
-1 DIKU~
.                    Original game idea, concept, and design:

          Katja Nyboe               [Superwoman] (katz@freja.diku.dk)
          Tom Madsen              [Stormbringer] (noop@freja.diku.dk)
          Hans Henrik Staerfeldt           [God] (bombman@freja.diku.dk)
          Michael Seifert                 [Papi] (seifert@freja.diku.dk)
          Sebastian Hammer               [Quinn] (quinn@freja.diku.dk)

Developed at: DIKU -- The Department of Computer Science
                      at the University of Copenhagen.


Midgaard's economy is based on gold and silver coinage (and the lowly copper,
which you as an adventurer are far too proud to carry).  Gold coins are worth
100 silver coins, but are also four times as heavy (25 to the pound, as 
opposed to 100 to the pound for silver). Gems can be bought to alleviate weight problems
from the Midgaard jeweller, he charges a mere 10% more than they are worth.
10 gems weigh one pound, and they can be worth more than 100 gold pieces for
the highest quality stones.

Brief and compact help set your display options for the game. Typing brief
toggles on and off the showing of room descriptions when you move around
(considerably reducing the text to be processed), and typing compact 
removes the extra blank line before your prompt.

-1 DEAF~
The deaf toggle turns off incoming tells, helpfull if you are being bombarded
by messages from other players.  You can still use reply (see 'help reply') to
reply to people who were telling you before you went deaf, although you
cannot reply to a deaf person unless you or they are a diety (it's mostly 
useful for sending a quick "I'm being spammed so I went deaf" message to
a person).

Syntax: prompt
Syntax: prompt all
Syntax: prompt <%*>
PROMPT with out an argument will turn your prompt on or off.
PROMPT ALL will give you the standard "<hits mana moves>" prompt.
PROMPT <%*> where the %* are the various variables you may set yourself.
        %h :  Display your current hits
        %H :  Display your maximum hits
        %m :  Display your current mana
        %M :  Display your maximum mana
        %v :  Display your current moves
        %V :  Display your maximum moves
        %x :  Display your current experience
	%X :  Display experience to level
        %g :  Display your gold held
	%s :  Display silver carried
        %a :  Display your alignment
	%y :  Display your percent hit
        %o :  Display opponents percent hit
        %r :  Display the room name you are in
	%e :  Display the exits from the room in NESWDU style
	%c :  Display a carriage return (useful for multi-line prompts)
        %R :  Display the vnum you are in (IMMORTAL ONLY)
        %z :  Display the area name you are in (IMMORTAL ONLY)
	%n :  Display your name
	%S :  Display your sex

Example:  PROMPT <%hhp %mm %vmv>
        Will set your prompt to "<10hp 100m 100mv>"
|| MOVEMENT                       |    GROUP                              ||
|| north south east west up down  |    follow group gtell split           ||
|| exits recall                   |                                       ||
|| sleep wake rest stand          |                                       ||
|| OBJECTS                        |    INFORMATION / COMMUNICATION        ||
|| get put drop give sacrifice    |    help credits commands areas        ||
|| wear wield hold                |    report score time weather where who||
|| recite quaff zap brandish      |    description password title         ||
|| lock unlock open close pick    |    bug idea typo                      ||
|| inventory equipment look       |    cgossip say shout tell yell        ||
|| eat drink fill compare         |    emote pose                         ||
|| list buy sell value            |    note pray worth raffect affect     ||
|| COMBAT                         |    OTHER                              ||
|| kill flee kick rescue disarm   |    ! save quit demand request         ||
|| backstab cast wimpy            |    practice train quest               ||
     For more help, type 'help <topic>' for any command, skill, or spell.


When your character dies, you are reincarnated back at the Altar of the Temple
of Midgaard.  Your corpse is left behind in the room where you were killed,
together with all of your equipment.

Any spells which were affecting you are canceled by death.

Following and groups are not affected by death.

You lose experience points for dying.  The amount you lose depends on 
your then experience points, your race, class and your previous deaths.

After each three deaths your constitution decreases by one.

Corpses decay after time, but the objects inside corpses fall to the ground.


Your character advances in power by gaining experience.  You need a set 
amount of experience points for each level based on your race and class.
You gain experience by:

    being part of a group that kills a monster

You lose experience by:

    fleeing from combat
    recalling out of combat
    being the target of certain spells

The experience you get from a kill depends on several things: how many players
are in your group; your level versus the level of the monster; your alignment
versus the monster's alignment; how many of this monster have been killed
lately; and some random variation.
    A group which consist of two player will reduce your experience points 
25 % of real exp which got if alone.
    A group which consist of three player will reduce your experience points
50 % of real exp which got if alone. 

You can buy pets in the pet shop.  You may own only one pet at a time, after 
the old one dies you may purchase a replacement.

New pets are planned for a shop in New Thalos.

Many of the game actions are based upon interval timers, including combat,
most autonomous monster actions, hp/mana/move regeneration, spell duration,
weather, and area resetting.

Of these timers, the hp/mana/move regeneration timer is popularly called the

Area resetting happens roughly every 106 sec. if no one is in the area;
less often (15 minutes) if some one is.  Also note that objects lying on
the ground will not be regenerated if anyone is in the area when it resets.

0 !~
Syntax: !

! repeats the last command you typed.

Syntax: north
Syntax: south
Syntax: east
Syntax: west
Syntax: up
Syntax: down

Use these commands to walk in a particular direction.
-1 NAME~
In order to create a role-playing and adventure atmosphere throughout the
realms of Anatolia, you must choose a name accordingly explained below:

1)  Proper names, medieval or modern. i.e  (Takasi, Mitra)
2)  Created names with a medieval or fictional sound.  (Priatros, Sansoles)
3)  Compound names which adhere to rules 2 and 3 above, and which do
     not violate the guidelines that follow.     (Redfang, Whitelord)

1)  Vulgar or sexually suggestive names.  (No examples needed)
2)  Well known names from literature or mythology.  (Chronos, Zeus)
3)  Nouns which are names of animals.  (Horse, Doll)
4)  Strings of random characters.  (Asdfg, Qwdldkf)
5)  Titles which imply rank or privelege.   (Lord, Sir,...)
6)  Scientific phrases, words. (Proof, Logic, Electrics...)
6)  Object names. (Necklace,Staff,Sword, etc)

If your name fits above restrictions, type Y. Otherwise choose another name. 
Last decision depends upon Immortals of Realms of Anatolia. Do you accept? ~

Syntax: cast <spell> <target>

Before you can cast a spell, you have to practice it.  The more you practice,
the higher chance you have of success when casting.  Casting spells costs mana.
The mana cost decreases as your level increases.

The <target> is optional.  Many spells which need targets will use an
appropriate default target, especially during combat.

If the spell name is more than one word, then you must quote the spell name.
Example: cast 'cure critic' frag.  Quoting is optional for single-word spells.
You can abbreviate the spell name.

When you cast an offensive spell, the victim usually gets a saving throw.
The effect of the spell is reduced or eliminated if the victim makes the
saving throw successfully.

See also the help sections for individual spells.

Syntax: exits

Tells you the visible exits of the room you are in.  Not all exits are visible.
You can use the 'bump' technique to find hidden exits.  (Try to walk in a
certain direction and see what you bump into).

Syntax: drop <object>
Syntax: drop <amount> coins
Syntax: get  <object>
Syntax: get  <object> <container>
Syntax: give <object> <character>
Syntax: give <amount> coins <character>
Syntax: put  <object> <container>

DROP drops an object, or some coins, on the ground.

GET gets an object, either lying on the ground, or from a container, or even
from a corpse.  TAKE is a synonym for get.

GIVE gives an object, or some coins, to another character.

PUT puts an object into a container.

DROP, GET and PUT understand the object names 'ALL' for all objects and
'ALL.object' for all objects with the same name.

Syntax: equipment
Syntax: inventory

EQUIPMENT lists your equipment (armor, weapons, and held items).
INVENTORY lists your inventory.

Syntax: compare <object-1> <object-2>
Syntax: compare <object>
COMPARE compares two objects in your inventory.  If both objects are weapons,
it will report the one with the better average damage.  If both objects are
armor, it will report the one with the better armor class.
COMPARE with one argument compares an object in your inventory to the object
you are currently wearing or wielding of the same type.
COMPARE doesn't consider any special modifiers of the objects.

Syntax: flee
Syntax: rescue   <character>

Once you start a fight, you can't just walk away from it.  If the fight
is not going well, you can attempt to FLEE, or another character can
RESCUE you.  (You can also RECALL, but this is less likely to work,
and costs more experience points, then fleeing).

If you lose your link during a fight, then your character will keep
fighting, and will attempt to RECALL from time to time.  Your chances
of making the recall are reduced, and you will lose much more experience.

If you are affected by pass door spell then you can flee passing the 
closed doors.

You cannot flee to inside of the cabals when you are fighting with the 
cabal guardians.
If you are Samurai, after level 10 you can NOT FLEE,so be careful.(You may 
flee if victim's level is much higher than your level (level difference is
6). But you won't wimp out.)

Syntax: look
Syntax: look    <object>
Syntax: look    <character>
Syntax: look    <direction>
Syntax: look    <keyword>
Syntax: look in <container>
Syntax: look in <corpse>
Syntax: examine <container>
Syntax: examine <corpse>

LOOK looks at something and sees what you can see.

EXAMINE is short for 'LOOK container' followed by 'LOOK IN container'.

Syntax: order <character> command
Syntax: order all command

ORDER orders one or all of your charmed followers (including pets) to
perform any command.  The command may have arguments.  You are responsible
for the actions of your followers, and others who attack your followers
will incur the same penalty as if they attacked you directly.

Most charmed creatures lose their aggresive nature (while charmed).

If your charmed creature engages in combat, that will break the charm.

Syntax: rest
Syntax: sleep
Syntax: stand
Syntax: wake

These commands change your position.  When you REST or SLEEP, you 
regenerate hit points, mana points, and movement points faster.
However, you are more vulnerable to attack, and if you SLEEP,
you won't hear many things happen.

Use STAND or WAKE to come back to a standing position.  You can
also WAKE other sleeping characters.

Syntax: gtell <message>
Syntax: say   <message>
Syntax: tell  <character> <message>

All of these commands send messages to other players.  GTELL sends a message to
all of the characters in your group, wherever they are, even if they are
sleeping or stunned or dying.  ';' is a synonym for GTELL.

SAY sends a message to all awake players in your room.  The single quote '''
is a synonym for SAY.

TELL sends a message to one awake player anywhere in the world.

REPLY sends a message to the last player who sent you a TELL.  REPLY will work
even if you can't see the player, and without revealing their identity.  This
is handy for talking to invisible or switched immortal players.

The notes on Anatolia replace the bulletin boards and mail systems found
on many other mud.  The following options are usable:

reading notes:
note list	: show all notes (unread notes are marked with an N)
note read	: either by number, or read next to read unread notes
note remove	: removes a note that you wrote or are the target of
note catchup	: markes all notes as read

writing new notes:
note to		: sets the to line (playername, clanname, immortal, or all)
note subject	: sets the subject for a new note
note +		: adds a line to a new note (i.e. note + hi guys!)
note -		: remove a line from a note in progress
note clear	: erase a note in progress
note show	: shows the note you are working on
note post	: posts a new note. This MUST be done to post a note.

When you log in, you will be informed if there are unread notes waiting. Type
note read to scroll through them one at a time.

Four other note directories exist, these are ideas, news, changes, and 
penalties (gods only).  They are used the exact same way, for example
idea read 5 will read idea #5.  Posting to the news and changes boards is
restricted. The 'unread' command can be used to show your unread notes on
all the note spools.
Syntax: shout   <message>
Syntax: yell    <message>

SHOUT sends a message to all awake players in the world.  To curb excessive
shouting, SHOUT imposes a three-second delay on the shouter.

YELL sends a message to all awake players within your area.

Type a channel name by itself to turn it off.

Syntax: emote <action>
Syntax: pose

EMOTE is used to express emotions or actions.  Besides EMOTE, there are
several dozen built-in social commands, such as CACKLE, HUG, and THANK
(type socials or help socials for a listing).

PMOTE is similar to emote, but will substitute you and your for a target's
name (i.e. pmote bonks Alander will be read as bonks you by Alander, and
as bonks Alander by everyone else).

POSE produces a random message depending on your class and level.

Syntax: smote <action>

Smote works exactly like pmote, except you must place your name somewhere in
the string, and it will show that string to everyone in the room.

Syntax: hold   <object>
Syntax: remove <object>
Syntax: wear   <object>
Syntax: wear   all
Syntax: wield  <object>

Three of these commands will take an object from your inventory and start using
it as equipment.  HOLD is for light sources, wands, and staves.  WEAR is for
armor.  WIELD is for weapons.

WEAR ALL will attempt to HOLD, WEAR, or WIELD each suitable item in your
inventory. Fighters can wield the weapons that is greater than them 3 level
On the other hand casters can wear the armors that is greater than them 3 

You may not be able to HOLD, WEAR, or WIELD an item if its alignment does not
match yours, if it is too heavy for you, or if you are not experienced enough
to use it properly.

REMOVE will take any object from your equipment and put it back into your

Syntax: bug <message>
Syntax: idea <message>
Syntax: typo <message>

These commands will take your message and record it into a file as feedback
to the mud implementors.

Syntax: credits

This command shows the list of the original Diku Mud implementors.

Syntax: areas
Syntax: commands
Syntax: report
Syntax: score
Syntax: time
Syntax: weather

AREAS shows you a list of areas in the game.

COMMANDS shows you all the commands in the game.

REPORT shows your current statistics to you and also announces them to other
players in the room.  SCORE shows much more detailed statistics to you only.
Your ability scores are shown as true value(current value), so for example
Str: 15(23) means you have a 15 strength from training, but a 23 strength
from other factors (spells or items).

TIME shows the game time, as well as the time the mud was last started,
and the current local time for the host computer.

WEATHER shows the current game weather.

-1 WHO~
Syntax: who
Syntax: who <race>
Syntax: who pk
Syntax: who <cabal name>
Syntax: who <race> <cabal name> pk

WHO shows the people currently in the game.  Some people may choose to
remain unseen and won't appear on the WHO
WHO without any arguments shows all of the (visible) people currently playing.
WHO command will show those players that you can see. When the player is 
invisible for you, WHO command will not show that player.

With arguments, WHO can show players of certain classes or levels. 
For example:
who immortal    lists all immortals playing
who pk		lists all characters in your PK range
who elf         lists all elven clerics
who entropy pk  lists all characters in entropy cabal, (if you are a mamber) 
		which are in your PK range

Races may be abbreviated.

Syntax: whois <name>

The whois command identifies any user who matches the name given. For
example, 'whois a' shows all characters whose name begins with A.

Syntax: where
Syntax: where <character>
Syntax: where pk

WHERE without an argument tells you the location of visible players in the same
area as you are.

WHERE with an argument tells you the location of one character with that name
within your area, including monsters. If pk switch is used, WHERE command 
will only show the players near you that are in your PK ranger

Syntax: help
Syntax: help <keyword>

HELP without any arguments shows a one-page command summary.

HELP <keyword> shows a page of help on that keyword.  The keywords include
all the commands, spells, and skills listed in the game.

Syntax: cast mend <object>

Mend is similar to smithing which you can repair damaged objects.
Syntax: smithing <object>

Smithing is similar to mend which you can repair damaged objects 
holding the hammer which you can find it in dwarven area.
Syntax: track

	While you are fighting if your opponent fleds you can follow 
it/his/her just typing track.
Syntax: cast link <character>

	You transfer all of your mana to the character that you linked.

Syntax: cast 'protection heat' 

	This spell makes you resistive against fire attacks.
Syntax: cast 'shielding' <character>

	The player which is affected by this spell cannot reach the true 
source  to cast. Thus cannot cast any spell.

Syntax: cast 'protection cold'

	This spell makes you resistive against the cold attacks.
Syntax: cast 'knock' <door>
	Knock is similar to pick, you can open a lock without having the
 key. This spell fails against no-pass doors.
Syntax : bashdoor <direction>

Syntax: cast 'fire shield' cold
Syntax: cast 'fire shield' fire 

	You can create a resistive shield against the fire or cold attacks
which makes you resistive against the fire or cold attacks.
0 WEB~
Syntax: cast 'web' <victim>
	This spell is disables char moving in any direction. Also web
decreases the hit probability and dexerity of the victim.
Syntax: cast 'magic resistance'

	This spell makes you resistive against the magical attacks.
Syntax: cast 'disintegrate' <victim>

	Very high level warlocks can learn to kill in one cast.This 
surprise attack doesn't has to be on a fully healed target.Save spell is the
only one way to protect from this attack.
Syntax: cast 'witch curse' <victim>

	This spell means certain death to the target, but it takes some time
related to the hp the target has. Each round  victim's hit point decreases
by 100 till the end, death.
Syntax: cast 'animate death' <corpse>

	This spell allows the caster to give life to a corpse and force the
zombie that is newly born to aid him.
Syntax: tail 
Syntax: tail <opponent>

	This skill enables tailed creatures to hit its opponent with its
tail. The chance to hit with tail is very small. But when hits gives great 
damage to victim.

Syntax: cast 'dragon skin'

	This spell enables dragons to increase its AC so that they can
fight more easily. 

Syntax: cast 'fear' <victim>
  	This spell allows the caster to touch the victim with the fingers of 
fear and force him to flee.
Syntax: cast 'magic jar' <victim>

	This spell allows the caster to catch the spirit of the victim 
and thus victim cannot get exp.
	Don't forget to carry an empty vial in your inventory to put the
Syntax: cast 'power word kill' <victim>

	Very high level necromancers can learn to kill in one cast.This 
surprise attack doesn't has to be on a fully healed target.Save spell is the
only one way to protect from this attack.

Syntax : cast 'power word stun' <victim>

	Only powerful anti-paladins can learn the secret of this spell 
to stun their victims. Victims cannot do anything for a while.
Syntax: cast 'hellfire' <victim>

	This spell inflicts fire damage on your victim.  The higher-levels
spell do more damage.

	A trained samurai can get the secret of sword usage. His/her sword 
would be more damageful on his/her opponents.
	A trained ninja has get the secret of pound usage. His/her pound
would become more damageful on his/her opponents.
	Warriors and samurai's have the secret of the area attack to
destroy to their enemies. At the beginning, they can fight with two
opponents and as they trained enough they can increase the opponets.
	Usage of this skill is automatic. To fight with a new enemy as you
are fighting, try to attack it/his/her with another attack such as dirt
This skill is automatic, once practiced.  The skill causes you to grip
your weapon tightly as someone tries to disarm you, making it far more
difficult to successfully disarm you.  This skill will only increase as
you are engaged in fights where someone is attempting to disarm you.
	Prepare yourself to fight, thinking about your battle strategy
would be more powerful you as you are fighting with your enemy. This would
increase your damroll and hitroll respectively.......
Syntax: cast 'turn' <victim>

	This area attack spell is a gift from the gods to the paladin due to
their holy mission. A powerful holy energy flows through the fingers of 
paladin and this energy force the evil victims to flee.
Syntax: vampiric touch <victim>

	You deadly touch your victim's neck and put it/him/her to nightmares.

	Master Samurai's can make their special sword to punish the
	Anti-paladins can deafen the enemies that enemies cannot hear what
they say, utter(or what you say) ; simply enemies become deaf-mute
persons. Hence any person which has been affected by deafen cannot cast
any spell.   
Clerics and paladins can remove the plague, slow, poison, curse and sleep
affects of the room. 
This spell allows the caster to envenom the room. The characters who out
of your PK range will not be affected by the affection of this spell. 
This spell allows the caster to curse the room. The characters who out
of your PK range will not be affected by the affection of this spell. 
This spell allows the caster to add the slow affection to the room. The
characters who out of your PK range will not be affected by the affection
of this spell. 
This spell allows the caster to add the plague affection to the room. The
characters who out of your PK range will not be affected by the affection
of this spell. 
This spell allows the caster to add the sleep affection to the room. The
characters who out of your PK range will not be affected by the affection
of this spell. 
This spell allows the caster to add the sleep affection to the room. The
characters who out of your PK range will not be affected by the affection
of this spell. 
Syntax: cast 'hurricane' <target>
This spell inflicts damage on every enemy character in the room.
Beware that other characters who are not yet fighting may attack
you as a result! And the victims which has been affected by fly and
has small size will get higher damage.   

Syntax: password <old-password> <new-password>

PASSWORD changes your character's password.  The first argument must be
your old password.  The second argument is your new password.

The PASSWORD command is protected against being snooped or logged.

Syntax: title <string>

Sets your title to a given string.

The game supplies a title when your character is created and when you
advance a level.  You can use TITLE to set your title to something else.

Syntax: wimpy
Syntax: wimpy <number>

WIMPY sets your wimpy value.  When your character takes damage that reduces
your hit points below your wimpy value, you will automatically attempt to flee.
You will only flee if your character is not in a wait state -- i.e. has not
been using combat commands like cast, trip and bash, and has not been
tripped or bash by an enemy.

WIMPY with no argument sets your wimpy value to 20% of your maximum hit points.

If you are Samurai, After level 10 you can NOT FLEE if your victim's 
level is six or less level greater than yours; so be careful. Some 
monsters are wimpy. ~

Syntax: open   <object|direction>
Syntax: close  <object|direction>
Syntax: lock   <object|direction>
Syntax: unlock <object|direction>
Syntax: pick   <object|direction>

OPEN and CLOSE open and close an object or a door.

LOCK and UNLOCK lock and unlock a closed object or door.  You must have
the requisite key to LOCK or UNLOCK.

PICK can open a lock without having the key.  In order to PICK successfully,
you must practice the appropriate skill.

Syntax: drink <object>
Syntax: eat   <object>
Syntax: fill  <object>
Syntax: pour  <object> out
Syntax: pour  <object> <object>
Syntax: pour  <object> <character>

When you are thirsty, DRINK something.

When you are hungry, EAT something.

FILL fills a drink container with water.

POUR transfers a liquid to a container, or empties one.
You can also pour from an object into something a character is holding.

Syntax: buy   <object>
Syntax: list
Syntax: sell  <object>
Syntax: value <object>

BUY buys an object from a shop keeper.
When multiple items of the same name are listed, type 'buy n.item', where n
is the position of the item in a list of that name.  So if there are two
swords, buy 2.sword will buy the second. If you want to buy multiples of
an item, use an * (buy 5*pie will buy 5 pies).  These can be combined into
(for example) buy 2*2.shield, as long as the * is first.  

LIST lists the objects the shop keeper will sell you.
List <name> shows you only objects of that name.

SELL sells an object to a shop keeper.

VALUE asks the shop keeper how much he, she, or it will buy the item for.

Syntax: sacrifice <object>

SACRIFICE offers an object to gods, who may reward you.
The nature of the reward depends upon the type of object.

Syntax: scroll
Syntax: scroll <number>

This command changes the number of lines the mud sends you in a page (the 
default is 24 lines).  Change this to a higher number for larger screen
sizes, or to 0 to disabling paging.

Syntax: brandish
Syntax: quaff    <potion>
Syntax: recite   <scroll> <target>
Syntax: zap      <target>
Syntax: zap

BRANDISH brandishes a magical staff.  QUAFF quaffs a magical potion (as opposed
to DRINK, which drinks mundane liquids).  RECITE recites a magical scroll; the
<target> is optional, depending on the nature of the scroll.  ZAP zaps a
magical wand at a target.  If the target is not specified, and you are fighting
someone, then that character is used for a target.

You must HOLD a wand or a staff before using BRANDISH or ZAP.

All of these commands use up their objects.  Potions and scrolls have a single
charge.  Wands and staves have multiple charges.  When a magical object has no
more charges, it will be consumed.

These commands may require an item skill to be succesful, see the help entries
on the skills scrolls, staves, and wands for more information.

Syntax: consider <character>

CONSIDER tells you what your chances are of killing a character.
Of course, it's only a rough estimate.

Syntax: follow <character>
Syntax: group
Syntax: group <character>

FOLLOW starts you following another character.  To stop following anyone else,
just FOLLOW <yourself>.

GROUP <character> makes someone who is following you a member of your group.
Group members share experience points from kills and may use the GTELL and
SPLIT commands.  If anyone in your group is attacked, you will automatically
join the fight.

If the <character> is already a member of your group, then GROUP will
kick out the <character> from your group.  Characters can also leave your
group by using a FOLLOW command to stop following you.

GROUP with no argument shows statistics for each character in your group.

You may FOLLOW and GROUP only with characters who are within five levels of
your own.

VISIBLE cancels your hiding and sneaking, as well as any invisibility,
and camouflage making you visible again.

Syntax: QUIT
Syntax: RENT ... not!
Syntax: SAVE

SAVE saves your character and object. The game saves your character every
15 minutes regardless, and is the preferred method of saving. Typing save
will block all other command for about 20 seconds, so use it sparingly.
You do not need to save. Every save operation requested by the players 
causes lag. The Anatolia' auto saver does not cause even a tiny lag.

Some objects, such as keys and some maps, may not be saved. Those very 
powerful items of very limited number, are not saved if you are below 
level 10.

QUIT leaves the game.  You may QUIT anywhere.  When you re-enter the game 
you will be back in the same room.

QUIT automatically does a SAVE, so you can safely leave the game with just one
command.  Nevertheless it's a good idea to SAVE before QUIT.  If you get into
the habit of using QUIT without SAVE, and then you play some other mud that
doesn't save before quitting, you're going to regret it.

There is no RENT in this mud.  Just SAVE and QUIT whenever you want to leave.

Syntax: RECALL

RECALL prays to gods for miraculous transportation from where you are
back to the Temple of Midgaard.

Recalling back to hometown is a spell. But all players below level 10th 
may use this spell by the help of the gods. The gods transfer the players 
below level 10, by only their praying. You must be calm enough to 
concenterate and pray to the gods, so you are not able to pray not 
only in the fights, but also sometime after a fight. Those who are over 
level 10 must find a way to cast the spell to recall.

RECALL costs half of your movement points.

RECALL doesn't work in certain god-forsaken rooms.  Characters afflicted by a
curse may not recall at all.

Syntax: SPLIT <silver> <gold>

SPLIT splits some coins  between you and all the members of your
group who are in the same room as you.  It's customary to SPLIT
the loot after a kill.  The first argument is the amount of silver
the split (0 is acceptable), and the second gold (optional).
split 30 	--> split 30 silver
split 20 50	--> split 20 silver, 50 gold
split  0 10	--> split 10 gold

Syntax: STEAL coins <character>
Syntax: STEAL <object> <character>

STEAL attempts to steal coins, or an object, from a character.

There are penalties for using STEAL on other players.

In order to STEAL successfully, you must practice the appropriate skill.

Syntax: PRACTICE <skill|spell>

PRACTICE without an argument tells you your current ability level in all
the skills and spells available to you.  You can check this anywhere.

PRACTICE with an argument practice that skill or spell.  Your learning
percentage varies from 0% (unlearned) to a some maximum between 80% and 100%,
depending on your class.  You must be at a guild master to practice.

The higher your intelligence, the more you will learn at each practice
session.  The higher your wisdom, the more practice sessions you will
have each time you gain a level.  Unused sessions are saved until you
do use them.

You can practice your skills and spells with a practicer who knows the
group corresponding that skill or spell. Below is a list of practicers and  
their groups:
 Attack         >>> Towering Black Demon	(Camelot   	)
 Beguiling 	>>> Mighty Beholder		(Thalos    	)
 Benedictions	>>> Templeman			(Midgaard	)
 Combat		>>> Combat Magician		(Elemental Can.	) 
 Curative	>>> Grand Knight of Paladins	(Redfernes' R.	)
 Defensive	>>> Heimdall			(Valhalla	)
 Draconian	>>> Rulers			(Elemental Can.	)
 Enchantment	>>> Master Enchanter		(High Tower	)	
 Enhancement	>>> Healer			(Valley of Titan)
 Fightmaster	>>> Heimdall			(Valhalla	)
 Healing	>>> High Priestess of Ofcol	(Ofcol		)
 Illusion	>>> Master Illusionist		(High Tower	)
 Maladictions	>>> Diana			(Ofcol		)
 Meditation	>>> Hierophant (holy)		(Holy Grove	)
 Protective	>>> Gath			(City of Anon	)
 Transportation	>>> Grand Mistress of Magic	(High Tower	)
 Weaponsmaster  >>> Samurai			(New Thalos	)
 Wizard		>>> Wizard			(Midgaard	)
If you SLOOK the spell or skill and find in group NONE , then you
can practice that in your guild.


Syntax: glist <group>
	Gives the skills and spells of that group.
example : glist meditation , glist defensive.....
Syntax: slook <skill or spell>

	Gives group of corresponding spell or skill.
example : slook armor , slook meditation.....Then go to the master of that
skill or spell to learn 
Syntax : teach 
	It allows the hero to teach his/her 100% skills to the players
in the room. It holds hero teach mode.

Syntax : learn <spell or skill> <hero>

	It allows player to learn any group of skills or spells from
a hero.But the hero's corresponding skills must be 100% and hero must
be teach mode.

Syntax: train <str int wis dex con hp mana>

TRAIN increases one of your attributes.  When you start the game, your
character has standard attributes based on your class, and several
initial training sessions.  You can increase your attributes by
using these sessions at a trainer (there are several in town).

It takes one training session to improve an attribute, or to increase
mana or hp by 10.  You receive one session per five levels.

The best attributes to train first are WIS and CON.  WIS gives you more
practice when you gain a level.  CON gives you more hit points.
In the long run, your character will be most powerful if you train
WIS and CON both to 18 before practising or training anything else.

Syntax: advance <character> <level>

ADVANCE sets a character's level to the specified value.  It is the
only way to create new immortal characters within the game.  ADVANCE
may also be used to demote characters.

100 TRUST~
Syntax: trust <character> <level>

TRUST sets a character's trust to the specified level.  This is similar to
advancing the character for accessing immortal commands, but has no effect
on combat strength, et cetera.  You can give more trust to mortal (or
immortal) characters to give them access to more power without messing up
the character.  You can also restrict a player's trust to less than their
natural level.

A trust of 0 means to use the character's natural level again.

Syntax: allow   <site>
	ban     <site> <newbies|all|permit>

BAN <site> prohibits players from that site from logging in.  BAN with
no arguments lists the banned sites.  ALLOW <site> removes a site from
the ban list, if the remover is of equal or higher level than the banner.

A site may have all players, new players, or non-permitted players (set
by editing the player file) banned, by changing the argument after the site.
*s may be used to ban either by suffix (*.edu), prefix (labmac*), or 
content (*andrews*), but be careful not to accidently lock out too many
sites with a wildcard.  Bans do not save unless the permban command is used.

Syntax: reboot

Reboot shuts down the server.  When the normal 'startup' script is used
to control the server, a delay of fifteen seconds will ensue (to allow
old connections to die), followed by a reboot.

Shutdown shuts down the server and prevents the normal 'startup' script
from restarting it.

Syntax: wizlock

Wizlock and newlock both block login attempts to Anatolia. Wizlock locks
out all non-gods (i.e. level less than 91), except for link-dead players
who are returning.  Newlock only locks out new character generation,
typically used for preventing a spammer from returning.  Wizlocking should
be avoided,and newlocking should be accompanied by mail or a note to the imps.

A god must be at least Supreme level to wizlock the game.

99 DENY~
Syntax: deny <name>

Deny locks a character out of a game permanently, rendering their character
name unusable.  It may only be removed by editing the file, for this reason
freeze is usually preferred.

Syntax: disconnect <name>

Disconnect breaks a player's link to the game, dumping them back to the telnet
prompt.  This is a non-lethal way of getting rid of spammers and annoying

Syntax: freeze <name>

FREEZE <character> is a toggle which prevents a character from issuing any
commands at all. It can be removed from within the game, so freezing a 
troublemaker is usually a better option than they deny command.

Syntax: force <character> <command>
Syntax: force all <command>

FORCE forces one character to execute a command, except of course delete.

Below level 97 (Deity) force can only be used on mobiles, and force all is
unavailable.  You also cannot 'force orc murder hugo', for example. 

FORCE 'all' forces all player characters to execute a command.
This is typically used for 'force all save'.

Syntax: sockets
	sockets <name> 

SOCKETS reports all of the visible users connected to the server, including 
users in the process of logging in.  The two numbers inside brackets are the 
channel number and the 'connected' state.  The 'connected' states are listed in 
merc.h: 0 is CON_PLAYING; non-zero values are various states of logging in.

The optional name argument shows the site of a player, or optional can be used
to identify switched gods (i.e. socket orc shows the name of anyone switched
into an orc).

96 LOAD~
Syntax: load mob <vnum>
	load obj <vnum> <level>

The load command is used to load new objects or mobiles (use clone to 
duplicate strung items and mobs).  The vnums can be found with the vnum
command, or by stat'ing an existing mob or object.

Load puts objects in inventory if they can be carried, otherwise they are
put in the room.  Mobiles are always put into the same room as the god. Old
format objects must be given a level argument to determine their power, new
format objects have a preset level that cannot be changed without set.
(see also clone, vnum, stat)

98 SET~
Syntax: set mob   <mobile> <field> <value>
	set obj   <object> <field> <value>
	set room  <number> <field> <value>
	set skill <char>   <name>  <rating>
	set skill <char>   all     <rating>

The set command is used to change the numerical values of the various data
structures. Type set <class> without an argument to see a listing of options.
Set skill all (pc's only) will set all the character's skills to the value
given.  Use string to change the strings on an object or mobile.
(see also string, stat)

Syntax: string obj <field> <string>
	string mob <field> <string>

The string command changes the various strings associated with an object or
mobile.  A full list of fields can be viewed by typing string obj or string
mob.  Sorry, multi-line strings are not yet supported.

Syntax: nochannel <character>
	noemote   <character>
	noshout   <character>
	notell    <character>

Noemote, noshout, and notell are used to muffle other characters, by
preventing them from emoting, shouting, and telling, respectively.
Characters who are noshout'ed or no'telled will also not receive those
forms of communication.

The nochannel command is similar, but more drastic. It prevents the victim
from using any of the channels (gossip, cgossip, Q/A, music) on the game.
Nochannels usually result from swearing or spamming on public channels.

Syntax: purge
	purge <character>

Purge is used to clean up the world.  Purge with no arguments removes all the
NPC's and objects in the current room.  Purge with an argument purges one
character from anywhere in the world.

Purge will not get rid of PC's, or objects or mobiles with a NOPURGE flag
set (i.e. the pit, the fountain, shopkeepers, Hassan).  Mobiles may be
purged if they are called directly by name.

Syntax: restore <character>
	restore room
	restore all

Restore restores full hit points, mana points, and movement points to the
target character.  It also heals poison, plague, and blindness.

Restore room (or restore with no argument) performs a restore on every player
in the room, restore all does the same for all connected players. Restore all
is only usable by creators and implementors.  Restore should be used sparingly
or not at all.

97 SLAY~
Syntax: slay <character>

Slay kills a character in cold blood, no saving throw.  Best not to use this
command on players if you enjoy being a god.

Syntax: transfer <character>
	transfer all
	transfer <character> <location>
	transfer all         <location>

Transfer transfers the target character, or ALL player characters,
to your current location (default) or to a specified location. Trans all 
should almost never be used, as 100 players popping into one room can have
horrible effects on slow links. Teleport is a synonym for transfer. 

94 AT~
Syntax: at <location> <command>

At executes the given command (which may have arguments) at the given
location.  The location may be specified as a vnum, as the name of
a mobile, or as the name of an object.

At works by temporarily moving you to that location, executing the
command, and then moving you back (if the command didn't change your

Syntax: echo  <message>
	gecho <message>
	pecho <character> <message>

These commands all perform similar functions.  Echo sends the message to
all characters in the same room as the user, with no indication of who sent
it.  Gecho does the same for all players connected to the game, and pecho
sends the message to the player specified as the target.  Any higher-level
god will see a prompt in front of your message, informing him or her that it
is an echo.

92 GOTO~
Syntax: goto <location>

Goto takes you to a location.  The location may be specified as a vnum,
as the name of a mobile, or as the name of an object.

You may not Goto a room if it is PRIVATE and has two (or more) characters
already present, or if it is SOLITARY and has one (or more) characters
already present. Some other rooms are barred to players below a certain
god level.

Implementors can use the violate command to get into private rooms.

Syntax: holylight
	wiznvis <level>

Holylight is a toggle that allows you to see (almost) every character and
mobile in the game.  With holy light, you can see what's in the game more
easily.  Without holy light, you can see what mortal players see.

Wizinvis takes a level argument, and will mke you invisible to all players of
a lower level than your invisibility level.  It defaults to the maximum
(your level) if no argument is given.  Wizi 60 characters are totally 

Toggling your incognito status will hide your presence from people outside the
room you are in, but leave you visible to those who are with you.  It takes
a level argument similar to wizinvis, people at that level or higher can see
you regarless of location.

Syntax: memory

Memory reports the size of your mud.

The 'Mobs' and 'Objs' lines report the number of types of mobiles and objects,
not the number of instances currently in the game.

The 'Strings' line shows memory used by area-file strings.  These strings have
a maximum limit, which is also shown.

The 'Perms' line shows permanently allocated memory blocks.  There is no limit
on the number and size of these blocks.

96 VNUM~
Syntax: vnum <name>
	vnum <obj or mob> <name>
	vnum skill <name>

Vnum finds all objects and mobiles with a particular name, and prints out
the results.  Use vnum obj or vnum mob to limit the search.  This vnum is
very useful for loading. Vnum skill returns the skill number (for set) and
the slot number (for making new zones) of a skill name.
(see also load)

93 STAT~
Syntax: stat <name>
	stat mob  <name>
	stat obj  <name>
	stat room <number>

The stat command gives you detailed information on an object, mobile, or room
within the game.  Without a class argument, the command will return a object
(if found), a mobile (if no object exists, but a mobile does), or a room 
(if a number is  given).  Stat room with no argument stats the room you are
standing in.  Stat can be used to find room vnums for goto.
(see also goto, transfer)

Syntax: mwhere <name>

Mwhere shows you the locations of all mobiles with a particular name.

Syntax: peace

Peace causes all characters in a room to stop fighting. It also strips the
AGGRESSIVE bit from mobiles.

Syntax: poofin  <message>
Syntax: pooffout <message>

The standard messages for goto are 'arrives in a swirling mist' and
'leaves in a swirling mist'.  You can replace these messages with messages of
your own choosing using the poofin and poofout commands.  These messages
must include your name somewhere in the string.

Poofin and poofout only show to characters who can see you.
(see also goto)

Syntax: protect <character>

Protect is used to protect a character from unwanted snooping.  Removing 
protected status from a character WILL be seen by that character.

Syntax: log   <character>
	log   all
	snoop <character>

Log <character> causes all of a character's commands to be logged into
the server's log file.  Like Freeze, it is a permanent character toggle.
Logs may only be used by creators and implementors, and should be accompanied
by mail to the implementors.

Certain commands (Password) are protected against log.  Conversely, certain
commands (especially immortal commands) are always logged.

Log all logs all character commands.  It is a server-wide toggle; it does not
persist across reboots. Please do not use this unless you tell the imps.

Snoop shows you a copy of all the input and output going to a character.
The character must have an open channel.  You may snoop more than one
character at a time. Try to respect privacy.

Snoop yourself to cancel all outstanding snoops.

Syntax: switch <character>

Switch switches you into the body of another character (who must not
already have a descriptor, e.g. you can't switch into a PC). You also cannot
switch into link-dead PCs.

Return returns you to your original body.

Syntax: immtalk <message>

Immtalk sends a message to all immortals.  : is a synonym for immtalk.
Using this command with no argument turns off the immortal channel (or
turns it back on).

Syntax: wiznet 
	wiznet show
	wiznet status
	wiznet <field>

Wiznet is sort of an immortal news service, to show important events to
the wiznetted immoral.  Wiznet by itself turns wiznet on and off, 
wiznet show lists all settable flags (they are not detailed here), 
wiznet status shows your current wiznet settings, and wiznet <field> toggles
a field on and off.  The events should be self-explanatory, if they are not,
fiddle with them a while.  More events are available at higher levels.
Syntax: wizhelp

Wizhelp provides a list of all the immortal commands.

Syntax: cast armor <character>

This spell decreases (improves) the armor class of the target character
by 20 (or more) points.

Syntax: cast bless <character>
Syntax: cast bless <object>

This spell improves the to-hit roll and saving throw versus spell of the
target character by 1 for every 8 levels of the caster. It may also be
cast on an object to temporarily bless it (blessed weapons, for example,
are more effective against demonic beings).

Syntax: cast blindness <victim>

This spell renders the target character blind.

Syntax: cast 'acid blast'     <victim>
Syntax: cast 'burning hands'  <victim>
Syntax: cast 'colour spray'   <victim>
Syntax: cast 'fireball'       <victim>
Syntax: cast 'lightning bolt' <victim>
Syntax: cast 'magic missile'  <victim>
Syntax: cast 'shocking grasp' <victim>   and so on...................

These spells inflict damage on the victim.  The higher-level spells do
more damage.

Syntax: cast 'call lightning'

This spell works only out of doors, and only when the weather is bad.
It calls down lightning bolts from gods.

Syntax: cast 'cause light'    <victim>
Syntax: cast 'cause serious'  <victim>
Syntax: cast 'cause critical' <victim>
Syntax: cast harm             <victim>

These spells inflict damage on the victim.  The higher-level spells do
more damage.

Syntax: cast 'charm person' <victim>

This spell, if successful, causes the victim to follow you and to take orders
from you.  Use ORDER to order your charmed followers.

You are responsible for the actions of your followers.  Conversely, other
people who attack your followers will be penalized as if they attacked you.
Syntax: 'charm monster' <victim>

This skill, if successful, causes the victim to follow you and to take
orders from you. But only non-pc races can be charmed by using this skill,
hence some of the mobiles will not be affected by the power of this skill. 
Use ORDER to order your charmed followers.

You are responsible for the actions of your followers.  Conversely, other
people who attack your followers will be penalized as if they attacked you.
Syntax: cast 'charm sex' <victim>

This spell, if successful, causes the victim to follow you and to take orders
from you.  Use ORDER to order your charmed followers.

This success is dependent on your sex. You must try this spell on the victims
that has the opposite sex of you.

You are responsible for the actions of your followers.  Conversely, other
people who attack your followers will be penalized as if they attacked you.

Syntax: cast 'chill touch' <victim>

This spell inflicts damage on the victim and also reduces the victim's
strength by one.

Syntax: cast 'continual light'
Syntax: cast 'continual light' <object>

This spell creates a ball of light, which you can hold as a light source.
The ball of light will last indefinitely. It may also be used on an object
to give it an enchanted glow.

Syntax: cast 'control weather' better
Syntax: cast 'control weather' worse

This spell makes the weather either better or worse.

Syntax: cast 'create food'

This spell creates a Magic Mushroom, which you or anyone else can eat.

Syntax: cast 'create spring'

This spell brings forth a magical spring from the ground, which has the
same properties as a fountain.

Syntax: cast 'create water' <drink-container>

This spell replenishes a drink container with water.

Syntax: cast 'cure blindness' <character>

This spell cures blindness in one so unfortunate.

Syntax: cast 'cure poison' <character>

This spell cures poison in one so unfortunate.

Syntax: cast 'cure light'    <character>
Syntax: cast 'cure serious'  <character>
Syntax: cast 'cure critical' <character>
Syntax: cast 'heal'          <character>

These spells cure damage on the target character.  The higher-level spells
heal more damage.

(see 'help healer' for details on the heal command)

Syntax: cast 'curse' <character>
Syntax: cast 'curse' <object>

This spell reduces the character's to-hit roll and save versus spells.
It also renders the character unclean in the eyes of gods and
unable to RECALL. Curse may be used to fill equipment with evil power,
allowing (for example) weapons to do more damage to particularly holy

The curse spell can also be casted on objects. Spell will cause the 
object to be more evil, but if protected by some other magic it may fail.


Syntax: cast 'detect evil'

This spell enables the caster to detect evil characters, which will
reveal a characteristic red aura.

Syntax: cast 'detect hidden'

This spell enables the caster to detect hidden creatures.

Syntax: cast 'detect invis'

This spell enables the caster to detect invisible objects and characters.

Syntax: cast 'detect magic'

This spell enables the caster to detect magical objects.

Syntax: cast 'detect poison' <object>

This spell detects the presence of poison in food or drink.

Syntax: cast 'dispel evil' <victim>

This spell invokes the wrath of gods on an evil victim. It can be very
dangerous for casters who are not pure of heart.
Syntax: cast 'dispel magic' <character>
        cast 'cancellation' <characte>
Both of these spells remove magical effects from the target.  Dispel magic
has a reduced chance of working, and is considering an attack spell.
Cancellation can only be used on allies, but is much more effective and does
not provoke attack.  Unfortunately, the spells do not discriminate between
harmful and benign spells.
The chance of dispelling is based on the level of the spell. Permanent spells
(such as mobile sanctuary) are much harder to remove.  Not all spells may
be dispelled, notable examples are poison and plague.

Syntax: cast 'earthquake'

This spell inflicts damage on every enemy character in the room.
Beware that other characters who are not yet fighting may attack
you as a result!

Syntax: cast 'severity force'
This spell is similar to earthquake but much more powerful to inflicts  
damage on only your enemy character in the room. From now on you can
separate the land through your enemy.

Syntax: cast 'enchant weapon' <weapon>

This spell magically enchants a weapon, increasing its to-hit and to-dam
bonuses by one or two points.  Multiple enchants may be cast, but as the
weapon grows more and more powerful, it is more likely to be drained or
destroyed by the magic.  Also, every successful enchant increases the level
of the weapon by one...and there is no turning back.

The enchant armor spell imbues armor with powerful protective magics. It is
not nearly as reliable as enchant weapon, being far more prone to destructive
effects.  Each succesful enchant increases the plus of the armor by 1 or 2
points, and raises its level by one.

It is said to be that the enchantment of powerful items by powerful
mages can cause the item act in different ways.


Syntax: cast 'energy drain' <victim>

This spell saps the experience points, mana, and movement points of its

Syntax: cast 'faerie fire' <victim>

This spell increases (makes worse) the armor class of its victim.  For each
level of the caster, the victim's armor class is increased by two points.

Syntax: cast 'faerie fog'

This spell reveals all manner of invisible, hidden, camouflaged and sneaking 
creatures in the same room as you.

Syntax: cast 'flamestrike' <victim>

This spell inflicts damage on the victim.

0 FLY~
Syntax: cast 'fly' <character>

This spell enables the target character to fly.

Syntax: fly up 
Syntax: fly down
	If you have affected by fly spell or your race allows you to fly
you can land and then start to fly again when you want.

Syntax: cast identify <object>

This spell reveals information about the object.

Syntax: cast infravision <character>

This spell enables the target character to see warm-blooded creatures even
while in the dark, and exits of a room as well.

Syntax: cast 'invisibility' <character>
Syntax: cast 'invisibility' <object>
Syntax: cast 'mass invis'

The INVIS spell makes the target character invisible.  Invisible characters
will become visible when they attack. It may also be cast on an object
to render the object invisible.

The MASS INVIS spell makes all characters in the caster's group invisible,
including the caster.

Syntax: cast 'know alignment' <character>

This spell reveals the alignment of the target character.

Syntax: cast 'locate object' <name>

This spell reveals the location of all objects with the given name.

Syntax: cast 'pass door'

This spell turns the caster translucent and enables to pass through 
closed doors. ~

Syntax: cast poison <victim>
Syntax: cast poison <object>

This spell reduces the strength of the victim by two, as well as reducing the
victim's regeneration rate. It may also be used to poison food, drink, or
a weapon in a fashion similar to envenom ('help envenom'), but with 
drastically reduced effectiveness. Tearing the flesh by poisoned weapons 
may cause the victim to get posioned.

Syntax: cast sanctuary  <character>

The SANCTUARY spell reduces the damage taken by the character from any attack
by one half. It is said to be that a very special tecnique of attack 
passes the sanctuary protection.

Syntax: cast refresh <character>

This spell refreshes the movement points of a character who is out of movement

Syntax: cast 'remove curse' <character>
Syntax: cast 'remove curse' <object>

This spell removes a curse from a character, and might possibly uncurse
a cursed object.  It may also be targeted on an object in the caster's
inventory, in which case it's chance of success is significantly higher.

Syntax: cast shield
Syntax: cast 'stone skin'
Syntax: cast 'enhanced armor'
Syntax: cast 'meld into stone'

These spells protect the caster by decreasing (improving) the caster's armor
class.  SHIELD provides 20 points of armor.  STONE SKIN provides 40 points of
armor.  ENHANCED ARMOR provides 60 points of armor. MELD INTO STONE 
provides 100 points of armor.But MELD INTO STONE is available only for 
RockSeer RACE.


Syntax: shield cleave

	Master fighters can break the opponent's shield into two parts by using 
sword or axe. Of course, axe type weapons has more chance than sword 
types. And don't forget this attack is meaningless if your opponents use 
a shield which is made of titanium or platinum elements or limited 

Syntax: weapon cleave
	Master fighters can break the opponent's weapon into two parts by 
using sword or axe. Of course ,axe type weapons has more chance than 
sword types. And don't forget this attack is meaningless if your 
opponents use a weapon which is made of titanium or platinum elements or 
limited weapons.
Syntax: cast 'insanity' <victim>

	Powerful necromencers have the secret of this spell which make 
the players aggressive for a while.

Syntax: cast 'healing light' 

	Clerics have the the ability of increasing heal booster of the 
room using this spell. 

Syntax: cast 'mind light'

	Clerics have the ability of increasing mana booster of the room 
using this spell.

Syntax: settraps

	Master thiefs can set a trap to kill their victims. This trap has 
a timer and it can give damage to your victims only once.

Syntax : cast 'lightning shield'

	Powerful necromancers and witchs can make a shield to protect 
themself that wake them if they are sleeping when any mobiles or victims 
entered the room.

	Necromancers , Witchs and Warlocks can make a magical trap. 
Syntax: cast sleep <victim>

This spell puts its victim to sleep.

Syntax: cast summon <character>

This spell summons a character from anywhere else in the world into your room.
Characters who are fighting may not be summoned.

Syntax: cast <teleport>

This spell takes you from your current location to a random location somewhere
in the world.

Syntax: cast ventriloquate <speaker> <message>

This spell throws your voice, making it appear that some other object or
character in the room is saying your message.  Victims who make their saving
throw will know that someone is using ventriloquism, but not who.  Victims who
fail their saving throw will think that the object or character really did say
your message.

Syntax: cast weaken <victim>

This spell reduces the strength of the victim by two points.

Syntax: cast 'word of recall'

This spell duplicates the built-in RECALL ability.  It is provided solely for
Merc-based muds which wish to eliminate the built-in ability while still
providing the spell.

Syntax: cast 'acid breath'      <victim>
Syntax: cast 'fire breath'      <victim>
Syntax: cast 'frost breath'     <victim>
Syntax: cast 'gas breath'
Syntax: cast 'lightning breath' <victim>

These spells are for the use of dragons.  Acid, fire, frost, and lightning
damage one victim, whereas gas damages every PC in the room.  Fire and
frost can break objects, and acid can damage armor.

High level mages may learn and cast these spells as well.
The culturally diverse realm of Anatolia MUD is home to 18 different races.
Following  is  a  brief description  of  each main race to assist you in the 
character creation process:

Human:     Humans are the typical, average race, possessing no advantages nor
Elves:     Elves are slender and fragile, yet agile and dextrous creatures.
	   There are currently THREE elf races.(Elf,Dark-Elf,Half-Elf).
Dwarf:     Dwarves are typically high in constitution and strength, and have 
	   infravision.There are currently THREE: Dwarf,Duergar,Svirfnebli.
Gnome:     Gnomes are typically highly intelligent but low in strength. And 
	   gnomes costs 300 extra exps per level.
Arial:     Arials are a highly dextrous and smart race.They always fly. And 
	   arials costs 250  exps per level.
Giant:     Giants are great and strong race. They are higher in constitution. 
	   There are currently FOUR: Fire-Gia, Storm-Gia, Frost-Gia, Cloud-Gia.
Felar:	   They are not strong , but has the ability to see in the dark, called 
	   infravision. And felar costs 250 extra exps per level.
Rockseer  :Rockseer are  fragile, agile and dextrous creatures. They can pass 
	   all kinds of doors. They are neutral, cost 500 extra exps per level.
Githyanki :Human like creatures but high in intelligent. They can be fighter,
	   caster, or fighter/caster.Cost 250 creation points.
Satyr	  :Half human ,half goat race.High in dexterity but low much strong.
	   They are good ranger and thieves.Cost 250 creation points.
Troll     :Hindered by their slow intellect and mobility, grow to obtain a
           state of health.They cost extra 300 creation points.

P.S.	: Remember that some races have their specific spells, i.e rockseers
	  have their own spell 'meld into stone'. FOR more information 	try 
	  to read helps of each races.

See also:  CLASS, WORLD



-----      -------   -------  ------   -----    -------------------
Human       Human     None     None      0      average race
Elf	     Elf     Int,Dex  Str,Con   500     good
Half-Elf    H-Elf    Int,Dex  Str,Con   200     half human, half elf
Dark-Elf    D-Elf    Int,Dex  Str,Con   500     evil
Rockseer    Rocks    Int,Dex  Str,Con   500     neutral, "wand", "!meld into s."
Dwarf       Dwarf    Wis,Con    Dex     250     "berserk"
Svirfnebli  Svirf      Wis      Int	250     "lore", "identify"
Duergar     Duerg    Str,Con  Int,Wis   250     "berserk", "pick lock"
Arial       Arial    Int,Dex  Str,Con   250     can fly
Gnome       Gnome    Int,Wis  Str,Con   300     "identify"
Storm Giant StGia    Str,Con  Wis,Dex   600     good, "bash","enh. damage"
Cloud Giant ClGia    Str,Con  Int,Dex   500     neutral, "bash","enh. damage"
Fire Giant  FiGia    Str,Con  Int,Dex   500     evil, "bash","enh. damage"
Frost Giant FrGia    Str,Con  Int,Dex   500     evil, "bash","enh. damage"
Githyanki   Githy    Int,Dex  Wis,Con   250     evil, "sword", "dagger"
Satyr       Satyr      Dex      Int     250     neutral, "camouf.", "ambush"
Troll       Troll    Str,Con  Int,Dex   400     evil, regenerate, "fast healing"

What is your race (help <race> for more information)?~

Gnomes are a race of small, wiry, but tough creatures.  They live a very
long time and accumulate much wisdom. They are resistant to poisons, but
they are vulnerable to bashing because of their small size. Gnomes can see
in the dark with infravision.  Gnomes, due to their large stock of wisdom,
always stay neutral, else they will lose their spells and are frowned upon.

 Storm giants are the largest of the giant races, ranging from 12-20 feet in 
height.  They are strong , and almost as durable as the dwarves. They aren't 
too bright, however, and their huge size makes them more clumsy than the 
other races.  Giants make the best warriors of any race, but are
ill-suited for any other profession.

Storm giants resist lightning , can fly.  However, they are the most clever 
of giants. Storm giants, due to their  size and stamina, receive the fast 
healing and bash skills for free. Cloud giants have weapon resistance.

 Storm giants are the large, ranging from 9-12 feet in height.  They are 
strong , and almost as durable as the dwarves. They aren't too bright, 
however, and their huge size makes them more clumsy than the 
other races.  Giants make the best warriors of any race, but are
ill-suited for any other profession.

Fire giants resist fire .  However, their slow minds make them extremely 
vulnerable to mental attacks.  Storm giants, due to their  size and 
stamina, receive the fast healing and bash skills for free. 

 Cloud giants are the large, ranging from 9-12 feet in height.  They are 
strong , and almost as durable as the dwarves. They aren't too bright, 
however, and their huge size makes them more clumsy than the 
other races.  Giants make the best warriors of any race, but are
ill-suited for any other profession.

Fire giants resist fire .  However, their slow minds make them extremely 
vulnerable to mental attacks.  Storm giants, due to their  size and 
stamina, receive the fast healing and bash skills for free. Cloud giants  
have weapon resistance.
 Frost giants are the largest of the giant races, ranging from 9-12 feet in 
height.  They are strong , and almost as durable as the dwarves. They aren't 
too bright, however, and their huge size makes them more clumsy than the 
other races.  Giants make the best warriors of any race, but are
ill-suited for any other profession.

Frost giants resist cold.  However, their slow minds make  them extremely 
vulnerable to mental attacks.  Storm giants, due to their  size and 
stamina, receive the fast healing and bash skills for free.And they are
born to be enemies of white dragons.
Giants are the largest of the races, ranging from 9-12 feet in height.  They
are stronger than any other race, and almost as durable as the dwarves.  
They aren't too bright, however, and their huge size makes them more clumsy
than the other races.  Giants make the best warriors of any race, but are
ill-suited for any other profession. Giants, due to their size and 
stamina, receive the fast healing and bash skills for free. 


Humans are the most common race in the world, and make up the majority of
adventurers.  Although they have no special talents like the other races,
they are more versatile, being skilled in all classes.  Humans are able to
gain more benefit from magical devices.


Dwarves are short, stocky demi-humans, known for foul temper and great
stamina.  Dwarves have high strength and constitution, but poor dexterity.
They are not as smart as humans, but are usually wiser due to their long
lifespans.  Dwarves make lots of noise wherever they go and cannot be
thieves.  Dwarves can be good or neutral.
Dwarves are resistant to magic, poison and disease, but cannot swim, and so
are very vulnerable to drowning.  They can see in the dark with infravision.


Elves are slightly taller than humans, but have a much lighter build.  They
lack the strength and stamina of the other races, but are for more agile,
both in body and mind.
Elves resist charm spells most effectively, due to their magical nature.
However, they are burned by the touch of iron, and so are barred from the
use of iron in their adventuring careers.  Elves are notoriously
hard to spot and walk unnoticed automatically. They may see in the dark
with infravision.  Elves must stay good to cast any spells they know.
Elves who have turned to evil are frowned upon.


Half-elves are a cross-breed between a human and an elf. They are not quite
as intelligent as pure elves but have a greater constitution. Like pure
elves, half-elves see in the dark with infravision.


The Svirfnebli, also known as deep gnomes, have made their way into Anatolia as
the paths to the Underdark have been found.  Slighty larger than their 
surface cousins, these gnomes are also stronger and a little more hearty from
centuries of working stone.  The dedication to stone has made them not  
quite as adept mentally as their cousins, but yet they are still regarded 
as very wise.  With their singular dedication to the stone, svirfnebli 
must be neutral in all  aspects of their lives.  They have the same ability 
in learning the powers of items as their surface cousins.


The Felar are a race descended from the great cats. For long years in their
past, the Felar were enslaved by wizards to serve as familiars.  The scars
of this servitude still show in the relative weakness and dull wits of the
Felar.  They are renowned, however, for their agility and their "nine lives".
It is said a Felar can withstand blows in battle (or from an angry master)
that would kill a human outright.

The thick fur of the Felar makes them resistent to cold, but also very
vulnerable to fire.  They also abhor water and are liable to drown in it.
Despite heavy modification by their former masters, the Felar retain the
large claws and fangs of their ancestors.  This gives them the ability to
inflict extra damage during a fight, but the claws are not retractable so
it is difficult for a Felar to walk unnoticed.  The Felar are also famed for
their street fighting ability.  The Felar do not have the discipline or wits
to be pure magic-users, and some of the Felar still resent the mages, anyway.
The wars of freedom were long ago, however, so many younger Felar are willing
to forgive and forget, and some have even begun to dabble in the magic that
once imprisoned them.


With the recent excavations unearthing paths to the Underdark, the race of
dark dwarves known as Duergar has made its way into Anatolia.  Like their
surface cousins they are strong, though their evil ways have changed them
in other areas.  Unlike their cousins, they are not known for working stone
and metal, something which has made them less hearty over time.  They have
become more dexterous through centuries of thievery and deceit.  All Duergar
are evil.


Dark-elves are a race of renegade elves who have turned their energy toward
evil.  They are inherently intelligent but have neglected intellectual
studies and become very nimble from years of generations of thievery and
mischief.  Like elves, dark-elves have infravision and can walk unnoticed.
Dark elves must stay evil to cast any spells they might know.  Those who
turn to good are frowned upon.  Dark-Elves are burned by the touch of


Satyrs are a race of half human and half goat race.They are evil.  They are 
inherently dextrerious. But not strengthful. Due the desterity they can
steal from someone , camuflage themselves and ambush opponents very easly.


Githyanki's are more intelligient then humanbeings. But they are constitutive
as human race. But they are evil. And they can be either fighter , caster or
fighter/caster races.They are good warriors . But casters use only offensive 



Rockseers are a race of renegade elves who lives underworld in rock caves.
They are inherently intelligent but have neglected intellectualstudies 
and become very translucent from years of generations of trying to pass 
rocks.  Like elves, rockseers have infravision and can walk innocent and
can pass doors easily.Rockseers must stay neutral to cast any spells they 
might know. And because of their organism they are vulnerable to woods.
They have a specific spell called 'meld into stone'.

Long hidden within the sanctity of their mountain caves, a race known in the
past only as a myth, lies the civilization of the trolls. Built with the 
undying stamina of the mountains they reside in, these green skinned beasts
often grow to obtain a state of health few other races believed possible.
Hindered by their slow intellect and mobility, the troll society seems to
have decided as a whole to rejoin the races of the realms, moving out of
their sanctuaries in numbers reaching high into the thousands

Here are the classes and their extra cost per level.
For more information, type "help <class>".

-----      -------   ----------  ----  -----    -------------------
Witch        Wit      INT 	  F      0      users of offensive magics
Cleric       Cle      WIS        ANY	 0      users of healing magics
Thief        Thi      DEX        ANY     0  	masters of the thieving arts
Warrior      War      STR        ANY     0  	masters of brute combat
Warlock      Wrk      INT         M    	200	necromantic warriors
Ranger       Ran      STR	 ANY	200	forest warrior     
Ninja	     Nin      DEX	 ANY    300   	thief/cleric       
AntiPaladin  A-P      STR	 ANY	300	warrior/mage       
Paladin      Pal      STR	 ANY	400	warrior/cleric     
Samurai      Sam      STR        ANY    500  	masters of ancient battlearts 
Vampire      Vam      INT	  M	300	simply vampire
Necromancer  Nec      INT	  F	300	simply necromancer


Outdoorsmen, hunters, master of woodcraft, Rangers are the guardians of 
the forests.  In addition to having excellent fighting skills, they are
also wielders of some powerful magic.  Some Rangers have been known to call 
large bears to their aid, fashion mystical staves, and be able to camouflage
beyond detection.  Their ability to ambush opponents makes them deadly 


Masters of the art of weaponless combat, these mysterious warriors have
recently become more common in the land.  They strike quickly and
silently before fading into the shadows.  Ninjas are skilled in the
knowledge of nerve pressure, and can weaken their foes with a well placed
strike.  Wielders of a dark magic, they have spells that no wizards of
today can duplicate.  At high levels, Ninjas learn the art of
assassination, killing their foe instantly and silently.  Due to their
belief that touching the blades of their opponent with their own blade is
a loss of honor, Ninjas cannot parry with swords.

                          - ANTI-PALADIN -
The opposite of Paladins, these knights have chosen evil as their course.
Such fervor and zeal gives them deadly spells to compliment their already
superb fighting skills.  They seek only personal gain and to cause suffering
and pain to good.  Anti-paladins must stay evil in order to cast their 
spells. Those who forsake evilness are frowned upon.


These warriors have chosen the path of virtue and chivalry above all others.
This dedication to their cause grants them priest-like spells and healing
powers.  They are also formidable fighters, always questing to stamp out evil.
Paladins must stay good in order to cast their spells.  Those who forsake
goodness are frowned upon.  Paladins are expected to be truthful, 
chivalrous, humble, merciful, kind, bold, and noble of spirit.  Paladins 
must be Lawful Good.


Clerics are the most defensively oriented of all the classes.  Most of their
spells focus on healing or defending the faithful, with their few combat 
spells being far less powerful than those of mages. However, clerics are the 
best class by far at healing magics, and they possess an impressive area of
protective magics, as well as fair combat prowess.


Thieves are a marginal class. They do few things better than any other class,
but have the widest range of skills available.  Thieves are specialists at
thievery and covert actions, being capable of entering areas undetected where
more powerful adventurers would fear to tread.  They are better fighters than
clerics, but lack the wide weapon selection of warriors.


Warriors live for combat and the thrill of battle. They are the best fighters
of all the classes, but lack the subtle skills of thieves and the magical
talents of mages and priests.  Warriors are best for those who don't mind
taking the direct approach, even when another method might be called for.

 Male Magicians...Stronger, but less efective on charm..

 More powerful honour warriors..But after level 10 they cannot flee 
because they are thought like that.

 Powerful mage/warriors..But after they can only transform into VAMPIRE 
after level 10.And they cannot practice the vampire skill.The vampire skill 
is gained in 50 questpoints. When they use this skill at the nights their
size increase, they gets damage from light, and their damroll increases. You
cannot realize a vampire in nights. It is only written "An uggly creature".

 Powerful mage.But powerful in necromentic spells. 


You can pick one of six cities as your hometown: New Thalos and Midgaard are
all alignments. Ofcol is neutral only. Your hometown is where you will 
recall to and is where the pit is to which your corpse will decay. 
Everyone starts at mud school, which is connected to each of the hometowns.



You may pick a Lawful, Neutral or Chaotic ethos.  This shows your opinion
toward the laws of the land (not the rules).  If you plan on obeying the
laws no matter what, you take a lawful ethos, if you will obey the laws
some of the time, then you are neutral.  If you plan on breaking the laws
and only obeying them when you just happen to obey the laws, then you are
chaotic.  Ethos can only be set once.

Ah! Another mortal, seeking adventure.  You should go through mudschool 
first, to gain experience to face the trials outside.  Be sure to practice 
a weapon in the guild room, or your stay with us shall be very short  indeed.
Type 'equipment' to see what your are wielding, 'spells' to see your spells,
'skills' to see your skills, and 'commands' for a list of commands. Help is
available on most commands and abilities.  It is strongly recommended 
that you  go through all the helps at a low level, especially for first 
time mudders.


Syntax: assassinate <victim>

Very high level ninjas can learn to kill in one hit. This surprise
attack must be on a fully healed target. Ninja aproaches his or her
victims from behind, and with a fast move, twists their head, breaking
the neck. The skill must be used both hands free, and it has a little
chance for an instant kill.


Syntax: HERBS <victim> or HERBS
        TAME <victim>
        BUTCHER <corpse>
        BEAR CALL
        cast 'ranger staff'

Quiet movement is an automatic skill that, if successful, will not
  reveal a player's destination direction when he leaves the room.
Herbs allows a player to gather herbs with healing power from the
  forest, and optionally give heal another character, even of plague.
Tame is used on aggressive mobs to permanently calm them.
Butcher creates 1-4 edible steaks out of corpses.
Bark skin is a protection spell, making strong barks to cover your skin.
Bear call calls 2 powerful bears to your rescue.
Ranger staff creates a staff whose power depends upon the caster's
level. The weapon created may only be wielded by rangers.



  Similar to bear call, the lion call , calls 2 powerful lions to your
  Tiger power calls 10 tigers from forest to join you. And increase your
damroll & hitroll.  

   A Samurai kills himself, in other words set him/her self hitpoint, mana
and movement 1 . Then gains them very quickly.

   A vampire can flee a fight , or can live a place by dividing himself into
too many mouses. At this moment you must kill all mouses to kill the vampire.

Syntax: bite <victim>

   A vampire bites a sleeping victim and gains victim's hitpoint to itself.
But then fight starts.



    A vampire get damages from light. But a high level vampire can teach 
itself how to resist light.

Syntax: enchant <sword name>

    A powerful Samurai can beat up the swords and makes its damroll &
hitroll higher.

Syntax: cast scream

    A powerful warlock , when screams, can disturb all the mobiles and all
glass and ice made objects.The objects gets broken and mobiles can't do
anything. Then the FIGHT STOPS for a moment, that warlock can escape.

Syntax: cast 'sand storm'

   A powerful warlock can make a storm which inflicts damage all the mobiles
in the room. But if there is no sand he can't do.
Syntax: target <victim>

   A samurai can change his/her target when fighting with a group of mobiles
or characters.

Syntax: second <weapon>

    A samurai can use second weapon. It at each turn attacks one time, and
give damage to samura's fighting. But while using second weapon you cannot
hold an item and wear a shield.


    A samurai can explode some material so that every mobile in the effected
by this burning. The burning affect fills the room. And potions bubles , and
mobiles can be blind.
Syntax: cast 'dragons breath'

    A warlock can't use dragon breaths, i.e 'fire breath', 'lightning 
breath'. So he calls the Lord of Dragons to help.
Cabals (Pronounced "Kuh-BALL") are clans of characters dedicated to a cause.
This cause is the sole purpose uniting the cabal, and its members strive to
bring about this purpose.  They also seek to influence the other cabals to
believe that their cabal is superior.

The following cabals have made their way into this world:

           "Ruler"	       The Rulers of Anatolia
           "Battlerager"       The Masters of Martial Arts
           "Chaos"             The Barons of Chaos
           "Knight"            The Knights of Anatolia
           "Shalafi"           The Masters of Arcane Arts
           "Invader"           ? (No talent is heard about)
	   "Hunter"	       Mercanary of Anatolia

Cabals have special hideouts, each with a special item that gives members
special powers.  Cabals whose special item is in another cabal's shrine lose
their special powers!

Joining a cabal is meant to be a lifelong occupation.  Those that quit or
are kicked out of a cabal are given a punishment for their leaving.  Cabal
hopping is highly disappoved of.

For more info on individual cabals or joining one, ask a cabal member or
post a note to that cabal.

e.g, note to <cabal name>  { cabal which you want to join}
     note subject ????
     note + ?????????
     note post    

Syntax: cleave <victim>

This attack is similar to backstab, but not quite as powerful. There
is a small chance that your victim will be killed instantly.  

Syntax: vanish

Pulling forth a small globe, the ninja casts it on the ground where it
explodes in a puff of smoke.  When it clears, the ninja is gone!  This
skill will tele

Syntax: caltraps

Taking a handful of small spikes, the ninja throws them at his opponent's
feet.  Damage taken from them is minor, but the victim's dexterity and hit/dam

Syntax: nerve

A skilled ninja is knowledgeable in accupressure techniques and can weaken
a victim by three strength points for a short while during combat.


This skill, when practiced, gives a player a chance to turn an
attacker's first blow against him, causing double damage.  You need
not type "counter" -- it happens automatic.


Welcome to the world of Realms of Anatolia which is based on role-playing
and adventure. Role-playing is encouraged, and in some cases, almost
mandatory. One can enter a cabal for protection and gaining power. We
want unique personalities, as they make the game more fun for you and
everyone else. Don't just be a human paladin....be Arthur, fights for the
benefits of the virtue and honour. It creates a better atmosphere and
a better playing environment. 

Player killing on Realms of Anatolia is totally permitted. In fact, it is
encouraged, and since some fine objects have a finite number, you will have
to kill other players to get them. You can playerkill after you are
level 5. People you can pk are shown by a (PK) flag in front of their 
names on the who and the where lists.  These people are anyone within a 
range of your level.( minimum( 4, level / 10 ) level below and above levels)  

Group killing is allowed -- any size group may kill any other size

Expect to be PK'ed, and don't take it too personally. Remember, there's
safety in numbers. 

Remember to roleplay, not just kill anyone.

Do not drop link to avoid getting pked.  This is a sure-fire way to get
yourself killed, not by the attacker but by the immortals.


In the interest of attracting the right caliber of followers, the
immortals of Anatolia have outlined the following alignments.  See where
you think you fit in.

Lawful Good:   An orderly, strong society with a well-organized government
	       can make life better for the majority of the people.  To ensure
	       the quality of life, laws must be created and obeyed.  When
	       people respect the laws, and try to help each other, society as
	       whole prospers. 

Lawful Neutral:  Also believes in a strong, well-organized government, whether
	       it is a tyranny or democracy.  Organization and regimentation
	       bring benefits that outweigh any moral questions raised by
	       their actions.

Lawful Evil:   The use of society and its laws for personal benefit.  Structure
	       and organization elevate those who deserve to rule as well as
	       provide a clearly defined hierarchy between master and servant.
	       Laws and societies are supported so long as they fit with
	       personal concerns.  Laws are obeyed out of fear of punishment.

Neutral Good:  A balance of forces is important, but the concerns of laws and
	       chaos do not moderate the need for good.  The universe is vast
	       and contains many creatures striving for different goals, so a
	       pursuit of good will not upset the balance.  Fostering good may
	       mean supporting an organized society, or overthrowing the
	       existing social order.  Social structure has no innate value.         
True Neutral:  Almost impossible to find such people as the majority of people
	       make judgments.  It is their duty to see that all of the forces
	       (evil, good, law, and chaos) remain in balance.  Alliances with
	       such people are odd, as they tend to switch sides as one side
	       brings the other to the point of destruction.

Neutral Evil:  The primary concern for such people is their own advancement.
	       Working with others or on their own, their only interest is 
	       getting ahead.  Such people are known for their 'Me, Myself,
	       and I' personalities.  No scruples, no conscience.

Chaotic Good:  Strong individualists marked with a streak of kindness and 
	       benevolence.  Goodness and right matter, but there is little
	       use for laws and regulations.  Their actions are morally good
	       but may not be in perfect agreement with the rest of society.
Chaotic Neutral:  There is no order to anything, even their own actions.
	       Good and Evil are irrelevant when making a decision.  They
	       are almost totally unreliable, except for the fact that you
	       can rely on them being like this.  The true coin-flipper, they
	       rely on fate and chance to lead them.

Chaotic Evil:  The bane of all that is good and organized.  Laws and
	       governments are the tools of weaklings unable to fend for
	       themselves.  The strong have a right to what they want, and
	       weak are there to be exploited.  Leadership among CEs is based
	       on power, with the leader capable of bullying his underlings
	       into obedience.  

Each god may accept a follower based on these outlines.
Syntax: follow <character>
	group <character>

FOLLOW starts you following another character.  To stop following anyone else,
just FOLLOW <yourself>.

GROUP <character> makes someone who is following you a member of your group.
Group members share experience points from kills and may use the GTELL and
SPLIT commands.  If anyone in your group is attacked, you will automatically
join the fight.

If the <character> is already a member of your group, then GROUP will
kick out the <character> from your group.  Characters can also leave your
group by using a FOLLOW command to stop following you.

GROUP with no argument shows statistics for each character in your group.

You may FOLLOW and GROUP only with characters who are within 8 levels of
your own. Groups of 2 and 3 get experience bonuses.  See "help experience".

NOFOL is a toggle which makes you no longer accept followers.  This also
causes all people and mobs from following you at that time including who
you are following.  Type NOFOL again to reset the toggle back to accepting
followers.  No one can follow you when this toggle is set.


These are the rules of the Realms of Anatolia. Disobeying is grounds
for deletion. For other matters, use common sense.

1. Remember that this is a roleplaying atmosphere.  If an immortal imposes
   their will upon you, you must do it.  Do not ask a wizi-invis god 'who they
   are'.  This is question is considered rude and will not be answered.
2. Immortals often make announcements via notes, and you are required to 
   follow accordingly.  Not having read the notes is no excuse.  It is the 
   same as if the Immortal told you in person.
3. Player stealing and killing is permitted and encouraged.
4. Do not use charmed pets to PK people who are out of your PK range.
   If a person is not in your pk range, and they do not initiate an attack on
   your group member, then your pets had better not touch them.
5. Your presence here is a privilege not a right.  Obey any orders from gods,
   and you will be fine.  
6. MULTICHARRING: You may have more than one character, but you may not use
   multiple logins from same terminal. Punishment for this rule is
   deleting of one char.
7. Anyone who assists people in multicharing, i.e. holding equipment while
   they transfer it, 'looking the other way', etc will be punished harshly.
8. DO NOT, in any way, shape or form, exploit bugs.  It WILL result in a
   punishment determined by IMPLEMENTORS.  Repeat DO NOT exploit bugs, you 
   WILL be IMMEDIATELY punished.
9. SPAMMING IS ILLEGAL.  (Spam filling up someone's screen with needless 
   repetion of anything)  You will be given one warning and then deleted.
   Don't do it.
10. Sexual harrassment will not be tolerated.  If both parties do not consent
    to the socials/emotes, then don't do them.
11. Cheating will not be tolerated. This includes accepting favors from
    gods and exploiting bugs.
  These are simple, clear rules.  If you violate them you WILL be
  punished.  Punishments may vary, depending on previous rules violations, 
  the situation.  Be prepared for the worst if you are caught breaking 
  these rules.

  Changes  to these rules are at the discretion of the immortals, and
  may be done withoutwarning, notice, or even evidence of sanity.

The laws of the land that shall be enforced by the Ruler Cabal are as
follows :
    The areas that are defined as protected by the jurisdiction of the Law
are the entirety of Midgaard, New Thalos, Valley of Titans and  New Ofcol.

1. No Player Killing/Stealing/Looting in any protected area.  Theft is fully
   illegal.  This includes the attempt of stealing any from a person OR looting
   a player's corpse OR looting the pit when a player's equipment has returned
   from their decayed corpse.  Stealing also includes taking a disarmed weapon
   or equipment during a legal duel that is not your own.  Looting a criminal's
   corpse is unlawful within the towns.  You will be held responsible for your
   groupmate's actions.
2. No offensive area spells or harmful powers will be used in any protected
   area.  This includes area spells from charmed, summoned or attacked mobs.
   Aggressive mobs may not be summoned/brought into any protected area.
3. Aiding known criminals in any way by directly giving them equipment,
   helping them to elude punishment, to kill Ruler guards, etc.
   will result in a WANTED flag.
4. Intrusion into the Ruler Cabal is considered illegal and an attack upon
   the laws themselves.  

5. A dispersal that teleports the victim from a protected area directly into
   the room of an aggressive mob that causes their death is considered a
   player kill and will result in a WANTED flag on the caster.

6. Garbling Ruler members is against the law.  This prevents them from
   doing their job and is considered an offensive attack upon the law itself.

 Enforcement of these laws will be carried out by Ruler members. Midgaard,
New Thalos, Valley of Titans and New Ofcol are defined by the 'where protector'
command. Old midgaard is not a holy town.

Syntax: WANTED <player> <Y or N>

This is a cabal skill for the Legions of Ruler that flags or unflags
a player as a criminal. Many good mobs do not take kindly to criminals.
Only members of the Ruler cabal can flag or unflag criminals.

syntax: blackjack <target>

Using a small weighted sack, the thief delivers a blow to the back of the 
victims head in the hopes of rendering them unconscious.  "It is not a 
killing stroke.  Thieves know what happens to thieves that killed 
people.  The Ninja's Guild came and talked briefly to them--in fact, 
all they said was 'Good-bye'." -t.p.


Syntax: request <object> <mobile>

Good characters may use this command to request items in the inventory or
equipment of a good aligned mob.  See consider for more info.
Consider the player's level when making a request for another player.  The
limits were put on request for a reason.  An unproven player does not deserve
Diana's armor.  You are merely removing the mob's ability to defend itself
against evil doers.  There is a 3 minute (real time) wait for requesting.

Syntax: strangle <victim>

Using their natural stealth and cunning, the ninja is able to sneak up on
opponents and render them unconscious.  Success causes them to be put to
sleep for 1 tick.  This can't be done in combat.
Syntax: c entangle <mobile>
This spell causes the thorny plants around a mob's or player's feet to reach
up and grab them, causing some damage and loss of dexterity.  This is an
offensive spell which can only be used in locations where you can also camo.
Here is a general philosophy of each of the known cabals.

Ruler:  The enforcement of the laws above all.  The world exists in two
	halves: right and wrong.  The law comes first in all respects.
	They control and decide what is lawful or not.  Their word is law.

BattleRager:  BattleRagers live for combat, and look down on those who need    
	      magic to survive.  They have a strong aversion to mage magic,
	      and are very wary of clerical magic.

Chaos:    Chaos wants to spread chaos throughout the land.  Not necessarily
	  evil, just against the orderwed society.  They feel that laws and
	  rules hamper freedom, and will go out of their way to see them
	  broken, or to cause chaos.

Knight:   Honor is valued above all else.  These fighting warriors seek to
	  right injustices and correct wrongs.  They follow the ideals of
	  the paladin. 

Shalafi:  In Dark-Elf language, it means 'Master'. Discipline brings power.
          This is the motto of the Masters of Arcane Arts. The advancement 
          of the Art is their motivation.  They look down on physical combat, 
          preferring to use their magic.

Invader:  Invader is born to invade or massacre.  Establishment of its power 
          over all is its goal.  Invader, in short, wants to control the world, 
          but would never do so openly.

Hunter:   Mercenary of Anatolia. These pupils  kill any mobile and player
	  with the money that they will want. You may hire any of hunter
	  for above purpose.

Keep in mind these are only general guidelines.  
See also: CABAL 

Syntax: repair <item>
Syntax: estiamte <item>

   During fight your equipment gets damage. And after full damages the
equipment breaks into pieces.

   To avoid this you can have your your equipment repaired by WEAPONSMITHS
   You can learn how much that will cost by "estimate" command.

0 PRAY ~
Syntax: pray 
	pray <message>

Use this command to send a message to all the immortals who are on the mud
at the time.  If you need to talk to a specific god, put their name in the
message, you can even just do pray name.  PRAY, by itself simply gives 
'(your name) is PRAYING for: any god'  If you dont with to get a pot-luck
immortal, type a message after 'pray'.  Only immortals 53+ can see prays.

DO NOT ABUSE this privilege!!!  Anyone who does multiple prays or prays
without a good reason will be severely punished.



Syntax: cast 'randomizer'

You cannot cast it in a room with the flag ROOM_LAW (all the rooms in Galadon)
and you may not cast it in a room with a door that is supposed to reset locked 
or closed.  If anyone *ever* casts it in a room like this, and I hear about it, 
this spell will be taken away, never to return.  
Syntax: warcry

This skill allows one to gain some resistance by yelling out a warcry.
The effects have been compared with bless.
Syntax: nerve

A skilled ninja is knowledgeable in accupressure techniques and can weaken
a victim by three strength points for a short while during combat.
Syntax: circle

This is a fighting technique practiced by thieves. A player that is
not being attacked may circle around and stab a victim while in
battle. This is useful when you are not the one in your group taking
the hits.  It requires the use of a piercing instrument.
Syntax: critical strike <victim>
 	Using their knowledge of Nage Waza (throwing techniques), the ninjas
and samurais able to grab their opponent and throw them to the ground.  It 
can be attempted every 2 rounds, but no commands can be entered for 2 rounds 
after attempting a critical strike. There are three possibility :
	>>Opponent may get a powerful damage.
        >>Opponent may get a higher damage and can be blind.
        >>Opponent may get a power hit damage.    
Syntax: throw <victim>

Using their knowledge of Nage Waza (throwing techniques), the ninja is 
able to grab their opponent and throw them to the ground.  It can be 
attempted every 2 rounds, but no commands can be entered for 2 rounds 
after attempting a throw.  Thrown opponents are then stunned, unable to
enter any commands. 
0 CB ~
Syntax: cb (message)

This is the command used to talk on a cabal channel.  
Used by itself, it is a toggle to turn the cabal channel on and off.
Syntax: deposit  <number>
Syntax: withdraw <number>
Syntax: balance

The bank of New Thalos is a trustworthy establishment dedicated to the
safe-keeping moneys in trusted it.  To place money in the bank, simply
DEPOSIT a quantity of coins.  To retrieve your funds, simply WITHDRAW a
quantity of coins.To find out much you have in the bank, type BALANCE.
Each of there commands must be issued from with a bank.  Withdraws are
subject to a slight processing fee.

Syntax: camouflage
	ambush <victim>
	cast 'acute vision'

Camouflage allows a player to hide in a field, forest, or mountain. A
camouflaged player will remain camouflaged until he/she/it moves.

A camouflaged player may ambush someone who doesn't see him/her/it.

Acute vision is the spell used to detect camouflaged players.

In order to register 	mail to: advise12@rorqual.cc.metu.edu.tr 
			Subject: Registration
			Nick: <Your Nick>

Syntax: Endure

This is a meditation technique used to strengthen one's defence
againts magical attacks
This skill is similar to meditation and fast healing in that it is
automatic each tick.  This ability to concentrate aids mages and
clerics in regaining their mana quickly.
Syntax: cast 'protective shield'

This spell makes a shield around the caster which can deflect blunt blows
such as those from bashes and throws.
	Quest weapons, rings and girths cannot be sacrificed and these items
are special for the character. Any other character cannot get or wear 
these items. Also these items cannot get damage. As you lost one of them 
because of crashes note to gods.

Syntax : help weaponreward... for more information about the reward weapon.
Syntax : help ringreward..... for more information about the reward ring.
Syntax : help girthreward.... for more information about the reward girth.

Object 'weapon hero' is type weapon, extra flags glow magic bless nopurge burn_proof.
Weight is 30, value is 100000, level is from 21 to your level.
Weapon type is exotic.
Damage varies from 10d4 (average 25)
              to   10d12(average 65) 
Weapons flags: sharp
Affects moves by 500.
Affects hp by 200.
Affects mana by 200.
Affects hit roll by 25.
Affects damage roll by 25.
Affects charisma by 1.
Affects wisdom by 2.
Affects dexterity by 2.
Affects strength by 2.

Object 'ring hero' is type armor, extra flags glow magic bless nopurge burn_proof.
Weight is 30, value is 100000, level is 21.
Armor class is 12 pierce, 12 bash, 12 slash, and 9 vs. magic.
Affects moves by 500.
Adds flying pass_door affect.
Affects hp by 150.
Affects mana by 150.
Affects hit roll by 10.
Affects armor class by -20.
Affects charisma by 1.

Object 'girth hero' is type armor, extra flags glow magic bless nopurge burn_proof.
Weight is 30, value is 100000, level is 21.
Armor class is 12 pierce, 12 bash, 12 slash, and 9 vs. magic.
Affects armor class by -30.
Adds detect_evil detect_good detect_invis detect_magic infrared affect.
Affects damage roll by 10.
Adds resistance to magic.
Affects hit roll by 10.
Affects moves by 500.
Affects hp by 200.
Affects mana by 200.
Affects charisma by 1.
Affects intelligence by 3.
Affects constitution by 3.
Affects wisdom by 2.
Affects strength by 2.

	There are currently n quests in Anatolia MUD.
	* Questor quest    : For more info type 'help 'questor quest''
	* Kassandra quest  : Read some fascicles of books.. :)
	* ....
	quest points   : shows quest points
	quest info     : shows what must you do for finish the quest
	quest time     : shows the left time to finish the quest
	quest request  : in order to want a quest
	quest complete : to inform questmaster that you finished the quest
	quest list     : lists the available quest objects that you can buy
	quest buy      : to buy a quest obj	
        quest trouble  : if you lose a quest obj, you can regain it. But
                         at most 3 times.
Syntax : help reward ... for more information about the quest reward. 

Syntax of the auction command is:

auction (no parameters) - will show the current item's stats
auction <item name>	- will auction an item, if no auction is going on
auction on		- will make the channel auction on
auction off		- will make the channel auction off
auction bet <bet>	- will bet on the item
auction stop		- will stop the auction, return the gold to the last
			  better and transfer the item to seller(imm only).

Notice that auction is must-colored ,to make you aware!
	* Charisma is regenerated again. If your charisma is below 18
then every one can see your level when they type "who", and also you
	* Charisma is trainable.
	* All players can have at most 25 charisma. But if you left a 
cabal , you can have at most 24 charisma.
	* Charisma doesn't effect any damage.
	* All you have killed is counted ( to see type "worth" ). And
only for good characters every 200 mobiles that you killed having opposite
aligns gives you a charisma. And every 100 mobiles you have killed
having the same align reduces your charisma by one.
	Spell craft is only available of the class that have the high 
capability of delivering spells. The spell craft makes the spells more 
effective so that the casters have their own privilages.
Syntax: blink 		: shows the status of blink
	blink on	: makes status ON
	blink off	: makes status OFF
	Magic users can make themselves one exist and one not. This makes 
them protected weapon attacks.Each blink takes 1 mana.
Syntax: cast 'lion help'

    Calls the other members of cabal lion for help.That is because of the
eyed sword. And also this is the cabal spell. So you cannot use this spell
if you haven't got cabal powers or eyed sword wielding.
Syntax: cast 'weapon call'

	A cabal member of lion can call his eyed sword with a whisper, if 
he/she has the cabal power with him/her.
Syntax: cast 'eyed sword'

	A lion cabal member when casts this spell , creates the special 
weapon of its cabal. It can only be cast once.Then when one losts this
sword ,one must use 'weapon call' spell to get it back.If the sword purged
in resetting of an area then it appears in the shrine of Cabal LIONs.
Syntax: cammove

	A lion cabal member can move , without losing his/her affect of
	When you induct a player from your cabal to none, that player
won't be able to change his/her title forever (unless an immortal grants
him/her). Thus when you induct a player to your cabal be very careful.
If any problem occurs, you are RESPONSIBLE.
	Find the Templaman in the Midgaard, and say the name of your god.
Syntax : say <god_name> 
	The list of religions.
     Leader		  Ethos	
    "Atum-Ra",		"Lawful Good"
    "Zeus",		"Neutral Good"
    "Siebele", 		"True Neutral"
    "Shamash",		"God of Justice"
    "Ahuramazda",	"Chaotic Good"
    "Ehrumen",		"Chaotic Evil"
    "Deimos", 		"Lawful Evil"
    "Phobos", 		"Neutral Evil"
    "Odin",		"Lawful Neutral"
    "Teshub",	 	"Chaotic Neutral"
    "Ares",	 	"God of War"
    "Goktengri", 	"God of Honor"
    "Hera", 		"God of Hate"
    "Venus", 		"God of Beauty"
    "Seth",	 	"God of Anger"
    "Enki",	 	"God of Knowledge"
    "Eros",	 	"God of Love"

	For more information about the tattoos  
Syntax : help 'atum-ra'
Syntax : help 'zeus'
Syntax : help 'siebele'
                      So on

	Don't forget that some of the tattoos can be seen powerful with respect
to the others, but their probabities is much lower.
	To enemy  : Holy word
        To you    : Cure serious  
	To you : Cure critical
	To you : Cure disease
	To you : Cure plague
	To enemy : Blue fire
	To you	 : Cure serious

	To victim : Dispel evil
	To you	  : Cure light
	To you	  : Cure serious
	To victim : Demon fire
	To you	  : Cure serious
	To victim : Scream
	To you    : Cure serious
	To victim : web
	Tou you	  : cure serious

	To victim : colour spray
	To you	  : cure serious
	To victim : Faerie fire
	To you	  : Cure critic
	To victim : Blind
	To victim : Poison
	To you    : Haste
	To you	  : Shield
	To you : Berserk
	To you : One additional attack
	To victim : Poison
	To victim : Plague
	To victim : Weaken
	To victim : Slow
	To victim : Plague
	To you 	  : Bless
	To you	  : Cure light
	To victim : Dragon Breath
	To you	  : Dragon Strength
	To victim : Lightning Bolt.... if victim neutral
	To victim : Dispel Evil........if victim evil
	To victim : Dispel Good........if victim good
	To you    : Cure Critical
	To you : Heal
	To you : Mass Heal
	There are currently 6 stats, which are STR,INT,WIS,DEX,CON,CHA. Each
has special importance in your mud life, while fighting , gaining hitpoint 
mana at each tick, gaining hitpoint,mana and movement at gaining level ,etc.
Some of the items have been limited. You may find more information about
some of the limited items in the books which Melancholy sells.
Don't forget that you cannot save limited items if your level is 35
level greater than limited equipments and limit of the equipment is more
than 1.


	You are remorting and following is a brief description of each
 main race to assist you in the character creation process:

Human:     Humans are the typical, average race, possessing no advantages nor
Elf:       Elves are slender and fragile, yet agile and dextrous creatures.
           Elves possess the ability to see in the dark, called infravision.
	   Typically good alignment.And elf costs 500 extra exps per level.
Dark-elf:  Dark-elves are slender and fragile, yet agile and dextrous 
	   creatures.They have the ability to see in the dark, called 
	   infravision.They have evil alignment.And dark-elf costs 500 
	   extra exps per  level.
Dwarf:     Dwarves are a short, sturdy and strong race - typically high in
           constitution, and lower in intelligence.  Most dwarves possess infra.
	   And dwarf costs 250 extra exps per level.
Gnome:     Gnomes are a smaller cousin of dwarves, typically highly intelligent
           but low in strength.And gnomes costs 300 extra exps per level.
Arial:     Arials are a highly dextrous and smart race.They always fly. And 
	   arials costs 250  exps per level.
Giant:     They looks as if huge human. But they are greater and stronger.
	   They are higher in constitution. But with less intelligence.And 
	   giant cost 500 extra exps per level.
Felar:	   They seems like cats actually not.They are not strong , but has 
	   the ability to see in the dark, called infravision. And felar costs
	   250 extra exps per level.
Duergar:   Similar to their cousins dwarves, duergars are strong and high in
	   constitution, and lower in intelligence.But they are always evil.
	   And duergar costs 250 extra exps per level.
Svirfnebli:Some call them gnomes.Because they are also strong and 
	   wise.And svirfnebli costs 250 extra exps per level.
Rockseer  :Rockseer are slender and fragile, yet agile and dextrous 
	   creatures.They have the ability to see in the dark, to pass  
	   all kinds of doors.They have neutral alignment.And rockseer costs 
	   500 extra exps per level.
Troll     :Hindered by their slow intellect and mobility, grow to obtain a
           state of health.They cost extra 300 creation points.

P.S.	  :Remember that some races have their specific spells, i.e rockseers
	   have their own spell 'meld into stone'.

Here are the types of the damages, from small to...
                            *** DEMOLISH ***
                            *** DEVASTATE ***
                            === OBLITERATE ===
                            ==== ATOMIZE ====
                        <*> <*> ANNIHILATE <*> <*>
                        <*>!<*> ERADICATE <*>!<*>
                     <*><*><*> ELECTRONIZE <*><*><*>
                    <*>)!(<*>) SKELETONIZE (<*>)!(<*>)
                       (*)!(*)!(*) NUKE (*)!(*)!(*)
                     (*)!<*>!(*) TERMINATE (*)!<*>!(*)
                     <*>!(*)!<*>> TEAR UP <<*)!(*)!<*>
                      <*) (*>= ! POWER HIT ! =<*) (*>


0 $~
