#AREA   Dark Lotus HQ~


0 0 0 0

#RESETMSG &zThe sounds of the restless spirits fill the air.&D~


#ECONOMY 0 24750771

#CLIMATE 2 2 2

Poisonous Scorpion~
A Poisonous Scorpion~
A Poisonous Scorpion is here with it's tail in the air.
3 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 1000000000
112 112 0
25 13 13 20 13 13 20
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
if clan($n) != Dark Lotus
yell Intruders on the first floor!
mpkill $n
Pyramid Guardian~
A Pyramid Guardian~
A Pyramid Guardian stands here protecting the pyramid from intruders.
3 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 900000000
112 112 0
20 18 13 22 13 13 20
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
if clan($n) != Dark Lotus
yell Alert! $n has breached the first floor!
mpkill $n
Reorx, the apprentice guardian is here.
3 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 950000000
112 112 0
18 17 13 20 13 13 20
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
if clan($n) != Dark Lotus
yell $n has made it onto the second floor!!
mpkill $n
bow $n
Larzuk, the Pyramid Guardian is here ready for combat.
3 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 400000000
112 112 0
12 10 13 10 13 13 25
0 0 0 0 0
0 3 0 0 1 1 3
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
if clan($n) != Dark Lotus
yell $n has made it onto the third floor!
mpkill $n
Lotus Shopkeeper~
The Lotus Shopkeeper~
The Lotus shopkeeper stands here eyeing his merchandise.
67108867 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 5000
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> greet_prog 100~
if clan($n) == Dark Lotus
bow $n
yell $n is inside the shop!! Defend the HQ!
Lotus Shopkeeper~
The Lotus Shopkeeper~
The Lotus shopkeeper stands here eyeing his merchandise
67108867 0 0 C
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 500000
112 112 0
13 13 13 13 13 13 13
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Training Dummy~
Training Dummy~
The Training Dummy stands here bobbing back and forth.
3 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 5000000
112 112 0
> death_prog 100~
if mobcount(2146) == 0
mpmload 2106
Training Dummy~
Training Dummy~
The Training Dummy stands here bobbing back and forth.
3 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 5000000
112 112 0
> death_prog 100~
if mobcount(2147) == 0
mpmload 2107
Training Dummy~
Training Dummy~
The Training Dummy stands here bobbing back and forth.
3 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 5000000
112 112 0
> death_prog 100~
if mobcount(2148) == 0
mpmload 2108
Dark Lotus Trainer~
The Dark Lotus Trainer~
The Dark Lotus Trainer sits here meditating.
67108867 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 5000000
112 112 1
> greet_prog 100~
if clan($n) == Dark Lotus
say Welcome $n.
sa Train your abilities and attributes here.
say If you'd like a vault key just say it.
yell $n has breached the top floor! Defend the HQ!
> speech_prog p vault key~
if clan($n) == Dark Lotus
mpoload 2109
give vault $n
say I don't know anything about a vault key........
Echo Mob~
a newly created Echo Mob~
Some god abandoned a newly created Echo Mob here.
75497475 0 0 S
1 0 0 0d0+0 0d0+0
0 1000
112 112 0
> act_prog p arrives from the south.~
if clan($n) != Dark Lotus
mpechoall &R$X&z has begun a raid on &rDark Lotus HQ!&D
mppurge echo

Taskforce Comlink~
&Y(&OGlowing&Y)&c a Taskforce Comlink&D~
A small comlink sits here on the floor.~
9 8192 65537
0 45 0 0 50000000 125000000
1 29180 2918
> wear_prog 100~
mea $n &WYou firmly place the comlink in your ear.
mea $n &WA flip of the switch and it turns on.
mer $n &W$n firmly places the comlink in his ear.
mer $n &WYou hear a faint transmission as he flips the switch on.
Gold Retractable Claws~
&Y(&OGlowing&Y)&c Gold Retractable Claws&D~
A pair of &Ogold&D retractable claws are here on the ground.~
5 8192 129
0 45 0 0 50000000 125000000
1 28703 2870
> wear_prog 100~
mea $n &rYou slide the claws a bit above your wrists.
mea $n &rQuickly you grip the claws triggering them to fire out of the sockets.
mea $n &rYou wield the rare blades and ready for combat.
mer $n &r$n slides the claws a bit above his wrists.
mer $n &rQuickly $n grips the claws triggering them to fire out of the sockets.
mer $n &r$n wields the rare blades and readies himself for combat.
Dark Lotus Mask~
&Y(&OGlowing&Y)&c Dark Lotus Mask&D~
A glowing mask of the lotus is sitting on the ground.~
9 8192 1048577
0 25 0 0 50000000 125000000
1 38047 3804
Black Aura~
&Y(&OGlowing&Y)&c a &zBlack&c Aura&D~
&zAn aura emmiting pure evil is on the ground.&D~
9 8192 513
0 20 0 0 5000000 125000000
1 42298 4229
> wear_prog 100~
mea $n &zA black aura engulfs your body!
mea $n &zEvil spirits of the lotus surround you.
mer $n &zA black aura engulfs $n's body!
mer $n &zEvil spirits of the lotus surround $n.
Dark Lotus Cross~
&Y(&OGlowing&Y)&c Dark Lotus Cross&D~
&WA glowing cross of the lotus is sitting on the ground.&D~
1 8192 1
0 0 0 0 5000000 125000000
1 10201 1020
Dark Lotus Mask~
&Y(&OGlowing&Y)&r Dark Lotus Mask&D~
&rA glowing mask of the lotus is sitting on the ground.&D~
9 0 1048577
0 15 0 0 50000000 125000000
1 17928 1792
Dark Lotus Cross~
&Y(&OGlowing&Y)&r Dark Lotus Cross&D~
&rA glowing cross of the lotus is sitting on the ground.&D~
1 0 1
0 0 0 0 5000000 125000000
1 8711 871
Scimitar of Destruction~
&Y(&OGlowing&Y)&r Scimitar of Destruction&D~
&rA long scimitar blade is here on the ground.&D~
5 0 8193
0 30 0 0 5000000 125000000
1 21000 2100
Black Aura~
&Y(&OGlowing&Y)&r a&z Black&r Aura&D~
&rAn aura emmiting pure evil is on the ground.&D~
9 0 513
0 10 0 0 5000000 125000000
1 19018 1901
DL Vault Key~
&YDL Vault Key&D~
A vault key is sitting here on the ground.(DL)~
18 8192 1
0 0 0 0
1 5000000 50000
Apocalypse Keycard~
The APOCALYPSE Keycard sits here on the ground.~
9 0&16 16385
0 0 0 0
1 0 0

&YDark Lotus Docking Bay~
&OYou stand here on a sandy, windy dock. The air whips around you somewhat burning
your skin. The sun beats down on your shoulders as the heat begins to take
it's toll. Looking ahead around you feel it is not safe to stand here on the
dock as it makes you a pretty easy target for defenders angry at your arival,
or raiders who want a quick kill.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2101
> act_prog p walks out of the spaceship~
if clan($n) == Dark Lotus
mpzecho &c$n has stepped onto the dock!!!!!

&YA Sandy Walkway~
&OAs you leave the dock you find that you have entered a walkway. As you continue
walking, you feel the sand beneath your feet slowly slide. The sun begins to
dissapear behind what looks like a large pyramid. As the sun dissapears ths
heat begins to drop some as a light breeze can be felt. The air becomes stagnant
as you smell something coming from the pyramid, the smell is death.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2102
0 -1 2100
> greet_prog 100~
> act_prog p arrives from the south.~
mplog &R$n&z has begun a raid on Dark Lotus!
&YInfront of the Great Pyramid~
&OBefore everyone is a Great Pyramid. This sight is magnificent and makes you
wonder, how did they make such a large thing. The smell from before comes back,
more often, and stronger. As you look forward all you wonder how to enter this
Pyramid. There seems to be a stone lithograph that has some ancient text on
it. As you study it, the letters come together and say, "To be let in...Just
Tell Us." The text then fades back to it's original state.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2101
> speech_prog p Let me in~
if isfight($n)
mea $n &YNo way! Finish your fight first!
mea $n &OA sandstorm surrounds your body and transports you inside the pyramid.
mer $n &OA sandstorm surrounds $n's body and transports them inside the pyramid.
mptransfer $n 2103
mpat $n mer $n &O$n has arrived from the outside.
mpat $n mpforce $n look
&YInside the Pyramid~
&OAfter being transported inside of the Pyramid, the darkness seems to make
your eyes hurt. From the east and west there can be loud scary growls and roars
heard from where you are standing. Gathering yourself together you decide which
direction to go and hope it doesn't lead to somewhere you would hate to be.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2108
0 -1 2104
0 -1 2106
&YAn Eastern Hallway~
&OAs you head east, you hear the growls turn into a somewhat hissing sound.
You hear the sound of chains jingling and some odd scratching sound. Looking
around you notice scratches in the giant stone walls and what appears to be
blood stains. Looking down, there appears to be sand stained with blood aswell.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2105
0 -1 2103
&YEastern Side of the Pyramid~
&OAs you enter this room, you immediately notice the horrifyingly large Scorpion
in the middle of the room, it also notices you. Attached to the wall by giant
rusty chains are some decayed corpses. It appears as though the scorpion has
been eating them, and thats what has made it so strong and big. Hoping to get
out of this alive, you get ready to kill the scorpion.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2104
&YAn Western Hallway~
&OHeading to the west now you hear a loud rumbling sound and some growls. You
can feel the ground shaking as there seems to be something really huge moving
to the west. It appears as tho there are some smash marks in the wall here,
and what seems to be crushed bones. You gather yourself up and get ready for
whatever lies in wait for you.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2103
0 -1 2107
&YWestern Side of the Pyramid~
&OEntering this room you see a monsterous rock being infront of you. It seems
to be crushing his hands against the ground and looking for something to crumble
in his palms. He quickly notices you and begins to stare at you with his empty
dark eyes. Every time he slams his hands the ceiling begins to shake and some
rocks fall. You have to be careful not to get crushed by his hands or the debris.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2106
&YLevel 1 Transporter~
&OSeems that this is the transporter room. Looking at the transporter it appears
to be made of stone. There is another lithograph that has the same type of
text as the one from before.As you touch the lithograph the words begin to
come clear and it says, "To get to the next floor just say level 2" The text
then becomes unreadable once again.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2103
> speech_prog p level 2~
if isfight($n)
mea $n &YNo way! Finish your fight first!
if mobinarea(2101) == 0
mptrans $n 2109
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mer $n &O$n has arrived from the teleporter.
mpecho &RCannot progress until the guardians on this floor are defeated.
> speech_prog p Black Majik~
if isfight($n)
mea $n &YNo way! Finish your fight first!
if clan($n) == Dark Lotus
mea $n &OYou are teleported into the HQ.
mer $n &O$n has been teleported into the HQ!
mptransfer $n 2134
mpat $n mer $n &O$n has arrived from the outside!
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mea $n &RYou are not a member of the Lotus!
&YA Sandy Walkway~
&OThe transporter seems to have dropped you on the second floor of the Pyramid.
There is less sand here, but you can see bugs that seem to look like scarabs
crawling around. Off in the distance you hear some faint sounds, wondering
what this is you decide to continue forward so you can get through this giant
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2110
&YInside the Pyramid~
&OBehind you, you can still see the transporter. As you walk further into this
floor, you see scratches in the rocks from a harsh battle. The sounds grow
a little louder as the lighting also becomes more and more dim. Walking slowly
you feel as tho the darkness is soon going to encompass you...it might if you
don't hurry.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2109
0 -1 2111
&YA Sandy Hallway~
&OAs you progress, the sound gets louder from something ahead, you also get
the feeling that your enemies are getting closer to you and they will kill
you if they find you here. Looking around the rocks seem to get more and more
scratched up. The air smells raunchy all through this pyramid, it must be from
all the corpses. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2112
0 -1 2110
&YA Sandy Hallway~
&OAs you progress, the sound gets louder from something ahead, you also get
the feeling that your enemies are getting closer to you and they will kill
you if they find you here. Looking around the rocks seem to get more and more
scratched up. The air smells raunchy all through this pyramid, it must be from
all the corpses. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2113
0 -1 2111
&YA Sandy Hallway~
&OAs you progress, the sound gets louder from something ahead, you also get
the feeling that your enemies are getting closer to you and they will kill
you if they find you here. Looking around the rocks seem to get more and more
scratched up. The air smells raunchy all through this pyramid, it must be from
all the corpses. 
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2114
0 -1 2112
&YA Sandy Intersection~
&OYou find yourself in a little intersection. To the west you hear the humming
of what sounds like another transporter. To the north you hear what sounds
like another one of these guardians you have been fighting. Where you stand
there is in excessive amount of blood, though it has been the only place on
this floor where you see blood. You make up your mind and head in the direction
you have choosen.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2115
0 -1 2113
0 -1 2116
&YA Dark Room~
&OThe Guardian of the floor here is awaiting all challengers of the Pyramid.
This seems to be the last challenge of this floor. Around you lies a cache
of weapons that may be used against you. The floor here is made of a special
marble that seems resistant to ki and weapons. Maybe you should try and kill
this thing or you could just flee and hope that Dark Lotus kills you.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2114
&YLevel 2 Transporter~
&OSeems that this is the transporter room. Looking at the transporter it appears
to be made of stone. There is another lithograph that has the same type of
text as the one from before.As you touch the lithograph the words begin to
come clear and it says, "To get to the next floor just say level 3" The text
then becomes unreadable once again.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2114
> speech_prog p Level 3~
if isfight($n)
mea $n &YNo way! Finish your fight first!
if mobinarea(2102) == 0
mptrans $n 2117
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mer $n &O$n has arrived from the teleporter.
mpecho &RCannot progress until the guardians on this floor are defeated.
> speech_prog p Black Majik~
if isfight($n)
mea $n &YNo way! Finish your fight first!
if clan($n) == Dark Lotus
mea $n &OYou are teleported into the HQ.
mer $n &O$n has been teleported into the HQ!
mptransfer $n 2134
mpat $n mer $n &O$n has arrived from the outside!
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mea $n &RYou are not a member of the Lotus!
&YInside the Pyramid~
&zLooks like you've made it to level three. You wonder how many floors does
this place have. There is no sand on this floor, and there are no bugs, It
looks like no life has set foot here in a long time. You hear a sound off in
the distance but quickly you forget about it. Hopefully since no one has been
here in a while you can get by easily, but then again this is an HQ..nothing
is easy.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 2118
&YA Sandy Hallway~
&zAs you continue this floor you notice that it has completely no life. There
isn't even a stench in the air like the other floors. Maybe you can rest here,
but then again your here for killing so why rest. As you look at the walls,
you start to notice that the walls have the Lotus Crest in it.
0 67108868 1
0 -1 2117
0 -1 2119
&YA Sandy Hallway~
&zAs you get closer to what feels like an exit, you start feeling a cold breeze.
The crests in the floor begin to become more clear, and seem to be glowing
a little. The fear inside you begins to grow as you continue. You begin to
see your own breath as your fear makes you shiver.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2118
0 -1 2120
&YA Sandy Intersection~
&zYou find yourself in a small intersection like the ones from previous floors.
You feel that this is the same drill as you have done, off in the distance
you hear loud breathing. Maybe you should go see what the breathing is. You
begin to smell that nasty scent again.  The lighting here is dark and the air
is warm.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2119
0 -1 2121
0 -1 2122
&YSinking Room~
&zThis way seems to lead to a stronger scent, and louder noise. Maybe this is
the way to the Guardian of this floor, or a deadly trap. There seems to be
some strong breezes coming from all around. As you stand here, you feel darkness
slowly trying to take you over. Maybe you should hurry and kill the guardian.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2123
0 -1 2120
&YA Sandy Hallway~
&zThis way seems to lead to the scent dissipating and the rumbling has silenced.
As you keep going you begin to hastin the pace just incase someone is following
you. It's hard to tell where you are because all of the crests on the walls
look the same, the rooms look very alike, the only sense you can really use
is hearing to try and listen for the faint sounds of the Guardian, and then
scent for the odor of corpses.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2120
0 -1 2124
&YSinking Room~
&zTo the north you hear nothing but silence, but to the south you smell what
seems to be decaying corpses. The air makes it so the scent is horrible. It
is also very hot and the walls seem to be close together so it makes it feel
very cramped. Maybe you should go and kill the Guardian.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2126
0 -1 2127
0 -1 2121
&YA Sandy Hallway~
&zThis way seems to lead to the scent dissipating and the rumbling has silenced.
As you keep going you begin to hastin the pace just incase someone is following
you. It's hard to tell where you are because all of the crests on the walls
look the same, the rooms look very alike, the only sense you can really use
is hearing to try and listen for the faint sounds of the Guardian, and then
scent for the odor of corpses.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2122
0 -1 2125
&YA Sandy Hallway~
&zTo the north you hear the peaceful humming of the transporter. You feel a
sense of tranquility from the sound as you know you are almost out of this
level. You smell no corpse, hear no rumbling, you know that this must be the
exit. You had better hurry up before Dark Lotus catch you and make you pay
for invading there home.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2128
0 -1 2124
&YA Dark Chamber~
&zThis is the room of the Guardian. It appears like a large Collesium, made
perfectly for him to attack and move in. The room has cracks and crushed bricks,
like the room from the first level, The room is also covered with Blood. You
should try and kill this guardian to see if he has anything that can help you
get further in the Pyramid.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2123
&YThe Pyramid Jail~
&zSeems you have been put in jail. You will have to wait to be released by the
clan, or see how long it takes for the prison to let you out. There is a sign
here that says in simple text, if you are trying to get out and are of the
Lotus membership, just say Let me out. If you are anyone else though, you must
wait. Better hope you don't get found out and killed.
0 67108868 1
> rand_prog 100~
if time($n) == 12
mea $n &OYou have been released.
mptransfer $n 2123
mpat $n mpforce $n look
> speech_prog p let me out~
if clan($n) == Dark Lotus
mea $n &OA sand storm surrounds you and teleports you out of the jail.
mer $n &OA sand storm surrounds $n and teleports them out of the jail.
mptransfer $n 2123
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mpat $n mer $n &O$n has arrived from the jail.
&YLevel 3 Transporter~
&zSeems that this is the transporter room. Looking at the transporter it appears
to be made of stone. There is another lithograph that has the same type of
text as the one from before. As you touch the lithograph the words begin to
come clear and it says, "To get to the next floor just say level 4" The text
then becomes unreadable once again.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2125
> speech_prog p Level 4~
if isfight($n)
mea $n &YNo way! Finish your fight first!
if mobinarea(2103) == 0
mptrans $n 2130
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mer $n &O$n has arrived from the teleporter.
mpecho &RCannot progress until the guardians on this floor are defeated.
> speech_prog p Black Majik~
if isfight($n)
mea $n &YNo way! Finish your fight first!
if clan($n) == Dark Lotus
mea $n &OYou are teleported into the HQ.
mer $n &O$n has been teleported into the HQ!
mptransfer $n 2134
mpat $n mer $n &O$n has arrived from the outside!
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mea $n &RYou are not a member of the Lotus!
Floating in a void~
0 67108868 1
&YInside the Pyramid~
&OSeems as though you have made it to the final floor of the pyramid. This floor
is completely covered with sand. The sand seems to be very hot on this level,
hotter then it was outside of the pyramid. You have to be careful when walking
through here as to not die from a serious burn. You can actually see the sun
from level of the Pyramid.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2131
&YScorching Sands~
&OAs you walk on this sand it begins to burn your feet very very badly. The
air is very very hot, and there seems to be no water around here. You have
to cross this desert fast before you get killed by the heat, and the Dark Lotus
that know you are here. Better not spend to much time walking around here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2132
0 -1 2130
> entry_prog 100~
if clan($n) == Dark Lotus
mea $n &RThe burning sands beneath your feet sooths you.
mer $n &RThe burning sands beneath $n's feet sooths him.
mea $n &RYou yell out in pain as the sand beneath your feet burns you! [5]
mer $n &R$n yells out in pain as the sand beneath his feet burns him! [5]
mpdamage $n 5
&YScorching Sands~
&OAs you walk on this sand it begins to burn your feet very very badly. The
air is very very hot, and there seems to be no water around here. You have
to cross this desert fast before you get killed by the heat, and the Dark Lotus
that know you are here. Better not spend to much time walking around here.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2133
0 -1 2131
> entry_prog 100~
if clan($n) == Dark Lotus
mea $n &RThe burning sands beneath your feet sooths you.
mer $n &RThe burning sands beneath $n's feet sooths him.
mea $n &RYou yell out in pain as the sand beneath your feet burns you! [5]
mer $n &R$n yells out in pain as the sand beneath his feet burns him! [5]
mpdamage $n 5
&YHQ Teleporter~
&zYou've made t through the desert, It wasn't that big but it still hurt. This
is the final Transporter room. The lithogram begins to shift like the other
ones, but this one says something quite different. It appears and says, "Inorder
to pass you must say kijam kcalb" The lithogram then converts back to ancient
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2132
> speech_prog p Kijam Kcalb~
if isfight($n)
mea $n &YNo way! Finish your fight first!
mea $n &OYou hae been teleported into the HQ!
mer $n &O$n has been teleported into the HQ!
mptransfer $n 2134
mpat $n mer $n &O$n has arrived from the teleporter.
mpat $n mpforce $n look
> speech_prog p Black Majik~
if isfight($n)
mea $n &YNo way! Finish your fight first!
if clan($n) == Dark Lotus
mea $n &OYou are teleported into the HQ.
mer $n &O$n has been teleported into the HQ!
mptransfer $n 2134
mpat $n mer $n &O$n has arrived from the outside!
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mea $n &RYou are not a member of the Lotus!
&RInside the Dark Lotus Headquarters~
&rWelcome to the Dark Lotus Clan members area. This is where all the members
will reside. They try to keep it pretty clean so try not to mess up the area,
everything is very expensive. You think to yourself, "I better get going."
Better hope to get out before Dark Lotus catches you in there area.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2135
&RA Darkened Hallway~
&rAs you continue on this floor, feel a sense of power as you know that the
best fighters in the world have walked through here. You sense alot of different
powers that make you want to leave...but you can't yet, you have to fight your
way out. You better becareful not to bite off more then you can choose.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2136
0 -1 2134
&RA Large Hallway~
&rIt seems that there are a few different directions to go here. You look around
notice that to the north you can heal yourself if you have the time, and you
can keep going east or back west. There is also a door south, maybe you should
check it out to see whats in there.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2137
0 -1 2139
3 -1 2138
0 -1 2135
&RHealing Chamber~
&rEntering this room the first thing you notice are the chambers hanging on
the walls. Inside each of the chambers is green liquid that seems to
radiate a strange glow. The glow is so powerful it illuminates the entire
room. At a closer glance one would notice some of the chambers have people
inside. A loud beep starts to come from the chamber and a timer can be seen
couting backwards.
0 67108896 1
0 -1 2136
&RUGT Training Center~
&rThis is a much more powerful gravity training room, if you don't know how
to train you just type Setgrav <amount> to set up how much pressure you want,
and to train in it, all ya gotta do is some pushups.
0 67108864&8 1
3 -1 2136
&RA Darkened Hallway~
&rAs you continue on this floor, feel a sense of power as you know that the
best fighters in the world have walked through here. You sense alot of different
powers that make you want to leave...but you can't yet, you have to fight your
way out. You better becareful not to bite off more then you can choose.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2140
0 -1 2136
&RA Darkened Corner~
&rLooks like you are near the back of the headquarters now. This might be where
you get ambushed, or actually get lucky and make it out alive, either way...it's
going to hurt you and you better watch out before you get killed.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2141
0 -1 2139
&RA Long Hallway~
&rOff to the east there is what looks like an exit to the shop. There should
be pretty good equipment there, but will you be able to make it out with the
eq? To the north there seems to be some more powerful energies you have sensed.
Watch out, this is the most dangerous part of the headquarters.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2142
0 -1 2143
0 -1 2140
&RA Long Hallway~
&rIt seems that there are a few different directions to go here. You look around
notice that to the west you can train if you have the time, and you can keep
going north or back south. Maybe you should check it out to see whats to the
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2149
0 -1 2141
0 -1 2144
&RDark Lotus Shop~
&rThe Dark Lotus clanshop. This is where the best eq on the mud resides. You
know how to look at all the equipment. Be careful when buying the eq, so you
don't get caught without beans and to much stuff to buy some. Also, wearing
the Lotus eq makes them mad, and they will kill and take there stuff back if
need be.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2141
2051 -1 2153
&RInside the Training Complex~
&rAs you enter the room a hologram pops up and says, "Welcome to the training
complex. To the north is the tower, so please have fun." The hologram dissapears
and you are left to decide what you will do next.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2146
0 -1 2142
3 -1 2145
&RTrainers Room~
&rThe room is somewhat well maintained and has adequate lighting for what
goes on here. Oddly, there are no windows nor doors in this room. The room
is designed as a large square with a tall, muscular man standing calmly in
the middle. In each of the four corners of the room is a small ring where
one can train and practice their newly aquired skills. Down will take you
back to the Main room of the Training Area
0 69206016 1
3 -1 2144
&RBottom of the Power Tower~
&rWelcome to the Power Tower. The best place in the universe to train, all the
things here to fight are the strongest from each planet. Be careful training
here, as this is a deadly area. But if your a clannie, you know you are safe
because of all your clannies. This is the first floor so have at it and get
that power form the POWER TOWER!
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2144
0 -1 2147
&RMiddle Floor of the Power Tower~
&rContinuing up the tower you see another Dummy. This is the same as the one
before, but having multiple means of training makes it so more people can train.
So be sure to share the wealth that is training dummies!
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2148
0 -1 2146
&RTop Floor of the Power Tower~
&rThe top floor of the POWER TOWER! Here is the last training room in the whole
headquarters. Remember share the dummies with the other clannies if they need
it. Well thats the last floor to the POWER TOWER so have fun, don't die, and
Kill Kill Kill!
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2147
&RA Dead End~
&rThis seems to be a room with two non-useful exits. Might wanna becareful because
DL might be waiting in either of the rooms for you to aimlessly wander into
one of them. If you must go in them, be prepared to fight for your life.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2142
0 -1 2151
7 2109 2150
&YDark Lotus Vault~
0 67633152 1
2048 -1 2100
7 2109 2149
&RLotus Control Room~
&rThis is the control room of the HeadQuarters. If you want to see a list of
commands, type in look screen. Becareful though, you never know whats a trap
in another person's hq. As you touch the computer it lights up and a list of
options pops up. Better hurry if you are leaving so you won't get attacked
mid talking.
0 67108864 1
0 -1 2149
&cTo go to the location you want, SAY it.
&GLevel 1
&GLevel 2
&GLevel 3
&GLevel 4
> speech_prog p dock~
if isfight($n)
mea $n &YNo way! Finish your fight first!
mea $n &OYou have been teleported to the dock!
mer $n &O$n has been teleported to the dock!
mptrans $n 2100
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mpat $n mer $n &O$n has arrived!
> speech_prog p Level 1~
if isfight($n)
mea $n &YNo way! Finish your fight first!
if clan($n) == Dark Lotus
mea $n &OYou have been teleported to the first level!
mer $n &O$n has been teleported to the first level!
mptrans $n 2108
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mpat $n mer $n &O$n has arrived!
> speech_prog p Level 2~
if isfight($n)
mea $n &YNo way! Finish your fight first!
if clan($n) == Dark Lotus
mea $n &OYou have been teleported to the second level!
mer $n &O$n has been teleported to the second level!
mptrans $n 2116
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mpat $n mer $n &O$n has arrived!
> speech_prog p Level 3~
if isfight($n)
mea $n &YNo way! Finish your fight first!
if clan($n) == Dark Lotus
mea $n &OYou have been teleported to the third level!
mer $n &O$n has been teleported to the third level!
mptrans $n 2128
mpat $n mpforce $n look
mpat $n mer $n &O$n has arrived!
Floating in a void~
0 67108868 1
&zThe Dark Lotus Shop~
&rBelow the floor of the Lotus shop, you notice another shopkeeper.
This seems to be the REAL Lotus shop. The room is almost soundproof.
Above you, you can hear the footsteps of people in the shop above you.
0 67108864 1
33 -1 2143
&RAPOCALYPSE Control Room~
&rYou find yourself surrounded by advanced space travel technology.The
interior of the ship seems to be constructed out of a unique
titanium alloy. The light of the stars shine down on you through
the re-enforced tinted ceiling. Many comfortable chairs line
the room for those long journeys through space. Video cameras
with the marks of the Dark Lotus, monitor the area and maintain
security throughout the ship. You hear the massive engines roar
as they power up for take off.
0 1028 1
7 -1 10473
> speech_prog p I need a keycard~
if clan($n) == Dark Lotus
mpoload 2154
give keycard $n
mea $n The APOCALYPSE console spits out a keycard at you.
mer $n The APOCALYPSE console spits out a keycard at $n.

M 1 2100 1 2105
M 1 2101 1 2107
M 1 2103 1 2126
M 1 2102 1 2115
D 0 2138 0 1
D 0 2136 2 1
D 0 2144 3 1
M 1 2106 1 2146
M 1 2107 1 2147
M 1 2108 1 2148
M 1 2109 1 2145
D 0 2145 1 1
D 0 2150 8 2
D 0 2149 7 2
M 1 2104 1 2143
G 1 2106 1
G 1 2105 1
G 1 2107 1
G 1 2108 1
G 1 1104 1
D 0 2143 4 1
M 1 2105 1 2153
G 1 2104 1
G 1 2102 1
G 1 2101 1
G 1 2103 1
G 1 2100 1
G 1 2109 1
D 0 2153 5 0

 2104    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; The Lotus Shopkeeper
 2105    0  0  0  0  0   120  90         0 23    ; The Lotus Shopkeeper


