Cryogen~ 3coolness~ $n the Titleless~ You see nothing special. ~ Messages: $n ~ $n ~ ~ ~ Prompt: ^gH%h/%H ^G-+^C>~ LastLogin: localhost []~ Level: 250 Race: Human Class: Researcher Position: STANDING Sex: MALE AutoAction: A-LOOK|A-EXIT|A-FLEE|A-EAT|A-DRINK|NOEMAIL|HINT|EXPERT|CONSIDER System: 0 SockPref: CR|LF|TELNETGA|ANSI|PROMPTHP|PROMPTEX|PROMPTRM|CHANUSUAGE|CHANGOSSIP|CHANGROUP|CHANPRIVATE ScreenLines: 23 ColorPref: wb AW gA gA GA WA AC wA rA RA pA wA gA Practice: 995 HitP: 1015 MoveP: 1080 PowerP: 1100 GainPractice: 0 GainHit: 0 GainMove: 0 GainPower: 0 Fame: 0 Infamy: 0 HitPMax: 15 MovePMax: 80 PowerPMax: 100 Hunger: -1 Thirst: -1 Intox: 1 Str: 40 Dex: 90 Con: 85 Wis: 92 Int: 100 Money: 0 Bank: 0 Exp: 0 TimeTotal: 54110 TimeLastOn: 896939506 Attempts: 0 StartRoom: 123 RecallRoom: -1 DeathRoom: 157 [Skills] Burningfist 150 Flamestrike 7 [End of Skills] [Properties] [End of Properties]