parent $connection_interfaces
object $login_interface

var $root dbref 'login_interface
var $root child_index 1417
var $root fertile 1
var $root manager $login_interface
var $root owned [$login_interface]
var $root owners [$login_interface]
var $root writable []
var $root readable ['parameters, 'methods, 'code]
var $has_commands commands [["@quit|QUIT", 'quit_cmd], ["connect guest *", 'connect_guest_cmd], ["connect *", 'connect_cmd], ["@who|WHO", 'who_cmd], ["m?otd", 'motd_cmd], ["h?elp", 'help_cmd], ["@create|CREATE *", 'create_cmd]]
var $has_commands shortcuts []
var $root inited 1
var $old_command_environment verb_cache #[]
var $old_command_environment command_cache []
var $old_command_environment shortcuts_cache []

method connect_cmd
    arg cmd, args;
    var syn, stderr, passwd, name, user;
    (> .perms(sender(), 'this) <);
    syn = cmd + " <name> <pass>";
    stderr = "Either that user does not exist or has a different password.";
    // parse the args
    args = explode(args);
    if (listlen(args) < 2)
        $parse.tell_error("Last word is taken as the password.", syn);
    passwd = args[listlen(args)];
    name = $list.to_string(sublist(args, 1, listlen(args) - 1));
    // find the user
    catch ~namenf {
        user = $user_db.find(name);
    } with handler {
        $parse.tell_error(stderr, syn);
    // validate the password
    if (!(user.check_password(passwd)))
        $parse.tell_error(stderr, syn);
    // log the user in

method create_cmd
    arg cmd, args;
    var syn, msg, user, sys_email;
    (> .perms(sender(), 'this) <);
    syn = cmd + " <name> <password> <email@host>";
    sys_email = $sys.get_system_email('login);
    // Get user name, password, and email.
    args = explode(args);
    if (listlen(args) != 3)
        $parse.tell_error("", syn);
    // Create a new user object.
    catch any {
        user = $sys.create_user(args[1], args[2], args[3]);
    } with handler {
        switch (error()) {
            case ~duplicate:
                msg = ("The user " + toliteral(args[1])) + " already exists.";
                msg = ["There was a problem creating you:"];
                msg = [@msg, (traceback()[1])[2]];
                msg = [@msg, "If there is a problem contact: " + sys_email];
        if (user)
            (| user.destroy() |);
        $parse.tell_error(msg, syn);
    // Log the user in.

method quit_cmd
    arg cmd;
    (> .perms(sender(), 'this) <);
    return 'disconnect;

method connect_guest_cmd
    arg cmd, guest, args;
    var syn, msg, email, name, result, sys_email, user;
    (> .perms(sender(), 'this) <);
    syn = ((cmd + " ") + guest) + " <name> <email>";
    sys_email = $sys.get_system_email('login);
    // Get user name and password.
    args = explode(args);
    if (listlen(args) < 2)
        $parse.tell_error("", syn);
    name = $list.to_string(sublist(args, 1, listlen(args) - 1));
    email = args[listlen(args)];
    if ($sys.validate_email_addresses())
        result = $code.valid_email(email);
    if ((result[1]) != 'valid) {
        switch (result[1]) {
            case 'invalid:
                msg = ["The given email address is not a legitimate address."];
                msg = [@msg, "Specify both username and hostname (do not use brackets)."];
                $parse.tell_error(msg, syn);
            case 'invip, 'invhostname:
                $channels.announce('System, ((((("Invalid Connection Email: " + email) + " <") + ((.connection()).address())) + "> (") + name) + ")");
                .tell(("Syntax: `" + syn) + "`");
                .tell($string.wrap_line(((("The hostname \"" + (result[3])) + "\" is invalid, (you are connecting from \"") + ((.connection()).address())) + "\", but this may not be your email host).  The server is not currently locking out invalid email addresses, although your connection has been noted (We do realize that some hosts may not function normally).", 79, "!  ", 1));
    catch any {
        user = $sys.create_user(name, 0, email, 'anonymous_user_class);
    } with handler {
        $login_log.log("User creation ($login_interface.connect_guest_cmd):");
        switch (error()) {
            case ~duplicate:
                msg = ("The name " + toliteral(words[1])) + " is already in use.";
                msg = "There was a problem creating you:";
                msg = [msg, " => " + ((traceback()[1])[2])];
                msg = [@msg, "If there is a problem contact: " + sys_email];
        $parse.tell_error(msg, syn);
    // Log the user in.

method who_cmd
    arg com;
    (> .perms(sender(), 'this) <);

method help_cmd
    arg com;
    (> .perms(sender(), 'this) <);

method null_cmd
    arg null;
    return (> .invalid_cmd(null) <);

method invalid_cmd
    arg null;
    var x, line, c;
    (> .perms(sender(), 'this) <);
    line = [];
    for x in (.command_cache())
        line = [@line, (x[1]).parse_template()];
    line = "Try: " + (line.to_english("", " or "));

method login_user
    arg user;
    var c;
    (> .perms(sender(), 'this) <);

method motd
    var out;
    out = [$motd.build('default), ""];
    out = [@out, " ** Use 'H?elp' for a list of commands **".center(79), ""];
    return out;

method motd_cmd
    arg cmd;
    (> .perms(sender(), 'this) <);

method connection_starting
    (> .perms(caller(), $connection) <);