0 'INT' 'WIS' 'STR' 'CON' 'DEX'~
These are the statistics that form your character.  Each one is
important.  They can be boosted by training at a trainer, which costs train
points and some zenni.  
Strength is important for combat.  It determines the amount of damage you
can do, and the amount you can defend against.
Nameks and humans have the hardest time increasing their strength.
Dexterity is also important for combat.  High dexterity will help you hit
opponents, as well as dodge them.  
Saiya-jins and half-breeds can increase their dexterity the easiest,
while icers have trouble.
Constitution is equivalent to stamina. Increasing constitution will give
more hitpoints and ki.
Saiya-jins, androids and bio-androids can increase their constituion
Intelligence is your smarts.  Higher intelligence boosts damage with ki
attacks, helps you defend against them, and increases the speed at which
you gain skills.  It will also help ki gains.
Nameks, humans and icers are the most intelligent.
Wisdom is your collected knowledge.  Higher wisdom will allow you to gain
powerlevel faster and give you more ki.  
Icers are the most unwise race.

Syntax: attack [light/medium/heavy] <target>

Combat is controlled totally by the player, not the mud itself -- in other
words, there are no set combat pulses.  The main form of combat is ATTACK,
which attacks with whatever is in your main hand.  This is usually your
fists. ATTACK can do varying amounts of damage by using the light, medium or
heavy toggles.  Each does increasingly more damage, but drains more ki.
Other attacks include kick, elbow and knee, or precise manuvers, such as
throat shot or sweep.  These target specific part of the body and cause
other affects besides damage to your opponent.
When in a fight be careful to watch your ki.  Everything you do will drain it.
If you run out of ki your current powerlevel will drop to zero and you will
be an easy, weak, exhausted target for your attackers.

Syntax: balance
Syntax: defend
Syntax: retreat

Balance is important in fights.  Without good balance your attacks will
lack speed, power and accuracy.  Also, it will be far harder to defend
against enemy attacks.  Many things affect balance.  Hitting your opponent
with a sweep will help knock him offbalance.  Missing a hit can also cause
this to happen.  Sometimes, even receiving a blow can make you falter.
Almost everything is affected by your balance, making it important not to
overlook it during a fight.
There are several ways to regain balance.  It naturally comes back over time.
Or, more aggresively, you can attack your oppenent to throw him off balance,
and possibly help yours.  Finally, there are two defensive commands: DEFEND
and RETREAT. DEFEND causes you to drop into a defensive state, which will
quickly recover some balance.  With RETREAT, you back away from combat
totally. It recovers more balance than DEFEND, but takes longer.

Syntax: <skill> <target> [release]
Syntax: release
Syntax: cancel

Most ki attacks are charged, which boosts their normal power.  The longer you
allow an attack to charge the greater its power is. Charging occurs naturally
when a skill is used.  Simply using an attack (i.e. kamehameha android) will
begin to charge that attack.  Then, you wait.  Ki is constantly added into the
attack, causing the attack to grow in power.  Once a minimum charging time has
been reached, a message will appear and the attack can be released.  The
RELEASE command will do this.  However, an attack can be charged indefinately
until you run out of ki.  Running out of ki will ruin the attack, so be
CANCEL will stop any skill that you are currently charging.
When using a skill, the [release] toggle can be used to immeadiately release
the skill.  This negate any charging; however, an uncharged attack is far
weaker.  Use this only when fighting weaker oppenents, or as a last resort.
See each attack's help file to find out if it can be chargedor not.  

Syntax: power base/max
Syntax: power <amount>

Powerlevel is equivalent to your total strength.  Powerlevel affects
everything: chance of hitting, damage, speed, defence and more. Still, your
ability as a fighter will be proven inbattle where your choices will decide
if you when or loose.  Fightingsomeone whose powerlevel is much higher then
yours can be dangerous since theywill hit harder and move faster.
Everybody has a maximum powerlevel.  This is their true, total power.
However, it is possible to operate at any powerlevel from 1 to your max. This
current powerlevel can be set by using the POWER command.  Again, current
powerlevel can be set from one to your maximum.  It is also important to note
that higher powerlevels means more ki is lost through actions.
Base powerlevel is defined as one quarter maximum powerlevel.  At this level,
ki losses are minimal.  When resting, your powerlevel should be kept at base,
since maximum gains each tick are acheived.  This is easily acheived by POWER 
BASE.  Anything beyond base powerlevel increases ki losses.  You must weigh 
your own power against the rate at which you tire.  It is very important not
to become exhausted.  POWER MAX can be used to quickly set your powerlevel to
its maximum value.  At this level, you are in your most powerful state -- the
ki losses are, however, phenomenal.


This help file will help you learn this mud and point out a fewother help
files that will make things easier to start.
Combat here is different than many other muds.  The combat system does not
revolve around set combat pulses.  Everything is real-time, in which you
choose what to do and choose quickly, as to not get beaten into a pulp.

Also, everything is based upon your stats (strength, wisdom, etc.), skills
and powerlevel.  A new player begins with low stats, based on her race.
She also receive the skills hand to hand, kick and dodge.  Stats and
powerlevel determine your hit points and ki.  Hit points are how much abuse
you can take before perishing.  Ki is the total amount of energy you have
to use, before you become exhausted.  Everything uses up ki.

There are no levels here.  Instead, you become stronger through raising
your powerlevel (pl). At creation your powelevel will be a maximum of 1000.
However, your current power level is at 250.  250 is the considered your
base powerlevel (250 is 1/4 of 1000).  Base powerlevel minimizes ki loss.
Powerlevel can be set anywhere from 1 to the maximum.  Higher powerlevels 
make you stronger, but are far more draining to your ki.  The higher over
your base, the faster you will lose ki.  If your ki reaches 0, your 
powerlevel will drop. If your powerlevel reaches 0, you will be EXTREMLY
easy to kill: consider yourself dead.  See HELP POWERLEVEL for more details.
Also, most ki attacks can be charged by pumping ki into them, making them
hit much harder. It can be dangerous to charge too much, since you can
totally drain yourself.  While charging, you cannot do anything else, such
as attack or kick.  HELP CHARGE will tell you more about this.

                  ** {RDBZ {YArena {xGods  **

-1 ROM~
ROM started in early February 1993, using Merc 1.0 code. In July of 1993,  
ROM II was started, eventually replacing the original ROM.  ROM was up for
a little over a year, after which the code (version 2.3) was released,
and various other ROM muds were started, including Rivers of Mud under
a new management (Zump's ROM), at rom.org 9000.

Alander's current project is Athen, the sequel to the ROM code. It can
be found on Rehobaom's Legacy, at hypercube.org 9000.

The following people contributed to the ROM flavor of the merc base code:

Socials --
    Kelsey and Liralen

New, Improved Valhalla --

Puff's new special proc and improved poofin/poofout code --

Maps and map shop --
    Ezra, Regnan (Olympus)

Nirvana zone --
    Forstall (mobiles rewritten by Alander)

Mob Factory --
    Pinkfloyd (originally written for ROM, mobiles rewritten by Alander)

Geographically correct Midgaard (tm) --

Ideas and playtesting --
    Thousands of dedicated mudders around the world

The New Thalos area was donated by Onivel of Jedi, who was also the originator
of the ASCII flags used in the zone files

Beta testing --
    Ken Blosser, Doug Araya, and Sherene Neil all helped with bugs reports
    and suggestions, saving a lot of headaches

Bug reports --
    Thanks to Shad Muegge, Jerome Despret, Phoenix, Will Hongach,
    Erwin S. Andreasen, Adam Debus and especially Gary Turkington
    (author of the ROM FAQ) for help spotting bugs

ROM 2.4 was developed during my time with Moosehead mud, and the release
shares many of the features I wrote while I was there.  Additional code
was written by Seth Scott (the new poofin/poofout), and many contributions
and ideas from the Merc list were used.  Portions of Rusty's work on
Moosehead also remain.

The new features of 2.4 were largely produced in bull sessions with
Gabrielle Taylor and Brian Moore, without whom this release wouldn't
have happened.  In particular, the new privacy code, furniture, and
wiznet are the results of Gabrielle's ideas.

Changes to the standard diku mob and object format, as well as the changes
to Merc 2.1 source code, were done by Alander over many a late night of
hair-pulling. Hope you enjoy it.

(my apologies if anyone was forgotten in this list)

If hire you are required to agree to the following.
1) If you build something it will remain even if you quit/are fired/whatever.
   No whining and trying to take your areas with you.

2) Understand that if myself or the headbuilder talk to you about your area
   we aren't trying to bitch at you just pointing out things that need to
   be done differently.

3) Remember that if your here to build and people are annoying you
   theres always wizinvis and incog.

This is a complete list of socials for this MUD:
Compiled originally by: Sara

accuse       adjust      air          apologize     applaud     babble
bark         bcatch      beckon       beer          bearhug     beg
bird         bkiss       bleed        blink         blush       boast
boggle       bonk        bounce       bow           brb         burp
cackle       caress      charge       cheer         chuckle     clap
claw         collapse    comfort      comb          cough       cover
cower        cringe      criticize    cry           cuddle      curse
curtsey      dance       daydream     drool         duck        embrace
explode      eyebrow     faint        fart          flare       flash
flex         flinch      flip         flirt         flutter     fondle
french       frown       fume         gasp          giggle      glare
goose        grimace     grin         groan         grope       grovel
growl        grumble     hand         head          hiccup      highfive
hop          howl        hug          hush          ignore      innocent
insane       judge       kiss         knee          laugh       lick
love         lust        massage      meditate      moan        moon
mosh         mutter      nibble       nod           nudge       nuzzle
pant         passout     pat          peck          pie         pinch
pissed       plead       point        poke          ponder      pout
pray         propose     puke         punch         purr        ramble
raspberry    rofl        roll         rub           ruffle      run
scratch      scream      serenade     shake         shiver      shrug
sigh         sing        slap         slobber       smile       smirk
snap         snarl       sneeze       snicker       sniff       snore
snort        snowball    snuggle      sob           spam        spank
spit         squeal      squeeze      squirm        stare       stretch
strip        stroke      strut        sulk          swoon       tackle
tease        thank       threaten     tickle        tip         tongue
twiddle      type        undress      view          wave        whine
whistle      wiggle      wince        wink          wonder      worry
worship      yawn        yeehaw       yodel         rose        laces
tank         starve      aargh        homework	    puff        differ
yae          lightbulb   voodoo       ogg           confused    beam
bite         discodance  scuff        whap          lag         chortle
zerbert      twitch

-1 MERC~
This mud is based on Merc 2.1, created by Furey, Hatchet, and Kahn.
Merc 2.1 is available as Merc_21.tar.gz from ftp.tcp.com and 
E-mail to 'majordomo@webnexus.com' to join the merc mailing list.

Thanks to ...
  ... Diku Mud for starting it all.
  ... The Free Software Foundation and DJ Delorie for kick-ass tools.
  ... Copper Mud and Alfa Mud for releasing their code and worlds.
  ... Aod of Generic for ... well, everything.  You're a hoopy frood, Aod.
  ... Alander for many ideas and contributions.
  ... John Brothers of Silly for permission to use Silly code and worlds.
  ... Zrin for administering the mailing list.
  ... Abaddon for proofreading our comm.c.
  ... Hind, Quin, Vic, Diavolo, Oleg, Trienne, and others for porting help.
  ... Diavolo, Grodyn, Morgenes, and others for code and bug fixes.
  ... Raff, Doctor, VampLestat, Nirrad, Tyrst, PinkF, Chris, Glop for worlds.
  ... the players and imps of Mud Dome, Final Mud, Mud Lite, Vego Mud, Rivers
      of Mud, Ruhr Mud, and Mystic Realms for bug reports, ideas, new code,
      and hours of enjoyment.

Also see "help ROM" for information about the Rivers of Mud code base.

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    {RDB{YArena{x by Antor, 2001.
    ROM 2.4 copyright (c) 1993-1998 Russ Taylor, Michael Seifert, and
    Sebastian Hammer.  Based on MERC 2.1 code by Hatchet, Furey, and
    Kahn.  Original DikuMUD by Hans Staerfeldt, Katja Nyboe, Tom Madsen.
      To everyone who helped make MUDs: thanks!

                     Welcome to
                       . . .
               {RDRAGON BALL {YARENA{x

{B[{xName{B]{x ~

-1 MOTD~
-Know the rules! See '{Crules{x'
{B[{xHit Return{B]{x

Welcome Arena Staff

You are reponsible for knowing the rules of this mud.  Any abuse or just plain meaness
to other imms or mortals will not be tolerated.  Remember the whole point of making
a mud is for the players to enjoy it.  Conduct yourselfs with some class and you'll
be fine.

{B[{xHit Return{B]{x

Player killing and player stealing are allowed to all clan members
(including loners), provided the victim is is within 8 levels of the
character and is also in a clan.  This will flag you as a "killer" or
"thief", allowing any character to attack, and also provoking action
from the city guard.

These are the rules of the Arena.  If something is not covered here use some
common sense and you'll be fine.

* Playerkilling is for serious roleplay only. The follow do not count as
  roleplaying reasons: "I'm evil", or "He said something about me on ooc".
  If you playerkill without a good reason we will delete your character
  and/or ban you.  This is a roleplay mud first, playerkill mud second.
* Cursing is fine for roleplay but if taken to extremes it will get you
  silenced, No racial or sexist commants will be tolerated
* {RNO TRIGGERS.{x  Anyone caught using triggers or macros to train and gain
  powerlevel at a higher rate than normal will be deleted
* No multiplaying is allowed.  One character at a time is plenty.  You may
  own more than one character in the game as long as you don't play more than
  one at a time.  You also may not have any interaction between two characters
  you own.
* Do not steal kills from other players.  If they say you can jump in the
  fight go ahead but don't assume they need your help.  Yes, it is coded
  against this, but dont work around it.
* Cheaters will be dealt with swiftly and severely.  Cheating includes
  exploiting bugs, giving help to mortals, accepting help from immortals, or
  anything else that is unfair.

Changes to these rules may be made without warning.

Use the delete command to erase unwanted characters, so the name will be
available for use.  This command must be typed twice to delete a character,
and you cannot be forced to delete.  Typing delete with an argument will
return your character to 'safe' status if you change your mind after the
first delete.

-1 GAIN~
The gain command is used to learn new skills, once the proper trainer has 
been found. (Check New Thalos) The following options can be used with gain:

gain list:    list all groups and skills that can be learned
gain points:  lower your creation points by 1 (costs two sessions)
gain <name>:  add a skill or skill group, at the listed cost
gain convert: turns 10 practices into one training session

Gain uses training sessions, not practices. (see 'help train')
Gained skills and groups do NOT increase your experience per level or total
number of creation points. 

The skills command is used to display your character's list of available skills.

ROM uses various automatic actions to ease the boredom of always splitting
gold and sacrificing corpses.  The commands are as follows:

autolist  : list all automatic actions
autoloot  : take all equipment from dead mobiles
autogold  : take all gold from dead mobiles
autosac   : sacrifice dead monsters (if autoloot is on, only empty corpes)
autoexit  : display room exits upon entering a room
autosplit : split up spoils from combat among your group members
autoassit : makes you help group members in combat
autoall   : turns all autos on or off at once

Typing a command sets the action , typing it again removes it. Use
autoall on|off to save yourself some keystrokes.

This command is used to show all the spells affecting your character. At
low levels, only the spell name will be displayed, at higher levels the
effects and duration of the spell will also be shown.  Spell effects
are no longer shown on score (this can be changed by using 'show' command).

-1 $~
