#3000 bull ant guard~ Bull Ant~ A bull ant is here watching you~ A large bull ant stands here guarding the colony. ~ SENTINEL|STAYAREA 0 -20 S 40 80 60 50d15+1200 7d2+0 2000 680 STANDING ANIMAL MALE #3001 worker ant~ Worker Ant~ A worker ant moves along ignoring you.~ What you thought must be the King of the Ants is obviously just a worker ant. It looks much larger than the giant ants you been seeing around the jungle but small compared to the bull ant guarding the entrance to the ant hill. The ant moves on by ignoring your presents. ~ SCAVENGER|PICKPOCKET|STAYAREA|WIMPY SEEINVIS|SENSELIFE -10 S 38 70 50 40d10+1000 8d2+0 800 420 STANDING ANIMAL MALE #3002 guardian ant~ Guardian ant~ Type ^wMLDESC^c to give this Mob a better LDesc.~ Type ^wMDESC^c to give this Mob a better Description. ~ SENTINEL|AGGRESSIVE|STAYAREA|HYPERAGGR|RPSYCHIC GROUP|DARKVISION|SEEINVIS|REGENERATION|SENSELIFE -50 S 50 112 124 10d10+2000 1d50+2 800 0 STANDING ANIMAL MALE #3003 test~ test~ Type ^wMLDESC^c to give this Mob a better LDesc.~ Type ^wMDESC^c to give this Mob a better Description. ~ STAYAREA 0 0 S 1 0 0 1d4+0 1d2+0 0 0 STANDING NONE MALE $