#1500 emf field axe~ EM Field Axe~ an EM Field Axe has been discarded here~ The EM Field Axe uses ElectroMagnetic Fields to form the main cutting edge of the blade. The intense, localized EM field is extremely effective at distrupting flesh, armor, and most other physical objects. ~ WEAPON GLOW|HUM|AURA|ANTI-GOOD|ANTI-EVIL TWO-HANDED 0 22 67111168 84606979 30 1000 0 #1501 shadow dagger~ Shadow Dagger~ a shadow dagger is sitting off to one side~ The shadow dagger appears to not even exist. Very handy when you're trying to look unarmed! ~ WEAPON DARK|INVISIBLE|HIDDEN HELD 0 3 33555200 0 1 200 0 #1502 large chest armor~ large chest armor~ a large metal chest armor is lying here~ The large metal chest armor is well forged and obviously intended for someone 3 meters tall. ~ ARMOR 0 SHIRT 10 -32896502 16779526 0 19 50 5 #1503 large bracers~ large bracers~ some large bracers are here~ The bracers look like they belonged to a siliconoid body builder. They're HUGE! ~ ARMOR 0 BOTH-ARMS 2 -16776702 1 0 3 40 0 #1504 round peg~ Round Peg~ a round peg is lying here... rolling around~ The peg is about 10cm long, about 4cm in diameter, dark grey in colour, and feels slightly warm. ~ OTHER HUM NOWEAR 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 #1505 square peg~ Square Peg~ a square peg is sitting on the floor~ The square peg is about 10cm in length, about 4cm accross, and is dark grey in colour. It's slightly warm. ~ OTHER HUM NOWEAR 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 #1506 triangle peg~ Triangle Peg~ a triangle peg is on the floor here~ The triangle peg is about 10cm long, about 4cm wide and dark grey in colour. It's slightly warm. ~ OTHER HUM NOWEAR 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 #1507 triangle bucket~ triangle bucket~ A triangle bucket is here~ The triangle bucket is about 20cm deep and about 20cm accross. It's a bucket! ~ CONTAINER HUM NOWEAR 50 0 0 0 -1 0 0 P @AFTERCOMMAND~ { str state; state="TheMazeLevel1-Solution"; if(StrIsCmd(CMD_CMD,"put")) { if(ObjectCount(CODE_THING,1506)) { if((ThingGetType(EVENT_THING)==TTYPE_PLR)||(ThingGetType(EVENT_THING)==TTYPE_MOB)) { if((PropertyGetInt(EVENT_THING,state)&1)==0) { PropertySetInt(EVENT_THING,state,PropertyGetInt(EVENT_THING,state)|1); SendAction(EVENT_THING,CODE_THING,SEND_SRC|SEND_ROOM|SEND_AUDIBLE,"^aYou hear chimes\n"); CharGainExp(EVENT_THING,500); if((PropertyGetInt(EVENT_THING,state)&7)==7) { SendAction(EVENT_THING,CODE_THING,SEND_SRC|SEND_ROOM|SEND_AUDIBLE,"^aThe door to the north swings open.\n"); ExitSetFlag(ExitDir(WorldOf(1581),EDIR_NORTH),EF_ISDOOR); ExitSetFlag(ExitDir(WorldOf(1571),EDIR_SOUTH),EF_ISDOOR); } } ObjectStrip(CODE_THING,1506,1506,TNULL); } } stop; } }~ #1508 square basket~ square basket~ A square basket is here.~ It's about 20cm accross and 20cm deep. It's a basket! ~ CONTAINER HUM NOWEAR 50 0 0 0 -1 0 0 P @AFTERCOMMAND~ { str state; state="TheMazeLevel1-Solution"; if(StrIsCmd(CMD_CMD,"put")) { if(ObjectCount(CODE_THING,1505)) { if((ThingGetType(EVENT_THING)==TTYPE_PLR)||(ThingGetType(EVENT_THING)==TTYPE_MOB)) { if((PropertyGetInt(EVENT_THING,state)&2)==0) { PropertySetInt(EVENT_THING,state,PropertyGetInt(EVENT_THING,state)|2); SendAction(EVENT_THING,CODE_THING,SEND_SRC|SEND_ROOM|SEND_AUDIBLE,"^aYou hear chimes\n"); CharGainExp(EVENT_THING,500); if((PropertyGetInt(EVENT_THING,state)&7)==7) { SendAction(EVENT_THING,CODE_THING,SEND_SRC|SEND_ROOM|SEND_AUDIBLE,"^aThe door to the north swings open.\n"); ExitSetFlag(ExitDir(WorldOf(1581),EDIR_NORTH),EF_ISDOOR); ExitSetFlag(ExitDir(WorldOf(1571),EDIR_SOUTH),EF_ISDOOR); } } ObjectStrip(CODE_THING,1505,1505,TNULL); } } stop; } }~ #1509 round bowl~ round bowl~ A round bowl is here~ It's about 20cm in diameter and about 20cm high. It's a bowl! ~ CONTAINER HUM NOWEAR 50 0 0 0 -1 0 0 P @AFTERCOMMAND~ { str state; state="TheMazeLevel1-Solution"; if(StrIsCmd(CMD_CMD,"put")) { if(ObjectCount(CODE_THING,1504)) { if((ThingGetType(EVENT_THING)==TTYPE_PLR)||(ThingGetType(EVENT_THING)==TTYPE_MOB)) { if((PropertyGetInt(EVENT_THING,state)&4)==0) { PropertySetInt(EVENT_THING,state,PropertyGetInt(EVENT_THING,state)|4); SendAction(EVENT_THING,CODE_THING,SEND_SRC|SEND_ROOM|SEND_AUDIBLE,"^aYou hear chimes\n"); CharGainExp(EVENT_THING,500); if((PropertyGetInt(EVENT_THING,state)&7)==7) { SendAction(EVENT_THING,CODE_THING,SEND_SRC|SEND_ROOM|SEND_AUDIBLE,"^aThe door to the north swings open.\n"); ExitSetFlag(ExitDir(WorldOf(1581),EDIR_NORTH),EF_ISDOOR); ExitSetFlag(ExitDir(WorldOf(1571),EDIR_SOUTH),EF_ISDOOR); } } ObjectStrip(CODE_THING,1504,1504,TNULL); } } stop; } }~ #1510 credits coins pile~ Pile of credits~ a huge pile of credits is here~ The credits are, well, numerous. ~ MONEY 0 NOWEAR 100 0 0 0 1 0 0 #1511 simple necklace~ Simple Necklace~ there is a simple necklace lying on the ground~ The necklace has three shapes attached to it: a cube, a sphere, and a pyramid. Otherwise, the necklace is fairly plain. ~ WORN HUM NECK 0 0 0 0 1 300 100 A INT 2 #1512 broken pda~ Broken PDA~ A broken PDA is lying neglected here~ The PDA appears to have been dropped, and does not respond to any controls. Fortunately, internal circuits are still powered; you can read the last message entered into the PDA: " Day 47: I am lucky to be alive, though I fear my luck shall run out soon. I can gladly say, however, that at least I will not die in that hell, that 'Maze'. If my life might bring any meaning to this forgotten, merciless world, it will be to serve as a warning: DO NOT ENTER HERE. Nothing lies beyond except misery and death. G. M. MacGuire I'm sorry, Louise... " ~ OTHER CARRY2USE NOWEAR 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 $