                 A Guideline for Making Reset Lists
This is intended as a set of guidelines to those who are just beginning
as Builders.  Nothing here is written in stone, this file is based on my
experience and the online help files.   (Herne the Hunter)

Remember that most important command: SAVEAREA

The Heart of the System
Without a reset list, an area wouldn't refill itself when it came time
for "repop".  The reset list is the file the MUD uses to set everything
in the area back to where it should be, restocks the mobs, and resets all
the doors.
Making a Reset List
Every area MUST have a reset list.  Whether you use INSTAZONE, INSTAROOM
or add the resets manually with RESET ADD is up to you, but an area must
have a reset list.  Also, any time you make a new mob, object or exit
with a door, you must add a reset for it or it will not repop when the
area resets itself.

The two easy methods of making a reset list; INSTAZONE and INSTAROOM.
INSTAZONE                                     (Shortform: INSTAZ)
Syntax: instazone
        instazone nodoors

Instazone will write (or rewrite) the resets for the entire area based on
the current positions of your mobs and objects.  All you have to do is
place each mob in its proper room, wearing what it should be wearing,
carrying what it should be carrying, and objects in their proper places,
or in their proper containers, and doors in their proper states, (open,
closed, locked).  It's kind of like taking a "snapshot" of your proto
area, everything will be set on the reset list as it appears in the area. 
If you've left a door open, it will always repop as open.  If you've
forgotten to add a mob, it won't appear unless you either manually add
it, or do another Instazone.  You may also add the option of "nodoors"
and no door resets will be created.
This command will wipe out ALL existing resets!  Do not use this command
after you have added your own resets with 'reset add'.  The recommended
procedure is to use instazone, then use the 'RESET' command to add any
special resets, and NOT use instazone again.
Syntax:  instaroom                            (Shortform: INSTAR)
Functions the same as instazone, but is room-based instead of area-based,
this command will write (or rewrite) the resets for the room you are in. 
This command is most useful for making small modifications to an existing
reset list.

Both "Instazone" and "Instaroom" have a problem when it comes to handling
nesting objects, ie: objects that repop within containers on the ground. 
The best way to handle these objects is to add them manually with RESET.

Syntax: reset list   [start] [end]         (Example: reset list 1 10)
Syntax: reset delete [number]              (Example: reset delete 5)
Syntax: reset add    <resetcommand> <parameters>
Syntax: reset insert <number> <resetcommand> <parameters>
Syntax: reset edit   <number> <resetcommand> <parameters>
Syntax: reset area   (will "reset" your area based on the defined resets)
  The order that resets are in is VERY important.  You cannot equip a
  mobile with an object before putting the mobile into a room first.
  Likewise, you cannot put an object into a container until the container
  is put into a room first.
This command is used to display, edit, delete, add and insert resets for
your area.

Syntax: reset edit   <number> <commands>
Syntax: reset insert <number> <commands>
Syntax: reset add    <commands>

MOB   <mobile vnum> <room vnum> [limit]  loads a mobile into a room
OBJ   <object vnum> <room vnum> [limit]  loads an object into a room
GIVE  <object vnum> [limit]              gives obj to last loaded mob
EQUIP <object vnum> <position> [limit]   equips obj on last loaded mob
PUT   <object vnum> <object vnum>        puts and obj into another obj
DOOR  <room vnum> <door dir> <state>     resets a door to a certain state
RAND  <room vnum> <last door dir>        randomizes a range of exits
TRAP  <vnum> <type> <charges> <flags>    sets a trap
HIDE  <object vnum>                      hides an obj (last obj loaded)

reset add mob 1000 1000 1      (Loads mob 1000 into room 1000, limit 1)
reset add obj 1200 1000 5      (Loads obj 1200 into room 1000, limit 5)
reset add give 1000            (Gives obj 1000 to the last mob loaded)
reset add equip 1000 7         (Gives obj 1000 to the last mob loaded
                                  and forces it to wear object on legs)
reset add put 1000 1200        (Puts obj 1000 into obj 1200 - Obj 1200
                                  must already exist as last obj loaded)
reset add door 0 1             (Close the north door - door must exist)
reset add rand 3               (Randomize exits n, s, e, w)
reset add hide 1000            (Hide object 1000 - defaults to last obj
                                  loaded if object not specified)

For EQUIP position, see WEARLOCS.
For DOOR door dir, see DOORDIRS.
For TRAP setting see TRAPSETTING.

Here are the various locations where items may be equipped:

     Numb| Location     Numb| Location     Numb| Location
     ----+------------  ----+------------  ----+------------
       0 | light          1 | finger1        2 | finger2
       3 | neck1          4 | neck2          5 | body
       6 | head           7 | legs           8 | feet
       9 | hands         10 | arms          11 | shield
      12 | about         13 | waist         14 | wrist1
      15 | wrist2        16 | wield         17 | hold
      18 | dual_wield    19 | ears          20 | eyes


When making an exit, the direction can be specified numerically or as a
character.  Here is the order of the exits, and their corresponding
bitvector values:

      Direction | Value | Short    Direction | Value | Short          
      ----------+-------+------    ----------+-------+------
      North     |   0   |  N       Northeast |   6   |  NE
      East      |   1   |  E       Northwest |   7   |  NW
      South     |   2   |  S       Southeast |   8   |  SE
      West      |   3   |  W       Southwest |   9   |  SW
      Up        |   4   |  U       Somewhere |  10   |  ?
      Down      |   5   |  D 

Something a bit unusual, Traps
Most of the following trap effects can be duplicated with room programs. 
The only difference is, room programs can't be disarmed nor do they run
out of charges like traps do.

Flags to describe a trap and what triggers it:

Flag    | Description
ROOM    | Trap is in a room
OBJ     | Trap is on an object
ENTER   | Trap is triggered by entering the room
LEAVE   | Trap is triggered by leaving the room
OPEN    | Trap is triggered by opening
CLOSE   | Trap is triggered by closing
GET     | Trap is triggered by getting the object
PUT     | Trap is triggered by putting the object
EXAMINE | Trap is triggered by examining the object
PICK    | Trap is triggered by picking the object
UNLOCK  | Trap is triggered by unlocking the object
NORTH   | Trap is triggered by moving north
SOUTH   | Trap is triggered by moving south
EAST    | Trap is triggered by moving east
WEST    | Trap is triggered by moving west
UP      | Trap is triggered by moving up
DOWN    | Trap is triggered by moving down


Setting a trap is a little tricky.

Parameters: <vnum> <type> <charges> <flags>
VNUM    - The vnum of either the room or object to be trapped.
TYPE    - The type of trap.  (See TRAPTYPES)
CHARGES - The number of charges this trap should contain.
FLAGS   - Flags specifying the characteristics of the trap.
          (ie: room trap or object trap, what triggers the trap, etc.)


Types of traps:

  Number | Description            Number | Description      
 --------+------------------     --------+------------------
     1   | Poison gas                8   | Flame            
     2   | Poison dart               9   | Explosion        
     3   | Poison needle            10   | Acid Spray       
     4   | Poison dagger            11   | Electric Shock   
     5   | Poison arrow             12   | Blade            
     6   | Blindness gas            13   | Sex change spell 
     7   | Sleeping gas                              


A Final Word
When you've finally completed your area, you will need to provide answers
to a few questions, while others will be pre-determined for you, before
your area can be installed as a regularly loaded area.  Most Builders
won't have access to this command, but it's important for all Builders to
know the parameters needed to complete an area before it is installed.  

Syntax:  aset <area filename> <field> <value>
Aset is used to set the following fields for an individual area:
author    - The name of the area's author    [Builder Name]
name      - The full "name" of an area...    [Builder supplies this]
filename  - The filename (ie: somearea.are)  [Usually depends on name]
lo_room   - The lowest room vnum             [Already assigned]
hi_room   - The highest room vnum            [Already assigned]
lo_obj    - The lowest obj vnum              [Already assigned]
hi_obj    - The highest obj vnum             [Already assigned]
lo_mob    - The lowest mob vnum              [Already assigned]
hi_mob    - The highest mob vnum             [Already assigned]
low_economy - minumum amount of gold the area will start with at reboot
max_economy - maximum amount of gold the area _can_ start with at reboot
softrange - The level range the area is intended for   [Ex: 1 - 10]
hardrange - The enforced level range (if any)
resetmsg  - Message displayed throughout the area at reset
resetfrq  - Number of minutes between area resets  [Default is 20]
flags     - Area-wide flags:  nopkill

You should be ready to supply the following information when your area is
to be installed;
The name of the Area           (Example: The Castle of Rasputin)
The suggested soft level range (Example: 20 - 40)
A suggested unique filename    (Example: rasputin.are)
A resetmsg [70 char limit]     (Example: Maniacal laughter echoes through
  the ancient castle.) [Default is "You hear some squeaking noises"]
Your resetfrq       [Newbie areas would reset faster than Av areas.]