parent $help_node
object $help_node_help

var $root dbref 'help_node_help
var $root child_index 0
var $root fertile 0
var $root manager $help_node_help
var $root owned [$help_node_help]
var $root owners [$]
var $root writable []
var $root readable ['parameters, 'methods, 'code]
var $tree parents_by_tree #[]
var $tree children_by_tree #[]
var $named name ['prop, "Help"]
var $named name_aliases []
var $help_node linked_by [$help_node_cml, $help_node_summary, $help_node_help]
var $help_node links #[["HELP", $help_node_help]]
var $help_node body <$ctext_class, ['text_stmt, [['header_stmt, [['string_type, "Overview"]]], ['string_type, "  The system used for help in the Cold Dark is hypertext (using both a webbed and tree structure).  This allows users to follow hot links in the body of the help, or they can traverse help tree structures with up and down nodes (for relative topics). "], ['p_stmt, []], ['string_type, " A link is simply a string which is considered hot (key-word or key-phrase).  The way it is displayed depends upon your terminal (if you are on a text only display an anchor is enclosed within two forward slashes).  This keyword is a pointer to another (possibly related) topic.  For instance: "], ['p_stmt, []], ['string_type, "          "], ['anchor_stmt, [['string_type, "HELP"], ['dbref_type, $help_node_help]]], ['string_type, " "], ['p_stmt, []], ['string_type, " Points to the topic of HELP, which happens to be this node. "], ['p_stmt, []], ['string_type, " "], ['header_stmt, [['string_type, "Activating Links"]]], ['string_type, "  Links are activated with the command `@help-link` or the shortcut `?`.  For example: "], ['p_stmt, []], ['string_type, "          ?example "], ['p_stmt, []], ['string_type, " Would activate the anchor of 'example', assuming it was within the current help node body.  If the current help node has up or down nodes defined, they are activated in the same method.  Further information on /@help-link/ is available."]]]>
var $root inited 1