#AREA   Omega Prime~

#AUTHOR Burter~

0 0 0 0


#ECONOMY 2147483647 -2144633092

#CLIMATE 2 2 2

Omega Prime Guard~
The Omega Prime Guard~
&WThe Omega Prime Guard is standing here preventing intruders.
515 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 850000000
112 112 0
15 15 15 15 15 13 15
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
if isimmort($n)
Say Hello $n, Welcome to the Omega Prime Fortress.
Yell $n is trying to infiltrate the fortress I need backup!!
Mpkill $n
Omega Prime Shop Keeper~
An Omega Shopkeeper~
&WAn Omega Shopkeeper is here waiting to sell things.
3 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
> greet_prog 100~
Say Oh, hello $n. What can I get you?
Yell Guards! there's an intruder in the shop, I need assistance!

tactical comm light~
&W&w&r(&OOmega&r) &zTact&wical Co&Wmmun&wica&ztor&w~
A shiny object is laying here on the ground.~
1 0 1
0 0 0 0 25000000 125000000
1 20000 2000
power pendant~
&W&w&r(&OOmega&r) &zGlo&wwi&Wng Pen&wdant &Wof P&wow&zer&w~
Somone has a left a necklace here.~
9 0 5
0 20 0 0 25000000 125000000
1 20000 2000
enforced ankle guard~
&W&w&r(&OOmega&r) &zAda&wman&zt&Wium Enf&worc&Wed An&wkl&Weg&wua&zrds&w~
Someone has left anklebands here on the ground~
9 0 2097153
0 25 0 0 50000000 125000000
1 23000 2300

&z-=(&OStanding on Omega Prime's Landing Pad&z)=-~
&rThe dock area of the Team Omega Headquarters seems to be a large open platform.
It is large enough for many spaceships to take off and land here. The only
apparent exit seems to be to the north. Far off in the distance is the great
Team Omega's Fortress, Omega Prime. This fortress seems to overshadow everything
in the area. There is a large metal wall surrounding the fortress, automatic
gun turrets are on full alert to protect the area from invaders. Entering the
area, it is a good idea to proceed with caution.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8001
&z-=(&OOmega Prime's Metal Walkway&z)=-~
&rContinuing along this path to a large door, the loud noise becomes more unbearable
as one would almost be unable to concentrate due to it. To the north a large
black door can be seen leading to parts unknown. One could assume that what
they will find past the door will be the cause of this noise.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8002
2048 -1 8003
0 -1 8000
&z-=(&OStanding Outside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&rLooking up, all you can see is this massive fortress. There are gun turretts
on every post and atleast two guards standing ready at each station, to keep
an eye on the fortress and to man the turret guns. From where you are standing
there does not seem to be an apparent entrance to the heavily guarded HQ. The
fortress guards are the best of the best, they are always on full alert and
are always suspicious of everyone, no matter if they are friend or foe. However,
looking towards the northeast there seems to be an opening of some sort, perhaps
this is the only weak point in the fortress' defenses. This all seems too easy,
maybe you should remain on full alert yourself.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8001
2048 -1 8005
&z-=(&OOmega Prime's Metal Walkway&z)=-~
&rContinuing along this path to a large door, a loud noise becomes more unbearable
as one would almost be unable to concentrate due to it. To the north a large
black door can be seen leading to parts unknown. One could assume that what
they will find past the door will be the cause of this noise.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8001
0 -1 8004
&z-=(&OOmega Prime's Metal Walkway&z)=-~
&rContinuing along this path to a large door, a loud noise becomes more unbearable
as one would almost be unable to concentrate due to it. To the north a large
black door can be seen leading to parts unknown. One could assume that what
they will find past the door will be the cause of this noise.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8003
&z-=(&OBefore the Doors of Omega Prime&z)=-~
&rUnbelievable, someone has entered into a secret room of the Omega Fortress.
Alarms can be heard far off in the distance, although some seem to be very
close by. Perhaps coming here wasn't the greastest of ideas. The only thing
remotely visible is this small dark windowless room is a golden &Oplaque&r
but it probably has no real significance. The only exit appears to be the way
you came, you think to yourself this couldn't be the right way. The best idea
is to leave before reinforcements arrive. You have been warned.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8002
&O---------Team Omega Fortress--------
To enter into the heavily guarded fortress one must utter the words
"I want to enter the fortress"
Remember: Enter at your own Risk.
You have been warned.
> speech_prog p I want to enter the fortress~
if isfight($n)
mea $n You are transported into the Dungeons of the Fortress. 
mer $n $n is transported into the Dungeons of the Fortress..
mptrans $n 8006
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mpat $n mea $n You arrive from the dock.
Mpat $n mer $n $nArrives from the dock
&z-=(&pTeam Omega's Dungeon&z)=-~
&OThe smell of death is in the air. There are broken bones and pieces of rusted
armor laying around. It appears to be a dungeon, but there was no remorse for
the poor fools who died here trying to assault the Team Omega Fortress. It
seems the Omega Warriors leave this place a foul and rotten cesspool as a warning
to all those who trespass. The gory mess seems to get worse with every step.
A dark mist clouds the path ahead making it hard to navigate a way through.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8010
0 -1 8007
0 -1 8036
&z-=(&pTeam Omega's Dungeon&z)=-~
&OThe smell of death is in the air. There are broken bones and pieces of rusted
armor laying around. It appears to be a dungeon, but there was no remorse for
the poor fools who died here trying to assault the Team Omega Fortress. It
seems the Omega Warriors leave this place a foul and rotten cesspool as a warning
to all those who trespass. The gory mess seems to get worse with every step.
A dark mist clouds the path ahead making it hard to navigate a way through.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8006
0 -1 8009
0 -1 8008
&z-=(&pTeam Omega's Dungeon&z)=-~
&OThe smell of death is in the air. There are broken bones and pieces of rusted
armor laying around. It appears to be a dungeon, but there was no remorse for
the poor fools who died here trying to assault the Team Omega Fortress. It
seems the Omega Warriors leave this place a foul and rotten cesspool as a warning
to all those who trespass. The gory mess seems to get worse with every step.
A dark mist clouds the path ahead making it hard to navigate a way through.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8007
&z-=(&pTeam Omega's Dungeon&z)=-~
&OThe smell of death is in the air. There are broken bones and pieces of rusted
armor laying around. It appears to be a dungeon, but there was no remorse for
the poor fools who died here trying to assault the Team Omega Fortress. It
seems the Omega Warriors leave this place a foul and rotten cesspool as a warning
to all those who trespass. The gory mess seems to get worse with every step.
A dark mist clouds the path ahead making it hard to navigate a way through.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8007
&z-=(&pTeam Omega's Dungeon&z)=-~
&OThe smell of death is in the air. There are broken bones and pieces of rusted
armor laying around. It appears to be a dungeon, but there was no remorse for
the poor fools who died here trying to assault the Team Omega Fortress. It
seems the Omega Warriors leave this place a foul and rotten cesspool as a warning
to all those who trespass. The gory mess seems to get worse with every step.
A dark mist clouds the path ahead making it hard to navigate a way through.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8006
0 -1 8011
0 -1 8012
0 -1 8069
&z-=(&pTeam Omega's Dungeon&z)=-~
&OThe smell of death is in the air. There are broken bones and pieces of rusted
armor laying around. It appears to be a dungeon, but there was no remorse for
the poor fools who died here trying to assault the Team Omega Fortress. It
seems the Omega Warriors leave this place a foul and rotten cesspool as a warning
to all those who trespass. The gory mess seems to get worse with every step.
A dark mist clouds the path ahead making it hard to navigate a way through.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8010
&z-=(&pTeam Omega's Dungeon&z)=-~
&OThe smell of death is in the air. There are broken bones and pieces of rusted
armor laying around. It appears to be a dungeon, but there was no remorse for
the poor fools who died here trying to assault the Team Omega Fortress. It
seems the Omega Warriors leave this place a foul and rotten cesspool as a warning
to all those who trespass. The gory mess seems to get worse with every step.
A dark mist clouds the path ahead making it hard to navigate a way through.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8010
&z-=(&pTeam Omega's Dungeon&z)=-~
&OThe smell of death is in the air. There are broken bones and pieces of rusted
armor laying around. It appears to be a dungeon, but there was no remorse for
the poor fools who died here trying to assault the Team Omega Fortress. It
seems the Omega Warriors leave this place a foul and rotten cesspool as a warning
to all those who trespass. The gory mess seems to get worse with every step.
A dark mist clouds the path ahead making it hard to navigate a way through.
Looking closely at the wall you see a weird looking &YSign&O just hanging there.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8036
0 -1 8014
0 -1 8015
&WIf you wish to evacuate the fortress you better do so now or prepare for the
> speech_prog p i wish to evacuate the fortress~
if isfight($n)
mea $n You are evacuated from the Fortress
mer $n $n is evacuated from the Fortress
mptrans $n 8000
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mpat $n mea $n &OYou are now back on the dock
mpat $n mer $n &O$n arrives from within the Fortress
&z-=(&pTeam Omega's Dungeon&z)=-~
&OThe smell of death is in the air. There are broken bones and pieces of rusted
armor laying around. It appears to be a dungeon, but there was no remorse for
the poor fools who died here trying to assault the Team Omega Fortress. It
seems the Omega Warriors leave this place a foul and rotten cesspool as a warning
to all those who trespass. The gory mess seems to get worse with every step.
A dark mist clouds the path ahead making it hard to navigate a way through.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8013
&z-=(&pTeam Omega's Dungeon&z)=-~
&OThe smell of death is in the air. There are broken bones and pieces of rusted
armor laying around. It appears to be a dungeon, but there was no remorse for
the poor fools who died here trying to assault the Team Omega Fortress. It
seems the Omega Warriors leave this place a foul and rotten cesspool as a warning
to all those who trespass. The gory mess seems to get worse with every step.
A dark mist clouds the path ahead making it hard to navigate a way through.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8013
&z-=(&pTeam Omega's Dungeon&z)=-~
&OThe smell of death is in the air. There are broken bones and pieces of rusted
armor laying around. It appears to be a dungeon, but there was no remorse for
the poor fools who died here trying to assault the Team Omega Fortress. It
seems the Omega Warriors leave this place a foul and rotten cesspool as a warning
to all those who trespass. The gory mess seems to get worse with every step.
A dark mist clouds the path ahead making it hard to navigate a way through.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8017
0 -1 8036
&z-=(&pTeam Omega's Dungeon&z)=-~
&OThe smell of death is in the air. There are broken bones and pieces of rusted
armor laying around. It appears to be a dungeon, but there was no remorse for
the poor fools who died here trying to assault the Team Omega Fortress. It
seems the Omega Warriors leave this place a foul and rotten cesspool as a warning
to all those who trespass. The gory mess seems to get worse with every step.
A dark mist clouds the path ahead making it hard to navigate a way through.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8019
0 -1 8016
0 -1 8018
&z-=(&pTeam Omega's Dungeon&z)=-~
&OThe smell of death is in the air. There are broken bones and pieces of rusted
armor laying around. It appears to be a dungeon, but there was no remorse for
the poor fools who died here trying to assault the Team Omega Fortress. It
seems the Omega Warriors leave this place a foul and rotten cesspool as a warning
to all those who trespass. The gory mess seems to get worse with every step.
A dark mist clouds the path ahead making it hard to navigate a way through.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8017
&z-=(&pTeam Omega's Dungeon&z)=-~
&OThe smell of death is in the air. There are broken bones and pieces of rusted
armor laying around. It appears to be a dungeon, but there was no remorse for
the poor fools who died here trying to assault the Team Omega Fortress. It
seems the Omega Warriors leave this place a foul and rotten cesspool as a warning
to all those who trespass. The gory mess seems to get worse with every step.
A dark mist clouds the path ahead making it hard to navigate a way through.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8021
0 -1 8017
0 -1 8020
&z-=(&pTeam Omega's Dungeon&z)=-~
&OThe smell of death is in the air. There are broken bones and pieces of rusted
armor laying around. It appears to be a dungeon, but there was no remorse for
the poor fools who died here trying to assault the Team Omega Fortress. It
seems the Omega Warriors leave this place a foul and rotten cesspool as a warning
to all those who trespass. The gory mess seems to get worse with every step.
A dark mist clouds the path ahead making it hard to navigate a way through.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8019
&z-=(&pTeam Omega's Dungeon&z)=-~
&OThe smell of death is in the air. There are broken bones and pieces of rusted
armor laying around. It appears to be a dungeon, but there was no remorse for
the poor fools who died here trying to assault the Team Omega Fortress. It
seems the Omega Warriors leave this place a foul and rotten cesspool as a warning
to all those who trespass. The gory mess seems to get worse with every step.
A dark mist clouds the path ahead making it hard to navigate a way through.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8022
0 -1 8019
&z-=(&pEmpty Cell&z)=-~
&OThis chamber seems to be different from all of the rest. There is no bars
or windows, just a single bed and the ladder behind you. The bed in this cell
seems like it has never been slept in. This rooms gives off a eerie feeling
to it. There seems to be something scratched into the &Ywall&O, but it is too
small to read from this distance, perhaps taking a closer look will help you.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8021
Trials I overcome have omega the
> speech_prog p I have overcome the Omega Trials~
if isfight($n)
mea $n You are now being transported inside Omega Prime
mer $n $n is being transported inside Omega Prime
mptrans $n 8037
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mpat $n mea $n &YYou are now inside &OOmega Prime&Y
mpat $n mer $n &Y$n is now inside &OOmega Prime
&z-=(&WWelcome Deep Inside Omega Prime&z)=-~
This is the entrance to the inner sanctum of the Team Omega Headquarters. A
sanctuary for weary fighters or those preparing for battle. A trainer is here
to help you learn new skills and there are training areas nearby and a shop
for those in need of battle equipment.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8024
&z-=(&WDeep Inside Omega Prime&z)=-~
The room you are now standing in is huge there is sounds of fighting and screaming
being heard all around the place. On one wall there is many computer screens
showing the remainder of the HQ. One of the screens shows the dock there are
many warriors and ships constantly searching for ways to enter the fortress.
You consider yourself lucky because you were able to get through all that hell
that was behind you. On another wall, there are evidence of old pictures and
statues that have long since been destroyed. It looks like they once displayed
the legendary ancient members of the Team Omega. You think to yourself, even
the best cannot last forever. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8025
0 -1 8023
&z-=(&WDeep Inside Omega Prime&z)=-~
The room you are now standing in is huge there is sounds of fighting and screaming
being heard all around the place. On one wall there is many computer screens
showing the remainder of the HQ. One of the screens shows the dock there are
many warriors and ships constantly searching for ways to enter the fortress.
You consider yourself lucky because you were able to get through all that hell
that was behind you. On another wall, there are evidence of old pictures and
statues that have long since been destroyed. It looks like they once displayed
the legendary ancient members of the Team Omega. You think to yourself, even
the best cannot last forever. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8035
0 -1 8024
&z-=(&WDeep Inside Omega Prime&z)=-~
The room you are now standing in is huge there is sounds of fighting and screaming
being heard all around the place. On one wall there is many computer screens
showing the remainder of the HQ. One of the screens shows the dock there are
many warriors and ships constantly searching for ways to enter the fortress.
You consider yourself lucky because you were able to get through all that hell
that was behind you. On another wall, there are evidence of old pictures and
statues that have long since been destroyed. It looks like they once displayed
the legendary ancient members of the Team Omega. You think to yourself, even
the best cannot last forever. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8027
0 -1 8035
&z-=(&WDeep Inside Omega Prime&z)=-~
The room you are now standing in is huge there is sounds of fighting and screaming
being heard all around the place. On one wall there is many computer screens
showing the remainder of the HQ. One of the screens shows the dock there are
many warriors and ships constantly searching for ways to enter the fortress.
You consider yourself lucky because you were able to get through all that hell
that was behind you. On another wall, there are evidence of old pictures and
statues that have long since been destroyed. It looks like they once displayed
the legendary ancient members of the Team Omega. You think to yourself, even
the best cannot last forever. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8026
&z-=(&WDeep Inside Omega Prime&z)=-~
The room you are now standing in is huge there is sounds of fighting and screaming
being heard all around the place. On one wall there is many computer screens
showing the remainder of the HQ. One of the screens shows the dock there are
many warriors and ships constantly searching for ways to enter the fortress.
You consider yourself lucky because you were able to get through all that hell
that was behind you. On another wall, there are evidence of old pictures and
statues that have long since been destroyed. It looks like they once displayed
the legendary ancient members of the Team Omega. You think to yourself, even
the best cannot last forever. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8029
0 -1 8035
&z-=(&WDeep Inside Omega Prime&z)=-~
The room you are now standing in is huge there is sounds of fighting and screaming
being heard all around the place. On one wall there is many computer screens
showing the remainder of the HQ. One of the screens shows the dock there are
many warriors and ships constantly searching for ways to enter the fortress.
You consider yourself lucky because you were able to get through all that hell
that was behind you. On another wall, there are evidence of old pictures and
statues that have long since been destroyed. It looks like they once displayed
the legendary ancient members of the Team Omega. You think to yourself, even
the best cannot last forever. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8028
&z-=(&WOmega Prime Control Room&z)=-~
This appears to be the Control Room, used for planning raids upon planets and
enemy clans. A giant view screen is here, displaying plans and tactics for
a galactic conquest. A table surrounded by large chairs sits in the center
of the room, waiting for the elite to take thier place during thier meetings.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8032
0 -1 8035
0 -1 8031
0 -1 8034
0 -1 8033
To get out just say to the dock
> speech_prog p to the dock~
if isfight($n)
mea $n Finish your fight first!
mea $n You are teleported to the dock
mer $n $n is teleported to the dock
mptransfer $n 8000
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mpat $n mer $n $n has arrived from within the HQ!
&z-=(&WOmega Prime Rejuvenation Chamber&z)=-~
This room reaks of battle. There are scorch marks and dents covering the walls,
floor and ceiling, which are constructed from an ancient ki resistant alloy.
It appears that many intense spars have taken place over the ages as the Omega
warriors honed thier techniques. Many healing chambers line the wall here for
easy access, so fighters can resume thier training much faster then normal.
0 67108896 1
0 -1 8030
&z-=(&WOmega Prime Clan Shop&z)=-~
There is a cloaked figure sitting in the corner with an evil yet welcoming smile.
There are weapons and armor here along the walls that are possibly for sale.
Checking the list will show you the prices of the fine items for on sale here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8030
&z-=(&WOmega Prime Gravity Chamber&z)=-~
This room was designed for intense gravity training. A computer console used
for setting the levels of gravity sits in the middle of the chamber. Users
should be aware, training at settings above your current level could lead to
0 67108864&8 1
0 -1 8030
&z-=(&WFighting Chamber&z)=-~
An armored Omega Fighter is here, ready to battle with you to gain strength.
The room is padded and worn down from countless fights.The room stinks of sweat
and blood. The warrior taunts you to attack him with a smirk and a cocky laugh.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8030
&z-=(&WDeep Inside Omega Prime&z)=-~
The room you are now standing in is huge there is sounds of fighting and screaming
being heard all around the place. On one wall there is many computer screens
showing the remainder of the HQ. One of the screens shows the dock there are
many warriors and ships constantly searching for ways to enter the fortress.
You consider yourself lucky because you were able to get through all that hell
that was behind you. On another wall, there are evidence of old pictures and
statues that have long since been destroyed. It looks like they once displayed
the legendary ancient members of the Team Omega. You think to yourself, even
the best cannot last forever. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8028
0 -1 8025
0 -1 8030
0 -1 8026
&z-=(&pTeam Omega's Dungeon&z)=-~
&OThe smell of death is in the air. There are broken bones and pieces of rusted
armor laying around. It appears to be a dungeon, but there was no remorse for
the poor fools who died here trying to assault the Team Omega Fortress. It
seems the Omega Warriors leave this place a foul and rotten cesspool as a warning
to all those who trespass. The gory mess seems to get worse with every step.
A dark mist clouds the path ahead making it hard to navigate a way through.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8013
0 -1 8016
0 -1 8006
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8038
0 -1 8043
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8057
0 -1 8037
0 -1 8039
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8042
0 -1 8038
0 -1 8040
0 -1 8041
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8039
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8039
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8039
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8044
0 -1 8037
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8045
0 -1 8043
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8044
0 -1 8046
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8047
0 -1 8049
0 -1 8048
0 -1 8045
&z-=(&pRun Down Rejuvenation Chamber&z)=-~
0 67108896 1
0 -1 8046
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8046
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8050
0 -1 8051
0 -1 8046
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8049
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8049
2048 -1 8052
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8051
0 -1 8053
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8054
0 -1 8055
0 -1 8052
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8053
0 -1 8055
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8056
0 -1 8053
0 -1 8054
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8055
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8058
0 -1 8059
0 -1 8038
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8057
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
There is a &Wsign&z here hanging on the wall.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8057
0 -1 8063
0 -1 8060
0 -1 8062
&WIf you wish to evacuate the fortress you better do so now or prepare for the
> speech_prog p I wish to evacuate the fortress~
if isfight($n)
mea $n You are evacuated from the Fortress
mer $n $n is evacuated from the Fortress
mptrans $n 8000
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mpat $n mea $n &OYou are now back on the dock
mpat $n mer $n &O$n arrives from within the Fortress
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8061
0 -1 8059
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8060
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8059
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8064
0 -1 8059
0 -1 8065
&zGood job, you fell for the trap, now you must wait here stunned for someone
to come along and save you 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8063
> entry_prog 100~
mpstun $n
> entry_prog 100~
mprestore $n 100
mpdamage $n 101
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8066
0 -1 8063
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8067
0 -1 8065
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe mist fades but the darkness is still evident in the vast halls of the
Team Omega Headquarters. Its very clean here, but there is an ominous silence
that is haunting. Security cameras line the walls of Omega Prime and the floor
has been carefully crafted with a rare marble stone. There is splatters of
blood on the floor obviously from raiders who never made it through the hq
alive. The power in this room seems to be stronger than felt in previous rooms.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8068
0 -1 8066
&z-=(&bInside Omega Prime&z)=-~
&zThe room is completely bare except for a large pedestal in the middle of the room.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8067
To get into the hq, just say "I want the real Omega Challenge"
> speech_prog p I want the real Omega Challenge~
if isfight($n)
mea $n &WNow the real fun begins
mer $n &W$n disappears in a flash of light
mptrans $n 8023
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mpat $n mea $n &WYou are now where the real fun is
&z-=(&pTeam Omega's Dungeon&z)=-~
&OThe smell of death is in the air. There are broken bones and pieces of rusted
armor laying around. It appears to be a dungeon, but there was no remorse for
the poor fools who died here trying to assault the Team Omega Fortress. It
seems the Omega Warriors leave this place a foul and rotten cesspool as a warning
to all those who trespass. The gory mess seems to get worse with every step.
A dark mist clouds the path ahead making it hard to navigate a way through.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 8010
&z-=(&OSixteen's Office&z)=-~
&bEntering into &CSixteen's office, &bthe lights turn on automatically.Adjusting
your eyes to the light, you notice along one wall is the symbol of the Team
Omega. On the opposite wall, there is a video screen looking over the &wHyperion&b
and the rest of the HQ. Near the back wall is a is a desk, filled with papers
and maps of many different places, near the papers is a commlink speaker always
on. The commlink is so Burter can be kept informed from the other members In
one of the corners is a mini-gym system which Burter often works out on. Built
into the wall is a very comfortable double bed, even though in the life of
an TO there is barely any sleeping. Also underneath the Team Omega symbol there
is a &YKagemusha&b nameplate, which is very important and symbolic to the TO.
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1
Floating in a void~
0 4 1

M 1 8001 16 8001
M 1 8001 16 8007
M 1 8001 16 8011
M 1 8001 16 8012
M 1 8001 16 8014
M 1 8001 16 8016
M 1 8001 16 8019
M 1 8032 1 8032
G 1 8002 1
G 1 8001 1
G 1 8000 1
G 1 3216 1
M 1 8001 16 8038
M 1 8001 16 8042
M 1 8001 16 8045
M 1 8001 16 8049
M 1 8001 16 8052
M 1 8001 16 8059
M 1 8001 16 8061
M 1 8001 16 8063
M 1 8001 16 8066

 8032    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; An Omega Shopkeeper


