Name Elvenhame~
VNUMs 40100 40199
Credits Xyza~
Security 9
LevelRange 1 100

GuildMaster Master~
the Guildmaster~
Your Guildmaster stands here, patiently waiting to 
teach you.
G'hirjil D'Umordin regards you, reading your soul.
At his side is his most prized weapon, a scythe of 
great power, and his hands are ready to grab it in 
a flash. He wears a long dark robe, and daring to 
look closely at him, you see that he is a lichdrow.
ABGRV H -900 0
30 0 50d10+9500 8d6+28 8d6+28 none
-30 -30 -30 -30
E ABCD 0 0
stand stand male 3400
0 0 medium unknown
GuildMaster Master~
the Guildmaster~
Your Guildmaster stands here, patiently waiting to 
teach you.
He wears a colorful tunic and patchwork leggings.
In his hands is his most prized possession, a harp 
of gold, whose strings sparkle in the torchlight.
ABGV H 900 0
30 0 50d10+9500 8d6+28 8d6+28 none
-30 -30 -30 -30
E ABCD 0 0
stand stand male 3400
0 0 medium unknown
the Guildmaster~
Your Guildmaster stands here, glowing with energies
he is channeling from the floor upon which he stands.
You feel a tingling as the Guildmaster summons 
forth a Vortex of Mystical Power. His robe sparks 
with flashing lights as he pulls in more and more 
energy from the world around him.
ABGRV H -900 0
30 0 50d10+9500 8d6+28 8d6+28 none
-30 -30 -30 -30
E ABCD 0 0
stand stand male 3400
0 0 medium unknown
GuildMaster Master WeaponsMaster Weapons~
the WeaponsMaster~
Your Guildmaster, the Master of Weapons, stands here, 
patiently waiting to teach you.
Tordril Thedrilson wears light but strong armor. 
On his head is a jeweled helm, a gift from an
elven queen. At his side is his most prized weapon,
an enchanted broadsword with a jeweled hilt. He
stands ready to grab it in a flash.
30 0 50d10+9500 8d6+28 8d6+28 none
-30 -30 -30 -30
E ABCD 0 0
stand stand male 3400
0 0 medium unknown
GuildMaster Master~
the Guildmaster~
Your Guildmaster stands here, morphing constantly.
He changes shape so often, you don't really know
what he'll be next, or if you're even looking at
him. Once in a while he looks like something
recognizable, an elf, or a drow, or a giant, or a
30 0 50d10+9500 8d6+28 8d6+28 none
-30 -30 -30 -30
E ABCD 0 0
stand stand male 3400
0 0 medium unknown
GuildMaster Master~
the Guildmaster~
Your Guildmaster stands here, scowling at the thought
of Paladins roaming the world.
Your Guildmaster stands here, patiently waiting to 
teach you the dark arts and skills needed to combat
those cleric-warriors known as Paladins, whose sole
purpose in life appears to be to destroy all that
do not walk in the light. He wears dark armor, 
bloodstained in a few places, and his huge axe is
within ready reach.
ABGQV H -1000 0
30 0 50d10+9500 8d6+28 8d6+28 none
-30 -30 -30 -30
E ABCD 0 0
stand stand male 3400
0 0 medium unknown
GuildMaster Master Paladin~
the Guildmaster~
Your Guildmaster stands here, patiently waiting to 
teach you.
The Guildmaster stands here, patiently waiting to 
teach you spells and skills tried and tested against
those who would bring darkness upon the world. So 
bright is his armor that you think it glows of its
own inner light. His longsword is engraved with
magical runes of power, its hilt sparkling with
diamonds and rubies.
ABGQV H 1000 0
30 0 50d10+9500 8d6+28 8d6+28 none
-30 -30 -30 -30
E ABCD 0 0
stand stand male 3400
0 0 medium unknown
GuildMaster Master~
the Guildmaster~
Your Guildmaster stands here quietly praying. 
The Guildmaster quietly prays to his god that 
you will learn much and please the powers that 
be. He wears clerical robes, and on his head is
a mitre. The beatific look on his face tells you
at once that he is at one with his god.
30 0 50d10+9500 8d6+28 8d6+28 none
-30 -30 -30 -30
E ABCD 0 0
stand stand male 3400
0 0 medium unknown
GuildMaster Master~
the Guildmaster~
Your Guildmaster hovers here.
The Guildmaster hovers here, patiently waiting to 
teach you something new in the black arts. You look 
at him and see that he is nearly entirely cloaked
from your sight, but you vaguely make out the features
of the dreaded lichdrow. You will learn... yes, you
will learn...
ABGRV H -1000 0
30 0 50d10+9500 8d6+28 8d6+28 none
-30 -30 -30 -30
E ABCD 0 0
sit sit male 3400
0 0 medium unknown
the Guildmaster~
Your Guildmaster sits with his back against the
The Guildmaster has learned the wisdom of keeping
the wall to his back, for it prevents a backstab.
He regards you with shifty eyes, one hand absently
twirling his moustache, knowing at all times who is
where in his guild. His clothing is fashionable but 
not gaudy. 
ABGV H -900 0
30 0 50d10+9500 8d6+28 8d6+28 none
-30 -30 -30 -30
E ABCD 0 0
stand stand male 3400
0 0 medium unknown
the Guildmaster~
Your Guildmaster adjusts the settings on the telescope.
The GuildMaster wears a dark blue robe with silver
moons and stars. Partially covering his grey hair
is a small matching cap. Peeking out from many pockets
in his robe are scrolls and a compass. A small telescope
also threatens to fall out of one of his pockets.
30 0 50d10+9500 8d6+28 8d6+28 none
-30 -30 -30 -30
E ABCD 0 0
stand stand male 3400
0 0 medium unknown
the Guildmaster~
Your Guildmaster stands here, patiently waiting to 
teach you.
The Guildmaster stands here, patiently waiting to 
teach you something new. At his side is his most 
prized weapon, and his hands are ready to grab it 
in a flash. 
ABGV H -900 0
30 0 50d10+9500 8d6+28 8d6+28 none
-30 -30 -30 -30
E ABCD 0 0
stand stand male 3400
0 0 medium unknown
Bank President Banker~
the President of the Bank~
The President of the Bank hopes you will deposit more gold.
Wearing conservative clothing, the President of the Bank is
here to see that the tellers treat the bank customers with
courtesy (and also that they do not embe401le). He is a grey-
elf, welcoming all to the bank.
ABGTV Hc 0 0
50 0 50d10+4500 8d6+28 5d8+19 none
-30 -30 -30 -30
stand stand male 5000
0 0 medium unknown
cityguard guard captain~
the Captain of the City Guard~
The Captain of the City Guard sits at his cluttered desk.
Wearing the uniform of a captain of the City Guard, he 
looks up from his work and wonders what crime you wish
to report.
ABGTV 0 0 0
40 0 15d10+1850 1d1+400 4d8+13 none
-13 -13 -13 -13
sit sit male 500
0 0 medium unknown
cityguard guard~
the Cityguard~
The Cityguard stands ready to defend the lawful.
He looks watchful and alert. Better be careful.
AGTV 0 0 0
30 0 6d12+853 1d1+400 4d6+8 none
-9 -9 -9 -9
CFT 0 EG 0
stand stand male 200
0 0 medium unknown
cityguard guard patroller~
the Cityguard Patroller~
The Cityguard Patroller searches for criminals.
He looks watchful and alert, his eyes icy, his
demeanor no-nonsense. 
AGTV 0 0 0
30 0 6d12+853 1d1+400 4d6+8 none
-9 -9 -9 -9
CFT 0 EG 0
stand stand male 200
0 0 medium unknown
cityguard gate guard gateguard~
the Gate Guard~
The Gate Guard stands watch against invaders.
He watches the gate and those who enter and leave
the city, hoping to stop troublemakers before they
get too far into the city.
AGTV 0 0 0
30 0 6d12+853 1d1+400 4d6+8 none
-9 -9 -9 -9
CFT 0 EG 0
stand stand male 200
0 0 medium unknown
lieutenant cityguard guard~
the Lieutenant of the Cityguard~
The Lieutenant of the Cityguard stands here looking bored.
He looks like he hasn't been in a good fight in a long time.
Want to make his day?
AGTV 0 0 0
35 0 10d10+1300 1d1+400 4d7+11 none
-11 -11 -11 -11
CFT 0 EG 0
stand stand male 200
0 0 medium unknown
tavernkeeper barkeep blane~
Blane the Tavernkeeper~
Blane the Tavernkeeper prepares his special drinks.
He has a lean and hungry look, unexpected for one who works with
food and drink all day and all night, but Blane prepares drinks,
he has a cook who prepares the meals, and he is careful of his
figure because he likes the looks the local girls give him. He
never married, but word has it he once had a girlfriend and nearly
married her. It is also said that he is wise beyond his years (and
he has a lot of years on him) and will gladly spend a little time
giving people some training if they'll keep those gold pieces
coming and enjoy the drinks.
35 0 10d10+1300 1d1+400 4d7+11 none
-11 -11 -11 -11
stand stand male 1200
0 0 medium unknown
Ilse barmaid maid~
Ilse the Barmaid~
Ilse the Barmaid balances a tray of foaming beer mugs.
This shapely lass has been a barmaid for as long as anyone can
remember. Her welcome smile and low cut blouse make her a favorite
among the patrons of the tavern. Her blonde hair is braided and 
wrapped around her head, and her blue eyes sparkle with friendship.
ABGV 0 0 0
20 0 3d9+333 1d1+400 2d8+5 none
-4 -4 -4 -4
IJN 0 P 0
stand stand female 1000
0 0 medium unknown
Sam harpsichordist player~
Sam the harpsichord player~
Sam is sitting at the harpsichord waiting for your request.
An overweight human who has obviously spent more time sitting
at harpsichords in bars than exercising his muscles out on
adventures, Sam plays the instrument like a dream. His black
skin shines in the torchlight as his fingers lightly dance
over the keys. Whatever you ask him to play, don't ask him to 
play it again.
ABGV 0 0 0
10 0 2d7+121 1d1+200 1d8+1 none
1 1 1 1
sit sit male 200
0 0 medium unknown
Laslow gambler~
Laslow the gambler~
Laslow the gambler deals out the cards.
Tall, thin, pale, this man looks as though he hasn't seen much
sunlight. Indeed, look at his wrists, and you could swear he
has spent much time shackled in a prison cell. His clothes are
rumpled and his hair needs a brushing.
ABG 0 600 0
12 0 2d10+150 1d1+200 1d10+3 none
0 0 0 0
sit sit male 155
0 0 medium unknown
Frenschi gambler~
Frenschi the gambler~
Frenschi the gambler counts his winnings.
Frenschi has a short moustache and bushy eyebrows. His
pale skin reflects an aversion to sunlight. His brown
eyes dart here and there as he keeps track of everyone
at the table.
ABG 0 600 0
12 0 2d10+150 1d1+200 1d10+3 none
0 0 0 0
sit sit male 155
0 0 medium unknown
Jeaves the seller of servants~
Jeaves is here waiting to sell you a servant.
He is dressed neatly and formally, and has an air of 
superiority and wisdom about him.
ABGV 0 900 0
40 0 15d10+1850 1d1+400 4d8+13 none
-13 -13 -13 -13
sit sit male 1400
0 0 medium unknown
kitten cat pet~
the kitten~
A small loyal kitten with grey and black stripes is here.
The kitten looks like a cute, little, fierce fighter.
ABU 0 400 0
1 2 2d6+11 1d1+99 1d4+0 scratch
8 8 8 10
U 0 P H
stand stand either 1
0 0 tiny unknown
puppy dog pet~
the puppy~
A small loyal puppy with big brown eyes is here.
The puppy looks like a cute, little, fierce fighter.
ABJU F 400 0
3 2 4d6+25 1d1+99 1d6+0 bite
7 7 7 10
N 0 C 0
stand stand either 0
0 Q small unknown
doberman dog pet~
the doberman~
A large, loyal doberman is here.
The doberman looks like a strong, fierce, tenacious fighter.
ABJU F 400 0
7 3 6d10+60 1d1+149 2d4+1 bite
4 4 4 8
CDL 0 C 0
stand stand either 0
0 0 medium unknown
falcon bird pet~
the falcon~
A loyal falcon circles overhead.
The falcon looks like a strong, fierce fighter.
song bird~
12 3 6d10+130 1d1+99 2d5+3 claw
0 0 0 8
N 0 C 0
stand stand either 0
0 U small unknown
human mercenary~
the human mercenary~
A mercenary stands here waiting for a job.
You see an assassin down on his luck looking to be freelanced out.
ABJTU 0 0 0
15 0 3d9+208 1d1+200 2d6+3 pierce
-2 -2 -2 -5
stand stand male 5
0 0 medium unknown
dwarven mercenary~
the dwarven mercenary~
A dwarf stands here waiting to serve his master.
You see a warrior who thinks nothing of selling his services.
ABGJ 0 600 0
20 0 3d9+333 1d1+400 2d8+5 thwack
-4 -4 -4 -8
stand stand male 5
0 0 medium unknown
giant mercenary~
the giant mercenary~
A giant stands by awaiting his master's command.
You see a giant who will be loyal to his master... for a price.
ABGJ 0 0 0
30 0 6d12+853 1d1+200 3d10+12 smash
-9 -9 -9 -13
stand stand male 5
0 0 huge unknown
Thedril Saphorson mayor~
Thedril Saphorson, Mayor of Elvenhame~
Thedril Saphorson, Mayor of Elvenhame, is here.
He has been Mayor of Elvenhame nearly forever, or so most of the
citizens will tell you. You can tell he doesn't spend much time
sitting at his desk in City Hall, for he's much too lean and
muscular, obviously a man to take his exercise walking around the
city and greeting citizens. Nobody has yet caught him kissing a
baby, but then, there are very few babies out on the streets of
AGHT 0 0 0
48 2 15d10+1850 1d1+400 4d8+13 punch
-13 -13 -13 -14
stand stand male 1999
0 0 medium unknown
kitten cat~
the little kitten~
A tan kitten with blue eyes is here.
The kitten's ears are tipped with dark brown, as is
its nose. Its tail is entirely dark brown. It looks
soft and cuddly.
AU 0 200 0
3 2 2d6+51 1d1+99 1d6+0 scratch
5 5 5 2
U 0 P H
stand stand either 2
0 0 tiny unknown
alley cat alleycat~
the scrawny alleycat~
A scrawny alleycat searches for food.
It looks as though it hasn't eaten in days, and its
fur has lost that lustre you find on the fur of loved
pets. Plaintively it mews, hoping you have something 
for it to eat.
AU 0 200 0
6 2 2d7+80 1d1+99 1d7+1 scratch
4 4 4 4
U 0 P H
stand stand either 5
0 0 small unknown
drunk man~
the drunk~
The drunk wobbles as he walks.
He has liquor on his breath and bloodshot eyes.
AG 0 -100 0
12 0 2d10+150 1d1+200 1d10+3 none
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 90
0 0 medium unknown
shopkeeper man Kal'ille~
Kal'ille M'Gorn~
Kal'ille M'Gorn, the shopkeeper, waits for you to make up 
your mind.
He wipes the counter, dusts the shelves of goods, and
whistles a happy tune. Whenever you're ready, buy
something. He'll gladly stop cleaning to take your
gold and give you a necessity in return.
AGHTV 0 0 0
48 2 15d10+1850 1d1+400 4d8+13 punch
-13 -13 -13 -14
stand stand male 2400
0 0 medium unknown
citizen man~
a citizen~
An elvish citizen is here, wondering what you are looking at.
Wearing a green robe, this citizen appears to be one of the
many magic users who lives in the city. He does not much like
being stared at, and considers weaving a spell to keep you from
harming him. In hopes of preserving his mental power, he smiles
at you, hoping that you are friendly.
AGHR O 500 0
13 0 2d10+150 1d1+400 2d4+2 magic
-1 -1 -1 -3
stand stand male 100
0 0 medium unknown
citizen woman~
a citizen~
An elvish citizen is here, showing off her new robe.
She is very proud of the purple cloth and golden belt
and thinks it goes good with her eyes.
AGHR O 500 0
13 0 2d10+150 1d1+400 2d4+2 magic
-1 -1 -1 -3
stand stand female 75
0 0 medium unknown
elf child~
the elf child~
The elf child is here, playing with a toy.
The child is too busy playing to pay 
attention to you. 
AGH O 500 0
4 0 2d7+46 1d1+400 1d5+1 none
6 6 6 0
stand stand either 3
0 0 medium unknown
citizen man~
a citizen~
A drow citizen is here, wondering what you are looking at.
Wearing a red robe, this citizen appears to be one of the
many magic users who lives in the city. He does not much like
being stared at, and considers weaving a spell to keep you from
harming him. 
AGHR O -500 0
13 0 2d10+150 1d1+400 2d4+2 magic
-1 -1 -1 -3
stand stand male 100
0 0 medium unknown
citizen woman~
a citizen~
A drow citizen is here, showing off her new whip.
She is very proud of the snake-headed whip and can't wait
to see what kind of damage it does.
AGHR O -500 0
13 0 2d10+150 1d1+400 2d4+10 magic
-1 -1 -1 -3
stand stand female 175
0 0 medium unknown
drow child~
the drow child~
The drow child is here, playing with a toy.
The child is too busy playing to pay 
attention to you. 
AGH O -500 0
4 0 2d7+46 1d1+400 1d5+1 none
6 6 6 0
stand stand either 3
0 0 medium unknown
citizen man~
a citizen~
A grey-elven citizen is here, wondering what you are looking at.
Wearing a blue robe, this citizen appears to be one of the
many magic users who lives in the city. He does not much like
being stared at, and considers weaving a spell to keep you from
harming him. In hopes of preserving his mental power, he smiles
at you, hoping that you are friendly.
AGHR O 0 0
13 0 2d10+150 1d1+400 2d4+2 magic
-1 -1 -1 -3
stand stand male 140
0 0 medium unknown
citizen woman~
a citizen~
A grey-elven citizen is here, showing off her new robe.
She is very proud of the blue velvet robe and silver belt
and thinks it goes good with her eyes.
AGHR O 0 0
13 0 2d10+150 1d1+400 2d4+2 magic
-1 -1 -1 -3
stand stand female 125
0 0 medium unknown
grey-elven elf child~
the grey-elven child~
The grey-elven child is here, playing with a toy.
The child is too busy playing to pay 
attention to you. 
AGH O 0 0
4 0 2d7+46 1d1+400 1d5+3 none
6 6 6 0
stand stand either 3
0 0 medium unknown
De'Lyron P'Gille the butcher~
De'Lyron P'Gille the butcher is here waiting for your order.
He wields a mean meat cleaver, and the clean cut of his meat
is proof enough he knows how to use it.
ABGV 0 -900 0
40 0 15d10+1850 1d1+400 4d8+13 cleave
-13 -13 -13 -13
stand stand male 2000
0 0 medium unknown
Nech'lir blacksmith~
Nech'lir the blacksmith~
Nech'lir the blacksmith hammers the finishing touches on a vest.
This mighty drow is more muscular than most because of his calling
in life. The forge is his friend, the hammer an extension of his
arm. He appreciates fine armor and fine workmanship.
ABGV 0 -900 0
40 0 15d10+1850 1d1+400 4d8+13 pound
-13 -13 -13 -13
stand stand male 2000
0 0 medium unknown
Sarn'otha jeweller~
Sarn'otha Vent'Mir the jeweller~
Sarn'otha Vent'Mir, the jeweller, stands behind the counter.
The jeweller looks older than old, unusual for one of the drowish
race. Her black skin is wrinkled, her white hair without the lively
lustre seen on most drow manes. She wears a light blue tunic, dark
blue leggings, and a necklace of brilliant sapphires. For a moment
she is busy looking at a gem under a magnifying lens. Then she
notices you are at the counter and looks up, hoping you will buy
something from her.
ABGV 0 -900 0
40 0 15d10+1850 1d1+400 4d8+13 pound
-13 -13 -13 -13
stand stand female 2000
0 0 medium unknown
Gethnir'Rah weaponssmith~
Gethnir'Rah F'nith the weaponsmith~
Gethnir'Rah F'nith, the weaponsmith, beats upon the metal of a 
newly formed blade.
The weaponsmith has bulging muscles and his skin glistens with
sweat. Unusual for an elf, but this one is dedicated to the
making of weapons and blades. His skin is ruddy from exposure
to the flames of his forge. One arm is white-scarred with what 
looks like cuts from sword battles, but his bare chest and 
other arm are free of blemish. Gethnir'Rah F'nith looks up at
you absently and wonders if he should return to his work or
sell you something.
ABGV 0 900 0
40 0 15d10+2050 1d1+400 4d8+13 pound
-13 -13 -13 -13
stand stand male 2000
0 0 medium unknown
healer adept~
The Healer Adept~
The Healer Adept is here.
You see a grey-elven maiden with long reddish-brown hair tied
back with ribbons of every rainbow color. Her long robe shimmers.
She serves the Goddess of Magic by uttering magic spells which
heal and help others.
55 0 50d10+4500 1d1+400 5d8+14 divine
-20 -20 -20 -20
stand stand female 5000
0 0 medium unknown
necromancer shopkeeper Xaixara~
The Necromancer-Alchemist~
The Necromancer-Alchemist is here brewing another potion.
You see a dark-elven maiden with long brown hair streaked
with gold. Unlike most drow, she has light skin and looks
more like a grey-elf or a light-elf. Her lavender eyes
spark with amusement as she brews a deep-red potion and 
sets it on the shelf behind her. At her throat is a tattoo
of a fiery-winged bird rising from flames. At her side in
a silver loop she has a long scythe etched with the runes
of five magics and glowing with a magical aura. Her black
robe is embroidered in silver with pictures of skulls. An
aura of knowledge and discipline surrounds her. Looking
closer, you realize that the nearly absolute beauty you
see of her is illusion, covering the fact that she is a
ABGRV DHNUZc -1000 0
51 0 50d10+4500 1d1+400 5d8+14 acbite
-40 -40 -40 -40
stand stand female 10000
0 0 medium unknown

fountain water light~
the Fountain of Light~
(Good Aura) The Fountain of Light is here, offering water to the thirsty.~
fountain AGIOR 0
100000 100000 'water' 0 0
0 0 0 P
fountain water light~
This fountain was formed of a single huge piece of quartz.
An aura of goodness surrounds it. The water is clear and
fountain water magic lapis~
The Fountain of Magic~
The Fountain of Magic shoots clear water into the air.~
fountain ABGOR 0
100000 100000 'water' 0 0
0 0 0 P
fountain water magic lapis~
This fountain was formed of a single huge piece of lapis
lazuli. In the center of the fountain pool is a lapis 
statue of Xyza, Goddess Source of All Magic, dual streams 
of clear water shooting from her outstretched hands.
fountain blood darkness shadow gore~
the Fountain of Gore~
The Fountain of Gore is here, blood shooting up and falling back down into the pool.~
fountain CGOR 0
10000 10000 'blood' 0 0
0 0 0 P
fountain blood darkness shadow gore~
This fountain was formed of a single huge piece of obsidian
and its content is not water but blood, the blood of innocents
sacrificed to the evil gods. Around the outside of the pool
are carvings of demons torturing babies.
pit donation~
the donation pit~
The donation pit is here.~
container O 0
10000 0 0 1000 100
0 0 0 P
pit donation~
The donation pit in the Temple of Light receives articles
given for the use of those less fortunate, in hopes that
they will see the Light and follow the path of goodness.
pit donation~
the donation pit~
The donation pit is here.~
container O 0
10000 0 0 1000 100
0 0 0 P
pit donation~
The donation pit receives articles given for the use of
those less fortunate, in hopes that they will turn to
the ways of magic, tolerating all regardless of paths 
pit donation~
the donation pit~
The donation pit is here.~
container O 0
10000 0 0 1000 100
0 0 0 P
pit donation~
The donation pit receives articles given for sacrifice
to the gods of darkness and evil.
vest uniform~
City Guard vest~
Looks like a uniform vest on the floor here.~
armor 0 AD
-4 -4 -4 0 0
6 50 75 P
trousers uniform~
City Guard trousers~
A pile of cloth has been dumped on the floor.~
armor 0 AF
-4 -4 -4 0 0
6 60 80 P
helmet helm~
City Guard helmet~
The City Guard helmet shines with reflected light.~
armor 0 AE
-4 -4 -4 0 0
6 100 100 P
standard boots~
City Guard boots~
A pair of boots is here, shiny but worn.~
armor 0 AG
-4 -4 -4 0 0
6 110 100 P
standard armguards~
City Guard armguards~
A pair of armguards lies here neglected.~
armor 0 AI
-4 -4 -4 0 0
6 80 90 P
plain ring cityguard~
City Guard Ring~
A plain ring of pewter glints faintly on the floor.~
treasure G AB
0 0 0 0 0
6 10 500 P
2 1
4 1
standard shield~
City Guard shield~
A shield lies forgotten here.~
armor 0 AJ
-4 -4 -4 -4 2
6 120 400 P
citysword blade~
City Guard sword~
A nondescript blade lies here gathering dust.~
weapon G AN
sword 2 5 slash D
6 70 100 P
18 2
19 2
sword blade~
While it doesn't look like anything special, this
sword has a sharp blade and might yet be worth
something to someone if wielded.
shillelagh stick~
City Guard shillelagh~
A thick stick of oak lies here.~
weapon G AN
mace 2 6 smash 0
6 90 90 P
18 1
19 3
shillelagh stick club~
It's a little worn in places where its former owner
smashed the hard heads of some criminals in town.
standard chain mail chainmail~
City Guard chainmail~
You see a City Guard's chainmail vest.~
armor G AD
-5 -5 -5 -5 2
8 140 300 P
1 1
dashing cape~
a dashing City Guard cape~
You see a dashing City Guard cape neatly folded here.~
armor G AK
-5 -5 -5 -5 0
8 50 500 P
5 1
7 2
dashing cape~
There is something about this cape... You've seen them
before, on certain City Guardsmen... They always look
so dashing in them...
lieutenant sword~
City Guard Lieutenant Sword~
City Guard Lieutenant Sword is lying here.~
weapon G AN
sword 4 8 slice 0
8 100 1000 P
18 3
19 2
lieutenant helmet helm~
City Guard Lieutenant Helmet~
A shiny helmet lies here waiting to be used.~
armor G AE
-5 -5 -5 -5 2
8 130 2000 P
20 -5
captain helmet helm~
City Guard Captain's Helmet~
The City Guard Captain left his helmet here.~
armor G AE
-6 -6 -6 -6 2
10 140 2600 P
3 1
captain jacket~
City Guard Captain's Jacket~
The City Guard Captain left his jacket here.~
armor G AD
-6 -6 -6 -6 0
10 100 1900 P
2 1
4 1
5 1
captain cape blue~
blue City Guard Captain's Cape~
The City Guard Captain left his blue cape here.~
armor G AK
-6 -7 -7 -6 0
10 120 2300 P
1 1
captain gloves blue~
City Guard Captain's blue gloves~
A pair of pretty blue gloves is here.~
armor G AH
-6 -6 -6 -6 0
10 20 1000 P
2 1
golden scimitar captain~
City Guard Captain's Golden Scimitar~
A shiny golden scimitar waits to be bloodied.~
weapon G AN
sword 4 5 slice 0
10 80 2190 P
18 4
19 3
captain boots~
City Guard Captain's Boots~
A pair of worn boots sits here undisturbed.~
armor G AG
-6 -6 -6 -6 1
10 150 2900 P
13 10
14 25
captain striped trousers~
City Guard Captain's Striped Trousers~
A pair of striped trousers lay here in a heap.~
armor G AF
-6 -6 -6 -6 0
10 110 2600 P
2 1
13 10
20 -5
mug beer~
a foaming mug of beer~
A foaming mug of beer is here, chilled to perfection.~
drink N A
64 64 'beer' 0 0
5 40 25 P
flagon ale~
a flagon of ale~
A flagon of ale is here, waiting to be drunk.~
drink N A
64 64 'ale' 0 0
10 90 35 P
carafe elvish wine~
a carafe of fine elvish wine~
A carafe of fine elvish wine sits here.~
drink N A
64 64 'elvish wine' 0 0
15 120 90 P
goblet icewine~
a chilled goblet of icewine~
A chilled goblet of purple icewine is here.~
drink N A
64 64 'icewine' 0 0
20 110 110 P
signet-ring ring~
the Mayor's Signet-Ring~
A silver ring studded with emeralds lies here.~
armor GJK AB
-15 -14 -15 -16 0
50 10 6500 P
7 3
13 20
20 -9
signet-ring ring~
This silver ring looks flawless, close examination of 
the gems reveals that each gem, if not flawless, is 
nearly so.
tuxedo suit~
a tuxedo~
A suit of formal clothes is neatly laid out for use.~
armor GY AK
-10 -14 -14 -9 0
40 40 7000 P
4 1
7 2
17 -10
Although it is made of silk, it is a sturdy suit of clothing
and lends a certain debonair attitude to its wearer. It is
said that clothes maketh the man. Wear this and see how true
that old saying is.
canteen water~
a canteen of water~
You see a canteen of water here.~
drink N A
64 64 'water' 0 0
0 40 30 P
large sack~
a large canvas sack~
A large canvas sack is here.~
container N A
300 0 0 15 75
2 20 60 P
backpack leather~
a leather backpack~
A leather backpack is here.~
container N AD
700 0 0 25 100
10 60 120 P
sleeping bag sleepingbag~
a sleeping bag~
A quilted sleeping bag is here.~
furniture N A
30 200 200 P
sleeping bag sleepingbag~
It is made of quilted cotton filled with some
stuff that makes it warm to sleep in on a cold
night. There is a small label near the seam.
It says, 
            Capacity: 2 persons, 1000 lbs. 
            Weight: 20
            To use: Drop on floor/ground and
            rest or sleep on or in it.
            Manufacturer guarrantees nothing.
            WARNING: Flammable, keep away from
            lamps, torches, campfires, and 
            fire-breathing dragons.
bacon slice~
a slice of bacon~
A slice of bacon looks delicious.~
food N A
AC AC 0 0 0
0 10 20 P
link sausage~
a link of sausage~
A juicy link of sausage tempts you.~
food N A
D AC 0 0 0
0 10 35 P
spicy nuggets chicken~
some spicy chicken nuggets~
A plate of spicy chicken nuggets is here.~
food N A
BD D 0 0 0
5 30 75 P
pork ribs~
some port ribs~
A plate of steaming pork ribs is here.~
food N A
ACD ABD 0 0 0
8 30 75 P
barbecue brisket beef~
some strips of barbecue brisket~
You see a plateful of delicious barbecue brisket.~
food N A
ABCD ACD 0 0 0
10 40 75 P
veal tenders~
a plateful of veal tenders~
A plateful of veal tenders tempts you to eat.~
food N A
CE AE 0 0 0
15 40 99 P
chainmail vest~
a chainmail vest~
A vest is lying on the ground.~
armor N AD
-4 -4 -4 -4 2
5 150 290 P
scale mail jacket~
a scale mail jacket~
A scale mail jacket is gathering dust on the ground.~
armor N AD
-5 -5 -5 -5 2
6 160 350 P
chainmail skirt~
a chainmail skirt~
A chainmail skirt lies here.~
armor N AF
-5 -5 -5 -5 2
6 140 330 P
chainmail leggings~
a pair of chainmail leggings~
You see a pair of chainmail leggings on the ground.~
armor N AF
-5 -5 -5 -5 2
6 160 375 P
steel-toed steel boots~
a pair of steel-toed boots~
A pair of steel-toed boots lies neglected on the ground.~
armor N AG
-5 -5 -5 -4 1
6 110 340 P
steel reinforced gloves~
a pair of steel-reinforced gloves~
You see a pair of heavy gloves here.~
armor N AH
-3 -3 -3 -3 1
5 80 250 P
platemail jacket~
a jacket of platemail~
You see a heavy jacket on the floor.~
armor N AD
-7 -7 -7 -4 2
8 180 500 P
steel bracers~
a pair of plain steel bracers~
A couple of small hoops lie here.~
armor N AM
-2 -2 -2 -2 0
3 40 50 P
a sparkling ruby~
A small sparkling red stone is here.~
gem GN AO
0 0 0 0 0
10 10 1000 P
2 2
an emerald~
A polished green stone, emerald shaped, is sitting here.~
gem GN AO
0 0 0 0 0
14 10 1000 P
3 2
a sapphire~
A sapphire sparkles from its lowly position on the ground.~
gem GN AO
0 0 0 0 0
18 10 1300 P
4 1
12 20
a diamond~
A diamond glitters in the light.~
gem GN AO
0 0 0 0 0
23 10 2000 P
1 2
5 2
diamond ring~
a diamond engagement ring~
A diamond engagement ring is here.~
jewelry N AB
0 0 0 0 0
30 10 4000 P
7 1
golden bracelet gold~
a golden bracelet~
A small hoop of gold glitters here.~
jewelry N AM
0 0 0 0 0
15 30 1200 P
silver bracer~
a silver bracer~
You see a silver bracer on the ground.~
jewelry N AB
0 0 0 0 0
13 20 110 P
topaz collar~
a topaz-encrusted collar~
A collar encrusted with amber-hued gems glitters here.~
jewelry GN AB
0 0 0 0 0
25 40 14500 P
3 3
12 25
a dagger~
A dagger stands upright in the dirt here.~
weapon N AN
dagger 2 6 slice 0
3 30 60 P
knife sharp~
a sharp knife~
A sharp knife is here.~
weapon N AN
dagger 3 6 slash 0
4 40 90 P
short sword~
a short sword~
You see a short sword lying neglected in the dirt.~
weapon N AN
sword 8 4 bite 0
20 50 130 P
long sword longsword~
a longsword~
A longsword of iron lies on the ground.~
weapon N AN
sword 3 8 grep 0
9 90 250 P
small axe~
a small axe~
A small axe lies in a pool of blood.~
weapon N AN
axe 3 9 cleave 0
13 110 320 P
mace small~
a small mace~
A small mace leans against the wall.~
weapon N AN
mace 3 4 crush 0
8 100 280 P
a flail~
A flail lies neglected on the ground.~
weapon N AN
flail 3 5 none 0
9 90 240 P
whip leather~
a leather whip~
A long curled bit of leather lies here.~
weapon N AN
whip 4 4 whip 0
9 80 244 P
staff sturdy~
a sturdy staff~
A sturdy staff waits to be taken.~
weapon N AN
spear 4 4 thwack 0
11 120 300 P

Outside the East Gate of Elvenhame~
You are outside the East Gate of Elvenhame. To the
west is the gate itself.
0 0 city
Z 0 318
Z 0 40101
Inside the East Gate of Elvenhame~
You are inside the East Gate of Elvenhame. To the west is 
the Elven city, with its magnificent buildings and wonderful
plant life. To the east is wilderness. The gate itself is made
of a silvery metal, thick, with sparkling runes engraved upon
0 0 city
Z 0 40100
Z 0 40102
East Main Road~
You are on the eastern part of the Main Road in Elvenhame. 
Fiery-red-leafed maple trees line the road, at the bases of 
which grow small lavender flowers. To the east is the East 
0 0 city
Z -1 40101
Z -1 40103
East Main Road~
You are on the eastern part of the Main Road in Elvenhame. 
Fiery-red-leafed maple trees line the road, at the bases of 
which grow small lavender flowers.
0 0 city
Z -1 40102
ABZ -1 40196
Z -1 40104
East Main Road~
You are on the eastern part of the Main Road in Elvenhame. 
Fiery-red-leafed maple trees line the road, at the bases of 
which grow small lavender flowers. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40103
Z -1 40105
Guild Square~
Guild Square is the intersection of Main Road and Guild Road.
Lined with fiery-red-leaved maple trees and lavender flowers, 
this intersection is one of the busiest in Elvenhame. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40108
Z -1 40104
Z -1 40111
Z -1 40106
East Main Road~
You are on the eastern part of the Main Road in Elvenhame. 
Fiery-red-leafed maple trees line the road, at the bases of 
which grow small lavender flowers.
0 0 city
Z -1 40105
Z -1 40107
East Main Street~
You are on the eastern part of the Main Road in Elvenhame. 
Fiery-red-leafed maple trees line the road, at the bases of 
which grow small lavender flowers. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40106
Z -1 40121
Guild Road~
You are on Guild Road. East you see a newly painted building 
surrounded by little blue and red flowers, the Music Guild. 
West you see a dark building surrounded by wild flowers and 
poorly landscaped, the Necromancers' Guild.
0 0 city
Z -1 40109
Z -1 40116
Z -1 40105
Z -1 40115
Guild Road~
You are on Guild Road. The road is lined with fiery-red 
leaved maple trees and lavender flowers. To the east is 
a store with a large sign on the door.
0 0 city

               (watch this space)
Z -1 40110
ABZ -1 40167
Z -1 40108
Guild Road~
You are on Guild Road. The road is lined with fiery-red 
leaved maple trees and lavender flowers. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40169
Z -1 40191
Z -1 40109
Guild Road~
You are on Guild Road. The road is lined with fiery-leaved 
maple trees and lavender flowers.
0 0 city
Z -1 40105
Z -1 40118
Z -1 40112
Z -1 40117
Guild Road~
You are on Guild Road. The road is lined with fiery-red 
leaved maple trees and lavender flowers. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40111
Z -1 40113
Guild Road~
You are on Guild Road. The road is lined with fiery-red 
leaved maple trees and lavender flowers. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40112
Z -1 40120
Z -1 40114
Z -1 40119
Guild Road~
You are on Guild Road. The road is lined with fiery-red 
leaved maple trees and small lavender flowers. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40113
The Necromancer's Guild~
Darkness, gloom, the stench of rotting bodies, fresh and old
blood, formaldehyde and embalming fluids... Bodies in a 
corner, parts of bodies in another corner... Several tables 
with corpses and experimenting Necromancers... G'hirjil 
D'Umordin, Drow Guildmaster and Lich Lord, prepares to teach 
you another lesson in the Art of Death and Undeath... 
0 ADK inside
Z -1 40108
Music Guild~
Drunken revelry abounds in this happy place as one or another
bard breaks into song, plays an instrument, or dares to drink
another under the table.
0 DK inside
Z -1 40108
The Channellers' Guild~
The walls are magically protected from sudden outbursts of 
energy. The entire room glows. In the center of the room, 
your Guildmaster forms a ball of energy and levitates it, 
sending it flying around the room.
0 D inside
Z -1 40111
The WeaponMaster's School~
Walls of stained brown hardwood, adorned with weapons, is
what first catches your eye when you enter your guildhouse.
Axes, long swords, scimitars gleam in the torchlight. Mats
cover the floor. Some warriors are practicing tripping and
kicking techniques, others are fencing with different 
blades. Farther back, you see a class in the art of axe
fighting, and another in the art of the mace/club and 
flail/whip. Tordril Thedrilson, the Guildmaster, knows all
weapons and all techniques.
0 D inside
Z -1 40111
Changeling Guild~
The walls of your guild are always changing color, a
kaleidoscope of pattern and lack of pattern. Looking around,
you see furniture in the room... or do you? Nothing stays 
the same for very long, and what was once a sofa now 
resembles an end-table, now a straight-chair, now a divan...
0 D inside
Z -1 40113
Anti-Paladins' Guild~
Instruments of torture adorn the walls except for one ancient
harpsichord in a far corner. Atop the harp box are the 
skeletal remains of the last music guildmaster to ever bring
a tuning fork near this instrument. The Anti-Paladin 
Guildmaster eagerly awaits the next Anti-Paladin who wishes 
to learn some new fighting skill or magical torture method.
0 D inside
Z -1 40113
East Main Road~
You are on the main road in Elvenhame. This stretch of road 
is lined with dark green leafed trees offset with dainty 
white and pink flowers. At the base of these trees are Elven 
Paint Brush flowers, a native strain.
0 0 city
* Looking east on Main Road
Z -1 40107
Z -1 40122
East Main Road~
You are on the main road in Elvenham. This stretch of road 
is lined with dark green leafed trees offset with dainty 
white and pink flowers. At the base of these trees are Elven
Paint Brush flowers, a native strain. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40140
Z -1 40121
Z -1 40143
Z -1 40123
East Main Road~
You are on the main road in Elvenhame. This stretch of road 
is lined with dark green leafed trees offset with dainty 
white and pink flowers. At the base of these trees are Elven
Paint Brush flowers, a native strain.
0 0 city
Z -1 40141
Z -1 40122
Z -1 40142
Z -1 40124
Center Square~
Center Square is one of the busiest intersections in
Elvenhame. It is equidistant from the fountains and the 
temples in the center of the city.
0 0 city
Z -1 40132
Z -1 40123
Z -1 40128
Z -1 40125
West Main Road~
You are on the main road in Elvenhame. This stretch of road 
is lined with dark green leafed trees offset with dainty 
white and pink flowers. At the base of these trees are Elven
Paint Brush flowers, a native strain. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40124
Z -1 40146
Z -1 40126
West Main Road~
The trees that line this stretch of road arch over it, 
forming a dark green tunnel. It is cooler here than on the 
more open portions of road, although on very sunny days a 
ray or two of sunshine may penetrate and kiss the road. 
0 A city
Z -1 40179
Z -1 40125
Z -1 40149
Z -1 40127
West Main Road~
The trees that line this stretch of road arch over it,
forming a dark green tunnel. It is cooler here than on the 
more open portions of road, although on very sunny days a 
ray or two of sunshine may penetrate and kiss the road.
0 A city
Z -1 40180
Z -1 40126
Z -1 40182
Z -1 40151
Middle Road (South)~
The road is lined with nice trees, green leaved, pink flowered. 
At the bases of the trees are tiny blood-red flowers.
0 0 city
Z -1 40124
Z -1 40142
Z -1 40129
Z -1 40146
Middle Road (south)~
You are on a road lined with dark green leafed trees offset 
with dainty white and pink flowers. At the base of the trees
are Elven Paint Brush flowers, a native strain. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40128
Z -1 40145
Z -1 40130
Z -1 40147
Middle Road (south)~
When the weather is bright this stretch of road is bathed in
sunlight. No trees line the road, but flowers, lots of 
flowers. Every color of the rainbow is represented. You even 
recognize some herbs among them. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40129
Z -1 40136
Z -1 40131
Z -1 40137
Middle Road (south)~
This stretch of the road is neatly landscaped with trimmed
green shrubbery.
0 0 city
Z -1 40130
Z -1 40177
Z -1 40159
Middle Road (north)~
When the weather is bright this stretch of road is bathed in
sunlight. No trees line the road, but flowers of every color
of the rainbow. You even recognize some herbs among them. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40133
Z -1 40141
Z -1 40124
Z -1 40150
Middle Road (north)~
When the weather is bright this stretch of road is bathed in
sunlight. No trees line the road, but flowers of every color
of the rainbow. You even recognize some herbs among them. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40134
Z -1 40138
Z -1 40132
Middle Road (north)~
When the weather is bright this stretch of road is bathed in 
sunlight. No trees line the road, but flowers of every color 
of the rainbow. You even recognize some herbs among them. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40162
Z -1 40135
Z -1 40133
Paladin Guild Hall~
A combination of weaponry and sacred objects decorate the 
walls here. Scullery pages polish the white tile floor while 
apprentices prepare to go into the city to help those in 
need. Paladins of every rank, awaiting lessons with the
Paladin Guildmaster, do what they can to improve the looks 
of the place.
0 DK inside
Z -1 40138
Z -1 40134
The Sanctuary (Clerics' Guild)~
The plain wooden altar at the far wall catches your eye. On 
either side, torches burn, flames of red, blue and green 
casting dancing light upon it. Incense fills the room. Along
the walls are stained glass windows depicting various gods/
goddesses and their holy symbols. The Guildmaster patiently 
waits for the next young cleric to request a lesson in the
ways of the gods and their magic. 
0 DK inside
Z -1 40145
Z -1 40130
The Cave (NightWalkers' Guild)~
Darkness rules here. You can hardly see anything but shadows.
The walls are adorned with weapons which you cannot see 
without a light source or infravision, and even then, you 
must strain to discern what they are. Your Guildmaster is 
cloaked in shadow, difficult to see, but aware of your 
presence and awaiting your request for another lesson.
0 AD inside
Z -1 40147
Z -1 40130
The Temple of Light~
This building of gold is golden bright on the inside as well
as on the outside. Here acolytes keep the candles burning 
brightly. Bright stained glass windows celebrate the sunshine
and life itself, some devoted to plant life and some to 
animal life. The stone beneath your feet is of light marble.
0 D inside
Z -1 40135
Z -1 40139
Z -1 40141
Z -1 40133
The Altar of Light~
The golden Altar of Light sits in the center of this bright 
room. Stained glass windows adorn the walls, each depicting 
different races of beings who walk in the light. On every 
wall are braziers of bright flame, lightening everything. 
Looking up, you see that the ceiling is made of a transparent
substance, allowing the sky to show through, allowing the
sun, on a good day, to shine in. Beneath your feet, the 
floor is made of light marble. A pit of granite for receiving
donations for the poor is located near the altar.
0 D inside
Z -1 40140
Z -1 40138
The Temple of Light~
This building of gold is golden bright on the inside as well
as on the outside. Here acolytes keep the candles burning 
brightly. Bright stained glass windows celebrate the sunshine
and life itself, some devoted to plant life and some to 
animal life. The stone beneath your feet is of light marble.
0 CD inside
Z -1 40139
Z -1 40122
Z -1 40141
By the Fountain of Light~
In the center of this bright room is a fountain of rare
beauty. Cool crystal clear water shoots into the air and
sprinkles down into a pool encased by white quartz. The
stone beneath your feet is light marble. 
0 D inside
Z -1 40138
Z -1 40140
Z -1 40123
Z -1 40132
The Fountain of Magic~
You stand before the Lapis Fountain in the temple square. In 
the center of the fountain pool is a lapis statue of Xyza, 
dual streams of water shooting from her outstretched hands. 
Your feet on granite, you gaze at the high shooting water 
and feel the cool wetness as a breeze blows it in your face. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40123
Z -1 40143
Z -1 40145
Z -1 40128
The Temple of Magic~
The Temple of Magic, while constructed of a grey granite on 
the outside, is walled with smooth lapis lazuli. Stained 
glass windows depict various magic spells being used by
different mages. Runic lettering at the bottom of each 
window tell the exact incantation and what it does, but 
nowhere is there a guide to pronunciation. 
0 D inside
Z -1 40122
Z -1 40144
Z -1 40142
By the Altar of Magic~
The lapis lazuli Altar sits in the middle of a room filled 
with a soft violet glow. The stained glass windows on the 
upper walls, each depicting magicians using spells, do not 
hold the eye as does the Altar. Upon the Altar are four 
objects. The entire Altar and its contents are bathed in a 
golden glow. North and west are more of the Temple. A granite
donation pit is located near the altar. 
0 D inside
four objects~
On the Altar are a chunk of granite, finely polished and 
glittering, a chalice of clear water, a lit candle, its 
flame flickering in a soft breeze, and a clear globe inside 
of which you see sparks and tiny bolts of lightning.
Z -1 40143
Z -1 40145
The Temple of Magic~
The Temple of Magic, while constructed of a grey granite on 
the outside, is walled with smooth lapis lazuli. Stained 
glass windows depict various magic spells being used by
different mages. Runic lettering at the bottom of each 
window tell the exact incantation and what it does, but 
nowhere is there a guide to pronunciation. 
0 D inside
Z -1 40142
Z -1 40144
Z -1 40136
Z -1 40129
The Fountain of Gore~
Blood shoots up from the obsidian demon's maw in the middle 
of this dark fountain in the temple square. The stone beneath
your feet is basalt, and the whole place reeks of evil. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40125
Z -1 40128
Z -1 40147
Z -1 40149
The Temple of Darkness~
It is so dark inside here that all is shadow, and only with 
a light source or infravision can you see anything. Evenso, 
an aura of evil permeates. The walls are carved with pictures
of tortures carried out against members of the goodly races,
and demons laughing -- at you?
0 AD inside
Z -1 40146
Z -1 40129
Z -1 40137
Z -1 40148
By the Altar of Shadows~
Surrounded by a black aura of evil, the Altar of Shadows 
seems to greedily suck in all available light. A statue of 
Styx Barvakis stands guard nearby, it, too, surrounded by a 
black aura of pure evil. The eyes of the statue seem to 
watch your every move. Hard to see what is north or east of
you, it's so dark... You have to move in here carefully,
for in the floor near the altar is a dark granite donation
pit, into which you really do not want to fall... 
0 AD inside
Z -1 40149
Z -1 40147
The Temple of Darkness~
The very walls of this place seem to drink in whatever light
shines here, and the atmosphere is purely shadow, purely 
evil. You strain to see carvings in the walls depicting 
demons and other fell creatures, tortures of the innocent, 
and up near the ceiling you *think* you see the face of Styx
Barvakis watching over all. It looks like a face, anyway...
0 AD inside
Z -1 40126
Z -1 40146
Z -1 40148
Guild of Thieves~
As guildhouses go, this guild is one of the richest and
most lavishly decorated. Tapestries adorn the walls. 
In one corner is a marble statue of a man on a rearing
horse, his blade drawn. At the tip of the blade is
someone's cap, resting until the thief who tossed it 
there retrieves it.
0 D inside
Z -1 40132
West Main Road~
The trees that line this stretch of road arch over it,
forming a dark green tunnel. It is cooler here than on the 
more open portions of road, although on very sunny days a 
ray or two of sunshine may penetrate and kiss the road. 
0 A city
Z -1 40184
Z -1 40127
Z -1 40186
Z -1 40152
West Main Road~
The trees that line this stretch of road arch over it,
forming a dark green tunnel. It is cooler here than on the 
more open portions of road, although on very sunny days a 
ray or two of sunshine may penetrate and kiss the road. 
0 A city
Z -1 40188
Z -1 40151
Z -1 40190
Z -1 40153
West Main Road~
The trees that line this stretch of road arch over it,
forming a dark green tunnel. It is cooler here than on the 
more open portions of road, although on very sunny days a 
ray or two of sunshine may penetrate and kiss the road.
0 A city
Z -1 40192
Z -1 40152
Z -1 40194
Z -1 40154
West Main Road~
The trees that line this stretch of road arch over it,
forming a dark green tunnel. It is cooler here than on the 
more open portions of road, although on very sunny days a 
ray or two of sunshine may penetrate and kiss the road. 
0 A city
Z -1 40153
Z -1 40155
West Main Road~
The trees that line this stretch of road arch over it,
forming a dark green tunnel. It is cooler here than on the 
more open portions of road, although on very sunny days a 
ray or two of sunshine may penetrate and kiss the road.
0 A city
Z -1 40154
Z -1 40156
West Main Road~
The trees that line this stretch of road arch over it,
forming a dark green tunnel. It is cooler here than on the 
more open portions of road, although on very sunny days a 
ray or two of sunshine may penetrate and kiss the road. To
the west you discern an end to the canopy of leaves.
0 A city
Z -1 40155
Z -1 40157
Inside the West Gate of Elvenhame~
To the east the road is dark, hidden in the shadows of the
tunnel caused by the arching of thich trees. To the west is
beyond the gate of the city, wilderness. The gate itself is
of a silvery metal, thick, and engraved with sparkling runes.
0 0 city
Z -1 40156
Z -1 40158
Outside the West Gate of Elvenhame~
You see the West Gate of Elvenhame, made of silver and bearing 
sparkling runic engravings. To the west is wilderness, to the 
east civilization as the elves know it. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40157
Z 0 1877
Middle Road (south)~
The road here is lined with wild flowers, indiginous to the area,
and well-loved by the elves who dwell in Elvenhame. Pinks and
yellows dominate, but you also see purples and reds and the
occasional blues.
0 0 city
Z -1 40131
Z -1 40160
Middle Road (south)~
The road here is lined with wild flowers, indiginous to the area,
and well-loved by the elves who dwell in Elvenhame. Pinks and
yellows dominate, but you also see purples and reds and the
occasional blues.
0 0 city
Z -1 40159
Z -1 40161
Inside the South Gate of Elvenhame~
The gate is made of a silvery metal, thick, and engraved
with sparkling runes. Beyond it to the south is wilderness.
To the north is the city of Elvenhame.
0 0 city
Z -1 40160
Middle Road (north)~
When the weather is bright this stretch of road is bathed in 
sunlight. No trees line the road, but flowers of every color 
of the rainbow. You even recognize some herbs among them. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40163
Z -1 40134
Middle Road (north)~
When the weather is bright this stretch of road is bathed in 
sunlight. No trees line the road, but flowers of every color 
of the rainbow. You even recognize some herbs among them. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40164
Z -1 40187
Z -1 40162
Z -1 40189
Middle Road (north)~
When the weather is bright this stretch of road is bathed in 
sunlight. No trees line the road, but flowers of every color 
of the rainbow. You even recognize some herbs among them. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40165
Z -1 40163
Inside the North Gate of Elvenhame~
The gate is of a silvery metal, thick, with sparkling runes
engraved upon it. To the north is wilderness, to the south
elven civilization.
0 0 city
Z -1 40166
Z -1 40164
Outside the North Gate of Elvenhame~
Beyond this gate to the south is elven civilization as we
know it, the city of the elves. To the north is wilderness.
0 0 city
Z -1 40165
Stradi's Various Instruments~
Along the walls and on shelves you see instruments, mostly
stringed instruments, but the occasional horn and drum are
also here. Stradi, the most famous maker of musical
instruments, plans to open his shop soon, but right now he
is much too busy fashioning yet another violin.
0 CD inside
ABZ -1 40109
Z -1 40168
The Workshop~
Here is where the magic happens. Here is where the famous
instrument maker, Stradi, fashions the most wonderful
stringed instruments ever played. A worktable houses 
several tools and a few partly constructed violins. On 
one wall three mandolins hang, their polished wood gleaming
in the torchlight. Against another wall two viols are 
leaning, much too large and heavy to hang or set on a table.
A set of shelves house various instrument cases and several
0 CD inside
Z -1 40167
Guild Road~
You are on Guild Road. To the north and south you see more 
of the road. The road is lined with fiery-red leaved maple 
trees and lavender flowers. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40170
Z -1 40193
Z -1 40110
Guild Road~
You are on Guild Road. The road is lined with fiery-red 
leaved maple trees and lavender flowers. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40171
Z -1 40169
Guild Road~
You are on Guild Road. The road is lined with fiery-red 
leaved maple trees and lavender flowers. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40172
Z -1 40170
Guild Road~
You are on Guild Road. The road is lined with fiery-red 
leaved maple trees and lavender flowers. 
0 0 city
Z -1 40173
Z -1 40171
Guild Road~
You are on Guild Road. The road is lined with fiery-red 
leaved maple trees and lavender flowers. To the east you 
see a tower, the great Observatory of the Astrologers.
0 0 city
Z -1 40174
Z -1 40172
Entrance to the Observatory (Astrologers Guild)~
You are at the entrance to the Observatory where the Astrologers
observe the movements in the heavens. On the walls are fine
tapestries depicting the most popular of constellations in the
night sky.
0 D inside
Z -1 40173
Z -1 40175
The Astrologers' Guild~
A laboratory of the mind this room is. Tables throughout the
room are filled with scrolls and fountain pens. You look at
one scroll and see the chart of the lunar eclipses. Another
scroll shows you a schedule of meteor storms. Looking at a
third scroll, you notice that this is someone's natal
horoscope, as yet unfinished because the astrologer drawing
it up has taken leave of the guild in order to see the
world below the dome of stars.
0 DM inside
Z -1 40176
Z -1 40174
The Observatory~
The massive telescope positioned to look at the heavens
takes up almost all the room here. In one corner is a
mobile depicting the universe as we know it today. The
astrologers keep it mostly dark in here so that they
may view the universe without much disturbance from the
civilized world as they know it.
0 AD inside
Z -1 40175
First Bank of Elvenhame~
The floor here is carpeted, and the walls are tastefully
decorated with tapestries of woodland, brook, and mountain
scenes. At least one teller is available for your financial
0 CD inside
Z -1 40131
Z -1 40178
The Bank Vault~
Here is where all the vault boxes of the bank are located.
0 AD inside
Z -1 40177
City Guard Headquarters~
A desk with a messy pile of scrolls and parchments sits in one
corner. On the walls are pictures of known criminals. A parchment
is nailed to one wall. 
0 D inside
.                  LAWS OF ELVENHAME

1. Thou shalt not murder another person within the city
   limits of Elvenhame. 
2. Looting corpses is strictly forbidden within the city
   limits of Elvenhame.
3. Especially commit not harmful acts upon another
   while on holy ground. Holy ground is the Temple of
   Light (and its altar room and fountain), the Temple
   of Xyza (and its altar room and fountain), and the
   Temple of Darkness (and its altar room and fountain).
   The gods themselves have been known to deal out 
   justice when their holy places have been so defiled.
4. Thou shalt not loot the pits at the holy places within
   the city limits of Elvenhame.
5. Thou shalt not steal within the city limits.

These laws be subject to change without notice.

                -- Thedril Saphorson
                   Mayor, Elvenhame
Z -1 40126
City Hall~
Here is the bastion of politics and getting things done slower
than necessary (if at all). The Mayor works here, and the city's
guardsmen get their paychecks here.
0 D inside
Z -1 40181
Z -1 40127
Registry Office~
Here is where all the scrolls containing all the information about 
who was born, who died, who married, etc., are located. Shelves and
shelves and shelves line the walls, and each of them crammed with
scrolls, some of them dusty and cobweb-ridden, others new. The whole
room is cluttered with stuff.
0 D inside
Z -1 40180
The Gaping Maw~
Of all the beer joints in all the cities in all the world, you
had to walk into this one. Elvenhame's centrally located tavern is
said to have the best drinks in the world, bar none. Blane the
barkeep has owned the place since its opening centuries ago, and
everyone expects he'll own it for more than a millenium. The bar
is centrally located, with tables surrounding it, and a dance floor
far to the south near the door to the back room.
0 D inside
Z -1 40127
Z -1 40183
The Back Room~
A private dining area with a dance floor, The Back Room of The
Gaping Maw tavern is the site of many a private party, mostly
of the gambling sort. The floor is carpeted in crimson and gold 
brocade, and tapestries adorn the walls. 
0 D inside
Z -1 40182
Thou Good and Faithful Servant, Inc.~
Here is where you may purchase pets to aid you, or mercenaries
who have put themselves up for hire. Animals have been trained
to obey, and the mercenaries have been schooled in the finer
arts of serving others.
0 DM inside
Z -1 40151
Obedience School~
Here is where the pets and mercenaries learn how to become
good and faithful servants to those who purchase their 
services. You don't belong here. Magically remove yourself
or pray that an Immortal mercifully transfers you to a
safer place.
0 CDNX inside
Necessities 'R' Us~
The shelves are full of the necessities of life. On the 
counter is a locked box and a small card. Behind the
counter is a parchment framed in oak.
0 D inside
It probably holds all the money earned today through the
sales of necessary items.
card small~
.           To Purchase an Item, type buy <item>
            To learn what is sold here, type list
.           You Are Respectfully Requested
                     To Track Mud
                      Shed Blood 
              In This Fine Establishment.

                         -- The Management
Z -1 40151
small house~
A small one-room house is all most elves need for shelter. This
one is nicely furnished with beds along the north wall and a 
fireplace with a nice counter nearby and butcher-block along the 
south wall. Above the fire is a metal construct which allows the
family which lives here to place pots, pans, and other cooking
vessels. The house door was left open because, well, the citizens
of Elvenhame expect that they are safe here and that there is
nothing to steal or harm.
0 D inside
Z -1 40163
The Butcher Block~
Along one wall is a long vat with a glass cover, magically
chilled. Inside it are different cuts of meat, some spiced
and some waiting to be spiced. On the counter is a small
card and a locked box. Behind the counter, hung on the wall,
is a faded, stained parchment.
0 D inside
It probably holds all the money earned today through the
sales of meat.
card small~
.           To Purchase an Item, type buy <item>
            To learn what is sold here, type list
.           You Are Respectfully Requested
                     To Track Mud
                      Shed Blood 
              In This Fine Establishment.

                         -- The Management
Z -1 40152
small house~
A small one-room house is all most elves need for shelter. This
one is nicely furnished with beds along the north wall and a 
fireplace with a nice counter nearby and butcher-block along the 
south wall. Above the fire is a metal construct which allows the
family which lives here to place pots, pans, and other cooking
vessels. The house door was left open because, well, the citizens
of Elvenhame expect that they are safe here and that there is
nothing to steal or harm.
0 D inside
Z -1 40163
The Armory~
The first thing you notice is the heat. This store is
hot. Very hot. By the far stone wall is a small forge,
where the blacksmith works, and everywhere else you
see piles of stuff: vests, leggings, boots, gloves,
armguards... The blacksmith has been busy. The counter
near the door is surprisingly clean. A locked box and
a card sit upon it.
0 D inside
It probably holds all the money earned today through the
sales of armor.
card small~
.           To Purchase an Item, type buy <item>
            To learn what is sold here, type list
Z -1 40152
small house~
A small one-room house is all most elves need for shelter. This
one is nicely furnished with beds along the north wall and a 
fireplace with a nice counter nearby and butcher-block along the 
south wall. Above the fire is a metal construct which allows the
family which lives here to place pots, pans, and other cooking
vessels. The house door was left open because, well, the citizens
of Elvenhame expect that they are safe here and that there is
nothing to steal or harm.
0 D inside
Z -1 40110
All That Glitters~
You have never seen so many riches in one place before,
although you have heard legends of dragons' hoards, their
mounds of gold and glittering jewels. In this shop the
jewels and gold are tastefully set out for viewing, most 
of them beyond your ability to purchase. Try to touch the
golden chalice encrusted with rubies and the protection
spell set upon it will burn your hand. A few affordable
pieces are displayed near the locked cash box, and a card
is displayed nearby.
0 D inside
It probably holds all the money earned today through the
sales of gems and jewelry.
card small~
.           To Purchase an Item, type buy <item>
            To learn what is sold here, type list
Z -1 40153
small house~
A small one-room house is all most elves need for shelter. This
one is nicely furnished with beds along the north wall and a 
fireplace with a nice counter nearby and butcher-block along the 
south wall. Above the fire is a metal construct which allows the
family which lives here to place pots, pans, and other cooking
vessels. The house door was left open because, well, the citizens
of Elvenhame expect that they are safe here and that there is
nothing to steal or harm.
0 D inside
Z -1 40169
He Who Lives By The Sword (R) Weapons Boutique~
The first thing you notice is the heat. This store is
hot. Very hot. By the far stone wall is a small forge,
where the weaponsmith works, and everywhere else you
see piles of swords, axes, daggers... some blades 
without hilts... On one wall is a collection of whips
and flails. The weaponsmith has been busy. The counter
near the door is surprisingly clean. A locked box and
a card sit upon it.
0 D inside
It probably holds all the money earned today through the
sales of weapons.
card small~
.           To Purchase an Item, type buy <item>
            To learn what is sold here, type list
Z -1 40153
small house~
A small one-room house is all most elves need for shelter. This
one is nicely furnished with beds along the north wall and a 
fireplace with a nice counter nearby and butcher-block along the 
south wall. Above the fire is a metal construct which allows the
family which lives here to place pots, pans, and other cooking
vessels. The house door was left open because, well, the citizens
of Elvenhame expect that they are safe here and that there is
nothing to steal or harm.
0 D inside
Z -1 40170
Necromancers' Supply Shoppe~
The room is dark, but for a small red-flamed candle on 
the counter. Shelves line the walls, shelves filled 
with wonderful things: vials and flasks of potions,
scrolls, wands. There is a card on the counter, and
a locked box.
0 AD inside
It probably holds all the money earned today through the
sales of potions, wands, and staves.
card small~
.           To Purchase an Item, type buy <item>
            To learn what is sold here, type list
ABZ -1 40103

M 40101 spec_cast_mage	* the Guildmaster
M 40103 spec_cast_mage	* the Guildmaster
M 40105 spec_cast_mage	* the Guildmaster
M 40106 spec_cast_cleric	* the Guildmaster
M 40107 spec_cast_cleric	* the Guildmaster
M 40108 spec_cast_cleric	* the Guildmaster
M 40109 spec_cast_mage	* the Guildmaster
M 40111 spec_cast_mage	* the Guildmaster
M 40132 spec_mayor	* Thedril Saphorson, Mayor of Elvenhame
M 40137 spec_cast_mage	* a citizen
M 40138 spec_cast_mage	* a citizen
M 40140 spec_cast_mage	* a citizen
M 40141 spec_cast_mage	* a citizen
M 40143 spec_cast_mage	* a citizen
M 40144 spec_cast_mage	* a citizen
M 40150 spec_cast_cleric	* The Healer Adept
M 40151 spec_cast_mage	* The Necromancer-Alchemist

D 0 40103 2 1	* East Main Road: door to the south: closed
D 0 40109 1 1	* Guild Road: door to the east: closed
D 0 40167 3 1	* Stradi's Various Instruments: door to the west: closed
D 0 40196 0 1	* Necromancers' Supply Shoppe: door to the north: closed
M 0 40117 11 40100 1	* the Gate Guard (Outside the East Gate of Elvenhame)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40114 0 16		*	City Guard sword: wielded
M 0 40116 11 40101 1	* the Cityguard Patroller (Inside the East Gate of Elvenhame)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40115 0 16		*	City Guard shillelagh: wielded
M 0 40117 11 40101 2	* the Gate Guard (Inside the East Gate of Elvenhame)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40114 0 16		*	City Guard sword: wielded
M 0 40117 11 40101 2	* the Gate Guard (Inside the East Gate of Elvenhame)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40114 0 16		*	City Guard sword: wielded
M 0 40115 10 40105 1	* the Cityguard (Guild Square)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40115 0 16		*	City Guard shillelagh: wielded
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40113 0 11		*	City Guard shield: as a shield
M 0 40133 4 40107 1	* the little kitten (East Main Street)
M 0 40116 11 40108 1	* the Cityguard Patroller (Guild Road)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40115 0 16		*	City Guard shillelagh: wielded
M 0 40116 11 40111 1	* the Cityguard Patroller (Guild Road)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40115 0 16		*	City Guard shillelagh: wielded
M 0 40116 11 40113 1	* the Cityguard Patroller (Guild Road)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40115 0 16		*	City Guard shillelagh: wielded
M 0 40101 1 40115 1	* the Guildmaster (The Necromancer's Guild)
M 0 40102 1 40116 1	* the Guildmaster (Music Guild)
M 0 40103 1 40117 1	* the Guildmaster (The Channellers' Guild)
M 0 40104 1 40118 1	* the WeaponsMaster (The WeaponMaster's School)
M 0 40105 1 40119 1	* the Guildmaster (Changeling Guild)
M 0 40106 1 40120 1	* the Guildmaster (Anti-Paladins' Guild)
M 0 40115 10 40124 1	* the Cityguard (Center Square)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40114 0 16		*	City Guard sword: wielded
M 0 40115 10 40126 1	* the Cityguard (West Main Road)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40115 0 16		*	City Guard shillelagh: wielded
M 0 40134 5 40129 1	* the scrawny alleycat (Middle Road (south))
M 0 40116 11 40130 1	* the Cityguard Patroller (Middle Road (south))
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40115 0 16		*	City Guard shillelagh: wielded
M 0 40115 10 40131 1	* the Cityguard (Middle Road (south))
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40114 0 16		*	City Guard sword: wielded
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40113 0 11		*	City Guard shield: as a shield
M 0 40116 11 40131 1	* the Cityguard Patroller (Middle Road (south))
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40115 0 16		*	City Guard shillelagh: wielded
M 0 40116 11 40132 1	* the Cityguard Patroller (Middle Road (north))
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40115 0 16		*	City Guard shillelagh: wielded
M 0 40133 4 40134 1	* the little kitten (Middle Road (north))
M 0 40107 1 40135 1	* the Guildmaster (Paladin Guild Hall)
M 0 40108 1 40136 1	* the Guildmaster (The Sanctuary (Clerics' Guild))
M 0 40109 1 40137 1	* the Guildmaster (The Cave (NightWalkers' Guild))
M 0 40115 10 40138 1	* the Cityguard (The Temple of Light)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40114 0 16		*	City Guard sword: wielded
O 0 40104 0 40139	* the donation pit (The Altar of Light)
M 0 40133 4 40141 1	* the little kitten (By the Fountain of Light)
O 0 40101 0 40141	* the Fountain of Light (By the Fountain of Light)
O 0 40102 0 40142	* The Fountain of Magic (The Fountain of Magic)
M 0 40115 10 40143 1	* the Cityguard (The Temple of Magic)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40115 0 16		*	City Guard shillelagh: wielded
M 0 40150 1 40144 1	* The Healer Adept (By the Altar of Magic)
O 0 40105 0 40144	* the donation pit (By the Altar of Magic)
M 0 40134 5 40146 1	* the scrawny alleycat (The Fountain of Gore)
O 0 40103 0 40146	* the Fountain of Gore (The Fountain of Gore)
O 0 40106 0 40148	* the donation pit (By the Altar of Shadows)
M 0 40115 10 40149 1	* the Cityguard (The Temple of Darkness)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40115 0 16		*	City Guard shillelagh: wielded
M 0 40110 1 40150 1	* the Guildmaster (Guild of Thieves)
M 0 40134 5 40151 1	* the scrawny alleycat (West Main Road)
M 0 40115 10 40153 1	* the Cityguard (West Main Road)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40114 0 16		*	City Guard sword: wielded
M 0 40116 11 40155 1	* the Cityguard Patroller (West Main Road)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40115 0 16		*	City Guard shillelagh: wielded
M 0 40116 11 40157 1	* the Cityguard Patroller (Inside the West Gate of Elvenhame)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40115 0 16		*	City Guard shillelagh: wielded
M 0 40117 11 40157 2	* the Gate Guard (Inside the West Gate of Elvenhame)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40114 0 16		*	City Guard sword: wielded
M 0 40117 11 40157 2	* the Gate Guard (Inside the West Gate of Elvenhame)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40114 0 16		*	City Guard sword: wielded
M 0 40117 11 40158 1	* the Gate Guard (Outside the West Gate of Elvenhame)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40114 0 16		*	City Guard sword: wielded
M 0 40116 11 40161 1	* the Cityguard Patroller (Inside the South Gate of Elvenhame)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40115 0 16		*	City Guard shillelagh: wielded
M 0 40117 11 40161 2	* the Gate Guard (Inside the South Gate of Elvenhame)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40114 0 16		*	City Guard sword: wielded
M 0 40117 11 40161 2	* the Gate Guard (Inside the South Gate of Elvenhame)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40114 0 16		*	City Guard sword: wielded
M 0 40133 4 40164 1	* the little kitten (Middle Road (north))
M 0 40116 11 40165 1	* the Cityguard Patroller (Inside the North Gate of Elvenhame)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40115 0 16		*	City Guard shillelagh: wielded
M 0 40117 11 40165 2	* the Gate Guard (Inside the North Gate of Elvenhame)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40114 0 16		*	City Guard sword: wielded
M 0 40117 11 40165 2	* the Gate Guard (Inside the North Gate of Elvenhame)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40114 0 16		*	City Guard sword: wielded
M 0 40117 11 40166 1	* the Gate Guard (Outside the North Gate of Elvenhame)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40114 0 16		*	City Guard sword: wielded
M 0 40134 5 40172 1	* the scrawny alleycat (Guild Road)
M 0 40111 1 40176 1	* the Guildmaster (The Observatory)
M 0 40113 1 40177 1	* the President of the Bank (First Bank of Elvenhame)
M 0 40115 10 40177 1	* the Cityguard (First Bank of Elvenhame)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40109 0 6		*	City Guard helmet: over the head
E 0 40111 0 10		*	City Guard armguards: on the arms
E 0 40115 0 16		*	City Guard shillelagh: wielded
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40113 0 11		*	City Guard shield: as a shield
M 0 40114 1 40179 1	* the Captain of the City Guard (City Guard Headquarters)
E 0 40120 0 6		*	City Guard Captain's Helmet: over the head
E 0 40121 0 5		*	City Guard Captain's Jacket: on the body
E 0 40122 0 12		*	blue City Guard Captain's Cape: about the shoulders
E 0 40123 0 9		*	City Guard Captain's blue gloves: on the hands
E 0 40124 0 16		*	City Guard Captain's Golden Scimitar: wielded
E 0 40125 0 8		*	City Guard Captain's Boots: on the feet
E 0 40126 0 7		*	City Guard Captain's Striped Trousers: on the legs
M 0 40115 10 40179 1	* the Cityguard (City Guard Headquarters)
E 0 40107 0 5		*	City Guard vest: on the body
E 0 40108 0 7		*	City Guard trousers: on the legs
E 0 40110 0 8		*	City Guard boots: on the feet
E 0 40112 0 1		*	City Guard Ring: on the left finger
E 0 40113 0 11		*	City Guard shield: as a shield
E 0 40114 0 16		*	City Guard sword: wielded
M 0 40118 2 40179 2	* the Lieutenant of the Cityguard (City Guard Headquarters)
E 0 40116 0 5		*	City Guard chainmail: on the body
E 0 40117 0 12		*	a dashing City Guard cape: about the shoulders
E 0 40118 0 16		*	City Guard Lieutenant Sword: wielded
E 0 40119 0 6		*	City Guard Lieutenant Helmet: over the head
M 0 40118 2 40179 2	* the Lieutenant of the Cityguard (City Guard Headquarters)
E 0 40116 0 5		*	City Guard chainmail: on the body
E 0 40117 0 12		*	a dashing City Guard cape: about the shoulders
E 0 40118 0 16		*	City Guard Lieutenant Sword: wielded
E 0 40119 0 6		*	City Guard Lieutenant Helmet: over the head
M 0 40134 5 40179 1	* the scrawny alleycat (City Guard Headquarters)
M 0 40132 1 40180 1	* Thedril Saphorson, Mayor of Elvenhame (City Hall)
E 0 40131 0 1		*	the Mayor's Signet-Ring: on the left finger
M 0 40119 1 40182 1	* Blane the Tavernkeeper (The Gaping Maw)
G 0 40127 0		*	a foaming mug of beer
G 0 40128 0		*	a flagon of ale
G 0 40129 0		*	a carafe of fine elvish wine
G 0 40130 0		*	a chilled goblet of icewine
M 0 40120 1 40182 1	* Ilse the Barmaid (The Gaping Maw)
M 0 40121 1 40182 1	* Sam the harpsichord player (The Gaping Maw)
M 0 40135 3 40182 3	* the drunk (The Gaping Maw)
M 0 40135 3 40182 3	* the drunk (The Gaping Maw)
M 0 40135 3 40182 3	* the drunk (The Gaping Maw)
M 0 40122 1 40183 1	* Laslow the gambler (The Back Room)
M 0 40123 1 40183 1	* Frenschi the gambler (The Back Room)
M 0 40124 1 40184 1	* Jeaves the seller of servants (Thou Good and Faithful Servant, Inc.)
E 0 40132 0 12		*	a tuxedo: about the shoulders
M 0 40125 1 40185 1	* the kitten (Obedience School)
M 0 40126 1 40185 1	* the puppy (Obedience School)
M 0 40127 1 40185 1	* the doberman (Obedience School)
M 0 40128 1 40185 1	* the falcon (Obedience School)
M 0 40129 1 40185 1	* the human mercenary (Obedience School)
M 0 40130 1 40185 1	* the dwarven mercenary (Obedience School)
M 0 40131 1 40185 1	* the giant mercenary (Obedience School)
M 0 40136 1 40186 1	* Kal'ille M'Gorn (Necessities 'R' Us)
G 0 40133 0		*	a canteen of water
G 0 40134 0		*	a large canvas sack
G 0 40135 0		*	a leather backpack
G 0 40136 0		*	a sleeping bag
M 0 40137 1 40187 1	* a citizen (small house)
M 0 40138 1 40187 1	* a citizen (small house)
M 0 40139 1 40187 1	* the elf child (small house)
M 0 40146 1 40188 1	* De'Lyron P'Gille the butcher (The Butcher Block)
G 0 40137 0		*	a slice of bacon
G 0 40138 0		*	a link of sausage
G 0 40139 0		*	some spicy chicken nuggets
G 0 40140 0		*	some port ribs
G 0 40141 0		*	some strips of barbecue brisket
G 0 40142 0		*	a plateful of veal tenders
M 0 40140 2 40189 1	* a citizen (small house)
M 0 40141 2 40189 1	* a citizen (small house)
M 0 40142 4 40189 1	* the drow child (small house)
M 0 40147 1 40190 1	* Nech'lir the blacksmith (The Armory)
G 0 40150 0		*	a pair of plain steel bracers
G 0 40148 0		*	a pair of steel-reinforced gloves
G 0 40143 0		*	a chainmail vest
G 0 40144 0		*	a scale mail jacket
G 0 40145 0		*	a chainmail skirt
G 0 40147 0		*	a pair of steel-toed boots
G 0 40146 0		*	a pair of chainmail leggings
G 0 40149 0		*	a jacket of platemail
M 0 40143 2 40191 1	* a citizen (small house)
M 0 40144 2 40191 1	* a citizen (small house)
M 0 40145 3 40191 1	* the grey-elven child (small house)
M 0 40148 1 40192 1	* Sarn'otha Vent'Mir the jeweller (All That Glitters)
G 0 40156 0		*	a golden bracelet
G 0 40151 0		*	a sparkling ruby
G 0 40152 0		*	an emerald
G 0 40157 0		*	a silver bracer
G 0 40153 0		*	a sapphire
G 0 40154 0		*	a diamond
G 0 40155 0		*	a diamond engagement ring
G 0 40158 0		*	a topaz-encrusted collar
M 0 40143 2 40193 1	* a citizen (small house)
M 0 40144 2 40193 1	* a citizen (small house)
M 0 40145 3 40193 2	* the grey-elven child (small house)
M 0 40145 3 40193 2	* the grey-elven child (small house)
M 0 40149 1 40194 1	* Gethnir'Rah F'nith the weaponsmith (He Who Lives By The Sword (R) Weapons Boutique)
G 0 40159 0		*	a dagger
G 0 40160 0		*	a sharp knife
G 0 40161 0		*	a short sword
G 0 40162 0		*	a longsword
G 0 40163 0		*	a small axe
G 0 40164 0		*	a small mace
G 0 40165 0		*	a flail
G 0 40166 0		*	a leather whip
G 0 40167 0		*	a sturdy staff
M 0 40140 2 40195 1	* a citizen (small house)
M 0 40141 2 40195 1	* a citizen (small house)
M 0 40142 4 40195 3	* the drow child (small house)
M 0 40142 4 40195 3	* the drow child (small house)
M 0 40142 4 40195 3	* the drow child (small house)
M 0 40151 1 40196 1	* The Necromancer-Alchemist (Necromancers' Supply Shoppe)

40119 2 10 28 30 33 105 50 0 23
40124 0 0 0 0 0 100 10 0 23
40136 1 15 17 0 0 100 30 5 20
40146 0 0 0 0 0 100 100 5 20
40147 9 11 0 0 0 110 25 5 20
40148 8 30 32 33 0 120 33 5 20
40149 5 30 0 0 0 110 33 5 20
40151 2 3 4 10 30 100 100 0 23

O 40118 5	* City Guard Lieutenant Sword
