string short_desc, long_desc;
int value, local_weight;
string name, alias_name;
string read_msg,name_of_item;

    return str == "wand";

short() {
    return "A small gold wand";

long() {
    write("A small gold wand, with some arcane runes.\n");

query_value() { return 10000; }

set_id(str) {
    local_weight = 1;
    name = str;

set_alias(str) {
    alias_name = str;

set_short(str) {
    short_desc = str;
    long_desc = "You see nothing special.\n";

set_long(str) {
    long_desc = str;

set_value(v) {
    value = v;

set_weight(w) {
    local_weight = w;

get() {
    return 1;

query_weight() {
    return local_weight;

init() {
    add_action("read"); add_verb("read");
    add_action("destruct_item"); add_verb("de");

read(str) {
    if (str && str !="wand")
        return 1;
    write("To destruct is my purpose, but beaware of the powers.\n");
    return 1;
destruct_item(item) {
             if (!item)
        return 0;
    name_of_item = present(item);
    if (!name_of_item) {
      write("No such item ("); write(item); write(") here.\n");
      return 1;
    } else {