& @config parameters
 Many of the mush's run-time options can be set from the game by
 wizards, using @config/set <option>=<new value>. Those that can be set
 with visible changes are listed below, grouped by category. See help
 @config <category> for details on each.

  Attribs      Chat       Cmds        Cosmetic      Costs
  Db           Dump       Funcs       Limits        Log
  Net          Tiny

 The categories and groups are the same as those used by @config/list.
 Values must be of the listed type for each option. They include:
 <number>, <dbref>, <boolean> (Yes/No), <time>, or <string>.
& @config attribs
 These options control some attribute behavior.

  adestroy=<boolean>: Is the @adestroy attribute used?
  amail=<boolean>: Is the @amail attribute used?
  player_listen=<boolean>: Is @listen checked on players?
  player_ahear=<boolean>: Is @ahear triggered on players?
  room_connects=<boolean>: Are @aconnect and @adisconnect triggered on rooms?
  global_connects=<boolean>: Are @aconnect and @adisconnect triggered on
   objects in the master room?
  read_remote_desc=<boolean>: Can anyone remotely retrieve @descs?
& @config chat
 These options control chat system settings.

  chan_cost=<number>: How many pennies a channel costs to create.
  max_channels=<number>: How many channels can exist total.
  max_player_channels=>number>: How many channels can each non-admin
   player create? If 0, mortals cannot create channels.
& @config cmds
 These options affect command behavior.

  globals=<boolean>: Is the master room checked for commands and exits?
  noisy_whisper=<boolean>: Does whisper default to whisper/noisy?
  possessive_get=<boolean>: Does "get container's object" work?
  possessive_get_d=<boolean>: Does it work on disconnected players?
  link_to_object=<boolean>: Can exits have objects as their destination?
  owner_queues=<boolean>: Are command queues kept per-owner, or per-object?
  restricted_building=<boolean>: Does it take the builder @power to build?
  free_objects=<boolean>: If restricted_building is on, can @create be used
   without the builder @power?
  full_invis=<boolean>: Should say by a dark player show up as
   'Someone says,'?
  wiz_noaenter=<boolean>: If yes, dark players don't trigger @aenters.
  player_locate=<boolean>: Can mortals find the locations of remote players?
  cemit_power=<boolean>: Should the cemit @power control @cemit?
  really_safe=<boolean>: Does SAFE prevent @nuking?
  hate_dest=<boolean>: Does @destroy work?
  destroy_possessions=<boolean>: When a player is destroyed, are their objects
   as well?
& @config cosmetic
 These are cosmetic options of various sorts.

  money_singular=<string>: What is one penny called?
  money_plural=<string>: What are many pennies called?
  player_name_spaces=<boolean>: Can player names have spaces in them?
  ansi_names=<boolean>: Are names in look hilighted?
  ansi_justify=<boolean>: Do ljust() and rjust() take ansi codes into
  float_precision=<numbers>: How many digits after the decimal point in
   floating point numbers are kept when formatting the result of a
   floating point function?
  comma_exit_list=<boolean>: Do exits show up like North, East, and West
   or as North East West?
  count_all=<boolean>: Does the count of connected players in WHO include
   hidden connections for mortals?
  blind_page=<boolean>: Does page default to page/blind?

Continued in help @config cosmetic2
& @config cosmetic2
 More cosmetic options.

  page_aliases=<boolean>: Are aliases included in page listings?
   For example, Foo(F) pages: Blah
  flags_on_examine=<boolean>: Are flag names included when examining
  ex_public_attribs=<boolean>: Show visual attributes when examining objects
   you don't control?
  wizwall_prefix=<string>: Prefix for @wizwall messages.
  rwall_prefix=<string>: Prefix for @rwall messages.
  wall_prefix=<string>: Prefix for @wall messages.
  announce_connects=<boolean>: Should (dis)connects be announced to 
    non-MONITOR players and to channels?
  chat_strip_quote=<boolean>:  Does +chan "foo strip the "?
  newline_one_char=<boolean>: Is strlen(%r) equal to 1?
  only_ascii_in_names=<boolean>: Names are ascii-only or are extended
   characters permitted?
& @config costs
 These options control how many pennies various things cost.

  object_cost=<number>: How many pennies it costs to create an object.
  exit_cost=<number>: How many pennies it costs to create an exit.
  link_cost=<number>: How many pennies it costs to use @link.
  room_cost=<number>: How many pennies it costs to @dig a room.
  queue_cost=<number>: How many pennies it costs to queue a command.
   Refunded when the command executes.
  quota_cost=<number>: How much @quota goes down by for each object.
  find_cost=<number>: How many pennies it costs to use @search, @find,
   @entrances, and their function versions.
  page_cost=<number>: How many pennies it costs to use page.  
  kill_default_cost=<number>: Default cost for kill.
  kill_min_cost=<number>: Smallest amount of pennies for kill.
  kill_bonus=<number>: What percent of the pennies spent for a successful
   kill go to the victim.
& @config db
 These are database options.

 player_start=<dbref>: What room newly created players are in.
 master_room=<dbref>: The location of the master room.
 ancestor_room=<dbref>: If set to a good object, this is considered a global
  parent for all rooms. If -1 or a nonexistant object, then disabled.
 ancestor_exit=<dbref>: As ancestor_room for exits.
 ancestor_thing=<dbref>: As ancestor_room for things.
 ancestor_player=<dbref>: As ancestor_room for players.
 base_room=<dbref>: The starting room used to determine if other rooms
  are disconnected.
 default_home=<dbref>: The room to send things to when they're homeless.
 exits_connect_rooms=<boolean>: Is a room with any exit at all in not
  considered disconnected for FLOATING checks?
& @config dump
 These options affect database saves and other periodic checks.

 The ones that take times will accept the time as either a
 plain number, or a number with a suffix 's' for seconds or 'm' for
 minutes or 'h' for hours.

  forking_dump=<boolean>: Does the game clone itself and save in the
   copy, or just pause while the save happens?
  dump_message=<string>: Notification message for a database save.
  dump_complete=<string>: Notification message for the end of a save.
  dump_warning_1min=<string>: Notification one minute before a save.
  dump_warning_5min=<string>: Notification five minutes before a save.
  dump_interval=<time>: Seconds between database saves.
  warn_interval=<time>: Seconds between automatic @wchecks.
  purge_interval=<time>: Seconds between automatic @purges.
  dbck_interval=<time>: Seconds between automatic @dbcks.
& @config funcs
 These options affect the behavior of some functions.

 haspower_restricted=<boolean>: Is haspower() available only to objects
  with see_all?
 safer_ufun=<boolean>: Are objects stopped from evaluting attributes on
  objects with more privileges than themselves?
& @config limits
 Limits and other constants.

 The ones that take times will accept the time as either a
 plain number, or a number with a suffix 's' for seconds or 'm' for
 minutes or 'h' for hours.

  max_dbref=<dbref>: The highest dbref an object can have. If 0,
   there is no limit on database size.
  max_attrs_per_obj=<number>: The maximum attributes an object can have.
  max_logins=<number>: The maximum number of connected players.
  max_guests=<number>: The maximum number of connected guests. If 0, 
   no limit. If -1, limited by the number of guest players in the db.
  idle_timeout=<time>: The number of minutes a connection can be idle
   before getting booted. 0 means no limit.
  unconnected_idle_timeout=<time>: The number of minutes a connection can be 
   sitting at the login screen before getting booted. 0 means no limit.

Continued in help @config limits2
& @config limits2
 Limits and constants, continued.

  whisper_loudness=<number>: The percentage chance of a whisper/noisy
   being heard.
  starting_quota=<number>: How much quota new players get.
  starting_money=<number>: How many pennies new players get.
  paycheck=<number>: How many pennies players get each day they log on.
  max_pennies=<number>: The maximum pennies an object can have.
  mail_limit=<number>: How many @mail messages someone can have.
  max_depth=<number>: How deep can @parent chains can go.
  player_queue_limit=<number>: The number of commands a player can have
   queued at once.
  queue_loss=<number>: One in <number> times, queuing a command will cost
   an extra penny that doesn't get refunded.
  queue_chunk=<number>: How many queued commands get executed in a row when
   there's no network activity pending.

Continued in help @config limits3
& @config limits3
 Limits and constants, continued.

  active_queue_chunk=<number>: How many queued commands get executed in a
   row when there is network activity pending.
  function_recursion_limit=<number>: The depth to which softcode functions
   can call more functions.
  function_invocation_limit=<number>: The maximum number of softcode
   functions that can be called in one command.
  guest_paycheck=<number>: How many pennies guests get each day.
  max_guest_pennies=<number>: The maximum pennies a guest can have.
  player_name_len=<number>: The maximum length of a player name.
  queue_entry_cpu_time=<number>: The maximum number of milliseconds a
   queue entry can take to run.
  use_quota=<boolean>: Controls if quotas are used to limit the number
   of objects a player can own.
& @config log
 These options affect logging.

  log_commands=<boolean>: Are all commands logged?
  log_huhs=<boolean>: Are commands that produce Huh? messages logged?
  log_forces=<boolean>: Are @forces of wizard objects logged?
  log_walls=<boolean>: Are @walls logged?
& @config net
 Networking and connection-related options.
  mud_name=<string>: The name of the mush for mudname() and @version and
   the like.
  use_dns=<boolean>: Are IP addresses resolved into hostnames?
  use_ident=<boolean>: Is ident information looked up for connections?
  ident_timeout=<time>: How many seconds does the mush wait before an ident
    request fails?
  logins=<boolean>: Are mortal logins enabled?
  player_creation=<boolean>: Can CREATE be used from the login screen?
  guests=<boolean>: Are guest logins allowed?
  pueblo=<boolean>: Is Pueblo support turned on?
  sql_platform=<string>: What kind of SQL server are we using? 
                         ("mysql" or "disabled")
  sql_host=<string>: What is the hostname or ip address of the SQL server
& @config tiny
 Options that help control compability with TinyMUSH servers.

  null_eq_zero=<boolean>: Is a null string where a number is expected
   considered a 0?
  tiny_booleans=<boolean>: Use Tiny-style boolean values where only
   non-zero numbers are true.
  tiny_trim_func=<boolean>: Are the second and third arguments to trim()
  tiny_math=<boolean>: Is a string where a number is expected considered
   a 0?
  silent_pemit=<boolean>: Does @pemit default to @pemit/silent?