Nm          Canth~
Version     1
ShtDsc      ~
LngDsc      ~
Dscr        ~
Prmpt       <{g%h{rhp {g%m{rm {g%v{rmv{x> ~
Sx          1
Cla         7
OldClass    128
Clan        Dragon~
Clanlev     10
Race        God~
Lvl         54
Trst        55
Security    9
Playd       78132
Age         17393374
DeathAge    48837600
Note        857917838
Room        3700
HpMnMv      1 1 30000 30000 30000 30000
Gold        3931462
Exp         55000
Act         67114568
AffdBy      0
Pos         7
Prac        55000
SavThr      -54999
Align       563
Hit         54999
Dam         54999
Armr        -55106
Wimp        0
Deaf        0
Paswd       Ca2sZ0.1Ds9pM~
Speak       0
Learn       55000
Bmfin       ~
Bmfout      ~
Balance     55000
Shares      55000
Immskll     immtalk wizhelp advance divorce imtlset marry newring rename sstime trust wizpwd allow ban deny disconnect dog for force freeze log lset lstat mset noemote notell notestat numlock oload oset pardon purge reboo reboot restore shutdow shutdown silence set setkill sla slay sset sstat stat string transfer update users vnum wiznet wizify wizlock areacount echo disable exlist iscore memory mload mfind mstat mwhere pwhere newlock ofind ostat owhere peace pecho recho return rset rstat slookup smite snoop switch wizinvis at bamfin bamfout goto holylight : scan guild aedit redit oedit medit mpedit asave alist resets ~
Wiznet      131069
Ttle        .~
WhoTxt      @~
AtrPrm      25 25 25 25 25
AtrMd       29 27 25 27 29
Cond        0 48 48
Pglen       20
Lang        100 'common'
Lang        100 'human'
Lang        100 'dwarvish'
Lang        100 'elvish'
Lang        100 'gnomish'
Lang        100 'goblin'
Lang        100 'orcish'
Lang        100 'ogre'
Lang        100 'drow'
Lang        100 'kobold'
Lang        100 'trollish'
Lang        100 'hobbit'
Skll        100 'acid blast'
Skll        100 'age'
Skll        100 'animate dead'
Skll        100 'armor'
Skll        100 'bless'
Skll        100 'blindness'
Skll        100 'breathe water'
Skll        100 'burning hands'
Skll        100 'call lightning'
Skll        100 'cause critical'
Skll        100 'cure disease'
Skll        100 'cause light'
Skll        100 'cause serious'
Skll        100 'change sex'
Skll        100 'charm person'
Skll        100 'chill touch'
Skll        100 'colour spray'
Skll        100 'cone of silence'
Skll        100 'continual light'
Skll        100 'control weather'
Skll        100 'create food'
Skll        100 'create portal'
Skll        100 'create spring'
Skll        100 'create water'
Skll        100 'cure blindness'
Skll        100 'cure critical'
Skll        100 'cure light'
Skll        100 'cure poison'
Skll        100 'cure serious'
Skll        100 'curse'
Skll        100 'destroy cursed'
Skll        100 'detect evil'
Skll        100 'detect hidden'
Skll        100 'detect invis'
Skll        100 'detect magic'
Skll        100 'detect poison'
Skll        100 'dispel evil'
Skll        100 'dispel magic'
Skll        100 'earthquake'
Skll        100 'enchant weapon'
Skll        100 'energy drain'
Skll        100 'exorcise'
Skll        100 'faerie fire'
Skll        100 'faerie fog'
Skll        100 'fireball'
Skll        100 'flamestrike'
Skll        100 'flaming shield'
Skll        100 'fly'
Skll        100 'gate'
Skll        100 'giant strength'
Skll        100 'harm'
Skll        100 'heal'
Skll        100 'identify'
Skll        100 'infravision'
Skll        100 'invis'
Skll        100 'know alignment'
Skll        100 'lightning bolt'
Skll        100 'locate object'
Skll        100 'magic missile'
Skll        100 'mass heal'
Skll        100 'mass invis'
Skll        100 'mute'
Skll        100 'pass door'
Skll        100 'plague'
Skll        100 'poison'
Skll        100 'polymorph other'
Skll        100 'protection'
Skll        100 'recharge item'
Skll        100 'refresh'
Skll        100 'rejuvenate'
Skll        100 'remove alignment'
Skll        100 'remove curse'
Skll        100 'remove silence'
Skll        100 'sanctuary'
Skll        100 'shield'
Skll        100 'shocking grasp'
Skll        100 'sleep'
Skll        100 'stone skin'
Skll        100 'summon'
Skll        100 'teleport'
Skll        100 'turn undead'
Skll        100 'ventriloquate'
Skll        100 'weaken'
Skll        100 'word of recall'
Skll        100 'acid breath'
Skll        100 'fire breath'
Skll        100 'frost breath'
Skll        100 'gas breath'
Skll        100 'lightning breath'
Skll        100 'backstab'
Skll        100 'bash door'
Skll        100 'berserk'
Skll        100 'circle'
Skll        100 'disarm'
Skll        100 'dodge'
Skll        100 'dual'
Skll        100 'enhanced damage'
Skll        100 'hide'
Skll        100 'kick'
Skll        100 'parry'
Skll        100 'peek'
Skll        100 'pick lock'
Skll        100 'poison weapon'
Skll        100 'bladethirst'
Skll        100 'rescue'
Skll        100 'scrolls'
Skll        100 'second attack'
Skll        100 'snare'
Skll        100 'sneak'
Skll        100 'staves'
Skll        100 'steal'
Skll        100 'third attack'
Skll        100 'untangle'
Skll        100 'wands'
Skll        100 'hunt'
Skll        100 'brew'
Skll        100 'scribe'
Skll        100 'lore'
Skll        100 'general purpose'
Skll        100 'high explosive'
Skll        100 'adrenaline control'
Skll        100 'agitation'
Skll        100 'aura sight'
Skll        100 'awe'
Skll        100 'ballistic attack'
Skll        100 'biofeedback'
Skll        100 'cell adjustment'
Skll        100 'chameleon power'
Skll        100 'combat mind'
Skll        100 'complete healing'
Skll        100 'control flames'
Skll        100 'create sound'
Skll        100 'death field'
Skll        100 'detonate'
Skll        100 'disintegrate'
Skll        100 'displacement'
Skll        100 'domination'
Skll        100 'ectoplasmic form'
Skll        100 'ego whip'
Skll        100 'energy containment'
Skll        100 'enhance armor'
Skll        100 'enhanced strength'
Skll        100 'flesh armor'
Skll        100 'heighten senses'
Skll        100 'inertial barrier'
Skll        100 'inflict pain'
Skll        100 'intellect fortress'
Skll        100 'lend health'
Skll        100 'levitation'
Skll        100 'mental barrier'
Skll        100 'mind thrust'
Skll        100 'project force'
Skll        100 'psionic blast'
Skll        100 'psychic crush'
Skll        100 'psychic drain'
Skll        100 'psychic healing'
Skll        100 'shadow form'
Skll        100 'share strength'
Skll        100 'thought shield'
Skll        100 'ultrablast'
Skll        100 'stake'
Skll        100 'rock flesh'
Skll        100 'summon dead'
Skll        100 'call quake'
Skll        100 'vampiric bite'

Nest         0
Name         ring birthday topaz~
ShortDescr   a topaz birthday ring~
Description  A golden ring inset with a glowing topaz stone is lodged between the flagstones at your feet~
Vnum         73
ExtraFlags   65
WearFlags    3
WearLoc      1
ItemType     9
Weight       1
Level        54
Timer        -1
Cost         14850
Values       16 0 0 0

Nest         0
Name         cloak suit birthday~
ShortDescr   a birthday suit~
Description  A garish purple and mauve suit complete with orange suspenders and a neon pink tie~
Vnum         70
ExtraFlags   1
WearFlags    9
WearLoc      5
ItemType     9
Weight       3
Level        54
Timer        -1
Cost         11236
Values       16 0 0 0

Nest         0
Name         ball thaumaturgy~
ShortDescr   a ball of pure magic~
Description  A magic ball emenating green light and pulsing with positive energy lies humming on the floor~
Vnum         72
ExtraFlags   67
WearFlags    16385
WearLoc      17
ItemType     9
Weight       1
Level        54
Timer        -1
Cost         11660
Values       14 0 0 0

Nest         0
Name         birthday watch~
ShortDescr   a magic birthday watch~
Description  A glowing birthday watch has been dropped here. Perhaps the strap is broken?~
Vnum         74
ExtraFlags   1
WearFlags    4097
WearLoc      15
ItemType     9
Weight       1
Level        54
Timer        -1
Cost         11664
Values       15 0 0 0

Nest         0
Name         hat paper birthday~
ShortDescr   a paper birthday hat~
Description  A paper birthday hat with a tinkling bell on top has been blown here by the wind~
Vnum         71
ExtraFlags   64
WearFlags    17
WearLoc      6
ItemType     9
Weight       1
Level        54
Timer        -1
Cost         14850
Values       14 0 0 0

Nest         0
Name         ring birthday topaz~
ShortDescr   a topaz birthday ring~
Description  A golden ring inset with a glowing topaz stone is lodged between the flagstones at your feet~
Vnum         73
ExtraFlags   65
WearFlags    3
WearLoc      2
ItemType     9
Weight       1
Level        54
Timer        -1
Cost         8910
Values       15 0 0 0

Nest         0
Name         birthday watch~
ShortDescr   a magic birthday watch~
Description  A glowing birthday watch has been dropped here. Perhaps the strap is broken?~
Vnum         74
ExtraFlags   1
WearFlags    4097
WearLoc      14
ItemType     9
Weight       1
Level        54
Timer        -1
Cost         12100
Values       14 0 0 0