other_copy 0
it "a doormat"
max_headache 0
headache 0
intoxicated 0
al_title "demonic"
password2 0
password "bawVTfOeQThY6"
title "Mistress of EVIL"
alignment -28631
auto_load ""
whimpy 0
frog 0
is_invis 0
age 182067
spell_dam 0
spell_cost 0
spell_name "fire ball"
spell_points 50
cap_name "Kantele"
hunting_time -2
hunter 0
hunted 0
local_weight -15
ghost 0
head_armour 0
name_of_weapon 0
weapon_class 3
alt_attacker_ob 0
attacker_ob 0
mmsgin "appears on the back of a nightmare"
mmsgout "summons her nightmare and rides off"
experience 1123429
max_hp 50
hit_point 50
armour_class 0
level 23
brief 0
is_npc 0
msgout "leaves"
msgin "appears behind you"
name "kantele"
money 14245840
time_to_heal 10