 *  Original Diku Mud copyright (C) 1990, 1991 by Sebastian Hammer,        *
 *  Michael Seifert, Hans Henrik St{rfeldt, Tom Madsen, and Katja Nyboe.   *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Merc Diku Mud improvments copyright (C) 1992, 1993 by Michael          *
 *  Chastain, Michael Quan, and Mitchell Tse.                              *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Envy Diku Mud improvements copyright (C) 1994 by Michael Quan, David   *
 *  Love, Guilherme 'Willie' Arnold, and Mitchell Tse.                     *
 *                                                                         *
 *  EnvyMud 2.0 improvements copyright (C) 1995 by Michael Quan and        *
 *  Mitchell Tse.                                                          *
 *                                                                         *
 *  In order to use any part of this Envy Diku Mud, you must comply with   *
 *  the original Diku license in 'license.doc', the Merc license in        *
 *  'license.txt', as well as the Envy license in 'license.nvy'.           *
 *  In particular, you may not remove either of these copyright notices.   *
 *                                                                         *
 *  Much time and thought has gone into this software and you are          *
 *  benefitting.  We hope that you share your changes too.  What goes      *
 *  around, comes around.                                                  *

#if defined( macintosh )
#include <types.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "merc.h"

AFFECT_DATA *		affect_free;

 * Local functions.
void    affect_modify          args( ( CHAR_DATA *ch, AFFECT_DATA *paf,
				      bool fAdd ) );

 * Retrieve a character's trusted level for permission checking.
int get_trust( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    if ( ch->desc && ch->desc->original )
	ch = ch->desc->original;

    if ( ch->trust != 0 )
	return ch->trust;

    if ( IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->level >= LEVEL_HERO )
	return LEVEL_HERO - 1;
	return ch->level;

 * Retrieve a character's age.
int get_age( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    return ( ( ch->current_age + current_time - ch->logon ) / MUD_YEAR );

    /* MUD_YEAR defined in merc.h.. (252000) */

    /* 428400 assumes 30 secs/mud hour * 24 hours/day * 35 days/month *
       17 months/year - Kahn */

    /* Changed to 252000, assuming 30 secs/mud hour * 24 hours/day *
       7 days/week * 5 weeks/month * 10 months/year - Canth */


 * Retrieve character's current strength.
int get_curr_str( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    int max;
    int mod;
    int value;

    mod   = race_table[ch->race].str_mod;
    value = 13 + mod;

    if ( IS_NPC( ch ) )
	return value;

    if ( class_table[ch->class].attr_prime == APPLY_STR )
	max = UMIN( 25, 25 + mod );
	max = UMIN( 22 + mod, 25 );

    return URANGE( 3, ch->pcdata->perm_str + ch->pcdata->mod_str, max );

 * Retrieve character's current intelligence.
int get_curr_int( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    int max;
    int mod;
    int value;

    mod   = race_table[ch->race].int_mod;
    value = 13 + mod;

    if ( IS_NPC( ch ) )
	return value;

    if ( class_table[ch->class].attr_prime == APPLY_INT )
	max = UMIN( 25, 25 + mod );
	max = UMIN( 22 + mod, 25 );

    return URANGE( 3, ch->pcdata->perm_int + ch->pcdata->mod_int, max );

 * Retrieve character's current wisdom.
int get_curr_wis( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    int max;
    int mod;
    int value;

    mod   = race_table[ch->race].wis_mod;
    value = 13 + mod;

    if ( IS_NPC( ch ) )
	return value;

    if ( class_table[ch->class].attr_prime == APPLY_WIS )
	max = UMIN( 25, 25 + mod );
	max = UMIN( 22 + mod, 25 );

    return URANGE( 3, ch->pcdata->perm_wis + ch->pcdata->mod_wis, max );

 * Retrieve character's current dexterity.
int get_curr_dex( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    int max;
    int mod;
    int value;

    mod   = race_table[ch->race].dex_mod;
    value = 13 + mod;

    if ( IS_NPC( ch ) )
	return value;

    if ( class_table[ch->class].attr_prime == APPLY_DEX )
	max = UMIN( 25, 25 + mod );
	max = UMIN( 22 + mod, 25 );

    return URANGE( 3, ch->pcdata->perm_dex + ch->pcdata->mod_dex, max );

 * Retrieve character's current constitution.
int get_curr_con( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    int max;
    int mod;
    int value;

    mod   = race_table[ch->race].con_mod;
    value = 13 + mod;

    if ( IS_NPC( ch ) )
	return value;

    if ( class_table[ch->class].attr_prime == APPLY_CON )
	max = UMIN( 25, 25 + mod );
	max = UMIN( 22 + mod, 25 );

    return URANGE( 3, ch->pcdata->perm_con + ch->pcdata->mod_con, max );

 * Retrieve character's current hitroll for given weapon location
int get_hitroll( CHAR_DATA *ch, int wpn )
    OBJ_DATA    *other_wield;
    AFFECT_DATA *paf;
    int          other_wpn;
    int          hitroll;

    if ( wpn == WEAR_WIELD)
        other_wpn = WEAR_WIELD_2;
    else if ( wpn == WEAR_WIELD_2 )
        other_wpn = WEAR_WIELD;
        char buf [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ];
        sprintf( buf, "get_hitroll: Invalid weapon location %d on %s.",
		wpn, ch->name );
        bug( buf, 0 );
        return 0;

    hitroll = ch->hitroll + str_app[get_curr_str( ch )].tohit;
    if ( !( other_wield = get_eq_char( ch, other_wpn ) ) )
        return hitroll;

    for( paf = other_wield->pIndexData->affected; paf; paf = paf->next )
        if ( paf->location == APPLY_HITROLL )
            hitroll -= paf->modifier;
    for( paf = other_wield->affected; paf; paf = paf->next )
        if ( paf->location == APPLY_HITROLL )
            hitroll -= paf->modifier;

    return hitroll;

 * Retrieve character's current damroll for given weapon location
int get_damroll( CHAR_DATA *ch, int wpn )
    OBJ_DATA    *other_wield;
    AFFECT_DATA *paf;
    int          other_wpn;
    int          damroll;

    if ( wpn == WEAR_WIELD)
        other_wpn = WEAR_WIELD_2;
    else if ( wpn == WEAR_WIELD_2 )
        other_wpn = WEAR_WIELD;
        char buf [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ];
        sprintf( buf, "get_damroll: Invalid weapon location %d on %s.",
		wpn, ch->name );
        bug( buf, 0 );
        return 0;

    damroll = ch->damroll + str_app[get_curr_str( ch )].todam;
    if ( !( other_wield = get_eq_char( ch, other_wpn ) ) )
        return damroll;

    for( paf = other_wield->pIndexData->affected; paf; paf = paf->next )
        if ( paf->location == APPLY_DAMROLL )
            damroll -= paf->modifier;
    for( paf = other_wield->affected; paf; paf = paf->next )
        if ( paf->location == APPLY_DAMROLL )
            damroll -= paf->modifier;

    return damroll;

 * Retrieve a character's carry capacity.
int can_carry_n( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->level >= LEVEL_IMMORTAL )
	return 1000;

    if ( IS_NPC( ch ) && IS_SET( ch->act, ACT_PET ) )
	return 0;

    return MAX_WEAR + 2 * get_curr_dex( ch ) / 2;

 * Retrieve a character's carry capacity.
int can_carry_w( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->level >= LEVEL_IMMORTAL )
	return 1000000;

    if ( IS_NPC( ch ) && IS_SET( ch->act, ACT_PET ) )
	return 0;

    return str_app[get_curr_str( ch )].carry;

 * See if a string is one of the names of an object.
 * New is_name sent in by Alander.

bool is_name( const char *str, char *namelist )
    char name [ MAX_INPUT_LENGTH ];

    for ( ; ; )
	namelist = one_argument( namelist, name );
	if ( name[0] == '\0' )
	    return FALSE;
	if ( !str_prefix( str, name ) )
	    return TRUE;

 * Apply or remove an affect to a character.
void affect_modify( CHAR_DATA *ch, AFFECT_DATA *paf, bool fAdd )
    OBJ_DATA *wield;
    OBJ_DATA *wield2;
    char      buf [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ];
    int       mod;

    mod = paf->modifier;

    if ( fAdd )
	SET_BIT   ( ch->affected_by, paf->bitvector );
	REMOVE_BIT( ch->affected_by, paf->bitvector );
	mod = 0 - mod;

    switch ( paf->location )
        sprintf( buf, "Affect_modify: unknown location %d on %s.",
		paf->location, ch->name );
	bug ( buf, 0 );

    case APPLY_NONE:						break;
    case APPLY_STR:
	if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) )
	    ch->pcdata->mod_str += mod;                         break;
    case APPLY_DEX:
	if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) )
	    ch->pcdata->mod_dex += mod;                         break;
    case APPLY_INT:
	if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) )
	    ch->pcdata->mod_int += mod;                         break;
    case APPLY_WIS:
	if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) )
	    ch->pcdata->mod_wis += mod;                         break;
    case APPLY_CON:
	if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) )
	    ch->pcdata->mod_con += mod;                         break;
    case APPLY_SEX:           ch->sex                   += mod; break;
    case APPLY_RACE:          ch->race                  += mod; break;
    case APPLY_CLASS:						break;
    case APPLY_LEVEL:						break;
    case APPLY_AGE:						break;
    case APPLY_HEIGHT:						break;
    case APPLY_WEIGHT:						break;
    case APPLY_MANA:          ch->max_mana              += mod; break;
    case APPLY_HIT:           ch->max_hit               += mod; break;
    case APPLY_MOVE:          ch->max_move              += mod; break;
    case APPLY_GOLD:						break;
    case APPLY_EXP:						break;
    case APPLY_AC:            ch->armor                 += mod; break;
    case APPLY_HITROLL:       ch->hitroll               += mod; break;
    case APPLY_DAMROLL:       ch->damroll               += mod; break;
    case APPLY_SAVING_PARA:   ch->saving_throw          += mod; break;
    case APPLY_SAVING_ROD:    ch->saving_throw          += mod; break;
    case APPLY_SAVING_PETRI:  ch->saving_throw          += mod; break;
    case APPLY_SAVING_BREATH: ch->saving_throw          += mod; break;
    case APPLY_SAVING_SPELL:  ch->saving_throw          += mod; break;

    /* Remove the excess general stats */
    ch->hit  = UMIN( ch->hit, ch->max_hit );
    ch->mana = UMIN( ch->mana, ch->max_mana );
    ch->move = UMIN( ch->move, ch->max_move );

    if ( IS_NPC( ch ) )

     * Check for PC weapon wielding.
     * Guard against recursion (for weapons with affects).
     * If more than one weapon, drop weapon 2 first, then recheck.
     * And yes, it does work.  :)  --- Thelonius (Monk)
    if ( ( wield  = get_eq_char( ch, WEAR_WIELD ) ) )
	if ( ( wield2 = get_eq_char( ch, WEAR_WIELD_2 ) ) )
	    if ( ( ( get_obj_weight( wield ) + get_obj_weight( wield2 ) )
		  > str_app[get_curr_str( ch )].wield )
		|| !IS_SET( race_table[ ch->race ].race_abilities,
		static int depth;

		if ( depth == 0 )
		    act( "You drop $p.", ch, wield2, NULL, TO_CHAR );
		    act( "$n drops $p.", ch, wield2, NULL, TO_ROOM );
		    obj_from_char( wield2 );
		    obj_to_room( wield2, ch->in_room );

	if ( ( get_obj_weight( wield ) > str_app[get_curr_str( ch )].wield )
	    || !IS_SET( race_table[ ch->race ].race_abilities,
		       RACE_WEAPON_WIELD ) )
	    static int depth;

	    if ( depth == 0 )
		act( "You drop $p.", ch, wield, NULL, TO_CHAR );
		act( "$n drops $p.", ch, wield, NULL, TO_ROOM );
		obj_from_char( wield );
		obj_to_room( wield, ch->in_room );

    else if ( ( wield2 = get_eq_char( ch, WEAR_WIELD_2 ) )
             && ( get_obj_weight( wield2 ) > str_app[get_curr_str( ch )].wield
		 || !IS_SET( race_table[ ch->race ].race_abilities,
			    RACE_WEAPON_WIELD ) ) )
	static int depth;

	if ( depth == 0 )
	    act( "You drop $p.", ch, wield2, NULL, TO_CHAR );
	    act( "$n drops $p.", ch, wield2, NULL, TO_ROOM );
	    obj_from_char( wield2 );
	    obj_to_room( wield2, ch->in_room );



 * Give an affect to a char.
void affect_to_char( CHAR_DATA *ch, AFFECT_DATA *paf )
    AFFECT_DATA *paf_new;

    if ( !affect_free )
	paf_new		= alloc_perm( sizeof( *paf_new ) );
	paf_new		= affect_free;
	affect_free	= affect_free->next;

    *paf_new		= *paf;
    paf_new->deleted    = FALSE;
    paf_new->next	= ch->affected;
    ch->affected	= paf_new;

    affect_modify( ch, paf_new, TRUE );

 * Remove an affect from a char.
void affect_remove( CHAR_DATA *ch, AFFECT_DATA *paf )
    if ( !ch->affected )
	bug( "Affect_remove: no affect.", 0 );

    affect_modify( ch, paf, FALSE );

    paf->deleted = TRUE;


 * Strip all affects of a given sn.
void affect_strip( CHAR_DATA *ch, int sn )
    AFFECT_DATA *paf;

    for ( paf = ch->affected; paf; paf = paf->next )
        if ( paf->deleted )
	if ( paf->type == sn )
	    affect_remove( ch, paf );


 * Return true if a char is affected by a spell.
bool is_affected( CHAR_DATA *ch, int sn )
    AFFECT_DATA *paf;

    for ( paf = ch->affected; paf; paf = paf->next )
        if ( paf->deleted )
	if ( paf->type == sn )
	    return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

 * Add or enhance an affect.
void affect_join( CHAR_DATA *ch, AFFECT_DATA *paf )
    AFFECT_DATA *paf_old;

    for ( paf_old = ch->affected; paf_old; paf_old = paf_old->next )
        if ( paf_old->deleted )
	if ( paf_old->type == paf->type )
	    paf->duration += paf_old->duration;
	    paf->modifier += paf_old->modifier;
	    affect_remove( ch, paf_old );

    affect_to_char( ch, paf );

 * Move a char out of a room.
void char_from_room( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    OBJ_DATA *obj;

    if ( !ch->in_room )
	bug( "Char_from_room: NULL.", 0 );

    if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) )

    if ( ( obj = get_eq_char( ch, WEAR_LIGHT ) )
	&& obj->item_type == ITEM_LIGHT
	&& obj->value[2] != 0
	&& ch->in_room->light > 0 )

    if ( ch == ch->in_room->people )
	ch->in_room->people = ch->next_in_room;
	CHAR_DATA *prev;

	for ( prev = ch->in_room->people; prev; prev = prev->next_in_room )
	    if ( prev->next_in_room == ch )
		prev->next_in_room = ch->next_in_room;

	if ( !prev )
	    bug( "Char_from_room: ch not found.", 0 );

    ch->in_room      = NULL;
    ch->next_in_room = NULL;

 * Move a char into a room.
void char_to_room( CHAR_DATA *ch, ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoomIndex )
    OBJ_DATA *obj;
    AFFECT_DATA *paf;

    if ( !pRoomIndex )
	bug( "Char_to_room: NULL.", 0 );

    /* Make sure char is no longer on an object... this to make sure char's
	cannot cheat, by standing on an object with affects, and then
	teleporting, or goto'ing out of the room -- Maniac */
    if (ch->on)	/* Ch on object ??? */
	for ( paf = ch->on->pIndexData->affected; paf; paf = paf->next )
		affect_modify( ch, paf, FALSE );
	for ( paf = ch->on->affected; paf; paf = paf->next )
		affect_modify( ch, paf, FALSE );
	ch->on = NULL;

    ch->in_room		= pRoomIndex;
    ch->next_in_room	= pRoomIndex->people;
    pRoomIndex->people	= ch;

    if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) )

    if ( ( obj = get_eq_char( ch, WEAR_LIGHT ) )
	&& obj->item_type == ITEM_LIGHT
	&& obj->value[2] != 0 )

        AFFECT_DATA *af, plague;
        CHAR_DATA *vch;
        int save;

        for ( af = ch->affected; af != NULL; af = af->next )
            if (af->type == gsn_plague)

        if (af == NULL)

        if (af->level == 1)

        plague.type             = gsn_plague;
        plague.level            = af->level - 1;
        plague.duration         = number_range(1,2 * plague.level);
        plague.location         = APPLY_STR;
        plague.modifier         = -5;
        plague.bitvector        = AFF_PLAGUE;

        save                    = plague.level;
        for ( vch = ch->in_room->people; vch != NULL; vch = vch->next_in_room)
            if (save != 0 && !saves_spell(save,vch) && !IS_IMMORTAL(vch) &&
                !IS_AFFECTED(vch,AFF_PLAGUE) && number_bits(4) == 0)
                send_to_char("You feel hot and feverish.\n\r",vch);
                act("$n shivers and looks very ill.",vch,NULL,NULL,TO_ROOM);

 * Give an obj to a char.
void obj_to_char( OBJ_DATA *obj, CHAR_DATA *ch )
    obj->next_content	 = ch->carrying;
    ch->carrying	 = obj;
    obj->carried_by	 = ch;
    obj->in_room	 = NULL;
    obj->in_obj		 = NULL;
    ch->carry_number	+= get_obj_number( obj );
    ch->carry_weight	+= get_obj_weight( obj );

 * Take an obj from its character.
void obj_from_char( OBJ_DATA *obj )
    CHAR_DATA *ch;

    if ( !( ch = obj->carried_by ) )
	bug( "Obj_from_char: null ch.", 0 );

    if ( obj->wear_loc != WEAR_NONE )
	unequip_char( ch, obj );

    if ( ch->carrying == obj )
	ch->carrying = obj->next_content;
	OBJ_DATA *prev;

	for ( prev = ch->carrying; prev; prev = prev->next_content )
	    if ( prev->next_content == obj )
		prev->next_content = obj->next_content;

	if ( !prev )
	    bug( "Obj_from_char: obj not in list.", 0 );

    obj->carried_by      = NULL;
    obj->next_content	 = NULL;
    ch->carry_number	-= get_obj_number( obj );
    ch->carry_weight	-= get_obj_weight( obj );

 * Find the ac value of an obj, including position effect.
int apply_ac( OBJ_DATA *obj, int iWear )
    if ( obj->item_type != ITEM_ARMOR )
	return 0;

    switch ( iWear )
    case WEAR_BODY:     return 3 * obj->value[0];
    case WEAR_HEAD:	return 2 * obj->value[0];
    case WEAR_LEGS:	return 2 * obj->value[0];
    case WEAR_FEET:	return     obj->value[0];
    case WEAR_HANDS:	return     obj->value[0];
    case WEAR_ARMS:	return     obj->value[0];
    case WEAR_SHIELD:	return     obj->value[0];
    case WEAR_FINGER_L:	return     obj->value[0];
    case WEAR_FINGER_R: return     obj->value[0];
    case WEAR_NECK_1:	return     obj->value[0];
    case WEAR_NECK_2:	return     obj->value[0];
    case WEAR_ABOUT:	return 2 * obj->value[0];
    case WEAR_WAIST:	return     obj->value[0];
    case WEAR_WRIST_L:	return     obj->value[0];
    case WEAR_WRIST_R:	return     obj->value[0];
    case WEAR_HOLD:	return     obj->value[0];

    return 0;

 * Find a piece of eq on a character.
OBJ_DATA *get_eq_char( CHAR_DATA *ch, int iWear )
    OBJ_DATA *obj;

    for ( obj = ch->carrying; obj; obj = obj->next_content )
        if ( obj->deleted )
	if ( obj->wear_loc == iWear )
	    return obj;

    return NULL;

 * Equip a char with an obj.
void equip_char( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj, int iWear )
    AFFECT_DATA *paf;
    char         buf [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ];

    if ( get_eq_char( ch, iWear ) )
        sprintf( buf, "Equip_char: %s already equipped at %d.",
		ch->name, iWear );
	bug( buf, 0 );

    if (   ( IS_OBJ_STAT( obj, ITEM_ANTI_EVIL   ) && IS_EVIL   ( ch ) )
	|| ( IS_OBJ_STAT( obj, ITEM_ANTI_GOOD   ) && IS_GOOD   ( ch ) )
	|| ( IS_OBJ_STAT( obj, ITEM_ANTI_NEUTRAL) && IS_NEUTRAL( ch ) ) )
	 * Thanks to Morgenes for the bug fix here!
	act( "You are zapped by $p and drop it.", ch, obj, NULL, TO_CHAR );
	act( "$n is zapped by $p and drops it.",  ch, obj, NULL, TO_ROOM );
	obj_from_char( obj );
	obj_to_room( obj, ch->in_room );

    ch->armor      	-= apply_ac( obj, iWear );
    obj->wear_loc	 = iWear;

    for ( paf = obj->pIndexData->affected; paf; paf = paf->next )
	affect_modify( ch, paf, TRUE );
    for ( paf = obj->affected; paf; paf = paf->next )
	affect_modify( ch, paf, TRUE );

    if ( obj->item_type == ITEM_LIGHT
	&& obj->value[2] != 0
	&& ch->in_room )


 * Unequip a char with an obj.
void unequip_char( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj )
    AFFECT_DATA *paf;
    char         buf [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ];

    if ( obj->wear_loc == WEAR_NONE )
        sprintf( buf, "Unequip_char: %s already unequipped with %d.",
		ch->name, obj->pIndexData->vnum );
	bug( buf, 0 );

    ch->armor		+= apply_ac( obj, obj->wear_loc );
    obj->wear_loc	 = -1;

    for ( paf = obj->pIndexData->affected; paf; paf = paf->next )
	affect_modify( ch, paf, FALSE );
    for ( paf = obj->affected; paf; paf = paf->next )
	affect_modify( ch, paf, FALSE );

    if ( obj->item_type == ITEM_LIGHT
	&& obj->value[2] != 0
	&& ch->in_room
	&& ch->in_room->light > 0 )


 * Count occurrences of an obj in a list.
int count_obj_list( OBJ_INDEX_DATA *pObjIndex, OBJ_DATA *list )
    OBJ_DATA *obj;
    int       nMatch;

    nMatch = 0;
    for ( obj = list; obj; obj = obj->next_content )
        if ( obj->deleted )
	if ( obj->pIndexData == pObjIndex )

    return nMatch;

 * Move an obj out of a room.
void obj_from_room( OBJ_DATA *obj )
    ROOM_INDEX_DATA *in_room;

    if ( !( in_room = obj->in_room ) )
	bug( "obj_from_room: NULL.", 0 );

    if ( obj == in_room->contents )
	in_room->contents = obj->next_content;
	OBJ_DATA *prev;

	for ( prev = in_room->contents; prev; prev = prev->next_content )
	    if ( prev->next_content == obj )
		prev->next_content = obj->next_content;

	if ( !prev )
	    bug( "Obj_from_room: obj not found.", 0 );

    obj->in_room      = NULL;
    obj->next_content = NULL;

 * Move an obj into a room.
void obj_to_room( OBJ_DATA *obj, ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoomIndex )
    obj->next_content		= pRoomIndex->contents;
    pRoomIndex->contents	= obj;
    obj->in_room		= pRoomIndex;
    obj->carried_by		= NULL;
    obj->in_obj			= NULL;

 * Move an object into an object.
void obj_to_obj( OBJ_DATA *obj, OBJ_DATA *obj_to )
    if ( obj_to->deleted )
	bug( "Obj_to_obj:  Obj_to already deleted", 0 );

    obj->next_content		= obj_to->contains;
    obj_to->contains		= obj;
    obj->in_obj			= obj_to;
    obj->in_room		= NULL;
    obj->carried_by		= NULL;

    for ( ; obj_to; obj_to = obj_to->in_obj )
        if ( obj_to->deleted )
	if ( obj_to->carried_by )
/*	    obj_to->carried_by->carry_number += get_obj_number( obj );
 * Disabled by Canth (canth@xs4all.nl)
 * This way putting items in a container they no longer count against
 * the number of items you can carry */
	    obj_to->carried_by->carry_weight += get_obj_weight( obj );


 * Move an object out of an object.
void obj_from_obj( OBJ_DATA *obj )
    OBJ_DATA *obj_from;

    if ( !( obj_from = obj->in_obj ) )
	bug( "Obj_from_obj: null obj_from.", 0 );

    if ( obj == obj_from->contains )
	obj_from->contains = obj->next_content;
	OBJ_DATA *prev;

	for ( prev = obj_from->contains; prev; prev = prev->next_content )
	    if ( prev->next_content == obj )
		prev->next_content = obj->next_content;

	if ( !prev )
	    bug( "Obj_from_obj: obj not found.", 0 );

    obj->next_content = NULL;
    obj->in_obj       = NULL;

    for ( ; obj_from; obj_from = obj_from->in_obj )
        if ( obj_from->deleted )
	if ( obj_from->carried_by )
/*	    obj_from->carried_by->carry_number -= get_obj_number( obj );
 * Disabled by Canth (canth@xs4all.nl) */
	    obj_from->carried_by->carry_weight -= get_obj_weight( obj );


 * Extract an obj from the world.
void extract_obj( OBJ_DATA *obj )
           OBJ_DATA *obj_content;
           OBJ_DATA *obj_next;
    extern bool      delete_obj;

    if ( obj->deleted )
	bug( "Extract_obj:  Obj already deleted", 0 );

         if ( obj->in_room    )
	obj_from_room( obj );
    else if ( obj->carried_by )
	obj_from_char( obj );
    else if ( obj->in_obj     )
	obj_from_obj( obj  );

    for ( obj_content = obj->contains; obj_content; obj_content = obj_next )
        obj_next = obj_content->next_content;
	if( obj_content->deleted )
	extract_obj( obj_content );

    obj->deleted = TRUE;

    delete_obj   = TRUE;

 * Extract a char from the world.
void extract_char( CHAR_DATA *ch, bool fPull )
           CHAR_DATA *wch;
           OBJ_DATA  *obj;
           OBJ_DATA  *obj_next;
    extern bool       delete_char;

    if ( !ch->in_room )
	bug( "Extract_char: NULL.", 0 );

    if ( ch->fighting )
        stop_fighting( ch, TRUE );

    if ( fPull )
	char* name;

	if ( IS_NPC ( ch ) )
	    name = ch->short_descr;
	    name = ch->name;

	die_follower( ch, name );

	for ( obj = ch->carrying; obj; obj = obj_next )
	    obj_next = obj->next_content;
	    if ( obj->deleted )
	    extract_obj( obj );
    char_from_room( ch );

    if ( !fPull )
        ROOM_INDEX_DATA *location;

	if ( !( location = get_room_index( ROOM_VNUM_PURGATORY_A ) ) )
	    bug( "Purgatory A does not exist!", 0 );
	    char_to_room( ch, get_room_index( ROOM_VNUM_ALTAR ) );
	    char_to_room( ch, location );

    if ( IS_NPC( ch ) )

    if ( ch->desc && ch->desc->original )
	do_return( ch, "" );

    for ( wch = char_list; wch; wch = wch->next )
	if ( wch->reply == ch )
	    wch->reply = NULL;

    ch->deleted = TRUE;

    if ( ch->desc )
	ch->desc->character = NULL;

    delete_char = TRUE;

 * Find a char in the room.
CHAR_DATA *get_char_room( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    CHAR_DATA *rch;
    char       arg [ MAX_INPUT_LENGTH ];
    int        number;
    int        count;

    number = number_argument( argument, arg );
    count  = 0;
    if ( !str_cmp( arg, "self" ) )
	return ch;
    for ( rch = ch->in_room->people; rch; rch = rch->next_in_room )
	if ( !can_see( ch, rch ) || !is_name( arg, rch->name ) )
	if ( ++count == number )
	    return rch;

    return NULL;

 * Find a char in an area.
 * (from get_char_world)
 * (by Mikko Kilpikoski 09-Jun-94)
CHAR_DATA *get_char_area( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
  char arg[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH];
  CHAR_DATA *ach;
  int number;
  int count;

  if ( ( ach = get_char_room( ch, argument ) ) != NULL )
    return ach;

  number = number_argument( argument, arg );
  count  = 0;
  for ( ach = char_list; ach != NULL ; ach = ach->next )
      if ( ach->in_room->area != ch->in_room->area
          || !can_see( ch, ach ) || !is_name( arg, ach->name ) )
      if ( ++count == number )
        return ach;

  return NULL;

 * Find a char in the world.
CHAR_DATA *get_char_world( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    CHAR_DATA *wch;
    char       arg [ MAX_INPUT_LENGTH ];
    int        number;
    int        count;

    if ( ( wch = get_char_room( ch, argument ) ) )
	return wch;

    number = number_argument( argument, arg );
    count  = 0;
    for ( wch = char_list; wch ; wch = wch->next )
	if ( !can_see( ch, wch ) || !is_name( arg, wch->name ) )
	if ( ++count == number )
	    return wch;

    return NULL;

 * Find some object with a given index data.
 * Used by area-reset 'P' command.
OBJ_DATA *get_obj_type( OBJ_INDEX_DATA *pObjIndex )
    OBJ_DATA *obj;

    for ( obj = object_list; obj; obj = obj->next )
        if ( obj->deleted )

	if ( obj->pIndexData == pObjIndex )
	    return obj;

    return NULL;

 * Find an obj in a list.
OBJ_DATA *get_obj_list( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument, OBJ_DATA *list )
    OBJ_DATA *obj;
    char      arg [ MAX_INPUT_LENGTH ];
    int       number;
    int       count;

    number = number_argument( argument, arg );
    count  = 0;
    for ( obj = list; obj; obj = obj->next_content )
	if ( can_see_obj( ch, obj ) && is_name( arg, obj->name ) )
	    if ( ++count == number )
		return obj;

    return NULL;

 * Find an obj in player's inventory.
OBJ_DATA *get_obj_carry( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    OBJ_DATA *obj;
    char      arg [ MAX_INPUT_LENGTH ];
    int       number;
    int       count;

    number = number_argument( argument, arg );
    count  = 0;
    for ( obj = ch->carrying; obj; obj = obj->next_content )
	if ( obj->wear_loc == WEAR_NONE
	    && can_see_obj( ch, obj )
	    && is_name( arg, obj->name ) )
	    if ( ++count == number )
		return obj;

    return NULL;

 * Find an obj in player's equipment.
OBJ_DATA *get_obj_wear( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    OBJ_DATA *obj;
    char      arg [ MAX_INPUT_LENGTH ];
    int       number;
    int       count;

    number = number_argument( argument, arg );
    count  = 0;
    for ( obj = ch->carrying; obj; obj = obj->next_content )
	if ( obj->wear_loc != WEAR_NONE
	    && can_see_obj( ch, obj )
	    && is_name( arg, obj->name ) )
	    if ( ++count == number )
		return obj;

    return NULL;

 * Find an obj in the room or in inventory.
OBJ_DATA *get_obj_here( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    OBJ_DATA *obj;

    obj = get_obj_list( ch, argument, ch->in_room->contents );
    if ( obj )
	return obj;

    if ( ( obj = get_obj_carry( ch, argument ) ) )
	return obj;

    if ( ( obj = get_obj_wear( ch, argument ) ) )
	return obj;

    return NULL;

 * Find an obj in the room/
OBJ_DATA *get_obj_room( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    OBJ_DATA *obj;

    obj = get_obj_list( ch, argument, ch->in_room->contents );
    if ( obj )
        return obj;

    return NULL;

 * Find an obj in the world.
OBJ_DATA *get_obj_world( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    OBJ_DATA *obj;
    char      arg [ MAX_INPUT_LENGTH ];
    int       number;
    int       count;

    if ( ( obj = get_obj_here( ch, argument ) ) )
	return obj;

    number = number_argument( argument, arg );
    count  = 0;
    for ( obj = object_list; obj; obj = obj->next )
	if ( can_see_obj( ch, obj ) && is_name( arg, obj->name ) )
	    if ( ++count == number )
		return obj;

    return NULL;

 * Create a 'money' obj.
OBJ_DATA *create_money( int amount )
    OBJ_DATA *obj;

    if ( amount <= 0 )
	bug( "Create_money: zero or negative money %d.", amount );
	amount = 1;

    if ( amount == 1 )
	obj = create_object( get_obj_index( OBJ_VNUM_MONEY_ONE  ), 0 );
	obj = create_object( get_obj_index( OBJ_VNUM_MONEY_SOME ), 0 );

    obj->value[0]		= amount;
    return obj;

 * Return # of objects which an object counts as.
 * Thanks to Tony Chamberlain for the correct recursive code here.
int get_obj_number( OBJ_DATA *obj )
    int number;

    number = 0;
/*    if ( obj->item_type == ITEM_CONTAINER )
 *        for ( obj = obj->contains; obj; obj = obj->next_content )
 *	{
 *	    if ( obj->deleted )
 *	        continue;
 *	    number += get_obj_number( obj );
 *	}
 *    else
 * Disabled by Canth (canth@xs4all.nl)
 * This way items in containers no longer count against max items you can
 * carry. */
	number = 1;

    return number;

 * Return weight of an object, including weight of contents.
int get_obj_weight( OBJ_DATA *obj )
    int weight;

    weight = obj->weight;
    for ( obj = obj->contains; obj; obj = obj->next_content )
	if ( obj->deleted )
	weight += get_obj_weight( obj );

    return weight;

 * True if room is dark.
bool room_is_dark( ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoomIndex )
    OBJ_DATA *obj;

    if ( pRoomIndex->light > 0 )
	return FALSE;

    for ( obj = pRoomIndex->contents; obj; obj = obj->next_content )
	if ( obj->deleted )
	if ( obj->item_type == ITEM_LIGHT && obj->value[2] != 0 )
	    return FALSE;

    if ( IS_SET( pRoomIndex->room_flags, ROOM_DARK ) )
	return TRUE;

    if ( pRoomIndex->sector_type == SECT_INSIDE
	|| pRoomIndex->sector_type == SECT_CITY )
	return FALSE;

    if ( weather_info.sunlight == SUN_SET
	|| weather_info.sunlight == SUN_DARK )
	return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

 * True if room is private.
bool room_is_private( ROOM_INDEX_DATA *pRoomIndex )
    CHAR_DATA *rch;
    int        count;

    count = 0;
    for ( rch = pRoomIndex->people; rch; rch = rch->next_in_room )
	if ( rch->deleted )


    if ( IS_SET( pRoomIndex->room_flags, ROOM_PRIVATE  ) && count >= 2 )
	return TRUE;

    if ( IS_SET( pRoomIndex->room_flags, ROOM_SOLITARY ) && count >= 1 )
	return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

 * True if char can see victim.
bool can_see( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim )
    if ( victim->deleted )
        return FALSE;

    if ( ch == victim )
	return TRUE;

    /* All mobiles cannot see wizinvised immorts */
    if ( IS_NPC( ch )
	&& !IS_NPC( victim ) && IS_SET( victim->act, PLR_WIZINVIS ) )
        return FALSE;
    if ( !IS_NPC( victim )
	&& IS_SET( victim->act, PLR_WIZINVIS )
	&& get_trust( ch ) < get_trust( victim ) )
	return FALSE;

    if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && IS_SET( ch->act, PLR_HOLYLIGHT ) )
	return TRUE;

    if ( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_BLIND ) )
	return FALSE;

    if ( room_is_dark( ch->in_room )
	&& !IS_SET( race_table[ ch->race ].race_abilities, RACE_INFRAVISION )
	return FALSE;

    if ( victim->position == POS_DEAD )
        return TRUE;

    if ( IS_AFFECTED( victim, AFF_INVISIBLE )
	&& !IS_SET( race_table[ ch->race ].race_abilities, RACE_DETECT_INVIS )
	return FALSE;

    if ( IS_AFFECTED( victim, AFF_HIDE )
	&& !IS_SET( race_table[ ch->race ].race_abilities, RACE_DETECT_HIDDEN )
	&& !victim->fighting )
	return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

 * True if char can see obj.
bool can_see_obj( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj )
    if ( obj->deleted )
        return FALSE;

    if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && IS_SET( ch->act, PLR_HOLYLIGHT ) )
	return TRUE;

    if ( IS_AFFECTED( ch, AFF_BLIND ) )
	return FALSE;

    if ( obj->item_type == ITEM_LIGHT && obj->value[2] != 0 )
	return TRUE;

    if ( room_is_dark( ch->in_room )
	&& !IS_SET( race_table[ ch->race ].race_abilities, RACE_INFRAVISION )
	return FALSE;

    if ( IS_SET( obj->extra_flags, ITEM_INVIS )
	&& !IS_SET( race_table[ ch->race ].race_abilities, RACE_DETECT_INVIS )
	return FALSE;

    if ( IS_SET( obj->extra_flags, ITEM_HIDDEN )
	&& !IS_SET( race_table[ ch->race ].race_abilities, RACE_DETECT_HIDDEN )
	return FALSE;

    return TRUE;

 * True if char can drop obj.
bool can_drop_obj( CHAR_DATA *ch, OBJ_DATA *obj )
    if ( !IS_SET( obj->extra_flags, ITEM_NODROP ) )
	return TRUE;

    if ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && ch->level >= LEVEL_IMMORTAL )
	return TRUE;

    return FALSE;

 * Return ascii name of an item type.
char *item_type_name( OBJ_DATA *obj )
    OBJ_DATA *in_obj;
    char      buf [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ];

    switch ( obj->item_type )
    case ITEM_LIGHT:		return "light";
    case ITEM_SCROLL:		return "scroll";
    case ITEM_WAND:		return "wand";
    case ITEM_STAFF:		return "staff";
    case ITEM_WEAPON:		return "weapon";
    case ITEM_TREASURE:		return "treasure";
    case ITEM_ARMOR:		return "armor";
    case ITEM_POTION:		return "potion";
    case ITEM_FURNITURE:	return "furniture";
    case ITEM_TRASH:		return "trash";
    case ITEM_CONTAINER:	return "container";
    case ITEM_DRINK_CON:	return "drink container";
    case ITEM_KEY:		return "key";
    case ITEM_FOOD:		return "food";
    case ITEM_MONEY:		return "money";
    case ITEM_BOAT:		return "boat";
    case ITEM_CORPSE_NPC:	return "npc corpse";
    case ITEM_CORPSE_PC:        return "pc corpse";
    case ITEM_FOUNTAIN:		return "fountain";
    case ITEM_PILL:		return "pill";
    case ITEM_JUKEBOX:		return "jukebox";
    case ITEM_PORTAL:		return "portal";

    for ( in_obj = obj; in_obj->in_obj; in_obj = in_obj->in_obj )

    if ( in_obj->carried_by )
      sprintf( buf, "Item_type_name: unknown type %d from %s owned by %s.",
	      obj->item_type, obj->name, obj->carried_by->name );
      sprintf( buf,
	      "Item_type_name: unknown type %d from %s owned by (unknown).",
	      obj->item_type, obj->name );

    bug( buf, 0 );
    return "(unknown)";

 * Return ascii name of an affect location.
char *affect_loc_name( int location )
    switch ( location )
    case APPLY_NONE:		return "none";
    case APPLY_STR:		return "strength";
    case APPLY_DEX:		return "dexterity";
    case APPLY_INT:		return "intelligence";
    case APPLY_WIS:		return "wisdom";
    case APPLY_CON:		return "constitution";
    case APPLY_SEX:		return "sex";
    case APPLY_CLASS:		return "class";
    case APPLY_LEVEL:		return "level";
    case APPLY_AGE:		return "age";
    case APPLY_HEIGHT:          return "height";
    case APPLY_WEIGHT:          return "weight";
    case APPLY_MANA:		return "mana";
    case APPLY_HIT:		return "hp";
    case APPLY_MOVE:		return "moves";
    case APPLY_GOLD:		return "gold";
    case APPLY_EXP:		return "experience";
    case APPLY_AC:		return "armor class";
    case APPLY_HITROLL:		return "hit roll";
    case APPLY_DAMROLL:		return "damage roll";
    case APPLY_SAVING_PARA:	return "save vs paralysis";
    case APPLY_SAVING_ROD:	return "save vs rod";
    case APPLY_SAVING_PETRI:	return "save vs petrification";
    case APPLY_SAVING_BREATH:	return "save vs breath";
    case APPLY_SAVING_SPELL:	return "save vs spell";
    case APPLY_RACE:            return "race";

    bug( "Affect_location_name: unknown location %d.", location );
    return "(unknown)";

 * Return ascii name of an affect bit vector.
char *affect_bit_name( int vector )
    static char buf [ 512 ];

    buf[0] = '\0';
    if ( vector & AFF_BLIND         ) strcat( buf, " blind"          );
    if ( vector & AFF_INVISIBLE     ) strcat( buf, " invisible"      );
    if ( vector & AFF_DETECT_EVIL   ) strcat( buf, " detect_evil"    );
    if ( vector & AFF_DETECT_INVIS  ) strcat( buf, " detect_invis"   );
    if ( vector & AFF_DETECT_MAGIC  ) strcat( buf, " detect_magic"   );
    if ( vector & AFF_DETECT_HIDDEN ) strcat( buf, " detect_hidden"  );
    if ( vector & AFF_HOLD          ) strcat( buf, " hold"           );
    if ( vector & AFF_SANCTUARY     ) strcat( buf, " sanctuary"      );
    if ( vector & AFF_FAERIE_FIRE   ) strcat( buf, " faerie_fire"    );
    if ( vector & AFF_INFRARED      ) strcat( buf, " infrared"       );
    if ( vector & AFF_CURSE         ) strcat( buf, " curse"          );
    if ( vector & AFF_CHANGE_SEX    ) strcat( buf, " change_sex"     );
    if ( vector & AFF_POISON        ) strcat( buf, " poison"         );
    if ( vector & AFF_PROTECT       ) strcat( buf, " protect"        );
    if ( vector & AFF_POLYMORPH     ) strcat( buf, " polymorph"      );
    if ( vector & AFF_SLEEP         ) strcat( buf, " sleep"          );
    if ( vector & AFF_SNEAK         ) strcat( buf, " sneak"          );
    if ( vector & AFF_HIDE          ) strcat( buf, " hide"           );
    if ( vector & AFF_CHARM         ) strcat( buf, " charm"          );
    if ( vector & AFF_FLYING        ) strcat( buf, " flying"         );
    if ( vector & AFF_PASS_DOOR     ) strcat( buf, " pass_door"      );
    if ( vector & AFF_MUTE          ) strcat( buf, " mute"           );
    if ( vector & AFF_GILLS         ) strcat( buf, " gills"          );
    if ( vector & AFF_VAMP_BITE     ) strcat( buf, " vampiric curse" );
    if ( vector & AFF_GHOUL         ) strcat( buf, " ghoulic curse"  );
    if ( vector & AFF_FLAMING       ) strcat( buf, " flaming shield" );
    if ( vector & AFF_PLAGUE        ) strcat( buf, " plague"         );

    return ( buf[0] != '\0' ) ? buf+1 : "none";

 * Return ascii name of room flags vector.	by The Maniac
char *room_flags_name( int vector )
    static char buf [ 512 ];

    buf[0] = '\0';
    if ( vector & ROOM_DARK           ) strcat( buf, " dark"           );
    if ( vector & ROOM_NO_MOB         ) strcat( buf, " no_mob"         );
    if ( vector & ROOM_INDOORS        ) strcat( buf, " indoors"        );
    if ( vector & ROOM_UNDERGROUND    ) strcat( buf, " underground"    );
    if ( vector & ROOM_ARENA          ) strcat( buf, " arena"          );
    if ( vector & ROOM_PRIVATE        ) strcat( buf, " private"        );
    if ( vector & ROOM_SAFE           ) strcat( buf, " safe"           );
    if ( vector & ROOM_SOLITARY       ) strcat( buf, " solitary"       );
    if ( vector & ROOM_PET_SHOP       ) strcat( buf, " pet_shop"       );
    if ( vector & ROOM_NO_RECALL      ) strcat( buf, " no_recall"      );
    if ( vector & ROOM_CONE_OF_SILENCE) strcat( buf, " cone_of_silence");
    return ( buf[0] != '\0' ) ? buf+1 : "none";

 * Return ascii name of object wear location.      by The Maniac
char *obj_eq_loc( int vector )
    if      ( vector == WEAR_NONE     ) return "none";
    else if ( vector == WEAR_LIGHT    ) return "light";
    else if ( vector == WEAR_FINGER_L ) return "left finger";
    else if ( vector == WEAR_FINGER_R ) return "right finger";
    else if ( vector == WEAR_NECK_1   ) return "neck 1";
    else if ( vector == WEAR_NECK_2   ) return "neck 2";
    else if ( vector == WEAR_BODY     ) return "body";
    else if ( vector == WEAR_HEAD     ) return "head";
    else if ( vector == WEAR_LEGS     ) return "legs";
    else if ( vector == WEAR_FEET     ) return "feet";
    else if ( vector == WEAR_HANDS    ) return "hands";
    else if ( vector == WEAR_ARMS     ) return "arms";
    else if ( vector == WEAR_SHIELD   ) return "shield";
    else if ( vector == WEAR_ABOUT    ) return "about";
    else if ( vector == WEAR_WAIST    ) return "waist";
    else if ( vector == WEAR_WRIST_L  ) return "left wrist";
    else if ( vector == WEAR_WRIST_R  ) return "right wrist";
    else if ( vector == WEAR_WIELD    ) return "wield 1";
    else if ( vector == WEAR_HOLD     ) return "hold";
    else if ( vector == WEAR_WIELD_2  ) return "wield 2";
    else if ( vector == MAX_WEAR      ) return "**MAX_WEAR**";

    return "**ERROR**";

 * Return ascii name of sector type.      by The Maniac
char *sector_string( int sector )
    if      ( sector == SECT_INSIDE       ) return "inside";
    else if ( sector == SECT_CITY         ) return "city";
    else if ( sector == SECT_FIELD        ) return "field";
    else if ( sector == SECT_FOREST       ) return "forest";
    else if ( sector == SECT_HILLS        ) return "hills";
    else if ( sector == SECT_MOUNTAIN     ) return "mountain";
    else if ( sector == SECT_WATER_SWIM   ) return "swim water";
    else if ( sector == SECT_WATER_NOSWIM ) return "noswim water";
    else if ( sector == SECT_UNDERWATER   ) return "underwater";
    else if ( sector == SECT_AIR          ) return "air";
    else if ( sector == SECT_DESERT       ) return "desert";
    return "**ERROR**";

 * Return ascii name of extra flags vector.	with additions by Maniac
char *extra_bit_name( int extra_flags )
    static char buf [ 512 ];

    buf[0] = '\0';
    if ( extra_flags & ITEM_GLOW         ) strcat( buf, " glow"         );
    if ( extra_flags & ITEM_HUM          ) strcat( buf, " hum"          );
    if ( extra_flags & ITEM_DARK         ) strcat( buf, " dark"         );
    if ( extra_flags & ITEM_LOCK         ) strcat( buf, " lock"         );
    if ( extra_flags & ITEM_EVIL         ) strcat( buf, " evil"         );
    if ( extra_flags & ITEM_INVIS        ) strcat( buf, " invis"        );
    if ( extra_flags & ITEM_MAGIC        ) strcat( buf, " magic"        );
    if ( extra_flags & ITEM_NODROP       ) strcat( buf, " nodrop"       );
    if ( extra_flags & ITEM_BLESS        ) strcat( buf, " bless"        );
    if ( extra_flags & ITEM_ANTI_GOOD    ) strcat( buf, " anti-good"    );
    if ( extra_flags & ITEM_ANTI_EVIL    ) strcat( buf, " anti-evil"    );
    if ( extra_flags & ITEM_ANTI_NEUTRAL ) strcat( buf, " anti-neutral" );
    if ( extra_flags & ITEM_NOREMOVE     ) strcat( buf, " noremove"     );
    if ( extra_flags & ITEM_INVENTORY    ) strcat( buf, " inventory"    );
    if ( extra_flags & ITEM_POISONED     ) strcat( buf, " poisoned"     );
    if ( extra_flags & ITEM_VAMPIRE_BANE ) strcat( buf, " vampire_bane" );
    if ( extra_flags & ITEM_HOLY         ) strcat( buf, " holy"         );
    if ( extra_flags & ITEM_BLADE_THIRST ) strcat( buf, " blade_thirst" );
    if ( extra_flags & ITEM_MELT_DROP    ) strcat( buf, " melt_drop"    );
    if ( extra_flags & ITEM_NOPURGE      ) strcat( buf, " nopurge"      );
    if ( extra_flags & ITEM_HIDDEN       ) strcat( buf, " hidden"       );

    return ( buf[0] != '\0' ) ? buf+1 : "none";

 * Return ascii name of race ability flags.     by Maniac
char *race_ab_str( int bit )
    static char buf [ 512 ];

    buf[0] = '\0';
    if ( bit & RACE_NO_ABILITIES  ) strcat( buf, " none"           );
    if ( bit & RACE_PC_AVAIL      ) strcat( buf, " pc"             );
    if ( bit & RACE_WATERBREATH   ) strcat( buf, " waterbreathing" );
    if ( bit & RACE_FLY           ) strcat( buf, " fly"            );
    if ( bit & RACE_SWIM          ) strcat( buf, " swim"           );
    if ( bit & RACE_WATERWALK     ) strcat( buf, " waterwalk"      );
    if ( bit & RACE_PASSDOOR      ) strcat( buf, " passdoor"       );
    if ( bit & RACE_INFRAVISION   ) strcat( buf, " infravision"    );
    if ( bit & RACE_DETECT_ALIGN  ) strcat( buf, " detect_align"   );
    if ( bit & RACE_DETECT_INVIS  ) strcat( buf, " detect_invis"   );
    if ( bit & RACE_DETECT_HIDDEN ) strcat( buf, " detect_hidden"  );
    if ( bit & RACE_PROTECTION    ) strcat( buf, " protection"     );
    if ( bit & RACE_SANCT         ) strcat( buf, " sanctuary"      );
    if ( bit & RACE_WEAPON_WIELD  ) strcat( buf, " weapon_wield"   );
    return ( buf[0] != '\0' ) ? buf+1 : "none";

 * Return ascii name of act flags vector.	by Maniac
char *mob_act_name( int act )
    static char buf [ 512 ];

    buf[0] = '\0';
    if ( act & ACT_IS_NPC    ) strcat( buf, " is_npc"         );
    if ( act & ACT_SENTINEL  ) strcat( buf, " sentinel"       );
    if ( act & ACT_SCAVENGER ) strcat( buf, " scavenger"      );
    if ( act & ACT_IS_HEALER ) strcat( buf, " healer"         );
    if ( act & ACT_AGGRESSIVE) strcat( buf, " aggressive"     );
    if ( act & ACT_STAY_AREA ) strcat( buf, " stay_area"      );
    if ( act & ACT_WIMPY     ) strcat( buf, " wimpy"          );
    if ( act & ACT_PET       ) strcat( buf, " pet"            );
    if ( act & ACT_TRAIN     ) strcat( buf, " train"          );
    if ( act & ACT_PRACTICE  ) strcat( buf, " practice"       );
    if ( act & ACT_BANKER    ) strcat( buf, " banker"         );
    if ( act & ACT_TEACHER   ) strcat( buf, " teacher"        );

    return ( buf[0] != '\0' ) ? buf+1 : "none";

 * Return ascii name of object wear locations vector.       by Maniac
char *str_wear_loc( int vector )
    static char buf [ 512 ];

    buf[0] = '\0';
    if ( vector & ITEM_TAKE        ) strcat( buf, " take"     );
    if ( vector & ITEM_WEAR_FINGER ) strcat( buf, " finger"   );
    if ( vector & ITEM_WEAR_NECK   ) strcat( buf, " neck"     );
    if ( vector & ITEM_WEAR_BODY   ) strcat( buf, " body"     );
    if ( vector & ITEM_WEAR_HEAD   ) strcat( buf, " head"     );
    if ( vector & ITEM_WEAR_LEGS   ) strcat( buf, " legs"     );
    if ( vector & ITEM_WEAR_FEET   ) strcat( buf, " feet"     );
    if ( vector & ITEM_WEAR_HANDS  ) strcat( buf, " hands"    );
    if ( vector & ITEM_WEAR_ARMS   ) strcat( buf, " arms"     );
    if ( vector & ITEM_WEAR_SHIELD ) strcat( buf, " shield"   );
    if ( vector & ITEM_WEAR_ABOUT  ) strcat( buf, " about"    );
    if ( vector & ITEM_WEAR_WAIST  ) strcat( buf, " waist"    );
    if ( vector & ITEM_WEAR_WRIST  ) strcat( buf, " wrist"    );
    if ( vector & ITEM_WIELD       ) strcat( buf, " wield"    );
    if ( vector & ITEM_HOLD        ) strcat( buf, " hold"     );
    return ( buf[0] != '\0' ) ? buf+1 : "none";

 * Return ascii name of act flags vector.       by Maniac
char *plr_act_name( int act )
    static char buf [ 512 ];

    buf[0] = '\0';
    if ( act & PLR_IS_NPC    ) strcat( buf, " is_npc"         );
    if ( act & PLR_BOUGHT_PET) strcat( buf, " bought_pet"     );
    if ( act & PLR_REGISTER  ) strcat( buf, " registered"     );
    if ( act & PLR_AUTOEXIT  ) strcat( buf, " autoexit"       );
    if ( act & PLR_AUTOLOOT  ) strcat( buf, " autoloot"       );
    if ( act & PLR_AUTOSAC   ) strcat( buf, " autosac"        );
    if ( act & PLR_BLANK     ) strcat( buf, " blank"          );
    if ( act & PLR_BRIEF     ) strcat( buf, " brief"          );
    if ( act & PLR_COMBINE   ) strcat( buf, " combine"        );
    if ( act & PLR_PROMPT    ) strcat( buf, " prompt"         );
    if ( act & PLR_TELNET_GA ) strcat( buf, " telnet_ga"      );
    if ( act & PLR_HOLYLIGHT ) strcat( buf, " holylight"      );
    if ( act & PLR_WIZINVIS  ) strcat( buf, " wizinvis"       );
    if ( act & PLR_WIZBIT    ) strcat( buf, " wizbit"         );
    if ( act & PLR_SILENCE   ) strcat( buf, " silence"        );
    if ( act & PLR_NO_EMOTE  ) strcat( buf, " no_emote"       );
    if ( act & PLR_MOVED     ) strcat( buf, " moved"          );
    if ( act & PLR_NO_TELL   ) strcat( buf, " no_tell"        );
    if ( act & PLR_LOG       ) strcat( buf, " log"            );
    if ( act & PLR_DENY      ) strcat( buf, " deny"           );
    if ( act & PLR_FREEZE    ) strcat( buf, " freeze"         );
    if ( act & PLR_THIEF     ) strcat( buf, " thief"          );
    if ( act & PLR_KILLER    ) strcat( buf, " killer"         );
    if ( act & PLR_AUTOGOLD  ) strcat( buf, " autogold"       );
    if ( act & PLR_AFK       ) strcat( buf, " afk"            );

    return ( buf[0] != '\0' ) ? buf+1 : "none";

 * Return ascii name of door vector.       by Maniac
char *door_status_name( int status )
    static char buf [ 512 ];

    buf[0] = '\0';
    if ( status & EX_ISDOOR     ) strcat( buf, " is_door"          );
    if ( status & EX_CLOSED     ) strcat( buf, " closed"           );
    if ( status & EX_LOCKED     ) strcat( buf, " locked"           );
    if ( status & EX_BASHED     ) strcat( buf, " bashed"           );
    if ( status & EX_BASHPROOF  ) strcat( buf, " bashproof"        );
    if ( status & EX_PICKPROOF  ) strcat( buf, " pickproof"        );
    if ( status & EX_PASSPROOF  ) strcat( buf, " passproof"        );
    return ( buf[0] != '\0' ) ? buf+1 : "none";

char * pos_string( CHAR_DATA *victim )
	switch (victim->position)
		case POS_DEAD:		return "is DEAD!!";
		case POS_MORTAL:	return "is mortally wounded";
		case POS_INCAP:		return "is incapacitated.";
		case POS_STUNNED:	return "is lying here stunned.";
		case POS_SLEEPING:	return "is sleeping";
		case POS_RESTING:	return "is resting";
		case POS_STANDING:	return "is standing";
		case POS_FIGHTING:	return "is fighting";
	return "ERROR";

char * fur_pos_string( int pos )
	switch (pos)
		case ST_ON:	return "on";
		case SI_ON:	return "on";
		case SL_ON:	return "on";
		case RE_ON:	return "on";
		case PT_ON:	return "on";
		case ST_AT:	return "at";
		case SI_AT:	return "at";
		case SL_AT:	return "at";
		case RE_AT:	return "at";
		case PT_AT:	return "at";
		case ST_IN:	return "in";
		case SI_IN:	return "in";
		case SL_IN:	return "in";
		case RE_IN:	return "in";
		case PT_IN:	return "in";
		case PT_INSIDE: return "inside";
	return "ERROR";

CHAR_DATA *get_char( CHAR_DATA *ch )
    if ( !ch->pcdata )
        return ch->desc->original;
        return ch;

bool longstring( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *argument )
    if ( strlen( argument) > 60 )
	send_to_char( "No more than 60 characters in this field.\n\r", ch );
	return TRUE;
        return FALSE;

bool authorized( CHAR_DATA *ch, char *skllnm )
    char buf [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ];

    if ( ( !IS_NPC( ch ) && str_infix( skllnm, ch->pcdata->immskll ) )
	||  IS_NPC( ch ) )
        sprintf( buf, "Sorry, you are not authorized to use %s.\n\r", skllnm );
	send_to_char( buf, ch );
	return FALSE;

    return TRUE;


void end_of_game( void )
    DESCRIPTOR_DATA *d_next;

    for ( d = descriptor_list; d; d = d_next )
	d_next = d->next;
	if ( d->connected == CON_PLAYING )
	    if ( d->character->position == POS_FIGHTING )
	      interpret( d->character, "save" );
	      interpret( d->character, "quit" );
	    close_socket( d );



/* Modified race lookup to be a LOT faster and CPU effective -- Maniac */
/* This is about 14% faster then the older version... mud-wide */
int race_lookup( const char *race )
    int index;

    for ( index = 0; index < MAX_RACE; index++ )
        if ( !str_cmp( race, race_table[index].name ) )
	    return index;

    return -1;

/* Changed race_lookup to this, to save cpu usage a LOT, most of the time
	this function is called with the entire race name anyway (everywhere
	in the source and area's, only not from player input -- Maniac */
int race_lookup_prefix( const char *race )
	int	index;

	for (index = 0; index < MAX_RACE; index++ )
		if (!str_prefix(race, race_table[index].name ) )
			return index;
	return -1;

int affect_lookup( const char *affectname )
    int index;

    for ( index = 0; index < MAX_SKILL; index++ )
	if ( !str_cmp( affectname, skill_table[index].name ) )
	    return index;

    return -1;


/* returns number of people on an object */
int count_users(OBJ_DATA *obj)
    CHAR_DATA *fch;
    int count = 0;

    if (obj->in_room == NULL)
        return 0;

    for (fch = obj->in_room->people; fch != NULL; fch = fch->next_in_room)
        if (fch->on == obj)

    return count;

int advatoi (const char *s)
  14k42 = 14 * 1000 + 14 * 100 + 2 * 10 = 14420

  Of course, it only pays off to use that notation when you can skip many 0's.
  There is not much point in writing 66k666 instead of 66666, except maybe
  when you want to make sure that you get 66,666.

  More than 3 (in case of 'k') or 6 ('m') digits after 'k'/'m' are automatically
  disregarded. Example:

  14k1234 = 14,123

  If the number contains any other characters than digits, 'k' or 'm', the
  function returns 0. It also returns 0 if 'k' or 'm' appear more than



/* the pointer to buffer stuff is not really necessary, but originally I
   modified the buffer, so I had to make a copy of it. What the hell, it 
   works:) (read: it seems to work:)

  char string[MAX_INPUT_LENGTH]; /* a buffer to hold a copy of the argument */
  char *stringptr = string; /* a pointer to the buffer so we can move around */
  char tempstring[2];       /* a small temp buffer to pass to atoi*/
  int number = 0;           /* number to be returned */
  int multiplier = 0;       /* multiplier used to get the extra digits right */

  strcpy (string,s);        /* working copy */

  while ( isdigit (*stringptr)) /* as long as the current character is a digit */
      strncpy (tempstring,stringptr,1);           /* copy first digit */
      number = (number * 10) + atoi (tempstring); /* add to current number */
      stringptr++;                                /* advance */

  switch (UPPER(*stringptr)) {
      case 'K'  : multiplier = 1000;    number *= multiplier; stringptr++; break;
      case 'M'  : multiplier = 1000000; number *= multiplier; stringptr++; break;
      case '\0' : break;
      default   : return 0; /* not k nor m nor NUL - return 0! */

  while ( isdigit (*stringptr) && (multiplier > 1)) /* if any digits follow k/m, add those too */
      strncpy (tempstring,stringptr,1);           /* copy first digit */
      multiplier = multiplier / 10;  /* the further we get to right, the less are the digit 'worth' */
      number = number + (atoi (tempstring) * multiplier);

  if (*stringptr != '\0' && !isdigit(*stringptr)) /* a non-digit character was found, other than NUL */
    return 0; /* If a digit is found, it means the multiplier is 1 - i.e. extra
                 digits that just have to be ignore, liked 14k4443 -> 3 is ignored */

  return (number);