Additions to EnvyMUd 2.0.

/* Changes by Maniac: */

05-jan-1996:    Added heal command for healer (healer.c)

05-jan-1996:    Added new specials from the old Mythran...
		spec_buddha, spec_teacher, spec_guard_white, spec_kungfu_poison
		spec_rebel, spec_drunk, spec_assassin

05-jan-1996:    Pecho has been added...

05-jan-1996:    Added bladethirst skill for mages...

05-jan-1996:    Added cure disease skill (asof now still useless (no plague))

05-jan-1996:    Changed restore to restore room (default) and to cure
		things like blindness, plague, poison, sleep and curse

07-jan-1996:    Added 'battle prompt', while fighting you can see in what
		condition the enemy is... (as in look)

07-jan-1996:	Animate dead skill added

07-jan-1996:	Added following immort commands: dog, iscore, smite and sstat
		Written some time ago for rom24 but now converted to envy20

07-jan-1996:	Added scan command (scans upto 3 rooms in a direction)

08-jan-1196:	Added exp to level in do_score

08-jan-1996:	Moved all gamblind stuff to gamble.c

08-jan-1996:	Added 2 new dice games: SEVEN and HIGH DICE

09-jan-1996:	Added plague...

10-jan-1996:	Added hunt...  very cool...

11-jan-1996:	Changed the scan function, replaced it...

somewhere:	Added the drunk code... finally

02-feb-1996:	Replaced the do_users, moved a few functions to act_wiz2.c
		to save compilation time...
		Added hakuna social (hakuna matata)
		Added notestat (wiz) command
		Removed drunk code calls, warnings !!

07-may-1996:	Added the wizpassword command
		Changed sset all to really set ALL
		Added arena code
		Fixed the drunk code (finally)

11-may-1996:	Fixed the makefile for linux, the mud now stays up
		in stead of dieing after one minute with a select error...
		Fixed the healer/heal function

12-may-1996:	Grouping and following with alignment re-installed (mythran2)
		Renamed wizpassword to wizpwd
		NEWS for thief flags added...
		New messages when stealing fails... (try it..)
		Added outfit command (to outfit players...)
		Fixed a slight bug in score (exp to level was wrong place)
		Added setkill command
		Director can go/rstat/transfer/at to private rooms now...
		Added set, stat, string and vnum commands (imm)
		Added taxes for rich players...muhaha
		Added banking system.
		Fixed bug in drunk code
		Added brew and scribe and the parchment and vial items
		Added language (now only dwarvish) (needs change !!!)

/* Canth joined the developement team */
/* Language added by Maniac && Canth */
16-may-1996:	Major update in the language code (still only dwarvish)
		LANGUAGE IS IN YEEEEEHAAAAAAAA (cost a little to much time)
		Modified mset to also set languages
		Modified stat to include lstat
		Added lstat command to show languages and learning sessions
		Added learning sessions and learn command to learn languages
		Added speak command to speak a language (for use with say)
		Added default languages for races and new players.

18-may-1996:	Fixed some slight bugs and mistakes in language system
		Added the 'bank transfer' command, can transfer money now.
		Added lore skill
		Added count, counts players in the mud.

19-may-1996:	Added (and fixed) imtlset +all option
		Added note - option, to remove one line from the note
		Replaced the ofind function, new version uses max 3000 loops,
		   the old version about 30000 (one diff, new one isn't sorted)
		Spell cell_adjustment now also cures plague...
		Changed do_score, now other display of prac and learns...
		Added areacount command, counts players per area

20-may-1996:	Added Necromancers and Druids (and temp 'New_class' (need to
		   add skills and spells still))
		Added on-line social editing. allowed from level 3, full log.

22-may-1996:	The who text (DIRECT, SENIOR, etc) can now be changed (mset)

23-may-1996:	Added falling objects. Also, they hit chars on the head! :)

26-may-1996:	Added disable to disable commands.
		disable command now accepts a level!
		disable all now re-enables all commands.
		added super AT command 'FOR'. really cool (and dangerous!)

27-may-1996:	Added rename to rename players.
		Fixed a slight bug in whotext (17 char limit)
		Added some stuff for iscore (also iscore <victim>)
		Fixed exits, it now shows vnums for immortals.
		Added exlist, which lists exits in and out of areas.
		Added authorization check for imtlskills (where needed)

28-may-1996:	Added new auctioning code.

04-jun-1996:	Added OBJLIST imm command. Dumps objects to a file.
		Added buy [amount] <item> [shopkeeper]
		Changed is_name to accept prefixes of names.

09-jun-1996:	Added imtlset <victim> -<skill>... Needs memory improvement!!!
		Added trust level check for immskills

16-jun-1996:	Hidden items, use hide and search commands

17-jun-1996:	Major improvements on hide and search, now (more) chance to
		fail to hide items.
		Added lose command, lose your followers (finally)

19-jun-1996:	Fixed some small bug in language code (no game effect)
		Upgraded base mud code to envy2.1.19 (2.2 is soon to come)
		Did not include patches for use with Win95/NT and Amiga (yet)

21-jun-1996:	Added investment options at bank: buy, sell and check
		Changed do_score for new bank-info
		Added DMAN's blood trails and corpse decay, with some changes

22-jun-1996:	Added update command, to update bank share_value and
		update time to update the game time (hours only)
		Fixed and changed some things in banking stuff
		Chanced update bank and time, to be able to set the value.
		Changed do_lset to be able to set learns
		Big update in do_mset, can now change almost anything of char

23-jun-1996:	Added following handy utility functions:
		   room_flags_name:	Turn room flags number to string
		   mob_act_name:	Turn mob act flags into string
		   plr_act_name:	Turn player act flags into string
		   door_status_name:	Turn door status flags into string
		   str_obj_loc:		Item wear lock 2 string (no L and R)
		   obj_eq_loc:		Where is item being worn now (L and R)
		These functions can be used in commands like rstat, mstat etc
		Changed do_mstat to display balance and shares
		Changed do_mstat, do_rstat and do_ostat to use the new
		   functions discribed above (string in stead of bitvector #)

24-jun-1996:	Added functions to interpret the #GAMES section in area files
		Added sector_string function (turn sector value to string)
		Added race_ab_string function (race ability vector to string)
		Added advatoi (from bet.h) advanced atoi in handler.c
		Added 3 spells for necromancer skill call quake, rock flesh
		   and summon dead, all high level, all require items.
		Also wrote various help entries for necromancers

26-jun-1996:	Changed do_sacrifice function, now has more possibilities,
		   not only gives 1 gp, but also mana, move, hp, prac etc...

27-jun-1996:	Added vassago's quest code... needs change... item not correct

29-jun-1996:	Added ILAB OLC 1.1b, needs some change... doesn't save #games
		Disabled objlist, i have no use for it, won't work with OLC

08-jul-1996:	Added delete and delet commands, so chars can delete themselves

09-jul-1996:	Fixed a bug in games code (bet a negative amount was possible)
		Added area logging, area name is loggen while loading...

10-jul-1996:	Fixed some small bugs in mobprogs... now more progs work.
		Changed do_sac to say saveral godnames, and removed giving of
		practice sessions. Fixed some slight bugs.

12-jul-1996:	Removed all warnings when compiling mobprogs

17-jul-1996:	Added start of clans, all in clan.c, fixed who to display clan.
		added clan commands: apply, initiate, advance, kick, info,
		recruit, leader, leave
		Added guild command for immorts, to control clans.

18-jul-1996:	Added some more clan commands, like clan talk

23-jul-1996:	Added clan recall

24-jul-1996:	Added structure for mobs that play games to have a bankroll,
		and to cheat, the bankroll is loading in mob->gold, cheat
		can be found with the macro MOB_GAME_CHEAT(mob)

28-jul-1996:	Added wiznet, very configurable, only made one call to it
		yet, but easy expandable, but lot of work...
		see merc.h of channels and wiznet.c for code

01-aug-1996:	Added wiznet tick subfunction. with many tick calls... C it.

		Somewhere in between... remove some calls to tick... irritating

10-aug-1996:	Added first part of furniture code (like in rom)
		You can now stand on/in/at objects (furniture with bits)

11-aug-1996:	Fixed some naughty bug that caused WIZINVIS/PROMPT to conflict
		changed all those numbers to BIT_1 to BIT_32.
		Can now see if someone is on/at/in an object

12-aug-1996:	Fixed some bugs in adding and removing of affects, and
		added some more places where affects are added/removed (rest/sl)
		Affects from objects should be completely bugfree now...
		Added wiznet DEBUG channel, for broadcasting debug-info
		in a immort visible/player invisible way.

/* Maniac finally back to coding.... don't you just hate holydays */
6-nov-1996:	It's been a long time, but i'm back to coding... fixed a
		bug in mob-progs which caused the mud to crash sometimes
		Fixed this before, but that was on an older version (17-jun)
		(which missed all functions added after that date, so I did it
		again... )

/* Canth going wild at the code again after 3 months of idling */
13-oct-1996:	Added mariage code. (converted the ROM version)
		Added race/class restrictions.. Now dwarves can't become mages
		   need to make more restrictions. suggestions anyone?
		Fixed hide (Now hides from inventory)
		Fixed get (Now removes hidden item flag)
		Added remove all (Upon popular demand)
		Fixed _THE_ strdup bug... (yeah yeah, I know...)

16-oct-1996:	Fixed a bug in OLC, thanx for Dan (Daisy mud) for the help
		Updated the /doc directory and cleaned up all stuff lying
		around, so the distribution gets smaller.

17-oct-1996:	Added ssm2.2 for better string management
		Modified do_for, won't allow 'for mobs #' anymore, caused crash
		Added 2 more entries in config.h, to configure sacrificing...
		Added better warning system for asave_world (5 pulses ahead)

18-oct-1996:	Added lope's color code...

19-oct-1996:	Disabled do_dog command... had fatal bug
		Added lot's of needed help entries
		Added another item to config.h AUTO_SAVE_WORLD, for db dumps.
		Added ALL_SPEAK_COMMON to config.h to make all speak common

20-oct-1996:	Fixed many switch-related problems and bugs...
		Removed lope's color code, since he will release a new version
			very soon. (we'll wait for that and release it a.s.a.p.)

21-oct-1996:	Fixed a bug in do_search (uninitialized strings -> garbage)
		Changes bug in mobprogs, by making mobprog commands L_DIR+1
		Make the OLC commands L_SEN, not needed for players anyway.
		Fixed some illegal name bug, fixed enter on login bug
		Fixed the send_to_buf switch BUG... finally....
		Added MobProg Editor... very simplistic... doesn't save yet...

22-oct-1996:	Added save function for mobprogs, now no more need for a
			mobprogs area, mobprogs are saved automatically
		Release 3.1.3 is here

27-oct-1996:	Added new ageing system, age and rejuvenate spells, config.h
		Fixed a bug in olc furniture values saving.

Somewhere here:	Fixed a bug in saving of mobprogs

25-nov-1996:	Added better editor for notes
		Disabled prompt when in editors	(also in patch 5)
		Started on remort command

02-feb-1997:	Yeah... it's been almost half a year now since i last did
		anything on the mud scene.... school and work kills ya...
		Finally fixed a BIG bug, which would corrupt area files
		which had mobs with mobprogs in them.

26-feb-1997:	Version number is 3.1.6b, to be released 3.1.6
		Fixed donate. Clan rooms were set to 1250 (inexistant)

01-mar-1997:	Added portal code. Create portal spell, enter command.
		Changed pardon. Can now set & remove KILLER, THIEF and PK flags.

02-mar-1997:	Added Colour to mythran. FINALLY. Now to put all the {'s in :(
		Changed who listing slightly (with respect to clans)

04-mar-1997:	Changed CLAN INFO. Leaders can now see info about clan members
			Gods can see info about all clans!

09-mar-1997:	Coded WHO IMM for imms to see true stats (instead of whotext)
		Items within containers now count as 1 item total.

10-mar-1997:	CLONING is in. You can now clone mobs and items. Thanks ROM!

16-mar-1997:	Fixed ageing system to no longeruse the played variable
		Auto disconnect when logging in a second time.
		Fixed join bug.

17-mar-1997:	Clan who and clan where are now in to help find clan members.
		Wiznet levels has been activated.
		Made sepparate clan donate.
		Reboot and shutdown now execute an asave changed.

07-jun-1997:	Fixed various small bugs.
		Wiznet DEATHS implemented.

16-jun-1997:	Various WIZNETs implemented
		Added birthdays

27-jun-1997:	Added creator name for socials. Need to do deletor still.