Dodge is the ability to do just that, dodge attacks.  This skill is very
important and as such it is the foundation of defense.  Dodging an attack
can throw the oppenent off balance and save you from any damage.

If at first you fail to dodge, block it.  Parry is useful for deflecting 
attacks, and is succesful more often than dodge.  Parry requires a weapon for
full success, the hand-to-hand skill may also be used, but results in reduced
damage instead of no damage.  The best chance of parrying occurs when the
defender is skilled in both his and his opponent's weapon type.

Shield block is a rather fancy name for the art of parrying with a shield.
Characters with no shield block skill will not be able to defend themselves
well with a shield.  Beware, flails ignore shield blocking attempts, and
whips have an easier time getting around them.  Axes may split shields in two.

Just as with any other weapon a sword has a chance of breaking and
leaving you to fight hand to hand.  A sword can tear up the equipment of
another player but due to the long blade it can be broken easier then most
other weapons.  

Hand to hand is your ability to fight with your fists.  This can only be
done if your not wielding a weapon of any kind.  Being that this is the
basics behind fighting anyone that has studied martial arts can teach you
the basics of this.  

Kicking is the basic form of attacking with the legs.  A well placed kick
can be painful for an opponent but a missed kick can leave you very off

Syntax: eye <target>

Eye gouge is a move that blinds your opponent for ashort amount of time,
allowing you to gain an advantage in the criticalmoments of a fight.  This
attack is preformed by simply slamming two fingers into the eyes of an
opponent.  Eye gouge is one of the several precise shots that can be learned
if one takes timeto master their hand to hand and kick skills.  

Syntax: knee <target>

Knee is simply that.  This move can cause a fair amount of damage, as well
as stun your oppenent for a moment.

Syntax: sweep <target>

The sweep is preformed by clipping your opponents legs out fromunder her,
causing her to loose her balance and fall.  This is a very basic move and
can behelpful in close battles to gain an advantage.  A sweep that misses,
or even sometimes hits, can cause the attacker to lose balance as well,
albeit not as much as the reciepient.

Syntax: bash <target>

Bash consits of dashing forward and slamming your shoulder into your
opponent.  This maneuver can deal a lot of damage as well as stun your
oppenent and knock him off balance.  It is very dangerous to miss and run
past your target, since you yourself will be thrown to the ground.

Syntax: throat <target>

Throat shot is a precise attack that involves a quick shot to the throat.
The attack is very stunning and will leave an opponent open to attack for a few seconds.
This skill does no damage.

Syntax: heart <target>

Heart shot is a powerful blow delivered to the chest of an opponent.  If
landed correctly it can cause MAJOR damage.

Syntax: elbow <target>

Elbow is a quick attack that consists of slamming your elbow into the face
of your opponent.  It is a fast attack that will deal light damage.  It
also has an increased chance of disrupting an oppenent charging an attack.

Syntax: kamehameha all
Syntax: kamehameha <target>

The Kamehameha was developed by Master Roshi and is the most widely known ki
attack.  Many races may use this attack, so be wary.  The rolling energy of
Kamehameha is like waves rising on anocean.  It is preformed by cupping one's
hands at one's side and calling the name of the attack.  As the "ha!" at the
end is reached, the hands are pushedforward in an open clam-like shape, firing
the beam forward.  This attack can be devastating.  Skilled warriors can direct
the energy into an entire group of enemies.

Syntax: scattershot <target>

The scattershot technique is preformed by throwing many balls of ki from
the hands at an alarming rate.  The accuracy of this move is less than most
of the other ki attacks but the power can be devastating.  Since each of the
many balls must be dodged, the target's balance is thrown off.  Unlike many
skills, this attack cannot be charged.

Syntax: final all
Syntax: final <target>

The Final Flash is a ki attack that may be learned only by Saiya-jins and
Half-Breeds.  Much like the Kamehameha, ki is fired from cupped handsheld
infront of the fighter, arms spread to either side.  The Final Flash is 
incredibly destructive and at higher levels may be directed at entire areas
(rooms) of opponents.

Syntax: ball <target>

This weak, basic skill is the starting point for warriors and is needed to
learn many of the more powerful attacks.  Energy is collected in the palms
of the hands andthrown much like a baseball.  The attack will hit a single
oppenent with a condensed ball of energy.  This skill can lead to more
powerful ones, such as Death Ball or Spirit Bomb.

Syntax: beam <target>

The energy beam is the basic move needed for more powerful beams such asthe
Final Flash or Kamehameha.  It involves firing a beam of ki out of the palm
of one hand.  If trained high enough it is possible for it to hitmore than

Syntax: solar <target>

Solar Flare is a technique that involves using the light of the sun to
make a bright flash and blind your opponents.  The blindness does not last
very long but a good fighter will have enough time to turn the tables in his
favor.  Care needs to be used, since everything in the vicinity will be

Syntax: destructo <target>

The destructo disk (or keinzen disk) is a flat plate of energy ringed with a
sharp edge.  It can cut through most anything and cause massive damage.  It
is preformed by drawing out ki and forming a disk the floatsjust above the
hand.  The disk is then thrown at the target.  Masters of the technique can
throw two discs at once.

Syntax: special <target>
Syntax: sbc <target>

The Special Beam Cannon is a skill unique to the Namek race.  It is charged
with the fore finger and middle finger pressed to one's forehead.  When it
has been charged, the fingers are pointed at the target, releasing a beam of
yellow ki with a second ray spiralling around it.  The beam can pierce
through almost anything, making it very powerful.

The ability to heal fast is unique to two races in the arena universe.
The nameks and the majin are born with the ability to heal themselves MUCH
faster then the other races.

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