An Ancient Path through the dense forest~
This path appears to be very old, and well travelled.  It amazes you that you 
have never noticed it was here before.  That is until you look back and 
realize that the clay road is completely invisible to you from here.  To the
east, the path continues.  It appears that the western opening you entered 
through is now impassible.  You are here whether you like it or not....
24 0 3
An Ancient Path through the dense forest
0 0 2401
An Ancient Path through the dense forest~
The path is becoming more and more difficult to traverse now, as the trees
seem to reach out to strangle you.  You feel like you are utterly alone, 
and, if not for the mountain you can now see in the distance, would probably
just recall to Midgaard.  But then again, who ever said that adventuring was
24 0 3
End of the Ancient Path
0 0 2402
An Ancient Path through the dense forest
0 0 2400
The End of the Ancient Path~
You finally burst free from the grasp of the wood, only to find yourself at
the foot of a path.  The path leads north, to the mountain which has, until
now been your only beacon.  Now that you can better see the ominous mountain
looming before you,  you begin to rethink the idea of recalling to Midgaard.  
24 0 3
Path to the Mountain
0 0 2403
An Ancient Path through the dense forest
0 0 2401
Path to the Mountain~
You are on a small nondescript path leading northward to the mountain.
The closer you get to the mountain, the worse you feel about the whole thing.
You begin to remember hearing old stories about a hidden mountain, which
was, for some unknown reason, named DragonSpyre.  
24 0 3
Path to the Mountain
0 0 2404
End of the Anicient Path
0 0 2402
Path to the Mountain~
You are on a small nondescript path leading northward to the mountain.
The closer you get to the mountain, the worse you feel about the whole thing.
The deep stench of dragon is wafting through the air now, and you are starting
to feel the first tinges of dragon fear stir within you.  Maybe you should go 
back while you still have that option.
24 0 3
At the foot of the Mountain
0 0 2405
Path to the Mountain
0 0 2403
At the foot of the Mountain~
You have reached the foot of the great mountain.  Here, the dragon stench
is almost strong enough to disable you.  The only way you are able to stand it
is by ripping of a piece of cloth, and covering your mouth and nose with it as 
you walk.  Far above you, you see what must be the entrance to the cave.  
24 0 3
Path to the Mountain
0 0 2404
Climbing the Mountain
0 0 2406
Climbing the Mountain~
Now that you have something to somthing to concentrate upon, scaling the
mountain, you are actually able to think more clearly.  You have encountered
dragons before, and vanquished them, why should these be any different.
This thought continues rolling through your mind, but as you reach the next 
level of the cliff, it does little to ease your fear.
24 0 5
Climbing the Mountain
0 0 2407
At the foot of the Mountain
0 0 2405
Climbing the Mountain~
You are now close enough to the entrance to hear the sounds from within.  
The first thing you are aware of is that the mountain itself seems to breathe.
In and out goes its breath, constantly in and out.  You suddenly hear footsteps
approaching from all around you, and brace for combat.  It takes you a few
moments to realize that the sound was your heart beating.
24 0 5
The ledge on the Mountain
0 0 2408
Climbing the Mountain
0 0 2406
The ledge on the Mountain~
You have reached a small ledge about one fourth of the way up the mountain.
To the east is the entrance to what seems to be a small cave.  The only hint
as to the size of the cave are the screams that are echoing from within it, 
which seem to last an eternity.  
24 0 5
Entrance to the Cave
0 0 2409
Climbing the Mountain
0 0 2407
Entrance to the Cave~
Once inside the cave you feel completely lost to the outside world.  All 
around you are horrific sounds of death and fear.  The walls are all stained
with many differing shades of red or brown, with a few frost particles
glittering on one of the walls.  Even with the cloth, the smell of the dragons 
is almost unbearable.
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2410
A ledge on the Mountain
0 0 2408
Walking through DragonSpyre~
Within the realm of the DragonSpyres, everything seems different.  The walls
appear to reach out towards you, while the floor and ceiling struggle to crush
the life from you.  The further you proceed into the Mountain, the more you
wish you hadn't come here in the first place.
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2411
Entrance to the Cave
0 0 2409
Walking through DragonSpyre~
Within the realm of the DragonSpyres, everything seems different.  The walls
appear to reach out towards you, while the floor and ceiling struggle to crush
the life from you.  The further you proceed into the Mountain, the more you
wish you hadn't come here in the first place.
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2412
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2410
Walking through DragonSpyre~
Within the realm of the DragonSpyres, everything seems different.  The wall
appear to reach out towards you, while the floor and ceiling struggle to crush
the life from you.  The further you proceed into the Mountain, the more you
wish you hadn't come here in the first place.
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2413
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2411

Walking through DragonSpyre~
Within the realm of the DragonSpyres, everything seems different.  The walls
appear to reach out towards you, while the floor and ceiling struggle to crush
the life from you.  The further you proceed into the Mountain, the more you
wish you hadn't come here in the first place.
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2414
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2412

Walking through DragonSpyre~
Within the realm of the DragonSpyres, everything seems different.  The walls
appear to reach out towards you, while the floor and ceiling struggle to crush
the life from you.  The further you proceed into the Mountain, the more you
wish you hadn't come here in the first place.
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2415
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2413
Walking through DragonSpyre~
Within the realm of the DragonSpyres, everything seems different.  The walls
appear to reach out towards you, while the floor and ceiling struggle to crush
the life from you.  The further you proceed into the Mountain, the more you
wish you hadn't come here in the first place.
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2416
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2419
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2414
Walking through DragonSpyre~
Within the realm of the DragonSpyres, everything seems different.  The walls
appear to reach out towards you, while the floor and ceiling struggle to crush
the life from you.  The further you proceed into the Mountain, the more you
wish you hadn't come here in the first place.
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2417
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2415
Walking through DragonSpyre~
Within the realm of the DragonSpyres, everything seems different.  The walls
appear to reach out towards you, while the floor and ceiling struggle to crush
the life from you.  The further you proceed into the Mountain, the more you
wish you hadn't come here in the first place.
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2418
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2416
Walking through DragonSpyre~
Within the realm of the DragonSpyres, everything seems different.  The walls
appear to reach out towards you, while the floor and ceiling struggle to crush
the life from you.  The further you proceed into the Mountain, the more you
wish you hadn't come here in the first place.
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2439
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2417
Walking through DragonSpyre~
Within the realm of the DragonSpyres, everything seems different.  The walls
appear to reach out towards you, while the floor and ceiling struggle to crush
the life from you.  The further you proceed into the Mountain, the more you
wish you hadn't come here in the first place.
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2415
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2420
Walking through DragonSpyre~
Within the realm of the DragonSpyres, everything seems different.  The walls
appear to reach out towards you, while the floor and ceiling struggle to crush
the life from you.  The further you proceed into the Mountain, the more you
wish you hadn't come here in the first place.
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2421
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2419
Walking through DragonSpyre~
Within the realm of the DragonSpyres, everything seems different.  The walls
appear to reach out towards you, while the floor and ceiling struggle to crush
the life from you.  The further you proceed into the Mountain, the more you
wish you hadn't come here in the first place.
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2422
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2420
Walking through DragonSpyre~
You are beginning to feel very unnerved.  Since you have been walking through
DragonSpyre, the screams had been slowly dying off, and now they are no more.
Normally the lack of death cries would be a welcome change, only now they
have been replaced by a very eerie silence.  You don't like this one bit.
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2423
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2421
Walking through DragonSpyre~
This cave is really starting to get on your nerves.  With each new step, you
hear what sounds like giggling coming from all sides, goading you onward.
Daring you to learn the secrets that DragonSpyre has held for the past three
hundred years.  "They are only dragons."
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2424
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2422
Walking through DragonSpyre~
This cave is really starting to get on your nerves.  With each new step, you
hear what sounds like giggling coming from all sides, goading you onward.
Daring you to learn the secrets that DragonSpyre has held for the past three
hundred years.  "They are only dragons."  To the north, the path forks.
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2425
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2423

Walking through DragonSpyre~
You have reached a fork in the path through DragonSpyre.  You can't be sure
which way you should go, but the odd scraching sound to the east makes
you want to go west.  The giggling that has been following you around has
now become a full blown laugh.   "They are ONLY dragons."
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2428
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2424
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2426
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The walls are blank and featureless, solid rock that has not been touched
for unknown centuries.  The floor is scuffed and scraped from thousands
of claws passing over it.  The ceiling is out of sight, the cave is obviously
made for something well beyond human size.  "They are only dragons."
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2425
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2427
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The walls are blank and featureless, solid rock that has not been touched
for unknown centuries.  The floor is scuffed and scraped from thousands
of claws passing over it.  The ceiling is out of sight, the cave is obviously
made for something well beyond human size.  To the west is a small crevice
that you could just barely squeeze through.  "They are only dragons."
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2426
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2417
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The walls are blank and featureless, solid rock that has not been touched
for unknown centuries.  The floor is scuffed and scraped from thousands
of claws passing over it.  The ceiling is out of sight, the cave is obviously
made for something well beyond human size.  "They are only dragons?"
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2429
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2425
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The walls are blank and featureless, solid rock that has not been touched
for unknown centuries.  The floor is scuffed and scraped from thousands
of claws passing over it.  The ceiling is out of sight, the cave is obviously
made for something well beyond human size.  "They are only dragons?"
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2430
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2428
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The walls are blank and featureless, solid rock that has not been touched
for unknown centuries.  The floor is scuffed and scraped from thousands
of claws passing over it.  The ceiling is out of sight, the cave is obviously
made for something well beyond human size.  To the north you can hear a
low rumbling sound.  "They are only DRAGONS!"
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2431
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2433
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2429
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The walls are blank and featureless, solid rock that has not been touched
for unknown centuries.  The floor is scuffed and scraped from thousands
of claws passing over it.  The ceiling is out of sight, the cave is obviously
made for something well beyond human size.  To the north you can hear a
low rumbling sound.  "They are only DRAGONS!"
24 8 0
The Lair of the White Dragon
0 0 2432
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2430
The Lair of the White Dragon~
You have managed, through luck(?), to find the lair of the white dragon.  It
stands before you, glaring at you with its pale blue eyes.  All around, the
walls are coated with a thick layer of ice.  You slip several times before 
gaining your balance enough to face the fearsome beast.  Will you fight it,
or flee?  "It is JUST a dragon."
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
2 2401 2444
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2431
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The ground is damp here, and the air is so thick that it is almost hard to
breathe.  It still is not to late to go back.  Far ahead, you think you can see
what looks like a large door.  "They are only dragons."
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2434
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2430
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The ground is damp here, and the air is so thick that it is almost hard to
breathe.  It still is not to late to go back.  Now that you are closer to the
wall, you are sure that there is a door ahead and on the far eastern wall.
"They are only dragons.  I have killed many dragons before!"
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2435
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2433
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The ground is damp here, and the air is so thick that it is almost hard to
breathe.  It still is not to late to go back.  Now that you are closer to the
wall, you are sure that there is a door ahead and on the far eastern wall.
"They are only dragons.  I have killed many dragons before!"
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2436
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2434

Walking through DragonSpyre~
The ground is damp here, and the air is so thick that it is almost hard to
breathe.  It still is not to late to go back.  Now that you are closer to the
wall, you are sure that there is a door ahead and on the far eastern wall.
"They are only dragons.  I have killed many dragons before!"
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2437
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2435
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The ground is damp here, and the air is so thick that it is almost hard to
breathe.  It still is not to late to go back.  On the eastern wall is a large 
oaken door.  "Surely i can kill a dragon."
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
door oaken~
2 2402 243
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2436
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The ground is damp here, and the air is so thick that it is almost hard to
breathe.  It still is not to late to go back.  On the western wall is a large 
oaken door.  There is a ladder leading up here.  "Dragons aren't THAT scary."
24 8 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
door oaken~
2 2402 2437
The top of the Mountain
0 0 2501
Walking through DragonSpyre~
Within the realm of DragonSpyre, everything seems different.  The wall
appear to reach out towards you, while the floor and ceiling struggle to crush
the life from you.  The further you proceed into the Mountain, the more you
wish you hadn't come here in the first place.  You can hear the sound of 
running water somewhere to the north.
24 0 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2440
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2418
Walking through DragonSpyre~
Within the realm of DragonSpyre, everything seems different.  The walls
appear to reach out towards you, while the floor and ceiling struggle to crush
the life from you.  The further you proceed into the Mountain, the more you
wish you hadn't come here in the first place. To the north, the sound of 
water flowing is quite loud.
24 0 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2441
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2439
Walking through DragonSpyre~
Within the realm of DragonSpyre, everything seems different.  The walls
appear to reach out towards you, while the floor and ceiling struggle to crush
the life from you.  The further you proceed into the Mountain, the more you
wish you hadn't come here in the first place. To the east, there is room that
is continually being flushed with boiling acid from one of the higher levels.
24 0 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
2 2402 2443
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2442
Walking through DragonSpyr
0 0 2440
Walking through DragonSpyre~
You should read room descriptions more often.
The acid cascades over your body, and burns the skin from the muscle,
then the muscle from the bone.  You have never experienced this much
pain in your entire life.
24 527 0
Walking through DragonSpyre~
You are at the end of the tunnel.  The only exit other than the one you
came in through is down.  You probably shouldn't go down...it might
be dangerous.  But then again, you don't gain fame and fortune by being
afraid of a little new challenge, now do you?
24 0 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
2 2402 2441
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2500
Walking through DragonSpyre~
You have made it passed the white dragon, the first of your challenges.
Now, you are entitled to his treasure...if you can find it.
The hallway here is colder than the rest of the cave.  You assume that the
white dragon made frequent passes through here to make sure his gold
was still intact.  You begin to hope that it wasn't a baby....
24 0 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2445
Lair of the White Dragon
2 2401 2432
Walking through DragonSpyre~
You have made it passed the white dragon, the first of your challenges.
Now, you are entitled to his treasure...if you can find it.
The hallway here is colder than the rest of the cave.  You assume that the
white dragon made frequent passes through here to make sure his gold
was still intact.  You begin to hope that it wasn't a baby....
24 0 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2446
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2444

Walking through DragonSpyre~
You have made it passed the white dragon, the first of your challenges.
Now, you are entitled to his treasure...if you can find it.
The hallway here is colder than the rest of the cave.  You assume that the
white dragon made frequent passes through here to make sure his gold
was still intact.  You begin to hope that it wasn't a baby....
24 0 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2447
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2445
Walking through DragonSpyre~
You have made it passed the white dragon, the first of your challenges.
Now, you are entitled to his treasure...if you can find it.
The hallway here is colder than the rest of the cave.  You assume that the
white dragon made frequent passes through here to make sure his gold
was still intact.  You begin to hope that it wasn't a baby....
24 0 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
2 0 2448
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2451
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2446
Walking through DragonSpyre~
You have made it passed the white dragon, the first of your challenges.
Now, you are entitled to his treasure...if you can find it.
The hallway here is colder than the rest of the cave.  You assume that the
white dragon made frequent passes through here to make sure his gold
was still intact.  You begin to hope that it wasn't a baby....
24 0 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
2 0 2449
Treasure Room
0 0 2447
Walking through DragonSpyre~
You have made it passed the white dragon, the first of your challenges.
Now, you are entitled to his treasure...if you can find it.
The hallway here is colder than the rest of the cave.  You assume that the
white dragon made frequent passes through here to make sure his gold
was still intact.  You begin to hope that it wasn't a baby....
24 0 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
2 2401 2450 
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2448

Treasure Room~
All alround the horde of the white dragon glimmers.  It appears that he
hass been collecting for quite some time.  There are little bits of everything
here, from broken swords, to the leg bone of a dracolich.  The main thing
that catches your eye is the large pile of gold resting all around the room.
You are about to claim it as your own, when you are struck from behind...
24 0 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
2 2401 2449

Walking through DragonSpyre~
You have made it past the white dragon, the first of your challenges.
Now,  you are entitled to his treasure...if you can find it.
The hallway here is colder than the rest of the cave.  You assume that
the white dragon made frequent passes through here to make sure his 
gold was intact.  You begin to hope that it wasn't a baby....
24 0 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2452
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2447
Walking through DragonSpyre~
You have made it past the white dragon, the first of your challenges.
Now,  you are entitled to his treasure...if you can find it.
The hallway here is colder than the rest of the cave.  You assume that
the white dragon made frequent passes through here to make sure his 
gold was intact.  You begin to hope that it wasn't a baby....
24 0 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2453
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2451
Walking through DragonSpyre~
You have made it past the white dragon, the first of your challenges.
Now,  you are entitled to his treasure...if you can find it.
The hallway here is colder than the rest of the cave.  You assume that
the white dragon made frequent passes through here to make sure his 
gold was intact.  You begin to hope that it wasn't a baby....
24 0 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2454
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2452
Walking through DragonSpyre~
You have made it past the white dragon, the first of your challenges.
Now,  you are entitled to his treasure...if you can find it.
The hallway here is colder than the rest of the cave.  You assume that
the white dragon made frequent passes through here to make sure his 
gold was intact.  You begin to hope that it wasn't a baby....
24 0 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2455
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2453
Walking through DragonSpyre~
You have made it past the white dragon, the first of your challenges.
Now,  you are entitled to his treasure...if you can find it.
The hallway here is colder than the rest of the cave.  You assume that
the white dragon made frequent passes through here to make sure his 
gold was intact.  You begin to hope that it wasn't a baby....
24 0 0
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2456
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2454
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
2 0 2455
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2457
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
2 0 2456
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2458
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
2 0 2457
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2459

Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2458
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2460
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2459
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2461
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2460
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2462
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
2 0 2461
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2463
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radcial change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
2 0 2462
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2464
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2465
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2463
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
2 2403 2466
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2464
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
2 2403 2465
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2467
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2466
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2468
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2467
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2469
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2468
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2470
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.  To the west is a large gate.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2469
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2471
Walking through DragonSpyre
2 2404 2474
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2472
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2470
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Lair of the Copper Dragon
0 0 2473
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2471
Lair of the Copper Dragon~
Within the bounds of this room, time has seemed to stop.  There is no	
movement, save for the large mass at the back of the room.  Out of the	
corner of you eye, you manage to catch a glimpse of a droplet of water
"falling" from a stalagtite...it appears to have been in the same position
for the past century.  You have no chance to move before the Dragon strikes.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2472
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.  To the east is a large gate.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
2 0 2470
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2475
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2474
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2476
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2475
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2477
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2479
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2476
Treasure Room
2 2404 2478
Treasure Room~
All about you are the untold fortunes of many generations of families.
Nothing here seems to be touched by age, it is all in perfect condition.	It has remained as it was many years ago when it was taken.  Although the	Dragon and the original families considered these items "treasure", you	
manage to find little of value beside a pile of gold coins you collect.	
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
2 2404 2477
Walking through DragonSpyre
2 2404 2483
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2476
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2480
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2479
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2481
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance. 
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2480
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2482
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes o
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.  You have reached a dead end.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2482
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Treasure Room
2 2404 2478
Walking through DragonSpyre
2 2404 2484
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2483
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2485
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2484
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2491
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2495
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2486
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were i.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2485
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2487
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2486
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2488
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2487
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2489
Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2488
Pixie King's Bedroom
2 2405 2490

Pixie King's Bedroom~
You have entered into the private quarters of the Pixie King.	
You can just imagine a horde of guards walking in on you,
but luckily they never do.  Even so, you better make your	
stay here a short one.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
2 2405 2487

Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2492
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2485

Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2493
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2491

Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Throne room of the Pixie King
1 -1 2494
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2492

Throne room of the Pixie King~
The throne room is remarkably well kempt considering the anarchy	
of the Pixie hierarchy.  The power of the time dragon does not seem	
to affect this room in the least bit.  There is a humongous throne	
sitting at the far end of the room.  There appears to be a Pixie	
engulfed in it.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
2 -1 2493

Walking through DragonSpyre~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2485
Approaching the end of the Hallway
0 0 2496
Approaching the end of the Hallway~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Walking through DragonSpyre
0 0 2495
Approaching the end of the Hallway
0 0 2497
Approaching the end of the Hallway~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Approaching the end of the Hallway
0 0 2496
Approaching the end of the Hallway
0 0 2498
Approaching the end of the Hallway~
The hallway here is a radical change from where you just where.  Here,
the walls look much more undeveloped than the last hallway you were in.
It feels like time itself is slowing down.  The hallway looks like it goes on
for all eternity, but at the sluggish pace you are moving, eternity might
not be that long of a distance.
24 0 5
Approaching the end of the Hallway
0 0 2497
The end of the Hallway
0 0 2499
The End of the Hallway~
You have come to the end of the hallway.  As you enter the room,	
you hear a slight rumbling coming from the eastern wall.  You look,
and see that the wall has opened to reveal a safe passage to the 
beginning of the cavern.  There is also an exit to the north.
24 0 5
Approaching the end of the Hallway
0 0 2498
The Beginning of the Cavern
0 0 2408
