Child Kobold Speech~
0 b 5
   wait 5s
   say My daddy doesn't like those lizards in the eastern cave.  They're big and scarey.
   wait 5s
   say I want my mommy.
   wait 10s
   say Who are you?  You aren't here to hurt us, are you?
Kobold Guard speech~
0 g 25
if %actor.vnum% > 0
   %random.10% == %pos%
elseif %actor.align% > 0 & %actor.cha% > 13 & %pos% > 5
   wait 2
   peer %actor%
   say If da king hadnt told us not ta, I'd run ya through rite now.
elseif %actor.align% > 0 & %actor.cha% > 13 & %pos% < 5
   say Hrm.  Ya must be one o'da kingz friendz.  Youz best be gittin back ta yer room.
elseif %actor.align% > 75
   mkill %actor%
   say I don't much like dem big peepel da kingz bin talkin ta.
Kobold Wyvern Flight~
0 e 1
growls swears~
if %actor.vnum% == 2010
   say Da wyvern's are loose!  RUN FER YER LIVES!!!
  wait 2s
elseif %actor.vnum == 2002
   say Da wyvern's are loose!  RUN FER YER LIVES!!!!
  wait 2s
new trigger~
1 h 100
wait 3s
oteleport %actor% 2000
Wyvern Growl~
0 bg 50
if %random.2% == 1
Room 2045 Southern wall writting trigger~
2 c 100
wechoaround %actor% writes something on the southern wall.
wsend %actor% You pick up some blood and write on the southern wall.
wdoor 2045 south description Written in blood on the southern wall, you see, "&R%arg%&w"
Grey Staff Trigger~
1 c 3
if %arg% == runes
   if %actor.class% == mage || cleric || artisan
      osend %actor% On the staff is written the word "&WWennyTiffle&w"
      osend %actor% You don't seem able to understand the runes.
Youlit's speech~
0 b 25
say I wish I cood git bak adem sumhow, fer leavin me here.
Addition for Trigger 2050~
0 d 1
who how~
peer %actor%
say Ye look like yer pretty able ta take care of yerself... couldja help m'out abit?
wait 2
say Well.. ya see.. m'probs like dis.  I was sent ere wid a bunch of me mates to bash dese wyverns up, cause da tribe, dere afraid of em.
wait 2s
say But when we got ere, our weapons broke an we were left powerless gainst em beasties!  We waz setup by da king, cause we didnta like dem big peepholes he waz dealin with.
wait 2s
say We didn't like doin dem favours so Bingellytut could get rich, it wasna fair!
wait 2s
say Anyhow, I needz you peepel to just do one itty bitty thing fer me... open dat big iron door and let dem lissards run around in da caves fer a bit.
wait 2s
say It'll drive the tribe nuts, an wid luck, dey'll git da king.
wait 2s
say Do watcha want, I dunna care either way... Big peepholes, dere all da same, ALL DA SAME I TELLZ YA!
Important Mob Bye Bye trigger~
0 g 100
if %actor.vnum% > 0
   wait 1s
   say Git out ya little runt, er I'll run ya through!
   mforce %actor% flee
elseif %random.20% > 15
  wait 2s
   emote grunts.
Altar movement trigger~
2 c 4
if %arg% == on altar
   wechoaround %actor% stands on the altar.
   wsend %actor% You stand on the altar, which begins to vibrate slightly.
  wait 3s
   wechoaround %actor% The altars surface slowly descends, taking with it!
   wsend %actor% You are lowered beneath the altar.
   wteleport %actor% 2061
new trigger~
2 g 100
say My trigger commandlist is not complete!
Bone Shrine Trigger~
2 g 85
if %actor.vnum% == -1
wait 2
wecho As you enter this room, the many bones on the floor begin to rattle.
wait 2
wecho The bones form small skeletal animals!
wload mob 2032
wload mob 2032
wload mob 2032
Helga's Trigger~
0 g 100
if %actor.align% > -100
   say Well met kind Hero!  I am Helga, a warrior from the north.
  wait 2s
   say I was taken prisoner by these foul beasts during a raid on my village.
  wait 2s
   say I seek revenge against them, and shall travel with thee for the time being.
   detach mob Helga 1
   say Vile beasts, what luck that you should come upon me just as I have freed myself from my shackles!  Prepare yourself heathen!
   mkill %actor%
   detach mob Helga 1
Altar of Bone trigger~
1 c 7
if == corpse
  wait 1s
   osend %actor% You raise the corpse over the altar, and impale it on the spike.
   oechoaround %actor% raises a corpse over the altar, and impales it on the spike.
  wait 2s
   oecho The blood from the corpse begins to drip down the altars sides, slowly.
  wait 3s
   oecho Small depressions in the ground around the altar begin to fill, revealing them as ancient runes.
  wait 4s
   osend %actor% A dark mist rises from the altar, and covers you.
   oechoaround %actor% A dark mist rises from the altar, and washes over
   odamage %actor% -5
   opurge corpse
   osend %actor% You don't seem to be able to impale that. . .
Oil trap~
2 g 10
if %actor.vnum% == -1
wecho As you enter this room, a small light appears near the ceiling, and begins to fall.
wait 1s
wecho The light appears to be a small torch. . .
wait 1s
wecho The torch touches the water in which you stand, igniting the slick substance that floats on top of it!!
wdamage all %random.10%
Rock Trap~
2 g 25
if %actor.vnum% == -1
   if %actor.dex% < %random.18%
      wait 1s
      wechoaround %actor% A large rock falls on!
      wsend %actor% A large rock falls from the ceiling, right onto you!
      wdamage %actor% %random.8%
      wait 1s
      wechoaround %actor% dodges a falling rock!
      wsend %actor% You manage to dodge a falling rock!
wechoaround %actor% grins slyly.
Dart Trap Trigger~
2 g 40
set gib %random.18%
   if %actor.dex% < %gib%
      wait 1s
      wechoaround %actor% A dart flies out of the wall and hits!
      wsend %actor% A dart flies out of the wall and hits you!
      wdamage %actor% %random.5%
   elseif %actor.dex% > %gib%
      wait 1s
      wechoaround %actor% narrowly dodges a dart trap!
      wsend %actor% You narrowly avoid being hit by a dart trap!
Bone Incense trigger~
1 c 2
if %arg% == incense
   osend %actor% You burn the powdered bone incense.
   oechoaround %actor% burns some powdered incense.
  wait 3s
   oecho You hear the rattling of bones nearby.
  wait 2s
   oecho Suddenly, a skeletal animal appears from the shadows!
   oload mob 2032
   opurge %self%
Reset Rock trigger in 2062~
2 f 100
wdoor 2062 down flags 32
Rock in Room 2062 Trigger~
2 c 100
if %arg% == rock
   wechoaround %actor% slides the large rock into a crevice.
   wsend %actor% You slide the rock into the crevice.
  wait 2s
   wecho You hear a faint 'click.'
   wdoor 2062 down flags 1
  wait 2s
   wecho The rock slowly slides out of the crevice.
elseif %arg% != rock
   wsend %actor% Huh?!?
closing ooze~
2 g 100
wdoor 2059 north purge
wdoor 2059 north description To the north is a wall coated in ooze.
wdoor 2059 north room -1
waterfall secret~
0 c 100
if %arg% == crystal || lever
   wdoor 2059 north room 2062
   wdoor 2059 north name Ooze Door
   wechoaround %actor% pulls a small crystal which releases a small 'click.'
   wsend %actor% A quiet 'click' issues forth from the north wall as you pull the small crystal.
elseif %arg% != crystal
   wsend %actor% Huh?!?