#0 master trainer~ Master Trainer~ The Master Trainer stands here, awaiting pupils.~ The Master Trainer is a demi-god MOB designed to give players unlimited experience. This way, area builders can "pump" up characters to a higher level and test their areas. ~ SENTINEL|STAYAREA BREATHWATER|DARKVISION|SEEINVIS|REGENERATION|ENDURANCE|PHASEWALK|WATERWALK|VACUUMWALK|SNEAK 0 S 200 900 747 2d14000+28100 3d126+100 0 168000 STANDING GALCIV-CITIZEN SEXLESS P @aftercommand~ { if(Hello(COMMAND)) { CharAction(CODE_THING,"say Ye Mortal Addresses The Master Trainer! Behold, and become wise."); CharGainExp(EVENT_THING,999999999); } }~ #1 Willie Wonka~ Willie Wonka~ Willie Wonka is here, munching some chocolate.~ Willie is a short, fat fellow dressed in all-brown clothes. Well, actually, his shirt could be considered tan. He has a great big grin (and the occasional chocolate smudge) on his face. ~ SENTINEL BREATHWATER|ENDURANCE 1000 S 199 597 494 2d8950+0 3d500+500 10000 107400 STANDING SENTIENT-ROBOT MALE P @COMMAND~ { if(ObjectRedeem(CODE_THING,EVENT_THING,COMMAND,100,OR_BIO|OR_CHIP|OR_RICH)) { BLOCK_CMD=TRUE; } else { if(Hello(COMMAND)) { CharAction(EVENT_THING,COMMAND); BLOCK_CMD=TRUE; CharActionStr(CODE_THING,"say Hi-dily-Hoo %s!",ThingGetName(EVENT_THING)); } else { if(StrIsCmd(COMMAND,"say")) { if(StrIn(COMMAND,"freeze")) { CharAction(EVENT_THING,COMMAND); BLOCK_CMD=TRUE; ThingSetWait(EVENT_THING,20); CharAction(CODE_THING,"say Bazam! Thou art frozen for 20 rounds."); } else { if(StrIn(COMMAND,"fox")) { CharAction(EVENT_THING,COMMAND); BLOCK_CMD=TRUE; CharAction(CODE_THING,"say You want a fox\? Bit-loopie-zam!"); CharAction(MobileCreate(BaseGetInside(CODE_THING),166),"say Yip Yip Yip!"); } } } } } }~ P @IDLE~ { thing t; int state; str var; var="IdleState"; state=PropertyGetInt(CODE_THING,var)/* will return 0 if 'var' doesn exist */; if(state==0) {/* time to eat a chocolate bar */ if(ObjectCount(CODE_THING,153)) { CharAction(CODE_THING,"eat chocolate"); ThingSetIdleWait(CODE_THING,Number(30,150)); } else { PropertySetInt(CODE_THING,var,1); } } else { if(state==1) {/* All out! Say "I'm all out"! */ CharAction(CODE_THING,"say Oh my, I need more chocolate!"); PropertySetInt(CODE_THING,var,2); } else { if(state==2) {/* Teleport to Merr */ SendAction(CODE_THING,TNULL,SEND_ROOM|SEND_CAPFIRST|SEND_VISIBLE,"^aA brown cloud wisps around $n and... he\'s gone!\n"); t=WorldOf(165); ThingTo(CODE_THING,t); SendAction(CODE_THING,TNULL,SEND_ROOM|SEND_CAPFIRST|SEND_VISIBLE,"^aA brown cloud wisps up from the ground and $n appears!\n"); CharAction(CODE_THING,"say I have come for chocolate!"); PropertySetInt(CODE_THING,var,3); } else { if(state==3) {/* At Merr's shop - buy if possible */ t=ThingFind(NULL,165,BaseGetInside(CODE_THING),8,1)/* t=CharFind(BaseGetInside(CODE_THING),165); */; if(t==TNULL) { CharAction(CODE_THING,"say Funny, Merr isn\'t here. Bummer."); } else { if(CharGetMoney(CODE_THING)<2000) { SendAction(CODE_THING,TNULL,SEND_ROOM|SEND_CAPFIRST|SEND_AUDIBLE,"^aYou hear a tinkling sound coming from $n\n"); CharSetMoney(CODE_THING,2000); } ObjectBuy(t,CODE_THING,"buy 5 chocolate",0,153); } PropertySetInt(CODE_THING,var,4); } else { if(state==4) {/* Teleport back home */ SendAction(CODE_THING,TNULL,SEND_ROOM|SEND_CAPFIRST|SEND_VISIBLE,"^aA brown cloud wisps around $n and... he\'s gone!\n"); ThingTo(CODE_THING,WorldOf(5)); SendAction(CODE_THING,TNULL,SEND_ROOM|SEND_CAPFIRST|SEND_VISIBLE,"^aA brown cloud wisps up from the ground and $n appears!\n"); PropertySetInt(CODE_THING,var,0); ThingSetIdleWait(CODE_THING,Number(30,150)); } else { PropertySetInt(CODE_THING,var,0); } } } } } }~ #2 mortal paying homage~ Mortal paying homage~ A Mortal paying homage to Corbin is here, bowing and chanting.~ The Mortal is finely dressed in red flowing robes. It would seem that he has already been blessed by Corbin. ~ SENTINEL|STAYAREA 0 1000 S 5 2 1 10d100+10000 2d5+1 2838 100 STANDING GALCIV-CITIZEN FEMALE #3 grim socket reaper~ Grim Socket-Reaper~ The Grim Socket-Reaper is here, lording over its collection of lost sockets.~ The Grim Socket-Reaper is tall and wears a flowing cloak. The cloak casts a shadow over all but the Reaper's hands... of which there are none visible!! Oy oh my! ~ SENTINEL|STAYAREA 0 0 S 100 500 400 4d1000+1000 3d6000+5000 0 1000 STANDING GALCIV-CITIZEN SEXLESS P %SPEED~ 100~ $