object $root;

var $root child = 0;
var $root child_index = 0;
var $root inited = 1;

public method .children(): nooverride  {
    return children();

public method .debug(): nooverride  {
    arg [what];

    dblog("DEBUG: " + what.join(" "));

public method .del_objname(): nooverride  {
    arg name;
    (> del_objname(name) <);

public method .descendants(): nooverride  {
    var kids, i, c;
    kids = children();
    while ((| (c = kids[(i = i + 1)]) |))
        kids = union(kids, c.children());
    return kids;

public method .destroy(): nooverride  {
    if (!child)
        throw(~perm, "Attempt to destroy a defining parent.");
    (| .uninitialize() |);

public method .find_method() {
    arg method;
    return (> find_method(method) <);

private method .initialize(): nooverride  {
    var ancestors, ancestor, pos, len, method;
    if (inited)
        throw(~perm, "Already initialized.");
    ancestors = ancestors();
    len = ancestors.length();
    for pos in [0 .. len - 1] {
        ancestor = ancestors[len - pos];
        method = tosym("init_" + tostr(ancestor.objname('symbol)));
        catch ~methodnf {
            if ((.find_method(method)) != ancestor)
                throw(~perm, ((("Initialization method for " + (ancestor.objname())) + " in wrong place(") + (find_method(method).objname())) + ")");
    inited = 1;
    child = 1;

public method .log(): nooverride  {
    arg what;
    var line;
    if (type(what) == 'string) {
    } else if (type(what) == 'list) {
        for line in (what)
    } else {
        throw(~invarg, "Log must be called with a string or a list of strings");

public method .objname(): nooverride  {
    arg [args];
    var name;
    name = (| objname() |);
    if (args)
        return name || 0;
    if (name)
        return "$" + tostr(name);
    return toliteral(this());

public method .parents(): nooverride  {
    return parents();

public method .set_objname(): nooverride  {
    arg objname;
    if (type(objname) != 'symbol)
        throw(~perm, "Name is not a symbol.");
    // Make sure everything is lowercase.
    objname = tosym(lowercase(tostr(objname)));
    // Do nothing if objname isn't different.
    if (objname == (| objname() |))
    (> set_objname(objname) <);

public method .spawn(): nooverride  {
  arg [other_parents];
  var base, obj, name;
//  if (child)
//    throw(~perm, "Attempt to spawn a non-defining object.");
  name = .objname('symbol);
  base = tostr(name);
  while ((| lookup(name) |)) {
    child_index = child_index + 1;
    name = tosym((base + "_") + tostr(child_index));
  obj = (> create([this()] + other_parents) <);
  catch any {
    (> obj.initialize() <);
  } with {
    if (!(| obj.destroy() |))
      throw(~ack, "Unable to destroy aborted attempt", traceback());
  (> obj.set_objname(name) <);
  return obj;

private method .uninitialize(): nooverride  {
    var ancestor, p;
    for ancestor in (ancestors()) {
        method = tosym("uninit_" + tostr(ancestor.objname('symbol)));
        catch ~methodnf {
            if ((.find_method(method)) != ancestor)
                throw(~perm, ((("UnInitialization method for " + (ancestor.objname())) + " in wrong place (") + ((.find_method(method)).objname())) + ")");
    for p in (.variables())

public method .add_method() {
  arg code, meth;

  return (> add_method(code, meth) <);

public method .list_method() {
  arg method, @args;

  args = [(| args[1] |) || 2, (| args[2] |) || 2];
  return (> list_method(method, @args) <);

public method .del_method() {
  arg name;

  return (> del_method(name) <);

public method .method_info() {
  arg @args;

  return (> method_info(@args) <);