#  Program:
#  Author: David Cheatham / / Vadiv@M*U*S*H / Vadiv@ChaoticMUX
#  Description: Creates symlink game dirs of pennmush
#  Date: May 4, 2002
#  This script has no warranty. Don't do stupid things like run it on
#  an already existing mush. It tried to check for that, but no
#  promises. Under no circumstances I can think of will it overwrite
#  your db, but it will overwrite your custom text files.
#  This script is public domain.
#  If you haven't messed with it, and something goes wrong, email me.
#  TO USE: Find a directory, and run this script in it. It will
#  create a game/ in that directory that has everything you need to
#  run pennmush. Feel free to rename or move this directory. 
#  (No, not while you're running it.)
#  If you have a database and/or help files, etc, copy those in, like you 
#  would normally. See the FAQ for more info. Note that the included
#  help files are symlinked, and it's best if you just leave those and
#  create *other* files in that directory, so upgrading is seamless.
#  nws/ and evt/ have normal text files in them, as those always change
#  per-mush.
#  TO SETUP: Compile pennmush, all the way. You should be able to type
#  ./restart and have it launch. In fact, you should do that, it won't
#  confuse anything and will save you from problems down the road, if you 
#  know it works.  Then type 'make globalinstall'. All the files that you
#  need are put in /usr/libexec/pennmush, but you can move them if you
#  want to. (Do it before you create any user installs, though.)
#  You can then delete the compile directory.
#  Note if you're compiling for other users you probably want all the flags
#  and options and everything turned on. Otherwise one set of people will be
#  whining about warnings and one set about ROY, etc...
#  That's technically all you need to do. *However*, if you want users to 
#  not have to type the full path out, you can create a symlink to this
#  script, and stick it in your path, with some nice name, and tell
#  users about it. I recommend calling it penn-install and sticking it
#  in /usr/bin. (I could do it for you, but I want the binaries to be
#  freely relocatable, and thus don't want to hardcode a location.)
#  TO UPGRADE: Just do the same thing as an install. All the user
#  installs *should* continue to operate, or there should be a
#  big warning in the Changelog. If there's something that needs doing,
#  hopefully it will be clearly documented.
#  Then all the user installs just need @shutdown/reboot. Though a
#  'make' in their txt/ directory before that can't hurt.
#  Don't mess with the rest of this file.

# Good grief. Why can't we have a command to find the absolute place 
# a symlink is pointing at?
cd /`ls -l $0 |cut -d '>' -f 2- | sed 's/\/[^\/]*$//'|cut -d '/' -f 2-`

mklns() {
  while [ $1 ]; do
  ln -s $MASTER/$DOWN/$1

mkcps() {
  while [ $1 ]; do 
  cp $MASTER/$DOWN/$1 .

mdcd() {
  mkdir -p $1
  cd $1

if test -f ./; then

  echo "Are you running this from the master pennmush directory?"
  echo "What exactly is going on here?"
  echo "Open this file up and read the instructions."
  echo "This creates a pennmush child directory in the currect"
  echo "directory. You need to run it in a different directory."


if test -f ./utils/;  then

  echo "If you want to use this script, you need to 'make globalinstall"
  echo "as root first, and then run this script from where it's"
  echo "installed."


if test -f ./game/restart; then

  echo "Okay, I'm confused. You only should run this once, to create"
  echo "the directories and symlinks. You shouldn't ever need to run it"
  echo "again. And, as I can't figure out which files you've modified,"
  echo "or what's wrong, that's a bad idea anyway."
  echo "If you've run into problems, you should create a new directory."
  echo "run me in that, and copy all the files you\'ve modified over."


mklns README mushcnf.dst access.README getdate.README getdate.template
mkcps *.cnf restart

# Weird binary linking stuff
ln -s $MASTER/netmush
ln -s $MASTER/info_slave

# I'm a little baffled by needing to do this, but whatever.
chmod u+x restart

# The mostly empty directorys...
mdcd save
mklns README

mdcd log
mklns README

mdcd data
mklns minimal.db

# Txt files stuff.
# (Yes, I know generates, but that never changes.)
mdcd txt

# Copy outright all the text files. Half of these need modifying and the
# other half are autogenerated anyway.
mkcps *.txt Makefile

# Events and news are mush specific always, and they start out empty anyway

mdcd txt/evt
mkcps *
mdcd txt/nws
mkcps *

mdcd txt/hlp
mklns penncode.hlp pennfunc.hlp penntop.hlp pennchat.hlp pennconf.hlp \
	 pennmail.hlp pennvers.hlp penncmd.hlp pennflag.hlp pennpueb.hlp