area~ 0 23 0 #0 Randor~ poison~ Maybe poison affects should be made more apparent - like a message reoccurring from time to time about you getting weaker or a message that the poison tastes horribly or burns you when you drink it. Randor ~ 889836618 889836618 -1 #1 Randor~ poison vs. VR~ You can *die* in the VR if you drink poison from the keg. ~ 889837166 889837166 -1 #2 Kassil~ keg in silverdale~ Changed poison to whisky in the keg in SilverDale, pending some fix to the whole poison stuff. ~ 889837521 889837521 -1 #3 Randor~ breaking doors~ Idea: allow players to break some doors. Just as thieves can pick and technicians hack (I guess), soldiers could break doors with some of their weapons (axe, chain saw). We'd prolly need another door flag then - NO_BREAK, for some sensitive doors ;) Randor ~ 889871222 889871222 -1 #4 Randor~ vacuumwalk~ It looks like the vacuumwalk affect doesn't go away immediately after the space suit is removed. ~ 889922784 889922784 -1 $