
sedit delete         <social>
sedit new            <social>
sedit show           <social>
sedit <string-name>  <social> [string]

SEDIT allows online creation, deletion and editting of socials.

SEDIT DELETE <social> deletes that social. The deletion is irrecoverable,
save for restoring a backup file, so use this command with great care!

SEDIT NEW <social> creates a new, empty social.

SEDIT SHOW <social> shows all of the strings for that social.

SEDIT <string-name> <social> [string] changes a certain of the 7 strings that
make up a social. If you leave out the string, no message will be sent to
the involved characters.

There are 7 strings that make up a social:

cnoarg: Sent to character when no argument typed. E.g. X types HUG and sees:

Hug whom?

onoarg: Sent to others in the room when no argument is given. In the case of
HUG, it is an empty string, so that nothing is shown if a player types HUG
by itself.

cfound: Sent to the character if a target is found. E.g. X types HUG Y:

You hug Y.

vfound: Sent to the victim. E.g. X types HUG Y, and Y sees:

X hugs you.

ofound: Sent to others in room, if target is found. E.g. X types HUG Y.
Everyoune but X and Y see:

X hugs Y.

cself: Sent to the character if she uses the social on herself. E.g. X types

You hug yourself.

oself: Sent to others in room when a player uses a social on herself:

X hugs herself in a vain attempt to get friendship.

To get the player names and sexes correct, you need to use those macros:

$n - name of player
$e - he, she or it, depending on sex of player
$m - him, her or it, depending on sex of player
$s - his, her or its, depending on sex of player.

For the victim, just use the uppercase version. E.g. $N is the name of the
victim, $E is he, she or it depending on victim's sex etc.

So, to make a new social called 'epoke' which would poke eyes out, you would
do the following:

SEDIT cnoarg epoke Poke whose eyes out? (message sent to player)
SEDIT cfound epoke You poke $N's eyes out!
SEDIT vfound epoke $n pokes your eyes out! Ouch..
SEDIT ofound epoke $n pokes $N's eyes out!
SEDIT cself  epoke Being bored, you poke your own eyes out.
SEDIT oself  epoke $n pokes $s eyes out!

To get more examples, type SEDIT SHOW <social-name> to see one of the
existing socials.

The socials are stored in a file called socials.txt. Manual editting of
that file is not advised. A frequent back-up is recommended. The social
file is updated by the server as soon as anything changes.

Online social editting - (c) 1996,97 Erwin S. Andreasen <>

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