Name Coliseum of Midgaard~
VNUMs 9400 9499
Credits Erebus~
Security 9
LevelRange 7 22
ResetMessage The roars of the crowd momentarily grow louder...~
Flags under_construction noquest~

dungeonkeeper keeper duergar dwarf~
the Dungeonkeeper~
The Dungeonkeeper is leaning against the table, snoozing lightly.
The Dungeonkeeper, a grey-skinned dwarf, is sprawled across the table,
half asleep.  His left hand tightly clutches a half filled mug of strong,
dark ale protectively.  
ABGL DFP -850 0
12 2 4d27+140 1d1+99 2d3+5 punch
1 1 1 2
CDEFK 0 0 0
rest stand male 287
0 0 medium unknown
M act 9408 gets a large keyring from a row of iron hooks.~
eye deep beholder~
{Rthe Eye of the Deep{x~
A huge red bulbous eye with pincers floats toward you.
The bulbous body of this beholder is covered with shrivelled, red skin. 
Two large crab-like pincers extend from beneath a gaping mouth, lined with
rows of sharp teeth.  Pincers clicking ominously as it floats near you,
watching your every move.  It hasn't moved to attack you...  Yet.  
ABGLYe DEFHJNOPVZblmpqst -450 0
97 45 45d75+27000 125d195+45000 15d15+135 magic
-100 -100 -100 -120
stand stand none 0
BG DFV medium unknown
F for MV
F par A
M act 9400 opens an obsidian casket.~
M act 9401 gets the Mask of Charon from an obsidian casket.~
gatekeeper guard minotaur~
the minotaur Gatekeeper~
A monstrous minotaur stands guard in front of the gates.
The Gatekeeper is responsible for making sure that everyone pays their
fare before entering the spectator stands.  He is also here to insure that
no-one enters the arena during a Death Match.  
ABGe DFJcs -325 0
65 10 55d25+5000 6d9+100 5d11+45 smash
-32 -32 -32 -6
stand stand male 350
0 0 large unknown
M bribe 9403 500~
M exit 9404 1~
M exit 9402 4~
vendor gnome~
a gnomish vendor~
An annoying little gnome is haggling with the gatekeeper.
This little gnome just won't give up.  In her most irritating sales
pitch, she's trying to convince the gatekeeper to buy a dozen bags of
peanuts.  He looks rather irate and surely wouldn't complain if someone were
to dispose of her.  
ABCG 0 -100 0
13 0 4d20+135 4d9+100 3d4+6 slap
2 2 2 5
FN 0 0 0
stand stand female 375
0 0 medium unknown
the drunk~
A filthy drunk staggers around blindly.
This guy reeks of alcohol.  Judging from the way he is walking, he
probably has more alcohol than blood in his system now.  
ACH 0 50 0
7 0 2d18+60 1d1+99 2d3+4 beating
6 6 6 10
ENU 0 0 C
stand stand male 125
0 0 medium unknown
woman fat~
a fat woman~
A fat woman is screaming for her champion.
A very fat woman is on her feet jumping up and down, cheering her
favorite Retiarus to impale his opponent.  
ABC 0 -700 0
12 0 3d25+100 1d1+99 3d4+3 slap
3 3 3 6
N 0 0 0
stand stand female 370
0 0 medium unknown
man lanky~
a lanky man~
A tall, lanky man howls with glee when another warrior falls.
This guy screams like a demon every time another warrior goes down.
What an ass he is.
AB 0 -650 0
13 0 4d25+110 1d9+100 3d5+2 punch
2 2 2 6
FN 0 0 I
stand stand male 410
0 0 medium unknown
girl mean kid~
a mean girl~
A mean little girl is throwing rocks at the gladiators.
This mean little girl is throwing rocks at the gladiators in the arena. 
Someone oughta teach her a lesson!  
ABH 0 -720 0
9 0 3d20+100 1d9+100 2d5+2 scratch
5 5 5 8
NU 0 0 E
stand stand female 125
0 0 small unknown
urchin streeturchin boy pick-pocket pickpocket~
a street urchin~
A street urchin is sneaking around picking pockets.
He's so small that you almost miss him.  Sneaking about in the shadows,
this little boy is picking the pockets of the spectators!  
ACHSU JPQ -950 0
10 2 5d19+105 0d0+0 3d4+3 punch
0 0 0 6
FHJN U 0 0
stand stand male 675
0 0 small unknown
woman nude~
a nude woman~
You catch a glimpse of brown skin through the steam.
As the steam clears momentarily, you catch a glimpse of a tanned woman,
with gorgeous long dark hair.  Giggling with her friends, she is TOTALLY
naked!  Oh boy...  *gulp* 
ABHe Q 800 0
11 2 3d21+95 1d1+100 1d10+4 slap
4 4 4 6
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium unknown
harem girl woman~
a harem girl~
A beautiful, scantily clad woman bats her eyelashes at you.
This dazzling young woman is reclining on a pile of silk pillows. 
Noticing your gaze, she bats her eyelashes and pats a pillow beside her
ABGH E 700 0
10 2 5d12+100 1d1+99 1d11+5 slap
4 4 4 5
rest rest female 489
0 0 medium unknown
giant storm stormgiant guard eunuch dalkreesis~
a stormgiant eunuch~
A humongous giant guards the victor's suite, naked blade in hand.
Before you stands one of the largest giants that you have ever seen.
He regards you impassively, as he stands guard in front of the victor's
suite.  The broadsword he wields is six feet long, and probably weighs over
fifty pounds, but it looks like a dagger in his huge hand.  
storm giant~
ABUe DF 750 0
15 2 7d35+200 1d1+99 3d5+5 crush
2 2 2 7
stand stand none 873
0 0 giant unknown
M exit 9406 1~
M bribe 9407 1~
man old fat~
a fat old man~
A fat old man is swimming lazily in the cold water.
A fat old man is swimming slowly around in the cold bathing pool.  His
skin is all shrivelled and wrinkled.  Thank god he's wearing a bathing suit.

ABe bd 100 0
17 -2 10d10+150 1d1+99 3d6+5 beating
0 0 0 5
DK 0 I 0
stand stand male 521
0 0 medium unknown
svirfneblin gnome masseur~
a gnomish masseur~
A short, dark-skinned gnome is waiting here to give you a massage.
This short gnome is an expert at relieving minor muscle aches and pains. 
He's also fairly skilled at healing, and is responsible for tending to the
injured gladiators.  
ABHe 0 185 0
16 2 5d25+170 5d25+300 3d3+5 chop
0 0 0 2
FHN 0 0 0
stand stand male 345
0 0 small unknown
lion scrawny~
a scrawny lion~
A scrawny lion pads around hoping for some fresh meat.
This scrawny beast hasn't been fed in a long time.  He's ravenously
hungry, and eyes you up like he would a cut of prime beef.  
AFGL J 215 0
17 3 7d32+215 1d1+99 4d4+5 scratch
-1 -1 -1 4
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium unknown
F act B
bear cavebear~
a ferocious cave bear~
A ferocious cave bear takes a swipe at you with her paw.
The bear growls at you, a deep throaty growl.  She may not have any cubs
with her, but she'll likely take your head off anyways.  
AFGL J 250 0
19 2 15d25+325 1d1+99 4d12+10 smash
-2 -2 -2 2
0 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 large unknown
dog wild~
a wild dog~
A shaggy brown dog barks at you menacingly.
A shaggy brown dog backs away from you, snapping and showing its fangs.  The hackles along the back of its neck are raised, and it looks ready for a fight.
A J 125 0
16 3 7d25+170 1d1+99 4d4+8 bite
0 0 0 6
0 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium unknown
basilisk angry~
an angry basilisk~
A basilisk lashes out wildly with its tail when it hears your footsteps.
A basilisk's most deadly weapon is it's gaze, which can turn creatures to
stone.  Knowing this, his captor's have gouged out his eyes, leaving him
blind and mindlessly enraged.  
AFGL Ac -500 0
19 3 7d45+220 1d1+99 4d6+8 whip
0 0 0 3
AM 0 0 0
stand stand male 0
0 0 medium unknown
tiger wounded~
a wounded tiger~
A fearfully wounded tiger lies here growling softly.
A long bloody gash runs down the tiger's left flank.  She was grievously
wounded in her last fight, and she snarls everytime someone passes too close
to her cage.  
AFGL Fs 375 0
18 4 30d9+250 1d1+99 4d5+3 claw
0 0 0 7
0 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium unknown
dragon young~
a young dragon~
A young dragon hisses threateningly and snaps her jaws.
This young dragon was taken from her mother's lair while she was yet a
hatchling.  The numerous battles in the arena in which she has been forced
to take part, have done nothing to improve her naturally foul disposition. 
red dragon~
ABFL Fis -320 0
20 2 20d10+500 10d25+450 4d8+10 claw
-2 -4 -4 0
ACM 0 0 I
stand stand female 2015
Z PQUVX large unknown
zebra frightened~
a frightened zebra~
A frightened zebra tries to run away from you.
This poor zebra is very frightened.  She can smell the carnivores and
hear them growling nearby.  Dashing back and forth, she searches for an
avenue of escape.  
AGHZ J 825 0
17 2 6d35+170 1d1+99 3d5+10 cleave
-1 -1 -1 2
0 0 0 0
stand stand female 0
0 0 medium unknown
prisoner condemned goblin~
a condemned prisoner~
A prisoner leaps to his feet and barges into you as he tries to escape.
This goblin has been sentenced to be executed at the end of the next
death match.  He thinks you've come for him, and he's got a crazy gleam in
his eye.  
ACF DPQ -735 0
16 2 3d55+165 1d1+99 4d4+8 punch
0 0 0 3
FJ 0 0 0
stand stand male 57
0 0 small unknown
rat brown packrat~
a {ybrown{x packrat~
A huge {ybrown{x rat regards you with evil red eyes.
This packrat stands as tall as a human man's kneecap.  It watches you
with evil red eyes, and seems to be grinning to itself.  
Ugh, look at those horrible yellow teeth!
ACGL JPQ -1000 0
8 2 3d20+80 1d1+99 2d3+4 bite
6 6 6 7
H 0 LQ H
stand stand either 376
0 0 medium unknown
F vul C
dignitary obese~
an obese dignitary~
A fat, slovenly dignitary lounges in his chair eating grapes.
An exceedingly fat man, with gold rings, necklaces, and an expensive
looking toga is seated on a throne.  He's eating a large bunch of grapes,
now, gobbling them down at an alarming rate.  
ABGHe d -750 0
15 0 5d25+150 0d0+0 3d4+7 slap
2 2 2 8
0 0 I BP
sit stand male 2391
0 0 medium unknown
wife woman~
the dignitary's wife~
A thin, shrewish woman is screeching for more blood.
The dark eyes of the dignitary's thin wife are fixed on the particularly
gory death of an unfortunate Thraex.  The smile on her face is perfectly
gleeful.  She screams at the top of her shrill voice for more blood. 
ABLR E -950 0
14 0 5d31+165 22d34+250 2d8+10 scratch
0 0 0 6
sit stand female 893
0 0 medium unknown
guard bodyguard frostgiant giant~
a frostgiant bodyguard~
A massive, blue-skinned bodyguard stands here.
Standing over 16 feet tall, this guard looks like he could crush most
anything simply by stepping on it.  He is heavily armed and armored, though,
and would prove a worthy opponent to the most powerful of warriors.  
frost giant~
ABGLe cd -665 0
16 1 7d35+180 1d1+99 3d4+4 crush
1 1 1 4
CEKP 0 0 0
stand stand male 665
0 0 medium unknown
thraex dwarf~
a stocky Thraex~
A squat, dwarven Thraex is battling for his life here.
Lightly armored in the standard equipment of a Thraex; round shield,
visored helmet, and hide vest, this dwarf has average mobility and average
attacking strength.  He is covered with blood, but you can't tell if it's
his own, or someone else's.  
ABG 0 785 0
20 5 10d33+280 1d1+100 4d5+10 punch
-3 -3 -3 3
CDIJKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 1534
0 0 medium unknown
retiarii halfelf half-elf~
a slim Retarii~
A slim, half-elven Retiarii circles his opponent warily.
The Retiarius' life depends on his quickness.  He wears little armor, and
carries only a trident and fishing net.  He must not fail the first cast of
his net, or he becomes vulnerable and falls easy prey...  
ABG 0 665 0
19 6 8d22+215 1d1+99 3d3+12 punch
-4 -4 -4 4
FHJN 0 0 0
stand stand male 1124
0 0 medium unknown
felar retiarii veteran~
a veteran Retiarii~
A victorious Retiarii twirls his trident and scans for a new opponent.
A gaunt feline face stares back at you, eyes blazing.  This Retiarii is
larger than most of his class, and is a veteran warrior.  He bears the scars
of many battle fought and won.  
AGL V -225 0
21 8 15d15+235 1d1+99 4d4+13 claw
-4 -4 -4 5
FHJKN 0 0 0
stand stand male 1285
0 0 medium unknown
murmillo draconian~
a muscular Murmillo~
A muscular, draconian Murmillo squares off with his foe.
This warrior is clad in the trappings of a Murmillo; shortsword, oblong
shield, and a visored helmet with a fish on the crest.  He holds his weapon
confidently and you can tell that he's skilled in its use.  
ABG Js -285 0
20 3 8d35+265 1d1+99 5d5+6 punch
-2 -2 -2 2
EFJK 0 0 0
stand stand male 1083
0 0 medium unknown
hoplomachus giant firegiant~
a humongous Hoplomachus~
a humongous, red-skinned giant stands here covered in gore.
This red-skinned monster is covered in heavy platemail.  His greatest
offense is his impenetrable defense, which he relies on as he steadily
advances on his foes to crush the life out of them.  
fire giant~
ABGL cd -950 0
23 1 20d30+400 1d1+99 5d6+12 crush
6 6 6 8
stand stand male 1673
0 0 huge unknown
giant cloudgiant hoplomachus~
a large Hoplomachus~
A pale-skinned giant calls out a challenge to combat.
This heavily armored giant is rather small for a giant and his flesh has
a strange, ethereal texture to it.  He shouts loudly a challenge to mortal
combat, but no-one has answered him yet.  
cloud giant~
AGL c -245 0
22 2 20d20+360 1d1+99 5d5+9 smash
4 4 4 7
stand stand male 1586
0 0 medium unknown
harem girl woman~
a harem girl~
A beautiful, scantily clad woman bats her eyelashes at you.
This dazzling young woman is reclining on a pile of silk pillows. 
Noticing your gaze, she bats her eyelashes and pats a pillow beside her
ABGH E 700 0
10 2 5d12+100 1d1+99 1d11+5 slap
4 4 4 5
rest rest female 489
0 0 medium unknown

pillar post wooden~
a wooden pillar~
trash O P
0 0 0 0 0
0 897921 3092 P
pillar post wooden~
Condemned criminals are sometimes chained to this pillar before
 the animals are released...
net fishingnet~
a fishing net~
This weighted fishing net looks perfect for ensnaring someone.~
wand G AO
28 5 5 'web' 0
13 155 324 P
3 2
2 -1
net fishingnet~
You see a light, hemp fishing net with lead weights along the edges.
a trident~
A long steel shaft with three prongs fixed on the end, lies here.~
weapon 0 AN
spear 2 14 thrust 0
20 165 321 P
19 1
18 3
row hooks iron~
a row of iron hooks~
container O P
100 E 0 100 100
1 0 10 P
row hooks iron~
Several rusted iron hooks are embedded into the stone wall.
pool water~
{Ba pool of water{x~
portal OT 0
0 0 0 9482 0
1 0 0 P
pool water~
Lillypads and other aquatic flowers are growing in the pool.  Staring
hard into the dark water, you can't even begin to see the bottom.
 This pool must be pretty deep...
casket obsidian black~
{Wan obsidian casket{x~
container CEOT P
100 AC 0 100 100
1 0 0 P
casket obsidian black~
The casket is made of pure obsidian, and probably weighs a couple of tons.
mask charon~
{Wthe Mask of Charon{x~
A heavy black stone mask lies here grinning at you.~
33 31 34 37 0
91 350 98212 P
13 265
18 16
19 13
1 8
5 8
peanuts bag~
a bag of peanuts~
food 0 A
ADE BDF 0 0 0
1 35 31 P
bag peanuts~
A large bag of roasted peanuts.  They look and smell delicious.
gauntlets spiked mail~
spiked mail gauntlets~
A shiny pair of spiked gauntlets are lying here.~
armor GI AH
20 23 20 15 0
65 135 5791 P
19 6
1 2
2 -3
gauntlets spiked mail~
Steel spikes protrude from the knuckles of this pair of mail gauntlets.
club wooden~
a heavy wooden club~
A heavy wooden club lies on the ground.~
weapon I AN
mace 5 17 blast F
65 270 7821 G
19 10
2 -5
club wooden~
You could smash someone's skull in with this club...if you can lift it.
sword bastard~
a HEAVY bastard sword~
A monstrous steel sword lies, gleaming dully in the light.~
weapon BI AN
sword 4 8 cleave F
16 552 4201 P
19 3
18 -3
sword bastard~
This titanic weapon is six feet long and feels like it weighs a ton. 
You'll need two hands to swing this thing!  
a loincloth~
A tan bathing suit lies here sopping wet.~
clothing M AF
0 0 0 0 0
5 135 341 P
14 -65
This owner of this loincloth was obviously a very large man.  It hangs
loosely around your waist and threatens to fall down around your ankles. 
vial spices~
a small vial of spices~
A tiny multicolored glass vial lies here.~
pill GI A
20 'mind light' 'refresh' 'cure light' 'cure poison'
7 22 7621 P
vial spices~
Blue, green, red and black spices fill this tiny vial.  It smells
positively wonderful.  
keys keyring~
a large keyring~
A large keyring lies here with several keys on it.~
key 0 AO
0 0 0 0 0
1 55 45 P
keys keyring~
A dozen iron keys.  With these you could get inside the beast cages!
longsword sword battered~
a battered longsword~
A battered longsword lies here, the blade nicked and scarred.~
weapon 0 AN
sword 3 3 slash 0
13 45 127 D
19 -5
longsword sword battered~
This longsword has seen a lot of rough use, and the edge is dull as a butterknife.
club knobbed wooden~
a knobbed club~
A short, knobbed wooden club lies here.~
weapon 0 AN
mace 2 6 pound 0
12 68 13 A
19 1
club knobbed wooden~
This heavy stick is covered with knots and would make a nice club.
oak table~
an oak table~
An old oak table with a single chair sits here.~
furniture O P
1 500 231 P
oak table chair~
A single battered wooden chair sits in front of this old oak table.
wire metal pick lockpick~
a lockpick~
A small stiff piece of wire lies almost missed it.~
key F AO
0 0 0 0 0
7 1 0 P
pick lockpick metal steel wire~
This short, stiff length of wire would be perfect for picking a lock!
tooth dragons dragon's~
a dragon's tooth~
A foot long razor sharp tooth lies here.~
weapon MQT AN
dagger 4 10 slash E
20 33 832 A
23 -5
18 2
19 4
bed fourposter~
a fourposter bed~
A huge, fourposter bed, with satin sheets sits against the far wall.~
furniture O P
1 100 12398 P
a voulge~
A heavy iron cleaver is fixed onto the end of this wooden pole.~
weapon EI AN
polearm 3 8 chop DF
16 580 765 P
2 -1
19 2
voulge wooden cleaver pole~
You see a long-shafted voulge, the cleaver sharpened to a razor's edge.
chainmail vest~
an iron chainmail vest~
A large, very heavy vest of iron chainmail lies here.~
armor 0 AD
1 5 4 3 0
16 870 3212 P
17 -3
13 25
chainmail iron~
Thick metal links interlock to form a heavy chainmail vest.
ring gold signet~
{Ya gold signet ring{x~
A {Yshiny gold signet ring{x lies on the ground.~
jewelry A AB
0 0 0 0 0
1 15 8723 P
20 -2
gold ring signet~
The symbol of a trident crossed with a sword adorns this gold ring.
toga robe purple~
{ma purple toga{x~
A bright {mpurple{x robe lies here.~
clothing 0 AK
0 0 0 0 0
10 57 13217 P
14 -15
toga purple robe~
This purple woolen toga must be worth a lot of money.
fingernails nails~
sharp fingernails~
Long, sharp, bloodstained fingernails are lying here.  Ewww!~
weapon EM AN
exotic 5 3 stab 0
14 1 -35 P
19 1
18 3
You see several long, sharp bloody fingernails.  You'd have to PAY
someone to take these off your hands.  
helmet bronze visored~
a visored helmet~
A visored bronze helmet lies here.~
armor 0 AE
7 7 7 3 0
20 138 872 P
17 -2
13 5
visored helmet bronze~
You see a sturdy bronze helmet, complete with visor.
shield bronze round~
a round shield~
An unremarkable bronze shield lies here.~
armor 0 AJ
7 7 7 4 0
20 113 867 G
17 -3
bronze round shield~
A plain bronze shield, scarred from use in battle, but still in good shape.
a curved sabre~
A two foot long curved sword lies here.~
weapon 0 AN
sword 5 5 slash 0
20 68 923 A
19 1
sabre sword curved~
This sabre is fairly sharp and would make a nice slashing weapon.
wristguard bronze~
an elbowlength wristguard~
A shiny bronze wristguard lies here.~
armor 0 AM
5 4 5 3 0
18 93 652 A
17 -3
13 18
wristguard bronze~
This light wristguard wraps tightly around the forearm and extends fully
 to the elbow.
helmet bronze visored fish~
a visored helmet~
A visored bronze helmet with a fish crest lies here.~
armor 0 AE
7 7 7 3 0
20 138 1013 P
17 -2
14 35
visored helmet bronze fish crest~
A bronze fish fin adorns the crest of this visored helmet.
shield bronze oblong~
an oblong shield~
An unremarkable oblong, bronze shield lies here.~
armor 0 AJ
9 8 9 5 0
20 113 1176 G
17 -3
bronze shield oblong~
This oblong bronze shield would work nicely to protect your vitals.
sword shortsword~
a double-edged shortsword~
A double-edged shortsword lies here covered in blood.~
weapon 0 AN
sword 7 3 stab H
21 53 2302 P
18 2
19 3
blood shortsword sword~
The blade of this shortsword is covered with blood and a sticky black
substance.  Hmm, looks like someone wasn't only depending on it's edge to
kill their opponent.  
platemail iron~
iron platemail~
An extremely heavy suit of iron platemail lies here.~
armor 0 AD
10 10 10 2 0
23 12301 7421 P
13 20
20 5
17 -3
platemail iron~
This suit of platemail looks heavy enough to turn the sharpest blade.
shield rectangular iron~
a rectangular shield~
An extremely heavy rectangular iron shield lies here.~
armor 0 AJ
9 10 9 2 0
23 5321 5782 P
19 1
14 -20
17 -2
rectangular shield iron~
An enormous rectangular shield of solid iron lies here.
helmet visored iron~
a visored iron helmet~
An extremely heavy visored iron helmet lies here.~
armor 0 AE
10 9 9 3 0
23 3641 3281 P
2 -1
13 10
visored iron helmet~
This heavy duty, iron helmet has a sturdy visor.
axe iron waraxe~
a HUGE waraxe~
A HUGE iron war axe lies here.~
weapon 0 AN
axe 5 6 cleave F
25 621 7216 P
18 -10
19 6
axe iron waraxe~
This iron waraxe is one of the largest that you have ever seen.
veil blue silk~
{Ba blue veil{x~
A long blue silk veil flutters on the ground.~
clothing GI AE
0 0 0 0 0
10 13 2871 P
4 1
3 3
veil blue silk~
A woman's blue silk veil.  It smells of incense and perfume!
pendant bone~
an bone pendant~
A leather thong passes through this tiny bone pendant.~
jewelry BGIY AC
0 0 0 0 0
17 18 38 P
22 -3
4 2
19 2
17 -7
pendant bone~
A tooth over a claw has been carved into this bone pendant.
pocketknife knife~
a pocketknife~
A small closeable knife lies here, the blade honed to a fine edge.~
weapon BC AN
dagger 5 3 slice D
10 13 872 P
18 3
19 3
knife pocketknife~
This small pocketknife has a lockable clasp to secure the razor sharp blade.

The West Entrance~
You are standing near the western, and main entrance to the arena.
A battle royal is taking place now.  You see fallen gladiators everywhere
you look; slashing, gouging, beheading and disemboweling each other purely
for the entertainment of the bloodthirsty spectators.  

 The main entrance and vestibule lie directly to the west.
0 Z field
Z 0 9425
Z 0 9406
Z 0 9430
Twin redwood gates hang in the entryway of the vestibule.
gate gates~
DZ 0 9456
The Southwest Corner~
You are standing in the southwest corner of the arena.  The walls that
surround it are made from solid blocks of marble, each weighing several
tons.  The Coliseum must have been constructed years ago.  The marble is
cracked, graying, and beginning to crumble with age.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9430
Z 0 9407
The Northwestern Corner~
You are standing in the northwest corner of the arena.  The walls that
surround it are made from solid blocks of marble, each weighing several
tons.  The Coliseum must have been constructed years ago.  The marble is
cracked, graying, and beginning to crumble with age.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9405
Z 0 9425
The Massage Parlor~
This must be the massage parlor.  A dozen tables with soft leather
upholstry are lined up against the back wall.  A small plain wooden table
sits off to the side, covered with bottles of lotion, perfume, spices, and
oils; the tools of a masseur's trade.  
0 D inside
Z 0 9445
Entrance to the Gladiator's Sanctum~
You are standing in the entry hall to the gladiator's sanctum.  Though
you are now inside, light streams in through the bars of the iron gate to
the south, and from the atrium to the north.  Woven tapestries depicting
scenes of battle and mortal combat hang on the walls to your left and right.

The hallway opens into the atrium to the north, south lies the arena.
0 D inside
Z 0 9444
A heavy gate constructed of solid iron is fixed firmly into the marble wall.
ABCZ 0 9408
Inside the Arena~
You are standing on the floor of the battle arena.  The clanging of
trident and sword on shield, punctuated by grunts and cries sound from all
around you.  Dark stains of dried and drying blood mark the pale yellow sand
under your feet.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9409
Z 0 9410
Z 0 9426
Z 0 9402
Inside the Arena~
You are standing on the floor of the battle arena.  The clanging of
trident and sword on shield, punctuated by grunts and cries sound from all
around you.  Dark stains of dried and drying blood mark the pale yellow sand
under your feet.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9426
Z 0 9411
Z 0 9431
Z 0 9400
Inside the Arena~
You are standing on the floor of the battle arena.  The clanging of
trident and sword on shield, punctuated by grunts and cries sound from all
around you.  Dark stains of dried and drying blood mark the pale yellow sand
under your feet.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9431
Z 0 9412
Z 0 9418
Z 0 9401
The North Gate~
You are standing in front of the gladiator's entrance to the arena.
The iron hinges on the heavy door are set solidly into the wall and can
be barred from the inside to prevent animals and the condemned from escaping
during a tournament.
0 Z field
A heavy gate constructed of solid iron is fixed firmly into the marble wall.
ABCZ 0 9404
Z 0 9413
Z 0 9410
Z 0 9409
The North Wall~
You are standing in front of the northern wall of the arena.  The walls
that surround it are made from solid blocks of marble, each weighing several
tons.  The Coliseum must have been constructed years ago.  The marble is
cracked, graying, and beginning to crumble with age.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9408
Z 0 9405
Inside the Arena~
You are standing on the floor of the battle arena.  The clanging of
trident and sword on shield, punctuated by grunts and cries sound from all
around you.  Dark stains of dried and drying blood mark the pale yellow sand
under your feet.
0 Z field
Z 0 9408
Z 0 9415
Z 0 9427
Z 0 9405
The Center of the Arena~
You are standing at the center of the battle arena.  The gladiators
around you are too busy sparring with each other to notice you.  A huge
wooden post rises from the ground at the very center of the arena, manacled
chains hang suspended from giant hooks set into it.  
0 CZ field
Z 0 9427
Z 0 9416
Z 0 9432
Z 0 9406
Inside the Arena~
You are standing on the floor of the battle arena.  The clanging of
trident and sword on shield, punctuated by grunts and cries sound from all
around you.  Dark stains of dried and drying blood mark the pale yellow sand
under your feet.
0 Z field
Z 0 9432
Z 0 9417
Z 0 9423
Z 0 9407
The North Wall~
You are standing in front of the northern wall of the arena.  The walls
that surround it are made from solid blocks of marble, each weighing several
tons.  The Coliseum must have been constructed years ago.  The marble is
cracked, graying, and beginning to crumble with age.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9415
Z 0 9408
The Bath House~
You have entered the bath house.  There are two large bathing pools
filled with water.  Red and purple tiles form an intricate mosaic inside the
first, and you notice waves of heat rising from the water.  The second looks
rather cold, and the tiles are a lovely green and blue.  
0 D inside
Z 0 9445
Inside the Arena~
You are standing on the floor of the battle arena.  The clanging of
trident and sword on shield, punctuated by grunts and cries sound from all
around you.  Dark stains of dried and drying blood mark the pale yellow sand
under your feet.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9413
Z 0 9420
Z 0 9428
Z 0 9410
Inside the Arena~
You are standing on the floor of the battle arena.  The clanging of
trident and sword on shield, punctuated by grunts and cries sound from all
around you.  Dark stains of dried and drying blood mark the pale yellow sand
under your feet.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9428
Z 0 9421
Z 0 9433
Z 0 9411
Inside the Arena~
You are standing on the floor of the battle arena.  The clanging of
trident and sword on shield, punctuated by grunts and cries sound from all
around you.  Dark stains of dried and drying blood mark the pale yellow sand
under your feet.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9433
Z 0 9422
Z 0 9424
Z 0 9412
The South Wall~
You are standing near the southern wall of the arena.  The walls that
surround it are made from solid blocks of marble, each weighing several
tons.  The Coliseum must have been constructed years ago.  The marble is
cracked, graying, and beginning to crumble with age.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9407
Z 0 9423
The Lift~
You are standing in the lift that gives access to the maze of beast cages
beneath the arena.  A heavy block and tackle allows the lift to be hoisted
and lowered from a vantage point up above.  Apparently the ones working the
lift don't want to be standing in it when it is hoisted up with its cargo,
whatever that may be...  
0 CD inside
You can see the arena through the thick iron bars to the north.
gate bars~
ABZ 0 9423
The iron rungs of a ladder, embedded into the east wall descend the shaft.
Z 0 9435
The Northeast Corner~
You are standing in the northeast corner of the arena.  The walls that
surround it are made from solid blocks of marble, each weighing several
tons.  The Coliseum must have been constructed years ago.  The marble is
cracked, graying, and beginning to crumble with age.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9429
Z 0 9415
The East Entrance~
You are standing at the eastern entrance to the Coliseum.  Twin gates of
redwood stand in the gateway, closed and barred.  There is no exit from the
arena this way, but perhaps in the future the gates will be opened.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9429
Z 0 9434
Z 0 9416
The Southeast Corner~
You are standing in the southeast corner of the arena.  The walls that
surround it are made from solid blocks of marble, each weighing several
tons.  The Coliseum must have been constructed years ago.  The marble is
cracked, graying, and beginning to crumble with age.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9434
Z 0 9417
The South Gate~
You are standing in front of the heavy iron gate that leads to the
dungeons beneath the arena.  Wild animals are held in the cages below until
the special events are held.  You expect that many will be brought up soon
to be slaughtered in this arena.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9412
Z 0 9424
Peering through the bars, you see a wooden lift with a pulley system.
gate bars~
ABZ 0 9419
Z 0 9418
The South Wall~
You are standing near the southern wall of the arena.  The walls that
surround it are made from solid blocks of marble, each weighing several
tons.  The Coliseum must have been constructed years ago.  The marble is
cracked, graying, and beginning to crumble with age.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9417
Z 0 9423
The West Wall~
You are standing at the western side of the arena.  The walls that
surround it are made from solid blocks of marble, each weighing several
tons.  The Coliseum must have been constructed years ago.  The marble is
cracked, graying, and beginning to crumble with age.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9402
Z 0 9426
Z 0 9400
Inside the Arena~
You are standing in the battle arena.  The clanging of trident and sword
on shield, punctuated by grunts and cries sound from all around.  Dark
stains of dried and drying blood cover the pale yellow sand underfoot. 
0 Z field
Z 0 9405
Z 0 9427
Z 0 9406
Z 0 9425
Inside the Arena~
You are standing in the battle arena.  The clanging of trident and sword
on shield, punctuated by grunts and cries sound from all around.  Dark
stains of dried and drying blood cover the pale yellow sand underfoot. 
0 Z field
Z 0 9410
Z 0 9428
Z 0 9411
Z 0 9426
Inside the Arena~
You are standing in the battle arena.  The clanging of trident and sword
on shield, punctuated by grunts and cries sound from all around.  Dark
stains of dried and drying blood cover the pale yellow sand underfoot.  The
broken leather straps of a harness are lying in the sand rotting.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9415
Z 0 9429
Z 0 9416
Z 0 9427
The East Wall~
You are standing at the eastern side of the arena.  The walls that
surround it are made from solid blocks of marble, each weighing several
tons.  The Coliseum must have been constructed years ago.  The marble is
cracked, graying, and beginning to crumble with age.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9420
Z 0 9421
Z 0 9428
The West Wall~
You are standing at the western side of the arena.  The walls that
surround it are made from solid blocks of marble, each weighing several
tons.  The Coliseum must have been constructed years ago.  The marble is
cracked, graying, and beginning to crumble with age.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9400
Z 0 9431
Z 0 9401
Inside the Arena~
You are standing in the battle arena.  The clanging of trident and sword
on shield, punctuated by grunts and cries sound from all around.  Dark
stains of dried and drying blood cover the pale yellow sand underfoot.  The
snapped off shaft of a javelin protrudes from the ground nearby.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9406
Z 0 9432
Z 0 9407
Z 0 9430
Inside the Arena~
You are standing in the battle arena.  The clanging of trident and sword
on shield, punctuated by grunts and cries sound from all around.  Dark
stains of dried and drying blood cover the pale yellow sand underfoot. 
0 Z field
Z 0 9411
Z 0 9433
Z 0 9412
Z 0 9431
Inside the Arena~
You are standing in the battle arena.  The clanging of trident and sword
on shield, punctuated by grunts and cries sound from all around.  Dark
stains of dried and drying blood cover the pale yellow sand underfoot.
0 Z field
Z 0 9416
Z 0 9434
Z 0 9417
Z 0 9432
The East Wall~
You are standing at the eastern side of the arena.  The walls that
surround it are made from solid blocks of marble, each weighing several
tons.  The Coliseum must have been constructed years ago.  The marble is
cracked, graying, and beginning to crumble with age.  
0 Z field
Z 0 9421
Z 0 9422
Z 0 9433
The Bottom of the Lift~
You are in the bottom of the lift shaft.  A vertical row of iron rungs
lead up out of the dungeon beneath the arena.  Several torches placed in
rusted iron sconces along the rock walls give off a dim light.  
0 D inside
The damp, dark hallways of the dungeon are to the north.
Z 0 9436
A heavy wooden lift hangs from a block and tackle pulley system, overhead.
Z 0 9419
The Dungeon Hallways~
You are walking the damp hallways of the dungeon.  The air down here
smells very bad, like blood, urine, animal waste, and other decaying matter.
The little light there is down here comes from the smokey flames of the
wooden torches hanging from the walls.  There is a room off to the east, and
you think you can hear the sounds of snoring coming from it.  
0 D inside
A dark, stone hallway leads north.
Z 0 9437
The dungeonkeeper's room lies to the east.
Z 0 9455
You see the lift shaft to the south.
Z 0 9435
The Dungeon Hallways~
You are walking the damp hallways of the dungeon.  The air down here is
truly foul, smelling of blood, urine, and animal waste.  The poor light
given from the wooden torches hanging on the stone walls dimly illuminates
the passageway.  
0 D inside
A dark, stone hallway leads south.
Z 0 9436
A dark, stone hallway leads west.
Z 0 9438
The Dungeon Hallways~
You are walking the damp hallways of the dungeon.  The air down here is
truly foul, smelling of blood, urine, and animal waste.  Water drips from
the cold stone ceiling above you head, gathering in small pools on the
floor.  You see the bars of a cell north and south of you.  
0 D inside
You see the rusting iron bars of a dark cell.
celldoor bars~
ABCIZ 9413 9453
A dark, stone hallway leads east.
Z 0 9437
You see the rusting iron bars of a dark cell.
celldoor bars~
ABCIZ 9413 9454
A dark, stone hallway leads west.
Z 0 9439
The Dungeon Hallways~
You are walking along the dark hallways of the dungeons beneath the
arena.  The dim light reveals a damp, moss covered passageway.  Ahead of you
a brown sewer rat scampers across the floor and scrambles through a hole in
the wall.  Good Lord, that thing must have been the size of a small dog!. 
0 D inside
A dark, stone hallway leads north.
Z 0 9440
A dark, stone hallway leads east.
Z 0 9438
The Dungeon Hallways~
You are walking the hallways of the dungeons beneath the arena.  Shadows
dance menacingly on the walls, enlarged by your imagination.  You see the
bars of a cell to your left and right.  
0 D inside
A dark, stone hallway leads north.
Z 0 9441
You see the rusting iron bars of a dark cell.
celldoor bars~
ABCIZ 9413 9452
A dark, stone hallway leads south.
Z 0 9439
You see the rusting iron bars of a dark cell.
celldoor bars~
ABCIZ 9413 9451
The Dungeon Hallways~
You are walking through the dungeon hallways.  The putrid smell of decay
fills the air, and flies buzz irritatingly around you head, trying to land
on your nose.  The passageway curves off to the east, the floor dimly lit by
the smokey torches hanging on the walls.  
0 D inside
A dark, stone hallway leads east.
Z 0 9442
A dark, stone hallway leads south.
Z 0 9440
The Dungeon Hallways~
You are walking the hallways of the dungeon beneath the arena.  Stepping
on a slick patch of moss you lose your footing and fall heavily on the stone
flagstones.  As you clamber to your feet, muttering to yourself, you hear a
groan from behind the cell bars to the north.  That didn't sound like any
animal you've ever encountered, that sounded human...  
0 D inside
You see the rusting iron bars of a dark cell.
celldoor bars~
ABCIZ 9413 9448
A dark, stone hallway leads east.
Z 0 9443
You see the rusting iron bars of a dark cell.  
celldoor bars~
ABCIZ 9413 9450
A dark, stone hallway leads west.
Z 0 9441
The Dungeon Hallways~
The passageway ends at a blank stone wall.  The bars of the cell to the
south are badly scorched and bent.  You hear the deep rumble of heavy
breathing coming from behind them.  There is another cell to the north, the
hallway west leads back out of the dungeon.  
0 D inside
You see the rusting iron bars of a dark cell.
celldoor bars~
ABCIZ 9413 9447
The lock is badly dented, it's unlikely that any key would fit in it now.
celldoor bars~
ABCJZ 9417 9449
A dark, stone hallway leads west.
Z 0 9442
The Atrium~
You have entered the Atrium, the central room in the gladiator's sanctum.
A large, rectangular pool of water dominates the center of the room.  The
tall, stately marble pillars at the pool's edge rise to an opening in the
ceiling, directly above the pool.  A low doorway leads east into the private
chambers of the victor, west you see the changing and equipment room. 
0 0 inside
DZ 0 9446
Z 0 9404
Z 0 9445
The Changing Room~
You have entered the changing and equipment storage room.  Articles of
clothing, armor, weapons, and weapon harnesses have been tossed carelessly
on the floor around the room.  The bath house is to the north, the massage
parlor to the south.  
0 D inside
Z 0 9414
Z 0 9444
Z 0 9403
The Victor's Chambers~
You are in the private chambers reserved for the victorious gladiator.  A
plush red sheep's wool rug covers the entire floor, the brass candelabras on
the walls bathe the room in a cheerful glow.  The heady aroma of burning
incense wafts to your nostrils through the beaded curtain to the south.  You
hear the sounds of giggling coming from behind the closed north door. 
0 D inside
Z 0 9478
Z 0 9477
DZ 0 9444
A Beast Cage~
You have entered a tiny, cramped beast cage.  Filthy straw covers the
floor to soak up the waste matter from the inhabitant.  The awful smell
causes you to instinctively cover your mouth and nose with your forearm. 
 The only exit lies to the south.
0 AD inside
You see the rusting, iron bars of the cell, and celldoor.
celldoor bars~
ABCIZ 9413 9443
A Beast Cage~
You have entered a tiny, cramped beast cage.  Filthy straw covers the
floor to soak up the waste matter from the inhabitant.  The awful smell
causes you to instinctively cover your mouth and nose with your forearm. 
 The only exit lies to the south.
0 AD inside
You see the rusting, iron bars of the cell, and celldoor.
celldoor bars~
ABCIZ 9413 9442
A Beast Cage~
You have entered a tiny, cramped beast cage.  Filthy straw covers the
floor to soak up the waste matter from the inhabitant.  The awful smell
causes you to instinctively cover your mouth and nose with your forearm. 
 The only exit lies to the north.
0 AD inside
You see the rusting, iron bars of the cell, and celldoor.
celldoor bars~
ABCJZ 9413 9443
A Beast Cage~
You have entered a tiny, cramped beast cage.  Filthy straw covers the
floor to soak up the waste matter from the inhabitant.  The awful smell
causes you to instinctively cover your mouth and nose with your forearm. 
 The only exit lies to the north.
0 AD inside
You see the rusting, iron bars of the cell, and celldoor.
celldoor bars~
ABCIZ 9413 9442
A Beast Cage~
You have entered a tiny, cramped beast cage.  Filthy straw covers the
floor to soak up the waste matter from the inhabitant.  The awful smell
causes you to instinctively cover your mouth and nose with your forearm. 
 The only exit lies to the east.
0 AD inside
You see the rusting, iron bars of the cell, and celldoor.
celldoor bars~
ABCIZ 9413 9440
A Beast Cage~
You have entered a tiny, cramped beast cage.  Filthy straw covers the
floor to soak up the waste matter from the inhabitant.  The awful smell
causes you to instinctively cover your mouth and nose with your forearm. 
 The only exit lies to the west.
0 AD inside
You see the rusting, iron bars of the cell, and celldoor.
celldoor bars~
ABCIZ 9413 9440
A Beast Cage~
You have entered a tiny, cramped beast cage.  Filthy straw covers the
floor to soak up the waste matter from the inhabitant.  The awful smell
causes you to instinctively cover your mouth and nose with your forearm. 
 The only exit lies to the south.
0 AD inside
You see the rusting, iron bars of the cell, and celldoor.
celldoor bars~
ABCIZ 9413 9438
A Beast Cage~
You have entered a tiny, cramped beast cage.  Filthy straw covers the
floor to soak up the waste matter from the inhabitant.  The awful smell
causes you to instinctively cover your mouth and nose with your forearm. 
 The only exit lies to the north.
0 AD inside
You see the rusting, iron bars of the cell, and celldoor.
celldoor bars~
ABCIZ 9413 9438
The Keeper's Room~
You have entered the dungeonkeeper's room.  The room is completely
unfurnished except for the battered wooden table, and rickety chair beside
it.  Hanging from a row of iron hooks, along the back wall, you see a ring
of keys, a battered longsword, and a knobbed wooden club.  
0 D inside
A dark, stone hallway lies to the west.
Z 0 9436
The Vestibule~
You have entered the Coliseum of Midgaard, built for the gladiatorial and
special games.  Many brave gladiators enter the arena through this
vestibule, few leave it alive.  A set of marble stairs lead upwards to the
spectator stands, the battle arena itself lies to the east.  
0 CD inside
Twin redwood gates hang in the entryway to the arena.
gate gates~
DZ 0 9400
Z 0 3047
DZ 0 9457
Above the Vestibule~
You have entered the spectator stands that surround the arena.  Row upon
row of marble benches ascend like giant white steps.  The stands are packed.
Every inch of sitting and standing room is taken, and you are jostled around
as people shove past you, looking for an empty seat.  
 A set of marble stairs lead down to the vestibule below.
0 0 city
Z 0 9458
Z 0 9476
DZ 0 9456
In the Stands~
You are walking through the spectator stands and the roars of the excited
crowds are deafening.  Dozens of gladiators have fallen today, accompanied
by the derisive hoots and catcalls of the spectators.  You feel your own
blood beginning to boil.  Look at these cowards, leering at the fallen
warriors, greedily drinking in the bloody spectacle.  You feel nothing but
repulsion for the mindless fools that you see around you, and your hatred
begins to mount.  
                 Kill them...   {RKill them ALL!{x
0 0 city
Z 0 9459
Z 0 9457
In the Stands~
You are walking through the spectator stands and the roars of the excited
crowds are deafening.  Dozens of gladiators have fallen today, accompanied
by the derisive hoots and catcalls of the spectators.  You feel your own
blood beginning to boil.  Look at these cowards, leering at the fallen
warriors, greedily drinking in the bloody spectacle.  You feel nothing but
repulsion for the mindless fools that you see around you, and your hatred
begins to mount.  
                 Kill them...   {RKill them ALL!{x
0 0 city
Z 0 9460
Z 0 9458
In the Stands~
You are walking through the spectator stands and the roars of the excited
crowds are deafening.  Dozens of gladiators have fallen today, accompanied
by the derisive hoots and catcalls of the spectators.  You feel your own
blood beginning to boil.  Look at these cowards, leering at the fallen
warriors, greedily drinking in the bloody spectacle.  You feel nothing but
repulsion for the mindless fools that you see around you, and your hatred
begins to mount.  
                 Kill them...   {RKill them ALL!{x
0 0 city
Z 0 9461
Z 0 9459
In the Stands~
You are walking through the spectator stands and the roars of the excited
crowds are deafening.  Dozens of gladiators have fallen today, accompanied
by the derisive hoots and catcalls of the spectators.  You feel your own
blood beginning to boil.  Look at these cowards, leering at the fallen
warriors, greedily drinking in the bloody spectacle.  You feel nothing but
repulsion for the mindless fools that you see around you, and your hatred
begins to mount.  
                 Kill them...   {RKill them ALL!{x
0 0 city
Z 0 9462
Z 0 9460
The Royal Podium~
You have entered a large podium, raised high above the stands.
Ornate marble columns support the ceiling overhead.  Long wooden struts
project from the front of the podium, hanging out over the arena with their
fluttering, cheerfully colored {mmaroon{x, {Bblue{x, {ggreen{x, and {Yyellow{x pendants.
This section has obviously been reserved for patrons of great importance.
0 CD city
Z 0 9463
Z 0 9461
In the Stands~
You are walking through the spectator stands and the roars of the excited
crowds are deafening.  Dozens of gladiators have fallen today, accompanied
by the derisive hoots and catcalls of the spectators.  You feel your own
blood beginning to boil.  Look at these cowards, leering at the fallen
warriors, greedily drinking in the bloody spectacle.  You feel nothing but
repulsion for the mindless fools that you see around you, and your hatred
begins to mount.  
                 Kill them...   {RKill them ALL!{x
0 0 city
Z 0 9464
Z 0 9462
In the Stands~
You are walking through the spectator stands and the roars of the excited
crowds are deafening.  Dozens of gladiators have fallen today, accompanied
by the derisive hoots and catcalls of the spectators.  You feel your own
blood beginning to boil.  Look at these cowards, leering at the fallen
warriors, greedily drinking in the bloody spectacle.  You feel nothing but
repulsion for the mindless fools that you see around you, and your hatred
begins to mount.  
                 Kill them...   {RKill them ALL!{x
0 0 city
Z 0 9465
Z 0 9463
In the Stands~
You are walking through the spectator stands and the roars of the excited
crowds are deafening.  Dozens of gladiators have fallen today, accompanied
by the derisive hoots and catcalls of the spectators.  You feel your own
blood beginning to boil.  Look at these cowards, leering at the fallen
warriors, greedily drinking in the bloody spectacle.  You feel nothing but
repulsion for the mindless fools that you see around you, and your hatred
begins to mount.  
                 Kill them...   {RKill them ALL!{x
0 0 city
Z 0 9464
Z 0 9466
In the Stands~
You are walking through the spectator stands and the roars of the excited
crowds are deafening.  Dozens of gladiators have fallen today, accompanied
by the derisive hoots and catcalls of the spectators.  You feel your own
blood beginning to boil.  Look at these cowards, leering at the fallen
warriors, greedily drinking in the bloody spectacle.  You feel nothing but
repulsion for the mindless fools that you see around you, and your hatred
begins to mount.  
                 Kill them...   {RKill them ALL!{x
0 0 city
Z 0 9465
Z 0 9467
In the Stands~
You are walking through the spectator stands and the roars of the excited
crowds are deafening.  Dozens of gladiators have fallen today, accompanied
by the derisive hoots and catcalls of the spectators.  You feel your own
blood beginning to boil.  Look at these cowards, leering at the fallen
warriors, greedily drinking in the bloody spectacle.  You feel nothing but
repulsion for the mindless fools that you see around you, and your hatred
begins to mount.  
                 Kill them...   {RKill them ALL!{x
0 0 city
Z 0 9466
Z 0 9468
In the Stands~
You are walking through the spectator stands and the roars of the excited
crowds are deafening.  Dozens of gladiators have fallen today, accompanied
by the derisive hoots and catcalls of the spectators.  You feel your own
blood beginning to boil.  Look at these cowards, leering at the fallen
warriors, greedily drinking in the bloody spectacle.  You feel nothing but
repulsion for the mindless fools that you see around you, and your hatred
begins to mount.  
                 Kill them...   {RKill them ALL!{x
0 0 city
Z 0 9467
Z 0 9469
In the Stands~
You are walking through the spectator stands and the roars of the excited
crowds are deafening.  Dozens of gladiators have fallen today, accompanied
by the derisive hoots and catcalls of the spectators.  You feel your own
blood beginning to boil.  Look at these cowards, leering at the fallen
warriors, greedily drinking in the bloody spectacle.  You feel nothing but
repulsion for the mindless fools that you see around you, and your hatred
begins to mount.  
                 Kill them...   {RKill them ALL!{x
0 0 city
Z 0 9468
Z 0 9470
In the Stands~
You are walking through the spectator stands and the roars of the excited
crowds are deafening.  Dozens of gladiators have fallen today, accompanied
by the derisive hoots and catcalls of the spectators.  You feel your own
blood beginning to boil.  Look at these cowards, leering at the fallen
warriors, greedily drinking in the bloody spectacle.  You feel nothing but
repulsion for the mindless fools that you see around you, and your hatred
begins to mount.  
                 Kill them...   {RKill them ALL!{x
0 0 city
Z 0 9469
Z 0 9471
In the Stands~
You are walking through the spectator stands and the roars of the excited
crowds are deafening.  Dozens of gladiators have fallen today, accompanied
by the derisive hoots and catcalls of the spectators.  You feel your own
blood beginning to boil.  Look at these cowards, leering at the fallen
warriors, greedily drinking in the bloody spectacle.  You feel nothing but
repulsion for the mindless fools that you see around you, and your hatred
begins to mount.  
                 Kill them...   {RKill them ALL!{x
0 0 city
Z 0 9470
Z 0 9472
In the Stands~
You are walking through the spectator stands and the roars of the excited
crowds are deafening.  Dozens of gladiators have fallen today, accompanied
by the derisive hoots and catcalls of the spectators.  You feel your own
blood beginning to boil.  Look at these cowards, leering at the fallen
warriors, greedily drinking in the bloody spectacle.  You feel nothing but
repulsion for the mindless fools that you see around you, and your hatred
begins to mount.  
                 Kill them...   {RKill them ALL!{x
0 0 city
Z 0 9471
Z 0 9473
In the Stands~
You are walking through the spectator stands and the roars of the excited
crowds are deafening.  Dozens of gladiators have fallen today, accompanied
by the derisive hoots and catcalls of the spectators.  You feel your own
blood beginning to boil.  Look at these cowards, leering at the fallen
warriors, greedily drinking in the bloody spectacle.  You feel nothing but
repulsion for the mindless fools that you see around you, and your hatred
begins to mount.  
                 Kill them...   {RKill them ALL!{x
0 0 city
Z 0 9472
Z 0 9474
In the Stands~
You are walking through the spectator stands and the roars of the excited
crowds are deafening.  Dozens of gladiators have fallen today, accompanied
by the derisive hoots and catcalls of the spectators.  You feel your own
blood beginning to boil.  Look at these cowards, leering at the fallen
warriors, greedily drinking in the bloody spectacle.  You feel nothing but
repulsion for the mindless fools that you see around you, and your hatred
begins to mount.  
                 Kill them...   {RKill them ALL!{x
0 0 city
Z 0 9475
Z 0 9473
In the Stands~
You are walking through the spectator stands and the roars of the excited
crowds are deafening.  Dozens of gladiators have fallen today, accompanied
by the derisive hoots and catcalls of the spectators.  You feel your own
blood beginning to boil.  Look at these cowards, leering at the fallen
warriors, greedily drinking in the bloody spectacle.  You feel nothing but
repulsion for the mindless fools that you see around you, and your hatred
begins to mount.  
                 Kill them...   {RKill them ALL!{x
0 0 city
Z 0 9476
Z 0 9474
In the Stands~
You are walking through the spectator stands and the roars of the excited
crowds are deafening.  Dozens of gladiators have fallen today, accompanied
by the derisive hoots and catcalls of the spectators.  You feel your own
blood beginning to boil.  Look at these cowards, leering at the fallen
warriors, greedily drinking in the bloody spectacle.  You feel nothing but
repulsion for the mindless fools that you see around you, and your hatred
begins to mount.  
                 Kill them...   {RKill them ALL!{x
0 0 city
Z 0 9457
Z 0 9475
The Harem~
Dozens of scantily-clad, beautiful women are reclining on silken pillows
around the room.  Sticks of sweet smelling incense burn in copper holders at
a dozen different locations in the room.  Your head begins to swim, and
you're not sure if it's the intoxicating smell, or the marvelous sights that
are making you so dizzy...  
0 D inside
Z 0 9446
The Steam Room~
Hot steam pours into the room through tiny ducts near the ceiling. 
Wooden reclining benches have been placed against the walls, all of the way
around the room.  You hear the sound of giggling, and as you turn your head
about, you notice several human forms near you.  
0 D inside
Z 0 9446
0 CD swim
0 CD swim
{bA Subterranean Cavern{x~
You plunge into the pool of water and are surprised to find yourself
inside an old well which leads far beneath the sanctum.  Curiosity impels
you to dive further downwards, and after swimming for what seems like an
eternity, you find yourself in a vast subterranean cavern.  Your lungs are
beginning to burn from the lack of oxygen, and you still have to swim back
to the surface.  Hmm, perhaps you'd better turn back now.  
0 Dc swim
stones wall bricks mortar~
Staring hard into the murky water you see the outline of a hole in the
west wall of the cavern.  Looks like it was cemented in with stones
 centuries ago.
A large hole in the west wall has been sealed with bricks and mortar, and
upon closer inspection you notice a strange symbol on the middle of it. 

 It is a warning of some kind; a glowing eye, streaming teardrops of blood.
wall secret stones~
ABCDFZ 0 9487
Z 0 9483
{bInside the Well{x~
The murky water is cool and refreshing, but your lungs are bursting from
lack of oxygen, and really don't care how good the water feels.  The only
thing on your mind is {CAIR{x!!!  
0 Dc swim
Z 0 9484
{bInside the Well{x~
The murky water is cool and refreshing, but your lungs are bursting from
lack of oxygen, and really don't care how good the water feels.  The only
thing on your mind is {CAIR{x!!!  
0 Dc swim
Z 0 9485
{bInside the Well{x~
The murky water is cool and refreshing, but your lungs are bursting from
lack of oxygen, and really don't care how good the water feels.  The only
thing on your mind is {CAIR{x!!!  
0 Dc swim
Z 0 9486
{bInside the Well{x~
The murky water is cool and refreshing, but your lungs are bursting from
lack of oxygen, and really don't care how good the water feels.  The only
thing on your mind is {CAIR{x!!!  
0 Dc swim
Z 0 9444
{bA Burial Vault{x~
You are swimming in a murky, water-filled burial vault.  Looking around,
you guess that it has lain undisturbed for centuries.  A long black casket
lies mostly buried in the mud, and your curiosity is piqued, but something
is wrong about this place.  Something is VERY wrong, and your mind screams
for you to leave.  
0 ACDJNc swim
wall secret stones~
ABCDFZ 0 9482
0 C inside

M 9401 spec_cast_beholder	* {Rthe Eye of the Deep{x
M 9408 spec_thief	* a street urchin
M 9413 spec_cast_cleric	* a gnomish masseur
M 9419 spec_breath_fire	* a young dragon
M 9421 spec_thief	* a condemned prisoner
M 9422 spec_poison	* a {ybrown{x packrat
M 9424 spec_cast_mage	* the dignitary's wife

D 0 9404 2 2	* Entrance to the Gladiator's Sanctum: door to the south: closed and locked
D 0 9408 0 2	* The North Gate: door to the north: closed and locked
D 0 9419 0 1	* The Lift: door to the north: closed
D 0 9423 2 1	* The South Gate: door to the south: closed
D 0 9438 0 2	* The Dungeon Hallways: door to the north: closed and locked
D 0 9438 2 2	* The Dungeon Hallways: door to the south: closed and locked
D 0 9440 1 2	* The Dungeon Hallways: door to the east: closed and locked
D 0 9440 3 2	* The Dungeon Hallways: door to the west: closed and locked
D 0 9442 0 2	* The Dungeon Hallways: door to the north: closed and locked
D 0 9442 2 2	* The Dungeon Hallways: door to the south: closed and locked
D 0 9443 0 2	* The Dungeon Hallways: door to the north: closed and locked
D 0 9443 2 2	* The Dungeon Hallways: door to the south: closed and locked
D 0 9447 2 2	* A Beast Cage: door to the south: closed and locked
D 0 9448 2 2	* A Beast Cage: door to the south: closed and locked
D 0 9449 0 2	* A Beast Cage: door to the north: closed and locked
D 0 9450 0 2	* A Beast Cage: door to the north: closed and locked
D 0 9451 1 2	* A Beast Cage: door to the east: closed and locked
D 0 9452 3 2	* A Beast Cage: door to the west: closed and locked
D 0 9453 2 2	* A Beast Cage: door to the south: closed and locked
D 0 9454 0 2	* A Beast Cage: door to the north: closed and locked
D 0 9482 3 2	* {bA Subterranean Cavern{x: door to the west: closed and locked
D 0 9487 1 2	* {bA Burial Vault{x: door to the east: closed and locked
M 0 9430 7 9402 1	* a humongous Hoplomachus (The Northwestern Corner)
E 0 9435 0 16		*	a HUGE waraxe: wielded
E 0 9434 0 6		*	a visored iron helmet: over the head
E 0 9433 0 11		*	a rectangular shield: as a shield
E 0 9432 0 5		*	iron platemail: on the body
M 0 9427 9 9402 1	* a slim Retarii (The Northwestern Corner)
E 0 9428 0 15		*	an elbowlength wristguard: on the right wrist
E 0 9402 0 16		*	a trident: wielded
E 0 9401 0 17		*	a fishing net: held in the hands
M 0 9428 3 9402 1	* a veteran Retiarii (The Northwestern Corner)
E 0 9437 0 3		*	an bone pendant: around the neck (1)
E 0 9428 0 15		*	an elbowlength wristguard: on the right wrist
E 0 9402 0 16		*	a trident: wielded
E 0 9401 0 17		*	a fishing net: held in the hands
M 0 9413 1 9403 1	* a gnomish masseur (The Massage Parlor)
G 0 9412 0		*	a small vial of spices
M 0 9431 4 9405 1	* a large Hoplomachus (Inside the Arena)
E 0 9435 0 16		*	a HUGE waraxe: wielded
E 0 9434 0 6		*	a visored iron helmet: over the head
E 0 9433 0 11		*	a rectangular shield: as a shield
E 0 9432 0 5		*	iron platemail: on the body
M 0 9431 4 9406 1	* a large Hoplomachus (Inside the Arena)
E 0 9435 0 16		*	a HUGE waraxe: wielded
E 0 9434 0 6		*	a visored iron helmet: over the head
E 0 9433 0 11		*	a rectangular shield: as a shield
E 0 9432 0 5		*	iron platemail: on the body
M 0 9430 7 9407 1	* a humongous Hoplomachus (Inside the Arena)
E 0 9432 0 5		*	iron platemail: on the body
E 0 9433 0 11		*	a rectangular shield: as a shield
E 0 9434 0 6		*	a visored iron helmet: over the head
E 0 9435 0 16		*	a HUGE waraxe: wielded
M 0 9426 8 9409 1	* a stocky Thraex (The North Wall)
E 0 9427 0 16		*	a curved sabre: wielded
E 0 9426 0 11		*	a round shield: as a shield
E 0 9425 0 6		*	a visored helmet: over the head
M 0 9430 7 9409 1	* a humongous Hoplomachus (The North Wall)
E 0 9435 0 16		*	a HUGE waraxe: wielded
E 0 9434 0 6		*	a visored iron helmet: over the head
E 0 9433 0 11		*	a rectangular shield: as a shield
E 0 9432 0 5		*	iron platemail: on the body
M 0 9426 8 9410 1	* a stocky Thraex (Inside the Arena)
E 0 9427 0 16		*	a curved sabre: wielded
E 0 9426 0 11		*	a round shield: as a shield
E 0 9425 0 6		*	a visored helmet: over the head
M 0 9429 7 9410 1	* a muscular Murmillo (Inside the Arena)
E 0 9431 0 16		*	a double-edged shortsword: wielded
E 0 9430 0 11		*	an oblong shield: as a shield
E 0 9429 0 6		*	a visored helmet: over the head
O 0 9400 0 9411	* a wooden pillar (The Center of the Arena)
M 0 9426 8 9413 1	* a stocky Thraex (The North Wall)
E 0 9427 0 16		*	a curved sabre: wielded
E 0 9426 0 11		*	a round shield: as a shield
E 0 9425 0 6		*	a visored helmet: over the head
M 0 9429 7 9413 2	* a muscular Murmillo (The North Wall)
E 0 9431 0 16		*	a double-edged shortsword: wielded
E 0 9430 0 11		*	an oblong shield: as a shield
E 0 9429 0 6		*	a visored helmet: over the head
M 0 9412 1 9414 1	* a fat old man (The Bath House)
E 0 9411 0 7		*	a loincloth: on the legs
M 0 9430 7 9415 1	* a humongous Hoplomachus (Inside the Arena)
E 0 9435 0 16		*	a HUGE waraxe: wielded
E 0 9434 0 6		*	a visored iron helmet: over the head
E 0 9433 0 11		*	a rectangular shield: as a shield
E 0 9432 0 5		*	iron platemail: on the body
M 0 9429 7 9415 1	* a muscular Murmillo (Inside the Arena)
E 0 9431 0 16		*	a double-edged shortsword: wielded
E 0 9430 0 11		*	an oblong shield: as a shield
E 0 9429 0 6		*	a visored helmet: over the head
M 0 9427 9 9415 1	* a slim Retarii (Inside the Arena)
E 0 9428 0 15		*	an elbowlength wristguard: on the right wrist
E 0 9402 0 16		*	a trident: wielded
E 0 9401 0 17		*	a fishing net: held in the hands
M 0 9430 7 9416 1	* a humongous Hoplomachus (Inside the Arena)
E 0 9432 0 5		*	iron platemail: on the body
E 0 9433 0 11		*	a rectangular shield: as a shield
E 0 9434 0 6		*	a visored iron helmet: over the head
E 0 9435 0 16		*	a HUGE waraxe: wielded
M 0 9428 3 9417 1	* a veteran Retiarii (Inside the Arena)
E 0 9437 0 3		*	an bone pendant: around the neck (1)
E 0 9428 0 15		*	an elbowlength wristguard: on the right wrist
E 0 9402 0 16		*	a trident: wielded
E 0 9401 0 17		*	a fishing net: held in the hands
M 0 9426 8 9417 1	* a stocky Thraex (Inside the Arena)
E 0 9427 0 16		*	a curved sabre: wielded
E 0 9426 0 11		*	a round shield: as a shield
E 0 9425 0 6		*	a visored helmet: over the head
M 0 9427 9 9417 2	* a slim Retarii (Inside the Arena)
E 0 9428 0 15		*	an elbowlength wristguard: on the right wrist
E 0 9402 0 16		*	a trident: wielded
E 0 9401 0 17		*	a fishing net: held in the hands
M 0 9431 4 9418 1	* a large Hoplomachus (The South Wall)
E 0 9435 0 16		*	a HUGE waraxe: wielded
E 0 9434 0 6		*	a visored iron helmet: over the head
E 0 9433 0 11		*	a rectangular shield: as a shield
E 0 9432 0 5		*	iron platemail: on the body
M 0 9428 3 9420 1	* a veteran Retiarii (The Northeast Corner)
E 0 9401 0 17		*	a fishing net: held in the hands
E 0 9402 0 16		*	a trident: wielded
E 0 9428 0 15		*	an elbowlength wristguard: on the right wrist
E 0 9437 0 3		*	an bone pendant: around the neck (1)
M 0 9426 8 9421 1	* a stocky Thraex (The East Entrance)
E 0 9427 0 16		*	a curved sabre: wielded
E 0 9426 0 11		*	a round shield: as a shield
E 0 9425 0 6		*	a visored helmet: over the head
M 0 9427 9 9421 1	* a slim Retarii (The East Entrance)
E 0 9428 0 15		*	an elbowlength wristguard: on the right wrist
E 0 9402 0 16		*	a trident: wielded
E 0 9401 0 17		*	a fishing net: held in the hands
M 0 9429 7 9421 1	* a muscular Murmillo (The East Entrance)
E 0 9431 0 16		*	a double-edged shortsword: wielded
E 0 9430 0 11		*	an oblong shield: as a shield
E 0 9429 0 6		*	a visored helmet: over the head
M 0 9426 8 9423 1	* a stocky Thraex (The South Gate)
E 0 9427 0 16		*	a curved sabre: wielded
E 0 9426 0 11		*	a round shield: as a shield
E 0 9425 0 6		*	a visored helmet: over the head
M 0 9430 7 9423 1	* a humongous Hoplomachus (The South Gate)
E 0 9435 0 16		*	a HUGE waraxe: wielded
E 0 9434 0 6		*	a visored iron helmet: over the head
E 0 9433 0 11		*	a rectangular shield: as a shield
E 0 9432 0 5		*	iron platemail: on the body
M 0 9427 9 9423 1	* a slim Retarii (The South Gate)
E 0 9428 0 15		*	an elbowlength wristguard: on the right wrist
E 0 9402 0 16		*	a trident: wielded
E 0 9401 0 17		*	a fishing net: held in the hands
M 0 9426 8 9425 1	* a stocky Thraex (The West Wall)
E 0 9427 0 16		*	a curved sabre: wielded
E 0 9426 0 11		*	a round shield: as a shield
E 0 9425 0 6		*	a visored helmet: over the head
M 0 9427 9 9425 1	* a slim Retarii (The West Wall)
E 0 9428 0 15		*	an elbowlength wristguard: on the right wrist
E 0 9402 0 16		*	a trident: wielded
E 0 9401 0 17		*	a fishing net: held in the hands
M 0 9429 7 9425 1	* a muscular Murmillo (The West Wall)
E 0 9431 0 16		*	a double-edged shortsword: wielded
E 0 9430 0 11		*	an oblong shield: as a shield
E 0 9429 0 6		*	a visored helmet: over the head
M 0 9429 7 9427 1	* a muscular Murmillo (Inside the Arena)
E 0 9431 0 16		*	a double-edged shortsword: wielded
E 0 9429 0 6		*	a visored helmet: over the head
E 0 9430 0 11		*	an oblong shield: as a shield
M 0 9427 9 9427 2	* a slim Retarii (Inside the Arena)
E 0 9401 0 17		*	a fishing net: held in the hands
E 0 9402 0 16		*	a trident: wielded
E 0 9428 0 15		*	an elbowlength wristguard: on the right wrist
M 0 9431 4 9428 1	* a large Hoplomachus (Inside the Arena)
E 0 9435 0 16		*	a HUGE waraxe: wielded
E 0 9434 0 6		*	a visored iron helmet: over the head
E 0 9433 0 11		*	a rectangular shield: as a shield
E 0 9432 0 5		*	iron platemail: on the body
M 0 9430 7 9430 1	* a humongous Hoplomachus (The West Wall)
E 0 9435 0 16		*	a HUGE waraxe: wielded
E 0 9434 0 6		*	a visored iron helmet: over the head
E 0 9433 0 11		*	a rectangular shield: as a shield
E 0 9432 0 5		*	iron platemail: on the body
M 0 9427 9 9430 2	* a slim Retarii (The West Wall)
E 0 9401 0 17		*	a fishing net: held in the hands
E 0 9402 0 16		*	a trident: wielded
E 0 9428 0 15		*	an elbowlength wristguard: on the right wrist
M 0 9431 4 9432 1	* a large Hoplomachus (Inside the Arena)
M 0 9422 5 9435 1	* a {ybrown{x packrat (The Bottom of the Lift)
M 0 9422 5 9438 1	* a {ybrown{x packrat (The Dungeon Hallways)
M 0 9422 5 9441 1	* a {ybrown{x packrat (The Dungeon Hallways)
M 0 9422 5 9443 1	* a {ybrown{x packrat (The Dungeon Hallways)
M 0 9411 1 9444 1	* a stormgiant eunuch (The Atrium)
E 0 9410 0 16		*	a HEAVY bastard sword: wielded
O 0 9404 0 9444	* {Ba pool of water{x (The Atrium)
O 0 9419 0 9446	* a fourposter bed (The Victor's Chambers)
M 0 9417 1 9447 1	* an angry basilisk (A Beast Cage)
M 0 9421 1 9448 1	* a condemned prisoner (A Beast Cage)
G 0 9417 0		*	a lockpick
M 0 9419 1 9449 1	* a young dragon (A Beast Cage)
G 0 9418 0		*	a dragon's tooth
M 0 9420 1 9450 1	* a frightened zebra (A Beast Cage)
M 0 9418 1 9451 1	* a wounded tiger (A Beast Cage)
M 0 9416 1 9452 1	* a wild dog (A Beast Cage)
M 0 9415 1 9453 1	* a ferocious cave bear (A Beast Cage)
M 0 9414 1 9454 1	* a scrawny lion (A Beast Cage)
O 0 9403 0 9455	* a row of iron hooks (The Keeper's Room)
P 0 9413 1 9403 1	* a row of iron hooks: a large keyring
P 0 9414 1 9403 1	* a row of iron hooks: a battered longsword
P 0 9415 1 9403 1	* a row of iron hooks: a knobbed club
M 0 9400 1 9455 1	* the Dungeonkeeper (The Keeper's Room)
O 0 9416 0 9455	* an oak table (The Keeper's Room)
M 0 9403 1 9456 1	* a gnomish vendor (The Vestibule)
G 0 9407 0		*	a bag of peanuts
M 0 9402 1 9456 1	* the minotaur Gatekeeper (The Vestibule)
E 0 9408 0 9		*	spiked mail gauntlets: on the hands
E 0 9409 0 16		*	a heavy wooden club: wielded
M 0 9408 7 9457 1	* a street urchin (Above the Vestibule)
E 0 9438 0 16		*	a pocketknife: wielded
M 0 9406 10 9457 1	* a lanky man (Above the Vestibule)
M 0 9407 11 9457 1	* a mean girl (Above the Vestibule)
M 0 9404 10 9458 1	* the drunk (In the Stands)
M 0 9406 10 9458 1	* a lanky man (In the Stands)
M 0 9405 16 9458 1	* a fat woman (In the Stands)
M 0 9408 7 9459 1	* a street urchin (In the Stands)
E 0 9438 0 16		*	a pocketknife: wielded
M 0 9407 11 9459 1	* a mean girl (In the Stands)
M 0 9404 10 9460 1	* the drunk (In the Stands)
M 0 9406 10 9460 1	* a lanky man (In the Stands)
M 0 9405 16 9460 1	* a fat woman (In the Stands)
M 0 9405 16 9461 1	* a fat woman (In the Stands)
M 0 9407 11 9461 1	* a mean girl (In the Stands)
M 0 9425 2 9462 2	* a frostgiant bodyguard (The Royal Podium)
E 0 9421 0 5		*	an iron chainmail vest: on the body
E 0 9420 0 16		*	a voulge: wielded
M 0 9424 1 9462 1	* the dignitary's wife (The Royal Podium)
E 0 9424 0 16		*	sharp fingernails: wielded
M 0 9423 1 9462 1	* an obese dignitary (The Royal Podium)
E 0 9422 0 2		*	{Ya gold signet ring{x: on the right finger
E 0 9423 0 12		*	{ma purple toga{x: about the shoulders
M 0 9405 16 9463 1	* a fat woman (In the Stands)
M 0 9407 11 9463 1	* a mean girl (In the Stands)
M 0 9404 10 9463 1	* the drunk (In the Stands)
M 0 9404 10 9464 1	* the drunk (In the Stands)
M 0 9408 7 9464 1	* a street urchin (In the Stands)
E 0 9438 0 16		*	a pocketknife: wielded
M 0 9406 10 9464 1	* a lanky man (In the Stands)
M 0 9404 10 9465 1	* the drunk (In the Stands)
M 0 9407 11 9465 1	* a mean girl (In the Stands)
M 0 9405 16 9465 1	* a fat woman (In the Stands)
M 0 9408 3 9466 1	* a street urchin (In the Stands)
E 0 9438 0 16		*	a pocketknife: wielded
M 0 9406 10 9466 1	* a lanky man (In the Stands)
M 0 9407 11 9466 1	* a mean girl (In the Stands)
M 0 9404 10 9467 1	* the drunk (In the Stands)
M 0 9405 16 9467 1	* a fat woman (In the Stands)
M 0 9406 10 9468 1	* a lanky man (In the Stands)
M 0 9407 11 9468 1	* a mean girl (In the Stands)
M 0 9422 5 9468 1	* a {ybrown{x packrat (In the Stands)
M 0 9408 7 9469 1	* a street urchin (In the Stands)
E 0 9438 0 16		*	a pocketknife: wielded
M 0 9404 10 9469 1	* the drunk (In the Stands)
M 0 9406 10 9469 1	* a lanky man (In the Stands)
M 0 9405 16 9469 1	* a fat woman (In the Stands)
M 0 9405 16 9470 1	* a fat woman (In the Stands)
M 0 9407 11 9470 1	* a mean girl (In the Stands)
M 0 9404 10 9471 1	* the drunk (In the Stands)
M 0 9406 10 9471 1	* a lanky man (In the Stands)
M 0 9408 7 9472 1	* a street urchin (In the Stands)
E 0 9438 0 16		*	a pocketknife: wielded
M 0 9405 16 9472 1	* a fat woman (In the Stands)
M 0 9407 11 9472 1	* a mean girl (In the Stands)
M 0 9404 10 9473 1	* the drunk (In the Stands)
M 0 9406 10 9473 1	* a lanky man (In the Stands)
M 0 9408 7 9474 1	* a street urchin (In the Stands)
E 0 9438 0 16		*	a pocketknife: wielded
M 0 9405 16 9474 1	* a fat woman (In the Stands)
M 0 9406 10 9474 1	* a lanky man (In the Stands)
M 0 9404 10 9475 1	* the drunk (In the Stands)
M 0 9407 11 9475 1	* a mean girl (In the Stands)
M 0 9405 16 9475 1	* a fat woman (In the Stands)
M 0 9406 10 9475 1	* a lanky man (In the Stands)
M 0 9405 16 9476 1	* a fat woman (In the Stands)
M 0 9406 10 9476 1	* a lanky man (In the Stands)
M 0 9410 6 9477 6	* a harem girl (The Harem)
M 0 9432 2 9477 2	* a harem girl (The Harem)
E 0 9436 0 6		*	{Ba blue veil{x: over the head
M 0 9409 5 9478 5	* a nude woman (The Steam Room)
O 0 9405 0 9487	* {Wan obsidian casket{x ({bA Burial Vault{x)
P 0 9406 1 9405 1	* {Wan obsidian casket{x: {Wthe Mask of Charon{x
M 0 9401 1 9487 1	* {Rthe Eye of the Deep{x ({bA Burial Vault{x)

9403 19 0 0 0 0 135 65 0 23

mob echo {C                    **{w<{Y*{w>{C***{w<{Y**{w>{ROUCH!{w<{Y**{w>{C***{w<{Y*{w>{C**{x
mob echo You feel an explosion of pain in your head, and the Eye floats closer to you.
mob echo {R                               oOoOOoOOoOo{x
mob echo {M              **{w<{Y({G*{Y){w>{M***{w<{Y({G**{Y){w>{M**{RAAARRGGHH!!{M**{w<{Y({G**{Y){w>{M***{w<{Y({G*{Y){w>{M**{x
mob echo {R                               oOoOOoOOoOo{x
mob echo As you pick up the {WMask{x, the pain in your head intensifies unbearably.
murder $n
poke $n
'Ahem, you must PAY 500 silver to watch the Death Match!
emote extends a gauntleted fist, palm upward.
if rand 65
'Proceed upward to the stands, and enjoy the show.
mob echoat $n $I ushers you up the staircase.
mob echoaround $n $I ushers $n up the staircase.
mob trans $n 9457
if mobhere 9403
mob echoaround $n The Gatekeeper is too preoccupied with the vendor to notice $n slip past.
mob echoat $n The Gatekeeper is preoccupied with the vendor and doesn't notice you sneak past.
mob trans $n 9400
echoat $n The Gatekeeper notices you walking toward the arena and grabs you by the arm.
echoat $n The Gatekeeper grabs $n by the arm.
'Oi, only gladiators may enter the arena!
if rand 40
emote stares intently at $n.
if mobhere 9403
grumble vendor
give bag vendor
mob echoat $n $I steps in front of you, his huge form filling the doorway.
mob echoaround $n $n's face pales slightly as $I steps toward him.
if rand 60
mob echoat $n $I stares hard at you and shakes his head slowly.
mob echoaround $n $I stares down at $n, shaking his head slowly.
'You may not pass.
mob echo $I begins to laugh.
mob echo The eunuch says '{GDalkreesis doesn't take bribes.  Begone before I break you!{x'
mob echoat $n It grabs you by the collar and roughly tosses you toward the exit.
mob echoaround $n It grabs $n by the collar and roughly throws $m out.
mob trans $n 9404
mob echoat $n The keys jingle as you lift them off the hook, waking the Dungeonkeeper.
mob echoaround $n As $n grabs the keys, they clink together, waking the Dungeonkeeper.
emote mutters to himself and rubs his eyes.
get club hook
wield club
'Oi, thief, ye stop right thur!
murder $n
