-- MySQL dump 10.10
-- Host: localhost    Database: vandagard
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- Server version	5.0.22-Debian_0ubuntu6.06.2-log

/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
/*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */;

-- Table structure for table `vand_chatlog`

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `vand_chatlog`;
CREATE TABLE `vand_chatlog` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `who` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
  `channel` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
  `text` varchar(4096) NOT NULL,
  `time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

-- Dumping data for table `vand_chatlog`

/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vand_chatlog` DISABLE KEYS */;
LOCK TABLES `vand_chatlog` WRITE;
INSERT INTO `vand_chatlog` VALUES (1,'Thri','utility','Chat log cleared','2006-12-01 13:27:51'),(2,'Thri','OOC','<font color=#FF00FF>[<font color=#OOFFFF>OOC<font color=#FF00FF>]<font color=#006400> <font color=#OOFFFF>Thri: <font color=#FF00FF>Wootage, first post ;)<font color=#006400>\n\r','2006-12-01 13:27:54'),(3,'Thri','OOC','<font color=#FF00FF>[<font color=#OOFFFF>OOC<font color=#FF00FF>]<font color=#006400> <font color=#OOFFFF>Thri: <font color=#FF00FF>yeah, that was lame<font color=#006400>\n\r','2006-12-01 13:27:55'),(4,'Thri','OOC','<font color=#FF00FF>[<font color=#OOFFFF>OOC<font color=#FF00FF>]<font color=#006400> <font color=#OOFFFF>Thri: <font color=#FF00FF>Talking to myself in an empty mud is a sign of madness<font color=#006400>\n\r','2006-12-01 13:28:06'),(5,'Thri','OOC','<font color=#FF00FF>[<font color=#OOFFFF>OOC<font color=#FF00FF>]<font color=#006400> <font color=#OOFFFF>Thri: <font color=#FF00FF>Test<font color=#006400>\n\r','2006-12-01 14:07:42'),(6,'Thri','Local','Hmm','2006-12-01 14:12:02');
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vand_chatlog` ENABLE KEYS */;

-- Table structure for table `vand_help`

CREATE TABLE `vand_help` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `level` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `keywords` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
  `text` text NOT NULL,
  `catagory` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
  `webtxt` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'Web output for helps',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

-- Dumping data for table `vand_help`

/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vand_help` DISABLE KEYS */;
LOCK TABLES `vand_help` WRITE;
INSERT INTO `vand_help` VALUES (1,0,'greeting','#n                        \r\n#D   #R*#D          #m*#D         #w*#D           .::.    #W*#D              \r\n#D    #w*#D             #W.#D          #M*#D   .:\'  .:              #B*#D\r\n#C       #Y| #D             #C,MMM#c8#B&&&#D.:\'   .:\'    #w*#D         \r\n#C     #Y- #Ro #Y-#D    #w.#D#C     MMMMM#c88#B&&&&#D  .:\'         #c|#D   #w*#D\r\n#C       #Y|#D           #CMMMMM#c88#B&&&&&&#D:\'         #c- #C0 #c-#D     #W*#D\r\n#C    #r*#D      #W.#D    *#C  MMMMM#c88#B&&&&&&          #w*#D  #c|#D\r\n#D          #w*#D      .:#CMMMMM#c88#B&&&&&&       #w.#D          #G*#D\r\n#D               .:\'  #CMMMMM#c88#B&&&&     #C*#D\r\n#D      #y*#D      .:\'   .:\'#CMMM#c8#B&&&\'    #w.#D       #C*#D\r\n#w   _   _    #D:\'  .:\'#w      _     #W*#D              #w*#D      _ \r\n#w  | | | |    #D\'::\'#w       | |                         | |\r\n#w  | | | | __ _ _ __   __| | __ _  __ _  __ _ _ __ __| |\r\n#w  | | | |/ _` | \'_ \\ / _` |/ _` |/ _` |/ _` | \'__/ _` |\r\n#w  \\ \\_/ / (_| | | | | (_| | (_| | (_| | (_| | | | (_| |\r\n#w   \\___/ \\__,_|_| |_|\\__,_|\\__,_|\\__, |\\__,_|_|  \\__,_|\r\n#W   -= Into the Darkness =-#w        __/ |               \r\n#W      Created by Thri     #w       |___/                 \r\n#n\r\n','main','<font color=#006400>                        \r\n<font color=#636363>   <font color=#FF0000>*<font color=#636363>          *<font color=#636363>         <font color=#808080>*<font color=#636363>           .::.    <font color=#FFFFFF>*<font color=#636363>              \r\n<font color=#636363>    <font color=#808080>*<font color=#636363>             <font color=#FFFFFF>.<font color=#636363>          *<font color=#636363>   .:-  .:              <font color=#0000FF>*<font color=#636363>\r\n<font color=#OOFFFF>       <font color=#FFFF00>| <font color=#636363>             <font color=#OOFFFF>,MMM<font color=#008B8B>8<font color=#0000FF>&&&<font color=#636363>.:-   .:-    <font color=#808080>*<font color=#636363>         \r\n<font color=#OOFFFF>     <font color=#FFFF00>- <font color=#FF0000>o <font color=#FFFF00>-<font color=#636363>    <font color=#808080>.<font color=#636363><font color=#OOFFFF>     MMMMM<font color=#008B8B>88<font color=#0000FF>&&&&<font color=#636363>  .:-         <font color=#008B8B>|<font color=#636363>   <font color=#808080>*<font color=#636363>\r\n<font color=#OOFFFF>       <font color=#FFFF00>|<font color=#636363>           <font color=#OOFFFF>MMMMM<font color=#008B8B>88<font color=#0000FF>&&&&&&<font color=#636363>:-         <font color=#008B8B>- <font color=#OOFFFF>0 <font color=#008B8B>-<font color=#636363>     <font color=#FFFFFF>*<font color=#636363>\r\n<font color=#OOFFFF>    <font color=#8B0000>*<font color=#636363>      <font color=#FFFFFF>.<font color=#636363>    *<font color=#OOFFFF>  MMMMM<font color=#008B8B>88<font color=#0000FF>&&&&&&          <font color=#808080>*<font color=#636363>  <font color=#008B8B>|<font color=#636363>\r\n<font color=#636363>          <font color=#808080>*<font color=#636363>      .:<font color=#OOFFFF>MMMMM<font color=#008B8B>88<font color=#0000FF>&&&&&&       <font color=#808080>.<font color=#636363>          <font color=#00FF00>*<font color=#636363>\r\n<font color=#636363>               .:-  <font color=#OOFFFF>MMMMM<font color=#008B8B>88<font color=#0000FF>&&&&     <font color=#OOFFFF>*<font color=#636363>\r\n<font color=#636363>      <font color=#808000>*<font color=#636363>      .:-   .:-<font color=#OOFFFF>MMM<font color=#008B8B>8<font color=#0000FF>&&&-    <font color=#808080>.<font color=#636363>       <font color=#OOFFFF>*<font color=#636363>\r\n<font color=#808080>   _   _    <font color=#636363>:-  .:-<font color=#808080>      _     <font color=#FFFFFF>*<font color=#636363>              <font color=#808080>*<font color=#636363>      _ \r\n<font color=#808080>  | | | |    <font color=#636363>-::-<font color=#808080>       | |                         | |\r\n<font color=#808080>  | | | | __ _ _ __   __| | __ _  __ _  __ _ _ __ __| |\r\n<font color=#808080>  | | | |/ _- | -_  / _- |/ _- |/ _- |/ _- | -__/ _- |\r\n<font color=#808080>   \\_/ / (_| | | | | (_| | (_| | (_| | (_| | | | (_| |\r\n<font color=#808080>   \\___/ \\__,_|_| |_|\\__,_|\\__,_|\\__, |\\__,_|_|  \\__,_|\r\n<font color=#FFFFFF>   -= Into the Darkness =-<font color=#808080>        __/ |<font color=#FFFFFF>               \r\n<font color=#FFFFFF>      Created by Thri     <font color=#808080>       |___/                 \r\n<font color=#006400>\r\n'),(2,0,'motd','Welcome to SocketMUD(tm)\r\n\r\nWe hope your stay here will be a pleasent one,\r\nand are looking forward to serving you a rich\r\nand colorful mud experience.\r\n\r\nThe staff.','main','Welcome to SocketMUD(tm)\r\n\r\nWe hope your stay here will be a pleasent one,\r\nand are looking forward to serving you a rich\r\nand colorful mud experience.\r\n\r\nThe staff.'),(3,0,'ansi','SocketMud(tm) supports ANSI colors, and you can access them by using the\r\n\'#\' character, followed by the colorkey from the table below.\r\n\r\nYellow    #yy #YY#n\r\nBlue      #bb #BB#n\r\nGreen     #gg #GG#n\r\nRed       #rr #RR#n\r\nCyan      #cc #CC#n\r\nPurple    #pp #PP#n\r\nDark      #dd #DD#n\r\nWhite     #ww #WW#n\r\n\r\nThe \'n\' key is the default SocketMud(tm) color, and the mudcolor will\r\nalways revert to this color at the end of a string.\r\n','config','SocketMud(tm) supports ANSI colors, and you can access them by using the\r\n- character, followed by the colorkey from the table below.\r\n\r\nYellow    <font color=#808000>y <font color=#FFFF00>Y<font color=#006400>\r\nBlue      <font color=#00008B>b <font color=#0000FF>B<font color=#006400>\r\nGreen     <font color=#006400>g <font color=#00FF00>G<font color=#006400>\r\nRed       <font color=#8B0000>r <font color=#FF0000>R<font color=#006400>\r\nCyan      <font color=#008B8B>c <font color=#OOFFFF>C<font color=#006400>\r\nPurple    <font color=#8B008B>p <font color=#FF00FF>P<font color=#006400>\r\nDark      d <font color=#636363>D<font color=#006400>\r\nWhite     <font color=#808080>w <font color=#FFFFFF>W<font color=#006400>\r\n\r\nThe -n- key is the default SocketMud(tm) color, and the mudcolor will\r\nalways revert to this color at the end of a string.\r\n'),(4,0,'jobo','Jobo aka Brian Graversen is the author of SocketMud(tm), which is a\r\nbareboned mud codebase. The codebase was made mainly for fun and to\r\nlearn from the experience itself.\r\n\r\nFeel free to use the codebase for whatever purposes you have in mind,\r\nand should you ever make a real mud from it, send me a mail and tell\r\nme about it at\r\n\r\nBrian Graversen\r\n\r\nI love you Brian *hugs from Thri*','main','Jobo aka Brian Graversen is the author of SocketMud(tm), which is a\r\nbareboned mud codebase. The codebase was made mainly for fun and to\r\nlearn from the experience itself.\r\n\r\nFeel free to use the codebase for whatever purposes you have in mind,\r\nand should you ever make a real mud from it, send me a mail and tell\r\nme about it at\r\n\r\nBrian Graversen\r\n\r\nI love you Brian *hugs from Thri*'),(5,0,'mccp','The Mud Client Compression Protocol has the purpose of reducing the\r\nbandwidth usage of the mudserver, by using an MCCP-complient mudclient,\r\nthe data send to you will be compressed by 80-85%, and thus not only\r\nreducing the amount of data processed by the server, but also greatly\r\nreduce the amount of data you need to download (i.e. less lag for you).\r\n\r\nThis MUD supports both version 1 and 2 of the compression protocol,\r\nand any client supporting either of those version can be used to\r\nenable compression. Most clients enables compression automaticly,\r\nbut some require that you type \'compress\'. The same command can also\r\nbe used to disable compression.\r\n\r\nMCCP was created by Oliver Jowett\r\n','config','The Mud Client Compression Protocol has the purpose of reducing the\r\nbandwidth usage of the mudserver, by using an MCCP-complient mudclient,\r\nthe data send to you will be compressed by 80-85 and thus not only\r\nreducing the amount of data processed by the server, but also greatly\r\nreduce the amount of data you need to download (i.e. less lag for you).\r\n\r\nThis MUD supports both version 1 and 2 of the compression protocol,\r\nand any client supporting either of those version can be used to\r\nenable compression. Most clients enables compression automaticly,\r\nbut some require that you type -compress-. The same command can also\r\nbe used to disable compression.\r\n\r\nMCCP was created by Oliver Jowett\r\n'),(7,0,'credit','Thanks goes to Beej for his network guide, and to Erwin Andreasen\r\nfor a ton of useful codebits, all taken from his homepage.\r\n\r\nErwins Homepage is located at\r\n','main','Thanks goes to Beej for his network guide, and to Erwin Andreasen\r\nfor a ton of useful codebits, all taken from his homepage.\r\n\r\nErwins Homepage is located at\r\n'),(8,0,'Thri','Zachery Crosswhite (Thri) is the creator of MySQLMud, a dirv of SocketMud by Brian Graversen.\r\n\r\nmd5.c is released under the Aladdin licence, see md5.c for more information.\r\n\r\nAll code by Zachery Crosswhite is released under the WTFPL licence.\r\n\r\nFor more information about the WTFPL Licence, see the help topic entitled \'WTFPL\'.\r\n\r\nAIM: CalibanL\r\nEmail:\r\n\r\nEnjoy =)','main','Zachery Crosswhite (Thri) is the creator of MySQLMud, a dirv of SocketMud by Brian Graversen.\r\n\r\nmd5.c is released under the Aladdin licence, see md5.c for more information.\r\n\r\nAll code by Zachery Crosswhite is released under the WTFPL licence.\r\n\r\nFor more information about the WTFPL Licence, see the help topic entitled -WTFPL-.\r\n\r\nAIM: CalibanL\r\nEmail:\r\n\r\nEnjoy =)'),(9,0,'wtfpl','            DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE\r\n                    Version 2, December 2004\r\n\r\n Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar\r\n  22 rue de Plaisance, 75014 Paris, France\r\n Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified\r\n copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long\r\n as the name is changed.\r\n\r\n            DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE\r\n   TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION\r\n\r\n  0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. ','','            DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE\r\n                    Version 2, December 2004\r\n\r\n Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar\r\n  22 rue de Plaisance, 75014 Paris, France\r\n Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified\r\n copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long\r\n as the name is changed.\r\n\r\n            DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE\r\n   TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION\r\n\r\n  0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. '),(10,3,'admin','Syntax: admin <command>\r\nValid commands are:\r\n  clearlogins      - Clears login data from MySQL database.\r\n  clearchat        - Clears chat log from MySQL Database.\r\n  optimize         - Optimizes all tables in MySQL Database.\r\n  fix_helps        - Runs through vand_helps and prepares field webtxt\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThe admin command allows for various utils\r\nto be issued. Its an all purpose command\r\nfor anything and everything.','admin','Syntax: admin <command>\r\nValid commands are:\r\n  clearlogins      - Clears login data from MySQL database.\r\n  clearchat        - Clears chat log from MySQL Database.\r\n  optimize         - Optimizes all tables in MySQL Database.\r\n  fix_helps        - Runs through vand_helps and prepares field webtxt\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThe admin command allows for various utils\r\nto be issued. Its an all purpose command\r\nfor anything and everything.');
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vand_help` ENABLE KEYS */;

-- Table structure for table `vand_help_add`

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `vand_help_add`;
CREATE TABLE `vand_help_add` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `who` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
  `topic` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

-- Dumping data for table `vand_help_add`

/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vand_help_add` DISABLE KEYS */;
LOCK TABLES `vand_help_add` WRITE;
INSERT INTO `vand_help_add` VALUES (1,'Thri','bobob'),(2,'Thri','bob');
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vand_help_add` ENABLE KEYS */;

-- Table structure for table `vand_logins`

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `vand_logins`;
CREATE TABLE `vand_logins` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
  `whowhat` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

-- Dumping data for table `vand_logins`

/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vand_logins` DISABLE KEYS */;
LOCK TABLES `vand_logins` WRITE;
INSERT INTO `vand_logins` VALUES (1,'2006-11-30 08:55:07','Thri has left the game.'),(2,'2006-11-30 08:55:09','Thri is trying to connect.'),(3,'2006-11-30 08:55:10','Thri has entered the game.'),(4,'2006-11-30 08:59:48','Thri is trying to connect.'),(5,'2006-11-30 08:59:49','Thri has entered the game.'),(6,'2006-11-30 09:00:09','Thri is trying to connect.'),(7,'2006-11-30 09:00:11','Thri has entered the game.'),(8,'2006-11-30 09:01:05','Thri is trying to connect.'),(9,'2006-11-30 09:01:05','Thri has entered the game.'),(10,'2006-11-30 09:02:47','Thri is trying to connect.'),(11,'2006-11-30 09:02:48','Thri has entered the game.'),(12,'2006-11-30 10:46:26','Thri is trying to connect.'),(13,'2006-11-30 10:46:27','Thri has entered the game.'),(14,'2006-11-30 12:31:03','Thri is trying to connect.'),(15,'2006-11-30 12:31:04','Thri has entered the game.'),(16,'2006-12-01 12:39:11','Thri is trying to connect.'),(17,'2006-12-01 12:39:12','Thri has entered the game.'),(18,'2006-12-01 14:07:12','Thri is trying to connect.'),(19,'2006-12-01 14:07:14','Thri has entered the game.'),(20,'2006-12-01 14:10:55','Thri has left the game.'),(21,'2006-12-01 14:10:57','Thri is trying to connect.'),(22,'2006-12-01 14:10:59','Thri has entered the game.'),(23,'2006-12-01 14:42:57','Thri is trying to connect.'),(24,'2006-12-01 14:42:58','Thri has entered the game.'),(25,'2006-12-01 14:47:47','Thri is trying to connect.'),(26,'2006-12-01 14:47:48','Thri has entered the game.'),(27,'2006-12-01 15:00:03','Thri has left the game.'),(28,'2006-12-01 15:00:06','Thri is trying to connect.'),(29,'2006-12-01 15:00:07','Thri has entered the game.'),(30,'2006-12-01 15:00:29','Thri has left the game.'),(31,'2006-12-01 15:00:31','Thri is trying to connect.'),(32,'2006-12-01 15:00:32','Thri has entered the game.'),(33,'2006-12-01 15:02:41','Thri has left the game.'),(34,'2006-12-01 15:02:43','Thri is trying to connect.'),(35,'2006-12-01 15:02:44','Thri has entered the game.'),(36,'2006-12-01 15:02:46','Thri has left the game.'),(37,'2006-12-01 15:02:47','Thri is trying to connect.'),(38,'2006-12-01 15:02:48','Thri has entered the game.'),(39,'2006-12-01 15:05:16','Thri has left the game.'),(40,'2006-12-01 15:05:18','Thri is trying to connect.'),(41,'2006-12-01 15:05:19','Thri has entered the game.'),(42,'2006-12-01 15:05:45','Thri has left the game.'),(43,'2006-12-01 15:05:47','Thri is trying to connect.'),(44,'2006-12-01 15:05:48','Thri has entered the game.'),(45,'2006-12-01 15:07:32','Thri has left the game.'),(46,'2006-12-01 15:07:34','Thri is trying to connect.'),(47,'2006-12-01 15:07:35','Thri has entered the game.'),(48,'2006-12-01 15:12:50','Thri has left the game.'),(49,'2006-12-01 15:12:53','Thri is trying to connect.'),(50,'2006-12-01 15:12:55','Thri has entered the game.'),(51,'2006-12-01 15:25:04','Thri is trying to connect.'),(52,'2006-12-01 15:25:05','Thri has entered the game.'),(53,'2006-12-01 15:29:02','Thri is trying to connect.'),(54,'2006-12-01 15:29:03','Thri has entered the game.');
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vand_logins` ENABLE KEYS */;

-- Table structure for table `vand_notes`

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `vand_notes`;
CREATE TABLE `vand_notes` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `who` varchar(256) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Whos sending',
  `to` varchar(256) NOT NULL COMMENT 'To Whom',
  `subject` varchar(256) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Subject',
  `message` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'The Body',
  `web_message` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'Web Output',
  `time` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT 'The time it was Sebnt',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

-- Dumping data for table `vand_notes`

/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vand_notes` DISABLE KEYS */;
LOCK TABLES `vand_notes` WRITE;
INSERT INTO `vand_notes` VALUES (1,'Thri','all','The test Message','This is a test Message','This is a test message','0000-00-00 00:00:00'),(2,'Meme','me','You','Thing','Thing','0000-00-00 00:00:00'),(3,'Thri','All','Another','Woot','','2006-12-01 14:38:58'),(4,'Thri','all','New Message!','Another new message','','2006-12-01 15:44:49'),(5,'Thri','all','Ingame test','Message is ingame test\n','Not done yet','2006-12-01 15:47:51');
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vand_notes` ENABLE KEYS */;

-- Table structure for table `vand_players`

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `vand_players`;
CREATE TABLE `vand_players` (
  `name` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
  `admin_level` tinyint(4) NOT NULL,
  `password` varchar(256) NOT NULL,
  `last_note` int(11) NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`)

-- Dumping data for table `vand_players`

/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vand_players` DISABLE KEYS */;
LOCK TABLES `vand_players` WRITE;
INSERT INTO `vand_players` VALUES ('Thri',4,'I think i released this one before.. never again :P',5);
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `vand_players` ENABLE KEYS */;