Along the pathway~
   You are walking along a partially paved pathway.  The road is fairly smooth
with the exception of a stone or two in the road.  You can feel a cool breeze
that seems to be pushing you ahead.  To your left and right, you see nothing
but a dense forest.  You can journey forward, or go back.    
14 32768 2
0 0 1401
0 0 -1
Along the pathway~
   You are walking along a half paved pathway.  You see the basic shape of a
castle up ahead.  The wind changes direction as it blows in your face.  On the
left and right, you see a dense forest.  It looks like that this pathway was
just cut right into a big forest.    
14 32768 2
0 0 1402
0 0 1400
Along the pathway~
   You are walking along a path.  The walkway is more paved and you can see a
clearer view of the castle up ahead.  You see that the castle is damaged from
warfare.  Your mind wonders what is going on and what happened.  Curiousity and
instinct tell you to wander further, but your sense of reason tells you to go
14 32768 2
0 0 1403
0 0 1401
Castle Gates~
   You are standing in front of a barren castle.  You can see breaks in the
castle walls from where a possible ballista or boulder was hurled.  The torches
that are around the upper castle are not lit.  On the ground you see what looks
like cat fur.  As you look at the castle gate, a sinking feeling enters your
14 32768 2
0 0 1404
0 0 1402
Castle Entrance~
   You walk into the destroyed castle.  The banners on the walls are torn, as
if a mob of felines ran their sharp claws through them.  You can smell the
stench of rotting flesh which is making your stomach churn.  You see cat hairs
all over the floor, and kittens eating human corpses with blood all over their
mouths.  To your left and right, you see stairwells leading to the top of the
castle.  To the north is the castle's great hall.  To the south is the exit out
of the castle.    
14 32768 0
0 0 1405
0 0 1409
0 0 1403
0 0 1408
The Great Hall~
   You are walking down the castle's hall.  To the sides you see shattered
stained glass windows.  The bits and pieces of glass litter the floor.  Also
you see cat hairs spread out throughout the hall.  Your mind starts to wonder
what happened here.    
14 32776 0
0 0 1406
0 0 1404
Great Hall~
   You are walking down the castle's great hall.  There is glass all over the
place from the broken windows to your left and right.  More human corpses
litter the place and are covered with cat hairs.  The stench of the corpses are
making you nauseous!  To the north you see a throne room.  To the south you see
the way out of this unsightly place!    
14 32776 0
0 0 1407
0 0 1405
Throne Room~
   You enter the castle's Throne Room.  Here is where the King of the castle
would sit.  The throne in front of you seats a human corpse.  Something inside
you senses that this was the former king of this castle, and you don't want to
stick around to see what happens next.  You begin to see kittens crawling
around the throne devouring the corpse.    
14 32776 0
0 0 1406
West stairwell~
   Right in front of you is a stone flight of steps that takes you to the upper
reaches of the castle.  To the east is the castle's main entrance.  To the
north, west, south are the dull stone walls of the castle.  You notice cat
hairs covering the floor.    
14 32776 0
0 0 1404
0 0 1410
East Stairwell~
   Right in front of you is a stone stairwell that takes you to the upper
reaches of the castle.  To the west is the castle's main entrance.  To the
east, north, and south are the dull stone walls of the castle.  You notice cat
hairs all over the floor.    
14 32776 0
0 0 1404
0 0 1411
West Stairwell Upper Level~
   There is a stone stairwell that leads you to the lower reaches of the
castle.  As you look around you see a lead to the balcony to the east.  To the
west, north and south you see nothing but dull grey stone walls.  You see more
cat fur on the ground.    
14 32776 0
0 0 1412
0 0 1408
East Stairwell Upper Level~
   There is a stone stairwell leading to the lower reaches of the castle.  To
the west is a balcony.  To the north, south and east are dull grey stone walls.
You see more cat fur on the ground.  You can sense the hostility here as blood
is splattered all over the walls.  There is a note on the wall.    
14 32776 0
0 0 1412
0 0 1409
Note Paper~
   The note reads, "Here Kitty Kitty Kitty...  ROAR!  " and is written in what
appears to be human blood.    
Upper Balcony~
   The upper balcony is just a platform that is uncovered from any stone walls
or any other obstructions.  It is simply a place where guards can stand to
watch for invaders.    
14 32768 0
0 0 1414
0 0 1411
0 0 1413
0 0 1410
Beyond the Balcony~
   You think you're superman?!?  You are falling 25 feet onto the pavement
right below the balcony!  If luck smiles upon you, you won't land on your neck
and kill yourself!  As you are falling, you see the ground coming closer and
closer at you.    
14 32772 0
T 1400
Training Room~
   This is a training room for the castle's guards.  The place is a total mess.
On the walls you see blood and weapon racks with no weapons in them!  On the
ground next to the walls, you see dead guards with weapons stuck in them!  
Red, grey, black, white, yellow cat hairs are everywhere!    
14 32776 0
0 0 1415
0 0 1417
0 0 1412
0 0 1416
Training Room~
   You are in the training room.  The place is a total disaster.  Everywhere
you look, there is blood and gore everywhere.  It's splattered on the walls.  
It's dripping on the floor.  In fact, your foot is wet from a dead guard's
blood.  You are standing in the center of this large training room.  The air is
littered with cat hairs and it makes you want to sneeze.    
14 32776 0
0 0 1420
0 0 1419
0 0 1414
0 0 1418
Training Room~
   You are in the southwest corner of the training room.  This area isn't as
bloody as the rest of the room.  No corpses lay here, no blood is on the ground
or the walls here.  However, there are cat hairs just littering the floor.  No
matter where you go in this room, you cannot escape the stench of human
14 32776 0
0 0 1418
0 0 1414
Training Room~
   You are in the southeastern area of the training room.  There is more blood
and gore all over the floor, the walls, and piled up along the perimeter of the
room.  The cat hairs you see just make you wonder how big these cats are!  
There is a note on the wall.    
14 32776 0
0 0 1419
0 0 1414
Note Paper Wall~
   The note reads: Iron Claw Pride was here.  We did this to show that no idiot
human could shout here kittykittykitty and get away with it!  Terral is our
leader, and he is the best hunter of all Parthan.    
Training Room~
   You are in the training room of the castle.  The central western area of the
room is moderately filled with the filth of war.  You can tell from the looks
of these corpses that whatever attacked them were extremely angry!  The faces
of the corpses are scratched to bits!  You can barely tell what they looked
like when they were alive.  There is blood splattered on the wall, and it is
also dripping on the floor.    
14 32776 0
0 0 1422
0 0 1415
0 0 1416
Training Room~
   You are in the central eastern area of the training room.  The wall rests a
lit torch, and above it is a message.  The corpses here are stacked somewhat
neatly for easier passage through the room.  The blood is flowing on the floor
from all the carnage that happened in this room.    
14 32768 0
0 0 1421
0 0 1417
0 0 1415
wall message torch~
Above the torch on the wall, "PARTHANS RULE" is written.. in human blood!
Training Room~
   You are in the castle's training room.  There is a weapon rack here with no
weapons in it.  On the north wall you see a wooden door.  Blood and gore are
everywhere in this area of the room.  The weapons that were on this rack have
been unsheathed and inserted into the bodies of the corpses.  Some weapons also
litter the floor, but they are all broken.    
14 32776 0
1 0 1423
0 0 1421
0 0 1415
0 0 1422
Training Room~
   You are in the Training Room of the castle.  The northeastern area of the
room is littered with human body parts, blood, and corpses.  The stench from
the corpses still lingers in the air.  Blood is smeared all over the walls.  
The thought of this heinous act makes your stomach turn.    
14 32776 0
0 0 1419
0 0 1420
Training Room~
   You are in the Training Room of the Castle.  The northwestern area of the
room reeks from the stench of human corpses rotting.  The blood all over the
walls and floor just make you want to vomit.  Cat hairs litter the floor and
are airborne.  You experience some getting caught in your throat as you
14 32776 0
0 0 1420
0 0 1418
Castle Walkway~
   You are in the Castle Walkway.  You see towers to your left and right.  You
also see a stone set of stairs leading you down to the lower reaches of the
castle.  The air is fresher than what is inside the training room.  However,
you see more cat hairs on the ground and tracks of it lead east and west.    
14 32776 0
0 0 1426
1 0 1420
0 0 1424
0 0 1428
Western Tower~
   You are at the western tower of the castle.  You can go up to the top of the
tower, or you can go east back to the castle walkway.  The floor is covered
with cat hair, and the trail of cat hair leads up the stone stairwell around
the tower.  Your lungs rejoice as they receive the fresh air blowing in from
the north.    
14 32776 0
0 0 1423
0 0 1425
Inside the Western Tower~
   You are inside the western tower of the castle.  The view is great up here,
but the dead guard lying here isn't as great of a sight.  It seems that the
Parthans like to finish a job well, even by killing the tower guards.    
14 32776 0
0 0 1424
Eastern Tower~
   You are at the eastern tower of the castle.  The trail of cat hairs leads up
the spiral staircase into the tower.  Your instinct tells you to act like a cat
and cure your curiousity.  The fresh air that you breathe reminds you of what
you may experience inside the tower.    
14 32776 0
0 0 1423
0 0 1427
Inside the Eastern Tower~
   You are inside the eastern tower of the castle.  Ironically, there is no
blood or gore in this tower.  Instead, there is just a little black and white
kitten sitting on the guard chair, looking at you.  The view is great up here,
like the view from the western tower.  You can see the forest that surrounds
the castle and how dense it is.    
14 32776 0
0 0 1426
cat kitten kitty kittycat~
The kitten looks at you and utters the words '..meow..'
The Dungeon~
   This is the dungeon of the castle.  The walls are wet and damp.  You also
notice algae growing all over the walls.  You also see a jail cell where many
human corpses are locked in.  The air is humid from the wetness on the walls.
The room is lit from torches mounted on the northern, eastern, and western
14 32776 0
0 0 1429
0 0 1423
   This is the dungeon's stairwell.  It is made of stone and leads down into a
dark place.  Your curiousity tells you to go, but your instinct tells you not
to.  You can go back and run away or go down the stairs to encounter an
experience that you've never felt before!    
14 32780 0
0 0 1428
0 0 1430
Castle Crypt -- Level 1~
   You are in a dark room.  Everything around you is pitch black, in exception
to the objects around you that the brightness of your light hits.  To your left
and right are walls of bone.  Skulls, limbs, rib cages, and many others are
embedded into the walls of this massive area.  In front of you is pitch
blackness.  Perhaps you should continue?  Perhaps you should go back up and
14 32777 0
0 0 1431
0 0 1440
0 0 1429
Castle Crypt -- Level 1~
   You are in the crypt of the castle.  This place is where all the disposed
dead end up.  You can smell the stench of rotting flesh.  It's stronger than
what you smelled before.  The walls on your left and right are still just
bones.  In front of you is pitch blackness.    
14 32777 0
0 0 1432
0 0 1430
Castle Crypt -- Level 1~
   You are in the castle crypt.  This is the place where all the disposed dead
end up.  The stench of rotting flesh is stronger than what it was when you were
in the castle.  The walls on the left and right are made of bone, and in front
of you is pitch blackness.    
14 32777 0
0 0 1433
0 0 1431
Castle Crypt -- Level 1~
   You are at a cross roads in the castle's crypt.  To the north is a wall of
bone, while to the west, east, and south is pitch blackness.  The stench of
rotten flesh lingers in the air.  The idea of such a place existing is making
your skin crawl.    
14 32777 0
0 0 1435
0 0 1432
0 0 1434
Castle Crypt -- Level 1~
   You are at a stairwell in the castle's crypt.  The stairwell is made of
stone, as it leads to who knows what lies below!  You can go down this spiral
stairwell or you can turn tail and go back home.  The stench of rotting flesh
is stronger here than it was when you entered the crypt.    
14 9 0
0 0 1433
Castle Crypt -- Level 1~
   You are in the castle's crypt.  The walls to the left and right are made of
bone and in front of you lies pitch blackness.  The bones on the wall are
changing from the normal white color to a more reddish color.  The reddish
color on the bones gets deeper and deeper as you proceed eastward.  The stench
of rotting flesh lingers in the air.    
14 9 0
0 0 1437
0 0 1436
0 0 1433
Castle Crypt -- Level 1~
   You are in the castle's crypt.  The area you are in is dark in exception to
where you stand that your light illuminates.  You smell death all around you.
It feels damp and humid all around you.  The walls to your left and right feel
close to you as claustrophobia starts to kick in.  You are at a dead end.  
Perhaps a very dead end.    
14 9 0
0 0 1435
Castle Crypt -- Level 1~
   You are in the dark crypt underneath the castle.  There is evidence of mass
death all around the area.  Your teeth start to chatter as you hear the sounds
of ripped flesh all around you.  The sound of movement makes you wonder what
lies around the corner.  The walls around the place are made of bone, and the
bones are starting to have a deeper red color as you proceed through the crypt.
14 9 0
0 0 1438
0 0 1435
Castle Crypt -- Level 1~
   You are in the dark cavern-like crypt underneath the castle.  The room is
dark in exception to where your light illuminates.  The walls seem to come
closer and closer as you journey onward.  The sight of the bone structured
walls and the stench of rotting flesh and death are making you nauseous.    
14 9 0
You shine your light eastward and see nothing in front of you.. not even ground to walk on!
0 0 1439
0 0 1437
e east~
The Death Pit~
   You just fell many many miles to what seems to be your death.  Fortunately
for you, you only land on your neck and lose control of all your limbs.  But
the zombies around you are about to fix that.  They are eating you alive!  You
can feel their teeth sink into your flesh.  Soon you'll be dead..  And you'll
become one of THEM...  The undead..    
14 7 0
Castle Crypt~
   You are in the dark crypt of the castle.  The walls are made of bones that
reek of death.  You wonder what could have made such a hideous sight.  Ahead of
you is pure darkness.  Behind you is pure darkness.  You can hear the rattling
of bones and the moans of disturbed souls in the distance.  You feel a chill
run down your back as you think of what you could encounter in this kind of
place.  There are stairs leading down to another level of the crypt.    
14 32777 0
0 0 1430
0 0 1441
Castle Crypt Level 2~
   You're another level deeper into the castle's crypt.  The area around you is
very dark.  The area is very open, as you don't see any walls around you.  The
moans of zombies echo through the room and send a direct shock through your
spine.  The stench of rotting flesh fills your nostrils and makes you want to
14 32777 0
0 0 1442
0 0 1444
0 0 -1
0 0 1440
Castle Crypt Level 2~
   You're in a large dark room in the second level of the crypt.  You see no
walls around you, and it's pitch black around you.  The moaning of zombies, the
clicking and clattering of skeletons, and the smell of rotting flesh is enough
to make you scared.    
14 9 0
0 0 1443
0 0 1441
Castle Crypt Level 2~
   You're in a large dark room in the second level of the crypt.  You see no
walls around you, and it's pitch black around you.  The moaning of zombies, the
clicking and clattering of skeletons, and the smell of rotting flesh is enough
to make you scared.    
14 9 0
0 0 1444
0 0 1442
Castle Crypt Level 2~
   You're in a large dark room in the second level of the crypt.  You see no
walls around you, and it's pitch black around you.  The moaning of zombies, the
clicking and clattering of skeletons, and the smell of rotting flesh is enough
to make you scared.    
14 9 0
0 0 1443
0 0 -1
0 0 1441
Castle Crypt Level 2~
   You're in a large dark room in the second level of the crypt.  You see no
walls around you, and it's pitch black around you.  The moaning of zombies, the
clicking and clattering of skeletons, and the smell of rotting flesh is enough
to make you scared.    
14 9 0