/* Window Styles */ #define IB_YES (1L<<0) #define IB_NO (1L<<1) #define IB_OK (1L<<2) #define IB_CANCEL (1L<<3) #define IB_ABORT (1L<<4) #define IB_RETRY (1L<<5) #define IB_IGNORE (1L<<6) #define IB_HELP (1L<<7) #define IB_HELPDEF (1L<<8) // help keyword defined (useless without IB_HELP) #define IB_RUNHELP IB_HELP|IB_HELPDEF // This doesn't close the box when help is pressed - // instead it calls up the specified HELP #define IB_OKCANCEL IB_OK|IB_CANCEL #define IB_YESNO IB_YES|IB_NO #define IB_YESNOCANCEL IB_YES|IB_NO|IB_CANCEL #define IB_RETRYCANCEL IB_RETRY|IB_CANCEL #define IB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE IB_ABORT|IB_RETRY|IB_IGNORE #define IB_SYSTEMMODAL 0L // undefined #define IB_APPLMODAL 0L #define IB_TASKMODAL 0L #define IB_DEFBUTTON1 0L #define IB_DEFBUTTON2 0L #define IB_DEFBUTTON3 0L #define IB_ICONASTERISK 0L #define IB_ICONEXCLAMATION 0L #define IB_ICONHAND 0L #define IB_ICONINFORMATION 0L #define IB_ICONQUESTION 0L #define IB_ICONSTOP 0L /* Info Box return values */ #define IB_RYES IDYES #define IB_RNO IDNO #define IB_ROK IDOK #define IB_RCANCEL IDCANCEL #define IB_RABORT IDABORT #define IB_RRETRY IDRETRY #define IB_RIGNORE IDIGNORE #define IB_RHELP IDHELP int ibInfoBox(HWND p_hWnd,LPCSTR p_text,LPCSTR p_title,unsigned long p_style,LPCSTR p_icon,DWORD p_help); BOOL CALLBACK _export ibInfoBoxProc(HWND p_hWnd, UINT p_message,WPARAM p_wParam, LPARAM p_lParam);