saiyans attack. 
Thea: (c) a loud burst of thrunder could be  heard as well as felt, The very mountain shakes then crumbles completely into sand alway down to the base of what use to be the mountain they were on. Thea body quickly falls down toward 
Thea: (c) the ground. she falls on to her butt huddled up into pain, both her arms burnt and numb from the pain. drops of water could be felt as rain forms falling onto her head turning the sandy lands into a large lake. Thea sits in the water 
Thea: (c) half her body covered immersed in the water as she stares down at her reflection with some what of a blanck stare not making a single movement. she just sits there as the rain falls heavly matting her hair down onto her head. 
Korvyn: watches his wave rush outward as he fights to stay standing despite being drained of his energy. The crimson tidal wave of ki seems unstoppable until it is met by by a dark mass of energy shards, the two attacks collidding and releasing their en
Korvyn: (C) energy apon each other. The explosion shakes the very earth around the town even as it levels it, consuming nearly everything in its path. Only the two fighters at oppposite ends make it out alive, spared the cataclysm of power by the collis
Korvyn: (C) collision. Korvyn slips into uncounciousness even as a cloud of rubble and debris slides over him. With the sky finally clears and the debris cloud settles nothing is left reamining of the town but rubble and dirt marking the grave of its in
Korvyn: (C) inhabitants.
Shim: stood over a crystal ball, a looking glass into the world below. Garbed in soft, white attire, his hair pulled back, he emitted a sense of oneness as he stared into the glassy surface. Earth. It had been years since he had viewed it from the Other W
Shim: (C) World, but it looked the same as he remembered it. But this was as close as he planned to get to it for awhile. He was taking a break. He would rather be bored here than wander Earth in search of problems that weren't there. Here he could be at 
Shim: (C) at peace.
Domino: struggles for air her eye's unable to see anything around her, the ground starts to shiver and shake as the ground starts to lift up and form a large fist towering high into the air. it stops  and sits there for just a moment before opening wide 
Domino: (c) drop the woman from it's grasp onto the green grass below. Domino hits the ground making a low thud sound. "ugh, I really hate traviling this way."  her hands slide around the ground feeling the grass in her hands nope 
Domino: (c) she wasn't in hell but she still was going to have a hard time, it may not be any monster here but she new the planets gravity would be rough on her human body. "uuhhh, I got to get up" her arms and legs wobbling a bit as she tries 
Domino: (c) to pull herself from the ground but to no avail only to fall back onto her stomach, " I really hate this planet." 
Shim: - Lazily, the halfbreed reclined on the stump, allowing the ball to rest on his thigh. Perpetua was slung across his back, for however peaceful things were, he could never bring himself to take it off... He looked around idly - this would be good fo
Shim: (C) for him. A little time to reflect and contemplate things. Warriors were losing their place on planet Earth. And he would have to find a new reason to live, if he had any hope of hanging onto his sanity. The golden hoop above his head hovered the
Shim: (C) there, glowing in the oh-so-near sun, calling attention to his slender figure.
Domino: pulls tries once again to pull herself form the ground and walk, her eyes scan over the area while taking each step nice and slow. "this is one thing i hate about these planets the gravity deference." she mutters to herself a bit more 
Domino: (c) until she spots something out of place a halfbreed still armd with his weapon on his back. "now why would he still have his weapon in this realm ? if he is dead, he is dead right ?" she blinks at the sight of the halfbreed. 
Domino: (c) "You think you can stop soaking  long enough to help me out here ?" her voice cutting through the silence in the area. "I could use a little help until i get my dead mans legs, if you know what i mean." 
Russell: &RI'm not suppose to do this without having biography authorized
Russell: lol mys well go to level 2
Orii: - Smoke rose in tendrils from the nostrils of the youth, as he lazed atop the abandoned apartment building. Eastern New Hope City was quiet this time of day, the streets were empty, all was silent. His mother lived here alone, a few blocks down the 
Orii: (C) street, but he wouldn't go and visit her. His old school was right across the street, but he didn't really care. He was relatively content to just sit here and bask in the peace, the time away from the hustle and bustle of owning a leg of a giga
Orii: (C) gigantic corporation.
Seras: groans as another violent spasm shakes her body, black goo forcing itself out of her mouth and burning into the tree she had chosen to expel the waste from. It'd been weeks of hunting through the desert, picking off cars and people, and generally sa
Seras: * (c) sating the burning hunger in her stomach, but now it was happening again. She felt horrible. Her head swam, vision blurring a dark crimson red under the strain of her mutation, she now knew what she was, at least. Xerokine had shed light on th
Seras: * (c) that, and she had stashed the payment until she could finally overcome her flaws, but, it was taking so -long-. Her mind worked a lot sharper now, and, that line of thought was cut off by a particularly bad convulsion, bringing her to her knee
Seras: * (c) knees, her power fluctuates wildly, and lumps of what can only be bone are clearly visible in the vile effluent that she expelled. "C...curse you..." She stammers, trying to keep her churning guts down.
Fenin: claws the side of his head violently, tearing bits of skin and turfs of hair off with each savage strike. His ghastly white knuckles crack and pop with each rip and tear of his dead flesh, and black, lifeless blood spills to the desert
Fenin: -x- ground about him. "WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME!?" His voice echoes throughout the landscape, a frightening tale of torment, soul decay, swirling in his tone. Words cannot describe the sorrow entombed in his voice, it was as though
Fenin: -x- he were vocalizing pure torment, pure emotion. The world had a fiery end, he had found peace, and yet he was still here. What's more, he was still an abomination.
Seras: gives one final, shuddering heave, and rises. She seems more... fluid than before, her body swaying oddly. She shakes her head, trying to clear it, and wipes her mouth on the back of her gloved hand. That had been a truly disgusting experience, but 
Seras: * (c) at least now she felt... better. Stronger. The hunger was lessened, and it was easier to think. With a deep sigh she closes her eyes, testing the limits of her new power. Almost immediately she locks on to the power burning bright in the deser
Seras: * (c) desert which she had been stalking for the past few weeks. A smile forms on her lips. Although it felt strong, she -knew- that she was stronger. She could feel it, deep within her being. She could take this unfortunate lone warrior, and move h
Seras: * (c) herself even closer to the perfection that she so craved. She takes a deep breath, and raises her fingers to her head. In an instant she is in front of the power, and then she seems to hesitate- it was one of the monsters! "How did you get out
Seras: * (c) of the city?" She demands, brow furrowing in confusion. She wasn't scared by it, not at all, she could crush it quite easily she was sure, but she was unnerved by the fact that one had escaped the quarantine.
Fenin: glares up at the intruder, his eyes pure malice. "Die." He states simply, his voice smooth and slow, as though he hadn't spent the past hours screaming with all of his might. He slowly makes his way to a stand, keeping his eyes locked
Fenin: -x- locked upon those of his intruder. The ground trembles as his suppression wanes, nearing his natural state, and a faint smirk grows over his face. 'No time for foreplay, I will kill her swiftly. My generosity knows no limits, a swift
Fenin: -x- death for the fool.' His thoughts circle for a moment, considering the best way to dispose of this interruption, she was pathetic compared to him, though perhaps not pathetic enough to dispatch immediately. All for the better, though, it's
Fenin: -x- at least somewhat fun if the insects squirm before the flame. The ground lurches loudly again as he begins his transformation, then in a flash his aura appears, flaring a brilliant golden. As the flash fades, it reveals a ghastly super
Fenin: -x- sayian rank 3, his locks whisking his face and lower back. He stands ready, watching his enemies movements carefully, intent on assessing her combat style before striking her down.
Seras: hesitates for a moment as his power suddenly leaps up to such a huge level. "Oh. I see." She states, "You are a -special- case, huh?" She licks her lips for a moment, remembering previous battles with zombies- the one disadvantage was that they had 
Seras: * (c) remained unable to fly, but, then, they hadn't transformed either... she shrugs, "Very well." She states, and with a sudden blur of movement, unleashes a quick blast of red power from her outstretched palm before leaping into the sky, careful 
Seras: * (c) to keep the creature in her field of vision and in her mind at all times. If he couldn't fly, this would go an awful lot easier. If he could... she'd need to incapacitate him before making her escape. Either way, despite his superior power, sh
Seras: * (c) she wasn't too worried yet. He was a zombie- zombies are stupid, right?
Fenin: howls loudly as the bolt of energy collides with his chest, though it wasn't a cry of pain. More of a cry of enjoyment, as though he liked, or even craved, the pain. His eyes tear through the smoke, searching for her in the sky.
Fenin: -x- could feel her well enough, though the visual is somewhat of a confirmation, he feels more comfortable eyeing his prey, rather than feeling them, sensing them. "Ka" his voice is stern and clear, echoing throughout the environment
Fenin: -x- "me-hame-" He cups his hands to the side, pouring black energy between them. At the last moment he disappears from sight, appearing behind Seras, "HA!" Fenin pivots his body, throwing his cupped hands towards her, projecting the
Fenin: -x- beam of sickly energy at her back, smirking as his attack nears the unsuspecting foe.
Seras: seems to smile to herself as he charges his attack. Yup, he was stuck on the ground- therefore she could dodge, duck and weave, and reduce him to a fine soup from above. She prepares to do just this, in fact, but quite suddenly feels him appear behi
Seras: * (c) behind her. With a curse, she wheels to the side, but is too slow to evade the attack entirely, instead, it literally vaporizes her arm! With a howl of pain she lands on the ground, her good hand clutching at the place her arm had been. A blac
Seras: * (c) black, viscous substance seems to ooze from the wound, hovering in the air. "You will -pay- for that." She snarls, the clouds above turning a dark red, they begin to swirl, black electricity crackling over two fingers that she jabs up to the s
Seras: * (c) sky, "Prepare!" She screeches, voice no longer calm and composed, but seething with hatred. With rage, her eyes burning a bright, terrifying crimson, her mouth- drawn back in an animalistic snarl- revealing teeth too sharp to belong to any hum
Seras: * (c) human.
Fenin: falls to the ground sporting a fiendish grin, "I'll pay for that, will I?" Fenin throws back his crimson cloak, revealing his bare upper body, rippling with muscles, a simple black pair of jeans, and a black belt sporting his sheathed
Fenin: -x- blade, Hikaru. "Well I am not accustomed to paying for anything, really. So I doubt I'll be starting now." Fenin snickers quietly, his powerlevel still ascending at an alarming rate. He rolls his neck, emitting several loud cracking
Fenin: -x- noises. In a flash Fenin withdraws his blade and leaps at Seras, swiping at her several times before his image would even move from his resting position, to the human eye.
Fenin: dodges that SBC and shit, too. Yeah.
Seras: is, luckily for her, not a human. The instant that Fenin lands on the ground, her fingers flash out, and a black spiral of energy shot through with a beam of red slices through the air, though Fenin twists to dodge it, it grants her enough time to p
Seras: * (c) prepare for his onslaught. She is no longer worried about speech, she was worried about -killing- this man. Her thoughts no longer working in terms of words or meaning, instead, every fibre of her being was locked on death, killing, slaughter!
Seras: * (c) PAIN! She would rend his limbs from his flesh and feast on his marrow!  She would devour his very essence and absorb it into her own! With inhuman quickness she darts forward into his rush, her arm reforming from the shreds of black which surr
Seras: * (c) surround her, and she forces him to impale her, the blade sinking to the hilt in her gut. However, it meets little resistance on the entry, but her very form tenses around it, gripping at the blade in an attempt to prevent him from pulling it 
Seras: * (c) free whilst her fangs seek out his neck, intending to bite deep into his jugular and drain the life from him!
Fenin: gasps in surprise as teeth sink into his neck. His legs quiver for a moment before giving out, and Fenin puts his weight on his blade to support himself, though his foe hardly seems to mind. His eyes spin from side to side, top
Fenin: -x- to bottom, trying to get a glance on her. "S-so you're a blood sucker, eh? What's wrong... Can't get a good taste?" Fenin smirks, knowing that his heart had stopped beating long ago. "Die." Fenin grasps Seras by the throat,
Fenin: -x- quickly pouring energy into his palm. His sphere grows in size rapidly, engulfing the bioandroids entire head, searing it, smouldering it, incinerating it completely. "Well fought, fool..." Fenin falls back as Seras'
Fenin: -x- body goes limp, no longer supporting his hefty weight without a head. "But, I suppose you're still..." Fenin places his foot next to his blade, kicking the would-be cadaver off of his blade, "not good enough." Fenin snickers as
Fenin: -x- he makes his way to his feet, resheathing his blade and walking away from Seras' body, figuring the fight was over.
Seras: rips and tears at the zombies' throat after it becomes clear that she isn't going to get any blood. However, she isn't prepared for him to continue to fight! When her head is blown off, her 'corpse' tumbles back, and she doesn't move. Fenin turns, a
Seras: * (c) and begins to walk away, and the sky above clears. A few seconds pass, and then, slowly, the black ooze strewn across the landscape swirls, and reforms. No longer recognizable as Seras, a black leering face perches atop her body, a dark aura s
Seras: * (c) swirling about her. She cups her hands at her sides, a low, feral noise growing deep in her throat, though she makes no recognizable noise with the attack, a bright lance of crimson power rockets from her outstretched palms, aiming to strike t
Seras: * (c) the warrior in the back as he turns to leave, to engulf him in a vast explosion fuelled by her anger. She had suffered more in this fight than she ever had before, she could -not- allow him to walk away without sharing some fraction of the ago
Seras: * (c) agony she had felt pulling her fractured body together not once, but twice.
Fenin: furrows his brow as Seras' energy signature washes over him once more. Had his dead blood infected her? No, it couldn't have - she couldn't function without a head, even in undeath, it seemed vital, even for a zombie...
Fenin: turns to face his foe to see crimson streaks screaming towards him, "PITIFUL FOOL!" Fenin withdraws his blade and slaps the attack with the broad side, anticipating it to be easily deflected, however sparks streak past Fenin's
Fenin: -x- eyes as the attack stays its course, until Fenin's attack crushes it, causing it to explode. Taken aback, Fenin attempts to leap away from the explosion, but fails to flee from it unscathed. Slightly cooked and thoroughly
Fenin: -x- pissed off, Fenin moved in for the kill. Tendrils of invisible energy pour out of Fenin's every pore, weaving in and out of everything around him, spiralling about the inside of every tangible object completely. "Not
Fenin: -x- a hair of you will be left on this Earth once my wrath has been staved, fool. You are FINISHED!" As Fenin's voice soars, his threads of energy begin to expand, shattering the ground below him, straining the air before him, ripping
Fenin: -x- and tearing everything but the strands of reality itself to shreds. Fenin continues to walk towards Seras, grinning as the world before her shatters and splinters. As the outline of his chaos nears Seras, he belts out in a slow,
Fenin: -x- smooth voice, "SHATTERSTORM!"
Seras: laughs loudly as the maelstrom surrounding Fenin approaches her, "COME AND TAKE ME!" She screams as she slams her hands out to the side, and a barrier of sheer darkness surrounds her, blotting out all light, all sound, all sense of touch and being w
Seras: * (c) within its dark confines. Casually she steps forwards, only to grunt as the two forces meet, impacting hard, the protective power of her shadowy shield clashing directly with the incredible destructive force of Fenin's Shatterstorm, the barrie
Seras: * (c) barrier can't hold against such strength, and yet, as quickly as the attack eats it away, it flows from her renewed, refusing to allow the ravaging force of the Storm to touch its Mistress. The unstoppable force slamming against the immovable 
Seras: * (c) object. 
Fenin: furrows his brow as the havoc falls short of his prey, his opponent, the very bane of his existence. "What the deuce!?" Fenin howls, utterly speechless at the failure of his attack. "Y-you cannot stop me! This is futile!" Fenin
Fenin: -x- shouts, desperately, more of trying to convince himself of the truth in his words than intimidate his foe. He concentrates all of his energy, all of his brute force, onto Seras, trying to smash her aegis to pieces, trying to
Fenin: -x- 'outgun' her, rather than thinking logically, rather than formulating a strategy. The intense clash lasts mere moments, but seems to stretch on into the eternities for each fighter, each straining in a fight for life - one for
Fenin: -x- preserving, the other for demolishing. Then in a flash it's done, Fenin falls to the ground - panting, confused, lost. How could a mere woman survive, nay, defeat his best attack? It seemed impossible, he had crushed titans
Fenin: -x- with this attack, he had even scarred the face of the Gods, quite literally, with that attack, in his encounter with the Kaioshin. Fenin lay still, embarrassed and defeated, humiliated, before Seras, concentrating more upon
Fenin: -x- the fact that he had been bested than any counter attack she may have been planning.
Seras: grits her teeth, not wasting an ounce of her breath on anything other than maintaining the barrier. It was agonizing, it felt as though every inch of the attack was repeatedly slamming into her form, but, she knew, if she could keep it from destroyi
Seras: *(c) destroying her... if she could just hold it off for just a few more seconds... At last, Fenin ceases in his attack, and the shield around her melts away. The woman falls to her knees, breathing heavily, sweat covering every inch of her form, sh
Seras: *(c) she raises herself on shaky legs. She had survived the attack, but only barely. It had taken every ounce of fight in her to stop it from annihilating her entirely. "You..." She starts, and then thinks better of it, the fighter wasn't on her in 
Seras: *(c) a flash, and so, mustering the last of her power, she raises her fingers to her head, and blinks out of existence, reappearing some hundred miles away in a small, dilapidated room in the very middle of the quarantine zone. There to rest and rec
Seras: *(c) recover from the titanic battle.
Fenin: doesn't even notice Seras' departure, he just remains still - brooding his misery, his sorrow, amplified ten fold from before the entire ordeal. Now he was lost, alone, an abomination, and what's more - unwhole. No mortal had
Fenin: -x- ever survived that attack, no mortal had witnessed his greatest technique and lived to tell the tale. Arslanon, Shim, and several others had been stricken down before his voice even rang true, and yet this pathetic female
Fenin: -x- had not only survived it, she stood unscathed. Did the Gods return him shallow? A mere shell of his former self? He had much to contemplate, and seemingly no time to think, what with all of the interruptions as of late.
Aphra: has recovered from her wounds in record time. The very best people had gotten her back on her feet and, coupled with her desire for revenge, she wasn't going to let the fact her entire body still ached like hell stop her from launching ahead full th
Aphra: * (c) throttle with her plans. If anything, the battle with Fenin had pushed her thirst for power even further. And that had brought her here, to SynCity. She had heard of the strange place, but hadn't imagined anything like what she had seen. Her p
Aphra: * (c) people had arranged the journey, her new driver- Giles- had driven her to the base of SynTower. And, maintaining her frosty composure, the woman had strode through the doors, and now stood in the reception area, looking entirely unimpressed. A
Aphra: * (c) lackey behind her carries a single, metal, locked case. She moves towards the receptionist, and flashes her a quick smile. "Greetings. I am Aphra Adams, of Starlight Industries, I am here to arrange a meeting with Mr. Essex on a matter of grea
Aphra: * (c) great importance, may I inquire as to when the next opening in his schedule will be?" Her tone carefully polite.
Essex: | "Right Now, as a matter of fact." A man's voice says from behind Aphra. Essex looks around the floor of the lobby, admiring the waxed marble tiling and the onyx pillars, six on either side of the main walkway.
Essex: (c) He nods to his receptionist. "Take the rest of the day off, Jade, I've got it from here." He says, walking past Aphra and her goonie, to the elevator. He pulls out a keycard and slides it through the reader, 
Essex: (c) the doors of the lift hissing as they opened. "Come," He says, stepping into the elevator and turning around, fixing his violet eyes on Aphra. "Hurry up and get in or you'll miss your chance for the
Essex: (c) meeting." He reaches up, taking off his blue sunglasses, folding them and sitting them in the breast pocket of his gun-metal gray business jacket. 
Aphra: hesitates for a moment, thrown off-balance by the fact she isn't going to have to jump through a dozen hoops to get a meeting with the man himself. "Thank you." She states simply, snapping her fingers, her henchman jumps and follows along behind her
Aphra: * (c) quickly. "I am glad that you can fit me in so quickly, Mr. Essex. It seems to me that if anybody can provide me with the technological edge that I am going to need, it is yourself." Although she does her very best to hide it, there is a slight
Aphra: * (c) limp in her step, though she doesn't let it slow her down at all, an astute observer would soon deduce that it seems to come from a stiffness across her right leg. She doesn't pass any comment on the fact that he's willing to sacrifice his mee
Aphra: * (c) meeting with her based on whether or not she gets in the elevator, instead, she simply ensures that she very much doesn't miss that chance. She needed this mans help a hell of a lot more than he needed her money, she was sure.
Essex: eyes Aphra up and down as she walks towards the elevator, reaching up and scratching his chin in thought. "I know you. You were there the other day when Shim and Fenin were fighting." He nods, looking down at her leg as she
Essex: (c) gets in the elevator. "Hmm. Please, call me just Essex." He says, clearing his throat. "So, Miss... Whatever-Your-Name-Is, what kind of technology are you looking for and what the duece are you gonna need it for?"
Essex: grins, clearing his throat again before reaching into his pocket and removing a PDA, using its stylus to mark down a few notes for himself. "It better not be for anything illegal, I have enough of a bad reputation anyways... and
Essex: (c) if it is illegal, it's going to cost extra." He grins, crossing his arms as the elevator ascends the massive tower
Aphra: hesitates for a moment. "Ah... that was you. I am afraid I was not... in the best of condition when you made your appearance. I actually put it down to pain-induced hallucinations. But no matter. I am Aphra Adams, of Starlight Industries. As to what
Aphra: * (c) I need... I am searching for two things, neither of them illegal per-se, as they will need to be installed in a mansion outside of any jurisdiction. And money is of little importance. First, I need to know what your capabilities are. I have he
Aphra: * (c) heard of a type of metal, Katchin, I believe it is called. The strongest metal in the known universe, my primary concern is finding someone with the capability to mould such a metal. The second thing I need to know, is whether or not you can c
Aphra: * (c) construct for me a room or chamber capable of breaking down organic matter on the molecular level. For waste disposal, you understand."
Essex: seemingly ignores her, eyeing his fingernails and picking at them as she talks. The elevator doors open, leading to a massive room bigger than probably even Miss Adams' mansion. He casually strolls out of the elevator
Essex: (c) shrugging off his business jacket and tossing it onto a passed out namekian on an expensive leather couch.  "Fuckin' Veridon..." He mumbles under his breath, popping his knuckles and strolling over to his desk which was in 
Essex: (c) the middle of the massive room. He walks behind the desk and sits down, looking at the mahogany ceiling. "Welcome to Chez Essex." He says, motioning to a seat in front of the desk. "Come, have a seat, can I get you 
Essex: (c) something to drink?" He asks, reaching under his desk and pulling out a crystalline bottle of brandy and two crystal shot glasses, pouring himself a drink.
Aphra: blinks slightly, whilst behind her the lackey just gawps. The sheer -size- of this place. Dear god, how he had afforded it was completely beyond her. But, to her credit, she doesn't let on that she finds anything particularly unusual about standing 
Aphra: * (c) in a room larger than her home. "Yes, please, a red wine would be quite agreeable." She states, following behind the man coolly, she takes in everything she can about the room, but makes no comment upon it. "My assistance Gregory here has seve
Aphra: * (c) several initial designs for the item I would like crafted out of Katchin, by the way, though unfortunately my scientists were at something of a lack as to the... waste disposal system, as of yet." She clicks her fingers pointedly, and Gregory 
Aphra: * (c) shuffles forwards, if nothing else, she seems to have trained her staff to fear her displeasure even beyond their awe at such incredible sights.
Essex: leans over to the phone on his desk, pushing a button. "Yes Mister Lillah?" A male's voice says over the phone. "Ah yes, Laszlo, please bring me up a bottle of red wine from the cellar please." "Right away, Mister Lillah."
Essex: | He releases the button, slowly sipping on his brandy and extending a hand out to Aphra, "May I see the plans, m'dear?" He asks, sipping again slowly. "And as far as Katchin goes, I'm sure that SynWeaponry has a stronger material that
Essex: (c) they've developed." He looks around the room, taking it all in. "It's been a few weeks since I've even been on Earth, you were lucky to have caught me on my day back." He says, sitting down the glass of brandy and lifting up his left arm,
Essex: (c) flipping open a panel on the mechanical arm. "Hmmm." He says to himself, watching a couple of blips on what seemed to be a radar. "Odd. Anyway, those plans?" He says, extending his hand again. 
Aphra: smiles warmly to Essex. "I have always been lucky, Mr. Lillah." She states, before snapping her fingers again, and Gregory pops open the case, revealing four carefully drawn schematics for a pretty impressive looking design. It is essentially a coll
Aphra: * (c) collapsible staff, with a spring-loaded spear tip. The different designs have slight variations, however. One is designed to allow the user to deliver a powerful electric charge to anyone unfortunate enough to be speared by the tip, one seems 
Aphra: * (c) to have the capacity to double as nunchucks, with chain joining the three sections, one seems to base around superheating role smiles warmly to Essex. "I have always been lucky, Mr. Lillah." She states, before snapping her fingers again, and G
Aphra: * (c) to have the capacity to double as nunchucks, with chain joining the three sections, one seems to base around superheating the tip of the spear, and the final one isn't a weapon at all, but a circular buckler which folds out from a fashionable,
Aphra: * (c) elaborately designed metal fan. "I was unaware that stronger metals exist, one that is quite lightweight but also incredibly tough would be the most suitable I feel, how much would such designs cost to make a reality?" She asks, tone carefully
Aphra: * (c) neutral. She'd not actually planned to meet the man today, they were far sketchier than she would have liked.
Essex: looks over the plans, tapping his finger to his chin. "Well... there's multiple ways we can do this, first of all, there's SynTech's custom nanobot technology, which I personally use for my weaponry. It's lightweight, and you can literally
Essex: (c) hide it in your person. Then there's Adamantanium. It's a hybrid of Adamantite and Titanium, it's rather lightweight and strong, not quite AS strong as Katchin, but a helluva lot cheaper. Katchin is going to  cost you a pretty penny." He say
Essex: (c) sitting the plans down on his desk as his assistant, Lazslo opens the door, carrying in a bottle of wine and a glass. "Would you be so kind as to poor Miss Adams a drink?" He says, motioning to the woman before continuing on. "Now, I'm
Essex: (c) not sure how much your company is worth, but the technologies and everything I use is quite expensive to run..." He says, raising his glass of brandy, sipping from it again. "Are you sure you can afford it? I mean..." He eyes her up and 
Essex: (c) down from over his glass before finishing the drink off. "Without making other arrangements?"
Aphra: does her best not to bristle at the rather obvious insult. Although her displeasure at being eyed up so obviously is evident, and she doesn't touch the drink. Regarding Essex with a look that could freeze lava instead. "I am quite certain that I sha
Aphra: * (c) shall not have to resort to anything extreme. Thank you for your concern." She states, "However, whether or not I can afford it depends rather heavily upon the exact figures involved here. The company makes a few paltry million, but the majori
Aphra: * (c) majority of my backing comes from my family inheritance. Unless we are talking truly astronomical figures, I should be able to afford it with relatively little difficulty. I am not funding a space program, after all. What numbers are we lookin
Aphra: * (c) looking at, precisely?" Behind her, Gregory is looking at Essex with a mixture of awe and fear. The last person to make a similar move on Aphra had wound up smeared across the mansion. It had taken them weeks to get him out of the walls.
Essex: pulls open a drawer on his desk, extracting a piece of paper and sitting it down in front of him. "Well, for the waste management system you're asking about... you're looking at." He writes down a number on the paper and slides it over to
Essex: (c) Aphra. "As far as your weapons... I wouldn't know until we actually built them, it all depends on the exact schematics of them, which... no offense, this here piece of paper seems to be lacking." He stands up and crosses his arms
Essex: (c) behind his back, pacing away slowly from the desk towards a large open area a few hundred feet away. "And tell your lackey Gregory there's no need to shit himself, I don't bite... hard."
Aphra: quirks a brow at the figure. She had expected a little more, but the company should be able to absorb that easily. "Quite. I don't know much about these things yourself, you understand, but if you say that the designs are insufficient, my scientists
Aphra: * (c) shall be... properly chastised." She smiles slightly, "Speaking of which, Gregory, you may leave. Your presence is no longer needed." The tone of her voice turns the poor lackey white, and he scurries off quickly. "Now, Essex, I understand tha
Aphra: * (c) that you are a busy man and I have intruded on your time, but I am curious. I'm assuming you weren't simply making a lewd sexual advance on me just now. What can I do for your organization other than pay you in return for this weapon?" She sou
Aphra: * (c) sounds quite serious, the poor, nave young woman.
Essex: quirks an eyebrow at her, chuckling to himself. "Well, if you think I was blatantly asking you for sex, than you are wrong." He shakes his head, "What I meant is... you are an attractive young woman, Aphra, I meant that if you were to 
Essex: (c) escort me, in a professional manner, to various business functions, as a business associate, a... partner if you will, I'd be more than happy to knock some of the price off. See, people don't really like me so I figure that someone, as young
Essex: (c) as yourself, would definitely help with public relations, make me seem like I'm not such a bastard, especially if they knew that I was working with another company than by myself... I believe it would improve the publics' view on me. See,
Essex: (c) ever since I helped Oaftres gain mayor status of New Hope City... people haven't really had good things to say about me." He pops his neck, sliding out of his shoes before stepping onto a padded blue and white mat.
Aphra: ponders this for a moment. "Hmmm. I think I see what you mean." She states, "Honestly, Oaftres remaining as mayor of New Hope is not... conducive to my own long term plans, but, I have no desire to run afoul of yourself. I am not foolish enough to b
Aphra: * (c) believe that I can take you on and hope for anything but destruction, so... perhaps some deal could be arranged. If you like, I can have my people send your people some dates when I should be free for dinner, and we can get to know each other.
Aphra: * (c)" She smiles slightly, taking a deep breath before she speaks. A lot of the pomp and arrogance gone from her voice. "You are quite straightforward. Or at least you don't seem to be trying to mislead me, and that is... refreshing. Most of the pe
Aphra: * (c) people I come in contact with these days appear either to wish me dead, or to turn me to act in their interest with no gain for myself."
Essex: chuckles, shifting his weight from foot to foot on the mat, before throwing a couple shadow kicks and punches. "Don't get me wrong, I'm all about personal gain... but sometimes alliances are made and you have to go into agreements
Essex: (c) without people that benefit them in order to benefit yourself. Any good business man.... and woman should know that." He stops, bouncing in place for a moment. "That would be great, having them send those dates over, so I know when
Essex: (c) to be in town and such." He jumps forward, throwing himself into a backflip, extending a leg and twisting 180 degrees upside-down, kicking at an invisible target. He lands crouched before standing up, brushing out a crease in his
Essex: (c) pants. "However, I do a lot of business off of Earth so I don't think the agreement would work out if you had quarrels with interplanetary business travel."
Aphra: hesitates for a moment. She'd have to leave the earth? She'd have to travel to the homes of those... -filthy- alien -scum- races? She manages not to let her displeasure show, instead smiling sweetly, "Why, that's exciting! I've never been off-planet
Aphra: * (c) before!" She declares, laughing at his little display, "Very well, Essex. I'll have my people contact your people, and we'll see what can be arranged!" With that, she turns to leave the office. She would have to stomach it, at least for the mo
Aphra: * (c) moment. This man had the power to put her precisely where she was aiming to be. She could stand a little hob-nobbing with sickening alien scum if it eventually meant the eradication of their kind from her glorious planet, right?
Essex: stops for a moment, brushing back his blood red hair and staring at Aphra as she leaves. "Oh, and Miss Adams? I hope you have no problem working with a mutant." He says, smirking to himself.
Aphra: pauses at the door. "A mutant?" She asks, "Why would that be an issue?" She asks. Although her voice isn't quite so full of sickly-sweet happiness and light any more. There was a slight edge of coldness there. He'd hit a nerve, that much should be o
Aphra: * (c) obvious.
Trunks: rofl
Wil: pie
Trunks: wtf man i aint doing nothin
Wil: pie fucking rules bitches!
Wil: I love cookies more than you!
Wil: >.>
Jerle: does Vengeance's mom in the ass.  Multiple times.  Until she bleeds.
Wil: Ripikou loves to eath the cock
Ripikou: lunges at Wil in a fit of rage. From what he could tell this was making Jerle even more aroused.
Jerle: Ripikou shoves a cow in his vagina
Ripikou: races to his barn to see what items or animals that he could find, so he could shove them into Jerle's Penor, for this was the only way to defeat him
Jerle: shoves a dog nose up Ripikou's ass.
Ripikou: Suprised by Jerles action, he did nothing
Jerle: wipes peanut butter on Ripikou's balls and orders the dog to lick it off.
Ripikou: after many minutes of doing nothing Ripikou decided to remove the dog nose from his ass, then starts wildly smacking his balls to get all of the peanut butter off of them, while trying to run from the dogs that had been unleashed onto him
Ripikou: Ripikou runs into his house, grabs some pie, and begins to hurl it at Jerle with all of his might
Jerle: catches the pie and EATS it!
Ripikou: "YOU FUCKING CHEATER!", Ripikou yells out as he watches Jerle grabs and eats the pies that he had thrown at him.
Ripikou: Since his mighty "Super omega Pie Attack" had failed him, RIpikou began searching around his house for a spork. Knowing if he could just get the spork to touch Jerle, it would end up deafeting him, and Ripikou could rest easily.
Jerle: summons Rei and unleashes her might upon Ripikou]
Ripikou: gets Rei's might unleashed upon him.
Ripikou: Atlast! After countless minutes of searching for the much needed spork, he found it. "Imagine that, it was in the last place i checked" Ripikou thought to himself. Feeling a great sense of confidence, he wielded his mighty spork and began to head to t
Trunks: test
Trunks: test
Trunks: test...
Trunks: test
Trunks: another test :P
Trunks: come on lvl
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Kentu: Stands, looking tough in the middle of the city. His jacket with numerous holes in it blows in the wind. He looks up at the gods and says "Please, Please, Give me Pie"
Jerle: throws a pie at the man, pushing a button as he does so, the pie bomb exploding as it comes near Kentu, blasting himself back with the force.  (Shit, I set it off too close!)
Kentu: Smiles as he sees a huge pie fall towards him. Kentu slowly opens his mouth ready to inhale the whole thing in one furious snack attack. The pie overwhelming in size knocks him on his ass, while Cherry sauce covers the block.
Kentu: Stands looking at everyone, wondering if their gona hop on his Penis Rocket