# You make have to change the path to perl above, unless you call this
# script with 'make update'
# - integrate previous options.h settings with new options.h.dist
#             results appear in options.h
# Usage: old-file new-file
#  e.g.: options.h options.h.dist
# 'make update' calls this.
# Here's how it works.
# 1. We make a backup of your old-file to old-file.bak
# 2. We read all the #def's in the old-file, and their
#  associated comments. Associated comments means comments
#  on the same line, after the define, or comments on lines
#  preceding the define. We store the names of all the defines,
#  their comments, and whether they're defined or not.
# 3. We check to see if there's are enviroment variables named DEFINE
#  or UNDEFINE. If so we parse them. DEFINE may contain NAMEs or
#  NAME=value pairs. UNDEFINE should contain only NAMEs.
#  We consider these as if they were present in old-file. 
#  These override old-file.
# 4. We read in the new-file. If we find a define
#  that wasn't in the old-file, we show the user the comment
#  and ask them how they want it set. Every time we write out
#  a define, we delete it from the list of defines from old-file
# 5. Finally, if there's anything left from old-file that's not in
#  new-file, we ask if the user would like to retain each one.
#  Presumably users want to retain their custom defines, but don't
#  want to retain obsoleted defines. Retained defines appear at
#  the end of the file.

die "Usage: old-file new-file\n" unless $#ARGV == 1;

$old = $ARGV[0];
$bak = $old . ".bak";
$new = $ARGV[1];

# Part 1 - back up the old file (inefficient but reliable method)
if (-r $old) {
    print "*** Backing up $old to $bak...\n";
    die " Unable to open $old\n" unless open(OLD,"$old"); 
    die " Unable to open $bak\n" unless open(BAK,">$bak");
    print BAK <OLD>;

# Part 2 - read the settings from the old file and store them
if (-r $old) {
   print "*** Reading your settings from $old...\n";
    die " Unable to open $old\n" unless open(OLD,"$old"); 
    while (<OLD>) {
        # There are a few possibilities for what we could have:
        # an #ifdef, #ifndef, #else, #endif, #define, #undef,
        # commented #define, comment text, etc. We only care
        # about the settings of define/undefs
        s#[ \t]+([\r\n]*)$#$1#;
        if ( /^#define\s+([A-Z0-9_-]+).*\\$/ ) {
    	# A define with a continuation, we need the next line
    	chop($next = <OLD>);
    	$defs{$1} = $next;
    	$comment{$1} = $comment;
        } elsif ( m!^#define\s+([A-Z0-9_-]+)\s+(.+)\s+(/\*.*\*/)!
    	     ) {
    	# A define with a value and a comment
    	$name = $1;
    	$comment{$name} = $3;
    	$defs{$name} = $2;
    	undef $comment;
        } elsif ( m!^#define\s+([A-Z0-9_-]+)\s+(.+)!
    	     ) {
    	# A define with a value
    	$defs{$1} = $2;
    	$comment{$1} = $comment;
        } elsif ( /^#undef\s+([A-Z0-9_-]+)/ 
    	     ) {
    	# an undef
    	$defs{$1} = 'undef';
    	$comment{$1} = $comment;
        } elsif ( m!^/\*\s*#define\s+([A-Z0-9_-]+)\s+(.+)\s+(/\*.*\*/)!
    	     ) {
    	# A commented define with a value and a comment
    	$name = $1;
    	$comment{$name} = $3;
    	$defs{$name} = $2;
    	undef $comment;
        } elsif ( /^(\/\*)*\s*#define\s+([A-Z0-9-][A-Z0-9_-]+)/
    	     ) {
    	# a define or commented define
    	$defs{$2} = ($1 eq "/*") ? 'undef' : 'define';
    	$comment{$2} = $comment;
        } else {
    	if (m#^\s*/\*#) {
    	    # Start of a comment
    	    $incomment = 1;
    	    undef $comment;
    	if ($incomment) {
    	    $comment = $comment . $_;
    	    if (m#\*/\s+$#) {
    		# End of a comment
    		$incomment = 0;
undef $comment; $incomment = 0;

# Part 3 - Check to see if we have environment variable SETTINGS and
#          use those settings as if they were in the old file.
if ($settings = $ENV{'DEFINE'}) {
  print "\n*** Found a DEFINE environment variable - applying settings...\n";
  @pairs = split ' ', $settings;
  foreach (@pairs) {
    if (($d,$v) = /(.+)=(.+)/) {
      $defs{$d} = $v;
    } else {
      $defs{$_} = 'define';
if ($settings = $ENV{'UNDEFINE'}) {
  print "\n*** Found an UNDEFINE environment variable - applying settings...\n";
  @pairs = split ' ', $settings;
  foreach (@pairs) {
      $defs{$_} = 'undef';

# Part 4 - read in the new file, modifying its definition lines to
#          match the old file. If we come across a definition that
#          isn't in the old file, ask the user about it. 
print "*** Updating $old from $new...\n";
die " Unable to open $old\n" unless open(OLD,">$old"); 
die " Unable to open $new\n" unless open(NEW,"$new"); 
$_ = <NEW>;
while ($next = <NEW>) {
    # Just like before, but we need to keep track of
    # comments in the file so that we can describe options
    s#[ \t]+([\r\n]*)$#$1#;
    if ( /^#define\s+([A-Z0-9_-]+).*\\$/
	) {
	# A define with a continuation, we need the next line
	print OLD "#define $1 \\\n";
	&ask_value($1,$next) if (!defined($defs{$1}));
	print OLD $defs{$1};
	delete $defs{$1};
	$next = <NEW>;
    } elsif ( /^#define\s+([A-Z0-9-][A-Z0-9_-]+)\s+\/\*\s*\*\//) {
	# a define followed by /* */
	print OLD defined($defs{$1}) ? &def($1) 
	                             : &def(&ask_simple($1,'define'));
    } elsif ( m!^(/\*\s*)?#define\s+([A-Z0-9_-]+)\s+(.+)\s+(/\*.*\*/)!) {
	# A define with a value and a comment
        $maybeundef = $1;
	$maybecomment = $4; $name = $2;
	$olddef = $def = $3;
	$comment = $maybecomment if ($maybecomment =~ /\w/);
	$def = "undef" if $maybeundef =~ /./;
	print OLD defined($defs{$name}) 
	    ? &def($name,$comment) : &def(&ask_value($name,$def),$maybecomment,$def eq "undef" ? $olddef : $def);
    } elsif ( m!^#define\s+([A-Z0-9_-]+)\s+(.+)!) {
	# A define with a value
	print OLD defined($defs{$1}) ? &def($1) : &def(&ask_value($1,$2));
    } elsif ( /^#undef\s+([A-Z0-9_-]+)/ 
	     ) {
	print OLD defined($defs{$1}) ? &def($1) 
	                             : &def(&ask_simple($1,'undef'));
    } elsif ( /^(\/\*)*\s*#define\s+([A-Z0-9-][A-Z0-9_-]+)/
	     ) {
	# a define or commented define
	print OLD defined($defs{$2}) ?
		: &def(&ask_simple($2,($1 eq "/*" ? 'undef': 'define')));
    } else {
	if (m#^\s*/\*#) {
	    # Start of a comment
	    $incomment = 1;
	    undef $comment;
	if ($incomment) {
	    $comment = $comment . $_;
	    if (m#\*/\s+$#) {
		# End of a comment
		$incomment = 0;
	print OLD;
    $_ = $next;
# At the end of that loop, $_ contains the last line of the
# file, which should be the #endif.
$final = $_;

# Part 5 - if there are any definitions left from the old file,
#          offer to delete them (or not)
print "\n*** Checking for leftover defines from $old...\n";
foreach $d (keys %defs) {
    print "\nI found: $d\n";
    if ($defs{$d} eq 'undef') {
	print "Currently undefined\n";
    } elsif ($defs{$d} eq 'define') {
	print "Currently defined\n";
    } else {
	print "Definition: $defs{$d}\n";
    print $comment{$d};
    print "\n";
    print "If this is a define that you hacked in, you probably should retain it.\n";
    print "If not, it's probably an obsolete define from an earlier patchlevel,\n";
    print "and you need not retain it.\n";
    print "Do you want to retain this in your $old file? [y] ";
    $yn = <STDIN>;
    if ($yn !~ /^[Nn]/) {
	print "Retaining definition. It will appear at the end of $old.\n";
        @retained = (@retained, $d);
	print OLD $comment{$d};
	print OLD &def($d);
	print OLD "\n";
    } else {
	print "Deleting definition.\n";
	@deleted = (@deleted, $d);

print OLD $final;


print "\nSummary of changes:\n";
print "New options from $new: ",join(" ",@newoptions),"\n";
print "Old options retained: ",join(" ",@retained),"\n";
print "Old options deleted: ",join(" ",@deleted),"\n";
print "If this is wrong, you can recover $old from $bak.\n";
print "Done!\n";
exit 0;

# &def - Given a define name, return the appopriate C code
# to define/undefine it. And delete it.
# May also be given a comment as a second arg.
sub def {
    # We should use my instead of local, but some folks have perl 4
    local($d,$c,$oldval) = @_;
    local($df) = $defs{$d};
    delete $defs{$d};
    $d =~ s/^\s+//;
    $d =~ s/\s+$//;
    $c =~ s/^\s+//;
    $c =~ s/\s+$//;
    $df =~ s/^\s+//;
    $df =~ s/\s+$//;
    if ($df eq 'undef') {
      if (defined($oldval) and $oldval) {
        $oldval =~ s/^\s+//;
        $oldval =~ s/\s+$//;
        return "/* #define $d\t$oldval /* */\n";
      } else {
        return "/* #define $d /* */\n";
    return "#define $d /* */\n" if ($df eq 'define');
    return "/* #define $d\t$df\t$c\n" if ($cvaldef{$d} and $c);
    return "#define $d\t$df\t$c\n" if ($c);
    return "#define $d\t$df\n";

# &ask_simple - Given a define name and default setting,
# show the comment in $comment,
# and ask the user if they want to define it or not
# Set $defs{$d} and return the name given
sub ask_simple {
    local($d,$s) = @_;
    print "\nNew option: $d\n";
    print $comment;
    $s = ($s eq 'define') ? 'y' : 'n';
    while (1) {
	print "Define this option? [$s] ";
	$yn = <STDIN>;
	$yn = $s if $yn =~ /^$/;
	last if $yn =~ /^[YyNn]/;
    $defs{$d} = ($yn =~ /^[Yy]/) ? 'define' : 'undef';
    @newoptions = (@newoptions,$d);
    return $d;

# &ask_value - Just like ask_simple, but instead of a yes/no,
# we're going to get a value
sub ask_value {
    local($d,$s) = @_;
    print "\nNew option: $d\n";
    print "$comment\n" unless ($comment =~ /^\s*\/\*\s*\*\/\s*$/);
    print "Default value: $s\n";
    print "Value for this option? (undef to undefine) [$s] ";
    $val = <STDIN>;
    $val = $s if $val =~ /^$/;
    $defs{$d} = $val;
    @newoptions = (@newoptions,$d);
    return $d;