#define MAX_LIST			20
#define NAME_OF_GHOST			"some mist"

 * Include this file in objects that "lives".
 * The following variables are defined here:

int time_to_heal;	/* Count down variable. */
int money;		/* Amount of money on player. */
string name;		/* Name of object. */
string msgin, msgout;	/* Messages when entering or leaving a room. */
int is_npc, brief;	/* Flags. */
int level;		/* Level of monster. */
int armour_class;	/* What armour class of monster. */
int hit_point;		/* Number of hit points of monster. */
int max_hp;
int experience;		/* Experience points of monster. */
string mmsgout;		/* Message when leaving magically. */
string mmsgin;		/* Message when arriving magically. */
string attacker_ob;	/* Name of player attacking us. */
string alt_attacker_ob;	/* Name of other player also attacking us. */
int weapon_class;	/* How good weapon. Used to calculate damage. */
string name_of_weapon;	/* To see if we are wielding a weapon. */
string name_of_armour;	/* What armour we have. */
int ghost;		/* Used for monsters that can leave a ghost. */
int local_weight;	/* weight of items */
object hunted, hunter;	/* used in the hunt mode */
int hunting_time;	/* How long we will stay in hunting mode. */
string cap_name;	/* Capital version of "name". */
int spell_points;	/* Current spell points. Same max as max_hp. */
string spell_name;
int spell_cost, spell_dam;
int age;		/* Number of heart beats of this character. */
int is_invis;		/* True when player is invisible */
int frog;		/* If the player is a frog */
int whimpy;		/* Automatically run when low on HP */
 * All characters have an aligment, depending on how good or chaotic
 * they are.
 * This value is updated when killing other players.
int alignment;

 * The following routines are defined for usage:
 * hit_player		Called when fighting.
 * transfer_all_to:	Transfer all objects to dest.
 * move_player:		Called by the object that moves the monster.
 * query_name:		Gives the name to external objects.
 * attacked_by		Tells us who are attacking us.
 * show_stats		Dump local status.
 * stop_wielding	Called when we drop a weapon.
 * stop_wearing		Called when we drop an armour.
 * query_level		Give our level to external objects.
 * query_value		Always return 0. Can't sell this object.
 * get			Always return 0. Can't take this object.
 * attack		Should be called from heart_beat. Will maintain attack.
 * query_attack
 * drop_all_money	Used when the object dies.
 * wield		Called by weapons.
 * wear			Called by armour.
 * add_weight		Used when picking up things.
 * heal_self		Enable wizarfs to heal this object.
 * can_put_and_get	Can look at inventory, but not take things from it.
 * attack_object	Called when starting to attack an object.
 * test_if_any_here	For monsters. Call this one if you suspect no enemy
 *			is here any more. This will be checked, and the
 *			heart beat turned off in that case.
 * force_us		Force us to do a command.

 * This routine is called from objects that moves the player.
 * Special: direction "X" means teleport.
    string dir, dest;
    object ob;
    int is_light;

    if (sscanf(dir_dest, "%s#%s", dir, dest) != 2) {
	tell_object(this_object(), "Move to bad dir/dest\n");
    hunting_time -= 1;
    if (hunting_time == 0) {
	if (hunter)
	    call_other(hunter, "stop_hunting");
	hunter = 0;
	hunted = 0;
    if (attacker_ob && present(attacker_ob)) {
	hunting_time = 10;
	if (!hunter)
	    tell_object(this_object(), "You are now hunted by " +
			call_other(attacker_ob, "query_name", 0) + ".\n");
        hunter = attacker_ob;
    if (!msgout)
	msgout = "leaves";
    if (ghost)
	say(NAME_OF_GHOST + " " + msgout + " " + dir + ".\n");
    else if (dir == "X" && !is_invis)
	say(cap_name + " " + mmsgout + ".\n");
    else if (!is_invis)
	say(cap_name + " " + msgout + " " + dir + ".\n");
    move_object(this_object(), dest);
    is_light = set_light(0);
    if (level >= 20)
        tell_object(this_object(), dest + "\n");
    if (!msgin)
	msgin = "arrives";
    if (ghost && is_light)
	say(NAME_OF_GHOST + " " + msgin + ".\n");
    else if (!is_invis && dir == "X")
	say(cap_name + " " + mmsgin + ".\n");
    else if (!is_invis && is_light)
	say(cap_name + " " + msgin + ".\n");
    if (hunted && present(hunted))
    if (hunter && present(hunter))
        call_other(hunter, "attack_object", this_object());
    if (is_npc)
    if (!is_light) {
	write("A dark room.\n");
    ob = environment(this_object());
    if (brief)
	write(call_other(ob, "short", 0) + ".\n");
	call_other(ob, "long", 0);
    ob = first_inventory(ob);
    while(ob) {
	if (ob != this_object()) {
	    string short_str;
	    short_str = call_other(ob, "short");
	    if (short_str)
		write(short_str + ".\n");
	ob = next_inventory(ob);

 * This function is called from other players when they want to make
 * damage to us. We return how much damage we received, which will
 * change the attackers score. This routine is probably called from
 * heart_beat() from another player.
hit_player(dam) {
    if (level >= 20)	/* You can't hit a wizard ! */
	return 0;
    dam -= armour_class;
    if (dam <= 0)
	return 0;
    if (dam > hit_point+1)
	dam = hit_point+1;
    hit_point = hit_point - dam;
    if (hit_point<0) {
	object corpse;
	/* We died ! */
	if (hunter)
	    call_other(hunter, "stop_hunting");
	hunter = 0;
	hunted = 0;
	say(cap_name + " died.\n");
	experience = experience / 2;	/* Nice, isn't it ? */
	hit_point = 10;
	/* The player killing us will update his alignment ! */
	call_other(attacker_ob, "add_alignment",
	call_other(attacker_ob, "add_exp", experience / 25);
	corpse = clone_object("obj/corpse");
	call_other(corpse, "set_name", name);
	if (!is_npc)
	    save_object("players/" + name);
	move_object(corpse, environment(this_object()));
	if (!call_other(this_object(), "second_life", 0))
    return dam;

    object ob;
    object next_ob;

    ob = first_inventory(this_object());
    while(ob) {
	next_ob = next_inventory(ob);
	call_other(ob, "drop", 1);
	move_object(ob, dest);
	ob = next_ob;
    local_weight = 0;
    if (money == 0)
    ob = clone_object("obj/money");
    call_other(ob, "set_money", money);
    move_object(ob, dest);
    money = 0;

query_name() {
    if (ghost)
	return NAME_OF_GHOST;
    return cap_name;

query_alignment() {
    return alignment;

 * This routine is called when we are attacked by a player.
attacked_by(ob) {
    if (!attacker_ob) {
	attacker_ob = ob;
    if (!alt_attacker_ob) {
	attacker_ob = ob;

show_stats() {
    int i;
    write(short() + "\nlevel:\t" + level +
	  "\ncoins:\t" + money +
	  "\nhp:\t" + hit_point +
	  "\nmax:\t" + max_hp +
	  "\nspell\t" + spell_points);
    write("\nep:\t"); write(experience);
    write("\nac:\t"); write(armour_class);
    if (name_of_armour)
	write("\narmour: " + call_other(name_of_armour, "query_name", 0));
    write("\nwc:\t"); write(weapon_class);
    if (name_of_weapon)
	write("\nweapon: " + call_other(name_of_weapon, "query_name", 0));
    write("\ncarry:\t" + local_weight);
    if (attacker_ob && living(attacker_ob))
	write("\nattack: " + call_other(attacker_ob, "query_name"));
    write("\nalign:\t" + alignment + "\n");

stop_wielding() {
    if (!name_of_weapon) {
	/* This should not happen ! */
	log_file("wield_bug", "Weapon not wielded !\n");
	write("Bug ! The weapon was marked as wielded ! (fixed)\n");
    call_other(name_of_weapon, "un_wield", 0);
    name_of_weapon = 0;
    weapon_class = WEAPON_CLASS_OF_HANDS;

stop_wearing() {
    armour_class -= call_other(name_of_armour, "armour_class", 0);
    call_other(name_of_armour, "un_wear", 0);
    name_of_armour = 0;

query_level() {
    return level;

/* This object is not worth anything in the shop ! */
query_value() { return 0; }

/* It is never possible to pick up a player ! */
get() { return 0; }

 * Return true if there still is a fight.
    int tmp;
    string name_of_attacker;

    if (!attacker_ob) {
	spell_cost = 0;
	return 0;
    name_of_attacker = call_other(attacker_ob, "query_name", 0);
    if (!name_of_attacker || name_of_attacker == NAME_OF_GHOST ||
	environment(attacker_ob) != environment(this_object())) {
	if (!hunter && name_of_attacker &&
	    !call_other(attacker_ob, "query_ghost", 0))
	    tell_object(this_object(), "You are now hunting " +
			call_other(attacker_ob, "query_name", 0) + ".\n");
	    hunted = attacker_ob;
	    hunting_time = 10;
	attacker_ob = 0;
	if (!alt_attacker_ob)
	    return 0;
	attacker_ob = alt_attacker_ob;
	alt_attacker_ob = 0;
	if (attack()) {
			"You turn to attack " + cap_name + ".\n");
	    return 1;
	return 0;
    call_other(attacker_ob, "attacked_by", this_object());
    if (spell_cost) {
	spell_points -= spell_cost;
	tell_object(attacker_ob, "You are hit by a " + spell_name + ".\n");
	write("You cast a " + spell_name + ".\n");
    tmp = call_other(attacker_ob, "hit_player", random(weapon_class) +
    if (tmp == 0) {
	tell_object(this_object(), "You missed.\n");
	say(cap_name + " missed " + name_of_attacker + ".\n");
	spell_cost = 0;
	spell_dam = 0;
	return 1;
    experience += tmp;
    tmp -= spell_dam;
    spell_cost = 0;
    spell_dam = 0;
    /* Does the enemy still live ? */
    if (call_other(attacker_ob, "query_name", 0) != NAME_OF_GHOST) {
	string how, what;
	how = " to small fragments";
	what = "massacre";
	if (tmp < 30) {
	    how = " with a bone crushing sound";
	    what = "smash";
	if (tmp < 20) {
	    how = " very hard";
	    what = "hit";
	if (tmp < 10) {
	    how = " hard";
	    what = "hit";
	if (tmp < 5) {
	    how = "";
	    what = "hit";
	if (tmp < 3) {
	    how = "";
	    what = "grazed";
	if (tmp == 1) {
	    how = " in the stomach";
	    what = "tickled";
	tell_object(this_object(), "You " + what + " " + name_of_attacker +
		    how + ".\n");
	tell_object(attacker_ob, cap_name + " " + what + " you" + how + ".\n");
	return 1;
    tell_object(this_object(), "You killed " + name_of_attacker + ".\n");
    attacker_ob = alt_attacker_ob;
    alt_attacker_ob = 0;
    if (attacker_ob)
	return 1;

query_attack() {
    if (attacker_ob)
	return 1;
    return 0;

drop_all_money(verbose) {
    object mon;
    if (money == 0)
    mon = clone_object("obj/money");
    call_other(mon, "set_money", money);
    move_object(mon, environment());
    if (verbose) {
	say(cap_name + " drops " + money + " gold coins.\n");
	tell_object(this_object(), "You drop " + money + " gold coins.\n");
    money = 0;

/* Wield a weapon. */
wield(w) {
    if (name_of_weapon)
    name_of_weapon = w;
    weapon_class = call_other(w, "weapon_class", 0);
    say(cap_name + " wields " + call_other(w, "query_name", 0) + ".\n");

/* Wear some armour. */
wear(a) {
    if (name_of_armour)
    name_of_armour = a;
    armour_class += call_other(a, "armour_class", 0);
    say(cap_name + " wears " + call_other(a, "query_name", 0) + ".\n");

add_weight(w) {
    if (w + local_weight > level + 10 && level < 20)
	return 0;
    local_weight += w;
    return 1;

heal_self(h) {
    if (!h)
    hit_point += h;
    if (hit_point > max_hp)
	hit_point = max_hp;
    spell_points += h;
    if (spell_points > max_hp)
	spell_points = max_hp;

    return str != 0;

   if (call_other(ob, "query_ghost", 0))
   set_heart_beat(1);	/* For monsters, start the heart beat */
   if (attacker_ob == ob) {
   if (alt_attacker_ob == ob) {
       alt_attacker_ob = attacker_ob;
       attacker_ob = ob;
   if (!alt_attacker_ob)
       alt_attacker_ob = attacker_ob;
   attacker_ob = ob;

query_ghost() { return ghost; }

   if (call_other(ob, "query_ghost", 0))
   if (attacker_ob == ob) {
   if (alt_attacker_ob == ob) {
       alt_attacker_ob = attacker_ob;
       attacker_ob = ob;
   if (!alt_attacker_ob)
       alt_attacker_ob = attacker_ob;
   attacker_ob = ob;

query_ghost() { return ghost; }

    call_other(ob, "attacked_by", this_object());
    say(cap_name + " summons a flash from the sky.\n");
    write("You summon a flash from the sky.\n");
    experience += call_other(ob, "hit_player", 100000);
    shout("There is a big clap of thunder.\n\n");

    if (spell_points < 10) {
	write("Too low on power.\n");
    spell_name = "magic missile";
    spell_dam = random(20);
    spell_cost = 10;
    attacker_ob = ob;

    if (spell_points < 15) {
	write("Too low on power.\n");
    spell_name = "shock";
    spell_dam = random(30);
    spell_cost = 15;
    attacker_ob = ob;

    if (spell_points < 20) {
	write("Too low on power.\n");
    spell_name = "fire ball";
    spell_dam = random(40);
    spell_cost = 20;
    attacker_ob = ob;

 * If no one is here (except ourself), then turn off the heart beat.

    object ob;
    ob = first_inventory(environment());
    while(ob) {
	if (!call_other(ob, "id", "name") && living(ob))
	ob = next_inventory(ob);

show_age() {
    int i;

    i = age;
    if (i/43200) {
	write(i/43200 + " days ");
	i = i - (i/43200)*43200;
    if (i/1800) {
	write(i/1800 + " hours ");
	i = i  - (i/1800)*1800;
    if (i/30) {
	write(i/30 + " minutes ");
	i = i - (i/30)*30;
    write(i*2 + " seconds.\n");

    hunter = 0;
    tell_object(this_object(), "You are no longer hunted.\n");

force_us(cmd) {
    if (level >= call_other(this_player(), "query_level")) {
	tell_object(this_object(), call_other(this_player(), "query_name") +
		    " tried to force you to " + cmd + ".\n");
    tell_object(this_object(), call_other(this_player(), "query_name") +
		" forced you to '" + cmd + "'.\n");

/* This is used by the shop etc. */
add_money(m) {
    money = money + m;

query_money() {
    return money;

query_exp() {
    return experience;

query_frog() {
    return frog;

frog_curse(arg) {
    if (arg) {
	if (frog)
	    return 1;
	tell_object(this_player(), "You turn into a frog !\n");
	frog = 1;
	return 1;
    tell_object(this_object(), "You turn HUMAN again.\n");
    frog = 0;
    return 0;

run_away() {
    object here;
    int i, j;

    here = environment();
    i = 0;
    j = random(6);
    while(i<6 && here == environment()) {
	i += 1;
	j += 1;
	if (j > 6)
	    j = 1;
	if (j == 1) command("east");
	if (j == 2) command("west");
	if (j == 3) command("north");
	if (j == 4) command("south");
	if (j == 5) command("up");
	if (j == 6) command("down");
    if (here == environment()) {
	say(cap_name + " tried, but failed to run away.\n", this_object());
	    "Your legs tried to run away, but failed.\n");
    } else {
	tell_object(this_object(), "Your legs run away with you!\n");