Hi there...
First of all READ THE LICENSE.

1) To compile just type 'gmake'
2) To choose the port just edit datadir/init_data and change the first token (2600 by default) to whatever is the port number you want
3) To run just type ./awnuts
4) There is a default user named Test with password Test. You must:
	a) enter with his name and password;
	b) change the password with the .passwd command;
	c) get out;
	d) edit the file 'passfile' and change "Test" to your nickname;
	e) rename file 'userdata/Test.D' to 'userdata/<Your nick>.D;
	f) enter now with your nickname.  

There is no more documentation yet. Remember this is NOT a final version. 
If you have any questions, please:
1) Read the TODO;
2) If not solved, Read the code;
3) If not solved, check if you're using the last version of awnuts;
4) If you are, please e-mail me with your question.