#include "std.h"

object matilda;
#define EXTRA_RESET\
   if (!matilda || !living(matilda)) {\
       object poker;\
       matilda = clone_object("obj/monster");\
      call_other(matilda, "set_name", "matilda");\
      call_other(matilda, "set_level",9);\
      call_other(matilda, "set_al",100);\
      call_other(matilda, "set_short", "Matilda the fat old cook is here");\
      call_other(matilda, "set_aggressive", 1);\
      call_other(matilda, "set_wc",10);\
      call_other(matilda, "add_money", random(250));\
      move_object(matilda, this_object());\
      poker = clone_object("obj/weapon");\
   call_other(poker, "set_value",10);\
   call_other(poker, "set_name", "poker");\
   call_other(poker, "set_wc",14);\
   call_other(poker, "wield", "poker");\
    move_object(poker, matilda);\

         "A hot very hot kitchen, it looks very clean, you can see a store\n" +
         "room to the south, to the north you can see the dining room.\n",1)