parent $help_node
object $help_node_summary

var $root dbref 'help_node_summary
var $root child_index 0
var $root fertile 0
var $root manager $help_node_summary
var $root owned [$help_node_summary]
var $root owners [$]
var $root writable []
var $root readable ['parameters, 'methods, 'code]
var $named name ['prop, "Summary"]
var $named name_aliases []
var $help_node linked_by []
var $help_node links #[["Commands", $help_node_commands], ["Help", $help_node_help], ["Programming", $help_node_programming], ["Building", $help_node_building], ["Interaction", $help_node_interaction], ["Virtual Environment", $help_node_environment], ["Introduction", $help_node_introduction], ["Interface", $help_node_interface]]
var $help_node body <$ctext_class, ['text_stmt, [['string_type, "Welcome to "], ['server_name_stmt, []], ['string_type, ".  "], ['text_stmt, [['string_type, "This is a hypertext help system.  For help on how to navigate help, type `@help help`."], ['p_stmt, []], ['string_type, "Some launch points to the help system:"], ['p_stmt, []], ['ul_stmt, [['text_stmt, [['anchor_stmt, [['string_type, "Commands"], ['dbref_type, $help_node_commands]]], ['string_type, "               -- How and why commands work"]]], ['text_stmt, [['anchor_stmt, [['string_type, "Help"], ['dbref_type, $help_node_help]]], ['string_type, "                   -- How to use this help system"]]], ['string_type, " "], ['text_stmt, [['anchor_stmt, [['string_type, "Programming"], ['dbref_type, $help_node_programming]]], ['string_type, "            -- Topics about programming"]]], ['text_stmt, [['anchor_stmt, [['string_type, "Building"], ['dbref_type, $help_node_building]]], ['string_type, "               -- How to extend the Virtual Environment"]]], ['text_stmt, [['anchor_stmt, [['string_type, "Interaction"], ['dbref_type, $help_node_interaction]]], ['string_type, "            -- How to interact with others"]]], ['text_stmt, [['anchor_stmt, [['string_type, "Virtual Environment"], ['dbref_type, $help_node_environment]]], ['string_type, "    -- Movement, manipulation, etc"]]], ['text_stmt, [['anchor_stmt, [['string_type, "Introduction"], ['dbref_type, $help_node_introduction]]], ['string_type, "           -- What IS this place?"]]], ['string_type, " "], ['string_type, "Index                    -- Indices"], ['text_stmt, [['anchor_stmt, [['string_type, "Interface"], ['dbref_type, $help_node_interface]]], ['string_type, "              -- How to tweak your interface"]]]]]]]]]>
var $root inited 1