#AREA   The Council HQ~


0 0 0 0


#ECONOMY 0 9522161

#CLIMATE 2 2 2

A Council Guard~
A Council Guard~
A Council Guard is here looking for intruders.
3 0 -1000 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 1000000000
112 112 0
15 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
if clan($n)== The council
sa Welcome to the HQ, $n.
yell $n has reached the Ice Block!! Defend at once!!
mpkill $n 
The Council Cave Guard~
The Council Cave Guard~
The Council Cave Guard is here looking for intruders
3 0 -1000 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 1000000000
112 112 0
15 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
if clan($n)== The council
sa Welcome back to the HQ, $n.
yell $n has reached the Cave!!!! Defend at once!!!!
mpkill $n 
The Council Shop Keeper~
The Council Shop Keeper~
The Council Shop Keeper stands here silently
67108867 0 -1000 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 5000000
112 112 0
The Council Trainer~
The Council Trainer~
The Council Trainer is sitting here
67108867 0 -1000 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 5000000
112 112 0
Council Training Mob~
A Training Mob~
A Training Mob stands here waiting to fight
3 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 5000000
112 112 0
> death_prog 100~
if mobcount(880) == 0
mpmload 880
The Council Cavern Guard~
The Council Cavern Guard~
The Council Cavern Guard is looking for intruders.
3 0 -1000 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 1000000000
112 112 0
15 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
if clan($n)== The council
sa Welcome back to the HQ, $n.
yell $n has reached the Cavern!!!!! Defend at once!!!!!
mpkill $n

Council Vault Key~
&z(&YGlowing&z) &zA Council Vault Key~
&zA small key is laying here~
18 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 5100000 510000
A Rune Etched Faceplate~
&BA &z|&RRune&z|&B Etched Faceplate&D~
&BA &z|&RRune&z| &BEtched Faceplate is lying on the ground~
9 0 1048577
0 45 0 0 5000000 125000000
1 18000 1800
A Rune Imbued Ring~
&BA &z|&RRune&z|&B Etched Ring&D~
&BA weird ring is sitting here waiting to be picked up.~
9 0 3
0 35 0 0 5000000 125000000
1 20000 2000
Rune Etched Shroud~
&BA &z|&RRune&z|&B Etched Shroud&D~
&BSome mysterious Shrouds are lying here in a heap.~
9 0 1025
0 40 0 0 5000000 125000000
1 20000 2000
A Fiery Red Katana~
&RA &rF&Ri&re&Rr&ry &RR&re&Rd &rK&Ra&rt&Ra&rn&Ra~
&RA &rF&Ri&re&Rr&ry &RR&re&Rd &rK&Ra&rt&Ra&rn&Ra sticks in the ground in front of you~
5 0 8193
0 45 0 3 5000000 125000000
1 25000 2500
A Large Statue~
A Large Statue~
&z A Large Statue of a Warrior stands here gripping his Sword.~
8 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
NORDIC Keycard~
The NORDIC Keycard~
A NORDIC Keycard is lying here~
9 0&16 16385
0 0 0 0
1 0 0

&zThe Council Landing Pad~
&BThe dock is baron and the only thing around is snow and ice. The temp is way
below freezing and without the proper gear you could freeze in under two minutes.The
thick ice and snow makes a crackling sound as every step is placed. The wind
picks up and begins to freeze every exposed piece of skin. Nothing good will
come to you if you continue to just sit here. Off in the distance a snow storm
can be seen.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 852
&zThe Frozen Tundra~
&BThe Tundra is a frozen baron place. No signs of any lifeform can be seen or
sensed.The wind is gusting and making it very difficult to see. As the wind
pushes the loose snow around you notice your standing on what seems to be a
huge block of ice. Off in the distance you can see a snow storm heading this
0 67108868 1
0 -1 851
0 -1 853
> act_prog p arrives from the north.~
if clan($n) == The council
mplog $n &C$n has begun a raid on &BThe Council!
&zThe Frozen Tundra~
&BThe Tundra is a frozen baron place. No signs of any lifeform can be seen or
sensed.The wind is gusting and making it very difficult to see. As the wind
pushes the loose snow around you notice your standing on what seems to be a
huge block of ice. Off in the distance you can see a snow storm heading this
way. Off to the south you notice a weird reflection. Or you can head back the
way you came to reach the dock.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 854
0 -1 852
&zBefore a Wall of Ice~
&BThe ground is completely solid from the ice and there is no sign of life anywhere.Each
step gets more and more difficult to take. As the Tundra wind blows the air
becomes thinner. Finding it harder and harder to breath and the visability
down to nothing, you reach out with your hands and feel a solid wall of ice.
The snow moves away and the wall appears to be sever feet thick. Maybe there
is a way to bypass this wall? 
0 67108868 1
0 -1 853
&YTel em urht eht eci
> speech_prog p Let me thru the ice~
if isfight($n)
mea $n _yel Finish your fight!
mea $n _yel **** Voice Recognition ****
mea $n _blu All of a sudden the Ice becomes liquid and your body falls thru.
mer $n _blu $n has fallen thru the ice and vanishes.
mptrans $n 855
mpat $n mpforce $n look
&zInside a Frozen Cave~
&BThe inside of the cave is covered in snow and ice. There is no opening to
the outside so the snow and ice are a mystery. The walls extend for as far
as the eye can see. A strong gust of wind chills the room and pushes the loose
snow around. With no exits outside the gust of wind means there has to be an
opening somewhere. 
0 67108868 1
0 -1 856
&zA Frozen Path~
&BThe path is about 3 feet wide and has no shoulder. Beneath the path is nothing
but blackness. There is a strong wind coming from below so the drop must be
signifacant. The only option is to continue on the path to see if somehow you
can find a route out of here and into the HQ.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 857
0 -1 855
&zA Frozen Path~
&BThe path is about 3 feet wide and has no shoulder. Beneath the path is nothing
but blackness. There is a strong wind coming from below so the drop must be
signifacant. The only option is to continue on the path to see if somehow you
can find a route out of here and into the HQ 
0 67108868 1
0 -1 856
0 -1 858
&zDeeper in the Cave~
&BThe path seems to be getting a little wider now as you travel deeper into
the cave. The strong wind has also decreased. The air is a liitle thicker and
the lights start to flicker a little as the oxygen in the air becomes less.
The light smell of death seems to be coming from deeper in the cave 
0 67108868 1
0 -1 859
0 -1 857
&z Before a Cavern~
&BThe path has brought you to a huge cavern. The mouth of the cavern has jagged
rocks and the smell of old water fills the air. The puddle in the middle of
the room is stale and crawling with little bugs that resemble cockroaches.
The wall are also covered with these little bugs so walking around without
getting them on you proves to be difficult. 
0 67108868 1
0 -1 858
0 -1 860
&zInside a Cavern~
&BYou have stumbled into a HUGE Cavern. There is frozen stalactites hanging
from the roof and walls of the Cavern. The room is very cold but a musty dank
odor starts to over power you. Looking closer at the walls and roof you notice
there is frozen blood sticking to the frozen stalactites. Strewn across the
floor is bones and dismemberd body parts. The smell you thought smelled musty
is actually all the body parts rotting away.You notice there is some writing
etched into the wall.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 859
&YTo enter the HQ just tell me where to take you.
> speech_prog p take me to the HQ~
if isfight($n)
mea $n _yel Finish your fight!
if clan($n)== The council
mea $n _yel **** Voice Recognition Complete ****
mea $n _blu The ice consumes you and your body begins to freeze
mer $n _blu $n begins to freeze solid, his body cracks and a gust of wind carries it away.
mptrans $n 861
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mea $n _yel ACCESS DENIED!!!
mea $n _blu The ice consumes you and your body begins to freeze.
mer $n _blu $n begins to freeze solid, his body cracks and a gust of wind carries it away.
mptrans $n 884
mpat $n mpforce $n look
> speech_prog p dock~
if isfight($n)
mea $n _yel Finish your fight!
mea $n _blu Your body starts to feel strange as it slowly begins to freeze.
mer $n _blu $n begins to freeze solid, $n s body cracks and a gust of wind carries it away.
mptrans $n 851
mpat $n mer $n _yel The body of $n begins to materialize and has arrived on the dock!
mpat $n mpforce $n look
&z Inside the Council HQ~
&BYou have finally made it into the members area of the Head Quarters.Everything
is covered in ice and the walls are sculpted with the insignia of TC. The floor
has a walkway worn from the years of use. If you are not a member I recommend
leaving at once or sudden death with surely insue. 
0 67108868 1
0 -1 862
&zA Frozen Intersection~
&BThe further you walk into the Head Quarters, the colder it gets. Your
breath can easily be seen every time you exhale, and that's undoubtly
from the thick walls made of solid ice. No heat above thirty degrees
is let inside this place, and you can't helt but wonder how anyone
could live in such extreme conditions. Regardless, two hallways await
your next step, each promising an unbearable cold temperature.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 861
0 -1 863
0 -1 872
&zThe Main Hallway~
&BThe Main hallway is illuminated by small lights coming out of the floor. The
lighting only comes up about waist height so you have to continuesly look down
in fear of tripping over something that might be coming out of the ground.The
temperature is still freezing and every breath took clings to the air in one
large cloud. 
0 67108868 1
0 -1 864
0 -1 862
&zThe Main Hallway~
&BThe Main hallway is illuminated by small lights coming out of the floor. The
lighting only comes up about waist height so you have to continuesly look down
in fear of tripping over something that might be coming out of the ground.
The temperature is still freezing and every breath took clings to the air in
one large cloud.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 865
0 -1 863
&zThe Main Hallway~
&BThe Main hallway is illuminated by small lights coming out of the floor. The
lighting only comes up about waist height so you have to continuesly look down
in fear of tripping over something that might be coming out of the ground.
The temperature is still freezing and every breath took clings to the air in
one large cloud.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 866
0 -1 864
&zThe Main Hallway~
&BThe Main hallway is illuminated by small lights coming out of the floor. The
lighting only comes up about waist height so you have to continuesly look down
in fear of tripping over something that might be coming out of the ground.
The temperature is still freezing and every breath took clings to the air in
one large cloud.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 867
0 -1 865
0 -1 895
&zA large open area~
&BThe Main hallway has taken you to a large open room. The room has no furniture
and the walls seem to be made from some weird alloy. There is The Councils
insignia engraved into the middle of the floor. It seems to be glowing and
its the only thing lighting this room.Off in the distance you can here loud
screams for help. Venturing any further could get you kill. I would suggest
leaving now or you may have to deal with Cell personally.You hear a sound coming
from some unknown direction.
0 67108868 1
2048 -1 870
0 -1 871
0 -1 866
0 -1 868
&zThe Council Control Room~
&BYou have entered The Council's main control room. From here the members can
see every inch of the the Head Quarters. The walls are lined with computer
panels that light up and blink every second. The back of the room is a transporter
that allows the members to get around the HQ rather quickly. If you need help
you can look at the Control screen for the available commands.The room seems
to have a draft and the hair on the back of your neck begins to stand up. 
0 67108868 1
2055 869 869
0 -1 867
&YTo return to the dock just say to the dock

To get to the cavern say to the cavern
> speech_prog p to the dock~
if isfight($n)
mea $n _yel Finish your fight!
mea $n _blu Your body starts to feel strange as it slowly begins to freeze.
mer $n _blu $n begins to freeze solid, his body cracks and a gust of wind carries it away.
mptrans $n 851
mpat $n mer $n _yel The body of $n begins to materialize and has arrived on the dock!
mpat $n mpforce $n look
> speech_prog p to the Cavern~
if isfight($n)
mea $n _yel Finish your fight!
if clan($n)== The Council
mea $n _blu Your body starts to feel strange as it slowly begins to freeze.
mer $n _blu $n begins to freeze solid, $n 's body cracks and a gust of wind carries it away.
mptrans $n 884
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mea $n _yel Enjoy your stay in jail.
mptrans $n 895
mpat $n mpforce $n look
> speech_prog p show me the dock~
if clan($n)== The council
mea $n _yel Viewing the dock
mptrans $n 851
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mptrans $n 868
&z Inside the Council Vault~
0 67633156 1
7 869 868
&z The Council Shop~
0 67108868 1
2048 -1 867
&z Meditation Room~
&B The room is small and cluttered with books. The smell coming from the old
trainer sitting on the floor is over powering and you feel like your going
to gag. As your eyes begin to focus you notice the room has dead animals and
strange green liquid covering the floor. Maybe you should think about leaving.
0 69206020 1
0 -1 867
&zA Long Frozen Corridor~
&BThe hallway opens up into a longer one, clouds of frozen air fall to the
ground off the outstretched walls made of solid ice. Your fingers begin to
feel numb every moment you spend in this place, and one can't help but worry
iff frostbite is possible or not. The frozen hallway stretches on to the west
while the cold exit taunts you from the northeast.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 873
0 -1 862
&zA Long Frozen Corridor~
&BYou feel colder with every bit of energy you expend walking one step
after another. You could swear your breath would freeze in place if it
were just one or two degrees colder. Knowing that ice is all around you
doesn't help keep your thoughts on warmth, and you shiver every once in
awhile to accumulate any heat from the friction your body can manage to
0 67108868 1
0 -1 872
0 -1 874
&zA Long Frozen Corridor~
&BThe cold air taunts at you, and being numb is only a blessing considering
the amount of cold you've been through. Your feet almost stick from the dry
frozen floor, and if you ever lost your strength from the cold, you wouldnt
want to get stuck to the floor. The corridor makes a sharp turn, and from
that turn emits more icy cold temperatures, and not many would be willing to
push through the thick wall of cold that awaits them there.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 875
0 -1 873
&zDeeper Into the HQ~
&BThe freezing temperatures have just become a whole lot colder. Bits of
ice crystals form around the skin on your arms and your feet are
practically invisible due to the massive amount of cold air that smothers
the floor, which yields a colder temperature from the air around, if that
is even possible.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 876
0 -1 874
&zDeeper Into the HQ~
&BBits of ice crystals form around the skin on your arms and your feet are
practically invisible due to the massive amount of cold air that smothers
the floor, which yields a colder temperature from the air around, if that
is even possible.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 877
0 -1 875
&zA Long Frozen Corridor~
&BThe cold air taunts at you, and being numb is only a blessing considering
the amount of cold you've been through. Your feet almost stick from the dry
frozen floor, and if you ever lost your strength from the cold, you wouldnt
want to get stuck to the floor. The corridor continues northward, and from
that stretch of hall emits more icy cold temperatures, and not many would 
be willing to push through the thick wall of cold that awaits them there.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 878
0 -1 876
&z Before the Training Rooms~
&BYour heart gives a joyous beat as you approach, the air radiating from
the room ahead is about five or ten degrees warmer than the rooms before
it, and logic states the reason why as you read the sign above.
'Training Room'
The amount of heat that pours from the fighters inside most certainly warm
the room, that and heat may even be provided so the fighters aren't
afflicted with hypothermia, as if they wouldn't receive such from the trip
required to get here.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 877
0 -1 879
&z Training Simulator~
&BYou have reached the training area of the HQ. The room is alot warmer then
the surrounding areas. Just stepping into this room your body begins to thaw
and you feel a little bit more relaxed. You can hear screams coming from the
adjacent rooms. In this little area a person could spends days or even weeks
training. It's got everything a fighter needs to get stronger.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 882
0 -1 878
0 -1 883
0 -1 880
&zTraining Room~
&BThis room is thick with condensation as the heat from the fighters mix with
the cold air. The smell of sweat fills the room and just seeing thru this fog
is a bit trying. In the middle of the room you notice a strange object. On
further inspection you notice its a training robot and its sole purpose is
to help the younger members become stronger.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 881
0 -1 879
&zA Frozen  Room~
&BThis room is thick with condensation as the heat from the fighters mix with
the cold air. The smell of sweat fills the room and just seeing thru this fog
is a bit trying. In the middle of the room you notice a strange object. On
further inspection you notice its a training robot and its sole purpose is
to help the younger members become stronger.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 880
&z Healing Chamber~
&BYou walk into an enormous room. On all four walls there are rows and rows
of these strange chambers. Inside the chambers there is a bright blue substance,
that bubbles and clings to the small glass portal that lets the staff view
the inside.On the chamber there is writing, "Rejuvenation Chamber XVII". 
0 67108900 1
0 -1 879
&z UGT Chamber~
&BIn this room the temp is a few degrees warmer then the outer areas. As you
walk in you feel your body buckle under the extreme pressure. Just bringing
each leg up zaps your energy. In the middle of the room is a gigantic machine
that has buttons all over it. The word Gravitron is written in fancy letters
on the back panel of the machine. The fighters that use this room are supreme
and very knowledgeable. One mistake and your body will turn into silly putty.
0 67108868&8 1
0 -1 879
&CDeep inside the Frozen Cavern~
&CThe temperature has dropped about 50 degrees. There is 6 feet of snow and
walking thru the snow starts to freeze your legs and torso. The wind is gusting
so hearing anything is almost impossible. The snow begins to fall again and
the visibility is close to nothing. Even if you could see your eyes are so
cold they may freeze shut.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 885
&CA frozen Cavern~
&CThe temperature has dropped about 50 degrees. There is 6 feet of snow and
walking thru the snow starts to freeze your legs and torso. The wind is gusting
so hearing anything is almost impossible. The snow begins to fall again and
the visibility is close to nothing. Even if you could see your eyes are so
cold they may freeze shut.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 886
0 -1 884
&CA frozen Cavern~
&CThe temperature has dropped about 50 degrees. There is 6 feet of snow and
walking thru the snow starts to freeze your legs and torso. The wind is gusting
so hearing anything is almost impossible. The snow begins to fall again and
the visibility is close to nothing. Even if you could see your eyes are so
cold they may freeze shut.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 887
0 -1 885
&CThe Frozen Intersection~
&CThe intersection goes into the freezing north or you can just dig a hole here
and die a slow painful death. The temperature has dropped another 50 degrees.There
is now 7 feet of snow and walking thru it makes your legs and feet numb. The
wind is gusting so hearing anything is impossible. The snow doesnt seem to
be letting up so the visibility is still at nothing. Your only wish is to find
warmth and shelter.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 888
0 -1 886
&CNearing a Tunnel~
&CFighting the cold you push forward and begin to see an outline of a tunnel.The
closer you get the harder the wind keeps pushing you back. Every step taken
feels like a mile. The loose snow is blown into your face and begins to freeze
your skin. As you get closer to the tunnel the wind begins to subside and it
becomes easier to move and breath.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 889
0 -1 887
&CA Frozen Tunnel~
&CAt last the tunnel gives you some shelter from the cold storm outside.A large
amount of snow has built up at the entrance to the tunnel but climbing over
it doesnt seem to be very difficult. The tunnel is still cold but its alot
better then the cavern. There is an odd smell coming from inside the tunnel.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 888
0 -1 890
&CA Frozen Tunnel~
&CThe deeper the tunnel goes the darker it becomes. Its cold and the floor is
covered in slush. The walls of the tunnel seems to be coated with some strange
substance. The roof of the tunnel drips as the snow from outside is slowly
melted from the little heat the tunnel provides. The strange odor is starting
to get a little stronger.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 889
0 -1 891
&CDeeper in the Tunnel~
&CThe deeper the tunnel goes the darker it becomes. It's cold and the floor
is covered in slush. The walls of the tunnel seems to be coated with some strange
substance. The roof of the tunnel drips as the snow from outside is slowly
melted from the little heat the tunnel provides. The strange odor is starting
to get a little stronger.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 890
0 -1 892
&CA Frozen Tunnel~
&CThe deeper the tunnel goes the darker it becomes. It's cold and the floor
is covered in slush and ice. The walls of the tunnel seems to be coated with
some strange substance. The roof of the tunnel drips as the snow from outside
is slowly metled from the little heat the tunnel provides. The strange odor
is starting to get a little stronger.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 893
0 -1 891
&CA Dead End~
&CYou have reached a dead end. It doesn't seem like you can go any further.
The cold floor begins to make your feet go numb and you start to move around
to bring heat to yourself. There is gusting wind that seems to be coming from 
all directions. The strange odor is now over powering.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 892
2051 -1 894
&zA large Statue~
&BThe room is full of lush green grass and the smell of wild flowers fill the
air. The dank dark feeling is gone and the artificle light seems to be doing
the trick. In the middle of the room there is a Large Statue of a Warrior holding
a huge broad sword. As you look at it the statue seems to look back into your
eyes, giving you a very uneasy feeling. On the breast plate there is some writing.
"Those who wish to enter the sacred Members area of The Council need to answer
the secret riddle." You then begin to search the statue and notice the Broad
sword is etched with more writing.
0 67108868 1
1 -1 893
&YTo get in you must answer this riddle.
What falls but never breaks?
What breaks but never falls?
> speech_prog p night and day~
if isfight($n)
mea $n _yel Finish your fight!
mea $n _yel **** Answer being verified ****
mea $n _yel **** Correct ****
mea $n _blu The Statue looks you over and flings you inside the HQ!
mer $n _blu $n begins to shake as his body disappears!
mptrans $n 861
mpat $n mpforce $n look
> speech_prog p Dock~
if isfight($n)
mea $n _yel Finish your fight!
mea $n _blu Your body starts to feel strange as it slowly begins to freeze.
mptrans $n 851
mpat $n mer $n _yel The body of $n begins to materialize and has arrived on the dock!
mpat $n mpforce $n look
&zApproaching the Main Area~
&BYou have wound up in the Jail. Sit back and relax cause you wont be going
anywhere for awhile.
0 67108868 1
> speech_prog p release me~
if isfight($n)
mea $n _yel Finish your fight!
if clan($n)== The council
mea $n _yel **** Voice Recognition Complete ****
mea $n _blu The ice consumes you and your body begins to freeze.
mer $n _blu $n begins to freeze solid, his body cracks and a gust of wind carries it away.
mptrans $n 868
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mea $n _yel Nice try dumbass!
> rand_prog 100~
if time($n) == 12
mea $n You have been released.
mptransfer $n 851
mpat $n mer $n $n materializes infront of you, from the jail.
mpat $n mpforce $n look
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
&RCell's Office~
If your here its because Cell needs to talk to you or ask you for something.
0 4 1
0 -1 251

M 1 871 1 871
D 0 893 5 1
M 1 854 1 854
O 1 894 1 894
D 0 894 4 0
M 1 857 1 857
M 1 886 1 886
M 1 886 2 891
M 1 880 1 880
M 1 880 2 881
M 1 870 1 870
G 1 870 1
G 1 871 1
G 1 872 1
G 1 869 1
G 1 3216 1

 870    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; The Council Shop Keeper


