                   Installation Guide to PennMUSH 1.8.x
This file explains how to install PennMUSH. It comes in three parts:
  A. Important background
  B. Installation from source (recommended)
  C. Installation of precompiled binaries (only for Windows platforms)

If you are upgrading from a previous PennMUSH release, this is
probably not the file you want to start with. Read the UPGRADING
file first.

DISCLAIMER: Before attempting to run a MUD of any sort, you should have
some reasonable knowledge of UNIX and C.  If you do not, it is _strongly_
suggested that you learn UNIX and C to some reasonable level of competency
before attempting to set up a MUSH.  (Note that even people using the
Windows ports are encouraged to know UNIX, because that's the paradigm
that PennMUSH was built with, and most resources will be written with
UNIX is mind.)

You may also want to take a look at Javelin's Guide for PennMUSH Gods,
or by ftp from, /pub/PennMUSH/Guide
A. Important background

Here's a quick picture of the organization of the MUSH directory tree.
The "src" directory contains C source code.  The "hdrs" directory
contains header files for the source code.  The files used by a running
MUSH are in the "game" directory, which includes subdirectories "data"
(current databases), "txt" (text files and directories for building them),
"log" (log files), and "save" (backup databases).  Finally, the "hints"
directory is used during the installation process, the "po" directory
holds translation message files, and the "os2" directory contains files
of using in building for OS/2.

 pennmush--+-> src
           +-> hdrs 
           +-> game ------+-> data 
           |              |   
           |              +-> txt -------+-> nws 
           |              |              +-> evt 
           |              |              \-> hlp 
           |              |                  
           |              +-> log 
           |              \-> save 
           +-> hints 
           +-> os2
           +-> po
           +-> utils 
           \-> win32 

PennMUSH has been tested on a fairly wide variety of machines and
operating systems including at least:

	NeXT Mach 2.1
	Sun Sparc SunOS 4.1.x
	Sun Sparc and i386 Solaris 2.x 
	DEC Decstation Ultrix 4.x and OSF/1
	DEC Alpha OSF/1 and Linux
	SGI Indy Irix 5.x and 6.x
	HP 9000 series HP-UX 8.x
	IBM RS/6000 AIX 3.2
	IBM S/390 Linux
	Novell Unixware SVR4
	Windows 95/NT cygwin and MSVC++

There's no real reason why PennMUSH shouldn't compile on any 32-bit
or better BSD, System V, or POSIX operating system.  Javelin does his
development on a Linux PC these days.

If you have serious problems, contact Javelin and he will try to help
you. Email is the best way to get a fast response; in an emergency, you
can bother him on a MUD, but for code problems, email will probably get
you a better response.


B. Installation from source

     The quickstart version of the installation is:

1. On win32 only, install proper tools or read win32/README.txt.
2. sh Configure -d or some variant
3. create options.h, or make update
4. make install
5. possibly make customize
6. Read game/README and follow those instructions

     Here's the process in detail:

1. If you're running on win32, there are two options known to work:
   a. Compile with MS VC++ or VS.NET. If you want to do this, read 
      win32/README.txt and then skip down to step #6 below
   b. Compile with the Cygwin unix emulation tools (
      In addition to the base cygwin stuff, you'll want the following packages:
         binutils, gcc, make, patch, perl, exim (the latest *source* code
         package, not the binary)
      (gcc 3.2 is recommended.)
      These are also recommended:
         gettext, gettext-devel, indent, vim or emacs
      It is recommended that you install the tools under C:\CYGWIN and
      that you read the Cygwin FAQ if you get messages about HOME not set.

      Put the pennmush .tar.gz file in C:\CYGWIN\USR\SRC. Don't uncompress
      it with Winzip or other windows tools!

      VERY IMPORTANT: The rest of the instructions assume that you have
      started up a bash shell and are running commands under that shell --
      they won't work right if run directly from a DOS shell.

        cd /usr/src, and unpack the .tar.gz file with:
	      tar xfz pennmush-whatever.tar.gz

2. cd pennmush. On Unix systems:
	./Configure -d

   On cygwin systems, try ./Configure -d, but if it fails, try:
	. Configure
     (That's a single period, a space, and Configure)
     When you get to the question about hints files, choose 'cygwin'.
     For all other questions, the defaults should work.


Copy options.h.dist to options.h. Note that these files stay in the
pennmush directory.

Edit the file. It's liberally commented. 

On Cygwin systems, you should *not* define NT_TCP with cygwin, and you
should use MALLOC_PACKAGE 0. You may use an COMPRESSION_TYPE you prefer.

Also, cp game/mushcnf.dst to game/mush.cnf and edit. 

On cygwin systems, you probably should not use compressed database,
so modify that bit.


Type 'make update', and answer all the questions about which MUSH
options you want.

You should not need to change any of the other header files.

4. On cygwin systems, add to the CCFLAGS in the Makefile:
   (or whatever the latest exim source directory is)

5. Do a "make install". This will build all the necessary files, and
set up some symbolic links for the restart script.  You will probably
receive a few compilation warnings, which can generally be ignored.

6. If you plan to run multiple MUSHes, you may want to do a "make
customize" which will run a script to help set up a separate customized
game subdirectory for each MUSH (run it once per MUSH you plan to run).
Files in these subdirectories will already be customized in many ways,
so what follows may be slightly different. :) This is probably broken.

7. Read game/README and follow those instructions. 

A final thing you may want to think about is compiling announce.c or
portmsg.c. These are port announcers; if your MUSH ever goes down, you can
set one up, and a message will be given to a person attempting to connect
to that port.  Read that file for details. It is not an official MUSH
piece of code; rather, it is a freely distributable program available
via anonymous FTP that is included in this code because it happens to
be fairly useful.  Javelin suggests using portmsg - it appears to be
more stable.


C. Installation of precompiled binaries (only for Windows platforms)

A pre-built binary is frequently available for win32 users who don't
want to customize their MUSH server, and don't feel like compiling it
themselves.  This binary distribution may not contain the src, hdrs,
hints, or os2 directories and may be missing several key files (like
Configure) from the pennmush directory.  It does include the options.h
that it was built with, as an aid to those who decide later that they
want to customize the server; they are useful as a baseline to work from.

Using the pre-built binary is fairly simple; adjust your configuration
file as in game/README, then go to the game directory and run
PennMUSH.exe (you may need to use PennMUSH /run or PennMUSH /start).
Alternately, if you want the MUSH to automatically start each time you
turn on your machine, you can install it as a system service by running
'PennMUSH /install'.  PennMUSH can be removed from service status via
'PennMUSH /remove'.