#AREA   Majin Dynasty HQ~


1 65 1 65


#ECONOMY -1 656001212

#CLIMATE 2 2 2

first mob~
a newly created first mob~
Some god abandoned a newly created first mob here.
3 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 0
112 112 0
Hooded Namek~
A Dark Hooded Namek~
A Dark Hooded Namek stands here guarding the base.
3 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 250000000
112 112 0
20 20 20 20 20 20 20
0 0 0 0 0
2 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Evil Android~
An Evil Android~
An Evil Android stands here guarding the base.
3&0&8388608 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 150000000
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 5 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
if clan($n) != Majin Dynasty
mpkill $n
Evil Icer~
An Evil Icer~
An Evil Icer stands here guarding the base.
3&0&8388608 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 150000000
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 5 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
if clan($n) != Majin Dynasty
yell $n is inside the HQ!
mpkill $n
Evil Saiyan~
An Evil Saiyan~
An Evil Saiyan stands here guarding the base.
3&0&8388608 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 150000000
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 5 25
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
if clan($n) != Majin Dynasty
mpkill $n
The Hildegarn is here, stomping around destroying shit.
547 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
1000000 2000000000
112 112 0
24 30 13 25 13 13 25
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 100~
if hitprcnt($n) < 40
if rand(70)
mprestore self 100
Killdegarn is here to what...KILL!!!
547 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
4500000 2147483647
112 112 0
30 30 30 30 30 13 30
0 0 0 0 0
7 3 0 0 1 1 10
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 100~
if hitprcnt($n) < 1
if rand(100)
mprestore self 100
if sex($n)==1
mea $n _red Kicks you in the Nuts. [30]
mer $n _red $n gets kicked in the Nuts
mpdamage $n 30
mea $n _red Kicks you in the Cunt. [30]
mer $n _red $n gets kicked in the Cunt
mpdamage $n 30
The Hildegarn is here, stomping around destroying shit.
547 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
1000000 2000000000
112 112 0
24 30 13 25 13 13 25
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 100~
if hitprcnt($n) < 40
if rand(70)
mprestore self 100
The Hildegarn is here, stomping around destroying shit.
547 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
1000000 2000000000
112 112 0
24 30 13 30 13 13 25
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 100~
if hitprcnt($n) < 40
if rand(70)
mprestore self 100
The Hildegarn is here, stomping around destroying shit.
547 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
1000000 2000000000
112 112 0
24 30 13 30 13 13 25
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 9
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> fight_prog 100~
if hitprcnt($n) < 40
if rand(70)
mprestore self 100
Dark Hooded Figure~
Dark Hooded Figure~
A Dark Hooded Figure stands in the shadows selling beans
67108867 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 500000000
112 112 0

first obj~
a newly created first obj~
Some god dropped a newly created first obj here.~
13 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0
sensu bean~
a Sensu Bean~
A Sensu Bean lays here on the ground.~
65 0 1
0 0 0 0
1 4225 800
swirling ring of chaos~
A Ring of Swirling Chaos~
A ring with swirling chaos is placed here.~
9 0 3
0 5 5 0 5000000 125000000
1 22991 500
Tattoo Darkness~
Tattoo of Darkness~
A Tattoo of Darkness is laying here.~
9 0 4097
0 5 5 0 5000000 125000000
1 21826 500
Silicon Chip~
&Ya Silicon Chip&D~
&YA Chip is sitting on the ground, humming.&D~
69 0&16 1
0 0 0 0
1 0 0

Floating in a void~
0 4 1
An Opening in the Trees~
You look around slowly, noticing you are in a lush swamp, the landing pad
on which you stand seems extremely old, if not ancient, the wind blows an
eery chill as you notice an evil force nearby.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3202
A Deep Dark Path~
You walk along a dark and dusty path, it looks like its made from an
ancient stone To the left are trees, and other plants blooming Ahead you
can see a dark light, the force is growing stronger
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3203
0 -1 3201
The Dead Forest~
You look back, at the lush forest, and back infront of you as everything is
dead, plants, trees, you come to think anything of a pure intention must
perish at this point
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3204
0 -1 3202
The "Barrier" of Evil~
You walk up to an invisible Barrier, you can feel the evil as you approach
it, you feel the urge to say 'I wish to enter' (say: I wish to enter)
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3203
> speech_prog p I wish to enter~
if isfight($n)
mea $n _yel Finish your fight!
mea $n _yel You steps through the barrier.
mer $n _yel $n steps through the barrier.
mptransfer $n 3205
mpat $n mpforce $n look
Edge of Darkness~
You look around in a seemless nothing, a endless sphere of bending darkness
You wonder where you are not, you feel as if you are now in the heart of
the evil force you once felt
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3204
0 -1 3206
A Stone Path~
You walk along a stone path, which seems endless..things look the same..as
if you were not even moving
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3207
A Stone Path~
You walk along a stone path, which seems endless..things look the same..as
if you were not even moving
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3208
0 -1 3206
A Stone Path~
You walk along a stone path, which seems endless..things look the same..as
if you were not even moving
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3209
0 -1 3207
A Stone Path~
You walk along a stone path, which seems endless..things look the same..as
if you were not even moving
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3210
0 -1 3208
You walk up to a blank entranceway, a loud humming is heard within Around
you is the exact stone pathway that you have been walking on for so long,
looking exactly the same..perhaps its an illusion..for something much,
much bigger
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3211
0 -1 3209
A Metallic Door~
After a long and tiring walk, you come up to a large metallic door, the
door has no obvious locks, openings, or even a way to get passed it, large
bolts secure the door as if trying to bar something inside, or maybe
something outside? suddently you hear a loud roar behind you, you turn
around, but nothing is there, you turn back to the door, and decide its a
good time to 'rest'
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3210
> act_prog p sprawls out haphazardly.~
mea $n _yel The ground opens up suddently, swallowing you whole
mer $n _yel The ground opens up suddently, swallowing $n whole
mptransfer $n 3212
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mpat $n mpforce $n stand
A Deep, Dark, Tunnel~
You look up, wondering what just happend..you can feel the air is cold, the
ground is soft with small rocks scattered about the darkness is so thick
you cannot see at all, you must rely on your senses to guide you, and at
the moment...are filled with fear
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3213
Deeper into the Tunnel~
As you walk deeper into the tunnel you notice a light ahead, you wonder how
such a light could be down here..wherever here is. You can see the path
beginning to narrow, as if the walls were slowly closing in on you, you
begin to panic
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3214
0 -1 3212
A Dead End~
You hear a loud rumble behind you, the tunnel..its collapsing ! You look
franticly about trying to figure a way out of this awefull place The words
'live seil nihtiw'  are enscribed on the wall
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3213
> speech_prog p Within lies evil~
if isfight($n)
mea $n _yel The dead opens up revealing a door, as you step through
mea $n _yel the door shuts firmly behind you.
mptransfer $n 3215
mpat $n mpforce $n look
Evil Headquarters (Base Level)~
You are in a large building, seemingly underground, you look up, seeing a
vast building, several pillars are placed around holding up a ceiling
which is virtually too high to spot the floor is made of a dark crystal,
the entire facility seems to be humming with evil You notice several other
places, to the west is the Dormitory, to the east is the Lounge, to the
north is the Altar, and down leads to the Spaceport  You can reach the
Jail Center by saying 'Imprison'
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3221
0 -1 3216
0 -1 3222
0 -1 3217
0 -1 3224
0 -1 3223
> speech_prog p Imprison~
mea $n _yel Suddenly a trap door opens below you, and you fall
mer $n _yel $n falls into a trap!
mptransfer $n 3225
mpat $n mpforce $n look
Evil Shop~
Here is a relaxing place to just hang out and speak your mind Blacklights
filter down from above as you notice everything someone so evil needs to
survive, including magazines from 'How to kill a Super Saiyan Vol.4'
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3215
Evil Dormitory~
You are now in the Dormitory, heres a good place if you want to just rest,
or get away from the world and relax, or plot how to kill your enemies
with secrecy.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3218
0 -1 3215
0 -1 3219
0 -1 3220
Cramped Room #1~
A simple room, a bed to the left, a small bathroom can be seen, no windows,
but a small vid-window of the outsideworld simulate a nice view
0 67108896 1
0 -1 3217
Cramped Room #2~
A simple room, a bed to the left, a small bathroom can be seen, no windows,
but a small vid-window of the outsideworld simulate a nice view
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3217
Cramped Room #3~
A simple room, a bed to the left, a small bathroom can be seen, no windows,
but a small vid-window of the outsideworld simulate a nice view
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3217
Altar of Evil~
Here is where you meditate to strengthen your evil powers, sometimes
meditating hard you will be rewarded with your life totally restored, and 
strengthened by the evil force which emitts here This place is very dark,
evil is the strongest here then anywhere you have felt before, perhaps you
should take a moment and 'sleep' in a meditation.
0 69222400 1
0 -1 3215
Gravity Room (UGT)~
In this room its extremely hot, almost unbareble, you notice as you look around,
your in the center of the Sun, the gravity here is extreme, only the most strongest
of warriors can withstand it Above you, below you, all around is a technolodgy
created as a see-through barrier, you see lava and things hotter than hot all
around. Behind the gravity room, there seems to be a destroyed path which looks
like it hasn't been explored in centuries.
0 67108864&8 1
0 -1 3215
2048 -1 3230
An Elevator Lift~
You walk up to a lift, looking up is too dark to tell of anything yet The
lift seems to take you to the surface of the facility - the Spaceport  You
see a speaker to the left of the lift, it appears to be voice activated
(say: lift)
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3215
> speech_prog p lift~
if isfight($n)
mea $n No way! You're fighting!
mea $n _yel You step onto the lift, suddently with a jolt, the lift moves
mea $n _yel upward
mer $n _yel $n took the lift back to pad!
mptransfer $n 3201
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mpat $n mer $n _yel $n has arrived from the lift!
The 'Unreal' Sparring Room~
As you stand inside this sparring arena, you know that the surroundings
continually change, one minute its a wasteland of tundra, then another a
jungle, a confusing and place of illusion this is, to hone your skills in
all types of enviroments, a voice activated controll seems to let you
choose which climate of planet you wish to fight in (say: Earth Vegeta
Freezar Android Mutoyuu)
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3215
Jail Center (Sub-level 1)~
This is the place where all the prisoners are kept that tried to enter the
Barrier of Evil, here you can release them, or even kill them for such a
crime. You are in a large room, with a prison cell in the back, the
controlls on the controll panel here have the voice commands written
'destroy' and 'letgo'  The lift is still available to the south 
A small note is posted on the controll panel -- 'OUT OF ORDER'
There's a small console on the wall with the words "emergency letgo" 
discribed on it.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3226
A Prison Cell~
You are in a prison with 4 walls, there is no light, it is pitch black.
This seems to be a prison for those who tried to step past the Barrier of
Evil Now you've done it..
0 83886080 1
0 -1 3227
> act_prog p finds some~
mpoload 3219
give chip $n
Control Room~
Several laser cannons are mounted here, closely watching anyone who attemps
to touch the panel. The controll panel is obviously used to release
prisoners, and to transport evils back to the Jail Center
say: "1.release me" to leave the prison.
say: "2.release all" to release all the prisoners.
                  *** Warning ***  
The console has an security lock on it, an attempt to breach it could trigger
the lasers!
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3226
> speech_prog p 1.release me~
if rand(10)
mea $n _whi The code has been accepted by the control pannel..
mea $n _whi The Turrets power down and cease fire. You are released.
mptrans $n 3201
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mea $n _red The Laser Turrets fire multiple Ki beams at you!
mpdamage $n 10
> speech_prog p 2.release all~
mea $n _red The Laser Turrets fire multiple Ki beams at you!
mpslay $n
Majin Dynasty's Vault~
0 1141374980 1
Majin Dynasty Meeting Room~
0 1140850688 1
0 -1 3221
A Hidden Passage~
Making your way through a dense cloud of fog, you find yourself in some sort
of secret entrance to some very ancient looking ruins. Strange runes and odd,
illegible looking words are etched into the faces of massive stone pillars.
The pillars themselves are the only objects holding the feeble, crumbling ceiling
somewhat steady. While the writings upon the pillars are indecipherable, you
are fairly certain that they are warnings of dangers awaiting ahead.
0 1140850688 1
0 -1 3222
0 -1 3231
A Hidden Passage~
Making your way through a dense cloud of fog, you find yourself in some sort
of secret entrance to some very ancient looking ruins. Strange runes and odd,
illegible looking words are etched into the faces of massive stone pillars.The
pillars themselves are the only objects holding the feeble, crumbling ceiling
somewhat steady. While the writings upon the pillars are indecipherable, you
are fairly certain that they are warnings of dangers awaiting ahead. Peering
through the dense fog, you can see some exits to the east and west.
0 1140850688 1
0 -1 3230
0 -1 3244
0 -1 3232
An Ancient Walkway~
The loud roar of thunder from the storms outside reverberate throughout the
ancient ruins, causing the slate overhead to crumble a bit. The surface beneath
your feet is somewhat soft, and damp, probably from the moisture of the fog
condensating throughout this dank, humid place. You can sense a strange, dark
power emanating from further ahead. Perhaps you should reconsider turning back
now, and make your way through the seemingly endless fog.
0 1140850688 1
0 -1 3231
0 -1 3233
Western Corner~
The stench of a powerful evil nearby brings tears to your eyes. The aroma of
death fills the humid air, sure to bring nausea to those with weak stomachs.The
filthy odor of chaos and destruction wafting about the ruins can only be conceived
by the most fearsome, hideous creatures in the universe, the Hildegarns.The
bones of previous victims lie strewn about the ruins, perhaps you should leave
before you meet the same fate.
0 1140850688 1
0 -1 3232
0 -1 3234
An Ancient Walkway~
The loud roar of thunder from the storms outside reverberate throughout the
ancient ruins, causing the slate overhead to crumble a bit. The surface beneath
your feet is somewhat soft, and damp, probably from the moisture of the fog
condensating throughout this dank, humid place. You can sense a strange, dark
power emanating from further ahead. Perhaps you should reconsider turning back
now, and make your way through the seemingly endless fog.
0 1140850688 1
0 -1 3233
0 -1 3235
An Ancient Walkway~
The loud roar of thunder from the storms outside reverberate throughout the
ancient ruins, causing the slate overhead to crumble a bit. The surface beneath
your feet is somewhat soft, and damp, probably from the moisture of the fog
condensating throughout this dank, humid place. You can sense a strange, dark
power emanating from further ahead. Perhaps you should reconsider turning back
now, and make your way through the seemingly endless fog.
0 1140850688 1
0 -1 3234
0 -1 3236
Southwest Corner~
The stench of a powerful evil nearby brings tears to your eyes. The aroma of
death fills the humid air, sure to bring nausea to those with weak stomachs.The
filthy odor of chaos and destruction wafting about the ruins can only be conceived
by the most fearsome, hideous creatures in the universe, the Hildegarns.The
bones of previous victims lie strewn about the ruins, perhaps you should leave
before you meet the same fate.
0 1140850688 1
0 -1 3235
0 -1 3237
An Ancient Walkway~
The loud roar of thunder from the storms outside reverberate throughout the
ancient ruins, causing the slate overhead to crumble a bit. The surface beneath
your feet is somewhat soft, and damp, probably from the moisture of the fog
condensating throughout this dank, humid place. You can sense a strange, dark
power emanating from further ahead. Perhaps you should reconsider turning back
now, and make your way through the seemingly endless fog.
0 1140850688 1
0 -1 3238
0 -1 3236
Before a Tomb~
A strange, dim glow emanates from the north. Upon closer examination, you notice
that the glow is coming from some sort of odd barrier. This barrier is different
from other types of barriers; it's been enchanted by magical runes. But while
the mystical runes have been enchanted by the ancient energies of mana, it
seems as if they also react to the ki energies that flow throughout your body.
A mysterious black orb floats here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 3239
0 -1 3237
&z=        &WTo enter the shadow realm say:&z        =&D
&z=             &WDark Dragonballs&z                 =&D
> speech_prog p Dark Dragonballs~
mer $n &z You disappear into the void.
mer $n &z$n disappears into the void.
mptrans $n 5000
mpat $n mpforce $n look
An Ancient Walkway~
The loud roar of thunder from the storms outside reverberate throughout the
ancient ruins, causing the slate overhead to crumble a bit. The surface beneath
your feet is somewhat soft, and damp, probably from the moisture of the fog
condensating throughout this dank, humid place. You can sense a strange, dark
power emanating from further ahead. Perhaps you should reconsider turning back
now, and make your way through the seemingly endless fog.
0 1140850688 1
0 -1 3240
0 -1 3238
Southeast Corner~
The stench of a powerful evil nearby brings tears to your eyes. The aroma of
death fills the humid air, sure to bring nausea to those with weak stomachs.The
filthy odor of chaos and destruction wafting about the ruins can only be conceived
by the most fearsome, hideous creatures in the universe, the Hildegarns.The
bones of previous victims lie strewn about the ruins, perhaps you should leave
before you meet the same fate.
0 1140850688 1
0 -1 3241
0 -1 3239
An Ancient Walkway~
The loud roar of thunder from the storms outside reverberate throughout the
ancient ruins, causing the slate overhead to crumble a bit. The surface beneath
your feet is somewhat soft, and damp, probably from the moisture of the fog
condensating throughout this dank, humid place. You can sense a strange, dark
power emanating from further ahead. Perhaps you should reconsider turning back
now, and make your way through the seemingly endless fog.
0 1140850688 1
0 -1 3242
0 -1 3240
An Ancient Walkway~
The loud roar of thunder from the storms outside reverberate throughout the
ancient ruins, causing the slate overhead to crumble a bit. The surface beneath
your feet is somewhat soft, and damp, probably from the moisture of the fog
condensating throughout this dank, humid place. You can sense a strange, dark
power emanating from further ahead. Perhaps you should reconsider turning back
now, and make your way through the seemingly endless fog.
0 1140850688 1
0 -1 3243
0 -1 3241
Eastern Corner~
The stench of a powerful evil nearby brings tears to your eyes. The aroma of
death fills the humid air, sure to bring nausea to those with weak stomachs.The
filthy odor of chaos and destruction wafting about the ruins can only be conceived
by the most fearsome, hideous creatures in the universe, the Hildegarns.The
bones of previous victims lie strewn about the ruins, perhaps you should leave
before you meet the same fate.
0 1140850688 1
0 -1 3242
0 -1 3244
An Ancient Walkway~
The loud roar of thunder from the storms outside reverberate throughout the
ancient ruins, causing the slate overhead to crumble a bit. The surface beneath
your feet is somewhat soft, and damp, probably from the moisture of the fog
condensating throughout this dank, humid place. You can sense a strange, dark
power emanating from further ahead. Perhaps you should reconsider turning back
now, and make your way through the seemingly endless fog.
0 1140850688 1
0 -1 3243
0 -1 3231
An Ancient Tomb~
Inside this HUGE tomb, rests the guardian of these ruins. All of the walls are
covered with transcripts and languages you cannot even begin to fathom.The
middle of this tomb lies the massive 50 foot tall beast. He looks to of been
here for quite some time. Above you, the ceiling looks like it could crumble
at any minute. To the eastern side of the tomb, the wall seems to have writing
on it that you can faintly make out. "King Behemoth".
0 1140850692&16 1

M 1 3201 1 3203
M 1 3203 1 3214
M 1 3204 1 3214
M 1 3205 1 3214
B 1 3226 1073741827 16777216
M 1 3208 1 3233
M 1 3209 1 3240
M 1 3210 1 3243
M 1 3206 1 3236
M 1 3216 1 3216
G 1 3217 1
G 1 3218 1
G 1 3216 1

 3216   65  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; Dark Hooded Figure


