Name Reorx~
Id   995390502
LogO 1000777485
Vers 5
FName Jon~
FIcq 11521172~
FAim suoirauq~
LastLogon 1000777202
Desc He has hair.

Whotext {wThe Forge{x~
Grant (null)~
Prom [%z: %R, %r] [%o] ~
Race human~
Recall 3001
QuestPnts 4000
Petition 0
God  9
Sex  1
Cla  1
Levl 110
Sec  10
Plyd 2426348
Not  1000776632 1000777165 0 999573535 1000038127
LStory 1000728598
Scro 0
Room 10714
HMV  13028 13028 13006 13006 13018 13018
Steel 2145
Gold 45
BSteel 86278634
BGold 311
SafeBox 1
Exp  148500
AfBy H
Af2By D
Comm NO
Invi 110
Pos  8
Prac 114
Trai 109
Alig  -1000
ACs 100 100 100 100
Attr 14 14 14 17 14
AMod 0 0 0 0 0
Pass QuxlGFUJdLB0U~
Bin  {wA giant rock suddenly appears and {Rexplodes{w.{/From the dust emerges {FReorx{w, the {Bmyth{w, the {xlegend{w, the {Ygod{w!{x~
Bout Stepping into his pose, Reorx glides away on billows of steam.~
TransIn A poof of steam brings %s into view.~
TransOut Steam billows into the room and %s disappears.~
Titl .~
Pnts 47
TSex 1
LLev 179
HMVP 13028 13006 13018
Cnd  0 0 50 50
Sk 100 'reserved'
Sk 100 'acid blast'
Sk 100 'armor'
Sk 100 'advanced mind'
Sk 100 'aquastrike'
Sk 100 'bless'
Sk 100 'blindness'
Sk 100 'burning hands'
Sk 100 'call lightning'
Sk 100 'calm'
Sk 100 'cancellation'
Sk 100 'cause critical'
Sk 100 'cause light'
Sk 100 'cause serious'
Sk 100 'chain lightning'
Sk 100 'change sex'
Sk 100 'charm person'
Sk 100 'chill touch'
Sk 100 'colour spray'
Sk 100 'continual light'
Sk 100 'control weather'
Sk 100 'create food'
Sk 100 'create rose'
Sk 100 'create spring'
Sk 100 'create water'
Sk 100 'cure blindness'
Sk 100 'cure critical'
Sk 100 'cure disease'
Sk 100 'cure light'
Sk 100 'cure poison'
Sk 100 'cure serious'
Sk 100 'curse'
Sk 100 'demonfire'
Sk 100 'detect evil'
Sk 100 'detect good'
Sk 100 'detect hidden'
Sk 100 'detect invis'
Sk 100 'detect magic'
Sk 100 'detect poison'
Sk 100 'dispel evil'
Sk 100 'dispel good'
Sk 100 'dispel magic'
Sk 100 'earthquake'
Sk 100 'enchant armor'
Sk 100 'enchant weapon'
Sk 100 'energy drain'
Sk 100 'enhanced mind'
Sk 100 'faerie fire'
Sk 100 'faerie fog'
Sk 100 'farsight'
Sk 100 'feast'
Sk 100 'fireball'
Sk 100 'fireproof'
Sk 100 'flameshield'
Sk 100 'flamestrike'
Sk 100 'flamepillar'
Sk 100 'fly'
Sk 100 'floating disc'
Sk 100 'frenzy'
Sk 100 'gate'
Sk 100 'giant strength'
Sk 100 'golem'
Sk 100 'harm'
Sk 100 'haste'
Sk 100 'heal'
Sk 100 'heat metal'
Sk 100 'holy word'
Sk 100 'identify'
Sk 100 'infravision'
Sk 100 'invisibility'
Sk 100 'iron shards'
Sk 100 'know alignment'
Sk 100 'lightning bolt'
Sk 100 'locate object'
Sk 100 'magic missile'
Sk 100 'mass healing'
Sk 100 'mass invis'
Sk 100 'nexus'
Sk 100 'pass door'
Sk 100 'plague'
Sk 100 'poison'
Sk 100 'portal'
Sk 100 'protection evil'
Sk 100 'protection good'
Sk 100 'ray of truth'
Sk 100 'recharge'
Sk 100 'refresh'
Sk 100 'remove curse'
Sk 100 'sanctuary'
Sk 100 'shield'
Sk 100 'shocking grasp'
Sk 100 'silver shards'
Sk 100 'sleep'
Sk 100 'slow'
Sk 100 'stone skin'
Sk 100 'summon'
Sk 100 'teleport'
Sk 100 'true sight'
Sk 100 'ventriloquate'
Sk 100 'weaken'
Sk 100 'word of recall'
Sk 100 'acid breath'
Sk 100 'fire breath'
Sk 100 'frost breath'
Sk 100 'gas breath'
Sk 100 'lightning breath'
Sk 100 'general purpose'
Sk 100 'high explosive'
Sk 100 'axe'
Sk 100 'dagger'
Sk 100 'flail'
Sk 100 'mace'
Sk 100 'polearm'
Sk 100 'lance'
Sk 100 'shield block'
Sk 100 'spear'
Sk 100 'sword'
Sk 100 'whip'
Sk 100 'backstab'
Sk 100 'bash'
Sk 100 'berserk'
Sk 100 'counter'
Sk 100 'critical strike'
Sk 100 'dirt kicking'
Sk 100 'disarm'
Sk 100 'dodge'
Sk 100 'enhanced damage'
Sk 100 'envenom'
Sk 100 'hand to hand'
Sk 100 'kick'
Sk 100 'parry'
Sk 100 'rescue'
Sk 100 'trip'
Sk 100 'second attack'
Sk 100 'third attack'
Sk 100 'fourth attack'
Sk 100 'fast healing'
Sk 100 'haggle'
Sk 100 'hide'
Sk 100 'lore'
Sk 100 'meditation'
Sk 100 'peek'
Sk 100 'pick lock'
Sk 100 'sneak'
Sk 100 'steal'
Sk 100 'scrolls'
Sk 100 'staves'
Sk 100 'wands'
Sk 100 'recall'
Sk 100 'human'
Sk 100 'aghar'
Sk 100 'hylar'
Sk 100 'neidar'
Sk 100 'minotaur'
Sk 100 'kagonesti'
Sk 100 'dimernesti'
Sk 100 'gnome'
Sk 100 'kender'
Sk 100 'dracon'
Sk 100 'silvanesti'
Sk 100 'qualinesti'
Gr 'rom basics'
Gr 'thief basics'
Affc 'reserved'   6 105   6   0   0          8

Vnum 1200
Nest 0
Cond 0
Wear -1
Cost 0
Safe 1
Affc 'reserved'   1   0  -1  13   3          0
Affc 'reserved'   1   0  -1  13   4          0
Affc 'reserved'   1   0  -1  13   5          0

Vnum 10702
Nest 0
Cond 0
Wear -1
Cost 0
Safe 0

Vnum 49
Nest 0
Cond 0
Wear -1
Cost 0
Safe 0

Vnum 13054
Nest 0
Cond 0
Wear -1
Cost 10000
Safe 0