  @set <object>=[!]<flag name>

  Flags give objects certain abilities or qualities. For example,
  a wizard player has wiz powers because s/he has the WIZARD flag

  Some flags can only be set on certain types of objects, such as
  just players or just rooms. Other flags, like VISUAL, can be set
  on any type of object (player, room, exit, thing).

  To un-set a flag, use the exclamation point (!) before the flag
  name. For help on any particular flag, type: help <flag name>

  A descriptive list of flags is available in: help flag list
  A complete list of flags is available through: @flag/list

(continued in help flags2)
  You can see the list of flags set on an object in several ways.

  1.  If you are allowed to examine the object. The flags are listed in
  expanded word format on the line just below the object's name, after
  the word "Flags:".
  2.  Flag abbreviations are also visible after the object's name in the
  room description (if the object is not set OPAQUE and you are not set
  3.  The flags() function will also return the object's list of flag

  Note: ROOM, PLAYER, EXIT, and GARBAGE are special flags which
  indicate the TYPE of an object. The absence of these four special flags
  indicates the object is of type THING.

  See also: examine, flags(), hasflag(), orflags(), andflags(),
  orlflags(), andlflags(), types of objects, type(), hastype(), @flag
Flag  Title           Flag  Title              Flag  Title
  A - Abode, Ansi       C - Chown_Ok, Color     D - Dark
  E - Exit (type)       F - Floating, Fixed     G - Going
  H - Haven             I - Trust/Inherit       J - Jump_Ok, Judge
  L - Link_Ok           M - Monitor             N - No_Tel, No_Leave
  O - Opaque            P - Player (type)       Q - Quiet
  R - Room (type)       S - Sticky              T - Thing (type)
  U - Unfindable        V - Visual              W - Wizard              
  X - Safe              Z - Shared, Z_Tel
  a - Audible           b - Debug               c - Connected
  d - Destroy_Ok        e - Enter_Ok            g - Gagged
  h - Halt              i - Orphan              j - Jury_Ok             
  l - Light             m - Myopic, Mistrust    n - No_Command          
  o - On-Vacation       p - Puppet, Paranoid    r - Royalty             
  s - Suspect           t - Transparent         u - Uninspected         
  v - Verbose           w - No_Warn             x - Terse, Cloudy       
  ? - Unregistered      ^ - Listen_Parent       ~ - Noaccents
  " - NoSpoof
Some flags may not be enabled on some MUSHes. @flag/list will show
which are available.

 Flag:  ABODE  (rooms)

  If a ROOM has the ABODE flag set, any PLAYER can set his home there,
  and can set the homes of THINGs there.  It does not mean that a
  player can open an exit to that room, only that they can set their
  home there.  This flag should not be set unless you want to make the
  room a public 'living area'.

  To make a room your home, type '@link me=here' while standing in the

  See also: @link
  Flag:  ANSI  (players)
  When set on a player, this flag bold-hilites the names and owners
  of attributes when the player "examines" an object. This makes it
  much easier to pick out where attributes begin and end, when examining
  complex objects. You must be using a terminal which supports ANSI
  control codes in order for this to work. Additionally, some MUSHes
  may not support ANSI. Check @config to see.
  See also the COLOR flag. If COLOR is not set, and ANSI is, you will
  see vt100 ANSI codes, but not color ANSI codes.

  See also: COLOR, ansi(), @config
  Flag:  AUDIBLE  (all types)

  Exits that are AUDIBLE propagate sound to their destinations. In
  other words, any message - emit, say, or pose - that is heard in the
  source room of the exit is passed on to the contents of the exit's
  destination room. The message is prepended with the exit's @prefix
  attribute; if there is no @prefix, the default is used:
  "From <name of the exit's source room>,"
  Messages matching a certain pattern may be filtered out by using
  @filter on an exit; read 'help @filter' for more. If the object 
  has a @forwardlist, sounds that pass the @filter are sent on to
  the objects in the @forwardlist.
  In order for exits in a room to propagate sound, the room must also
  be set AUDIBLE. If the room is audible, exits that are audible show 
  up on a @sweep, even if they are set DARK.
  See "help AUDIBLE2" for more.
  This flag is also valid for things. If an object is set AUDIBLE,
  any messages which originate from its contents will be broadcasted
  to the outside world. This makes it very simple to program vehicles.
  Like AUDIBLE on exits, the message is prepended with the thing's
  @prefix attribute, and messages matching certain patterns may be
  filtered with @filter. If there is no @prefix, the message will be
  prepended with "From <name of AUDIBLE object>,"
  The AUDIBLE object does not receive its own propagated messages.
  The AUDIBLE flag allows most "emitters" (objects that listen for
  messages and broadcast them to other rooms) to be eliminated. The
  message is propagated only to the next room and no farther, so 
  there is no danger of looping.

  BUILDER is actually an @power rather than a flag. Some MUSHes choose
  to limit the building commands (@dig, @open, and sometimes even 
  @create) to registered builders only. If you are on a MUSH that does
  this, you will not be able to use these commands unless you have the
  power. Only wizards can grant @powers. To see if building is limited, 
  check @command for the various building commands.

  See also: POWERS, @power, @dig, @open, @create
  Flag:  CHOWN_OK  (things, rooms, exits)

  You can set this flag on an object you own to allow other players 
  to transfer ownership of the object to themselves (using @chown).
  You must be carrying the thing, or in the room in order to set the
  flag, unless you use the DBREF number.

  See also: @chown
  Flag:  CLOUDY (exits)

  If this flag is set on a (non-TRANSPARENT) exit, when a player looks
  at the exit they will see the contents of the destination room
  following the exit's description.

  If the flag is set on a TRANSPARENT exit, when a player looks at the 
  exit they will see only the description of the destination room
  following the exit's description, and will not see contents.
  Flag:  COLOR  (players)
  When set on a player, this flag allows the player to see ANSI color.
  The ANSI flag must also be set.

  See also: ANSI, ansi()
  Flag:  CONNECTED  (players)

  This internal flag applies only to players and it shows if the 
  player is connected or not. Only admin can see this flag. No one
  can set or reset this flag. 

  Mortal code can't use hasflag(<x>,connected) to test if a player is 
  connected. Consider using conn(), lwho(), or mwho() instead.

  See also: conn(), lwho(), mwho()
  Flag:  DARK  (all types)

  If a room is DARK, then no items are shown when a person 
  'looks' there. If a thing is DARK, then "look" does not list that 
  object in the room's Contents:, and if an exit is DARK, it doesn't
  show up in the Obvious Exits: list.  Puppets and audible objects
  with @forwardlist are not concealed by this flag.  Note that players,
  puppets, and other "hearing" objects still trigger enter/leave messages
  when in DARK areas.  There is a config option for "full invisibility":
  players and objects that are dark will be slightly disguised in
  speech and poses.  Such actions by these objects will show as being
  from Someone or Something depending on whether it was an object or
  wizard player.

  See 'help DARK2' for more.

  Players who can hide from the WHO list should use @hide/on and
  @hide/off to control this, not the DARK flag. While any player can
  turn off their DARK flag, only Wizards can set their DARK flag.

  Wizards who are DARK "disappear" completely -- they are not on the WHO
  list, do not announce connects and disconnects, etc.
  Flag: DEBUG  (all types)
  The DEBUG flag is used for debugging MUSHcode. It is meant to be used
  in conjunction with the VERBOSE flag. If an object is set DEBUG, all
  parser evaluation results will be shown to the object's owner and to 
  any dbrefs in the object's DEBUGFORWARDLIST, in the format:
  #dbref! <string to evaluate> :
  #dbref!  recursive evaluation of functions in string
  #dbref! <string to evaluate> => <evaluated string>

  Note that verbose output is "#obj]" - debug output is "#obj!".
  Because the parser does recursive evaluations, you will see successive
  messages evaluating specific parts of an expression. This enables you
  to pinpoint exactly which evaluation is going wrong.

  To add a target to an object's DEBUGFORWARDLIST, the object must
  pass the target's @lock/forward, or control the target.
  See "help DEBUG2" for more.
  Objects run under this flag are computationally expensive.  Avoid
  leaving it set on objects. It can also generate huge amounts of spam
  from the output.
  Create test, and set it DEBUG.
  > @va test=$wc *:"String %0 has [strlen(%0)] letters and [words(%0)] words.
  > wc This is my test string
  #14! String %0 has [strlen(%0)] letters and [words(%0)] words. :
  #14!  strlen(%0) :
  #14!   %0 => This is my test string
  #14!  strlen(%0) => 22
  #14!  words(%0) :
  #14!   %0 => This is my test string
  #14!  words(%0) => 5
  #14! String %0 has [strlen(%0)] letters and [words(%0)] words. =>
    String This is my test string has 22 letters and 5 words.
  Test says, "String This is my test string has 22 letters and 5 words."
  Flag:  DESTROY_OK  (things)

  The DESTROY_OK flag allows anyone to @destroy it. This is good for
  "temporary" objects like "Can of Cola". If the object has a
  @lock/destroy set, a player who doesn't control the object
  must pass this lock in order to destroy it.

  DESTROY_OK takes precedence over SAFE.

  See also: @destroy
  Flag:  ENTER_OK  (all types)
  If an object or person is ENTER_OK, other players may 
  enter the object or person by using 'enter <object/person>.
  Only objects which are ENTER_OK may be entered, regardless of the
  enter lock. Players must also have the ENTER_OK flag set if they wish
  to be able to receive  things given to them by other players via the 
  command 'give <player> = <object>'.  

  This flag has no effect on rooms.

  See also: enter, leave, give, @lock
  Flag: FIXED (players)
  When this flag is set on a player, it prevents them or any of their
  objects from using the @tel or home command. The only exception is
  that a player's objects are permitted to @tel themselves to the
  player's inventory.
  Flag:  FLOATING (rooms)

  If a room is set floating, you will not be notified every 10 
  minutes or so that you have a disconnected room.
  A disconnected room may mean (depending on how the MUSH is
  configured) a room that can't be reached from room #0, or
  a room that can't be reached from room #0 and has no exits.
  Flag: GAGGED (players)

  When set on a player, it disables him from doing anything 
  except moving and looking.  He cannot talk, page, build, pose, get 
  or drop objects. Normally used as a penalty for those who break
  MUSH rules.

  Only wizards can set this flag.
  Flag:  GOING  (all types)

  Used internally for the @destroy command, it is set on things that
  are scheduled to be destroyed. To prevent a GOING object from being
  destroyed, use the @undestroy (or @unrecycle) command. You can no
  longer @set the object !GOING.

  Flag:  HALT   (all types)

  While this flag is set, the object cannot perform any mush 
  actions, listen, be triggered, evaluate functions or substitutions,

  See also: @halt, @restart
  Flag:  HAVEN (players, rooms)

  If a player is set HAVEN, she cannot be paged and anyone paging them
  will be sent a brief notification. You can also set a longer @HAVEN
  message if you wish. You may prefer to use @lock/page to block out
  only specific individuals.

  If a room is set HAVEN, the 'kill' command cannot be used in that room.

  See also: @haven, kill
  Flag:  HEAVY (all types)

  A mortal player can teleport anything between two containers
  they own, unless the thing to be teleported is set HEAVY.
  This flag can only be set by royalty or wizards.

  See also: @tel
  Flag:  TRUST  (all types)

  TRUST is a security flag used to prevent objects without authorization
  from using @force, @set, and @trigger on other objects.
  Authorization is successful if any of these are true:
     1. The enactor is WIZARD ("wizards control all").
     2. The enactor's owner is TRUST ("the player trusts all their objects").
     3. The enactor is TRUST ("this object is trusted").
     4. The target is not TRUST ("this object isn't trusted").

  That is, if a non-wizard player is set TRUST, all of their objects
  may act on each other (case 2). Otherwise, only TRUST objects may act
  on TRUST objects (case 3) but any of the player's object may act on
  non-TRUST objects (case 4).

  Only TRUST or WIZARD objects may force their owners. 
  Players can always @force, @set, and @trigger their objects. 

  This flag used to be called INHERIT, and INHERIT is still an alias
  for it, but TRUST better describes its action.
  Read "help trust2" for more.
  Authorization is only denied if the enactor is neither a player nor
  TRUST, and the target is WIZARD, TRUST, or is a player.

  The TRUST protection against @trigger may be overridden by setting
  the target object LINK_OK.

  Objects which are WIZARD are not subject to any special criterion,
  although they are automatically considered to be TRUST.
  The normal criteria for object control still apply.
  The TRUST flag protects against an object from being controlled by
  anything not owned by its owner. This prevents someone who controls a
  zone master from doing things like @forcing an TRUST object to @force its
  Flags: JUDGE and JURY_OK (players)
  These flags may be used by the MUSH to support some form of Judged
  RP system. Or they may not be compiled in. See @config for more
  Flag: JUMP_OK (or TEL_OK) (rooms)

  When a room is set JUMP_OK, then that room can be teleported into
  by anyone. See @teleport.
  Flag:  LIGHT (all types)

  Objects, players, and exits which have the LIGHT flag set on them
  (and are not also set DARK) appear in the contents of DARK rooms.

  See also: DARK
  Flag: LINK_OK  (rooms, things)

  If a room or object is LINK_OK, anyone can link exits to it (but 
  still not from it). Also, LINK_OK overrides the TRUST protection
  against @trigger (although not @force or @set). This also allows 
  others to @parent their objects to the thing set LINK_OK.

  See @link, TRUST, @parent, PARENTS
  Flag:  MONITOR  (players)
  When set on a player, this flag notifies that player when anyone connects
  to or disconnects from the MUSH. It is valid only for players, and must be
  set by a wizard (although royalty may set themselves MONITOR).

  Flag:  MONITOR  (things, rooms)
  When set on a thing or room, this flag activates the ^ listen patterns on
  the object. Objects which have ^ listen patterns but are not set MONITOR
  do not check those patterns.
  The MORTAL flag is no longer available in PennMUSH. Please see help
  changes for more information.
  Flag:  MYOPIC  (players)

  Myopic is a flag which suppresses the printing of an object's dbref
  number and abbreviated list of flags when it is looked at. It makes
  the world appear like you don't control any of it, even if you're a
  wizard or royalty. It's useful if you don't like to see object numbers.
  This flag is only valid for players; objects belonging to MYOPIC
  players are automatically considered to be MYOPIC.

  See also: DBREF
  Flag:  MISTRUST  (things, rooms, exits)

  Mistrust prevents an object from controlling anything but
  itself. This will also usually prevent it from examining anything else
  non-VISUAL owned by the same player. It also prevents the object
  from benefitting from its owner's no_pay, no_kill, and no_quota
  powers, if any.

  This flag can be used when you wish a single player to retain ownership
  of objects that other players will use to run arbitrary commands,
  and don't want those objects to be able to affect your objects.

  (Note, however, that a Wizard object will ignore this flag, a see_all
  object will still be able to examine anything, a no_pay object will
  still have unlimited money, etc. This flag works best when no other
  privileges are granted to the object.)

  See also: control
  Flag: NOACCENTS  (players)

  This flag causes all accented characters to be converted to non-accented
  before being sent to a connection. See HELP STRIPACCENTS() for caveats.

  See also: i18n, accent(), stripaccents()
  Flag:  NO_COMMAND  (all types)
  The NO_COMMAND flag disables the checking of $-commands on an object.
  Most MUSHes will be configured to automatically set this flag on rooms
  and players. The server runs faster when fewer objects are checked for
  $-commands; thus, any object which does not have $-commands on it should
  be set NO_COMMAND. Many MUSHes choose to have all objects initially set
  NO_COMMAND at creation. The flag has no effect on exits.

  Flag: NO_LEAVE (objects)
  When this flag is set on an object, players can not "leave" it. 
  Attempts to leave the object will trigger its @LFAIL, @OLFAIL,
  and @ALFAIL, if set.

  See also: leave
  Flag:  NO_TEL  (rooms)

  The NO_TEL flag prevents objects in a room from being @teleported;
  mortals in the room cannot use @teleport, nor can other objects 
  @teleport them out. This flag is checked on the "absolute room" of an
  object; thus, if you are in a container in a room which is NO_TEL,
  you cannot use @teleport from that container. There is no way to
  get out of a NO_TEL room except by exiting in some "normal" manner,
  or by going "home". Puzzle rooms, prisons, and similar locations would
  probably benefit from this flag.
  Flag: NO_WARN  (all types)

  This flag is enabled with the MUSH building warning system.

  When this flag is set on an object, its owner will not receive
  any building warnings from that object. When it is set on a player,
  that player will not receive any building warnings at all.

  See also 'help warnings', 'help @warnings', and 'help @wcheck'

  Flag: NOSPOOF  (players)

  If a player is set NOSPOOF, @emits of all sorts will be tagged with the
  name of the person/object making them. This prevents spoofing and lets
  you see where such messages originated. Objects belonging to NOSPOOF 
  players are automatically considered NOSPOOF. 
  Note that NOSPOOF output can be spammy and that the output format of
  NOSPOOF can mess up @listen and ^ patterns, giving unexpected results.

  Sample output:
    @set me=nospoof
    > Flag set.
    @pemit me=Testing
    > [Cyclonus->Cyclonus] Testing

  See PARANOID, SPOOFING, @emit, @pemit, @remit, and @oemit.
  Flag: PARANOID (players)

  Used in conjunction with the NOSPOOF flag. If a player is set
  PARANOID and NOSPOOF, @emits of all sorts are tagged with the
  name and dbref of the person/object making them and the name of
  the object's owner, if the emit was not from a player.

  See NOSPOOF, SPOOFING, @emit, @pemit, @remit, and @oemit.
  Flag: ON-VACATION (players)

  This flag may be used by the MUSH to allow players to indicate when 
  they have left for vacation, to prevent themselves from being purged
  for inactivity. Its usefulness depends on game policy.

  You will be notified (periodically and on connect) if you leave this flag 
  set, to remind you to unset it when you return from vacation.
  Flag:  OPAQUE  (all types)

  When set on yourself, it prevents other players from seeing what you are
  carrying in your inventory. This applies to everyone and everything,
  even wizards and royalty, or to stuff that you own. It works the same
  way on objects. This flag also prevents people inside an object
  from using look/outside.

  When set on an exit in a TRANSPARENT room, the exit is displayed
  as if the room weren't TRANSPARENT.

  Meaningless for rooms.

  See also: TRANSPARENT, look
  Flag:  ORPHAN   (all types)

  The ORPHAN flag severs the connection between an object and its
  type ancestor, and prevents attributes from being
  retrieved from the ancestor. It has no effect on the object's 
  true @parents, only on its use of the ancestor.

  See also: @parent, ancestors
  Flag:  PLAYER  (player)

  The PLAYER flag identifies you as a player. This flag cannot
  be reset by any player, not even a Wizard.  It is used by hardcode to 
  identify your commands, check for validity of commands or locks, etc.
  You can just pretend it isn't there. 
  Flag:  PUPPET  (things)
  Setting this flag on a thing turns it into a sort of extension of its
  owner, making it grow eyes and ears. It then relays everything sees
  and hears back to its owner, unless the owner is in the same room.
  (If you set a puppet VERBOSE as well, it will relay even when the
  owner is in the same room).

See: @force, PUPPETS
  Flag:  QUIET  (all types)

  This flag when set on yourself prevents you from hearing 
  the 'set', 'triggered', 'Teleported.', and several other messages 
  from any objects you own.  When set on an object, only that object 
  will not relay its messages.
  Flag:  ROOM  (rooms)

  This flag is automatically set on rooms when you @dig a new
  room. It cannot be changed.
  Flag:  ROYALTY  (all types)

  If this flag is set on any type of object, then that object will be
  able to @tel and examine as if it was a wizard. Royalty players are
  not affected by quotas or restricted building. Royalty is not able to
  change things like a wizard could.  Only wizards may set it on players,
  although players who are ROYALTY may set their objects ROYALTY.
  Flag:  SAFE  (all types)

  The SAFE flag protects objects from destruction. If the REALLY_SAFE
  option was set when the MUSH was compiled (see @config), the only
  way to destroy an object set SAFE is to explicitly reset the SAFE
  flag and then @dest it. If the REALLY_SAFE option is not set,
  @destroy/override (or @nuke) will override the SAFE flag and destroy
  the object.
  Flag:  STICKY  (all types)

  If a thing or player is STICKY, it goes home when dropped (See HOMES).
  It also goes home when an object carrying it teleports or goes home,
  unless the object controls it.
  If a room is STICKY, its drop-to is delayed until the last person leaves 
  (See DROP-TOs). This flag is meaningless for exits.
  Flag:  SUSPECT  (all types)

  This flag is only settable by wizards. Players with this flag have
  their connects, disconnects, name changes, and kills reported to
  all connected wizards. Actions by any object with this flag are
  also logged to the MUSH log files.
  The TEMPLE flag is no longer available in PennMUSH. Please see help
  changes for more information.
  Flag:  TERSE  (players, things)

  When an object is set TERSE, it does not see the descriptions or
  success/failure messages in rooms. This is a useful flag if you're
  on a slow connection or you're moving through a familiar area and
  don't want to see tons of text. 

  When a player is TERSE, all of their objects are considered to be TERSE.
  Flag:  TRANSPARENT  (all types)

  If this flag is set on a room, it will display exits in "long" format.
  Instead of putting all the exits on one line under "Obvious exits:"
  it prints each exit on a line by itself, in the format:
  <Exit Name> leads to <Exit Destination>.
  Thus, you might have:
     Obvious exits:
     South leads to Joe's Room.
     East leads to City Park.
  instead of
     Obvious exits:
     South  East

  Exits set OPAQUE are still shown in the short format, so you can mix
  the two.

(continued in help transparent2)

  If this flag is set on an exit, when a player looks at the exit they
  will see the description and contents of the destination room following
  the exit's description.  The exit list and succ/fail messages of the
  room will NOT be displayed. See also CLOUDY.

  See also: CLOUDY, OPAQUE, EXITS, @exitformat
  Flag:  UNFINDABLE  (all types)
  If a player is set UNFINDABLE, he cannot be found by the @whereis 
  command. You also cannot use loc(), locate(), and similar functions
  to find his location, unless you have the see_all power or equivalent.
  If a room is set UNFINDABLE, you cannot locate any of its contents
  via any means (@whereis, the loc() function, etc.) unless you are
  see_all or equivalent.
  If a player who can @hide and idle is set UNFINDABLE, and he is idle past 
  the allowable maximum idle time, he will be hidden automatically.
  Flag: UNINSPECTED (rooms)

  This flag may be used by the MUSH to indicate rooms which have not been
  inspected by the Building Council, Administration, etc.
  Flag: UNREGISTERED (players)
  This flag may be used by the MUSH to support on-line registration.
  The only restriction on UNREGISTERED players is that they may not
  be granted @powers.
  Flag:  VERBOSE  (all types)

  An object set VERBOSE echoes the commands it executes to its owner
  before executing them. This differs from the PUPPET flag in that the
  owner sees the command itself, rather than the output from the command.
  This flag is extremely useful in debugging, especially if used in
  conjunction with the PUPPET flag. VERBOSE output follows the format
  "#<object>] <command>". Something like "#1300] @trigger me/test" is a
  good example of typical VERBOSE output.

  See also: PUPPET, DEBUG
  Flag:  VISUAL  (all types)

  When this flag is set on an object, it allows any other player to
  examine it and see all the object's attributes as if they owned it.
  It does not enable them to make changes to the object. Very useful
  for getting help with code.

  See also: examine, brief
  Flag:  WIZARD    (all types)

  If a person is WIZARD, they are a wizard, unkillable, 
  subject to fewer restrictions, and able to use wizard commands.  
  In general, WIZARDs can do anything using #<number> or *<player>. 
  Only player #1 can set and unset the WIZARD flag of other players. 
  No WIZARD can turn their own WIZARD flag off.

  Other objects may also be set WIZARD, and they then have all the 
  powers of a Wizard except that they cannot @nuke players.
  Only Wizards may set the WIZARD flag on objects.

  See also: ROYALTY, @power
  Flag:  Z_TEL  (things, rooms)

  The Z_TEL flag, when set on a zoned room or on the ZMO of a room, 
  prevents objects in the room from being @teleported out of the
  zone - that is, objects can only be @teleported to a room which
  is zoned to the same ZMO. Setting this flag on the ZMO affects all
  rooms zoned to it. Like NO_TEL, the "home" command will still work.
  This flag is intended for use in puzzle rooms and IC areas.

  Flag:  SHARED   (players) 

  The SHARED flag is used to designate a player as a Zone Master.
  Objects owned by a Zone Master are controlled by anyone who passes the 
  player's zone lock.  

  See also: ZONE MASTERS
  Flag:  LISTEN_PARENT (things, rooms)
  When set on a thing or room which also has the MONITOR flag set, this
  flag causes ^ listen patterns to be checked on the object's parents as
  well as on the object.