parent $location
parent $public
parent $old_has_settings
object $place

var $root child_index 263
var $root fertile 1
var $root manager $place
var $root owned [$place]
var $root owners [$core]
var $root writable []
var $root readable ['parameters, 'methods, 'code]
var $root inited 1
var $gendered gender $gender_neuter
var $described prose #[]
var $has_verbs verbs #[]
var $has_commands commands [["l?ook", 'look_cmd], ["exam?ine", 'examine_cmd]]
var $has_commands shortcuts []
var $root dbref 'place
var $named name ['uniq, "place"]
var $named name_aliases []
var $place realm 0
var $place exits 0
var $place coordinates 0
var $public public ['readable]
var $location contents []
var $old_has_settings setting_templates #[["look-exit-format", 'string], ["examine-exit-format", 'string]]
var $old_command_environment verb_cache #[]
var $old_command_environment command_cache [["l?ook", 'look_cmd], ["exam?ine", 'examine_cmd]]
var $old_command_environment shortcuts_cache []

method init_place
    .perms($root, caller());
    exits = [];
    realm = $realm_of_creation.new();
    coordinates = #[];

method uninit_place
    var x;
    .perms($root, caller());
    for x in (exits)
        (| x.destroy() |);
    (| realm.place_destroyed(this()) |);
    for x in (.area())
        (| x.place_destroyed(this()) |);
    (| $place_db.place_destroyed() |);

method environment
    return pass() + exits;

method description
    arg actor, [exclude];
    var output, dark;
    output = pass(actor, exclude);
    output = output + (._desc_contents(actor, exclude));
    output = output + (._desc_exits(actor, exclude));
    return output;

method exits
    return exits;

method add_exit
    arg coord1, coord2;
    var exit;
    // coordinates are not standard x/y, but radial/azimuth
    .perms($exit, caller());
    exit = sender();
    (> ._add_exit(exit) <);
    (> ._add_coordinate(exit, coord1, coord2) <);
    (> ._add_coordinate(exit.dest(), coord1, coord2) <);

method _add_exit
    arg obj;
    // use .add_exit()
    .perms(sender(), 'this);
    exits = [@exits, obj];

method _del_exit
    arg obj;
    // use .del_exit()
    .perms(sender(), 'this);
    exits = setremove(exits, obj);

method del_exit
    var exit;
    exit = sender();
    .perms(caller(), $exit);
    (| ._del_exit(exit) |);
    (| ._del_coordinate(exit) |);
    (| ._del_coordinate(exit.dest()) |);

method _add_coordinate
    arg obj, coord1, coord2;
    .perms(sender(), 'this);
    // should only be called from inside this object.
    coordinates = dict_add(coordinates, obj, [coord1, coord2]);

method _del_coordinate
    arg obj;
    .perms(sender(), 'this);
    // should only be called from inside this object.
    coordinates = dict_del(coordinates, obj);

method did_connect
    if ((.visibility()) >= 0)
        .announce((sender().namef('titled)) + " has connected.", sender());

method did_disconnect
    if ((.visibility()) >= 0)
        .announce((sender().namef('titled)) + " has disconnected.", sender());

method look_cmd
    arg cmd;
    var actor, text;
    sender().tell(.short_description(sender(), sender()));

method realm
    arg [args];
    var tmp, r;
    return realm;

method announce
    arg str, [except];
    var obj;
    for obj in (.contents()) {
        if (!(obj in except))
            (| obj.tell(str) |);

method did_housekeep
    arg who;
    var message;
    // catch ~msgnf {
    catch any {
        message = .get_message('housekeeper);
    } with handler {
        message = "The housekeeper hauls %N away";
    // this will have to do until we get a correct action setup
    .announce(strsub(message, "%N", who.namef()));

method set_name
    arg new_name, [args];
    var old_name;
    old_name = .name();
    (> pass(new_name, @args) <);
    (| $place_db.room_changed_name(old_name) |);

method set_realm
    arg frob_class, where;
    if (!(frob_class.has_ancestor($frob_class)))
        throw(~type, "Realm must be submitted as a frob class object.");
    realm = frob_class.new([where]);

method short_description
    arg actor, [exclude];
    var output, dark;
    output = pass(actor, exclude);
    output = output + (._desc_contents(actor, exclude));
    output = output + (._desc_exits(actor, exclude));
    return output;

method _desc_contents
    arg actor, dont_show;
    var users, objects, output, obj, line;
    // called by .description
    .perms(sender(), 'this);
    users = [];
    objects = [];
    for obj in (.contents()) {
        if ((!(obj in dont_show)) || (| !(obj.obvious()) |)) {
            if (obj.has_ancestor($body))
                users = [@users, obj.namef('nactivity)];
                objects = [@objects, obj.namef()];
    output = [];
    // we will get these both using @options eventually.
    if (users) {
        line = ($list.to_english(users)) + " ";
        line = (line + ((listlen(users) > 1) ? "are" | "is")) + " here.";
        output = [@output, line];
    if (objects) {
        line = "You see ";
        line = (line + ($list.to_english(objects))) + " here.";
        output = [@output, line];
    return output;

method _desc_exits
    arg actor, mode;
    (> .perms(sender(), 'this) <);
    return .visible_exits_formatted(actor, tosym((.setting("look-exit-format")) || "verbose"));

method visible_exits
    var obv, exit;
    obv = [];
    for exit in (.exits()) {
        if ((exit.visibility()) >= (.visibility()))
            obv = [@obv, exit];
    return obv;

method area
    var out, x;
    out = [];
    for x in (dict_keys(coordinates)) {
        if (x.has_ancestor($place))
            out = out + [x];
    return out;

method realm_name
    return (((.name('def)) + " (") + (realm.name())) + ")";

method will_attach
    arg type, obj;
    if ((!(.is_publicly('extendable))) && (!(| .perms(obj) |)))
        throw(~perm, ("Place refuses to link with " + (obj.namef('ref))) + ".");

method visible_exits_formatted
    arg actor, how;
    var output, ex, exits, line;
    exits = .visible_exits();
    switch (how) {
        case 'none:
            return [];
        case 'brief:
            if (!exits)
                return [];
            return ["Exits: " + ($list.to_english($list.map(exits, 'name), "none"))];
        case 'average:
            output = [];
            for ex in (exits) {
                line = (ex.name()) + " (";
                line = line + ($list.to_english(ex.name_aliases(), "no, aliases"));
                output = [@output, line];
            return output ? ["Exits: " + ($list.to_english(output))] | [];
        case 'long:
            output = [];
            for ex in (exits)
                output = [@output, ((("  " + (ex.name())) + " (to ") + ((ex.dest()).name())) + ")"];
            return output ? ["Exits: ", @$list.lcolumnize(output, actor.linelen())] | [];
        case 'verbose:
            output = [];
            for ex in (exits) {
                line = ex.prose('short, "");
                if (!line)
                    line = [ex.name()];
                output = [@output, line[1]];
            return output ? [output.to_string()] | [];

method place_destroyed
    arg place;
    // announces when a place is destroyed
    .perms(caller(), $place, $realms_class);
    (| ._del_coordinate(place) |);

method exit_arrival
    arg actor;
    var exit, omsg, msg;
    exit = sender();
    msg = (| exit.message('arrive) |);
    omsg = (| exit.message('oarrive) |) || "%N arrives.";
    // should be ctext...
    if (msg) {
        msg = strsub(msg, "%N", actor.name());
        msg = strsub(msg, "%E", exit.name());
    omsg = strsub(omsg, "%N", actor.name());
    omsg = strsub(omsg, "%E", exit.name());
    .announce(omsg, actor);

method exit_departure
    arg actor;
    var exit, msg, omsg;
    exit = sender();
    // remove the crit's later, it will have 4 whopping ticks
    msg = (| exit.message('depart) |);
    omsg = (| exit.message('odepart) |) || "%N leaves.";
    // should be ctext...
    if (msg) {
        msg = strsub(msg, "%N", actor.name());
        msg = strsub(msg, "%E", exit.name());
    omsg = strsub(omsg, "%N", actor.name());
    omsg = strsub(omsg, "%E", exit.name());
    .announce(omsg, actor);

method long_description
    arg actor, [exclude];
    var output, dark;
    output = pass(actor, exclude);
    output = output + (._desc_contents(actor, exclude));
    output = output + (._desc_exits(actor, exclude));
    return output;

method examine_cmd
    arg cmd;
    var actor, text;
    sender().tell(.long_description(sender(), sender()));

method set_dbref
    arg new_dbref;
    if ((caller() != $place) && (!(sender() in ($sys.system()))))
        throw(~perm, "Place dbrefs can only be changed by $place.");
    (> pass(new_dbref) <);

method announce_to
    arg type, str, [except];
    var obj;
    switch (type) {
        case 'realm, 'sub_realm:
            (.realm()).announce('sub, str, @except);
        case 'super_realm:
            (.realm()).announce('super, str, @except);
        case 'local:
            .announce(str, @except);
        case 'area:
            for obj in ((.area()) + [this()])
                obj.announce(str, @except);