parent $note
parent $http_root_file
object $introduction_note

var $root dbref 'introduction_note
var $root child_index 5
var $root fertile 0
var $root manager $introduction_note
var $root owned [$introduction_note]
var $root owners [$introduction_note]
var $root writable []
var $root readable ['methods, 'code, 'parameters]
var $has_verbs verbs #[]
var $public public ['readable]
var $text text ["Introduction to ColdMUD and the Cold Dark", "", "by Brandon Gillespie (Lynx)", "", "Terminology", "===========", "", "This is an introduction to ColdMUD and the Cold Dark.  Although there are", "other core's under development when using the generic term \"Cold\" it is in", "reference to the Cold Dark.  The term \"Driver\" refers to any function or", "ability inherent to the ColdMUD driver (something which is not database", "specific).  The term \"Server\" refers to the collective driver and database", "running as a whole.", "", "Transition from MOO to ColdMUD", "==============================", "", "Although ColdMUD can claim roots in MOO, and does have many similarities,", "there are also many differences.  ColdMUD has a much higher level of", "encapsulation than MOO, it has a language which is closer to C or even object", "oriented C, and it has an expanded capability.  Most of the differences are", "only noticed by programmers, as the user interface is but a finishing veneer", "which can be easilly adjusted to the relative tastes of the user.", "", "Data types", "----------", "", "The following is a list of MOO data types and their ColdMUD equivalents, as", "well as ColdMUD additions:", "", "MOO                           ColdMUD", "", "INT      1                    'integer     1", "STR      \"String\"             'string      \"String\"", "LIST     {1,2,3}              'list        [1,2,3]", "OBJ      $sys                   'objnum *    $sys", "ERR                           'error       ~error", "                              'dbref       $sys", "                              'dictionary  #[[\"key\", \"value\"]]", "                              'symbol      'Symbol", "                              'frob        <object, value>", "                              'buffer      `[]", "", "Method Structure (ColdC)", "------------------------", "", "In ColdC all variables and arguments must be defined (however their", "relative types do not need to be defined, as in MOO).  The basic syntax", "of ColdC is closer to that of C.", "", "Verbs and Methods", "-----------------", "", "In MOO the Verb has a two-fold functionality.  It acts as a function, and it", "acts as a command.  In ColdMUD a method represents the function aspect of the", "MOO Verb (Commands are discussed later).  A Method reference does not use the", "object:verb() syntax of MOO, but rather is: object.method().", "", "Properties and Parameters", "-------------------------", "", "This is where encapsulation will be noticed the most.  In MOO it is possible", "to not only modify the value of a property remotely, but you can also modify", "this value from any child of the defining parent.  In ColdMUD the only object", "which can modify the value of a parameter defined on a child is the object", "which defines that parameter.  What this means is in order for a descendant", "to modify the value of a parameter, the parent must provide the means for", "such manipulation.  The following example will demonstrate:", "", "An object exists which is called $text.  This object has the parameter", "'text', which is a list of strings.  It has two methods:", "", "  $text.get_text", "      return text;", "  .", "", "  $text.set_text", "      arg value;", "", "      text = value;", "  .", "", "The method $text.get_text() returns whatever text is set as.  The method", "$text.set_text(value) sets the value of text to whatever is submitted as the", "argument.  If $text has a child by the name of $text_1, and $text_1 defines", "a method:", "", "  $text_1.see_text", "      return text;", "  .", "", "Calling the method will fail, as $text_1 does not have a parameter by the", "name of text.  In order to find what $text_1 has as the value of $text, one", "must call $text_1.get_text().", "", "Although children cannot directly access parameters defined by their", "ancestors, they do have their own 'copies' of this parameter.  For instance,", "in the above example if the parameter of text was set to an empty list on", "$text, calling $text.get_text() would return an empty list.  If one were to", "call $text_1.get_text(), it would return 0 (the default uninitialized", "parameter value).  If one were to call $text_1.set_text([\"text\"]),", "$text.get_text() would still return an emtpy list, but $text_1.get_text()", "would return [\"text\"].", "", "Commands", "--------", "", "In MOO commands (or Verbs) are inherent to the design of the driver.  In", "ColdMUD commands are simply a database interpretation of a string which", "points to a method if there is a successful match.  In the Cold Dark", "commands are divided into 3 categories, depending upon what methodology", "is used in their parsing:", "", "Commands:    Commands use the builtin function match_template() to ", "             find matches to the command.", "Shortcuts:   Shortcuts are intented as wrap-arounds for commands,", "             using the builtin match_pattern() and passing the", "             arguments in the same fashion that the command would.", "Verbs:       Verbs are commands which include %this in the ", "             template.  Matching of %this is done in-db, after", "             match_template() is called.", "", "Examples:", "", "Command template:        \"@g?rep * to|until *\"", "", "        match_template(\"@g?rep * to|until *\", \"@grep $bar to $foo\")", "        => [\"@grep\", \"$bar\", \"to\", \"$foo\"]", "", "Shortcut for the above:  \"g* *\", [\"@grep\", 1, \"to\", 2]", "", "        match_pattern(\"g* *\", \"g$bar $foo\")", "        => [\"g\", \"$bar\", \"$boo\"]", "", "      Which the matching routines parse into:", "", "        => [\"@grep\", \"$bar\", \"to\", \"$foo\"]", "", "Verb template:           \"l?ook at %this\"", "", "      Which is converted (by the database) to:", "", "            \"l?ook at *\"", "", "      And becomes:", "", "        match_template(\"l?ook at *\", \"l at bob\")", "        => [\"l\", \"at\", \"bob\"]", "", "      At which point the database attempts to find \"bob\".", "", "For each command available an associated method is defined.  When a match is", "found that method is called with the arguments being the output of the match.", "As a convention methods bound to a command have the suffix _cmd and", "methods bound to verbs have the suffix _vrb.", "", "Programming in the Cold Dark", "============================", "", "Although I started in MOO, the command interface for the Cold Dark has changed", "slightly.  This is primarily because I felt the commands would be better in", "the syntax I have given them.  MOO equivalents:", "", "MOO                         CDC", "@program <object:method>    @program <object.method>", "                        or: @program <.method>", "@show <object>              @show <object>", "@d*isplay <object[:.]>      @d?isplay <object[.,]>", "@list <object:method>       @list|@nlist <object.method>", "                        or: @list|@nlist <.method>", "                            @com?mands [object]", "                            @mcom?mands [object]  (with methods)", "                            @which <command>", "eval <code>                 @eval <code>", ";[;]<code>                  ;[;]<code>", "                            @as <object> eval <code>", "                            @definer <object> as <object> eval <code>", "", "For a more comprehensive list of commands available in programming, type", "`@commands $programmer`.", "", "Note on commands: In the Cold Dark we have defined what the basic definition", "of a command beginning with an at sign (@) is early on (because we found this", "definition lacking and only partially supported in MOO).  The definition we", "use is that any command which does not begin with an at sign is one which", "represents a function you would do in real life.  For instance, you would not", "describe yourself as being blue and suddenly be blue, therefore the command", "`@describe` begins with an at sign.  Another example would be movement.  You", "do `go north` and subsequently go north.  You do not `go $home` and suddenly", "appear at home, therefore there are two `go` commands, depending upon the", "function.  Shortcuts do not follow this convention.", "", "Command Overview", "================", "", "This is a list of some commands available:", "", "Commands on a Generic User Object ($user):", "  \"@quit\"                                'quit_cmd", "", "    Returns 'disconnect to your connections.", "", "  \"@name-aliases|@na <obj>\"               'name_aliases_cmd", "", "    Returns a list of name aliases for <obj> (defaults to you)", "", "  \"@add-name-alias|@ana <obj>\"           'add_name_alias_cmd", "  \"@del-name-alias|@dna <obj>\"           'del_name_alias_cmd", "", "    Adds/Deletes a name alias from <obj> (defaults to you)", "", "  \"@rename <obj> to <newname>\"           'rename_cmd", "", "    Changes the name for an object, can have a command option of", "    -p or -u, to specify proper or unique names.", "", "  \"@command-a?liases|@ca?liases <obj>\"   'command_aliases_cmd", "", "    Returns a list of command aliases on <obj> (defaults to you)", "", "  \"@add-command-a?lias|@aca?lias <obj>\"  'add_command_alias_cmd", "  \"@del-command-a?lias|@dca?lias <obj>\"  'del_command_alias_cmd", "", "    Adds/Deletes a command alias, as well as adding/removing", "    the command alias parser from your parser stack, if necessary.", "", "  \"@password <old> <new>\"                'password_cmd", "", "    Change your password.", "", "  \"@who [options]\"                       'who_cmd", "", "    Who is connected?", "", "  \"@com?mands [<object>|all]\"            'commands_cmd", "", "    Give me a list of commands, defaults to all.", "", "  \"@prose|@describe <object> [-s|-l]\"    'prose_cmd", "", "    Set the short and long prose for an object, flags define which", "    to use, -s is short, which is a single paragraph, -l is long which", "    can be multiple paragraphs.  You will be prompted for whichever", "    shortcut.", "", "  \"@status\"                              'status_cmd", "", "    Returns the status of the server (uptime, last db dump, etc)", "", "  \"@spawn <obj> [named|called <name>]\"   'spawn_cmd", "", "    Spawn a child off <object>, and if it is descended from $named", "    give it the name of <name>.", "", "  \"@rehash?-commands\"                    'rehash_cmd", "", "    Rehash your command/shortcut/verb caches.  (Note: caches were", "    implemented as they cut ~4000-5000 ticks out of command parsing).", "", "Commands on a Generic Programmer ($programmer):", "  \"@show <object>\"                       'show_cmd", "", "    Show the object.", "", "  \"@d?isplay <object>[.,][wildcard]\"     'display_cmd", "", "    Display features of an object, including a period or comma will", "    specify which to show (methods or parameters, relatively), you", "    can filter items with wildcards.", "", "  \"@list|@nlist <object>.<method>\"       'list_cmd", "", "    List a method, @nlist will list a method with line numbers.", "", "  \"@program <object>.<method>\"           'program_cmd", "", "    Program a method.  Methods are defined as you program them.", "", "  \"@dump <object> +|-[p|m|e|n]\"          'dump_cmd", "", "    Dumps an object.", "", "  \"@id <object>\"                         'id_cmd", "", "    Id an object.", "", "  \"@go <place>\"                          'go_cmd", "", "    Teleport somewhere.", "", "  \"@mcom?mands <object>\"                 'mcommands_cmd", "", "    Commands and their bound methods on <object>", "", "  \"@info <object>\"                       'info_cmd", "", "    Information on <object>, will go away as help is implemented.", "", "  \"@which <template>\"                    'which_cmd", "", "    Find command(s) matching <template>", "", "  \"@mv|@move|@cp|@copy <reference> [to] <reference>\" 'copy_move_cmd", "", "    Move or copy <reference> to <reference>.", "", "  \"@del-m?ethod|@delm?ethod|@dm *\"       'del_method_cmd", "  \"@add-m?ethod|@addm?ethod|@am *\"       'add_method_cmd", "", "    Add/Delete method from an object, rather redundant but some people", "    wanted it.", "", "  \"@eval <code>\"                         'eval_cmd", "  \";<code>\"                              'eval_cmd", "", "    Evaluate <code>.", "", "  \"@add-c?ommand|@ac *\"                  'add_command_cmd", "  \"@del-c?ommand|@dc *\"                  'del_command_cmd", "", "    Add/delete commands", "", "  \"@as * eval *\"                         'eval_as_cmd", "  \"@def?iner * this|as * eval *\"         'eval_as_to_cmd", ""]
var $named name ['uniq, "Introduction"]
var $named name_aliases []
var $gendered gender $gender_neuter
var $described prose #[]
var $messaged messages #[]
var $located location $creation
var $located obvious 1
var $root inited 1
var $file data 0
var $file header 0
var $file content_type "text/plain"
var $file filename "Introduction.html"

method trusts
    arg [args];
    return 1;

method file_data
    return .text();