Mythran mud release 3.1.10
Mon, March 10 1997

Maniac		mark@delftnet.nl
Canth		canth@xs4all.nl
Staff		mythran@envy.com

=== The doc directory

This file gives a brief description of the files in the doc directory.

AREA.LST	- Contains a list of all areas to be loaded into the server.
		The areas are loaded in top-down order.
BUGS.TXT	- Contains a report of all bugs and player bug comments.  You
		may wish to look at this file frequently.
IDEAS.TXT	- Contains a list of all the ideas players contribute using
		the online IDEA command.
NOTES.TXT	- Contains all the player notes created by the online NOTE
		command.  You may wish to clean this file periodically using
		your favorite text editor.
SHUTDOWN.TXT	- This file is created by the server when it exits normally
		by shutdown command or autoshutdown.  The server run script
		will do its own housekeeping and you will rarely see it.
TIME.TXT	- Contains information instructing the server when to
		autoreboot or autoshutdown.
TYPOS.TXT	- Contains a list of all the player typo contributions.  You
		may wish to look at this file frequently to maintain integrity
		of your area files.
BANK.TXT	- This file holds the price of mud shares, so players don't go
		broke or get very rich after a crash or reboot.
DISABLED.TXT	- This file holds all the data needed for disabling/disabled
SOCIALS.TXT	- This file holds the editable social database.
MOBProgs/	- This directory holds all the mobprogs