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*** File 'rom.are'
0 LAG~

{WImmortal {DStaff{x Of {YLegends{x of the {CLance{x

  {WGood{x           {RNeutral{x     {DEvil{x
               {GBeing Played
  {WPaladine{x       {RGilean{x      {DTakhisis{x
  {WBranchala{x      {RChislev     {DNuitari{x
  {WHabbakuk{x       {RReorx{x       {DChemosh{X
  {WSolinari{x       {RZivilyn{x     {DSargonnas{x
  {WMishakal{x       {RSirrion{x     {DZeboim{x
  {WMajere{x         {RShinare{x     {DHiddukel{x
  {WKiri_Jolith{x    {RLunitari{x    {DMorgion{x
             {RNot Being Played{x 

  Tanis    Flint    Tasslehoff  {DRaistlin{x
  {RCaramon{x Tika     Goldmoon    Riverwind
  Laurana  Kitiara  Gilthanas   {DAriakan{x
 {DSteel{x    Sturm    Palin       Tanin
  {DSoth{x     Crysania  Elistan    Silvara

{B           .-')         _                     {x
{B         ('_^ (   .----'/                     {x
{B          ' (  \_/'  __/       __.            {x
{B          __{{   |'  _/        /_/            {x
{B         / _{{    \_/ ;---.   //              {x 
{B         \_> \_\  >__/    \ ((                {x
{B              _/ /' _\_    |))                {x 
{B             /__(  /______/   {x ({YGryphon{x){x
{Y  ___________________________________________     {x
{Y/^\                                          \    {x
{Y| |         {yLegends of the Lance{Y              ){x          
{Y\_/__________________________________________/    {x
===Written By: {GZivilyn{x {yThe Tree Hugger{x


'Immortal' (often, simply, 'imm') refers to players who have reached
the highest attainable levels in the game.  Here, anyone of level 102
or higher is an 'immortal.'  Immortals are capable of exceeding the
usual game rules, in more drastic and pervasive ways as levels increase examples range from teleportation and invisibility to mortal sight to
creation of objects, removal of a player's privileges (channels,
ability to move, or even ability to log in), and ability to promote
players to immortality.

Since immortals can wreak havoc with game balance, they are (ideally)
a carefully-chosen and policed group.  An absolute rule of immortal
behavior is that no immortal can aid or assist any player without
explicit permission from the higher ranks; in other words, please
don't ask an immortal to help you kill a mob, gather EQ, etc, or
you'll likely be either politely or rudely refused, or referred to
this file.

The duties of immortals, is simply to make the game fun and enjoyable, No 
they are not always very nice sweet people they do work hard to build a 
mud that players can try and find a escape from real life. The very idea 
of immortals is a topic of heavy and heated debates, and are fraught with 
misconceptions, poor examples, and outrageous hypocrisies. :)

0 KOT~
The Knights of Takhisis is a clan born out of the ruin of the Dragonarmies. Avoiding the pitfalls that plagued the Dragonarmies and brought about their own self-destruction,
the Knights of Takhisis were formed to be the elite fighting force to further the cause of the Dark Queen Takhisis herself. 
Through careful study of the enemy forces of the Solamnic Knights, it was found that they in fact posses some admiral though the Solamnic Knights are overall flawed. The Knights of Takhisis adopted some of these principles and improved where things
were lacking. qualities,
Thus was born a group worthy of serving Takhisis. Its members are devoutly loyal to her and each other. In fact, their very lives are expendable for the good of the clan. Those who fail to live up to this devotion faces but one thing: death. 

The Knights of Takhisis are a prime example of pride and honor, much more than the arrogant Solamnic Knights. New members of the Knights of Takhisis are usually those who have been trained to serve since childhood,
though many of the older members are remnants of the fallen Dragonarmies who have accepted the weakness of the former methods of serving Takhisis.
The Knights of Takhisis are made up of three orders of knights, each focusing on their own goals but coming together to compliment one another. 

0 Kot Rules~
Rules and Regulations
1. Follow all rules and regulations listed. Ignorance is no excuse. Any violations are subject to verbal warnings, passing up of promotions, demotions, or discharge.
2. Insubordination will not be tolerated and is grounds for expulsion. Listen to your superiors.
3. Aid fellow clan members and potential recruits in any way possible.
4. Participate in role-play as often as possible.
5. Respect the immortals, if problems arise, do NOT argue with them. Write Lord of Night Ariakan a note explaining the situation and I will help you out.
6. Do NOT curse, make fun of, or harass any character in the MUD except within the necessity of role-playing.

Requirements for Joining
1. The character must have a description and a somewhat established background and personality, though modifications will be allowed if necessary.
2. The character must establish contact with a recruiter or leader who will oversee their progress through the rest of the steps.
3. The character will demonstrate their wisdom by guiding the recruiter from Sanction to the High Clerist Tower.
4. The character will demonstrate their cunning by tracking a recruiter.
5. The chracter will demonstrate their might by killing a suitable mob chosen by the recruiter.
6. The character will demonstrate their faith by writing a vision of Takhisis. The character should worship her, if not, the character should seek a god change.
7. The character will participate in the Blood Oath Ceremony to be conducted by the Lord of the Skull.
8. The character will be given a time period in which they are considered to be a squire and not a full fledged Knight. Once the character proves themself worthy, they will be promoted to clan level 3.

Solamnic Knights The knights of solamnia (solamnics) are those who uphold
the good and justice of krynn.  They are honorable knights who go by the
code and measure.  To them my honor is my life or Est Sularus Oth Mithas. 
They are all a brotherhood.  They fight for all that is good.  To join you
must be a cleric,warrior, or paladin and must be good aligned.  There are 3
subclans: Crown <L> is the High Warrior and immortal is Habbakuk, Sword <L>
is the High Clerist and the immortal is Kiri, and Rose <L> is the High
Justice and the immortal is Paladine.  Then there is a leader of the whole
clan who is the Grand Master.  When you join you will be a squire and in

0 Thieves~
Known throughout Krynn as one the most prestigious criminal
organizations, this group of Thieves are not like the typical street
vagrants, instead they are an organized team, each one loyal to the rest of
their brotherhood.  Also known as the Brotherhood of Shadows, the men and
women within this great "family" would be considered honorable, if not for
their choice of profession.  Each member gives a part of their spoils to the
group as a whole, to help the less fortunate members of the group as a
whole.  Any race is allowed, except for warriors, and race/deity matters
not, only skills.  If you are not of thief class, you MUST Rp as a thief, if
you do wish to join, and if you seek to leave, the price is very high,
either your life, or the removal of your tongue and your eyes.  Heed this
warning, join at your own risk, for once you have joined, you cannot easily

0 Conclave~
These are the mages of krynn who seek improvement in the art (art of magic).  Those who wish to enter the conclave have to take a test; this test is either pass or die.  They are a group that desolates themselves from the rest of krynn.  
There are 3 subclans or robes. White, Red, and Black.  White's are good aligned mages and the immortal for white is Solinari. Red's are Neutral mages and there immortal is Lunitari
Black's are evil aligned mages and there immortal is Nuitari.  Each of the robes has a High Archmage, which is the leader of that robe. 
Also there is one leader for the whole conclave. To join you must be a mage and whichever race as long as you are a mage.

0 Wildrunner~
The elite members of the army of Silvanost, Wildrunners serve the nation
skillfully, protecting the throne and the Speaker himself.  All classes are
excepted, except for any thief, for their corrupt nature does not fit in
elven society.  The elves of Silvanesti and Kagonesti descent are the only
ones welcomed into this elite force, and then only the ones loyal to the
gods of good.  The mages within the Wildrunner's ranks must be servants of
Solinari, and all others should worship the rest of the good gods.  

0 Mercenary~
This is a clan made up of mercenaries. They are available for hire. They have respect toward one each other, and are a secretive clan. Alll races can join but you have to be neutral aligned.

0 Loner~

Those who are not in a clan, they feel that they do not need to be in a clan. 

0 Renegade~
Mages who do not join the conclave, they feel as if they can do better without the conclave. They tend to be hunted down and killed as the Conclave of mages see them as threats to magic.

0 Holy Order~
Holy Order
This is a organization of clerics, templars, and paladin's.  They are a religious clan who are the priest of krynn. There are 3 subclans Dark(Morgion), Balance (Gilean) and Light (Mishakal). To join you have to be a cleric templar or paladin.

-1 Human~
Human jack of all trades and master of none.

-1 Silvanesti~
High elves.

-1 Qualinesti~

-1 Kagonesti~
wilder elves.

-1 Dimernesti~
sea elves.

-1 Dargonesti~
sea elves.

-1 Half-elf~

-1 Hylar~

-1 Neidar~

-1 Aghar~
shit dumb dwarves.

-1 Gnome~

-1 Kender~
ld 1
Kender are small enough to resemble human children, though they are more heavily muscled. Males are typically 3'7" tall and weigh 75 lbs.
 females are slightly smaller. Adult kender are rarely more then four feet tall and seldom weigh more then 100 lbs.
    Kender typically have sandy blond, light or dark brown, copper-red or even red-orange
hair colors.

-1 Minotaur~

-1 Draconian~

-1 Ranger~

This is a complete list of socials for this MUD:
Compiled originally by: Sara
accuse       adjust      air          apologize     applaud     babble
bark         bcatch      beckon       beer          bearhug     beg
bird         bkiss       bleed        blink         blush       boast
boggle       bonk        bounce       bow           brb         burp
cackle       caress      charge       cheer         chuckle     clap
claw         collapse    comfort      comb          cough       cover
cower        cringe      criticize    cry           cuddle      curse
curtsey      dance       daydream     drool         duck        embrace
explode      eyebrow     faint        fart          flare       flash
flex         flinch      flip         flirt         flutter     fondle
french       frown       fume         gasp          giggle      glare
goose        grimace     grin         groan         grope       grovel
growl        grumble     hand         head          hiccup      highfive
hop          howl        hug          hush          ignore      innocent
insane       judge       kiss         knee          laugh       lick
love         lust        massage      meditate      moan        moon
mosh         mutter      nibble       nod           nudge       nuzzle
pant         passout     pat          peck          pie         pinch
pissed       plead       point        poke          ponder      pout
pray         propose     puke         punch         purr        ramble
raspberry    rofl        roll         rub           ruffle      run
scratch      scream      serenade     shake         shiver      shrug
sigh         sing        slap         slobber       smile       smirk
snap         snarl       sneeze       snicker       sniff       snore
snort        snowball    snuggle      sob           spam        spank
spit         squeal      squeeze      squirm        stare       stretch
strip        stroke      strut        sulk          swoon       tackle
tease        thank       threaten     tickle        tip         tongue
twiddle      type        undress      view          wave        whine
whistle      wiggle      wince        wink          wonder      worry
worship      yawn        yeehaw       yodel         rose	    laces
tank	       starve	 aargh	  homework	    puff	    differ
yae	       lightbulb   voodoo       ogg	          confused    beam
bite	       discodance  scuff        whap	    lag	    chortle
zerbert      twitch	 lol


    {WW{Re{Dl{Wc{Wo{Dm{We {Rt{Do{W.{R.{D.{W.{x

         Head Honchos are: {DTakhisis,{w Nuitari, {Gand Zivilyn{x

                          ROM Version 2.4 beta
               Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe,
               Tom Madsen, Michael Seifert, and Sebastian Hammer
               Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and Kahn
               ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1998 Russ Taylor
{DWh{Wat i{xs t{Why {Dna{Wme {xad{Wve{Dnt{Wur{xer{W?{x ~

* Please abide by the rules set by the Immortals of this realm. If found
  violating any rules appropriate action will be taken.

* The Immortal staff should be respected by all mortals they do not take 
  actions against mortals unless they feel it is a must.

* Please delete any characters not wanted. If a character has not been used
  for a months time they will be deleted (unless prior notification).

* Thanks and enjoy your stay!!

- Staff of {YLegends of the Lance{x
[Hit Return to continue]

102 IMOTD~
Welcome Immortal!

{Cnote to {RSirrion{C or {BHabbakuk{C when ready for a new area{x
{DTakhisis{C is the top of the pile don't bug her for a new area thats  
  why There are TWO Headbuilders 1 on most of the day and the other most 
  of the night.{x

 [Hit Return to continue]

-1 Paladine~
{WPaladine{x {/{/ Paladine is the chief of the gods of good and patron of the
Knights of Solamnia, specifically those of the Order of the Rose.  He
influences order, hope, light, rulership and guardianship.  His colors are
silver and white.  Spheres of influence include law, wards, thought and war.
Paladine's avatars are the muddled old wizard Fizban the Fabulous and a
platinum dragon.  

-1 Branchala~
{WBranchala{x{/{/ Before the world was created, Branchala was a companion
to Habbakuk.  Branchala followed his friend so that he too could help forge
worlds.  His music is that of the souls of all who life.  It is said that
his music resides in us all and that all hearts beat to its unknown melody. 

-1 Habbakuk~
{WHabbakuk{x{/{/ Habbakuk is the god of animal life and the sea.  His
skills of the wild and belief in te harmony with nature constitute a
peacefull teaching.  He is seen as a symbol of eternal life beyond the world
and a strong enforcer of natural justice.  Habbakuk is the twin brother of
Kiri-Jolith.  With his brother and father, Paladine, he helped form the
Knights of Solamnia.  

-1 Solinari~
{WSolinari{x{/{/ The son of Paladine, Solinari is the master of good
magic.  He spins through the sky over the world and keeps his watchful eye
on all magic.  Along with Lunitari and Nuitari, he did not join their fellow
gods in the heavens, but chose to stay close to the world.  He founded the
Good Order of Sorcery, the White Robes.  

-1 Mishakal~
{WMishakal{x{/{/ Mishakal is Paladine's consort and mother of Habbakuk,
Kiri-Jolith and Solinari.  Mishakal influences healing, knowledge,
fertility, life, beauty and blessing.  Her color is any shade of blue; in
her avatar form, she enhances the natural blues of objects around her. 
Mishakal influences the spheres of numbers, thought; travelers and wards.  

-1 Majere~
{WMajere{x{/{/ Majere is the patron of organization and industry.  He
influences meditation, control, thought, faith, mercy and inspiration.  His
colors are copper and red, while his spheres of influence are law, thought,
time and wards.  

-1 Kiri Jolith~
{WKiri-Jolith{x{/{/ Kiri-Jolith is the patron of Solamnic Knights of the
Sword.  His constellation threatens the Queen of Darkness in the night sky. 
He influences war, battle, courage and heroism.  Colors are brown and white.
Kiri-Jolith's spheres are law, war and wards.  

-1 Gilean~
{w{RGilean{x{x{/{/ Gilean is the patron god of knowledge, guarding the Tobril
from all other eyes.  Gilean seeks to keep the forces of good and evil in
balance and allies himself with whichever side is most powerful at that
time.  Gilean influences knowledge and his color is gray.  Spheres of
influence include numbers, time, thought and wards.  

-1 Chislev~
{RChislev{x{/{/ Chislev is nature.  She is the earth itself.  All animals
and plants of Krynn worship her.  She dislikes industry, and as such,
influences nature, wilds, beasts.  Her colors are brown, yellow and green. 
Spheres of influence include time and chaos.  

-1 Reorx~
{RReorx{x{/{/ Reorx is the patron god of dwarves and their industry, as
well as the creator of the Graygem.  Reorx influences dwarves, weapons,
mining, smithing and technology.  He prefers the colors of slate gray and
red.  Spheres of influence include law, war, thought and wards.  

-1 Zivilyn~
{RZivilyn{x{/{/ Several scholars have even proposed that the ageless
Astinus of Palanthas is a branch of Zivilyn.  After all, Zivilyn may
maintain several avatars at one time, and Astinus may be one of them.  In
whatever form, Zivilyn wields a simple wooden cane that obey s any command
it is given.  Zivilyn, god of all wisdom, is the celestial Tree of Life. 
His branches and roots extend into all times and places.  Much as Gilean
holds the knowledge of the universe, Zivilyn holds its wisdom.  He acts not
according to the dictates of his mind, but according to those of his heart. 
Because wisdom is incomplete without knowledge and knowledge is incomplete
without wisdom, Zivilyn and Gilean work closely together.  Zivilyn is the
companion of Chislev; most mortals view this relationship as a perfect

-1 Sirrion~
{RSirrion{x{/{/ Sirrion is the god of fire; he influences flames of any
sizefrom a candle to the sun.  His companion in the celestial world is
Shinare.  In addition to flame, Sirrion influences natural power, change and
transformation.  His colors are bright reds & yellows and his spheres of
influence include chaos and numbers.  

-1 Shinare~
{RShinare{x{/{/ Shinare is the goddess of wealth, money, and industry. 
She is the favorite god of the dwarves, and is the patron god of merchants
and commerce.  Her companion is Sirrion, whose fondness for nature often
runs against Shinare's desire for progress.  

-1 Lunitari~
{RLunitari{x{/{/ The sole daughter of Gilean, Lunitari is the god of
neutral magic.  She spins through the sky over the world and keeps a
watchful eye on the balance of magical power throughout the world.  Along
with Solinari and Nuitari, she chose to stay close to the world and foster
the growth of magic within.  Lunitari founded the Neutral Order of Sorcery,
the Red Robes.  

-1 Takhisis~
{DTakhisis{x{/{/ Takhisis was Paladine's consort in the Age of Dreams,
but she left him when things did not go to her liking.  Patron of the
Knights of Takhisis and all that is evil or corrupt, Takhisis influences
night, hatred, intrigue and chaos; her color is either a shiny or dark black
and her spheres of influence include chaos, time, war and wards.  Takhisis
led the shadows from Beyond and brought them to aid in the creation of this
cosmos.  Her deeds have ever since been a constant struggle to assert her
rule over all creation.  It is, in her view, only right and just that this
be so.  Sargonnas has been her consort since before the beginning of all
things.  Takhisis can appear in any form she wishes and often takes on a
disguise.  She is most often seen as either a five-headed chromatic dragon,
or as a beautiful temptress, equally deadly in either form.  

-1 Nuitari~
{DNuitari{x{/{/ The twin brother of Zeboim, and son of Takhisis and
Sargonnas.  Nuitari left the ranks of Evil to join with the other two gods
of magic, Solinari and Lunitari, in the forging of the Orders of Sorcery. 
Nuitari is the god of Black or Evil Magic.  

-1 Chemosh~
{DChemosh{x{/{/ Chemosh is the patron of all undead.  Any such creatures
are his minions, increasing his strength on Krynn.  Chemosh influences
ravagers, undead and people's nemeses.  His colors are black and blood red. 
Spheres of influence are time, numbers and thought.  

-1 Sargonnas~
{DSargonnas{x{/{/ Takhisis's brooding consort is an explosive personality
who plots against her about as often as he works with her.  Sargonnas
influences vengeance, destruction, intrigue, volcanoes, fire and deserts. 
His colors are red and black.  Spheres of influence include chaos, thought;
numbers and war.  

-1 Hiddukel~
{DHiddukel{x{/{/ Hiddukel is a deal maker who trades in souls.  It is
said that he is the only being who can barter with the Queen of Darkness and
come out ahead.  He controls all ill-gotten wealth in the world, which he
uses to corrupt greedy men.  He is the patron of evil busniess-men, and

-1 Morgion~
{DMorgion{x{/{/ The god of disease, decay, plague, weakness and plotting
is Morgion.  He despises all that is healthy, attempting to destroy or
corrupt them.  His colors are deep brown and black.  

-1 Zeboim~

0 Timeline~
anyone? anyone? anyone? no. the answer must be put in by zivilyn.

0 Builder~
Builders are a crazy lot, they take pride in there work and have no problems talking about the area for long hours.
To begin a Builder for this mud you have twice options you can try and use.
the First being a Mortal Builder, all Mortals wishing to build should send a E-Maill to Takhisis at:   She will need to have information such as where have you built before.
how often you can build, how much can you build, how good you are with time tables.
so that she can proccess this quickly please use subject: Mortal Builder Legends :so that she can be sure to read it.
The last option is to become a Immortal, hmm just ask a Immortal how to do that.

102 JOBS~
This is a partial list of what a god of any given level should be doing. It is
not complete yet.

You main job as a builder is to come up with Ideas for new areas and to 
let the Headbuilders know, they will take the idea to a imp for approvel. You
May run Quests with the help of Higher up Immortals, Just don't expect to 
be allowed to go crazy with your quests.

Questers have two main roles: Building and  quest running. You can draft 
Builders to help you run a quest, and please note that quests should NOT have
huge rewards -- the main point should be to have fun. Questers have no  
business trying to enforce rules -- the most you should do to a player is
NOCHANNEL or similar light punishment.

Gods can run quests just like Questers, and it's nice to do reimbursements 
too. However, the main role of a God is keeping the peace.  Gods can 
enforce (but not create rules), using the various NOTELL-class commands, 
as well as deny, purge, freeze, and ban (but be careful with these 
commands!)  Gods are expected to help make the mud run more smoothly, 
power trips are strictly verbotten.

Not fufilling the roles of your office can result in demotion or deletion.

Player killing and player stealing are allowed to all clan members 
(including loners), provided the victim is is within 8 levels of the
character and is also in a clan.  This will flag you as a "killer" or
"thief", allowing any character to attack, and also provoking action
from the city guard.

                         ** The Rules of ROM **
1)  Do not kill mortals, do not kill mortals, do not kill mortals.
    This includes transferring/summoning them to aggressive mobs.
2)  Do not cheat for ANY mortal in ANY way, especially your own. 
    Unless of course you LIKE deletion. Yes this includes tanking,
    healing/restoring, casting protection spells <armor, sanct>,    
    and softening up or altering mobs.
3)  Do not transfer or summon mobs to mortals or mortals to mobs.
    They have legs, if they want to kill a mob, they can easilly
    go there themselves.
4)  DO NOT kill the shopkeepers for any reason at ALL.
5)  DO NOT use reboot.  <--- Note, simple English.
6)  Do not give out free equipment.  You don't need to win brownie
    points with the mortals.  Quest are fine but handing out items
7)  A note on quests: Quests are a good thing, more or less, BUT 
    do not give out overly extravagant prizes.  Exercise some 
    common sense here folks.  Do not load items more than 4 levels
    below their normal level (i.e. no level 5 ogre gauntlets).
8)  Do not undermine the authority of a higher level god.  If you 
    see that someone has been frozen or nochannelled do not restore
    their priveleges.  They are being punished for a reason.
9)  Do not try to overrule each other.  
10) Trusted mortals:  Do not use your god powers to help your mortal
    character.  If you do, your trust will be taken away.


{CThese are the rules of ROM.  For other matters, use common sense{x.

* {RLimited player stealing or player killing{x.

*{C Your presence here is a privilege not a right. Obey any orders from 
    gods, and you will be fine.  Deletion does not require a reason, 
    appeals are to be sent to the implementors{x.
* {DSitting around idle with a client is hazardous to your health. If we 
    catch you doing it, you will lose half your playing time{x.

* {MNo multiple logins, multiple playing, or helping your own characters 
   with other characters you own -- by any arrangment{x.
* {BNo kill stealing.  This means you cannot attack a mob someone else is 
  fighting, unless they ask you to. Also avoid attacking fleeing mobs{x.

* {RCheating {Gwill not be tolerated.  This includes accepting favors from 
    gods and exploiting bugs. If you find a bug, report it, then do not 
    use it{x.

* {YChanges to these rules are at the discretion of the immortals, and may 
   be done without warning, notice, or even evidence of sanity. Walk 
   {wsoftly{x, and carry a {Dblack{x {ystick{x.

-1 $~
