
{cNeraka includes:{x
Plains of Neraka
Forest of Neraka
Volcanoes & Fissures


{cThe River of Healing includes:{x
River of Healing
Lake of Light
Temple of Mishakal (ruins)
Hill Giant Settlement
Cave & Spring


{cSanction includes:{x
Lords of Doom


{cThrotl includes:{x
Throtl Gap


{cWinston's Tower includes:{x
Winston's Tower
Ruins of Istaran Fortress


{YNOTE:{r If you have additional info for one of the areas or info for an area
that doesn't have a help file please either note Reorx or email him. He can be
reached at A {G*{r next to the area's name means we
are lacking information for that area. Thanks! Also, if there is a \\ before
the area name it means that the help file does exit for that area.{x

This is a full list of all the areas with help files:
\\ Astivar Mountains                   - help astivarmountains
Dragons Graveyard                      - help dragonsgraveyard
\\ Hearthhome                     {G*{x    - help hearthhome
\\ Ohme                           {G*{x    - help ohme
\\ The Peak of Clouds/Mount Brego      - help peakofclouds  or  mountbrego
\\ Woods of Lahue                 {G*{x    - help woodsoflahue
Lemish                            {G*{x    - help lemish
Garnet                            {G*{x    - help garnet
Throtl                            {G*{x    - help throtl
Caergoth                          {G*{x    - help caergoth
Kalaman                           {G*{x    - help kalaman

{MPlease see 'areaplan' for a list of areas that need to be made.{x

This is to be used as a reference to what areas need to be created:

Key: {r+{x = See 'help area(name)' for information on what exactly
             is in the area.
        If the area name is in {Gbright green{x that means it is already
        assigned to a builder.

{WPalanthas{x          Peak of the Clouds/Mt. Brego
Kalaman            Woods of Lahue                  {r+{GWinston's Tower{x
Caergoth           Astivar Mts.                    Silent Plains
Lemish             Dragons Graveyard               Worldscap Mts.
{r+{xThrotl            Hearthhome                      Worldscrown
Garnet                 Ohme                        Cloudpainter
{GGwynned{x            Khalkist Mts.
Verkhas Hills      Thoradin/Zhakar        Port Balifor
Vingaard Mts.      {r+{xSanction              Flotsam
Garnet Mts.        {r+{xNeraka                Hillshar
Dargaard Mts.      Doom Range             Trigol


I am thinking about signing a whole area to one person, aka
Northern Ergoth etc. This way they know what they have already done
and it may be a little more coordinated. For big areas such as
Solamnia though it might be a curse to assign one person to the whole
area =)
{YKeep in mind that this is just an idea. If you have any other ideas
about an are you would like to build please contact me, Reorx, or our
head builder yet to be appointed. Thanks.{x

See help areainfo for more information


{YNOTE:{r This area is for the Astivar Mountains. This does not include the
Peak of Clouds, Mount Brego, Woods of Lahue, or Hearthhome. Those areas will
be made as seperate areas and will be connected when they are both done.{x

	The Asitivar Mountain range is located about 100 miles west of the
great city of Kalaman. This mountain range travels north and south and at its
north end almost reaches the Moors and the Cape of Nordmaar. The southern end
of the range is very close to the northern part of the Khalkist Mountains.
	This mountain range is home to many dwarves and ogres who oddly live
their seperate likes in a sort of harmony. They don't battle like you would
think these to races would, but Hrench and Krun Silverchisel have created a
sort of treaty. Occasionally, a few Lahutians will come from their village in
the Woods of Lahue to explore the mountain ranges.
	There is nothing very dangerous in this area so it shouldn't be too
high of an area (level wise) but it shouldn't be very low either.


{YNOTE:{r This area is just the dwarven village of Hearthhome. On completion,
this area will be connected to the areas surrounding it, such as the Astivar
Mountains and the Woods of Lahue.{x

	Hearthhome is a small dwarven village at the base of the Peak of Clouds
and Mount Brego in the Astivar Mountain range. Some of the dwarves living here
were alive during the War of the Lance and their leader, Krun Silverchisel, was
among these ancient dwarves. The dwarves, not wishing for another war, created
sort of a pact with Hrench and the remainder of his Bloody Fist ogre tribe.

	Little is known about this area either so if you have any addition info
it would be much appreciated.

102 OHME~

	I know absolutely nothing about this area except that it is northwest
of Kalaman and north of the Astivar Mountain Range. Info would help.


{YNOTE:{r This area is for The Peak of Clouds and Mount Brego only. The Astivar
Mountains will be made as a seperate area. The areas will then be connected.{x

	The Peak of Clouds, the highest point in the Astivar Mountains, and its
sister peak Mount Brego haven been the center of mystical activities since the
Cataclysm. Most people do not know of this areas importance, but those who do
think this a place to be avoided. (Since this is so, maybe make the area
contain pretty decent EQ. Could sort of be like the Hawklord area on Ansalon
(if you play/played there)).
	The Astivar Mountains were created created during the Cataclysm.
Their peaks range from being 4,000 to 10,000 feet above sea level. Besides
this fact, Mount Brego reaches 12,000 feet while its sister the Peak of Clouds
skies 14,000 feet above sea level.
	The Peak of Clouds is so high that the boundaries between Krynn and
the Abyss are very weak up there. Those skilled in the art of magic are able
to view the Abyss and the very few who have mastered the art are even able to
enter into the actual plane. (This is pretty cool to guild. You could have a
closed exit at the very top of the Peak (no key), meaning you would need pass
door to get through. Since only the skilled in magic can see this have the
room behind the exit have a description like you are looking out into the
Abyss. Then have a portal that is hidden and invisible that leads to the Abyss
(the only way into the Abyss). This way, they would need magic to get out of
there, like you would have to in actual DL settings). At the top their is also
a Kyrie living there. He is extremely absentminded yet he greatly understands
the powers within Krynn and oneself which can be used to perform at least some
sort of magic. Keelak, being very smart, deffinitely seems a real dummy.
(Maybe have a ledge near the Abyss exit for his home. You could make a nifty
mob_prog for him too :P).
	Mount Brego is filled with magical tunnels that could lead you anywhere
in all of Ansalon. (Also cool to build. Have many side tunnels with a one way
exit at the end to some room across the continent. Maybe even some go to an
aggro mob or a death trap to make it a little dangerous). Ogres live in these
tunnels mapping them out for the Great Green Dragon Lorrinar, so called master
of the Woods of Lahue. (Lorrinar is part of the Woods of Lahue, a seperate
area). These Ogres are the remnants of the Bloody Fist tribe. After being
forced to flee their homeland by the dragon known as Cinder they fled into the
Astivar Mountains making their home in Mount Brego. Their captain (Hrench)
makes sure to please Lorrinar with his tribes' maps because he does not wish
to anger yet another dragon.


{YNOTE:{r This area is the Woods of Lahue only. This does not include the
Astivar Mountains, the Peak of Clouds, Mount Brego or Hearthhome. Those will
be seperate areas and will be connected on completion.{x

	The Woods of Lahue is a small forested area at the northern end of the
Astivar Mountains. Inside this forest there are some villages which contiain
native Lahutians. This race is literally unkown and so is the area.

	If you have any additional info, please note or email Reorx. Thanks.
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