0.03 (started 13/01/2000)
Changed privs from numeric to string, changed interface to privs
Added strchomp() function in strplus.h, reminiscent of Perl's chomp
Added simple loadavg to command_stat()
Added check for concurency error in login process, when 2 people try to create 
 new chars with the same name at the same time
Added simple command_set() for just two variables.
Fixed get_from_descriptor() to truncate very long lines - now it crashes on the
  output code.
Implemented help_reload()
Added global variable max_connections, not used yet.
Added primitive display of number of connections to command_stat()
Added snprintf.c, snprintf.h, snprintf.o
Changed commands.c, socks.c, log.c, help.c to use msmprintf funcs
Changed function seconds_to_string() to take a buffer size parameter, in
Changed library.c to use msnprint funcs
Changed the buffer size returned from colour handling in library.c
Added a check to command_tell() and command_remote() to check
 if message = ""
Changed colours.c to be buffer safe, added cvsnprintf() and csnprint() funcs
Changed change_line_endings() to be buffer safe
Changed send_to_descriptor() to use all buffer safe funcs
Changed main.c, characters can only have alpha numeric chars in there name
Fixed bug in command_stat() where return value of getenv() was not checked
Changed makefile, from cc to gcc and added a remmed out library line for
Added and used checks for sys/filio.h crypt.h and function crypt()
Added a check for if select() returns -1, now sets sdown to TRUE, bug found
 by James Antill
Added a line to print out what port the porgram is running on, when booted
 for Silver
Removed main.c's handling of exception set FDs for select() call, exception 
 fds are for OOB data not socket exceptions. Bug found by James Antill.
Changed main.c and commands.c bar2() func calls to use less colours.
Added extra functions to main.c to promote code reuse, player_exists()
 (replaces 3 instances) and do_motd() (replaces 2)

0.02 (started 21/11/1999)
Changed to character-based input
Fixed % bug in strings
Fixed space on end of prompt bug
Changed code to automatically change \n to \r\n
Fixed trailing whitespace in commands
Adding terminal type and terminal size handling
fixed multiple login for one character
Added help file system
Moved config.h to cfg.h (to allow for autoconf using config.h)
Added pool based memory management, used on descriptors
Added Remove, cls, stat (net + mem) commands
Started .ini file handling rather than #define's
Added handling of $comm; and $user; to help system
Changed prototypes and return types of player load and save in playerdb.c
Added sumotd - Super-user Message Of The Day
Added command_sumotd to go with sumotd file
Added socklen_t check to
Added help_usage() to print usage on given command
Changed commands.c to use help_usage() to print usage instructions
Fixed file handle leak in main.c and other minor problems
Added STRNCOPY and STRNAPPEND macros to strplus.h
Changed all files to use STRNCOPY and STRNAPPEND where appropriate, except
  at one place in inifile.c, which should be improved anyway
Improved printing of state in command_lsd() by simplifying switch
Added password encryption using crypt() from crypt.h
Added command_save()
Changed display of command list by command_help() to lower-case

Used line-based input