#1300 small child girl rebecca newt~ Rebecca~ A small lost child is cowering in the corner~ The small girl has the look of one who has seen her entire family die before her eyes. ~ SENTINEL|WIMPY 0 100 S 1 3 5 1d10+40 2d2+1 0 30 STANDING GALCIV-CITIZEN FEMALE P @aftercommand~ { str Quest; Quest="StationConduits-Rebecca"; if(Hello(COMMAND)) { if(PropertyGetInt(EVENT_THING,Quest)>2) { SendAction(CODE_THING,EVENT_THING,SEND_DST|SEND_ROOM|SEND_VISIBLE,"^aYou notice the girl\'s eyes turn green...\n"); FightStart(CODE_THING,EVENT_THING); stop; } if(PropertyGetInt(EVENT_THING,Quest)==2) { CharActionStr(CODE_THING,"follow %s",ThingGetName(EVENT_THING)); stop; } if(PropertyGetInt(EVENT_THING,Quest)) { CharAction(CODE_THING,"say Will you help me\? Say YES or NO\?"); stop; } CharAction(CODE_THING,"say I\'m lost and scared. If only someone could help"); CharAction(CODE_THING,"say lead me home..."); CharAction(CODE_THING,"say Will you help me\? Say YES or NO."); PropertySetInt(EVENT_THING,Quest,1); stop; } if(YesNo(COMMAND)&&(PropertyGetInt(EVENT_THING,Quest)==1)) { if(YesNo(COMMAND)==1) { CharAction(CODE_THING,"say Oh thank you!"); PropertySetInt(EVENT_THING,Quest,2); CharActionStr(CODE_THING,"follow %s",ThingGetName(EVENT_THING)); } else { CharAction(CODE_THING,"say I hope the rats get you..."); PropertySetInt(EVENT_THING,Quest,0); } } if(StrIn(COMMAND,"Rebecca")) { CharAction(CODE_THING,"say Actually, only my parents call me Rebecca."); CharAction(CODE_THING,"say All my friends call me Newt."); } }~ #1301 green ginera~ a Green Ginera~ A ginera is hovering here - emanating a green glow~ The ginera is emanating a green, pulsating glow. Normally Ginera are fairly doscile; this one looks like it wants your soul! ~ SENTINEL|AGGRESSIVE|STAYAREA|RPUNCTURE|RSLASH|RCONCUSSIVE|RLASER|RACID|RPOISON DARKVISION|SEEINVIS|REGENERATION|ENDURANCE -300 S 20 70 60 1d60+200 3d10+0 0 300 STANDING ANIMAL SEXLESS #1302 green eyed human male possessed~ a posessed human male~ A human male with glowing green eyes is staring ominously at you.~ The human is wearing tattered clothing, and seems oblivious to the numerous scratches and wounds he has all over his body. ~ TRACKER|SCAVENGER|AGGRESSIVE|STAYAREA|RCONCUSSIVE ENDURANCE -200 S 19 57 44 3d20+190 1d20+10 200 285 STANDING GALCIV-CITIZEN MALE #1303 green eyed articifer female possessed~ a posessed artificer female~ An artificer female with glowing green eyes is staring ominously at you.~ The artificer is wearing tattered clothing, and seems oblivious to the numerous scratches and wounds she has all over her body. ~ TRACKER|SCAVENGER|AGGRESSIVE|STAYAREA|RPSYCHIC ENDURANCE -200 S 15 45 35 1d30+150 4d5+2 100 220 STANDING GALCIV-CITIZEN FEMALE #1304 mad female human~ a mad human~ a mad human is here, looking for blood~ The human is a middle-aged female. She looks a mess, and doesn't seem to care. She has a faint green glow in her eyes ~ TRACKER|SCAVENGER|AGGRESSIVE|STAYAREA|RCONCUSSIVE ENDURANCE -200 S 15 47 42 1d30+20 4d6+0 87 230 STANDING GALCIV-CITIZEN FEMALE #1305 mad female siliconoid~ a mad siliconoid~ a mad siliconoid is here, feeding on anything living~ The siliconoid is a young female. She seems to have a faint green glow about her. She looks like she want to share her glow with YOU! ~ TRACKER|SCAVENGER|AGGRESSIVE|STAYAREA|RPUNCTURE|RSLASH|RCONCUSSIVE|RHEAT|RLASER ENDURANCE -200 S 16 49 35 1d30+20 3d6+6 90 230 STANDING GALCIV-CITIZEN FEMALE #1306 mad human male~ a mad human~ A mad human is here, rooting around for rats or YOU!~ The human is a young male. His eyes are emitting a faint green glow. He looks like he wants you... in his stomach! ~ TRACKER|SCAVENGER|AGGRESSIVE|STAYAREA|RCONCUSSIVE ENDURANCE -200 S 17 55 50 1d100+50 3d6+6 17 245 STANDING GALCIV-CITIZEN MALE #1307 mad male siliconoid~ a mad siliconoid~ A mad siliconoid is hunting for anything alive~ The siliconoid is a large, rough male. He is glowing faintly green. He looks like he wants to see your body... ripped in two! ~ TRACKER|SCAVENGER|AGGRESSIVE|STAYAREA|RPUNCTURE|RSLASH|RCONCUSSIVE|RHEAT|RLASER ENDURANCE -200 S 18 57 52 1d40+75 3d5+13 230 270 STANDING GALCIV-CITIZEN MALE #1308 mad cat~ mad cat~ A mad cat is here, feeding on anything and everything~ The cat has green-glowing eyes. She looks like it wants you to pet it... ~ TRACKER|SCAVENGER|AGGRESSIVE|STAYAREA ENDURANCE -200 S 11 29 25 1d40+10 3d4+4 0 165 STANDING ANIMAL FEMALE #1309 mad warblie large~ a mad warblie~ a large mad warblie is wandering around~ The warblie has green-glowing eyes. He looks like he is willing to eat anything... including you! ~ TRACKER|SCAVENGER|AGGRESSIVE|STAYAREA ENDURANCE -200 S 12 38 22 1d50+10 3d4+6 0 180 STANDING ANIMAL MALE #1310 mad measlie~ a mad measlie~ a mad measlie is here, nibbling on everything it can~ The measlie has green-glowing eyes. It looks mean, despite its small size. ~ TRACKER|AGGRESSIVE|STAYAREA ENDURANCE -200 S 10 35 25 1d30+0 2d5+5 0 150 STANDING ANIMAL SEXLESS #1311 worried parent person~ a worried parent~ A person is here, looking very worried.~ He is a regular-looking human male. He looks very worried and sad about something. ~ SENTINEL|WIMPY 0 500 S 5 15 15 2d5+65 3d2+1 50 75 STANDING GALCIV-CITIZEN MALE P @aftercommand~ { if(Hello(COMMAND)) { CharAction(CODE_THING,"say My poor little Rebecca. She\'s somewhere in"); CharAction(CODE_THING,"say that awful maze! She\'s all alone!! WHAT WILL"); CharAction(CODE_THING,"say I DO\?! If only someone could get her..."); } }~ P @afterentry~ { str Quest; thing t; Quest="StationConduits-Rebecca"; if(ThingGetType(EVENT_THING)==TTYPE_MOB) { if(MobileGetVirtual(EVENT_THING)==1300) { CharAction(CODE_THING,"say REBECCA!"); CharAction(EVENT_THING,"say DAD!"); SendAction(CODE_THING,TNULL,SEND_ROOM|SEND_VISIBLE,"^aThe parent runs to Rebecca and holds her.\n"); CharAction(CODE_THING,"say Thank you! Oh thank you!"); t=CharGetLeader(EVENT_THING); PlayerSolvedQuest(t,"^wCongratulations! You have saved Rebecca!\n",500,1,Quest,3); CharRemoveFollower(EVENT_THING); ThingTo(EVENT_THING,WorldOf(1423)); } } }~ #1312 old siliconoid~ an old siliconoid~ An old siliconoid is here, rocking in her rocking chair~ She looks a thousand years old. She looks like a loveable grandmother... if siliconoids can be considered loveable. ~ SENTINEL|RCONCUSSIVE|RHEAT|RPSYCHIC|RPOISON 0 600 S 30 90 75 1d100+300 10d5+0 300 450 SITTING GALCIV-CITIZEN FEMALE #1313 perturbed citizen~ a Perturbed citizen~ A perturbed citizen is ranting about privacy~ The station citizen looks very put-out. Well, wouldn't you if a weapon-toting adventurer broke into YOUR living quarters?! ~ SENTINEL 0 500 S 4 14 12 1d10+40 2d2+1 10 60 STANDING GALCIV-CITIZEN FEMALE #1314 scared citizen~ a Scared citizen~ A very frightened citizen is here, hoping you don't kill him~ He looks very frightened - presumably praying you don't hurt him. ~ SENTINEL 0 -1000 S 2 1 0 1d10+10 2d2+0 10 30 STANDING GALCIV-CITIZEN MALE #1315 very annoyed individual~ a Very annoyed individual~ A very annoyed individual is here, wishing you'd go away.~ She looks like she really wants you out of her house! ~ SENTINEL|AGGRESSIVE 0 300 S 7 18 15 1d10+80 2d4+0 20 105 STANDING GALCIV-CITIZEN FEMALE #1316 tothro monk~ a Tothro Monk~ A Tothro Monk is here, contemplating the actions of others~ The monk is wearing a dark blue robe covering all distinguishing marks or features. ~ TRACKER 0 900 S 18 54 42 1d54+180 3d8+6 200 270 STANDING GALCIV-CITIZEN MALE #1317 tothro monk~ a Tothro Monk~ A Tothro Monk is here, contemplating the actions of others~ The monk is wearing a dark blue robe covering all distinguishing marks or features. ~ TRACKER 0 800 S 16 48 37 1d48+160 3d7+5 200 240 STANDING GALCIV-CITIZEN FEMALE #1318 tothro monk~ the Tothro Monk~ A Tothro Monk is here, wondering if you need any help~ The Monk is a tall, imposing character. His robe is large enough to cover his features; however, the fact he's built like a tank defies concealment. ~ SENTINEL|RPUNCTURE|RSLASH|RCONCUSSIVE|RHEAT|RLASER ENDURANCE 900 S 20 54 43 1d40+180 4d6+5 200 240 STANDING GALCIV-CITIZEN MALE #1319 tothro monk administrator~ a Tothro Monk Administrator~ A Tothro Monk Administrator is awaiting your questions~ The monk moves like a cat, and although she's fairly small for a human, you get the feeling she could take on a siliconoid 5 times her size. ~ SENTINEL ENDURANCE 1000 S 23 69 60 1d70+270 5d4+4 200 345 STANDING GALCIV-CITIZEN FEMALE #1320 tothro priest~ a Tothro Priest~ A Tothro Priest is here, ready to talk if you so wish~ The Priest looks hunched and undignified. You sense a great degree of wizdom is hidden beneath his outer fragility. ~ SENTINEL 0 1000 S 22 67 57 1d60+240 5d4+1 200 330 STANDING GALCIV-CITIZEN MALE #1321 mad child~ a mad child~ a mad child is here, looking very neglected~ The child has green-glowing eyes. He looks like he wants to hug you... the better to bite off your ear! ~ TRACKER|AGGRESSIVE|STAYAREA 0 -200 S 13 42 35 1d40+35 3d4+6 10 195 STANDING GALCIV-CITIZEN MALE #1322 mad artificer~ a mad artificer~ A mad artificer is here, looking for something to eat~ The artificer looks wounded and weak. He is, nonetheless, looking for something to feed upon... preferably YOU! ~ TRACKER|SCAVENGER|AGGRESSIVE|RPSYCHIC 0 -200 S 14 45 37 1d50+40 4d4+6 100 210 STANDING GALCIV-CITIZEN MALE $