#1800 stone stone~ small stone~ a small stone is here~ It's small, round, and made of rock. ~ OTHER 0 NOWEAR 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 #1801 miniature obelisk~ Miniature Obelisk~ A miniature obelisk rests on the floor~ The obelisk is about 60cm tall. It is made of a dark, black stone. ~ OTHER GLOW|AURA NOWEAR 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 P @use~ { int color; str action; color=CharGetExp(EVENT_THING)%4; if(color==0) { action="^r$n glows a bright red\n"; } else { if(color==1) { action="^b$n glows a brilliant blue\n"; } else { if(color==2) { action="^y$n glows a soothing yellow\n"; } else { if(color==3) { action="^g$n glows a pleasant green\n"; } } } } SendAction(CODE_THING,EVENT_THING,SEND_VISIBLE|SEND_ROOM|SEND_CAPFIRST,action); SendAction(CODE_THING,EVENT_THING,SEND_VISIBLE|SEND_DST|SEND_CAPFIRST,action); BLOCK_CMD=TRUE; PropertySetInt(EVENT_THING,"TheMazeLevel4-Circle",1); }~ #1802 strip line printer paper~ a Strip of line printer paper~ A strip of line printer paper lies on the floor here.~ Its the output of some kind of robot. Only a small excerpt of the total text remains readable: Core Memory Corruption Identified location: 0xF19B34D234A233548 (seg. fault) System Capabilities reduced -12.34% Initiating background Level 2 Diagnostic. 0.0023% System degredation while testing in progress. VERBAL QUERY: [MGreenwo] "Gumbo, this can't be right, according to this your program corruption is *increasing* your capabilities?" VERBAL RESPONSE: "Chance of inaccuracy 0.037%, Level 2 Diagnostic in progress, expected completion in 317.23 seconds" Devoting 0.023 ms interpreting sensor data. Motion detected Internal Security Level raised to 7 Devoting 0.017ms to target scan. Target acquired. VERBAL RESPONSE: "Targets detected. Indentification in progress. Primary Objective, protect user MGreenwo" VERBAL INPUT: [TMorzit] "OhMyGod" VERBAL INPUT: [MGreenwo] "Dammit take cover, its some kind of The rest of the text is unreadable. ~ OTHER CARRY2USE NOWEAR 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 #1803 tail lizard white~ A white lizard tail~ a white lizard tail lies here, covered in sharp looking scales~ Its the tail of some kind of lizard-like creatures. Its covered with rows and rows of incredibly dense and sharp scales. You have to be carefull not to cut yourself. ~ ARMOR 0 TAIL 10 65793 0 0 3 0 0 #1804 twisted old oak tree~ Twisted old oak tree~ There is an old, twisted oak tree near the top of the noll. ~ The old oak tree is turned and twisted. Its leaves are sparce, but coloured a bold dark green. There are lots of dead branches and acorns among its leaves. ~ OTHER 0 NOWEAR 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 P @use~ { BLOCK_CMD=TRUE; if(Number(0,1)) { SendAction(CODE_THING,EVENT_THING,SEND_DST,"You break off a branch from $n\n"); SendAction(CODE_THING,EVENT_THING,SEND_ROOM|SEND_VISIBLE,"$N breaks off a branch from $n\n"); ObjectCreate(BaseGetInside(CODE_THING),1806); } else { SendAction(CODE_THING,EVENT_THING,SEND_DST,"You pick an acorn from $n\n"); SendAction(CODE_THING,EVENT_THING,SEND_ROOM|SEND_VISIBLE,"$N picks an acorn from $n\n"); ObjectCreate(BaseGetInside(CODE_THING),1805); } }~ #1805 acorn small~ acorn~ a small acorn is sitting on the ground here.~ The acorn is small, brown, and has a hard shell. ~ FOOD 0 HELD 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 #1806 dry old oak branch~ oak branch~ a dry oak branch is sitting here~ The oak branch is dry and kinda light. It would probably burn well. ~ LIGHT 0 HELD 100 0 0 0 1 0 0 #1807 rock pool~ rock pool~ there is a small rock pool of water here.~ The rock pool appears to have been carved out of the living stone. Over the years, water dripping from above has warn the edges to a smooth polish. ~ DRINKCON 0 NOWEAR 10000 10000 0 0 -1 0 0 #1808 alien fruit food~ Alien fruit~ Some pleasant-smelling alien fruit is sitting here.~ The alien fruit is an orange-red colour and looks like a warped dumbell. It looks and smells very tasty! ~ FOOD 0 NOWEAR 30 0 0 0 0 0 20 $